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On the banks of that lonely river

Where the Stygian waters roll,

All patiently through the weary years

Waiteth a little dog soul.

O, long are the years and weary

Since the little dog stepped ashore,

But halted, humbly there to wait

By the stream he will cross no more

To the water's edge he hurries

When Charon's barque draws near,

For "when HE comes," the little dog thinks,

"He must find me watching here."

With faith undimmed, heart unafraid,

He waits on that lonely strand

For the smile of an unforgotten face,

For the touch of his master's hand.

While the far-away master never dreams

That where Stygian waters brim,

Unheeding the pearly gates flung wide,

His little dog waits for him.

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