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No More Tears

The time has come for the tears to end
for you to be happy; and cheerful again
I am safe in God's home above
cradled in His arms; covered with His love

We run and play by the Bridge all day
waiting for the day; when you'll be here to stay
You've been crying so much I feel bad
I want you to be happy and not so sad

Remember the time when I was so small
I couldn't even pickup the rubber ball
I fought that ball from morning to night
it made you laugh I was quite a sight

Remember teaching me sit and stay
we had such fun since I didn't really obey
But you kept at it with test after test
so when I entered my first show I was the best

Remember the great times we had in the past
like when we walked to the park we had a blast
We'd run and play all through the park
until the sun went down and it got dark

Remember the times we went for a ride
I was so excited I'd jump right inside
Away we went to who knows where
but you and I; we didn't really care

I'll always love you; you're my best friend
I'll be right with you; right to the end
Always remember the great times we had
and there will be no reason to ever be sad

John Quealy

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