R&B Catahoula/Chessie Mix 1 year 05/18/00 Sue, SVHS
R&R Black and White Tuxedo Cat 03/93-01/29/00 Ramona Honan
R. Conrad Wishbone Dancer Miniature Black Schnauzer 01/25/88-01/12/05 Renee Talley
R. Robert Skitty Cat 13 years Fadlan
R. T. Freeman Bearded Shepherd 12 1/2 years 1995 Fred & Ailus Freeman
R.B. Brown and Grey Tiger/Tabby Cat 09/25/87-11/20/05 Lori and Art
R.B. Cairn/Scottish Terrier Mix 06/07/96-12/23/06 Elisabeth
R.B. Cat 1 year 06/09/01 Shelly Peebles
R.B. Tabby Cat 16 years 06/31/99 Lorraine
R.C. (Robinson Crusoe) Cat 4 years 05/22/08 Brita, Doris, Marlene & Cathy
R.C. Cat 06/17/05 Patricia Perry
R.C. Cocker spaniel 03/25/85-09/12/00 Sherry & John
R.C. Dog 09/94-03/13/00 Denny and Patrick
R.D. Dawg (R.D.) Mixed Breed Dog 06/84-04/17/99 Weldon Umphress
R.D. Mix 10/98-03/2004 Amy
R.J. Black Lab 12/99 EKL
R.J. Cocker Spaniel 12/09/89-12/08/01 Sandi and Dennis O'Connor; the Whyte Family
R.J. Dog 01/01/85-02/07/01 Darlene
R.J. German Shepherd 05/29/97-04/10/06 Lisa Wagner
R.J. Schnoodle 02/01/01-12/23/09 Robert Provost
R.J. White Domestic Longhair Cat 16 years 02/07/07 Clarence Ron White
R.M.'s Razzmatazz Quarter Horde/Morgan Horse 01/01/74-04/15/03 Beverly
R2 Cat 02/93 Sherry & Randy Nash
R2 Cat 17 1/2 years 03/05/00 Todd Voros
R2 Spitz 9 years 4 months 06/10/06 Jennifer & Michael Beier
Ra DMH Cat 03/10/00-11/24/10 Cooky
Ra Hon T'Si T'Bear Newfie 05/01/95-10/16/02 Sue Rubin
Ra Raccoon 03/05/15 Chanda V
Ra Tabby Cat 1986-04/02/00 Denise and Rich Hughes
RAAIM Horse Arabian old linr 26 years 06/30/22 Kasper ott
Remi Dachshund 8 years 09/23/20 Pauline
Raacoon (Coon) Half Rotweiler Half Cow 8 years 05/29/01 Kaci Marie Maddox
Raasay Cocker Spaniel 14 years 01/08/13 Irene Cameron
Rab Cat 01/06/93-27/11/06 Susan
Raba Black Lab 06/01/88-06/03/02 Catherine Taylor
Rabb American Shorthair Tiger Cat 2 years 05/10/03 Laura L.
Rabbi Dwarf Lop Rabbit 7 years 27/03/11 Amber
Rabbie Madonna Rabbit 10 years 09/01/08 Sharon
Rabbit Blue Smoke Tuxedo Cat 7 1/2 years 02/09/11 Ginny
Rabbit Calico Cat 15 years 01/14/13 Tracy and Brian
Rabbit Manx Cat 7 months 01/10/10 Stephanie Woods
Rabbit Pale Orange & White Tabby Cat 03/15/88-09/14/02 Jan Savage
Rabbit Rabbit 06/15/07 JJ
Rabbit Redford Bunny Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rabbit Schnuffi 12/22/08 5 years Wendy
Rabbit Shepherd Mix 3 years 09/26/05 Susan Burdette
Rabbit Snutzel Rabbit 8 years 06/08/07 Sonia and Kris
Rabbits (10) killed in Connecticut Gail
Rabbits (248) killed 02/26/98 near Vancouver Canada
Rabbits (40) Marrianne Mays
Rabbits (517) 02/25/98 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Rabbity Rabbit 3 1/2 years 04/25/06 Tom and Liz McCue
Rabby Chicharron Sferra Rabbit 06/05/07 Michelle Sferra
Rabby Rabbit 05/01/96-06/22/98 Jaci
Rabi Mixed breed, DLH Cat, van coat pattern 03/01/80-12/14/96 Pat
Rabies DSH Cat 07/01/93-09/22/04 Jenny Nelson
Rabies Rat 01/06-06/14/07 Lisa Goodin
Rabo Karabekian Brooks Domestic Longhair Cat 13 1/2 years 12/24/96 Wendy Brooks and Richard Baltin
Racca Cat 8ish Jamie Lee
Raccoon 12/30/96 Hub
Raccoon Calico Cat 08/92-05/15/06 Linda
Raccoon Cat Koenig Calico Cat 08/93-05/15/06 Linda Koenig
Raccoons (3) and 1 Goose 07/2012 Katherine.
Raccuum 'Coco' Pomeranian 03/26/01-11/21/15 Caroline and Ella Loessin
RaceCat Calico Cat 09/75-11/22/92 Leon
Racer aka Munchkin and Little One All American Cat 04/28/93-08/28/09 Gail & Gary
Racer Jack Russell Terrier 16 years 10/01/07 Julie
Racer Lhasa Apso 04/93-04/01/04 Randi and Randall
Racer Tabby Cat 05/31/07-12/01/15 Sara
Racer X Kitty 08/88-04/95 JoAnn
Racey Ragdoll Cat 12/01/91-02/20/09 Cindy and Steve Schafer
Rachael Ann Black Lab 11/18/92-10/02/04 Cheri Karpiak
Rachael Border Collie 1 years 11/15/09 my father Leon and my sisters Kaytlen and Morgan
Rachael Byrd Cocker Spaniel 04/04/91-04/23/03 Borden & Vanessa Byrd
Rachael of Falling Leaf Farm Pembroke Welsh Corgi 06/18/08-08/10/13 Randy and Vicki Murdick
Rachael Petite Tortoise-Shell Cat 11/10/01 Sheri & Scott Toler
Rachaelanne Black Cat 10/24/03 Smail
Racheal Dog 09/01/03 Mirei Kamonji
Racheal German Shepherd 11/06/97-02/07/09 Mark Hannah
Rachel Baby Chow/Lab 03/11/89-06/18/03 John & Barb
Rachel Cat 13 years 10/22/00 John & Victoria Gallie
Rachel Cat 21 years 03/02/05 Sandy
Rachel Chow Chow 14 years 04/07/05 Janae
Rachel Cocker Spaniel 01/89-01/12/04 Melanie Allen
Rachel Dachshund 11/27/95-05/27/97 Myriam
Rachel Diane Lilac Point Himalayan Cat 16 years 02/02/09 Wendell & Nancy Deer With Horns
Rachel Dog 11/17/17 Tom & Kathy Sloter
Rachel Dog 13 years 01/27/07 Angela MacGowan
Rachel Domestic Short Hair- Grey Tabby With White Cat 2 years 08/11/08 Karen
Rachel DSH Cat 8 1/2 years 02/18/09 Lauri
Rachel DSM Cat 03/2000-02/04/04 Terri
Rachel Ferret 05/07/04 Lisa and Jason
Rachel German Shepherd 05/08/91-01/05/04 Karen C. Kastler
Rachel Golden Retriever 15 years 09/09/08 Shelley Owings
Rachel Golden Retriever/Ridgeback Mix 14 years 04/26/10 Cheryl, Jim & Lola
Rachel Hill Border Collie Mix 12 years 12/09/99 Skip
Rachel Himalayan Mix Cat 03/02/97-07/04/08 Barbara Cauchon
Rachel Hipple Dog 05/20/08 Valerie Bosworth (Friend Of Jeanne Hipple)
Rachel Hooded/Down-Under Rattie 08/07/04-04/14/05 Tracy Combes
Rachel Lynn Parnell Jack Russell/Fox Terrier Cross 01/06/88-11/08/04 Beverly
Rachel Maltese 04/08/95-08/19/08 Christine Achre
Rachel Marie Afghan 07/29-03/15/01 Uncle Jim
Rachel Michele Miniature Pinscher 10/31/05-02/13/06 Dana, Madeline, Mary Abbott, Will, John and Scott Crain
Rachel Miniature Schnauzer 08/23/96-04/29/03 Paula Garibay
Rachel Mixed - Shepherd/Husky 01/20/17 Jeff & Mary Trantham
Rachel Netherland Dwarf Bunny 7 years 01/94 Sheila
Rachel Orange Tabby Cat 05/25/93-09/28/07 Sophia M. Preston
Rachel Poomeranian 07/26/95-02/01/99 Raymond and Renee
Rachel Posch Canaan Shepherd Mix 7 years 03/02/12 Russell Posch
Rachel Rat Terrier 11/10/06 Lori & Paul Agnello
Rachel Raven Schnauzer 01/11/93-07/25/06 Nancy L. & Barry L. Pershing
Rachel Rottie 08/15/89-11/29/99 Larry & Jeannie Ferguson
Rachel Ru Rottweiler 12/15/92-12/24/01 Anatol Sywak and Pey Lu
Rachel Shar Pei, Chow, Schnauzer Mix 05/12/96-09/24/11 Chandra
Rachel Silver DLH Cat 15 years 12/11/06 Beverly for my daughter, Marty, Rachel's Mom
Rachel Westie 10/26/89-04/15/05 Dorothy Taylor
Rachelle Cat 03/25/09 Tricia Bailey
Rachelle Mainecoon Cat 12/31/09 Bonnie Shimko
Rachi Rott/Shepherd Mix 14 years 09/01/15 Carol
Racie Catahoula 16 1/2 years 01/12/12 Fred & Jeanette
Racie Tabby Cat 11 years 10/01/09 Christine Chicoine
Rackety Longhair Calico Cat 14 years 06/08/00 Liz Elvin
Racksaha Mama Kitty Cailco Cat 3 years 1999 Mysti Reynolds
Racky Part Siamese Cat 20 years 12/13/06 Lee Wygand
Racoon Cat Calico Cat 08/01/92-05/15/06 Linda and Mel Koenig
Racquel Griffin Springer Spaniel 05/1993-06/25/03 Marie
Racquets Persian 15 years 03/26/95 Pat Cummings
Racy Cat Phyllis R.
Rad Chow 10/92-03/30/01 Greg Sticker
Rad Chow almost 9 years 03/30/01 Greg Sticker
Rad Dog 15 years 07/2003 Betty Johnston
Rada Labrador 07/15/87-08/30/08 Sheena
Radar & Shortie Mini Dachs Puppies 02/08/03-02/08/03 Angie Lee
Radar (MooMoo) Cat 06/15/09-05/08/12 Debra Cain
Radar and Kazian Shiba 01/87-04/25/03 Sheila White
Radar and Shorty Mini Dachshunds Puppies 02/08/03-02/08/03 Ahlee
Radar and the other three Cats Lisa Barnett
Radar Asel Short Hair Domestic Cat 05/07/99-08/12/12 Colleen Asel
Radar B. McKid Cat 05/19/87-05/19/05 Carolyn Ward
Radar Beagle 12 years 05/20/05 Jarnata Sharp
Radar Beagle 19 years 08/16/03 Mike Judy Denny
Radar Beagle/Cocker Mix 12/93-02/21/07 Barbara Gillmore
Radar Black Lab Mix 10/85-10/31/98 Scott Batz
Radar Boston Terrier 03/04/99-01/24/08 Terry Porter and Anthony Schepis
Radar Brittany 05/01/95-03/29/08 Dave & Cyndy Bolsenga
Radar Cairn Terrier 06/2006 Elaine Chase
Radar Cat 01/19/04-04/01/15 Barbara Newell
Radar Cat 06/01/94-06/23/09 Tracy Creekmur
Radar Cat 1 years 04/23/97 Sheila
Radar Cat 12 years 05/10/02 Norine & Greg
Radar Cat 1991-07/24/98 Shelly, Haig, Hannah and Molly
Radar Chihuahua 14 years 02/10/17 Kevin
Radar Chihuahua/Pomeranian 15 years 11/16/09 Bill Pellman
Radar Dachshund 1990-23/01/00 Brianne
Radar Dog 03/14/99-06/05/09 Mitchel Hunt
Radar Dog 12 years 06/21/05 Julia, Krista and Tori Acton
Radar Dog 2002-08/12/09 Paline Klusman
Radar Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/80-01/13/98 Mary Wozniak
Radar Ferret Arthur F Sintef II
Radar German Shepherd 02/29/97-10/31/05 Rick and Patty
Radar German Shepherd 04/03/97-08/09/10 Mike Taplin
Radar German Shepherd 05/23/05-08/31/06 Wesolowski Family
Radar German Shepherd 05/95-01/01/07 Trisha, Jack & Kimberly
Radar German Shepherd 8 years 10/31/05 Pat and Rick
Radar German Shepherd Dog 03/16/95-09/27/02 Diane Viera
Radar Giant Schnauzer 13 years 01/02/99 Robb Rubino
Radar Golden Retriever 12 1/2 years 08/06/10 Denise Whitford
Radar Husky and Doberman 01/17/80-03/09/98 Bruce and Sandy
Radar Husky Mix 07/29/09 Mary H
Radar Irish Wolfhound 10/2002 Bob and Marilyn
Radar King Bone German Shepherd 04/21/97-08/01/05 Kimberly A. Becvar
Radar Kitten Diane
Radar Labrador 12 years 09/17/10 Bruce and Janice Tyler
Radar Longhaired Dachshund Mix 10/2008-08/25/09 Erica Ward
Radar Long-Haired Pure White Cat 09/01/81-03/10/00 Crystal and Lula
Radar Maine Coon Cat 07/04/02-05/04/13 Cynthia Rose
Radar Malamute 10/04/93-02/09/05 Mary Swinyer
Radar Malamute Shepherd Pound Puppy 1996-01/21/08 Jane Ruhsenberger
Radar Miniature Schnauzer 5 years 06/17/09 Sonja Clark
Radar Mixed Breed Dog 14 years 12/18/00 Valarie
Radar Mixed Dog 09/13/94 Gary Klinger
Radar Mixed Dog 10 years 07/29/09 Dana Jones
Radar Norwegian Elkhound 08/05/90-05/05/04 Annette
Radar Norwegian Forest Cat 03/11/03-06/16/17 Edna Blakely
Radar Orange Shorthaired Tabby Cat 06/01/84-02/13/00 Julia Baresch
Radar Orange Tabby Cat 08/21/06-03/07/07 The Hickey Family, Mike, Joni, Jessi, Junie & Hunter
Radar O'Reilly (Mooky Balooky, Boney Jambroney, Darby, My Baby Boy) Blue Tick Coonhound 08/17/98 Sally, Tosha Sue, Buddy, and Dodge-r
Radar Papillion 02/05/95-05/22/08 Norm and Aileen Birch
Radar Pembroke Welsh Corgi 16 years 05/14/14 Ann Cook
Radar Pit/Husky Mix 12 years 06/01/12 Valerie
Radar Red Heeler 13 years 02/06/23 Scott Blankenship
Radar Rotty Rhodesian 12 years 05/23/09 Gigi
Radar Shar-Pei 05/01/99-03/21/10 Mickey and Scott Brennan
Radar Shepherd Cross/Rottweiler 05/22/07-04/25/14 Neil & Andrea
Radar Shepherd Mix 02/26/01-08/02/14 Katie, Ethan, Lynlee, Ayla
Radar Siamese Cat 16 years Gary Tedeschi
Radar Siamese/Mix Cat 7 years 06/01/07 Austin and Terry Brooks
Radar Siberian Husky 3 years 04/21/11 Cassidie L
Radar Solid Black Cat 1983-1995 Nancy Streeter
Radar Welsh Corgi 02/12/95-02/12/03 Patti Mershon
Radar Westhighland Terrier 04/11/85-06/26/00 Yolanda Inman
Radar Westie 15 years 06/26/00 Yoli
Radar Willingham The 1st Shorthair Cat 1 1/2 years 07/05/09 Carol
Radar Yellow Tabby Longhair Cat 7 years 07/20/11 Sharon Lyons
Radcliff Golden Retriever 03/08/94-11/24/08 Taylor
Radcliffe Bullmastiff 06/02/98-01/26/04 Jools De Vere
Radcliffe Lop Rabbit 8 years 05/24/12 Eileen & Jerry Lee
Radek Meek Norwegian Forest Cat 07/94-05/30/13 Edward R. Meek
Radhe Radhe Jack Russell Terrier 12/25/03-04/12/22 Lia Calitz
Radhiki Anandi Silky Terrier 11/21/93-06/24/09 Alice Shobhana Schwebke
Radhiki Silky Terrier 11/21/93-06/24/09 Shobhana Schwebke
Radikas Kitten 1993 Heidi
Radio Black Lab 08/18/06-07/15/07 Alisa Scates
Radio Lhasa Apso 16 1/2 years 04/12/07 Shelley
Radish American Black Cat 05/01/76-09/21/95 Janet Tarver
Radish French Bulldog 06/17/17-12/29/21 Cindy Hanrahan
Radja Barnes Himalayan Cat 02/14/05-04/21/06 Jennifer & Frank Barnes
Radley Balinese Cat 08/89-12/26/07 Susan McKay
Radley Blue Black Lab 08/29/98-02/18/11 Janna
Radley Sealyham 12 years 05/03/21 Pauline Ely
Radley Sealyham 4.2.97-4.4.2021 Paula and David
Radley Terrier Mix 09/11/92-03/14/06 Teresa Blake
Radner White DSH Cat 07/88-01/25/02 Kym
Rado Yorkshire Terrier 01/23/04-11/07/15 Carol Palo
Rady (Radagast) Border Collie Mix 05/15/85-06/19/00 Ana Kewes
Raegan German Shepherd 02/09/94-08/02/01 Andrea & Ted Shapiro
Rael Cat 16 years 09/10/99 Tina Geldens
Raelik German Shepherd Mix 05/19/88-07/08/00 Sylvia Blais
Raemi Saint Bernard 06/27/02-01/27/14 Mr & Mrs Dennis M George
Raena Bane Burkett Jones Fawn Doberman 10/2001-12/22/11 Rebecca Burkett Jones
Raenae American Eskimo Dog almost 12 years Jenny
Raerae Dalmatian 12/15/89-08/15/04 Vivianne Yu
Raeuber Cocker/Poodle Mix 01/18/92-04/13/07 Axel and Angelika Kuehmichel
Raf Cat 08/02 Sean & Rachel
Rafa Dachshund 06/01/99-11/01/14 Joy Fullilove
Rafa Schnauzer 08/08/15-27/09/17 Johana
Rafa Thomas Pope. Russian Blue Cat 02/07/06-08/20/23 Beth Ann Pope
Rafael Fancy Mouse 05/31/05-10/10/05 Deblea Meyer
Rafael Painted Turtle 2 years 04/98 Andromnia
Rafaella Domestic Longhair Cat 7 years 03/01/99 Perola Lomaski
Rafaelo Cat 10 years 01/01/10 Claudia Hernandez
Rafe Dog 03/14/95-05/17/03 Kathy Patton
Rafe German Shepherd 27/10/91-12/09/00 Ann & Keith
Raff Black Burmese Cat 12/25/87-09/05/04 Maxine
Raff Black Burmese Cat 12/25/87-09/05/04 Ronda
Raffa 1 1/2 years 04/18/12 Vanessa DeAbreu and John Berlingieri
Raffa Cat 2008-25/03/12 Donna Astles
Raffe Labrador Retriever 03/17/87-02/18/98 Inger Artberger
Raffe Yorkie 11/21/91-01/21/07 Gerry & Mary Ellen Green
Rafferty Labrador Retriever 9 1/2 years 12/28/04 Carolyn Munn
Rafferty Westie 10/02/94-02/17/06 Jenny, Adrian and Brian
Raffi Cat 08/15/87-07/26/03 Tessie
Raffi Rat 12/13/02 Sherry Urban
Raffi Sheltie 02/28/87-12/30/95 Laura
Raffie DSH Cat 02/01/90-03/14/08 Gatzemeyer Family
Raffie James HIll Toy Poodle 12/24/87-01/10/05 Lisa Avakian and Kelly Hill
Raffie James Hill Toy Poodle 12/25/88-01/10/05 Kelly
Raffie's Jazzy Jewel Pomeranian 09/20/99-12/02/99 Rhapsody Rhodes
Raffikki Calico Cat 13 years 09/04/08 Amy Loughrey
Raffles (Raffles T. McDougall) Yorkshire Terrier 06/04/81-10/18/96 Mary Perini
Raffles Birman - Seal Point Cat 19th May 1989 - 21st December 2005 Sian
Raffles Blue Persian 11 years 01/05/95 Patricia Roberts
Raffles Cat 8 years 02/28/10 Kerri
Raffles Cross Pointer 10 years 23/06/06 Lisa Stacey
Raffles Deerhound 14 1/2 years 09/01/03 Anne-Marie
Raffles Irish TB Horse13 1/2 04/02/03 Maria Antonuccio
Raffles Shetland Sheep Dog, Shelty 07/20/93-09/12/06 Sally Kent
Raffy American Cocker Spaniel 04/30/98-10/19/07 Joey Dulay
Rafi Mixed breed Cat 04/15/80-11/29/94 Pat
Rafi Rat 12/2004-02/14/05 Sandy Green
Rafi West Highland Terrier 06/02/02-09/10/12 Lori and David
Rafiki Cat 12/10/00 Luis-Gabriel Leal
Rafiki Mixed Cat 08/03/01-08/28/03 Tinahchelsearielcasey
Rafiki Ocicat (Cinnamon Classic) Cat 03/14/00-07/07/08 Lynne Scherer
Rafiki Persian Bi-Colour Cat 28/09/06-03/09/07 Ali Shadbolt
Rafiki Rottweiler 06/15/01-06/27/07 Kevin Skowronski - Ivan May
Rafiki Savannah Cat 09/13/04-04/11/14 Nancy Bontempi
Rafiki Shitzu Jack Russell 5 years 01/20/06 Keleasha Ogden
Rafikie African Grey 10/10/06-06/23/09 Dawn Clarke
Rafikki & Rajah Cats 08/31/98 Laura Baran
Rafikki Sheltie 13 years 11/03/07 Mike and Jenney Roland
Rafter Siamese Red Point Cat 3 years 01/08/06 Marie, Paul & Kato
Rag Baskets Petite Princess (Petee) Rag Doll Cat 03/11/91-05/01/14 Bonnie
Ragamop longhair black Cat Anne (FerretMom)
Ragamuffin (Raggie) DSH Cat 01/18/07 Gary and Carole Oesch
Ragamuffin (Rags) Cocker Spaniel 01/13/83-11/13/98 Becky Hall
Ragamuffin Black and White Ragamuffin Cat Angie McKnight
Ragamuffin Lhasa Apso 02/09/99-03/04/17 Connie Beach
Ragamuffin Ramona DSH Black & Gold Tortoiseshell Cat 06/89-04/16/04 Ellen
Ragamuffin Shepherd/Dane Mix 02/97-09/04/05 Kerry, Raymond, Anura and Tanya
Ragamuffyn Himalayan Tortie Point Cat 03/16/99-01/30/07 Kathy and Tom Bailey
Ragdoll Black and White Cat 9 years 08/20/99 Corinne
Ragdoll Cat February 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Ragdoll Maine Coon Cat 11/91-08/14/04 Angela Magnano
Rage aka Big Bear Pitbull Mix 14 years 10/21/09 Mildred Cuevas
Rage Black and White Tuxedo Cat 1 year 05/20/10 Jennifer Tabor
Rage Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/15/91-11/05/02 Shaunna Fabac
Rage Pitbull Mix 06/06/95-10/21/09 Mildred
Rage Rottweiler 5 years 02/03/09 Connie Barber, Kristen Quam
Rage Terrefe Tuxedo Cat 03/19/95-08/25/06 Sally Terrefe
RagettyJoy Little Boy Blue Ragdoll Cat 04/19/05-06/30/10 Shirley Byington
Raggae Cat 03/15/91-01/18/07 Dena Kessler
Raggedy Andy American Shorthair Cat 12/07/01 Benita L. Auge
Raggedy Andy Purrs Ragdoll Blue Bicolor Cat 03/01/99-05/05/00 Nancy Bomar - Joyce Rayner
Raggedy Ann Terrier Mix 14 years 06/06/03 Michele S. Leen and Jim Riley
Raggedy Annie Cat 16 years 06/2007 Lucinda
Raggie Cat 04/20/04 Elizabeth
Raggies Chow/Retriever 5 years 12/20/02 Leona Gardiner
Raggle T. Raggs Domestic Long Hair Cat 07/15/85-08/10/00 Lorna & Glenn
Raggs (Raglyn P. Puppy) Westie 06/01/83-06/26/97 Pat Larkin
Raggs aka Goofy Brittany Spaniel X 12 years 11/08/09 Natalie Burgess
Raggs Bichon Frise 12 years 02/24/96 Bill & Susie Querengesser
Raggs Bichon Frise 12/06/90-07/05/06 Joane Miller
Raggs Cat 04/1995-04/03/03 Janet Rigby
Raggs Cockapoo 05/02/90-2005 Shannon Perks
Raggs Cocker Spaniel 10/20/95-06/16/06 Allen and Loranna Ferrell
Raggs Cocker Spaniel 11 1/2 years 08/07/05 Tamara, Kassidy and Kiana
Raggs Collie Shepherd Cross 13 years 07/31/06 Cathy Sebastian
Raggs Dog 14 years 05/15/08 T. Wise
Raggs DSH Cat 1992-11/20/08 Dianne C
Raggs English Cocker Spaniel 07/09/94-06/25/10 Dawn Ahonen
Raggs German Shepherd, Pomeranian, West Highland White Terrier, Norwegian Elkhound 03/01/11 Sue Lavine and Paul Robinson
Raggs Jane Poodle/Terrier Melicia Parker
Raggs Mixed Lab 12 years 12/03/96 Sharon Rapoza
Raggs Pomeranian and Shih Tzu 07/15/91-01/07/08 Donna Newcomb
Raggs Shihtzu 10/17/90-05/11/02 Kathleen Dechellis
Raggs Shih-Tzu Black & White 02/19/93-01/01/07 Duane W. Murphy
Raggs Terrier Mix 18 years 05/18/06 John Gleason
Raggy Bearded Collie 12/85-09/23/03 Diana Johnson
Raggy Border Collie 8 years 07/16/99 Debbie Dillon
Raggy Cat 10/19/06-02/25/12 Kitty C
Raggy Poodle Mix 15 years 09/06/05 Donna Routh
Ragmop Poodle Mix 1980 Hallie Perkins
Ragmuffin Cat 07/93 Andrea Hall
Ragmuffin Mixed Dog 12 years 08/11/06 Katie & John Heck
Ragmuffin Yorkie Poo 08/01/85-06/21/00 Sherry & Ricky Tilton
Ragnar Norwegian Elkhound 04/06/82-05/09/95 Kevin & Diana Gallagher
Rags (Josh's Golden Rags) Golden Retriever 08/17/85-01/19/98 Marsha R. Per
Rags (Muffin) Schnoodle 08/78-11/18/93 Debbie Sommerfield
Rags (Ragamuffin) (Coocoo) Cockapoo 01/01/90-03/26/03 David Mendriski
Rags (Rag-a-Muffin) Yorkie 12/23/91-10/04/04 Brett & Liane Westcott
Rags (Rags of Heather's Desire) English Springer Spaniel 04/01/89-10/03/04 Heather, Frank, & Pat
Rags (Sir) of Chelsie Lhasa Apso 09/11/84-04/07/02 Thomas C. Ellis
Rags 08/10/00 Mary Lynn
Rags 12/89-02/17/99 Beebabs
Rags Beagle 8 years 03/12/12 Kathy Freeman
Rags Benjamin Cute Champ Mutt 07/21/88-04/21/99 the Ogden family
Rags Bichon 02/21/87-09/25/99 Marcia (Mom) & Julie
Rags Bichon 02/21/87-09/25/99 Marcia Zanin
Rags Birman Ragdoll Cat 07/12/03 Nancy
Rags Black Toy Poodle 07/08/95-07/23/12 Charla Morrow and BJ Coakley
Rags Bouvier de Flounders 03/01/96-10/18/10 Kathy
Rags Cairn Terrier 03/15/07 Margie, Bill, and Pepper
Rags Cairn Terrier 03/18/94-09/08/03 Jody Phelps
Rags Cairn Terrier 10 year 03/09/07 Margie
Rags Calico Cat 10/2000-10/2019 Evin and Mindy
Rags Cat 1991-03/23/07 Janet Ogle
Rags Cat 8 years 03/27/09 Maria
Rags Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rags Chow Chow 03/23/87-06/19/03 Marty, Mae, Brandi, Sabrina, Dusty
Rags Cockapoo 01/25/84-10/18/97 Sonia Prado Kjergaard
Rags Cockateil 03/99 Richard Biggs
Rags Cocker and Shitzu 10/21/81-09/05/98 Connie & Jim
Rags Cocker Spaniel 03/06/89-11/06/02 Mark, Betty, Natalie, Nicholas Holzkopf
Rags Collie/Shepherd Mix 01/86-04/10/04 Rick & Nora
Rags Dachshund 07/07/96-12/27/08 Stella Clements
Rags Dog 02/03/23 Chelsey
Rags Dog 07/12/16 Travis and Debbie VanDeCasteele
Rags Dog 12+ years 02/16/02 Sharon Braun
Rags Dog 16 years 01/2 10/11/99 Amy
Rags Domestic Long Haired Cat 14 months 07/30/07 Ronna
Rags Labrador Retriever 12/17/84-07/03/98 Vicki Parker
Rags Leo Cockerpoo 05/01/83-10/11/99 Amy and Dick Raymond
Rags M. Burch Cockerpoo 08/15/95-10/05/05 Jim Burch (Daddy) Joyce (Mommy)
Rags Maltese 05/20/95-12/27/03 Dan Campbell
Rags Maltese 07/01/91-02/09/04 Paula Melino
Rags Maltese 09/01/07 Sheila Inman
Rags Maltipoo 04/15/04-10/30/07 Kathy O'Gorman
Rags McIver Schz Shu 02/01/92-05/04/02 Harold and Shirley
Rags Min Pin 12/20/95-10/25/06 Lori Johansmeyer
Rags Mix Dog 18 years 03/23/05 Trish
Rags Mixed Breed 15 years Jane Tatum
Rags Mixed Breed dog approx 13 years 05/23/02 Deb Schab
Rags Mixed Dog 1985-12/09/98 Joanne
Rags Newton Yorkie Poodle 17 years 06/25/11 Beverly Newton
Rags Old English Sheepdog 07/18/91-03/24/04 Frank and Carla Fara
Rags Pitbull Terrier 04/23/97-03/18/13 Linda Bunnik
Rags Poodle 07/22/01 Johanna Soriano
Rags Poodle Mix 09/02/12 Gay Cragun
Rags Poodle Mix 09/30/99 Peggy Mcdowell
Rags Poodle Mix 15 years 07/17/06 Michelle Hope
Rags Poodle Mix 6 years 03/13/98 Kathryn A Kimbrough
Rags Poodle/Cocker/Dandy Dinmont Terrier None 10/08/01 Janice Price
Rags Poodle/Maltese/Llasha Mix rescued 11/15/89-02/18/02 Tricia Best
Rags Ragdoll Cat 04/11/90-11/22/07 Lynn Radziewicz
Rags Schitzu 04/13/01-04/22/12 Rebecca Southwell
Rags Scott Mix Dog 10/90-03/03/07 Robin Eidson-Scott
Rags Scottie/Basset Mix 15 years 01/12/02 Sandi
Rags Shiz Tsu 1992 Candi Johnson
Rags Silky Terrier 08/17/90-09/04/07 Rita
Rags Tawny Cat 07/03/03-08/23/10 Alice & Peter Hayes
Rags Terrier Mix 03/17/ 83-10/01/99 Cathy and Bee
Rags Thoroughbred Horse 24/06/82-29/08/02 Danielle France
Rags to Riches Lhaso Apso 03/11/09 Kathy Thacker
Rags Yorkie 01/01/05-05/12/09 Betty Carlson
Rags Yorkie 12/23/91-10/04/04 Liane
Rags, Cuddles. Sam Brittany, Domestic Shorthairs Dog, 2 Cats 17, and 10 months 01/16, 12/04 Laura Perez
Ragsy Cat Tammy Kennedy
Ragsy Cockapoo 17 years 07/97 McGinn Family
Ragsy Jack Russel/Yorky Cross 12 years 04/2004 Maxine Bithell
Ragtale Manatee 03/01 Gail
Ragtime Cowboy Joe Golden Retriever 12/12/03-03/25/15 Lisa Lefebvre
Ragtime Dwarf Rabbit 3 years 09/02/00 Nicole Brown
Ragus Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 03/03/10 Theresa and Zach Barajas
Ragz Lhaso Alpso & Tibetan Terrier 05/94-01/08/07 Terri Butler
Ragzmae Cairn Terrier 9 years 09/13/11 Maggi Ingle
Rah aka Little Man Golden Persian Cat 03/86-07/24/06 Lisa & Anthony Lacoparra
Rahab Siamese/Himalayan mix Cat 05/25/84-09/13/99 Liz Melega
Rahan Belgian Malinois 09/15/92-02/25/07 Robert, Ioana, Marina
Rahasia (Raja) Tortoiseshell Cat 08/10/98-11/15/11 Maegan, Gage, Asher
Rahja Cat 11/17/09 Kelly
Rahja Decker Rottweiler 12 years 04/14/06 Michelle Decker
Rahja Graham Tabby Cat 02/21/02-08/16/11 Leslie Graham
Rahjah British Shorthair Cat 16 1/2 years 01/23/12 Amy
Rahna Dalmatian 09/07/83-08/03/96 Amy Cosgrove
Rahne Wolf Hybrid 14 years 06/21/05 Mary Summers
Rahusky Husky 08/08/14 Mark
Raia, Highbeech O'Depearl of Sacrechat Sealpoint Birman Cat 01/91-10/23/05 Sheri Moreau
Raichle Silver Point Siamese Cat 17 years 11/24/02 Pam & Roger
Raiden Akita 08/10/05-25/11/05 Lisa Davis
Raiden German Shepherd 01/12/95-10/14/01 Maggie Segesser
Raiden Rottweiler 06/06/00-09/30/07 Tomasz & Frances
Raider 2 DSH White & Black Cat 2012-2019 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Raider American Bulldog 07/23/98-03/28/07 Rob & Kathy McLennan
Raider Australian Shepherd 12/17/05-11/09/19 Kristina Huth
Raider Beagle 05/01/01 The Carbonetti's
Raider Black Lab Mix 7 years 04/21/09 Lori W
Raider Black Lab/ Rott Mix 09/16/00-09/15/06 Dot Tiver, Troy Edge
Raider Black Lab/German Shepherd 5 months 12/12/04 Shelly Serviss & Adrian Bailey
Raider Black Labrador Retriever 06/04/86-01/02/01 Rita & Steve Gombar
Raider Bob Yellow Dog - GSD X Lurcher 15 years 13/05/11 Wendy Cable
Raider Border Collie 07/04/05-10/25/05 K.C. and Jason
Raider Border Collie 10/01/95-12/20/00 Joni Jansen
Raider Border Collie Mix 12/05/93-07/05/08 Lincoln and Jodi Claridge
Raider Boxer-Pit 07/14/10-02/14/24 Lynnae Hartman
Raider Cat 11/17/04 Donielle Jackson
Raider Cat 16 years 07/19/08 Marla Lynette
Raider Cat 5 years 12/21/01 Jodi
Raider Chow 03/11/88-12/10/98 Cherie
Raider Collie 03/30/93-11/13/04 Rosemarie Ramsey
Raider Dachshund 12/2003-08/03/11 Clay Potter
Raider Dachshund 5 years 01/29/10 Tara LoCastro
Raider Dog 06/02/05 Chad, Allicia,Logan and Toby
Raider Dog 11/15/86-03/12/99 Jerry & Amber
Raider Dog Misog
Raider DSH Cat 9.5.2004-9.1.2015 Catharine
Raider DSH White & Black Cat 2012-12/07/22 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Raider Ferret 07/13/96-06/10/02 Brett Staffa
Raider German Shepherd 10 years 10/17/02 Stan Schneider
Raider German Shepherd 4 1/2 years 05/26/09 Joan
Raider Great Dane 01/17/95-06/07/04 David & Carol Spooner
Raider GSD 14 mo. 03/29/94 Jennifer Fink
Raider Jimenez Mini Schnauzer 02/13/03-07/21/06 Jesus, Celeste & Dodger Jimenez
Raider Lab 08/10/86-10/08/98 Chris Terkla
Raider Lab 5 months 11/19/03 Mozingo Family
Raider Lab Mix 14 years 09/10/07 Elaine
Raider Labrador 06/21/03-11/13/17 Lee Schoenberger
Raider Lhasa Apso/Poodle 11/18/00-04/24/02 Dan & Barbara Hankins
Raider Maine Coon Cat 07/20/97-07/20/06 Rita
Raider Miniature Dachshund 03/13/03-02/06/10 Tara LoCastro
Raider Nation Castro Black Lab Mix 08/10/96-11/26/11 Maggie M. Castro
Raider Pitbull 01/12/06-08/10/10 The Snyders
Raider Pitbull 10/10/08 Naty
Raider Rottweiler 12/16/94-06/22/01 Sandra Delgado
Raider Rottweiler/Shepherd Mix 13 years 02/06/04 Ginny Gaeta
Raider Sheltie 07/15/07-07/28/16 Indalay
Raider Shetland Sheepdog 06/06/86-07/13/01 Kathy Tennant
Raider Shih-Tzu 04/22/99-01/14/14 Kathy Mortensen
Raider Tortie Cat 04/25/13 Gloria
Raider Toy Poodle 10/21/92-06/12/04 Carla Rodie
Raider/Kiki Cat 02/14/06-07/04/07 Tiffany Rodriguez
Raiderman (Puppers) Boxer 03/18/94-05/24/05 Al Johnson, Allison Rudder & Brandon Tatman
Raido Bronze-Winged Pionus Parrot 8 years 09/08/02 Pam Carneal
Raidy Yellow Lab Mix 05/27/97-05/03/10 Trish
Raika Belgian Tervuren 05/24/04-10/15/19 Jean Parke in honor of Denise Fenzi
Rain & Little Rain Mini Lops Rabbits 11/04/05 & 11/01/06-01/2007 Nimue/Dude
Rain American Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/2009 Melanie
Rain and Sunshine Parakeets 11/12/11 Christine Kodlubanski
Rain Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/11/09 Melanie
Rain Black DSH Cat 15 years 03/11/09 Melanie
Rain Boston Terrier 05/2004-07/07/16 Laura and Robert
Rain Boston Terrier 09/14/07-10/10/08 Pat
Rain Calico Cat 8 years 01/10/02 Tim & Beth
Rain Cat 05/01/01-12/03/01 Melissa Nissen
Rain DLH/Maine Coon Cat 05/01/02-06/21/06 Jodi Kowalewski
Rain Domestic Short Hair Cat 9 years 07/11/03 Keith Johnson
Rain Golden Retriever 06/18/95-03/13/03 Mirth Rosser
Rain Lab 04/20/99-03/12/09 Doree Richardson
Rain Leaf, Snow Kit, and Bright Eyes Rats 11/01/09 Emily Teets
Rain Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 12/01/02 Temple
Rain Rat 04/06/09 Michelle
Rain Rotty 09/25/00-12/16/06 Shawn and Danielle Flanagan
Raina Baby Kaminsky Black Labrador Retriever 01/94-05/24/08 Kimberly Kaminsky
Raina Cat 1995-07/01/06 Anne
Raina Lee Greear Lab/ Bull Mix 05/08/90-09/11/05 Karen Greear
Raina Mini Schnauzer 10 years 07/07/04 Hayley Fredman
Raina Pitbull 02/03/01-02/09/13 Cathy
Raina Pitbull 02/03/01-02/09/13 Cathy & Doug
Raina Pitbull 02/03/01-02/09/13 Cathy Cerny
Raina Yorkshire Terrier 06/28/12 Meredith
Rainbear Chow Chow 19 years 03/01/10 Gina Skylair Simonelli
Rainbear Chowchow 19 years 03/01/10 Gina
Rainbeau Shetland Sheepdog 03/02/97-02/11/04 Bernie Turner
Rain-Bo Parakeet 1 1/2 years 06/20/01 Gayle Browning
Rainbow ( BoBo) Husky Mix 18 years 02/15/14 Jenny
Rainbow Anne Dog 12/07/91-02/07/08 Christine Davis
Rainbow Balinese Cat 14 1/2 years 30/04/01 Mark Hill
Rainbow Basset Hound 01/06/90-07/20/01 Joe and Laurie Mona
Rainbow Beta Fish 11/15/04-04/10/06 Gabby
Rainbow Beta Fish 2 years 03/12/00 Amanda K
Rainbow Black Cat 03/97-04/08/99 Jacqueline
Rainbow Blossom whitetail fawn 1985 Sister of S.L. Burns
Rainbow Cairn Terrier 01/08/90-11/14/06 Wendy Scott
Rainbow Calico Cat 10/81-16/27/98 Amy Machmer
Rainbow Calico Cat 8 years 1998 Nicole
Rainbow Calico Tabby Cat 18 years 07/27/17 Christine Kodlubanski
Rainbow Cat 04/01/01-07/21/01 Elizabeth Shanahan-Jewett
Rainbow Cat 08/84-02/01/99 Patti
Rainbow Cat 10 months 03/13/11 Colin and Teresa
Rainbow Cat 10/19/98 Patty
Rainbow Cat 10/28/93-01/07/05 Stella
Rainbow Cat 12/01/98-12/03/13 Patricia Pinto
Rainbow Cat 8 years 03/06/01 Chuck Carter
Rainbow Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rainbow Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 5 months 11/23/04 Michelle
Rainbow Chi Mix 14 years 05/03/06 Patrice
Rainbow Cocker Spaniel 02/05/78-12/17/95 Koziol Family
Rainbow Cutie Calico Manx Cat 04/11/85-09/13/00 Barry, Becky, Gavin,Emily and Molly
Rainbow Doggy Kathy Borland
Rainbow Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/15/83-01/02/97 Anna Harlow
Rainbow Domestic Longhair Cat 05/05/82-08/22/02 Cindy and Gregg Bouchard
Rainbow Domestic Short Hair-Gray Stripe Cat 10/07/79-10/30/94 Carmen & Dale
Rainbow Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/28/93-01/07/05 Stella Wray
Rainbow DSH Tortoiseshell Cat 1 year August 1989 Janet M. Israel
Rainbow finch May 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rainbow Fish 03/24/06 Desmond Kern
Rainbow Fish Billy
Rainbow Greyhound 14 1/2 years 12/01/09 Robert Bain
Rainbow Guinea Pig 09/02/12-08/02/19 Deborah Lindsey
Rainbow Husky/Wolf Hybrid 3 years 06/12/07 Sue Peterson
Rainbow Kitty 1996 JW
Rainbow Kitty Calico Cat 18 years 03/23/20 Heidi McLemore
Rainbow Luke Tug King Golden Retriever 03/09/95-01/20/07 John and Patricia Lattig
Rainbow Mixed Maine Coon Cat 05/90-11/22/09 Angela and Lou Bachmann
Rainbow Norwegian Forest Cat 08/01/80-04/22/00 The O'Briens
Rainbow Oakes Domestic Short Haired Cat 17/42/16 Patricia Oakes
Rainbow P Calico Cat 12/98-12/02/13 Patricia Pinto
Rainbow Parakeet/Budgie 07/99-05/01 Megan
Rainbow Peruvian Cavy 10/18/05-12/21/10 Sonthakit
Rainbow Philippine Chicken 04/2010-07/24/10 Jedric
Rainbow Pot of Gold aka Lily English Pointer 06/06/99-08/27/11 Carolyn Edwards
Rainbow Pound Puppy 01/01/82-09/06/97 Sandi
Rainbow Princess Persian Kitten 05/20/99-05/28/99 Katharine
Rainbow Pug 02/07/02 Tamie Myers
Rainbow Schnauzer 06/05/95-04/23/05 John, Jean, & Dan Hoffmann and Suzanne Maurer
Rainbow Siamese Cat 05/08/98 Donna MacKenzie
Rainbow Sugar Drops Holland Lop/Satin Rabbit 07/01/96-01/09/98 Amanda Boatman
Rainbow Sun Conure 4 years 12/17/03 Jean Wenger
Rainbow Tabby Cat 05/29/90-08/27/05 Rita and Ken
Rainbow Tortie and White DSH Cat 17 years 10/21/06 Paul and Sue
Rainbow Tortoiseshell Cat 08/89 Janet
Rainbow Tortoiseshell Cat 21 years 01/29/12 Frances McCall
Rainbow West Highland Terrier 05/29/89-08/17/05 Daniel Ackley, Steve Leonardo
Rainbow Westie 03/27/84-09/14/02 Sallye Dillard
Raincloud Goldfish 2nd of December 2000 Kelly
Raincloud Maine Coon Cat 10/11/05 Kelly Crutcher
Raindance Esmerelda Rekers Maine Coon Cat 03/06/88-02/17/05 Jennifer H Rekers
Raindrop Cat 07/08/01 Shawna
Raindrop Min Rex-Dwarf Mix Rabbit 10/26/08 Chris & Dolores Robinson
Raindrop Mixed Dog 02/13/98-03/04/11 Gigi
Raine (Cael Corwin Raine) Golden Retriever 03/2000-01/31/13 Khristina Graham, Ethan Walters, Brayden Walters, Michael Graham, and Evan Graham
Raine Cat 13 years 11/11/13 Melanie
Raine Mixed Cat 07/92-12/30/08 Karen Morgan
Raine Sheltie 11/2000-05/08/13 Joanne Reho
Rainey Cat 03/18/94-11/19/10 Brenda
Rainey Cockatiel 10/22/96-07/24/05 Lynnette Law & Gary Wells
Rainey Grey Domestic Short Hair Cat 5 years 06/15/09 Kim C
Rainey GreyCloud British Short Hair Cat 06/06/96-09/01/18 Diannah
Rainey Persian Cat 11 years 09/18/03 Violet R Schulert
Rainey Rottweiler 12/23/08 Ken & BK Silvers
Rainey Spaniel 07/13/17 Megan & Marlee Malone-Franklin
Rainey Syrian Creme-Banded Hamster 1999-06/17/02, Iris & Phill Mayhall
Rainie Poodle Mix 1980-05/11/96 Margaret Muns
Rainie Sheltie 11 years 05/16/19 Vickie Cutter
Rainier English Mastiff 03/01/98-11/08/05 Carolyn Stewart
Rainier German Shep 05/12/12 Breanna
Rainmaker Thoroughbred Horse 11 years 07/04/00 Rachel Broman
Rainwater and Gentle Giant Congo Tetra and Bala Shark Fish 05/03/04 Ta
Rainy American Curl Cat 14 years 07/02/11 Matthew Guild
Rainy Appaloosa Horse 17 years 09/22/08 Sadie and Catherine
Rainy Black Lab 15 years 03/99 Daniel Stanley
Rainy Bouvier 6 years 11/23/02 Susan Scott
Rainy Boxer 02/17/91-09/07/01 P. Andrien Almashy
Rainy Day Friesian Horse 6 years 07/13/04 Genie Creighton
Rainy Day Long Haired, Grey and White Cat 15 years 07/22/08 Sandra Botel
Rainy Day Westberg Cat 05/14/95-01/21/08 Kim, Maya, Mikayla, Mo-Mo, Teddy Bear, Spookie, Cindy, Corey, Carly and Mateo Westberg
Rainy Grey & White Hamster 1 year 10/19/02 Taylor Slager
Rainy Holland Lop Rabbit 07/10/06-08/30/14 Masako Watanabe
Rainy Min Pin 07/02/11 Suzanne Aceto
Rainy Rae Hart Appaloosa Horse 03/18/91-09/22/08 Sadie
Rainy Storm Cloud Lab/Pit Bull Mix 01/01/94-07/31/97 Kathy and Geoffrey
Raisa Borzoi 6 years 07/31/96 S. Appell
Raisa Cocker Spaniel 1st March, 1991 - 26th Nov'99 Bhavna & Neha Chopra
Raisa Cocker Spaniel 8 years 11/26/99 Bhavna
Raisa Muted Calico Longhair Cat 16 years 03/05/11 Miriam Katz
Raisa Off The Batshill Berner Sennen 9 years 10/19/01 Crista
Raisa Tonkenese Cat 03/15/85-01/09/02 Margo
Raisa White Long Hair Cat 11/25/86-12/24/99 Sidni Pacilli
Raisan Pomeranian 04/13/87-02/20/04 Jason & Candy
Raisa-Natasha Domestic Shorthair Calico Cat 03/16/95-05/13/10 Beth Hustedde
Raise A Quill Horse 02/27/96 Cricket
Raisen Gerbil 06/09/07 Philippa
Raisen Yorkie 02/02/89-11/13/00 Denise Hutson
Raisin 09/91 Rebecca Ray & Tigger
Raisin 16 1/2 years 02/10/97 O. A.
Raisin Airedale Terrier 12 1/2 years 05/11/99 Joe & Sue St. Amant & Family
Raisin Bagel Frangione Calico Cat 10 years 02/20/24 Marcia Frangione
Raisin Beagle/Terrier Mix 06/15/91-12/25/05 Michael Horstmann
Raisin Bearded Collie 03/16/76-10/24/07 Lauren
Raisin Black and White Cat 04/25/96-07/2004 Sarah
Raisin Black Lab 11/2001 Nancy Garavaglia For Sue
Raisin Black Lab Mix 12/25/87-08/15/02 Melinda Smith
Raisin Black Pug 05/05/03 Laura
Raisin Boxer 11/04/02-04/08/13 John & Catherine
Raisin Bread Golden Retriever 01/23/00-01/23/09 Susan Susko
Raisin Cat 07/82-12/03/02 Karen Doherty
Raisin Cat 16 years 1985 Sylvia Westgard
Raisin Cat 19 years 04/06/02 Jenny
Raisin Chinese Shar Pei 04/21/91-02/10/99 Sally O'Leary
Raisin Chinese Shar Pei 11/19/96-08/27/10 Stephanie Roessler
Raisin Chinese Shar-Pei 14 years 12/06/08 Karen, Rich, Cj and Brianna
Raisin Chocolate Lab 09/23/90-03/22/03 Chase
Raisin Cocker Spaniel 02/10/95-09/20/09 Terri Johnson
Raisin Doberman 1997-07/24/05 M
Raisin DSH Cat 1981-1992 Stephanie Barko
Raisin Ferret 09/20/11 Denise
Raisin Fink Tabby Cat 12/91-09/08/09 Kara
Raisin French Bulldog 06/07/02-02/06/11 Russ Talley
Raisin II Black Lab German Shepherd Mix 09/27/03-01/05/14 Melinda Smith
Raisin Jane Miniature Schnauzer 12/12/87-12/29/01 Elsa Pittak
Raisin Pug 11/26/01-06/27/14 Mindy
Raisin Rose Shar Pei 04/10/93-06/27/06 Stephen and Mary Kay
Raisin Siamese Cross Cat 07/01/82-08/26/98 Pamela Lyons
Raisin Teddy Bear Black and White Guinea Pig 3 years 10/08/09 Carrie L.Davis
Raisin Terrier/Poodle 11/18/87-10/07/04 Ken and Donna Thiede
Raison Black Lab Mix 10/26/99-00/26/10 Angela and Todd
Raison Black Lab Mix 10/26/99-06/26/10 Angela
Raison Cat 05/30/13-06/05/13 Elizabeth
Raiss Shepherd Husky 02/10/07-09/24/19 Randy and Alicia Churchill
Raissa Bichon Frise 03/18/90-01/08/08 Roxanne L Elliott
Raistlin (Daddy's Little Guy) Yorkshire Terrier 5 years 08/10/02 Tim
Raistlin Cat 9 years 12/18/98 Di Fadden
Raistlin Labrador Retriever 03/23/05-09/08/17 Cathie Soli
Raisty Orange Cat 14 years 09/10/06 Linda Tomberlin
Raiza Siamese Cat 1988-07/08/05 Tracy Dunning
Raizin of Mangatea Smooth Coat Fox Terrier 05/20/94-08/30/05 Ingrid & Robyn
Raj Bengali Boxer 08/28/01-05/18/02 Eduardo Parra and Mark Bautch
Raja Beagle 04/26/01-05/05/12 Bethany
Raja Black Lab Mix 03/95-07/21/07 Mary Tracey
Raja Bombay Cat 13 years 03/02/18 Lita Muhr
Raja Border Collie Mix 11 years 08/22/12 Christine and Nelson
Raja Boston Terrier 01/14/19 Jessie & Denise
Raja Boxer 08/11/97-02/23/06 Susan Hileman and Vik Nair
Raja Cat 03/29/01-05/2002 Cookie, Cassi, & Chrysta
Raja Cat 07/99-04/14/12 Cindy Williams, Matt Schaffner
Raja Cat 2 1/2 years Lily
Raja Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Raja Dalmatian 08/12/96-05/05/09 Michelle Biedscheid
Raja DLH Tortie Cat 09/14/03-09/19/14 Julie Christensen
Raja Dog 04/21/88-03/08/00 Kris
Raja Domestic Pure Black Cat 09/10/92-02/13/03 Craig and Theres
Raja Domestic Pure Black Cat 09/10/92-02/13/03 Craig and Theresa
Raja Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/2012 Pat Payne
Raja German Shepherd 13 years 03/08/00 Lisa
Raja Golden Retriever 12 years 03/02/06 Kelli
Raja Golden Retriever 12/26/00-04/23/12 Roxanne & Scott
Raja Lab Mix 09/94-03/10/06 Jason & Jennifer Gillette
Raja Lilac Siamese Cat 04/02/97-03/05/12 Julie & Richard Bateman
Raja Rottie 16/11/93-11/26/05 Carolyn Gilbert
Raja Russian Blue Cat 06/26/12 Sharon and Tim Caine (Mom and Dad) and Bunnies & Steve Savor Family
Raja Russian Blue Cat 20 years 06/26/12 Sharon Caine
Raja Shih-Tzu 05/10/98-09/10/13 A. Sharma
Raja Shorthair Cat 2004-2004 Jessica Timp
Raja Siamese Cat 03/94-06/2005 Marion & Lloyd Marcelain
Raja Std Poodle 03/29/99-07/31/08 Sally
Raja Taj Irish Wolfhound 11/13/00-09/01/08 Cheryl K. Graham
Raja Watson Orange Persian Cat 15 years 08/31/09 Cindy, Frank, Heather, Faith, Charlotte, Mat, Tizzy, Starr, Skyler, Sulley and Buttercup
Rajack Cat 09/21/85-09/25/88 Marie Schappache
Rajah - Lefty's Little Orient Express Chinese Shar Pei 10/09/94-03/02/10 Colleen C
Rajah (My Little Man) Maltese 1991-06/18/01 Robert & Michelle Doerrler
Rajah Abu-Boo Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/94-09/08/11 Melissa
Rajah Bengal Mix Cat 15 years 04/03/09 Amber
Rajah Calico Cat 18 years 02/04/10 Teri Wright
Rajah Cat 03/01/98-02/02/99 Rob and Julia Shaw-Fuller
Rajah Cat 08/06/93-06/05/07 Jim, Carolyn, Lauren & Cameron Duncan
Rajah Cat 17 years 01/10/00 Lauren
Rajah Cat 19 years Dorothy
Rajah Cat 7 years 04/18/13 Cory Moshman
Rajah Chihuahua/Terrier 02/02/94-08/11/00 Lori, Nick and Gina Semkiw
Rajah Chow Chow 10/21/09 Betty-Lou
Rajah Dale Boxer 02/01/01-07/15/11 Mary Olson-Schmidt
Rajah Dog 11 years 07/05/04 Debby
Rajah Dog 1995-2006 Traci, Brian and Nathan
Rajah Domestic Short Hair Cat 16 years 12/31/16 Crystal Rauch
Rajah Domestic Short Hair Cat 9 years 07/07/06 Arlene and Mohan Makhija
Rajah Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/97-07/05/06 Arlene and Mohan Makhija
Rajah Dyke German Shepherd 07/09/99-14/01/10 Sarah Salt
Rajah Flame Point Himalayan Cat 02/01/89-06/14/02 Gloria F. Olschewski
Rajah Fox Bengal Cat 08/29/98-02/09/08 Katie Fox
Rajah German Shepherd 06/92-03/08/02 Gladys Alvarez
Rajah German Shepherd 09/01/91-07/23/03 Jill Walker
Rajah Lab Mix 15 years 11/07/07 Natasha Foster
Rajah Lab/Chow Mix 1 years 03/02/00 Sue, SVHS
Rajah Long Hair Red Tabby Cat 10 years 04/12/04 Marcy Desmarais
Rajah Maine Coon Cat 8 years 09/13/02 Nancy Greene
Rajah Miller Calico Cat 8 to 10 years 05/04/00 Cara and Darren
Rajah Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 06/07/05 C. Burchfield
Rajah Norwegian Forest X Cat 12/09/08-27/06/10 Louise Drew
Rajah Ocicat (Cinnamon Spotted) Cat 03/14/00-04/2007 Lynne Scherer
Rajah Pomeranian 07/94-08/31/00 The Harpers
Rajah Rhodesian Ridgeback/Boxer 15 years 09/26/12 Ana Cohen
Rajah Shetland Sheepdog 02/03/90-09/15/04 Meghan
Rajah Short Hair Domestic Orange Tiger Cat 09/01/95-06/05/05 Melody Currier
Rajah Siamese Cat 01/01/91-04/01/09 Bonnie Auxier
Rajah Siberian Husky 06/07/99-04/06/12 Amy & Jeff
Rajah Tibetan KyiApso 01/05/94-12/31/94 Sara-Louise Anders
Rajah Tonkinese Cat 09/01/83-07/08/99 Rachel
Rajah-Cat Siamese Cat 18 years 06/26/06 Barbee York
Rajan Boxer 12 years 04/11/14 Powell Family
Rajanna Juhara Chestnut Arabian Mare 04/80-07/08/95 Joyce M Davis
Raji Dog 03/12/10 Sena
Rajka Domestic Cat 09/01/00-06/26/12 Aleksandra Bilusic
Rajko Boston Terrier 11/17/07-04/03/08 Michelle
Rak Maine Coon Cat 02/14/90-10/27/00 Dave & Mary
Raket Cat 01/10/89-14/07/05 Tass
Rakker Frysian Staby-Labrador Cross 08/09/93-09/04/08 Marianna Bergkamp & Reint Bootsma
Rakshi Australian Shepherd 06/06/96-02/19/09 Brooks Alldredge
Raldo aka Gwylo Bulldog 10 years 09/09/13 John Norton & Holly Evans
Raleigh (Bubba) Dalmatian 05/12/92-11/19/01 Tami McLaughlin
Raleigh American Mutt 10 years 08/13/12 Bobbi Ponder
Raleigh American Short Hair Cat 12/2005-06/16/09 Lesley and Jim
Raleigh Black Lab 01/05/88-12/17/99 Richard Leavitt
Raleigh Border Collie/Blue Heeler 11/03/98-07/22/11 Nicole Case
Raleigh Boxer 02/17/06-08/15/12 Peter, Kate and Brogan Young
Raleigh Boxer 6 years 08/15/12 Kate
Raleigh BullDog 14 years 07/98 Helen & Archie
Raleigh Cairn Terrier 01/19/99-01/12/06 The Orr Family
Raleigh Chocolate Lab 08/30/04 Tisha Reynolds
Raleigh Cocker Spaniel 06/04/85-06/09/99 Kathi Kolar
Raleigh Cocker Spaniel 06/05/85-06/09/99 Kathi Kolar
Raleigh Dachshund 05/17/85-06/26/99 Greta Kirkland
Raleigh Dog 11/08/07 Natalie
Raleigh German Shepherd Mix 05/03/00-04/30/09 Caroline Lyons, Jordan Villareal, Melanie Lyons, Katy Lyons
Raleigh Golden Retriever 05/15/99-06/29/13 Deborah Dufer
Raleigh Golden Retriever 12/23/93-07/16/04 Wanda Casey-Dicks
Raleigh Gregory Hoffmann Yorkshire Terrier 03/18/04-03/19/10 Catherine Hoffmann
Raleigh Labrador Retriever 04/23/01-07/25/13 Peggy
Raleigh Labrador Retriever 12/08/06-02/28/21 Joe/Lena
Raleigh McConnell Yorkie 12/09/91-06/25/05 The McConnells
Raleigh Miniature Schnauzer 02/07/12-04/05/23 Todd McCuen
Raleigh Newfie-Mix 16 years 12/12/06 Kim Matthews
Raleigh Pete Terrier Mix 06/26/95-03/13/06 Sherri Minunno
Raleigh Shi Zu 10/16/07-09/29/08 Aimee Gagliardi
Raleigh Sumner LH Tabby Cat 04/01/93-01/06/13 Carol Sumner
Raleigh Tri-Color Collie 08/19/89-06/04/97 Marguerite D. Lovett
Raleigh Whippet 02/05/91-11/16/05 Heidi and Mike
Raleigh Yorkshire Terrier 12 1/2 years 01/26/02 June
Raley German Shepherd 13 weeks 12/08/02 Jim, Crystal and Jasmine
Ralf Birman/Persian Cat 18 years G.
Ralf Black Lab 1984-2003 Alan Guizar
Ralf Budgie 17 March 2008 Jake
Ralf Cat 05/01/02-10/23/06 Melissa & Chris
Ralf Dog 07/26/12 Pam Keetch
Ralf E Max Labrador Retriever 14 years 11/22/02 Erica
Ralf Miniature Dachshund 08/04/83-07/21/01 Erna Scholz
Ralf Pom-Chi X 04/07/04-09/23/06 AJ Styles
Ralf Siamese-Himalayan Cat 05/05/79-10/09/97 Linda Jacobs and Marc Goldstein
Ralfy Shih Tzu 12/09/03-02/15/15 Elina P
Rally Beagle 06/90-02/20/06 Rebecca Davis
Rally Blond Cocker Spaniel 01/05/84-02/04/00 Rene' Carrick
Rally Raz Ferret 07/11/12 Darrell and Christine Boyd
Ralph - Ralphie - Lennon Labrador Retriever 1997?-09/06/06 Susan T. Lennon
Ralph (Boo Kitten) Tabby Cat 2003-11/15/10 Rachel G
Ralph (Bubba) Black Lab 04/11/95-03/01/01 Erin Miller
Ralph (The Beagle) Beagle 7 years 07/26/01 Bob and Rose Ann Ward
Ralph aka Call To Destiny Thoroughbred Horse 01/89-10/28/14 NinaLleopold
Ralph Akita/Shepherd 10 years 08/01/06 Showen/Lee
Ralph American Shorthair Cat 04/2000-08/14/12 Amanda
Ralph APBT 03/20/04-02/28/10 Ashley
Ralph Australian Shepherd Mix 04/30/07 Kathy & Ron
Ralph Beagle 07/2000-04/28/04 Charlie & Gail Andrews
Ralph Bell English Springer Spaniel 10/11/88-08/12/03 Colin, Linda, Adam and Henry Bell
Ralph Bichon 03/18/96-08/11/08 Janice Cannella-Knowles
Ralph Black Cat 04/11/89-04/08/02 Karen Skelding
Ralph Black Lab 10/10/87-05/07/04 Sherry Keller
Ralph Border Col 08/01/95-05/02/02 Gary
Ralph Border Collie 09/03/95-09/18/07 Richard J
Ralph Border Collie 13 years 07/26/01 Sandy/Jim
Ralph Border Collie/mix 05/75-07/95 Rick Hines
Ralph Brittany & Collie 15 years 02/25/04 Terry Grennier
Ralph Burmese Cross Cat 17 years 09/82/09 Charleen
Ralph Cat 03/16/10 Donna
Ralph Cat 03/30/90-02/02/08 Wendy P Marcisofsky
Ralph Cat 04/14/91-07/17/07 Laura Kub
Ralph Cat 04/91-11/02/93 Angela
Ralph Cat 05/01/04-12/04/05 Cristina Di Maria
Ralph Cat 06/03/02 Alison & Nancy
Ralph Cat 08/24/15 Alayne
Ralph Cat 1 year 3 mos 11/04/99 Jeremy Doan and Nicole Winrader
Ralph Cat 11 years 07/03/08 Kendall Gutierrez
Ralph Cat 14 years 03/16/10 Michelle and Gib Moore
Ralph Cat 15 years 01/28/00 Deirdre Sostek
Ralph Cat 1985-09/97 Frannie
Ralph Cat 23 years 04/26/10 Jen Stcharles
Ralph Cat 3 years 07/26/04 Sandra Cord
Ralph Cheney Golden Retriever 11 years 12/13/05 Arthur and Chelly Cheney, & Of Course You Loving Children
Ralph Chocolate Labrador 06/22/06-12/29/14 Lori & Tom Cote
Ralph Cockapoo 06/28/83-1997 Lynne
Ralph Cocker Spaniel 05/11/90-07/13/04 Stephanie Boudreau
Ralph Cocker Spaniel 07/23/01-08/14/09 Danny & Luann Dalton
Ralph Cocker Spaniel/Poodle/Terrier Mix 01/21/88-01/27/03 Stephen Nygren
Ralph Cockerpoo 01/24/83-11/03/98 Dick & Cathy
Ralph Collie/German Shepherd Mix 1972-04/25/81 Scott Vincent
Ralph Collie/hound Mix 15 years 1993 Kim
Ralph Copping Pommie 12/01/04 Rod
Ralph Corgi Russie McDerment
Ralph Dachshund 10/11/94-11/05/09 Susan Fitterer
Ralph David Miniature Poodle 01/64-11/80 Nancy Loeb
Ralph Dog 06/24/96-01/06/08 Dee & Snow
Ralph Dog 16 years 30/11/06 Kerry
Ralph Dog 17 years 04/25/97 Carroll Reynolds
Ralph Dog 1992-11/26/05 Sarah Rathmell & Janet Ellington
Ralph Dog 2011 Bessie
Ralph Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 02/01/10 Kerri Pearson
Ralph Doxie 04/29/97-08/29/01 Joann
Ralph Dutch Rabbit 1 year 03/02/99 Sue & Grahame
Ralph Fancy Rat 12/05/10-06/30/13 Amanda and Matt
Ralph Flying Squirrel 6 months 07/09/00 Ben & Melissa Rohweder
Ralph Gerbil 2 years 03/12/04 Mindy
Ralph Golden Retriever 08/12/02 Victor, Rhoda, Percy, & Pebbles
Ralph Goodlett Golden Retriever 16 years 10/17/09 Susan Robards
Ralph Great Dane 07/30/11 Jim Sankovich
Ralph Grey Tabby Cat 13 years 11/07/11 Helen Estrada
Ralph Grey Tabby Cat 19 years 09/23/00 The Ryans
Ralph Grey Tabby Shorthair Cat 18 years 04/09/06 Krystyna Foster
Ralph II Black & White Tuxedo Cat 04/16/05 Ann Reagan
Ralph Jack Russell 09/05/96-04/04/12 Philippa McGuire
Ralph K-9 Officer Belgian Malinois 06/23/97 Robin Massey
Ralph Kiroff Scottish Terrier 03/26/02-08/25/10 Gregory Smith and Dale Kiroff
Ralph Kline Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel 16 years 06/11/06 Anna
Ralph Lauren Farling Shih Tzu 11/96-04/04/12 Peggy Farling
Ralph Lee Barcham Schnauzer 07/16/04-02/26/08 Alistair Barcham
Ralph Long-Haired Peruvian Guinea Pig 2 years 03/12/06 Nicole Wells
Ralph Lutino Indian Ringneck Parrot 90 days-05/30/14 Vinay Maharishi
Ralph Magoo Brown Tabby Cat 23+ years 08/03/00 Gregory and Kate Robertson
Ralph Maine Coon Cat 03/23/03 Rosalie
Ralph Maine Coon Cat 1994-09/02/08 Angie, Tim, Tommy & Tanner
Ralph Maltese 03/16/90-02/26/03 Steve and Nana Nagy
Ralph Maltese and Bits 04/07/05-02/07/11 Karen
Ralph Miles Black Pug 04/15/04-02/28/12 Reid Miles
Ralph Min. Dachshund 6 years 11/20/98 StellaP
Ralph Mini Foxy X Chihuahua 12/12/04-10/12/13 Bec
Ralph Miniature Schnauzer 05/06/00 Janet Van Orden
Ralph Miniature Schnauzer 06/12/85-12/30/99 Angela Harris
Ralph Mix Dog 02/15/21 Treva & Seth
Ralph Mixed Dog 01/18/96-03/15/05 Cousin
Ralph Mixed Dog 11/16/11 Leslie Hurst
Ralph Mixed Dog 13 years 09/25/02 Cheryl
Ralph Mixed Poodle 08/12/93-03/2002 Marie Gray
Ralph Mongrel Labrador 12 years 09/16/00 Harry Conover
Ralph Mutt 15 years 02/06/09 Debra Crosby
Ralph Ocicat 03/06/95-07/14/08 Katherine Schlau
Ralph Orange Cat 1983-03/16/01 Kirsten Caspersen and Family
Ralph Orange/White Tabby Cat 15 years 10/04/99 Kenny and Darlene Worsham
Ralph Part Siamese Cat 05/15/98 Linda
Ralph Pekingese 03/19/92-08/20/07 Beth Cartee
Ralph Persian Cat 17 years 12/22/04 Roberta & Erv Michelfelder
Ralph Peter Howdyshell Beagle 06/26/00-07/25/06 Cathy, Chip and Trey Howdyshell
Ralph Pit Bull 16 years 06/97 Judy & Charles
Ralph Poodle 1964-1980 Nancy Loeb-Hand
Ralph Raccoon Elizabeth
Ralph Robinson Cat 12/97 Vicki Pledger
Ralph S Mouse DSH Cat 03/03/97-04/24/07 Kelly Harvilak
Ralph Shar Pei 10/17/02-08/29/05 Tessa Emenheiser
Ralph Shepherd X 10 years 03/00 Deborah Workman
Ralph Shorthair Cat 14 years 08/01/06 Laura
Ralph Siamese Cat 05/10/95-02/28/10 Debra Pyer
Ralph Standard Poodle 07/03/09-01/15/21 Kim, Al and Emily
Ralph Tabby 8 years 09/14/96 Chris Manhoff
Ralph Tabby Cat 13 years 05/20/07 Anne McGregor
Ralph Tabby Cat 17 years 11/05/17 Brooke Cockrell
Ralph Tabby Cat 18 years 10/27/05 Kathy
Ralph Terrier Mix 12 years 01/16/99 Sandy
Ralph Thunshelle St. Bernard 11 years 05/16/03 Tremont'S Pet Sitting Service
Ralph Tibetan Terrier 13 years 01/26/05 Alex Rickler
Ralph Tuxedo Cat 01/15/82-06/27/97 PK, Albert and Charlie Murphy
Ralph X Staff Jack Russell 2 years 11/08/11 Susan Harris
Ralph Yellow Long Haired Cat 02/01/93-08/24/03 Art & Tammy Sullivan
Ralph Yorkshire Terrier 09/18/82-01/17/00 Paul & Mary Whitaker
Ralph Yorkshire Terrier 11/25/86-05/31/05 Allen and Maria Daniels
Ralph/wuggy Apricot Pug 02/16/03-07/13/12 Marlene Lancer
Ralphettino Mutt Cat 08/29/01 Marisa & Sharon
Ralphey Dog 07/13/06 Liz
Ralphi Dalmatian 05/25/96-11/17/07 Marsha Landman
Ralphie aka Mr.Lanky DSH Gray & White Cat 11/07/02-12/24/07 Janet & Simba Martin
Ralphie Bear Miniature Poodle 13 years 09/30/04 Anne-Marie
Ralphie Border Collie 07/10/94-06/19/06 Lesa Schafer
Ralphie Boxer 02/14/87-07/17/96 Filly
Ralphie Boxer/Great Dane Mix 12/27/03-04/28/04 Melissa and Josh
Ralphie Brussels Griffon Mix 09/15/92-10/20/07 Amanda Hatfield
Ralphie Cat 06/20/07 Casa de Calmar
Ralphie Cat 08/95-07/23/00 Marcia and Kyle
Ralphie Cat 1 year Joni/CalMar
Ralphie Cat 12 years 04/17/12 Mary
Ralphie Cat 16 years 11/22/10 Charsetta
Ralphie Cocker Mix 05/06/98-08/08/06 Deb and Bob
Ralphie Cocker Spaniel 12 years 02/06/06 Sheri
Ralphie Cocker Spaniel 12/24/90-05/07/04 Michael Barbella
Ralphie David Poodle 16 years 01/64/80 Nancy
Ralphie Doberman Pinscher 1998-11/01/99 Daniels family
Ralphie Domestic Medium Hair White Cat 04/01/94-04/22/08 The Hudson Family
Ralphie Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/20/00-06/16/13 Annie
Ralphie Doxie 10/22/09 Bill Valentine
Ralphie DSH Gray Tabby Cat 02/18/85-08/20/01 Darlene
Ralphie Ferret 08/18/10 Lyn
Ralphie German Shepherd Mix 4 years 10/14/02 Anthony Giachetti
Ralphie Golden Retriever 11/11/02-09/17/13 Nancy
Ralphie Golden Retriever 14 1/2 years 02/15/97 Barb and John A. family
Ralphie Goldendoodle Puppy 11/2011-05/05/12 O'Malley Family
Ralphie Goldy Orange Tabby/Maine Coon Cat 18 1/2 years 01/30/12 Donna & Harry Goldy
Ralphie Gonzalez Dotson (Mixed) 11/20/09-05/25/10 Autumn Gonzalez
Ralphie Guinea Pig 4 1/2 years 11/14/02 Debbie Carney
Ralphie Janes Cat Sandy and Bob
Ralphie Little Gray Dog 11/12/83-11/11/95 Cindy Weaver
Ralphie Long Haired Dachshund 03/17/03-05/27/17 Cheryl Pe
Ralphie Maine Coon Cat 06/01/04-02/21/20 Deb C
Ralphie Miniature Pinscher 09/16/91-11/21/08 Melissa Ferguson
Ralphie Miniature Poodle 06/18/04-02/16/12 Joseph Mercado
Ralphie Mixed Dog 12/09/94-02/26/07 Bianca Hernandez
Ralphie Newfoundland Mix 1/01/87-06/21/96 Judy Lovas
Ralphie Orange Tabby Cat 08/20/00-06/16/13 Annie DeMartino
Ralphie Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 01/03/05 Carol Smith
Ralphie Parakeet 02/01/93-10/05/00 Dawn & Joe
Ralphie Pitbull 3 years 10/23/10 Amber Battjes
Ralphie Pomeranian/Dachshund 03/27/05-08/04/05 Robbi
Ralphie Poodle/Schnauzer 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Ralphie Pug 09/20/08-11/29/08 Nanci
Ralphie Rat 2005 Claire
Ralphie Rottweiler 05/02/99-07/28/09 Lewis and Rachel Woody
Ralphie Shepherd Mix 14 years 08/25/03 Estella
Ralphie Shih Tzu 01/12/00-09/23/12 Gregg & Michelle Bagonyi
Ralphie St. Bernard 03/08/97-02/27/08 Sharon Neeman
Ralphie Teddy Bear Hamster 3 years 1993 Kate Bruton
Ralphie Terrier Mix 12 years 01/03/98 Pam
Ralphie Tortie Cat 05/08/98-04/21/13 Kim Sanchez
Ralphie Weimaraner 12/18/93-05/18/05 Diane Pastor
Ralphie Wonderful Kitty 06/01/03-10/07/06 Suzy Carman
Ralphy Border Collie Mix 10/13/02-03/10/18 Joan & John Mahoney
Ralphy Chocolate Roan Cocker Spaniel 11 years 12/04/14 Deborah, Tim and Daisy Perrett
Ralphy Husky Mix 11 years 07/06/04 Libby Robert
Ralphy King Charles Spaniel / Lhasa Apso 07/22/09-07/10/11 Gabrielle J. and Family
Ralphy Pit Bull Terrier 12/01/00-09/26/09 Nisha Shah
Ralphy Poodle Cross 16 years 01/11/00 Cleo Wilkinson
Ralphy Tabby Cat 04/13/90-06/23/99 Alice
Ralphy Yorkie 3 years 09/14/05 Loretta & Family
Ralston Mini/Standard Schnauzer X 10/16/89-02/19/02 Elaine Barnes
Ram Cat with 1/2 moustache 3 1/2 years 03/20/00 Danna
Ram Dog 03/01/93-03/06/06 Matin Cajja-Maguiña
Ram Maine Coon Cat 18 years 07/2010 Marian
Ram Run Greyhound 05/01/97-09/09/06 Gabi
Ram Short Haired Tabby White & Gray Cat 9 years 05/21/05 Joelene & Dustin
Ram Stewart Burmese Cat 07/23/00 Kris Otero
Rama Poodle 13 years 10/12/11 A Pennington
Rama Siamese Cat 17 years 06/12/97 Jenny I.
Rama Siamese Cat 18 years 09/19/16 Marilyn Brandi
Rama Siamese Cross Cat abt 1989-07/29/03 June Foster
Rama Torres Cat 8 years 12/30/21 Jose Torres
Ramah Ridgeback X 01/12/92-16/03/05 Jan and Rob Mathieson
Rambette Yorkshire Terrier 17 years 09/17/04 Anne Springer
Ramble on Rose Lab/Coonhound Mix 02/14/06-11/11/07 Cheryl & Joe Pennacchio
Rambler Black Lab 17 years 06/20/07 Leigh Minicucci
Rambler Collie Mix 02/14/88-09/18/02 Barbara Kelleher
Rambler Thoughts 08/15/93 Ginger Murphy
Ramblin Eliza Lou Bloodhound 12/09/99-06/07/01 The Hall family
Rambo (A Rams, Rambi, Bo's, Ramsi, Rambeez, Rambolini-Poochie Boy, Etc) Mini Poodle 07/17/95-09/26/07 Dani
Rambo (Angel Eyes) Lamoreux Cream Tabby Cat 03/09/92-07/12/99 Mommy, Dad, Dani, Soco, Peaches
Rambo (Beau-Cat) Black Cat June 1986-15 May 2001 Indira (Dee)
Rambo (BoBo) Shorthair-Lab-Boxer 3 years 12/14/98 Kim Grabarczyk
Rambo (Ram) White Toy Poodle 01/27/89-02/27/02 Murray, Ellen, Alison & Lindsay Stucker
Rambo (Ramby, Pandy-Bear) Tuxedo DSH Cat 2006-12/26/11 Jessica & Mike Oren
Rambo (Sad-Boy) Labrador Retriever01/15/87-05/25/99 Katie Storm
Rambo 05/04/96 Janice Miles
Rambo 1rst. Blood Brindle Boxer 07/04/97 Janis/Dave Kriesher
Rambo aka Bear, The Black, Ramus in Pajamas Border Collie Lab Mix 10/15/96-07/30/09 Shirley, Joe and Christopher
Rambo aka Ramie German Shepherd Cross 02/28/96-01/01/05 Michaela Drumm
Rambo Beagle 04/90-08/03/98 Carolyn Cavanaugh
Rambo Beagle 8 1/2 years 08/03/98 Carolyn & Biill
Rambo Bichon 07/04/85-06/05/99 Darlend
Rambo Bichon Frise 05/16/01 Lois & Mike Keith
Rambo Black & White Shorthair Cat 09/01/99-09/28/09 Anita & Tim Jones
Rambo Black and White Cat 18 years 06/01/03 Shawn Barbella
Rambo Black Lab 11/08/08-06/02/13 Sue, Murray & Steph
Rambo Black Long Hair Cat 24 1/2 years 06/02/09 Frank Slider
Rambo Blue Point Siamese Cat 01/09/85-03/06/04 Janice Tyler
Rambo Border Collie Mix 08/13/93-12/28/04 Nancy R Gale
Rambo Bower Yorkie 02/13/86-04/08/02 Chris,Steven and Stephanie
Rambo Brown Basset 03/24/93-09/24/05 Linda Varon
Rambo Brown Chihuahua 9 years 01/01/07 Hollie Brown
Rambo Burmese Cross Cat 18 years 01/04/11 Ian Rountree
Rambo Cat 01/10/08 Nickie Sumner
Rambo Cat 04/06/86-11/13/03 Debbie Cortes
Rambo Cat 07/04/05-02/22/11 Brittany
Rambo Cat 07/09/90-07/16/90 Shelley Terrill
Rambo Cat 07/10/02-02/16/04 Rita Simões
Rambo Cat 08/25/98-02/20/05 Regina and Kurt
Rambo Cat 10/2008-01/16/11 Valerie Martinez
Rambo Cat 13 years 05/15/01 Sharleene
Rambo Cat 15 years 04/12/05 Bill Turpin
Rambo Cat 18 years 10/31/05 Nancy Piper and The Staff Of Ramgfp
Rambo Chihuahua 01/07/90-01/10/05 Kathy
Rambo Chihuahua 05/08/97-08/24/06 Lynn Hantz
Rambo Chihuahua 07/28/92-02/08/02 Pat, David, and Sarah
Rambo Chihuahua 10/15/01-12/29/09 Jennifer Voltattorni
Rambo Chixmix Dog 01/04/02-02/12/09 Bud and Joy
Rambo Chocolate Labrador 04/22/09-07/01/22 Missy Cagle & Carter Peeler
Rambo Chow Mix 13 years 07/23/99 Michael Walker & Family
Rambo Chow Shepherd Mix 09/08/03-02/28/13 Sharon & Eric Garthwaite
Rambo Chow/Dal Mix 12 years 06/29/03 Michelle
Rambo Cockapoo 02/14/86-1992 Liz B
Rambo Cockapoo 14 years 05/26/98 Linda
Rambo Cockatiel 10/01/88-03/15/03 Sherry and Brian Curry
Rambo Cocker Spaniel 05/20/92-01/19/06 Penny & Kevin Barr
Rambo Collie/Retriever Mix 05/23/87-05/24/04 Dee Kull
Rambo Craner Shitzu 2007-05/21/20 John & Sharron Craner
Rambo Cream Cat 11 years 06/13/00 JoAnne
Rambo Dachshund 07/17/91-09/03/05 Pamela
Rambo Dachshund 12 1/2 years 08/23/04 Millie Barbi
Rambo DLH Tiger Stripe Cat 05/85-04/07/98 Janet
Rambo Doberman 02/94-11/15/01 Tina Krasniak
Rambo Dog 04/12/88-08/17/05 Julianne Booth
Rambo Dog 11/30/10 Lidi April Erazo
Rambo Dog 12/19/95-04/10/07 Paul Scott
Rambo Dog 26/11/89-25/02/06 Manish P Asrani
Rambo Domestic Cat 12/22/87-02/02/04 Nancy
Rambo Domestic Cat 2002-09/14/09 Esther Roberts
Rambo Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/2010-02/20/11 Judy Chan
Rambo DSH Cat 12/29/11 Gary & Shelly Leblanc
Rambo Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster 2 years 05/04/08 Anita and Robert
Rambo Edlin Yorkshire Terrier 03/12/87-03/01/03 Barbara & Paul
Rambo Fiorini Toy Poodle 05/09/98 Claudia Fiorini
Rambo Fox Terrier 16 years 01/27/00 Barbara & Kim Turpin
Rambo Foxy-Doxy 06/96-10/96 Mama
Rambo German Shepherd 11 years 12/06/05 Pam Morgan
Rambo Golden Retriever 05/17/90-05/14/05 Joel and Tammy
Rambo Golden Retriever 14 years 07/10/98 Bette Batstone
Rambo Green Cheeked Conure 5 years 02/2005 Jenny
Rambo Holmes Siberian Husky 08/08/91-07/31/04 Gayle
Rambo Hudspith Golden Retriever 04/05/99-10/07/10 Barbara Hudspith
Rambo Husky 17 years 06/06/04 Matt, Ann & Danny Price, Scooby, Cocoa, Daphne & Booboo
Rambo J Licious Maine Coon Cat 12/22/00-08/08/09 Todd & Georgia Burgess
Rambo Jack Russell Terrier 10/10/04-15/10/10 Pieter Earle
Rambo Jr Doberman 05/25/90-10/15/95 David & Kathy Bruni
Rambo Keeshond 10/30/05 David Smith
Rambo Kupfer Terrier Mix 01/13/97-03/08/16 Mary Kupfer
Rambo Lab Mix 06/01/87-01/24/02 Cathy Edwards
Rambo Lab/ Border Collie Mix 10/15/96-07/30/09 The Keogh's
Rambo Lab-Gs 61/2 years 13th September 2007 Sujatha Ravishankar
Rambo Labrador Retriever 08/15/94-10/21/04 Susan King
Rambo Lhasa Apso and Labrador Retriever 17 years 12/19/07 Miyuki, Sonoe Jin
Rambo Lobo Gineman Labrador Retriever 11 years 11/01/09 Teresa Ann Gineman
Rambo Maine Coon Cat 08/01/91-10/19/07 Chris Craig
Rambo Maltese 04/29/89-08/31/00 Marsha Adams
Rambo Maltese 10/28/98-05/05/12 Rambo
Rambo Maltipoo 14 years 02/04/21 Mari
Rambo Marie (Rainbo) 03/4 Coyote 1/4 Aust. Shepherd 06/14/86-02/04/99 Maria Ehrhardt
Rambo Marinucci Tabby Cat 05/15/93-11/18/04 Jennifer
Rambo Min Pin 9 years 01/14/12 Angie
Rambo Miniature American Eskimo Dog 01/01/00-07/09/11 John R. Ortiz
Rambo Miniature Dachshund 10/86-09/08/01 Kathleen, Ron and Drew Cohen
Rambo Mini-Doxie 11/24/06-08/29/10 Melissa, Randy, and Olivia
Rambo Mix Cat 03/13/88-03/05/05 Barbara Mantegari
Rambo Mixed Breed Dog 07/03/84-08/16/99 Ronald & Claire Clutter
Rambo Mixed Collie Golden Retriever 09/89-05/10/05 Elizabeth Vallet
Rambo Mixed Dog 06/22/84-09/22/99 Mark and CJ
Rambo Mixed Dog 09/06/86-09/08/98 Kim Reynolds
Rambo Mixed Dog 11/17/91-02/25/04 Kim and Bill Scarbrough
Rambo Mixed Dog 12 years 07/20/05 Amy Roberts
Rambo Notaro Tabby Cat 11/17/95-11/22/13 Anna Notaro
Rambo Orange & White Tabby Cat 9 years 02/15/93 Kathryn
Rambo Orange Tabby Cat 06/15/89-10/23/07 Emily Berveiler
Rambo Orange Tabby Cat 19 years 03/09/06 Michelle Farmer
Rambo Pekinese 05/04/89-04/05/99 Susana
Rambo Pembroke Welsh Corgi 11/16/94-03/17/09 Flori Bernal
Rambo Perea Chow Shepherd Mix 17 years 07/01/08 Mary Jo and Cirilo Perea
Rambo Persian Cat 08/22/90-02/14/04 Christina Manossis
Rambo Persian Cat 12/87-02/09/04 Marilyn
Rambo Pit Bull 05/15/08 Carol Mueller
Rambo Pitbull 08/05/03 Abe & Eli McCowan
Rambo Pollack Black Lab 07/26/07-10/16/13 Shelly Pollack
Rambo Pomeranian 14 years 02/10/98 Aidan and Claire Johnston/Christian Bowie
Rambo Pomeranian 16 years 12/31/12 Kay Sandifer
Rambo Pomeranian/Chi 05/05/96-02/22/07 Margaret
Rambo Pratter Labrador Retriever 10 months 02/26/08 Tiffany Pratter
Rambo Ret./Shep Mix 03/30/85-07/30/94 Jeff Lysiak
Rambo Rhodesian Ridgeback/Shepherd 06/16/05-08/16/12 Ann and Mark Bates
Rambo Rott/Mastif/Pit 7 years 11/21/08 Faye & Elie Courson
Rambo Rottweiler 09/02/92-07/20/06 Diane Ouimet
Rambo Rottweiler 09/10/92-07/20/06 Diane Ouimet
Rambo Rottweiler 10/19/92-09/02/96 Denise and Jed Winer
Rambo Rottweiler 12 years 11/26/05 Lisa Roberts
Rambo Rottweiler 8 1/2 06/23/94 Guy Pascale
Rambo Schnoodle/Shih-Tzu 07/29/95-06/19/09 Diane Buttita
Rambo Scottish Terrier 04/17/92-12/09/00 W
Rambo Sheltie 07/03/87-05/02/94 Cassie
Rambo Shep/Lab Mix 03/85-06/17/96 Ellen Mari
Rambo Shih Tzu 04/09/90-09/05/08 Shariann
Rambo Shih Tzu 11/25/05-10/18/07 Johnna
Rambo Shih Tzu 15 or 16 years 11/20/11 John & Angie Amerine
Rambo Shih-Tzu 02/18/88-09/23/03 Jacque & Bill Askins
Rambo Short Hair Domestic Cat 17 years 08/01/02 Robin
Rambo Shorthair Cat 2008-08/02/10 Joyce Myers
Rambo Siamese/Himalayan Cat 16 years 07/15/04 Charles & Betty Jo Leonard
Rambo Siberian Husky 05/05/18 Shelley and Dan Taylor
Rambo Silky Toy Terrier 03/17/86-12/01/99 A. Shepherd
Rambo Silver Tabby Cat 18+ years 01/2007 Otis and Betty Allen
Rambo St. Bernard 11/08/88-03/19/96 John and Natalie Salata
Rambo Standard Black & Tan Dachshund12 1/2 12 1/2 years 08/23/04 Millie Barbo
Rambo Tabby Cat 03/15/94-03/09/05 Debbie Austin
Rambo Tabby Cat 04/10/88-08/19/02 Barbara Call
Rambo Tabby Cat 05/05/92-11/18/04 Jennifer Marinucci
Rambo Tabby Cat 06/86-02/06/04 Ryan Russell
Rambo Tabby Cat 12/22/06 Robert Wilczynski
Rambo Tabby Cat 15 years 01/16/13 Mary
Rambo Tabby Short Hair Cat 06/05/92-12/22/06 Robert Wilczynski
Rambo Toy Poodle 06/06/90-10/17/00 Debbra Brooks
Rambo Toy Poodle 14 years 01/99 Donna and Donn
Rambo Valentino Lynch Basset Hound 01/23/09-09/17/11 Sally & Jack
Rambo White and Grey Tabby Cat 07/2003-05/10/06 Sylvia
Rambo White Short Haired Cat 02/05/86-08/19/01 Scott & Richard
Rambo Yellow Lab 10/01/94-03/14/99 CM Reynolds
Rambo Yorkie 04/07/02 Chris
Rambo Yorkie 07/13/95-07/07/02 Steve/terri Gonyou
Rambo Yorkshire Terrier 02/11/87-05/28/00 Rosemarie, Craig and Dominique
Rambo Yorkshire Terrier 02/11/91-01/26/05 Judy
Rambo Yorkshire Terrier 06/98-07/2010 Blanca Diaz
Rambo Yorkshire Terrier 09/29/86-11/13/93 Lisa Dorman
Rambolette Persian Cat 06/03/95-06/03/12 Gerda Stuyck & Marcel Osier
Ramby Yorkshire Terrier 05/09/07 Alesha
Rameses Beagle Mix 14 years 05/31/11 Meg Cleary
Rameses Lhasa Apso 07/03/03-01/06/16 Isaiah Arribas
Rameus Siberian Husky 12/02/00 Randall Schoonover
Ramey German Shepherd 12 years 02/08/00 Brenna Thompson
Rameys Wonder Bar (Ramey) Quarter Horse 01/12/79-10/31/03 Kelly Legault
Rameys Wonder Bar aka Ramey, Mama, Grandma American Quarter Horse 01/12/79-10/31/03 Kelly Legault
Rami Oriental Chocolate Spotted Siamese Cat 11/20/10 Florence
Ramie Domestic Short Hair White Cat 03/25/84-09/19/98 Judith & Stephen
Ramious Domestic Gray Brown Tiger Cat 15 years 07/07/04 Anthony Skoien
Ramis Twyborn Longleat Whippet 03/19/97-08/21/07 Mia Westerlund
Ramius Borzoi 08/08/00-04/24/11 Lisa Gilbert
Ramius Cat 8 years MoparMeade
Ramius Pu Yi Shiba Inu 03/05/04 Ron & Beverly Braunsky
Ramkitty Cat 06/14/92-07/28/10 Sheri Connor
Rammel Vincent Valentine Short Haired Domestic Cat 2007-04/11/14 C.G.B.
Rammie Domestic Long Hair Cat 06/01/93-08/24/08 Marlene & Howard Kelley
Ramo Siamese Cat 2 years, 8 months 10/07/99 Tony Saba
Ramon Kitten 2 months 2009 Tricia Bailey
Ramona Bobtail 17/09/95-30/04/10 Carolina Olaya
Ramona Calico Cat 05/22/02-02/19/07 Kathy Pendleton
Ramona Cat 07/04/88-12/22/06 Mike Erickson
Ramona Cat 12 03/4 years 06/18/05 Karen Hugo
Ramona Chocolate Labrador Retriever 10 1/2 years 04/27/07 Barbara Keith
Ramona Cocker Spaniel 01/07/08 Rebecca and Steve
Ramona Red Fox Gerbil 06/01/02-11/28/05 Kylee Dickey
Ramona Shih Tzu 01/01/94-06/26/07 Stephanie R
Ramona Siamese Cat 08/01/91-10/17/11 Laura Petrella
Ramona Tabby Cat 07/04/95-07/26/11 Mary
Ramone & Gypsy Cats 1995 & 1997 to 07/19/11 Pam Williams
Ramone American Black Cat 06/16/95-07/18/09 Christine Valentor
Ramone Domestic Semi Long Haired Cat 12/16/93-03/09/10 Desiree Madysn Zee
Ramone Dutch Rabbit 01/15/01-06/17/10 Heather
Ramone Russian Blue Cat 13 years 01/15/15 Kabir Bakie
Ramos Von Corckhausen Belgian Malinois 08/25/00-06/27/12 Gary & Val (Jennings) Hotchkin
Ramp Rat Chinchilla 08/05/07 Alan W Sintef
Rampage Cat 06/07/00 Lynne
Rampage Doxie 10 years Joe and Amy
Rampage Tabby Cat 06/07/00 Lynne
Rampart S. Millstein Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/01/96-10/19/17 Dan Millstein
Ramsay Lopez Cat 11/18/08 Nicole Lopez
Ramsay Simpkin Yorkshire Terrier 16 years 24/01/06 Julie Simpkin
Ramses Cat 14 years 01/25/04 Nicole & Kevin Pech
Ramses Cat 8 years 10/03/00 Esther & Terry
Ramses Cocker Spaniel 08/23/94-05/05/07 Madalena Hutcheson
Ramses Dingo/German Shepherd 7 years 02/19/00 Diego and Susan Rea
Ramses Domestic Cat 04/01/95-04/27/10 Ruby Dragin
Ramses Domestic Short Hair Cat 16 years 01/03/15 John Lundin
Ramses Gray Tabby Cat 7 years 12/26/12 Mary Mastrolia
Ramses Keeshond 02/98-05/17/10 Miranda Lantern
Ramses Kitty Boy Abby Cat 12/29/93-05/30/99 Cathy
Ramses Pech Cat 14 years 01/25/04 Nicole & Kevin
Ramses Pound Adopted Cat 11/26/93-01/19/05 Mel Mathews
Ramses Rat 01/01/06-09/02/08 Ramses
Ramses Rottweiler 04/02/84-05/26/99 Lubke
Ramses Rottweiler 04/96-01/12/06 Misty Payne, Josh Beebe
Ramses Scottie 09/13/96-04/25/05 Ben J. Huddleston
Ramses, The King Possibly Bombay Black Cat 1996-11/28/04 Laurie
Ramsey Basenji 01/30/02-08/24/12 Jennifer
Ramsey Bichon Frise 15 years 12/11/04 Robin Butler
Ramsey Budgie 2001-05/15/06 Gina
Ramsey Campbell Jack Russell Terrier 12 years 09/26/10 Andrea Ramos
Ramsey Cat 04/01/99-04/20/00 Debbie Goodman
Ramsey Cat 13 years 2004 Liverworth
Ramsey Cat 4 years October 1994 Amy Carrasco
Ramsey Doberman 12/16/05-11/04/06 Kate
Ramsey Dog 07/05/06 Brad
Ramsey Dog 17 years 09/19/81-09/28/98 Lynne
Ramsey Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/15/98-03/21/06 Dori
Ramsey Golden Retriever 06/01/88-11/26/03 Sheila & Dee
Ramsey Great Dane/Saint Bernard 06/29/89-09/02/98 Ruth
Ramsey Greyhound 10 years 05/30/99 Carol Devine
Ramsey Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Ramsey Mix Shepherd/Shiba Inu 01/14/93-05/03/07 Cecilia Galdones, Paolo Galdone
Ramsey Mutt 04/21/98-02/05/07 Megan
Ramsey Pomeranian 15 years 09/26/02 Lynda
Ramsey Sagner Mini Dachshund 07/26/92-09/23/06 Jackie Sagner
Ramsey Snowshoe Cat 3 years 05/22/09 Susie Q
Ramsie White Lab 01/08/04-05/10/07 Courtney and Dave Robinson
Ramsis Gray and White Cat 08/03/08-05/03/23 Achraf and Helga
Ramzee Lurcher 12/06/14 Beatrice and Steven A
Rana Cat Brown Tiger 12/78-09/30/97 Loren Jenkins
Rana Dog 8 1/2 years 01/19/12 Naga Valli
Rana Saluki 03/28/87-04/07/98 Everett
Rana Sphynx Cat 12/17/98-10/12/08 Sheila and Bob Chaffecombe
Ranch Ferret 06/15/19-10/15/23 Manar
Ranchand Lookin for Goldust - Dusty Shetland Sheepdog 11/95-05/25/05 Vicky and Bob Henderson
Rancid Dog 05/17/03-10/27/09 Marisa Martinez
Randad Dog 06/20/00 Gail
Randal Bichon Frise 09/03/94-05/10/04 Cricket Laszlo
Randall Airdale 09/12/94-02/08/03 Louis, Mary, Melissa & Chris
Randall Bichon 09/03/94-05/19/04 Cricket Laszlo
Randall Black Domestic Lh Cat 12/06/00 Carol Vail
Randall Cairn Terrier 03/25/92-02/27/08 Judy Koscinski
Randall Domestic Longhair Cat 13 years 12/06/00 Carol Vail
Randall Laszlo Bichon Frise 09/04/94-05/19/04 Cricket Laszlo
Randall Nichols Border Collie 14 years 07/28/00 D. Nichols
Randall Scott Huyer Siamese Cat 07/20/97-06/22/06 Andrea Geiger
Randaven Mixed Dog 1 year June Cattell
Randi Black Lab/German Shepherd Mix 01/05/96-03/28/11 Sonya Ka
Randi Calico Cat 04/01/83-08/24/02 Barb
Randi Cat 04/03/85-06/26/98 Nancy and Gary
Randi Chihuahua 07/27/03-10/16/07 Clay & June Williams
Randi Cunningham Jr. aka:Princess puppy of navarone Mutt 04/01/96-01/11/11 Wil H
Randi German Shepherd 02/2000-11/08/10 Giulietta Kneidel
Randi Jay Sigler Bichon Frise 10/07/91-03/24/08 The Sigler Family
Randi Lab 09/10/07 Gabby
Randi Lab Mix 1993-2007 Cheryl, Kristen, Eric, Rob
Randi Lynn Reed Miniature Dachshund 07/12/91-11/07/06 James A. Reed, Michael A. Elliott & Dirk J. Trampert
Randi Min Pin 2 years 09/28/03 Nancy and Joe
Randi Mini Schnauzer 01/06/96-10/31/97 Tammy
Randi Mixed Dog 04/01/91-05/16/05 Karen & Rick Marston
Randi Railey Mixed Dog 14 years 09/05/06 Kay Railey
Randi Westie 01/31/91-06/22/01 Eric & Ivan Lonschein, Steve Christner, Ernie Galyen and doggie sisters Coco and Callie
Randie Montana Australian Cattle Dog/Aust. Shepherd Spring 1994-01/10/05 Debbie and Annie Evenson
Randolph Dog November 1995 Best friends Animal Sanctuary
Randolph DSH Cat 01/02/02 Mary Daniels
Randolph Fancy Rat 01/07/13-10/23/14 Matt, Amanda, and Lillian
Randolph Korat Cat 4 years 07/12/04 Michael and Carolyn Wagner
Randolph Newfoundland 11/11/95-01/17/04 Patty and Gerry Lane
Randolph Scott Black Siamese/Tabby Cat 08/18/81-04/28/99 Sheila A. Scott
Random DSH Cat 04/20/89-09/06/05 Dan and Kathi Wilson
Random Ferret 1998-06/23/06 Jeffrey & Karen Williams
Random Numbers (Randy) Orange Tabby Cat 06/05/88-11/24/03 Dan, Sarah, Robert and Eric Hoyt
Random Persian Mix Cat 06/2005-11/19/10 Dixie
Random Sable Ferret 3 years 04/09/04 Apryl
Random Tiger Cat 06/10/02-05/15/13 Dorothy
Random's Liebchen Shandy Miniature Schnauzer 08/13/85-1997 Christina Simpson
Randon Armond 'Randy' Miniature Poodle 04/28/90-12/10/08 Cassie Peskor
Randy (Little Blubber Man) Chihuahua 12 years 09/05/00 Barbara Lee
Randy Beagle 03/19/92-04/02/08 Carol Simonelli
Randy Beagle 12 years 11/07/08 Criselda Alvarado
Randy Bichon Frise 06/20/89-09/30/03 Jane & David Karklin
Randy Blue Great Dane 06/15/90-04/22/00 Sarah J. Van Bibber
Randy Blue Russian Cat 11 years 03/04/12 Heather
Randy 'Boo Bear' French Bulldog 12 years 11/07/11 Bill & Nicole
Randy Cat 09/28/98-01/09/03 Molly and Anthony Ridenhour
Randy Cat 4 years 10/31/02 Sagi
Randy Cat 4 years and 4 mos 12/04/99 Christine
Randy Chihuahua 08/15/90-07/09/08 Laura Rincon
Randy Chinese Shar-Pei 4 years Evelyn
Randy Chow Mix 07/01/90-02/02/05 Lisa Evans
Randy Cockapoo 06/28/83-1998 Lynne
Randy Cockapoo 17 years 1997 Gwynn
Randy Cocker Spaniel 12/21/84-10/15/99 Carolyn Hendra
Randy Corvino American Short Hair Cat 10 years 04/04/06 Debbi and Dana Corvino Madonia
Randy Dog 02/17/96-09/20/12 Cathleen
Randy DSH Cat 10 years 11/21/15 Jill, Kai, Katherine, and Ian Harvey / Greg & Brandon Nagle
Randy English Setter 04/29/98 Bonnie Girard
Randy English Setter 07/12/97-07/01/09 Kathleen & Tim
Randy Golden Retriever 14 years 12/10/97 Fran Bosnick
Randy Golden Retriever 15 years 12/10/97 Fran Bosnick
Randy Guinea Pig 4 years 03/05/11 Carrie L.Davis
Randy Hairless Chinese Crested Dog 09/21/08-05/24/13 Mom and Rex
Randy Jo Lhasa Apso 10/14/96-07/10/06 Cheryl Cleveland
Randy Ka Dandy Orange & White Short Hair Cat 12/24/04-03/06/08 Joan Munroe
Randy Keeshond 09/03/91-07/06/03 Dennis Murray
Randy Kitty 12/00 Minner
Randy Maxwell Cocker Spaniel 10/25/95-08/21/09 Erica Oliver
Randy Mix Breed Dog 08/02/99-07/13/11 Cheri Tomaino
Randy Old English Mastiff 5 April 1998 Dawn Mantle
Randy Pomeranian 1993-06/18/09 Mirute
Randy Poodle 03/04/93-10/04/07 Jeff, Jennifer, Stephanie and Elizabeth
Randy Poodle/Dachshund Mix 12 years 1997 Austin and Sandy Macisaac, Beverly Erickson
Randy Pup Terrier 09/05/90-04/14/03 John and Lee
Randy Rat Terrier 11 years 07/31/14 Debbie Adams
Randy Rhoades Cat 09/83-05/03/01 Margaret Oconnor
Randy Rottweiler 09/93-11/12/03 Corine and Wes Peterson
Randy Sheltie 18 years 03/20/04 Mike Wilkinson
Randy Sheltie 19 years 07/03/09 Keri and Drew Broussard
Randy Shepherd Mix 10/08/84-07/27/00 Caitlin and Lance Gardner
Randy Shetland Sheepdog 12 1/2 years 11/21/97 Joan and Jeff Shields
Randy Short-Hair Tuxedo Cat 09/13/12 Allie
Randy Siberian Husky 18 years 09/19/98 Cindy
Randy Springer Spaniel 03/17/94-02/18/09 Griffith King, Ellen King
Randy Terrier 02/04/72-02/27/88 Rhonda Hughes
Randy Travis Collie 08/31/90-10/2003 Sally Gaines
Randy Travis Tritt Golden Retriever 04/15/96-04/2008 Linda and Roger Clark
Randy Weimaraner 10/30/72-09/14/85 Frank Dolinski
Randy Westie 04/30/92-12/15/07 Melanie
Randy White Poodle 04/18/84-05/27/99 Carolina Guilarte
Randy Wylie-Hartzog Lhasa Apso 05/01/89-12/25/05 Lisa Wylie-Hartzog
Randy Yorkshire Terrier 11/25/88-09/06/03 George & Yvette Armenteros
Randy, Johnnie, Puff, Freddie, Punkin, Annabelle, Samantha Jane, Xander, Sunshine Bright-Eyes, Toby, Pip, Alexandra, Buddy, Cleo-Patra, Enya, Coco Bean, Mona Lisa, Schuyler, Lizzy, Kitten Angel Cats 09/03/04 Gloria
Randy's Sax Lady On The Run aka Saxy Doberman Pinscher 05/31/02-09/11/05 Mary-Aileen and Randy Richardson
Rane Black Lab 12/17/12 Jennifer Duckworth
Rangatang Orange DSH Cat 10 years 06/07/11 Linda Kirby
Ranger - Our Angel Golden Retriever 9 years 10/28/05 The Kammerers
Ranger 05/29/75-03/11/93 Brian Thorn
Ranger aka Bubby Australian Shepherd 04/24/97-11/08/09 Sharon Lee Blondy Brinkley
Ranger Alaskan Husky 08/12/99-06/30/99 Paul Wells
Ranger Appy Horse 04/17/10 Susan Bort
Ranger Australian Shepherd 01/23/12 Bill / Gaelle
Ranger Australian Shepherd 07/04/96-04/06/09 Karen Redman
Ranger Australian Shepherd/Border Collie 02/14/00-02/22/07 Roxane Kerr
Ranger Basset Hound 3 years 12/31/06 Pam Buckingham
Ranger Beagle 04/01/93-08/01/01 Debra Caldwell
Ranger Beagle 11 years 01/26/12 Kathy Drawdy
Ranger Beagle 11/03/02-09/13/13 Jill Strehl
Ranger Belgian Malinois X 05/04/91-03/26/99 Barb
Ranger Best Friends Animal Society
Ranger Black Lab 12 1/2 years 07/18/06 Joseph McMahon
Ranger Black Lab Mix 15 years 10/2005 Sarah
Ranger Black Lab/Queensland 03/23/04-02/28/18 Kate Wallen
Ranger Black Lab/Shepherd Mix 12/15/98-01/23/03 Melissa Forsburg and Andy Jackson
Ranger Black Labrador 03/28/01-10/25/08 The Della Bellas
Ranger Black Star Siberian Husky 09/14/99-07/24/11 Susan Griffin
Ranger Blue Heeler 12/27/15-04/05/16 Bonnie Plane
Ranger Border Collie 06/17/04-08/21/04 Katie
Ranger Boston Terrier 07/16/91-11/14/03 Tina Haley
Ranger Brittany 14 years 03/18/06 Diane
Ranger Brittany 8 years 11/11/07 Will and Ann Rine
Ranger Brooks Siberian Husky 09/14/96-05/20/09 Rebecca Brooks
Ranger Cat 09/09/00-04/14/04 Rhonda
Ranger Cat 13 years 10/16/96 Allison Blau
Ranger Cat 2 years 11/05/99 Paul & Lisa Louie
Ranger Cat 3 years 06/25/04 Peggy
Ranger Chihuahua/Pug 05/19/04-08/27/14 Devorah Young
Ranger Chocolate Lab 01/19/91-10/06/02 Patty and Rick Harris
Ranger Chocolate Lab 11/26/03-05/16/12 Phillip Prince
Ranger Chow Chow 09/01/97-11/18/05 Dennis & Darlyne Holt
Ranger Collie 11/16/02 Joyce Blanchard
Ranger Crouch-Caldwell Beagle 04/15/93-08/01/01 Debbie
Ranger Dachshund 08/30/11-08/06/13 Clay Potter
Ranger Dalmatian 01/10/95-10/18/08 Barone Family
Ranger Dalmation 05/13/92-06/06/02 Diana Waldheim
Ranger Dalmation 5 1/2 years 09/13/03 Vinnie Luciano
Ranger Danger Hunter Golden Retriever 7 years 05/02/13 Heather Zickafoose
Ranger Doberman 11 years 05/07/05 Robin Campbell
Ranger Doberman Pincher 05/07/05 Robin Campbell
Ranger Doberman Pincher 11 years 05/07/05 Robin
Ranger Doberman Shepherd 12 1/2 years 08/07/05 Larry & Nancy Kinder
Ranger Dog 04/05/03-04/12/16 Joanne and Larry Krull
Ranger Dog 06/24/89-03/03/99 Bruce and Catherine McGraw
Ranger Dog 10/07/07 KimW
Ranger Dog 11/30/04-05/15/10 Kari
Ranger Dog 14 years 08/25/06 Paul and Ruthann
Ranger Flat Coated Retriever 02/14/99-10/22/04 Phill & Carolyn
Ranger George German Shepherd Dog 04/01/15-08/01/16 Kathy George
Ranger German Shepherd 02/15/85-10/24/97 Sandy
Ranger German Shepherd 03/15/24 Justin and Tiana Walker
Ranger German Shepherd 04/25/07-05/18/09 Tricia Torr
Ranger German Shepherd 07/24/11 Tammy
Ranger German Shepherd 08/06/93-02/22/08 Linda Robinson
Ranger German Shepherd 09/02/09 Adriana & Dan Hudak
Ranger German Shepherd 10/13/02-12/15/07 Karlyn Veltri
Ranger German Shepherd 1997-04/30/12 Gail Palandro
Ranger German Shepherd Lab Mix 04/12/09-08/25/21 Juan Jimenez
Ranger German Shepherd Mix 8 years 03/22/05 Gail O'Rourke
Ranger German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois 08/15/05 Kathy Pintcke
Ranger German Shepherd/Husky 10/23/92-05/30/06 Angel & Nancy Vanegas
Ranger German Shepherd/Malamute Mix 07/15/95-07/13/09 Cid & Vern
Ranger Gold Retriever 05/99-03/20/04 Diane, Lorie, Marlene, & Mike
Ranger Golden 04/22/99-04/08/11 Gerri Tynan
Ranger Golden Retriever 01/18/07 Josee
Ranger Golden Retriever 04/22/99-04/08/11 Gerri Tynan
Ranger Golden Retriever 04/23/99-09/08/04 Robin, Bill, Kelly, Erin, Ryan
Ranger Golden Retriever 09/21/97-12/10/06 Linda Carrozzi
Ranger Golden Retriever 12 years 02/18/07 Candy, Jim and Haley Wilson
Ranger Granada Siberian Husky/Mix 06/20/92-08/20/02 Melissa Granada
Ranger Great Dane/German Shepherd 10/06/86-11/18/00 Terry V. Haire
Ranger Greyhound 05/16/98-03/26/07 Chris Childers & Sheril Weber
Ranger Greyhound 11/01/99-08/28/08 Sharon Forbes
Ranger Hound 2010-08/17 The Pirtle and McCombs families
Ranger Husky 07/01/95-03/22/09 Diana
Ranger Husky H.L.
Ranger Husky Lab Mix 05/29/97-05/30/11 Carlos Canales
Ranger Husky/German Shepherd Cross 13 years 01/30/01 The Janke Family
Ranger Jack Russell 08/16/97-12/04/12 Rebecca & Joe White
Ranger Jack Russell Terrier Mix 11/91-09/09/03 Ted, Diane, Jacque, and Jon
Ranger Jo English Pointer 08/03/08-10/11/16 Kim and Terry Clark
Ranger Klatt Black Labrador 6 years 10/20/06 Gina, Joe, Kara and Nick Klatt
Ranger Lab 02/28/97-12/01/07 Rena Pascuzzo
Ranger Lab 11 years 12/01/07 Rona Jackson
Ranger Lab Mix 05/11/09 Joy
Ranger Lab X 12/01/07 Rona Jackson
Ranger Lab/Chow 04/20/01-09/23/11 Shaunna Weber
Ranger Lab/Chow 11 years 08/11/09 Dawn Moore
Ranger Labrador 04/01/91-08/23/93 Laura & Pat Forbis
Ranger Labrador and Golden Retriever 02/18/93-05/19/08 John & John
Ranger Larck Mixed Dog 07/15/07-05/10/19 Allen and Melinda
Ranger Lhasa Poo 05/83-01/10/04 Bobby & Carolyn
Ranger Malcha 12/09/11-04/25/21 Sue Drummonds
Ranger Manx Cat 3 years 04/05/98 Melissa
Ranger Mixed Dog 02/28/98-02/13/09 Andy & Linda Capoccia
Ranger Nagaia Border Collie 07/19/08 Jason Nagaia
Ranger Pembroke Corgi 07/09/00-10/25/10 Sharon
Ranger Pittbull-Akita 12/24/92-01/08/05 Gordon, Allison, Ben, Lila, & Shelby Johnson
Ranger Quarterhorse 10/16/07 Dawn and Hannah Rezin
Ranger Quarterhorse 20 years 12/98 Judy Wade
Ranger Red Heeler 2 1/2 years 01/04/13 Kathryn Marquis & Hunter Jones
Ranger Rhodesian Ridgeback-Doberman Mix 11/18/83-01/26/99 Rachel
Ranger Roo Golden Retriever 06/12/92-11/15/04 Carla Cichetti
Ranger Rottweiler 09/23/95-10/03/02 David and Joni Slaughter
Ranger Rough (Mahogany) Sable Collie 11/15/02 Joyce & Gary Dozier
Ranger Scott Black Lab 03/26/01-09/16/14 Tina Scott
Ranger Scout Pembroke Welsh Corgi 01/11/01-06/08/06 Wes
Ranger Shep Mix 03/31/88-11/15/04 Joy Zebley
Ranger Shepherd 13 years 01/31/08 Bob, Deb, Chris and Kerrigan
Ranger Shepherd Mix 07/94-12/17/07 Susan
Ranger Shepherd/Chow Mix 10/96-05/29/12 Starker
Ranger Shepherd/Collie Mix 01/01/00-10/28/08 Rosemary
Ranger Shepherd/Husky 03/20/96-02/13/07 Doug, Jolyn & Klarice
Ranger Shiba Inu 11/99-06/22/11 Josh and Tera
Ranger Siberian Husky 03/06/09 Ray Jacoby
Ranger Siberian Husky 03/06/09-12/04/20 Ray Jacoby
Ranger Siberian Husky 09/28/85-03/01/00 Scott
Ranger Siberian Husky/German Shepherd 12/18/04-05/15/10 Kari, Lori, and Josh
Ranger Springer Spaniel 13 years 07/15/06 Sandy Blankenship
Ranger Stamps Retriever Mix 08/05/10 Larry and Georgette
Ranger Tabby, Orange & White Cat 12 years 08/24/18 Paul & Ranger Dametto
Ranger Toy Poodle 09/03/91-12/23/05 Vanita G
Ranger White Border Collie 1995-08/23/08 Maria H
Ranger White Wolf & Shepherd Mix 1959-1975 Jo-Ann Pochinski
Ranger Yamin Shepherd/Lab 10/17/94-05/25/06 Micki/Joe/Jay Yamin
Ranger Yellow Lab 13 years 12/29/07 Diane and Marv
Ranger Yellow Labrador 10/04/89-11/24/01 Hal
Rangeway Jack Russell 12/05/05 Karen Rando
Rango Black Cat 05/04/10-04/18/24 David Farinas
Rango Pitbull 12/13/09-12/14/11 Erin
Rani Border Collie/Kelpie 10/15/03 Sally
Rani Cocker Spaniel 12/25/89-10/30/01 Jim Rutter
Rani Desai Dog 10/01/05-03/06/18 Desai
Rani Persian/Himalayan Cat 03/21/06 Therese Miltier
Rani Siamese Seal Point Cat 12/05/85-11/15/01 Lorraine Stevenson
Ranmaru Cat 16 years 12/29/01 Kathy
Ranon Doberman 6 1/2 years 08/31/95 Christina Pierce
Ranon Great Pyr/Newfoundland 12/24/90-05/11/99 Karyn & Wayne
Ransom Bernese/Malamute 06/24/99-08/16/05 Melissa & Scott
Ransom Greyhound 13+ years 07/07/12 Lori
Ransom Lynn Bullseye Tabby Cat 08/26/00-06/18/09 Reagan Rome
Ransom's Code of Honor (Cody) Yellow Lab. 10/03/90-07/26/04 The Powell Family
Ransom's Top Gun V Richtmyer (Gunner) 03/18/88-10/07/96 Richie
Ranton Maxine Wallace English Bulldog 09/16/01-03/03/07 Alan & Skai Wallace
Raoul Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/21/09 C. Dean
Raoul Gray & White Cat 2 years 08/02/96 David & Andrea Levy
Raoul Rabbit 1 1/2 years 2000 Adeline Lehmann
Raoul Rat 03/25/10 Coralie
Rap Rabbits Squirmy Butt Bunny Mini Lop Rabbit 11/17/00-09/11/04 Peggy Prosser
Rapala Labrador Retriever 01/06/98-07/06/09 Bill and Mischelle Abts
Rapha Boxer 12/97-09/2005 Sheila Noren
Raphael aka Darling Ragdoll Cat 18/02/05-04/02/19 Lee Ellis
Raphael Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/03/06-01/31/22 Anthony Farr
Raphael Miniature Dachshund 10/29/95-09/26/97 Mallory
Raphael Mouse 10/22/99-03/14/00 Stephanie
Raphael Ragdoll Cat 03/12/04-05/09/18 Judy Yeager
Raphael Shetland Sheepdog 04/02/98-01/07/99 Angie Weitkamp
Raphael Siamese Cat 08/27/89-02/10/01 Robert Kohler
Raphael Suriner Lab/Dane Mix 14 years 02/21/04 Jo Anne Blackstone
Raphael Terrier-Feist Mix 11 years 06/26/00 Indica
Raphaella Cat 2010 Patricia Giannascoli
Rapitone Cat 07/13/12 Hayuru
Rapper Red-Brindle Greyhound 10/01/93-01/11/03 Alyson Wieland
Rapture Black Lab Shepherd Mix 11/22/01-05/22/11 Allison Huber
Rapunzel Calico Cat 05/26/85-03/18/05 Susan & Jerry
Rapunzel Cat 06/11/97 Barbara Gundvaldsen and Jo
Rapunzel DSH Cat 5 years 09/11/21 Danielle Bord
Rapunzel Gabee Ann 07/09/97-09/12/98 Chelsea Goney
Rapunzel Puggle 6 months 07/24/14 Reed
Rapunzel Russian Blue Cat 12 years 02/03/99 Cat Dellavalle
Rapunzle DSH Cat 1993-1999 Rebecca Sanford
Raq Collie 12 years 10/19/09 Lizi
Raquel Cockapoo 11/15/05-10/28/14 Aly Ricci
Raquel Finnish Spitz 01/19/93-02/29/08 Megan Quinlan
Raquel Iguana 09/01/98-10/14/00 Susan Lang
Raquel Tabby Cat 10/13/08 Karen Mansfield
Raquel Tinklebell Persian Pewter Cat 07/05/90-11/24/03 Ophelia Ho
Ras (Rascal) Longhaired Cat 08/13/97 Cheryl Schultz
Rasa Guinea Pig 3 years 04/29/11 Ivan Minic
Rasberry Gina
Rasbutent Tabby Cat 15 years 06/15/04 Jenna Hanna
Rasca Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/2004-06/03/11 Susan Barry
Rascal - Rasco Peco, Rasc, Man of Tan, Fuzz Red Tabby Cat 05/29/86-01/28/04 The Coffman Family
Rascal (Adandy Keepsake) Paint Horse gelding 02/13/94-09/10/03 Sharon Richards
Rascal (Big Buddy) Cockapoo Cross 05/10/07 George & Rejeanne Gallant
Rascal (Nottoway's Rajah Rascal) Devon Rex Cat 07/16/95-01/28/04 Lisa & Bruce Franklin & Rebel & Brie
Rascal (Rat) Chihuahua 13 years 1987 Linda & Charles Tripp
Rascal 05/09/89-07/01/94 Jennifer Jewell
Rascal 05/13/93 Anne Forte
Rascal 05/31/91 Brandon Allen
Rascal 15 years Pat
Rascal Abyssinian Cat 07/14/92-06/16/07 Laurel A. Haig
Rascal Abyssinian Guinea Pig 10/04/06 Jeremy & Karen Wilson
Rascal Abyssinian Guinea Pig 3 years 07/17/06 Arlene & James Huseltine
Rascal Acanfora Shepherd/Miniature Collie Mix 02/14/93-10/07/02 Kelly
Rascal Airedale Terrier 05/02/00-02/19/07 Georgeann Heckman
Rascal American Bobtail Cat 10/2003-02/18/09 Kelly Taylor, Virgil Lyons, and Cole Lyons
Rascal American Mix Dog Arthur F Sintef II
Rascal American Shorhair Cat 07/14/99 Steve Behr
Rascal American Shorthair Cat 08/04/96-02/28/03 Donna Izzo
Rascal American Shorthair Cat 10/12/93-03/16/07 Marie Chanowitz
Rascal and Bear Chow & Chow Mix 6 & 2 years 01/97 Sherry
Rascal and Lupe Greencheek Conures 05/01/05-08/09/07 Deanne
Rascal Apricot Toy Poodle 06/01/93-01/15/03 Karen & Mike Bowman
Rascal ASH Cat 02/15/93-09/09/09 Rita and Berta
Rascal Australian Shepherd 03/02/95-12/31/01 Shawn Cassidy
Rascal Australian Shepherd 03/11/95-03/26/11 Rene, Wes, Katielee, Cortney
Rascal Australian Shepherd 09/28/98-12/05/06 Carolyn Webb
Rascal Australian Shepherd 09/28/98-12/05/06 Peter and Carolyn Webb
Rascal Australian Shepherd 12 years 06/16/08 Mary Deller
Rascal Balinese/Javanese White Hair, Red Point, Blue Eyed Cat 05/01/88-11/09/06 James and Victoria Vanaman
Rascal Bassett/Beagle Mix 13 years 01/97 Mike
Rascal Beagle 01/17/01-09/08/06 Angie and Stan Scibek
Rascal Beagle 04/27/92-02/17/06 J.Carlson
Rascal Beagle 06/01/97-11/28/11 Stacy
Rascal Beagle 09/22/92-07/09/02 Ellen Fano
Rascal Beagle 12 years 09/05/10 Paul
Rascal Beagle 16 years 03/15/12 Cindy Hayes
Rascal Beagle Mix 09/01/14-08/18/17 The Powell Family
Rascal Beagle/Dach X Spring 1998-04/15/02 Stacie Beard
Rascal Berkshire Rat 11/15/02-05/14/05 Sherri Zuber
Rascal Bichon Friese 11/08/08 Nicola Coughlan
Rascal Bichon Frise 09/18/96-02/14/11 Donna & John
Rascal Bichon Frise 14 years 08/08/04 Wendy Miller
Rascal Bichon Frise 18 years 07/23/10 Dorothea Colangelo
Rascal Bichon Frise 7 months 12/12/06 Rose-Ellen and Tyler
Rascal Black American Shorthair Cat 8 years 08/30/10 Karen Barnes
Rascal Black and White Cat 18 years 11/22/03 Peter White
Rascal Black Chow 2 1/2 years 05/13/99 Dianne Swayne
Rascal Black Lab/Pointer 06/05/02-06/29/07 Katy, David, DJ, Karen, Daniel and Kirsten
Rascal Black Labrador Retriever 13 years 11/11/08 Jeremy Hart
Rascal Black Miniature Schnauzer 12/21/90-10/28/05 Joan and Erich Kost
Rascal Black Polydactyl Or Hemingway Cat 02/2011-01/14/13 Samantha Trumpy, Michael Bartlett
Rascal Blue Shadow Sheltie 12 1/2 years 07/02/04 Jean Gardner
Rascal Border Collie 04/10/93-03/16/07 Karen Sue Irons
Rascal Border Collie 06/01/92-01/22/04 Daniel Duprat
Rascal Border Collie 06/17/95-07/10/08 Wanda
Rascal Border Collie/Belgian Shepherd 07/24/98-06/15/09 Gordon & Marilyn Bowie
Rascal Border Collie/Husky 05/18/94-12/21/03 Melinda, Jonathan, Amber, Will, Peggy
Rascal Border Terrier 17 1/2 years 1999 Penny & Bill Mott
Rascal Boston Terrier 08/08/93-05/05/07 Dennis
Rascal Boston Terrier 13 1/2 years 01/14/08 Michael and Laura Shulse
Rascal Boxer 11/05/99-09/07/06 Nancy
Rascal Bri Ware German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 05/11/06 Mark, Susan, Sean & Katie Ware
Rascal Brill American Staffordshire Terrier 01/21/94-02/28/07 Bob Brill
Rascal Brittany Mix 16 years 01/28/05 Judy Bishop
Rascal Brittany spaniel 02/15/96-06/26/97 Patrice Hartigan
Rascal Brown Tabby Maine Coon Cat 10/12/91-14/23/99 Carly Wood
Rascal Buckshot Shi Tzu 08/16/04 Cindy Starcher
Rascal Cairn Terrier 7 years 10 Feb. 2010 Rascal's Mom
Rascal Cairn Terrier/Toy Fox 03/87-01/18/02 Jerre, Doylene, Whitney, & Blythe
Rascal Cat 01/30/10 Jennifer
Rascal Cat 02/25/00-06/22/01 Jessica Wallace
Rascal Cat 03/2004 Kathy Kwieran
Rascal Cat 05/20/90 Emily Marra
Rascal Cat 06/03/90-12/01/03 Coral
Rascal Cat 07/21/03-06/29/10 Rose Harries
Rascal Cat 08/04/96-02/28/03 Donna Izzo
Rascal Cat 08/15/06-05/07/07 Jenny
Rascal Cat 08/30/95-03/25/09 Peg Belaska
Rascal Cat 08/92-02/14/11 Sharon
Rascal Cat 09/20/04 Pam
Rascal Cat 09/25/96 Cathy
Rascal Cat 10/31/95-12/26/13 Eva Lane
Rascal Cat 11/06/94-03/06/98 Cat Breen
Rascal Cat 12/06/96-12/06/01 Suzie Corboy
Rascal Cat 12/28/10 Louise
Rascal Cat 13 years 12/19/11 Michael Robinson and Julie Thomas
Rascal Cat 15 months 08/03/99 Vanessa
Rascal Cat 15 years 01/29/06 Suzanne
Rascal Cat 15 years 12/02/04 Jennifer Palchik
Rascal Cat 16 years 03/07/12 Con Mallari
Rascal Cat 16 years 08/13/08 Jenny Rappleye
Rascal Cat 16 years 09/09/05 Chandra Duckworth, Cheryl Fuller, Amanda Fuller, Floyd Erwin, Erv Erwin, Shea Scrivner
Rascal Cat 17 years 01/07/10 Rick and Sherry Mehling
Rascal Cat 18 years 08/2005 Sue
Rascal Cat 1986-09/2004 Sue
Rascal Cat 4 1/2 years 12/26/98 Jeanne Butler
Rascal Cat 5 years 08/12/97 Barbara Bennett
Rascal Cat 8 years 05/27/04 Edna Henrich
Rascal Chihuahua 02/07/92-12/98 Talia
Rascal Chihuahua Mix 05/2008-03/19/24 Terry
Rascal Chihuahua/Pug Mix 10 months 04/15/03 The Perkins Family: Ed, Margo, Mary, Harry, Rosemarie, Michelle, Martha
Rascal Chocolate Labrador Newfoundland Mix - A Little Brown Bear 03/97-01/13/08 Jennifer Vernon and A J Bowman
Rascal Clayton Cat 07/18/86-10/28/04 Elynn and Tony
Rascal Cockapoo 10/21/01-04/17/12 Barbara Anderson, Mommy
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 03/15/83-05/07/02 Fran and Mike Learnahan
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 05/27/95-09/16/08 Nancy
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 06/25/83-08/24/99 Mary & Jim Slavin
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 09/12/93-01/16/10 Charlene
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 10 years 11/13/03 Jan
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 11 years 11/26/97 Hallie and Phil Condit
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 11/21/95-05/29/05 Leo & Sandra Gault
Rascal Cocker Spaniel 19 years 05/07/02 Fran and Mike
Rascal Cocker/Mix 05/19/93-01/04/07 Barry
Rascal Collie/German Shepherd 01/01/00-07/31/09 Judy
Rascal Collie/German Shepherd Mix 11 weeks 01/02/99 Brigette Hovanic
Rascal Collie-German Shepherd Mix 16 years 06/11/08 Joshua Sutton
Rascal Corgi 03/13/11-03/13/11 The Black Family from Louisiana
Rascal Dachshund 09/15/89-04/22/01 Matt, Julia, Andrew and Evan Kasel
Rascal Dachshund 14 years 12/06/04 Barbara & Dennis
Rascal Dachshund Mix 12 years 05/27/95 Dave & Chris Howard
Rascal DLH Cat 1986-02/24/01 Cindy Haven
Rascal Dog 02/2005 Alyssa
Rascal Dog 03/23/04-10/17/04 Jessica
Rascal Dog 03/31/02 Michelle
Rascal Dog 04/04/04-08/14/18 The Larson Family
Rascal Dog 06/2000-02/17/12 S
Rascal Dog 09/13/06 John & Karen Shima
Rascal Dog 09/21/02-07/11/17 Jillian
Rascal Dog 11/21/98 Bosha
Rascal Dog 12/17/97 Dusty
Rascal Dog 12/20/87-05/12/94 Jayne Detweiler
Rascal Dog 12/21/90-10/28/05 Erich and Joan Kost
Rascal Dog 13 years 07/31/08 Linda and Tom
Rascal Dog 13 years 10/27/01 Sarah
Rascal Dog Amarna
Rascal Domestic Cat 07/15/88-12/26/03 Michele
Rascal Domestic Cat 3 years 04/01/06 Bethany
Rascal Domestic Long Hair Cat 11/98-05/23/08 Sheila Bowden
Rascal Domestic Medium Hair Cat 04/15/04-02/22/11 Meghann
Rascal Domestic Short Hair Cat 13 years 06/24/06 Barbara Theysohn
Rascal Domestic Short Hair Cat 20 years 08/11/00 Aimee Eng
Rascal Domestic Short Hair Cat 21 years 01/23/10 Cortnie Hartwig
Rascal Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 11/07/01 Tiffany
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/91-03/21/04 Dan, Pat, Jeff
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/01/91-09/11/03 Stephan Mynarkiewicz
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/01/92-05/22/00 Meredith
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/19/84-11/01/04 Craig and Joy Steinmetz
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/20/05-11/15/05 Kimberly
Rascal Domestic Shorthair Cat 6 years 02/01/06 Alicia Ruiz
Rascal DSH Cat 03/22/94-07/14/11 Samantha
Rascal DSH Cat 04/01/00-07/27/06 Kevin Rizzo and Terri Bauer-Rizzo
Rascal DSH Cat 13 years 04/16/07 Maria
Rascal DSH Cat 13 years 07/20/02 Patrice Stevens
Rascal DSH Cat 1999-05/19/03 Bernie & Beverly Doucette
Rascal DSH White Calico Cat 17 years 11/13/08 Wayne Baldwin
Rascal Dutch Mix Rabbit 2 years 12/05/03 Rachel
Rascal English Setter 1/01/91-01/23/03 Michelle
Rascal English Springer/English Setter Mix 10/07/97-12/19/09 Barb
Rascal Eugene German Shepherd Mix 10/01/13-12/15/18 Maranda Watters
Rascal Fancy Rat 12/2004-07/19/07 Amanda and Matt
Rascal Ferret 01/09/98-07/22/03 Laura, Al, Dayna and Jason
Rascal Ferret 09/16/04-02/04/12 Jess Lough
Rascal Ferret 10/06/07-08/14/08 Kerry and Vic
Rascal Ferret 11/93 Paul Rahman
Rascal Ferret 1996-04/23/05 Gayepat
Rascal Ferret 6 years 1 month 09/04/10 Grace
Rascal Ferret 7? years 09/21/10 Kristen Evans
Rascal Ferret 8 years 01/19/03 Bobbi Bostrom
Rascal Flatts Barrett Pug 10/13/07-07/15/09 Mike and Cathy Barrett and Family
Rascal Flicker Boxer Pup 11/28/96-07/03/97 Glenda Farris
Rascal Fox Terrier 13/25/87-02/18/00 Loie
Rascal Frisch Beagle 06/20/09-03/11/19 Candyann Frisch
Rascal German Shepherd 01/28/94-09/18/06 Ralph, Sandi, Jon, and Evan
Rascal German Shepherd Mix 02/21/97-11/28/09 Michelle & Ernie Campbell
Rascal German Shepherd/Doberman Mix 15 years 07/2002 Stephanie
Rascal Golden 14 years 06/26/09 Sue
Rascal Golden Lab/Retriever 11/31/91-11/12/03 Ruth & Jonathan Bickerstaffe
Rascal Golden Ret 12/06/13 Timothy
Rascal Golden Retriever 04/19/84-08/17/05 Shapiro Family
Rascal Golden Retriever 04/28/83-04/03/04 Debi Hollowell
Rascal Golden Retriever 09/28/94-04/22/05 The Gay Family
Rascal Golden Retriever 12 years 04/20/10 Nero Family
Rascal Golden Retriever 12/17/95-06/11/06 Cyndi, Chris, Mitch & Denise
Rascal Gray Cat 15 years 09/18/03 Rachael
Rascal Gray Tabby Cat 09/16/08 Veronica Hilliard
Rascal Grey and White Tabby Cat 6 months 06/10/03 Annie Smith
Rascal Guinea Pig 11/29/14-01/16/15 Matt
Rascal Half German Shepherd and Half Chow 09/04/92-09/03/05 Jennifer Baroody
Rascal Heeler/Lab/Shepherd 15 years 07/15/20 Aaron Evans
Rascal Horner Rat Black Hooded Rat 10/16/07-11/06/08 Janet Horner
Rascal Jack Russell 04/15/98-10/11/99 Karen Trudgen
Rascal Jack Russell Chihuahua Mix 06/30/94-06/01/11 Debbie Degnan
Rascal Jack Russell Terrier 03/17/07-05/29/09 Nicole DeLuca
Rascal Jack Russell Terrier 08/28/02 Ally
Rascal Jack Russell Terrier 09/80-11/98 Pamela & Richard
Rascal Joseph Swenson Dog 18 years 04/12/03 Gary, Lynda and Jen
Rascal Joseph Swenson Mixed Breed Dog 18 years 04/12/03 Gary, Lynda and Jen
Rascal Jr. Cat 5 years 08/27/99 Diane
Rascal Kanga Roo Roo Japanese Bobtail Cat 05/17/05-09/02/16 Jill
Rascal Kitty 08/25/98 Renee
Rascal Lab 12/2011 Katie
Rascal Lab Mix 01/28/00-03/28/11 Paul and DeDe Flodder
Rascal Lab Mix 04/20/89-02/03/03 Beth
Rascal Lab Mix 11/25/11 The Barry's
Rascal Lab/Chow Mix 05/16/96-02/20/09 Emily Dorsett
Rascal Lab/Poodle Mix 5 years 07/04/98 Cheryl
Rascal Lancashire Heeler 08/05/95-03/05/08 Karen and Danielle Spero
Rascal Leeds Maltese 02/27/92-02/22/06 Marge, Jon, and Danielle Leeds
Rascal Lhasa Apso 04/01/90-09/12/02 Lorrie
Rascal Lhasa Apso 12/24/95-05/25/07 Debbie Matulis
Rascal Lhaso Apso 01/18/86-04/12/01 Sue, Cater & Theresa Stanley
Rascal Long Hair Black & White Cat 10/13/90-05/31/05 Julia Benson
Rascal Lucky Miles German Shepherd Mix 11 years 04/17/06 Dave, Debbie, Emily, Sarah, Hans, Marty, Crackers, Ozwald
Rascal Lyman Australian Cattle Dog/Toy Fox Terrier 05/01/95-04/15/11 Heather Genet Lyman
Rascal Mackerel Tabby Cat 08/98-07/31/10 Trish Majhan
Rascal Maine Coon Cat 06/01/98-03/13/11 Linda Klee
Rascal Maine Coon Cat 09/97-12/28/12 K J Mitchell
Rascal Maine Coon Cat 11 years 12/04/99 John III, John IV, & Tina Jeffers
Rascal Maine Coon Cat 17 years 11/08/13 Judy Egan
Rascal Maine Coon Cat 9 years 09/27/99 Denyse Bertucci
Rascal Malamute/Terrier Mix 08/01/84-09/05/99 Richard & Bo
Rascal Maltese 01/01/87-07/11/02 Diane & April Massie
Rascal Maltese 09/07/93-03/23/09 Bob, Pat, Jonathan, Rebecca Morris
Rascal Mastromarino Domestic Long Hair Calico Cat 02/11/04-10/03/10 Sherry Mastromarino
Rascal Meservey German Shepherd 05/95-07/27/08 Chester E. Meservey
Rascal Miles Shepherd Mixed 11 years 04/17/06 Debbie, Emily, Sarah Miles and Dave Coy
Rascal Miniature Dachshund 06/28/85-04/05/02 Michael Boyack
Rascal Miniature Sheltie 01/03/00-09/20/08 Tara
Rascal Mitchell Maine Coon Cat, Black fur/white patch on chest 16 years 12/28/12 Kali Mitchell
Rascal Mix Dog 07/31/01-10/03/12 Pat Ferriola
Rascal Mix Dog 17 years 05/26/04 Rob and Debbi Bitter
Rascal Mix Dog 1996-2004 Mickie Vanmeter
Rascal Mixed - Rescue Cat 04/05/09-09/21/20 LME
Rascal Mixed Breed/Terrier 02/26/93-06/22/09 Lehman & Barb Holder
Rascal Mixed Cat 08/01/88-11/06/01 Cheryl & Carl Varnadoe
Rascal Mixed Cat 13 years 11/01/08 Vicki Corlett
Rascal Mixed Cat 16 years 07/2010 Susan Ahern
Rascal Mixed Dog 04/26/97-10/23/07 Valerie
Rascal Mixed Dog 07/24/20-01/30/21 Danelle
Rascal Mixed Dog 09/01/87-01/06/01 Jay McKee
Rascal Mixed Dog 12 years 04/24/10 Ann Salem
Rascal Mixed Dog 6 years 07/25/03 Harriet Zucker
Rascal Mixed Lab 11/95-03/05/06 Tom & Marilyn Lewis
Rascal Mixed Terrier 01/22/03 Wayne Waterman
Rascal Mixed Terrier 07/04/96-11/18/12 Kathleen Blandini
Rascal Multi-poo 8 years 09/2002 Tammy, Glen, Dustin and Rex
Rascal Nanday Conure 10/02/90-10/26/96 Jean and Ed Ellis
Rascal Netherland Dwarf, Purebred Rabbit 07/20/99-03/13/01 Sarah, Chris
Rascal Norwegian Lundehund 04/15/95-01/13/06 Nukhet and Bryan Hendricks
Rascal Norwich Terrier 12/21/80-07/05/89 Gary Klinger
Rascal Novak Lab/Collie/Retriever 10/01/81-09/23/90 Margaret Novak
Rascal Old English Sheep Dog 02/01/05-11/15/14 Tom & Jo Richards
Rascal Orange Tabby Cat 09/28/09 Kay Else
Rascal Orange Tiger Cat 06/12/04-09/26/09 Jeremy & Reyna Jackson
Rascal P James Lab/Beagle/Idunno 1999-12/07/05 Kathie Williams
Rascal Papillion 11 years 01/07/08 Michelle Longley
Rascal Parrot African Grey 06/28/90-12/12/01 Chuck & Joyce Dreher
Rascal Part Siamese Cat 11/88-11/15/03 Cheryl Goulding
Rascal Peek-A-Poo 07/21/83-02/22/01 Walter G Bibb
Rascal Pekinese 04/23/99-04/18/03 Brandi, Chuck and Letha Stanley
Rascal Pekingese 10/01/06-09/03/08 Ann Fitzgibbon & Dottie Hatton
Rascal Phantom Poodle 04/20/06-07/04/06 Michelle Perkins
Rascal Pomeranian 05/20/88-05/15/96 Shannon and Raul
Rascal Pomeranian 12 years 05/16/14 Sheila Cook
Rascal Pomeranian 13 years 07/19/02 Eherald
Rascal Poodle 07/01/92-11/21/08 Cathy Edwards
Rascal Poodle 08/31/83-10/27/97 Cheryl Cupp
Rascal Poodle X. Bichon Frise 10/06/02-07/23/09 Melanie Evans
Rascal Poodle/Pug/Chihuahua/Terrier 11/91-03/08/01 Sarah
Rascal Puli 04/17/94-06/09/10 Danny Pinto
Rascal Pygmy Goat 08/28/15 Diane Tyler
Rascal Quaker Parakeet 7 years (aprox) 07/04/03 Robert Wilson
Rascal Queensland Heeler 8 1/2 years 10/19/08 Daisy
Rascal Rabbit 03/2003-12/22/11 Dave
Rascal Rabbit Cat 12/86-07/2000 Sherri McNeill
Rascal Red Tabby DSH Cat 16 years 07/18/00 Anne
Rascal Red Tabby DSH Cat 16 years 07/18/00 Anne Rosen
Rascal Retriever Mix 10 years 12/23/07 Val Hughes and Family
Rascal Richins Tabby Cat 17 years 11/30/07 Brandie Richins
Rascal Robinson Dog 11 years 02/23/12 Jill Robinson
Rascal Rogers Boston Terrier 09/02/97-01/17/11 Debbie Rogers
Rascal Roo DSH Tortoise Cat 17+ years 10/01/10 Berta Flath & Rita Longo
Rascal Ryan Miniature Pinscher 11/02/94-04/22/07 Donna Ryan
Rascal Sable Ferret 07/24/01-06/22/06 Angie and Ed Walden
Rascal Sable Ferret 3 years 04/29/04 Kristy, Jim,Stu, Simba, Simon
Rascal Samoyan Pekingese 01/86-12/11/06 Frieda Carlson
Rascal Sarzynski Cat 03/17/96-10/14/12 Joe Sarzynski
Rascal Scantlin Maltese 11/01/93-08/25/06 Larry & Susan Scantlin
Rascal Schnoodle 01/08/90-11/21/05 Marc Bearden
Rascal Schnoodle 16 years 11/21/05 Marc Bearden
Rascal SH Brown Tabby Cat 13 years 12/07/99 Trina Drotar
Rascal Sheltie 10/31/95-06/17/04 Richard
Rascal Sheltie 15 years, 6 months 04/14/06 J.B. & Brenda Willoughby
Rascal Sheltie 7 years 04/28/06 Joe, Judi, Alex, & Gandalf
Rascal Sheltie/Border Collie 13 years 08/12/10 Jan McDonagh
Rascal Shep Mix 14 years 08/04/03 Paul & Sheri
Rascal Shepherd Mix 03/06/11 Staci Anderson
Rascal Shepherd/Terrier Mix 17 years 08/14/09 Deanna Luttrell
Rascal Shih Tzu 03/19/96-12/11/10 Loni
Rascal Shih Tzu 05/04/97-08/20/09 Chu/Harrell/Doit
Rascal Shih Tzu 09/23/84-07/30/01 Tom & Nancy Ozaistowicz
Rascal Shih Tzu 10/06/01-10/30/13 Joan
Rascal Shih Tzu 16 years 06/13/02 Cherry Bush
Rascal Shih-Pooh 1982-11/22/99 Tamara Gable
Rascal Shih-Tzu/Poodle Mix 08/23/95-12/15/10 Michelle, Maria, Jack, Jackie, Jeffrey Lai
Rascal Shitzu 12/2003 Lynn Flanagan
Rascal Short Hair, Domestic Cat 03/13/02-08/05/10 Brooke McLean
Rascal Siamese Cat 07/02/86-06/04/00 Nancy A. Thomas
Rascal Siamese Mix Cat 11 years 02/14/05 Carolyn
Rascal Siberian Husky 03/18/88-11/18/98 Gwen
Rascal Siberian Husky 12/02/94-03/01/09 Sharon Sammons
Rascal Siberian Husky 12/25/06 Steven
Rascal Silky Terrier 12/25/99-05/09/12 Alan & Susan
Rascal Smith Siamese Cat 1999-07/30/12 Eddie & Steffie Smith
Rascal Snowshoe Siamese Cat 05/01/90-02/15/97 Keli Watts
Rascal Snowshoe Siamese Cat 8 months 11/01/07 Sandi
Rascal Spaniel Mixed 06/01/82-09/13/02 Jackie and Wayne Adams
Rascal Sport Bengal (Mixed) Cat 05/01/08-11/19/09 Patti and Ray Lanier
Rascal Springer Spaniel 10/28/05 P.A.A.
Rascal Syrian Hamster 07/29/09 Rachel
Rascal Tabby - Orange Cat 09/27/93-06/14/06 Rosie Pineiro
Rascal Tabby Cat 03/15/97-10/13/06 Darryl and Lisa Silvers
Rascal Tabby Cat 03/19/87-09/18/02 Leah P. Peniston
Rascal Tabby Cat 04/01/92-07/04/00 Linda Blackwell
Rascal Tabby Cat 04/20/04 Tony
Rascal Tabby Cat 05/01/86-12/14/04 Barbara and Sean
Rascal Tabby Cat 06/29/96-11/06/04 Monica Goswick
Rascal Tabby Cat 07/25/91-09/18/07 Nancy D
Rascal Tabby Cat 07/86-08/23/99 Barb
Rascal Tabby Cat 09/13/90-12/04/09 Steph
Rascal Tabby Cat 13 years 08/26/98 Penni Frassico
Rascal Tabby Cat 2005-07/12/15 Lauren
Rascal Tabby Kitten 09/07/06-01/25/07 Gwenn
Rascal Terrier Mix 15 years 01/10/20 Brian
Rascal Terrier Mix 15 years 10/15/14 Ina
Rascal Tiger Cat 2 years 02/24/12 Heather
Rascal Tiger Stripe Cat 13 years 2 mos 07/12/97 Rose
Rascal Toy Poodle 02/05/87-11/21/98 Bosha Nelson
Rascal Toy Poodle 03/05/92-10/14/05 Patricia Meja
Rascal Toy Poodle 10/25/90-01/26/05 Phil & Jeanne
Rascal Trouble Miller Beagle 02/21/02-06/19/15 John and LouAnn Miller
Rascal Tsutsui Chihuahua/Corgi 08/01/99-04/13/11 Jim, Vicki, Alison, Chris, Liz, Emma, and Evelyn
Rascal Turkish Van Cat 03/01/00-04/09/09 Jen
Rascal Tuta Doneza aka Rasckie Toots Mixed Dog 10/07/00-08/22/11 Maricel Doneza
Rascal Tuxedo Cat 02/10/11-06/30/22 Mary Latham
Rascal Tyler Guinea Pig 12/01/96-04/29/00 Meghan Harris
Rascal Valenti LHA Cat 18 years 01/10/09 Denise Valenti
Rascal Von Meister II Min. Schnauzer 8 years 07/21/94 Paul and Susan R
Rascal Welsh Terrier 05/07/09-04/14/21 Tina M
Rascal West Highland Terrier 06/13/93-04/08/04 Rosann Kampf
Rascal White and Brown Kitten Cat 05/15/02-09/04/02 Kevin Overturf
Rascal White John & George
Rascal Wilson Lab Mix 02/10/02-03/18/09 Terry G. Wilson
Rascal Yellow Lab Mix 11/95-03/05/06 Tom & Marilyn Lewis
Rascal Yochon 03/10/05-10/03/15 Sherri Rhoades
Rascal Yorkie 03/30/92-09/01/04 Robin Salvati
Rascal Yorkiepoo 09/16/92-04/20/06 Fred and Lisa
Rascal Yorkshire Terrier 01/02/98-07/17/03 Penny Offer & Donna McKnight
Rascal Yorkshire Terrier 03/18/99-11/14/08 Mary Ann and Jeff
Rascal Zinck Pit Bull Mix 04/21/00-09/29/12 Johanne & Frank Zinck
Rascal, Sammy, Lady, Coco, Meetree Ferrets Joy Ann Roberts
Rascal/Buddy Dogs 01/&3-10/03/06 Sandra Talbot
Rascal-Boo-Kitty Swirl Tabby Cat 02/25/01-06/22/01 Jessica Wallace
Rascalito Domestic Long Hair Cat 06/29/07 Simon and Barbara Corea
RascalKittyKitty Maine Coon/Manx Mix Cat 05/99-09/05/12 Patricia Watson-Womack
Rascall Dog 06/86-01/03/02 A.C. and Sandy Davis
Rascally Rabbit Rabbit 04/26/01 Lory
Rascals Shih Tzu 17 years 12/07/22 Antonella Volpe
Raschal Swafford German Shepherd 13 years 08/03/04 Ashley
Rascle Mixed Breed Dog 06/02/85-09/21/00 Stephanie Richmond
Rasha Black Cat with a white tip on the end of her tail 1990-11/11/00 Dot Toomey
Rasha Cat 07/29/95-06/10/10 Kersten and Kayla Lindberg
Rasha German Shepherd 12/2004-06/08/18 Belinda
Rasha Pit Mix 12 years 01/09/07 Bianca King
Rasha Pizzato Rottweiler 06/11/94-12/20/04 Debby
Rasha White Cat 66363-08/01/90 Nichole Sanders
Rashi DSH Cat 07/27/94-06/24/11 Glenda Carl
Rashim Cat 13 years 06/22/06 Lori Birch
Rasie Himalayan Cat 17 years 09/02/12 Emmy
Raskal Elliott Gayle Lhasa Apso 12/24/95-12/31/09 Diane Gayle and Louis Bowman
Raskal Mercedez Gross Chi-York 09/17/91-02/07/03 Elicia Ann Gross
Raskal Mix Cat 2 years 5 weeks 07/12/10 Emelyn P
Raskell Lee Rue Hicks Shepherd, Chow Mix 06/27/92-08/29/05 Lisa and Dewey Hicks
Raskell Tuxedo, Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/07/07-04/27/14 Marcia, Chuck John and Tommy Durbin
Raskels Domestic Short Hair Cat 8 months 06/22/07 Nicole
Raskie Golden 01/01/90-11/20/04 Rachel
Rasmus Bichon Frisé 9 years 17/01/01 Mirja Korhonen
Rasmus Dog 12/20/91-01/15/05 Niina & Kimmo
Rasmus Mixed Dog 12/20/91-01/15/05 Nina
Raspberry Black Short Haired Mouse 03/15/99-09/04/99 Christina Peaches and Cornflake
Raspberry Calico Bunny 09/01/05 Janelle
Raspberry Cat 8 years 05/23/08 Sylvia
Raspberry Dachshund 09/24/84-04/20/95 Kathy Patten
Raspberry Domestic Shorthair (Tabby) Cat 04/94-04/26/13 Rachel
Raspberry Mini Collie, Terrier Mix 04/13/93-08/09/06 Kristen, Alicia and Colin
Raspberry Part Maine Coon Cat 17 years 08/16/02 Janice and Vaughn
Raspberry Siberian Husky 13 years 03/05/10 Ellen
Rasper Chesapeake Bay Retriever 1998-07/16/09 Juliana and Joe
Rasphberry Poodle 06/10/11 Crista
Raspie Biver White and Calico Cat 17 years 08/31/02 Eve & Marvin Biver
Rasputen aka Puten Orange and White Longhair Cat 11/22/90-01/05/07 Jacqueline Alberts
Rasputin Cat 08/93-09/2006 Tonia
Rasputin Maine Coon Cat 11 1/2 years 12/24/16 Lori
Rasputin of Black Castle Rottweiler 01/30/82-03/29/95 Wolfgang & Andrea
Rasputin Russian White Cat 09/21/90-11/12/07 Annette Amos
Rasputin Siamese Cat 03/16/84-09/15/98 Sara
Rassberry Cairn Terrier 05/01/98-06/20/13 Alan Hartmann
Rassmuss (Bubbies) Mane Coon Cat 19 years 04/02/04 Stacy and Danielle Hendon
Rasta aka Pasta/BabyDog/Tiki Dog 10 years 12/10/20 Carla
Rasta Bahamian Potcake Dog 2004-08/18/13 Mike, Jody & Ellie
Rasta Beagle Cross 11 years 10/29/02 John Vischschraper
Rasta Cat 04/28/82-09/11/00 M Malone
Rasta Cat 05/01/91-04/01/04 Steve and Marianne
Rasta Cat almost 7 years 05/20/03 Sherrie, John and Darian
Rasta Dawg Cockapoo 02/10/08-01/02/09 Sharon Lacey
Rasta Dog 14 years 04/09/01 Jude, Rich, Nesta, Binkley, Sadie Besler
Rasta Domestic Medium Hair Cat 21 years 06/27/08 Dianna
Rasta Evanson Domestic Medium Hair Cat 09/01/90-08/07/04 Bettie
Rasta Farian Rottweiler 11/11/96-06/01/00 Rob Rooker
Rasta German Shepherd 13 years 08/20/01 Jennifer Lee
Rasta Golden Retriever 05/07/89-03/23/01 Denise Lyon
Rasta Golden Retriever 05/27/03-12/16/14 Beth Menzer
Rasta Great Dane-GSD Cross 10/01/93-10/16/03 Liz
Rasta Marley Akita 06/06/90-10/30/00 Judy & John Fiedorowicz
Rasta Rottweiler 03/16/93-04/29/06 Kim Borowicz
Rasta Shepherd/Elkhound Mix 01/03/01-02/20/04 Holly
Rasta Shepherd/Husky Mix 12 years 11/17/03 Laura
Rasta Silky Terrier 11 years 04/28/15 Newton Family
Rasta Standard Poodle/ Lasa Apso 28/09/88-01/05/00 Alun Bartlett
Rasta Yellow Lab 8 years 06/16/00 Kerry
Rastas Cat 1997-25/03/07 Shannon
Rastas Corgi/Mutt 10 years 12/14/04 Linda, Jon, Chelsea
Rastis (Raddy) Yellow Labrador Retriever 10/11/93-05/10/96 Haley Kae Nicholas
Rastis 01/20/94 Lori
Rastis Cat 1984-09/22/99 Dayle
Rastis Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) 03/09/85-03/15/91 Sandy Cowles
Rastis Yorkshire Terrier 2002 Sheila
Rastro Labrador 1 year Tom, Mister & Z
Rastus Black Lab/Cocker Mix 12 years 1992 Nick & Bonnie Fulginiti
Rastus Boxer 11/02/95-07/01/09 Brian and Valerie
Rastus Brown & Silver Tabby Cat 10/92-11/28/07 Larry & Elaine
Rastus Bull Terrier X 08/95-02/19/08 Deborah Hill
Rastus Cat Max Corkill
Rastus Dog 09/26/89-10/03/04 Patty and Guary Worley
Rastus Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years, 10/28/03 Lauri
Rastus Miniature Dachshund 06/04/86-02/21/00 Judy D., Abby & Katy, Gene & Wendy A.
Rastus Moggie Cat 14/11/94-28/06/05 Lorna Offer
Rastus Princess Parrot 08/13/05 Jill Speechley
Rastus T. Brown Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/23/83-02/12/98 Rhonda Kelley
Rat Cat 04/01/95-02/05/10 Jamie
Rat Cat Cat 01/97-08/31/07 Mandi Kidd
Rat Chihuahua 11/23/86-05/23/95 Marina Kobryn and David Bishop
Rat Fink Rat 02/01/12 Ann Bolzman
Rat Ginger Cat 1999 Jasmine Hoaianh Vu
Rat Orange Tabby Cat 02/04/01-09/04/09 Martine and Frank
Rat Persian Cat 02/06/08 Porche
Rat Poodle/Terrier Cross 10/20/98 M.J.
Rat Rat White Rat 3 years 1980 Juli
Rat Terr-Poo 10 years 08/09/01 Andrea
Rataccino Rat 08/2021-12/18/23 Clarissa
Rataplan European Shorthair Cat 09/21/89-09/16/01 Stella & Emma
Rat-a-Tat Turkish Van Cat 02/28/90-03/13/00 James Reeds
Ratbag Cat 01/90-12/10/01 Graham and Barbara Wright
Ratbag Golden Labrador 1994-03/01/00 Wendy & David
Ratbags Gray & White Domestic Cat 15 1/2 years 06/06/96 Nikki
RatBatCat Cat 05/05/97-11/22/12 Tom, Lori, Liam and Konnor McFadden
Ratchet Dalmatian 2 1/2 years 07/19/07 Tanner, Sage, Rhonda, and Adrian
Ratchet Maltese 08/2006 Kathy
Ratchet Pitcher Westie 08/23/08-07/19/09 Jessica Pitcher
Ratcoon River Bull Plott Hound 06/15/93-11/25/02 Mark Patrick
Ratdog Shepherd Mix 16 years 01/16/13 Cathy
Rat-Girl (officially - 'Musk') 11/2000-09/2003 Natasha
Ratia Budgie 03/23/01-03/26/05 Romany Hackford
Ratine Gray Tabby Cat 19 years 07/21/99 Terry
Ratis Mixed Dog 15 years 09/15/16 Lynn
Raton Golden Retriever 09/25/09 Courtney, Diana, and Chase Randolph
Raton Tuxedo Cat 17 years 10/29/08 Mary F. Caputo
Ratounette Dumbo Rat 8 months 08/16/07 Ammiche Pierre
Ratounette, lansky et les autrees vous me manquez Rat, Chat, Chien 19,6 mois-4 aout 2007 et avril Melissa
Rat-Rat Sugar Glider 10 months 05/28/99 Sandy
Ratricia Persian Cat 05/16/99-04/27/07 Sissy Hall
Ratsta Akita 06/06/90-10/30/00 Judy & John
Ratt Chihuahua 05/12/00-08/05/13 Dani Cash
Ratt Willis Black and White Long Hair Cat Cat 18+ years 07/30/03 Ron, Andrea, Cassondra and Crystal
Ratti Rat 10/02/95-12/23/97 Nathan Bowles
Ratticus Rat 06/03/09-05/22/12 Stephanie and Sue
Rattie Ratster Norwegian Hooded Rat 06/02/07-03/06/10 Sherry Schweighardt
Rattler Cat 11/23/09 Chris
Rattus Hooded Rat 1998-08/08/00 Frannie and Simon
Ratty Black Hooded Rat 06/96-07/07/98 The Gang
Ratty Boy Mix Terrier 07/2007-09/03/08 Amelia J Haslam
Ratty Hooded Rat 17/02/02-28/11/03 Gemma
Ratty Medium Rat Bailey
Ratty Rat 1 year01/14/98 Val
Ratty Rat 2 years 01/25/15 Gutierrez Oscar
Ratty White Rat 2 years 2002 Melissa Sloper
Ratty-Tatty Rat 4-5 years 08/31/02 Dorothy Kinnick
Ratzilla Rat 18 months 06/25/97 Ron and Deborah Head
Ratzo Cat 05/96-07/09/97 Kurt
Rau Cat 03/04/98 Barbara Gundvaldsen
Rau Gowell Turkish Angora Cat 07/94-04/11/08 Lauri Gowell
Raul Quaker Parrot 20 years 02/11/08 Suzy and Michael
Raul Russian Dwarf Hamster 08/00 - 31 Jan 01 Caroline
Raul Westie 02/12/92-09/03/05 Terrie & Alex Herrera
Rauschen Tortie Cat 14 years 10/15/99 Sandi G.
Ravage Golden Retriever 16 years 02/15/2003 Cynthia Golden
Ravan Alpine Goat 10 years 01/04/09 Ginger Harrison
Raven (A.K.A. Chunky) DSH Cat 1990-02/23/03 Amanda & Claes
Raven (B25F) Wolf 09/17/99 Jenn DiRocco
Raven (Hanna) Afghan Hound 16 1/2 years 16/16/12 Suzanne-Mom
Raven (Miss Lips) Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/26/87-10/31/01 Diane Cone
Raven (of Avalon) Pewter Colored Cat 13 years 02/13/13 Mary & Abby
Raven (Ravie Ravers) Border Collie/ Chow 09/07/94-07/06/06 Donna/ Steve
Raven 05/20/88-04/22/02 Charlene
Raven 5 years 09/05/97 Hope Augustein
Raven Alaskan Husky 09/22/90-01/03/99 Joan Kaczmarczyk
Raven All Black Cat 6 months 12/03/06 Melissa L
Raven Ann Cat 10/03/95-06/27/05 Lisa and Bill Porter
Raven Barnes Black Labrador Retriever 09/02/03-01/19/11 Jeff Barnes
Raven Bauer Rottweiler/Shepherd 9 years 11/07/12 Colleen Bauer
Raven Bear Cub (big little rave) DLH Black Cat 03/2014-10/17/15 Natahnya, Larry, Leandria Campbell
Raven Beauty Black Great Dane 6 1/2 years 03/06/97 D.L.
Raven Belgian Shepherd Mix 5 years 11/14/06 Priscilla Lofsness
Raven Black Cat 07/10/00-10/24/14 Gabriella
Raven Black Cat 13 years 06/27/09 Doreen, Ben, Jennifer, and Steven
Raven Black Chow 05/30/95-12/15/03 Hurst Family
Raven Black Domestic Long Hair Cat 15 years 05/23/01 Leslie Chaden
Raven Black DSH Cat 02/16/05-11/19/14 Samantha
Raven Black DSH Cat 7 years 06/18/02 Lanette Nelson
Raven Black Lab 11/17/96-01/09/09 Debbie and Brian
Raven Black Lab 12/30/91-03/10/05 Rodney Alling
Raven Black Lab Mix 01/05/96-07/01/08 Erin
Raven Black Lab Mix 02/06-04/14/06 Robin A
Raven Black Shorthaired Cat 17 years 03/02/01 Joan McNeill
Raven Bombay Cat 11 years 12/21/05 Cheryl
Raven Border/Wheaten 11/20/06-04/14/08 Lisa/Steve Sambor
Raven Bullmastif 9 years 08/21/96 Kate and Ed McAlister
Raven Cat 02/05/08 Stacy Larsen
Raven Cat 03/08/91-05/01/99 Pam and Chuck
Raven Cat 05/05/98-03/01/04 Jodi
Raven Cat 06/08/08-09/12/18 Joann M. Pochinski
Raven Cat 08/02/03 Jenny
Raven Cat 08/14/93-06/19/06 Marge & Brian McLaughlin
Raven Cat 7 years 06/15/09 Cheryl Wetherbee
Raven Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Raven Cat Helene
Raven Charo Husky-Shepherd 12+ years 03/21/08 Rochelle Charo
Raven Chocolate Lab 09/05/14 Mark
Raven Chow 07/04/01-02/10/10 Carol Dill
Raven Chow Chow 11/17/99-09/22/13 Sherry Carter
Raven Chow Mix 16 years 08/02/06 Blanca Saveri
Raven Chow/Lab Mix 3 months 02/03/00 Sue, SVHS
Raven Cocker Spaniel 02/25/91-08/20/04 Allison
Raven Cocker Spaniel 05/30/97-01/10/09 Nancy Piccinini
Raven Cocker Spaniel 13 years 09/22/07 Michelle
Raven Coleman Labrador Retriever (Chocolate) 01/13/03-11/26/07 Bryce Coleman
Raven Conner Peke-A-Poo 11/15/96-04/23/05 Jo Ann
Raven Coonhound 08/27/99-03/28/06 Lorraine Mackin
Raven Crow 24 years 07/19/09 Mary
Raven Crowning Glory Black Labrador Retriever 08/16/97-11/22/10 Betsy Zinkand
Raven Doberman 01/30/01-04/19/11 Jennifer
Raven Doberman 04/87-11/01/96 Chris Holmes
Raven Doberman 06/90-10/22/99 Susan Beals
Raven Doberman 07/19/98-06/27/05 Shannon Merchant
Raven Doberman 10/31/96 Pamela Lyons
Raven Doberman 11/23/05-01/14/12 Chuck Brunner
Raven Doberman 12/12/98-12/16/05 John, Michelle, & Emily Otto
Raven Doberman 12/31/98-01/08/06 Debra Leone
Raven Doberman Pinscher 04/26/02-12/12/03 Gina Altomare
Raven Doberman Pinscher 08/25/97 Louise
Raven Dog 01/28/10 David Correa & Doug Williams
Raven Dog 01/95-06/21/04 Ryan Zimmerman
Raven Dog 07/31/09 Chris Cook
Raven Dog 08/01/96-02/28/00 Jeff & Monica
Raven Dog 12/21/05 Robert
Raven Dog 14 years 10/06/09 Sara and Allen
Raven Dog 3 years 02/08/13 Dennis Bauer
Raven Domestic Grey Cat 08/26/97-07/22/11 Justine Hussey
Raven Domestic Long Hair Black Cat 08/11/99-05/17/16 Rhonda Magnotti
Raven DSH Black Cat 07/27/95-01/30/01 DonnaLee Rompilla and Aron and Damyn, Devon, Delorian, Dillin, Q-Tip, Xena, Isis, Xavier, Skyler, Lark, Bria, Angelica, Aurora, & Jericho
Raven DSH Cat 04/01/91-05/18/05 Lori Pastor
Raven DSH Cat 11 years 12/21/05 Cheryl
Raven Dwarf Hamster 05/26/05-08/03/05 Lindsey
Raven Ferret 11/27/03 Corinne
Raven Flat-Coated Retriever 10/98-07/2008 Phil, Kate, Kevin and Brian Laxar
Raven Fox Terrier 25 years 06/06/20 Lorena Oquinn
Raven Friday Hensley Leopard Cat 08/13/10-08/26/19 Jaime Hensley
Raven German Shepherd 03/15/06-06/16/07 William Costanza Jr
Raven German Shepherd 04/01/04-04/15/19 Theresa
Raven German Shepherd 04/18/93-05/27/08 Connie Olson
Raven German Shepherd 11 1/2 years 06/09/07 William Costanza Jr
Raven German Shepherd 11/19/88-02/09/97 Linda
Raven German Shepherd 12 years 06/21/90 Elizabeth Devlin
Raven German Shepherd 12/11/91-01/23/02 The Love Family
Raven German Shepherd Rottweiler 11/01/00-02/21/12 Eileen
Raven Golden Lab 04/05/98-08/15/09 Robert
Raven Golden Retriever 08/30/00-04/06/12 Angie, Craig, Sydney and Emme
Raven Golden Retriever-Doberman 12 years 09/03/91 Cecelia
Raven Great Dane 03/07/04-04/28/11 Paula
Raven Greyhound 02/2010-12/09/20 Frank, Marjorie, Graham, and Lena Porell
Raven Greyhound 02/25/01-04/29/08 Sue and Scott Fowler
Raven Greyhound 8 years 10/16/10 Jackie Rhein
Raven GSD/Dobie Mix 11/15/91-04/27/04 Jacqueline Hunter
Raven Hamilton Black Lab Mix 06/17/94-03/22/07 Kim & Bill Hamilton (Momma & Daddy To Raven)
Raven Honoria Freedman Dog 12 years 12/24/12 Michael Higgins
Raven Horse 4 years 08/01/97 Mb Hansen
Raven Horse Mary
Raven Lab 04/16/00-04/04/06 Heather
Raven Lab Mix 01/28/12 Andrea Douglas
Raven Lab/Chow 03/08/91-05/13/04 Kaitlyn
Raven Lab/Golden Retriever 06/06/99-07/23/11 Carolyn Shepard
Raven Lab/Shepherd Mix 04/11/14 Autumn
Raven Lab/Shepherd/Collie Mix 17 years 02/04/09 Chirs, Leslie, Parker, Aidan
Raven Labrador 10/28/98-09/12/07 Micki
Raven Labrador Catahoula Cross 02/2010-10/02/10 Judy Ives
Raven Labrador Mix 07/05/08 Kristel, Jay & Dominic
Raven Labrador Retriever 10/27/99-09/16/04 Jeff and Wendy
Raven Lhasa Apso Mix 4 years 10/30/10 Patty Dykes
Raven Maine Coon Cat 08/19/91-03/23/07 William Burton
Raven Minature Pinscher 11/02/93-07/15/02 Lynn Mary MacKay
Raven Miniature Schnauzer 03/17/05-03/08/17 Craig, Jennifer & Hannah Maloney
Raven Mix Dog 09/23/11 Powers
Raven Mix Rabbit 07/31/02-08/28/08 Stephanie Gerbec
Raven Mojica Dachshund 01/16/96-03/31/11 Eddie Mojica
Raven Mutt 12/06/91-01/19/00 Pam
Raven Mystique Rottweiler 01/17/94-06/18/06 Jacquie Evans
Raven Neapolitan Mastiff 11/08/95-03/05/05 Gloria 'Angel' Brinson
Raven 'Night Claw' Domestic Long Hair Cat 07/2005-10/01/07 Natahnya Campbell
Raven Pederson Dachshund 04/11/03-03/24/18 Pam Pederson
Raven Pomeranian Mix 6 years 08/02/01 Bev & David Duarte
Raven Reece Chocolate Lab 03/24/04-09/09/09 Kathy Jackson
Raven Ridgeback Mix 12/02/95-12/09/05 Nancy Tozier
Raven Robbins Rottweiler 09/29/95-09/03/04 Laura
Raven Rottie 2007-01/18/18 Wendy
Raven Rottweiler 01/16/98-06/09/03 Shawn & Theo Hartman
Raven Rottweiler 09/25/95 Laura
Raven Rottweiler 11/26/98-03/2003 Jamie Thompson
Raven Rottweiler 13 years 02/13/12 Deb Lane & Steve Kenig
Raven Rottweiler 5 years 06/10/03 Shawn Hartman
Raven Rottweiler 7 years 06/13/05 Michelle
Raven Rottweiler/German Shepherd 08/08/04-08/14/16 Carol DuCharme
Raven Rottweiler/Sharpei 12 years 04/24/14 Tracy Zaccagnini
Raven Rottweiller 01/19/01 Mindy Jankofsky
Raven Scott Levy Barn Cat 07/31/00 Sarah Wald
Raven Shelty Linda Stahler
Raven Shepherd/Collie 05/14/96-07/30/02 Jennifer and John Vega
Raven Shepherd/Huskie 09/30/95-08/23/02 Kelly A Blundee
Raven Shepherd/Husky Mix 08/24/94-08/27/09 Michelle and Brian Kerr
Raven Short Haired Cat 01/03/19 Jeannie Turner
Raven Standard Poodle 04/27/88-12/09/04 Diane Byrne
Raven Twinkletoes Cat 8 months 01/20/00 Jesse
Raven Winter Deleacaes Flat Coat Retriever 16 1/2 years 10/15/09 Tracy Winter-Deleacaes
Raven Wolf Mix 1990-12/28/06 Robert
Ravenaa Arabian Mare Horse 04/06/86-01/19/02 The Fitzpatrick Family
RavenBaby Black and White Cat 12/23/96-06/28/00 Missy
Ravenna Royale Doberman Pinscher 06/96-10/14/06 Joanne Stewart
Raven's Shadow Black Lab 11/30/91-02/26/05 Karl
Ravenstar Aminifu Bouvier des Flandres 1 year 02/08/98 Julienne Boyd
RavenWolf Wolf-Dog Hybrid 02/25/00-09/23/06 Kimberly Simmons
Raver Cat 07/01/95-09/10/08 Danni
Ravi Bailey Pug 12 years 05/12/14 Usha Grace Bailey
Ravi Hairless Rat 07/2003-12/25/04 Randi Shoshara
Ravi Terrier Mix 12/08/03-11/08/13 Rachael
Ravyn Mix Cat 16 years 01/16/16 Sharon
Raw Russian Blue Cat 9 years 10/14/04 Christine
Rawhead Rex Rottweiler 09/01/93-12/22/03 Scarlett Schuler
Rawley Coatimundi 9 years 10/03/05 Melissa Sanders
Rawley Dog 01/08/16 Dottie B.
Rawson Rottweiler 10/10/01-11/18/07 Ryan C. Toth
Raxsy German Shepherd 07/25/99-06/28/11 Mallory
Ray Ann Yorkie 01/15/06-09/19/11 Laura Fadrowski
Ray Black Cat 01/2009-08/20/10 Thomas and Ruthie Pfueller
Ray Cat 04/06/05-12/03/10 Rita Cottingham
Ray Cat 05/05/05-12/03/10 Rita
Ray Cat 1 years 09/22/06 Maya Jauregui
Ray Cat 11/23/14-12/13/14 Jackie
Ray Cat 5 months 08/23/17 Tasnim Tabassum Khan Autry
Ray Guinea Pig 09/27/07-10/02/08 Ryan Selwyn
Ray J Ferret 5 weeks 04/23/97 Laura Mitchell
Ray Keeshond 05/14/99-12/27/07 Patty Call
Ray Miniature Poodle 02/2006 Laura
Ray Mixed Hound 05/21/09 J.A. Craig
Ray Mixed Short Hair Cat 05/23/00-04/20/17 Anita Ruzic
Ray Orange Tabby Cat 08/01/16-09/21/22 Karen Wales
Ray Paolo Ellsworth Cat 06/02/06 Amy Roberts
Ray Pug 07/31/00-06/15/15 Tamie Myers
Ray Ray Cat 16 years 03/21/14 Cheryl Robertson
Ray Ray Maine Coon Cat 09/01/10 Kathy
Ray Ray Miller Cat 03/20/05-09/20/16 Jeff and Nancy Miller
Ray Sheltie 02/16/95-07/05/05 Paula Kattelman
Ray Vicktory Dog 05/16/15 Heidi H.
Raya German Shepherd 12/02/09-03/17/10 Linda Jellison
Raybelle Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 11 years 03/29/05 Amanda Murphy
Raybie Baby Howe Briard 06/16/93-09/14/09 David Howe, Ronnie McCoy
Rayca Rottweiler 2 years 08/01/93-06/16/95 Brenda B. Jones
Rayden German Shepherd / Yellow Lab Mix 9/95-09/30/11 Jamie, Mike & Cassidy
Rayder English Bulldog 09/06/99-08/19/08 Lisa Nieberger
Raydon Rainbow Lorikeet 04/16/97 Ann Hallstrom-Weldon
Raye Labrador Retriever 12 years 05/05/08 Ken Garrard
Rayjalae Doxie 06/25/88-12/13/00 Carr
Rayla Black Lab 15 years 10/04/18 Sue Lutz
Raymon Boykin Spaniel 13 years 02/03/16 Susan Andrea Warmington
Raymond (Ray-Ray) Bond Russian Blue Cat 9 years 08/16/07 Marla Koivisto
Raymond aka Ray Ray Cat 12 years 06/27/12 Carla MacKay
Raymond aka. The Man of Rain Coronet Guinea Pig 10/01/02-02/24/09 Janine Johnson
Raymond American Standard Blue Rabbit 9 years 03/05/15 Brent Stam
Raymond Boxer Mix 12 years 19/March/1999 Wani Muthiah
Raymond Canary 1980 Jason
Raymond Cat 10 years 06/99 Adeline Lehmann
Raymond Cat 18 years 07/18/96 Emily Neal
Raymond Collie Mix 03/16/93-05/25/06 Brenda & Rich
Raymond Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/2005-10/28/12 Neal
Raymond DSH - Orange & White Cat 08/07/95-08/17/07 Donna Florack
Raymond Lovebird 4 years 07/27/01 Patricia Brock
Raymond Pomeranian 10/26/93-07/18/04 Rosemary McDonald
Raymond Pomeranian 10/29/93-07/18/04 Rosemary McDoald
Raymond Pomeranian 10/29/93-07/18/04 Rosemary McDonald
Raymond Siamese Cat 18 years 05/95 Melissa Bow
Raymond Tuxedo Cat 13 1/2 years 01/02/14 Kym
Rayna Dvorak Martin Cat 16 years 10/11/05 Jenifer & Sean Martin
Rayna Kennedy Rottweiler 11/01/26-02/23/24 Cody Kennedy
Rayna Marie Doberman Coon Hound 10/01/12-09/27/16 Magen
Rayna Shiba Inu 14 years 09/20/10 Julia Margrave
Rayna Stone Shih Tzu 06/29/09-04/22/11 Diane and Jeff Stone
Raynard Collie Mix 18 years 12/02/96 Linda Vaughn
Rayne Australian Shepherd 10/01/02-11/05/12 Cara Pope
Rayne Boxer 03/15/15-09/21/19 Theresa/Ruby Guidry
Rayne Newsome Yorkie 10 years 10/04/20 Kesha Newsome
Rayne Rat Terrier 2 years 08/24/06 Pat, Mary, Ben, Earl
Rayne Shepherd-Husky 05/16/03-04/18/11 Sharon
RayRay (Little Boy) Fry DSH Orange Tabby Cat 05/20/14-04/21/18 Gabriele
Ray-Ray Cat 07/08/03-02/11/12 Monica Hamilton
RayRay Snow Bengal Cat 02/06/04 Linda Kloran
Ray-Ray Springer Spaniel 7 years 12/06/95 Ann Wensel
Raystar Persian Mix Cat 10 years 07/2008 Dawn Jean-Louis & Thomas Bigelow
Rayven Labrador 16 years 11/12/21 Heather L. Klesyk
Rayven Rottweiler 01/07/07-09/30/11 Martin Johnson
Rayvon Cat 17 years Linda
Rayzin Chihuahua 12 years 06/17/14 Carina
Rayzun Chow Mix 12 years 05/18/01 Sher and Teresa
Raz aka Razzy aka Baby Boo Black Labrador Retriever 05/29/97-01/29/07 Peter, Jennifer and Lauralee
Raz Boufs Heron Shiba Inu 11/26/08-02/28/14 Lisa Colon Heron
Raz Davis Maltese 11 years 11/2006 Bill & Millie Davis
Raz Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/15/05-10/08/11 Kristen Skaife
Raz Maine Coon Cat 7 years01/16/01 CJ & Jacki
Raz Pug 12 years 03/15/07 Daniela Bell
Raza Cat 23 years 06/21/04 Catherine Anne Shaw
Raza Oregon Red Spotted Garter Snake 08/11/02-08/28/02 Heather
Razberry Short-Haired Black Domestic Cat 17 1/2 years 07/07/07 Amanda Burts
Razcal Lab/Shepherd Mix 03/02/00-01/26/13 Serrein J
Razcal Spaz Pitbull 02/06/99-05/25/08 Michelle Millett
Razette Maine Coon Cat 01/23/01-10/28/17 Jacki S
Razia Orange and White Long Hair Cat 08/15/08-04/11/09 Mary
Raziel Rat 2006 Jean-François Hogan
Razja Golden Retriever 13 years 07/29/07 Sheila Cook
Razmataz Cream & Orange Tabby Cat 10/30/02-07/09/06 Kathy and Kim Rawlins
Razor (Lazer Crystal) Greyhound 08/01/01-07/22/07 Leanne
Razor Boxer Shepherd Cross 04/24/95-07/30/09 Cindy
Razor German Shepherd 11 years 02/14/05 Donna Teems
Razor Liver Dalmatian 08/90-09/19/04 Larry, Lisa & Lydia
Razor Rotwieller 06/01/95-12/04/99 Judy, John, Johnny, Therese, Brain, Lady, Wrinkles
Razor Shepherd/Mix 09/26/13 Gina
Razorsedge Maynard Rottie and Black Lab Mix 10/31/93-03/05/05 Bernadette
Razr Mini Dachshund 01/26/08-12/01/08 Julie, Jerry and Tyler
Raztus Black Short Hair Cat 1994-03/27/02 MG Canales
Razz (Rasputin) Grey DSH Cat 01/01/89-06/17/02 Lissa and Greg
Razz aka Black Raspberry aka Razzman Black & White Tuxedo Cat almost 4 03/23/01 Becky
Razz Cat 14 years01/19/98 Marjo Nelson
Razz Dog 10/01/86-07/10/02 CD
Razz Himalayan Cat 17 years 07/18/97 Sara Lassiter
Razz Maltese 02/14/99-04/07/14 Raenelle Tyson
Razz Rottweiler 4 years 11/04/99 Linda Harper
Razz Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) 12/22/98-11/11/13 Nan Karl
Razz Shetland Sheepdog 01/06/89-03/19/01 Catherine Parish
Razz Siamese Cat Shaylee
Razz Yellow Streak Lory 05/10/95-07/18/12 Joy Roskos
Razza Elkhound 02/22/98-08/02/06 Judy
Razza Norwegian Elkhund 8 years 08/02/06 Judy
Razzamatazz aka Razzle Domestic Longhair Cat 06/01/90-08/19/03 Dannel S. Plute
Razzamatazz Tabby Cat 08/98-10/18/10 Stephanie Tamburro
Razzberry Persian Cat 11/09/73-05/08/85 Barbara Ryan
Razzie Shepherd/Golden Retriever 02/14/92-08/30/02 The Tarbox Family
Razzle (Border Rascal) Greyhound 06/08/88-01/13/97 Kathy, Jeff, Trisha, Danielle, Jason and Twister Foland
Razzle Cat 03/01/95-07/25/12 Kathy
Razzle Cocker 13 years 05/07/04 Linda Martis
Razzle Dazzle Simpson Ragdoll Cat 6 years 11/17/92 Jessica Simpson
Razzle Dog 12/27/88-06/29/02 Jay, Janice, Johnny, Jimmy
Razzle Grey Tabby Cat 03/17/87-06/25/99 Crysi Cabana
Razzle Hedgehog approximately 3 years 07/05/07 Deborah Wolley
Razzle 'no pickles please' Dazzle Dog 05/11/12 Melinda Starr
Razzle Orange Long Haired Tabby Cat 6 years 11/08/10 Laurie Chase
Razzle Pekingese/Chihuahua Mix 07/27/04-08/01/05 Krista Smith and Matthew Russell
Razzle Savage Mix Dog 13 years 02/22/13 Linda Savage
Razzle Shih Tzu 11/11/11-03/27/15 Donna Geouge
Razzle T Kittykat Cat 17 years 03/10/08 Carly Razidlo
Razzle Tuxedo Color Cat 10/17/90-01/14/02 Stacy Hawkes
Razzmataz Samoyed 02/10/08 Heather Kelch
Razz-Ma-Tazz (Taz) Shih Tzu 6 years 07/11/04 Dee Fraley
Razzmatazz Greyhound 02/17/04 Twila Liggett
Razzy Bichon Frise 04/01/88-10/05/04 Jennie Hamilton and Becky Yetter
Razzy Lab Mix 07/06/97-09/07/10 Debra Richie
Razzy Maine Coon Type Cat 03/14/96-02/02/07 Melissa
Razzy Mixed Beagle 15 years 02/02/09 Beth Peebles
Razzy Rat Terrier Cross 3 years 11/23/04 Your Mom, Crystal and All Who Loved You At Dog Gone Pretty
Razzy Rock Shiba Inu 07/29/92-07/22/04 Joyce & Steven
Razzy Sheltie 09/10/89-10/17/02 Barbara Hann
RB Dog 06/27/02-12/19/09 Dean Schrickel
RC Bernese Mountain Dog 07/29/97-07/06/07 Mary Jo Fish
RC Cola/Red Rover's Brownie 12/18/88-01/26/01 Don, Judy, Kara, Stephen Ryan
RC Mixed Dog 07/86-04/2001 Christine Vahai
RC Pit 11 years 23 April 2003 Norman and Sonja Melgreen
RCA Cocker Mix 11/07/93-05/25/06 Sandra
Re Re Poochon Puppy 02/28/09 Natalie
Rea Poodle 16 years 03/17/07 Patricia Ecklund Vanderhoof
Ready English Springer/Brittany Mix 06/10/83-10/12/97 The red Dog's lonely friend
Ready Girl Cocker Mix 09/09/99-07/15/13 Laura Else
Ready Girl Spaniel Mix 09/09/99-07/15/13 Laura Lynn
Ready Killowatt Jack Russell Terrier 1 year 11/21/89 Judi Lovell
Ready To Go Ruth 'Honey' Quarter Horse 6 years 06/99 Robyn & Samantha
Reaga Cat 22 years 12/98 Silvia Washington
Reagan and Waylon Vargas Beagle and Chihuahua 05/15/09-09/13/09 Ana
Reagan Angel 1 1/2 years 06/19/06 Courtney Bennett
Reagan Ashley Rat Terrier 7 years 08/25/04 Tom MacPherson
Reagan Australian Shepherd 13 years 08/07/08 Shannon Rainsberger
Reagan Black Cat 1999-02/04/06 Alannah Davis
Reagan Black Medium-Hair Cat 3 years 12/01/98 Victoria Stoike
Reagan Border Collie Mix 07/04/00-02/28/13 Rebecca and Ryan Heatherman
Reagan Border Collie/Keeshond 02/06/88-08/17/06 James Lynch
Reagan Bullmastiff 05/22/09-06/27/18 Geoff and Monica Tober
Reagan Calico Cat 04/05/06-04/19/10 Doug Johnson
Reagan Cat 08/99-03/12/04 Makenzie & Brent Peterson
Reagan Cat 6 years 11/19/00 Diane and Mark
Reagan Copic Cat 5 years 03/07/10 Brandon Copic
Reagan Golden Retriever 05/22/95-06/01/12 Kenny Hensdill
Reagan Golden Retriever 12 years 10/31/00 Dawn Foley
Reagan Hutchenson Parakeet 01/01/12 Jade Matthews
Reagan Irish Setter 10/06/97-01/22/11 Karl Correia
Reagan Irish Wolfhound 5 years 23/11/93 Dave Stuart
Reagan Jack Russell Terrier 04/24/98-04/08/11 Julie Tyger
Reagan Reyer German Shepherd Mix 17 years 01/10/18 Matt Reyer
Reagan Rottweiler 03/19/97-10/03/04 Leslie and Aaron
Reagan Siamese Cat 06/01/94-11/19/00 Diane Leva & M. Kilmer
Reagan Standard Poodle 07/16/86-06/14/97 Cynthia Sopka
Reagan Taylor Maltipoo 12/26/06-12/14/09 Julaine Taylor
Reagan Yellow Lab 08/24/93-06/06/04 Allison Pike
Reagan Yellow Lab 09/04/02-09/22/10 Peter, Suzy, & Family
Reagan Yellow Labrador/Australian Cattle Dog Mix 16 years 09/15/14 Jamie
Reagen Cat 16 years Leslie
Reaghan Cat 12/12/02-09/24/08 Michelle Lamendola
Reality Pomeranian 04/21/95-02/13/07 Kevin
Reanna Doberman 1983-1995 Tanya
Reaper Jewel Tabby Cat 05/19/96-05/10/97 David Matthew James
Reason Bein Shaded Silver Persian Cat 13 years 09/22/12 Jen Reese
Reason Boykin Spaniel 03/20/92-11/24/06 Donna
Reason Dachshund 01/04/92-07/13/11 Faith & Wayne
Reason Dog 01/2002 Anne
Reason Greyhound 6 years 12/09/08 Janet & Gary Lowther
Reba 10/16/95 Colleen Lamb
Reba American Bulldog 12/24/00-08/22/07 Steve and Dawnann
Reba American Quarter Horse 07/07/90-06/29/12 Patricia Sisson
Reba and Pony Boy Merrily, Scott and Kids
Reba Australian Shepherd 01/07/98-07/12/20 Sharon & Gary Ross
Reba Australian Shepherd 04/07/92-09/25/99 Kim Waldron
Reba Australian Shepherd 12/29/03-12/29/03 Blondy Brinkley
Reba Australian Shepherd 4 1/2 years 07/20/00 Linda
Reba Basset 10/03/94-01/24/06 Sylvia Partner
Reba Bay, Roan Quarter Horse Horse 01/01/92-08/03/02 Lisa Smid
Reba Beagle 13 years 05/02/07 Karen
Reba Black Lab 01/17/93-08/11/05 Bruce and Chris Johnson
Reba Black Lab/German Shorthair 14 years 08/16/04 Linda, Ben and Woody Barber
Reba Black Schnauzer 06/18/92-09/09/03 Katie McClurg
Reba Border Collie 07/08/94-08/19/04 Amber Caro
Reba Bullmastiff 06/15/98-12/08/06 Jeff and Peggy Weber
Reba Calico Cat 11/01/96-16/09/09 Joe & Janet
Reba Cane Corso, Mastiff Mix 9-12 years 11/23/12 Kathy Milonas
Reba Cat 12 years 06/21/11 Deb
Reba Cat 15 years 03/13/02 Lynn
Reba Cocker spaniel 07/01/92-12/23/03 Paula D'Amore
Reba Collie/Lab 1998-04/07/09 Tony LaPerna Jr
Reba Dailey Husky/ Lab 03/07/09 Jennifer
Reba Deber Pomeranian 04/23/09 Mariah E. Bennett
Reba Dog 04/25/97-05/19/12 Kristel, Doug, Ryleigh, Mackenzie Drew
Reba Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Reba Faye Sheltie 11/30/97-10/05/10 Linda and Roger Clark
Reba Gabrielle Bichon Frise 02/27/94-12/04/09 John
Reba German Shepherd 06/04/95-09/28/07 Lisa Pelzel
Reba Girl German Shepherd 04/28/96-08/22/02 Shirley & Ron Wood
Reba Golden Retriever 04/25/91-12/29/99 Art & Barb Stock
Reba Golden Retriever 04/25/91-12/29/99 Art Stock
Reba Golden Retriever 8 years 02/12/01 Bill
Reba Golden Retriever 8 years 05/04/04 Betsy and Bob Caron
Reba Golden Rose Golden Retriever 03/15/95-04/13/06 Tracey
Reba Greyhound 02/25/03 Trish Miller, Kato, Boop, Baby Nahna, Miss Cleopatra, Kobi & Mollie
Reba Husky Mix 8 years 07/03/03 Pam
Reba Husky/Brittany Spaniel Mix 02/17/93-02/11/08 Janet Thompson
Reba Jane Boxer 04/21/95-10/10/03 Dianne Brennan
Reba Jane Part Lab/Part Whippet 13 years 06/17/06 Linda Neubauer
Reba Joy Rottweiler 08/23/93-06/06/03 Merv and Donna
Reba Lab Mix 01/15/01-10/23/11 Sheryl Cinelli
Reba Labrador Retriever 10/09/04 Beth
Reba Lombardo Rottweiler 03/30/95-02/2003 Rita and Dickie
Reba Louise Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/25/96-03/29/06 Connie Burchett
Reba Mac Golden Retriever 02/22/98-07/06/12 Dee Mack
Reba Macindoxie Doxie 11/05/95-07/29/08 Jan Nyleen
Reba Marie Australian Shepherd Mix 12 years 05/28/10 Michael Frome
Reba McClain Westhighland Terrier 09/16/96-08/18/07 Scott and Mary McClain
Reba Meays Adams English Mastiff 07/29/00-04/15/14 Diana Meays Adams
Reba Miniature Beagle 11/27/89-12/28/04 Felix & Margaret Elizalde
Reba Miniature Beagle 15 years 12/28/04 Margaret & Felix
Reba Miniature Dachshund 08/14/88-04/01/94 James A. Reed & Michael A. Elliott
Reba Miniature Dachshund 15 1/2 years 01/13/08 Penny (Big Mom) and Marge (Little Mom)
Reba Mixed Husky/Lab 11/02/93-05/23/06 Cheryl
Reba Normal Gray Cockatiel 04/22/96-03/29/01 Lou and Gini Turck
Reba Pomeranian 06/15/93-01/05/94 Jeanne Fordyce
Reba Pomeranian 10/11/93-06/24/04 Reba
Reba Pug 11/05/95-02/26/08 Amy Mueller
Reba Red Doberman 03/08/95-12/30/03 Jack, Anita, Michael & Chelsea Cavalier
Reba Red Lab 7 years 11/14/05 Wayne & Sue & Coco
Reba Redbone Hound/Lab Mix 8 years 11/28/00 Rhonda Keffer
Reba Rottie 03/30/95-09/15/03 Rich and Rita Lombardo
Reba Rottweiler 03/30/95-09/15/03 Dick/Rita
Reba Rottweiler 10 years 07/11/23 Missy, Brad, Maya and Althea Heinemann
Reba Rottweiler/Lab 1993-2001 Andrea Pierce
Reba Shepherd 5 years 08/02/01 Mark Trzeciak/Leslie McCauley
Reba Shepherd Mix 17 years 06/06/03 Merrily Tithof
Reba Shepherd Mix Aprox 11 years 10/03/02 Shannon Johnson
Reba Shetland Sheepdog 07/28/95-12/26/05 Lesley
Reba Short Haired Tabby Cat 15 years 11/16/09 Gwen Petrie & Tom Cameron
Reba Siberian Husky/Newfoundland Mix 13 years 11/25/06 Mark Korell
Reba Staffordshire Terrier 09/21/12 Rose and Archie Arno
Reba Sue Black and Tan Cocker Spaniel 12/30/91-07/26/04 Tammy Altaffer
Reba Sue Chesapeake Bay Retriever 12 years 02/07/05 April
Reba Thurman Brittany Dog 06/28/93-03/27/06 Taylor Thurman
Reba Toy Poodle 12 years 05/09/07 Ron and Cherie
Reba Trzeciak Shepherd 5 years Mark Trzeciak/leslie McCauley
Reba Vargas Golden Retriever X 12 years 02/08/04 Valerie, Jorge,Philip, Matthew, Andrew, Julia, Michael
Reba West Highland White Terrier 06/14/97-02/16/14 Linda and Laurie Mandozzi
Reba White Cat 08/25/92-09/02/98 Susan Baldwin
Reba Wolcott Beagle 13 years 07/26/11 Dale & Connie Wolcott
Reba Yellow Lab 04/21/99-05/13/10 Cindy Clark
Reba, aka Rebster Girl Terrier Mix 02/14/96-09/13/11 Dave and Kim
Rebadog Rottweiler 11/01/94-08/04/07 Diane Dodge
Reba-June Tabby Cat 06/05/92-08/01/11 Jose J. Rodriguez
Rebar Black Lab 11/84-07/2004 Heidi
Rebar Rottweiler 02/15/91-11/18/04 Patricia Hodges
Rebar Shar Pei 08/06/99-12/12/02 Robyn, Steve & Ashley Brenden
Rebar Siberian Husky 6 months 03/13/02 Karis Atwood
Rebecca BullDog 01/01/89-12/24/98 Janice and Joe Parks
Rebecca Cat 05/13/05 Donna, Donald, and Emily Mosser
Rebecca Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rebecca Cinnamon Pearl Cockatiel 04/15/87-11/20/97 Elaine Witmer
Rebecca Collie/Shepherd 11/01/91-07/18/05 George & Laura Thomas
Rebecca Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/25/91-03/26/09 Jamie Lynn
Rebecca Greyhound/Shep X 05/17/84-06/97 Redro and Michelle Rivera
Rebecca Jack Russell Terrier 06/12/94-01/10/09 Rose Smoke and Steve Hotston
Rebecca Lynn Fredrick Domestic Short Hair Orange & White Cat 03/01/91-01/21/02 Sandi, Amanda, and Darrin
Rebecca Lynn Fredrick Domestic Short Hair Orange and White Cat 03/01/91-01/21/02 Sandi
Rebecca Merriah Rat Terrier 11/19/85-09/28/04 Karen Becker-Glatfelter
Rebecca Rose Golden Retriever 10/11/86-04/24/00 Dianne Volpe
Rebecca Sandi Fredrick
Rebecca, Becksters, Becca DSH Black and White Cat 17 years 10/05/10 Stephanie Maglietta
Rebeccah v Englehaft (Reba) St. Bernard 05/09/92-12/13/99 Sandy
Rebecka Poodle Cross Maltese 21/10/10 Kayla Lee
Rebeka Brazilian Terrier 03/17/02-03/04/16 Silvia, Aline, Mayra and Ruberley - Brazil
Rebekah Marie Dog 10/31/98-11/06/10 Amy
Rebekah Rottweiler/German Shepherd Mix 8 years 08/17/09 Rebekah King
Rebekka Lyn Chihuahua01/15/96-09/05/98 Melony
Rebel (Mouse) Chihuahua X Pomeranian 4 years 02/03/08 Sue & George Fedrizzi
Rebel (Rebby, Rebelina) German Shepherd 14 years 04/11/12 Cheryl, Dave & Jessie
Rebel (Snhops) German Shepherd/Wolf 1990-1998 Dana
Rebel Alexander American Shorthair Mix Cat 03/15/86-06/01/00 Denise & Elijah Frost
Rebel Alsatian 29/12/93-13/10/04 Liz Adamson
Rebel Appaloosa Horse 07/15/12 Christine Moore
Rebel Australian Shepherd 13 years 08/06/14 Sher
Rebel Bailey Black Labrador Retriever 04/03/98-02/14/10 Aaron, Sherri, and Hannah Bailey
Rebel Basset Hound 10/01/94-12/18/10 Amber Cagle
Rebel Beau American Cocker Spaniel 12/25/78-08/15/94 Malcolm
Rebel Black Lab 08/20/95 Anne Neely
Rebel Black Lab 09/04/87-03/30/00 Chuck and Debbie
Rebel Black/Silver Tabby Cat 17 years 12/07/13 Michelle Bow
Rebel Blk Lab/Shepherd Mix 01/19/87-05/15/03 Lynne & Tyler Samanns
Rebel Blue Heeler 07/08/14-03/06/16 Cindy Kalina
Rebel Blue Smoke Persian Cat 03/31/87-12/12/94 Beth Martin
Rebel Border Collie 01/14/86-06/07/99 Marie
Rebel Boston Terrier 1990-05/01/07 Marilyn
Rebel Boxer (fawn) 05/01/82-11/18/94 The Meeks Family
Rebel Boxer 07/01/94-02/26/98 Karen
Rebel Boxer 12/27/00-06/10/11 Meredith, Brian, and Mya Rodgers
Rebel Boxer 1981-1991 Anne Taylor
Rebel Cairn Terrier/Poodle Mix 06/89-08/30/04 David and Melissa Tipton and Family
Rebel Cat 07/30/91-10/16/99 Maggie Nunez
Rebel Cat 10/28/92-09/22/04 Lin
Rebel Cat 11 years 02/02/04 Sue
Rebel Cat 15 years Justine Owens
Rebel Cat 1982-08/12/99 Elizabeth Conway
Rebel Cat 8 months 03/14/10 Melanie and Andy Estes
Rebel Chihuahua 17 years 06/20/03 Dean Gardner
Rebel Chocolate Lab 1989-2006 Margaret
Rebel Chocolate Labrador Retriever 05/16/93-07/21/06 Lindsay Townsend
Rebel Chow Mix 15 years 10/26/00 Barbara Lewis
Rebel Crossbreed Dog 03/23/92-03/09/07 Sheilagh
Rebel Cucchiarella Chihuahua Husky Mix 12/15/08-01/18/14 Mario Cucchiarella
Rebel Darnell Doberman 10/06/00-03/01/06 Kay Darnell
Rebel Dobie 11 years 05/17/01 Gonzalo
Rebel Dog 04/24/85-04/17/98 Kevin and Joan Carter
Rebel Domestic Shorthair Ebony Cat 11/15/92-04/11/03 A Staszalek
Rebel DSH (Calico) Cat 01/01/92-02/04/06 Lynn
Rebel DSH Cat 11/19/89-01/13/03 Karen
Rebel E Goggin Lab Mix 5 years 02/19/07 Melody and Daniel Goggin
Rebel English Cocker Spaniel 09/12/92-08/30/04 Danny and Patti
Rebel English Springer 10 years 11/30/12 Anne Martin-Berry
Rebel Ferret 04/26/05 Debbie Kizziah
Rebel German Shepherd 01/21/00 Donna
Rebel German Shepherd 02/06/03-06/02/05 Chris Allen
Rebel German Shepherd 13 years 12/13/94 Flo Paulling
Rebel German Shepherd 16 years Geri
Rebel German Shepherd 29/12/04-13/10/04 Liz Adamson
Rebel German Shepherd Vietnam
Rebel German Shepherd/Great Dane Mix 12/15/01-06/02/10 Alaina Pinelli
Rebel German Shorthair Pointer 01/23/02-07/04/14 Gail Broadway
Rebel German Shorthair Pointer 10/14/09 Christine V
Rebel Ginger Tabby Cat 07/04/93-03/01/10 Susie Rust
Rebel Golden 08/14/97-08/28/05 Wanda Strickland
Rebel Golden Lab 11 years 08/03/12 Mary Kocher
Rebel Golden Retriever 04/04/95-06/14/04 Amanda Chambers
Rebel Golden Retriever 04/09/99-02/11/10 Mike Rothgeb
Rebel Golden Retriever 07/23/92-11/08/04 Terry Johnson
Rebel Golden Retriever 08/16/05-07/05/10 Joe & Phyllis Joseph
Rebel Golden Retriever 09/02/82-06/10/95 Sophie Moyer
Rebel Golden Retriever 12/10/89-10/24/00 K Deist
Rebel Golden Retriever 13 1/2 years 10/10/05 Ron Costeck
Rebel Golden Retriever 13 years 06/10/95 Sophie M.
Rebel Golden/Irish Setter 14 years 10/19/07 Kevin and Joanne Serzan
Rebel Hopper Harlequin Dane Mix 14 years 11/29/07 Angel Fitzpatrick
Rebel Irish Setter 11 years Mike and Donna O'Toole
Rebel Irish Wolfhound Mix 8 years 08/10/13 Deborah Roman
Rebel James Allgyer Golden Retriever 04/11/02-09/18/09 Colleen Allgyer
Rebel Kelsi of The Highlands aka Kelsi Mini Dachshund 11/17/90-09/08/03 Toni
Rebel Lab Mix 07/19/06-07/08/17 Yvonne Westover
Rebel Lab Mix 08/01/89-09/07/01 Julie Blichmann
Rebel Lab/Chow Mix 11/00-06/19/02 Candice Miller
Rebel Lab/Dobbie Cross 02/11/89-02/14/97 Rachael Capizzi
Rebel Lab/Mix 02/92-08/29/02 Jill Morris
Rebel Lab/Russian Wolfhound 10/96-10/19/12 Kathy Fealhaber
Rebel Labrador Retriever 08/12/96-02/12/09 Cindy
Rebel Lhasa Apso 15 years 04/25/03 Peggy Adams
Rebel Long German Shepherd 01/01/98-12/10/10 C.J. and Chasity Long
Rebel Maine Coon Cat 4 years 12/31/08 Barry Higgott
Rebel Maxwell Maine Coon Cat 04/18/93-10/09/13 Linda Maxwell
Rebel Minature Poodle 17 years 07/12/02 Pat
Rebel Mini Lop Rabbit 06/95-12/22/98 Geoff
Rebel Mini Poodle 15 years 11/05/10 Joe
Rebel Mini Schnauzer 04/15/99-08/04/11 Annie
Rebel Miniature Pinscher 06/20/95-07/15/10 Pat and Lew Van Glahn
Rebel Minpin 06/20/95-07/15/10 Pat and Lew Van Glahn
Rebel Mixed Dog 12 years 12/30/12 Janet
Rebel Mixed Dog 1964-1966 L.K.
Rebel Norwich Terrier 06/28/93-04/21/08 Ed and Lucia
Rebel on the Run Yorkie 11/98 Pam
Rebel Pekingnese 11/27/84-07/24/99 Judy Breeden
Rebel Pit Bull 9 years 10/06/04 Arlene
Rebel Poodle 12/07/02 Hilda Morgan
Rebel Poodle/Terrier Mix 8 years 07/11/05 Mary Berry
Rebel Red Doberman 9 years 07/17/02 Vicki Talbot
Rebel Romad Labradore Retriever 14 Feb 02 to 23 Mar 09 Southern Rascal, Dixie Rose, Divina, Isabel, Isaac and Sam Moore
Rebel Rottweiler 02/25/95-10/31/04 Bernadette
Rebel Rottweiler 04/05/92-08/13/02 Sharon Chia
Rebel Rottweiler 10 years 06/22/10 Kathy Cyscon
Rebel Rough Collie 13/02/09 Jo Mangan
Rebel Russian Blue Mix Cat 06/15/90-09/01/01 Jennifer Adams
Rebel Schnoodle 04/09/81-02/12/97 Hally Dolan
Rebel Shepherd/Doberman 07/16/91-04/20/02 The Puleos
Rebel Shepherd/Elkhound Mix 15 years 06/16/97 Peg
Rebel Shihtzu Poodle Mix 06/02/99-06/10/14 Sheri
Rebel Sias Plotthound/Malamute Mix 8 years 12/02/04 Jennifer and Jeffrey
Rebel Siberian Husky 02/28/92-05/01/06 Vicki
Rebel Staffordshire Terrier 05/10/96-07/31/11 Michele
Rebel Staffy 01/05/96-06/10/07 Ken McGrath
Rebel Tabby Cat 04/20/02-06/12/07 Tom
Rebel Tabby Cat 15years 12/13/06 Lisa
Rebel Terrier Mix 15 years 05/2012 Joe and Barb
Rebel Toy Poodle 03/29/79-08/05/95 Elizabeth M. Ryder
Rebel Vizsla 01/88-05/05/00 Hepsi Zsoldos
Rebel Vizsla 04/15/97-10/17/07 Lucy Olson
Rebel vom Wolfsteinblut Chow/Golden Mix 09/91-06/02/96 Michaela
Rebel Watkins Mini Poodle 15 years 11/05/10 Joe Watkins
Rebel Weimaraner 05/10/99-01/17/01 Diana
Rebel Winkin Corgi Mix 09/03/02-03/04/04 Kayla Michelle Crews
Rebel Without A Cause Golden Retriever 07/15/87-16/24/02 Petra Niemeyer
Rebel Yellow Lab 05/07/97-05/30/10 Laura Pearn
Rebel Yorkshire Terrier 08/12/02-03/20/14 Teresa Mellette
Rebel, Bebbus, Beboss, Bossity Dog Weimaraner-Dobie Mix 01/29/91-10/03/03 Tary Woodward
Rebell German Shepherd 08/25/93-09/01/05 Ron Wasserman
Rebi Flemish Giant Rabbit 04/2002 Linda
Rebo Border Collie 11/01/94-04/21/09 Matt Curlee
Reboc Cat 22 years Deb M.
Recker Langford Dog 14 years 03/20/17 Janis Langford
Recker Staffordshire Terrier 09/21/88-06/13/94 Dr. IS
Recky Cat 04/19/98-02/10/16 Anastasia
Reco of Merion German Shepherd Dog 04/01/99-07/28/99 R.J. Steward
Recon Bloodhound 06/02/09 T.M. Lynde
Recon Parker German Shepherd 06/21/96-04/25/08 Chris Parker
Recon Pitbull 05/30/08-06/19/09 Whitney Stinchfield
Recon Snohomish Cty K-9 Officer 03/18/98 Deputy Sheriff Jim Gibson
Red & White Cat 02/25/00 Martha Ashley
Red (Chunks) Budjenska Orange Tabby Cat 18 years 26 Apr 02 Mom, Dad, Paco, Rodger, Koko and Stoney
Red (Fat Red) Ferret 7 years 06/22/00 Denise Lambson
Red (Leiper) Bridgwater Lee 09/02/85-11/29/99 Judy
Red (Mr. Red) Red Tick English Coonhound 02/14/94-08/13/11 Suzanne M. Glasoe
Red (Reddie Bear) Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog 06/01/02-02/13/03 Gayle Scarfone
Red 13 Siamese Fighting Fish 03/16/01 Jonathon
Red aka Kenny Cocker Spaniel 2-3 years 05/09/09 Grace Knoof
Red aka Red Bean Golden Retriever 03/13/96-02/19/08 Liz Jordan
Red Alert of Starcross Aussie 10/10/88-11/22/00 Tracey
Red Appendix Horse 08/28/07 Ginger Sony
Red Arabian Horse 05/03/04 Rachael
Red August Cat 10 years 05/05/00 Stacey
Red Australian Red Cattle Dog X 17 years 12/11/05 Robert
Red Australian Shepherd 06/06/93-04/17/06 Candace Niedert
Red Austrian Shepherd Mix 15 years 07/28/06 Karyn Lee
Red Baron Flame Siamese Cat 02/22/96-01/20/01 Debra and Bernard Matos
Red Baron Greenwing Macaw 05/29/95 S. Harrison
Red Baron Miniature Dachshund 07/27/87-03/22/03 Robyne Grumbles
Red Baron of Blackwatch (Red) Bullmastiff 9 years 09/09/99 Alison, Keller, Canon, Dante, Zoe, Murphy and Lil'Bit
Red Basenji 02/89-05/08/03 Michael Blaise
Red Beagle Mix 17 years 01/13/13 Sherri
Red Bearded Dragon 06/14/18 Jade Lynn Weathers
Red Bearded Dragon 2 years 06/14/18 Lynn
Red Belly Dachshund 10/28/06-01/19/18 Devin
Red Bird 06/01/03-07/25/03 Karla Baker
Red Bird Orange Tabby Cat 02/17/12 Simon and Barbara Corea
Red Blue Heeler 1yr 12/22/98 Lynn & Keith
Red Blue Nose Pitbull 1 year 08/29/16 Amanda Melin
Red Boxer 8 years 09/29/06 Sue Johnson
Red Bright Chestnut Horse 27 years 10/10/98 Victoria
Red Buddy Cocker Spaniel 03/16/02-05/12/12 Jim & Judy Mihal
Red Cat 03/30/73-03/12/98 Brenda Pelletier
Red Cat 04/01/08 Maria Dubois
Red Cat 04/03/01 Jean and Red'S Family and Friends
Red Cat 05/07/12 Heather Hall
Red Cat 09/04/09 Deirdre Omar Singh
Red Cat 18 years 09/12/13 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee
Red Cat Red DSH Cat 7 years 12/24/10 Carole
Red Cat-Amber American Short-Haired Tabby Cat 02/24/99 Joyce North
Red Chihuahua 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Red Chow 06/23/90-02/07/03 Debby Hemstock
Red Chow Mix 05/15/96-02/27/09 Shawn Demmin
Red Cocker Spaniel 05/22/93-08/06/08 Noreen Simak
Red Cocker Spaniel Mix 01/01/78-01/17/91 Gen Buske
Red Comet Maine Coon Cat 6 years 08/02/99 Leah & Tye
Red Dachshund 10/01/08-10/31/22 Jamie Berens
Red Dachshund 16-17 years 04/03/08 Sonia and Shawn LeClere
Red Dalmatian 12 years 10/18/07 Pam
Red DeGregorio Irish Setter - Golden Retriever Mix 10/26/01-05/15/14 Joe DeGregorio
Red Devil Pig 1972-1973 Denise & Jimmy
Red Doberman 06/28/78-09/15/90 Katherine R. Sansbury
Red Doberman 7 years 12/05/96 Julie Abbott
Red Doberman/Mix 13 years 09/17/97 Diana Davis
Red Dog 08/27/08 Janet Khalil
Red Dog 09/08/06 Vicky, Martin y Flia
Red Dog 09/12/00-12/21/10 Jim Kielma
Red Dog 14 years 10/31/13 V. Neyra
Red Dog 1996-03/24/07 Carolann, Keith, Millie, Buddy, Jeff, & Camille
Red Dog Akita 11/97 Bruce & Kiku
Red Dog Australian Cattle Dog 1992-03/2004 Lynn and Kelly
Red Dog Chow/Golden Retriever 14 years 01/20/09 Susan McCarthy
Red Dog Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/29/94-12/06/07 Joanne and Bill Deckard
Red Dog Kitten 5 wks 05/25/96 Stephanie & Randy Evans
Red Dog Lab/Chow Mix 02/18/96-01/11/11 Kathy Hauser
Red Dog Mixed Chow 10+ years 01/04/07 Lisa Swope
Red Dog Pit Bull/ Red Heeler Mix 6 1/2 years 02/17/03 Tiag Gifford
Red Dog Queensland Heeler 01/13/92-06/04/07 Amanda Tyler
Red Dog Red Bone Coon Hound 02/03-09/18/06 Wayne & Jean
Red Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/14/05-05/18/19 Carolyn Crow
Red Eye Lutino Cockatiel 06/08/86-04/23/93 Steph
Red Ferret 06/22/00-D Lambson
Red Fred Collins Basset/Lab Mix 10 years 07/13/12 Beth Collins
Red Fred Mixed, Chow/Lab 1998-08/06/09 Sande Elkins
Red Gibbs Cat 02/23/12 Danielle Gibbs
Red Ginger Rose Cocker Spaniel 10/18/89-02/25/02 Patti Gardner
Red Golden Retriever / Irish Setter 12 years 05/26/10 Jolie
Red Golden Retriever 10/19/14 Kathleen
Red Golden Retriever 11 years 07/96 Doyle and Bonnie King
Red Golden Retriever 11/20/90-08/13/04 The Campbell's
Red Golden Retriever 12 years 05/22/03 Diane Salsbery
Red Golden Retriever Mix 14 years 09/10/04 Judy Lawing
Red Good Miniature Pincher 11 years 09/13/05 Good Family & Mark Neer
Red Guinea Pig 10/07/98-19/11/04 Charlie Martin
Red Horse 06/02/07 Kathleen For Kristen
Red Hot Ming Choy Shih Tzu 04/17/95-02/07/11 Emily Darak
Red Knights of Pendragons True Blood Jaco Pastorius Dogue de Bordeaux 08/11/09-11/28/11 Michal Whitney
Red Lab 06/25/99-03/19/12 Betty Jansen
Red Lab Cross 05/82-05/15/97 John & Cheryle Davis
Red Labrador Retriever 09/01/01 Andy Anderson
Red Leigh Red Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) 03/91-11/17/02 Karl Bergstrasser
Red Min Pin 04/17/96-11/17/04 Robert & Wanda Ball
Red Mix Dog 14 years 09/26/99 Kim and Jimmy
Red Mixed Breed Dog 10/07/85-09/13/99 Robin Johnson
Red Mixed Dog 11 years 11/09/04 Suzanne
Red Mutt 13 1/2 years 05/01/08 Pamela Wooten
Red Orange Tabby Cat 03/07/97 Noah's Ark Shelter
Red Orange Tabby Polydactyl Cat 11 years 04/26/11 Lillian Reitz
Red Pepper Quarter Horse 5 years 12/29/08 Lindsey
Red Pitbull 16 years 2010 Sharon Hensley
Red Rachel Bear Chow Chow 12/15/85-07/07/93 Joe and Renea Coats
Red Rager Labrador Retriever 23/01/01-14/03/11 Rager
Red Rebel Red and White Border Collie 05/04/02-01/06/08 Amy
Red Red Bone Coon Hound Mix 5 years 10/28/96 Amy E Cavender
Red Red Heeler 10 years 08/08/11 Donna
Red Red Nose Pitbull 12 years 02/24/11 Haunani
Red Red Tabby Cat 1987-10/12/00 Carolyn
Red Red Tabby Kitten 5 weeks 05/28/00 Susan Peterson
Red Red Wine American Pit Bull Terrier 10/11/96-04/01/09 Valerie Torres
Red Ruby Albino Rat 1 1/2 years 01/23/05 Katie DeFelice
Red Ruby and White Rose Albino Rats 2005 Katie DeFelice
Red Ryder Poodle 08/04/90-12/12/02 Kareth Cummings
Red Shar Pie 12/26/03-12/26/15 Lisa
Red Sharpei/Pit Mix 08/04/04 Roger L Daub
Red Sharpei/Pitbull 11 years 01/30/15 The Sandovals
Red Shep/Lab 02/14/94-10/19/09 Kevin & Kathy Schaefer
Red Shorthair Cat 2004 Megan
Red Siamese Cat 03/13/93-08/06/07 Sandy
Red Siberian Husky 07/22/84-06/13/02 Isabel Gallo
Red Sky In The Morning (Skye) Alaskan Malamute 06/92-06/04/02 Marilyn Dalrymple
Red Sonja Doberman 02/14/95-06/20/97 Amy
Red Stuff, Boobie Red Tabby Cat 17 years 05/25/05 Frank & Debbie Kolar
Red Sun's Haikeyosha (Keyo) Akita 11/07/92-04/21/00 Randy, Francine and Heather Fodrey
Red Tabby Cat 10/26/16 Karen
Red Tabby Cat 15 years 07/16/09 Becky
Red Taylor Doberman 9 years 11/22/09 Sue and Michael Taylor
Red Tennessee Walking Horse 11/02/97-06/30/16 Wanda Conrad
Red Terrier Mix 08/94-02/07/06 Debbie Eggers
Red Terrier mixed with Africanis mid 90s-04/03/12 Rich Knight
Red Toe Canaan Puppy 08/2005-09/03/05 Victor & Wendy Sanchez
Red Tollers Booths Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 31/07/99-20/09/03 Anne Kvilvang
Red Tollers Ki Buffy Sainte Marie Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 07/07/01-03/01/04 Anne Kvilvang
Red Wedle Maine Coon Cat 3 years 06/28/98 Jeanette
Red XIII Kitten 07/12/12-09/06/12 Jessica and Leighton
Red Zeppelin Red and Rust Doberman Pincer 08/04/93-12/05/02 Frederick Shotz
RedBird Lori 02/05/95-04/37/09 Karen and Nathaniel
Redbone Greyhound 06/13/95-01/23/06 Karen Stankovics
Redbug Orange & White Cat 8 years 12/93 Patricia Wilson
Redcat Phifer Red Tabby Cat 16 years 03/03/06 Jennifer Phifer
Redcat Tabby Cat 1990-03/10/06 Jennifer
Redcat/Tackder Red Tabby Cat 08/28/99 Laurie Varner
Redd (Pooh Bear) Betz Doberman Pincher 09/84-05/30/98 Kristine
Redd Golden Lab Retriever 03/23/24 Rebecca Stich
Redd Mixed Breed Dog 12 years 11/04/04 Denise
Redd Red Chow Chow 13-15 years 02/09/03 Renay and David Carr
Redd Red Retriever/Yellow Lab Mix 10/14/09 Marie Modesitt
Redd Rhodesian Ridgeback 04/28/85-07/20/95 John, Karen & Jacob Kurkul
Reddie Downs Long Hair Dotson 11/02/00-02/26/18 Rhonda Carrier
Reddog Chihuahua 11 years 02/19/05 Judy Schofield
RedDog Dachshund 15 years 11/09/05 Jackie
Reddog Kirby Dachshund 09/30/90-11/2005 Doug & Jackie Kirby
Reddog Red Doberman 12 1/2 years 01/14/07 Curtis Moore
Reddog Terrier Mutt 12/93-02/07/06 Debbie Eggers
Reddoggie Portnoy English Bulldog 11 years 10/09/06 Nicole
Reddot Dachshund 05/30/96-12/20/97 Carole
Redds Siamese Fighter Fish 12/12/02-05/12/03 Michelle Husbands
Reddy Long Coat Chihuahua 07/28/04-04/02/12 Tami L. Meisenhelder
Reddy Orange-Red Cat 10 years 1980s Corinne
Reddy Red Maine Coon DLH Cat 11/87-07/14/01 Joan Cole
Reddy Toy Poodle 05/01/92-11/19/07 Susan and Cassandra Stobbs
Redford (Red Dog) Golden Retriever 10/13/88-07/27/01 Carol Atterberry Trammell
Redford Beagle Hound Mix 11/02/02-07/09/13 Jeanette
Redford Dobie 10/25/91-03/01/02 Chris Williams
Redford Golden Retriever/Chow Chow 01/30/92-06/03/05 Deborah and Richard Beasley
Redford Lab 07/30/96-06/23/08 Randi and Jeffrey Andrews
Redford Wallace Golden Retriever 11 years 02/10/08 John, Jennifer, Callie, Rieves, & Claire
Redfurred Cat 08/88-10/08/04 Deann Adlfinger
Redgie Hedgehog 07/21/07-02/06/11 Erica
Redgirl Maine Coon Cat 12/24/10 Kathy
Redhead Orange Tabby Cat 10/01/81-02/15/99 John C. Ottinger and Peggy Lison
Redhead Wolfhound Mix 08/09/95-03/11/05 Patty Woods
Redick Golden Retriever 06/03/07-05/05/17 Robert and Nancy Harvey
Redkin Cat 6 years old Julia
Redlands Buck Wild Golden Retriever 05/15/01-11/13/08 Kevin/Harriet Matthews
Redley aka Little Frankie Pom X 05/12/04 Meryl & Meryl Lagotta/hoeck
Redman Cornish Rex Cat 02/25/87-11/19/00 Debra Galbraith
Redman Mini Poodle 13 years 02/2012 Craig Bromley
Redman Persian Cat 10/12/89-10/16/04 Steve & Gisele
Redmond Golden/Chow 05/09/08 Robin & Wilfred Vasquez
Redmond Persian Cat 1999-10/07/12 Deborah Reynolds
Redmond Siamese/Egyptian Mix Cat 18 years 03/20/01 Judy
Redneck Black Lab 07/2002-02/03/12 Bill
Redy Orange Kitten 5 weeks 10/30/23 Edie Heyamann
Ree Bassett 02/14/04-01/15/09 Susan
Reeba Calico Cat 15 years 07/08/04 Tina Pitsenberger
Reeboc Cat 12/02/81-06/09/23 Debora J M Mulqueen
Reebok aka Reebers Cocker Spaniel 10/09/93-10/27/10 The Clinard Family
Reebok Black Lab Mix 13 years 05/03/03 Diane and Jerry Martin
Reebok Black Lab/Shepmix 1 year 09/30/02 Bob & Elaine Manor
Reebok Cocker Spaniel 01/01/87-06/26/00 The Quintana's
Reebok Cocker Spaniel 10/09/93-10/27/10 The Clinard Family
Reebok Dog 11/22/94-09/13/09 Corrie
Reebok Llasa Apso 12/21/08 Robin
Reebok Maine Coon Mix Cat 20 years 10/22/09 Jolene Penton
Reebok Mini Retriever 11/22/93-09/13/09 Corrie and Pat
Reebok Mixed Cat 13 1/2 years 12/14/03 Sandra Paul
Reebok Rottweiler Mix 2009 Connie
Reebok Shorthair Cat 04/01/00-11/02/11 Eartha Grimes
Reebok Weimeraner 11/15/89-03/22/01 Troy Farley
Reebox Gray Tiger Tabby Cat 03/05/88-11/16/03 Jan Shields
Reece Chocolate Labrador 06/19/12-07/20/12 Tracey Prieto
Reece Neil Cat 04/01/02-01/20/20 Linda Neil
Reece Shih Tzu 02/14/07-05/29/22 Jordn Gerardot
Reecee Min-Pin 05/01/98-11/26/08 Mary
Reeco Toy Poodle, Red 09/22/94-08/13/08 Darlene
Reed -Baby Cat Cat 04/19/10-06/06/11 Rachael Swann
Reed Kitty 1993-07/30/08 Christine
Reed Torrence Tuxedo Cat 03/17/94-01/30/12 Missy and Scott Torrence
Reed Weimaraner 12 years 01/07/21 Jackie and Jared
Reedy the Ferret 01/19/14-12/28/15 Ann Baskervill
Reef Yellow Labrador 15 years 07/16/09 Holly Ekstrom
Reefer Ann Dodge American Tabby Shorthair Cat 03/31/85-10/15/06 Phyllis Ann Dodge
Reefer Cat 03/23/96-07/15/06 Debby Woolley
Reefer Tuxedo Shorthair Cat 12 years 08/13/00 Susan Spar
Reegee Mixed Dog 09/85-07/13/99 Gene Myers
Reeka Rottweiler 12/31/96-04/18/03 Ray John
Reeko Husky 08/29/06-12/04/15 Betty Dailey
Reekus Grey Tabby Cat 18+ years 02/15/08 Neva Essery
Reemie Belize Amazon Parrot 18 years and 3 months 02/20/03Bonnie Jay
Reena Doberman/Shepherd 06/15/86-07/18/97 Suzan and Kenneth Phipps
Reenee Russian Blue Cat 13 years 12/04/09 Ita Pekarek
Reepicheep (Reepi) Black Shorthair Cat 03/26/01-09/06/08 Hilery
Ree's Phoebe Girlfriend Poodle 06/13/94-11/27/02 Shairee Dorrill
Reesa Greyhound 9 years 12/05/19 Sharon Ruby
Reesa Marie Cocker Spaniel 9 years 12/19/12 Brad and Marion Hale and Perkey Bills
Reese and Reno Chihuahuas 14 years 08/14/10 and 08/15/10 Melissa Yingling
Reese Basset Hound 08/25/10-06/19/11 Mary Ann Severt and Nathan Severt
Reese Beagle Mix 08/01/92-07/14/07 Heather Chapman
Reese Black Lab/Retriever Mix 05/26/00-09/13/01 Barbara
Reese Border Collie 06/25/96-03/05/09 Kathy George
Reese Boxer 07/07/98 Kylee Jewers
Reese Brown Chihuahua 03/27/10-05/27/10 Rusty, Jeff, and Dustin Brown
Reese Cat 07/15/01-09/27/01 Justine Hussey
Reese Catahoula Mix 10 years 09/14/09 Amanda Rector
Reese Chihuahua 10 weeks 02/20/06 Sarah Sneed
Reese Chihuahua Terrier Mix 08/24/11-02/07/21 Michele Hamann
Reese Choc Lab Retriever 04/25/97-05/31/06 Sandy Cowles
Reese Chocolate Lab 4 years 10/15/06 Craig & Cyndi
Reese Chocolate Lab 9 years 05/31/06 Sandy Cowles
Reese Chocolate Lab 9 years 08/92/17 Connie Chris Jenn Stephanie Krista Landen Mia Delilah Jesse
Reese Chocolate Labrador 02/14/04-01/18/13 Debbie Golden
Reese Cinnamon Teal Chocolate Lab 03/23/98-11/22/10 Tanya, Kayla, Tyler, and Ryan Davis
Reese Cocker Spaniel 12 years 09/14/12 Reb & Becky Bailey
Reese Collie Mix 13 years 01/25/07 Stephanie
Reese Decotiis Carolyn Mohwinkle
Reese Doberman 5 years 09/01/08 Anna Mc Knight
Reese Dog 12 years 02/15/11 Kim
Reese English Bullmastiff 11/01/89-02/01/06 Ronald, Theresa, Brandon, Kayla
Reese German Shepherd Chow Mix 04/20/10 Syd Kaufman
Reese Golden Retriever 01/24/90-12/12/02 Maryln Harmer
Reese Guinea Pig 11/22/06-10/31/09 Gina
Reese Husky Mix 05/21/10 M.C.
Reese Lab 1 August 2010-31 August 2014 Julee Meade
Reese Lab/Chow Mix 11/12/01-10/15/13 Christine Smith
Reese Labrador 04/25/97-05/31/06 Sandy Cowles
Reese Marie (Sis) Dog 05/29/96-01/19/01 Matt & Mary Griffin
Reese Marie Beyer Jack Russell 04/07/01-10/29/13 Charlie, Marie, Kristen & Daniel Beyer
Reese Mini Rex Cross Rabbit approxImately 6 years 08/01/09 Kara
Reese Mix Dog 8 years 11/02/07 Regina Pearce
Reese Mixed Breed Dog 9 years 11/03/24 Irene Miller
Reese Mixed Dog 05/13/95-05/26/09 Michelle & Richard
Reese Neirinckx Chocolate Lab 13 1/2 years 04/12/08 Nancy Neirinckx
Reese Olde English Bulldog 01/23/05-11/16/07 Paula and Bill
Reese Peanut Butter Cup Red Doberman 05/28/08-11/05/08 Dawn
Reese Peanut Butter Cup Smooth Agouti Guinea Pig 01/01/03-10/27/08 Janine and Michael Johnson
Reese Pug 03/11/98-11/17/11 Cooperdock Family
Reese Rat Terrier 16 years 08/14/17 Cathy
Reese Rendelman Dog 01/27/11 Den & Jeffrey
Reese Rene Kyler Cat 06/2003-05/22/11 Kelley Tomlin
Reese Robbins Kitten 05/26/05-08/09/05 Alisa Robbins
Reese Rottweiler 7 1/2 years 01/16/09 Charles Grabitzky
Reese Sharpei Mix 10/01/01-03/23/09 Joanna Bartley & Gavin Whitt
Reese Sheltie/Boxer 14 years 01/16/17 Tanya Dickinson
Reese Shepherd/Hound Mix 8 years 06/19/08 Kevin, Caroline, Michael, Lilli Kate, and Whistle Parker
Reese Short Brown Haired Tabby Cat 14 years 08/10/04 Tanya Call
Reese Tortoise Shell Cat 2 years 04/15/04 Chris
Reese Weaver British Shorthair Cat 03/12/03-03/01/19 Rachel, Kevin, Chuck, Shari, Peanut, Boo, Tiki, Grandma Trish, Jay
Reeses Bunny 7 years 08/20/02 Jill Allen
Reeses Calico Cat 04/04/09 Millie & Ricky Fain
Reeses Cat 17 years 11/17/15 Jacki, Jesse, Angie, Dave
Reeses Chocolate Lab 13 3/4 years 03/21/11 Elaine Rawls
Reeses Dachshund 06/13/99-05/11/05 Sherri Pfisterer
Reeses Dog 02/01/00-11/26/08 Linda Sullivan
Reeses Golden Retriever 08/16/96-02/06/09 Pat ODonnell
Reeses Hornstein Cat 2 years 07/04/200 Jordonna
Reeses Jenkins American Bulldog and Lab Mix 07/12/12-07/29/19 Nathan and Jolie Jenkins
Reeses Moa Anderson Miniature Long Haired Dachshund 12/31/05-11/19/16 Moa J Anderson
Reeses Pekingese 07/11/01-05/16/14 Pam
Reeses Pieces American Cocker Spaniel 07/06/93-11/11/08 Judy Wing
Reeses Rottweiler 6 years 01/10/01 Lori Hutson
Reeses Shitzu/Cockapoo 13 years 09/26/12 Samantha
Reeses Tarantine German Shepherd 02/18/02-09/30/06 Catie Tarantine
Reese's Tortoiseshell Cat 14 years 05/20/10 Julia Vickery Cozart
Reesie Dachshund 03/23/09-07/27/10 Jennifer Kosich
Reesie G Persian Cat 01/27/96-04/01/10 Troy & Whitney Krause
Reesie German Shepherd 06/20/05 Katie, Mic and Nick
Reesie Guinea Pig 01/07/05-09/22/08 Krysten
Reesie Miniature Dachshund 08/31/03-04/19/08 Sue, Chelsea, and Rossanna Allen
Reesie Pitbull/Mix 11/27/02-01/02/12 Brooke Marquis
Reesie Tabby Cat 05/18/06 Kari Tyrone
Reesie Tortoiseshell American Shorthair Cat 14 years 07/23/07 Rick Williams
Reesie Torty Cat 21 years 02/26/11 Bobbie Hudson Penick
Reetsy Boxer/Lab Mix 05/06/93-11/01/01 A.
Reeves Short-Haired Silver Tabby Cat 01/01/91-18/02/06 Edith Bowman
Reezo Solid Black Cat 4 1/2 years 09/16/00 Craig and Renee'
Ref German Shepherd 12 years 02/09/00 Shannan
Refajo Cross Breed Dog 1984-1999 Edmondo Manfredi
Reflections Rocky Road 4 Ransom Bernese Mountain Dog 07/09/01-05/25/06 Karen Ransom
Reflector's Barbaralynn (Reba) Morgan Horse 02/28/00 Kim Matlock
Refrigerator German Shepherd 11 years 02/12/97 Bartontree
Refrigerator Orange British Shorthair Cat 18 1/2 years 02/08/04 Chris Szczerba
Reg Angora/Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/14/89-02/14/09 Reginald Stuart Mitzenmacher
Reg Moggy Cat 05/11/93-24/07/08 Victoria Wilson
Reg Rottwieller X Great Dane 28/01/97-31/10/01 Keely
Regal 01/92 Sherry & Mario
Regal and Puddy Dog and Cat 10/13/01 Angie
Regal Beagle 01/21/00-08/16/06 Dorene Malling
Regal Labrador Mix 9 years 08/28/01 Linda Nixon
Regal Lhasa 04/97-08/17/13 Rose
Regal Red (or Handsome) Quarter Horse Stallion 06/05/80-02/24/02 Emily
Regalo KimW
Regan Calico Cat 04/04/02-03/28/05 Alison Kathryn Barra
Regan Collie 11/29/01-06/04/13 Diane
Regan Ertman Short Hair Cat The Fall Amy Ann Fulton
Regen (short for Regenbogen, which means Rainbow in German) Rottweiler 06/17/86-12/23/99 Robyn Orban
Regen von Hodenhof German Shepherd 06/09/89-1998 Joan Connorton
Regent Schnauzer 9 years 04/17/97 Susan Culley
Reggae Bichon Frise 08/20/90-01/31/06 Lindsay Simpson
Reggae Greyhound 04/02/00-12/17/11 Samm Lewis
Reggae Rott 11/23/97-04/14/02 Julie Foley & Micah Gilbert
Reggae Sharpei 14 years 12/16/04 Pamela Gussler
Reggi Black Labrador Retriever 08/11/94-03/29/07 Gina Taylor
Reggi Dutch Rabbit 2 1/2 years 07/19/02 Amanda & David Tovell
Reggi Yorkshire Terrier 07/11/02-03/29/20 Gina
Reggie (aka Booger) Golden/Labrador Retriever 14 years 06/03/99 Kimmie Santucci
Reggie (aka Reggerman) Mixed Dog 15 years 12/19/00 Becky H.
Reggie (Candlochen's From Here to Eternity) Sheltie 10/23/97-10/23/97 MissyEcho Candlochen
Reggie (Castlebay's Tricks or Treats) Scottish Terrier 10/28/89-11/20/99 Mary & Dave Deason
Reggie (Dog of the Fence) Beagle 02/14/96-12/08/08 Darryl
Reggie (Lady Regina) Lhasa Apso 04/24/92-04/12/06 Donal White
Reggie (Sir Reginald Fredrick of Readley) Beagle 02/80-09/28/95 Susan Shepard
Reggie 03/31/06-08/03/08 Michelle C
Reggie Agovino Pug 09/30/02-08/28/07 Dawn Agovino
Reggie aka Regster, The Dudes, Reggie Weggie, West Highland White Terrier 01/01/91-01/04/07 Craig and Wendy Olson
Reggie aka Squeakbox Fancy Rat 03/04/06-02/21/08 Amanda and Matt
Reggie Allen Vicente American Eskimo Dog 05/13/01-06/17/16 Filipe, Marlene, Michael & Vanessa Vicente
Reggie American Shorthair Cat 10 years 12/08/03 Elizabeth
Reggie and Jake Sheltie and Golden Retriever 17 and 11 years 04/13/07 Ralph Gallo
Reggie Aussie Mix 04/93-04/27/08 Jo Audino
Reggie Beagle 06/01/96-05/04/99 Bill & Maureen Messer
Reggie Beagle 10/08/93-07/23/04 Jen, Terri, Richard, Jennifer, and Snoopy
Reggie Beagle/Aussie Mix 06/04/04-03/28/11 Penny and Nelson Montalvo
Reggie Benge Black Lab 07/11/98-10/08/05 Anthi & David Benge
Reggie Black Lab 04/03/93-02/19/05 Mary Sgambati
Reggie Black Lab 05/95-02/16/07 The Dudick Family
Reggie Black Lab 07/25/88-11/03/01 Kent Lewis
Reggie Black Lab, German Shepherd Mix 07/22/96-11/18/11 Anne Hoerning
Reggie Black Labrador Retriever 05/25/94-06/14/08 Joan van Berg
Reggie Blond Cocker Spaniel 06/06/99-11/26/09 Tom Sherman
Reggie Blue Point Himalayan Cat 5 1/2 years 02/17/02 Kristin and Brian Potts
Reggie Border Collie Cross 07/10/93-09/17/07 Carole J Chauncey
Reggie Boston Terrier 2015-06/10/22 Jessica Jones
Reggie Boxer 05/16/98-04/27/10 Ken Lenskold
Reggie Boxer 07/06/98-07/31/09 Christina and Derek
Reggie Boxer 07/31/09 Kathleen Booth
Reggie Boxer 11 years 02/03/06 Linda Cuellar
Reggie Brenner Choc Lab 09/93-07/22/05 Judith Brenner
Reggie Bulldog Mix 11/18/09-03/05/24 Sue, Emmy, Dom, Henry and Mark
Reggie Burmese Cat 17 years 01/09/13 Myfanwy Macdonald
Reggie Cairn Terrier 04/01/04-05/05/11 Melissa
Reggie Cairn Terrier 08/28/91-03/28/07 Carol and Dale
Reggie Cat 01/12/00 Patrick
Reggie Cat 02/12/11 Bill Saunders
Reggie Cat 03/18/88-02/15/01 Stefanie & Jeff
Reggie Cat 06/18/07 Patricia Riddle
Reggie Cat 06/215-02/05/16 Lori Starozytnyk
Reggie Cat 12 years 02/2000 Amy
Reggie Cat 21 years 02/23/98 Kathy Bates
Reggie Cat 6 or 7 years 06/02/99 Janet
Reggie Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Reggie Cat Cynthia
Reggie Cat01/12/00 Holly Zietz
Reggie Catton English Springer Spaniel 10/04/94-03/31/08 Phyllis Catton & Derick Duchodni
Reggie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/09/11-07/23/16 Cecy & Matt
Reggie Chihuahua/Sheltie Mix 7 years 04/05/14 Janet Swedelson
Reggie Chocolate Lab 06/28/93-02/20/04 Scott L. Goodling
Reggie Cocker Spaniel 06/06/99-11/26/09 Tom Sherman
Reggie Cocker Spaniel 08/18/86-09/16/99 Kim
Reggie Cocker Spaniel 09/27/87-02/09/01 Andrea
Reggie Cocker Spaniel 11/90-09/29/05 The Brueckman Family
Reggie Collie 05/24/91-10/13/06 Bonnie Wilson
Reggie Collie Mix 06/09/07-02/17/12 Shelley
Reggie Collie-Shepherd 08/15/96-05/28/08 Rose Weisensel
Reggie Dachshund 06/15/01-10/03/10 Sarah Cutten
Reggie Dachshund 07/06/87-03/04/02 Deb Christenson
Reggie Dachshund 15 years 08/28/18 Wayne A Batter
Reggie Dalmatian 11/28/95-04/29/08 Scott Discon
Reggie Dalmatian 16 years 02/07/07 Eileen Edwards
Reggie Doberman 06/14/74-08/05/85 Paula F
Reggie Dog 01/06/80-1986 Elba Rosa Hernández
Reggie Dog 04/08/12 Emily
Reggie Dog 05/11/00 Ellie
Reggie Dog 07/05/93-01/19/08 Rob Moore
Reggie Dog 1 year 03/09/04 Mary Keebler
Reggie Domestic Cat 06/21/06-07/07/06 Gayle Miller
Reggie Domestic Medium Hair Cat 05/15/96-04/22/12 Donna Millar
Reggie Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/09/83-08/10/05 Shari Giordano
Reggie Domestic Short Hair Cat 1988-07/15/00 Gerry and Diana
Reggie Domestic Short Hair Gray and Black Polydactyl Tabby Cat 15 1/2 years 06/07/99 Edie
Reggie Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/94-04/11/03 Christy Thacker
Reggie DSH Cat 06/89-02/15/01 Stefanie Trumble & Jeff Plumley
Reggie DSH Orange and White Part Manx Cat 07/05/88-11/27/99 Bonnie Matheson
Reggie English Bulldog 12/21/99-04/28/09 Wynne, Kris, Caroline, & Caitlyn Wolf
Reggie English Bulldog 12/28/93-01/17/04 Debbie Ulrich
Reggie Fitzpatrick Golden Retriever 06/23/96-12/03/09 Paul, Laura, Graham, Keven, Eric, Robyn Fitzpatrick
Reggie German Shepherd 01/05/99-04/23/10 Patricia Camillocci
Reggie German Shepherd 12/01/94-02/05/08 Nancy & Denny
Reggie German Shepherd Mix 08/01/93-06/13/04 Dan and Liz
Reggie German Shepherd Mix 12/01/00-01/18/09 Candy Kehl
Reggie German Shepherd/Collie Mix 06/01/80-07/30/94 Mommy, Robert & Michael
Reggie GermanShepherd/Aussia Mix 12/17/01 Reggie Oesterhaus
Reggie Girl Labrador Retriever 06/22/95-03/21/08 Jennifer
Reggie Golden Lab 16 years 08/31/07 Jesse Magee
Reggie Golden Lab, Retriever 11/01/09 Steve and Debbie Sickler
Reggie Golden Retriever 02/05/91-08/27/02 Phyllis Cohen
Reggie Golden Retriever 03/09/98-09/07/06 Peggy, Bill, Billy & Nicole
Reggie Golden Retriever 04/03/91-03/15/04 Sarah, Sheila, Dan & Matthew Carter
Reggie Golden Retriever 04/04/99-05/01/09 Marilyn Priest
Reggie Golden Retriever 05/96-11/09/97 Linda
Reggie Golden Retriever 06/04/06 Diane, Jim, Chris, Gilly Byerly
Reggie Golden Retriever 06/23/96-12/03/09 Laura, Paul, Graham, Keven, Eric and Robyn
Reggie Golden Retriever 10/07/12 Susan Sayeed
Reggie Golden Retriever 10/28/97-05/24/10 Dave & Sharon Verhagen
Reggie Golden Retriever 12/91-08/24/02 Chris, Bob and Matt Franks
Reggie Golden Retriever 13 years 04/10/01 M
Reggie Golden Retriever/Lab Mix 15? years 09/15/05 Charlie and Candi Bau
Reggie Golden/Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix aroud 11 years 05/24/06 Suzy Myers
Reggie greyhound 04/04/9 Jim Brooks
Reggie Guinea Pig 5 years 09/06/99 Kimberly Savio
Reggie Haller Bichon Frise 06/10/98-06/17/10 Pat and Diana Haller
Reggie Horse 15 years 06/03/04 Colleen Hofstetter
Reggie Jack Russell 11/11/96-05/01/12 Steve Sutherland
Reggie Jack Russell Cross 06/17/05 Del
Reggie Jack Russell Terrier 04/07/96-05/18/09 Lisa
Reggie Jackson DSH Cat 16 years 01/11/02 Maryanne Dubbs
Reggie Jackson Van Zandt Sheltie 04/25/82-08/16/96 Hazel and Wayne
Reggie Kiser Cat 05/91-12/30/05 Larry Kiser
Reggie Lab 06/26/95-03/26/09 Anja and Marina
Reggie Lab Mix 01/23/96-11/16/06 Maia & Laura
Reggie Labrador Retriever (Black) 04/15/00-01/21/10 Andrea Williams
Reggie Levine Sheltie Mix Companion Dog 05/05/88-12/27/02 Mom Sherry
Reggie Long-Haired Dachshund 03/04/87-08/25/00 Brad & Gina Foster
Reggie Maine Coon Cat 06/2009-10/06/22 Katie Dame
Reggie Maine Coon Mix Cat 08/29/02-05/15/08 June LaPorta
Reggie Min. Schnauzer 13 years 05/02/96 Dar
Reggie Miniature Dachshund 11/08/91-07/31/08 Lois
Reggie Miniature Pincher 12/08/07 Tony Serbousek
Reggie Miniature Poodle 01/28/07-01/15/11 Sandy
Reggie Miniature Poodle 19 1/2 years 11/01/17 Dave
Reggie Miniature Schnauser 11/04/85-01/17/00 Robbie Lambiase
Reggie Miniature Schnauzer 03/31/06-08/03/08 Michelle
Reggie Nicholson Golden Retriever 10/30/97-01/16/12 Lonnie and Raquel Nicholson
Reggie Old English Sheep Dog 02/15/87-02/23/03 Gary Tomaselli / Laurence Champoux
Reggie Old English Sheepdog 09/14/76-08/05/88 Mary Bischoff
Reggie Orange Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 04/02/09 Pearl Fernando
Reggie Orange/White Tabby 10 years 1984 Janice Kaddatz
Reggie Otis The Regman Thomsen English Bulldog 04/10/96-08/25/07 Douglas Allen Thomsen
Reggie Part-Siamese Cat 17 years 08/18/09 Jason, Alice & DJ
Reggie Poodle 07/29/12 Carla
Reggie Poodle 10/17/89-11/02/00 Ron & Linda Wiley
Reggie Pound Puppie 13 years 12/04/02 Davis Family
Reggie Pug 07/02/87-07/19/01 Mike and Judy Boyce
Reggie Quaker Parrot 12 years 12/28/08 Michele Durocher
Reggie Rabbit 11 years 04/20/02 Lesley-Ann Chung
Reggie Rat Terrier 04/28/96-10/03/11 Mel, Julie, Jay & Ta
Reggie Rhodesian Ridgeback/Chow Mix 07/01/00-07/01/11 Adrienne M
Reggie Roo Roo Roop Dog 11 years 08/04/11 Rick Roop
Reggie RooRoo Cat 7 years 11/19/07 Ann Buchholz
Reggie Rottweiler 11 years 12/27/03 Jackie Roth
Reggie Rough Collie 13 1/2 years 06/05/11 Trish
Reggie Schraer Great Dane/Black Lab 08/25/04-08/07/11 Amy Berton
Reggie Scottish Terrier 01/08/94-02/26/05 Mark F
Reggie Scottish Terrier 03/24/92-09/19/00 Susan Marinelli
Reggie Sebastian Yorkshire Terrier 06/05/87-05/28/03 Gerard
Reggie Sepulveda-Weber Schnauzer 06/01/00-12/22/09 Donna & Bob
Reggie Sheltie 05/30/98-12/30/12 Brenda Pearson
Reggie Sheltie 12 years 02/23/03 Bob and Carol Wills
Reggie Sheltie 13 years 12/17/11 Lisa Gay
Reggie Sheltie 13 years July/August of 2002 Jamie Lee
Reggie Shep/Husky 6 years 05/88-05/94 Terri Bauer
Reggie Shih Tzu 01/22/94-06/20/09 Sherry Gemma
Reggie ShihTzu 10/01/94-05/05/03 Howard, Mary, Spencer and Phee
Reggie Shit Zu 15 years 07/22/11 Butch & Bev
Reggie Siberian Husky/Aussie/Boxer/lab Mix 10/31/02-10/03/06 Stacey Hursh
Reggie Smooth Collie 13 years 03/20/02 Joanne
Reggie Spivey Beagle/Lab Mix 10/21/98-10/12/10 April Spivey
Reggie Springer Spaniel 1998-05/19/12 Samantha Olmedo
Reggie Standard Poodle 06/27/04 Karrie Kindler
Reggie Tabby Cat 01/01/94-09/09/08 Eric
Reggie Tabby Cat 08/16/99-10/14/09 Robert Smentkowski
Reggie Tabby Cat 09/05/06-10/04/14 Donna Roberts
Reggie Tabby Cat 7 years 02/25/18 Cynthia
Reggie Tabby Cat 8 years 12/08/06 Catherine Mann
Reggie Terr-Chi 07/28/11 Jill, Branden, Randy Berrong
Reggie Terrier Mix 2002-06/07/23 Kelley Rather
Reggie Toy Poodle 16 years 04/03 Charlene Pellegrino
Reggie Urban German Shepherd/Collie Mix 14 years 02/25/03 Mom, Dad, Melissa, Jennifer, Tony, Buttons and Shiloh
Reggie Vizsla 03/02/00-03/18/11 William T. Phillipy IV
Reggie Welsh Springer Spaniel 08/24/04-01/10/06 Joan and Richard Gottlieb
Reggie Welsh Terrier 05/92-07/02/03 Karin Taylor /Jeffrey Tuffin
Reggie West Highland Terrier 02/25/01 Sasha Carrig
Reggie West Highland White Terrier 04/01/87-12/22/99 Fran & Alan Baum
Reggie Westie 02/09/95-07/14/07 Patsy, Don, Nick and Kersy
Reggie 'White Black and Brown' Beagle 14 years 01/10/11 Sherri Sinniger
Reggie Wolf Bulldog 12/12/99-04/28/09 Wynne
Reggie Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix 12/20/95-05/20/05 Don and Carol McInnes
Reggie Yorkie 08/11/13 Clayton Hersha
Reggie Yorkie 12 years 08/11/13 Clayton
Reggie Yorkshire Terrier 01/25/84-11/26/99 Linda and Karl Beilstein
Reggie Yorkshire Terrier 06/06/76-08/15/93 Sandy Embry
Reggie Yorkshire Terrier 10/83-05/97 Kathy Thomas
Reggie Yorkshire Terrier 16 years Linda & Karl
Reggie, Star and Pugsy Dogs 05/27/05 Ruthie Augustein
Reggina Guinea Pig 08/97 Kimberly S.
Reggy Cat 7 years 09/05/01 Anni Parra
Regi Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 07/24/01-12/07/03 Karen and Ray
Regina Cat 005/2008 J Hayes
Regina Cat 08/03/18-01/13/19 Rigo Rodriguez Mirola
Regina Cleri Cronin Dachshund 05/25/99-05/05/13 Fr. Cronin
Regina Jack Russell Terrier 12 years 03/18/09 Robin Beatty
Regina Roxanne Moore (Roxie) English Shepherd (Black and Tan) 02/04/92-07/24/07 Phyllis and Ray Moore
Reginald (Reggie) Montgomery Red Persian Cat 11/05/99-01/18/06 Gina Maddox
Reginald Cat 15 years 03/06/98 Magdalen Edkhoff
Reginald Maine Coon Cat 09/18/88-05/13/01 Carol
Reginald P. Wothington III (aka: Reggie) Golden Retriever 07/27/90-05/27/05 Linda
Reginald Parfitt Continental Giant Rabbit 2 years 6 months 10/15/10 Neil and Coral Parfitt
Reginald Plymouth Rock Chicken 03/26/13 Madeline Mae Shires
Reginald 'Reggie' Deer 3 months 08/09/09 The Kobrehel Family and Ms Laura Barbettini
Reginald Ross aka Reg, Reggie Dog 14 years 03/21/06 Gina A. Ross
Reginald Vogt-Klimshuk a.k.a. Reggie Domestic Short Hair Marmalade stripes w/ white paws and tummy Cat approximately 15 years 02/09/06 Christine and Matt Klimshuk
Reginald Von Chancey (Reggie Miniature Dachsund 06/07/89-11/24/03 Sharon Andrews
Reginald Von Rehm Yorkshire Terrier 08/30/84 Bev
Reginald William Kings Miniature Dachshund 01/05/88-02/14/97 Linda and William Kings
Reginald Yorkshire Terrier 06/27/87-12/17/01 Steven Rolefson
Reginold Joseph Cat 08/18/77-08/30/91 Sara Steele McLinn
Regis Budgie/Parakeet 9 years 04/07/10 Janice Culver
Regis Cat Eliza
Regis Chinchilla Persian 17 years 07/06/06 Kathy
Regis Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/24/03 Sara Hall Phillips
Regis Golden Retriever 07/28/82-02/23/99 Pia
Regis Golden Retriever 11/12/95-03/14/08 Eric
Regis Great Dane / Rottweiler Mix 6 years 07/13/11 Neil Hansen and Family
Regis Lab Mix 07/15/05 Kathy Weigle
Regis Maltese 05/17/93-01/06/03 Dennis Gapczynski
Regis Mix Breed Dog 03/15/99-09/19/11 Cheri Tomaino
Regis Noble Valdez Large Black & White Tabby CatandCompanion 16 1/2 years 12/14/05 Laura
Regis Persian Cat 08/09/89-07/06/06 Kathy Michaelis
Regis Pomeranian 11 years 02/02/04 Wendy & Patrick
Regis Pug 12 years 01/07/09 Jen W
Regis Yorkshire Terrier 07/05/93-03/14/98 Teri Owens
Regular Cat Tabby Cat 10/18/05 Annette & Brian
Reh Mahan Miniature Pinscher 09/27/92-01/03/07 Dorothy Mahan
Rehobeth Mixed Dog 06/14/92-01/28/06 John Doeffinger
Reidar Orange Tabby Cat 2 1/2 years 02/06/07 Sue Husby
Reigen Norwegian Lundehund 01/16/04-03/27/04 Reigen
Reign Doberman 01/2010-08/17/14 Georgette Olsen
Reiki Bunny 12 weeks 11/27/04 Joe and Bea
Reiki Papillion 03/31/04-05/14/08 Sandra Benanti
Reiley Guiness Long Hair White/Orange Cat 04/06/96-01/24/05 The Weidler Family
Reiley Snyder Dalmatian-Pointer Mix 14 years 05/12/11 Diane Kreiser
Reilley English Springer Spaniel 11 years 01/26/07 Cathy Skortz
Reilly aka Bobo Westie 09/13/96-06/14/04 Sandy & Chance
Reilly Ann Campbell Cat 3 1/2 years 03/14/00 Rachel & Sean
Reilly Australian Shepherd 10/06/96-03/03/11 Jean Zaebst
Reilly Beagle 04/10/96-12/09/09 Connie Buscemi
Reilly Beagle 06/26/96-01/02/10 Becky Paul
Reilly Beagle Mix 8 years 08/07/08 Shannon
Reilly Black Labrador Retriever 12/15/95-02/2006 Karin Wyman
Reilly Boston Terrier 01/15/02-02/08/16 Robin Smith
Reilly Boston Terrier 08/17/03-11/14/10 Gayle
Reilly Boxer Mix 10 years 10/30/10 Pati
Reilly Cairn Terrier 04/21/95-05/15/08 The Young Family
Reilly Cat 07/21/04-07/21/11 Kendra Marino
Reilly Cat 13 years 05/05/09 Deb Sharpe
Reilly Cat 5 years 04/13/06 Roni P Laba
Reilly Chow/Golden Retriever Mix 08/95-09/01/01 Carol Smith
Reilly Cocker Spaniel 09/28/86-07/03/99 Shari
Reilly DSH Tabby Cat 18 years 08/31/10 Audrey & Gord McClure
Reilly English Bulldog 09/21/01-11/07/09 David
Reilly Golden Retriever 01/02/95-12/04/06 Kristin Marie Ty
Reilly Golden Retriever 03/28/05-09/21/12 Karen Ewing
Reilly Golden Retriever 12/26/97-04/04/06 Jessica Frankl
Reilly Golden Retriever 1995-10/99 Mary Chapin and Cal
Reilly Golden Retriever 7 years 08/07/02 Judy & Joe
Reilly Golden Retriever Mix 05/04/90-06/16/04 Sarah Wannell
Reilly Golden Retriever-Mini 05/21/91-08/18/06 Robin Miller
Reilly Great Pyrenees 11 1/2 years 07/05/99 Tom & Mary Jo
Reilly Harrison Yellow Labrador Retrieve 12/29/86-04/10/95 Pat and Mary Frances Harrison
Reilly Irish Setter 15 years 03/16/13 Chanda Venable
Reilly Labrador Retriever 10/31/88-12/16/03 Deb H
Reilly Labrador Retriever 12 years 11/02/04 Tammy
Reilly Orange Tabby Cat 04/27/12 Noelle and Alberto Lopez
Reilly Orange Tabby Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/00-01/19/10 Rhonda Magnotti
Reilly Ryan Golden Retriever 10/18/98-11/18/07 Pat
Reilly Samoyed 09/12/91-09/20/03 The Henry Gasser's
Reilly Siberian Husky 05/21/01-09/16/07 K.L.
Reilly Siberian Husky 11/11/01-02/16/03 Cathy Cee
Reilly Wanamaker Golden Retriever 11/02/98-12/10/05 Michele & Steven Wanamaker
Reilly Yellow Lab 13 years 05/31/11 Anne, Kyle, and Katie
Reilly Yellow Lab/Greyhound Mix 12 years 06/02/15 Erica Lane Mortati
Reily Yorkie 04/12/13-08/19/19 Lisa Hakar
Reina aka Pichi Vizsla 10 years 02/06/09 Robby and Bibiana
Reina Anne Dalmation 06/08/00 Linda McMillan
Reina Carmen Piña Calico Cat 11/24/08-07/13/17 Monica Piña
Reina Collie 12 years 08/08/90 Bettina
Reina Del Camino Chihuahua 04/11/94-02/23/04 Cyndi & Barry Healey
Reina Dog 05/17/19 Angelica
Reina Espinosa Miniature Long Haired Dachshund 11/28/08-07/23/10 Eliseo Espinosa
Reina Golden Retriever 02/13/93-12/06/07 Therese Llanes
Reina Lainey Wolff Brussels Griffon Mix 10ish-04/08/21 Julie Wolff
Reina Miniature Pinscher 06/21/97-10/01/10 Dana
Reina Poodle 09/09/94 Gabriela Lugo
Reina Pug 09/11/98-06/10/12 Ada
Reina Queen Fancy Goldfish Chris
Reina Silver Shaded Chinchilla Cat 07/2004-03/07/15 Gabriella
Reina Whippet / Lab 20 years 08/20/09 Susanne M
Reina Wire Fox Terrier 11 years 06/09/01 Evie Fieseler
Reina Yellow Lab 13 years 01/15/09 Doreen Cannon
Reindeer Rabbit (aka Little Reindeer Rabbit) Wild Squirrel 2014-06/2015 Linda Chan
Reiner German Shepherd 12 years 09/19/05 Rob and Sherrie Hagley
Reiner Jack Russell / Chihuahua Mix approxImately 12 or 13 years 07/11/20 Maryam
Reinhold Gunther Grey DSH Cat 02/27/87-08/28/04 Janet Kientz
Reinin Short Haired Domestic Cat 4 years 01/07/04 Juliette Hale
Reinita Ciara Yorkie 07/25/07-09/04/20 Evelyn
Reisa German Shepherd 9 years 10/07/05 Melissa
Reita Jersey Wooly Albino Bunny 6 years 11/18/07 Robert & Melody Anderson
Rejean French Spaniel 08/20/97-02/03/05 Mark Pollock
Reject Austin Cat 06/01/88-08/09/05 Nancy Austin
Reka Mao Cat 17 years 10/20/97 Susan Mudgett & Eric Johansson
Rekon DSH Cat 08/19/97-08/13/99 Stacie & Jason
Reksio Havanese 01/24/03-07/20/08 Matthew Falgowski
Relay Howard Basset Hound 07/95-02/16/09 Susan Logan Howard
Relly Cat 8 years 05/27/04 Melissa Olszyk
Rem German Shepherd 04/17/95-12/07/04 Rob Evans
Remax Chocolate Lab/Staffordshire Terrier 15 months 05/11/04 Stan Sweet
Rembrandt Dukes-Cutsail Peke-a-poo 06/04/95-05/12/09 Kevin, Kristina & Karyssa Cutsail
Rembrandt Golden Retriever 13 years 01/15/04 Karen Kopel
Rembrandt Gray and White Shorthair Cat 08/27/98-02/09/07 Henry and Sandra Hughes
Rembrandt Keeshond 03/04/85-09/19/98 Paula
Rembrandt Keeshond Amy Ann Pete Tracy Ann Carrie Ann Walt Fulton
Rembrandt Tortoise Shell Long Hair Cat 05/12/90-07/22/04 Mrs. Bonnell
Rembrandt Weimaraner 11/06/93-09/07/01 Steph, Jeff & Jake Siatta
Rembrant Fulton Keeshond Amy Ann Fulton
Remdy Newfundland/Chow 11or12 years 12/20/17 Lissa Bruckner
Reme (Remedios the Beauty) Golden Retriever 04/04/02 Rick and Vicki
Reme Ginger Lurcher 14 years 02/07/09 Janet & Suzanne
Remi Agouti Rat 01/11/11 Paul & Lucy Lindsay
Remi Akita 01/01/05-17/09/18 Kelly Phillips
Remi American Eskimo Dog 12 years 06/20/98 Kathy Preast
Remi Calico Cat 01/01/97-09/06/08 Rob Ritter
Remi Cat 07/15/94-06/11/11 Ingrid and Jonathan
Remi Cat 10/03/97-07/22/99 Dina
Remi Dachshund 13 years 12/19/16 Lisa
Remi German Shepherd 01/2012-10/21/17 Christy
Remi Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenees 01/24/06-08/17/09 Lavonn Troncone
Remi Golden/Rotti Mix 06/11/96-04/23/10 Isabel
Remi Golden/Rottweiler 06/10/96-04/23/10 Isabel
Remi McSwain Blue Heeler 4 years Molly Frost
Remi Orange Tabby Cat 03/23/19-01/11/21 Kerri M
Remi Pit Bull 02/14-04/05/16 Lisa
Remi Pointer 06/11/92-11/02/03 Cathy
Remi Puggle 12/02/06-01/17/19 Cindy and Bill Kern
Remi Rose Domestic Cat 04/90-05/09/08 Maureen and Gordon
Remi Rose Domestic Cat 18 years 05/09/08 Maureen and Gordon
Remi Rottie 7 years 25/01/12 Julie James
Remi Shih Tzu 11/12/96-15/02/11 Lorna Hickey
Remi Siamese Cat 10/16/12 Christine Tremayne
Remi Stiegel Weimaraner 04/30/98-09/01/09 Jason Lowbridge
Remi Toy Poodle 19/15/93-12/16/08 Cheryl Powell
Remi Yellow Lab Mix 04/17/97-06/27/00 D. and K.
Remi Yorkie 12 years 01/30/05 Sunley Bush
Remie Boxer 07/03/95-12/26/01 Joyce
Remie Cat 15/03/98-28/01/00 Peter Thora
Remie Yellow Lab 07/01/89-10/01/00 Mark, Patti, Tyler and Matthew Mezel
Remington (aka Remi) German Shorthaired Pointer 04/24/99-11/13/11 Victor & Lisa Livingston and Zach Givens
Remington (Remy) Beaux Johnson Cat 12/19/08-06/07/17 Tiffany Johnson
Remington (Remy) Red Lory Parrot 01/16/01-10/09/02 Sherri M. Shoback
Remington Alexander Bartholomew Kyaio Golden/White Shepherd Service Dog 08/15/05-06/22/12 Leah Kyaio
Remington Beagle 6 years 06/12/99 Michelle Carey
Remington Black Lab 1996-2006 Rhonda and Gerald Moses
Remington Cat 09/29/06 Cindy G
Remington Cat 11 years 04/27/01 Kathy Burgess
Remington Cat 21 years 07/02/11 Claire McDaniel
Remington Chocolate Lab 01/18/95-02/19/04 Holly & Rich
Remington Dachshund 04/28/07-04/30/22 Rachel
Remington Dog 05/22/01-11/28/07 Lew & Alysa
Remington Dog 10/09/01 Brent & Brian
Remington Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Remington Dog Trish Fisher
Remington Edelman Lab Mix 03/14/95-06/22/09 Tamera Edelman
Remington English Setter 08/31/95-04/03/00 Kathy Parrott
Remington English Setter 12 years 12/05/06 Jan & Vic Barnholdt
Remington English Springer Spaniel 03/12/85-06/05/98 Lori Sandall
Remington German Shepherd 05/29/18-03/24/21 Hannah Cave
Remington German Shepherd 07/13/01-12/11/09 Kayla and Hannah Howell
Remington German Shorthair Pointer 12 years 05/31/06 Marleen Cassarino
Remington German Shorthaired Pointer 07/20/89-09/08/02 Shelly & Bob
Remington Golden Lab 10 years 01/03/08 Chuck & Valerie Diehl
Remington Golden Retriever 10/16/99-11/28/04 Mark, Laura, Elizabeth and Bobby Roscoe
Remington Hound 06/04/08-01/04/11 Marg Teal
Remington Husky or Malamute 04/15/84-05/31/00 Geoffrey Spencer
Remington Knight Beagle 08/26/10-05/31/18 Nancy & Ed MacFarlane
Remington Knight Siamese - Seal Point Cat 11 years 08/01/08 Robin Knight
Remington Lab Mix 1998-12/14/11 Bob
Remington Labrador 1997-02/25/09 Dennis Sliva
Remington Labrador Retriever 04/23/00-01/30/12 Laura Rich
Remington LoveJones Rottweiler 06/96-04/16/07 Jennifer Jones
Remington Mix Cat 9 months 04/30/03 Lane
Remington Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 03/2000-11/09/06 Michelle Etzel
Remington Persian Cat 06/95-03/26/08 Altalee Stellhorn
Remington Pomeranian 09/23/95-01/29/10 Kathleen Anclam
Remington 'Pumpkinhead' Gendron Weimaraner 03/13/07-10/15/12 Kristen Gendron
Remington Rottweiler 03/05/90-08/14/01 Julianne Brosnahan
Remington Rottweiler 10 years 08/08/06 Barbara and Wayne Paulsen
Remington Shorthair Tabby Cat 01/23/83-04/07/01 Pat & Ed
Remington Skye Chocolate Labrador 03/22/02-07/05/07 Linda Bostian
Remington Steele English Setter Field-Type Blue Belton 07/01/98-05/23/00 Jim Warters & Deb Stanulis
Remington Studley Lawson Chihuahua 10/18/97-01/11/12 Debbie Lawson
Remington Yellow Lab 03/08/94-02/01/08 Gregg Richards
Remington Yellow Lab 09/16/09 Lizzy
Remington's Blade of Steel English Springer Spaniel 02/09/89-09/01/01 Remington
Remiss Long Hair Cat 10 years 02/03/06 Kelly, Brendon and Hayley
Remix Orange Tabby Cat 6 months Jen Schallert
Remmi Girl Chocolate Lab 14 weeks 10/07/06 Jennifer Walton
Remmie Cat 09/22/01-06/07/05 Kate Lauffenburger
Remmie Greyhound 11 years 12/29/07 Penelope Hallas
Remmie Shih Tsu 14 1/2 years 10/04/19 Mary Helen Aginar-Hill
Remmie Weimaraner 11/14/07-06/16/15 Charlene Simoneaux
Remmington Cocker Spaniel 14 years 07/02/09 Connie Jones
Remmington English Mastiff 08/28/07-09/09/11 Jennifer
Remmington Lanham Parti-Color (Black & White) Cocker Spaniel 05/10/00-09/24/10 Chuck & Mary Lanham
Remmy and Eve Rat 3 years 08/08/12 Katie
Remmy Dog 06/01/99-10/23/14 Cora Hellings
Remmy Pit Bull 10/19/10-09/2019 Renee Rymer
Remnant Mini Pin 06/14/96-09/24/09 Cindy Andersen
Remo (da Remo de Rocha) Beagle, Chihuahua Mix 9 years 11/14/21 Lynn Rocha, Gail Giunta
Remo Boxer 07/04/97-01/27/03 Carol Smith
Remo German Shepherd 08/31/87-01/12/00 Phyllis Miller
Remo Italian Greyhound 10/92-06/30/06 Maria
Remo Maine Coon Cat 05/21/07-08/13/09 Barbara Dees
Remo Mixed German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 06/29/05 Jessica
Remo Mixed Lab. 11 years 10/10/97 Family
Remo Tiger Stiped Cat 08/99-02/03/00 Judy Upton
Remsen Gray Long-Haired Cat 1990-2010 Torrance Bartholomew
Remshot Jack Russell Chihuahua 12/20/10-12/29/11 Amber Hansen
Remus Betta Fish 10/16/11 Stephanie
Remus Black Lab 06/25/94 Sunnie Smith
Remus Black Lab Mixed 12/25/94-12/31/10 Sue Listinsky-Cisneros
Remus Cat 09/21/85-01/27/04 Alison
Remus Dog 15 years 02/28/01 Garry and Eydie Clifton
Remus German Shepherd 05/14/80-03/22/93 Jeanie and Joe
Remus German Shepherd Bess
Remus K Beagle/Bassett Hound 8 1/2 years 03/28/07 Emily Kearney
Remus Long Haired Orange Marmalade Cat 11/91-05/31/08 Christina Burkot
Remus Moggy Cat 06/25/87-08/21/01 Gillian
Remus Red Cattle Dog/Kelpie 15 years 04/15/04 Stuart
Remus Rottweiler 05/05/97-08/07/07 David and Denni
Remy American Eskimo Dog 01/94-04/14/06 Matthew, Suzanne, & Clint Howard
Remy American Pit Bull Terrier 03/12/01-09/12/10 The Hobbs Family
Remy Bernese Mountain Dog 09/01/92-01/04/05 Doug and Linda
Remy Bichon 11 years 04/05/07 Paul and Hope Morgan
Remy Bichon Frise 02/09/97-02/25/12 Sue Strong
Remy Black and White DSH Cat 03/22/97-08/22/97 The Neely Family
Remy Black Lab Mix 12/31/99-08/16/12 Phyllis
Remy Black Labrador Retriever 12/09/98-12/29/06 Debbie
Remy Boxer 11/12/91-10/02/04 Vic and Lynn Costa
Remy Cat 04/19/99-04/26/00 Janie Surico
Remy Cat 05/07/08-07/14/08 Traci
Remy Cat 6 years 10/07/04 Sandi Jaffe
Remy Chihuahua 17 years 02/15/20 Sharon Smith
Remy Cockatiel 4 years 21/02/21 Charlene Peters-Smith
Remy Cocker Spaniel 07/08/03-06/22/16 Corie & Andre Imbrogno
Remy Collie 08/08/02-12/28/09 Netty
Remy Covell Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 06/27/04 Shaunna
Remy Darien Arnao Yorkshire Terrier 07/13/97-01/18/10 Mercedes Arnao
Remy Dog 01/14/08 Monique H.
Remy Dog 1 1/2 years 04/08/13 Candy
Remy Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/14/09-07/30/11 Mary E. Meston
Remy DSH Black and White Cat 03/22/97-08/22/11 Mom and Scotty Neely
Remy Gennaro Boxer 08/28/06-08/13/15 Michelle
Remy German Shepherd 05/29/11-10/02/21 Amy Keys
Remy Goldberg Dog 10/16/93-09/04/04 Laura
Remy Golden Retriever 03/2004 Frank Lynch
Remy Golden Retriever 11/26/02-12/07/10 Holly
Remy Golden Retriever 13 years 07/24/03 Diane Case and Janet Gora
Remy Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 05/10/12-10/04/14 Cathy Norman
Remy Havanese/Bichon Mix 09/23/13-03/25/14 R.C. Masters
Remy Jewel Weber Mini Lop Bunny 05/27/99-02/17/09 Wendy Weber
Remy Keeshond 01/27/92-10/02/05 Greg & Shelley Parish
Remy Lab 13 years 06/23/24 Melissa Hartig
Remy LeBeau Domestic Shorthair Silver Tiger Tabby Cat 06/23/10-11/08/15 Madelaine Wilson
Remy Lebeau Poodle 09/02/95-05/21/10 Sherry Phillips Farley
Remy Lee Black Chow Chow Mix 04/02/08-02/23/15 Jenn
Remy Long Haired Hamster 01/19/07-10/29/09 Christine Duval, Ramona Hamman
Remy Maine Coon Cat 06/16/96-05/17/02 Krista
Remy Martin Afghan 10/26/85-08/09/99 Suzanne Roman
Remy Martin Greene American Pit Bull 10 years 09/28/09 Terri D Greene
Remy Maximillion Papillion 06/10/08-07/27/16 Alyssa Fraijo and Family
Remy Miniature Schnauzer 06/97-01/07/10 Michael, Michelle, Riley, Riata
Remy Mixed German Shepherd 01/14/08 Monique & Bert Hofman
Remy Morgan Horse 05/20/89-10/04/13 Megan Morse
Remy Nibelung (Long Gray Hair) Cat 09/2002-06/29/15 Odette & Michael
Remy Persian Cat 08/25/96-11/30/03 Jennifer
Remy Pit Bull 11/01/99-04/15/09 Marlene & Jeff Richter
Remy Pomeranian 10/27/95-12/02/10 Andrea
Remy Poodle Mix 07/01/10 Rick Gutierrez, Molly Gutierrez, Oliver Gutierrez
Remy Red Standard Doxie 05/01/01-12/19/03 Carrie Cognata
Remy Schnoodle 08/12/05-01/29/21 Carolyn
Remy Shep Mix 12/07/97-07/17/08 Lea
Remy Shih Tzu 01/15/06-07/05/08 Lisa Devalder
Remy Silver Ferret 02/24/08-08/07/15 Mike and Joy Sanders
Remy Southern Flying Squirrel 04/19/02 Mike Bailey
Remy Toy Poodle 02/14/90-08/21/04 Domenic
Remy Weimaraner 10/11/96-04/29/10 Michele
Remy Weimaraner 12/27/97-04/27/09 Juliet
Remy Westie 09/11/01-09/06/12 Diana
Remy Yellow Labrador Retriever 12/25/97-12/27/07 Lynda Weems
Ren American Cocker Canine 04/05/92-01/27/05 Audrey Kaiser
Ren Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 years 09/16/03 Cathy Boland
Ren Blackcat DSH Cat 13 years 04/18/04 Catlyn
Ren Cassidy Rottweiler 10 years 08/13/04 Noel Cassidy, Cassandra Rocha
Ren Cat 03/92-02/24/00 Diane Berry
Ren Cat 08/18/85-11/02/00 Amy
Ren Cat 09/18/93-09/14/02 Robby & Laurie
Ren Chihauhau 05/01/93-07/18/03 Lillie Stender
Ren Chihuahua 05/11/12-04/22/16 Jaclyn McKewan
Ren Chihuahua 06/01/96-10/29/08 Angie
Ren Chihuahua 07/29/93-12/16/04 Lauren Denny
Ren Chihuahua 10/85-08/06/05 Kimberly Moore
Ren Chihuahua 18 years 04/04/11 Karla Perez
Ren Chihuahua 5 years 10/05/98 Heidi Bondy
Ren Chihuahua Mix 20 years 2010 Larry G
Ren Doberman 03/10/95-11/22/01 Liz Padilla
Ren Dog 01/21/92-10/30/04 Carol & Paul Gibson
Ren Domestic Short Hair (Black) Cat 07/15/93-02/27/12 Steve Johnson
Ren Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/23/94-09/21/04 Rachel
Ren Dumbo Rat 03/28/02-01/21/06 Dennis
Ren German Shepherd 08/14/01-07/04/10 Alice Maalouf
Ren German Shepherd/Labrador 04/01/94-05/05/01 Cory O'Brian
Ren Golden Retriever 15 years 02/27/08 Billy & Robin Osborne
Ren Hamster 2 years 02/06/05 Christine & Chad Hubbard
Ren Kitten 2 months 11/95 Alanna Zuckerberg
Ren Min Pin 10/29/00-09/30/09 Christen
Ren Parakeet 03/23/97-12/25/00 Hazell C. Permalino
Ren Shih Tzu 05/05/95-04/02/08 Jennifer
Ren Welsh Corgi/Dachshund 9 years 12/02/02 Cat Breen
Rena (Baby Girl) Irish Wolfhound/Golden Retriever 08/05/97-07/10/08 Nina Dunlap, Danielle Laurange, Cody Laurange
Rena Beagle 08/13/86-07/04/94 Roxanne Louise Elliott
Rena Calico Cat 08/66-08/25/69 Nan
Rena Cat 08/07/94-02/14/98 Dawn
Rena Cat 14 years 08/21/15 Gary & Fiona
Rena German Shepherd 09/09/96-09/28/07 Vonda
Rena Roselle Rayle Boston Terrier 10/31/00-05/16/12 Chuck and Debbie Rayle
Rena Rottie 07/04/91-12/24/03 Leslie
Rena Siamese Mix Cat 09/01/85-09/26/01 Susan Mills
Rena Vaeth-Kuznicki Mixed Cat 04/2002-07/23/12 Nicole Kuznicki
Rena#1 Beagle 08/13/83-08/13/86 Roxanne L Elliott
Renaldo Cat 09/11/04 Teresa
Renard DLH Cat 04/10/93-08/09/05 Jane Rainey
Renata Chihuahua 12 years 23/08/09 Carole Dixon
Rendezvous Dog 16 years 04/20/06 Butlers
Rene Boston Terrier 12 years 07/08/08 Thomas P. E. Rachels
Rene Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/01/90-06/07/01 Patric
Rene Long Hair Mixed Breed Cat 03/17/97-06/28/10 Leigh Ann Barr
Rene Redford American Quarter Horse 05/22/86-11/13/04 Donna
Renee Ann Black Labrador Retriever 05/12/90-03/08/03 Elizabeth Allshouse
Renee Chihuahua 12 years 23/08/09 Carole
Renee DaCatte aka Little Kitty DSH Cat 07/93-04/05/12 Hanita Blair
Renee Domestic Torty Cat 07/21/89 Maggie K
Renee Golden Retriever 03/31/01 Margy
Renee Golden Retriever 03/31/01 Margy Scherr
Renee Greyhound 05/01/97-07/24/06 Theresa Guidry
Renee Polish Arabian Horse 1974-07/04/95 Darlene Hanley
Renee Siberian Husky 11/29/93-11/13/07 Nany Racut
Renee Tortoiseshell Cat 18 years 08/30/10 Ginger-Lyn Summer and John Kerr
Renegade Black Shorthair Cat 07/73-11/91 Jo-Ann M. Pochinski
Renegade Greyhound 12/28/92-12/27/04 Trina
Renegade Lab 06/30/96-07/29/08 Donnie Tomlinson
Renegade Orange Tabby Cat 20 years 12/10/17 Nashville Pet Products
Renegade River Greyhound 09/06/96-01/13/07 Susan
Renegade Siberian Husky 06/06/95-06/14/08 Becky Thomas
Renegade von Alpensee Leonberger 05/21/16-08/17/24 Shirley Schiavone and Gary Lowenberger
Renegade Wolf Hybrid 09/25/95-05/11/11 Nancie
Renesme Villarreal Maltese 03/20/09-11/21/21 Pamela Villarreal
Renfield Cat 15 years 06/15/08 Monica Robins
Renfield Chihuahua 07/04/95-05/29/04 Susan Briody
Renfield Hairless Hamster 04/2005-10/20/06 Beth O
Renfield Mellow Cat 18 years 12/27/04 Karyn Janowski
Renfield White Cat With Black (Cow) Markings and a Black Tail 02/96-07/02/98 Martha Cacioppo
Renfroe Light Brahma Rooster 05/07-04/02/08 Debbie and Brian
Reni (Renegade) Dog 10/31/87-05/19/02 Annette Hampton
Reni Lab 13 years 07/21/08 Niki Freimuth
Reni Renee Anderson-Erramouspe Toy Fox Terrier 15 years 03/18/09 Shauna Erramouspe
Renie Calico Cat 20 years 03/14/07 Anne Marie Hilse
Renie DSH Cat 08/12/95-01/25/05 Donna
Renie Tiger Cat 06/22/95-01/25/04 Donna
Renko di Mahana Whippet 09/03/93-01/12/07 Tinne Van Hooydonck
Renko Maine Coon Cat 16 years 1992 Isabel
Renn Chihuahua 11/11/96-01/13/07 Simone Pardorla
Renna Luberecki Great Dane 08/19/99-03/04/08 Roxann Luberecki
Rennie Dog 12 years 02/15/12 Russell & Lola Goldy
Rennie Lab Mix 04/24/87-02/15/01 Jane Hardiman
Rennie Orange & White Cat 1987-11/20/02 Angie Ross
Rennie Pony Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rennie Trujillo--Heidi German Shepherd Dog 9 years Barbara Beascoechea
Renno Golden Retriever 04/23/84-11/04/97 Carol Moffatt
Renny Chihuahua 11/13/92-07/29/06 Sheryl and Randy Kahl-Winter & Rollie Solvik
Renny German Shepherd 11 years 06/09/00 Kim Winchester
Renny Greyhound 7 1/2 years 12/2009 Ruth
Renny Mixed Dog 15 years 02/21/05 The Nelson Family
Renny Oranda 02/22/07 Becks
Renny Pom 08/24/08 Mary Brigode
Renny Whippet 07/02/94-10/08/01 Margaret Vergette
Reno aka NaNa Shih-Poo 12/14/03-01/03/14 Regina Legrand, Eddie Nichols
Reno and Reggie Himalayans Cats 7 and 5-02/17/02 Kristin and Brian Potts
Reno Bernese Mountain Dog 03/2002-02/18/09 Chris
Reno Bichon 01/01/99-05/02/13 Suzanne Arnold
Reno Black Labrador 10/18/94-03/27/00 Marcie
Reno Border Collie 08/01/94-07/23/07 Cheryl Watzek
Reno Boxer 02/15/99-07/23/10 Sheila
Reno Boxer 04/97-07/03 Josh, Amy, Joshua, and Jacob
Reno Boxer 04/97-07/2003 Josh, Amy, Joshua, and Jacob
Reno Boxer Mix 9 years 01/12/06 Alex, Erin and Paige
Reno Cat 10/13/15 Daniela
Reno Chase Matthews Cocker 16 year 01/27/10 Angie and Logan Hickox
Reno Chihuahua, Dachshund, Terrier Mix 02/92-02/15/05 Ronald P. Tolvtvar
Reno Chow Chow 15/07/96-26/04/07 Angela Restrepo
Reno Cocker Spaniel 11/02/10 Jaime Clough
Reno Corgi 04/28/10 Jessica Martinez
Reno Dachshund 10/31/96-06/21/05 Jackie & Brian Tabor
Reno Davis Great Dane 08/11/00-04/15/11 Chris and Sue Davis
Reno Doberman 03/26/99-02/26/08 Amy
Reno Doberman 04/15/98-05/01/08 Mary Jo
Reno Dog 16 years 01/24/08 Marla Anderson
Reno Dog 6 years 12/17/09 John Burns
Reno English Pointer 02/27/06-09/26/14 Rick Clark
Reno German Shepherd 02/21/02-03/09/11 Heather Mattiazzi
Reno German Shepherd Mix 11/06/92-01/15/03 Sue
Reno Golden Retriever 01/01/91-11/03/07 Barb and Fred
Reno Golden Retriever 01/31/97-08/09/08 Susan Zapata
Reno Golden Retriever 08/21/01-05/08/15 Darlene MacLachlan
Reno Golden Retriever 09/95 Lorenzo Abundiz
Reno Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab 12 years 07/07/03 Sharon McLain
Reno Great Dane 8 years 07/05/14 Kathy Guepet
Reno Jack Russell Terrier 07/01/96-08/23/05 Janet Dalton
Reno Jones Toy Poodle 02/15/08 Dale & Betty Jones
Reno Lab and Shepherd 04/09/98-10/18/08 Ron and Toni
Reno Lab Mix 08/07/05-01/20/05 Kim, Rick, Ricky & Shelby
Reno Labrador 13 years 06/28/13 Mike and Beth Gibson
Reno Malamute/Husky 06/11/93-08/2002 Olivia and Carla Waits
Reno Miniature Schnauzer 03/20/99-06/01/11 Stephanie
Reno Mix Dog 11/09/17 Nancy
Reno Qh/Th Cross 11 years 09/11/99 Linda & John Heppner
Reno Quarter Horse 08/15/05 Kandice Fuller
Reno Quarterhorse 4 years 11/21/04 Joyce Rush
Reno Rat Terrier 12/25/95-02/15/02 Amanda
Reno Rinehart Lab/Mix 7 years 07/04/05 Rick, Marion, Rusty, Honey Rinehart
Reno Rottweiler 05/12/93-09/28/02 Audrey and Bill
Reno Schipperke 03/13/96-09/08/11 The Wietermann Family
Reno Seal Point Himalayan Cat 6 1/2 years 02/24/02 Kristin and Brian Potts
Reno Sereno German Schnauzer 15 years 12/17/11 Mary Sereno
Reno Shar-Pei Mix 14 years 06/09/08 Sandy
Reno Sheltie 10/17/94-08/10/97 Mickey and Julie Lawson
Reno Sheltie 2 years 03/31/98 Joe
Reno Shetland Sheepdog 04/95-04/24/07 Toranna Wermes
Reno Shih Tzu / Poodle Mix 03/01/99-08/13/09 Mary Ann Cook
Reno Shih Tzu 02/08/94-02/12/11 John Roberts
Reno Spalding Siberian Husky 05/10/09-05/22/24 Linda and Dana Spalding
Reno Tabby Cat 16 years 03/13/01 Tina, Doug, and Josh Freeman
Reno Thoroughbred/Quarterhorse Cross 09/12/99 Linda
Reno Tri-Color Collie 14 years 07/12/07 P Morton
Reno Yorkshire Terrier 12/13/03-05/03/17 Kim and Dave
Reno, Rinbole, Rinio, Baby Mou Domestic Long Hair Cat 11/13/93-01/14/08 Hresa & Andreas Chatz
Renoir Caruso Dalmatian 02/02/08-09/19/21 Patti Caruso
Renoir Cat 11 years 06/03/00 Marcia Harrison
Renoir Sheltie 01/07/92-11/03/00 Ellen Fortier
Rent Yorkshire Terrier 12/20/04-07/05/09 Mark and Janet Whiddon
Reny Ocicat 03/10/93-11/20/11 Jaime Caitlyn
Renzo Chihuahua 12/03/03-05/15/20 M.B.
Reo (Fyrlyte's Speedwagon) Dalmatian 05/14/94-03/23/99 Missy
Reo Dalmatian 04/02/92-04/23/05 Julie & Chris
Reo Lab Mix 02/01/10-12/30/13 Chris Duffield
Reo Rotti 10 years 10/23/00 Brenda and Mark Hendricks
Repeat Poodle Mix 11/26/09 Trudy Sparks
Repete Black and White Cat 5 years 01/03/99 Betsy
Repete Parakeet 3 years 10/21/02 Bryan Russell
Repo Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Repo German Shepherd Mix 13 years 08/24/08 Heather
Repo German Shepherd X 1 year 07/24/10 Tammy Lister
Repo Rottweiler 4 years 05/07/13 Mark and Jessica
Repossion's Trouble (Repo) Tri Colour Shitzu 12/11/86-05/31/03 Cathy W
Reptar Iguana 6 years 11/27/00 Katie, Michael, Fluffy, Godzilla and related families
Reptar Long Hair Cat 15 years 06/07/12 Mykayla
Reptar Rat 1999-2001 Allison Carlos
Reptiles (25+) Died 10/30/99 at the Ocean City Aquarium. Angela
Repuda Da Beuda Ferret 05/08/94-10/22/01 Lyal E. Shaw
Rere (Mauia) Cat 03/27/87-12/29/04 Teresa Lichioveri & Family
Re-Re Boxer 9 1/2 years 09/11/98 M Moffit
Rere Pekingnese 06/11/00-11/18/03 Corday Sakamaki
Rere Sakamaki Pekingese 2 years 11/18/03 Corday
Rere Shepherd/Rottweiler 07/29/03-07/07/11 Eric Lawton
Rerun (Myrlin's Sparkler) Dog 08/17/88-06/17/00 Linda & Don Myers
Rerun Basset 08/29/94-02/03/08 Lorie Macleod
Rerun Chihuahua 5 1/2 years 03/19/04 Corinne Manning
ReRun Corgi Mix 11/22/13 Melissa Miller
Rerun Greyhound 04/18/95-04/19/07 Tina & Bob Wiepert
Rerun Siamese Mix Cat 12 years 11/17/06 Rhiannon
Res Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rescue Beagle 11 years 09/20/11 Dennis, Kara, Lys
Rescue Beagle/Shepherd/Pitbull Mix 07/04/06-02/20/09 Pam Cooper
Rescue Black Cat 03/17/19 Megan
Rescue Bunny 05/29/96 Joel Allard & Tanja Hiner
Rescue Cats of Bill & Judy Beamish
Rescue German Shepherd 12/10/10 Steven Boo
Rescue German Shepherd Mix 10 years 05/24/01 Norma Jean Jalovec
Rescue Kitty Kitten 03/99 Marilyn
Rescue Maine Coon Cat 07/05/10 Tom Wager
Rescue Pup 11/02/12 Robert
Rescue Pup 11/03/12 Robert
Rescue Shar-Pei Puppy 3 months 07/01/97 Colleen Kehe
Rescue Shepherd/Beagle/Pit Mix 07/04/96-02/20/09 Pam Cooper
Rescue Wire Fox Terrier 10 years ? 10/27/08 Russell E. Curtis
Rescued Birds (120) Pigeons 12/30/06 Cathy Glover
Rescued Tabby Cat 07/04/86-01/14/00 Ed
Resey Chocolate Lab 04/04/94-09/07/06 Jennifer
Resin Rottweiler 04/26/98-04/19/13 Cheryl Baker
ResQ Sheltie 07/01/98-12/10/06 Daryl McConnell
Ressie Cat 05/04/93-01/27/06 Jeromey and Melanie
Resumé Beagle-Terrier 05/27/83-01/16/01 Karen Reppen and Phil Saunders
Retread DSH Cat 18 years 4 months 09/05/05 Marty and Joe Walker
Retro German Shepherd 12/22/02-07/07/07 Kim
Retsylhund Ottie (Ottie) German Shepherd 08/20/87-03/26/01 Grant & Marie McDonald
Rettena Dobergirl 14 years 08/08/97 Nancy
Retton Tabby/Abby Cat 04/01/84-09/14/02 Viv H
Rettten Chow Mix 03/15/96-01/06/07 Maryann Quinn
Return Boss Palomino Horse 1982-08/14/05 Brandy & Barbara & Steve
Reub Dog 07/01/08 Sara
Reub German Shepard 07/01/08 Sara
Reuben aka Woobin Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 04/27/09 Tara Spitzzeri
Reuben Beagle 05/25/95-12/17/08 Karen Shiner
Reuben Beagle Mix 17 years 06/06/18 Esther T.W. Pig
Reuben Black Cocker Spaniel 01/17/88 Lynda
Reuben Brown Beagle 04/15/05-03/24/11 Tanja and Laval Brown
Reuben Cavalier King Charles 9 years 08/23/10 Julia Wallcroft
Reuben DSH Kitten 3 weeks Marcie and Judy from TLC
Reuben Hurricane Carter Springer Spaniel 04/04/02-12/16/14 Cathy Wirz
Reuben J Cogburn New Hampshire Red Rooster 6 years 10/09/17 Edward and Patricia Addison
Reuben Lab Mix 06/30/16 Debbie Glen
Reuben Labrador Retriever 13 1/2 years 09/18/06 Ann McCarty
Reuben Mini Schnauzer 10/15/98 J Den
Reuben Parakeet 03/31/01-12/10/07 Cindy - Harcarik - Qatto
Reuben Parakeet 03/31/01-12/10/07 Cindy-Harcarik-Qatto
Reuben Pit Bull 05/05/02-07/09/07 Anthony, Vanessa & Alana Cota
Reuben Shorthair Tabby Cat 12 years 11/17/00 Alberta
Reuben Tabby/Mainecoon Mix Cat 10 years 12/28/21 Kaar
Reuby Dachshund 07/04/83-11/21/98 Kelley
Reugar Miniature Pinscher 4 1/2 years 01/02/10 Charlene Horvath
Rev Australian Cattle Dog 07/04/83-09/13/99 Sally Sullivan-Hall
Rev Cocker Spaniel 09/04/06 Jeff Clignett
Reva Dog Caitlin
Reva German Shepherd 10/12/88-01/16/01 Robin Senter
Reva Lab 03/99 Colleen & Greg
Reva Labrador Retriever 01/30/81-11/16/92 Betty & George Tardonia
Reva Staffordshire Terrier 09/04/96-09/07/08 Gail Sinclair
Reva Yellow Lab 12/85-05/22/99 The Arnett Family
Revalyn's Return of Tav-A-Mac (Rerun) West Highland White Terrier 03/06/84-01/25/98 Trish Clute
Reveille Beagle 05/16/94-01/06/98 Serena
Reveille Rough Collie 10/13/93-11/27/07 Alexandra
Reveille's Dream Spirit Mh Labrador 06/10/01-03/19/10 Bill and Anita Daley
Revel Fluffy Orange and White Domestic Cat 03/23/95-10/12/04 Catherine Dickerson
Revel Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier 10/16/95-04/21/08 Art Shirk
Revere Greyhound 14 years 09/15/02 Jeff Zaucha
Reverend Warren J. Ramada (Revi Or The Meetar) Black Mutt Est 8 1/2 years 05/30/03 Jennifer Benicke and Sharon Benicke
Reverse Basset Hound 15 years 06/22/07 Randy and Elaine Botten
Revington Rahn Black Cat 04/13/10-09/20/10 Carlie
Revrend Lizard 1999 Sara
Rewind Border Collie 06/19/94-01/14/09 Tammy
Rex 75M3 German Shepherd Vietnam
Rex a/k/a Chocolate Bean a/k/a Bubba Chocolate Labrador Retriever 08/28/87-07/22/01 JoAnn R. Rich
Rex American Pitbull 15 years 01/07/08 Lori
Rex American Staffordshire Mix 13 1/2 years 01/31/07 Brian Cresto
Rex Anole 2014 Chanda V
Rex Austin Wolf Spitz 11 years 05/25/08 Debi Austin
Rex Australian Cattle Dog 08/09/05 Regina Chacon
Rex Australian Shepherd / Blue Heeler 12/13/04-03/25/07 Stephen Haltom
Rex Australian Shepherd 08/27/03-01/09/14 Genea
Rex Australian Shepherd/Lab 10/19/96-08/06/10 Tricia Rudnick
Rex Basenji/Spitz 18 years 09/24/01 Don and Ann
Rex Beagle 02/12/97-07/24/09 Cheryl
Rex Beagle 12/25/89-08/17/00 Victoria Nye
Rex Beagle/Basset 01/18/02-04/01/11 Ashley
Rex Bichon Frise 10/27/97-02/19/13 Albert Amato
Rex Bischon Frise 08/29/10-05/16/18 Bob
Rex Black Lab 06/23/02-01/16/12 Dennis & Rebecca Emily
Rex Black Labrador 03/12/92-10/25/03 Britton Dicks
Rex Black Labrador Retriever/Golden Retriever Mix 04/27/99-04/23/09 Linda Linton
Rex Border Collie 05/14/94-10/15/07 Sara Savitt
Rex Border Collie 10/08/88-04/31/04 David and Sylvia Camacho
Rex Border Collie 17 years 08/21/10 Mark Harris
Rex Border Collie 2 1/2 years 12/01/06 Natasha Mountain and Mike Nicholson
Rex Boxer 08/20/99-06/05/08 Leann and Rob Stites
Rex Boxer 12 years 01/03/05 Steve and Stacey
Rex Boxer 12 years 06/12/99 Jennifer Levy & Robert Belik
Rex Boxer 2 1/2 years 11/26/11 Barb & Roberto Medeiros
Rex Boxer 8 years 04/14/11 Sharon Spangler
Rex Briard 12 years 08/18/06 Barbara
Rex Briard 12 years 09/18/06 Barbara Ambrosano
Rex Brittany Spaniel 09/30/07-08/10/09 Roger, Paula and Dorothy
Rex Bulldog 10 years 06/28/12 Jillian
Rex Burmese Cat 15 years 11/18/06 Kate and Paul Howard
Rex Castor Mini-Rex Rabbit 01/13/03-08/31/03 Kelly Ferguson
Rex Cat 05/01/96-05/03/11 Deb, Steve and Orion
Rex Cat 06/12/05 Annette
Rex Cat 08/07/92-07/09/07 Nancy Carlson & Steve Brissee
Rex Cat 09/01/90-09/02/05 Erin and Paul Frye
Rex Cat 16 years 10/20000 Phyllis
Rex Cat 1983-1997 Tina
Rex Cat 1984-07/13/99 Diana & Kerri Geis
Rex Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 13 years 08/30/98 Ronald & Nancy Reagan
Rex Chihuahua 05/20/07-05/00/22 Sendy Ruiz
Rex Chocolate Lab, Mix 06/93-10/31/98 Rafferty Family
Rex Clark Australian Shep. Mix 7 years 09/10/04 Karola
Rex Cocapoo 13 years 07/10/06 Pete
Rex Cockapoo 12 years 07/10/06 Pete
Rex Cocker 5 years 05/02/94 Cherie Shearer
Rex Cocker Spaniel 12/19/89-09/15/03 Ken & Anke
Rex Collie 02/12/92-11/14/06 Sarah
Rex Collie 8 years 08/09/11 Marianne
Rex Collie Cross 13 years 05/07/09 Maeve Kennedy
Rex Collie Mix 04/96-04/15/10 Linda Barth
Rex Collie/Lab Mix 11/12/93-02/11/06 Sioux Chinn
Rex Dachshund 07/15/12 Luís Felipe Conterato da Silva
Rex Doberman 08/01/96-06/14/07 Michaela Cousins
Rex Doberman 10/01/93-11/20/05 Brian
Rex Doberman 11 años 01/25/11 Ana María
Rex Doberman 3 1/2 years 10/2009 Betty
Rex Doberman Pinscher 02/21/94-08/10/04 Mennah
Rex Dobie01/16/95 Susie
Rex Dobo Beagle 01/12/93-12/19/02 Jennifer
Rex Dog 01/27/14 Bob & Ilse Mercer and The Green Family
Rex Dog 04/18/97-05/21/11 Amy Pereyra
Rex Dog 05/06/12 Melissa & Ross
Rex Dog 05/30/20 Scott, Lora, Zach, & Sophia
Rex Dog 12 1/2 years 06/29/95 Boni Forte
Rex Dog 12/13/06 Debbie & George Matthews
Rex Dog 14 1/2 years Marianne Cassidy
Rex Dog 16 1/2 years 10/24/01 Sue
Rex Dog 16 years 05/19/08 Mariana
Rex Dog 16 years 12/20/97 Donna
Rex Dog 21 years 01/06/78 Ginger O'Connell
Rex Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rex Dog David
Rex DSH Cat 01/16/20-01/17/19 Nancy Whitebread
Rex Dwarf Hamster 05/05/04-08/08/06 Dollie Roberts
Rex Emerald Green Parrot 10/2001-09/2003 Nancy and Phillip
Rex Fancy Rat 02/01/06-04/09/08 Craig & Lindsey
Rex Fisher Mutt 7 years 09/24/07 Jessica Fisher
Rex German Shepherd 02/13/55-03/06/12 John, Robyn, Sarah, Luke, and Daniel
Rex German Shepherd 02/66 Judy Arnoldus
Rex German Shepherd 06/01/00-10/16/09 Jeffrey Deroche
Rex German Shepherd 06/15/92-04/15/05 Ted & Jill Williams
Rex German Shepherd 06/17/15-12/26/22 Azra Selimanovic
Rex German Shepherd 08/24/99-10/13/09 Liz Ragazzo
Rex German Shepherd 09/03/93-05/10/04 Tom & Gina Van Lone
Rex German Shepherd 11/2005-05/29/07 Nancy and Tyler
Rex German Shepherd 12 years 10/31/11 Shannon Everett
Rex German Shepherd 12/25/97-11/27/02 Renee and Jared
Rex German Shepherd 14 years 10/02/04 Karen
Rex German Shepherd 15 years 1995 Cristina Maria
Rex German Shepherd 1960-1970 Pam
Rex German Shepherd 9 years 05/75 Valerie
Rex German Shepherd Cross 12+ years 08/07/10 Diane Juan and Erayna
Rex German Shepherd Mix 13 years 08/28/03 Mavis Carroll
Rex German Shepherd Vietnam
Rex German Shepherd/Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever Mix 13 years 11/23/00 Deb Hanna
Rex Golden Mix 2007 John Strecker
Rex Golden Ret. 11 years 6 months 06/22/09 Chuck Boutwell
Rex Golden Retriever 05/26/97-06/06/10 Nancy Kopfhammer
Rex Golden Retriever 06/06/92-03/16/05 Viki Rouse
Rex Golden Retriever 07/09/97-11/22/09 Jose
Rex Golden Retriever 07/97-11/22/09 Jose
Rex Golden Retriever 11 years 06/30/08 Roberta Stasny
Rex Golden Retriever 2 years 12/23/10 Jose Luna
Rex Great Dane 04/12/05 Rob Wright
Rex Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 04/22/05-05/09/12 Janet
Rex Grey Tabby Cat 07/01/92-07/08/00 Della Cook
Rex GSD Anne Roberts
Rex Guinea Pig 10/12/01-03/12/06 Jeremy and Karen
Rex Husky Mix 10/23/98 Rob Collier
Rex Husky/Shepherd 15 years 05/11/17 Kim & Larry Seybert
Rex Iguana 01/02/96-07/15/00 Joshua Winebagrer
Rex Jack Russell 11 years 11/16/09 Eric and Kristi Walls
Rex Jack Russell 12 years 01/05/99 Abigail Ogden
Rex Jack Russell Terrier 11/06/95-06/07/05 Mary Milloway
Rex Jack Russell Terrier 8 years 11/16/09 Patty Seibert
Rex Jack Russell/Pitbull 31/12/03-01/11/13 Peter, Fawn and Chase
Rex JR Terrier Mix 11 years 07/13/98 Annemarie
Rex King Shepherd 8 years 02/10/99 Mandy Inglis
Rex Kitten 07/09/10-09/23/10 Cindy Clark
Rex Krugar Border Collie Mix 08/07/08 Trish and Matt Krugar
Rex Lab 9 years 11/22/96 Dale and Penny Forrest
Rex Lab/Collie 10 years 04/23/10 Amy
Rex Lab/Vizsla Mix 01/01/95-01/02/09 Teri Bedard
Rex Labrador Mix 17 1/2 years 03/29/08 John and Janet Ruehr
Rex Labrador Retriever 04/14/89-03/19/03 Steven F. Mrkvicka Sr.
Rex Labrador Retriever 08/28/00-08/24/10 Marie
Rex Labrador Retriever 10/03/93-05/03/06 Maraynne
Rex Labrador Retriever 15 years 06/05/08 Lorie
Rex Langer Border Collie/Beagle 07/22/90-01/18/04 James
Rex Lee Beagle 12/05/95-08/27/01 Gail Cooper
Rex Lewis Golden Retriever 08/17/16-10/22/20 Kerry Sr., Camdynn, Kerry Ll, Charletta Lewis
Rex Loving Jack Russell 08/31/07-01/30/09 Michael
Rex Luther Golden Airedale 15 years 03/25/07 Clifford, Erin, Dakota & Caleb McArthur
Rex Maltese/Papillion 04/2009-05/01/11 Leigh
Rex Mckee Sheltie 10 years 04/05/05 Jim Mckee
Rex Mini Rex Rabbit 12/99 Kris
Rex Miniature Pinscher 01/09/96-03/23/99 Philene & Michael Severa
Rex Miniature Schnauzer 11/01/02-10/11/07 Kay, Audrey, & Stacy
Rex Mini-RexBunny Rabbit 09/15/99-01/26/04 Christine, Peter and Spike
Rex Mix Dog 04/09/96-02/24/09 Karen and Dave Levosky
Rex Mix Dog 11/28/11 Carol Senko
Rex Mix Dog 12 years 07/07/12 Walker Family
Rex Mixed Breed Dog 10 years 05/24/96 Dan and Cindy Cummins
Rex Mixed Dog 09/01/94-11/27/07 Jen
Rex Mixed Dog 8 1/2 years 10/15/09 Diane Welsch
Rex Moulson Tabby Cat 16 years 01/26/13 Jill
Rex Mutt 04/14/95-12/21/08 Tammy
Rex Orange Tabby Cat 10/18/10 Jeff
Rex Part Pitbull 1989-04/13/00 Dean Sellers
Rex Patience German Shepherd 12 years 05/20/04 Tracy
Rex Pekingese Mix 10/21/96-04/03/10 Bob Hughes
Rex Persian Cat 03/03/87-01/17/02 Christine Beaudin
Rex Persian Cat 10 years 11/11/08 Kathryn
Rex Persian/Siamese Cat 1984-10/27/01 Traci Meske
Rex Petty German Shepherd Collie Mix 04/23/99-05/19/12 Karen Petty
Rex Pit Bull 10 years 02/01/09 Candy
Rex Pit Mix 04/08/11-03/23/17 Erin Butler
Rex Pitbull 03/94-01/25/03 Angela Osborn-Gray
Rex Pitbull Blue Nose 08/09/10 Mike Hernandez
Rex Pitbull Mix 02/23/18-11/11/19 Katherine and Michael
Rex Pom Mix 17 years 11/14/08 Tricia Gibson
Rex Poodle 97/10/06 Pete
Rex Pug 06/26/85 02/10/99 Brenda
Rex Rabbit 6 years 11/27/10 Ryanna
Rex Ragdoll Cat 04/20/09 Rita Davis
Rex Randolph Meikis Shih Zui 04/19/07-04/24/09 Christina and Christian Meikis
Rex Rat Terrier 02/25/95-11/08/06 Nancy
Rex Red Queensland Heeler/Border Collie 02/28/04 Sondra and Shane Casper
Rex Ritter Jack Russell Terrier Appx. 2005-07/08/17 Kristin Ritter
Rex Rottweiler 03/06/97-04/22/00 Dare Gaither
Rex Rottweiler 11 years 02/18/08 Jennifer
Rex Rottweiler 25/10/94-22/06/07 Christine Adams
Rex Rottweiler 4 years 07/16/05 Elaine Nichols
Rex Rottweiler Mix 09/26/11-04/14/21 Ryan & Michelle Burke Family
Rex Rotty 5 years 06/30/05 Marilyn A Finch
Rex Sable Collie 1998-09/22/02 Hall
Rex Schipperke 04/06/94-05/09/07 Cheryl Fuss
Rex Schnauzer 06/04/99-03/08/07 Denise and Ray
Rex Shep/Husky 2 years 11/16/03 Kelli Leblanc
Rex Shep/Lab 05/1988-05/14/99 Joe Leatherman
Rex Shepherd Mix 12/27/03-02/10/04 Tom Hackney
Rex Shepherd/Husky 8 years 04/29/12 Tammy Cyr
Rex Shih Tzu 10/11/00-06/08/15 Cathy Sawchak
Rex Shitzu Bichon 01/05/00-11/25/14 May, Jim, Aaron, Calvin
Rex Siamese Cat 02/86-05/07/02 James S. Martin
Rex Siberian Husky 01/23/95-01/21/04 Randi Aldridge
Rex Siberian Husky 07/26/00-08/15/09 David Perniciaro
Rex Siberian Husky 10/06/16-06/24/24 Cathy Norman
Rex Siberian Husky 10 years 03/26/11 Candice
Rex Snowshoe/Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/01/92-11/07/05 Terry, Jeff, Frankie, and Stephanie
Rex Springer/Spaniel Mix 15 1/2 years 01/26/09 Pat and Connie
Rex St. Bernard/ German Short Hair Mix 09/15/98-09/21/09 Kathy Russo
Rex Staffordshire Terrier 17 years 07/27/15 Maria
Rex Tabby and White Cat 10/25/94-02/04/08 Kate
Rex Terrier / Chihuahua 07/24/97-11/21/14 Kay See
Rex Terrier 09/29/04-01/05/06 Chris and Karol Hess
Rex the Wonderdog Shepherd 16 years 04/03/09 Nancy Brunswick
Rex Uromastyx Lizard 09/14/08 Michele-Lee Shapiro
Rex Watkins Miniature Pincher 07/03/06-08/10/07 Watkins Family
Rex Wenger Husky Shepherd Mix 13 years 12/05/15 Amy and Fred Wenger
Rex Wexler German Shepherd 13 years 04/01/11 Phil and Mary Wexler
Rex White German Shepherd 12/08/98-01/08/08 Regina Conrad
Rex Yellow Labrador 14 years 08/19/09 Kathy Rosati
Rex Yorkie 05/01/05-07/30/13 Kelly K
Rexall 02/07/01 Casey
Rex-Ann Cornish Rex Cat 02/08/07 Rhonda Magnotti
Rexanne Rottweiler 04/16/90-03/27/99 Debbie, Steve and Ashley Richey
Rexcy Lhasa Poo 03/17/85-03/20/99 Faydra
Rexi British Rex Rabbit 06/11/06-04/08/14 Audra Pianelli
Rexi Cat 10/2001-03/2007 Laura
Rexi Chorkie 07/05/13-03/16/13 Angelena Boyd
Rexi GSD 12 years 06/03/09 Emma Webber & Family
Rexi Husky German Shepherd 12/15/01-09/02/11 Kimberly Patterson
Rexi Michelle Wheeler-Nixon Labrador/Husky 12/16/05-02/12/07 Beth Wheeler and Katie Nixon
Rexi Pomeranian 07/15/00-04/08/13 Christine
Rexi Reimund-Giersch Rat Terrier 07/25/98-08/15/07 Kim Reimund + Judy Giersch
Rexie (Rexie Roo) St Bernard/Rottweiler 10 years 11/07/13 Carrie & Darin
Rexie Beagle Mary
Rexie German Shepherd 02/14/94-04/24/02 Dan Whiteman
Rexie Husky Mix 08/05/09-03/29/12 Carolyn Owens
Rexie Husky Mixed 08/05/09-03/29/12 Carolyn Owenswhen
Rexie Lab and Retriever Mix 12 1/2 years 02/18/04 Mary Miske
Rexie Terrier 1944-1947 Elaine Heim
Rexie Terrier 3 years 1947 Elaine Heim
Rex's Midnight Madness Min Pin 11/25/93-05/12/05 Mike & Vickie Rees
Rexster Sheltie 11/11/88-05/08/02 Sandy A
Rexx Border Collie 6 years 04/07/12 Elton R. Hayes
Rexx German Shepherd 12/23/99-07/11/05 Maryann and David
Rexx Golden Retriever 04/16/89-05/02/00 Beth Liotta
Rexx Lab/Retriever Mix 03/08/94-06/24/02 Sue Albeyta Kovach
Rexx Labrador 11/20/03 Sherry Skaggs
Rexy (Rexy Boy) Mix/Husky/Lab 07/14/09-08/04/10 Stacy & Sam Garner
Rexy American Alligator 2 weeks 08/01/09 Nick
Rexy Beagle 02/14/94-08/09/07 Eileen
Rexy Black Lab approx 12 years Jan. 1995 Dennis Bentley
Rexy Brown Rex Rabbit 02/18/98-01/11/99 Emily T
Rexy Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rexy German Shepherd 01/01/91-07/17/00 Dubravko, Nevenka,Renata & Domi
Rexy German Shepherd 04/20/12-01/07/14 Olivia
Rexy German Shepherd 07/29/96-08/25/08 Burke Family
Rexy Ray Rodriguez Pomeranian/Poodle 06/23/05-06/12/10 Irma Rodriguez
Rexy Scher Chocolate Lab 13 years 04/12/11 Raquel Scher
Rexy Schroader Miniature Pinscher 02/04/08-04/01/20 Mitchelle Schroader
Rexy Spaniel Cocker Spaniel 10 years 11/11/09 Shazzy Gray
Rexy Yorkie 06/10/93-12/11/08 Celeste Morrow
Rey Cat 10/08/01 Jose & Maria
Rey-Rey Kitten 08/2021-06/03/22 Millie
Reya Cat 15 years 04/10/06 Robyn and Bari
Reyna Boxer 09/04/94-07/14/09 Dawn Cecil
Reyna German Shepherd/Rottweiler 17 years 03/12/12 Katrina
Reyna Golden Retriever 01/15/05 Robin
Reyna Gutierrez German Shepherd 07/22/02-09/03/11 Sandra Gutierrez and Mo Gutierrez
Reyna Pekinese 11/21/98-02/14/14 Melissa, Veronica, Joe, Eric, David, and Emma
Reyna Siberian Husky 2 years 04/24/12 Gloria Molina
Reyna Tortie Cat 02/14/90-01/08/04 Diane Harris
Reynold Shepherd/Lab 02/96-10/17/00 Barbara McBride
Reynolds Tinfoil Barb Fish 5+ years 03/15/04 Ron & Kim Dometrovich
Rez Long Hair Domestic Cat 05/17/97-03/03/04 Rachel Goldman
Reza Montfort Poodle 12/28/90-04/27/03 Wilma and Terry
Reznor Cat 13 years 05/2008 Wendy
Reznor Ferret 02/22/09-04/29/09 Sam Wallace
REZQ Beagle rescue 03/26/94 Rich Noril
Rezzer Mutt 02/94-06/19/10 Susan Swalius
Rezzie Siamese Tabby Point Cat 8 months 01/28/02 Ben Thompson & Krista Reed
RG Cat 02/10/17 Lenore
Rhama Siberian Husky 09/01/85-04/20/99 Kathy Ackerman
Rhamah Rhodesian Ridgeback 09/94-07/10/04 Katy & Brian Kenney
Rhapsodie Exotic Longhair Cat 26/04/00-11/06/02 Judy Watson
Rhapsodie Rat 09/16/95-05/24/97 Arnaud
Rhapsody - (Rhappy) Newfy 12/95-09/2006 MaryJo Gignac
Rhapsody (Rhaps) Border Collie/Black Lab 14 1/2 years 02/13/09 Chris and Dawn
Rhapsody in Blue Shar Pei Kathy
Rhapsody In Blue Siamese Cat 17 1/2 years 02/28/11 Kari
Rhapsody Poodle 01/07/97-04/08/14 Pamela Loren
Rhapsody Rhose Polish Russian Arabian Mare 04/09/89-04/07/11 Jaime Cowan
Rhapsody Thoroughbred Horse 28 years 06/19/09 Lori
Rhapsody Yackley Beagle-Bassett/Lab 04/17/99-05/14/11 Elizabeth, Alyssa, and Deborah Yackley
Rhaskahl Dog 12 years 06/28 CJ
Rhatt Rat Terrier 13 years 08/08/13 Kirby Perkins
Rhea (Baby Roo) Tortie Cat 19/06/07-05/07/08 Tracy Booker and Martyn Kirby
Rhea Border Collie/Shepherd Mix 7 years 09/03/02 Claudia Cashman and Bill Rolls
Rhea Mini Schnauzer 02/94-07/19/06 Marika Parsons
Rhea Red Heeler 09/15/90-08/15/92 Roxanne Louise Elliott
Rhea Rhea Poodle 14 years 07/31/79 Keith Dugas
Rhea Rottweiler Mix 8 years 03/26/11 Kelly O'Neill & Robert Reid
Rhea Shepherd Mix 03/10/94-12/01/07 The Schroeders
Rhea White W/Black Spots 2 years 02/27/00 Steve Taglianetti
Rheanna Black Lab 01/01/90-12/30/03 Karen Sedillo
Rheas (17)Drowned in flash flood in Eastern Pennsylvania
Rheema Pappion 1995-02/2005 Thelma Marie Jones
Rheide Dachshund 06/01/88-09/08/04 Wade Golden
Rhenna Pug 6 years 03/06/09 Tracy & Hunter
Rhett (Rudy, Rude one, Big boy, Biggest boy, Rudy 4 paws, Roo-roo) Standard Poodle 11/19/98-02/26/12 Phil, Sara, Sophie and Gabe Edwards
Rhett Beau Butler Great Dane Harliquin 04/93-02/23/99 Karen E. Wammack
Rhett Bi Gracelan Sheltie 4 years Jackie and Jerry Parisek
Rhett Bichon Frise 10/27/93-09/01/06 Marcia S. Perl
Rhett Black Doberman Pinscher 10 years 04/15/00 Nancy Vander Vliet
Rhett Border Collie 11/25/96-02/09/11 Larry and Terry Fink
Rhett Boxer 7 years 12/17/05 Katie
Rhett Brown Tabby Cat 08/28/03-03/17/08 Carla
Rhett Bulter German Shepherd 12/04/88-10/29/02 David Packman and Pamela Tegtmeyer
Rhett Butler (aka Big Baby & B) Cat 1/24/85-12/20/00 Nancy Freier and Jim Clark
Rhett Butler American Cocker Spaniel 01/04/95-02/25/05 Lettie Anderson
Rhett Butler Barnes Dachshund 02/11/95-08/03/04 Cynthia
Rhett Butler Red Shaded Silver Burmilla Cat 9 years 09/04/07 Bridget and Richard
Rhett Butler Scottie 8 years 08/18/11 Marty
Rhett Buttler St. Bernard 05/01/93-06/04/98 Bill Almy and Family
Rhett Chinchilla 11 1/2 years 04/27/00 Jannie Waller
Rhett Chocolate Cocker Spaniel 02/14/93-08/14/08 Judi
Rhett Chow 11 years 07/17/00 Jerone Elaine Farrow
Rhett Cocker 05/02/02-09/12/13 Theresa Evans
Rhett Dog 11/11/12 Ben Glenn and David Freese
Rhett Labrador Retriever 05/08/90-11/08/00 Linda and Jen Denby
Rhett Lee Butler Devendorf Maltese 12/29/91-02/06/06 Cheryl Devendorf
Rhett Maine Coon Cat 11/23/02 Genevieve Smith
Rhett Maltese 03/17/93-06/18/09 Erika Somerfeld
Rhett Martin Barnhart American Eskimo Dog 08/14/88-05/19/04 Michelle Martin and David Barnhart and Ashley
Rhett Miniature Schnauzer 10/04/15-05/18/23 Kathy Mennell
Rhett Minpin 04/02/96-12/04/06 Karen E. Crockett
Rhett Nitro Blue Neville Doberman Pinscher 07/11/02-10/18/10 Holly, John, Braelyn and Bryce Neville
Rhett Rambo Halamicek Schnauzer 03/13/87-08/16/02 Maxine and Lynn
Rhett Rambo Minature Schnauzer 03/13/87-08/16/02 Maxine and Lynn Halamicek
Rhett Red Tabby Cat 06/04/80-03/18/99 Karen Skelding
Rhett Shetland Sheepdog 12/04/88-03/22/04 Marlene & Ken Kopeck
Rhett Shih Tzu 10/03/90-08/06/07 John & Susan Robinson
Rhett Siberian Husky/German Shepherd 11/97-05/21/12 Joy & Brian
Rhett Von Butler Iv Doberman 02/28/92-02/26/04 Stephen & Judy Schumacher
Rhett William Hartman Beagle 10 years 10/05/10 Robert and Jacqueline Hartman
Rhettman 05/12/89-07/17/00 JJ
Rhett's Royal Rhapsody Brittany Spaniel 08/12/92-04/18/05 Keith & Tami
Rhiana Cat 9 years 19/05/10 Samantha Bristow
Rhianna Black Lab 12/30/02 Karen Sedillo
Rhianna Boxer 12 years 08/29/17 Lois Smithers
Rhiannon Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rhiannon Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/25/01-02/18/03 Tammie Neeley
Rhiannon Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/05/87-03/09/02 Caley Woulfe
Rhiannon Jack Russell Terrier 02/14/02-03/24/18 Christine Spaziano
Rhiannon Jada Papillon 06/03/02-02/10/03 Donna Zalesky
Rhiannon Lab Mix 03/01/93-02/28/08 Daniel Kennelly
Rhiannon O'Bannon Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/05/92-09/02/10 Rhonda Kelley
Rhiannon Shorthair Cat 07/16/86-05/30/05 Debbie Baughman
Rhiannon T. Queen Calico Long Hair Cat 7 years 1994 Sandra Palmer
Rhiannon's Dark Gunther Rottie Rick & Gay
Rhiennah Cat 16 years 05/01/02 Mike Piacentino
Rhine Weimaraner 03/06/07-10/13/10 Taylor Diercks
Rhinny Border Collie Mix 13-14 years 12/2004 Lisa Pincoski
Rhino Golden Retriever 01/11/04-07/05/12 Angie
Rhino Hamster 04/10/12 Zachary
Rhino Pug 4 months 08/15/01 Elizabeth
Rhinoceroses (2) 1998 Disney Animal Kingdom
Rhoan Shihzu 3 years 02/01/09 Sandra Lee McLay
Rhoda Ann Calico Cat 06/91-10/27/04 Camille Novello
Rhoda Bo Jean Black Lab 09/16/90-01/24/03 Denny
Rhoda Cocker Spaniel 5 years 01/28/94 Ann Adams
Rhoda Parrakeet 3 years 03/18/99 Brandi
Rhoda Persian/Siamese Cat 16 years 07/13/11 Tre Hester
Rhoda Siamese Cat 13 years 10/95 Renee Grotheer
Rhodan The Destroyer Miniature Pinscher 4 years 07/09/01 Tracy McCollam
Rhodes Cat 1986-04/02/00 Chris Crutchfield
Rhodie Black and White DSH Cat 12 years 08/27/02 Frank and Pamela
Rhodie Cocker Spaniel 08/26/85-09/17/00 Rita Snelling
Rhodie Collie 09/17/85-10/06/97 Nancy and Matty Circelli
Rhodie Pomeranian 10/21/16 Angela Baranowski
Rhodie Rhodisian Ridgeback 14 years 11/14/94 Kathy
Rhodo Shetland Sheepdog 10/11/99-05/25/08 Kathryn Lees
Rhody DSH Cat 05/06/96-01/12/11 Shannon Hullet
Rhombus Cat Angela
Rhombus Ragdoll Cat 12/31/98-12/24/00 Angela
Rhonda Afghan hound 05/09/93-05/30/95 Greg & Tony
Rhonda Ann Chihuahua 02/06/98-12/02/06 Connie Hill
Rhonda Black Lab 13 years 11/24/06 Gail Fisher
Rhonda Dog 10/29/98 Sharyn Faro and friends at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rhonda English Springer Spaniel 04/11/01-04/17/12 Luis F Ramos Reyes
Rhonda Jack Russell 1992-2005 Melanie Murray
Rhonda Northern Leopard Frog 07/16/05 Natasha
Rhonda Roo Westie 11/15/89-11/16/04 Ronnie & Laura Brown
Rhonda Sue Miniature Schnauzer 06/22/90-07/12/04 Paula Garibay
Rhondo Gerbil 07/2012-12/02/15 Jeffry James Hammel
Rhone Cat 1/03/01 Jennifer
Rhoyal Pyrho Toy Poodle 19 years 05/21/21 M. L Heard
Rhu Irish Setter 14 years 02/23/10 Jim & Terri Murtagh
Rhuaridh Golden Retriever 18/06/98-17/03/10 Kate
Rhubarb Boxer 07/06/98-09/21/07 Scott & Terresa Clark
Rhubarb Cat 10/18/04 Hilda Gale
Rhubarb Cat 9 years 10/02/07 Tracey
Rhubarb Lebo Mixed Breed Red Dog 07/24/06 Marsha for Julie Lebo
Rhubarb Queen of Everything Long-Haired Cat 05/88-06/2005 Lynne & Rick Pennington
Rhubarb Tortoiseshell Cat 2 years 06/13/04 Donna M. Cisneros
Rhubus Mix Dog 12/18/05-08/27/07 Marlee Clarke
Rhummie English bull Terrier 7 years Mary and Jay Remer
Rhylee Dachshund 6 years 08/14/10 Jamie
Rhyn Mixed Breed Dog 09/14/09 Kim, Treanor & Bradley Delarosbel
Rhys Labrador Retriever 02/09/92-04/05/06 Linda
Rhys Scottish Deerhound 05/02/86-04/12/96 Ellen Bonacarti
Rhythm Chocolate Point Himalayan Cat 17 years 12/21/03 Lynn Elliott
Rhythm DMH Cat 06/06/92-10/09/96 Gail
Ria German Shepherd 09/24/96-06/28/04 Malinda Gerber
Ria Rottweiler 14 years 12/03/99 Jane Pomfret
Riah Papillion 13 years 01/06/05 Lottie
Riah Papillon 01/06/04 Lottie Michaud
Rian German Shepherd 06/07/01-03/06/12 Tony Dolan and Kate Elliott
Riba Pinscher 1997-05/2009 Luiza
Ribbi Dachshund 11 years 01/16/11 Rick Wagner
Ribbin AQHA Horse 01/01/62-06/04/76 Angela
Ribble Labrador 27/05/96-30/01/10 Shannon Skeels
Ribbon 04/01/93 Alanna Daley
Ribbon Albino Stripe Ferret 11/96-07/03/03 Karen
Ribbon Miniature Dachshund 09/02/92-07/28/04 Lora Tanner
Ribbon Williams Domestic Long Hair Tabby Cat 14.4 years 01/02/14 Donna Williams
Ribbons Aussie/Border Collie Mix 01/25/89-04/21/02 Kendra & Jay
Ribbons Boxer 8 years 03/17/97 Leigha
Ribbons Cat 1987-06/13/08 Rosie
Ribbons Dalmatian 13 years 05/13/06 Donald Painter
Ribbons Poodle 04/30/74-06/01/89 Cruzan Wallis
Ribby 9 years 1973 Denise Duvall
Ribby Dutch Rabbit 06/03/10 Isabella
Ribsy Mixed Collie 16 years 09/08/01 The Wolf Family
Rica Chihuahua 12 1/2 years 03/05/16 Lindsay Weiner
Rica Domestic Longhair Cat 18 years 03/31/05 Deb Krook
Rica Labrador 08/10/05 Mannlowe
Ricardo Havanese 03/27/06-08/18/17 Connie, Ashlyn and Bruce Thomas
Ricca Baer Rottweiler 09/27/88-10/15/96 Ann & Jerry Crowther
Ricca Tabby Cat 29 June 2002 Lyn, Dan, Sheba, Boots & Blackie
Ricci Yellow Lab / Shepherd 05/26/95-11/07/06 Brian Jarboe
Ricco Dachshund 02/20/08 Colleen
Ricco Longhaired Dachshund 08/26/90-12/21/99 Cathy Anderson and Robin Doering
Ricco Pomeranian, Terrier 10/13/06 P. Dixon
Ricey Maltese-Mix 03/23/04-03/22/12 Beilin Yu
Rich Buff Mixed Dog 16 years 05/16/04 Rich and Pat
Richard Black/Tan DLH Cat 03/23/00-02/13/00 Sheryl Remick
Richard Cat 02/99-10/11/08 Marsha Peaslee
Richard Cat 14 years 21/09/08 Dorian
Richard Cat 21 years 12/21/00 Jonathan Ellman
Richard Cunningham Chinese Crested Dog 06/07/96-04/05/00 Janet Goodrich
Richard Dachshund 12/25/91-04/07/08 Dolores and Art Carpenter
Richard Ellington Sampson Beta Fish 09/02/05-10/30/08 Suzianne Ellington Garner
Richard Golden Retriever 12 years 06/29/10 Shelli
Richard Kyle Keddington - Ricky Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/15/92-07/18/08 Joyce Keddington
Richard Snowshoe Cat 4 weeks 09/07/04 Linda
Richard's Arizona Golden Shadow Golden Retriever 02/06/95-02/18/05 S. Calles
Richie Chihuahua 05/03/14 Tina P
Richie DSH Cat 03/97-12/27/09 Nate
Richie German Shepherd 1992-08/10/09 Zaanat Banu
Richie Golden Retriever 07/29/97-03/22/09 Lily
Richie Gray & White Shorthair Cat 8 years 10/29/07 Adrienne Orozco
Richie Lhaso Apso 10/26/07 Trish Rigg
Richie Rat 05/05/97-12/25/98 Chantal
Richie Schnauzer-Terrier Mix 04/14/90-08/23/06 Tanya Blom
Richileau Bird 04/20/01 Chiara
Richman White DSH Cat 10 years 08/02/08 Susan
Richmond Mixed Dog 02/01/96-08/21/05 Tamara Smith
Richtor Miniature Dachshund 08/10/87-11/12/03 Owen Kugell
Rick Black & White Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/11/96-08/24/06 Angela Bishop
Rick Credico Lhasa Apso 16 years 02/01/05 Robynne
Rick Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rick German Wirehaired Pointer (Drahthaar) 02/02/83-10/29/96 Hank Runge & Gwen Foulkes
Rick Orange Tabby Kitten 3 weeks 08/01/04 Lynn & Jim Hogan
Rick RayRay Cat 15 1/2 years 01/30/17 Mark and Shelly RayRay
Rick Red Cat 1 year4/08/01 Becky Morgan
Rick Rottweiler 02/22/96-05/29/03 Sandra Brown
Rick Siamese-Tabby Mix Cat 02/24/85-10/15/01 Amanda Lynne Strahan
Rick Tuxexo Cat 06/26/23 Jillian
Rickee Daschund 03/85-09/20/01 Maria Kong
Rickerd Wallaby Otterhound 06/10/04-05/03/15 Mace and Amey Vanblaircom
Rickey Dog 11/24/06 Cinndie & Bill
Rickey Lickey Black Persian Cat 19 years 2003 Deborah Jackson
Rickey Mix Cat 14 years 06/25/01 Don Williams
Rickey Sheltie 01/17/93-08/04/04 Ernesto and Patricia Scott
Rickford (Ricky) Cat 11/12/99 Jill Caruso
Ricki Bichon Frise 14 years 06/24/08 Catherine Boosalis
Ricki Calico Cat 08/01/95-08/27/09 Nova
Ricki Cat Deb & Roy Melius
Ricki Chihuahua 03/12/12 The Patton Family
Ricki Cocker Spaniel 07/06/91-01/19/05 Randy Reetz, Dennis McGraw
Ricki Ferret 10/27/05 Vivian and Paul
Ricki German Shepherd 02/29/92-04/26/02 Kandy
Ricki Goldman DSH Tortie Color Cat 14 years 08/21/20 Tracy, Tom and Sadie
Ricki Lee Reed Dachshund 02/22/94-08/31/06 James A. Reed, Michael A. Elliott & Dirk J. Trampert
Ricki Long-Haired Cat 2 1/2 years 29 June 08 Brianna/Molly/Mark/Mary
Ricki Louie, girlkitty Cat 06/99-02/26/11 Paul & Lisa Louie
Ricki Lynn Weimeraner/German Shorthair Mix 05/16/85-10/02/99 D. L.
Ricki Mix Dog 04/28/03-11/26/13 Lindsay Shea
Ricki Sheltie 04/24/99-10/12/13 Val Rabinowitz
Ricki Teacup Yorkshire Terrier 06/20/05-06/01/06 Janice Bates
Ricki The Roo Dachshund 04/10/97-02/24/13 Mona S
Ricki Ticki Tavi Cat 06/19/78-02/07/00 Linda
Ricki Ticki Tavi Pomeranian 06/92-02/26/06 Timothy R. Souza
Ricki Tiki Maine Coon Cat 06/96-05/30/10 Glynn and Donna Ham
Rickie Chihuahua/Corgi 10/22/04 Debi
Rickie Frost Tohdacheeny Lab Puppy 03/01/08-06/08/08 Kat Tohdacheeny, Dillon Johnson
Rickie Lee Black Lab 04/15/94-04/15/04 Eric, Kelly, Chelsea and Lindsay Williams
Rickki Domestic Longhair Cat 10/16/84-06/30/00 Mary & Tony Dasilva
Ricky America Cocker Spaniel 10/22/92-11/06/06 Steph
Ricky American Shorthair Cat 17 years 07/01/13 Dianne Smalligan
Ricky Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd Mix 10/21/05-04/06/16 Monica
Ricky Bird 01/25/04 Kim Hayes
Ricky Black & White Cat 02/17/92-09/08/07 Molly & Brian
Ricky Black Cat 07/20/92-01/26/10 Diane Sanders Thaler
Ricky Black Tabby Cat White on Chest and Two Toes 08/15/98-11/02/11 Don & Jeanne Palko
Ricky Black-White Long Hair Cat 8 years 03/19/08 Marie Laporte
Ricky Blue Chihuahua 03/25/06-12/15/19 Nicole
Ricky Boesch Cat 01/01/06-05/27/08 John and Paula Boesch
Ricky Brittany 05/15/97-11/25/02 Marc & Julie Adamchek
Ricky Budgie 10/30/04-03/06/05 Linda Grover
Ricky Canary 02/28/14 Salim Ayranji
Ricky Caraballo Barrese Mini Dachshund 10/30/07-03/30/12 Steph
Ricky Cat 01/01/98-10/15/10 Becky White
Ricky Cat 02/09/02-26/10/15 Jackie Sayer
Ricky Cat 03/21/13 Kathy
Ricky Cat 03/24/02 Val
Ricky Cat 04/03/93-08/16/09 Julie Lajoie
Ricky Cat 05/30/93-07/04/05 Paul C. Phinney
Ricky Cat 07/02/98 Laura
Ricky Cat 08/07/05 Terilynn
Ricky Cat 12/17/02-04/21/04 Marie Kirkwood
Ricky Cat 14 years 02/21/04 Pat
Ricky Cat 14 years 08/14/08 Carol Hix
Ricky Cat 17 years 01/06/11 Mindy
Ricky Cat 1996-09/21/01 Ilene Brown
Ricky Cat 7 years 10/04/00 Boumerlin
Ricky Catanzaro Pug 12/02/02-01/29/11 Lisa Catanzaro
Ricky Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/21/92-11/20/04 Carol and David
Ricky Chihuahua 02/23/00-02/10/14 Nancy
Ricky Chihuahua 04/20/10-08/07/18 Kenny Bradley
Ricky Chinchilla 10/25/08 Shannon Breznai
Ricky Cockapoo 13? years 05/02/07 Sandy
Ricky Cockatiel 02/27/98-12/06/02 Cheryl Cecula
Ricky Cockatiel 08/16/98 Amanda Bagley
Ricky Cockatiel 10/01/84-07/01/09 Dawn Rudge
Ricky Cocker Mix 14 years 04/19/10 Deborah & Rollin Cluff
Ricky Cocker Spaniel 06/05/07 Judy England
Ricky Cocker Spaniel 06/05/93-02/06/10 Jamie and Tim
Ricky Doberman 09/16/86-04/20/99 Richard Meades
Ricky Doberman 10/20/08-01/13/20 Lloyd and Jennifer Lay
Ricky Doberman Mix 3 years 12/19/06 Betty Jennings
Ricky Dog 01/07/97-08/08/05 Subodh and Sabita
Ricky Dog 05/25/88-08/14/99 Jake McCarthy
Ricky Dog 08/25/03 Susan Graves
Ricky Dog 3 years 01/02/16 Barbara Daniels
Ricky Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/26/93-07/15/01 Jamie
Ricky Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/15/92-03/01/09 Patty Doxtater
Ricky Domestic Short-Hair Cat 15 years 10/31/11 The Mitchells
Ricky Domestic Tabby Cat 10/31/92-03/22/04 Mary & Mike
Ricky DSH Brown Tabby Cat 03/07/98-07/09/08 Margreat Cole
Ricky English Cocker Spaniel 04/08/97-09/27/10 Sherlis Family
Ricky Flame Point Siamese Mix Cat 16 years 02/19/09 Rhonda Magnotti
Ricky German Shepherd Lab Mix 06/2003-07/03/10 Kay Brown
Ricky Golden Lab Mix 06/89-11/19/96 Diane Alberti
Ricky Greyhound 9 years 03/19/02 David R. Croyle
Ricky Guinea Pig 3 years 05/16/00 Lisa Cronk
Ricky Havenese 06/20/10-08/23/18 Zachary Wertman
Ricky Hawkins Jack Russell 02/05/94-11/10/06 Katelyn Hawkins
Ricky Hermit Crab 02/37/05 Kathy
Ricky Honeybear Ellias Cat 01/27/90-08/01/08 Michelle Kristen Ellias
Ricky Jack Russell Terrier 08/90-10/25/06 Michele Ziemer
Ricky Japanese Chin 7 years 05/17/19 Thomas and Geraldean Skordas
Ricky Labradore Retriever 9 years 01/06/05 Denny & Lisa Stemen
Ricky Latino 3-4wks 12/02/97 Jennifer Lerma
Ricky Long Haired Cat 11/21/10 Jean & David Gawarecki
Ricky Longhaired Dachshund 03/29/06-01/17/12 Mackenzie, Riley, Becky, Dan
Ricky Longobardi Tabby Cat 06/24/11 Kim Longobardi
Ricky Lovebird 14 years 30 January 2005 Maria
Ricky Malamute X 3 years 06/30/99 Peggy
Ricky Maltese 06/08/82-10/01/01 Jane Billings
Ricky Maltese 10/01/96-08/17/07 Josephine Musumeci
Ricky Miniature Pinscher 03/20/06-06/13/10 Tammy Desalis
Ricky Miniature Poodle 01/29/94-10/07/03 Deidre
Ricky Mixed Breed Dog 10 years 04/19/01 Bill Johnston
Ricky Mixed Terrier 01/15/86-10/14/02 Millie
Ricky Mouse Merman Chihuahua 09/09/02-05/30/16 Thomas and Adeline Merman
Ricky Naranjo Dog 9 years 04/27/17 Amy, Evan and Maria Naranjo
Ricky Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 02/17/22-07/02/24 Helen, David & Bailey
Ricky O Greyhound 05/08/02-04/13/11 Chuck Linette & Jigger
Ricky Palms Cat 10 years 03/2007 Yvonne C. Gillespie
Ricky Peke 13 years 01/03 Linda, Lynn, Sean & Cooper
Ricky Pomeranian 07/22/88-06/21/00 Lung Kien & Family
Ricky Poodle / Cairn Terrier 12 years 07/02/06 Jen
Ricky Poodle 02/07/00 Lori Mintz
Ricky Pug 07/05/95-09/27/05 Shayla
Ricky Pug and Pekingese Mix 12 years 06/23/12 Esra Cardace
Ricky Raccoon Pomeranian 03/08/11 Nancy Obrien
Ricky Rat 1 yearr & 10 months 08/19/97 Joyce
Ricky Rat Terrier 10/08/93-11/04/07 Kim Lahnemann
Ricky Ricardo Border Collie 16 years 11/25/08 Holly
Ricky Ricardo Ponte Shih Tzu 11/17/95-04/13/13 Elizabeth Ponte
Ricky Richard Pritchard Shiba Inu Yorkie Mix 07/04/07-01/05/22 Eddie & Ron Pritchard
Ricky Rottie 1993-01/16/00 Lori
Ricky Rottweiler 11 years 12/02/11 Wendy Chen
Ricky Seal Point Siamese Cat 06/10/89-10/17/07 Elizabeth West and Randy Rakowski
Ricky Serval Cat 10/04/14 KimW
Ricky Shih Tzu 14/11/93-06/12/03 Sue Barratt
Ricky Siamese Cat 05/03/17 Stephanie
Ricky Siamese/Russian Blue Cat 17 years 06/19/04 Elaine
Ricky Silver Cockatiel 10/18/79-12/07/97 Jennifer Rellins
Ricky Tabby Cat 04/30/98-11/06/01 Sherry
Ricky Tabby Cat Cathy
Ricky Tenterfield Terrier/Jack Russell 15 years 20/09/09 Leanne Butcher
Ricky Terri-Poo 10 years 08/09/01 Sean & Andrea Coulombe
Ricky Toy Poodle 06/16/92-08/19/09 Elaine Tatro
Ricky Wasdin German Shepherd/Akita 09/15/99-02/26/10 Amy Wasdin
Ricky Welsh Shepherd WWII
Ricky Westie 05/15/94-01/11/10 Lisa Gulino
Ricky Whippet 08/01/85-09/11/00 Jim
Ricky Yorkshire Terrier 04/08/95-04/01/10 Caroline Connolly
Ricky Yorkshire Terrier 04/25/96-04/25/11 Andrea Ajello
Ricky Yorkshire Terrier 1995-07/19/07 Janice
Ricky Yu Coffee Cat 08/15/11 Qun Yu
Ricky Zebra Finch 14 years 01/15/11 Mary Anne
Ricky, Humpy Bumpy Ding Ding Silky Terrier 09/03/11 Melanie Skillman
Ricky-Man Miniature Doberman Pincher 04/04/94-04/23/07 Theresa Bulaong
Rico aka The Gruff aka Scooter aka Dude aka Meatball Jack Russell Terrier 05/03/98-11/03/09 Joe, Shirley & Christopher
Rico Beagle 14 years 08/28/09 Candi & Ricky
Rico Bilotta Pug 11/15/04-02/18/08 Christina Bilotta
Rico Carver Boxer 09/13/01-04/25/14 Gland Carver
Rico Cat 07/01/98-08/27/15 John
Rico Chihuahua 02/14/93-03/03/07 Jeanne Donnelly
Rico Chihuahua 12/05/16-07/11/17 Rosa
Rico Chihuahua 9 or 10 years 07/02/06 Alesha
Rico Chiuaua 10/31/97-01/31/01 Theresa, Marty, Chris, Amanda, Jack, Lucky
Rico Cockatiel 04/09/95-10/31/99 Sarah Gregory
Rico Domestic Longhair Cat 03/13/05-02/17/10 Kim & Jeff Black
Rico Fancy Hamster 03/10/09-02/05/11 Jordan
Rico Fidel Chocolate Rex Rabbit 07/17/99-12/11/04 Deb & Frank Preedy
Rico Fiest 11/01/92-11/19/05 Leigh
Rico Golden Retriever 11/01/01-07/08/10 Reena Hill
Rico Golden Retriever Cross 12/21/99-12/08/12 Kathy
Rico Japanese Chin 10/11/03-06/11/04 Melissa, Jessica, Mark, Aaron
Rico Keesler Chihuahua Mix 5 years 06/06/05 Karl and Kathy Keesler
Rico Krajewski Medium Mixed 12/25/82-10/01/95 The Krajewski Family
Rico Lab Shepherd Mix 14 years 11/28/10 Carol Ann
Rico Maine Coon Cat 03/2006-03/25/13 Joe and Ellen Harms
Rico Odria Cockapoo Mix 14 years 10/16/21 Melanie
Rico Parakeet 1989-10/24/94 Joe Concino
Rico Pomeranian 11/20/92-09/10/08 Jo Ann and Frank
Rico Poodle 10/10/85-05/24/00 Kris Stepan
Rico Rabbit 09/18/04-01/19/07 Yvonne Kaire and Family
Rico Rag Doll Cat 11 years 01/30/13 Callie, Howard
Rico Rottie 5 years 02/01/99 Carol Collins
Rico San Juan Strickland Black Lab 06/16/01-04/06/07 Karen Strickland
Rico Shetland Sheepdog 13 years 09/09/09 Linda Voorhees
Rico Shih Tsu Llapso Mix 15 years 06/06/08 Sonja
Rico Springer Spaniel 1987-12/19/02 Carole Millar
Rico Strupith Chi Jack Russell Mix 06/09/10 Brian J. Strupith
Rico Suave Bunny 11/12/02 Cat Baird
Rico Suave Pitbull/Chow 2 1/2 years 07/16/05 Eric, Renee, & Betty
Rico Suave Pomeranian 03/02/10-12/29/15 John DiPalma
Rico Tabby Cat 13 years 12/12/11 Anne Juenger
Rico Tabby Cat approximately 12 years 10/22/05 Jenn and the House of Dreams
Rico Valentino Pomeranian 11/20/93-09/10/08 Jo Ann & Frank
Rico Von Baron Rottweiler 12/13/93-05/06/05 Cathy Norman
Ricochet Bombay Cat 09/09/92-07/11/05 Kenn Capman
Ricochet Doberman 12 years 01/19/08 Jared
Ricochet Dog 03/07/13 Michele
Ricochet DSH - Tuxedo Cat 09/15/97-02/18/08 Debby Humble
Ricochet Maine Coon Cat 06/15/93-01/21/08 Wendy L. Dressler
Ricochet Quarterhorse 25 years 03/01/98 Gail Nadeau
Ricochet Tabby-Calico Mix Cat 02/15/90-06/16/01 Brian McVay
Ricochet Thoroughbred/Appy Horse 03/11/82-06/30/98 Laura Chambard
Ricopico Mini Rex Bunny 2 years 03/03/04 Melissa
Riddick Doberman Pinscher 01/18/94-05/10/00 Lisa
Riddick Maine Coon Cat 07/15/01-02/12/13 Stephanie O
Riddick Pit Bull 08/21/04-12/18/11 Jake Podolsky
Riddle Dog 12 1/2 years01/17/98 Maureen P
Riddle dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Riddle Whippet 01/29/02-05/21/09 Laura and Calvin Lindsey
Riddler Aussie 11 years 9 months 05/10/10 Jill Murphy
Riddles Hamster 06/24/13-10/21/15 Tyler Hess
Riddles Rat 2 1/2 years 03/01/02 Ali Dyer
Riddley Russian Blue Cat 11/01/01-12/07/11 Nathan
Riddy Pomeranian 16 years 01/02/24 Elina P
Riddy Rat Tuxedo Cat 05/01/95-01/18/05 Toni Manning
Rider Allen Jack Russel/Lab 03/2007-12/04/20 Laura Pishko
Rider Cocker Spaniel 02/14/91-05/17/96 Allyson
Rider Cocker Spaniel 02/92-05/96 Allyson Hester
Rider Cocker Spaniel 06/03/94-12/05/04 Linda Wright
Rider Doberman 03/23/97-08/02/10 Diane
Rider DSH Kitten 10 months Carol Butts
Rider McGee Black Lab with a tiny mix of Dalmatian 2000-02/03/06 Mary Haley
Rider Rottweiler 09/25/95-03/23/08 Colleen
Ridge Hound Mix 03/01/04-12/21/04 Al & Linda Denis
Ridge Mixed Lab 11 years 8 months 06/21/06 Trisha Smith
Ridge Pickett Short Hair Cat 1 year 05/17/08 Jan Pickett
Ridge Pit Bull 12 years 11/21/12 John Capuano
Ridge Rhodesian Ridgeback 10/30/88-07/11/99 Susan
Ridge Ridgeback and Lab 11 years 06/07/08 David and Patty Gross
Ridgid Black Lab 4 years 12/08/08 Abbey
Ridley Boxer X 01/01/99-06/24/10 Jamie Lurtz
Ridley Golden Retriever 05/16/01-06/22/11 Jerry & Diana Stark
Ridley Mini Pinscher 8 years 03/09/11 Gaby
Ridley Scott Bunny 3 years 04/06/09 Kristy Daldegan
Riefer Dog 10/31/89-07/08/06 Lisa Murphy
Riefer Mixed Dog 10/31/89-07/08/06 Lisa Murphy
Rieker Allen Harrison Schnauzer 11/15/92-12/10/07 John J Harrison Jr
Rielly Brown Golden Ret. 7 years 07/18/05 Dave Brown
Rielly Chocolate Lab 11/20/99-02/03/10 Karen Alves
Rielly Golden Retriever 06/21/94-12/12/07 Karen
Rielly Rottie 09/04/00-11/04/08 Nunzio Vadala
Riely Biggerstaff Jack Russell Terrier 08/13/00-01/03/06 Jamie, Matt
Riely Sieler Rottweiler 10 1/2 years 10/09/09 Barr & Lindasue Sieler
Riesling Lop Bunny 05/02/07-07/01/10 Eileen & Jerry Lee; his wife Willow and brothers and sisters
Rif Newfoundland 02/21/91-10/14/99 Marlys
Rif Raf Blue & Gold Macaw 04/30/12-12/19/15 Cathy Norman
Rif Raf II Blue & Gold Macaw 04/11/17-06/17/19 Cathy Norman
Rif'ad Mixed breed, DLH Cat 04/01/80-05/23/96 Pat
Riff Aussie Shepherd 11/01/91-06/21/05 Sally
Riff Border Collie X 18 months 01/14/03 Claire & Jon Hales
Riff Cat 12/11/09 Anissa
Riff Raff Australian Cattle Dog 8 years 06/27/06 Sharon Johnson
Riff Raff Boxer 11/01/01-03/30/03 Stacey Witty
Riff Raff Cat 16 years 11/10/08 Linda, Sara
Riffe Dobie Ledford & Imogene Roffe
Riffie Dog 07/23/85-07/23/03 Sharon
Riffkin Jack Russell 01/05/95-04/14/09 Tricia Cantley & Aaron Valdovinos
RiffRaff Black Cat 06/14/81-04/20/98 Judy
Riffy American Shorthair Cat 02/21/04-04/23/10 Dave Cormier
Riffy Long Hair Domestic Cat 14 years 07/20/04 Alexa Fellows
Riga Rottweiler 07/19/91-05/30/00 Judy, Kent, Matt, Jen, Adam
Riga Rottweiler 07/19/91-05/30/00 Judy, Kent, Matt, Jen, and Adam Tilley
Rigbie Dalmatian 15 years 03/04/10 Claire Hallock
Rigby (aka Riggy, Wiggy, Wigwig, Rig Rig, Rigbert) Yorkie 04/24/06-08/30/19 Cindy
Rigby Cat 02/09/10-09/27/11 Eric and Chrissy Peterson
Rigby Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/2011-03/2014 Jennifer and Michael Bell
Rigby Husky Mix 11/13/08-05/27/19 Corey & Phyllis Cronin
Rigby Schnauzer 7 years 06/23/04 Nancy
Rigby Shepherd Mutt 06/01/90-02/27/04 Tracy Kwiatkowski
Rigby Shepherd/Lab Mix 12/04/18 Sarah
Rige Rough Collie 1//6/2010-03/17/21 Tawni
Rigel Black and White Long Haired Chihuahua 07/09/04-10/30/08 Susana Arroway
Rigel Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/29/99-06/20/13 Jennifer & Nick Natale
Rigel English Setter 05/20/87-12/21/97 Annette M. CarriCato, VMD
Rigel English Setter 12/21/97 Pat
Rigel Mahieux Colton Akita-Golden Retriever 10/18/97-12/18/03 Ferrell Denise Colton and Desiree Mahieux
Rigel Shepherd/Wolfhound Mix 09/18/88-05/25/99 Cathy M.
Riger Border Collie 15 years Mark
Riggins Beagle 07/15/11-11/14/12 Vince and Jenn
Riggs Australian Kelpie Mix 07/25/98-09/22/13 Wendy Britton
Riggs Black Lab 14 years 09/22/00 George & Sandy MacDonald
Riggs Eddins English Bulldog 07/05/04-06/17/07 Emily & Chris Eddins
Riggs Flame Point Siamese Cat 15 years 09/2002 Victoria Parisio
Riggs Golden Retriever 11/25/00-04/25/15 Debbie
Riggs Gray Tabby Cat 04/20/91-10/13/08 Darcie, Jan, Joe and Joseph Muro
Riggs Guinea Pig 4 months William Latimer
Riggs Nali-Kovac Shepherd X Rotti 09/16/00-09/17/07 Alzbeta Kovac
Riggs Rotti 04/98-03/14/09 Rhionda
Riggs Rottweiler 10 years 12/08/08 Lori, For Freda & Moe
Riggs Weimaraner 07/03/03-07/15/12 Carrie
Riggsy Lab/Shepherd 02/23/00-10/25/09 Lee Ann Bradley
Right Dalmatian 08/06/91-05/08/00 Olga
Righteous Flemish Giant Rabbit 03/15/95-12/29/97 Maff
Rigley Dalmatian/ Border Collie 02/17/04-01/30/14 Horton Family
Rigley English Bulldog 06/07/98-06/19/99 Lisa & David Cifarelli
Rigoletto Dachshund 11/06/96-11/03/05 Nicola Lischi
Rigsby Cockapoo 08/07/00-05/12/08 Julie West
Rigsby Golden Retriever 07/26/89-06/14/01 Charlie and Sara Mendinhall and George, Michael, Talley
Rigsby Terrier Cross Breed 12/12/93-28/01/05 Victoria Hamilton
Rigsley Westhighland Terrier 02/13/00 Dan and Jan
Riis DeVito Cockapoo 02/07/93-03/07/07 Tara DeVito
Ri-Jo's Lindisfarne 02/02/82-11/30/95 Jan and Mike Fukuda
Ri-Jo's Little Aja Helmic GSD 07/11/94-03/15/01 Jan-Marie and Mike Fukuda
Rijyah Cat 02/15/92-02/09/08 Maura
Rikah Dog 11/29/94-09/12/03 Val and Bert
Riker - Starwind Little Buckaroo Scottish Terrier 05/23/93-04/03/05 Riker, Who Owned Deborah Kindrick
Riker Cat 3 1/r years 08/05/96 Paul & Laura Bourmatnov
Riker German Shepherd 02/14/92-05/02/00 Raychel Greenwald
Riker German Shepherd 10/01/93-11/10/05 Dan
Riker Siamese Cat 01/09/89-05/09/05 Richard Bossard
Rik Chihuahua 08/01/08-05/21/22 Kevin & Shannon Smith
Riki Afghan Hound 02/08/93-08/03/06 Julie and Eric
Riki Dark Sable Ferret 02/01/96-02/06/03 Lisaann Darmody
Riki Dog 10/06/03 Laurel Rogers
Riki Golden Retriever 1.1.2021.-3.9.2021. DK
Riki Mixed Dog 06/16/08 Randy & Michele Flores
Riki Mutt 14 years 06/15/03 Leya Ogihara and Yamil Arocho
Riki Orange & White SH Cat 04/09/04-03/04/13 Lynne & Wanda
Riki Parakeet 1992-03/02/95 Angela DiIulio
Riki Pekipoo 11 years 05/18/98 Sue
Riki Shirley Bricker
Riki Tiki Ferret 08/25/03-12/18/10 Melissa Denton
Rikka Golden Cimmarron Pomeranian 08/22/90-01/06/05 Elizabeth Winn McGuire
Rikka Miniature Schnauzer 11/23/05-02/15/22 Heather Shapiro Gillespie
Rikkers Grey Cat 15 1/2 years 05/10/97 Krys Messer
Rikki (Tikki) Ferret Summer 1998 Melody
Rikki Black and Tan Coonhound 10 years 02/20/92 Susan Mudgett & Eric Johansson
Rikki Cat 05/07/81-10/27/97 Mary Lee Taylor
Rikki Cat 11/01/87-01/10/06 Dyann
Rikki Chihuahua 05/01/97-02/18/14 Kristi Shirrell
Rikki Dachshund 05/29/78-07/25/93 Lotta Asp Andersson
Rikki Dobie Ledford & Imogene Roffe
Rikki Dog 11/02/93-01/12/08 Darlene
Rikki doxie 9 years 03/14/08 Cheryl and Tom
Rikki Ferret 11/01/95-09/25/01 M D
Rikki Ferret 7 1/2 years 07/11/02 Karen
Rikki German Shepherd 10 years 04/2000 D.J., Chris and Jill
Rikki German Shepherd Mix 08/19/91-09/08/97 Patti
Rikki Heeler Mix 2003-11/04/06 Tamara and staff at the Garden
Rikki Irene Boxer Mix Dob 06/22/07 Amy
Rikki Jack Russell Terrier 7 years 10/18/02 Deanna Wade
Rikki Kamakazi Kong Akita 08/26/94-03/01/03 Charles & Coleen Draper
Rikki Maine Coon Cat 04/25/98-08/25/09 Margaret Oakes
Rikki Miniature Schnauzer 03/01/96-03/04/08 Geri Chaney
Rikki Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 03/04/08 Geri Chaney
Rikki Norwegian Elkhound 07/04/95-04/14/06 Bob Liedka
Rikki Peke 15 years 08/11/05 Cindy
Rikki Poo Yorkie Terrier 2011 Max Lopez and Linda
Rikki Seta Mixed Breed Dogfrom Puerto Rico 03/31/24 Maria Ingato
Rikki Silver Mitt Ferret 12/25/97-06/18/03 Jennifer Steinruck
Rikki Staffordshire Terrier 02/05/99-05/29/06 Corinne McKittrick, Rod Koller, Chris Bilyea, Carleigh Bilyea, Rachael Bilyea, Devon Frank
Rikki Ticki Tavi Turkish Van Cat 18 years 06/09/13 Sneither
Rikki Tikki (Tavi) Russian Blue Mix Cat 03/17/83-11/09/02 Lisa Gibson
Rikki Tikki Black & White Cat 11 years 06/17/95 Lynn Allen
Rikki Tikki sable Ferret 5 1/2 years RS. Sellers
Rikki Tikki Tabi DLH Cat 14 years 06/23/06 Sue
Rikki Tikki Tavi Burmese Cat 07/09/87-10/04/99 The Goddards
Rikki Tikki Tavi Ferret 07/04/04-06/10/10 Rose Stevenson
Rikki Tikki Tavi Ferret 11/2007-04/14/09 Denise and Jim Walker
Rikki Yorkie 06/19/96-05/29/09 Kathy/Lyle Kroeger
Rikkie's Brother Yorkie puppy 09/96 Sue M.
Rikkirocket Shitzu 01/31/93-06/29/07 Karen Majkich
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Basenji 01/19/93 Pat Lobean
Rikko American Eskimo Dog 02/23/09 Cody, Corey and Laura
Rikku Chihuahua 09/24/03-09/18/06 Elizabeth & Dustin
Rikku Shih Tzu 07/25/06-09/29/13 George/ Maria
Rikky Havanese 01/11/10-08/10/11 Janet Canup
Riko Ritter Retriever Mix 05/01/96-08/31/10 Susan Ritter
Rilee Akita 11/22/97-10/31/99 Randy, Francine and Heather
Rilee Golden Retriever 01/2004-02/17/04 Jeff
Rileigh Border Collie 08/08/93-04/22/08 Lisa Robinson
Riley - My Laughing Boy Shih Tsu 10? years 11/25/10 Carol Ann Pretzel
Riley (Critter) Border Collie Mix 3 years Deb Pyrek, Tim Little, Spinner and Piko
Riley (Feldenmeister) Craig Yellow Lab. 04/14/96-08/15/07 Karen
Riley (Rilster, Riley Baby) Fry Grey Tabby Cat 09/2001-12/20/15 Gabriele
Riley (Ri-Man) Black Cat 13 years 07/05/10 Robyn and Todd Rosenthal
Riley 01/06/0l-11/23/01 RC
Riley 06/10/96 Lenette Carter
Riley Airedale Terrier 11 years 05/20/05 The Wood Family
Riley aka Monkey aka Verdell Affenpinscher 13 years 07/08/09 Allison, Paul, Joseph and Lucas
Riley aka Mr. Crankypants Orange Tabby Cat 07/97-09/09/11 Yvonne, Steve, and Arrow Anderson
Riley Akita 07/31/05-08/16/16 Sue & Charisse
Riley American Cocker Spaniel 05/05/89-11/11/03 Nancy Chotkey
Riley American Eskimo Dog 12 years 11/20/07 Leanna
Riley American Eskimo Dog 14 years 05/18/19 Sarah
Riley Ann Black Lab Mix 04/01/96-11/27/10 Kelly & Chris Ovington
Riley Ann Calico Cat 07/93-09/27/12 Lori and Scott Smith
Riley Australian Cattle Dog 10/01/14 Nell
Riley Balinese Cat 10/93-09/27/03 Colleen Madigan
Riley Basset Hound 01/17/10-06/03/13 Mary
Riley Basset Hound 10/01/04-08/11/21 Crystal & John Klooz
Riley Bates Sheltie 8 years 02/20/08 Megan Bates
Riley Beagle 03/26/11 Nancy and Chad
Riley Beagle 04/20/97-06/25/10 Susan Mock
Riley Beagle 05/02/95-02/13/06 Joyce Warren
Riley Beagle 05/10/03-07/03/09 Rachel Pruner
Riley Beagle 08/18/96-07/29/11 Susan
Riley Beagle 09/21/05-04/17/09 Kendra
Riley Beagle Mix 6 years 12/17/13 Lindsay
Riley Beagle/Lab Mix 9 months 02/01/01 Sue, SVHS
Riley Bear Bergeron Black Labrador 1999-08/12/11 Jennifer Bergeron
Riley Bernese Mountain Dog 4 years 07/04/08 Darla
Riley Bichon 01/10/07-04/18/22 Gina and Tom Emory
Riley Bichon 2006-07/28/20 Jackie Carithers
Riley Bichon Cocker 12/31/97-01/29/13 Bruce and Karen Monnery
Riley Bichon Frise 12/22/03-08/30/15 Pam Gross
Riley Bichon/Maltese 03/30/00-06/15/12 Julie Wallace
Riley Black Cat 16 years 08/22/09 Judy
Riley Black DSH Cat 5 1/2 years 03/11/00 Melany Miller
Riley Black Lab 02/16/21 Mary
Riley Black Lab 10 years 06/30/04 The Hartmens
Riley Black Lab 10 years 09/11/13 Erin Buss
Riley Black Lab 10/30/94-05/29/05 Carol
Riley Black Lab 11 years 10/26/09 Danielle, Randy, & Zachary
Riley Black Lab 16 years 10/13/09 Louise
Riley Black Lab Mix 13 years 02/15/05 Donna & Collin
Riley Black Labrador Mix 7 years 06/09/06 Karen Campbell
Riley Black Labrador Retriever 6 years 03/15/05 Carol and Mark Cote
Riley Black Spotted Cat 15 years 08/03/01 Taylor
Riley Blonde Cat 04/20/16-03/02/17 Linda, Jim and Alaina
Riley Blue Heeler 04/22/05-01/18/08 Kristy Paeth
Riley Blue Heeler Mix 03/14/94-04/14/94 Carey
Riley Blue-Front Amazon 1 year old 08/26/98 Shay S Venus
Riley Border Collie 04/15/99-06/22/03 Madison Stefanuik
Riley Border Collie 05/21/99-10/15/07 Karen Farley
Riley Border Collie 08/16-12/27/16 Anna Carrillo
Riley Border Collie 12/05/92-01/18/02 Dave Lawrence
Riley Border Collie 8 years 06/25/12 Leslie, Mike, Ryan, Nathan, Crickett, Cory and the whole gang
Riley Border Collie Cross Kelpie 2011 Grace Malone
Riley Border Collie Mix 12-14 years 09/11/98 H. P.
Riley Border Collie/Black Lab 3 1/2 years 02/08/02 Erika Earle
Riley Border Collie/Sheltie 08/31/96-12/05/08 Andrew, Jane and Dylan Mitchell
Riley Bordle 07/12/01-07/15/13 Barbara Barrymy
Riley Boston Terrier 01/05/01-07/10/08 Jamie Walker
Riley Boston Terrier 01/05/97-01/04/99 Janet Casey
Riley Boxer 01/28/02-12/18/10 Becca
Riley Boxer 02/09/96-01/27/04 Tim & Melanie Waldron
Riley Boxer 08/13/01-04/28/08 Melanie Shetter
Riley Boxer 12 years 04/28/18 Rebecca Seymour
Riley Boxer Mix 11 1/2 years 12/08/09 Sue and Morgan
Riley Boxer/Sharpei Mix 11/93-09/14/05 The Hovinetz Family
Riley Boy aka Atta Boy Scottish Terrier Chm. 10/17/96-06/10/09 Richard & Mary Rutledge
Riley Boylen Golden Retriever 12 years 09/29/12 Jean Harvey
Riley Brice Lab 07/17/08-09/03/16 Lori Brice
Riley Brittany Spaniel 05/21/02-07/08/16 Danielle, Emma, Stephen, Anthony, Donna, and Jim
Riley Brown Boxer 07/25/09 Donna Brown
Riley Brown Tabby Cat 4 years 12/03/01 Doris & Steve Dicker
Riley Bullmastiff 08/12/00-07/31/09 Kortney White
Riley C. Montgomery Maine Coon Cat 04/12/85-10/04/01 Barbara Simpson & John Thomas
Riley Cairn Terrier 02/02/03-01/17/06 Marian Wall
Riley Cairn Terrier 03/05/97-05/07/01 Derek & Michelle Sutherland
Riley Cairn Terrier 14 years 10/16/04 Dawn
Riley Calico Tabby Cat 03/01/93-01/06/01 Stephanie Gutierrez
Riley Campbell Golden Mix 11/25/97-06/28/11 Corky Campbell
Riley Carroll Golden Retriever 01/11/96-09/12/06 Mike, Kyle, Danielle, Megan and Paige Carroll
Riley Cat 02/20/02-06/04/07 Beth A
Riley Cat 02/25/00 Kelly Walker
Riley Cat 06/08/06 Roy & Darlene Reese
Riley Cat 07/01/01-09/04/02 Holly
Riley Cat 08/09/02 Greg & Alice Jones
Riley Cat 08/09/95-06/24/09 Donna Farren
Riley Cat 08/16/97-07/06/09 Chelsea Herman
Riley Cat 08/26/13-02/25/14 Maria
Riley Cat 08/86-02/21/99 Laurie & Kraig
Riley Cat 10/04/14 Katie & Jamie
Riley Cat 10/10/00 Suzy Nielson
Riley Cat 12/06/91-09/14/07 Julie
Riley Cat 14 years 01/26/18 LP
Riley Cat 19 years 02/19/16 Amy Stewart
Riley Cat 4 years 11/15/12 Ann, Rosie, Gregg, Jennifer
Riley Cat 6 years 11/01/06 Jennifer Arbogash and Laura Bradley
Riley Cat 7 years 04/03/09 Tracey
Riley Cat 7 years 11/15/06 Eileen and Fred Hanks
Riley Cat 9 1/2 years 01/24/12 Heather
Riley Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/01/04-06/13/08 Karen Williamson
Riley Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 25/09/96-10/06/05 Joanne Hoskins
Riley Cavalier/Cocker X 08/19/15-07/18/15 Jennifer McLean
Riley CH Jewel's Happy Camper Weimaraner 02/10/10-08/04/21 Brad Johnson
Riley Chau Chau, Retriever, Lab Mix 10/99-05/30/13 Teresa Donegan
Riley Chihuahua 04/25/02-11/02/14 Joanne
Riley Chihuahua 08/12/12-11/12/12 Joe and Barb
Riley Chinese Crested Dog 08/14/99-07/16/10 Alexis Arnold
Riley Chinese Pug 07/08/03-07/02/06 Jodie, Megan and Family
Riley Chinese Sharpei 09/02/00-08/24/12 Charley & Alyssa Joy
Riley Chi-Pom (Pomeranian-Chihuahua) 08/11/06-12/01/20 Tricia Rico
Riley Choc. Lab 06/17/96-09/12/98 Patti
Riley Chocolate Labrador 04/15/00-03/05/10 The Barrow Family
Riley Coca-Poo 16 1/2 years 09/28/07 Kat Schulz & Family
Riley Cockapoo 15 years 11/05/10 June
Riley Cockapoo 18 years 02/04/08 Brett Cheever
Riley Cocker Spaniel 01/09/90-06/08/07 Alison White
Riley Cocker Spaniel 02/22/03-03/11/09 Lisa Sabin
Riley Cocker Spaniel 04/30/03-12/31/18 Michelle Pooler
Riley Cocker Spaniel 05/05/89-11/11/03 Nancy Chotkey
Riley Cocker Spaniel 06/01/93-03/18/08 Jamie Padgett
Riley Cocker Spaniel 08/15/95-01/27/11 Deon
Riley Cocker Spaniel 11 years 01/12/07 Traci Mitchell
Riley Cocker Spaniel 12/12/04-08/24/11 Lisa Wade
Riley Cocker Spaniel 16+ years 06/01/10 Judy McArthur
Riley Cocker/Dachshund Black and Tan 05/07/11-02/20/21 CC and MC
Riley Cohen Lab/Shepherd/Doberman 9 years 10/07/09 Eli and Marcia Cohen
Riley Collie 05/16/07 Kelly
Riley Collie 9 years 04/29/13 Bruce and Sue
Riley Corgi 15 years 10/16/08 Kris
Riley D. Kane Mixed Terrier 02/04/86-01/03/05 Sarah
Riley Dachshund 01/06/96-04/27/09 Gerad T
Riley Dalmatian 02/16/02-11/07/12 Tonya Williams
Riley Dalmatian Mix 11/02-04/01/16 Tracy deRegt
Riley Dalmation 09/25-2001 Kelly Kolleng
Riley Devlin Black Lab/Rottweiler 12/27/96-12/26/05 Tammy Devlin
Riley Dew German Shepherd 08/27/97-02/01/10 Sharon Locke
Riley DLH Cat 08/28/08-02/29/09 Cappi Duncan
Riley Dog 01/14/99-10/15/12 Diane Tyler
Riley Dog 01/19/00-07/26/14 Kawanas Cunningham
Riley Dog 01/20/04 Maryjo and Bob Stahl
Riley Dog 01/2012 Andrew and Michelle Hillstrand
Riley Dog 02/2001-12/02/13 Katie
Riley Dog 04/24/09-12/01/23 AE
Riley Dog 04/26/08 Ming
Riley Dog 05/08/97-08/14/13 Alexandra
Riley Dog 06/03/91-11/21/01 Cheryl
Riley Dog 1 1/2 years 05/03/03 The Millers
Riley Dog 10/28/06-09/26/09 Megan and Patrice
Riley dog 11/01/08 Maureen and Don
Riley Dog 14 years 12/07/07 Judy
Riley Domestic Short Gray White Kitten 03/29/03-08/09/03 Karie
Riley Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/05/04-06/20/05 Mary Criswell
Riley DSH Cat 02/04/97-06/18/10 Debra Hayes
Riley E. Greene Tibetan Terrier 07/14/00 Keith E. Greene
Riley Earley Rottweiler 09/30/99-10/18/09 Sarah Earley
Riley Edris Beagle 12/05/01 Peggy
Riley English Bulldog 12/04/04-09/30/17 Patty Stoll
Riley English Cocker Spaniel 05/29/08 Sue Roberts
Riley English Golden Retriever 11/29/97-12/17/98 Casey & Andrea Dey
Riley English Setter 01/02/01 Bonnie Girard
Riley English Shepherd 11/29/05-05/13/18 Susan Roth
Riley English Springer Spaniel 04/21/98-07/07/10 Lynda and Gary Seimes
Riley English Springer Spaniel 06/22/97-10/13/10 Sandy
Riley English Springer Spaniel 07/99-04/28/10 Alex, Brian, Melanie, Diana and Brian Hurd
Riley Ferrari-Gibbs Beagle 09/28/03-03/22/18 Angela Ferrari-Gibbs & Rocky Gibbs
Riley Flett Siberian Huskey 10/13/95-02/18/05 Carolyn, Gary and Logan Flett
Riley Fox Terrier 11/11/98-04/10/12 Nicky Bratty
Riley French Bulldog 04/02/92-05/22/02 Trish Berresford
Riley French Bulldog 04/21/06-12/02/17 Brian & Lisa
Riley G Tuxedo American Shorthair Cat 04/01/13-05/10/15 Jonathan G
Riley Galbraith Border Collie Lab Mix 07/01/01-09/15/09 John and Amy Galbraith
Riley Garland Lhasa Apso 12/19/98-05/26/10 Pam Garland
Riley Garland Lhasa Apso 12/19/99-05/26/10 Pam Garland
Riley Gelb Liner Maltese 13 years 01/15/19 Hallie Gelb Liner
Riley George West Highland Terrier 05/24/95-07/26/10 Vikki C-D
Riley German Shepherd 04/13/00-09/28/06 Maureen & Josh
Riley German Shepherd 04/18/02-10/17/08 Mark
Riley German Shepherd 04/20/96-09/29/10 Vicki Millard
Riley German Shepherd 06/09/95-10/27/03 Angie Hitch
Riley German Shepherd 08/06/97-03/20/99 Susan Benzing
Riley German Shepherd Mix 03/87-06/13/00 Melanie Dodge
Riley German Shepherd/Aussie Cattle Dog Mix 04/15/97-07/09/09 Chelly
Riley German Shepherd/Collie Mix 08/31/02-03/05/11 Elizabeth and Karin Langlois
Riley German Shepherd/Wolf 11/28/95-01/14/10 Tami Gomez and Trish Callen
Riley German Short Haired Pointer 10/31/06-07/27/10 Amanda
Riley German Shorthaired Pointer 11/09/03 Heather and Les Martin
Riley Girl Golden/Black Lab Mix 11 years 01/24/09 Jennifer Young-Withers
Riley Glen Golden Retriever 12/12/97-05/01/13 Debbie Glen
Riley Goldador 07/20/91-03/24/04 Ann and Mike Reddington
Riley Golden Lab 05/26/06 Mike G
Riley Golden Lab 08/12/97-04/28/09 Sharon
Riley Golden Receiver 12/24/90-03/06/06 Thomas P McLaughlin
Riley Golden Retriever 01/03/97-10/01/03 Sue Goulden
Riley Golden Retriever 01/13/04-08/03/15 Kathy Breen
Riley Golden Retriever 01/23/93-10/22/98 Renee
Riley Golden Retriever 02/14/96-01/29/09 Mary Beth Turek
Riley Golden Retriever 03/22/19 Claudia Coral
Riley Golden Retriever 03/27/00-06/16/12 Norann Brown
Riley Golden Retriever 04/15/94-03/26/04 Donna B
Riley Golden Retriever 05/19/08 Carrie and Jim
Riley Golden Retriever 05/20/00-10/11/07 Brandy
Riley Golden Retriever 05/21/05-03/04/08 Jennifer Howell
Riley Golden Retriever 06/07/95-10/22/03 Joanie
Riley Golden Retriever 07/04/99-04/09/08 Joanna
Riley Golden Retriever 07/12/99-08/23/12 Michael & Mary Wall
Riley Golden Retriever 07/23/07 Jules
Riley Golden Retriever 08/31/99-11/07/08 Pam Biasotti
Riley Golden Retriever 09/11/96-12/27/05 Jessica Williams
Riley Golden Retriever 09/25/87-12/10/95 Jank & Anne O'Shea
Riley Golden Retriever 10/04/10-11/11/22 Tia
Riley Golden Retriever 10 years 07/22/10 Jim & Kathy White
Riley Golden Retriever 11 years 9 months 08/14/10 Tracey Binder
Riley Golden Retriever 11/06/93-03/26/06 Todd, Gwen & Hailey Sieben
Riley Golden Retriever 11/22/03-06/26/09 Stacy Lauzonis
Riley Golden Retriever 11/24/06-03/04/11 Kristie Scherer
Riley Golden Retriever 11/24/92-12/23/05 Richard Angeloni
Riley Golden Retriever 12 years 09/15/07 Shannon & Meredith
Riley Golden Retriever 12/02/03-07/15/13 Connie
Riley Golden Retriever 14 1/2 years 05/10/22 Carol Mackin
Riley Golden Retriever 2 years 02/02/08 Paula J Myers
Riley Golden Retriever 7 years 03/11/07 Kathleen (Katie)
Riley Golden Retriever 8 1/2 years The Sullivan Family
Riley Golden Retriever 8 years 12/31/04 Jeanne Walker
Riley Golden Retriever Mix 13 years 05/24/05 Carole
Riley Golden Retriever/Greyhound 05/23/99-04/24/05 Cherie Shipley
Riley Great Dane 09/23/01-12/09/04 Teretha
Riley Great Dane 3 years01/15/03 Jack and Maureen Kelleher
Riley Great White Pyrenees 11/05/02 Jody Garin
Riley Greyhound 05/16/96-11/10/09 A. Overton
Riley GSD 03/17/04-12/18/08 Kelli
Riley Harris Shetland Sheepdog 08/06/03-03/29/12 Cindy Harris
Riley Hebrlee Boxer 04/26/95-12/14/00 Trent & Cathy
Riley Hissong Boston 14 years 08/11/10 Christina Hissong
Riley Honsberger Golden Retriever 10/13/95-01/06/06 Sherry Honsberger/Joe Picotte
Riley Horse 05/12/09 Dr. Tara and the Horse Haven staff BFAS
Riley Hound/Dalmatian 04/2000-10/12/09 Connie Sachs
Riley Hunter Ely Westie Cross 01/04/08-12/06/09 Pauline David and Rebecca
Riley Husky 11/10/78-07/27/09 Heidi
Riley Irish Setter 12/01/74-07/15/87 Linda Grimm
Riley Irish Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 11 years 2001 Mike and Mona
Riley Jack Russell 2012 Cristobal Family
Riley Jack Russell Mix 04/15/98-08/31/09 Dianne, Marshall and Lilah Tanner
Riley Jack Russell Terrier 06/13/97-01/07/11 Bernadette
Riley Jack Russell Terrier 09/19/93-01/22/09 The Merrilees Family
Riley Jack Russell Terrier 11/26/98-12/28/13 Clare Morgan
Riley Jack Russell Terrier 12/28/02-02/07/05 Lia Hammond
Riley James Doberman 10/31/99-02/11/08 Michelle Vermillion
Riley James Stassel Beagle 09/01/00-07/11/09 Kelly & Dave Stassel
Riley Jesse Golden Retriever 10 years 04/08/11 Jeff, Julie, Maddy and Evan
Riley Jo Boxer 4 1/2 years 03/30/08 Barbie
Riley Jo Cat 07/04/98-12/14/02 Karen Kruse
Riley Joe Donnici Grey/Brown Tabby Cat 17 years 05/2007 Michael Donnici
Riley Kitten 07/2006-03/19/07 Merrilee Cichy
Riley Lab 08/12/21 Linda
Riley Lab 5 years 12/00 Michele
Riley Lab Mix 01/29/05-07/12/11 Jan DeWolf
Riley Lab Mix 10/18/99-10/04/04 Michael & Natalie O'Hara
Riley Lab Mix 12/02-03/01/10 Diane Ebel
Riley Lab Mix 9 years 06/21/03 Valerie Kirchman
Riley Lab/Basset Mix 01/17/07 Peggy Morrow
Riley Lab/Hound Mix 03/05/05-11/16/10 Kitty & John Gianos
Riley Lab/Newfie Mix 12/24/00-10/28/09 Katie Maietta
Riley Lab/Rottweiler 05/20/93-12/07/07 Nancy
Riley Lab/Shepherd 02/28/01-11/25/11 Pat Gura
Riley Lab/Shepherd/Doberman 9 03/4 years 10/07/09 Eli Cohen
Riley Labrador 11/23/97-10/24/09 Connie
Riley Labrador 4 years 07/31/08 David & Denise
Riley Labrador Mix 02/14/04-08/15/08 Carole Aleman
Riley Labrador Retriever 02/07/96-05/03/08 Tracy
Riley Lakeland Terrier 01/21/90-01/20/03 C.Barry
Riley Lalonde Bichon Frise 17 1/2 years 01/14/13 Debbie (Mommy)
Riley Lee Ewok Shih-Tzu 04/24/15-04/17/23 Larry Allore
Riley Lee Miniature Dachshund 2005-05/26/11 Maya Lee
Riley Levine Westie 04/16/06-06/21/21 Susie Levine
Riley Lhasa Apso 02/16/87-07/03/03 Kerry
Riley Lhasa Apso 05/11/99-11/23/11 Carla Harrison
Riley Long Haired Dachshund 02/17/89-04/07/03 Betty Kilback
Riley Lop Eared Rabbit 3 years 10/16/05 Laina, Micah, Theresa, & Mike Stanek
Riley MacGregor Old English Sheep Dog 01/27/97-12/08/08 Gillian MacGregor
Riley Maclaury German Shepherd 03/20/01 Mary Lou Maclaury and Sunshine
Riley Maine Coon Cat 09/03/12 Debbie Dimit
Riley Maltese 02/20/00-12/28/09 Kimberley Tester
Riley Maltese 11 years 01/22/07 Sue Duff
Riley Maltese 13 years 01/15/19 Hallie Gelb Liner
Riley Maltese 15 years 11/03/99 Mary Hiett
Riley Maltese 7 years 09/12/03 Sandra Turner
Riley Maltese/Shih Tzu 05/25/08-07/31/20 Lynette Girbach
Riley Malti-Poo 06/15/97-04/25/99 Cathy Nichol
Riley Man Blue Heeler 1994-05/07/07 Dutch
Riley Marie Rottweiler 01/15/00-05/05/08 Gina and Casey
Riley Marsh Spaniel Mix 8 years 11/27/08 Lynn Marsh
Riley McCoy Airedale Cross 9 years 07/18/12 Jenni
Riley McCracken Yorkie 07/27/02-10/03/07 Kory and Beth McCracken
Riley McDuff Cairn Terrier 03/13/91-03/03/06 Sullivan Family
Riley McGee PigButt Mutt 11 years 04/11/16 Ellen Buhl
Riley McMullen-Alexander Greyhound 05/03/98-09/17/11 Eileen and Mike Alexander
Riley Meister Golden Retriever 02/02/98-05/23/09 Beverly Meister
Riley Mi-Ki 06/27/09-09/08/21 Anne Sopala
Riley Milo Anderson Beagle Terrier 10/04/13 Melanie, Bob, Melaina, Makenna Anderson
Riley Min Pin 06/01/07-05/14/17 Tina Dailey
Riley Min Pin 12/21/93-11/29/05 Lisa Pike
Riley Mini Rex Rabbit 07/05/01-05/23/09 Tricia & Brian Wagner
Riley Mini Schnauzer 08/30/98-09/16/11 Doreen & John Lynch
Riley Miniature Poodle 16-17 years 07/09/06 Ansley Calhoun and David Bailor
Riley Miniature Schnauzer 01/01/97-05/09/10 Barb
Riley Miniature Schnauzer 03/17/07-01/19/12 Cynthia Link
Riley Miniature Schnauzer 7 years 11/15/97 Bryonie Baxter & Nathalie Ouellet
Riley Miniature Schnauzer 8 years 06/24/10 Christine Dinicol
Riley Mix Dog 09/16/11 Nancy Gregory
Riley Mix Dog 9 years 12/20/10 Danielle Wilburn
Riley Mixed Breed Dog 04/11/14 Judy A Jaeger
Riley Mixed Breed Dog 11/25/10 Joe, Carol, and Amy
Riley Mixed Dog 08/09/14 Lisa Fox
Riley Mixed Dog 11/22/85-09/01/98 Michele McKian
Riley Mixed Dog 13 1/2 years 08/01/15 Lisa Rouhselange
Riley Mixed Irish Setter 10/2006-11/17/07 Georgeann
Riley Morgan Retriever/Border Collie Mix 1997-09/25/12 Wendy Morgan and Todd Fisher
Riley Morgan Young-Zwieg Springer Spaniel 03/08/06 Lari Young for Whitney Young-Zwieg
Riley Mower Cockapoo 07/09/99-09/29/11 Bobbett Mower
Riley MW Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund 12 years 02/22/04 Stephanie Depodesta
Riley my secret girl Yellow Lab 08/12/99-07/23/11 Beverly Hanlin
Riley O'Hara Cat 05/02/99-04/23/02 Susie Coleman
Riley O'Neal Johnson Mini Schnauzer 06/07/00-05/25/12 Monique Johnson
Riley Ocicat Mix 12 years 04/14/23 Nancy
Riley Orange and White Shorthair Cat 03/03/93-07/25/10 Rosemarie Lent
Riley Orange and White Tabby Cat 11/11/95-06/01/09 Donna Wheeler
Riley Orange Tabby Cat 12/96-02/03/12 CMW
Riley Orange Tabby Cat 16 years 02/03/12 C
Riley Orange/White Medium Hair Tabby Cat 12 years 04/10/07 Celeste Vaughters
Riley Parson Russell Terrier 06/25/97-12/15/10 Susan
Riley Peek-a-poo 8 1/2 years 05/20/10 Kelly May
Riley Pit Mix 03/18/04-01/09/18 Joanne
Riley Pond Yellow Labrador Retriever 09/30/94-12/23/05 Vicky, Josh, & Kira
Riley Poodle 10/19/96-02/14/06 Debbie
Riley Portuguese Water Dog 13 1/2 years 12/06/15 Jim and Phyllis Cates
Riley Pug 10/10/00-03/08/12 Timi Hadra
Riley Puppy Lab-Rottweiler 12/27/96-12/26/05 Alice Devlin
Riley Rag Doll Cat 09/15/01-05/01/09 John and Janet Kocsis
Riley Ragdoll Cat 03/10/01-06/12/19 Susan McCreary
Riley Ragdoll Cat 12/22/99-09/20/16 Dr. Frank Rink
Riley Rat Terrier 05/01/04-02/08/14 Sandy
Riley Red Dog 01/25/03-09/26/11 Misty Reed
Riley Reinhardt English Springer Spaniel 11/06/08-07/15/22 Lynda Wirfs
Riley Renee Stewart Doberman Pincher 06/20/97-08/17/07 Joanne Stewrt
Riley Rhodesian Ridgeback 02/01/01-07/24/09 Nicole Cowley
Riley Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/18/11-08/23/12 Daniela Odell
Riley Ri Guy Maltise 08/15/01-01/22/16 Bernice
Riley Ritter Golden Retriever 8 years 01/18/11 Teresa
Riley Roo Greyhound/Lab/Husky 11/17/07-04/14/11 Jami Perusich
Riley Rose Husky Mix 06/05/98-06/19/07 Cathie Davidavage
Riley Rottweiler Mix 05/01/95-03/28/09 Heather Bida
Riley Rotty 12 1/2 years 01/11/11 Sandi Martin
Riley Saber Back Labrador Retriever 15 years 08/20/07 Nick and Carolee Saber
Riley Saint Bernard 03/20/01-12/09/02 Mar & Debi Jariett
Riley Schnauzer 03/13/09 Glenn & Lynn Calhoun
Riley Schnoodle 02/10/99-04/11/12 Dennis Goodner
Riley Scotty Mix 17 years 04/27/01 Tim Gentry
Riley Shealer Bichon 05/02/10 Brenda Shealer
Riley Sheltie 04/17/01-02/03/09 Dave and Marie
Riley Sheltie 05/16/03-07/02/12 Donna Sorensen
Riley Sheltie 07/04/92-02/18/06 Cindy MacDonell
Riley Sheltie 07/26/89-01/24/04 Ivan and Christine Ayers
Riley Shepherd Mix 01/12/98-05/26/11 Tamara Utz
Riley Shepherd Mix 10/04/16 Luketic Family
Riley Shih Tzu 03/27/99-03/31/09 Madison, Evan, Louise and Brett Johnston
Riley Shih Tzu 07/18/97-02/03/14 Amy Lawless
Riley Shih Tzu 09/20/13 Judy
Riley Shih Tzu 11/22/93-06/13/00 George & Rhonda Matlak
Riley Shihtzu 06/24/87-08/30/03 Al & Betty Stacey
Riley Shitszu 6 years 04/02/02 Gail/Joe/Cola/Seede
Riley Short Haired Cat 2 years 1998 Doris
Riley Siamese Cat 05/2002-11/25/12 Laura
Riley Siamese Cat 1 1/2 years 06/30/04 Jennifer Hurles
Riley Siamese Cat 1 years 06/30/04 Jennifer Hurles
Riley Siberian Husky 03/18/02-09/04/04 Ben
Riley Small Munsterlander 13 years 08/08/21 Amy and Family
Riley Soft Coated Wheaten 03/15/99-12/26/09 Susan Strong
Riley Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 03/12/03-07/31/09 Judy Luskey Morris
Riley Springer Spaniel 03/18/97-05/21/08 Karin Menzel
Riley Springer Spaniel 03/19/88-01/10/04 Patti
Riley Springer Spaniel/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix 02/16/21-10/24/23 Charlie & Randal Meirndorf
Riley Standard Poodle 04/17/15-09/15/19 Michele Josemans
Riley Standard Schnauzer 07/07/10-09/24/22 The Hoosock family
Riley Stefanski Rottweiler/Black Lab Mix 03/25/01-06/05/10 Sean & Dawn
Riley Stejskal Dutton Cat 10 years 09/26/06 Jaimi Stejskal
Riley Stuart Klima DSH Brown Tabby Cat 01/03/96-06/03/04 Eva
Riley Tabby Cat 04/07/02-08/13/09 Lori Clark
Riley Tabby Cat 07/08/95-08/10/11 Annette Keller
Riley Tabby Cat 13 years 03/23/04 Mom
Riley Tabby Cat 15 years 11/10/17 Alison, Nancy and Josh
Riley Tabby Cat adopted 10/97-12/19/08 Ann Klasner
Riley Teacup Poodle 04/11/05 Kinzie, Katie & Kamryn Allen
Riley Terrier Mix 14 years 06/17/12 Sandra Mayne
Riley Terrier Mix 15 years 05/24/08 Colleen
Riley The Boo Lab 11 years 04/15/11 Katie Aguilar
Riley Tibetan Terrier Mixed Breed 01/01/00-01/07/08 Pam and Bonnie
Riley Tiger Cat 7 years 02/18/05 Tina Stodgell
Riley Tortoiseshell Cat 2 years 11/15/15 Addie
Riley Toy Poodle 12 years 03/31/11 Lorie
Riley Toy Poodle 14 years 01/06/13 Fran & Phyllis Gaule
Riley Traverse Brandon Bichon 08/16/01-09/10/09 Mark Brandon
Riley Tsu Shu Mix 9 years 04/30/07 Dawna and Gord
Riley Valentine Boston Terrier 02/14/91-03/16/98 Ruth
Riley West Highland Terrier 01/06/01-11/23/01 Gail
Riley West Highland White Terrier 08/22/88-08/31/04 Hannah Beck
Riley West Highland White Terrier 11/15/00-12/05/10 Marcia Reimer
Riley Westie 04/09/01-11/02/08 Angie Kinser
Riley Westie 09/05/89-09/06/05 Pam
Riley Westie-Poo 10/15/95-10/07/04 Mary Reid
Riley Wheaten Terrier 08/20/96-01/12/12 Maggie Sealtiel
Riley Wheaten Terrier 10/20/09-03/02/23 Molly
Riley Wheaten Terrier 10 years 07/20/09 Cris Clay
Riley Wheaten Terrier 11/13/01-10/28/02 Kim
Riley White Cat 04/96 Martina
Riley White Cat 14 years 04/17/11 Kim, Andy & Brady White
Riley White Dandie Dinmont 11/23/11-11/06/17 Bebe White
Riley White German Shepherd 06/11/04-01/31/14 The Winston Family
Riley White Lab July 1994 David Verdugo
Riley White Siamese Manx Cat 11/08/14-10/28/22 Donna White
Riley Winston Jack Russell Terrier 12/13/96-02/16/04 Rosanne Berkenstock and Fritz Alderman
Riley Wire-Haired Fox Terrier 13 years 08/04/06 George Sonsel
Riley Yellow Lab 08/12/99-07/23/11 Beverly Hanlin
Riley Yellow Lab 08/99-04/29/11 Tammy
Riley Yellow Lab 12 years 04/16/11 Meghan Williams
Riley Yellow Lab 12/10/05-11/11/17 Emily Earl
Riley Yellow Lab 5 years 11/21/02 Tara Vanachte
Riley Yellow Lab Mix 04/01/06-01/03/08 Tom and Chris Brenneman
Riley Yellow Lab Mix 11/15/07-07/28/16 Amanda
Riley Yellow Labrador 02/26/03-08/18/09 Stacy
Riley Yellow Labrador 10/25/05-10/17/17 Olivia Altana
Riley Yellow Labrador 11/21/02 Tara Vanachte
Riley Yellow Tabby Cat 14 years 01/26/18 Lisa Para
Riley Yorker poo 01/06/07-08/18/19 Mary Kay
Riley Yorkie 01/03/02-09/28/02 Debbie Ray
Riley Yorkie 02/21/08-07/31/10 Amanda Sowa
Riley Yorkie 04/02/06-11/23/24 Ruth Liberti
Riley Yorkie 04/09/00-02/17/07 Cheryl
Riley Yorkie 09/06/99-05/28/11 Dottie Kell
Riley Yorkie 10 years 06/11/15 Adrineh Safarian
Riley Yorkie 11/18/04-03/07/14 Cathy, Alex and Benji
Riley Yorkshire Terrier 03/21/88-08/03/99 Pennee M.
Riley Yorkshire Terrier 08/26/99-08/06/12 Caroline M
Riley, aka, Smiley Riley The Monkey Boy Brittany 05/06/94-03/31/08 Barb Nelson
RileyPants England Cat 12 years 09/18/10 Dawn England
RileySue Golden 08/23/01-01/14/12 Melissa
Rili Maltese 7 years 04/07/14 Leah Diamand Lightfoot
Rilian Cat Marianne Mays
Rilian Flat Coated 7 years 09/17/04 Carmen Diaz
Rilke Havana Brown Cat 11/07/06 Judith & John
Rilley Irish Setter 11 years 07/21/97 Mark and Laura Roscoe
Rilo Black Lab 05/09/86-08/12/99 Walter
Rilo Jean Lab Mix 13 years 12/29/20 Jeff & Rob
Rily Cat 04/02/03-05/01/04 Jenna
Rily Dog 10 years 08/15/05 Laura & Heather
Rily Ferret 6 years 11/13/00 Alana
Rilya Puppy 4 months 10/29/07 Lorrie
Rima Cat 10/2004-07/16/09 Mary and Steve Kenyon
Rima Cat 4 years 07/16/09 Mary
Rimbaud Abyssinian Cat 02/04/00-08/26/15 Dominique J
Rimlands Betsy Kayser Rottweiler 06/10/06-10/02/07 Madeleine Kayser
Rimmer Hedgehog 3 1/2 years 04/00 Sue
Rimo Dog 9 years 04/06/12 Samrat Ghosh
Rimpy Tonra Tabby Cat 1991-03/29/15 Krista
Rimshot Cat 14 years 12/28/07 Holly & Keith
Rimshot Jack Russell 10/01/91-04/16/05 Ken and Debbie Hromanik
Rimshot Rotti 08/27/92-04/03/01 Barbara Offineer
Rimsky (Camiran's Kindred Spirit) Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound) 04/12/91-07/01/00 Lisa and Jim Garaffo-Gilbert
Rimsky Samoyed 4 1/2 years01/12/97 Jody Hribar
Rimsky Siamese Cat 12/91-12/25/05 Becky and Travis Almany
Rina German Shepherd 04/18/10-11/09/21 Guillermo Ramirez
Rina German Shepherd 05/01/98-07/28/04 Elizabeth Roberts
Rincon de Guayabitos (Rinky) Hirata DSH Cat 15+ years 05/08/10 Terry Jon and Rene Hirata
Ring Cat 10 years 16/12/97 Sharon
Ringer Cat 06/01/03 Diane, Ross, Billy
Ringer Cat 13 years 08/00 Gary & Mo Schoos
Ringer Cat 19 years 07/04/10 Karen
Ringer Dalmatian/Lab 06/02/91-07/04/05 Elisa Gappa
Ringer DSH 8 years 05/28/98 Mary S.
Ringer Duck 11 years 03/23/04 Lucretia Darnell
Ringer Louise Gappa Lab/Dalmatian Mix 06/02/91-07/04/05 Elisa Gappa
Ring-Necked Dove 2 mos old 10/25/97 Gail
Ringo & Booter Pitbulls 04/09/88-09/27/00 Jennifer
Ringo Alaskan Malamute 05/10/93-05/20/05 Everett Ward
Ringo American Eskimo Dog 11/28/07-06/24/12 David Torres
Ringo American Staffordshire Mix 11 years 09/06/16 Dena
Ringo and Harrison DSH Cats 10 years 11/14/11 and 01/05/12 Glenda, Jeff, Evan and Audrey
Ringo Aussie Mix 11 years 12/06/08 Barbara and Sallie
Ringo Aussie/Spitz 03/03/00-04/03/12 Patty Schaeff
Ringo Australian Shepherd 02/19/89-10/31/00 Diane Devoto
Ringo Baker Neatherland Dwarf Otter Rabbit 06/01/06-09/25/11 Susie & Dan Baker & Brothers: Rowdy, Buddy & Skeeter & Sister Minnie
Ringo Beagle Mix 09/04/93-06/02/05 Georgette, Rosie,Jessy and Missy
Ringo Beagle/Spaniel 16 years 05/16/23 Linda
Ringo Bernese Mountain Dog 12/14/08-07/16/10 Becky
Ringo Bichon Frise 07/02/96-10/31/08 Mary
Ringo Border Collie 13 years 12/20/11 Susan Duet
Ringo Border Collie X 05/12/08-02/14/19 Mike Rae
Ringo Boston Terrier 5 years 07/09/00 Cindy W
Ringo Boxer 09/06/95-07/28/05 Andy, Tammy, & Michelle
Ringo Brown Chihuahua 10/03/99 Dustin and Amber Chartier
Ringo Caique 05/01/00-10/16/03 Stacy Anderson
Ringo Cat 03/17/03 Julianne Bonner
Ringo Cat 06/21/03 Denise
Ringo Cat 09/26/01-04/16/04 Brandi Ames
Ringo Cat 1 1/2 years 08/18/98 Jennifer Stout
Ringo Cat 11/04/10 Susana Ortiz
Ringo Cat 11/07/99-02/17/15 P.M
Ringo Cat 12/07/16 Jennifer Jones
Ringo Cat 18 years 02/15/02 Mommy, Daddy, Cayla, Chad and Trakker
Ringo Cat 2 years 9 months 02/28/14 Sharon
Ringo Chihuahua 03/29/07 Jay & Valerie Reynolds
Ringo Chihuahua Reddish Brown Fur With White Socks 8 years 10/03/99 Dustin Chartier
Ringo Cocker Spaniel 12/12/00-07/06/09 Amy
Ringo Cocker Spaniel 1997-05/15/08 Dale Nelson
Ringo Collie Pomeranian Mix 13 years 11/05/07 Catriona
Ringo Dachshund 17 years 08/29/23 Jane March
Ringo Dalmatian Mix 10/12/99-02/17/14 Rodrigo Carvajal
Ringo Doberman/Alsation 17th July 1997 Meryl Fitzgerald
Ringo Dog 12/31/13 Susan
Ringo Dog 13 years 07/17/97 M.N.
Ringo Dog 16 years 07/02/10 Darlene Murphy
Ringo Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/93-06/18/08 Kelly
Ringo DSH Cat 05/10/08-05/16/15 Norm Farrugia
Ringo DSH Cat 11/96-07/98 Michelle Deese Bain
Ringo DSH Cat 14 years 03/12/10 Nicky Lambert
Ringo DSH Tuxedo Cat 03/21/95-12/16/12 Deborah Lawler
Ringo Foster Dog 09/09/96-07/31/08 Ed and Liz Foster
Ringo Garcia Boston Terrier 03/20/02-09/21/06 Elma & Frank Garcia
Ringo German Shepherd 12 years 01/30/10 Elie Ibrahim
Ringo German Shepherd/Golden Retriever Mix 15 years 3 months 08/02/09 Rex Parondo
Ringo Gray Tiger American Bobtail Cat 11/02/98-09/30/10 Kristi Forsman
Ringo Grey Tabby Cat 7 years 06/30/12 Donna and Dave
Ringo Irish Setter Border Collie Mix 09/01/00-02/14/10 Jennifer and Andrew
Ringo Klaus Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/31/97-08/17/08 Kendra Klaus
Ringo Lab 10/09/95-11/14/06 Larry and Patti
Ringo Lab Mix 05/23/09-04/07/20 Gwyn and Gary Pearce
Ringo Lab/Huskey/Hound Mix 04/20/01-09/03/01 Dave Angel
Ringo Lhasa Apso 11/15/99-12/11/08 Tammy Bailey
Ringo Lhasa Apso Dachshund Cross 11/13/00-04/21/11 Sandi and Doug Bright
Ringo Long Hair North American Cat 1984-07/28/99 Todd and Veronika
Ringo Long Haired Tuxedo Cat 7 years 08/2007 Valerie
Ringo Long-Haired Tuxedo Cat 05/16/00-08/07/07 Valerie Salabor
Ringo Lundy Cat 20 years 10/07/04 Sarah
Ringo Maine Coon & Siamese Mix Cat 6 Monts-04/27/00 Debbie
Ringo McFarlane Dachshund 10/12/04-10/28/12 Brooke McFarlane
Ringo Mixed Breed Dog 12/28/09 Ron & Dm
Ringo Mixed Breed Dog 15/01/06 Bibi Hassan
Ringo Mixed, Black Lab, Border Collie, Terrier 07/04/07-09/15/17 Peggy & Rick
Ringo of The Happyness, Yukon Siberian Husky 05/11/91-07/04/02 Jim & Margit Deegan & Renate Barth
Ringo Orange & White Rings on Tail Cat 11/91-01/01/02 Les & Hazel
Ringo Parakeet 5 years 05/07/02 Dena Cottle
Ringo Pit Bull 06/20/95-04/15/08 Karen
Ringo Pug 10 years 11/03/03 Nikki Lewis
Ringo Rottweiler 2 years 10/14/03 Joanne Langman
Ringo S Tuxedo Cat 10/31/05-08/10/20 Ron S
Ringo Shepherd Collie Cross 6 years 11/24/03 Kim Pettit
Ringo Shepherd/Akita 08/88-07/10/04 Lisa Polensek/Bob & Osa Cugini
Ringo Shepherd/Doberman Mix 13 years 07/17/97 M.N.
Ringo Shetland Sheepdog 05/31/10-07/11/22 Keith, Heather, Cory and Courtney
Ringo Shih-Tsu 09/08/95-11/29/06 Leigh Busby & Rob Brand
Ringo Standard Poodle 05/09/91-05/06/99 Elizabeth
Ringo Star Bailey Cocker Spaniel 03/08/97-09/08/08 Stephanie, Randy, Jason and Joey Bailey
Ringo Star Lab/Husky Mix 12/01/01-02/28/11 Darla Perry
Ringo Star Stock Black Lab/German Shepherd Puppy 06/28/09-10/02/09 Michelle Stock
Ringo Starr Kinnaman Old English Sheepdog 10/12/07-07/02/15 Louise Kinnaman
Ringo Starr Shih Tzu 04/03/98-04/11/09 Bud and Lynn
Ringo Tabby Cat 12 years 11/19/09 Billie Jo Ellis
Ringo Terrier 12/06/93-01/01/11 Grainne
Ringo Vivers Cat 04/01/90-10/26/02 Kim and Remo
Ringo White Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/01/01-09/04/17 Emily
Ringo Wire Haired Fox Terrier 14 years 10/72 Ann Jimenez
Ringo Wire-haired Fox Terrier 11/18/72 Antonio and Ann
Ringo Yellow Tabby Cat 8 years 09/30/96 Donna Maness
Ringo Yellow-Collared Macaw 02/26/97-04/06/07 Mike Pruitt
Ringo-Jim Dog 05/16/11 Denise
Ringo's Star (Ringo) Jack Russell Terrier 02/13/01-09/22/05 Tammi Jepson
Rings Torbie Cat 05/15/88-10/22/04 Jan and Kevan Feyzi
Ringtail Tabby Cat 08/2006-02/26/08 Bertie & Don Smith
Rini Anastasia Russian Blue Cat 03/28/96-06/28/07 Scotty
Rini Treadway Mixed Dog 12 years 02/02/06 Judy Treadway
Rinji Cocker Spaniel 15 years 05/30/08 Bilyana
Rink Lovebird 11/20/93 Daisy Lyn
Rinky Dinky Doo Cat 31/03/11 Gail Pick
RinkyDink Ferret 07/98-09/02/03 Karen Douglas
Rinman Bittersweet Rottweiler 08/07/95-08/11/05 Ann Sherman
Rino Pit Bull Standford 05/09/12-09/18/16 Yeimi Cabrera
Rino Smith White Shepherd Mix 06/18/99-01/11/06 Betty and Bill Smith
Rintelna the Gorgeous 1964-1970 Avril
Rinty #1 Collie 13 years 1963 John & Julie Lamberti
Riny Mixed Dog 01/29/98-03/05/12 Becky
Rio American Shorthair Cat 5 years 02/27/16 Jillian Daniels
Rio Australian Kelpie 07/01/00-09/15/10 Eric & Karen Johnson
Rio Australian Shepherd 04/07/02-07/24/13 Pat Wohrley
Rio Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler Mix 8 years 05/17/06 Maggie and Jason Mowery
Rio Beagle 15 years 01/07/11 Lori, Jim, Jacob, Kylie Ann, and Barb
Rio Bettencourt Siberian Husky 12/23/93-07/20/06 Diane Bettencourt
Rio Bird 10/04/16 Celin Feble
Rio Black and White Long Haired Moggie Cat 3 1/2 years 31/10/05 Joanne
Rio Black Headed Caique Parrot 05/10/97-12/04/03 Mill
Rio Border Collie 01/01/93-11/08/98 Jennifer & John Rohling
Rio Border Collie 03/21/22 Yvon
Rio Burmese Cat 12/18/96-03/17/09 John Strong
Rio Cat 05/20/05 Moira
Rio Cat 15 years 12/08/08 Nancy Pennilli
Rio Cat 19 years 05/11/15 Kellyann
Rio Cherry Headed Conure Approx 10 years 10/21/01 Denell & Dale Bennett
Rio Chihuahua 13-14 years 06/16/07 Angie
Rio Chocolate Lab 05/20/03-01/13/05 Pamela & Anthony Harris
Rio Chocolate Lab 10/31/97-03/18/10 Jenn & Dave Sitaski
Rio Cocker Spaniel 15 years 07/27/11 Kelly Wright
Rio Dachshund 08/28/96-12/02/01 Cathie Schwartz
Rio Doberman 05/10/99-11/01/07 Jenny Miszkonis
Rio Dog 06/16/96-12/07/01 Eric and Gigi
Rio Dog 12/23/05-03/26/21 Ajm
Rio Dogue De Bordeaux 10/10/08-01/09/09 Cecilia Middleton
Rio Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/2002-31/10/05 Joanne
Rio Domestic Longhair Calico Cat 09/92-09/14/08 Janet Hoy
Rio Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/02/10-12/20/20 Emily Schmitz
Rio Duboise Golden Brindle Boxer 08/10/13-01/26/20 Lisa Duboise
Rio Eclectus Parrot 10 months 08/12/99 Mike and Teddi Sherrill
Rio English Staffy 14/05/15-15/03/18 Mikaela Richardson
Rio Golden Retriever 07/01/98-10/12/09 Jim and Lynn Luka
Rio Golden Retriever 07/24/04-03/05/13 Maye and Ron Davis
Rio Golden Retriever 10/21/97-09/30/06 Pallu, Punit and Samba
Rio Gordon Dog 12/19/05 Morgan Scheel
Rio Grande Canyon Runner English Springer Spaniel 07/08/95-05/13/04 Sandra James
Rio Husky 04/27/91-11/10/06 Ashley Larsen
Rio Husky 12/07/04 Michele
Rio Indian Ringneck Parrot 31/07/15-17/07/22 Carrie Anne
Rio James McKechnie DSH Mixed Breed Cat 07/28/91-02/01/07 Bobbi and Scott McKechnie
Rio Jet Black DSH Cat 17 years Jhona Huntington
Rio Lab 02/08/19 Sara Osborne
Rio Lab Pointer Mix 07/04/99-10/30/11 Carol Hopkins
Rio Labrador 10/15/99-11/28/09 Marian Altman
Rio Labrador Retriever 06/06/89-05/27/05 Mark Cricchio
Rio Lab-Spaniel 10/11/99-08/16/13 Phil & Puneeta Duvelle
Rio Lhasa Apso 09/27/88-11/18/01 The Charles Family
Rio Light Golden Retriever 06/09/90-02/01/01 N.Haase
Rio Parakeet 03/29/98-02/19/01 Jessica
Rio Parrot 05/02/23 Tanvi
Rio Pequeno Yorkie Mix 02/14/20-09/20/21 Crystal Nyerick
Rio Pit Bull 10/25/03-01/06/17 Michelle Reyna
Rio Pitbull Shepherd Mix 09/06/07-07/16/19 Ashley Sonnone
Rio Pitbull/Lab 10/03/02-10/10/03 Karen
Rio Raven Row Chihuahua 17 years 02/04/11 Jan
Rio Rex's Kavic RN German Shepherd 06/26/05-05/06/09 Tammy Giovannini
Rio Shepherd 11/01/00-07/19/11 Suzanne Bottorff
Rio Shepherd Husky 12/01/01-12/07/12 Maria Forsell
Rio Siberian Husky 12/23/93-07/20/06 Diane Bettencourt
Rio Siberian Husky 6 years 07/17/07 Joni
Rio Silver Mitt Ferret 5 years 10/31/01 Gerri Himberger
Rio Springer Spaniel 14 years 30/04/09 Carole
Rio Springer Spaniel 21/03/95-30/04/09 Carole Dixon
Rio Tabby Cat 06/27/17 Sandra
Rio Terrier Cross 03/23/96-01/22/07 Geraldine
Rio Tuxedo Cat 06/87-10/09/04 Rae
Rios Mixed Dog 07/04/89-12/18/04 Karen Wheeler-Williams
Riot American Pitbull Terrier 03/27/00-08/27/02 Christina Plytas
Riot Cockatiel 12/19/05 Mandi
Riot Puppy 04/21/01 Mickey
Rip aka Rugrat Dog 22 years 02/12/08 S Thompson
Rip Black Lab 1972-1985 Ann
Rip C. Coe-Clark DSH Brown Tabby Cat 04/15/91-12/01/04 Branch and Jayne Clark
Rip Dog 11 years 21/04/09 Kate
Rip Dog aka Snorts Boxer 05/18/99 Tina Frecker
Rip German Shepherd 09/21/02 Monika Burkhart
Rip German Shepherd 12/03/93-2002 Monika
Rip Heeler Mix 02/28/00-09/01/15 Becky Dodge
Rip Scottish Terrier 03/20/77-09/86 Evelyn
Rip Van Winkle II 1 February 1989 to 13 February 2001 Paula Nelson
Rip Van Wrinkle Half Rotty and Half Black and Tan Coonhound 12/24/94-03/24/05 Kim Vitullo
Ripken Achord Miniature Dachshund 10/01/95-06/27/11 Phyllis Achord
Ripken Black DSH Cat 1993-01/12/00 Melinda, Jonathan, Channing and Zachary Hughes
Ripken Black DSH Cat 1994-01/12/00 Channing Hughes
Ripken Cocker Spaniel 10+ years 12/14/04 The Frye Family
Ripley (Lucretia) Miniature Pinscher 1992-2000 Lucia/Samantha
Ripley (Riptide of Duxbury Marsh) Black Lab 03/23/94-12/04/06 Sara Fargo
Ripley Airedale 10/27/89-07/05/03 John and Marilyn
Ripley aka My Best Boy Cat 05/16/89-03/10/05 Caroline
Ripley American Pitbull Terrier 05/14/01-06/15/04 Ed and Leia Connett
Ripley American Shorthair Cat 10/17/96-10/02/10 Bill Wylie
Ripley Appleberry Cattle Dog 08/19/10 Audrey Appleberry
Ripley Aussie 9 years 06/01/17 Mary Shepherd
Ripley Black Berkshire Fancy Rat 5 months Charlotte Ellis
Ripley Blue Shar-Pei 01/11/03-03/28/05 Misty Craven
Ripley Border Collie 06/08/00-06/22/09 Ann and Brian
Ripley Boxer 05/22/01-03/13/06 Mike and Tiffany Cohen
Ripley Calico Cat 05/18/98-11/19/09 Dan Burdick & Mike Vint
Ripley Cat 05/01/90-10/15/99 Shelley
Ripley Cat 10/24/88-01/28/03 Lindsay Henley
Ripley Cat 14 years 11/23/01 Rob Russo
Ripley Cat 4 years 07/18/07 Carrie Kowalik
Ripley Cat 8 years Mike & Mary Anne Miller
Ripley Chihauhau/Jack Russell Terrier 08/12/95-10/29/00 Stephanie, Wendell & Kajsa
Ripley Chihuahua 04/90-02/09/06 Terry Gomez
Ripley Chihuahua 5 years 05/12/03 Karen and John Thurman
Ripley Cockapoo 01/14/03-06/05/17 Kim Sherwood
Ripley Cockatiel 8 years 07/15/07 Margarita Castaneda
Ripley Cocker Spaniel 05/10/93-04/23/08 Stephanie Meechan
Ripley D'Cruz Chihuahua 03/11/00-11/02/09 Melissa D'Cruz
Ripley Doberman 11/04/19-07/08/23 Margaret Santiago
Ripley Dog 07/95-02/05/05 Damian and Dawn
Ripley Dog 1 year 12/29/99 Julie Ramirez
Ripley Dog 9 years 10/14/03 Sylvia
Ripley Domestic Cat 10 years 05/03/08 Linda Hastings
Ripley Domestic Short Haired Cat 10/19/93-04/11/07 Rosie Kombrinck
Ripley Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/00-02/06/11 Rebecca & Edward
Ripley Domestic Shorthair Cat 12 years 07/11/11 Alison Power
Ripley Ellen Edwards Dalmatian/Retriever 11/06/96-08/31/07 Scott David Edwards
Ripley Falcon Dachshund 10/03/93-10/17/09 John Falcon
Ripley German Shepherd 08/05/99-02/15/99 Maureen Jackson
Ripley 'Girl' Great Pyrenees 11/09/96-06/08/06 Beverly & Mark Dahlinghaus
Ripley Golden Retriever 07/03/11/adopted-03/20/19 Mike, Joy, Michael, Adam
Ripley Golden/Chow Mix 01/01/91-12/26/06 Bill & Dawn Kittell
Ripley Gray Longhair Domestic Cat 17 years 2009 Toni Raines
Ripley Greyhound 2004-10/10/12 Lisa Phillips
Ripley Griggs Papipoo 6 1/2 years 08/26/05 Renae Griggs
Ripley Huntley Chocolate Labrador Retriever 01/2000-09/17/10 Sandy Huntley
Ripley Husky/Sheltie Mix 01/30/02 Pam McEnany
Ripley Jack Russell Terrier 08/08/97-07/01/07 Janie Magdziarz
Ripley Jack Russell Terrier 11/12/95-03/15/98 Chantiel
Ripley Jennifer McDog Cairn Terrier 10/04/86-07/04/03 Karen Clark
Ripley Keeshond 06/24/95-05/27/06 James King
Ripley Kitten 4 months 08/22/14 Desiree
Ripley Lab/Shepherd 09/18/09 Patrick Teubner(Daddy) and Devin McGraw(Mommy)
Ripley Lhasa Apso 12/31/99-12/10/10 Lynne and Kenny Laidlaw
Ripley Lucretia Scratcher Miniature Pinscher 05/12/91-11/02/00 Syd and Sam Joseph
Ripley Maine Coon Cat 04/10/96-10/24/04 Jeannine & Scott Sheehan
Ripley Mismarked Berkshire Agouti Rat 01/25/01 Tania
Ripley Mix Dog 03/22/04 John, Julie, Michael & Melanie
Ripley Mixed Dog 08/01/96-04/18/12 Terri Rimmer
Ripley Mixed German Shepherd/Labrador Retriever/Other 9 months 12/15/04 Lennie
Ripley Mutt 06/2004-12/2004 Lillian Callaghan
Ripley Norwegian Forest Mix Cat 11/17/92-03/12/08 Mary Triplette
Ripley Oneoff Chow Chow 05/10/89-05/10/00 Scott & Sunnie Hall
Ripley Orange Shorthair Tabby Cat 04/01/88-03/10/97 Pat and Bob Wolfe
Ripley Orange Tabby Cat 06/17/00-11/16/13 John and Lisa Sullivan
Ripley Pembroke Welsh Corgi 08/18/02-07/12/14 Laurie and Linda Mandozzi
Ripley Pitbull 13 years 01/27/09 Mia
Ripley Pug 08/03/02-11/06/03 Amy and George Raub
Ripley Rottweiler 11/22/92-11/04/05 Alan Finkeldey
Ripley Schnauzer-Terrier Mix 04/23/98-05/01/03 Rainer Bantau
Ripley Shar Pei 04/26/98-02/04/04 Melissa Horne
Ripley SharPei 03/13/00 Marge Fortner
Ripley Smith Greyhound 10/93-04/17/02 Carolyn
Ripley Sparks Shar Pei 05/17/00-04/15/06 Becky Sparks
Ripley Tabby Cat 08/24/04-06/02/07 Roberta Miller
Ripley Tabby/Calico Cat 04/2004-08/13/08 Jennifer & Jason Gillette
Ripley Thorman Lab/Golden Retriever 11/95-07/30/07 Marann Bud Jeanine Michelle
Ripley Tuxedo Cat 14 years 04/2014 Denise Doyle
Ripley Williams Rottweiler/Shepherd Cross 12 years 10/11/12 Patricia Williams
Ripley Yarznbowicz Mix Dog 9 years 06/13/10 Jennifer & Paul Yarznbowicz
Ripley Yorkie 11 years 07/06/04 Mary
Ripley Yorkie 11 years Mary Otto
Ripley Yorkie 12/27/94-07/06/04 Mary, Ahmeena John and Jake
Ripley Yorkshire Terrier 06/26/04-01/10/05 Suzanne & Gary Miller
Ripp Tammy L Bush
Ripper Baby Boy Golden Retriever 13 years 03/08/02 Georgette Lee
Ripper Black Cat 06/21/77-08/20/98 Karen Koch
Ripper Brown Tabby w/white markings 11/94-01/11/96 Karyl and Eric Hooper
Ripper Cat 21 years 08/98 KK
Ripper Dip Calvin Vizsla 06/01/91-11/02/05 Ron Prentice Heather English
Ripper Dog 15 years 01/99 Benny and Monica Ballew
Ripper German Shepherd 15 years 07/18/05 Leesa McGuire
Ripper Jackson (Jack) Higdon Dachshund 04/19/13-06/11/19 Dawn and Hal Higdon
Ripper Raccoon 04/2004-12/30/04 Lisa & Laurie Peterson
Ripper Rottweiler 10/16/04-10/29/07 Paula Andermatt
Ripple Beagle 05/24/94-03/19/05 Linda Sugars
Ripples Labrador Retriever 05/01/91-09/24/03 Joe, Julie, Holly, Lindsay & Daniel
Ripplet Poodle 12/25/91-06/02/02 Melony
Rippy Blue Point Siamese-Stray Cat 07/01/94-11/10/07 The Broadleys
Rippy Boxer 02/22/88-10/18/01 Denise
Rippy Gray Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/17/90-09/11/06 Jackie
Rippy Red and White Cat 04/22/01-03/29/10 Mary & Geri
Ripster Shih Tzu 14 years 12/22/10 Charlene
Ripus Short Haired White With Blue Eyes Cat 7 years 04/24/02 Kathy & Lohr Loveland
Risa Calico Cat 15 years 02/28/09 Jackie Garza
Risa Cockatiel 09/12/05 Debra Libow
Risa German Shepherd 01/05/86-11/27/02 Nick and Carolee Saber
Rise-N-Shine Tabby Cat 6 years 10/05/94 Amanda
Riser Borzoi 09/99 Nancy L.
Riser Labrador Retriever 02/04/92-07/24/07 Linda & Russ Witkowski
Rishinanda Cat 5 months 11/26/06 Kristopher Lindquist
Risko Cat Lenka
Risky Horse 15 years 07/30/99 Diane
Risky Malarkey O Hare Maine Coon Wannabe Cat 05/03/02-09/10/07 R. E. Hare
Riso Bichoodle 5 years 04/22/18 Mary Anne Paul
Risque' Lavendar Siamese Mix about 12 years 10/02/05 Jenn and Mark
Rissa Cat 1997-05/23/08 Claudia Schuster
Rissie Yorkie 10/16/02-12/04/10 Maybelline Read
Risty (Aristotle Aristocat) Black & White Domestic Long Hair Tuxedo Cat 05/2004-12/13/18 Natahnya, Larry, Leandria Campbell
Rita (Margarita Jane) Cat 05/17/91-02/23/01 Emilie D'Agostino
Rita Airedale Terrier 08/26/84-06/10/97 Anne Reese
Rita American Pit Bull Terrier 03/17/09-12/30/09 Chris Cook
Rita American Pit Bull Terrier 03/17/99-12/30/09 Chris Cook
Rita B & W Domestic Shorthair Cat 5 years 06/09/06 Susan
Rita Beagle Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Rita Black & White Domestic Shorthair Cat 5 years 06/09/06 Susan
Rita Boxer 12/09/01-08/29/13 Brian & Laura Walls
Rita Bull Mastiff 7 years 04/29/11 Nick Marandola
Rita C American Pit Bull Terrier 03/17/99-12/30/09 Chris Cook
Rita Cat 1995-2002 Jen McIver
Rita Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rita Chihuahua 20 years 11/24/19 Barbara
Rita Dog 16 years 12/18/06 Sava Family
Rita English Bulldog 02/17/11-05/12/11 Veronica
Rita Flat Coat Retriever-Border Collie Mix 01/01/03-06/06/07 Lorraine
Rita Golden Retriever Lab 03/25/91-03/06/03 PL
Rita Greyhound 6 years 11/13/00 Eric Schneider
Rita Hayward- Calico Cat 13 1/2 years 12/16/05 Toby & Jerry Saval
Rita Kitten 11/08-02/11/09 Maryanne Coury
Rita Lab Mix 12/04/23 Adela L. and Christopher B.
Rita Mae Rabbit 07/99-07/21/02 Geneva and Christi
Rita Maine Coon Mix Cat 10/01/93-12/30/09 Michael & Susan Marcinek
Rita Maria Chihuahua 13 years 06/17/10 Keeliey O'Hara
Rita May Border Collie 05/10/85-04/29/00 Kathy
Rita Miniature Schnauzer 09/28/00-03/12/13 Margaret Jourdain
Rita Mix Dog 01/01/97-07/21/10 Jo Anne
Rita Mixed Dog 14 years 07/23/07 The Hamell Family
Rita Parakeet 10/13/03-12/22/09 Randy & Becky
Rita Pena Siamese Mix Cat 18 years 10/26/23 Yuri
Rita Pitbull/Dalmatian 5 years 06/2008 Julia
Rita Scottie Mix Dog 12/05/89-05/27/03 Kay Wright
Rita Tea Cup Poodle 06/06/96-02/01/03 Isabel Acosta
Rita Tovar Poodle 06/15/00-04/14/08 Cristina Tovar-Rosales
Rita Tri Color Guinea Pig 6 years 03/28/10 Thomas and Ellie
Ritalin Cat 11 years 04/19/07 Toni Robinson
Ritta Dog 12/05/87-02/02/03 Tjaye
Ritty Rat Persian Cat 14 years 06/13/97 Robert & Linda Duncan
Ritz Black and White Cat 09/30/83-08/29/00 Lynn B
Ritz Cat 11/16/13-03/19/19 Ivonne
Ritz Cracker Golden Retriever 05/14/89-07/26/02 Kathy & Brian Shackett
Ritz DSH/American Shorthair Cat 04/16/97-12/28/10 Louis, Laura, Michelle & Andrea
Ritz Pomeranian 03/30/91-08/22/06 Andrea and Roger Florkowski
Ritz Quackers Aflac Pekin Duck 04/10/04-08/17/06 James A Keller
Ritz Schnauzer 14 1/2 years 06/25/09 Sharon and Sandy
Ritz Schwartz Baltz Schnauzer 07/05/86-01/17/02 Dorothy
Ritz Sheehan Sheltie 07/96-07/13/04 Jeannine & Scott
Ritz Short Hair Orange Tabby Cat 03/23/97-01/02/10 Terry
Ritzi (Ritziluv) Longhaired Gray Cat 04/30/90-08/29/98 Janet
Ritzi Long Haired Gray Cat 04/30/90-08/29/98 Janet
Ritzy Cat 12 years 06/28/10 Anna Ellendman
Ritzy Lakeland Terrier 04/21/83 08/11/99 Bill
Ritzy Red Toy Poodle 11/27/87-02/12/04 Fran Goldstein
Ritzy Wheaton Terrier Mix 1988-04/07/04 Rose, Dennis, Laura, Robert
Riva Gordon Setter 11/30/87-10/19/98 Diedre, Dennis, Elysa and Alanna
Riva Rae Siberian Husky 04/02/87-05/23/00 Russell Scott
Riva's Razzmatazz Pomeranian 10/15/95-05/30/06 Charlene & Scott Riva
River (A River Runs Wild) Kuvasz 10/20/95-08/25/03 Emma Bartfay
River (MoonRiver) English Springer Spaniel Black & White 11/16/96-07/27/06 Kit Andrews
River 13 years 09/81-06/21/95 Mike and Annelle Aviani
River Australian Shepherd 5 1/2 years 05/27/11 Chad and Kendra Anderson
River Black Lab 07/04/14 Dana Spalding
River Black Lab 14 years 06/20/06 Cherie and Eric Kaufman
River Black Lab 7 years 10/11/08 Nancy and Richard Rawls
River Black Labrador Retriever 11 years 01/29/04 Amy Cybulski
River Blue Russian Blue Cat 10/95-07/17/05 Christine Gieseke
River Border Collie 06/24/00-01/13/11 Kelly Armstrong
River Cat 04/26/96-08/24/13 Wendy
River Cat 09/08/18-11/10/22 Felisha
River Dog 2007 Alison, Nancy and Lee
River Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
River DSH Black Cat 07/10/07-09/07/14 Terry & Cindy
River Frankine Golden Retriever 08/13/03-05/11/09 Joe Frankine
River German Shepherd 08/22/97-08/20/08 Lori Brooks
River German Shepherd 13 years 06/07/13 Caroline James
River German Shepherd 2 years 10/19/00 Sue, SVHS
River Grey Tabby Cat 03/08/87-11/27/00 Diana Copeland
River Guinea Pig 08/12/14 Kaitlyn
River Lab/Golden Mix 09/22/96-10/11/11 Tamara
River Labrador 7 years 04/19/05 Jennifer Proctor
River Labrador Retriever 06/03/08-11/28/09 Mary McDonald
River Lhasa Poo 14 years 07/08/10 Gail Bamford
River Longhair Cat 04/03/96-10/08/03 Dinah & Henry
River Mastiff/Rott/Lab 01/12/96-01/26/07 Joe Altieri
River Milford Kitten 5 weeks-07/14/13 Caitlin Milford
River Nigerian Dwarf Goat 2005-01/04/06 Gus & Carolyn Fuson
River Phoenix Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/29/04-12/11/13 Chris Torre
River Shepherd Mix 02/01/09-08/08/09 Beth
River Shepherd/Boxer 15 years 09/26/13 Holly Zellmer
River Short Haired 14 years 12/07/12 Diane Huttner
River Thomas Rhodesian Ridgeback 12 years 10/04/14 Wade & Kathy Thomas
River Walker Mixed Dog 07/04/14-02/16/23 Jo Walker and Kathrin Peyer
River White Sheltie 03/16/97-06/07/09 Mark and Sue
River Yellow Lab 1 year 10/10/09 Cori
Riverbend Himalayan Cat 18 years 07/14/03 Pat Cutbirth and The Ratliff Family
Riverbends Elusive Dream (Cassie) Shelti 05/06/86-05/28/96 Karen
Riverdance The Lionhearted, aka Braeden Porter Sheltie 09/01/04-01/29/06 Devon Louise Porter
Rivers Aussie / Collie Mix 03/08/93-06/22/10 Gail NiemcHick
Rivers Whey Melton - 'River', 'Big Girl' Golden Retriever 01/97-04/2010 Cheryl Melton
Riverside Kool Gal O Tallyten Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/03/94-09/18/04 Debbie Mosher
Riverwind Luke Skywalker Shetland Sheepdog 11/22/99-07/09/07 Terri Davis
Rivet Dog 12/10/83-02/06/01 Karen and Jack Jones
Rivet Dog 12/11/83-02/06/01 Karen Jones
Rivi (Briton Mediterranean Ave.) Bearded Collie 11/19/88-08/08/03 Julie
Rivka Siberian Husky 10 years 05/20/05 Barry and Barbie Cassidy
Rivke DSH Cat 18 years Marlene and Ira
Rizen Short Hair Cat 03/05/01-10/19/07 Jenai
Rizz Tabby Cat 09/07/92-12/20/08 Kristin & Karen M
Rizza aka Riz/ritchie Mixed Dog 12/30/96-01/31/01 Rose Mercado & Family
Rizzo Albino Rat 1 1/2 years 12/31/07 Heidi Fellner
Rizzo Beagle Mix 9 years 05/21/07 Dianne
Rizzo Boxer 8 years 11/13/11 Christine
Rizzo Cat 07/14/98-03/23/08 Michele Emerman
Rizzo Cat 5 years 07/23/11 Scott & Diane Eckert
Rizzo Fancy Rex Rat 02/09/05-03/23/05 Judie
Rizzo Ferret 5 years 09/12/06 Melissa J Brandau
Rizzo Ginger Hooded Rat 1999-06/08/02 Gemma
Rizzo German Shepherd Dog 08/28/16-04/11/23 Julie & Buzz
Rizzo Lab 06/19/95-11/19/05 Mike, Laurie, Brenna & Griffin Boyd
Rizzo Rat 1 1/2 years Anne
Rizzo Rat 1 year 06/26/03 The Chaffee Family
Rizzo Tabby Cat 08/16/86-10/13/03 Debbe Miller
Rizzo Vazquez Shih Tzu 10/22/95-05/04/05 Rosie, Michelle, Edie and Tommy
Rizzo Whippet/Shepherd Mix 13 years 06/25/09 Brian
RJ (aka Mr. RJ Boogles, Boogie) Collie 10/28/94-06/02/04 Mark, Laura, Dustin, & Chelsea
RJ Black Lab 6 years 04/23/03 Terri Grogan
RJ Chihuahua Mixed 4 years 04/27/13 Joanna
RJ Chocolate Labrador Retriever 03/23/93-10/21/05 Jeannie Lucas
RJ Cocker Spaniel 03/01/99-02/02/08 Kate
RJ Golden Retriever 07/13/12 Linda May
RJ Jack Russell 12/16/04-05/14/05 Heather
RJ Mixed Cat 5 years 03/31/04 Rod and Alyssa, The Hudgins Family
RJ Pekingese 12/29/91-04/18/06 Pat, Renee and Nicole
RJ Persian Cat 10/24/01-06/20/11 Sharon & D
RJ Shih Tzu 04/15/14 Stephanie
RJ Tabby Orange/White Cat 3 years 04/15/10 Janice & Gailon Bogle
RJ Yorkie 01/14/09-11/19/09 Debbie
Rjay Shitzu 15 years 08/22/06 Tracey Thompson
Rmilo Mix Breed 11/09/80-07/17/76 Sam & Sunny
Rmini Husky Mix 11/19/02-12/09/14 Brenda Richrdson
RMS Elvis Yorkie 06/14/07-07/21/09 H Brooks
RN'S Dama Bonita Paso Fino Horse 18 years 10/24/08 Evelyn De Roach
Ro Lysa Arabian Horse 28 years 08/30/96 Claire Newbre
Roach Domestic Shorthair Cat 18 months 06/05/99 Eileen Keck
Roach DSH Tiger Stripe Cat 11 years Shawn
Roach Mixed Dog 12 years 01/02/06 Frank, Sue & Sarah Rzepecki
Roach Rottweiler 04/26/98-05/09/11 Cheryl Baker
Roachy Mixed Breed Pup 12/00-07/15/01 John Meyer
Road Block Cat 6 years 1991 Sherry Steely
Road Call aka R C Dog 01/15/00-06/13/09 Bill
Road Dog Pomerianian 05/26/00-08/31/03 June & Clay Williams
Road Runner Barbour Tri Color Beagle 10/08/98-12/11/09 Marsha Barbour
Roada Dog 2 years 08/12/08 Phil Orton
Roadcat Bill Orange Tabby Cat 20 years 04/20/11 Susan
Roade Flat Coated Retriever 12 years 02/16/12 Anne Dame - James Dixon
Roadie Dalmatian 08/02/92-12/19/05 Diane, Tom and Christian Starzynski
Roadie Dog 05/20/91-05/12/02 Lynne
Roadie Hustings Beagle 03/16/83-05/16/03 Jessica
Roadie Hutchinson Black Lab 04/13/05 Jennifer and Stephen
Roadie Massie Dog 02/93-09/09/07 The Massie Family and Neighbors
Roadie Ridgeback Boxer 01/03/01-01/13/14 mommy Judy
Roadie Short-Hair Tabby Cat 04/01/87-08/04/01 Doug Gerash
Roadie Yorkshire Terrier 06/14/99-06/30/06 Susan D. Powell
Roadstars Chase Manhatton Brown and White Dalmation 07/29/90-11/26/00 Julie Miles-Dougherty
Roady Budge Parakeet 1998-11/18/07 Randall & Karen
Roady Cocker Spaniel 05/01/95-01/04/06 Dorothy & Larry Gossar
Roady Cocker Spaniel 05/95-01/04/06 Dorothy & Larry Gossar
Roady Spitz-American Eskimo Mix 01/18/87-04/26/02 Julia and Harry Luellen
Roady Toy Poodle 08/02/04-05/14/06 Diana Wallace
Roak Boxer Ellen Moshenberg
Roaky Rottweiler Mix 02/19/96-11/27/08 Fred Hrouda
Roam St. Bernard 01/03/10 Heather
Roamer Brahma/Angus Steer 1992-09/06/10 Dorann
Roamer Cat 08/14/12 Maureen
Roamie Hamster 2 years 10/26/16 Kate
Roamy Beagle 09/10/98-09/19/10 Courtney Blomquist
Roamy Corgi X Golden Retriever 10/31/03-02/23/12 Donna Cooper
Roan Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 08/09/14 Lynda Lowe and Anthony Scott
Roani GSP 01/27/18 Gary Bethune
Roark Golden Retriever 01/18/95-05/29/04 Kathy Hook
Roarke McLaren Standard Poodle 04/15/02-06/18/12 Joan McLaren
Roarkie Cat 16+ years 06/03/07 Kirsten & Richard Lindahl
Roary Lionhead Lop Bunny 10/2011-06/12/20 Laura
Roast Golden Brahma Chicken 23/06/09 Ross
Rob aka Robbie Bobbie Back ASH Cat 08/25/91-10/21/04 Stephanie Maglietta
Rob Cat 05/16/86-02/17/03 Laura F
Rob Rat 1 year 05/03/14 Ethan and Mira
Rob White Rat 18 months 2003 Melissa Sloper
Rob Wire Haired Fox Terrier 15 years 1980 Shirlie
Robbi Long Haired Domestic Cat 20years 11/01/02 Grace Crossley
Robbie (Noodles) Cat 03/09/95-03/29/12 Thomas and Betty Sheehan
Robbie Australian Shepherd 10/03/94-08/30/04 Linda Ziegelmeyer
Robbie Black and White Long-Hair Cat 3 years 06/13/96 Kathryn W. Robinette
Robbie Border Collie 01/08/96-09/03/06 Will and Bill
Robbie Border Collie 15 years 24 Oct 2010 Carol Lord
Robbie Border Collie/McNab 11 year 06/06/07 Donna Poe
Robbie Bugg 04/24/17-08/17/17 Lauren & Taylor
Robbie Cairn Terrier 07/21/91-11/24/02 Dan B
Robbie Cat 07/14/09 Edna Hartnett
Robbie Cat 10 years 01/06/12 Sarahjane Rands
Robbie Cat 14 years 02/26/98 Michelle Santavicca
Robbie Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Robbie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 05/14/98-08/23/05 Benedicte
Robbie Chihuahua 12/28/23 Charles Wilkinson
Robbie Cocker 06/29/11 Rick Waters
Robbie Cocker Spaniel 05/26/86-09/21/02 Marilyn & Jack
Robbie Dew Mutt 08/02/05-04/05/14 Ann Barrowclift
Robbie Domestic Cat 14 years 02/26/98 Michelle
Robbie Domestic Long Hair Cat 12 years 07/12/03 Betsy Cummings
Robbie Domestic Short Hair Cat 7 years 02/19/17 Connie Kennard
Robbie Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 1/01/85-07/04/00 Cheryl M. Melton
Robbie Eclectus Parrot 05/14/13-02/16/23 Cathy Norman
Robbie Himalayan Cat 04/24/88-07/13/06 Dionne Morrow
Robbie Holadia Cat 12/27/09-07/03/18 Patty Holadia
Robbie Horse 09/02/98 CiaraMyst
Robbie Huber King Charles Cavalier 10 1/2 years 12/23/08 The Huber Family
Robbie Jagow German Shepherd 12 years 11/05/06 Sheri Jagow
Robbie Larsen Cat 04/14/69-04/22/90 Ken and Maria Larsen
Robbie Maine Coon Cat 03/12/02-10/25/10 Paula
Robbie Mini Weenie 16 years 07/19/09 Christine Adams
Robbie Old English Sheepdog Brian
Robbie Orange Tabby Cat 03/03/96-07/08/08 Linda Campbell
Robbie Papillon 02/16/91-11/07/02 Elizabeth Garrett
Robbie Pomeranian 08/04/02-07/12/12 Cindy Skiver, Gloria Speich, Justine Sasso
Robbie Poodle 08/20/91-04/19/01 Lynne & Ernie Brummett
Robbie Scottie 11/17/97-07/16/06 Linda and Jim Dee
Robbie Scottish Terrier 11/14/93-11/26/05 Rona & Wayne Nichols
Robbie Sheltie 11 years 07/01/08 Michele Boyce
Robbie Shengulet Collie 12 years 08/29/08 Jane & Bob Shengulet (by your friends Jim & Lynne)
Robbie Shepherd/Collie Mix 07/04/86-03/26/98 The Niezabitowski Family
Robbie Shetland Sheepdog 07/26/96-05/29/09 Emily
Robbie Tabby Cat 03/13/92-04/03/00 Rebecca and Garry
Robbie West Highland White Terrier 05/13/88-10/02/00 Rhonda Wilson
Robbie Yorkie 08/04/97 Ellen
Robbie Yorkshire Terrier 10/05/02-28/01/06 Chris Higham
Robbin Griffith Orange Tabby Cat 03/23/91-03/25/03 Delores, Gordy & Stevan
Robby Belgian Malamois 11 years 01/21/01 Therese
Robby Cocker Spaniel 13 years 09/02/09 Bernie and Joe Wedgie
Robby Dalmatian 09/12/99-01/21/14 Averil Elaziz
Robby Norfolk Terrier 10 years 10/16/08 Joanne
Robby Pembroke Welsh Corgi 06/17/99-03/20/12 Monica Hafner
Robby Robito Maltese 01/12/94-09/07/05 Minerva Valdez Ruiz
Robby West Highland Terrier 10/01/82-09/25/09 Jane
Robbycat Cat 09/01/86-10/09/03 Cherie, Ron & Mia
Robby-Kitty Himalayan Cat 07/03/98-01/16/11 Karla, Kyle and Kevin
Robert and Malcolm Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Cats 05/15/13 to 05/31/14 and 11/28/15 Agnes Dalrymple
Robert Burns Campbell.Bobbie Scottish Terrier 09/01/95-07/10/07 Green Family
Robert Ferret 10/15/98-08/05/03 Lauren Drilling
Robert Ly Maltese/ Shitzu 15 years 04/22/08 Michael Ly
Robert Maltese/Poodle 09/18/01-07/16/03 Vickie Nise
Robert Puppy 01/05/11 Eric and Brenda Wendt
Robert Ratford Albino Rat 07/31/04 Penny
Robert Redford Domestic Shorthair Cat 2001-06/11/15 Michele
Robert RedFur Cat Gretchen Ellis
Robert Redfur'd Cat 10 years 11/26/98 Jeanne and Bruce
Robert Rottie 04/01/99 Noreen
Robert Roy 12/28/85-11/14/01 Laura
Robert Setter 15 years 06/12/10 Cherie and Michael
Robert the Cheepster Blue Parakeet 03/17/92-11/12/98 Michelle, Bob and Lisa Austin
Robert Wayne Jones Mixed Cat 16 years 03/04/04 Hope Jones and Family
Robert Zebra finch about 12 years old 03/20/95 Jean R. Cook
Roberta Black and Orange Longhair Cat Cindi Cousino
Roberta Jean English Setter 07/19/96 Eileen V.
Roberta's Golden Hector Golden Retriever 12/08/85-11/03/98 Roberta Cerra
Roberto Bob Garris Dog 12 years 10/27/06 M
Robespierre American Short Hair Cat 02/90-05/25/00 Paul Jaworski
Robespierre Cat 09/23/84-05/04/01 Susanne
Robi Dog 10 years 07/16/04 Ranettius
Robi German Shepherd 09/04/92-12/06/04 Gary & Janet Orman
Robi Hamster 04/2020-12/09/21 Valentina and Mirko
Robie Schnauzer 07/25/05 Stephanie
Robierre Gibilisco Miniature Poodle 04/03/12 Sandy, Ross, Michael, Michelle, Angelo and Gia
Robin Afghan Hound 01/31/89-04/12/00 Jim Austin
Robin aka Robbie Tuxedo Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/04/92-03/09/05 Sarah
Robin aka Robin Girl 07/04/83-12/10/98 Ann M. Cowan
Robin Australian Shepherd Mix 08/10/11-11/13/13 Jack Davis
Robin Biscuit Kitty 12 years 12/15/01 Barbara Lee
Robin Black Lab 12 years 07/09/10 George
Robin Bouvier Des Flanders 05/05/93-01/03/05 Dana Rasmussen
Robin Calico Dom. Short Hair Cat 03/22/97-10/26/99 Sharron Ford
Robin Cat 01/06/99-08/20/08 Jackie, Eric, Harry, and Daisy
Robin Cat 6 months 10/05/98 Jamie Larson
Robin Cat Jamie Larson
Robin Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 12/10/89-12/08/99 Lynn Fletcher
Robin Corgi X Fox Terrier 14 years 12/01/12 Ilse Venter
Robin Daniels Black and White Bunny 03/27/00 Kenny and Marie
Robin Domestic Short Hair-Orange Tabby 7 years 10/20/96 Sharon Rich and Bill Walker
Robin Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/02/82-12/11/97 Neil Schulman
Robin English Setter 12/21/74-12/28/90 Ann Marie Reed
Robin European Short Hair/Red Tabby Cat 1996-04/05/13 Diana Hartig
Robin Goodfellow Toy Fox Terrier 12/21/05-05/09/18 Maureen McCarty
Robin Green Cheek Conure 4 years 03/27/05 Sharon Furman
Robin Grey Tabby Cat 05/03/02-08/02/16 Beth Gothrick
Robin Hood Abramo Dachshund 06/06/89-12/23/05 Christine Linda Abramo
Robin Hood Silkie 10 years 07/04/10 Anne
Robin Horse 04/11/06 Karen
Robin Horse 1997 Tammy C.
Robin Lovebird 03/04/98 Robin Grose
Robin Lurcher Dog 26/06/87-08/06/00 Kathleen Brown
Robin Marlowe Schuler Chow/Shep 04/15/02-06/17/09 Dee Schuler
Robin Mixed Dog 04/29/96-11/08/10 Shana Kies
Robin Mixed Dog 12 years 05/11/07 Dewey Fischer
Robin Orange Tabby Cat 16 years 02/18/09 Amy
Robin Parakeet 02/04/11 Ken Keim
Robin Pug 04/04/97-12/19/12 Gema Mujica
Robin Rat Terrier 01/07/19 Patsy Glascock
Robin Russian Blue Cat 12/01/95-11/11/06 Kathy & Max
Robin Sherwood IV Pomeranian 03/15/94-02/07/03 Rhianna, Barbara, Alan, James, April and Gary
Robin Whippet/Cross 01/01/93-05/01/06 Rachel
Robin Yellow & Grey Pied Cockatiel 02/89-05/29/00 Julie Bennack
Robin Yorkie 06/12/93-08/27/94 Vicky Lee
Robine (Robin Episode) Greyhound 07/01/94-08/29/07 Mark & Judy Stayton
Robinhill Buffie O'Bear Chow Chow 13 years 07/25/98 Joan, Ken and Amy
Robky Road Chocolate Lab 09/01/97-11/25/07 Kathie, George Krajci & Hershey Kiss
Robo Cat Domestic Longhair Cat 05/22/88-04/27/07 Becky
Robo Cavapoo 8 years 28/04/11 Sneha
Robo Dog 12/10/94-07/17/08 Karthika
Robo Dwarf Hamster 03/07/08-10/06/08 Dana
Robo German Shepherd 10 years 10/06/99 Tim, Jen, Jesse, Joelle
Robocop DHC Kitten 07/01/10-05/19/11 Melinda Siemens
Robo-Kitty (aka Roberto, or Bertie, or Robito) Cat 04/16/03-09/11/03 Montie Eagle
Robo-kun Dwarf Hamster 01/12/11 Deidra
RobRoy English Setter 01/21/09 Mary Alice Kirby
Roby Standard Poodle 8 years 01/26/11 The LaPlante Family
Robyn - Appelbo's Heart Robber Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/12/97-01/12/05 Debbi Todhunter
Robyn Cat 07/04/98-01/2013 Kira, Marc and Jason
Robyn GSD/GSP Mix 05/29/93-09/29/01 Bonnie Girard
Robyn Sheltie 11/01/89-07/16/03 Joe and Nancy
Robyn Sheltie 11/01/89-07/16/03 Joe and Nancy Filip
Robyn Sheltie 11/01/89-07/17/03 Joe and Nancy
Roc Black Lab 14 1/2 years 10/10/05 Danielle West
Roc Boston Terrier 03/08/01-12/28/01 Barbara Hutchinson
Roc Boy Barnes Golden Retriever 11/04/94-12/12/05 Christine Barnes
Roc Damian Rottweiler 8 1/2 years 02/14/08 Louise
Roc Doberman 08/12/92-04/13/02 M. Brinsfield
Roc English Mastiff 7 years 04/21/05 Angie Lake/raymond Velasquez
Roc N Doc N Pep 'Ziggy' Quarter Horse 04/16/91-07/22/06 Christine Quinn
Roc Robinson Rottweiler 02/14/08 Louise Robinson
Roc Rott 2 years 01/15/04 Jennifer
Roc Rottie Mix 11/90-12/02/05 Charla Berry
Roc Rottie Mix 15 years 12/02/05 Charla Berry
Roc Rottweiler 03/31/93-06/07/08 Lisa Bough
Roc Rottweiler 12/20/95-12/13/99 Rebecca Rodriguez
Roc Shepherd/Shar-Pei Mix 07/26/83-07/25/03 Nancy
Roca Greyhound 01/10/93-10/07/06 David Freeman
Roca Sheltie 03/86-06/16/01 Lisa Narter
Rocceaux Yorkie 06/18/21 Christy
Rocco - Vom Micaheim's Baby's First Steps Rottweiler 05/12/03-05/20/11 Mark, Suh San, Matthew, Adam, Cody & Rebecca Aronberg
Rocco American Bulldog 02/15/07-05/05/15 Rob & Kathy McLennan
Rocco American Bulldog/French Mastiff 05/01/11-06/15/19 Michelle Maldonado
Rocco B Boxer 07/26/01-09/03/04 Steph Schumaker
Rocco Beagle 05/12/05-01/27/15 Sherry Boccia
Rocco Beagle/Hound Mix 19+ years 03/17/16 Susan Santare
Rocco Bichon Frise 08/02/98-10/26/09 Haines Family
Rocco Bichon Frise 17 years 08/18/01 Susan Privett
Rocco Black Lab 06/26/89-01/19/04 Alex & Mary
Rocco Black Lab 08/27/05-11/12/14 Michella
Rocco Black Lab 11/26/03-08/23/05 Matt
Rocco Black Lab/Aust Sheepdog 05/15/95-12/26/03 Donna
Rocco Black Labrador 09/16/91-05/27/02 Susan Ossakow
Rocco Border Collie X Stabijhoun 06/04/06-21/02/12 Karen
Rocco Boston Terrier 7 years 01/30/12 Louis DiMaio
Rocco Boxer 11/21/90-07/22/90 Yolie De Leon
Rocco Boxer 11 years 03/19/24 Michael & Nichole Venditti
Rocco Boxer 8 years 04/03/06 Jason Miller
Rocco Brittany 13 years 10/15/05 Deb and Al Svirtunas
Rocco Bull Dog 10/14/14-12/01/15 Torres
Rocco Bulldog 04/12/06-01/26/07 Cornelius
Rocco Cairn Terrier 13 years 03/01/16 Barbara Speir
Rocco Campbell Ferret 06/2016-08/05/22 Destiny Campbell
Rocco Casablanca Poodle 05/06/09 Nikky
Rocco Cat 02/03/01 N
Rocco Cat 04/05/94-07/21/11 Diane
Rocco Cat 07/15/96-02/23/10 Pam
Rocco Cat 2005-03/11/10 Elena
Rocco Cat 5 years 12/29/99 Mary Rodgers
Rocco Chihuahua 11/14/04-05/27/17 Carol
Rocco Chihuahua 4 years 04/09/09 Jaimie Viverito
Rocco Chocolate Labrador Retriever 02/10/96-05/20/09 Kelly Fiterman
Rocco Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 4 years 09/11/01 Jean and Marc
Rocco Chow 11 years 10/12/11 Tammy Delesky
Rocco Chow Chow 04/22/04-08/11/07 Barbara Arnold
Rocco Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure 08/13/11-11/23/12 Andrea
Rocco Dawg Cocker Spaniel 13 years 09/28/09 Marc Salvatore
Rocco Dilucchio Rotti 04/12/94-12/13/01 Scott and Cheryl
Rocco Do Go Argentino 8 years 11/06/06 Pippa Brooks
Rocco Doberman 03/28/11-01/21/18 Christina, Daniel & Luca
Rocco Dog 06/21/06 Joanne Guinn
Rocco Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/01/01-04/04/05 Shane Sikes & Patrick Romero
Rocco Dudek Border Collie-Shepherd 13 years 02/23/10 Maureen & Dave Dudek
Rocco Dutch Rabbit 12/01/03-05/31/13 Joe & Jennifer
Rocco English Bulldog 01/10/04-10/25/14 Steven & Stacia
Rocco English Bulldog 01/28/01-04/24/10 Cassandra
Rocco English Bulldog 08/31/97-09/01/09 Christie Lullo
Rocco European Shorthair Cat 01/06/05-31/07/07 Angue Taylor
Rocco Fancy Rat 3 years 08/06/16 Mark
Rocco Frenchie 10/29/20-10/22/21 Stacy Canalichio
Rocco German Shepherd 01/12/01-04/30/10 Leiza and John Antonczak
Rocco German Shepherd 01/30/14 Jenni
Rocco German Shepherd 04/23/95-09/14/07 Karen Shultz
Rocco German Shepherd 07/24/07-10/07/19 Donna P
Rocco German Shepherd 09/15/09-12/01/20 Mihail Baez
Rocco German Shepherd 10 years 03/20/09 Cathy Boughey
Rocco German Shepherd 11/15/94-07/21/09 Patti Demarco
Rocco German Shepherd Dg 04/15/94-04/2002 Rebel Ernst
Rocco Granese Merritt GSD 11/14/99-05/25/09 Sharon Merritt
Rocco Havanese 10/15/08-02/06/17 Cinda, Kerry, Andrew & Christopher Meeks
Rocco Hill Golden Retriever 12/16/00-08/12/04 Steve and Reena
Rocco Italian Greyhound 06/05/92-11/15/01 Sanford & Denise Gayle
Rocco Jack Russell 3 years 03/12/11 Joe Brand
Rocco Lab (Mix) 09/93-12/26/06 Dotty Farnell
Rocco Lab/Brittany spaniel 01/17/04 Yarmaloff Family
Rocco Lewis Shorthair Domestic Cat 2 years 02/12/08 Susan Lewis
Rocco LM of Holly, Murphy, Mikey & Tim Sallys Boy DSH Cat 07/24/92-02/28/08 Stephanie Maglietta
Rocco Lopez / Marquez Short Hair Cat 6 years 10/07/22 Crystal and Anais
Rocco Lyons Lab/Shepherd Mix 06/20/97-12/02/10 Michelle Lyons
Rocco Maine Coon Cat 06/04/03-05/24/09 Allison E
Rocco Manx/Bobcat Cat 14 1/2 years 11/09/00 Janet Knight
Rocco Mastiff and Pit 1995-2006 Michelle, George, Dom & Niki
Rocco Mastiff/Pit 11 years 10/03/05 George Michelle Dominick & Niki
Rocco Min Pin 11/18/02-09/13/06 Blane, Jill, Alexis, and Zachary Ridings
Rocco Mini Schnauzer 10/01/03-11/10/15 Russell Moffatt and Samuel Eanni
Rocco Mix Dog 10/22/00-11/20/16 Tasha Gerken
Rocco Mix Dog 6 years 10/10/07 Katie Hooton
Rocco Pitbull Mix 08/06/07-06/11/09 Gail McQuaid
Rocco Pitt Mix 07/13/23 Michelle, Dom, Niki and the girls
Rocco Pog Gog 06/10/04-09/12/05 David, Greg & Winston
Rocco Poodle 03/16/96 Jan Seeger
Rocco Poodle 10/01/05-11/19/12 Faye Theresa Tarampi
Rocco Pug 01/16/94-12/15/03 Nina Boswell
Rocco Pug 09/08/09 John
Rocco Ragdoll Cat 04/15/10-10/12/13 Shoshanna
Rocco Rat 11/05/99-25/05/01 Audrey
Rocco Rate 11/05/99-25/05/01 Audrey
Rocco Rottweiler 07/19/95-05/02/01 Renee Frishko
Rocco Ryckamie Port Topaz Rottie 12/24/02-11/13/11 Hunter Family
Rocco Shar Pei 10 years 06/19/11 Angel Johnting Brown
Rocco Shepherd Rott 11/01/11-09/08/12 Joe Malczan
Rocco Shih Tzu 07/27/93-11/12/03 Robin
Rocco Shih Tzu/Maltese 03/14/96-02/12/10 Stephanie Corrao
Rocco Soprano Pinto Shih Tsu 9 years 05/11/10 David, Barbara, Nicole, David Pinto
Rocco Standard Schnauzer 08/01/00-04/17/13 Jo Shields
Rocco Tabby Cat 09/2005-10/20/06 Jay Javier
Rocco Watson Dog 07/15/03-04/16/18 Brett & Denise Watson
Rocco White Boxer 05/16/01-01/02/11 Buglisi Family
Rocco Wood German Shepherd 01/01/15-01/20/20 Jerome & Stephanie Wood
Rocco Yellow Lab 11/27/00-05/02/11 Lissa Alton
Rocco Yorkie / Chihuahua Mix 12/21/00-01/03/09 Angela and Chris Boyington and Allyson Drum
Rocco Yorkie Poo 10 years 11/10/17 Anna and Danny Zampelli
Rocco Yorkshire Terrier 01/24/01-02/18/15 Frank
Rocco Yorkshire Terrier 11/03/03-03/26/12 Nicole Dottin
Roch Toy Poodle 16 years 11/13/14 Nanja and Emil
Rochelle Black Shorthair Cat 1991-06/10/08 Kay Maphis
Rochelle Labrador Retriever 09/27/85-06/30/97 Cindy and Deb
Rochelle Poon GSD 02/16/03-09/27/18 Jaclynn Poon
Rochy Great Dane 05/00 Mandy Hailpern
Rock 1/2 Throughbred Horse 08/16/74-02/11/06 Cindy Ling
Rock Australian Shepherd 07/2013 Paul Ragan
Rock Border Coli 03/2001-12/15/03 Ashley and Joe
Rock Border Collie 08/15/92-09/11/04 Heather
Rock Border Collie01/15/83-06/29/98 Kristi Feltz
Rock Cairn Terrier 11/21/11 Liane
Rock Cat 10/03-03/12/04 Kerry
Rock Cat 12/98-06/13/06 Leann and Ed
Rock Chihuahua 01/03/99-02/13/08 Shannon
Rock Chihuahua 11/19/99-04/27/13 Adrian Fernandez
Rock Doberman 8 years 06/14/06 Cheryl Ann
Rock English Setter 01/02/95-03/23/04 Jim & Shelley
Rock Eugene Black DSH Cat 06/99-03/16/10 Cindy Holtz
Rock German Shepherd/Rott Mix 02/02/92-12/15/01 Doug and Jessie Magee
Rock Hudson Lab 16 years 09/10/10 Sheila Hudson
Rock Husky 07/20/04-08/14/15 Ken Kowalchuk
Rock Ludwig Blue Tabby Cat 02/2001-09/2007 Marysue, Brian, and Gwen
Rock Mix Dog 09/23/16 Denise and Michael Khouri
Rock Pit Bull Terrier 09/13/12 Katie W
Rock Price Boxer 07/25/98-10/09/06 Randy and Gina Price
Rock Rottie 05/12/05 Anna & Michelle
Rock Rottie 10/23/91-03/12/00 Maryjane Meadows
Rock Rottie 6 1/2 years 12/24/10 Dina
Rock Rottweiler 08/16/08 Alicia Ron Derreck Kaylee Angie Ryan
Rock Rottweiler 10 years 10/17/10 Thomas Sheppard
Rock Rottweiler 10/05/98-08/16/08 Ryan
Rock Rottweiler 12/30/11 Barbara
Rock Starr Rottweiler 12/30/10 Barbara Rotovnik
Rock-a-Bye Rascal Cat 3 years 02/27/10 Jana Skipper Crosby
Rockafella (Rocky) Manx Cat 03/91-07/13/03 Mark Roth
Rockafellar Mixed Breed Cat 03/06/00-10/01/15 E Rhodes
Rockaroo Golden Retriever 08/11/04-12/28/15 Patti
Rocke Dog 07/26/97-05/31/02 Christine
Rockee Boxer 01/02/90-08/16/02 Paula Barnes
Rockee McMahon Dog 05/01/04-11/08/10 Debbye and Stephen McMahon
Rockee Toy Poodle 04/22/89-10/30/03 Patsy A. Belling
Rockefella Tabby 02/13/97 Jacquiline
Rockefeller Labrador Retriever 01/23/92-04/02/04 Michelle & Pat
Rockefeller Waggybottom Dachshund 08/05-10/06/08 Erica Hunt
Rockeffeler (Rocky) J. Woods Dog 10/23/91-10/24/01 John
Rocker Danielle Trozak Green Iguana 1994-08/19/11 Jenny Trozak
Rocker Golden Retriever 8 years 7 months 01/25/10 John, Lisa, Paula and Jake
Rocket (Ch. Firenza's Back With A Vengence) Maltese 9th January 1992 to 9th November 2002 Andy & Jan
Rocket (Rocky) Calico Cat 14 years 09/15/78 Paula Brinkman
Rocket aka Bubby Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab 07/04/98-12/08/11 Debbie, Michael & Jennifer Cordiale
Rocket Appaloosa Horse 18+ years 11/90 Kami Scott
Rocket Australian Cattle Dog 07/12/00-02/18/12 Jenna Bisenius
Rocket Betta Fish 06/18/10 Laura
Rocket Black & Tan Hound 07/02/09 Joyce & Tracy O'Neil
Rocket Blue and Gold Macaw 13 years 04/16/06 Stephanie
Rocket Blue Tortoiseshell Short-Haired Cat 14 years 05/06/07 Sheri Lynn
rocket Budgie 5 years 08/07/23 Viveca
Rocket Cat 10 years 04/21/11 Sally Payne
Rocket Cat 14 years 05/19/03 Melissa Muldoon
Rocket Cat 18 years 05/06/09 Doug & Lois Rothermund
Rocket Cat 18 years 05/16/09 Lois and Doug Rothermund
Rocket Catahoula 17 years 09/12/09 Judy Huber
Rocket Chihuahua Terrier 06/29/10-02/19/23 Jennifer & Rudy
Rocket Clyde DSH Cat 15 years 04/03/10 Catherine P
Rocket Dachshund Mix 01/01/05-02/07/09 Alyssa
Rocket Dalmatian 12/25/95-06/15/09 Jim Gavulic
Rocket Dog 02/28/23 Natalie
Rocket Domestic Shorthair Cat 12/01/06-01/19/12 Julie
Rocket DSH Cat 14 years 07/24/07 Marlene
Rocket English Shorthair Guinea Pig 10/01-05/26/06 Rachel
Rocket English Springer Spaniel 10 years 04/18/01 Lou, Colleen, Little Lou, Kyle
Rocket Ferret 06/08/14-07/16/15 Blanca Davila
Rocket Flame Point Himalayan Cat 05/07/00-07/15/11 Lorraine
Rocket Frog 1991-04/14/97 Walt
Rocket German Shepherd 07/04/97-07/01/10 Nina
Rocket Golden Retriever 09/16/11 Kris and Rick Dollinger
Rocket Golden Retriever 11/87-01/2000 Anne B
Rocket Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab 07/04/98-12/08/11 Debbie Keaveney
Rocket Greyhound 07/90-07/16/99 Leslie Hudlow
Rocket J. Dog Horina Min Pin 05/29/91-06/16/03 Robin
Rocket J. Squirrel, Rocky, Rocket Man Ruddy Abyssinian Cat 07/21/07 MariAlice Grimes
Rocket J. Squirrel-chaser Longhair Red Dachshund 14 years 10/07/09 Sharon Wilkie
Rocket Jack Russell Terrier 03/20/15 Eric Riggs
Rocket Kelpie 13 years 11/28/13 Debra
Rocket Lab 14 years 07/01/10 Erin P
Rocket Lab Mix 16 1/2 years 03/21/12 Debbie & Ed Green
Rocket Lab/Chow Mix 08/01/88-03/28/03 Alisa Krinsky
Rocket Martin Aussie Mix 03/25/04-09/19/06 Lori Martin
Rocket Medium Long Hair Cat 09/09/93-10/21/12 Claudia
Rocket MinPin 5 years 07/10/02 Beth Buss For Matrix
Rocket Mix Cat 08/08/97-07/05/10 James and Melissa Twarek
Rocket Morkie Pomeranian 03/06/15-03/28/16 Jesse and Maria
Rocket Mutt 12/23/98-05/07/10 Raoul
Rocket Orange & White Tabby Cat 8 months 04/01/07 Debra, Bruce, & Family - Malia & David
Rocket Porter Tuxedo Cat 10/03/09-10/23/15 Elijah Porter
Rocket Rat Terrier 04/29/13 Christine Sanchez
Rocket Retriever 04/99-05/29/09 Lori Burns
Rocket Royale Charcoal Persian Cat 08/11/95-08/16/06 Margaret Royale
Rocket Schipperke 6 months 09/15/06 Richard Brennecke
Rocket Sheltie 07/06/04-06/13/18 Julie
Rocket Squirrel 05/10/15 Katherine W.
Rocket Tabby Cat 05/01/91-09/26/03 Patricia Carthy
Rocket Tan Tabby Cat 18 years 06/19/12 Cookie & Mel
Rocket Travis Cocker Spaniel 07/04/02-11/02/12 Ned
Rocket Turkish Angora Cat 12/22/08-01/29/23 Karen M. Black
Rocket Weimaraner 07/04/00-12/10/10 Jeff Lonowski
Rocket Yellow English Labrador Retriever 06/14/01-04/22/10 Jodi Chen
Rocket-Boy Whippet 05/05/88-07/19/04 Valerie Barnard
Rockette Friedman Bichon 06/25/85-05/23/05 Ronnie Friedman
Rockette Pomeranian 10/08/00-10/21/09 Lynda McReynolds
Rockette Thoroughbred Horse Annie
Rockey & Thor - brothers Staffordshire Terriers 12/10/93-01/31/10 Andrew McCormack
Rockey Cat 01/31/07 Miranda
Rockey German Shepherd/Husky 10/99-03/27/08 Crystal McFerren
Rockey Longhaired Orange Tabby Kitten 10/25/07-12/17/07 Julie and Will
Rockey Malti-Poo 01/25/88-07/13/04 Deborah Hulbert & Ellen Scheurer
Rockey Mixed Dog 07/2008-05/08/09 Randy and Kelly
Rockey Moutain Skyes Rottweiler 10/14/98-11/07/07 Cathy, Kevin, Keara, Kamara Horton
Rockey Poodle-Terrier 3 Legged Dog 06/15/89-11/04/04 Cortney & Char
Rockey Rottweiler 14 years 12/05/19 Elizabeth Gandy
Rockey Rottweiler 1989-05/00 Marc, Taryn, Joanne
Rockey Shepherd/Huskey 06/26/00 Mr. Michael Vanderwal
Rockey: Mama's Ba Ba Tuxedo Cat 06/14/08-10/15/18 Amy, Brian, Maybelle, Gemi, Tasche, & Dizzy
Rockfish Cat 14 years 01/23/14 Shannon G. Myers
Rockford (Rocky) Dog 02/14/87-06/05/95 Lenore
Rockford (Rocky) Tyberius Miller German Shepherd Dog 12/20/93-02/16/07 Katrina Miller
Rockford Andre (Rocky) Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 10/06/99 The Joseph Family
Rockford Brittany 02/12/89-08/16/03 Joe
Rockford James Thompson - Rocky Terrier Mix 14 years 11/30/17 Fran Thompson
Rockford Lab Mix 08/05/01-09/01/13 Sylvia Colasacco
Rockford Stanley Palmer Golden Retriever 11/22/01-04/23/07 Roberta Palmer
Rocki Calico Cat 1991-05/20/10 Anna
Rocki Cat 04/03/82-01/18/03 Noreen Violetta
Rocki Cat 08/93-04/24/08 Peter and Susan Olsen
Rocki Cocker Spaniel 03/15/02-04/27/11 Derek and Shelly Eade
Rocki Dog 12/29/93-10/29/05 Grandma Marlene
Rocki Domestic Long Hair / White Cat 1992-04/06/09 Stacey Ambrose
Rocki Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/09/90-01/07/06 Kathy
Rocki Lab Mix 12/29/93-10/29/05 Nadine
Rocki Mongolian Gerbil 06/06/04 Marci & Rob Garcia
Rocki Rae Boxer 04/21/96-11/17/08 Joan Pearlman
Rocki Rottie Mix 03/87-01/10/02 Charlene Stringham
Rockie American Staffordshire Terrier 14 years 07/14/13 Crystal
Rockie and Tess Rough Collies 2000-01/09/14 Warren Robertson
Rockie Bartlett Dog 05/12/90-26/03/04 Vicky
Rockie Bartlett Husky 05/12/90-26/03/04 Vicky Bartlett & Family
Rockie Black Lab/Shepherd Mix 05/94-12/27/04 Debbie and Al Rodgers
Rockie Calico Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years 10/20/97 Patricia Coykendall
Rockie Carroll-Swafford German Shepherd 11 years 08/05/03 Ashley Swafford
Rockie Cat 14 years 06/04/05 Regenia Andrews
Rockie Chihuahua 15 years 03/27/17 Debra C. Jadick
Rockie Cipparrone German Shepherd 06/30/93-01/09/04 Scott and Cathy
Rockie David Keough Klee Kai 08/14/05-02/16/11 Nikki Tezak
Rockie Ferret 03/09/94-04/14/00 Justin, Mom Lockwood
Rockie Franco Black Lab 06/15/00-02/26/13 Bob Franco
Rockie G Boxer/Lab Mix 06/04/96-03/19/10 Chris & Connie
Rockie German Shepherd 11/01/13-08/12/24 Jeannie Dirck
Rockie Hillardries Russian Blue Cat 04/21/16-05/25/16 Christine Hillardries
Rockie Jack Russell Terrier 04/02/01-12/12/12 BAY
Rockie Lab/Rott Mix 15 years 05/05/11 Laura Lee
Rockie Long Beagle Mix 10/10/99-08/05/08 Roberta Long
Rockie Long Haired Cat 03/06/06-06/27/16 Cameron McEwen
Rockie Miniature Schnauzer 09/08/03-02/08/02 Karen Dubis
Rockie Miniature Schnauzer 15 years 02/29/08 Stacey Novello
Rockie Norwegian Forest Cat 11/01/98-03/08/09 Dayle
Rockie Nutella Eastern Grey Squirrel 09/05/05 M J Mandrano
Rockie Pit Mix 12 years 06/11/13 Dar Dwyer
Rockie Rocker Bunnie 02/15/92-02/17/93 Rachel
Rockie Shetland Sheepdog 04/15/92-05/06/00 Pamela Brown
Rockie Striped Shell Hermit Crab 2 years 11/10/99 PG
Rockie Tabby - Cross Breed Cat 05/16/91-09/04/07 Terri Shanks
Rockie Terrier Mix 18 years 05/05/11 Lori and Roe Morin
Rockie Tsan German Shepherd 04/06/09 Avian Tsan
Rockie's Mixed Akita-Rottweiler 13 years 06/03/07 TJ
Rockin Di Altobello Doberman 02/05/09-04/30/10 Fern & Sean
Rockingham's Mr. Mischief - Sherman Scottish Terrier 08/25/09 Kelly
Rockinghorse Smokey Bear Miniature Schnauzer 10 years 10/10/07 Susan Ling
Rockito Nachio Shar-Pei 10/01/12 Jane Miller
Rockitt Persian & Himalayan Cat 11/13/01-01/09/08 Vikki & Saul Goldenberg
Rocklin/Stockton Boxer 04/94-02/06/03 Susan
Rocko Ace Jaramillo Dalmatian 04/01/96-05/12/10 Lou & Rose Jaramillo
Rocko Akita & Pointer Mix 12 years 08/20/11 Kimberly Pires
Rocko Belgian Sheepdog 12/84-11/94 Leonard Glick
Rocko Black & White Shih-Tzu 09/02/03-05/29/03 Jennifer Oldenburg
Rocko Black and White Russian Dwarf Hamster 09/04/09 Carrie L.Davis
Rocko Black DSH Cat 02/05/08 Albert Schepis
Rocko Boston Terrier Pug Mix 05/05/08 Tara
Rocko Boxer 02/24/07-07/05/07 Denise Mielke
Rocko Cat 05/17/95-08/12/12 Yolanda
Rocko Dachshund 10/14/00-09/21/05 Samantha
Rocko Domestic Long Hair W/Dwarfism Cat 06/21/04-12/31/04 Cindy and Jason Sigsworth
Rocko Fillers Yorkshire Terrier 05/21/98-12/13/09 Mary, Cody & Cierra Fillers
Rocko Golden Retriever 09/17/04-11/14/05 Andrew, Trinity, Marcus, Copper, Magnum, Fluff E Tail, Bebe Gurl and Roxanne
Rocko Jack Poodle/Weiner 03/92-08/11/02 Pam Munson
Rocko Jack Russell 08/01/05-08/20/09 Mary Malinowski
Rocko Lhasa Apso 08/19/96-02/01/07 Suzanne Bean
Rocko Miniature Pinscher01/13/97-06/27/98 Jayme Jones
Rocko Pitbull Mix 10 years 03/26/17 Jeanette Nungaray
Rocko Pomeranian 06/2010 Betty Liem
Rocko Rat Terrier 12/07/10 Terri Ehling
Rocko Rios Pug 15 years 01/23/21 Kathleen Rios
Rocko Rottie 04/17/94-12/12/99 Flair
Rocko Rottweiler 10/20/95-01/27/06 Dwight E. Hayden
Rocko Shepherd Mix 12/13/03 Jackie Palazzolo
Rocko Short Hair Guinea Pig 11/11/00-12/02/03 Lutchy Charles
Rocko Tabby Cat 08/15/96-06/27/04 Jenna
Rocko Veiled Chameleon 08/16/08 Katharine
Rocko Wire Haired Fox Terrier 02/01/93-05/29/05 David Christle
Rocko Yorkie 04/23/97-09/07/06 Jim & Jodie King
Rocks German Shepherd 03/14/10 Darlene, Big Michael and Little Michael
Rocks Golden Retriever Mix 12 years 06/2007 Dee Ayala
Rocks Labrador 04/06/06-04/08/14 Melissa
Rocks Labrador Retriever 07/15/94-05/08/08 Susie Johnson
Rocks Pekingese\Chihuahua 12/03/05-12/02/08 Cathy Broome
Rock's Ragin Thunder Storm Doberman 02/27/96-05/31/08 Jennifer, Dena & John
Rocks Thoroughbred Horse Natasha Guest
Rocksie Miniature Longhaired Dachshund 03/04/85-08/13/98 Paul & Debbie Dziedzic
Rockstar Abyssinian Guinea Pig 7 years 03/06/12 Noreen
RockStar Labrador & Malamute 2011-11/27/24 AJ Connelly
Rockstar Siamese Cat 4 months 12/19/07 Lisa Harris
Rocksteady DSH Grey Cat 2012-09/26/20 Natahnya Larry Leandria Campbell
Rocksy Shepherd Mix 17 years 03/01/10 Tammie & Dale
Rockwell (Rocky) Gordon Setter 06/28/84-07/13/00 Laura & Cheryl
Rockwell Vonstephanitz GSD 15 years 05/26/98 Michele
Rocky - my little ball of fur, Fateus Catteus Part Maine Coon Cat 07/15/94-05/31/08 Stephanie Olin
Rocky (Ado von Boken) Boxer 18.10.1993 to 16.3.2001 Alan Grant.
Rocky (aka Baby Dog) Rottweiler 09/95-07/20/02 Jennifer Corlis
Rocky (aka Over The Limit) Quarter Horse 07/01/74-04/15/05 Debbie, Gail and Carol
Rocky (aka Saint Rock) Boxer 9+ years 04/28/08 Mary McClintock
Rocky (AKC Colorado Rocky Mountain High) Sheltie 04/19/92-03/31/08 Brenda Krueger
Rocky (Angel Face) Cat 02/95-03/2004 Jenn
Rocky (Balboa) American Eskimo Dog 01/14/94-04/26/08 Alisa & Kevin
Rocky (Big Rock, Mr. Balboa) Cat 11 years 02/11/07 Lisa Jimenez
Rocky (Boo Bear) Siamese Cat 08/15/82-05/02/98 Valerie & Mike
Rocky (Butts) Case Cocker Spaniel 03/03/91-01/02/04 Sean, Kim, Maya, Mikayla, Bumpus, Cammy, Teddi, Rain, Spoo and Cindy (Bruno, Too)
Rocky (Goodwin's Duke Rockefeller) German Shepherd 12 years 08/06/96 Ron Goodwin
Rocky (Lone Oak's Cirroco Jones) Black Labrador Retriever 09/12/84 Terry Burton
Rocky (Mr. Winks) Mini Dalmatian 11/23/07-10/11/12 Marcie & Anthony Giglio
Rocky (Rocker Dockers, Rock Dog, Mr Boopers) Rott/Shepherd Mix 10/23/01-03/01/13 Laura Roach
Rocky (Rockford) White Cat Spring 1981-Winter 1998 Heather Vineyard
Rocky (Rocko) Cat 8 months 05/02/02 Robin Herr
Rocky (Rowdy's Golden Shadow) 05/30/89-08/05/98 George & Susan
Rocky (Roxanne) Shorthair Blonde Tabby Cat 01/81-04/12/01 Debra and Michael Wells
Rocky (Rupus Roo Roo) Golden Retriever 03/87-11/98 Marie
Rocky (The Champ) White Persian Cat 02/22/98-12/13/99 Nancy Stone
Rocky (The Pie, The Puma-Pamther) Domestic Short Hair Black and White Cat 02/14/91-04/08/02 Robin and Jim Flood
Rocky (The Rug) Pit Mix 12/19/89-03/25/05 Faith Tirshfield
Rocky (The Wonder Pig!) Guinea Pig 05/15/95-08/22/02 The Smith Family
Rocky (Third Kitty) Tabby Cat 3-4 years 07/06/05 Colleen Dempster
Rocky 01/21/09 Sheila
Rocky 02/09/93 Lura Rudman-Robie
Rocky 06/26/87-04/10/00 L. Sternberg
Rocky 09/04/92 Barbara Clayborne
Rocky 09/18/89-04/05/01 Carolyn and Don Pepper
Rocky 13 years 12/07/97 Bruce & Dixie Wilson
Rocky 2 DSH Cat 09/02-10/20/07 Pam K
Rocky a.k.a. (Rock Star) Boston Terrier 08/12/05-11/06/07 John & Pam
Rocky A.K.A. Kiki German Shepherd 03/15/08-05/25/19 Lilian, Jennifer, and Jorge
Rocky Abadie Labrador Retriever 10/21/07-04/15/13 Rachel Daniel & Brad Abadie
Rocky Aby Cat 14 years 05/09/09 Laura and Kevin
Rocky aka Beausoleil Suite Rockabilly Standard Poodle 02/24/95-08/29/08 Jane Weaver
Rocky aka Big Boy Shepherd/ Rockwielder 06/02/00-09/22/00 Anthony and Ana Portillo
Rocky aka Mr. Fluff Shih Tzu 01/03/05-02/18/21 Diane Duffy
Rocky aka Our Little Monkey Ferret 01/26/07-03/22/10 Kim & Kristin
Rocky aka Our Little Monkey Ferret 01/26/07-03/22/10 Kim, Kristin, Kalista, & All Your Brothers and Sisters
Rocky aka Peepers Siamese Cat 04/02/05-12/04/15 Trisha & Michael
Rocky aka Scoobie Beagle 11/01/01-10/28/08 Kathy Fernando Isabella
Rocky Akita 02/03/86-07/16/96 Vanessa
Rocky Akita 02/13/83-08/13/88 Al Cerone
Rocky Akita 09/30/94-05/06/08 Jennifer Roth
Rocky Akita 15 years 07/02/09 Chuck Petree
Rocky Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky 11 years 08/29/06 Kimberly Martin
Rocky American Bulldog 08/01/06-04/16/13 Lee
Rocky American Bulldog 12/07/12 Rebecca Schilling
Rocky American Cocker Spaniel 04/08/12-09/01/15 Connie
Rocky American Long Hair Cat 1994-01/31/05 Stephen David
Rocky American Longhair Cat 04/2003-12/2003 Lisa Hicks
Rocky American Pit Bull 06/06/86-12/06/98 Elaine Rhoads
Rocky American Red Guinea Pig 3 years 05/10/07 Arlene & James Huseltine
Rocky American Short Hair Cat 16 years 03/20/97 Linda Schneider
Rocky American Staffordshire Terrier 01/25/05-03/20/16 Marissa Wells
Rocky American Staffordshire Terrier 04/28/09-09/14/11 Kristen and Brandon Ogg
Rocky American Stripe Cat 06/15/85-10/06/03 Dorothy Barrett
Rocky and Adriane Husky Shepherd Dogs 15 1/2 years 2004 and 2005 George and Sheree Wittman
Rocky and Adriene Beagle and Pompoo Dogs 04/2005 and 04/15/12 to 06/16/12 and 01/15/13 Kristen Herman
Rocky and Harmony Horses 04/19/01 and 04/28/01 Kelley
Rocky and Maggie Beagles Rocky August 11 2007 14.5 years/maggie September 14 2007 14 years 01/12/22 Catherine
Rocky Ang Chow Chow 05/31/99-06/28/08 Angie
Rocky Appaloosa Horse 05/24/74-01/11/08 Lori Wilson
Rocky Apricot Poodle 04/05/87-08/11/03 Doug & Marti
Rocky Armani Hamilton Labrador Mix 17 years 06/23/05 Anita, Lana, Harry, Kymara, Kim
Rocky Armstrong Dog 04/13/08 Dario Cortopassi
Rocky Army Boxer 10/29/06 Mike Army
Rocky ASH Silver Tabby Cat 15 years 09/04/18 Eric and Family
Rocky Australian Cattle Dog 03/01/95-01/13/08 Riley, Beverly, Lindsay and Steve Sease
Rocky Australian Cattle Dog 1988-08/25/04 Marna Stein
Rocky Australian Cattle Dog 8 years 09/06/04 Aaron, Carol & Sam
Rocky Australian Shepherd 05/01/95-02/15/06 Kristine Soberg
Rocky Australian Shepherd 08/01/04-04/17/19 Stefanie
Rocky Australian Shepherd 14 years Pam
Rocky Australian Shepherd Mix 14 years 07/07/10 Ed Jones
Rocky Australian Shepherd/Husky Mix 12/04/89-11/07/02 Patti and Larry Stewart
Rocky B. Sillers Dog 06/22/99-04/17/13 Manny and Debbie Sillers
Rocky Balboa Budden Cockatiel 02/1983-04/30/03 Kat and Mike
Rocky Balboa Murphy Siberian Cat 07/15/05-08/21/06 Maura and Celia Murphy
Rocky Balboa Stewart Anatolian Shepherd 01/17/04-11/30/07 The Stewart Family
Rocky Balboa Williams Weinerdog/Terrier Mix 01/02/09-11/06/09 Randy & Stacy Williams
Rocky Balboa Wolfe Shi-Tzu 01/29/84-10/17/03 Sarah Wolfe
Rocky Ballard Pommerian 12 years 11/14/01 Bonnie
Rocky Basset Hound 05/12/06-06/02/09 Julie & Mike Hedge
Rocky Basset Hounds 09/01/97-03/26/10 Jeannie
Rocky Beagle 07/86-01/24/98 Sue Ventriglia
Rocky Beagle 11 years 2 months 02/10/12 Maria
Rocky Beagle 11/01/08-10/28/08 Kathy Fernando Isabella
Rocky Beagle 11/96-07/29/01 Sara Pino
Rocky Beagle 12/26/01 Mrs. Pam Dionisio
Rocky Beagle 14 years 05/15/04 Kathy, Mike, Sarah and Michelle
Rocky Beagle 14 years 10/11/13 Laurie
Rocky Beagle 2 years 08/19/13 Shannon
Rocky Beagle 6 years 01/15/16 Jeff
Rocky Beagle Mix 06/04/95-05/24/10 Liz Halajcsik
Rocky Beagle Mix 12/18/00-12/26/06 Judi Christensen
Rocky Beagle/Basset 07/27/99-07/07/09 Dab Good
Rocky Beagle/Basset Mix 1/90-06/30/99 Debbie
Rocky Beagle/Bassett Mix 12/06/07 Sara Tyndall
Rocky Beagle/Bassett/Doxie/Poodle 04/14/93-04/20/03 Bunny
Rocky Bear Bear Siberian Husky 01/16/01-01/18/03 Rita & Chuck
Rocky Beena Dog 08/19/18 Beena Ashok
Rocky Beninato German Short-Haired Pointer 04/15/99-05/06/08 Angela Beninato
Rocky Benson Cat 09/89-09/2003 Teri
Rocky Bernese Mountain Dog 04/07/05-11/09/14 Becky
Rocky Bernese Mtn Dog/ Mix 7 years 02/08/13 I. Glover
Rocky Beta Fish about 2 years 07/16/02 Diane
Rocky Betz Boxer 06/12/97-05/30/06 Thomas Betz
Rocky Bichon 05/14/83-02/05/00 Diane Detzel
Rocky Bichon Friese 05/14/83-02/05/00 Diane Detzel
Rocky Bichon Frise 03/06/08-11/24/21 The Smith Family
Rocky Bichon Frise 10/29/09 Mary & Gerald
Rocky Bichon Frise 11/01/98-12/28/11 Antoinette Evangelista
Rocky Big Dog Dog 12/30/02 Angela Paone
Rocky Birmingham French Bulldog 12/15/04-10/19/10 David Birmingham
Rocky Black & White Cat 03/27/08-01/15/10 Elaine Miller
Rocky Black & White Cat 08/01/99-05/24/99 Tracy Sharpe
Rocky Black & White Cat 09/21/00-01/28/07 Sue Watson (and Rosie)
Rocky Black and White Cat 03/27/81-10/26/00 Darla and Ed Schorr
Rocky Black and White Shorthair Cat 09/25/06-10/21/23 J. Julian
Rocky Black Cat 07/97-02/08/14 Dilek Atik
Rocky Black Cat 08/31/18 Angelica Real
Rocky Black Cat 1987-2006 Gene Katz
Rocky Black Chicken 5 weeks 2007 The Clarence Family
Rocky Black Dog 15 years 06/20/07 Jose
Rocky Black Footed Ferrret 4 years Raychelle
Rocky Black Golden Retriever 04/11/09 Karen
Rocky Black Lab & Australian Shepherd Mix 09/16/07 Keith & Emma Compton
Rocky Black Lab 04/08/01-05/12/09 Debbie Lariviere
Rocky Black Lab 04/24/97-03/25/11 Grace
Rocky Black Lab 06/12/03 Kirsten
Rocky Black Lab 09/19/02-03/30/04 Beverly Cook
Rocky Black Lab 10 years 2002 Barbara Stevenson
Rocky Black Lab 11 years 12/19/98 Carrol
Rocky Black Lab 11/01/02-03/13/04 Vince, Brianne & Kids
Rocky Black Lab 12/01/95 Martine Cantler
Rocky Black Lab Golden Retriever 07/17/06 Deanne
Rocky Black Lab Husky Mix 08/12/99-10/19/13 Marianne Searles
Rocky Black Lab Mix 15 years 06/03/10 Marguerite
Rocky Black Lab Mix 9 years 05/18/19 Sydney
Rocky Black Lab/ Pit Bull 03/01/05-02/06/08 Kristen Work
Rocky Black Lab/ Pitbull 03/01/05-02/06/08 Kristen Work
Rocky Black Lab/Akita 10/23/15 Barbara Cortese
Rocky Black Lab/Collie Mix 6 years 1991 Scott Scheucher
Rocky Black Lab/Pit Bull Mix Amy White
Rocky Black Lab/Pit Bull Terrier Mix 1987-11/06/01 The Motyka and Wilson Families
Rocky Black Lab-Doberman 12/15/95-09/28/08 Cali
Rocky Black Labrador 8 and 1/2 years 10/06/10 Lisa and Aubrey Reynolds
Rocky Black Labrador Retriever 07/05/00-04/30/12 Diana
Rocky Black Labrador Retriever 13 years 08/10/96 Gene Iseman
Rocky Black Pug 01/10/94-10/21/06 Karla Lynn Fisher
Rocky Black Shih Tzu 02/24/86-11/01/02 Gary Kintner
Rocky Blacky I Cocker Spaniel 12/17/85-09/15/00 Lizette Reyes & Ken Marvin
Rocky Blue and Rust Doberman Pinscher 07/07/98-11/13/98 Jana Rose Merten
Rocky Blue Heeler X Smiths Field Puppy 01/11/12-06/02/13 Maricel Mau
Rocky Blue Seal Siamese Cat 04/20/04-02/09/09 Andrea Conti
Rocky Boots Poopy Chihuahua 06/25/07-11/09/12 Bethh Price
Rocky Border Collie 08/25/92-12/27/04 John Troutman
Rocky Border Collie 28/01/99-19/07/11 Tina Shannon
Rocky Border Collie/ Jack Russell 12 years 11/18/05 Michael Germano
Rocky Border Collie/Australian Shepherd 12/15/99-05/09/09 K.K. Savell
Rocky Border Collie/Chow Mix 05/02/06-10/18/07 Rebecca Van Hout
Rocky Border Collie/Lab 07/15/05-12/04/08 Jayne
Rocky Border Terrier 06/29/98-12/08/12 Marina, Warren, Nils, Anne & Keith Hansen
Rocky Boston Terrier 04/04/96-07/29/05 Gemella
Rocky Boston Terrier 09/06/01-07/09/06 Kathy Schultz
Rocky Boston Terrier 10/08/02-03/24/14 Jeanne and Joe
Rocky Boston Terrier 10/08/98-02/09/11 Cathy
Rocky Boston Terrier 12/06/97-09/06/12 Terry & Donna
Rocky Boston Terrier 3 1/2 years 10/04/13 Laura
Rocky Boston Terrier 9 years 09/21/11 Chris and Linda
Rocky Bouviers des Flandres 8 years Unknown Scott & Jean Dougherty
Rocky Boxer 01/19/07 Dean
Rocky Boxer 01/2004-12/08/07 Angie
Rocky Boxer 02/14/97-12/10/05 Christopher Hulme
Rocky Boxer 02/14/99-11/18/11 Jo Ann Saenz
Rocky Boxer 04/04/97-09/10/11 Dafna
Rocky Boxer 04/27/04-08/26/14 Jennifer
Rocky Boxer 05/03/84-05/11/98 Nancy & Tom Midgett
Rocky Boxer 05/04/92-02/13/03 Cathy Haugen
Rocky Boxer 05/10/06-03/22/10 Faith Bacha
Rocky Boxer 05/13/99-05/25/08 Laura Hollingsworth
Rocky Boxer 05/16/01-02/16/12 Michelle, Bob & Jacob
Rocky Boxer 06/12/88-09/12/98 Vickie
Rocky Boxer 06/15/94-07/04/02 Ana and Orlando Fuentes
Rocky Boxer 06/24/92-11/24/01 Tammie, Ron, Ashley & Justin Miller and Sierra & Riley
Rocky Boxer 06/27/01-07/02/10 Stacie
Rocky Boxer 07/07/96-11/01/04 Teresa Smith
Rocky Boxer 08/16/02-09/25/13 Jeanne Wegman
Rocky Boxer 08/16/07-11/28/11 Patty Cassella and Scott Melaragni
Rocky Boxer 08/19/11-02/20/16 Tom & Karen MacDonald
Rocky Boxer 09/12/05-09/20/16 Tammy Lazarovitcg
Rocky Boxer 10 weeks 1981 Anne Taylor
Rocky Boxer 10 years Isabel L. Valuja
Rocky Boxer 10/26/05-12/31/05 Melanie
Rocky Boxer 10/28/95-05/13/06 John Lewis
Rocky Boxer 11 years 07/15/09 Kristen & Rick Diaz
Rocky Boxer 11 years 10/10/06 Angie
Rocky Boxer 11/18/00-08/02/11 Randy Pekich
Rocky Boxer 11/19/00-06/11/08 Darlene
Rocky Boxer 12/01/97-08/27/07 Nate & Danielle Franks
Rocky Boxer 12/31/89-02/03/00 Carol Ryder
Rocky Boxer 13 years 01/21/12 Shelby
Rocky Boxer 3 years 11/29/06 Yolanda Gomez
Rocky Boxer 6 years 03/28/00 Tanya Colliflower
Rocky Boxer 7 1/2 years 11/01/05 Edward & Marie Cozzi
Rocky Boxer 7 years 06/14/06 Laurie Smith
Rocky Boxer 8 years 08/08/04 Marcia and Steve Cohen
Rocky Boxer 9 years 09/14/06 Alou Gregory
Rocky Boxer Boxer 07/2005 Helene R Schmidt
Rocky Boxer Mix 12 years 08/14/07 Nicole Juliano
Rocky Boxer Puppy 11/19/03-04/10/04 Jesse and Jaime Myers
Rocky Boxer, Brindle 04/09/98-05/19/07 Roxanne O'Brien
Rocky Boxer/American Pit 01/13/95-06/27/08 Dennis Evans
Rocky Boxer/Chow Mix 08/97-01/04/10 The Brunton Family
Rocky Boy Rottweiler 11/17/99-05/09/08 Maryjane Bibbo
Rocky Brindle Boxer 11 years 12/14/02 Lillian Bray
Rocky British Bulldog 11/01/07-07/01/12 Malcolm Thwaiates
Rocky Brittany 05/13/91-07/28/05 Bill, Jo, Billy and Danny
Rocky Brittany 15 years 08/14/12 Sharon
Rocky Brittany Spaniel 12/84-08/04/98 Ellen & Russ Kelley
Rocky Brown and White Rabbit 2 years 08/18/99 Max, Thomas, and Linda
Rocky Brown Chiweenie 01/17/13-08/05/13 Mary Brown
Rocky Bruno Tabby Cat 1 1/2 years 02/06/07 Sarah Bruno
Rocky Bubbs Wills Miniature Pinscher 12 years 12/08/10 Brent, Kelly, and Willow Wills
Rocky Buddy Yorkshire Terrier 11/29/91-05/28/06 Barbara Gibson
Rocky Budgie 1 year 15/12/10 Rachael Rooney
Rocky Budgie 1998-2003 Georgia Fuoto
Rocky Buff Tabby Kitten 11/06/06 Michelle and Jeff
Rocky Bulone Boston Terrier 04/03/96-07/29/05 Renee Bulone, Connie Bulone, and Kiarra Bulone
Rocky Bunny 07/20/11 Melody Rose
Rocky Burcel Cairn Terrier 02/20/91-03/04/09 Dan and Linda Burcel
Rocky Burton Golden Retriever 10/17/97-07/28/09 Gerald & Tammi Burton
Rocky Butters Toy Poodle 02/98-09/25/12 Mona Butters
Rocky C. Mixed-Terrier 5 years 10/04/98 Bonnie Camacho/Zombek family
Rocky Caccamise Saint Bernard 01/2002-04/2011 Jill Caccamise
Rocky Cairn Terrier 10/12/91-09/15/03 Ann
Rocky Californian Mix Rabbit 5 1/2 years 07/09/06 Veronica Perez
Rocky Camhi Lhasa Apso 04/07/03-07/30/17 Yolanda & Steven
Rocky Campbells Russian Dwarf Hamster 02/2005-05/11/08 Anita and Robert
Rocky Carstensen Smooth Fox Terrier 09/22/97-08/28/08 Phil & Dawn Carstensen
Rocky Caruso Domestic Longhair Cat 12/99-10/03/08 Bonny Caruso
Rocky Caspell Chinese Pug 13 1/2 years 05/02/07 Andy, Delena, & Shaelee
Rocky Castle Dachshund 11/14/97-02/16/09 Lynda and Rick Castle
Rocky Cat 02/14/95-03/01/04 Jennifer and Keith
Rocky Cat 02/2003-01/07/19 Patricia Pasquarello
Rocky Cat 03/24/91-09/25/09 April Sabo
Rocky Cat 04/17/98-10/11/00 Caren and Michael
Rocky Cat 04/29/17 Kim & Harv
Rocky Cat 05/2004-01/19/05 Stacy Tenaglia
Rocky Cat 05/23/92-05/26/94 Bill Lincicome
Rocky Cat 06/01/08-12/06/14 Dee
Rocky Cat 06/20/14-01/08/17 Heidi, Brieanna, Sierra, Keith
Rocky Cat 06/28/96 Cynnie Walker and Sue
Rocky Cat 06/84-01/19/00 David Longdon
Rocky Cat 06/95-09/25/99 Thomas Gathercoal
Rocky Cat 07/12/06-08/24/07 Chris, Mary, David, Caroline and Benny Rutherford
Rocky Cat 08/01/00-08/23/01 Dan Herbert
Rocky Cat 08/05/83-01/12/00 Bob Zanko
Rocky Cat 08/07/04 Diane
Rocky Cat 08/13/03-06/19/14 Barbara S
Rocky Cat 08/2001-09/07/10 Rita & Amanda Benczkowski
Rocky Cat 08/26/21 Kathy & The Gang
Rocky Cat 09/01/92-05/15/09 Mary Ellen Barrows
Rocky Cat 10 Months01/15/98 Judy
Rocky Cat 10 years 08/09/02 Marianna Sala-Rhatigan
Rocky Cat 10/00-12/12/05 Carl and Astrid Lerario - & Sasha (Rocky's Mother)
Rocky Cat 10/01/83-01/06/99 Cindee Johnson
Rocky Cat 10/10/90-09/21/04 Linda Post
Rocky Cat 10/15/03-12/04/12 Adrienne
Rocky Cat 10/16/95-10/2006 Judi
Rocky Cat 10/25/83-05/08/98 Tara Turnblad
Rocky Cat 11/23/80-06/05/96 Sassy
Rocky Cat 11/25/12 Marcy Glatfelter
Rocky Cat 11/27/05 Cindy
Rocky Cat 12 years 10/04/03 Hayster
Rocky Cat 12/92 Dawn
Rocky Cat 13 1/2 years 12/22/08 Terri Jordan
Rocky Cat 13 years 07/11/01 Jan Van Hooker
Rocky Cat 16 years 04/03/99 Gina & Lisa
Rocky Cat 16 years 09/21/04 Elizabeth Glixman for Louise Flagg
Rocky Cat 18 years 01/06/15 Sharon Jamison
Rocky Cat 18 years 05/21/07 Karri & Michael Nolan
Rocky Cat 18 years 06/15/22 Kristin Simmons
Rocky Cat 2 1/2 years 02/20/06 June
Rocky Cat 2007-02/23/13 Stevens Family
Rocky Cat 4 months 10/11/01 Rachel Chaplain
Rocky Cat 6 years 11/16/02 Cathy Fitzgerald Jarrard
Rocky Cat 9 years 04/26/12 Lea Goddard
Rocky Cat approx 15 years Don and Bev
Rocky Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rocky Cattle Dog/Terrier Mix 11 years 02/18/17 Nadine
Rocky Cheslak Pug 07/17/99-12/26/11 Mark and Brenda Cheslak
Rocky Chi 09/01/01-09/02/09 Dearel
Rocky Chick Lab/Husky Mix 04/15/98-03/12/08 Theresa Chick
Rocky Chihuahua / Corgi 15 years aprox 05/24/12 Susan Kennedy
Rocky Chihuahua (Black and Tan) 10/05/09-05/14/23 Jessica Richey
Rocky Chihuahua 01/01/99-12/04/12 Derek Price
Rocky Chihuahua 01/13/79-07/16/98 Carl Barnett
Rocky Chihuahua 06/20/08-07/15/14 Ed Vitalee
Rocky Chihuahua 07/17/05-07/30/07 Melanie
Rocky Chihuahua 07/26/08-02/09/13 Carlos Osorio
Rocky Chihuahua 11/07/03-05/05/12 Robin East
Rocky Chihuahua 3 1/2 years 05/01/13 Theodora
Rocky Chihuahua 3 years 10/09/14 Becky Allen
Rocky Chihuahua 7 years 01/06/12 Jennifer, Daryl, Niurka, Alexis, Alejandro, Alexander, Chantal
Rocky Chihuahua 8 years Pat Barefoot
Rocky Chihuahua Mix 3 years 06/13/08 Anna Martignetti
Rocky Chihuahua/Dachshund 04/01/97-04/02/14 Linda Sherman
Rocky Chihuahua/Poodle Mix 04/21/86-01/10/02 Kathy Davis
Rocky Chihuhua/Rat Terrier 14 years 03/28/00 Lisa Smith
Rocky 'Chikoo' Robert Domestic Short Hair Cat 13 years 08/24/06 Ursula Manvatkar
Rocky Chinese Shar Pei 04/07/97 Kathy Frahm
Rocky Chinese Sharpei 04/96-09/10/04 Zola Marie Dudzic
Rocky Chinese Shar-Pei 10 1/2 years 09/02/08 Alison, John, and Jessica Neely
Rocky Chinese Shar-Pei Shar-Pei Rescue of Nashville
Rocky Chiweenie 1 years 07/06/16 Melinda Hernandez Aguilar
Rocky Choc. Lab 9 1/2 years 2002 Nick & Bonnie Fulginiti
Rocky Chocolate Lab 03/28/98-01/05/09 Chris and Karen
Rocky Chocolate Lab 05/16/96-06/21/06 Dana and Nancy
Rocky Chocolate Lab 05/20/98-12/28/12 Mike Kilgallen
Rocky Chocolate Lab 06/04/11 Diane K
Rocky Chocolate Lab 10/31/98-04/23/11 Denise
Rocky Chocolate Lab 11/06/00-05/21/14 Kelley Hill
Rocky Chocolate Lab Mix 10/08/11 Karl S
Rocky Chocolate Labrador 03/09/02-08/23/13 Bairnsfather Family
Rocky Chow 03/25/06 Flora
Rocky Chow 12/29/98 Carol
Rocky Chow 13 years 05/09/97 Will Swieso
Rocky Chow Chow 03/25/92-09/11/05 Chris & Mark
Rocky Chow Mix 08/01/02-01/18/04 Patty & Mike Desmond
Rocky Chow/Samoyed 06/93-04/2008 Cindy Long
Rocky Chow-Lab Mix 12/05/96-12/10/00 Deana Smothers
Rocky Cigel Pitt Mix 10 years 01/12/20 Shelly Cigel
Rocky Clark Silver Toy Poodle 07/23/87-04/20/02Gina
Rocky Clint Rea Persian Cat 12/15/04 Susie
Rocky Cockapoo 01/01/95-09/22/06 Bethany Sosa
Rocky Cockapoo 01/01/95-09/22/06 Maria Sosa
Rocky Cockapoo 01/29/84-03/21/02 The Raymonds
Rocky Cock-a-poo 09/23/87-02/03/04 Kristi and Tammi Peterson
Rocky Cockatiel 05/86-12/12/02 Lorrie Martinez and Jesse Valle
Rocky Cockatiel 08/16/10 Neetu
Rocky Cockatiel 7 years 09/24/06 Jan-Marie & Michael Fukuda
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 04/05/06-12/04/17 Kim Ledsome
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 06/28/96-06/18/01 The Smiths
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 08/12/98-08/27/12 Vickie Kintner
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 08/13/04 John & Linda
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 11/11/01-02/21/14 Karen
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 12 years 05/27/99 Jessica Balicki
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 12/07/95-07/26/06 Irene Santucci/Marco Minte
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 14 years 02/25/10 Susie
Rocky Cocker Spaniel 4 1/2 years 11/07/09 Robert DeFurio
Rocky Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix 04/01/96-01/08/11 Ashley
Rocky Cocker/lab 13 years 04/04/92 H.M.
Rocky Collie 10 years 04/12/09 Barbara
Rocky Collie 12/63-10/77 Cath Gallacher
Rocky Collie 17 years 8 months 08/14/11 Jacky McEwan
Rocky Collie Mix 05/08-10/27/08 Shelly
Rocky Collie Shepherd Mix 12/13/97-05/14/11 Heidi
Rocky Collie/German Shepherd 14 years 06/09/03 Fawn, Bob & Cristie
Rocky Collie/Shepherd Mix 11 years 12/15/95 Patricia
Rocky Cookerpoo 8 years 09/24/04 Jimena
Rocky Corbett Bichon Maltese 01/10/02-03/29/08 Odette Corbett
Rocky Corgi Cross 15 years 07/02/10 Lee
Rocky Costigliola Chesapeake Bay Retriever 07/17/99-02/08/11 The Costigliola Family
Rocky Cross-Eyed Part Siamese Cat 10-12 years 05/15/98 Jo Krogulski
Rocky Dachshund 01/06/97-03/20/11 Christian Bertucci
Rocky Dachshund 02/06/95-12/19/04 Clairette Allen
Rocky Dachshund 05/16/00-02/09/12 Janet
Rocky Dachshund 06/24/94-10/15/08 Catherine Lee
Rocky Dachshund 08/01/94-05/03/10 Liz Smith
Rocky Dachshund 08/06/97-03/20/11 The Bertucci Family
Rocky Dachshund 11/06/97-03/20/11 Christian Bertucci
Rocky Dachshund 12/20/96-03/22/10 Linda Spenceley
Rocky Dachshund 15 years 6 months 07/06/04 Connie & Chris Harmon
Rocky Dachshund 17 years 12/19/06 R & T Perkins
Rocky Dachshund 1992-03/11/06 Anissa Todd
Rocky Dachshund 2009-01/09/19 Jeff Scharding
Rocky Dachshund X 23/09/06-19/06/08 Kimberly
Rocky Dalamatian Mix 10/10/00 Myra
Rocky Dalmatian 07/05/87-04/06/98 Larry and Denise
Rocky Dalmatian 13 years 11/05/09 Brenda, Parke & Myles
Rocky Dayman Dachshund 01/09/97-07/05/15 Jackie
Rocky Dennis Cat 12/02/06 Cyndi Shicora
Rocky Diablo Lhaso Apso 02/01/97-06/24/11 Kim
Rocky Dibartolo-Petrozzino Bulipei 12/16/10-09/30/11 Michael & Roseanne Dibartolo
Rocky DLH Cat 09/01/98-09/28/98 Nancy Zaitlen
Rocky DMH Cat 6 years 01/30/07 Michelle Stines
Rocky Dobe/lab Mix 14 years 10/16/95 M.B.
Rocky Doberman 03/09/95-12/21/03 Jennifer
Rocky Doberman 6 years 3 months 07/04/99 Joe
Rocky Doberman Pinscher 01/30/11-04/02/17 Barbaran J Mac Dougall
Rocky Doberman Pinscher 06/18/93-10/29/04 The Incontrera Family
Rocky Doberman Pinscher 9 weeks 09/13/04 Vern, Faith, Greg & Tim
Rocky Doberman/Rottweiler Cross 08/88-05/14/98 Amy Renaud-Mutart
Rocky Dog 01/01/87-11/08/02 Crystal & Spencer
Rocky Dog 01/2001 Jess
Rocky Dog 02/11/89-10/15/00 Dianne Szelag
Rocky Dog 02/13/87-04/03/00 Ed Stitt
Rocky Dog 03/02/12 Mike
Rocky Dog 04/11/09 Karen
Rocky Dog 05/16/97 Leon
Rocky Dog 06/05/09 Susan
Rocky Dog 07/21/01-06/26/09 Octavio Alberto Quintana Badillo
Rocky Dog 08/03/00-06/23/01 Clayton Arnold
Rocky Dog 10 years 04/05/04 Lyle Stevens
Rocky Dog 10/23/96 Christopher Richert
Rocky Dog 11 years 02/16/99 P Bar
Rocky Dog 11/01/03 Harold
Rocky Dog 11/24/08 Cathy Allen
Rocky Dog 12 years 05/05/10 Glenn Thornton
Rocky Dog 12 years 11/22/09 For Lynn In Ca
Rocky Dog 12/14/10-05/23/23 Kali Salinas
Rocky Dog 12/26/95-05/06/13 Sara Janetzki
Rocky Dog 13 years 08/10/13 Steve
Rocky Dog 13/06/01-18/02/10 Carolina
Rocky Dog 15 1/2 years 06/11/04 Cheryl Deane and Nyla Hill
Rocky Dog 15 years 04/23/08 Cindy
Rocky Dog 18 years 10/02/98 Crocket
Rocky Dog 2 1/2 years 02/17/12 Tina Walker
Rocky Dog 2015-01/92/21 Lauree Johannsson
Rocky Dog 7 1/2 years 02/21/04 Sandy Marcal
Rocky Dog 8 years 08/08/13 Mike and Kim Protani
Rocky Dog and Cass Cat 16 years Debb
Rocky Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rocky Dog Jenn
Rocky Domestic Cat 5 1/2 years 09/02/09 Denise
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 01/01/00-07/22/10 Josephine
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 02/15/98-09/18/08 Diane Singleton
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 12 years 11/29/07 Nancy King
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 12 years 12/12/12 Dianne Herms
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 13 years 01/16/11 Maria
Rocky Domestic Long Hair Cat 13 years 02/01/11 Elena Potts
Rocky Domestic Longhair Black Cat 10/31/79-05/06/95 Hobbs family
Rocky Domestic Short Hair Black Cat 12/14/09 Dillard Family
Rocky Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/16/05-02/09/10 Shirin
Rocky Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/21/95-03/26/02 Stacey Roth
Rocky Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 02/01/01 Catherine Mardarello
Rocky Domestic Short Haired Cat 6 years 11/03/97 Elaine
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/93-03/29/04 Kelley & Lawrence
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/09/11 Jennie Bledsoe
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/19/96-11/09/04 Mary Ellen Weiler
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/01/81-11/25/04 K.Wolf
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 02/21/06 Jennifer and Mike Pattenaude
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 04/28/08 Edee Hardesty
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years 09/19/07 Leslie, Wayne & Jenna
Rocky Domestic Shorthair Tiger Cat 09/23/90-12/31/05 Joan & Stephan Mynarkiewicz
Rocky 'Doodles' Castellanos Pekingese 03/89-01/24/07 Mom' Rose
Rocky Double Yellow Headed Amazon 12 years Lyneeta
Rocky Doxie Mix 8 years 12/20/09 Robin Stoller
Rocky DSH Black Cat 20 years 09/27/06 Gene
Rocky DSH Cat 01/88-07/31/05 Deeanna
Rocky DSH Cat 06/01/01-09/07/18 Doug & Stephanie
Rocky DSH Cat 12 years 04/30/04 Angela Dorman
Rocky DSH Cat 15 1/2 years 10/28/16 Mary Shepherd
Rocky DSH Cat 15 years 08/19/02 Missy Durns
Rocky DSH Cat May or June 2001-10/28/16 Mary Shepherd
Rocky Duey Garcia Pitbull 08/12/08-03/2009 Priscilla Garcia
Rocky Dutch Mix Guinea Pig 3-4 years 01/22/06 Kalani
Rocky 'El Chicarron' Ruggirello Lab Mix 03/30/04-03/03/14 Connie & Stephen Ruggirello
Rocky English Bulldog 07/21/02-01/11/09 J. Rutlin
Rocky English Bulldog 12/2003-07/11/11 Christina & Joe
Rocky English Bulldog 9 years 10/27/16 Bria
Rocky English Springer Spaniel 06/08/83-04/08/00 Pete and Joy
Rocky Epperly Bulldog 03/16/08-11/03/13 Don Epperly
Rocky European Shorthair Cat 30/03/86-30/08/06 Natasha
Rocky Fellinger Beagle Mix 14 years 01/25/07 Steve, Kathy, Nathan & Alex
Rocky Ferret 01/22/01-04/03/08 Amy
Rocky Ferret 03/23/10 Tammy, Scott, & Taryn
Rocky Ferret 04/23/92 Maria Gattuso
Rocky Ferret 06/12/00-05/27/06 Sharon Pesanka and Ryan Ruebesam
Rocky Finnish Spitz 12 years 11/07/02 Mary Ann
Rocky Fiore Golden Retriever 07/04/00-10/22/10 Jennine Catapano
Rocky Flamepoint Balinese Cat 04/01/94-01/12/04 Kari Rogers & Family
Rocky Flynn Black Lab 04/01/92-02/21/08 Lisa Flynn
Rocky French Bull Dog 04/2002-08/06/12 Sue Dupuis
Rocky French Lop Bunny 3 years 10/18/09 Carole Purpura
Rocky Frizzell Gray Tabby Cat 05/01/10-03/14/23 Leah Frizzell
Rocky G Tortie Cat 11/26/92-03/10/09 Dave Grissinger
Rocky Gallagher Dobby-Shep 09/01/97-05/08/04 Joe, Cheryl, Candice, Brendon, Joey
Rocky Gee Tabby Cat 07/20/03 Pat Anderson
Rocky German Shep Husky Cross 07/20/01-07/27/13 Tiff
Rocky German Shepherd 01/04/09 Sherry Deutschman
Rocky German Shepherd 01/06/98-16/03/15 Lyn Green
Rocky German Shepherd 01/30/94-04/24/07 Craig Charron
Rocky German Shepherd 03/25/19 Ed Parker
Rocky German Shepherd 05/05/03-07/02/10 Linda Sly
Rocky German Shepherd 05/12/77-12/12/89 Grace
Rocky German Shepherd 07/03/86-06/10/97 Melissa
Rocky German Shepherd 08/10/82-01/31/05 Marina
Rocky German Shepherd 08/10/84-05/21/95 Richard & Joyce Mansberger
Rocky German Shepherd 08/22/03-07/23/11 Nicole
Rocky German Shepherd 08/28/00-12/30/07 Brian Bonic
Rocky German Shepherd 09/89-09/01/01 Deb
Rocky German Shepherd 10 years 2 months 02/16/04 Karen & Tommy
Rocky German Shepherd 10/15/94-05/28/06 Daniel Robert
Rocky German Shepherd 10/27/96-03/03/07 Louise and Mike
Rocky German Shepherd 11 years 03/08/10 Donna Wirtz
Rocky German Shepherd 11/19/98-11/28/04 Cheri Leffel
Rocky German Shepherd 11/20/06-08/01/14 Denise Bowen
Rocky German Shepherd 12 years 05/28/06 Diane Graf
Rocky German Shepherd 12 years 05/30/08 Ashley F
Rocky German Shepherd 12 years 07/30/17 Linda
Rocky German Shepherd 12/12/89 Grace
Rocky German Shepherd 12/20/03 Andrew & the Barefoot family
Rocky German Shepherd 14 years 08/15/05 Keith Morgan
Rocky German Shepherd 14 years 10/12/09 Delbert McBride
Rocky German Shepherd 17 years 06/17/04 Gary & Lori Thompson
Rocky German Shepherd 1985-1995 Lanna Stevenson
Rocky German Shepherd 24 Aug.1989 29 June 1999 Rodolfo
Rocky German Shepherd Mix 02/26/98 Mark, Sandy, Mark Jr and Alexandra Vitiello
Rocky German Shepherd Mix 12 years 01/06/04 Terese Seely
Rocky German Shepherd Mix 2004-09/11/17 Brittany Thornton
Rocky German Shepherd Mix 8 years 03/06/99 Brooke Grey
Rocky German Shepherd Pug 04/02/12-10/24/22 Scott and Debbie Oring
Rocky German Shepherd Rottweiler Mix 06/14/99 Laurie
Rocky German Shepherd/ Rottweiler 16 years 07/29/00 Kimberly Braun
Rocky German Shepherd/Lab 12 years 06/03/14 Paul C
Rocky German Shepherd/Lab Mix 5 years 12/04/11 Thomas Yeates
Rocky German Shepherd/Malamute 1993-02/08/07 Wayne
Rocky German Shepherd/Norwegian Elkhound Mix 10/20/96-01/07/04 Lea Ekman
Rocky German Shepherd/Siberian Husky 13 years Mommy, Daddy, & Sissy
Rocky German Shorthair 03/00-04/16/10 Alice J. Hill
Rocky German Short-Haired Pointer 10/01/09-07/04/11 Julie Grudzinskas
Rocky German Wire-Hair 01/14/04 Jennie Ison
Rocky Giant Green Iguana 06/01/96-05/18/03 David Atkinson
Rocky Golden Retriever - Brittany Spaniel Mix 04/20/95-09/29/07 Ray, Mary, Scott, Kim & Chris
Rocky Golden Retriever 01/03/95-01/05/08 Chrissy Heyn
Rocky Golden Retriever 01/21/93-12/17/00 Michael and Geri Nutt
Rocky Golden Retriever 01/27/97-06/05/08 Scott & Lynn Kuemmerlein
Rocky Golden Retriever 03/27/93-03/28/06 Chris and Fred
Rocky Golden Retriever 04/15/96-07/15/03 Joe Sr., Carol, Joey, Brandon
Rocky Golden Retriever 04/28/96-11/16/08 The Sills Family
Rocky Golden Retriever 05/07/93-04/09/06 Tina and Michele
Rocky Golden Retriever 05/11/00-03/10/11 Lauri
Rocky Golden Retriever 08/19/98-01/03/10 John Lawson
Rocky Golden Retriever 10/92-03/2008 Mary Forbes, Tim and Inga too
Rocky Golden Retriever 11/93-11/04/05 Kim, Jose, Alexa, Isabella, Lily, Twinkle and Luigi
Rocky Golden Retriever 14 years 03/13/10 Renee
Rocky Golden Retriever and Irish Setter 11/23/92-06/08/06 Kathleen
Rocky Golden Retriever/ Collie Mix 10 1/2 years 10/05/99 Pat
Rocky Golden/Lab 02/04/85-08/10/99 Sandy Mann
Rocky Goldfish 09/08/13 Barbara Ann Finley
Rocky Goodman Chihuahua 10 years 10/30/23 Ken, Maria, Adam, Sarah and Rachel Goodman
Rocky Goodaker Pomeranian 04/09/09-12/10/09 Daniel Goodaker
Rocky Gordon Setter 12/11/95-08/15/07 Lisa, Stacy, Jon, and Cindy
Rocky Grantham American Eskimo Spitz/Mix 6 years 12/20/04 John & Sheryl
Rocky Gray Cat 12/11/11 Daria Keyes
Rocky Gray Tabby Cat 07/25/90-04/07/03 Teri Saylor
Rocky Graziano Miniature Schnauzer 04/28/85-06/04/98 Capadona Family
Rocky Great Dane 10 years 1992 Isabel L. Valuja
Rocky Great Dane 10/98-10/03/06 Debby Dudka
Rocky Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 09/07/97-03/04/06 Mary Jane Houghon
Rocky Grey and White Tabby Cat 1982-1998 Mary Stuart
Rocky Grey and White Tabby Cat 1982-1999 Mary Stuart
Rocky Grey Squirrel 08/25/01-12/30/03 Larry & Pam
Rocky Grey Squirrel 12/30/03 Pamela Salwa
Rocky Grey Tabby Cat 03/06/03-12/11/07 Lujza Zawadzki
Rocky Grey Tabby Cat 05/16/98-02/17/00 Rhiannon James
Rocky Greyhound 03/16/98-06/14/09 Frank and Natalia Stefan
Rocky Greyhound 12/31/02-11/10/10 Christina
Rocky GSD 15 years 07/97 Jan
Rocky Guinea Pig 04/2004-03/01/06 Carly
Rocky Guinea Pig 4 years 10/20/07 Mim
Rocky Guinea Pig 4 years 11/06/04 Matt F
Rocky Guth Jack Russell Terrier 10/15/95-03/31/18 Keagan Guth
Rocky Half Chow 11/03/03 Bradly Hefner
Rocky Half Lab Half Pit 13 years 09/09/16 Mary Roussell
Rocky Half Red Chow - Half Shit Zhu 04/05/96-08/11/05 Dan Taylor
Rocky Hambrick Mini Schnauzer 11/01/92-09/12/05 Diana Hambrick
Rocky Hamster 04/27/13 Lauren
Rocky 'Handsome' Cole Orange Cat 01/91/08-09/21/08 Kat & Dan Cole
Rocky Harper Min Pin 11/07/98-11/29/09 Michelle Harper
Rocky Hasselman Black Lab 02/02/94-12/16/06 Terry Hasselman
Rocky Heidi Ayer Yellow Labrador Retriever 06/04/99-08/19/14 Bonnie J Ayer
Rocky Hemphill Longhair Cat 09/24/04-01/25/07 James Hemphill
Rocky Holman Boxer 03/05/11 Beverly Holman
Rocky Horse 33 years 11/12/10 Trysten
Rocky Hound Mix 9 years 02/12/05 The Bragg Family
Rocky Hound-Mix 11/26/96-02/12/05 Robin, James,Travis and Blake
Rocky Howe 'The Rock' Black Short Hair Domestic Cat 05/01/97-01/10/13 Dan Howe
Rocky Hugo Drake Sheltie 10/24/97-04/08/11 Ray
Rocky Husky 11 years 01/04/16 Kelly S.
Rocky Husky Mix 03/04/00-03/22/10 Laury
Rocky Husky/Lab Mix 02/18/09 Mom, Dad, Tessa, Bernard Jr., David, Jeff, Daniel, Stephanie, and Savannah Heljenek
Rocky IbrahIIm Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso 14 years 09/26/18 Angela
Rocky II Boston Terrier 01/27/85-07/17/00 Boyd & Pat Steele
Rocky Irish Setter & Golden Retriever 05/14/83-11/28/94 Harriette Watson
Rocky Irish Settler-Retriever-Lab 12/29/93-07/21/04 Barbara, Rob, Faith and Hope
Rocky J. Beagle Mayberry Beagle 12/07/96-06/06/11 Jerry and Ronda Mayberry
Rocky J. Woods Jack Russel Mix 10/23/91-10/24/01 Beth
Rocky Jack Russell 14/08/00-07/11/12 Jessica Johns
Rocky Jack Russell 15/06/96-10/07/98 Henny & Ger, Droopy & Joris
Rocky Jack Russell Mix 10 years 03/11/10 Jenny and Pete
Rocky Jack Russell Terrier 05/94-10/12/09 Susan
Rocky Jack Russell Terrier 15 years 11/27/15 Maria Laurent Kike Pipe Samy
Rocky Jack Russell Terrier 3 years 08/14/06 Laura
Rocky Jacklin German Shorthair Pointer 08/02/16-10/06/19 Tori Twohig, Todd Jacklin
Rocky James Reed Jack Russell and Blue Heeler 12 years 07/29/15 Laura Reed
Rocky Janik Maine Coon Cat 6 years 06/05/09 Barbara Janik
Rocky John Tyler
Rocky Johnston German Shepherd 04/20/99-07/13/02 Johnston Family
Rocky Jones Black Lab/Springer Spaniel 12/31/92-03/20/08 Kathy Jones
Rocky Judge Rabbit 04/15/09-01/14/13 Denise Judge
Rocky Justus Shituz-Poo 02/29/92-03/21/08 Nanette Justus
Rocky K-9 German Shepherd 1960-1968 Cynthia
Rocky Keeshond 12/24/87-09/24/00 Tim Frary
Rocky Kitten 03/99 Aunt Raye and family
Rocky Kitten 07/08/11-01/24/12 Sierra
Rocky Kitten 07/22/07 Yvette
Rocky Kitten 07/22/07 Yvette and Frank
Rocky Kitten 10/21/03-10/25/03 Karen
Rocky Kitten 12/21/03 Nance
Rocky Kitten 2 months 05/04/01 Sharon
Rocky Koszalka Lhasa Apso 06/27/97-06/10/10 Mike and Maria Koszalka
Rocky Kovats Mixed Dog 10/03/92-11/13/07 Cynthia Kovats
Rocky L Golden Retriever 03/96-02/06/08 George and Kim Lescay
Rocky Lab 01/04/89-10/23/99 Charlie
Rocky Lab 03/05/95-12/13/04 Michelle
Rocky Lab 04/28/05 Rose Wilson & Josh Bradley
Rocky Lab 09/12/98-04/16/09 Benny Shum
Rocky Lab Mix 01/24/82-11/22/98 Amanda Ross
Rocky Lab Mix 05/28/04-10/02/08 Mark P. Bosanac
Rocky Lab Mix 08/11/95-09/14/08 Kathy Cangialosi
Rocky Lab Mix 09/15/00-09/22/09 Charles Lavin
Rocky Lab Mix 1992-06/29/09 Patti Roettger
Rocky Lab Mix 2001-08/11/08 Craig Vollmer
Rocky Lab Mix 3 years 07/07/05 Karima Sharper
Rocky Lab Mix 9 years 05/12/05 Dolores Zanchelli
Rocky Lab/Beagle 03/13/07-06/28/07 Craig, Alison, Jacob and Brooke
Rocky Lab/Boxer Mix 06/15/09 Kim
Rocky Lab/Great Dane 02/24/13 Leila McMichael
Rocky Lab/Husky 12/62/15-03/18/21 Kaycee Gnatowski
Rocky Lab/Husky/Shepherd 12/06/15-03/18/21 Kaycee Gnatowski
Rocky Lab/Mix 08/93-09/08/04 Tina Carswell
Rocky Lab/Pit Bull Mix 06/30/01 Rhonda Harrison
Rocky Lab/Rottie Mix 05/08/90-05/27/02 Pat Dobay
Rocky Labrador 01/12/99-10/17/07 Sami
Rocky Labrador 03/16/12 Jenny Miller
Rocky Labrador 08/25/98-03/01/11 D. Cavone
Rocky Labrador 09/22/95-01/17/96 Karen
Rocky Labrador 11/04/92-08/01/05 Patti & Dom
Rocky Labrador Retriever 05/08/06-08/03/06 Sheri
Rocky Labrador Retriever 08/10/89-11/02/01 Laura Compton
Rocky Labrador Retriever 11 years 11/16/10 Nancy Mallerdino
Rocky Labrador Retriever 12/18/98-06/17/99 Gary Boone
Rocky Labrador Retriever 3 years 07/05/05 Cherelle
Rocky Lab-Terrier Mix 12/92-07/22/08 Adela Solis
Rocky Lee Domestic Black & White Cat 13 years 05/19/06 Shelley Doolittle
Rocky Lee Miniature Pinscher 06/15/00-04/08/13 Sandy Ohmacht
Rocky Lefty Bonar Mix breed Cat 04/29/91-12/05/02 Ron & Janine
Rocky Lhasa Apso 11/07/88-01/26/03 Carol Oschin
Rocky Lhasa Apso 27/08/87-29/06/03 Mervi Rajala
Rocky Lhasa Apso 8 years 04/20/04 Robin Mittasch
Rocky Lhasa Apso 9 years 09/27/12 Vanessa Creado
Rocky Lilley Cat 13 years 8/20/24 Evangeline and Kevin Liquori
Rocky Long Hair Cat 10/13/91-10/04/04 Vicki Charyn
Rocky Long Hair Tabby Orange Cat 05/05/91-09/14/07 Tracey
Rocky Long Haired Dachshund 11/07/97-05/17/10 John Wheelock
Rocky Long Haired Dark Tabby Cat 11 years 02/02/05 Judi Ohm
Rocky Long Haired Domestic Cat 02/28/09-10/20/09 Nancy McSwain
Rocky Lop Eared Rabbit 01/04/09-10/14/10 Carrie
Rocky Love Brown Shepherd 04/17/78-11/05/86 Patricia Ennis
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 02/16/99 Michael and Susanne
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 03/05/05-07/12/17 Judy Ralph
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 07/15/93-12/19/07 Lisa
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 11/22/96-04/07/10 Linda Unterberg
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 16 years 05/20/04 Peter Manfredi
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 1982-03/07/02 Chuck Brack
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 1996-07/09/08 Lynn and Jim Hogan
Rocky Maine Coon Cat 6 years 03/20/06 Jennifer and Jason Benjamin
Rocky Maine Coon Maine Coon Cat 04/14/92-02/25/01 Julie Hoffman
Rocky Maltese 01/02/06-01/01/12 Rick Sansone
Rocky Maltese 01/26/00-04/25/16 Carolyn D'Alessandro
Rocky Maltese 10/20/94-10/19/02 Bowers Family
Rocky Maltese 11/03/01-08/07/05 Linda Jones
Rocky Man 04/13/93-2003 Bunny
Rocky Man Beagle/Basset/Doxie/poodle 04/13/93-04/20/03 Bunny
Rocky Man Holland Lop Rabbit 1/89 12/26/99 Stacey
Rocky Manx Cat 9 years Sunday Kayaras
Rocky Marie Mancini Black & White Longhaired Domestic Cat 05/15/92-11/17/04 Beth, Damon, Julia & Sarah Catherine
Rocky Marshmellow (Marciano) Maltese/ Llaso Apso Mix 01/24/05 Stephanie Grossman
Rocky Martinez Min. Schnauzer 05/12/84-07/99 Lydia and Felix
Rocky Mastiff 12/18/98-10/23/07 Mike & Judy Greenfield
Rocky Mastiff 12/21/93-10/22/04 Norma I. Roman-Ortiz
Rocky Maycumber Pit Bull Sharpei 1 1/2 years 12/17/10 Jeffrey
Rocky Mccarroll Boxer 06/24/96-08/30/04 Bonnie
Rocky McDonald Shepherd/Hound 71/2 years 01/01/13 Colleen Marie McDonald
Rocky McRae Pomeranian 03/05/93-09/25/08 James McRae
Rocky Meow Boa Domestic Shorthair Cat 17 years 10/25/15 Deanna Magenheimer
Rocky Meyer noble Cat 26 years 12/23/95 Decie
Rocky Min Pin 07/15/08-07/11/09 Kira/Leah/Michael/Melanie/Gary Vickers
Rocky Min Pin 3 years 09/14/12 Mallory
Rocky Mini Lop Rabbit 8 years 07/28/06 Selene/helen
Rocky Mini Poodle Holli
Rocky Mini Schnauzer 04/23/98-10/17/11 Clarence
Rocky Mini Schnauzer 05/22/89-04/29/00 Tricia, Pat, Christine & Sean O'Gara
Rocky Miniature Dachshund 04/29/06-03/25/07 Kelly Harris
Rocky Miniature Dachshund 06/19/96-04/07/06 Jennifer Moore
Rocky Miniature Pincher 13 years 10/12/19 Kim Blanchette
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 01/31/02-12/27/10 Christine Preli
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 09/15/97-03/06/09 Cheri McInnis
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 04/15/99 Barbara M
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 11/08/96-12/10/12 Lisa Duci Punzel
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 11/15/05-04/05/10 Ken, Loretta and Family
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 11/24/96-05/05/08 Deb Wyckoff
Rocky Miniature Schnauzer 12/01/09-07/30/22 Kim
Rocky Mini-Dachshund 08/05/03-03/11/08 Gregg Chambers
Rocky Mini-Schnauzer 13 1/2 years 07/11/18 John & Patricia Keene
Rocky MinPin 04/16/11 Nichole Patullo
Rocky Minpin 07/20/93-07/21/05 Donna Gabbert
Rocky Mitchell Clarke Shihtzu 05/01/96-11/22/11 Lynne Clarke
Rocky Mix Dog 01/01/96-09/22/08 Robert & Irene Napolitano
Rocky Mix Dog 16 years 04/20/00 Joe, Nancy, Joe, Nikki
Rocky Mix Dog 9 years 08/05/09 JC
Rocky Mix Hound 02/14/96-08/17/09 Carl & Lorrie Petruzzelli
Rocky Mix Shepherd 03/17/94-08/04/09 Denise
Rocky Mixed Breed 03/01/09-09/11/20 Denise
Rocky Mixed Breed Dog 10 1/2 years 03/17/06 Lisa & Norbert
Rocky Mixed Breed Dog 11/30/89-06/12/04 Lisa Easterwood
Rocky Mixed Cat 18 years 01/10/05 Karen, Adam, Seth & Tylar Martinez
Rocky Mixed Cat 1998?-04/15/11 Denise Ferguson
Rocky Mixed Cat 5 years 08/25/09 Faith
Rocky Mixed Dog 05/01/01-01/24/10 Beth Meyers
Rocky Mixed Dog 06/16/01 Orreanna
Rocky Mixed Dog 08/28/98-10/01/09 Michelle Nelson
Rocky Mixed Dog 09/88-09/11/03 Bob, Cristie, Fawn
Rocky Mixed Dog 10 years 12/06/08 Nate and Sue Portney
Rocky Mixed Dog 11/20/95-04/09/13 Candace Ropele
Rocky Mixed Dog 14 years 09/19/09 Suzanne Lucy
Rocky Mixed Dog 14 years 09/23/12 Debbie & David Westmoreland
Rocky Mixed Dog 14 years 09/26/95 Bernadette
Rocky Mixed Great Dane 07/15/01-12/08/11 Heidi
Rocky Mixed Short Hair Cat 02/01/92-04/09/09 Jeff Kittle
Rocky Mixed Terrier 14 years 08/11/11 Sheila Haley
Rocky Mixed, Short Hair Cat 17 years 04/2009 Jeff Kittle
Rocky Mixed-Terrier 5 years 10/04/98 Bonnie Camacho
Rocky Miyagi Cat 02/03/91-03/21/11 Mary Swift
Rocky Mongolian Gerbil 1 years 04/15/04 Kathairne
Rocky Monster German Shepherd Husky Cross 01/19/96-02/05/07 Pearl and Chad Fox
Rocky Morgan Maio English Springer Spaniel 07/07/99-03/29/10 Louisa Maio
Rocky Mouse 04/02/04 Becky
Rocky Mundine Cat 3 years 01/03/95 Frieda
Rocky Murphy American Staffordshire Terrier 03/31/12 Jordan Murphy
Rocky Nation Cat 05/16/05 Kathy Nation
Rocky NeSmith Colby Pit 12/13/00-08/23/05 Lucas NeSmith
Rocky Newfoundland 01/05/96-12/18/97 Jay Morey
Rocky Newfoundland 02/04/11 Deirdre Levine
Rocky Newfoundland Mix 12 years 07/06/01 Suzanne Kydland Ady
Rocky Nigerian Dwarf/pygmy Goat 5 months 09/01/04 Dennis & Mary Hatmaker
Rocky Nomikos Black Labrador and Greyhound 13 years 08/09/06 Nancy Nomikos
Rocky Norwegian Elkhound 08/01/77-08/23/94 Thompson family
Rocky Norwegian Forest Cat 05/06/86-06/06/06 Jim Andrews
Rocky Nuebel Black Lab 12/26/05-03/12/10 Patty Nuebel
Rocky Nunes Maine Coon Cat 07/25/11 Mary
Rocky Opossum Golden Retriever 04/24/81-08/26/97 Heidi Stamm and Tom Mueller
Rocky Orange and White Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/09/90-07/12/02 Sandi Thomas
Rocky Orange Tabby Cat 03/24/07 The Murphys
Rocky Orange Tabby Cat 11 years 05/30/13 Ronda, Ron, Nate and Luke
Rocky Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 06/03/00 Patrick and Dixie Turner
Rocky Orange Tabby Cat 2 1/2 years 07/26/17 Kristy
Rocky P. Yorkie 14 years 06/22/23 Jennifer P.
Rocky Parekeet 03/29/00-04/14/02 Lacey Grummons
Rocky Part Hound/Pug Cross 04/85-03/13/00 Mari Clare
Rocky Part Maine Coon Long Hair Cat 10/20/01-01/10/10 Norm & Diane Taylor
Rocky Peach Face Love Bird 07/17/03 Brian
Rocky Peek-A-Poo 12/04/82-06/27/98 The vogels
Rocky Peitz Boxer 07/29/02-08/18/06 Derek Peitz
Rocky Pekapoo 03/10/93-04/18/09 Jill Flanders
Rocky Peke 12 years 07/12/04 Frick Family
Rocky Peke-A-Poo 06/94-11/03/96 Andrew Dietz
Rocky Peke-A-Poo 12/15/00-11/04/13 Dawn Still
Rocky Pekingese 10/01/78-05/25/95 Paulina Cadena
Rocky Persian Cat 04/21/85-04/30/00 Sandy Antonucci
Rocky Pit Bull 08/12/08-03/20/09 Priscilla Garcia
Rocky Pit Bull 09/01/01-04/11/14 Cara and Sean Ryan
Rocky Pit Bull 10+ years 10/27/11 Chris, Herb, Zachary, Hailey & Logan
Rocky Pit Bull 11/25/18 Georgia Norman
Rocky Pit Bull 11/27/99-09/16/11 Anissa Hernandez
Rocky Pit Bull 8 years 02/28/05 Will
Rocky Pit Bull Puppy 3 1/2 months 10/05/08 David and Chelsea Smith
Rocky Pit/Chow/Rottie/Lab 11/01/99-10/24/07 Carole Custer
Rocky Pitbull 03/04/12 Andrew and Jessica
Rocky Pitbull 03/92/12 Becky Appel
Rocky Pitbull 07/91-08/98 Matthew
Rocky Pitbull 08/02/92-10/04/05 Jeannettelena Santillan
Rocky Pitbull 1/20/98-12/07/00 Cynthia
Rocky Pitbull 11/23/06-11/10/16 Stacey, Tanya & Nicholas DeNino
Rocky Pitbull/Chow 09/01/90-05/21/05 Pat Lorey
Rocky Pitt Rott Mix 12/24/07-06/21/12 Wade Brown
Rocky Pointer Mix 02/11/96-03/03/09 Ana Silvia Turcios
Rocky Pointer X 02/14/00-04/23/00 Vince and Kim Smith
Rocky Pointer/Queenland Heeler Mix 10/16/89-07/04/00 Gena
Rocky Pom 14 years 04/06/10 Kristina
Rocky Pom/Beagle Mix 01/01/95-12/06/14 Veronique Wallin
Rocky Pomeranian - Yorkie 08/08/08-02/13/20 Jason Fraser
Rocky Pomeranian 04/03/04 Paul and Pam Buckley
Rocky Pomeranian 05/16/91-08/02/03 Ava
Rocky Pomeranian 05/20/91-11/19/06 Donna Bragg
Rocky Pomeranian 06/01/95-04/17/12 Patti Clinton
Rocky Pomeranian 10 years 09/09/06 April & Bruce Kaplan
Rocky Pomeranian 11 years 03/15/10 Lynn McDermid
Rocky Pomeranian 11 years 11/22/06 Jim and Pat Youncofski
Rocky Pomeranian 12 years 08/24/98 Judy Davis
Rocky Pomeranian 12/12/91-04/29/07 Karen, Rocky's Mommy
Rocky Pomeranian/Chihuahua 06/10/98-08/19/11 Sharon Greene
Rocky Pony 35 years Bernice
Rocky Poodle 03/03/14 Donald West
Rocky Poodle 03/27/95-10/09/06 Tamara
Rocky Poodle 05/09/97-05/16/12 Charlotte Svobodny
Rocky Poodle 11/03/03-12/03/16 Linda Schleyer
Rocky Poodle 14 years 04/16/07 Ghislaine Morin
Rocky Poodle 24/06/85 Natalie
Rocky Portuguese Water Dog 02/02/93-02/01/08 Bobbie
Rocky Pryor Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/99-08/11/12 Gloria Gusoff
Rocky Puccia Dachshund 3 years 01/20/12 Teresa
Rocky Pug 03/25/05-02/14/18 Cindy Grant
Rocky Pug 04/17/02-02/08/15 Jennifer Goble
Rocky Pug 05/21/97-03/02/11 Maggie Howes
Rocky Pug 07/17/03-05/04/08 Shannon
Rocky Pug 07/31/o4-04/15/05 Kathy G
Rocky Pug 09/08/99 Mary Kate & Brian Sawert
Rocky Pug 11 years 03/20/12 Rose Gordon
Rocky Pug 11? years 02/22/08 Diane Babin-Pauley, John Pauley, Jared Babin
Rocky Pug 12/19/04-03/24/21 Cecilia Gonzalez
Rocky Pug 13 years 09/28/04 Heather Conlee-Goot, Chloe Conlee, Bob Goot
Rocky Pug 14 years 03/23/20 Darcy Fitzpatrick
Rocky Pug 1984-02/01 Judy Trabue
Rocky Pug 6 years 06/24/03 Crystal Zupancic
Rocky Puggle 06/14/06-09/27/21 Courtney
Rocky Puggle 08/19/06-06/22/23 Sara, Eric and Andrew Thor
Rocky Puggle 11 years 11/15/21 Sara Gootee
Rocky Puppy Franzem Lab 09/29/93-02/13/07 Kevin Franzem
Rocky Pure bred mutt 15 1/2 years 06/12/12 Joshua McBride
Rocky Quaker Parrot 23 years 02/17/21 Ross
Rocky Quaker Parrot 3 years 10/18/02 Angela Groves
Rocky Quarterhorse Horse 1995-01/15/05 Helen Hirtriter
Rocky Rabbit 03/20/98-12/13/00 Debbie Springsteen
Rocky Rabbit 6 years 12/16/04 Laura, Al, Dayna and Jason
Rocky Rabbit 7 years 03/14/99 Susan & David
Rocky Raccoon (aka Rockti) Orange Tabby Cat 11 years 12/07/09 June
Rocky Raccoon B&W Cat 17 years 12/04/02 Leigh Ann Burke
Rocky Raccoon Black and White DSH Cat 17 years 12/04/02 Leigh Burke
Rocky Raccoon Cat 17 years 07/14/95 Sandy Cohen
Rocky Raccoon Siberian Husky 10/29/90-04/19/00 Matthew Hosford
Rocky Ragusa Poodle 10/23/92-05/19/08 Sam and Lorie Ragusa
Rocky Rambo lll Boxer 05/03/94-11/13/03 Shirley Tipton
Rocky Ramkishun Shih Tzu 16/01/07 Shantie Ramkishun
Rocky Rat Terrier 03/20/07-01/05/10 Chris
Rocky Rat Terrier 03/23/95-06/26/09 Tricia Reilly
Rocky Rat Terrier 06/09/98-05/03/07 Leah
Rocky Rat Terrier 12/20/97-06/17/09 Carol Dillie and Lance Dillie
Rocky Rat Terrier 2 1/2 years 05/17/00 Dan & Stacy Rouse and Family
Rocky Rat Terrier Mix 06/24/10 Jo-Ann and Ben
Rocky Rat Terrier Mix 12/23/97-01/31/08 Ronald Langer
Rocky Rhodesian Ridgeback Cross 06/08/08-09/2012 Mason, Becky, Nick, Keira, Megan Josh Wattles
Rocky Richard Rat Terrier 03/20/07-01/05/10 Chris and Cassidy
Rocky Road Cat 03/25/10-05/22/17 Joan Villa
Rocky Road Chocolate Lab 09/01/97-11/24/07 Kathie & George Krajci
Rocky Road Cocker Spaniel 10/13/94-08/09/07 Rachel
Rocky Road Crouch ACD 14 years 01/31/12 Janis, Richard, Erin, & Lindsey
Rocky Road Golden Retriever 18 years 11/15/09 Denise Martin
Rocky Road's Oreo Spotted Saddle Horse 05/14/97-05/09/98 Lindsey Schwarber
Rocky Robin Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rocky Robinson Rottweiler Lab Mix 12 years 12/10/15 LaRia
Rocky Robinson Shitzu 03/21/93-01/25/97 Dana Robinson
Rocky 'Rockstar' Maine Coon Cat 05/04/01-10/10/08 Jennifer Case
Rocky Roland Husky Shepherd 10/01/88-01/22/05 Matthew
Rocky Roo Roo Bear Mixed Orange Tabby Cat 2000-01/27/16, Doug, Heather and Zoey
Rocky 'Roo Roo' Black Labrador 10/16/96-05/22/11 Susan R. Thome
Rocky Roo Roo Miniature Pinscher 06/24/00-07/05/04 Helen Fornini
Rocky Rooter Yorkie 11/20/94-01/21/04 Phyllis Brabender
Rocky Rott 03/2000-06/18/09 ALT
Rocky Rott Mix 10/20/04-06/22/17 Julia
Rocky Rottie/Chow Mix 9 years 09/20/04 Kim Rocke
Rocky Rottweiler 01/01/96-10/01/11 Christina
Rocky Rottweiler 01/02/04 Austine
Rocky Rottweiler 01/16/98-08/11/11 Patti Craft
Rocky Rottweiler 02/11/96-04/20/05 Mike Barnes
Rocky Rottweiler 03/01/93-03/01/01 Jacqui Whitworth
Rocky Rottweiler 04/02/84-09/08/94 Randy Plemmons
Rocky Rottweiler 04/20/00-10/18/04 Barbara Durocher
Rocky Rottweiler 04/29/89-12/12/00 Gene Fong
Rocky Rottweiler 05/07/99-12/22/09 Danielle and Chris Saylor
Rocky Rottweiler 05/15/95-07/20/00 Jan King
Rocky Rottweiler 07/07/00-01/18/10 Arthur & Rose
Rocky Rottweiler 07/28/96-04/10/05 Phyllis & Jerry Stubbee
Rocky Rottweiler 08/13/04-07/23/04 Earnie B Todd Jr. & Earnie B Todd III
Rocky Rottweiler 08/14/91-04/01/00 Mark & Denise
Rocky Rottweiler 08/20/97-03/02/07 Lynette & Phil
Rocky Rottweiler 08/20/97-03/23/07 Lynette & Phil Zizzo
Rocky Rottweiler 09/09/99-06/10/07 Kevin, Karen, Kurtus Millar
Rocky Rottweiler 09/10/91-08/27/01 Kathy
Rocky Rottweiler 09/13/93-07/23/04 Earnie & Eleanor Todd Jr., and Earnie Todd III, and Little Haley and Cole Wasmuth
Rocky Rottweiler 10/07/95-06/29/05 Irene
Rocky Rottweiler 10/23/87-10/17/98 Mariana Capp
Rocky Rottweiler 12/03/03-05/04/14 Mary Beth Whitmire
Rocky Rottweiler 13 years 07/25/99 Judiann Johns
Rocky Rottweiler 14 years 04/18/14 Cynthia Cunningham
Rocky Rottweiler 17 years 08/10/03 Wendy Little
Rocky Rottweiler 3 1/2 years 09/19/02 Diana Harris
Rocky Rottweiler 3 years 05/17/99 Lynda
Rocky Rottweiler 5 years RaeJean
Rocky Rottweiler 8 years 03/25/96 Marian
Rocky Rottweiler Cross 11 years 03/09/08 Jodie Buckland
Rocky Rottweiler Pup 1/01/95 Nicole Navarro
Rocky Rottweiler/Doberman 08/15/97-06/17/99 Heidi
Rocky Rottweiler/Doberman 10 years 10 months 08/24/02 Kazzie
Rocky Rottweiler/Dobermann 081597-061799 Heidi
Rocky Rottweiller 15 years 11/21/00 Arlene Kouchayan
Rocky Rottweiller Mix 7 months 09/23/00 Tony and Ana
Rocky Rotty Mix 09/01/95-12/28/05 Alison Jones
Rocky Roy Boxer 07/04/98-06/11/09 Amy Roy
Rocky Rozo Miller Yorkie 05/27/05 Patty Miller
Rocky Russian Blue Cat 22 years 09/06/97 Gail Tweedy
Rocky Saizan Tuxedo Cat 06/15/92-06/26/07 Lester
Rocky Samoyed 12 years 12/05/98 Phyllis
Rocky Sch Shepherd Mix 12/01/11-06/26/21 Johann Sch
Rocky Schnauzer 02/05/96-07/16/08 Alyssa
Rocky Schnoodle 01/28/00-03/09/06 Jocelyn and Family
Rocky Schuur Bichon Frise 04/01/98-06/16/12 Dawn Schuur
Rocky Scottish Terrier 21/12/01-05/05/11 Dorothy
Rocky Seagrave Dalmatian 02/17/91-01/04/06 Marianne Langlois
Rocky Seal Point Siamese 01/07/96-11/30/96 Maureen Hickey
Rocky Shades of Brown Stripes Cat 7 years 05/28/98 Sara Schlayer
Rocky Shadow Guinea Pig 01/22/08-03/14/08 Samantha Stivers
Rocky Shaffer Sheltie/Lab Mix 11 years 09/2004 Christine Shaffer
Rocky Sharpei/Boxer 10/30/00-03/07/08 Chris Wicknick
Rocky Sheep Dog 5 years 02/04/12 Sharon Irwin
Rocky Sheltie 06/07/08 Edwards
Rocky Sheltie 06/09/00-10/16/09 Gail Levitt
Rocky Sheltie 11/22/96-07/30/11 Terry Waldrop
Rocky Sheltie 13 years 07/10/10 Joe and Sandie Reynolds
Rocky Sheltie 14 years 06/03/10 Peggy Detzel
Rocky Sheltie 15 years 05/04/11 The Healey Family
Rocky Sheltie 9 years 10/16/09 Gail Levitt
Rocky Sheltie X 02/15/94-07/23/07 Jim and Stephanie
Rocky Sheltie/Bi-Black 01/03/00-11/25/10 Derek, Kyle, Marcus, Carol and Stephen Yamamoto
Rocky Shepherd Mix 10/12/09 Kathy Cairel
Rocky Shepherd Mix 11/28/80-12/28/96 John Jo-Ann Hipwell
Rocky Shepherd Mix 12 years 02/05/95 Chip and Sharon Mills
Rocky Shepherd Mix 14 years 10/12/09 Delbert McBride
Rocky Shepherd Mix 16 1/2 years 10/28/18 Tracy, Tom, Sadie
Rocky Shepherd/Blue Point Chow Mix 12/25/94-01/06/07 Pamela Lynn Berghauser
Rocky Shepherd/Chow Mix 13 years 03/2005 Jan McDonnal
Rocky Shepherd/Elkhound 10 years 04/03/07 Debbie
Rocky Shepherd/Greyhound Mix 10/01/02 Christina & Bob Warrington
Rocky Shepherd/Lab 07/15/92-01/27/03 Joan Burton
Rocky Shepherd/Lab 10/10/93-03/24/06 Janet
Rocky Shepherd/lab Mix 14 years 11/26/95 Jack Bennett
Rocky Shepherd/Ridgeback Mix 16 years 02/06/02 Karen Chase
Rocky Shepherd/Rottweiler Cross 16 years 08/11/08 Jaime Chan
Rocky Sherman Shepherd Mix 1994-07/16/08 Vy
Rocky Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) 8 months 01/12/00 Alicia, Christine, Bill, and Brian Casey
Rocky Shetland Sheepdog 12/23/98-07/01/09 Gary McAlevy
Rocky Shih Tsu 07/09/94-08/26/08 Deb St.Marie
Rocky Shih Tzu 03/17/82-05/12/97 Heather Tapia
Rocky Shih Tzu 04/30/93-02/08/06 Bill & Sue Hartig
Rocky Shih Tzu 06/24/87-04/10/00 L Sternberg
Rocky Shih Tzu 06/24/87-04/10/00 Louise Sternberg
Rocky Shih Tzu 06/26/87-04/10/00 Bill Cobourn and Louise Sternberg
Rocky Shih Tzu 08/29/97-06/12/02 Kristie
Rocky Shih Tzu 11/26/10-09/01/19 Joe Glim
Rocky Shih Tzu 12/11/02-01/19/14 Honey, Jarret, Bobbie
Rocky Shih Tzu 12/13/12 Ellen Mulholland
Rocky Shih Tzu 15 years 10/15/09 Beth Walls
Rocky Shih Tzu/Maltese 05/31/96-03/28/12 Sue O'Rourke
Rocky Shih-Tzu 01/91-01/24/05 Matt, Kaye, Julia & Sarah
Rocky Shih-Tzu 09/06/90-08/30/06 Shari
Rocky Shih-Tzu 10/16/96-11/05/12 Bill, Sherri and Eric Heidemann
Rocky Shih-Tzu 15 1/2 years 09/03/20 Debra Hill
Rocky Shitzu/Poodle 06/02/08 Tracy Gardikiotis
Rocky Short Hair Cat 02/08/05-11/30/05 Lisa Cassels
Rocky Short Hair Cat 10/01/87-09/19/07 Leslie
Rocky Short Hair Cat 11/01/95-02/28/09 Jose R Rodriguez
Rocky Short Haired Collie, German Shepherd, Boxer Mix 06/15/93-06/06/11 Joe Filiberto
Rocky Short Haired Domestic Cat 03/30/04 Tim and Camille Combs
Rocky Shorty Bull Dog 02/12/14-05/30/15 Terry & Paula Ogimi
Rocky Siamese 11/18/91-05/11/93 Julie Moeller
Rocky Siamese Cat 04/09/97-02/19/11 Mary Cady
Rocky Siamese Cat 8 years 06/18/05 Alison & Nancy
Rocky Siamese Kitten 09/01/06-01/12/07 Kelly and Colleen
Rocky Siberian Husky 02/22/99-10/12/11 Linda Cochrane
Rocky Siberian Husky 06/20/90-03/26/97 Ed Rayhon
Rocky Siberian Husky 6 years 09/30/13 Erik & Keri Peoples
Rocky Silky Terrier 6 years 09/05/06 Edmiston Family
Rocky Silver Tabby Cat 01/30/93-03/12/96 Patti & Bob
Rocky Silver/Black Tabby Cat 05/13/06-10/28/09 Matt Hand and Liz Willis
Rocky Smith Black Lab 10 03/4 years 11/24/08 Kathi Smith
Rocky Smith Labrador 9 years 11/24/08 Kathi L. Smith
Rocky Snowshoe Cat 1997-03/03/14 Cynthia Nicholl
Rocky Soft Wheat Terrier 15 years 6 months 09/02/08 Milda Serrano
Rocky Spaniel Lab X 08/85-01/02/98 Brenda Dowson
Rocky Springer Spaniel 10 years 09/19/99 Jeff and Lois Bellamy
Rocky Squirrel 07/98-10/30/98 Nancy and Lynelle
Rocky St Bernard/Boxer 11 years 04/28/10 Claudia Wissler
Rocky Staffordshire 14 years 01/08/08 Natalie Howarth
Rocky Standard Schnauzer 06/20/92-02/18/03 Loretta Iazzetti
Rocky Standard Schnauzer 13 years 09/24/04 Leah Kats
Rocky Star Min Pin Chihuahua 12/08/04-02/02/11 Chery F. Kendrick and Maria M. Cornelius
Rocky Stewart Boxer 11/11/99-03/26/06 George and Sharleen Stewart
Rocky Strebly Border Collie Cross 04/98-04/16/07 Danuta & Joe & T-Shaw Strebly
Rocky Stuart Tabby Cat 1999 Mary Stuart
Rocky Sullivan Miniature Schnauzer 10/19/04 Francine Montemurro
Rocky Sun Conure 05/15/03-08/02/09 Patricia, Ivana, Stefania, Wesley
Rocky Swanson Yellow Labrador Retriever 10/04/94-07/21/07 Renee Swanson
Rocky Tabby 19 years 08/29/94 Patty Fisher
Rocky Tabby Cat 03/27/95-08/18/03 Diane & Ted Rallis
Rocky Tabby Cat 04/06/91-08/12/08 Linda Leone
Rocky Tabby Cat 04/28/90-09/30/01 Teresa
Rocky Tabby Cat 05/01/88-08/08/03 Karen & Dan
Rocky Tabby Cat 05/01/90-08/09/05 Marie & Jabe Cassim
Rocky Tabby Cat 05/11/94-07/28/08 Barbara Coniglio
Rocky Tabby Cat 05/23/02-02/05/15 Lisa Abbatelli
Rocky Tabby Cat 06/12/98-02/19/10 Sandra A Dastych
Rocky Tabby Cat 07/94-11/2011 Kelley Fogarty
Rocky Tabby Cat 08/17/05-08/01/18 Alyssa
Rocky Tabby Cat 10 years 12/19/14 Carol
Rocky Tabby Cat 10/98-02/14/00 Rhiannon James
Rocky Tabby Cat 15 years 05/07/06 Kathleen Wissenz-Giacca
Rocky Tabby Cat 15 years 05/31/13 Gabriel and Jessica Urbau
Rocky Tabby Cat 16/18-06/09/22 Linda Jellison
Rocky Tabby Cat 18 years 09/04/22 Sarah Hanlon
Rocky Tabby Cat 19 years 12/25/97 Karen Miller
Rocky Tabby Cat 20 years 07/12/05 Joann
Rocky Tabby Cat 28/06/01-02/05/07 Paula Emmenegger
Rocky Tabby Cat 3 months 11/16/09 Sharolyn Perry
Rocky Tabby Maine Coon Cat 17 years 07/26/15 Desiree
Rocky Tabby Mix Kitten 12 weeks 1998 Heidi Gagne
Rocky Tarantino Chihuahua 11 years 07/03/14 Frank Tarantino
Rocky Terrier Mix 09/15/91-01/10/04 Fran Colombo
Rocky Terrier Mix 10/20/10-11/01/22 Dannette Carpenter
Rocky Terrier/ Boston/ Chihuahua 02/25/02-03/24/16 Gaby Herman
Rocky The Flying Labrador Black Lab 01/2001-02/24/11 Gale Lowell
Rocky The Flyinig Labrador 10 years 02/24/11 Gale Lowell
Rocky Thornes Mini Schnauzer 6 years 11/23/10 Megan Thornes
Rocky Thurston Pug 02/09/00-04/27/16 Amanda Thurston
Rocky Tiger Tabby Cat 1989-06/01/11 Jeanne Palko
Rocky Toy Apricot Poodle 04/28/82-10/04/97 Carole
Rocky Toy Fox Terrier 3 1/2 years 05/25/10 Karen
Rocky Toy Poodle 10/23/92-05/19/08 Lorie and Sam
Rocky Toy Poodle 12 years 11/19/97 Bobbie
Rocky Toy/Mini Poodle 03/27/95-10/09/06 Tamara Karmo
Rocky Tri Colored Mackeral Tabby Cat 02/01/87-04/29/03 Kathryn M. Kollmeyer
Rocky Troyan Rottweiler Shepherd Cross 03/15/96-12/03/08 Lisa Troyan
Rocky Tuxedo B&W Cat 8 1/2 years 08/17/08 Patrick, Audrey & Roxanne
Rocky Tuxedo Cat 03/27/89-02/07/05 Susan Barnard
Rocky Tuxedo Cat 1989-02/09/01 Catherine Mardarello
Rocky Valentino Lhasa Apso 02/06/99-07/26/12 Faydra
Rocky Valero Boxer 9 years 07/21/13 Maribel Valero, Bryan and Roger Lopez, Adolfo Castillo
Rocky Villa Cairn Terrier 04/27/96-11/11/07 Mr & Mrs James Villa
Rocky von Rotten Rottweiler/Labrador Mix 10 years 05/25/01 Shannon Stuber
Rocky Walker Hound 02/24/97-09/21/02 Nicole Vanasse
Rocky Warden DSH Cat 01/09/95-12/31/11 Amy Warden
Rocky Watkins Part Rock/Lab 16 years 02/15/10 Colleen Watkins
Rocky Westie 13 years 05/07/06 Paul Wysocki
Rocky White & Tabby Cat 15 years 08/15/06 Chris & Jen Thompson
Rocky White Boxer 02/01/05-01/05/16 Ward
Rocky White Cat 6 1/2 years 09/26/07 Nicole Huston
Rocky White Shepherd Mix 08/01/02-01/03/04 Deanna Smith
Rocky White Shepherd/Golden Lab 04/16/08 Gina Sibley
Rocky White Toy Poodle 12 years 11/19/97 Dr Bobbie
Rocky Whittall Cat 02/22/02-04/12/09 Catherine Whittall
Rocky Whittle Boston Terrier 10/02/06-07/31/14 Tiffany Whittle
Rocky Winthers Sheltie 05/19/08-11/17/09 Bob & Jane
Rocky Wire Haired Fox Terrier 12/05/87-11/05/02 Cindy Coover
Rocky Wire Haired Terrier 01/01/01-08/27/11 Dr. Diana Watkins
Rocky Wire-Haired Fox Terrier 08/05/90-11/25/06 Ione Hiser
Rocky Wittman Shepherd / Husky 06/15/89-02/17/05 George and Sheree Wittman
Rocky Wolf Hybrid 02/14/86-11/22/01 Vicki
Rocky Wooten Jr Pitt/Rott Mix 10/05/01-02/21/11 Connie Wooten
Rocky Yarbrough Lhasa Apso 02/25/95-06/17/11 Rhonda Yarbrough
Rocky Yellow Lab 07/19/99-06/30/07 Kerri and Shervin Oskouei
Rocky Yellow Lab 10/21/07-12/25/13 Anthony deCarli
Rocky Yellow Lab 11 years 01/17/11 Cheryl Thamerus
Rocky Yellow Lab 11 years 05/26/11 John Bertsch
Rocky Yellow Labrador Retriever 08/13/96-02/01/08 Pamela L. Scott
Rocky Yellow Lab-Terrier Mix 15 1/2 years 07/22/08 Adela, Mike, Nick, & Mikey
Rocky Yellow Tiger Cat 14 years 09/14/09 Sandy
Rocky Yorkie 01/19/89-09/23/02 Diana Engelhardt
Rocky Yorkie 02/19/11-05/25/17 Jay and Eileen Crisford
Rocky Yorkie 03/10/00-02/18/10 Vinnie Raucci
Rocky Yorkie 04/2001-11/22/10 Angela & Kenneth Fiks
Rocky Yorkie 05/03/03-05/11/09 Richard and Brenda
Rocky Yorkie 06/30/95-11/01/00 Dawn Simon
Rocky Yorkie 07/01/00-08/29/07 Marie, Artie, Thomas and Kristen
Rocky Yorkie 09/13/98-12/10/09 Maureen
Rocky Yorkie 12/18/02-06/20/08 Liz Szychowicz
Rocky Yorkie 3 years 11/12/08 Nicholas Loiacono
Rocky Yorkie 8 years 7 months 04/24/10 Denise Cutler, Kristen Cutler, Jason Cutler, Trent Cutler
Rocky Yorkie Poo 15 years 04/22/09 Joy Puglisi
Rocky Yorkie Poo Puppy 6 months 01/27/10 Beth Montfort
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 02/08/97-10/08/10 Romier
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 04/04/00-05/27/10 Donna Findley
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 09/10/95-10/12/06 Betsy Hallatt
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 09/16/97-09/23/07 Magdy
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 11 years 1995 Chelsea McDonald
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 05/2003 Danielle C
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier 9 years 03/19/03 Rita Stanley
Rocky Yorkshire Terrier Crossed Shitzu 13 years 11/27/08 Dave & Kay
Rocky Yorky 02/12/14 Alice Pullin
Rocky Youngberg Weimaraner-Black Lab Mix 12/04/01-12/04/10 Natalie Youngberg
Rocky Zallie Labrador 07/01/98-06/05/12 Renee Zallie
Rocky Zunno Poodle 12 years 06/29/07 Lisa
Rocky2 Looked Like a Maine Coon Cat 03/25/98 Trina
Rockybear Bichon Frise 04/23/03-08/28/16 Keisha Wood
Rockybow Manx Cat 04/09/88-07/16/00 Deborah Bailey
Rockydawg Beagle 04/01/97-06/20/09 Debbie Krahn
Rockydog Dog 13 years 03/26/11 Jolie Cowgill
Rockyman Beagle Basset Doxie Poodle Mix 04/13/93-04/20/03 Bunny Di Paolo
Rockywayne Long Haired Chihuahua 09/06/02-09/10/09 Teresa
Roco Shar-Pei 08/28/09-11/07/09 Miriam Hernandez
Rococoa Kitty Tabby Cat 18 years 09/08/04 Adriane
Rocqui B & W Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years 08/04/96 Jen Schuyler
Rod Jack Russell 13 years 07/05/11 Chrissy
Roda Lab Mix 06/20/12 Jeannie Taylor
Rodan Parakeet 01/2002-06/2005 Daniel Kelly and Mom and Sammy
Roddy Chihuahua 18 years 07/25/06 Hinnenkamp Family
Roddy Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Roddy English Cocker 02/22/92-11/18/01 Brian O. Gorman
Roddy Rottweiler 02/15/87-03/21/97 Dare Gaither
Rodenta Rat 2 years Bryn Doherty
Rodeo Black Lab/Doberman 11/93-11/28/05 Adrianne
Rodeo Blue Heeler 03/21/06 Stacey Webb
Rodeo Cat 04/06/96-12/07/03 Tamara
Rodeo German Shepherd 08/08/06 Heather Uplinger
Rodeo Pena Flores Avelar 'Titikis' Poodle Mix 12/20/15-06/09/17 Cindy Avelar
Rodeo Princess aka Babes Aussie Mix 09/99-08/07/13 Carole Zeneski
Rodeo Rose Australian Shepherd 11/22/86-03/13/00 Jennifer McPherson
Rodeo Yellow Lab 05/15/00-12/26/12 Sheri Conn
Roderick Lee Cat 08/14/10-10/11/11 Adele Lee
Roderick Mini Rex Bunny 02/06/99-03/19/01 Amy and Scott Soule
Rodey Cat 11 years 03/05/99 M
Rodger Golden Retriever 11 years 03/22/07 Joanne Anthony
Rodger Orange Tabby Cat 2004-06/17/11 Stephanie D
Rodger Rabbit 1992-01/10/05 Eileen and Jerry Lee
Rodger Schnauzer 1 1/2 years 01/09/09 Sue Nevins
Rodger Sheltie 05/15/01-08/16/08 Cynthia Kvederis
Rodi Metcalfe Pugle Puppy 03/08/07-10/26/07 Shalane and Angela Metcalfe
Rodie Rodentia Guinea Pig 12/15/09 B.A. Sweeney
Rodne Walker Guinea Pig 12/03/08-11/18/08 Betsy and Shelbi Walker
Rodney 6 years 02/19/94 Daisy Turner
Rodney Allen (Moo) Fleck Black & White Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/01/90-08/14/03 Jennifer & Brad
Rodney Arthur Yellow Lab 11/13/88-05/09/01 Debbie Brooks
Rodney Beagle 04/04/89-06/11/02 Ellen McCarthy
Rodney Black and White Guinea Pig 2003-11/26/06 Valerie Kovach
Rodney Cardigan Corgi/Mix 12/98-02/12/06 Barbara Denton
Rodney Cat 07/07/86-05/21/98 Laure Roy and Rick Muth
Rodney Cat 10 months 13/03/11 Samantha
Rodney Dog 03/13/12 Judy and Jimmy
Rodney Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 05/20/10 Angie Smith
Rodney Eckel Guinea Pig 11/27/05-11/16/12 Karen and Stan Eckel
Rodney Eckel Guinea Pig 11/27/05-11/17/12 Karen and Stan Eckel
Rodney Eckel Guinea Pig 11/27/05-11/17/12 Karen Eckel
Rodney Fichtner Cat 12/30/08-03/04/09 Kirk and Dawn Fichtner
Rodney Gerbil 4 years 09/05/10 Barbara Ann Finley
Rodney German Shepherd 14 years 05/08/06 Mark, Theresa, Tony, Dom and Mark
Rodney Guinea Pig 04/11/10-04/11/12 Michael Kosak & Christina Morino
Rodney Guinea Pig 08/11/03 Leah
Rodney Guinea Pig 11 Nov 2000 Clive Reddin
Rodney Guinea Pig 3 years 07/19/05 Manda Bartlett
Rodney Guinea Pig 4 1/2 years 7th July 2011 Susan Dickson
Rodney Marsha Smith
Rodney Maxwell Basset Hound 03/27/87-01/06/01 Amanda Barnhardt
Rodney Miniature Poodle 07/30/99-06/18/17 Tony Wank
Rodney Miniature Poodle 07/31/99-06/18/17 Tony and Rebecca Wank
Rodney Miniature Schnauzer 07/26/83-09/07/96 Paula Garibay
Rodney Mixed Cat 1987-07/30/04 Beve Wright
Rodney Mixed Dog 01/23/92-04/04/05 Mike & Carol
Rodney Norwegian Forest Cat 06/28/86-12/01/03 Patty Postle
Rodney Palfy Dog 9 years 10/19/07 Noah Palfy
Rodney Pit Bull 3 1/2 years 07/03/12 Lori Greengard
Rodney Pug 05/23/98-02/23/12 Jessica Palmer
Rodney Pug 06/21/95-03/09/10 Alyssa Schulke
Rodney Ragdoll Cat 09/05/97 01/30/99 Yasmin.
Rodney Shi-Tzu 13 years 02/21/06 Thomas J Hammill
Rodney Siamese Cat 06/22/88-08/29/02 Jennifer Howarth
Rodney Silliman Cat 08/2006-07/06/12 Chloe Silliman
Rodney Special Guinea Pig 08/18/11 John & Susan Fenton
Rodney Squirrel 04/02/03-05/13/03 Jan Rider
Rodney Tonkinese Cat 01/24/05 Teresa Goodnough
Rodney Tri-Colored Guinea Pig 07/11/98-01/08/02 Tricia
Rodney Welsh Terrier 01/16/89-09/07/04 Jill Burt-Sciole & John Sciole
Rodney-Strong Blue Point Siamese Cat 02/12/92-12/24/03 Julie Pernell
Rodos Himalayan Mix Cat 7 years 05/23/99 Pat Hollin
Rodriga Congo African Grey Parrot 01/31/98-04/22/03 Lisa Leutheuser & Joseph Saul
Rodsden's Lindenwood Lamia Rottie 08/16/84-03/94 Norma
Rodsden's Tyrant Munsen v Kolr Rottweiler 05/15/00-08/20/12 Donna Munsen
Rodsden's Wilma of Bamar Rottie 11/08/89-12/04/99 Judy & Steve, Howard & Louise, Joan
Rodsden's Windemere of Bamar Rottie 11/08/89-08/09/98 Howard
Rody Chocolate Labrador 2 years 03/14/98 Diana
Rody Labrador 05/16/95-03/14/97 Diana
Rody-Pendel's Roughneck of Scirocco Whippet 07/04/94 S. Neff
Roebuck Cat 08/20/05 Norma Sears
Roebuck Sears Domestic Shorthair Cat 2 1/2 years 09/23/11 Hallie & John
Roefi Greythound 01/05/95 07/07/00 Sue Hoke
Roentgen Black and White Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/06/80-07/21/97 Laura J. Thompson
Roentgen Cat 04/06/80-07/21/00 Laura Thompson
Rofie Dog Toy Poodle 07/86-07/24/97 Marion Choules
Rog Dalmatian 10/17/90-04/26/05 Mark Tamburrino
Rogaine Cat 10/96 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rogan Chocolate Lab 03/06/02-02/06/06 Danielle
Rogan German Shepherd Puppy 18/06/04-18/03/05 Sue and Kev Williams
Rogan Rhodesian Ridgeback Cross 03/06/99-04/01/04 Jean McKay
Rogen Heidenreich German Shepherd 01/27/05-11/13/12 Julia Heidenreich
Rogene's Arctic Elisa (Easy) Sheltland Sheep 12/02/78-01/04/93 Judith Harrison
Roger (Rogey) Cat 15 years 05/05/97 Duane R.
Roger 01/08/00 Natasha
Roger 3M84 German Shepherd Vietnam
Roger American Staffordshire Terrier 10/13/14 Karin Prendergast
Roger Ann Smith White Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 08/12/00 K. Smith and Kristee
Roger Beagle 08/90-12/2005 Shirley and Barry Anderson
Roger Beagle 11/13/97-12/23/03 Jan, Mark,Bill, Penni & Sean
Roger Beagle 11/25/09 Sara Rodriguez
Roger Border Collie 12/10/91-12/30/98 Daniel, Carol & Michael Friedman
Roger Border Collie/Springer Spaniel/Husky 12/16/89-11/15/99 Ron and Shelley Sowers
Roger Boston Terrier 08/08/07-11/20/17 Ryan Olsen
Roger Braveheart Scottish Terrier 08/17/04-01/04/13 Rick and Cheri Biggs
Roger Brittany Spaniel 06/09/98-01/08/03 Elaine Doss
Roger Cat 03/21/97-08/31/09 Wanda Lloy
Roger Cat 16 years 05/20/99 Julie
Roger Cat 20 years 03/22/01 Richard Nolte
Roger Cat 7 years 12/26/04 Jennifer Peterman
Roger Corgi 30/09/90-21/12/04 John Paul Nutburn
Roger Cross Breed Bunny Rabbit 4 years 17/01/10 Cathy Prigent
Roger Dachshund Puppy 11/10/02 02/16/03 DWN
Roger Dalmatian 11/28/95-04/19/08 Ana M. Alonso
Roger Doberman 09/24/04-11/25/08 Katherine
Roger Dog 13 years 10/06/99 Tom
Roger Dog 2001-08/12/09 Pauline Klusman
Roger Dog Australian Shepherd 10 years 11/29/04 Lindsey
Roger Dog Bichon 12/26/85-12/08/98 Carla
Roger Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/10/10-07/23/18 Brad Buettner
Roger DSH Cat 05/94-12/01/06 Deanna Clark Willingham
Roger DSH Cat 12/23/87-06/06/04 Cathy Anderson
Roger Dutch Bunny 04/85-01/09/98 Pat Kangas
Roger Dwarf Lop Bunny 3 years 21/Sep/11 Wendy Crooks
Roger Gray Tuxedo Cat 13 years 10/24/05 Julie and Steve
Roger Lop-earred Bunny 10 years 10/29/97 Barbara
Roger Marmalade and White Cat 16 1/2 years 05/20/99 Julie
Roger Miles Miniature Schnauzer 12/31/92-09/09/04 Robin Van Hooren
Roger Mini French Lop Rabbit 8 years 07/19/99 Maribeth Clark
Roger Miniature Schnauzer 04/02/91-08/15/99 Paula Garibay
Roger Mix Dog 12 1/2 years 08/07/16 Jennifer
Roger Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 3 years 08/03/07 George, Lorraine, Kayleigh and Chloe Morrison
Roger Persian Cat 3 years Pava
Roger Pom 07/13/96 Anouk Banhidi-Watts' SIL
Roger Purciello Toy Fox Terrier 02/27/91-01/06/08 Lynette Purciello
Roger Rabbit 1997-04/03/99 Lorie Walchanowicz
Roger Rabbit 8 years 10/03/00 Mom, Dad, Tracey, Angel, and Pat
Roger Rabbit American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit 05/01/99-11/11/01 Tiffany & Tim
Roger Rabbit Beagle 08/08/90-12/25/05 Shirley and Barry Anderson
Roger Rocket Mainecoon Cat 14 years 12/31/09 Schussco
Roger Shepherd Mix 08/95-08/30/07 Dave & Jackie
Roger Short Haired Guinea Pig 4 years 01/02/05 Esraa Sadeek
Roger Standard Poodle 08/14/07 Joan Ebbrell
Roger Tabby Cat 2000-10/17/13 Torrance Bartholomew
Roger White Bunny 04/03/89-05/03/91 Diane, John & Jeff
Roger Wilco Griffin Collie 1 1/2 years 09/27/08 Alyssia and Jon-Paul Griffin
Roger Yost Cat 10/30/01 Sal
Rogi Dog Sharon Thompson
Rogie American Shorthair Cat 8 years 05/09/94 Kathy Seaberg
Rogie Boxer/Beagle 7 years 09/05/08 Jack and Kristin
Rogua Newborn Kitten 08/29/12-09/05/12 Anya Giglioni
Rogue American Bulldog 5 years 08/23/21 Horace Facey
Rogue Beagle 13 years 03/15/22 The Rowley Family
Rogue Beagle Basset Mix 06/22/99-07/25/10 Jennifer, Logan, and Paige
Rogue Cat 08/2011 Malinda Jones
Rogue Cat 3 years 02/28/06 Sue
Rogue Chinese Crested Dog 13 years 12/01/18 Patricia Waldon
Rogue German Shepherd Mix 11/01-05/11/08 Valley
Rogue German Shepherd Mix 15 1/2 years 08/30/18 Linda Carnow
Rogue Lynx Point Siamese Cat 11/01/94-10/15/09 Tania
Rogue Mixed Dog 17 years 02/24/10 Wanda Wuensche
Rogue Morris Type Cat 11/25/96 June & Doug
Rogue Orange Long Hair Domestic Cat 11/25/96 June & Doug
Rogue Powell Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/26/96-09/07/09 Stasha Powell
Rogue Pug 07/28/62-07/23/74 Rochelle Moore
Rogue River Sam - Sammie Pomeranian 09/13/94-04/22/07 Melinda M. Bulmer
Rogue Siberian Husky 05/15/11-01/21/16 Heather and Jarod Hall
Rogue Sorta Calico Siamese Cat 08/11/10 Elizabeth and Erik Owens
Roguefurt Gray with White DSH Cat 05/98-08/22/99 Jennifer G
Roguey Rough Collie 11/22/87-02/27/03 Paul Smith
Rohrschack DLH Cat 06/06/08 Sue
Rohwly Kellner Tri-Color Beagle 15 years 01/09/09 Kellner Family
Roisa Guinea Pig 09/2001-11/2001 Raiza
Roisco Lionhead Rabbit 4 years 08/19/13 Eileen
Roise Shepherd Mix 03/13/04-09/23/12 Shari Buschart
Roisin Flynn Grey Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/88-11/30/04 Christine
Roisin Irish Draft Horse 22 years 10/08/12 Mairead
RoisinDubh Rocket Man (Aiden) Shetland Sheepdog 05/26/96-05/04/11 Debi Vetz & Nicholas Vetz
Roja Cat 18 years 2018 Helen
Rojiek Shih Tzu 04/13/93-03/06/07 Lauren and Tom
Rojo Boston Terrier 05/15/92-12/24/04 Neda Jumper
Rojo Dachshund 09/09/99-08/04/14 Vicki and Steve Neitge
Rojo Exotic Persian 1986-1992 Peggy Carlisle
Rojo Lawrence Chihuahua 08/01/15 Mary Lawrence
Rojo Pavlova Arabian Horse 12 years 03/15/87-05/08/99 Ed, Rae and Ian Daviss
Rojo Toy Poodle 07/12/97-07/21/06 Nancy
Rojo's Two Puppies 12/23/96 Ashly
Roka Vizsla 9 years 10/18/09 Jeanne Wasicki
Roke Rode Doberman Pinscher 9 years 09/26/05 Tara, Roger, Josh & Leo Guevara
Roker Golden Retriever 09/19/96-05/11/09 Helen Jones
Rokita Akita 07/25/93-01/27/06 Ceil Sinnex
Rokk Rottweiler 6 years 11/21/09 Kendall Blanchard
Rokko Boxer 12 years 12/24/12 Brent Cook
Rokky Cat 11/06/84-03/07/01 Linda and Bill
Rokoko Cat 2 1/2 years 03/10/97 Michelle Powell-Smith
Rolaid Cat 01/04/05 Carrie and Michael Christie
Roland Blue Cat 10/31/10 Peter Sanchez
Roland Boston Terrier 11/11/89-04/29/97 Lisa Sopher
Roland Cat 01/15/93-01/02/07 Jennifer
Roland Cat 1 1/2 years 09/02/03 Sue Fellows
Roland Cockatiel 13 years 11/04/98 Tina McKenzie
Roland English Canary 03/01/01 Sue
Roland Hardison German Shepherd 10/17/10 June & Timmy Hardison
Roland Hooded Rat 6 1/2 years 08/21/01 Elizebeth
Roland Miniature Dachshund 06/15/05-07/25/15 Tracey Tong
Roland Tuxedo Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/06/96-08/15/06 Mary and Jean-Paul
Rolex (The Expensive Watch Dog) Shihtzu 03/15/87-04/20/02 William Harris
Rolex English Bull Terrier 3 years Aug Larry Kone
Rolex MaxEllen Rottweiler 03/18/97-06/04/07 Dana E. Rich
Rolex Medium Haired Tabby Cat 12/17/88-03/26/04 Charlie Sterling
Rolex Miniature Schnauzer 16 1/2 years 05/05/04 Steve Spain
Roley Mo Ferret 09/03/12 Megan Toplass
Roley Thompson Black Labrador Retriever 07/30/03-02/02/06 Margery and Wyatt Thompson
Rolf Black Labrador 02/2004-06/26/05 Tulia Johns Campbell
Rolf German Shepherd, Rottie, Lab Mix 11 years 07/19/11 Judy
Rolf GSD 03/22/00-05/05/10 Carolyn Tiley
Rolf Lab Mix 12/23/94-09/12/07 Maria Brent
Rolf Miniature Schnauzer 18/12/98-18/02/09 Susan Aspinall
Roli Australian Cattle Dog 05/28/04-03/28/16 Trudy Rawdon
Roli Golden Retriever 10/05/03-12/27/11 Olivia, Hailey, Dan, Shelly and Macy
Roll Cat 13 years 11/96 The Anderson's
Rolland Ferret 03/28/04-08/21/09 Karen Young
Rolland Husky/Shep 03/27/88-10/31/01 Romie and Denise Reynolds
Rolle (My Little One) Flatcoated Retriever 04/28/95-07/23/02 Elli
Rollee MinPin 16 years 11/03/12 Robert
Rolley Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rolley Mixed Dog 5 years 05/25/08 Mary T
Rollie Boxer 01/16/06 Doug and Adina
Rollie Chihuahua 09/06/99-11/25/01 Melissa Young
Rollie Dog 12/18/11 Edward
Rollie Grey & White DSH Cat 01/20/05-09/01/06 Sabina Pilarski
Rollie Mutt 06/26/92-10/2003 Maureen
Rollie Ollie Pollie aka Po Po Tuxedo Cat 02/14/05-01/05/07 The Benson Family
Rollie Orange Tabby Kitten 4 weeks 11/18/03 Tina Petraline
Rollie Pug 07/03/99-01/08/11 Larry, Lisa, Melissa and Andrea Goldberg
Rollie Puggle 11/15/18-09/22/19 Rosalyn
Rollie White Long Hair Domestic Cat 06/96-08/22/06 Sheri Marty
Rollie Yellow Lab 02/11/93-01/13/04 Shelly
Rollie Yellow Lab 12/14/96-10/29/03 Julia McDougell
Rolling Meadows Patriot (aka Riot) German Shepherd 03/15/92-01/13/03 Lori Sigl
Rolling Schnauzer 09/17/11-09/01/97 Mirtha Durand
Rollo Aldrup German Shepherd 08/16/94-05/04/04 Sheila Oreskovich
Rollo Boxer 02/26/96-06/30/06 Danielle Rosenblum
Rollo Chihuahua / Dachshund Mix 05/05/05-09/30/07 Chris Long
Rollo Cockapoo 08/18/01-11/24/11 Geoff, Kim, Wyatt, Dawson, Leighton
Rollo German Short Haired Pointer 10/21/87-05/30/00 Dr V Wallace
Rollo Jakob Smith Rottweiler/Chow/Lab Mix 09/30/03-07/19/06 Joy Smith
Rollo McKee Shih Tzu 12/01/06-02/03/11 Georgeann McKee
Rollo Mixed Cat 06/16/97-10/21/10 Dana Cox and Torry Paulk
Rollo Pug 6 years 05/09/07 Kristin Boaz
Rolls Royce Rowland JRT 09/17/98-04/30/09 David Rowland
Rolls Sharpei/Pit 11/21/03-03/31/18 Joann
Rolly Bear Mixed Dog 2003 Autumn
Rolly Black Lab Mix 08/30/92-08/26/02 Theresa Franchetti
Rolly Cairn Terrier 11/02/18 Jennifer
Rolly Canary 12/08/05-06/16/08 Dawn Holt
Rolly Chow 11/01/92-11/18/04 Kathy Kuchar
Rolly Domestic Short Hair Cat 2004-10/27/11 David Mulzet
Rolly Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/19/97-04/24/12 Shelley Hintta
Rolly German Shorthaired Pointer 3 years 07/05/10 Steven Gainey
Rolly II Lab X Golden 06/24/04-10/31/07 Carol Weldin
Rolly Pekingese 18 years 02/05/10 Pat Meinke
Rolly Polly Doxie 05/93-05/12/06 Elayne Gallegos
Rolly Polly Lab Mixed 02/18/01-06/06/11 Albert Rose
Rolly Rottweiler 11/16/92-01/03/03 Jim Beth Respondek
Rolly Scottish Terrier 03/29/92-02/06/99 Rod, Linda & Mariette
Rolly Toy Pom/Matz Mix 04/29/95-12/28/03 Elizabeth J. Wood
Rolly Yellow Lab 11/02/94-01/29/07 Masamitsu & Carol
Rolnan Rottweiler 4 years 10/04/99 Tom & Susan
Rolnan Rottweiler 4 years 10/04/99 Tom, Susan & Tricia
Rolo 02/22/03-05/23/03 Jason and Roseann
Rolo Black Bear Hamster 08/20/03-07/12/05 Thompson Family
Rolo Cat 06/28/99-12/13/06 Nick & Nicola Jones
Rolo Chiweenie 08/24/20-05/06/21 Shameka
Rolo Chocolate Labrador 16/12/97-12/01/06 Sue Tasker
Rolo Guinea Pig 07/08/96-10/08/01 Harriet
Rolo Looked like a Maine Coon Cat 5 years 09/22/99 Jennifer Payne
Rolo Orange and White Brittany Spaniel 07/23/97-06/18/08 Mark, Rosanne, Emily and Christopher Stoltz
Rolo Rat 04/22/11 Jean
Rolo Rottweiler 06/2003-09/19/14 Krista and Michael Douglas
Rolo Swindell Dog 03/28/14 Julie Miller
Rolo Syrian Hamster 2 years 2 months 1st February 2012 Jade and Leah
Rolo Wyer Yorkshire Terrier 03/13/00-05/23/08 Kayleigh Wyer
Roly Dalmatian 05/29/97-04/18/09 Karen Bigelow
Roly Dog 15 years 13th Sept 2012 Geraldine Price
Roly German Shepherd 1987-07/01/00 Michelle, Brian and Sean
Roly Mongral 05/31/89-06/19/01 Lynn Thurkettle
Roly Valuja Dalmatian 05/16/92-01/09/06 Isabel L. Valuja
Roly-Poly Cat 1996-03/27/10 Cyndi
Rom Special Cat 1987-12/02/07 Whitney
Roma Jean Siberian Husky 02/03/16-01/01/22 Tony Fassbinder & Lindsey
Roman (Fayr Wynds Esprit de Corps) Sheltie 10/30/85-03/29/02 Darla & Ernie Duffey
Roman (Kelly's Freedom) Greyhound 03/28/85-06/16/99 V.
Roman Beagle Mix Pisces 2007-12/11/21 Jaxodus Roman Pyle
Roman Bengal Cat 05/08/08-07/03/11 Erin
Roman Black Lab 14 years 10/15/07 Chuck Donaldson
Roman Black Lab/Boxer Mix 07/04/02-10/23/03 Charlotte Payne
Roman Burmese 08/17/77-04/11/94 The Weavil Family & Nyppsi
Roman Caesar Cocker Spaniel 05/20/92-05/20/06 Paulette Tabor-Brown
Roman Candle Pomeranian 07/04/05-11/01/09 Elizabeth Oakes
Roman Cat 06/02/98-06/06/99 Traci
Roman Cat 12/31/91-08/18/08 Pamela Weltzien
Roman Cat 13 years 02/18/11 Sam
Roman Collie 06/23/02-11/11/11 Melodie
Roman Dalmatian 02/94-02/2004 Nicole
Roman Dalmatian 05/15/89-10/09/04 Doreen Laber
Roman Dog 1996-10/10/06 Tiffany Gengler
Roman Domestic Longhair Cat 15 1/2 years 09/03/05 Linda
Roman Finley Rough Collie 12 years 12/22/03 Tayton and Breanne Finley
Roman Gabriel Ellis American Cocker Spaniel 10/27/98-07/13/08 Maureen Ellis
Roman German Shepherd 02/07/02-12/16/13 Tegan Craig
Roman German Shepherd 07/13/92-01/29/08 Amanda Higley
Roman Golden Retriever 11 years 05/26/07 Polly
Roman Greyhound 10/25/03-06/09/08 Shandi
Roman Iguana 10/97-10/08/02 Niki Tantow
Roman Lab Mix 02/11/09 Julie
Roman Maine Coon Cat 14 years 06/17/06 Marie Fitzgerald
Roman Rottweiler 03/27/15-10/26/19 Suzanne
Roman Rottweiler 08/17/94-05/03/04 Gene & Cheryl Brown
Roman Rottweiler 10/31/95-03/04/04 Angela Tole
Roman Rottweiler 1993 Milton Shari Nelson
Romana Calico Cat 18 1/2 years 06/10/02 David Levenstam
Romana Guinea Pig DR Stanczyk
Romance Abyssinian Cat 12 1/2 years 11/23/04 Margie McAuley
Romance Pomeranian 02/07/98-04/25/11 Nikki Griesmer
Romany Cat 16 years + 02/21/04 Fran Moore
Rome Kitten 08/01/15-08/26/15 Emily Wang
Rome Tortoishell Cat 14 years 11/11/08 Lesley
Romeo (aka Big Boy) Cat 17 years 01/26/23 Calvin Michaels
Romeo (Little Buddy) Black-White Cat 03/08/03 Patti Lee
Romeo (Mio) Lop Mix Rabbit 03/11/11 Amanda Maranon
Romeo (oh Romeo) Beagle/Basset/Pit Bull Mix 01/11/11-03/18/12 David Boyce & Michelle Koski
Romeo (Romeo the Lover) Black Cat 04/15/89-02/04/02 Jennifer
Romeo 18 years 03/18/13 Julia
Romeo African Goose 10/01/01 The Gailey Family
Romeo Alexander Shihtzu 05/27/01-01/05/16 Kevin & Candi Fields
Romeo All Black DSH Cat 09/01/89-08/28/06 Jennifer
Romeo American Satin Guinea Pig 2 years 09/08/07 Shanna Hamm
Romeo American Shorthair Cat 10/15/97-08/13/08 Peggy and Monty Cabe
Romeo American Shorthair Cat 1996-06/12/12 Kristin
Romeo and Julian Budgies 3 years 01/08/97 Karen M.
Romeo Beagle 08/20/99-04/02/12 Jodi Halbreich
Romeo Benji Like White Mix Dog 1983-10/23/97 Lynn, Bruce, Mekenzie and Cody Rosen-Stone
Romeo Bichon 07/09/01-05/29/01 Joyce
Romeo Bichon 11/19/00-04/08/01 Jasmine Staples
Romeo Bichon 7 years 04/18/01 Deb Holmes
Romeo Bichon Frise 01/27/97-06/28/09 Natalie Nalbone
Romeo Bichon Frise 03/22/95-12/30/06 Charles & Connie Beasley
Romeo Black and White Cat 4 1/2 years 03/20/06 Lorrie and Norm Locey
Romeo Black and White Short Hair Domestic Cat 14 years 05/29/15 Patty Kelly and Rex Tegio
Romeo Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 09/15/01 Diane Santora
Roméo Black European Cat 08/25/00-11/05/12 Marinka-Marie Siega
Romeo Black Lab 06/21/97-03/10/08 James Christakos
Romeo Black Lab/German Shepherd 11/04/03-10/16/05 Amy Rhodes
Romeo Black Labrador 06/30/00-03/24/02 Tina Mathews
Romeo Black Labrador 12 years 05/15/12 Carlos Molina and Brian Kravetz
Romeo Blaney Shih Tzu 01/31/02-02/07/04 Michele Harrington
Romeo Boo Maine Coon and ? Cat 3 1/2 years 10/22/04 Anna and Mary
Romeo Border Collie 17 years 02/03/09 Lana Jackson
Romeo Boulonnais French Draught Horse 05/09/83-07/07/99 Johanna Sabine Klapper
Romeo Boxer 11/02/04-06/02/14 Hank and Kathy
Romeo Boxer 11/11/11 Heather M
Romeo Bulldog 07/28/02-09/18/06 Linda Kleinschmidt
Romeo Cat 01/25/98-08/29/14 Jaime Moffitt
Romeo Cat 02/08/10 Laura Hile
Romeo Cat 02/11/22 Arthur Shandor
Romeo Cat 03/16/03-10/29/15 Clemmer Family
Romeo Cat 04/96-08/28/14 Amber Cobb
Romeo Cat 07/03/99-07/01/09 Genia Blahitka
Romeo Cat 09/15/09-01/22/10 Alessandra
Romeo Cat 1 1/2 years 07/19/05 Angela Gia Moldovsky
Romeo Cat 10 months 02/27/03 Melissa Mahoney
Romeo Cat 10 months 05/01/06 Judi Gaither
Romeo Cat 11 months 09/06/13 Katherine
Romeo Cat 11/25/99 Katya
Romeo Cat 11/83-07/06/02 Sherry Wilmot
Romeo Cat 12/01/91-07/16/99 Susan Wilkinson
Romeo Cat 14 years 08/29/04 Sherry and Randy
Romeo Cat 18 years 03/06/10 Linda Slater Tobin
Romeo Cat 3 years 07/14/21 Vladimir
Romeo Cat Debbie Shuey
Romeo Cheetah James Chihuahua 07/12/05-04/03/06 Monika Arnett
Romeo Chihuahua 02/07/13-06/19/14 Priscilla
Romeo Chihuahua 02/23/05-04/16/18 Tatiana Lopez
Romeo Chihuahua 12/15/10-11/11/12 Tracey
Robbie Chihuahua 12/28/23 Charles Wilkinson
Romeo Chow Chow 12/24/15-06/07/20 Ranae
Romeo Christian Am. Domestic Shorthair-Tabby Cat adopted 02/20/98-12/03/09 Jennie Christian
Romeo Christian DSH Tabby Cat 11 years 12/04/09 Jennie Braun
Romeo Cockapoo 10/07/01-11/21/13 Jenny Sobosan
Romeo Cockatiel 11/01/95-01/16/12 Lorraine Meletiche
Romeo Cockatiel 9 years 11/20/98 Gini
Romeo Corgi Pekingese Mix 12 years 01/02/11 Kim Lockhart
Romeo Dalmatian 04/23/12 Diane Pffeifer
Romeo Dantoni Mixed Cat 06/18/86-07/11/04 Gaitan and Maria
Romeo Darling Mixed Dog 05/2005-10/14/05 Amber Darling
Romeo Dec. 1995 Nicole Navarro
Romeo DLH Cat 2 years 04/27/10 Lynda and Joe
Romeo Dog 06/15/11-07/12/12 Summer
Romeo Dog 09/08/08 Pina
Romeo Dog 13 years 04/23/11 Christopher Roberts
Romeo Dog 14 years 08/28/10 Evelyn Colon
Romeo Dog 16 years 04/15/13 Connie Hopper
Romeo Dog 9 years 05/25/05 Kiaya & Matthew
Romeo Domestic Long Hair White Cat 12 1/2 years 10/28/03 Rachel Shively
Romeo Domestic Long Haired Cat 06/19/08-12/08/09 Jerry and Bryan
Romeo Domestic Long Haired Tabby and White Cat 14 years 04/04/11 Rhonda Magnotti
Romeo Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/96-11/16/10 Carolyn Crow
Romeo Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/01/06-08/16/23 Harry McWilliams
Romeo Domestic Shorthair Cat 17 years 05/24/07 Anne Taschetta
Romeo DSH Orange/White Cat 4 years 01/22/10 Linda Kirby
Romeo DutchWarm Blood Horse 1984-12/23/98 Liz~
Romeo English Bulldog 07/04/03-03/01/04 Heidi Devine
Romeo English Cocker Spaniel 06/90-01/12/05 Dawn, Phil and Kylie
Romeo English Springer Spaniel 03/02/94-12/17/05 Bobby and Ilonka D'Azevedo
Romeo Fancy Rat 11/24/09-04/18/12 Egle Povilaityte
Romeo Fellini De Poesje Persian Cat 08/18/92-06/05/09 Susan and Chip Walton
Romeo Ferret 10/08/98-04/23/02 Sue & George
Romeo Flamepoint Cat 9 years 11/15/03 Cindy and David Boyer
Romeo French Bulldog 11 years 07/23/15 Catherine
Romeo French Bulldog 11/11/03-09/05/12 Denise
Romeo German Shepherd 05/11/11-01/26/12 Sonya Nance
Romeo German Shepherd 06/07/03 Judy Hannemann
Romeo German Shepherd 08/97-12/21/06 Dawn Hagerty
Romeo German Shepherd 9 years 05/02/06 Dee Cannuli
Romeo German Shepherd Mix 11/17/04-07/18/06 Rossalynn Crary
Romeo Golden Retriever 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Romeo Golden Retriever 9 years 12/03/04 Pinchorski Family
Romeo GoldenPoo 10/29/05-01/13/15 Gina Fairey
Romeo Gray Cockatiel 09/06/19 Kristen LaFishernier
Romeo Great Dane 10/22/01-03/22/04 Patti Shetrom
Romeo Great Dane 11/24/97-04/19/07 Rick, Elsa, Kelsa and Juliet Lunsford
Romeo Green Cheek Conure 07/10/23 Kenny and Alec
Romeo Greyhound 02/2000-10/11/08 Audrey Barner
Romeo Greyhound 03/17/95-03/17/05 Lee & Molly
Romeo Guise Cat 18 years 09/10/11 Michelle Guise
Romeo Himalayan Cat 03/02/06-12/16/21 Carol
Romeo Himalayan Cat 10 years 04/24/01 Michelle and Michael Nicolas
Romeo Himalayan Cat 12/23/86-11/13/00 Jeanne Pitchford
Romeo Himalayan/Persian Cat 08/01/92-12/08/09 Kelly
Romeo Hoselton Persian Cat 10 years 10/11/09 Jessica Hoselton
Romeo Irish Setter 04/13/90-07/2000 Judy Meek
Romeo Italian Greyhound 06/11/98-05/13/05 Lynsey & Karie
Romeo Italian Greyhound 13 years 11/04/13 Frank and Carol Barry
Romeo Jack Russell Mix 06/14/99-05/28/11 John, Angie, Christian, and Gabriel
Romeo Kareem Long Haired Dachshund 03/22/99-09/14/11 Valencia Kareem
Romeo Kind Tuxedo cat 4 years 01/06/08 Joni and staff at CalMar
Romeo Lab/Retriever Mix 12/24/93-11/18/07 Debbie and Paul
Romeo Lab/Retriver Mix 15 years 11/23/99 Melissa
Romeo Lhasa Apso 05/10/99-11/20/99 Gisselle Guadalupe
Romeo Lhasa Poo 1984-08/30/00 Lori Wells
Romeo Long Hair/Siamese Mix Cat 04/95-11/26/06 Karen
Romeo Maisonet Chihuahua 10/01/99-03/15/09 Susana
Romeo Maltese 02/14/09-05/28/17 Denise Beam
Romeo Maltese-Poodle 03/27/93-04/23/07 Cheryl Holly
Romeo Maltese-Shitzu 09/28/98-07/31/10 Cindy Tolhurst
Romeo Manx Cat 06/30/07-08/01/10 Linda Prosperin
Romeo Min Pin/Rat Terrier Mix 07/28/04-03/03/07 Sarah and Brian
Romeo Miniature Dachshund 5 years 10/31/11 Candace Malczewski
Romeo Miniature Pincher 10/06/96-08/11/04 Charles and Tommy June Sunday
Romeo Miniature Pinscher 06/16/05-12/07/06 Denise Potter
Romeo Miniature Poodle 04/26/86-08/31/01 Ralph Vigna
Romeo Miniature Poodle 09/15/90-08/10/00 Leonard, Lorri & Kate
Romeo Miniature Schnauzer 15 years 04/09/12 Christine Harris
Romeo Miniature Schnauzer 9 years 06/10/11 Chuck and Sandra Aaron
Romeo Miniature Schnauzer 9 years 06/11/11 Sandra
Romeo Mix 15 years 09/01/17 Cheri
Romeo Mix Dog 05/19/06-12/30/08 Felicia
Romeo Mixed Breed Short-Haired Tuxedo Cat 4 1/2 years 03/09/00 Pat
Romeo Mixed Cat 06/18/86-07/11/04 Gaitan and Maria Dantoni
Romeo Mixed Cat 14 years 12/04/98 Linda Skalamera
Romeo Mixed Dog 03/01/03-06/26/18 Joe
Romeo Mixed Dog 05/18/83-10/23/97 Lynn Rosen-Stone
Romeo Mixed Dog 09/14/08 Deborah
Romeo Mixed Large Breed Dog 06/15/99-05/24/11 Kim Byford
Romeo 'Mo Mo' Tabby Short Hair Cat 9 years 03/31/14 Paula
Romeo Mutt Cat 02/14/87-06/30/05 Leslie Casper
Romeo Nesbitt Black Lab 14 1/2 years 07/29/11 Vicki Nesbitt
Romeo of Falling Leaf Farms Pembroke Welsh Corgi 06/18/08-11/11/10 Randy and Vicki Murdick
Romeo One Eyed Tiger Cat 03/96-01/25/98 Elaine Hinkle
Romeo Orange Cat The Thibaults
Romeo Orange Tabby Cat 06/2009 Jayme & Rob
Romeo Orange Tabby Cat 08/28/01-10/25/02 Kim, Dan, Ethan, Nolan, & Chelios
Romeo Orange Tabby Cat 11/96-04/20/05 Stephanie
Romeo Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 07/24/98 Cheryl
Romeo Orange Tabby Cat 19 years 03/30/05 Amanda Berdis
Romeo Part Siamese Kitten 07/25/98 Beth
Romeo Pekingese 01/02/11 Kim Lockhart
Romeo Pekingese 12/09/04-08/28/05 Cathy, Ed, Ryan & Chelsea
Romeo Persian Cat 03/21/98-02/09/10 Julie Coppenger
Romeo Persian Cat 08/22/87-09/22/02 Pam Warrington
Romeo Persian Cat 10/14/00-08/07/17 Joann Burkett
Romeo Peter Ferret 07/09/14 Alisa
Romeo Pitbull 08/12/11-03/31/18 Mahalia and Jeffrey Clarke
Romeo Pomeranian 01/26/97-10/11/13 Chris Redshaw
Romeo Poodle 01/15/07 The Reese Family
Romeo Poodle 15 years 02/16/12 Tracy
Romeo Poodle 6 years 06/78 Catherine Mardarello
Romeo Prince Cat 05/98-05/16/10 Jen & Taylor Reising
Romeo Pug 02/21/01-01/17/14 Esmeralda & Frank
Romeo Pug 11/26/98-03/20/06 Susan and Dave, Maisey, Yogi, and Alexa
Romeo Pug 12 years 03/12/12 Sarah
Romeo Puppy 03/01/05-07/30/05 Mommy, Daddy, Alexa and Minnie
Romeo Pussilini Medium Hair Orange Cat 03/19/13 Wendy Kay Diehl
Romeo Ragdoll/Siamese Cat 08/12/97-06/26/15 Tina Eskind
Romeo Rat 01/01/02-08/22/02 Paul Tamara
Romeo Red Pomeranian 5 years 11/18/99 Roxanne
Romeo Rottweiler 02/20/96-04/09/04 Shari
Romeo Rottweiler 06/02/98-12/12/04 Pattie & Angel Alvarenga
Romeo Rottweiler 11 years 06/06/14 Terri
Romeo Rumpf Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 06/06/23 Bonnie Rumpf
Romeo Russian Blue Cat 6 years 04/21/08 Stuart Lazar
Romeo Sabatello Cairn Terrier 07/02/91-01/16/08 Lisa and Dan Sabatello
Romeo Seal Point Siamese Cat 15 years 08/28/11 Gabrielle
Romeo Sealpoint Ragdoll Cat 12/28/97-03/07/06 Shelley Merbitz
Romeo Sebastion Frank Luther Cox Dutch Rabbit 03/23/01-11/23/04 Kristie
Romeo Shih Tzu 01/31/02-02/07/04 Michele
Romeo Shih Tzu Puppy 03/15/07-07/08/08 Crystal & Jesse
Romeo Shih-poo 09/21/99-11/07/12 Tracy Karnbach
Romeo Shih-Tzu 12/97-09/01/02 Terri & Scarlett Anderson
Romeo Shitz Tuz 1999-02/03/12 Ruby
Romeo Shitzu 02/05/92-12/22/05 John and Sheila Conger
Romeo Shitzu 03/26/07-01/03/22 Deanna Herbst
Romeo Short Hair Black & White Cat 17 years 07/21/07 Cathy M. Carfagno
Romeo Short Hair Cat 08/23/09 Jennifer & Lucy Jaworski
Romeo Siamese Cat 03/16/98-03/21/10 Patricia Hanson
Romeo Slotnick Maltese 08/10/92-02/13/02 R&R
Romeo Smooth Fox Terrier 15 years 06/09/16 Diane Ippolito
Romeo Snow Siamese & Tabby Cat 16 years 09/17/98 Jeanne & Jim Freeland
Romeo Springer Spaniel 9 years 12/15/11 Marian
Romeo Standard Poodle (Black) 04/04/97-10/27/09 The Parsekian Family
Romeo Sugarman Maine Coon Cat 03/31/03-01/28/09 Sadie
Romeo Tabby Cat 03/12/98-12/26/06 Kristine Lee Kipphut Darmohray
Romeo Tabby Cat 05/24/98-01/11/04 Linda Speers
Romeo Tabby Cat 07/01/03-01/20/12 Rachel Geisz
Romeo Tabby Cat 17 1/2 years 11/25/15 Christine King
Romeo Tiger Cat 07/26/10 Sara Sheahan
Romeo Tintan Cruz Yorkie 3 years 06/22/13 Sor I. Cruz
Romeo Toy Poodle 09/04/00-12/26/07 Fred & Beverly Levins
Romeo Tuxedo Tabby Cat 4 years 12/16/19 Bri
Romeo Tuxedo/DSH Cat 06/19/97-09/16/03 Trudy Kueker & Michael Howard
Romeo Urbany Pomeranian Puppy 03/15/08-10/15/08 Amanda Urbany
Romeo Webber Shih-Tzu 01/24/01-02/14/03 Heidi
Romeo Weinberger Robertson Pek 10/26/96-01/10/12 Reyna Weinberger Robertson
Romeo Westie 09/15/02-08/10/10 Patrick, Lesley, Patrick Jr, Chelsey, & Emiley Shuey
Romeo Yaksich Grey & White Cat 08/28/07 Brita Yaksich
Romeo Yellow Lab 02/14/00-08/19/14 Debra Nagurney
Romeo Yellow Lab 07/05/94-10/29/08 Lisa, Tara, Kayli, Noah
Romeo Yorkshire Terrier 11/22/95-02/05/08 Pam H
Romeo, Juliet, and Baby, Angel Pompeks 1999 TG
Romeow Cat 16 years 10/22/08 Eva Fugerer
Romeow Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/01/03-02/05/05 Joanie
Romer Ward Chihuahua 14/01/00-07/11/10 Sophie Ward
Romers Siamese Cat 03/05/93-11/02/04 Jessica and Lucas
Romeu West Terrier 24/08/12-30/04/13 Eliana
Romey Beagle 05/13/00-01/24/10 Kristin
Romey Great Dane 05/05/98-05/16/09 Mike and Teresa McReynolds
Romey Scotty 01/08/92-02/23/06 Sarah Crouch, Fred,Tracy, and Sarah Staats
Romey Standard Poodle 03/17/07 Lisa & Matt
Romi Boxer 06/04/98-05/23/08 Dina Vitalo
Romi German Shepherd 04/24/13-05/06/22 Steven Huber
Romi Rottweiler 10/01/98-12/10/04 Debi Hightower
Romi Terrier Chow Mix 11/01/94-01/18/11 Heather
Romie Boxer 5 years 08/22/02 Suz
Romie Maltese 12/09/97-12/26/06 Cory and Trent
Romie Maltese 9 years 12/26/06 Cory
Romina and Mia Dogs 1 year 14 months 05/19/11 Ma. Cristina Atayde
Romis' Porsche Miss Cosette Grey Tabby Persian 08/01/90-08/01/98 Kristen Lugger
Rommel American Eskimo Mix 15 years 07/12/03 Candace Fozard
Rommel and Annie Rottweilers 04/14/95 and 05/23/97-11/22/05 Robin Eyster
Rommel and Gretchen Dobermans 8 years - 08/14/92 and 10 years - 10/20/94 Colleen Davis
Rommel Anderson Doberman 09/2017-10/2017 Darryl Anderson
Rommel Bell 07/05/03 Desiree
Rommel Brittany 03/10/94-09/24/05 Amy Crettol
Rommel Doberman 03/16/97-01/30/08 Sue Budnick
Rommel Doberman 12/22/88-11/13/00 Larry Cartmill
Rommel Doberman Pinscher 05/30/00-02/08/05 Deborah May Weller
Rommel Doberman Pinscher 9 years 4 months 10/30/09 Regina Burton
Rommel Domestic Long Hair Cat 18 years 03/17/12 Anthony Cruciani
Rommel Doxie 13 years 07/08/09 Ralph & Barb Parks
Rommel Ehlmann Labrador Retriever 12/16/12 Dane, Grant, Tonya Ehlmann
Rommel German Shepherd 02/07/09-05/30/20 Paul
Rommel German Shepherd 04/20/99-06/05/11 Roy & Betty Smith, Kyle, Jason & Jen
Rommel German Shepherd 06/30/92-07/17/03 Marsha Marshall
Rommel German Shepherd 08/14/93-08/31/01 Barb, Timber, Thor, Tucson, Viking, Eagle, Falcon, Domino, Gulliver, Dusty, Spats, Midnight, Thomas, Moose & Kat
Rommel German Shepherd 08/22/04-12/30/08 Deb Connell
Rommel German Shepherd 10/01-06/23/05 Bob & Steph Davenport
Rommel German Shepherd 10/90-02/05/01 Mary Beth Chapman
Rommel German Shepherd 11/08/94-10/2004 Edmund Vecellio Jr
Rommel German Shepherd 11/22/99-03/16/10 Jack, Erin & Nicholas
Rommel German Shepherd 5 years 01/24/11 Bob Whritenour
Rommel German Shepherd Dog 11/11/74-08/09/78 Tracy Bailey
Rommel Gustave Haas, Jr. (RJ, Baby Guy, Bo, My World) Black Miniature Schnauzer 01/20/98-11/10/00 Bridget The Expected Baby and Theo
Rommel Miniature Pinscher 03/02/98-11/20/98 Harry & Family
Rommel Mixed German Shepherd 09/09/86-12/07/02 Connie Scaggs
Rommel Rottweiler 02/01/95-01/08/04 Stephan & Jennifer Olsen
Rommel Rottweiler 04/01/04-03/19/08 Bruce Becker
Rommel Rottweiler 05/17/97-08/24/05 Julie Curran
Rommel Rottweiler 06/08/94-12/31/07 Mark High
Rommel Rottweiler 06/26/91-01/19/02 Lisa
Rommel Rottweiler 07/20/96 Sandi Jones
Rommel Rottweiler 08/01/89-08/29/99 Marc
Rommel Rottweiler 08/06/94-02/24/05 Kristin and Sean Miller
Rommel Rottweiller 03/08/90-10/31/97 David, Elisa
Rommel Staffordshire Bull Terrier 29/04/92-27/02/08 Nicci Shaw
Rommel Von Growl Rottie 1/02/88-11/28/98 Donna
Rommel von Growl Rottweiler 01/08/88-11/24/98 Donna Munsen
Rommel von Schiele Rottweiler 08/29/89 Marc Schiele
Rommel von Schwansee Rottie 08/88-05/99 Celia
Rommel von Veda Rottie 1/28/88-06/29/99 Elizabeth Reynolds
Rommell Pit Bull 13 years 04/07/12 Melisa Hoskinson
Rommell Rottweiler 03/24/86-07/05/99 Shelley
Rommy Cocker Spaniel 05/03/90-11/10/99 Beatriz Thabeth
Rommy Himalayan Cat 05/20/90-02/11/04 Lorraine Zaleski
Romney Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/96-10/31/10 Barbara Michenzi
Romney Pewter Grey Cat 17 years 05/28/09 Susan Harris
Romney Siamese Seal Point Cat 12 years 04/18/98 Pat
Romo Border Collie 5 years 04/30/05 Cindy, Steve, Stevie, Anthony, Gina
Romo Cavachon 10/05/13-07/17/17 Anthony & Teresa Pellegrino
Romo Maltese 8 years 10/01/17 Murray Cunefare
Romo Shepherd Mix 06/2000-01/04/13 Jill and Faithe Aldridge
Romper Cat 07/86-02/87 Linda Edwards
Romper Traci of the Ridge Yorkie 1/21/87-08/25/95 Msbrisk
Rompy DSH Cat 07/04/92-11/13/06 Liz Gillentine
Romulus 03/10/93 Sharon Collins
Romulus DSH Cat 1/23/93-07/10/98 Steve Cox
Romulus Rogue de Bordeaux 10 years 08/08/12 Jayne & Terry
Romulus Siberian Husky 07/24/10-01/28/11 Donya Andrews Garcia
Romy Black Lab Mixed 01/97-08/2005 Sue Listinsky-Cisneros
Romy Domestic Shorthair Cat 6 years 08/06/11 Emily Nicoson
Romy Florence Unsworth-Gray Mutt 11 1/2 years 12/01/09 Andrea and Peter
Romy Hamster 2 years 08/22/02 Kristine Lea
Romy Kitten 03/02/11 Barbara
Romy Rat 1 years 05/03/17 Marie-Eva Sanda
Romy Silver Fox Bunny 6 years 09/12/09 Craig & Helen Youngberg
Romy Yellow Lab 09/11/97-03/09/99 Kathryn
Ron Baby Bunny 01/07/11 Wanie
Ron English Bulldog 13/06/02-17/09/12 Monica Casal
Ron Ron Maltese 05/28/00-12/22/10 Pet Chong
Ron Turtle 06/04/09 Emily
Rona Mixed Boxer 07/31/91-10/17/02 Eleonora Apostolova
Rona Siamese Mix Cat 03/2003 Julie Lewis
Ronald Cat 03/25/09 Tricia Bailey
Ronald Lara DSH GrayandWhite Cat 18 years 05/09/06 Cappi Duncan
Ronaldo Grey Cat 07/98-15/01/02 Melanie Peel
Ronan Black and Blue Budgie 1991-06/98 Renee-Anne
Ronan Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 8 years 10/01/10 Lorraine
Ronan Shetland Sheepdog 06/10/95-12/01/03 Kelly McDonough
Ronco 01/19/99 Sue Scudder
Ronco Cat 07/14/84-01/19/99 Sue Scudder
Rondi Dachshund 08/96-12/24/08 Paula Miller/Dianne Slonine
Rondo Dog 12/25/87-09/15/03 Jeff and Martha Winberry
Rondo Dog Jenn
Roni Cat 01/25/03 Beth Brad Sophie Shadow Cochon Shark and Frakir
Roni DSH Cat 17 years 05/27/10 Noel, Raul and Alicia Garcia
Roni Marie Shih Tzu 01/03/88-06/10/01 Lisa Lewis
Ronie Roo Shih Tzu 12/24/96-02/12/12 Kim H, Karim G
Ronin Boxer 11/21/02-11/27/11 Tara Ransonnet
Ronin Cat 3 years 12/21/07 Lea Hardcastle
Ronin Chocolate Lab 10/27/08 Glenn
Ronin Manchester Terrier 07/01/03-03/18/06 Tara Patterson
Ronin Shih Tzu 05/09/99-06/05/07 Pat and Nita Cooper
Ronja Ferret 05/17/99-06/18/07 Tonje Carlsen
Ronja Iller/ferret 08/21/01-07/24/03 Christel Berglund
Ronko Labrador/Setter Mix 07/07/96-03/03/11 Gary Davies
Ronme Dog 09/97 Jason and Danielle Myatt
Ronni German Shepherd 12 years 10/13/03 Vicki Proctor
Ronnie American Longhair Tuxedo Cat 04/09/21 Diana Ferrara
Ronnie British Shorthair Cat 04/28/07-12/19/07 Leigh Cox
Ronnie Brown Tabby Cat 11/09/15 Rhonda Magnotti
Ronnie Burmese Cat 06/08/90-04/18/03 G. Fay Gunn
Ronnie Cat 4 years 08/03/14 Amy
Ronnie Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Ronnie Dwarf Lop Rabbit 12/02/04-02/13/12 Jacqui Watts
Ronnie German Shepherd WWII
Ronnie Guinea Pig 26th April 2004 Mary Parkinson
Ronnie Hound Mix 13 Or 14-08/15/02 Mary O'Connell
Ronnie Long Coat Chihuahua 12/09/84-10/30/97 Laney Daigle
Ronnie Miller Coton de Tulear 9 years 10/08/09 Linda Miller
Ronnie Mini Poodle 11 years 05/11/07 Ng Liang Chye
Ronnie Pomeranian 02/06/94-05/12/11 Shanaz Azad
Ronnie Sheltie 09/30/89-02/03/99 Mary Whittemore
Ronnie Silver Tabby Cat 07/04/79-04/30/99 Barbara Johnson
Ronnie Staffordshire Bull Terrier 30/06/01-07/12/15 Angela
Ronnie Standard Grey Chinchilla 10/11/04-05/26/06 Jennifer and Woody
RonnII Ross-Walker Yorkshire Terrier 04/23/00-03/29/12 Tea Ross
Ronny Dog 24/10/89-23/10/99 Ilona Kittler
Ronny German Shepherd 12/05/10-10/24/11 Abhirami Panicker
Ronny Syrian Hamster 2 1/2 years 09/02/06 Matt
Ron's Chief Von Applestein Dachshund 02/09/93-07/03/04 Kay Applestein Poole
Rontu Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/23/00-10/03/11 Annie Rega
Rony Schnauzer 07/05/06-04/22/13 Alejandro Del Carmen
Ronzoni Briguglio Maine Coon Cat 18 years 12/23/10 Basil Briguglio Jr
Roo - Hundredacre's Roo Pembroke Welsh Corgi 07/25/94-04/29/05 Debbi Todhunter
Roo (Ooby) Black Cat Spring 1999-02/18/06 Amy
Roo (Smokey) Silver Gray Burmese Cat 04/13/10 Ken & Carol
Roo Ann Dilute Tortie Cat 04/01/09-02/26/20 Charlotte Davis
Roo Beagle/Terrier 15 years 06/21/16 Kevin and Karen Barry
Roo Black-Footed Ferret 6 years 09/10/93 Penny
Roo Boston Terrier 02/20/97-11/02/04 Neda Jumper
Roo Boxer 04/01/90-03/30/01 Cheryl Jones
Roo Bullmastiff 04/23/03-09/12/13 Chris Rasmussen
Roo Calico Cat 06/18/99-04/01/10 Laurie Rebac
Roo Cat 04/15/92-04/21/04 Susan
Roo Cat 06/2002-11/12/07 Sara Muller
Roo Cat 11/2001 Cathy
Roo Cat Cheryl Verville
Roo Chihuahua 03/19/04-12/23/04 Joey & Lindie Kemp
Roo Chihuahua 04/2003-05/2007 Gigi S
Roo Doberman Pinscher 13 years 12/09/11 Jo Anne Sanders-Bardsley
Roo Dog Miniature Pinscher 23 August 2004-25 April 2008 Nigel Parry
Roo Domestic Medium Hair Cat 04/15/92-08/31/07 Vicki and Tim Alberts
Roo Golden Retriever 07/15/93-08/23/07 Sherry & Ian
Roo Grey Striped Cat 2 years 06/23/01 Crystal Lozier
Roo Grey Tiger Cat 1999-06/23/01 Crystal Lozier
Roo Greyhound Mix 09/15/87-08/09/04 Susan Glinski
Roo Hairless Rat 03/08/02-01/04/06 Shawna Colleen Jones
Roo Henry Blond Husky Mix 10/01/91-09/30/06 Caroline Henry
Roo Jack Russell Terrier 08/01/04-01/03/16 Jennifer Whatley
Roo Lab/Pitt Mix 1996-12/21/01 Paul R
Roo Miniature Pincher 05/12/00-04/28/06 The Davis
ROO Norman Dog 03/23/18-12/26/20 Cathy Norman
Roo Orange Tabbie Cat 05/10/99-03/08/01 Samantha Peters
Roo Orange Tabby Cat 07/01/04-06/16/18 Christina
Roo our Rooster Boy, scooty, frogger dogger, ooey gooey, me oh mano Beagle 01/05/07-10/24/19 Dennis n Lauri S.
Roo Parakeet 07/04/96 W.Z.
Roo Pitbull Mix 10 years 08/11/12 Jamie and Jaylin
Roo Ragdoll Cat 10/18/11 James Carpenter
Roo Rat 12/13/15-02/09/18 Sue and Morgan
Roo Rex Rabbit 01/94-02/21/01 Judy Fallon
Roo Roo Bassett Hound 01/01/01-09/10/06 Melanie and Marshall
Roo Roo Cat 02/01/87-01/17/01 Maureen Whedon
Roo Roo Cat 12/22/08 Mel
Roo Roo Ferret 11/94-09/22/99 Kriss
Roo Roo Standard Poodle 13 years 04/10/08 Angie and John Wright
Roo Rotti/Shepherd 02/23/03-11/07/12 Paul and Tammy
Roo Siamese Mix Cat 7 months 11/21/04 Lee Vannucci
Roo Springer Spaniel/Basset Hound 10 years +/- 11/12/11 Randall/Anet Bargelt
Roo Tabby Cat 11 years 10/29/09 Carla Remsburg
Roo Tabby Long Hair Cat 01/20/88-03/13/08 Cris
Roo The Magic Kitten Cat 5 years 12/28/98 Kiki & Kerri
Roo White Cat with tabby patches 15 years 11/25/11 Amy
Roo/Babykins Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 12/31/11 Angie
Roodie Black Lab 10 years 07/01/01 Laurie Wilson
Roofie Japanese Chin 12/26/98-01/23/09 Donna Williams
Roofio Maine Coon Cat 05/21/01-10/25/10 Natalie VonToussaint
Rooftop Tabitha Ponte Tortoiseshell Cat 04/02/07-01/31/11 Corinne Ponte
Roofus Boyd Shepherd Husky Mix 04/21/02-07/22/11 Karen Boyd
Roofus Ferret 09/04/04-01/03/10 Caresa & Jeremy
Roofus Irish Setter 15 years 10/11/99 Sue and Dave Burnham
Roofus Rat 03/15/05 Misty
Roofuss Pom-Chi 08/2008-05/14/19 Virginia 'Ginger' Andersen
Roogie Shar-pei 'mid-teens'01/10/98 Linda
Rooh II Cat 15 years 03/24/04 Lorri Arnett
Rookie Black Lab 11 years 04/24/07 Michelle & Danny Meade
Rookie Black Lab 16 1/2 years 05/19/97 Jeanne Butler
Rookie Boxer-Red Heeler Mix 03/21/01-11/12/07 Cyndy Streit & Joe Dye
Rookie Clark Queensland Heeler 06/01/08-12/04/12 Denise Clark
Rookie Cocker Spaniel 11 years 11/15/99 Jodi
Rookie English Springer 03/31/95-06/15/09 Alicia
Rookie German Shepherd 13 years 12/22/14 J. B.
Rookie German Shepherd 9 years 10/16/99 Angie M
Rookie Lab Mix 11 years 03/29/09 Richelle Devine
Rookie Lhasa Apso 12/26/05-03/04/09 Ed Patronick
Rookie Martinez Pitbull Mix 08/15/01-03/14//13 Margie Martinz
Rookie Mixed Dog 12 years 08/03/04 Jill Minske
Rookie Monster Shih Tzu 02/14/92-04/30/07 Buttercup
Rookie Rottweiler 5 1/2 years 07/29/05 Joy
Rookie Rottweiler 9 years 11/19/01 A & C Kissel
Rookie Teddy Bear Hamster 09/23/05 Evan Bennett
Rookie Wire Haired Terrier 14 years 11/07/12 Holly Oglesbee
Rooley Siamese-DSH Mix Cat 03/05/76-10/25/95 ValDaws
Roomba Russian Blue Cat 9 years 01/27/22 Linda Rommuno
Roomie Long-Haired Black and White Cat 5 years 05/09/99 Hope Marchbank
Roonah Green Cheeked Amazon Parrot 1996-01/11/14 Alyssa
Rooney American Eskimo Dog 8 years 11/26/06 Stephen Y
Rooney Black Lab 09/15/91-03/16/07 Barbara Raineri
Rooney Cocker Spaniel 17 years 03/10/05 Liane
Rooney Dachshund 03/17/91-11/23/03 Vince & Gloria Sollami
Rooney Dog 16 years 04/26/10 Jennifer & Chris Bauer
Rooney DSH Calico Cat 08/10/92-10/14/10 Susan & Tim McLaskey
Rooney Ginger & White DSH Cat 4 years 09/01/03 Anne De'Ath
Rooney Lab Mix 12/01/94-01/21/08 John
Rooney Orange Tabby Cat 07/12/97-12/15/98 Cheryl Snyder
Rooney Pug 09/28/94-08/09/06 Cory Rutledge and Tamara Watson
Rooney Sarinas Chihuahua Mix 08/30/10-04/24/23 Katherine Sarinas
Rooney Weimaraner 09/05/99-12/20/11 B and L
Roonie Cat 05/20/90-01/28/07 Andi
Rooper Pointer 11/27/01-03/19/07 Becca and Jay Swanson
Roo-Roo Dachshund 8 years Carol.
RooRoo Tabby Cat 06/99-05/19/14 Debbie
Roosevelt (Rosie) Cat 3 years 14 Dec 1998 Cindy
Roosevelt aka 'Cubba' Mix Breed Cat 04/21/10 Lance & Rhonda Peters
Roosevelt Bi-Color Long Hair Mix Cat 14 years 10/20/01 Dee Kraft
Roosevelt DSH Tabby Cat 17 years 06/07/05 Donna
Roosevelt Percy C.-D. Maine Coon Cat 12/28/00-03/23/09 Jeff Cook
Roosevelt Quarter /Thoroughbred Horse 04/21/83-02/13/02 Sarah
Roosky Hound 11/29/97-09/23/02 The Leslies
Rooster 04/28/02 Sue
Rooster Chocolate Labrador 04/10/94-06/21/06 Dodi M
Rooster Cogburn Greyhound 09/20/95-03/25/07 Mr. Ken W. Campen
Rooster Cogburn Tully Australian Cattle Dog 10/24/01-03/28/13 Donna Tully
Rooster Ferrets 06/28/07 John & Carolyn Woodward
Rooster German Shepherd 10 years 05/31/09 Missi & Bryce & Jiame
Rooster Greyhound 13 years 09/11/04 Marlena Davis
Rooster Rooster 10/01/17 Elizabeth
Rooster Tabby Cat 12 years 08/19/07 Maureen Bishop
Roosters (2) Judy
Root Beer Dalmatian 01/31/12 Lisa Purvis
Root Beer Hernandez Beagle Mix 02/16/96-05/12/07 Russ Hernandez
Root Beer, Edith, Hungry Jack Horses 02/06/07 Barbara Butler
Rootbeer Chocolate Lab 07/09/93-05/02/06 Allison Kane
Rootbeer Rottweiler 03/16/01-10/18/03 Barb
Rootbeer Shihzu 11/12/11 Jeannie
Rootbeer Spaniel Mix 11/10/00-07/04/11 Sage
Rootbeer Tabby Cat 8 years 10/12/08 Sharon Meier Vince
Rooti Beagle 06/18/11 Diana Krut
Rootie- Tootie Long Haired Chihuahua 9 years 24 Oct 2017 Tom McKenzie
Root-Root Pug 07/05/89-08/26/00 Jerald & Sherene Nicholson
Rooty Black Cat 1978-09/23/98 Diane B. Klein
Rooty Black Lab/Mix 05/25/88-08/30/02 Mary Kreuziger
Ropa Marie Colee Dog 06/06/93-10/22/08 Rose, April, Mandy, Joe Colee and Victor
Roper Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler Dog-My Bets Friend 14 years 01/15/04 Paul W. Stetzel
Roper Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/07/86-01/30/04 Joann
Roper Kuvasz 4 1/2 years 09/18/20 Kelsie Lewis
Roper Quarter Horse 1972-06/05/98 Linda and Roy
Roper Yellow Labrador Retriever 06/07/92-02/02/04 Bob, Lynda, Mike and Jeff Ooley
Ropie Cat 03/01/86-11/16/03 Bud & Sally
Roque Dog 06/07/09 Martha
Roquefort Cat 12/10/89 Patricia Gaffney
Rori Chihuahua 05/11/23 Gerard Bauer
Rori Chow Chow 10/29/98-10/04/02 Cindy Vaughan
Rori Corgi/Cairn Mix 11 years 08/31/16 Kellie
Rori Shih-tzu 07/09/95-05/02/96 Claudia
Rorie Dalmation Rex Rabbit 11/25/00-04/19/03 Christy Brown
Rorie West Highland Terrier 04/10/96-22/01/09 Tony Fenemore
RoRo German Shepherd 11/20/11-01/27/12 Dominga Ramirez
Rorschach (aka Little Girl) Cow Kitty Kitten 5 months 08/30/02 Kim A. Thunderwolf
Rorschach Great Dane 9 years 12/18/10 Sarah and Chris Lueking
Rorshacht Dalmation 5 years 01/25/97 Laura
Rorshchack Cat Traci' Pederson
Rory aka Pal Rottweiler 04/15/97-01/14/09 Amy O'Donnell
Rory Australian Shepherd 13 years, 11 months 03/02/02 Robert Bowman
Rory Border Colie 04/04/90-08/09/02 Janet & George
Rory Cat 10 years 03/17/10 Michelle Walker
Rory Cat 4 years 10/04/18 Maira
Rory Chow Chow 07/04/01-11/08/08 Bruce & Marzena Hoch
Rory Chow Chow 12/23/05-01/17/14 Ranae
Rory Dachshund X Cocker Spaniel 09/10/01-27/06/11 Shae Lezius
Rory Dog 05/08/14 Patricia
Rory Dog 12/15/06 Melanie Michon
Rory Dog 4 years 10/15/09 Mark Willis
Rory Domestic Shorthair Kitten 8wks. Old 08/04/06-10/20/06 Linda Ciesielski
Rory Finnish Spitz 06/24/03 Beth Ann Collins
Rory Fitzgerald Labrador 11/05/13 Mr & Mrs Christy Fitzgerald
Rory German Shepherd 01/09/99-02/16/08 Pat Tak Brown
Rory Grey and White Tabby Cat 17 years 06/24/10 Joy
Rory Kory Odie Jensen Collie German Shepherd Mix 11 years 10/10/09 Starr and Mona
Rory Lab/Hound 12/15/06 Melanie Michon
Rory Lab/Hound 8 years 12/15/06 Melanie Michon
Rory Maine Coon Cat 03/27/06-01/04/10 Melissa Gallo
Rory Maine Coon Japanese Bobtail Cat 04/25/93-07/09/04 Lenore & Glenn
Rory Manx Cat 03/02/09-12/19/09 Scarlett Bartlett
Rory Mccaslin Long Haired Tuxedo Cat 19 years 01/05/20 Meredith
Rory Mini-Poodle 06/22/06-01/17/13 Anabelle, Stephen and Arianna Meli
Rory Osterberg Domestic Shorthair Kitten 11/14/14-03/11/15 Gayle & Matt Osterberg
Rory Quarter Horse 05/04/00-07/21/21 Dana
Rory Rooter Cairn Mix 16 years Debra H. Brewer
Rory Rottweiler 12 years 08/05/06 Leslie
Rory Teddy Bear Hamster 01/01/14-10/02/16 Sierra
Rory Tuxedo - Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/13/10-04/27/22 Bobbey M
Rory Vaughan Cat 13 years (I believe) 2012 Kathleen Camac
Rory Vecsey Terrier Mix 07/16/09 Joan Vecsey
Rory Yellow Labrador 02/14/87-03/02/99 Gwenda Findlay
Rosa (Gorda) Mix Lab 05/15/05-10/26/11 Marcelina
Rosa and Baby Cats 11 months 06/04/00 Debbie
Rosa Cat 01/14/07 Francesca Cartisano
Rosa Cat 15 years 05/06/12 Paula S
Rosa Cat 17 years 04/26/02 Laura Clark
Rosa Chihuahua 03/08/13-06/11/24 A Sierra
Rosa Chow Chow 12/08/90-05/24/00 Sandra Sivula
Rosa DeAngelis (Rosie) Doberman 11/15/02-01/18/09 Kathy DeAngelis
Rosa Deleon Mini Doberman Pincher 11/18/99-05/18/14 Asuncion Deleon
Rosa Flatcoated Retriever 03/21/03-04/09/11 Elli (Mami)
Rosa German Shepherd 01/06/94-03/01/05 David Risstrom
Rosa Hooded Rat 2004-2007 Katie DeFelice
Rosa Linda Portuguese Water Dog 03/19/91-01/23/03 Nancy and Bob
Rosa Miniature Pinscher 09/15/04-01/22/11 Ted and Lola
Rosa Pink Bellied Sideneck Turtle 1 1/2 years 05/04/24 Genesis Manrique
Rosa Rottweiler 01/02/90-11/02/99 Lyn Williams
Rosa Short Hair Cat 05/93-05/2014 Carol Hirsch
Rosa Zebra Finch 12/12/09 Victoria Patrick
Rosabell & Daisy Golden Retriever & Yellow Labrador Retriever Dogs 08/15/06 Bridget A
Rosabelle Black Domestic Short-hair Cat 9 years 03/19/97 Jacqueline Newport
Rosabelle British Blue Shorthair Cat 06/1987-24/01/04 Erica
Rosalie Groseck Cat 03/14/90-07/15/04 Pat
Rosalie Lhasa Apso 04/17/88-04/21/05 Myra
Rosalie Ratson Johnson (Ros) Agouti Capped Rat 12/16/00-11/22/01 Aileen and Paul
Rosalita A.K.A. Rosie, Rosebuddy Jack Russell, Cairn Terrier Mix 04/20/00-04/15/10 Olga Muller
Rosalita Cat 07/15/99-02/13/09 Diane
Rosalita Muhammed O'Sullivan (Rosie) Beagle 06/24/88-03/14/05 John and Jane Sullivan
Rosalita Poodle 06/25/04-05/13/20 Laura
Rosalyn Francesca Calico Cat 03/01/96-07/05/12 Kelly
Rosamunde Calico Cat 2000-08/17/11 Kathleen
Rosanna Cat 04/96 Barbara
Rosanna Tortoiseshell Kitten 1996-1996 Marty
Rosarita Chihuahua 17 years 05/14/11 Natalie Bivas
Rosco (rockin rosco) African Grey Timneh Parrot 25 years +/- 02/19/12 Steele
Rosco American Staffordshire Terrier/Dogo 07/07/01-03/23/02 Billy, Robbie, Mike
Rosco Australian Shepherd-04/05/22 Tony
Rosco Belgian Malinois 01/04/87-02/19/96 Scott and Nancy Vantine
Rosco Belgian Malinois 11/06/98-11/24/04 Lisa Baeuerlen
Rosco Berkeley Terrier Mix 02/25/08 Susan Berkeley
Rosco Biffen Doberman 06/11/97-04/12/09 Lynda Biffen
Rosco Black Lab Mix 11/24/95-04/21/07 Andrea and Eric Joffe
Rosco Blue Heeler 2003-09/27/10 Nancy
Rosco Border Collie/Lab Mix 9 years 04/15/09 Mary Ellen Patarcity
Rosco Boston Terrier 12/07/15 Kimberly Morris
Rosco Boxer 02/17/94-05/28/03 Peg Youngblood
Rosco Boxer 12/06/11-11/22/11 Gladys, Santos Santana
Rosco Bull Terrier Mix 12/15/90-04/12/01 The Chastain Family
Rosco Calico Cat 10 years 03/03/04 Janet Udsen
Rosco Cat 2012-12/02/22 Amy
Rosco Chihauhua 04/01/91-01/12/03 Lee
Rosco Chihuahua 03/12/96-12/23/10 Brandon
Rosco Chihuahua 04/12/94-02/03/07 Jenny Nolan
Rosco Chihuahua 11/02/03-02/01/04 Helene Drapkin
Rosco Chu Mix 09/13/94-06/10/09 Linda
Rosco Chug (Chihuahua/Pug) 10 years 02/13/20 Meghan Griffith
Rosco Dachshund Australian Shepherd Mix 4 years 11/01/04 Cari
Rosco Doberman 07/12/98-26/01/06 Cathryn Brian Jaffee and Rosie and Man
Rosco Dog 07/18/06 Jon Miller
Rosco Dog 08/2007 Lynn
Rosco Dog 1 year 04/15/24 Susan Callan
Rosco Dog 11/24/12 Dave and Hiedi
Rosco Dog 12/2002-03/24/07 Lisa
Rosco Dog 13 years 11/16/15 Tricia
Rosco Domestic Cat 05/12/06-06/25/08 Momma Dru
Rosco Domestic Yellow Tabby Cat 05/2006-06/25/08 Dru Cowles
Rosco English Bulldog 3 years 11/03/09 Robert & Kristin
Rosco Ferret Dennis Dean Weber
Rosco Gelagotis German Shepherd 12/01/95-09/11/08 Mickey Gelagotis
Rosco German Shepherd 11/11/95-01/24/05 Christi Mason
Rosco Golden Retriever 04/19/97-11/19/09 Ramsay
Rosco Golden Retriever 09/01/97-01/01/07 April Hancock
Rosco Golden Retriever 12/24/94-02/05/07 Barbara Calzia & Allen Albaugh
Rosco Grey Tabby Cat 12 years, 8 mos 03/12/99 Jan
Rosco Husky Mix 05/07/04-11/29/12 Tracy and Chelsea Wilton
Rosco Jack Russell 09/03/08-11/24/09 Paul and Dianne Shackelford
Rosco Keen Rottweiler/Labrador Mix 10/22/02-11/06/11 Courtney Keen, Lee Keen
Rosco Kennedy Cockapoo 02/25/00-04/15/13 Joseph, Tiffani and Bailey Kennedy
Rosco Lab/Chow Mix 10/02/97-12/25/12 Gary Diesen/ Sharon/Dustin/ Maegan/Derek/ Jolene
Rosco Labrador Retriever 09/17/95-11/19/07 Donald Lobb
Rosco Long Hair Chihuahua 03/01/00-02/10/12 Gigi
Rosco Malti-Poo 05/02/99-04/09/12 Linda Reed
Rosco Marvin Chihuahua 03/07/04-01/11/20 Dawn Burns
Rosco Miniature Horse 02/26/10 Gloria
Rosco Miniature Pinscher 10/21/94-09/18/05 Chris & Jessica Tinder
Rosco Mitchell Dog 02/11/10 Mitch
Rosco Mixed Dog 14 years 08/03/02 Janine
Rosco Mixed Terrier 8 years 24 Oct. 2001 Gwendoline Amato
Rosco Naungayan Schnauzer 06/01/94-09/25/06 Louis & Melissa Naungayan
Rosco P. Co. Train Blue Heeler 02/14/00-03/03/03 Angela Lind
Rosco Peaco Train Cat 04/04/83-06/04/99 Carol, John and Alex Croghan
Rosco Pecotrain McIver Orange Tabby Cat 05/11/01-07/14/05 Douglas and Jennifer McIver
Rosco Persian Cat 05/01/10-03/28/13 May Sanvictores
Rosco Pit/Great Swiss Mountain Mix 07/26/04-10/06/06 Alex and Ben Tuthill
Rosco Pitbull 07/19/00-04/28/10 Dan and Maura
Rosco Poodle/Pomeranian 08/06/04-04/22/07 Gwenett, Isaac, and Jacob Mendez
Rosco Pug 09/25/06 Steve and Tiffany
Rosco Rat Terrier 06/01/99-02/25/12 Bethany
Rosco Santana Boxer 11/22/11 Gladys Santana
Rosco Shep Mix 2001-06/30/09 Vince
Rosco Shepherd/Collie Mix 10/92-09/19/99 Jane O'Clair
Rosco Springer Spaniel 9 years 09/11/04 Penny Hamblin
Rosco Tabby Cat 07/01/05-01/15/06 Kim
Rosco Teddy Bear Guinea Pig 2004 Melissa and Kim
Rosco Toy Poodle Puppy 09/19/18-05/19/19 Deborah Lis
Rosco, aka The Rosco Rusty Yellow Labrador 05/15/94-12/03/06 Michelle & Chris Renard-Sarra
Roscoe (P) Coletrain Chihuahua 05/14/91-07/23/01 Cheryl Lemaster Laura Bonner
Roscoe (Winterhawk's Chief Justice) Rottie Jane
Roscoe aka Big Daddy Cat 07/13/05 Melanie
Roscoe aka Mr. Tubbs Short Haired Domestic Tabby Cat 04/01/92-05/31/04 Cheri & Russ Woodring
Roscoe Alexander Ross Maine Coon Mix Cat 7 years 03/18/11 Jill Alexander
Roscoe Alvarado Teacup Yorkie 8 years 11/01/18 Vanesha Sajous
Roscoe American Shorthair Tabby Cat 05/08/88-10/03/03 Christine Smith
Roscoe and Gus Cats Martha Power
Roscoe Appenzell Mountain Dog 02/12/99-08/04/08 Tamara, Larry, Ty, and Robert
Roscoe Australian Shepherd 12/07/96-02/10/05 Helen & Frank Conticchio
Roscoe Australian Shepherd/Brittany Spaniel Mix 07/01/01-02/01/06 Leisa F. Johnson
Roscoe B Cockatiel 10 years 01/09/08 Paul Gutkowski
Roscoe B. Taylor Koger-Fisher Boxer 12/01/96-08/05/06 Mary and Lance Fisher
Roscoe Barbe Queensland Heeler 12 years 12/04/14 Deborah Barbe
Roscoe Basenji Mix 05/10/96-02/16/04 Jeanetta Kemp
Roscoe Basset Hound 12/10/04-02/10/18 Tommy Davis
Roscoe Basset/Beagle 06/25/89-05/23/05 Doc & Grace Cross
Roscoe Beagle 03/21/03-03/29/13 Jenn
Roscoe Beagle 05/05/98-02/13/08 Gayle Bohanon
Roscoe Beagle 12 years 05/02/14 Ronnie. Roberts
Roscoe Beagle 12/13/96-03/09/06 Mary, Joseph, and Chrissy Vincenzes
Roscoe Beagle 14 years 03/24/06 Robert Evans
Roscoe Beagle 2011 Jessica Leisher-Hendricks
Roscoe Beagle 7 years 01/12/05 Jackie Smith
Roscoe Beagle/Pekingese Mix 07/29/84-05/20/02 Suzette Voisin
Roscoe Bichon Frese 08/02/97-06/25/09 Marilyn Becker
Roscoe Black and Tan Coonhound 04/04/02-02/27/12 Heather Boyd
Roscoe Black and White Tabby Cat 14 years 04/24/98 Carol
Roscoe Black Cat 03/05/87-08/23/99 Lynn Clemens
Roscoe Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 16 years 02/2011 Dwayne, Belinda, & Abby Wood
Roscoe Black Lab 11 years 04/11/15 Joseph M Samella
Roscoe Black Lab 11/15/09-03/04/21 Stan & Lynda DeWitt
Roscoe Black Lab 12/30/11 Will Fitzsimmons
Roscoe Black Lab Puppy 05/01/03-12/05/03 Joanne Philbin
Roscoe Black Lab/Dalmatian Mix 04/15/91-02/20/05 Beth & Rami Harasimowicz
Roscoe Blue Heeler Springer Spaniel 07/04/96-01/21/05 Tracy and Joelle
Roscoe Border Collie 09/01/94-06/10/10 Steven Franzen
Roscoe Boston Terrier 05/15/83 1/03/98 Amy Addy
Roscoe Boston Terrier 7 years 06/26/12 Brandon and Laura Greer
Roscoe Boston Terrier 8 years 09/29/04 Jean Fisher
Roscoe Boston/Pit Mix 01/01/05 Anna & Michelle
Roscoe Boxer 12/22/12-07/17/12 Maureen, Adam & Arthur Forziati
Roscoe Breakfield Belgian Malinois Shepherd 10/95/97-06/23/11 Candy Breakfield
Roscoe Brisco Tanner Winytop Fly Border Collie 08/01/00-09/20/11 Ken Rupple
Roscoe Burchett Yellow Lab 09/16/07-03/03/09 Shawn and Tricia
Roscoe Cairn Terrier 10/18/88-09/23/04 Lynda Shoemaker
Roscoe Cat 02/14/92-12/18/01 Dianne
Roscoe Cat 04/16/00-01/16/04 Stacey
Roscoe Cat 04/20/90-03/22/10 Mark & Lisa
Roscoe Cat 07/06/96 Karen Lynch and Gallagher
Roscoe Cat 08/18/92-10/15/01 Kym
Roscoe Cat 10 years 12/21/07 Jaiden
Roscoe Cat 10/84-06/01/98 Krissi
Roscoe Cat 1984-07/15/95 Peggy Parker
Roscoe Cat 1998-01/31/04 Quintin Williams
Roscoe Cat 6 years 04/2007 Veronica
Roscoe Catbert Harris Orange and White Shorthair Cat 17 years 06/25/09 Patti and Richard Harris
Roscoe Chihuahua 01/15/06-04/11/06 Mandy Rinehart
Roscoe Chihuahua/Pug Mix 03/01/14 Heather
Roscoe Chocolate Lab 2 years 03/30/06 Aimee Portlock
Roscoe Chocolate Lab Mix 11/04/04 Dawn
Roscoe Chow 7 years 12/22/99 Marilyn
Roscoe Chow/Shepherd Mix 13 years 09/23/07 Kirsten and Kim
Roscoe Collie 02/01/94-07/14/08 Marilou Wilschke
Roscoe Collie Mix 12/15/86-01/01/99 Craig & Lisa
Roscoe Cujo Dawson Miniature Pinscher 5 years 06/28/12 Marlando & Joy Dawson, Dario Long, Antonio Long, Keion Harris
Roscoe D. Sowers Shitzu-Bijon 07/02/94-06/09/09 Tim, Julie, Abigail, & Christian Sowers
Roscoe Dachshund 01/10/90-06/08/06 Jody Dean
Roscoe Dachshund 5 years 11/27/09 Renne Holcomb
Roscoe Dalmatian 11 years 09/29/10 Patricia Simpson
Roscoe Diamond Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/03/10-07/18/17 Jan Zinkl
Roscoe Dingo/Shepherd 11 years 05/28/10 Dale Langford
Roscoe DLH Cat 08/01/91-08/15/01 Kym Harrell
Roscoe DLH Maine Coon Cat 08/08/91-09/15/01 Kym Harrell
Roscoe Doberman 8 years 05/27/95 Byron Walls
Roscoe Dog 01/16/00-08/15/12 Jen G
Roscoe Dog 02/25/08 Molly Wilson
Roscoe Dog 05/05/95-07/17/00 Michael Burch and Stephanie Petrie
Roscoe Dog 11/13/96-08/11/06 Jill, Mark, Emily
Roscoe Dog 13 years 08/08/01 Brad, Lorrie, Christine & Lee
Roscoe Dog 15 years 10/09/12 Nicole Duncan
Roscoe Dog 1983-09/18/01 Amanda
Roscoe Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 08/13/05 Sarah
Roscoe Domestic Shorthair Cat 9 years 08/14/99 Mary Whittredge
Roscoe Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 12/2011-11/23/16 Michele & Earl
Roscoe Doxie 10/31/07 Kathy Stone
Roscoe DSH Cat 04/20/90-03/22/10 Lisa & Mark Solomon
Roscoe DSH Tabby Cat 12 years 06/15/98 Kim VanderLaan
Roscoe English Bulldog 14/04/08-30/09/11 Vanessa Legg
Roscoe Ferret 12/15/01-07/13/03 Jerry
Roscoe Flynt Dachshund Mix 12/24/11-11/22/16 Teresa Flynt
Roscoe German Shepherd 10 years 11/03/99 Annette Hankins
Roscoe German Shepherd Dog approx. 6 years 10/23/02 Rick & Sue Cover
Roscoe Golden Retriever 05/20/90-05/09/02 Kathy Mac
Roscoe Golden Retriever 10 years 02/20/08 Alexa
Roscoe Golden Retriever 10/01/93-02/19/07 Mark & Starr Manning
Roscoe Golden Retriever Puppy 07/15/10-03/10/11 Tamara
Roscoe Gonzales Jack Russell Mix 02/14/04-12/12/12 Sabrina Gonzales
Roscoe Grey Cat w/ one white paw 04/10/90-12/26/07 Judy Duffy
Roscoe Grey Shorthair Cat 14 years 04/15/15 Tracey
Roscoe Greyhound 01/09/90-02/02/04 Pat Wunderlich
Roscoe Hound Mix 2006-2008 Julie Davis & Ben Hollis
Roscoe Husky 4 years 07/30/03 JoAnn (grandma) Veillette
Roscoe Jack Russell Terrier 06/15/05-09/25/06 Katie Ellison
Roscoe JRT 02/06/02-04/02/07 Beverly Godwin
Roscoe Kelpie/Collie X 12/01/83-07/19/99 Jean Wyldbore
Roscoe Kennedy Flat Coated Retriever 12/25/96-11/28/07 Lynn Kennedy
Roscoe Kerry Blue Terrier 10/01/97-10/10/12 Dan G
Roscoe 'Kitty' Crooks Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 11/29/95-08/09/09 Donnie Crooks
Roscoe Lab 30/08/00-10/15/07 Christine
Roscoe Lab Mix 02/14/00-05/06/14 Joyce & Jim
Roscoe Lab Retriever 10/25/01-09/01/12 Casey, Nick and Megan McCarty * Mom
Roscoe Lab/Shepherd 05/09/15 Kim Grieco
Roscoe Lhasa Aphso 06/2007-01/20/18 Rose
Roscoe Long-Haired Tuxedo Cat 8 years 06/15/07 Judy Knowles
Roscoe Lowe Doberman Pinscher 11/23/00-12/23/09 Alicia Lowe
Roscoe Lucky Sheehan Yellow Labrador 10/09/83-07/01/98 Mommy, Daddy, Kelly
Roscoe Maine Coon Cat 04/01/93-01/12/03 Brandy Tucker
Roscoe Mallen Johnson Boston Terrier 12/15/07-07/06/13 Kymberleigh Johnson
Roscoe Maltese 04/15/89-01/03/02 Valerie and Steve Shirley
Roscoe Maltese 04/15/89-01/03/02 Valerie and Steven Shirley
Roscoe Miniature Beagle 02/2004-08/24/06 Paul and Melissa Sizemore
Roscoe Miniature Pinscher 03/2007-11/2007 Vincent and Shanell
Roscoe Miniature Pinscher 10 years 11/06/18 Angela Ramirez
Roscoe Mix Dog 09/20/03-01/27/05 Dustin, Melissa, Kayla, T.J.
Roscoe Mixed Breed 02/14/91-09/10/01 Tommy, Sherry, Megan, and Snuggles Lane
Roscoe Mixed Chow Lab 05/22/07 Kat and Ronnie Turner
Roscoe Mixed Dog 03/08/99-04/12/10 Lorrie
Roscoe Moore Boston Terrier 10 1/2 years 04/21/08 Cheryl & Michael Moore
Roscoe Neapolitan Mastiff 06/25/97-01/03/06 Ronald Oatman Jr
Roscoe Nelson Cat 16 years 09/06/21 Michelle & Cary Nelson
Roscoe Orange Tabby Cat 07/01/03-02/25/20 Tyler P.W. Rockliffe
Roscoe Orange Tabby Cat 11/09/89-11/02/03 Barbara Deysenroth
Roscoe Orange Tabby Cat 20 years 02/27/11 Brandi Harris-Molin
Roscoe P Cole Train Roberts Doberman 11/22/99-08/06/12 Mr Roy & Colleen Roberts
Roscoe P Coltrane Lumpkin Pit/Lab Mix 04/98-09/27/11 Tommy Lumpkin and Susie
Roscoe P Coltrane Richardson Dog 10 months 07/19/21 Melissa and Rocky Richardson
Roscoe P Sadler Basset Hound 3 1/2 years 07/31/02 Julie and James
Roscoe P The Ambassador of Second Chance Dobes Doberman 10/08/97-01/01/05 Sherri Trimble
Roscoe P. Bearcat Grandizio Cat 03/11/89-07/06/05 Brenda and David Grandizio
Roscoe P. Coltrane Dugan Boxer 10/21/04-10/26/09 John Dugan
Roscoe P. Coltrane Medium-haired Tabby Cat 10/21/95-04/25/97 Shelley Barnhart
Roscoe P. Cotrain Lab 08/11/07 Nathan J. Roose
Roscoe P. Puppy Terrier 09/12/81-12/22/97 Karen McClain, Mike, Rob, Katie, Toby
Roscoe Parrillo German Shepherd Mix 10/19/87-03/09/05 Beth, Cara, Bev, Liz and Vince Parrillo, Jennifer, John, Chrysti and Tom Cantilli, Jake SokolandBruno Lisi
Roscoe Pekingese 07/17/23 Holly
Roscoe Pico Yorkshire Terrier 08/19/08 Vanessa Torres
Roscoe Pitbull 08/30/06-11/15/08 Melissa
Roscoe Pitbull 09/01/17-01/24/22 The Powell Family
Roscoe Pitbull 09/04/12 Anthony Vecchiollo
Roscoe Pitbull 10/01/09-07/16/10 Nessa
Roscoe Poodle 09/10/15 Melissa & Paul Furr
Roscoe Poodle/Mix 05/10/95-07/02/99 Paul Hendrickson
Roscoe Pug 07/17/07-07/21/10 Brandon Woods
Roscoe Pug/Chihuahua 02/01/01-01/20/16 Valerie Martin
Roscoe Rat Terrier 07/04/09 Tina Perkins
Roscoe Rat Terrier 11/21/94-05/27/03 Mike Van Weelden
Roscoe Red Golden Retriever 15 years 07/27/04 Fred & Connie Stake
Roscoe Red Heeler Mix 5 years 1991-1997 Jason Pitcock
Roscoe Rhodesian Ridgeback/Rottweiler 10+ years 04/30/07 Cynthia
Roscoe Rott Mix 07/30/08 Mary
Roscoe Rotti Basset Cross 10/20/06-23/03/19 Heather Lafrenie
Roscoe Rott'Ndobie 06/91-05/02/02 Sally Knox
Roscoe Rottweiler 02/01/98-05/02/08 Jake and Bonnie
Roscoe Rottweiler 05/01/99-04/13/02 Becky Cruz
Roscoe Rottweiler 05/18/95-10/17/06 Glenn & Maureen Davidson
Roscoe Rottweiler 08/09/92-01/19/03 Ilsa & Tom Van Kuren
Roscoe Rottweiler 13 years 12/06/05 Marsha Mash, Rodney Kittle, Jeremy Dalee, Melanie Dalee
Roscoe Shannonhouse German Short Haired Pointer 08/04/04-07/19/10 Jacquelyn LaMar and Justin Shannonhouse
Roscoe Sheltie 05/01/99-02/27/07 Linda Sheley, and Garry Clawson
Roscoe Shepherd Chow Mix? 14 years 08/2012 Kelly Preston
Roscoe Shepherd Mix 10 years 04/28/12 Brenda and Bill Phaler
Roscoe Shepherd Mix 3 years 12/29/04 Ines Gaschot
Roscoe Shepherd/Husky/Chow Mix 1992-02/25/08 Rj McComb
Roscoe Shetland Sheepdog 06/24/97-08/07/11 Harry and Bruce
Roscoe Shih-Tzu 01/18/96-11/13/09 Linda Piovesan
Roscoe Shiva Inuit 3 years 02/02/14 Alexis Castillo
Roscoe Siamese Cat 05/06/85-10/12/98 Tom Donaldson
Roscoe Siamese Cat 07/19/01 Christina McVea
Roscoe Siberian Husky 9 years 10/07/08 The Tenney Family
Roscoe Silky Terrier 09/06/91-01/2007 Jenny Miller
Roscoe Smith Bassett Hound 09/2001-07/21/09 Jeremy and Shanda Smith
Roscoe St. Blaise Tabby Cat 15 years 01/22/09 Gail Catalano
Roscoe T. Van Dyke Corgi/ Australian Shepherd 1 year 3 months 03/19/12 Rachel Van Dyke
Roscoe Tabby Cat 04/10/79-05/16/98 Martha McDougall
Roscoe Tabby Cat 11/83-12/27/01 Melissa Fiore
Roscoe Teddy Bear Hamster 03/26/10-06/19/12 Marcus King
Roscoe Terrier Mix 03/17/94-06/02/11 Claudia and Steve Beckwith
Roscoe Trinidad Australian Shepherd/Beagle Mix 12/2004-01/24/09 Mayleen Trinidad
Roscoe Tuxedo Cat 11 years 06/10/05 Burgin Riley
Roscoe Winston Dachshund 10/15/92-07/03/98 Janice Posey
Roscoe Wire Hair Fox Terrier 12/07/04 Ken & Janet Bartizal
Roscoe Yorkie 05/23/97-10/18/00 Angelica
Roscow Chihuahua 1 year 08/28/02 Jennifer Gryzmala
Rose (Ivy Rose) Borzoi 1986-1997 Joanne Hack, Ron Mater
Rose (Rosie) Long Haired Guinea Pig 7 years 05/07/06 Carina Smith
Rose (Rosie) Torti Cat 13 years 12/17/11 Elena M. Sicurella
Rose aka Rosie Rooter Yellow Lab 09/25/09-11/08/10 Jay, Natalya, Jon Luke, Phil, Scamper & Ellie
Rose aka Rosita Tuxedo DMH Cat 13 years 04/17/10 Stacy Archer
Rose and London Logan Cats 12/23/92-11/11/11 Philippa R
Rose Aurora Golden Retriever 11 years 09/17/11 Jolene
Rose Bar-Lev Dachshund 05/07/99-10/07/13 Shaul Bar-Lev
Rose Basset Hound 06/16/02-07/16/14 Lee James
Rose Berndt-Evans Yorkshire Terrier 10/15/02-06/30/03 Arianna and Sylvia
Rose Black Lab 16 years 06/03/97 Janelle
Rose Black Labrador 14/19/93-02/25/05 Jenness Hobart
Rose Blackberry Dwarf Hamster 07/22/07 Pattie
Rose Boxer 9 1/2 years 03/17/08 Laurie Green
Rose Calico Cat 03/15/96-07/31/08 Randy Mistrot & Michio Uehara
Rose Cat 06/05/01-09/14/14 Madison
Rose Cat 07/15/98-02/10/16 Camille May
Rose Cat 07/16/97-08/25/08 Becky Freidenberger
Rose Cat 10/04/08 Kevin
Rose Cat 22 years 06/2009 Will and Susan
Rose Cattle Dog 8 years 01/14/08 Chris Skjerping
Rose Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 03/22/98-10/18/06 Marcia Scaramelli
Rose Chihuahua 02/07/07-06/06/09 Kent & Penny Huff
Rose Chihuahua 06/10/90-05/26/04 Peter and Lee Mills
Rose Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 06/03/89-07/24/04 Pamela, Steven & Sarah
Rose Chow Chow 05/02/99-08/01/11 Donna English
Rose Collie 03/09/09 Nancy
Rose Crystal Withers aka Rosie Calico Shorthair Cat 1989-06/24/08 Sharon Withers
Rose Demai Greyhound 11 years 08/16/06 Helen Hoag
Rose Doberman 12/09/92-12/17/04 Jane Milne
Rose Dog 05/03/04 Andi Davis
Rose Dog 4 years 02/25/14 Kristin & Kourtney Kowalski
Rose Domestic Longhair Cat 08/11/89-10/23/00 Karen Frankenfield
Rose Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/25/98-01/23/03 Cook family
Rose Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 years 14/04/23 Tanya
Rose DSH Cat 05/14/00-01/02/18 Deb Toye and Jessie Tran
Rose Eater Long Hair Cat 22 years Dawn
Rose English Bulldog 03/14/05-10/28/09 Linda Chastain
Rose English Lop Rabbit 20/08/00 to 26/12/02 Jenny Billington
Rose English Setter 07/06/96-08/19/08 Stan & Anita Holloway
Rose Greyhound 02/02/98-11/01/10 Marian
Rose Greyhound 06/15/96-06/17/03 AE Reed, III & Brian Craig
Rose Greyhound 09/23/92-06/11/05 Joan Foster
Rose Guinea Pig 1989-1994 Wendy McKiernan
Rose Hamster 2 years 08/09/08 Janell E
Rose Kitten 3 months 06/23/98 John and Jill Watson
Rose Lab Mix 04/96-12/28/98 Ginny Lang
Rose Lab/Setter 02/14/93-12/02/06 Louise Davidson
Rose Lutino Parakeet 1 year 05/05/11 Jieri Kayukawa
Rose Monty's Cocker Spaniel 08/01/96-04/10/09 Brenda Bill Chris and Katie
Rose Nichols Cocker Spaniel 11/19/91-03/23/07 Rick & Kim Nichols
Rose Peterson Guinea Pig 10/13/05-07/11/11 Linda Peterson
Rose Pit Bull 05/29/97-08/31/02 Hillary
Rose Pug 10/10/90-01/30/02 Linda Brown
Rose Rott/Pit 05/27/97-09/14/02 Hillary
Rose Rottie 12.75 years 01/12/15 Tenee
Rose Rottweiler 01/01/96-12/19/95 Coleen
Rose Rottweiler 01/24/96-12/20/08 Katy Freeman
Rose Rotweiller 02/02/98-06/15/03 Rhea Bennett
Rose Shadow English Mastiff 10/20/95-04/30/03 Dan and Suzanne Felts
Rose Sheltie 05/13/96-05/02/02 Debbie Owens
Rose Shepherd Mix 11 years 11/09/04 Steve and Lisa
Rose Short Hair Syrian Hamster 08/08/06-08/16/08 Kathryn
Rose Short Hair Tiger Cat 5 years 02/12/05 Kerry Crandall
Rose Smith Chow Chow 10/31/95-11/09/04 Larry, Tracey and Hunter
Rose Tabby Cat 04/12/97-03/31/13 Deia and Chris
Rose Torti/Calico Cat 03/11/94-01/15/06 Margaret
Rose Tortie Cat 08/18/99 Elizabeth
Rose Tortoise Shell Cat 08/01/98-08/02/08 Mara Busuttil
Rose Tortoiseshell DSH Cat 04/04/04 Dave Wilson
Rose Violet Holt Australian Shepherd Mix 02/14/00-08/24/07 Tracy, Matthew, June Holt & Kyra (Rose's Sister)
Rose, Willow Creek's Yellow Rose Yellow Lab 06/30/94-09/01/07 Bonnie Lee
Roseabell American Shorthair Cat 04/16/84-05/28/09 Christina Brooks
Roseabelle Sheltie 03/25/00-12/14/10 Natalie Varnet
Rose-Ann Miniature Schnauzer 04/02/91-03/15/06 Paula Garibay
Roseanna DSH Cat 1996-2002 Marty Thomas
Roseanna Tortoiseshell Kitten 6 months 1986 Marty
Roseanne Red Miniature Longhaired Dachshund 08/12/86-03/07/05 Ginger
Roseanne Tortie Cat 09/01/08-07/12/12 Susan
Roseaux Mutt 06/04/09 Freddy Lea
Rosebud (Bud) Hanover Cat 17 years 02/14/04 Cathy Simpson
Rosebud aka Rosey Posey the Dottie Doggie Dalmatian 01/04/94-07/03/02 Tom Nash, Cate Wilcox Nash, Kaya and Schuyler
Rosebud aka Rosie Samoyed 09/15/95-03/20/01 Marlene Besso
Rosebud and Little Cecelia and Keesha 2 Pomeranians 1 Shih Tzu 9-14 - 2008 Rosebud 11-14 - 2005 little Cecelia Keesha 1-1 1993 -2009 Rosebud 11-6-2023 - Cecelia 2-17-2020 Keesha 5-6-200 Margaret Nicolai
Sam Spray Husky 02/11/24 Judy Spray
Rosebud Basset Hound 01/28/08-07/09/21 Joyce Minar
Rosebud Basset Hound 12-13 years 04/21/06 The McFadden Family-Chuck, Robyn, Robert & Chelsea
Rosebud Bichon Frise 07/24/95-03/14/09 Gregg, Christa and Leondra Kaye
Rosebud Cat 1998-2015 AJ Brekus
Rosebud Chihuahua 10/2000 Carol Lasquade
Rosebud Chinese Shar-Pei 4 years 04/23/04 Patty Wright
Rosebud Cock a poo 06/04/01-05/19/12 Ralf Stewart
Rosebud Cocker Spaniel 11/19/91-03/23/07 Kim & Rick Nichols
Rosebud Cocker Spaniel Mix 06/11/99-12/28/09 Rosemary Ayers
Rosebud Dog 14 years 03/22/09 The Ragan's
Rosebud Dog 16 1/2 years 08/09/93 Susan Mesics
Rosebud Domestic Shorthair: Tortoiseshell Cat Summer of 2009-02/26/16 Torrance Bartholomew
Rosebud German Shepherd K9 13 years 11 months 06/23/10 Marty
Rosebud Golden Retriever Sharron
Rosebud Hickling Mix Cat 08/08/90-09/19/05 Bonnie Hickling
Rosebud Hugli Doxie 09/93-08/09/09 Carol Hugli
Rosebud Josephine (Rosei) Miniature Schnauzer 05/04/95-03/22/08 N.C. Fergus
Rosebud Lab/Golden Mix 11/11/93-07/20/05 Jessie Venable
Rosebud Magnolia Bassett Hound 14 years 06/14/06 Jackie R
Rosebud Mix Dog 05/05/96-09/08/10 Amanda
Rosebud Mix of Cocker Spaniel & Shitzu 08/13/94-03/05/06 Gretta Jimenez
Rosebud Persian Cat 19 years 09/27/99 Linnea and Drake
Rosebud Shih Tzu 14 years 12/01/11 Elizabeth Wallace
Rosebud Solomen Island Electus Parrot 5 years 11/28/00 Karen Woodard
Rosebud the Moose Dog aka Rosie Great Pyrenees 04/25/94-09/11/04 Nancy Donahue & Leonard Smith
Rosebud Thibodeau Bichon 20+ years 04/14/08 Auntie Suzanne Xo
Rosebud Tuxedo Cat 05/03/92-04/30/99 Sandi
Rosebud Tuxedo Cat 07/02/12 Karen
Rosebud Tuxedo Cat 08/28/11-09/15/22 Jean Miller
Rosebud Watson Rottweiler 02/99-08/07/09 Cindy, Frank, Heather, Charlotte, Faith, Buttercup, Raja, Starr, Skyler, Sully, and Tizzie
Rosebud Yellow Lab 05/03/98-09/02/09 Debby & Sarah Hight
Rosebud, (aka Rosie) Black Labrador Reliever 02/01/92-12/27/04 Tim and Leonora Friend
Rosebud, aka Rosie Corgi-Sheltie Mix 08/31/09 Amanda & Nikki
Rosecrest Maggie May Black Labrador Retriever 03/12/06-07/26/16 Amanda
Rosee Serafina D'Eliv Borzoi 05/28/97-05/31/05 Barbara Michalick
RoseMarie Great Dane 09/26/11 Tony Spano
RoseMarie Labrador Retriever 08/31/94-02/22/06 Bob & Sue Kozielski
Rosemary (Rosie) Manx Cat 1/01/95-02/19/99 Lori Weber
Rosemary aka Rosie Toes Ragdoll Cat 1995-04/28/09 Cynthia Hardy Wadsworth
Rosemary Anne Marks Dog 01/21/10 Jenn Marks
Rosemary Balinese/Persian Cat 09/06/98-02/17/14 Diane Rivas
Rosemary Boxer 7 years 03/23/10 Carl, Missy, Emily, Wynn
Rosemary Cat 16 1/2 years 02/07/01 Susan Brand & Gail Horowitz
Rosemary Golden Retriever 9 years 09/2007 Eric & Juanita
Rosemary Long Hair Blact Cat 01/23/81-07/31/00 Lula and Crystal
Rosemary Mixed Calico Long Hair Cat 03/17/92-05/09/05 Kathleen Curran
Rosemary Pumpkin Mini Dachshund 09/15/94-05/17/04 Jen Lovellette
Rosemary Rat 11/14/03-03/23/06 Sue
Rosemary Smoke Domestic Short Hair (Gray Color) Kitten 02/28/12-02/28/12 Mary Howe
Roseridge Regal Heir Morgan Horse 14 years 02/07/00 Adriane
Roses Black Lab 12/97-11/27/09 Marjean Unruh
Rosetta 03/15/96-01/15/01 Katherine
Rose-Tu Cat 03/26/00 Tnan
Rosevelt Giant Schnauzer 15 years 01/03/07 Jen Scott
Rosey a.k.a Mr. Meatball Guinea Pig 04/01/98-06/11/04 Monica, Kathy and Mike
Rosey Anne English Bulldog 11/02/06-03/07/08 Tobii Quintern
Rosey Aussie 14 years 05/27/13 Eleni Fitros
Rosey Aylsworth Bernese Mountain Dog 03/07/06-11/19/16 Jackie Aylsworth owner, Cal Aylsworth co-owner
Rosey Bordercollie Cross 15.4.91-22.7.05 Rachel Evans
Rosey Brindle Shi Tzu 02/28/95-12/06/01 Roy & Colleen Morris
Rosey Calico Cat 12/01/98-07/16/02 Thomas and Debbie
Rosey Cat 15 1/2 years 01/16/08 Amanda
Rosey Chihuahua 04/2000?-12/02/02 Emily & Tim
Rosey Chihuahua 07/17/01-06/08/09 Dewey Barbaree & Pamela Lynch
Rosey DMH Calico Cat 02/05/05-04/06/06 Amy
Rosey Doberman 07/04/00-12/08/09 Donna
Rosey Domestic Cat 1 year 11/04/09 Jescinta Hempenstall
Rosey Domestic Short Hair Cat 18 years 11/06/12 Sherry
Rosey Golden Retriever Puppy 2004-08/2004 Zeoli Family
Rosey Husky/Shepherd 04/04/83-08/29/96 DABE
Rosey Katrina New Ulm MN Pom/Chin 05/31/06-04/28/14 Elizabeth DiCaprio
Rosey Min. Schnauzer 12 years 04/95 Leslie Anzelmo
Rosey Mini Schnauzer 11/27/04-03/19/19 Deb Wyckoff
Rosey Mixed Lab-Shepherd 05/02/89-05/31/03 L. Jennings
Rosey Mutt 05/14/86-06/29/00 Lorene
Rosey Roy Long Haired Silver Dapple Dachshund 08/18/02-09/15/06 Cindy Roy Romig
Rosey Russian Dwarf Hamster 2 years 06/29/08 William
Rosey Standard Poodle 14 years 01/09/06 Joan Mayr
Rosey Wenz Skiperainian (Pomeranian & Schipperke) 03/03/02-02/03/09 Sheila Wenz
Rosey Yorkie 10 years 08/10/11 Doreen Satter
Rosez Scottish Terrier 04/06/02-08/16/03 Rose Forbes
RoShay Scottish Red Tabby - Persian Cat 08/18/84-12/29/99 Cher
Roshie Black & White Cat 09/21/06-05/19/13 Miriam
Rosi Bokor Estrella Mountain Dog 2004 Melinda L. Tackett
Rosi Pomeranian 03/13/03-09/23/18 Ray Godfrey
Rosi Tabby W/White Paws, Chin, and Chest Cat 04/89-05/03/05 Francine
Rosie - Rosebud Chihuahua 14 years 04/26/08 Jackie Danielson - Scott Grunewald
Rosie & Bugsy Cairn Terrier/West Highland White Terrier Dogs 09/2003 & 08/2002 Danielle
Rosie & Puppies Great Dane 12/14/03-03/29/06 Susan Justice
Rosie (Aka: Nosey Rosie) Tordie Cat 11/01/03-10/24/18 Beth
Rosie (B) Lhasa Apso 07/05/87-09/05/98 Vicki & Jen Mitchell
Rosie (Lindsay's Rosie Toes of Wales) Casa
Rosie (RoseBud) Chihuahua 09/15/04-08/20/21 Cate and Barry McCombs
Rosie ~ Rosalie By Seger Bichon Frise 06/18/95-02/27/08 Vicki Kitson
Rosie 08/15/93-09/14/02 Diane
Rosie Abyssinian Guinea Pig 05/30/02-12/06/06 Arlene & James Huseltine
Rosie Ad Lowenhart Rottie 1983-1994 Joan
Rosie Afghan 1 years 07/07/01 Sue Nichols For Art Truesdale
Rosie Agapornid 16 years 05/28/00 Anja Van Weeszenberg
Rosie Airedale 12 1/2 years. Ellen B
Rosie Airedale 1986-12/26/01 Larry Leovic / Diane Rose
Rosie Airedale Terrier/Collie Cross 01/30/94-09/11/09 Penny Kohnert
Rosie Airedale01/10/96-09/23/03 Diane
Rosie aka Bell Tabby Cat 15 years 06/30/08 Renee Florkowski
Rosie aka Doot-Doot Lilac-Point Siamese Cat 12/10/90-09/03/05 Rabiah Lily O'Cearnaigh
Rosie aka Rosie Posie American Cocker Spaniel 04/15/02-02/13/12 Connie
Rosie aka Rosita Conchita Havana Brown Cat 05/20/89-10/27/01 Johanna Laite
Rosie Alaskan Malamute 01/01/95-04/28/07 Laura Stripp
Rosie Am Staff 05/01/08-09/14/11 Joanne Kinsley Matty Spencer
Rosie American Staffordshire 08/02/10-03/15/21 Annie Mao
Rosie and Cheddar Rats 02/07/03-14/02/06 and 20/03/06 Sam
Rosie and Storm Cats 15 months and 4 years to 09/23/13 and 08/14/12 Sydney
Rosie Aronson Dog 15 years 03/17/09 Jory Aronson
Rosie Aussie Lab Mix 04/15/98-05/10/10 The Cunninghams
Rosie Aussie Mix 01/25/89-11/17/02 Sylvia Sollid
Rosie Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie Mix 17 years 08/04/14 Britta
Rosie Australian Shepherd 10 years 03/05/07 Lisa Burke
Rosie Australian Shepherd 10/24/96-01/08/09 Patty Roberts
Rosie B Golden Retriever 08/01/10 Susan Gettemy
Rosie Baby Black Domestic Cat 09/14/00-10/24/02 Martha
Rosie Baker Sheltie 07/08/08 Janie and Becky Baker
Rosie Basset Beagle 05/15/90-08/29/05 Vicky Mumpower
Rosie Basset Hound 02/21/99-06/14/08 Steve, Lori, Ginny, Stephen, Harley, Gizmo, Charley & Molly Gustofik
Rosie Basset Hound 03/25/96-12/24/05 Alene Wilson
Rosie Basset Hound 10/08/00-01/11/09 Sandy Probola
Rosie Basset Hound 13 years 04/04/11 Daniel Pidgeon
Rosie Basset Hound 1998 Maggie
Rosie Basset X Puppy 12 weeks 09/01/00 Ralph, Jessica, & Julia Szulerowski
Rosie Bassett Hound 11/26/99-09/23/09 The McNeal Family
Rosie Beagle 01/10/98-06/06/07 Wes, Aura-Lee & Family
Rosie Beagle 05/18/89-01/15/01 Leslie Roberts and John Tais
Rosie Beagle 06/13/05 Kathy Stoetzel
Rosie Beagle 08/06/10 John & Ann Richardson
Rosie Beagle 15 years 10/13/10 Helen
Rosie Beagle 4 years 11/09/10 Lesley
Rosie Beagle Mix 02/12/08-02/24/17 Anastasia Shortridge
Rosie Beagle Mix 08/22/00-03/31/16 Kelli Clossey
Rosie Beagle/Boxer 12 years 01/16/08 John & Sue Gardner
Rosie Beagle/Jack Russell Terrier 10/31/03-03/12/10 Angel, Richard, Ryan, & Tyler
Rosie Bearded Collie 04/03/93-12/28/06 Lisa Schmuck
Rosie Bearded Collie 15 years 11/01/96 W.
Rosie Bearded Collie Mix 05/15/02-02/21/11 Jamie & Barb
Rosie Beige Tabby Cat 16 years 01/26/12 Kari Proctor
Rosie Belgian Horse 02/06/00 Carol Boynton
Rosie Bernese Mountain Dog 12/10/06-26/07/07 Sue Schulein
Rosie Bernese Mountain Dog 13 years 06/26/97 Carolyn & Peter
Rosie Bichon 10 years 01/13/04 Christine Newman
Rosie Bichon Frise 05/09/95-04/05/12 Claire
Rosie Bichon Mix 09/26/01-12/08/07 Margie Pfirman
Rosie Bischon 8 years Brazier Family
Rosie Black and White Rabbit 6 years Laura
Rosie Black Cat 06/17/95-07/07/12 Debbie and Stevan Grebeldinger
Rosie Black Lab 03/03/94-05/08/08 Corey Kindberg
Rosie Black Lab 03/20/90-05/10/03 Marybeth Dew
Rosie Black Lab 05/05/98-02/10/12 Susan and Gary
Rosie Black Lab 06/20/98-09/04/07 Diane and Malia
Rosie Black Lab 09/2002 Liz Jordan For Angie Shiel
Rosie Black Lab 11/95-02/19/09 Janet & Dean
Rosie Black Lab Mix 04/27/07-10/30/07 Ruben Alarcon & Anna Howell
Rosie Black Labrador/German Shepherd Mix 05/10/05 Tim LaPorte
Rosie Bloodhound 4 years 12/20/00 Shane and Brooke Slavnik
Rosie Border Collie 06/11/91-07/25/05 Barbara Hobson
Rosie Border Collie 10/11/12 Linda Molvik
Rosie Border Collie 15 years 09/16/97 John Stephens
Rosie Border Collie 16 years 27/2012 Adrian Green
Rosie Border Collie 17 years 26th June 2010 Kate Craggs
Rosie Boston Terrier 04/21/86-08/08/01 Lilli Mc Carron
Rosie Boston Terrier 05/04/92-01/31/05 John and Cari Daugherty
Rosie Boston Terrier 07/05/91-05/05/02 Cassie Hahn
Rosie Boston Terrier 09/89-11/06/05 Betty Trautman
Rosie Boston Terrier 13 years 09/28/01 Colleen and Paul Davidson
Rosie Boston Terrier 5 years 2009 Patricia Hight
Rosie Boston Terrier / Beagle 08/09/09-01/18/21 Julie, Mark & Colton Shipticki
Rosie Bouvier des Flandres 03/26/87-08/19/97 Noela Howatt
Rosie Boxer 01/13/99-04/28/11 Caroline, Ken, and Lindsay Murray
Rosie Boxer 01/14/98-08/29/99 Kathie
Rosie Boxer 02/22/12-08/19/17 Bob & Kathy
Rosie Boxer 06/26/04-08/21/05 Jenny & John
Rosie Boxer 12/19/00-01/30/15 Melissa C Muncy
Rosie Boxer 14/09/00-02/01/11 Natalie, Andy & Dommie
Rosie Boxer 3 years 10/11/07 Lee Campbell
Rosie Boxer/Beardie Mix 06/02/02-02/28/11 Jamie Whitters and Barb Vokey
Rosie Boxer-White 04/04/12 Wayne & Tammy
Rosie Brittany 18 months 11/22/06 Cathy Schadel
Rosie Brittany Spaniel 9 years 05/27/13 Susan Carroll
Rosie Bud Shepherd/ Lab Mix 09/04/97-04/04/06 Kim Donahue
Rosie Buddins DSH Kitten 04/05-02/23/06 Lorene
Rosie Bulldog 05/07/99-11/10/09 Marilyn Platt
Rosie Bulldog 06/25/88-05/25/04 Jesse and Kimberly Cain
Rosie BullDog 12 years Steve & Cindy Huffstetter & Lynda
Rosie Bulldog 4 years 11/25/03 Suzanne Holt
Rosie Bunny 1 year 11th march 97 Jane Dickson
Rosie Buttons Border Collie 8 years 10/19/08 Karen Wernham
Rosie Cairn Terrier 11/12/02-02/03/08 Mary, Caroline, and Frank
Rosie Cairn Terrier 12/04/04-06/30/06 Kelly and Joe Davis Jordan
Rosie Cairn Terrier 12/13/89-04/20/06 Vivian
Rosie Calico and White Cat 06/24/15 Jude Fitsimons
Rosie Calico Cat 08/15/90-09/12/05 Keith
Rosie Calico Cat 14 months 07/23/04 M. Artz
Rosie Calico Cat 18 years 07/05/12 Kelly Gonzalez
Rosie Calico Cat 2006 or 2007 to 11/01/15 Torrance Bartholomew
Rosie Calico Cat adopted 03/01/96-07/04/12 Kelly Gonzalez
Rosie Calico Manx Cat 3 years 04/16/98 Shaun and Brian
Rosie Cat 01/15/04-04/11/12 Jamie Brackett Hardin
Rosie Cat 02/05/11 Brenda Brock
Rosie Cat 02/10/10 Jen and Dave
Rosie Cat 04/04/89-02/12/08 Sharon
Rosie Cat 04/15/96-06/01/10 Kevin
Rosie Cat 04/16/07 Jane
Rosie Cat 05/08/00 Evelyn Hall
Rosie Cat 05/15/96-11/29/11 Winston
Rosie Cat 05/30/91-10/21/07 Paredes N Rosie
Rosie Cat 07/01/98-05/09/13 B
Rosie Cat 08/06/02-12/16/15 Tina Marko
Rosie Cat 08/29/90-01/14/05 Del & Kim Swingle
Rosie Cat 09/12/92-05/20/07 Nan Thurgate
Rosie Cat 1 year 12/09/99 Sue, SVHS
Rosie Cat 10/17/83-11/13/99 Susan Carson
Rosie Cat 12 years 11/28/07 Rachael Price
Rosie Cat 12 years 27th April, 2000 Ann Danae Martin
Rosie Cat 13 years 07/18/06 Angie Klinker
Rosie Cat 15 years 10/26/04 L Robertson
Rosie Cat 15 years 10/30/18 Laurie Jack and Kathy Gravel
Rosie Cat 15 years 26/07/06 Katie Cronin
Rosie Cat 16 years 05/22/07 Karen Dexter
Rosie Cat 16 years 08/26/08 Deniz
Rosie Cat 17 years 01/24/16 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee
Rosie Cat 18 years 08/12/05 Sarah Johnson
Rosie Cat 19 years 12/16/07 Janet Romanelli
Rosie Cat 3 years 15/03/07 Leonie Winter
Rosie Cat 7 years 09/02/14 Tamara
Rosie Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rosie Cat Tuxedo Cat 18 years 12/29/03 Deidra and David
Rosie Catahoula Mix 13 years 04/26/03 Paula and Eddie Hill
Rosie Catahoula-Leopard/Mix 01/19/00-06/24/10 Caroline Petrin
Rosie Catlin Golden Retriever 10 years 02/26/13 Jennifer Catlin
Rosie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/02/01-03/04/11 Victoria Marina-Tompkins
Rosie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/18/00-11/12/13 Lori
Rosie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 08/18/99 Randy
Rosie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 14 years 08/20/12 Joleen
Rosie Chihuahua 01/08/82-09/98 Elaine Ward
Rosie Chihuahua 01/15/04-07/21/07 Gene and Gerri Richards
Rosie Chihuahua 01/26/92-01/16/07 Tara Crumpton
Rosie Chihuahua 06/10/11-03/02/20 Tami and Bob Clouse
Rosie Chihuahua 15 years 07/27/10 Diana Thomas
Rosie Chihuahua 15 years 09/25/05 Linda
Rosie Chihuahua Mix 02/19/10 Susan Z
Rosie Chihuahua Mix 16 years 03/21/09 Connie
Rosie Chihuahua/Jack Russell 11 1/2 years 07/23/12 Valerie
Rosie Chihuahua-Rat Terrier 09/10/02-05/09/11 Bill, Lena & Chris
Rosie Choc Lab 10 years 07/10/15 Rose Vigil
Rosie Chocolate Lab 12/08/97-09/07/11 Howard & Nubis
Rosie Chocolate Lab 13 years 06/04/11 Liz
Rosie Chocolate Lab 16 years 11/15/05 The Olsen's
Rosie Chocolate Lab 9 years 10/25/10 Kimberly
Rosie Chow Chow Mix 11 years 12/29/18 Ian and Dianne
Rosie Cockapoo 11 years 06/11/06 Donna and Sean K
Rosie Cockapoo 11/06/05-08/29/10 Megan
Rosie Cock-a-poo 15 years 10/14/07 J. Caplinger
Rosie Cockateil 1989-01/11/02 Karen Christiansen
Rosie Cockatiel 12/01/05-05/18/07 Lisa
Rosie Cockatiel 14 years 01/07/05 Joe
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 01/01/96-02/28/06 Sue and Petra Schroeder
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 02/96-02/10/05 Autumn Ohlendorf
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 07/04/01-04/14/11 Barbar
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 08/01/96-04/10/09 Bill, Brenda Chris and Katie
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 12/15/95-12/13/05 Mark R
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 14 years 05/27/08 Kelsi Hegarty
Rosie Cocker Spaniel 17 years 10/22/09 Elaine Lowry
Rosie Cocker, DocksonandTerrier 01/15/95-09/05/05 Deb Griffith
Rosie Collie / Yellow Lab 15 years 28/06/93 Ann Clare
Rosie Collie Cross 11 years 01/01/14 The Benjamins
Rosie Collie X 01/01/93-26/01/09 Dorothy Huggins
Rosie Collie/Beagle Mix 14 years 03/26/11 Amanda, Paul, Ben, Laurie & Will
Rosie Collie/Chow 2 years 08/20/08 Carolyn Smalley
Rosie Cristovao Burmese Mountain Dog 03/07/01-09/04/06 Berto Cristovao
Rosie Cross 10/04/92-04/24/09 Claire
Rosie Dachshund 02/16/02 Sandra
Rosie Dachshund 02/28/95-01/19/10 Terry S
Rosie Dachshund 03/15/99-11/27/05 Debra and Joseph L
Rosie Dachshund 06/02/95-09/27/08 Troy, Stacey, Cortney, Alanna & Kye Brown
Rosie Dachshund 06/07/87-03/01/02 Patti
Rosie Dachshund 09/01/05-07/14/09 Bev Cherry
Rosie Dachshund 10/05/18-08/07/19 Regina
Rosie Dachshund-Terrier Mix 03/12/83-06/09/94 Marylynne Edgerly
Rosie Dalmatian 04/95-10/01/07 Dennis
Rosie Dark Tortoiseshell Cat 09/30/96-10/04/13 Suzy Jay
Rosie Daschund 11/05/97-07/17/04 Donna McLean
Rosie Dean Golden Retriever 04/29/92-09/12/02 Cynthia Dean
Rosie Doberman 02/09/04-02/05/18 Mike & Jean Jones
Rosie Doberman 11 years 04/30/98 Ivy
Rosie Doberman Pinscher 04/27/99-04/25/08 Sydney, Scott, Kris Kesselman
Rosie Dog 02/08/01 Jacqui Quarton
Rosie Dog 03/17/06 Richard & Ann McNeill
Rosie Dog 04/12/98-07/31/12 Mary Beth & Frank
Rosie Dog 05/24/04 Angie Mohr
Rosie Dog 06/08/93-01/04/02 Norma Friel
Rosie Dog 09/2009-10/05/09 Randy and Victoria Davis
Rosie Dog 09/21/13 Kelly Segal
Rosie Dog 10/04/13 Cinnamon
Rosie Dog 10/09/97-05/09/09 Jennifer Galeo
Rosie Dog 12 years 1985 F. Mundine
Rosie Dog 13 years 05/11/07 Sarah Hockey
Rosie Dog 13 years 12/07/07 Kathy
Rosie Dog 14 years 04/12/13 Bruce and Joanne
Rosie Dog 18 years 02/22/12 Cathy Petrosky
Rosie Dog 5 months 07/27/20 Holly
Rosie Dog 5 years 05/08/99 Cate
Rosie Dog Adopted 05/28/94-03/10/01 Karen Marrotte
Rosie Dog Mommy, Sister, Aunt Rose, & Uncle Ken
Rosie Domestic Calico Cat 11 years 11/07/14 Gloria
Rosie Domestic Cat 02/14/98-11/19/05 Paula Lomba
Rosie Domestic Longhair Cat 08/29/07 Donna Knorton
Rosie Domestic Short Hair Cat 13 years 4 months 11/08/11 Christina Squillante
Rosie Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 06/06/20 Steve and Dawn McManamey
Rosie Domestic Shorthair Cat 18 years 06/20/19 Corey Sessler
Rosie Domestic Shorthair Cat 7 years 26/02/13 Pamela Lyon
Rosie Domestic Tabby Cat 04/91-05/17/00 Cindy Anske
Rosie Domestic Tabby Cat 08/15/93-09/14/02 Diane
Rosie Draft Mule 01/15/07 Linda Hunter
Rosie DSH Cat 03/10/89-06/04/05 Jean & Mary
Rosie DSH Cat 05/2021-02/12/22 Jeff & Bill
Rosie DSH Cat 08/02/06-06/13/14 Beth Rose Boron
Rosie DSH Cat 14 years 01/21/12 Susan Ibach
Rosie Duster Puggle 09/15/06-09/19/21 Bethany Duster
Rosie Dutch Rabbit 19/06/98 Louise Kennish
Rosie Eclectus Parrot 06/22/93-08/02/00 Jill Silver
Rosie English Bulldog 04/08/99-12/22/10 Rochelle Helminski
Rosie English Mastiff 06/12/12-10/17/21 Jume
Rosie English Mastiff 6 years 08/21/04 A. Einhorn
Rosie English Setter 12 years 17/02/17 Gillian Bamberger
Rosie English Shepherd 05/05/06-08/08/20 Auriann Sehi
Rosie Eunice Beagle/Brittany 03/07/92-09/17/01 Heidi Haskey
Rosie F Dog 03/15/03-02/26/07 Cheryl F
Rosie Follett Shitz Shuz 14 years 08/30/10 Rita Follett
Rosie Foxley Dog 1984-1996 Wendy Foxley
Rosie Foxy Beagle Terrier 14 1/2 years 08/05/04 Maureen Green
Rosie French Bulldog 01/14/04-12/13/04 Stephen Sanna, Michael Torre
Rosie German Shepherd 01/25/95-01/24/08 Paula
Rosie German Shepherd 11 years 07/26/07 Wanda Fraser
Rosie German Shepherd/Labrador 03/21/97-05/30/09 Chloe and Clara
Rosie Girl Brittany 03/01/03-03/26/17 Lara
Rosie Girl Pit Bull / Chow 01/90-09/16/08 Patrick and Sara
Rosie Girl Pittieboxer 12 years Unknown Angie Burton
Rosey Girl Rabbit 12/02/11-12/19/22 Deborah Lindsey
Rosie Girl Shih Tzu 17 years 02/16/09 Sandy and Elmer Amsden
Rosie Golden Chow 09/16/21 Don David
Rosie Golden Retriever 01/22/89-04/24/97 Maribeth, Patrick and Christian Gietzen
Rosie Golden Retriever 02/05/92-08/26/05 Suzanne, Gary and Rachael Nilsson
Rosie Golden Retriever 02/13/99-10/22/08 Helen Butterfield
Rosie Golden Retriever 04/08/03-29/05/11 Colleen Croft
Rosie Golden Retriever 05/05/94-04/28/09 Teri Fields
Rosie Golden Retriever 05/30/95-01/25/09 Sue Costello
Rosie Golden Retriever 06/01/96-01/28/10 Krystal Tortora
Rosie Golden Retriever 06/15/99-10/04/11 Katie and Sarah
Rosie Golden Retriever 07/01/97-11/25/11 Sandy and Les Burns
Rosie Golden Retriever 07/12/85 01/05/98 Sherry Hyatt
Rosie Golden Retriever 08/07/95-08/15/03 Julie, Larry, Ryan and Sean Westenberg
Rosie Golden Retriever 09/30/91-07/28/06 George and Ann Leal
Rosie Golden Retriever 10 years 05/02/97 Susan Hoerger
Rosie Golden Retriever 11 years 05/15/05 Pamela
Rosie Golden Retriever 11 years 08/24/96 Mike Myers
Rosie Golden Retriever 11 years 10/22/07 Stephen, Patty Jake, Sage and Jack Henry Tomsky
Rosie Golden Retriever 11 years 20/11/10 Lou Gilbey
Rosie Golden Retriever 12 years 10/01/09 Sarah
Rosie Golden Retriever 12/02/02-01/22/11 Joan
Rosie Golden Retriever 12/07/99-01/11/12 Pamela Alexander
Rosie Golden Retriever 12/15/93-04/30/03 Abbie, Maggie and Hilary
Rosie Golden Retriever 13 years 06/01/09 Kate Diaz
Rosie Golden Retriever 13 years 06/21/08 The Burkitt Family
Rosie Golden Retriever 13/04/96-09/02/11 Karen Jennings
Rosie Golden Retriever 14/05/97-17/01/12 Marilyn
Rosie Golden Retriever Mix 13 years 05/10/10 Carole
Rosie Golden Retriever/Lab 10 years 08/16/03 Eileen, Elvis and Roger
Rosie Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab 12/87-02/11/02 Nancy and Terry Shaffer
Rosie Golden Tabby Kitten 10/24/99-08/24/00 Roger & Vivienne Vick and Zorro
Rosie Grace O'Steen Potbelly Pig 2 1/2 years 04/01/09 Roberta O'Steen
Rosie Grey and White Sheltie X Guinea Pig 3 years 06/17/04 Rachel
Rosie Greyhound (rescue) 6 years 06/94 Renee McCartin
Rosie Greyhound 03/01/91-07/16/02 Sherry & Cindy
Rosie Greyhound 12/15/93-06/11/00 Lisa Marshall
Rosie Guinea Pig 2 years 02/06/06 Julia and Gracie
Rosie Guinea Pig 4 years 01/02/01 Lauren
Rosie Hamster 12/19/05 Kelsey
Rosie Hamster 2021 Sophia Harton
Rosie Hanson-Morales Peek-a-poo 11/10/93-04/19/11 Karen Hanson-Morales
Rosie Hoffman Lab 02/05/95-10/26/07 Sandi Gornic and Bunny Rickard
Rosie Holmes English Bulldog 9 years 01/22/23 Hayley Holmes
Rosie Homan Italian Greyhound 04/10/93-04/03/07 Lisa Homan
Rosie Hooban Beagle Mix 12/12/03-06/03/15 Hooban
Rosie Hound 11 1/2 years 04/07/11 Nancy
Rosie Jack Russell 02/01/08 Jama Cam Mac Joplin Mattie
Rosie Jack Russell 02/14/97-07/15/06 Kim Roberts
Rosie Jack Russell Terrier 03/03/98-04/16/00 Tonya Turnbaugh
Rosie Jack Russell Terrier 06/06/84-11/29/02 Hugh and Lesley Wright
Rosie Jack Russell Terrier 16 years 05/18/18 Jackie Teller
Rosie Jack Russell Terrier 2 years 25/06/12 Emelia, Kathy, Adam and Maia
Rosie Japanese Chin 10/25/04-01/30/09 Danielle and Mkie
Rosie Jenkins Jack Russell 14 years 07/07/15 Barb and George
Rosie Johnson Staffordshire Bull Terrier 10 years 07/03/06 Graham Johnson
Rosie Jung Golden Retriever 14 years 02/08/12 Marla
Rosie K Golden Retriever 04/15/97-06/01/09 Belou
Rosie Kanniainen Border Collie Mix 07/04/01-01/16/14 Colleen Kanniainen
Rosie Kerry Blue Terrier 11/23/89-01/04/99 Judy Piesco
Rosie Kerry Blue Terrier 12/12/01-10/03/08 Cathleen Gill
Rosie Kitten 4 wks. 04/93 Sherry & Randy Nash
Rosie Lab 13 years 09/29/12 Pam Ewart
Rosie Lab 9 years 06/09/23 Alena and Patrick
Rosie Lab Min 10 1/2 years 04/12/04 Karen Zawacki
Rosie Lab Mix 01/30/01 Megan Atkinson
Rosie Lab/spaniel Mix 07/14/00-08/04/12 Vicki Cameron
Rosie Labradoodle 04/15/09-09/26/09 The Hryciuk's
Rosie Labrador 03/26/03-06/01/12 Marie
Rosie Labrador 12/25/02-12/26/06 Peter & Gail Tierney
Rosie Labrador Puppy Dog 9 weeks 13/03/09 Isobelle
Rosie Labrador Retriever 09/20/93-03/28/05 Deb/erica
Rosie Lee Lab/Border Collie 02/14/06-11/10/18 Stormi
Rosie Lee Lee Himalayan Cat 1991-10/27/08 Tushka, Joe, Franca
Rosie Leonard Guinea Pig 6 years 01/29/12 Rowena Leonard
Rosie Lin Dog 6 years 03/08/09 Amanda Watson
Rosie Loiseau Bassett Hound 08/08/95-03/11/05 Lynda & Tyler Loiseau
Rosie Lu Havanese 11 years 05/2002 Jason and Charlene
Rosie Malamute/Sharpei 02/14/96-07/07/09 Roseann
Rosie Maltese 04/2002-10/07/10 Judy Thayer
Rosie Maltese 07/15/00-12/24/02 Sarah McDonald
Rosie Maltese 09/30/05-09/24/21 Jeannie
Rosie Maltese 10/06/92-22/04/10 Raelene
Rosie Maltese 13 years 02/03/18 Virginia DiMedio
Rosie Marie Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/04/96-11/12/16 Maureen
Rosie Martin Miniature Schnauzer 15 years 07/12/11 Jordyn, Jessica, James Martin
Rosie Mastiff 6 years 10/03/07 Rick & Susan Scott
Rosie McCormick Cat 18 years 04/26/08 John and Sharon McCormick
Rosie McKeon Lab, Bernard, Terrier Mix 10/02/98-04/24/12 Charlie McKeon
Rosie Miller Scott Pug 12 years 06/26/13 JJ
Rosie Min Pin 4 years 04/22/13 Dan Franklin
Rosie Mini Dutch Rabbit 9 years 10/04/08 Cindy Beale
Rosie Mini Pin 09/25/02-10/19/07 Minette Innerarity
Rosie Mini Schnauzer 15 years 01/06/18 Rhea
Rosie Miniature Dachshund 09/07/04-03/02/12 Amy
Rosie Miniature Dachshund 4 years 04/12/07 Phyllis Mueller
Rosie Miniature Pinscher 08/31/99-12/09/03 Gail Towne
Rosie Miniature Pinscher 1994-11/07/05 Carol Shelley
Rosie Miniature Rough Dachshund 05/01/85-01/16/98 Narelle
Rosie Miniature Schnauzer 06/27/96-12/04/02 Lisa McGinnis
Rosie Mix (Part Miniature Collie) 14 years 05/08/07 Brenda & Betty Napier
Rosie Mix Dog 12 years 03/28/11 Tammy Marie Smith and Matthew Prinkey
Rosie Mixed Black Terrier/Lhasa Apso 15 years 06/02/05 Tracy K
Rosie Mixed Breed Black Cat 14 years 09/21/14 Cynthia and Daniel
Rosie Mixed Breed Border Collie 14 years 08/03/13 Jean Murray
Rosie Mixed Breed Dog 02/14/97-07/29/06 Mary & Tim Wilson
Rosie Mixed Breed Dog 14 years 09/10/00 Laura & Vic Zambelli
Rosie Mixed Dog 01/28/97-04/05/06 Angie & Mary
Rosie Mixed Dog 09/01/90-08/18/04 Dawn
Rosie Mixed Dog 10 years 12/10/11 Bonnie Hartzel
Rosie Mixed Dog 15 years 11/12/07 Erica
Rosie Mixed Dog 18 years 01/22/15 Elaine
Rosie Mixed Guinea Pig 8 years 12/09/14 Heather
Rosie Mixed Long Hair Cat 11/03/00 Susan
Rosie Mixed Terrier 03/03/88-07/06/04 Ruthann Custer
Rosie Moggy Cat 17 years 11/12/11 Helen
Rosie Money Rat Terrier 06/07/13-08/04/13 Lisa Murphy
Rosie Newfoundland 01/01/03-08/12/10 C. Zubrinic
Rosie Norfolk Terrier 12/15/92-03/06/07 Nancy and Larry Coyne
Rosie O Grady Labrador Retriever 05/26/09 Judith H. Reilly
Rosie O' Grady Richard Border Collie/Corgi 15 years 02/06/06 Noelle Major
Rosie O'Grady Boston Terrier 12/09/94-09/12/06 Janet O'Grady Ramon
Rosie Ol Girl Bristow Miniature Dachshund 09/22/00-02/12/12 Debby & Larry Brisotw
Rosie Orange and White Tabby Cat 07/27/98-12/25/08 Nikki Wooden
Rosie Orange Long Haired Cat 08/12/05-05/26/14 Suzanne Newton
Rosie Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 08/30/10 Pav
Rosie O'Shea Black and White Cat 05/05/90-10/20/07 Mrs Anne O'Shea
Rosie O'Toole Yorkshire Terrier adopted 03/87-11/25/00 Tom, Colleen, and Ryan
Rosie P Scruffy Terrier Mix 11/26/86-05/25/01 Joni Prittie
Rosie Paciolla Manx Kitty 03/17/98-10/29/09 Linda L. Paciolla
Rosie Papillon 13 years 10/13/96 Marian
Rosie Parmigiana Maltese 01/05/01-05/29/11 Barb and Dan
Rosie Peach-Faced Lovebird 15 years 02/18/00 Amy Lane
Rosie PeekaPooPom 06/01/92-02/02/07 Laura and Lowell Caylor
Rosie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/16/98-06/10/09 Lynne Anne Andrews
Rosie Persian Cat 11/27/99-06/11/08 Alice
Rosie Persian Cat 15 years 07/16/09 Linda Hartman
Rosie Persian Torti Cat 05/31/99-11/25/07 Patrice Horton
Rosie Pig Guinea Pig 09/99 Liz
Rosie Pit Bull 11 years 03/10/11 Blanca & Vince
Rosie Pit Bull 12 1/2 years 04/24/17 Kelly Petersen
Rosie Pitbull 1 year Bronwen and Billy Boyer
Rosie Pitbull/Boxer 11? Years 01/28/13 Tim Meister
Rosie Pomeranian 11/20/23 Laurie
Rosie Pomeranian 15 years 03/20/13 June
Rosie Pomeranian Mix 8 1/2 years 12/2001 Cheryl
Rosie Pomeranian X 04/01/11-08/12/14 Linda
Rosie Poodle 06/23/97-05/09/05 Janice Anne
Rosie Poodle 10/04/81-04/22/04 Luan Woods
Rosie Poodle 2003-2008 Cherry
Rosie Poodle Mix 07/23/11 Kelly Gaynes
Rosie Posey Cat 10 years 07/16/01 Ronda Kimball
Rosie Posey Puppy 09/96-02/07/97 Shirley and Kenny Ballew
Rosie Posie Bringardner Boxer Mix 4 1/2 years 01/13/09 Kate Bringardner
Rosie Posie Cat 10 years 07/16/01 Ronda Kimball
Rosie Posie Miniature Schnauzer 26/04/94-26/01/04 Marie
Rosie Posie Tortie Cat 13 years 06/06/10 Marie
Rosie Posie Twinkle Toesie Cat 06/01/12 Julie and Oliver
Rosie Powers Pug 2 1/2 years 11/17/15 Cornell and Dakota Powers
Rosie 'Puddles' Mini Labradoodle 01/12/08-03/31/17 Kelly Pierce
Rosie Pug 07/03/96-06/27/09 Felicia Magdon
Rosie Pug 11/03/98-07/22/12 Max & Susan Lawson (Colorado Pug Rescue Fosters)
Rosie Pug 11/20/97-10/01/09 Joy
Rosie Quarter Horse 02/18/87 1999 Jane Munn
Rosie Quarter Horse 03/21/94-02/26/11 Larissa
Rosie Quarter Horse Lorraine Nogle
Rosie Rabbit 06/01/98-01/26/05 Alison Griffiths
Rosie Rabbit 06/05/99 Janet Fink
Rosie Rabbit 12/27/99-12/27/03 Kate
Rosie Raccoon 05/01/02-05/08/08 Crystal, Aldo & Family
Rosie Rat Terrier 04/22/05 Donna Aucoin
Rosie Rat Terrier 11/22/10-06/22/12 Samantha Young
Rosie Red Doberman 04/25/92-01/28/99 Diane Sanfilippo
Rosie Red Doberman 6 years 1987 Angela
Rosie Red Heeler 14 years 11/02/12 Jean Godwin
Rosie Red Rump Parakeet 12/07/02-09/16/04 Bobbie Hurley
Rosie Red Shadow Mini Dachshund 11/04/96-07/30/10 Helen Perkins
Rosie Red Toy Poodle 06/07/98-12/25/11 Viki Gardner
Rosie Red Yorkshire Terrier 09/11/89-08/29/07 Sharon Redford
Rosie Retriever Mix 08/05/00-03/04/13 Susan Mills
Rosie Ridgeback Cross 2000-12/04/06 Kim & Jon O'Meara
Rosie Rita aka Rose Monster Dachshund Mix 01/01/91-04/26/04 Janet Kientz
Rosie Rodriguez Terrier 6 months 08/23/14 Nancy Rodriguez, Yvette Manzanares, Cesar Rodriguez, Elyze, Adrian and Joseangel
Rosie Rolfe Rottweiler 07/25/94-09/02/04 Nita
Rosie Roo Belgian Shepherd 12 years 07/14/03 Connie
Rosie Rose Rose Breasted Cockatoo Parrot 04/17/00-11/10/03 Scott & Amy Dohmen
Rosie Rose White Cat with Double Front Paws 13 years 07/01/01 Mrs. Barbara E. Rose
Rosie 'Roseesha Charles' Chocolate Lab 13 1/2 years 08/13/16 Emily and Scott Bambridge
Rosie Rosella 01/12/04 Tanya Maree Elsinger
Rosie Rotti-Mix 07/16/12 Carlos Albuerne
Rosie Rottweiler 01/09/95-03/19/04 Melanie Leavey
Rosie Rottweiler 04/92-09/23/00 Gil & Kelly Vela
Rosie Rottweiler 06/24/98-01/19/06 Frances
Rosie Rottweiler Mix 08/07/09 Krissy McCormick
Rosie Rugar Boxer / Shepherd 15 years 10/01/15 Melissa Rugar
Rosie Schnauzer 10/16/06-06/22/19 Elizabeth
Rosie Schnauzer 12/05/08-11/09/10 Gwen Bean
Rosie Schnauzer 15 1/2 years 01/16/02 Paul Blackstone & Robert Slavin
Rosie Schnauzer Mix 05/10/20 Charles Hardjiono
Rosie Scottish Deerhound 03/24/90-06/11/99 Ellen Bonacarti
Rosie Scotty 12/19/96-12/12/05 Mike McCoy
Rosie Shar Pei 07/12/97-08/21/02 Eric Travland
Rosie Shar-Pei/Rottweiler 10/01/03-06/19/10 Dan, Debbie, Susanna & Megan West
Rosie Sheltie 07/11/93-07/11/07 Dan Hockey
Rosie Sheltie 12/25/94-07/13/11 Debbie
Rosie Sheltie 13 years 2000 Michele Fancher
Rosie Sheltie Mix 10/02/92-08/02/01 Barbara J. Ray
Rosie Shepherd Cross 02/01/94-06/06/10 Lisbet Cox
Rosie Shepherd Mix 10 years 11/27/05 Karin Campbell
Rosie Shepherd/Terrier 03/01/88-04/26/00 Gary, Robyn & Riley O'Brien
Rosie Shih Tzu 09/05/93-07/30/04 Cathie Burley
Rosie Shih Tzu 11/20/ 07-06/ 12 /10 Betty Maurer
Rosie Shih Tzu 12/11/96-01/29/08 Steve Mullins
Rosie Shihtzu 06/26/97-02/04/08 Diane
Rosie Shipticki Boglen Terrier 08/06/09-01/18/21 Julie & Mark Shipticki
Rosie Shizu 08/15/98-04/27/00 Marlin, Teresa, Mason, Chelsea Sutton
Rosie Short Hair Cat 05/10/91-08/25/11 Vicki
Rosie Siamese Cat 04/03/95-01/14/09 Sandy
Rosie Siamese Cat 07/24/10 Dennis
Rosie Small Paws Parnell Bichon Frise 10/07/96-06/26/12 Judy A Parnell
Rosie Smiler Dog 8 years 09/24 Ann and Kay
Rosie Smooth Fox Terrier 12/23/07-12/20/08 Scott, Susan, Alec and Anna Thompson
Rosie Spaniel Mix Puppy 02/06/00-05/12/00 Eileen File
Rosie Staffie X 14 years 26/06/06 Heather Treloar
Rosie Staffy 04/07/91-18/11/07 Ruth Ellis
Rosie Standard Poodle 01/14/06 Rick Williamson
Rosie Standard Poodle 05/08/90-03/09/99 Marie and Rick Jaggi
Rosie Standard Poodle 05/08/90-03/09/99 Marie L. Jaggi
Rosie Sunshine Siberian Husky 10/31/98-10/16/09 Lisa Wilson
Rosie Tabby Cat 04/26/96-06/01/10 Kevin
Rosie Tabby Cat 05/12/08 Kelley Starkey
Rosie Tabby Cat 16 years 10/08/09 Kelly Clarke & Ann Guillot
Rosie Tabby Cat 1995-11/19/13 Carrie
Rosie Teacup Pomeranian 05/11/02-05/14/10 Lori Ward
Rosie Teacup Poodle 04/12/02-04/06/06 Mary and Mike Payne
Rosie Teitelbaum Mixed Dog 08/03/10 Allison & Jeff Teitelbaum
Rosie Terrier 18 years 16/12/05 Jude
Rosie Terrier Mix 02/12/01-09/12/03 Jackie Blankinship
Rosie Terrier Mix 03/15/03 Jean Anglin
Rosie Terrier Mix 08/01/91-01/09/06 Brian Moore & Susan Doughty
Rosie Terrier Mix 13 plus years 02/20/01 Pat Wesley
Rosie The Empress Von Doggers, Kitty Mama Extrordinaire Manchester Terrier 17 years 12/31/03 Susan Blair
Rosie Tortie Cat 01/01/95-07/19/08 Sandy
Rosie Tortoiseshell Cat 31/08/97-17/11/11 Lyn Brown
Rosie Toy Poodle 01/21/96-02/16/08 Ross & Gail
Rosie Toy Poodle 05/08/07-05/31/08 Robyn Dempsey
Rosie Toy Poodle 12/17/99-06/29/10 06/29/10
Rosie Toy Poodle 18 years 05/01/12 Mary
Rosie Toy Schnauzer 06/13/10-12/15/10 Amy & Joe Cribbins
Rosie Tuxedo Cat 16 years 05/19/03 N. J. Massudi
Rosie W Davis Jack Russell Terrier 08/25/02-03/21/09 Steve W. Davis
Rosie Weimaraner 08/16/17-07/20/19 Amy Anderson
Rosie Welsh Black and Tan Hound Mix 13 years 10 months 04/13/10 Antoinette Welsh
Rosie West Highland Terrier 04/11/06-10/17/16 Denise Von
Rosie Western Grey Kangaroo 01/01/98-12/09/01 Roo Gully Wildlife Sanctuary - Western Australia - Carol & Roy Hands
Rosie Westie 15/05/05-11/04/18 Julie
Rosie Wheaton Terrier 03/21/01-11/27/09 Terry
Rosie White/Gray DSH Cat 12/17/94 Pagina
Rosie Yellow Lab 07/28/00-07/06/12 Erin Dougherty
Rosie Yellow Lab 10 years 07/07/07 D
Rosie Yellow Lab Mix Puppy 11/20/02-02/16/03 Dawnna Stemmer
Rosie Yellow Labrador 07/07/97-05/17/10 Rick and Trish Kallemeier
Rosie Yellow Tabby Cat 14+ years 06/30/08 Andrea & Roger Florkowski
Rosie Yorkie 01/09/97-01/26/12 Amanda Godwin
Rosie Yorkie 02/14/96-07/07/10 Fran & Joe
Rosie Yorkie 18 years 12/04/95 Jo Garth
Rosie Yorkie 7 years 04/27/10 Carly, Ryan and Rudy
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 04/10/88-08/14/01 Janice Palm
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 10/30/91-08/04/06 Ana Diaz-Zubieta
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 12 07/07/03 Mum and Dad, Sean and Scruff
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 12/23/95-08/29/07 Micky Shirley
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 11/25/00 Tom, Colleen, & Ryan
Rosie Yorkshire Terrier 17 years 20/01/09 Jacqueline & Tony Campbell
Rosie, Ricky, and Roley Chihuahuas 3 months 04/13/97 and 04/14/97 Cheryl Lambert
Rosie, Roxie, Cocoa, Buddy Sr., Ms. Piggy, Alexus, Kiwi, Cinder Ferrets 2003 Bonnie Smith
Rosiedog Lab 03/11/99-07/15/09 Rob Kristie
Rosiegirl Siberian Husky 11/05/90-06/13/02 Denise Menapace
RosieMuffin Lasa Apso 01/07/95-09/10/10 Barbara
Rosieroo American Shorthair Cat 13 years 12/03/09 Bill Mundy
Rosie-Roo Irish Wolfhound 10 years 03/09/03 Viane Frye
Rosiey Boston Terrier 06/24/96-03/12/02 Amanda Inman
Rosin' Sheba Satin Coated Rat 2 years 11/26/98 Erica Olsen
Rosita Min Pin/Chihuahua 16-17 years 06/14/22 Greg & Debbie Fusselman
Rosko Basset Hound 07/06/11 Ceci Juárez
Rosko German Shepherd 6th April 2005-02/06/07 Caroline
Rosko Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/16/02-12/01/04 Kristina
Rosko Tabby Cat 02/17/84-06/15/94 Mommy, Daddy, Jennifer, Jessica, & Jonathan Tortu
Roslar's Brodey Von Draco (Mikey) Rottweiler 11/11/92-09/16/96 Laura Rosinski
Roslyn German Shepherd/Collie Mix 04/12/92-09/23/02 Nancy L. Ross
Rosob Spitz 08/72-07/81 Sam Tew
Ross Black Cat 03/29/17 Della Robinson
Ross Blue Parakeet 10/09/98 Megan Mitchell
Ross Brittney/Beagle Mix 04/03/92-08/16/02 Rodger M. Belger
Ross Brown Tabby DSH Cat 07/2002-01/22/15 Amanda Hillman
Ross Dog 09/91-11/28/02 Stacey Abbott
Ross European Wildcat 05/24/10 Mindy Mix
Ross Kitten 07/017/02 Jen
Ross Lab/Shep 1981-1994 Jill Frydlewicz
Ross Mix - Chow and German Shepherd 14 years 06/06/07 Daryle, Donna and Cynthia
Ross Mix Cat 8 years 03/10/99 Athena Simpson
Ross Perot of Seabreeze Rags Himalayan Cat 12/10/92-06/09/00 Joann
Ross Shepherd 04/23/08 Suzanne
Ross The Boss Lutino Cockatiel Spring of 1996-11/01/00 Athena
Rossi (Racecat) Ashley American Shorthair Cat 16 1/2 years 03/12/09 Mary Ashley
Rossi Bulldog/Pitt Bull Mix 10/28/13 Selina and Chris Pratt
Rossi Crossbreed Rabbit 04/21/03-12/22/03 Susan Hunt
Rossi Dog 9 years 23/04/12 Amanda Crowe
Rossi Grey Cat 18 years 08/17/00 Judy Don Bob Millicent and Uncle Steve
Rossi Longhair Dachshund 04/01/92-05/26/06 Norma Tindell
Rossi Rhoads Wilson Greyhound 05/24/04-03/12/10 Tracy Rhoads Wilson
Rossi Rotti 2 1/2 years 11/13/97 Jon and Sharon and pals
Rossie Dog 04/26/01-05/08/04 Carrie Nichols
Rossie West Highland Terrier 02/2006-05/19/08 Dave, Beck, Bailey & Carter Greetham
Rossini Red Tiger Cat 14 years 07/24/08 Sheila J. Smith
Rossy Basset Scott Charney
Rosta Calico Cat Cat and My Only Pet 13 years 09/12/00 Tom Langley
Rosta Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rosty Bearded Collie 02/19/95-01/27/07 Randy McCarty
Roswell Ariansen Part Mainecoon, Part Tabby Cat 03/06/97-08/18/09 Patty Ariansen
Roswell Border Terrier 05/04/98-04/28/12 A, G, J Berry
Roswell Grey Domestic Shorthair Cat 1994-11/14/08 C. L. Sleger
Roswell Guinea Pig 2 years 04/25/04 Sarah York
Roswell Tam Pomeranian/Poodle Mix 01/05/01-03/21/07 Joseph & Courtney Tam
Rosy Albino Rabbit 3 months 2004 The Clarence Family
Rosy Chihuahua 01/01/06-06/21/09 Laura and Danny Alvarez
Rosy Chihuahua/Doxi Mix - Long Hair 7 years 05/26/09 Judy Delchini
Rosy Cockatiel 06/04/98 Diane
Rosy Cockatiel 15 years 05/27/03 Susan & Sarah
Rosy Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/86-11/02/05 Kate & Barry Mullins
Rosy Fancy Rat 05/2015-08/08/16 Shirley and Kevin Sams
Rosy Flowerhorn Fish 2 1/2 years 05/26/16 Mike
Rosy German Shepherd, 1992-2002 The Wards
Rosy Hooded Rat 3 1/2 years 11/21/03 Katie DeFelice
Rosy Hooded Rat 3 years 09/22/03 Catherine Defelice
Rosy Mixed Dog 15 years 05/08/22 Fred & Pattie
Rosy Muffin Cake Cat 5 years 01/31/14 Stacie Bradford
Rosy Sheltie 05/22/15-06/21/16 Carol Welshans
Rosy Syrian Hamster 08/27/06-05/18/08 Angela
Rotaiva Snowbird Whippet 10/27/93-09/02/03 Mary Magee
Rotax Siberian Husky Mix 01/13/02-12/20/07 Lisa Smegal
Roth Cocker Spaniel 11/12/90-03/20/04 Donna Bonic
Roti Doan Cat 1 year 5 months 09/19/16 Trang Doan
Rotti 10/13/01 Jennifer
Rotti Eastern Shorthair Cat 05/18/00-09/16/08 Hans, Evi & Tito
Rottie Mix Carolyn
Rottiebaby Dog 01/2009-06/08/09 Malou Asejo
Rottmores Affa Rottweiler 89.11.01-98.10.20 Carola Ljungkvist
Rottweiler newborns (2) Left in dumpster in Huntsville AL
Rotty Rottweiler 03/31/89-05/25/97 Sharon Henry
Rotty Shepherd-Rottweiler Mix 09/15/06-01/31/12 Mark Brown
Rotzie Cat 12/28/07 Jerry
Rouby Dogue de Bordeaux 27/02/03-27/03/12 Emma
Rouche (Rooshee) Black DSH Cat 08/89-06/29/06 Cindy Nicley/Barb Dear
Roudee Labrador Retriever 09/30/90-04/15/01 Mary Hartman
Roudy Cocker Spaniel 06/15/89-11/25/02 Theodora
Roudy Howell Tuxedo Turkish Angora Cat 1993 11/24/16 Sandy Howell
Roudy Lei Boston Terrier 08/04/01-07/23/16 Jacs Sykes
Rougar Randall Boxer 02/2007-08/05/11 Ryan and Sarah Randall
Rougarou Boxer Pit Mix 11/05/12-11/03/21 Heather
Rouge Bombay Cat 1999-07/05/15 Laurie and Kenneth Hutchings
Rouge Chow 17 years 06/28/10 Raven
Rough Black Cocker Spaniel 09/11/97-07/01/08 Ann Marie Gildersleeve
Rough Cat 13 years 10/28/06 Bob Cowles
Rougie Orange/White Cat 15 years 07/11/11 Ira Saposnik
Rouke German Shepherd Mix 8 years 10/27/13 Josh & Christine Jeffries
Roulette, aka Doneghael's Thirty Six Red Irish Setter 04/20/99-08/02/05 Kathy Parrott
Roundee Cat 04/05/81-12/19/98 Charlene
Rounder Golden Retriever 11/10/02-11/18/11 The Logan Ackeret Family
Rousseau American Eskimo Dog 02/22/08 Ronald Frazier
Rousty Dog 7 years 1962 Bobby Gray
Roux (aka Rufus the Rescue) Bouvier 13 1/2 years 04/13/02 Catherine Holtzman
Roux Brunson Rat Terrier 02/20/03-09/13/10 Nancy Brunson
Roux Chihuahua 8 years 11/26/07 Laurie Miller on behalf of Laura Sypult
Roux Chocolate Lab 05/12/95-03/21/04 Dayna
Roux DuBois O'Neal Mutt 5 years 12/14/08 O'Neal
Roux Holland lop Rabbit 01/30/22-09/07/22 Cindy
Roux Marshall Chocolate Lab 17 years 06/19/08 Lynn Kidwell
Roux Rat Terrier 02/20/03-09/13/10 Nancy Brunson
Rovanne Kelly Border Collie 1980-08/98 Vince & Pop Pop
Rover (Rovey Povey) Persian Cat 04/07/96-08/25/07 Lisa Jenkins
Rover and Momma meow meow Cats 2000-2014 Misty Holder
Rover Black Lab Mix Kwon Family
Rover Cat 03/21/96-10/11/07 Tonia Wilson
Rover Cat 10 1/2 years Mia Radclyffe
Rover Cat 9 years 04/15/99 D'Alessandro
Rover Collie 06/10/08 Noreen O' Riordan
Rover Dog 3 years 09/08/05 Lewis and Joan
Rover English Springer Spaniel 09/11/94-08/24/07 Sheila Copas
Rover Golden Retriever 07/01/90 Baird Pickett
Rover Grey Cat 17 years 29/09/11 Samantha Bell
Rover Kwon Black Lab Mix 6 years Gerri
Rover Maine Coon Cat 04/24/90-09/17/04 Rose Stjohn
Rover McCallum Dog 08/03/96-08/09/08 Molly McCallum
Rover Miniature Pinscher 01/20/12 Faith
Rover R Border Collie Cocker Spaniel Mix 04/14/99-03/12/13 Ryan
Rover Shepherd/Husky 04/19/92-06/16/06 Christine Kintzel
Rover Siamese/Manx Cat 02/14/89-10/06/10 Darlene Tansey
Rovere Cat 11 years 03/22/19 Jess Canada
Rovere Riley Cockapoo-Springer Spaniel 07/07/87-10/07/87 Heidi Riley
Rovie Buggy Brakefield Chihuahua/Poodle Mix 10/29/02-08/11/07 Phyllis J. K. Owens
Rovie Mixed Dog 11/12/93-03/02/09 Mark Tizzard
Rovina Black Lab 1992-06/16/04 John Fowler
Rowan Airedale 04/04/01-04/02/10 Moira MacDonald
Rowan Border Collie 07/23/96-06/12/11 Sharon
Rowan Cat 05/16/03-02/16/05 Katelyn
Rowan Chocolate Lab 12 years 06/22/08 Roz Phelps
Rowan Dagon Rottie Dane Mix 04/26/96-10/29/04 Amber Gourley
Rowan Dog 03/17/07-01/13/12 Dominique
Rowan Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/01/97-01/13/15 Hannah Digges Elliott
Rowan Domestic Tri-Colour Shorthair Cat 6 years 06/11/07 Jonn Stevens
Rowan F Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 08/17/13 Bethany Fiala
Rowan Golden Retriever 12 years 03/06/08 Alison Clarke
Rowan Mayfair DLH Cat 09/01/06-01/09/10 Kathy Skelton
Rowan Rough Collie 07/12/94-02/15/07 Fiona Brown
Rowan Scottie 10/24/03-09/10/09 Janet Manning
Rowan Standard Grey Chinchilla 7 years 10/07/05 Jackey
Rowan Weenie Chiweenie (Chihuahua Dachshund) 12/17/10-05/12/11 Ruth Crum, Blaize Schneider, Aidan Schneider
Rowdi Rottweiler 01/05/95-10/24/08 Denise
Rowdie French Bulldog 9 years 06/06/94 Harriette Cameron
Rowdie Golden Retriever 05/12/97-05/21/05 Sue Moriarty
Rowdie May Mutt 09/04/95-03/24/07 Stephanie May
Rowdie Monster Old English/Chesapeake Bay Retriever 07/01/91-08/27/05 Lori Ball
Rowdie Yorkie 04/22/86-03/13/01 Debbie Fuson
Rowdy (Pooh) Australian Shepherd/Catahoula 10/07/96-03/23/00 Dea
Rowdy African Grey Parrot 10/29/99-10/26/17 Cathy Norman
Rowdy Airedale 13 1/2 years 07/19/00 Nancy and Ron Freedman
Rowdy and Noodle Australian Shepherd/Husky/Malamute Dogs Bill & Shirlynn
Rowdy Austrailian Shepherd 05/04/92-12/07/02 Carey McLaughlin
Rowdy Black Lab Mix 1 year 12/05/99 Stacie
Rowdy Black Lab Rottweiler Cross 11+ years 09/13/06 Terrie
Rowdy Black Lab, Husky, German Shepherd, Blue Heeler Mix 03/13/00-12/20/11 Savanna Marie
Rowdy Blackwelder Cat 18 1/2 years 08/13/05 Venita
Rowdy Border Collie 07/21/00-10/21/06 Kris
Rowdy Border Collie 29/09/97-11/04/12 Niki Hotmer
Rowdy Boucher Chihuahua 1990-01/25/06 Nancy Boucher
Rowdy Boxer 03/07/09 Lies
Rowdy Boy Beagle 09/02/85-06/05/98 Brandice Edwards
Rowdy Boy Miniature Schnauzer 07/17/93-07/05/06 Marie Miller
Rowdy Cat 06/02-08/16/06 Betty Thurman
Rowdy Cat 13 years 11/10/11 Karen Segovia
Rowdy Cat 14 years 03/14/98 Sandi Tinker and Chris Kendell
Rowdy Cat 15 years 06/07/06 Darlene, Carol and Brandy
Rowdy Cat 18 years 10/07/13 Dede
Rowdy Cat 2 years 02/20/06 Justin Fritz and Suzy Yoder
Rowdy Chichester Dog 14 years 01/13/98 Mary Jo Connell
Rowdy Chihuahua 10/05/08-11/25/19 Samantha Bolling
Rowdy Chocolate Labrador 14 years 01/10/08 Jolie Baker
Rowdy Cocker Spaniel 11/27/94-07/07/06 Sandy Riley-Eversole
Rowdy Dachshund 05/13/00-04/22/13 Gary & Jennifer Newton
Rowdy Dachshund 4 years 07/08/02 Charlene
Rowdy Dalmation 15 years 10/02/99 Jan Truman
Rowdy Doberman 05/10/02-04/20/09 Roger & Teressa
Rowdy Dog 03/29/13 Mike
Rowdy Dog 04/01/85-06/25/01 Terra
Rowdy Dog 08/01/96-08/17/10 Michael & Stacey Fanning
Rowdy Dog 15 years 11 months 03/08/10 Jerry Sullivan
Rowdy Dog aka R.D.Wirehair German Wirehair 03/25/95-07/03/08 Roxanne and Wes Lynnes
Rowdy DSH Gray Cat 07/04/88-12/31/02 Judi and Charlie Bell
Rowdy Free Jack Russell 8 years 02/2010 Al and Karen Free
Rowdy German Shepherd/Husky 14 years 08/15/96 Marie
Rowdy German Shorthaired Pointer 02/13/96-09/26/11 Carol
Rowdy Golden Retriever 08/15/96-01/28/09 Sharon Cavanaugh
Rowdy Golden Retriever 10/04/91-03/16/02 Baird
Rowdy Golden Retriever 11/19/87-01/12/01 Sandy Baker
Rowdy Golden Retriever Cocker Spaniel Mix 16 years 07/11/07 Sandra K Fuller
Rowdy Great Dane 04/16/04 Rob Wright
Rowdy Greer Schnauzer 10 years 06/25/18 Lydia
Rowdy Haugendauz Schnauzer 14 years 04/12/06 Patrick, Paulette, Rudy & Sunny
Rowdy Heinz 57 Dog 14 years 12/06/04 Donna Faughn
Rowdy Keeshond/Shepherd Mix 09/07/05 Peter and Shirley
Rowdy Kitten 8 weeks 06/09/08 Amelia
Rowdy Lab 10 years 06/26/13 Deanna Bell
Rowdy Lab 7 months 08/24/06 Jessica
Rowdy Little Rascal Miniature Schnauzer 01/04/01-04/02/02 Krista Stager
Rowdy Min Pin 02/09/04-01/30/09 Kristi & Kevin
Rowdy Mini Aussie 07/11/11-07/15/11 Katy
Rowdy Miniature Pinscher /Rat Terrier 04/13/06-01/01/12 Leigh Fontana
Rowdy Miniature Schnauzer 03/13/03-10/16/19 Deb Wyckoff
Rowdy Miniature Schnauzer 10/99-06/30/00 Sandra Rand
Rowdy Nanday Conure 19+ years 07/16/11 Andrea Sandberg
Rowdy Newfoundland 11/07/94-08/09/01 Cheryl
Rowdy Norwegian Elkhound 12/18/87-03/31/99 Rayalene
Rowdy Parakeet 5 years 01/01/19 John Nezbeth
Rowdy Pembroke Welsh Corgi 01/18/92-02/04/07 Grover Ford & Donna Treen
Rowdy Pitt/Rott. Mix 12/15/89-09/11/03 Judee
Rowdy Poodle Mix 17 years 11/30/07 Rebecca
Rowdy Poodle Toy 12/13/96-02/05/07 Lisa
Rowdy Precious Cat 01-10-04 Diane & Jerry
Rowdy Radar Leonard Terrier Mix but looked like a min pin 3 years 12/12/07 Barb Leonard
Rowdy Rat Terrier 09/23/93-01/18/07 Lora Umlauf
Rowdy Ray Yorkie 14 years 03/17/06 Susie Gray
Rowdy Rottweiler 01/01/96-03/11/12 Star Shelley
Rowdy Rottweiler 10/31/93-03/26/04 Yvette
Rowdy Rough Collie 11/10/95-09/21/07 Anne
Rowdy Rutledge Poodle Mix 12/20/07 Rebecca Rutledge
Rowdy Schipperke 06/04/88-10/07/02 Vicki Guidry
Rowdy Sharpe 13 1/2 years 06/01/09 Debbi Jordan
Rowdy Sheltie 11/17/94-12/05/08 Charlotte Rimel
Rowdy Sheltie/Corgi/Shepherd 04/15/87-07/03/02 Karen Hooker
Rowdy Shetland Sheepdog 08/18/85-10/12/00 Carroll Brown
Rowdy Short Hair Black Cat 16 years 05/25/09 Susan Harris
Rowdy Smith Mixed Breed Dog 18 years 02/23/10 Martha Smith
Rowdy Smoke Mixed Cat 03/28/14-06/25/14 Suzi
Rowdy Tabby Cat 08/18/03-02/17/07 Melany White
Rowdy Tabby Cat 20 years 02/18/04 KC Sand
Rowdy Terrier Mix 11/24/81-10/25/00 Anthony Raimondo
Rowdy the Borzee Dude (Gladkii Veter Wyld Dragon WS) Borzoi 01/31/94-06/26/06 Cate Guyan
Rowdy Tipton Norweigen Elk hound/Miniature Collie Mix 11/11/95-10/31/02 Kay, Ted, and Krissi
Rowdy Toy Poodle 08/18/07-05/18/17 Whitney
Rowdy Von Crotty Rottweiler 10/31/93-03/26/04 Yvette and Chris
Rowdy Weiner Dog 04/10/93-09/23/03 Rita
Rowdy Welsh Corgi 05/10/92-07/23/94 Suzanne Byars
Rowdy Whippet 03/91-10/21/00 Tom Adams
Rowdy Yorkie 10 years 03/20/03 Rick Harmon
Rowdy Yorkie 11/06/03-04/01/06 Cheryl Hall
Rowdy Yorkshire Terrier 03/02/05-07/17/21 Rita Zubko
Rowdy Yorkshire Terrier 03/24/08 Gleeson Family
Rowdysnitzel Dachshund 14 years 05/19/09 Arlene & Dick
Rowehaus Erwin Rommel Rottie 09/15/80-02/28/92 D.K. Loving
Rowen Akita-Malamute-Wolf Cross 05/11/97-07/03/09 Sharon Amos
Rowen Chinese Crested Dog 11/19/87-12/24.99 Anne Dennis
Rowena Dachshund 15 years 02/12/94 Ginger
Rower Golden Doodle 11/19/14-07/18/20 Rose Morrow
Rowf Belgian Sheepdog Rayalene
Rowley Bouvier des Flandres 07/17/92-03/27/03 Peggy
Rowley Calderon Poodle Chihuahua 05/05/08-02/12/12 Wanda Torres
Rox Akita 12/25/98-12/18/09 Heather
Rox Domestic Long Hair Cat 13 years 05/04/23 Elizabeth Vasquez
Rox Golden Retriever 9 years 01/06/04 Marijke
Rox Reed Standard Poodle 12/04/97-07/19/08 Karen and Marty Reed
Rox The Box Boxer 31/10/04-22/02/08 Paul and Karen
Roxaanna Rottweiler 06/29/97-06/15/09 Cathy
Roxalee Boston Terrier 10 years 06/06/11 Long Family
Roxan (White Cloud of the Valley) Westhighland Terrier 02/22/88-11/22/01 Randy & Mary Reist
Roxane aka Roxy Cairn Terrier 10 years 09/06/04 Mrs C Atkinson
Roxane Min Pin 7 years Sep 23, 2009 Vickie Elliott
Roxanna Black Cocker Spaniel 11/02/72-07/12/85 Linda Cascioli
Roxanna Danna Cocker Spaniel 07/15/87-10/11/02 Karen Roush
Roxanna Lynn Mansfield Rottweiler 12/01/97-04/28/08 Amy Mansfield
Roxanna Oriental Shorthair Cat 02/21/93-12/10/03 Carolyn
Roxanna Rottie-Ridgeback 04/88-12/29/99 Lorraine
Roxanna Rottweiler 10 years 07/31/06 Mike & Renae Thompson
Roxannadanna Chihuahua 05/18/89-07/29/00 Dena Grantham
Roxanne (Roxie) Rottweiler 12/01/01-06/27/11 Randy Tew
Roxanne (Roxy) Labrador 06/22/98-07/12/07 Mary Bradley
Roxanne 6 Toe Long-Haired Cat 06/01/11 Kim Thimmes
Roxanne American Pit Bill Terrier 07/31/96-09/04/06 Bruce Damm
Roxanne and Rosie Dobermans 13 years 01/28/98 and 08/15/98 Jim and Debbie Dill
Roxanne Babycakes (Roxie) DSH Tuxedo Cat 03/29/84-1999 Kathi Stein
Roxanne Bernese Mix 03/15/92-08/17/03 Elle
Roxanne Black German Shepherd 14 years 06/26/01 Christyn Dolbier
Roxanne Black Lab 11/21/97-12/21/11 Tom & Bev delMoral
Roxanne Black Lab 14 years 05/05/99 Trish
Roxanne Black Lab Mix 11/01/88-02/08/03 The Etchison family.
Roxanne Black Lab/Greyhound 09/22/93-11/17/07 Seth
Roxanne Black Lab/Shepherd/Greyhound 05/27/92-06/11/98 Wendy and Ev
Roxanne Boxer 10 years 11/14/96 Bill McCune
Roxanne Brown Tabby Cat 23 years 05/12/12 Jo-Anne
Roxanne Brown/Black Tiger Stripe Cat 13 years 07/25/05 Brian and Lori
Roxanne Bulldog 3 years 04/01/10 Shron Bittle
Roxanne Calico Cat 01/03/94-10/11/06 Angie Woodard & Will Johnson
Roxanne Calico Cat 14 years 07/28/06 Roger, Carolyn & Zac Bird
Roxanne Cat 06/19/94-01/15/02 Tisha Scafisi
Roxanne Cat 10/01/07 Staci Sundberg
Roxanne Cat 11/16/87-04/29/03 Teresa Bondora
Roxanne Cat 17 years 05/01/06 Leanne McCoy
Roxanne Cat 17 years 8 months 02/06/03 Dan and Karen
Roxanne Cat 19 years 04/14/04 Barbara Barlow
Roxanne Cattle Dog Mix 07/01/89-07/05/03 Kim and Joe Baumgartner
Roxanne Cher Doberman 3 years 03/29/02 Jim Sichko
Roxanne Chihuahua 06/12/94-06/30/00 Kiston
Roxanne Chihuahua Pomeranian 09/11/03-10/27/12 Patty Elizondo
Roxanne Cockatiel 10 years 11/16/98 Marie Sue
Roxanne Cocker 09/05/91-01/24/07 Vickie & Yaro
Roxanne Cocker Spaniel 05/04/92-01/03/08 Vikki Boos
Roxanne Cocker Spaniel 05/19/94-10/03/09 Bernadine and Joe Wedgie
Roxanne Cockerpoo 05/25/99 Mrs Cubby
Roxanne Collie Mix 01/84-01/15/01 Susan Martka
Roxanne Cursio Llaso/Poodle 03/15/93-02/16/08 Terri
Roxanne Dachshund Mix 07/14/11-12/22/20 Hank, Tressa, and Henry
Roxanne Dog 08/15/86-07/03/00 Jackie Boesinger
Roxanne Dog 10 years 10/26/07 Maryann
Roxanne Dog 11/27/00 Edward Unwin, Sierra and her mom
Roxanne Dog 8 years 1998 Bette
Roxanne Domestic Cat 1989-2004 Shelia Gensel
Roxanne Domestic Short Hair Cat 13 years 12/24/05 Jennifer Mills
Roxanne Foxxe Taylor Schipperke 07/11/93-06/20/06 Rhonda Taylor
Roxanne Golden Retriever 03/30/00-01/23/10 Felicia Massari and Family
Roxanne Gray Cat 16 years 01/16/02 Elizabeth McGinnis
Roxanne Grey Tabby Cat 06/29/98-09/08/09 Terry
Roxanne Hank Black Lab 01/20/07-06/01/18 Rebecca Monteblanco
Roxanne Himalayan Cat 1988-05/06/08 Jane K. German
Roxanne Hughes Pit Bull 08/21/00-08/18/10 Mark Hughes
Roxanne Keeshond 04/06/92-02/14/05 Susie Lewis
Roxanne Keeshond 11/15/90-01/00 Michael & Vicki Taylor
Roxanne Keeshond 1988-1990 Fran Friedman
Roxanne Lab/Terrier Mix 05/13/91-06/25/05 Linda Jezuit
Roxanne Labrador 10/02/97-02/08/08 Jeannette Beck
Roxanne Lasa 06/89-04/28/04 Sherry
Roxanne Lhasa Apso 01/03/84-05/08/98 Terri Taylor
Roxanne Lhasa Apso 05/08/98 Terri Taylor
Roxanne Maine Coon Cat 04/20/92-04/26/06 Jason and Larin
Roxanne Miniature Pinscher 11/21/99-02/12/00 L. Lebling
Roxanne Mix Dog 14 1/2 years 05/21/10 Chris and Sonya Davis
Roxanne Mixed Breed Dog 17 years 03/06/02 Vinni Gilbert
Roxanne Mixed Dog 7 years 04/07/10 Pam Benson
Roxanne Mixed Lab/Shepherd 14 years 10/15/04 Bill Lewis
Roxanne Moore Maine Coon Mix Cat 03/24/12 Ashley Kear
Roxanne Nicole Beagle 04/26/01-12/19/04 Kristy
Roxanne Papillion 9 years 03/09/10 Michelle MacCloskey
Roxanne Pit Bull 13 years 09/08/98 Gwen & Axel
Roxanne Pita Martin-McPhee (Roxie) Pomeranian 10/2001-03/22/07 Sandy McPhee
Roxanne Pom/Poo 02/14/92-05/20/09 Connie Winstead
Roxanne Pomeranian 06/24/87-10/01/00 Wendy and Don Breslauer
Roxanne Pomeranian 07/04/90-07/19/05 Darlene Vandervest
Roxanne Precious Barkimer Rottweiler 01/01/96-08/30/08 Jamie Barkimer
Roxanne Pug 12/28/97-07/19/11 Bev Young
Roxanne Rott/Shepherd 01/04/96-07/22/10 Cheryl McDonald
Roxanne Rottie 05/12/91-12/15/97 Dale
Roxanne Rottweiler / Lab Mix 11 years 04/05/07 Linda Jellison
Roxanne Rottweiler 9 years 07/31/00 Heather
Roxanne Rottweiler/German Shepherd 05/97-11/20/06 Barb and Bill Palinski
Roxanne Roxie Kirk Beagle 13 years 05/07/00 Donna Kirk and John Hathorn
Roxanne Saint Bernard 3 years 07/23/04 Laura
Roxanne Sanderson-Reams French Bulldog 12/21/04-02/14/10 Frankie Sanderson & Allen Reams
Roxanne Shar-Pei 08/2006 Michele Voshelle
Roxanne Shar-Pei 10 years 08/21/06 Michele Voshelle
Roxanne Sheltie 11 years 09/24/09 Donna Pepp
Roxanne Sheltie/Spitz Mix 10/997-07/26/11 Faye
Roxanne Shepherd Mix 04/15/93-09/14/06 Brian Horn
Roxanne Shepherd/Basenji Mix 11 years 02/12/04 Margaret Rogez
Roxanne Shepherd/Husky/Wolf Mix 16 1/2 years 03/22/03 Tamara Benson
Roxanne Shetland Sheepdog 01/11/95-02/27/09 Dawn
Roxanne Staffordshire Bull Terrier 05/17/19 Kris Crowe
Roxanne Standard Poodle 13 years 02/17/12 Drew Rabin
Roxanne Tortoiseshell Cat 07/31/91-01/04/05 Diana Mertens
Roxanne Viszla Mix 16 years 07/25/18 Dawn Barnett
Roxanne Yorkshire Terrier 10/20/05 Luann Selecky
Roxanne, My Baby Girl Cat 01/08/08 Rachel B
Roxanne-Roxy Boxer 11/28/96-06/06/06 Debbie
Roxas Shetland Sheepdog 04/10/11-07/28/16 Stacey Breckel
Roxe Chow Mix 13 years 05/19/12 Leslie Barrett
Roxee Lee Marie Whippet 13 years 05/17/16 Linda and John
Roxee Rottweiler 7 years 10/01/99 Jodie and Aunt Judy
Roxette Doberman 10/13/96-05/25/10 Julia Shepherd
Roxey Boston Terrier 03/26/03-08/04/11 Christina
Roxey Ryan Dog 02/06/96-08/25/07 Danielle Granato
Roxi (Little Princess) Sable Ferret 07/04/96-03/16/02 Kathy Paule
Roxi (Roxanna) KatGrl
Roxi Ann Standard Poodle 05/16/98-08/30/05 Marcie Lemberg
Roxi Cat 8 years 04/15/05 Rachael Kauppinen
Roxi Chihuahua 10/29/08-05/15/11 Jami Ros
Roxi DeMuro (Our Roxi Girl - Our Booboo - Our Little Princess) 1/2 Boxer, 1/2 Rottweiler, a bit of Terrier 06/01/94-11/20/06 Mommy Kandace, Dad, Mom, Tony, Milo and Matthew
Roxi Dobi-Hound Mix 11/01/04-08/29/08 Keely
Roxi Ferret 06/13/04-04/23/10 Brett Staffa
Roxi Foster Lozowicki Min Pin 01/25/98-02/02/09 Cathy Foster and Mary Lozowick
Roxi GSD 13 years 11/13/95 Esposito Family
Roxi Min-Pin 01/26/05-07/26/19 Kevin Bilder
Roxi Morgan Boxer 02/23/04-10/06/12 Barb and Casey Morgan
Roxi Pit Bull 2 years 11/14/07 Nuphar
Roxi Pom 10/09/11 Patricia
Roxi Poodle 06/06/90-11/04/05 Stacey J. Kellams
Roxi Poodle 10/20/92-11/29/05 Angela
Roxi Rottie 04/05/95-11/21/07 Tamara
Roxi Scafiro Shorthair Guinea Pig 06/27/09-05/24/12 Joseph Scafiro
Roxi Shelty/Corgi 01/21/89-08/30/05 Kris Christofilis
Roxi Shepherd Mix 14 years 12/08/09 Xalina
Roxi Silver Tabby Cat 19 years 08/14/10 Deana Baker
Roxi St. Bernard 13 years 04/27/04 Amanda, Carol, John, Michael
Roxiann Rottwieller 01/09/91-02/05/00 Christie Jo Lang
Roxie (Rocket Ship) Kirk 3 legged Beagle 13 years 05/07/00 John and Donna
Roxie 07/25/87-12/08/95 Susan Bender
Roxie aka Roxie Doodle Pomeranian 11/10/07-03/04/23 Deb Dugas
Roxie Alaskan Malamute/Golden Retriever 02/24/96-02/20/06 Tanya Patterson
Roxie Allen Dog 03/20/08-11/26/13 Betty Allen
Roxie American Bulldog 04/2007-12/18/08 Shannon & Andres
Roxie Ann Labrador Retriever 7 years 10/28/03 Marcia
Roxie Ann Pug 07/09/01-03/12/09 Heather Nimmons
Roxie Aussie Shepherd 12/31/08-04/20/13 Fran Martinez Holliday
Roxie Basset 07/25/92-07/06/04 Mary C
Roxie Beagle 03/15/93-09/12/11 Pamela Reising
Roxie Beagle 04/02/99-02/26/03 Mike and Heather
Roxie Beagle 04/12/99-02/26/03 Mike and Heather
Roxie Beagle 10/20/11 Katrina Peterson
Roxie Bechtold Boston Terrier 04/11/88-08/31/02 Evette and Edmund
Roxie Bella Maltipoo 11/17/06-05/06/16 Brian and Christine
Roxie Bernese Mountain Dog 03/04/05-08/15/11 Kim Desmarais
Roxie Bichon 04/19/99-07/21/14 Michelle Peterson
Roxie Black Lab 09/18/98-19/12/11 Shelly Armstrong
Roxie Black Lab 12/94-12/02/08 Tammy, Dan, Megan and Michelle
Roxie Black Labrador Retriever 12 years 09/15/08 Kim Wilkinson
Roxie Border/Lab Mix 11/20/99-07/06/04 George Mills
Roxie Boxer 07/17/01-08/14/10 Jackie & Ken Loos
Roxie Boxer 09/16/17 Janice & Jim Parnell
Roxie Boxer 09/21/95-12/11/01 F
Roxie Boxer 10/05/03-05/16/14 Sara & Matt Brunker
Roxie Boxer 11 1/2 years 02/01/06 Angela Allen
Roxie Boxer 12/22/03-01/30/12 Dianne Gabriel
Roxie Boxer 8 years 11/29/05 Sonia
Roxie Brittany 11 years 02/01/01 Lou
Roxie Brussels Griffon 3 months 10/04/07 Brandon Martyn
Roxie Bulldog 05/31/05-02/15/13 Daniel Raab Jr
Roxie Cairn Terrier 05/15/98-08/24/11 Lisa Harrison
Roxie Cardigan Corgi 04/23/93-03/14/07 Theresa Powell
Roxie Cat 4 years 05/06/13 Ashley Engle
Roxie Cavachon 16 years 08/24/21 Kristen Nedelkoff
Roxie Chihuahua 01/02/94-05/06/07 Y S Neill
Roxie Chihuahua 15 years 1970 Candi Cole
Roxie Chihuahua Mix 01/03/00-01/20/04 Michael & Christina Schriver, and Collin
Roxie Choc Lab 05/23/01-11/19/13 Beth Hedrick
Roxie Choc. Lab 09/18/94-02/28/06 Ed, Heather, Nicole, and Anthony
Roxie Clover Maine Coon Kitten 07/01/06-12/21/06 Aj
Roxie Cochran Boxer 11/08/02-12/31/08 Anna Cochran
Roxie Cocker Spaniel 01/24/92-06/20/07 Chris and Steve
Roxie Cocker/Chi 03/31/09-07/23/11 Megan
Roxie Collie/Husky/German Shepherd Mix 04/01/91-07/19/03 Shelley
Roxie Collie/Shepherd 5 years 08/01/04 Linda Reiter
Roxie D Collie Mix 07/14/96-07/23/10 Patti Dudow
Roxie Dachshund 04/16/88-08/15/03 Betsy Walker
Roxie Dachshund 05/05/06-11/12/21 Bonni
Roxie Dachshund 07/17/04-11/09/09 April Calloway
Roxie Dachshund 11 years 03/14/13 Gina, Lauren & Alanna W
Roxie Dalmatian 02/12/91-08/21/02 Pam Wexler
Roxie Dalmatian 22/05/96-18/02/09 Helen Firmager
Roxie Dauschund 12 years 11/20/03 Maggie Baird
Roxie Doberman 04/13/97-12/03/10 Camille
Roxie Dog 02/24/11 Susan E. Judd
Roxie Dog 10/14/97-09/22/11 Sandra
Roxie Dog 12 years 01/02/19 Dianne
Roxie Domestic Cat 07/05/01 Val & Evangeline Conder
Roxie Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 08/01/09 Lynn
Roxie Doxie 08/22/94-11/24/08 Betty
Roxie Elkins Poodle/Shih Tzu 16 years 10/08/07 Kimberly Elkins
Roxie English Bulldog 07/11/10-10/14/17 Dan, Amanda, and Cameron
Roxie English Springer Spaniel 05/06/90-01/17/97 Greg and Elaine
Roxie Gerbil 04/2010-03/19/13 Pat Grosse
Roxie German Shepherd 01/13/02-03/12/12 Carol
Roxie German Shepherd 10 years 13/06/12 George Smith
Roxie German Shepherd 10/08/00-02/26/11 Matt and Kim Burlison
Roxie German Shepherd 13 years 08/26/19 Mary & Brian
Roxie German Shepherd 8 years 12/20/11 Janice
Roxie German Shepherd Courtney
Roxie German Shepherd/Akita Cross 11/01/00-08/04/03 Michael and Eileen
Roxie German Shepherd/Akita cross 13 years 08/04/03 Michael and Eileen
Roxie German Shepherd/Black Lab Mix 4 years 09/20/02 Shannon, Gary, Christine Porter
Roxie Girl Boxer Garcia Boxer 13 years 04/14/08 Alanna Garcia
Roxie Goldadore 03/08/91-10/18/04 Rhonda Adams
Roxie Golden Lab/Retriever 04/22/09 Joanne
Roxie Golden Retriever 04/24/97-12/29/10 Barbara H
Roxie Golden Retriever 06/16/96-11/09/08 Ellen Kippel
Roxie Golden Retriever 08/17/06-09/22/08 Bob, Christy, & Callie
Roxie Golden Retriever 12/20/99-10/01/01 Baird & Tami
Roxie Golden Retriever 13 years 01/22/11 Maddy Seiver
Roxie Great Dane Lab 08/08/04-07/23/05 Lee & Sara Lenoir
Roxie Great Dane Mix 02/23/03-02/11/05 Jeanne Roberts
Roxie Griffin Black Lab Mix 10/02/92-01/17/07 Terri, Jim, Christina & James
Roxie Hart Fiscus-Fine Boxer 02/14/00-08/20/10 Rick Fine John Fiscus
Roxie Hart Ortega Martinez Schnauzer 07/24/09-02/19/19 Flor de María Martinez Sermeño
Roxie Heart DeFrancesca Miniature Schnauzer 12/14/04-08/01/17 Margie DeFrancesca
Roxie Hill Black Lab 14 years 06/20/05 Cindy Hill
Roxie Husky 10/12/99-11/15/10 Jennifer Ammons and Marie Savini
Roxie Husky, Shepherd Mix 7 years 02/22/96 Ramic Family
Roxie Jack Russell/Fox Terrier 03/05-04/08/06 Susan O'Pry
Roxie Jane Horning Miniature Schnauzer 01/01/02-01/21/12 Alison Horning
Roxie Johnson German Shepherd 12/02/13-03/10/22 Ruth Johnson
Roxie Lab 1999-08/14/05 Steve, Kaye, and Seth
Roxie Lab/Cocker Mix 12/24/93-08/04/05 Joan
Roxie Lab/Retriever Mix 9 years 11/22/07 Stacy Robyck
Roxie Lab/Rottweiler 04/20/93-03/22/03 Elizabeth Wellborn
Roxie Lab/Shep 03/18/92-03/17/05 Julie & James & Daniel
Roxie Labrador 06/26/11 Jennifer
Roxie Labrador 28/08/04 Mary O Brien
Roxie Lady Sable Ferret 03/96-12/96 Liz Graymage
Roxie Lhasa Apso 11/2004-12/31/17 Carol Laps
Roxie Little Lab Mix 7 1/2 years 09/23/22-Chris and George Lowe
Roxie Long Haired Chihuahua Cross Pappion 4 years 05/05/13 Vivienne
Roxie Lop-Eared Bunny 11/27-09/03/06 Sara
Roxie Lopez Mixed Dog 03/2001-12/08/05 Jonathan Lopez
Roxie Lovebird 12 1/2 years 10/11/05 Linda Cribb
Roxie Maine Coon Cat 10/13/93-06/18/08 Maria Eckert and David Humphreys
Roxie Maltese 19/07/05-20/07/21 Ivona
Roxie 'Mama' Brown Beagle 07/11/04-04/09/14 Jessi Brown-Powers
Roxie Marble Calico Cat 13 years 07/03/02 Karen Ann Rudd
Roxie Martelle Husky 05/27/12 Art, Melissa, Amanda and Adam Martelle
Roxie Massey Jack Russell Motley Mix 02/14/00-02/24/14 Kerian Massey
Roxie McCollough Cat 11/12/04-12/08/05 Cindy McCollough
Roxie McKnight English Bulldog 09/12/12 Eric McKnight
Roxie McNabb 13 years 07/24/03 Vicki Blakslee
Roxie McNamara Short Haired Brown Tabby Cat 06/19/91-02/23/05 Maureen
Roxie Mills Wolf/Malamute 10/21/04-07/13/17 Krista Mills
Roxie Mini Poodle 06/11/00-06/28/12 Alan
Roxie Miniature Dachshund 01/30/94-06/20/11 Glenna
Roxie Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 11/19/11 Mario & Bette
Roxie Miniature Schnauzer 2005 Amy & Scott Edler
Roxie Min-Pin 03/2007-12/22/11 Charlee
Roxie Mix Dog 12 years 03/06/02 Paul & Janie Channing
Roxie Mixed Breed Dog 13 years 11/21/03 Carrie
Roxie Moon American Bulldog, Shar-pei, American Staffordshire Terrier 9 years 09/18/23 Andrea Caswell
Roxie Mutt 8 years 09/13/04 Dayna, Kathy and Kim
Roxie Papillion 04/27/05-05/06/15 Carol Pettigrew
Roxie Peaks Labrador 13 years 01/19/14 Jeff
Roxie Pekingese 02/97-08/06/01 Barb Sisneros
Roxie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/18/95-04/02/10 Denise Johnson
Roxie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 07/02/05-04/06/21 Scott, Kathy, and Tammy Kerr
Roxie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 09/29/02-06/08/17 Linda Mandozzi
Roxie Pit Bull 08/30/94-03/07/11 Leslie
Roxie Pit Terrier Mix 1 year 09/12/09 David L Hood
Roxie Pit/Lab 05/18/17 Amy Earle
Roxie Pom 01/01/07-02/11/09 Micheal & Amanda
Roxie Pomeranian 05/13/14-10/27/20 Dawn Deines
Roxie Poodle 7 1/2 years 07/24/07 Staci Bliss
Roxie Poodle Terrier 03/03/07-02/01/20 Kathy Harty
Roxie Precious Delicate Princess Cat 05/01/94-09/05/09 Lynn
Roxie Rat Terrier 05/01/96-08/27/05 Sharri Bronas
Roxie Retriever 13 1/2 years 10/23/07 Carol, Sarah & J.D.
Roxie Roach Poodle 06/21/02-05/02/17 Nicole, Greg, Iggy
Roxie Road Molly German Shorthaired Pointer 02/11/00-10/13/05 Don, Sheila, Derek & Jennifer Gorny
Roxie Root Dog 04/04/15 Cheryl
Roxie Rose Giant Schnauzer 7 years 01/05/11 M. Warneke
Roxie Rose Pug 11/20/00-10/20/11 Sheryl
Roxie Rottweiler 07/03/90-04/11/03 Kim Lequire
Roxie Rottweiler 10 years 05/14/08 Michelle and Greg Shadowens
Roxie Rottweiler 10 years 10/09/06 Kim Garcia
Roxie Rottweiler 10/14/91-06/18/00 Marolyn Morrow
Roxie Rottweiler 10/15/99-01/02/09 Georgia Washington
Roxie Rottweiler 11/05/89-02/28/99 Cindy Vernasco
Roxie Rottweiler 11/90-06/29/01 Mark Doss
Roxie Rottweiler 12/18/97-03/04/01 Melissa
Roxie Rottweiler 12/27/05 Jenny Bommarito
Roxie Rottweiler 1994-1999 Madean, Keith, & Michael
Roxie Rottweiler 2006-2011 Debra Durham
Roxie Rottweiler 6 years 07/99 Kunkle Family
Roxie Rottweiler Shepherd Mix 12/25/92-01/28/05 Linda & Mieshka Prelesnik
Roxie Rotweiler 10/31/97-11/28/03 Valerie & Kurt Volkringer
Roxie Russian Blue Cat 08/2003-09/11/08 Joy Wrona
Roxie Schnauzer Mix 06/18/04 Alison, Sandie, Steven, & Reed Goodwin
Roxie Spencer Basenji 03/18/06-09/13/21 Christopher Spencer
Roxie Sheltie 04/06/91-10/07/00 Kathy & Russ Holt
Roxie Sheltie Collie 09/25/09 Doris Coe
Roxie Sheltie-Bassett Mix 14 years 06/04/12 Robin, Jeff, and Emily Hartman
Roxie Shelty 10/23/02 Doug Johnson and Robert Schutzman
Roxie Shepherd - Lab Mix 07/23/92-10/29/04 Mike and Stephanie Cendoma
Roxie Shepherd Mix 10/14/97-09/22/11 Sandra L
Roxie Shetland Sheepdog 12 years 11/30/10 Marianne
Roxie Shih Tzu 08/11/06-01/02/19 Marita Bassa
Roxie Shih-tzu Mix 13 1/2 years 11/09/22 Tracy Steen
Roxie Shorkie 05/20/07-04/29/16 Missy
Roxie Shutts Cocker Spaniel 05/09/04-11/05/10 Cindy
Roxie Spitz/Sheltie 01/94-04/02/08 Earlene Jaggers
Roxie Springer Spaniel 15 years 06/16/08 Mark & Deb
Roxie Springer Spaniel 15 years 11/07/03 Vicki, Mickey,Jordan, and Rachel Robison
Roxie Tabby Cat 9 years 10/27/13 Darcy Fitzpatrick
Roxie Teague Chiweenie 02/04/10-10/28/12 Matt and Krystle Teague
Roxie Tornberg Golden Retriever 06/03/02-02/27/12 Don and Barbara Tornberg
Roxie Toypom 12/32/03-20/71/22 Charmaine Du Plessis
Roxie Treneff Collie/Husky, White and Blond Coat 04/20/93-01/22/07 Suzanne and Tony Treneff
Roxie Weimeraner 15 years 03/15/07 Kristen Palacios
Roxie Wile Great Dane 7 years 12/22/05 Mickey Wile
Roxie Wilkins Dog 12/15/18 Janeen & Tommy
Roxie Woodle Hart Dog 02/04/06-03/10/08 Megan and Patrick
Roxie Yellow Lab/German Pointer Mix 03/15/95-01/04/07 Jo Ellen Gates
Roxie Yellow Labrador Retriever 09/22/94-07/20/04 Diana, Mark, Julie, Jaida and Paws
Roxie Yorkie 01/18/10-01/26/13 Susie Stanley
Roxie Yorkie 06/08/11 Gena Hollander
Roxie Yorkie-Poo 05/28/90-06/19/05 Jenny Renfro
Roxie Yorkshire Terrier 06/23/01-08/03/18 Suzarn
Roxie Yorkshire Terrier 4 1/2 years 11/26/00 Kathy Douget
Roxielou Westie-Poodle 09/20/89-05/09/07 To, Debbie, Sara
Roxie's Rose Shih Tzu 08/20/93-06/11/05 Joan Koppel
Roxsie Cattedog/Wolf 12 years 05/12/11 Robin Bateman
Roxstar Roxy Martin Long Hair Chihuahua 09/22/00-10/10/13 Kristin Martin
Roxsy K Springer Spaniel/ Black Lab Mix 04/12/08 Ashley
Roxxy aka Roxxy-Lu, Lulubelle Becker Rotty 9 1/2 years 03/01/08 MB and Bob Becker
Roxxy Australian Shepherd 05/05/03-03/14/16 Sharon Crago
Roxxy Australian Shepherd 05/06/03-03/14/16 Sharon Crago
Roxxy Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 10 to 11 years 01/23/11 Michael
Roxxy Chihuahua 11/06-02/2007 A. Scott
Roxxy Lhasa Apso 11/20/86-02/11/98 Edward Frederick
Roxxy Murphy Lugo Miniature Pinscher 01/25/97-07/14/09 Kathryn Murphy Lugo & Eddie Lugo
Roxxy Pomeranian 07/26/03-01/10/08 Amanda Renneberg
Roxxy Toy Poodle 07/19/09-10/10/21 Jenn
Roxxy West Highland Terrier 2 years 07/15/03 Amy Nippa and Kelly Caccamo
Roxxy Yorkshire Terrier 10/19/07-07/21/21 Ingrid
Roxy (Ka-dihs Zeroc O'Sumdune CD) Samoyed 03/04/90-11/11/97 Marlin, Leslye and Crystal Leonard
Roxy (Roxy Foxy Cottontail Princess Stinky Tizzlewinks) Chihuahua 12 years 02/27/12 Mary
Roxy (Roxy LouAnn) Rottie Mix 10/17/95-10/17/03 Don, Wendi, Donnie & Brittany
Roxy (Super Dog) Poodle 09/09/99-11/22/01 Mom, Dad, Taylor, Geena, and Yankee
Roxy Alaskan Malamute 07/24/04-12/05/15 John and Christine
Roxy All White Tabby Cat 9 years 02/08/12 Jeanne Hartman
Roxy American Bulldog 06/10/10 Adam and Roxy
Roxy American Shorthair Cat 04/27/09-09/17/13 Ruth Hollenbach
Roxy American Staffordshire Terrier 07/04/07-01/16/22 Gayle Holcomb
Roxy American Staffordshire Terrier 09/17/98-04/14/08 Linda and Curtis Franklin
Roxy American Staffordshire Terrier 7 years 07/14/05 The Reese Family
Roxy American Terrier 06/05/99-01/06/12 John Heckemeyer
Roxy and Lucky Boxer and Pug 03/2010 and 08/2010 Lisa Davis
Roxy Angora Cat Summer 2000-12/27/08 Tom Addesa & Ken Cornell
Roxy Ann Boxer 03/27/99-09/05/05 Kelly Lee Wright
Roxy Ann Jones Red Heeler 09/23/06-04/28/10 Terri Lee Kristofferson
Roxy Anna Roo Lhasa Apso 05/05/94-07/20/01 Jeff & Mikki Stooksbury
Roxy Anne Conley West Highland Terrier 08/16/07-05/20/24 Janaine Conley
Roxy APL Dog Mixed Breed 05/22/14 Abby McElhannon
Roxy Ata Mix Boxer and Lab 03/13/04-08/17/17 Joe Ata
Roxy Australian Shepherd 10 years 05/08/17 Pam Gornicki
Roxy Australian Shepherd 14 years 11/05/08 Mark Garcia
Roxy Australian Shepherd 17 years 12/18/09 Cathy Smith
Roxy Australian Shepherd/Greyhound 01/99-03/12/05 Amy
Roxy Australian Shepherd/Greyhound/Lab Mix 01/24/90-03/12/05 Amy Kohlmeier
Roxy Baldwin Dalmatian/Setter/Lab Mix 09/01/97-04/28/11 Kelly, Roxy's Aunt
Roxy Bassett Hound 02/27/12-07/25/24 Kristen Lopusnak
Roxy Basso Boxer 12/22/97-07/25/10 Dominic Basso
Roxy Beagle 05/13/92-02/22/07 Wendy Charlebois
Roxy Beagle 05/20/14-09/20/14 Robin
Roxy Beagle 14 1/2 years 02/22/07 W. Charlebois
Roxy Beagle 16 years 01/23/10 Debbie Wise
Roxy Beagle Mix 11/01/12 Dorothy and Stanley Mauck
Roxy Bear Pitbull 08/11/13-10/11/22 Chris
Roxy Bearded Collie X 10 years 06/20/11 Robyn Hunter
Roxy Belgian Malinois/Carolina 14 1/2 years 05/30/10 Denise
Roxy Bichon 09/11/02-07/09/12 Diane Derosa
Roxy Black American Shorthair Cat 2003-09/15/14 Nancy and Keith T
Roxy Black and Brown Tabby Cat 10/97-03/2009 Barbara
Roxy Black Bear Hammy 2 years 01/16/10 Lori
Roxy Black Lab 10 years 05/31/06 The Taileur Family
Roxy Black Lab 10/05/91-07/01/02 Deborah Michaels
Roxy Black Lab 15 years 12/04/06 Allie
Roxy Black Lab Mix 15 years 03/26/10 Barbara
Roxy Black Lab Mix 17 years 12/27/10 Tania Cox
Roxy Bo Tao Lhaso Apso 12/25/90-08/02/02 Rhonda Hudson
Roxy Border Collie 02/15/99-08/27/02 Donna & Ron
Roxy Border Collie 05/06/14 Danielle Elisabeth
Roxy Border Collie 10/06/90-01/13/04 Kim & Jon Williams
Roxy Border Collie 12 years 02/16/14 MaryKate
Roxy Border Collie Maremma X 05/05/95-21/03/03 Trilby Steinberger
Roxy Boston Terrier 04/04/93-11/22/03 Melissa
Roxy Boston Terrier 04/11/00-02/03/11 Jennifer Tracy
Roxy Boston Terrier 11/02/14-11/23/22 Kinsey
Roxy Boxer 01/07/06-11/11/13 Shane & Amber Larsen
Roxy Boxer 01/11/01-03/10/09 Cody Clay
Roxy Boxer 02/25/03-08/17/07 Heidi
Roxy Boxer 03/20/02-06/22/11 Carol
Roxy Boxer 03/23/01-04/18/11 Andy, Kathy, Sarah, Marcus Adams
Roxy Boxer 04/03/06-12/19/19 Lauren Peranio
Roxy Boxer 04/09/99-07/26/10 Denise Agosta
Roxy Boxer 04/09/99-07/26/10 Renee Cozzolino
Roxy Boxer 04/28/00-10/10/13 Diane
Roxy Boxer 05/15/07-12/11/14 Linda Capriotti
Roxy Boxer 05/30/00-09/23/01 Donna Diaz and Shawna Baumann
Roxy Boxer 06/21/05-03/13/13 Connie
Roxy Boxer 10 years 09/08/08 Isabel L. Valuja
Roxy Boxer 10/11/95-07/12/04 Jennifer and Zachary Vanscoit
Roxy Boxer 12/15/00-05/06/13 Joe LaJuett
Roxy Boxer 7 years 04/07/06 Brittany Martin
Roxy Boxer 9 years 11/05/99.Matthew Masi
Roxy Boxer Lab Mix 06/01/90-11/02/04 Lynda Seymour
Roxy Boxer Mix 12/24/94-06/28/10 Jane
Roxy Boxer-Lab 01/23/98-06/20/08 Joanne Nolte
Roxy Brown Lab/Pit Mix 17 years 03/30/22 Linda Kirby
Roxy Brussels Griffon 10/18/04-09/15/16 Mary Stephens
Roxy Calico Cat 06/2011 Ronda and Randy Barnes
Roxy Calico Cat 10 years 11/15/06 Kim and Ty Dawson
Roxy Cat 04/01/90-01/12/06 Jeanna
Roxy Cat 05/06/99-02/10/12 Chris Brookes
Roxy Cat 05/16/89-01/05/06 Vikky
Roxy Cat 05/19/89-23/05/07 Vikky Burrell
Roxy Cat 08/19/83-11/16/00 Patricia Phillips
Roxy Cat 09/30/97-01/25/05 Amy
Roxy Cat 12 years 07/10/12 Jodi
Roxy Cat 12/87-04/06/01 Janet Fields
Roxy Cat 15 years 09/12/15 Travis
Roxy Cat 1979-08/98 Kathleen Wink
Roxy Cat 1986-04/2008 Dianna
Roxy Cat 3 years 09/29/11 Ashley
Roxy Cat 4 years 06/22/10 Kate Painchaud
Roxy Cat Kevin
Roxy Chihuahua 06/30/03-03/13/08 Kay
Roxy Chihuahua 08/01/07-04/02/22 Brenda
Roxy Chihuahua 08/31/12 Polina
Roxy Chihuahua 10 years 12/27/08 Charlene
Roxy Chihuahua 10/18/01-03/16/12 Carol May
Roxy Chihuahua 5 years 07/21/15 Sue
Roxy Chihuahua 7 years 01/16/18 Angela Dean
Roxy Chihuahua 8 years 05/13/11 Britany S
Roxy Chihuahua 8 years 12/23/11 Sheila W
Roxy Chihuahua Manchester Terrier Mix 19 years 05/17/21 Kimber Gee
Roxy Chihuahua/Dachshund 09/15/03-11/18/07 Leeann Havelka
Roxy Chocolate Lab 8 years 03/03/10 Eric & Allison Burgund
Roxy Chocolate Labrador 03/14/01-10/21/16 Barbara
Roxy Chocolate Labrador 04/07/12 Sue and Gary
Roxy Chow Chow 04/02/02-04/19/06 Donna and Dan
Roxy Chow Mix 05/19/08 Debbi Smith
Roxy Chow Retriever Mix 1998-08/22/07 Michelle Chumbler
Roxy Chow/Rottweiler Cross 12/03/89-10/12/98 Paula Adams
Roxy Chow-Boxer 6 years 07/13/99 Del
Roxy Cockapoo 07/24/02-06/01/12 Sue Hui
Roxy Cocker Spaniel 11 years 11/26/03 Kara Dyke
Roxy Collie X Shepherd 01/03/82-12/12/94 Melissa
Roxy Cook Border Collie 15 years 10/10/18 Roxy
Roxy Cook Border Collie Mix 15 years 11/10/18 Courtney Cook
Roxy Corgi 1 year 06/16/04 Jessica
Roxy Corgi Mix 06/16/04 Carol
Roxy Dachshund 03/23/03-04/05/12 Sammantha Soliz
Roxy Dachshund 14 years 03/08/09 Robyn Sanchez
Roxy Dalmatian 03/09/96-03/01/06 Lois Arbonell
Roxy Dalmatian 14 years 08/14/10 Jenna Black
Roxy Dalmatian01/15/87-12/29/99 Richard P. Tevlin
Roxy Davies Cat 03/15/94-11/15/04 Jayne
Roxy Davis Cat 05/28/19 Patti Davis
Roxy Dawn Funderburk Bulldog Boxer 12/12/03-04/30/05 Stephen Funderburk & Family
Roxy De La Cruz Boxer 10/17/05-03/18/12 Jackie De La Cruz
Roxy Diamond Yorkie 09/29/07-01/30/11 America
Roxy Diane Davis Manchester Terrier 15 years 05/2011 Stacey Davis
Roxy Doberman 03/01/99-12/05/04 Nickie Robinson
Roxy Doberman 05/10/17-08/22/20 Carmella
Roxy Doberman Min Pin 04/02/02-10/05/14 Teresa Wright
Roxy Dog 02/14/11-06/23/21 Rhiannon & Ashley
Roxy Dog 02/81-01/02/95 K G
Roxy Dog 03/10/09 Renee Macias
Roxy Dog 04/10/02-04/12/09 Marty and Nancy Lockwood
Roxy Dog 07/16/98-06/30/01 Susie, Russell, Claire, and Boomer
Roxy Dog 09/01/01-12/19/10 Dave L
Roxy Dog 10/99 Tricia Kirchner
Roxy Dog 12/01/06-02/07/08 Kristle
Roxy Dog 12/12/09 Phil and Mary
Roxy Dog 12/25/96-11/12/05 Chris Giorgetti
Roxy Dog 7 1/2 years 11/26/07 Jessica and Ken Diaz
Roxy Domestic Shorthair - Orange & White Cat 07/25/07-03/13/21 Patti & Richard Harris
Roxy Domestic Shorthair Cat 1 year 05/19/07 Roberta Semler
Roxy DSH Cat 17 years 04/06/04 Dinah
Roxy DSH Hemingway Cat 11/01/93-04/20/05 Susan
Roxy Dutch Shepherd 11/01/02-03/27/06 Monica Gingerich
Roxy Eclectus Bird 11/20/99 Roseann
Roxy Essinger Dog 14 years 05/14/11 Amy Essinger
Roxy Ferret 12/20/04 Alyssa
Roxy Ferret 5 years 12/17/07 Linda Audett
Roxy Flatcoated Retriever 11/04/02-09/13/11 Barbara Lambert
Roxy Furbush Lab Mix 03/01/01-09/01/11 Kerrie Furbush
Roxy Gartman Mixed Dog 10/20/99-08/11/05 Karen Gartman
Roxy Gerbil 12/26/04 Cahy Merrill
Roxy German Shepherd 01/31/92-01/25/05 Mary, Jack, John, Jodie and Amber
Roxy German Shepherd 05/11/00-12/05/11 Beth
Roxy German Shepherd 06/23/95-02/18/07 Chris
Roxy German Shepherd 13 years 07/30/07 Joanne Depalma
Roxy German Shepherd 14 years 01/29/14 Gail Campaign
Roxy German Shepherd Mix 08/92-06/05/06 Brittany
Roxy German Short Haired Pointer 04/28/07 Kristen, Sean, Debbie, and Courtney
Roxy Girl Rottie 09/05/91-07/07/04 Theresa Bonadio
Roxy Girl Sable Ferret 06/01/04-09/24/09 Troy Murchie
Roxy Golden Labrador 08/18/01 Warren and Cindy Taylor
Roxy Golden Retriever 06/11/03-02/10/11 Aimee Adams
Roxy Golden Retriever 11 years 01/03/11 Jennifer Monroe
Roxy Goss Dog 1983-09/28/00 Janet
Roxy Grayson Pit Bull 17 years 01/17/07 Lynnette Cruz
Roxy Great Dane 07/13/12-07/18/13 Joe Obringer
Roxy Greyhound 08/02/00-05/05/13 Ron Nemec
Roxy Grubb Boston Terrier 09/23/08 Laura, BJ & Drew
Roxy Guinea Pig Natalie Robinson
Roxy Hamster 02/15/08-01/16/09 Pat Grosse
Roxy Hearn Lab 03/01/08-07/28/10 Kaysie
Roxy Herrera American Rat Terrier 06/16/12 Heidy
Roxy Holland Boxer 12 years 08/23/09 Shelly Holland
Roxy Iguana 09/28/99 Nickita Rhoades
Roxy Jack Russell 06/02/06-05/07/21 Scott S
Roxy Jack Russell 11/07/11 Candice and Scott Forgie
Roxy Johnson Yorkie 09/93-02/27/07 Anne and Mace Johnson
Roxy Kane Cat 19 years 03/30/06 Karen Kane
Roxy Karam Yorkshire Terrier 12/05/97-10/26/05 Donna Karam
Roxy Keeshond 03/10/94-03/27/04 Lori & Gary Legault
Roxy Keeshond 06/06/98-05/24/12 Diane
Roxy Keeshond 09/24/02 Sue and Steve
Roxy Keiser Yellow Lab 09/16/97-04/12/10 Julie Keiser
Roxy Lab 03/29/02-12/27/10 Lori Gust
Roxy Lab 05/01/99-06/05/01 Joseph & Jaime Pellegrene
Roxy Lab Mix 14 years 12/13/98 Karen Galowitch
Roxy Lab Mix 15 years 11/06/22 Danny, Michelle, Trinity
Roxy Lab X 2000-09/24/14 Abby
Roxy Lab/ Golden Retriever Mix 10 years 02/20/06 Kim & Perry VanDenHeuvel
Roxy Lab/Shep 04/17/90-07/18/05 Wm
Roxy Lab-Boxer Mix 06/01/90-02/2004 Lynda Seymour
Roxy Lee Silkie Terrier 15 years 01/24/09 Celeste & Nicole
Roxy LiFonti Toy Fox Terrier 15 years 01/19/09 Mary LiFonti
Roxy Lombard Basset Hound 12/27/00-09/03/10 Pat & Lou Lombard
Roxy Lorrikeet 2 1/2 years 03/08/09 Sarah Palmer
Roxy Lou Jump German Shepherd Mix 6 years 01/05/09 Ron Jump
Roxy Marie Rottweiler 08/01/09-03/19/17 Pagan Chavez
Roxy Mastiff 7 years 07/27/14 Tabytha, Jim and Liam Martin
Roxy Maucione Golden Retriever Mix 02/21/97-03/11/13 Carlo Maucione
Roxy McEntee German Shepherd 10/05/95-09/15/07 Sarah and Tom
Roxy McNeil ( Rottie 17 years 07/03/09 Anna Mae Groout
Roxy Min Pin 13 years 01/16/13 Lisa
Roxy Min Schnauzer/Chihuahua 17 1/2 years 01/02/08 Terri Wallis-Meeks
Roxy Mini Dachshund 03/12/08-12/20/11 Tina
Roxy Mini Pin 16 years 08/09/17 Liz
Roxy Mini Pin 16 years 10/13/16 Patenaudes
Roxy Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 9 months 12/15/03 Cheryl Timmons
Roxy Miniature Schnauzer 14 months 08/16/14 Nancy
Roxy Mischke Schnauzer 01/01/00-06/07/10 Carol Mischke
Roxy Mixed Black Mouth Easter 2006-10/14/10 Lance and Vicki
Roxy Mixed Cat 06/01/02-11/05/03 Candice Mathews
Roxy Mixed Dog 04/10/07 Pat Jones
Roxy Mixed Dog 1 year 06/14/07 Tina, Michael Khalil and Family
Roxy Mixed Dog 4 years 08/29/08 Patty Flanagan
Roxy Mixed, Golden Retriever and ?? 13 1/2 years 06/16/08 Drew Supko
Roxy MMaltese 06/12/79-01/06/93 Linda Frank
Roxy Moekie Yorkie/Maltese Cross 1990-08/12/03 Bernice
Roxy Moluccan Cockatoo 07/20/92-04/16/02 Michelle & Howard Garson
Roxy Momo Morales Chihuahua 07/03/09 Manuel Rachel MJ & Christina Morales
Roxy Moody Rottweiler 01/28/98-05/03/06 Carolyn & Daniel Moody
Roxy Moon German Shepherd 12/27/04 Cheri
Roxy Mutt 17 years 05/25/09 Cindy
Roxy Mutt 6 years 01/27/09 Kathy Lindeman
Roxy Mutt Puppy 9 months 03/09/04 Lisa Francois
Roxy Norwegian Forest Cat 06/22/94-06/19/06 Karrie
Roxy Our Chunky Butt Rottweiler 2 1/2 years 06/30/06 Dianne Ladig
Roxy Pead German Shepherd 16 years 11/11/11 Karen Pead
Roxy Persian Cat 07/19/00-03/16/15 Joanne
Roxy Persian Cat 09/29/12-01/28/23 Kathy Sheber
Roxy Persian Cat 11/03/84-09/16/99 Janet Stanish-Knue
Roxy Peters Pomeranian 07/25/89-03/19/04 Joe, Donna and Maddie
Roxy Pit Bull- Boxer 03/16/08 Tammy O'Connor
Roxy Pomeranian 02/01/02-05/22/15 Cathleen
Roxy Pomeranian 05/28/10-09/28/20 Gary and Margo
Roxy Pomeranian 07/15/02-10/17/18 Barbara
Roxy Pomeranian 09/26/01-05/23/08 Bill and Meghan Martin
Roxy Pomeranian 1 year 12/25/04 Melissa
Roxy Pomeranian 10 years 09/18/13 Autumn
Roxy Pomeranian 15 years 2006 Kitti Blevins
Roxy Pug 05/13/01-03/19/11 Kim Wheatley
Roxy Pug 11 years 01/10/13 Lisa Smith
Roxy Pug Mix 11 years 09/16/09 Kimmy
Roxy Quarter Horse 06/22/12-03/26/17 Jolaina Shetler
Roxy Queensland Blue Heeler 05/93-09/09/04 Tammy Sparks
Roxy Queensland Heeler 11/09/08-07/13/16 Penny Kissinger
Roxy Rabbit 1 year 06/18/99 Sherry, Stan, Mollie and Emily
Roxy Rag Doll Cat 4 years 02/27/16 Shari
Roxy Raine Doberman 06/26/08-07/24/15 Kristina Messenger
Roxy Ramsay Scottish Terrier 02/20/04-09/27/09 Rc and Jessica Ramsay
Roxy Randall English Bulldog 11/05/95-11/16/07 Jennifer & Arnold Randall
Roxy Rat Terrier 05/14/96-05/29/07 Cheryl Walker
Roxy Reeves Phillips (Roxy, Deet-Deet, Roxanne Reeves) Chihuahua 07/30/05-02/22/16 Sharon Phillips
Roxy Remy Golden Retriever 10 years 05/25/10 Steve and Angela Remy
Roxy Renee Cat 3 years 10/28/06 Billy Dalton
Roxy Retriever/Collie Mix Puppy 08/2003-10/25/03 The Schurg Family
Roxy Roo Teddy Bear Hamster 1 year 07/06/04 Kara Steele
Roxy Rottie 10/94-06/18/05 Maryanne
Roxy Rottweiler 01/02/98-18/11/07 Ann Taylor
Roxy Rottweiler 01/02/98-18/11/07 Sinead Coombes
Roxy Rottweiler 01/12/99-01/05/11 Nicole K
Roxy Rottweiler 02/01/01-01/04/13 Candy
Roxy Rottweiler 03/15/03-07/26/10 Brent, Athena, Kyle, Lorena, Keegan, and Claire
Roxy Rottweiler 04/22/06-09/28/12 Kathleen Whelan
Roxy Rottweiler 05/15/94-11/13/06 Stephanie
Roxy Rottweiler 05/21/04-05/31/14 Christina StClair/Vincent Gauci
Roxy Rottweiler 06/09/93-11/20/01 B
Roxy Rottweiler 06/12/92-08/20/04 Beth Loeffler
Roxy Rottweiler 06/19/02-08/15/12 Stephanie
Roxy Rottweiler 06/93-11/2001 Antonia & Armando
Roxy Rottweiler 08/27/09 Phoebe, Debi, Autumn, Brittany and Anne Beno
Roxy Rottweiler 09/02/06-11/29/16 Lexi
Roxy Rottweiler 09/09/94-09/22/05 Maureen Gillan
Roxy Rottweiler 09/09/95-04/24/10 Michelle Z
Roxy Rottweiler 10 years 02/15/08 Kippy Godwin
Roxy Rottweiler 11/11/00-11/15/04 Maureen Denich
Roxy Rottweiler 11/97-10/30/03 Jen and Rob Waner
Roxy Rottweiler 12/12/99 Shannon
Roxy Rottweiler 12/13/98-06/20/09 Scott, Lisa & Evan Kerry
Roxy Rottweiler 3 years 09/07/10 Janice
Roxy Rottweiler Mix 9 years 01/26/06 Gerda Meng
Roxy Rotweiler 11/26/03 Maria Huntington
Roxy Rox Amanda Dog 1986-04/28/99 Paula Wiley
Roxy Sable Ferret 4 years 2000 Roy, Laura, Kaiti, Becca and Audrey
Roxy Sable Ferret 6 years 04/04/00 Roy, Laura, Kaiti, Rebecca Cook
Roxy Samuelson Golden Retriever 14 1/2 years 03/16/12 Sean and Luara
Roxy Sanchez English Bulldog 07/01/02-02/04/12 Briana Sanchez
Roxy Schnauzer 08/26/16 MQ
Roxy Sheltie 12/08/91-07/27/05 Jeff & Flo
Roxy Shepherd Mix 01/29/89-07/30/01 Terri
Roxy Shepherd Mix 05/04/06-11/17/11 Kathy Podgorski
Roxy Shepherd Mix 12/15/94-06/28/03 Sue O'Rourke
Roxy Shetland Sheepdog 10/93-05/04/98 Donna
Roxy Shih Tzu 03/17/98-08/14/04 Johnnie
Roxy Shih Tzu 04/04/02-04/01/18 Cindy
Roxy Shih Tzu 06/04/95-10/15/04 Bob & Leslie Fort
Roxy Shitzu 3 years 23/04/15 Sian and David Owen
Roxy Siamese Cat 05/05/90-02/13/07 Dianne Fahey
Roxy Siamese Cat 05/05/90-02/13/07 Didi
Roxy Siberian Husky 04/27/91-07/19/04 Sue Costa
Roxy Siberian Husky 11/04/13-09/17/17 Eva Dobilas
Roxy Silky Terrier 09/18/00-10/23/11 Laura
Roxy Staffordshire Bull Terrier 13/05/93-26/04/07 Helen, Peter and Dominic
Roxy Staffy 10/02/04-23/11/13 Lizzie Robertson
Roxy Standard Poodle 6 months 09/30/99 Steve & Elaine Ciminna for the Kirshner Family
Roxy Stover Lab/Retriever 10 years 09/23/11 Megan
Roxy Tabby Cat 06/01/04-12/06/04 Noelle Chittick
Roxy Tabby Cat 8 years 07/24/09 Jillian
Roxy Taylor Boxer 11/27/91-02/14/06 Sue, Tony, Donna, Emma
Roxy Terrier Mix 02/23/15 Louie V.
Roxy Terrier Mix 11/11/92-07/09/07 Vonnie Vasquez
Roxy The Surfer Dog Rat Terrier 08/06/85-07/13/15 Susie Suiter
Roxy Torres Black Tabby Cat 17 years 10/2003 Alexis, Rebecca, Mommy and Daddy
Roxy Tortie Cat 01/13/99-02/13/10 Tom and Chris
Roxy Tortie Cat 1991-02/16/05 Kathy
Roxy Tortie Cat 5 years 02/25/11 Ian Barber
Roxy Tortoiseshell Cat 08/25/92-03/12/04 Ann & Nasser
Roxy Toy Fox Terrier 5 years 02/12/09 Kathy
Roxy Trepagnier Maltese 09/16/04-10/25/05 Dana & Steve Trepagnier
Roxy Ttoodle Puppy 04/18/11-06/27/11 Jason and Sharon
Roxy Ullrich Pit/German Shep. 04/01/06-07/02/07 Casiann
Roxy Velasquez Poodle 02/11/02-10/18/20 Joe and Lilian V
Roxy Wagner Chow/Lab 07/01/00-08/18/09 Cindy, Ashley and Devynn Wagner
Roxy Wallace Boxer 08/12/98-10/30/05 Wesley Wallace
Roxy Weiner Dog 9 years 08/10/01 Ed Sullivan
Roxy Westie 08/05/90-07/02/09 Barbara Shepard
Roxy Wiseman Labrador 6 months 3 weeks 09/05/10 Leigh & Lucy Wiseman
Roxy Wolfhound X Rottie 11/12/08-08/15/21 Karen, Ximena and Andrew
Roxy X Breed Dog 02/07/84 01/06/00 Sandra and John
Roxy Yellow Lab 06/17/01-04/22/09 Caitlin
Roxy Yorkie 16 years 02/13/13 Mike Creed and Debbie Torres
Roxy Yorkshire Terrier 05/15/90-08/17/06 Gordon McKibbin
Roxy Yorkshire Terrier 06/06/06-02/20/12 Ruth
Roxy^jim^ Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 01/11/16 Karter
Roxyana Rottweiler/Lab 02/15/96-06/00 Cathy Brooks
Roxyanna Dalmatian 06/14/94-11/05/10 Debbie and Bill
Roxygirl Mixed Dog 06/20/00-10/25/15 Linda Jackel
Roxzie Guinea Pig 02/91-02/98 Eileen and Jerry
Roxziy Half German Shepherd Half Rottweiler 9 1/2 years 11/25/08 Jessica
Roy (Roo) Deasy American Foxhound Mix 5 years Autumn 2015 Dana & Tom Deasy
Roy Bassett Mix 8 years 05/25/10 Denise Riner
Roy Beagle 05/24/05 Tamara Ruggiero
Roy Beagle 15 years 09/03/10 Carrol Pascus
Roy Belgian Shepherd Korean War
Roy Bennett Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 05/29/11 Roland & Angela Bennett
Roy Boy Hensley Springer Spaniel 7? years 07/21/11 Jennie Hensley
Roy Boy Miniature Schnauzer 9 or 10 years 02/10/98 Julie
Roy Cat 18 years 05/08/19 The Deely Family
Roy Chihuahua 12/09/10-01/24/15 Thomasina Posilovich
Roy Chinese Shar Pei 09/11/03 Jackie
Roy Collie 04/01/01-02/2015 Patty
Roy Cordoba Mixed Terrier 11/17/07 Maria Cordoba
Roy Dog 08/2000-11/13/12 John and Kay Frederick
Roy Douglas Beeson Beagle/Chihuahua 03/29/09 Joyce-Neighbor
Roy Flat Coat Retriever 10 years 02/17/12 Fanger Family
Roy Fowler Dog 01/08/07 Charley, Monica, Anna & Elisabeth Fowler, Donna Orr, Debbie & Erin Freeman,
Roy G. Biv Cat 9 years 09/29/08 Emilie Stander
Roy German Shepherd 02/27/02 W
Roy Golden Retriever 11/04/12-12/13/21 Nabil Rizkalla
Roy Jack Russell 18 years 29/08/01 Lyndsay
Roy Labrador / Doberman 04/09/91-04/15/04 Eddie & Tracie Gutierrez
Roy Long-Haired Dachshund 12/24/89-06/19/06 Dawn Cobb
Roy Miniature Schnauzer 02/10/98 Julie
Roy Norwegian Elkhound 09/07/92-03/22/03 Harry Beggs
Roy Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/17/06 Florence Fong
Roy Roy Blue-Eyed White Cornish Rex Cat 02/08/95-01/12/01 Bonnie L. James
Roy Shepherd Mix 10/31/05-09/30/13 Christine Liebke
Roy Shetland Sheepdog 02/06/99-03/08/99 Amy
Roy Shmoopie Miniature Pinscher 06/29/95-06/05/99 Elizabeth Sigler
Roy Spynx Cat 21/10/18 Tasha
Roy Terrier 14 years 06/15/06 Sue/rachel
Roy The Good Boy Sometimes Golden Retriever 01/02/94-12/13/01 Mary Beth Isom and Wayne Koral
Roy Withers Red Point Persian Cat 09/20/95-02/23/08 Pauline Dorking and Bob Edgar
Roya Clelland/Campbell Mix Dog 06/01/02-03/18/13 Mykel Clelland
Royal 19X8 German Shepherd Vietnam
Royal Baron's Dream Miniature Schnauzer 18 years 01/15/04 James & Josee Jeffries
Royal Budgerigar 7 years 01/07/19 Aimee
Royal Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Royal Ebony Andulusian X Sport Horse 10/25/08-07/20/10 Kate
Royal Golden Retriever 11 years 04/30/09 Donna, Stephen, Keith, Stephen, Christine and Mary
Royal Greyhound 08/24/93-06/28/06 Maryann Protz
Royal Happy (Chase) Bischon 06/16/92-08/04/02 Kris Sheridan
Royal Inheritance (Charlie) American Saddlebred Horse 06/04/80-10/23/03 Jennifer Shuman
Royal Purr British Shorthair Cat almost 18 years 10/12/15 Katherine W.
Royal Rhodesian Ridgeback 11 years 01/09/06 Ellen Epstein Daria Gladd
Royal Rottie 11 years 08/13/12 Gregory Purzycki and Mark Sova
Royal Spark Johnson, Sparky Toy Fox Terrier 09/01/89-06/22/07 Sheryl Johnson
Royalair's Lady Tasha German Shepherd Dog 05/27/90-07/07/03 Steve, Pam, Alex and Spencer
Royale Prince Meezer Seal Point Siamese Cat 04/10/02-08/10/09 Godfrey Thomas Neuenschwander
Royale's Princess Jasmine English Setter 02/25/94-01/20/03 Jeanne A. Deeming
RoyBob Mixed Cat 09/07/96-08/05/05 Natalie
Royce (Mr. Royce - Baby Boy) Maltese 05/06/01-09/09/16 Ed & Anna
Royce Dog 12/31/13 Phillip Lightner
Royce Fischer Mixed Cat 2004-06/01/16 George and Carol Fischer
Royce Rottie 11/02/08 Toni
Royce Tuxedo (Black & White) Cat 18 years 01/07/01 Jeannie Menor
Royler Boston Terrier 02/10/01-06/01/11 Julie
Royottas Chinese Shar Pei 11/02/90-09/11/03 Jackie
Roz Boston Terrier 09/24/11-01/30/17 Alex & Tate
Roz Cat 04/13/01-11/16/12 Theresa
Roz Dog 11/21/97-12/18/10 Andrea & Max
Roz Jack Russell 06/26/96-12/09/97 Barbara
Roz Mutt 14 years 07/30/07 Babz Moffatt
Roz Reaney Border Collie 02/14/98-04/04/99 Harriet
Roz Russian Blue Cat 10/03/04-04/22/09 Liza MacNamara
Roza Belgian Malinois 01/05/95-03/26/98 Roger A. Humphrey
Rozdi Razila Domestic Short Hair (Ginger) Cat 01/04/02-26/03/04 Avalon Sperring
Rozee Rottweiler 1 year 10/20/01 Kim
Rozey Chinese Crested Dog 12/04/99-04/17/11 Lynn Pettengill
Rozi European Ferret 04/01/04-07/20/10 Monika & Brad Dean
Rozie Cat 05/01/82-08/06/98 Fran
Rozy Pomeranian 02/16/05-01/08/16 Sherri Dagastino
Rozzie O'Grady German Shepherd 15+ years 10/17/08 Amanda
Rozzie Shoff Lab Mix 07/18/94-05/12/07 Mom & Dad - Lisa & Carey Shoff, Brother Dino, Sister Gypse, Grandma & Grandpa Gibson
Rozzy Susie/Porta Domestic Orange Long Hair Cat 19 months 05/21/12 Sharon K. Susie/ Carol A. Porta
RP Cat 17 years 02/29/00 Gregory P. McCormick and Adria
Rpn Santo Cat 02/27/08 Ed Heath
Rraca New Mexico Mountain Magpie Spring of 2011-09/16/11 Maggi Rankin
Rremmington Red Bear German Shepherd 05/05/99-04/16/08 Monique
Rrudy Yellow Shorthair Domestic Cat 09/97-08/01/02 Marilyn Warren and Family
RT Cat 16 years 07/05/01 Kim
RT Dachshund 09/22/98-04/06/11 Margaret & Rupert
R'tecs Fascinatin' Rhythm (Kari) Standard Poodle 1981-1993 Barb Babou
R-Trey German Shepherd 03/17/06-10/05/11 Chip Mills
Ru Akita 10/24/95-10/14/06 Brian Tipsword
Ru The Black Cat 04/01/87-10/18/00 Carol DuBe'
Rua Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 12/12/12 Diana
Rua Turtle 25 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Ruark German Shepherd 1982 M.J.
Ruban Cat 04/21/98-04/03/11 Jenny
Rubarb Orange and White Cat 6 years 07/16/00 Jayne
Rubba Bubba Bugsy Boston Terrier 10 years 11/28/11 Jody Hagans
Rubberbaby Chihuahua 03/15/00-11/01/14 Shirley & Jack Brinkley
Rubbi Silky Terrier 1990-12/10/04 Alicia Gago
Rubble Blond Mixed-Breed Terrier 06/12/83-05/08/01 Evelyn I. Challis
Rubble Dog 13 years 12/23/02 C
Rubbs Cat 10/13/05 Chris and Stacie
Rube Cat 3 years 10/01/10 Jen
Rubee Chestnut Thoroughbred Horse 04/12/93-08/16/00 Susan Visser
Ruben Afghan Hound 10 years 11/28/97 Joel Bilodeau and John McEntee
Ruben Bearded Collie/Chow 8 years, 3 months 11/07/00 David Hamrah
Ruben Black Lab/Great Dane Mix 10/04/05 Jennifer
Ruben Cooper Jack Russell 11 years 02/05/18 Kerry Cooper
Ruben Irish Terrier 14 years 08/24/11 Adrianna Maselli
Ruben Lab/Collie Mix 11/29/02-01/05/05 Autumn
Ruben Mahogany Red Color Dog 08/2004 Dan & Kristin Vaughn-Petersen
Ruben Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/12/86-12/02/94 Norma Stoliar
Rubens Airedale Terrier 05/12/90-08/08/03 Shannon & Jenn
Rubens Bittany Spaniel 10/79-06/03/96 Roberta
Ruber Dog 03/10/04 Deborah & Bill
RuBert English Pointer 02/23/94-11/29/07 Ned Johnston
Rubi Chihuahua 1995-18 years Jillby
Rubi Dog 10/93-07/10/06 Maria Duarte
Rubi German Shepherd 07/21/03-11/23/07 Mark Ryan
Rubi Red Poodle 08/25/00-06/20/06 Lisette & Giovanni Archondo
Rubi Syrian Hamster 02/01/08-12/23/09 Chrisi Cutler
Rubiann Cat 05/26/04-07/21/16 Moni Kinney
Rubie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/2006-02/02/14 Dwight and Burnetta Everett
Rubie Mixed Cat 6 years 04/30/09 Vicki, Carley and Dave Rach
Rubie Rottweiler 01/24/09 Sarah
Rubik Chinese Shar-Pei 6 years CS
Rubin Cat 03/86-05/26/98 Gina and JoAnn
Rubin German Shepherd/Collie 12 years 10/03/11 Veronica
Rubin Grey Tabby Cat 07/12/99-07/2003 Elizabeth M. Ginn
Rubin Siamese Cat 14 years 01/28/05 Diane
Rubin Vassal 11 years 12/02/05 Jennifer Johnston
Rubin Vizsla 11 year 1 month 12/02/05 Jennifer Johnston
Rubio DSH Orange Cat 12/03/04-12/19/08 Miko
Rubito Cat 2 1/2 months (approx.) 08/27/09 Margarita
Ruble Siberian Husky 15 years 08/06/99 Debbie
Rubles Husky 15 years 08/06/99 Deb
Ruby (Precious Ruby Gem) 05/12/89-06/15/00 The Pandolpho Family
Ruby 07/05/01 J Michele
Ruby Abyssinian Cat 10/08/96-11/13/05 Sherry & Alan Rudick
Ruby African Grey 7 years 08/28/10 Tonya Lunge
Ruby Amanda Doberman Pinscher 02/2001-11/16/08 Christy Robinson
Ruby American Staffy 14/09/12-12/09/12 Jayde
Ruby and her unborn baby Elephant - Phoenix Zoo 1975-11/06/98 Long time friend and admirer
Ruby Anne Altmann Cocker Spaniel 09/11/92-08/23/00 Carol
Ruby Anne Domestic Calico Cat 16 years 09/29/05 John and Doug
Ruby- Aruba Cat 12/20/10 Jody & Bruce
Ruby Australian Shepherd 07/82-04/28/98 Martha Lynn
Ruby Australian Shepherd 15 years 07/28/19 Sara Reese
Ruby Australian Shepherd Mix 12 years 08/04/18 Grace and John O'Brien
Ruby Basset Hound 02/29/08-04/13/19 Kim, Rob and Buster Kurland
Ruby Basset Hound 12 years 09/28/10 Janice
Ruby Basset Hound 15 years 11/26/13 Daniel Pidgeon
Ruby Bassett Hound 03/06/00-03/05/11 John Woracek
Ruby Beagle 08/08/08-07/17/19 Robin Family
Ruby Beagle 9 years 09/08/00 TML
Ruby Begonia Border Collie Mix 01/01/77-08/08/90 Cindy & Dick
Ruby Begonia Cocker Spaniel 06/21/97-05/24/06 Peggy Hooberman
Ruby Bentley German Shepherd 09/02/93-06/25/02 Clementine & Tony
Ruby Bermont Minature Collie 04/15/75-10/01/92 Star & Angel Cody
Ruby Bernese Mt Dog 08/06/95-09/08/01 Christy & Mark Bunnell
Ruby Black and White Brittany Spaniel 01/15/87-03/24/03 Laurie Hatch
Ruby Black Cat 04/18/05-07/09/12 Cara Smith
Ruby Black Cat 10 years 10th November 2000 Heather Telford
Ruby Black Lab 03/12/09 Ann Wensel
Ruby Black Lab 05/10/97-09/13/99 Susan & Steve
Ruby Black Lab 08/06/95-06/29/09 Alicia Ammirata
Ruby Black Lab 10/16/17 Douglas Grove
Ruby Black Lab Mix 04/01/99-11/02/05 Joy Burnett
Ruby Black Labrador 13 years 11/99 Fielding Family
Ruby Bloodhound 12/13/02-07/26/13 Shelley
Ruby Blu Girl Dachshund 13 years 05/06/13 Kelly
Ruby Blue Girl Doxie 14 years 05/06/14 Kelly
Ruby Blue Heeler 9 years 03/01/12 Nell Schwartz
Ruby Bluebelle Snowdrop Golden Retriever 29/11/02-28/04/03 Gillian and Chris Clack
Ruby Border Collie 06/13/97-09/18/08 Sandra Thibault
Ruby Boston Bull Terrier 9 years 05/06/01 Sharon and Chuck Malone
Ruby Boston Terrier 05/28/01-04/30/11 Beth Santoro
Ruby Boston Terrier 6 years 07/17/97 Kathleen Engberg
Ruby Boxer 04/29/10 P. Walling
Ruby Boxer 09/05/85-10/10/98 Val Miller
Ruby Boxer 10/30/00-12/02/08 Connie & Doug
Ruby Boxer 11 years 02/17/05 Helen Matthew
Ruby Boxer 11/01/03-01/15/10 Lisa Chambers
Ruby Boxer 11/25/97-07/13/05 Scott Christy & Ariel Murphy
Ruby Boxer 4 years 01/26/12 Jennifer and Alex
Ruby Boxer/Cattle Dog 11/01/18 08/17/22 Jessica and Christopher
Ruby Boxer/Hound Mix 05/01/03-08/03/09 Ashley and Stefan
Ruby Boxer/Retriever 09/15/09-03/30/18 Heidi Moore
Ruby Boxer/Retriever Mix 09/15/09-03/30/18 Heidi Moore
Ruby Brewer-Bettencourt Australian Shepherd 03/01/00-01/30/13 Kim and Manuel Bettencourt
Ruby Calhoun Beagle/Pug 7 years 07/2011 Calhoun Family
Ruby Calico Cat 04/2009-09/15/09 Jill Strom
Ruby Calico Cat 12 years 10/05/15 Amy Nolan
Ruby Calico Cat 14 years 08/22/21 Debbie Starzec
Ruby Calico Cat 9 years 03/25/14 Linda Dlugi
Ruby Californian Rabbit 08/02/09-11/16/09 Ethan Judkins
Ruby Casmey White German Shepherd 05/24/06-02/18/16 Lucy and Don Casmey
Ruby Cat 04/03/23 Elizabeth Rich
Ruby Cat 05/2014-11/25/14 Kina
Ruby Cat 10 years 04/12/15 James Garrard
Ruby Cat 12 years 03/15/99 ZZ
Ruby Cat 15 years 04/05/01 Ruby
Ruby Cat 16 years 04/03/06 Eddie & Mandy Morton
Ruby Cat 16 years 11/07/11 Louisa Brannan Evans
Ruby Cat 17 years 06/11/09 Amity Borders
Ruby Cat 18 years 05/29/07 Fiona Lambie
Ruby Cat 9 years 01/11/24 Chris
Ruby Cat 1984-12/28/01 Carole Mc Millan
Ruby Cat around 3 years 13th Febuary 2012 Lucy
Ruby Cattle Dog Mix 14 years 04/21/15 Rickie
Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/23/95-03/15/02 Claudia
Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 6 years 07/18/15 Erik
Ruby Chandeliair Gray Rat 08/16/11-04/09/13 Paige Gray
Ruby Cherry-Headed Conure 12 years 06/19/17 Jean Nicole Lupinacci
Ruby Chihuahua 03/28/22 Angelica
Ruby Chihuahua 12 years 05/25/02 Sharon Nelson
Ruby Chihuahua 19.07.2006-19.02.2016 Lyndell
Ruby Chihuahua 1987?-12/06/03 Mindy
Ruby Chihuahua 5 years Jason Ozmun
Ruby Chihuahua Mix 11/10/06-08/23/11 Lisa Kopydlowski
Ruby Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 08/25/04 Robert and Andrea Houk
Ruby Chinese Hairless Dog 11/25/09-10/18/13 Dawn and Kai Neely
Ruby Chocolate English Butterfly Rabbit 7 1/2 years 01/11/99 Kevan
Ruby Cockapoo 17 years 10/06/09 Kate Clough
Ruby Cockatiel 11/19/01-02/23/02 Bryan Russell
Ruby Cocker Mix 09/30/13 Denise
Ruby Cocker Spaniel 06/14/00-05/30/15 Amanda
Ruby Cocker Spaniel 08/03/00-07/23/08 Brigette Chapman
Ruby Cornish Rex AC
Ruby Cow 10 years 05/22/06 L. Hargrove
Ruby Dachshund 01/09/13 Sophie
Ruby Dachshund 05/13/01-01/20/09 DeeDee Brooks
Ruby Dachshund 05/13/86-09/04/00 Claire E. Mailhiot
Ruby Dachshund 11/29/95-04/10/12 Jana Brinson
Ruby Dachshund 14 years 01/21/24 Sherry and Richard
Ruby Dalmatian 01/18/97-10/11/10 Rick
Ruby Dawn Blood Hound 09/01/98-10/24/08 Cheryl & Kevin Heywood
Ruby Dean Sheltie 11 years 04/02/09 Maureen Stephenson
Ruby Dee Basset Hound 09/22/92-07/11/04 Gaynel Minchow
Ruby Dee Mixed Dog 04/2005-03/26/14 Karen Jones
Ruby DeStefano Doberman 06/01/02-10/11/09 Ruby's Aunt Suzy BonaHatem
Ruby DeStefano Doberman Pinscher 05/01/02-10/11/09 Jerry & Lorraine DeStefano
Ruby Doberman 05/14/95-10/04/05 Barbara J. Mac Dougall
Ruby Doberman 06/18/97-07/22/05 Neil Webster
Ruby Doberman 06/91-07/93 Tammy
Ruby Doberman 11/10/96-02/12/04 Marica Weaver
Ruby Doberman 12+ years 21/08/08 Jenne
Ruby Dobie 9 years 07/10/15 Jenni M.
Ruby Dog 05/17/04 Laura Belleville
Ruby Dog 12/09/17-03/20/18 Jocelyn
Ruby Dog 14 years 04/21/15 Rickie
Ruby Dog 15 years 08/16/04 Deb McMahon
Ruby Dogue de Bordeaux 4 years 02/04/04 Beth
Ruby Domestic Cat 20/11/03-19/04/08 Diane
Ruby Domestic Rat 09/20/03-03/04/05 Nicole Vanasse
Ruby Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/21/03-03/18/17 Sue Gross
Ruby Domestic Short Hair Cat 20 years 02/01/21 Beverley
Ruby Dooby Dog Evelyn Wilson
Ruby Doverman 07/15/93-07/10/00 Elizabeth M. Phillips
Ruby DSH Cat 08/25/11 Kryssi
Ruby DSH Orange Cat 16 years 04/24/10 Beckie & Andy
Ruby Dwarf Cross Rabbit 8 years 01/28/25 Ellie
Ruby E Red Labrador 6 years 05/20/16 Grandma Lynn Langeslay
Ruby English Bulldog 2 1/2 years 08/07/11 Laura
Ruby English Setter 10 years 04/21/14 Lisa
Ruby Ferret 22/08/98-10/02/08 Kathy
Ruby Fox Dachshund Mix 05/20/07-01/26/24 Marlys Fox
Ruby German Shepherd 02/07/94-06/28/06 Kym Lane
Ruby German Shepherd 02/18/05-10/01/16 Angela DeLucia
Ruby German Shepherd 03/28/01-10/26/10 Wendy & James
Ruby German Shepherd 04/79-07/88 Diane Holmes
Ruby German Shepherd 07/01/95-09/03/05 Leslie, Graeme, Evan & Emily
Ruby German Shepherd 07/07/98-07/03/12 Mark Tomlinson
Ruby German Shepherd 11 years 02/05/07 Amy Hance
Ruby German Shepherd 12 1/2 years 22/05/04 Mica Obst
Ruby German Shepherd 13 years 12/05/08 Joanie
Ruby German Shepherd 8 years 03/23/06 Jenny Cotterill
Ruby German Shepherd 8 years 3 months 26/04/13 Janet Shepheard
Ruby German Shepherd 9 1/2 years 10/02/07 Maria
Ruby German Shepherd Mix 07/04/00-06/06/05 Dan and Alicia Atkinson
Ruby German Shepherd/Rottweiler 03/12/95-04/03/09 Maryellen Walsh
Ruby German Short Haired Pointer 04/20/09 Cheryl, Brannon, Austin & Reagan Watson
Ruby Girl Chihuahua Mix 09/30/13 Denise
Ruby Girl Mixed Dog 08/01/98-08/26/10 Georgette and Brian Keenan
Ruby Girl Morkie 04/15/08-09/27/21 Nora Sofa
Ruby Goh Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11/06/00-03/20/09 Goh Family
Ruby Golden Retriever 04/29/04-07/04/15 RoseAnn Martin
Ruby Golden Retriever 09/01/07-07/12/17 Vicky
Ruby Golden Retriever 11 years 04/26/12 Jack Sax
Ruby Golden Retriever 12 years 07/18/10 Sharon Register
Ruby Golden Retriever 15 years 09/19/03 Terri Ogburn
Ruby Golden Retriever/Lab Mix 10/30/95-01/23/06 Johnna & Bob
Ruby Grace Shepard Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/26/09-07/03/10 Christine Shepard
Ruby Great Dane 05/06/99-05/31/11 Diana Moresi
Ruby Greenwood aka Rubz Bichon Frise 04/30/11-09/12/15 Nelaida Greenwood
Ruby Gregory Jack Russell Terrier 08/30/89-09/26/06 Stephanie Gregory and Cam Cote
Ruby Greyhound 07/01/90-11/05/98 Jean Iaderosa
Ruby Guinea Pig 09/18/11 Laura Jarmuz
Ruby Guinea Pig 5 years 12/04/04 Tabitha
Ruby Guinea Pig 7 1/2 years 04/11/14 Rebecca Kopel
Ruby Gum Gums Cat 12/02/14 Michael Paula
Ruby Half Pit Half Rottweiler 10/18/00-01/30/12 Sam Hudgins
Ruby Hamster 10/01/11-08/04/13 Pat Grosse
Ruby Hamster 12/19/08-10/04/10 Pat Grosse
Ruby Hooded Rat 07/04/96 08/99 Kibbie
Ruby Husky 10/26/04-04/17/17 Nanci Tallarido
Ruby Irish Setter Marj Lakins
Ruby Italian Greyhound 05/26/97-05/24/11 Kathy
Ruby Jack Russell 16 years 4th November 1996 Josephine Hogarty
Ruby Jack Russell 3 years 10/14/11 Sherrie
Ruby Jack Russell Terrier Mix 01/30/06-08/08/09 Linda
Ruby Jewel Lee Soss German Shorthair Pointer 09/10/98-03/22/05 Lori Soss
Ruby Juliet Pitt Parrish Terrier Poodle Mix 07/20/06-07/04/14 Mary Pitt & Michael Parrish
Ruby K-9 07/21/03 Ben Dameron & Ralph Miller
Ruby Kaufmand Golden Retriever 06/01/01-06/04/13 Ellie and Alan
Ruby Kautman English Bulldog 03/31/99-11/15/06 Trisha
Ruby Kennedy German Shepherd/Husky Mix 08/27/96-07/31/10 Tim & Anne Kennedy
Ruby Kitten 06/13/07-03/30/08 Amanda
Ruby Kitty Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 09/10/03 Steve Sherman
Ruby Lab 07/26/00-04/04/03 Jennifer
Ruby Lab Mix 03/14/08-08/17/10 Donna
Ruby Lab Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Ruby Labrador Retriever 11 years 06/03/00 Diana Powell
Ruby Lancaster Pit Bull / Lab 03/17/98-01/08/07 Brian & Destiny Russell Lancaster
Ruby Leonberger 01/02/11 Claudia Grieshaber
Ruby Linn Dog 11/01/00-08/05/01 Freda and Kay
Ruby Lionhead Bunny 4 years 07/02/12 Molly
Ruby Liver Spotted Dalmatian 15 1/5 years 06/19/09 Jenn Forgie
Ruby Longhaired Black Cat 1 year 06/03/12 Jenny AG
Ruby Lula Yellow Lab/ Shepherd 12 years 07/09/06 Patrick Coons
Ruby Lynx Point Cat 20 years 08/06/23 Megan McLaughlin
Ruby Mae aka Boo!, Boobala, Bold-One, Peetoes, Whome?!, One-Of-the-girls Siberian Huskie 07/8ths 01/13/88-05/27/05 Dona
Ruby Mae Black Lab 12 years 07/09/21 K Newman
Ruby Maltese? 14? years 12/08/03 Marylee Arnold
Ruby May Kaufman Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 02/29/08-04/28/21 Tess Kaufman
Ruby Mini Fox Terrier X Australian Terrier 12/26/92-11/17/06 Robin Riley
Ruby Miniature Dachshund 12 years 09/30/07 Diane Shankles
Ruby Miniature Pinscher 09/15/01-09/24/08 Patty
Ruby Miniature Pinscher 12/25/05-08/27/08 Dan Franklin
Ruby Miniature Schnauzer 06/25/89-12/05/99 Steven
Ruby Miniature Schnauzer 07/10/04-22/08/06 Rose Boland
Ruby Miniature Schnauzer 7 years 4th December 2012 Sue Bradshaw
Ruby Mixed Dog 5 years 12/03/97 Cathy Breaux
Ruby Mixed Dog 9 years 07/15/04 Christina Service
Ruby Moluccan Cockatoo 15 years 09/09/04 Lisa
Ruby Mutt 6 years 05/25/96 Nicole Panter
Ruby My Princess Cat 07/04/88-03/25/05 Beth Anne
Ruby Orange Tabby Cat 1988-10/14/05 Leslie Stark
Ruby Our Sweet Family Member Mixed Dog But looked like a Maltese 1989-12/08/03 The Rasenberger/Arnold Families
Ruby Pearl Clifton Mini Pin 05/10/00-03/08/19 Debra Clifton
Ruby Peruvian Guinea Pig 10 months 05/05/05 Vicki Wood
Ruby Pit Bull 12 years 02/28/11 Becky Pollock
Ruby Pitbull 11 years 08/18/09 Cindy Deverell
Ruby Pitbull Boxer Mix 14 years 03/22/10 Beverly Jo Slaughter
Ruby Pomeranian 03/30/12 Rob and Connie
Ruby Pomeranian 12/10/94-07/25/08 Mike and Dianne Shelbrack
Ruby Pomeranian 13 years 04/2014 Barbara McDonald
Ruby Pomeranian Mix 16 years 03/23/10 Lisa
Ruby Poodle/Schnauzer (Schnoodle) 07/11/95-12/24/01 Sue and Vince Yesalonia
Ruby Pug 03/17/05-03/04/06 Joann Dioguardi
Ruby Pug 03/17/10 Denise Chiofolo
Ruby Pug 13 years 05/21/14 Cris Greene
Ruby Pug 16 years 06/17/16 Sonny Garcia
Ruby Pug 16 years 07/2012 Claire
Ruby Pug 2 years 11 months 09/02/12 Melody Sterling
Ruby Pug/Chihuahua 8 years 08/30/04 Regina and Yasmine
Ruby Rabbit 1 year 14/12/08 Nicole
Ruby Rae's Lady Lisa Boxer 10/08/03-01/20/15 Steve and Robin Adkins
Ruby Rat 08/16/11-04/09/13 Paige
Ruby Rat 3 1/2 years 02/14/10 Lotti
Ruby Rat Terrier 02/12/05 Denise & Ed Payne
Ruby Red Doberman 10/01/99-11/27/11 Daniel Mowczan
Ruby Red Dog 1988-06/05/04 Ellen and Pat Pfau
Ruby Red Eyes Rex Fancy Rat 2015-21/02/17 Shirley and Kevin Sams
Ruby Red Haner Welsh Corgi 11/95-11/03/05 Ray & Karen Haner
Ruby Red Johnson English Bulldog 02/26/01-06/27/09 Rachel and Chris Johnson
Ruby Red Persian Cat 02/14/98-04/10/04 Mr/Mrs Betancourth
Ruby Redbone Coonhound 15 years 09/25/12 Terry and Cheryl Carr
Ruby Redbone Hound 12 years 02/10/19 Lisa Acevedo
Ruby Rhodesian Ridgeback 09/25/12-02/20/22 Sherry Johns
Ruby Rhodesian Ridgeback Cat 06/28/92-07/03/05 Anna Coffin
Ruby Rickel Mixed Dog 11/96-11/25/08 Jeffrey Rickel
Ruby Ridgeback/Lab 07/15/92-05/23/03 Anthony & Jennifer Donner
Ruby Rodenbarger Rat Terrier 05/03/06 Mary Rodenbarger, Jeff Rodenbarher Angi Rodenbarger Britany Barlow
Ruby Roelen Pug 03/28/06-05/06/12 Janet Roelen
Ruby Rose Black Lab 05/12/96-06/15/07 Tony and Shelley Rose
Ruby Rose Boston Terrier 10/31/08-08/14/15 Celina Ardron
Ruby Rose Hamster 1 year 12/28/00 Kirsten, Lynette, and Alan Simon
Ruby Rose Himalayan Cat 04/2004-09/17/05 Carl Lamkin
Ruby Rose Wallace Yellow Lab 05/14/01-02/08/05 Deana Wallace & Billy Cotter
Ruby Rottenweiler 01/26/97-06/29/02 Judy
Ruby Rottweiler 03/18/90-05/07/99 Joe Freed
Ruby Rottweiler 05/10/06-07/05/06 Kathie, Stevie, Sarah-May & Kenny-Joe
Ruby Rottweiler 13 years 11/19/09 The Dubson-Perez Family
Ruby Rottweiler 31/08/99-31/03/13 Alistair & Amanda Hill
Ruby Rottweiler 9 years 08/23/01 Karyn
Ruby Rottweiler 9 years 10/05/10 Marlene Wells
Ruby Rough Collie 03/12/12-12/14/22 Kathleen Trudgeon
Ruby Rue Mae Doodle Goldendoodle 01/27/20-03/01/21 Becky McDaniel
Ruby Saint Bernard Mix 13 years 10/15/04 Gloria Stewart
Ruby Samoyed 15 years 04/21/05 Sharon & Tony
Ruby Scarlet O'Hara (aka Shirt) Boston Terrier 07/24/92-05/06/01 Sharon Malone
Ruby Seal-Point Lop Rabbit 12 years 09/15/19 Sandra Schneider
Ruby Shep/ Lab 07/05/05 Patrick Coons
Ruby Shepherd 12/11/07 Rachel
Ruby Shepherd Mix 08/21/88-11/14/96 Charlene Jaworksi & Scott Keeler
Ruby Shih Tzu 1 year 08/08/08 Brian, Colleen, Laura and Katie
Ruby Shih Tzu 10/02/01-03/12/13 Wendy
Ruby Shih Tzu 10/22/03-08/08/08 Shari & Chris Landa
Ruby Shih Tzu 13 May 2011-28 November 2011 Yasmin
Ruby Shih-Tzu 11/05/10-06/17/10 Emily Butcher
Ruby Shoes Boxer 07/30/86-03/06/97 Pam and Mark Barrett
Ruby Shorthair (Calico) Cat 10/97-05/26/12 Angela and Tony Frederick
Ruby Short-Haired Mouse 01/06/07 Misha
Ruby Siamese 'Blue Point' Cat 14 years 05/16/10 Erika
Ruby Siberian Husky 11/10/95-11/22/06 Alexa
Ruby Siberian Husky 15 years 2002 Darlene
Ruby Silky Terrier 30/04/97-10/10/10 Ros & Laura From Australia
Ruby Sky Greyhound 08/08/97-02/28/09 Vincent and Leslie Iachini
Ruby Slick Chocolate Lab 12 years 10/22/16 Monte and Cheryl Slick
Ruby Society Finch 03/01/05 Mary Jo Erickson
Ruby Solomon Island Eclectus 12/23/00-09/11/04 Robert & Kristy Davis
Ruby Somoli Cat 03/04/98 Tracey Gerhold
Ruby St Bernard 7 years 09/18/08 Alyssa
Ruby St. Bernard 4 years 04/10/11 Sylvia Parisotto
Ruby St. Bernard/Collie 04/82-12/01/97 Manuel and Willow Miranda
Ruby Staffie Cross 9 years 19th. October 2011 Francesca
Ruby Sue Beagle 4 years 05/01/19 Cliff, Jan, James, and Halle
Ruby Sue Boxer 01/31/08-11/23/10 Daphne and David Lockmanese
Ruby Sue Toy Poodle 5 years 08/08/07 Karen Kazma
Ruby Susko Golden Retriever 08/23/10-01/14/19 Scott & Susan Susko
Ruby Susko Golden Retriever 08/23/10-01/14/19 Susan Susko
Ruby Sylvester Lab 11/13/93-07/21/07 Amy Sylvester
Ruby T Puggle 07/07/08-12/02/22 Brenda T
Ruby Tabby Cat 05/19/00-05/19/02 Becky
Ruby Tabby Cat 16 1/2 years 11/08/04 Fred
Ruby The Grand Lady Irish Setter 12 years 11/07/03 The Steinke Family
Ruby Thibault Pug 01/01/00-05/11/08 Doug and Carla Thibault
Ruby Topaz Tortoiseshell Cat 13 years 05/13/99 Lori Trochim
Ruby Tortoiseshell Cat 13 years 01/24/07 Fiona Anderson
Ruby Toy Poodle 06/22/05-02/05/12 Rosemarie De Siervo
Ruby Tuesday a.k.a. The Rubster Rottweiler 02/23/02-02/13/07 Deborah LeRoy, Ally and David
Ruby Tuesday Doberman 03/24/94-11/24/08 Donna O
Ruby Tuesday Dog @15 years 12/23/19 K Cole
Ruby Tuesday German Shepherd 02/21/91-11/14/03 Dennis & Sandy Smeiska
Ruby Tuesday Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd Cross 09/16/02-08/10/10 Emilie, Rick and Nicole
Ruby Tuesday JUG 07/01/05-11/07/11 Gerri, George.Sage, Cye.
Ruby Tuesday McCarthy DSH (Tuxedo, B/W) Cat 10/10/88-02/26/06 Jennifer McCarthy Pichler
Ruby Tuesday Sharpei 7 years 02/07/18 Cathy Smith
Ruby Tuesday Smyth DSH Cat 06/27/13-07/12/23 Tanya Smyth
Ruby Tuesday Staffordshire Bull Terrier 3 years 08/02/06 Rachel
Ruby Two Shoes Greyhound 06/06/97-02/17/08 Shirley & George
Ruby Velvet Rabbit 18/03/14 Nyasha Ogden
Ruby Viszla Mix 1987-02/28/00 Georgia Fuoto
Ruby von Bremerhaven GSD 03/21/92-08/07/96 Terry Lynch
Ruby Weimeraner 04/15/92-03/15/06 George & Chris Merriweather
Ruby Whippet 30/09/09-07/08/14 Victoria Green
Ruby White Boxer 05/15/08-09/07/08 Sylvia
Ruby White Shepherd 12/30/90-09/03/01 Jim & Mary Slavin
Ruby Yellow Lab 07/15/92-01/30/05 Dick
Ruby Yorkie 7 years 03/22/11 Lori Brown
Ruby Yorkie 9 years 03/04/13 J
Ruby Yorkie Poo Dig 15 years 07/19/19 Fatima
Ruby Yorkie Puppy 07/22/12-05/28/13 Jennie Helston
Ruby Yorkie/Pek-A-Poo 01/22/02-02/15/06 Jill
Ruby Zelma Dachshund 01/31/07-05/30/10 Fritz and Karyn Koehring
Ruby, June Bug, Fudge, Sparky and Ralphie Guinea Pigs 03/04/07 Erin and Friends At Pigloo
Ruby-Chan 07/17/98-08/18/98 The Kusters
Ruby-Doo Cocker Spaniel Or Cockapoo 10/06/09 Kate Clark
Ruby-Rosie Pomeranian 04/09/06 Wilma & Leo Jahn
Ruby-Rubob Short Hair Cat 3 years 04/28/08 Saunda Coleman
Rubystar German Shorthaired Pointer 04/11/95-05/01/06 Lori S
Ruby-Sue Guinea Pig 01/02/08 Jo Van Trigt
Ruca Boxer 9 years 04/01/13 Rebecca Seymour
Ruca Golden 11 years 05/06/13 Kevin Flores
Rucci Pug 12 years 02/12/17 The Finnell Family
Rucci White Cat 10 years 06/12/07 Elise Capillo
Ruccuss (Ruccussmarie) Pit Bull (Staffordshire Terrier) 03/10/97-05/21/07 Denise Minor
Ruck Yellow Lab 01/26/08-03/12/23 David Johnson
Rucker Beagle 04/25/19 Kathleen Wood
Ruckus Bichon Frise 17 years 09/09/09 Tara & Mj
Ruckus Boxer 05/14/05-09/19/04 Megan
Ruckus German Shepherd 01/2004-07/27/15 Gwendolyn S. Meade
Ruckus Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 05/26/07 Laurel, Mike, Chaos & Fritz
Ruckus Pit Mix 9 years 10/21/10 Jorge, Gloria and Sophia
Ruckus Puggle 10/17/13-02/17/21 Dawn Zorbas
Ruckus Savannah Monitor 08/28/02-12/10/03 Erin White, Heath Denzler
Ruckus Terrier Mix 18 years 02/15/04 Janet
Rudder Black Lab 03/30/07 Pete & Donna Floyd
Rudder English Springer Spaniel 02/10/95-03/27/07 Robin Jenness
Rudder Seal Point Siamese Cat 12 years 09/26/01 Leslie and Jon
Rudder Westie 09/15/90-02/24/03 Joe & Barb Albert
Ruddi Lhasa Apso 11/03/88-11/26/96 Edward Frederick
Ruddles Green Golden Retriever 06/16/98-09/07/11 Donna
Ruddy Buff of Benwood Dob Lab 5 years 03/26/96 Celeste Penny
Ruddy Shorthair Cat 16 years 31/07/11 Shelagh Pe Kerch
Rude Fawn Boxer 01/08/00 Cheri
Rudee Black Labrador Retriever 10/30/93-10/17/05 Tracy Robison
Rudee Black Labrador Retriever 10/30/93-10/17/05 Tracy, John and Steven Robison
Rudee Boxer, Pit, Chow, Shepherd 11/24/90-08/20/04 Becky
Rudee Burmese Cat 02/14/95-10/15/99 Michelle
Rudee Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/24/94-10/19/06 Claire Lindsay
Rudee Golden Retriever 01/07/92-08/18/04 Sandi
Rudee Golden Retriever 11/25/00-08/03/13 Debbie
Rudee Hooligan American Tabby Cat 14 years 08/10/06 Howard & Lynn Stringfellow
Rudey Angus Grey and White Tiger Cat 12 years 02/14/00 janice hume
Rudi (boo boo) Appendix Quarter Horse Gelding 04/01/89-12/07/02 Alison
Rudi Beagle-Rottweiler 05/96-10/30/08 Di and John Nader
Rudi Blue Mostly Russian Blue Cat 01/01/84-04/19/98 Renee Knapke
Rudi Cat 10 years 07/03/01 The Robertsons
Rudi Cat 13 years 03/14/08 Maryann Petrosino
Rudi Chow, Australian Shepherd, Chocolate Lab 16 years 04/11/07 Alycia Rubio
Rudi Clayton Black Lab. 14 years 12/30/00 Candace Ryan
Rudi Cockapoo 07/04/93-03/03/06 Erin Trainor
Rudi Cocker Spaniel 06/24/03 Nancy Trolley
Rudi Dog 06/13/10-07/16/12 Anna
Rudi Dog 10/26/87-01/22/99 Ruddavkath
Rudi Dog 9 years 06/17/14 Missy Schleicher
Rudi German Shepherd 01/07/03-12/03/12 Juergen and Daniela Hannappel
Rudi German Shepherd 09/18/95-05/09/09 Dawn
Rudi German Shepherd 6 years 28/10/05 Christine Arnott
Rudi Ginger Longhaired Cat 23/04/07-09/07/08 Julia Cafferkey
Rudi Golden 01/16/88-02/2003 Regina & Mark
Rudi Golden Retriever 08/31/81-05/24/93 Moira
Rudi Italian Greyhound 15 years 11/15/15 Liz Langer
Rudi Miniature Schnauzer 04/14/93-10/06/01 Norma Strickland
Rudi Miniature Schnauzer 12/15/83-02/22/99 Jim Mitchell
Rudi Papillion 02/16/91-07/12/03 Susan
Rudi Rottweiler 10/04/89-12/23/00 Myra Redington-Parker
Rudi Rottweiler 8 1/2 years 08/06/98 Melinda
Rudi Scott Cat 08/93-12/29/07 Michelle Scott
Rudi Siamese/Himalayan Cat 18 years 11/18/02 Margaret Singer
Rudi Siberian Husky 12 years 06/05/01 Michelle Strieby and Eric Strieby
Rudi St. Bernard 10/16/93-10/27/05 Larry Shaak
Rudi Terrier Mix 12/31/97-08/15/11 Dede and Karl Comton
Rudi Tiger Cat 03/22/05-03/23/09 Robin Minnich
Rudi Tiger Cat 07/15/98-04/27/09 Elizabeth Trafford
Rudi Toots of Bunny Land Beagle 10/26/86-11/26/99 Jill
Rudi Torti Cat 12/86-08/27/00 Karen
Rudi Tuxedo Ragdoll Cat 12 years 05/09/08 Claudia Biddle
Rudi Weimaraner 07/16/94-01/22/02 Sonia, Stephen, Charlie and Jacob
Rudi Zebra Finch 12/12/01-04/13/04 Kat and Mike
Rudie and Sadie Catahoulas 18 years and 15 years to 04/07/10 Fred & Jeanette
Rudie Belgian Tervuran Mix 01/24/02 Laurel Greenwood and Steve Boone
Rudie Cat 1985-12/15/01 Bill Wilkinson
Rudie Cat 6 years 07/02/98 Clara
Rudie German Shepherd 11/01/94-01/12/03 Jan Savage
Rudie Golden Lab 07/26/93-04/09/07 Shannon Page
Rudie Golden Retriever 07/01/94-06/22/06 Nancy and Ritchie
Rudie jack russell 14/09/97-15/05/98 Claire Flanagan
Rudie O'Neill Black Lab Mix 15 years 04/10/06 Mike O'Neill
Rudie Poodle 04/20/95-08/31/09 Wilma Reinke
Rüdiger Cat 03/29/95-05/04/96 Giorgia Primavera
Rudin (Rudy) Kincaid Sato 12/01/98-03/03/01 Chrys
Rudis Bunny 03/10/16 Mantas
Rudith American Pit Bull Terrier 06/30/03-12/10/03 Cindy & Michael Chadwick
Rudolf Hamster Katharine Ann Ailene
Rudolfo Cockatiel Jocasta Fearn
Rudolph Cat 02/09/93-09/22/09 Michele & Mark
Rudolph Dog 10/31/87-05/16/02 Jessie Izzie
Rudolph Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 01/15/18 Jun Casaclang
Rudolph German Shepherd 15 years 05/27/99 Joseph S Pundzak
Rudolph Katrina (Rudy) Cockapoo/Schnauzer 03/17/79-06/16/97 True Rayborn
Rudolph Maxmillian of Hanover (Rudi) Dog 12/15/83-02/22/99 Jim Mitchell
Rudolph Orange Tabby Cat 1995-11/03/10 Linda Jennings
Rudolph Rat 3 years 03/18/98 Miranda, Matt, Andrea, Nancy and Don
Rudolph Rudy Valentino Dog 15 years 08/15/08 Robin Zanchetta
Rudolph Seal Point Siamese Cat 09/22/03-01/20/05 Lillian Meade
Rudolph the Red aka Rudy Toy Poodle 11/05/00-12/10/10 Lisa
Rudolph Von Flop French Angora Rabbit 03/03/12 Tanya Barkhouse
Rudolph Winchester Johnson Russian Blue Bobtail Cat 09/27/04-02/26/15 Tiffany Johnson
Rudy (aka Weenie) Persian Cat 2 years 04/20/04 Judiem Carroll
Rudy (Boo Boo) Mix Black Lab/Dane 07/31/92-07/28/03 Terri Quamme
Rudy (The Bear) Llhasa Mix 13 years 05/13/00 Fred, Florence, and Melody
Rudy Abyssinian Cat 10/30/99-04/28/13 Brad, Natalie, & Valerie
Rudy Adcock Miller Miniature Pinscher 08/18/05-12/29/06 Britney Adcock Miller
Rudy African Lion 14 years 09/08/09 Tim Stoffel
Rudy aka Bea Border Collie/Flatcoat Retriever Mix 07/18/04-06/16/06 Heather Thomas & Lauren Swan
Rudy aka Rufus Dachshund 05/19/02-04/19/16 Randy & June Payne
Rudy Alan Runt Cocker Spaniel 10/31/95-01/15/12 Steve & Kenny
Rudy American Eskimo Dog 10/25/96-12/31/09 Julie Muscatiello
Rudy and Ruby African Clawed Frogs 1 year/2 Year 03/27/04 Chris and Ruth Osment
Rudy Aussie 9 years 09/20/16 Nancy
Rudy Australian Shepherd/Border Collie 6 years 05/30/04 Judy Wood
Rudy Bamberger Dog 12/14/05 Lisa Bamberger
Rudy Basenji 08/30/02-01/01/07 Sobel Family of Norwood
Rudy Basset Hound 07/15/97-11/28/11 Kristen
Rudy Bassett 04/01/98-09/15/08 Shirley Ocampo
Rudy Bassett Hound 05/27/10 Kim Kauffman
Rudy Beagle 12/22/00 Frank and Lisa
Rudy Beagle Mix 4 years 10/31/04 Mandie Burks
Rudy Bear Savage Shiba Inu 09/08/05-11/29/07 Laura Savage
Rudy Beau Treeing Walker Coonhound (60%) 11/10/21-03/15/24 Leslie and Janell
Rudy Bichon Frise 04/22/02-10/11/12 Melanie, Paul, Melissa & Paulie Mahoney
Rudy Bichon Frise 07/04/92-08/11/04 Vp Presta
Rudy Bichon Frise 4 years Gerri Rannie
Rudy Black and Tan German Shepherd 06/29/93-05/11/00 Beth Mitchell
Rudy Black German Shepherd 08/12/96-09/09/99 Steve and Vio
Rudy Black Lab 04/14/12 Mielke Family
Rudy Black Lab 05/29/09-10/26/10 Anne
Rudy Black Lab and Cocker Spaniel Mix 12/24/92-06/08/06 Kathleen
Rudy Black Lab Mix 03/14/94-05/09/01 Donna Virgilio
Rudy Black Lab Mix 12/22/94-06/10/99 Jill Farnsworth-Magda
Rudy Black Lab/Collie Mix 08/17/92-11/28/05 Natalie
Rudy Black Lab/Shepherd Mix 01/01/97-06/11/05 Heidi
Rudy Boody Cat 16 years 04/05/04 Deborah
Rudy Border Collie 11 years 08/15/11 Mary-Anne
Rudy Borzoi 10 years 04/01/02 Liz Flush
Rudy Bostic Springer Spaniel 10/03/04-08/25/10 Morgan, Jayne, William
Rudy Boston Terrier 03.11.05-06.21.13 Joyce, Emily and Sydney
Rudy Boston Terrier 08/21/95-08/10/10 Alina Handley
Rudy Boxer 02/08/93-02/28/97 Frank and Virginia DiBlasi
Rudy Boxer 07/30/95-12/27/04 Tracy Lyn Adkins
Rudy Boxer 10 years 12/12/08 Carol Diorio
Rudy Boxer 10/24/99-09/07/12 Laura
Rudy Boxer 1998-12/12/08 Carolyn Diorio
Rudy British Shorthair Cat 12/01/84-08/19/02 Deb & Jerry Harley
Rudy Brown Dog 17 years 01/31/00 Mary & Kristy Godden
Rudy Budgie 03/15/06 Capri
Rudy Bulldog 09/12/02-04/13/13 Keri N
Rudy Burns Brindle Scottish Terrier 05/18/94-08/28/02 Cynthia Burns, Duke and Rocket (Rudy'S Brother)
Rudy Cairn Terrier 3 years 05/06/10 Vicki Hungate
Rudy Calico Cat 02/87-02/28/00 Pamela
Rudy Cat 01/01/81-09/20/00 Karen Thomsen
Rudy Cat 03/27/09 Eileen
Rudy Cat 04/08/96-07/13/01 Cassandra Hammond
Rudy Cat 04/13/13 Lisa & Rhonda
Rudy Cat 04/99-01/01/02 The Harris Family
Rudy Cat 05/05/11 Sheila
Rudy Cat 05/10/93-10/13/04 The Hadfields
Rudy Cat 07/17/87-09/24/99 Gramma & Grandpa, Uncle Veal, & Sunny
Rudy Cat 09/21/97-09/18/08 Michele M Taylor
Rudy Cat 09/28/04 Paul Cooper and Angie Swayney
Rudy Cat 1 year 06/29/00 Lena
Rudy Cat 10 1/2 years 10/27/09 Alicia and Beth
Rudy Cat 10/09/80-04/21/99 Nikki Chaganos & The McGee Family
Rudy Cat 11/27/95 Cindy Goldman
Rudy Cat 12 years 04/12/05 Vicky Guidry
Rudy Cat 12/08/18 Candy
Rudy Cat 15 years Michelle Welker
Rudy Cat 1989-11/22/99 Mary Jo Reed
Rudy Cat 1996 Shirlie and Rod
Rudy Cat 22 years 02/28/08 Andrea Hitz
Rudy Cat 3 years 02/07/06 Cristina
Rudy Cat 5 years 10/06/04 Audrey Frank
Rudy Cat almost 17 years 01/28/05 Dan and Carly
Rudy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/18/92-01/03/07 Judy and Dick Ruhl
Rudy Chihuahua 07/01/06-09/01/06 Kerri Shows
Rudy Chihuahua 07/18/01-09/06/10 Mallory
Rudy Chihuahua 08/15/92-11/01/01 Maria Mauro
Rudy Chihuahua 09/29/86-04/23/04 The Bradfords
Rudy Chinchilla 7 years 05/20/04 Cindy Wagner
Rudy Chinese Crested Dog 08/24/94-02/27/10 Cara and Rosie
Rudy Chinese Crested Dog 11/16/01-05/22/05 Teri Miller
Rudy Chocolate Lab 13 1/2 years 01/09/12 Dawson Morrow
Rudy Chocolate Labrador Retriever 12 years 07/30/09 Leeannn Brown-Blatchford
Rudy Chow 12/01/96-11/20/08 Lisa Verriello
Rudy Church Mostly Doberman 11 years 09/09/09 Susan Church
Rudy Cockapoo 05/93-04/2003 Wanda, Derek, Victoria, & Aaron
Rudy Cockapoo 11 years 05/08/19 Howard
Rudy Cockatiel 5 years 11/28/01 Gail
Rudy Cocker Spaniel (Buff) 08/94-07/2006 Richard and Mary
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 02/19/90-02/24/06 Terry & Karry Tabor
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 04/14/98-03/16/12 Karen VanderArk
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 04/23/95-10/07/00 Linda Sharp
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 12/08/91-07/15/05 Eddie Goldin
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 12/26/88-07/09/01 Paul & Lynne Collins, Cory&Tristan Major
Rudy Cocker Spaniel 5 years 05/17/03 Rachel
Rudy Cocker Spaniel-Maltese Mix 04/09/98-07/06/06 The Veal Family
Rudy Collie/Shepherd 10/26/90-08/28/04 Lorraine, Frank
Rudy Dachshund / Pomeranian Mix 14 years 04/11/08 Brendan
Rudy Dachshund 01/2000-06/29/13 Sherry & George
Rudy Dachshund 07/01/92-02/03/04 Ann Post
Rudy Dachshund 08/21/92-03/19/98 Laura Harrigan
Rudy Dachshund 10 years 03/20/08 Deb & Ken
Rudy Dachshund 10 years 08/08/07 Larry C. Verdick
Rudy Dachshund 10/11/96-05/28/12 Carey Waldron
Rudy Dachshund 11/26/94-09/14/08 Shannon
Rudy Dachshund 11/26/94-09/20/07 Shannon Marie Lada
Rudy Dachshund 12/16/05-06/13/11 Don and David
Rudy Dachshund 1987-12/18/05 Pat & Tom Tice
Rudy Dalmatian 04/11/91-02/12/03 Sharon Maness
Rudy Dalmatian 12 years 10/03/11 Heather Lasalle
Rudy Deyoe Schnauzer 10/12/03-12/22/11 Chesna & Terry Deyoe
Rudy Diaz DSH Cat 14 years 05/04/08 Donna Diaz
Rudy Doberman Mix 09/22/99 Alex and Bob Drew
Rudy Dog 03/96 Maureen
Rudy Dog 05/03/97-12/17/09 Leigh Ann Agee Mitchell
Rudy Dog 08/10/98-01/23/11 Eileen and David
Rudy Dog 10/15/00-06/27/06 Joyce
Rudy Dog 10/15/03 Sue Busch
Rudy Dog 26/12/97 Debbie
Rudy Dog 9 years 04/25/10 Kendall Bernath
Rudy Domestic Cat 03/01/93-12/07/09 Helen Lee
Rudy Domestic Gray Shorthair Cat 05/02/96-04/09/02 Beth Durishin
Rudy Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/89-04/12/04 Leroy & Valarie Wittemire
Rudy Domestic Longhair Cat 07/21/94-07/02/10 Rose Dines
Rudy Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/09/03-12/13/06 Matt and Nan
Rudy Domestic Short Hair/ Black & White Cat 01/01/01-03/31/14 Rhonda Magnotti
Rudy Dorn Cocker Spaniel 15 years 05/09/05 Kathy Dorn
Rudy Dorsey Shih Tzu 13 years 09/10/10 Suzanne Dorsey
Rudy DSH (Black & White) Cat 07/13/17 Janet & Bill Dobbs
Rudy DSH Cat 10/87-01/13/04 Jennifer Pineiro
Rudy DSH Cat 17 years 08/29/08 Richard & Janet Charlton
Rudy DSH Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 10/22/01 Leslie and Jon
Rudy Ehlmann Shih Tzu 04/03/03-01/28/06 Donna Ehlmann
Rudy English BullDog 12/01/95-06/23/97 Charlie and Rose
Rudy Foss English Springer Spaniel - Field Bred 05/31/84-04/94 Michelle Lindgren
Rudy Franklin White Gray Shorthair Cat 07/96-06/25/08 Sandy White
Rudy Frew Coleman Pomeranian 03/25/94-06/22/05 Susie Coleman
Rudy German Shepherd 01/16/07 Pat & Paul Peavy
Rudy German Shepherd 03/13/10-12/04/10 Donald Helbecque
Rudy German Shepherd 06/02/08-12/02/20 Sean Scott
Rudy German Shepherd 07/19/05-12/31/06 Pamela, Craig, Rachel, and Amanda Mayer
Rudy German Shepherd 08/20/94-04/07/05 Susan Cadwell
Rudy German Shepherd 1 1/2 years 09/12/01 Jim & Lisa Beckwith
Rudy German Shepherd 9 years 04/91 The Kleier Family
Rudy Giuliani Vizsla 11/03/03-11/24/16 Linda Giuliani
Rudy Golden Retriever 04/12/95-05/05/08 Carol & Jim Baxter
Rudy Golden Retriever 05/11/06-03/17/16 Jennifer Pepera
Rudy Golden Retriever 10/07/95-05/22/97 Brie, Barbara, Ryan
Rudy Golden Retriever 10/16/98-04/05/05 Michelle
Rudy Golden Retriever 10/30/02-10/30/11 Katrina
Rudy Golden Retriever 12 years 06/13/07 MariPat Rajan
Rudy Golden Retriever 12/17/98-08/20/05 Debbe Majorana
Rudy Golden Retriever 13 years Jen/pa
Rudy Golden Retriever 1975-1980 Wallis family
Rudy Golden Retriever 1985-12/10/98 Laurel & David Remington
Rudy Golden Retriever 5 years 10/13/08 Megan Edgerly
Rudy Golden Retriever/Standard Poodle 12/04/99-02/05/11 Carol McGuire
Rudy Golden/Chow Mix 09/2003 Melissa Parrillo
Rudy Grey Tabby Cat 13 years 02/15/06 Sheila and William Ford
Rudy Harper Pomeranian 15 years 09/18/15 Nicole Harper
Rudy Hawkins Lhaspo Apso 01/06/00-02/17/10 Deborah Hawkins
Rudy Hound Mix 07/09/01-05/27/04 Dawn Desantis
Rudy Husky 4 years 08/09/13 Katherine and Andrew
Rudy Husky/Shepherd 09/10/12-07/30/19 Jacki, Jesse
Rudy Italian Greyhound 05/30/04-08/25/17 Shelby Weitz
Rudy Jack Russell Terrier 03/07/99-06/10/09 Sara Jankowiak
Rudy Jackson Terrier Mix 02/14/98-12/18/08 Sharon & Alan Jackson
Rudy JRT 11/08/94-09/03/09 Mark Miller
Rudy Kaiser Australian Shepherd/Lab Mix 01/15/91-09/23/06 Jim & Heidi Kaiser
Rudy Keeshond 11 years 1999 Sue Berg
Rudy Keeshond 16 years 05/30/10 Dianne, Emily, and Rebecca Herivel
Rudy Kerry Blue Terrier 12/10/02-12/16/09 Mark Skolnick
Rudy King Charles Cavalier 08/01/03-10/06/12 Lori
Rudy Kitten 05/2010-09/20/10 Kelsey Mulvey
Rudy 'Kitty' Kane Cat 15 years 06/27/13 Stephanie Campbell
Rudy Kuny Cat 06/15/07-09/24/11 Enrique, Andrea, Mariana, Kike, Rafa, Duke and Maya Kuny
Rudy Labrador 09/28/91-02/13/04 Pat and Renee
Rudy Labrador Retriever 10/10/03-06/18/04 Kim Clemons & Matt Haga
Rudy Labrador Retriever Mix 10/29/00-09/22/12 Cynthia Campbell
Rudy Lahsa Apso 10/90-03/04/06 Johnsie, Harry & Trey Ford
Rudy Langille Miniature Schnauzer 11/25/98-04/23/04 Judy
Rudy Langille Miniature Schnauzer 11/25/98-04/23/o4 Judy and Rollie
Rudy LaSov Cocker Spaniel 01/08/96-12/23/08 Bobbie & Stan LaSov
Rudy Leopuss Burmilla Cat 08/18/01-03/27/09 Polly Gove
Rudy Lhasa Apso 07/04/89-01/15/98 Turella Woods
Rudy Lhaso Apso 12 years 06/25/13 Jack and Mary Goodman (and Family)
Rudy 'little man' Schnoodle 7 years 03/27/08 Mark, Brittany, Tippi, Jenny and Little Granny
Rudy Long Hair Domestic Cat 04/01/89-06/16/03 Michele and Sam Mewshaw
Rudy Long Haired Domestic Cat 12 years 07/13/15 Tara
Rudy Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog 07/25/10-07/29/14 Candace Whitelock
Rudy Maffeo Shtzu/Maltese/Poodle 10/25/89-09/22/04 Toni
Rudy Maine Coon Cat 07/06/80-03/04/99 Joseph Silverwolf
Rudy Maine Coon Cat 9 1/2 years 01/06/98 Emily B. Harding
Rudy Marmalade Cat 12 years 21/08/10 Bridget and Richard, and His Brothers and Sister Cat
Rudy McDonald Yellow Lab 13 years 10/08/14 Julie McDonald
Rudy Michael Golden Retriever 08/06/87-12/02/00 Tim and Deborah Clement
Rudy Min Pin 10/16/98-12/15/99 Byron & Lorrie Talley
Rudy Mini Schnauzer 01/26/91-07/11/03 Chris Ashley
Rudy Mini Schnauzer 04/10/97-10/04/99 Mary Jane
Rudy Mini Schnauzer 04/20/96-08/01/06 John & Eileen
Rudy Mini Schnauzer 7 years 04/26/12 Josette
Rudy Miniature Pinscher 02/14/05-08/26/06 Mili Arguello
Rudy Miniature Pinscher 04/26/00-06/22/04 Lee and Joanne
Rudy Miniature Schnauzer 04/10/97-10/04/99 MJ McNeely
Rudy Miniature Schnauzer 05/19/88-11/26/01 Rhonda Sivits
Rudy Miniature Schnauzer 10 years 04/02/17 Horst and Randi Wudi
Rudy Miniature Schnauzer 12/22/02-08/25/08 Susie
Rudy MinPin 09/29/03-03/10/10 Larry & Kay Akers
Rudy Minpin 10/31/94-03/25/09 Dana
Rudy Mix Dog 13 years 08/30/05 Gene
Rudy Mix Dog 14 years 02/26/10 Dara Lambert
Rudy Mixed Cat 12/27/12 Jane Cloney
Rudy Mixed Dog 10/01/94-12/26/03 Bernadette
Rudy Mixed Dog 15 years 07/12/07 Kathleen Kelly
Rudy Mixed Lab 10/13/10-07/31/23 Jennifer, Brendan, Mackenzie and Brihid
Rudy Mixed Red Dog 12/08/94-11/29/07 M. White
Rudy Naylor Standard Poodle 11/03/06-08/01/18 Gail and Roger Naylor
Rudy Norwegian Elkhound 01/05/91-02/09/05 Kerry Scafella
Rudy Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 09/23/99-08/11/09 Kurt, Courtney, Tannah and Haven Hessenbruch
Rudy Ocicat 06/94-04/01/04 Gretchen & Ed
Rudy Old English Sheepdog 03/20/98 Nottus
Rudy Oliveira (Rudolph The Red Valentino) Miniature Pincher 08/04/92-12/08/07 Allyson Oliveira
Rudy Orange Tabby Domestic Short-Hair Cat 6 years 08/29/11 Ruth
Rudy Patootie Orange and White DSH Cat 05/28/96-02/08/05 Susan Mudgett and Eric Johansson
Rudy Pekingese 1996-11/16/11 Nancy Petrie
Rudy Pembroke Welsh Corgi 09/09/11-02/18/13 Amy and Steve
Rudy Pepper Raintree Beagle 17 years 02/04/11 Carol Milner
Rudy Persian Cat 05/11/01 Deborah Doran
Rudy Pomeranian 06/02/03 Lucy Huffman
Rudy Pomeranian 3 years 04/12/11 Sheree Armstrong
Rudy Poodle/Terrier 01/09/93-02/26/01 Nancy Campbell
Rudy Portuguese Water Dog 12/08/92-03/13/07 Sandy Dunn
Rudy Pot Belly Pig 8 years 07/03/06 Dawn McCombs
Rudy Pug 09/27/93-07/05/05 Tish, Randy, Kylie and Dusty
Rudy Puggat 07/19/04-01/29/09 Ray and Nancy
Rudy Puppy 7 months 11/01/99 May Luella
Rudy Q (BooBoo) Black Lab Mix 07/30/92-07/28/03 Terri Quamme
Rudy Rabbit 08/2019 Paola
Rudy Raccoon 03/13/10-08/13/10 PeggySue Brandenburg
Rudy Ragdoll Cat 03/2007-07/23/13 Dixie & Joe Oursin
Rudy Rat Terrier 09/05/89 02/01/99 Jerri
Rudy Ray Daniels Rottweiler 07/17/00-05/31/07 Marilyn Daniels
Rudy Red & White Spotted Lop Ear Rabbit 06/27/03 Amy York
Rudy Red Satin Rabbit 1/01/94-01/12/01 Mike & Kim
Rudy Red Tabby Cat 05/01/04 Carol Pankiw
Rudy Rex Cat 10/09/87-02/12/00 Karen Popowski
Rudy Roo Toy Fox Terrier Mix 05/31/01-11/01/10 Nancy
Rudy Rose Golden Retriever 09/23/98-10/24/10 Noelle Rose
Rudy Rottie/Lab/Shepherd 08/01/93-11/13/07 Donna Gray
Rudy Rottweiler 01/13/07 Berni Jackalone
Rudy Rottweiler 12/27/92-10/23/02 Nina
Rudy Rottweiler 7 years 12/11/04 Katherine Federico
Rudy Rudabega Green Moosiedog Dachshund (Miniature) 12/13/96-03/31/10 Jerald R.Green
Rudy Rudy i.e. the Dude Black and White Part Maine Coon Cat 15 ? years 11/03/04 Tom and Sally
Rudy Rufus Kitten 12/96 ARF shelter
Rudy Ruth Toy Poodle 17 years 03/27/07 Magen Barnes
Rudy Samoyed 03/14/06-05/13/21 Susan
Rudy Samoyed 1988-12/09/00 Christine
Rudy Schnauzer 14 years 02/11/16 Violet Kauffman
Rudy Schnoodle 07/11/04-01/01/15 The Rudolph Family
Rudy Schnoodle 12/21/06-12/28/11 Vincent L
Rudy 'Scooter Doo' Chihuahua 07/18/01-09/06/10 Mallory & Harley
Rudy Scooter Doo Chihuahua 07/18/01-09/06/10 Mallory and Harley
Rudy Shar-Pei 10 year 7 months 03/05/02 Robert and Mary Hardy
Rudy Sheltie 06/28/94-02/19/05 Jillian and Paul Leslie
Rudy Shepherd/Collie Mix 04/20/89-01/07/02 Bobby, Lisa, Adam & Trevor Clark
Rudy Shiba Inu 12 years 12/02/09 Sarah Wassinger
Rudy Shih Tzu 02/04/93-09/23/08 Julia Clark
Rudy Shih Tzu 07/03/04-04/07/12 Pat Nancy Anthony Briana
Rudy Shih Tzu 11/23/02-01/25/15 Michele Perzan
Rudy Shih Tzu 12 years 12/11/08 Beth Walls
Rudy Shih Tzu 12/14/95-12/16/10 Kelley Holliday
Rudy Shih Tzu 14 years 11/19/07 Judy Thompson
Rudy Shih Tzu 17 years 01/16/06 Randy, Norrine, and Lisa
Rudy Shih-Tzu 01/01/01-07/21/17 Nancy Erickson
Rudy Shih-Tzu 11/02/92-02/02/05 Bettyann
Rudy Short Hair Black & Tan Dachshund Puppy 10/10/01-02/02/02 Effie & Robert
Rudy Short Hair Black Cat 2 years 09/26/13 Caitlyn
Rudy Short Hair Cat 1 1/2 years 03/02/07 Keith & Darla Sharp
Rudy Siamese Cat 12 years 09/24/00 Jesse Christee
Rudy Spaniel 9 years 08/16/08 Linda Ridding
Rudy Sr Black and Tan German Shepherd 02/14/90-08/24/93 Beth Mitchell
Rudy Standard Poodle 12/21/90-06/17/01 April Grunspan
Rudy Tabby Cat 04/17/20 Mel
Rudy Tabby Cat 10 1/2 years 04/28/05 Kay Ehret
Rudy Tabby Cat 16 years 10/14/06 Jarrett Muzi
Rudy Tesdall Longhaired Red Tabby Cat 17 years 04/26/21 Laura Tesdall
Rudy Thibodeau Cocker Spaniel 07/02/90-01/17/05 Mark & Lynn
Rudy Tonkinese Cat 01/05/98-05/03/07 Joyce Burns
Rudy Toot Toot Dog 1989-07/10/05 Denise Smith
Rudy Toy Poodle 10/22/06-05/03/11 Kim MacLean
Rudy Trahan Dachshund 04/22/95-10/15/10 Rita Trahan
Rudy Uhl Cat 18 years 09/27/05 Karen Uhl
Rudy V Mixed Dog 02/06/10 Laurie and Ron
Rudy Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig 03/17/98-07/03/06 Dawn
Rudy Von Lovell Schnauzer 04/20/01-03/04/11 Patrick Lovell
Rudy Walbaum Chihuahua 10 years1 month 05/05/12 Jody Walbaum
Rudy Weimaraner 08/30/96-09/03/09 Colleen Clare
Rudy West Highland Terrier 8 years 03/21/11 Denise Coulter
Rudy White Tail Deer 06/15/94-09/09/04 Wendy & Chris, Steve & Laura
Rudy Wire-Haired Dachshund 08/10/96-11/01/11 Jennifer Geist
Ruby/ Wittle Wuv Rocket Beagle 01/05/07-05/28/21 Dennis and Lauri
Rudy Yellow Lab 10/10/97-06/28/08 Mary Bufkin
Rudy Yellow Lab 12/09/95-12/06/06 Tracy, Phil, Brett, Aaron and Carli Baker
Rudy Yellow Lab 9 years 01/09/01 Carol
Rudy Yellow Labrador 02/21/90-03/18/04 Joan Pringle
Rudy Yellow Labrador 03/14/09-10/12/22 Paul and Kathleen O'Brien
Rudy Yellow Shorthairrd Dosmetic Cat 09/97-08/01/02 Marilyn Warren
Rudy Yorkie 07/08/18-10/25/19 Maryjane
Rudy Yorkie 12 years 05/23/12 Matt & Nathalie Lindsay
Rudy Yorkipoo 05/04/07-25/10/15 Colleen
Rudy Yorkshire Terrier 10/17/94-12/31/07 Bernadette Stunder
Rudy. Impelluso Golden Retriever 10/26/99-01/06/12 Thomasine Impelluso (Tomi)
Rudybaker Fox Terrier 14 years Jerry J Lawless
Rudy-Boo boo Cat 02/23/12 Kaitlyn
Rue Cat 08/93-04/11/97 reallyreeol
Rue Chow Mix 07/07/97-08/18/12 Lacey B
Rue Italian Greyhound 03/31/96 G. Thomas
Rue Mixed Breed Dog 13 years 06/04/09 Linda Jungenberg
Rue Rue Toy Poodle 07/89-04/23/04 Linda & Jum Hall
Ruebe Yellow Lab 08/23/92-10/04/04 Friedemann Diederichs and Margit Morawietz
Rueben Black Lab Mix 08/10/88-02/04/02 Davena Amick-Elder and Mitchell Elder
Rueben Paint Horse 19 years 08/06/96 Alice Kovalchik
Rueben Ruby Roo Buddy Bud Boo Jr. Lemaster 3rd. Siamese Mix Cat 08/23/90-07/31/00 Rose Corbin
Rueger Goodman King Shepherd 6 years 11/19/15 Jordynn Goodman
Rueger Rottweiller 06/07/85-09/28/00 Crystal & Steve Holden
Rue-Rue Baby Dog 06/10/12-09/15/17 Mimi & Jessica
Ruf Mixed Breed Dog 14 years 07/22/04 Joe, Annette and Nolan
Rufai Mixed German Shepherd 9 years 10/06/09 Josue
Rufas Orange Cat 10/22/95 Katherine Brown
Ruff 16 years UNC
Ruff Brittany 04/14/00-11/06/08 Charles Holmes
Ruff Dog 10/31/03-02/17/07 Ginger Andras
Ruff Dog 8 years 10/01/06 Lakysha
Ruff Golden Cat 7 years 1980s Corinne
Ruff Jack Russell Terrier 9 months 11/14/89 Judi Lovell
Ruff Schnauzer 15 years 03/05/05 Trish
Ruff Shep/Husky Mix 9 years 11/28/00 Sherri Windhorst & Family
Ruff Toy Poodle 15 years 07/20/99 Jack Carroll
Ruff Yellow Lab 9 years 08/15/05 Daddy, Mommy, and Masa
Ruffa Dog 05/01/96-09/18/02 Mary Anne Ibera
Ruffa Dog 06/29/84-02/24/99 Lotten Ekdahl
Ruffen Bearded Collie 03/03/94-12/04/08 Joachim
RufferDufferDoo Chow Terrier Mix 14 years 11/12/08 Suzy Tonini
Ruffer's Sunny aka Sunnybunny Golden Retriever 05/01/96-06/17/11 John & Terry Rush
Ruffian (Ruff Boy) American Cocker Spaniel 07/16/84-01/12/02 Helen Del Rio
Ruffian American Cocker 07/16/84-01/12/02 H. Del Rio
Ruffian Black Labrador Retriever 12/16/94-11/16/04 Jim & Lynn Luka
Ruffian German Shepherd 10/05/00-07/04/04 Glenda
Ruffian German Shepherd 14 years 12/98 George Pearce
Ruffian Gordon Setter 13 years 09/12/06 Sophia Gerszt
Ruffian Lynx Point Siamese Cat 04/15/84-12/21/04 Liz Ross
Ruffian Mare 05/30/78-06/27/02 Holly
Ruffian non- Thoroughbred Horse 8 years 03/11/12 Ann Lawrence
Ruffian Pit Bull 05/26/90-09/03/01 Cathy Schmidt
Ruffian Sheltie 09/08/91-06/01/04 Kathy and Kyle Hoar
Ruffian Wolf Hybrid 01/16/78-07/23/89 Joe
Ruffie 04/87-11/23/97 Nancy Dunlap
Ruffie Bear Yorkie 01/03/00-10/12/10 Amy Oliver
Ruffie Belshaw Golden Retriever 11/26/94-04/03/06 Norma Belshaw
Ruffie Boy Black German Shepherd 12/10/87-06/24/02 Julio & June Alegria
Ruffie Cat 11 years 01/19/02 Melanie
Ruffie Dog 07/84-01/22/99 Mike Jenkins
Ruffie Tobin Chihuahua 17 year 03/22/07 Mary Tobin
Ruffin Cockapoo 17 years 02/19/98 Maxine and Robert Gibson
Ruffin Pitbull 11/22/06-08/23/10 Arlene Slobecheski
Ruffin Samoyed 03/19/88-03/08/00 Claus T. Giloi
Ruffio Maine Coon Cat 7 years 08/16/11 Beth Bevins
Ruffio, Nico, Princess & Rosolino Kittens 4 months 08/13/99 Marianna
Ruffles (Ruffie) DSH Cat 13 years 11/10/01 Harriett L. Holcomb
Ruffles aka Pretty Bird Cockatiel 17 years Rachel Dyne
Ruffles Bichon Frise 04/11/89-10/20/06 Kara M
Ruffles Bichon Frise 10/25/97-06/13/11 Lori
Ruffles Bullmastiff 01/24/99-01/31/05 Linda Hesse
Ruffles Cat 09/26/94-08/27/02 Donna M. Cisneros
Ruffles Cocker Spaniel 11/26/96-08/05/10 Diane
Ruffles Copper Tabby Cat 05/30/90-02/22/99 Bill and Valerie Howat
Ruffles Dog 12 years 05/01/05 The Cherry Family
Ruffles Domestic Long Hair Cat 07/92-02/29/12 Shannon Benzinger
Ruffles I Barred Rock Chicken 2 years 09/24/16 Diane Tyler
Ruffles Kasprowicz Poodle 14 years 05/25/08 Carol Kasprowicz
Ruffles Lasha Apso 04/09/90-05/05/09 Jane Leuchtner
Ruffles Lord Knight McDaniel Miniature Schnauzer 08/16/99-06/13/03 Derek
Ruffles Miniature Schnauzer 06/02/92-04/05/05 Lisa Marsh
Ruffles Mix Dog 5 years 07/06/96 Jennifer and Cheryl
Ruffles Multi-Poo 09/28/05 Lori, Carmen, Mom and Dad
Ruffles Papillon 14 years 02/01/02 M
Ruffles Peek-a-Poo 17 years 10/29/99 Charlie and Joyce Ottinger
Ruffles Persian Cat 12/01/91-09/05/95 Heather Brooks
Ruffles Poodle and Terrier 17 years 07/95 Harriett Wade
Ruffles Sharpei 05/05/01-10/07/07 Lina
Ruffles Shih-Tzu 03/24/87-04/21/06 Kristy
Ruffles Shih-Tzu 03/24/87-04/21/06 Sharon Hawkins
Ruffles Toy Poodle 10 years 03/21/16 Ybanez Family
Ruffles Westhighland Terrier12/05/89-11/03 Charleen
Ruffles White Umbrella Cockatoo 10 years 12/29/11 Frances/Sammy Norris
Ruffo Basset Hound 09/15/01-08/28/11 Yeimi Cabrera
Ruff-Ruff Chow/Wolf/Pitbull 10/15/94-11/2000 Vickie Harrington
Ruffs Dog 17 years Ruffs' Daddy
Ruffus Big Boy Beefcakes St Bernard 06/23/00-06/18/07 Peggy Westphal
Ruffus Black Lab 1989-05/15/05 Sylvia Meeks
Ruffus Dachshund 01/22/03-04/13/03 Emily
Ruffus French Bulldog 7 years 02/07/10 Staphane
Ruffus Gasque Labrador Retriever 11/04/93-04/27/07 Mom, Dad & Sherman Gasque
Ruffus German Shepherd German Shepherd Dog 12 years 07/22/03 Mark Ryan
Ruffus Great Dane 1/21/92-07/28/99 Claudia
Ruffus Lhasa Apso 13 years 04/16/14 Marcela
Ruffus Sheltie 11/23/88-02/20/99 Jennie and Roger by Penny
Ruffy 04/12/82-07/04/90 Robert and Deborah Shaffer
Ruffy Beagle 02/21/92-03/30/09 Espiritu Family
Ruffy Cat 01/01/10-17/09/18 Giorgia Primavera, Francesco e Chocole Failla
Ruffy Cat approximately 6 Rita
Ruffy Dog 12/29/01 Rebecca K. Brown
Ruffy Maltese 02/10/89-12/29/01 George Puglisi
Ruffy Miniature Schnauzer 09/20/85-12/04/99 Dugan & Gretchen
Ruffy Miniature Schnauzer 09/20/85-12/04/99 Randy & Karen
Ruffy Orange Tabby Cat 02/01/99-08/15/13 Pam
Ruffy Pekingese 15 years 12/26/00 Casey
Ruffy Pomeranian/Pekingese Cross 02/02/87-07/09/01 Judy Cotton
Ruffy Shih-poo 09/14/83-09/22/00 Anne Erwin
Ruffy Yorkie 10 years 06/12/97 Ann Schach
Ruffy Yorkshire Terrier 01/18/84-01/13/01 Kathy Toenjes
Rufie Boxer 10 1/2 years 16Jan2012 Wendy Wills
Rufie Mutt 04/95-06/07/05 Anya Attemberg
Rufie Poodle 5 years 02/17/05 Deborah Necessary
Rufie Reginald Smooth-Haired Cavy 01/08/06-12/22/09 Ellen Garrison
Rufie Tabby Cat 11 years 11/28/12 Robert Smentkowski
Rufio DSH Cat 04/06/09-21/11/19 Debbie Roberts
Rufio Swiss Mountain Dog 12 years 04/22/22 Renee Pertz Keglovic
Rufio Yorkipoo 04/14/06-02/14/11 Ben and Bea Vilimek
Rufis Mixed Breed Dog 12 years 09/26/06 Michelle
Rufiss D Russian Blue Cat 07/15/91-11/21/01 Julie
Rufkus Chihuahua 06/95-12/07/00 Wayne Wear, and Family
Rufo Cavy 09/20/08-03/16/09 Juan Hess
Rufous Bichon 03/30/04-01/11/09 Devon McFarland
Rufous Catahoula and Collie Mix 17 years 02/16/05 Dawn and Jerry Flaherty
Rufous Golden Retriever 12 years 01/23/13 Donna Riddoch
Rufous, my precious boy ( Lab Chow 09/24/03-04/18/15 Jennie Smith
Ruf-Ruf Chow/Chow/Pit Bull 10/92-10/2001 V Lharrington
Rufty Cat 02/04/10 Grace
Rufus - Goofus Mackeral Tabby (Orange and White) Cat 10 years 12/14/03 Greta
Rufus (Richie Rich, Bugs) Deptowicz Dog 16 years 08/26/13 Sean
Rufus (Roo-Roo) Cat 18 1/2 years 11/18/02 J.P. Kiewlicz
Rufus (Ruhie) Mactavish Cairn Terrier 04/26/82-07/28/99 Jeffy, Wendy, Chris, Austin, Mommy, & Daddy
Rufus A.K.A Ru Ru Jackhuahua Puppy 04/19/03-01/08/04 Angela and Keitel
Rufus Airedale Terrier 5 years 05/14/11 Joy and Tony Austin
Rufus aka Dumm Dumm Hamster 2 years 12/05/05 Linda
Rufus aka Purrface Tabby Cat 08/28/82-08/05/97 Linda Kint
Rufus Aloysius McDawg Saint Bernard 05/16/90-12/03/00 Jean and Willie
Rufus American Bulldog 07/09/00-06/26/02 Mike + Kristie
Rufus American Staffordshire X 02/06/08 Sarah Silcox
Rufus Angel Chow Shep 14 years 05/23/06 Donna and Sean K
Rufus Basenji/Mix 08/08/89-03/16/05 Ivy Katano
Rufus Basset Hound 02/01/98-09/07/06 Brian and Ronda
Rufus Basset Hound 05/01/06-05/27/07 Janet & Ted Martin
Rufus Basset Hound 05/94-10/21/05 Paul & Susan Belair
Rufus Basset Hound 06/19/02-01/03/11 Ron Miller and Brenda Farrar
Rufus Basset Hound 11 years 09/15/08 Patti Hughes
Rufus Beagle 7 years 09/14/14 Caitlin
Rufus Beagle/Spaniel Mix 8 years 03/15/07 Billy Dillingham
Rufus Bear Watkins Black Chow Lab 07/13/94-12/14/05 Rachel & Skip Watkins
Rufus Bengal Cat 11 years 08/10/10 Karen
Rufus Bichon Frise 05/01/92-01/05/10 Gail Berger
Rufus Bit Bull 12/15/94-12/10/96 Samantha
Rufus Black and White Cat 18 years 12/30/96 Pat and Bill
Rufus Black Gray and White Tabby Cat 18 years 07/21/01 Barbara
Rufus Black Labrador Retriever 07/06/75-01/16/89 The Newcity Family
Rufus Black/Grey DMH Cat 17 years Spring 1995 Anne Elsdon
Rufus Bloodhound 08/01/00-09/13/04 Nicole Hightower
Rufus BobCat 05/03/98-10/12/98 Dianne Smith
Rufus Border Collie 02/14/90-03/16/01 Bear and Diane McGill
Rufus Boston Terrier 03/31/06-02/09/18 Jennifer Thomas
Rufus Bowman Dog 12/16/12 MK Inda
Rufus Boxer 11/30/04-11/06/10 Terri Johnson
Rufus Boxer 13/15/11-05/04/21 Cindy Satterfield
Rufus Brown Tabby Cat 01/28/01-02/01/09 Mike Watry
Rufus Buuck Toy Poodle 01/24/01-10/31/09 Michelle Buuck
Rufus Cat 05/04/18 Verda Davis
Rufus Cat 05/16/82-04/29/04 Nancy Schmitt
Rufus Cat 07/04/96-03/13/06 Sarah Jones
Rufus Cat 07/13/95-04/02/13 Sue
Rufus Cat 11 years 05/12/98-Jane Mattson
Rufus Cat 18 years 12/19/03 Sandra
Rufus Cat 19 years 25/05/06 Nicola Jayne Gray
Rufus Cat 1994 S.L. Burns
Rufus Cat 7 years 07/26/11 Michael
Rufus Chihuahua /Pug/ Boston Terrier 12 years 12/22/15 Kristen
Rufus Chihuahua 10/12/94-06/15/99 Julie Williams
Rufus Chihuahua and Lapso Apso 12/05/10-07/03/12 Priscilla Lewis
Rufus Chihuahua/ Min Pin X 1 1/2 years 10/20/08 The Merciers
Rufus Chow Mix 09/12/92-09/17/01 Maureen Whitson
Rufus Chow/Black Lab 02/03/98-08/25/98 Rachel Krauss
Rufus Cocker Spaniel 06/14/86-04/07/93 Robin Thompson
Rufus Cocker Spaniel 08/10/90-10/05/04 Coledeen Hart Greable
Rufus Cocker Spaniel 5 years 05/06/08 Dana and John Stigall
Rufus Dachshund 01/25/09 Susan Fellows
Rufus Dachshund 01/28/04-11/02/10 Beverly Sisneros
Rufus Dachshund 04/29/95-11/20/09 Tiruni, Viraj, Anisha and Shiranee Yasaratne
Rufus Dachshund 14 1/5 years 03/19/09 Jodi Pruett
Rufus DMH Orange Tabby Cat 1987?-05/17/01 Vicki Verinis
Rufus Doberman 09/05/95-06/20/03 The Hoges
Rufus Doberman 8 years 09/21/05 Kerstin Jurczynski
Rufus Dobie 2 years 01/88 Barb Lewis
Rufus Dog 01/06/02-01/25/12 Helen Griffin
Rufus Dog 02/01/08 Dolores
Rufus Dog 04/01/94-10/23/09 Mary Mackenzie
Rufus Dog 05/17/16 Lisa
Rufus Dog 06/06/94-20/07/04 Kitte S
Rufus Dog 08/12/12 Kathi/Debra
Rufus Dog 09/01/96-02/10/97 Suzanne V.
Rufus Dog 14 years 06/17/02 Colleen Baker
Rufus Dog 1992-11/16/02 Paul & Mary Sajdak
Rufus Dog 2013 Sean
Rufus Dog W
Rufus Domestic Cat 01/11/03-11/21/04 Brenda and Alex
Rufus Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/19/02-07/14/11 Tenley Schaperjahn
Rufus Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/28/82-08/05/97 Linda & Larry
Rufus Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/19/20 Erica
Rufus Domestic Shorthair Cat 12 years 02/14/19 Dolores Benton
Rufus Domestic Shorthair, Grey Cat 15 years 05/27/09 Caroline Wisch
Rufus DSH Orange & White Polydactyl Cat 12 years 03/07/13 Selena Walker
Rufus DSH Orange and White Extra Toes Cat 12 years 03/07/13 Selena Walker
Rufus Dumbo Eared Rat 10/02/06 Kate Caithness
Rufus Elizabeth Glennon Chocolate Lab 13 years 02/14/05 Elizabeth Glennon
Rufus English Bulldog 04/23/00-07/28/10 Lynn Case
Rufus English Bulldog 5 1/2 years 03/12/06 Robin
Rufus English Mastiff 07/02/00-10/23/05 Michelle Desapio
Rufus English Springer Spaniel 01/04/90-01/10/04 Bonnie
Rufus English Springer Spaniel 07/15/95-08/05/03 Rosemary Elden
Rufus English Springer Spaniel 16 years 06/10/09 Sandra, Wesley & Katarina Domalewski
Rufus European Cat 06/20/13 Mihaela Doaga
Rufus F Cocker Spaniel 01/26/01-05/21/05 Cheryl French
Rufus Gecko Lizard 06/03/08 Jillian
Rufus Germ. Shep. Collie Mix Summer 1990-09/13/00 Beth & Mike
Rufus German Shepherd 01/18/95-12/17/04 Paul Taylor
Rufus German Shepherd 07/24/87-03/02/98 Mary Pitcher
Rufus German Shepherd 13 1/2 years 09/08/00 Autumn Garrett
Rufus German Shepherd 5 years 03/23/05 the Calejo family
Rufus German Shepherd/ Labrador 12 years 18/10/11 Nicola Hempsall
Rufus German Shepherd/Golden Retriever 07/29/94-05/12/08 Barb Parenti
Rufus Ginger Cat 1985-12/03/01 Helen Banks
Rufus Golden Retriever 01/31/95-04/07/05 The Jensen's
Rufus Golden Retriever 04/12/86-06/03/98 Nancy Saunders
Rufus Golden Retriever 04/92-08/12/06 Colleen Levredge
Rufus Golden Retriever 09/25/04 Chris Richey
Rufus Golden Retriever 09/28/98-10/18/05 Cynthia Ayton
Rufus Golden Retriever 25/11/94-31/12/07 Susan Kerry Bedell
Rufus Golden Retriever Mix 14 years 09/25/05 Sue Francois
Rufus Gray Cat 12/96 the Halpins
Rufus Gray Tabby Cat 07/93-07/95 Anne B
Rufus Great Dane 05/14/95-12/15/07 Mary McNamara
Rufus Great Dane/Golden Lab 06/10/88-12/07/01 Judith Archer
Rufus Great Pyrenees 02/00-07/05/05 Lisa
Rufus Grey and White Cat 18 years Mrs. Smith
Rufus Grey Tabby Cat 06/17/00-12/08/03 Rachael Kelly
Rufus Grey Tuxedo Cat 14+ years 02/16/06 Marti and Don Shupe
Rufus Greyhound 06/17/07-12/12/20 Mark Waddell
Rufus GSD 1983-1998 Sue Hink
Rufus Gulley Lab Mix 03/01/96-04/05/07 Mary Ann Gulley
Rufus Hempsall Crossbreed German Shepherd, Labrador 12 years 18/10/11 Nicola Hempsall
Rufus J Terrier Mix 08/13/91-04/20/04 Linda and Jim Barba
Rufus Jack Russell Terrier 05/04/06-01/01/08 Linda and Mark
Rufus Japanese Chin 04/13/00-08/22/10 Zenna Davila
Rufus Jealousy Paul Pit 19 years 08/17/08 Lisa, John and Mason Paul
Rufus Jones Orange Tabby Cat 5 years 1998 Tracey and Joel Attis
Rufus Lab 08/24/96 Herb Markham and family
Rufus Labrador 12 years 06/30/09 Diane
Rufus Lee Jefferson Rottweiler 08/28/89-08/13/00 Gail
Rufus Leonberger 04/19/02-04/12/13 Sue and Murphy
Rufus Lilac Point Siamese Cat 09/25/86-05/18/99 The E Family
Rufus Long Haired Chihuahua 18 years 04/17/14 Cathy Rajewski
Rufus Long Haired Marmalade Cat 16 years 05/10/06 Kathleen Phelps
Rufus Maine Coon Cat 09/96-04/13/12 Gloria
Rufus Maine Coon Cat 12 1/2 years 06/15/07 Lauren Cooper
Rufus Malamute/Lab/Rottweiller Cross 5 months 07/27/04 Coralee Braun, Norman Macklin
Rufus Maltese 01/19/97-12/03/11 Ruby Bunjun
Rufus Mastadane Dogs 08/16/99-05/31/09 Jessica Rae Clark
Rufus Mastindane 8 years 05/30/08 Jessica Rea Clark
Rufus McCooter Border Collie look-a-like 11/29/93-08/09/97 Raynae' Brogdon
Rufus Mini Lop Rabbit 7 years 01/04/16 Melissa McMahon
Rufus Mix Dog 05/01/02-03/29/18 Gary and Michelle
Rufus Mix Dog 10/01/04-10/06/04 The Hankins Family
Rufus Mixed Breed Hunting Dog 2000-08/21/12 Amy, Kevin and Sons
Rufus Mixed Cat 07/95-03/23/04 David Brown
Rufus Mixed Dog 01/99-11/18/13 GayeMarie
Rufus Mixed Dog 12 years 10/10/17 Kathy Jean
Rufus Mixed Dog 12/09/89-10/11/01 Justin Page
Rufus Mosquera Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/28/07-08/07/09 Karen and Miguel Mosquera
Rufus Mutt 02/13/07-06/10/11 Michele Stapley
Rufus Neopolitan Mastiff 4 years old 03/06/97 Gabrielle
Rufus Netherland Dwarf Bunny 8 months 12/15/09 Diane Tyler
Rufus Noble Valdez Cat 07/91-06/07/03 Laura
Rufus Oday Maine Coon Cat 02/17/88-07/12/06 Cecile Oday
Rufus Old English Sheepdog 12/03/94-06/22/03 Ana Sales
Rufus Olde English Bulldog 05/23/11-10/29/15 Wendy Sjolander-Gooch
Rufus Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/97-12/05/09 Jo Willadsen
Rufus Pekeapoo 03/23/05 Chrystal Overby
Rufus Persian Cat 13 years 02/24/14 Jeff and Kay Gades
Rufus Pig 6 months 11/14/99 Jammie
Rufus Poodle/Springer Spaniel 10/25/01-04/15/12 Lisa Thomas
Rufus Pottinger Sheltie 11/94-08/05/11 Cindi Pottinger
Rufus Pug 01/19/03-06/04/06 Linda and Brian Ott
Rufus Pug 08/07/04-04/19/06 Juliane Mills
Rufus Pug 09/07/05-09/01/06 Rhonda Hatch
Rufus Pugsley Pug/English Bulldog Mix 10/01/92-03/13/03 Stephanie & Mike Twyman
Rufus Rabbit 5 years 08/23/94 Linda St. Jean
Rufus Rat Leroy Pearson Chinese Crested Dog 06/27/04-05/13/09 Amy Pearson
Rufus Red Dog 05/17/00 Phyllis Amedeo
Rufus Retriever/Chow Mix 2 1/2 years 07/11/07 Elaine
Rufus Rhodesian Ridgeback 11/19/97-10/23/07 Anne Coates
Rufus Rod Saint Bernard 10 years 10/05/20 Diana
Rufus Rott 7 1/2 years 03/21/09 Lois Sanderson
Rufus Rottie 08/08/97-02/05/08 Treecie Jones
Rufus Rottie 12 years 05/20/06 David and Lisa Hensler
Rufus Rottweiler 01/20/96-04/02/02 Nina & Ray Camper
Rufus Rottweiler 10 years 06/05/09 Suzanne
Rufus Samoyed 05/05/03 Nancy Ringe
Rufus Schnauzer 13 years 12/29/04 Rose
Rufus Schnauzer 15 years 05/03/19 Barbara
Rufus Sharp Gipson Rabbit 6 years 11/21/12 Kelly Sharp Gipson
Rufus Sheltie 10 years 05/97 David Lee
Rufus Shepherd Mix 06/25/95-08/18/08 Janie Von Kaenel
Rufus Shih Tsu 15/07/93-19/07/05 Cynthia Smith
Rufus Shih Tzu 12/16/02-03/20/05 Crystal and Stephen
Rufus Shorthair Cat 16 years 01/14/08 Sue & Garry Hart
Rufus Short-Haired/Tabby Cat 16 years 09/02/00 Margo McPhillips
Rufus St. Bernard 06/22/72-04/25/80 Amy Desonia
Rufus T. Firecat Shorthair Cat 05/15/94-11/18/04 Mark, Rebecca, Sofie and Charlotte Lemke-Duncan
Rufus Tabby Cat 06/17/00-12/08/03 Rachael Kelly
Rufus Terrier 15 1/2 years 10/23/09 Mary Mackenzie
Rufus Terrier Mix 04/23/92-11/27/02 Lisa Baize
Rufus The Cat Yellow Tabby Cat 03/31/96-01/30/99 Dana Jones
Rufus The Crime Fighter Teddy Bear Long Hair Hamster 06/01/00-10/27/04 Tommy Holbrook
Rufus The Pooh Dog Cocker Spaniel 15 1/2 years 04/23/02 Michael & Susan Smith
Rufus the Wonder Dog Great Dane 11/12/06-01/25/12 Stacey
Rufus Timneh African Grey Parrot 11/18/12 Steve Eaton
Rufus Treeing Walker Coonhound 10/13/00-04/22/13 Teresa
Rufus Walker Hound 02/02/99 Jessie Kuehl
Rufus Ward Golden Retriever 01/27/95-11/06/07 Bobbie Ward
Rufus West Highland Terrier 12/03/97-08/05/10 Annette Campbell-White
Rufus Xavier Sassparilla Guinea Pig Susan Blackshear
Rufusz Mastiff 03/12/17 Eniko and David
Rugalah Miniature Poodle 09/18/95-07/02/13 RR
Rugar DeWeese Minpin 9 years 07/11/06 B Howell
Rugby (Cartagena) Boxer 10/31/97-05/02/09 Violeta Cartagena
Rugby Albino Rat 2 years 02/10/11 Leenie
Rugby Beagle/Jack Russell Terrier 15 years 04/18/07 Laura Becker
Rugby Cat 13 years 06/14/09 Eileen
Rugby Cat 6 years 14/05/12 Barry Fellen
Rugby Chesapeake Bay Retriever 09/17/09 Terri Ganster
Rugby Chihuahua 11/07/07 Peggy
Rugby Cuma Mogen Akita 11/03/92-04/16/04 Shawn and Victoria Mogen and Kids
Rugby Jack Russell Terrier 08/26/91-10/09/06 Kevin Kubiak
Rugby Pigmy Goat 01/04/06 Gus and Carolyn Fuson
Rugby Pug 04/12/12 Joy Meredith
Rugby Pug 12 years 09/20/15 Kristin
Rugby Sammy 07/30/07 Cynthia Rae Cernak
Rugby Schnauzer Mix 05/01/84-10/22/99 Phil and Brenda Sudman
Rugby Shih-Tzu 17 years 05/23/08 Leslie Cruz
Rugby Stringfellow Guarini Black Labrador 11 1/2 years 09/28/07 Merrilee & Matt Guarini
Rugby Terrier Mix 1994-08/13/05 Emily Blankenship
Rugby Welsh Springer Spaniel 05/01/98-11/17/09 Linda Nepveux
Ruger Australian Terrier 1986-01/00 Jim and Edrianna
Ruger Bang Rottweiler 02/17/00-07/22/10 Tanya JP Coert
Ruger Bear Rottweiler 03/14/88-02/23/99 Jan, Mike, Lindsey & Eric Essenwein
Ruger Bell Golden Retriever 10 years 11/10/08 Greta Bell
Ruger Black Labrador 08/11/99-12/14/08 Margee O'Donnell
Ruger Blackhawk Labrador Retriever 03/07/85-11/30/99 Brandy Snider
Ruger 'Boo Boo' Jones Shepherd/Golden Retriever 12 years 12/12/07 Donna & Richard Jones
Ruger Chocolate Lab 04/05/94-07/16/99 Maria LaRosa
Ruger Chocolate Lab 9 years 04/03/08 John, Claudia, Brandon, Ryan Lindsey
Ruger Cockatiel 11/01/97-11/18/00 Mike Allen
Ruger Doberman 1/27/94-11/03/01 Lynn Muzik
Ruger Dog 08/13/90-07/06/07 Terry Wheeler
Ruger Fawn/White Boxer 10/28/91-06/05/02 Laura Burleson
Ruger German Shepherd 01/12/00-09/13/09 Doreen Ferrante
Ruger German Shepherd 01/30/95-12/29/04 Bob Pac Sr
Ruger German Shepherd 11/23/02 Carolynn Augustine
Ruger Great Dane 10/21/08 Lana
Ruger Green DSH Cat 09/01/95-10/26/09 Lee and Jennifer Green
Ruger Hinton Doberman Pinscher 04/06/03-02/01/10 Jack & Joy Hinton
Ruger Jack Russell X Beagle 2006-04/16/09 Felicia
Ruger Keeshond 12 weeks 11/02/99 Angie
Ruger Kenny Belgian Shepherd 12+ years 10/21/02 Annette & Jim
Ruger Lab Mix 11/90-04/2002 Jeff Lemon
Ruger Llewellin Setter 12/08/01-09/12/03 Margie Grossbauer
Ruger Mix Dog 10/02/09 Chris
Ruger Nine MM Rottweiler 06/07/93-10/31/00 Oogie
Ruger Pitbull 2 years 12/18/13 Ambir
Ruger Romanowski Sweigart Boxer 9 years 02/16/09 Barry Sweigart
Ruger Rottweiler 12/23/97-06/23/04 Kim Lequire
Ruger Rotweiller 09/27/00 Gretchen Schmid
Ruger Yellow Labrador Retriever 12/26/01-01/02/14 Sekehm
Rugged Lab Mix 02/01/01-07/21/10 Joseph and Dolores Muldowney
Rugger Australian Shepherd 04/23/04-06/05/08 Abby and Crux
Rugger Australian Shepherd 4 years 06/06/08 Deb
Rugger Beau Nowak Chocolate Labrador Retriever 05/04/99-11/05/06 Nicole Nowak and Louis Koutris
Ruggers Cat 16 years Judith
Ruggles Tabby Cat 12 years 10/10/04 Liz
Ruggles Tri-Color Guinea Pig 03/15/13 Clark, Elizabeth, Meredith & Michael
Ruggy Pom Poo 15 years 02/05/12 Brian Leitch
Rugins Lord Simon Callee (aka Simon) Kerry Blue 08/13/92-09/30/06 Patty Marciniec
Rugrat (Little Bit) Graham Cat 15 years 11/19/07 Mike and Lori Graham
Rugrat Cat 08/18/89-09/17/06 K. Hennessey
Rugrat Domestic Long Hair/Persian Cat 12 years 02/17/09 Lori Dover
Rugrat Pet Rat 2 years 07/11/00 Danielle
Rugrat Tabby Cat 16 years 08/23/13 Spencer S
Rugs German Shepherd Mix 05/01/88-07/22/00 Kevin Bee & Michael Colavolpe
Rugs Pomeranian 01/24/98 Lonette Rincon
Rugsy (My Rugsmiester) Cocker Spaniel 10 years 07/11/00 Shannon Johnston
Ruhamah (Ru) Boxer 10 years Anne, Brian & Madeleine
Ruhtie St Bernard 03/18/98-08/10/09 Maureen & Steve Walker
Rukia Fancy Mouse 12/09/07 Christina
Ruler Border Collie 08/25/13 Patti
Rum Brown Silky Guinea Pig 02/95-07/15/01 Karen Picketts
Rum Standard Poodle 10/21/06 Merle & Grant Doughty
Rum Tum Tuggar Orange Tabby Cat 04/84-10/19/02 Suzanne Anderson
Rum Tum Tugger American Longhair Cat 03/30/97-02/23/13 Jeff and Beth Knox
Rum Tum Tugger Cat 03/96 Demi
Rum Tum Tuggers Kyle-Rhys (Tuggers) Red Tabby Scottish Fold Cat 03/29/89-03/10/06 Cindy Gwin
Rumba Ripley Sashimi B&W Tuxedo Cat 04/03/10-04/08/11 Maddie vdPloeg
Rumbelina Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/30/00-02/20/19 Ann Edgar
Rumble Black labrador 08/19/11- 01/03/23 Debbie Pye Rumble Cat 07/05/08-06/21/19 Melinda Hammen
Rumble Golden Retriever 7 years 05/26/97 Alaina
Rumble Tabby, Grey/White Cat 01/99-06/04/12 Brian SB
Rumblepak Black Calico Cat 05/01/00-01/17/02 Darci and Chase Asch
Rumbly Kitty orange Cat 12/83 Tim & Victoria
Rumbunctious Campus Humperdink (Rum) Silky Guinea Pig 02/95-07/15/01 Karen Picketts
Rumer Lee Medas Yellow Lab 14 1/2 years 08/02/10 Jessica Medas
Rumer Mixed Cat 10/31/95-12/04/03 Jennifer Knauer
Rumer Red Heeler Cattle Dog Cross Terrier 11/08/05 Andrew, Betty, Kim, Jackie, Duncan & Socrates
Rumi Goat 2 1/2 years 10/25/09 Ginger Harrison
Rumi Maltese 06/18/97-12/06/07 Nelcha
Rumi Noir Black Standard Poodle 04/24/00-06/17/09 Jean Anaporte
Rummel Rottweiler 05/15/04 Dale & Ann Wagner
Rummer Cocker Spaniel 05/05/99 5 years Donna McGinn
Rummy Chinese Crested Hairless Dog 10/16/93-06/24/09 Susan Shir
Rummy Coon Cat 10/20/01-11/28/05 Nancy Richardson
Rummy Gordon Setter Mix 07/01/99-01/07/10 Doug and Chrys Moore
Rummy Labrador 1 June 2004-17 June 2012 Amrit
Rummy Pekinese 14 years 08/17/07 Lucy, Glen and Trifle Koropchuk
Rummy Sutton Chinook 03/15/93-09/19/06 Scott Gurdak & James Sutton
Rumor Chinese Crested Dog 14 years 01/21/15 Dee Hinkle
Rumor Gold. Retriver Mix under 1 yearJ. Kaupas
Rumor Rottweiler 02/01/97-06/04/05 Cathy Varidel
Rumour Rottweiler 7 years 19/11/03 Joanne & Sam
Rumpel American Bulldog 07/06/99-01/18/03Staci
Rumpelstilzchen 'Rumpy' Strickland Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/22/02-07/15/03 Nadine
Rumple Cat 16 years 06/03/08 T
Rumple German Shorthair Coon Hound Mix 10/06/89-08/09/02 The Browns
Rumple Teaser DSH Part Siamese Cat 09/88-04/29/08 Norm Farrugia
Rumplebutskin Shar Pei 10/96-02/2004 Samuel Krumholz
Rumples Chihuahua/Pomeranian 3 years 10/13/06 Tandrea Kelley
Rumplestiltskin Great Dane 10/17/87-12/14/97 Laura and Charlie Fierimonte
Rumpleteazer DLH White Cat 04/15/98-06/08/99 Nina & Tom Capaccio
Rumpole Newfoundland 10/24/94-06/22/07 Brian White & Amanda Burton
Rumpus Cat 02/02/10 Erika
Rumpus Domestic Longhair A Cat 17 years 12/12/05 Ronald Hasler
Rumpus Maltalier 19/11/04-08/05/05 Lisa Broad
Rumpy (Moos) Kitten 04/24/96-06/11/96 Marco
Rumpy Manx Cat 7 years 07/19/99 Colleen
Rumpy Siamese Cat 21 years 03/03/00 Heather Sutherland
Rumpye Russian Blue Cat 19 years 10/23/97 Tina Gottschalk
Rumskin Dog 12/16/89-09/25/05 Minnie Roberts
Rumson Husky Cross 9 years 11/01/05 Phil and Dolly
Rumtum Tugger Semi-Long-Hair Cat 02/22/98-07/23/12 Barbara & Edward Vatza
Rumtumtiger DSH Cat 1989-04/25/09 Danielle Jadkowski
Runa - Uzi Da Qta.De Sta.Maria Rottweiler 09/23/04-01/15/05 Cristina Paulo
Runaway Cat 02/06/05 Emilia Mykytiuk
Runaway Stray Cat 3 years 12/08/00 Gerard Newham
Runbear Collie 11/29/05-12/30/13 Richetta Migliozzi
Runcible DSH Cat 10/29/13 Betty Medeiros
Rundle Bunny 15 monthse Evie Fieseler
Rune Harrier Beagle 15 years 01/11/19 Vicki Buckley
Rune Siamese Cat 4 years 09/04/03 Alison & Nancy
Runky West Highland White Terrier 15 years 05/28/11 Madelyn Lanigan
Runner (Runny Bunny, Buddy) Black Lab 12 years The Strahle Family
Runner Black and Tan Hound/Doberman Mix 11/01/85-06/08/01 Cliff and Sandi
Runner Cat 05/20/02-07/03/02 Jena L
Runner Greyhound 6 years 04/07/00 Julie
Runner Tabby Cat 06/04/13 Sandra Potter
Running Bear Shepherd/Husky Mix 11/23/65-03/01/02 C.M.Donnell
Running Deer Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Runt Baby Kitten 04/08/06-05/13/06 J.J. Doran
Runt Beagle Puppy 7 Months 11/27/03 Stephanie Morse
Runt Bichon Frise 01/19/88-09/27/05 Patrick & Sherrie Ross
Runt Black Shorthair Cat 14 years 11/15/04 Lauren Embling
Runt Brown and Black Tabby Cat 01/01/80-08/09/98 Sandy Kuplis and David Page
Runt Cat 07/15/00-04/23/03 Jan
Runt Cat 1999-01/2012 Brandy Turner
Runt Cat 22 years 01/25/06 J L Wasinger
Runt Domestic Long Hair Cat 11 years 04/09/01 Laura Kietell
Runt Domestic Long Haired Cat 07/01/89-02/05/07 Stephanie L
Runt Domestic Shorthair Cat 6 years 02/22/96 Joan Gartman
Runt Hunsaker Schnauzer, Miniature 15 years 11/04/05 Candice Hunsaker
Runt Kitten 3 weeks 05/2006 Sheila Cook
Runt Mix 14 years 08/14/06 Linda Osakoda
Runt Mixed Cat 1992-05/08/09 Connie Brooks
Runt Nicole Oliver Dog 8 months 10/2004 Valerie
Runt Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/15/99-09/16/11 Brian and John
Runt Pomeranian/Chihuahua/Yorkie 07/11/13-04/30/20 Khloe
Runt Runt Cat 07/12/06 Michelle Burns
Runt Runt Cat 12 years 07/11/06 Michelle Burns
Runt Runt Cat 12 years 07/12/06 Michelle Burns
Runt Runt Shih Tzu 12/06/08 Robb Wheeler
Runt Shar-Pei 6 years 11/08/95 Judy Wade
Runt Tabby Kitten 5 weeks 07/15/09 Ginger Jenkins
Runtie Dog 13 years 02/14/04 Diane Hollis
Runtie Grey, Brown, White Tabby Cat 04/17/08-05/06/10 Wendy & Mike
Runtie Saville Sealpoint Siamese Cat 01/31/13-03/30/14 Jill Saville
Runtster Siamese Cat 16 1/2 years 03/21/09 Marcia
Runtus Cat 15 years 01/04/01 Kim
Runty Basset Hound 02/08/07-08/10/11 Surendra Kumar
Runty Cat 06/2009-08/08/12 Rose McAulay
Runty Cat 10 years 09/07/02 Jim
Runty Cat 10 years 10/03/11 Cindy Luce
Runty Cat 4 years 02/05/07 Kitty Byrne
Runty Domestic Cat 10/86-11/16/04 Stuart Clarke
Runty Punt Chihuahua/ Weiner Dog Mix 15 years 02/17/06 Dianne Cross
Runty Shorthair Cat 06/02/05-09/27/11 Galenos John Pilafas
Runty Siamese Cat 05/12/07 Jackie Martz
Runway Mix Dog 4 months 09/02/99 Kenny Panaro
Runx Terrier 03/2003-01/11/12 Linda Walker
Rupee Mixed Rotty/Shepherd 13 years 12/22/08 Pattie and Emile Mahanti
Rupee Rotty-Shepherd Mix 13 years 12/22/08 Pattie and Emile Mahanti, Brothers Ravi and Deven and Furry Sister Sable
Rupert (Ckeck Dates Format) St Bernard 02.12.2009-10.11.2010 Yvonne Moore
Rupert Baby Deer 10/01/08 Fina B
Rupert British Short-Haired Cat 04/03/11-06/20/12 Karen Eastlake-Bell
Rupert Cat 02/14/10 Amanda
Rupert Cat 05/05/00 Becky
Rupert Cat 06/04/82-04/06/00 Louise Towers
Rupert Cat 25/11/92-28/01/08 Lyn Pritchard
Rupert Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 23.3.1999-1.8.2006 Marguerite Hamilton
Rupert Chihuahua 8 years 05/29/08 Adrienne Valenza, Victoria Valenza and Marissa Valenza
Rupert Chocolate Lab 02/04/06-02/21/20 Jason Santolin
Rupert Dachshund 10/31/93-06/14/12 Carolyn C
Rupert Dalmatian 12/01/95-06/07/08 David Singer, Jim Finch
Rupert David McHenry
Rupert Dog 08/26/09-03/25/14 Anna Redfield
Rupert Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rupert Domestic Cat 06/07/12 Ali Willett
Rupert DSH Cat 12 years 09/30/00 Tommie Ferguson
Rupert DSH White Cat 02/09/16 Yvonne Rodriguez
Rupert Fancy Rat 12/15/07-07/19/10 Amanda and Matt
Rupert Golden Retriever 10/17/94-06/05/08 Tracey Mahr
Rupert Grey and White Tabby Cat 03/12/97-06/27/98 Dena Malashewsky
Rupert Irish Red Setter 12 1/2 years 06/12/08 Louisa Driscoll
Rupert Jack Russell Cross 5 years 07/10/11 Carol and Peter
Rupert King Charles Cavalier 14th November 1991-14th June 2011 Aileen Hill
Rupert Labrador Retriever 11+ years 07/29/15 Kris
Rupert Labrador Retriever 13 years 02/27/10 Mike & Rachel
Rupert Mini Schnauzer 07/05/03-06/17/13 Lawri Williamson
Rupert Montgomery ESQ Pig 04/01/06-02/24/10 Tracee
Rupert Mouse Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 8 1/2 years 01/18/06 David Phillips
Rupert Newf/Rott/Mastiff Mix 06/29/98 Vickie
Rupert Norton Toy Poodle 03/14/05-09/19/13 Gera Schmidt
Rupert Norwegian Forest Cat 11/23/01-05/17/11 Craig
Rupert Pea Podders Red Head Poodle 02/10/00-08/02/04 Charlotte and Kenneth
Rupert Persian Cat 05/11/06-09/14/16 Pam
Rupert Persian Cat 10 years 09/14/16 Pam
Rupert Poodle 5 years 5 months 10/28/10 Lauryn and Stevette
Rupert Roo Foyle Mini Dachs 03/16/10-05/20/16 Louella
Rupert Seegal Corgi 02/18/91-06/21/05 Norma Seegal
Rupert Siamese 11/05/91-07/27/08 Dolina Conning
Rupert Siamese Cat 04/21/05-02/15/10 Nikki
Rupert Siamese Cat 11 years 24/10/09 Lyonne
Rupert St. Bernard 02/12/09-10/11/10 Yvonne Moore
Rupert Tabby Cat 02/89/01-08/07/01 Suzie Commins
Rupert Tabby Cat 10 years 2007 Eileen
Rupert the Rocketeer (Rupert) Abysinian Orange Cat 7 years 06/25/01 Connie Hays Jackson
Rupert; Appyaire Rupert Lionheart Airedale Terrier 08/07/94-11/26/06 Deb Bertrand, Dave MacDonald
Ruppy Shihtzu 05/2000-12/01/13 Little
RupRup Border Collie 12/95-05/25/11 Wanda Lear
Rupurrt Yaksich DSH Dark Gray Cat 16 years 02/04/25 Brita & Greg Yaksich
RuRu Cat 07/21/91-01/19/09 Apple
RuRu Greyhound 04/08/11-04/11/18 Mike Wasuck
Rus Ty Cocker Spaniel 09/15/97-03/07/04 Beth and Jeff Lubin
Rush Cat 09/01/92-08/28/08 Tom and Liesl
Rush Cat 3 years 06/28/96 Evan
Rush Creek IM Paige Komondor 13 years 04/25/00 Sherry Harman
Rush German Shepherd 09/16/09 Carrie Izzo
Rush Great Pyrenees 5 years 08/31/11 Becky Gollner
Rush GSD 12/27/93-06/18/04 Glenn Chappel
Rush Lab/Boxer/Pit Bull 06/04/94-12/21/10 Debbie Buchta
Rush Presa Canario 13 years 06/07/00 Leslie Y Alfredo
Rush Rottweiler 11 years Megan McKillip
Rushey Cat 1994-03/10/11 Angela Perez
Rushka Rabbit 07/14/03 Shirley Kerr
Ruska Dog 1999-10/19/08 Natasha
Ruskie Russian Blue Cat 11/07/95-06/18/08 Sherree Etter
Rusks Collie Cross 16/12/06-23/03/06 Benita and David Beeson
Rusks Mixed Collie 13 years 23/03/06 Benita and Dave.
Rusky Blue Siberian Husky 04/19/01-01/31/11 Nitza
Rusky Mix Dog 06/09/89-10/11/04 Stuart & Arleen Fisher
Rusky Pomeranian X 10 years 05/24/08 Michelle Tan
Ruso Polo Argentine Thoroughbred Horse 32 years 11/20/15 Mary
Russ Bert Johnson Chesapeake Bay Retriever 7 years 11/01/01 Shaunnika
Russ Byard Golden Retriever 1/03/99-06/17/00 M Yohovic
Russ Cat 02/93-06/28/10 Robert & Kathy
Russ Jack Russel Terrier 03/15/01-09/03/03 Gary Fischer
Russ Long Hair Black Cat 07/12/90-12/27/03 Kate Lawrence
Russ MacKenzie Dalmation 10/31/90-08/05/99 Brad & Jo Ellen Christy
Russ Red Tabby Cat 11/01/94-02/02/05 Michael and Kathy
Russel / Kopper Bull Dog Mix Puppy 11 weeks 04/23/06 Samantha
Russel Cat 04/04/-03/11/11 BFAS Kay
Russel DSH Cat 2 years 05/2002 Chris and Carma
Russel Jack Russell 11/05/07-10/10/11 Vania
Russel Martin British Shorthair Cat 12 1/2 years 06/10/11 Glm
Russell 1/2 Pitbull 1/2 Bulldog 11 years 12/03/07 Brandi, Janeen, Greg, & Shirley
Russell B Rottweiler/Doberman 12/13/10 Cheryl and Lane
Russell Beagle 12 years 10/12/09 Elizabeth Brill
Russell Black Lab 11 years 04/01/06 Denise D
Russell Boxer 06/18/99-08/27/00 Becky and Joe Lukacs
Russell Brantley Wise (Rusty) DLH Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 9 months 11/19/15 Beth
Russell Braveheart Kong Shetland Sheepdog 08/10/00-06/17/03 Lorraine Mui
Russell Chocolate Lab 13 years 01/04/12 Kathy & Phil
Russell Cockatiel 07/15/09 Jack
Russell DLH Orange Tabby Cat almost 15 years 01/05/98 Laura Hoffman
Russell Dutch Dwarf Rabbit 10 years 06/15/07 Becks
Russell Dwarf Lop Bunny 4 years 20/Sep/13 Wendy Crooks
Russell Ferret 08/08/11 Amy D
Russell German Shepherd 07/31/92-11/08/06 Amy Pemberton
Russell German Shepherd 11 years 09/20/05 Angie
Russell German Shepherd 22/12/12-10/04/18 Vangjeli Anduela
Russell German Shorthair/Chocolate Lab 14 years 01/07/07 Lara Braddy
Russell Hound Mix 04/2013 Lisa
Russell Jack Russell Terrier 05/18/95-08/08/10 Siewling
Russell Jack Russell Terrier 08/2010-12/31/11 Annette, John, Justin, Derek & Lukas Kavanaugh
Russell Labrador Retriever 10/24/04-09/14/15 Carol Frizzell
Russell Layanese Cat 2 1/2 years 25/02/14 Donna
Russell Lazarus Papillion 14 1/2 years 12/09/07 Jan Pannepacker
Russell Lee Lab Mix 03/05/97-06/07/09 Mike and Pam and Kari and Sarah Bill and Jon
Russell LeeRoy Boston Terrier 06/84-11/07/98 Mike & Dollie Motter
Russell Marmalade Tabby Cat 2009-09/13 Torrance Bartholomew
Russell Matthew Sheltie MH
Russell McAlpine McGillicutty Allen Bubba Joe Moe Bowers Terrier/Beagle Mix 05/27/90-09/26/07 Sheri
Russell Min Pin 03/15/92-07/30/02 Karen
Russell Mini Dachshund 12/28/00-01/09/10 Jennifer Zavodny
Russell Mixed Terrier 12/22/10 Lisa
Russell Persian Cat 04/20/02-09/15/17 George Stanowski
Russell Pocket Beagle/Jack Russell Mix 12 years 03/17/04 Kris Rohver
Russell Siamese Blue Eyes, Tan Grey and White Cat 06/05/96-02/06/09 Lori Lerner
Russell T. O'Reilly Collie 11/01/95-06/08/03 Michelle Poolet
Russell Tabby Cat 18 years 08/18/99 Bea Lombré
Russell TabbyCat with White Belly and Paws 05/16/07-04/01/22 Candice
Russell the love muscle Choc. Lab X 01/04/08 Stephanie J
Russell Winterscheidt Rottweiler 02/17/08 Veronica Winterscheidt
Russell Wire Haired Fox Terrier 12 years 12/09/04 Madeline
Russell Yellow Lab 1991-07/10/01 Gary & Angelanderson
Russell Yellow Tabby Cat 06/15/90-06/17/03 Marilyn & Skip Sirkis
Russer Timothy Havanese 04/29/07-09/23/22 Jacqui Dumont and Ron Zakaluzny
Russert Dog 02/07/23 Maggie Rechel
Russi Bouvier Des Flandres 14/03/95-06/01/06 Sue Brooks
Russia Greyhound 09/13/00-09/30/13 Corinne Morier
Russia Half Shi Tzu 3 months 05/13/11 Joshua Martinez
Russian Apricot Siamese Mix Cat 07/01/96-04/24/08 Margie Harris
Russian Baby Moose Moose 7 months John Zalabak
Russian Mostly Black Calico Cat 02/85-02/23/98 Linda and Danny Meredith
Russian Rogue Horse 08/27/09 Lily Hammond
Russie Collie Mix 14 years 03/21/10 Susan Black
Russie Golden Retriever 04/25/95-11/17/06 Cate Ashdown
Rustee Rottweiler 09/01/97-01/20/05 Aimee
Rusti Cocker/Dachshund 08/94-12/13/03 Ron Darla Jennifer Cody Brian Smith
Rusti Eli Minature Dachshund 08/04/90-04/03/00 Katie Z. Keiser
Rusti Kitti Cat 9 years 07/29/02 The McNulty Family
Rusti Lee Beagle 01/31/98-11/16/10 Peggy Forman
Rusti Poodle 12 years Dave Martin
Rusti Poodle Mix 12/13/03 Mary and Phil
Rusti Roo Roo Mixed Golden Retriever 07/26/83-12/16/97 Saundra Dymond
Rusti Shepherd 01/16/94-07/15/04 Marilyn Bench
Rustia MK
Rustian Siberian Husky 11/16/78-03/21/79 Linda & Thomas
Rustic Cabin T. Bred Horse 25 1/2 years 12/16/08 Louise Turgeon
Rustic Mochi Dachshund 08/01/89-01/18/07 Robin Doering and Cathy Anderson
Rustie (Rustie Girl) Golden Retriever Mix 03/14/88-09/07/01 Jim & Carol Wells
Rustie 06/2002 Carla and Clara
Rustie Black SH Cat 03/08/71-12/05/97 Bobbie
Rustie Domestic Cat 13 years 02/28/07 Karen and Andy and Gee Delves
Rustom English Bulldog 11/04/00-11/15/08 Mary Anne Ibera
Ruston Poodle 16 years 09/2000 Susan and Glen Jackson
Rusty (a.k.a. Rustbuckets) Golden Retriever 03/27/97-05/15/04 Cyndi Tegeder
Rusty (a.k.a. Ruster McKatz) Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 04/20/09 Anna Krzywiec
Rusty (aka Little Dog) Terripoo 17 years 01/02/04 Dick Plantz
Rusty (aka Rusty Jones aka The Littlest Lion) Persian Cat 10+ years 09/14/03 Lori and Tom Owen
Rusty (aka Tootsie) Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 09/19/00 Carol Duckunue
Rusty (aka) Rustina Brittany Spaniel 07/26/96-06/12/07 Candace Perry
Rusty (Boo-Boo) Toy Poodle 15 years 08/21/07 Claudia Owen
Rusty (Capt Boop) Orange & White Tabby DSH Cat 17 years 11/03/03 Col & Mrs. Wayne R. Yoshino
Rusty (FuzzyButt) Gibson English Springer Spaniel 03/08/95-10/25/07 Robin D. Gibson
Rusty (Munchers) Pit-Bull 9 years 05/20/98 Patricia Troxell
Rusty (My Boy, Tatty Man, Tatty Teddy Cocker Spaniel 17/07/03-25/04/12 Jennifer Stubbs
Rusty (nickname Mr.Rust) Orange/White Tabby DSH Cat 15 years 04/13/07 Karen Gawerecki
Rusty (Nickolai Chara Sandalwood) Borzoi 08/98 Edith
Rusty (Pookie) Himalayan Cat 14 years 12/01/00 Mithila
Rusty (Russel T. Morris) Collie Cross 13 years 03/03/98 Melissa Morris
Rusty (Rusters, Rust) Longhair Orange Tabby Cat 19 years 10/26/09 Suzanne & Tino
Rusty (Rustic Autumn) Miniature Apricot Poodle 01/2000-01/27/08 The Rampolla Family
Rusty (Rusty-Bucket) Maine Coon (Red Classic Tabby) Cat 09/21/98-06/03/11 Lynn & Ron Huff
Rusty (Wag's) Bambi Terrier Mix 03/01/83-08/22/96 Doug and Suzanne Burden
Rusty (Weissacre Tiny Tiger) Australian Shepherd 04/23/93-11/17/07 Nancy Cours Guess
Rusty 02/20/03 Christina & Coral
Rusty 03/20/93 Tina Briggs
Rusty 13 years 05/30/00 Terri Moore
Rusty 16HH Chestnut Colour Thoroughbred Horse 05/05/69-03/29/00 Jo
Rusty 775E German Shepherd Vietnam
Rusty A. Wussmyer Cat 05/17/01-02/20/08 April Ortegon
Rusty a.k.a. Rusty-Roo Australian Cattle Dog Mix 06/27/04-07/15/15 Pat Robinson
Rusty Abyssinian Guinea Pig 07/02/04-07/17/10 Karen, Shannon and Bob
Rusty Acres Rustling Wind (Russell) Belgian Colt 05/01/08-05/01/08 Deborah Clendening
Rusty Aguirre Dachshund 05/03/93-06/26/06 Jeanie, Jason and Ryan
Rusty Airedale 03/17/90-08/11/00 Jan Threlkeld
Rusty Airedale 7 years 07/02/00 Andy, Ron, Jesse & Ross
Rusty aka Pork Chop Maine Coon Cat 08/02/92-01/19/05 Renee, Michael & Sassy
Rusty aka Russell Jessup Miniature Poodle 03/27/04 Rufus Jessup and Ted Maringer
Rusty aka Ruster Buster Cocker Spaniel 02/10/00-12/02/10 MaryLynn, Jim, Andrew, Megan, Kelsey and Housemate Taffy
Rusty aka Rusty Roo Rat Terrier 11/22/98-01/17/10 Jessica Michaud and Jeremy Helme
Rusty aka Rutee, Rustalicious Staffordshire Bull Terrier 10/29/07-06/11/09 Rhonda Barlak
Rusty aka Weiss Acre Tiny Tiger, Rusty Truck Australian Shepherd 04/23/93-11/23/07 Nancy Cours Guess
Rusty Akita/Chow 9 years 07/16/03 Kyle and Cindy Beechler
Rusty Alongi Sheltie 07/03/01-04/06/11 Kathy and Larry
Rusty American Quarter Horse 1987-10/01/00 Tracey
Rusty American Shorthair Cat 13 years 05/12/10 Carol Tackett
Rusty American Shorthair Cat 17 years 12/06/00 Drew Domjan
Rusty and Alberta Rooster and Pheasant 2001 and 2009 to 2010 Claudia & Harald Winter
Rusty Angel Golden Retriever 05/17/90-09/24/01 Karin Rex
Rusty Angora Cat 09/11/01-08/09/06 Art Allen
Rusty Angus Mather Italian Spinone 06/08/94-03/03/08 Jocelyn Mather
Rusty Ann Golden Retriever 05/07/95-07/27/06 Ron & Geri Coe
Rusty Apricot Poodle 02/15/87-09/06/00 Maria and Richard Ruggiero
Rusty Apricot Toy Poodle 01/11/89-01/18/05 Stephanie Levins
Rusty Aussie Shepherd, Heeler Mix 14 1/2 years 12/04/09 Emily James
Rusty Australian Cattle Dog 05/23/96-05/04/10 Karen Kontoleon
Rusty Australian Shepherd 06/18/96-08/25/05 Joy DeHaven
Rusty Australian Shepherd 06/22/01-10/13/08 Bob & Carolyn Parsons
Rusty Australian Shepherd 09/15/93-10/29/07 Joe & Donna Lunsford
Rusty Australian Shepherd 1998 Marj Lakins
Rusty Baker Orange Tabby Cat 13 years 11/17/6 Bobbi Baker, Phil, Gordon, Kyle & Kenzie
Rusty Barbour Min Pin 11/14/01-09/12/09 L Barbour
Rusty Basset Hound 10/12/03 Bernard Cook
Rusty Basset Hound 12/11/07-05/20/15 Suzanne Christopher
Rusty Beagger/Pitbull Mix 04/88-04/11/01 Gena
Rusty Beagle 01/09/95-12/11/08 Sue Hicks
Rusty Beagle 01/10/89-11/13/02 Bill and Kathy Jenkins
Rusty Beagle 02/19/00-07/09/11 Robin
Rusty Beagle 03/08/92-08/08/09 The Clark Family
Rusty Beagle 03/14/00-10/05/05 April Blevins
Rusty Beagle 03/17/10 Maureen
Rusty Beagle 07/10/95-12/11/08 Sue
Rusty Beagle 07/19/00-07/03/01 Ray, Wanda, Wayne Dutches, Precious and Ralphie
Rusty Beagle 1/22/93-07/15/95 Donna Ljungquist
Rusty Beagle 10/25/06-04/09/12 Kelli Michaud
Rusty Beagle 11/26/97-11/19/08 Mike & Jeanne Kershaw
Rusty Beagle 12 years 10/27/10 David, Jean, Meghan and Justin
Rusty Beagle 1984 Frankie Lee
Rusty Beagle/Red Heeler Mix 11 years 07/19/11 Regina and Maria
Rusty Bear (Bear) Orange Tabby/Persian Cat with no tail 10 years 07/12/05 Bonaccorsi Family
Rusty Bear Cat 04/20/97-05/15/05 Corrina
Rusty Bear Rottweiler/Shepherd Cross 03/23/96-09/11/07 Barb Brownell
Rusty Bell Tabby Cat 02/14/94-04/17/09 Susan Bell
Rusty Beloved Dog 14 years 07/03/94 Sheryle Stafford
Rusty Bender Chow/Lab Mix approximately 15 years 12/30/11 Mamanan
Rusty Benjie Clone 01/14/01-08/11/02 Kristen
Rusty Bichon Frise 08/14/90-05/05/08 Gene & Jan Clark
Rusty Bird 16 years 10/12/12 Karen
Rusty Black and White Cat 4 1/2 years 06/25/99 Chrissy
Rusty Black Long Hair Cat 10/11/04-08/11/04 Rusty
Rusty Bliss Dog 17 years 2006 Steve and Susie Bliss
Rusty Blood Hound 07/20/89-04/13/03 James & Betsy
Rusty Bones Tabby Cat 20 years 04/05/08 Barbara Carder
Rusty Border Collie 09/19/07 Jerome (Jerry) Cook
Rusty Border Collie 10/15/00-06/15/05 Jerry Blasenstein & James Rogers
Rusty Border Collie 14 years 10/15/09 Lanie + John O'Neal
Rusty Border Collie Blue Heeler Mix 02/2001-07/06/12 Doris Isakson
Rusty Border Collie X Blue Heeler 08/08/11 Yana Miller
Rusty Border Collie/Blue Heeler/ Aussie Mix 12/2001-07/2012 Doris Isakson
Rusty Border Collie/Kuvas 07/03/96-01/31/98 Melanie and Chris
Rusty Boxer 05/01/95-09/10/09 Debbie Phenicie
Rusty Boxer 05/89-09/28/01 Wayne & Louise Hoppner
Rusty Boxer 07/21/03-03/25/13 Donna Tomlinson
Rusty Boxer 10 years 10/21/10 James
Rusty Boy Red Tabby Cat 08/01/93-06/08/09 Denise
Rusty Boykin Spaniel 10 years 09/03/14 Julie Taylor
Rusty Brindled Boxer 01/12/21 Al Chesney
Rusty Brittany 11/15/02-08/07/17 Joanne Wagner
Rusty Brittany 14 years 01/06/09 Jim
Rusty Brittany Spaniel 02/19/86-12/04/99 Denise Jester
Rusty Brittany Spaniel 03/02/06 Dawn Jones
Rusty Brittany Spaniel 03/15/93-02/09/07 Ramona Keenan
Rusty Brittany Spaniel 12 years 08/18/05 Danielle
Rusty Brittany Spaniel 9 years 03/02/06 Dawn Jones
Rusty Brittney 11/29/00-06/18/03 Tammy Jo Eanes
Rusty Brown Dachshund 12/04/06 Ken McFarlin
Rusty Budnick Golden Retriever 10/05/00-01/31/03 Joyce
Rusty Buff Tabby Cat 05/2000-02/15/05 Nathalie
Rusty Bullmastiff Mix 08/17/94-12/26/06 Heather Gill
Rusty Buster Dachshund 12/26/96-05/11/08 Holly and Mark Fischetti Moore
Rusty Buster Golden Retriever Shepherd Mix 05/04/03-04/11/06 Cheryl Roland
Rusty Cairn 11/28/89-06/09/02 Sharon Garbarino
Rusty Cairn Terrier 12/21/89-12/16/03 Anouschka & Emiel
Rusty Cairn Terrier 16 years 06/04/08 Debbie Ogle
Rusty Calico Cat 04/85-07/2003 David
Rusty Cat 03/87-02/28/01 DW
Rusty Cat 04/15/10 Anna
Rusty Cat 04/15/82-10/30/99 Linda McGuire
Rusty Cat 05/07/08 Lisa
Rusty Cat 05/07/08 Lisa Rennne
Rusty Cat 06/20/81-10/08/99 Brian
Rusty Cat 06/23/98 Teresa Campbell
Rusty Cat 07/30/15 Danielle Drouin
Rusty Cat 07/98-02/20/99 Debby and Carleen Curren
Rusty Cat 1 year 05/19/09 Karen
Rusty Cat 1 years 07/25/07 Sean
Rusty Cat 10/25/15-08/05/23 Dane
Rusty Cat 13 years 03/05/06 Doris Matthews
Rusty Cat 13 years 04/03/99 Donna & Gordon Baker
Rusty Cat 13 years 10/18/05 Dawn Glenton
Rusty Cat 14 1993 Beatrice Sheftel
Rusty Cat 14 years 11/10/00 Amy Teague
Rusty Cat 15 years 02/09/18 Danny Vieira
Rusty Cat 15 years 30/03/12 Steve Portlock
Rusty Cat 16 years 05/30/06 Melanie Pinzuti
Rusty Cat 16 years 06/20/05 Robert Hanczyk
Rusty Cat 17 years 04/10/09 Eric Bullock
Rusty Cat 1982-1993 Sue
Rusty Cat 1989-03/2008 Elisha
Rusty Cat 1999 Pat & Fred
Rusty Cat 3 years 12/23/09 Pauline
Rusty Cat 8 years 06/23/05 Joyce Mcadoo
Rusty Cat Kim
Rusty Catahoula 08/24/94-07/17/07 Cheryl Moser
Rusty Catahoula 14 years 07/17/07 Cheryl Moser
Rusty Catalano Yellow Lab 10 years 05/21/04 Laurie
Rusty Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 09/27/08 Bill Manes
Rusty Cheetham Shih Tzu 12/08/03-06/05/12 Mary, Amy and Daniel Cheetham
Rusty Chihuahua 02/10/93-10/22/98 Jessica O'Neill
Rusty Chihuahua 10/13/96-06/10/09 Mike
Rusty Chihuahua 13 years 04/23/06 Jimmy L. Hudgins
Rusty Chihuahua 4 years 01/07/03 Spencer and Denise Wooten
Rusty Chihuahua/Jack Russell 13 years 10/15/16 Mike, Maelene, and Chase
Rusty Chihuahua/Papillion 2 1/2 years 01/29/10 Allison Vaughn
Rusty Chinese Crested Dog 11/11/11 Kim and Kevin Moore
Rusty Chiweenie 1 years 07/06/16 Melinda Hernandez Aguilar
Rusty Chocolate Lab 04/19/90-07/03/01 Linda Schwake
Rusty Chocolate Lab 04/20/85-08/09/96 Scott
Rusty Chocolate Lab 10/03/89-08/14/04 Yayo, Mami, Glenda, Mauricio, and Bruno
Rusty Chocolate Lab 7 years 06/10/12 Betty
Rusty Chocolate Lab Springer Mix 1990-12/07/03 Bruce & Barb
Rusty Chocolate Mix Dobie-Rotty 1989-11/24/03 Blaine and Jan Caracter
Rusty Chow & Spits 06/07/04 Joseph and Carol
Rusty Chow 11/27/96-11/07/03 Michelle
Rusty Chow Chow 16 years 09/12/08 Randi & Gene
Rusty Chow/ German Shepherd Mix 1999-09/01/06 Daniel Short
Rusty Chow/Golden Retriever Mix 01/15/98-10/09/07 Nancie Hinks
Rusty Clark Domestic Cat 16 1/2 years 02/07/10 Nancy & Brad Clark
Rusty Cock-a-Poo 01/08/78-07/15/88 Marcia Whittleton
Rusty Cockapoo 06/29/91-05/03/99 Mommy, Karen & Eric
Rusty Cockapoo 11/01/93-06/10/04 Mary Wade
Rusty Cockapoo 13 years 05/01/20 Donna, Gordon, Emma & Ethan Laight
Rusty Cockapoo 7 years 11/10/12 The Murtha Family
Rusty Cockatiel 3 years 06/15/92 Wendy
Rusty Cocker Spaniel / Beagle 12/18/94-12/06/08 Brenda
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 01/04/00 Doris
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 02/03/01-05/21/13 Jenny Keener
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 02/04/91-10/18/05 Mike & Rose Senn
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 02/08/94-07/03/05 Vanessa, Giovanni, Marianna
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 03/08/91-12/10/02 Markstiener/Bice Family
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 03/22/81-02/01/92 Leo & Sandra Gault
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 04/17/89-01/08/04 Berman M. Scott, Ii
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 05/31/89-11/20/98 Jan
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 09/11/96 Eric Benneric
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 10 years 02/18/05 Rose & David Bogart
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 10/29/86-04/2000 Karen
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 11 years 04/14/06 Ana, Lisa, Steve, Maria, Tony, Angel, Spike, Daisy, Natasha, Charlotte, and Jack!
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 12 years 04/28/94 Mary Kay Keppler
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 16 years 01/16/10 Gail Chagnon
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 1982-1992 Jackie Hood
Rusty Cocker Spaniel 6 years 02/04/00 Jeff and Jill Mellios
Rusty Cocker Spaniel/ Golden Retriever 01/29/05 Sue Holland
Rusty Collie Mix 12 years 02/20/09 Debbie & Jim Leymeister
Rusty Collie Mix 12/21/88-12/08/05 Bonnie Ellis
Rusty Collie/German Shepherd 09/13/97-12/27/02 Jess and Linda Mofield
Rusty Collie/German Shepherd Mix 10/08/92-10/17/03 Melissa
Rusty Collie/Shepherd 16 years 07/11/00 Vicky Clifford
Rusty Copper Colored Shepherd?/Wolf Mix? 09/22/07 Khawam Family
Rusty Corgi Welsh 04/19/88-12/19/00 Jo-Ann M. Pochinski
Rusty Corgie/Dachsund 01/09/03 Jean
Rusty Critter English Cocker Spaniel 15 years 04/17/05 Carole Anderson
Rusty Curry Brittany 07/04/93-09/15/07 Jacki Frahm
Rusty Dachshound 04/01/86-12/07/01 Farrah
Rusty Dachshund 02/22/14-09/28/14 Abhiroop Mukherjee
Rusty Dachshund 03/10/88-03/03/05 Peggy Dunlap
Rusty Dachshund 08/29/08 Cathy McMullen
Rusty Dachshund 09/24/94-07/02/08 Phyllis Landry
Rusty Dachshund 10 years 09/27/12 Scott, Misty & Austin
Rusty Dachshund 10/22/93-09/21/08 Beverly Silas
Rusty Dachshund 11/13/0-10/05/18 Kelley Eves
Rusty Dachshund 11/21/87-02/25/05 Anna Marie Leopardi
Rusty Dachshund 12 years 08/18/10 Robyn and Dalton
Rusty Dachshund 12/01/95-08/18/07 Brenda Lawrence
Rusty Dachshund 14 years 11/20/08 Don and Cheryl Henson
Rusty Dachshund 16 years 10/14/00 Bryan, Kimberly and Meghan Brinkley
Rusty Dachshund 4 years 09/26/08 Janet Nichols
Rusty Dachshund/Beagle 06/06/82-06/30/00 Love
Rusty Dachsi/Chihuahua 2 years 05/19/02 Suzanne and Chris Monroe
Rusty Dickson Dog 07/04/10 Nicholas and Sidonie Dickson
Rusty DiMaggio Guinea Pig 01/2011-03/03/11 Wayne DiMaggio
Rusty DLH Cat 17 years 11/03/08 Lorrie Williams
Rusty Dobbins Miniature Pinscher 06/20/91-09/19/06 Kam and Lisa
Rusty Doberman 04/28/82-03/23/95 Karen and Denny
Rusty Doberman 07/22/81-06/14/95 Sherry Rowe
Rusty Doberman 08/21/11 Rajat Sharma
Rusty Doberman O.
Rusty Doberman Pinscher 13 years 1992 Mary
Rusty Dog 03/19/07 Laura
Rusty Dog 03/31/02 Wilma Stewart
Rusty Dog 05/16/94-01/16/09 Rory
Rusty Dog 05/24/93-09/01/02 Barbara and Frank Kelczewski
Rusty Dog 10 years 01/2008 Marilyn
Rusty Dog 10 years 07/09/09 Nicole C. Crouse
Rusty Dog 10/15/85-11/02/00 Nancy Kiser
Rusty Dog 10/19/87-03/20/03 Jennifer
Rusty Dog 10/20/02-05/09/14 Steven Amazeen
Rusty Dog 12/12/86-08/30/00 Pam Mowery
Rusty Dog 12/25/84-02/07/97 The Fiizgerald-Vega Family
Rusty Dog 12 years 08/10/12 Robin Waterfall
Rusty Dog 14 years 04/24/23 Gianna & Jesse
Rusty Dog 14 years Shannon
Rusty Dog 17 years 04/17/07 Liana
Rusty Dog 2 years 09/05/10 Rita
Rusty Dog 3 years 1954 Janet
Rusty Dog 6 months 05/04/02 Briana
Rusty Dog 7 years 07/13/01 Rosa Brown
Rusty Dog 8 years 08/15/94 Julie
Rusty Dog adopted 11/97-09/20/01 Stephanie Luper
Rusty Dog Jerry
Rusty Dog Karrie
Rusty Dog Nadine & Phil Giglio
Rusty Dog Tom
Rusty Domestic Cat 05/23/21 Ermina
Rusty Domestic Cat 10 years 07/12/05 John Bonaccorsi
Rusty Domestic Cat 17 1/2 years 04/28/08 Kris and Roger Daman
Rusty Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/96-01/07/07 Marie Whitham
Rusty Domestic Long Hair Cat 14 years 07/26/05 Margaret J. Loring
Rusty Domestic Orange Tabby Cat 21 years 10/26/05 Vern Tikovitsch
Rusty Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/07/95-09/23/08 Brian
Rusty Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/18/08 John Paul Fernandez
Rusty Domestic Short-Hair Cat 5 1/2 years 02/10/00 Geri & Chris Ziomkiewicz
Rusty Domestic Shorthair Orange Tiger Cat 05/20/90-12/05/01 Sandy & Kevin
Rusty Domestic WhiteandOrange Cat 09/86-12/11/05 Barbara Anderson
Rusty Dozier Bunny 01/01/04-06/02/05 Lynn Dozier
Rusty DSH Cat 03/06/06-07/26/08 Sarah Gibson
Rusty DSH Cat 03/06/07 Michelle, Bob and Deb Wallis
Rusty DSH Cat 04/06/12 Saundra Edwards
Rusty DSH Cat 05/57-09/57 Carolyn Swartz
Rusty DSH Cat 17 years 03/06/08 Kathy Stewart
Rusty DSH Cat 6 years 05/26/12 Donna Marie Kruse
Rusty DSH, Orange Tabby Cat 7 years 01/13/12 Maddie & Lou
Rusty Dugan Pachanga Scottish Terrier 04/17/06-02/13/14 Charles and Consuelo Ornelas
Rusty Dustin Bright Shetland Sheep Dog 11/11/90-02/05/00 Doug,Christy,Amanda and Zac
Rusty Dusty Corgi 09/29/92-01/10/05 Dorothy
Rusty Ferret 5 years 09/14/97 Lisa Robinson
Rusty Flores Golden Retriever 10/30/92-05/17/08 Ruth Ann Ponton
Rusty Foil Golden/Chow Mix 17 years 05/29/12 Mitch Foil
Rusty Fox Terrier/Basenji Mix 07/84-10/20/01 Sandra Nickel
Rusty Frid Wheaton Terrier 6 years 07/21/04 The Frid Family
Rusty Fudge Chocolate Labrador 11/07/90-02/03/03 Joel Fastow
Rusty Gaczewski Golden Retriever 03/11/98 Julie Gaczewski Weig
Rusty Gale Domestic Orange Short Hair Tabby Cat 2 years 10/24/02 Lawrence, Deborah, Kevin, Christopher, Angelina
Rusty German Shepherd 03/19/90-10/04/02 Boettcher Family
Rusty German Shepherd 06/01/96-04/28/06 Cates & Whitten Family
Rusty German Shepherd 06/01/96-04/28/06 Lisa Cates
Rusty German Shepherd 1968-1980 Deb Wadkins
Rusty German Shepherd 9 years 10/05/95 Andy Lee
Rusty German Shepherd Cross 11 years 01/08/09 Radford B. Allen
Rusty German Shepherd Dog 13 years 03/31/23 Lisa Ann Fantone
Rusty German Shepherd HBC Rosemary Rodney and Jane Connors
Rusty German Shepherd Mix 02/22/95-12/09/06 Mei-Ling and Andy
Rusty German Shepherd Mix 07/04/98-04/11/11 Penny
Rusty German Shepherd Mix 12/24/95-08/19/09 Joanne
Rusty German Shepherd/Australian Cattledog Mix 10 years 08/10/06 The Garnant Family
Rusty German Shepherd/Yellow Lab Mix 09/01/03-01/29/07 Joan & Eric Stevenosky
Rusty German Shorthaired Pointer 1978-05/87 Andrew Keller
Rusty Ginger and White Shorthaired Tabby Cat 01/01/87-05/14/99 Jim Lapointe, Windsor, On, Canada
Rusty Gloucester Canary 5 years 06/26/99 Kim Koren
Rusty Gold Tabby Cat 12 years 05/08/07 Carol Appler & Sam Cornett
Rusty Golden 11/21/96-02/13/08 Denise ODonnell
Rusty Golden 12 years 09/78 Denise Ketchum
Rusty Golden Ret. 12/23/90-03/01/02 Christine
Rusty Golden Retriever / German Shepherd 13 years 12/16/99 Kerri Sweeney
Rusty Golden Retriever 01/06/90-02/23/01 Marge and George Holz
Rusty Golden Retriever 01/17/06 Otto Schilkowski
Rusty Golden Retriever 02/01/08-11/11/07 Steve N Sherry
Rusty Golden Retriever 02/02/87-08/25/99 McDermott Family
Rusty Golden Retriever 02/05/88-05/04/98 Melissa Martinez
Rusty Golden Retriever 02/06/08-03/18/21 David Johnson Sr
Rusty Golden Retriever 02/20/07-03/12/11 Saboin, Matt, Rhys, Danny, and Oakley
Rusty Golden Retriever 03/24/03 Lori Krause
Rusty Golden Retriever 03/26/02-10/25/10 Caitlin Pace
Rusty Golden Retriever 03/76-03/85 Winnie Burckhard
Rusty Golden Retriever 04/20/92-06/22/02 The Kearleys
Rusty Golden Retriever 05/11/95-05/19/09 Howie Londner
Rusty Golden Retriever 06/01/98-08/13/04 Donna and Joe
Rusty Golden Retriever 06/03/06 Goiney
Rusty Golden Retriever 06/04/98 Laurel Blankinship
Rusty Golden Retriever 06/14/86-10/15/98 Debbie
Rusty Golden Retriever 06/98-02/02/06 Maureen Bleakley
Rusty Golden Retriever 07/04/96-03/04/09 Kathy and Ken
Rusty Golden Retriever 08/01/92-02/03/03 Helen Edgerton
Rusty Golden Retriever 08/23/01-04/30/13 Karin Conway
Rusty Golden Retriever 09/02/87-08/06/99 Sondra
Rusty Golden Retriever 09/17/99-11/07/11 Pam Wehner
Rusty Golden Retriever 09/20/03 Lisa Johnson
Rusty Golden Retriever 1/87-02/12/97 Larry Bles
Rusty Golden Retriever 10 years 02/09/01 Amy Heuslein
Rusty Golden Retriever 10 years 04/13/01 Greg Stenzel
Rusty Golden Retriever 10 years 10/13/98 Vinny Sheehan
Rusty Golden Retriever 10/03/07 Greg S
Rusty Golden Retriever 10/15/95-07/12/09 Mark Johnson
Rusty Golden Retriever 10/17/89-02/23/02 Dan, Shelley, and Max
Rusty Golden Retriever 10/91-01/2003 Joyce Budnick
Rusty Golden Retriever 11 years 01/05/12 Caroline
Rusty Golden Retriever 11 years 08/06/97 Sue Thomas
Rusty Golden Retriever 11/05/97-11/11/05 Janice Falk
Rusty Golden Retriever 11/11/92-02/04/03 Jocelyn Joaquim
Rusty Golden Retriever 11/13/91-03/05/04 Jim & Celine Morton
Rusty Golden Retriever 11/20/03 McConnell Family
Rusty Golden Retriever 11/25/94-03/07/08 Leslie Hoy
Rusty Golden Retriever 12 years 01/22/08 The Hickman Family
Rusty Golden Retriever 12 years 09/20/05 Terry Comeau
Rusty Golden Retriever 12 years 10/96 Nancy Kul
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/01/20 Jen
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/09/00-06/12/06 Lori Wallace
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/09/00-06/19/06 Lori Wallace
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/18/91-06/17/00 Mollie, John,Heather & Bear
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/2003-12/26/16 Simon & Edie
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/24/04-12/01/20 Jen
Rusty Golden Retriever 12/25/02-01/16/14 Jim Wilson
Rusty Golden Retriever 14 years 02/07/03 Cliff, Cathy, Christina, & Courtney Maness
Rusty Golden Retriever 14 years 04/12/10 Carole
Rusty Golden Retriever 14 years 12/26/03 David McConnell
Rusty Golden Retriever 16 years 12/10/97 J. Richards
Rusty Golden Retriever 16 years 12/29/99 Sharon Rose Hammonsa
Rusty Golden Retriever 3 years 01/09/01 Frank & Jolene
Rusty Golden Retriever 6 years 07/22/06 Jerry, Janie, Lisa, and Lori
Rusty Golden Retriever 9 03/4 years 12/19/87-09/16/97 Carol Rohr
Rusty Golden Retriever Cross 06/01/86-02/15/01 Jessy
Rusty Golden Retriever Mix 12 years 12/22/08 Melanie Given & Todd Klubnik
Rusty Golden Retriever Mix 17 years 02/13/09 Marcia Winfield
Rusty Golden Retriever Mix Adopted 03/2000-03/16/06 Lori Petote
Rusty Golden Retriever, Chow Mix 13 years 07/22/12 Ken & Estelle Engel
Rusty Golden Retriever/ Corgi 04/28/20 William
Rusty Golden Retriever/Chow 09/01/93-05/12/07 Sandie
Rusty Golden Retriever/Cocker 5 years 02/23/06 Karen
Rusty Golden Retriever/English Corgi 15 years 11/30/06 Salvas Family
Rusty Golden Retriever/Irish Setter 14th years Holly Hill
Rusty Golden Retriever/Irish Setter Mix 14 years 09/11/99 Carol Hill
Rusty Golden/Beagle 05/17/99-05/12/12 Cheryl Saunders
Rusty Golden/Chow 14 years 01/21/99 Donna Henasey & family
Rusty Graham Cocker Spaniel 10/13/93-04/19/06 Amanda Graham
Rusty Great Pyrenees and Yellow Labrador Retriever Canine 06/01/07-03/27/09 Vicki and David Wesneski
Rusty Greyhound 11/07/97-10/22/09 Donna, Mark and Dylan
Rusty Guido Tabby Cat 9 years 06/16/13 Courtney
Rusty Guinea Pig 02/2003-08/28/06 Jessica Flint
Rusty Guinea Pig 07/25/93-07/26/98 Kathleen Lock
Rusty Guinea Pig 1/23/98 Dean Stanczyk
Rusty Hahn Dog 09/13/80-09/22/03 Eileen
Rusty Hamster 10/10/01 Lauren
Rusty Heinz 57 Dog 01/31/97-24/09/11 Dale and Donna Werner
Rusty Heschel Shetland Sheepdog 08/12/98-09/03/11 Tina Heschel
Rusty Himalayan Cat 07/14/90-11/2002 Ashley
Rusty Horse 01/29/01 Angela Johnson
Rusty Horse 1995 Melody
Rusty Horse 26 years 12/11/96 Denise Owen
Rusty Hughes Cocker Spaniel 04/11/09 Gwyn and Sylvia Hughes
Rusty Hunter Golden Retriever/Lab Mix 11/01/93-08/01/04 Jen, Dennis, Helen, & Steph
Rusty Husky 02/11/99 Eric
Rusty Hutter Dog 01/01/07-07/05/18 Karen Hutter
Rusty I Dachshund 3 years 12/90 Armin, Myrna, Patrick Webster
Rusty II Dachshund 4 years 10/94 Armin, Myrna, Patrick Webster
Rusty IIi Mix Dog 17 years 12/19/05 Timothy J Beaton
Rusty Irish Setter 04/16/92-12/22/05 Amanda Collier
Rusty Irish Setter 06/89-10/2000 Amy
Rusty Irish Setter 10/30/79-03/06/91 Denise Ketchum
Rusty Italian Greyhound 01/15/04 Fran and Jay
Rusty Italian Greyhound 04/01/96-05/17/13 Charlene Antonelli
Rusty Iwrey McCurdy Brown Tabby Kitty 19 years 12/15/11 Karen and Mike
Rusty Jack Russell 10/11/89-10/11/05 Katherine Goulstone
Rusty Jack Russell Short Leg 1993-02/19/08 Wayne & Crystal House
Rusty Jack Russell Terrier 01/07/91-06/21/06 Ann Woods
Rusty Jack Russell Terrier 03/23/02-05/18/06 The Seibert Family
Rusty Jack Russell Terrier 12 years 08/07/02 Ron and Vicki McAnulty
Rusty Jack Russell Terrier 16 years 09/02/01 Dale Stoddard
Rusty Jay Orange Striped Cat 05/24/78-08/22/96 Linda Jacobs and Marc Goldstein
Rusty Jem Kreppein Yorkshire Terrier 04/06/89-08/12/04 Betsy
Rusty Jr Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/27/99-01/29/04 Peggy Peischl
Rusty Keaveny Dog 08/05/12 Andrew Keaveny
Rusty Keeshond/Shepherd 04/23/95-09/18/07 DJ
Rusty Kutz Mastiff Pittie Mix 10/01/05-01/20/21 Bill & Carolyn Kutz
Rusty Lab 10 years 10/29/04 Richard Ellett
Rusty Lab 11/22/93-11/12/04 Deanna Easto
Rusty Lab 12/02/00 Joe V
Rusty Lab Mix 10/05/01-09/22/06 Evelyn
Rusty Lab/Rottie 13 years 02/23/00 Ira & Lisa Palombo
Rusty Labrador 04/27/96-01/08/06 Sara
Rusty Labrador 08/05/04-01/07/12 Bob, Cameron and Robin
Rusty Labrador 14 years 03/31/12 Monique Cronin
Rusty Labrador Mix Golden Retriever 11 years 06/28/03 Cathy and Ray Tiernan
Rusty Labrador Retriever 06/23/15-03/24/24 Kathleen Trice
Rusty Labrador Retriever 08/11/94-07/25/06 Bryan and Kammie
Rusty Laho Apso 9 years 11 months 11/19/04 Jeannie Silva
Rusty Lee Retriever Mix 03/05/97-06/07/09 Laatsch Family Mike Pam Kari and Sarah
Rusty Leroy Rattigan Guinea Pig 8 years 03/02/11 Michelle and Dad
Rusty Lhasa Apsa 11/91-06/2005 Jodi and Terry Pierskalla
Rusty Lhasa Apso 04/17/95-10/24/98 Kathleen Frock
Rusty Lhasa Apso 09/17/93-06/23/07 Diane & Salvatore
Rusty Lhasa Apso 16 years 10/11/08 Gary Dispoto
Rusty Lhasa Apso Canine 15 years 12/24/02 Roy, Chere, Graham and Tiffany Jones
Rusty Llasa Debi Kaye
Rusty Llewelyn Setter 04/16/06-10/23/10 L C Owens
Rusty Long Buff Colored Maine Coon Mix Cat 5 years 08/14/07 Lisa & Chuck
Rusty Long Hair Peruvian Golden/White Guinea Pig 02/93-10/06/99 Ronda Sternad
Rusty Long Haired Tabby Cat 18 years, 3 Days 03/26/02 Susann Flowers
Rusty Long Haired Yellow Tabby Cat 01/03/95-12/17/11 Chris Gimenez
Rusty Lovgren Dachshund 12/08/92-04/28/10 Trisha Lovgren
Rusty Maine Coon Cat 10/12/95-05/13/09 Debbie
Rusty Maine Coon Cat 12/26/02 Denise Cone
Rusty Maine Coon Cat 9 years 03/10/89-03/31/98 Pam, Matt, Tim & LuigiKitty
Rusty Mainecoon Cat 13 years 01/20/20 Bj Killeen
Rusty Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier 09/01/02-09/12/03 Crystal Doherty
Rusty Maltipoo01/10/89-05/27/02 Stephanie Deming
Rusty Manx Cat 09/05/85-06/14/97 Kathy Williamson
Rusty Martin Red Heeler Australian Shepherd Mix 7 years 07/12/11 Jordyn, Jessica, James Martin
Rusty Martinez Welsh Corgie Marc & Joyce Rehkugler
Rusty Marvin Cairn Terrier 14 years 07/03/09 Uncle Mike
Rusty Maxx Dickson Dog 13 years 07/04/10 Bob, Tori, Linda, Sidonie, Nicholas, Nick Dickson
Rusty McDougald Toy Poodle 10/24/98-12/04/09 Michelle McDougald
Rusty Miller Blonde Cocker Spaniel 03/07/89-06/13/05 Christine M. Miller
Rusty Min Pin 01/01/90-10/28/08 Carol
Rusty Minature Longhair Daschund 07/04/99-07/23/01 The Tsuji's, Yokota's and Okubo's
Rusty Mini Dachshund 08/04/02-03/01/07 Pat, Mike, & Preston Skinner
Rusty Mini Dachshund 9 years 12/28/04 Regina
Rusty Mini Longhaired Dachshund 07/25/04-02/12/11 Melissa
Rusty Miniature Dachshund 05/09/06 Chelsea Brinkman
Rusty Miniature Dachshund 09/25/98-08/01/17 Nikki
Rusty Miniature Poodle 02/17/04-09/09/14 Neal and Linda Trickel
Rusty Minni Me Long Haired Orange Tabby Cat 10/12/00-11/26/13 Charlena
Rusty Min-Pin 10/12/00-03/25/16 John Addison & Rusty
Rusty Minpin 13 years 09/26/12 Katie Kurth
Rusty Mix Breed Dog 09/15/90-10/29/99 Lynn Cozad & family
Rusty Mix Dobie 07/2006-04/05/20 Frankie
Rusty Mix Dog 18 years 01/03/09 Paula
Rusty Mix Dog 9 years 06/03/06 Kerri
Rusty Mixed Breed Cat 1 year 12/24/99 Barbara Sollazzi
Rusty Mixed Breed Dog 15 years 08/06/07 Steven
Rusty Mixed breed Dog 1992-10/20/96 Gail Thompson
Rusty Mixed Breed Dog 1999-07/23/03 Marie and Kevin
Rusty Mixed Cat 12/22/98 Roy
Rusty Mixed Collie 13 years 05/07/02 Jimmy Fox
Rusty Mixed Collie and Golden Retriever 01/23/92-05/19/07 Jewell
Rusty Mixed Dachshund 03/08/82-07/12/94 Lora Whitney
Rusty Mixed Dog 03/15/14 Jan
Rusty Mixed Dog 03/25/06 Robert Valley
Rusty Mixed Dog 07/90-03/05/03 Kristy
Rusty Mixed Dog 08/24/96-05/26/12 Kathi C
Rusty Mixed Dog 08/85-06/24/98 Earline
Rusty Mixed Dog 09/96-11/2004 Mike and Ann Hofmann
Rusty Mixed Dog 10 years 07/27/07 Sharon Wingard
Rusty Mixed Dog 12/15/87-11/20/98 Ron and Stella Jenson
Rusty Mixed German Shepherd & Doberman 03/03/76 Christine Summers
Rusty Mixed Golden 01/02/03 Beverly Price- Patricia Miller
Rusty Mixed Lab 02/28/87-07/09/98 Lee & Lisa Ragsdale
Rusty Mixed Terrier 03/06/98-11/25/08 Karin
Rusty Mixed Terrier 12/83-05/14/98 Terri Wallis
Rusty Mixed Terrier 21 years 1970 Crawford Family
Rusty Mohac Cat 10/10/79-06/30/96 Gina
Rusty Moody Golden Retriever 12/01/06-05/10/17 Cathy Moody
Rusty Moore Cocker Spaniel/Shih Tzu 03/25/90-11/05/02 Steve, Kristi, Stephen, Michelle and Angel
Rusty Mosley Min.Pin 03/16/97-05/22/06 Brenda Mosley
Rusty Mosley Min.pin 9 years 05/22/06 Brenda Mosley
Rusty Mumby Doberman Pinscher 02/01/94-09/10/02 Deb
Rusty Mutt 16 years 01/15/01 Nicole Bennett
Rusty Nail Miniature Pinscher 9 years 09/04/07 Kirsten
Rusty Newman Beagle 11/11/94-10/25/10 Debbie
Rusty Norfolk Terrier 06/06/89-03/29/02 Jennifer Yelton
Rusty Norwegian Elkhound 14 years 06/13/92 Melanie J Viegas
Rusty Norwegian Forest Cat 15+ years Jim & Marilyn Mckinley
Rusty Ol Man Weiner 10/28/94-03/24/13 Mehgnn
Rusty O'Malley Irish Setter 03/26/84-02/08/97 Linda Utley
Rusty One Australian Shepherd, Blue Heeler 08/30/01 Doris Isakson
Rusty or Russell J Orange Cat Summer of 2000-03/15/12 George and Samantha Phillips
Rusty Orange & White Tabby Cat 13 years 02/18/04 Nancy Pristash
Rusty Orange and White DSH Cat 14 years 01/17/01 Tom and Beth Bailey
Rusty Orange and White Tabby Cat 03/17/83-03/31/99 Toni, Larry, Brian and Dana Adisano
Rusty Orange Cat 08/23/06 Jessica
Rusty Orange Cat 10/01/01-06/07/10 Brian Przygocki
Rusty Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/05/83-11/02/97 Colleen Carter
Rusty Orange DSH Mutt adopted April 1990 to 26 July 2003 Karen
Rusty Orange Long Hair Cat 04/01/07-06/14/08 John and Darlene
Rusty Orange Long Haired Cat 05/01/70-05/27/73 Louis, Sandy, Andrew, Angela & Carrie
Rusty Orange Short Hair Cat 01/25/88-01/21/09 Debbie Noonan
Rusty Orange Tabby 10 years 07/10/05 Amy Cieri
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 02/76-03/88 Bill Kalwite
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 03/01/99-07/10/14 Russ and Patti Forsberg
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 04/06/97-12/17/10 Melly
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 04/16/87-12/22/98 Debbie Muzio
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 05/94-10/14/99 Olivia Silensky
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 05/99-03/11/01 Judy
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 06/07/93-11/12/04 Rod Speiss
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 08/92-04/29/05 Melissa & Ricky
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 09/87-02/20/08 Kerry Gervais
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 11 years 04/15/05 Mary Damato
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 11/03/98-10/24/13 Kris, Russ and Jackson
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 11/17/22 The Hess Family
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 04/30/00 Kari Osmera
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 03/06/12 Jillian Voss
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 04/18/12 Deborah
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 10/29/05 Susan Macklon
Rusty Orange Tabby Cat 16 years 07/15/04 Loretta M
Rusty Orange Tiger Cat 01/01/00-11/09/10 Jim Ring
Rusty Orange Tiger Stripe Tabby Cat 1991-08/2000 Bruce and Catherine McGraw
Rusty Orange/Brown Domestic Short Hair Cat 1983-10/14/01 Kay
Rusty O'Riley Miller III Golden Retriever 09/10/99-01/15/11 Ray, Jenny and Cassie Miller
Rusty Part Maine Coon Cat 15 years 03/08/06 Ronnie & Mike Sander
Rusty Pech Domestic Short Hair Cat 18 years 01/24/05 Lynn
Rusty Peek-A-Poo 05/22/98 Janet Gambrell
Rusty Pekingese 15 years 04/21/00 Marian Boden
Rusty Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/01/89-09/24/03 Beverly Tuttle
Rusty Pembroke Welsh Corgi 09/21/92-03/31/03 Karol Takeshta
Rusty Penbroke Welsh Corgi 09/29/92-01/10/05 Dorothy Hixson
Rusty Perotti Chow/Shepherd Mix 07/15/92-12/15/02 Dina
Rusty Perry Calico Cat 07/16/09-03/27/11 Don and Barbara Perry
Rusty Persian Cat 10/28/98-12/24/09 Marquisha
Rusty Pinto Horse 35 years 09/17/96 Peppi
Rusty Pit Bull 04/13/98-11/20/06 Carmen Webb
Rusty Pit Bull 12 years 04/20/11 Fredda Duncan
Rusty Pitbull 2001 Caressa
Rusty Plante Longhaired Angora Cat 08/2005 Elizabeth Glixman for Karen Plante
Rusty Pom 02/11/91-05/06/08 Trudi
Rusty Pom Chee 8 years 02/09/04 Margaret Ryan
Rusty Pom Mix 8 years 04/23/07 Wayne Lacina
Rusty Pomchi 7 years 02/09/04 Dave
Rusty Pomeranian 01/08/98-06/14/02 Olga Rodriguez
Rusty Pomeranian 02/11/87-04/16/03 Rachel Marx
Rusty Pomeranian 07/03/88-09/13/00 Sherry
Rusty Pomeranian 07/26/91-02/06/04 Audrey
Rusty Pomeranian 07/27/09 Patty Schneider
Rusty Pomeranian 09/03/90-02/09/04 Bob & Nancy Fishpaw
Rusty Pomeranian 09/08/94-08/06/06 Kim
Rusty Pomeranian 10/30/94-03/31/97 Elaine Marasco
Rusty Pomeranian 11/30/90-10/08/06 Maria Haight
Rusty Pomeranian 11/98-05/01/11 Joyce A. Erwin
Rusty Pomeranian 12 years 03/21/03 Wendy Gower
Rusty Pomeranian 12/16/00 Cindy
Rusty pomeranian 12/26/85-08/14/95 Jenny King
Rusty Pomeranian 8 years 05/12/09 Diane
Rusty Poodle & Bichon Mix 11/15/97-04/09/01 Donna M Linkchorst
Rusty Poodle & Bichon Mix 11/15/97-04/09/01 Donna M. Linkchorst
Rusty Poodle 08/25/90-04/08/05 Earl, Mary and Kimberly Shaw
Rusty Poodle 10/01/92-04/19/09 Dwane Rua and Gloria
Rusty Poodle 10/15/85-11/02/00 Nancy
Rusty Poodle 10/25/94-05/09/07 Jennifer Parks & Patti Tharp
Rusty Poodle 11/02/94-01/14/09 Darlene Raper
Rusty Poodle, Pom and other Mix 9 1/2 years 03/24/08 Nick and Geraldine Scafidi
Rusty Poodle/Terrier 1/01/90-01/06/00 Joe & Kim
Rusty Pug Mix 01/21/09 Jim & Sandy Wiles
Rusty Pug/Poodle Cross 8 months Kaleb
Rusty Randolph Mixed Dog 16 years 07/29/08 Virginia & Bob Randolph
Rusty Rat Terrier 01/27/11-12/04/21 Donna Seaman
Rusty Red and Tan Doberman 06/28/84-06/05/98 Brian and Sherry
Rusty Red and White Cocker Spaniel 06/28/71-11/17/86 Ed and Barb Vatza
Rusty Red Cattle Dog 9 years 06/12/98 Heather and Susan
Rusty Red Cocker Spaniel 5 years 09/11/96 Eric Bennett and Family
Rusty Red Dachshund 05/15/54-11/68 Childhood Pet Of Linda & Bruce
Rusty Red Heeler 14 years 09/23/10 Mark Seager
Rusty Red Heeler 9 years 02/27/06 Robert, Kim & Luke Gamble
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 01/02/93-07/19/02 Kathleen Ford
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 02/94-02/23/10 Jim and Judy Schaeffer
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 04/01/96-08/21/06 June Y. Scott (Mrs)
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 13 years 07/09/05 Teresa Durma
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 14 years 06/23/98 Teresa Campbell
Rusty Red Tabby Cat 1998 Susan Philpot
Rusty Red Tiger Cat 03/17/95-08/20/07 Barbara Scalzo
Rusty Red Toy Poodle 03/14/88-02/20/03 Mike Schwartz
Rusty Redbone Coonhound 01/17/12 Mike C
Rusty Retriever 13 years 08/99 Kim
Rusty Retriever Mix 09/26/85-10/13/00 Cate Guyan and Family
Rusty Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/10/93-03/14/99 Faith
Rusty Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/10/93-03/14/99 Steve & Faith
Rusty Richie Roo Roos English Labrador Retriever 12/21/95-03/27/04 Joanne & Ron Shekiro
Rusty Ridgeback Lab Mix 05/10/93-03/14/99 Faith Gawryluk
Rusty Roo Garfield Orange Tabby Cat 03/15/90-06/30/10 Betty
Rusty Rooster Collie 09/09/74-03/05/85 Patty & Jerry Bybee
Rusty Rooter the Kitty Cat Domestic Short Hair Cat 21 years 02/16/08 Allison J Bauman
Rusty Rottie-Shepherd Mix 11 years 02/17/12 Mary
Rusty Rottweiler 03/18/91-01/21/00 Suzanne & Peter
Rusty Russell Smith Persian Cat 04/21/96-01/08/10 Sylvia Smith
Rusty Rust Colored Jack Russell/Chihuahua Mix W/Some Mutt Too 7 years 2000 Sid Savoie
Rusty Sable Yorkie 06/07/01-10/19/01 Sherry Sutphin
Rusty Sandonato Dog 04/08/93-06/20/04 John Sandonato
Rusty Schnabel Lhasa Apso 01/04/92-04/01/08 Maxine Schnabel
Rusty Schnauzer 13-14 years 03/20/11 Andrea
Rusty Schorn Pekingese 14 years 08/16/04 Nancy L Schorn
Rusty Schrader Standard Poodle 07/24/98-01/24/07 Venessa Schrader
Rusty Scott Welch Terrier 04/30/96-12/01/08 Carolyn and Bill Porraro
Rusty Scuppers Red Alaskan Husky 02/14/99-07/12/12 Pam
Rusty Shade Orange & White Short Hair Cat 05/30/97-10/28/09 Jeanette Shade
Rusty Shain DSH Cat 08/04/90-03/04/06 Ellen & Larry Shain
Rusty Shayne Tabby Cat 10/87-07/03/98 Lisa Honaker
Rusty Sheltie 04/09/84-03/15/98 Ken Thompson
Rusty Sheltie 05/05/01-05/21/10 Linda Ely
Rusty Sheltie 05/09/97-06/26/09 John and Janna
Rusty Sheltie 05/10/93-08/13/08 Debbie Sullivan
Rusty Sheltie 05/29/87-01/31/02 Barbara
Rusty Sheltie 16 years 10/27/08 The Pacitto Family
Rusty Sheltie 9 years 07/07/08 Jeanie
Rusty Shepherd & Golden 05/16/96-12/23/09 Noreen, Ben & Ben
Rusty Shepherd Mix 10/11/95-03/31/08 Rich Sautkus
Rusty Shepherd Mix 10/12/95-03/27/08 Rich Sautkus
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 01/01/95-01/01/06 Vickey Sopher
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 04/04/87-10/19/00 Ervin, Linda, & Jennifer Schorer
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 06/05/90-08/16/02 Katrina Trent
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 06/99-07/07/08 Jeanie & Tony
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 12/07/86-07/05/01 Mark C. Rozanski
Rusty Shetland Sheepdog 15 years 07/25/07 Frank Donlan
Rusty Shiba Inu 10/08/98-05/09/11 Shari
Rusty Shih Tsu 08/06/03 James B. Friant
Rusty Shih Tzu 02/12/06-10/21/16 Belinda
Rusty Shih Tzu 06/25/03-01/27/18 Stephanie, Chris, Nicholas, and Brandon McLaughlin
Rusty Shih Tzu 12/24/99-12/18/10 Jeff Rogers
Rusty Shih Tzua 05/28/90-11/27/03 Nancy Ewers
Rusty Shitzhu 14 years 11/05/06 Ben Skinner
Rusty Shitz-Tzu 11/22/73-07/10/99 Judith Ryle
Rusty Shi-Tzu Lhasa-Apso Mix 15 years 08/27/10 Linda & Shaun
Rusty Shorthair Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 04/25/04 Judy Cacioppo
Rusty Siamese Cat 03/17/95-09/04/02 Barb Litz
Rusty Siberian Husky 01/12/94-06/11/07 Mary
Rusty Siberian Husky 12/27/93-06/22/07 Patti Lewis
Rusty Snyder Golden Mix about 15 years 02/28/05 Barry and Donna
Rusty Sowards Golden Retriever 04/01/95-12/11/05 Larry Sowards
Rusty Squier Shelty 14 years 07/30/11 April Squier
Rusty Swygert Collie 1 year 12/15/61 Sam Swygert
Rusty Tabby Cat 02/24/04 Chris Pesce
Rusty Tabby Cat 02/28/10-03/19/11 Ron and Karen Hunter
Rusty Tabby Cat 03/15/88-06/08/00 Terry and Sally Spears
Rusty Tabby Cat 1+ year 12/18/06 Melanie/Bob
Rusty Tabby Cat 18 years 08/28/10 Terry
Rusty Tabby Cat 1984-09/18/02 Melinda Ledbetter
Rusty Tabby Cat 1997-06/17/02 Teresa
Rusty Tabby Cat 3 years 10/12/11 Dakota Horstman
Rusty Tabby Cat Loraine Pope
Rusty Taggart Labrador Retriever 05/03/91-08/23/06 Diane & Chuck Taggart
Rusty Terrier 07/23/04 Justin Davis
Rusty Terrier 11 years 01/26/09 Kim Bradley
Rusty Terrier Mix 09/01/92-07/12/05 Mark Sherer
Rusty Terrier Mix 19 years 03/05/99 John Mechetti
Rusty Terrier Mix 1985 L. Clare Troyan
Rusty Terrier/Dachshund Mix 07/04/99-03/13/00 JP, Danette, James & Colin Toner
Rusty the Mighty American Eskimo Dog 09/28/91-07/05/05 Cynthia M. Quiroz
Rusty The Rustman Poodle 01/20/91-01/05/04 Cathi and Bob Hulse
Rusty Tibetan Cross Border Terrier 5 years 05/25/12 Joe Everett Debbie Everett Stuart Everett
Rusty Toy Collie Mix 04/30/00 Sandy
Rusty Toy Poodle 03/14/88-02/20/03 Christina Prentice Mike Schwartz & Coral
Rusty Toy Poodle 03/23/92-05/11/01 Peggy
Rusty Toy Poodle 05/15/92-05/22/09 Jan Sundry
Rusty Toy Poodle 5 years 10/23/05 Karen
Rusty Trifone Golden Retriever 10/01/92-04/01/01 Britt Trifone
Rusty Tyler (Bubby) Basset Hound 03/01/97-10/12/03 Bernard, Karen, and Jordan Cook
Rusty VanDyke Pedigo Yorkie 11/14/99-05/01/14 Brian & Joanna Pedigo
Rusty Vizsla 12/01/76-10/01/90 The Rockway Family
Rusty Voss Orange Tabby Cat 03/06/12 Jillian Voss
Rusty Wallace Inclan Cruz Chow Chow 01/25/97-11/23/10 Tina Cruz
Rusty Wengerter Golden Retriever 06/12/98-05/13/11 Bri Wengerter
Rusty Westie 06/12/91-10/26/06 Michael & Lisa
Rusty Westie 10 years 12/17/97 Diane/Ricco
Rusty Whiskers Orange Tabby Cat 10/14/13 Merch Holt
Rusty White Collie 11/05/05-05/19/18 Edy
Rusty Wiener Dog 11/06/92-11/22/00 Cathy Price
Rusty Wolf Terrier 15 years 04/08/05 Crissy
Rusty Wolfhound Terrier Mix 17 years 06/29/13 Bobbi Wilson
Rusty Wright Lasa 12/02/83-10/03/07 Brian+lisa
Rusty Yellow Lab 10 years 07/13/14 Kristie
Rusty Yellow Lab 10/22/93-10/11/04 Deanna Easto
Rusty Yellow Lab Mix 1991-05/15/04 Barbara Rynn
Rusty Yellow Lab/Hound 07/14/00-05/18/07 Kate & Rob Lopes
Rusty Yellow Labrador Retriever 11/11/94-12/21/06 Nancy, Jake and Brandon
Rusty Yellow Maine Coon Tabby Type Cat 13 years 12/19/00 Janet Hogle
Rusty Yellow Tabby Cat 04/92-06/23/09 Larry Cartmill
Rusty Yorkie 03/09-03/19 Gina Chapman
Rusty Yorkie 06/19/15 Helga
Rusty Yorkie 08/14/89-08/07/00 Dee & Pete Price
Rusty Yorkie 11 years 02/26/13 Kathy
Rusty Yorkie Poo 12/20/91-03/05/05 Buddy, Beth, Ash, Jay, Brandy
Rusty Yorkshire Terrier 03/17/94-01/19/10 Kathy and Frank
Rusty Yorkshire Terrier 12/13/95-04/11/03 Dave and Mary Payne
Rusty Yorkshire Terrier 12/26/95-11/10/11 Jenny Maher
Rusty Yorkshire Terrier 19 years 04/10/12 Pam Hardin
Rusty Yorkshire Terrier Jan 1993-24 - April 2000 Ruby Sharkie
Rusty Z. Mixed Breed Dog 09/06/85-04/29/98 Amelia Z.
Rusty Zimbler Golden Retriever 08/09/04 Andrea
Rusty, Russy, Rue Cat 17 years 05/24/07 Sherry Carson-Mauchline
Rusty-Boo German Spitz 04/01/96-12/07/07 Brooke, Brian and Ian
Rusty-Boy DSH Cat 08/21/82-12/04/98 DeeDee and Breann
Rustygirl Cocker/Sheltie 10 years 02/01/06 Terrance A Steele
Rutgar's Misty Mornin V Tanglewood Rottie 11/11/87-05/22/98 Chris
Rutger Bentley Blond Shepherd/Husky Mix 01/19/91-02/05/05 Clementine & Anthony Bentley
Rutger Bichon Frise 12/15/95-08/12/08 Lani and Mark Carmichael
Rutger Doberman 07/17/98-04/06/08 Dan, Cheryl & Tasha Vaughan
Rutger Dog 01/19/91-02/05/05 Clementine Bentley
Rutger Tabby & White Cat 3 years 04/11/04 Nancy
Ruth Aussie-Sheltie Mix 07/29/90-07/28/05 Valerie Whitcomb
Ruth B G Cat 10/2007 Best Friends Pahrump Staff and Volunteers
Ruth Black Lab 04/06/83-07/10/98 Faire
Ruth Black Lab 08/25/91-07/18/03 Holly & David Hargis
Ruth Border Collie 03/15/09-04/18/16 Leslie and Bill Cushman
Ruth Boxer 04/06/00-05/17/01 Darryl-Lee
Ruth Cocker Spaniel 11/22/93-06/15/02 Candace Wright and Kimball Barton
Ruth Lab 16 years 07/10/98 Faire
Ruth Mae Birge Black Lab 3 years 10/12/08 Liza Birge
Ruth Maria Viola Rensi Dog 14 years 05/09/12 Arthur
Ruth Mix-Looked like a Mini-Border Collie 15 years 07/28/05 Valerie
Ruth St Bernard 03/18/98-08/10/09 Maureen & Steve Walker
Ruth Western Grey Kangaroo 01/01/98-04/14/01 Roo Gully Wildlife Sanctuary
Ruth Yorkie 7 years 03/10/97 Andy and Beth
Rutherford Rottie 16 years 05/14/20 Meghan Mulgrew
Ruthie (Baby Ruth of Sweet Tooth) Pug 15 years 12/97 Rosie
Ruthie Burmese Cat 17 years old Janice Look
Ruthie Cat 04/08/10 Bum
Ruthie Cat approx. 13 years 11/26/12 Sandi
Ruthie Chocolate Lab 1996-03/08/07 Fred & Joann
Ruthie Chow/Golden Retriever Mix 02/14/88-04/23/03 Linda and Richard Blumberg
Ruthie Cocker Spaniel 04/09/01-08/31/09 Susan Raber & Debbie Wilson
Ruthie Dexter Greyhound 5 years 03/12/10 Samantha & Kim Dexter
Ruthie Dog born 08/10/96-08/27/98 Susan
Ruthie Fletcher Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/06-06/03/12 Roslyn F
Ruthie Ginger Cat 2004-01/16/20 Kym Harrell
Ruthie Ginger Shorthair Cat 16 years 01/23/20 Kym Harrell
Ruthie Lab 10/20/03 Lexy Petry
Ruthie Mini Schnauzer Mix 03/23/84-02/09/99 Pamela D. & Steven R. Hudson
Ruthie Mini-Schnauzer Mix 03/23/84-02/10/99 Pamela
Ruthie Poodle Mix 01/07/80-08/14/95 Mary and Earl Mohan
Ruthrford Chow/Wolf/Pit Bull 10/94-10/2001 Vickie Harrington
Ruthy Boxer 12/02/84-10/02/92 Brian and Mary Simpson
Ruti Wire Fox Terrier 07/31/92-12/11/02 Jim and Linda Roggeveen
Rutiger Rabbit 09/29/05 A.J.
Rutland's Pet (Liam) Horse 05/10/85-15/01/01 Laura Clutterbuck
Rutledge Red Copper Penny Ozmore Persian Cat 13 years 10/2=31/03 Pam
Rutledge Red Copper Penny Persian Cat 13 years 10/31/03 Pam Ozmore
Ruudie Jack Russell 16/09/97-15/04/98 Claire Flanagan
Ruvio White Cat 10 years 04/03/04 Kristie and Dana
Ruz-Ti Mongkie Khaw Shih Tzu 06/26/02-07/17/16 Belinda Khaw, Poppy, Sandy, Grandma, Cindy, Great Grandma
Ry Cocker Spaniel 16 years Lynn Redlin
Ryal Rhodesian Ridgeback 06/12/92-07/27/00 Diane & Terry Masters
Ryan (Falcon Hill's GQ Ceili) German Shepherd Dog 12/14/00-09/18/03 MaryAnne Carew
Ryan (Rydell's O'Ryan) Brown Abyssinian Cat 15 years 2 June 1998 Bob and Edith Sealy
Ryan (Starlites Sportin Ruler) Shetland Sheepdog 06/17/84-05/04/00 Linda S. Kunicki
Ryan ASCOB Cocker Spaniel 09/26/97-04/26/10 Pat Doherty
Ryan Besenji 11/23/95-12/12/02 Daniel
Ryan Bonner Irish Setter 04/17/98-02/21/09 Cheryl Bonner
Ryan Boxer/Shepherd 01/99-05/06/13 Rob & Jennifer Stern
Ryan Cat 02/85-07/27/01 Katie
Ryan Cat 04/01/97-10/01/08 Stacey Geidl
Ryan Dachshund 16 years 07/11/20 Jessica
Ryan Dog 07/29/08-10/04/21 Robin Waterfall
Ryan Greyhound 04/27/97-04/01/08 Lexi
Ryan Imported Short Hair Cat 02/85-07/27/01 Katie
Ryan Irish Setter 09/21/96-11/26/05 Vida
Ryan Lynn Shepherd Mix 12/01/98-04/22/09 Nancy Lynn
Ryan Michael Snake 08/14/98 Amy
Ryan Mini Smooth Dachshund 03/20/92-05/22/98 Rita Baumal
Ryan Mouse 10 months 04/25/09 Emily
Ryan Neufeld Maine Coon Cat 07/25/99-05/12/14 Jessica, Adam, & Janet Neufeld
Ryan O'Brian Orange Tabby Cat 03/17/84-05/17/02 Mike & April Rura
Ryan Orange and White Cat 05/95-05/96 Cendrine Bisler
Ryan Pug 08/01/93-06/20/05 Jim, Cyndie, Megan and Abby
Ryan Sheltie 12/10/90-01/24/05 Jeff Trout
Ryan Shetland Sheepdog 11/21/99 Joan
Ryan Tabby Kitten 12/15/14 Tabitha
Ryanne Louise Dutch Shepherd Rescue 04/01/02-03/07/11 Todd & Tonya Feit
Ryan's Chelsea Morning Golden Retriever 12/18/86-11/18/00 Carol & Robert Malec
Ryan's Rocky Road German Shorthaired Pointer 12 years 12/30/89 Mary McVey
Ryba Mixed Dog 12/06/08-06/17/15 Harry & Carol Crafton
Ryder Australian Shepherd 08/13/10-01/06/24 Rachel Bollig
Ryder Boxer 10/13/14 Barry and Marion
Ryder Boxer 12/20/11-03/07/22 Lambert
Ryder Cat 05/01/01-05/27/13 Didi
Ryder Corgi 14 years 03/05/21 Mark Spinks
Ryder DSH Cat 14 years 08/31/12 Natasha Hearn
Ryder Durkin Black Lab 08/28/96-05/11/09 Christine Durkin
Ryder Golden Retriever 10/09/99 Diane
Ryder Orange Tabby Cat 13 years 07/28/10 Rachel Searles
Ryder Rat Terrier/Border Collie 3 years 01/18/13 Sheila
Ryder Rose Martinez Conure 03/23/00-01/23/11 Deidre Martinez
Ryder Ruiz Dachshund 07/05/09-08/31/14 Tavia Ruiz
Ryder Siberian Husky 14 years 2000 Kathryn
Ryder Smith Tuxedo Cat 06/05/98-12/14/08 Cindi Smith
Ryder Yellow Lab 05/11/06-06/22/20 Stellar Snow
Ryder Yellow Lab 09/20/14-02/10/23 LaNelle
Rydick Cat Kenneth Lunsford
Rye Black and White Hooded Rat 2.9 years 8 January 2000 Charlotte L Ellis
Rye Bread Susko Golden Retriever 05/29/09-09/25/17 Susan Susko
Rye Chesapeake Bay Retriever 13 years 06/10/12 Jeff
Rye Cooter Brown Blue Point Siamese Cat 01/26/97-12/30/08 Karen Duffy
Rye Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Rye German Shepherd/Dalmatian/Chow/Bassett Hound 11 years 11/12/21 Kalen Grove
Rye Golden Retriever 10 years 07/19/02 Laura Folts
Rye Silver Tabby Domestic Medium Hair Cat 10 years 05/16/15 Shelly
Ryelee Cocker Spaniel 03/11/94-08/15/07 Sherry Swanger
Ryelee Mix (Lab X Border Collie) 01/13/01-03/04/13 Donna
Ryen Beagle 14 years 01/28/11 Stephanie
Ryka Rose Westie 04/14/04-07/17/16 Rhonda and Rob
Ryka Siberian Cat 13 years 05/30/14 Tracy Vrooman Tenaro
Ryke Rottweiler 13 years 11/08/10 Veronica Perry
Ryker German Shepherd 03/16/97-12/04/06 Kat
Ryker Kitty DSH Cat 10/09/05-08/09/17 Kristen & Vicki Sharer
Ryker Lab 5 years 12/08/05 Traci
Ryker Plott Hound Mix 7 years 02/08/09 Kym Demarce
Ryker Pomeranian 01/31/14-10/25/23 Michelle
Ryker Rhodesian Ridgeback 08/22/11-10/25/17 Daniel and Codi
Ryker Rottweiler 6 years 10/26/10 Lynne and Travis Kelly
Rykon American Pitbull Terrier 07/19/97-05/22/06 John & Melissa
Ryla Quarter Horse 03/20/92-04/21/08 Pat
Ryle B Wheaton/Husky 08/07/07 Shele & Vaughn O
Ryle Golden Retriever 17 years 11/27/08 Christina Regel
Rylee ( Life of...) Golden Retriever 12 years 12/02/15 Mommy Amy Daddy Brian
Rylee Beagle 10/13/09-06/13/19 Becky Wilkinson
Rylee Border Collie 10/30/97-12/25/08 Rich, Kim, Stephanie, Hailey, Ryan Gorman
Rylee Bull Mastiff 06/15/04-03/05/14 Christy & Tim Williams
Rylee Golden Retriever 11/06/03-12/02/15 Amy ( mama) and Brian (daddy)
Rylee Great Dane 3 1/2 years 10/07/05 Claire Geraldi
Rylee Houghton Mixed Dog 4 years 11/07/11 Debbie Houghton
Rylee Lhasa Apso 04/01/99-11/12/18 Daryl
Rylee Lou American Staffordshire Terrier/Pitbull 09/07/11-02/16/12 Brittany Lopez
Rylee Radcliff Sheltie 04/Dec/2003-11/Jan/2016 Sharon Radcliff
Rylee Shih Tzu 08/18/08-08/22/13 Gail Grossman
Rylee Yorkie 10/14/08-01/20/10 Vicki Smith
Rylee/Ry Ry Black Lab 15 years 05/27/11 Donna Pokorra
Ryleigh Schnauzer 12/20/95-07/25/05 Deborah & James
Ryleigh Spaniel 15 years 04/20/07 Kathleen Mealia, Debbi and Dennis Cody
Ryley (Rycroft River Van Ryley) Labrador Retriever 08/30/03-09/10/08 Tina, Steve, and Daniel
Ryley Cairn Terrier 07/08/01-12/26/14 Steven and Kathy Iliff
Ryley German Shepherd 12 years 04/24/10 Ron Thompson
Ryley Gray Tabby Medium Hair Cat rescued 7/1/14-07/25/14 Kelly
Ryley Grey Domestic Medium Hair Cat 13 years 03/21/04 Kim
Ryley Poodle 06/29/07 Sharon
Ryley Poodle 06/29/07 Sharon V
Ryley Weimaraner 11/24/93-12/05/06 Rebecca O'Flaherty
Ryley Wheaten Terrier 05/17/00-03/08/03 Lorie Mathewson
Rylie Golden Retriever 06/14/95-04/22/07 Cindy Scott
Rylie Hamster 08/28/12 Gabi Hofer
Rylie Himalyan Cat 12 years 08/31/01 Scott and Caroline Ellis
Rylie Howard Lab/Retriever Mix 04/03/98-02/25/09 Missy Howard
Rylie Joy Boxer Puppy 04/03/11-01/23/12 Paul & Shari Roten
Rylie Larry Pug 05/26/05-12/24/16 Lora and Larry Johnson
Rylie Mae Lopez Long Haired Dachshund 02/26/09 Jason Lopez
Rylie Papillion 02/23/03-05/01/04 Nancy
Rylie Rose Yorkshire Terrier 12/08/93-07/17/10 The Kephart Family: Scott, Tracy, and Tyler
Rylie Siamese Cat 06/30/93-05/04/14 Kathie Barney
Roxie Spencer Basenji 03/18/06-09/13/21 Christopher Spencer
Rylie Terripoo 05/24/90-05/20/05 Linda Tracey
Rylie Weimeraner 03/13/92-09/05/06 Andy Crum-Robinson
Rynski Ferret 12/93-07/10/97 The DiIulio Family
Ryo Cat 5 months 08/05/22 Jess
Ryo Golden-Lab-Chesapeake Mix 07/26/08-09/08/21 Rohit
Ryobi Grey Tortoiseshell Cat 03/26/95-02/23/05 Roberta Miller
Ryoma Cat 07/07/96-02/14/07 Davina Robinson
Ryo-Oki Blond Tabby Cat 07/05/00-07/17/10 Jo Ellen and Denny Metcalf
Ryo-Oki Japanese Chin 11/21/00-11/17/11 Davis
Ryp Schnauzer 09/17/06 Barbie Hannemann
Ryu Cat 05/18/05-09/08/05 Jessica Cammarata
Ryu Green Iguana 10/13/93-04/27/03 Jinx Folgey
Ryu Rabbit 10/01/22 Cynthia De La Cruz & Sarah Santizo
Ryver Tortoise Shell/Tabby Mix Cat 03/17/97-01/22/07 Erin Hutton