C B Siamese Cat 03/24/00-06/01/06 Laura A. Mitchell
C Fer II Long Hair Tabby Cat 05/22/93-08/11/09 Merry-Sue Adair-Gill
C Hocko Maine Coon Mix Cat 05/25/86-04/01/05 Donna Stevens
C Pitbull 08/06/94-01/26/07 Lynn Wells
C Tuxedo Cat 04/31/01 Kenny, Cheryl, Jennifer Albold & Christine Teuber
C. C. (Corral Cat) DSH Red Tabby (Orange) Cat 06/07/99 Cy Sawyer
C. C. Cat 10/12/96-10/01/98 Jacinta
C. D. Tabby/Domestic American Shorthair Cat 07/04/98-09/09/06 Brian Luu
C. J. Yorkie 01/02/89-05/10/98 Paul and Shirley DeLaro
C.A.T. Calli Cat 05/14/04 Tiffany Kidd
C.B Collie/Beagle 14 years 06/29/99 Tara
C.B. (Sebastian) German Shepherd 06/15/77-02/04/90 Carol & Christine Kozanda
C.B. Basset Hound 12/19/85-01/14/04 Mommy, Lauren, Jennifer, and Danielle
C.B. Green Cheek Conure 09/22/99-10/14/99 Kevin & Evangeline Liquori
C.B. Kitty Cat 03/22/82-01/23/00 Chris & Mike Kipper
C.B. Siamese Cat 15 years 08/18/06 Jamie
C.B. Tortoishell Cat 17 years 04/21/04 Katie McKaig
C.C. (Christmas Cat) aka (Sissy) Russian Blue Mix Cat 10/87-12/97 Mawsy
C.C. (Close Call) Kitten 10/22/01 Tamela & Glenn
C.C. (Company Cat) Yaksich DSH Cat 10/01/94-11/30/12 Brita & Greg Yaksich
C.C. American Quarter Horse 17 years 04/17/89 Rachel
C.C. Calico Cat 2009 to 17 10 2623 Shirley J Brown
C.C. Cat 18 years 10/12/06 Don Inghram
C.C. Cat 19 years 05/18/15 Melinda Crane
C.C. Chihuahua/Yorkie Mix 12 years 10/09/03 Rayna Castro
C.C. Chinese Dwarf Hamster 05/07/08 Sophia
C.C. Cookie English Spot Rabbit 9 Months 01/20/97 Dan and Lisa Chase
C.C. Dog 14 years 08/11/14 Libby Brown
C.C. Grey & White SH Tuxedo Cat 1 1/2 years 07/23/00 Giove Mimmo
C.C. Grey Tabby Cat 13 years 03/19/12 Joy Stallard
C.C. Kitten 7 weeks 06/02/01 Kristen
C.C. Paint Cat 8 years 03/22/03 Ellen Phillips
C.C. Pekingese 14 years 08/11/14 Elizabeth
C.C. Pekingese 14 years 08/11/14 HR Brown
C.C. Pekingese 14 years 08/11/14 Libby
C.C. Poodle 15 years 08/28/04 Samantha
C.C. Rottweiler 08/10/01-05/07/11 Leslie
C.C. Siamese Cat 15 years 07/18/09 Anna Schoenfeld
C.C. Siamese Mix Cat 07/10/05 Michelle Thomas
C.C. Snowshoe Mix Cat 06/24/07 Julie Lewis
C.C. Sunshine Golden Retriever 13 years 06/15/02 Mary Lou Essery
C.C. Tabby Cat 1988-04/01/02 Janine
C.C. Tripod WonderCat Yellow Tiger Short Hair Cat 3 years Nancy
C.C. White and Black Long Hair Cat 1990-07/14/03 Marilyn Lukas
C.C.Boicourt Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/07/98-09/18/02 Charlene Boicourt
C.D. (Compact Dawg) Minature Collie 02/15/91-09/26/02 Betty Hahn
C.G. (Father) and P.Q. (Daughter) Bichon Frise 1988 and 1990-05/26/25 Leslie Nelson
C.G. Cat Melissa and Bill Firman
C.J. - Schevis Akita 01/15/98-05/31/11 Jacqueline Tarascio
C.J. (Boy, Jeepers) Cat Summer of 2000-06/24/08 Jeci Michel
C.J. Basset Hound 09/09/84-09/12/00 Ryan Coristine
C.J. Black Cocker Spaniel 3 years 11/03/00 E. Mack
C.J. Brittany 11/11/00-12/13/02 Rick Reinhard
C.J. Burgess Cat 07/10/03-10/09/04 Shawn
C.J. Chihuahua 3 years 02/99 Spencer and Denise Wooten
C.J. Collie 08/10/86-02/06/98 Judy Santucci
C.J. Davis Scottish Terrier 11 years 08/17/12 Jo Davis
C.J. Dobie Mix 15 1/2 years 08/12/04 Jeanie Knecht
C.J. Dog 02/04/97 02/06/00 Jennifer Mclean
C.J. Dog 08/29/05 Marley, Kayla,and Jessica
C.J. DSH Cat 3 July 2001-9 July 2009 Denise Trocio
C.J. Golden Labrador Retriever 06/09/92-08/15/07 Donald, Phyllis, Kim, Mark, Tracey & Kerri
C.J. Heinz 57 Cat 16 years 05/27/98 Marcia
C.J. Mixed Cat 03/28/90-01/24/05 Tiffany
C.J. Mixed Dog 08/02/84-01/09/01 Patty Stults
C.J. Orange Tabby Cat 03/12/06 Jennifer Thurston
C.J. Pillsbury Black Labrador Retriever 05/28/97-07/25/01 Doreen
C.J. Rat Terrier 9 years 08/09/03 Janet
C.J. Retriever Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
C.J. Rottweiler 04/19/97-01/18/07 Kristen Keller
C.J. Sheepdog 15 years 11/05/97 Mike Rubino
C.J. Siberian husky 17 years 05/17/97 Pat Lovasi
C.K. Tabby Cat 16 years 12/20/85 Jennifer
C.K.'s Just Call Me Nosy Greyhound 09/23/89-12/20/96 Cyndee Harrington
C.L.I.F.F. Mini Lop Bunny 02/08/01-04/30/11 Eileen Lee
C.M. Bradford Shitzu 11/21/91-04/15/10 Amber Sipes
C.P. (Chocolate Pancakes) Dachshund/Terrier Mix 11/02/87-04/23/99 Amber Christensen
C.P. (Cream Puff) Teddy Bear Hamster 1995-06/17/99 Sara & Gary Lassiter
C.P. Mixed Cat 12 years 02/17/09 Mary For Real Mom Liz R
C.R. (Curly Rose) Golden Retriever 02/11/88-12/26/02 Phil & Pat McLaurin
C4 Tabby Cat 12 years 04/23/13 Becky
Caba Mixed Dog 11 years 05/03/05 Cheryl
Cabbage Patch Cat 05/08/83-03/26/94 Elinore Frising
Cabbie The Rabbie Cat 04/06/05 Annie
Cabbit Cat 13 years 11/01/10 Mike Wright
Cabella Spaniel Mix 02/18/02-02/09/15 Sandy McLaughlin
Caber Blue Merle Sheltie 12/09/88-04/16/01 Laura L. Gardner
Caber McCallum Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/06/04 Laura
Cable Cat 01/01/86-10/14/03 Nicole and William
Cabo Choc Lab 13 1/2 years 03/03/06 Chris McMullin
Cabo Chow Chow 06/03/09-04/23/12 June
Cabo Dog 01/01/05-02/10/20 Bev
Cabo Freeman Tiny Chihuahua 3 years 10/10/11 Wendy Freeman
Cabo Golden Retriever 01/28/15-11/23/15 Maya, Sara & Tim Passini
Cabo Golden Retriever 06/21/98-03/02/09 Scott & Carrie Post
Cabo Golden Retriever 10 years 07/18/03 Bill Larkin & Tom Burgess
Cabo Golden Retriever 11/10/10-02/28/12 Cheryl Dyer
Cabo Lab Mix 10/15/96-09/24/05 Joyce Young
Cabo Labrador 12 years 01/10/11 Jennifer, Jed, and Parker
Cabo Lhasa Apso 11/15/03-04/22/17 Janice & David Fanning
Cabo Spaniel Mix around 10 years 12/03/05 Amy
Cabo Sutton Chocolate Lab 12/06/98-01/10/11 Jed Jen and Parker Sutton
Caboose Maine Coon Cross 3 months 11/19/05 Terilynn
Caboose Maine Coon X Cat 06/15/85-03/07/99 Sherry Buttnor
Caboose Siamese Mix Cat 07/04/94-09/20/16 Mark Chenoweth
Cabot Cheddar's Max Golden Retriever 09/20/91-02/19/08 Laurie & Jack Callahan
Cabot Mutt 15 years Christine
Cabot Sheltie 02/08/89-09/07/02 Janel Uejio
Cabot Yellow Lab 12/01/97-04/23/09 Pam & Ray Guyer
Cabubr Black Chow Mix 16 years 06/03/06 Cathy, Buddy, Brandon
Cacey Mixed Dog 8 years 03/26/04 Jennifer Brown
Cacey Schnauzer 04/14/88-01/29/00 Mom, Tyler, Ryan and the furry four
Cache Poodle 06/21/91-12/18/06 Gisele Baka
Cachemire Neapolitan Mastiff 07/10/00-03/31/05 Meagan Fisher and Aaron English
Cachet Tabby Cat 09/01/95-07/17/15 Lori C
Cachi Maine Coon Cat 08/24/91-05/08/09 Gina and Rolando Lopez
Cachito Tunkis Espino Lhasa Apso 05/07/94-09/12/10 Espino Family
Cachorro Alaska Perro 11 anos 6 meses-06/06/10 Emilio Cuauhtemoc Rubio
Cachou Cat 05/11/04-11/27/07 Alex Lechantre and Lori Del Secco
Cachou German Shepherd Mix 07/16/99-03/11/07 Anick and Luc
Cachou Lhasa Apso / Cocker 13 years 09/28/11 Kasia Jeanne Sanscartier
Cacia Lynn Cock-a-Poo 03/22/93-12/23/07 Stacey Brewster
Cacique Border Collie/Spitz Mix 04/01/92-12/28/08 Doreen & Angelika Salazar & Daddy
Cactus Boxer 08/13/06-10/18/13 Anne Wallace
Cactus Brumby Blue Mickey Australian Kelpie/Cattle Dog 12/13/91-08/08/98 Mary M Dixon
Cactus Grey Cockatiel Spring 1997-11/30/98 Jennifer Gilbert
Cactus Palos Siamese Cat 05/90-04/2010 Eugene and Shelby Palos
Cactuscats Tammy Wirenette Gc, Rw, Bw, American Wirehair Cat 13 1/2 years 09/07/02 Kitty Dieterich
Cacwell Court Jester Papillon 10/07/86-03/14/02 Rosemary Ayris
Cad aka Mischief Orange and White Tabby Cat 06/94-09/30/09 Janet Barry
Cadberry Catherine Poodle 8 years 07/04/09 Nikki
Cadbury Bunny 9 years 11/27/01 Kay Gilmer
Cadbury Burgess Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 01/29/13-07/12/16 Jon and Karen Burgess
Cadbury Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cadbury Chihuahua/Dachshund Puppy 02/26/05-05/07/05 Samantha & Jim Ratcliffe-D'Arrigo
Cadbury Chocolate Lab 05/07/97-04/21/08 Maegen and Nathaniel Manning
Cadbury Chocolate Labrador 10/14/99-10/22/00 Louise Felsher
Cadbury Chocolate Labrador Retriever 06/28/01-11/08/12 Lori & Ira
Cadbury Coco English Cocker Spaniel 05/09/96-03/20/06 Natalie & Robert
Cadbury Dalmatian 02/15/99-05/10/11 Sylvia
Cadbury Dutch Marked Rabbit 07/11/98 Marie O'Leksy
Cadbury Dwarf Bunny 2 months 04/2000 Sarah
Cadbury Dwarf Lop Rabbit 11/99-06/15/07 Denise Elaine Shaw
Cadbury Dwarf Rabbit 4 years 04/25/08 Kristen Leighton
Cadbury Hooded Rat 09/13/06 Brittany Weaver
Cadbury Jersey Wooly/Mini Lop Rabbit 9 years 04/11/06 Angela Warner
Cadbury Labrador Retriever 03/14/93-03/24/04 Bree and Susan Thompson
Cadbury Labrador Retriever 10/02/03-05/20/10 Crystal
Cadbury Netherland Albino Dwarf Rabbit 7+ years 02/15/02 Julian
Cadbury Rabbit 05/05/15-25/03/17 Shubhi
Cadbury Standard Poodle 12/95 Catherine Gordon
Cadbury Stray Cross Labrador 01/02/01-06/21/12 Dinesh Ramaraju
Caddie Domestic Cat 15 years 09/04/98 Randi
Caddie German Short-Haired Pointer 09/23/04-02/19/09 Sandi
Caddie Golden Retriever 04/01/95-08/23/07 Mike Phillips
Caddie Lutino Cockatiel 01/07/08-10/12/22 Rain Menkel
Caddie Westie 16 years 09/20/08 Joan and Andy
Caddis Cat 08/02/91-12/24/04 Karl & Gloria
Caddis Mayfly Yellow Lab 08/06/03 Michael Norris
Caddy Black Lab 08/15/94-09/12/06 Edwards Family
Caddy Cat 10/84-09/24/00 Mary Miller
Caddy Golden Retriever Mix 13 years 03/27/10 Sue Albi
Caddy Maltese 19 years 07/15/11 Tara, Jim, Zach, Jake and Sophia Dolan
Cadeau Cat 8 years 07/03/12 Nadja Butler
Cadeau de la Sagesse du Ciel Dark Bay Horse 1997-10/07/20 Catherine Despot
Cadeau De Noel Lhasa Apso 12/25/86-09/05/03 Stephanie
Cadeau Miniature Poodle 15 years 01/07/08 Marie
Cadeau Miniture Poodle 11/03/71-11/87 Chantelle Martin
Caden Poodle Mix 10 years 06/18/11 Val and Corey
Caden Tan Hooded Rat 05/12/11-05/08/13 Jessie & Johnny
Cadence Andrischok Grey Short Hair Cat 05/11/05-02/13/06 The Andrischok/Constantine Family
Cadence Beagle 2 1/2 years 08/22/09 The Lowe Family
Cadence Boxer 09/25/03-05/24/05 Nicole
Cadence Calico Cat 16 years 08/30/19 Allison R
Cadence Cat 8 months 02/13/06 Stephen Constantine Andrischok
Cadence Dog 06/13/05-08/27/05 Terri Gnazari
Cadence Dog 07/15/19 Paolo
Cadence Dog 11/30/07 Vanessa
Cadence Mix Dog 9 years 07/15/19 Paolo and Amanda
Cadence Netherland Dwarf Bunny 6 years 09/29/17 Shelby and Charles
Cadence Shepherd Mix 4 years 09/05/07 Megan, Michael, Luke and Macey Osman
Cadence Ya-ya Wilson Sheltie 10 years 02/29/12 Cleve and Angela Wilson
Cadfael Maine Coon Cat 02/12/96-10/07/03 Robert and Ann Cartee
Cadi Miniature Poodle 07/09/97-04/10/14 Patricia Bethel
Cadie Leigh Lhasa Apso 12 1/2 years 11/07/89-08/24/02 Catherine Boomer & Charlene De Coursey
Cadie Maine Coon-Brown Classic Tabby Cat 11/13/91-03/15/04 Sue Sachs
Cadie Rottweiler 04/21/02 Pam
Cadie Shepherd Mix Puppy 07/19/04-09/05/04 Carol, Christina
Cadilac Cat 1997-09/25/99 Dean Sellers
Cadix Collie X 01/01/07-12/08/21 Caroline Wegner
Cado Basenji 12/15/89-01/15/05 Betsy Flynn
Cado Cat 04/30/08-05/25/09 Andrea
Cado Miniature Schnauzer 12 years 11/16/04 Randy Deuel
Cady Australian Shepherd/Terrier Mix 12 years 10/17/11 Sue W
Cady Australian Silky Terrier 04/09/99-03/29/01 Faith Biscontini
Cady Border Collie Mix 17 years 08/29/06 Amber and William O'Brien & Laurie Marquez
Cady Cat 06/15/94-09/15/08 Carolyn Marshall
Cady DSH Brown Tabby Cat 05/07/01-12/05/11 The Neely Family, Jesse and Kelly
Cady Golden Retriever 03/14/90-08/01/02 J F Tallman
Cady Irish Setter 04/12/01-07/25/08 Beverly
Cady Silky Terrier Faith
Caeli Angelicum Cronin Dachshund 15 years 02/15/13 Fr. Cronin
Caeli White Border Collie Mix 1 1/2 years 08/16/02 Martha Gruhlkey
Caesar (Blue) Persian 04/30/88-05/26/95 May Lim
Caesar (Little) Yorkshire Terrier 12/25/93-06/28/01 Ian, Kelly, Brandy and Jake MacPhee
Caesar (Puppers) Australian Shepherd Mix 4 years 10/27/02 Jeff & Lisa
Caesar (The Man) DSH Tabby Cat 09/91-07/15/02 Angela, Gina, Annette
Caesar 11/01/90-05/05/03 Carrie Barton
Caesar African Grey Congo Parrot 30 years 08/01/07 Dave Ohlson
Caesar aka Newt Siberian Husky 03/06/88-07/30/03 Deanne Northeimer
Caesar American Eskimo Dog 01/10/96-02/18/08 Ron Conner
Caesar American Pit Bull 10/31/00-06/23/01 Emeka & Ndidi
Caesar American Shorthair Black Cat 02/02/91-12/09/07 Rita & John
Caesar Angora/Persian Cat 01/28/97-07/11/02 Sandra Hender
Caesar ASH Cat 09/06/07-06/08/23 Fred Jandt
Caesar Azzaro Dog 1/26/96-03/13/99 Lily
Caesar Barred Rock 7 years 01/24/05 Judith Ferguson
Caesar Basenji 4 years 10/27/04 Bradley Clark
Caesar Basenji 8 years 05/19/06 Stefan and Rachel Schmiedberg
Caesar Bassett Hound 01/05/92-12/07/00 Lori Peifer
Caesar Beagle 01/04/98-04/04/09 Gianna Foley
Caesar Beagle 07/02/04 Debbie
Caesar Beagle/German Shepherd 04/17/08 Katie Williams
Caesar Bichon Frise 12/15/89-09/14/02 Ernie Smith
Caesar Black & White Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/14/86-10/09/00 Tedra Raden
Caesar Black DSH Cat 9 years 03/2008 Marianne
Caesar Black Lab 05/08/99-05/16/15 Marc, Michelle and Maddy Cornies
Caesar Black Lab 07/02/95-09/22/06 Carol Williams
Caesar Boston Terrier 09/01/97-01/27/07 Tylene
Caesar Boston Terrier 12/07/91-05/10/02 Cynthia A. Goldsworthy
Caesar Bouvier Shepherd 17 years 01/23/97 Mary Szymaszek
Caesar Boxador 09/04/04-03/14/15 Serena, Rob, Justin and Matthew Bozek
Caesar Boxer 06/09/91-10/03/02 Lene' Schmieder
Caesar Boxer 08/07/98-09/11/05 Peggy & Jan Wrazen
Caesar Boxer 1981-1992 Keith & Christl (Mommy & Daddy)
Caesar Budgie 5 years old 06/03/00 Tina
Caesar Bullmastiff 08/18/88-11/24/01 Dorne G. Albright
Caesar Burmese Cat 09/26/86-01/09/03 Martha, Geoff, Sarah & Tim
Caesar Calico Cat 02/04/93-10/31/08 Chip Henry
Caesar Carter St. Bernard 08/78 Tina Gregory
Caesar Cat 04/13/95-02/21/12 Jill, Jarrod, Bella, and Xander
Caesar Cat 04/15/94-09/02/10 Shannon
Caesar Cat 04/28/99-02/18/08 Julie Hopper (Biondo)
Caesar Cat 05/11/96 Tracy Clark
Caesar Cat 07/01/90-03/28/99 Kay and Tim
Caesar Cat 07/20/05-10/02/07 Angela Christiansen
Caesar Cat 07/28/01 Steve
Caesar Cat 07/94-07/28/03 Jason and Annie Corbett
Caesar Cat 08/08/95-08/24/07 Mikki
Caesar Cat 19 years 08/18/11 Diane
Caesar Cat 3 years 09/12/97 Andrew and Leslie Haag
Caesar Cat 4 years 04/05/09 Elisabeth
Caesar Cat April 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Caesar Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10/01/94-10/05/06 Susan Phillips
Caesar Chihuahua 05/23/97-07/18/03 Doreen
Caesar Chocolate Siamese Cat 09/92-08/05/07 Pamela Pierron
Caesar Cockapoo 07/05/91-03/11/08 Sue Daily
Caesar Cockatiel 11/21/13 Kristen O'Keefe
Caesar Cocker Spanial 08/11/98-04/25/13 Mark Gallo
Caesar Cocker Spaniel 03/05/92-11/10/05 Susan
Caesar Cocker Spaniel 09/01/94-09/02/05 Diane
Caesar Cocker Spaniel 12 years 6 months 08/04/12 Claire
Caesar Cocker Spaniel 1999-12/02/12 Laurie Vissenberg
Caesar Cocker/Poodle Cross 05/15/84-10/15/97 Laurie Sinclair
Caesar Conti English Pug 11/22/93-12/28/04 Linda & Frank
Caesar Coton de Tulear 15 years 03/04/09 Sandy
Caesar Cream Flame Point Cat 07/27/01 Steve
Caesar Dalmatian/Lab Mix 12 years 02/17/10 Allie
Caesar Doberman 13 years old 05/31/95 Goofy C. Osborn
Caesar Dog 05/16/98-03/27/13 Nicole Gilman
Caesar Dog 10 years 12/28/10 Debbie and Chris
Caesar Dog 12/15/07 Heather
Caesar Dog 1976 The Palmer Family
Caesar Domestic Long Hair Cat 15 years 07/23/11 Charlotte Mitchell
Cesear Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/15/22 Darlena Blander
Caesar Domestic Shorthair White with Blue Eyes Cat 08/30/00-01/02/02 Julie Flinkman (Reiha)
Caesar Domestic Tan Tiger Cat 15 years 01/25/99 Jen S.
Caesar Donkey 3 years 02/08/03 Lorrain Browning & Patricia Wilbourne
Caesar DSH Cat 04/90-09/04/07 Frankie and Jon Kuehl
Caesar DSH Gray Cat 10/01-06/26/02 The Tripp Family
Caesar Egyptian Spiny Mouse 08/01/01 Beth
Caesar Ellis Siamese Cat 05/15/98-01/13/11 Sheri Ellis
Caesar English Bulldog 07/10/05-11/02/06 Aaron Swift & Sue Getchell
Caesar English Bulldog 11/28/08-06/10/12 Kelly
Caesar Flame Point Himalayan Cat 05/97-04/28/02 Misty
Caesar German Shepherd 03/15/96-09/07/07 Mike and Lorraine Lapetina
Caesar German Shepherd 05/17/04-02/06/05 Nathan
Caesar German Shepherd 11/12/86-06/23/00 Sabine
Caesar German Shepherd 12/05/96-07/25/03 Carol Ennis
Caesar German Shepherd 2 years 07/26/00 Laura Feeley
Caesar German Shepherd 8 years 05/19/05 The Bassler Family
Caesar German Shepherd and Husky Mix 04/01/87-09/17/99 Linda Scott
Caesar Golden Retriever 02/08/93-02/15/03 Michael & Sandy Marshall
Caesar Golden Retriever 03/31/97 BKing
Caesar Golden Retriever 04/04/94-03/20/01 Becky
Caesar Golden Retriever 04/12/99-04/25/08 Nancy Winchenbach
Caesar Golden Retriever 07/07/03-03/28/13 Mary, Tony, Sabrina & Andrea
Caesar Golden Retriever 08/12/95-03/28/02 Merman Family
Caesar Golden Retriever 08/92-04/09/07 Tom Bousman
Caesar Golden Retriever 12 years 05/07/07 Linda Campion
Caesar Golden Retriever 12/05/91-10/17/00 Julie Anton
Caesar Golden Retriever 1998-07/27/00 Meg Oursler
Caesar Gray Tabby Cat 11 years 10/17/11 Pam Miller Howard
Caesar Great Dane 12/03/92 Michelle
Caesar Greyhound 04/01/97-10/28/07 Deb Hanna
Caesar GSD 09/26/96-04/21/09 Dennis
Caesar Hawkheaded Parrot 05/28/99-08/30/03 Carlene Edwards
Caesar Huffman Bull Mastiff 08/16/08 Raymond Huffman and Lisa Lastuka
Caesar Kanan/Barrett Boston Terrier 12/01/03-05/16/15 Marty Kanan and Donnie Barrett
Caesar Lab 11 years 08/07/06 Lauren
Caesar Lab 12/19/01-02/16/11 Marty Blystone
Caesar Lab/Golden Mix 01/90-01/12/07 Mary
Caesar Lab/Pit Bull 11/18/91-01/31/07 Kristin
Caesar Labrador 07/02/95-09/22/06 Carol Williams
Caesar Levine Border Collie Terrier Mix 14 years 03/21/13 Jacqui Levine
Caesar Lewandowski Lilac Siamese Cat 10/97-04/17/14 Rome Lewandowski
Caesar Long Hair Domestic Cat 02/21/03 Roberto, Joan, Charles, Sarah
Caesar Maine Coon Cat 19 years 12/26/08 Karen Glass
Caesar Maltese 06/05/85-01/08/02 Jenia
Caesar Min. Schnauzer 1978-06/11/94 Marty Buck
Caesar Mix Cat 15 years 02/16/16 Deb Roser
Caesar Mixed Breed 06/08/91-02/04/03 Katie Ward
Caesar Mixed Dog 11/21/95-07/17/04 Elissa Taykowski
Caesar New York Strafordshire Terrier 11 years 02/24/97 Laura Bunt
Caesar Newfoundland Lab Mix 7 years 06/08/10 Kristen
Caesar Old English Sheepdog 06/06/91-11/05/02 Stephen Dubinsky
Caesar Orange Tabby Cat 05/01/98-03/13/02 Jerry and Carla Bradley
Caesar Parsons Russell Terrier 11 years 11/07/13 Sharon Steinman
Caesar Pekingese 15 years 06/01/96 Ron and Maria Regalado
Caesar Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/14/00-02/11/06 Jo-Ann Schiavi
Caesar Persian Cat 01/27/08-02/03/08 Lena Breitholtz
Caesar Persian Cat 02/08/04-10/19/07 Sara
Caesar Persian Cat 05/31/98-11/12/08 Brigitte Ritzheim
Caesar Persian Cat 07/15/97 Dona
Caesar Poodle/Terrier 14 years 09/16/05 Mary Beth & Frank Abbadessa
Caesar Portuguese Water Dog 12/01/87-01/20/03 Chuck Venit
Caesar Pug 02/01/02-04/13/17 Julie
Caesar Pug 05/15/00-09/27/11 Laureen
Caesar Rottie 6 years Randy
Caesar Rottie/German Shepherd 7 years 03/14/07 Jaruwan
Caesar Rottweiler 03/04/95-05/25/02 Nicole and Scot
Caesar Rottweiler 04/04/95-09/05/03 George and Ruby Yun
Caesar Rottweiler 09/30/91-10/09/97 Jim & Teresa
Caesar Rottweiler 11/24/02-09/29/08 Renee Pasek
Caesar Rottweiler 6 years 03/07/99 Robin & Greg Lester
Caesar Rottweiler 7 years 05/25/02 Nicole
Caesar Rottweiler almost 8 years 10/05/98 Gerald C. Greer
Caesar Rottweiler K9 Officer 6 years 06/23/98 R.Gross
Caesar Rotty 8 years 10/28/17 Pat
Caesar Rowe Cocker Spaniel Mix 1961-09/76 Janet Hawn
Caesar Sable and White Shetland Sheepdog 07/12/87-10/10/99 Mike, Gayle, Kris & Rachele
Caesar Scottish Terrier Mix 06/15/89-01/26/06 Eric & Karen Johnson
Caesar Scottish Terrier Mix 06/15/89-01/26/06 Karen Johnson
Caesar Shaded Silver Persian Cat 10/23/88-01/06/00 Nan Waddell
Caesar Shep/Collie 11 years 05/22/98 Mary Ellen
Caesar Shepherd/Huskie Mix 14 years 09/19/01 Miss Latina
Caesar Shih-Tzu 04/03/98-03/02/13 Krista Abercrombie
Caesar Siamese Cat 01/01/93-08/05/07 Pamela Pierron
Caesar Siamese Cat 06/14/87-10/11/07 Nancy Bleam
Caesar Siamese Cat 11 years 06/10/09 Lisa Piper
Caesar Siberian Cat 03/01/07-24/11/20 Ihab and El Gawwad
Caesar Siberian Huskey 05/29/98-06/28/01 Chuck Mayer
Caesar Siberian Husky 02/04/88-07/30/03 Deanne, Chad, Mattie, Bryanna, Sabrina, and Apache
Caesar Silver Persian/Maine Coon Cat 05/06/97-02/16/13 Marjorie Boyd
Caesar St.Bernard 10 years01/12/02 The Jones Family
Caesar Tabby Cat 14/15-10/14/05 Cathie
Caesar Tuxedo Cat 13 years 04/28/05 Cris
Caesar Vizsla 04/12/99-05/27/06 Kim
Caesar von Rueben Rottie 5 years 05/09/99 Kris
Caesar West Highland White Terrier 11/29/94-10/01/08 Lisa
Caesar White Cockapoo 01/06/94-10/20/10 Joni Hajduk
Caesar White DSH Cat 01/15/00-03/28/04 Fran Chandler
Caesar White Persian Cat 07/01/90-06/25/02 Rene & Booth Gunter
Caesar Yorkshire Terrier 10/16/05-07/15/06 Gene
Caesar, Max, & Cassie Dilla Bird & Cats 2, 2, & 3 years Pam & Jason
Caesar, The Foreman DSH Cat 10/24/84-02/14/00 Suzanne and Michael (NJ)
Caesare Borgia Tabby Point Cat 04/01/90-03/22/00 Lura Vlasek
Caesarea Pom/Peke Mix 06/12/94-12/26/00 Brenda Young
Caeser Burmese Cat 10/30/04 Di and Jean
Caeser Cairn Terrier 5 years 02/04/05 Briane C Blanas
Caeser Dachshund 12 years 08/2004 Judi Smith
Caeser Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/15/92-08/25/06 Angie Baker
Caeser German Shepherd/Lab 09/24/93-11/21/04 Janine L
Caeser Tuxedo Cat 17 years 03/29/06 Brittany Aird
Caey Beagle 06/91-10/2006 Lillian Schwegler
Caezar Rottweiler 06/15/00-07/25/11 Kimberly
Cafe Cat Denise
Caffeine Part Siamese Cat 18 years 01/16/08 Jennifer and Tracey
Caffrey Ambersett Moon of Love Irish Setter 17/07/97-26/02/03 Marilyn and Bill Hurr
Caffrey Hannah Bond Chocolate Labrador 11 years 07/03/08 Eve
Cage Cat Spring 2002-12/06/08 Jenn
Cage Dixon Morrison Cat 10 months 07/03/15 Sara and Andrew
Cage Pit Bull 9 years 09/06/13 Michele, Greg, Eddie and Marianne
Cage Rottweiler 1999-01/30/12 Tracy Mitchell
Cage Tabby Cat 14 years 04/04/06 Livia
Cagin Chinchilla 9 years 10/93 CJ Loessin
Cagney (Big Sweetie) Large Orange Tabby Cat 19 years 09/07/05 Toni Preisner
Cagney (Toonie) DSH Cat 06/92-01/12/04 Frances Maristch
Cagney Bichon 04/88-10/22/99 Debbie Leib
Cagney Black and White Cocker Spaniel 06/10/92-10/15/02 Fran Gill
Cagney Blue Point Siamese Cat 16 years 01/25/05 Kathi E Johnson
Cagney Border Collie 06/05/95-11/28/09 Rick Lethbridge
Cagney Brown Tabby Cat 02/01/91-09/26/05 Ellyn Giordano
Cagney Calico Cat 04/23/09 Irene Torres
Cagney Cat 08/01/89-02/27/01 Alisa Blevins
Cagney Cat 10/01/89-04/29/98 Janet Vinson
Cagney Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cagney Chihuahua/Min Pin 09/09/99-03/15/05 Dianna Morine
Cagney Cocker Spaniel 11/10/89-04/01/99 Randy Reetz & Dennis McGraw
Cagney Dalmatian 12/28/95-11/21/01 Robyn Pappenheim
Cagney Dalmation 15 years 06/23/99 Joseph Healy
Cagney Dog 12 years 10/10/99 L. Tessler
Cagney Domestic Shorthair Gray Tabby Cat 06/01/85-06/13/96 Scott and Barbara Ramp
Cagney German Shepherd 01/19/94-09/26/08 Joanne Habenicht
Cagney German Shorthair Pointer 15 years 02/15/04 Renee Williams
Cagney Golden Retriever 02/16/08 Donna
Cagney Jack Russell Terrier 02/13/98-01/21/11 Karen, Ed & Kirby Papineau
Cagney Jameson Boston Terrier 02/16/88-12/02/02 Wynette
Cagney Jane German Shepherd 03/10/92-10/14/02 Megan
Cagney Lab/Border Collie 04/15/91-03/07/01 Sandra, Denis,Ryan & Jaime
Cagney Lanigan-Fowler Shepherd/ Lab Mix 15 years 12/06/03 Jaimi
Cagney Magoo Pug 03/98-03/21/09 Lisa
Cagney Miniature Poodle 16 years 08/31/05 Val
Cagney Mix Pitbull, Shar-Pai, Labrador 5 years 08/05/08 Robyn Rogers
Cagney Pekingese 12 years 10/19/10 Marsha Rosenberg
Cagney Poodle Mix 10/02/15 Pat & Fred
Cagney Poodle/Pekingese Mix 01/05/87-12/26/97 Charna
Cagney Shar-Pei 07/12/04-08/21/10 Chandra Waters
Cagney Shepherd/Lab/Basenji Mix 01/31/85-06/18/96 BVW
Cagney Shitzu-Poodle 01/15/88-12/20/03 Jill S
Cagney Shizu-Poodle 12 1/2 years 01/19/04 Bill Whitaker
Cagney Short Hair Tabby Cat 02/14/91-04/22/04 Barbara
Cagney Short Hair Tabby Tan Cat 02/14/91-04/22/04 Barbara Wolf
Cagney Shorthaired Calico Cat 12 years 10/09/08 Lynn Feeney
Cagney Springer Spaniel 01/12/93-10/27/06 Angela, Steve, Francesca, Chris, Andrew
Cagney Toy Poodle 03/02/09 Bryna
Cagney West Highland Terrier 03/24/88-05/31/03 Penny
Cagney Westie 16 years 11/98 Joyce Dobkins
Cagney Yorkie 05/08/02 Megra
Cagni Cat 07/01/89-01/13/01 Jami Garrison
Cagnie Dog 09/25/01-06/03/13 Angela & T Counts
Cagucci Carella de Bavière Doberman Pinscher 1996-01/15/98 Victoria Fuoco
Cah Cha Persian Mix Cat 11/24/11 Catherine
Cahaba's Windsong of Chelsea, Chelsea Sheltie 05/09/88-10/09/98 Dari & Ron Moreira
Cahala Mixed Dog 17-18 years 11/05/09 Sonya
Cai Cai Flame Point Cat 07/15/06-12/22/12 Sabrina
Caicos Westie 01/01/93-07/02/09 Barbara Shepard
Caiden English Setter 04/06/10-07/08/16 Kari, Lori, and Josh
Caile Cat 12/21/04 Pam and Jason
Caileag Border Collie 03/29/99-03/02/04 Bill Tait
Caillie Golden Retriever 08/15/84-01/14/00 Sue Mitchell
Cailte Sheltie 03/12/95-04/20/05 Mom, Dad, Car, Gina, Tim, Dar
Caily Mixed - Calico Cat 12/03/99-08/23/11 Kristin
Caiman and Apollo Dobermans Dogs 02/08/88 & 1995-11/04/01 & 06/11/02 Sheila K Moreland
Caiman Dobie X 13 years 04/14/99 Sherry
Caiman Dog 13 years Sherry
Cain Akita 10/25/94-09/06/07 Dustin and Alicia Briquelet
Cain Allen Cat 15 year, 07/14/09 Penny and Chuck Dotson
Cain Bilbrey Tennessee Mountain Cur 12/20/02-09/05/11 Brandi and Scott Bilbrey
Cain Boxer 01/20/01-08/23/07 Kim Droze
Cain Cat almost 4 years 11/25/99 Kristie Hill
Cain Chow Mix 04/16/09-09/25/09 Robin Yetter
Cain Dog 10/14/82-03/10/98 Sandra Hillier
Cain Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cain German Shepherd 27/11/97-27/03/06 Yvonne and Mark
Cain Greyhound 06/06/97-02/09/10 Sandra J. Lococo
Cain Irish Wolfhound 03/25/85-02/22/95 Alastair Donald
Cain Jacob Kohler Cat 04/17/01-10/23/01 Chris
Cain Kelpie X 10/12/95-25/10/10 Monica
Cain Labrador 08/11/94-08/10/07 Stephanie Smith
Cain Pekinese 09/15/98-02/19/00 Melanie Deaton
Cain Pit Bull 06/30/97-02/21/08 Darlene Clinton
Cain Poodle/Jack Russel Cross 07/09/96-03/07/01 D & M Taylor
Cain Pug 12/26/95-02/01/10 Amy & James Reppond
Cain Rottweiler 04/06/96-03/31/08 Nicole & Jeff Brancato
Cain Rottweiler 09/26/93-03/01/01 Heather Oberdick
Cain Siberian Husky 02/14/96-05/17/05 Jerry
Cain Sutton Rottweiler 25/09/04-31/07/11 Ellie Sutton
Cain Torres American Pit Bull Terrier 01/25/01-08/03/06 Edric Torres and Gina Yaccarino and Edric Joseph Torres
Cain White German Shepherd 07/22/00-06/09/14 Linda Smith
Caine Ferret 08/18/00 Brian Wood
Caine German Shepherd (White) 06/06/02-18/10/11 Debbie Davison
Caine Golden Retriever 28/04/85-19/04/01 Gill Jarvis
Caine Llewellin Setter 10/30/11-01/07/14 Roger & Theresa Meyer
Caine Mixed Breed Dog 03/06/95-07/23/05 Nicole Dietrich
Caine Rhodesian Ridgeback 07/15/89-06/05/99 Mathew and Marketa Esaili
Caipira Brazilian Terrier Mix 13 years Jorge Carlos
Caique Caique Parrot 05/13/98-06/02/13 Laura Pollack
Caira Keenan Cat 6 1/2 years 01/24/09 Lee and Chelsea Keenan
Cairncrest Amiga Alhaja Cairn Terrier 01/09/85-06/16/00 Jim Price
Cairney MacGregor Blair German Shepherd 12 years 01/06/01 Katrina
Cairo Abyssinian Cat 04/14/96-08/26/07 Jennifer Richardson
Cairo Black Cocker Spaniel 04/08/89-03/07/00 Pam Coggin
Cairo Brooks Burmese Cat 05/01/94-2009 Bryan, Sherry, Kaitlyn & Ryan
Cairo Cat 05/01/96-03/17/04 Wendy Eckstrom
Cairo DSH Cat 11 years 10/18/05 Kevin
Cairo Golden Retriever 9 years 03/10/05 Clark & Linda White
Cairo Golden Retriever/Labrador Mix 11/19/94-09/22/04 Jo Skabo
Cairo Great Dane 11 years 02/13/10 Devon Krusich
Cairo Green and Yellow Parakeet 11/05/00-08/07/09 Dorothy W
Cairo Himalayan Cat 13 years 05/17/03 Lee
Cairo Hunter Horse 1975-04/09/05 Maralyn Brown
Cairo Lab Mix 04/09/98-09/01/15 Chris Bakanowski
Cairo Platinum Burmese Cat 05/16/92-12/14/08 Darlene & Ken
Cairo Russian Blue Cat 19 years 07/01/01 Pat & Rudy Kmetic
Cairo Shepherd Mix 15 years 1982 Rebeka Harris
Cairo Siamese Cat 13 years 01/06/11 Matilda and Daniel
Cairo Tonkinese Cat 02/14/97-12/30/05 Karen Tandy
Caisie Renee Dalmation 05/10/94-08/08/97 Marsha Scott
Cait Sith Cat 19 years 11/04/99 Vicki Lemp Montle
Cait Thompson Sheltie 12 years 09/09/08 Gayle Farrell
Caitia DSH Cat 07/10/93-07/24/07 Lance & Mary Oliver
Caitie German Shepherd 07/29/92-11/19/05 Blaine Donald
Caitie's Moody Hearts A Fire 'Tera' Dalmatian 03/11/93-03/07/07 Caitlin Brown
Caitlin Beagle 02/11/87-08/25/01 Liz Leader
Caitlin Calico Cat 13 years 07/10/11 June Marie Sobrito
Caitlin Dachshund 06/02/03-07/23/16 Carol Brophy
Caitlin Emily Westie 05/29/89-09/29/03 K. Donovan
Caitlin Holland DSH Cat 12 years 01/27/07 John Holland
Caitlin Old English Sheepdog 23/02/07-28/01/12 Christina
Caitlin Tortise Tabby Cat 6 1/2 years 12/90 Kira
Caitríona Russian Blue Cat 09/03/94-05/06/06 Greg Nash
Caity Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/15/83-07/11/01 Barbara Walsh
Caiya Akita 03/21/01-09/26/05 Robin Hayden
Cajun (Hihill's Mardi Gras Parade Vlde) Clumber Spaniel 03/13/09-05/03/16 Kelly Lease
Cajun aka Brightwater Beach Boy English Springer Spaniel 07/17/92-02/09/07 Roxana and Jeff
Cajun Boxer 12/21/87-12/19/01 Linda Henderson
Cajun Budro Dachshund 01/20/01-05/15/06 Carla Jonas
Cajun Calico Cat 13 years 02/18/23 Hannah Jardine
Cajun Cat 14+ years 04/07/01 Lori Matt and Amelia Cobb
Cajun Cat 6 years 06/08/05 Diane Wright
Cajun Colburn Dog 13 1/2 years 05/26/98 Sandy and Malcolm
Cajun Dachshund/Terrier Mix 05/13/03-05/28/11 Leslie
Cajun DSH Cat 12 years 07/19/04 Cindy and Steve Frantz
Cajun Fiddle 1984-1993 Rottie Ann Hamner
Cajun Gator Baughn Labrador Retriever 11/15/98-11/24/09 Casey Ratcliff
Cajun Grove Toy Poodle 11/27/91-04/26/08 David Grove
Cajun Heistuman Black Lab 12 years 05/12/12 Fred Heistuman
Cajun Jazz Golden Retriever 05/31/91-09/16/04 Jerry & Suzi Hoadley
Cajun King Llasa Apso 12/26/96-05/01/09 Marissa Kelly
Cajun McClain Black Lab 03/02/99-07/24/01 Chuck and Shari Rogan
Cajun Mutt 03/10/97-03/22/06 The Reinhartz Family
Cajun Pit Bull 15 years 2 months 08/05/10 Earl Hamilton
Cajun Short Hair Calico Cat 04/07/01 Lori, Matt, and Amelia
Cajun Weakley Mixed-Breed Cat 07/04/91-09/29/07 Melanie McCutcheon
Cakes Savannah Cat 04/08/08-01/04/15 Tammie
Cal (Lincoln Castles' Excalibur) Mastiff 05/12/92-02/22/02 Harry & Sherry Jacobs
Cal American Water Spaniel 04/01/99-08/04/08 Jodi Williams
Cal Baby Cat 03/31/03 RCP
Cal Bear Australian Shepherd 01/15/99-01/15/08 Bill Freeman
Cal Cat 2 1/2 years 10/02/97 Ann and Jack Sparks
Cal Cocker Spaniel 01/15/85-10/05/99 Debbie
Cal Grey Tabby Cat 07/10/99-10/02/12 Carissa Horton
Cal Japanese Spitz 9 years 11/19/06 Leandro Reyes Cruz
Cal Sokoke Cat 06/02/20-12/27/20 Miza Bunsalan
Cal Swete German Shepherd 12/23/01-01/09/12 Kenny Swete
Calabasis Chow/Golden Retriever Mix 09/10/94-07/05/01 Andrew
Calaco Calico Cat 08/21/98 Stephanie
Calahan Boxer 03/21/05-07/05/17 Chris Knopf
Calahan Golden Retriever01/16/96-08/14/03 Phil and Maureen Wetteland
Calais Pitbull 09/14/91-06/05/04 Kristi
Calamity Cat 08/17/93-03/24/09 Micaela Mailea
Calamity DSH Calico Cat 06/94-02/21/11 Heather Tessler
Calamity Great Dane 11 years 06/23/10 Shirl Settles
Calamity Jane Chihuahua 02/14/92-03/26/06 Debra Moore
Calamity Jane Smooth Fox Terrier 06/18/81-12/30/95 Pam Bishop
Calamity Jane Tiger Stripe/Turtle Shell Cat 07/01/93-05/11/05 Wendy Jacobs
Calamity Jane Yorkie 12/23/96-07/15/07 Mary
Calamity Ocicat Cat 04/23/03-09/10/06 Marissa, John Tyler and Reilly
Calamity Siamese/Tabby Mix Cat 03/17/88-01/26/07 Glenda and Calamity's Kitty Buddies Bluey and Maizie
Calcuba Blck Magic (Yoli) Cairn Terrier 05/21/01-06/16/09 Connie Gholson
Caldonia Cat 15 years J
Cale Lab/Rottweiler Mix 09/10/01-01/10/07 Tom Casale
Caleb (Majessa Run For the Roses) White Standard Poodle 08/08/93-01/20/00 Janice Danks
Caleb Cat 08/19/08 Deb
Caleb Cat 5 years 04/23/99 Linda Bea
Caleb Catahoula/ Australian Shepherd 13 years 11/17/11 Terri
Caleb Chow 12/2009 Linda Thomas
Caleb Dog 16 years 02/04/07 Carolyn
Caleb Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/25/05-02/14/16 Mary Lou Davidson
Caleb German Shepherd 1990-1997 Janet Rosine
Caleb Green Anole 03/99-08/28/99 Melinda
Caleb Hundi Miniature Dachshund 02/93-04/14/06 Rose Bates
Caleb Husky 6 years 10/12/94
Caleb Irish Setter 03/26/89-08/06/00 Wayne Scherrer
Caleb James Troy Bichon Frise 06/31/99-06/02/12 Roberta Aurelia Troy
Caleb Lab 02/22/08 Anthony Talorico
Caleb Lab 09/18/00-11/07/05 Mark and Lisa Drahushuk
Caleb Mini Rex Rabbit 12 years 02/24/12 Barby
Caleb Misha and Solomon Tortie/White-Shorthair Cats 1986-2000 and 2001 Keplin Schwick
Caleb Mutt 12 years 10/18/03 Paul & Emily Williford
Caleb Papillion 8 years 12/27/10 Bobby & Julie Bennie
Caleb Pom 16 1/2 years 07/2011 Terrie
Caleb Rottweiler 03/27/99-02/08/09 Tania
Caleb Sheltie Mix 06/16/95-06/02/12 Kara Gruchy
Caleb Spud Smith-Hunter Cat 05/96-02/25/09 Beth Hunter
Caleb Tux Cat 11 years 03/03/04 Deborah, Richard, Jesse and Chris
Caleb White Golden Retriever 14 years 04/05/15 Linda Mitchell
Caledonia Cat 04/91-12/03/02 Alexis
Caledonia Dog 01/02/96-07/07/21 Lauren Ross and Dean Jenner
Caledonia Labrador 10/31/92-06/04/04 Tim, Cathy, Kaitlyn & Kristina
Caledonia Pug 07/16/01-09/07/02 Donna & Steve
Caledonia Pug 14 months 09/07/02 Steve Donna and MaKayla Hernandez
Calev Golden Retriever 4 years 02/09/16 Nancy
Caley Chihuahua 11/05/95-10/29/08 Gary & Jan Phillips
Caley Pembroke Welsh Corgi 01/30/14 Cathy Harner
Caley Weems Dalmatian Mix 15 years 04/03/13 Roger and Becky Weems
Calgary Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Calgary Dog 01/05/88-10/12/98 Leslie Conn
Calhoun and Miss Sphinx Wollam Short Hair Domestic Cats both 19 years to 11/09/05 and 04/21/06 Kathy Wollam
Calhoun Cat 2 years 11/26/22 Courtney Baggs
Calhoun Wollam and Miss Sphinx Wollam Short Hair Domestic Cats 19 years 04/21/06 Kathy Wollam
Cali (California Auburn Sunrise) Doberman 05/21/90-09/16/99 Terry Allen
Cali (California Gold) T-Cup Poodle 06/20/86-05/30/98 Marlene Smith
Cali (California) American Pit Bull 2 years 08/01 Avalon Sperring
Cali (Calisto) Campbell Calico/Tortoishell Cat 05/09-09/20/13 Natahnya, Larry, Leandria Campbell
Cali (Dani California Patrick) Shih-Tzu 09/26/07-12/08/15 Teresa Patrick
Cali 03/89 Lynda Borich
Cali Alseth Tabby Cat 04/12/88-10/29/07 Bobbi Alseth
Cali American Brittany Spaniel 07/23/97-01/03/09 Lori Petrillo
Cali Ann Long Hair Cat 05/06/07-01/19/06 Kathleen Hawkins
Cali Aussie 07/24/91-10/21/04 Billie, & Chris
Cali Barrett Domestic Medium Hair Cat 5 years 07/21/14 Heidi Barrett
Cali Bear Chow Chow 5 years 04/02/04 Tracey
Cali Belle and Smoky Belle Longhair Domestic Cats 07/01/04-08/25/05 Linda Saffekk
Cali Black Lab Mix 1994-2004 Michael L. Cohen
Cali Black Miniature Schnauzer 10/09/92-03/23/01 Karen Kearns
Cali Bouvier 10 years 09/20/19 Tess
Cali Boxer/Pit 03/09/13-01/03/21 Dawn
Cali Calico & Tabby Cat 08/19/94-08/30/10 Joseph & Deborah Sangster
Cali Calico 1 Year Old Kitten 05/15/99-05/15/00 Missy
Cali Calico Cat 01/20/21 Mark, Jeri, & Zy Iwasaki
Cali Calico Cat 03/29/88-03/05/04 Donna Le Tourneau
Cali Calico Cat 04/12/93-04/02/14 Jeanne Thompson
Cali Calico Cat 05/08/98-07/09/05 Jack and Deborah Mangan
Cali Calico Cat 05/10/99-10/14/13 Michelle, Melissa, Edith, Michael and Morris
Cali Calico Cat 05/21/85-02/12/01 Bonnie Dusek
Cali Calico Cat 05/94-01/20/12 Alexandra Haas
Cali Calico Cat 06/01/86-06/21/03 Linda Messia
Cali Calico Cat 06/04/92-02/12/12 Laura
Cali Calico Cat 06/18/13 Cherish
Cali Calico Cat 06/25/95-10/13/06 Nancy Grohol
Cali Calico Cat 07/01/03-11/21/08 Jennifer Delzer
Cali Calico Cat 07/12/99-02/18/12 Brennan
Cali Calico Cat 07/23/07 Wendy and Jeff
Cali Calico Cat 07/89-06/28/99 Joyree
Cali Calico Cat 08/01/89-04/08/06 Nadine
Cali Calico Cat 08/17/19 Mark Cohan
Cali Calico Cat 09/24/11 Ember Latrella
Cali Calico Cat 1 year 07/22/06 Marie Caldwell
Cali Calico Cat 10 months 02/27/01 Jayne & Jerry
Cali Calico Cat 10 years 01/21/06 Nick & Debbie
Cali Calico Cat 10 years 06/26/00 Maura J.B. Bartley
Cali Calico Cat 10/09/12 Karmin
Cali Calico Cat 10/10/86-01/19/99 Pat Ames
Cali Calico Cat 10/15/94-09/18/99 Sandra Whitney
Cali Calico Cat 10/20/05 Chris Searls
Cali Calico Cat 11 years 07/04/07 Kristin, Gerri, Eddie, Kourtney & Family
Cali Calico Cat 11/23/05 Pat Gordon
Cali Calico Cat 11/25/12 Terri
Cali Calico Cat 14 years 09/15/08 Betty
Cali Calico Cat 14 years 10/10/19 Savanna
Cali Calico Cat 15 years 01/01/07 Michael Roth
Cali Calico Cat 15 years 07/97 Daisy Leuty
Cali Calico Cat 15 years 09/15/18 The Vance, Johnson and Bramwell Households
Cali Calico Cat 17 years 08/25/01 Sherri
Cali Calico Cat 1998 Elizabeth
Cali Calico Cat 3 years 10/27/08 Becky Aglinsky
Cali Calico Cat 8 years 06/2004 Cathy
Cali Calico Cat 8 years 1996 Debbie & Phil
Cali Calico Cat 9 years 02/14/04 Nicole
Cali Calico Cat 9 years 02/24/12 Kristen
Cali Calico Long Hair Cat 09/14/98-09/25/12 Cindy Garreton
Cali Calico Longhair Cat 16 1/2 months 03/18/05 Janet & Gavin Belstead
Cali Cat 01/21/06 Lea Nicholson
Cali Cat 04/12/95-01/29/03 Tracy
Cali Cat 05/24/01-02/15/08 Char Wolnik
Cali Cat 06/17/97-03/02/16 Hayley, Tanner, Barb and James
Cali Cat 06/93-08/29/08 Joanne Lankford
Cali Cat 10/11/11 Chris Thompson
Cali Cat 11/29/12 Linda
Cali Cat 11/99-01/2007 April and Dan and Tabbs
Cali Cat 12 years 01/15/08 Karen Andrews
Cali Cat 12 years 10/05/13 Mary J
Cali Cat 12/06/01 Alice Marie
Cali Cat 12/26/05 Rose
Cali Cat 13 years 09/24/10 Mary
Cali Cat 13 years 10/11/17 Teri Young
Cali Cat 14 years 12/26/05 Maggie Gruener
Cali Cat 18 1/2 years 01/13/14 Valerie Walker
Cali Cat 9 years June/July Manuel Santillan
Cali Catahoula Leopard Dog 3 years 2006 Marilyn Holman
Cali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11/23/04-11/03/07 Maraianne Guarrera
Cali Cocker Spaniel 03/22/96-07/18/05 Debbie Campbell
Cali Cocker Spaniel 04/20/01-09/11/14 C.C.T.R. Gunnin
Cali Coco Cat 05/04/06-02/16/11 Natalie Roussere
Cali Collie 10 years 05/27/97 Shanna Crimi her sister
Cali Corgi 02/11/10-10/12/16 Cindy
Cali Dachshund/Chow Mix 01/01/99-04/30/07 Christina McKee
Cali DLH Cat 10/02/93-08/01/06 Deb Mumby
Cali DMH Cat 06/16/23 Lorraine Bannerman
Cali Dog 11/11/97-04/24/07 Mary Jo Geiger
Cali Dog 7 years 04/28/11 Coby
Cali Dog Kathleen Klein
Cali Domestic Cat 5 years 12/07/10 Jenny
Cali Domestic Long Hair Calico Cat 3 years 09/26/11 Kathy Guinn
Cali DSH Calico 11 years Al & Loretta Lewis
Cali DSH Calico Cat 02/10/14 Lisa Raposa
Cali DSH Calico Cat 14 years 09/07/23 Vincenza Piscitelli
Cali DSH Cat 01/09/75-02/03/89 Marci Waugerman
Cali DSH Cat 05/1999-12/14/19 Amy Plummer
Cali DSH Cat 08/96-08/15/04 Kari
Cali Eads Bridge Colony Cat 02/18/19 Sue, Susie and Martha
Cali Ebsworth/Schumacher Pitbull 10/29/11-04/10/11 Samantha Ebsworth & Zack Shumacher
Cali English Bulldog 09/11/19 Taylor & Terrance Embery
Cali English Shepherd/ Mix 11/26/08-07/31/19 Jeremy Neureuter
Cali Fritz Maltese/Terrier 12 years 01/17/10 Nadine Fritz
Cali German Shepherd Mix 1 year 09/15/05 Tracy
Cali Girl Calico-Tri-Color Cat 14 years 01/21/06 Nick & Debbie
Cali Golden 02/26/01-01/20/13 Emily
Cali Golden Dog 8 years 1996 Janet Shaffer
Cali Golden Retriever 03/22/12-04/07/22 Agnes Stewart
Cali Golden Retriever 10 years Evelyn Horvath
Cali Golden Retriever 10/05/94-07/09/03 Mommy, Tyler and Zachary
Cali Golden Retriever 12/03/91-12/04/06 Martha
Cali Golden Retriever 15 years 04/02/07 Rebecca
Cali Grey Tabby/Calico/Tortie Cat 04/01/94-07/07/12 Diane Feller
Cali Harrigan Black Lab Mix 09/09/00-09/17/05 Harrigan Family
Cali Irish Wolfhound 9 1/2 years 09/09/04 Friend of Tom and Pat Reilley
Cali Kaplan Miniature Schnauzer 05/21/99 Nancy Kaplan
Cali Labrador Retriever December 8-April 5 Carlos and Paula
Cali Long Hair Calico Cat 18 years 04/25/15 Dawn Neidlinger
Cali Long Haired Calico Cat 03/12/11 Melanie Gibson
Cali Longhair Calico Cat 03/10/93-07/28/06 Tammy Roeder
Cali Long-Haired Calico Cat 05/98-12/2007 Debbie More
Cali Long-Haired Calico Cat 12 years 05/23/00 Lee King
Cali Loudamy-Justice Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/95-07/29/10 Laurie Loudamy
Cali Maine Coon Cat 20 years 10/21/11 Debbie
Cali Malti-Poo 14 years 08/12/06 Kim
Cali Maltzu 12/31/06-01/18/14 Jules
Cali Mcmahon-Schienle Portuguese Water Dog 08/14/07-03/03/12 Patrick Schiene
Cali Medium Haired Calico Cat 8 years 09/10/04 Mary Lou and Darrell Deugau
Cali Mexican Terrier 11 months 02/19/11 Kevin and Theresa Davis
Cali Miniature Poodle/Silver Gray 14 years 01/23/98 Rita Janowitz
Cali Mix 03/02/16 Michelle Alonso
Cali Mix Dog 06/15/02-02/16/08 Chris
Cali Mix Dog 13 years 07/11/09 Jaime and Mark Szyszka
Cali Moe Border Collie Mix 08/98 Gary Moe
Cali Newfoundland 11/11/05-04/27/16 Andy, Kristin, Peyton, Eliza, and Kai Smith
Cali Pekepom 08/29/05-01/07/16 Lisa Dalton
Cali Pug 04/12/00-01/01/12 Kris and Roger Daman
Cali Pug/Boston Terrier 12/11/05-03/10/08 Megan
Cali Rice Mutt 04/01/91-05/11/02 Sharon
Cali Rot 9 months 10/10/12 Michael Burakiewicz
Cali Rot/Lab/Great Dane Mix 05/05/01-04/19/01 Tonya and Adam
Cali Rottweiler 07/25/92-02/03/03 Carol Klemm
Cali Sanders Calico Cat 9 years 05/06/04 Kristy and John
Cali Service Dog 07/10/15 Heidi L.
Cali Shar-Pei Mix 12/25/02-11/28/04 Megan
Cali Shihtzu 10/11/15-07/09/18 Dana Rabanal
Cali Smith Dachshund Mix 10 years 08/23/20 Laura Smith Justin Smith
Cali Sue Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/25/97-06/10/09 Rebecca Boatright
Cali Sue Vinson Calico Mix Cat 15 years 08/28/07 Jennifer & Danny Vinson
Cali Tabby Calico Cat 11/15/02-02/02/11 Lori Mennella
Cali Tabby Cat 19 years 10/29/07 Bobbi Alseth
Cali Therapy Dog Greyhound/Lab Mix 11/20/11-07/27/18 Rosemond Ward
Cali Thomas Golden Retriever 9 years 12/29/07 Miller
Cali Torti Cat 14 years 07/29/17 Kym Harrell
Cali Walsh Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix 11/18/02-11/01/08 Andrea Walsh
Cali Willett Tortoise Shell Calico Cat 12/14/99-09/16/06 Chris, Dory, & Duchie
Cali Willison Golden Retriever 01/06/96-11/07/04 Craig, Laurel, Bree, Brittany, and Alex
Cali Yorkie 05/20/99-03/09/06 Mary Brown
Cali Yorkie 12 weeks Donna
Caliban Lab/Golden Retriever 08/08/98-12/31/02 Brad Goodwin
Caliber Golden Retriever 06/06/98-03/03/09 Elaine Olson
Cali-Cat Domestic Short Hair (Tortoise Shell) Cat 8 years Gina Scarborough
Calico & Abigail Short Hair Calico Cats 1977 & 1983 - 1994 & 08/05/99 Gary & Valerie Clucas
Calico (Cally) Dog 01/05/84-05/17/99 Ginger and Jim
Calico American Short Hair Cat 07/14/99-08/31/08 Nikki Mullens
Calico American Shorthair Cat 08/29/00-10/04/15 Emily
Calico Calico Cat 05/15/87-05/28/02 Cynthia Lott
Calico Calico Cat 08/05/60-05/79 Lettie Anderson
Calico Calypso 'Caly' Siamese-Tabby Cat 5 years 10/24/09 Brion and Trish Wirth-Nugent
Calico Cat 02/14/83-06/30/01 The Hogans
Calico Cat 04/01/10 KimW
Calico Cat 06/01/05 Alex
Calico Cat 06/98 Kerri Campbell
Calico Cat 07/16/80-02/21/98 John and Kathryn
Calico Cat 11/06/82-11/09/93 Marge
Calico Cat 11/09/06 JKB
Calico Cat 25th May 2013 Clark Family
Calico Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Calico Cat Di Costanzo Calico Cat 04/02/11 Ria, Marco, Cleveland, and Cat Di Coostanzo
Calico Cook Calico Cat 04/15/85-02/06/02 David
Calico Cuddles Cat 18 years 2002 Deana Cox
Calico Dobie-Aussie Mix 09/09/89-08/31/99 Deb and John Andersen
Calico Domestic Cat 04/93-08/12/98 Margaret Constantino
Calico DSH Cat 18 years 08/25/17 Nicholas and Roxanne
Calico Japanese Harliquin Rabbit 6 years 07/06/99 Kelly Hensley
Calico Jo Cat 14 years 12/02/04 Dianna and Anthony
Calico Joe American Paint Horse 06/10/80-01/11/05 Sandy Pintaric
Calico Kitten 03/07/97 Noah's Ark Shelter
Calico Kitten 06/02/00-08/24/00 Joe, Denise, Justin, & Jeremy
Calico Kitty (Cali) DSH Cat 09/16/03 Mary Reeves
Calico Lee Domestic Shorthair Calico Cat 03/23/88-05/03/04 Jan Chilton
Calico Mama Pastel Calico Cat 1998-2005 Pat McClenahan
Calico Medina Norwegian Forrest Cat 04/17/94-01/07/12 Jennifer Nicole Medina
Calico Mum Cat Faye Heath
Calico Orange Tabby Cat 04/14/91-12/20/02 C
Calico Orange Tabby Cat 04/14/91-12/30/02 Candi Layser
Calico Perry Domestic Shorthair Cat 18 years 09/04/12 Maria Taylor-Perry
Calico Princess Cat 09/16/11 Valerie McKinley
Calico Tortiose Shell Calico Cat 09/15/86-06/19/99 Don Frazer
Calidad Lhasa Apso 04/23/92-06/10/07 Rev. Cassandra Anaya
Calie (Calicia Camille) Calico Cat 05/15/85-06/30/05 Kris Dotson
Calie aka NuNu aka Caliebear Terrier and Bichon 07/22/95-07/07/10 Ruby, Cindy, Beth.Shaun, Dway, and Mark
Calie Calico Cat 10/31/89-12/07/05 Lisa Chaney
Calie Calico Cat 14 years 07/02/04 Kay Armstrong
Calie Cat 06/01/87-05/28/06 Marjo Nelson
Calie Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/03-05/25/19 Barb and Harry
Calie German Shepherd 02/21/08 Mike and Gloria
Calie Joey Short Hair Cat 13 years 12/29/10 Joanne
Calie Labrador Retriever 06/10/95-01/31/08 Darlene
Calie Palko German Shepherd 02/22/08 Gloria and Mike Palko
Calie Tortie Cat 07/04/88-02/24/97 Cheryl
Calie Williams Bichon/Terrier 15 years 07/07/10 Cindy, Ruby, Bethany, Azur
Caliente Corrizon (Cali) Appaloosa Mare 26 years 08/04/07 Kathy Pyeatt
Caliente Dog November 1994 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
California (Cali) Chow/Rottweiler 01/31/95-08/14/04 Janet J. Hashem
California Chihuahua/Terrier 11 years 08/21/13 Julia
California Jazzabell Golden Retriever 11/01/00-07/14/12 Becca Perez
Caligh Cat 05/15/95-05/22/08 Jenigh
Caligirl Domestic Short Hair Cat 5 years 08/23/10 Chris Strube
Caligula American Shorthair Cat 12/26/05 Rose Parvaz
Calika Calico Cat 04/95-03/13/06 Keeva Hartley
Cali-Kiki Calico Cat 12/03/87-03/03/03 Kim
Caliloo Cat 09/20/98-08/20/13 Karolina
Calimero Dog 04/01/95-08/13/12 Giulia
Calin le Macho Man Domestic Cat 04/28/04-07/14/17 Jean Cohen
Caline Cat 16 years 08/30/99 Delphine (Kamesama)
Caline Mongrel 5th December 2014 Stephanie
Caliope Cat 1986-12/22/03 Thomas Peters
Caliph Seal Point Himalayan Cat 08/15/88-12/24/05 Diane Stevens
Calipso Calico Cat 05/05/86-02/24/01 Danielle Durbin
Calirose DSH Cat 05/26/98-12/04/13 Linda Kloran
Calirose McGuire Border Terrier 12/24/96-09/28/09 Carol and Rick McGuire
Calisay Calico Cat 05/16/84-10/11/04 Harriet
Calista (Cali Girl) Guinea Pig 5 1/2 Mos-04/16/02 Gary, Raiza, Criss, Andru, Bj & Dan
Calista aka Callie Tiger Striped Cat 11/99-07/28/01 IS
Calista Cat 02/14/00-02/08/11 Patti and Paul
Calista Mix Breed Dog 17 years 06/07/01 Melissa
Calisto Belgian Sheepdog 10 years 07/15/09 Allan Gamble
Cali-Sunterra Moses Rottweiler 05/08/00-09/18/06 Bruce and Anna Moses
Calita Calico Cat 16 years 08/30/15 Marlyn
Call Me Rozey Daarlin' of Cornish Rex Cat 1 1/2 years 01/07/02 Dr. Alva Irish
Calla Bartlett Sheltie 06/20/01-07/11/10 Mike & Cathy
Calla Cat 08/11/09-04/02/10 Mia Foley
Calla Damara Rottweiler 03/04/94-11/02/07 Steve & Cindy Banner
Calla DSH Cat 16 years 02/24/04 Lynda Glover
Calla DSH Cat 1997-2011 Jill
Calla Lillly Sheltie 12 years 07/13/06 Karen Johnson
Callahan Coolio McFidson Shepherd Mix 05/07/99-03/06/10 Carolyn Conklin
Callahan Irish Wolfhound 11/02/92-07/30/00 Juli Work
Callahan Mixed Dog 03/26/97-11/13/07 Paul and Sue Koziel
Callai German Shepherd 12/04/84-06/13/98 Mamare, Randy, & Pucci
Callas New Zealand Brown Rabbit 9+ years 07/16/99 Kathleen Nilson
Callaugh Bussanich Toy Poodle 12/20/02-06/03/04 Trish McKeen and Andrew Kay
Callaway Beagle/Hound Mix 11/22/00-10/22/07 Steve & Tracy Maynard
Callaway Black Labrador Retriever 01/21/02-01/27/18 Todd, Janine, Ashley & Brooke Hennessey
Callaway Dog 12/22/20 Kimberly and Thomas Saja
Callaway DSH Cat 01/01/97-06/25/09 Andrea Kaiker
Callaway Petunia Cade Dog 08/03/04-05/04/13 Heidi Cade
Callaway Yorkie 06/18/02-08/13/05 Denise Yinger
Calle Australian Shepherd 04/30-02/27/09 Ann Blomwist
Calle Brooke Collie 06/11/88-04/24/99 Diana
Calle Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/11/10 Laverne Tarpley
Calle Mendelson Chocolate Lab 12 years 11/30/09 Cindy Tash
Calle Rose Pastel Calico With A Bob Tail Cat 05/15/02-07/04/03 Kathy Hernandez
Callee Domestic Shorthair, Tabby Cat 03/90-03/25/06 Carol Couris
Calleigh Irish Setter 12 years 09/21/94 Nancy Smilinich
Calleigh Orange Tabby Kitten 03/27/05-05/29/05 Beth T
Callen Dalmatian 15 years 09/10/09 Cliff Bell
Calleum Mixed Cat 04/29/10-03/23/14 Erwin
Calley (Cow Cat) DSH Cat 08/18/07 Richard Goates
Calley Calico Cat 03/21/90-07/10/10 Nancy L. Ross
Calley Calico Cat 04/15/96-09/03/11 John & Pamela
Calley Cat 10/15/93 Sandy Wentzel
Calley English Springer Spaniel 7 years 05/03/11 Josh & Lisa Saunders
Calley Golden Retriever 09/14/03-01/11/15 Robin
Calley Golden Retriever 11/11/90-06/30/00 Bob and Anna Maufroy
Calley LH Calico 08/79-03/13/92 Cheryl Healy
Calley Pepitone Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel Mix 08/01/93-08/13/04 Patricia
Calley Princess Gallivan Domestic Short Haired Calico Cat 09/26/91-11/29/10 Janine, Courtney, and Lindsey Gallivan
Calley West Highland Terrier 16 years 02/11/07 Sarah
Calli Australian Shepherd 08/29/02-04/06/12 Cindy and Giles Davis
Calli Brindle Mixed Dog 06/18/99-12/09/11 Donna & Harry Horn
Calli Calico Cat 03/02/10-12/16/11 Jerry and Helen Springer
Calli Calico Cat 24 years 06/13/02 Shirley Coshatt
Calli Calico Cat 8 years 01/23/11 Karen
Calli Cat 05/22/86-01/08/02 Frank and Donna
Calli Cat 12/88-02/18/04 Wendy Chadwick
Calli Cat 15 years 05/29/09 Janice
Calli Cat 1998-01/16/02 Jennifer Allen
Calli Dog 6 years 05/29/98 Marian
Calli German Shepherd 11/30/98-08/03/07 Penny and Derek Swanson
Calli Girl Calico Cat 17 years 01/11/17 Holly
Calli Havanese 04/19/10-04/19/10 Dee Hinkle
Calli Jo Lightly Shepherd/Heeler Mix 10/01/93-08/01/09 Jeff & CJ Lightly
Calli Kitten 05/12/03-06/09/03 Brooke Harris
Calli Kitty Girl American Short Hair Calico Cat 15 years 08/27/06 Peter, Lisa & Andy Phillips
Calli Lab 01/11/08-10/29/14 David & Kendra Garabedian & Lilly
Calli Pallotto Cat 03/25/09 Colleen Pallotto
Calli Shelti 04/27/00-03/25/04 Debbie Butcher
Calli Toy Poodle 9 years 08/23/03 Kerry Paskiewicz
Calli Yorkshire Terrier 02/10/93-02/13/09 Mary K Mills
Calli, Kitty and Candi Cats and Dog Frieda
Calli-Co Cat 06/23/98-06/24/98 Brendan
Callico Cat 16 years 12/03/07 Sandy Gilbert
Callie (Caliga) Muted Calico Cat 02/13/86-06/13/99 Patti
Callie (Roo-Roo) Target Tabby Cat 1990-02/11/07 Penny Smucker
Callie 02/11/97 03/98 Ron
Callie 04/29/02 Sue
Callie 12/75-05/95 Roberta Phillips
Callie Akita 2 years 09/11/17 LauraAmy Marise Patterson
Callie American Boxer/Border Collie and Brown Lab 09/20/12-02/16/14 Mike Redfern
Callie American Eskimo Dog 09/25/89-11/17/03 John & Anna & Jennifer & Steve
Callie American Eskimo Dog 11/01/99-07/22/14 Bob and Liz Scannell
Callie American Short Hair Cat 06/16/99-07/11/99 Rick Daly
Callie American Shorthair Tortoiseshell Cat 10/31/96-05/09/09 Peg
Callie and Clyde Cats 1972-1983 and 1972-1977 Pat Kiefer
Callie Ann Aussie 01/17/92-02/02/02 Jack, Lisa and Daisy
Callie Austrailian Cattle Dog 10/05/89-06/15/98 Ann and Robert Linton
Callie Australian Cattle Dog 10/15/96-01/18/08 Melanie Belcher
Callie Australian Cattle Dog Mix 3 years 10/16/07 Jessica and Al Mikulskis
Callie Australian Shepherd 01/09/91-12/26/05 Aileen, John, Melinda, Bbridgette, Eric, Kyle
Callie Australian Shepherd 05/16/97-06/12/10 Pam Kennedy
Callie Australian Shepherd 8 years 10/28/07 Cassandra & Bruce Hancock
Callie Basset Hound 04/18/10 K Crosby
Callie Beagle 03/24/10 Kay Ay
Callie Beagle 07/20/07-08/04/21 The Fox Family
Callie Beagle mix with something bigger than a beagle 13 years 02/21/10 Dennis and Kay Bergmann
Callie Beagle/Shepherd 08/15/95-02/12/11 Jane
Callie Benjamin Calico Cat 18 1/2 years 08/29/19 Renee Benjamin
Callie Bichon 12/23/90-03/11/09 Jean Louie
Callie Bishon/Yorkie 05/14/07-02/19/19 Paul E. Williams
Callie Black Lab 12 years 09/04/06 Judy and Tony
Callie Black Lab 13 years 10/26/10 Crystal Fertig
Callie Black Lab Mix 12 years 11/24/14 Lynne Teegarden
Callie Black Lab/Collie Mix 13 years 03/06/18 Paula
Callie Black Manx Cat 03/16/10 Cam, Dencie, Court, Cody, Blakely, Ashford, Dudley, Oglethorpe
Callie Border Collie 05/25/08-01/20/20 Richard & Chris Frey
Callie Border Collie 11/01/07-01/07/21 Marla
Callie Border Collie 5 years 08/17/99 Linda
Callie Boston Terrier 01/01/96-03/31/10 Barb
Callie Boxer 8 years 04/17/99 Mary Woods
Callie Brooks Dalmatian 11 years 04/03/10 Billy Brooks
Callie Cal American Shorthair Cat 04/08/98-07/18/11 Wayne & Claire Wishart
Callie Calico American Shorthair Cat 03/03/96-09/27/12 Rachel Poteat
Callie Calico Cat 01/01/90-08/31/05 Wanda
Callie Calico Cat 01/05/86-06/06/03 Nonie Kearney
Callie Calico Cat 01/07/02-05/15/13 Mira
Callie Calico Cat 01/15/09 Michelle Zimmer
Callie Calico Cat 01/20/03-07/27/17 Sharon and Jack
Callie Calico Cat 02/10/09 Jackie Lewis
Callie Calico Cat 02/12/89-03/25/03 Agnes Walker
Callie Calico Cat 03/01/90-11/03/09 Mary Fischetti
Callie Calico Cat 03/14/09 Heidi
Callie Calico Cat 03/14/09 Heidi Schmidtke
Callie Calico Cat 03/15/05 Maureen
Callie Calico Cat 03/15/91-12/31/07 Mary Ann Rosas
Callie Calico Cat 03/17/79-12/12/98 Kathryn
Callie Calico Cat 03/25/96-02/12/11 Pat Cunningham
Callie Calico Cat 03/89-06/22/06 Linda Huber
Callie Calico Cat 04/29/01-09/07/16 Cheryl
Callie Calico Cat 05/01/91-03/10/10 Debbie Ananny
Callie Calico Cat 05/12/99-05/15/05 Susan Miller
Callie Calico Cat 05/20/94-12/07/04 Wendy P
Callie Calico Cat 06/28/93-04/11/03 Annette Shelly
Callie Calico Cat 07/05/12 Bernard
Callie Calico Cat 07/23/03-05/18/15 Aline Donze
Callie Calico Cat 08/15/86-07/29/98 Marsha, Jeff, Nicole, Adam and Matthew Luther
Callie Calico Cat 08/19/95-10/18/99 David & Debbie Geis
Callie Calico Cat 09/01/85-10/08/03 Cy
Callie Calico Cat 1/86-08/31/98 Carole Browne
Callie Calico Cat 10 years 11/25/06 Patty Kelly and Rex Tegio
Callie Calico Cat 10/18/11 John Bonaccorsi
Callie Calico Cat 11 years 05/24/08 Carin and Scott
Callie Calico Cat 12 years 01/18/00 Allison Clark
Callie Calico Cat 13 years 02/15/10 Paige and Bernie Gesing
Callie Calico Cat 14 years 04/14/12 Kim Gordon
Callie Calico Cat 14 years 07/14/17 Sharon
Callie Calico Cat 15 years 05/18/05 Laura Fry
Callie Calico Cat 15 years 09/09/98 M. Cummings
Callie Calico Cat 16 1/2 years 1998 Mary Jane & Leonard
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 02/16/02 Lucy G.
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 04/15/14 Kay
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 05/01/03 Nancy Gentry
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 05/28/11 Jane Pinette
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 07/21/07 Jacquelin
Callie Calico Cat 17 years 08/11/07 Linda and Thelma
Callie Calico Cat 18 years 05/25/18 Donna Geouge
Callie Calico Cat 18 years 07/10/06 Kensey
Callie Calico Cat 18 years 09/23/13 Crystal Walton
Callie Calico Cat 18 years 11/24/07 Theresa
Callie Calico Cat 1998-03/18/13 Todd & Patty Cooper
Callie Calico Cat 22 years 08/29/11 John and Mary Lindenmeyer
Callie Calico Cat 3 years 01/08/12 Valerie
Callie Calico Cat 5 years 05/26/04 Tracy Mitchell
Callie Calico Cat Jessica
Callie Calico Cat Kim Hanks
Callie Calico Domestic Shorthair Cat 9 years 07/30/15 Floyd & Stacey W
Callie Calico DSH Cat 11/22/89-06/13/07 Linda Romito
Callie Calico DSH Cat 11/27/05 Ruth
Callie Calico Kitten 8 weeks 06/15/01 Martha G
Callie Calico Medium Hair Cat 02/15/88-05/10/09 J Evans
Callie Calico Short Hair Cat 9 years 07/04/11 Ted Warnock
Callie Calico Shorthair Cat 15 years 04/17/07 Cindy Evans
Callie Callico Cat 12/31/84-12/22/01 Gary S. Smith
Callie Cat 02/21/06 Lynda
Callie Cat 02/96 Pat Brown
Callie Cat 03/12/12 C W Hodges
Callie Cat 03/2003-08/15/03 Diane Tyler
Callie Cat 04/01/00-04/27/11 Suzanne
Callie Cat 04/27/06-08/02/07 Heather
Callie Cat 04/27/98-09/27/05 Rick Driscoll
Callie Cat 05/01/97-11/29/15 Lori
Callie Cat 05/86-04/11/99 Shelly Mowery
Callie Cat 05/95-01/26/00 Annie Herron
Callie Cat 06/16/95-08/12/11 Erica Killins
Callie Cat 07/19/92-05/10/04 Thomas, Betsy, Tori, Ricky, Michele & Molly
Callie Cat 07/2005 Karen
Callie Cat 07/26/86-04/02/95 Donna Nowacki
Callie Cat 07/90-08/11/07 Cindi
Callie Cat 08/14/90-08/16/03 Vicky Plush
Callie Cat 1 year 07/16/05 Linda
Callie Cat 10/86-05/06/02 Belinda
Callie Cat 11 years 03/28/05 Cindy Rose
Callie Cat 11 years 04/26/20 Jay & Cheryl Peaslee
Callie Cat 11/04/01-01/10/07 Christine
Callie Cat 11/17/04 Cindi Misskelley
Callie Cat 11/27/04 Amanda Best
Callie Cat 12 years 07/14/12 Betty
Callie Cat 12/11/12 Jennifer
Callie Cat 12/18/98 Sally
Callie Cat 12/19/87-06/23/95 Cheryl
Callie Cat 13 years 06/06/05 Lori
Callie Cat 14 years 12/17/08 Mandy
Callie Cat 15+ years 02/09/09 Karen Croft
Callie Cat 16 1/2 years 01/14/99 Norma Manning
Callie Cat 16 years 03/24/04 Wendy
Callie Cat 16 years 07/17/18 Dennis
Callie Cat 17 years 05/23/11 John Barker
Callie Cat 17 years 10/05/12 Patricia DePrez
Callie Cat 18 years 03/07/11 Bonnie Mitchell
Callie Cat 18 years 03/19/07 Amy Peters
Callie Cat 18 years 03/28/06 Joy Sendra
Callie Cat 18 years 06/14/09 Bea.
Callie Cat 18 years 06/95 John and Pat Gill
Callie Cat 18 years 10/31/10 Kathleen
Callie Cat 18 years 12/25/99 Robin
Callie Cat 19 years 04/24/00 Karen Kandik
Callie Cat 19 years 05/14/10 Allison
Callie Cat 3 1/2 years 12/16/02 Dan, Jennifer & Jordan
Callie Cat 3 years 04/06/08 Susan Volonino
Callie Cat 4 years 12/11/97 Margaret Johnson
Callie Cat 5 years 08/28/97 Linda Nelson
Callie Cat 7 years 11/10/07 Delores
Callie Cat 9 years 08/14/04 Steve
Callie Cat at least 14 years 03/2001 Karen and Leigh Anne Wilson
Callie Cat Rob
Callie Cat Sharon Sweat
Callie Chihuahua 06/03/08-12/11/09 Sandi & Bill McFarland
Callie Chocolate Lab 01/01/97-05/14/07 Donna, Jeff, Annie & Chicken
Callie Chow 1996-2010 Sue Ellen Scurlock
Callie Chow Chow 10 years 01/16/05 Beth Johnson
Callie Clark Calico Cat 09/20/10 Phyllis Clark
Callie Co Cat 05/01/09-03/27/10 Autumn Sisk
Callie Cocker Spaniel 11 years 03/28/12 Amie Tillman
Callie Cocker Spaniel 11/15/93-03/15/06 George Parks
Callie Cocker Spaniel 17/08/99-22/12/06 Sue Winn
Callie Cocker Spaniel 9 years 10/09/08 Kate W
Callie Cocker-X 08/29/08 Paul Fogelberg
Callie Coco Long Haired Calico Cat 1985?-02/20/05 Shirlie Wylie
Callie Collie 01/01/95-01/27/07 Gretchen, Phil & Nicholas Ziegler
Callie Collie Mix 8 years 08/18/07 Steve and Debbie Foster
Callie Collie-Cross 04/01/96-09/20/05 Colleen Renwick
Callie Diluted Calico Cat 04/30/99-09/24/06 Jan Knight
Callie DMH Cat 12 years 11/16/10 Sarah Gentilcore
Callie Dog 08/05/95 Susan
Callie Dog 08/30/01 Karin, Fritz, Thomas and Brian
Callie Dog 11 years 08/25/00 Brenda Wilkins
Callie Dog 1983-11/20/02 Kim Cameron
Callie Domestic Long Hair Calico and White Cat 1980-03/16/98 Nancy for Suzan and Lyle
Callie Domestic Long Hair Cat 09/91-08/28/09 Sarah Sieben
Callie Domestic Long Haired Calico 6 years 04/95 Renee and Evan Torrey
Callie Domestic Longhair Calico Cat 11 years 05/17/11 Janell
Callie Domestic Longhair Cat 01/02/04-01/02/10 Paul & Barbara Sellers
Callie Domestic Longhair Cat 10/27/95-05/29/12 Heather Mays
Callie Domestic Medium Hair (Calico) Cat around 16 years 03/12/12 Tony
Callie Domestic Short Hair Calico Cat 05/11/92-11/09/97 Michele
Callie Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/01/97-11/11/10 Laverne Tarpley
Callie Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/15/00-04/12/06 Greg & Julie
Callie Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/05/07 Sandra Giska
Callie Domestic Short Hair Cat 7 years 05/23/08 Jill C. McEwan-Macias
Callie Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 07/05/05-10/03/20 Susan Kirby
Callie Domestic Shorthair Calico Cat 05/93-01/04/06 Ken and Connie Tuttle
Callie Domestic Shorthair Mix Cat 09/15/02-12/01/04 Debbie
Callie Domestic Tabby Cat 08/25/97-09/09/09 Louise Wagner
Callie Domestic Tortie Cat 1/01/95-05/25/99 Colleen
Callie Dootle Franklin Shih-Poo 1999-10/24/08 Lucy & Jim Franklin
Callie DSH Calico Cat 04/15/90-08/07/01 Megan Oakley
Callie DSH Calico Cat 06/13/05 Kimberly and Danica Mc Andrews
Callie DSH Calico Cat 13 years 09/16/19 Rich, Gayle and Family
Callie DSH Cat 12/06/23 Jeff & Bill
Callie DSH Cat 07/04/09-01/02/10 Heather D
Callie DSH Cat 1996-2002 Marty Thomas
Callie DSH, Calico Cat 16 years 04/26/99 Jain
Callie DSH, Calico Cat 3 years 03/01/01 Sue, SVHS
Callie English Cocker 6 years Gail
Callie English Setter 10 years 06/05/07 Inga
Callie English Springer Spaniel 05/31/97-11/28/08 Patty McKenney
Callie Ferret 06/11/12 Holly F
Callie Ferret 5 years 02/07/19 Jonathan Barrow
Callie Flack Calico Cat 11/10/09-02/28/22 Kathy Flack
Callie German Shepherd 9 years 07/28/07 Angie
Callie Girl Calico Kitten 03/30/05 Patty, Maryanne and Coco
Callie Golden 13 years 03/19/12 Angela
Callie Golden Mix 04/09/92-05/21/01 Fran
Callie Golden Retriever 01/02/15 Takhya Singletary
Callie Golden Retriever 02/09/89-04/12/97 Dinah
Callie Golden Retriever 04/29/96-08/16/07 Dean and Neitha
Callie Golden Retriever 07/01/93-02/01/06 Bob, Becky, Keith, Courtney, and Emily Olsen
Callie Golden Retriever 10/25/90-10/31/97 Thomas Russo
Callie Golden Retriever 11 years 07/23/01 Barbara Lett
Callie Golden Retriever 12/11/91-08/20/07 Beth and Ken Kinney
Callie Golden Retriever Mix 04/09/92-05/21/01 Fran Zaydak
Callie Golden Retriever/Spaniel Mix 11/91-09/09/04 Sheila Heyman
Callie Golden Retriver 09/16/86-09/09/99 Lisa
Callie Goldsmith Cat 09/10/03 Lisa Foley
Callie Grey Tuxedo Cat 23 years 06/19/07 Jack and Kat
Callie Havanese 04/21/99-01/03/12 Phil and Patty Faulkner
Callie Havanese 12/23/99-03/09/11 Jan
Callie Hendrix Cat 17 years 05/03/00 E. Simpson
Callie Horton Cat 03/15/99-05/27/06 Susan Horton
Callie Jo Calico Cat 03/20/90-11/04/04 Pamela
Callie Jo Tortoise Shell Cat 15 years 01/04/15 Susan
Callie Jordan Shepherd, Husky, Blueheeler Mix 10/29/98-08/04/06 Ron and Leona Jordan
Callie Kitten 06/29/13-07/23/13 Steve Boots
Callie Kitten 6 weeks 07/7 Iolana
Callie Kitty Calico American Domestic Shorthair Cat 7 years 12/23/04 Angela
Callie Kitty Calico Cat 15 years 07/06/05 Connie Lloyd
Callie Kitty Cat 7 years 07/09/10 Jerry Bowlin
Callie Kitty Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/98-12/23/04 Angela Kennedy
Callie Kitty Domestic Shorthair Cat 8 years 12/23/04 Angela 'BB'
Callie Kitty Muted Calico Cat 07/01/03-11/09/17 Jodie and Willie Marshall
Callie Lab Mix 07/03/09-04/05/21 Natalya M
Callie Lab Mix 09/29/11 Chris
Callie Lab Mix 14 1/2 years 07/29/19 Rozann
Callie Lab Mix 14 1/2 years 07/29/19 Rozann Pomerantz
Callie Lab Mix 14 1/2 years 08/29/19 Rozann Pomerantz
Callie Lab Mix 14 1/2-07/29/19 Rozann Pomerantz
Callie Lab/Chow 10/98-10/13/11 Sherry Warrington
Callie Lab/Shepherd 03/02-03/01/11 Betsy
Callie Labrador Retriever 04/14/94-01/17/05 Laurie Robertson
Callie Labrador Retriever-Black 12/03/84-11/04/96 Julie Perrill
Callie Lily American Agouti Guinea Pig 08/01/01-02/06/08 Gayl
Callie Llhasa Apso 08/27/87-12/27/02 Ann
Callie Long Hair Calico Cat 08/93-01/12/04 Linda Boyd
Callie Long Hair Cat 8 years 04/22/09 Laura & Phil Davis
Callie Long Haired Calico Cat 1995-11/97 Debbie Cole
Callie Long Haired Calico Cat 4 years 07/21/09 Lisa & Chuck O'Loughlin
Callie Long Haired Torti Cat 1999-10/11/02 Alice Tripp
Callie Lou Cat 01/86-12/05/01 Vivian A. Jastrubo
Callie Lynn Calico Cat 18 years 09/08/14 Charlotte and Pete
Callie Maddo Lapso Apso 17 years Ann and Gizzy
Callie Mae Domestic Cat 04/18/14 Charlene Krauss
Callie Mae Jack Russell Terrier 06/30/05-03/27/18 Lori L. Medberry
Callie Maine Coon Mix Cat 03/05/99-11/04/06 T. Pirtle & E. Anderson
Callie Maltese 05/16/94-12/14/11 Mary-Ann and Georgette
Callie Maltese 10/22/92-06/15/07 Christy
Callie Maltese 10/31/06-03/14/18 Pam
Callie Manx Cat 02/07/97-05/12/14 JoAn Quick
Callie Manx Cat 1995-2005 Cara
Callie Marie Golden Retriever 05/07/95-02/05/08 Geri Sue and Ron Coe
Callie Marie Golden Retriever-Beagle Mix. 03/09/95-11/15/97 Tiffany Troyer
Callie Marie Heeler 13 years 11/14/15 Paul
Callie Marie Stanlely Calico Cat 12 years 04/08/10 Susan Stanley
Callie Marie Stanley Calico Cat 12 years 04/04/10 Susan Stanley
Callie Minature Collie 04/27/97 02/13/99 Emily
Callie Miniature Schnauzer 03/29/02-06/19/08 Linda and Tom Rohrs
Callie Miniature Schnauzer 12/16/88-01/02/98 Pam & Charles
Callie Mix Dog 08/19/02-11/24/11 Maurer Family
Callie Mix Dog 13 years 03/24/08 Christina
Callie Mix Dog 17 years 11/04/05 Shana
Callie Mixed Breed Cat 3 years 03/21/06 Jane Childress
Callie Mixed Cat 03/01/04-11/13/14 Bill Cassidy
Callie Mixed Cat 03/01/95-06/10/08 Ann
Callie Mixed Dog 05/17/01-05/20/09 Wendy Carroll
Callie Mixed Dog 06/99-04/04/05 Peggy Fox
Callie Mixed Dog 12 years 05/03/11 Daniel, Barbara, Kim, Paul & Stephen
Callie Morgan Maltese 01/19/90-03/11/01 Sherrie Davis
Callie Morgenstern Domestic Short-Hair Calico Cat 10 years 06/04/10 John Dougan
Callie Muted Calico Cat 04/2007-05/11/12 Laurin
Callie Mutt 03/01/02-03/22/12 Laurie, Dan, Tim and Jillian
Callie Newfoundland 10/06/97-06/29/09 William Henley
Callie O'Brien Scarpelli Sheltie 02/24/97-12/20/06 Kristie Scarpelli
Callie O'Malley Cat Mary
Callie O'Malley Domestic Calico Kitten 11/2006-07/17/07 Carol Bluie & Baby
Callie Paschall Mixed Beagle Rat Terrier 15 1/2 years 12/25/09 Marian Pardue
Callie Peekipoo 17 years 12/03/08 Jan Byrum
Callie Persian Cat 06/20/98-10/05/13 Sherry K. DeVaney
Callie Persian Cat 11/2001-09/2014 Pam Shaouy
Callie Persian Cat 14 years 05/10/06 Rachel Fowler
Callie Pit Bull 8 years 12/30/11 Donna Hand
Callie Puchalski 08/08/97-08/03/03 Shirley
Callie Pug 12/08/02-02/22/06 Todd Kulman
Callie Ragdoll Cat 02/02/02-04/22/08 Laura & Phil Davis
Callie Redbone Coonhound 06/01/01-07/08/07 Bob, Jan, and Emily Hamilton
Callie Redbone Coonhound 06/16/12 Gale Dashiell
Callie Roam Buff Cocker Spaniel 03/30/90-09/07/04 Donnie and Jeanette
Callie Rogers Cat 11/28/16 Crystal Rogers
Callie Rose Mini Dachshund 12 years 12/11/10 Tracy
Callie Rose Rossman Calico Cat 04/15/08 Cheryl Rossman
Callie Rottweiler 09/02/97-01/10/04 D. Schilling
Callie Rough Collie (Tri-Color) 14 years 06/30/05 Beth Aylworth
Callie Scottish Terrier 05/25/04-03/13/08 Ann Toney-Wildnauer and John Wildnauer
Callie SH Calico Cat 15 years 05/18/05 Laura Fry
Callie Sheltie 01/15/88-04/24/05 Linda & Terry Isbell
Callie Shepherd/Wolf Mix 01/25/00-12/23/12 Deb
Callie Shih Tzu 10/2012-01/06/17 David Brandenburg
Callie Short Hair Cat 11 years 10/20/12 Denise and Mark Lasky
Callie Short Hair Domestic Cat 10/31/94-10/25/04 Barbara
Callie Shorthair Calico Cat 2003-2003 Jessica Timp
Callie Shorthair Cat 16 years 12/13/09 Terri Hazlett
Callie Siberian Husky 8 years 02/09/08 Jen and Kevin Hill
Callie Silver Tabby Kitten 05/14/07-06/28/07 Zachary Bunch, Sharon Hazelton, Jacob Bunch
Callie Smooth Collie 09/27/01-01/12/08 Stan & Betsy
Callie Springer Spaniel 15 years 08/25/09 Pam Crowson
Callie Steen Cat 12/03/23 Nissa Steen
Callie Sue Calico Kitty Cat 07/26/01 Terri
Callie Sue Cat 6 years 07/26/01 Terri
Callie Sue Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/31/88-03/03/05 Pam and Josh
Callie Sue Lloyd Calico Cat 10 years 06/15/09 Ronnie and Marilyn Lloyd
Callie Sue Miniature Dachshund 05/16/10-09/16/10 Kathie Vroman
Callie Sweetpea Teer Doberman Pinscher 10 1/2 years 04/09/08 Tammy Teer
Callie Tabby Cat 03/2003-07/11/03 Lacie
Callie Tabby Cat 10/15/93-04/11/05 Anna Lee
Callie Tabby, Calico Mix Cat 7 years 07/12/10 Dot and Chuck
Callie Terrier Mix 01/29/89-06/22/04 Susan Grey
Callie Terrier Mix 14 years 07/18/00 Dayna
Callie Terrier Mix 6 years 11/11/19 Jeanne and Dan Streiff
Callie Torti Cat 09/14/92-02/28/11 Kristen
Callie Tortie domestic Shorthair 01/26/90-07/29/96 Sandy Fuller
Callie Tortoise Shell and White Cat 06/11/02 Dianne Gallant
Callie Tortoise Shell and White Cat 12 years 11/20/02 Dianne Gallant
Callie Tortoise Shell Cat 04/01/95-04/04/10 Laura Propper
Callie Vaquer Long Hair Calico Cat 1999-07/24/16 Mark Vaquer
Callie Warmblood Horse 04/07/02-2008 Della Hossinger McSheffrey
Callie West Highland Terrier 05/07/91-09/25/01 Mark Wollin
Callie Westie 04/27/98-04/11/12 Karen Dunmore
Callie Westie 05/07/91-09/25/01 Carol Wollin
Callie Yellow Lab 02/02/97-07/12/08 Kimmy
Callie Yellow Lab 03/25/08 Sandy Steele, Pasco, Benjamin and Tamika of CCI
Callie Yellow Lab 10/29/96-04/22/10 Wayne and Kym Schmidt
Callie Yorkie 02/03/09 Annette Smith
Callie Yorkie Terrier 10 years 07/25/10 Cora Marie
Callie Yorkshire Terrier 01/30/08-03/31/12 Megan
Callie Yorkshire Terrier 11/27/94-06/06/11 Paul and Sharon Erickson
Callie Yorkshire Terrier 7 years 06/27/05 Sharon Williamson
Callie-Co Calico Cat 02/2017-06/24/18 Terry
Callieco Forbes Calico Cat 5 years 08/09/04 Adele
Calliejo Calico Cat 12 years 07/25/05 Lisa Tann
Callie's Baby Angels Kittens 02/08 & 09/07-02/09 & 12/07 Kimberly and Danica Mc Andrews
Callie's two newborn little boys Labrador Retriever Dogs 11/25/06 Peggy
Callie-Sue Vader Black Lab 5 years 02/12/08 Elizabeth Vader
Calliope (Puddin') Cat 13 years 10/25/99 Janice Capobianco
Calliope Australian Shepherd Who Looked Like A Border Collie 05/25/01-09/11/04 Sarah, Matt & Zelda
Calliope Bengal Cat almost 5 years 04/23/00 Greta J.
Calliope Calico Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years 10/12/05 Heather Fisher
Calliope Cat 16 years 06/12/03 Elaine Senick
Calliope Cocker Spaniel 03/09/85-01/27/97 Scot and Cindy
Calliope Domestic Cat 11 years 02/22/02 Lisa & Todd
Calliope English Short Hair Guinea Pig 5 1/2 years 05/04/07 Candy
Calliope Guinea Pig 3 1/2 years 11/30/03 Beverly Leaney
Calliope Guinea Pig 3 years 01/19/08 Nicole
Calliope LH Silver Mackerel Tabby Cat 10/90-09/09/99 Nancy
Calliope Quadruple Colored Purebred Nubian Goat Doe 1 1/2 years 07/96 Andrea Jacobs
Callisto Calico Cat 22 years 05/15/12 Wailele
Callisto Chow Chow 01/99-08/31/13 Lisa Bemto
Callisto Domestic Tortoise Shell Cat 04/01/98-02/12/02 Randy, Anne and Nicholas Kaelber
Callisto Grey Tabby American Shorthair Cat 4 years 12/17/09 Michelle Turner
Callisto Husky/Lab/Whatever 11 years 05/14/05 Beth Hawkes
Callisto Tiger Cat 11 years 10/23/08 Rebecca & Andrew
Calloway Maltese 01/01/90-11/24/04 Carol Youkey
Callum Bouvier 02/07/99 David & Eleanor Easton
Callum Rottweiler 7 years 03/20/11 Rachael Fox
Cally (Dogwood's Calamity Jane) English Springer Spaniel 04/15/91-05/17/05 Peggy, Blue & Lily
Cally Boxer 06/10/97-07/14/06 Sandra Bennett
Cally Calico Cat 06/01/98-04/02/08 Mona and Lauren
Cally Calico Cat 10/23/02-02/13/03 Janet & John
Cally Calico Cat 10/23/02-02/13/03 Janet John
Cally Calico Cat 1980-01/15/97 Phyllis Riess
Cally Calico Cat 1999 Megan Carbaugh
Cally Calico Cat 8 years01/19/02 Cindy Bennett
Cally Calico Cat September Melani
Cally Calico Short Hair Cat 1991-08/16/07 Rebecca Leach
Cally Cat 14 years 10/02/08 Karen
Cally Cat 2 1/2 years 10/05/98 Cindy Corliss
Cally Cat Calico 14 years 05/10/97 Joellen
Cally Cat Calico Cat 01/01/83-25/11/00 Cindy Smith
Cally Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 03/20/04-07/22/12 Leo Rowell
Cally Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/30/12 Carole
Cally Dog 07/04/02 Janice Larsen
Cally Dog 9 years 07/09/12 Jim Bodle
Cally Gal Calico Cat 04/06/02 Susan Fewel
Cally Lab X Foxhound 10/04/89-08/10/05 Yvonne and Phil Heinzl
Cally Maltipoo 18 years 12/17/07 Debby
Cally Miniature Schnauzer 03/18/95-05/01/08 M.H. Nielson
Cally Persian Cat 10/01/90-08/03/07 Nancy Heabner
Cally Sheltie 05/07/00-07/09/07 Bunny and JP Guido
Cally the Calico Cat 09/30/07 Mitch
Cally Wayne Jones Pekinese 02/01/94-11/03/07 Robert & Ann Jones
Cally Yorkie 14 years 04/17/07 Jeanne and Larry Cole
Calmity Jane Yorkie 12/23/96-07/15/07 Mary Mom
Cal-O-Kamil Arabian Horse 04/26/08-03/17/08 Chris Perkins
Calories Chihuahua 06/05/94-03/11/17 Jenny
Calub American Pit Bull 11/25/04-04/27/05 Lauren Arevalos
Calufrax Komondor 01/23/93-03/30/02 Veronica
Calvary Zeus Jupiter Terminus Dogue De Boudreaux 01/07/08-09/24/12 Sandra Uzzell
Calvert Cat 21 years 07/20/11 Kelli
Calvin & Hobbes Golden Retrievers 07/04/87-07/04/00 Victoria
Calvin & Wylie Cat Renata Ledo
Calvin (aka Calviney, Calvin E. Nater, Nater Dog, Calvinater) Black Lab/Cocker Spaniel 13 years 10/15/06 Nicole
Calvin (aka Faera's Playin' With Hobbes) Golden Retriever 04/11/93-11/17/03 Sharon Anchak
Calvin (aka Liz's Calvin of Barren, The Calvinator, Cal) Black Labrador Retriever 11/15/89-10/14/06 Elizabeth
Calvin (Big Orange) Cat 11 years 10/01/09 Tom Mayer
Calvin (Boo-Boo) Dog Cocker Spaniel Found 1993-06/19/99 Amy Smith
Calvin A/K/A Cally, Cal, Boo Boy Dog 15 years 04/20/09 Becky & Scott
Calvin Abyssinian Guinea Pig 11/23/05 Nicola McDougall
Calvin aka Alvie Dowell aka Calvin Andrew John McDowell Sheltie 03/25/88-09/19/03 Laurie McDowell
Calvin aka The Calvinator Orange Tabby Cat 06/15/92-09/01/06 Barb Demeulenaere
Calvin American Shorthair Cat 06/20/00-03/31/02 Rebecca Francis Owens
Calvin and Arthur Goldens Dogs 1990-05/19/02 Trisha
Calvin Axberg Cat 10 years 07/28/14 Bach-Nga Vo
Calvin Basset Hound 6 1/2 years 12/03/03 Dianne
Calvin Basset Mix 10/30/93-02/24/06 Beau, Jennifer, Paige and Zachary John
Calvin Bichon Friese 10/05/07-11/16/13 Cathy, Caroly, Rolan and Ohgie Jimenez
Calvin Black Dachshund 01/01/94-02/02/06 Susan Black
Calvin Black Lab Mix 11/01/93-03/10/08 Bruce McMillan
Calvin Blue Gabel Raer Red Tabby Cat 04/12/04-10/11/11 Jennifer and George Gabel
Calvin Blue Orange Tiger Cat 04/12/04-10/11/11 Jennifer Gabel
Calvin Border Collie 02/22/92-12/11/08 P & R
Calvin Border Collie 15 years 07/13/10 Bob & Christina Johnston
Calvin Boxer 01/11/01-12/08/09 Niki Beal
Calvin Boxer 04/01/95-01/08/07 Jen & Ben
Calvin Butler Heller Dachshund 12/31/02-03/19/14 Rozanna & Trevor Heller
Calvin Carrillo Gray Tabby Cat 18 years 10/02/04 Marci
Calvin Carrots Truso Domestic Longhair Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 04/19/08 Mimi Truso
Calvin Cat 03/09/01-01/29/02 SP
Calvin Cat 03/09/06-05/17/07 Judi
Calvin Cat 03/93-02/24/09 Tanya Lelo
Calvin Cat 04/08/96-06/07/98 Teresa Rex
Calvin Cat 04/12/96-05/15/07 Jane E. Posvic
Calvin Cat 05/14/88-03/29/04 Pat Mott
Calvin Cat 06/27/93-08/28/03 Tina Kay
Calvin Cat 07/24/06 Chrissy
Calvin Cat 08/24/96-04/06/09 Albert and Carla Franke
Calvin Cat 09/15/92-12/29/06 Kristina Gluth
Calvin Cat 1 year 12/02/99 Sue, SVHS
Calvin Cat 11 years 03/27/08 Joe Masci
Calvin Cat 11 years 07/06/19 Theresa Simonelli
Calvin Cat 11 years 10/25/07 Dan
Calvin Cat 11 years 12/29/03 Nancy Steed
Calvin Cat 12 years 12/02/05 Andrea ...
Calvin Cat 13 years 12/11/05 Jen
Calvin Cat 2 years 05/19/04 Tania and Tom Olinger
Calvin Cat 4 years 09/09/03 Belynda Kerelchuk
Calvin Chihuahua 12/25/89-10/19/99 Joan, Coco, Sonia, Billy, Bobby & Oscar Maslin
Calvin Clein Miniature Schnauzer 02/01/00 Denise Black
Calvin Cocker Spaniel 03/08/01-06/09/10 Janice Quallich
Calvin Cocker Spaniel 14 years 01/15/01 Jay
Calvin Collie/Setter Mix 03/08/93-12/07/01 Cindy Bogner
Calvin Cornelius Mungiole-Spear Orange Tabby Cat 08/16/02-02/27/07 Anna Spear
Calvin D'Alessandro DSH Cat 16 years 09/27/11 Karen D'Alessandro
Calvin DeYulia Black Cocker Spaniel 07/25/96-01/26/10 Tom DeYulia
Calvin DLH Cat 13 1/2 years 02/23/08 M Schellenberger
Calvin DMH Cat 09/17/09-05/29/10 Mike, Julie, Kaisey, Mackenzie, Bailey, Bruin, and Chloe Fleet
Calvin Domestic Cat 01/30-08/18/13 Janice Harnack
Calvin Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/26/99-04/30/12 Eileen
Calvin Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/01/99-01/27/06 Jackie
Calvin Domestic Short-Hair Cat 09/98-04/30/09 Danita Wright
Calvin Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/13/92-01/20/10 Deb
Calvin Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/10/08 Michelle
Calvin DSH Blue Gray Cat 07/04/88-11/26/04 Judi and Charlie Bell
Calvin DSH Cat 03/04/94-03/12/07 Rebecca Fields
Calvin DSH Cat 03/14/98-01/19/07 Kathrine
Calvin DSH Cat 04/01/90-07/13/98 Sue Williams
Calvin DSH Cat 05/05/94-05/15/09 Susan, Mark and Aidan
Calvin DSH Cat 5 years 09/04/21 Danielle Bord
Calvin Dulcito Silvey Mini Lop Bunny 02/2003-07/28/09 Jade
Calvin E. Hemingway American Shorthair Cat 07/14/10-02/28/18 Paul and Patti Rinaudo
Calvin English Setter 08/20/90-10/30/03 Patricia Shinkosky
Calvin English Springer Spaniel 08/04/90-09/30/01 Laurel & Rich
Calvin Ferret 07/21/97-07/30/03 Jackie & Bill
Calvin Fetterman Labrador/Red Bone Hound Mix 12/1992-07/2002 Terry
Calvin Franklin Furlotte Cat 06/17/94-04/05/03 Heather Tom Melissa Angie Tigger Zoe
Calvin Gibson Greyhound 12/11/06 Jean
Calvin Golden Retriever 00/15/94-08/03/02 Dorrie Henry & Mike Watts
Calvin Golden Retriever 02/23/06-10/23/11 Alison Russell
Calvin Golden Retriever 09/93-02/04/08 Norma
Calvin Golden Retriever 12/31/82-09/25/00 Donna & Jim Tessier and children: Michelle, Brian, Daniel & Jonathan Grandchild: Ryan
Calvin Golden Retriever/Lab 03/16/91-05/24/99 Anita Sweeney
Calvin Golden/Lab 10/04/00-11/06/02 Richard
Calvin Gr. Dane 7 1/2 years 07/04/95 Paul & Anne Rausher
Calvin Gray Short-Haired Tabby Cat 07/95-05/00 Leslie and Scott Jones
Calvin Great Pyrenees 05/22/04 Bruce and Jennifer
Calvin Greyhound 12/96-03/30/07 Mary Lee
Calvin Greyhound/Lab 01/20/11 Rochelle
Calvin Guinea Pig 07/08/95-07/29/98 Amy Siev
Calvin Guinea Pig 08/01/96-11/23/05 Maureen McDougall
Calvin Himalayan Cat 11/01/93-11/29/11 Lisa Ricafrente
Calvin Horatio Golden Retriever 04/17/00-04/16/11 Barry Davis
Calvin Howard Yorkie Mix 10/01/13-08/29/21 Kenya Howard
Calvin Klein Farling Shih Tzu 10/04/91-01/05/07 Peggy Farling
Calvin Kline Black Tiger Cat 18 years 02/22/11 Kathy Delongchamp
Calvin Labrador/Irish Setter/Husky Mix 04/26/96-09/29/06 Theresa, Thomas, Nicole and Felix the cat
Calvin Lacaze Mix. Collie and Gordon Setter 07/05/94-01/29/09 Natalie
Calvin Lhasa-Poo 04/20/02-10/21/13 Sue Daily
Calvin Long Hair Cat 07/05/90-02/10/08 Luella & Rand Allgaier
Calvin Lop Eared Bunny 06/01/04-08/02/06 Janelle
Calvin Lynx Point Siamese Cat 11/01/87-11/15/05 Susan and Clint
Calvin Maine Coon Cat 12/25/08 Tatianna Josey
Calvin Malamute 13 years, 5 months 08/27/97 Bob and Donna Mae
Calvin Mandel DMH Cat 03/21/90-12/15/07 Susan Mandel
Calvin Martel Brussels Griffon 05/10/94-08/13/05 Rikka Martel
Calvin Min Pin 13 years Robert
Calvin Mini Lop Rabbit 05/13/08 Beth Pope
Calvin Mini-Lop Rabbit 05/18/98 Karen Couture
Calvin Mitters Tabby Cat 07/04/95-04/29/02 Hope
Calvin Mix Breed Dog 15 years 2002 Haley
Calvin Mix Lab 03/08/89-03/09/03 Linda Brown
Calvin Mixed American Eskimo Dog 14 years 03/12/04 Darrell Debbie Sonya and Justin
Calvin Mixed Dog 01/01/84-07/15/02 Barbara
Calvin Mixed Dog 09/02/01-04/24/12 Holly, Andrea & Collin
Calvin Mutt 02/17/05 Meena Maynard
Calvin Ocicat 01/09/98-12/21/02 Christopher Dully
Calvin Orange Cat adopted in 1992 Satinil
Calvin Orange Tabby Cat 03/25/14 Greg and Linda Giacalone
Calvin Orange Tabby Cat 07/15/93-04/03/07 Sally Woodson
Calvin Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 05/18/05 Lynda Lippman
Calvin Quaker Parrot 02/02/04 Jo An
Calvin S Dalton DSH Cat 08/05/93-08/04/12 Michelle Dalton
Calvin Scaly Breasted Lorikeet 08/01/00-10/08/01 Tracey Roberts
Calvin SealPoint Cat 17 years 04/25/12 Dr. Janet Whelpley
Calvin Shih Tzu 11/12/88-07/10/00 Jim & Bonnie
Calvin Shorthaired Guinea Pig 05/02/04 Kathy Gedrich
Calvin Siamese Burmese Mix Cat 02/14/96-02/18/10 Kai Breen
Calvin Siamese Mix Cat 12/24/94-10/12/01 Gary Ives
Calvin Siberian Husky 14 years 07/28/05 Sandy Callahan
Calvin Tabby Cat 04/25/00-10/03/03 Wendy Hamilton
Calvin Tabby Cat 05/01/00-12/20/03 Angie
Calvin Tabby Cat 05/01/04-02/14/07 Terri Cain
Calvin Tabby Cat 07/04/95-04/29/02 Hope
Calvin Tabby Cat 08/09/93-02/06/97 Bill, Cindy, Hobbes and Pretty Girl Creedon
Calvin the Cat 1993-02/24/99 Anna Marciano
Calvin the Wonder Dog Wired Hair Fox-Terrier 01/10/98-08/04/08 Dee
Calvin Tiger Striped Cat 13 years 06/05/09 Suzanne and Norma Talbott
Calvin Toy Fox Terrier 9 years 11/14/07 Nick
Calvin Trillin Hayte Cat 18 years 01/21/10 Linda and Ed Hayte
Calvin Tuxedo Cat 03/21/93-08/21/10 Shannon L. Jones
Calvin Tuxedo Cat 05/13/94-08/31/04 Scot Carnell
Calvin Tuxedo/Mix Cat 12/95-03/24/04 Angel Dibenedetto
Calvin Welsh Corgi 11/10/96-11/11/02 Krise Hliboki
Calvin Westhighland White Terrier 05/21/88-09/02/01 Peggy
Calvin Wheaten Terrier 08/23/98-07/15/10 Barbara & Rick Eufrasio
Calvin Yorkshire Terrier 07/30/98-11/29/14 Veronica Beery
Calvin, Fluff-Mutt Pomeranian 11/91-04/12/01 Ruth Toles
Calvina Cat 1998-03/02/15 Lisa Psoinos
Calvin's Northstar Kodiak Alaskan Malamute 07/08/91-06/06/05 Teri Calvin
Caly Ann Calico Cat 09/23/08 Steve and Sharon Carlson
Caly Cat 1988-02/25/01 Mary Van Valkenburg
Caly Pso Cat 03/01/88-06/18/05 Cassandra Gere
Calypso Bearded Dragon Lizard 11 years 06/2020 Casey Shepard
Calypso Black & White DLH Cat with a yin-yang on his chin 4.15.93 - 7.13.10 Shari
calypso but she went by Girlie Jenday Conure 10/03/98-07/02/11 Kimberley Nocera
Calypso Calico Cat 02/17/17-11/07/18 Christina
Calypso Calico Cat 06/12/01-04/02/20 Joseph McDonnell
Calypso Camp White German Shepherd 07/04/00-07/30/11 Katrina Camp
Calypso Cat 05/15/98-10/20/05 Kathy Messenger
Calypso Cat 06/05/82-12/20/98 BJ & Karen Feeney
Calypso Cat 1994-08/30/11 Jennifer Berger
Calypso Cat 4 years 12/26/84 Vicki Williams
Calypso DMH Cat 12 years 12/05/19 Tess & Rey Ramos
Calypso Doberman Pinscher 07/08/98-04/19/12 Ronna
Calypso Dog 17 years Kathy
Calypso Domestic Short Hair Calico Cat 06/23/02-03/28/12 Kelly L Lowry
Calypso Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/15/01-01/17/10 Brooke Love
Calypso Gray German Shepherd 04/09/01-07/07/12 Pauline Gray
Calypso Jenday Conure Parrot 5 years 07/14/06 Sue
Calypso LuLu Rambow Blue Point Siamese Kitten 09/16/08 Maye
Calypso Maine Coon Cat 6 years 09/08/12 Barry Higgott
Calypso Miniature Dachshund 5 years 02/02/12 Colleen Andrawis
Calypso Shin Tzu 12 years 06/07/17 Heather
Calypso Short-Hair Kitten 02/28/11-07/23/11 Sky Henderson
Calypso Tabby Cat 7 years 09/27/04 Howard & Susie Tenke
Calypso Turkish Van Cat 8 years 11/05/08 Caroline and Chris
Calyspo and Catlyn Kittens 10/16/05-10/26/05 Rita, Amanda, Jonathan, and Alan Sisco
Calyx American Staffordshire Bull Terrier 09/08/93-02/09/09 Stephen Ricci
Calyxa (aka Caly) Miniature Schnauzer 05/05/98-07/13/12 Brian Bailey
Calzhi Kelpie 10/21/94-02/14/07 Melissa
Cam aka Christopher A Mock Terrier Spaniel Mix 11/30/07-04/25/15 Lisa Mock aka Cam's Mom
Cam Black Cat 9 years 11/20/06 Terry
Cam Cam Cat 12 years 08/16/97 Olivia
Cam Cat 4 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Cam Golden Retriever 01/20/99-01/25/11 Norma, Ashley, and Donal
Cam Siamese Cat 8 years 11/84 Julie Lewis
Camba Yellow Labrador Retriever 16 1/2 years 08/26/95 Lee Martinez
Camber Yellow Labrador Retriever 05/26/96-18/02/06 Paul Dubois
Cambi Pit Bull 14 years 01/14/10 Katy Ramirez
Cambria Cat 07/85-08/29/95 Jeff Robinson
Cambridge Cockapoo Terrier 03/21/86-10/28/01 Claudia & Jim
Cambridge Golden Retriever 13 years 10/09/06 Ann
Camby Golden Retriever 03/23/95-03/21/02 Becky
Camden aka Funny Face Patched Rat 05/12/11-04/17/13 Jessie & Johnny
Camden aka the Big Pink Mink Angora/Maine Coon Cat 14 years 03/02/98 Barbara West
Camden American Cocker Spaniel -Black and White 06/15/94-08/07/11 Virginia Trinque
Camden Aussie/Border Collie 06/01/99-11/30/11 Chris
Camden Black Labrador 07/02/92-07/12/05 Leslie
Camden Boykin Spaniel 12/01/11-07/31/19 Yetta
Camden Cat 08/20/97-12/19/11 Stephanie Harris
Camden Golden Lab Mix 02/24/03-02/25/19 Laurie & Barb
Camden Toy Poodle 04/27/97-11/30/14 Janet Blair
Camden Yellow Lab 07/24/84-01/25/99 Connie Miles
Camel Camel Ferret 1 1/2 years 04/01/00 Jessica Overberg
Camelia Chameleon 10/25/99 CkCamelia
Camelia Dog 06/13/06 Hector Hernandez
Camelia Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/26/10-01/11/11 Rachel Tingler
Camelot Boxer 04/01/97-02/18/08 Timi Marley
Camelot Buckskin Horse 05/12/82-03/14/04 Judy
Camelot Calico Cat 06/01/83-04/16/02 Peter Georgeu
Camelot Cat 14 years 07/22/11 Laura DeRosa
Camelot Cat 14 years 2008 Natasha
Camelot Great Dane 11/01/98 L.A. Murphy
Camelot Harrison Large Lhasa Apso 04/20/07 David, Sandra, Chadd and Ryann . The Larges
Camelot II and Suzy Siamese Cats 11/15/83 Peter Georgeu and Patty
Camelot Jackson Holtsnider Golden Retriever 03/12/98-09/08/09 Wendy Puleo
Camelot Long Hair Tabby Cat 03/03/95-01/11/08 Susan Smith
Camelot Pomeranian 01/03/96-01/13/97 Sandra Dobbs
Camelot Scottie 02/06/95 Natalie Rifkin
Camelot Toy Poodle 02/01/94-06/21/04 Dianna
Camelot's Lady Gwenevere Labrador Retriever 7 years 04/26/05 Brian Lovas
Camelott Mix Short Hair Cat 05/14/95-03/19/09 Peter Tompkins
Cameo Boxer 07/04/94-04/13/05 Tina Lacey
Cameo Brass Ring German Shepherd 14 years Mary & Ron Owens
Cameo British Short-Hair/Ragdoll Mix Cat 10/01/88-01/30/05 Melissa Adelman
Cameo Cat 20 years 01/23/11 Kathy Ice
Cameo Cocker Spaniel 04/01/98-05/13/11 Lynda and Gary and Zipper
Cameo Dog 04/25/89-06/20/01 Janet Lazarus
Cameo Dog Feb 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cameo Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 08/08/12 Linda
Cameo Golden Retriever 09/15/86-07/07/96 Christy Roberts
Cameo Lhasa Apso 11/23/03-02/04/20 Pat and Judd Leonard
Cameo Persian Cat 18 years 10/24/06 Laura
Cameo Spotted Saddle Horse 1997-01/17/99 Candi Cowan
Cameo Taken Bi Surprise (Ashley) Shetland Sheepdog 01/18/87-07/28/97 Krystn Messer
Cameo Tortie Shell DLH Cat 20 years 09/27/05 Sandra Rodriguez
Cameo Tortoiseshell Cat 12 years 04/06/05 Teresa
Camere Lasa Apso 04/10/89-12/07/04 Jan Lawson
Cameron (Mo-Mo) DSH Tuxedo Cat 10/31/90-04/09/08 Kim, Maya, Mikayla, Teddy, Spookie, Cindy, Corey, Carly and Tutu Westberg
Cameron (Mr. Meepies) Cat 11 months 01/04/02 Jackie & Josh Pettit
Cameron aka Bubba/Tater-Boo Brown Tabby Cat 07/18/05-09/20/07 Lisa
Cameron Chow Mixed 15 years 07/20/17 Steven Russell
Cameron DLH Cat 10/01/06-12/06/07 Melanie Ulicny
Cameron Ginger Tabby DSH Cat 2 years 02/03/07 Dawn
Cameron II Cat 09/27/90-01/13/00 Maureen Kramanak
Cameron Irish Setter/Golden Mix 9 years 10/30/97 Michelle Hess
Cameron Lyle Taylor Yellow Lab 8 years 08/15/10 Yvette Montanez
Cameron Saint Bernard 05/06/94-04/18/05 Andrea Ramsay
Cameron Sheltie Mix 3 years 11/15/02 Farrah Boban
Camery Claudeous (Claude) Vonrichter Rottweiler 01/01/96-10/20/01 Jj Zemina
Cami and Zoe Shepherd Mix and Beagle 02/14/96 and 02/27/95 to 10/23/07 and 02/11/08 Nancy Ehlert
Cami Anderson Chihuahua 10 years 10/22/21 Ronni Anderson
Cami Bear Doxie 03/19/92-11/29/06 Harriet Quedenfeld
Cami Brooks Hound Mix 07/2004-05/01/10 Joy Brooks
Cami Calico-Tortoise Shell Cat 17 years 2005 Shelley
Cami Cat 02/27/98-11/15/08 Melinda
Cami Chihuahua 3 years 05/31/02 Jill
Cami Dachshund 02/22/95-10/25/06 Rusty & Teri & Will
Cami German Shepherd 10 years 11/24/08 Carrie Almendariz
Cami Knesal Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/20/90-01/12/06 Diane Knesal
Cami Labrador Retriever 9 1/2 years 07/07/04 Guenther, Kerovecz and Dornblaser Families
Cami Papillion 07/17/97-12/23/08 Janet
Cami Poodle 03/05/95-03/01/08 Pam and Myrna
Cami Powell Cocker Spaniel 06/02/94-02/21/12 John and Gina Powell
Cami Rottweiler Mix 02/21/17 Jennifer Jones
Cami Short Haired Tiger Cat 02/01/99-03/13/10 Emily, Alex, Sam & Jason
Cami Standard Poodle 03/01/08 Myrna
Cami Standard Poodle 03/05/95-03/01/08 Myrna
Cami Sue Rodgers Boxer (Brindle) 10/02/02-03/08/07 The Rodgers Family
Camie Cat 06/01/95-12/28/11 Kevin Verver
Camie Cat 09/01/87-05/16/03 Michaela
Camie Shetland Sheepdog 12 years 01/09/04 Fawn
Camila Afghan Hound 02/28/98-11/12/09 Sara Poggio
Camila Arizpe French Poodle Mini Toy 05/07/00-27/08/10 Blanca
Camila Criolla 1 1/2 years Fam. Juarez Garcia
Camila Miniature Poodle 01/21/95-02/06/07 Christina
Camila Puppy 06/29/98 Cecilia Juárez
Camila Shitzu 05/03/93-06/08/07 Jennifer, Julio and Santiago Garcia
Camile Blue Point Torte Siamese Cat 08/06/88-03/31/02 Mary M. Jones
Camile Poodle 01/04/87-08/18/03 W Grunwell
Camilla aka: Camilla Vanilla Chihuahua 04/30/02-03/07/12 Christine Mike
Camilla Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Camilla Dwarf Lop Rabbit 02/21/02-11/20/07 Leonie
Camilla Himalayan Cat 03/08/00-12/26/13 Courtney Ferenz
Camilla Pitbull 02/11/24 Rhonda Haupt
Camilla Wirehaired Dachshund 09/17/89-04/07/02 Sari & Jyrki Karlsson
Camille Abyssinian-Tabby Cat 12 years 03/29/09 Hannah, Marissa, Sarah, Nicole and Chuck
Camille American Shorthair Cat 02/14/81-05/15/01 Brenna
Camille Boxer 06/02/90-05/29/01 Patricia Gurbb
Camille Canella Poodle 08/02/88-04/04/01 Annina Lorna Anton
Camille Cat 05/05/86-11/25/04 Laurie K
Camille Cat 08/01/81-01/01/93 Julia Reightler
Camille Cat 12 years 07/25/00 Melissa Dimont
Camille Collie/Husky Mix 01/20/00 Anne, Dan, Anna, Krista and Simone
camille D'Amelio Tortoiseshell Cat 02/17/90-11/22/04 Deanna M. D'Amelio
Camille Domestic Long Hair Cat 5 years 09/06/08 Julie
Camille DSH Cat 08/15/87-06/30/99 Lynnda Hayden
Camille Lab Mix 06/27/05 Connie
Camille Lakeland Terrier 03/08/05-11/13/06 Poppy Hansen
Camille Long Haired Calico Cat 10 years 08/04/04 Arlene Stepputat
Camille Terrier Mix 02/18/96-09/16/13 Sara Irwin
Camille Tiger Tabby Cat 06/25/90-04/01/05 Valerie
Camille White Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/80-07/24/98 Anita Hunter
Camille Yorkshire Terrier 01/10/10-10/11/13 Calliopi Tsikitas and Paul Makresias
Camille, Cammies, Meel-Meel Cat 02/01/02-11/19/09 Jennifer
Camillia Gray Domestic Long Hair Cat 03/05/87-06/07/00 Pamela Duncan
Camilo Salchicha 05/05/06-04/11/07 Jorge Y Karina
Camina Russian Blue Mix Cat 4 Years Bettina and Jack
Cammi Cat 13 years 08/29/12 Joanne Jansson
Cammi The Princess of Camelot Rottweiler 5 years 08/05/04 Julie and Bob Fabiszak
Cammie Calico Cat 17 years 08/19/06 Jackie
Cammie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 09/18/91-06/08/00 Jack
Cammie DSH Cat 05/15/96-01/28/14 Mary Kay
Cammie Lab/Shepherd Mix 11/18/94-06/03/06 Ana
Cammie Mixed Dog 09/27/13 Susan Wilson
Cammie Queensland 01/05/93-02/19/09 Marty and Bill
Cammie Rottweiler 8 years 03/27/06 Cindy Coombs
Cammie Rudy Jager
Cammie Shih Tzu 02/18/09-08/01/09 Kim M
Cammie Tennessee Walker Horse 05/11/00-03/04/03 Laura Watkins
Cammie-O Tea Cup Poodle 1986-02/17/02 Anita Friend
Cammy Bates Black Lab 12/27/07-01/18/10 Abe and Lisa Bates
Cammy Cat 08/10/17 Tim Jolitz
Cammy Cat 10 months 10/03/09 Eliana
Cammy Chow 07/27/13 Harry
Cammy Corgi 03/18/19 Donna
Cammy DLH Cat 9 months 12/31/98 Shannon
Cammy English Bulldog 02/08/10-09/30/18 Angela Snowden
Cammy King Charles Spaniel/Chihuahua/Dachshund 09/85-06/27/02 Sharon R Wall
Cammy Lhasa Apso 12 years 04/20/07 Bonnie Bouckley
Cammy Mixed Dog 1 year 2003 Steven & Lisa Seiber
Cammy Parakeet 1 or 2 years 02/02/02 Marcy
Cammy Senegal Chameleon 04/05/06 Betty Balser
Cammy Siberian Husky 03/25/95-12/26/08 Lisa Depson
Cammy Std. Poodle 06/19/84-11/11/96 Ginger Maker
Cammy Toy Poodle 04/25/97-03/17/11 Kerri
Camo Balzer Mini Dachshund 12/27/07-03/07/10 Sharon Balzer
Camo Beagle 03/15/87-04/21/00 Rondelle Weyand
Camo Calico Cat 02/27/00 James & Terry
Camoflague (aka Cammie) DSH Calico Cat 5 years 08/05/87 Rita Longo
Camomile Syrian Hamster 31/07/13-13/06/14 Auriane Swannell
Camote White Angora Cat 03/15/00-07/14/06 Marcela and Ken
Camp Cat 07/04/01-10/14/09 Sandra
Campana Varguez Chihuahua Natural She Mix 13 years 03/11/18 Nubia Varguez
Campbell Cat 01/21/04 Heidi Calverley
Campbell Von Zovy Equan Rottweiler 11/29/04-08/08/05 Tom Zonnevylle
Campbell's Popcorn Delight Keeshond 10/07/92-10/23/06 James Campbell
Campean Poodle 15 years 06/24/11 Maya Caceres
Campeon Rottweiler Mix 15 years 08/12/10 Brizaida
Camper Corgi Mix 10 years 07/30/99 Marla
Camper Dog Mary Griffin's friend Sherryl
Camper Gray and White Tabby Cat 17 years 10/27/04 Paula Hyatt
Camper Husky Mix 12 years + 02/26/06 Shari Lamb
Camper Labrador Retriever 04/21/93-09/15/04 Judie Gelinas
Camper Sheltie 09/06/91-02/08/07 Barb & Jim Christy
Camper Terrier Mix 05/20/97-07/03/01 Cherry
Campione Grey/White/Rust Tabby Cat 04/30/01-04/08/03 Melissa McGehee
Campy aka Papito Numero 3 Dog 01/01/05-10/10/21 Ribalta-Daniel Family
Black Lab 13 years 12/10/97 Lisa J. Lenox
Camren English Springer Spaniel 11/04/93-07/30/08 Roxana Bowman-McKinnie
Camrey Cat 12/18/14 Darlene Belka
Camron Chism Dog 14 years Memorial Day 2011 Derek, and Wyatt Chism Trish Kimutai
Camry Boo Boo DSH Cat 04/12/92-06/18/96 Kasey
Camry Siberian Husky 05/01/97-06/26/09 Chipp Reid
Camry Weimaraner/Lab 8 years 10/15/09 Jen Rollins
Camy Bear Airdale Terrier 07/07/89-10/04/99 Jon Parin
Camy Pomeranian 10/22/01-01/15/02 Brenda B
Cana Boston Terrier 12/15/95-11/10/06 Peggy
Canaan Dog 8 years 05/19/09 Melissa Brittany & Emma Hopkins (Sc)
Canada Black Lab 09/09/94-10/17/07 Gretchen Hartke
Canada Geese (2) 04/27/02 Tamar
Canada McGivney Golden Retriever 11 years 05/17/07 Mary & Barry McGivney
Canada's Best Jake English Springer Spaniel 13 years 03/01/98 Jill
Canadia Goose 12/15/06 Cathy
Candace Cat 8 years 01/05/01 Shannon
Candace Golden Retriever 09/10/03 Coleen Sarah and Stacey Horst
Candace Marie (Candi) German Shepherd 10/14/89-08/25/00 Missy
Candace Siamese Cat 16 years 12/02/05 Chris
Candace Yellow Lab 03/30/07-11/05/07 Laura Nelson
Candee Boxer 09/03/74-01/23/85 Ron and Ronnie Ehrlich
Candee Dalmatian X 12 years 09/09/06 Debbie, Clark, Scott, Jaki & Alyson
Candee Davis Shi Tzu 12/06/01-09/22/12 Robbin
Candee Roan's Lil Bit Cotton Candee) Pomeranian 5 1/2 years 04/26/10 Ron Roan
Candi aka CC Siberian Husky 06/25/95-12/29/08 Shelley and Bryan Walker
Candi Beagle 14 years 09/05/09 Carol Smith
Candi Beagle 1990-11/11/01 Kara Bellizzi
Candi Bichon Poodle 11 years 11/25/10 Lucy and Larry
Candi Black Labrador/ Golden Retriever 11 years 07/18/11 Mary, Gaetan, Grant & Gabriella Carrier
Candi Border Collie Mix 09/16/89-12/03/05 Shannon
Candi Cane Dalmatian 04/1994-09/2003 Tiffany Quevedo
Candi Cat 03/10/89-08/05/93 Carol Kaye
Candi Cat 18 years 12/21/03 Teresa Skaggs
Candi Cocker Spaniel 14 years 12/25/10 Glenn and Heidi
Candi Dilucchio Doxle 09/12/96-03/2007 Scott and Cheryl
Candi Dixon Teacup Poodle 04/24/96-06/05/05 Jacci Dixon
Candi Golden Retriever 10/25/08-02/17/16 Leanne
Candi Mae Chihuahua 06/27/90-03/18/05 Pat, David, Sarah
Candi Mixed Breed 09/25/80-04/26/96 Stacey T
Candi Mixed Dog 07/25/86-07/06/06 Norman Wood
Candi Mixed Dog 09/06/11 Susan
Candi Peke-a-poo 1986-2004 Joan Barr
Candi Pekingese 12/17/12 Carola
Candi Pied Peach-Face Love Bird 11 1/2 years 01/09/99 Deedee Cooper
Candi Rottweiler 12/10/92-10/01/96 Mommy Gail
Candi Schnauzer 05/15/88-05/19/00 Jennifer Bell
Candi Shih Tzu 11/11/90-12/31/00 Mike & Susan Mundwiller
Candi Toy Fox Terrier 12/91-10/31/08 Laura Dorr
Candi Yorkie Mix 11/23/92-04/04/05 Joanne King
Candice Ann Boston Terrier 01/07/92-07/15/98 Maru Jo Potts
Candice Cane Terrier 04/15/80-07/15/95 Carol Olah
Candice Collie 10 years 09/14/06 Jim and Geri
Candice Fifi Poodle 13 years 02/01/99 Eva & Otto Kolberg
Candice German Shepherd 07/12/97-04/23/05 Laura Hobbs
Candice Maria Pierce Tabby Cat 04/18/93-09/11/06 Melissa
Candice Paige Terr./Chih. Mix 06/25/90-10/27/07 Renee
Candice Sabrina Lemke (Kissy) Calico Cat 08/89-08/21/06 The Lemke Family/Cats Family
Candice Schnoodle 10/30/14-07/05/14 Suzanne
Candie Cane Sheltie 11/26/93-01/20/04 June Richardson
Candie Cat 15 years 11/26/07 Anthony, Janice, Ant, Chris and Bri
Candie Cockapoo 12/23/83-07/01/96 Ann Marrs
Candie Cocker Spaniel 01/28/92-11/16/04 Deb Easterson
Candie Dachshund 9 years 05/21/12 Lisa Gauthier
Candie Dog 02/02/90-12/02/02 Rosie Fabbricatore
Candie Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/01/80-06/17/01 Babara Lapollo
Candie Fox/Poo 02/04/01-02/20/09 Anissa Canova
Candie Jack Russell 14 years 11/22/07 Dave, Tam and Chelsea
Candie Poodle Mix 10/20/09 Yvonne Lange
Candie Sheltie 01/26/12 Dave Reiswig
Candie Sheltie 11/26/93-01/20/04 Nancy Brown
Candie Sheltie/German Shepherd Mix 03/03/85-07/03/96 Tracy
Candie Shih Tzu 03/05/93-06/07/10 Brenda
Candie Siamese Cat 07/01/83-11/11/99 Roberto & Lauralee Dias
CandII Toy Poodle 12/27/95-06/04/10 Laura Lane
Candiland American Eskimo Dog 10/09/06 Melanie, Curlee, Nikki, Friskee, Kimmie, & Romeo
Candin Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 08/14/06 Nancy & Brad Clark
Candirand's Bad to the Bone Persian Berta
Candis Irish Wolfhound 05/09/97-08/08/04 Tina & Antonio
Candra Red Orange Cat 07/22/91-03/15/05 Karen
Candy - Candy Cane Lab/Golden Retriever 1994-07/2007 Mickie Vanmeter
Candy (aka Sissy) Poodle 03/23/85-11/29/99 Bob and Evelyeen Pierce
Candy (Baby) Staff X 08/07/00-12/05/10 Sue Jones
Candy (Brabantsia Candalisa) Rottie 02/19/88-09/17/96 Carla
Candy (Can Can) Cat approximately 10 years 01/07/03 Michelle
Candy (Doodlebug) Chihuahua 04/18/19 Earl & Mary Shaw
Candy (Foufoune) Dog 04/04/87-22/12/02 Audrey
Candy (Kitkat) Townsend Corgi Mix 16 years 10/19/06 Paige & Mark Huff
Candy 1980 Bob and Nancy
Candy Allen Toy Poodle 19/01/99-10/06/09 Ernest Allen
Candy Alvarez Beagle 25 noviembre 2005 - 15 de abril 2012 Azu Alvarez tu mama que te ama
Candy American Eskimo Dog 10/11/08 Rosemary Sanchez
Candy American Eskimo Dog 17 years 02/12/05 Elizabethg
Candy Austin Black Cockerpoo 12 years 06/20/02 D
Candy Australian Terrier 11/10/98-12/16/06 Jennifer
Candy 'Baby Girl' Jack Russell/Chihuahua 10/22/99-05/09/08 Joe S
Candy Beagle 13 years 03/20/00 Bob and Melissa
Candy Beagle/Collie Mix 05/84-03/16/01 Dawna Walker
Candy Beagle/Fox Terrier Mix 02/02/68-04/83 Melissa J. Jones
Candy Bear Lhasa Apso 12/11/92-02/17/04 Joscelynne & Robert Bride
Candy Bichon 10 1/2 years 03/06/02 Judy and Dennis M
Candy Bichon Frise 11/16/94-07/21/08 MaryAnn Rappa
Candy Black and White Cat 10 years 19/08/16 Sandra Freitas
Candy Black Dog With Tan Marks on Her Face 03/95-04/05/06 Charmaine
Candy Black Lab 06/15/85-10/15/03 Susan Rabig
Candy Black Lab/Chow 04/03/93-12/08/06 Christine S
Candy Border Collie 03/08/89-12/02/06 Steve & Jo Griffiths
Candy Boston Terrier 04/14/08 Krista Lash
Candy Boston Terrier 07/20/72 Joey Horner
Candy Boxer 10/17/06 C Nielsen
Candy Boxer 14 years 03/11/05 Cami
Candy Boxer just turned 6 years 08/08/05 Marcia Cohen
Candy Brown Dog 14 years 12/31/01 Derbina Soo
Candy Brown Tabby Cat 09/01/00-10/28/07 Chris and Carlos
Candy bull Terrier/lab cross 13 years 03/14/95 Joan Maxwell
Candy Calico Cat 12 years 06/22/98 Her Friends at C.A.R.E.
Candy Calico Cat 16 years 07/25/04 Mike
Candy Cane Budgie 1995 Lourdes
Candy Cane Calico Cat 10/31/87-10/01/07 The Leggett Family
Candy Cane Cat 11/30/95-01/29/07 Kari
Candy Cane Cocker Spaniel Mix 06/13/85-09/03/96 Diane Brenner
Candy Cane Dog 13 years 07/18/08 Katie
Candy Cane Staffordshire Bull Terrier 11 years 10/20/00 Scott and Kelly Zillig
Candy Castro Buff/Reddish Color Cocker Spaniel 01/15/90-03/23/03 Ann
Candy Cat 04/23/95-11/10/02 Dianne Parsons
Candy Cat 06/77-10/16/85 Elizabeth
Candy Cat 10/17/03 Doris Mare
Candy Cat 13 years 04/23/12 Jenny
Candy Cat 15 years 07/27/85 Joan and Johanna Foley
Candy Cat 15 years 10/17/03 Doris Mare
Candy Cat 17 years 10/04/04 Laurie K
Candy Cat 18 years 01/04/06 Debbie and Lisa
Candy Cat 3 years 04/22/97 Chuck
Candy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 09/30/03-02/06/16 Ai Borchelt
Candy Chihuahua 02/12/08-07/02/10 Fany
Candy Chihuahua 05/26/85-03/10/00 Nancy O'Connell
Candy Chihuahua 06/14/05-03/14/19 Earl & Mary Shaw
Candy Chihuahua 06/20/88-05/21/03 Audrey Stockdale
Candy Chihuahua 08/09/90-09/08/07 Jack and Sheryl Kabler
Candy Chihuahua 11/27/00-04/30/01 Jimmie, Johnna and Niki
Candy Chihuahua/Dachshund 17 years 04/99 A.J. Douglas Jr.
Candy Chihuahua/Pomerainan 02/28/87-01/25/98 Sandy Yousef
Candy Chinese Pug 11/90-11/22/03 Gene Rosinski
Candy Chocolate Minature Poodle 13 years 1987 Marge Storicks
Candy Chow/Keeshond 9 years 09/07/04 John Fisher
Candy Cocker Spaniel 01/15/90-03/23/03 Ann Castro
Candy Cocker Spaniel 04/15/05 Valerie
Candy Cocker Spaniel 07/07/86-05/12/98 Christina Tronnes and Family
Candy Cocker Spaniel 07/08/88-08/28/04 Susie Peyton
Candy Cocker Spaniel 09/19/94 Candy & Bre Thomas
Candy Cocker Spaniel 11/29/88-11/08/97 John E. Mingo Sr
Candy Cocker Spaniel 16 years 11/03/11 Cindy
Candy Cocker Spanish 15/12/11-20/03/12 Maria
Candy Collie Mixed 14 years 03/02/09 Mary Siarkiewicz
Candy Collie Shepherd Cross 15 years 1984 The Shott Family
Candy Collie/Spaniel 02/14/82-23/07/97 Beverly Lee
Candy Concure Pineapple 7 years 01/14/23 Nicole Cadieux
Candy Cream Colored Pomeranian 4 months 06/22/00 RT Carver
Candy Cruza 07/02/90-08/18/05 Denis Calderon
Candy CurlyEars Cat Gretchen Ellis
Candy Dachshund 16 years 02/22/11 Bob and Elaine
Candy Dalonges Yellow Lab 10/27/99-11/25/09 Val Dalonges
Candy Dancer Quarter Horse 37 years 07/14/02 Cathy
Candy Deer Fawn 3 months 10/23/99 Walter and Katy Ongley, Tom & Thelma Morgan
Candy Diluted Calico Cat 22 years 06/09/00 Judy Perez
Candy Doberman 07/20/95-07/29/04 Cheri & Russ Woodring
Candy Dobie/Shepherd Mix 18 years 01/27/14 Isabel Valuja
Candy Dog 03/06/02 Christina
Candy Dog 04/01/90-04/22/03 Mike and Pam Harper
Candy Dog 04/04/10 Jacob
Candy Dog 09/97 Mary
Candy Dog 12 years 02/94 Sally
Candy Dog 12 years 08/06/09 Fiorella Contreras
Candy Dog 13 years 01/97 Carole Lombardo
Candy Dog 14 years 01/31/00 Cathy
Candy Dog 15 years 03/12/00 Mom Dad Westy and Paddy
Candy Dog 15 years 04/11/02 Michelle
Candy Dog 15 years 05/31/05 Christy
Candy Dog 15 years Kathy
Candy Dog 17 years 08/31/04 Krysten
Candy Dog 1963-1974 The Lavanga's
Candy Dog 7 years 03/04/95 Scott
Candy Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/25/00-09/13/10 Patricia Westcott
Candy Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/2005-12/11/17 Jackie Stolze
Candy Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/22/90-02/02/06 April Brooks
Candy Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/04/95-06/13/04 Lynn Latham
Candy Dutch Rabbit 2 years 07/22/03 Michele Gannon
Candy Earle Shepherd/Husky 10/88-04/19/05 Susan Earle
Candy English Pointer 01/31/86-09/24/98 Barb
Candy English Springer Spaniel 01/18/99-02/27/14 Arlene Burns
Candy Fox Terrier 14 years 07/12/04 Mariam
Candy French Lopped Rabbit The Eccleston Family
Candy German Shepherd 03/83-04/03/97 Maria Skliros
Candy German Shepherd 07/27/09-12/13/06 Ashwin
Candy German Shepherd 09/29/01-09/30/06 Ashwin Kumar
Candy German Shepherd 09/29/01-12/25/06 Ashwin Kumar
Candy German Shepherd 09/29/02-09/30/06 Ashi Kumar
Candy German Shepherd 12/2002 Kim & Al Hill
Candy German Shepherd 12/24/94 Carolyn
Candy German Shepherd Chow Mix 14 years 11/2007 Zachary
Candy Girl Bichon Frise 01/08/87-06/26/01 Rosemarie Laramee
Candy Girl Black Labrador 09/11/14 Laurie & Jim Highfield
Candy Girl Minton Dachshund 06/13/93-04/21/09 Angel Minton
Candy Golden Retriever 02/27/98-02/20/08 Deborah Scherer
Candy Golden Retriever 03/01/95-06/18/05 Kristin
Candy Golden Retriever Rachel Conway
Candy Gozdziak Lab/Rotty 9 years 12/10/11 Phil
Candy Greyhound 06/06/96-09/23/03 Melissa Egnot
Candy Guerra Schnauzer 12/25/00-12/27/12 Ponciano, Gloria, Kirsten, & Marc Guerra
Candy Hamster 2002-04/10/04 Camilla
Candy Harvest Mouse 10/31/20-04/25/21 Capri
Candy Heart Valentine All Black Minerature Schnauzer 09/28/87-01/05/01 Suellen Peterson and family
Candy Helliwell Schnauzer 10 years 07/13/10 Kathleen & George Helliwell
Candy Huber Jack Russell Mix 14 years 11/30/15 Jackie Huber
Candy Irene Lab Terrier Mix 04/22/88-03/22/99 The Barker Family
Candy Irish Setter 07/93-01/04/03 Mary Calkins
Candy Jack Russell Terrier 04/13/90-02/20/06 Jean Mary Hilton
Candy Kelly Domestic Cat 10/01/84-03/04/04 Pearl Baltimore
Candy Kelpie Cross 7 years 01/03/02 Franziska Von Hacht
Candy Kisses Himalayan Persian Cat 04/19/04-03/07/11 Meredith Fallow
Candy Kisses II Old English Sheepdog 01/12/91-05/10/04 Scott, Cindy
Candy Lab 06/20/08-11/23/08 Kaleigh McIntyre
Candy Lab Mix 07/01/03 Rick & Bev Whiteside
Candy Lab Retriever Mix 1994-2007 The Finches
Candy Lab X 18/01/96-07/01/08 Kieran Walsh
Candy Lab/Sped 04/89-11/28/00 Pam Ippolito
Candy Labrador Retriever 06/02/04-09/10/13 Delores Bowles
Candy Lavelle Cocker Spaniel 01/31/98-12/20/09 Peggy and Steve
Candy Lee Airedale Terrier 03/17/94-08/25/06 Kathie Bellizzi
Candy Lee Collie/Shepherd Mix 10/30/96-08/16/07 Karen & Ed
Candy Lee Dog 02/19/91-02/19/05 Adrienne
Candy Lhasa Apso 11/79-04/19/93 Denise Harrison
Candy Lilly Curbelo Shih Tzu 04/26/10-06/25/10 Joe Curbelo
Candy Lionhead Rabbit 05/28/09 Anna and David
Candy Llasa Apso 11 years 10/24/00 Don and Mary
Candy Long Haired Chihuahua 17 years 12/26/03 Rose Barton
Candy Long Haired Orange Cat 04/01/88-10/18/98 Joanne & Shane
Candy Lop Bunny 10/90-01/94 Nancy Margaretten
Candy Lynn Pomeranian 12 years 01/03/06 Cheryl Brabson
Candy Maine Coon Cat 10 years 7 months 12/27/12 Barry Higgott
Candy Maine Coon Cat 18-20 years 05/28/04 Michele Lowenstein
Candy Maltese 04/29/19-03/11/20 Angela Alvarez
Candy Maltese 11 years 11/02/09 John and Tina Roberts
Candy McWilliams or Candyman Mixed Cat 10/17/10 Sharyn McWilliams
Candy Middeker Boxer 12 years 07/30/10 Krysta
Candy Mimi Schnauzer 06/13/95-04/27/07 Kathy, Sam & Melinda Raneri
Candy Mini Beagle 09/10/95-01/02/08 Ava Karen Roman
Candy Miniature Pinscher 05/22/00-07/16/04 Susan Acosta
Candy Mix Breed Dog 01/13/03-11/30/03 Eliza Orozco
Candy Mix Breed Dog 16 years 11/01/04 Cathy, Ken,Lindsay and Tricia Gilchrist
Candy Mixed Breed 16 1/2 years 12/20/96 Marie Preston
Candy Mixed Breed Dog 1995-08/30/06 Esther Ruiz
Candy Mixed Breed Part Beagle 13 years 05/19/04 Spencer Bullington
Candy Mixed Dog 10 years 01/12/09 Krystal Gray
Candy Mixed Dog 15 years 06/18/02 Mary Nelson
Candy Mixed Dog 9 years 02/28/05 Jean Burkhardt
Candy Mouse Stephanie
Candy Mutt 08/18/09 Katie
Candy Noel DiGrado Bichon Frise 10/12/01-02/19/14 Deb, Joe and Nicole DiGrado
Candy O'Neil Husky 12/31/00-03/13/12 Jennie Basarich
Candy Pam Hamerski
Candy Pekinese 05/15/84-05/23/03 Julie Renfrow
Candy Pekingese 08/18/98-08/01/12 Ana Tiede
Candy Persian Cat 14 years 05/12/10 Patricia Short
Candy Pignees 06/15/89-02/18/05 Tina
Candy Pit Bull 10/01/10-04/11/13 Nancy Strasner-Stephenson
Candy Pomeranian 06/15/93-07/02/04 Melinda
Candy Poodle 04/01/88-10/16/03 Stephanie/jenny
Candy Poodle 05/30/92-11/29/05 Claire Villate
Candy Poodle 11/60-1973 Cindy Anske
Candy Poodle 16 years 03/22/06 Julie
Candy Pure White Cat 07/01/91-02/26/08 Linda
Candy Quarterhorse/Arab Mix 34 years 03/17/98 Don Pressley and family
Candy Rabbit 09/23/17 Anthony
Candy Rabbit 6 years 03/11/22 Patty Rodas
Candy Rabbit 7 years Eleanor Whitney
Candy Rat 18 months 04/29/07 Chris Wills
Candy Rome DSH Calico Cat 07/03/82-10/12/00 Catherine and Noel Rome
Candy Rottweiler 19.2.1988-17.9.1996 Jessica
Candy Rubas Dog 02/11/93-05/21/03 Cathy
Candy S/W Collie 02/09/78-08/25/92 Jack & Phyllis & Jack Tracy and Patty Bybee
Candy Sable & White Sheltie 04/17/92-01/06/99 B. Tillery
Candy Saint Bernard 05/12/01-11/09/07 Dana Skultety
Candy Samoyed 07/15/90-08/03/01 Bartley
Candy Sheltie 02/11/93-05/21/03 Cathy Rubas
Candy Sheltie 04/30/81-02/24/96 Vi Sloan
Candy Sheltie 05/31/91-09/21/03 Donna
Candy Sheltie 15/17/93-11/23/05 Evans Family
Candy Sheltie/Collie 1 1/2 years 11/15/04 Jo-Ann & Breanna
Candy Shepherd Mix 04/12/01-02/27/13 Rivers Family (Pat, Traci, Chris, Kirsten, Cody, Corey
Candy Shepherd Mix 11/95-04/01/07 Bill and Barbara Vass
Candy Shepherd Mix 15 years 04/02/02 Amanda Jo, Cindy, Kelly, Neil, Jody, Vinny
Candy Shetland Collie 16 years 09/12/05 Kenny Krueger
Candy Shetland Sheepdog 07/82-1991 Carleen
Candy Shih Tzu 06/14/05-10/23/11 Joan Phebus
Candy Shih Tzu 07/15/02-08/25/05 Colleen, Jim, Dylan
Candy Shihtzu 09/14/95-05/09/07 Buster & Beverly Cleveland
Candy Shih-Tzu 10/18/89-07/25/04 Isabel Marino
Candy Shih-Tzu 12/21/91-11/24/03 Laura
Candy Shitzo/Terrier 04/11/95-05/02/03 Mary Burgess
Candy Short-Haired Hamster 01/01/08-02/13/08 Brian
Candy Siberian Husky/Chow/Shepherd Mix 04/01/90-04/22/03 Pam and Mike Harper
Candy Silky Terrier 14 years 03/04/10 Karen Shields
Candy Sue American Shorthair Cat 15 years 08/04/11 Jeff and Beth (Cleaves) Knox
Candy Sue Yorkshire Terrier 12 years 05/23/11 BJ Massey
Candy Tabby Cat 07/15/88-11/19/04 Debbie Williams
Candy Tabby Mix Cat 05/26/91-06/26/99 Jennifer Harris
Candy Tanguay Lab 11/11/95-12/01/02 Norm & Nancy
Candy Terrier Cross 17 1/2 years 28/12/01 Sally
Candy Terrier Mix 15 years 9 months 02/11/07 Susan Margolis
Candy Thomas Shepherd Mix 03/98-04/10/13 Kristin Thomas
Candy Toffee & White Hamster Claire
Candy Tortie Cat 10-12 years 02/29/04 Terilynn
Candy Tortishell Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/29/92-04/13/05 Suzanne O'Hare
Candy Tortoishell Short Hair Cat 29/04/92-13/04/05 Suzanne O'Hare
Candy Toy Poodle 04/11/92-01/15/04 Gladys Pomory
Candy Toy Poodle 07/23/81-04/16/99 Crawford Family
Candy Toy Poodle 12/26/83-03/29/00 Allan Hunt
Candy Valentine Maltese 15 years 01/30/06 Sharon Auxier
Candy Villate Poodle 05/30/92-01/29/05 Claire Villate
Candy Westie 01/12/90-10/09/01 Laura Stasion
Candy Westie 07/05/05-15/01/15 Julie
Candy Westie 13 years 07/05/01 Chandra Asen
Candy Yellow Lab 03/24/90-02/07/01 Wanda McAllister
Candy Yellow Lab 05/01/99-04/08/09 Keith Merritt
Candy Yellow Labrador 05/01/99-04/08/09 Keith Merritt and Family
Candy Yellow Short Hair Cat 05/01/95-08/16/08 B. Boren
Candy Yorkie 05/24/93-06/01/06 Dustin & Deyonne Metteer
Candy Yorkshire Terrier 04/06/95-01/18/10 Pat & Sophia Covey
Candy Yorkshire Terrier 12/27/88-09/16/98 Cheryl Schmidt
Candy, Amy, Jessy Collie English Setter, Great Dane 01/05/00 Janet
Candy-Bear Lhasa Apso 04/19/02 Jocelynne Bride
Candygirl American Cocker Spaniel 06/18/95-09/15/09 Betty Swinford
Candygirl Black Dog 04/20/92-08/29/03 Michelle
Candygirl Cocker Spaniel 06/15/95-09/15/09 Betty Swinford
Candygirl Cocker Spaniel 06/18/05-09/15/09 Betty Swinford
Candygirl Cocker Spaniel 06/18/95-09/15/09 Fred & Betty Swinford
Candyk9 Labrador Retriever 12/25/94-09/01/07 Pam
Candylee Pomeranian 01/15/95-09/12/07 Carol
Candy-Miss Pants- Tiny Dancer-bi-pedal Schnauzer-Candy Pants Mini Schnauzer 11/29/00-02/05/14 Jeannie and Tim
Candyrock's Kodiak aka Kodi Alaskan Malamute 04/15/00-02/06/08 Wendy Maris
Candy's Midnight Teddy Bear Pomeranian 03/18/97-11/17/03 Candy Howard
Cane American Bulldog KimW
Cane and Lady Poodle and Mixed Breed Dogs 12 and 8 years 10/06/04 Carol
Cane Doberman 08/02/02-06/09/12 Julie Shirley
Cane Dog 04/02/05-03/19/16 Josh
Cane Dog 09/80-03/03/96 Teesh, Steve and the Furries
Cane Great Dane 01/01/03-09/03/07 Lewis Farber
Cane Lawson Boxer 10/20/02-10/13/09 Michelle, Tim Zach, Jacob Lawson
Cane Yellow Lab Mix 10 years 06/29/07 Jennifer St.Clair
Canea Shih Tzu 04/19/85-04/18/99 Bill & Tracie
Canela Chihuahua 12/17/99-06/06/13 Cynthia
Canela Dog 12/25/93-11/24/07 The Torres Family
Canela Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/97-03/16/10 Yvette LaGonterie
Canela French Poodle 02/15/14-01/25/21 Diana Diaz
Canela Golden Retriever 02/28/02-07/30/12 Paul Johnejack
Canela Pitbull Mix 8 years 5th May 2015 Lorna Thurston
Canela Setter Irlandes 08/12/01-11/20/12 Pilar Y Liliana Carrasquilla
Canela Siamese Mix Cat 07/31/97-01/24/14 Silvia
Canela Yorkshire Terrier 15 years 11/20/98 Carrasco Family
Canelita Cat 05/17/09 Cory Lopez
Canella Cat 02/20/14 Michelle
Canello Chihuahua 13 years 11/10/08 Eileen Vaughn
Canfield Cat 07/01/86-12/05/01 Kara & Felix
Canibal Rhodesian Ridgeback 03/2008 Fam. Salgado
Canid Husky 04/29/07 Rick
Canila Berman Cat 06/01/01-02/26/03 Mackenzie Slade
Canin German Shepherd 5 years 09/05/98 Mary Sellaro
Canis Black Tailed Prairie Dog 4 years 03/28/12 Michael Sanson
Canis Chocolate Lab 08/92-07/12/04 Gail
Canis Lupus Forrest Wolf Hybrid 1993-12/30/08 Sandra Forrest
Canita Cat 14 years 10/18/99 Alma
Canna German Shepherd 07/01/90-08/19/04 Joseph, Tammy & Anthony Shultz
Canni Dobermutt 01/10/91-09/05/06 Sue & Bill Gandolfo
Cannoli Maltese 12/21/01-07/05/14 El Goeller
Cannoli Morkie 02/21/12-04/20/12 Diana
Cannun's Maximillion Buff American Cocker Spaniel 06/09/89-08/08/01 David & Jean
Cano Mix Dog 03/05/97-09/25/03 Francisco J. Jimenez
Canoe Flame-Point Siamese Cat 06/02/91-10/18/04 Frank and Lynda McCormick
Canoli White Mini Schnauzer 03/02/02-07/26/17 Matthew Moretti
Canolli Tell Tabby Cat 06/98-02/27/10 Nancy Anderson
Canon Boxer 10 years 09/01/05 Julie and Sam Charlesworth
Cantata Thoroughbred Horse 15 years 01/09/04 Jennifer Bernard
Canterbury Mixed Tabby Shorthair Cat 06/01/88-05/19/06 Joan Mirsky
Canti Prinz of Barrington Shetland Sheepdog 11/16/04-06/14/15 Susan Slater
Canto K9 Officer 1998 Fort Worth Police
Canuck Dog 12/01/05-08/22/16 Sarah S
Canute Albino Ferret 02/17/01 Sarah Griffith
Canyon (Can-Can) Maurath Pug 01/09/00-01/15/01 Steph and Mike
Canyon Golden Retriever / Chow Mix 08/10/01-01/18/11 Brittany
Canyon Lab/Husky 04/97-12/09/13 Alec
Canyon the Dogger 12/22/08 the Markiewicz family
Canys Callico Cat 06/01/84-03/29/03 Steve and Wanda
Canys Callico Cat 22 years 03/29/03 Steve and Wanda
Caomei (Meimei) Shihtzu 02/99-03/17/13 Jennifer
Caos Boston Terrier 03/09/12 Sharon
Cap (Captain America) Multi Colored Tan Grey White Body Cat with White Paws 10/11/19-09/26/20 Natahnya Larry Campbell
Cap Raintree Wolf/Mckennize Malimute 5 years 04/99 Deborah & Oscar Adkison
Capasy's Heather Rose Border Terrier 9 1/2 years Morgan and Erin and E Stroheker and husband.
Capasy's Laird O'Greenmeadows Border Terrier 04/02/89-1994 Betsy Stroheker
Capella Llama 1995 Trish Dowling
Capella Yellow Lab 13 years 05/30/08 Char Glessner
Capella Yellow Lab 1986-06/12/01 Barb Pechota
Caper Bouvier 10/21/86-11/27/99 Jane and Terry Hagell
Caper Dom. Short Hair Cat 09/15/84-07/28/98 Ellen Wong
Caper DSH Cat 16 years 04/11/11 Nancy Oswald
Caper Layton Rough Coated Jack Russell 12/12/08-01/14/11 Cheryl & Ken Layton
Caper Poodle 10/23/08 Barbara Gamblin
Capernicous Rottweiler 11/01/05-10/14/11 Kyle Powles
Caperucita Cat 2014-2017 Rafael Vargas Rivera
Capezio Cat 14 years 10/16/99 Kelly and Drew
Capi Miniature Terrier/German Shepherd 11/01/86-01/21/02 Benoit Paradis
Capitan Max English Bulldog 7 years 07/28/11 Lisa Belforte Toothman and Dan Toothman
Capitu Brazilian Terrier 09/18/99-04/26/16 Regina, Liliana and Mauricio From Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
Capitu Frente Bulldog 13 years 11/28/16 Regina
Capone (Big Daddy) Italian Greyhound 12/07/93-11/12/99 Dawn Norrell
Capone Black and White Tabby Cat 3 years 03/27/00 Yvonne Kissner
Capone Boxer 08/01/01-01/05/11 Michelle
Capone Boxer 12/04/96-09/17/09 Amy Keene
Capone Boxer 12/21/87-08/24/98 Irene Small
Capone Bug 2 1/2 years 08/31/09 Lea Brown
Capone Cappo/Dobe/Shep/Husky X 09/02/02-08/30/14 Alexis & Sam
Capone Cat 07/30/94-04/02/08 Caroline
Capone Chesapeake Bay Retriever 12/01/99-12/31/12 Greg Fincannon
Capone Chihuahua 9 weeks 08/06/04 Shannon
Capone Dog 07/25/00 David McCollester
Capone Domestic Black Cat 04/19/01-07/22/11 Sallyann
Capone Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/00-09/07/08 Melinda Stuart
Capone English Bull Terrier 07/31/11-04/18/12 George
Capone German Shepherd 07/05/07-09/01/10 Craig and Amanda
Capone German Shepherd 09/27/97-12/11/06 Melanie
Capone Gordon Domestic Short Hair Cat 4 or 5 years 04/27/11 Jack Gordon
Capone Great Dane 19 months 06/14/07 Kathy Warner
Capone Pit Bull 04/19/08-07/11/09 Christina & Steven
Capone Pit Bull 09/02/05-06/19/06 Josephine
Capone Pitbull 05/15/08-04/06/22 Renee Weiss
Capone Pitbull Mastiff 12/23/03-07/10/09 Kayla and Gigi Fusini
Capone 'Pony' Chihuahua 02/08/14 Oscar and Tina
Capone Rottweiler 01/23/99-09/29/11 Lisa
Capone Rottweiler 08/18/00 Jason Manning
Capone Sharpei-Pit 11/03/01-11/04/04 Amy
Capone Shorthair Guinea Pig 04/11/13 Mary
Cappaccino (aka Miss Cappy) Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier Mix 02/01/13-04/24/21 Jasmine
Cappacino Persian Cat 03/06/08-06/25/09 The Babcock's
Cappacino Welsh Mountain Pony 09/01/76-06/06/08 Georgia
Cappi Chocolate Lab 02/14/95-08/19/08 Sidney & Magda Heinig
Cappi Miniature Poodle 12/15/85-03/07/00 Pam Kornicker
Cappone English Bulldog 12/28/98-08/18/12 Natalie
Cappuccino (Cappy) Shih Tzu 06/06/99-03/21/14 Sue and Joe Bernagozzi
Cappuccino Boxer 08/12/95-05/23/03 Carrie and Tom
Cappuccino Cat 02/14/96-04/09/12 Dawn B
Cappuccino Guinea Pig 06/13/12-08/16/15 Joceline
Cappuccino Italian Greyhound 02/08/98-10/20/09 Kathy and Jim Green
Cappuccino Mini Holland Lop Rabbit 04/2001-12/31/04 Li
Cappuchino Kitty Chocolate Point Cat 1985-03/02/02 Robin & Ben Doerr
Cappucino Guinea Pig 07/26/04-08/19/05 Lara Arnott
Cappucino Guinea Pig 9.3.14 Liam
Cappucino Hamster 09/2010 Emma
Cappy Black Lab 12 years 07/94 Maureen
Cappy Brown Tabby and White Maine Coon Cat 06/04/91-09/12/06 Sue Sachs
Cappy Conners Terrie-Poo 06/09/97-11/22/05 Toni & Jerry Conners
Cappy Dog 05/27/87-09/03/97 Ron
Cappy Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 06/01/09 Sharon Armbrust
Cappy Golden Retriever 06/28/04-01/15/16 Diane & Roger
Cappy Mixed Breed Pup Angela and Rob Janonis
Cappy Norfolk Terrier 02/14/02-01/30/15 Carme & Jim Mital
Cappy Palato Queensland Heeler Mix 11/17/00-06/08/09 Ervin Palato
Cappy Poodle 04/04/97-08/02/11 Chris
Cappy Shihtzu 15 years 02/02/09 Gene
Cappy Tibetan Spaniel 01/04/93-12/27/04 The Wagners
Caprata's Enchanted Dawn Great Dane 06/12/89-07/15/98 Cindy Frey
Capri Cockatoo 22 months 11/07/06 Renee & Ken Beers
Capri Yellow Lab 9 months 11/01/09 Heather Ackard
Caprielle Tabby/Lilac Siamese Kitten 5 months 07/03/02 Roland & Diane
Caps Rat 2 years 01/18/12 Laurine
Capstone's CJ Razzmatazz (Razzi) Great Dane 02/20/98-12/04/98 Jackie & Charity Fulkerson
Capt. Hook Cat July 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Capt. Jack Siamese Mix Cat 10/01/06-03/10/10 Jeanette Jones
Capt. Jack Sparrow Mini Pinscher 01/05/06-06/28/08 Daniel Danganan and Cybill Uytiepo
Capt. Rhett Butler Rottweiler 03/22/01 Carole Sampeck Hestand
Captain (aka Snookums) German Shepherd 03/03/90-04/04/03 Mithila
Captain (Sa-Zar's Boxcar Willie) 05/20/86-08/15/95 Karen & Ronnie Passons
Captain Basenji Mix 20 years 10 months 01/16/10 Pat and Richard Burton
Captain Beagle/Blue Heeler 10/11/06 Jenn
Captain Beauregard Brummell Golden Retriever 02/19/99-03/10/08 Scapellato Family
Captain Black Lab Retriever 01/05/96-05/28/96 David Dykstra
Captain Black Labrador Retriever 11 years 10/06/09 Gail O'Rourke
Captain Boston Terrier 05/12/92-05/11/01 Carrol Justus
Captain Cage Chinchilla 02/2002-11/29/08 Tiffany Hodges
Captain Calico Cat 02/14/81-12/20/00 Gail
Captain Cat 05/05/02 Kelli
Captain Cat 09/2007 Erica
Captain Charlie Shih Tzu 08/22/17 Julie Taylor
Captain Chase~ Capi Cap American Parakeet 1 1/2 years 10/25/10 Katherine Chase
Captain Chocolate Lab 01/18/08 Kim and Damian
Captain Cocker/Poodle 7 years 06/20/11 Diane Fabio
Captain Cornelius Cat 10 years 02/01/12 Gaye
Captain Dog 06/06/04 The Buckner Family
Captain Dog 10/01/93 Christine Kwiecinski & Family
Captain Dog 13 years 01/11/21 Melissa
Captain Dog Tamara
Captain Edward Hastings Rat 04/22/10 Terhi Manninen
Captain English Setter Ronna
Captain Ferret 07/30/15 Wayne N Debbie
Captain Ferret 6 years 08/22/03 Cori Dynek
Captain German Shepherd 6 years 09/04/05 Kim
Captain German Short Haired Pointer 9 years 01/19/07 Denise B
Captain Golden Retriever 03/01/97-05/10/08 John and Joy Smither
Captain Golden Retriever 10 years 11/05/96 Kathy Peterson
Captain Golden Retriever 10/13/93-04/16/05 Wayne/theresa Stickney
Captain Golden Retriever 11/14/97-04/27/06 Donna McGlame
Captain Golden Retriever 30/06/93 to 11/02/03 Alex Cottingham
Captain Golden Retriever 7 years 09/11/96 Michael O'Donnell
Captain Harlock DSH Cat 04/19/84-10/20/00 Christine Reynolds
Captain Hawkeye Shorthair Domestic Cat 09/21/00-09/23/08 Renolda Head
Captain Horse 07/07/10 KimW
Captain Jack (Bubby Jack) Kitten 7 months 05/02/07 Dawneen
Captain Jack Black Sparrow Mixed Cat 08/2005-03/2009 Sue Listinsky-Cisneros
Captain Jack Garrison Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/24/06-05/01/16 Amy Garrison
Captain Jack Jack Russel Terrier 5 years 08/04/01 Robert F. Matzinger
Captain Jack kitten 06/21/13 Katherine
Captain Jack Miniature Schnauzer 07/06/09-07/02/09 Linda Chisholm
Captain Jack Odd Eyed Rat 05/2006-10/08/07 Alex Packer
Captain Jack Russian Blue, Siamese and Maine Coon Cat 07/27/05-11/19/19 Michelle, John and Brianne
Captain Jack Siberian Forest Mix Cat 05/27/09-03/27/14 Erin and Jason
Captain Jack Sparrow (Jack) Quarter Horse 30 years 10/07/18 Judy Schmidt
Captain Jack Sparrow aka Sparrow Dog 3 years 12/22/13 Patricia Bauer
Captain 'Jack' Sparrow Golden/Hound 4 years 05/11/10 Marybeth Hoeber
Captain Jack Sparrow (Jack) Cochin (Yorkie/Bichon) 01/23/07-09/11/23 Mark Kaufman
Captain Jack Sparrow Persian Tabby Mix Cat 14 months 02/06/06 Cynthia Howard
Captain Jack Sparrow Pomeranian 02/15/07-12/22/20 Patty Conrad
Captain Jack Sparrow Pomeranian 14 years 02/02/17 Donna Yim
Captain Jack Sparrow Shiba Inu/Miniature Schnauzer Mix 11/01/04-07/05/17 Jenni Womick
Captain Jack Syrian Hamster 28/11/11-11/02/12 Rachael
Captain Jack Yellow Lab 05/2011 Julie
Captain Jean-Luc Picard Crook Golden Retriever 06/20/08-09/22/14 Melissa and Zachary
Captain Jerry Parrotlet 7 months 11/18/11 Jen Sigerson
Captain Jingle Bells Rabbit 06/04/08 Cahill Family
Captain Kipper Mixed Dog 17 years 02/21/07 Ray and Jean Estes
Captain Labrador 10/21/98-08/14/06 Dot Tomasko
Captain Labrador Retriever 05/31/01-08/01/11 Dave Hydukovich
Captain Labrador Retriever 12 years 02/07/04 Chuck Strunk
Captain Lavernius C.C. Crunch Shepherd/Doberman Mix 07/31/07-09/08/16 Kyle and Kelsi Baker
Captain Lee Blue Heeler/Red Heeler 02/28/92-02/28/03 Jesse West
Captain Maine Coon Cat 20 years 09/21/07 Marie
Captain Manx Cat 08/15/89-01/07/06 Treva Chidester
Captain Mix Cat 09/15/94-03/18/10 Gordon Craig
Captain Mix Dog 17 years 04/28/08 Conner Family
Captain Morgan Border Collie 06/14/97-08/14/03 Ev, Mike and Michael Holden
Captain Morgan Common Green Iguana 10 years 12/08/03 Robin & Nathan Vaughn
Captain Morgan Doberman/Chesapeake Mix 06/04/96-04/13/08 Michael Chiola
Captain Morgan Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/04/96-11/19/10 Annette
Captain Morgan German Shepherd 03/06/01-06/24/11 Jim
Captain Morgan Golden Retriever 11 years 06/26/00 The Gemme Family
Captain Morgan Mix Cat 06/01/00-04/20/02 Marriah Kennedy
Captain Nemo Black Lab 13 years 10/06/10 Chris Kipp
Captain Nemo Mix Dog 12/30/96-11/01/03 Heather, Paul, and Sadie
Captain Obvious Cat 02/04/17 Jennifer Garcia
Captain Pekingese 05/09/81-08/29/96 Marilyn & Glen Heavilin
Captain Phil Chihuahua/Min Pin Mix 05/16/16 Michael and Sherri Freeman
Captain Pit Bull 05/05/08 Frank Grine
Captain Pomeranian 03/11/06-20/07/10 Weiler - Jamieson Family
Captain Pomeranian 08/22/12 M. Clark
Captain Prairie Jack's View (Jackie) Springer Spaniel 06/15/00-11/27/08 Joni
Captain Precious Ragdoll Cat 09/30/02-02/23/04 Camilla M. Kenyon
Captain Rhett Butler Pomeranian 15 years 01/19/01 Mona McClanahan
Captain Rough Sable Collie 30/06/90-03/12/01 Joanne Perron
Captain Schipperke 11 1/2 years 08/16/02 S
Captain Scott MacTavish Scottish Terrier 13 years 09/25/97 Karen Krogulski
Captain Sheep Dog 01/10/09 Charlotte Caldwell
Captain Shih Tzu 07/21/79-03/12/85 Karen & Sarah
Captain Siamese (Chocolate Pt.) Cat 10/17/90-11/24/03 Pat & Joe Ludwig
Captain Siamese Cat 10/17/90-11/24/03 Patricia Ludwig & Sister Kitty Girl
Captain Sisko Labrador 01/24/97-11/18/01 Patricia Gordon
Captain Sisko Short Hair Cat 06/01/01-06/24/03 Nancy O'Shields
Captain Snickers Jack Russell Terrier 16 years 05/04/13 Jen Weinstein
Captain Spencer Brindle Boxer 02/14/05-04/08/15 Gail Spencer
Captain Springer/Beagle Mix 12/94-07/14/08 David
Captain Staffordshire Bull Terrier 01/23/06-07/09/09 Lynn & Jim Caswell
Captain Standard Poodle 11/09/98-12/02/11 Cynthia
Captain Standardbred Horse 04/08/95-10/25/11 Rosemary & Leo & Shannon
Captain Toby Dog 06/21/07 Lori & Mike Pirato
Captain Trips (Trip) Blue Merle Australian Shepherd 07/95-05/29/07 Jane Miller
Captain Tuxedo Cat 05/05/95-06/21/11 AnnMarie Gibbs
Captain Video Cat 1987 Joy
Captain Yellow Lab 09/08/00-12/03/12 Sylvia
Captain.Midnight Donahue Domestic Cat 03/17/97-04/28/11 Renolda Head For Regina Donahue
Captain's Flair Saddlebred Horse 30 years 02/26/05 Christy Williams
Captan Ron Rat Terrier 10/01/04-11/26/08 John
Captian Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 11/19/99-11/23/09 Kim Hayes
Captian Jack Hermit Crab 07/27/04-09/30/04 Sam Temple
Capuccino Cat 03/2007-11/2009 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Capulin Dog 17 years 11/04/17 Rosario
Cara (Maa Maa) Dobermann 10 years 25/09/00 Jehnna
Cara Alaskan Malamute 07/06/01-07/27/12 Angela Grimes
Cara Aroura Beggy Siberian Husky 09/11/00-01/07/09 Cor Beggy
Cara Bear Harris Yorkie 9 1/2 years 02/15/14 Jenna, David, and Little Aidan Harris
Cara Bearded Collie Cross 12 years 11/14/03 Monica Hofmann
Cara Black Lab Mix 19/15/98-09/30/11 Jean Aldwell
Cara Border Collie 03/09/09-07/07/24 Ashley S
Cara Border Collie 1999-12/20/10 Becky Dodge
Cara Border Collie approximately 11 years 12/20/10 Becky Dodge
Cara Boxer 05/23/06-04/15/09 Stacey Fassino
Cara Burmese Cat 5 years Dawn S
Cara Calico Cat 11 years 09/20/11 Paige and Bernie Gesing
Cara Cane Corso 11/15/04-06/02/10 Bruce
Cara Casaigh Maine Coon Cat 03/17/89-05/26/06 Carole and Dan Snow
Cara Cat 10/09/02 Sherri
Cara Cat 13 years 27/12/07 Christopher
Cara Cat 8 years 10/09/02 Sherri Moran
Cara Cocker Spaniel 07/08/97-12/17/05 Jennifer Dykes
Cara Collie 02/15/94-10/18/07 Melanie Sickafus
Cara Dachshund 13 years 09/24/10 Karl Prokop
Cara Diana Cocker Spaniel 07/08/97-12/17/04 Jennifer Dykes
Cara English Cocker Spaniel 10/11/86-02/06/02 The Spar Family
Cara Ewe 06/25/07 7 years Kathleen
Cara German Shepherd 06/13/99-12/17/12 Jennifer Stubbs
Cara German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 02/05/94 Julie F
Cara German Shepherd 9 years 06/25/03 Kim, Gary,Dean,jodie
Cara Golden Retriever Mix 14 years 06/21/97 The Edwards Family
Cara Gray Tabby Cat 1999-04/01/04 Annette Mommer
Cara Labrador 01/16/85-08/05/00 Paul Crouch
Cara Mae DSH Cat 07/20/87-12/28/03 Angela Dinkle
Cara Maltese 06/04/84-12/21/98 Judy Bogert
Cara Marie Pom 7 years 03/13/10 Jane Bergren
Cara Mia di Villa Regina Maltese 08/21/93-08/07/09 Mommy Regina
Cara Mia German Shepherd 10/2003-04/01/15 Julia
Cara Mia Jackchi 06/11/12-08/16/12 Jeanny & Keith
Cara Mixed Breed Dog 12/24/94-10/19/98 Pat & Jay Beck
Cara Mixed Dog 05/12/09 Randy Maria Corbin Kyla
Cara Newfoundland 3 years 03/20/98 Teeuwynn
Cara Newfoundland 3 years 07/07/05 Claire
Cara nickname Carebear Yorkie 02/13/90-09/21/06 Dianne Rossman
Cara Portuguese Water Dog 10 years 09/20/04 Wendy Anderson
Cara Putdham Shetland Sheepdog 08/05/97-07/30/04 Lois Purdham-Kidane
Cara Ragdoll Cat 02/01/02-10/09/07 Sherri & Ray Lynch
Cara Rottweiler 07/01/94-09/16/98 Ro
Cara Rottweiller 07/25/02 Tracey Wisby
Cara Sable Sheltie 10/10/99 Sandi
Cara Sheltie Mix 12/02/90-01/14/08 Michele Sadelson
Cara Shepherd Mix 10 years 07/29/23 Pat and Noreen Filan
Cara Shetland Sheepdog 03/18/00-10/21/12 Carole
Cara Shih Tzu 14 1/2 years 12/27/09 Iandolo Family
Cara von Chellen (CareBear) Rottie 11/19/88-06/08/98 Michelle
Caralie West Highland Terrier 05/23/96-11/15/10 Linda Kleinschmidt
Caramel aka Piggie Guinea Pig 5 years 06/21/05 Robin McIlvenna
Caramel Angelica Cat 03/04/04 Ellen
Caramel Apple Johnson Mooneyham Schnollie 05/15/95-04/09/10 Christina Mooneyham
Caramel Beagle Mix 14 years 03/29/06 Rochelle, Darrell, Alex & Zach
Caramel Bijapoo 05/14/00-04/10/08 Ineiz
Caramel Birch Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund and Husky 17 years 01/09/10 Cristi Birch
Caramel Black/White/Caramel Colored Tabby Cat 01/21/02-11/06/02 Kelly Catherine Fuller
Caramel Calico Cat 11/15/95-08/30/04 Meryl Tseng
Caramel Cat 08/10/85-10/31/00 Tami
Caramel Cat 09/93-04/22/08 Marine
Caramel Cat 10 months 01/22/05 Brianna Newman
Caramel Cat 10/21/11 Nikki & Daikota
Caramel Cat 22/04/10-15/01/15 Paul Ainger
Caramel Cat 8 years 07/28/08 Chris and the Samartino Family
Caramel Catahoula-Pitbull 14 years 06/05/24 Natali C
Caramel Chocolate Lab 12 years 09/15/09 Kathy Conroy
Caramel Cockatiel 07/01/12-05/05/12 Noor
Caramel Cocker Spaniel 08/19/00-06/07/06 Carilyn Carter
Caramel Dog 01/06/09 Bo Ward
Caramel Dog Veronica
Caramel Domestic Cat 07/10/07 Monika Ryan
Caramel Domestic Longhair Tortie Cat 06/85-05/25/01 Donna Lampen Smith
Caramel DSH Torti with White Cat 7 years 02/09/09 Susan Wolf
Caramel Ginger DSH Cat 08/28/02-11/01/19 Sharon
Caramel Gogutza Domestic Orange Shorthair Cat 13 years 07/06/11 Carmen & Sorin Manole
Caramel Golden Retriever/Beagle Mix 08/07/10-06/06/21 Dawn
Caramel Guinea Pig 1 1/2 years 10/31/96 Julie Abbott
Caramel Kitty Torti Cat 9 years 11/10/12 Rhonda
Caramel Lop Eared Rabbit 2007-24/09/18 Michele Simmonds
Caramel Miniature Dachshund 08/01/96-01/04/11 Kelly Reissmann
Caramel Mixed Dog 13 years 05/23/21 Ashley
Caramel Part Golden Retriever 10 years 02/22/99 Lyn Durkin
Caramel Pekingese 9 years 08/08/13 Yeiney Luna
Caramel Staffy 28/686-24/08/19 Sally
Caramel Syrian Hamster 31 Oct 97 - 10 Dec 99 Caroline
Caramel Teddy Bear Hampster 2 years 04/2004 Rebecca
Caramel, Proudy, Little Ones Racing Pigeons Birds 10 years 1975 Julie Saunders
Caramella Tortoise Shell DSH Cat 05/01/96-03/05/04 Cory
Caramelle Calico Guinea Pig 4 years and 8 months 09/20/01 Cathy, Dave and Amanda
Caramelo Denis Dog 09/26/10-09/30/10 Jimena Denis
Caramelo Poodle 7 years 10/30/09 Diana
Caramia Amy Hank Pogo Otis Dogs and Cats 2006 Jerry Castro and Kristi Lahaye
Carat American Shorthair Cat 09/30/94-06/02/02 Betsy Hare
Carathis Blue-Gray Longhair Cat 05/88-11/11/99 Barry
Caravaggio Maine Coon Mixed Cat 11/06/10 Therese Bastien
Caraway Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Carba Tabby Cat 16 years 02/18/06 Cheryl O'Connor, Michael O'Connor and Dylan Jones
Carbo Lhasa Apso 03/25/92-08/13/04 Ken Unger and Shaune Stites
Carbo Rottweiler 04/05/95-06/30/07 Laura Rosinski
Carbon Cat 06/22/95-10/09/11 Kim
Carbon Dog 11/25/89-08/12/06 Maureen King
Carbon 'Perfect Dream' Greyhound 05/15/03-07/17/12 James Baxley
Carbon Ruso Hamster 11/07/11 Diana
Carbon St. Bernard and Danish Shepherd 01/13/97-07/01/05 Nancy Ziegner
Carbon, A Diamond in the Ruff ACD 03/19/98-01/02/07 Charlotte Stipp
Carbondale Boston Terrier 08/18/73-03/17/90 Estelene Bodenhamer
Carby Monitor Lizard 1992 Richard Wynne
Cardboard DSH Cat 8 years 04/99 Barbara Brent
Cardi Cat 11 years 04/01/07 Stephanie Fleming
Cardiac Lab Mix 11/05/02-05/09/03 Paula
Cardie Border Collie 07/28/79-07/02/94 Mary Beth Frampton
Cardiff aka Cardie Golden Retriever 12/10/96-07/01/06 Jane and David Williams
Cardigan Kitten 05/18/09-05/02/10 Kathy Mason
Cardigan Scottie 05/13/87-09/07/99 Jan Siskin
Cardinal Cat 07/11/06 Aimee
Care Bear (Carey) Cocker Spaniel 05/11/86-04/24/01 Cynthia Barton
Care Bear Cain DSH Cat 05/23/94-04/20/05 Debra Cain
Care Bear German Shepherd 10/08/90-11/02/99 Bill and Kathy Fink
Care Bear Kitten 09/09/13 Brenda Holleman
Care Bear Rottweiler 02/20/95-12/09/00 Joann Jurica
Carebear Coffey (a.k.a. Bear) Chow-Chow 1988-10/01/03 Monica, Todd, Wrigley, J.D., & Charlie
Carefree Syrian Hamster 12/21/00 Diana Chen
Carey Collie 12/24/88-02/99 Laura
Cargo Domestic Long Hair Cat 11/08/00-10/23/08 Jackie Martinez
Cargo Golden Retriever 8 years 09/04/07 Monica Hayes
Cargo Sheltie 04/04/06-04/05/07 Rochelle
Cari 9 years 12/26/95 Hurtng
Cari DSL Cat 03/18/93-11/18/02 Pj and Garrett
Cari Jo Cairn Terrier 09/04/95-09/24/11 Bob, Vicki, & Caleb Heskett
Cariad German Shepherd Cross 14 years 09/10/12 Alex & Bianca
Cariadus Persian Cat 06/30/13 Tiffany
Caribelle Kittian Monkey Hound 07/87-09/08/00 Kimberly Noel
Cariboo Great Pyrenees 7 1/2 years 03/05/05 Ty Perry
Caricia Cat 08/05/09-04/28/22 Maria
Carina Beagle Mix 01/01/90-10/19/04 Maria Chambers
Carina Domestic Shorthair Calico Cat 16 years 11/15/05 Lisa K
Carina Golden Retriever 06/19/93-07/28/08 Mark Ervin
Carina Shih Tzu 2003-12/14/17 Nadia Fortier
Carina Tabby Cat 07/04/00-07/16/10 Victoria Sibell
Carinito Rubio Cockatiel 06/01/02-05/24/06 Rafael & Norma Rubio
Carioco Cocker Spaniel 08/21/88-11/28/03 Monica Ferrer
Carissa Sapphira Siamese Cat 05/04/84-05/31/03 Pamela Venus
Carl (Fantasa Pink Cadillac) Rottie 07/04/91-11/24/95 Ricky
Carl Andolina German Shepherd Mix 10/96-02/11/12 The Andolina Family
Carl Cat 03/15/01-12/25/05 Greg and Rachelle Fix
Carl Chameleon 1975-1976 S. L. Burns
Carl Chihuahua 07/03/14 Marti
Carl Collins Kitten 07/01/05-11/23/05 Judyann Furth
Carl Eugene Tabby Cat 14 years 06/22/12 Rhonda
Carl Greenwood Silk Guinea Pig 5 years 06/27/05 Christel
Carl Hound Mix 09/09/16-03/19/17 The Powell Family
Carl Lab-Newfoundland Mix 14 years 04/26/99 Russell
Carl Orange Tabby Cat 06/27/04 Jackie
Carl Rabbit 9 years 12/01/14 George Sanchez
Carl Rott 6 months 07/11/00 Skiler S
Carl Rottweiler 01/21/90-11/22/99 Brenda & Eric
Carl Rottweiler 04/01/91-03/08/00 Lockie McNeish
Carl Rottweiler 10 years 08/06/05 Kim Holmes
Carl Rottweiler 10/14/06-06/01/12 Candice Culek
Carl Rottweiler 12 years 06/13/05 Steve
Carl Rotweiler 5 years 10/21/05 Nick, Cindy, & Sarah Hansen
Carla Angel Barnoski-Radle Pomeranian Mix 03/20/04 Katherine and Will
Carla Black Labrador 17 years 11/07/98 Elizabeth D.
Carla Cat 06/01/92-12/30/00 Lynn Lopez
Carla Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Carla Cocker Spaniel 04/26/91-12/16/04 Lisa Ann Sterling
Carla Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Carla German Shepherd Dog 06/13/97-05/25/07 Sheila Wills
Carla Luxford Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/25/93-08/09/10 Vicki Luxford
Carla Mini Schnauzer 04/2000-26/02/13 Amanda
Carla Persian Cat 06/93-06/03/08 Jack and Carol Fuller
Carla Pug 8 years 03/14/06 Denise Smith
Carla Rottweiler 09/01/91-11/28/97 Stephen Caracciolo
Carla Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 07/26/85-01/03/02 Audrey Plowes
Carleas Prince of Charlotte Hall Bubba Shetland Sheepdog 12/07/95-04/14/08 Terri Maddox
Carlee of Coon Rapids Golden Retriever 01/09/89-07/06/02 Jon, Sandy, Aaron, Dylan Erickson
Carlee Ostrander ShitZu 05/25/96-08/06/11 Betty Ostrander
Carlee Parakeet 08/2002-02/04/07 Jennifer
Carlee Rottweiler 08/12/12-06/05/23 Sallie
Carlee Schipperke 12/15/98-08/14/11 Lisa Emrich and Randy Mitchell
Carlee Shih Tzu 06/28/97-10/25/07 Sandy Flanagan
Carlee Shitzu 06/28/96-10/25/07 Sandy Flanagan
Carlene Black Med Hair Cat 7 years 05/09/14 Melanie Jean Mayfield
Carleon Pembroke Welsh Corgi 05/20/80-02/03/90 Jim & Gerry Atwood
Carletta Poodle 06/03/02 Debbie
Carletto (Carlo) Canty Yookie-Poo 10/20/93-01/05/07 Marilyn
Carley Black Chinese Sharpei 10 years Augie
Carley Cat 07/27/06-02/03/09 Jane
Carley Chan Black Chinese Sharpei 05/19/91-03/20/02 Augustine Mantia
Carley Chan Chinese Sharpei 10 years 03/20/02 Augie
Carley Kelleher German Shepherd/Mix 06/2000-09/13/11 Debbie, Mike, Katie, Jaime and Madison Kelleher
Carley Layton Boxer 02/01/07-02/01/12 Daniel & Michelle
Carley Mainecoon Long Haired Cat 09/04/95-03/19/04 Kelly
Carley Mini Schnauzer 01/19/90-10/05/01 Gail Caputo
Carley Shepherd/Lab/Collie 15 years 09/2007 Cathy Byrne
Carley Shetland Sheepdog 03/15/97-05/03/10 Jeanette Herring
Carley Shih Tzu/Yorkie 09/01/99-01/20/14 Joan Barron
Carley Sue Cat 6 years 03/31/11 C. Catterton
Carley v Kathedrale Doberman 05/16/02-02/26/10 Kim Farley
Carli Australian Shepherd 02/01/94-07/08/07 Peter Scott
Carli Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler Mix 9 years 06/22/09 Stephanie
Carli Golden Retriever 11/13/03-08/09/15 Teri Ann Zino
Carli Jo Golden Retriever Husky Mix 10/16/93-01/09/10 Dianna Barnett
Carli Labrador Retriever 08/06/06-01/31/19 Lori
Carli Sun Conure 12/29/10-11/20/13 Corine & Wes Peterson
Carlie Anne Shih Tzu 10/10/93-09/12/02 Bob and Mary Hatch
Carlie Bichon Frise 07/19/85-07/21/99 John and Judy Collins
Carlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 05/03/06-03/03/12 Abby
Carlie Labrador 02/20/05-03/24/12 Amy Shackelford
Carlie RCA Victor - My Master's Voice 05/31/09 Judy Namak
Carlie Rottweiler 10 years 01/10/05 Cathi Steinberg
Carlie Shepherd 14 years 09/23/10 Mary Peck
Carlie Tortioshell Cat 02/01/05 Joe Berger
Carlisle Tabby Calico DSH Cat 03/31/92-07/19/05 Rhonda Conley
Carlito Beagle/Rottweiler 5 years 06/16/07 Maria Scoma
Carlito Chihuahua 04/18/04 Kaelenne Gabai
Carlito Rottie 09/27/96-06/01/01 Joe, Kelly, & Lily
Carlito Tuxedo Cat 03/01/97-03/22/14 Jason Zollett
Carlitos Siamese Cat 09/17/97-04/28/10 Michelle Casillas
Carlo Belgian Malinois Desert Storm
Carlo Boxer Meznet
Carlo German Shepherd/Rottweiler 01/14/96-01/03/08 Annie Luck
Carlo Newfoundland 09/05/00-03/25/09 Mary McDermott
Carlo Poodle/Schnauzer 12 years 10/04/08 Laura Espinoza
Carlos (the Cabana Boy) Long Hair Manx Cat 06/17/11 Liz French
Carlos (the Cabana Boy) Long Hair Manx Cat 10+ years 06/17/11 Liz French
Carlos Adolfo Pug 10/13/03-08/28/08 Irma Voight
Carlos Belgian Sheepdog Mix 04/02/01-09/24/17 Keri and Anthony
Carlos Bull Terrier 07/29/86-07/14/98 Burkhard Redeker
Carlos Cat 15 1/2 years 08/10/06 Jane P
Carlos Cat 15 years 04/23/09 Laura
Carlos Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 03/06/96-02/10/10 Virginia
Carlos Chug 16 years 12/09/19 Kelli
Carlos Maine Coon Cat 02/15/02 Susan Huffstutler
Carlos Persian Cat 7 1/2 years 01/10/00 Lynnrn
Carlos Pug 12/05/08-11/01/19 J Parish
Carlos Ragdoll Cat 14 years 02/14/24 Janice
Carlos Silver Beauty Cat 02/04/00-05/13/11 Susan
Carlos Skunk 7 years 07/31/07 Julia Truelove
Carlos Steel Shep/Lab 05/28/07-09/01/09 Eric and Vanessa Steel
Carlos Syrian Hamster 03/05/04 Heather
Carlos White Pekin Duck 1 year 01/05/10 Lucretia Darnell
Carlos Yorkiepoo 10/20/93-01/05/07 Yvette
Carlton Cocker Spaniel 03/07/05 Lisa
Carlton Holland Lop Bunny 07/26/04-01/22/08 Melissa
Carly 09/08/02 Kathy K
Carly American Cocker Spaniel 15 years 08/14/02 George M. Spruill
Carly and Bentley Long Haired Dachshunds 09/10/03 Carol Rothwell
Carly and Emma Cavalier King Charles Saniels 10 & 12 years 22/12/97 & 06/12/98 Sandra Annett
Carly Ann Beagle 10 1/2 years 04/18/99 Bill & Toni Lehmann
Carly Basset Hound 15 years 01/07/10 Kathleen
Carly Bichon 17 years 05/27/06 Sandra and Al
Carly Bichon 17 years 05/27/06 Sandra and Allen
Carly Black Lab 11 years 10/2007 Raelyn
Carly Boston Terrier 4 years 08/02/00 Connie Haas
Carly Boxer 10 years 07/26/23 Lisa
Carly Burmese Cat 02/07/98-07/21/11 Aubrey
Carly Burum Morkie Half Yorkie Half Maltese 9 months 02/06/09 Sid
Carly Calico Angora Cat 12/04/91-04/08/04 Trudi
Carly Calico Cat 18 years 12/04/10 Sharon Hamilton
Carly Calico Cat 1981-07/24/95 Deidre
Carly Calico Cat 1995-09/2000 Rl Thomas
Carly Calico Cat 7 months 07/03/01 Michelle Aguayo
Carly Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/30/94-11/06/07 The Capobianco's
Carly Clonts Dog 10/08/22 Jerry Clonts
Carly Corgi 07/10/05 Cat
Carly Dog 01/08/16 Katherine W. (KitKat)
Carly Dog 01/21/91-01/27/05 Lisa
Carly Dog 9 years 02/01/12 Madeline Steffensen
Carly Elizabeth Domestic Long-Haired Tuxedo Cat 1996-01/30/12 Carolyn Neikam
Carly English Setter 05/10/89-07/13/01 Brian and Blair
Carly German Shepherd 02/05/89-01/26/00 Beverly Colm
Carly German Shepherd/Lab Mix 12/22/99-08/20/08 Marie & John
Carly Golden Retriever 05/21/91-01/24/04 Carrie Massey
Carly Golden Retriever 10 1/2 years 11/26/10 Julie
Carly Golden Retriever 10/23/00-08/19/10 Kate and Bill Wall
Carly Golden Retriever 14/02-03/23/09 Karen and Steve
Carly Jackson Orange Tabby Cat 05/29/85-03/22/05 Robin
Carly Jenna German Shepherd 03/31/96-04/17/06 Marie and Mike
Carly Lhasa Apso 04/22/90-01/02/07 Diane
Carly Lhasa Mix 01/25/90-01/27/05 Lisa
Carly Lhasa X 01/21/92-01/27/05 Lisa
Carly Long Haired Domestic Cat 02/17/01-03/16/21 Cheryl O'Hara Dittman
Carly Maltese/Silky Cross 05/97-11/14/11 Michelle Donovan
Carly McComb Rottweiler/Airedale Mix 11 years, 5 months, 11 days 05/25/03 Jennifer McComb and Tara Mitrovka
Carly Mini Red Long Haired Dachshund 01/20/92-11/01/09 Nancy Barge
Carly Miniature Pinscher 02/12/91-05/02/14 Elizabeth
Carly Miniature Schnauzer 10/17/98-11/26/12 Cyndy Maly
Carly Mix Cat 07/03/88-12/27/06 Sharon Howell
Carly Mixed Cat 16 years 04/28/08 Judy, Al and Frankie
Carly Mixed Dog Laureen
Carly Mixed, Shepherd, Sheltie, Beagle 08/2000-03/29/11 Susan
Carly Persian Kitten 03/26/11-03/28/12 Ashley
Carly Poohbear Seal Point Himalayan Cat 04/21/94-01/14/06 Laura Snyder
Carly Queen Santa Grey Tabby Cat 04/29/19 Aimee Santa and Jeremy Santa
Carly Rottweiler 05/01/01-09/21/11 Gail Decongilio
Carly Rottweiler/Shepherd 11 years 06/11/02 Cate
Carly Ryan Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/14/94-06/15/04 Loretta
Carly Seal Point Siamese Cat 14 years 01/03/07 Scott and Shannon Bendle
Carly Shih Tzu 14 years 12/30/07 Jack and Liz Sanso
Carly Siamese Mix 4 years 07/24/94 Jan Weisner
Carly Silver Tabby Cat 05/27/96-03/17/05 J Marie Bakay
Carly Simon Kitten 11/01/21 Priscilla Shriner Bryson Shriner
Carly Sue Miniature Schnauzer 12/31/93-05/25/06 Laurie Underwood
Carly Tabby Kitten 5 1/2 months 6th of June 2007 Jennifer
Carly Tortoise Shell Cat 5 years 06/23/98 Alice
Carly West Highland Terrier 12/11/88-04/22/06 Sharon Roth
Carly White Mini Poodle 08/03/87-10/22/03 Lori Pettineo
Carly Wilson Russian Dwarf Hamster 10/14/10 Madison Wilson
Carly Yellow Lab 11 years 04/10/13 Jodi
Carly Yorkshire Terrier 09/08/02-10/13/10 Paige Clay
Carly Yorkshire Terrier 13 years 10/22/04 Lee Gross
Carly-Boo Bird Blue Front Amazon 17 years 07/09/99 Kathy Maynard
Carlyle Black & White Long Hair Cat 09/96-02/05/02 Karen McCool
Carlyle Siamese Cat 17 years 09/09/07 Nancy McCartan
Carma Ann Palmer Lab/Pit 09/13/16-03/13/18 Brandi Leigh Palmer
Carma Jones Mongrel 01/03/91-29/11/03 Viv, Gary
Carma Tortie Domestic Longhair Cat 03/03/01-04/13/15 Kerry Kretz
Carmal Bolton Shih Tzu 08/05/96-03/10/13 Marianne Bolton
Carmalitia Galore Boxer 01/17/07-06/21/07 Evy
Carman Berryhill Dog 07/15/10 Erin Berryhill
Carman Isaiah Turkish Van Cat 13 years 03/11/13 Teresa
Carman standard Poodle 12/07/95 Linda G.
Carmanilla Jack Russell/Min Pin 03/07/13 Steve and Wanda Mayo
Carmel ~by the Sea~ Ragdoll Cat 03/29/01-11/09/11 Sandra & Andreas Mathis
Carmel Calico Feline 09/89-09/12/00 Amanda
Carmel Cat 1 year 11/06/00 Ashley
Carmel Cat 12/1991-09/16/03 Audra Tozzi
Carmel Cat 15 years 12/96 Marilyn Megahan
Carmel Cocker Spaniel 04/26/00-12/11/13 A. Pearson
Carmel Cocker Spaniel 11/27/90-08/16/05 Ross, Linda, Zack, Jared & Daniel Silver
Carmel Cookie Hamster 02/03/99 Jim & Mary Kay Accurso
Carmel Corgi Mix Adopted 10/04/95-11/06/00 David, Wendy, Andrew, and Pueschel
Carmel Corn Winters Cockapoo 13 years 04/16/09 Jane Winters
Carmel Crested Guinea Pig 03/28/14-02/10/17 Anna Felten
Carmel Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/25/91-10/23/04 Ruth A. Redican
Carmel Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 11/22/96 Marilyn
Carmel Fudge Sunday Labrador Retriever 07/23/90-07/26/04 Cheryl Dunne
Carmel Gerbil 12/12/04 Lacy Pellegrini
Carmel Golden Retriever 11/14/84-07/05/99 Mark, Lorraine and Nick
Carmel Guinea Pig 03/28/08-12/23/12 Kimberly
Carmel Llasa Apso 01/26/89-10/04/03 Barbara Kopelberg
Carmel Miniature Poodle 01/30/01-11/28/16 Louise & Philip
Carmel Orange and White Tabby Cat 08/26/98-10/17/99 Samantha
Carmel Orange Tabby Shorthair Cat 07/19/93-07/21/08 T. M. Beard
Carmel Pom 03/13/02-10/18/18 Kelli
Carmel Pony 35 years 03/19/99 Heather, Erin, D.J., Mom & Dad
Carmel Rodela Cocker Spaniel 10 years 06/04/13 Veronica Garcia
Carmel Sheltie 06/01/91-04/03/06 Kevin and Lynn Gong
Carmel Shepherd Mix 09/13/90-03/27/06 Sharon Timmerman
Carmel Spitz Mix 05/24/85-03/09/02 Laurie, Gina, Wade and Larry Lewandowski
Carmel Toy Poodle 12/05/91-01/05/03 Billie Schwab
Carmel Yellow Lab 12/87-05/23/05 Greg/cyndi Tipton
Carmel yellow Tabby 7 years 1989 Rebecca Gardner
Carmela Cordoba Pit Bull 06/01/10 William Cordoba
Carmela Corgi 12/17/00-02/02/12 Kevan
Carmela Jack Russell Terrier 15 years 10 months 09/25/10 Joan Solaun
Carmela Louise Cat 09/01/98 Carol Ann Bessette
Carmelita Standard Poodle 12 years 12/21/07 Beth Sidell
Carmella Bunny 04/15/06 Aimee
Carmella Camille Labrador 03/31/97-03/12/11 Kerri Sachan
Carmella Cat 07/04/95-12/31/09 Sonja
Carmella Maine Coon Cat 07/02/96-05/25/09 Barbara Vatza
Carmella Maine Coon Cat 07/28/96-05/25/09 Barbara Vatza
Carmella Maltese 10 years 09/28/10 Megan and Jacob Abplanalp, Steven and Amy Caberto, Shannon, Andy, Peyton and Colten Schmid
Carmella Nowakowski Lab 01/25/03-06/29/14 Dan & Sue Nowakowski
Carmella Shepherd Shelty Mix 16 1/2 years 11/01/10 Lori Mihelic
Carmella Yellow Labrador Retriever 1/20/01-06/19/01 Susan
Carmello Miniature Poodle 06/05/05-09/10/13 Elsie Swift
Carmen (Carmie) Great Dane 10 years 03/17/06 Stephanie Bartlett
Carmen (Cutie Mezzuti, Carmonius) Tortie Short-Haired Domestic Cat 07/20/96-12/06/04 Laura & Sal Fiore
Carmen (Menouch) Canary 06/29/98-08/07/01 Gina
Carmen Amelia Norwegian Forest Cat 01/06/06-06/18/14 L. Williams
Carmen Ann Coler Dog 14 years 03/16/01 Richard & Karen
Carmen Beagle 07/20/08 Sharon Reed
Carmen Black Labrador Retriever 03/19/85-04/96 Janet Kaiser
Carmen Cat 08/24/95 Maya
Carmen Cat 11/12/12 Laura and Alyssa
Carmen Cat 14 years 06/95 Steven Buck
Carmen Cat 7 years 2002 Allison
Carmen Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Carmen Chihuahua 02/28/97-12/19/09 Alicia Burrell
Carmen Chinchilla 05/01/00-05/21/13 Doren Beard
Carmen Chocolate Lab 06/24/00-05/13/11 Janice Cowder
Carmen Chow-Chow 14 years 01/23/07 Mark & Pat Standifer
Carmen Dog 10/19/08 RJ Fields
Carmen Dog 13 years 09/20/07 Thearon, Kim, Andrew, Matt Hooks and Henderson
Carmen Domestic Long Hair Cat 9 years 03/14/11 Libby
Carmen Dwarf Rabbit 05/01/07-05/25/09 Inge Dehenin
Carmen Electra Koi Fish 01/01/98-02/09/13 Peggy Arena
Carmen Flying Schnauzer 09/24/87-11/27/03 Debragold
Carmen German Shepherd 8 years 04/20/11 Tracy
Carmen Golden Conure 11/24/03 Diane Cone
Carmen Golden Retriever 07/2000-05/29/05 Shannon and Linda Swisher
Carmen Guinea Pig 1 year 04/18/05 Shanon Best
Carmen Labor Retriever 01/15/08-06/07/18 Silvia
Carmen Maltese 09/08/90-01/16/03 Patrick, John and Richard
Carmen McCaslin Chihuahua 12/23/88-07/17/04 Dee Dee
Carmen Mixed Cat 06/97-03/27/11 Her Family
Carmen Mixed Dog 12/25/92-12/28/05 Bill, Marilyn, Brian & Alison
Carmen Mygirl Hoggard Chow Mix 15 yrs 07/20/22 Bryan Hoggard
Carmen Old English Mastiff 08/17/02-05/15/09 Brenda & John Lombardo
Carmen Orange Tabby Cat 2000-09/21/11 Toni Huhnken
Carmen Pit Bull 3 years 08/10/06 Dawn
Carmen Pug 10 years 3 months 02/04/19 Wanyne, Dorothy, Abigail Arnal
Carmen Roethel Holland Lop Bunny 07/28/08-08/02/10 Angelika & Ryan Roethel
Carmen Shepherd/Collie 04/01/91-03/19/05 Elayne
Carmen Shirley American Brittany 03/14/12 Russ and Wanda Shirley
Carmen Siamese Manx Cat 02/14/91-10/28/05 PJ
Carmen Snow Shoe Cat 06/24/16 Katherine W.
Carmen Syrian Hamster Heather and My Sister, Megan (Owner)
Carmen Tabby Cat 11 years 07/03/04 Elaine and Colin Wedgwood
Carmen Tortoiseshell Cat 06/30/09 Sharon Bastel
Carmen Whippet 1996 Melissa
Carmen's Wonderful Andy Dog 01/23/97-12/16/09 Melanie Torres
Carmichael Family Dog And Cat 01/01/15 Michelle Carmichael
Carmichael Golden Retriever 05/18/88-05/14/01 Carol
Carmichael Golden Retriever 11/17/05-09/01/13 Ross, Sirena, Katia, Nikolai, and Ivik
Carmie Italian Greyhound 02/01/96-03/12/08 Rosemary Rae
Carmilla Chinchilla 14 years 01/2011 Rebecca Sanborn
Carmin Sandiego Mix Border Collie/Lab/German Shepherd 14 years 08/17/14 Debbie Clouthier
Carmine Cat 12/06/04 Laura and Sal Fiore
Carmine Cat Best Friends animal Sanctuary
Carmine Domestic Longhair Gray Tabby Dilute Cat 16 years 03/14/16 Rhonda Magnotti
Carmine Doxie 04/10/96-03/15/09 Patricia Hagan
Carmine French Bulldog 11/07/99-02/11/15 Jojo and Michael Dean
Carmine Jack Russell 06/04/04-05/07/10 Melissa and JP
Carmine Parakeet 8 years 06/11/17 Alex
Carmine Sun Conure 1996-03/03/06 Elaine & Jerry Martone
Carnegie Sheltie 03/17/98 Gina Manis
Carney Black Lab 11/12/94-08/04/07 Jen/Nate
Carney Little Bear Newfoundland/Bouvier/Lab Mix 01/01/91-02/07/04 Catherine Lewis Olson
Carnie Ferret 06/94-07/08/99 Derek, Raven & Lu-lu Lalonde
Carnitas Cat 04/15/89-07/15/07 Chris Morales
Carnival Black and Tan Coonhound / Shepherd Mix 06/19/03-04/15/15 Lisa & James
Carnival Collie Lois and David Russell
Carol Akita 7 years 04/03/96 Ruth and Jeff
Carol Finch Gail McMahon
Carol Thur Yorkshire 04/28/90-06/11/03 Luciana Fonseca
Carol Thur Yorkshire Terrier 04/28/90-06/11/03 Luciana Fonseca
Carola Bassette Hound/ Beagle Mix 11 years 04/15/12 Heyda
Carolina (Winah) Lab/Schipperke Mix 06/18/07-02/24/20 Annie Hindenlang
Carolina Austrain Shepherd 15 years 03/31/00 Susan
Carolina Black Pomeranian 02/26/97-10/15/98 Cynthia
Carolina Blue Decker Mixed Dog 10/01/01-09/25/08 Jill Decker
Carolina Cali Dog 12/10/03-01/21/04 Stormy Diana Ranew
Carolina Calico Maine Coon Cat 07/08/06-05/19/22 Sue Bender and Brian Marengo
Carolina Cat 2000-01/29/14 Emanuela Trebbi
Carolina Cat 9 years 2000 Kathy
Carolina Chesapeake Bay Retriever 14 years 8 months 12/21/12 Arthur Laurent
Carolina Danielle Cat 18 1/2 years 05/23/06 Heidi
Carolina Laderach Sheltie 07/08/92-02/24/02 Leah Surber
Carolina Maine Coon Cat 7 years 09/19/08 Julie
Carolina May Wetherington Black Toy Poodle 04/16/02-10/21/04 Nancy
Carolina Mini Dachshund 10/24/10 Georgeanne
Carolina Moon Persian Cat 14 years 09/23/15 Linda Farnsworth Gregory Car
Carolina Percheron Draft Mule 04/20/90-07/31/03 Bob and Judy Ferguson
Carolina Star Chocolate Labrador 03/26/95-09/22/09 Traci
Carolina Torti Cat 10 years 04/14/00 Jennifer
Carolina Torti Kitty 04/14/00 Jennifer & Terry Hammond
Carolina, Chica & Toby Border Collie Mix and 2 Kittens 1 1/2 & 5 weeks 06/18/01 Vicki and Kristen
Carolinas Dixie Delight Blue Doberman Pincher 12 1/2 years 10/08/00 Sharon Renee Coble Seawell
Caroline Briles Dalmatian 12/25/95-06/02/04 Pam
Caroline Cat 03/01/19 Morgan
Caroline Cat 1989-2003 Lisa Smith
Caroline Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Caroline Conure 23 years 05/20/20 Carolyn Mauser
Caroline Dog 08/01/14 Lily B
Caroline Jack Russell 14 years 10/25/04 Franklin P Smith
Caroline Magnolia Boykin Spaniel 05/14/94-08/04/09 Carol
Caroline St. Bernard 05/13/02 Angelina
Caroline's Junior Shetland Sheepdog 05/13/96-09/23/96 Vicki
Caroline's Midnight Shadow Lab 15 years 12/29/05 Marcia Reynolds
Caroline's Snowfox Samoyed 15 years 06/18/96 Carrie
Carolos Murphy Chihuahua 05/02/06 Sandie
Carol's Baby Cat 12/11/00 Lizz Wodrich
Carolyn Tabby Cat 14 years 10/03/14 Amelia
Carousel Calico Persian Cat 03/13/82-11/08/97 Patsy
Carousel Quarter Horse 6 years 01/21/06 Suzanne Hill
Carpet Dog 2-3 years 09/08/08 Anna Torres
Carreen Ferret 11/30/95-01/10/02 Ronald B. O'Hara
Carrera German Shepherd/Golden Lab 14 years01/11/97 Jeff and Diane Gallagher
Carrey Ferret 11/95-01/96 Donna Lindemann
Carri Burmese Blue-Tortie Cat 07/02/84-07/30/00 Barry & Linda
Carrick Irish Setter 14 years 08/07/07 Heather Wilson
Carrie (Care Bear) Lab/Australian Shepherd Mix 11/24/83-01/26/01 Margi, Karen, Deborah, Bridget, Barney & Lucy
Carrie (Galaxy's Rising Star Carina) Borzoi 9 years 06/26/98 Jay M.
Carrie Alicia Cairn Terrier 08/27/97-09/12/09 Lynne & Marvin Malasky
Carrie Ann Plott Hound 01/17/94-11/13/00 Elizabeth Spillers
Carrie Anne Cocker Spaniel 04/23/88-10/05/03 Rick, Julie & Andrew, Tiger, Too!
Carrie B AmStaff Boxer 12 years 03/24/20 Dee
Carrie Bear Scottish Terrier 08/28/02-06/18/14 Susan Gonzalez
Carrie Black Cocker spaniel 12 years 08/05/98 Carrie
Carrie Black Cocker spaniel 12 years 08/05/98 David Motz
Carrie Black, Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/23/81-05/19/01 Chris Whitley
Carrie Cat 14 years 03/17/99 Carley
Carrie Cocker spaniel Mix 1987-07/20/00 Shane, Nick
Carrie Dog 09/2018 Dimitris K
Carrie Dog 11/06/96 Heather
Carrie Flat Coated Retriever Mix 6 years 05/21/00 Kristin Smith
Carrie Flat-Coated Retriever Mix 03/19/87-08/14/01 Gail Wolff
Carrie German Shepherd 10/12/90-02/07/04 Linda S
Carrie German Shepherd Kaiti
Carrie Ginger Cat 2 years 19/08/04 Sandra
Carrie Golden Retriever/Lab 12 years 05/11/97 Robby Cannon
Carrie Greyhound 09/09/94-03/05/07 Joe and Jamie Empert
Carrie Jo Collie 11 years 03/24/90 Darlene Hurley
Carrie Lu, LuLu, Susie Border Collie Mix 09/23/96-02/18/09 Laura and Kevin
Carrie Mixed Breed Dog 13 years 09/04/02 Simma Shore
Carrie Mixed Dog 03/81-05/98 Christine Wilke
Carrie Old English Sheepdog 3 months 09/27/99 Jonathan Kinigson
Carrie Smith Gray Tabby American Shorthair Cat 07/01-10/24/06 Sally Smith
Carrie, Courageous Heart DSH Calico Cat 09/92-08/03/07 Linda Saffell
Carrie's Little Lady Kyra Maltese 01/09/02-02/06/05 Carrie & Kimberly & Corey
Carrina Deaf White Cat 10 years 03/29/13 Caroline, Rune and Lily
Carrington Yellow Labrador 14 years 09/95 Susan
CarrollWinds Gentle Breeze Ian German Shepherd 03/15/96-11/11/01 Deborah Carroll
Carrot Boy Orange Tabby Cat 05/01/90-04/29/03 Ame Strube
Carrot Boy West Highland Terrier 08/15/08-04/10/14 Jason Chong
Carrot Cat 10 years 07/31/01 Sophie Salinger
Carrot Cat 13 years 06/27/98 Elizabeth Cummings
Carrot Domestic Long Hair Tabby Cat 7 years 02/01/10 Bev
Carrot Marmalade Cat 1965-1981 The McCalls
Carrot Orange Tabby Cat 23 years 05/14/16 Valerie Carfaro
Carsen Cocker Spaniel 11/25/91-05/08/06 Marla
Carsen Lee Black and White Hooded Rat 07/10/10-11/28/12 Jessie & Johnny
Carson Beagle 09/16/89-10/18/06 Margaret Martin
Carson Black Lab 7 years 08/11/05 Tim
Carson Border Collie 15 years 09/18/09 Erika Michels
Carson Border Collie Mix 10 1/2 years 06/07/13 Mary Caldarelli
Carson Cat 01/19/95-07/03/06 Sherry
Carson Cat 14 years 06/21/07 Mary
Carson Cat 20 years 03/18/12 Sue (for Lois, my mom, owner of Carson)
Carson Cocker Spaniel 12/03/93-06/27/08 Susan Toms
Carson Comstock Kitty Domestic Short Haired Tabby Cat 04/97-07/09/03 Ranger Roy and Sagebrush Sue
Carson DLH Cat 12 years 12/02/05 Cappi Duncan
Carson Domestic Short-Hair Tabby Cat 04/01-10/24/01 Melody Ward
Carson Extraordinary Labrador Yellow Labrador 18 years 03/10/11 Rosslyn Bhatt
Carson Francis Kitten 17 days 04/27/06 Eileen
Carson Golden Retriever 13 years 01/02/96 John, Meg, Johnny & Kenny Hall
Carson Great Dane 03/28/09-05/15/15 Diane Hahn
Carson Great Dane 03/28/09-05/15/15 Diane Han
Carson Guinea Pig 08/96-12/21/01 Peggy and Vince
Carson Kitten 10 months Sue
Carson Labrador 05/21/97-11/24/10 Howard
Carson Labrador Retriever 10/29/89-12/16/03 Signe Strawser
Carson Major Cat 8 years 11/17/05 Stacy Major
Carson Mixed Breed (Great Dane, American Eskimo, Corgi, Maltese) 04/10/98-06/13/11 Carole and Meredith
Carson Tabby Cat 07/01/88-11/07/03 Diana Franco
Carson Tabby Cat 3 years 02/13/19 Joann, Larry & Christy Slade
Carson Wilson Rott/Lab 14 years 07/30/08 Don Wilson and Family
Carter (Snooty) Chihuahua Mix 01/12/18 Ally Frady
Carter Black & White DSH Cat 09/01/06-03/25/08 Michelle and Chris VanDerSlik
Carter Black & White Mixed Long-Hair Cat 3 years 07/03/00 Allison Clement
Carter Cat 04/01/03-07/10/10 Karen
Carter Cat 07/30/08 Adrianna Hartmann
Carter Cat 1 year 16 Dec 99 Sue, SVHS
Carter Cat 12/29/14 Christine B.
Carter Cat 14 years 04/20/04 Katherine Campbell
Carter Cat 19 years 26/12/15 Sue Janes
Carter Cocker Spaniel 03/17/98-11/08/05 Morgan
Carter Cocker Spaniel 07/2000-02/2001 Frank Medina
Carter Cocker Spaniel 1990-06/01/03 Karen Loop
Carter Dachshund 14 years 09/02/16 Christina
Carter Dog 10/12/07-04/11/12 Lynn McClaine
Carter Dog 5 years 04/10/12 Julie
Carter English Setter 8 years 05/10/13 Danica and Heather
Carter German Shepherd 08/18/01-04/24/13 David
Carter German Shepherd/Doberman 01/03/12-11/27/23 Randi
Carter Great Pyrenees X 12/19/98-01/14/11 Marijean Whyte
Carter Jack Russell Terrier 3 years 11/26/11 Maureen Frates
Carter Maine Coon Mix Cat 02/10/82-07/19/04 Sarah Turner
Carter Maltese 12/01/04-03/17/07 Mindy
Carter Mini Schnauzer 14 1/2 years 06/15/20 Craig Fisher
Carter Norwegian Forest Cat 14 years 01/13/06 Emily and Chad
Carter Pit Bull Mix 05/05/05-03/12/07 Jessica
Carter Shih-Tzu/Poodle 1 1/2 years 04/24/04 Katie & Blake
Carter Tabby Cat 01/23/24 Val
Cartier DSH Calico Cat 06/19/87-12/16/97 M, L, T, R, I and H
Cartman Afghanistan Puppy 07/25/11 Zach, Soldier and Soldiers In Afghanistan, Puppy Rescue Mission, and Karen
Cartman Basset Hound 06/99-10/18/11 Laurita Bainbridge
Cartman Cat 03/25/09 Tricia Bailey
Cartman Domestic Longhair Cat 09/22/02-09/14/06 Paula
Cartman Hemmingway - Polydactyl Cat 7 years 07/22/06 Jon, Tei, Todd, Matt
Cartman Hollick Cat 06/10/97-06/25/09 Michele Hollick
Cartman Our Little Boogieman 1/2 Maine Coon, 1/2 Mutt Cat 04/17/98-02/16/09 Steve, Deb and Orion
Cartman Weimer/English Pointer 2 1/2 years 10/30/07 Dana & Brian Becton
Cartoon Cat Spring 1989-07/15/08 Julene Deupree
Cartouche Samantha Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/29/90-01/14/98 Debbie van Aken
Cartucho Cocker Spaniel 9 years 09/94 The Gracida Family
Carty American Shorthair Cat 7 years 08/20/06 Vicki and Chris
Carty Cat 17 years 01/26/16 Jamie Kreiger
Caruso Cat 12 years 01/29/09 Ernie
Caruso Italian Greyhound 16 years 03/01/03 Stacy Fox
Caruso Saint Bernard 11/13/84-02/18/97 Adriana Arias
Carussa Cocker Spaniel 12/24/84-04/96 Angela Restrepo
Carver Chocolate Labrador 15 years 02/19/05 Paula Hydro
Carver Winthrop Yellow Lab 07/28/98-01/10/11 Joanne and Josh
Carwyns Amazin Grace Silky Terrier 8 years 09/06/05 Deb, Bill, brothers, sisters, OBP family
Cary Cat 06/15/85-10/15/02 Karen Commings
Cary Cat 14 years 06/26/10 Tom Vest
Cary Cocker Spaniel 13 years 01/01/10 Katty Wood
Cary DLH/Maine Coon Cat 03/92-08/04/11 Alisa Hayes
Cary Grant Boxer 10 years 02/09/08 Chris Spies
Cary Grant Cat 06/2000-08/13/02 C Tolliver
Cary Grant Cat 12 years 09/12/04 M Duffy
Cary Grant Donnici Wheaton/Mini Schnauzer 8 years 03/19/16 Michael
Cary Potter Cat 10/02/04-08/05/06 Elizabeth Bell
Carys Scottish Terrier 06/01/97-07/29/07 Sara Volk
Casablanca Rose Tortoishell Cat 09/2009-12/07/13 Lance & Rhonda Peters
Casadeea White Cat 08/13/95-08/13/06 Sharyn Parno
Casandra Beagle Mix 1 year 04/22/05 Judy Goergen
Casanova 10/12/87-11/18/02 Chris & Stacey Pollana
Casanova Cassie-Cat Cat 03/04/09 Jo-Anne Davis
Casanova DLH Black & White Tuxedo Cat 05/21/91-06/17/04 Robin Archia
Casanova Ferret 03/17/11 Holly F
Casanova Ginger Cat 09/01/10 Laure Baker
Casanova Gold Caped Conure 11/01/05-09/07/07 Nancy & Robert
Casanova Nairn Sheltie 12/17/90-06/19/05 George H. Nairn
Casanova Persian Cat 03/29/97-06/23/06 Elena Greco
Casanova Persian Cat 08/06/00-02/18/11 Mary
Casanova Persian/Siberian Cat 03/29/97-06/23/06 Elena
Casanova Rat 09/24/18 Liz
Casar Von Suri (Sherman) Rottweiler 08/06/89-05/07/01 Nonie Byrd
Casbah Pomeranian 10/14/90-07/31/03 Cheryl Capoocia
Casbe German Shepherd 10/31/91-05/05/00 Mary Smith
Casca Cockatiel 04/12/95-06/08/02 Lucy and Kypros
Cascade Barney Bloodhound 05/05/93-02/15/02 Linda, Michael, BlueBasil, Buttons, Chuck, Arnold, George & Peepers
Cascade Carly K Rottweiler 04/17/95-04/22/06 Sherrie Tracy
Cascade Moon Bernese Mountain Dog 05/26/91-05/10/02 Beth
Cascius DLH Cat 07/05/91-08/06/05 Rebecca Poling
Casco Mancun Cat 16 years 01/09/04 Gary Steele
Casco of Sebago Haven Road Airedale Terrier 05/26/86-08/09/99 Sue Mattson
Casee (K.C.) German Shorthaired Pointer 08/31/93-09/13/06 Vicki Bell
Caser Maine Coon Cat 05/04/05-04/23/10 Angel Estes
Casers Cocker Spaniel 6 years Joan
Caseu Jack Russell 03/05/12 Ron Morris
Casey & Patches Lab & Beagle 06/03/08 & 05/15/08 Janine
Casey (aka- puppy girl) Black Lab 07/19/98-04/03/12 Pamela
Casey (alias Casey Maru, Kitty Boy, Sugar Paws and Punkin Boy) Black and White Short Haired Cat Summer of1987 to 06/06/03 Vicki Glasgow
Casey (also Little Boy, Mushy Face) Bobtail and Tabby Cat 01/01/93-04/08/09 Jim, Mary, Kenneth, Jonathan
Casey (Bone Head) Cat 12 years 08/08/94 Joyce Rizzo
Casey (Boo Boo) Speed Tibetan Spaniel 10/01/07 Shawn Small & Jon Speed
Casey (BooBear) Dog 12/05/94-10/06/05 Tonya Hudson
Casey (Boofle) English Cocker Spaniel 07/01/96-09/03/06 Mandy, Damien, Joel and Sam
Casey (Buddy) Schipperke 7 years 02/15/01 Joe and Tanya Boardman
Casey (Casey Lacey Shelton Longears) Basset Hound 8 years 12/25/04 Lisa Shelton
Casey (cbh) Tabby Cat 15 years 10/15/06 Renee Hirsch
Casey (Golden Casey of Lynn) Golden Retriever 11/28/86-02/13/98 Dori Cantley
Casey (He's Prancin High Casey) Brittany 09/29/99-08/11/13 Edith and Jim Mason
Casey (Jones) Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 06/85-06/08/97 Lori and Mike Ferreira
Casey (Kc) Dog 07/85-11/22/02 Sharon W
Casey (Little Girl) Girl Golden Retriever 08/25/00-09/06/08 Joan Cebull
Casey (Mendez Smith Michael's Casey) English Springer Spaniel 05/13/96-08/03/06 Kathy, George and Michael M
Casey (Mrs Jones, Boofle) English Cocker Spaniel 01/17/96-03/09/06 Mandy Alexander
Casey (Our Puddy Puss) Golden Retriever 11/30/01-06/29/12 David Westrick
Casey (Race The Lights) Greyhound 09/07/94-20/12/04 Chrissy Richardson
Casey 01/06/87-12/24/02 Kelly and Morad
Casey 11/05/11 Jeffrey Arciniaco
Casey 11/26/95 Joan Stoney
Casey 16 years 06/04/00 Sandi
Casey A. Cranford-Minton Cat 05/28/97-11/12/02 Jeff and Wayne
Casey Abigail Labrador Retriever 15 1/2 years 09/17/10 Ann Werner
Casey Abyssinian Cat 06/21/95-06/25/08 Linda and Ron Rajki
Casey African GRE 11/16/92-08/08/98 Kathie Barney
Casey Airedale 03/26/10 Bonnie & Bob
Casey Airedale 11/09/93 Stella Fillipow
Casey aka Boodles Cock-A-Poo 07/16/90-01/27/99 Julie
Casey aka C-Dog Goldendoodle 07/12/08 Holly, Shawn, Ryley, Chase and Jake Warbiany
Casey aka Scooby Akita Chow Mix 11 years 04/08/10 Roseanne
Casey aka Snowflake Mini Schnauzer 07/01/96-09/22/06 Lisa
Casey aka Westmore's Dashing Prince Boston Terrier 11/12/00-06/29/09 Shelia
Casey Alaskan Husky Mix 11/18/09 Angie Pittman
Casey Alexander DSH Tabby Cat 03/28/03-07/26/14 Barbie & Michael Miller
Casey Alexander Shepherd/Chow Mix 12/25/95-07/23/11 Susan Reynolds
Casey American Bull Dog 6 years 02/02/08 Elizabeth Hoerske
Casey American Cocker Spaniel 01/24/90-01/24/02 William R. Puterbaugh
Casey American Eskimo Dog 02/16/99-06/14/07 Pat & Kelly
Casey American Eskimo Dog 10/04/94-06/26/08 Lisa Molloy
Casey American Eskimo Dog 12 years 06/20/08 Cheryl Cachabeli
Casey American Long Hair Cat 03/17/80-06/23/98 Laura M. Hutchinson
Casey Angel Maltese 05/22/94-05/08/04 Jennifer Berkey
Casey Ann Novak Boxer 10/26/02-11/26/11 Jill and Jesse
Casey Anne Scottish Terrier 09/12/89-01/15/01 Bonnie Mecray
Casey Applehead Siamese Cat 02/12/92-08/22/04 Nancy Pries
Casey ASCOB Cocker Spaniel 09/26/97-12/14/12 Pat Doherty
Casey Atkin Golden Retriever 01/22/96-04/27/04 Charlie and Allison
Casey Augustus Westie 03/19/83-08/05/98 M.L. Farrell
Casey Aussie 10/05/96-03/05/07 Beem
Casey Aussie 10/05/96-03/05/07 Jolene
Casey Australian Shepherd 02/08/98-05/18/08 Phil and Vicki Palmer
Casey Australian Shepherd 05/16/97-02/19/08 Gayle Jennings
Casey Australian Shepherd 10/05/96-03/05/07 Jon & Jolene
Casey Australian Shepherd Mix 08/01/99-11/28/12 Vicki Cierpial
Casey Australian Shepherd Mix 18 years 01/18/07 Charlotte Goltry
Casey Australian Shepherd Mix 7 years 04/19/03 Paul Mickelson
Casey Australian Shepherd X 01/17/95-06/09/99 Marie
Casey Basset/Terrier Mix 02/90-11/18/02 Susan Phillips
Casey Bassett Hound 13 years 05/22/11 Erwin and Victoria Sanchez
Casey Beagle 02/03/12 Mickey
Casey Beagle 04/07/92-12/15/04 Nancy Bradley
Casey Beagle 04/07/98-06/20/99 Charis Taylot
Casey Beagle 05/07/00-01/02/12 Marcia Pendleton
Casey Beagle 06/01/96-01/15/08 Sharri Bronas
Casey Beagle 06/11/02-04/04/13 David & Lori Cohen
Casey Beagle 07/27/96-07/27/10 Gwen Lourie Chattman
Casey Beagle 07/29/98-04/02/11 Cheryl McCarthy
Casey Beagle 08/01/09-05/10/09 Joan Williams
Casey Beagle 08/14/95-08/06/08 Clyde & Jackie Gauthreaux
Casey Beagle 10/16/92-03/16/09 Bill Wimmer
Casey Beagle 10/18/90-06/21/07 Bryan Mercer, Richard Wilson & Lindsey
Casey Beagle 10/23/97-06/04/08 The Dunn Family
Casey Beagle 11/01/85-08/04/01 Piper McKeithen
Casey Beagle 12/06/97-05/03/11 Donna Martin
Casey Beagle 14 years 02/11/05 Rebecca and Kevin
Casey Beagle 14 years 11/24/06 Sherry Scott
Casey Beagle Mix 10/00-12/30/06 Cathy Schmidt
Casey Beagle X 1992-09/20/02 Karla Kollasch
Casey Beagle/Shepherd Mix 10/01/90-06/13/01 Deedee Berkshire
Casey Bear Chow Chow 06/26/92-07/29/94 Dorothy A. Karcher
Casey Bear Husky/Lab/Shepherd/Rottie Mix 08/16/98-11/11/98 Barb
Casey Bear Poodle 06/01/06-08/11/06 Iris Rodriguez
Casey Bear Siamese/Birman Mix Cat 12 years 03/07/05 Kirsten Martin
Casey Belgian Sheepdog 03/86-11/24/99 Lee Totten
Casey Belgian Shepherd Korean War
Casey Belle Bingham Yellow Lab 12/15/90-11/19/04 Todd & Tammy
Casey Beryl Rosenzweig Maltese 03/09/95-06/26/10 Felice Anne Rosenzweig
Casey Beta 3 years 10/26/03 KimW
Casey Bichon 08/23/99-12/26/11 Wendy Kropaczek
Casey Bichon 10/25/88-10/13/00 Linda
Casey Bichon 15 years 06/14/02 Mike
Casey Bichon Frese 16 years 01/09/10 Maureen Landis
Casey Bichon Frise 02/18/96-07/07/09 Kelly
Casey Bichon Frise 04/12/87-06/14/02 Mike, Pam, Jeff, Michael, Beth-ann.
Casey Bichon Frise 06/09/11 Krissy McCormick
Casey Bichon Frise 10/12/92-10/11/06 Tom Murray and Linda Pulliam
Casey Bichon Frise 11/26/86-04/16/05 Kurt and Celeste
Casey Bichon Maltese 1999-02/07/14 Aurele Boni
Casey Bichon/Maltese/Mini Schnauzer 07/19/89-01/28/03 Teresa Adair Mullins
Casey Bird 06/22/00 Kani
Casey Bird Grive German Shepherd 06/07/96-08/29/10 Heather Grive
Casey Black and White Domestic Longhair Cat 1998-10/23/02 Cathy and Jeannie
Casey Black Black Lab 07/20/99-10/22/09 Mike Black, Carrie Black
Casey Black Cat With White Tip On His Tail 07/08/98-06/25/99 Kelley
Casey Black Lab 05/20/03-09/18/12 Christine
Casey Black Lab 07/18/90-10/06/98 Lori Shaw
Casey Black Lab 07/29/99-04/06/11 Eric
Casey Black Lab 09/05/99-11/27/05 Gina Turner
Casey Black Lab 10 years 08/22/98 Lisa Greer
Casey Black Lab 10/31/01-01/29/05 Keith and Sharon Leonard
Casey Black Lab 11/27/06-10/18/09 Pat and Desiree O'Connor
Casey Black Lab 13 1/2 years 05/21/08 Suzanne, Rich and Kevin McFadden
Casey Black Lab 13 years 02/09/10 Lisa Swan
Casey Black Lab 14 1/2 years 06/11/01 Debbie
Casey Black Lab and Keeshond 04/28/93-10/08/07 Bonnie Bryde Malmberg
Casey Black Lab Mix 03/27/93-05/08/09 Kristin Timm
Casey Black Lab Mix 04/04/84-07/02/01 Peggy Blake
Casey Black Lab Mix 07/05/89-07/29/02 Carol Yennie
Casey Black Lab Mix 12 years 04/27/98 Randi and Joe Weber
Casey Black Lab Mix 5 years 11/01/06 Kathy, Denis, Denny and Katie Mitchell
Casey Black Lab X 1986-01/15/00 Brenda & Mike
Casey Black Lab/Rottweiler Cross 10/15/92-09/18/06 John Bennett
Casey Black Lab01/10/93-07/28/00 Gerri
Casey Black Labrador Retriever 07/18/90-10/06/98 Lori Shaw (Whirlwood)
Casey Black Labrador Retriever 10/02/02-10/27/07 Sarah
Casey Blackstone Dog 08/06/11 Roger Blackstone
Casey Blond Cocker Spaniel 05/17/99 Jason
Casey Blue Siberian Husky 02/11/01-11/16/09 Corinne and John
Casey Bombay/Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 18 years 10 months 06/19/09 Linda Loy
Casey Bones Black Lab/Pit Bull Mix 03/2003-12/04/08 Owen, Stefane, and Sebastian McElhaney
Casey Boo Domestic Medium Hair Cat 13 years 03/28/05 Lisa
Casey 'BooBoo' Johnson Poodle (Teacup) 08/02/98-09/18/10 Avis and Roy Johnson
Casey Border Collie 01/30/87-10/07/03 Sherry Morgan
Casey Border Collie 05/24/92-12/16/06 Kelly Ann Wilkinson
Casey Border Collie 06/25/98-09/25/07 Jim & Penny
Casey Border Collie 08/93-09/11/07 Sandy
Casey Border Collie 09/01/92-08/10/07 Vicki Abrahamson
Casey Border Collie 11/02/00-09/14/16 Everett, Marion
Casey Border Collie 11/21/95-05/10/05 Debbie Hale
Casey Border Collie l5 years 02/25/02 Kathy
Casey Border Collie Mix 02/14/95-03/19/09 Dorothy Mailer
Casey Border Corgie 19 years 04/10/13 Michelle Bischof
Casey Boston Terrier 03/24/94-07/24/05 Annah & Rich Yonce
Casey Boston Terrier 04/18/91-09/09/05 Jessi
Casey Boston Terrier 10/19/85-08/21/95 Steve Bernstein
Casey Bouvier des Flandres 11/94 Gail
Casey Boxer 01/29/88-04/06/93 Amy Waggoner
Casey Boxer 07/2002-11/2009 Stephanie
Casey Boxer 07/26/05-05/08/14 Kristin Koehler
Casey Boxer 08/08/03-02/13/11 Diane Melendez
Casey Boxer 12/14/90-08/03/99 Jeannie Anderson
Casey Boxer 17 years 11/11/24 Rosanna Pitts
Casey Boxer 4 years 11/15/06 Karen Gellner
Casey Boxer 4 years 26/07/12 Martha Melina & Alan
Casey Boxer 9 years 05/01/99 Meryl
Casey Boxer Pointer Mix 2 1/2 years 01/25/07 Nicole
Casey Boxer X 10/30/94-12/29/08 Martina Frensemeier
Casey Boy Alaskan Husky-Aussie Shep Mix 07/10/94-03/08/10 Christine
Casey Boykin Spaniel 8 years 03/18/19 Ray & Gail
Casey Briggs Beagle 1965-1975 Kelli
Casey Brittany 08/19/00-09/08/15 Laurie
Casey Brittany Spaniel 14 years 10/18/10 Pat & Holly
Casey Brittany/Cocker Mix 03/24/84-09/01/97 Kathy Moses
Casey Brown Australian Shepherd 04/27/03 Stephany Brown and Family
Casey Brown/Tan/White Mixed Breed Dog 12 years 10/99 Mike Dallas
Casey Brown-Reynolds Yellow Lab 11/13/94-11/18/06 Aline Brown
Casey Bull Dog Mix 01/22/08 James and Shirley Kiniry
Casey Bulldog 07/15/99-15/05/10 Emma
Casey Bullmastiff/Labrador Retriever 03/28/98-12/07/09 Sonny Ekstrom
Casey Bunny 06/12/04-01/13/09 Lisa
Casey Cadberry 4 years 02/07/98 Lee Ann
Casey Calico Cat 03/94-08/11/10 Kathy
Casey Calico Cat 10 years 07/28/08 Leslie
Casey Calico Cat 13 years 01/04/99 Heather
Casey Calico Cat 15 years 07/19/06 Chris
Casey Calico Cat 1984-09/23/97 Jennie McClain
Casey Calico Cat 1993-06/19/04 Natasha and Larry Holloway
Casey Calico DSH Cat 01/01/90-09/22/05 Jennifer and Jessica
Casey Calico Long Hair Cat 17 years 10/21/05 Denise Hammond
Casey Cat 02/13/86-01/23/03 Margie, Jeff, and CJ
Casey Cat 02/14/99-10/10/05 Ashley Lopez
Casey Cat 02/24/99-05/19/07 Joe and Karyn Wajda
Casey Cat 02/87-04/22/06 Hiliary Russell
Casey Cat 03/04/06 Diane Miller
Casey Cat 03/31/09 Carmon Fogle
Casey Cat 04/17/98-06/09/12 Maria
Casey Cat 04/24/86-02/21/98 Barbara Oehl
Casey Cat 04/96-09/27/98 Michelle
Casey Cat 05/05/98-02/07/14 Sue & Gerry Fitzmaurice
Casey Cat 05/28/05 Jacqualin
Casey Cat 06/10/92-10/04/06 Joyce & William Coleman
Casey Cat 07/04/90-02/2002 Al and Dee
Casey Cat 08/14/09 Alan Rogers
Casey Cat 09/11/99-07/06/03 Penny Evans
Casey Cat 10/01/00-10/18/07 Bob and Sherry
Casey Cat 11/25/92-04/13/07 Christine O
Casey Cat 11/97-09/29/11 Virginia LeBlanc
Casey Cat 13 years 08/16/02 Stephanie Just
Casey Cat 14/02/02-04/01/05 Karen Rowe
Casey Cat 15 years 06/09/09 Julie
Casey Cat 15 years 10/24/03 Susan
Casey Cat 16 1/2 years 10/26/08 Lisa B
Casey Cat 16 years 07/09/11 Dawn Serbanic
Casey Cat 16 years 07/25/09 Dana Rapisardi
Casey Cat 16 years 09/20/07 Cynthia, Edward, Peter and Riley
Casey Cat 18 years 05/28/81-03/15/99
Casey Cat 18 years 11/2007 Melissa Mahoney
Casey Cat 1987-09/19/03 Laurie Jones
Casey Cat 6 years 09/91 Valerie
Casey Cat 7 years 06/30/10 Debbie
Casey Cat Long Hair Tabby Cat 03/10/88-10/18/05 CJ Mojtehedi
Casey Cat Long Haired Tabby Cat 03/21/88-10/18/05 Carolyn Mojtehedi
Casey Cauble Long Hair Cat 12 years 11/29/06 M Casa
Casey Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 07/20/93-01/10/06 Patti, Paul, Lauren & Paul Kelley
Casey Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 5 years 01/31/11 Diane Jupin
Casey Chesapeake 14 1/2 years 04/04/09 Holly Brittingham
Casey Chesapeake Bay Retriever 09/11/01-12/29/14 Joe Kessell
Casey Chihuahua 02/15/03-01/21/09 Wendy Lowder
Casey Chihuahua 06/25/98-12/28/07 Rose De Leon
Casey Chihuahua 06/25/99-12/28/07 Rose De Leon
Casey Chihuahua 08/09/91-06/28/03 Larrythacker
Casey Chihuahua 09/05/89-07/11/01 Dennis Howell
Casey Chihuahua Mix 22 years 11/03/10 Jan
Casey Chihuahua/Terrier 05/08/07-01/12/17 Jack and Kathy Gravel
Casey Chihuahua/Terrier 05/31/06 Casey
Casey Chi-wiene 02/14/13-06/17/17 Blair Westmoreland
Casey Choc Lab 04/01/98-02/23/10 Hank
Casey Choc Lab 05/19/97-05/25/11 Bruce Ruscio
Casey Chocolate Lab 01/26/92-07/01/05 Leslie Arestad
Casey Chocolate Lab 09/17/97-05/09/09 Maryann Maxwell
Casey Chocolate Lab 12 1/2 years 01/25/14 Stella
Casey Chocolate Lab 15 years 03/21/14 Pat Swanson
Casey Chow 02/15/92-03/30/06 Jan Vinson
Casey Chow/Samoyed Mix 02/14/81-01/29/00 Sandy Unger
Casey Cilia Boxer 4 years 26/07/12 Martha Cilia
Casey Ciuffo Shetland Sheepdog 09/29/05 The Ciuffo Family
Casey Claxton Rottie/Shepherd 13 years 02/08/13 Jay C
Casey Cockapoo 04/15/94-04/30/10 Ray Ragan & Nancy Cope
Casey Cock-a-poo 12 years 06/07/03 Kathe Dotson
Casey Cock-A-Poo 14 years 06/05/01 Mary Larkin
Casey Cockatiel 5 months 08/11/97 Vickie Kangas
Casey Cocker 04/17/98-01/18/04 Allyn Harper
Casey Cocker Spaniel (Buff) 14 years 08/26/10 Heather Shanahan
Casey Cocker Spaniel 01/15/01-12/10/07 Crystal Agnew
Casey Cocker Spaniel 01/16/84-08/31/99 Catherine Goertz
Casey Cocker Spaniel 02/06/96 Cathie and Dan Wampler
Casey Cocker Spaniel 03/28/87-07/07/97 Sharon and Bob Singletary
Casey Cocker Spaniel 04/02/05 Karl Schindler
Casey Cocker Spaniel 04/24/94-09/05/05 Sharon and Doug
Casey Cocker Spaniel 04/29/92-12/17/04 Christine Blumberg
Casey Cocker Spaniel 07/96-01/18/07 Kristin, Matt, Mom, Dad, and Gerry
Casey Cocker Spaniel 09/15/99-09/12/07 Bill Cason, Paw-Paw Doczi, Sister Cinnamon
Casey Cocker Spaniel 09/28/91-10/01/04 Phyllis Hoenstine
Casey Cocker Spaniel 1/86-09/96 Jason
Casey Cocker Spaniel 10/12/92-09/26/04 Pat Rollins
Casey Cocker Spaniel 11/87-02/12/02 Beth & Phillip Carter
Casey Cocker Spaniel 12 years 08/09/87 Shirley & George
Casey Cocker Spaniel 12/27/88-03/28/01 Judy and Michelle Dostal
Casey Cocker Spaniel 13 years 06/27/05 Don Hardy
Casey Cocker Spaniel 13 years 10/19/99 Linda Hartman
Casey Cocker Spaniel 14 years 06/27/06 Susan, Jessica and Max
Casey Cocker Spaniel 15 years 06/25 Joan
Casey Cocker Spaniel 16 years 01/14/08 Leslie
Casey Cocker Spaniel 6 years 08/28/99 Chris & Sharon Peruzzi
Casey Cocker Spaniel 7 years 02/14/01 Ray and Kris Shuford
Casey Codker Spaniel 02/20/95-03/03/02 Cindy and Murph
Casey Coldwell-Beckstead Springer Spaniel Mix 04/27/97-03/27/08 T. Coldwell and J. Beckstead
Casey Collie 01/79-05/82 Bob
Casey Collie 05/22/94-12/20/04 Jenny Schnedler
Casey Collie 05/31/99-06/18/11 Marcia A Marriott
Casey Collie 06/2000-12/26/11 Tara Molloy
Casey Collie 07/22/98-03/19/05 Ron Casper
Casey Collie 12 years 5 months 12/31/99 Michelle
Casey Collie 4 years 10/30/99 Lee Dubbs
Casey Collie Mix 05/08/89-07/20/99 Beverly Shane
Casey Collie/Shepherd Mix 05/03/99-04/20/11 Frank Wagner
Casey Cook Australian Cattle Dog Red Heeler 15 1/2 years 10/15/11 Nicole Cook
Casey Cook Chiweenie 7 1/2 years 09/16/11 Jim Cook
Casey Corgie Mix 17 years 05/18/94 Gail Paone
Casey Cronin Black Lab Mix 10/15/87-11/06/98 Lucinda
Casey Dach Cathy Radtke
Casey Dachshund 01/14/90-08/04/06 Leslie Bostick
Casey Dachshund 04/17/11 Adam Guaschino
Casey Dachshund 05/04/99-04/26/15 Kathy
Casey Dachshund 06/20/91-03/26/04 Madeline and Robert Churchman
Casey Dachshund 12 years 12/30/99 Andrea
Casey Dachshund 12/01/70-03/15/85 The Malliet's
Casey Dachshund 7 years 04/17/11 Nina Guaschino
Casey Dalmatian 04/16/95-09/10/07 Mark Christy
Casey Dalmatian 08/06/97-07/06/10 Cade Lewis
Casey Dalmatian 10 years 12/18/07 Brenda S
Casey Dalmatian 10/31/95-09/26/09 Jeannie Sommer
Casey Dalmatian 12 years 08/14/04 Barbara Altman
Casey Dalmation 05/08/88-09/25/99 MaryAnn Kreski
Casey Dalmation 9 years 02/13/02 Henry and Caroline
Casey Dameon Jones Yorkie 07/2002 Jenny L. McCoy
Casey Dancsak Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 04/15/98-10/20/11 Laura and Andrew Dancsak
Casey Darragh Blond Pom 01/95-07/28/98 Beverly,Jenn,Patty, Paul
Casey Dean Owens Yellow Lab 10/22/94-08/16/07 Ann, Bill, Bonnie and Misty Owens and Ben
Casey Diddle Jones Ullery Terrier Mix 12/01/91-11/27/10 Dianna Ullery
Casey Dilla Cook Dog 08/01/95-06/07/04 Laurie
Casey Dillion Thibideau Miniature Dachshund 03/30/95-03/03/12 Debbie T
Casey Doberman 10/12/92-04/16/04 Neil Webster
Casey Doberman 12/91-03/08/93 Kathy Smith
Casey Doberman Christine, Mitch and Kyle
Casey Doberman Pinscher 03/08/94-05/24/02 Andrea & Alan
Casey Doberman/ Bull Mastiff 10 years 08/2013 Johnson Family
Casey Dog 01/86-05/31/00 Casey
Casey Dog 03/07/05 Barb, Art, Lynn, Bill & Ratis
Casey Dog 03/11/07 Terry
Casey Dog 03/26/00 Cindy Popp, Matt Love
Casey Dog 04/09/92-04/01/07 Jenna Cunningham
Casey Dog 05/01/85-05/21/03 Phoenix Mary Grace Hocking
Casey Dog 05/05/89-06/20/05 Graham Hayes
Casey Dog 05/19/01 Heather Burke
Casey Dog 05/31/91-06/10/00 Cathie Bulman
Casey Dog 06/01/93-12/22/06 Robert Merrill
Casey Dog 08/24/99 Alice
Casey Dog 10 years 02/07/12 Jim & Karen
Casey Dog 10 years 05/27/06 Tracy and Matt
Casey Dog 10/05/96-03/05/07 Jolene
Casey Dog 10/86-01/20/97 Daphnie Leigh
Casey Dog 11 years 11/08/08 Betina Wilcots
Casey Dog 11/25/03 John & Dianne Defelice
Casey Dog 12 years 09/21/04 Cindy
Casey Dog 12 years 12/01/96 Kathy and Drew
Casey Dog 12/11/92-03/29/99 Mom, Dad, Gregory & Joseph
Casey Dog 12/11/92-03/29/99 Patricia Spoto
Casey Dog 13 years 06/05/95 Jeff Garrett
Casey Dog 14 years 08/23/08 Wendy Johnson
Casey Dog 16 years 01/13/08 Destiny
Casey Dog 16 years 06/09/98 Mona
Casey Dog 19 years 04/10/13 Michelle
Casey Dog 5 years 07/25/02 Kathy Dodge
Casey Dog 6 years 11/06/04 Claudia Bailey
Casey Dog 8 years 01/11/06 Jim Cobb
Casey Dog 8 years 08/29/98 Suzanne
Casey Dog 9 years 05/16/97 Sheryl Tonsager
Casey Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Casey Dog Steve
Casey Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/10/91-01/23/07 Cindy
Casey Domestic Long Hair Cat 06/17/99-08/01/13 Nancy Bickford
Casey Domestic Longhair Cat 16 years 08/26/19 Tom and Rose Hayden
Casey Domestic Medium Hair Cat 03/27/89-03/13/07 Nancy Rivers
Casey Domestic Multicoloured Shorthair Cat 04/29/92-11/15/03 Michelle, Fuji & Spunky
Casey Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/11/98-11/16/04 Erin
Casey Domestic Short Hair Tiger Cat 05/2010 Mike and Sherry
Casey Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/95-10/01/99 Melissa and Paul
Casey Domestic Shorthair Cat 10 years 06/07/07 Terry
Casey Domestic Shorthair Cat 19 years 10/20/02 Ruthann Panipinto
Casey Domestic Shorthair Cat 8 years 10/19/04 Cheryl
Casey Domestic Shorthair Grey Tabby Cat 03/16/88-06/01/05 Kathy Vollmer
Casey Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 16 years, 4 months 03/24/01 Mary
Casey Domestic Shorthair, Gray/Tabby Mix Cat 14 3/4 years 06/28/13 Sarah B
Casey Doodles Carey Calico Cat 04/04/91-11/20/10 Lori and Greg
Casey Dow Yellow Lab/Sheltie 13 1/2 years 12/04/99 Dorothy & Mary Ellen
Casey Downs Golden Retriever 02/03/07-10/20/20 Heather Downs
Casey Drew Sutton Black Lab 05/95-05/09/06 Frank, Jackie and Brooke Sutton
Casey DSH Cat 05/01/90-08/05/04 Maryann Celidonio
Casey DSH Cat 10 1/2 years 01/26/02 Dawn G
Casey DSH Cat 10/05/06-09/11/09 Dayna & Doug
Casey DSH Cat 1989-10/14/06 Maria
Casey DSH Gray Cat with White Boots 03/19/01-07/26/11 Mom and Bree Neely
Casey- Dunham's Casey Sunshine Golden Retriever 05/17/03-04/20/12 Barbara Dunham
Casey Dwarf Hamster 1 year 04/02/99 Denise Kuchta
Casey English Cocker Spaniel 08/14/00-01/05/03 Cindy Getgen
Casey English Labrador 02/02/15-04/27/15 Doris Sternberg
Casey English Setter 11 Years Chris
Casey English Springer Spaniel 03/23/94-09/23/07 Sarah
Casey English Springer Spaniel 04/15/93-05/21/07 Patty
Casey English Springer Spaniel 05/13/96-08/03/06 Mendez Family
Casey English Springer Spaniel 07/13/92-04/26/06 George & Jan
Casey English Springer Spaniel 08/13/89-02/08/04 Jennifer
Casey English Springer Spaniel 09/12/92-08/09/05 Cathy and Chris
Casey English Springer Spaniel 09/15/92-02/16/99 Sandee and Dave
Casey English Springer Spaniel 11/13/89-04/21/04 Debbie Lazar
Casey English Springer Spaniel 12 years 11/01/00 Chad
Casey English Springer Spaniel 12/12/98-04/25/03 Eudora Parker
Casey English Yellow Labrador Retriever 10/04/01-12/03/11 Lori Sharpe
Casey Farm Collie 14 years 12/15/06 Raymond Celebucki
Casey Flamepoint Cat 11 years 09/17/03 Nancy
Casey Franklin Cat 08/01/01-07/17/04 Beth
Casey Freund Black Lab 11/30/96-04/01/09 Kelly Freund
Casey Freund Black Lab lots of Grey 11/30/96-04/01/09 Kelly Freund
Casey Fullerton Curry Labrador Retriever 08/17/99-02/03/09 Catherine Curry
Casey Furton Border Collie Mix 03/04/89-08/11/04 Jeff and Donna
Casey Gagliardi Pembroke Corgi 02/24/01-05/06/11 Sevy
Casey Generic Cat 12 years 04/2002 Ronnie & Mike Sander
Casey German Long Hair Shepherd 10/04/97-09/08/08 Virginia Santangelo
Casey German Shepherd 01/09/91-06/19/04 Arlene and Richard
Casey German Shepherd 01/09/91-06/19/04 Richard and Arlene May
Casey German Shepherd 01/27/98-11/05/09 Carolina
Casey German Shepherd 02/07/88-11/28/98 Tom, Gail. Shannon & Sean
Casey German Shepherd 03/25/89-05/10/98 Marla
Casey German Shepherd 04/13/96-09/06/06 Bill
Casey German Shepherd 07/15/85-06/01/00 Carol Krystopa
Casey German Shepherd 07/24/87-03/23/01 Meagan
Casey German Shepherd 07/85-01/11/99 Dan & Maryann Knieter
Casey German Shepherd 07/88-06/01 Fogarty Family
Casey German Shepherd 08/04/84-05/11/96 John Papp
Casey German Shepherd 08/18/92-07/05/05 Joan Frost
Casey German Shepherd 10/14/89-07/11/03 Denise Tompkins
Casey German Shepherd 10/24/91-12/19/02 Susan
Casey German Shepherd 11/15/90-03/31/03 Robert Bruner
Casey German Shepherd 11/91-08/01/00 Chris & Rhett
Casey German Shepherd 12 years 04/08/04 Marilyn McLaughlin
Casey German Shepherd 12 years 11/08/04 Sharon
Casey German Shepherd 14 years 05/18/05 Pattie Holley
Casey German Shepherd 15 years 09/15/06 Kate O'Connell
Casey German Shepherd 6 years 07/05/04 Leslie
Casey German Shepherd 9 3/4 years 02/04/12 D. Caspio
Casey German Shepherd 9 years 11/07/07 Gheri Starr
Casey German Shepherd 9 years 11/07/07 Sue
Casey German Shepherd 9 years 11/07/07 Sue Starr
Casey German Shepherd Mix 03/18/94-05/18/11 Barb & Bob Alban
Casey German Shepherd Mix 10 years 06/20/01 Phyllis, Jim & Jennifer Ghersi
Casey German Shepherd Mix 11/95-11/10/04 Nola Rains
Casey German Shepherd Mix 13 or 14 years 09/30/20 Vanessa Y
Casey German Shepherd Mix 16 years 05/2010 Cindy
Casey German Shepherd Sandi
Casey German Shepherd/Collie Mix 06/01/94-05/02/07 Brian & Nicole LeBreton
Casey German Shepherd/Golden Retriever 17 years 12/22/12 Nanette Counard
Casey Girl Golden Retriever 1996-04/2006 Jen
Casey Glanz Corgi/Collie 13 1/2 years 09/02/04 Sandee, Gregg, Zach, & Max
Casey Glenn Lab Mix 18 years 06/12/12 Dana Glenn
Casey Golden 06/09/09-10/22/16 Dan and Marcia
Casey Golden 08/28/09-11/25/23 Melody Daly
Casey Golden 10/21/92-01/12/05 Nancy and Jack
Casey Golden Lab 03/23/93-10/01/97 Beth Smith
Casey Golden Labrador/Retriever Mix 06/17/99-05/28/05 Chris Ford
Casey Golden Labrodor 20/10/86-16/01/99 Sarah
Casey Golden Mix 04/20/07-03/03/14 Doris & Gordon
Casey Golden Mix 05/20/96-12/11/06 Judy, Bob & Sherie
Casey Golden Retriever 01/02/02-03/18/15 Kathy Stanbery
Casey Golden Retriever 01/02/99-07/02/14 Brian & Amy Smith
Casey Golden Retriever 02/01/97-02/26/05 Bill and Becky M
Casey Golden Retriever 02/07/97-02/17/02 Denise, Al, Katie & Joey Majko
Casey Golden Retriever 02/09/01-11/23/10 Diane Vitelli
Casey Golden Retriever 02/12/89-12/05/01 Joan Tallman
Casey Golden Retriever 02/20/92-03/04/03 Michele Palagano
Casey Golden Retriever 02/23/81-07/24/97 Peter Holzwart
Casey Golden Retriever 02/28/96-04/07/08 Stacy
Casey Golden Retriever 04/01/85-06/11/99 Pat and Tim Powden
Casey Golden Retriever 04/01/89-12/26/00 Jorja Barton
Casey Golden Retriever 04/10/98-02/14/08 Bob, Carole, Tom & Dam
Casey Golden Retriever 04/12/93-04/15/97 Bonnie
Casey Golden Retriever 04/15/97-07/07/06 Jen & Rich
Casey Golden Retriever 05/05/05-04/29/06 Tammy Wilhelm
Casey Golden Retriever 05/15/86-03/13/01 Judith Hahn
Casey Golden Retriever 05/16/88-01/22/03 O'Daniels Family- Pat, Mary, Christa, Tim, Katie & Cory
Casey Golden Retriever 05/17/88-01/22/03 O'Daniels Family
Casey Golden Retriever 05/29/90-04/11/02 Susan Chiostri
Casey Golden Retriever 06/09/05-10/22/10 Sarah Nelson
Casey Golden Retriever 06/21/91-03/21/02 Beth and Kathie
Casey Golden Retriever 06/25/01-08/14/12 Kathy
Casey Golden Retriever 06/26/96-11/08/10 Celeste & Ron
Casey Golden Retriever 07/03/96-12/23/07 Bob Gilmore
Casey Golden Retriever 07/09/96-01/21/08 Colleen Kennedy
Casey Golden Retriever 07/10/91-02/10/05 Beth, Chrissy, & Vickie Erhart
Casey Golden Retriever 07/17/95 11/23/96 Eileen Rudolph
Casey Golden Retriever 07/27/95-09/15/07 Colleen W
Casey Golden Retriever 08/94-08/08/08 Linda
Casey Golden Retriever 09/22/91-10/30/03 Cindy McCalyne and Dave Flaugher
Casey Golden Retriever 10 years 01/22/03 Nancy
Casey Golden Retriever 10 years 07/12/86-12/10/97 Cynthia & Family
Casey Golden Retriever 10/09/97-08/30/11 Beth
Casey Golden Retriever 10/13/05-11/19/12 Michael Domena
Casey Golden Retriever 10/16/95 Katie Lanphear
Casey Golden Retriever 10/26/92-05/31/07 Sharon
Casey Golden Retriever 10/29/06-01/24/14 Kim Saghy
Casey Golden Retriever 10/30/85-02/05/98 Sarah Ross
Casey Golden Retriever 11 years 05/03/07 Lindsay & Caryn
Casey Golden Retriever 11 years 06/04/01 Heather
Casey Golden Retriever 11 years 08/14/12 Kathy
Casey Golden Retriever 11/05/90-04/21/05 Maria
Casey Golden Retriever 11/06/00-10/20/11 Sally
Casey Golden Retriever 11/09/89-11/21/98 Becky
Casey Golden Retriever 11/12/97 Samantha Ziegenmeyer
Casey Golden Retriever 11/16/99-10/10/05 Mindy
Casey Golden Retriever 11/23/00-01/07/05 Tom, Claudia, Emily & Molly
Casey Golden Retriever 11/27/93-06/29/05 Kelly Moyer
Casey Golden Retriever 12 years 12/18/07 Lynne
Casey Golden Retriever 12 years 1998 H.
Casey Golden Retriever 12 years Judy and Bruce Eurich
Casey Golden Retriever 12/14/96-04/04/08 Julie and Joe
Casey Golden Retriever 12/24/00-02/17/10 Steve
Casey Golden Retriever 13 years 04/30/10 Holly
Casey Golden Retriever 13 years 12/26/05 Stacey
Casey Golden Retriever 14 1/2 years 12/18/01 Bette Tomaino
Casey Golden Retriever 14 years 02/07/09 Liz
Casey Golden Retriever 14 years 06/21/95 Ann
Casey Golden Retriever 14 years 11/17/10 Shelley Mueller
Casey Golden Retriever 1986-08/17/01 Nancy & Carlton
Casey Golden Retriever 2 years 04/14/03 Lise
Casey Golden Retriever 2003-01/19/13 Pam and Jack Russell
Casey Golden Retriever 7 years 10/20/06 Betty Welch
Casey Golden Retriever 9 years 06/99 Shaina Sato
Casey Golden Retriever Mix 02/02/87-06/14/98 Bruce Whipkey
Casey Golden Retriever Mix 10/12/79-11/25/94 Rory, Eileen, Jamie & Dylan Clark
Casey Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel Mix 09/01/95-08/17/08 Joe, Thip and Kattiya Urbanski
Casey Gray & White Cat 06/19/86-04/01/05 Elizabeth Sanders
Casey Gray Stripe and White Mixed Cat 05/20/88-03/22/00 Kelly Clarke
Casey Grey & White Long Hair Tabby Cat 16 1/2 years 10/26/08 Lisa Bailey
Casey Grey and Beige Tabby Cat 02/26/96-07/25/99 Michelle Tovell
Casey Grey Tabby Cat 15 years 08/12/02 Jennifer
Casey Greyhound 05/01/91-05/13/02 Barbara Boyack
Casey Griglik Lab 12/16/92-05/01/08 Griglik Family
Casey GSP 12/01/02-03/07/07 Kathie, Chris, Michelle, Brendan Reynolds
Casey Guinea Pig 08/15/03-03/30/07 Brenda
Casey Hanrahan Golden Retriever 12/20/85-02/15/00 Kara
Casey Harnett Cocker Spaniel 7 years 03/05/01 Peggy
Casey Heinz 57 Dog 5 years 02/10/98 Butch
Casey Himalayan Cat 11/28/93-12/21/02 Eileen Keenan
Casey Himalayan Persian Cat 08/14/84-12/98 Cynthia Sinclair
Casey Himalayan/Persian Cat 09/06/94-05/17/02 J. A. Sears
Casey Hoops Hornstein Doberman 7 years 08/08/05 Debbie and Steve Hornstein
Casey Howard Cat 04/14/84-09/18/94 Sandy Hellstern
Casey Husky 08/24/00-07/14/12 Heather MacDougall
Casey Husky Mix 11 years 01/14/03 Amani
Casey Husky/Chow 16 years 02/13/11 Julie, Craig and Christopher Vorass
Casey Husky/German Shepherd Mix 04/12/87-04/19/02 Tricia & Jessica Berry
Casey Irish Setter 03/17/00-11/23/05 Lisa Costello
Casey Irish Setter 03/27/88-03/10/03 Susan Manti
Casey Irish Setter 04/05/00-10/23/08 Tobie Jenkins
Casey Irish Setter 05/31/78-11/04/91 Lynn and Juanita Bainter
Casey Irish Setter 07/10/89-03/08/02 Elaine
Casey Irish Setter 10/12/01-11/08/06 Nancy
Casey Italian Greyhound 05/25/02-01/15/12 Jean Kopczynski
Casey Ivanick Lab 01/25/96-05/06/01 Tracey
Casey J Bernese Mountain Dog 12/05/05-07/12/12 Charmaine
Casey Jack Russell 10/10/87-11/21/00 Staci, George, Dana & Tara Homick
Casey Jack Russell 12/02/02-02/26/16 Erin Ford
Casey Jack Russell Terrier 05/30/97-03/01/05 Nancy Marquis
Casey Jack Russell Terrier 07/09/05-02/21/11 Christine
Casey Jack Russell Terrier 10/09/87-11/21/00 Staci, George, Dana & Tara Homick
Casey Jack Russell Terrier 12 years 03/17/11 Rob and Alice Marsh
Casey Jacobs Australian Shepherd 11/14/97-01/21/07 Laura Jacobs
Casey Jane Cat 10/17/94-05/21/98 Jennifer D'Angelo
Casey Jane German Shepherd 05/11/96-06/11/04 Terru and Bob
Casey Janowich Golden Retriever 05/11/98-11/04/10 Kathie Janowich
Casey Japanese Chin 11 years 01/28/11 Penney
Casey Japanese Chin 7 1/2 years 02/19/06 Foley
Casey Jo Cocker Spaniel 04/10/90-11/13/04 Ralph and Barb Muoio
Casey Jo Sheetz Mixed Dog 11 years 04/09/08 Betty
Casey Jo Shorthair Cat 07/04/00-11/27/06 Tammy Jo
Casey Jo Westie 15 years 02/05/04 Corie
Casey Jones Basset Hound 10 years 10/16/05 Bruce & Linda Jones
Casey Jones Beagle 4 years 04/2003 Carol & Michael
Casey Jones Cat 09/03/85-03/10/96 Karen and Jack
Casey Jones Cat 09/15/94-05/24/07 Jody Shade
Casey Jones Cohan Golden Retriever 05/25/95-08/11/07 David Cohan
Casey Jones Dachshund 06/13/93-03/12/09 Scott Stevens
Casey Jones Dachsund Brit
Casey Jones Dog 15 years 10/25/05 Ruth Moore
Casey Jones Farrelly Mixed Dog 12 years 12/06/06 Pattie, Lindsay, and Chris
Casey Jones Golden Retriever 02/07/02-12/15/11 Charlie H
Casey Jones Golden Retriever 04/19/01-12/02/11 Teresa
Casey Jones Golden Retriever Dog 09/29/87-10/01/97 Ji Jonske Family
Casey Jones Greyhound 10 years 08/25/12 Sandy R
Casey Jones Kennedy Tibetan Terrier 10/18/91 Megan
Casey Jones Liver-spotted Dalmatian 03/??/93-07/01/02 Dena & Bill Matthews
Casey Jones Mixed Dog 12/12/89-02/07/06 Rena
Casey Jones Orange Tabby Cat 10/92-03/08/06 Jeff
Casey Jones Rotti Mix 02/15/95-05/17/07 Darrin Dutton
Casey Jones Rotti/Pit Bull Mix 02/15/95-05/17/07 Darrin Dutton
Casey Jones Rottweiler/Akita Mix 03/10/97-12/12/97 Cathie Sterchele
Casey Jones Terrier Mix 09/26/92-11/03/03 Kevin Weaver
Casey Jones Yorkie 06/24/82-11/03/97 Susie Van Deluyster
Casey 'Katybear' Pug 08/23/00-12/07/09 Valerie Cummings
Casey Keeshond 01/17/11 Alyssa
Casey Keeshond 10 years 08/96 Ray Tremont
Casey Keeshond 12/10/87-08/02/99 Lori and Andrew Venema
Casey Keeshond 12/28/88-05/25/00 Stephen Lewis
Casey Keeshond 13 years 06/18/03 Cindy
Casey Kerry Blue Terrier 11/17/96-03/03/12 Rhonda McDonald
Casey King Charles Cavalier 01/04/00-07/11/09 Wendy
Casey Kitten 06/06/99-07/27/99 Lisa & Lonny
Casey Kockler Pug 09/19/92-06/29/06 Lammy & Nicholas
Casey Krauss Golden Retriever 10 years 07/11/08 Barbara
Casey Lab 01/93-06/11/06 John Dellisola
Casey Lab 04/09/04 The Shaw Family
Casey Lab 07/31/04-04/04/09 Paula and Julie
Casey Lab 10 1/2 years 11/19/11 Debbie
Casey Lab 11 years 07/2007 Sharon Macevic
Casey Lab 13 years 06/11/06 John Dellisola
Casey Lab 4 years 06/30/02 Sara
Casey Lab Mix 01/09/97-03/25/10 Deb Aylor-Polisoto
Casey Lab Mix 04/02/03-12/18/11 Helen Fogarty
Casey Lab Mix 07/05/99-07/29/02 Carol Yennie
Casey Lab Mix 12/22/97-03/08/10 Joel and Andrea Fox
Casey Lab/Chesapeake Mix 11/15/87-03/03/04 Frank & Laurie Pincoski
Casey Lab/Chow 05/05/96-08/27/04 Michelle, Marc, Nick & Chelsea
Casey Lab/Cocker Spaniel Mix 03/20/91-08/11/06 David Lybarger
Casey Lab/Dalmatian Mix 13 1/2 years 12/25/09 The Kananen Family
Casey Lab/Golden Mix 07/92-12/23/03 Jim Marks
Casey Lab/Husky Mix 10 years 02/23/13 Mary Pitcher
Casey Lab/Rot Mix 10 1/2 years 07/19/08 Lauri Nichols
Casey Lab/Shepherd 12/06/98-08/04/10 Karen L. Beard
Casey Lab/Shepherd Mix 05/15/89-08/30/00 Kathie Bystrek
Casey Lab/Shepherd Mix 07/20/90-03/29/06 Debra Stevens
Casey Lab\husky 12 years 09/14/10 Dennise, George and Nick
Casey Labrador 04/22/87-02/15/99 Maribeth Long
Casey Labrador 06/16/09 Ann Marie Krzan
Casey Labrador 06/18/06-02/18/16 Agnes Tafaro
Casey Labrador 08/03/02-01/17/11 Sabrina
Casey Labrador 11 years 08/16/11 Kevin
Casey Labrador 12 years 11/18/08 Dena and Jerry
Casey Labrador Retriever 01/10/98-10/20/06 Arlene Hardies
Casey Labrador Retriever 01/16/95-28/09/08 Tamara
Casey Labrador Retriever 01/30/98-09/14/09 Marcia Lawton
Casey Labrador Retriever 06/04/98-02/20/10 Suzanne Schlecht
Casey Labrador Retriever 09/10/98-07/07/01 Jennifer Studholme
Casey Labrador Retriever 09/19/95-03/13/09 Lori
Casey Labrador Retriever 09/27/11 Linda, Gary and Gary McDermott
Casey Labrador Retriever 10 years 07/27/06 Pam and Zach
Casey Labrador Retriever 13 years 02/08/16 Mandy Fritsche
Casey LaCroix Wheaton Terrier 07/27/07-01/14/19 Joan LaCroix
Casey Lahsa Apso 09/25/92-03/21/08 Judy Cooper
Casey Lanoux Shetland Sheepdog 01/15/97-07/21/10 Shana
Casey Lasa 05/2002-02/15/17 Eileen Kelley
Casey Lea Basenji/Lab Mix 12/25/91-11/05/05 Kathy Conley
Casey Lee Branzaru Shepherd/Ridgeback 02/89 - 4 Oct 2002 Elena
Casey Lee Doberman 07/25/98-11/17/06 Carol and John Lee
Casey Lee Golden Retriever 03/21/87-07/25/01 Susan, Ben, Jeff McIntosh
Casey Lee Golden Retriever 12/08/92-10/11/04 Mary Krahn
Casey Lee Green Westhighland Terrier 08/24/00-08/24/09 Karen
Casey Lee Miniature Schnauzer 07/21/00-02/25/08 Brenda & Anthony
Casey Lee Shihtzu 04/26/02-11/07/11 Janet & Art Crouse
Casey Lee Yellow Laborador/Samoyed Mix 03/23/91-05/02/02 Loretta Lynn and Keith H. Brenner
Casey Lemieux Jack Russell 01/01/89-10/09/07 William F. S. Lemieux
Casey Lhasa 03/12/95-03/08/09 Dawn & Dick Jenkins
Casey Lhasa Apso 01/17/84-10/31/99 Peggy Sharp
Casey Lhasa Apso 03/10/89-03/15/04 Greg & Dina Ketcham
Casey Lhasa Apso 03/14/92-07/14/08 Beth
Casey Lhasa Apso 04/30/89-07/21/04 Janet B
Casey Lhasa Apso 10/16/84-06/30/00 Laura & Ted Pawelec
Casey Lhasa/Terrier Mix 06/01/92-09/05/07 Mary and Todd Watson
Casey Lhaso/Poodle Mix 15 years 08/03/06 V.B & J. W
Casey Lipsitt Beagle 03/15/03-07/19/12 Marcie Lipsitt
Casey Llaso Apso 09/12/93-11/20/09 Barbara
Casey Long Hair Chihuahua 17 years 08/04/16 Ayani Good
Casey Lou Cat 01/01/06-07/10/19 Mike Terracciano
Casey Lou Guinea Pig 5 months 07/18/00 Suzanne D
Casey Louise Yellow Lab 07/04/05-08/03/12 Susan Stallone Plott
Casey Lovebird 03/01/04-06/21/08 Glenda Miller
Casey Lucky
Casey Lynn Dog 04/02/05-12/20/10 Aimee Ferguson
Casey Lynn Eden Golden Retriever 12/02/89-02/12/03 Jessica
Casey Lynn Golden Retriever 03/28/01-05/14/09 Dave & Terry Alburger
Casey Lynn Schroeder Black Lab/Border Collie 15 years 06/20/05 Linda A. Schroeder
Casey Lynn Sheltie 07/03/96-02/07/05 Alice Barton
Casey Lynn Siberian Husky 13 years 09/01/01 Kelli
Casey Lynn Tri Color Calico Cat 6 years 06/29/13 Brenda Rego
Casey Lynx Point Kitten 05/2006-12/23/06 John Norton
Casey Macey German Shepherd and Black Lab Mix 05/90-10/13/01 Nicole, Michelle, Lori, and Joe Filicetti
Casey Mae Blue Heeler 16 1/2 years 01/04/12 Carolyn Lansdon
Casey Maine Coon Cat 16 years 01/16/11 Carol
Casey Mainecoon Cat 10/01/94-10/02/08 Lorrie Mac Gregor
Casey Maltese / Shitzu 14 years 10/03/12 Doug, Cheryl, Alysia and Tyler and Pelkey
Casey Maltese 02/10/98-11/25/09 Valerie
Casey Maltese 02/25/00-02/23/11 Leanne
Casey Maltese 03/05/93-06/13/09 Michael Robinson
Casey Maltese 03/16/08 Aimee
Casey Maltese 16/02/93-18/09/04 Robyn & Lyndon Bond
Casey Maltese Mix 12/06/97-04/07/10 Connie
Casey Mandelino 09/91-05/01 Lizann
Casey Mangiaracina Yellow Lab 13 1/2 years 08/05/14 Sara, Sophia, Lila, Len Mangiaracina
Casey Manzo-Prohm Yorkie 15 years 03/01/05 Jolynn and Jamie Prohm
Casey Marie Boxer 09/05/00 Diane Sampson and family
Casey Marie Cocker/Terrier Mix 13 years 11/02/01 The Lichtman Family
Casey Marie Golden Retriever 12/15/92-03/10/04 Chuck, Terry, Grace, & Sam
Casey Marie Plott Jack Russell 04/06/07-01/02/13 April and Brandon Plott
Casey Marie Use' Terrier 03/13/90-04/25/99 Alex and Becky
Casey Martish Huskie/German Shepherd 02/14/88-10/23/02 Mike, Jackie, Brandon
Casey Masey Lab Hybrid 11/01/98-12/03/07 Maria Arellano
Casey Maxwell Miniature Apricot Poodle 02/13/87-08/24/01 Diane Kovalich and Diana Lamer
Casey May Maine Coon Cat 20 years 05/15/07 Joanne & Steve Hotvedt
Casey May Mixed Dog 05/2000-05/14/06 Amanda & Harold
Casey May P Sheltie 04/15/06-10/07/14 Patsy
Casey May Yellow Lab 10 years 06/25/05 Gale Smith
Casey McClelland Dalmatian Pointer Mix 04/97-11/29/11 Loretta McClelland
Casey McFadden Black Lab 11/25/94-05/21/08 Suzanne McFadden
Casey McNally Border Collie Mix 02/05/97-03/05/07 Betty McNally
Casey Michael Scottish Terrier 11/01/87-02/21/00 Cheryl McDaniel
Casey Mills aka Big Boy Yellow Labrador 13 years 01/25/11 Tim & Judi Mills
Casey Miniature American Eskimo Dog 02/27/06 Deb Hall
Casey Miniature American Eskimo Dog 03/01/03-11/09/08 Mike and Beth
Casey Miniature Australian Shepherd 07/08/90-01/16/08 Connie, Gary & Gina
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 03/07/97-11/16/07 Sandi Probst
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 07/07/85 09/27/99 Carole Higgins
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 10/10/00-01/25/11 Nancy Matthias
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 01/09/12 Barbara Mehrling
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 15? years 10/04/04 Debra Serafano
Casey Miniature Schnauzer 15+ years 10/26/00 Kelli
Casey Miracle Lab, Mixed 02/93-04/13/06 Ra Miracle
Casey Mix 08/08/88-02/22/00 Nathania
Casey Mix Dog 04/01/00-09/05/09 Anne Coglianese
Casey Mixed Breed Dog 06/21/90-04/23/06 Pam Schwebel
Casey Mixed Breed Dog 12/05/90-12/11/01 Emmy Garcia
Casey Mixed Breed Dog 12/25/91-06/30/07 Martyne, Dave, Alex & Zach Rockefeller
Casey Mixed Breed Snauzer 10/31/89-02/13/02 Molley
Casey Mixed Cat 08/21/08-02/21/20 Cindy Zitti
Casey Mixed Cat 14 years 08/27/07 Zoe Hall
Casey Mixed Cat 19 years 02/13/09 Brianna
Casey Mixed Cat 6 years 07/19/01 Alicia West
Casey Mixed Dog 01/05/00-09/21/06 John & Jeanette Raynor
Casey Mixed Dog 05/18/00-04/21/14 Kathy
Casey Mixed Dog 05/30/94-06/27/00 Bill and Donna Johnston
Casey Mixed Dog 06/98-09/21/08 Ray and Nan Woods
Casey Mixed Dog 07/04/95-11/06/00 Sally S.
Casey Mixed Dog 09/24/00-08/23/03 Gail Dolnick
Casey Mixed Dog 10 years 05/15/08 Nancy
Casey Mixed Dog 10 years 05/23/09 Leslie Swezey
Casey Mixed Dog 12/01/94-03/03/11 Marsha Russavage
Casey Mixed Dog 1992-08/22/05 Steve & Karen Knight
Casey Mixed Dog 7 years 05/18/07 Jeff, Kathy, Jeffrey, Ryanne and Jenna Fose
Casey Mixed Lab/Shepherd 11 years 01/06/05 Bill Lewis
Casey Mixed Persian Cat 19 years 08/28/04 Jan Johnson
Casey Mixed Shepherd/Lab 01/04/88-09/01/99 Lorraine Broydell
Casey Mixed Terrier Manchester 13 years 04/11/17 Tina Henderson
Casey Mixed, Lhaso 04/26/09 Mary
Casey Moe Cocapoo 11/12/91-11/18/91 Samantha
Casey Morgan Husky 02/03/96-01/14/07 The Morgan Family
Casey Moss Black Lab 02/26/01-08/19/08 MHM
Casey Ms Jones Sheltie Mixed 14 years 02/27/10 Henry Votsmier
Casey Ms. Jone Sheltie Mix 14 years 02/27/10 Hannah, Maggie Votsmier
Casey Mullin Maltese 12/12/21 Ann Marie Mullin
Casey Mutt 05/16/06 Torsten Kluge
Casey Mutt 12/12/93-04/11/09 Carol Revitz
Casey Newfoundland 04/15/13 Kathy and Al Mitchell
Casey Nicole Golden Retriever 12/14/84-05/03/00 Virginia Cole & Cate Guyan
Casey Noel Shetland Sheepdog 10/03/96-04/03/06 Christian, John and Jackson
Casey Norfolk Terrier 06/24/91-01/09/01 Doug Brunswick
Casey Norwegian Forest Cat 15 years 05/29/09 Joanna Chusid
Casey Nova Scotian Duck Tolling Retriever 09/10/00-01/14/10 Audrey and Gerry
Casey OES/Lab Mix 12 years 07/05/94 Barbara Pavel
Casey of Falling Leaf Farms Great Pyrenees 12/13/04-09/09/13 Randy and Vicki Murdick
Casey O'Hara German Shep. 4 years 06/06/99 The O'Hara Family and Jason Biener
Casey Old English Dog 12/17/88-24/08/98 Jenny Day
Casey Old English Sheepdog 07/01/90-10/03/05 Judy Johnson
Casey Old English Sheepdog 9 years Jack and Gail Brennan
Casey Orange Ragdoll Cat 03/16/09-09/19/11 Deb and Frank
Casey Orange Tabby Cat 01/01/00-02/01/08 Karyn
Casey Orange Tabby Cat 03/25/01-03/07/11 Leslie Miller
Casey Orange Tabby Cat 05/31/90-09/07/04 Julie Olson
Casey Orange Tabby Cat 13 years 04/12/01 Sherry Johnston
Casey Orange Tabby with Golden Eyes Cat 07/88-01/27/01 Cheryl
Casey Orange Tabby, Shorthair Cat 10/05/06-09/11/09 Dayna & Doug
Casey Oughton Collie 01/06/07 Suzanne
Casey Parakeet 03/08/94-11/08/04 Chrisitne Logue
Casey Patrick Cocker Spaniel 11/29/88-09/09/00 Kristine O'Donnell
Casey Peekapoo 11/14/87-02/29/04 Pat Reilly
Casey Peek-A-Poo 15 years 12/26/07 Rose
Casey Persian Cat 07/19/99 Sandy Hudson
Casey Persian Cat 07/31/95-03/26/02 Tracey Eisenberg
Casey Persian Cat 09/01/82-03/02/01 Cherie O'Keefe
Casey Persian Cat 15 years 11/03/06 Karen
Casey Petite American Cocker Spaniel 13 years 05/27/08 Donna Jellerson
Casey Piddle Calico Cat 13 years 09/23/97 Jennie McClain
Casey Pit Bull Mix 05/01/01-11/05/15 Kathleen
Casey Pointer 11/21/93-11/10/06 Elena B. Howley
Casey Pom 14 years 09/15/11 Nikki
Casey Pomeranian 02/20/01-04/07/09 Amanda
Casey Pomeranian 08/05/04-02/15/14 Donna
Casey Pomeranian 08/15/97-03/11/11 Julie
Casey Pomeranian 10 years 03/22/11 Dennis French
Casey Pomeranian 11/85-06/14/99 Danny & Laura Kelley
Casey Pomeranian 13 years 07/05/08 Connie
Casey Pomeranian/Poodle 08/89-11/01/04 Elaine Lotito
Casey Pomimo Which Is Eskimo Spits/Pomeranian Mix 08/15/96-02/28/09 Joseph Delgado
Casey Poodle 01/29/87-01/11/99 Betty
Casey Poodle 05/01/98-06/22/13 Robert Wanner
Casey Poodle 12 years 07/13/06 Cynthia, Hugh King
Casey Poodle 14 years 02/11/11 Darrell
Casey Poodle 18 years 03/15/05 Marianne
Casey Poodle/Maltese Mix 04/26/79-09/30/96 Renee
Casey Poodle/Pomeranian Mix 05/01/80-03/06/97 Jaime
Casey Pooter Miniature Schnauzer 11/07/97-01/24/10 Lisa and Don Reuer
Casey Pug 03/04/94-01/25/06 Sue
Casey Pug 04/18/03-11/29/10 Debbie
Casey Pug 04/18/03-11/29/10 Debbie Reisman
Casey Pug 08/01/00-09/02/10 Renee Rogers
Casey Pug Bug Pug 09/03/02-11/07/16 Deanna Grabaskas
Casey Quarter Horse 01/03/93-09/22/19 Emily Held
Casey Rat 07/24/99-07/12/00 Kerri Pienschke
Casey Rat Terrier 05/20/03-08/25/03 Brent Hodgeman
Casey Rea Shih-Tzu 07/31/01-06/16/07 Kate & Roy
Casey Red Cattle Dog 05/12/95-12/27/07 Maddison
Casey Red Point Siamese Cat 02/01/81-04/14/99 Sharon Peddie
Casey Reign Maltese 02/07/03-03/24/06 Tammy, Christy and Jenn
Casey Retriever Mix 01/19/95-05/21/03 Virginia Arnold
Casey Roane Standard Poodle 05/07/98-02/19/09 Donna
Casey Rose Sprowles Golden Retriever 10/05/98-07/08/02 Carol & Kevin Gessling, Kristen, Angie, Gabrielle, Madison, Ethan, and Marie
Casey Rot 9 weeks-10/17/12 Michael Burakiewicz
Casey Rott/Shep Mix 12 years 01/20/03 Emily
Casey Rottie 01/17/96-10/15/04 Bob, Sue and Francesca
Casey Rottie 9 years 08/05/07 Karen
Casey Rottweiler 12/16/00-12/26/13 Phaedra
Casey Rottweiler 15 1/2 years 09/23/09 Ann Marie Brewster
Casey Rottweiler 1990-12/10/00 Brian, Terri and Jeremy
Casey Rough Coated Sable Collie 11/13/89-07/10/00 Ronna & Myles Hoffert
Casey Rough Collie 11/23/93-04/18/06 Joyce Cuyjet
Casey Rough Collie 13 years 08/08/05 Charles Beatty
Casey Russian Blue Cat 1994-03/19/03 Michael Kidonakis & Jennifer Pinkston
Casey Sable Ferret 06/25/95-06/13/00 Star McAleese
Casey Saint Bernard 01/98-08/07/06 Micahel & Erin Loyd
Casey Samoyed 03/06/87-06/04/99 Dawn
Casey Schalow Cocker Spaniel 10/28/97-07/14/05 Jeff & Dianne Schalow
Casey Schipperke 04/17/92-05/10/07 Miles, Robin, Sheldon and Jilly Dog Moffeit
Casey Schipperke 04/28/00-02/14/15 Lisa
Casey Schipperke 12/08/97-02/14/11 Linda Godwin
Casey Schipperkee 01/09/88-09/14/00 Barb
Casey Schlecht Chocolate Labrador 06/04/98-02/20/10 Chelsea Schlecht
Casey Schnauzer 04/91-11/23/03 Mike & Michelle O'Brien
Casey Schnauzer 13 years 12/2005 Patti Bird
Casey Schnauzer Cross 10/23/94-07/20/09 Joan Beard
Casey Schnoodle 02/14/00-07/19/16 Tammy
Casey Scottish Terrier 01/05/87-09/27/97 Robin J. Fones
Casey Scottish Terrier 01/06/93-06/04/06 Jon & Cheri
Casey Scottish Terrier 12/08/95-05/12/08 Tracey, Brad, Mallory and Blake
Casey Sealpoint Siamese Cat 08/13/91-05/04/07 Jeannie and Dennis Malatesta
Casey Shaggy White Sheepdog rescued 05/2008-08/12/11 Mickey Hibbard
Casey Shar Pei 08/06/05-06/30/08 Marilyn
Casey Sheehan Irish Dumbo Rat 10/08/04-05/23/06 Nancy and Ken Womack
Casey Shelti/Border Collie 09/01/96-09/19/03 Denise
Casey Sheltie 01/24/03-11/30/15 Barb & Bill
Casey Sheltie 02/09/05 Teresa Muncie
Casey Sheltie 02/26/91-04/13/03 Bob, Debbie, Michael, & Muffin
Casey Sheltie 04/14/01-12/03/08 Mike, Lisa & Nicholas Weisz
Casey Sheltie 08/12/97-01/17/07 George Eachus
Casey Sheltie 11/09/93-01/14/07 Karen
Casey Sheltie 11/22/94-02/28/05 Pam
Casey Sheltie 12/17/01-07/29/11 Shelley
Casey Sheltie 13 years 11/18/01 Vicki Perkins
Casey Sheltie 14 years 02/22/06 Scott and Mindy
Casey Sheltie 14 years 08/03/98 David and Kathie Frazier
Casey Sheltie 16 years 08/04/08 Mary, Bob and Dani
Casey Sheltie 1979 Richard Wynne
Casey Sheltie 9 years 07/22/05 Jennifer Rothwell
Casey Sheltie Mix 5 or 6 years 01/26/98 Kathleen and James Marhold
Casey Sheltie/Border Collie 10/03-06/12/08 Michelle
Casey Shep Mix 06/01/92-05/23/04 Connie
Casey Shep/Collie 07/29/86-09/28/98 Ellen
Casey Shepherd - Rottweiler 09/10/98-11/17/12 Pat Fayo
Casey Shepherd 1976-1980 Beth Maybee
Casey Shepherd Mix 04/1981-07/21/95 Dana Menist
Casey Shepherd Mix 09/28/95-06/07/05 Lisa Roveto
Casey Shepherd Mix 12 years 04/21/09 Caroll, Bob, Ryan, Brendan
Casey Shepherd Mix 12 years 05/19/03 Randy and Shirl Wood
Casey Shepherd Mix Spring 1990-08/29/98 Suzanne
Casey Shepherd X 14 years 10/17/08 Jan
Casey Shepherd/Husky 6 months 02/22/08 Rachel Sgro
Casey Shepherd/Lab Mix 07/24/93-04/15/09 Lori
Casey Shetland Sheep Dog 1997 Debby
Casey Shetland Sheepdog 02/08/99-06/29/11 Linda Prodorutti
Casey Shetland Sheepdog 02/26/96-05/06/06 Carmons
Casey Shetland Sheepdog 10/11/87-11/03/00,Roger & Karen Cash
Casey Shetland Sheepdog 16 years 10/02/10 Samantha
Casey Shi Tzu 13 years 12/02/03 Bernice
Casey Shih Tzu 02/02/92-09/24/08 Trish Pannell
Casey Shih Tzu 03/09/95-09/21/09 Sebrena Kimberly
Casey Shih Tzu 08/96-05/01/09 Jean Sells
Casey Shih Tzu 12/29/03-03/23/17 Beth Johnson
Casey ShihTzu 14 years 10/24/97 Linda and Wayne Sullivan
Casey Shih-Tzu/Poodle 09/02/00-03/08/14 Donna
Casey Shiloh Shepherd/Cattle Dog/Wolf 05/28/06 Jennifer
Casey Shitzu 03/07/95-11/22/07 David, Stephanie, Mackensie & Landon
Casey Shitzu 05/11/93-07/22/04 Francisco
Casey Shitzu 8 years 05/13/08 Linda DiPaolo
Casey Shiz Tzu 07/01/90-01/42/08 Gail Laviolette
Casey Short Hair Domestic Cat 13+ years 06/14/11 Penny Dorfman
Casey Short Hair Orange Tabby Cat 4 1/2 years 03/10/06 Gena Gilcrease
Casey Shorthair Cat 06/97-04/01/18 Denise Fitzgerald
Casey Shorthair Cat 16 years 06/00 Tawni Pfaff
Casey Siamese Cat 04/90-06/28/05 Randi Ross
Casey Siamese Mix Cat 08/28/08 Kamala Bhat
Casey Siamese-Himalayan Cat 05/02/91-01/21/06 Dave and Kathy Kilgore
Casey Siberian Husky 03/15/98-04/20/12 Sandi
Casey Siberian Husky 10/31/97-08/12/09 Roger Vogel
Casey Siberian Husky/German Shepherd 04/06/85-10/14/02 Sandi and Barry Bradfield
Casey Siljee Mutt 07/20/88-04/20/96 Mom, Dad, Paul, Nick, Winston, Cody and Lexi
Casey Silky 01/02/00 Jim and Phyllis Blankenship
Casey Silva Miniature Schnauzer 06/15/03-07/26/12 Toni Silva
Casey Silver Persian Cat 17 years 1984 Mary Ballard
Casey Silver Shaded Persian Cat 02/01/91-10/23/04 S.V. Malhosky
Casey Silver Tabby DSH Cat 05/97-08/27/98 Teresa A. Statler
Casey Siracuse Golden Retriever 02/25/97-09/06/07 Mary and George Siracuse
Casey Skrobanek Labrador Retriever 12 years 10/25/10 Genny and Gary Skrobanek
Casey Smilek Tuxedo Cat 04/30/95-01/01/12 Tina & Chet Smilek
Casey Snowshoe Cat 01/87-11/99 Mary Mitchell
Casey Snowshoe Siamese Kitten 06/22/10-02/04/11 Sutherland's
Casey Snugglebug Tabby Cat 12 years 10/03/15 Colleen
Casey Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 12 years 03/28/07 Steve, Lori, Hailey, & Alyssa
Casey Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 02/80-04/96 Linda Casey
Casey Solomen Island Electus 09/25/13 Karen Woodard
Casey Springer 15 years 08/22/05 Steve Owen
Casey Springer Spaniel 06/97-08/17/09 Strand Family
Casey Staff X 06/24/99-11/01/10 Sue Jones
Casey Standard Poodle 01/27/03-04/15/13 Susan Johnson
Casey Standard Poodle 07/11/83-04/19/97 Theresa Murray
Casey Sullivan Golden Retriever 05/27/96-03/17/03 The Sullivans
Casey T. Kitty DSH Cat 08/95-04/10/01 Gloria Stenberg
Casey Tabby Cat 02/18/99-08/26/02 Cathy
Casey Tabby Cat 07/01/93-10/10/08 Penny
Casey Tabby Cat 10 years 04/23/08 Cathy, Rick, Scott, Mark
Casey Tabby Cat 14 years 07/06/05 Fran Barker
Casey Tabby Cat 14 years 08/05/13 Kevin & Caren
Casey Tabby Cat 19 years 08/17/02 Marsha
Casey Tabby Cat 5 months 08/15/02 Joy and David Ringelheim
Casey Taylor Thibeault Yellow Lab 12/16/00-09/05/03 Leslie
Casey Terri/Poo 15 years 04/11/06 Jean Butler
Casey Terrier Mix 12/31/96-02/05/11 Patricia McMahon
Casey Terrier Mix 13 years 03/22/99 Dottie Johnson
Casey Terrier Mix 15 years 12/26/05 Tracy
Casey Terrier/Mix 06/91-04/30/04 Kim and Gregg Stokes
Casey Terrier/Poodle Mix 12 years 07/13/2023 Susan Hall
Casey Terri-Poo 06/23/98-03/11/10 Edgar, Sandra, Sheila & Cory Amirault
Casey The Boy Hound Mix 14 years 11/22/06 Rich and Roxanne
Casey the First Cocker Mix 11/64-06/06/65 Melody Michaelis
Casey Tiger and White Stripe Cat 17 years 12/02/13 Barbara Sabatie
Casey Tiger Cat 17 years 03/07/15 Andy
Casey Torbie Cat 05/26/94-07/24/08 Karen Ratliff
Casey Torti Cat 08/02/84-12/17/02 T. Whalen
Casey Tortoiseshell Cat 11 years 03/12/11 Carrie and Joe
Casey Toy Poodle 01/30/97-10/21/98 Kathy & Wayne & Marcel
Casey Toy Poodle 04/27/93-09/27/04 Donna and Chuck
Casey Toy Poodle 08/08/83 09/30/97 Bill and Evelyn Utterback
Casey Toy Poodle 11/02/95-09/18/08 Gail Clouston
Casey Toy Poodle 21 months K.
Casey Tri-Color Collie 12/15/06 Raymond and Lynsey Celebucki
Casey Tuttle Mixed Dog 11/11/95-02/10/04 Mary Anne
Casey Udry Dog 04/22/13 Martha Udry
Casey Vankirk Golden Retriever 01/96-12/24/09 Barbara Vankirk
Casey Vo Pomeranian 1998-03/29/07 John Vo
Casey Weitz Mixed Dog 08/08/96-01/25/12 Fred and Gloria Weitz
Casey Welsh Corgi 06/94-08/02 Linda, Dave & Katie
Casey Wenrick Shih Tzu 09/19/04-08/03/16 Sheila Blake
Casey West Short Haired Cat 16 years 02/27/12 Mallory West
Casey Westie 01/10/95-06/29/10 Dan Lynn
Casey Westie 13 years 03/05/02 Pam
Casey Wheaten Terrier 10/17/89-04/21/05 Kathy Worthington
Casey Wheaton Terrier 02/19/98 Stephanie Laster
Casey White Angora Cat with Blue Eyes 14 years 05/10/00 Riley and Pepper
Casey White Cat 8 years 01/05/96 Scott
Casey White Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 05/16/11 Jim and Mary Beth Fiorio
Casey White Sheepdog 8 years 08/12/11 Mickey Hibbard
Casey White Shepherd Mix 15 years 04/07/00 Tish & Eddie
Casey Williams Yellow Labrador 04/19/93-08/25/07 Al and Kathy Williams
Casey Wire Haired Fox Terrier 02/13/91-05/28/04 Barbara
Casey Wolfee Cairn Terrier 01/31/96-08/04/06 Gina Kovac
Casey Woof Golden Retriever 12/28/84-10/24/97 Diana Morrissey
Casey Yellow Lab 01/09/93-11/10/00 Debbi
Casey Yellow Lab 01/12/01-03/13/09 Sheila
Casey Yellow Lab 03/13/96-04/30/10 Pamela
Casey Yellow Lab 06/14/04-11/22/08 Ocampo Family
Casey Yellow Lab 06/14/91-05/03/05 Stephanie Falato
Casey Yellow Lab 07/22/97-11/14/09 Fred & Joyce
Casey Yellow Lab 10/23/95-10/29/09 Deborah
Casey Yellow Lab 12/23/92-12/10/05 Geraghty Family
Casey Yellow Lab 14 years 03/15/12 Karen Galvin
Casey Yellow Lab 9 years 02/08/11 The Roper Family
Casey Yellow Lab Mix 13 years 12/27/05 Kelly Groff
Casey Yellow Labrador 02/08/09-04/17/18 Hollie
Casey Yellow Labrador 10/16/96-08/14/08 Christin
Casey Yellow Labrador 9 years 07/24/02 Pam Fernandez
Casey Yellow Labradour 06/04/94-08/23/04 Ross MacDonald
Casey Yorkie 01/19/00-04/27/00 Jason, Carrie, Ashley Bronson
Casey Yorkie 03/08/98-11/10/05 Sheri
Casey Yorkie 06/07/96-09/19/12 Tiffany
Casey Yorkie 07/12/06-09/06/17 Betsy Horne
Casey Yorkie 11 years 02/16/04 B Bolling
Casey Yorkie 11 years 11/06/01 Linda Elliott
Casey Yorkie 15 years 06/17/03 Karl Keller
Casey Yorkie-Poo 12/25/89-08/15/05 Vicki
Casey Yorkiepoo 15 years 10/18/10 Deb Ashworth
Casey Yorkshire Terrier 08/12/88-07/14/03 Lu
Casey Yorkshire Terrier 09/04/99-08/12/08 Martino
Casey Yorkshire Terrier 12/28/98-03/13/06 Lisa Clark
Casey Yorkshire Terrier 8 years 02/09/07 Jean Devoy
Casey Yorkshire Terrier Part Chihuahua 03/27/87-01/09/05 Jennifer Kennedy and Family
Casey Zorzi Terrier between 7 and 9 years 06/05/02 Eileen
Casey, Diamond, Nikita, Blossom Huskies and Pibble Dogs 01/23/16 Jennifer Myers
Casey/Baby Lab Mix 07/05/89-07/29/02 Carol Yennie
Casey-Ann Siamese Cat 01/20/87-09/10/03 Mr. & Mrs. Russell & Carol Eberle
Caseybaby Cocker Spaniel 06/28/03-06/25/13 Dan and Amanda Rothenberg
Casey-Baby Pug 01/22/99-12/04/10 Sharon & Rick Deblasis
CaseyDog Cocker Spaniel 11/07/97-10/17/09 Esther Sica
Caseygirl Shapiro Wolf Dog 14 years 06/29/12 Robin and Neil Shapiro
Caseygurl Husky/Mix 13 1/2 years 01/04/12 Brandi Luxton
Casey-Jane 10/97 Kimberly S.
CaseyJones Golden Retriever 03/22/00-05/18/08 Patricia Stack
Caseymae Black Lab Mix 10/13/96-08/13/09 Sue and David Anderson
Caseyrose Beagle 06/08/93-08/04/07 Karen-Mommy
Cash (aka Cashman) Jack Russell Terrier 8 years 03/26/12 Marty Sabolo
Cash Aussie 6 years 01/02/13 Sandra Baugh
Cash Berg Boston Terrier 10/25/05-07/31/17 Star Berg
Cash Black Lab 01/15/07-06/26/20 Amber Bryant
Cash Black Lab 05/14/02-03/31/06 Wendy Mitchell
Cash Border Collie Chow Mix 16 1/2 years 09/08/10 Marla Shurn
Cash Boxer 11/24/07-02/06/18 Steve
Cash Boxer 12 years 09/15/06 Rose
Cash Bulldog 2 years 11 months 09/17/11 Matt and Jess Sizemore
Cash 'Cashy Boy' Rottweiler 07/30/20-04/18/24 Jayme and Frank Funk, Dillon Emahiser
Cash Chihuahua 14 years 12/27/19 Chris Shelley
Cash Chihuahua-Shih Tzu 08/17/07-08/14/22 Keyarah
Cash Crested Guinea Pig 04/10/05-11/14/08 Jennifer Finch
Cash Dog 03/03/22 Dorthea Travis
Cash Dog Alison
Cash Dog Debby Dolen
Cash Dog Mixed 11 years 05/01/23 Susan Gettemy
Cash English Bulldog 08/28/09-06/10/20 Sandra Martinez
Cash English Springer Spaniel 12/15/10 Carole Lloyd
Cash Frye Mason Labrador/German Shepherd 10.31.2011-11.7.2020 Tonya Mason
Cash German Shepherd 01/01/87-05/09/08 Jim & Jan Scotellaro
Cash German Shepherd 07/04/00-03/09/11 Ken and Marge Lahvic
Cash German Shepherd 11/15/90-02/05/00 Rob & Margaret Hill
Cash Golden Retriever 10/99-04/20/09 Christine and Marty
Cash Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 09/09/00-02/10/04 Scott & Joni Saegh
Cash Greyhound 05/01/96-05/22/08 Brian Heritage and Jill Lassaline
Cash Labrador 4 years 05/16/09 Marcella & Carl Spurgeon
Cash Lewis Great Dane 10/06/06-04/07/18 Liz and Larry Lewis
Cash Maltese 06/20/10-10/16/10 Elsa Cortez
Cash Maltese 10 years 04/06/19 Myisha Godette
Cash Miller English Bulldog 3 years 05/24/11 Joshua and Heather Miller
Cash Min Pin 01/15/06-03/04/16 Julie, Gail, & Quinn Wheeler
Cash Mini Rat Terrier? 03/22/20 Tommy
Cash Mongummery Hawthorne Cat 07/16/99-11/14/08 Derek Hawthorne
Cash Peek-A-Poo 09/01/86-04/10/02 Buddy and Sharon Culver
Cash Pit Bull 02/26/06-12/01/19 Michaela Edwards
Cash Pit Bull 07/24/08-10/31/17 Frank Grine
Cash Puggle 01/14/10-07/24/15 Bethani
Cash Rex Cat 16 years 12/06/95 Fred Rosen
Cash Rottweiler 06/29/96-01/11/06 Lynne
Cash Rottweiler 07/22/91-02/26/03 John S Chambers
Cash Shar Pei 5 years 04/25/04 Holly Reed
Cash Sheltie 10/03/95-07/28/10 Brenda Shrader
Cash Tabby Cat 09/16/10-09/26/10 Kelly Coleman
Cash 'The Man In Black' English Mastiff 6 1/2 years 04/27/09 Jody Roberts
Cash Thomas Chihuahua Puppy 3 months 03/24/07 Amani
Cash Vom Mittelwest German Shepherd 11/16/04-06/19/13 Linda B
Cash Wallingford Black Lab 12/19/89-05/13/03 Steve and Tena Mulvey
Cash Wheaten Terrier 01/14/96-01/20/09 Jackie Noveck
Casha aka/Casharel Tambone Norwegian Elkhound/Akita 10/20/90-10/18/05 Mary Tambone
Cashboy Shizu 11/05/03-27/08/17 Stephen Jayaseelan
Cashet Nut Crawford Ferret 02/14/00-10/07/06 Marlena and Johnathan Crawford
Cashew Blond Cocker Spaniel 02/23/84-01/13/91 Jean Oberg
Cashew Brittney 03/26/95-12/13/05 Don, Debbie & Matthew
Cashew Cockapoo 07/13/05-11/20/05 Catherine Nowik
Cashew Cocker Spaniel 12 years 06/05/03 Patti
Cashew DSH Cat 04/08/00-06/13/02 Cathy
Cashew Golden Retriever 13 years 07/28/05 Denise Bosma
Cashew Golden Retriever 9 years 06/05/00 Steve, Ginette and Matthew
Cashew Husky/Shepherd 02/06/90-02/09/04 Ray and Carole Walters
Cashew Labrador/German Shepherd Mix 4 years 10/27/08 Irina
Cashew Shitzu 07/11/06 Joan
Cashew Tabby Cat 1989-09/10/98 Melanie
Cashew Tortie Cat 15 years 05/15/98 Kathy Thornton
Cashie Golden Retriever 05/04/92-06/15/96 Annie & Jay
Cashmere & Clapton Bi-Color & Orange Tabby Cats 18 years 01/2000 Diane McCamy
Cashmere Balinese Cat 04/22/89-10/17/05 Kim Briggs
Cashmere Beige Flamepoint Maine Coon Cat 02/01/86-02/11/04 Joanne & Joel Loane
Cashmere Black Lab 03/28/96 Casey
Cashmere Blonde Longhair Cat 04/20/15-09/30/16 Jimmy, Linda and Alaina
Cashmere Cat 04/15/94-06/06/09 Susan Volonino
Cashmere Cat 14 years 10/16/20 Jessica Scritchfield
Cashmere Cat 16 1/2 years 03/27/02 Karen Hipp
Cashmere Chow / Golden Retriever 13 years 06/04/05 Connie Sawyer
Cashmere Dog 8 years 12/17/18 Nicole Ezell
Cashmere Domestic Long Hair Cat 12/31/06 Christina Folkenson
Cashmere Giant Schnauzer 05/15/98-12/30/05 Julia Adams
Cashmere Husky/Shepherd 14 years 07/18/07 Diane and Dick
Cashmere Lozano Calico Kitten 2 months 05/09/06 Perla Lozano
Cashmere Persian Cat 12 years 05/31/06 Darcy, Chris & Dylan
Cashmere Yorkie 04/12/98-08/31/04 Tracy, Andy, Halle, Baylee and Drew Barnhill
Cashmier Mixed/Longhair Gray Cat 2 years 12/28/05 Wendy, Earl, Cara and Hunter
Cashmir Burmese Cat 05/11/94-07/07/05 Marc Abelson
Cashmir Tabby Cat 07/31/96-02/03/12 Wendy Hancock
Cashmire Cat 06/01/90-03/22/06 Angela Bollettieri
Cashu Poodle 04/12/89-10/96 Cindy & Maryann
Cashus Maine Coon Cat 05/2005-09/27/18 Patti
Casi (Carpenter's Aniversary Surprise) German Shepherd 01/23/91-10/24/03 Carol Carpenter
Casi Loudamy-Justice Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/95-08/30/10 Laurie Loudamy
Casi Shetland Sheepdog 03/26/96-07/17/12 Lori, Renee' & Noah
Casie (Casie Weird Ears, Mbdca, Tdi) Sheltie Mix 03/17/85-10/14/99 Sandy Clark
Casie Black Lab 11 years 01/24/07 Patti
Casie Cain Long Haired Part Persian Cat 17 years 05/03/05 Susan Cain
Casie Calico Cat 06/95-03/30/03 Debbie & Bill
Casie Lee Calico Cat 06/03/97-03/30/03 Debbie
Casie Shitzu 04/26/90-07/23/05 Regina Furia
Casino (Cassie) Cat 03/11/95-12/27/02 The Rivera Family
Casino Cassie Shih Tzu 01/23/03-03/06/08 Ed Anthony
Casino Chip Dewitt Dachshund 02/14/03-08/30/09 Amie Dewitt
Casino Himalayan Rat 6 months 04/28/07 Brianna Carter
Casino Walker Boston Terrier 03/12/15 Kim Walker
Caspa Manx Cat 11/89-11/27/07 Wm MacCollum
Caspar Bichon Frisse 14 years 03/14/12 Sharon
Caspar Cat 11/02/12 Beula
Caspar Gerbil 03/01/99 Meggie
Caspar GSD 11 years 23/10/07 Jane Rosser-Smith
Caspar Labrador Retriever 07/23/97-03/23/09 Joanne Fountain
Caspar Mainecoon Cat 6 years 07/09/07 Linda Stemerick
Caspar Skye Terrier 05/01/93-10/20/03 Catherine McGowan
Casper (A.K.A. Pookie Bear Doggie) Sheltie 01/04/90-05/11/01 Jan & Bart Wager
Casper (Fat Cat) Black Short Hair Cat 05/15/89-07/18/02 Mitzi J Bailey
Casper (nickname Snowballs) DMLH White Cat 04/01/00-11/17/10 Kevin McNair & Frank A Perez
Casper 05/03/14 Renee
Casper 09/29/83-05/28/98 SMarks
Casper 1/2 Flame Point Siamese Cat 13 years 10/28/06 Sonia & Eric Kelsay
Casper African Gray 1982-07/17/99 Nancy Miramontes
Casper aka Baby Kitty Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/89-10/29/01 Kris Vrab
Casper aka Bubba Pure White Tabby Cat 05/01/94-01/19/08 Andrea
Casper aka little one Miniature Schnauzer 11/17/15 Frank Hunter
Casper aka Squeeky Domestic Black and White Longhair Cat 11/10/06-03/05/16 Sara
Casper Akita Mix 14 years 04/23/22 George K Schwallenberg Je
Casper Albert Bichon 10/08/98-05/06/12 Melissa
Casper Albino Cat 05/13/02-02/04/11 Debi
Casper Albino Cat 15 years 12/22/09 Diana
Casper Albino Ferret 09/26/09-05/09/10 Brenda Graves
Casper Albino Rat 09/08/95-11/11/95 Francina and Marian
Casper Albino Rat 2 years 2011 Emma Reinisch
Casper American Eskimo Dog 03/23/99-01/02/11 Marla
Casper American Eskimo Dog 04/01/86-03/15/02 Dori Page
Casper American Eskimo Dog 06/13/98-06/05/09 Ron & Jodie
Casper American Eskimo Dog 14 years 01/23/09 Monica P
Casper American Eskimo Miniature 11/24/90-06/20/06 Fran & John
Casper American Pit Bull 08/01/98-06/20/05 Lenore Newitz
Casper American Pitbull Terrier 08/14/96-09/10/09 Becky and Phil Haupt
Casper American Short Hair Cat 04/01/95-10/07/14 Edwina
Casper American Short Hair Cat 8 years 10/08/04 Samantha Huffman & Chris Atchley
Casper Amerson Domestic Cat 05/2003-09/17/07 Brittney Amerson Hicks
Casper Ann Torti Cat 03/17/72-05/21/91 Jackie Johnson
Casper B Miniature Schnauzer 12/21/01-10/30/06 Nicole Love and Henry Gosnell
Casper Baxter American Bulldog 02/12/05 Mary Jo Elisabeth Zanolli
Casper Baxter Zanolli American Bulldog 02/12/05 Mary Jo
Casper Bichon 01/12/87-02/03/05 Glenda Ward
Casper Bichon 03/19/00-04/03/14 Richard Thomas
Casper Bichon 08/18/99-07/10/09 Sandie
Casper Bichon 12 years 01/23/07 Katie Felton
Casper Bichon Frise 05/25/08 Tammy Dukart & Randi Coulter
Casper Bichon Frise 07/21/02 Gwen Cullers
Casper Bichon Frise 08/13/92-04/03/07 Rita Peterson
Casper Bichon Frise 11/05/95-06/05/03 Bonnie
Casper Bichon Frise 11/09/99-12/07/08 Jim and Deb
Casper Bichon Frise 12 years 06/05/99 Terri
Casper Bichon Frise 14 years 12/06/11 Donna Lewis, Ray Lewis, Becca Lewis, & Josh Lewis
Casper Bichon/Maltese 01/01/98-11/22/11 Annette Moschella
Casper Bichon/Toy Poodle/Shih Tzu 12 years 12/14/07 Jeff Meunier
Casper Bickford Mix Dog 07/01/96-12/23/08 Sydney Lane
Casper Black and White Medium Hair Bicolor Cat 06/22/85-09/20/01 Ken, Monica, Colleen and Jeff Kravetz
Casper Black Labrador 10/02/07-10/01/14 Michael Wilkins
Casper Black Labrador Retriever 10/02/07-10/01/14 Michael Wilkins
Casper Blais American Eskimo Dog 10/27/07-07/19/11 Tara Valence
Casper Boerboel Cross 20 Nov 1996-15 Jan 2007 Dawie and Sharon Botha
Casper Border Collie Cross 07/11/96-10/23/06 Rachel
Casper Border Terrier 09/08/99-07/12/14 Jackie Meredith
Casper Boxer 10 years 05/20/07 Stephanie
Casper Bull Mastiff 07/24/98-05/22/06 Garry Carter
Casper Cat 01/16/09 Melissa Beatty
Casper Cat 01/16/84-08/21/99 Amy Ross
Casper Cat 02/01/91-07/07/08 Susan & Greg Hallett
Casper Cat 02/14/95-02/10/03 The Tofari family
Casper Cat 02/18/16 Donna Tyler
Casper Cat 02/22/06-12/07/07 Jenna
Casper Cat 02/95-01/30/12 Donna
Casper Cat 04/03/08 John Defelice & Kerrianne Roland
Casper Cat 04/12/24-01/24/25 Melanie Bon
Casper Cat 05/12/90-09/06/03 Laura
Casper Cat 05/2002 Ht
Casper Cat 06/27/90-08/02/10 Harriet Fleming
Casper Cat 07/04/06-01/06/06 Mike Bishop
Casper Cat 07/2001-11/12/07 Lesley
Casper Cat 07/87-01/12/01 Linda
Casper Cat 10/08/08 Amy Valentine
Casper Cat 10/91-01/03/03 Sharon
Casper Cat 12 years 20 Feb 2010 Janet
Casper Cat 14 years 04/23/09 Natalie Hays
Casper Cat 15 years 01/30/07 Frank & Jane Howard
Casper Cat 15 years 12/30/10 Mom, Dad, Gramma, & Estacy
Casper Cat 16 1/2 years 11/21/10 Kim
Casper Cat 16 years 07/20/00 Arnold, Gloria, Tiffany, & Toni Brackett
Casper Cat 17 years 03/31/12 Richard & Robbie
Casper Cat 18 years 06/06/13 Brenda Strottman
Casper Cat 1985-03/28/97 Martha Green
Casper Cat 1998-10/24/13 Danae
Casper Cat 23 years 07/23/21 Kat
Casper Cat 3 years 23/02/11 Katie Dalton
Casper Cat 4 years 02/13/00 Meredith
Casper Cat 6 years 18/04/05 Annelise Genovese
Casper Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Casper Charles Inga Samoyed 4 years 12/23/97 Lisa Inga
Casper Chihuahua 15 years 10/02/22 Anthony
Casper Chihuahua 16 1/2 years 03/12/23 Kelly
Casper Chihuahua 5 years 10/15/17 Kadejuah Neblina
Casper Chrstopher Lackey Bichon Frise 11/24/99-05/29/04 Marie
Casper Cockapoo 01/01/88-03/25/02 Heather Hogle
Casper Cockapoo 09/06/85-09/01/01 Marcia King
Casper Cocker Mix 10 years 07/30/04 Liz Murphy & Terri Sites
Casper Cocker Spaniel 07/04/06-04/28/11 Tammy, Greg, Katie, Brooke & Zach
Casper Cocker Spaniel 14-16 years 12/02/02 Lisa
Casper Collie Lab Mix 3 years 08/10/22 Sharusanu, jaytan
Casper Coton de Tulear 12/27/07-05/04/17 Nicole McReavy
Casper Dalmatian 07/14/97-12/20/97 Karen
Casper DLH Cat 14 years 01/02/99 The Urke's-David, Brenda, Jessica & Kirsten
Casper Dog 01/01/99-08/06/05 Willa Mae
Casper Dog 06/99 the Perez Family
Casper Dog 10 years 06/07/00 Dolores
Casper Dog 10 years 07/24/12 Debie Brown
Casper Dog 10 years 09/22/12 Leslie Geer
Casper Dog 12/04/85-10/19/99 Ron & Phyllis Teal
Casper Dog 20 years 03/29/07 Andrea's Friend Mary Stone
Casper Dog Mixed Dog 8 years 02/2002 Peggy & Harmon Everett
Casper Dog Pitts Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/04/03-12/18/10 Malone and Bill Pitts
Casper Dom. Shorthair Cat 08/00-02/28/01 Kim Hearne
Casper Domestic Long Hair Cat 10/04/04 Gloria House
Casper Domestic Medium Hair Cat 13 years 02/13/15 Lesa
Casper Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/21/13-12/22/13 Laura
Casper Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 1/2 years 07/21/08 Ana Haget
Casper Domestic Short Haired White Cat 13 years 08/02/11 Laura S
Casper Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/04/96-11/28/06 Nicole Shatkoff
Casper Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/15/97-04/23/05 The Hairston Family
Casper Domestic White Cat 12/10/11 Patricia Venice
Casper DSH Black Cat 04/25/94-03/20/11 Daren, Monica, Mason, Deven & Makenna Townsend
Casper DSH Cat 10 years 10/26/00 James & Cheryl
Casper DSH Cat 12/19/13 Carina
Casper DSH White Cat 08/12/97-12/14/09 Amy Marie Eno / Patricia Ann Paul
Casper DSH White Cat 12/10/14 Tiffany Johnson
Casper English Setter 12/04/03-06/20/16 Stan Holloway
Casper English Springer Spaniel 07/13/96-03/07/09 Duane, Natalie, AJ & Benny Kozitka
Casper Evans Maltese 06/20/97-04/08/12 Craig, Norma and Shelby Evans
Casper Fahy White Boxer 03/21/04-09/20/14 Mary Ann
Casper Ferret 11/05/98 Linda
Casper Ferret 12/21/12 Jen Cuffaro
Casper Ferret 2 years 6 months 06/06/09 Jessee and Becca Weldon
Casper Ferret 3 months 01/26/08 Ezekiel and Emily Zamudio
Casper Ferret 3 years 02/03/95 Serena & Randy Shull
Casper Finnish Spitz 05/01/97-07/15/10 Emily Relojas
Casper Flamepoint Himalayan Cat 10/31/88-02/13/04 Don & Deb Friedrichsen
Casper Flame-Point Siamese Cat 06/01/98-06/02/18 Kelly Anders and Maria Dinis
Casper Fox Terrier Mix 10/31/96-11/17/99 Perry M. Ball
Casper Ginger Tom Tabby Cat 12 years 10/10/11 June Ebsworth
Casper Golden Retriever 01/07/96-13/02/06 Finn, Vivian, Harald Decker
Casper Graham Russian Blue X Tabby Cat 04/15/95-09/02/08 Ellen & David Graham
Casper Great Dane 03/22/02-02/05/10 Carol & Alex Reinhold
Casper Grey DSH Cat 15 years 10/22/02 Bud Williams
Casper Grey Pony Gelding 40 years 08/02/11 Beauty's Haven Horse Rescue
Casper Grey Short Hair Cat 10 years 07/04/92 Jake Fissel
Casper H. Domestic White Cat 14 years 01/16/99 Becky & Pat
Casper Hamster 10/24/06 Kristen
Casper Hamster 2 years 02/97 Alisha
Casper Hyland 01/11/95-10/72/09 Laura
Casper Hyland Black Cat 1995-10/17/09 Laura Hyland
Casper Jack Russell 14 years 04/02/09 Yvette
Casper Jack Russell 5.5.1999-4.1.2013 Angela & Chris Whayman
Casper Lab 10 years 31/03/07 Sabrina & Graham
Casper Lacy Domestic Cat 03/2006-01/20/15 Shari Lacy
Casper Long Haired Multi Cat 06/84-02/18/02 Kathy
Casper Long-Haired White Himalayan Cat 13 years 09/14/01 Colleen Seute
Casper Mae Hamilton Rot/Lab 04/29/92-07/22/11 Sarah
Casper Maine Coon Cat 2 years 01/28/99 Glennis
Casper Maltese 05/03/05-01/18/06 Michelle Chandler
Casper Maltese 06/06/05 Doris Mare
Casper Maltese 09/12/88-04/30/00 Jimmy & Mary Pence
Casper Maltese 11/11/82-25/06/02 Grant Mundy
Casper Maltese 12 years 02/27/11 Linda Santangelo
Casper Maltese 12 years 06/06/05 Doris Mare
Casper Maltese 16 years 19/09/07 Cherie Wilson
Casper Maltese Poodle 09/16/95-08/13/10 Debbie & Mike Somerville
Casper Maltese Poodle 11/20/01-09/29/13 Kelley Aasand
Casper Maltese Terrier 10/10/99-08/13/11 Beverley Kessey
Casper Maltese X Silky 01/06/08-05/20/08 Andrew Rajeevan
Casper Manx Cat 11 years 12/06/06 Bill and Consuelo
Casper Mi-Ki 10/31/06-07/09/09 Hazel
Casper Mini American Eskimo Dog 01/04/12 Annabelle
Casper Mini Bull Terrier 09/27/95-05/23/05 Sandy
Casper Mini Rex Rabbit 07/10/02 JT Gerbec
Casper Mini Schnauzer 7 years 01/29/13 Cecilia Sharkey
Casper Miniature Schnauzer 09/13/00-10/11/11 Sharon, Grant, Megan
Casper Miniature Schnauzer 12/14/11-11/24/12 Allison
Casper Mix Cat 11 years 03/16/10 Robert and Leslie Anderson
Casper Mixed Cat 07/04/96-05/13/09 Mary Jo Trybend
Casper Mixed Dog 08/94-12/28/10 Patty Binkert
Casper Mixed Part Angora Cat 10/16/85-05/15/03 The Enes Family
Casper Mixed Persian and Calico Cat 10/27/05 Lola Lee Weible
Casper Mongolian Gerbil 28/12/05 Sharon
Casper Newfie/Lab 7 years 07/23/07 Joe, Jeannie, Kevin, Samantha and Jessica
Casper Oranda Goldfish 5 years 12/09/06 Alice Coote
Casper Orange and White American Short Hair Cat 16 years 02/26/20 Amanda
Casper Orange Cat Summer '88-12/19/03 Katie
Casper Orange Tabby Cat 06/01/09 Amy
Casper Part Siamese Cat 2006-09/02/11 Carol Bell
Casper Persian Cat 12/21/01-06/12/09 Donna & Walter Lowich
Casper Persian/Himalayan Cat 16 years 01/29/14 Diane
Casper Persion Cat 4 years 08/15/01 James Doyle
Casper Pomeranian 16 years 02/12/02 Argie Blanco
Casper Poodle 04/22/90-12/21/07 Stephanie
Casper Poodle 11/11/96 Tammi
Casper Poodle 12/01/98-12/24/03 Nikki
Casper Poodle 14 years 10/05/02 Tracey Berrios
Casper Poodle 17 years 12/24/02 Nikki
Casper Poodle X 06/28/96-01/12/10 Debbie Lindberg
Casper Pure White Long Haired Cat 15 May 1987 to 9 Oct. 2002 Mark & Kim Albright
Casper Pure White Shorthair Cat 19 1/2 years 07/20/09 Connie Austin
Casper Ragdoll Cat 26/09/11 Tracey White
Casper Rat 11/08/09 Shu Ning Teoh
Casper Red Short-Haired Dachshund 17 years 04/27/06 Rebecca, Bob, Rachel, Nathan
Casper Rottweiler 9 years 08/03/01 Tess
Casper Russian Blue Cat 01/20/05 Ana
Casper Russian Blue Cat 10/31/99-10/19/16 Steve and Jeanie Mertens
Casper Russian Blue Cat 11 years 12/05/05 Connie Burkett
Casper Samoyed 04/19/95-04/11/97 Melissa and Terry Hopper
Casper Samoyed 07/02/99-04/19/06 Marla Williams
Casper Samoyed 13 years 05/16/01 The Green's
Casper Schnauzer 12/14/11-11/10/12 Allison
Casper Schnauzer 12/14/11-11/17/12 Allison
Casper Shepherd/Mix 10/96-12/23/09 Elizabeth
Casper Shih Zui 05/21/99-06/05/02 Mason Family
Casper Shih-Tzu 09/19/98-05/31/14 Scott and Janice
Casper Shitzu/Maltese 11/22/99-11/15/14 Monica, Daniel, Pablo & Angel
Casper Short Hair/Black Cat 04/25/94-03/20/11 Monica Townsend
Casper Solid White Cat 5 years 07/16/04 Leslie
Casper Springer Spaniel 07/07/05-05/02/06 Simon, Teresa & Morgan Astill
Casper Springer Spaniel 14 years 03/17/08 Mary B
Casper Std Poodle 10/31/92-08/25/03 A. Van Dusen
Casper Stray Cat 04/14/00-09/25/02 Michael and Kathleen Adkins
Casper Sullivan Mixed Shorthair Cat 17 years 07/27/09 Charlene and Mike Sullivan
Casper Syrian Hamster 2 years 07/14/11 Nicola Warner
Casper Tabby Cat 04/27/07-05/07/08 Anne Watson
Casper Tabby Cat 06/01/95-04/29/03 Helane Anthony
Casper Tabby Cat 10/13/03-10/07/08 Amy
Casper Tabby Cat 13 years 12/08/11 Elizabeth Millan
Casper Tabby Cat 20 years 11/05/08 Christine
Casper Tennessee Tabby 10/31/94-09/15/95 Jenn and Darrell
Casper Terrier Mix 02/22/00-05/29/18 Veronica Garcia
Casper Terrier Mix 15 years 11/13/21 Penny Klipple
Casper The Friendly Duffydawg Golden Retriever 07/25/95-08/07/08 The Duffy Family
Casper Toy Poodle 8 years 05/05/15 Cyndi House
Casper von Roy German Shepherd 10/25/97-03/11/06 Anissa Roy
Casper Weim 03/13/96-03/02/12 Mia, Haley & Rico
Casper Weimaraner 12 1/2 years 12/04/16 Nina
Casper West Highland Terrier 06/24/04-10/07/19 Diana
Casper West Highland White Terrier 01/19/91-01/28/05 Jackie Freeman
Casper West Highland White Terrier 05/24/00-02/03/17 Ed & Linda Laucks
Casper West Highland White Terrier 10/24/07-08/09/16 Laura Harrel
Casper Westie 01/09/88-06/17/03 The Engle Family
Casper Westie 08/15/86-08/22/02 Yvonne Maddocks
Casper Westie 25/12/04-08/08/08 Kiara and Myriam
Casper Westie/Terrier 17 years 07/07/08 Linda Fulmer
Casper White Boxer 10/11/02-03/21/03 Susie Johnson
Casper White Cat 04/21/81-10/12/01 Ray and Mary
Casper White Cat 05/88-11/92 Connie Carlson
Casper White Cat 10/23/06 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary/Joni
Casper White Cat 12 years 06/12/23 Johnny
Casper White Cat 12 years 08/10/01 Dee
Casper White Cat 1988-05/99 Susan, Dave, and Brian
Casper White Dog 10/14/97-12/20/05 Adrienne and Brent
Casper White Domestic Cat 20 years Sharon Reinen
Casper White Domestic Cat 5 years 07/20/99 Lois Miller
Casper White Domestic Medium Hair Cat 10 years 10/26/08 The Heaveners
Casper White Domestic Shorthair Cat 7 years 11/07/02 Tom Latimer
Casper White Dove 12/04/15 Kendall
Casper White DSH Cat 6 years 12/20/97 Donna and Adam
Casper White English Sitting Cat 17 years 10/08/09 Marla MacLean
Casper White German Shepherd 11 years 07/27/11 Sandra and John Blaha
Casper White German Shepherd 15 years 02/28/98 Billy and Shirley Benedict
Casper White Maine Coon Cat 11 years 04/30/01 Sheron Davis
Casper White Min Schnauzer July 12/25/98 Christina
Casper White Or Cat 1 year 05/23/04 Susan R
Casper White Pomeranian 10/17/04-09/11/05 Michael
Casper White Shepherd 01/05/12-01/02/21 DS
Casper White Short Hair Cat 02/03/01-11/12/02 Aleese Wagner
Casper White Short Hair Cat 06/95-02/03/07 Kathy Goblirsch
Casper White Shorthair Cat 10 years 10/22/05 Lacy, Teresa, Joe, Jason, Janelle
Casper White Turkish Angora Cat 04/24/04 Paige, Brooke, Steve, and Stacey Shores
Casper White With Blue Eyes Cat 06/15/10 Chris and Tia
Casper Yellow Lab 04/12/84-09/09/00 Carol Willette
Casper Yellow Lab 12 years 04/10/99 Roland Hathway
Casper Yellow Lab/Boxer 08/01/98-08/23/07 Terry Cocking
Casper-Baby Angora Cat 03/18/88-06/29/04 Lynda Mayer
Casper-Baby Angora White Longhair Cat 03/18/88-06/30/04 Linda Mayer
Casper's Cool Spookey West Highland Terrier 02/01/88-06/11/02 Dee O'Brien
Casper's Eternal Treasure aka Sasha Samoyed 02/17/94-04/28/04 Barbara L. Campbell
Caspian aka Caspi Maltese 12/30/05-04/02/19 Alejandra Nieves
Caspian Blue and White Shorthaired Cat 15 nearly 16 years 5th January 2003 Kari, Phil and Ahmoon
Caspian-Cafe Copeland Chihuahua Mix 05/19/10-03/24/23 Bonnie E Copeland
Caspian Cat 1987-01/04/03 Kari, Phil and Ahmoon
Caspian Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Caspian Rillian Stein Labrador retriever 04/10/97-03/26/07 Avis Stein
Caspurr 12/19/99 Tammy Kennedy
Caspurr Cat 1 years 07/03/96 Janice Lipsky
Caspy Cat 02/15/93-02/20/11 Shomita
Cass Davidson Golden Retriever 05/09/00-07/13/12 Patty
Cass Kitty Chartreux Cat 15+ years 09/24/05 Helen Estrada
Cass Smoky Gray Tabby Cat 06/2015-12/31/16 Eleanore
Cass Solid White Longhair Cat 5 years 01/10/05 Crystal Plummer
Cassaday Queensland Heeler 4 years 03/14/03 Terri
Cassady (my shower buddy) Grey Tiger Cat 06/98-05/01/14 Kristin Gutkowski
Cassady BC/Aussie/Collie 8 1/2 years 05/01/99 Tina, Bill and Remington
Cassady Greyhound 1992-02/97 Patti
Cassady Tabby Cat 02/13/04-08/20/18 Debra Fitzgerald
Cassady vd Brycehaus German Shepherd 09/06/99-03/25/07 Randy, Jenni, & Tater Davidson
Cassandra (Cassie) Calico Cat 06/01/87-12/07/05 Gary Sanginario
Cassandra (Cassie) Cat 12 years 12/04/97 The Bacon Family
Cassandra (Cassie) Lab Mix 15 years 09/08/09 Sheila Hugunin
Cassandra Aimee Elaine Wool Onofrio Gomes Gold Eagleton Hayes Calico Cat 04/87-11/17/01 Eric Kaplan and Jonathan Wasserman
Cassandra Boxer 5 years 07/04/05 Brenda & Steve
Cassandra Calico Mix Cat 1990 (appx)-09/19/06 Mary S. Brock
Cassandra Calico-Tabby American Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/07/86-01/10/02 Carol Armen
Cassandra- Casey- Lee American Shorthair (Tuxedo) Cat 03/17/97-10/29/10 Cheryl A. Hyder
Cassandra Cat 05/03/91-02/02/01 Kathryn Richards
Cassandra Cat 3 weeks-05/15/13 Kerri
Cassandra Cattledog Jordan Australian Cattledog 3 years 01/07/08 Jim Jordan
Cassandra Chocolate Burmese Kitten Not even one year old 29/08/08 Cat Stewart
Cassandra Chow Mix 15 years 10/19/09 Ncarole
Cassandra Golden Hamster 05/07/08-03/30/10 Jon and Pat Grosse
Cassandra Louise Multi-Breed Dog 070596-121097 Olivia
Cassandra Marie American Cocker Spaniel 07/04/84-07/15/00 Michael R. Marshall
Cassandra Ray Botello German Shorthair Pointer/Lab Mix 02/16/03-07/22/14 Ces
Cassandra Romanov Pomeranian 05/15/88-06/30/06 Alexandra
Cassandra St. Claire (Casey) Golden Retriever 06/15/97-08/10/07 Fry Family
Cassandra Tabby Cat 15 years 01/06/03 Anna Saunders
Cassandra Wolf-Dog 05/98-02/03/06 Janet Blume
Cassanova Chinese Shar-Pei 06/27/99-05/25/06 April White
Cassanova Dachshund 12/09/95 Marilin
Cassanova Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/01/93-01/30/08 Stefanie Dawson
Cassanova Weineramer 03/15/86-06/16/02 Gracia & Ted Bittner
Cassaundra Long Hair Black Cat 17 years 08/26/09 Beth Quisenberry
Cassee Yorkshire Terrier 12/09/96-02/20/98 CC
Casseiopeia Drew Classic Calico Cat 05/04/87-01/16/06 Natalie Drew
Casserole Calico Cat 09/28/97-04/21/00 Arla Miller
Cassette Grey and White Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 09/19/03 Christy B
Cassey Cocker Spaniel 07/21/84-12/03/96 Alan L. Lewis
Cassey Dog 02/29/01 Rob
Cassey Mhiro Japanese Spitz 05/30/08-01/12/19 Emily Relojas
Cassey Rae Chocolate Lab 08/20/95-02/25/01 Diana Frame
Casshern Cooper Cat 04/23/10 Tracy and Anwar Cooper
Cassi - Vermillion's Sentimental Journey Irish Setter 03/11/95-02/25/06 Shea Swanson
Cassi Cassandra, timinou Pomeranian 06/25/04-10/20/18 Linda Laurendeau
Cassi Chow Shepherd 17 years 08/14/18 David and Molly Linn
Cassi Maltese Mix 10/17/01-06/17/13 Debra
Cassi Miniature American Eskimo Dog 13 years 03/23/07 Madelyn R Nitzkin
Cassi Moggy Cat 7 months 31/08/06 Rosemary
Cassi Sheltie 11/17/87-10/23/99 Mary Lynn, Ken, Trish, and Amanda Callen
Cassi Shiba Inu Mix 08/01/93-12/02/09 Brenda and Raymond
Cassi Yellow Lab 03/26/96-02/14/05 Danielle
Cassi Yellow Labrador 03/28/92-01/05/04 Christina
Cassia Von Spartakus Rottweiler 11/19/94-12/01/05 Lisa H
Cassiday Golden Retriever 10 years 04/01/11 Ethel Sweeney
Cassidee Grey-Black Tabby Cat 9 years 01/03/98 Lucie
Cassidee Linn Bichon Frise 08/06/02-01/18/13 Scott / Sara Pace
Cassidy (A/k/a Hop-A-Long Cassidy) Netherland Dwarf Bunny 04/10/95-08/10/00 Laramy & Christian
Cassidy (Boo-Boo Butt) Bunny 5 years 08/10/00 Laramy & Christian
Cassidy (Cass) Yellow Lab 13 years 08/13/96 Barbara Gracey & Terri Moore
Cassidy (Cassie) Bichon Frise 10/21/01-11/02/06 Annette & Tim Obrien
Cassidy (Cassie) Rogers Chocolate Labrador 10/30/97-07/31/06 Kathy, Jillian, Ben & Gary Rogers
Cassidy (Cassie) Scottish Terrier 07/11/06-08/12/16 Sandra and Chris Howser and Ozzie
Cassidy (Hop-a-Long Cassidy of Ashurt's Castle) Dalmatian 06/17/93-08/12/97 Ginee Lewis
Cassidy aka Bud, Gato & Boo Brown Tabby Cat 11/26/87-05/28/05 Jorge & Sue Mato
Cassidy aka Little Dog 17 years 01/09/08 Janice Ransom
Cassidy Anne Shih-Tzu 03/20/99-10/01/01 Kate & Roy
Cassidy Australian Blue Heeler 06/96-06/25/07 Karen
Cassidy Basset Hound 08/2000-02/18/08 Pam
Cassidy Black Cat 8 years 06/98 Janice
Cassidy Black Lab 11/12/10 Eric and Brenda Wendt
Cassidy Border Collie Mix 04/01/01-04/02/15 Mary-Kay Young
Cassidy Border Collie/Lab Mix 10/06/04-06/14/18 Stephen Deppen
Cassidy Calico Cat 18 years 01/05/17 Donna Pace
Cassidy Cat 05/10/99-08/25/17 Pam and Taylor
Cassidy Cat 08/14/98-12/29/12 Erica Ward
Cassidy Cat 14 years 02/06/97 Amy Smith & Michael Acevedo
Cassidy Cat 16 1/2 years 08/22/11 Sue LaCour
Cassidy Cat 16 years 03/14/07 Janet Heaven
Cassidy Cat 1987-01/04/07 Lauren Laster
Cassidy Cat 2 months 07/14/00 Linda Berger
Cassidy Cat 2005 Pat Hefel
Cassidy Cat Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/01-11/27/15 Mike and Dotti Virgadamo
Cassidy Cat Mary Papp her boyfriend and his family
Cassidy Cattle Dog Mix 09/05/03-01/17/07 Ann
Cassidy Chow Mix 01/15/98-02/02/10 Colleen Rhodes
Cassidy Cockatiel 03/98 Sunny
Cassidy Cockatiel 1/98 Lauren
Cassidy Cocker Spaniel 01/11/95-05/29/09 Montana Warner
Cassidy Danielle Wilson-Feyer Cat 03/23/95-08/08/09 Paul & Maryanne Feyer
Cassidy Dog 07/29/05 Sharon Galdieri
Cassidy Dog 12 1/2 years 03/22/07 Susanne
Cassidy Dog 13 years 08/06/09 Elizabeth Gortowski
Cassidy Domestic Cat 18 years 06/20/00 Pam Crowson
Cassidy Doodle Mays Chow Australian Shepherd Mix 11/12/99-08/13/10 Sean Mays
Cassidy English Mastiff 12/24/02-04/30/12 Jo-Ann & Doug
Cassidy Geistvoll Zest for Life Std Schnauzer 12/01/97-06/04/13 Joel and Heidi
Cassidy German Shepherd 13 years 09/11/99 Vivian Bonatti
Cassidy Golden Retriever 01/20/98-08/09/08 Thalena Boyd, Kevin Haggerty, Steve Ingalls
Cassidy Golden Retriever 07/01/94-03/14/03 Julie
Cassidy Golden Retriever 10/16/98-05/29/13 Kim
Cassidy Golden Retriever 12/03/91-09/21/04 Marissa & Mark Molosso
Cassidy Holland Lop Rabbit 2 Years CS
Cassidy Husky Mix 12 years 11/2005 Jodi
Cassidy Irish Wolfhound 12/28/99-01/04/07 Connie and Bernie
Cassidy Jade DSH Cat 02/14/01-08/21/09 Trudy & Andrea
Cassidy James Lab/Pit Mix 03/05/98-10/18/01 Mom, Dad, Aaron, Mandy, Clyde Puppy, and Lucy Ann
Cassidy Kieran Rot/Chow/German Shepherd 01/21/97-07/06/07 Roxanna
Cassidy Kitten 7 months 12/04/93 Pat Wiseman
Cassidy Lab 01/24/11 Paulette and Amber
Cassidy Lab Mix 07/96-04/07/12 Mary and Marc
Cassidy Labrador 09/30/94-11/01/01 Cheryl, Barry and Matthew Cavanagh
Cassidy Labrador Retriever Cross 09/16/99-05/05/12 Amanda McGinty
Cassidy Lee Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/27/97-03/23/03 Dona Castor
Cassidy Long Haired Dachshund 10/01/93-01/04/99 Cheryl Schultz
Cassidy Long Haired Doxie 02/02/98 Cheryl
Cassidy Maine Coon Mix Cat 08/01/02-10/21/16 Debbie
Cassidy Maltese 12/31/06-10/13/16 Ronda Tappan
Cassidy Manx Cat 02/10/06 Ann Grattan
Cassidy Martin Yorkshire Terrier 02/25/05-08/28/16 Leanne Martin
Cassidy McGowan Cocker Spaniel 08/01/99-12/15/09 Stephanie McGowan
Cassidy Miller Calico Cat 15 years 01/22/12 Karen Miller
Cassidy Miniature Schnauzer 06/25/99-06/24/06 Cyndy Maly
Cassidy Mix - Siamese & American Long Hair Cat 02/14/96-07/30/10 Chrissy Johnson
Cassidy Mixed Cat 2 years 03/03/08 Ron & Brenda Holloway & Noemi
Cassidy Mixed Hound 10/31/99-10/14/07 Melissa Mackey
Cassidy Mixed Lab 02/27/12 Mary Ann Loggia
Cassidy Mixed Long-Haired Cat 02/91-10/26/05 Eileen Lavalle
Cassidy Nankee aka Momma Cass Lab Mix 11 years 01/24/11 Cathy, Rich, Sophia and Garrison
Cassidy Newman Golden Retriever 09/09/90-08/18/00 Lynne and Brother Sundance
Cassidy of Song Mountain Golden Retriever 07/16/89-12/17/03 Chris & Wendy Appleby
Cassidy Old English Sheep/Lab 07/13/88-07/26/00 Heather, Bob, Jessica, Bobbie, Elizabeth, Sarah and Bear Whelan
Cassidy Pekingese 15 years 11/02/98 Teddi, Reeni, Albert, Larry, Trenton, Mom, and animals
Cassidy Poodle Mix 02/18/03-04/06/03 Dawn
Cassidy Retriever Spaniel Mix 06/28/08-11/13/10 Shannon
Cassidy Retriever/Samoyed Mix 12 years 05/24/03 Stacey Wilkinson
Cassidy Reyes Dog 01/27/11 Simone Reyes
Cassidy Rottweiler 10 years 11/13/10 Jennifer
Cassidy Shepherd Mix 10/2008 Julie and Larry Horn
Cassidy Shetland Sheepdog 05/10/93-03/08/99 James, Heather and Jamison Davis
Cassidy Shih-Tzu 05/26/99-12/05/13 Michael C
Cassidy Shihtzu 13 years 9 months 12/20/08 Karen Ford
Cassidy Siamese Cat 08/15/02-12/14/09 Robert and Nancy Dilley
Cassidy Siberian Huskie 03/03/98-10/02/00 Mary & Sean Pedersen
Cassidy Smooth Haired Retriever/Golden 05/15/88-06/12/00 Carol
Cassidy Spaniel 15 years 08/06/08 Brenda Shott
Cassidy Standard Poodle 06/02/02-06/02/12 Suzanne M Levine
Cassidy Standard Poodle 2003-06/2012 Judith Rose
Cassidy Tabby Cat 07/15/92-03/13/10 Charlie Huebner
Cassidy Tabby Cat 09/15/85-09/24/01 Melissa Basine
Cassidy Toy Poodle 06/06/90-10/16/05 Lanell Kruger
Cassidy Westhighland Terrier Mix 02/27/04 Susan Johnston
Cassidy Yellow Lab Mix 10 years 04/21/06 Scott Ostwald, Tara Lentz
Cassie - TN Siamese Cat 15 years 10/02/18 Karen
Cassie (aka Casserole, Catastrophe, Shana) Miniature Schnauzer 07/28/97-12/04/08 Lauren Roberts
Cassie (Casserole) Ginger Mouse 02/05/05 Tracy Combes
Cassie (Cassiopeia) Lilac Point Himalayan Cat 10/31/83-11/15/00 Carolyn Clifford
Cassie 01/17/99 John Redshaw
Cassie 07/90-10/93 Lynn Ailes-Sengers
Cassie 09/30/84-10/22/00 Linda Dalton
Cassie 09/93 Patricia Witter
Cassie 12 years 09/06/94 Albert Victor
Cassie aka baby doll, bubba Pom Mix 11/20/15 Marlene
Cassie aka Cassidy Long Haired Doxie 02/04/00 Cheryl
Cassie aka Gooshu Yellow Labrador Retriever 06/24/94-07/01/06 Ashley
Cassie aka Noobie Puffy Stuff Border Collie 17 years 07/02/06 Rhiannon Evans
Cassie Akitia Lab Mix 08/20/90-08/30/05 Carolyn Sullivan
Cassie American Cocker Spaniel 04/02/93-11/11/02 Michelle
Cassie American Cocker Spaniel 04/08/93-09/29/07 Karl Dreyer
Cassie American Cocker Spaniel 10 years 02/28/01 Gloria
Cassie American Eskimo/Spitz 01/01/86-12/03/01 Dawn Case
Cassie and Sassy Cats 7 and 11 years 03/01 Lisa Arnold
Cassie Ann Great Dane 08/23/05 Karen
Cassie Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd 09/2000-09/22/07 Pat White
Cassie Baby Cocker Spaniel 05/02/91-09/26/02 Nancy Powell
Cassie Baby Weeden Cocker Spaniel 05/02/91-09/26/02 Nancy Powell
Cassie Barry Golden Retriever 08/09/02-07/23/12 Lisa Barry
Cassie Bassador 06/31/90-04/16/04 Kristen Libra
Cassie Basset Hound 02/18/86-12/26/97 Sonny and Sondra
Cassie Basset Hound 14 years 04/14/12 Caroline O'Gara
Cassie Bassett Hound 05/05/05-03/24/09 Lisa Hinton
Cassie Beagle 09/2012 Kay Rodman
Cassie Beagle/Bassett 04/28/82-05/05/96 JoMarie Smtih-Tracy L. Hersh
Cassie Beagle/German Shepherd 03/27/10 Pamela Frederick
Cassie Beagle/Shepherd Mix 14 years 11/19/05 Danielle La Spisa
Cassie Bear Samoyed 8 years 11/09/05 Gloria Williams
Cassie Belgian Shepherd 11/30/96-01/20/04 Julie Saunders
Cassie Belle Golden Retriever 12/05/98 Emily and Sarah
Cassie Bichon 07/01/95-12/06/11 Carol & Jerry Michel
Cassie Bichon 15 years 02/09/06 Donna
Cassie Bichon Friese 05/30/88-10/07/03 Ronald O. Huff
Cassie Bichon Frise 06/29/92-05/23/08 Mirtha Bull
Cassie Black and White Tuxedo Cat 16? years 13 June 09 Kevin Cooper
Cassie Black Lab 09/01/87-08/03/02 Janet Woodward
Cassie Black Lab 10/97-10/20/06 Jean Godwin
Cassie Black Lab Mix 08/17/91-07/09/06 Jim Pate
Cassie Black Lab Mix 10/20/06 Jean Godwin
Cassie Black Lab/Golden Retriever Mix 04/26/87-04/09/00 Sarah, Leah, Barb, and Ed Foster
Cassie Black Lab/Shepherd Mix 12/23/87-03/17/00 Al, Linda, Philip, Connie, Megan & Lance
Cassie Black Labrador Retriever 01/20/94-09/04/01 Vicky Pollien
Cassie Black Labrador Retriever 09/18/01-10/21/13 Carol Baker
Cassie Black Labrador Retriever Mix 13 years 10/30/11 Jon, Valerie, and Andrew Johnson
Cassie Black Labxdoberman 13/12/92-11/05/06 Karen
Cassie Blond Golden Retriever 08/14/98-06/27/09 John and Becky Sullivan
Cassie Blue Heeler 08/04/99-10/30/13 Cheryl
Cassie Border Collie 01/01/00-03/04/11 Mary E Grech
Cassie Border Collie 01/01/00-03/07/11 Eileen and Richard
Cassie Border Collie 01/01/94-01/24/08 Mary and Howland Roberts
Cassie Border Collie 10 years 03/24/06 Kristin Corbin
Cassie Border Collie 11/11/96-10/06/09 Nancy and Chuck Garrett
Cassie Border Collie 19 years 12/13/96 Jeff, Rita and Jessica
Cassie Border Collie Mix 07/04/97-08/05/08 Lenore
Cassie Border Collie Mix 15 years 03/10/06 Shannon
Cassie Border Collie/German Shepherd 11/06/86-11/09/01 Sheila
Cassie Border Collie/Sheltie 7 years 08/21/96 Deanna & Pete
Cassie Border Terrier 02/28/95-04/27/07 Kid Cassidy
Cassie Boston Terrier 04/20/95-04/03/09 Molly Altomare
Cassie Boston Terrier 04/21/95-05/06/10 Keni Wright
Cassie Boxer 06/30/85-10/25/96 Lisa
Cassie Boxer/Lab/Shepherd Mix 12 years 03/21/11 Michelle
Cassie Brindle Bassett 11/03/11 Jeff Davis
Cassie Brittany 07/28/90-03/14/04 Steve Jones
Cassie Brittany Spaniel 07/25/85-09/11/99 David Van Eden
Cassie Brittany Spaniel 09/24/91-06/14/04 Rachel Anderson
Cassie Bryan Farless Shih Tzu 9 years 10/10/06 Geraldine Bryan
Cassie Bullseye Tabby Kitten 05/15/05-08/26/05 Rachael
Cassie Byrne Sheltie 05/11/96-06/03/09 Kristine
Cassie Cairn Terrier 01/01/00-02/19/11 Kim and Steve Jaccaud
Cassie Cairn Terrier 03/13/84-12/22/01 Bonnie
Cassie Calico Cat 12/08/90-07/02/07 Neely Family
Cassie Calico Cat 17 years 02/11/97 Dawn Frankulin and Vanessa Viso
Cassie Carter Border Collie 09/12/91-11/02/06 Yvette Everett
Cassie Cat 01/07/02-07/27/09 Evelyne
Cassie Cat 02/14/89-03/01/04 Céleste
Cassie Cat 02/19/05-05/11/05 Beth and Chris
Cassie Cat 03/94-08/13/09 Sheri
Cassie Cat 04/04/02-12/09/07 Paula Kuntz
Cassie Cat 04/11/17 Breanna
Cassie Cat 07/2003-10/02/18 Karen
Cassie Cat 07/22/04-03/05/12 Lori Montgomery
Cassie Cat 09/01/98-07/30/16 Ginny Jackson
Cassie Cat 10 years 03/21/17 Trica & Matt Miller
Cassie Cat 11 years Oct. 1994 Merrie Davis
Cassie Cat 16 years 08/05/18 Joan Fairbanks
Cassie Cat 17 years 04/23/07 Melissa
Cassie Cat 1978-29/03/98 Chris
Cassie Cat 1982-11/17/08 Elaine Bisbee
Cassie Cat 1987-02/14/06 David Shick
Cassie Cat 1988-12/18/03 Steve and Bonnie
Cassie Cat 21 years 05/27/09 Jack Ballard
Cassie Cat 7 years 09/25/97 Vicki Szeremeta
Cassie Cat Smokey Tabby Persian Cat 16 years 09/22/94 Chris and Jim Gutner
Cassie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10/27/85-02/13/96 Carol and Ira Kaplan
Cassie Chi/Pug Mix 9 years 08/22/12 Tammy
Cassie Chihuahua 05/18/05-07/22/05 Nereida Rangel
Cassie Chihuahua-Terrier 4 years 11/07/05 Laura
Cassie Chocolate Lab 05/23/96-12/29/03 Jen Abrahamson
Cassie Chow 04/30/91-10/24/05 Cindi Jernigan
Cassie Cockatiel Tnan
Cassie Cocker 11/19/00-04/15/08 Laura
Cassie Cocker Spaniel 01/12/91-10/02/03 Karen, Joe, Kaitlyn, Lauren & Hannah Wietermann
Cassie Cocker Spaniel 07/01/97-01/07/04 Andrea Parmenter
Cassie Cocker Spaniel 09/01/87-10/11/02 Ken, Stephanie, Jason Warnock
Cassie Cocker Spaniel 11/14/06 Diane
Cassie Cocker Spaniel 8 years 1983 Juli
Cassie Cocker Spaniel Mix 11/01/92-06/08/06 Julianne Hall
Cassie Collie 05/12/92-05/16/99 Ken & Cindy Thatcher
Cassie Collie 11 years 06/20/99 Cindy Turner
Cassie Collie 11 years 07/25/97 Bruce Fergusson & Martha Nicholson
Cassie Collie 11 years 11/02/95 Florence Harff
Cassie Collie Cross 14 1/2 years 26 October 2002 Michael and Patricia
Cassie Collie/Husky Mix 12 years 08/18/10 Anna
Cassie Collie/Lab 12/24/05 Joel Bethke
Cassie Columbine Zalkan American Shorthair Cat 15 years 11/23/07 Megan Zalkan
Cassie Corgi Mix 10/14/94-10/22/11 Jennifer
Cassie Cota Beagle Mix 09/09/95-01/29/07 Melody Cota and Mark Sullivan
Cassie Coton 12/07/21 Jane Wallace
Cassie Cross Breed 01/06/06-16/07/13 Julie Peter
Cassie Cross Breed Dog 14 years 11/03/05 Jayne Robinson
Cassie Cross Breed Dog 2 years 07/01/06 Morag & Karen & Holly
Cassie Dachshund 10/20/09 Sandi
Cassie Dalmatian 11/06/90-07/31/09 Anita Elsdon
Cassie Dalmatian 11/12/92-06/29/05 Shelley McClanahan
Cassie Dark Gray Mix Cat 04/24/95-10/18/08 Sandy Davis
Cassie Davis Golden Retriever/German Shepherd 02/10/99-03/03/11 Kristy Davis
Cassie Dilute Tortoiseshell Cat 08/25/89-01/11/10 Marie H
Cassie DMH Cat 04/25/00-08/20/14 Doug & Stephanie
Cassie Doberman 03/31/00-12/27/05 Marianna Quartararo
Cassie Doberman 13 years 06/08/02 Sue Bowie
Cassie Doberman 16 years 03/29/08 Beth Anne
Cassie Doberman/Shepherd 11/01/89-09/04/03 Brent Turner
Cassie Dog 03/31/05-02/14/17 Tracey Revell
Cassie Dog 05/07/98 Rosie and John Hickey
Cassie Dog 07/03/06 Karen and Dan
Cassie Dog 07/19/14 Emma
Cassie Dog 08/04/87-02/02/04 Wendy
Cassie Dog 08/12/93-18/09/09 Judy
Cassie Dog 10/12/99 Book
Cassie Dog 11/04/93-12/21/09 Sueling Cho
Cassie Dog 12 years 02/14/16 Michelle
Cassie Dog 12/06/93-06/24/07 Nichole Saunders
Cassie Dog 14 years 10/10/98 Judy
Cassie Dog 15 years 02/13/09 Sandy
Cassie Dog 15/08/11 Emma Gorman
Cassie Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cassie Domestic SH Cat 04/01/92-01/02/06 Carol Porta
Cassie Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/12/00-04/22/19 Randi
Cassie Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 years 08/05/10 Vicki
Cassie Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/07/92-11/06/10 Betty
Cassie Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 years 11/01/04 Kevin Mar
Cassie Domestic White Cat 1 year 04/13/98 Shirley Davis
Cassie Domestic White Short Hair Cat 11 years 03/07/05 David Zipp
Cassie DSH Cat 02/24/24 Doug & Stephanie
Cassie DSH Cat 10 years 02/26/19 Rob, Kim and Lori
Cassie DSH Cat 13 years 08/16/01 Liz
Cassie DSH Cat 15 years 11/2015 Kathy Laub
Cassie DSH Cat Spring, 1994-01/09/12 Linda & Wayne Mitchell
Cassie DSH, Black Cat 09/06/88-02/24/01 Joyce Smeltzer
Cassie English Mastiff 05/05/00-05/16/09 Cheryl Gervasio
Cassie English Mastiff 11/08/96-10/27/08 Peg & Neal
Cassie Exotic Shorthair Cat 05/24/03-10/04/07 Sandy Breeden
Cassie Ferret 08/20/04 Elizabeth
Cassie Flatcoated Retriever 12 years 02/12/03 Jean Lyon
Cassie Fletcher Mixed Dog 12/08/98-05/05/10 Caroline Fletcher
Cassie Gerbil 09/01/09-03/21/13 Dana
Cassie German Shepherd 01/12/98-01/16/10 Kathy Walsh
Cassie German Shepherd 08/29/08 Judi OHare
Cassie German Shepherd 09/12/84-07/03/97 Margery Taft
Cassie German Shepherd 11 years The Olson Family
Cassie German Shepherd 12/16/98-04/15/10 Myra Brooks
Cassie German Shepherd 15 years 03/11/02 Les Jordan
Cassie German Shepherd 7 years 07/23/99 Kristen Hallihan
Cassie German Shepherd Mix 02/89-10/25/06 Tom, Mindy & AJ
Cassie German Shepherd/Husky Mix 12 years 01/01/99 Terrie, Larry, Tiff & Shan
Cassie German Shorhair 4 years 08/30/03 Penny McClelland
Cassie German Shorthair Pointer 07/08/00-05/03/13 Karen and Michael Gake
Cassie German-Shepherd/Greyhound Mix 15 years 01/01/02 Larry & Gail
Cassie Girl Border Collie and Labrador Mix 11/28/97-02/25/14 Nilda Reyes
Cassie Girl Kelpie/Australian Blue Cattle Dog 5 months 15 May 2000 Adele
Cassie Girl Nicol Chesapeake Bay Retriever 10 years 4 months 05/23/11 Joey and Lania Nicol
Cassie Gold Cocker Spaniel 01/10/96-09/11/02 Laura
Cassie Golden Retriever 01/11/99-09/07/05 Alena Gill
Cassie Golden Retriever 02/14/92-05/02/06 Rene
Cassie Golden Retriever 02/26/03-07/13/09 Norma Belshaw
Cassie Golden Retriever 04/11/87-09/03/01 Andrea, Ansel, Ally, Sadie, Matisse and Chesapeake
Cassie Golden Retriever 05/22/01-05/23/03 Stephanie Deese
Cassie Golden Retriever 07/25/86-07/13/98 S. Leon
Cassie Golden Retriever 09/29/03-04/02/04 Gretchen Reither
Cassie Golden Retriever 10 years 05/22/07 Ashley
Cassie Golden Retriever 10/29/08-06/25/18 Dianne and Paul Wolff
Cassie Golden Retriever 11 years 06/25/09 Ellen Kippel and Ken Donohew
Cassie Golden Retriever 11/01/95-07/19/05 Steve & Audrey Absalonson
Cassie Golden Retriever 11/05/96-04/28/07 Shannon
Cassie Golden Retriever 11/06/04-07/30/18 Judy
Cassie Golden Retriever 11/15/94-02/29/04 Debbie Paterson
Cassie Golden Retriever 13 years 01/15/00 Helen Townend
Cassie Golden Retriever 14 years 05/2008 Willemina Van Der Kooi
Cassie Gray Tabby Cat 9 years 01/17/09 Cathy Thompson
Cassie Great Pyrenees & Lab 14 years 08/14/10 Susann Giuliano
Cassie Great Pyrenees 06/27/01-12/12/06 Dan and Janet
Cassie GSD 12/21/17-10/24/21 Nancy
Cassie Hamster 04/15/11-02/28/13 Pat Grosse
Cassie Hooded Rat 10 months Charlotte
Cassie Husky 06/07/01 Debbie Emery
Cassie Husky/Shepherd 05/94-07/95 S.L. Burns
Cassie Huston Labrador Retriever Mix 03/26/90-08/16/06 Leslie Huston
Cassie Irish Wolfhound John Rosie & Squirt Hickey
Cassie Italian Greyhound 01/09/99-09/14/04 Richelle & Chip Slater
Cassie Jack Russell 04/29/09-09/27/09 Jody Ford
Cassie Jack Russell Terrier 15 1/2 years 10/24/07 Sue and Frank
Cassie Jackson Mixed Dog 17 years 09/24/10 Fran Jackson
Cassie Jameson Yorkshire Terrier 06/30/89-08/26/04 John, Joyce, Jama, and Michelle
Cassie Jenions Yorkie-X-Maltese 14 years 1 month 05/20/11 Lindsay Jenions
Cassie Jones Brown Miledi Weimaraner 6 years 06/17/06 Charlie & Sylvia Miledi
Cassie Jones Cat 12 1/2 years 05/12/15 Amanda, Lyla, Ken
Cassie Jones Collie 12/02/89-08/24/02 Samantha H.
Cassie Kay DSH Calico Cat 06/22/98-05/23/03 Karen Lewicki
Cassie Kay Shepherd X Heinz 57 07/16/99-10/25/11 Brandy
Cassie Keeshond 12/29/88-01/01/00 Scott Lee and Scott Dean
Cassie Kenny Golden Retriever 12/20/99-07/04/11 Sarah Kenny
Cassie Ker Dog 03/27/00-10/04/00 Deborah Tiller
Cassie Kitty American Shorthair Black Cat 09/25/89-07/20/06 Deb
Cassie 'Kitty' 'The Goodest' Cat 10/25/02-03/06/09 The Matuszewski Family
Cassie Lab Mix 04/05/03-01/03/13 Gene and Wanda Labombard
Cassie Lab/Shepherd 1989-05/24/99 Linda Junkins
Cassie Labrador (Yellow) 08/98 to 8th April 2011 Ian
Cassie Labrador 03/15/93-07/09/08 Becca Andrews
Cassie Labrador 12 1/2 years 02/08/12 George and Judy Cole
Cassie Labrador Retriever 05/12/96-06/01/04 Paula
Cassie Lang Old English Sheepdog 17/05/88-28/04/04 Gemma
Cassie Lee Cat 05/25/01-02/25/02 Ann Seeley
Cassie Lhasa Apso 11/25/00-04/12/11 Cindy & Dan Schmechel
Cassie Lhasa Apso 12/92-12/08/09 Donna & Robert Stucky
Cassie Liver-Spotted Dalmation 07/21/91-10/28/00 Wilma & Steve
Cassie Llasa Apso 08/08/89-07/23/03 Neil & Sandy
Cassie Long Hair Cat 19 years 05/08/17 Jodi
Cassie Long Haired Dachshund 10 years 11/05/00 Ray & Rose
Cassie Long Haired Doxie 05/23/89-01/17/03 Karen and John Mathews
Cassie Longhair Silver Tabby Cat 05/01/88-01/30/06 Dwayne & Belinda Wood
Cassie Loren Yorkshire Terrier 07/23/98-10/26/99 Tiffany W. LaMonica
Cassie Lou Mixed-Poodle, Schnauzer, German Shepherd, Border Collie 10/22/82-07/20/97 Dierdre Wendel
Cassie Lou Orange Tabby Cat 10/23/03 Dean & Candy Wittmayer
Cassie Lou Swedish Valhund 11 years 2009 Barry McCombs
Cassie Lou Warren Cocker Spaniel 04/21/89-07/23/04 Connie
Cassie Lulu Border Collie 11/11/96-10/06/09 Nancy and Chuck
Cassie Mae Lasa Apso 03/11/86-03/10/00 Eunice and Bernie Flagler
Cassie Mae Maine Coon Cat 18 1/2 years 02/07/11 Kaoime Malloy
Cassie Maine Coon Cat 17 years 09/19/01 Maureen Loney
Cassie Maltese 04/16/84-02/26/99 Julia
Cassie Maltese 07/01/96-04/16/08 Emily Luciano
Cassie Maltese 9 years 11/07/99 Rand
Cassie Manx Cat 04/24/11 Kim Kerry and children
Cassie Marie Hope Longhaired Dachshund 05/12/95-11/23/09 Marsha Cassity
Cassie Marie Lhasa 11/01/86-01/15/99 Jackie
Cassie Marie Moore Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/94-04/28/08 Bobbi Moore
Cassie Marmalade Tabby Cat 2008 George Holmes
Cassie Martins Lab/Shepherd Mix 02/01/91-04/19/05 Dee, Jack, Joshua, Lewis
Cassie May Platz Black Lab 13 years 03/13/11 Erin Platz
Cassie May Yellow Lab 09/25/97-08/19/11 O'Connor Family
Cassie McCormick Golden Retriever 11 years 02/26/07 Colleen McCormick
Cassie Mini Schnauzer 07/29/00-04/11/14 Verl
Cassie Miniature Dachund 05/00-08/11/00 Fred L. Slaughter
Cassie Miniature Pinscher 10 years 07/24/07 Susan Pittman
Cassie Miniature Poodle 10/08/05-22/10/11 Jackie Mann
Cassie Miniature Schnauzer 10 years 12/02/13 Melissa Andrews
Cassie Miniature Schnauzer 11/18/01-01/13/13 Lisa
Cassie Mix Dog 11 years 11/12/10 Antonelli's
Cassie Mixed Breed Dog 1995-08/17/10 Beverly & Lindsay Sease
Cassie Mixed Cat 08/15/92-08/20/07 Lisa
Cassie Mixed Cat 10 years Madison Jones
Cassie Mixed Corgi 4 years 10/11/12 Christine
Cassie Mixed Dog 08/23/95-05/24/09 Stephanie
Cassie Mixed Dog 12/08/93-09/18/09 Michael, Judy & Ben
Cassie Mixed Dog 15 years 08/25/05 Gwen Rydberg
Cassie Mixed Dog 16 years 11/19/06 Lana Tunick
Cassie Mixed Lab/Pit 06/98-01/07/12 Janie Shelby
Cassie Moggy Cat 12 years 2 months 20.07.00 Marian & Steve Poore
Cassie Mongrel 15 years 08/12/04 Sandy Willis & Ron Dippnall
Cassie Moochie Cavalier 11/03/06-06/03/13 Dave and Paula
Cassie Murphy Mostly Lab 10/02/91-11/23/00 Elaine Daws
Cassie My May Australian Shepherd 16 1/2 years 01/20/11 Wes and Sandy Tomlin
Cassie OES 10 years 15/01/13 Lesley
Cassie Orange Tabby Cat 08/10/15 Tamara
Cassie Orange Tabby Cat 1977-1987 Jo-Ann Pochinski
Cassie Papillion 02/28/00-11/22/10 Caroline F
Cassie Peek-a-poo 16 years 10/01/11 Amanda Handley
Cassie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/2001-12/02/14 Brian, Makenna & Wina
Cassie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 14 years 6 months 06/13/99 Sherry Pilkington
Cassie Pisching Cocker Spaniel 09/22/92-09/17/07 Jody & Ray
Cassie Pitbull and Golden Retriever 5 months 01/10/01 Mark Piccirillo
Cassie Pom 02/26/96-01/17/06 Monica
Cassie Pomeranian 01/20/12 Mary Mahurin
Cassie Poodle 06/15/92-05/11/05 Curtis & Diane Alexander
Cassie Poodle 10/03/14 Katherine S.
Cassie Poodle X Maltese 12 years 10/05/17 Barbara Morris
Cassie Pug 08/01/90-05/26/03 Michael Hamlin & Lee Rolfe
Cassie Pug 18/07/99-08/08/05 Susan Hills
Cassie Puppy 03/12/14 Amanda
Cassie Rae Cocker Spaniel 08/04/98-08/29/07 Steven DiFranco
Cassie Rae Maltese 10 1/2 years 11/05/05 Melissa Skiles-Harper
Cassie Ragdoll Cat 17 years 02/27/05 Trish Noel
Cassie Ray Min Pin 05/05/01-12/18/15 Rita
Cassie Red Tabby Cat 12/20/86-06/29/00 Pat and Ken Rogers
Cassie Retriever/Spitz 11/19/97-05/17/13 Phyllis D. Price
Cassie Rhodesian Ridgeback-X 3 months 10/01/05 Carole Manuel
Cassie Rose Dog 04/04/04-07/02/18 The Larson Family
Cassie Rose Golden Retriever 10/29/08-06/25/18 Paul and Dianne Wolff
Cassie Rose Pomeranian 01/17/95-05/15/07 Kitty Parker
Cassie Rosie Heather Collie 12/27/85-09/21/99 Sue, Ted, Dana and Chuck Helveston
Cassie Rottweiler 03/20/88-09/21/00 Terri Rocovich
Cassie Rottweiler 08/04/92-03/15/00 Jon & Kathy
Cassie Rottweiler 11 years old 06/88 - 02/20/99 Bob & Michele
Cassie Rottweiler 25/08/93-19/07/05 Sue Jones
Cassie Rough Collie 06/09/04-14/08/04 Sharon & Iain Mullen
Cassie Samoyed 08/14/88-02/13/00 Beth Szillagyi
Cassie Samoyed 11/24/84-09/02/97 Denise Nations
Cassie Schnauzer 04/80-04/81 The Colby's
Cassie Schnauzer 09/14/81-09/04/94 Kathy Kroeger
Cassie Schnauzer 15 years 06/17/12 Josh Kahn
Cassie Schnoodle 08/10/95-08/10/11 Andi & Samantha
Cassie Scholz Shepherd/Collie Cross 10/07/90-08/10/06 Barb and Harald Scholz
Cassie Scottish Terrier/ Border Collie Mix 14 years 09/05/16 Lynne Travis
Cassie Seal Point Birman Cat 04/01/01-10/06/14 Amy & Brian Smith
Cassie Sexton Chihuahua 11 years 03/24/05 Jerry
Cassie Sheltie 01/04/96-11/30/06 Sue Seehafer
Cassie Sheltie 04/16/99-03/20/13 Jill Weichold
Cassie Sheltie 04/21/12 Mielke Family
Cassie Sheltie 07/27/90-04/24/04 Mike Meyers
Cassie Sheltie 08/15/01-06/10/11 Sheryl Loreta
Cassie Sheltie 10/09/87-02/17/04 Lisa Williams
Cassie Sheltie 11/14/84-06/09/01 Ilene
Cassie Sheltie 19/14/00-02/26/13 Cynthia Summers
Cassie Shelty 10 years 10/21/03 Lynda Voigt
Cassie Shepherd Mix 10/09/17 Carla and Joe
Cassie Shepherd Mix 7 years 02/09/02 Jonathan Copley
Cassie Shepherd/Retriever X 4 years 01/20/07 Karen and Marcel Tkachyk
Cassie Shih Tzu 08/12/08-09/07/20 Heidi
Cassie Shih Tzu 10/10/06 Geraldine Bryan Farless
Cassie Shih Tzu 12/02/95-05/16/08 Don & Joyce Haugen
Cassie Shih Tzu 14 or 15 years 06/29/15 Marlys Nockels
Cassie Shih Tzu 5 months 08/21/17 Kathy Harty
Cassie Shorthair Cat 1977-1987 Jo-Ann Pochinski
Cassie Short-Hair, Black Cat 09/06/88-02/24/01 Joyce Smeltzer
Cassie Siamese Cat 02/12/89-11/20/06 Corey, Jessica, Steve, Lisa
Cassie Siberian Husky 11/27/88-06/07/01 Debbie Emery
Cassie Siberian Husky 11/29/92-07/10/00 Tami Bagby
Cassie Silky Terrier 10/03/00-12/12/13 Barbara De Ridder
Cassie Silver Abyssinian Cat 09/13/85-09/23/05 Maureen
Cassie Silver Ferret 08/12/01-08/07/07 Angie and Ed Walden
Cassie Skipperke 13 years 11/05/02 Diana Weisz
Cassie Snowshoe Cat 05/26/09 Jen and Family
Cassie Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 10/94 Joan Hutcher
Cassie Springer Spaniel 12 years 08/30/04 Ruth and Family
Cassie Staffie 10/88-11/11/03 Jackie
Cassie Staffordshire Bull Terrier 05/25/02-09/03/14 Jackie Hallam
Cassie Staffordshire Bull Terrier 06/23/03-07/29/09 Neil Graham
Cassie Staffordshire Terrier 12 years 28/03/14 Kerrie and George
Cassie Sue Papillion 11/27/04-09/10/04 Jeanie Gregerson
Cassie Sue Papillon 11/27/94-09/10/04 Jeanie Gregerson
Cassie Sue Yorkie 12/22/99-02/18/11 Rhonda & James Moore
Cassie Tabbie Cat 01/01/91-06/13/03 Stephanie Capo
Cassie Tabby & White Cat Marian & Steve Poore
Cassie Tabby Cat 01/21/08 Linda Cobaugh
Cassie Tabby Cat 04/26/97-08/14/16 Melanie
Cassie Tabby Cat 13 years 12/10/00 Tamme Stockam
Cassie Tiger Stripe Cat 1992-11/2003 Jennifer Spielvogel
Cassie Tortie (Color) Cat 05/92-04/13/07 Laura
Cassie Tortie-Colored Maine Coon Mix Cat 09/01/93-11/18/15 Ashley and Michael Licari, Edie Hauch
Cassie Tortoiseshell and White Cat 13 years 08/11/05 Helen and Paul Moorhouse, SallyandKaty
Cassie Tortoiseshell Cat 2 years 01/09/00 Jerral Sweeney
Cassie Toy Poodle 22 July 94 - 26 August 00 Vivienne
Cassie Tuxedo 01/02/17 Yolalnda
Cassie Tuxedo Cat 01/02/17 Lana
Cassie Tuxedo Cat 2 years 05/15/00 Sheilah Lynch
Cassie Welsh X Horse 1980-03/09/05 Maralyn Brown
Cassie West Highland White Terrier 12/15/88-12/03/99 Nita Hill
Cassie Westie 04/07/88-04/01/04 Mrs S Susan Bowyer
Cassie Westie 08/87-02/25/03 The Travers
Cassie Wheaton Cairn Terrier Mix 03/17/05-09/16/16 Carol Daniel
Cassie White Boxer 10th September 00 Sammi Anderson
Cassie White Boxer 9 years 10/13/98 Rebecca
Cassie White Cat 11/01/97-10/06/11 Ella Gardner
Cassie White Domestic Cat 1 year 04/13/98 Shirley
Cassie White German Shepherd/Lab 1/21/97-08/03/01 Ingrid Seadler
Cassie Williams Dark Grey DSH Cat 07/24/06 Buddy Williams
Cassie Wire Fox Terrier 15 years 06/26/97 James R. Piroli
Cassie Wolf and Chow Chow 14 years 01/22/15 Lane
Cassie Wolf/Chow Chow Mix 14 years 01/22/15 Lane
Cassie Yellow Lab 10/29/05-11/16/06 Mommy, Daddy and Sissy Shelby
Cassie Yellow Lab 9 years 04/24/07 Siobhan Smith
Cassie Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever Mix 06/10/86-01/25/03 Susan Schoemmell
Cassie Yellow Labrador 06/16/97-06/27/07 Kate & Clive
Cassie Yellow Labrador Retriever 10/22/97-06/04/08 Sean Bagby
Cassie Yorkie 05/24/95-11/05/05 Patti and Jack
Cassie Yorkie 07/18/02-05/11/10 Shannon Henry
Cassie Yorkie 09/99-10/21/13 Dave and Adrienne
Cassie Yorkie 7 years 10/06/06 Monty and Jolene Pacheco
Cassie Yorkshire Terrier 9 years 12/12/03 Christine Juliot
Cassiebelle Springer/Brittany Spaniel 08/10/93-02/22/07 Sandy
Cassie-Kins Torti-Tabby Cat 1998-09/20/07 Trish Nugent
Cassie-Lynn Shepherd/Collie/Lab 10/26/98-07/22/08 Kimberly Swett
Cassie-Marie American Cocker Spaniel 07/01/84-07/15/00 Michael R. Marshall
Cassie's Kittens stillborns 09/97 Michelle
Cassini Sheltie Puppy 04/26/04-05/31/04 Jeff & Mark
Cassio Cat 3 years 06/01/99 Ashlee Johnson
Cassioipia American Shorthair Cat 07/22/96-05/26/04 Christina
Cassiopeia (Cassie) Beagle 08/12/93-12/27/08 Keith and Nancy
Cassiopeia Kitten Sharon M. Sadlowski
Cassiopia Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/22/94-10/26/04 Christina
Cassiopia Maine Coon Cat 17 years 08/18/06 Shawn Pollard
Cassiopia Olson German Shepherd 06/26/91-07/08/02 Brenna, Deb, Terry, and Kelsi
Cassius (Cassie) Cat 12 years 02/28/00 Nancy Bell
Cassius (Kaz) Golden Retriever 08/06/89-10/01/97 Michelle and Bill Morrow
Cassius Boxer 11/14/05-07/17/10 Taylor, Tyler, Diane and Carmen DeCiccio
Cassius Boxer 11/14/05-07/17/10 Taylor, Tyler, Diane, Carmen De Ciccio
Cassius Chocalate Lab 02/14/94-10/14/02 Nikki
Cassius Clay American Bulldog 10 years 03/23/14 Ron Buie
Cassius DSH Cat 3 1/2 years 05/30/02 Heather and David
Cassius Duke Williams Boxer 06/11/97-10/19/05 Jackie & George Williams
Cassius German Shepherd 07/05/96-07/24/08 Richard Schnider
Cassius GSD 4 years 11/14/95 Joy Tiz
Cassius Lab 15 years 08/2009 Stacy Browner
Cassius Yellow Lab 07/22/01-01/22/08 David, Mikey, and Lou
Cassopeia Cocker Spaniel Cat 11/11/01-08/27/12 Karen Whiteley
Cassy Cat 07/07/17 Cheryl
Cassy Border Collie Cross 10 years 12/29/09 Darren Knowles
Cassy Cat 1/25/90-12/19/90 Christine B.
Cassy Cockapoo 16 1/2 years 01/06/02 John Michalec
Cassy Domestic Tabby Shorthair Cat 10 years1 month 01/17/14 Kylee Mitchell
Cassy English Pointer 02/02/98-02/10/12 Mike Lang
Cassy English Staffordshire 12 years 01/17/04 Homer G Workman Sr
Cassy Golden Retriever 03/28/00-09/30/00 Shari, Brad, Morgan & Tobbie
Cassy Golden Retriever 07/12/89-02/06/12 Anne Wallbilich
Cassy Great Dane/Mastiff/Rotty Cross 9 1/2 years 09/05/01 Pat
Cassy Mix Dog 4 years 12/10/97 Kelly
Cassy Redbone Coonhound 03/15/02-01/28/09 Donna Boone
Cassy Sheltie 05/10/94-07/19/05 Cassie
Cassy Sheltie 05/84-07/17/05 Cassy
Cassy Silver Chinchilla Persian Cat 11/03/84-05/07/99 Messina Howes
Cassy Silver Tabby Cat 04/11/82-07/30/98 Melissa Boatwright-Dally
Cassy-Girl Golden Retriever 7 years 11/25/00 Iannuzzi Family
Cassy's Tags Your It Golden Retriever 08/16/99-09/05/08 Peggy Sue Bostwick and Daughter Cassy Bostwick
Casta Black Shorthair Cat 13 years 10/29/07 Zoe Myers
Castanhinho Dog 01/01/04 Filipa Serrao
Castania (Caddie) Augustus Spaniel Retriever Mix 1991-07/31/07 Leonard Augustus Jr
Castiel/CassPuppy GR/LAB 01/21/11-08/23/24 Barb Sistek
Castiel Cat 04/01/19 Kelly Stokoe
Castiel Rat 03/16/16-04/03/17 Calista
Castin Domestic Medium Hair Cat 5 months 10/03/01 Tiffany Gloyn
Castle Cat 05/2010-03/01/14 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee
Castle Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Castlehills Halos on Crooked (Halley) Basset Hound 06/10/98-01/19/08 Tim Conde
Castletop's Lady Star Ebony American Cocker Spaniel 05/24/95-12/02/04 Diane O'Toole
Castor Siamese Cat 07/20/91-08/31/99 Ana Bouhid
Castro and Che Cats 11/15/02-11/06/05 Chris Romaniello/Craig Thomas
Castro Border Collie 02/26/01-12/26/10 Lisa Tyrrell
Casual Mixed Dog 1985-1999 David N
Casum DSH Cat 05/92-04/22/08 Mary Jane Black
Cat & litter of Kittens 09/18/99 Angela Klocek
Cat 02/08/07 Alan
Cat 04/07/04 Thalia
Cat 04/10/00 Anita Powley
Cat 04/13/00 Mary Osterberg
Cat 04/14/00 Floramaria Deter
Cat 04/14/00 Jenny Wiley
Cat 04/19/01 24 years Melissa Kelly
Cat 06/03/99 Erla Sigurdardottir
Cat 06/08/99 Doreen Valley
Cat 08/23/05 Ally
Cat 11/23/06 Cathy
Cat 12/22/99 Sheila Gross
Cat 12-13 years 08/23/05 Allyson
Cat 13 years 04/15/97 Becky
Cat 18 years 01/25/99 Louise, Mickey & Steve
Cat All American Cat 15 years 01/23/98 Laurie
Cat American Shorthair Cat 1998-01/19/09 S. Keslar
Cat Black & White Longhair 12/00 Corinna Steele
Cat Black Cat with White Paws, Nose and Belly 16 1/2 years 08/03/15 Greg
Cat Boy Cat 1977-1999 Denise & Jimmy
Cat Burns Long Haired Tabby Cat 9 years 08/05/97 Burns Family
Cat Calico Cat 5 years 01/28/97 Sandra
Cat Carrie
Cat Cat 04/17/04 Christina
Cat Cat 16 years 10/2011 Renee Wallace
Cat Cat 3 years 11/98 Abby
Cat Cat Long Haired Tabby Cat 17 years 12/01/04 Cindy & Bill Noyes
Cat Cat Pudy Wisiting Tom Cat 02/26/04 Myrtle Christensen
C-A-T Domestic Orange/White Cat 12/15/90-11/18/98 Nick Montez & Jennifer Bryant
Cat Five DSH Brown Tabby Cat 15 years 08/03/16 Craig Witkowski & Kathi Kivi
Cat Food Black Hooded Rat 6 months 03/03/05 Sharon Morris
Cat Goose 07/12/02 Liz Christiansen
Cat Gordon Tabby Cat 03/19/00 Larisa Carter
Cat Kitty 18 years 1991 Marian Marsh
Cat Long Haired Black Feline 02/94-10/21/08 Robert and Michelle Elmeier
Cat Long Haired Grey Cat 12 years? 09/12/05 John & Sherry Jones
Cat Mandu Cat 02/86-12/15/96 Lori Urban
Cat Marie Marrujo 1983-11/24/02 Emmett and Deanna
Cat McCarron Cat 18 years 02/06/13 Teresa McCarron
Cat Mixed Cat 02/2004-08/27/06 Pattie Dawson
Cat Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 12/27/06 Melinda
Cat Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 02/11/18 Laura Merz
Cat Pug 07/27/06-02/07/18 Heidi Klahre
Cat Russian Blue Cat 5 years 03/05/00 USP
Cat the Dog Chocolate Lab 06/21/95-01/04/07 Bonnie, Paul, Zac, Jordan, and Alex Lucy
Cat under 1 year Tiffani
Cat Vivian Smith
Catalina Australian Terrier 04/28/96-01/11/05 Ana Marcela Zamudio De Edger
Catalina Cat 7 years 05/12/21 Kira
Catalina Cat 9 years 12/31/11 Farina/Harrison Family
Catalina Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/01/96-01/02/12 Dylan, Melissa and Madison
Catalina Grey Cat 3 or 4 years 1987 Susana Gluck
Catalina Miniature Pinscher 11 years 12/23/03 Wendee Molano
Catalina Siberian Husky 02/12/03-05/17/12 Margarita and Alberto Villasmil Raven
Catalina Tabby Cat 09/04/89-11/18/03 Maria
Catalina Wilson Calico Tabby Cat 0720/04-08/31/20 Sandy Wilson
Catamount Cat 09/15/95-08/17/04 Tracy Clouthier
Catana DSH Cat 04/13/18-04/26/24 Mike Eck
Catania Tortoise Shell Cat 06/07/18-11/16/22 Linda, Jim, Alaina & Siblings
Catapult Cat 14 years 06/04/04 Farrah and Sam
Cat-a-Purr Longhaired Domestic Cat Almost 9 years 10/02/97 Carol Witczak Williams
Catarina DSH Tortoiseshell Cat 04/01/01-02/07/04 Sandra Tindoll
Catarina Miniature Poodle 01/01/99-07/22/16 Lisa and Darren
Cataroo Blue Heeler 5 years 10/01/87 Tony, Carla, Kasie, Desirae, Monte, Anthony
Catavante Gabriel Angel Baby (Gabriel or Gabe) 09/02/98-05/27/00 Ron and Denise Dvoretz
Cataway Sweet Pea Sheltie 10/10/92-09/29/07 Janet Stanley
Cataway's Fireside Chat - Britches Shetland Sheepdog 10/10/93-08/28/06 Daniela Anderson
Catawba River Rose English Springer Spaniel 07/87-06/11/00 Anna Leigh W.
Catboy Cat 09/01/10 Roma Chessca Quejada
Catch Cat 4 1/2 years 08/07/02 Carolyn Li Ma
Catch Cat Shay Stephen
Cat-Dog Cat 15 years 08/02/10 DeAnna & Rachelle
Cate Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 8 years 08/12/11 Linda
Cateeve Long Hair Domestic Cat 09/01/12-03/06/23 Angela Natale
Catera Cat 1989 or 90 to 05/27/03 Paula
Caterina Cat 11 1/2 years 10/17/11 Erin
Caterina Kitty Asua Pooky Fluffy Smokey Chipper Pretty Cleo Various 12/31/04 Trish Merlina
Caterina Myrick Calico/Tabby Cat 15 years 07/13/06 Emily Myrick
Caterina Torti Cat 14 years 2004 Andrea
Catfish Lab/Mix 11/01/90-01/17/03 Donna Lucash
Catfish Labrador Retriever 08/14/03 Edie King
Catfish Maltese Pug 02/28/98 Delores Chapman
Catfish Rottweiler 10 years 04/10/10 Eric Cular
Catfish White with Black and Grey Cat 04/07/03-12/2003 Elizabeth M. Ginn
Catfish Yellow Labrador 11 years 08/98 D. A. Bonjean
Cat-Friend Domestic Shorthair (Orange Tiger) Cat 5 years 09/18/98 Kim Lowden
Cathance Absolut Attraction 'Dillon' Shetland Sheepdog 05/12/95-11/03/08 Lynda L. Bernier
Catharine Orange and White Tabby Cat 03/17/01(?)-02/11/03 Cynthia Darnell
Catharine Orange and White Tabby Cat 04/17/01-02/11/03 Cynthia
Catherine Calico Cat Spring 1990-11/14/97 Evie Fieseler
Catherine Chandler Siamese Mix Cat 18 years 10/24/05 Cappi Duncan
Catherine Dog 08/2005 Julia
Catherine Golden Retriever 10 years 03/17/12 Carol
Catherine Himalayan Cat 9 years Mel Rusakoff
Catherine Isabo American Shorthair Cat 14 years 06/24/01 Holly & Kaki
Catherine Rabbit 10/2010 Linda M. Spitz
Catherine the Cat 1998-05/20/11 Patricia Schaub
Catherine White Shorthair Pale Green Eyes Cat 09/90-09/06/99 Brenda
Cathryn Isabelle Bush Cocker Spaniel 3 years 05/14/04 Carla Jean
Cathy Bell Gervais Cat 20 years 2008 Susan Bell Siano
Cathy Brown Tabby Cat 01/08/89-13/05/03 Gillian Forster
Cathy DSH Cat White W/ Black Patches 12 years 11/25/97 Marc and Gail Levy
Cathy My Perky Fast Greyhound 11/16/00-06/02/09 Walter and Sally
Cathy Silver Tabby Cat 02/01 Linda Polich
Cathy Tortoiseshell Tabby Cat 5 years 08/13/00 Eric
Cathys Casper Austin West Highland White Terrier 14 1/2 years 02/10/13 S. & C. Austin
Catia Lhasa Apso 02/10/04-06/11/05 Ed, Eileen, Trish and Kaity Norman
Catie Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/01/96-09/16/14 Meghan, Mike and Nicole
Catie Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/12/13-04/25/20 Kris Gilbert
Catie Elliot Golden Retriever 09/26/01-08/12/11 Beverly, Rob and Scout
Catie Golden Retriever Puppy 05/10/05-10/09/05 Patty Delabruere & Doug Wahto
Catie Mixed Cat 18 years 09/05/06 Lou & Terrie Ramsey
Catie Newfoundland 09/08/01-07/25/07 Joe and Belinda
Catie Orange Tabby Cat 08/04/14-04/13/24 Beth Quisenberry and Ruth Quisenberry
Catie Siamese Cat 05/20/87-12/27/98 Karen Kennedy
Catie Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 07/07/03 Fred & Susie Summers
Catira Domestic With Lots of Oriental Heritage Cat 05/22/83-05/29/01 Raul and Estrellita
Cativa Neapolitan Mastiff 6 years 06/95 Angel Ayala Jr
Cativo Sealpoint Balinese 10 years 12/27/99 Marcie
Catkin American Shorthair (Grey) Cat 01/01/96-01/05/07 Annette
Catlin Rose Himalayan Cat 15 years 07/07/08 Diane and Lisa
Catlyn Lassie and Golden Dog 10/08/94-06/04/05 Brett Esborn and Vasko Families
Catman Cat 15 years 12/06/03 Dan, Tina, Daren & Wesley Potts
Catman Clyde Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/10/93-05/11/09 Judy
Catmandu Himalyan Persian Cat 05/10/87-03/02/03 Joan Goldsworthy
Catmandu Tabby Cat 06/01/99-06/24/07 Beth
Catmeister (Kitty) Tortoiseshell Cat 1991-04/02/01 Sarah
Catnes Flame Point Siamese Cat 06/01/10-01/18/22 Megan and Jeff
Catnip Cat 01/14/99 Meg
Catnip Cat 14 years 10/06/07 Keith Collin
Catnip Hare Cat 01/14/08 R. E. Hare
Catnip Short Hair Cat 18 years 04/16/99 Terri
Catnip Siamese 9 years 04/15/98 Gregory Castle
Catnip Siamese Cat 04/90-05/16/09 Teresa
Catnip Siamese Cat 13 years 05/17/09 Teresa
Catnis' Catnip Tan & White Newborn Kitten 05/05/19-05/06/19 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Catnis' D2 Calico Newborn Kitten 05/05/19-05/08/19 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Catnis little newborn kitten Tan Medium Hair Kitten 05/04/19-05/06/19 Natahnya & Larry
Catnis' Skywalker Grey & White Newborn Kitten 05/05/19-05/07/19 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Cato Black and White Cat with half a mustache 02/14/82-08/23/97 Sue and Joe Beasley
Cato Cat 01/13/02 Katharine
Cato Cat 02/95 Kate
Cato Cat 1995 Mariette
Cato Dog 07/04/89-12/21/01 Ron Clayton
Cato Domestic Long Hair Cat 03/06/93-03/23/11 Betsy
Cato Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/90-03/06/10 Mary Davis
Cato DSH Cat 03/31/08-08/12/10 Liz
Cato German Shepherd/Lab Mix 09/89-09/13/98 Tom and Sandy
Cato Grey Tabby Cat 09/01/89-08/14/06 Chris Adams
Cato Labrador Retriever 13 years 04/27/00 Trina Furman
Cato Mixed Shepherd 09/21/98-02/25/11 Marianne Moss
Cato Rottweiler 8 years 04/05/04 Tammy Talbot
Cato Schipperke 10/09/01-09/09/17 Jo Ann Caruso
Cato Shea Miniature American Eskimo Dog 01/25/87-01/23/05 Morgan Breland
Cato Yellow Lab 12 years 06/13/08 Cindy Simon
Catou Calico Cat 02/94-11/27/99 Ginette Beauchamp
Catpaws DSH Cat 02/28/88-02/14/06 Brenda D
Catra Cat 11 years 12/08/97 Mary
CATrina Black DSH Cat 11/01/96-12/30/98 Nancy & Todd
Catrina Cat 15 years 11/18/01 Judy Pilgrim
Catrina Cat 18 years 05/07/13 Kathy Mellema
Catrina DSH Cat 09/16/15-03/14/17 Mark LaBiche
Catrina Long Hair Cat 2003-05/05/17 Rita
Catrina Rose Grey Tortoiseshell Domestic Shorthair Cat 17 years 02/08/04 Sue Mosior
Cats & Kittens (50) found dead on 07/17/98 after a house fire in Methuen, MA
Cats & Kittens MD/PA 06/14/00 Leslie Pearson
Cats (115) from the Oregon Humane Society, euthanised due to FeLV Breakout.
Cats (13) had to be euthanized in Ontario, Canada 11/20/96 Marina Cappas
Cats (15) & Dogs (20) Died in fire at Mercer Co PA shelter 02/29/00 Sharon Thompson
Cats (2) 02/13/05 Mae
Cats (2) 05/2002-03/2010 Mary
Cats (2) 2006 Dottie
Cats (2) and Bird Leonard
Cats (3) in Streetboro Ohio 08/11/98 Laura
Cats (394) From Piedmont, CA collectors house
Cats (6) 03/2003 Kim
Cats (66) and 2 Dogs perished 11/30/96 in a fire at The Animal Shelter of St. Francis in Las Vegas
Cats (8) Lost in a fire at their rescue home 01/14/03 Cindy
Cats (87) 09/29/02-09/30/02 Sacramento City Animal Shelter
Cats (9) Joni
Cats (99) and Dogs (12) Dogs and Cats 11/01/09 2nd Chance Animal Shelter
Cats 07/23/98 Shelly
Cats Birds & Lizards03/13/03 Siena
Cats Momma & 3 Kittens 10/28/99 Sue, Souris Valley Humane Society
Catsby Bailey DSH Cat 08/07/12 Amy and George Bailey
Catsi Cat 12/24/08 Elliot
Catso Cat 01/12/13 Frank and Carol
Catsper Retriever 03/25/13 Marybeth Lewis
Catte Maine Coon Mix 18 years 1996 Frank & Anita Chevallier
Cattail DSH Cat 09/15/05-06/12/22 Barbara Costa
Cattleya Himalayan Cat 02/03/93-08/28/09 Dave Robinson & Jim Lively
Catty Cat 09/05/05-05/27/16 Eddie Carlos
Catty Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/22/01-03/15/07 Thomas & Christopher McCormick
Catty Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 11/02/01 Gina
Catty Maine Coon Cat 06/22/10 Elga Tellou
Catty Tabby Cat 12/2003-07/01/12 Carol Lee
Catty Turkish Van Cat 3 years 15/09/95 Susy Murphy
Catty White and Orange Cat 18 years 04/22/96 Betty Langdon
Catundra Cat 15 years 06/21/97 Debbie Springsteen
Caty English Cocker Spaniel 03/10/91-13/01/01 Ann Eger
Caty Siamese Cat 13 years 02/15/11 Edna M Cruz & Dennis Cruz
Catz Shetland Sheepdog 16 years 05/30/05 Linda Voorhees
Catzilla Glasgow Long Haired Cat 04/14/99-10/09/10 Anne Glasgow
Cauti Chow 1987-11/15/03 Kathleen Reilly
Cavalier Horse Linda P.
Cavall Catahoula Dog 14 1/2 years 06/11/99 David Neathery
Cavalli Long Haired Cat 05/2005-01/08/19 Lisa Briggs
Cavallino Long Haired Tabby Cat 08/15/00-10/16/02 Cassey Howard
Cavanaugh Faust Scottish Terrier 16 years 12/26/04 Loren Faust Stanford
Caviar Cat 05/27/13 Cathy
Caviar Domestic Shorthair Black Cat 19 years 02/04/02 Ken & Tyler
Cawood Border Collie 12/03/01-12/29/11 Tom & Deborah
Cayanne Mix Dog 14 years 04/22/05 Mandy
Cayanne Scarlett Malone Golden Retriever 02/02/01-12/15/11 Kathline Malone
Cayanne Shepherd Mix 14 years 11/30/06 Steve and Kathie Hemphill
Cayce Carolina Prancer Doberman 08/30/87-08/15/96 Trish Hone
Cayce Cocker Spaniel 06/03/87-09/26/97 Cat Belteau
Cayce Dog Taylor Yellow Lab 06/12/92-07/05/06 The Taylor Family, Paul, Laura, Jacob, Jordan & Jessica
Cayce Grey Cockatiel 03/23/03 Mary Vuong
Cayce Lab/Shepherd Mix 9 years 03/11/06 Denise & Jessica
Cayce Maine-Coon Cat 17 years 03/02/04 Nancy Miller
Cayce Sage Pit Lab/Mix 11/28/96-09/09/00 Robert C. Caldwell
Cayce Shepherd Mix 07/96-03/11/06 Jessica A & Denise Styers
Cayden Rottie/Shepherd Mix 01/09/09-11/12/10 Trayce
Cayden Rottweiler/Shepherd/Husky 01/09/09-11/12/10 Shannon Bulger
Cayenne Calico Cat 03/17/93-04/19/07 Diana Prat
Cayenne Cas' of Eden (Cassie) Standard Poodle 10/23/89-09/25/99 Pauline Haviland
Cayenne Elizabeth Australian Shepherd 11 years 09/22/19 Donna Fanta
Cayenne Flamepoint Siamese Cat 10 1/2 years 09/25/07 Deborah de Lorenzo
Cayenne Green Wing Macaw 1 year 10/08/95 Mindy and Shelley
Cayenne Lewis German Shepherd 05/24/02-02/20/09 Amy Lewis
Cayenne MinPin 01/20/06-07/02/10 Shirley Stutson
Cayenne Paint Horse 14 years 05/26/06 Alain & Nicole Le Floch
Cayenne Red Pepper (Peppy) Springer/Aussie 05/12/97-03/27/98 Lois and Denise
Cayenne Rottweiler 04/06/96-04/30/05 Don Lewis
Cayenne Rottweiler 14 years 12/30/06 Kirsten Johnson
Cayenne Setter 12 years 02/07/04 Rose Ferguson
Cayenne Shiba Inu 01/04/04-09/16/22 Jayme Bennell
Cayenne Vargas Golden Retriever 01/02/94-06/09/06 Charlene Vargas
Caygeon Lab/Golden Mix 09/13/02-01/04/16 Norm & Diane Taylor
Cayla Christiaens Alaskan Husky Shepherd Mix 03/99-12/09/13 Corey Christiaens
Cayla Smart 13 years 09/17/07 Jackie
Caylacakes Wheaten Terrier 3 1/2 years 04/29/96 Rick & Lorrin Boyer
Caylee Gray Tabby Cat 06/12/07-11/15/09 Kath
Caylee Marie Domestic Shorthair White Cat with Black and Silver Patches 12/08/11-10/03/15 Carrie
Cayley Bichon Frise 11 years 28/08/07 Mandryk Family
Cayley Cockatiel 03/28/06 Audrey Johnston
Caylless Samoyed 02/2003 Laureen
Caylus Bearded Collie Mix 11/11/95-08/20/07 Anna Corba and Nick Van Krijdt
Caylyn Yellow Lab 12 years 04/24/06 Bernard & Sandra Rearden
Cayman Bird 8 years 09/20/99 Annmarie
Cayman Cat 05/01/96-05/13/02 Michele, Rob, Nicholas, and your buddy Bailey :)
Cayman Cat 07/28/12 Ali and Ann
Cayman Cat 9 years 08/28/02 Lorie
Cayman Chiweenie 14 years 08/27/21 Tracy Hendrix
Cayman Doberman 08/14/96-10/14/10 Hope
Cayman Dog 12/15/98 Debbie & Bill
Cayman Orange Cat 11 years 06/2014 Marian and Carsten
Cayman Sheltie 09/14/97-06/13/09 Eryn Joyce
Cayman Shiloh Shepherd 05/2005-02/13/09 E. Magnus
Caymus 02/27/00 Becky Cox
Caymus German Shepherd/Australian Cattle Dog Mix 9 years 07/23/07 Judy Verrall
Cayse Mae Mcmuffin Golden Retriever 03/23/90-04/12/01 Mike & Peg Maschke
Caysi Maltese 09/16/00-07/03/12 Melanie & Bill
Cayuse Muir Rottweiler 04/19/90-04/12/05 Dana and Jeanne
Caz and Kittens Cats 11/91 Melissa and Anna
Caz Boston Terrier 07/05/98-03/10/02 Carol C
Caz Golden Retriever 01/15/91-12/23/01 Suzanne O'Brien
Caz Snowshoe Cat 05/08/95-12/29/05 John & Lee Werner
Cazi Chocolate Lab 02/14/92-05/29/01 Debbie
Cazmere Netherland Dwarf Bunny 1 year 10/23/01 Pat Foley
Cazper Ferret 5 years 09/28/13 Natalia
Cazzie-Jo Shih Tsu 09/04/98-06/26/01 Sammi Faye-Ruby Linn
Cazzy Red Tabby Persian Cat 07/14/86-08/01/04 Judy Yeager
CB (A.K.A. Moose) Lab/Newfie 10 years 08/16/94 Aileen
CB Boston Terrier 03/25/99-05/11/11 Gary and Linda Jarrell
CB Cat 13 years 05/21/07 Cindy
CB Domestic Long Hair Cat 18 years 10/23/04 Kerry Kennedy
CB Lab/Newfie Mix 10 years 08/21/94 Aileen
CB Sheltie 02/25/96-11/10/09 Greg Moynihan
CB Toy Poodle 10 1/2 years 11/12/17 Laura Gibson
CBOE Black Cat 16 years Sept 98 Beth
Cb's Amtrack (Tracker) Greyhound 11/15/92-08/18/02 Nina Rhudy
CC (aka Son, Big Boy and Community Cat) Yellow Cat 09/11/08 Megan Karen Dave Sally Chris Angie Jason Savannah and Troy
CC (Charlie Chaplin) Cat 07/01/86-05/29/04 Lois Bishop
CC (Cookies & Cream) Dalmatian 05/12/90-06/04/05 Ron and Sheryl
CC Angora Cat 08/14/92-10/22/05 Kathryn Hamilton
C-C Black & White Tuxedo Cat 1984-10/17/00 Violante Family
CC Cat 03/06/09-10/15/17 Joan Swarts
CC Cat 04/01/88-01/23/09 Marcy
CC Cat 04/21/02-12/21/02 K Harris
CC Cat 08/10/10 Christine
CC Cat 09/05/01-10/19/07 Anne
CC Cat 11 years 11/06/08 Greg + Andrea
CC Cat 15 years 04/21/01 Lorie Walchanowicz
CC Dalmatian Lab 9 weeks 04/01/01 Mark Piccirillo
CC Hendry Beagle Mix 11/05/02-04/04/18 Tracey Hughes
Cc Kimberly Dog 08/11/09 Stephanie
CC Mini Pom 09/17/00-05/20/17 Tina Jacobson
CC Miniature Schnauzer 1 year 9 months 03/13/10 Todd, Melissa & Aidan
CC Orange Tabby Cat 4 1/2 years 06/16/00 Tammy & Alicia Leclair
CC Pekingese 08/11/14 Elizabeth & Harold Brown
CC Ragdoll Cat 08/91-08/09/09 The Marquettes
CC Shih tzu 10/08/84-05/31/96 Karen and John Bryan
CC Shih Ztu Poo 10/22/88-03/12/96 Kimberly
CC Siamese Cat 05/03/12 Lynne Jordan
CC, Alley Tiger, Shorthaired/Siamese Cats 03/10/93-10/10/00 and 09/20/03 Laurie
Ccoa Siamese Cat 1 years 10/15/04 Whitney Roberts
CCs Foxy Little Miss Roxie Haugen Boxer 09/92-08/13/97 Chris and Chris Haugen
CD Corn Snake 08/01/97-12/14/97 Luna
CD Golden Retriever 15 years 08/20/09 Teresa
Cd Snuggles Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/16/96-06/19/13 Nancy Knowlton
CD Staffy / Blue Heeler 05/08/99-29/10/08 Peter Marshall
Ce Ce Cline Dog 11/05/95-11/04/09 Ron Cline
Ce Ce Cline Pekinese/Terrier 11/05/95-11/04/09 Ron & Susi
Ce Ce Girl Tortie Cat 10 years 12/31/12 Russ and Bea
Ce Ce Mongrel 13 years 27/08/10 Yvonne Wills
Ce Ce Pom/Terrier 12 years 04/23/14 Anne and Barrie Stubbs
Ce Ce Pom/Terrier 2002-04/23/14 Anne and Barrie Stubbs
Ceaera Kate Boxer 09/21/97-10/17/06 Priscilla Martinez
Cean Shih Tzu 12/31/02-06/25/06 Christine Tan and Joji Say
Ceanna Golden Retriever/Newfoundland 07/06/09 The King/Shiller Family
Ceara Doberman 10 years 01/07/00 Kelly
Ceara Shepherd 08/04/93-02/24/03 Louise
Ceasar (aka Big Dog) Shepherd Doberman Mix 13 years 07/18/05 Joanne & Tony
Ceasar (Beaser) Black Lab Mix 11/72-04/26/84 Debbie Dennis Jenn and Mike
Ceasar African Grey Parrot 30 years 08/01/07 David Ohlson
Ceasar American Shorthair Cat 10/11/91-04/24/06 Beth & Steve Cullumber
Ceasar and Sasha Chinese Sharpei 2004 TG
Ceasar Apollo Giant Schnauzer 02/19/92-01/08/02 Kim Hockenbury
Ceasar Bichon 12/02/92-06/11/07 Linda Leggett
Ceasar Black Labrador Retriever 07/06/11 Kati
Ceasar Boo Boo Orange Tabby Cat 1998-02/17/11 Julie
Ceasar Border Collie/Spitz mix 06/03/91-05/29/99 Karla
Ceasar Boxer 07/11/02 R.T. & Shelley Krise
Ceasar Cat 04/02/05 Lilly
Ceasar Cat 17 years 02/79/12 Donna
Ceasar Cat 8 1/2 years 04/02/05 Lilly
Ceasar Cat 8 years 04/02/05 Lilly
Ceasar Cat 9 years 04/02/05 Lilly
Ceasar Chi 02/24/97-10/27/10 Liz Walker
Ceasar Clark Rottweiler 10 years 07/27/17 Cindy Clark
Ceasar Cocker Spaniel 10/01/94-03/30/05 Konnie
Ceasar Doberman/King Shepherd Mix 11/04/94-11/04/00 Mike and Gabi
Ceasar Dog 06/22/19 Ceasar
Ceasar Draft Horse Cross 01/01/69-08/17/93 Anna Maria
Ceasar Falascino Sharpei 16 years 07/09/15 Susan Falascino
Ceasar German Shepherd 07/13/00 George Webb
Ceasar German Shepherd 07/31/9-07/18/00 Ricky Hartman
Ceasar German Shepherd 07/95-11/01/05 Ruth, Mark, Jacqui & Sarah Desmond; Karen, Kevin & Colin Rife
Ceasar German Shepherd 11/01/90-09/06/03 Nicole Scanzani
Ceasar Golden Retriever 07/18/91-01/13/02 Tracie Mazza.
Ceasar Golden Retriever 12/18/96-12/09/08 Polina Pozharsky
Ceasar Golden Retriever/Shepherd Mix 03/15/01-01/22/09 Ric
Ceasar Husky/Chow/Beagle 08/25/98-08/18/08 Sue
Ceasar Jack Russell - Mix 12/31/01-05/31/11 Melissa Newman
Ceasar Jursa Tabby-Short Hair Kitty 21 years 6 months 04/14/10 Dan & Diane Jursa
Ceasar McDaniel Bichon Frise 01/01/97-05/12/07 Allan McDaniel
Ceasar Miniature Schnauzer 05/31/82-09/17/98 Tracey Nance
Ceasar Miniature Schnauzer 08/24/91-05/23/08 Lyndsey
Ceasar Mixed Cat 08/73-09/90 Linda
Ceasar Orange Tabby Cat 04/10/70-04/01/90 Ibby Kissner
Ceasar Quaker Parrot 5? years 05/11/09 Jessica
Ceasar Red Gladiator Dobie 04/19/82-05/31/95 Carol Osborn
Ceasar Romero Yellow Cat 11/02/99 Jeff Puster
Ceasar Rottweiler 01/01/00-03/09/09 Cindy Clark
Ceasar Rottweiler 10 years 12/14/99 Ben, Vicki, Chris, and Lisa
Ceasar Rottweiler/Dobbie Mix 5 years 06/08/76 William Galbreath
Ceasar Samoyed 10 years David
Ceasar Shepherd Doberman Mix 13 years Joanne & Tony Toth
Ceasar Siamese Cat 07/16/88-10/31/03 The Taylors Family
Ceasar Siamese Kitten 10/04/12-10/11/12 Tammy Cole
Ceasar Springer Spaniel/Beagle 14 years 02/25/09 Brian McLaughlin
Ceasar Valentine I Malamute/Shepherd 02/14/79-08/29/94 Liz Deligiannis
Ceasar Veil Tail Betta Fish 1 1/2 years 01/22/07 Lisa Eichholzer Walker
Ceasar Walter Alaskan Malamute 06/14/02-01/06/11 L. Dale Walter
Ceasar York Chocolate Cat 16 years Chris
Ceasar Yorkshire Terrier 15 years 09/16/06 Susan Hughes
Ceasar, BooBoo, MooMoo Tabby Cat 07/31/97-11/16/11 Bugno Family
Ceaser Abyssinian Cat 05/24/05-11/18/15 Carol, Tony, Dimitra, Celina
Ceaser Adams Storm Golden Retriever 11/04/96-04/26/00 Kris Berkery
Ceaser American Bull Dog 12 years 03/16/12 Sara
Ceaser American Cocker Spaniel 01/14/13 Alena Gill
Ceaser Begium Sheepdog 16 years 11/18/99 Paula
Ceaser Boxer 02/27/95-12/10/07 Paul and Mary Benavidez
Ceaser Boxer 05/26/95-04/14/03 Priscilla Martinez
Ceaser Boxer Dog/best Friend 11/25/92-09/09/01 Candi
Ceaser Cat 05/01/89-10/15/98 Kellie Armstead
Ceaser Cat 13 years 02/27/09 Laurie
Ceaser Cat 14 years 02/27/04 Jason & Laura P
Ceaser Chocolate Lab 09/05/00-02/10/11 Chuck Rebeiro
Ceaser Doberman 10 years 10/09/97 Stephany Ramsey
Ceaser Golden Lab/Retriever 14 or 15 years 1992 Jennifer Zemlock
Ceaser Lab 12/27/14 Barry Himes
Ceaser Lab Mix 01/62/15 Barry Himes
Ceaser McEwan Maltese X Shitzu 14/12/00-20/05/08 Sharleen & Nakita
Ceaser Seal Point Siamese Cat 9 years 05/08/01 Kathleen Leahy
Ceaser Shepherd/Husky Mix 01/24/02-03/30/07 Sejal & Samir
Ceaser White Lemon Beagle 12 years 05/02/09 Rita Wentz
Ceazer English Bulldog 01/09/00-11/04/07 Becky and Jesse
Ceazor Doberman 05/01/93-04/21/05 Dee & Bob
Cebert Himalayan Chris Blue
Cebulon Cat 12 years 07/11/00 Martina & Örnest
CeCe aka Cierra Egypt Abyssinian Cat 09/08/95-04/09/05 Julie, Jimmy and Bobby
CeCe American Shorthair Cat 07/28/00-07/31/14 Joyce
CeCe American Shorthair Cat 07/28/00-07/31/14 Joyce & Don
CeCe Bassett Hound 04/13/99 Marianne Dolezal
CeCe Bear Cocker Spaniel 14 years 2000 Jeana McCune
CeCe Black Teddy Bear Hamster 12/19/08-12/07/10 Pat Grosse
Cece Bloom Boxer Mix 07/04/08-10/26/16 Danni Haverfield
CeCe Blue Black Short-Haired Cat 07/93-10/03/10 Beatriz Monteiro
Cece Calico Cat 1997-06/12/14 Dana Nix
Cece Cat 01/20/06 Brenda
CeCe Chihuahua 02/22/99-02/24/12 Sarah
Cece Chihuahua 07/03/07 Kathleen K
CeCe Chihuahua 16 years 2002 Marilyn Holman
Cece Cline Pekinese/Terrier 11/05/95-11/04/09 Ron & Susi Cline
CeCe Grey Cat 12 years 08/04/09 Edie Burr
Cece Japanese Chin 10 years 06/27/06 Jeremiah and Jennie Gardiner
CeCe Long Haired Dachshund 09/26/07-06/08/09 Aly
CeCe Pekinese 13 years 04/06/05 Sandra & Gary Wolverton
CeCE Pekinese/Terrier 11/04/95-11/05/09 Ron & Susi Cline
CeCe Pit Bull Mix 10/01/06-11/29/10 Julie Sanderson
Cece Pomeranian/Dachshund 16 years 06/21/06 Karen
Cece Poodle 08/76-07/85 Darla & Ed Duffy
CeCe Ryder DSH Cat 06/01/06-12/13/23 Rue Robinson
CeCe Samoyed 10/08/99-09/2012 Carole & Bud Mayo
Cece Shepherd/ Rotti Mix 11/10/096-10/07/06 Paul Angela Marissa & Donovan Santos
Cece Shih-Tzu Mix 10 years 08/16/17 Allie
CeCe Tabby Cat 12 years 10/27/12 Chris
Cece Teddy Bear Hamster 3 years 1998 Colleen Davis
Cece White Persian Cat 05/25/90 Nikki Lewis
Cecelia (Sze Sze) Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/18/14 Macy
Cecelia American Cat 01/19/18 Mark Kunz
Cecelia Balinese Cat 18 years 04/22/06 Nancy Berglund
Cecelia Flower Lab 1971 Layne Smith
Cecelia-Sweet Cecelia DSH Cat 06/03/11 Elizabeth Hillman-Garriepy
Ceci Cockatiel 02/2006-10/23/08 Saneel, Mom, Dad, Michael, Bobby and Fluffy
Ceci Harty aka Miss Ceci Airedale Terrier 11 years 09/20/06 Mary Harty
Ceci Minature Schnauzer Mix 03/10/90-01/02/04 Alicia
Cecil (Casper James) Westie 1995-03/18/12 Katie
Cecil American Shorthair Cat 18 years 07/20/07 Brian McAlley
Cecil B. Debun Bunny 8 month old 04/28/99 Sherri Windhorst & Family
Cecil Basset Hound 05/27/18 Linda Kirby
Cecil Cat 07/07/00 Elisabeth
Cecil Cat 8-10 years 03/22/02 Sarah & Jay Kurts
Cecil Cat feb 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cecil Chesapeake Bay Retriever 04/12/93-03/12/05 Michele
Cecil Cockatiel 03/15/03-06/05/08 Kelly Buchanan
Cecil Cockatiel 10 years 03/08/13 Melody Bykowitz
Cecil Cocker Spaniel 03/30/87-04/13/95 Claire
Cecil Cocker/Pit 12/2003 Cecil's Family
Cecil Dacshund 08/08/90-12/14/02 Barbara Eubanks
Cecil Domestic Longhair Cat 10/92-04/14/09 Marianne Mulholland
Cecil Domestic Longhair Cat 10/93-04/14/09 Marianne
Cecil Domestic Mix, Champagne Color, Blue Eyes Cat 09/13/89-11/20/06 Charlie and Dottie Lloyd
Cecil Domestic Shorthair Cat 1988-12/23/03 Anne
Cecil English Springer Spaniel 10 years 01/13/06 Janice Karabin
Cecil German Shorthaired Pointer 10 years 06/10/07 Christina Dodd
Cecil Jack Russell Mix 01/01/00-01/22/16 Mike Christner and Pat Pittenger
Cecil Keeshond 08/10/92-01/18/05 Donna Kubina
Cecil Lhasa Apso 01/21/01-06/02/14 Keith Nordin
Cecil Long Hair Calico Cat 23 years 09/28/02 Rich and the crew
Cecil Long Haired Cat 12/17/97 Lauren Laster
Cecil Mini Dachshund 03/11/97-03/03/12 Kim Thompson
Cecil Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/15/95-10/13/09 Rod MacTavish
Cecil PEW Rat 05/07/18-01/30/21 Sue
Cecil Pitbull 5 years 06/24/21 Jennifer
Cecil Saffron Pomeranian 02/13/92-12/25/02 Lori Dellaverson
Cecil Squirrel 10/10/99 Betty
Cecil Sugarbear Cross-Eyed Burmese Cat 06/12/07 Susan Perkins
Cecil Tabby Cat 10 years 03/29/04 Patti
Cecil Weimeraner 06/02/93-04/18/04 Amy
Cecilia (Silly Pig) Guinea Pig 12/13/95 Theilbar
Cecilia Golden Retriever 12/24/94-07/27/05 Julie
Cecilia Kitten 09/12/14 Josie
Cecilia Kitten 6 months 10/99 Sharon Kleckner & John Graham
Cecilia Marie Miniature Pinscher 04/27/98-03/29/03 Jennifer Valestin
Cecilia Muse Himalayan Cat 03/06/91-07/21/05 Margaret Muse
Cecilia Riggi Tortoise Shell Cat 04/04/91-02/02/11 Gina Riggi
Cecily Cat 14 years 10/18/04 Melissa Armistead
Cecily DSH Cat 03/31/00-03/04/17 Catherine Palma
Cecily Lockas Yorkshire Terrier 12/09/99-02/06/08 Cindy, Duane, Brett, Kassie & Fielding Lockas
Cecily Long Haired Black Cat 13 years 06/01/99 Lisa
Cecily Mixed Cat 17 years 04/26/07 Nancy Lea
Ceda Domestic Longhair Cat 1993-01/10/07 Lisa
Cedar Calico Cat 08/10/95-04/10/02 Ken Neely
Cedar Cat 03/15/94-07/24/12 Joan Walker-Ratliff
Cedar Chocolate Lab 06/28/95-03/10/08 Kolette Myers
Cedar Dobb/Rott 10/21/95-03/26/01 Kathleen Gawne
Cedar Domestic, Medium Haired, Tuxedo Cat 07/15/99-08/07/09 Teri Cota
Cedar Dube Shipoo 5 years 08/30/12 Karen Dube, Colin Dube, Greg Murray, Ryan Murray
Cedar Farms Heykittycomeplay Ariel PBGV 12/04/96-02/05/01 Amy
Cedar German Shepherd 12 years 02/28/08 Jim Grant
Cedar German Shepherd Mix (all black) 16 years 08/15/06 Cheryl Chbat
Cedar Golden Retriever 07/29/92-01/07/02 Sanchal Tyacke
Cedar Kangal Dog 09/18/94-07/24/01 Kate McIntosh
Cedar Mix 12/05/05 Julie Betancourt
Cedar Newfoundland/Great Pyrenees Mix 06/30/99-01/23/08 Lesli, Dan, Brandon and Briana
Cedar Rabbit 3 years 07/05/13 Eileen & Jerry Lee
Cedar Siamese Cat 2002 Zoe Carswell
Cedar Speelman Chocolate Lab 12 years 06/26/08 Julie
Cedar Womder Dog 10/05/01-09/19/14 Lana Washburn
Cedarchip Mini Dachshund 06/06/04-09/13/16 Linda Gregerson
Cedarcreek's Anastasia (Ana) 08/20/93-04/05/97 Ronda Conley-Sherron
Cedarhope Shades of Purple (Dobs) Sheltie 10/99 Gabby Smith
Cede - Mau Mau Siamese Mix Cat 3 years 10/28/09 Deanna L Peterson
Cede Biehl Pomeranian 08/23/02-02/19/08 Dottie and Steve Biehl
Cede Cat 06/16/95-12/16/99 Beth
Cede Silver Min Schnauzer 22 years 10/18/06 Diann Manley
Cedes Rat Terrier Mix 05/97-04/07/06 Victoria Kittle
Cedi Sheltie 07/02/00-06/30/12 Stephanie
Cedi Siberian Cat 03/14/01-08/09/19 Merja Tolonen
Cedric (Cedy) Hunter Cat 01/19/97-06/21/11 Alan and Beth Hunter
Cedric Bernese Mountain Dog 06/20/95-03/25/99 Kathryn and Darrell
Cedric Boxer 11 years 11/29/94 David Cavanagh
Cedric Collie Mix 02/21/94-05/21/05 Dan and Sue
Cedric Dog 02/2007 Susan
Cedric DSH Gray Tabby Cat 1998-05/22/09 Tara
Cedric DSH Tabby Cat 11 years 05/22/09 Tara
Cedric Jack Russell 03/26/08-04/02/18 Aysegul Atavi
Cedric Kitten 5 weeks Robin Simmons
Cedric Newfoundland 05/02/09-09/03/10 Jackie Bullock
Cedric Singapura Cat 07/28/10-07/09/17 Barbara
Cedric Tiger Tabby Cat 12/27 Libby Breen
Cedrick Laflamme Regan Tuxedo Cat 11/10/89-07/17/07 Chantal Laflamme Regan
Cedrick West Highland Terrier 06/19/02-10/03/04 John & Susan Weisflock
Cedy Greyhound 06/06/93-01/25/06 Carla B. Hara
Cee Cee Cat 17 years 11/04/11 Amy Benson
Cee Cee Cockatiel 05/29/10 Teresa Kos
Cee Cee Dog 06/17/10 Erin & John
Cee Cee Dog 12 years 01/26/01 Kelly and Rich Jans
Cee Cee Tabby Cat 05/89-08/31/04 Jim and Tracie
Cee Cee Yorkie 15 years and 10 months 02/09/07 Nancy Wesson
Cee Jay Chow 10 years 05/11/98 Pat Moore-Sauvageot
Cee Long Haired Orange and White Cat 12 years 05/03/12 Phyllis and John
Cee-Ara Dachshund 12 years 06/23/18 Melinda
CeeCee (Cilloette Cynar) Papillon 12/13/87-12/15/03 Carolyn
Ceecee Bichon Frieze 07/07/07-01/04/16 Barbara
CeeCee Dachshund 4 years 02/09/11 Sheri Fowler
Ceecee DLH Cat 06/13/88-10/07/04 Julie Roth
CeeCee English Bulldog 07/29/97-03/23/09 Beth Jellings
Cee-Cee Estridge Sheltie 06/01/92-08/13/04 Christina
CeeCee Miniature Schnauzer 01/31/01-07/29/09 Stephanie
Ceecee Mixed Shorthair Cat 01/15/07 Lesley Boudreaux
CeeCee Pekingese 04/21/91-04/15/06 Beverly
Ceecee Tortie Cat 17 years 01/12/06 Maryann
CeeCee Willey White Cat W/Tabby Spots 6 years 11/04/06 Lesley Boudreaux & Art Willey & Jay Brooks
Ceefer (C for Cat) British Shorthaired Tabby Cat 03/23/04-07/09/06 Cala
Ceefur-Cat and Sweetie Silver Black Tabby and Tortoiseshell Cats 16 years 07/12/07 Andrew Taylor
Ceejay Akita 07/17/94-02/26/07 Mike, Cathy, Jake, Micky, Dave, Mojo & Chachi
Ceejay Bichon Frise 05/19/95-05/14/12 Joe Demo
Ceejay Black Hooded Rat 03/21/94-10/12/96 Diane
Ceejay Border Collie Mix 03/88-05/21/01 Judy Ryan
Cee-Jay Calico Cat 14 years 09/13/07 Cindy Brown
Ceejay Cocker Spaniel 08/11/90-06/15/03 Jackie and Craig
Ceejay DLH - Tortie Cat 16 years 11/14/05 Lisa and Kevin
CeeJay MainMan Jack Russell 03/11/00-06/06/15 Karen
Ceejay Shih Tzu 05/29/92-10/15/08 Kelly Lokey
Cee-lo DSH White and Black Cat 1 year 03/21/11 AWP Teresa
Ceesha Shih Tzu 06/26/92-11/28/06 John & Johnna
Cefa Tabby Cat 05/13/91-07/13/03 Bobby B
Cefa Tortishell Cat 02/01/91-09/23/98 Stacie Waddell
Cefor Moggy Cat 09/62/02-05/12/04 Grant
Ceili - Covy Tucker Carousel Amor German Shepherd 11/05/91-06/04/04 Maryanne Carew
Ceili German Shepherd Mix 16 years 08/19/01 Sandi
Ceili Golden Retriever 03/98-05/18/09 John, Cherry, Chelsey, and Devin O'Connor
Ceili Terrier Mix 12/15/89-11/11/06 Jimilyn B
Ceili Tri-Color Beagle Mix 10/28/06-08/07/08 Dottie O'Connor
Ceilidh (Kay-Lee) Cock-a-Poo 06/25/98-08/03/08 Linda Compton
Ceilidh (Pronounced Kaylee) Sheltie Mix 1988-12/17/03 Becky Dodge
Ceilidh Black Labrador Retriever 01/30/91-01/04/02 Darlene & Bob Millar
Ceilidh Black Standard Poodle 05/27/04-02/27/10 Jo Anne Dale
Ceilidh Border Collie Mix 09/18/93-05/18/00 Sussie Due
Ceilidh Cockapoo 06/25/98-08/01/08 Linda
Ceilidh Golden Retriever 9 years 09/18/09 Tyler Harkness
Ceilidh MacIntosh Scottish Woofhound 10 years 06/22/08 Maureen MacIntosh
Ceilidh Maine Coon Cat 06/01/95 Sheryl Sutherland
Ceilidh Mixed Dog 09/06/08 Roseanne Davis
Ceilidh Rahne Collie-Golden Retriever Mix 01/01/87-10/25/98 Cindy Laufenberg
Ceilidh Scottish Terrier 10 years 11/23/07 Karen Goddard
Ceilidh Sheltie 1988-12/07/03 Becky Dodge
Ceilidh Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 9 Sept 1998-19 Sept 2012 Chuck & April Mearns
Ceilidh Staples Pitbull 05/04/08-02/05/10 The Staples Family
Celadon (kitty) 02/01/96 Camille Partridge
Celeborn Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/95-04/04/06 Cynthia & Matt Woodard
Celebrated Mr. K Gray Short-Haired Cat Lesia Valentine
Celest Sheltie 14 years 02/12/04 Marlene and Russ Trottman
Celesta Tortoiseshell/Siamese Mix Cat 03/03/91-10/04/05 Mary Nicholas
Celeste Black Lab 10/18/92-05/23/06 Larry & Kimi Elzey
Celeste Dachshund 05/12/07-11/12/22 Kathleen Jefferies
Celeste Domestic Calico Cat 03/90-07/14/06 Priscilla Hood
Celeste DSH Cat 02/14/90-03/05/08 April LaManque
Celeste DSH, Pure White, Blue Eyes Cat 10/28/15 Cathy Conrad
Celeste Golden Retriever Puppy 04/13/08-04/17/08 Nancy G
Celeste Hughes Cockapoo 12/23/88-01/01/03 Wheeler & Melanie
Celeste Mixed Dog 04/14/96-08/08/09 Rebecca
Celeste Rat 06/24/01-09/09/03 Sue
Celeste Rottweiler 12 years 12/18/03 Alex & Debbie
Celeste Shitzu, Japanese Shin 5+ years 07/08/08 Jessica Lowery
Celeste Short Hair Cat 12/30/00-02/15/09 Koree Fugate
Celeste Tabby Cat 25 or more years 04/27/04 Angela and Liz
Celestial Chic Choo Choo Lhaso Apso 04/25/87-11/17/99` Juju
Celestine Seal Point Cat 13 years 05/13/95 Joe Reed
Celia Cat 07/86-07/24/02 Ellen
Celia Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/88-11/11/06 Julie Rehm
Celia of Cinders Dalmatian 03/16/96-04/30/09 The Benjamin Family
Celia Short Haired Guinea Pig 23 months 17/04/10 Beth Hills
Celia Siamese Cat 04/09/84-06/16/05 John & Lee Werner
Celie Brittany 08/01/99-11/26/08 Roger Stinson
Celie Golden Retriever 02/04/94-09/03/07 Mimi Macdonald
Celie Lab Mix 10 years 11/29/09 Karl and Tom
Celie Marie Mora Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/23/96-05/03/08 Corina Mora
Celie Mini Schnauzer 11/13/88-11/04/04 Hope
Celie Mutt 04/15/15 Dot Kirby
Celine (Karyon Say No Mo Celine D-on) Shih Tzu 10/19/95-12/15/09 Leslie A. Manning
Celine Beagle Mix 01/16/12 Denise
Celine Cat 05/10/07 Marian Todd
Celine DSH Cat 10 years 07/28/14 Amy Marie Eno
Celine Golden Retriever 08/18/97-03/16/08 Diane Austin
Celine Poodle 03/20/94-08/03/11 Liz and Derek Paff
Celine Siamese Seal Point Cat 16 December 2005-9th June 2009 Sharon Clinton
Celinka Dachshund 07/05/94-05/07/07 Izabella, Marta, Monika Maliszewska
Cella Cocker Spaniel 04/15/90-11/11/03 Joe Perez
Cella French Bulldog 12/26/12-11/06/19 Lisa Lee
Cellabella Elkhound/Shepherd 15 years 05/11/06 Robin Morse Mayers
Cellar Toy Poodle 9 years 09/16/03 Judy Merrell
Celli Marie Boxer 09/12/92-07/23/02 Jan
Cellobiose Syrian Hamster 3 months 12/28/05 Diana Chen
Celma Cocket Spaniel Mix 13 years 10/15/16 Sarah Dechert
Celo Mixed Dachshund 17 years 04/08/03 Tanya
Celsey Ann Toppari Terrier Corgi Mix 08/23/91-08/22/05 Cathie & Eric Toppari
Celtic West Highland White Terrier 03/06/91-03/26/99 Noreen M. Fitzgerald
Celtie Shetland Sheepdog 04/13/90-08/05/03 Anna Gintoli
Celtie Yellow Lab 09/14/96-07/17/09 Sylvia Nordstrom
Cember Chihuahua 12/01/04-03/15/06 Kori and Cody
Cen-Cen Siamese Cat 10/19/78-01/11/98 Kathleen Sievert
Ce'Nedra Black Lab 02/14/84-12/08/94 Kenneth and Barbara Cowan and Cleo
Ceniza Grey Tabby Cat 17 years 01/07/06 Margarita Ossorio
Censacianel aka Punka Arabian Horse 06/82-02/11/07 Dorann LaPerch
Centurion Jaunty Jim (JJ) Dalmatian veteran 8 yr. Stacy Gies
Cephas Grey & White Long Haired Domestic Cat 02/09/88-06/22/02 Florence Shealy
Cephas Hymalyan Cat 11 years 08/05/99 Libby Smothers
Cephas Mixed Cat 7 years 03/21/11 Lisa Burney
Cepher DSH 1986-10/91 Dawn K. Moss
Cepheus Poochyama Walker Beagle/ Bassett 04/14/96-02/19/07 Burgess, Lynda and Tripp
Cera Black Lab 13 years 06/06/01 Greg Snyder
Cera Chihuahua 03/15/03-03/02/17 Terry, Craig, & Randy
Cera Dog 14 years 01/04/08 Susan Kim
Cera Great Dane 09/08/07-11/10/15 Aimee
Cerah Mutt 12 years 07/16/06 Kathi and Justin
Cerb Mixed Dog 07/01/89-04/05/04 Karen
Cerberus Great Dane 10/15/05-03/31/08 John and Jamie
Cerberus Rhodesian Ridgeback/ Red Nose Pit Bull 09/06/01-08/24/15 Kim Voyles
Cerberus's Echo Madonna Rottie (Peaches) 03/89-02/98 Joan
Cerbie Labrador Retriever 04/11/05-09/15/05 Tim Sisson
Cerce Long Hair Domestic Cat 2 years 10/2021 Jackie Wittkamp
Cere Dwarf Hotot Rabbit 5 years 07/01/99 Janaki Jitchotvisut
Cerebreta Cat 01/2006-11/19/09 Tatiana
Cerebus Black Lab & Beagle Mix 05/10/92-06/25/00 Dawn Sorrow
Ceres Wood Malamute Mix 13 years 07/08/08 Sarah, Brian, Aaron and Raine Wood
Ceri Cat 05/01/94-01/28/09 Julia Corbett-Hemeyer
Ceria Gray Tabby Cat 17 years 12/17/02 Shane Ushler
Ceridwen Flizard Iguana 07/04/95-10/04/00 Annina Lorna Anton
Cerino Ferret 9 years 03/14/11 Valerie
Cerise Cocker Spaniel 11 years 12/11/02 Susan Cash
Cerra's Winston Churchill Golden Retriever 09/28/98-01/10/06 Roberta Cerra
Cerri Domestic Short Hair Cat 8 years 12/31/05 Charles White and Joe Estes
Cerridwen Black Cat 01/30/97-12/09/98 Pat & Donna Harvey
Cerridwen Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/09/07-07/15/08 Noreen Berlier
Cerridwen Rhiannon Durrstein Cat 03/12/94-04/04/11 Casey Durrstein
Cerro Alto Western Screech Owl 14 years 3 months 10/30/07 Pat McClenahan
Cervantes Orange Striped DSH Cat 06/01/92-12/19/07 Matt and Jennifer Kulish
Cerveza Rott/Lab Cross 01/01/02-02/07/03 KD and Chris
Cesaer Tabby Cat 14 years 10/20/05 Cathie Liebknecht
Cesar (Cheesy) Toy Poodle 13 years 06/25/04 Andrea & Rick Valois
Cesar (Petit Cesar Auberon) Teacup Poodle 10/19/89-02/28/00 Anna Gailey
Cesar 02/15/01 Carol and Billy Moore
Cesar Black and White Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/15/13-07/22/13 Joe and Linda Morrison
Cesar Black Lab 04/09/00-02/11/12 Cheri, Lance, & Lauren Freeman
Cesar Black Short Hair Cat 1999-2006 Linda
Cesar Boy Thompson Westie 02/06/10-05/14/13 Debbie Thompson
Cesar Brown 14 years 12/05/08 Amanda Duchow
Cesar Cat 14 years 04/11/96 VONWI
Cesar Dan Boxer 03/20/93-01/31/02 Emily McClintic
Cesar Doberman 06/03/03-02/14/14 Darlene Spitzer
Cesar English Cocker Spaniel 04/28/86-05/30/97 Maria Jose Hidalgo
Cesar English Springer Spaniel 09/07/05-04/21/21 Nichole
Cesar Gerda Susqudillas Intimators Magic Chesapeake Bay Retriever 03/24/05-03/23/08 Karen Gerda
Cesar Jack Russell 05/26/95-10/11/11 Bethan
Cesar Persian Cat 8 years 07/12/01 Jennifer McGrath
Cesar Ragdoll Cat 15 years 03/21/14 Suzanne Smith
Cesar Yellow Lab/Fox Hound 03/31/06-09/22/08 Bob, Christy, & Callie
Cesar Yorkie 8 months 02/2001 Gina
Cesear German Shepherd 6 years 04/05/03 Shari Burkholder
Ceseria Cantrell Chow/Newfoundland Mix 03/01/04-06/28/12 Christie and Rafe Cantrell
Cessa (short for Princessa) Cairn Terrier 06/25/09 Antonette Healy
Cessna Behymer Dachshund 10/21/90-08/04/05 Rick & Linda Behymer
Cessna Cat 01/30/08 Jennie
Cessna Cat 16 years 11/05/99 Ginger Hope
Cessna Lynn Hayes Chihuahua Mix 5 years 10/15/09 Tonda, Landon, Chassidy, and Chance Hayes
Cessna Maine Coon Cat 5 years 05/26/00 Lee Clayton
Cessna Rotti/Shepherd Cross 05/22/01-05/21/04 Cynthia & Dave & Patrick & Lynx & Shannon & Even Ralph
Cessy Valentine Mainecoon Cat 07/15/95-03/11/12 A. Fraijo
C'est Beau Tiger Himalayan Flame Point Cat 12/19/95-05/05/11 Daniele Leach
C'est Si Cat 18 years 08/18/97 Pamela Hershey
C'est-Belle Rierson Lab 10/28/91-12/23/97 Jennifer Rierson
Ceth Labrador 09/08/93-11/08/04 Lynn & Mike Tucker
Cevanna Dog 11/26/95-02/22/97 Laura Collie
Ceyanne Pepper Irwin Welsh Corgi 11 years 04/15/08 Ann and Bill Irwin
Ceyble Zigmond Miniature Long-Hair Dachshund 10/16/94-06/08/11 Beverly Zigmond
Cézanne Dalmatian 14/10/99-17/12/12 Aleida Vermeulen
Cezanne Somali Cat 06/08/92-03/08/05 Ariel Rey
Cezar American Mastiff 03/23/02-08/18/11 Tara and Jerry
Cezar King-Smith Yellow Lab 03/30/90-01/21/01 Sandra & Laura
Cezar Lab/Basset Hound 11/88-05/03/99 Dawn Malacinski
Cezare Persian Cat 08/18/89-09/15/98 Robert Rex Jackson
CG Bruder Cat 15 years 02/03/10 Rebecca Bruder
CG Dog 17 years 07/23/06 Peggye Hambrick
CG's Heidi Shar pei 1989-04/17/93 Sandy Wentzel
CH Bichon Frise 12/29/91-06/25/04 Donna Lewis
Cha Cha Adair Chihuahua 03/11/98-05/11/11 Amy Adair
Cha Cha Black and White Domestic Cat 05/94-01/03/09 Connie
Cha Cha Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cha Cha Cat November 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cha Cha Cha Cymet Maltese 15 years 10 months 07/22/11 Pauli Cymet
Cha Cha Cha Cymet Maltese 15 years 10 months 07/22/11 Pauline Cymet
Cha Cha Chihuahua 07/31/01-05/30/16 Paul Kindelberger
Cha Cha Chihuahua 12/15/01 CD
Cha Cha Chow Chow 03/23/89-03/14/95 Kenneth Cain
Cha Cha Delgado Gray Tabby Cat 05/30/20 Sky For Delgado's
Cha Cha Hernandez American Staffordshire Terrier 09/20/02-08/30/08 Terry Hernandez
Cha Cha Kitty 1990 Nancy Reed
Cha Cha Lab / Doberman 18 years 21/04/11 Sam
Cha Cha Mr. Cha T. Rabbit Netherland Dwarf With Lions Head Mix Rabbit 02/02/05-12/16/08 Donna Kulavich
Cha Cha Shih Tzu 14 years 06/04/08 Van Catherine and family
Cha Chi Dog 18 years 03/30/14 Nicole Glesinger
Chaa Queensland Heeler 10/10/94-11/16/10 Sandi & Jim Raybould
Chaba Schnauzer 14 years 05/03/06 Aileen Culberson
Chablais Scruffington Vagedes-Poling Poodle 07/07/91-03/24/06 Rick & Tommie
Chablis American Eskimo Dog 04/06/87-10/26/02 Jeni Junius
Chablis Briard 13 years 10/25/03 Kara
Chablis Cat 14 years 07/12/03 Robin Morgan
Chablis Cat 16 years 07/08/21 Jocelyne Lavallee
Chablis Cat 18 years 12/27/02 Beth and Don Weiner
Chablis Cockatiel 5 years 11/20/13 Patsy Grimmett
Chablis Golden 07/04/90-02/24/07 Aunt Beth, Dustin and Amanda
Chablis Golden Retriever 04/11/93-17/08/01 Laurie Thpmassin
Chablis Llasa Apsa 13 years 03/15/07 Karen
Chablis Maine Coon Cat 10/09/06-02/05/07 Veerle Vandenabeele
Chablis Maltese 05/30/95-11/05/09 Dmarie Mayers
Chablis Miniature American Eskimo Dog 02/24/88-02/06/07 Rene' Overleese
Chablis Miniature Schnauzer 06/01/82-11/01/92 Susan Tousey
Chablis Old English Sheepdog 08/15/85-01/21/99 Shari & Bill Harler
Chablis Poodle 1983 Laura Lois
Chablis Shih Tzu 09/21/05 Kelli Burroughs
Chablis Standard Poodle 04/03/98-06/11/07 Pamela
Chablis Standard Poodle 12 years 11/05/13 Maryse and Chuck
Chablis Toy Poodle 07/01/83 Laura
Chablis Toy Poodle 1992-10/11/97 Susan Cooper
Chablis Watters Tea Cup Poodle 16 years 1 month 07/28/06 Debbie
Chaboo Chow/Lab (Chab) 11/12/94-01/27/01 Laraine Brister
Chabot Sorro Lhasa Apso Bichon Mix 01/06/90-10/04/07 Michelle Sorro & Teri Calvin
Chace Doberman 07/04/95-10/14/00 Brenda and Steve
Chach Rottweiler 08/07/05 Frank Moulton
Cha-Cha Aperciot Poodle 13 years 06/30/99 Phyllis and Tracy Allman
ChaCha Cat 06/17/16 Karen
Cha-Cha Chewy Short Hair Tourtie Cat 14 years 08/11/03 Lyndsey and Leon Rower
ChaCha Chihuahua 03/07/99-08/11/17 Gary Tucker, Anna Farmer
ChaCha Chihuahua 08/01/00-10/09/10 Hilda & Arsen
Chacha Chihuahua 10/97-03/24/10 Patricia Thompson
Chacha Chihuahua 15 years 01/10/06 Simona Medrano
Cha-Cha Chow-Chow/Min.Collie 04/15/98 Jeffrey W. Peterson
Chacha Heeler 11/24/09-12/30/23 Barb
ChaCha Kotal Yorkshire Terrier 09/15/06-11/28/19 Frannie Kotal
Cha-Cha Manx Cat 04/15/1979-11/13/98 Deby Evans
ChaCha Mixed Breed 9 years Vicky
ChaCha Mixed Dog 9 years 08/17/99 Jeff, Vicky, Sarah and Curtis Hankins
Cha-cha Mongrel Aurianne Joy
ChaCha Shih Tzu 4 1/2 years 10/27/12 Tina Redzepi
ChaCha Shtizu - Maltese 01/04/94-03/11/09 Sandy Mersinas
Chacha Terrier 07/26/04-04/18/14 Rampel Bornilla
ChaCha Terrier Mix 09/2000-04/17/03 Susie & George
Cha-Cha-Ko Terrier Mix 09/14/87-09/24/99 Bell Family
Chachee Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 04/28/10 Woody & Rene'e Smith
Chachee Pole Boxer/Lab Mix 04/20/02-02/01/04 Grace Lee Pole & Wayne Pole
Chachi (Prince Chachi Ralpachan) Lhasa Apso 03/12/81-08/20/96 Lisa Bradley
Chachi aka Little Boy Chihuahua 8 years 03/01/15 John M Jovino Jr
Chachi Bernstein Lhasa Apso 10/15/96-11/05/09 Dan Bernstein
Chachi Bichon Frise 08/15/05-07/22/22 Linda Redding
Chachi Bunny 01/2003-04/24/08 Lorita Nixon
Cha-Chi Cat 1 year 03/18/06 Stacia
ChaChi Chihuahua 04/23/97-11/05/11 Madonna
Chachi Chihuahua 05/21/05 Sue Anderson
Chachi Chihuahua 08/14/97-03/05/08 Esther
Chachi Chihuahua 15 years 08/22/11 Al & Paola Molnar
Chachi Chihuahua 1982-1993 Vi Potter
Chachi Chihuahua 5 years 01/12/08 Carole Lantz
Chachi Chihuahua-Rat Terrier 09/26/06-03/04/09 Misty Fogg
Cha-Chi Chug 11/15/04-10/11/17 Terrence Fredeick
Chachi Dachshund/Chihuahua Mix 9 years 06/26/00 Mickey Phillips
Chachi Deer Chihuahua 2 years 3 months 06/19/97 Dick Riffel
Chachi Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/01/00-03/15/14 Lisa Carpenter
Chachi Hagel Yorkie-Chi 09/04/01-12/21/07 Christine & Garrett Hagel
Chachi Lewis Yorkie Poo 04/11/06-01/12/23 Ava
Chachi Lhasa Apso 01/01/92-08/06/04 Michael and Nancy
Chachi Lhasa Mix 01/29/10 Tori
Cha-Chi Longhaired Chihuahua 02/12/01-08/25/15 Don & Donna Fornal
ChaChi Miniature Schnauzer 07/31/99-02/23/13 Mike & Carole
Chachi Pom 15 years 04/28/08 Kimberly Hoffman
Chachi Rottweiler 05/20/96-12/28/07 Linda Bougie
Chachi Tonkinese Cat 15 years 03/11/20 Wendy W
Chachi White Toy Poodle 16 years 11/11/97 Carol Ellis
Chachichichi Kittyboy Alley Cat 9 months 03/31/97 Cindydennis
Chachie Pug 02/28/96-02/23/06 Deborah Watkins
Chachita Mixed Breed 02/2006-05/03/06 Angela
Chachka Tabby Cat 06/83-10/29/97 Joe Novak
Chachkie Maltese 15 years 02/07/11 Sharon & Melanie
Chacho Cat 2012-02/21/23 Rob
Chacho Palacios Pit Bull 07/16/08-04/30/18 Rita DeLaRosa
Chacho Pomeranian 01/24/89-08/27/03 Candy and Alex Fernandez
Chacho Pug Puppy 01/04/02-01/09/03 Miki Garcia
Chacho Renteria Yorkie 09/01/10-06/22/12 B L R
Chacka Chow 06/08/87-07/19/99 Yesenia Camacho
Chaco (aka Charles) Mixed including Boxer, Pit, Lab & maybe some Ridgeback 11 years 04/23/15 Sessions Family
Chaco Buff Tabby Cat 10 years 09/13/14 Anne Wolf
Chaco Coyote Cross D.L. Horton
Chaco Golden Retriever Mix 11 years 8 months 07/28/09 Paula Richardson
Chaco Great Preanees 13 years 10/05 Edie
Chaco Great Pyrenees 12 years 10/28/05 Edie
Chaco Lab/Dalmatian 15 years 08/20/05 Steven Gunder, Bill Gunder, Jenn Gunder
Chaco Mixed Breed Dog 14 years 06/15/02 Judy Barlup
Chaco Mixed Breed Shepherd 06/14/89-12/10/02 Greg & Diana Furia-Mashas
Chad Cat 09/11/07-01/05/08 Falan Wissinger
Chad Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 20/02/93-23/10/02 Cathryn
Chad Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 30/05/00-27/05/03 Angela Baker
Chad Cocker/Chi Mix 01/08/94-28/01/01 Roxie Wright
Chad Cross Breed Dog 10 years 19th February 2003 Pam and Bill
Chad Lab and Smooth Collie 11 years 11/05/09 Julie
Chad Ridgeback 02/2005-08/11/11 Linda & Phil
Chad Siamese Cross Cat 2 1/2 years 03/16/98 Mic Henderson
Chad Silver Chinchilla 6 years 06/30/06 Sue O'Connor
Chad Solid Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 1 Year Gillian & Meredith
Chad Staffordshire Bull Terrier 03/08/02 Rochelle
Chades Black Brown White & Cream Cat 17 years 07/13/00 Trina G
Chado Chow Chow 14 1/2 years 07/04/07 Donna Klein
Chadsworth aka Gangster of Love Long-Hair Mix Cat 13 years 01/23/08 Jane Weaver
Chadwick (Chaddy) Shih Tzu 16 years 10/18/08 Kim Ilic
Chadwick 1984-1986 Cathy Heckman Guyan
Chadwick Black Poodle 04/15/73-11/18/86 Linda
Chadwick Black Poodle 13 years 11/18/85 Linda
Chadwick Cairn Terrier 09/27/91-10/15/08 Dawn MacChiarelli
Chadwick davenport Abelardo Westie 15 years 00/14/06 V Abelardo
Chadwick Persian Cat 01/21/93-07/14/03 Donna Watts
Chadwick Renfrew Maine Coon Cat 01/17/86-06/20/01 Susie
Chadwick Shitzu 10/18/08 Kim Ilic
Chadwycke Black Cat 12 years 07/13/96 D. Kirchner
Chaffon Ann Marie (Chappie Ann) Miniature Poodle 05/18/84-05/22/00 R. Mack
Chafie Golden Retriever 8 years 06/13/08 Jeff
Chagall Lavender Point Ragdoll Cat 04/07/96-01/03/08 Maggie
Chahara Horse Jackie
Chai aka Chatterbox Siamese/Tabby Cat 13 years 03/21/16 Leasa
Chai Australian Cattle Dog 2 years 21/04/11 Fer Del Olmo
Chai Burmese Kitten 7 months 02/14/05 Yona
Chai Chai Pomeranian 03/20/91-09/19/98 Cluey
Chai Chihuahua 2 years 12/03/06 Renel & Daryl
Chai Ching Siamese Cat 01/13/92-07/23/04 Betsy and Lauren Larvenz
Chai Dog 04/13/19-04/19/20 Michelle Castro
Chai Dog 07/27/13 Astrid Anzueto
Chai Lai Siamese Cat 04/30/03-04/30/11 Mandi Roccia
Chai Leonberger 08/17/03-12/02/03 Simone
Chai Maine Coon Cat 04/31/83-07/08/02 Jim Farris
Chai Seal Point Siamese Cat 14-15 years 09/22/10 Allen & Stacy McDaniel
Chai Siamese Cat 17 years 12/09/05 Shelly
Chai Siamese Kitten 11/2007-02/13/08 Nancy and Christopher Metivier
Chai Siamese Mix Cat 11/26/00-02/21/15 Jeanette Cereske
Chai Tai Shih Tzu 10/05/88-08/28/02 Mary Ann Baker
Chaia Rottie 10/23/97-12/30/05 Linda & Chuck Goranson
Chaiah Toy Fox Terrier 02/17/07 Carol
Chai-Li Siamese Cat 04/07/04-07/31/04 Judy Vonderheide
Chaim Black and Grey Tabby Cat 17 years 04/05/12 Miriam
Chaing Brown Tabby 15 years 01/29/94 Trisha Dowling
Chaing Lee Shih-Tzu 15 years 01/07/11 Greg and Sharon Mazzeo
Chains Rotti 8 years 11/19/03 Jack and Kari
Chairity Cat 02/07/11 Lilee Gifford
Chairly Brown (Chairly) Ragdoll Cat 06/14/09 Kirralee and Kyle Anderson
Chairman Mao-Tse Tung Siamese Cat 01/14/79-10/15/98 Connie and Jim
Chaka Border Collie/Lab 10/03/81-02/23/96 Erin
Chaka Cat 04/02/97-09/05/97 Dave Kirchmann
Chaka Chow Chow 09/15/96-08/16/08 Cher Cultrona
Chaka Isolani-Nagarvala Siamese Cat 09/15/98-10/06/06 Tamina Isolani-Nagarvala
Chaka Khan Himalayan Cat 16 years 06/02/01 Johanne Béliveau
Chaka Leopard Gecko 27/01/09 Petra Grassingerová
Chaka Olde English Bulldog 06/20/07-11/22/08 Randy & Dennis
Chaka Rottie 12 years 05/09/00 Marsha Lewis
Chaka Sharpei 03/19/06-06/14/09 R James Koch
Chakah Long Haired German Shepherd 19 Jun 1994-23 August 2006 Jane Walters
Chakita Banana Cockatiel 6 years 05/19/99 Gil & Gail Magilke
Chakita Sue Chow/Akita Mix 10/10/95-12/13/04 Tony & Cheryl Parrish
Chakka White German Shepherd Sherri
Chakkri Siamese Cat 10/11/93-03/16/04 Rosemary Stevens
Chako Dog 03/15/94-01/03/12 Joanne J Luis
Chakotay Bichon 04/02/96-05/12/07 Sam and Elaine
Chakotay Border Collie 6 years 11/00 John
Chakotay DSH Cat 12 years 01/07/10 Dwight Smith
Chakotay Great Dane 10/08/96-11/26/07 Janine King
Chakra Orange Tabby Cat 3 years 08/08/07 Leah Laws
Chakra Velveteen Rat 10/22/21 Patrick & Ari
Chalas Clint Greyhound 08/01/91-09/14/99 Ann and Andy Lambert
Chalay Topaz Siam Seal Point Siamese Cat 09/18/88-08/08/96 Nish and Todd
Chalcopyrite Long Hair Calico Cat 1992-03/16/11 Anna
Chalei Gomez Boxer 08/03/05-02/24/12 Kim Rey Aubri and Tyler Gomez
Chalet Cat 03/04/10 Rick & Marie Jaggi
Chalet Elizabeth Wade Cocker Spaniel 02/16/96-05/15/05 Harriett Wade
Chali Maine Coon Cat 06/83-07/26/00 Mary
Chalie Rottweiler 04/23/98-02/08/08 Melissa
Chalimar Blue-Cream Tortie Cat 03/31/98-12/02/08 Noelle
Chalino aka Dark Knight Thoroughbred Horse 8 years 06/03/09 Janet and Keelin Funk
Chalky Cairn Terrier 4 1/2 years 1997 Elizabeth
Chalky Syrian Hamster 04/07/04-11/05/05 Caroline
Challenger Black With Brown and Cream Tabby Cat 18 months 09/16/15 Joan Saliskas
Challis Golden Retriever 02/04/93-08/13/04 Scott & Donna Albini
Chalupa Chihuahua Mix 12 years 03/24/12 Xenia
Chalupa English Mastiff 12/22/00-02/09/03 Marcia Frangione
Chalupa Garciga Chihuahua 8 years 02/01/08 Kim Garciga
Chalupa Maze-Gallegos Chihuahua 13 years 11/03/10 Gilbert A. Gallegos Dalton Maze
Chalupa Mix Dog 14 years 02/10/12 Chalupa
Chalupa Rottweiler 8 years 09/06/07 Angie Archibald
Cham Sugar Lhasa Apso 12/31/89-03/12/00 Jamie Payne
Chamberlin Chihuahua 01/15/05-07/17/17 Ashley Frascello
Chambor aka Shami Dog 05/19/93-12/04/08 Linda
Chamborg Bichon 09/18/89-09/02/03 Kathy Novey
Chamce Dog 2 years 09/05/14 Lao Rodriguez
Chami (Freida's Golden Champagne Lady) Freida
Chami Cocker Spaniel 04/09/93-01/12/01 John & Susan Davies
Chamisa Manx Cat 1973-1990 Beverly Christisn
Chammie Cocker Spaniel 09/15/89-07/10/03 Valerie Voss
Chammie Golden Cocker 15 years 02/27/93 Liboria Muller
Chammy Mixed Dog 11 years 8 months 09/20/09 Julian & Lori Damian
Chammy Sue Lab 07/13/01-10/06/15 Shari
Chammy/Champaigne French Bulldog 12 years 12/30/04 Karen Clause
Chamois Boxer 10 years 02/2002 Dan & Mary Joslyn
Chamois Cat 09/10/90-02/06/06 Deanna Jones
Chamois Cocker Spaniel 05/01/91-12/26/97 Patricia Pickford
Chamois Cornish Rex Cat 08/01/00-07/09/04 Muriel Barranco & Eli Elliott
Chamois Cornish Rex Cat 08/01/97-06/30/04 Muriel Barranco/Eli Elliott
Chamois Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/22/84-11/20/97 Joyce
Chamois Lab 09/97-02/05/07 Carol
Chamois Lab/Beagle 12/18/97-04/23/12 Jessica Scalze
Chamois Maltese X 1998-07/22/11 Louise Johnson
Chamonix German Shepherd 04/18/98-08/01/06 Holly & Leonard Craig
Chamonix or Shammy Golden Retriever 12/06/85-12/31/01 Bruce Briggs
Champ & Nany German Shepherd 11/06/94-02/05/08 Cristie Ricciotti
Champ (Sterling's Beats The Odds) Shetland Sheepdog 04/25/89-06/01/98 Shari Lyne
Champ 03/07/93 Sandy Wentzel
Champ 14 years 05/03/93 Judy Collins
Champ Abercrombie Beagle 05/01/00-07/03/11 Randy Abercrombie
Champ Akers Jack Russell Terrier 12 years 04/04/11 Keith Akers
Champ Akita 01/02/98-05/05/00 Karen Turco
Champ Akita, Shepherd, Lab Mix 10/31/95-08/25/04 Jackie Irrgang
Champ American Bulldog 13? Years 08/26/20 The Costantini Family
Champ Australian/Shepherd Mix 06/90-08/24/03 Sue & Terry Taylor
Champ Beagle 10/01/03-04/07/08 Letha Hanlin
Champ Beagle 12/28/96-12/22/10 A. J. Pinizzotto
Champ Beta Fighting Fish 10/29/02-11/02/02 Cameron Posillico
Champ Bichon Frise 15 years 12/19/09 Kevin, Shelly, Brady & Connor O'Malia
Champ Black DSH Cat 03/20/93-07/02/08 Beverly & Eileen
Champ Black Lab 06/21/00-01/23/12 Kelly Marie Carney
Champ Black Lab 7 1/2 years 12/24/02 Barbara Corkran
Champ Black Lab Mix 08/16/98-07/27/10 Jenna Winnicki
Champ Black Lab Mix 16 years 07/02/99 The Internicola Family
Champ Black Lab/German Shepherd Mix 03/15/91-08/05/98 Marsha and Gary Solomon
Champ Border Collie 02/09/96-08/29/11 Karen Pattison
Champ Border Collie/Lab Mix 14 years? 01/01/02 Karen
Champ Boston Terrier 01/17/85-10/15/98 Kathy Murray
Champ Boston Terrier 05/20/95-10/13/07 Leo and Cindy Underwood
Champ Boston Terrier 05/28/95-12/07/01 Rondy Regina, Rondy111 and Gina
Champ Boxer 02/26/98-03/23/99 C.S. Hall
Champ Boxer 03/22/97-02/24/11 Linda Schaffer
Champ Boxer 04/15/94-12/15/03 Carol
Champ Boxer 05/13/05-09/01/06 Martin, Candi and Jaden Smith
Champ Boxer 06/12/04-09/20/06 Robert and Elizabeth Partello
Champ Boxer 06/25/93-12/28/98 Liz
Champ Boxer 09/10/05-08/04/10 Margaret, Steve, Julie, Steve, John, Emily
Champ Boxer 12 years 07/15/10 James
Champ Boxer 7 years 01/19/01 Proctor Family
Champ Boykin Spaniel 14 years 07/24/98 P. Scott
Champ Brittany Spaniel 02/08/92-06/01/04 Stella and Tony
Champ Carpenter Maine Coon Cat 15 years 02/17/12 Mary Ann Carpenter/Kevin Carpenter
Champ Cat 08/14/98-08/21/00 Spiro, Robin, Tyler & Stephanie
Champ Cat 11/06/88-01/25/03 Kim Midkiff
Champ Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Black Lab 06/01/89-12/15/04 Carolyn
Champ Chocolate Lab 02/19/96-03/21/07 Melanie Willette and Chuck Harrington
Champ Chocolate Lab 12 years 09/07/10 Sharon Stauffer
Champ Chow /German Shepherd Mix 06/09/94-03/13/06 Paige McDonald
Champ Chow/Lab Mix 3 years 05/10/02 A Brickey
Champ Cocker Spaniel 01/21/90-04/13/04 The Schmidt Family
Champ Cocker Spaniel 05/01/91-11/30/04 Hannah Sims
Champ Cocker Spaniel 10/02/02-05/21/18 Kelly
Champ Cocker Spaniel 11 years 08/05/11 Judy Fullen
Champ Cocker Spaniel 1989-07/12/04 Jason
Champ Cocker Spaniel 2006 Ben Chadwick
Champ Cocker Spaniel 6 years Penny
Champ Dalmatian 08/05/91-02/26/03 Randy
Champ Dalmatian, Lab Mix 07/96-03/24/09 Kasi
Champ Dingo/Mix 18 years 06/02/02 Audrey Swarz
Champ Doberman Pincher 01/19/00 Dennis, Sandy, Jacqueline and Jamie Woodams
Champ Dog 02/2008 Staff and Volunteers at Pets Alive
Champ Dog 13 years 01/11/11 Roxanne
Champ Dog 14 years 09/13/97 Ruth
Champ Dog 16 years 05/29/02 Rick Fitzgerald
Champ Dog 6 years about 2-3 years ago Sheila M. Swist
Champ Domestic Cat 01/05/95-02/08/00 Carla Ford
Champ Elway Krause Jack Russell Terrier 1995-07/14/09 Kelly Krause
Champ English Setter 04/04/95-09/21/06 Jack Schwartz
Champ German Shepherd 06/13/94-05/13/06 Sherri
Champ German Shepherd 17 years 10/23/97 Adrian G.
Champ German Shepherd/Labrador Retriever 08/23/88-03/04/99 Jennifer, Trevor, Linda, Lloyd, Jeff, & Mischief
Champ Golden 05/02/98-09/19/05 Rich Sautkus
Champ Golden 08/26/09-07/24/10 Melody Daly
Champ Golden 9 years 03/03/15 Keri, Anthony, Matthew & Delaney
Champ Golden Mix 14 years 05/26/11 Pete Val
Champ Golden Retriever 02/16/95-06/08/07 David, Joanne, Lee, and Lindsey Monyelle
Champ Golden Retriever 03/10/10 Donna Hale
Champ Golden Retriever 04/12/03-11/21/14 Jamie
Champ Golden Retriever 04/2007-08/09/10 Deb Cronin
Champ Golden Retriever 05/30/05-05/09/13 Tiara
Champ Golden Retriever 06/06/96-03/26/05 Margaret Blackman
Champ Golden Retriever 10/28/97-11/22/04 The Tomlinson Family
Champ Golden Retriever 11/03/98-10/24/12 Cindy Kostaken
Champ Golden Retriever 6 years 06/23/06 Lynn and Kevin Lodge
Champ Gray, White, Black Mixed Tabby Cat 03/09/05-10/20/06 Kris Keglovich
Champ Great Dane 11/11/09-02/01/11 Nikki Pickering
Champ Greyhound 2 years 06/21/94 Joan Newton
Champ Huskie Dog 03/22/88-05/26/06 William and Barb Vass
Champ Husky 18 1/2 years 05/16/06 Bill and Barbara Vass
Champ Jack Russell 01/10/13 Polly Laganella/Daniel Hoffman
Champ Jack Russell Terrier 04/26/91-11/20/02 Lauren Coates
Champ Jaworski Yorkshire Terrier 10/07/99-09/07/11 Janis and Joe Jaworski and Family
Champ Khan Rottweiler 04/08/87-05/08/00 Heidi Og Helge
Champ Kitten 09/12/03-06/17/03 Julie
Champ Kitten 7 months 10/07/13 Jeremy Miller and Rebecca Schmiesing
Champ Lab 11/14/09 Bob
Champ Lab 14 years 07/07/12 Barbara
Champ Lab 1996-05/06/10 Penny & Mark Hamilton
Champ Lab Mix 05/27/98-07/26/11 Theresa Pinto
Champ Lab Mix 08/14/96-12/08/11 Brittany McGinnis
Champ Lab Mix 12 Ish years 03/27/07 Charlotte
Champ Lab/Ret Mix 12 years 02/12/07 Lisa Peterson
Champ Lab/Shep Mix 09/13/97 Ruth
Champ Labador Retriever 11/10/95-01/23/04 Regina
Champ Lab-Mix Puppy 08/03/01-10/29/01 Terri Claxton
Champ Labrador 08/04/98-07/08/04 Lisa Corominas/mike Corominas/Rebecca Corominas
Champ LH GSD 10 years 03/06/94 Angela & Daryl Cutler
Champ Long-Hair Dachsund/Sheltie/Cocker Spaniel 16 1/2 years 05/04/98 Andrea Latham
Champ Meloche Boxer 09/01/07-08/08/18 Bob Meloche
Champ Mix Dog 04/20/12 Bruce Barron
Champ Mixed Breed Dog 10/10/91-01/30/02 Pat & Joan Ciccarone
Champ Newfoundland 01/20/96-08/15/06 Wallis Family
Champ Norwegian Elkhound 07/04/95-06/24/06 George Renner
Champ Ouellette Pug 03/17/97-03/06/09 D
Champ Pit Bull 12 years 08/02/06 Joe Silva Tom Brown
Champ Pit bull/Golden 15 years 06/30/94 Geovanni Sureino
Champ Pitbull 06/24/14-12/30/23 Julie Lane Geandma
Champ Pitbull Mix 10/18/05-10/30/17 Lisa
Champ Pittbull 14 years 03/08/13 Sieba Peterson
Champ Pomeranian 14 years 08/19/01 J L Champ
Champ Poodle Mix 15 years 05/09/12 Stace
Champ Pug 1 1/2 years 01/30/99 Suzie Taroli
Champ Pug 12 years 07/31/04 Michael & Sherry Kulyk
Champ Quarter/Saddlebred Horse 1967-06/04/91 Doreen
Champ Red Doberman 14 1/2 years 10/14/93 Marion Bulette
Champ Rottie 04/13/97-04/05/07 John & Wanda & Starr
Champ Rottie 06/19/08-12/01/09 Jennifer Rivenbark
Champ Rottie 1997-11/17/05 Bill & Carolyn Kutz
Champ Saint Benard 3 years Hella Frazer
Champ Schnauzer-Poodle (Schnoodle) 05/04/10-06/10/11 Andrew Stanton
Champ Shar Pei 03/05/01-11/19/05 Elaine Campbell
Champ Sheltie 05/08/91-02/13/98 Robbie Blakley
Champ Sheltie 07/04/90-12/01/03 Anna Lamoreux
Champ Shepherd/Husky Mix 10/10/88-05/01/01 Susan Hudobenko
Champ Shepherd/Lab Mix 01/10/01-09/11/11 Nancy Cate
Champ Shitzu 14 years 03/17/10 Joanie & Buzz
Champ Small Mixed Breed Dog 18 years Chantal Richard
Champ Tango German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 10/04/09 Barbara Owens
Champ Terri-Poo 08/01/75-02/15/86 K Sweat
Champ Toy Fox Terrier 04/30/95-08/12/06 Charlene, Joyce and TC
Champ Turkish Terrier 24.12.15 Karen Aydogdu
Champ Valore Boxer 02/11/97-07/17/04 Martin & Arleen
Champ White Labrador Retriever 07/01/84-09/09/99 Debbie Connole
Champ Yorkie 04/07/12 Marilyn Lopez
Champ Yorkie 15 years 05/05/09 Susan Barringer
Champ Yorkshire Terrier 7th June 1979 to 10th January 1991 Mary Laing
Champ/Bubba Mixed Breed Dog 12 years 08/24/07 Siobhan/Sue Ronald/Bob
Champagne All-American Tiger Cat 06/79-06/21/97 Nichole Kelley
Champagne Cat 05/11/97 Karen
Champagne Cocker Spaniel 12/10/89-04/04/98 Iona Plumly
Champagne Dilute Orange Tabby Cat 01/21/79-05/12/00 Michelle L'Heureux
Champagne Dog 09/28/98-12/07/11 Danielle and Justin
Champagne Domestic S/H & Siamese Cat 02/19/83-05/23/00 Ken & Tyler
Champagne English Cocker Spaniel 13 years 12/23/10 Rhiannon Elise Goodson
Champagne Golden Retriever 11/05/88-01/22/00 Kim
Champagne Golden Retriever 16 years 03/28/08 Beth
Champagne Guzman Cat 12 years 03/15/11 Laura Guzman
Champagne Maine Coon Cat 12 years 03/21/07 Marjorie Stein and Alice Stein
Champagne Mini Schnauzer Carol
Champagne Persian Cat 01/31/90-02/06/01 Jill Kreisler
Champagne Pitbull 05/21/98-03/22/11 Jacqueline and Arien
Champagne Pomeranian 18 years 08/22/04 Raquel Hernandez
Champagne Syrian Hamster 10/18/08 Mr & Mrs C
Champagne Taffeta-Taffie Blonde Cocker Spaniel 01/27/87-02/18/03 Momma Terri
Champagne White Shepherd 09/24/95 Toni
Champagne Wishes Pony 11 years 10/08/09 Katie
Champagne Yellow Lab Mix 10/94-09/02/05 Paula Robledo
Champagne Young Maltese 30 Aug 2001-10 June 2016 Sh & Ci Young
Champagney (girlie girl) Cat 02/03/09 Victoria Scholl
Champaign Long Hair Guinea Pig 7 years 04/23/06 Karen Cabrera
Champee Maltese 13+ years 11/06/06 Benita Fine-Baker
Champers Boston Terrier 10 years 09/22/10 Linda Robinson
Champers Burmese Cat 12/12/95-05/21/16 Shelley Ferguson
Champi 2 Burmese Cat 03/2012-04/05/13 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Champiã±on Burmese Cat 04/29/09-08/18/11 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Champian Golden Retriever 04/05/96-11/23/10 Jonathan Wang, Jessica Wang
Champie American Shorthair Cat 7 years 07/21/07 Rick Williams
Champie Australian Shepherd/Mix 06/01/90-07/24/05 Sue Taylor
Champie Boxer 04/26/97-07/29/07 Andrea Barone
Champion (Champ) Bichon Frise 08/26/11 Jennifer, Ryan, Cindy, and Mike Van Meter
Champion (Champ) Labrador 10/06/90-06/19/04 Rob, Carol, Cory & Paul
Champion Beagle/Shitzu Mix 05/05/94-03/08/10 Penny Brueggemann
Champion Black Labrador Retriever 04/01/91-01/06/04 Mike and Darlene
Champion Cat 08/16/88-12/21/04 Penny
Champion German Shepherd 01/17/86-07/23/99 Thad Szymanski
Champion German Shepherd 07/01-07/15/05 Becky Netzer
Champion Labrador 02/14/01-10/23/08 Fernanda
Champion O'Sullivan Irish Setter 02/24/78-05/27/86 Denise Martin
Champiy Mixed Dog 12 years 12/31/11 Mandy
Champolini Airedale 11 Years The Petak Family
Champs Pekinese/Schnauzer 10/30/95-08/12/10 Georgia, Gerald, Gabriel and Gerrid Parras
Champsy Dog 03/07/13-12/03/15 Cecille Huertas Ventenilla
Champy Black Tabby Cat 04/06/81-04/14/97 Susan Duncan
Champy Mixed Dog 12 years 12/31/11 Mandy Correll
Champy Mostly Husky 04/90-12/20/00 Roena Bergman
Champy Shepherd Lab Mix 14 years 02/28/07 Mark and Cindy Boston
Champyboy Shih-Tzu 01/12/89-09/30/04 Peggy Thompson
Chan Cat 17 1/2 years 04/30/07 Paul Silver
Chan Cat 19 years 9 months 12/05/99 Jan Carolrn
Chan Cho Shih Tzu 07/2007-05/27/10 The King Family
Chan Cocker Spaniel 09/27/01-05/06/10 Francine, Richard & Marc-Antoine
Chan Japanese Chin 15 years 01/29/04 Julia and Willis McClure
Chan Lee Tabby Cat 07/16/07 Elizabeth P. Glixman
Chan Lhasa 04/15/83-10/05/99 Nancy
Chan Lhasa Apso 02/10/91-02/19/06 Agnes McDowall
Chan Oriental Shorthair Cat 2001-12/12/08 T.Kresse
Chan Shih-Tzu 11/20/96-10/21/10 Chloe
Chan Siamese Mix Cat 09/11/11 JoAnn Roskoski
Chan Tian Guppy 02/2007-10/10/08 Mary
Chanauke Cat 14 years 03/18/13 Kim Strupp
Chance (Last Chance) Ferret 02/26/97 Laura, Al, Dayna and Jason
Chance (Last Chance) Golden Retriever 14 years 09/10/04 Kurt, Lisa, Chris, David
Chance 02/11/97 Steven Sussman
Chance 03/4 Golden Retriever 1/3 Springer 10/14/95-11/25/03 Betty
Chance 11/02/96-11/04/99 Sherri Mundis
Chance Ameraucauna Rooster 12/22/20 Patricia Addison
Chance American Bulldog 03/27/95-01/14/04 Kathy Hennessey
Chance American Bulldog 10/05/12-05/02/14 Deborah Snyder
Chance American Cocker Spaniel 06/07/87-08/16/01 Darlene Schultz
Chance American Eskimo/Cocker Spaniel 07/04/95-08/31/07 Jody
Chance American Pitbull Terrier 09/01/01-11/28/07 David
Chance American Staffordshire Terrier 2 years 11/13/07 Liam and Meghan
Chance American Stafforshire Bull Terrier 09/19/95-04/18/02 Debbi Terry
Chance American Water Spaniel 01/06/03-05/23/05 Doug & Carol Bleck
Chance Angora Cat 04/2002-05/22/14 Angela Barrett
Chance Angus Renteria Dogue de Bordeaux 05/18/05-03/03/13 Chris Renteria
Chance Appendix Quarter Horse 05/03/96-05/04/06 Cheryl
Chance Arctic Tundra Wolf 14 years 03/29/04 Scarlett & Jeff Bellingham
Chance Aussie 10/31/93-05/25/10 Erik White
Chance Australian Shepherd 03/05/97-07/26/10 Kendall
Chance Australian Shepherd 03/26/93-12/15/94 Edward and Doris
Chance Australian Shepherd Mix 06/27/04-11/03/15 Beth
Chance Beagle 03/27/04-02/02/05 John M. Cox
Chance Beagle 06/22/00 Joe & Nancy Engel
Chance Beagle 06/22/00 Nancy Engel
Chance Beagle 06/26/01-07/08/12 Jan, Rick, Chayme and Carla
Chance Beagle 08/02/09 Michael Amoss
Chance Beagle 10/02/06-07/01/21 Tami
Chance Beagle 11/20/98-01/1/2010 Virgil Bodensteiner
Chance Beagle 11/21/95-05/02/12 Patty Peele
Chance Beagle 6 years 04/27/09 Tim Sharon Brianna Pat Kim Maxie and Ringo
Chance Beagle/Greyhound 02/14/97-08/25/08 Jessica Dawahare
Chance Belgian Malinois Mix Breed 16-17 years 10/28/09 Matthew, Emily, and Ciara
Chance Bichon Frise 06/07/97-02/10/05 Deb, Liz, and Samantha
Chance Birman Kitten 8 weeks 06/26/04 Dieter & Susannah Johnson
Chance Black DSH Cat 02/14/03-01/26/06 Cindi Collister
Chance Black Lab 02/27/98-03/06/07 Ed Garrison
Chance Black Lab 08/96-12/2009 Dianne and Tom
Chance Black Lab 14 years 04/20/05 Scott Douglas
Chance Black Lab Mix 06/22/95-12/23/98 Donna Whitney
Chance Black Lab/Beagle Mix 5 years 02/22/06 Meghan Blydenburgh
Chance Black/White Dalmatian 04/06/97-04/29/02 Lorea Johnson
Chance Blue Heeler 11/14/05 Erin McCoy
Chance Blue Tick Beagle 10/12/92-01/31/05 Rhonda and Tony Nobbe
Chance Border Collie / Lab Cross 01/96-03/31/09 Cindy
Chance Border Collie/Blue Heeler Cross 03/02/96-09/20/09 Jessica Kelleher
Chance Boston/ Wire Hair Mix 06/24/07-05/05/10 Heather
Chance Bouvier de Flanders 12 years 07/22/10 Jan Kinnally
Chance Boxer 03/13/97-05/08/06 The Stahley's
Chance Boxer 04/01/91-04/26/04 Cathy
Chance Boxer 04/15/97-02/11/08 Patricia Love
Chance Boxer 06/08/06 Marc
Chance Boxer 12/20/96-06/08/06 Carrie, Mike, Lexie, & Maddie
Chance Brittany 08/16/89-07/01/04 Michelle Campbell
Chance Brittany Spaniel 10/08/93-02/11/08 Debbie
Chance Buddy Walker Chihuahua 01/06/12-11/07/24 Kathy and Calvin Walker
Chance Callam Lab 10 years 09/17/07 Wendi Callam
Chance Cannan Mix 12/25/96-07/01/02 Pamela Murphy
Chance Cat 01/01/07 Lyn
Chance Cat 04/07-12/10/07 Becca Ullmer
Chance Cat 04/22/07-06/22/07 Jacquelynne S. Sedgwick
Chance Cat 05/10/02-02/06/05 Dee
Chance Cat 07/2008 Jenny
Chance Cat 10 months 07/04/09 Susan P
Chance Cat 11 years 08/11/10 Mo
Chance Cat 11/01/95-06/07/07 Katrina
Chance Cat 11/19/03 Pat and Jim S.
Chance Cat 12 years 01/23/22 Charlene
Chance Cat 18 years 04/05/19 Debbie Napier
Chance Cat 5 years 11/26/99 Randy Yelverton
Chance Cat 7 years 07/10/02 Kristin
Chance Cat 8 years 01/11/10 Theresa Friedrichsen
Chance Cat 9 1/2 years 05/09/09 Scott Dattoli
Chance Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chance Catahoula Leopard 08/28/05-10/06/11 Andrea Adams
Chance Cavalier St. Charles/Sheltie Mix 07/2005-08/28/14 Monica & Claire Ingram
Chance Chancelor of Chocolate Chips Parti Cocker Spaniel 03/30/97-12/26/06 Beverly Koptcho
Chance 'Chansito' Pitbull 02/18/17 Carlos Funnell
Chance Chapa Lab-Pit 9 years 09/27/05 Mary Chapa
Chance Chenoweth Golden Retriever 06/27/00-10/05/04 Naomi
Chance Chihuahua 04/20/08-06/17/09 Kristina
Chance Chihuahua 10/10/99-09/03/04 Brittany Burdette
Chance Chi-Poo 09/23/00-05/22/13 Gloria Freeman
Chance Chocolate Lab 12 1/2 years 08/26/16 Todd Sikkema
Chance Chow/Boxer/Pitbull/German Shepherd/Labrador 01/29/16-08/09/22 Amy Swartzlander
Chance Cockatiel 2 1/2 years 03/08/09 Tamara
Chance Cocker Spainel 02/08/00 David & Viola Alley
Chance Cocker Spaniel 08/09/97-05/20/11 Veronica Jones
Chance Cocker Spaniel 10/08/90-05/18/02 Jean & Jeff Maughan
Chance Cocker Spaniel 12 years 02/23/15 Karlene, Bill, Nicole, Kristin, Amanda, Kylie
Chance Cockerchon Puppy 04/28/08-01/29/09 Patti, Mike, Russell, Dan, Dave, Joanna, Rick, Jenny, Kristina, Laura
Chance Coleman Black and White DSH Cat 3 years 10/05/10 Fran Coleman
Chance Collie 10/01 Pamme Provost For Pamela Stark
Chance Dacschund 15 years 10/08/03 Coral
Chance Dalmatian 02/14/95-09/18/06 Patricia Gay
Chance Dalmatian 05/11/99-04/25/14 Ashley
Chance Dalmatian 10/15/94-07/27/09 Ann Vest & Becky Bartlett
Chance Doberman 1990-03/06/00 Jerry & Christa Lucas
Chance Dog 03/16/04 Shawna
Chance Dog 06/24/04 Tasha
Chance Dog 10 years 01/29/11 Amari
Chance Dog 10/22/92-03/15/08 Danny
Chance Dog 10/31/05-04/24/14 Mary Walker
Chance Dog 11/22/01-09/24/03 Gail Daugherty
Chance Dog 12/24/99-07/03/18 Lisa Forrest
Chance Dog 1997-07/04/03 Dori Silva
Chance Domestic Cat 3 years 05/19/06 Dana Faust
Chance Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/04/04-04/15/10 Beth Bryant
Chance Dorsey Toy Poodle 1989-03/22/06 Sheila
Chance Doxie Mix 10-12 months 07/14/06 Kirk and Pam Kauder
Chance DSH Cat 08/15/99-02/12/07 DaveDee
Chance Ella American Mutt 04/20/01-05/16/10 Nicla and Kris Pistone
Chance Elliott Black Short-Haired Cat 15 years 05/02/07 Julia M. (Blair) Moellering
Chance Endicott Labrador Retriever 06/27/01-07/10/03 Matt & Staci Endicott & Family
Chance English Bulldog 12/13/96-04/28/09 Ed & Angie Harrison
Chance English Toy Spaniel 02/01/00-08/05/08 Valerie Tate
Chance Flack Sheltie Mix 06/06/96-02/02/06 Jennifer Flack
Chance Flat Coated Retriever 14 years 06/02/09 Donna Giberson
Chance Fog 9 years 07/10/16 Stephanie H
Chance French Bulldog Puppy 9 months 01/12/08 Ray
Chance Garfield Maine Coon Cat 08/01/90 Amy Pollex
Chance German Shepherd 04/20/03-02/22/09 Barbara Graham
Chance German Shepherd 10 years 10/26/11 Pat Moore
Chance German Shepherd 11/25/06-02/23/08 Maria
Chance German Shepherd 7 years 10/18/11 Allan & Barbara Kasprzak
Chance German Shepherd 8 years 09/2011 Marsha
Chance German Shepherd Mix 03/17/92-12/30/05 Mike Golden
Chance German Shepherd/Black Lab 05/17/21 Jes Buchanan
Chance German Shepherd/Rottie Mix 13 years 11/24/14 June Thibault
Chance German Shorthair Pointer 03/02/97-04/21/04 Nancy Crutcher
Chance German Shorthair Pointer 03/21/12 Monique Gurock
Chance German Shorthair Pointer approximately 5 years 04/18/03 Kip & Viv
Chance Ginger Cat 15 years 07/18/11 Julie Jones
Chance Golden 9 ? years 12/28/05 Cherie
Chance Golden Lab 02/09/95-02/04/09 Lisa and Garry Piccini
Chance Golden Retriever / Cocker Mix 01/12/00-12/10/09 Lorraine & Bob Parker
Chance Golden Retriever /Cocker Mix 6 1/2 years 02/18/09 Sandra Sachitano
Chance Golden Retriever 01/01/95-03/06/02 Helen Groboski
Chance Golden Retriever 02/14/98-05/29/09 Jean Moore
Chance Golden Retriever 03/21/96-07/17/08 Amanda Kay Tea
Chance Golden Retriever 05/01/92-02/22/01 Leslie
Chance Golden Retriever 06/09/95-02/03/06 Doreen, Dan, Gary, Amanda
Chance Golden Retriever 06/96-12/02/01 Lu and Ross Kempf
Chance Golden Retriever 07/07/95-10/19/06 Wendy Elchesyn
Chance Golden Retriever 08/10/10-10/25/10 Lisa Greenland
Chance Golden Retriever 10 years 02/28/06 Clawson Family
Chance Golden Retriever 10/14/97-06/20/09 Alan David
Chance Golden Retriever 10/17/98-03/06/12 Louise Madden
Chance Golden Retriever 10/30/98-06/30/04 Mindi and Sandy
Chance Golden Retriever 10/30/98-2003 Sandra
Chance Golden Retriever 10/97-05/21/08 Jocelyn Tonne
Chance Golden Retriever 11/01/95-03/21/08 Ellen
Chance Golden Retriever 11/01-03/21/08 Ellen Ryan
Chance Golden Retriever 12 1/2 years 01/24/04 Carol and Al Fricke
Chance Golden Retriever 12 years 07/17/08 Nicki
Chance Golden Retriever 5 years 07/01/04 Sandra
Chance Golden Retriever Cocker Mix 09/2002-02/18/09 Sandra Sachitano
Chance Golden Retriever Puppy 05/18/98-08/28/98 Pat & Buffy DeWolf
Chance Golden Retriever/German Shepherd Mix 03/03/94-10/30/09 Lora Caudill
Chance Goodman Spaniel and Gordon Setter Mix 15 years 2 months 04/01/08 Janet Goodman
Chance Goodwin German Shepherd 05/10/06 Jami Haushalter
Chance Gray Tabby Cat 17 years 10/25/07 Kathleen Popoff
Chance Grey Cat 18 years 06/21/12 Miriam
Chance GSD 1998-2006 Sm Prattis
Chance Guadagnino Boxer 4 years 02/26/13 Nicole Guadagnino
Chance Half Siamese Cat 15 years 03/30/06 Jennifer Beres
Chance Halter Kage Lab/Hound 12 years 09/21/10 Alisha Kage
Chance Hanson Lab 04/12/03-9/ 15/ 14 John Sheree Matthew and Emma Hanson
Chance Hess Doberman Pinscher 9 years 07/26/03 Erika, Susan, and Edward
Chance Hollaender Irish Setter 10 years 03/19/05 Tina Hollaender and Debi Metz
Chance Hughes Rott/German Shep/Great Dane Mix 04/09/98-08/21/06 Nicki Hughes
Chance Husky 08/24/00-12/12/04 Grace
Chance Husky 5 years 03/14/10 Holly
Chance Jack Russell Terrier 10/07/96-10/12/03 Mitchell Spartman
Chance Jolliff Australian Shepherd Mix 9 years 11 months 05/07/10 Cathy Jolliff
Chance King Brindle White Boxer 11/2001-01/30/13 Carla Terry King
Chance King Charles Cavalier Spaniel 03/01/03-02/26/12 Debbie
Chance Kitten 11/04/99 Sheila Cook
Chance Kitten 6 months 05/2008 Cheryl
Chance Kitty 01/08/89-11/04/04 Lin McMahon
Chance Kowalski German Shepherd Mix 12 years 09/10/08 Kristin & Kourtney Kowalski
Chance Kowulich Shepherd Mix 06/10/93-10/30/06 Barbara Kowulich
Chance Lab 14 years 2 months 03/11/11 Brett
Chance Lab 15 years 06/11/12 Hollie
Chance Lab Husky Mix 09/18/10 Shari Wojciehowski
Chance Lab/Chow 04/01/97-01/15/05 Lindsey, Stacey, Frank, Jason, Krista, Merz Bauer
Chance Lab/Husky Mix 08/09/99-07/11/07 Kristi and Ginette
Chance Labrador 03/01/06-09/08/20 Lance, Rhonda, Christopher Petes
Chance Labrador 07/24/98-10/07/08 Hugh Clifford
Chance Labrador 14 years 10 months 04/29/12 Monte
Chance Labrador Retriever 01/16/07-08/12/11 Keshia Tolentino
Chance Labrador Retriever 07/08/98-08/18/08 Sarah and Daniel In Las Vegas, Nv
Chance Labrador Retriever 10/17/96-05/10/07 Kristyn Jones and Elizabeth Huston
Chance Lachon 07/02/01-08/22/16 Dan Campbell
Chance Leroy Black Lab Mix 07/04/96-09/07/11 Debi Baeseman
Chance Lhasa Apso 01/01/08-01/21/11 Jackie Oakley
Chance Llaso Apso Shih Tzu Mix 15 or 16 years 01/08/10 Jolene
Chance Long-Haired Domestic Cat 10 years 05/09/09 Scott
Chance Maine Coon Cat 07/04/01-05/19/13 Sandy
Chance Maine Coon Cat 10 years 03/21/11 Michelle Ennist
Chance Maine Coon Cat 5+ years Marilyn Mckinley
Chance Malamute 5 years 12/11/99 Laurie Russell
Chance Maltese 09/07/99-05/11/09 Linda
Chance Maltese 12/24/96-03/26/12 Bill & Alesha
Chance Mastiff 02/01/94-08/16/06 Susan Resh
Chance Mathis Chihuahua 04/08/98-01/06/11 Greg and Traci
Chance Messier Pekinese 14 years 12/19/12 Mary Messier
Chance Min Pin 03/31/02-01/02/06 Marie Frazier
Chance Miniature Pinscher 08/18/03-09/01/04 Ruth Riley
Chance Mix Dog 05/01/04 Nikki Palermo
Chance Mix Dog 15 1/2 years 06/27/11 Susanne
Chance Mix Dog 1993-2007 Marianne
Chance Mixed Dog 06/01/96-02/23/08 Maria & Melinda
Chance Mixed Dog 09/01/97-06/05/09 Luke
Chance Mixed Dog 10/29/85-08/16/99 R. Alsobrook
Chance Mixed Dog 10/31/01-02/29/12 Carol
Chance Mixed Dog 11/08/01-09/16/11 Carol Lauer
Chance Mixed Dog 12 years 10/04/14 Cindy Wilkinson
Chance Mixed Dog 8 years 09/12/09 Kuczykowski Family
Chance Mixed Dog 9 years 11 months 05/07/10 Cathy Jolliff
Chance Mixed Retriever 09/01/01-08/04/04 Wynde Miller
Chance Mutt 07/30/07 Rob Martin and Brett Hart
Chance Newfoundland/Chow 02/14/98-01/11/15 Kayla Nutter
Chance Pace Hound Mix 01/15/97-07/31/05 Susan, Tony and Anthony Pace
Chance Papillon 05/03/05-05/30/20 Patty Hamm
Chance Parker Black and White Cat 04/01/89-04/30/01 Leslie and Pamela
Chance Persian Cat 13 years 08/07/10 Angela Tankersley
Chance Pit Bull 04/13/03-07/29/05 Brian & Amanda Burdsall
Chance Pit Bull 10/19/13 William Riddle
Chance Pit Bull Mix 13 years 08/18/08 Betty and Brian
Chance Pitbull 03/17/08 Cindy Marcinczyk
Chance Pitbull 09/02/01-08/05/08 John, Erica, Bryan and Ella
Chance Pitbull/Lab 14 years 07/26/12 C. Olinger
Chance Pitt Bull Terrier 5 months 10/27/97 Sena Mendoza
Chance Poodle 04/30/03-08/06/09 Pamela Bassett
Chance Poodle 16 years 07/28/09 Stephanie Dionne
Chance Poodle/Chihuahua 2 years 06/02/10 Colton
Chance Potbelly Pig 10 years 08/30/05 Marti Welch
Chance Renee Miniature Collie Mix 06/96-02/2006 Margaret
Chance Rhodesian Ridgeback 08/05/03-05/12/15 Gary
Chance Rice Pit Bull 07/15/96-06/17/11 Dennis & Connie Rice
Chance Rolek Boxer 12 years 8 months 02/03/08 Kimberlie A Rolek
Chance Rottweiler 02/15/94-04/13/03 Amy, Andre, Madison and Jacob
Chance Rottweiler 06/15/95-05/01/04 Andrea Gonzales
Chance Rottweiler 08/2002-2004 Courtney
Chance Russian Blue Cat 07/15/98-12/18/12 Cherie, Gary & Heather Howard
Chance 'Rusty Ramblin's Takin a Chance' Chesapeake Bay Retriever 05/30/09 The Lynch Family
Chance Ryan Border/ Lab Mix 08/15/05-07/19/10 Timothy Ryan
Chance Samoyed 11 years 03/20/09 Susan A. Wilson
Chance Sawyer Mix, Lab, Sheep Dog 08/01/93-08/02/09 Doreen Sawyer
Chance Shan Carter Marshall Black Lab 11/30/04-11/29/05 Johnita
Chance Sheltie 02/14/88-01/04/95 Linda Leck
Chance Sheltie 04/05/95-05/12/08 Colleen Wood
Chance Sheltie 07/02/02-11/30/03 Stephanie Oakes
Chance Shepherd Mix 06/95-07/29/08 Erica
Chance Shepherd Mix 10/04/92-05/05/95 BK
Chance Shepherd Mix 12 years 10/30/06 Barbara Kowulich
Chance Shepherd Mix 1997-10/09/11 Dawn Tomek
Chance Shepherd Mix 1997-2003 Dori Silva
Chance Shepherd Retriever Mix 04/01/14-09/16/17 Patricia
Chance Shepherd X 08/06/01-04/13/15 Karen and Howard Giles
Chance Shepherd/Collie Mix 9 years 02/03/03 Don Korta Jr
Chance Shetland 12/15/01-02/09/15 Patty Loneman
Chance Shih Tzu Terrier 05/13/08 Krysta Meecham
Chance Siamese Mix Cat 11/18/80-08/16/97 Caryl Blank and Mr. Duck
Chance Siberian Husky 03/22/03 Matt & Beth Crooks
Chance Siberian Husky 08/27/02-02/14/05 Gracie Hodson
Chance Silky Terrier 03/09/11 Marlaine and Cynthia
Chance Smokey Gray Shorthair Cat 09/27/16 Rhonda Magnotti
Chance Spicer Mixed Dog 17 years 01/19/11 Vera, Samantha, Leonard, Melissa, Kristina
Chance Stafford Shire Mix 9 years 04/02/12 Joyce
Chance Staffordshire Bull Terrier 19/10/94-25/03/06 Sarah Turner
Chance Striped Tabby Cat 05/02/98-08/26/02 Rick & Judy Vonderheide
Chance Suprono Australian Shepherd 06/24/03-08/09/11 Kary-Ann and John Suprono
Chance Tabby Cat 07/2009 Joanie Rectenwald
Chance Tabby Cat 16 years 06/14/10 The White Family
Chance Tabby rescue 2 months 08/13/92 Nanette Blanchard
Chance Tallent Black Lab/Boxer Mix 02/25/05-11/14/11 Angie, David and Brett Tallent
Chance Teacup Yorkie adopted 07/18/05-07/15/07 Holly Estrada
Chance Terrier 14 years 12/09/10 Kathy & Kelly
Chance Tortoise Shell. Domestic Short Hair Cat 8 years 01/31/06 Steve
Chance Vizsla 1 year 06/22/00 Sue, SVHS
Chance Yorkshire Terrier 03/04/00-12/31/12 Susan Ross Teeter
Chance. Stranger Kitty when he 1st adopted us. Finally found his 1st family & his birth name was Skylar. Himalayan Cat 12 years 10/23/01 Charlie, Peter, and Sharon Finn
Chancellor Cocker Spaniel 07/14/88-07/19/99 Kari & Marty Dailey
Chancellor German Shepherd 07/04/97-10/30/09 Ken
Chancellorsville (Chance) Shiloh Shepherd 02/2000-08/2007 Mary and Jim McGrew
Chancelor Mini-Dachshund 11/22/94-06/04/09 Linda
Chancer Boy Lab Mix 04/98-09/26/12 Glenda Johnson
Chancer 'Bud' Rottweiler Shepherd Cross 13 years 02/14/08 Brenda
Chance's Home Brew Mutt 16 years 07/12/06 Jule Slicho
Chances R Chancey Rotty 8 years 01/11/01 Mandi
Chancey (Dude) Golden Spring '95 Susie Waldron & Ken Moore
Chancey and Digby Both Mixed Breeds Dogs 1989 and 1992-04/09/07 Don and Helen Sloan
Chancey Bechen Dog 08/06/98-11/28/09 Stephenie, Ben, Jerimiah and Hannah
Chancey Border Collie/Lab Mix 02/14/96-10/16/08 Louise and Jeff
Chancey Cat 12 years 06/23/10 Jackie Cook
Chancey Cat 3 years 05/12/06 Ginny
Chancey DSH Cat 8 years 05/22/15 Kathleen Pretti
Chancey German Shepherd 9 years 04/13/02 Liese Averbach
Chancey Golden Retriever 09/08/11-05/31/15 Ken Heminger
Chancey Golden Retriever/German Shepherd Mix 12/13/99-06/12/04 Dan, Eileen, & Michaela Mack
Chancey Husky/Shepherd Mix 06/15/03-08/15/08 Tom Scherrer
Chancey Lynn Cunningham Pekinese 17 years 01/08/05 B
Chancey Lyons German Shepherd Mix 12 years 05/20/06 Joseph Lyons
Chancey Siamese Cat 01/15/04-11/24/23 Sylvia Montes
Chancey Tabby Cat 6 months 09/10/94 Dorothy and Frank Zammetti
Chancey Torres Chihuahua 6 years 12/23/05 Angela Torres
Chancho Jack Russell 07/01/04-10/19/14 Shannah Kassebaum
Chanci Shaunte Min. Schnauzer 06/12/93-11/28/05 M. Bailey
Chancie American Cocker Spaniel 03/31/96-03/06/09 The Evelyn Family
Chancie Bowens Sheltie 10/15/95-03/21/11 Cathy Bowens
Chancie Golden Mix 8 years 01/29/06 Dale and Cindy Tubbs
Chancie Mixed Dog 11/11/09 Evelyn Bertoni
Chancy (Brutus) Yorkshire Terrier 02/27/03-07/16/09 Nancy and Steve Keller
Chancy (Sedona) Domestic Longhaired Tortie Cat 08/12/20 Kathryn White
Chancy and Missy Holland Lop Rabbits 05/15/94-08/97 & 04/14/96-05/97 Roshelle Boatman
Chancy Kasmar Beagle 07/28/12-07/20/23 Kim Kasmar
Chancy Yorkie 02/13/89-01/18/02 Keith Sandy & Scarlet Dupuis
Chandar Am. Shorthair Silver Tabby Cat 06/20/90-11/21/08 Linda Raatz
Chandar Lab Mix 10/31/91-10/29/04 Sue
Chander Toy Fox Terrier 9 years 07/31/09 Lia McBride
Chandi German Shepherd 05/17/10 Daniel & Jamie Harrigan
Chandler All Black Short Haired Cat 6 years 03/21/04 Evelyn & John Frautten
Chandler American/Peruvian Mix Lavender Guinea Pig 10/03/03-09/10/09 Janine Johnson
Chandler Bailey Brubaker Yorkshire Terrier 06/07/08 Kerri Brubaker
Chandler Bearded Collie 08/06/84-11/11/99 Charlie and Tama
Chandler Bing Cohen Miniature Poodle 11/15/03-01/02/13 Lisa Cohen
Chandler Bing Utley Silky Terrier 04/15/04-09/02/09 Jennifer Utley
Chandler Chiweenie 11 1/2 years 08/05/10 Kathleen Galindo
Chandler Cocker Spaniel 08/11/95-04/08/07 Michele, Steve, Maddie & Molly
Chandler Doberman 03/18/93-04/21/97 Mary & Jasper Johnston
Chandler Dog 08/06/98-03/29/09 Laura
Chandler German Shepherd 11 years 06/05/07 Hank Zimmerman
Chandler Guinea Pig 6 months 17/11/09 Sally Fullard & Hannah
Chandler Hound/Terrier Mix 02/15/99-06/21/10 Kellie Sibley
Chandler Maine Coon Cat 7 years 07/15/05 Jodi and Kendall
Chandler Mixed Dog 09/96-05/2003 Pamela Bassett
Chandler Orange Tabby Cat 8 years 01/22/07 Patty Kelly and Rex Tegio
Chandler Rabbit 04/98-05/30/98 Maria and Alex
Chandler Sheltie 06/04/00-07/16/06 David, Joan, Peter, Heather Skolnik
Chandler Siamese Cat 5 years 05/05/06 Alice Strong
Chandler Sun Conure 10/01/99-07/09/00 Bobbie Sollazzi
Chandler Tomcat Cat 05/01/89-05/17/05 Jesse Hardman
Chandler Yorkie 05/05/96-09/12/06 Tina Howard
Chando Lab 09/02/02-01/17/04 Yogi Smith
Chandon White Star (Chandy) Cream Seal Point Lynx Ragdoll Cat 05/15/07-09/29/17 Melissa, Chris, Natalie, and Annika, her family who loved her
Chandra Chickory Jane Maine Coon Cat 09/01/95-09/21/13 Judyth
Chandra Leigh Tyler Yorkie 09/19/90-07/28/04 Dana Bates
Chandra Mixed Cat 07/90-02/09/08 Rose Brandt
Chanel - Christiano Black - Chow Chow 01/04/93-12/28/06 Mommie Tina
Chanel (Nellie Belle) Knoof Calico Cat 08/08/88-03/21/03 Bill & Grace
Chanel Bichon Frise 07/26/10 Bernadette
Chanel Black Long Hair Cat 9 months 06/24/09 Carolina Rivas
Chanel Blue Cream Cat 01/08/89-07/18/05 Cathy
Chanel Burden Pom 2 years 10/28/12 Jamie Burden
Chanel Cat 01/01/96-07/26/12 Beverly
Chanel Champagne Groodle 12/13/09-12/08/14 Dave
Chanel Chihuahua 04/15/06-06/01/18 Lori Beaumont
Chanel Chihuahua 05/01/07-07/31/08 Dhana Dinwiddie
Chanel Chihuahua 12/07/05-01/07/21 James Kyriakakos
Chanel Cocker Spaniel 01/14/93-05/02/03 Beatriz Tabet
Chanel Cocker Spaniel 07/01/85-11/01/03 Paula Suzette
Chanel Cocker Spaniel 18 years 11/01/03 Paula
Chanel Collie 06/10/14-01/04/19 Jill Lanese
Chanel Darden Shih Tzu 04/06/94-10/19/05 Lynn, Keith & Brooke Darden
Chanel Dog 06/06/11-06/26/12 Angy
Chanel Dog 10/95-04/26/11 EJ
Chanel DSH Cat 08/24/11-09/23/22 Kaleigh
Chanel Golden Lab Mix 03/15/87-10/01/02 Lisa Demers
Chanel Guinea Pig 12/15/05-03/01/08 Matt & Nat
Chanel Hamster 04/01/07 Alissa
Chanel Himalayan Cat 03/29/92-06/11/08 Nancy Harper
Chanel Himalayan Cat 04/05/02-03/18/12 Julie Winter
Chanel Italian Greyhound 08/19/95-09/20/11 Bill and Roni Nylander
Chanel Jones Toy Yorkie 12/06/01-07/07/03 Emily
Chanel Lab Mix 08/15/85-04/04/98 Carol Zacheiss
Chanel Lhasa Apso 05/12/04-12/27/08 Judi Gregoire
Chanel Malipoo 6 years 02/20/12 Derek David
Chanel Maltese 07/28/93-04/21/06 Annette
Chanel Maltese 07/28/93-04/21/08 Annette
Chanel Muzyk Snowshoe Cat 07/16/95-07/07/13 Michelle Muzyk
Chanel Pekingese 15 years 09/01/07 Mary Cay Brock
Chanel Persian Cat 05/26/94-01/05/00 Crystal
Chanel Persian Cat 1990 Eileen
Chanel Persian/Siamese Cat 03/01/92-09/19/01 Jenifer Mozelak
Chanel Pitbull 5 months 02/10/21 Davionna
Chanel Pomchi 02/14/09-05/03/10 Vicky
Chanel Poodle 09/25/97-09/16/13 Patricia and Marty Weber
Chanel Poodle 10/25/95-10/23/13 Jeannette Jury
Chanel Poodle 16 years 11/2004 Linda Liebman
Chanel Rodriguez Chihuahua/Yorkie 02/11/11-04/04/13 Veronica Rodriguez
Chanel Rottweiler 01/30/91-08/17/98 Jan
Chanel Saint Bernard 07/17/95-07/30/07 Carol Ebdon
Chanel Shepherd Husky Mix 05/02/97-08/14/05 Linda Hendrix
Chanel Shepherd/Collie Mix 11/06/98-12/02/10 Dana & Tony
Chanel Shih Tzu 08/88-09/17/00 Amy & Kitty
Chanel Shih Tzu 10+ years 03/17/16 Penelope Gardner
Chanel Shitzu 1 year 01/31/05 Krista E
Chanel Siamese Cat 10/10/84-08/17/04 Cheri
Chanel Standard Poodle 04/10/96-09/15/09 Margie
Chanel Tabby-Brown Maine Coon Mix Cat 04/07/05 The Pride Rescue Fostered S.J./ Grace W. Aggie
Chanel Teacup Yorkie 5 of Dec. 01 to 7 of July 03 Tom, Grace, Emily, Andrew, and Nicky
Chanel Teckel Dog 16 years 06/28/10 Lore, Pierre, Melissa, Janie, Marc-P, Jean-F, Maggie
Chanel Toy Pomeranian 9 months 01/10/08 Terryl Craigon
Chanel Toy Poodle 11/16/87-06/08/01 Marty & Lisa Shaw
Chanel Toy Poodle 14 years 04/28/18 Millie
Chanel Westie 06/10/93-07/15/02 Linda Mojica & Aaron Meyers
Chanel Wong Yorkie 01/23/10 Connie Wong
Chanel Yorkshire Terrier 10 years 12/27/00 Scott Beisner
Chanel Young Maltese 30 Aug 2001-9 May 2016 Sh & Ci Young
Chanel, Nellie, Gilbert Pug 12 years 06/01/05 Susan Gilbert
Chanella Chihuahua 02/26/20 Susan Woropajew
Chanella Chihuahua Mix 06/24/16-02/26/20 Susan Woropajew
Chanelle Irene Grable Yorkshire Terrier 05/25/97-02/08/09 Laura Heenan
Chanelle Mixed Lynx Point Siamese Cat 03/2004-03/18/15 Angela Magnano
Chanelle Shaded Silver Persian Cat 8 years 09/2005 Maria Hunter
Chanelly Red Tabby Cat 19 years 04/27/11 Barbara Pleshko-Berger
Chanel's Baby Borzoi Newborn pup 06/97 Sam Newland
Chaner Cat 15/03/79-17/09/96 Jacqueline
Chaney a.k.a Chi-Chi and Special Angel Affenpincher 06/08/95-11/29/04 Sharon L. Conte
Chaney Miniature Schnauzer 1986-2002 Christina Daniel
Chaney Shih Tzu 11/27/97-01/04/10 Bill & Sue Hartig
Chaney's Wee Bonny Lass Collie 08/21/94-02/20/04 Paul Chaney
Chang Blue Point Siamese Cat 08/08/79-02/01/01 Debbie Cornett
Chang Cat 04/93-03/20/09 Sandy & Stephen Rodwell
Chang Chi Blue point Himalayan Cat 11 years 12/12/00 Laurel Tryforos
Chang Chinese Shar-Pei 11/89-04/23/03 Tina, Mike and Allie
Chang Chow 06/01/85-05/14/98 Tom Benton
Chang Chowchow 01/29/00-05/04/11 Judy
Chang Dog 10/01/90-06/23/07 Catherine and Eric Glaser
Chang Lee Blue Point Siamese Cat 20 years 04/23/11 Susie Utterback
Chang Mixed Dog 1966 Mari Anderson Shaw
Chang Riley Snowshoe Cat 05/01/96-01/15/10 Diane and Michael Riley
Chang Seal Point Siamese Cat 04/70-02/01/85 Briana
Chang Shih Tsu 11/2000-09/2011 Rob
Chang Siamese 1963-1966 Jocelyn Martin
Chang Siamese Cat 04/03/86-05/12/98 Shelli Misoyianis
Chang Siamese Cat 1975-1978 Dianne Shaunessy
Changie Koi Pekingese 05/28/82-07/12/95 Doris & Fred Johnson
Chango Black DSH Cat 12/01/99-08/26/14 Mary
Changu Rabbit 05/09/15-26/03/17 Shubhi Jha
Changun Jindo 03/01/10-07/09/12 Dean Motoyama
Chanh Cat 3 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Chani American Short Hair Black Cat 02/15/87-05/10/99 Terri
Chani Cat 02/93-09/25/10 S. Poor
Chani DSH Cat 08/06-05/22/06 Cathy Keeton
Chani Gray Cat W/ Tan Spot on LR Paw 9 1/2 years 02/20/17 Miriam Katz
Chanice Golden Lab 11/22/93-02/05/01 Crystal & Rob
Chanice Goldust Cocker Spaniel 01/29/93-03/27/04 Sandra Martin
Chani-Chaparral Chanson D' Scirocco Whippet 07/04/94 S. Neff
Chanley Sung Woo Shar-Pei 10/05/93-09/15/00 Tim & Tonya Shumate
Channa Chow Chow 07/10/99-07/29/00 Kristen Flanders
Channel aka Nellie Dachshund 16 years 02/25/11 Patty Deforest
Channel Siamese Cat 17 years 10 months 09/14/07 Maureen
Channelle Great Dane 08/01/05-05/23/05 Debbie
Channelle Hunter Persian Cat 1998-09/2005 Maria Hunter
Channelle Lhasa Apso 09/19/91-10/01/06 Jeannette Sooley
Channer Miniature Schnauzer 11/28/04-02/03/17 Larry & Linda Ritchie
Channie Cat 08/00 Masayo
Channing Flash Appendix Quarter Horse 05/17/73-05/15/01 Pam Quinn
Channy Shih Tzu 12 years 03/31/12 Sandy Lamb
Chano Lab Mix 09/08/08-12/21/08 Julia & Lou Lespier
Chanse Mix Cat 13 years 10/20/99 Howren family
Chantal Bichon 2 years 02/2005 Baleria Caballero
Chantal Chiweenie 6 months 07/06/16 Melinda Hernandez Aguilar
Chantal Cocker Spaniel 05/28/93-02/07/08 Cassandra Duster
Chantale-Jean Calico Cat 17 years 03/04/00 Fran & Michelle
Chante American Cocker Spaniel 07/05/92-07/31/06 Debb & Dale
Chante Poodle01/19/88-02/01/98 Barbara E.
Chante Siberian Husky 14 years 02/04/04 Michelle and Tom Fetzer
Chantel (1/04/91-12/18/05) Angela R. Forni
Chantel Bichon Frise 02/28/91-12/26/00 Sue-Ellen Beauregard
Chantel Cocker Spaniel 17 1/2 years 01/25/07 Michelle & Curt Asbell
Chantel Lhasa Apso 17 years 11/05/05 Renee Polacheck
Chantel Persian Cat 14 years Linda Harper
Chantelle Ragdoll Cat 12/30/13 Sara
Chanter West Highland White Terrier 12/07/96-07/31/09 Leslie Tau-Holzhausen
Chantilee Cocker Spaniel 05/12/95-03/05/09 Nora Anderson
Chantilly Cat 12 years 10/30/90 Patti White
Chantilly DSH Cat 11/21/07 L. N. Blanchard
Chantilly Guinea Pig 10/01/07 Amy Pollick
Chantilly Lace (Lacy) Shiloh Shepherd 08/02/97-12/05/00 Pam Schneider
Chantilly Lace II - Lacey German Shepherd 03/22/97-07/08/04 Sheryl Winkler
Chantilly Lace Maltese 06/25/96-06/28/04 Lloyd and Jan Eddy
Chantilly Poodle 03/29/86-07/17/97 Rick and Donna
Chantilly Short Hair Domestic Cat 05/21/91-06/02/10 Paula Kleppen
Chantilly Short-Haired Tabby Cat 04/12/75-08/16/97 Shirley L. Byer-Curtis
Chantou Gustaveson Montana Blue Lynx Cat 06/28/03-01/11/06 Jason Nagaia & Steven Gustaveson
Chao Chu Siamese Cat 12/26/99-12/10/08 Cindy Long
Chao-Mei Pug 10/17/86-10/24/02 Angela Robertson & Joe Bishop
Chaos American Bulldog 05/31/02-06/30/15 Bill and Mark Dame
Chaos American Staffordshire Terrier 11 months 11/24/06 Cathy
Chaos Argentine Dogo and Mastiff 10 years 08/06/11 Barbara and Lon Abrams
Chaos Black Lab/American Bulldog Mix 06/08/08-06/22/17 Leeanne Leclerc
Chaos Boxer Mix 02/14/94-06/03/06 Conne Moreau
Chaos Brazilian Mastiff 03/27/97-03/01/06 Michelle and Paul
Chaos Cat 03/17/03-07/22/10 Dawn C
Chaos Cat 07/24/05-06/08/18 Amber Nelson
Chaos Cat 09/18/09 Halsey Bartlett Jr
Chaos Cat 14 years 05/12/12 Theresa McClintock
Chaos Cat 5 years 12/11/09 Char
Chaos Cat 9 years 05/21/07 Katrin
Chaos Domestic Short Hair Cat 9 years 10/08/05 Terri Hug
Chaos Emerald Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/24/09-06/21/10 Laura Else
Chaos Ferret 05/05/03-01/18/04 Heather Stotz
Chaos Ferret 7 years 09/14/10 Ivy
Chaos 'Fluffernutter' Maine Coon Cat 5 years 06/07/11 Heidi Maruhnich and Cheryl Huyler
Chaos German Shepherd 07/28/08-11/21/09 Jessica
Chaos Husky Lab 06/13/94-07/19/09 Andrea & Bevaun
Chaos Incogneeto American Staffordshire Terrier 7 years 08/16/10 Erica Simpson
Chaos Lab Mix 11 years 03/12/08 Swartzbeck Family
Chaos Mini Lop Mix Rabbit 8 years 06/06/13 Cynthia Derosier
Chaos Orange Tabby Cat 06/06/99-12/02/14 Ellen Buhl
Chaos Palmpoo 10/10/01-28/10/10 Holly Justin Connor Peter
Chaos Pitbull 03/30/12-11/30/12 Joy Hullett
Chaos Rat 1995-1998 Nicole
Chaos Rottweiler 01/17/99-09/10/05 Colleen and Zach Small
Chaos Rotty 03/01/97-08/19/07 Courtney Sauceda
Chaos Tabby Cat 15 years 02/27/17 Kama
Chaos Tonkinese Cat 14 1/2 years 04/09/07 Jennifer Freeman
Chaos Yorkie/Japanese Chin Mix 02/17/07-07/10/11 Jacqueline Eary
Chap Cat 11 months 04/11/94 Randy Yelverton
Chap DLH Cat 4 years 08/02/99 Mic Henderson
Chapa Chihuahua 12/04/99-11/09/06 Aly Chapa
Chapie Dachshund 10/13/00-01/19/06 Kate
Chapin Yellow Lab 03/17/95-06/24/09 Rosemary Dunn
Chaplin Cat 18 years 06/21/23 Abbie and Kelly DeGregorio
Chaplin Domestic Shorthair Cat 12 years 02/05/09 Pamela Schilling
Chaplin Long Haired Domestic Cat 3 1/2 years 01/07/04 Julie Deemer
Chaplin Shih Tzu 10/09/97-09/26/04 Shish, Tom, Quinn & Hunter Leyland
Chaplin Terrier Mix 12 years 2 April 2010 Nina Cordova
Chaplin Tonkinese Cat 04/02/91-03/06/06 Terri Rimmer
Chaplyn Dalmatian 08/04/91-05/05/07 Annie
Chapmans Thunder of Thor (Thor) Great Dane 04/91-2001 Hubert and Toni Chapman
Chapo Chihuahua Puppy 06/29/05-09/15/05 Theresa Garcia
Chappale Cat Vijayalakahmi.R
Chappi X breed Dog 12/82-05/95 Sheila Wills
Chappie Scottish Terrier 10/28/86-11/11/01 Marie (Sunnie) Havens
Chappy Dog 07/26/01-09/25/01 Mira
Chappy Miro Pitbull 8 years 10/21/10 Dottie Miro
Chaps DSH Cat 03/29/96-09/22/09 Mary Schwab
Char Black Lab 01/90-06/12/03 Eva & Dan
Char Calico Cat 22 years 02/26/07 Trish Perry
Char Dog 8 years 08/03/00 B
Char German Shepherd, Husky, Timber Wolf Mix 2010 Grace
Char Golden Retriever 08/07/09 Jeanne Roberts
Char Greyhound 8 years 11/16/10 Smith
Char Keeshond 08/01/89-06/15/06 Joanne & Gord Walker
Char Keeshond 16 years 06/15/06 Joanne
Char Shi-Tzu 04/12/88-07/09/01 Doug Yozwiak
Char Siamese Cat 07/19/91-03/25/06 Paul & Stacey
Chara Old English Sheep Dog 11 years 07/11/08 Eleanor Ivory
Chara Shar Pei 03/23/05-10/28/09 Rakeya
Chara Smoke Calico Cat 10/14/94-08/27/98 Jim Brown
Charade's Heavenly Hayley Poodle 10/24/92-05/06/09 Nancy Evans
Charbon Border Collie/Labrador Retriever Mix 08/87-08/27/00 Laura A. Mondon
Charbon Cat 18 years 06/03/09 Karen
Charbonneau's Guardian Angel Great Pyrenees 06/25/06-08/24/06 Michele and Mackenzie Miller
Charc, Kodiac, & Yukon Black Lab, Mix of Huskie & Chow, Same 1979, 1996, & 1996 to 06/96/09 Bill & Sherry Schmidt
Charcoal (aka Chuck) Grey Domestic Shorthair Cat 16-18 years 09/19/09 Linda Leslie
Charcoal (Charkie) Long Coat Chihuahua 12/20/91-06/17/98 MIke and Kathy Faulkner
Charcoal American Longhair Cat 06/15/94-05/29/13 Terry Wooten
Charcoal American Shorthair Cat 1996-07/16/07 Gary and Suzanne Coulas
Charcoal Anne Geer Black Lab 12 years Spring 2002 Dan
Charcoal Beagle/Dachshund Mix 05/05/92-01/11/11 Debbi Smith
Charcoal Beverley British Short Hair Cat 9 years 06/02/06 Barbara Beverley
Char-Coal Black English Lab 05/24/01-04/09/11 Charlene P. Sanders
Charcoal Black Lab 1982-1996 Linda M. Schulz
Charcoal Black Lab Mix 05/15/97-08/22/07 Lynnette Seward
Charcoal Bouvier des Flandres 12 years 02/10/95 The Sullivans
Charcoal Briquette Friday American Longhair Cat 08/15/95-09/01/07 Susan
Charcoal Burberry Star Flower Pluto Mixed. Pitbull, Bulldog and Rottweiler 14 1/2 years 08/04/16 Pham, Riate, San Juan and Villar Family
Charcoal Burmese Mix Cat 07/15/86-01/28/05 Brian and Diane Sawyers
Charcoal Cat 07/83-08/15/06 Shirley Handel
Charcoal Cat 09/09/95-03/07/04 M.E.
Charcoal Cat 14 years 04/03/12 Donna
Charcoal Cat 15 years 05/01/17 Cory Moshman
Charcoal Cat 2 years 10/14/06 Laura and Brian Gosnell
Charcoal Cat 9 years 11/28/96 Maggie
Charcoal Cheng German Shepherd & Labrador Mix 04/08/98-04/22/11 Victoria Cheng
Charcoal Dog 14 years 03/28/06 Russ & CJ Barrett
Charcoal Dog 14 years 09/26/08 A. Yuem
Charcoal Dog 9 years 09/13/00 Jan Hernandez
Charcoal Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/15/89-08/19/07 Mike Liese
Charcoal Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/05/89-04/10/06 Susan Kemen
Charcoal DSH/P.T. Russian Blue Cat 06/19/94-01/02/04 Linnea Doden
Charcoal Dwarf Rabbit 5-6 years 01/24/98 Marti Findlay-Fijn
Charcoal Lab Mix 10 1/2 years 01/09/09 Deborah
Charcoal Lab. X 05/17/85-05/19/00 Carrie Goldkamp
Charcoal Maine Coon Mix Cat 03/15/91-10/16/06 Jerry Zall
Charcoal Mixed Dog Summer 1991-03/28/06 Russ and Carolejane
Charcoal of Wellington aka Coalie Yorkie Poo 04/28/12-06/22/13 Dee Petty-Love
Charcoal Russian Blue 1976-04/24/92 Janet Margul
Charcoal Russian Blue Cat 01/04/96-01/29/04 Kathleen Eveleigh
Charcoal Russian Blue Cat 1994-10/2002 Tammy H
Charcoal Syrian Hamster 11 months 04/06/07 Kylee Fulk
Charcoal Toy Poodle 06/1989-08/18/02 John Barbeau
Charcol Mane Coon Cat 11/09/87-02/14/07 Melissa White
Charcole (Bear) Lab/Husky 10 years 11/22/99 Georgia
Charcole Cat 11/95-04/2008 Jackie & Hassan
Charcot Belgian Sheepdog 04/15/98-12/12/03 Elizabeth Burns
Char-D Har Har Greyhound 10/05/02-11/16/10 Chad & Terri Smith
Chardannay Cline Channell Silky Yorkie 10/27/92-04/03/08 Wendy Channell
Chardee Golden Retriever 09/24/86-08/18/99 Michael, Wendy, Ethan & Aaron
Chardee Golden Retriever 09/24/86-08/18/99 Wendy
Chardi Toy Poodle 04/25/93-07/11/07 Marge Sherman
Chardonnay Bichon Frise 01/03/97-03/04/09 Erin
Chardonnay Burmese Cat 16 years Marlis Landreth
Chardonnay Burmese, Champagne Cat 1996-09/10/97 Kathleen Ohlman
Chardonnay Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/10/02-09/08/06 Joan Boldrey
Chardonnay Springer Spaniel/Mix 07/01/95-05/28/05 Frank & Judy Rossi
Chardonnay St. Pierre Shetland Sheepdog 01/11/85-03/05/96 Evelyn and Norbert St. Pierre
Chardonnay Yellow Lab 07/10/94-08/12/08 Petie Jenkins
Charger Black and Tan Coon Hound and Beagle Mix 14 years 08/29/06 Linda
Charger Boxer 06/11/08-10/18/09 Victor & Tiffany Cervantes
Charger Boxer 12/14/84-07/10/94 Julie Smith
Charger Cat 8 years 11/28/00 Tim Schmitt
Charger Doxie 8 years Jean Kreinbihl
Charger GSD/Rottie 08/01/08-09/06/22 Lynda
Charger Lphso Poo 7 years 10/26/08 Diana
Charger Rabbit 6 days-06/18/11 Andres & Carlos Salvador
Charger Shepherd/Rottweiler 13 years 09/02/22 Lynda (Momma)
Charile Long Hair Cat 04/2003-04/23/13 Juanita Alseike
Charilie Cat 06/83-11/18/95 Marie Karban
Charilie Chan Siamese Cat 07/07/90-12/23/06 Jenni Simpson
Charis (Cari, or Pretty Girl) Seal-point Balinese Cat 7 years 03/26/11 Tara Dickson and Clea
Charis (Vacali's Special Delivery) Miniature Schnauzer 02/14/92-06/07/97 Angelia Jarrard
Charis Rough Collie 17/04/09-29/06/09 Fiona McQuiston
Charish Ann DeSanti Cocker Spaniels 04/15/90-04/26/03 Cindy
Charisma Kodiak Bear - Kodi Tibetan Terrier 01/05/93-07/08/06 Al & Valerie Williams
Charisma Lab X Chow Chow 13 years 01/23/16 Jude Reilly
Charisma Zisis German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 01/10/07 Theresa, Steve, and Thomas Zisis
Charisma's Cool Casanova, Chilli Golden Retriever 03/31/95-07/17/05 Kimberly Noel, DVM
Charisma's Grand Slam, Yogi Golden Retriever 11/21/04-07/17/05 Kimberly Noel, DVM
Charismatic White Persian Cat 05/2001-12/07/02 Cynthia Sinclair
Charity All-American Dog 13 1/2 years 08/11/04 Jennifer & Judy
Charity Ann Dog 11/19/84-05/15/00 Debie & Bob Brown
Charity 'Baby' Lhasa Apso 05/01/95-06/15/12 B. J. Pearce
Charity Bunny 2007-2009 Deneice Gregory
Charity Cat 1989-10/2008 Nadia Beccaria
Charity Dog 11 years 05/18/15 Cindy Parker
Charity Husky/Rottweiler Mix 08/06/04 Jennifer McMillion
Charity Irish Setter 09/29/77-12/16/91 Janice
Charity King Great Dane 10 years 11/04/11 Janet King
Charity Kitten 6 to 8 weeks 07/05/08 Jean
Charity Maine Coon Cat 04/1990-03/21/03 Miriam Eisbart
Charity Mixed Cat 1994-10/19/11 Becky
Charity Mom Cat 01/30/04 Tamara
Charity Robo Hamster 01/16/08 Teresa Goodnough
Charity Shar Pei 09/28/99-05/01/09 Gina Bennett
Charity Thoroughbred Horse 1981-04/12/00 Louise Cotulla
Charityna Cocker Spaniel 02/13/85-07/13/90 Lisa
Charka Cutler LH GSD 09/23/93-03/06/02 Angela & Daryl Cutler
Charka GSD 10 years 1990 Angela & Daryl Cutler
Charka Mostly Malamute 11/25/95-10/29/08 Judith Brodnicki
Charka Standard Black Poodle 11/01/90 Ian
Charkey Cat 11/18/08 Milorad Orlic
Charkie Mutt 04/11/03 Shonda Hall
Charky Aussie Cross 05/01/89-08/15/03 Lisa
Charky DLH Cat 08/15/94-05/07/11 Amanda Radtke
Charky Golden Tabby Cat 05/08/80-02/03/00 Dick, Jill, Ashley & Brynn Anderson
Char-Lee (R. Dog) Mixed Breed Dog Easter 1985-10/23/02 Chuck & Brenda Herron
Charlee Angel Boxer 10/15/03-01/04/07 Lori King
Charlee Belle Labrador 02/89-04/02/01 Anne
Charlee Boxer 5 1/2 years 03/18/10 Lisa McNeish
Char-Lee Cat 03/08/88-05/22/06 Linda Luciani
CharLee Cockatiel 06/30/07 Donna Isenberger
Charlee Esqueda Chow-Mix 16 years 02/08/09 Julia Esqueda-Arteaga
Charlee German Shep X Husky 01/16/93-12/15/01 Joan Clinton
Charlee Golden Retriever 04/18/04-09/26/15 Monica
Charlee Kilcoin Pug 08/03/93-04/24/01 Annie
Charlee Labrador 05/24/10-11/04/20 Caroline Langlois
Charlee Mix Dog 09/98 Serica
Charlee Mixed Dog 13+ years 08/29/08 Jinilb
Char-Lee Pekingnese 08/16/97 Nancy Hulbert
Charleen Shetland Sheepdog 06/13/92-01/02/07 Andreas Bornhoeft
Charlemagne Brussels Griffon 05/31/03-01/05/07 Lorianne La Marca
Charlemagne 'Charlie' Bullmastiff Mix 12 years 10/23/06 Dawn DeVries
Charlemagne Dachshund 13 years 04/02/03 Dorinda Handley
Charlene Domestic Long Hair Cat 15 years 02/2013 Jun Casaclang
Charlene Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/15/94-01/03/12 Susanna
Charlene Himalayan Cat 09/16/85-03/04/06 Shirley and Family
Charlene Long Hair Cat 15 years 02/27/13 Jun Casaclang
Charlene Red Merle Australian Shepherd approx. 12 1/2 years 02/02/01 Todd, Marcia, Ryan, Jenna Erb
Charlene Shetland Sheepdog 12 years 06/22/98 Bruce & Sue Dwyer
Charlene Tabby Cat 14 years 09/06/21 Sue Gilliland
Charles - Charlie - Deritt Sullivan Black Toy Poodle 11/30/98-08/20/08 James L. Reese, II
Charles (a.k.a Chuckie) Golden Retriever 10+ years 02/03/08 Chris Buchanan
Charles (a.k.a. Charlie Boy, Little Bug) 14 years 01/17/03 Joyce Etter
Charles (Charlie Bear, Spud, Little Guy) Black and White Cat 07/01/83-10/20/05 Beth Schaefer
Charles (Chatwig Chinook) Whippet 15 years Vicki Hadley/Bo Bengston
Charles (Chuckie) Part Himalayan Cat 11/07/85-05/07/01 Beth Wappler
Charles 15 1/2 years S.
Charles Ace Barton Cocker 10/31/96-02/27/06 Paige Barton
Charles aka Agent White aka Rooster Lavender Orpington Rooster 03/20/17-10/30/20 Kim, Mario, Cole and Kory
Charles Andrew (Charles) DSH Cat 03/1985-04/2002 Felecia Bernstein
Charles Barker DSH Cat 16 months 02/01/11 Cappi Duncan
Charles Black & White Cat 3 years 09/05/06 Kim, Ashley, Tyler and Roxanne Singleton
Charles Black and /Beagle Mix 04/01/96-10/04/11 Kevin Trezise
Charles Black Lab 05/03/97-10/11/09 Gwen, Troy, Demi, Trajan
Charles Bronson aka Charlie American Long Hair/Mainecoon Cat 10/01/10-10/03/14 Miriam Ruth-Taveras
Charles Cat 8 months 04/30/01 Michele Mantynen
Charles Charlie Chuck Yellow and White Tiger Cat 04/17/91-08/10/10 Andee Fitzgerald
Charles Chinchilla 5 years 04/27/97 Nicci
Charles Dalmatian 12/10/98-05/27/09 Aurelia Giorgi
Charles De Hoyos/McCumber Yorkie 11/24/05 Leo De Hoyos
Charles Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/02/11-03/09/15 Melanie
Charles Edward Tabey II (Chuck) Orange Tabby Cat 1988-03/18/98 Pat St-Arnaud
Charles Emerson Orange Cat Jun 83 - 18 Nov 95 Marie Karban
Charles Fazzi Cat 10 years 1990 Diane Melissa Fazzi
Charles Feist Dog 04/17/04-09/27/04 Lou Ann Mann
Charles Golden Retriever 08/32/03 Aunt Donna
Charles Houdini Newfoundland 07/14/99-02/08/11 Cheryl
Charles John Trani Yellow Lab Mix 12 years 12/07/08 Dina Trani
Charles Kaneko (Bitter of Nishizono Ishitobi Jp) Shetland Sheepdog 04/27/91-08/30/04 Nobuaki, Fusae, Mayumi & Sachie
Charles Lucas Tabby, Orange Cat 9 years 06/21/05 Melanie
Charles Mackerel Tabby Cat 17 years 09/09/20 Dave Garee
Charles of Palm Harbor Peek-a-Poo 12/15/85-10/13/00 Linda Valiante
Charles P Cat DSH Cat 20+ years 05/27/11 Kendal Brands
Charles Pendary West, Jr, a.k.a. Charlie Ragdoll Cat 03/12-01/12/06 Cara Sims
Charles Quinn Lynn Domestic Medium Hair Cat 6 years 07/05/05 Melissa Plantamura
Charles Rollins Dog 03/26/02 Charlotte Hampton
Charles Rottweiler 08/96-09/03/05 Perez Family
Charles Shetland Sheepdog 03/2000-09/03/12 David and Dorothie
Charles Siamese Cat 1984-1999 Jennye Hanna
Charles Siamese Mix Cat 9 years J.
Charles Simms Siamese Cat 03/11/98-02/21/07 Cynthia Simms
Charles Thomas (Charlie) Cat 9 1/2 years 12/96 Cheryl Crawford and Michael Sharer
Charles Winchester Chihuahua Mix 12/05/06-08/31/22 Alex
Charles Yellow Lab 08/04/94-04/13/08 Joyce, Frank, Mugsy & Friday
Charles, Merangue, Neal and Houdini Orange Tabby (Charles & Neal), Torti (Merangue), Brown Tabby with White (Houdini) 3 years, the rest were 1 year old Mid May and Mid June, 2010 Teresa With Angels With Paws
Charleton James Thompson (Charly) Collie-Airedale 11/25/92-09/17/03 Fran Thompson
Charleton Ludwig Christopher of Crissinger Tea Cup Yorkshire Terrier The Bear 04/26/92-12/03/03 Christina Deline
Charlette Chambliss Calico Cat 03/31/12 Kay Smith
Charley American Eskimo Dog 04/01/00-05/01/00 Janet Boissy
Charley Australian Cattledog/Border Collie/Australian Shepherd 14 years 02/19/13 Linda Huse
Charley Beagle 08/15/93-06/25/04 Karen Hatfield
Charlie (the bean) Shih tzu 08/21/02-12/23/18 Emily Siederer
Charlie Beagle / Bassett Hound 05/22/23 Linda Gaal
Charley Beagle/Mix 7 years 10/13/04 Jason Redd
Charley Bearrows Mini Schnauzer 06/26/86-10/16/10 Sue Bearrows
Charley Bichon Frise 17 years 12/02/10 Jane and Meredith Myers
Charley Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 2 years 10/06/07 Sondra
Charley Cat 03/11/05 Alex Armstrong
Charley Cat 15 years 12/03/06 Christa Vullo
Charley Cat 15 years 12/28/04 Jennifer Schmidt
Charley Chihuahua 04/21/07-07/03/07 Marge Nichols
Charley Chihuahua Poodle 8 years 03/31/06 Patti Bird
Charley Chow/Lab 06/12/00-06/13/05 Maggie
Charlie Cockapoo 04/08/09-10/21/24 Shannon Wright
Charley Cockapoo 10/87-09/07/04 Michael Boellner
Charley Cockatiel 03/01/93-01/04/05 Sandra Bennett
Charley Cocker/Poodle Mix 05/05/90-02/05/05 Caroline Nordstrom
Charley Cozzo Boxer 06/05/98-02/27/10 Tara Cozzo
Charley Dog 02/85-07/97 Cathy
Charley Dog 05/25/84-10/21/00 Sara Holt Shaw
Charley Dog 06/02/20 Stephanie
Charley Dog 08/15/05 Terry
Charley Dog 13 years 05/11/04 Kristi, Sarah, and Britt
Charley Domestic Medium Hair Cat 06/15/09-01/26/19 Joann M. Pochinski
Charley Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/20/91-05/05/05 Lisa-Anne
Charley English Springer Spaniel 09/07/06-08/31/11 Kelley
Charley English Springer Spaniel 12 years 10/01/10 John & Angie Carroll
Charley Furry Britches Domestic Longhair Cat 1994-05/25/05 Frances Grant
Charley German Shepherd 1982 Frankie Lee
Charley Girl Frangione Cat 07/2010-10/2012 Marcia R. Frangione
Charley Golden Lab/Retriever 04/01/90-10/02/98 Kathy and Barbara Skiba
Charley Golden Retriever 08/14/85-06/13/00 Tracy Cook
Charley Golden Retriever 09/03/20-01/20/22 Jennifer
Charley Green Budgie 8 years 11/21/99 Ann Elizabeth and Herman
Charley Greyhound 08/07/97-03/30/08 Robyn S. & Steve G.
Charley Guinea Pig 17/10/07-16/11/09 Faith
Charley Husky Shepherd Mix 10/01/08-06/18/12 Kristin Martinez
Charley Irish Setter 04/26/95-05/04/06 Karen and Daryl
Charley Jack Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler Mix 8 months 08/01/04 Mary Hatfield
Charley James Miniture Poodle 05/28/97-12/24/97 Jean Burton
Charley Labrador 05/17/00-07/12/11 Alison Cox
Charley Labrador 13th October 2011 Lorraine Smith
Charley Lhasa-Apso/Terrier 12 1/2 years 09/12/02 Betty
Charley Lhasa-Poo 08/29/89-10/14/06 Cynthia & Hank
Charley Lockey Mini Schnauzer 06/17/03-07/06/12 Lisa Lockey
Charley Long Hair Gray Tabby Cat 12 years 07/20/13 Amy Arnold
Charley Maine Coon Cat 09/17/07 Kathy Klein
Charley Maine Coon Mix Cat 07/20/13 Amy
Charley Miniature Poodle 06/07/95-11/25/01 James, Gwen, Erin & Emily Gibbs
Charley Mixed Breed Dog 12/18/90-06/18/15 Dawn Larsen
Charley Mixed Dog 01/28/05-04/04/16 Amy
Charley Neptune Hay Calico Cat 11/01/06-04/08/08 Linda Hay & Annie Neptune
Charley O'Casey Wolfe Akita Mix 11/83-12/24/94 Sally Gaines
Charley Poodle 03/25/87-12/26/00 Lisa and Rusty Swope
Charley Schnauzer 11 years 02/2014 Diane
Charley Sheltie 09/26/85-05/19/03 Chris Laughlin
Charley Siamese Cat 03/03/05-02/06/23 Joni and Dick
Charley Silver Tabby Cat 03/02/99-12/25/01 Mary Scalise
Charley Squirrel Grey Squirrel 07/92-09/29/99 Kathleen Hall
Charley Standard Poodle 10/15/92-12/21/00 Lee Ruck
Charley Standard Poodle 2000-12/01/03 Susan Ryan
Charley Terrier Mix 10/03/06-02/14/21 Susan Neal
Charley Tilbury Cat 06/01/89-05/01/06 Beth and John Tilbury
Charley Yorkshire Terrier 09/13/11-07/05/24 Kimberly Davidson
Charleybirdboy Parakeet 7 years 12/06/01 Linda
Charley-Girl Curry Rat Terrier 06/03/97-07/06/15 Pamela
CharleyGirl Golden/something with short legs 16 years 01/11/11 Janette Knudson
Charli Aurora Cairn Terrier 13 years 12/05/98 PPFR
Charli Aurora Cairn Terrier 13 years Pamela Friend
Charli Chan Shih-Tzu 09/11/84-10/22/00 Kim & Harrell Duff
Charli Poodle/Beagle Mix 13 years 11/29/94 Joan Bellanger
Charli Russian Blue Cat 05/01/20-04/14/22 Chandler Courtney Kirk AJ
Charli Vecsey Lab/Coonhound 01/25/06 Joan Vecsey
Charli Yorkie 06/20/96-10/28/01 Laurie Levinberg
Charli-Chan Tze Shih-Tzu 08/26/95-05/09/09 S G Thomas
Charlie & Zeus Dog & Bird both 8 years 10/15/10 & 10/13/10 Steven
Charlie (aka Kitty) Tri Colour Domestic Long Hair Cat 07/15/83-08/03/00 Kathy Buzza
Charlie (aka Rigi) Cat 08/18/16 Damian and Dasha Clarke
Charlie (big fella) Tuxedo Cat 12 years 07/01/13 Marie & Tom
Charlie (Boo) Lab Mix 11 years 02/24/12 Amy & Dave Warren
Charlie (Bud) Cat 05/30/89-07/17/99 Rebecca Hargens
Charlie (Charles Alexander Wells) Orange Tabby Cat 01/01/11-02/08/12 Lisa K. Wells
Charlie (Charlotte) Cocker Spaniel 05/25/14-06/16/18 Ann Keller
Charlie (Charmain Bright Future) Cavalier King Charles 8 1/2 years 05/03/97 Bex
Charlie (Chaz) Golden Lab/Visla Mix 05/24/01 Paulene
Charlie (Chuck A Lucks) Black Labrador Retriever 03/23/87-04/17/00 Rick and Kathleen Geary
Charlie (Elsa) Black Dog 2013-2013 Keri Isenberg
Charlie (Koala, Farlie - Cat Detective) Russian Blue Cat 05/11/95-05/22/07 Rachel Hickey
Charlie (Little Buddy) Black & White DSH Cat 03/03/94-10/01/04 Kathy Paule
Charlie (Mama's Boy) Cocker Spaniel 14 years 11/19/05 Rhonda Sims
Charlie (Pooh Bear) Pomeranian/Poodle 13 years 07/17/97 Ruthie Augustein
Charlie (short for Charlotte) Gray Cat 12 years 12/08/02 Mary, Richard, and Nicholas
Charlie (The Chicken) African Gray 01/05/92-09/22/00 Karen and Momma Margi
Charlie (The food taster) DSH White Cat with Tabby Patches 14 years 09/10/06 Anthony Skoien
Charlie 07/07/82 Nora
Charlie 09/01/92 Marion Hale
Charlie 1/2 Lab 1/2 Golden Retriever 04/23/97-09/11/11 The Talgo Family
Charlie 10 years 12/07/93 Helen Shiner
Charlie 12 years Tina and Luke & Splinter
Charlie 13 1/2 years Doney
Charlie Abyssinian/Teddy Mix Guinea Pig 05/01/02-01/20/09 Janine and Michael Johnson
Charlie Airedale Terrier 04/01/88-05/12/99 Diane & George
Charlie aka Boy Boy Golden Retriever 07/20/96-02/21/08 Tom, Gayle and Juliana
Charlie aka Bunny Cat 16 1/2 years 01/08/16 Connie C
Charlie aka Charles Xavier Dachshund 06/06/01-10/14/08 Prissy Anzaldua & Lori Jacobson
Charlie aka Charlie Barley Nova Scotia Duck Toller/ Cocker Spaniel 11 1/2 years 11/13/06 Jennifer, Stephen and Dianna
Charlie aka Charlie Boy Cream Coloured Stripey Moggie Cat 08/2003-04/24/07 Sarah-Jane & Trevor Carter
Charlie aka Chuck Pug 01/31/96-06/10/07 Vince and Jack Waxman
Charlie aka Sissy Maine Coon Cat 19 years 08/19/08 Judy Mannina
Charlie Albino Dwarf Lopped Bunny 3 years 11/06/09 Tracey
Charlie Alley Cat 17 years 07/26/05 Donna Morin
Charlie Amell Cat 09/25/94-08/06/10 Heidi Amell
Charlie American Long Hair Cat 17 years 08/19/13 Liz T
Charlie American Mutt 18 1/2 years Dan & Rita Sliman
Charlie American Pit Bull Terrier 4 years 11/20/10 Elizabeth
Charlie American Shorthair (Black) Cat 04/25/09-02/20/22 Jackie Stolze
Charlie American Short Hair Cat 14 years 01/03/06 Karen Stephenson
Charlie American Shorthair Cat 02/05/05 Ronald Melbourne
Charlie American Shorthair Cat 6 years 07/18/14 Joe Somma
Charlie American Tabby Cat 15 years 06/10/09 Nicole, Jordan and Joe
Charlie and Lucky Grey Welsh Ponies 12/12/75-11/15/02 Sue Beard
Charlie Anderson Wright Maine Coon Cat 04/93-04/09/07 Frankie Wright
Charlie Ann McCollough DSH Cat 07/01/07-08/12/11 Cindy McCollough TANKS,Inc Tending Abandoned Needy Kats Sanctuary
Charlie Appaloosa Gelding 40 years Sara
Charlie Aussie 02/15/00-12/13/13 P. Meyers
Charlie Aussie 05/20/02-07/25/14 Chris Sidorenko
Charlie Aussie Mix 01/01/10-05/02/18 Lynn Malo
Charlie Aussie/Border Collie 06/01/93-04/02/08 Tito and Ginger Adami
Charlie Australian Shepherd 01/07/94-06/06/99 Brenda
Charlie Australian Shepherd 06/04/03-03/31/18 Robert Hoffman
Charlie Australian Shepherd 10 years 09/16/06 Laurie
Charlie Australian Shepherd/Chow 03/2002-03/2004 Lisa Stahl
Charlie B Barkin Mutt 05/27/04 Erin Carter
Charlie Barley Yorkshire Terrier 04/14/07-02/13/12 Deborah W
Charlie Barleycorn Tuxedo Cat 12 years 01/25/21 Joe F. & Nick R.
Charlie Bartlett Bichon Frise 05/2004-03/2014 Dan Bartlett
Charlie Bartman Australian Shepherd 05/14/04-06/14/06 Kelly Bartman
Charlie Basset Hound 03/10/12 Dedra and Michael Bidlack
Charlie Basset Hound 05/01/92-06/21/02 Phil and Sherry Carreon
Charlie Basset Hound 13 years 11/15/07 David, Cheryl and Melissa Schupp
Charlie Basset/Beagle 04/01/98-04/30/07 Carrie Ann Booth
Charlie Bassett Hound 06/30/86-11/08/99 Carlos & Maritza
Charlie Bassett Hound/Cocker Spaniel 09/90-10/11/02 Diane
Charlie Beagle 01/01/93-01/10/03 Arnie & Martha
Charlie Beagle 03/15/06-05/25/14 Felicia
Charlie Beagle 03/15/87-08/26/05 Lee Ann Kelly
Charlie Beagle 04/15/97-08/30/07 Jane
Charlie Beagle 04/24/92-04/27/01 Randy Susan David Sarah Hughes
Charlie Beagle 04/24/92-04/27/01 Sharon and Bailey
Charlie Beagle 04/27/01 and Cooper Beagle 09/24/01 The Hughes Family
Charlie Beagle 06/15/06-09/16/13 Cynthia Baughman
Charlie Beagle 08/01/5-09/30/03 Jennifer Bergen
Charlie Beagle 10 years 05/15/90 Joni
Charlie Beagle 10/16/99-11/04/06 Rebecca C Campbell
Charlie Beagle 11 years 03/22/08 Desia Ritson
Charlie Beagle 11/04/10-06/06/13 Jeff Koberinski
Charlie Beagle 11/04/95-05/17/06 Rosemary & Anthony Pellecchia
Charlie Beagle 13 years 02/06/02 Linda
Charlie Beagle 7 years 01/27/09 Jennifer Carver
Charlie Beagle 7 years 03/18/02 Michael
Charlie Beagle 7 years 11/04/06 Rebecca Campbell
Charlie Beagle Cross 06/06/91-10/01/05 Dennis and Darlene Seger
Charlie Beagle Mix 03/85-10/19/98 Cheryl
Charlie Beagle Mix 04/93-05/92 Suzan MacIsaac
Charlie Beagle Mix 09/25/01-09/05/07 Micki
Charlie Beagle Mix 09/97-03/18/03 Mr & Mrs Trivett
Charlie Beagle Mix 10 years 04/13/19 Brian Allen
Charlie Beagle Mix 10/14/98 Cheryl
Charlie Beagle Mix 11/10/93-03/06/01 Gomez Family
Charlie Beagle/Lab 07/15/91-11/19/05 Nelson Family
Charlie Beagle/Shepherd 12/24/83-07/08/02 Debbie Johnson
Charlie Bean Brittany Spaniel 14 1/2 years 11/25/11 Valerie Perry
Charlie Bear Doxie 04/20/03 Louise Mathias & Scott Huston
Charlie Bear Mix Dog 05/12/08 Randy
Charlie Bear Puggle 11/07/04-11/11/06 Kim & Kirklan Tinkler
Charlie Bear Rot Lab Mix 11 years 01/05/12 Tracy, Richmond, & Ethan
Charlie Belgian Malinois 07/22/96-11/12/04 Nancy Lapat
Charlie Belgium Shepherd Mix 08/11/97-06/19/12 Bernadette
Charlie Bell Terrier Mix 10/2002-10/31/13 Lisa Redford
Charlie Bentley Chihuahua 16 years 2 months 12/29/21 Karen Bentley
Charlie Beverley Grey Short Hair Cat 04/2006-03/27/14 Barbara Beverley
Charlie Bichon 02/22/08-03/30/09 Mary, Glenn, Caroline and Katie
Charlie Bichon 04/08/96-10/15/04 Acquaro Family
Charlie Bichon 10/12/02-11/02/19 Ann Wiles
Charlie Bichon 15 years 02/25/13 Ann Apgar
Charlie Bichon Friese 03/09/00-02/23/09 Taffy Tucker
Charlie Bichon Frise 07/18/94-07/13/07 The Cabrera Family
Charlie Bichon Frise 10 years 10/31/10 Anna Bartlett
Charlie Bichon Frise 10/24/90-05/12/07 Eve Sheridan
Charlie Bichon Frise Mix 08/18/97-10/11/02 Susanne Luera
Charlie Bichon Mix 07/09/17 Shirley Martin
Charlie Bichon Shih Tzu 09/16/00-02/23/10 McKinnon Family
Charlie Birman Cat 2001-02/03/18 Cathy Swab
Charlie Black 05/10/00-01/08/12 Jamie
Charlie Black and White Cat 15 years 04/17/06 Terri Windt
Charlie Black and White Cat 18 years 10/08/05 Karen Corrigan
Charlie Black and White DSH Cat 19 1/2 years 05/09/05 Marie
Charlie Black and White Short Hair Cat 12/25/95-02/21/12 Terry & Wendy O'Rourke
Charlie Black and White Shorthair Cat 8 years 10/17/07 Angie and Dave Swanson
Charlie Black DSH Cat 05/12/03-10/25/05 Kathy Burns
Charlie Black DSH Cat 15 years 09/16/10 Sharon Bartells
Charlie Black Lab 11/10/98-12/20/09 Andy and Amanda Dobosh
Charlie Black Lab 12 years 02/97 Pam Cook
Charlie Black Lab 12/18/94-02/26/97 Tom and Julie
Charlie Black Lab 13 years 03/27/08 Amanda Lashmit and Family
Charlie Black Lab 13 years 08/06/10 Casie
Charlie Black Lab Mix 02/19/07 Suesan Saucerman
Charlie Black Lab/Doberman 12/15/95-10/03/05 Patricia Teffenhart-Maikos
Charlie Black Lab/Pit 08/22/16 Kim Krausman
Charlie Black Labrador 05/05/01-01/08/12 Jamie Smith
Charlie Black Labrador 12/01/03-10/01/18 Dawn Ferguson
Charlie Black Miniature Poodle 11/13/91-01/21/02 Niki Velleca
Charlie Black Moggy Cat 13 years 26/01/10 Jacqui Adams
Charlie Black Mouth Cur 10/06/11 Becky Johnson
Charlie Black Tom Cat 08/2005-22/02/13 Rachael Dudley
Charlie Black/White Hooded Rat 3 years 12/14/97 The Tormollan Family
Charlie Blue Dane 08/02/92-28/02/01 Carla Massazza
Charlie Blue Heeler 01/91-03/17/99 Sharon
Charlie Bones Siamese Mix/Solid Black Cat 12 years 04 Jan 2001 Steve Stelzer
Charlie Border Collie - Setter Mix 13 years 05/13/09 Elizabeth & Jim Barnes
Charlie Border Collie 05/93-02/25/09 Elaine Donlin
Charlie Border Collie 07/14/87-04/04/02 Danielle Andres
Charlie Border Collie 10/06/12 Malinda Harrison
Charlie Border Collie 13 years 28/10/14 Mrs Marcia Oldfield
Charlie Border Collie 14 years 12/21/09 Randy, Vickie and Derrick Miller
Charlie Border Collie 22/12/03-23/03/16 Rebecca Draper
Charlie Border Collie Cross 01/04/96-03/03/10 Cheryl Hardman
Charlie Border Collie Mix 02/12/04-11/01/11 Krysta Atkinson
Charlie Border Collie Mix 11/98-03/21/04 Kathy and Bob Miller
Charlie Border Collie Mix 13 years 12/06/99 M.J.
Charlie Border Collie Mix 14 03/4 years 04/04/02 Schaffer Family
Charlie Border Collie/Lab Mix 12/11/03-10/07/17 C Mullarkey
Charlie Border Collie/Springer Mix 1 year 11/30/00 Sue, SVHS
Charlie Border Terrier 06/28/95-06/29/07 Margaret Blanchard
Charlie Boston Red Heeler 02/08/12-03/21/16 Tatum King
Charlie Boston Terrier 04/21/10-02/11/11 Laura Paulk
Charlie Boston Terrier 10 years John Cox
Charlie Boxer 01/29/99-07/20/07 Mark Hipkin
Charlie Boxer 03/31/97-03/29/06 Christine
Charlie Boxer 07/06/99-06/05/10 Elizabeth Parsons
Charlie Boxer 6 1/2 years 04/29/11 Elier F Roqueta
Charlie Boxer 6 years 10/17/99 Leigha Fleming
Charlie Boxer 7 years 08/22/11 Kelly Danko and Michael Miller
Charlie Boxer 7 years 11/21/05 Janice Bennett
Charlie Boxer and Rott Mix 1998-04/13/11 Kenny
Charlie Boxer/Flashy Fawn 06/02/88-05/08/99 Patti Bowen
Charlie Boy 05/30/89-02/20/02 Gail Kofkee
Charlie Boy Border Collie 13 years 02/14/04 Rose Torres
Charlie Boy Danielewicz Shichon 07/02/09-03/02/12 Dawn Danielewicz
Charlie Boy Golden Retriever 10 years 08/19/09 Mary
Charlie Boy Great Dane 07/25/95-11/25/04 Brenna Nielson
Charlie Boy Lurcher 6 years 07/03/14 Gary
Charlie Boy Shetland Sheepdog 11/15/99-01/17/10 Bob McAdoo
Charlie Boy Shitzu 03/05/95-07/21/08 Aida Torres
Charlie Boy Tortie Cat 04/22/94-08/25/98 Dianne Shelton
Charlie British Short Haired Cat 15/12/01-28/09/15 Diane Scott
Charlie Brittany 04/2005 Patty, Craig and Derek
Charlie Brittany 09/07/01-04/20/13 Matt
Charlie Brittany 17 years 08/19/10 Sandy and Michael Gunter
Charlie Brittany Pointer Mix 07/23/89-06/30/04 Laura, Paul, Jake and Donna
Charlie Brittney Spaniel and Border Collie 03/01/04-03/04/19 Debra Handelman
Charlie Brown & White Tabby Cat 07/21/89-06/26/01 Lisa Le Brecht
Charlie Brown Afghan Hound 13 years 11/24/11 Susan Lewis
Charlie Brown American Cocker Spaniel 09/02/93-08/21/97 Tracy Campbell
Charlie Brown Australian Shepherd Mix 11/21/80-01/30/98 Dick & Gaye Scott
Charlie Brown Banister Dachshund 11 years 08/24/05 Jeanie & Larry Banister
Charlie Brown Border Collie 10/27/05-10/11/16 Tina Atherton
Charlie Brown Border Collie Mix 07/02/99-06/07/09 Harvey & Sandy Turley
Charlie Brown Cat 06/15/01 Jackie Burtch
Charlie Brown Cat 1972 John & Dot
Charlie Brown Chihuahua 09/08/97-11/16/98 Ruthie Walker
Charlie Brown Chocolate Brown Cocker Spaniel 10/15/89-07/05/00 Kathy Mainz
Charlie Brown Chocolate Lab 10/07/98-01/23/10 Mike E
Charlie Brown Chocolate Lab 9 years 02/22/04 Diane & Curt Cerveny
Charlie Brown Cockapoo 05/31/94-03/16/10 Stella
Charlie Brown Cockatiel 06/08/09 Stacey Farrar
Charlie Brown Connell Beagle 6 years 08/29/20 Alina Connell
Charlie Brown Dachshund 12/06/96 Donna
Charlie Brown Dog 06/10/87-09/25/00 DoLores Shaffer
Charlie Brown Dog 8 years 06/21/93 Kathy
Charlie Brown Domestic Red Tabby Shorthair Cat 10 years 02/27/05 Melody Pelayo, Orlando Avila, Sophia Avila
Charlie Brown DSH Cat 01/01/90-03/31/09 Karen
Charlie Brown Garduno Lhasa Apso 10/01/86-06/16/04 Lucy
Charlie Brown Gray Tabby Cat 14 years 02/11/03 14 Jan Dennis Danny Jet Black Dog and Sammy
Charlie Brown Half Persian Half Maine Coon Brindle Cat 04/01/80-06/04/02 Daeson and Louise
Charlie Brown Hansen Chocolate Lab 10/15/93-06/02/09 Anne Hansen
Charlie Brown Heber Border Collie 01/29/95-08/29/00 Virginia
Charlie Brown Hound Mix 09/89-07/29/04 Julie R
Charlie Brown I Shih-Tzu 02/15/96-04/15/96 Ron and Maria Regalado
Charlie Brown Kelly Mix Dog 1997-08/30/02 Vince-Buddy & Family
Charlie Brown Labrador 01/01/93-02/09/07 Claudia and Bob Horohoe
Charlie Brown Larivee Chocolate Lab 02/01/09-08/18/12 Gary & Kathy Larivee
Charlie Brown Minature Poodle 11 years 1976 Nancy Streeter
Charlie Brown Mini Rex (Chocolate) Rabbit 03/26/08-06/23/17 Mallanaise Tyler/Steven Monroe
Charlie Brown Nutt Yorkie 01/06/89-08/16/99 Gayle & Andy
Charlie Brown Nutt Yorkshire Terrier 01/06/85-08/16/99 Andy & Gayle Marchese
Charlie Brown Orange & White Shorthair Cat 07/04/04-02/08/11 Pam Cate
Charlie Brown Ragdoll Cat 12/29/07 Kristin
Charlie Brown Rat Terrier 12 years 02/18/99 Joy Zinn
Charlie Brown Red Foot Tortoise 1971-26.11.2013 Enid
Charlie Brown Shih Tzu 03/31/89-12/17/01 Pamela Stewart
Charlie Brown Shih-Tzu 14 years 08/13/10 Ron Regalado
Charlie Brown Shit Zhu 01/16/00-12/18/14 Sharon & Steve Fraire
Charlie Brown Siamese Cross Cat 4 years 11/05/09 Courtney
Charlie Brown Standard Chocolate Poodle 06/23/04-12/12/13 Sophia
Charlie Brown Sumser Mancun Cat 19 years 02/11/09 Anne Sumser
Charlie Brown Tabby Cat 10 years 03/04/02 Ericka and James Brigance and Sasha
Charlie Brown Terrier Mix 12 years 02/12/96 Cheryl Richeson
Charlie Brown the 4th Tabby Cat 16 years 12/18/06 Pallas Aidinian
Charlie Brown the 5th Cat 08/2009-03/15/14 Pallas A
Charlie Brown Toy Poodle 15 years 06/20/08 Joan E. Mariette
Charlie Brown Walker Chihuahua 07/2008-02/17/13 Lyndsey
Charlie Brown Welsh Cob Horse 06/23/10 John Brown
Charlie Brown Yorkie 06/04/07-01/11/12 The Leons
Charlie Bucket Beagle 1 1/2 years J Hulsey-Mazur
Charlie Bucket Boxer 02/10/08-04/19/08 Lindsay J
Charlie Bucket Parish-Morris Shih-Tzu Puppy 06/15/07-12/12/08 Jeffrey and Julia Parish-Morris
Charlie Budgie 03/17/11 Mary
Charlie Budgie 07/26/09 Monica
Charlie Budgie 08/08/05-23/05/07 Danielle Dewitt
Charlie Budgie 1 year 6 months 10/05/97 Fiona and Terry
Charlie Budgie 19/09/05-24/09/11 Cathy Orr
Charlie Buff Colored Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 02/19/20 Elizabeth Rutledge
Charlie Buff Tabby Cat 07/2003-07/17/04 Cindy
Charlie Buggy Kelly Torti Cat 09/01/11 Jill Kelly
Charlie Burch Lab 13 years 04/23/10 Diana, Greg and Logan Burch
Charlie Burmese Cat 09/15/18-09/07/20 Andrew
Charlie Burridge American Cocker Spaniel 12/25/00-03/11/14 Michelle Burridge
Charlie Cairn Terrier 04/10/10 Lotti Manal
Charlie Cairn Terrier 6 years 01/28/16 The Engdahls
Charlie Calico Cat 06/09/88-02/15/05 David Johanson
Charlie Calico Cat 14 1/2 years 03/23/19 Kasey
Charlie Calico Cat 20 years 10/19/05 Rusty Cherone
Charlie Calico Cat 21 years 03/22/05 John & Susan Weisflock
Charlie Californian Rabbit 9 years 06/12/08 Christina Menikides
Charlie Carrington Bichon 06/02/88-09/03/04 Gini & Bill
Charlie Cat 01/01/91-06/01/06 Inger Hertzfeldt
Charlie Cat 01/04/10 Don and Lynette
Charlie Cat 01/10/10-25/06/11 Suzi
Charlie Cat 01/19/09 Cris
Charlie Cat 01/30/99 Kim
Charlie Cat 02/20/96-05/06/07 Karine Labarre
Charlie Cat 03/01/01 John and Julie Brackeen
Charlie Cat 03/01/90-06/14/00 Vicki
Charlie Cat 03/01/91-09/30/08 Gail Miller
Charlie Cat 03/31/86-05/06/00 Pamela Manuel
Charlie Cat 04/01/86-01/19/02 Sabrina
Charlie Cat 04/04/04-03/25/13 Martine
Charlie Cat 04/04/99-01/08/10 Kim For Grandma
Charlie Cat 04/15/14 John
Charlie Cat 04/97-04/98 Doreann Irelan
Charlie Cat 05/08/09 George Rouse
Charlie Cat 05/19/90-04/20/03 Kim and John
Charlie Cat 05/89-05/08/09 Mat and Margaret Frost
Charlie Cat 06/12/83 Olsen Family
Charlie Cat 06/15/88-05/22/04 Sandy
Charlie Cat 06/16/15-04/11/20 Nanette Blanchard
Charlie Cat 07/01/98-06/14/11 Karen & Matthew Mondary
Charlie Cat 07/03/96-09/26/09 Gary & Suzi Kraus
Charlie Cat 07/17/13 Sally
Charlie Cat 07/27/09-03/28/11 Alejandro Brittany Keith Alison and Cat Family
Charlie Cat 08/01/99-09/11/10 Wendy Anderson
Charlie Cat 08/09/14 Kathleen
Charlie Cat 08/15/08-06/23/10 Donna Heath
Charlie Cat 08/2005-01/21/12 Christophe
Charlie Cat 08/24/09 Laurel Kruizenga
Charlie Cat 08/98 Tim & Kris Shead
Charlie Cat 09/01/00-09/27/07 Katy Moss
Charlie Cat 09/17/00-09/23/08 Jim, Cathy, Brenna and Connor
Charlie Cat 09/19/97-08/16/99 Jason & Clair
Charlie Cat 1 years 04/11/03 Susan McManus
Charlie Cat 10 years 02/10/10 Kerri
Charlie Cat 10 years 07/26/07 Kathleen and Charlie
Charlie Cat 10/11/07 Christine Musal
Charlie Cat 10/11/09-04/11/14 Ava
Charlie Cat 10/20/10 Jan
Charlie Cat 10/23/96-01/25/10 James and Laura
Charlie Cat 10/25/16 Vicki Buck
Charlie Cat 10/31/88-03/06/00 Lewis
Charlie Cat 11 months 29/05/10 Hayley Williams
Charlie Cat 11 years 07/07/99 Jennifer & Dennis Rellins
Charlie Cat 11/2011 Trisha Mills
Charlie Cat 11/28/00 Muriel Ferris
Charlie Cat 12 years 12/22/14 Allegra & Walter
Charlie Cat 12/23/06 Jennifer
Charlie Cat 13 months 03/09/00 The Richardson Family
Charlie Cat 13 years 06/22/13 Amy
Charlie Cat 13 years 30/11/01 Andrea and Heath Sowden
Charlie Cat 13/03/00-16/11/07 Sarah, Mike, James and Ruth
Charlie Cat 13-16 years 01/08/01 Elaine Lindblad and Family
Charlie Cat 14 1/2 years 10/16/98 Pam
Charlie Cat 14 years 07/02/09 Mrs Cooper
Charlie Cat 14 years 07/27/06 Linda
Charlie Cat 14 years 10/02/09 Richard Foss
Charlie Cat 14 years 15/02/08 Lorna
Charlie Cat 15 years 06/13/01 Janice Jaskowiak
Charlie Cat 15 years 09/13/01 Lisa Hodyl
Charlie Cat 17 years 01/18/21 Jed
Charlie Cat 17 years 04/12/06 Michelle
Charlie Cat 17 years 05/09/10 Rose Smoke and Steve Hotston
Charlie Cat 19 years L9/13/05 Kathy
Charlie Cat 1976-02/27/98 Irene List
Charlie Cat 1994-03/30/09 Amanda & Hack
Charlie Cat 2 years 03/12/03 Jessica Warren
Charlie Cat 20 years 03/02/15 Jennifer and Mark
Charlie Cat 20 years 04/00 Lori Catanzaro
Charlie Cat 20 years 04/11/07 Tina Fisher
Charlie Cat 20 years 05/08/09 Mat and Margaret Frost
Charlie Cat 20 years 06/30/11 Gary Wolfe
Charlie Cat 2005-11/16/21 Alex Medina
Charlie Cat 21 years 07/05/01 Judee & Gail Woodward
Charlie Cat 3 years 04/02/12 Allison Blakelock
Charlie Cat 3 years 05/25/05 Carolyn
Charlie Cat 4 1/2 years 10/10/09 Brooke
Charlie Cat 4 years 02/09/06 Phillips Family
Charlie Cat 4 years 03/06/11 Ruth
Charlie Cat 4 years 10/04/05 Denis and Diane Olivier
Charlie Cat 4 years 10/15/96 Steve and Nicole Bratton
Charlie Cat 5 years 03/25/03 Julie
Charlie Cat 5 years 05/27/00 Laura Pitcher
Charlie Cat 6 months 04/06/04 Jodi Jeff
Charlie Cat 7 years 09/19/07 Sheri Olson
Charlie Cat 8 years 07/28/02 Vanja Hacquard
Charlie Cat 8 years 12/22/08 Marianne D
Charlie Cat 8 years 12/22/08 MD
Charlie Cat Anne Roberts
Charlie Cat around 8 years 05/2017 Elizabeth
Charlie Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Charlie Cat Black & White Shorthair Cat 16 years 03/20/06 Tony and Jane Colacicco
Charlie Cat Calico Cat 08/2004-03/23/19 Kasey Pool
Charlie Cat Cat 08/93-06/02/99 Linda
Charlie Cat Cat 16 years 07/08/97 Julianne Bonner
Charlie Cat Jeanette Greaves
Charlie Cat or LB (Little Bubba) Cat 05/12/98-10/25/99 Cytel Snyder
Charlie Cat Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 10/15/04 Nancy Lea
Charlie Catahoula Leopard Dog 04/1991-06/10/05 Gray & Roselinde Hickman
Charlie Cattle/Border Collie 15/08/02-11/04/03 Trish Warton
Charlie Cavalier King Charles 12/07/07-11/08/17 Michael O'Brien
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 03/93-06/09/04 Sarah D'Angelo
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/08/00-12/26/10 Caitlin
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/22/09-10/28/10 Laura, Steve & Wesley
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/28/98-10/29/07 Pam Stange
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 07/10/00-01/20/09 Jennifer
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11 1/2 years 07/07/04 Sharon Royle & Paul Adams
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11/24/06-08/09/14 Tashi Gilmore
Charlie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/24/99-03/04/11 Carolyn
Charlie Chambers Shit Szu 12/04/89-09/30/03 Rose
Charlie Chan Domestic Shorthair Cat 20 years 03/08/99 Shirley
Charlie Chan Shih-Tzu 11/03/84-10/27/87 Ruth Lafferty
Charlie Chan Siamese 1 Year 05/13/96 Diane Baker
Charlie Chan Siamese Red Colorpoint Cat 04/17/88-02/23/04 June Shank
Charlie Chan Wheeler-Henegar Pekingese 05/05/91-02/05/09 Diane & Bill Henegar
Charlie Chaplin Cat 06/30/02-05/15/05 Kara & Jason Duplessis
Charlie Chaplin Domestic Short Hair Cat 22/03/11 Michelle Fee
Charlie Chaplin DSH Cat 05/90-02/28/04 Amy Verngren
Charlie Chaquita aka Chickie Red Self Persian Cat 6 years 03/12/03 Sharon Perrin
Charlie Charny Labrador-Collie 12/91-05/27/05 Jennifer and Eran Charny
Charlie Che Che Chihuahua & Italian Grey Hound 2 years 04/01/07 Wendy White
Charlie Cheeky Wild Rabbit 01/03/11 Nicole Wild
Charlie Cheeseburger Chihuahua/ Shiitzu Mix 10 years 03/27/16 Jesse
Charlie Chicken Mollucan Cockatoo around 32 years 10/14/07 Shawn Cookson and Dawn Cooper
Charlie Chihuahua 01/14/04 Kellie For Juan
Charlie Chihuahua 07/16/99-04/13/09 Allen Morales
Charlie Chihuahua 10 years 05/13/09 Nina
Charlie Chihuahua Mix 15 years 1985 Juli
Charlie Chinchilla 03/30/18 Blanca Aurora de la Garza
Charlie Chinese Shar-Pei 01/71/93-02/24/99 Cathy
Charlie Chocolate Brown Long-Haired Cat 18 months 10/29/98 Roman Czajkowski
Charlie Chocolate Lab 06/01/98-12/23/06 Rj, Heather and Nathaniel
Charlie Chocolate Lab 09/10/15 Chrishanta
Charlie Chocolate Lab 11/13/94-05/05/08 Jerry & Julianne
Charlie Chocolate Lab 12/19/03-10/15/10 Steven
Charlie Chocolate Lab 13 years 01/14/17 Lonnie Rosenwald
Charlie Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/12/12 Jodie
Charlie Chocolate Lab 6 years 09/18/13 Teresa and Nestor
Charlie Chocolate Labrador 13 years 8th November 2011 Janis Edkins
Charlie Choo Choo DSH Orange and White Cat with a moustache 07/04/97-08/04/10 Laura Van Waardenburg
Charlie Chow Mix 08/10/12 Jeff Berns
Charlie Chow Mix 11/17/96-12/12/01 Kristine Mitchell
Charlie Chow Rotty 17 years 10/02/07 Tom Gravel
Charlie Chow/Husky 11/17/96-12/12/01 Kris Mitchell
Charlie Chow/Syberian Husky 08/88-10/18/02 Carol Alley
Charlie Cirmo Cavalier King Charles 06/25/20 Andy & Nancy Cirmo
Charlie Cockapoo 05/88-02/14/97 Felicia
Charlie Cockapoo 17 years 08/08/02 Maureen & Randy
Charlie Cockapoo 1986-05/01/01 Franc Hangarter
Charlie Cockapoo 2 years 05/30/07 Kate Smith
Charlie Cockatiel 06/81-12/06/02 Kathi and Dan
Charlie Cockatiel 1979-08/13/11 Lynda Lowe and Anthony Scott
Charlie Cockatiel Debra Rowlands and Amanda
Charlie Cocker 02/23/77-10/10/87 Bob, Maryanne, Kim and Julie
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 02/05/02-19/04/14 Susan Walsh
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 02/18/90-12/25/00 Darrell, Robin, Maggie
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 03/09/99-10/01/06 Eth
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 03/10/94-11/16/02 The Bouchard Family
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 03/15/88-10/04/02 Margaret Horrell
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 03/23/87-07/07/04 Beth West
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 04/14/99-08/02/13 Joe Statter
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 05/31/02-04/04/15 Randi
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 06/14/96-02/07/12 Kristina Medvecky
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 07/12/11-03/31/11 Maureen Spratt
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 07/95-03/17/07 Dustin Riley
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 10/27/93-10/27/03 Gloria, Chip, Jackie, Chris, Nicole, Sam
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 11/09/01-03/10/04 Kimberly McCrary
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 11/30/92-03/24/07 Harold E. Allen
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 12/25/92-12/31/02 The Sinagel Family
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 13 years 03/02/10 Kittie Wickman
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 13 years 05/05/04 Rene Ward & Family
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 15 years 12/15/06 Pam
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 16 years 01/29/05 Susan Delhey
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 7 years 10/02/99 Dean & Marla
Charlie Cocker Spaniel 8 years 08/06/04 Scott, Lisa, Ashley, and Allyson
Charlie Cocker Spaniel Cross 06/19/00-02/05/11 Jelayne Pehler
Charlie Cocker/Beagle 01/01/04-09/04/10 Leslie Nutter
Charlie Collie 07/04/88-02/15/03 Carol Mielke
Charlie Collie 10/31/09 Nancy Quick
Charlie Collie 12 years 10/28/08 Les and Carla Hargrove
Charlie Collie, Beagle Irish Setter Mix 06/70-06/85 Diana Surmitis
Charlie Collins (Stewart) Snow Shoe Siamese Cat 04/01/93-06/23/08 Thom Stewart
Charlie Colourpoint LH Kitten 05/04/01 Marianne Mays
Charlie Cooper Maltese Kitten 05/08/06-09/16/06 Erin Shea
Charlie Corgi 08/17/10 Mary
Charlie Corgi 09/22/93-03/05/04 Kim and Felicia
Charlie Corgi Mix 11/16/09-06/06/22 Ryn
Charlie Cromer Pug 04/15/89-10/20/02 James
Charlie Cross Beardie 15 years 6 months 09/07/12 Wilma Campbell
Charlie Cross Breed Dog 2006 Julie
Charlie Cullen King Charles Cavalier 02/03/94-07/10/05 Michelle Cullen and Family
Charlie Dachshund 01/15/01-05/24/04 Charlie
Charlie Dachshund 03/07/03-05/15/04 Andrea Isabelle Duerme
Charlie Dachshund 06/08/11-01/27/13 Josephine Lee and Ad'l Madueno
Charlie Dachshund 06/2006-02/04/14 Scott and Liz
Charlie Dachshund 15 years 02/09/22 Jaime
Charlie Dachshund 15 years 02/15/11 Leah and Phil
Charlie Dachshund 18 months 02/19/08 Danielle Hall
Charlie Dachshund 1982-02/01/96 John Carr
Charlie Dachshund 2001-05/05/07 Joey
Charlie Dachshund 2006-07/13/12 Chris
Charlie Dachshund 5 years 06/24/08 Cheryl
Charlie Dachshund 7 years 06/08/10 Katie Kortum
Charlie Dachshund/Fox Terrier 08/05/85-01/10/03 Patty
Charlie Daisy Su Labrador 09/12/03-03/10/11 Tracy and Michael
Charlie Dalmatian & Bull Terrier Mix 12/03/88-05/17/01 Maryann Staron
Charlie Dalmatian 03/31/92-11/10/04 Dan & Julie Clark
Charlie Dalmation 07/07/99 Nancy St. Pierre-Mott
Charlie Daniels Cocker Spaniel 02/90-02/23/06 Melissa & Todd Daniels
Charlie Davenport Shih tzu 03/28/14-04/10/23 Joel and Amy Davenport
Charlie Dempsey Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/01/96-08/10/06 Michelle Dempsey
Charlie DLH Cat 04/02/07-02/23/09 Dawn
Charlie DMH Cat 10 years 10/11/09 Kelly Marie
Charlie Doberman Pinscher 1998-07/25/09 Charles Swanson
Charlie Dobson Chow Mix 07/18/02 Trudy
Charlie Dog 01/01/94-11/20/05 Robert Damsey
Charlie Dog 01/82 11/96 Lisa
Charlie Dog 02/02/94-09/30/11 Kristy
Charlie Dog 03/19/11 Anil
Charlie Dog 04/12/85-11/13/02 Adriana
Charlie Dog 04/20/89-02/04/03 Ann M. Strakulski
Charlie Dog 05/06/88-01/13/09 Janet Schoenfeld
Charlie Dog 05/13/23 Fabiolla Brennecke
Charlie Dog 06/09/10-07/17/21 January Eubank
Charlie Dog 06/15/91-11/29/02 Lorie
Charlie Dog 07/14/01 Donna
Charlie Dog 08/28/09 S. Marie
Charlie Dog 09/04/13 Eilyne Lewis
Charlie Dog 09/11/01 Ron
Charlie Dog 09/14/99 P
Charlie Dog 10/06/00-12/09/02 Cheryl
Charlie Dog 10/30/86-04/15/98 Destiny
Charlie Dog 10/30/94 Diana
Charlie Dog 11/06/86-01/04/01 Rita Schisano
Charlie Dog 12 years 02/08/24 Don and Beth
Charlie Dog 14 years 04/12/02 Liz, Carl and Steven
Charlie Dog 15 years 09/29/00 The Sandy Family
Charlie Dog 17 years 03/02/12 Jackie McDowall
Charlie Dog 3 years 12/11/13 Kevin, Ashley, Noah and Abi
Charlie Dog 5 years 11/98 Kristi
Charlie Dog 9 years 04/03/97 Roger and Judith Damon
Charlie Dog 9 years 12/31/99 Lisa Curtis
Charlie Dog English Bull Terrier 9 years 28/02/06 Alison and Darron McCleave
Charlie Dog English Bulldog 07/18/04-02/08/14 Jennie Mailloux
Charlie Dog KITPETE
Charlie Domestic Cat 09/01/93-03/16/10 F. Kirby
Charlie Domestic Long Hair Cat 02/01/95-08/21/10 Kimberly and Deanne Acuna
Charlie Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/89-01/25/00 Carla
Charlie Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/25/92-05/25/06 Deke, Edna & Suzie
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Black Cat 17 years 09/30/06 The Hewitt Family
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/01/00-01/18/15 Andrea
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/16/93-09/19/04 Samantha
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/27/03 Pamela Jones
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 18 years 05/01/15 Sandy
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 1996-10/17/13 Amy
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 2 years 07/03/04 Neil White
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Cat 31/08/91-08/10/10 Paula
Charlie Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 11 years 10/30/06 Jeanie Frautschy
Charlie Domestic Short Hair, Tabby Cat 03/01/10-11/12/10 Elizabeth Leighton
Charlie Domestic Shorthair (Tuxedo) Cat 01/01/01-11/11/12 Janice
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/01/97-01/14/13 Tommie Cassen
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/28/94-03/27/02 Elizabeth
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/87-03/28/05 PK Murphy
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/25/13-10/26/17 Joseph Frainetti
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/09/91-05/03/06 Mary Kincade
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 12/02/02-02/28/15 Margo Sullivan
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 12/04/02-02/28/15 Margo Ann Sullivan
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 12/12/11-14/06/12 Hafsa
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 02/28/97 The Dunbar Family
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 10/10/10 Jim & Theresa
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Orange Tabby Cat W/Mustache approx. 1986-02/02/02 Diane
Charlie Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Polydactyl Cat 07/01/01-12/20/02 Rheena Elmore
Charlie Dotson 2002-11/24/10 Clarence & Susan Alley
Charlie Double Yellow-Headed Amazon approxImately 50 years 09/25/18 Catherine Despot
Charlie DSH Cat 04/28/99-09/01/03 Roseann K. Yagecic
Charlie DSH Cat 09/15/85-06/26/04 Cheryl
Charlie DSH Cat 09/22/00-06/26/09 Jennifer Nunes
Charlie DSH Cat 1 year 07/17/04 Cindy Marsh
Charlie DSH Cat 10 years 01/13/09 Maggie
Charlie DSH Cat 13 1/2 years 10/02/09 Anne Ferland
Charlie DSH Cat 13 years 01/13/18 Andrea
Charlie DSH Cat 17 years 06/02/04 BJ & Julie O'Rourke
Charlie DSH Cat 1996 Kathi Stein
Charlie DSH Cat 2 years 05/19/11 Linda Kirby
Charlie Dumbo Rat 2 months 04/16/14 Brandon
Charlie Dunkin Rossman Yorkshire Terrier 06/20/04-08/27/05 Judy Sherick and Dan Rossman
Charlie Egolf Miniature Poodle 03/18/92-02/19/05 Nancy
Charlie Eisen Lhasa Apso 06/21/94-08/21/10 Andrea Eisen
Charlie English Bulldog 4 years 02/19/07 Kendall and Ryan
Charlie English Pointer 03/20/07 Linda and Roger Miner
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 02/28/80-10/22/03 Matthew D
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 04/25/86-05/22/99 Jim and Mary Beth Fiorio
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 06/25/98-09/04/99 Carol & Jim Wantz
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 08/04/97-09/22/11 Sandie
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 10/01/96-03/05/09 Kathy Nicholas
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 10/05/05-08/30/20 Katie and Andy
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 11 years Heidi
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 13 years 06/2003 Diane Whalon
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 14 years 02/03/14 Nancy White
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 8 years 07/02/14 Kelly Salmon
Charlie English Springer Spaniel 8 years Alexis
Charlie Ervine Chihuahua 11 months 07/27/11 Erika Ervine
Charlie Eurasier 16 years 08/21/08 Peter & Bonnie
Charlie Farley Heffel Bichon Havanaise 16 years 01/27/10 Karina Heffel
Charlie Farrer Turkish Van Cat 01/01/05-12/01/09 Alex and James
Charlie Feist Dog 08/15/13 Rita Forshee
Charlie Ferrara Beagle 10/23/01-12/08/08 Annette, Ted, Valerie, Nichol, Amanda & 'Nana' too
Charlie Ferret 02/05/01 Rene Chartier
Charlie Ferret 05/25/00-06/04/06 Jason and Sheryl
Charlie Ferret 7+ years 12/02/06 Diana J
Charlie Ferret 9 years Faye and Family
Charlie Field Spaniel 06/11/92-05/29/96 Robert and Denise Gagne
Charlie Flat-Coated Retriever 11 1/2 years 11/11/07 Lesley Raisor
Charlie Foos Medium Mixed-Breed Dog 15 years 06/05/12 Kendra Foos
Charlie Foxy Cross 10/10/09-21/11/23 Julie and Tim
Charlie Freistadt Maltese/Terrier 13 years 04/05/12 Tara Freistadt
Charlie Galipeau Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever Mix 10/10/06 Deanna
Charlie Gelb Standard Poodle 11 years 11/22/06 Cam Gelb
Charlie Gerbil 07/08/07-03/27/09 Cathy
Charlie German Shepherd 03/06/09 Archie
Charlie German Shepherd 1 year 11/28/06 Janell
Charlie German Shepherd 11 years 03/03/12 Rosemarie and Mark
Charlie German Shepherd 11/94-09/13/08 Dianna Lopez
Charlie German Shepherd 12 years 01/26/12 Donna
Charlie German Shepherd 13 years 01/29/97 Janice Cox
Charlie German Shepherd 13 years 10/01/01 Vern Bacon
Charlie German Shepherd, Labrador 3 years 07/12/07 Sal Rivas
Charlie German Shepherd/Mutt 13 years 03/10/08 The Clark Family
Charlie Giant French Lop Rabbit 4 years 12/22/08 Abbey Platten
Charlie Ginger and White Long Haired Cat 14 months 28/06/10 Victoria
Charlie Ginger Cat 04/08/86-04/11/98 Florence
Charlie Ginger Cat 05/05/09-19/07/12 Jackie
Charlie Ginger Cat 12 years 02/19/24 Carolyn and Alyssa Craft
Charlie Girl Cat 11 years 12/08/01 Mary, Richard, Nicholas, YoYo, Rusty and Sammy
Charlie Girl Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11/11/20 Julie
Charlie Girl Cross Breed Dog 18 years 03/14/05 Wendy
Charlie Girl Nanday Conure 03/22/12 BJS
Charlie Girl Robotnik King Charles Cavalier 01/30/82-02/15/18 Kath & Ken Robotnik
Charlie Gizmo Domestic Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 15 years 04/11/13 Gene and Cheryl Gaines
Charlie Golden & Chow 10 years 05/09/08 Vicki Bacila Mom, Anita Cassidy Grandma
Charlie Golden 03/24/96-11/06/09 Kurt
Charlie Golden American Cocker Spaniel 11/18/10-10/08/13 Steve Fernandez
Charlie Golden Ret/Whippett 05/03/66-06/16/84 Zally
Charlie Golden Retriever / Chow 3 years 07/09/01 Molly
Charlie Golden Retriever 01/12/92-11/15/03 Gill Dicker
Charlie Golden Retriever 03/05/05-07/21/07 Paul and Max
Charlie Golden Retriever 03/08/88-01/04/98 Mark L. Blecher
Charlie Golden Retriever 04/21/90-10/28/00 Claudia & Tom King
Charlie Golden Retriever 04/21/92-07/20/98 Patricia Paris
Charlie Golden Retriever 05/01/86-06/11/97 Donna Becker and Terry Clark
Charlie Golden Retriever 05/03/10-06/03/13 Debbie
Charlie Golden Retriever 05/08/98-02/13/07 Susan Collins
Charlie Golden Retriever 06/07/91-10/16/04 Chuck Ramsey
Charlie Golden Retriever 06/15/88-12/21/01 Wanda
Charlie Golden Retriever 06/17/93-06/19/05 Mike & Diana Alberti
Charlie Golden Retriever 06/20/05-05/06/11 Jennifer, Jon, Gabby, and Jack Verdoni
Charlie Golden Retriever 10 years 06/12/04 Carole and Mark Hoffman
Charlie Golden Retriever 10/03/02-03/08/10 Laurie & Candice Ross
Charlie Golden Retriever 10/11/91-12/29/05 Peggy Harris
Charlie Golden Retriever 12/26/93-04/12/05 Mike
Charlie Golden Retriever 12/29/02-09/03/16 Karen Skleryk
Charlie Golden Retriever 12/29/12 Ashley Myhre
Charlie Golden Retriever 2 years 07/21/07 Paul and Max
Charlie Golden Retriever 2001-11/04/21 Francoise
Charlie Golden Retriever 4 years 07/11/16 Tim, Jenn, Maddie, Sam & Katie Bard
Charlie Golden Retriever 5 years 04/10/96 Adrienne Wilder
Charlie Golden Retriever 6 years 04/23/04 Ken Walker
Charlie Golden Retriever Cross 6 months 02/25/04 K. Pidgurski
Charlie Golden Retriever Mix 3 years 04/04/11 Ladonna Oldham
Charlie Gordon All Black Cat 03/22/86-03/08/03 Eric and Julie Keats
Charlie Gordon Setter 10/17/99-05/10/13 Nancy Mortimore
Charlie Gordon Setter Mix 05/07/85-06/16/01 Janet Allison
Charlie Gordon Setter Mix 09/19/09-11/02/11 Christopher
Charlie Gothings Cockatoo 02/06/05 Jason
Charlie Grah Yorkie 08/26/14-08/09/19 Maria & Willie Grah
Charlie Granville Labradoodle 03/28/12-03/28/12 Nicole Granville
Charlie Gray (Momma's Angel Kitty) DSH (Orange Tabby) Cat 12 years 04/13/05 Charles, Chantal & Brandon Gray
Charlie Gray Tabby Cat 05/30/01-11/18/01 Suzanne Buell
Charlie Great Dane 3 years 12/11/04 Susan A. Roberts
Charlie Green Orange Tabby Cat 03/22/87-11/19/92 Eugenia Provence
Charlie Grey Cockateil 04/78-07/07/00 Elizabeth East
Charlie Grey/White Medium Hair Cat 07/10/22 Kathy Talken
Charlie Grey/White Tabby 08/76-04/07/96 Lynn Starr
Charlie Guinea Pig 01/06/00-03/13/04 Brandi Wills
Charlie Guinea Pig 04/01/96-08/17/00 The Aust Family
Charlie Guinea Pig 23/05/12 Sarah Holland
Charlie Guinea Pig 3 years 09/07/02 Jesse Cornaglia
Charlie Guinea Pig 4 years 08/15/04 Gaby
Charlie Half Lab, Half Sheltie 03/01/91-08/15/06 Jim and Michelle Sinisgallo
Charlie Hamster 2003-10/01/03 Krystle
Charlie Hamster 4 months 06/11/96 Ann Suttron
Charlie Hankins Miniature Schnauzer 02/02/91-02/14/04 Angela (Hankins) Sellers
Charlie Hannibal Pieper Dachshund 04/17/95-05/15/06 Joyce Pieper and Sarah Slazer
Charlie Hanscomb Boston Terrier 10/22/09 Dean, Lilly and Melissa Hanscomb
Charlie Hansen American Shorthair Cat 04/15/13-09/13/17 Christina Hansen
Charlie Hanson-Morales Poodle 10/04/91-02/06/05 Karen Hanson-Morales
Charlie Havana Brown Cat 05/05/92-08/27/06 Kevin Hardisty
Charlie Heinz 57 - Domestic Short Hair Dog 16 years 09/23/16 Anne & Paul Chamberlain
Charlie Heinz 57 Dog 17/09/12 Caroline Herbert
Charlie Helgemo Dog 5 years 12/04/10 Dannette Helgemo
Charlie Himalayan 16 years 08/15/96 Jeanie Whitney
Charlie Himalayan Cat 02/06/06 Jane Wilkes
Charlie Himalayan Cat 06/28/98-04/06/04 Tracy Bryant
Charlie Himalayan Cat 08/12/95-11/17/13 Vickie
Charlie Himalayan Cat 08/31/05 Melinda
Charlie Hines Doberman 12 years 10/16/98 Traci Hines
Charlie Hog Szarek Salt and Pepper Hedgehog 3 years 10/10/10 Erinn Szarek
Charlie Holland Lop Bunny 08/2006-02/27/09 Cindi Goertz
Charlie Holland lop rabbit 02/29/96 Grace Mendoza
Charlie Holland-Tracey Yellow Lab 6 years 03/29/14 The Holland and Tracey Families
Charlie Hooded Rat 06/18/08-07/24/11 Diana Pomeroy
Charlie Horlock Shitzu/Maltese 09/05/16-01/16/18 Timothy Thayer Chantelle Horlock
Charlie Horse 07/10/00 Caitlin
Charlie Horse 15/08/08 Emilly Wallis
Charlie Hummell Golden Lab 9 1/2 years 03/27/18 Melissa Strong and Rob Hummell
Charlie II mini Schnauzer 07/18/82-06/19/93 Kris Moylan
Charlie III Mini Schnauzer 03/30/93-04/13/03 Greg and Kris Moylan
Charlie III Mini Schnauzer 03/30/93-04/13/03 Kris and Greg Moylan
Charlie Irish Setter 10/17/96-02/28/09 Lorraine & Doug Scheer
Charlie Irish Setter 14 years 09/15/98 Phyllis Baitz
Charlie Italian Greyhound 07/26/04-03/01/19 Caroline Rodrigue
Charlie J. Murphy Grey & White Shorthair Cat 12/09/85-08/22/03 Edna & Rich
Charlie Jack Llapso Apso/Cocker Spaniel 08/24/09-06/09/12 Kathleen
Charlie Jack Russell 01/31/00-06/15/17 Shelby Simpson
Charlie Jack Russell 12/08/14 Judy
Charlie Jack Russell 2 years 06/29/08 Connie & Leo
Charlie Jack Russell Cross 01/01/00-12/10/18 Ali Hill
Charlie Jack Russell Puppy 7 months 10/07/06 Bruce, Vicki Jennifer and Sara Snyder
Charlie Jack Russell Terrier 1992-15/07/05 Catherine Haywood
Charlie Jack Russell Terrier 6 years 06/12/09 Debbie, Steve, Thomas, Megan and Tilly
Charlie Japanese Spitz 11/11/09-06/15/13 Malou
Charlie Jefferis Chinese Shar Pei 05/06/02-08/23/06 Steve & Christine Jefferis
Charlie Jellybean Shih Tzu 2001-24/02/14 Mary Haffey
Charlie Jenions Cairn-X-Chi 18 years 01/28/11 Lindsay Jenions
Charlie Jenkins Charlie Spaniel 2 years 07/17/06 David & Jeanette Jenkins
Charlie Jody and Ron
Charlie Joe (The Boy) Shar Pei 3 1/2 years 07/12/07 Mike & Laurie (Mommy & Daddy)
Charlie Johnson Shihchon 12/26/06-03/03/14 Jeanne Johnson
Charlie Jr Cat Veronica
Charlie Kelly Burke- Fitzpatrick King Charles Spaniel 11/05/98-02/11/11 Kelly
Charlie Kelly Cockapoo 18 years 10/07/05 Janet, Patrick, Jennifer & Jessica Kelly
Charlie Kendrick Basset/ Beagle Mix 10 years 01/18/09 Joey Kendrick & Kate Brandino
Charlie Kerstiens Sharpie 02/01/97-09/12/07 Aaron Kerstiens
Charlie Kilburn Cat 1997-01/14/13 Sam
Charlie King Charles Cavalier Mix 12/24/99-11/03/12 Carrick
Charlie King Charles Royal Spaniel 2006-01/08/14 Shannon B
Charlie King Charles Spaniel 09/12/08-09/30/13 Rob Sommars
Charlie Kis-Neville-Inski Tsh Shu 05/05/00-04/12/04 Michael & Lorette
Charlie Kitten 5 months JennyO
Charlie Knight Teddy Bear Hamster 7months 03/30/07 Brittany Knight
Charlie Knox Heinz 57 Dog 5 1/2 years 09/02/11 Robert & Karen Knox
Charlie Konick Lab/Terrier 08/05/66-12/27/81 Joyce Holtz
Charlie Kraft Bichon Frise 16 years 09/07/08 Shirley Kraft
Charlie Kuntz Terrier Cross 06/20/97-10/31/06 Stan and Renee Kuntz
Charlie Lab 01/09/04-10/08/04 Jim, Janis, Larry
Charlie Lab 10/09/94-11/28/06 Kathy Miles
Charlie Lab 11/29/90-03/10/03 Diane Banks
Charlie Lab 12 years 01/12/12 Robert
Charlie Lab 13 years 08/02/21 Linda
Charlie Lab 14 years Bob G.
Charlie Lab 1989-05/11/05 Mark Angle
Charlie Lab Mix 01/17/89-11/29/99 Vicki & Annette
Charlie Lab Mix 03/01/01-02/24/12 Dave and Amy Warren
Charlie Lab Mix 06/01/91-06/30/08 Lisa Werner
Charlie Lab Mix 12 years 11/11/06 Marianne
Charlie Lab Mix 2005-08/04/10 Mara Levene
Charlie Lab Retriver Mix 1982-1995 Kelly C.
Charlie Lab X Staffy 01/01/05-04/08/06 Katie
Charlie Lab/Boxer/Pit 12/16/01-03/30/03 Teresa House
Charlie Lab/Heeler 10/31/98-12/28/14 Mary Jo
Charlie Lab/Newfoundland 8 years 10/99 Sherri & Mike
Charlie Lab/Spaniel Mix 10/31/97-10/26/10 Tatiana
Charlie Labadie Dog 07/27/96-10/19/11 Jackie, Al, Taylor & Sydney Labadie
Charlie Labradoodle 12 years 04/04/21 Claire, Monica, & Harry
Charlie Labrador 01/19/07-06/06/18 Kathryn Carr
Charlie Labrador 04/19/92-08/27/02 Michelle, Gareth, Bethnay, Dominick & Daddy Alan
Charlie Labrador 07/02/02-05/28/09 Vanessa Kneupper
Charlie Labrador 30/08/94-15/06/06 Lisa
Charlie Labrador Retriever 10 years 04/19/06 Glenn and Sue Wanerka
Charlie Labrador Retriever 12/02/03-01/29/18 Morgan Hutchins
Charlie Labrador Retriever 31/03/94-24/12/07 Fam. Pepels
Charlie Labrador/Shepherd 04/07/90-02/17/01 Chris Reidy
Charlie Lakeland Terrier 07/95-04/24/08 Jaime Martina
Charlie Lakeland Terrier 12 years 03/01/02 Ellen Klein
Charlie Lhasa 1 1/2 years 08/15/00 Win & Hank Traulsen
Charlie Lhasa Apso 06/90-08/19/05 Cindy Berrington
Charlie Lhasa Apso 07/02/01-06/23/06 Jayne Dow
Charlie Lhasa Apso 07/04/96-01/19/01 Susan Kaylor
Charlie Lhasa Apso 09/23/10 Rich and Grandma
Charlie Lhasa Apso 16 years 01/11/11 Mimi
Charlie Lhasa Apso Mix 13 1/2 years 10/29/97 Pam and LeRoy Davis
Charlie Lim Tri Color Blue Tan Silver Silkyterrier 16 years 9 1/2 months 11/16/02 Lim Wave Houng
Charlie Lionhead Rabbit 01/03/03-21/08/10 Jen Dimelow
Charlie Liquori Green Cheek Conure Yellow Sided 01/2010-04/05/19 Kevin and Evangeline Liquori
Charlie Little Man Cathey Cat 8 years 11/02/08 Pat Cathey
Charlie Llasa Terrier 01/94-11/21/05 Bob Damsey
Charlie Llasapoo 16 years 07/16/05 Jim and Paula Jared
Charlie Logan Bibbs Miniature Schnauzer 07/2007-06/21/11 Marietta and Willie Bibbs
Charlie Long Bill Corella 45 years 09/2009 John Gray
Charlie Long Hair Orange Tiger Cat 08/18/98-11/06/07 Carol
Charlie Long Hair Siamese Ragdoll Cat 03/16/88-06/08/00 Ms TC
Charlie Long Haired Cat 26/09/08 Lee Weathers
Charlie Long Haired Tortie Cat 05/1976-01/26/00 Dolores E. Di Francesco
Charlie Long-Hair Tabby Cat 04/11/84-01/27/98 Lori Duquette
Charlie Lop Rabbit 1 year 05/13/01 Kimberly and Robert
Charlie Lucky Lab/Rott 05/08/93-04/11/04 Eva Luckenbaugh
Charlie MacTavish Westie/Bichon Mix 04/20/06-09/02/09 Christy McFsrland
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 04/01/93-10/20/97 Eric Ramon
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 04/16/10 Susan
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 04/28/94-09/09/05 Gloria
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 05/01/13 Kim E
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 09/21/99-12/10/07 Joyce and Kevin Pennell
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 12 years 01/15/13 Kathy
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 12/20/18 Timothy Pearce
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 17 years 12/09/03 Cheryl Webster
Charlie Maine Coon Cat 7 years 12/22/18 Cameron
Charlie Maine Coon X Cat 13 years 07/28/00 Bea
Charlie Maltese 01/01/95-18/09/05 Beanca Lloyd
Charlie Maltese 01/16/97-12/17/07 Kelly
Charlie Maltese 7 1/2 years 04/02/01 A Hill
Charlie Maltese 7 years 09/18/04 Donna Holmquest
Charlie Maltese Mix 08/30/04 Nancy Hanson
Charlie Maltese X 09/01/00-06/29/06 Juanita
Charlie Maltese/Chihuahua 10/10/06 Michelle Miller
Charlie Maltese/Poodle 10 years 08/05/10 Justin
Charlie Maltipoo 12/25/18-12/10/23 VB
Charlie Maltipoo 5 years 06/25/17 Jill Spagnola
Charlie Man Cat 06/2003-05/01/14 Lynn Hedrick
Charlie Mannon Mixed Dog 03/27/07 Kathy & Ron Mannon
Charlie Manx Cat 04/14/93-03/15/07 Bob, Kim, Amber Lindsay, Alex Kast
Charlie Manx Cat 04/15/92-12/30/06 Alex, Lindsay and Amber Kast
Charlie Manx Cat 13 years 06/01/07 Tina, Allison Khalil and Family
Charlie Maremma Sheepdog 4 years 04/26/05 Jeannette Lyon
Charlie Marencik American Short Hair Cat 11/24/03-10/19/11 Elizabeth Edward Marencik
Charlie 'Marley' Larroche Domestic Long Hair Cat 17 years 06/05/09 Debbie & Dwayne Larroche
Charlie Marsh Border Collie-Cocker Spaniel Mix 10 years 07/01/12 Zach Marsh & Carly Pierson
Charlie Martell Wilson Standard Poodle 14 years 04/04/07 Lawrence Wilson
Charlie Martens Tabby Cat 2 years 13th July, 2012. Hannah Renee
Charlie Martin Black Miniature Poodle 16 years 06/09/03 Cookie & Patrick Martin and Pete Dominick
Charlie Mastiff and Pitbull 5 years 12/28/14 Eric, Diane, and Zela Christensen
Charlie Matloob Chihuahua 02/14/03-03/13/05 Sabrina Matloob
Charlie May Kitten 2 months 05/30/13 Jessica Bradstreet
Charlie McClintock Cat 07/31/89-01/08/07 Nicki and Din
Charlie McNeal Boston Terrier 04/21/10-02/11/11 Laura and Tori
Charlie Meiri Miniature Schnauzer Yorkie 03/05/05-02/25/19 Jeni Meiri
Charlie Mekker English Springer Spaniel 12/29/90-03/07/05 The Mekker Family
Charlie Meow Meow Kitty Cat Jamison Common Long Hair Cat 15 years 03/23/21 Sharon
Charlie Meyer Cat 11/2003 Melanie & Royce Meyer
Charlie Mike Shih Tzu 08/14/03 Cathy, Steve, Gabi & Sam
Charlie Mills-Daggatt Bichon Frise 09/10/02-02/14/13 Pam Charnley
Charlie Min. Schnauzer 17 years 09/2001 Sophie Pansky
Charlie Mini Dachshund 01/12/07 Jay & Valerie Reynolds
Charlie Mini Dachshund 9 1/2 years 08/30/09 Mary, Carrie, Mike & Casey
Charlie Mini Lop Rabbit Marianne Mays
Charlie Mini Schnauzer 10/05/87-02/06/02 Suzanne and Greg
Charlie Mini Schnauzer 11 years 03/01/13 Sigrid & Lena Banzer
Charlie Miniature Dachshund 05/05/01-10/11/04 Nick
Charlie Miniature Dachshund Puppy 05/09/05-09/06/05 Susan, Michael, Jay and Ellie
Charlie Miniature Pinscher 03/12/98-11/28/03 Rebecca Miles
Charlie Miniature Pinscher 05/10/89-02/28/99 Martha Hentosh
Charlie Miniature Poodle 03/07/05 Mary
Charlie Miniature Poodle 03/22/14-03/20/19 Diana
Charlie Miniature Poodle 10/18/04-06/14/16 Sebastien and Jack Tournier
Charlie Miniature Schnauzer 01/05/99-11/05/10 Your Humans, Pam and Dave
Charlie Miniature Schnauzer 12/84 11/98 Chris
Charlie Miniature Schnauzer 4 years 07/24/11 Melker Johansson
Charlie Mix (Poodle/Terrier) 16 years 08/22/10 Loni and Jason
Charlie Mix Breed Dog 01/00 Jeanne Roberts
Charlie Mix Cat 15 years01/18/01 James
Charlie Mix Dog 04/2008 Sydney McIlroy
Charlie Mix Dog 09/29/09-09/29/10 Sandy
Charlie Mix Kitten 06/09/09-07/10/09 Marguerite Brunk
Charlie Mixed Breed Dog 09/28/06 Christine McLaughlin
Charlie Mixed Cat 13 years 09/27/05 R. Boren
Charlie Mixed Cat 14 years 12/07/06 Carol Addeo
Charlie Mixed Dog 03/16/03-06/21/13 Susan Spink
Charlie Mixed Dog 04/20/05 Chuck Falcone
Charlie Mixed Dog 11/04/05 Jill Burhans
Charlie Mixed Dog 12 years 10/04/04 Durski Family
Charlie Mixed Dog 12 years 12/2007 Shere Barabasz
Charlie Mixed Dog 15 years 12/03/03 Rich
Charlie Mixed Dog 6 years 08/2004 Agnes Nateba
Charlie Mixed Terrier 10/94-10/24/98 Diane, Danette, & Dana Gerald
Charlie Moggy Cat 1 year 23/01/06 Darin and Jamie
Charlie Moggy Cat 7 years 13/02/05 Angela Sinclair
Charlie Mostly Persian Cat 10/14/89-11/13/07 Shirley
Charlie Mutt 11/99-12/21/10 Carrie, Lou & Louie
Charlie Mutt 16 years 12/08/03 Rachel
Charlie Mutt 8 years 03/04/02 Acacia Willey
Charlie Mutt 8 years 12/19/05 Bryan and Fran
Charlie Nebelung Cat 06/17/95-04/05/00 Lesley
Charlie Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 02/20/04-02/16/04 Leah Fishman
Charlie Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 7 years 04/22/07 Marie Aguilar
Charlie Newfoundland 11 years 06/12/22 Julia
Charlie Norwegian Elkhound 11/20/92-05/30/05 Patricia Zibluk
Charlie Norwegian Forest Cat 7 11/15/97 Doris
Charlie Nowakowski Tuxedo Cat 05/96-02/10/12 Debra Nowakowski
Charlie Ogrodnik Shepherd 10/15/04 Joseph
Charlie Oldridge White With Orange Markings Cat 17 years 2004 J Oldridge
Charlie Oliveira Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/18/05-06/25/05 Danielle
Charlie Orange & White DLH Cat 1990-07/21/08 Diane Tyler
Charlie Orange & White Tabby Cat 1992-04/15/05 Chanie, Chuck & Brandon Gray
Charlie Orange and White Maine Coon Cat 199?-01/28/08 Susan Taylor
Charlie Orange and white Tabby Cat 03/81-05/21/98 Lynda Lee
Charlie Orange and White Tabby Cat 05/10/07-03/16/10 Stacey Phillips
Charlie Orange Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/92-01/08/09 Debbie Wells
Charlie Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/25/05-01/02/11 Vicki
Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 04/10/99-01/14/10 Kathy L. Foss
Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 05/93-01/01/05 Allissa East
Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 08/92-07/30/06 Jo
Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 02/19/93 Mary Buckley
Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 1999-01/22/07 Mary
Charlie P Black Lab/Cattle Lab 09/06/98-02/08/05 Carol K
Charlie P Hutchison Lab Retriever 11/12/97-11/12/11 Minnie
Charlie Pagel Holland Lop Bunny 8 months 12/03/20 Sarah Pagel
Charlie Papillion 17 years 03/03/12 Danny Hochman
Charlie Parakeet 03/16/14 Lauren
Charlie Parakeet 10/23/07 Judy
Charlie Parker Cat 10 years 06/05/07 Hillary Spicer
Charlie Parker Joubert Maltese 9 years 03/24/08 James Derrell Joubert
Charlie Parrot 01/20/08 Kim Williams
Charlie Parti Cocker Spaniel 12 years 10/28/92 Jill Eshenbaugh
Charlie Pastoor Cattle Dog 16 years 08/06/04 Phyllis Pastoor, Margie Doorn (Daughter)
Charlie Pate Dog 09/19/10-03/28/11 Roxane Pare
Charlie Peach Faced Love Bird 17 years 09/11/01 Gabrille Schneider
Charlie Peekapoo 02/11/03-09/10/15 Michelle Burlingame
Charlie Pekinese 09/05/02-08/19/16 Melanie
Charlie Pekingese 02/26/96-10/19/07 Mommy and Daddy, aka Terry and Donna
Charlie Pembroke Welch Corgi 02/04/95-02/02/04 Betty Thompson
Charlie Pembroke Welch Corgi 02/04/96-12/02/04 Betty Thompson
Charlie Persian Cat 05/15/92-08/26/10 Kristen Dettleff
Charlie Persian Cat 10/12/11 Lisa Mitchell
Charlie Pit Bull 2 years 12/07/12 Marci James
Charlie Pointer Mix 9 years 02/07/04 Christy and Murray
Charlie Pomeranian 05/28/05-12/26/11 Dave Hill
Charlie Pomeranian 07/31/05-04/26/20 Marilyn Perico
Charlie Pomwestie 08/22/06-01/18/19 Barbara Greene
Charlie Poo Polvani Schipperkee 04/02/90-01/13/05 Tony and Twyla
Charlie Poodle 02/05/95-05/14/10 Carol
Charlie Poodle 06/03/01-01/16/09 Bianca
Charlie Poodle 07/15/11 Lori Farina
Charlie Poodle 07/19/01 Paula Fortino
Charlie Poodle 11/05/94-08/17/06 Stewart and Melanie Stephens
Charlie Poodle 18 years 03/28/08 Michael and Family
Charlie Poodle Mix 09/25/09-09/29/10 Sandy
Charlie Poodle Mix 15 years Myrt and Doug Robertson
Charlie Poodle Mix 16 years 04/2001 Dana Bartram
Charlie Poodle Mixed W/ Highlander 16 years 02/25/08 Ana Menezes
Charlie Poodle/Maltese Mix 12 years 07/03/16 Morgan Harris
Charlie Pooh Bear Ginger Tabby Cat 04/08/86-04/11/98 Beverley
Charlie Poops Cat 08/12/20-12/28/21 Evelyn
Charlie Pooter Siamese Cat 01/77-01/95 Renee Grotheer
Charlie Porcell Mixed Labrador Retriever 08/26/97-09/15/08 Annie
Charlie Portuguese Water Dog 05/26/87-08/07/97 Donna Lori and Randy Lyons
Charlie Potts Lhasa Apso 07/21/85-07/15/05 B.B./Johnny/Lindley Potts
Charlie Powers Yellow Lab 01/05/04-04/12/14 Jane, Tori, Mom, Dad
Charlie Prince Charles of Duband Golden Retriever 01/01/89-05/02/05 Randy Rybak
Charlie Pug 02/11/93-03/21/04 Lorie Painter
Charlie Pug 06/12/92-09/22/08 Steve Anson
Charlie Pug 06/21/04-10/06/10 Dranzie
Charlie Pug 11/17/10-12/31/11 Kristie
Charlie Pug 15 years 08/28/21 Laura Ortiz
Charlie Pug 7 1/2 years 11/01/03 Linda Osborn
Charlie Puggle 01/20/07-02/17/17 Lynn
Charlie Quarter Horse 05/30/73-07/16/02 Sue
Charlie Quarter Horse 31 years 09/05/05 Kaitlyn
Charlie Rabbit 5 years 01/31/10 Julie Kozak
Charlie Raney Border Collie/Sheltie/Australian Shepherd 11/20/92-09/14/07 Sue Raney
Charlie Rasmussen Brussel Griffon 12/20/01 - 11/22/11 Kris Rasmussen
Charlie Rat 10/14/97-05/17/99 Dan and Sue
Charlie Rat 4 years Sue Tottman
Charlie Recci Bichon Frise 13 years 14/05/12 Marisa Recci
Charlie Red Tabby 10 years 03/29/95 Eva Bishop
Charlie Reddish Orange Tabby Cat 13 years 06/30/87 Susan Mauch
Charlie Rex Cat 10/09/87-11/26/01 Karen
Charlie Rhodesian Ridgeback 06/28/94-03/13/00 Sharon Johnson
Charlie Rhodesian Ridgeback/Lab Mix 10/27/03 Karl-Heinz Hartmann & Family
Charlie Roca Dachshund 08/24/02-02/05/11 Shelley Brown Fulton
Charlie Rooster 8 years 09/2006 Angela
Charlie Rott 14 years 01/19/13 Joanne Kracke
Charlie Rotti/Shepherd 12 years 12/29/09 Marlene Bowers
Charlie Rottweiler 11/12/02-02/12/03 Lisa
Charlie Rottweiler Mix 03/28/92-02/21/02 Marian Agosta and Family
Charlie Runkle Sun / Jenday Conure 10 months 05/13/11 Dan Smith
Charlie Russian Blue Cat 01/05/12 Lori
Charlie Russian Blue Cat 03/06/96-09/22/09 Lillian Truskalo
Charlie Russian Blue Cat 1987-09/15/98 Bonnie Bouwer
Charlie Russian Blue Cat 4 years 10/13/20 Yanick Sidney
Charlie S Lovebird 02/23/18 Amna S
Charlie Sable Ferret 04/06/08-08/19/08 Nelson Dowling
Charlie Saint Bernard 10 years 09/27/04 Colleen
Charlie Samoyed 1994-02/22/05 Gary Alderman, Ardean Amato
Charlie Schipperke/Shiba Inu 05/07/99-04/05/08 Sandy McCarthy
Charlie Schnauzer 04/28/95-08/02/04 Melissa Tingler & Vickie Dust
Charlie Schnauzer 05/20/01 Susie Miller
Charlie Schnauzer 09/95-02/2007 Sally Klein
Charlie Schnauzer 10/31/87-05/20/01 Sue
Charlie Schnoodle 1986-08/07/01 Diane Kirchen
Charlie Schnorkie 15 years 08/24/05 Kathie Veach
Charlie Schnuppy Greenwood Lab X 18/03/07-20/02/16 Helen Greenwood
Charlie Schweet Schweet Lab 10/29/02-05/25/08 Liz
Charlie Seal Point Siamese Cat 10 years 03/23/05 Hank Abernathy
Charlie Sexton DSH Cat 19 years 12/21/15 Gail and Stan Sexton
Charlie Shar-Pei 11/14/97-05/26/03 Jasmine & Ron
Charlie Sheltie 01/01/91-01/04/10 Jeff and Karen Albert
Charlie Sheltie 02/08/08 Julie Newlin
Charlie Sheltie 12 years 05/23/04 Jane Langan
Charlie Sheltie 13 years 04/28/07 Carole
Charlie Sheltie 13 years 06/2015 Linda Adair
Charlie Sheltie 15 years 4 months 05/10/06 Carol A. Provence
Charlie Sheltie 6 years 02/08/08 Julie Newlin
Charlie Sheltie Mix 01/11/96-05/16/09 Jessica Pearson
Charlie Sheltie/Shepherd Mix 12/02/02-02/18/03 Tim, Holly, Sydney and Allison Bennett
Charlie Sheltie/Terrier Mix 09/23/86-09/14/97 Chris and Roy Wiprud
Charlie Shepherd 02/05/03-05/05/09 Stefan Finn
Charlie Shepherd Mix 06/31/06-10/28/09 Julie Ziegler
Charlie Shepherd Mix 09/21/98-11/16/98 Colleen & Toby
Charlie Shepherd Mix 16 years 08/25/14 Rickie
Charlie Shepherd X 05/01/87-11/13/99 Sueann Child
Charlie Shepherd/Lab 03/30/07-10/23/17 Judy Purifoy
Charlie Shetland Sheepdog 01/25/85 05/01/99 The Newman-Castro family
Charlie Shetland Sheepdog 15 years 12/29/10 Carmen Gill
Charlie Shihtzu 09/22/08-09/18/22 Nilgul Kirimca
Charlie Shiatzu 14 years 03/21/21 John Harper
Charlie Shiba Inu 09/14/08-10/03/23 Kasey L.
Charlie Shih Tshu 10/11/96-05/11/09 Maryann James
Charlie Shih Tzu 01/02/00-07/25/01 The Burris Farmily
Charlie Shih Tzu 02/11/01-12/19/10 Jessie
Charlie Shih Tzu 03/21/00-01/27/09 Sheila Kopena
Charlie Shih Tzu 0320/03-07/30/13 Jordan Tillery
Charlie Shih Tzu 04/01/98-11/02/10 Sara and James Hicks
Charlie Shih Tzu 04/01/98-11/02/10 Sara Hicks
Charlie Shih Tzu 04/11/86-06/13/02 Bob & Leslie Fort
Charlie Shih Tzu 08/22/01-07/08/15 Lorraine Fleming
Charlie Shih Tzu 11/08/88-03/23/02 John and Chong Crawford
Charlie Shih Tzu 16 1/2 years 05/31 The Halls
Charlie Shih Tzu 8 years 03/13/08 Jody
Charlie Shih Tzu Yorkie 6 years 07/05/08 Faith
Charlie Shih-Tzu 01/30/98-09/29/10 Maureen
Charlie Shitzu 04/15/10-10/24/19 Denise C
Charlie Shitzu 15 years 11/08/09 Debra Kovacs
Charlie Shitzu-Poodle 08/02/93-11/23/09 Gunter Family
Charlie Short Hair Cat 10/15/94-04/14/03 Wendy and Andy
Charlie Short Hair Cat 12 years 09/12/09 Jamie Lawson
Charlie Short Hair Cat 22 years 04/23/18 Faith
Charlie Short Hair Pinto Black and White Cat 20 years 06/30/11 Gary Wolfe
Charlie Short-Hair Calico Cat 04/01/90-09/29/08 Danny
Charlie Shorthair Cat 12 years 06/11 Katy and Terry
Charlie Shorthair Cat 8 years 04/23/05 Tammy Kicak
Charlie Shorthair Tabby Cat 10/14/09 Sue and Neil
Charlie Shorthaired Cat 1 1/2 years 05/2005 Candice and Nicky
Charlie Sht Su 05/25/05-06/18/22 Gloria DiBlase
Charlie Siamese Cat 01/14/81-09/19/97 Kim
Charlie Siamese Cat 02/24/95-10/22/08 Karen
Charlie Siamese Cat 22 years 09/12/07 Mary Jayne
Charlie Siamese Cat 5 years 08/15/99 Dawn & Mark Graziano
Charlie Siamese Rat 02/15/98-06/22/99 Erin Abbott
Charlie Siberian Husky 12/30/10 Jess
Charlie Siberian Husky/Wolf Mix 18 years 5 months 08/12/02 Jean & Don
Charlie Silver Cat 04/84-04/16/03 Debbie
Charlie Sims Cocker Spaniel 14 years 11/19/05 Larry, Rhonda, Danny Sims
Charlie Smith Chihuahua 04/06/06-09/18/08 Cherie Smith
Charlie Smith Yorkie 06/14/08-04/01/22 Brena Smith
Charlie Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 11/12/92-07/02/00 Sally
Charlie Special 12/25/07-12/13/14 Katherine Tucker
Charlie Springer Spainel 06/2000-12/30/03 Joann
Charlie Springer spaniel 14 1/2 years 09/24/09 Jeannine
Charlie Springer Spaniel 15 years 2003 Helen
Charlie Springer/Black Lab 10/23/91-07/25/03 Renata Jablonski
Charlie St. Bernard 11/20/04-11/11/10 Scott, Pam and Jack
Charlie Staffie Cross 3 years 6 months 04/10/00 Daniel & Jacob Clark
Charlie Staffordshire Bull Terrier 12 years 6 months 03/03/06 Donna Dickinson
Charlie Standard Grey Chinchilla 5 years 09/17/97 Melissa Beyers
Charlie Standard Poodle 03/16/12-08/17/14 Helene Tapper and Family
Charlie Standard Poodle 04/24/97-03/14/11 The Weiner Family
Charlie Standard Poodle 11 years 11/21/06 Cam Gelb
Charlie Standard Poodle 12 years 11/04/06 Thea and Randy Costa
Charlie Standard Poodle 12/17/04-04/01/15 Lori Gross
Charlie Std Poodle Elma Gillespie
Charlie Story Cat 01/09/97-04/05/04 Marlene & Scott
Charlie Sulfur Crested Cockatoo 11/01/92-02/12/94 Angela Ryan
Charlie Sun Conure 3 years 04/29/17 Gabrielle
Charlie Swiss Mountain Dog Mix 05/31/93-09/04/06 Dave McClelland
Charlie Switchblade Poodle 12 years 11/12/14 Angela Stimson
Charlie Tabby Cat 01/01/05-03/09/10 Lisa
Charlie Tabby Cat 01/05/98-06/07/12 Val, Bailey, Jack, Toffee, Ki, Kiki-Dee & Sophie
Charlie Tabby Cat 01/26/88-11/01/08 Kathleen Righi
Charlie Tabby Cat 02/07/14 Kim Kalich
Charlie Tabby Cat 07/22/97-01/22/06 Julie, Jeff, and Maggie Irving
Charlie Tabby Cat 07/88-05/20/00 Connie Carlson
Charlie Tabby Cat 10/06/07 Dan French / Wendy Hoffmann
Charlie Tabby Cat 13 years 01/13/05 Russell, Kristine & Jackson
Charlie Tabby Cat 16 years 10/28/03 Elizabeth
Charlie Tabby Cat 19 years 08/31/04 Teresa Lindsey
Charlie Tabby Cat 1995-07/09/13 Sarah
Charlie Tabby Tortoise Cat 12 years 06/26/13 Carole
Charlie Tan DSH Cat 13 years 02/20/00 Joean Kolakowski
Charlie TB Horse 04/14/99-02/17/09 Susie
Charlie Teddy Bear Hamster 4 years 1995 Colleen Davis
Charlie Tennesse Walking Horse 23 years 08/23/03 Felicia Myers
Charlie Terrier / Cross 17 years 09/22/09 Judith Edgington
Charlie Terrier and Poodle 06/12/95-01/10/01 Raymonde
Charlie Terrier Mix (Like Benji) 12 years 04/03/08 Jan Sharp
Charlie Terrier Mix 03/28/90-06/24/04 Shirley & Henry
Charlie Terrier Mix 10/01/73-04/01/90 Sue
Charlie Terrier Mix 10/10/82-03/16/02 Linda Rickard
Charlie Terrier Mix 17 years 07/29/05 Kathleen Tetro
Charlie Terrier Mix 1979 FP
Charlie Terrier Mix Mutt 07/07/07-08/07/08 Tina Bross
Charlie Terrier Mix Mutt 14 years 03/10/06 Mallory, Michelle, Ken, Ryan
Charlie Terrier/Chihuahua Mix 02/15/04-02/19/07 Cody & Janie Krause
Charlie Terrier/Lab Mix 06/14/80-07/10/91 Martha, Maria, Jim
Charlie The Bear Yorkshire Terrier 04/26/92-12/03/03 Sharon Booher Wall
Charlie The Big Galoute Irish Wolfhound 07/23/94-10/91 Carol
Charlie Thompson Golden Retriever 07/10/00-11/05/07 Cindi Thompson
Charlie Thoroughbred Horse 1981-08/28/06 Ash
Charlie Tiger Cat 05/07/80-08/11/99 Ed and Elaine La Mothe
Charlie Tiger Cat Cathy Czyz
Charlie Timneh African Grey 09/07/00 Angel
Charlie Tonkinese Cat 06/01/04-03/05/21 Ann
Charlie Too Ragamuffin Ragdoll Cat 06/97-02/24/01 Joann Seabreeze Rags
Charlie Tortie 7 years 06/86-08/28/93 Terri Bauer
Charlie Toy Manchester Terrier 7 years 02/19/09 Raymond Triplett
Charlie Toy Poodle 01/01/93-04/03/08 JoAnn Bartlett
Charlie Toy Poodle 03/14/01 Char
Charlie Toy Poodle 10/04/91-02/06/05 Karen Hanson-Morales
Charlie Toy Poodle 11/30/87 02/14/98 Kristy
Charlie Toy Poodle Mix 17 years 07/22/09 Brenda Holleman
Charlie Truglio Dog 8 years 04/16/02 Victor, Laura, Erin, Arthur, and Samantha
Charlie Tuna Fish Siamese Cat 01/01/00-10/12/16 Al Crepeau
Charlie Turkish Van Cat 3 years Jessica Marquis
Charlie Turney Bichon 09/02/07-02/15/12 Nancy Turney
Charlie Tuxedo Cat 07/87-12/30/02 Muriel G. Feinstein
Charlie Tuxedo Cat 19 years 03/12/08 Dolores Starzec
Charlie Tuxedo Cat 3 years 05/10/16 Kim
Charlie Tuxedo Cat 9 months 12/15/02 Stephanie Massier
Charlie Tuxedo Tabby Cat 9 years 01/27/11 Sharon Walsh and Ann Houston
Charlie Unru Maine Coon Cat 10/22/06 Todd
Charlie Varela Tabby Cat 10/08/90-04/30/07 Linda Leigh Varela
Charlie Veil Tail Blue Betta Fish 1 1/2 years 01/03/06 Lisa Eichholzer Walker
Charlie Victorino Cat 11/25/09-07/18/12 Ver, Susan, Vina, Vania, Bec, Mommy, Twiki
Charlie Ward Dachshund 15 years 06/30/10 Keith & Debra Ward
Charlie Ware Orange and White Cat 01/12/05 Holly
Charlie Warlie Cocker Spaniel 12/88-03/04/02 Diane Thiel
Charlie Waterman Chocolate Ferret 6 years 02/10/11 Jessica and Matt
Charlie Watts Tabby Cat 12 years 07/08/07 Alexa
Charlie Weaver Great Dane/Lab 11/01/05-12/26/14 Leigh Weaver
Charlie Webster Lab/Terrier 07/25/65-12/27/81 Joyce Holtz
Charlie Weimaraner 07/17/94-02/26/10 Anne
Charlie Welsh Cob Horse 6 years 25/09/06 Sarah
Charlie Welsh Cob Horse 6 years 25/09/06 Sarah and Emily
Charlie Welsh Corgi 02/03/03-11/21/03 Les and Pat Martin
Charlie Welsh Terrier 08/06/96-10/26/09 Dennis, June, John & Jennifer Dimatteo
Charlie West Highland 03/09/99-07/31/12 Carol Senior
Charlie West Highland Terrier 07/20/85-10/11/99 Connie Owens
Charlie West Highland Terrier 10/25/06-01/22/13 Claire Jackson
Charlie West Highland White Terrier 03/06/85-10/12/02 Sarah
Charlie West Highland White Terrier 10/28/89-10/22/96 Ron and Jeff Hoover
Charlie Westie 09/06/99 Gus
Charlie Westie 10/12/90-08/21/09 The Honan Family
Charlie White Cat with Tabby Splashes 14 years 09/10/06 Anthony Skoien
Charlie White German Shepherd 6 1/2 years 03/27/08 Stephanie Lamphere
Charlie Whitson Cat 07/29/08 Lisa Whitson
Charlie Wilcox Airedale Terrier 09/23/97-12/23/08 Lucy Wilcox
Charlie Winter White Hamster 03/05-01/17/06 Jessica and Alex
Charlie Winters Chihuahua Terrier Mix 01/01/98-10/17/10 Lisa Winters
Charlie Wire Fox Terrier 11/19/92-08/25/07 Jennifer Pyclik
Charlie Wire Fox Terrier 12/24/96-11/10/04 Heather Richards
Charlie Wire Haired Fox Terrier 14 years 12/03/06 Jill Zamarro
Charlie Wire-Hair Dachshund 12/30/93-01/10/05 Barb Haupt
Charlie XO Yellow Lab 10/12/86-04/01/96 Janis Pet Family
Charlie Yellow Lab 04/30/06-04/12/14 Doreen Headrick
Charlie Yellow Lab 06/27/07-05/11/20 Marla and Tom
Charlie Yellow Lab 07/97-07/05/10 DiBattista Family
Charlie Yellow Lab 12 years 10/22/14 Carolyn
Charlie Yellow Lab 15 years 01/17/05 Gates Family
Charlie Yellow Lab Puppy 03/26/04-05/06/04 Kyle, Patti & Shawn
Charlie Yellow Parakeet 11/10/96 Susan Metcalf
Charlie Yellow Tabby Cat 05/01/87-07/03/07 Scott Johanson
Charlie Yeung Japanese Spitz 09/12/93-03/10/05 Betty & Kenny Yeung
Charlie Yorkie 02/16/01-03/19/12 Laura
Charlie Yorkie 06/01/95-07/08/99 Donna Manning
Charlie Yorkie 08/30/94-03/14/09 Llaurie
Charlie Yorkie 12 years 08/24/00 Barbara Entringer
Charlie Yorkie 17 years 04/10/07 Mary Bazel
Charlie Yorkie Mix 09/17/08-07/27/19 Delores Woods
Charlie Yorkie/Pomeranian 10/09/10-03/05/12 Karlene Bleninger
Charlie Yorkie/Poodle 10 years 11/17/09 Debby & Brian
Charlie Yorkshire Terrier 01/07/06-02/15/17 Fiona C Hunter
Charlie Yorkshire Terrier 02/04/86-05/02/01 Bonnie, Bob, Amy and Holly Polis
Charlie Yorkshire Terrier 04/15/08 Stephen Lovering
Charlie Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 31/01/00 Nicolle
Charlie Zebra Finch 10 years 12/14/03 Gail McMahon
CharlieAnna Cocker Spaniel 09/24/89-03/07/06 Linda Parker
Charlie-Brown Lauzier Old English Sheep Dog 12/16/00-12/30/11 Angela Pietrantonio Lauzier
CharlieBug Cocker Spaniel 16 years 06/09/09 Marcia
Charlie-Cat 07/04/79-11/06/97 Valryn
Charlie-Girl Black and White Beagle 06/20/90-08/09/09 Brandy and Jason Rapp
Charlie-Marie Syrian Hamster 08/2007-03/2008 Katie Humbert
Charlie's Angel Kickass Chloe Beagle 11/03/98-12/03/07 Marney Mathison
Charlie's Angel Min-Pin 10/96-03/21/06 Carolyn Williams
Charlie's Surfin Ragamuffin Ragdoll Cat 03/11/95-07/15/98 Joann Seabreeze Rags
Charlize Cat 06/17/10 Sharon
Charlot Cat 06/26/14-12/29/14 Myrianne Paradis
Charlot European Cat 9 years 02/21/06 Weisman
Charlotte (Balotta) Domestic Longhair Cat 1983-05/31/03 James Betoia
Charlotte (Charlie, Charlini, Charliebell, Princess Charlotte, Charlione, Charlie Bear) Persian Tabby Cross Cat 14 years 20/02/08 Steph & Greg, Jo & David, Annie & Paul
Charlotte (ShowyCat) Long Haired Calico Cat 04/01/88-01/27/01 Azizah, Taqwa, Baraka, Cutter, Shahaad, and Abu Dawud
Charlotte Amalie Sealpoint Siamese Cat 4 years 07/25/03 Janine
Charlotte American Eskimo Mix 1992?-11/24/00 Janis Sauers
Charlotte American Short Hair Cat 14 years Selma
Charlotte Ann DSH Cat 22 years 01/24/10 Barbara Morgan-Cicippio
Charlotte Anne The Shih Tzu 02/05/88-04/05/05 Clare and Rod Murchison
Charlotte Balinese Cat 16 years 11/04/05 Kate
Charlotte Basset Hound 7 years 02/06/04 Jen
Charlotte Beagle/German Shepherd Mix 11 years 11/13/08 Ola
Charlotte Beatteay Sheprador 12/10/13-07/29/14 Tamara Beatteay
Charlotte Black Cat 15 years 02/11/06 Ezra Hozinsky
Charlotte Bouviers Des Flandre 09/10/04-04/27/06 Isabelle and Jack
Charlotte Brown Rottweiler 08/30/08 Deanna Finn
Charlotte Calico Cat 10/93-07/95 Shaun and Brian
Charlotte Calico/Tabby Kitten 06/26/03-07/25/03 Paxton Bell
Charlotte Cat 03/07/97 Noah's Ark Shelter
Charlotte Cat 05/08/10-04/20/11 Danielle
Charlotte Cat 05/12/17 Barbra
Charlotte Cat 06/2005-04/23/09 Michelle H.
Charlotte Cat 07/10/96-08/13/03 Karen and Olivia Guerra
Charlotte Cat 1992 Sandy
Charlotte Cat 20 years 07/19/04 Janet and Mark
Charlotte Cat 3 1/2 years 02/10/07 Sarah Lennerton
Charlotte Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Charlotte Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/10/03-08/26/07 Cyndi Culpepper
Charlotte Chartreux Background Origins Black Cat 06/91-05/12/03 Camille Nayrolles
Charlotte Chenka Terrazas Cat 8 years 06/13/07 Ana Luisa Terrazas
Charlotte Chihuahua 03/22/03-09/27/03 Sally
Charlotte Chocolate Lab 11/23/04-10/17/16 Mara Thompson
Charlotte Chocolate Lab 12 years 10/13/16 Mara Thompson
Charlotte Clendenning Mix/Australian Shepherd 10/15/95-09/10/11 Ronald James Clendenning
Charlotte Cockatiel 12 years 01/22/02 Jeff
Charlotte Collie Mix 08/01/87-12/29/98 Michael and Louise Ward
Charlotte Dachshund 08/24/03-04/22/19 Ann Sample
Charlotte Daigle Great Dane 23 July, 1993-23 January, 2007 Tom & Cindy Daigle
Charlotte Dalmatian 10/14/90-03/17/01 Ibby Kissner
Charlotte Domestic Longhair Cat 10/10/15-08/19/19 Molly Swipas
Charlotte Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/88-05/15/01 K
Charlotte Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/18/80-10/23/01 Ruth A. Redican
Charlotte Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/11/10 Diane Williamson
Charlotte DSH Brown Tabby with White Kitten 4 weeks 06/20/05 Michele Picard
Charlotte DSH Calico Cat 17 years 07/13/16 Maria Murphy
Charlotte DSH Cat 1996 Sm Prattis
Charlotte DSH Cat 1996-2002 Marty Thomas
Charlotte Dwarf Rabbit 1 years 25/03/09 Lindsey
Charlotte Elisabeth Shar Pei/Chow Mix 01/19/88-06/14/01 Holly
Charlotte Golden Retriever 04/21/06-09/12/11 Thida Johnson
Charlotte Golden Retriever 05/28/00-03/02/09 Miriam and Dan Griffin
Charlotte Gorgeous Tabby Cat 10/30/01-08/07/02 Debra Anderson
Charlotte Granger Chow-Lab Mix 04/2007-04/05/10 Cara Granger
Charlotte Gray Domestic Longhair Cat 1985?-02/18/01 Corinne Creager
Charlotte Great Pyrenees 12 years 07/03/09 Lisa Cicchetti
Charlotte Hansen Tiger Cat 04/15/10 Amy Hansen
Charlotte Hooded Rat 08/28/21-02/09/24 Sue
Charlotte Jack Russell Terrier 15 1/2 years 12/15/08 Colleen and Eric Wohlust
Charlotte Jasmine Smith Himalayan Cat 04/09/98-06/27/04 Jessica Smith
Charlotte Lilac Point Siamese Cat 08/0/12010-05/21/15 Lorie
Charlotte Llasa Apso 20 years 12/02/07 Bob Plymyer & Jeff Schuchart
Charlotte Longhair Cat 17 years 1989 Caryne Jesse
Charlotte Maine Coon Cat 8 years 11/02/06 Julie Lambert
Charlotte Marie aka Sweet Pea Floppy Eared Rabbit 05/04/07-01/13/11 Marylou
Charlotte Mayfield, Char Tortoise Shell Cat 14 years 06/08/09 Cheri and David Mayfield
Charlotte Mini Lop Bunny 18 months 03/08/09 Rhonda Jackson
Charlotte Mini Schnauzer 05/14/99-05/04/12 Karen Sloan
Charlotte Miniature Beagle Puppy 8 months 01/08/08 Ryan & Hannah Raynes
Charlotte Mixed Dog 06/15/94-03/17/07 Carol Zacheiss
Charlotte Mixed Dog 08/18/98 Kate Allen
Charlotte Pit Mix 11/11/04-08/06/14 Jason McAdams
Charlotte Pot Bellied Pig 12 years 08/16/08 Allyson
Charlotte Pot Bellied Pig 12/28/06 Janice Gillett
Charlotte Potbelly Pig 10/96-01/31/09 Pat
Charlotte Pug 10 years 02/17/11 Gerry Swift
Charlotte Rat 07/00-11/17/01 Melissa L. Baca
Charlotte Rat 07/01/00-11/17/01 Melissa and Chris
Charlotte Rat Terrier 08/30/01-12/31/13 Nancy and Edward
Charlotte Rex Rabbit 04/11/01-10/13/01 Paula and Walter Best
Charlotte Rex Rat 03/10/06-10/16/09 Kim Lefebvre
Charlotte Rose Abyssinian Guinea Pig 01/05/02-05/11/08 K
Charlotte Rose White & Tabby Cat 05/14/85-01/12/04 Kim Lowell
Charlotte Scottish Fold Cat 15 years 02/19/05 Barbara
Charlotte Shepherd/Husky Mix 10/94-12/12/07 Liz Ryan
Charlotte Sherwood Shar Pei 11/10/00-09/28/05 Lenita Sherwood
Charlotte Shih Tzu 14 years 04/19/09 Connie
Charlotte Sometimes American Shorthair Cat 02/14/92-01/19/09 Michele Yamazaki
Charlotte Sometimes Beagle / Corgi Mix 08/01/03-03/14/09 Stephanie and Matthew Rogers
Charlotte Standard Poodle 09/25/95-01/29/07 The Hardy Family
Charlotte Tabby Cat 23/03/89-18/04/03 Marinka-Marie Siega
Charlotte Tabby Cat 7 years 04/15/10 Sylvia
Charlotte Tabby Cat 7 years 06/05/06 Kelly Blevins
Charlotte Tortoise Shell Calico Cat 03/25/05-04/23/09 Michelle Himes
Charlotte Tortoiseshell Cat 1991-09/23/11 Tom Costantini
Charlotte Toy Poodle 08/01/90-09/12/04 Rebecca
Charlotte Toy Poodle 10 years 07/29/06 Bonnie & Bob Somers
Charlotte Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig 13 years 01/31/09 Pat
Charlotte White Domestic Long Hair Cat 15 years 07/30/14 Jun Casaclang
Charlotte White Domestic Short Hair Cat 8 years 09/22/05 Nancy
Charlotte White Faced Cockatiel 07/92-12/01/00 Donna, David, Dixie, Spike and Smokey
Charlotte White, Long Haired Blue/Green Eyed Cat 06/14/07-09/19/08 Mary Leone
Charlotte Yaksich Dilute Calico Cat 19 years 10/16/24 Brita and Greg Yaksich
Charlotte Yellow Dog 06/26/96-01/05/99 Bryn, Adam, Linda, Bruce, Tucker, and Grammy Hafemeister
Charlton Ludwig Christopher O' Crissinger Yorkshire Terrier 04/25/92-12/03/03 Sharon Booher Wall
Charlu DSH Cat Genna Westwood
Charly Bichon Frise 17 years 08/12/08 Jean Trimble
Charly Black DSH Cat 3 years 07/22/11 Sharon and Jack
Charly Brannon Airedale 3 years 03/27/12 Sandy Brannon
Charly Cat 10 February 2003-31 January 2017 Barbara Leonard
Charly Cockatiel 12/10/14 Russell and Penny Colquhoun
Charly Coker 10 years 11/23/03 Claudia Sallés
Charly Collie/Beagle Mix 06/11/75-09/30/89 Butch & Sherry
Charly Cope Dalmatian 06/29/92-07/10/08 Mary, Dan & Elizabeth Cope
Charly Dachshund 14 years 05/29/04 Ray & Maggie Davis
Charly Dog 01/21/91-05/18/07 Oswaldo Irusta
Charly Dog 08/01/83-06/21/99 John C. Andrews
Charly Dog 15 years 06/22/05 Helen and Don Hightower
Charly Kerner Poodle 11/15/97-04/16/11 Jeff and Rose Kerner
Charly Lab/Shep Cross 11/08/98-03/19/08 Karen
Charly Mix Dog 13 years 08/11/98 Mila
Charly Parker Jack Russell Mix 06/05/04 Jenny and Jim
Charly Rat 29 December 2009 Auralie
Charly Shih Tzu 08/26/83-06/07/98 Dawn Perry
Charly Shihtzu 10/14/86-09/21/03 Genie Mastropierro
Charly Sulfur Crested Cockatoo 09/27/01 Richard S Weiner
Charly Toy Poodle 01/01/95-06/02/09 Matilda Matevosian Kodjanian
Charly Tricolor Shetland 03/11/91-06/05/00 Deborah Domalik
Charly Yellow Labrador Retriever 01/15/99-10/10/11 Leeann Chamberlain and Joel Garcia
Charlyminx Black and White Dutch Houserabbit 11 years 23rd Dec.2002 Mary Parkinson
Charlynn's Atlas Rottweiler 11/24/92-07/04/02 David & Jackie Medeiros
Charm Black and White Tuxedo, Domestic Medium Hair Cat 05/02/85-07/09/99 Sylvia
Charm Calico Cat 6 years 04/23/04 Carol Wagner
Charm Cat 05/21/13 Melanie Estes
Charm Collie Mix 06/85-09/09/96Laurie McGrath
Charm Dalmatian 12/25/85-07/12/98 Susan Robinson
Charm Domestic Medium Hair Cat 05/27/12-09/22/17 Alex Morgan
Charm Golden Retriever 12/29/99-10/22/12 Diane
Charm Golden Retriever01/16/87-08/06/98 Bev and Bill Thompson
Charm Poodle 06/12/87-01/15/04 Kathy Whisman
Charm Shepherd Cross 03/03/87 Sandy
Charmaine Cat 04/24/99-02/10/07 Trina Tobin
Charmaine Pug 04/30/87-11/06/04 Cathy Garofalo
Charmaine Tarantino Siamese Cat 10/29/84-09/20/02 Janet
Charmer Cat 4 years 07/25/98 Lisa
Charmer Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 08/11/16-09/12/22 Nancy
Charmer's Boy Black Lab 07/05/82-01/16/96 Chris Moos
Charmie Pomeranian 11/86-11/11/99 Monika
Charmin Bichon Frise 11/14/94-10/19/11 Kristan Yates
Charmin Calico MDSH 2-82 L. Clare Troyan
Charmin Cat 15 years 12/15/11 Sheryl Delaplane
Charmin Cocker Spaniel 07/28/91-08/17/00 The Kardos Family (Nancy, Lanette, Sherry, Teddy, Patches, Chatter & Fish)
Charmin Dilute Tortie Cat 08/07/05 Aimee
Charmin Great Pyrenees 01/10/07-03/15/14 Jill Andera
Charmin Maltese 07/01/93-07/30/09 Phyllis & Jim Harris
Charmin Miniature Schnauzer Between 4 and 6 - 02/07/01 Tracy, Erin, Alyssa, and Amanda Hengesbach
Charmin Mix Cat 12 years 02/18/07 Tina Hallada
Charmin Nigerian Dwarf Goat 03/04/02-01/05/06 Angela
Charmin Poodle 16 years 12/91 Cheri
Charmin Q. Fussbudget Khaki Campbell Duck 2 1/2 years 10/24/97 Bobby and Jo
Charmin Short Haired Domestic Cat 05/06-05/06/08 Jody
Charming Dachshund 12/31/06-01/02/07 Myles Lagon
Charming Schitzu 12 years 08/31/08 Nola & Liza Foster Mums
Charming Siberian Husky 03/2012-03/08/17 Claudia Gonzalez
Charms Cat 05/20/14 Shannon G. Myers
Charms DMH Cat 06/22/89-11/07/08 Candace Davis
Charms DSH Cat 07/31/04-07/05/17 Lindsey Ward
Charms DSH Cat 5 months 02/09/01 Sue, SVHS
Charms Spradlin Tabby Cat 07/04/00-09/19/07 Carin Spradlin
Charmus Pomeranian 12 years 02/2003 Taniguchi Family
Charo Bichon 11/08/87-12/20/02 Harold Bauman
Charo Chinchilla 2 years Kevan and Doren
Charo Chinchilla 4 years 12/02/99 Kevan
Charo Chinese Crested Dog 12 years 02/22/16 Kim Henry
Charo Mixed Chow 04/03/97-02/01/02 Lauren Peranio
Charo Parrot 24 years 09/15/04 Mary Rodriguez
Charocal American Shorthair Cat 09/05/89-04/10/06 Susan
Charolais Yellow Lab 09/09/99-07/29/03 Michael Kreger & Audra Wirth
Charrm Keeshond 03/18/82-10/09/97 Penny
Charro (Patagonia Charro of Chappel) Afghan Hound 04/18/89-04/21/01 Chappel Fisher
Charro Brussels Griffon 05/11/88-09/13/99 Shirley & John Hood
Charthy Cat 09/27/99 David Carson
Chas Black Lab/Husky Mix 07/10/88-07/11/99 Kathy Berg
Chas Cat 5 years 02/23/00 Jenny
Chas Domestic Shorthair-Tuxedo Cat 16 years 02/03/13 Bryan and Maria Ruban
Chas Lab Mix 05/08/98-11/30/10 Jena & Will
Chas Maltese 08/08/89-11/14/99 Heather Horner
Chas' Mixed Lab 05/2010-09/05/11 Jan Kierl
Chasca Blue and Gold Macaw 6 years 12/28/96 Marty Stone
Chase (Bubba & Chasey Boy) Border Collie 03/31/98-10/10/12 Jodie Lisale
Chase (Mama Girl) Black Lab/Dalmatian Mix 13 years 08/19/03 Linda, Jon, Chelsea
Chase Barbour Sheltie 06/02/98-12/30/07 Tammy Barbour
Chase Basenji 12/07/95-04/21/06 Lisa & Stephen Bedford
Chase Basset Hound 07/22/14-08/30/14 Sondra
Chase Basset Hound 11/13/08 Jon and Stephanie Gregory
Chase Bassett Hound 8 years 07/25/07 Sue
Chase Bearded Collie 04/01/95-01/02/09 Greg and Donetta Thompson
Chase Bernie and Border Collie Nix 12/11/00-02/01/11 Tricia and Suzan
Chase Bichon Frise 01/12/02-03/03/10 Tom & Linda Strausbaugh
Chase Black & White DSH Cat 04/08/06-02/27/08 Michelle Yeaman
Chase Black Lab 03/03/18 Mike, Jake & Dylan Honig & Noki Koval
Chase Black Lab 8 1/2 years 03/18/09 Dennise
Chase Border Collie Mix 04/26/07 Jodi
Chase Border Collie/Bull Terrier 02/20/03-01/02/17 Jennifer Shunock
Chase Boxer 02/04/01-06/01/10 Jemma
Chase Boxer 12/26/97-10/05/10 Michelle Cline
Chase Boxer 2 years 10/27/04 Jessica and Salvatore
Chase Burmese Cat 05/05/99-08/29/08 Elsie
Chase Cairn Terrier 01/09/04-04/25/10 Maria S
Chase Cat 03/12/10 Carrie
Chase Cat 05/94-03/96 Laura
Chase Cat 09/08/09-12/16/17 Condi Neill
Chase Cat 11/20/84-02/01/02 Cynthia, Janet, and Allie Jacquier
Chase Cat 5 years 02/02/13 Kathy
Chase Centrella Lab 05/15/12 Trina A Centrella
Chase Choc. Lab Mix 1 year 05/31/02 Jamie
Chase Chocolate Labrador 06/05/92-12/06/03 Kristin
Chase Chow/Akita 02/01/95-03/21/10 Michele
Chase Cocker Spaniel 07/97-12/04/03 Lina Lodico
Chase Collie 06/22/99-09/14/09 Jerry, Peg & Adam Silver
Chase Collie/Shepherd 13 years 10/28/12 Dave
Chase Dachshund 05/13/98-04/27/12 Leigh Ann
Chase Dachshund 11/25/13 Michele Lee
Chase Dachshund 16 1/2 years 05/31/18 Monica Rechkemmer
Chase Dalmation 10 years 11/26/00 Patrick D
Chase Davidson Sheltie 11 years 06/10/10 Amy & Billy
Chase Dog 04/17/13 Carly
Chase Dog 06/15/07-04/01/22 Rita Longo and Berta Flath
Chase Domestic Longhair Cat 08/11/01-07/28/05 Kathy Nance
Chase Domestic Short Hair Cat 1 1/2 years 11/07/03 H. Baddley
Chase DSH Cat 11/18/14 Gina Thompson
Chase DSH Cat 12/16/17 Cindi Neill
Chase Duke Merrihew Golden Retriever Mix 11/01/94-10/06/08 Tara
Chase English Springer Spaniel 08/11/06-05/27/19 Sandy Swigart
Chase English Springer Spaniel 13 years 09/03/01 Butch
Chase Fowler-Calisto Golden Retriever adopted 11/25/10-11/25/11 Lauren Fowler-Calisto and John Calisto
Chase Gamache Cinnamon Ferret 11/03/02 The Gamaches
Chase Garza Jack Russell and Fox Terrier 06/29/07-04/25/08 Desiree and Jacob
Chase German Shepherd 03/04/96-01/29/09 Barbara Young
Chase German Shepherd 04/25/96-10/19/07 Virginia Brown
Chase German Shepherd 07/19/98 Laura
Chase German Shepherd 10/15/97-04/21/07 Cheryl Tidwell
Chase German Shepherd 11/17/09 Melinda
Chase German Shepherd 12/23/93-11/17/08 Melind Pawloski
Chase German Shepherd Saint Bernard Mix 03/11/07-02/12/18 Lisa
Chase German Shepherd/Boarder Collie 05/01/95-12/13/10 Sarah
Chase Golden Retriever 04/15/97-08/05/05 Sue A. Watson
Chase Golden Retriever 04/26/95-09/22/00 Patti Maeda
Chase Golden Retriever 09/30/19 Morgan
Chase Golden Retriever 10 years 06/26/06 Michele, Leo, Rebecca, and Allison
Chase Golden Retriever/German Shepherd 12 years 03/05/17 Angela Le
Chase Greyhound 02/24/93-06/03/05 Rose Wharton
Chase Greyhound 05/03/93-12/17/96 Al Dash
Chase Greyhound 08/19/97-10/11/06 Mark and Gary
Chase Greyhound 12 years 01/11/12 Bruce and Karen Bailey
Chase Hambone Marlow Cat 08/09/16 Dana Marlow
Chase Havanese 04/14/06-04/22/17 Marcia
Chase Hoots Black Labrador 14 years 02/16/05 Tracy, Jeff, Mike and Rose
Chase Kask Dachshund 02/25/98-08/31/11 Steven Kask
Chase Kitten 04/20/99-12/04/99 Wendy
Chase Kitten 9 months 01/17/01 Colin and Shala Mackenzie
Chase Lab 04/01/98-08/29/11 Denise Rowsell
Chase Lab 04/16/08-12/17/08 Don & Cindy Zell
Chase Lab 09/26/08 Dee, Eric and Alexis
Chase Lab/Dobie Mix 08/15/10-07/05/20 Line Decarie
Chase Labrador 01/01/95-01/11/08 Jimi
Chase Labrador 03/19/97-03/13/09 Michelle Wooten
Chase Lamantia Jack Russell Terrier 2 years 09/24/09 Heather, PJ, Brit, Madi and Cody Lamantia
Chase Long Haired Tabby Cat 9 years 11/02/07 Codie, Tom, Cindy, Vanessa and Cayden
Chase Mainecoon Gray Tabby Cat 02/05/99-12/05/05 Debbie Schaefer
Chase Malamute Mix 13 years 06/28/05 The Ramsey's
Chase Maraist Golden Retriever 07/23/97-01/27/10 Michael and Cayla
Chase Martin Vargas Chihuahua 11/26/15 Kimberley Martin
Chase Mixed Dog 1 year 7 months 07/2004 Judy (Honey)
Chase Moorehead Pug 03/99-01/05/10 Stacey
Chase Mullins Doberman Pinscher 07/31/02-09/10/05 Sharon and Richard Mullins
Chase -My Love Black Bunny 04/2003-03/06/10 Jeanette, Chris and Kathrina
Chase One Dream Boxer 09/19/03-02/08/10 Carol Stephens
Chase Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 12/29/15 Ann
Chase Pit Bull 2 years 10/09/14 Christy, Jen, Mary & PACC
Chase Pomeranian 08/11/99-06/28/13 Stacy Legerski
Chase Pomeranian 09/2010-07/08/12 Joan
Chase Pomeranian 7 years 09/02/08 Marie Silverstein
Chase Poodle 10 years 05/16/07 David Carrillo Jr
Chase Poodle/Chihuahua Mix 10/95-01/29/01 Christine Sirkel
Chase Pug 06/2006-05/02/07 Karen Franklin
Chase Pug 2 years 02/02/08 Nellie
Chase Puggle 07/25/05-04/08/18 Jenn Kessler
Chase Rabbit 12/01/01-12/28/08 Dawn Wentzell
Chase Ray Cat 06/11/19 Mariah Ray
Chase Scottish Terrier 01/05/91-08/20/99 Pat Allsebrook
Chase Shar-Pei 03/28/98-12/25/02 Tim and Lorree Smith
Chase Shih Tzu 12/04/97-12/07/09 Velvet Fournerat
Chase Shih Tzu 14 years 11/14/16 Nan Kinser
Chase Shitzupoo 18 months 04/21/18 Deana Dean
Chase Siamese Cat 03/01/98 Dennis Smith
Chase Siamese/Calico Cat 11/01/86-04/26/07 Charlotte and Phil
Chase Spaniel Mix 12 years 07/05/06 Luke
Chase St Bernard 05/26/03-06/19/06 Jennifer Rexroad
Chase Struthers Sheltie 03/22/96-04/15/11 Laura Struthers
Chase Suthers n Tippin Calhoun Brittany Spaniel n Min-Pin 04/05/13 Renee and Kirk Suthers
Chase Swygert Lab/Chow/Husky Mix 13 years 07/01/09 Sam & Elaine Swygert
Chase Tabby Cat 14 years 06/25/09 Jackie Gallagher
Chase Weimaraner 01/28/88-02/20/99 Kathleen McDaniel
Chase Whippet 9 1/2 years 09/16/06 Megan and Jeff
Chase Yorkie 08/2005-08/2010 Evita Graham
Chase Yorkie 1 1/2 years 08/28/05 Andrea Devries
Chase Yorkie 10/13/19-06/20/20 Shanelle Myrick
Chasee Dachshund 06/11/12 Jaimie
Chaser Domestic Short Hair Cat 12 years 04/30/11 Daniel Kimball
Chaser Ferret 7 years 11/13/04 Sharon Moore
Chaser German Shepherd 11/11/92-10/10/06 BH Yap
Chaser Lynn Red Nose Pitt Bull 06/15/03-10/22/10 Andrea Harris, Tyler Kamenelis, Jay Thomassen
Chaser Shih Tzu 1 year 12/10/09 Nikol
Chaser Short Haired Domestic Cat 02/20/94-12/25/06 Gail George
Chasey Australian Shepherd 03/2009 Gary Szirony
Chasey Blue Tick Beagle 13 years 09/29/13 Bridget
Chasey Boy Persian (Himalayan) Cat 03/2008 Dakota
Chasey Cocker Spaniel 10/22/86-11/06/99 Daisy, Tomas, Edna, Steven, May, Tayler and Austin
Chasey Lane Black Mix Cat 09/21/01-06/17/02 Leslie Alane Loose
Chashi Alexander Pomeranian 04/06/96-01/29/06 Linda Alexander
Chasi Miniature Pomeranian 7 years 10/06/15 Hillary Ramos and Mike Yeomans
ChasiCat Cat 02/10/16-12/10/16 Olly
Chasie Boy Shepherd Mix 13 years 12/14/10 Nancy Kenna
Chasie Cocker Spaniel 7 1/2 years 08/13/09 Estelle Cappony Stroud
Chasing The Checkered Flag Golden Retriever 12/91-10/28/98 Sheena Blue
Chaska (First Born) Doberman Mix 03/13/93-10/24/00 George Sabol
Chason De Liberte (Chaunsi) Horse 12 years 07/26/10 Michelle Sieracki
Chassie abby Cat 03/14/81-07/31/95 John & Lisa Porter
Chassie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12 years 05/05/97 Natalie Schilling
Chassis Blue Heeler 12 years 02/13/12 Cambron
Chassis Cody Cock-a-Poo 12/20/82-04/06/99 Dan & Ann
Chassis Dogue De Bordeaux 71/2 years 03/01/12 Betsy
Chassis DSH Cat 6 1/2 years 07/05/05 Gina Beckwith
Chassis Golden Retriever 03/04/06-11/13/06 Lori Ann Roth
Chassis Yorkshire Terrier 20 years 10/01/03 Roxanne & Deloris Anderson
Chassy Black Lab Mix 13 years 01/22/03 Georgia Karnavas
Chastakovich Russian Blue Cat 08/18/98 Richard Ackley
Chat (Pronounced 'Shot') B&W Tuxedo Cat 08/88-03/23/01 Melissa McGehee
Chat Amour a.k.a. Chamie Solid Grey Tabby With Green Eyes Cat 12/11/02-07/15/04 Lee Ullstrom
Chat Black & White Cat 11/01/97-04/10/99 Geraldine O'Hanlon
Chat Cat 4 years 12/28/10 Charles McLendon
Chat Maine Coon Cat 06/15/88-10/02/05 Janet Maddox
Chat Noir DSH - Black Cat 08/27/90-08/05/09 Jacqueline Bessette
Chata American Pit Bull Terrier 10/14/96-01/09/09 Nancee Relles
Chata Chihuahua Mix 03/18/14 Armando Martinez
Chata Pug 12/24/92-05/23/00 Mary and Lisa Rojas
Chata Terrier 11/15/13 Nancy Castro
Chatara Cat 14 years 07/09/07 Rhonda Clegg
Chat-Awhile's Beautiful Miracle (aka Maiya, Mai, Maiyanna) Siamese Cat 09/19/12-05/01/15 Jean and Scott
Chatchka Cat 04/15/91-12/01/10 Lori Landi
Chateau B&W Cat 19 years 07/96 Judith Schiavone
Chateau German Shepherd X 04/15/04 Susan Duguid
Chateau's Kuroshiro Okami - Kiki Akita 07/30/94-12/16/05 Julie
Chatham's I Luv Lucy Golden Retriever 12/10/99-10/19/05 Dave & Joyce
Chatito Boxer Boy 12/21/91-11/28/03 Martin and Maria
Chatka English Springer Spaniel 05/05/95-02/02/07 Barbara and Ernie Gerardo
Chato Chow Chow 13 years 09/14/08 Mark Martinez
Chato English Bulldog 11/20/89-03/20/00 Merri Ann Gonzalez
Chato Pekingese 16 years 06/08/11 Linda
Chaton Cat 09/01/15-01/12/22 John Francis Gavin
Chaton Seal Point Siamese Cat 10/06/86-11/01/00 Ghislaine
Chaton, Toni Tortie With Mitten Feet Cat 03/92-10/28/09 Lynne
Chatran IIi Albine Siamese Cat 1 year 1 month 01/03/01 Tony Saba
Chatran Siamese Cat 04/16/96-11/04/99 Tony Saba
Chats Calico Cat 04/08/11 Jennifer
Chatsi Cat 04/29/09 Jan Martin-Essoui
Chatsie Gray Tabby 15 years 10/10/95 Anne S.
Chattanooga Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chatter 16 years 10/30/06 The Kardos Family
Chatter II Parakeet 2 years 05/10/08 The Kardos Family
Chatterbox Grey Tabby Cat 9 years 08/26/98 Elizabeth (Mommie)
Chattie Marie Dachshund 05/13/96-02/27/09 Sandra Carnevale
Chatty Roscoe Cat 14 years 08/10/23 Susan Roscoe
Chatty Westie 15 years 07/06/07 Tom, Nancy, Shannon, and Mike
Chatty Yorkie 13 years 11/20/04 Chuck and Diane
Chatwig Chinnok Whippet 15 years 1997 Charles
Chaty Siamese Cat 8 years 04/22/05 Vivian Sanchez
Chatýk Cavaliar King Charles Spaniel 01/21/91-04/22/99 Sema Tuncel
ChauBoyBoy Pomeranian 12/16/87-10/29/04 Queenie Chau
Chaucela Mixed Border Collie 13 years 07/07/07 Melinda
Chaucer American Shorthair Cat 04/02/89-05/06/06 Sue Widmann
Chaucer Basset/Shepherd approx 6 years 08/23/09 Debra Miller
Chaucer Border Collie 04/15/90-04/20/09 Matthew G. Klein
Chaucer Borzoi 06/11/98 Jeanne
Chaucer Dog 11/27/98 Bob Wickstrom
Chaucer Dog approximately 5 years 07/02/01 Nightwing and Beldon
Chaucer Golden Retriever 02/16/18 Andrea Lewis and Jeff Fuller
Chaucer Golden Retriever 08/01/08-10/26/13 Nicole
Chaucer Korat Cat 02/20/89-09/12/01 Janis Johnson
Chaucer Oriental Shorthair Cat 03/09/03-11/16/04 Brianna Lupori
Chaucer Pomeranian 07/25/06 Herve and Anna Brechoteau
Chaucer Schipperkie 01/30/91-08/09/01 Skip
Chaucer Yorkie 12 years 03/15/11 Sandra Smith
Chaucey Leiper (Charlee) Black Teacup Poodle 06/26/83-12/31/99 Judy Lee
Chaucey Leiper Lee Charlee) 06/26/83-12/31/99 Judy
Chaucka Chow Chow 14 years 10/15/03 Charm
Chaud Chocolat Seal Point Himalayan Cat 05/15/88-06/21/04 Sara Zaidins
Chaulky Cross German Shepherd 20/04/98-07/07/11 Gary Fortune
Chauncee Nichelle Dog 02/14/90-10/08/06 David Livingston
Chauncey (Chauncey's Black magic) Chow 10 years 09/28/95 Tina Kuroda
Chauncey aka. Moomy Golden Retriever 04/02/90-03/19/01 The Slanina Family
Chauncey Bichon Frise 08/03/84-03/06/98 Susan
Chauncey Bichon Frise 10/01/88-08/11/99 Debra C. Lyons
Chauncey Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 20 years 05/31/06 Molly
Chauncey Blue/Gray Cat 8 years 09/15/04 Mamma Lore
Chauncey Blue/Grey DSH Cat 09/01/91 Barbara Kinney
Chauncey Boswell Downer Cocker Spaniel 09/30/83-02/01/00 Thomas P. Sherman
Chauncey Cat 02/02/08 Cathi and Bill Watson
Chauncey Cat 11/16/04 The Machcinski Family
Chauncey Cat 13 years 07/10/01 Krystle Martinez
Chauncey Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chauncey Chow Mix 8 years 08/11/04 Donnadomenick
Chauncey Cocker Spaniel 07/07/04 Judi and Brad Russell
Chauncey Cocker Spaniel 12/08/90-09/09/05 Leslie and Mark
Chauncey Cupid Rome Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/21/00-03/07/05 Catherine and Noel Rome
Chauncey Dalmatian 12/16/95-09/18/08 Claude Poole
Chauncey Dawm Mixed Dog 02/13/97-04/27/07 Angie Merritt
Chauncey Domestic Short-Haired - Tuxedo Cat 06/16/95-12/31/09 Patrick Helbling
Chauncey DSH Cat 04/88-10/08/98 L. D. Traub
Chauncey English Setter 04/87-07/26/01 Dan Obrien
Chauncey Golden Retriever 07/19/91-09/02/01 Gene & Marlowe Ioime
Chauncey Golden Retriever 10 years 06/16/95 Julianne Silverman
Chauncey Golden Retriever 10/16/86-10/02/99 Don Bartlett
Chauncey Golden Retriever 12/04/87-01/07/98 Joyce Peters
Chauncey Goodfellow Bichon Frise 14 years, 8 months 11/21/14 Debra L. Goodfellow
Chauncey Himalayan Cat 06/01/93-02/01/02 David & Gina Lucht
Chauncey Lab 03/27/87-11/11/99 Peter Fritz
Chauncey Labrador 01/20/94-02/03/07 Alice
Chauncey Lee and Scout Shetland Sheep Dogs 04/20/90 and 04/21/04-05/23/04 and 07/24/04 Diane Leeper
Chauncey Lee Sheltie 04/20/90-05/23/04 Charles & Diane Leeper
Chauncey Lhasa-poo 11 years 11/27/94 Dreame
Chauncey Loime Golden Retriever 07/19/91-09/02/01 Gene, Marlowe & Murphy
Chauncey McCormack Black Lab 10 1/2 years 01/11/07 Ruthanne McCormack
Chauncey Mini Pinscher 11/01/07-09/24/09 Erica Adams
Chauncey Miniature Schnauzer 10/23/93-03/13/98 Johnny
Chauncey Miniature Schnauzer 10/985-02/18/99 Diane
Chauncey Miniature Schnauzer 15 years Barbara Jack
Chauncey Mix Dog 11/25/15 Terri
Chauncey Mixed Dog 02/14/99-04/21/07 Angie Merritt
Chauncey Old English Sheepdog 10/78-04/86 Jan
Chauncey Randolph (Randy) Cocker Spaniel 11/19/91-05/23/97 Larry LeVern
Chauncey Reed Saint Bernard 01/ 8/05-11/12/10 Larry and Sharon Reed
Chauncey Rottie 07/25/95-09/13/05 Donna Tocci
Chauncey Sheltie 08/02/98 Val and Jerry
Chauncey Shih-tzu 11/12/86-07/07/00 Christine Intindoli
Chauncey Tolbert Miniature Schnauzer 11/92-05/28/06 Cheryl Tolbert
Chauncey Walsh Old English Sheep Dog 05/14/80-02/19/90 Jennifer & Vicki Walsh
Chauncey-Gardner Clark Westie 02/28/91-09/04/06 Max & Robin Clark
Chauncie Terrier/Cocker Spaniel Mix 05/1985-11/15/98 Annette Pisano-Higley
Chauncie Terrier-Cocker Spaniel 14 years 11/15/98 Annette Higley
Chauncy Bichon Frise 03/31/00-05/09/12 Anna Tuc
Chauncy Cat 09/29/89-05/21/08 Dana Bateman
Chauncy Chow/Retriever Mix 1 year 12/23/06 Doug and Debi McQueen
Chauncy Cocker Spaniel 9 years 09/16/04 Lewis Jr
Chauncy Dappled Dachshund 12/30/97-08/08/07 Rob
Chauncy English Sheep 03/01/89-12/28/01 Kirk & Dee Koenig
Chauncy Farnsworth Staffordshire Terrier 08/15/92-05/31/06 Dee Tucker
Chauncy Himalayan Cat 10 years 02/11/03 Nicole
Chauncy Lakeland Terrier 02/22/91-08/21/06 Amanda, DB, and Kurt Gruener
Chauncy Orange Tabby Short Hair Cat 09/02/89-03/14/00 Carol Lawrence
Chauncy Pekingese 11/26/92-01/15/04 Pamela Overstreet
Chauncy Persian Cat 12/17/89-05/22/05 Cindy Dumas
Chauncy Rottweiler/Shepherd 01/30/94-07/03/01 Lynn Gentner & Sheri St. Clair
Chaundar Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/31/87-07/11/06 Carmen & Dale
Chaundar the First Domestic Long Hair Cat 5 years 07/15/77 Carmen & Dale
Chaunnessey Shorthair Cat 10/31/90-03/21/09 John & Patti Fearon
Chaun-See Himalayan Cat 02/17/84-07/24/01 Evangeline & Robert Cathcart
Chaunsy Cocker Spaniel 9 months 09/24/99 Anita S. Kay
Chaunte Golden Lab 15 1/2 years 08/19/00 Annie
Chausette Llaso Apso 12/04/88-08/15/05 Jennifer
Chausey Poodle 6 months 12/26/95 Florence Harper
Chaussure (Chaussey) Tuxedo Cat 07/25/84-03/11/01 Bonnie and Gizmo Cunningham
Chautsey Bradley Cat 01/16/09-12/05/11 Roxanna Bradley
Chava Kitty Black and Grey Tabby Cat 13 1/2 years 05/02/09 Miriam
Chava Mintzer Beagle 02/13/04-08/30/16 Adena Korusek
Chavez Golden Retriever 01/31/95-06/12/06 Dianne Snow-Posner
Chaviv Black and Grey Tabby Cat 13 years 04/02/08 Miriam
Chavo Cat 08/08/08-05/12/10 Kira and Tim
Chavo Rottie 12/15/99-09/09/10 Brad
Chawbacca Poodle 05/04/15-11/20/18 Judith Clot
Chay Wolf Dog 1990-07/19/99 Becky & Lonnie Sund
Chaya Alaskan Malamute 13 years 07/28/09 Jeff Bushey
Chayana Saba Siamese Cat 06/2007-04/16/09 Tony Saba
Chayang Lohan Fish 2001 Hannie
Chayli Cat 08/03/92-06/20/05 Lucille Jaglal
Chaz & Nika Labrador Retrievers 03/16/87-09/25/98 Nancy Greenwood
Chaz (Bubba Do)Emania DSH Cat 02/14/03-09/06/05 Morgana Starr Branham
Chaz (Ti's Oriental China Doll) Shar-Pei 07/10/90-05/26/01 Kim M. Coleman
Chaz 1/2 Siamese, 1/2 Tabby Cat 20 years 06/14/08 S. Smith
Chaz Black Lab 8 1/2 years 08/24/08 Jennifer
Chaz Black Labrador 16 years 12/29/03 Ashlee Miller and Family
Chaz Boxer Mix 11 years 12/27/08 Lorraine Bruschini
Chaz Cat 03/14/94-10/23/03 Lawson Chabot
Chaz Cat 1991-09/11/08 Kelly Clark and Tim Stankowski
Chaz Cat 5 years 04/13/02 Jennifer Boren
Chaz Cat 9 years 04/22/12 Nicole
Chaz Chihuahua 14 years 05/06/06 Sheila (Mom)
Chaz Crenshaw Maltipoo 11/13/07-02/09/09 Flair, Regina, & Brittney
Chaz Doberman Pinscher 15 1/2 years 08/07/99 Rick and Carolyn Lupinetti
Chaz Domestic Shorthair Cat 4 years 10/22/12 Alicia Fry
Chaz Domestic Shorthair Ginger Cat 13/03/04-26/05/10 Emily Whitney
Chaz Golden Retriever 10/06/93-10/06/98 Diane, John & Jeff
Chaz Grey Tabby Cat 07/29/99-08/16/07 Eileen McCusker
Chaz Kristopher Milligan Chi - Jack Russell 02/03/09-05/09/17 Susan Milligan
Chaz Lovie Beck Cat 01/01/02-01/03/10 Sarah Beck
Chaz Marie Short Hair German Shepherd 02/02/93-07/19/06 Alyscia Marie Barnette Satterfield
Chaz Miniature Pinscher 05/03/92-03/28/09 Joanne Wilds
Chaz Mumford Dog 08/03/98 Randy Mumford
Chaz Mutt-a-gree 08/01/82-09/22/99 Birdie Arnold
Chaz Pug 03/15/94-01/24/09 Joyce Stanger
Chaz Quarter Horse 02/14/11 Debbie
Chaz Rottweiler 05/01-02/09/09 Brenda
Chaz Shih Tzu 08/27/03-04/22/07 Tammy
Chaz Whippet 02/04/95-05/06/05 Monica Debiase
Chaz Yorkshire Terrier 11/18/14 Travers Family
ChaZaam! Ticked Tabby Cat 05/97-04/22/06 Ed Miller, Thom & Addison Garcia
Chazer Chihuahua/Terrier 02/14/86-01/19/03 Kesia and Coreen Newton
Chazwick Cat 15 years 11/22/02 Shelley
Chazy Tabby Cat 02/06/85-06/26/01 Pierre Alexes
Chazz Scheffer Red-coat Terrier /Lab Mix Puppy 02/2002-09/09/03 Jeff and Melanie
Chazz Streeter Flak Labrador Border Collie Mix 11/23/01-01/21/05 Olivia Flak and Brad Streeter
Chazzerman Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/17/92-12/30/04 Greg Kembitzky
Chazzie Girl Labrador Retriever 09/07/94-06/07/06 Bill, Susan and Alyson Moulton, and Marco Polo
Chazzy Dog 09/07/14 Samantha
Chch, Burus, Hopes Dead Sis, Storm, Mime, Chchlittle of 4, and Litter of 3 Guinea Pigs Briana
Che Cat 17 years 08/20/18 Karen Bolton
Che Che Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/01/91-01/23/10 Michelle Bachmeier
Che Chow 1990-05/02/01 Laura Vena
Che Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 16 or 17 years 01/24/09 Lisa Hopson
Che Pit Bull/Boxer 08/01/01-11/08/11 Stephanie & Craig
Che Rat 2005 Jean-François Hogan
Chea D. Pet Long Coat Chihuahua 06/20/90-06/30/04 Cherie
Cheas Burdine Dalmatian/Border Collie Mix 06/01/99-02/03/14 Loretta Burdine
Cheaters Greyhound 6 years 02/2004 Bob Gaba
Cheatie Maine Coon Cat 12/05/05 Tabatha
Che-Cha Hamster 08/14/99-10/14/01 Louis Pointer
Checha Tabby 20 years 07/29/96 Brigitte Scheel
Cheche Chihuahua 30/08/92-26/03/04 Jan Delbridge
Che-Che Lhaso Apso 10 years 06/1983 judy
Checho Dog July/2003-12/July/2016 Jorge Luis Medina Begazo
Checker Dalmatian 08/02/11 Carol
Checker Guinea Pig Spring of 1997-10/30/00 Barbara Maholick
Checkerboard Cat Mary
Checkered Bandit Tuxedo Cat 04/93-12/27/10 Pam Bales
Checkers (Cheesy Poof) DSH Black and White (Cow) Cat 11/21/94-09/11/13 Michele A. Taylor
Checkers Australian Shepherd 13 years 05/03/02 Teresa
Checkers Black & White DMH Cat 1 year, 1 week 08/22/98 Jeff and Evelyn Levy
Checkers Black and White Cat01/17/01 Paul
Checkers Black and White DSH Cat 01/01-06/30/02 Petey
Checkers Black and White Tabby Cat 04/01/05-12/22/10 Robert Slamon
Checkers Black/ White Cat 7 years 11/07/14 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee
Checkers Blue Heeler/Australian Shepherd 11/25/85-11/25/96 Michale & Beverly Burkett
Checkers Boston Terrier 14 years 09/21/09 Rita, Ken, and Mary Klemp
Checkers Calico Cat 1988-05/27/08 Megan Donnelly
Checkers Calico Cat 21/11/11 Stacey Abernethy
Checkers Cat 02/87-09/25/98 Jean Troiano
Checkers Cat 03/13/02 Steve & Gretchen
Checkers Cat 03/23/98 Mary Ellen
Checkers Cat 04/04/07-05/13/10 Dave Terry
Checkers Cat 06/15/92-11/03/04 Ain
Checkers Cat 09/09/96-01/21/00 Melissa Dow
Checkers Cat 15 years 11/20/12 Amy
Checkers Chow, Lab 09/01/09 Lori Katterhenry, Stan Plachinski, Judy Welshons
Checkers Crawford Staffordshire Terrier 03/27/04-08/29/05 Liz Crawford
Checkers Dalmatian 13 years 02/21/11 Cindy DuBois
Checkers Dog 09/97-06/03/15 Chantal Bex
Checkers Domestic Short Hair Cat 8 years 10/11/10 Larry & Sarah Cook
Checkers Domestic Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 03/01/16-09/01/14 Mari Peres
Checkers Domestic Shorthair (Moggy) Cat 09/11/14 Bert and Amy Hubbard
Checkers DSH Cat 7 years 07/96 Lisa Tilbe
Checkers English Pointer 13 years 03/23/09 Nancy & Phil
Checkers European Fancy Hamster 05/27/06-05/31/06 Dawn Lord
Checkers Ferret 5 years 01/24/10 Chris and Heather
Checkers Golden Retriever 03/11/00-06/02/10 Kate Wall
Checkers Gray & White Medium Hair Tabby Cat 05/28/94-05/16/01 Vanessa Lechner
Checkers Himalayan - Siamese Mix Cat 02/15/98-02/27/18 Anne & Paul Chamberlain
Checkers Italian Greyhound 01/13/92-12/02/00 Susan Cox/Debra Hart
Checkers Kudzma Tuxedo Cat 10/08/10 Margaret Kudzma
Checkers Lab Mix 6 years 06/04/99 Cara, Brian, Jacob, and Grant
Checkers Labador 01/85-01/16/99 Barbara Burbage
Checkers Lawson Shorthaired Guinea Pig 7 years 10/28/06 Leah Lawson
Checkers Leroy Samwell Mutt 17/03/94-17/08/99 the Ogden Family
Checkers Lovejoy Shih Tzu 04/11/01-01/08/09 Mary Lovejoy
Checkers Maine Coon Cat 01/01/07-03/23/19 Patrick Kosal
Checkers Martin Cocker Spaniel 01/20/07 Nicole
Checkers Medero Shitzu 16 years 11/19/11 Jennifer Medero
Checkers Mix Dog 05/06/99-12/12/06 Paul and Michelle and Maxie Wurzel
Checkers Mixed Cat 05/15/87-08/22/92 Sandy Sweet
Checkers Mixed Cat 20? years 01/09/04 Phyllis Posey
Checkers Persian Cat 9 years 07/01/11 Brenda Hoffman
Checkers Poopins Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10/30/98-02/25/07 Desiree and Hal
Checkers Railey Dalmatian 12/28/94-06/26/02 Brittany Leigh
Checkers Rex Rabbit 02/23/05 Sr Francis Patrick
Checkers Schulman Sheltie 15 years 02/02/04 Bonnie Cox
Checkers Shih Tzu 2000 Tiffany
Checkers Shihtzu-Poodle 11/01/18-05/21/19 Liko Laupati
Checkers Shitzu 5 years 09/2005 Jerry Morris
Checkers Short Hair Cat 17 years 01/25/11 Lee Ann
Checkers Skelton Black and White Tabby Cat 10 years 06/2005 Meagan Skelton
Checkers Spreckelmeier Shih Tzu 05/28/05 Joyce S
Checkers Tabby & White DSH Cat 04/05/06 Betsy Ley and Ed Williams
Checkers Tabby Cat 20 years 10/01/17 Suzanne Spinelli
Checkers Terrier Mix 07/09/12 Tony and Tammy Moore
Checko Bird 2010 Sean Deptowicz
Checo Tennessee Walker/ Morgan Horse 16 years 05/16/14 Kyra Longhway
Checquers Scottish Terrier 06/17/02-11/29/07 Becky
Cheddar Albino Dwarf Hamster 2 1/2 years 08/19/97 Jenny
Cheddar American Shorthair Cat 09/02/02-07/21/07 Billie Scott
Cheddar Black Lab 2 years 11/24/00 Terry, Mo, A.J. & Meghan
Cheddar Cat 02/14/97-08/02/07 Hilary
Cheddar Cheese Golden Retriever 06/07/93-04/17/06 Sabrena Meyerhoff
Cheddar Cheese Red Factor Canary 12/25/01-01/18/05 Carrie, Steve and Brian Donnelly
Cheddar Cottontail Baby Rabbit 06/05/13 Bella
Cheddar Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/08-11/02/18 Kathryn
Cheddar Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/87-10/29/02 Melissa Lee
Cheddar Frangione Cat 12 years 07/31/19 Marcia Frangione
Cheddar Golden Ret. 12/14/83-02/01/94 Gene Daspit Family
Cheddar Golden Retriever 03/15/81-05/20/95 Joan McArthur
Cheddar Mixed Breed Dog 09/07/21 Emily
Cheddar Orange Tabby Cat 09/14/02-09/07/17 Carolyn, Laurie and Joe
Cheddar Orange Tabby Cat 09/86-12/06/02 Janet De Lair
Cheddar Orange Tiger Cat 08/01/86 17 years 12/15/03 Cheryl Cornell
Chedo Shepherd Mix 08/08/94-08/12/06 Lisa Fall
Chee Chee Black & White Long-Haired Chihuahua 04/16/09 Maryann
Chee Chee Boo Cat 15 years 02/21/06 Margaret McDonald
Chee Chee Canary 1953-1953 The DiCarlos
Chee Chee Miniature Rottweiler 10/28/88-10/27/01 Dena & Todd Maxwell
Chee Wee Cocker Spaniel 5 years 08/23/68 Denise Ketchum
Cheeb Lab-Shep-Husky 10 years 11/11/02 Janet, Joe & Jackson Chilberg
Cheeba DLH Cat 10/01/11 Donna
Cheeba Juel Blue Chow Chow 10/31/91-10/30/05 Kristin & Peter Juel
Cheeba Lab/Rot Mix 09/01/94-06/26/07 Melissa Romero
Cheeba Mix - Shepherd 07/14/89-07/11/03 Mark H
Cheeba Rottweiler / Australian Shepherd Mix 08/95-03/2007 Cathy
Cheeba Sharpei 07/26/96-06/25/05 Nicole Brown Perrone
Cheech Boxer 07/14/97-07/14/07 Fran Roessler
Cheech Cat 2 years 04/22/05 Forrest & Heather Hoefer
Cheech Cat 7 months 05/2023 A¤n Marie Shreehan
Cheech Central American Banded Gecko 7 months 04/13/04 Corrina Rakowsky and Brian Scrosati
Cheech Chaka Husky 2005 Richard McClellan
Cheech Chi 13 years 06/24/12 Holly Hartman
Cheech Chihuahua 07/11/12 Maronee Townsend
Cheech Chihuahua 09/16/99-01/18/02 April Morrison
Cheech Chihuahua 11 years 07/09/09 Lenard
Cheech Chihuahua 11/17/02-08/05/20 Rebecca Earley
Cheech Chihuahua 12/26/12-09/02/15 Stephanie
Cheech Chihuahua 14 years 05/18/09 Linda
Cheech Chinchilla 6 years 10/10/04 Kim
Cheech Cockatiel 06/20/03-10/21/09 Tami H
Cheech Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 09/02/08 Karen Lentini
Cheech Ferret 07/16/04 Brett Staffa
Cheech Ferret 10/12/04-09/11/09 Mike, Cathy, Michael, Katie & Doug Morton
Cheech German Shepherd 07/15/02-02/04/13 Andi
Cheech Golden Labrador 01/95-14/01/04 Mary
Cheech Lab/Husky Mix 12/13/06-03/14/06 Teresa Heinzman
Cheech Liner Chihuahua 11/27/14-09/10/16 Destiny and Darryl Liner
Cheech Llaso Apso 15 years 11/25/17 Lucy Cipolla
Cheech Mixed Dog 09/19/99-06/18/12 Debbie
Cheech Orange Tabby Cat 06/28/08 Cheryl & Lee Spence
Cheech Peruvian Guinea Pig 4 years 03/13/05 Heidi
Cheech Plate Beagle 02/09/03-02/05/06 Roger, Marchelle,and Paige Plate
Cheech Pomeranian 07/02/95-11/07/09 Kelly Wasilewski
Cheech Pomeranian 14 years 11/07/09 Kelly Wasilewski
Cheech Pug 05/15/03-11/03/04 Vanessa & Vincent Hickey
Cheech Tuxedo Cat 8 years 09/28/11 Debbie Marks and Dave Hensley
Cheecha Siberian Husky 09/05/06 Shirley Niederriter
Chee-Chee Conure 11/99 Jenn & Jeff
Chee-Chee Maltese 1999 TG
Chee-Chee Shih Tzu 10 years 01/20/00 Robert Woolley & Jerry Belanger
Cheecho Jerome Dog 07/28/15-04/28/16 Sabrina Gilliland
Cheecky Shetland Pony 05/11/00 Ashleigh Angie and Gary
Cheeco Dog Kamla Baboolal and family
Cheeeko French Briard 01/05/91-03/11/02 Morgan Fisher
Cheeka Shepherd/Husky 09/11/93-03/24/06 Tammy
Cheekers Cat 14 years 08/11/97 Ellen
Cheekie Poodle (Toy) 01/23/97-03/17/11 Patti & Don
Cheeko Longhair Dachshund 14 years 23/05/12 Michael: Angela
Cheeko Parakeet 08/95-08/96 Anuj Kucheria
Cheeko Pomeranian 04/26/04-09/29/11 Risell
Cheeko Tortoiseshell Hamster 1 year 01/05/06 Rachel
Cheeks Clauson Dog 9 years 08/12/17 Kim Clauson
Cheeks Domestic Cat 17 years 05/10/07 Jan
Cheeks Pit Bull 9 years 08/13/17 Kim Clauson
Cheeks Pug 10 years 11/27/11 Connor Forero
Cheeks Teddy Bear Hamster 01/02/05-03/10/07 Anna
Cheeks Teddy Bear Hamster 12/13/03-05/01/05 Mike K
Cheeku Labrador 03/18/25 Saumya
Cheeky Bird Green Cheeked Conure 03/03/07-03/18/11 Grace
Cheeky Black Cheek Lovebird 4 years 09/21/07 Artesia Adamo
Cheeky Cat 15 years 10/23/07 Karen
Cheeky Cat 23rd June 2011 Rebecca Holton
Cheeky Chihuahua 06/09/00-01/13/06 Bev & Ian
Cheeky Cockatiel 11 years Laura Tiernay
Cheeky Collins Cat 03/30/96-10/21/12 Julie Collins
Cheeky Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 01/98 Young Family
Cheeky Ferret 7 1/2 years 07/14/11 Lindsay Kemp
Cheeky Hahns Macaw 12.30.2001-08.31.2013 Jacquie Pretorius
Cheeky Hamster 01/21/02-02/24/05 Lucy Gorham
Cheeky Jacobs-Brown Ridgeback/Labrador/Alsatian 16 1/2 years 12/30/08 Ann-Marie Jacobs-Brown
Cheeky Manx Cat 4 years 04/01/02 Charlie and Gina Bolt
Cheeky Monkey DSH Catr 05/19/02 Beth Barder Krepich
Cheeky Papillon 08/89-04/90 Adriana McMullen
Cheeky Peppy Cat 11 years 11/08/10 Caroline Golby
Cheeky Tortoiseshell Cat 03/15/89-09/25/08 Carol & David Baird
Cheelan Chesai Strutter Pomeranian 17+ years 07/04/94 Joan Reilly
Cheena Chinchilla 2 years 05/09/06 Kristy Graham
Cheena Husky Shepherd Cross 07/11/00-08/18/11 Evelyn Pomery
Cheena Husky, Shepherd 11 years 08/18/11 Evelyn
Cheena Marie Terrier Mix 11 years 11/25/99 Pam & Steve
Cheeni Cat 02/12/12 Bhagyashree
Cheeno Ferret 7 years 02/08/04 Rochelle Reddig
Cheeno Persian Cat 07/26/06 Andrea Florkowski
Cheeper Parakeet 01/04/14 Geri Keim
Cheepers Tortoiseshell Cat 13 years 09/2003 Emily Kleier
Cheer Brittany 8 years 2007 Rex Smith
Cheerio Albino Mouse 10/31/96-03/05/99 Christina Corrigan
Cheerio Boxer 06/30/00-07/30/14 Liza Alford
Cheerio Shit Zu 12/25/94-08/13/08 Rocky
Cheerio Tabby Cat 2006-02/21/09 Michael Tober
Cheerokee Ferret 1992-2001 Alicia Hallstrom
Cheers (aka Coltie) Horse 1980-06/26/97 Julia
Cheers Dog Julie B.
Cheers Dog Mackenzie
Cheers German Shepherd 1/86-01/22/02 Annie
Cheers Golden 09/14/99-11/05/11 Michele
Cheers Golden Retriever 08/25/88-09/13/97 Marti and Mike Gregoire
Cheers Sheltie01/13/88-10/27/01 Denise, Dave, Victoria & Jamie
Cheery Miniature Schnauzer 01/09/04-10/18/09 Chuck & Delores Haase
Cheesa Pekingese 11/2000-03/23/07 Judy Jamison
Cheese Cat 08/29/91-11/07/05 Lynda Borich
Cheese girl Cat 7 months 11/26/23 Courtney Baggs
Cheese Orange DLH Cat 01/01/85-09/05/03 Susan Lawrence
Cheeseball Cat 04/12/98-05/21/00 Karen Burton
Cheeseburger Beagle 15 years 05/03/10 Mary G
Cheeseburger Cat 08/26/97-05/04/08 Dee
Cheeseburger De Santis Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/25/97-05/04/08 Dee De Santis
Cheeseburger Orange Tabby Cat 12/89-06/02/08 Susan Holden
Cheesecake Albino Ferret 09/98-11/26/99 Jaimie Gayhart
Cheesecake Cockatiel 2 weeks 11/30/97 Linda
Cheesecake Mouse Kelly C.
Cheesecake Natural Mink Tonkinese Cat 08/16/85-05/31/02 Janet & Dale Sharp
Cheesel Gerbil 1997-06/03/00 Renee
Cheesey Mixed Cat 13 years 01/08/12 Delores Day
Cheesie Brittney Water Spaniel Mix 8 1/2 years 07/18/01 Katheryn
Cheesie Domestic Rattie 07/01/04-03/03/07 Evan, Amanda, Toni and Dave
Cheesie Parrotlet 06/23/11-08/08/12 Anita
Cheeta Chihuahua 07/25/87-08/16/99 Beth and Tony Coutre'
Cheeta Tabby Cat 18 years 07/18/03 Kevin and Paige
Cheetah (Johnny Weismuller/Tarzan's Side Kick) Chimp 80 years 12/24/11 Sue
Cheetah American Shorthair Tabby Cat 10/06/81-07/21/00 Inge Alger
Cheetah Cat 01/12/10 Adrian, Kim, Erika, Brittney, Corey, Tiny, Buttons, Piper, Jamal, Polo, Jr and Fuzz
Cheetah Cat 14 years 09/25/03 The Raines Family
Cheetah Cat 15 years 04/19/10 Heather
Cheetah Cat 19 years 04/10/07 Joe, Cheryl, Rachel, and Jacob
Cheetah Chow Chow / Pomeranian Mix adopted 06/15/04-04/12/14 Carole Crane and Carl Kuester
Cheetah Cubs (4) 1998 Disney Animal Kingdom
Cheetah Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/01/90-05/31/07 TC and Kathy
Cheetah Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/20/78-08/17/97 Gloria Monroe
Cheetah Domestic Short-Hair Cat 09/29/87-06/29/98 Chris E. and Carol Snopek
Cheetah Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/29/07-12/05/17 Nicole Rivera
Cheetah Domestic Shorthair Cat 16 years 10/18/12 Leanne
Cheetah Gray Tabby Cat 22 years 02/07/08 Lindsay
Cheetah Grey/White Cat 23/04/04-13/09/15 Lily Yeung Chan
Cheetah Louise Liver Dalmatian 09/09/94-11/06/07 Kristine Wesley
Cheetah Maine Coon Cat 10/06/00-11/30/01 Jacki Sandberg & Vicky Niles
Cheetah Maine Coon Cat 10/06/00-11/30/01 Vicky Niles, Jacki Sandberg
Cheetah Rat 12/06/97-02/16/00 Billy
Cheetah Terrier Mix 1 1/2 years 1955 Pamela Bongiorno
Cheetah Tortie Cat 04/15/96-05/21/12 Annette Clarke
Cheetah White and Tabby Cat 06/27/92-07/19/04 Holly Bauer
CheetahDuece Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/20/95-02/21/12 Gloria Monroe
Cheetarah Black Short Haired Cat 05/01/09-07/04/11 Mrs. Riley
Cheeto Bengal Cat 10/30/12 Rob, Leah & Kymmy
Cheeto Cat 05/02/14-07/2019 Jodi W
Cheeto Cat 07/2004-03/30/09 Jon Warren
Cheeto Cat DSH Cat 12 years 01/27/25 Lorie
Cheeto Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/2002-03/02/06 Vicki Salomonsen
Cheeto DSH Kitten 09/01/12-12/17/12 Kristy Perri
Cheeto Orange Tabby and White Shorthair Cat 04/2004-07/13/05 Paula Cather
Cheeto Orange Tabby Cat 18 years 12/07/11 R. Parker
Cheeto Tabby Cat 1991-01/21/05 Monique Riley
Cheetoh Long-Haired Black & White Tabby Cat 03/01/85-03/26/03 Lamar & Rachel Singletary
Cheetoh Quinlan Yellow Labrador 07/08/06-07/16/10 Tom & Heidi Quinlan and Family
Cheetos Cat 1988-07/08/00 Ed and Kristina
Cheetos Chihuahua 01/01/90-04/09/05 Andrea
Cheetos Yellow Tabby Cat 09/06/08 Suzy Guthrie
Cheever Labrador 10/22/95-12/22/04 Henry Carlile & Genevieve Long
CheeWee Chihuahua 1997 14 years LriMar
Cheez Boxer 11/25/98 MJ & D
Cheezebait Cat 14 years 09/08/04 Geri
Cheezeburger Tuxedo Cat 09/2010-02/23/24 Darlene
Cheeze-It Orange Tabby Cat 09/08/13-07/28/20 Nelson Family
Cheezie Cat 03/08/91-06/24/13 Megan Wanner
Cheezie Cat 03/16/09 Angela
Chef Black Short Hair Cat 7 years 10/21/04 Teresa Goodnough
Cheif Chihuahua 10/25/04 Deidre Nee
Cheif 'Funk' Lhasa Apso 10/16/96-01/21/08 Harry & Danny
Cheif Italian Greyhound 02/14/94-07/21/04 Michael F. Finamore, Sr.
Cheilidh Cat 19/12/17 Tess Gregory
Chein Collie 11 years 04/00 Heather Bacala
Cheko Chihuahua 2 years 05/12/01 Kimberly Gott
Cheko X Breed Dog 13 years 10 months 09/11/07 Eagleharvest
Chel Border Collie 12 years 27/05/11 Linda
Chela German Shep/Blue Heeler Mix 03/92-03/19/09 Elizabeth
Chela German Shepherd/Blue Heeler Mix 17 years 03/19/09 Elizabeth
Chelaly Mixed Cat 08/03/85-05/04/05 Michael & Annie
Chelby Dog 2000-03/27/04 Robin Church
Chelby Rose Onal Toy Poodle 04/24/93-12/24/06 Kathy Onal
Chelecy Yorkie 03/29/97-11/01/04 Vicky Rawlings
Chelim & Elric Rats 1 & 5 years 16/06/02 & 17/06/02 Christian Held
Chelim Rat 2 years 17/06/02 Christian Held
Chelise Schnauzer 13 years 02/09/03 Ron and Linda
Chell- Win Marana Arabian Horse 05/12/76-08/02/05 Susan Pisarri
Chella Tortoise Shell Cat 11 years 03/22/21 John, Rita & Sean Dwyer
Chelle Poodle 06/05/89-05/26/05 Doug & Edie Aitken
Chelli Belle Cocker Spaniel 11 years 09/01/04 Michelle
Chelli Setter/Shepherd 10/16/89-04/14/05 Leslie
Chello Brown German Shepherd 05/21/99-05/02/11 Lori Brown
Chellsea Toy Poodle 09/18/83-04/12/00 Chuck and Kathy Parks
Chels Boxer 12/23/06-04/05/11 Leanne and Casey
Chelsa Cat 22 years 12/10/05 Bill Goodermont
Chelsa Lhasa Apso 12 years 06/11/00 Tonja Nansel
Chelsa Lynn Shitz Zue 05/15/06 Patrick
Chelsae Belgian Sheepdog 6 years Trudy & Bret Griebenow
Chelse Calico DSH Cat 05/07/86-02/20/07 Teresa Strizich
Chelse Cat 13 years 11/23/05 Marcus, Brenda,Brittany, Jason, Mark
Chelse Dalmatian 14 years 08/20/05 Anna Pflieger
Chelse McNeill Toy Poodle 11/29/92-06/07/06 Laura McNeill
Chelsea - Little Girl...on a Mission.. With an Attitude Sheltie 10/03/99-04/14/10 Bruce & Gail Harrower
Chelsea & Promise O&W and Calico Cats 10/2000 The Farbers
Chelsea (Chelly Belly) Black Lab Mix 11/17/92-11/25/07 Renee & Scott Giambrone
Chelsea (Chelpi) Shitz Zhu / Lhapso Apso 06/97-06/16/07 Dayna - Valerie - Linda - Joe
Chelsea (Debbie's Chelsea Girl) Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 07/14/02 Ed & Bonnie
Chelsea (Formerly Cocoa Bartlett) Sealpoint Ragdoll Cat 04/09/90-03/28/01 G. R.
Chelsea (Indian Hills Princess) Golden Retriever 11/25/91-01/05/04 Jennifer Dobbs
Chelsea (Misses) Lab-Golden Mix 11/17/89-11/22/00 Ed Jorgensen
Chelsea (My Little Munchkin) Yorkie 09/24/91-02/06/02 Susan
Chelsea (Nickname Miss Priss) White Long Hair Cat 14 years 03/03/06 Karen Gawerecki
Chelsea (Our little peanut) Siamese, Sealpoint/DSH Cat 07/26/06-09/26/10 Kelli and Brian
Chelsea (Tea Cup) Russian Blue Silver Cat 09/12/88-06/29/00 Doug Brown
Chelsea 04/04/88-09/13/02 Kathy Rodgers
Chelsea 05/21/86-02/24/97 Rebecca
Chelsea 12/90 Lisa Singer
Chelsea 1975-02/91 Rebecca Brieske
Chelsea 20 years Terri L. Berkey
Chelsea 4 years 08/14/95 Chrystyne Gettman
Chelsea Abyssinian Cat 03/18/90-10/11/05 Mauri
Chelsea Airedale 14 years 09/10/99 Jackie and Jim
Chelsea aka Bonnie Chelsea of Oliver Chow Chow 08/05/92-01/18/08 Barbara K. Schiller
Chelsea Alwine Russian Blue Mix Cat 04/23/00-01/18/09 Tim and Guyla Alwine
Chelsea American Cocker 15 1/2 years 02/22/06 Deb Laflamme
Chelsea American Cocker Spaniel 03/13/93-11/28/09 Nicole
Chelsea American Eskimo Dog 09/02/08-04/15/21 Jordan Griffin
Chelsea American Eskimo Dog 09/29/89-01/03/06 Darlene Dobrowolski
Chelsea American Shorthair Cat 01/08/07 Michele
Chelsea Anderson Hans Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 10/05/91-03/17/08 Jennifer, Pete & Samantha
Chelsea Angel Girl Golden Retriever 1987-2001 Lana & Michael
Chelsea Angora Bunny 8 years 06/01/97 DeAnna Hemmings
Chelsea Ann Border Collie-Mix 01/13/01-06/03/12 Susan Hudachek
Chelsea Ann Cat 18 years 11/11/07 Shirley
Chelsea Ann Lewis Bichon Frise 12/29/91-06/25/04 Jennifer Barbour
Chelsea Ann Mixed Shepherd 03/30/86-09/19/00 Kathy Roquemore
Chelsea Ann Spaniel Mix 7 years 03/07/08 Michelle, Eric, Grandma & Bryan
Chelsea Ann Wirehair Fox Terrier 02/11/87-05/18/99 Paula Ausmus
Chelsea Anne English Setter 13 years 10 months 01/02/02 Kurt and Fran Kremlick
Chelsea Anne Pit Bull 15 years 06/16/10 David Ryan Grotewold
Chelsea Apricot Poodle 11/05/90-12/13/04 Jennifer
Chelsea Australian Shepherd 02/14/92-01/12/04 Beth & Travis Criss
Chelsea Australian Shepherd 07/21/96-07/31/08 Elise & Rick
Chelsea Australian Shepherd 08/24/94-04/23/00 Joan
Chelsea Australian Shepherd 1984-1994 Ann & Jim Lore
Chelsea Australian Shepherd Mix 16 years 01/23/09 Scott and Traci
Chelsea Australian Shepherd/Cocker 06/01/87-09/30/02 Richard & Pamela Nickell
Chelsea B Sweet Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 02/03/09 Roseann M Sweet
Chelsea B. Cocker Spaniel 9 years 04/30/01 Barbara Luke
Chelsea Basenji 11/20/85-01/06/00 Lori Hagen
Chelsea Basset Hound 09/22/92-01/25/06 Cheryl & Terry Carr
Chelsea Beagle 04/06/97-09/29/03 Katie & Tom Biggs
Chelsea Beagle 04/26/04-01/09/16 Susan
Chelsea Beagle 05/15/99-09/26/09 Karlee
Chelsea Beagle 06/02/97 Tim Glass
Chelsea Beagle 06/24/97-05/16/09 Les and Clarissa Morosi
Chelsea Beagle 09/15/89-12/31/03 Todd, Melissa, Adam & Emily
Chelsea Beagle 11/10/01-03/26/13 Richard
Chelsea Bear 01/04/98 Your Family
Chelsea Bear Sheep 01/19/04 Beverly, Meredith & Allison Martin
Chelsea Bearded Collie 06/13/84-04/24/02 Gary Dicker
Chelsea Bearded Collie 2 years 11/16/99 Chris
Chelsea Belgian Sheepdog 01/14/82-03/27/98 Brenda Sayles
Chelsea Belle (Chelly) Bichon Frise 06/12/88-10/09/03 Cackie Jo
Chelsea Belle Thompson (aka Muffin) Himalayan Cat 03/13/90-04/03/00 Betsy, Dave, Emily and Audrey
Chelsea Bernese Mountain Dog 03/17/08-02/04/19 Kerry
Chelsea Bernice Basset Hound 10/23/93-11/24/07 The Campbell Family
Chelsea Bichon Frise 06/03/88-08/31/01 Judy Hall
Chelsea Bichon Frise 10/08/92-05/21/05 Dennis & Theresa Hinkle
Chelsea Binx Long Haired Calico Cat 10/25/90-05/29/07 Diane Holstrom
Chelsea Black & White Dog 08/93-12/19/01 Lois and Arn Hart
Chelsea Black and White Cat 12/09/00-12/04/10 Dale
Chelsea Black and White Domestic Cat 04/20/91-09/19/00 Lisa Wilczak
Chelsea Black Cocker Spaniel 09/06/89-01/01/06 Jackie and Jim Petonito
Chelsea Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/95-09/05/13 Debbie Schaefer
Chelsea Black Lab 06/01/88-04/16/00 James Millar
Chelsea Black Lab 07/06/96-09/07/06 Tracey Gavin
Chelsea Black Lab 10/22/89-04/27/01 Claudia Martin
Chelsea Black Lab 10/30/89-04/25/03 Dub & Jill Steen
Chelsea Black Lab 11 years 06/10/999 Shirley Adams
Chelsea Black Lab 11/25/88-03/15/96 Mike Cestare
Chelsea Black Lab 12/08/87-08/15/02 Fran Asaro
Chelsea Black Lab 13 years 01/15/11 Caroline
Chelsea Black Lab 14 years 11/26/07 Sheri
Chelsea Black Lab Mix 10 years 04/25/05 Jackie H
Chelsea Black Lab/ Cocker Spaniel 05/23/93-04/11/05 The Rasmussen Family
Chelsea Black Lab/ Rottweiler 09/09/01-10/05/11 Matt, Gabi and Henry The Bulldog
Chelsea Black Lab/Irish Setter 02/92 12/29/98 Mary
Chelsea Black Labrador 01/02/02-03/22/15 David Bello
Chelsea Black Labrador Retriever 06/07/92-07/03/96 Brad D. Ruff
Chelsea Black Labrador Retriever 06/11/03-03/04/06 Debby Norwalk
Chelsea Black Labrador Retriever 08/20/89-09/08/03 Susan Talbot
Chelsea Blaise Terese Schnauzer 04/14/02-02/18/18 John Schweska and Peter Twill; Fred Cuozzo
Chelsea Blind Rusty Red Chow-Mix 16 years 02/23/08 Barb, Mikki & Skeeter
Chelsea Blk Lab/Gldn Ret 03/07/87-07/06/97 Laura K.
Chelsea Blond Cocker Spaniel 03/13/85-12/10/99 Peggy Wilson and Daniel
Chelsea Blonde Cocker Spaniel 02/03/93-11/05/99 Jan
Chelsea Blue Cat 02/02/80-04/03/99 Rick
Chelsea Blue Doberman 06/08/89-12/20/97 Adrialee Duncan
Chelsea Border Collie 04/08/00-11/05/02 Patricia and James Pastirak
Chelsea Border Collie 13 03/4 years 12/01/08 Barbara Bechler
Chelsea Border Collie 9 mos 08/05/97 Friends of Animals/Park City UT
Chelsea Border Collie Mix 01/01/91-01/29/08 Dave & Deb
Chelsea Border Collie Mix 03/05/86-06/10/02 Susan Senzon
Chelsea Border Collie Mix 07/01/96-01/08/07 Vaszary Family
Chelsea Border Collie Mix 09/01/94-06/14/07 Jennifer Card
Chelsea Boston Terrier 05/04/82-02/04/95 Betty Ann
Chelsea Boston Terrier 05/19/87-10/14/02 Sherry Stanton
Chelsea Boston Terrier 10/09/89-01/10/04 Catherine
Chelsea Bowman Golden Retriever 02/04/04-04/23/11 Lynne Bowman
Chelsea Boxer 02/24/92-03/30/04 Corrine Antczak
Chelsea Boxer 02/24/92-05/10/02 Camille A
Chelsea Boxer 03/10/97-04/15/05 Karyol and John
Chelsea Boxer 12 years 22/08/00 Julie Nicholson
Chelsea Boxer 9 years 09/04/09 David & Dawn Norton
Chelsea Boxer/Lab Mix 12/16/90-04/01/99 Linda
Chelsea Brewer Border Collie 16 years 06/23/00 Kim Brewer
Chelsea Brianna Golden Retriever 01/90-05/05/01 Diane, Bob, Daniel, Jaclyn and Brian Mirabile and Bailey and Kelly
Chelsea Brittany 04/24/87-06/02/99 Vic
Chelsea Brittany Spaniel 02/29/92-08/19/04 Kevin
Chelsea Brittany Spaniel 04/16/86-09/21/98 Sandy Morrissey
Chelsea Brittney Spaniel 15 1/2 years 10/26/07 Penny McCumber
Chelsea Brown Schnauzer 14 years 04/28/11 Steve and Donna Brown
Chelsea Bum Bum Cockapoo 04/20/91-12/09/03 Barb Evans & Pat McCarthy
Chelsea Calico Cat 02/04/86-04/11/01 Mark and Leslie Goodwin
Chelsea Calico Cat 02/29/08 Rita
Chelsea Calico Cat 02/29/08 Rita Turcotte
Chelsea Calico Cat 03/09/88-02/07/00 Tammy, Steve, Elliott, Emily
Chelsea Calico Cat 08/15/91-07/17/05 Ann
Chelsea Calico Cat 09/94 Linda (Mommy), Randall (Daddy) and Corey
Chelsea Calico Cat 10/85-07/28/03 Amy Justice
Chelsea Calico Cat 12 years 01/24/02 Shirley Bednarcik
Chelsea Calico Shorthair Cat 07/01/87-08/25/05 The De Girolamo's
Chelsea Campbell's Hamster 01/17/99-08/04/00 Pam Bowyer & Jason White
Chelsea Cat 01/08/86-12/01/03 Robin & Brian Sponaugle
Chelsea Cat 01/29/01 Mary Abruzzo-Fogarassy
Chelsea Cat 02/07/14 Jackie M
Chelsea Cat 04/11/93-05/06/11 Karen V
Chelsea Cat 04/20/91-09/19/00 Lisa Wilczak
Chelsea Cat 05/01/90-07/10/10 The Schober Family
Chelsea Cat 05/01/90-07/20/10 The Schober Family
Chelsea Cat 10/2005-03/15/12 Susan Milan
Chelsea Cat 11/23/03 Jennifer Paire
Chelsea Cat 12 years 04/08/00 Wendy Burke
Chelsea Cat 12/30/95 Delores
Chelsea Cat 14 years 03/09/23 Sue
Chelsea Cat 14 years 04/19/00 Phil Shulkind
Chelsea Cat 14 years 05/22/11 Amanda
Chelsea Cat 16 years 08/31/11 Steve Lytsell
Chelsea Cat 16 years 12/31/07 Wendy Embick
Chelsea Cat 17 years 01/05/11 Sue Olson Slowik
Chelsea Cat 18 years 11/16/09 Gail
Chelsea Cat 19 years 05/18/09 Karen V
Chelsea Cat 19 years 05/2005 Dan & Pam Labas
Chelsea Cat 1993-08/99 Louise Rowden
Chelsea Cat 20 years 11/16/10 Liz Breslin
Chelsea Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chelsea Cat black&white 05/93-07/96 Leslie
Chelsea Cat Cat 9 1/2 years 08/28/08 Shelli and George
Chelsea Catherine Lauterbach 2 Chihuahua 01/01/03-05/02/13 Chris n Bonnie Lauterbach
Chelsea Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 05/96-07/23/12 The Marks Family
Chelsea Chainsaw Boxer 01/91-03/2004 Jeri Lynn Racz
Chelsea Chesapeake Bay Retriever 08/26/05 Darlene Dawson
Chelsea Chesapeake Bay Retriever 10 years 02/21/05 Bachman Family
Chelsea Chestnut-Colored, Long-Haired Chihuahua 11/20/89-07/29/98 Darrell and Kathy Davis
Chelsea Chihuahua 06/99 Sheri
Chelsea Chihuahua 11/20/89-07/29/98 Kathy
Chelsea Chit Zui 06/29/95-01/09/06 Marie
Chelsea Chocolate Brown Husky X 09/91-10/27/00 Denise, Bob, Angus,sophie,hunny,pablo
Chelsea Chocolate Husky/Doberman 09/91-10/27/00 Denise Joyce and Bob Kaups
Chelsea Chocolate Lab 02/02/92-11/20/06 Christine Koltz
Chelsea Chocolate Lab 08/26/95-09/29/08 Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother Tommy and Her Dog Sisters, Corie and Lanie
Chelsea Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 10/05/91-03/17/08 Jennifer, Pete & Samantha
Chelsea Chow 01/10/87-03/31/01 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pike
Chelsea Chow 08/22/09 Tina
Chelsea Chow 15 years 12/20/04 Cindy
Chelsea Chow Chow 02/20/95-07/30/09 Cathy Williams
Chelsea Chow/Lab Mix 1991-03/27/06 Lou & Donna Marino
Chelsea Chrysanthemum Calico Cat 18 years 08/11/07 Roger Halfacre
Chelsea Ciresa Cocapoo 08/18/89-12/07/05 Cheryl Ciresa
Chelsea Cock a Poo 06/10/86-09/13/98 Juju
Chelsea Cockapoo 15 years 06/09/08 Pat O'Daly
Chelsea Cockapoo 15 years 11/13/11 Kimmi
Chelsea Cockapoo 17 years 07/16/09 Kim
Chelsea Cockapoo 18 years 12/16/04 June Hough & Shayne and Aidan Wrather
Chelsea Cocker 01/2005-10/21/09 Debbi
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 01/02/90-01/16/03 Len & Jan Brissette
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 01/03/94-10/09/08 Don
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 01/06/89-01/09/02 Cynthia L. Jewell
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 02/04/92-01/22/07 Susan Long
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 02/14/89-07/19/02 Barbara Gale
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 02/35/89-10/27/05 Joan
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 03/13/93-!1/28/09 N. Grant
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 04/01/91-08/09/05 Pat McChesney
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 04/14/89-12/13/01 Anna
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 04/24/92-03/15/05 Josette Chaffier
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 05/16/99-06/16/06 Linda & Tom Chase
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 06/01/91-02/2005 Pat McChesney
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 06/10/97-06/03/09 Ashley H
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 07/04/88-09/30/04 Jean
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 07/20/90-05/27/02 Pam Anderson
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 08/01/06-10/18/19 Steve & Paula
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 08/11/00-05/20/13 Jess Campaiola
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 08/24/94-11/12/09 Krista Neville
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 09/27/94-07/26/07 Jeanne Maack
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 10/16/88-03/10/03 Amy Petrus
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 11/14/90-07/21/05 Danielle Clark
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 11/22/88-06/06/03 Char Carstensen
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 11/94 Angela Altschuler
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 13 years 05/09/14 Terri
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 13 years 10/06/03 RJ Sing
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 14 years 04/03/11 Liz Krieger
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 14 years 05/18/07 Stone Family
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 14 years 11/16/03 Rennie Finck
Chelsea Cocker Spaniel 15 years 06/2004 Ron Felkel
Chelsea Cocker/Springer Spaniel 14 years 07/15/06 Krasno Family
Chelsea Cockerpoo 06/01/84-02/11/01 Bergstresser
Chelsea Constance Shetland Shepherd (Sheltie) 03/15/90-10/12/99 Sandy, Jim, & Jennifer Ridenour
Chelsea Corgi Mix 11-12 years 04/17/11 Carol & Herb Weaver
Chelsea Curly Haired Black Cocker Spaniel 08/03/92-12/19/01 Vicki Call-Logan
Chelsea Dachshund 08/29/87-04/04/05 Karen Derbyshire
Chelsea Dachshund 10 years 12/06/01 Tim, Lisa, Stacey, Jeremy, Autumn and Jack
Chelsea Dachshund 14 years 12/21/07 Rebecca Mealey
Chelsea Dachshund 15 years 09/04/09 C Joyner
Chelsea Dachshund 16 years 04/14/06 Penny Gafford
Chelsea Dachshund 18 years 05/11/09 Mary
Chelsea Dalmatian 12 years 10 months 02/24/04 Simon J Wescott
Chelsea Dalmatian 7 years 2005 Marilyn Holman
Chelsea Dalmation/Pit Bull Mix 11/01/91-11/18/02 Shannon Bandler
Chelsea Daly Yorkshire Terrier 08/24/95-04/22/10 Ginny Daly
Chelsea De De Siamese Domestic Mix Cat 04/29/92-04/24/04 Robert
Chelsea Demaio Persian Cat 17 years 03/06/08 Lyn Gaudiana
Chelsea Derr Sheltie 01/09/12 Cheryl & Gary Derr
Chelsea Devlin Golden Retriever 04/20/94-02/15/08 Deb Kyle Ted Betty Andrew
Chelsea DLH Maine Coon Cat Mix 04/08/05-08/03/01 Lily C
Chelsea DMH Cat 18-20 years 12/26/08 Raymond and Denise
Chelsea Doberman 05/23/86-09/23/94 Ann
Chelsea Doberman 12/29/87-02/11/98 Valerie Davies
Chelsea Doberman Pinscher 08/08/88-12/07/01 Cheryl and Dave Schmidt
Chelsea Doberman Pinscher 08/11/92-02/10/06 Kara
Chelsea Doberman/Dalmation Mix 15 years 02/26/99 Patricia Czajkowski
Chelsea Dog 01/71/95-11/02/07 Granny
Chelsea Dog 03/05/98 F
Chelsea Dog 03/17/93-10/31/02 Daniel Smith
Chelsea Dog 04/01/91-11/05/03 Angie, Chris, Codie, and Tobi
Chelsea Dog 10/06/93-03/23/04 Amy Byrd
Chelsea Dog 10/12/89-01/04/00 Sherri Zendri
Chelsea Dog 10/12/91-10/07/04 Lynn Walker
Chelsea Dog 10/31/85-08/09/02 Sally Peoples
Chelsea Dog 10/92-08/30/96 The Plummer Family
Chelsea Dog 12 years 07/21/03 Burt and Carol
Chelsea Dog 14 1/2 years 05/02/01 Wendy Kayser
Chelsea Dog 16 years 04/03/01 Ann
Chelsea Dog 17 years 07/30/00 Esther Margolius
Chelsea Dog Jessie Kuehl
Chelsea Domestic Long Hair Cat 11/13/91-01/18/06 Lisa & TJ
Chelsea Domestic Long Hair Cat 17 years 10/20/05 Leighanne Achilles
Chelsea Domestic Medium Hair Cat 09/23/98-10/19/02 Sue
Chelsea Domestic Medium Length Hair Cat 05/89-01/02/09 Lynn
Chelsea Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 13 years 05/05/18 Mona Henry
Chelsea Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/2002-03/05/04 Lynn Fuller
Chelsea Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/19/86-12/21/98 Ian and Ilene Buda
Chelsea Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 08/01/92-07/11/07 Shannon
Chelsea DSH Black & White Cat 03/10/07 John Holland
Chelsea DSH Cat 03/10/95 John Holland
Chelsea DSH Cat 04/01/92-06/25/04 Barbara and Jack
Chelsea DSH Cat 21 years 06/17/09 Bill
Chelsea Elaine Rottweiler 12/29/09 Jeanne Edington
Chelsea Elizabeth Cat 09/96 Betty Murphy
Chelsea Elizabeth Collie Mix 09/88-05/13/98 Donna and Bryan Sutherland
Chelsea English Cocker Spaniel 02/28/86-04/17/98 Bobbi
Chelsea English Cocker Spaniel 10/27/86-08/24/96 A. Cassie Smith
Chelsea English Springer Spaniel 07/10/97-09/15/03 Joelle Escoe
Chelsea English Springer Spaniel 08/12/91-10/24/05 Linda & Thomas
Chelsea English Springer Spaniel 10/13/87-11/17/00 Bob & Pat Sikora
Chelsea English Springer Spaniel 12/21/90-04/27/04 Corrine and Bobby O'Reilly
Chelsea Flatcoated Retriever 10/01/88-03/18/98 Dawn Gilkison
Chelsea Fox Terrier/Maltese 09/28/91-10/08/07 Denise
Chelsea Freeborg aka Princess Chelsea of the Rug Miniature Dachshund 08/29/95-02/06/08 Marci Freeborg
Chelsea Geat Pyranees 03/25/90-12/06/99 David Burns
Chelsea German Shepherd / Husky Mix 07/94-09/18/06 Jane Hughes
Chelsea German Shepherd 01/13/93-03/20/05 Brook and Michelle Robinson
Chelsea German Shepherd 02/04/96-10/20/03 Kristi
Chelsea German Shepherd 02/05/88-08/06/05 Lisa
Chelsea German Shepherd 05/23/93-10/19/06 Christy
Chelsea German Shepherd 08/08/91-04/25/06 Beth Passwaters
Chelsea German Shepherd 09/16/91-07/03/98 Kathryn Estler
Chelsea German Shepherd 10 years 08/31/02 Leah Alexander
Chelsea German Shepherd 12 years 03/22/02 Joyce
Chelsea German Shepherd 14 years 02/27/04 Sandra
Chelsea German Shepherd 14 years 09/06/00 Janice
Chelsea German Shepherd Sandi
Chelsea German Shepherd/Black Lab 10 1/2 years 11/04/09 Trish and Jeff
Chelsea German Shorthair Pointer 11 years 02/09/06 Drew and John Hayner
Chelsea Ginger German Shepherd 06/28/00-08/29/11 Laura Szmania
Chelsea Ginger Tabby Cat Tom Bakewell
Chelsea Golden Retriever 01/07/93-06/14/00 Kim, David & Alexis
Chelsea Golden Retriever 02/03/91-03/07/03 Cindy and Joe Schafer, Brian,Nicole, Ashley
Chelsea Golden Retriever 02/19/02 Ally
Chelsea Golden Retriever 03/04/94-01/28/05 Macie Rudolph
Chelsea Golden Retriever 03/20/87-08/03/97 Stacy
Chelsea Golden Retriever 04/07/95-03/10/09 Ray & Ann Marie Geissel
Chelsea Golden Retriever 04/25/99-07/25/11 Steve
Chelsea Golden Retriever 06/14/93-10/16/07 Yvonne Fowkes
Chelsea Golden Retriever 07/04/91-04/16/06 Lucy
Chelsea Golden Retriever 07/10/98-07/11/08 Jeff & Michelle Berls
Chelsea Golden Retriever 07/22/93-06/29/06 Cindy
Chelsea Golden Retriever 07/29/90-03/05/98 Lynda Wolfe
Chelsea Golden Retriever 08/14/95-11/19/07 John, Jo, Sean, Donny, Zack, Tara, Matt, Hannah boo
Chelsea Golden Retriever 08/16/96-02/29/08 Gerry MacFarlane
Chelsea Golden Retriever 08/20/96-03/07/08 Laura Cooney-Scott
Chelsea Golden Retriever 08/24/91-08/26/03 Dave and Teri Thomas
Chelsea Golden Retriever 09/04/83-03/05/97 Julie Donoahue
Chelsea Golden Retriever 09/24/95-10/17/05 Nancy Adams
Chelsea Golden Retriever 10/09/90-11/23/03 Diane Marince
Chelsea Golden Retriever 10/13/07 Cecile, Claude, Danika, Alexandra, Cconnor Schlesiger-Kusters
Chelsea Golden Retriever 11/20/03 Parker Family
Chelsea Golden Retriever 12 1/2 years 11/19/03 Linda
Chelsea Golden Retriever 12/07/96-09/17/07 Vicki, Jamie and Rusty
Chelsea Golden Retriever 12/08/88-01/24/02 Marilyn Skyba
Chelsea Golden Retriever 12/14/06 Danielle
Chelsea Golden Retriever 12/26/10 Marsha
Chelsea Golden Retriever 13 years 12/01/06 Nadine Burke
Chelsea Golden Retriever 15 years 05/11/06 Nikki D
Chelsea Golden Retriever Mix 8 years 06/27/08 Shelley
Chelsea Golden Retriever X Chow Chow 11 years 08/05/06 Jack & Imelda Savage and Family
Chelsea Golden/Springer Mix 02/07/90-05/24/04 Gail Marie Alexander
Chelsea Goldman Labrador Retriever 12/15/07-04/20/19 Kelly
Chelsea Grace Shitzu 05/94-08/04/07 Debbey Moser
Chelsea Gray Rottweiler7 1/2 years 11/06/97 Laura
Chelsea Gray Tabby Cat 7+ years Marilyn Mckinley
Chelsea Gray Tortie Cat 18 years 09/28/11 Stephanie Maglietta
Chelsea Grey & White Tuxedo Cat 14 years 01/22/06 Nancy Cohen
Chelsea Grey Tiger Cat 20 years 12/10/05 Sharon Bahringer
Chelsea Greyhound 03/01/95-10/10/08 Susan Levenseler and Rodger Kanis
Chelsea Greyhound 07/04/95-04/18/05 Carol L
Chelsea Greyhound 10/12/91-02/12/00 Ruth
Chelsea Heights Ruggster Bichon Frise 04/04/92-08/16/06 Rich & Edie Burr, Jenny, Suzi, Geoff & Frasier
Chelsea Himalayan Cat 01/21/90-01/20/06 Kathy Fraticelli
Chelsea Himalayan Cat 05/19/90-11/10/06 Dina Morse
Chelsea Himalayan Cat 09/09/91-05/17/08 Tanya Larriva
Chelsea Himalayan Cat 10 years 08/11/08 Wes & Maria Kowalewski
Chelsea Himalayan Cat 2 years 03/14/05 C A Haskins
Chelsea Huffman Bichon 02/21/00-06/15/11 Frank Huffman
Chelsea Hunt Blue Russian Cat 22 years 01/2009 Bev, Jourdan, Jeff
Chelsea Husky Mix 08/2006 Lea Tapp
Chelsea Ingram Shepherd Mix 03/18/05 Terry
Chelsea Ir. Water Spaniel rescue under 2 years Julie Kaupas
Chelsea Irish Wolfhound 01/16/95-04/13/99 Joanna Hollick
Chelsea J Noel Golden Retriever 09/28/92-07/14/99 Eric & Teri Maass
Chelsea Jack Russell 07/04/05-02/16/12 Kathryn
Chelsea Jane Andrews Boxer 05/01/98-02/07/09 Rachel and Matthew Andrews
Chelsea JRT 09/27/07 Kitchener
Chelsea Kairn Terrier 12 years Belinda Dowd
Chelsea Kitty Todd Cat 05/83-07/30/01 Deanna Fellman
Chelsea Lab / Dalmatian mix (my own Dalbrador Retriever!) 07/04/91-05/15/07 Joanie, Mimi & Honey
Chelsea Lab 08/13/94-05/27/06 Sandy Goosby
Chelsea Lab Mix 08/19/95-01/24/09 Cheryl
Chelsea Lab Mix 12/11/06 Char, Skip, CJ and Nathan
Chelsea Lab-Pit Bull-Rhodesian Ridgeback 12/02/91-06/15/05 Mickey Edmunds
Chelsea Labrador 06/01/06 Jo Heath
Chelsea Labrador 12/14/88-10/23/04 Michael Walker
Chelsea Labrador Retriever 05/03/91-06/29/06 Jane and Bob Hill, Betsy Martin
Chelsea Labrador Retriever 10/31/96-12/17/10 Dian
Chelsea LadyDay Lucas Chocolate Labrador Retriever 04/26/01-08/15/08 Marcia & Rose Lucas
Chelsea LeahAnne Russian Blue Cat 8 years 08/10/02 Michelle Crist
Chelsea Lee Cocker Spaniel 09/11/92 Sue Schroeder
Chelsea Lenae Grey and White Cat 09/06/90-12/09/98 Angela Gwatney
Chelsea Lewis Bichon Frise 12/29/91-06/25/04 Donna
Chelsea Lhasa Apso 02/25/98-06/19/08 Bud Dame
Chelsea Lhasa Apso 05/17/93-01/05/07 Nita Zurn
Chelsea Lhasa Apso 12 years 04/09/08 Kathy Winters
Chelsea Lhasa Mix 16 years 12/22/97 Kathy Scott
Chelsea Lhasa Poo 02/17/97-02/22/12 Chris Ellis
Chelsea Lhasa Poo 14 years 11/17/99 Donna Kelson
Chelsea Lilly Hyams Cat 29/12/08 Marilyn Portner
Chelsea Llasa Apso 11/29/90-08/22/08 Barbara Breuer
Chelsea Long Haired Black and White Cat 09/15/88-02/02/01 Wanda Svagera
Chelsea Long Haired Cat 11/93-08/13/99 Louise Rowden
Chelsea Lord Toy Fox Terrier 04/25/91-11/01/05 Kelly Fisher-Lord and Jerome Lord and Family
Chelsea Lou-Lou Chow Chow 14 years 03/31/01 Amy
Chelsea Lu-Lu Pointer X Dalmatian 7 years 04/17/09 Paulina Michaud
Chelsea Luna Black Lab 05/01/99-06/22/10 Jamie Luna
Chelsea Lynn Cheek Shih-Tzu 11/03/90-02/25/06 Teresa Cheek
Chelsea Lynn Dog 05/12/92-12/20/02 Jodi Wolff
Chelsea Lynn Shih Tzu 01/07/89-06/23/04 Cindy Osterhoudt
Chelsea Lynn Tabby Cat 01/28/97-09/22/11 Natasha Thiboutot
Chelsea Mae Cocker Spaniel 10/18/86-07/05/03 Karen
Chelsea Maine Coon Cat 07/14/93-12/29/09 Michael, Mary, William and Matthew S
Chelsea Maine Coon Cat 09/09/90-08/06/09 Ruth
Chelsea Maltese 10 years 03/11/02 Christina Gearhart
Chelsea Maltese 10/05/91-07/12/05 Amanda & Walt Randolph
Chelsea Maltese 8 1/2 years 06/09/06 Merry and Franz
Chelsea Maltipoo 12/09/99-05/03/13 Victoria Sego
Chelsea Marie American Eskimo Dog 02/20/00-11/03/09 Elizabeth and Dennis
Chelsea Marie Cat 09/88-02/24/06 L. D. Traub
Chelsea Marie Chow 07/15/94-06/03/99 Amanda Ryals
Chelsea Marie Dog 02/20/90-09/27/06 Michele Krupinski
Chelsea Marie Himalayan Cat 04/89-04/99 Jennifer Egan and Family
Chelsea Marie Lab 9 years 05/08/98 Mayo
Chelsea Marie Miniature Schnauzer 12 years 04/13/01 Julie and Lyndsay Johnston
Chelsea Marie Poche' Australian Shepherd 04/01/92-09/07/06 Jane and Mike Poche'
Chelsea Marie Simpson (aka Chelsea) Springer Spaniel/Black Lab 12/20/89-12/19/02 Pat and Dene Simpson
Chelsea Marie Tesoro, Chocolate Chelsea, Chelsea Peanut, Chelsea Welsea Labrador Retriever 02/08/06-07/16/14 Marykay Tesoro - April
Chelsea Marshall Golden Retriever 10/01/97-12/15/08 Mary-Anne
Chelsea May Maltese 02/01/99-10/17/08 Bettiejane
Chelsea Maye Buff Cocker Spaniel 08/13/92-09/20/06 Robin Delph
Chelsea McCann Beagle/Terrier Mix 04/06/93-01/07/08 Charlene McCann
Chelsea Melang Yellow Labrador Retriever 11/24/95-03/07/10 Bill, Lisa, and Andy Melang
Chelsea Meow Dusty Orange Tabby Cat 04/18/98-08/27/98 Laura
Chelsea Miller Black Lab 07/06/96-09/07/06 Gloria Carter
Chelsea Mini Dachshund 08/29/96-02/06/08 Marci Freeborg
Chelsea Mini Schnauzer 05/16/92-04/24/04 Bill & Pat Breivogel
Chelsea Mini Schnauzer 05/24/85-01/04/00 Jim & Denise Schoen
Chelsea Mini Schnauzer 10/15/00-05/22/12 Shelley Smallwood
Chelsea Miniature Pincher 01/06/03-06/22/12 Diane Goodman
Chelsea Miniature Schnauzer 05/20/95-09/16/11 Hope
Chelsea Mittens Cat 14 years 02/02/07 Keli Harper aka Her Mum
Chelsea Mix Dog 01/27/95-11/20/08 Kelly
Chelsea Mix Dog 14 1/2 years 03/31/07 Mom, Kate Kelly
Chelsea Mixed Bassett Hound 08/10/91-02/22/05 Kim, Charles, Lorrie, Rebecca Jay
Chelsea Mixed Cat 06/01/91-02/20/05 Mark & Michele
Chelsea Mixed Dog 07/05/92-04/19/05 Becky
Chelsea Mixed Dog 13 years 02/26/05 John & Susan Brase
Chelsea Mixed Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/1987-04/08/00 Kathie Davis
Chelsea Mixed Long Haired Cat abt 15 years 03/15/09 Lee and Kim Cox
Chelsea Mixed Terrier/Border Collie 06/06/85-06/23/98 Quinn Eurich
Chelsea Mollie McClain Golden Retriever 11 years 12/04/04 Toni
Chelsea Mona Lisa Cat 02/14/93-07/11/00 Russ
Chelsea Money Goldendoodle 03/12/02-02/26/04 Dorothy
Chelsea Moriarty Golden Retriever 09/17/92-06/05/98 Sheri
Chelsea Morning Sunrise Labrador Retriever 02/18/93-01/27/06 Rebecca and Urbain Breaud
Chelsea Morosi Beagle 06/24/97-05/16/09 Les, Clarissa, and Kimberly Morosi
Chelsea Newfoundland 1995-1996 AJ Conklin
Chelsea Nicholson Belgian Shepherd (Tervuran) 06/90-10/30/06 Darcy Nicholson
Chelsea nickname Chelser Bear Flame-Himalayan Cat 07/27/89-06/09/06 Penney & Bob Smith
Chelsea Nicole Lhasapekeapoo 05/02/89-01/14/05 Martha
Chelsea Norwegian Elkhound 06/14/86-02/27/01 Linda Syner & Pam Johnson
Chelsea of Maxatawny Yellow Lab 01/31/92-06/05/04 Mr/mrs Thomas Smith
Chelsea of Oklahoma Boston Terrier 12/86-05/30/99 Fred & Benadet Dittmar
Chelsea of Rainbow's End Golden Retriever 03/19/92-06/07/97 Annette Davis
Chelsea Old English Mastiff 10 years 09/22/06 Denise Campbell
Chelsea Old English sheepdog/Collie 3 years 05/12/96 Julie Harold
Chelsea Orange Tabby Cat 05/01/88-01/20/04 Michele Jones Wolfe
Chelsea Orange Tabby Cat 07/04/87-02/28/05 Diane and Steve
Chelsea Paw Nakano Persian Cat Mix approx. 14 years 06/01/02 Donald and Ellen
Chelsea Paw Persian Mix Cat 15 years 06/01/02 Ellen and Don Nakano
Chelsea Peke-A-Poo 04/07/90-05/06/02 Mary Louise Lula
Chelsea Pekinese/Pug 09/15/95-07/30/05 Bill and Kathi Kennedy
Chelsea Persian Cat 09/25/01-09/26/14 Melanie Roberts
Chelsea Persian Cat 14 years 05/16/09 Marcia
Chelsea Persian Cat 1994-07/27/05 Pam Johnson
Chelsea Pit Bull Mix 01/27/95-11/20/08 Kelly Stewart
Chelsea Pomeranian 05/12/98-04/22/99 D. Marino
Chelsea Pomeranian 07/25/00-11/09/13 Lisa
Chelsea Pomeranian 08/20/97-05/03/08 Steve and Maria
Chelsea Pomeranian 09/13/02-04/30/15 Judith and Chelsea Schnitzler
Chelsea Pomeranian 12/01/92-09/27/03 Paula Talbott-King
Chelsea Pomeranian 13 years 04/06/08 Ginny
Chelsea Poodle 08/01/88-04/04/03 Cj, Roberta & Corey Atkins
Chelsea Poodle 13 years 02/19/01 Bill
Chelsea Poodle/Terrier 06/17/86-03/17/00 Diane Haines
Chelsea Portuguese Water Dog 10 years 10/15/13 Heather Holly
Chelsea Preskitt Persian Cat 16 years 06/26/11 Stephanie, Steve, and Cindy Preskitt
Chelsea Provencher Yorkshire Terrier 07/11/91-12/23/07 Mama Suzanne and Auntie Sharon
Chelsea Pug 12/12/92-12/12/97 Rena, David and Gabe
Chelsea Pug 14 years 12/13/02 Jeannie Maynard
Chelsea Puppers Border Collie 03/92-06/02/01 Shannon K. Berry
Chelsea Q-T-Pi of Camelot Tibetan Terrier 04/27/89-09/05/03 Christine Gresham
Chelsea Quintero Husky Beagle Chelsea 4 months 10/04/09 Rosa Quintero
Chelsea Rae Labrador/Wolf 02/09/92-06/12/06 Linda
Chelsea Rae Mixed Dog 16 1/2 years 01/19/05 Lynne Baars
Chelsea Rae Swartz Boston Terrier 10/08/03 Cindy Swartz
Chelsea Ragdoll Cat 05/28/87-09/02/03 Lynn
Chelsea Ramos Pug 07/19/98-04/08/14 Javier, Marta Caro y Gabby Tobar
Chelsea Ramos Pug 07/19/98-04/08/14 Roxana & Roberto
Chelsea Retriever Mix 10/07/88-02/19/01 Sharon Owsley
Chelsea Retriever/Australian Shepherd Mix 17 years 02/15/07 Lori Maclean and Family
Chelsea Rhodesian Ridgeback 06/21/02-08/07/03 Kathy and Mike Normant
Chelsea Rodgers 14 1/2 years 09/2002 Kathy
Chelsea Roo Hale Big Mutt 06/01/08-07/30/19 Tina Hale
Chelsea Roostee Bebe (NeeNee) Boston Terrier 11/27/87-11/01/02 Michele and Mark
Chelsea Rose Chocolate Point Himalayan Cat 10/26/86-05/19/99 CR
Chelsea Rose Yorkie 04/07/92-04/13/09 Teresa
Chelsea Rowland Cat 04/14/11 Jennifer Rowland
Chelsea Saint Bernard 01/10/95-07/10/03 Brenda
Chelsea Saint Bernard 08/31/92-01/01/97 John & Natalie Salata
Chelsea Samantha Maria Yorkshire Terrier 08/23/89-02/04/04 Judy Christenbury
Chelsea Samoyed 04/23/02-06/04/07 Chris, Mike, Gabby
Chelsea Scottie 05/25/95-08/29/05 Sandra Brown
Chelsea Scottish Terrier 06/20/89-06/01/05 Jan
Chelsea Seal Point Siamese/DSH Cat 09/30/11 Denise
Chelsea Seal Point Snowshoe Siamese Cat 14 years 03/10/04 Ellen Marks
Chelsea Shar-Pei 03/13/92-08/13/98 Robin Pennington
Chelsea Sheltand Sheepdog Mix Spring 1981-09/29/97 S. Chester
Chelsea Sheltie 03/25/87-01/13/01 Chris Laughlin
Chelsea Sheltie 09/21/86-05/02/99 Jacqui
Chelsea Sheltie 10/27/91-07/27/07 Jody
Chelsea Sheltie 11/07/90-01/25/07 Christine Carlson
Chelsea Sheltie 11/85-02/23/00 Judy & Marty
Chelsea Sheltie 12/01/96-08/27/02 Sarah Ughetti
Chelsea Sheltie 12/23/91-09/30/08 Lisa Smith
Chelsea Sheltie 14 years 06/16/08 Ed Brown
Chelsea Sheltie 9 years 10/24/10 Terri Lawson
Chelsea Sheltie-Mix 12 years 04/13/00 Melanie Lally
Chelsea Shepherd Black Lab 05/30/04 Debra
Chelsea Shepherd Mix 01/14/93-11/19/06 John and Laura Burbach
Chelsea Shepherd Mix 03/25/98-05/21/12 Carolyn & Helen Ole
Chelsea Shepherd Mix 12/25/90-07/22/02 Pati & Bob
Chelsea Shepherd x 02/01/91-07/11/91 Shannon Reuter
Chelsea Shetland Sheepdog 01/10/07-01/21/17 Virginia Diamond
Chelsea Shetland Sheepdog 03/23/99-08/03/11 lrl
Chelsea Shetland Sheepdog 03/24/00-01/09/12 Cheryl & Gary Derr
Chelsea Shetland Sheepdog 05/13/91-11/07/00 Caroline Kuehn
Chelsea Shetland Sheepdog 08/07/00-06/15/08 Cathy, Sally and John Price
Chelsea Shi Tzu 16 years 01/19/07 Micki
Chelsea Shih Tzu 04/02/87-11/21/00 Joanne Fatur
Chelsea Shih tzu 05/24/91-05/07/96 Gayle Davidson
Chelsea Shih Tzu 10/10/90-04/10/03 E.
Chelsea Shih Tzu 11/17/81-01/31/00 Michael Owens
Chelsea Shih-Tzu 01/16/97-09/21/10 Amy, Jeff, Hannah, & Hailee
Chelsea Shitzu/Lasa 13 years 09/08/05 Rose Stalka
Chelsea Shorthair Dachshund 07/10/91-03/09/00 Nikki Rainwater
Chelsea Siamese Cat 03/01/87-11/05/98 Diana, Betty, Earl Welshhans
Chelsea Siamese Cat 07/05/98-08/10/09 Peggy Erickson
Chelsea Siamese Cat 1989-1996 Stacy Leslie
Chelsea Siamese Domestic Shorthair Cross Cat 05/01/88-05/30/05 Kit Leroy
Chelsea Siberian Husky 03/21/92-07/29/07 Karmen, Randy, Erika, Brooke
Chelsea Siberian Husky 10/01/84-02/09/99 Aaron Berens
Chelsea Siberian Husky 12/10/95-04/09/97 Ellen Flinn
Chelsea Sierra Airedale Terrier 14 1/2 years 09/23/03 Jayne Warren
Chelsea Silk Leahy Golden Retriever 10/19/88-02/03/00 Lee and Mike
Chelsea Silky 11/14/93-01/23/09 Deborah Gleason
Chelsea Silver Tabby Cat 06/01/88-04/16/00 Mary
Chelsea Silver Tabby Persian 02/15/95-04/26/98 Kari Thurman
Chelsea Smooth Collie & German Shepherd 15 years 05/26/09 Judy (Judes & Chels)
Chelsea Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 06/20/95-05/13/07 Sue and Lin
Chelsea Spot English Springer Spaniel 03/04/89-08/08/03 Ann Green
Chelsea Springer Spaniel 02/16/04 Carol
Chelsea Springer Spaniel 11/22/90-10/02/06 Jill Johnson Marquis
Chelsea Springer Spaniel 14 years 09/24/02 Laura, Megan, Dave, and Sara
Chelsea Springer Spaniel 6 years 04/19/99 Susan Markulec
Chelsea Steel Gray Dutch Rabbit 10 years 10 months 09/06/02 Doree Miles
Chelsea Stokes Collie 08/04/00-10/08/13 Kris Stokes
Chelsea Suzanne Miniature Poodle 13 years 06/02/06 Margaret & Michael Carozza
Chelsea Tabby Cat 01/82-08/22/99 Debbie & John Kiba
Chelsea Tabby Cat 03/89-08/29/08 Sharon Schneider
Chelsea Tabby Cat 05/05/91-12/12/02 Wendy Rapp
Chelsea Tabby Cat 13 years 02/04/05 Valerie, John, Nick and Sami
Chelsea Tabby Cat 16 years 03/08/12 Kerri Tavani
Chelsea Tabby Cat 17 1/2 years 08/22/99 Debbie and John Kiba
Chelsea The Raven Shadow Black Cocker Spaniel 16 years 09/23/02 Erin
Chelsea Thoroughbred Horse 34 years 01/15/04 Amanda Bonilla
Chelsea Tinkerbell Clack Dachshund 06/09/91-10/23/07 Peggy Clack
Chelsea Torti Persian 05/25/95 Dave
Chelsea Tortoiseshell Cat 05/15/85-10/03/01 Martha Whitlock
Chelsea Toy Poodle 04/20/04-01/02/06 Felicia and Ed Moran
Chelsea Toy Poodle 09/07/88-09/16/02 John & Pam
Chelsea Tricolor Shetland Sheepdog Kat
Chelsea Tuppence Airedale 05/04/95-12/19/06 Candy
Chelsea Turkish Angora Cat 05/25/92-04/21/10 Jennifer Smith
Chelsea Valentine Sheltie/Husky Mix 11/23/90-06/05/06 Sherry
Chelsea Watkins Chocolate Lab Mix 14 1/2 years 07/04/07 Mike & Pattie Watkins
Chelsea Welsh Terrier 04/05/94-08/07/08 Ita Berkow
Chelsea Wertz Cat 18 years 06/01/07 Tamara Wertz
Chelsea West Highland White Terrier 10/04/99-11/07/12 Nita
Chelsea Wiggles Rottweiler 8 years 10/22/03 Nicole, Mark, Lilly & Token Flaner
Chelsea Wire Fox Terrier 11 years 06/27/03 Greg, Carmie & Lacy Zimmerman
Chelsea Yellow Lab 01/01/89-05/07/01 Brad Morrison
Chelsea Yellow Lab 04/96-10/20/08 Rob & Michelle Hessman
Chelsea Yellow Lab 08/15/90-01/25/01 Jimmy Wall
Chelsea Yellow Lab 11/13/92-10/10/03 Janet
Chelsea Yellow Lab 12/14/98-08/24/12 Debbie
Chelsea Yellow Labrador Retriever 11 years 10/24/97 Lisa Cole
Chelsea Yorkie 01/27/96-08/04/06 Roger & Irene Brown
Chelsea Yorkie 04/30/92-11/23/08 Delores Gilstrap
Chelsea Yorkie 05/12/91-06/24/03 Diane M Cebula
Chelsea Yorkie 18 years 10/23/10 Jim & Sue
Chelsea Yorkie 8 years 02/25/02 Renee and David
Chelsea Yorkie/Shihtzu X 14 years 12/31/10 Patty
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier 01/13/90-01/25/02 Missy Henderson
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier 06/21/91-03/17/10 Mary Kay Null
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier 12/93-09/09/06 Sherry Murphy
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier 17 years 02/05/07 Danielle and Jane
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier 19 years 01/20/05 Doug
Chelsea Yorkshire Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese 07/23/92-08/08/10 Sandy
Chelsea, Spotty and Blackie Tabby Cats 1992-1994 Patricia
Chelseaa Tibetan Terrier 11 years 11/01/05 Sharon Mistic
Chelsea-Anne Dog 01/15/98-04/26/07 Briana
Chelsea-Girl Siberian Husky 05/17/83-01/30/98 Linda Boyd
Chelsea-Girl Terrier Mix 1989 05/12/98 Sandy Cowles
Chelsea's Beautiful Barney Collie 04/17/88-08/02/01 Younkin family
Chelsea's Calico Kitten 3 wks 07/12/96 Linda Boumarafi
Chelsea's China Cloud Shetland Sheepdog - Blue Merle 04/26/94-11/15/04 Marion Goldberg
Chelsea's Kitten two weeks 07/07/96 Linda Boumarafi
Chelsea's Orange Boy Kitten 3 wks 07/14/96 Linda Boumarafi
Chelsee Basset Hound 02/95-02/08/05 Billie and Dick
Chelsee Bichon 11/28/91-03/16/04 Miriam Domino
Chelsee Boxer 03/31/89-11/25/99 Shirley and Jessica
Chelsee Cat 09/02/99-06/26/08 Barb
Chelsee Cruz Cat 07/13/92-12/01/05 Chelsee Cruz
Chelses Keeshound 04/02/89-06/07/04 Bettie Gadis
Chelsey & Heidi Dalmatian & Doberman Dogs 6 & 8 years 12/19/03 Mrs Jay Jolley
Chelsey 14 years 11/12/98 Cindy
Chelsey Basset 10/25/95-02/05/05 Adriane
Chelsey Black Lab 08/15/01-06/05/05 Ann Harden
Chelsey Black Lab Mix 10/23/91-07/11/03 Kristen Record
Chelsey Cairn Terrier 03/01/88-03/17/00 Susan McLaughlin
Chelsey Cairn Terrier 07/12/90-03/30/04 Judith Wright Sibulkin
Chelsey Calico Point Himalayan Cat 08/01/85-08/02/01 Chris Fernandez & Amanda Coleman
Chelsey Carroll Yorkie 7 years 04/04/08 Kathy Carroll-Bevins
Chelsey Chainsaw Coxer 13 years 03/25/04 Jeri Racz
Chelsey Chow Chow 12/15/91-03/29/05 Jerry Zarcone
Chelsey Chow Mix 14 years 12/27/00 Linda & Stu Hanberry
Chelsey Cocker Spaniel 12/03/88-11/04/03 Billy and Yvonne Coleman
Chelsey Cocker Spaniel 15 years 10/25/02 Deborah and Gary
Chelsey Cocker Spaniel 15 years 12/06/01 Susan
Chelsey Cocker Spaniel Mix Spring 1988-08/16/05 Tonda Houseman
Chelsey Collie 14 years 11/98 Cindy
Chelsey Dalmatian 05/23/95-02/17/05 Joy Carney
Chelsey DSH Cat 11 years 06/01/05 Meaghan Ellis
Chelsey German Shepherd 04/17/94-06/30/04 Rue Flanders
Chelsey German Shepherd 12 years 06/30/04 Jackie Gregory
Chelsey Golden 04/17/09 Henry, Marilyn, Kim and Kevin Smith
Chelsey Golden Retriever 08/20/98-02/20/07 Terry, Josce, Melissa, Danielle & Jenna
Chelsey Golden Retriever 11/89-05/17/02 John and Betsy McIntosh
Chelsey Golden Retriever 5 years 04/99 Chris Wierer
Chelsey Gray (Normal) Cockatiel 01/01/82-04/22/08 Deb Michels
Chelsey Gray/White Tiger Cat 1989-08/15/05 Ann L Donovaro
Chelsey Greyhound 10/02/00-01/2009 Kerry
Chelsey Kitaen Boxer 8 years 10/09/96 Rodney & Raezn Ichikawa
Chelsey Lab Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Chelsey Lab Mix 14 years 07/07/11 Steven and Rebecca Moore
Chelsey Lab/Dalmatian 09/15/96-09/27/10 The Kingston Family
Chelsey Lab/Shepherd Mix 12/24/97-03/25/05 Steve & Angie Kelley
Chelsey Labrador 14 years 05/27/04 Nicole H
Chelsey Marie Cocker Spaniel 07/19/91-06/21/01 Pamela Johnson
Chelsey Min Pin 08/22/98-06/12/11 Sue Clark
Chelsey Mixed Dog 02/14/94-03/26/07 Carol Brown
Chelsey Owen-Kay Stiver Beagle 10/2000-07/29/12 Hayden Stiver
Chelsey Poodle 05/24/89-02/09/03 Brad and Donna Dietz
Chelsey Poodle 10/27/88-02/26/05 Kim Smith
Chelsey Rottweiler 04/16/89-12/21/98 Michelle Groen
Chelsey Rottweiler 09/03/93-05/28/04 Kim Lequire
Chelsey Russian Blue Cat 05/06/86-06/18/03 Ryan Angerman
Chelsey Schnauzer/Yorkie X 12 1/2 years 10/96 Jack C
Chelsey Schnoodle 02/03/92-11/23/07 Ruth Elliott
Chelsey Sheltie 05/09/92-09/01/00 Wendy Ridgway
Chelsey Sheltie 11/23/91-07/16/03 Susie, Jerry & Kayla Fitzgerald
Chelsey Shorthair Tabby Cat 11/01/89-09/20/07 Bob, Trish, Tad, and David
Chelsey Siamese Cat 16 years 02/23/12 Carol Patrick
Chelsey Silky Yorkie 12/05/96-01/21/07 Betty King
Chelsey The Moocher Poocher Lab/Newfie 11 years 05/17/02 Lorraine MacDonald
Chelsey Welton American Short-Haired Cat 03/27/02-09/19/20 Rick, Tammie and Sarah Welton
Chelsey Yorkie 13 years 11/14/00 Kerry McMillan
Chelsha Susan Dog 14 1/2 years 12/08/97 Donna Abbott
Chelsi Dog 1988-06/29/02 Zonda & Jack
Chelsi Louise Breckenridge Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 08/15/04 Sandy
Chelsi Mixed Breed Doberman/Australian Shepherd 10/22/92-09/15/08 Judi and Charlie Bell
Chelsi Yorkie 1986-01/10/01 Don Kotval
Chelsia Doberman 12 years 02/14/03 Elaine
Chelsie Annie
Chelsie Beagle 02/22/95-04/27/04 Jackie and Joe Duda
Chelsie Belle Bowman Beagle 10/92-04/24/08 Rod and Vickie Bowman
Chelsie Black Long Hair Cat 12/14/99 Hedrick Family
Chelsie Blue-Grey DSH Cat 04/03/90-04/03/06 Rhonda Conley
Chelsie Chihuahua 08/06/91-06/04/04 Larry Thacker
Chelsie Cocker Spaniel 01/31/91-01/08/04 Tonnia
Chelsie Cocker Spaniel 14 years 01/2005 Joyce Cruz
Chelsie Dog 2 years 04/04/20 Marcela
Chelsie Golden Retriever 07/17/93-05/14/05 Vicki Gaedke
Chelsie Grey DSH Cat 16 years 04/03/06 Rhonda Conley
Chelsie Jo Shorthaired Red Dachshund 02/19/90-03/03/96 Donna Jo Cooper
Chelsie Lu English Springer Spaniel 12 years 01/08/03 Elizabeth and Jeremiah Colgin
Chelsie Lynn Watton Miniature Poodle 16 years 03/25/09 Ellen Watton
Chelsie Malaya Cocker Spaniel 02/10/88-07/01/05 Stephanie
Chelsie Maltese 10/26/86-12/10/96 Patricia Middleton
Chelsie Marie Painter-Benning Standard Poodle 01/09/90-10/20/04 Debbie & Ed
Chelsie Marie White Cat 1991-05/20/04 Chris C.
Chelsie Mini Schnauzer 12/28/03-01/21/12 Anna
Chelsie Mixed Dog 10/26/90-07/24/08 Harry & Carol Crafton
Chelsie Muted Calico Cat 04/22/91-02/28/08 Diane Fenchel
Chelsie Pekingese 2 years 03/2005 Lorrie Lunsford
Chelsie Salena German Shepherd 04/24/88-09/09/02 Robin Davis
Chelsie Scottish Terrier 9 years 01/11/09 Laurie Biggs
Chelsie Sheltie 09/28/96-09/11/10 Sharon Taylor
Chelsie Springer Spaniel 02/01/86-04/17/00 Jill Marie
Chelsie White/Gray Hooded, Dumbo Eared Rat 10/20/02-10/25/04 Nicole
Chelsy Husky Mix 09/02-10/23/02 Jennifer
Chelsy Siamese Mix Cat 13 years 07/27/07 Katie York
Chelsy Yellow Lab 11/01/96-08/24/09 Andrea Amaya
Chely Boudreaux Moxley Pug 04/12/00-01/18/14 Marian Moxley
Chelzey Shitzu 13 years 09/17/07 Ange
Chelzy Silky Terrier 02/25/91-08/20/06 Gary Simmons
Chemicoons Chicago Cub (aka Cubbie) Maine Coon Cat 06/01/07-06/07/07 Liz Hansen
Chemka Valentine Devon Rex Cat 05/09/93-02/07/09 Kali Valentine
Chemo Cashen American Eskimo Dog 03/03/92-04/20/06 Nancy Cashen
Che-mok Shar-pei 10/03/86-03/29/03 Mathew George Baker
Chen Chen Pekingese 06/06/97-04/01/08 Bernie & Jo Anne Tyler
Chen Chow Chow 09/05/83-09/13/95 Connie Carlson
Chen Lhasa Apso 15 years 11/02/90 Gloria & Wilfred
Chena Alaskan Malamute 06/26/88-11/06/00 Tyler, Avery, Hunter, Maui and Tigger
Chena Chihuahua 16 1/2 years 04/26/12 Valita
Chena Labrador Retriever 01/23/99-01/09/02 Shiloh & Swanny
Chena Pitbull / Black Lab Mix 03/25/05-03/25/13 Cynthia Montanez
Chena Samoyed-Husky 01/01/70-01/24/71 Kristin Anker
Chenega English Setter 08/29/10 Deb and Ron Crawford
Cheney Beagle/German Shepherd/Lab 13 years 09/18/07 Rachel, Linda, Mark
Cheney Dog 08/02/86-09/29/97 Tove
Cheng Zu Chinese Crested Hairless Dog 11/09/99-01/23/13 Sheryl Ferraro
Chengis Khan Pembrokeshire Corgi 14 years 01/03/91 Jasmine Guha-Castle
Chenin Poodle almost 14 years 04/03/98 DebSach
Chenjo (A.K.A, JoJo or JoJo Man) Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 2 1/2 years 10/11/99 Esther
Chen-Lynn Shar-Pei 01/30/91-08/01/02 Paul & Lynne Collins, Cory&Tristan Major
Chenoa German Shepherd 09/18/00-05/15/12 Heath & Maria
Chenoweth Newfoundland 03/17/07-03/11/16 Kathleen Chandler
Cheny Poodle 01/01/10 Kathleen
Chequey Arab/Irish Horse 1970-08/04/07 Debbie Holland
Cher Black and White Cocker13 years Susan Dzielski
Cher Cher Collie/Lab 1996-05/27/09 Marc and Kay Barlow
Cher Domestic Long Hair Tabby Kitten 07/16/03-05/15/04 Brenda
Cher Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/15/04-06/17/17 Cindy Thornton
Cher DSH Cat 07/16/03-05/15/04 Brenda
Cher Ferret 03/26/03-08/12/07 Kimmy
Cher Irish Setter 04/19/09 Gerry & Joe
Cher Japanese Akita 09/15/98-06/04/07 Pamela Eddie Kayto
Cher Lab/Rott/Chow 10/09/95-12/09/03 Tony and Debra Rivera
Cher Lab/Shepherd Mix 04/15/01-02/22/09 Connie
Cher Mixed Dog 11 years 10/08/08 Jon and Stephanie Gregory
Cher Shepherd/Huskie 05/03/88-06/05/00 Liz Johnson
Cher Shih Tzu 08/13/16 Diana Lohse
Cher The Benton Family (R.A., Karen, Amos, Beau & Megan)
Cher Toy Poodle 15 years 10/12/12 Paul & Janet
Cherakee Babyman Hankins Lab/Chow Mix 12 years 03/05/12 Mike and Peggy Hankins
Cherakee Babyman Lab/Chowchow Mix 03/05/12 Michael and Peggy
Cheri' Bichon 12/30/79-10/27/96 K. Ray
Cheri Bichon Frise 01/01/95-12/01/08 Heidi E. Peter
Cheri Bichon Frise 11/26/06-12/23/15 Tanya
Cheri German Shepherd 8 years 1979 Jenny Richards
Cheri Oscar Turkish Angora Cat 07/03/99-11/11/15 John
Cherie & Marie Silver Tabby Cat 05/26/91-02/16/05 Carla Bomb
Cherie 12/10/98 Chris
Cherie Leigh German Shepherd 9 years 12/03/08 Bernie Dackiw
Cherie Miniature Poodle 1984-09/16/00 Serena Morris
Cherie Nicole Toy Poodle 02/14/74-06/21/93 Scott & Amanda Tanner
Cherie Pinheiro Dog 03/26/94-11/12/09 Lilian
Cherie Poodle Puppy 9 1/2 months 09/05/08 Debbie and Geri
Cherie Short Hair Domestic Cat 12/91-11/04/00 Caroline
Cherie Tabby Cat 04/25/01-05/28/08 Beth Bailey
Cherie Tan, Black and White Guinea Pig 1997-08/99 Pamela Bogart-Macfarlane
Cherie Toy Poodle 17 years 12/26/09 Annette Partridge
Cherie, Bunny Bearded Collie Mix 13 years 12/12/05 Francine Zalkin
Cheripi Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 07/28/93-05/11/06 Gary, Sandy, Jaclyn and Matt Pasek
Cherise Doberman 14 years 04/07/09 Jack & Diane
Cherish Domestic Cat 10/92-11/26/07 Donna and Brian
Cherish Mixed Breed Cat 03/29/95-10/23/06 Vicki Pledger
Cherita Noteetha Pastel Calico Cat 06/10/09 Carrie
Cherna Chow 12 years 09/03/02 Diane Carrigan
Chernobyl Cat 5 months 03/95 Michelle French
Chero Malinois 10/01/88 09/22/97 Fernando Fernandez
Cheroke Siberian Husky 03/23/93-05/18/05 Jane Wilkinson
Cherokee 4 years 03/17/01 Michele Roberts
Cherokee and Harley Lab and Cocker Spaniel/American Bulldog 14 & 4 years 07/20/02 & 06/17/99 Amy Kellogg
Cherokee Bear Stafford Newfoundland 07/17/95-06/05/07 Tim, Karren, Garrett & Cheyanne Stafford
Cherokee Black Calico Cat 02/25/82-02/07/06 Alana Klages
Cherokee Blood Hound 02/91-07/14/00 Lauran Marlow
Cherokee Blue Eyed Bandit Siberian Husky 06/03/95-12/05/09 Cindy
Cherokee Chocolate Labrador 10/02/95-10/21/09 Julie Perrill
Cherokee Cocker/Lab Mix 01/27/96-01/11/11 Ashley & Sean Thompson
Cherokee Dachshund 07/31/94-04/16/10 Cathy & Chris Donahue
Cherokee Dalmation 1999 Christine and Christian Lada
Cherokee Doberman 03/24/74-02/07/87 Marie Scardina
Cherokee Dog GreyHound 08/31/00-04/16/12 Ann Deren-Lewis
Cherokee Ferret 02/13/96-01/03/02 Lisaann Darmody
Cherokee German Shepherd 01/89-04/26/00 Cathy
Cherokee German Shepherd Vietnam
Cherokee German Short Haired Pointer 14 years 04/03/08 Sharyn & Dana
Cherokee Girard Lab-Bassett 11 years 08/20/04 Nadine Tatum & David Girard
Cherokee Golden Retriever 10/06/94-02/23/02 Jeff, Tammy & Josh
Cherokee Heart Black Cocker Spaniel 07/15/95-07/10/02 Carmen Martinez
Cherokee Husky 09/27/99-03/28/10 Laura Parks
Cherokee Iroquoian Chief Doberman 10/03/93-01/15/02 D and Ron Harris
Cherokee La Bear La Fountain Chow/Lab Mix 18 years 6 months 04/04/09 Jennifer
Cherokee Labrador Retriever 12/25/96-01/03/12 Andee McCauley
Cherokee Lhasa Apso 07/29/98-07/24/09 Kelly
Cherokee Lynne Cat 04/2004-10/07/16 Amber
Cherokee Maiden Boxer 08/08/97-11/10/07 Dawn Allen and Kristina Pfeiffer
Cherokee Maine Coon Cat 08/88-08/2003 Julie
Cherokee Min Pin 07/29/92-09/11/05 Greg & Lisa Wilson
Cherokee Mix 2005 Katie Rivers
Cherokee Paint/Other? Horse Katie
Cherokee Rose Patton Chow 12 years 08/31/04 Devon Cole
Cherokee Rottie 05/11/99-12/30/00 Robert
Cherokee Rottie-Husky Mix 10/31/01-12/21/05 Barry and Lynn McDonald
Cherokee Rottweiler 6 years 09/06/00 Cathy Stewart
Cherokee Sheltie/Shepherd/Border Collie/Husky 07/19/94-02/18/04 Lovella Paradiso
Cherokee Shetland Sheepdog 10/26/94-07/30/08 DeeAnn and Peter
Cherokee Shorthair Calico Cat 5 years 09/26/90 Betsy Ley and Ed Williams
Cherokee Sioux Yorkshire Terrier 09/01/94-03/04/05 Jackie E. Lynch/Dave Kinser
Cherokee Yellow Lab 12/22/98-02/20/12 Jackie
Cherokee Yorkie 11/27/95-01/05/09 Barbara
Cherokeegirl & Mariah (her unborn foal) Bay and White Tobiano Mare 05/08/99 M. Dawn Kilgore
Cherri Conway Miniature Chinese Shar-Pei 02/26/00-11/03/07 Stephanie Conway
Cherri Shar-Pei 02/26/00-11/03/07 Stephanie Conway
Cherrie Rough Collie 20/06/97-24/06/11 Eilish
Cherrish Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/87-01/28/04 Michelle
Cherry (Chesapeake Cherokee) Horse Maura Herdman
Cherry (Snickers, Speckles, Puss-in-Boots) Torti Cat Spring 2009?-10/27/09 Jim and Susan Kirwan
Cherry Betta Fish 08/04/15-01/12/16 Trey
Cherry Black Cat 11 years 06/03/10 Jessica
Cherry Blossom Grey Mare Horse 12/05/78-31/12/03 Emma Hogarth
Cherry Bomb Lab 10/21/95-04/23/08 Susan Sherwin
Cherry Boxer 06/18/02-07/01/07 Amy, Brandon, Jonah, Gavin, and Spike
Cherry Cat 05/15/13 Christine and Rick Cameron
Cherry Chow 15 years 11/27/05 The Blanks
Cherry Dog 14 years 02/08/08 Sam and Kathy Jenkin
Cherry Golden Retriever/German Shepherd 11/02/90-09/03/02 Laurie Marquez, O'Brien Family
Cherry Hamster 1 year & 5months 10/11/02 Kaity
Cherry Maine Coon Cat 09/01/09-20/11/14 Amanda & Martin Gibbons
Cherry Oaks Chocolate Moose Almighty Labrador 10/31/05-06/19/09 Gina Bellandi
Cherry Pie Cat 18 years 07/10/06 Bernadette Lentz
Cherry Rose Mixed Terrier 10/02/10-08/08/23 Linda Smart
Cherry Russian Blue Cat 03/95-04/10/08 Erin Ayscue
Cherry Tortie Cat 10/31/98-03/06/14 Mary Dereshiwsky
Cherry Vanilla Wechsler Domestic Long Hair Cat 20 years 01/01/07 Valerie, Jay and Alie Wechsler
Cherub Persian Cross Cat 10/26/07 Alida
Cherub Poodle 12/29/94-12/11/10 Jane Harris
Cherubini Cat 8 years 03/26/99 Jeannine Bartnicki
Chervil Cat 03/10/03 Angel Vick
Cheryl Harris Pom 09/24/04 Cheryl Harris
Ches Tennessee Walker Horse 35 years 01/09/05 Laurie Hare
Chesai Cairn Terrier/Poodle Mix 03/15/76-06/94 Lynda P. fink
Chesai Gypsy Legacy Pomeranian 7 years 05/13/97 Joan Reilly
Chesai Sweet Thing (Turkey) Pom 1978-1994 Joan Reilly
Chesai Ziggy Stardust (Widge!) pom 5 years 03/18/94 K. Bristol
Chesany's Pick of The Chick Chesapeake Bay Ret. 04/17/88-07/04/02 Judy and Ron Thomas
Chesapeake (Chessie) Cat 04/02/03-07/10/04 Nan Cahill
Chesapeake (Chessie) DLH Torti Cat 17 1/2 years 03/17/83-07/08/00 Laura and Doug
Chesapeake Beagle 08/10/92-03/03/04 Joe Lafferty
Chesapeake Chinchilla 2 years 1993 Nicci
Chesapeake Diffendall DSH W/Long Hair Cat 03/97-07/2005 Wendy Diffendall
Chesapeake Elkhound Mix 02/94-10/06/06 Joanne
Chesapeake Siamese Mix Cat 04/26/86-06/07/05 Andrea, Ally, Baylee, Sadie, Matisse
Chesea Domestic Short Hair Cat 1990 Karen
Cheshire Black Cat 12 years 12/25/17 Emily Carnes Chapman
Cheshire Charlie Brown Chernutan known as Charlie Boxer 10/07/06-06/13/16 Cyndi & Steve Chernutan
Cheshire 'Chessie' Locket Walker Norwegian Forest Cat 12/96-02/12/10 Denise Renee Brna-Kusky
Cheshire Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cheshire Domestic Cat 4 years 09/22/10 Claudia
Cheshire Domestic Long Hair Cat 03/01/06-06/14/08 Lexie Dillon
Cheshire Domestic Medium Hair Cat 14 years 12/22/18 Annie, Steve & The Kittens - two footed & four
Cheshire Gray Tabby Cat 6 years 01/25/05 Shannon
Cheska Maltese-Shih Tzu 12/01/92-06/07/08 Aunt Jenn
Cheskey Jack Russell Corgi Mix 14 years 05/26/20 Laura Suess
Chesla Betancourt Tabby Cat 20 years 09/27/08 Betancourt
Cheslee Cocker Spaniel 03/04/96-11/24/01 Tom, Kendra, & Kennon Hurst
Chesnee Shar Pei 04/12/93-08/29/06 Terri Henkle
Chesney Black Lab / Pit Mix 09/24/02-03/11/17 Lisa
Chesney Border Collie 14 years 04/11/16 Dan Hamilton
Chesney Cat 03/17/09-08/22/09 Amanda
Chesney Golden Retriever Puppy 04/03/02-06/30/02 Joe Remeikas Jr.
Chesney Jane Labradoodle 17 years 04/20/18 Judy Keighron
Chesney Pug 12/09/15 Alicia Sparks
Chesney Roxanne Matthews Cocker 15 years 05/09/09 Angie and Logan Hickox
Chess Basset Hound 13 years 01/15/06 Courtney Fuller-Orlin
Chess Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound) 02/05/05 Marie Arnold
Chess British Shorthair/Scottish Fold Mix Cat 04/08/87-02/26/02 Cheryl
Chess Cat 2 1/2 years 01/09/14 Apala & Anirudha
Chess German Shepherd 11/17/91-11/30/99 Ann-Catherine Ervin
Chess Guinea Pig 7 years 10/20/11 Nicole
Chessa Domestic Shorthair Cat 10 years 01/22/14 John Tracy
Chessa Min. Schnauzer 04/19/93-08/14/02 Joseph & Diane Mauricio
Chessa Riggs Yorkie/Chihuahua Mix 02/06/06 Richard and Linda
Chessa Shih Tzu 7 years 10/29/02 W
Chessey Belle Perez Bolognese 06/15/08 Mark, V.R., Ryan, & Evan Mireles-Perez
Chessie (aka Chester, aka Rooney, aka Chesterooney) Forrester Cat 21-23 years 01/18/08 Michael Turk
Chessie (Chesapeake) Brown Tabby Cat 9 years 09/05/00 Sean
Chessie 04/04/82-04/13/93 Donna Roberts-Luttrell
Chessie 11 Year Old Cockatiel 10/16/90-04/30/01 Jeanne
Chessie American Staffordshire Terrier 11 years 01 /24/07 Jane
Chessie and Garlits Tabby Cats 17 years 09/30/04 Lea Vollmer
Chessie Bassett Hound 8 years 06/20/15 Mike and Lisa Morley
Chessie Black Lab Mix 12/06/94-03/14/07 Aimee
Chessie Boston Terrier 8 months Janet Rosenthal
Chessie British Shorthair Cat 02/14/09-05/26/22 Barbara Beverley
Chessie Brown Tabby Cat 07/21/06 Donna Herrin and Carol Smith
Chessie Brown Tabby Cat W/ 4 White Feet 08/84-06/19/00 Fran Rea
Chessie Caboose Marie Cowgirl Calico Cat 05/10/94-09/13/10 Diane and Phil Mangiapane
Chessie Calico Tabby Cat 06/13/78-03/08/98 Ken and Shirley Hojnacki and brother Charlie Chan
Chessie Cat 02/22/00 Rachel
Chessie Cat 06/08/97-12/28/09 Jansje Huyck
Chessie Cat 09/30/95 Jeanette
Chessie Cat 13 years 02/23/08 Angela Wagner
Chessie Cat 13 years 11/24/99 Lauren Palmieri
Chessie Cat 1988-03/23/98 Anna Rachel
Chessie Cat 7 years 02/24/05 Beth
Chessie Cavalier Springer Spaniel 12 years Susan Sartory
Chessie Chesapeake 16 years 10/97 Greg & Donna
Chessie Chesapeake Bay Retriever 04/20/92-05/25/02 George, Mary, Micah and Jasmine
Chessie Chesapeake Bay Retriever 05/27/91-07/02/05 Mike and Betsy Grodhaus
Chessie Chesapeake Bay Retriever 06/07/04-03/09/15 Joanne and Tim Bainer
Chessie Chesapeake Bay Retriever 15 years 08/03/02 Estelle & Harry Munro
Chessie Chihuahua 09/21/00-05/15/11 Kristen E. Martin
Chessie Chocolate Lab 04/04/86-09/03/98 The Livingstons
Chessie Chocolate Lab 11/14/09 Kathleen Tolley
Chessie Coleman Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/01/89-12/13/06 Karen Coleman
Chessie Dog 05/02/01 David & Cheri Ryan
Chessie Domestic Medium Hair Black Cat 04/92-10/31/09 Shirley Cooper, Allen, Reneda & Jordan Baer
Chessie Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/2002-09/22/04 Suzanne Fleming
Chessie Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/01/85-06/02/98 Liz Anderson
Chessie Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/31/03-10/08/04 Sharon Harper
Chessie DSH Cat 15 years 08/29/98 Karen Otto-Witzke
Chessie DSH Cat Unknown Renee Binzer
Chessie Golden Retriever 02/12/93-05/31/07 Linda Link
Chessie Golden Retriever 03/01/87-07/12/00 Debbie Lokey
Chessie Golden Retriever 08/02/89-04/20/02 Jonathan Levin, Bonnie Richter, Alan Levin, Ariel Levin
Chessie Golden Retriever 14 years 03/14/09 The Blair and Bunnell Families
Chessie Golden Retriever 8 years 03/24/09 Heather
Chessie Gray Mackerel Tabby Cat 02/02/92-06/17/05 Rita Fetter
Chessie Grey Tabby Cat 07/06/96-03/11/08 Linda Pierce and Carl Hein
Chessie Hound 11 1/2 years 07/26/04 Sandy
Chessie Jack Russell 11/23/97-02/10/12 Bob & Camille
Chessie Jaeger Cairn Terrier Mix 05/15/92-06/12/06 Mariellen Jaeger
Chessie Lab Mix 03/12/88-08/02/98 Hal Stone
Chessie Lab Mix 16 years 01/20/06 Fran Maristch
Chessie Lee West Highland Terrier 09/16/02-04/21/18 JoAnne
Chessie Lightfoot Dalmation 03/28/89-08/07/01 Sandie
Chessie Lightfoot Dalmation 12 years Sandra Henderson
Chessie Lindenmeyer Cat 14 years 2006 John and Mary Lindenmeyer
Chessie Lloyd Chesapeake Bay Retriever 01/10/01-11/27/01 Sharon & Rebecca Lloyd
Chessie Longhair Cat 1985-04/27/01 Ellen Zender
Chessie Maine Coon Cat 12/01/94-02/14/03 Lyn Stevens
Chessie Maine Coon Cat 16 years 01/03/04 David
Chessie Maine Coon Mix Cat 02/01/92-10/13/10 Teresa Perkins
Chessie Manx Cat 07/04/90-08/30/03 Diane Tyler
Chessie Manx Cat 12/15/00-01/02/04 Ed
Chessie Marie Poodle Mix 18 years 4 months 04/21/04 Joanne Koster
Chessie Marmalade Cat 1986-12/20/02 Chris C.
Chessie Mixed Cat 08/30/85-03/29/99 Beth
Chessie Mixed Cat 16 years 10/20/02 Janet
Chessie Orange Tabby Cat 19 years 09/15/03 Dottie Craig
Chessie Orange Tiger Cat 02/22/96-01/28/08 Gin and Joe
Chessie Persian Cat 05/12/82-04/20/96 Pauline Kasper
Chessie Retriever 01/97-05/2012 Judith Rose
Chessie Schildt Chocolate Lab 9 years 11/12/07 Brandon Schildt
Chessie Shepherd/Husky Mix 14 years Diana
Chessie Siamese Cat 03/01/87-08/11/02 Diana & Betty Welshhans
Chessie Silver Grey/Black Tabby 10 years 09/30/95 Halloweena
Chessie Spaniel Mix 05/07/92-04/05/00 Donna Reimer
Chessie Tabby Cat 06/04/10-02/14/15 Samantha
Chessie Tabby Cat 12/93-06/21/04 Katrina Koch
Chessie Tabby Cat 21 years 02/28/07 Alouise Berg
Chessie Thompson Tabby Cat 08/22/96-11/20/09 Lynn Ellen McCutchen Thompson
Chessie Tortie Cat 23 years 10/23/10 Jennifer Miller
Chessie Tortoiseshell Cat 04/15/87-01/30/06 Carol
Chessie West Highland White Terrier 02/09/03-10/19/11 David, Jacqueline, Alyssa, and Nicholas
Chessie White Shorthair Cat 14 years 08/28/00 Guyla, Tim, and Guy Alwine Family
Chessty English Bulldog 7 years 02/10/07 Candy Comprix
Chessy Dog 01/03/09 The Burrage Family
Chessy DSH Cat 17 years 06/26/14 Raymond and Denise
Chessy Golden Retriever 08/13/94-07/20/05 Corrina
Chessy Golden Retriever 11/26/96-12/22/08 Seeley Family
Chessy Lab Mix 12/01/95-02/13/08 Rob Alvarado
Chessy Tabby Cat 04/92-03/27/02 Jenny Waller
Chessy Tabby Cat 18 years 03/14/09 Sara McIlroy
Chesta Cat Ann
Chester (aka Cheddar Cheese, Little Guy) English Pointer 13 years 04/15/06 Pam Jaronik
Chester (aka Cheddar, Cheddy) Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Lab Mix 08/91-01/18/05 Debbie and Mike French
Chester (aka Handsome Boy of the Universe) Orange Tabby Cat 20 years 02/19/13 Anne Marie Nestor
Chester (L'Il Cheddar Cheese) Bassett Hound 02/03/87-08/31/00 Scott, Andrew & Betsy
Chester (Prince Chester Sherwood of Neil Crest) Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) 04/28/85-01/05/00 Christina Henderson
Chester (Super Chester) Chestnut Appendix Quarter Horse 1988-01/01/99 Heather
Chester (Sweet Pea) Mini Dachshund 05/16/87-11/30/01 Cathy & Chelle
Chester (The Fatman) BullDog 11 years 02/19/99 Amy and Mark Caputo
Chester African Grey Parrot 30 years 12/29/05 Ann Reiland and Charles Chaytor
Chester Airedale Terrier 04/15/95-05/31/06 Amy Greenlief
Chester Alaskan Malamute 12/22/87-04/26/00 Sage Giordano
Chester All-American Cat 9? years 04/14/04 Jane & Stephen
Chester American Cocker Spaniel 08/12/83-04/07/00 Sandy, James,Krystal, Amber
Chester American English Foxhound 05/11/02-09/14/16 Brenda G. Poole
Chester American Short Hair Cat 06/28/95-07/04/08 Hillary H
Chester Angora Rabbit 7 years 01/27/03 Sarah Wagner
Chester Australian Shepherd 07/16/01-07/09/11 Derrick, Marcia & Brandon Finney
Chester B Big Rotti 11/13/03-03/02/05 Rick & Penny
Chester Baby Bunny five months 09/10/01 Jacquie
Chester Barthalomew Black and Silver Tabby Cat 15 1/2 years 02/13/08 Laura
Chester Basset 08/26/95-08/22/05 Paul, Tove, Sophia, Danny
Chester Basset 08/26/95-08/22/05 Tove Larussa
Chester Basset Hound 05/04/95-11/05/08 Michelle I
Chester Basset Hound 10/07/03-03/23/07 Chris Ann Black
Chester Basset Hound 8 years 01/23/02 Claire Ginesi
Chester Bassett Hound 04/06/95-03/03/09 Don Mitchell
Chester Beagle 06/17/00-05/02/09 Donna Martin
Chester Beagle 10 years 06/14/07 Ginnie Hobbs
Chester Beagle 13 years 02/11/05 Rebecca & Kevin
Chester Beagle 15 years 02/24/05 Kathleen & John
Chester Beagle 1979-12/18/80 Mike Dallas
Chester Bear Great Dane/Dalmatian Mix 04/27/98-04/23/05 David and Rhiannon
Chester Beige Domestic Cat 09/07/92-03/20/00 Andi and Bob
Chester Belgian/Mix Horse 12 years 08/13/02 Carrie, Hunter, Taylor, and Jason
Chester Bichon X 06/13/97-09/16/10 Cindy, Peter, Leeton & Kryston McGinn
Chester Bingo Tree Walker Coonhound 15 years 12/13/08 Jill, Robert, Branden Berrong
Chester Black & White Cat 12 years 10/03/11 Margaret Verity
Chester Black and Tan Classic Tabby Cat 07/84-10/07/03 Cheryl Bater DVM
Chester Black DSH Cat 03/05/05 Laura Justice
Chester Black Lab 02/10/12 Tyrell
Chester Black Lab 08/01/94-01/10/06 Greg and Paula Williams
Chester Black Lab 3 years 08/25/06 Serica
Chester Black Lab/Dane Mix 10/26/09-09/08/19 Sarah
Chester Black Labrador Retriever 11/20/02-01/02/06 Winchester Cathedral
Chester Blue Tick 12 years 03/04/06 Lori and Dave De Salvo
Chester Border Collie 24/06/94-07/05/05 Eddie Skubij
Chester Boston Terrier 11 years 08/14/10 Lisa Gurule
Chester Boston Terrier 15 years 07/13/09 Rae Packer & Arch Darrow
Chester Bowman Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/01/00-12/12/13 Donna Massiatte
Chester Boxer 10/10/96-16/08/06 Joanne +Craig Oscar+Alfie
Chester Bradshaw Dachshund 12 years 02/26/10 Cathy and Jenni Bradshaw
Chester Briggs Akita Mix 09/01/96-07/15/10 Amy Naranjo
Chester British Shorthair Lilac Point Cat 11/01/06-07/28/09 Suzanne
Chester Brittany 17 years 08/04/06 Bruce and Dori Koehler
Chester Brittany Mix 01/01/98-03/29/10 Sandy and Michael
Chester Brittany Spaniel/Chow Mix 07/31/86-11/16/01 Katie Harris
Chester Brown Dog 11/05/10 Michelle, Joe, Macey & Carter
Chester Brown Tabby Persian Cat 5 years 10/09/00 Kathi, Scott, Eric, Alex, and Jake.
Chester BullDog 10 years Anne and John Taylor
Chester Bulldog rescued 08/26/08-06/02/12 Bernata Slater
Chester Bunny 03/01/99-11/16/03 Lauren and Neil
Chester Cairn Terrier 02/09/07-11/22/19 Mary Hampton
Chester Cairn Terrier 17 years 5 days 05/06/11 Karen K. Schutt
Chester Cantore Shetland Sheepdog 02/27/11-08/05/11 Jennifer & Jennifer Cantore
Chester Cat 01/01/87-09/14/07 Frances
Chester Cat 03/13/81-06/24/97 Lynne Pryor
Chester Cat 04/01/91-01/15/06 Marie K
Chester Cat 05/05/92-01/10/00 Robert Dell
Chester Cat 06/06/94-06/03/08 Craig McAulay
Chester Cat 06/13/12-12/16/24 Jason and Dana Neitz
Chester Cat 06/15/03-12/25/07 Josette & Ravi
Chester Cat 07/93-05/03/10 Kathy Johnson
Chester Cat 09/15/06-08/15/10 The Martins
Chester Cat 10/22/08 Mary and Bobby Viscusi
Chester Cat 11 months 08/11/99 Hillary
Chester Cat 11/01/01-06/12/14 Terra Walker
Chester Cat 11/2002 Denise
Chester Cat 12 years 06/30/98 Jennifer
Chester Cat 12/14/04 Kathleen Loveland
Chester Cat 14 months 08/10/99 Hillary
Chester Cat 15 years 12/12/12 Matthew Sanford & Julia Iannello
Chester Cat 16 years 03/13/03 Marc & Laura
Chester Cat 16 years 04/16/11 Kelly, Kevin, Madison, Marissa, and Kathelyn
Chester Cat 16 years Margaret + Allison Hunter
Chester Cat 18 years 12/27/09 Jonathan Smith
Chester Cat 1998-07/30/15 Mark Vaquer
Chester Cat 3 months 10/2006 Candice
Chester Cat 7 years 07/10/01 Rebecca and Dustin Stanley
Chester Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/29/05-01/28/09 Pierce Levine
Chester Cheetah Browne Cat 04/87-05/24/05 Diana Browne
Chester Chesapeake Bay Retriever 01/28/95-03/28/07 Michele and Dallas McMillen
Chester Chesapeake Bay Retriever 06/11/96-10/17/05 Joe & Suzanne
Chester Chesapeake Bay Retriever 07/15/92-06/24/05 Shelley Johnson
Chester Chesapeake Bay Retriever 07/27/91-01/10/03 Marc Gagliardi
Chester Chez Orange Tabby Cat 02/11/08-08/03/14 Mary Yvonne
Chester Chih/Pomeranian 8 years 06/07/03 Michele Tusa
Chester Chihuahua 06/21/15 Eddie Flores
Chester Chihuahua 08/17/06-03/20/18 Lorie
Chester Chihuahua Mix 17 years 10/16/13 Nikki
Chester Chihuahua-Corgi Mix 10/06/94-09/24/13 Bev and George
Chester Chinese Shar-Pei 11/26/90-10/05/98 Lisa Lanning
Chester Chipmunk 07/09/08 Dolores and Art Carpenter
Chester Chocolate Lab 03/10/94-04/23/03 Julie Amundson
Chester Chocolate Lab 13 years 06/2004 Denise
Chester Chow 12 years 07/27/06 Van and Micele Colemanr
Chester Cockapoo11/24/98-10/11/03 Eva
Chester Cockatiel 12 months 10/23/05 Jen, Garry and Mike and Grandma
Chester Cocker Spaniel 05/25/94-11/27/08 Sandra Zalewski
Chester Cocker Spaniel 06/16/86-06/18/98 The Hazel Family
Chester Cocker Spaniel 12 years 04/03/10 Michael Miller
Chester Collie 12 years 05/29/06 Charlene Morgan
Chester Collie/Shepherd/Huskie(?) 02/10/94-02/14/97 Sheena
Chester Collie-Golden Retriever Mix almost 7 years 08/13/98 Zoe Castro
Chester Colorpoint Shorthair Cat 12/28/89-06/29/03 Darlene Beasley
Chester Copperpot Beagle 07/08/03-06/22/17 Melanie
Chester Corder Bollie Border Collie 15 years 06/11/04 A H Ikin
Chester Cornish Rex Cat 1970-1971 Cyndee Trower
Chester Cream Angora Hamster 7 weeks 02/26/97 Sonja Nilsen
Chester Creme Satin Hamster 7 weeks 03/05/97 Sonja
Chester Cross Breed Cat 10 years 06/19/04 Vicki Cason
Chester Dachshund 04/04/92-02/01/03 The Powell Family
Chester Dachshund 04/15/93-05/01/05 Jim Bonine
Chester Dachshund 05/97-09/28/12 Kathy Beaudry
Chester Dachshund 12 years 01/07/14 Elizabeth Leyva
Chester Dachshund/Terrier Mix 06/10/08-11/13/09 Amy
Chester Dalmatian 13 years 03/19/06 Bobby McGhee
Chester Dawg Dachsie 06/03/08 Catherine
Chester DLH Cat 08/14/00-03/30/18 Stephanie Patrick Kym Erica
Chester Dog 02/09/03 Melanie
Chester Dog 06/03/96-11/17/05 Paula Fletcher
Chester Dog 06/11/89-10/22/00 Becky Harter
Chester Dog 08/01/91-02/09/04 Lisa Marie, Diane, and Leo
Chester Dog 11/05/10 Tara
Chester Dog 13 years 07/2006 Stephanie
Chester Dog 7 years 2003 Sarah
Chester Dog 8 years 03/11/06 Stephen Daugherty
Chester Dog Kathleen Weaver
Chester Dog Martiatay
Chester Domestic Cat 14 years 02/26/11 Louise Wilson
Chester Domestic Cat Stefanie Kentel
Chester Domestic Long Hair Cat 10/26/93-06/27/07 Judi and Randy Ross
Chester Domestic Longhair Cat 02/14/87-09/10/00 Jackie
Chester Domestic Longhair Cat 2009-10/31/15 Bill and Cindy Jarrard
Chester Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/11/07-12/08/09 Hannah Diziki
Chester Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 10/01/12 Maria
Chester Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 15 years 07/23/08 Maria, Brian and Reilly Card
Chester Domestic Shorthair Orange Tabby Cat 01/11/81-07/12/99 Lorie and Donnie
Chester DSH Cat 01/03/89-07/22/05 Ginny Donley
Chester DSH Cat 1 1/2 years 05/23/02 Diane & Carol
Chester DSH Cat 12 years 01/17/05 Maggie
Chester DSH Cat 7+ years 08/02/97 Sandra Etzel
Chester DSH Tuxedo Cat 13 years 12/00 Pam S
Chester DSH Tuxedo Cat 9 years 05/30/02 Marybeth Hamilton
Chester English Bulldog 05/27/20-01/26/24 Eunice
Chester English Bulldog 12/12/07-07/24/07 Marianne Cedrone
Chester Fancy Rat 11/18/10-03/24/13 Amanda and Matt
Chester Ferret 11/15/02 Amber & Mike
Chester Fox Terrier 07/07/03 Shoshana
Chester French Bulldog 6 years 11/28/19 Carrie
Chester Fresnel Willis Taylor Rat Terrier/Jack Russell 08/25/97-03/24/10 Jenny Taylor
Chester Gee Cat 12 weeks 12/13/06 Anna, Sara, Jason, K.J.
Chester Gerbil 05/1995-08/19/99 Rocky
Chester German Shepherd 09/17/92-07/16/04 Jeff & Vicky Grendzinski
Chester German Shepherd 10 years 11/14/04 Diane Siciliano and Mark Tokarz
Chester German Shepherd Mix 3 years 08/30/95 Cindy & Stuart
Chester German Shepherd X Chocolate Labrador 12/31/92-10/04/05 Jacqui, Gary, Ryan & Hayley
Chester Girl Choc Labrador Mix 04/26/85-07/16/97 Eileen and Tom
Chester Golden Cocker Spaniel 05/22/68-11/26/82 Timothy Larner
Chester Golden Lab/Springer Spaniel Mix 04/26/86-10/05/98 Linda
Chester Golden Labrador 2 years 08/01/00 Kelly, Michael and Chloe
Chester Golden Retriever 01/19/05-05/10/11 Lisa
Chester Golden Retriever 01/30/86-03/11/00 Carrie Pepper
Chester Golden Retriever 08/26/95-02/27/06 Sue Young
Chester Golden Retriever 09/11/00-02/22/11 Dana Di Lorenzo
Chester Golden Retriever 11/30/00 Russ & Paula Osborne
Chester Golden/Shepherd Mix l993-l999 George Foye
Chester Great Dane 12/31/94-01/25/05 Tuja Stuard
Chester Grey Tabby Cat 09/15/00-04/15/01 Tammy Hughett
Chester Greyhound 05/20/01-01/18/12 Eric Leach
Chester Greyhound 9 years 11/12/08 Kristen Metzger & Family
Chester Guerrero Golden Retriever 03/01/01-06/11/11 Andrea, Gabriela, Marianna
Chester Guinea Pig 01/2011-01/04/13 Mary Nguyen
Chester Guinea Pig 4 years 07/19/08 Denise & Ric Sabatini
Chester Himalayan Cat 12 years 11/01/04 Kris Lennon
Chester Holland Lop Bunny 08/15/04-06/04/10 Ashley and Tony Engelberg
Chester Hooded Rat 03/02/03-12/09/04 Sandy Powell
Chester Horatio Inky Pig (C.H.I.p) Guinea Pig 04/27/00-07/05/01 Paul
Chester Hound Mix 02/14/92-03/05/08 Wes, Dawn and Tyler
Chester Hound Mix 02/28/06 Jena Bulger
Chester Irish Setter 10/17/99-05/06/00 Gina & Jason
Chester Jack Russell 10 1/2 years 12/11/07 Andrew
Chester Jackson Maltese Shitzu 11/09/08-23/11/24 Anthea
Chester John Torres Long Haired Orange Maine Coon Cat 06/28/03 Julie and Angela
Chester Joseph Lowe Blue Abbyssinnian Cat 03/03/89-07/19/02 Jeanine Lange
Chester Lab 06/80-06/90 John Yakubosky
Chester Lab Mix 08/05/89-06/25/05 Heidi L. Fleming
Chester Lab/Akita 05/98-12/29/08 Candace
Chester Lab/Retriever Mix 05/15/07 Lisa Hocker
Chester Lab/Retriever Mix 12/25/04-09/14/04 Steve
Chester Labrador 04/23/01-01/18/11 Lynette
Chester Labrador 05/15/96-04/09/12 Patty Costley
Chester Labrador 11/06/01-12/15/12 Marcia
Chester Labrador Retriever 11/06/01-12/15/12 Marcia Flynn
Chester Lester Golden Retriever 01/05/03-11/12/09 Erin Lester
Chester Lhasa/Shih Tzu 06/01/89-06/12/03 Jane
Chester Lipari Tuxedo Cat 09/29/08 Lisa, Jerry, Tiger, Joey and Sweetie Lipari
Chester Llasa Apso 07/19/87-09/07/02 Jamie
Chester Long Hair Tabby Cat 09/25/92-07/05/10 Mel
Chester Long-Haired Orange Tabby Cat 10/00-05/12/00 Bill and Darlene Geddes
Chester Louis DSH Tabby Cat 15 years 01/27/05 Lee
Chester Maine Coon Cat 03/26/88-01/16/07 Theresa Carollo
Chester Maine Coon Cat 04/15/93-11/17/09 Mark & Deb
Chester Maine Coon Cat 08/23/92-05/03/02 Ed Bonyai
Chester Maine Coon Cat 12/07/13 Kelsey Novacek
Chester Maine Coon Cat 8 1/2 years 01/30/05 Dena & David
Chester Maltese 04/02/06-12/30/11 Sophia Park
Chester Maltese 09/05/01-12/08/04 Cathy Fisher
Chester McFarland American DSH Cat 04/08/95-09/02/05 Lisa McFarland
Chester McPoufie Cat 11/01/07-12/23/08 Darvin
Chester Mendoza Chihuahua/Terrier 10/07/92-12/05/07 Wendy Espino
Chester Miles Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/08/93-12/28/06 Tracy Miles
Chester Mini Holland Lop Bunny 07/96-08/30/98 Maryanne & Eric Carlson
Chester Mini Poodle 10/28/92-09/14/06 Bette Elms
Chester Miniature Pinscher 05/31/99-07/14/15 Julie Lare
Chester Miniature Schnauzer 04/29/89-06/01/06 Wendy
Chester Miniature Schnauzer 4 years Jason Schwartz
Chester Mix Dog 12/14/05-06/08/18 Sueli Heise
Chester Mixed Beagle 14 years 12/01/01 Nancy
Chester Mixed Breed 3 years Sandra Kilty and Trudy
Chester Mixed Breed Dog 01/08/11 Catherine
Chester Mixed Breed Dog 01/20/91-04/08/05 Michelle Mahler and Family
Chester Mixed Breed Dog 10/15/88-08/14/00 Lisa Hudecek
Chester Mixed Cat 01/14/04-09/24/15 Bridget Combs
Chester Mixed Cat 03/30/01-06/07/08 Maria Reed
Chester Mixed Dog 13 years 12/11/09 Amy, Jr, and Mason
Chester Mixed Dog 16 years 02/20/02 Emily Nicoson
Chester Moo Cat 07/13/08-12/09/09 Kerry Guiliano
Chester Norwegian Forrest Cat 14 years 03/02/05 Joanne & David Irish
Chester Old English Sheepdog 12/13/99-11/23/11 Robert & Rosemary Gay
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 03/30/98-12/05/98 Laurie Plunk
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 06/01/01-08/12/10 Jeff Stutzman
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 07/14/91-08/16/07 Kerry Haywood
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 09/03/05 Sarah
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 16 years 09/20/10 Susan Slepski
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 1984-06/01/00 Marcia Flynn & Claire Held and Family
Chester Orange Tabby Cat 8 years 02/15/05 Kris Mowatt
Chester Orange Tabby Cat Samantha
Chester Pam Hamerski
Chester Parakeet 04/11/02 Erin
Chester Parsons St. Bernard 9 years 07/19/10 Rebecca Parsons
Chester Peekapoo Schnauzer 07/94 Rachel
Chester Pekin Duck 2 years 12/22/07 John and Michelle Schweinfurth
Chester Percheron/Standardbred Cross Horse 29 years 02/26/10 Audrey
Chester Persian Cat 09/01/89-07/28/03 Scott Ellis and Melinda Beaver
Chester Pester Orange Tabby Cat 04/05-07/30/07 Susan G
Chester PEW Rat 12/12/11-06/10/14 Sue and Morgan
Chester Pit Bull/Boxer Mix 2001-04/08/14 Janine Hosseini
Chester Pointer 08/15/09 Tara and Hank
Chester Pomeranian 06/30/03-01/30/03 Jessica L
Chester Poodle 8 years 12/29/08 Jenn Singarella
Chester Poodle Mix 21 years 09/25/01 Sue Tremont, For Paula Haugen
Chester Pug 12/22/97-04/22/06 Janet and Donald Himmler
Chester Pure Red Cat 04/08/05 Craig
Chester Quaker Parrot 03/24/12 Angie Mokritsky
Chester Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred 11 years 01/01/99 Heather
Chester Quarter X Appy Horse 27/09/87-26/01/09 Joanne
Chester Rabbit 2006-18/04/09 Debra
Chester Rat Terrier 13 years 05/07/13 Keith Borland
Chester Raznick Golden Retriever 12 years 12/10/08 Aunt Deborah Raznick
Chester Red Tick Coonhound 12 years 07/29/12 Bruce Spitzer
Chester Rex Rabbit 07/01/98-10/21/07 Marily Grotz
Chester Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix 03/96-05/18/06 Doreen, Erin, Kayla, Tara and Natalie
Chester Rotti 02/01/93-03/03/05 Rick and Penny Waters
Chester Rottweiler 05/31/96-03/06/02 Barbara
Chester Rye Beagle Full Of Love 11/26/98-06/16/11 Jessica and Robert
Chester Sabatalo Domestic Short Hair Cat 1996-08/21/06 Lynn Sabatalo
Chester Saint Bernard 01/19/00-08/14/09 Bob and Nancy Shuster
Chester Schitsoo 14 years 03/12/10 Linda
Chester Schnauzer Leslie
Chester Scoodle 10/99-02/11/11 Donna
Chester Scottie 13 years 03/2000 William Harrison
Chester Severe Macaw 9 years 03/12/04 Karen
Chester Sewill Nebelung Cat 10/16/97-06/09/16 Julia Sewill
Chester Shamu Luna Datsun 08/13/05-08/21/09 Adriana & Irma Luna
Chester Sheep 11/25/01 Carol
Chester Shepherd/Yellow Lab X 05/15/91-02/07/04 Carrie Charlton
Chester Shetland Sheepdog 04/94-03/08/08 Sonja
Chester Shitzu 04/12/90-10/15/04 Mazariegos Family
Chester Short Hair Cat 1993-2013 Allison
Chester Shorthair Guinea Pig 6 years 08/03/17 Ana Haget
Chester Singarella Poodle 8 years 12/29/08 Jenn
Chester Smith Yellow Lab 9 years 10/10/12 P Smith
Chester Spaniel Mix 10/10/01-07/31/06 Ann Meili
Chester Spaniel Mix 15 years 07/31/06 Ann and Russ
Chester Speer Dachshund 03/25/95-04/14/06 Anna Speer
Chester Staffordshire Terrier 24/10/91-16/12/02 Tracy Marshall-Fox
Chester Standard Poodle 12/27/95-01/11/07 Alice Cortez
Chester Swiggle Bully Mix 14 years 03/04/11 Edy Rose
Chester Tabby Cat 02/11/08 Beth & Chris Shatto & Abby
Chester Tabby Cat 14 years 02/06/10 Maura
Chester Tabby Cat 14/11/02-17/04/16 Esther
Chester Terrier Mix 04/28/98-04/22/09 Laura and Kathy
Chester Terrier/Collie Mix 15 years 12/10/99 Marcia Gaffey
Chester The Boy Collie Husky 12/21/04-01/01/06 Pamela Anne Sexsmith
Chester Thoroughbred Cross Horse 23/11/10 Laura
Chester Tiger Cat ?1995-04/14/04 Jane & Stephen
Chester Timothy Blue Point Himalayan Cat 19 years 10/16/05 The Wrights
Chester Tito Rodriguez Cocker Spaniel 02/14/08-07/19/12 Elizabeth
Chester Tortoiseshell & White Kitten 6 1/2 months 12/25/02 Nicole Brill
Chester Toy Fox Terrier 06/06/93-09/06/99 Kelly and Jerome Lord and Family
Chester Turkish Van Cat 15 years 03/29/06 Eileen Fulton
Chester Viszla 01/08/99 Jill
Chester Walker Treeing Coonhound 3 years 03/17/01 Terri Fowler
Chester Waymack Manchester Mix 7 years 1969 Mike Waymack
Chester Weasel Silky Terrier 7 years 19/13/10 Julie Malin
Chester Welsh Pembroke Corgi 1/01/88-09/25/02 Melissa
Chester Westie 10/24/94-09/13/05 Christy
Chester White Mouse 1 month Kat
Chester White Rabbit 12 years 07/23/15 Journey Barcelona
Chester Whitlock Pomeranian 14 years 12/18/08 Kourtney
Chester William Helmers Guinea Pig 2 years 05/18/04 Ariana
Chester Wood Rat Terrier 1998-06/11/14 Sue Patterson
Chester Yellow Lab 08/20/98-03/22/08 Lorelei Bluteau
Chester Yellow Lab Mix 03/26/12 LeeAnn
Chester Yellow Labrador Retriever 06/12/02-05/10/09 Jody Snyder
Chester Yorkie 09/2009-10/04/17 Angela
Chester Yorkie 16 years 01/12/13 Sharon P
Chester Yorkie September 2003 to March 2005 The Sangetta Family
Chester Yorkshire Terrier 11/07/86-10/07/02 Simona & Vince Ditoma
Chester, Toto and Pixie Yorkshire Terriers 6, 2 and 6 months 12/19/02 Debbie Stewart
Chesterfield Basset Hound 04/04/92-01/15/06 Ona Fuller
Chesterfield Golden Retriever 01/18/90-03/21/98 Joseph Sobin
Chesterfield Golden Retriever 8 years 03/21/98 Joseph S.
Chesterfield Kirby Mclean Rat 2 years 07/15/06 Dori Saltonstall
Chesterfield Montgomery (Chester) American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit 6 1/2 years 12/10/01 Louise Gray
Chester-Peake Jack Russell Terrier 08/03/89-07/10/06 Janet K
Chestnut 1/85-02/05/97 Don & Germaine
Chestnut Brown Bunny 10/03/93-05/08/00 Heidi Costello
Chestnut Cat 03/28/89-04/30/05 Mary & Keith
Chestnut Cockerpoo 09/15/93-08/24/07 Bob & Carole Ellis
Chestnut Dachshund 23/12/04-12/10/12 Anna Patricio
Chestnut Dog 14 years 01/14/11 Kerri Belluz
Chestnut Golden Retriever 11 years 01/06/07 Rebecca
Chestnut Guinea Pig 5 1/2 years 11/08/08 Izzy
Chestnut Pomerian 14 years 07/10/06 Debi
Chestnut Rabbit 2001 Tamar
Chestnut Tortishell Calico Cat 06/91-07/16/98 Kerri O'Halloran
Chestnut Yorkie 10/13/85-05/18/00 Terri, Tony, & Children
Chestnutbelle Labrador Retriever 10/28/88-01/01/04 Judie Gelinas
Chesty Black Labrador 03/16/03-12/02/14 Ray Ruiz
Chesty Scott German Shepherd 03/08/96-03/25/06 Whitney Zwieg
Chesty Tabby Cat 09/86-12/29/99 Megumi
Cheswick Mixed Breed Dog 11/07/01 Karen Collins
Cheswick Purebreed Mutt 02/28/90-06/21/97 Joyce Eckman
Chesy Chesapeake Bay Retriever 09/24/00-01/05/07 Michelle & Doug
Chet Cat 20 1/2 years 04/07/12 Joan Cash
Chet Greyhound 01/05/94-08/08/07 Sofiya Rudayev
Chet Half-Lop Rabbit 07/17/91-12/31/98 Tina Mckenzie
Chet Morkie 5 years 09/03/11 Erin
Chet Sheltie 01/2009 Cathy
Chet Westie 02/04/00-01/19/16 Kim Fentress
Cheta Gray and White Cat 11 years 08/03/06 Debbie
Chetan Turtle 12/07/14 Mayur
Chete Cat 10+ years 04/27/00 B
Chett Cat 09/94-09/03/08 Dwight Harris
Cheval Chihuahua 14 1/2 years 07/24/96 Ken
Cheval Chocolate Lab 12/13/98-10/02/00 Nola
Chevalier (Chevy) Dmh Cat 02/92-08/24/01 Sandy Heglund
Chevee Dachshund 01/03/08-08/28/08 Alison
Chevell Dalmatian 05/03/98-05/08/05 John, Lillie & Chell
Chevelle Cat 08/22/99 Cindy Millar
Chevelle Husky /Wolf Mix 11/01/92-06/11/08 Annette Nitz
Chevelle Siamese Kitten 03/20/12-05/22/12 Melissa Robison
Chevez Meezer 09/03/99 Marsha Smith
Chevi Horse 24 years Colleen Patterson
Chevi Lynn DiNinno Spanador (Cocker Spaniel/Lab Mix) 02/03/09-09/02/11 Amanda DiNinno
Chevie Golden Retriever 10/91 Carolyn McKenzie
Chevis Husky/Shepherd 08/29/93-10/04/06 Jennifer, Lauren, Olivia and CJ
Chevis Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 05/03/02 Deborah and Steven Taylor
Chevis Mixed Dog 02/12/90-08/01/03 Megan Cusick
Chevron Corey Dog 9 years 11/24/12 Kevin and Regina
Chevy aka big dog aka junk yard dog Shep Mix 08/13/11 Nathan Kalal
Chevy American Fox Hound 03/24/18 Sue Hamel
Chevy Anne Bush Cocker Spaniel 4 years 05/14/04 Carla Jean
Chevy Bean Boxer 12/05/08 Jenn and Phil Bean
Chevy Black Lab 05/10/93-12/21/03 Galen & Sylvia
Chevy Border Collie 01/26/92-06/05/06 Nancy and Dave
Chevy Boxer/Pit Mix 01/2012-03/05/15 Jennifer Triolo
Chevy Cardinale Golden Retriever 08/30/98-12/28/07 Rita & Frank Cardinale
Chevy Cat 04/99-04/16/01 Patricia Anne Stafford
Chevy Cat 05/31/98-09/14/06 Paula Greenland
Chevy Cat 12/01/88-09/08/03 Vonnie and Denny
Chevy Cat 13 1/2 years 09/25/08 Melanie Dalee
Chevy Cat 20 years 03/20/07 Donna, Scott, Matt & Taylor Hanson
Chevy Cat 3 years 09/22/14 Tabatha
Chevy Cat 7 years 01/12/09 Delores
Chewy Chinchilla 06/28/22 Genevieve
Chevy Chinchilla Cross Cat 11/25/89-01/01/03 Sue Cairns
Chevy Cocker Spaniel Cross 03/23/96-10/25/06 Carol Harty
Chevy Dog 04/22/16 Kim W.
Chevy Dog 10/09/01 Mario and Grace
Chevy Dog under 2 years Julie Kaupas
Chevy German Shepherd 02/2008 Dina
Chevy German Shepherd 08/22/95-02/25/06 Rachel Clark
Chevy German Shepherd Mix 10/27/94-06/12/09 Elizabeth and Gary Guaraglia
Chevy Golden Retriever 05/02/97-02/05/08 Pam Starrett
Chevy Lab Mix 13-14 years 12/06/05 Sherri Turner
Chevy Lab X Terrier 17 years 11/06/06 Stefanie Gunderson
Chevy Maltese 02/26/01-07/08/11 Shione Hill
Chevy Mixed Dog 11/28/08 Robin & Jeff Jones
Chevy Orange Cat 04/04/98 Jeannette Spenser
Chevy Pit Bull 02/15/95-07/22/10 Ellen & Paul
Chevy Pit Bull 06/01/13-04/30/20 Linda
Chevy Poodle 02/09/00-01/16/09 Daniel, Rachel, Braden & Shadow
Chevy Rhodesian Ridgeback and Lab 12/24/04-03/07/11 Alice Guy Hoffman
Chevy Rottweiler Cross approximately 13 years 10/24/08 Naomi Wolf
Chevy Russian Blue Cat 07/87-02/11/03 The McLeods
Chevy Sheltie 11/19/86-04/07/00 Michele Parton
Chevy Sheltie Cross 20 years 08/09/10 Sian Thomson
Chevy Shepherd Husky 03/31/93-08/04/06 Lisa and Mark Hunter
Chevy Shepherd/Husky/Wolf Cross 13 years 08/04/06 Lisa and Mark
Chevy Terrier 2 years 04/28/07 Tamara
Chevy Yellow Lab 09/20/98-04/26/00 Scott Piebenga
Chew Chew Chihuahua 10 years 07/12/11 Margie
Chew Chew Persian Cat 14 years 07/20/12 Alair Altiero
Chew Golden 7 years 09/27/08 Dan Roth
Chewacca Mulder Allen (Chewy) Mini Dachshund 10/13/00-08/08/10 The Allen Family
Chewbaca (Chewy) Terrier (Like The One In Benji Movies) 19 years 09/10/04 Cheryl, Elainia and Ronnie
Chewbaca Afghan Hound 04/17/01 Mary & Family
Chewbaca Basset Mix 01/01/98-10/16/12 Patti Short and Chris McGuffin
Chewbaca Chewy Baca Australian Shepherd Mix Puppy 10/31/05-08/27/06 Shaz Cody Ben Wyatt Jeff Tom
Chewbaca Desmond Lambeau aka Chewy Chow Chow 12/96-12/29/04 Louann
Chewbaca Jo Cat 08/15/95-10/13/04 Kari Solandros
Chewbaca Maltese 12/06/97-01/16/10 Joanne
Chewbaca Mutt 08/01/85-12/28/00 The Nixon Family
Chewbacca (Baca) Shih Tzu 9 years 05/13/95 N. Hill
Chewbacca (Chew Chew) German Shepherd 08/20/04-06/23/13 Nick and Betsy
Chewbacca (Chewee) St. Bernard Mix 2000-04/01/03 Ruth & Chris Holmes
Chewbacca (Chewie) Chow Mixture 02/19/99-03/11/04 Shannon Edwards
Chewbacca (Chewie) Golden 11/30/00-10/28/08 Dan/Deb Roth
Chewbacca (Chewie) Medium Hair Gray Tiger Cat W/Beige Belly & White Feet 7 1/2 years 08/01/01 Carrie Cavins
Chewbacca (Chewy) Dominant Blue Pied Parakeet 03/20/97-02/07/05 Renee Giorgetti
Chewbacca aka Chewy, Chewpac, Pock Beagle-Basset-Lab 02/95-12/09/07 Dave, Jennifer, and Nikki
Chewbacca Bassett Hound 04/01/98-04/29/10 Bill and Jackie Kipp
Chewbacca Chihuahua 8 months 03/04/07 Jessica Bergstrom de Jesus
Chewbacca Chocolate Lab 04/05/02-07/15/05 Kim and Joe
Chewbacca Chocolate Labrador 02/14/00-09/14/15 Shawn Yarnold
Chewbacca Chow Chow 13 September 1992 - 02 July 2001 Amanda Sheppard
Chewbacca Chow Mix 06/01/97-04/20/11 Jodi and Andy
Chewbacca Cock-a-Poo passed 08/78-01/25/00 Tommy & Linda Johnson
Chewbacca Cocker Spaniel 04/23/93-05/08/09 Lisa Christy
Chewbacca DiGiorgio American Mastiff 11/30/01-02/05/08 Matthew & Melissa DiGiorgio
Chewbacca Dog 07/29/91-04/23/04 Peggy
Chewbacca Hermione Black Lab/Chow? 03/01/99-01/03/12 Stephanie
Chewbacca Lhasa Apso 1999-12/31/13 Antony C Espinoza
Chewbacca Novak Alaskan Grey Wolf, German Shepherd, Chow, Labrador 07/01/96-05/18/06 Marie Novak
Chewbacca Orange Tabby Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/00-03/28/08 Melanie C. Harnage
Chewbacca Party Cocker spaniel 08/28/03 Pat
Chewbacca Pekapoo 05/03/02-02/02/17 Marion G
Chewbacca Pomeranian 07/01/99-03/13/11 Erin
ChewBacca Pomeranian 1991-06/06/99 Tina
Chewbacca Pomeranian 7 years 10/05/15 Judy Flowers
Chewbacca Shar Pei 09/27/09 Aurora Dizon
Chewbacca Shiloh Shepherd 02/18/01-09/13/03 Greg and Melody Woods
Chewbacca Shorkie 12/31/09-05/26/23 Rebecca
Chewbacca St. Bernard 03/12/94-07/17/00 Mary
Chewbacca Wolfgang Page Pom 01/25/96-01/19/10 Cathy Page
Chewbacca, Jedi Warrior (Chewie) Golden Retriever 09/01/89-03/28/00 John Hopkins and Ellen Lewis
Chewbacca/Chewy Lhasa Apso 6 years 04/26/08 Jessica, Kathy, Pat, Johnny, and Pouncer
Chewbacca's Dallas Sophia Rose Rottweiler 06/23/03-10/22/12 Art, Vicki, Tammy, Rick and Sully
Chewbaka Eskimo Mix 16 years 06/01/05 Terry and Bill
Chewbear Great Pyrenees 06/08/07 Katherine Lee
ChewBone 09/17/97 Karen Logan
Chewe Domestic Ginger Cat 10/07-10/02/08 Thynette Dannhauser
Chewee Chow/Mastiff 10/17/00-03/13/06 Deeanne Salazar
Chewey Cat 09/15/98-03/10/03 Helen, Holly, Chris
Chewey Chihuahua 06/96-02/05/08 Richard
Chewey Chow Chow 09/87-03/17/99 Penny
Chewey Ferret 12/18/03 Annette Albert
Chewey Ferret 7 years 12/18/03 Annette Albert
Chewey Gerbil 3 years 11/30/05 Phill and Iris
Chewey Golden Retriever 04/06/95-02/26/01 Francesca M. Eidson
Chewey Hamster Wendy McKiernan
Chewey Ilean Black Lab/Rottweiler Mix 07/30/94-11/07/06 Chris, Anna, Anastasia and Christopher McIntyre
Chewey Jack Russell 12/30/02-02/05/18 Sandi
Chewey Mix 03/27/95-08/14/06 Allison Bunning
Chewey Mutt 04/13/04 Jacob Brent Nelson
Chewey Pomeranian 14 years 08/03/11 Nancy McErlain
Chewey Pomeranian Mix 4 1/2 years 06/06/11 Julie Arreguin
Chewey Yorkie 03/25/87-10/31/99 Leslie
Chewi (Chewbacca) White Eskimo Spitz/Lab 01/04/00-07/13/01 Wanda & Jimmy Jones
Chewie and Rowdie CavagnettoChow Lab and Norw. Elkhound 14 and 15 years 09/10/09 Natalie Cavagnetto
Chewie Angie Thompson
Chewie Bearded Collie 08/19/95-03/31/09 Robert B. Cox
Chewie Bennett Schipperke 06/98-09/16/09 Mila Bennett
Chewie Black Lab Mix 05/17/96-06/22/13 Angela Seeber
Chewie Border Collie Mix 01/01/98-04/06/12 Shaun O'Connell & Family
Chewie Border Terrier 07/22/93-10/29/09 Sharon & Paul Slominski
Chewie Boston Terrier 14 years 06/23/12 Bella Cosetta
Chewie Brown Maine Coon Cat 4 years 08/03/05 The Browns
Chewie Cat 04/17/77-11/16/01 Marilyn Snyder and family
Chewie Cat 2 years 09/03/02 Cyndyi Spohn
Chewie Chihuahua 13 years 12/03/09 Brett Rawlings
Chewie Chips Ahoy Cocker Spaniel 03/28/90-03/29/03 Steve and Debbie Kluttz
Chewie Chow Chow 13 years 12/22/00 Michelle Fuller-Rivas
Chewie Chow/Shepherd 1995-06/20/08 Chastity Lamm
Chewie Cockapoo 13 years 09/02/00 Angela Johns
Chewie Collie 6 years 03/30/04 Heather Neuner
Chewie Dachshund 01/29/97-02/28/01 Dyana
Chewie Del Pozo Rat Terrier 11/10/99-08/24/01 Jessica Del Pozo & Juan Salazar
Chewie Domestic Longhair Calico Cat 02/20/09 Catherine & Paul
Chewie Domestic Shorthair Kitten 10/2003-02/29/04 Carol Tellefson
Chewie DSH Cat 05/01/05-09/19/15 Robert Moody
Chewie Ferret 07/03/00-05/28/07 Amy
Chewie Franks Black Lab/Chow Mix 10 years 09/28/11 Greg, Darrah, and Josie Franks
Chewie German Shepherd Mix 05/10/99-08/19/09 Diana Gleockler
Chewie Golden Cocker Spaniel 2010 Hailey
Chewie Golden Retriever 11/29/01-09/28/08 Deb and Dan
Chewie Grey/White Short Haired Domestic Cat 10 years 01/19/98 Angie Thompson
Chewie Guinea Pig 1 year Kandice Alexander
Chewie Gum Stratton Long-Haired Chihuahua 09/10/06-06/21/07 Brooke, Tre', Abby, Owen, & Emma
Chewie Lhasa Apso 7 years 09/07/16 Leana and Brad
Chewie Lhasapoo 15 years 04/28/09 Jennifer, Tj, Lisa
Chewie Long Haired Syrian Hamster 11/19/18 Becca Schluter
Chewie Long-Hair Cat 04/95-05/08/08 Jan Niemeier
Chewie MacKay Golden Retriever 01/07/02-11/23/13 The MacKays
Chewie Maine Coon Cat 1 year, 4 months 12/06/99 Rog
Chewie Meyers Yorkshire Terrier 05/23/97-05/16/07 Barbara Meyers
Chewie Min-Pin 12/07/95-01/06/11 Suzzann Braggs
Chewie Mixed Breed Dog 10/19/96-04/14/11 TJ Bennett
Chewie Mixed Dog 5 years 2005 Debra
Chewie Mohawk Golden Retriever 10/26/01-04/19/11 Margaret Van Hook
Chewie Myers Chihuahua/Pomeranian 12 years 08/17/08 Bubs Myers
Chewie Orange Tabby Cat 5 years 06/17/09 Hannah
Chewie Pomeranian 06/15/04 Heather
Chewie Rat 3 year 2002 Lisa Delpozo
Chewie Rot/Blue Tick Mix 03/89-10/09/00 Candy Olson
Chewie Sasada Dachshund 05/01/05-10/29/12 Gena David Lia Didi Sasada
Chewie Schnauzer 02/15/92-12/14/06 Greg and Kris
Chewie Scottie 13 years 04/21/96 Michele's Mom
Chewie Sharpei 11/10/96-01/02/12 Keith & Donna Manuel
Chewie Shih Tzu 11 years 12/24/19 Justin
Chewie Shih Tzu 8 years 07/13/06 Joyce Conboy
Chewie Shih-Tzu X Cocker Spaniel 07/18/05-09/02/12 Connie Beach
Chewie Short Hair Cat 05/01/05-11/06/16 Pamela
Chewie Silky Terrier 16 years 05/28/07 Sheila Lassiter
Chewie Smith Yorkie 12/11/09 Ed, Donna, and Seth Smith
Chewie Standard Poodle 14 years 12/06/13 Meredeth and Marvin Mann
Chewie Syrian Hamster 2 years 2 months 08/07/04 Vanessa
Chewie Tabby Cat 06/01/92-01/02/09 Denise
Chewie Terripoo July 1995 Claire Ives' neighbor
Chewie Tibetan Spaniel Mix 11 years 01/20/07 Candi & Jeff
Chewie Wisner Cocker Spaniel & Golden Retriever 11/88-12/04/03 Carol & Don
Chewie Yorkie 04/05/13-06/23/21 Heather
Chewie Yorkie 3 years 11/18/17 Megan Biggs
Chewie Yorkie-Poo 4 years 12/31/12 Bailey, Chloe, Sherri, Jeff
Chewlie houseCat 18 years 08/25/94 Joan Watzke / K. Henry
Chewlie Lab/Chow Mix 01/02/97-01/20/05 The Dansak Family
Chewlot's Tully Bernese Mountain Dog 02/27/93-12/08/99 Jennie & Eric Hoffnagle
Chewpee Aus Shepherd 19 years 09/04/01 John Broessel
Chewy (aka Chew Chew Train) German Shepherd 07/95-11/02/06 Tyka, Maia, Michelle, Mikayla and Stanford
Chewy (Chewbacca) Yorkie/Lhasa Apso Mix 05/11/86-04/30/01 Steve and Mary Elfman
Chewy (Mai Midnight Chew) Chow 01/09/93-02/03/04 Denny, Debbie, Ryan and Luke
Chewy Alpso Lisso 08/01/01 Myra Weinstein
Chewy American Eskimo Dog 05/30/93-03/06/09 Vannette McLain
Chewy Bear Yorkshire Terrier Puppy 12/02/08-03/28/09 Christina Bowman
Chewy Bears Tabby Cat 01/16/15 Michael
Chewy Bichon Frise 03/29/094-06/14/07 Marilyn
Chewy Black and White Dutch Rabbit 2005 Colleen Malinowski
Chewy Black Guinea Pig 09/25/96-05/12/00 Shannon Cain
Chewy Black Long Hair Domestic Cat 1 year 05/27/00 Melanie Charbonneau
Chewy Brown Poodle 03/21/95-06/17/01 Suzy Sucato
Chewy Brussels 02/08/08-05/26/17 Linda
Chewy Bunny 01/10/03 Tracy Lager & Rory Dyke
Chewy Burda Ferret 5 years 02/27/12 Sue & Neil Burda
Chewy Calico Cat 12/04/11 Leslie
Chewy Cat 07/03/00-03/18/17 Alison Baptiste
Chewy Cat 17 years 03/09/94 Matthew & Jan Phair
Chewy Cat 18 years 09/30/98 Laurie
Chewy Cat 2 years 12/31/05 Manuel Santillan
Chewy Cat 26/09/16 Lorna
Chewy Cat 4 years 12/04/99 sarah
Chewy Charleston Black Dog 1984-11/12/98 Crawford, Danny, Linda and Ellen
Chewy Chewboo Booboo Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 17 years 07/22/06 Deb & Ron
Chewy Chihuahua 02/25/80-09/14/96 Kristen Nadine
Chewy Chihuahua 02/27/98-09/23/14 Christopher Ellerson
Chewy Chihuahua 06/19/11 Aquarianne
Chewy Chihuahua mix 12 years 09/17/22 Geraldine Masci
Chewy Chow Chow 04/17/89-11/07/02 John W. Doyle
Chewy Chow Chow 4 years 02/04/99 Bravo and Ellen
Chewy Chow Collie Mix 16 1/2 years 04/19/09 Donald Bucholtz
Chewy Chow X 8 years 01/23/10 Elle Marie
Chewy ChowChow 04/17/92-04/13/07 Michael Mace
Chewy Cock-A-Poo 01/16/90-10/30/02 Chuck and Michelle Lanham
Chewy Cocker 10/06/96-02/27/03 Cindy
Chewy Cocker Spaniel 01/15/97-12/04/08 Erica Cross
Chewy Cocker/Pug 02/14/97-04/17/11 Lisa and Kal Nicholson
Chewy Dachshund 05/05/98-12/28/07 Letty Esquivel
Chewy Dachshund 10 years 04/30/17 Karen Asiu & Sonia Gaudet
Chewy Dachshund 3 1/2 years 02/02/12 Carrie, Mike, and Tyler
Chewy Dawg Diaz Min Pin/Chihuahua 03/24/97-02/06/10 Fawn, TJ & Kenessa Diaz
Chewy Dog 03/15/00-03/25/11 Mike Turben
Chewy Dog 06/17/88-03/06/03 Dottie Wilkerson
Chewy English Mastiff 10/18/01-10/06/08 Ashley Ganey
Chewy Ferret 1974-1975 Denise & Jimmy
Chewy Ferret 2007-02/27/13 Sue & Neil Burda
Chewy Gerbil 1.4 years 04/02/04 Hadley
Chewy German Rot Mix 9 years 06/03/17 Johnathan
Chewy German Shepherd 10 years 03/02/09 Alisa Borden
Chewy German Shepherd 12/08/95-08/18/03 Cristina
Chewy German Shepherd 7 1/2 years 08/18/03 Cristina
Chewy Golden Retriever 07/99-12/28/06 Charlene, Jennifer & Steve Brennan
Chewy Golden Retriever 12/01/99-01/28/12 Marilyn and Dennis Kuczynski
Chewy Grainger Lab Mix 06/12/97-08/02/11 Carol Grainger
Chewy Gray Chinchilla over 5 years 09/19/07 Becca
Chewy Great Dane 5 years 07/19/10 Hiroth Family
Chewy GSD/X 16 years 10/16/13 Wendy Schwertfeger
Chewy Guinea Pig 08/26/08 Nick
Chewy Hamster 07/15/07-10/14/09 Jon Grosse
Chewy Husky Shepherd 2008-05/26/10 Katrina
Chewy Jack Russell 07/15/19 Shelley Montgomery
Chewy Lab Mix 10/14-03/22/16 Molly Weidman
Chewy Labrador 04/22/95-07/21/04 Sarah K
Chewy Labrador Retriever 11/01/91-05/04/05 Bill and Nancy Fletcher
Chewy Lawson German Shepherd 11 years 10/21/06 Leah Lawson
Chewy Lhasa Apsa 2 years 07/29/13 Pam Craddock
Chewy Lhasa Apso 06/05/05-12/15/09 Jenifer
Chewy Lhasa Apso 06/07/87-09/21/99 John and Shirley Hood
Chewy Maltese 10 years 01/11/17 Marcia and Jeffry Brinkley
Chewy Mini Pin 05/11/05-07/07/19 Mikey
Chewy Miniature Pincher 05/13/05-07/06/19 Rob and Steph Berry
Chewy Mix Dog 12 years 10/23/05 Renee
Chewy Mix Kitten 04/19/07-08/22/07 Joni
Chewy Mixed Breed Dog 10/23/97-02/19/99 Laura Fabrizio
Chewy Mixed Dog 06/30/00 Hannah Hyjazi
Chewy Morkie 08/08/08-06/12/19 Myisha Godette
Chewy Newfoundland Lab 05/19/08-01/05/20 Traci Malott
Chewy Noble Terrier X 15 years 02/07/09 Thoris Noble
Chewy Northworths New Hitman Cocker Spaniel 09.04.2010 Anita Pedersen
Chewy Old English Mastiff 11/16/91-02/05/03 Laurie
Chewy Pacific Parrotlet 11/23/99-01/27/01 Lizette & Karin Johnson
Chewy Papillion 01/16/07-01/02/16 Teresa
Chewy Pekingeese 05/06/91-31/12/03 Debbie Bagshaw
Chewy Pekingese 01/03/05-10/05/07 Julie Poertner
Chewy Pekingese 03/19/91-06/21/04 Dee Sacherich
Chewy Pekingese/Pomeranian 06/05/02-02/16/07 Linda Kantor
Chewy Pekingese/Poodle/Lhaso Apso Mix 17 1/2 years 03/27/12 Dee-Dee
Chewy Pomeranian 08/15/00-07/06/10 Paula
Chewy Pomeranian 09/11/02-04/17/05 Christy Grandi
Chewy Pomeranian 10 years 08/25/07 Diana, Carl, Amanda, Shannon and Sean
Chewy Pomeranian 17 years 06/30/09 Stacey & Steve
Chewy Pomeranian 5 years 05/22/06 Lydia & Wilber Otero
Chewy Rabbit 11/15/08 John Soriano
Chewy Rat Terrier 08/05/97-08/31/07 Patricia Szell
Chewy Rowe Dachshund/Cocker Mix 15 1/2 years 10/13/09 Chris Rowe
Chewy Sabrier Cairn Terrier 03/26/99-03/20/09 Kristen Sabrier
Chewy Shih Tzu 05/29/07 Kathi and Tom
Chewy Shih Tzu 13 years 12/13/02 Karen
Chewy Shih Tzu 14 years 01/21/08 Pat
Chewy Shih Tzu 1998-07/29/09 Angela
Chewy Shih Tzu 8 1/2 years 10/06/00 Barry D. Snyder
Chewy Shihtzu Poo 10/31/99-06/07/11 Debra Seals
Chewy Shitzu 10/20/04-09/27/21 Darlene
Chewy Siberian Husky 12/21/13-04/05/14 Melissa Mockensturm
Chewy Sleek Short Haired Black Cat 04/23/99-04/30/19 Sessions Family
Chewy Spitz 06/98-08/12/09 Suzanne
Chewy Terrier/Chihuahua 06/2001-03/2002 Rose
Chewy Thomas Maltese 05/16/02-06/18/07 Jill Varney
Chewy White Shepherd 04/01/96-09/18/00 Debra Hastings
Chewy Wire haired Mixed Breed Dog 1 year 11/22/99 Joanne & Chris Zimmermann
Chewy Wolf Sleeth Chow/German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 02/17/02 Dawn and Truman
Chewy Yorkee-Poo 02/14/04-10/16/12 Paula Booker
Chewy Yorkie 04/01/02-04/14/07 Melinda Jennings
Chewy Yorkie 08/09/07-11/20/10 The McKenzie's
Chewy Yorkie 10/22/00-04/14/01 Seema
Chewy Yorkie 11/07/21 Joyce
Chewy Yorkie 11/24/02-09/13/07 Dot Swingler
Chewy Yorkie, Bichon Mix 04/01/07-10/28/09 Johnnie Dennis
Chewy Yorkiepoo 04/24/00-04/11/14 Bobbi Drawbridge
Chewy, Chewkins, Chew Chew Schnoodle 05/2010-01/25/12 Katie Bass
Chex (Chexy) Campbell White & Black DSH Cat 09/24/05-08/23/15 Natahnya, Larry, Leandria Campbell
Chex Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chex Wire Haired Fox Terrier 07/11/89-12/22/00 Janet Morris
Cheyan Alaskan Malamute 10 years 08/23/07 Brenda Moyer
Cheyann Yorkshire Terrier 03/26/04-11/14/16 Kim and Dave
Cheyanne Alexis Ridgeback 11/11/00-08/15/14 Sirrissa Eusepi
Cheyanne Beagle 5 years 05/05/14 Candy McMahan
Cheyanne Boxer 12 years 01/01/18 Wendy Harris
Cheyanne Boxer/Pitbull 15 years 08/28/13 Kristi, Keith, Gabrielle, Jenna, Collin
Cheyanne Chocolate Labrador Retriever 10/07/96-04/04/09 Linda Harris
Cheyanne Dakota Siberian Husky 10/22/01-01/14/12 Shannon Douglass
Cheyanne Devine Jack Russell Terrier/Chow/Shepherd Mix 12/08/96-07/13/11 Marie Peacewillow Devine
Cheyanne Dog 05/22/02-04/23/17 Theresa Neil
Cheyanne Dog 11 years 07/19/05 Rebeka
Cheyenne Dog 02/13/12-12/06/22 Nicole lafortune et Daniel gauthier
Cheyenne Domestic Shorthair Cat 16 years 01/15/22 Ann Pollack
Cheyanne Esposito Samoyed 11/13/95-12/14/10 Debrahanna Esposito
Cheyanne Frangione Shihtzu Papillon Mix 13 years 03/26/24 Marcia Frangione
Cheyanne Golden Retriever 7 1/2 years 04/26/99 David Russo & Greg Kamerer
Cheyanne Herbert Chow Mix 11/01/95-10/22/04 Ann Marie
Cheyanne Husky 9 years 07/06/10 Vicki
Cheyanne Husky Shepherd Mix 01/22/11-11/01/11 Jamie
Cheyanne Labrador 4 years 1993 Marlena
Cheyanne Mane Coon Cat 12 years 08/13/10 Denise Trocio
Cheyanne Marie Chow Mix 11/95-10/22/04 Christina Jenkins
Cheyanne Prato American Eskimo Dog 08/25/09 Monique Prato
Cheyanne Quarter Horse 01/88-02/23/00 Stacey Cram
Cheyanne Rottweiler 04/08/00-10/20/04 Bettie Potter
Cheyanne Shepherd Hound 07/15/98-02/23/11 Jeremy, Deanna and Tamara
Cheyanne Siberian Husky 11/19/00-06/09/12 Alison Ferro
Cheyanne Souza Mix Bull /Pitt Bull 13 years 08/14/10 Tracie Souza
Chey-Anne Tracy Chow/Golden Retriever 11/97-05/11/10 Debra Tracy
Cheyene Sugar Pinto Mare 08/27/65-04/27/01 Michele
Cheyenn Rottweiler/Husky Mix 9 years 03/30/10 Angela Dyvig
Cheyenna Calico Cat Adopted 2002-06/18/03 Ginger
Cheyenne (a/k/a Fuzz) Domestic Long-Haired White Cat 5 years 08/20/01 Teri Liptak
Cheyenne (aka Mimo) Lab Mix 10/04/96-09/11/10 Monica
Cheyenne (aka Mommys Buddy) Alaskan Malamute 02/09/98-06/02/03 Linda Hauser
Cheyenne 12/07/01 Shannon
Cheyenne Adkins Australian Shepherd Mix 12 years 02/15/06 Nikki Adkins- Pitt
Cheyenne aka Doggy Mixed - Italian Spinone 7 years 10/02/07 Michael Martin
Cheyenne Alaskan Malamute 02/09/98-06/02/03 Linda, Steve, Amber and Jenna Hauser
Cheyenne American Eskimo Dog 04/25/95-05/11/01 Rick, Eileen & Kassidy
Cheyenne American Eskimo Dog 09/21/91-10/22/07 Keren Klingele
Cheyenne American Eskimo/Shetland Collie 13 years 08/28/06 Pat & Kathy Bollinger, Ryan & Kristin Walcott
Cheyenne American Paint Horse 04/05/02-03/10/09 Jersey Mettille
Cheyenne Appaloosa Horse 1986-02/26/10 Ann Shehan
Cheyenne Aussie 5 months 01/24/12 Lucy
Cheyenne Australian Cattle Dog 01/10/98-05/05/11 Vivian McCreight
Cheyenne Australian Cattle Dog 10/26/95-04/17/09 Shannon Nuckols
Cheyenne Australian Shepherd 09/2004-08/16/16 Laura Vobrak
Cheyenne Australian Shepherd 15 years 03/16/13 Helen Stauffer
Cheyenne Beagle 12 years 10/27/08 Dawn Comparetta
Cheyenne Beagle 12 years 11/03/06 Chrystal
Cheyenne Bernese Mountain Dog 06/19/06-06/14/15 Janice & Gary Reneau
Cheyenne Black Cocker Spaniel 09/22/94-10/26/02 Cindy Holland
Cheyenne Black Lab Mix 10 years 12/17/07 S.J. Campbell
Cheyenne Black Lab Mix 16 years 12/18/16 Lori Andrews
Cheyenne Black Lab/GSD 12/01/96-05/29/12 Kelly Wright
Cheyenne Black Labrador Retriever 07/30/99-06/30/15 Marilyn Hollenbeck
Cheyenne Black Labrador Retriever 15 years 06/21/09 Kristi Sheakley
Cheyenne Blue Heeler 01/10/97-05/05/11 Kim and Vivian
Cheyenne Blue Heeler 12 years 06/13/05 Elise
Cheyenne Blue Saylor Golden Retriever 10/31/93-10/28/06 Linda Saylor
Cheyenne Border Collie 13 years 08/13/08 Missy
Cheyenne Boxer 07/04/99-11/12/00 Norma Johnson
Cheyenne Boxer Dog 01/25/92-06/05/01 Joan Tatigikis
Cheyenne Brittany 07/28/99-05/01/11 Michelle & Ernie Campbell
Cheyenne Brittany 09/01/90-07/04/06 Randy & Elaine Fisher
Cheyenne Brown 02/16/92-06/07/07 Janice and Jerry Spencer
Cheyenne Buckskin Quarter Horse 20 years 06/15/05 Sandi
Cheyenne Bunny 9 years 04/24/06 Carrie, Ashley,Chris & Austin
Cheyenne Calico Cat 07/18/83-08/04/86 Pattie Cantella and Tony Di Vito
Cheyenne Cat 04/15/97-04/27/99 Laura Campbell
Cheyenne Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cheyenne Chihuahua 10 years 01/09/10 Judy Jefferson
Cheyenne Choc Lab 04/05/97-09/22/00 Di
Cheyenne Chocolate Lab 10/01/97-12/20/07 John, Kathy and Christopher Ruettinger
Cheyenne Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/28/15 Alison McCann
Cheyenne Chocolate Labrador 12/22/00-02/14/11 Brandi Corbin
Cheyenne Chow Spitz Mix 14 years 09/08/16 Julie
Cheyenne Chow/Black Lab 01/28/96-08/25/07 Marty Boles
Cheyenne Chow/German Shepherd Mix 07/01/03-03/18/11 Carol Crider
Cheyenne Chu Brown and White Shih Tzu 6 years 08/23/02 Marsha Hall
Cheyenne Cocker Spaniel 06/12/94-03/24/05 Rachel Pynaker
Cheyenne Cocker Spaniel 11/17/93-02/06/07 Norman and Prudence Geisel
Cheyenne Collie Mix 01/30/96-07/20/06 Randi Wheelock
Cheyenne Corn Snake 1 years 04/15/06 Debra Lewis
Cheyenne Dachshund 07/19/03-01/26/13 Dale and Lucy Beach
Cheyenne Dakota (Kota) Cocker Spaniel 03/03/90-10/14/04 Becky
Cheyenne de Morales Cairn Terrier 07/11/82-11/22/99 Katrina Sussmeier
Cheyenne Delhart Queensland 10 years 12/06/16 Eddie and Jonelle Delhart
Cheyenne Dilute Calico Cat 03/31/90-07/20/11 Taryn Thomas
Cheyenne Doberman Pinscher 05/10/97-06/04/08 Cheryl and Walt Lutz
Cheyenne Doberman Pinscher 11 1/2 years 10/05/02 Diane Arend
Cheyenne Dog 01/25/88-03/09/99 Elaine Stern
Cheyenne Dog 06/09/04 Russ and Nancy
Cheyenne Dog 06/19/08 Maxie
Cheyenne Dog 08/01/88-10/19/98 Archie MaryAnn Steve Brian
Cheyenne Dog 10/20/03 Peggy Zurn
Cheyenne Dog 11 years 08/14/04 Cindy
Cheyenne Dog 11 years 08/14/04 Cindy Marcellis
Cheyenne Dog 12 years 01/27/10 Sandra Ebert
Cheyenne Dog 16 years 08/21/02 Lori Kiser
Cheyenne Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/25/97-12/30/06 Audrey Gilmore
Cheyenne Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/17/90-06/30/02 Lenora Johnson
Cheyenne English Black Labrador Retriever 06/30/03-06/29/09 Allie Monaghan
Cheyenne English Springer Spaniel 11/27/97 Jeannie, Hannah and Nicholas Boleman
Cheyenne German Shep/Chow Mix 08/09/05 Lori Gordon
Cheyenne German Shepherd 02/04/96-05/02/05 Kim, Loren, Christy & Kara
Cheyenne German Shepherd 02/08/05 Heather Ronnie Joe Jet Wanda Rich
Cheyenne German Shepherd 04/15/97-05/06/09 Marie Gillespie
Cheyenne German Shepherd 06/10/97-11/08/03 Wayne & Patty Haworth
Cheyenne German Shepherd 08/27/97-04/07/10 Debbie Gallagher
Cheyenne German Shepherd 09/16/01-09/17/15 Brenda
Cheyenne German Shepherd 09/22/94-11/30/08 Deena (Nelson/Pearce) and Family
Cheyenne German Shepherd 10/12/05-07/18/06 Katie, Gary, Brittany, Zach & Mallory Highfill and Sheba
Cheyenne German Shepherd 10/20/93-03/20/04 T Williams
Cheyenne German Shepherd 12 years 2 months 17 Days 01/20/10 Jean Golding
Cheyenne German Shepherd 12/01/97-07/11/07 John and Lynn Butera
Cheyenne German Shepherd 12/25/95-09/05/09 Judi Fadeley
Cheyenne German Shepherd 1969 Char
Cheyenne German Shepherd 5 years 10/04/11 Judy
Cheyenne German Shepherd 9 years 02/08/05 Jessie & Joe
Cheyenne German Shepherd Mix 6 years 12/07/01 Shannon Conley
Cheyenne German Shepherd Mix adopted In 1999-04/24/07 Brittany Goble
Cheyenne Gibas Cat 15 years 01/06/12 Angela Gibas
Cheyenne Gold Cocker Spaniel 1983-1997 Deannine Shipman
Cheyenne Golden Reteiver/Shepherd Mix 04/20/96-03/07/03 Kim Reynolds
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 02/12/98-11/06/09 Tricia Rezendes
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 03/31/02-06/22/14 Chris Kalinowski
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 05/01/94-10/26/07 Carrie Stewart Nolan
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 05/21/91-10/08/97 Margie, Jeff and CJ
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 09/05/94-05/15/07 Erin
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 09/12/06 Steve Lagreca
Cheyenne Golden Retriever 10/29/96-01/19/08 Charlie, Sharon, Maya and Jonah Brown
Cheyenne Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab 15 years 02/17/98 Tad and Cheryl Gentry
Cheyenne Great Dane 2 1/2 years 02/26/99 Heather
Cheyenne GSD Mix 07/04/95-12/07/01 Shannon
Cheyenne Horse 29 years 08/2009 Linda Webb
Cheyenne Hound 7 years 12/31/11 Barbara
Cheyenne Husky 01/03/99-07/19/07 Lori
Cheyenne Husky 08/31/90-01/29/00 Lisa Starks
Cheyenne Husky/Shepherd Mix 11 years 12/23/05 Nancy E Walters
Cheyenne Irish Setter 9 years 01/18/11 Angela Swanson
Cheyenne Jack Russell April '06-01/09/07 Judy
Cheyenne Kent American Short Hair Tabby Cat 01/09/96-04/28/09 Susan Kent
Cheyenne Lab 13 years 05/25/12 Hilda Keeton
Cheyenne Lab 6 mos 02/27/96 Mark and Amy Gray
Cheyenne Lab Mix 05/15/01-09/28/06 Lynn
Cheyenne Lab Mix 06/05/98-03/06/06 Vernell Hackett
Cheyenne Lab Mix 16 years 08/01/11 Don & Lori Rattay
Cheyenne Lab/Pointer 17 years 2 months 2 Days 01/07/13 Chris and Dave
Cheyenne Labrador 09/18/92-02/18/08 Shannon Powers
Cheyenne Labrador 10/24/94-05/09/07 Jolyn Barrix
Cheyenne Labrador Mix 09/02/94-01/07/04 Eldon H Callaway
Cheyenne Long Hair Brown Tabby Cat 19 years 02/09/13 Leah H
Cheyenne Long Haired German Shepherd 04/13/15 Chris, Melockia, Cabriah, Mia and Teagan
Cheyenne Mainecoon Cat 07/30/06 Eden and Jerdie
Cheyenne Marie Antoinette Boxer 05/09/99-01/31/09 John C. Bailey and Lisa D. Carrier
Cheyenne Moon ChowChow 08/12/93-09/14/07 Sherry Lane and Betty Hopkins
Cheyenne Owens Pomeranian 03/05/82-04/08/04 Hope
Cheyenne Paint Pony 25+ years 01/30/12 Mis sLaurie
Cheyenne Pewter Sable Ferret 05/16/04 Carol
Cheyenne Pinto Paint Quarter Horse 06/01/81-08/11/04 Pam
Cheyenne Pit Bull Boxer 1 1/2 years 03/11/08 Chris Hammer
Cheyenne Pomeranian 03/03/00-07/26 03 Cora Starling
Cheyenne Pomeranian 04/09/96-01/23/09 Vicki Trimble
Cheyenne Pug 11/10/98-12/31/09 Connie Kandel
Cheyenne Pug 6.1.2000-3.1.2012 Dorrie Dalen
Cheyenne Reynante Mixed Dog 06/24/99-12/17/09 Angie
Cheyenne Rhodesian Ridgeback 3 months 07/29/09 Deborah Brady & Elaine Suris
Cheyenne Ridder Wolf Hybrid 08/22/08-12/07/08 Patrick Ridder
Cheyenne Rottie Shepherd Chow Cross 4 years 07/04/03 Meredith Glen Katelynn
Cheyenne Rottweiler 01/14/97-03/09/08 Audra
Cheyenne Rottweiler 01/17/93-01/02/04 Cherie
Cheyenne Rottweiler 04/20/05-09/13/12 Jennifer Billington
Cheyenne Rottweiler 10 years 02/04/08 Mike and Patty Kozak
Cheyenne Rottweiler 11/08/95-12/30/05 Kathi Mesloh
Cheyenne Rottweiler 9 1/2 years 03/07/08 Tom & Linda
Cheyenne Samoyed 05/30/96-12/25/03 Fran and Pat Miller
Cheyenne Sheltie 11/17/93-12/09/04 Tami Wall
Cheyenne Shetland Sheep Dog 13 years 03/27/06 Jill Brightbill
Cheyenne Shetland Sheepdog 14 years 07/16/10 G. and S. Dawe
Cheyenne Siamese Cat 1997-03/25/12 Kathy
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 06/25/98-09/08/06 Damon & Debbie Bradley
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 10/01/99-02/02/09 Leeann Landis
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 11 years 02/14/04 Nadine Dalesandro
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 12 years 02/02/05 M. Pike
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 12/17/96 Karen Attanasio
Cheyenne Siberian Husky 7 years 04/30/09 Melissa, Brittany & Emma
Cheyenne Sweetpea Desmarais Williams Border Collie Mix 11/15/99-05/16/12 Dave Desmarais
Cheyenne Tortoise Shell Short-Hair Domestic Cat 08/07/86-09/24/05 Dana Rosa
Cheyenne Walker German Shepherd 05/11/05 Hallie
Cheyenne Westhighland Terrier 02/20/00-08/21/07 Annette Jackson
Cheyenne Westie 06/10/97-10/15/13 Karen & Kevin Snook
Cheyenne White German Shepherd 13 years 07/31/08 Dawn
Cheyenne Wolf Dog 04/01/96-05/17/10 Sheila Lord
Cheyenne Wolf Dog? 06/25/94-05/27/11 Janey Schoen
Cheyenne Wolf Hybrid 14 years 06/04/08 Candi
Cheyenne Yellow Lab 03/09/98-11/17/06 Fred, Shonda, Shelby, Apache and Bones
Cheyenne Yellow Lab 05/01/96-04/21/10 Terry Holtz, Carol Abrahams, & Joyce Holtz
Cheyenne Yellow Lab 11/02/99-11/28/10 Jennifer Alonge
Cheyenne Yellow Lab 14 years 08/22/08 Holly
Cheyenne Yorkie 12/28/96-02/20/06 Barbara
Cheyenne/Doerrler Golden Retriever 02/03/00-01/62/04 Angel and Bill Dixon
Cheyloe Black Shepherd 11/28/94-03/04/09 Patti, Andria, Jay Calhoun
Cheyney Black Lab 06/26/08 Jana
Cheynna Dahl Pug 02/14/96-01/21/08 Misty Potter
Cheynne Mixed Dog 11 years 01/15/06 Nancy
Chez (Chester Maria) German Shepherd 04/07/91-05/13/03 Leah Alexander
Chez German Shepherd/Black Lab Mix 10/31/92-01/06/04 Scott and Suzanne Gordon
Chezare Shih Tzu 16 years 03/23/04 Carla S. Morgan
Chez-Chez Teacup Poodle 8 years 12/29/00 Christy Kay
Chezlee Black Tail Prairie Dog 03/18/00-08/21/05 Kelly Adkins
Chezney Boston Terrier 07/25/88-05/03/03 Joanne Kellmann
Cheznut Chinese Dwarf Hamster 1 1/2 years 03/16/05 Isaac Hart
Chezwick White With Black Spots Cat 5 years 11/26/10 Stephanie
Chi Baeu Kitty Cat 2 1/2 years 02/09/05 Jo Whitford
Chi Blue Siamese Cat 01/09/98-06/22/00 Sarah Diehl
Chi Chi and Cally Dog and Cat 14 and 2 05/15/97 and 01/23/97 Tom and Lynn Marrone
Chi Chi Calico Cat 07/27/94-09/06/03 Mandy, Kathie and Billy
Chi Chi Cat 2000-12/10/01 Laura Wolfe
Chi Chi Cat 9 years 12/08/14 Cory Moshman
Chi Chi Chihuahua - Min Pin Mix 10 years 06/09/12 Tammie Nix
Chi Chi Chihuahua 02/14/08-02/10/09 Kristie
Chi Chi Chihuahua 03/24/76-11/10/99 Ralph Musselman & Debbie Longenberger
Chi Chi Chihuahua 07/04/87-02/01/02 Candi Cole
Chi Chi Chihuahua 08/21/03-09/26/16 Holly Prophet
Chi Chi Chihuahua 09/17/88-01/17/00 Karen & Brian Clarke
Chi Chi Chihuahua 11 years 05/93 Viola Potter
Chi Chi Chihuahua 12 1/2 years 11/19/01 Shelley
Chi Chi Chihuahua 12/13/91-02/20/04 Shirley and John Wright
Chi Chi Chihuahua 12/17/85-07/29/98 Edie, Jerry and Marlene Powers
Chi Chi Chihuahua 13 years 04/23/04 Jim Miranda
Chi Chi Chihuahua 14 years 1979 Laura
Chi Chi Chihuahua 15 years 03/21/01 Diane Clark
Chi Chi Chihuahua 17 years 06/27/04 Amy Nelson
Chi Chi Chihuahua 3 years 06/18/08 Tammie Welch
Chi Chi Chihuahua 30.04.2014-21.06.2016 Marissa Schulze & Shane Rossberg
Chi Chi Chihuahua Mix 01/01/04-01/08/10 Ann K & Tom K
Chi Chi Chihuahua Mix 17 years 11/95 Peter Haskins
Chi Chi Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 16+ years 05/28/97 Artie
Chi Chi Chinchilla 04/01/02-10/01/08 Kyla Szemplinski
Chi Chi Cross Short Haired Persian Cat 01/29/97-04/07/09 Jan Ross Fitzpatrick
Chi Chi Dog 09/90-05/10/00 Kim Taylor
Chi Chi Dog 12/26/06 Deb Lambert
Chi Chi Domestic Longhair Cat 07/19/98-01/05/10 Sharon Johnson
Chi Chi Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/14/03-07/28/04 Aaron Lemke
Chi Chi DSH Tabby Cat 16 years 04/20/18 Carol and Eric
Chi Chi Marie Crain Black Chihuahua Pom 7 years 04/22/12 Mel and Jess
Chi Chi Mixed Dog 02/01/90-08/08/04 June and Bob
Chi Chi Peekineese/Chihuahua Mix 14 years 06/22/99 The Cordek Family
Chi Chi Peekineese/Chiuhuahua Mix 05/01/84-06/11/99 Cyndee Cordek
Chi Chi Pom 06/01/97-01/27/11 Sandy
Chi Chi Pom 06/01/97-01/27/11 Sandy Watson
Chi Chi Pug 04/21/91-04/30/04 James
Chi Chi Pug 11 years 05/07/12 Denise Crimmins
Chi Chi Pug/Chihuahua 1 1/2 years 02/23/00 Susan Harding
Chi Chi Shih Tzu 04/01/86-01/03/97 Bonnie Tantalo
Chi Chi Spitz 10/02/84-11/18/98 Debbie Farquharson
Chi Chi Tabby Cat 02/18/06 Andrea Rovillo
Chi Chi Terrier Mix 05/25/96-02/13/09 Patricia Anne Butland
Chi Chi Terrier Mix 15 years 11/02/04 Donna Dupuy
Chi Chi Turtle 1 year 2003 Sajeeda
Chi Chi Yorkie 14 years 1997 Karen
Chi Clonts Dog 04/05/12 Lori Clonts
Chi Ferret 02/14/02 Rene Chartier
Chi Golden Retriever 01/30/00-12/11/01 Sheila
Chi Lion Head/Angora Bunny 06/12/13-06/09/24 Jane and Brian
Chi Papillion 03/19/12 Katie & Michael
Chi Pau Cat 6 years 04/15/12 Ida
Chi Poo-Shi 02/06/00-03/22/06 Sally-Jo Walters
Chi Shepherd/Ridgeback Mix 12/28/12 Sal & Nancy
Chi Siamese Cat 07/24/84-08/07/00 Kathy Cook
Chi T Sable Ferret 6 years 11/19/08 Samantha T
Chi, my sweet angel Orange Tabby Cat 03/15/00-09/24/11 April
Chia (Lalaki) White Chinchilla 12/25/01-10/13/03 Roxanne R.U. de Metz
Chia Campbell DLH White Cat with black ears and black tail 10/2012-06/09/14 Natahnya, Leandria, Larry Campbell
Chia Chow / Lab 02/02/89-06/26/09 Gail & Grace
Chia Chow Chow 10/31/95-08/31/09 Kassandra Graven
Chia Cocker/Chow Mix 10/04/08 Geno Martino
Chia Lassa Apso 05/31/96-11/14/08 Michael and Doreen Crisostamo
Chia Marie Chihuahua 1 years 02/07/02 Gail & Mark
Chia Pet DSH Cat 12 years 12/27/04 Patty Nee
Chia Pomeranian 01/10/91-03/17/05 Paula Wilson
Chia Terrier, Spaniel Collie Shepherd Cross 03/15/96-04/05/12 Kimikins
Chia White German Shepherd 8 years 03/13/98 C. Burney
ChiaChia Parakeet 01/14/12 Jim & Sue
Chiana German Shepherd 08/14/00-06/12/13 Tara Stanley
Chiana Orange Tabby Cat 10 weeks Brianna L. Vickers
Chianna Siamese Cat 7+ years Marilyn Mckinley
Chianti Adamczyk Doberman Pinscher 03/30/93-06/12/03 Joanne
Chianti Amica Black Labrador Retriever 09/98-05/2008 John and Dolores Iozzi
Chianti Chow Chow 7 years 05/02/07 Marla Beauchemin
Chianti Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/03/02 Cara & Christian
Chianti Gray and White Long-Haired Kitten 12 weeks 08/10/07 Paul and Janice
Chiaokure Kitten 15 Feb 2001-17 May 2001 TR
Chiao-Lhih Pekingese 09/16/87-01/26/03 Stacey & Joe
Chiara Jolie Renoir Spitzillon 04/16/03-04/26/19 Liane McCumber
Chiaro DSH Tuxedo Cat 13 years 02/27/10 L. Carpenter
Chibbe Cat 01/14/09 Her Loving Wiser Family
Chibbi Bunny Rabbit 10/11/98 Nina Reed
Chibbi Chan Shih Tzu 12/19/87-08/03/01 Mary & Bill
Chibbi Persian Cat 12/18/05 Priya Drews
Chibbie Abyssinian Mix Cat 04/08/02-12/24/05 Mary Ellen Loose
Chibbie Hood White Short Haired Cat 04/87-08/25/03 Sharon & Randy
Chibby Norwegian Forest Cat 3 years 10/12/12 Sabrina
Chibi Chihuahua 08/02/02-02/05/16 Rob G
Chibi Doberman 8 years Sandra & Bill
Chibi Dog August 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chibi Kai/Shiba mixed breed Dog 12 years 09/08/97 Sandy Green
Chibi Maine Coon Cat 06/06/89-04/15/11 Courtney
Chibi Rabbit 7 years 08/20/07 Jon (Owner) and Jen (Typer)
Chibi RedandWhite Shorthair Cat 8 years 12/05/06 Aly
Chibi-Chibi Toy Poodle 11/25/04-10/09/06 Jessica and Douglas Davis
Chibita Japanese Mixed Cat 04/94-12/24/98 Misa Tanioka
Chibitan Hamster 12/01/04-10/21/06 Maimi
Chic. (Chicapoo) Chihuahua 04/10/05-09/02/08 Debbie & Glenn & Angie
Chica (Bitzy) Torti Cat 10/13/03-02/04/13 Amanda Rutherford
Chica aka Mamita Golden Retriever 08/99-09/28/07 Ana Marshall
Chica Australian Shepherd / Border Collie 1991-07/27/07 Maureen Johnson
Chica Bombay/Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/94-08/31/07 Jamie Swanson
Chica Cat 04/26/07 Corry
Chica Cat 05/10/08-10/13/22 Eleanor
Chica Cat 05/88-08/30/07 Lynne Carrier
Chica Cat 18 years 11/29/05 Angela/Preciosa Portal
Chica Cat 1982 Laura
Chica Chesapeake Bay Retriever 12/26/96-08/20/01 Thomas
Chica Chihuahua 02/13/73 Olga Gunn
Chica Chihuahua 04/07/04-05/01/20 Raya Family
Chica Chihuahua 05/05/03-11/29/14 Dorothy
Chica Chihuahua 05/12/98-05/10/05 Jennifer Gibson
Chica Chihuahua 07/27/03-14/03/09 Lisa
Chica Chow 01/07/10 Rachel
Chica Dachshund 02/23/03-12/18/19 Angela, Ann Marie, Gina, and Annette
Chica Dachshund/Poodle 12 years 01/08/99 Chris and Alicia
Chica Dog 04/15/17 Lorelee Strand
Chica Dog 06/04/98-10/28/03 Kathy & Juan Robledo
Chica Dog 10 years 02/05/10 Robert and Margaret
Chica Dog 1977-1998 Pam
Chica Dog 9 years 09/04/11 Tamiko H.
Chica Domestic Kitten 02/06/10-08/07/10 Susanna Sorin
Chica Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/30/87-04/20/01 Sylvia Smith
Chica Domestic Short Hair Cat Fall 1990-07/28/08 Susan
Chica Garza Teacup Chihuahua 05/30/92-03/13/07 Candi Garza
Chica German Shepherd 01/01/98-07/24/10 Betty
Chica German Shepherd 13 1/2 years 04/18/13 Lynn
Chica Half Chou-Wa-Wa 08/12/01-09/09/02 Leanne Sharrock
Chica Hawaiian Poi 01/01/94-08/11/05 Rick Emens
Chica Husky 15 years 01/25/11 Nancy Pire
Chica Husky Mix 8 years 11/13/15 Kathleen
Chica Lou Lou 04/03/94-02/01/02 Marci and George Tsioflikis
Chica Martinez Cocker Spaniel/Terrier 08/14/02-04/11/13 Sue & Al Hirschman
Chica Pitbull 08/18/90-02/21/04 Maricela Orozco-Chavez
Chica Pug American Bull Dog Mix 13 years 01/30/17 Laura Parsons
Chica Rita Chihuahua 03/09/97-04/07/99 Alice Kinner
Chica Roberts Chihuahua Long Hair 03/11/05-02/17/06 Larissa
Chica Shih Tzu 10/27/90-03/03/06 Terry High
Chica Shi-Tzhu, Yorkie Mix 5 years 01/19/12 Monique Armenta
Chica Siberian Cat 08/15/00-11/25/13 Zainab
Chica Terrier Mix 13 years 04/16/03 Loretta
Chicaboom Kitty 06/09/96 Marily Haidinyak
Chicados Express Quarter Horse 22 years 04/14/04 Joyce Hutcherson
Chicago (Bear) Mixed Dog 1/20/91-12/04/99 Mark Ziegenbein
Chicago (Gogo) Golden Retriever 01/07/91-01/03/05 Patrick, Deborah, Hanna MacDonald
Chicago Brown Tabby Cat 02/14/97-08/19/11 Lisa
Chicago Cat 06/19/93-02/28/09 Kristy
Chicago Cat 6 years 03/06/12 Betty
Chicago Cocker Spaniel 11/23/88-07/24/00 Amy McRary Lail
Chicago German Shepherd 05/12/03-03/21/12 Sabrina
Chicago Golden Retriever 14 years 01/02/06 Alex Miner
Chicago Massengale Collie/Retriever 05/08/93-08/14/07 David & Joni Massengale
Chicara Shih Tzu 06/24/84-09/27/99 Diana Willanger
Chicca European Cat 12 years 08/31/04 Silvia
Chicco Dachshund 2006/03/11 Nichol Charlier
Chicco Labrador 14 years 01/03/09 Deirdre
Chicco Labrador-Mix 01/01/86-06/09/05 Sabine Gleich
Chicco Weimaraner 12/12/04-05/29/08 Richard Yap
Chicha Dog Mix 14 years 04/29/01 Patricia and Joe Harper
ChiCha lopez Romero (aka 'the geetz') Chihuahua 07/07/08-12/10/20 Mr and Mrs Romero
Chicha Tonkinese Cat 9 years 09/02/04 Dan Kramer
Chichay Aspin 11 years 11/10/23 Joy Gile
Chi-Chi (Misty Chautauqua) Poodle 02/27/94-01/24/04 Susie, Georgie, Roxie and Puppers
ChiChi (Xochitl) American Shorthair Cat 08/26/93-07/06/00 AnnieLaurie Burke
Chi-Chi aka Chiquita Bundle o Joy Long-Haired Chihuahua 04/11/89-06/26/06 Joy and Kevin Easton
Chichi and Tessie Chihuahua and Boston Terrier 2002 Amy
Chichi Bichon 12 years 04/28/10 Darlene
Chichi Bichon 12 years 04/28/11 Darlene Thumma
Chi-Chi Black and White Cat 10-12 months 10/98 Christine
Chi-Chi Boxer 12/09/10 Alli Phillips
Chichi Cat 04/11/04 Renee & Clendon
ChiChi Cat 05/28/02 Daneen Matulewicz
Chichi Cat 08/18/06 Mirei Knapp
Chichi Cat 1990-01/22/04 Cathy Overby and Keith Koch
Chichi Cat 8 Months 14 Oct 1998 Kharina Frett
ChiChi Chihuahua 01/14/24 Leonard Nieves
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 02/01/03-03/20/07 Melissa
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 03/03/91-09/03/02 Robert Meek
ChiChi Chihuahua 03/10/92-06/10/03 Sandy O'Bryan-Kirkpatrick
ChiChi Chihuahua 03/15/00-11/22/11 Nina, Ray, and whole family
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 04/16/96-08/02/08 Linda & Philip Mulhall
Chichi Chihuahua 06/18/91-12/27/00 Frances Shauvin
ChiChi Chihuahua 08/12/20 Harv & Kim
ChiChi Chihuahua 09/04/92-10/04/05 Mike Waters & Bob Duncan
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 09/12/01 Mimi Miller
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 09/12/09 Kyle Leblanc
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 09/12/10 Crystal
Chichi Chihuahua 10 years 11/09/04 Sandra Tate
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 10/23/93 Florence Williams
Chichi Chihuahua 11/05/87-10/28/05 Sylvia Gooding
ChiChi Chihuahua 12/01/00-07/04/02 Deidra Turner
ChiChi Chihuahua 12/14/93-11/09/04 Sandra and Adam
Chichi Chihuahua 17 years 05/10/02 Claudette Chambers
Chi-Chi Chihuahua 17 years 12/24/12 Rich Blomberg
Chi-Chi Chinchilla 2 years 1992 Nicci
Chichi Chow/Lab/Newf 02/20/97-06/11/11 Lisa K
Chichi Cockapoo 12/24/05-07/12/20 Ono
Chichi Dog 11/11/86-08/08/01 Sandra R.
Chichi Domestic Short Hair Cat 3 years 08/25/06 Mirei Knapp
Chi-Chi Domestic Short-Hair Calico Cat 07/27/94-09/06/03 Amanda Albanese
Chi-Chi Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/09/02-04/14/17 Taylor Seals
Chichi Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 07/15/18 Thomas and Colleen Fagan
Chi-Chi Doxie 07/07/88-01/25/06 Nadine & Hanna Lindseth
Chi-Chi Gathing Lapsa Apsa 01/15/03-11/12/03 Pamela Mullins
ChiChi German Shepherd 14 years 02/12/16 Eleanor Roberts-Hansen
Chi-Chi German Shepherd/Doberman Pincher 15 years 05/19/97 Erin Rogers
Chi-Chi Guinea Pig 01/31/01-09/24/08 Tara and Niels
Chi-Chi Hernandez Pekingese Mixed 04/30/08-07/07/20 Jocelyn Hernandez
Chi-Chi Himalayan - Persian Cat 10/03/88-02/16/09 Ms. Claude Séguin
Chichi Husky Wolf 18 years 08/17/05 Sandy
Chi-Chi Leitch Parakeet 08/98-07/25/02 Donald and Denise
Chi-Chi Maine Coon Mix Cat 18 years 09/26/01 Cheryl Reynolds
Chichi Marie Chiuaua 12/03/03 Tara Suzanne Pena
Chichi Minpin/Chihuahua 08/14/04-04/28/06 Amanda & Rick Bumgardner
ChiChi Mix Dog 02/01/03-08/09/08 Aimee Johnston
Chichi Mix Dog 13 years 2004 June and Bob
Chi-Chi Orange Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/02/01-10/03/07 The Ruiz Family
Chichi Panamanian Curbdog 08/24/90-06/15/04 Marian
ChiChi Parakeet 1965 Charlie Kay & Gloria Manucia
Chi-Chi Pekengese 05/12/84-05/10/00 Marie Elaine E. Lanza-Naecker
Chi-Chi Pekingese 01/04/88-09/04/98 Lori
Chichi Pekingese01/11/86-08/08/01 Sandra Romano
Chichi Persian Cat 03/03/13-10/19/15 Farah Hany
ChiChi Pom 06/01/97-01/27/11 Sandy
Chi-Chi Poodle 9 years 01/24/04 Susan
Chi-Chi Ruiz Red Tabby Cat 03/02/02-10/03/07 Michael Ruiz
Chichi Seu Jan Shih Tzu 07/24/86-07/14/01 Janet Marasco
Chichi Shitsue 11/12/00-11/14/12 Pat
Chichi Shi-Tzu 11/10/90-05/07/07 Janice
ChiChi Siamese Cat 08/80-04/17/00 Jean, Tom, Mitch & Holly
Chichi Siamese/Burmese Cat 9 years 03/26/05 Francesca
Chichi Tomastik Chihuahua 02/14/99-08/23/05 Michele Tomastik
Chichi Wawa Chihuahua 10/03/01-11/11/13 Larry and Dianna Lopez
Chi-Chi Yellow-Green Parakeet 2 years 07/91 Michelle Borsz
Chichi Yorkie 04/16/96-12/26/03 Delilah
Chichicastenango/Chi Chi Coquotiel 04/2011 Cynthia Benjamin
Chicho Persian Cat 18 years 11/20/17 Irene G. A.
Chicho Weimaraner 04/04/12-10/10/15 Ana Aristizabal
Chick Chick Heinz 57 Rooster 10 years 03/04/09 Carol Nelson
Chick Chihuahua Pug Mix 02/14/96-09/23/16 Kim
Chicka Cat 15 years 05/04/09 Gianna Rizzotti
Chicka Holiday Reeves Havana Silk Dog 6 years 11/09/13 Lillie Reeves
Chickadee (nee Pepper) Tortoise with White Calico Cat 18 years 11/08/01 Alice Kapchonick
Chickadee Chihuahua 01/18/09-09/10/09 Cora Cole
Chickee Gulden Calico Cat 1995-04/22/12 Marilyn Young
Chicken (A.K.A Chicky Dee) Calico Persian Cat 03/25/02-02/13/03 Elana Alekseev
Chicken 04/16/95-02/21/00 Valerie Sokol
Chicken Calico Cat Nicole
Chicken Cat 04/12/96-06/09/01 Suzanne Pilcher and Nathan Hague
Chicken Cat 08/12/91-06/14/07 Jennifer Theo
Chicken Cat 8 years 10/06/06 Jules
Chicken Cockateil 03/14/88-06/20/00 Fred & Pat
Chicken Cockatiel 13 years 04/24/19 Kara
Chicken Cockatiel 8 years 06/09/23 Aleks
Chicken Gray Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/12/91-06/14/07 Jen
Chicken Leg Man Whippet/Sheep Dog 15 years 04/07/00 Ingrid Baca
Chicken Little Cat 17 years 7.17.13 Jonathan
Chicken Little Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chicken Orange and White Chicken 04/19/99-04/07/03 Dorann LaPerch
Chicken Orange Long Haired Cat 12 Years Jenny
Chicken 'Our Lil Camping Kitty' Cat 05/21/08-07/04/10 Brian and Stacie Martin
Chicken Pigeon 10/09/15-10/29/15 Louise Wilkie
Chicken Wing Cat 5 years 04/16/03 Ronda Grove
Chicken Wing Parakeet 2 months 05/08/07 Colleen
Chickenhawk Black and White Longhair Cat 10/15/96-11/13/99 Mary Kapsos and Paul Cozic
Chickens (20) 10/27/00 Shannon Reuter
Chickens Lopez Dog 7 years 07/05/15 Sheyla and Cindy Portillo
Chickie Beagle 05/05/04-05/18/18 Lori and Michael
Chickie Collie X 1998-20/05/11 Monika
Chickie Ferret almost 8 years 02/23/03 Rene Chartier
Chickie Momma Black Star Chicken 3 years 07/14/08 Kim Clouse
Chickie Yorkshire Terrier 07/27/06 Chiquita
Chickies DSH Cat 01/14/06 Lorene
Chickie-Wickie Chicken 8 & 1/2 years Marianne Cassidy
Chick-In Calico Cat 04/23/05 Janet Barry
Chickita Mix Collie 06/10/94-08/29/09 Eloy
Chicklet American Shorthair Cat 04/01/00-10/01/13 Anne
Chicklet Cat 06/06/92-03/07/02 Marie Antonelli/tina & Jim Notti
Chicklet DSH Cat 07/05/04-09/28/07 Roxanne Saunders
Chicklet Long Hair Tortoise Shell Cat 19 1/2 years 02/04/00 Joyce Hollo
Chicklet Mixed-Breed Dog 1992?-08/21/07 Judi & Tom, Boo-Boo, Meowy, Tigger, Harry & Shady Rericha
Chicklets Tabby Cat 10/31/84-06/23/00 Anita
Chickory Shorthair Tabby Mix Cat 16 years 04/16/01 Susan G
Chicky Chick Parakeet 5 years Teri & Robert
Chicky Guinea Pig 03/15/96-03/29/98 Kathy Wipf
Chiclet Mutt 07/04/96-01/11/09 Ian
Chiclet Persian Cat 12/18/00 Maryanne Dubbs
Chiclet Singleton Westhighland White Terrier 10/01/05-08/15/20 Jeanne Singleton
Chico (aka Baby Cheeks) Jack Russell 15 1/2 years 10/01/19 Kate G
Chico (My Baby Fuzzycan) Black Med. Length Hair Cat 6 years 12/31/02 Natalia Nieves
Chico (Spin The Puppy) Chihuahua 10/19/96-08/04/08 Gabrielle
Chico 02/03/02 J Bisco
Chico 04/21/99-02/03/02 John C. Biscovich
Chico 10 and her son Zeppo 8 Mixed Dachshunds 04/25/02 Lynnette Spratley, Randy Ikner, Groucho and Bingo
Chico aka Cheeks Chihuahua 2 years 02/22/12 Amber, Patti, Emile
Chico Akita 13 years 06/25/04 The Pallmeyer Family
Chico Allen Shepherd Akita Mix 10/24/03-07/29/19 Kelly Allen
Chico and Sensi Dogs 13 and 16 years to 02/28/18 and 03/02/18 Shelly Beaudette
Chico Anderson Long Hair Chihuahua 11 years 02/16/09 Sheila Anderson
Chico Asuncion Terrier Mix 05/05/05-12/17/17 Alvin Asuncion
Chico Bandito Chihuahua 06/02/03-07/24/04 Heather Sealey
Chico Bandito Chihuahua 8 years 06/10/12 Jennifer
Chico Bengal Cat 07/04/96-07/01/14 Helen Saul
Chico Black and White Cat 06/16/96-10/09/07 Diane Riley
Chico Black Hooded Rat 2 years 04/04/12 Charmaine
Chico Blue Headed Conure 5 years 07/21/11 Angel Dionne
Chico Border Collie Mix 09/25/94-07/10/06 Cindy and Javier
Chico Border Collie Mix 09/25/95-07/10/06 Javier and Cindy
Chico Border Collie Mix 09/25/95-07/10/06 Javier, Cindy, Grandmas, Grandpa, Teresa & Nancy
Chico Boxer 09/02/89-01/20/00 Ed & Kelly
Chico Boxer 8 years 07/01/04 Debbie Bickford
Chico Brain Earle Staffordshire Bull Terrier 07/23/04-08/15/15 Jevon DeBastien, Vicki Earle
Chico Brown Chihuahua 9 years 02/24/22 Michelle Fisher and Mitch Fuller
Chico Bubbie Jack Russell Terrier 11/22/96-10/29/09 Kristi
Chico Bull Terrier 01/24/09-05/14/10 Beto, Kristin and Diego
Chico Capra Chihuahua 14 years 05/15/25 Gina Capra
Chico Caruthers Pitbull 09/21/04 Twilia Caruthers
Chico Cat 08/01/01-10/23/12 Tatiana Marques
Chico Cat 11/23/02 Lisa Hachey
Chico Cat 12/24/08-11/03/14 Danielle, Joe, Orion, Luna, Molly
Chico Cat 13 years 02/24/01 Evelyn Phil Shi'An Judy and Jackie
Chico Cat 18 years 10/19/04 Sybille Schiele
Chico Cat Alex
Chico Cat Summer of 1985-07/17/02 Lee Ann Jones, Justin, Teresa, Evan and Trevor Sestito
Chico Chi Pom 11/30/90-03/28/06 Becky Schroeder
Chico Chidoxie Mix 14 years 04/10/97 Deanna, Michael Hyder, Myrtle
Chico Chihuahia 7 years 12/21/99 Chris, Kelly, Ralph, Eliona, Ralph Sr. Campos
Chico Chihuahua 01/01/97-07/11/08 Tammy DeFazio
Chico Chihuahua 01/05/02-11/19/16 Josie Ruggirello
Chico Chihuahua 01/05/03-06/12/14 Sharon
Chico Chihuahua 01/08/98-04/16/09 Traci Rivera
Chico Chihuahua 02/14/99-06/16/10 Hoberta Freeman
Chico Chihuahua 02/97-01/14/12 Mary Lou Payne
Chico Chihuahua 05/17/96-07/11/04 Jim & Barbara Spencer
Chico Chihuahua 05/99-05/12/01 Tony Digiglio/ Kim Gott
Chico Chihuahua 06/01/01-12/05/01 Kaylee Harness
Chico Chihuahua 06/15/98-12/23/98 Sara Gedda
Chico Chihuahua 07/22/94-01/23/06 Margie Mooney
Chico Chihuahua 07/31/03-03/30/12 Joe
Chico Chihuahua 08/08/12 Debbie
Chico Chihuahua 08/19/92-11/17/06 Alex and Dodai Gordon
Chico Chihuahua 09/01/84-12/03/99 J Hixon
Chico Chihuahua 09/11/00-02/22/09 Maria
Chico Chihuahua 09/11/00-02/22/09 Maria Jones
Chico Chihuahua 10/31/03-09/02/07 Joanne and Jim Robertson
Chico Chihuahua 10 years 01/16/23 Susan McFadden
Chico Chihuahua 11 years 01/19/13 Sally Chaha
Chico Chihuahua 11 years 08/15/71 Bill Kutz
Chico Chihuahua 12 years 07/09/17 Denise
Chico Chihuahua 12 years 12/11/08 Valita
Chico Chihuahua 13 years 03/15/05 Shirley Johnson
Chico Chihuahua 14 years 11/22/96 Carrol Weisel
Chico Chihuahua 15 years 02/01/13 Sam
Chico Chihuahua 15 years 05/29/09 Colleen Cary
Chico Chihuahua 17+ years 03/01/99 Denise G.
Chico Chihuahua 18 years 08/23/06 Jocelyn
Chico Chihuahua 1990-10/04/04 Eva Lee
Chico Chihuahua 2019 Scott, Lora, Zach, & Sophia
Chico Chihuahua 3 years 03/06/12 Atheena Gouviotis
Chico Chihuahua 6 years 11/30/07 Candace McCann
Chico Chihuahua 8 months 10/20/01 DeeAnn and Janie Torres
Chico Chihuahua 8 years 09/02/15 Kimberly
Chico Chihuahua 9 years 04/14/11 Kyla & Seth Buehler
Chico Chihuahua 9 years 07/20/11 Oscar, Lavonne, Oscar, Jamie, Miguel
Chico Chihuahua Beagle Mix 17 years 09/15/11 Nicki and Scott Heakin
Chico Chihuahua Ben and Evelyn
Chico Chihuahua Mix 03/06/09-06/03/15 Maria
Chico Chihuahua Mix 11/25/96-01/25/10 Lindsay Levey
Chico Chihuahua/Mix 12+ years 08/20/09 Kelly Tomaszewicz
Chico Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 07/29/00-02/11/07 Matt Johnson
Chico Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 14 years 02/22/16 Doug Martin
Chico Chihuahua-Jack Russell Terrier 07/29/ 00-02/11/07 Debbie Lubinski
Chico Chihuaua 14 years 04/27/03 Gail
Chico Chihuhua 09/06/88-04/27/03 Gail O'Brien
Chico Chi-Poo Terrier 02/2010-09/05/20 Lori
Chico Chustz Chihuahua 10 1/2 years 09/11/16 Alexis Zelda Paul Tyler & Cody
Chico Claire Heeler Mix 10/31/89-08/08/07 Julie
Chico Colby Chihuahua 04/04/06-04/04/12 David Colby
Chico Collie 03/24/93-11/12/06 The Cates Family
Chico Conure 05/01/95-06/01/08 Judy Willner
Chico Corbitt Chihuahua 02/06/01-04/20/09 Marlene Corbitt
Chico Corgi 1997 Gisela Johnston
Chico Dachshund 12/14/06-02/10/17 Carla Garcia
Chico DeChico Chihuahua 03/15/92-06/28/08 Darcy
Chico 'Dinky Doink' Jack Russell Terrier 08/12/99-08/04/07 Jim & Sheryl Fejfar
Chico Doberman 02/17/97-02/12/06 Scott and Francie Sanders
Chico Dobie 13 years Sharon & Robert Ruggiero
Chico Dog 03/04/86-07/04/00 Sheri
Chico Dog 07/02/08 Salvador
Chico Dog 08/31/24 Nicole
Chico Dog 10/07/11 Lisa Gerhardy
Chico Dog 12/23/98-12/17/02 Brad Kirk
Chico Dog 9 years 08/23/11 Tamika Wagner
Chico Domestic Long Hair Cat 6 years 02/25/05 Sara
Chico Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/25/98-10/02/09 Tamara Barker
Chico Ferret Marlene Humphreys
Chico Garcia Poodle Terrier 08/14/11 Amanda
Chico Gold Tabby Cat 07/95-09/20/07 Judy Berrios
Chico Golden Lab 12/2003-12/24/15 Deb Peabody
Chico Golden Lab Mix 14 years 04/29/97 Carol
Chico Golden Retriever 05/29/08 Veronika Sebek
Chico Golden Retriever Mix 10/21/98-12/29/07 Susan
Chico Guapo Westie 05/29/00-03/22/02 Dianne & Amigo Heatherington
Chico Guerreo Chihuahua 07/04/95-01/19/12 Guerrero
Chico Havanese 05/24/01-04/01/10 Lauren, Christine & Matt
Chico Heeler/Retriever 04/13/05-01/21/13 Julie Graham
Chico Himalayan Cat 23/04/12-29/11/12 Zeina & Rabih
Chico I Indian Ring Neck Bird 07/93-06/94 Judy Simons
Chico J Yother Havanese 9 years 11/2023 Randall Yother
Chico Jack Chi 09/16/09-10/21/20 Alyssah and Family
Chico Jack Russell 05/2008-01/20/11 Anna and Brandon
Chico Japanese Bobtail Cat 05/15/94-11/12/99 Judy Covington
Chico Joe Chihuahua 08/22/95-09/24/05 James & Adynia Wells
Chico Lemaster Chihuahua 05/05/99-11/07/04 Bonnie Foglesong
Chico Long Hair Chihuahua 03/19/18 Rosa Cortes
Chico Lynn Miniature Schnauzer 11/2003-08/02/16 Diana, Brandon, Chelsie and Mark Haverlah
Chico Maine Coon Cat 12/18/03 Mary Jane Jewell
Chico Maltese 1981-10/28/97 Libby and Les Johnson
Chico Minature Golden Retriever 10/13/87-01/03/02 Corinne Ciambella
Chico Mini Schnauzer 16 years 06/17/08 Thomas Fletcher
Chico Mix Dog 12/05/92-12/17/07 Penny
Chico Mix Dog 17 years 06/14/18 Kate Abel
Chico Mixed Breed 08/94-05/23/03 Connie Ratajczak
Chico Mixed Cat 11/23/03 Shirley Kerr
Chico Mixed Dog Valery
Chico Monk Parakeet 4 years 07/29/02 Oksoon Arthur
Chico Monkey 2000 TG
Chico Norwegian Forest Cat 02/14/95-08/20/09 Donna Kelly, Lauren and Hector Rodriguez and Ms. Smudge
Chico O'Steen Chihuahua 12 years 04/11/09 Roberta O'Steen
Chico Parr Yorkshire Terrier 08/05/95-16/02/12 Carla, Stephanie, Maia, Quinn & Carole Parr, Paul White, Cyril
Chico Pekingese 04/16/95-05/24/01 Katie, James & Sami Norsworthy
Chico Pit Bull 03/05/06-05/14/11 Chris, Margaret, Johnny, Mindy and Taco
Chico Pitbull 11 years 08/15/15 Vicki Earle
Chico Pomeranian 02/05/12 Curt
Chico Pomeranian 12/07/95-12/30/09 Susan Dovitz
Chico Pomeranian 8 1/2 years 08/09/13 Adam
Chico Pomeranian Mix 14 years 11/16/12 Lauren
Chico Pomeranian X Lhasa Apso 31/01/86-18/01/02 Olivia Chen
Chico Poodle 08/17/84-05/24/98 Sabrina
Chico Pug 02/08/12 Rose Teresa Lopez
Chico Pug 19 years 04/27/18 Russell Willenberg
Chico Rico Siamese Cat 8 years 07/08/05 Lisa & Gordy Goetzman
Chico Rottweiler 09/08/04-11/12/04 Sassey & Lee
Chico Rottweiler 11/03/07-11/26/12 Carlos Aguilar
Chico Santell Archunde Chihuahua/Shiba Mix 12/12/10-08/92/14 Danielle
Chico Scottish Terrier Mix Puppy 05/05/11-04/23/12 Tatiana
Chico Seabrook Chihuahua 4 years 09/02/09 Geremy Seabrook
Chico Seal Point Siamese/Tabby Mix Cat 05/01/05-02/02/08 Megan Wilson
Chico Sheltie 10 years 06/12/04 Laureen
Chico Sheltie 1998-03/18/06 Luiz Carlos
Chico Shepherd Mix 01/15/95-05/16/06 Laurie Fisher
Chico Shepherd Mix 03/93-07/10/08 Rose Berg
Chico Shepherd Mix 07/04/91-07/05/04 Verena & Gerald
Chico Shih Tzu 01/01/95-12/17/08 Renee
Chico Siamese Cat 11/18/97-03/28/07 Jeremy
Chico Siamese Cat 17 years 02/06/13 Leanne J, Naomi J
Chico Siamese Mix Cat 10/30/76-08/03/83 Sylvia
Chico Silver Tabby Cat 10/09/96-11/17/09 Patty Schaeff
Chico Staffordshire Bull Terrier 01/06/01-13/07/16 Michelle
Chico Tabby Cat 10/99-07/10/08 Ana Svoboda
Chico Tabby Cat 16 years 02/03/04 Janet
Chico Tamalli Kreuzer Shih Tzu 06/19/96-02/14/05 Ceridon Kreuzer
Chico Terrier 13 years 11/01/21 Lois Itchkawitz
Chico Terrier mix 04/01/89-07/19/05 Joyce Fischer
Chico Terripoo 11 years 10/26/94 Gordon & Joyce Rankin
Chico Tortie Cat 10/85-11/15/97 Katie, Cara, Bob, Amy, Jason, and your other furries Samantha, Pumpkin, Honey, and Calla
Chico Toy Poodle 02/04/82-12/01/95 Anne Woods
Chico Toy Poodle 10/16/92-05/05/03 Joyce A. Graham
Chico Tricolor Longcoat Chihuahua 16 years 02/08/97 Cathy M
Chico Tuxedo Cat 15 years 10/24/03 Sue Hynes
Chico Wallace Mixed Terrier 3 years 09/18/02 Veronica S. Johnson & Family
Chico Yorkie 03/15/23 Aracely
Chico Yorkie/Chihuahua 10/02/01-04/20/12 Stephanie
Chico Yorkie-Poo 09/28/89-02/20/98 Mary Ann Cevasco
Chico Yorkshire Terrier 01/01/96-02/03/09 The whole family of Margarita Carretero González
Chico Yorkshire Terrier 16 years 07/01/01 Mandy Jane Todd
Chico-Patakety Boudreau Cat 7 years 07/20/07 George and Karen Boudreau
Chidun Domestic Long Hair Cat 12/07/13-02/09/15 Wai Teng
Chief (Chiefy, Puppy Boy, Bummabum) Shepherd Mix 1985-04/30/02 Chris, Keith, Jess, & Becca Wildenhain
Chief (Conrads Chief Pond Hunter) Chocolate Lab Retriever 06/11/96-12/03/99 James & Anita Fitzgerald
Chief (Shoofy) Mixed Dog 12/21/95-06/27/11 Meems
Chief 06/06/00 Kevin and Debby
Chief aka Chiefers Great Dane 01/23/03-12/21/11 Terri Sanders, Christopher Mitchell
Chief aka Chiefers Spitz Mix 12/91-06/25/06 George, Sheri, Brett and Layne
Chief Akita Mix 14 years 04/01/05 John, Alisa, and Natalie Wilkinson
Chief and Buddie Shelties 13 years and 11 years to 10/03/09 and 08/15/08 Cheryl Markaverich and Anne Calderara
Chief Appaloosa X Quarterhorse 22/12/04 Julie & Tony
Chief Appy Horse Spring 1980-03/29/07 Marilyn Priest
Chief Atkin GSD X Malamute 04/08/99-04/06/08 Danielle Atkin
Chief Australian Shepherd 09/15/06 Don & Carol
Chief Australian Shepherd 10/27/97-09/27/05 Jackie Baudo
Chief Basset Beagle Mix 14 years 10/14/10 Jane Hilander
Chief Basset Hound 03/19/91-07/30/04 Kim E. Hayes
Chief Baumgarten Boxer 09/03/95-01/06/04 Jason & Jacqui, Lily Harry & Jessie Baumgarten & Molly
Chief Beagle 07/11/99-12/27/12 Magda Sobalvarro-Ochoa
Chief Belgian Malinois K-9 Officer 10/08/01 Julie Hoffman
Chief Black Lab 10/2006 Leslie Butler
Chief Blue Ghost of a Chance Blue Merle Border Collie 01/17/01-08/04/11 Courtney and John Scott and Family
Chief Border Collie 14 years 10/25/11 Kathy
Chief Boston Terrier 01/24/00-08/16/13 Beverly Bosjlie
Chief Boxer 06/07/00-06/27/09 Trish, Gary, and Abby Woods
Chief Bucky (CB) Thomas Cocker Spaniel 12/24/93-09/14/10 Nick Thomas
Chief Cat Debbie
Chief Chase German Shepherd 06/24/97-01/18/06 Alyson Chase
Chief Chesapeake Bay Retriever 6 1/2 years 11/03/00 Janeen Mengel
Chief Chiefy Boy Williams Collie 10 years 01/08/04 Brittany
Chief Chihuahua Mix 1993-10/08/10 Yvette Lopez
Chief Chocolate Lab 07/01/96-06/14/02 Vicki Fetterman
Chief Cockatiel 01/01/85-07/16/10 Jenn & Michael
Chief Collie 02/28/89-12/16/02 Barbara Renicker
Chief Dalmatian 01/02/08 Bobbi & Harold Delaroi
Chief Dalmatian 03/85 02/25/97 Jerry Richardson
Chief Dalmatian 05/08/05-10/26/06 Carla Dragon
Chief Dalmatian 06/04/02-01/15/05 Jeannine Denning
Chief Dalmatian 08/06/93-08/14/04 Greathouse Family
Chief Dancing Eyes German Shepherd 10/17/23 Tina Marie
Chief Doberman 13 years 06/03/09 Whitlee
Chief Doberman Pinscher 07/21/00-09/19/06 Vicki
Chief Dog 1 years 08/01/98 J Pirozzoli & Family
Chief Dog 12/24/17 Lisa Wood
Chief Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chief Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/18/94-06/18/12 Lisa Caverly
Chief Elliot Straight Arrow Cat 9 years 01/06/11 Gaye
Chief Elliott Straight Arrow Cat 01/13/10 Gaye
Chief German Shepherd 03/15/15-01/23/16 Matt
Chief German Shepherd 10/10/94-04/23/07 Cheryl
Chief German Shepherd 11/11/98-04/22/09 Mike and Cathy Di Lena
Chief German Shepherd 11/13/86-06/04/01 Randy/ Margert/shannon Howell
Chief German Shepherd 9 years 09/09/10 Lisa Wano
Chief German Shepherd Mix 04/27/95-06/26/09 Mark and Kristi
Chief German Shepherd Mix 07/2008-03/30/13 Dan, Shery, Alex, Sierra, Kayla
Chief German Shepherd Vietnam
Chief Golden Retriever 02/14/00-05/02/09 Cathy
Chief Golden Retriever 13+ years 04/08/04 Jerry and Diana
Chief Greyhound 09/23/99-07/12/11 Rob Pettis
Chief Hoser Squirt Dalmatian 03/23/83-06/28/06 Barb Birney
Chief Italian Greyhound 02/13/94-07/21/04 Michael F. Finamore. Sr.
Chief Justice of K-9 (CJ) Cocker Spaniel 04/95-08/19/85 Whitney Chestnut
Chief Labrador Retriever 11 years 11/18/06 Mike Simmons
Chief Labrador Retriver 07/13/91-06/06/00 Debora J.M. Mulqueen
Chief Lucero Dalmatian 02/10/93-02/25/05 Shelly and Jim
Chief Mack English Bulldog 04/30/87-04/05/98 Tony & Janet Mack
Chief Mix Dog 11/25/03-01/01/12 Rich Magee
Chief Mutt 12 years 10/14/99 David A Russell
Chief My Babyboy Cat 11/19/05-11/14/05 Catherine McDonald
Chief My Babyboy Cat 11/19/05-11/14/05 Classic Angel
Chief of Cataning Trail (Chief) German Shepherd 1968-1973 Charles E. Fasano
Chief Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/01/97-02/18/06 Monique
Chief Pointer/Brindle 02/18/94-08/21/04 Tricia
Chief Red Toes Rhode Island Red Rooster 8 months 10/22/18 Joe and Rose Colee
Chief Rott 12/25/88-02/05/00 Beverly Katz
Chief Rottweiler 04/08/01-05/01/07 Lisa Dronick
Chief Rottweiler 12/31/00-08/23/06 Kim and Alex Stecina
Chief Seattle American Eskimo Dog 09/03/88-08/03/97 Peggy Zaborowski
Chief Shadow of Love Boxer 08/01/94-02/05/98 Thomas, Eunice and Dwayne Stevens
Chief Sheltie 08/30/08 Cory Guidebeck
Chief Shih Tzu Mix 11/29/96-05/12/11 Nancy Richard
Chief Shitzu 15 years 09/13/21 Becci and Ben
Chief Shitzu/Beagle Mix 05/05/94-09/04/08 Penny Brueggemann
Chief Siamese Cat 02/01/98-04/23/08 Karen Eisenbarth
Chief Springer Spaniel 16/04/91-26/12/14 Catherine Holmes
Chief Taco Bell 07/89-04/00 Michele Wagner
Chief Thomson Chocolate Lab 11/11/03-09/28/14 Cody Thomson
Chief Top Hand Appaloosa Horse 02/22/73-09/27/95 Me'Linda Miles
Chief Tri-Color Collie 07/27/95-11/11/07 Lorrie Dumigan
Chief Umbrella Cockatoo 07/03/88-02/08/93 Judi Hamlet
Chief Weiss Mn Schnauzer 07/21/90-05/13/04 Julie & Bryan
Chief Whippet 06/01/88-06/14/05 Shannon Simon
Chief Wylie Mixed-Poi 06/89-09/11/03 Fawn & John
Chief Yellow Lab 03/10/01-04/03/12 Bryan & Lindsey Forrest
Chief Yellow Lab 07/13/91-06/06/00 Debora J M Mulqueen
Chief Yellow Labrador 10/06/94-02/28/08 Crystal Ilsley
Chiefers Staffy Cross 05/04/00-04/26/13 Sue McDonald
Chief's Jazzy Man (CJ) Missouri Fox Trotter Horse 05/29/09-08/30/10 Connie Schmitt
Chieftain Wilfred Java Boxer 04/07/96-07/14/06 Shawn & Ellen Bode
Chiefy Boxer 9 years 11/08/08 Jennifer Tucker
Chiefy Gervasi Dalmatian 01/01/92-10/20/06 The Gervasi Family - Jamie, Misty, Madison, Ty & Keiko
Chien Bull Arab Cross 08/01/93-01/29/05 Helen Tinson
Chien Cocker Mix 04/07/92-05/05/10 Debbie
Chien Cowley Miniature Poodle 05/20/93-07/13/09 Susan Cowley
Chien DSH Cat 09/01/79-07/01/98 Rufus & Edna La Rue
Chien Golden Retriever 05/24/01-07/27/06 Kim Atherton
Chien Mixed Breed Dog 10 and 1/2 years 04/22/04 Kelley Kocher and Charles Imbro
Chien Poodle 05/20/93-07/13/09 Chien Noir
Chien Poodle 14 years 11/10/04 Rose Lindie
Chien Rottweiler 10/28/94-04/29/04 Nicole Rogers (Julie and Rich)
Chien/Peanut Maltese/Poodle 04/11/88-02/12/00 Cyndi and Mike Warren, and Audrey Friedman
Chienbrun Bedazzle aka Beauty Belgian Tervuren 10/18/98-12/16/04 Nancy A. Vida
Chiep Mixed Cat 04/17/92-12/04/09 Dianne Stallings Walker
Chiffon Samoyed Mix 15 years 02/07/98 Riki Shackelford
Chigger Boo Lhasa 09/16/97-02/28/12 Lynn
Chigger Collie Robin Hubbard
Chigger Mix Dog 08/14/07 Missy and A.J.
Chigger Pom 5 years 10/29/06 Trish Maddox
Chigger Pomeranian 03/16/96-09/24/08 Patricia
Chiggers Kitten 02/07/08 Cheryl
Chiggers Orange and White Tabby Cat 16 years 12/18/07 Charlotte Stark
Chihuahua pups (4) Died before birth 09/25 Laura Rosinski
Chihuahuas (2) 11/04/06 Kathy G
ChII Kreuzenstein Siamese Tabby Mix Cat 05/21/04-12/09/07 Kaitlin Kreuzenstein
Chi'in Pekingnese 05/14/84-03/11/00 Wanda
ChIInkwia Sheltie 6 years 10/28/03 Toni & Rhoda Astronomo-Day
Chika Black Lab 04/20/15 Karen Spencer
Chika Chihuahua and Terrier 10/26/09-12/26/19 Yvette Contreras
Chika Gray Tabby Cat 2 years 09/08/08 Tanya
Chika Grey Tabby & White Cat 06/30/85-01/24/03 Jennifer Ogle
Chika Malamute 12/10/95-12/16/05 Kathy SymcHych
Chikago Donohue Koehler Siberian Husky 11/16/99-01/26/12 Cathy Donohue and Mark Koehler
Chikara Shiba 15 years 01/01/12 Sandy Green
Chiki Mesa Chihuahua 06/27/09 Dayancy Mesa
Chiki Yorkie 08/10/05-04/25/07 Ana, Jonathan, Samantha, Daniel & Fernando
Chikina Pinch Mixture 12/17/10-12/13/12 Thalia Del Pino Alvarez
Chikita Chihuahua 5 years 02/26/09 Damaris Lozano
Chikita Rotty 11/01/00-05/12/07 Katie(Mommy) & Family & Cathy
Chikko German Shepherd 10+ years 09/16/11 Kelsie and Sabra
Chiklet Kitten 01/07/08 Cheryl
Chiko Cockatiel 02/24/86-12/26/13 Linda Brown
Chikorita Cockatiel 17 years 09/27/17 Georgette Kostopoulos
Chiku Banshee Mink Maine Coon Kitten 2001-11/2001 Gaye
Chiku Cockateil 09/12/21-09/04/22 Saanvi
Chiku Guinea Pig 6 months 10/18/05 Shaynee
Chikumaru Toyger Cat 4 months 10/23/11 Leticia Salinas-Guerrero
Chilcoates Lady B Shetland Sheepdog 05/18/88-05/24/00 Barbara Heym
Chile (Pronouced Chili) Tri Color Collie 13 years 08/12/02 Aleta Stacey
Chile (pronounced Chili) Tri Color Collie approximately 13 years 08/12/02 Aleta Stacey
Chile Cat 13 years 07/19/10 Zooey
Chile Chihuahua 05/18/06-12/05/11 Kerrie
Chile Golden Retriever 08/14/07-07/04/15 Greg Moffatt
Chile Pepper Greyhound Mix 08/28/92-02/12/05 Christine Thomas
Chile Rottweiler/Chow 12 years 02/04/08 Valerie Johnson
Chili American Eskimo Dog 10/16/90-04/13/02 Diana Noasconi
Chili Bean Calico Cat 06/23/04-03/05/20 Sandra Henderson
Chili Black Lab 11/15/95-01/15/08 Becky
Chili Boykin Spaniel 02/08/91-06/21/05 Kim Menier
Chili Cat 07/11/90-08/31/05 Deborah Alfini
Chili Cat 08/95-10/07/08 Dorothy
Chili Chihuahua 04/96-03/15/11 Robert
Chili Chihuahua Long Haired 01/14/01-04/16/08 Sandie Lundstrum, Mehgan, Frankie
Chili Chihuahua Pup 05/08/96-08/15/96 Amy Nelson
Chili Chin. Shar-Pei 03/01/94-10/08/04 Marianne & Stephen Sacarisen
Chili Chinchilla 8 years 07/27/09 Tom Scarantino
Chili Chinese Shar-Pei 03/01/94-10/08/04 Marianne & Stephen Sacarisen
Chili Chiweenie 9 years 02/13/17 Jennilee Flores
Chili Crested Peruvian Guinea Pig 06/01/06-04/02/10 Nikki, Lee, Chantal
Chili Dachshund 03/13/95-12/28/08 Stella Clements
Chili Dachshund 07/2003-10/2009 Lisa
Chili Dawg Golden Retriever 03/31/02-08/30/11 Jenna Mahlberg
Chili Dog 07/84-11/16/99 Judy
Chili Dog 08/25/93-01/31/08 Kathy Burgess
Chili Dog Airedale 11/02/97-03/11/11 Gary and Diana Cummins
Chili DSH Cat 09/07/07-04/29/08 Cassandra
Chili DSH Cat 12 years 08/31/98 Fern
Chili English Cocker Spaniel 07/31/02-09/08/06 Sofie Lund
Chili English Setter 01/20/87-09/16/02 Margo Palmer
Chili German Shorthaired Pointer 13 years 07/14/09 Doug Smith & Catherine Philpott
Chili Golden Retriever 13 years 12/13/07 Gretchen Skalka
Chili K9 Dottie
Chili Lab Mix 10/31/91-05/22/98 Francie Anthony
Chili Labrador Retriever 04/25/97-05/28/09 Nancy
Chili Long Coat Chihuahua 02/09/10 The McClelands- Tara, Pat and Nathan
Chili McCleland Chihuahua 08/98-12/09/10 Tara McCleland
Chili Miledi Weimaraner 04/14/22 Charlie & Sylvia Miledi
Chili Palmer Cat 05/05/98-01/08/02 Jamie
Chili Parakeet 02/26/09 Merri
Chili Pepper Black Lab Of Heritage 11/01/95-04/06/09 Liz
Chili Pepper Chihuahua 11/13/03-02/06/04 The Winget Family
Chili Pepper Chihuahua 14 years 01/26/13 Renee
Chili Pepper Chihuahua/Jack Russell 17 years 09/18/08 Ellyn Keaser
Chili Pepper Hearn Chihuahua 09/02/94-06/11/09 Linda Hearn
Chili Pepper Lovebird 03/25/12 Jaime
Chili Pepper Red Lorky 02/01/98-03/09/02 Mike & Phyllis Cullenbine
Chili Pomeranian 2004-09/13/06 Alex
Chili Poodle 13 years 11/15/05 Jim & Karen Simons
Chili Poodle, Chihuahua Mix 02/11/92-04/24/07 Terri Green
Chili Staffordshire Bull Terrier 03/08/00-07/20/04 Elaina Burgin
Chili Watt Labrador Retriever 5 months 08/20/06 Sandy and Allison Watt
Chili Yorkshire Terrier 03/01/00-08/16/06 Jon Kixmiller
Chilkat Tabby/Siamese Cat 07/27/96-07/27/97 Britt
Chiller Willer Chow Mix 12 years 11/21/00 Roger & Penny St. Clair
Chilley American Shorthair Black and White Tuxedo Cat 10/95-08/02/09 Louis W. Gerrein
Chilli Black Persian/Domestic Cat 06/04/89-07/26/01 Heidi & Kent Fallesen
Chilli Cat 2 1/2 years 03/02/05 Mary McCarthy
Chilli Chinchilla 3 years 07/07/09 Alexa
Chilli Chinchilla 7 months 06/31/07 Mike Henderson
Chilli Dog 1999-08/22/12 Chriss B
Chilli Dog Brittany 12 years 12/14/05 Joi and Joseph Deaser
Chilli Dog Jack Russell 10 years 07/09/11 Kevin R.D.E.
Chilli Dog Mix Dog 1996-08/02/05 Tjasa Boh
Chilli Jack Russell Terrier 01/15/98-06/15/09 Margaret & Noel
Chilli Labrador Retriever 10 years 05/30/09 Lori & Chris Jones
Chilli Rat 10/04/00-06/05/02 Martin Ross
Chilli Sphynx Cat 08/26/98-05/28/12 Hilary Paskal
Chilli Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross With A Jack Russell 01/04/00-12/05/11 Natalie Coates
Chilli Veiled Chameleon 22 months 09/13/15 Jennifer Novielli
Chillico Poco (Chilli) Chihuahua 15 years 06/07/06 Casa
Chillie Akita 09/26/93-09/22/00 Emerald, Gloria & Jim
Chillie Domestic Rabbit 04/01/05-07/13/04 Devena & Rick
Chillie Flemming Long-Haired Chihuahua 07/04/97-07/23/04 Regina Flemming, Taylor Johann, David Johann
Chillie Red Cloud Kelpie 10/10/05 Christine A. Commons
Chillie Yandrisevits Samoyed 07/21/08-08/09/17 Tom and Cheryl Yandrisevits
Chilly Akc Freezer Burnt Akita 11/20/93-07/01/08 Nancy and Christina Sloan
Chilly Aussie 02/14/98-12/10/03 Dia
Chilly Cat 10/16/96-05/02/06 Kelli
Chilly Degu 4 years 12/28/13 Sonya Church
Chilly Dog Wheaten Terrier Mix 10/22/03-02/14/14 Kimmy Wilcox
Chilly Golden Retriever Wolf Mix 13 years 04/08/11 MTM
Chilly Miniature Dachshund 1 1/2 years 06/10/01 Ginny CC
Chilly Wills Mixed, Longhair Cat 11/05/92-11/03/06 Marta Wall
Chilly Willy Chihuahua 15 years 12/21/06 Stacey Young
Chilly Willy DSH White and Grey Cat 16 years 03/17/21 Linda Kirby
Chim Zebedee Gowdy Gaillard Golden Retriever 05/07/87-11/07/96 Jacqueline Newport
Chima German Shepherd 12 years 01/25/09 Sharon Gonzales
Chimi Chihuahua 05/04/90-11/11/02 Jill Vasquez
Chimi Mimo Nemo Orlando Cat 6 years 01/28/10 Anjali Orlando
Chimi Shi-Poo 10/25/02-12/17/04 Jarreth & Mariana Solomon
Chimichanga African Pygmy Hedgehog 03/28/17-03/29/19 Ruth Roberts
Chimichanga Cat 04/25/03 Michelle and Randy
Chimmy Pomeranian 01/94-10/31/98 F. Johnson
Chimney Long Hair Kitten 4 months 09/15/05 Zac Turner
Chimny Bunny 04/09/89-04/12/03 Nicole Boates
Chimo DiStefano Husky 14 years 08/20/99 Lisa Bird
Chimo Griffiths Husky Cross 07/13/11 Carol Griffiths
Chimo Husky/Collie Mix 10 1/2 years 11/18/05 Sandra Taylor & Dan Dagenais
Chimo Siberian Husky 03/03/96-03/28/01 Cathy
Chimo Siberian Husky 12/29/95-02/23/06 Dana & Pauline Cuvelier and Sister Misty
Chimon Dog 12/25/08-01/21/13 Samantha
Chimp Ferret 06/22/03-09/13/09 Laura, Peighton and Kaylian Welsh
Chimp Mixed Cat 5 years 10/30/14 Jil Nance
Chin Chin 2 Kitten 03/28/01-04/03/01 Dave, Kat, Pixel, Tasslehoff, Mandrake, Pippin, Little Bit, Simba, Qibbles, Sandy, Duchess, Gandalf, Dalamar, Cassie, Jack, and Taleisin
Chin Chin Bajai Pug 11/86-11/12/00 Patricia Rutledge
Chin Chin Ragdoll Cat 06/26/11 Leslie Albert
Chin Chin Standard Chinchilla 07/2008-04/15/10 Krista
Chin Chin Standard Grey Chinchilla 01/20/02-02/02/04 Angelina
Chin Chu Japanese Chin 11/04/90-12/02/99 Evelyn Nichols
Chin Lei Ling Shihtzu 04/21/87-10/03/03 Peggy Dankowsky
Chin Su Shih Tzu 04/17/79-11/30/95 Lorraine Fitzpatrick
China (aka Baby Girl) Shar Pei 06/10/92-10/09/03 Scott Carey
China a.k.a Chi-Chi Black Lab With Shepherd Mix 04/91-09/01/07 Lorelle and Nicole
China aka Babygirl Chinese Shar Pei 06/10/03-10/09/03 Scott & Barb
China aka Nena Pitbull 08/28/03-12/21/10 Lupe..
China American Pit Bull Terrier 3 years 04/19/05 Louise
China and Snooky Cats China - Turkish Angora, Snooky - Red Persian Both 14 years China 1/27/06, Snooky 02/01/06 J. Duffy
China Bell Cat 07/03/08 Lisa Pacheco
China Black Rex Rabbit 10 years Best Friends Animal Sanctuary/Joni
China Blue Himalayan Cat 18 years 05/18/07 Donna
China Blue Persian Cat 11/18/87-01/03/08 Betsy
China Boxer 11 years 03/08/09 Susan Warren
China Brown Tabby DSH Cat 08/15/02-05/02/21 Ann Edgar
China Calico Cat 02/08/94-08/13/07 Joe Damanti and Tess
China Cat 03/27/99 Donna
China Cat 08/02/00 Shiloh
China Cat 09/10/98 Darcy
China Cat 09/93-03/03/03 Jennifer Resnick
China Cat 10/23/00-09/05/05 John Wildblood
China Cat 11 years 11/23/07 Dawn and Chris
China Cat 12/02/06 Cyndi Shicora
China Cat 19 years 06/21/06 Vicki Cech
China Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
China Cat Sunflower DSH Torti Cat around 01/01/90-10/01 Douglas Scofield
China Cavalier Spaniel 8 years 10/01/99 Maia, Celia, Chris, Jake, Daniel
China Chi Chow Chow Chow 04/06/86-11/15/99 Laura
China Chihuahua 07/06/00-01/16/01 Cory and Rebecca Gabriel
China Chinese Crested Dog 11/17/95-01/18/04 Kathy Smith
China Chinese Crested Mini Schnauzer Mix 06/17/11 Marie
China Chow 02/09/99-06/27/05 Jerome Schaub
China Chow 12/30/98-05/21/13 Jane
China Chow Chow 12 years 04/26/05 Laura, Patrick, and Trey
China Cockapoo 01/01/85 Susan Connolly
China Dalmatian 02/15/00-05/05/00 Heather Gearhart
China Deep Orange Pomeranian 03/07/93-05/12/96 Robert Garre and Betsy Bayram
China Dog 06/21/10-04/11/14 Charlotte
China Dog 08/31/04 Mary Zee
China Doll Black Pug 12/21/99-02/14/02 Patti Rice
China Doll Cat 04/03/03 Ed and Martin
China Doll Cat 11/05/81-12/25/98 Joy Kidd
China Doll Chinese Shar Pei 10/15/98-01/01/05 Eve Gentzler
China Doll Dog 1 1/2 years 06/02/06 Rhonda
China Doll Great Dane 02/19/07-05/10/12 Paulette
China Doll Samoyed 11/23/99-01/01/08 Inge, Chuck & her pet Sister Sato
China Doll Shih Tzu 04/10/99-10/10/01 Pat Van Wezenbeeck
China Doll Shih Tzu 12/19/88-04/07/05 Lori, Victoria, Kevin Jr., Kevin Sr (Garrett)
China Doll Shih Tzu 18+ years 02/15/08 Jen
China Domestic Long Hair Cat 19 years 10/16/06 Ted & Nadya Donnell
China Domestic Short Hair Cat 3 years 04/24/00 Stephanie McShane
China DSH Brown Tabby Cat 08/27/02-10/29/07 Cindy Cohn
China DSH Tort Cat 15 years 10/21/14 Ana Haget
China Dwyer Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 13 years 12/15/00 Kelly
China Exotic Shorthair Cat 7 years 08/31/06 Helen McNicholas
China Express Quarter Palomino Horse 1985-08/29/07 Robin Donohue
China Fay Chinese Crested Dog Mix 10/18/91-05/20/02 Dawn
China Ferret 8 1/2 years 08/17/99 Jeffrey Williams
China German Shepherd 04/15/95-11/15/01 April
China German Shepherd 6 December 2002-2 August 2013 Katrina Doble
China Girl Chihuahua 08/16/04 Kathy Williams
China Girl Chinese Shar Pei 11/11/06-07/18/18 Christina Sawyer
China Girl Chow Chow 08/92-08/12/02 Kathy Noben
China Girl Domestic Gray Cat 19 years 11/27/06 Veronica MacDonald & Michael Naples
China Girl Siamese Cat 12/25/91-11/25/09 Dean Evans
China Golden Retriever 6 years 09/15/06 Lisa, Vann, and Aspen
China Himalayan Persian Cat 05/07/92-08/21/07 Evelyn and Brett Patton
China Jack Rusell 06/05/85-07/24/01 Susan Avril
China Jade Pug 08/02/97-01/05/10 C.T. & Charlotte Vaughan
China Lab 16 years 09/01/07 Lorelle
China Lab/Shepherd 8 years 06/18/05 Therese
China Labrador Retriever 03/26/91-07/06/04 Kathy
China Lahm Jerome
China Lhasa Apso 12/07/93-04/07/09 Chanin Owens
China Lyn Siamese Cat 1985-11/29/01 Tom & Sherri
China Moon Black and White 6 Toed Cat 1988-04/09/98 Meg Halsey
China Orang Tabby Cat 17 years 06/02/01 Susan Keeping
China Peke 16 years 04/28/08 Felecia Farris
China Pembroke Welsh Corgi 8 years 03/02/12 Nichole
China Princess Chesapeake Bay Retriever 11/05/87-03/08/01 Beverly, David, Angel & Fern
China Pug 01/16/02-06/07/05 Elizabeth Anderson & Geoff Pebelske
China Pug 08/05/87-01/13/99 Rodney Kageyama and Ken White
China Rose ChowChow 06/08/89-06/30/03 Mary Davis
China Rose Ferret 06/26/95-07/24/96 Sharon Bowman
China Rose Pug 14 years 01/31/12 Brian & Debbie Howshar
China Rottweiler 06/22/04-03/29/12 Tina Towe
China Rottweiler 08/12/99-01/02/11 Dana Miller
China Rottweiler 2 years 03/07/01 Jacqui Whitworth
China Schnoodle 10/01/05-03/20/22 Dawn
China Shar Pei 03/08/07-05/06/09 Lyn
China Sharpei 02/04/94-10/30/06 McGhee
China Sharpei 02/04/94-10/31/06 Pam McGhee
China Sharpei 06/13/07 Laura F/Melissa S
China Sharpei 07/04/88-12/27/01 Debi Rose
China Sharpei/Pit Mix 07/18/05 Ed, Priscilla. Richard, Rheanna & Mondo
China Shepherd-Terrier Mix 08/95-03/26/11 Barb & Steve
China Shih Tzu 09/29/21 Michael Benko
China Shih Tzu 12 1/2 years 10/26/09 Melissa
China Shih-Tzu 01/01/87-08/26/02 Kim Toman, on behalf of China's owner, Joan Ballard
China Shih-Tzu 12/27/09-10/05/12 Hilarmina Dobles
China Shorthair White Cat 13 years 6 months 12/08/10 Thomas Yelverton
China Siamese Cat 04/21/64-05/01/83 Kathleen Tedrick
China Siamese Cat 16 years 06/04/07 Lynn D
China Siamese Cat 18 years 11/25/09 Steven
China Siamese Cat 20 years 01/30/00 Karen Constantine
China Siamese Cat 8 years 04/06/11 Candice
China Siamese Cross Cat 07/07/07 Sue Tasker
China Siamese/Tabby Cat 12 1/2 years 11/20/02 Kym Hall
China Snowshoe Cat 2 years 04/18/03 Rob and Donna
China Terrier Mix 6 years 08/10/00 Misty A Jones
China Tuxedo Cat 10/16/87-12/30/03 Diane
China White American Eskimo Dog 10/15/90-04/04/05 Beverly Johnson
China White Pitbull 10/04/04-10/20/15 Teresa
China Yorkie 05/01/05 Kellie Marzolf
Chinabear Chow Chow 11/25/93-09/06/08 Michael Composto
Chinaberry Sweet American Eskimo Dog 2 years 02/04/04 Louise Smith
ChinaBlue Siberian Husky/Collie Mix 06/2000-04/2011 Mary Torres
Chinacat Himalayan Cross Cat 12 years 04/08/09 Madeleine Kivell
ChinaCat Sunflower Cat 10/07/05 Ann & George Lumpkin
Chinadoll Chihuahua 10 years 01/12/17 Charles Skipper
Chinadoll Shar Pei 4 1/2 years 08/02/95 Donna Lapan
Chinarose ChowChow 06/09/89-06/30/03 Maribeth Davis
Chinarose Davis Chowchow 06/08/89-06/30/03 Mary E. Davis
Chinch Chinchilla 9 years 05/25/11 Jennifer Di Modica
Chinchi Chinchilla 6 years 12/05/23 Abigal
Chinchilla Gravy Mini Rex Bunny 11 years 05/02/16 Felipe, Kevin, Uilani
Chinchin Cat 11/17/03 Mark
Chinchin Japanese Chin 12/25/97-08/21/11 Judy, Robert & Matthew
Chinchin Shih Tzu 15 years 03/28/10 Jenny Tang
Chincin French Bulldog 08/30/02-02/06/10 Eve
Chindi Marie Lacsa Apso/Shitzu 05/03/90-06/09/04 Emma Marie
Chinee Chihuahua 04/24/00-10/24/09 Pat Wilder
Chinese Cat 04/30/08-05/10/09 Lila Sprinkle
Chinette Pitbull 10 years 12/05/15 Mary Scott
Ching Cat 1966-1979 Jocelyn Martin
Ching Ching Cat 4 years 07/30/09 Rey
Ching Ching Golden Retriever/Black Labrador 10/19/09 The Augustine Family
Ching Ching Pekingese 15 years 09/11/01 Pamela
Ching Ching Shih Tzu 09/25/90-03/07/00 Marie Kennison
Ching Chow-Chow 12 years 01/03/00 Randi Mitchell
Ching Lee Shih Tzu 09/30/89-02/27/06 Jane Miller
Ching Pekingese 05/21/94-06/16/08 Julee
Ching Pom 1/02/85-02/11/99 Margie
Ching Shishu 07/06/03-08/23/04 Thom Williams
Ching Siamese Cat 04/76-01/15/95 Pat Gionet
Ching Smoke Tortoise Shell Persian Cat with Gold Eyes 14 1/2 years 12/12/99 David and Renay Carr
Chingo Maine Coon Cat 05/01/97-04/19/12 Nathan & Shanti Peterson
Chingo Maine Coon Cat 05/01/97-04/19/12 Shanti & Nathan Peterson
Chingy Boy Shi-Tzu 05/20/90-11/08/03 Donna and Rebajo Roberts
Chini Chihuahua 4 years 09/10/09 Cyndi
Chinita Dog 02/06/07 Reiko Kurashima
Chink Siamese Cat 06/10/82-05/16/00 Shawn
Chinkers Siamese Cat 1998-04/08/13 Paula
Chinko English Budgie 3 years 05/02/10 Adrianna, and Laura
Chinks Pekingese 07/10/75-01/10/88 Jim & Elizabeth Conley
Chinky Lhasa Apso 06/04/80-09/26/98 Jeanne Johnson
Chinky Pomeranian 14 years 10 months 11/06/09 Suchi
Chinni Pom 2003 Aniruddha
Chinnook GSD Mix Lucky's Dog. 12/26/83-07/20/94 M. Hashima
Chinny Baby Chinchilla 1 month Chinskate
Chinny Red Tabby DSH Cat 14 years 1984 Anne
Chino and Sugar Albarran Chow Mix and Hound-Lab Mix 07/04/93 and 01/15/992 to 05/2007 and 06/2008 Charmaine Norman
Chino Boxer 02/19/04-05/06/10 Eric & Dawn Avey
Chino Cat 10 years 12/06/05 Ann
Chino Cat 4 years 03/25/06 Kelleanne
Chino Chocolate Lab 12/26/93-04/30/04 Mom, Dad, Lauren and Allie H
Chino Cocker Spaniel 01/30/99-07/02/12 Dean and Jumi Beckman
Chino Dog 10/16/09 Leah
Chino Grey Point Siamese Cat 07/04/12 Jennifer T
Chino Husky 13 years 05/12/15 Jason
Chino Macu Pie Syria Hamsters 04/08/03-06/07/04 Mary
Chino Miniature Schnauzer 14 1/2 years 08/22/11 Camille Gannon
Chino Moreno Chow/Rotty 14 1/2 years 11/21/14 Kay
Chino Murray Chihuahua Beagle 10 years 02/20/05 Nancy Anne Murray
Chino Orange & White Tabby Cat 02/21/98-12/27/11 Heather Mendoza
Chino Sealpoint Siamese Cat 1989-04/28/06 Lisa Ramaci
Chino Tabby/Siamese Cat 17 years 04/10/01 Linda and Steve
Chino Tiger Cat 04/20/00-02/21/04 Heather
Chino Yorkie 09/17/08-01/25/24 Denise
Chinook 02/15/80-07/02/93 Cathy Keaton & family
Chinook Alaskan Malamute 08/09/90-01/26/03 Phil Mason and Catherine Garrigus
Chinook American Eskimo Dog 19 years 04/27/07 Edward Johnston
Chinook Birman Cat 13/06/98-09/11/07 Jennifer + Family
Chinook Calico Cat 19 or 20 years 07/09/97 Anne Ritchey
Chinook Cameal American Eskimo Dog 09/20/90-09/30/06 Peggy Zaborowski
Chinook Chihuahua 6 months 12/26/17 Paul and Gail Warnick
Chinook Collie Mix 05/14/94-02/19/02 Kristen Kuhns
Chinook German Shepherd Mix 05/24/95-05/24/04 Todd, Bev, Evan and Ryan
Chinook Holbrooks Alaskan Malamute 14 years 03/23/09 Pam Holbrooks
Chinook Paint Horse 12/27/05-12/30/05 Schuy Okraj/ Okraj Ranch
Chinook Pasay Lab Mix 08/19/84-05/17/96 Marliese Pasay
Chinook Purebread Alaskan Malamute 4 years 08/02/97 Chris Leboot
Chinook Samoyed 05/26/96-01/04/10 Murielle and Nelson Hebert
Chinook Samoyed 10/73-12/12/86 Christine Brownell
Chinook Siberian Husky 13 years 02/21/19 Nancy Copeland
Chinook Siberian Husky 6 years 08/17/10 Chris Alm
Chinook Siberian Husky and Wolf 11/11/95-03/20/06 Cheryl and Joe Gallant
Chinook Wolf-Hybrid/Malamute 14 years 11/05/07 Tom and Conni O'Connor
Chinooks Bichon Frise 12/13/95-09/25/07 Barbara Guzzetti
Chinsu Lhasa Apso Cocker Mix 11/13/03-04/08/08 Deb and Dan Clemens
Chintu Pomeranian 03/14/00-08/26/06 Pinkyli
Chintz-a-Roonie Cocker Spaniel 10/23/88-09/16/02 Garry and Jeff
Chintzy Bear Chow Chow Chow 10/20/01-08/03/14 Nic Io
Chinwendu Tonkinese Kitten 8 weeks 13/01/07 Helena Barrow
Chio Australian Mist Cat 11/17/10-12/07/10 Charlene Madelo
Chioke Chow Chow 03/08/06-02/08/19 Michelle Sept
Chiona Chihuahua, Poodle & Yorkie Mix 10/06/96-10/05/97 Earl & Sonja Gooding
Chiona Siamese Cat 01/31/94-11/14/08 Shawna
Chionita Navarro Shih-Tzu Cat 08/14/10 Kati Navarro
Chiot Liberty-Dallas Jack Russell Terrier, Beagle/Australian Cattle Dog 11/01/01-03/04/17 Courtney Edgar
Chip (Chocolate Chip) Cockapoo 09/25/92-06/13/08 Tamara Dormier
Chip (Foo) Great Dane 8 years 10/27/99 The Pantaleone Family
Chip 1995 Michael Turturro
Chip aka Big Dog Chocolate Labrador Retriever 14 years 10/03/08 Annette Repko
Chip aka Little Man Jack Russell 12/17/05-10/19/07 Angie, Michael, Colten, Calum Gass
Chip Akita Mix 05/16/04-11/09/04 Amy & Angelo Ivery
Chip American Pit Bull 13 years 12/09/07 Sandra and Tom Walsh
Chip and BunBun Bunnies 04/12/98 Will, Chris and Mike
Chip Angora Mix Cat 3.3 years 10/09/97 Catherine
Chip Aussie Mix 08/87-05/19/01 Debbie, Mike and Samantha
Chip Australian Shepherd 08/05/80-04/15/96 Berta Flath
Chip B. Cat 04/16/83-12/17/95 Catherine & Noel M. Rome
Chip Baby Bird 08/11/14 Elizabeth
Chip Barron Tennessee White Dog 11/29/98-03/23/15 Leann
Chip Basenji 08/31/93-03/07/04 John Russo
Chip Beagle Mix 05/27/03-03/31/17 Carla Roth
Chip Bichon Frise 03/17/05-07/30/10 Jeff, Krysta, and Hayley
Chip Bichon Frise 08/06/91-08/13/07 Hilary Harris
Chip Bishon Frise 7 years 02/23/04 Tracy
Chip Black & White Shorthaired Cat 04/2005-27/02/07 The Ashton Family
Chip Black and White Cat 10/14/93-11/02/01 Sarah Pennell and family
Chip Blake Yorkie Pooh 03/01/08-03/25/17 Courtney
Chip Boston Terrier 06/09/13 Mart K
Chip Brown English Springer Spaniel 07/05/94-07/28/08 Shannon, Irma, & Jason Brown
Chip Byrne Dotson 10/06/12 Sue B
Chip Cairn Terrier 05/10/80-11/04/94 The Conner Family
Chip Cat 03/01/96-04/24/06 Michelle Cooke
Chip Cat 04/14-10/05/15 Teresa
Chip Cat 04/17/03-12/13/10 Barbara and Bob
Chip Chesapeake Bay Retriever 13 years 08/96 C Champaine
Chip Chihuahua 08/22/08 Marianne Muller
Chip Chihuahua 17 years 03/14/17 Alan Murray
Chip Chihuahua 2 years 01/11/13 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee
Chip Chocolate Lab 03/01/00-10/19/10 Diane
Chip Chocolate Lab 06/01/98-07/31/07 Bridget
Chip Chocolate Lab 06/15/97-06/22/07 Becky Brown
Chip Chocolate Lab 10/99-04/25/01 Paula
Chip Chocolate Lab 11 years 12/23/11 Kate
Chip Chow Chow Mix 10 years 10/10/00 Theresa and Ron
Chip Cocker Spaniel 03/05/87-08/21/98 Keith Reynolds
Chip Cocker Spaniel 10 years 10/10/67 Ruth Monteiro
Chip Collie 6 years 08/03/94 Larry McManus
Chip Collie/ Chow Mix 09/13/95-04/17/10 John
Chip Cox Maltese 09/15/99-06/12/06 Beth
Chip Dachshund 01/05/95-04/08/06 Morgan, Paulette, and Joseph Bird
Chip Dale Corgi Type 'Afghan Flockhound' 16 years 18/10/04 Jackie Brennan
Chip Dalmatian 8 years 07/22/02 Debra Hitchcock
Chip Dalmatian/Liver & White 08/23/93-02/03/99 Betsy Stiefel
Chip Daniel Bowman Akita - Mastiff Mix 2003-2009 Jennifer Bowman and Family
Chip DMX Cat 12.7 years 04/19/04 Leanne Rioux
Chip Dog 04/86-10/07/00 Kathy, Jenny, Mom, and Dad
Chip Dog 07/22/90 Theresa and Ron
Chip Dog 09/15/99-06/12/06 Maggie (Grandma)
Chip Dog 12/30/10 Julia Clark
Chip Domestic Cat 12/23/02-11/15/03 Jennifer Paulding
Chip Domestic Short-Hair Cat 04/01/92-11/29/07 Janet Fauber
Chip Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 years 07/16/06 Michelle LaFaver
Chip Doyle Mixed Beagle and Jack Russell 02/01/15-01/03/19 Rebecca & J.W. Doyle
Chip DSH Cat 03/15/95-08/29/12 Liz & Joe LaBute
Chip DSH Cat 1 year and 2 months 05/30/08 Kim and Chris
Chip Dwarf Hamster 1 year 07/04/99 Danelle Adams
Chip English Springer Spaniel 11/25/02 Alesa Rottersman
Chip Field Bred English Cocker Spaniel 03/31/14-08/23/19 Jeriann
Chip Gerbil 2 years 07/13/05 Donna Boutin
Chip Gerbil 7 months 07/12/00 Diana David
Chip Golden Retriever 06/20/93-10/07/02 Penny Atwell
Chip Golden Retriever 06/20/93-10/07/03 Steve Lullmann
Chip Golden Retriever 07/29/00-05/19/03 Michael, Gerard and Gidget
Chip Great Dane 7 1/2 years 10/26/99 Edward, Loreen & Anais Pantaleone
Chip Hawkins Dog 12/26/95-11/21/08 Matthew Hawkins
Chip Himalayan Cat 08/21/90-01/22/00 Kimberly Adkin
Chip Italian Greyhound 01/08/97-03/26/09 L. Ellington
Chip Jack Russell 11 years 06/25/14 Aileen Reddox
Chip Jack Russell 13 years 10/15/12 Fay Reed
Chip Jack Russell Terrier 12/01/88-02/15/99 Cecelia
Chip Kitten 2 months 02/17/98 Linda & Nancy
Chip Lab 05/05/02-03/07/08 Barb and Maxie
Chip Lab 8 years 03/23/10 Jillyan
Chip Labrador Retriever 12 years 03/22/00 Rachel
Chip Labrador Retriever 12/24/00-08/01/05 Will Dagenais
Chip Maltese 09/15/99-06/12/06 Auntie Sandra
Chip Maltese 12/13/96-07/05/03 Kathi Latasa
Chip Min Pin 12/1987-11/09/02 Ray, Pam, Tyler and Dylan Burgett
Chip Mini Dachshund01/14/92-04/11/02 Gen Buske
Chip Mini Poodle 4 years 12/07/07 Joyce Kuhr
Chip Miniature Dachshund 05/01/99-04/19/13 Susanne, Sarah, Alex and Chris
Chip Mix Breed Dog 06/90-09/18/04 Michell & Tiffany Meyer
Chip Mix Dog 04/01/98-05/27/09 The Gausling Family
Chip Mixed Dog 8 1/2 years 03/19/09 Mandy, Rick, Dusty, Dena, Myda, & Dylan (The Bryants & Vasseys)
Chip My sweet, innocent little boy Tuxedo Cat 6 years 03/02/15 AF
Chip Norfolk Terrier 12/27/98-06/27/11 Emilie Good
Chip Paint Horse 03/15/99-08/06/99 Jane Munn
Chip Pit Bull 06/21/08 Adrienne
Chip Pit Mix 06/2004-09/04/07 Beth Maybee
Chip Pom-Chi 07/01/06-05/03/13 Beth Long
Chip Poodle/Terrier Mix 09/05/77 Judy B
Chip Pug 13 years 08/01/21 Joan
Chip Pug/Beagle/Terrier 01/05/07-08/02/12 Maggie Westcott
Chip Quaker Parrot 10/07/92-04/02/03 Kathie
Chip Rabbit 03/95-08/22/98 Becky, Joe, Matt, Dad & Mom
Chip Rat Terrier 8 years 03/05/11 Katlyn Oaks
Chip Retriever Mix 15 1/2 years 06/07/01 Marilyn & Carl
Chip Ricochet's Quick Silver of Cosmek Tibetan Terrier 10/19/96-08/15/98 Blair & Nancy Robbins
Chip Rottweiler 10/18/04-07/18/11 Ben Bauman
Chip Sheltie 14 years 10/13/08 Christina St.Clair
Chip Sheltie 16 years 01/04/11 Jerry Deranek
Chip Short Hair Cat 2003 David Wood
Chip Siamese Cat 16 years 09/29/04 Karla K
Chip Staffordshire Bull Terrier 10 years 03/01/10 Tom Caskie
Chip Tuxedo Cat 06/10/06-06/12/18 Sharon and Jack
Chip Tyldesley Chihuahua 08/26/06-12/21/12 Cindy and Glen Medford and Richard Tyldesley
Chip Vance Westie Mix 03/23/93-09/25/08 Nancy Vance
Chip Westland Terrier 2003 Michael Patrick Cripps
Chip Yorkie 01/05/89-05/14/01 Kara Jewell
Chip, (A.K.A. Santa Baby) Dalmatian 10 years 03/31/02 Pam, Karen, Don, Pat
Chip, Brother of Dale Cat with a stripy Anorak 09/21/85-08/14/00 Caroline
Chipmunk 10/21/00 Alan
Chipote Criollo 10/01/13-10/12/20 Guillermina Trejo Lopez
Chipotle Spicy Burrito Esquibel Pugo Pug/Chihuahua Mix 06/03/06-10/04/08 Christina Esquibel
Chippa Tiny Dachshund 03/04/14 Maxene Seem
Chippee Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 11/16/09 Paula
Chipper & Tiger Ferrets 7 & 8 years 06/2002 & 12/06/02 Cyn
Chipper (a/k/a Doodle Bug) Dog 1/25/98-05/08/03 B
Chipper (Hibbing's Poker Chip) French Brittany Spaniel 03/15/83-01/31/98 Robin Sloan
Chipper 1/27/87-08/31/01 Terri Roberts
Chipper 12/08/85-11/15/98 De
Chipper aka Puppy Man Chihuahua 04/09/98-07/13/12 Sonya Smith
Chipper and Nadja Cat and Dog 3 months and 14 years 2003 and 1997 John Scott
Chipper Ault Mixed Dog 11/01/06-12/27/21 Melissa Ault
Chipper Austrailian Sheep Dog 12/01/89-04/06/00 Kathleen Gould
Chipper Beagle-Fox-Hound Mix 11 years 05/16/99 Dena R Wright
Chipper Bennett Spinone 05/31/99-11/05/11 Cheri Bennett
Chipper Bichon Mix 14 years 05/07/20 Margaret
Chipper Black Lab 03/11/00-11/15/11 Dave & Joy & Shawn & Tom Wyman
Chipper Black Lab 06/87-07/19/99 Dan
Chipper Black Lab 8 years 09/29/08 Kevin Stafford
Chipper Calico Cat 4 years 12/02/97 Christian Tice
Chipper Canary 8 years 07/19/00 L. Audette
Chipper Cat 05/05/05-03/07/22 Carlie
Chipper Cat 07/04/83-11/26/01 Jane Hammen
Chipper Cat 11 years 06/13/08 Randy Yelverton
Chipper Cat 2 months 09/17/03 Melaina
Chipper Caza Australian Greyhound 04/2000-01/04/12 Pete & Becky Caza
Chipper Chipmunk 1989 Jason
Chipper Chow Mix 18 years 03/17/14 Sharon (Mommy)
Chipper Cocker Spaniel 01/19/90-04/26/01 Vickie, Lynn, Rhonda, Daisee, Wendy, and Brian Rainsberger
Chipper Cocker Spaniel 10 years 02/27/07 Margaret
Chipper Cocker Spaniel 15 years 11/08/06 Alan & Susan Beaubien
Chipper Cocker Spaniel 17 1/2 years 02/11/08 Joyce Collard
Chipper Cocker Spaniel 1978-1990 Frank Beaver
Chipper Cockerpoo Janet
Chipper Cockteil 17 1/2 years 08/08/05 Gwen Rydberg
Chipper Dog 01/01/11 Val Paxton
Chipper Dog 04/01/98-01/19/09 Kim and Barry Wattman
Chipper Dog 09/97 Alan
Chipper Domestic Short Hair Cat 16-18 years 01/12/06 Sandy & Vic
Chipper Ferret 05/21/01 Crystal Goens
Chipper Fox Terrier March 1991 - January 1995 Lisa McKay
Chipper Gerbil 3 years 12/28/97 Lisa
Chipper Golden Retriever 03/10/02-10/21/14 CJ & Katie Drescher
Chipper Golden Retriever 11/11/01-08/17/11 Matt, Karen & Matthew Kobylski
Chipper Gorski Chocolate Lab 04/25/00-08/25/09 Tracie, Dan and Gabby Gorski
Chipper Johnson Jack Russell 7 years 05/24/14 Tia and Rodney Johnson
Chipper Jones Beagle/Jack Russell 07/2002-05/26/04 Bridgette & Billy
Chipper Lab 05/08/97-03/05/07 Joe Barker
Chipper Lab 9 years 11/11/11 Melissa Mockensturm
Chipper Lab Mix 12/14/05 The Parkinson Family
Chipper Lewis Shetland Sheepdog 10/01/89-03/13/04 Michele Boselli
Chipper Lucky Lucky Pointer-Dalmatian Mix 11 years 04/27/09 Ashley Allen
Chipper Maddux Martin Mixed Dog 08/25/95-06/24/10 Brian and Lyndsay Martin
Chipper Manx Cat 02/15/89-04/06/04 Walter A. Hellmuth
Chipper McDoo Cat 13 years 01/09/16 DD Saunders
Chipper Miniature Schnauzer 12/20/95-02/08/02 Terese Raines
Chipper Mixed Lab 07/14/05 Jack
Chipper Parakeet 02/14/97-05/23/05 Brandy Grote
Chipper Parakeet 06/21/07 Leanna
Chipper Parakeet 12 years 04/26/06 Sharon
Chipper Pooky South Miniature Poodle 10/31/77-10/19/92 K.M.S.
Chipper Pressnall Bichon Frise 10/29/13 Robin & Dale Pressnall
Chipper Pug 04/21/96-08/26/09 Chris Peters
Chipper Rabbit 11/08/00-05/27/08 Tina
Chipper Russian Blue Cat 06/01/89-08/20/07 Leslie
Chipper Sheltie 03/03/86-07/10/96 Kim Ray Stavis
Chipper Shepherd/Collie 13/ 1/2 years 01/23/02 Barbara
Chipper Shepherd/Collie Mix 03/86-03/04/03 Teresa Mitchell
Chipper Shih Tzu 13 years 01/22/11 Barbara Skelton
Chipper Siamese/Persian Mix Cat 2007 Bobby and Penny Sims
Chipper Silky Terrier 11 years 01/05/07 Bruce Hauge
Chipper Standard Poodle 11/05/95-02/09/04 Elizabeth, Jeanie, Matt
Chipper White Faced Grey Cockatiel 02/97-12/31/04 Alan & Yuka
Chipper White Shorthair Cat 18 years 01/11/14 Rosa
Chipper Wirehaired Dachshund 04/01/05-11/25/20 Elizabeth Blackmon
Chipper Wolf Hybrid 1 year and 1 week 01/01/06 Sally Hall
Chipper Yorkie 12 years 01/11/07 Donna
Chipper/Skip Chesapeake Bay Retriever 03/08/87-08/16/98 Mary Beth and Dan Depuydt
Chippers (Chip) Precious Choice Dog 10/11/85-10/03/00 Cathy Harrison
Chippie American Cinnamon Lovebird 02/19/01-01/03/09 Dave Graham
Chippie Black and White DSH Cat 4 years 11/15/04 Caroline Emberger
Chippie Lab 11/07/96-03/18/07 Ron & Linda Schuster
Chippie Mixed Dog 08/03/91-02/07/05 Wade Noble
Chippie Perry Basset 12 years 02/19/14 Betty Perry
Chippie Shih Tzu Mix 01/01/97-03/11/11 Dorothy & John McCormack
Chippurr DSH Cat 8 years 2000-09/15/08 Gorg, Marie, & David Beech
Chippwe Shetland Sheepdog 08/23/04 Bonnie Tefft
Chippy (Chippewa) Guinea Pig 05/26/01 Ruby
Chippy aka-Jibbie Jibbie Jabber Jaws DSH Cat 04/2004-08/04/05 Lorene
Chippy Arlee Patches Vienna King Hamsters Jamie Lee
Chippy Australian Terrier 10 years 10/29/10 Shawntel
Chippy Cat 03/01/01-07/02/08 Alice Choma
Chippy Cat 12/04/90-07/04/03 Julie Dennison
Chippy Cat 8 years 05/25/07 Connie and Paul
Chippy Chipmunk 07/29/14 Lory
Chippy Dachshund 10/10/91-11/17/05 Dina Handwerk
Chippy Dog 04/86-10/07/00 Barrett
Chippy Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chippy Domestic Longhair Cat 5 years 10/18/11 Katie, Stephani, Renee, Byron
Chippy Grey Cockatiel 02/26/79-07/13/82 Rufus Watson
Chippy Guinea Pig 3 years 3 months 05/28/09 Julia and Vicki
Chippy Hound 03/2006-07/04/20 Robin Hornstra
Chippy Lhasa-Apso 17 years 04/10/14 Julia & Stephen Howell
Chippy Orange Tabby Cat 08/15/88-09/28/05 Margaret Ashby
Chippy Rabbit 01/01/15 Martin and Margaret Cheek
Chippy Shetland Sheepdog 03/21/87-03/15/99 Denise Choi
Chippy Spaniel around 15 years 11/03/09 Gary
Chippy Terrier Mix 11/94-11/29/06 Brenda
Chippy Yorkie/Peke 06/12/92-12/09/04 George and Wanda Glass
Chippysize Let It Be aka Bepo Wire Fox Terrier 01/15/03-12/29/13 Antonela
Chips (Zuzu) 09/1984-08/05/00 Terrie McConell
ChiPs Akita 11/26/98-02/28/00 David, Leslie & Kathy
Chips Best Buddy Jack German Shorthair 2000-08/26/08 Joanne Hightower
Chips Border Collie Mix 06/16/91-08/17/05 Mark Meyer
Chips Dalmatian 01/05/92-03/20/03 Jim & Peg
Chips Dalmatian, Cockerspaniel, Blue Tick Hound Mix 11 years 01/14/08 Amanda Parks
Chips Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 14 years 06/26/09 Liz Foster
Chips German Shepherd Mix 04/01/90-09/26/03 The Solstads
Chips German Shepherd/Collie/Husky Mix WWII
Chips Golden Retriever 13 years 11/17/07 Carolyn Minner
Chips Guinea Pig 11/10/03 Angela
Chips Moggy Cat 01/01/00-09/20/00 Kathryn Goodier
Chips Reg. QH Sangaree Chip Quarter Horse 06/14/77-11/11/06 Elaine & John Mark
Chips Yorkshire Terrier 08/31/92-08/11/05 Jim, Chris & Connie Ahola
Chiqaya Bichon Frise 04/01/05-12/31/07 Traci Vieites
Chique Miniature Bichon 12 years 04/14/14 Hugo
Chiquetta Lop Earred Rabbit 08/06/02-08/13/03 Amy Tiller
Chiqui Chihuahua 15 years 08/31/12 Yamil
Chiqui Dog 12/03/83-12/06/99 Marie & Victor Rivera
Chiqui Dog 12/19/11-01/16/22 Gisella Salguero
Chiqui Domestic Cat 17 years 06/08/06 Joann R Vega
Chiqui Maltese Cat 13 years 12/25/11 Elyzabeth Ramirez
Chiqui Mestiza 01/06/11-12/17/19 Chiqui
Chiqui Mestiza Canina 01/06/11-12/17/19 Mª Angeles Martínez & Diego Muñoz
Chiqui Perro 06/01/20-12/17/19 Chiqui
Chiquilin Romo Aguirre Chihuahua 10/01/00-10/22/09 Elba Romo Aguirre and Mariano Aguirre
Chiquilla Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 10/09/95-02/21/12 Joanne Huson
Chiquis Chihuahua 02/12/01-03/16/06 Josh Stark
Chiquis Dog 28/11/96-14/02/13 David Hernández
Chiquita (Kiki) Yorkshire Terrier 05/04/93-03/06/01 Jan Ingram
Chiquita (Quita Girl) Chihuahua 05/23/07 Donna
Chiquita Bug Winstead Pug 09/12/99-09/09/12 Lisa & Mark Winstead
Chiquita Bunny Victor and Tania
Chiquita Cat 1982 Laura
Chiquita Chi and Poodle Mix 01/87-05/30/99 June Robinson
Chiquita Chica Carolina Dingo Mix 09/15/04-09/04/11 Tamiko Holling
Chiquita 'Chicky Monk' Spaniel 15 years 10/05 Jani Trusty
Chiquita Chihuahua 01/13/89-05/30/02 Jo-Ann Lamberti
Chiquita Chihuahua 04/25/86-02/25/95 Robert, Rachel, Adam, and Chase Tarver
Chiquita Chihuahua 05/08/13-06/09/14 Rebecca Montemayor
Chiquita Chihuahua 07/20/91-10/01/09 Brad Caudill
Chiquita Chihuahua 10/12/95-10/06/08 Bobbie Gingold
Chiquita Chihuahua 11/27/98-11/30/05 Sheila
Chiquita Chihuahua 12 years 02/26/10 Christine Sanchez
Chiquita Chihuahua 12/06/86-11/24/99 Vickie
Chiquita Chihuahua 12/88-11/2005 Ray Porzandek
Chiquita Chihuahua 13 years 11/21/03 Sue Woody
Chiquita Chihuahua 15 years 08/23/10 Genny & Tom Coulson
Chiquita Chihuahua 2006-10/07/18 Zoila Oliva
Chiquita Chihuahua 6 years 06/02/95 Anne Colee
Chiquita Chihuahua 7 years 01/26/78 The Slechta family
Chiquita 'Chiquis' Quintanilla Miniature Chihuahua 12/02/00-04/25/07 Gustavo & Rosie Quintanilla
Chiquita Dachshund 10/22/98-01/11/12 The Juarez Family
Chiquita Dalmatian 2009 Andrea
Chiquita Dog 11 years 10/12/10 Harry Bilo
Chiquita Dog Debby Dean
Chiquita Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/17/03-10/09/04 Ganna
Chiquita Drollinger Caniche 08/16/96-12/08/08 Any Drollinger
Chiquita 'Geets' Maine Coon Cat 14 years 04/23/12 Tammy
Chiquita Jack Russell/Poodle 02/07/03-07/26/06 Miriam Lavandier
Chiquita Lab/Sheltie Mix 17 years 01/04/00 Glenn A. Maloy & Family
Chiquita Maltese 07/23/01-09/03/07 Annette
Chiquita Marie Chihuahua 03/14/98-06/07/08 Elisabeth Miller
Chiquita Marie Chihuahua 14 years 05/25/07 Patti Hayes
Chiquita Onofre Shih Tzu 01/12/12 Cassandra M Onofre
Chiquita Poodle 05/10/91-11/22/06 Susie Cobba
Chiquita Poodle mixed with Cocker Spaniel 04/17/00-07/06/10 Xiomara
Chiquita Pug 15 years 02/12/10 Patricia
Chiquita Rosa Bichon Frise 01/08/01 Debbie and Merrell
Chiquita Sandra Wentzel
Chiquita Schipperke 05/16/76-01/08/92 Sonny Holleyman
Chiquita Sheltie/Lab 04/02/85-01/04/00 Glenn & Cynthia Maloy & Kids
Chiquita Siamese Cat 9 years 06/13/00 Lakyn Head
Chiquita Tortoise Cat 20 years 04/02/23 Elizabeth Vasquez
Chiquita Toy Poodle 12/25/86-12/04/00 Wesley Linch
Chiquita Yorkie 07/13/89-08/10/99 Diana
Chiquitah Chihuahua 6 years 6.28.13 Gail Trujillo
Chiquitãn Mestizo Perro 19/01/09-21/06/13 Pamela
Chiquitina Pekingese 05/29/97-01/28/11 Clara
Chiquitita Cat 05/02/87-07/30/02 Patty, Ron and Daniel Burke
Chiquito Bulldog 04/18/01-08/16/06 Valentina V
Chiquito Chihuahua 10/03/97-12/24/12 Massiel Caceres
Chiquito Diablo Chihuahua 04/22/76-01/22/95 Helen Richards
Chiquito English Cocker Spaniel 05/09/93-04/15/06 Mihaela Si Marius Rosca
Chiquito French Poodle 12/22/07 Rob
Chiquito Mixed Dog 10 years 05/29/08 Letty
Chiquito Shihtzu 11 years 01/20/07 Michay
Chiquito Taylor Chiawinnie 02/14/06-07/06/14 Kathy L Taylor
Chiquito Toy Poodle 12 years 09/09/04 Lucy Trujillo
Chiquito Vargas Chihuahua 07/28/11-11/10/15 Azalea, Lucette, and Tobias
Chiri Golden Retriever Puppy 05/31/99-11/17/99 Lee
Chiripa Cooker Poddle 12 years 02/27/13 Stefanie
Chirol (Chi-chan) Chihuahua Black/Tan Long Hair 10/01/03-04/29/22 Miku and Yushi
Chirp II Finch September 1994 Diana Kemp-Jones
Chirpee American Shorthair Cat 04/10/02-04/06/09 Mike and Sharon Gledhill
Chirpy (aka Paulie) Budgerigar 2007-08/16/14 Mark
Chirpy Budgerigar 10/06/01-04/2004 Amal
Chirpy Chirples Guinea Pig 1 1/2 years 10/28/08 Darla Michelle Shults
Chirpy Yellow Canary 11/12/63 John Harper
Chiry Chihuahua 07/19/23 Marie
Chisai French Bulldog 12 years 02/25/14 Genette Eysselinck
Chisai Pam Hamerski
Chisai Siamese Cat 12 years 10/10/95 Martin and Kathy Felix
Chi-San Akita 10 years 01/01/95 Julie
Chisei Burmese Cat 13 1/2 years Marlis Landreth
Chisel Karen Columbus
Chisie Mix Cat Fall 1982-01/09/97 Diana Miner
Chisler Tabby Cat 1975-1988 Jo-Ann M. Pochinski
Chispa Calico Cat 10 years 10/13/06 Denise
Chispa Dog 01/22/05 Trethalyn
Chispita Yorkshire 11/19/10-10/13/11 Jessica Wince
Chispo Chihuahua 10 years 04/16/04 Carmen Marrero & Wilfredo Rojas
Chispy Westy 23/08/07-08/05/17 Maribel
Chista Maltese 12/17/86-01/01/01 Don & Mary Ann Bowen
Chisum of Nudawn Arabian Gelding horse 05/09/75-09/14/99 Terri
Chita Calico Short Hair Cat 12 years 07/26/07 Bob and Helen
Chita Chihuahua 13 years 02/18/22 Sofia
Chita Liz Chihuahua 08/30/95-10/19/08 Vaughn Victor Hudspath
Chita Mix Dog 14 03 90 / 01 08 01 Marin Diaz Family
Chiti Mixed Bombay and Torty Cat 10/10/00-07/13/03 Elsie Rodirguez
Chitlens Cat 11/87-02/22/03 Kathy Briley
Chito Cat 7 years 02/11/81 Gloria
Chito Cheung Cocker Spaniel 08/26/13 Almy Cheung
Chito Uso Rat Terrier/Jack Russell Puppy 3 months 10/08/07 Jared
Chitti Indie Dog 2 years 10/2024 Kiran
Chitto Cat 05/02/08 Leslie and Bob
Chitty Chat Bang Bang Quaker Parakeet 05/04/99 Angela, Damian, and Riff Rolland
Chitty Shitzu 09/14/94-09/08/05 Merci Jacobs
Chiu-Ling Pekingese 07/24/01-01/05/02 Gonzales Gavin
Chiva German Shepherd 1983-1986 Lynne Scherer
Chivas (Chevy) Zarra Cat 17 years 10/01 Judy
Chivas Barge Labrador Retriever 05/07/96-09/17/06 Carlos and Gayle Barge
Chivas Black Cat 03/86-04/96 Lynn Scott
Chivas Bolusi German Shepherd Mix 10/12/95-09/13/07 Debi Bolusi
Chivas Dog 1984-08/08/01 Mara
Chivas Golden Retriever 04/84-07/25/98 Jane Wall
Chivas Golden Retriever 10/22/96-10/30/10 Laura Lindboe
Chivas Maltese 08/06/93-06/06/11 Kathy Fleiszar
Chivas on the rocks with a twist, Chivas for short Golden Retriever 07/16/95-11/07/09 Shellie Guess
Chivas Regal Sheltie 11/21/79 11/25/96 Richard Blalock
Chivas Rottweiler 11/15/91-08/29/02 Kim
Chive Hein Dahm Vizsla 04/15/05-01/19/15 Brittni and Jeriod
Chivers Cat 01/03/95-02/07/09 Gill
Chivers Cat 14 years 05/25/95 Steve Dee & Gabby Morley-Ham
Chives Guinea Pig 1 year 08/18/08 Kayla
Chivis Shih Tzu 07/06/19-03/12/21 Yailin Castillo
Chivo Pedigree Mutt 11/14/86-04/23/95 Olivia Kelley
Chiwas Giant Schnauzer 1998 Lillian
Chiwawee Chihuahua 03/09/94-09/12/06 Jesse & Estella Valenzuela
Chiyo Asyn Labrador Mix 03/21/02-11/10/16 Edna Asyn
Chiyu Albino Rabbit 02/29/20 Shubham Mehta
Chizh DSH Cat 07/01/90-05/30/06 Tate Tonuc
Chizzy Pekingese 03/04/93-05/15/08 Millie Jones
Chleopatra McKinney Rottweiler 03/26/98-07/02/12 Tiffiny
Chlesea Spaniel Mix 07/21/91-11/18/06 Karen
Chloa Mix Dog 17 years 10/28/02 Michelle Kasperski
Chlodana Madison Rose Brown Golden Retriever 02/02/02-03/18/10 Jessica
Chloe (aka Fozzy Bear) Dog 11/22/12-04/08/22 Brandon and Trish
Chloe (aka Poo-Poo, Bear) Standard Poodle 10/25/01-08/13/10 Tim & Emily Schmid & Family
Chloe (Baba) (Baby) Bichon Mix 12/12/00-07/13/10 Elma
Chloe (Chlo Bo) Cat 11/30/90-01/30/07 Kylie
Chloe (Chloe Girl) Irish Red and White Setter 10 years 05/22/15 Jennifer McAroy
Chloe (Grayshaw Lucy) Basset Hound 06/20/93-12/12/01 John Price
Chloe (Happy Beautiful Chloe) Shih Tzu 03/17/07-10/23/08 Gordon & Tammy Konecny
Chloe (Klondike Chloe) Alaskan Malamute 13 years 06/23/87-07/07/00 Laurie Meston
Chloe (Snuge) Rhodesian Ridge Back Mix 07/25/04-12/23/11 Steve Riley
Chloe (Sweet Chloe Brown) Toy Poodle 01/19/93-08/26/04 Andie & Dale
Chloe (Swimmer) Min. Dachshund 05/17/84-02/19/00 Rita & Frank
Chloe 08/14/01-10/24/94 Rhonda Taller/Keld Larsoe.
Chloe Abyssinian Cat 02/25/89-06/21/06 Fred Weiland
Chloe Adams Cocker Spaniel 9 years 02/15/12 Tasha Adams
Chloe African Grey 11/28/00-10/28/05 Tracey and Stuart
Chloe Aileen Miniature Dachshund 08/26/06-01/16/11 Tracy Howe
Chlöe aka Bee English Springer Spaniel 12/14/96-07/27/07 The Bird Family
Chloe aka Bunny Chinchilla Persian Cat 1991-02/22/06 Jake
Chloe aka Chloe Doe Blue Cream Domestic Short Hair Cat 12 years 04/30/07 Stephanie Maglietta
Chloe Akita 13 years 10/29/14 Kelly and Cliff Hughson
Chloe Akita/Golden Retriever Mix 6 years 05/04/07 Tara
Chloe Alaskan Malamute 04/15/91-09/04/01 Amy Desonia
Chloe Alexander Taylor Keeshond 08/22/91-03/27/06 Chris and Stephanie Taylor
Chloe Alexis George Shih Tzu 12 years 02/22/15 Summer George
Chloe Allen Jack Russell 05/19/94-12/02/08 Dave, Cindy & Logan Allen
Chloe American Bull /Lab Mix 3 1/2 years 03/08/07 Laura and Dave
Chloe American Bulldog Puppy 01/15/01-10/22/01 Malcolm and Mellissa
Chloe American Eskimo Dog 11/97-05/15/06 Peggyanne Puleo
Chloe American Pitbull 02/12/96-11/18/06 Linda Colyer-Mills
Chloe American Retriever 09/25/06 Janice Smith
Chloe American Short Hair Cat 12 years 10/25/07 Todd Penna
Chloe American Shorthair Cat 07/15/87-07/09/03 Amy Lee
Chloe American Shorthair Cat 15 years 10/20/09 Amber Alexander
Chloe American Shorthiar Tortoise Shell (Torty) Cat 10 years 12/24/03 Mace & Amanda Vanblaircom
Chloe American Stradforshire ( Pit ) 11/11/23 Mary Miller & Donna Miller
Chloe American Tabby Cat 04/15/02-04/23/03 Yvonne A.Hemingway
Chloe and Charly Border Collie & Chin-Tzu Dogs 12/07/13 Michael & Bill
Chloe and Erin Tabby and Black and White Cats 8 Mos and 15 years. Chloe: 01/10/04 Erin: 1/03/04 Elsa Colon
Chloe Angel Calico Cat 02/06/18 Megan Chuderewicz
Chloe Angora Cat 19 years 05/16/03 Amen
Chloe Ann Clark Pitt Lab Mix 7 1/2 years 03/23/06 Dee Dee Clark
Chloe Ann Clark Pitt/Yellow Lab Mix 11/27/95-03/23/06 Dee Dee
Chloe Ann Cotton Siamese Cat 15 years 01/21/05 Stacey and Tyler Cotton
Chloe Ann Gineman Labrador 11/11/99-11/19/08 Mark & Teresa Gineman
Chloe Ann Italian Greyhound 11/04/96-03/29/99 Frank S Windom
Chloe Ann Lab/Beagle 04/26/92-05/20/06 Judy Campbell
Chloe Ann Richards Long-Haired, Gray Tabby Cat 05/16/91-05/19/08 Dan & Cheryl Richards & Her Cat Family
Chloe Ann Windom Italian greyhound 11/04/96-03/29/01 Frank and Kim
Chloe Annabeth Romero Maltese 01/01/13-03/08/15 Kim Romero
Chloe Anne Lauterbach Chihuahua 09/22/02-04/26/14 Chris n Bonnie Lauterbach
Chloe Archer German Shepherd 29/11/05 Hayden & Kylie Archer
Chloe Arrieta (aka Chloester) Chow Chow 08/17/09 Roxanna Arrieta
Chloe Australian Shepherd 01/28/00-03/30/04 Rhonda Ehlers
Chloe Australian Shepherd 04/10/00-10/22/14 Doris & Bob
Chloe Australian Shepherd 05/96-05/30/09 Courtney Spence
Chloe Australian Shepherd 12 years 03/01/03 Arnie & Doreen Abegg
Chloe Australian Shepherd 12/18/97-09/02/09 Kay
Chloe Australian Terrier Cross 14 years 06/13/07 Debbie
Chloe Avery Chihuahua 04/05/04-10/27/14 Kelly, Macey, Trace & Cayce McClenen
Chloe B&W DSH Cat 04/29/93 Barbara Kinney
Chloe Baby 13 years 03/05/01 Linda
Chloe 'Baby Angel' Chihuahua 07/07/09-01/31/10 Gloria Bazaldua
Chloe Basov Yorkshire Terrier 11 years 07/11/16 Helen Basov
Chloe Basset Hound 07/06/99-04/19/11 Ken
Chloe Basset Hound 10/19/02-10/09/12 K.A.
Chloe Basset Hound 12 years 03/28/04 Kristina Koga
Chloe Basset Hound 12/01/98-12/30/08 Ed Kellner
Chloe Basset Hound 12+ years 12/27/11 Vicki Powell
Chloe Basset Hound 13 years 04/08/98 The Stronjy Family
Chloe Bassett Hound 06/10/96-07/12/06 Twana van Vlack
Chloe Beagle 03/16/01-01/09/18 Harry Crafon
Chloe Beagle 03/29/04 Sherri Fiebert
Chloe Beagle 07/14/97-11/29/14 William Lamb
Chloe Beagle 10/15/95-10/31/01 Julie Stark
Chloe Beagle 12 years 03/30/15 Elena
Chloe Beagle 12/14/94-09/18/09 Jill
Chloe Beagle 13 1/2 years 01/18/10 Donna, Mitchell, Mitch and Chelsea
Chloe Beagle 14 years 03/25/08 Henry & Ruth Sewinsky
Chloe Beagle 15 years 08/25/08 S. Page
Chloe Beagle 6 1/2 years 12/22/05 Tony, Sonya, & Dustin
Chloe Beagle Mix 16 years 03/04/08 Lisa
Chloe Beagle/Bassett 10/21/94-11/06/07 Betty Hobencamp
Chloe Beagle/Harrier 11/01/97-09/21/09 Ed, Jean, Heather & Emily Crowcroft
Chloe Beagle/Springer 05/01/90-02/27/04 Kama & Chris Ethridge
Chloe Bear Domestic Cat 06/05/98 Karen Hubar
Chloe Bear Faison Poodle 02/14/90-09/14/00 Karen & Chris
Chloe Bear Lab-Border Collie Mix 01/14/06-07/01/16 Shira
Chloe Bear Terrier Mix 15 years 04/07/24 Jennifer Cortese
Chloe Bear Westie 14 years 12/04/12 Melissa Denburg
Chloe Beau Rust Tabby 07/89-03/27/05 Colleen McElroy
Chloe 'Bella' Shepherd/Lab Mix 1 years 09/09/11 Roxanne Wright
Chloe Belle and Maggie Mae Basset Hounds 12 years 02/08/12 and 03/10/12 Brad Rebman
Chloe Belle Boston Terrier 12/04/05-08/08/15 Renee Austin
Chloe Belle Cat 05/01/87-09/13/00 Valarie and Brian
Chloe Belle Domestic Medium Hair Tuxedo Cat 08/13/04-03/04/19 Missy, Chris, Natalie, and Annika
Chloe Belle Little -Statton DLH Cat 18 years 05/05/08 Debbie Stratton. Regina Little
Chloe Belle Maltese 02/12/00-10/26/13 Judy Brewer
Chloe Belle Mini Longhaired Dachshund 02/27/93-11/12/05 Shannon Watts
Chloe Belle Morris Lhasa Frise 08/2016 Valerie Morris
Chloe Belle Puggle 09/2007-04/03/12 Lauren
Chloe Belle Walker Shih Tzu 10/28/00-09/20/11 Jennifer
Chloe Benson Shih Tzu 1998-03/18/07 John Benson Family
Chloe Bernese Mountain Dog 06/10/11-01/26/23 Jeff, Shannon, Ashley, Jason Kuntz
Chloe Bichon 02/08/95-07/04/07 Dawn Gatti
Chloe Bichon 11/2002-06/29/10 Jody Walker
Chloe Bichon 13 years 04/02/13 Jerry Gardner
Chloe Bichon 3 years 02/07/96 Joyce, Al and Mandy
Chloe Bichon Friese 06/87-01/08/01 Lynn
Chloe Bichon Friese 14 years 01/08/01 Lynn
Chloe Bichon Frise 03/08/87-08/29/03 Carol Camp
Chloe Bichon Frise 05/05/96-03/24/09 Kathy Gallagher
Chloe Bichon Frise 16 years 12/29/12 Wendy
Chloe Bichon Frise 1994?-06/03/10 Brian Kelleher
Chloe Bichon Frise Poodle Mix 13 years 09/30/13 Amanda C
Chloe Bichon/Shih Tzu 05/01/96-12/18/12 Marty and Debbie Gidaly
Chloe Bichon-Shitzu 01/09/96-01/28/05 Roberta Hulmes and Cassie, Tory, and Tom
Chloe Biggs Westie 13 years 04/15/06 Sara & Scott Pace, Nancy & Mike Bearce, Shane Biggs and Your Entire Family
Chloe Bijon 14 years 07/23/19 Gina Giacona
Chloe Birman Cat 8 years 10/09/08 Julie Oliver and Rosie
Chloe Bishop English Springer Spaniel 11/01/06-11/17/08 Candace Bishop
Chloe Black & White DSH Cat 11/01/00-10/22/08 Wendy Sfakianos
Chloe Black & White Moggy Cat 6 years 13/04/02 Robbie, Marty & Fluff
Chloe Black & White Shih Tzu 10/19/89-07/18/02 Joan Pineda
Chloe Black American Shorthair Cat 10/31/89-12/24/99 Nicole Duett
Chloe Black and White Cat 11 years 11/21/13 Shelly Ver Meulen
Chloe Black and White Cat At Least 10 years 05/17/03 Marti Geck
Chloe Black and White Domestic Shorthair Cat 12 years 04/06/04 Joanne
Chloe Black and White Short Hair Mix Cat 01/01/88-12/27/05 Monique Jones
Chloe Black Lab 07/27/91-05/26/05 Judy and Jeff Lovas
Chloe Black Lab 11 years 12/15/08 Arlene Gross
Chloe Black Lab 14 years 05/24/08 Marianne Perie
Chloe Black Lab 14 years 12/26/14 Ami Lopez
Chloe Black Lab 2 years 11/01/11 Lori Palladino
Chloe Black Lab 5 years 05/01/09 Valerie ~ Scott
Chloe Black Lab 9 years 11/26/11 Kim
Chloe Black Lab Mix 05/03/06-08/01/17 Jeanne
Chloe Black Lab Mix 13 years 03/10/07 Kristi Sheakley
Chloe Black Lab Mix 14 years 06/04/09 Pat and Connie Farley
Chloe Black Lab/ Shepherd Mix 8 years 02/07/12 Allie
Chloe Black Labrador 13 years 02/10/11 Katy, Carol, Nick and Ed
Chloe Black Long Haired Chihuahua 11/04/99-06/05/11 Tagan Lombardo
Chloe Blue Lynx Point Himalayan Cat 06/21/93-05/14/02 Carol Herzog
Chloe' Blue Point Himalayan/Persian 06/04/00 Stacy
Chloe Blue Rat 5 months 07/10/06 Lu and AJ
Chloe Bluepointe Siamese Cat 09/23/05 Sheila J. Smith
Chloe Bob Cat 10/92-01/22/04 Mary Ann & Kay Townsend
Chloe Border Collie / Basenji Mix 01/20/99-11/26/08 Doug Motz & Todd Popp
Chloe Border Collie 06/99-05/12/09 Paul and Kim
Chloe Border Collie Mix 06/13/11-02/24/24 Gina Warner
Chloe Border Collie Mix 11/96-02/02/10 Mary Kenyon
Chloe Border Collie Mix 12 years 05/07/11 Monahan Family
Chloe Border Collie Mix 17 years 02/05/11 Carolyn DeForest
Chloe Border Collie/Labrador 04/30/92-05/03/09 Sonia and Jim Reid
Chloe Boston Terrier 03/08/99-04/18/13 Nancy Cameron
Chloe Boston Terrier 12y 11m 5d-03/18/06 Kayla McClasky
Chloe Boston Terrier Mix 9 years 12/14/99 Cathy, Ed and Peanut
Chloe Boxer 01/15/99-11/03/05 Beth
Chloe Boxer 04/11/05-01/17/12 Jenine
Chloe Boxer 04/21/97-07/22/08 John & Chelly Warrington
Chloe Boxer 09/02/84-10/06/97 Jill
Chloe Boxer 20/07/88-20/08/01 Stephen Chrol
Chloe Boxer 7 years 01/20/09 Joy S. Knapp
Chloe Bradley Cat 20 years 01/08/13 Valorie
Chloe Brandrew von Elz Rottie 12/86-01/95 Adrienne
Chloe Briard 13 years 08/06/16 Debbie Shirk
Chloe British Blue Cat 22/05/91-29/05/07 Carol Ormerod
Chloe Brittany Spaniel 09/06/86-06/10/02 Susan and Frost Branon
Chloe Brittany Spaniel 10 years 02/21/05 Monie Gebhart
Chloe Brown and White Basset Hound 07/25/96-08/24/02 Karen, Tony, and Jeremy
Chloe Brown and White Tabby Cat 09/85-02/19/00 Susan and Charles Richardson
Chloe Brown Labrador 03/08/02-01/20/14 Therron Brown
Chloe Brown Tiger Cat 8 years 08/25/02 Floyd & Stacey Walker
Chloe Brown Yorkie 09/27/00-04/14/11 Lori, Will, Landin, & Rilyn Brown
Chloe Bullmastiff 04/08/95-08/09/02 Katrina & Matt
Chloe Bunny 03/08/07 Kathleen, Megan, and Susan
Chloe Bunny 04/13/06 Mather Family
Chloe Bunny 09/02/98-09/18/99 Tammy Hovey
Chloe Bunny 4 years 05/97 Kim McCutcheon
Chloe Bunny 7 1/2 years 12/18/06 Jean Champion
Chloe Buonanno Panetta Cat 04/15/87-08/29/05 Beth
Chloe Cairn Terrier 02/04/87-08/24/98 Dee Destefano
Chloe Cairn Terrier 06/94-05/13/06 Timmermans
Chloe Calico Cat 03/01/04-10/12/15 Aline Donze
Chloe Calico Cat 03/12/16-10/03/16 Cathie Carroll
Chloe Calico Cat 04/13/08 Jayne Swift
Chloe Calico Cat 05/31/06-05/25/07 Amy and Katie Silverberg
Chloe Calico Cat 05/96-05/11/11 Kelli Elder
Chloe Calico Cat 06/01/82-01/31/01 Sandy Polhill
Chloe Calico Cat 07/01/89-09/19/07 Diane & Bob Lamas
Chloe Calico Cat 1 1/2 years Laura
Chloe Calico Cat 10 years 06/06/09 Regina Ruiz
Chloe Calico Cat 10/09/96-03/14/06 Linda
Chloe Calico Cat 12 years 01/27/15 Michelle Proctor
Chloe Calico Cat 14 years 12/19/23 The White Family
Chloe Calico Cat 15 years 03/09/03 David Callahan
Chloe Calico Cat 17 1/2 years 01/14/13 Jessica R. Marie
Chloe Calico Cat 1987-07/21/01 Shannon Richbourg
Chloe Calico Cat 5 years 8 Months 01/07/17 Karen
Chloe Calico Kitten 11/01/98-12/13/98 Sheila, Ron and Alex Thorsen
Chloe Carina Lhasa Apso 04/22/88-10/21/04 Missy Torgerson
Chloe Cat 01/01/93-02/13/03 Brenda Celona & Chloe
Chloe Cat 01/11/05 Cindy
Chloe Cat 01/2004-08/2011 Montalbano
Chloe Cat 01/23/12 Jen
Chloe Cat 02/09/96-08/01/12 Shelley, Sean, Hannah and Isabel Murphy
Chloe Cat 02/14/93-03/25/05 Vivian
Chloe Cat 02/14/95-09/28/11 Laura
Chloe Cat 02/29/12 Kay Marie Harris
Chloe Cat 02/98-02/27/03 Tracey Burton
Chloe Cat 03/01/08-11/17/13 Mary Medina
Chloe Cat 03/01/83-04/17/01 Kim and Kira Lerner
Chloe Cat 03/01/94-03/01/08 Wendy and Steve Wood
Chloe Cat 03/07/89-11/27/99 Alana
Chloe Cat 03/12/18 Cathy Kreyche
Chloe Cat 03/18/95-12/16/14 Christine Johnson
Chloe Cat 03/27/05 Carole
Chloe Cat 04/08/17-11/09/23 Meghan Day
Chloe Cat 04/10/00-02/11/10 Courtney Schafer
Chloe Cat 04/15/87-08/29/05 Beth
Chloe Cat 04/15/87-08/30/05 Beth Buonanno
Chloe Cat 04/15/97-03/12/01 Pat Johnson
Chloe Cat 04/16/03 Lisa
Chloe Cat 04/20/00-06/20/09 MC and Oz Clayton
Chloe Cat 04/22/00-11/07/01 Evelyn Germano
Chloe Cat 04/94-04/03/01 Jeanne Guilfoyle
Chloe Cat 05/04/95-08/13/97 Paula Crossland
Chloe Cat 05/19/08 J Hayes
Chloe Cat 05/19/93 Beverly
Chloe Cat 06/2000-02/14/14 Vivian Bowers
Chloe Cat 06/21/08 Dee and Ron
Chloe Cat 06/22/99-02/27/16 Lisa Degen
Chloe Cat 06/23/08 Hande Helvaci
Chloe Cat 07/05/97-07/05/03 Lisa Edwards
Chloe Cat 07/09/11 Debra Alles
Chloe Cat 07/2006 Beth Sundloff
Chloe Cat 08/20/07-11/25/24 Stella
Chloe Cat 09/01/92-05/29/05 Mary Ellen Barrows
Chloe Cat 09/09/01-11/09/06 Angie Sims
Chloe Cat 09/30/04 Katrin and Mark
Chloe Cat 1 year 12/21/04 Ryan, Jake, Brian & Deidre
Chloe Cat 10 years 07/10/14 Nick and Melissa Price
Chloe Cat 10 years 23.10.98 Joe and Susan Shropshire
Chloe Cat 10/01/96-07/28/09 Tracy
Chloe Cat 10/25/04 Juanita Alseike
Chloe Cat 10/98 Cathy
Chloe Cat 11 years 07/28/13 Susanne
Chloe Cat 11/19/99 Angela
Chloe Cat 11/22/90-01/03/09 Linda Halliwell
Chloe Cat 12 years 07/30/10 Mandy
Chloe Cat 13 years 06/03/10 Hugh & Connie
Chloe Cat 13 years 08/27/13 Mary Smaltz
Chloe Cat 13 years 12/02/07 Carol, David and Furfriends Stuart and Bean
Chloe Cat 14 1/2 years 02/12/11 Karen, Kevin & Mandy
Chloe Cat 14 years 05/22/06 Mikaela and Tony
Chloe Cat 14 years 06/27/08 Jill Bodner
Chloe Cat 15 1/2 years 09/96 NCburns
Chloe Cat 15 years 01/11/92 Sue
Chloe Cat 15 years 03/31/17 Eric and Jo
Chloe Cat 15 years 06/10/11 Erin Shanley
Chloe Cat 16 years 10/08/21 Debra
Chloe Cat 17/12/03 Sharon Barnes
Chloe Cat 18 years 08/30/05 Beth Buonanno
Chloe Cat 18 years 10/31/06 Mary Jo Conley
Chloe Cat 1993-12/05/08 Abby D
Chloe Cat 1999-05/14/07 Joe, Margie, Sam, Mandi
Chloe Cat 1999-11/12/07 Joe, Margi, Sam, Mandi Campobasso
Chloe Cat 20 years 03/08/11 Stephanie
Chloe Cat 2000-09/01/13 Dianne
Chloe Cat 2002-2003 Beata
Chloe Cat 23 years 02/2008 Margaret L
Chloe Cat 7 years 03/07/15 Kim Grimm
Chloe Cat 7 years 12/01/94 Danielle La Spisa
Chloe Cat 9 years 02/15/12 Cindy Nelson
Chloe Cat 9 years 08/31/00 Bob and Lisa (Gendron) Bioski
Chloe Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chloe Cat Paul
Chloe Catahoula Mix 5 years 11/18/08 Holly, Aaron and Bryce Beard
Chloe Cavalier King Charles 15/03/95-31/05/05 Karen Holman
Chloe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/18/02-10/02/10 Ann Crete
Chloe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 07/28/20 Erik McLeod
Chloe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 15 years 12/26/07 Julie Schofield
Chloe Celeste Yorkie 5 years 11/08/10 Natalie
Chloe Cerul Domestic Short Hair Cat 12 years 11/09/21 Taylor and Nick Cerul
Chloe Chanel Carlson Bichon Frise 10 years 05/18/05 Marsha Carlson
Chloe Chartreux Cat 16 years 08/20/06 Mary, Michael, Peg & Joe
Chloe Chihuahua 02/11/09-03/31/17 Gale Holt
Chloe Chihuahua 02/14/09-05/31/21 Rai Kapuno
Chloe Chihuahua 03/08/95-10/01/07 Melody McPherson
Chloe Chihuahua 04/20/08-02/16/24 Maria
Chloe Chihuahua 08/01/01-02/22/12 Gabriele Pena
Chloe Chihuahua 09/07/94-01/27/09 Vickie Carmichael
Chloe Chihuahua 09/19/11 Jody
Chloe Chihuahua 11 years 11/17/11 Michelle and Heath
Chloe Chihuahua 12/26/94-12/09/03 Kelly and Olivia
Chloe Chihuahua 2 years 11/03/11 Nikki
Chloe Chihuahua 5 years 02/02/05 Evila Pomeroy
Chloe Chihuahua Mixed Breed 07/13/01-02/05/17 Lily Calzadilla
Chloe Chihuahua/Min Pin 10/23/05-07/14/10 Megan Wilcock
Chloe Chihuahua/Pomeranian 02/07/97-05/31/13 Darlene & Mike Goldacker
Chloe Chinchilla 4 years 09/23/09 Lauren Jeffries
Chloe Chinese Crested Powderpuff Dog 18 years 8 months 06/13/12 Mark Crampton
Chloe Choc Lab 10/26/96-12/02/09 Joanne
Chloe Chocolate Lab 04/12/03-04/02/13 Kathy, Blake, Parker and Grayson
Chloe Chocolate Lab 11/30/95-06/04/03 Michelle
Chloe Chocolate Persian Cat 10/23/01-08/21/02 Tony and Nikki
Chloe Chow 13 years 05/24/07 Debbie Drake
Chloe Chow 16 years 05/29/09 D. Stokes
Chloe Chow/husky Mix 6 months 09/06/98 Kim Ebersole
Chloe Chow-Chow 11/23/04-03/16/09 Tabatha
Chloe Cleopatra Drew Culver Puppy 4 months 09/08/08 Diane and Amber
Chloe Cockapoo 05/31/01-12/11/09 Lisa
Chloe Cockapoo 06/19/05-07/28/09 Cindy Phillips
Chloe Cockapoo 12/02/94-02/06/09 Shirley and John Reaburn
Chloe Cockatiel 05/24/99-06/21/09 Paula
Chloe Cockatiel 12 years 12/31/07 Kathy Notarandrea
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 01/01/90-02/16/06 Debe
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 01/06/09-07/21/23 Becky F.
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 01/07/02 Jill
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 02/01/00-07/16/05 The Lazarus Family
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 02/02/99-04/05/09 Carol Burns
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 02/07/87-12/27/00 Maria Vina
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 02/08/98-07/13/09 Jeanne
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 03/05/98-05/13/99 Ruth
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 03/22/90-04/18/03 Sandra Evans
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 04/04/03-05/27/15 Elvira
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 04/07/07 Lori
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 08/26/97-10/29/06 Chris Portenga
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 09/09/92-09/23/05 Sharon Spiegelglas
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 10/07/06-08/06/10 Terry & Charlene Gray
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 11/24/95-06/15/02 Rick & Kristen Diaz
Chloe Cocker Spaniel 14 years 02/18/12 Tom
Chloe Cockerspaniel 12 years 05/20/04 Dorothy
Chloe 'CoCo' More White Persian Cat 05/13/93-07/30/08 Jennifer and Kevin More
Chloe Collette Cat 08/01/90-11/17/06 Jan
Chloe Collie 02/10/97-08/02/07 Helen Scott
Chloe Collie 12/30/15 Daina, Shaune, Justen Ans Alana Lapworth
Chloe Collie 9 1/2 years 11/30/08 Ann Clous
Chloe Collins Cavalier 03 /08/97-10/13/04 Angie and Stephanie
Chloe Coton de Tulear 08/29/00-07/21/15 Esther Okawa
Chloe Cream, Seal Point Siamese, Ragdoll Mix Cat 8 weeks 06/27/07 Janice De Jesus
Chloe Dachshund 03/20/93-11/15/09 Herb Abd Joann Mahl
Chloe Dachshund 03/21/11 Jeffrey
Chloe Dachshund 04/17/93-05/20/08 Frankie Clement
Chloe Dachshund 11/27/99-03/08/14 Shannon McClellan
Chloe Dachshund 15 1/2 years 04/08/02 Donna & David
Chloe Dachshund 16 1/2 years 05/30/08 Frankie
Chloe Dachshund/Chihuahua 03/12/04-12/28/08 Christie Ward
Chloe Dalmatian 12/18/90-06/21/03 Alexandra Mackenzie
Chloe Dalmation 01/08/08 Theresa
Chloe Dalmation 12 1/2 years 07/10/01 Bryan Stenman
Chloe Dawn Great Dane 11/14/08-10/05/11 Shellie
Chloe de Pawprints Miniature Dachshund 01/19/95-11/18/09 June Sembay
Chloe de Wabbit Mini Lop / Dwarf Bunny 12/25/06-07/09/08 Yee-Vonne Chan
Chloe Del Negro Beagle Mix 10 years 04/14/13 Jennifer Martinez
Chloe Del Pizzo Jack Russell 01/01/00-10/16/15 Linda Del Pizzo
Chloe DeLelles Poodle/Yorkie 02/14/94-05/02/08 Carol DeLelles
Chloe Devine Yellow Lab 01/20/95-11/12/10 The Devine Family
Chloe Devon Rex Cat 08/16/99-02/15/08 Amy, Guy & Lindsey
Chloe Dilute Calico Cat 11 years 01/24/09 Kristin Socha
Chloe DLH Cat 08/04/98-02/03/11 Diane Tyler
Chloe DLH Cat 7 years 12/21/10 Joanne Montesdeoca
Chloe DMH Ginger/White Cat 03/01/05-31/03/12 Melinda
Chloe DMH Gray Tabby Cat 18 years 01/08/10 Melissa M
Chloe Doberman 1996 Polly
Chloe Doberman Pincher 5 years 03/10/13 Joani Wilson
Chloe Doberman Pinscher 06/16/03 Kimberly Barlow
Chloe Doberman Pinscher 09/18/03-03/2007 Carina & Michael
Chloe Doberman/Pitt Mix 08/15/04-12/11/06 Debra Jolly
Chloe Dobie/Lab Mix 11/18/92-03/31/04 Ilene
Chloe Doe Sheltie 05/10/04-07/19/10 Emma
Chloe Doe, Nates Girl Gray Tortie Cat 04/30/07 Stephanie Maglietta
Chloe Dog 04/05/09 Carol & Mike
Chloe Dog 05/31/99-06/01/13 Brenna
Chloe Dog 07/14/92-05/24/06 Havlin Family
Chloe Dog 10/96-11/05/08 Kathleen McDaniel
Chloe Dog 11/01/93-06/15/95 Autumn Schmidt
Chloe Dog 12 years 01/13/18 Nanciellen Poulin
Chloe Dog 12 years 04/07/07 Braddon Mendelson
Chloe Dog 12/03/09 Julia Barber
Chloe Dog 12/25/96-10/05/08 Jennifer Cate
Chloe' Dog 13 years 02/11/08 Chery and Rick
Chloe Dog 14 years 04/08/08 Prudence Kunkle
Chloe Dog 19 years 02/16/11 Christy
Chloe Domestic Cat 02/26/06-01/03/11 Marcy
Chloe Domestic Cat 12 years 27 November 2012 Lynda Barnes
Chloe Domestic Cat 15 years 11/01/07 Diane Richards
Chloe Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/01/98-07/31/12 Michelle Mann
Chloe Domestic Long Hair Cat 1 year 04/03/07 Jessica & Danny
Chloe Domestic Longhair Cat 01/09-07/24/10 Pam Calaway
Chloe Domestic Longhair Cat 03/01/90-04/10/09 Deb Klodt
Chloe Domestic Longhair Cat 09/05/92-05/18/12 Terry and Ross Blodgett
Chloe Domestic Longhair White Cat 01/22/81-01/1 06/97 Marilyn J. Hadlick
Chloe Domestic Longhair, Black and White Cat 3 1/2 years 02/12/00 Nichole Kelley-Korson and Jason Korson
Chloe Domestic Medium Hair Cat 16 years 09/12/21 Linda DiBattista
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/01/97-08/19/03 Maree-Louise Quay
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/11/91-04/10/05 Ophelia
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/95-03/07/05 Sally Lovgren
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/04/04 Daniel Barnett
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/20/99-11/05/11 Jim Rea
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 07/19/98 Darlene Bowman
Chloe Domestic Short Hair Cat with Siamese Markings 02/12/09 Kathay
Chloe Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/07/07-07/03/14 Ashley Kurth
Chloe Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/05/93-05/17/07 Pam Fazio
Chloe Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 12/17/05 Beverly Raby
Chloe Domestic Shorthair Cat 8 years 30/12/05 Claire
Chloe DSH 09/95 Joy
Chloe DSH Black and White Cat 01/03/94-01/24/98 Jenn and Darrell
Chloe DSH Calico Cat 13 years 07/01/05 Julie & Charles Bierbaum
Chloe DSH Cat 02/07/05-02/04/14 Annie Bishop
Chloe DSH Cat 06/24/88-11/07/05 Susan Mills
Chloe DSH Cat 07/14/95-07/13/96 Lisa C.
Chloe DSH Tortoise Calico Cat 13 1/2 years 08/26/06 Kelly
Chloe DSH White and Buff Cat 20 years 01/08/13 Valorie Bradley
Chloe Dumbo Rat 07/2002-01/02/05 Melanie Ulicny
Chloe Dwarf Rabbit 01/12/01-01/19/08 Kristin & Marc
Chloe E Bland Shitzu 04/29/05-12/10/12 Dawn
Chloe Edquist Pomeranian 12 years 09/12/06 Joanie Edquist
Chloe Elizabeth Bartholow Boxer 01/2003-03/30/09 Cyndi Bartholow
Chloe Elizabeth Calico Cat 01/19/17 Jill Frankenfield
Chloe Elizabeth Cat 09/11/00-09/11/14 Amy
Chloe Elizabeth Chihuahua 07/18/08-03/26/12 Veronica
Chloe Elizabeth Mini. Poodle 1 1/2 years 08/18/08 Lauren
Chloe English Bulldog 13 years 09/10/16 Jessica
Chloé English Cocker Spaniel 01/21/97-03/15/14 Lindsay Schwegel
Chloe English Springer Spaniel 2003-07/20/17 Keenan
Chloe Flamepoint Himalayan Cat 06/12/98-03/31/16 Kristin and Andy Smith
Chloe Flat Coated Retriever 13 years 09/10/01 Robert, Lori and Briana Hurd
Chloe Floyd Sheltie 07/19/89-04/25/06 Allison Tatum
Chloe Fortenberry Husky/Rottie Mix 03/01/98-03/21/11 Sunday Pederson on behalf of Paul Fortenberry
Chloe French Bulldog 02/02/13-02/10/21 Nikki & Gabriel
Chloe French Lop Rabbit 07/25/03-03/07/09 Kristen Perkins
Chloe Garsick Mix Dog 09/08/10-05/19/24 Katie Garsick
Chloe Gasquet Shihtzu 07/28/96-12/06/07 Sheila Gasquet
Chloe Gault Mix Dog 01/15/94-03/23/07 Joi
Chloe German Shepherd 01/06/08-11/13/21 Sean Scott
Chloe German Shepherd 04/03/99 Barbara Patton
Chloe German Shepherd 04/14/94-03/11/07 Stephen and Diana
Chloe German Shepherd 06/09/16 Chris Chavez
Chloe German Shepherd 08/21/94-12/11/06 Julie
Chloe German Shepherd 11/12/12 Michelle
Chloe German Shepherd 12 years 4 months 11/12/06 Julie Edwards
Chloe German Shepherd 5./.1/97-10/08/05 Caitlin Walsh
Chloe German Shepherd Mix 04/15/95-01/12/07 Linda, Jan and Annie
Chloe Girl Yorkie 08/12/95-02/10/07 Karen Burdt
Chloe Golden 10/01/91-01/08/05 Irene
Chloe Golden 12/13/98-03/25/08 Terry Saia
Chloe Golden Labrador 05/06/98-06/26/07 Nancy Thomson
Chloë Golden Mix 05/01/03-05/05/16 Vicky Hansen & Steve Rak
Chloe Golden Retriever 01/25/03-02/28/12 Denise, Tom, Meg
Chloe Golden Retriever 03/04/99-03/04/11 Kerry Harvey
Chloe Golden Retriever 03/25/01-12/16/13 Shirley
Chloe Golden Retriever 04/17/07-12/06/13 Shawna Miller
Chloe Golden Retriever 04/23/97 The Linder Family
Chloe Golden Retriever 04/94-08/2007 Craig
Chloe Golden Retriever 05/04/99-01/12/12 Linda Farrell
Chloe Golden Retriever 05/22/00-04/27/10 Nancy Tonies
Chloe Golden Retriever 07/12/99-02/22/13 Diane Hopkins and Ken Hopkins
Chloe Golden Retriever 07/23/94-07/24/07 Martina & Gary
Chloe Golden Retriever 07/29/95-11/27/06 Diane Dietrick
Chloe Golden Retriever 10/01/99-02/27/08 Deb Marcus
Chloe Golden Retriever 10/03/91-06/23/00 Donna & Dave
Chloe Golden Retriever 10/03/91-06/23/00 Mary Jo Tydlacka, Bob Schaeppi
Chloe Golden Retriever 10/09/94-01/07/03 Sara Westgor
Chloe Golden Retriever 10/13/97-01/02/09 Karen Hechler
Chloe Golden Retriever 11 years 08/23/10 The Touati Family
Chloe Golden Retriever 11/11/93-05/24/07 Judy Williams
Chloe Golden Retriever 12 years 07/23/02 Amber Dobberstein
Chloe Golden Retriever 13 years 08/21/03 Kim Perlmutter
Chloe Golden Retriever 13 years 19/28/01 Richard O. Wesley
Chloe Golden Retriever 13 years 3 September 2010 Judith
Chloe Golden Retriever 15 years 04/14/16 Diane Actman
Chloe Golden Retriever 2 years 08/21/04 Anna, Denny
Chloe Golden Retriever 5 years 06/25/06 Jason and Kristy
Chloe Golden Retriever Mix 12 years 06/20/06 Teri Gonzalez-Lugo
Chloe Golden Retriever/Mix 08/2001-10/03/06 Kristine Mann
Chloe Golden/Mix 12/14/10 Joyce
Chloe Gooch Gray Tabby Cat 07/15/88-10/13/98 Joe Bowden
Chloe Grace Cat 1 1/2 years 01/16/09 Aimee
Chloe Grace Dog 12 1/2 years Rand
Chloe Gray and White Maine Coon Cat Spring 1997-02/15/14 Regan Adams & Denisse Davenport
Chloe Great Dane 04/01/93-07/17/05 Carol Galbraith & Galen Benson
Chloe Great Dane 07/08/13 Carlene
Chloe Great Dane 7 years 03/11/04 Elizabeth McClellan
Chloe Grey Tabby Cat 12/92-05/02/01 Elaine
Chloe Grey Tabby Cat 1994-04/26/08 Gail Salvato
Chloe Grey Tabby Cat 20 years 03/10/22 Alison and Josh
Chloe Greyhound 08/95-09/24/05 Jan
Chloe Greyhound 09/07/98-04/10/04 Georgianna & Jenna
Chloe Greyhound/Black Lab Mix 5 years 08/05/09 Travis
Chloe Guinea Pig 02/27/10 The Gilbes Family
Chloe Guinea Pig 03/2003-01/19/08 Marlene
Chloe Guinea Pig 2 years 03/13/11 Patty
Chloe Hagan Miniature Schnauzer 03/03/01-07/19/07 Janice Hagan
Chloe Half Pom/Half Shin Shew 10 years 12/17/07 John and Linda Hicks
Chloe Hartley American Bulldog 04/04/07-12/01/12 Kyra Hartley
Chloe Have-tzu 10/12/09-12/10/24 Terri Spinner
Chloe Heinz 57 Dog 08/04-12/11/06 Debra Jolly
Chloe Himalayan Cat 11/05/90-12/20/00 Libby Hall
Chloe Himalayan Cat 1994-2007 Cathy
Chloe Himalayan Mix Cat 01/01/88-10/29/04 Linda and Chuck Johnson
Chloe Himalayan Persian Cat 03/03/03-08/21/11 Janice Bouchard
Chloe Himalayan Persian Cat 9 years 05/09/11 Janice Bouchard
Chloe Himmy/Mainecoon Mix Cat 20 years 12/14/12 Mary, Gerry, Aidan, Eoin and Maeve
Chloe Holt Shih Tzu 03/03/07-07/16/08 Theresa Holt
Chloe Honey Golden Retriever 05/28/97-01/11/08 Penny Avenoso
Chloe Howe Cocker Spaniel 10/01/10 Bob Howe
Chloe Hui Terrier Mix 08/87-11/20/04 Michelle
Chloe Husky Shepherd 11 years 06/20/09 Karey Kaemmerer
Chloe Husky, German Shepherd, Black Lab 08/17/12-10/01/12 Max Gailey
Chloe Irish Red & White Setter 05/22/15 Jennifer McAroy
Chloe J Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/04/04-03/24/08 Pamela Waitulavich
Chloe Jack Russell Terrier 01/27/99-11/26/99 Miriam Thomas
Chloe Jane Beagle 10/04/05-02/26/16 Kimberley
Chloe Jane Woehrle Pastel Tortoiseshell Cat 5 years 12/05/11 Jeff & Kate Woehrle
Chloe Jean Boxer 01/2004 Lisa
Chloe Jean Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/24/90-05/26/07 Wendy
Chloe Jess Mixed Dog 07/05/91-04/01/05 Steve and Victoria
Chloe Jo Cat 03/26/04-04/20/05 Kera Kramer
Chloe joie de vivre Voth Bichipoo 12 years 02/15/16 Christine Voth
Chloe Joy (Spitfire) Calico Tortoiseshell Mix Cat 9 years 06/20/13 Elaine Male
Chloe Keeshond 03/24/07 Chris & Stephanie Taylor
Chloe Kiley Black & White Tibetan Terrier 01/15/03-06/18/12 Karen & Peter Kiley
Chloe Kitten 03/17/12-04/11/12 Janet Ramon
Chloe Kitten 03/20/99-12/20/99 Diane Bolton
Chloe Kitten 10 weeks 10/18/02 Jodi Stevenson & Matt DiFilippo
Chloe Kitten Geri
Chloe Kittencotten Guess Maltese 09/25/03-08/14/09 Karen Guess
Chloe Klembus Long Hair Calico Cat 05/25/84-09/14/06 Janice Klembus
Chloe Klembus Longhair Calico Cat 19 years 09/14/06 Janice Klembus
Chloe Kotas Tiger Cat 04/30/01-05/30/13 The Kotas Family
Chloe La Rosa Yorkie 11 years 06/05/10 Margie La Rosa
Chloe Lab 04/11/01-22/03/15 Susan
Chloe Lab 12/26/99-01/06/07 Kristine Bell
Chloe Lab 5 months 09/12/09 Kelly
Chloe Lab 8 years 07/02/16 Steve & Lisa
Chloe Lab Cross 13 years 28/01/08 Susan Richards
Chloe Lab Mix 03/25/06 Rachel Hodges
Chloe Lab Mix 05/26/06-08/20/16 Mitzi
Chloe Lab Mix 06/20/97-06/22/09 Bernadette
Chloe Lab Mix 16 years 04/23/11 Kim
Chloe Lab Mix 2005 Sandy, Alisha, Leann and Clay
Chloe Lab Mix 7 years 04/13/04 Pam & Steve Schultetus
Chloe Lab Mix 8 years 08/11/07 Missy
Chloe Lab/Chow X 09/26/97-08/04/08 Shane Padilla
Chloe Lab/Newfoundland 11/11/02-01/12/14 Karen Cunningham-Landwehr
Chloe Lab_hound Mix 2 years 01/02/05 Briana, Kelly and Tom Mills
Chloe Labernese 01/23/22 Jane Tallmadge
Chloe' Labradoodle 13 years 09/28/11 Michael McMahon
Chloe Labrador 02/17/04-09/24/17 Diane
Chloe Labrador Retriever 02/01/89-10/02/99 Allison, Morgan, Russ & Our Families and Friends.
Chloe Labrador Retriever 06/30/94-08/25/06 Karen Mulligan
Chloe Labrador Retriever 08/27/10 Heather Flaherty
Chloe Labrador Retriever 09/04/96-12/26/11 Bonnie Hartzel
Chloe Labrador Retriever 10/01/01-05/03/13 Gina Crabtree
Chloe Labrador Retriever 12 years 10 months 10/21/18 Stephanie
Chloe Labrador Retriever 8 years 07/21/08 Gregory Read
Chloe Labrador/Rottweiler Mix 07/01/97-01/22/11 Kelly
Chloe Labweiller 06/28/05 Elizabeth Prosser
Chloe Ladd Terrier Mix 15 years 04/30/04 Tina
Chloe Landseer Newfoundland 10/17/02-10/26/07 Arlene Kimble
Chloe Lasa Ahpsa 11 years 02/20/07 Karen & Bill
Chloe Layne Himalayan Cat 12 years 11/05/06 Lauren Gaydon
Chloe Lemme Chihuahua 06/24/11 Tammy Lemme and Carter Lemme
Chloe LeRoux Cat 05/01/05-04/15/10 Britni LeRoux
Chloe Lhasa 14 years 01/14/11 Gretchen Geary
Chloe Lhasa Apso 07/10/90-07/23/04 Leslie Crosby
Chloe Lhasa Apso 15 years 08/31/11 Danelle Ericson
Chloe Lhasapoo 10/94-06/05/08 Shirley and Barry Anderson
Chloe Lhaso Apso 7 years 11/98 Don
Chloe Long Hair Calico Cat 14 years 02/14/14 Vivian & Richard
Chloe Long Hair Tuxie. Cat 13 years 10/03/15 Lori Fluharty
Chloe Long Haired Dachshund 05/18/90-09/12/08 Suzanne Collard
Chloe Long Haired Tortoiseshell Cat 02/22/82-05/22/00 Nancy Jones
Chloe Louise Boxer 03/05/94-08/14/00 Debbie, Al and Dixie
Chloe Louise Pekingese 01/05/96-07/31/09 Paatricia Clark
Chloe Love Bird 3 years 12/06/00 S. Mitchell
Chloe Lyn Tortie Point Persian Cat 10/15/?-12/05/05 Csugi Family
Chloe Lynn Dog 10/01/92-04/14/98 Molly Stritch
Chloe Lynn King Buff Cocker Spaniel 13 years 04/04/10 Nicholas and Valerie Ann
Chloe Lynn Yatsko Chihuahua 03/29/12-12/17/18 Tammy L Yatsko
Chloe Mae Miniature Schnauzer 03/19/96-10/03/09 Tina and Susan
Chloe Mae Miniature Schnauzer 03/19/96-10/03/09 Tina McBain
Chloe Mae Victoria Mini Schnauzer 12 years 03/22/09 George, Terry, Carrie, Matt, Joey and Pepper and Lucy
Chloe Maine Coon Cat 01/28/94-08/31/11 Lois Rodriguez
Chloe Maine Coon Cat 04/30/00-09/14/15 Karen Shoop
Chloe Maine Coon Cat 07/26/98-06/28/07 Claudia B. Smith-Cournoyer
Chloe Maine Coon Cat 17 years 02/02/15 Sarah Horton
Chloe Maine Coon Cross Cat 07/90-12/13/06 Jennifer Martin
Chloe Maine Coon Mix Cat 8 1/2 years 03/13/09 Kenny & Wendy
Chloe Maltese 06/03/99-03/18/06 Liz Bennett
Chloe Maltese 10/08/02-06/16/06 Cheryl
Chloe Maltese 11/28/95-01/02/05 Carol Holland
Chloe Maltese 12 years 04/30/01 Bob and Kathryn Callan, Erin and Jen
Chloe Maltese 12/30/87-11/28/00 Lynn
Chloe Maltese 8 years 05/17/19 Hallie Gelb Liner
Chloe Maltese Silky 24/10/02-05/10/08 Petchell Family
Chloe Maltese/Poodle 12/15/99-01/06/04 Melinda Hill
Chloe Malti Poo 08/17/05-01/14/08 Tiffany Chatelain
Chloe Maraist Brittany Spaniel 03/04/98-09/02/05 Michael and Cayla
Chloe Marie 01/01/98-10/17/08 Catherine
Chloe Marie Dachshund 06/06/02-08/15/09 Sarah, Melissa and Kevin
Chloe Marie Domestic Short Hair (Black & White) Tuxedo Cat 06/2005-02/03/18 Cheryl & Chrissy Schoepf
Chloe Marie Golden Retriever 12/07/02-10/17/05 Kristina Aziz
Chloe Marie Miller Trimmer Payne Cat 03/95-03/05/97 Linda Wilbur
Chloe Marie Siamese Kitty 03/05/84-05/19/00 Jenni Simpson
Chloe Marie Wickham Shi Zu 03/20/03-05/09/15 Gayle Nwickham
Chloe Marie Yellow Lab 12/03/86-01/12/02 Kathy Strombach
Chloe May Cat 05/23/96-01/17/08 Gail
Chloe Mc Folb Black Lab 01/10/00-05/22/12 Leah Folb
Chloe McCall Terrier 01/01/92-12/16/04 Michelle
Chloe Med. Long Hair Tabby Cat 16 years 08/16/97 Jane Flynn
Chloe Medium Fur Black Cat 07/21/03-12/21/10 Joanne
Chloe Medium Long Hair Brown Tabby Cat 16 years 08/13/97 Jane Flynn
Chloe Michelle White Persian Cat 07/17/97-05/09/00 Edna White
Chloe Min Pin 04/05/99-03/05/07 Victoria, Mike, Kailey & Julilus
Chloe Min Pin 11/13/02-12/04/08 Justin and Nicki
Chloe Mini Lop Bunny 1 year 03/29/08 The Rose Family
Chloe' Mini Schnauzer 12 years 09/22/10 Jenny & Barry
Chloe Mini Schnauzer 3 years 12/27/04 Joanne & Jeff Klein
Chloe Miniature Dachshund 08/24/00-01/17/05 Cathy, Gil, Sharon, Veronica, Christopher and Megan
Chloe Miniature Fox Terrier 17 years 27/08/05 Kate De Valentin
Chloe Miniature Pincher 10/10/95-03/16/09 Sandie and Mary
Chloe Miniature Pinscher 07/14/97-05/20/11 Gloria Tatman-Sessions
Chloe Miniature Poodle 07/27/92-12/18/07 Carol
Chloe Miniature Schnauzer 02/28/89-09/12/00 Joanne Winars
Chloe Miniature Schnauzer 05/29/98-03/29/06 Albert, Annabelle, & Allyson Lovelock
Chloe Miniature Schnauzer 11/02/07-04/29/20 Susan Waite
Chloe Miniature Schnauzer 12/06/93-10/02/01 Liz Rogers
Chloe Miniature Schnauzer Puppy 02/24/04-05/07/04 Patty Smith
Chloe Mix Dog 04/10/99-05/20/05 Nathania
Chloe Mixed Cat 13 years 09/09/13 Diane Riley
Chloe Mixed Chihuahua-Dachshund 14 years 06/01/09 Jennifer Glick
Chloe Mixed Dog 01/22/05-03/04/17 Fatima & Michael Catena
Chloe Mixed Dog 9 years 04/21/11 Ben Springer
Chloe Mixed Terrier 07/17/89-04/11/05 Lucy Dewey
Chloe Mojito Shih-Tzu 04/18/06-10/12/07 Michele & Mike
Chloe Mollucan Cockatoo 6 years 05/25/04 Emily Vandemark
Chloe Morck Beagle 05/96-06/13/12 Tom Morck
Chloe Mutt 02/20/08 Kiera
Chloe Mutt 07/14/99-08/07/13 Eden Family
Chloe Myers Dog Mixed 09/06/10-07/27/22 Madison Myers
Chloe Newman Black Lab Chow Mix 12/25/95-03/20/11 Jeanne Newman
Chloe Noel Burt Smokey Burmese Cat 14 years 04/02/05 Lisa
Chloe of Windstorm Bengal Cat 01/04/92-07/25/03 Wendy Wojewodzki
Chloe Old English Sheepdog 09/26/95-08/07/98 Laura Herendeen
Chloe or Bear Toy Poodle 05/2000-05/17/00 Candy Kuhn
Chloe Orange Tabby Cat 05/20/86-06/05/06 Laura Sumner
Chloe Orange Tabby Cat 06/12/85-08/02/04 Karin Curtiss
Chloe Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 01/02/12 Jennifer Foster
Chloe Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 03/19/09 Cathy Purdy and Mary Keuffer
Chloe Orange Tabby DLH Cat 16 1/2 years 07/24/10 Dayna & Doug
Chloe Oriental Short Hair Cat 10/02/03-10/22/03 Kathy Willman
Chloe Oriental Short Hair Cat 10/22/08 Kathy Willman
Chloe Osborne Mini Dachshund 6 years 02/14/09 Janet Osborne
Chloe P Bichon 03/13/97-09/06/13 Barbara Priddy
Chloe Papillion X 2 years 12/06/09 Renee
Chloe Parakeet 06/2005-04/16/10 Donna
Chloe Part Himalayan DLH Cat 16 1/2 years 07/24/10 Dayna & Doug
Chloe Part Siamese - Lilac Point Cat just shy of 5 years 03/27/07 Marci
Chloe Pastel Calico DLH Cat 05/01/95-11/08/08 Ramona
Chloe Peaches Cock-a-poo 10/09/97-07/09/10 Karen St. Germain
Chloe Peachface Lovebird 12/20/09 Emily Ray
Chloe Pearl Hamilton Cockapoo 10/31/92-11/07/01 Sandra
Chloe Peke 15 years 10 months 02/02/23 Deborah
Chloe Pekingese 05/30/94-02/04/12 Dianne
Chloe Pekingese 11/11/06 Dawn Fenske
Chloe Percheron Horse 04/24/99 Heather Walter
Chloe Perkins English Bulldog 3 years 09/04/07 Carol Perkins
Chloe Persian Cat 05/01/93-01/18/10 Debbie Hawrylyshyn
Chloe Persian Cat 05/10/95-30/06/05 Pam and Ray Smith
Chloe Persian Cat 06/04/99-02/03/09 Suzy
Chloe Persian Cat 07/31/91-10/21/97 Phyllis Partin
Chloe Persian Cat 09/01/99-04/30/10 Crystal
Chloe Persian Cat 19 years 10/10/04 Renee M. Nnelson
Chloe Pietryka Mini Dachshund 03/20/95-07/27/08 Judy Lee Pietryka
Chloe Pit Bull/ Boxer 14 years 09/04/17 Mandy
Chloe Pitbull 01/20/12 Lenore
Chloe Pixie Bob Cat 09/04/03-03/31/04 Erin Pastore
Chloe Plaster Shih Tzu 17 years 02/28/14 Bill Plaster
Chloe Platinum Burmese Cat 01/26/94-03/20/14 Suzanne S
Chloe Pom Bichon Mix 07/2006-02/15/15 Heather
Chloe Pom Puppy 3 months 03/24/07 Nikki
Chloe Pomeranian 12/23/90-07/18/94 Cheryl Perry
Chloe Pomeranian Corgie 15 years 02/01/23 Jan & Steve
Chloe Pomeranian Puppy 02/09/08-04/07/08 Jenda
Chloe Poodle 15 years 03/30/99 Jon and Karen Burgess
Chloe Poodle 23/10/97-14/09/15 Gwen Daye
Chloe Pretty, Long Fur Cat 06/30/06-11/22/08 Cheryl Bradley
Chloe Pug 01/28/99-09/20/04 Kelly Casavant
Chloe Pug 06/27/02-07/20/03 Denny Ferguson
Chloe Pug 08/07/04-02/02/10 Kyrie
Chloe Pug 08/13/04-07/14/08 Bonnie M. Williams
Chloe Pug 10/08/09-03/24/10 Sharon Reed
Chloe Pug 10/13/06-01/21/12 Tiffany
Chloe Pug 11/25/03-11/25/16 Lori
Chloe Pug 12/19/99-06/23/00 Marise
Chloe Pug 12/31/99-10/13/14 Beth Williams
Chloe Pug 9 1/2 years 08/10/09 Michelle
Chloe Puggle 3 years 11/06/11 Michelle Smith
Chloe Puppy just over 1 year 07/25/01 Eric, Kristi, Brittany & Madison Brown
Chloe Puppy Rottie 05/21/99-01/07/00 Konrad and Paullei Mumme and Danielle Leister
Chloe Rabbit 03/05/12 Collis Button
Chloe Rabbit 10 years 06/04/20 Shelly
Chloe Rabbit 6 years 04/10/99 Demetrius & Nicolle
Chloe Rae Golden Retriever 02/17/01-08/25/07 Katharine
Chloe Ragdoll Cat 09/22/98-09/17/15 EH, NF, EF, WF
Chloe Rake Toy Poodle 3 years 03/10/05 Jan Rake
Chloe Raska Mini Dachshund 02/01/01-02/05/10 Sue
Chloe Rat 2 1/2 years 05/25/11 Michelle Bob & Jake
Chloe Rat 3 1/2 years 05/19/05 Xeniia Astachkina
Chloe Rat Terrier 05/03/05-04/13/10 Allison Cammarata
Chloe Rea Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/20/99-11/05/11 Jim Rea
Chloe Red Heeler Cross 04/26/87-12/03/04 Kat & Tony Woods
Chloe Retriever/Ridgeback 2005-04/12/21 Candice Toyoda
Chloe Richardson Cat 5 years 12/31/07 Shawn & Jennifer Richardson
Chloe Riches Chiweinie 12/25/04-08/18/12 Bob & Pam Riches
Chloe Rosario Hernandez Jack Russell Chihuahua 05/25/18-03/24/22 Keishly Rosario
Chloe Rose Cat Summer 1991-07/03/08 Mayra
Chloe Rose English Springer Spaniel 07/17/00-09/11/11 John, Denise, James, Matt, Mark, Elise & Aimee Rienstra ~ and All Who Loved You!
Chloe Rose Irish Terrier 06/26/01-05/05/10 Donna Hurley
Chloe Rose Shi Tzu Poo 08/10/96-08/15/12 Jill Hoskins
Chloe Rose Shih Tzu 07/01/06 Barbara, Lynda and Roxi Pitman
Chloe Rottweiler 03/17/98-05/21/08 Joanna
Chloe Rottweiler 07/01/97-04/10/06 Jim & Allison
Chloe Rottweiler 13 years 04/27/06 Gillian Cunningham
Chloe Rottweiler 15/03/98-21/05/08 Clare
Chloe Rottweiller 6 years Catto family
Chloe Russian Blue Cat 04/01/96-06/21/99 Kelly Atkins
Chloe Russian Blue Cat 12 years 11/01/11 Melissa Kane
Chloe Russian Blue Mix Cat 11 years 09/21/10 Colleen
Chloe S American Tabby Cat 10 years 11/15/16 M. Sheehan
Chloe Sable With Chocolate Points Ferret 01/07/04 Connie Martin
Chloe Saccone Maltese/Shitzu 04/12/95-04/25/06 John, Maria & Alyssa Saccone
Chloe Saint Bernard 02/06/99-03/24/08 Richard & Carolyn
Chloe Samoyed/Border Collie/Chow Mix 05/27/93-11/10/08 Riva Gordon
Chloe Sassafrass Szczeck Dachshund 05/20/98-08/22/02 The Szczeck's
Chloe Scarlett Labrador Retriever 08/07/08-05/14/12 Brenda Z
Chloe Schipperke 06/27/90-03/16/01 Phyllis and Wayne
Chloe Schnauzer/Sheltie 12/16/95-01/03/04 Jennifer Abbott
Chloe Schnauzer Sheltie Mix 05/16/08-06/06/24 Meagan
Chloe Scotford September Blue At Ambersett Irish Setter 04/07/93-02/11/06 Marilyn and Bill Hurr
Chloe Seal Point Himalayan Cat 03/99-03/11/01 Corrie Nichols
Chloe Shar Pei 4 years 03/14/05 Coni Pennington
Chloe Sheltie 02/16/97-05/29/12 Kelly Goad
Chloe Sheltie 06/16/96-10/18/09 Cheryl and Gary Derr
Chloe Sheltie 12/03/90-03/14/99 Nancy Coffey White
Chloe Sheltie 12/11/92-06/13/06 Trella
Chloe Shepherd Mix 03/23/10 Gwen & Stan
Chloe Shepherd Mix 05/13/95-12/29/03 James D. Krause
Chloe Shepherd, Boxer Mix 13 years 02/18/08 Annette Fisher
Chloe Shetland Sheepdog 18 years 11/08/06 R
Chloe Shih Tzu 02/08/96-01/08/10 Andrea
Chloe Shih Tzu 02/26/92-08/09/05 Paul and Maureen Diecker
Chloe Shih Tzu 04/25/99-03/26/12 Sonya Funk
Chloe Shih Tzu 05/11/96-05/23/12 Dannielle Goddard
Chloe Shih Tzu 06/15/93-10/17/11 Linda
Chloe Shih Tzu 06/26/00-06/05/01 Amy Cummins
Chloe Shih Tzu 10 years 07/23/04 Renee
Chloe Shih Tzu 10/12/96-06/22/11 Jamie and Wes
Chloe Shih Tzu 10/21/95-03/13/09 Caroline & Vincent Carpenter
Chloe Shih Tzu 11/23/99-04/04/13 Jim, Cathy & Samantha
Chloe Shih Tzu 14 years 09/28/08 Nicole Crawford
Chloe Shih Tzu Puppy 07/08/13-12/02/13 Kim Allison
Chloe Shih-Tzu 10/09/08-10/11/09 Danielle
Chloe Shih-Tzu 15 years 02/10/09 Colleen
Chloe Shitzu 09/21/94-11/32/12 Danielle
Chloe Shitzu 15 years 12/26/06 Raelene Steffens
Chloe Shitzu 8 years 03/24/10 Sarah
Chloe Shorkie 11/11/15-08/31/20 Kelly
Chloe Short Hair Cat 10 years 12/25/07 Stacie
Chloe Short Hair Cat 12/25/98-07/06/10 Lori
Chloe Short Hair Pointer/Dalmatian 03/17/95-10/15/09 Winnie
Chloe Short Hair Tortie Cat 08/95-03/02/05 Carol Moorhouse
Chloe Short Haired Cat 1 year 04/09/05 Crystal Ratcliffe
Chloe Short Haired Tabby Cat 11/22/90-01/03/09 Linda Halliwell
Chloe Shorthair Black & White Domestic Cat 05/30/95-01/07/02 Melissa Behler
Chloe Shorthair Cat 14 years 10/10/11 Jean Jablonski
Chloe Shorthair Domestic Cat 2003-2003 Jessica Timp
Chloe Shorthair Tortie Cat 04/1999-08/10/02 Shannon
Chloe Siamese (Blue Point) Cat 12/01/91-04/09/13 Carol Perfetti
Chloe Siamese Cat 02/13/04 Greg & Nancy Bartlett
Chloe Siamese Cat 07/01/96-12/06/11 Beth
Chloe Siamese Cat 07/06/91-03/06/95 Carrie Wehring
Chloe Siamese Cat 09/13/97-09/15/10 Corinne Yaworski
Chloe Siamese Cat 14 years 07/29/06 Karen
Chloe Siamese Cat 16/08/90-09/06/04 Silvana Whyte
Chloe Siamese Cat 18 weeks 09/22/07 Shareen
Chloe Siamese Cat 1998-06/14/08 Bethe and Susan
Chloe Siamese Cat 2 1/2 years 08/02/99 Candy Anderson
Chloe Siamese Cat 9 years 09/23/05 Sheila J. Smith
Chloe Siamese Mix Cat 01/09/08 Pam Sullivan
Chloe Siamese Mix Cat 1 1/2 years 05/18/10 Stephanie
Chloe Siamese, Tortoiseshell Cat 18 years 04/28/13 Allison
Chloe Siamese-Persian mix Cat 04/01/82-03/03/03 Harry and Linda Grandon and Dana Grandon
Chloe Siberian Husky 02/08/94-02/12/08 Lynne & Frank Caparelli
Chloe Siberian Husky 11 years 03/10/07 Sheri, Quinton 3, Eric, Quinton 4th and Apollo
Chloe Siberian Husky 2 years Karan
Chloe Silver Tip Ferret 7 years 01/17/07 Judi Duvall
Chloe Simonsen Wire-Haired Fox Terrier 02/13/92-10/29/03 Janice
Chloe Sinibaldi Golden Retriever 10/31/94-06/23/06 Gloria and Ralph Sinibaldi
Chloe Sisneros Chihuahua 03/27/07-03/02/23 Cierra Sisneros
Chloe Smith Minpin 05/10/21 Teresa & Ed Smith
Chloe Snow Bichon Frise 05/20/84-04/11/01 Doreen Alexis Foulds-Schink
Chloe Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier 05/28/95-04/02/05 The Castles
Chloe Spaniel, Terrier Mix 03/14/94-11/14/06 Annemarie and Al Martin
Chloe Spaniel/Retriever Mix 01/02/93-07/13/06 Gary Fletcher
Chloe Spitz Poodle 03/07/03-05/28/08 Charmaine
Chloe Spoodle 10 years 08/08/16 Robyn and Ray
Chloe Staffie Cross Bull Terrier 6 years 02/26/05 Jenny Bald
Chloe Staffordshire Bull Terrier 14/04/90-20/01/03 Heather Billington
Chloe Staffordshire Terrier 04/92-01/26/04 Jonathan Gabriel
Chloe Stancil Snowshoe Siamese Cat 13 years 11/19/06 Heather Stancil
Chloe Standard Poodle 02/13/05-05/10/16 Janis
Chloe Standard Poodle 05/10/96-03/02/09 Mafalda
Chloe Stone Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/24/90-05/26/07 Wendy
Chloe Striped Tiger Short Hair Cat 12 years 06/07/12 Carol Minghella
Chloe Stroup Siamese Mix Cat 07/01/90-01/06/05 Kathleen
Chloe Sue Boston Terrier 11/28/01-08/03/09 Michelle Betchek
Chloe Sugar Glider 3 years 06/06/15 Pauline
Chloe Sun Conure 05/20/03-12/02/17 Sherri Moorer
Chloe Surowiec Golden Retriever 08/15/96-06/04/09 James Surowiec
Chloe T. Nala Maltese 01/07/00-09/30/13 Frances
Chloe Tabby Cat 01/26/06 Elena
Chloe Tabby Cat 04/08/95-04/21/05 Susan E. Douzart
Chloe Tabby Cat 04/96-08/03/10 Erin Ayscue
Chloe Tabby Cat 11/01/88-02/17/01 Karen and Andrew
Chloe Tabby Cat 11/30/00-06/24/02 Shana Loudon
Chloe Tabby Cat 13 years 02/25/09 Pat
Chloe Tabby Cat 14 years 12/12/06 Diane and Hasan Can
Chloe Tabby Cat 2 years 10/05/00 Sue, SVHS
Chloe Tabby Cat 4 years 09/20/05 Lisa Price
Chloe Tabby Cat 6 1/2 years 02/05/01 Pat Coleman
Chloe Tabby Cat 7 months 10/08/01 Casey Parrish
Chloe Talbot Mixed, Border Collie 02/13/14 Susan Talbot
Chloe Tambone Dalmatian 12/13/91-12/13/06 Mary Tambone
Chloe Taren Lhasa Apsos 12 years 10/15/04 Debra Taren & Taryn Rodriguez
Chloe Terrier 9 years 03/07/08 Ann
Chloe Terrier-Spaniel Mix 05/14/94-12/13/05 Annemarie and Al Martin
Chloe Terri-Poo 04/13/05-12/22/10 Shannon Beaven
Chloe Tew Boston Terrier 09/06/96-08/01/05 Randy Tew
Chloe Tibetan Terrier Mix 07/29/08 Tracy
Chloe Torres Rupprecht & Cookie Torres Rupprecht Grey Tuxedo & White Tabby Point Cats 03/90 & 10/90-04/23/04 & 10/12/03 MJ Torres & Anton Rupprecht
Chloe Torti/Tabby Cat 04/94-01/31/14 Jacqueline
Chloe Tortie Cooper Cat 07/24/12 Jenny Cooper
Chloe Tortoise Shell Cat 6 years 03/14/07 Betty Bower
Chloe Tortoiseshell Cat 03/17/94-08/28/12 Becky Foster
Chloe Tortoiseshell Cat 09/07/89-10/26/99 Lisa Le Brecht
Chloe Tortoiseshell Cat 17 years 04/21/03 Teri
Chloe Tortoiseshell Cat 18 years 02/18/06 Julie & Noel Roberts
Chloe Toy Fox Terrier 10/03/04-03/11/12 Nicole
Chloe Toy Fox Terrier 12/24/10 Heather Tessler and Andrew Oberdier
Chloe Toy Poodle 01/01/07-03/26/13 Sarah Jones
Chloe Toy Poodle 01/04/92-06/28/06 Julia Nettles
Chloe Toy Poodle 04/01/96-11/10/09 Carly L
Chloe Toy Poodle 07/01/03-01/25/09 Andrea Milligan
Chloe Toy Poodle 07/01/04-01/25/09 Andrea Milligan
Chloe Toy Poodle Puppy 02/20/08-05/22/08 Heather
Chloe Trozzo-Jones Maine Coon/Siberian Cat 05/96-10/26/11 Maryann & Murray
Chloe Turkish Angora 08/1994-09/16/02 Kathy Weiss
Chloe Tuxedo Cat 02/09/92-03/29/10 Jenny Miller
Chloe Tuxedo Cat 04/01/03-01/01/17 Janet Hoskins
Chloe Tuxedo Cat 06/2004-01/17/16 Valerie and John Lang
Chloe Utke Domestic Cat 17 1/2 years 11/04/04 Cyrena
Chloe Wakefield Jack Russel Terrier 06/10/94-02/29/03 Mom and Derek and Rich
Chloe Wallace DSH Cat 04/21/99-10/14/06 Anne Wallace
Chloe Watson Himalayan/Lilac Point Cat 12 years 07/03/08 Cindy, Frank, Faith and Heather Watson, Rosebud, Gizmo, Raja, Starr, Tiz, Skyler & Sully
Chloe Weichers Pug 05/05/11-03/23/12 Debbie Giacalone
Chloe Weimaraner 12/06/96-01/02/11 Leigh Redding
Chloe Welsh/Arabian Pony 02/95-02/95 Andrea L. Belanus
Chloe West Highland White Terrier 05/24/97-07/20/99 Amy Noel Moreland
Chloe Westhighland White Terrier 09/01/98-08/15/10 Karen Commella
Chloe Westie 04/30/05-01/30/19 Bob, Julie and Brendon Leet
Chloe Westie 10/13/99-06/12/99 Kami Lamb
Chloe Westie 9 years 01/02/09 Beth Weber
Chloe Westie/Scottie 15 1/2 years 08/30/04 Jan Chapman
Chloe Whippet 10/25/11 Lynn
Chloe White Calico Cat 05/15/89-11/27/00 Barbara H.
Chloe White Manx 6 years 08/16/94 CyndeeLea
Chloe Willow Earley Chow Chow/ Samoyed 04/19/98-03/28/08 Chelsea Earley
Chloe Wire Fox Terrier 10/01/89-08/02/04 David & Cindy Canfield
Chloe Wire Haired Dachshund 12/05/94-08/02/00 Debra and David Page
Chloe Wood Mastiff 02/19/06-11/07/09 Tim & Jenn Wood
Chloe X-Breed Dog 10/01/95-22/07/08 Sharon
Chloe Yellow Lab 04/09/00-06/05/12 Kristina
Chloe Yellow Lab 08/18/01-06/16/15 Marnie Wheeler
Chloe Yellow Lab/ Golden Retriever Mix 02/17/08-05/28/22 Jennifer, Kevin, Maddie and Luke Thorstad
Chloe Yorkee- Poo 08/27/15 Robin Back
Chloe Yorkie 01/10/03-07/20/08 Debbie Burgess
Chloe Yorkie 02/10/07 Keith C. Burdt
Chloe Yorkie 02/14/96-01/04/12 Carla O'Connor
Chloe Yorkie 04/06/13 Connie Beach
Chloe Yorkie 04/11/96-06/23/09 Sarah Williams
Chloe Yorkie 04/16/07 Steve Futrell
Chloe Yorkie 04/26/01-08/24/15 Kathy Hamblin
Chloe Yorkie 05/21/94-10/10/09 Jordan Jaman
Chloe Yorkie 07/03/03-05/16/11 Bobbie
Chloe Yorkie 07/09/94-12/18/09 Jeri Ross
Chloe Yorkie 07/23/09 Sarah Williams
Chloe Yorkie 08/05/09-05/08/23 Michael Hancharik and Demian Veliz
Chloe Yorkie 08/16/08 Holly Alexander
Chloe Yorkie 08/19/94-10/28/04 Carol Hopkins
Chloe Yorkie 11/21/03-03/05/19 Alice Stine
Chloe Yorkie 2014 Brad Lee
Chloe Yorkie 7 years 06/10/08 Dennis & Holly
Chloe Yorkie/Beagle 05/21/01-05/01/18 Jan Wanerka
Chloe Yorkie Mix 06/2010-06/10/21 Mike and Angela
Chloe Yorkipoo 11/26/11-09/03/21 Lynne Sebille-White and Scott White
Chloe Yorkshire Terrier 03/14/95-04/12/11 K & S Charrette
Chloe Yorkshire Terrier 03/29/02-03/15/12 Dana Martin
Chloe Yorkshire Terrier 05/16/91-06/01/05 Lisa Innis
Chloe Young Chi/Norwich Terrier 13 years 03/31/13 Jeanette Young
Chloe Zapata Tabby Cat 09/20/06-07/17/08 Nicole and Zech Zapata
Chloe Zink Maltese 11 years 07/28/11 Melissa Zink
Chloe Zoe Bowie Guinea Pig 04/22/17 Ali B & Andy F
Chloe, aka, Mrs. Bojangles Min-Pin 07/26/08-08/14/09 John Henley
Chloe-Ann Laporte Lab/Pit Bull Mutt 04/19/96-08/30/08 Lori-Ann Laporte
Chloeanne Torte Cat 09/01/95-01/29/09 Kari
ChloeBear Dog 2004-03/02/17 Jess Szmara, Jan Bates and the McCombs Family
ChloeBug Yellow Lab/German Shepherd Mix 07/10/08-12/31/10 Trisha
Chloe-Chole Capuchin Monkey 2 years 10/20/07 Delores Ellis
ChloeConley Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 years 10 1/2 months 05/29/07 Tracy
Chloee Yorkshire Terrier 01/21/98-08/06/06 Kathie Lachance
Chloe-Gift of Duchess Sheltie 08/98-07/20/11 Aley Martin
Chloejane Cat 04/29/02-08/05/15 Terrie Lund
ChloeMarie Waller Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/23/91-04/21/06 Jannie Waller
Chloe's Christmas Holly Shetland Sheepdog 12/24/99-09/27/05 Cherie Grapes
Chloe's Coco Puff Chihuahua 11/30/98-04/05/03 Linda, Phil, Jodee, Jeff Johnson
Chloey Mixed Dog 08/05/97-06/22/02 Denise Donahue
Chloie Dog 09/04/91-11/23/07 Ashley
Chlois-Marie Cat 17 years 09/30/10 Chris & Sher Campbell
Cho 14 years 11/2000 & Polly 07/2002 David Stopher
Cho and Polly Lab/Cocker Mix and Long Hair Jack Russell Terrier Cho 12, Polly 10-Cho 11/96 Polly 07/02 David Stopher
Cho Cho Orange Tabby Cat 13 years 08/17/98 Deanne & Pam Walker
Cho Cho Papillon 13 years 06/09/02 Tony
Choady Siamese Seal Point Cat 09/17/93-09/03/13 Sean M
Choas Cat 01/05-09/13/05 Teresa Setzer
Choas Emerald Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/24/09-06/21/10 Laura Else
Chobe Cockapoo 02/15/11 Jo Hilton
Chobi Shitzu 06/01/06-11/02/22 Wanlipha
Choc - O - Let Poodle 03/11/95-09/14/02 Cyndi, Olga, & Nora
Choc Kelpie X 11 years 13/08/13 Scott Gardner
Choc Kelpie X 7 years 08/13/13 Cindy Hamilton
Choc Rex Rabbit 8 months 08/26/07 Rowland
Choca Paws Mini-lop Rabbit 8 1/2 years 06/10/98 KrsBunny
Choccie Cat 10 years 06/01/11 Tanya Blakelock
Chocco Chihuahua 11 years 10/25/10 Tammy Artman
Chocco Chow Chow 05/27/84-04/14/99 Michelle
Chochi Domestic Cat 05/08/92-09/17/12 Gerardo Torres Ramos
Chocho Chao and Coly 12 years 05/20/10 Maryiana Todorova
Chocho Dog 03/07/98 Virginia Tway
Cho-Cho Domestic Shorthair (Tuxedo) Cat 02/15/99 Mike Leone
Cho-Cho Mutt 09/04/97-02/12/12 Rosa
Chocho Shiba Inu 03/19/94-03/20/09 Wendilyn
Cho-Cho Weiner Dog 11 years 11/12/03 Mindy Hyre
Chochong Cat 2 years 06/12/19 Karen Bailon
Chockie Dog Bob
Chocky Chu-Chu Chinese Shar-Pei l2/01/91-07/18/98 Cindy Talmadge
Chocky Dachshund 06/22/00-10/29/05 Julie Adams & Richard Smith
Chocky Dog 08/2000-08/03/04 Louis Liew
Choclate Dachshund 2001-02/26/11 April
Choco Bear Chocolate Lab 05/06/86-10/25/01 Nancy J
Choco Brown Rabbit 5 years 11/23/04 Nicole
Choco Cat Mix Cat 3 years 02/01/09 Candy
Choco Chihuahua 14 years 02/01/16 Roxanna Kennedy
Choco Chocolate Lab 01/29/91-07/25/04 Brenda Barker
Choco Chocolate Lab 08/14/94-11/20/03 Randy and Rose
Choco Chow Chow mixed with another breed 2008-07/11/10 Julie
Choco Dog 08/2009-02/28/15 Maria Vougioukli
Choco Dwarf Rabbit 7 years 07/28/18 Betty
Choco Man Chocolate Lab 01/16/01-10/09/10 Miryam Scovil
Choco Martinez-Juanane Tabby Cat 10/13/19-05/16/20 Kathy Martinez
Choco Min Pin 06/08/07-05/01/09 Wanda Kelley
Choco Pitbull 10 years 06/14/14 Yadira Alvarez
Choco PooChi 01/25/99-01/28/00 Shauna
Choco Poochi 01/25/99-10/28/00 Shauna
Choco Poodle 16 years 09/2000 Susan and Glen Jackson
Choco Tortoise Shell Persian Cat 08/97-01/05/04 Joanie Hurst
Choco Yellow Tabby Cat 07/01/08-08/27/13 Denise
Chocolade Heidi Miniature Poodle 06/03/96-10/08/12 Jean Houseknecht
Chocolate American Short Hair Cat 10/07/92-09/06/09 Ravina Narine
Chocolate American Short Hair Cat 1986-05/10/06 Diane Harris
Chocolate and Bubba and also Astro Shepherd mix, Hard to tell, Aussie mix All is the 2000 years Joe Bayless
Chocolate and Vanilla Gerbil Brothers 3 and 4 years 95 and 96 Kara and Kelsey
Chocolate Angora Cat 2 1/2 years 04/20/91 Michelle & Richard Anderson
Chocolate Angora Mix Bunny 08/06/06 Veronica
Chocolate Australian Cattle Dog 10/30/00-10/14/05 Bobbi & Ken & Beck Coulthart
Chocolate Black American Short Hair Cat 1986-05/10/06 Diane Harris
Chocolate Bunny Rabbit 08/20/10-12/04/10 Emily Dixon
Chocolate Cat 04/01/96-03/31/11 Alicia
Chocolate Cat 06/23/07-08/27/07 Miguel Muzquiz Rodriguez
Chocolate Cat 20+ years 04/09/08 Lorri M
Chocolate Chihuahua 05/25/98-12/13/11 Carrie Brown
Chocolate Chip Australian / German Shepherd Mix 07/10/86-09/11/03 Jennifer Stech
Chocolate Chip Cat 2012-05/24/16 Maureen
Chocolate Chip Dog 07/18/02 Emma
Chocolate Chip Guinea Pig 3 years 04/10/99 Allie
Chocolate Chocolate Cocker Spaniel 8 years 12/06/07 Tanya Wilson
Chocolate Chocolate Lab 11 years 09/13/99 Mark and Diane
Chocolate Chocolate Lab 12 years 05/21/08 Brenda Tilley
Chocolate Chocolate Lab/ Doby Mix 07/12/96-02/19/08 Tori Harper
Chocolate Chocolate Labrador Retriever 11 years 1999 Ashley
Chocolate Colourpoint Siamese Cat 15 years 04/02/16 Jennifer Siemens
Chocolate Cruce 12 años-11/31/16 Carlos Subia
Chocolate Dog 10 years 09/11/99 Ron and Shelley Mavilla
Chocolate Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/14/04 Tiffany Kidd
Chocolate Face Himalayan Cat 14 1/2 years 11/17/03 Jody Dowling
Chocolate German Shepherd X 1 years 18/01/05 Kathy Muller
Chocolate Gomez Beltran Chihuahua 12/30/22 Susana Gomez Beltran
Chocolate Guinea Pig 09/01/04 Christine Ng Shi Jia
Chocolate Guinea Pig 3 years 04/01/08 Ryan Selwyn
Chocolate Jersey Wooly Rabbit 01/03/02 Rosaline Ng
Chocolate Johnson Dog 14 years 27/12/09 Mark & Demi Johnson
Chocolate Kiss Me Kate Dachshund 05/04/93-05/10/99 Greg, Janet, Anne, Ally, Zacheriah
Chocolate Kisses (Little Lottie) Maltese/Bichon/Terrier/Chihuahua/Pomeranian 08/05/02-28/07/17 Victoria McBryde
Chocolate Lab 09/06/84-04/23/98 Barbara A.
Chocolate Lab 13 years 06/25/06 Bryan & Angela Baker
Chocolate Lab/Doberman 04/06/92-04/23/01 Cindy Gioffredi
Chocolate Lab/Golden Mix 01/01/93-02/07/03 Maureen
Chocolate Mini Lop Rabbit 1996-12/19/98 Miriam
Chocolate Mini Rex Rabbit 05/04/18-07/31/23 Peter, Jennifer Jamie and joseph Cridge
Chocolate Miniature Poodle 12/19/99-09/23/14 Faith Oremland
Chocolate Mix Dog 01/09/12 Paola Bonilla
Chocolate Mousse (Moussie) Black Kitten 12 weeks 07/27/04 Lisa, Randi & PopPop
Chocolate Mousse Min. Poodle 08/07/97 Eve B.
Chocolate Mousse Siamese Cat 04/86-07/01/00 Lyle Dotson
Chocolate Ox Chihuahua 11/05/82-11/15/95 Lacrista Bagley
Chocolate Papillion Cross 9 years 11/18/22 Rachel
Chocolate Phenix Persian Cat 1992-09/20/07 Michelle Phenix
Chocolate Philippine Domestic Cat 7 years 06/24/15 Jesus Patrick Berkenkotter
Chocolate Poodle 07/08/97-05/06/11 Kimmie
Chocolate Puppy Chocolate Lab 10/14/87-07/19/00 Pamela Becker
Chocolate Rabbit 2 years 03/16/06 Abel Family
Chocolate Rabbit 6 years 07/07/07 Belinda Tam
Chocolate Scottish Fold Cat 03/31/88-04/27/98 Fauchon Hong
Chocolate Shih Poo 20 years 08/01/07 Anna
Chocolate Siamese Mix Cat 09/12/05 Steve and Renae Johnson
Chocolate Staffordshire Bull Terrier 05/05/02-10/26/07 Heather
Chocolate Staffordshire Terrier 03/23/03-12/10/10 Arturo
Chocolate Tonkinese Cat 10 years 16/01/03 Dot Burgess
Chocolate, Little Rabbit, Dust Mop & Squirrel Cats 12/02/01 Anna Cutter
ChocolateCoCoPuff Chip Black and Silver Tabby Cat 10/30/05-02/17/06 Patti Bane
Chocolatte Mouse Ragdoll Cat 13/03/00-17/10/00 Judy Schimper
Chocolatte Weimaraner 13-14 years 07/23/18 Patricia
Choctaw (Big Mama)'s 2 newborns Kittens 08/27& 08/28 Tricia
Choctaw Black and White Paint Horse 26 years 07/03/13 Joy Chalmers
Choctaw Chocolate Labrador 05/17/95-05/29/05 Julie Perrill
Choctaw Selkirk Rex Cat 03/07/97 Tricia
Choda Hedgehog 03/31/68-05/05/00 Jean-Christophe & Alba Stephens
Choda Mini Schnauzer 01/25/95-12/21/07 Lynn and Mark Messens
Choddie Cat 05/12/94-01/21/99 Andy Matthews
Choi Lee Tabby Ginger Cat 14 years 09/04/05 Sheila Anello
Choi Yat Tabby Cat 2008-08/06/13 Shona
Choices Calico Cat 09/21/02-10/13/10 Christina Marie Roth
Choie Black and White Shorthair Cat 19 1/2 years 05/28/01 Kira and Kim Lerner
Choji Norwegian Forest Cat 5 1/2 years 12/02/10 Venus & Corrinne Sanders
Choki Mix Dog 3 years 01/05/04 Poppy
Choko Golden Retriever Mix 13 years 05/01/12 Anna & Steve
Chola Lab Akita Mix 10/92-08/25/05 Kathy Faryniarz
Chole Aussie Mix 05/15/98-01/21/00 Erin and Rick Hilgert
Chole Domestic SH or LH Cat 12 years 01/2013 Carrie Spafford Ellsworth
Chole Golden Retriever 12 years 12/10/07 Julie
Chole Painter Cat 20 years 07/09/18 Roma Painter
Chole Rat Terrier 09/22/20 Sandra
Chole Yorkie 04/06/15-05/21/21 Lucy
Cholee Cat 01/15/95-11/29/01 Angela Thomason
Cholee Tan and White Cat 01/15/9-11/29/01 Angela Thomason, Brad Skelton
Cholla Chihuahua 02.14.2004-11.17.2020 Darlene Korte
Cholly Cat 03/31/08-11/05/09 Teresa Chen
Cholmondely (Pronounced Chumley) Following Bear Cat 04/15/00 Genna Westwood
Cholo Shih Tzu 08/17/13 Janet Quiogue and Tophy Andrada
Cholo Shih Tzu 08/17/13 Tophy Andrada
Chomel American Short Hair Cat 05/08/99-12/13/00 Jackie Wong/Towers Perrin
Chomp Blue Heeler X 01/10/83-01/08/97 Zanna
Chomper American Bulldog 09/24/00-01/24/02 Kim Anderson
Chomper Beagle/Cocker Spaniel Mix 11/21/03-12/12/12 Beth McPeak
Chomper Border Collie/Malamute 7 years 04/06/07 Brenda Hayes
Chomper Boxer 11 years 10/16/09 Stella Vaden
Chomper Brittany Spaniel 10/01/93-08/28/09 Ben Richardson
Chomper Calico Cat 1996-10/29/05 Becky
Chomper Chow, Kieta, Boxer Mix 10 years 01/09/09 Kannsas Michaels
Chomper Cocker Spaniel 01/11/99-08/28/02 Desiree
Chomper Contreras Chihuahua 12/31/99-03/06/12 Myrna Contreras, Enna Cecilio and Franco Noblejas
Chomper DSH Cat 03/08/04 Richard and Roberta Biernacki
Chomper Ferret 7 years 10/03/99 Henry Miller
Chomper Fila Brasilero 06/07/13 Meredith Rodgers
Chomper Hamster 07/13/02 Allegra
Chomper Mixed Dog 07/16/11 Jo Ann, Emily, Thomas, Dean Peters
Chompers & 3 Kittens 05/16/00 Shelia Stepalovitch
Chompers Cat 13 years 11/03/13 Paula Huntoon
Chompers Cat 5 years 09/05/12 Audrey Sandore
Chompers Golden Retriever 12 years 12/06/98 Susan/Bill Manning
Chompers Lab / German Shepherd 10 years 06/03/13 Deanna Bell
Chompers Shepherd/Retriever 12/03/93-07/21/07 Betty and Pat
Chomps Dog 11/89-04/21/01 Marla Brooks
Chomski Bedlington Lurcher 03/31/89-03/02/02 Keith Allan
Chong aka Chongie aka Chongicle Siamese Cat 09/04/92-07/20/11 Nancy Beller
Chong Beige Hooded Rattie 1 year 8 months 09/22/01 Sue C
Chong German Shepherd 07/09/14 Gail
Chong German Shepherd 07/15/02-03/04/17 Andi
Chong German Shepherd 08/21/85-07/12/98 Darryl
Chong Kitten 12/05/07 Cheryl
Chong Lynx Point Siamese Cat 3 years 12/16/06 Dennis
Chong Siamese Cat 04/01/86-05/06/04 Rebecca Vieux
Chonsie Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 10/27/05 Ashley
Chonsie Supree Miniature Schnauzer 13 years 10/27/05 Ashley Ham
Chonyi Tibetan Spaniel 12/06/04-17 April 2019 JennyJewel
Choo Chi Siamese Cat 13 years 08/95 Andrea Young
Choo Choo (Chooch) Cat around 1992-08/17/01 C.J. Wilson and Janet Wilson
Choo Choo Canary 1952-1953 The DiCarlos
Choo Choo Cat 10 years 12/06/01 Sylonis
Choo Choo Charlie Orange Tabby Cat 10/26/19 Tiffany Johnson
Choo Choo Cockatiel 11/15/93-07/26/98 Melissa A
Choo Choo Maggio Dobe Cross 04/20/95-06/08/06 Dot
Choo Choo Pekinese 06/25/21 Jill
Choo Choo Persian Cat 09/01/01-08/16/09 Christine M
Choo Choo Pomeranian 11 years 08/05/11 Nikol Kelly
Choo Choo Pomeranian 13 years 08/05/11 Robert and Sandra Bock
Choo Choo Shih Tsu 11/89-08/10/06 Bert Christensen
Choo Choo Tuxedo Cat 2000-09/30/16 Pat Sanders
Choo Choo Yorkie 7 years 07/18/04 Tim & Christine Murphy
Chooch Bichon Frise 11/29/21 Frank Catrambone
Chooch Boxer 08/13/97-06/16/06 Chris & Patty Orthman
Chooch Cat 07/01/94-09/22/08 Molly and Jim
Chooch Cat 11/07/78-03/09/99 Theresa
Chooch Domestic Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 03/27/06-07/18/06 Kim Collins (Mommy)
Chooch Domestic Tuxedo Cat 03/27/94-07/18/06 Kim
Chooch Pomeranian 03/11/10-08/14/18 Martin Liddell
Chooch Terrier/Poodle Mix 04/04/89-03/24/03 Julie & Sarah
Chooch Yorkshire Terrier 10/17/91-03/24/04 Roger and Irene
Choochers Domestic Black and White Cat 05/25/03-02/14/20 Lisa Merschen
Choochie Cat C 1992-01/15/09 Mat Janosko
Choo-choo Charlie Lab/Chow Mix 14 years 07/07/10 Janine
Choochoo (choochi) Domestic Longhair Cat 03/15/10-04/22/23 Angela Reynolds
Choochoo Cockatiel Cat 9 years 1973 Juli
Choochoo Dog 06/18/98 Patti and Tom Jones
Choo-Choo Marble Tabby Mixed Cat 02/81-12/20/99 Ramona and Tim Landers
Choochoo Shituz 14 years 09/09/95 Elizabeth
Choodle Dog 11 years 07/30/15 Elaine Nieves
Choodles Dog 04/11/92-03/19/00 Marianne Salvatori
Chook Chook Isa Brown Chicken 09/05/15 Becky Lee
Chooky & Pooky Cats Trina
Choopy Abyssinian Guinea Pig 01/01/02-08/10/09 Janine Johnson
Chop DSH Tuxedo/White With Black Markings Cat 19 years 09/17/16 Brenda and Charlie
Chop Suey Long Hair Cat 03/27/95-11/30/10 Liz Pizzi
Chopin Bichon Frise 10 years 09/21/06 Patricia Leone
Chopin Dog 1994-02/11/07 Monica
Chopin Dvorak Borek Domestic Longhair Kitten 10/17/10-10/20/10 Ryan Borek
Chopin Fulton Himalayan Flame Point Cat 4 years Oct or Nov Amy Ann Fulton
Chopin Golden Retriever 01/13/98-04/07/12 Adrienne
Chopin Orange Tabby Cat 07/04/96-06/04/99 Norm Oates
Chopin Seal Point Himalayan Cat 02/17/95-09/10/04 Christian J. Williams
Chopin Sheltie 07/04/83-04/01/97 Sheila R. Wilson
Choppa Boddie Pit Mixed 3 years 10/30/12 Ebonne Boddie
Choppa Dog 7 years 07/01/99 Pam
Choppa Mini Schnauzer Pam
Choppe Mixed breed Dog 1993 Nicole Navarro
Chopper (Magoo) Rottie/Golden 12/26/92-06/27/09 Jon
Chopper American Bulldog 02/17/08-02/18/08 Marisa & Joe Drake
Chopper Ann Clark Cocker Mix 03/22/95-08/14/07 Dee Dee Clark
Chopper Ann Clark Cocker Spaniel Golden Retriever Mix 03/25/95-08/14/07 Dee Dee
Chopper Applehead Chihuahua 04/13/14 Emily Lincoln
Chopper Bassethound 13 years 07/25/05 Amy Langdale
Chopper Bates Maine Coon Cat 09/25/86-05/16/06 Diane
Chopper Beagle Mix 02/14/88-03/27/05 Diane
Chopper Beagle Mix 09/16/09-08/26/21 Courtney
Chopper Black and Tan Cross 17 years 23/08/06 Janet & Suzanne
Chopper Black Cat 09/01/92-04/18/02 June Laporta
Chopper Black Cat 1984-1994 Maureen
Chopper Black DSH Cat 10 years 04/16/02 June Laporta
Chopper Black Lab 01/15/97-03/15/11 Katie
Chopper Black Lab 02/08/97-04/12/09 Shari Odut
Chopper Black Lab 12/06/03-11/21/13 Mike, Sherri and Cortney
Chopper Blue Nose Pit Bull 10/01/13-09/07/18 Kristina and Spencer and All Your Siblings
Chopper Boxer 03/12/05-05/15/06 Diana
Chopper Boxer 05/25/03-10/12/08 Stephanie and Dale Marinus
Chopper Boxer/Pit Bull 12/01/91-11/30/02 Chuck Dunne
Chopper Bullmastiff 12/03/14-08/19/14 Linda Rossolille
Chopper Burkhalter Min Pin 05/30/96-10/10/11 Kelly Burkhalter
Chopper Cat 16 years 12/27/10 Kim B
Chopper Chinese Toddle Dog 04/14/04-07/03/10 Bonnie
Chopper Chocolate Lab Mix 02/11/03-10/29/03 Jen, Dave and Tristan
Chopper Chow Mix 10/15/09 Martha, Vick, Cin, Helen......and All The Babies
Chopper Collie May-April C.A. Martini
Chopper Dog 08/85-02/18/00 Vicki and Larry
Chopper Dog 1 1/2 years 09/03/02 Dan
Chopper Dog 11 years 02/26/13 Carole Holomuzki
Chopper Dog 11 years 10/05/95 Tim and Peggy Kile
Chopper Domestic Short Hair - White & Brown Tabby Cat 06/01/07-09/12/09 Josh, Mila, Kenayda, Mari & Linda
Chopper Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/01/91-11/18/03 Gregg and Melissa Brick
Chopper Domestic Shorthair Cat 2 years 03/28/05 Keith and Patricia Boe
Chopper DSH Cat 02/14/04-02/25/15 Tonya & Michael
Chopper English Bulldog 8 years 12/29/07 Linda McCall
Chopper English Springer Spaniel 1/83-12/84 Kerry Peasland
Chopper Fox Terrier Mix 05/01/96-10/05/12 Poulyana and Waseem Srouji & Vanya, Galieh and Ashoor Pazand
Chopper Gardner American Bulldog 03/13/94-02/28/14 Brian and Jamilyn Gardner
Chopper German Shepherd 04/07/03-01/13/09 Brownlee, Chris and Jackson Honeycutt
Chopper German Shepherd Mix 12 years 11/02/06 Tim Wilson
Chopper German Shepherd/Doberman 08/23/96-10/25/09 Lisa Bannister
Chopper Golden Retriever Mix 9 years 02/09/08 Doug
Chopper Husky/Wolf 16 years 11/27/04 Susan Algiere
Chopper Husky/Wolf Mix 16 years 11/29/04 Susan Algiere
Chopper Kenny American Bull 04/19/22 Harry and Michelle Kenney
Chopper Lab 14 years 04/30/15 Robin and David Sloan
Chopper Lab X Doberman 13 years 06/07/04 Moore
Chopper Lab/Pit Mix 02/20/97-02/15/08 Ann
Chopper Lewis Cat 08/31/92-03/25/06 Marianne Lewis
Chopper Mixed Cat 10 years 06/30/04 Diana Thompson
Chopper Mixed Dog 06/10/97-12/10/08 Tom Haupt
Chopper Mixed Dog 11 years 11/18/06 Cameron, Donna, Lauren
Chopper Mixed Dog 11/20/12-03/13/17 Jennifer
Chopper Nixon Pekinese 02/28/90-12/02/04 The Nixon Family
Chopper Pug 08/08/99-07/07/01 Nida Dieckmann and Rich Jochim
Chopper Rattie 1 1/2 years 01/14/08 Charlotte Pearce
Chopper Ridgeback 06/09/95-06/10/09 Deanna & Brian Murzycki
Chopper Rottweiler 04/15/04 Justin
Chopper Sheltie Mix 3 1/2 years 12/16/01 Rabecca Dumont
Chopper Siems Lab 06/02/04-10/14/09 Suzanne Siems
Chopper Springer Spaniel 11/21/94-01/24/06 Kristen Trainor
Chopper Staffordshire Pit 12/24/14-07/19/18 Tiffney Huskins
Chopper Strange Chihuahua 07/07/91-12/03/05 Jacqueline Strange
Chopper Tabby Cat 03/05/92-01/25/09 John
Chopper Whitton Rott Lab Mix 03/17/03-04/08/11 Kim Whitton
Chopper Yellow Lab (mostly white) 11/13/89-11/28/01 Liz, Greg, Kelsey, Kayla and K.C. Jewett
Chopper Yellow Labrador Retriever 08/10/98-03/04/12 Gabriela Vidou
Chopper Yorkie 10/25/04-10/13/18 Melinda Tessicini
Chopper Yorkie 2 years 09/02/09 Kris
Choppette Rottweiler 1996 Laurie
Choppo Dog 12 years 01/91 The Perlmutter Family
Choppy Karelian Bear 13 years 03/10/09 Bill, Despi, Kathy, Minas, Penny, Ari & Chloe
Chops Corcione Owsenek English Bull 10 years 06/23/11 Owsenek
Chops Poodle Mix 09/01/88-03/15/04 Mary McQuistion
Chops Zayee Smith Pug 8 years 09/17/10 Brittani Smith
Chopstix Shih Tzu 07/04/83-12/20/00 Donna & Mike
Choqui Labrador 02/10/00-09/14/11 Guiomar Vicario
Chori Dachshund 12 years 2011 Kar
Chornushka Cat 10/10/97 Chey and family
Chorny Chorts (aka Mr C) Thoroughbred Horse 05/02/74-04/01/02 Michael Marcoux
Chota Chow/Redbone 14 years 06/27/05 Janet Billups
Chota Miner Boxer 1994-07/05/05 Randy Miner
Chotu Pom 06/28/01-07/07/16 Sai Surya Mukund
Chou Lee 03/20/90-05/12/98 Kathy Concialdi
ChouChou Irish Setter 1987 Carole
Chouchou Pekingnese 03/10/93-02/28/03 Dr. Joe, B.J. and Frisco
Chou-Chou Poodle 11/18/89-07/25/06 Dan & Val Wallace
Chou-Chou Poodle 11/18/89-07/25/06 Don & Deb Friedrichsen
Chow and Great Dane X Linda
Chow Bella Chow Chow 05/05/92-02/15/02 David Groch-Tochman
Chow Cat 04/24/80-08/23/97 Kelly and Matt Rasdel
Chow Cat 12 years 12/11/09 Pat S
Chow Chow Cat 06/20/79-12/03/00 Sonia Drake
Chow Chow Chow 15 years 04/12/08 Sarah H
Chow Chow Mix 15 years 07/13/00 James, Lisa, Kime, Cheyenne and Savannah Wallace
Chow Chow Siamese Mix Cat 17 years 12/07/05 Pat St.O
Chow Chow Zebra Finch 06/10/02 Michelle Cass
Chow Dog 15 years 06/15/06 Starr Graham
Chow Mein Chau Maltipoo 01/2007-12/09/10 Angela and Amanda Chau
Chowchinka Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chowchow Cat 7 Years Belle
Chow-Chow Dog Mr. & Mrs. John Hovanessian.
Chow-Chow Grebeldinger Chow-Chow 14 years 02/12/08 Debbie and Stevan Grebeldinger
Chowder American Shorthair Cat 12/21/01-03/07/11 Misha Excell-Rehm
Chowder Black DSH Cat 12/19/97 Judy Lovas
Chowder Carmichael Himalayan Cat 02/02/92-12/22/11 Courtney
Chowder Chow Chow 04/01/87-05/25/05 Shawn
Chowder Dog 04/07/12-04/11/13 Mae Raguirag
Chowder DSH Cat 6 years 12/19/97 Judy Lovas
Chowder German Shepherd Mix 10/20/96-10/21/10 Janie Scarberry
Chowder Norton Lab Mix 07/04/92-07/19/07 Gene and Mary Norton
Chowderhead Cat 12/19/10 Sandy & Mike
Chowee Mixed Breed - Chow and ? 01/01/91-01/09/07 Janet Jurusz and Bob Marrazo
Chowey Miniature Pinscher 06/22/16-03/22/17 Chris
Chowie Shih-Tzu 02/15/98-08/16/09 Carina Apetrior
Chow-Lee Boxer 14 years 09/17/00 Mary-Anne
Chowmoy Shit Tzu / Terrier 12/10/09-12/21/11 Christine Anne Baronia
Chowzer Spaniel X 1983 Pam Parker
Choxie Guinea Pig 08/13/10-02/21/14 Pat and Jon Grosse
Choxie Hamster 06/02/06-04/07/08 Pat Grosse
Choy American Eskimo Dog 07/31/05 Samantha Lukachik
Choy Pug 16 years 03/01/02 Gillian
Choy Shih Tzu 04/15/89-08/18/98 Lorie Lineback
Choya Chow Chow 14 1/2 years 08/25/08 Rita Schoenfeld
Chozen Rottweiler 05/03/93-03/19/07 Yulonda Thigpen
Chris (Christopher) Great Dane 03/01/93-12/23/98 Jens Riemann
Chris Beagle 10/01/81-Mar 1993 Jens Riemann
Chris Border Collie 17 years Cynthia Przytula
Chris Cat 9 years 11/04/11 Katerina
Chris Cocker Spaniel 10/12/84-07/22/00 Laura J. Mashinter
Chris 'CrippyLee' Golden Retriever 11/19/97-08/06/10 Michelle Holtsinger
Chris Giddins Domestic Longhair Cat 09/21/93-04/05/10 Lauren Giddins
Chris' Misty Shadow Weimaraner 09/17/88-09/12/99 Chris & Alexis Grove
Chris Mixed Dog 12 years 04/02/93 Richard O. Wesley
Chris Moggie Cat 03/11/12 Lucie Dunkeld
Chris Peel Black & White Cat 09/01/06 Anita Peel
Chris Samoyed 7 years 1980 Karen Stone
Chris Sheltie 11/06/01-08/05/12 John, Denise, Austin, Kristin & Chanel Tullis
Chris Shore Cat 17 years 10/95 Raehab
Chris Yorkshire Terrier 11/04/90-01/2007 Jo Ann
Chrisie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 27/10/91-17/03/02 Maureen Lamb
Chrismis Schnauzer 11 years 04/29/07 Marlene & Allan Fleming
Chrissey Cross Pig 09/01/07-03/05/08 Lauren
Chrissi Payne Sullins Yorkshire Terrier 3 years 11/08/13 Katharine Payne
Chrissie (aka Mama Dog) Mixed Breed Dog 13 years 02/07/97 Peggy Meador
Chrissie Bung Sheltie 16 years 10/06/95 Patty Bybee
Chrissie Cat 04/01/88-10/23/07 Lori
Chrissie Golden Retriever/Lab Mix 20 years 12/16/10 Karin & Chuck Collins
Chrissie Keeshond 13 years 04/09/00 Cheryl
Chrissie Orange & White DSH Cat 06/24/89-09/26/02 Barbara Hanks & Joyce Kohler
Chrissie Pusster Bates Long Haired White Cat 1985-07/22/96 Renate
Chrissie Tabby Cat 7 years 08/06/99 Carol
Chrissie Tan-Part Abyssinian Cat 14 1/2 years 04/03/02 Lisa Evans
Chrissie Yorkshire Terrier 08/21/91-04/10/03 Nicole C. & Family
Chrissy (Crystal Tiffany) Westie 03/86-01/13/98 Pat Larkin
Chrissy (Poo-Poo) English Cocker Spaniel 05/28/89-10/21/04 Jennifer Throp
Chrissy 13 years 08/15/99 The Brown Family
Chrissy Airedale Terrier 08/11/97-06/30/09 Fran
Chrissy Am Staff 11/15/11 Ninny
Chrissy American Eskimo/Terrier 10/16/13 Shane Erskine
Chrissy American Shorthair Cat 12 years 03/28/05 Jessica Heart
Chrissy Audra Tozzi
Chrissy Basset 05/10/90-12/02/04 Rick & Cathy Clack
Chrissy Basset Hound 10/28/92-05/25/01 Melanie Boutwell
Chrissy Beagle 12/25/90-04/14/06 Howard Kupferman
Chrissy Bell Red Longhair Tabby Cat 11/26/89-01/15/00 Erika Castillo
Chrissy Bichon Frise 13 years 08/08/02 Juliano/Merizzi Family
Chrissy Bichon Frise 14 years 03/27/04 Katherine Fraser
Chrissy Black & White Cat Yona
Chrissy Cairn Terrier 02/01/91-12/02/05 Lois S. Voyles
Chrissy Castlemyst Christmas Gift Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 12/04/00-06/25/10 Dave
Chrissy Cat 12/25/00-11/28/17 Helen
Chrissy Cat 17 years 10/10/98 Barbara B
Chrissy Cat 17 years 11/25/20 Cory Moshman
Chrissy Cat 21 years, 8 months, 18 Days 09/19/05 Patricia Thompson
Chrissy Cat 30/10/08-25/02/10 Natalie
Chrissy Cockatiel Cindy W.
Chrissy Cockatiel Cinnamon White Face 09/12/99-03/05/07 Paul
Chrissy Cocker Spaniel 11/86-12/21/97 BCC Hayes
Chrissy Cocker Spaniel 7 years 12/28/03 Susie
Chrissy CockerSpaniel 13 years 1956 Beatrice Sheftel
Chrissy Dachshund 08/27/93-03/02/06 Punkin, Alicia, Stacie, Derek
Chrissy Dalmatian 05/13/95-07/04/05 Katrina & Harry Saults
Chrissy Denton Citeron Crested Cockatoo 1993-1998 Cynthia Denton
Chrissy Doberman 12/25/99-07/03/08 Phyllis Dengel
Chrissy Dog 02/14/06-02/06/24 Macall Beaulieu
Chrissy Domestic Cat 09/03/03-12/18/06 Sharon Howell
Chrissy Domestic Long Hair Cat 10/94-07/23/04 Leah
Chrissy Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/17/02-12/08/12 Diane and Bob
Chrissy DSH Cat 10 years 12/08/12 Diane Harrison
Chrissy Flemish Giant Rabbit 12/12/94-07/06/01 Rosina Lee
Chrissy French Bulldog 09/09/00-03/13/07 Susan Rhodes
Chrissy Golden Retriever 04/19/94-03/25/08 Jeanie Meloni
Chrissy Gray - Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/25/81-10/15/97 Renee
Chrissy Lab 11 years 06/12/06 Kathie & Art Sullivan
Chrissy Labrador 12/10/90-05/03/03 Suzanna
Chrissy M. Virgo aka Sweet Girl Tabby Cat 12/25/89-06/01/07 Paula J. Virgo
Chrissy Maltese 04/23/02-04/04/17 Sam Nickell and Linda Nickell
Chrissy Maltese 10/92-03/02/05 Gloria Corral-Reed
Chrissy Marie Cat 05/10/89-04/29/06 Laurie Hyden
Chrissy Mixed Breed Dog 1978 05/21/91 Gina Earlywine
Chrissy Mixed Dog 04/03/14 Mary Rose O'Brien
Chrissy Orange Tabby Cat 4 years 12/22/04 Suzanne Dunham
Chrissy Pug 08/20/86-02/24/00 Roxanne M. Pino
Chrissy Pug Pug 08/20/86-02/24/00 Roxanne Pino
Chrissy puppy Brook North
Chrissy Rat Terrier 17 years 11/09/20 Donna & Gordon Baker
Chrissy Rottweiler 10/16/90-06/10/01 Sandy and Gary Jefferson
Chrissy Sheltie / Border Collie 05/12/01-07/16/13 Cindy
Chrissy Sheltie 13 years 04/30/10 Lynn
Chrissy Sheltie 5 years 04/25/93 Joyce Glorioso
Chrissy Thayer/snow Shitz Tzu 08/10/94-09/23/03 Tom Thayer/poppie
Chrissy Too Siamese Cat 03/84-02/24/01 Bj 'Bobby-Jo' Ferrell
Chrissy Tortoiseshell Persian Cat 12/04/85-12/28/03 Lisa Hoke
Chrissy Toy/Miniature Poodle 08/26/81-02/26/99 Rick, Karen, Kayla and Ryan
Chrissy Yorkie 01/20/10-04/17/10 Mom and Dad
Chrissy's Scarlett O'Hara Siberian Husky 01/22/06-07/27/15 Brenda S. Mitchell
Chrissy's Zena Ocicat Kitten 09/08/00 Gwen D'arcy
Christa German Shepherd 03/03/86-04/25/96 S Greenglas
Christal Marry Mardis Poodle 17 years 9/19/200 Christine Mardis
Christal Tambone Chartreaux Cat 10/20/82-08/31/01 Mary Tambone
Christi Tabby Cat 17 years 12/05/12 Meghan
Christian (Chrissy) Cat 1994-11/12/09 Sheila Myers
Christian (LittleFoot) Herndon Guinea Pig 2 years 06/04/02 Gayle
Christian Cat 03/03/03-03/25/06 Carolann
Christian Chan Bolsins, Chopstix Pekinese 10/17/03-09/30/07 Sarah Bolsins
Christian Dior Lhasa Apso 08/25/96-09/19/11 Sandra Coburn
Christian Gray Squirrel 6 years 02/09/14 Evie Saleegents
Christian Japanese Bobtail Cat 09/01/99-10/01/04 Nicholas Lindell
Christian Pit Bull 13 years 11/21/03 Jessica Clark
Christian Shih Tzu 08/10/98-01/15/09 Debra Gritman
Christian Spirit Maltese 10/08/95-06/01/10 Noel
Christian Toy Poodle 12/21/95-04/05/06 Chuck and Jan Christian
Christie Brittany 05/19/04 Geoffrey Wale
Christie Golden Retriever 05/02/09-08/18/21 Martha Vogt
Christie Mathewson Saxton Jack Russell Terrier 03/26/06-12/03/09 Christine Saxton
Christie Miss- T Purrfect Himalayan Cat 02/28/93-07/08/09 Ginger Gerhart
Christie Mixed Dog 1988-10/11/99 Vic
Christie Poodle 1981 Barbara Pavel
Christie Shetland Sheepdog 10/20/89-09/15/02 Jay and Suzy Mellott
Christie Short Hair Calico Cat 02/14/94-05/13/03 Shirley Covington
Christie Siamese Tabby Cat 15 years 09/05/19 Mary
Christie Tabby Cat 08/14/87-10/11/97 Michael and Samantha
Christie Yorkie 07/14/99-10/09/11 Izumi Yoshikawa
Christina Annabella (Chrissy) Seal Point Himalayan Cat 09/13/86-05/14/98 Villanueva
Christina Border Collie 08/20/92-05/30/04 Josh Kasoff
Christina Border Collie Mix 10/01/94-10/11/07 Lisa Himes
Christina Cat 02/03/85-11/01/04 Ted Conlon
Christina Cocker Spaniel/Eng. Setter 12/04/81-03/04/99 Austin & Suzanne Case
Christina de Neer Basset Hound 9 years 04/1979 Elaine Heim
Christina DMH Cat 04/15/00-11/07/10 Sheryl Remick
Christina Felicia Cat 16 1/2 years 06/14/91 to 11/30/06 Heidi
Christina Gubbels Shepherd Mix 07/11/97-12/16/11 Linda Fabyunkey
Christina Regina McCatt (Christi) Calico Tabby Cat 16 1/2 years 11/25/08 Lu Baird
Christina 'Tina' Dallas Pitbull, Shepherd Mix Brown And White Dog 06/21/99-02/26/10 Mike Dallas
Christina-Commotion Tiger-Persian-Bobcat Mix Cat 09/05-11/21/07 Bethanee (Skout) Cross
Christine Allen Belgian Tavern Dog 15 years 12/31/04 Christine
Christine Cagney Forst German Shepherd 05/27/92-02/28/03 Dan & Shari
Christine Columbian Red-tailed Boa Tyra Slater
Christine Rabbit 13 years 9 months 07/20/09 Sandie Weaver
Christine Short Hair Cat 15 years 09/22/01 Danita Henderson
Christine Tabby Cat 01/25/86-05/13/02 Joyce
Christine White German Shepherd 12/20/92-09/29/08 Michael Anderson
Christine White German Shepherd 12/26/92-09/25/08 Michael Anderson
Christine White German Shepherd 12/26/92-09/29/08 Michael Anderson
Christmas (Chrisy) Mini Dachshund 17 years 05/06/06 Gary
Christmas Abysinian Guinea Pig 12/25/85-03/03/89 Kelly
Christmas Blue Tick Mix 16 years 04/09/21 Bill and Carolyn Kutz
Christmas Boy Himalayan Cat 12 months 06/07/10 Heidi Root-Kulik
Christmas Cat (Chrissie) Siamese Mix Cat 15 years 04/13/07 Kathie Allen
Christmas Cat 11/30/99 Jay
Christmas Chrissy Blue Tick Mix 04/09/21 Bill and Carolyn Kutz
Christmas Dog 13 years 03/17/06 Alicia
Christmas Domestic LH Cat 4 years 2001 Tammy Lister
Christmas Guinea Pig 12/2006 Jennifer Harrington
Christmas Holly Day-Lewis Shih Tzu (Honey/Fawn) 09/08/90-01/08/05 Lisa
Christmas Kitty Dilute Calico DSH Cat 05/25/01 Sandra Crea
Christmas Lab/Shepherd Mix 12/25/87-07/30/99 Amy Allen
Christmas Longhair Tricolor Cat 16 years 02/26/05 Angie
Christmas Noelle Hillery Siberian Husky 12/25/89-03/08/05 Brenda S. Mitchell
Christmas nugget Pom 10/04/95-10/11/96 Kilgarin
Christmas Pure white Cat w/pale blue eyes 06/86-10/19/03 Nina
Christmas Sheltie 12/24/98-08/09/01 Traci-Sheltie Rescue Of La
Christmas Sheltie 17 years 11/68 Judy Rademaker
Christmas Snow White Husky 06/23/14 Joyce Minar
Christmas Star of Midnight Maine Coon Cat 07/03/99-10/23/03 Kimberlee Zimmerman
Christmas Tabby Cat 12/22/00-10/16/04 Gail King
Christmas Violet George (Chrissy) Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) 10/07/95-06/18/05 Mary George
Christo Mixed Dog 15 years 05/17/05 Shelley & John Cohen
Christo Terrier Mix 1 1/2 years Melanie Martin & Larry Switzer
Christobel Persian Cat 01/01/96-06/29/09 Sandy
Christofur Black American Shorthair Cat 04/01/85-12/29/99 Samantha Winslow
Christoph Mini Rex Bunny 12/18/00-07/05/08 John, Marilyn, Rachel and Heidi
Christophe Whippet 04/02/90-12/27/99 Ron, Bebe, Emily, Whitney, Will
Christopher (Chris, Chrissyfur) Maine Coon Cat, black/grey/brown/cream/white paws 07/91-09/06/07 Carol Rohr
Christopher (Marcus Christopher Montgomery II) Siamese Cross Cat 08/20/84-04/22/06 Barbara Simpson & John Thomas
Christopher Aspen Rockies Whitmore de Martinez Collie 11/24/97-09/13/08 Nancy Jo Whitmore
Christopher Australian Terrier 11/07/94-01/14/04 Ana Marcela Zamudio De Edger
Christopher Bichon 04/02/80-03/02/96 Jane Beadles
Christopher Cat 02/08/99 Don
Christopher Cat 04/88-11/30/01 Susan Katzakian
Christopher Cat 08/06/86-11/05/02 Jeff
Christopher Cat 1995-06/30/11 Glenn Reuben / John LeCoz
Christopher Cat Fall, 1968-04/20/84 Linda Medura
Christopher Chihuahua/Corgi 12/07/94-06/11/11 Paul Kisling
Christopher Cocker Spaniel 02/28/81-10/28/97 Steve Lindsay
Christopher Cocker Spaniel 06/10/85-04/04/03 Linda
Christopher Dog 12/25/62-09/79 Janice Hicks
Christopher Domestic Short Hair Orange Tabby Cat 07/05/09-10/08/20 Victoria Villarreal
Christopher DSH Cat 07/31/06 Julie Lewis
Christopher DSH Cat 14 years 12/31/98 Heidi
Christopher DSH Fawn/White Tabby Cat 08/81-05/23/01 Laurie
Christopher Dwarf Bunny 5 months 14 days 08/27/09 Taylor N. Thompson
Christopher Fancy Mouse 11/00-07/12/02 Glenda
Christopher Goldfish 18 years 07/16/98 Wen
Christopher Great Dane 11/27/88-12/08/91 Doug McQuain
Christopher Grey/White Shorthair Cat 06/01/89-01/99 Carol Hutton
Christopher Hamster 12/06/16-30/09/18 Ella
Christopher Himalayan-Flame Point Cat 05/08/88-10/11/02 Penny
Christopher Kalola Kai Lilac Point Siamese Cat 10/11/96-02/26/03 Cari and Mike Foster
Christopher Maltese 10/12/92-05/04/10 Irma
Christopher McKee Shih Tzu 10/15/94-03/20/07 Georgeann
Christopher Miniature Poodle 06/23/96-04/16/04 Christina Nguyen
Christopher Nicolas Ziemba Tabby Cat 08/15/91-05/16/07 Mary Margaret Ziemba
Christopher Orange Tabby Cat 5 years 04/27/05 Anne Zimmerman & Bob Morgan
Christopher Persian Cat 07/22/99-05/25/13 Becky Deck
Christopher Rat 10/01/00-08/15/02 Mary Karr
Christopher Robbin Black and White Medium Hair Cat 10/02/97-08/05/11 Thomas Stephens
Christopher Robin Canary 1994-04/13/00 Janet Hill
Christopher Robin Chihuahua 02/17/08-12/27/10 Mark Bossen
Christopher Robin Connell Mini Log Bunny 11 years 10/19/04 Robert & Maria
Christopher Robin Domestic Shorthair Cat 1999-01/09/16 Danielle
Christopher Robin Siamese Cat 03/12/03-01/18/06 Melissa King
Christopher Shetland Sheep Dog 09/14/08-04/23/08 Susan Jordan
Christopher Shih Tzu 10/15/94-03/20/07 Georgeann
Christopher Snow Chihuahua 12/05/00-12/27/03 Nora O. Castorena
Christopher Swanson (Little Kee-Kee) Toy Poodle 12/24/85-05/20/04 Bonnie, Danny, Missy, Terr, and Patrick
Christophers Sunnydelight Yorkshire Terrier 03/05/02-08/09/07 Christopher Thomas Wise
Christy & Lady Dog 09/26/03 Sherri Elder
Christy aka Weezie Border Collie 16 years 07/26/07 Joy Wind
Christy Ann Cream Tabby Cat 06/94-02/16/01 Kim Laird
Christy Banks American Cocker Spaniel 05/07/93-03/24/11 Stephanie, Tony and Rachel Banks
Christy Belle Porter Jack Russell Terrier Cat 9 years 07/10/11 Marianne Porte
Christy Bichon 12/16/97-03/08/08 Ron Garrison
Christy Bird 09/27/03 Gail
Christy Blue Alaskan Malamute 02/05/86-06/01/97 Marylou and Steve Moffett
Christy Calico Cat 04/07/02-05/01/14 Joann M. Pochinski
Christy Calico Cat 07/96-06/28/10 Irma & Reginald Kellman
Christy Cat 07/04/98 Cathy O.
Christy Cat 10/16/89-04/11/07 Sabrina
Christy Cat 11/98 Cathy
Christy Cat 15 years 01/19/09 Debora Valdes-Miranda
Christy Chow 18 years 03/20/10 Jon and Amanda Vancil
Christy Cocker Spaniel 10/05/94-01/06/07 Brandon
Christy Cocker Spaniel 11/07/98-02/13/12 Sarah, Yvonne, Rachel, Jason, Michael and Mike
Christy Cocker Spaniel Mix 12/24/78-12/23/95 Leslie Juron
Christy Dog 02/22/84-09/01/00 Donna
Christy Dog 06/13/00-09/22/09 Liz
Christy Dog 13 years 10/15/09 Nancy
Christy DSH Cat 01/17/09 Lori
Christy Feimster Chow Golden Retriever 12/15/98-03/08/10 Jim & Georgianne Feimster
Christy Grey Tabby Cat 10/18/96-04/01/00 Denise Dodd
Christy Irish Setter 04/01/79-1987 Melody Dixon
Christy Labrador Retriever Mix 12/21/92-05/14/07 Sharon Elam
Christy Lara Labrador Mix 11/21/99-11/16/11 Maria Lara
Christy Lynn Collie Mix 10/89-11/29/05 Moma
Christy Malamute Mix 11 years 02/20/12 June
Christy Michelle Kneeland Cat 03/95-09/25/08 Walt Kneeland
Christy Persian Cat 12/01/86-02/28/00 Laurel Byers
Christy Robles Chihuahua 02/16/12 Jay Robles
Christy Samoyed 12/27/89-08/19/03 The Edell Family
Christy Siamese Cat 07/21/87-03/04/04 Rosalie Fagan
Christy Spaniel/Golden Retriever/and maybe some Collie 12/25/87-01/26/01 Mark Goldstein
Christy Tuxedo Cat 11/24/17 Linda Kehres
Christy West Highland Terrier 03/17/83-04/29/00 Jackie Christopher
Christy Westie 10/29/89-10/31/01 Christy West Louise
Christy White German Shepherd Dog 04/14/96-08/17/02 Patti
Christy Yellow Tabby 03/15/81-02/17/96 Donna, Wayne, and Cory Ezzell
Christy Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 01/07/09 Ann Gibson
Christys Chocolate Charm aka: Bear Chocolate Lab 06/01/95-07/03/06 Christy
Chrisy Marie Miniature Poodle 04/12/91-12/27/07 Laura
Chrome Papillion 09/2010 Margie and David Miller
Chromer Alaskan Malamute 05/83-05/05/97 Peggy S. Fowler
Chruch Cat 2011-12/06/16 Dawn
Chrys (Chrystal) Golden 15 years Jan. 80-04/13/95 Ann Bernick
Chrysalyn White Short-Hair, Eyes: One Blue, One Green Cat 10/01/90-03/23/00 Susan Gauvin
Chrysanthemum Dove Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster 04/2004-11/06/05 Jillian Angelica
Chrysie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11/19/88-02/25/99 Linda Berman
Chrystal Cocker Spaniel 17 years 10/1697 Natasha
Chrystal Domestic Short Hair Cat 20 years 10/2006 Susan Ward
Chrystal Siberian Husky 04/05/94-02/04/06 Nancy Gagné and Alain Chartrand
Chrystmas Double Yellow Head Amazon 04/08/00-05/14/03 Christine A. Ruscingno
Chu Cha Chow/German Shepherd Andrea & Andrew
Chu Chi Miniature Pincher 4 years 02/06/11 Janine Ruvalcaba
Chu Chu 03/19/02-02/17/06 Cindy
Chu Chu Dog 05/31/10 Joy Adeline Donasco - Chen
Chu Chu Gee Lhasa Apso 07/21/84-04/04/97 Michael J. Gervasi
Chu Chu Long Hair Cat 07/15/21 Kate
Chu Chu Shih Tzu 07/31/83-09/08/00 John and Sandra McInturf
Chu Chu Tabby Cat 10 years 03/10/13 Grace Knoof
Chu Wee Pekinese 3 years 06/21/05 Sudi Scott
Chub Golden Lab Mix 01/01/86-12/24/99 Britt and Doug Kennerly
Chub White/Black Dwarf Bunny 09/11/11-01/21/12 Dennie Dinh
Chuba Pitbull 07/19/11 Paul
Chubb Dane/Lab X 13 years 07/03/10 Linda Thorpe
Chubb Dwarf Siberian Hamster 6 mos 07/16/99 Pam Bowyer
Chubb One Great Dane/Boxer Mix Puppy 03/2006-05/2006 The Blanks
Chubba Cat Cat 10/01/85-11/13/01 Colleen Knight
Chubba Kitty Himalayan Cat 04/14/99-11/04/02 Judy Davidson
Chubba Lab Mix 13 years 12/14/06 Staci Kilgore
Chubba Lubba Calico Cat 5 years 12/22/95 Roz Moreno
Chubba Mastiff 11/06/90-06/25/99 Gina Madison
Chubber Schiela Mix Dog 05/24/11 Michele Angelo
Chubbers Choc Lab 11/2006 Loree Brown
Chubbers Guinea Pig 1999-11/2004 Rosalynd Doneghy
Chubbers Pink Eyed White Dumbo Rat 03/01/09-04/15/11 Nicola Connell
Chubbers Sable Ferret 8-9 years 09/25/06 Loren, Beth, and Korina Lantz
Chubbers Shumaker Mutt 19 years 08/17/01 Shelley
Chubbers Siamese Mix Cat 01/85-08/09/02 Kim
Chubbie English Bulldog 09/15/09-06/04/11 Lissie N Juan Rivera
Chubbie or Kitty Domestic Cat 07/29/08 Barb
Chubbie Yorkie 03/08/99-05/14/11 M K Synko
Chubbles Ann Shih Tzu 02/17/87-04/26/99 Cindy & Charley
Chubbles Mixed Dog 13 years 11/25/00 Michael Oler
Chubbles Mute 02/22/88-10/25/03 Jo
Chubbles Pomeranian 17 years 01/06/04 Pete and Michelle
Chubbles Tortoiseshell Cat 17 years 02/14/05 Kathy Brannock
Chubbles Yorkie 12 years 11/05/01 Hayley
Chubbs Bankus Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/01/92-08/15/10 Billie Bankus
Chubbs Black Lab Mix 03/99-08/06/09 The Millers
Chubbs Bulldog 1 year 10/01/07 Eric Wells
Chubbs Cat 09/10/09 Jen Flack
Chubbs Cocker/Springer Spaniel Mix 11/02/98-11/02/10 Jean and Ray Niemeyer
Chubbs Dog 09/01/95-06/13/09 Bridgette Kuhl
Chubbs Gartrell-Adams aka Digger, aka Piggy Princess Cockapoo, Scottie, Terrier Mix 09/01/87-05/31/06 Rachel and David Adams
Chubbs Guinea Pig 11/02/10 Megan Kline
Chubbs Guinea Pig 6 years 04/09/18 Nicole
Chubbs Mix Breed Dog 11/01/93-01/19/04 Tom & Jennifer Wales
Chubbs Mixed Breed Dog 11/23/93-04/26/10 Mandi
Chubbs Pug 13 years 05/29/09 Tomasino Family- Donna, Joe, Barbara & Joey (and Autumn, Our Pit Bull Who Misses Him Too)
Chubbs Rat 05/29/06 Renee
Chubbs Tabby Cat 16 years 05/24/21 Lilly B
Chubbs Villa Lab/Australian Shepherd 9 years 05/24/06 Charlotte Villa
Chubby Alaskan Malamute 04/23/85-10/10/01 Bambi Tuckey
Chubby and Calico Domestic Mixes Cats 03/03/89-03/22/03 Nikki Lucero and Tribe
Chubby Bernese Mountain Dog Mix 9 1/2 years 09/07/09 Nancy & Mark
Chubby Brown Tabby Cat 10 years 04/10/98 Michelle Wright
Chubby Brown Tabby Cat 9 years 12/26/08 Nataly, Anna, Isabella, Joseph, Lucy
Chubby Bunny 02/02/95-09/16/02 Nanci
Chubby Cat 03/94 Andrea Florkowski
Chubby Cat 13 years 04/21/07 Grace and William
Chubby Cat 14 years 07/29/09 Patty Swindell
Chubby Cat 3 years 03/29/05 Joni Hayes
Chubby Cat 6 years 02/09/02 Trish Moake
Chubby Cat 9 years 07/10/06 Taylor
Chubby Cat Tuxedo Cat 06/2004 Janet Glanville
Chubby Chihuahua/Basenji 11/28/08-05/06/10 Robert, Tracy & DJ Hull
Chubby Chu Chu Mixed Cat 05/20/01-02/24/06 Crystal Seelig
Chubby Chu Chu Seelig Mix Cat 05/21/01-02/24/06 Crystal Seelig
Chubby Cocker Spaniel 03/17/90-04/26/04 Aracely
Chubby Cottontail Bunny 05/98-09/16/05 Leanne Kyzer
Chubby Cream Tabby Cat 7 years 04/03/99 Boon Lim
Chubby DeMarco English Bull 11/06/96-08/15/05 Nancy DeMarco
Chubby Dog 01/2009-03/07/09 Becky Hartley
Chubby Dog 10/98-11/27/09 Kaewjai Amattayakul
Chubby Dog 6 years 12/10/00 Edward Black
Chubby DSH Cat 15 years 11/23/12 Barbara
Chubby Frog 12/05/10-10/25/11 Diadra Lynn
Chubby Golden Retriever 08/23/95-04/21/05 Bev & Bob Boehmer, Matt & Steph Miller
Chubby Grey/Yellow Grass Parakeet 1996-10/28/02 Ilse Barmentloo
Chubby Jack Russell 31/05/97-26/11/11 Marie Collins
Chubby Kitten 6 weeks 11/01/98 Joyce
Chubby Lhaso Apso Terrier Mix 02/14/94-05/08/05 Holly Bearry
Chubby Long Hair Yellow Stripe Cat 04/96-12/05/98 Julie
Chubby Mixed Breed Cat 1 year 12/01/01 Gina
Chubby Mr. Jif Kokalake Bulldog 07/24/05-11/16/07 Marlon
Chubby Orange Cat 10 years 07/10/06 Taylor
Chubby Pug 03/31/90-12/30/04 Julia Couch
Chubby Pug 10/16/93-05/20/06 Larry and Stacey Burazin
Chubby Quenn Pennington Great Pyeanese 05/18/88-05/13/01 Kathy and Liz
Chubby Sheltie Mix 17 years 1968 Janet Corrette
Chubby Shepherd/Rotti 05/01/89-09/13/00 Joe
Chubby Shih Tzu 05/15/15-01/04/16 Kevin
Chubby Shih Tzu 10/28/94-07/29/04 Chelsia Ng
Chubby St. Bernard/Chow 12/89-08/17/01 Andy, Caron Sheffield
Chubby Stray Cat 07/09/08 Chuck
Chubby Syrian Hamster 12/11/13-09/14/15 Jo
Chubbylee Chihuahua 10/13/97-10/19/08 Betty Rodriguez
Chub-Chub Ferret 01/01/05-03/25/12 Autumn
Chub-Chub Polydactyl Tabby Cat 04/22/11-06/25/15 Korey Chandler
Chubee Tortoiseshell Cat 06/18/93-12/12/08 Jane & Stephen
Chuble Carl Domestic Calico Cat 06/91-05/10/11 Cathy, Christopher & Jan Carl
Chubs Beta Fish 09/09/04 Erin Nichols and Brian Schara
Chubs Cat 08/20/09-10/11/09 Angela Lyall
Chubs Cat 10 months 11/07/05 Joanne Venniro
Chubs Dog Mix 2010-03/06/23 The Petricks
Chubs Lab/Shepherd 03/28/91 1992 Amy
Chubs Maine Coon Cat 7 1/2 years 01/05/12 Natalie
Chubs Pekingese 03/21/85-10/03/96 Linda E. Deka
Chubs Pomeranian 02/42/09-08/2009 Cr
Chubs Pug 8 years 4 months 01/29/12 Mary & Jason
Chubs Tabby Cat 06/25/97-10/15/98 Doug and Jessie Magee
Chubs Von Florida Rottie 04/28/01-11/14/04 John Campanelli
Chubsy Pug 13 years 04/09/09 Robin Pierre
Chuchi Colourpoint Persian 05/01/91-01/12/95 Jean and Brian Glaves
Chuchi Grey Torty Cat 16 years 17/03/08 Amanda Hickey
Chucho Australian Cattle Dog 12 years 03/12/16 Bill and Kathy
Chuchu Chowchow 08/03/95-10/30/07 Avra
Chu-Chu Dachshund Mix 02/14/85-08/26/04 Carol DeLelles
ChuChu Dillon Pekingese 14 years 02/28/07 Meredith/Jack
Chuck (Daydream Jaccars Omega) Golden Retriever 01/01/94-05/16/03 The Lipski Family
Chuck (Sullivan's Good Time Charlie) Cocker Spaniel 10 years 05/05/86 Michaelene Sullivan
Chuck Albino Ferret 3 1/2 years 05/20/08 Courtney Mauk
Chuck American Bulldog 01/24/01-05/05/10 Alan
Chuck Bassett Hound 6 years 10/19/03 Cindi Meyers
Chuck Beagle/Basset Hound Mix 14 years 04/24/04 Jayna
Chuck Black Lab 05/07/88-05/21/02 Cynthia Cunningham
Chuck Black Lab/Springer Spaniel Mix 10/97-07/12/08 The Hall Family - Gene, Pat, Ben, Matt
Chuck Boxer 01/15/04-09/02/15 Marlena & Christian
Chuck Cairn Terrier 12 years Cabrini Emplit
Chuck Cat #2 Domestic Long-Haired Tabby Cat 19 years 06/25/09 Gwen Williams
Chuck Cat 05/27/95-03/09/11 Kathleen Molle-Smith
Chuck Cat 14 1/2 years 02/03/01 Kay Colbourn
Chuck Cat 18 years 07/31/04 Susan, Tim and Mike
Chuck Cat 1993-03/09/09 Diane
Chuck Chihuahua 05/04/07-07/07/11 The O'Briens
Chuck Chihuahua 07/03/80-03/11/91 Debbie Handza
Chuck Chinchilla 03/20/97-02/06/08 Mary
Chuck Chocolate Lab 2 years 08/22/01 Phyllis Gerben
Chuck Chocolate Labrador Retriever 01/14/01-09/08/11 Dee
Chuck Cockatiel 24 years 12/07/05 Barbara Wade
Chuck Cocker Spaniel 01/01/93-07/20/06 Jene M Ducharme
Chuck Cocker Spaniel 02/18/91-04/23/03 Maggie, Arnie, Ryan and Randy Meyer
Chuck Dachshund 17 years 06/06/09 Danielle
Chuck DLH Cat 15 11/02/96 Carol Walker Price
Chuck Doberman 02/02/85-07/27/98 Rick Waters
Chuck Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/16/00-08/22/23 Sharry Budd
Chuck Domestic Short Hair Cat 10/19/00-08/22/23 Sharry Budd
Chuck DSH Cat 18 years 07/01/18 Tracy, Tom and Sadie
Chuck German Shepherd Collie Cross 15 years 05/28/10 Jane and Paul
Chuck Golden Reteiver 11 years 03/25/01 Marc and Connie Buckwalter
Chuck Gray Tabby Cat 04/29/87-12/28/00 Ginger Hindman
Chuck Harris BlackandWhite Mix 11/04/05 Jim/Donna/DJ/Emily/Chance Harris
Chuck Hienz Cat 05/17/89-01/01/98 David, Kellie and Brandon Lewis-Luong
Chuck Longhaired Orange/White Tabby Cat 02/17/99-01/11/06 Anne Bradleythank
Chuck Mayfield Cat 1990-12/04/10 Cheri Mayfield
Chuck Mixed Dog 04/01/94-12/08/07 Joey Avilar
Chuck Mouse 06/01/03 Simone
Chuck Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 12/12/17 Traci Ford
Chuck PB Kelpie 09/04/90-06/05/00 Becc Ryan
Chuck Pekingese/Pug 13 years 01/07/17 Danielle and Carmen
Chuck Poodle/Terrier 10/31/91-05/31/08 Gail Fisher
Chuck Rat Terrier 12 years 06/23/07 Holly
Chuck Russian Blue Mix Cat 15 years 08/10/08 Brad and Marion
Chuck Sharpei 9 years 11/11/03 Tina Theis
Chuck Short Hair Domestic Cat 10 months 1/20/01 Lisa
Chuck Simese/Himalayan Cat 3 years 06/18/00 Deb Podany
Chuck Snow Leopard Cat 08/20/95-03/24/99 Toni
Chuck Snyder Cairn Terrier/Wired Haired Terrier 06/91-08/31/07 Fran Snyder
Chuck Tabby Cat 05/07/08-11/12/12 Patricia Watson
Chuck the Prophet Kitten 03/20/12-06/04/12 Melissa Robison
Chuck Toy Poodle 10 years 06/13/11 Jim Meirose
Chuck Tuxedo Cat 01/09/08-03/08/09 Angi Herrick
Chuck Tuxedo Cat 06/01/89-02/11/02 Tracy Roberts
Chuck Wire Haired Fox Terrier 12/12/92-06/22/09 Amy
Chuck Yorkie 10 years 05/27/03 Linda Keegan
Chuck Zobel Maltese/Poodle/Bichon 17 years 11/11/06 Robert and Sandy Zobel
Chuckers Waddell Cat 10/06/10 Melissa Robinson
Chuckey-Lee Markies/Papillon 08/92-27/11/04 Vivian Gribnau
Chucki Willowfeathers Buttercup Flamepoint Ragamuffin Creamsicle Magic Cat 15 years 07/15/10 Joey Lynn
Chuckie (Miniature Schnauzer) Adopted Feb 1990 - 23 August 2001 Lori
Chuckie (Roo-Roo) American Shorthair Tabby Cat 10/01/88-06/19/03 Dave and Lisa
Chuckie American Shorthair Cat 11 years 04/30/12 Aimee, Kaitlin, and Brandon Wyatt...and Spikey
Chuckie American Short-Hair Tabby Cat 07/12/02-07/24/03 The Engblade Family, especially Mairead
Chuckie Aussie 13 years 04/24/17 Donna Ely
Chuckie Birman Cat 2 years 05/18/04 Nancy
Chuckie Boxer Mix 10/16/03-10/16/04 Linda Parr
Chuckie Carranza Cat 08/15/82-10/01/04 Royce Meyer
Chuckie Cat 04/30/12 Brandon
Chuckie Cat 10/09/97-03/10/11 Pine Family
Chuckie Cat 31/10/01-14/05/03 The Russell Family Vincent Jayne Rosemary Amanda Maria Jason
Chuckie Chinchilla 03/08/95-08/03/98 Adele
Chuckie Chinchilla 09/29/98-11/19/06 Cathy
Chuckie Cocker Spaniel 11/29/92-04/28/99 Kathy McNulty
Chuckie Collie 12 years 06/21/04 Frank Bambace
Chuckie Collie/Beagle 05/02/05 Suzanne Belding
Chuckie Dog 02/2001 Angela
Chuckie Dog 03/29/18 Jacqueline Evans
Chuckie Dog 08/18/05-06/02/20 Lisa
Chuckie Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chuckie Domestic Short hair Cat 17 years 10/18/97 Leslie Fineberg
Chuckie Edward Schnauzer-Poo 05/28/85-05/14/99 Sheila Montgomery
Chuckie Ferret 07/93-07/15/01 Nicole Chipman
Chuckie Gray Cat 5 years 04/12/02 Alannah Davis-O'Dell and Lana, Jake, Spike, Reagan II and Elliott
Chuckie Jack Russell X 25/12/98-08/16/12 Heather Smith
Chuckie Kok Cat 04/01/04-09/12/06 Joann Kok
Chuckie Labrador X Pyrenees Mountain Dog 08/12/09 Karen, George, Connar
Chuckie Marie Tabby Siamese Mix Cat 03/14/09 Regina Burke
Chuckie Miniture Schnauzer 05/21/98 Roxanne Larson
Chuckie Mix Dog 12 years 03/27/04 Sandy Momper
Chuckie Mix Dog 15 years 08/31/12 Carlos Coton
Chuckie Munchkin Cat 07/01/01-07/02/03 Mary & Sam Bradley
Chuckie Newfoundland/Chow 11/14/98-07/07/05 Rosanne Morris
Chuckie Norwegian Forest Cat 07/01/87-11/08/05 Jeff & Sharon Propst
Chuckie Pointer 6 years 03/17/98 Linda, John, Corie & Erik
Chuckie Pointer Mix 11/07/00-08/15/03 Jennifer
Chuckie Shepherd/Collie Mix 07/01/83-09/22/99 Jean Dietz
Chuckie Shetland Sheepdog 12/15/93-06/22/06 Melanie, Bob, Ellie, Andrew
Chuckie Terrier/Poodle Mix 03/11/81-08/21/94 Kara and Kathie Bellizzi
Chuckie Tibetian Terrier Liz Shea
Chuckie Tiger Cat Sophie Pansky
Chuckie Webb Schnauzer 12 years 02/11/14 Natalie
Chuckie Yorkie 07/16/09-02/10/10 Melonie, Mark and Sammi Howell
Chuckie-Doodles-Kittyman Domestic Cat 14 years 11/01/08 Peggy
Chuckie's Cat Angel
Chuckita Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Chuckles Calico Cat 10/13/90-10/17/02 The Hills
Chuckles Ferret Nov. 1993 Jeanne Stadmill
Chuckles Frank Ross Husky/Malamute 03/21/01-12/30/15 Debra Ross
Chuckles Golden Hamster 07/02/09-01/27/10 Saffron
Chuckles Mixed Terrier 13 years 04/16/98 Sherry
Chuckles Poodle 10 years 02/20/07 Sandy Paluzzi
Chuckles Rat 2 years 2000 Allen
Chuckles Sharpei 02/87-10/09/99 Anita and Richie Rivera
Chuckles TeddyBear Hamster 2 years Erin Eccleston
Chuckster Doberman 11/01/95-08/24/06 Edward Gannon
Chuckweiler German Shepherd/Collie 05/01/92-04/01/05 Alice Sewall
Chucky (Chu Chu) Cat 2 years 10/31/01 Amanda Spencer
Chucky Bunger Russian Blue Cat 03/31/00-02/04/17 Jon and Maria Bunger and Family
Chucky Cat 7 months 06/18/04 Cherie Carstens
Chucky Cat 8 years 04/08/20 Faye Armstrong
Chucky Chow June 1994 Donna Cootey
Chucky Cockatiel 11/13/05 Lori V
Chucky Domestic Longhair Orange and White Cat 05/23/06-08/29/06 Jeana Code
Chucky Domestic Shorthair Gray/White Cat 04/18/70-09/21/80 Stacy Meisles
Chucky Gerbil 07/12/23 Joe Burton
Chucky King Charles Cavalier X 03/30/99-11/23/11 Denice Weaver
Chucky Lhasa Apso 09/27/11-12/13/11 Dar
Chucky Miniature Dachshund 12/25/09-12/19/16 Clifton E. Pigg
Chucky Mix Dog 06/21/94-12/28/03 Sherry McFarlane
Chucky Peek-a-Poo 08/24/88-02/13/03 Sam & Lynda Speen
Chucky Rodriguez Cairn/ Westie Terrier Mix 10/16/95-05/23/11 The Rodriguez Family
Chucky Rottweiler 6 years 01/30/11 Sabrina Jennings
Chucky Russian Blue Cat 03/14/88-04/28/05 Kerri, Erin, Karen, Andrew. Matthew. Randy, Scott
Chucky Sheltie 07/27/93-07/08/01 Marie
Chucky White Cat 12/25/95-09/26/99 Adriana Polli
Chucky Yorkie 12 years 10/07/15 Vivian Sturz
Chuck-Zat Dog 08/09/07 Robin
Chudley German Shorthaired Pointer 10/04/93-26/06/07 Katrina and Roger Gall
Chue Langlois Tabby Cat 16 years 11/26/14 Elizabeth and Doug Langlois
Chue Pekingese Around 18 months 04/29/08 Ginger Parker
Chue Pomeranian 09/90-02/12/02 Andrea and Roger Florkowski
Chueka Dalmatian/Rottweiler Mix 02/14/07-08/01/17 Izzy Romero
Chuey (Bug Bug) Chihuahua 08/15/10 Pam and George McDonald
Chuey Cardenas Miniature Pinscher 07/04/98-07/06/08 Annette Cardenas
Chuey Dog 11/12/18 Patrick Bungard
Chuey Dwarf Hamster 09/03/08 Judy Smith
Chuey Hamster 08/15/09-02/06/12 Jon Grosse
Chuffie Phurr Bengal Cat 12/20/01-06/07/02 Vitaly Fiks and Elizabeth Montgomery
Chuffy Border Terrier 03/22/98 Marlaine
Chug Bernese Mountain Dog 09/90-02/27/97 Karen
Chug Blue Heeler 8 1/2 years 09/24/04 Matt Corbitt
Chugger Basset Hound 06/04/08-10/09/08 Jim, Kelly & Bosco
Chugger German Shepherd 1999-05/29/08 Charlotte Thomas
Chugs Mixed Dog 14 years 02/09/18 Gary McCloud
Chuhai Rat a few months 10/31/06 Alisha Tirey
Chui Cat 07/01/92-02/14/10 Marilla Cook
Chui Cat 11 years 08/24/20 Cathy
Chui' Dog 10/09/11 Stephanie Sisco
Chui Ford Pit Bull 11/27/03-09/13/11 Sundae Ford
Chui Husky/Shepherd 11/22/87-12/30/98 Bev and Mel Wilde
Chui Lab Mix 11/09/02-03/22/11 Lori Nelson
Chui Long Hair Domestic Cat 08/20/05-07/10/08 Laura Watson & Sol Metts
Chuie Siamese Rat 12/29/97-08/19/99 Brenda
Chulo Yorkie 12/13/09-07/29/24 Leana Freajah
Chuis Sharpei 07/28/97 D Kilgore
Chuka Grey/White Angora Type Cat 04/01/78-03/30/96 Mary Delaney
Chukkah German Short-Haired Pointer 1983 Linda Potrafke
Chukker Golden Retriever 12/24/91-05/14/02 Tara Locastro-Estrada
Chukli Miniature Pinscher 08/13/93-08/17/07 Kristin & Tariqh
Chula American Eskimo Dog 11 years 02/24/00 Rebecca
Chula American Pit Bull Terrier 12/21/99-08/19/05 Christina & Mario
Chula Bichon 14 years 01/06/01 Bev Rydell
Chula Black Lab 14 years 06/26/07 Jennifer
Chula Black Tortie Cat 05/2013-10/25/20 Angie Teresi
Chula Cardenas Australian Shepherd Mix 3 months 09/2007 Annette Cardenas
Chula Chihuahua 01/27/13 Rene
Chula Chihuahua 01/28/00-01/27/13 Rene & Terry
Chula Chihuahua 8 years 12/08/09 Kathryn Patera
Chula Enriquez Dog 02/14/98-10/22/06 Lisa Enriquez
Chula German Shepherd/Chow Mix 1991-01/08/09 Sandi Vidana
Chula Japanese Chin 12/11/82 8 years Gloria
Chula Lab 12 years 04/06/06 Dominique Harper
Chula Labrador-Pit Bull 04/26/97-01/08/09 Brenda Gerber
Chula Lahso Apso 03/04/86-07/18/99 Alvin Y. Veal
Chula Nuno Pitbull 1 year 03/02/11 Pascuala
Chula Pekinese Mix 17 years 10/07/03 Melinda and Shad
Chula Russian Dwarf Hamster 04/10/09-05/11/09 Vanessa
Chula Siamese Cat 08/13/12 Christine Garrott
Chula Siamese Cat 1998-07/21/05 Juliette
Chula White Std. Poodle 02/01/86-02/02/01 B. J. Reiner
Chuletas Carrillo Salcedo Irish Terrier 04/04/95-02/04/09 Marisa Y Victor Carrillo
Chu-Lin Siamese Cat 04/15/15-10/19/16 Carol Baxter
Chu-Ling German Shepherd 12 years 05/07/09 Candace Booth
Chulinky 'Kitito' Mini Toy Chihuahua 10/22/04-11/19/11 Elizabeth R. Mora
Chulita Pug/Chihuahua Puppy 01/27/08-07/07/08 Kristen Blair
Chulo Black and Tan Tabby Cat 2 years 11/03/98 Diane Gauvin
Chulo Cat 12/01/08-02/2009 Melanie
Chulo Dog 12 years 02/06/09 Monica
Chum Chum Hamster Crista
Chum Golden Retriever 12 years 04/20/00 Laura Simoncini
Chum Mouse 1 year 11/28/04 Andy Mis
Chum Rotty/Lab 09/28/97-07/29/05 Terry Crawford
Chum Savannah Cat Katherine
Chum/Sandy Mexican Walking Fish 1 year 09/03/07 Misha Hudson
Chumba Collie Mix 14 years 03/06/12 Linda G
Chumchum & Palomo Siamese Creampoint Cats Both 15 years 01/05/20 & 01/06/20 Jennifer Waggoner
Chumina Louise Smooth Fox Terrier 7 years 10/30/03 Veronyca
Chumlee Bear McWilliams Cat 04/06/13-08/24/24 Joe&Gina McWilliams
Chumlee Coton de Tulear 02/09/06-10/15/21 Audrey Butkiewicz
Chumley (A/k/a Bobby John) Golden Retriever 10 years 11/13/00 Joe Peta & Sude Dellinger
Chumley Basset Hound 14 years 10/16/11 Sheleigh Highsmith
Chumley Beagle 12 years 05/24/23 Dane Parsons
Chumley Buff Ferret 8 years 01/01/04 Cheryl Tredeau
Chumley Labrador Retriever 08/22/93-05/12/04 Christin and Jon
Chumley Lhasa-Apso 16 years 08/96 Judy
Chumley Long-Haired White and Brown Tabby Cat 01/24/07 Kim
Chumley Mutt Cat 03/01/91-07/19/07 Sherry
Chumley Rottweiler 09/17/81-01/09/92 Sharon Richardson
Chumley Samoyed 05/25/96-06/12/98 Eric and Anita O'Berg
Chumley Spaniel Mix, Blonde and White 05/12/95-12/07/06 Jan & Dan Steele
Chumley Warner Flowers British Bulldog 13/03/98-25/12/05 Alexandra Flowers
Chummy Russell Terrier Mix 12/15/85-11/11/02 Lisa
Chumsy Coon Cat 07/1996-03/2013 Mike and Angela
Chun Chun Rabbit 03/27/01-10/23/08 Vannie Lau
Chunekia Chow Mix 18 years 03/23/12 L H
Chung Chow Chow 12/07/88-11/18/02 Lynn and Lori Welch
Chung Himalayan/Siamese Cat 1986-08/08/99 Jeanie
Chunk Agouti Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster 09/01/04-10/19/05 Jillian
Chunk Boston Terrier 08/24/11 Tab Duchateau
Chunk Boxer/Lab 02/04/06-04/01/06 Al and Linda Denis
Chunk Deacon Black Lab 14 years 02/24/05 Danielle
Chunk Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/20/07-01/16/12 Anna
Chunk English Bulldog 9 years 09/28/12 John McCall
Chunk Great Dane 02/04/78-12/17/91 Robin Schultz
Chunk Grey Tiger Cat 08/22/96-05/16/06 Clare Romashko
Chunk Kraschinsky Beagle 07/15/02-05/21/07 Jay, Star, Quinn, Christopher and J.J.
Chunk Pomeranian 04/01/00-04/30/13 Debbie
Chunk Terrier Mix 06/86-02/12/98 Danielle
Chunk-a-chunka long haired Cat 09/03/91-08/23/97 Sherry and Jim
Chunker Siamese Cat 16 years 04/01/00 Sherri, Thomas, Jessica and Cody, and Cihina LynWillemin
Chunkers Russian Blue Cat 10/16/05-04/29/13 Janice
Chunkie Min Pin 03/30/18 Carol Bakke
Chunkie Orange and White Tabby Cat 06/06/80-05/22/99 Nancy Cuene
Chunk's Fantasy Angel Labrador Retriever 05/04/97-03/14/08 Linda Tharp
Chunks Ragdoll Mix Cat 10/31/91-09/12/01 Kathleen Sheehan
Chunky American Eskimo Dog 10 years 07/06/08 Teresa Pikulik
Chunky Butt English Bull Dog 09/19/08-12/05/12 Julianna Herrle
Chunky Cocker Spaniel 08/20/98-03/04/09 Lana & Michael
Chunky Dog 10 years 01/19/09 Bonnie & Kelly Matthews
Chunky Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/11/11 Hazar Diaz
Chunky Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/02/01 Karen & Danny
Chunky German Shepherd 7 years 05/29/99 Steve Mauriello
Chunky Kitten 2 months 2008 Tricia Bailey
Chunky Lab/Chow Mix 03/15/88-04/13/04 Laura Bogner
Chunky Long Hair Dark Domestic Cat 6 years 2006 Nancy A
Chunky Monkey Amstaff/Pit Bull 09/18/07-02/17/07 Diana
Chunky Rose Black Cat Spring of 1998-03/19/01 Josette Rose
Chunky Rottweiller 3 years 2 months 05/24/97 07/13/00 Adam and Bree
Chunky Shih Tzu 09/11/05 Victor Manuel
Chunky Terrier Cross 03/08/00-01/15/08 Jacky Smit
Chunli Pekingese 9 years 06/22/98 Sandra Dorschler
Chunnu Dog 11/16/11 Haripriya
ChunSen (Shunny) Chinese Sharpei 10 years Mark
Chupa Shorthair Tabby Cat 1997-04/27/06 Leah Rafuse
Chupie Chihuahua 12/15/11 Carol Senko
Chupita 12/14/15 Renee
Chupita Shitzu 11/24/97-03/05/12 Maria Vinat
Chuppi English Bulldog 01/11/95-01/14/06 Susanne
Chupy Mixed Breed 02/95-05/05/04 Sandra Vera Negron
Church American Longhair Cat 03/18/05-01/06/06 Mark Carpenter
Church British Shorthair Cat 13 years 10/19/08 Nicole, Marilyn, and Justin Prince
Church Cat 01/17/05 Jodi
Church Cat 04/19/98-04/23/05 Kris
Church Cat 05/24/87-05/19/00 Robert Munch
Church Cat 13 years 05/17/00 Carol Townsend
Church Cat 1988-2000 RW Munch
Church Domestic Cat 15 years 12/13/05 Melissa Etheridge
Church Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/04/00-07/07/12 Christine Potts
Church Grey 6+ years 2000 Debbie
Church Scottish Short Hair Cat 12 years 02/08/11 Mojgan
Churchie Cat 1 year 3 months 09/28/08 Holly Petrushonis
Churchie Long-Haired Gray Cat 08/25/07 Nicole Lichte
Churchill Aguirre Fox Terrier Pelo De Alambre 01/18/92-06/25/06 Jorge Aguirre
Churchill Airdale 09/15/92-09/05/02 Peggy Goddard
Churchill American Pitbull 14 years 11/26/10 Victoria Miller
Churchill Bassett Hound 15 years 02/08/00 Beverly
Churchill Boxer 06/30/98-04/25/08 Judy & Tom
Churchill Boxer 10 years 02/28/96 Helen Matthew
Churchill Bulldog 9 years 03/03/03 Sharon Taylor
Churchill Cat 06/2002-08/06/08 Frank & Rebecca Sanborn
Churchill Dalmation 08/86-06/01/00 Rita M
Churchill Dog 06/05/06 Pam
Churchill Drell Old English Sheepdog 08/17/93-07/25/04 Robert A. Drell
Churchill DSH Orange Tabby Cat adopted 1989 (at approx 2-3 years) to 10/06/01 Gayle, Matt, Amanda and Lauren
Churchill English Bulldog 06/19/01-01/08/09 Jerry
Churchill English Bulldog 10/08/91-09/28/00 Peter Dimas
Churchill My Sweet Sunshine Boy Cat 10 years 06/08/20 Gloria Lopez
Churchill Orange Tabby Cat 03/10/83-07/05/99 Jarah
Churchill Yorkshire Terrier 15 years 10/30/06 Katy Roll
Churrito Chihuahua 3 1/2 years 06/16/11 Maria Alejandra Gonzalez
Churro Abby Guinea Pig 09/29/13 Jazmin Eck
Churro Rat 3 years 09/29/20 Ren Wells
Chussie Bean MDSH 1920-1930 Kathie
Chutnei Miniature Schnauzer 06/09/88-06/28/02 Karen Lombard
Chutney Cat 17 years 04/03/10 Denise Billups
Chutney Chinchilla 6 years 09/09/03 Jane Doherty
Chutney Orange and White Cat 03/13/91-04/25/10 Carrie Moore
Chutney Terrier Mix 08/17/90-03/15/07 Linda Monti
Chutney Yellow Labrador Retriever 06/06/83-06/30/97 Cindy and David Gitter
Chuwi Mini Poodle 01/01/96-08/07/10 R Gwyn
Chuxo Dog 14 years 28/08/12 Inês Sofia Fonseca Gordino
Chuy Basset 03/06/95-11/17/06 Lorie Macleod
Chuy Boudin Lowe Long Haired Chihuahua 08/30/05-01/23/14 Karolena Lowe
Chuy Cat 13 years 04/11/06 Madison
Chuy Chihuahua 02/22/12 Chandie
Chuy Chiweenie 01/02/01-03/02/15 Mateo Isturiz
Chuy Dog 16 years 10/01/07 Nancy McDonald
Chuy Garcia Dachshund 04/14/96-02/25/09 Lou Garcia
Chuy Lhasa Apso 08/24/99-06/01/15 Isabel Ybanez
Chuy Mixed Dog 06/2012 Cecilia Ellis
Chuy Oriental Shorthair Cat 12/06/04-09/29/09 April & Sander Hardenbol
Chuy Shih-Tzu 04/02/01-05/27/10 Joe & Gayle Stearman
Chuy Toy Chihuahua 1995-02/22/07 Juan
Chuy Uncle Jesse Krische Chun a.k.a Jigglesworth Chihuahua Weiner Dog 05/15/09-11/16/09 Kiara
Chuzzi Labrador 03/08/04-04/09/11 Alison, Mark, Hayley, Rob, Alex
Chwey D. Hammy Syrian Hamster 08/2009-07/18/11 Stephane and Theo
Chyanne Ferret 1990-2000 Alicia Hallstrom
Chyanne German Shepherd 04/21/98-01/10/10 Delores Starr
Chye-Chye Kitty Himalayan Cat 10/31/02 Katrina Pugh
Chyenne Crystal Gross English Bulldog 04/01/04-11/08/12 Gilbert Kegley & Sissy Gross
Chylo Labrador Mix 03/08/06-01/06/16 Keri
Chyna Americanbull/Mastiff Mix 10/29/99-12/23/10 Karen & Dave Cropper
Chyna Belle Edwards Shar Pei 07/05/05-10/12/09 Paul Edwards
Chyna Black Lab Mix 13 years 04/12/12 Kim
Chyna Black Lab/Pit Mix 12/18/00-12/15/09 Donna Earle
Chyna Blue Oberman Siamese Cat 10/16/94-06/22/08 Spencer Rose Oberman
Chyna Boxer 09/11/00-07/29/09 Susie Moreno
Chyna Boxer 12/12/99-06/06/09 Pat, Denise, Alyssa & Spike
Chyna Burke Dog 10/28/99-05/04/04 Darlene and Joe
Chyna Calico Cat 03/25/05-10/14/05 Sue Jenkins
Chyna Cat 03/15/00-08/28/05 Zac Turner
Chyna Cat 6 years 11/07/03 Erin Schmidt
Chyna Chihuahua 09/12/22 Philip Omdahl
Chyna Chihuahua 11/02/98-10/28/03 Luis and Angelica Rocha
Chyna Damante Boxer 11/20/10 Joann Damante
Chyna Doll Cocker Spaniel/ Golden Retriever Mix 05/15/99-03/03/07 Joel Apolonio and Jennifer Carman
Chyna English Bulldog 08/11/00-12/30/04 Yvette and Martin Lopez
Chyna Gerbil 6 years 08/04/04 Connor & Nick Ladouceur
Chyna German Shepherd 11/01-04/30/05 Stacey and Doug Anderson
Chyna Howard Boxer/Sharpei 13 years 01/21/07 Rick, Gwen, Aja, Ben Howard
Chyna Jones DSH Cat 5 years 08/31/05 The Jones Family
Chyna Lab Mix 14 years 10/25/14 Sean, Melinda & Ian
Chyna Lynn Chihuahua 09/98-11/20/07 Karen Lookingbill
Chyna Mixed Breed Dog 09/07/00 Heidi Heiser
Chyna Mixed Kitten 06/05/01-07/08/01 Brad Morlan
Chyna Pitbull 13 years 08/30/12 Nicole Bucher
Chyna Poodle Fog 17 years 09/16/17 Sharing Jollimore
Chyna Pug 12/12/03-04/26/18 Debbie Reisman
Chyna Pug 12/29/05-02/28/11 Alan and Brenda Laughlin
Chyna Pug 7 years 10/03/07 Kelly & Richie Christopher
Chyna Rott/Shepherd Mix 03/02/00-04/14/08 Tracy & Slone Fredericks
Chyna Schnauzer/Cocker Spaniel 9 years 11/26/03 Greg Nuttall
Chyna Shar Pei 05/15/01 Paula Hiteshew
Chyna Siberian Husky 01/12/01-06/11/08 Sarah, Matt Logan and Demondog
Chyna Siberian Husky 10/07/04-02/03/07 Melissa Mullins
Chyna Tomarelli Pug 02/24/00-06/14/03 Lois
Chynah Black Lab 12 years 06/02/14 Jodi
Chyna-Lyn Chow 10/25/91-09/22/00 Linda Ventola
Chynna Calico Cat 07/20/07 Chrissy
Chynna Cat 20 years 09/08/08 G Cavanaugh
Chynna Chow Mix 17 1/2 years 11/12/07 Terry Lynn
Chynna Chow/Lab Mix 10 1/2 years 12/06/06 Kellie Turnbaugh
Chynna Cocker Spaniel Mix 12/07/90-04/04/03 Renia & Kris & Diesel
Chynna Dol Siamese Cat 01/21/87-09/28/04 Chris
Chynna Parker Chow Mix 06/30/01-02/07/14 Allen Louis Parker Jr
Chynna Siberian Husky 11/03/95 11/03/98 Stella & Roger Walker
Chynnetta White Domestic Cat 11/24/83-03/23/98 Linda Sell
Ci Chi (Mr. Poo) Yorkie 10 years 12/26/03 Delilah
Cia Chihuahua 14 year 06/16/09 Shara Yuen
Cian Dubhghal Irish Wolfhound Mary Jacob
Cian Orange Tabby Cat 07/04/00-11/05/06 Cindi and Randy McCoy
Ciao Bella Pug 12/17/09-02/03/17 Charmene
Ciar Chocolate Labrador Retriever 03/17/97-01/17/08 Carol Blackburn
Ciara aka Ciara Mcnara Chow Chow 09/99-03/10/06 Jeff and Hope Dodson
Ciara Boxer 08/05/99-10/27/99 Barb
Ciara Boxer-Husky 08/01/96-04/14/11 Dan Ireland
Ciara Calico/Tabby Cat Mix 10/83-09/17/98 Diane E. Larkin
Ciara Cavalier King Charles 04/16/86-06/26/98 James M Smith
Ciara Cu Irish Wolfhound 20/02/99-16/06/06 Lorraine
Ciara Ferret 6 years 06/09/06 Sara Nelson
Ciara Golden Retriever 08/22/87-05/01/00 Christine Balderston
Ciara Irish Wolfhound 10/14/84-01/02/95 Joanna Hollick
Ciara Miniature Schnauzer 05/01/06-09/16/11 Renee
Ciara Noel Tucker Rottweiler 12/07/01-02/05/09 Marte Tucker
Ciara of Joy (Sarah) Chow Chow 06/17/93-05/06/01 The Meinelt Family
Ciara Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 07/11/92-09/20/07 Linda and Jim Brownridge
Ciara Springer 06/98-05/03/09 Mark and Diane Odell
Ciara Toy Poodle 4 years 02/20/11 Elizabeth Walter
Ciara Whippet 08/02/97-08/01/11 Nannette George
Ciara Whippet/Mutt Mix 07/96-12/24/11 Mark Vitelli
Ciara White Persian Cat 04/12/85-10/05/98 Martha & Chuck Crockett
Ciara Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 10/07/95-06/03/09 Anna Rising
Ciara Yellow Lab 10/17/86-12/08/00 Jan Strain
Ciaran, aka The Love Lion Abyssinian Cat 01/19/98-05/22/14 Scott Davis
Ciata Tuxedo Cat 05/20/98-2007 Teresa
Cica Sealpoint Siamese Cat 12/23/81-04/06/02 Sharon Kennedy
Cicci Chihuahua 18 years 01/11/05 Robert Lavalle
Cicciobombolino Siamese Gatto 16/04/79-27/02/02 Giusy
Cicco Black & White Tuxedo Cat 14 years 11/27/07 Luwana
Cicco Cat 14 years 11/27/07 Mona Cayabyab
Cicely Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cicero Cat 03/01-05/14/02 Diana and Robin
Cicero Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/14/88-04/08/03 Laura Myers-Hilts
Cicero Grey Tabby Cat 07/04/94-02/22/03 Laura Boujoff
Cicero Longhair Black Tabby Cat 03/17/80-06/06/96 Carol
Cici (Baby Girlfriend, Deetdoe, Doob) Cockatiel 14 years 11/29/11 Donna Vlach
Cici (Cecilia) Mini Poodle 04/25/09-04/17/22 Calliopi Tsikitas and Paul Makresias
Cici (Cecilia) Tsikitas Mini Poodle 04/25/09 - 04/17/22 Calliopi Tsikitas and Paul Makresias
Cici aka ChiChi aka Cheech Tabby Cat 17 years 08/03/13 Maureen Picheco
CiCi Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 12/14/01 Steve Lacombe
Cici Brown Tabby Cat 15 years 04/19/18 Connie & Steve Ruggirello
Cici Calico Cat 12/01/12 Joyce
Cici Cat 09/03/00 Jan
Cici Cavalier King Charles Cocker Spaniel 10/06/98-18/06/12 Isabella
Cici Chihuahua 15 years 01/21/12 John, Maggie & Madison
Cici Domestic Medium Hair Grey Tiger Kitten 2 months 11/24/00 Colette Cooper
Cici Grey-Black Cat Serap Akan
Cici Keeshond 1999-01/19/13 Veronica Zollo
CiCi Manx Cat 03/30/96-05/25/07 Rose D'Aurio
CiCi Martin Chihuahua 16 years 01/28/08 Melody Martin
Cici Presley Hale Toy Poodle 09/13/99-04/30/14 Christopher Scott Hale
Cici Rat Terrier 11 years 08/02/11 Toni Schwalm
CiCi Silky Terrier 08/12/91-02/18/02 Joyce Cesarski
Cici Smith Chow Chow 9 years 08/12/02 Debbie
CiCi Vizsla 06/05/99-08/07/00 Renee', Stacy, and Steve Hutto
CiCi Yellow Lab 11/08/07-09/06/11 Curt Coulter and Chris Corvello
Cicio Pastel Tortoiseshell Cat 05/06/95-11/06/07 Donna Sommers
Ciciron Ferret 11/04/07-33/10/09 Nelly
Cico Cockatiel 8 years 02/09/08 Sonja & Bobo
Cicos Parakeet 10/04/02-05/02/09 Lale Terzioglu
Cid Cat 2 1/2 years 10/99 Susan Wilson
Cid Tuxedo Cat 12 years 11/23/15 Michelle, Chris & CatrinelB
Cider (Misty Ridge's Apple Cider) German Shepherd 03/21/88-08/20/99 Becky Hocker
Cider Golden Retriever 14 years 9 months 11/02/09 Nicole & Dean Weathers
Cider Jack Russell 04/01/07-12/03/10 Trisha
Cieli O'Brien Bernese Mountain Dog 10 1/2 years 07/06/12 Norma and Gerry O'Brien
Cielo Shi'h Tzu 10/24/10-02/02/16 Emily Relojas
Ciena Dachshund 09/29/88-11/20/03 Tina Gervasini
Cienna Malamute Mix 05/30/08 Carrie Drosnes
Cienna Rottweiler 10/94-11/06/04 Mark, Kelly & Brooke Williams
Ciera American Pitbull Terrier 6 years 07/10/08 Betty Conner
Ciera Samoyed & Retriever Mix 08/11/96-03/02/08 Dolores & Jack MacGregor
Cierra Cat 12/01/99-07/03/10 Menzo Faassen
Cierra Chow Chow 1 yr 9 mths 07/15/97 Angela Ward
Cierra Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/01/10 Menzo Faassen
Cierra Fox Terrier 12/01/92-05/01/07 Dee and Kevin Gros
Cierra Medium Haired Tabby Cat 9 months 12/25/01 Erin Quinn
Cierra Norwegian Forest Cat 04/08/91-12/31/05 Judith McCauley
Cierra Samoyed 02/07/93-06/29/98 Zenritch
Cierrah Leigh (Squirty / Miss Pooh) Angora / Maine Coon Cat 08/04/91-02/18/05 Laurie
Cigany aka Ciggy DSH Cat 04/2005-08/12/06 Sheila Angalet
Cigar 'Ciggy' Boxer 05/29/96-04/16/09 Carol
Cigarette Blue Lady - Ciggie Blue Merle Sheltie 02/15/89-05/04/05 Stacey
Cigi Shih Tzu 02/12/08-08/05/21 Bennett, Lori, Ethan, Evan, Emma
Cigi Siamese Cat 06/29/85-06/27/97 Sharyn Long
Ciji DSH Cat 15 years 09/28/98 Sandy Heglund
Ciji's Sterling Silver (Kaspar) Shaded Silver Persian 04/13/86-02/26/96 Marsha Foster
Cilas v,t Landse Leven Labrador Retriever 18/11/05-28/11/07 Irene En Henk Perdok
Cili Domestic Cat 12.10.99-09.10.12 Gabriella Somodi
Cilla Cat 17 years 31/01/06 Ross Walker
Cilla Torti Cat 09/26/92-02/16/06 Gina Bower
Cilla's five Kittens Gwen D'Arcy
Cillian Shitzhu 10 years 09/28/09 Adrienne and Kirby Wilson
Cilly vom Hamburger Michel Rottie 12 years Dee
Cilta Cat 02/07/10 Susana O
Cimaron Black Lab 10 years 02/22/07 Kim, Kris, Keithan, Kody and Cimarons Little Sis Dakota
Cimarron Black Lab 04/14/85-09/21/97 Cid and Kurt
Cimba Domestic Short Haired Cat 05/80-09/23/97 Lorraine A. Vorrius
Cimber Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cimbry Cat 05/01/95-04/10/06 Jen and Dave Pressy
Cimeron Red Doberman 11 years 08/29/22 Vicki Van Koughnet
Cimmy Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 11/28/00 Pat Plummer and Rosemary
Cina German Shepherd 02/02/99-04/10/06 Helen
Cinabar Red Persian Cat 12/22/92-04/22/05 Sharon Marshall
Cinammin Girl Dog 04/21/11 Linda
Cinammon Domestic Short Hair Cat 22 years 07/25/11 Michael and Beth Buker
Cinammon Himalayan Persian Cat 07/29/98-10/16/98 Cynthia Sinclair
Cinammon Poodle Mix 09/05/95-08/25/00 Amanda and Rob
Cinamon Beagelier 13 years 13/10/17 Elissa
Cinamon Hamster 12/06/06-02/26/07 Tammy Crider
Cinamon Min Pin 03/31/96-03/28/08 Marye Hall
Cinamon Pembroke Welsh Corgi 3 years 01/16/06 Louise
Cinamon Shorthair Cat 02/01/98-08/10/06 Danielle and Jason Siegrist
Cinamon Toy Poodle 07/21/77-06/30/91 Vonne Emery
Cinca Rose (Rosie) Appaloosa 18 years 01/05/97 Audrey Pavia
Cinch Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/05/06-08/04/06 Alyssa
Cincinnati Cymraeg Ford Pembroke Welsh Corgi 05/14/97-06/25/06 Gerald, Sheila, Tamara, Candace, Thomas
Cincinnati Red Cat 1992-01/16/98 John Hoptak
Cinco African Grey Parrot 08/01/15 Cheri
Cinco Cat 1997-05/11/02 Julie
Cinco Chihuahua 05/05/92-08/26/05 Jill Wilson
Cinco Diluted Calico Shorthair Cat 05/04/11-07/04/24 Angie
Cinday White Greyhound 12 years 02/10/03 Seadog
Cindee Tabby Cat 20 years 10/01/02 Linda Andrusko
Cindel C 1/2 Siamese Cat 11/01/85-06/13/00 Carolyn Fraser
Cindel Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/12/01-09/08/05 Bonnie
Cindel Shit Tzu 11/08/88-12/31/06 Jennifer
Cinder - the Ice Queen Black Standard Poodle 12/01/10 Sheri Sassman
Cinder (Cin-Cin -neens) Lab / Collie 08/1989-07/04/05 Dawn DeVoe
Cinder (Cinderella) & Maximillion (Booga) Lab/Mix & Boston Terrier 07/14/81 & 09/15/89 - 01/15/98 & 09/02/00 Patricia Lee
Cinder (Ella) Feral Cat 3 months 02/06/06 Mary and Bruce
Cinder (Ella, Cindy, Hootie) Norwegian Wood Cat 13 years 07/15/11 Marge & Karl Halterman
Cinder (Lee Lee) Mini Black Schnauzer 05/01/86-01/20/01 Darcia Campbell
Cinder Abyssinian Cat 05/12/94-01/27/09 Kay Anderson
Cinder aka Cinnie-Girl Lab/Chow Mix - Black 10/99-05/03/11 Joey and Kimmie Martelle
Cinder Alpine Goat 12/24/04 Pam and Ken Carman
Cinder Ashly Ottmann and Lucy Ottmann Black Labs 14 years and 15 years 09/30/91 and 04/11/94 Brian Ottmann
Cinder Aussie Shepherd Brindle 13 years 03/01/04 Trish, Alysa, Jaime, Larry, Magnum
Cinder Australian Shepherd Mix 12 years ? 02/05/05 Janet MacFarlan
Cinder Australian Shepherd Mix 4-7 years 08/19/10 Nancy and Beth
Cinder Australian Shepherd Mix 4-7 years 08/19/10 Nancy Meyers
Cinder Bailey Black Lab 11/15/95-09/15/10 Linda, Matt and Robert Bailey
Cinder Banaeige Morhardt DSH Grey Tabby Cat 01/10/08-12/22/23 Lynn Banaeige Marc Morhardt
Cinder Black Cat 17 years 03/26/09 Tina Winn
Cinder Black Cat With Bright Yellow Eyes 01/10/04 John & Mary
Cinder Black Cocker Spaniel 07/31/89-10/27/05 Marilyn Stout
Cinder Black Cocker Spaniel 11/17/90-12/11/04 Barbara
Cinder Black Domestic Long Hair Cat 10/12/04 Kerri
Cinder Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 10/27/03 Carol and Dave Rice
Cinder Black Lab 01/04/90-10/21/00 Lisa Franklin
Cinder Black Lab 03/25/87-08/13/01 Sharon and Richard Gibbs
Cinder Black Lab 05/30/00-10/08/01 Jim & Rose Schoening
Cinder Black Lab 08/15/97-05/13/11 Carol
Cinder Black Lab 1/27/84-04/26/96 The Gressmans
Cinder Black Lab 13 years 10/10/05 Don & Diana Nyberg
Cinder Black Lab 16 years 06/01/10 Betty and Rick
Cinder Black Lab 16 years 07/17/09 Judy Mullen
Cinder Black Lab 9 years 03/19/08 Keith Kromm & Terry Kaiser
Cinder Black Labrador 05/07/96-07/26/10 Marnie Woods
Cinder Black Labrador Retriever 07/10/98-11/23/07 Diane Lamb
Cinder Black Shorthair Cat 9 years 07/22/05 Sharon Breimhorst
Cinder Black Smoke Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/96-10/12/05 Miranda
Cinder Black W/White Cat 05/83-05/07/97 Connie Carlson
Cinder Border Collie Barb
Cinder Border Collie/Mix 6-7 years 01/03/01 Molly
Cinder Cat 01/01/62-12/17/65 Denise Ketchum
Cinder Cat 03/92 Jeanette
Cinder Cat 06/78-09/85 Cecelia
Cinder Cat 07/04/96-06/08/09 Chris
Cinder Cat 10 years01/15/96 Janna Lizabeth Ann LaPenter
Cinder Cat 12/01/92-06/10/10 Jerry and Kay Townsend
Cinder Cat 15 years 04/17/01 Kay Johnson
Cinder Cat 15 years 08/09/03 Hope
Cinder Cat 15 years 08/21/05 Carla
Cinder Cat 15 years 09/13/10 Natalie
Cinder Cat 1979-1996 Lisa
Cinder Cat 3 years May 1995 Bea
Cinder Cat Bobbi & Family
Cinder Cat Friedl Black Short Hair Cat 10/30/93-03/06/04 Stacy & Dave
Cinder Cat-Cat Long Haired Cat white with gray mask, tail, and 2 spots 16 1/2 years 11/21/07 Valerie, Doug & Melissa Patterson
Cinder Chinese Pug 15 years 01/13/05 Kristin H
Cinder Cocker Spaniel 03/04/89-09/2004 Tobey
Cinder Cocker Spaniel 14 years 12/11/04 Barbara Desio
Cinder Cocker Spaniel Beagle Mix 02/14/96-01/01/08 Sidney and Scott
Cinder Dachshund 15 years 09/2007 Lynn Griffith
Cinder Dalmatian 12 years 07/09/04 Donna and Jeremy Schmiedeknecht
Cinder Dalmatian 12/04/92-09/24/04 Steve and Barb Gutzmann
Cinder Dalmation/Black Lab 02/11/96-06/11/96 Bruce, Karin, Russell, Milo, Sassie
Cinder Davis Dachshund 03/18/04-12/07/17 Becky Davis
Cinder Doberman/Lab 02/13/83-01/15/95 Joyce Coriell
Cinder Dog 16 years The Bagley's
Cinder Domestic Cat 18 years 03/30/22 Denise Breisch
Cinder Domestic Cat 18 years 12/24/04 Beth
Cinder Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/01/88-04/26/06 Diane Jursa
Cinder Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/29/89-11/23/04 Pamela Parker
Cinder Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 1/2 years 11/25/15 Hillary
Cinder Domestic Short-Haired Cat 04/89-09/16/06 Kristen and Shari
Cinder Ella Toy Poodle 05/22/16-12/28/16 Candy Aurand
Cinder Fancy Rat 04/17/05-01/11/07 Sophie
Cinder Fella Joki Black DSH Kitten 04/22/05-09/11/05 Laurel & Kendall Joki
Cinder Great Dane 07/17/82-08/16/93 Lisa Mastin
Cinder Great Dane 11 years 07/26/16 John
Cinder Grey Cat 12/25/05 Vida
Cinder Grey Tabby Cat 5 years 08/11/07 Rosa Robertson
Cinder Greyhound 03/17/97-01/16/07 Jennifer Kunkel
Cinder Husky Mutt 02/14/90-10/23/02 The Johnson Family
Cinder Kissifur Dumois Silver Tabby Cat 22 years 06/03/03 Carmen
Cinder Kitten 9 months 07/95 Steve & Ashley
Cinder Lab 08/12/99-06/18/11 Holly
Cinder Lab 14 years 11/91 Susn Jackson
Cinder Lab Mix 12 years Pat & Dale Eisenberger
Cinder Lab Mix 13 years 07/98 Mr & Mrs Pat Curry & Cat Jarret
Cinder Lab/Keeshond Mix 06/01/97-02/14/11 MaryEllen, Steven, Alan
Cinder Labrador Retriever 10/19/12-12/23/13 Craig Cuthbertson
Cinder Lee Medina All Black with a little White Toy Poodle 1 year Ive M
Cinder LH Grey Cat 8 1/2 years 09/2000 Lois & Sam Alexander
Cinder Long Hair Black Cat 13 years 02/05/05 Dianne Lamb
Cinder Marie Clark Black Mixed Terrier 06/19/98-06/12/11 Tammy Clark
Cinder Min Schnauzer 05/09/96-08/05/06 Craig Joslin & Mary Davis
Cinder Mini Dachshund 11/27/98 Monica
Cinder Mini Poodle 05/04/88-02/11/05 Janice Tomlin
Cinder Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 10/20/00 Mark, Claire, and John Davis
Cinder Mixed Breed Dog 11/23/98-10/19/00 Susan Zapolski
Cinder Peekapoo 10/30/96-07/01/08 Leslie Wegman
Cinder Peekapoo 9 years 03/18/73 Bev Rydell
Cinder Pekingese 02/27/93-05/04/06 Carol & Tom Eichling
Cinder Pele Hawaiian Grey Cat 05/01/70-08/01/84 The Hastings Family
Cinder Pembroke Welsh Corgi 07/13/96-01/13/03 Scharf Family
Cinder Persian Cat 06/99-03/29/06 Pam & Bill Shaouy
Cinder Persian Cat 11/25/00-04/25/12 Jackie Coburn
Cinder Pom Mix 01/98-07/15/11 Pam and Elias Klaeb
Cinder Poodle/Terrier Mix 16 years 10/04/80-02/13/96 Jody C.
Cinder Rabbit 1992?-12/97 Maryeileen
Cinder Rat Terrier 1987-03/22/03 Elizabeth Winters
Cinder Schipperke Mix 01/14/17 Elise
Cinder Schnauzer 03/27/89-09/07/02 Jack and Luan Monsos
Cinder Schnoodle 09/09/81-07/02/97 Nancy Deighton
Cinder Sheltie 1998-2011 Christine Christesen
Cinder Shepherd Mix 15 years 09/20/05 Gary Krepps
Cinder Shepherd/Akita 01/24/10 Wendy Roberson
Cinder Siberian Husky 01/01/92-04/19/04 Karen and John Mathews
Cinder Spaniel/Lab 05/93-01/03/08 Nancy Miller
Cinder St. Poodle X 15 years 05/24/96 Mike & Estelle Sullivan
Cinder Standard Poodle 10/30/85-07/02/00 Theresa Murray
Cinder Tortoise-Shell DSH Cat 05/2008-04/20/19 Berta Flath and Rita Longo
Cinder Tuxedo Cat 08/01/98-09/23/11 Glen and Jennifer
Cinderella (Mama Kitty) Cat approx 14 years 03/30/00 Diane Viera
Cinderella (Relly) Russian Blue Cat 04/10/02-09/04/03 Burt and Michelle Paddie
Cinderella American Staffordshire Terrier 03/31/95-04/19/08 Holly Carhart
Cinderella Bear Shepherd/Chow Mix 10/01/99-03/31/13 Mari Collis
Cinderella Blue Turkish Angora Cat 03/28/96-02/01/98 Adina Enculescu
Cinderella Calico Tabby Cat 03/88-12/22/03 Doris Hearn
Cinderella Cat 04/14/89-04/28/07 Lucy
Cinderella Cat 2 years 10/16/99 Pat Johansmeyer
Cinderella Cocker. Spaniel 05/28/01-09/03/14 Suzi Perry
Cinderella Dutch Rabbit 03/12/08-08/18/08 Paul Zuchniak
Cinderella GSD 12-14 years 05/08/96 Tyson Horn
Cinderella Hamilton Mix Dog 04/11/06 Karen Hamilton
Cinderella Long Haired Domestic Cat 11 years 10/16/11 Patty Kelly and Rex Tegio
Cinderella Mixed Breed Cat 07/16/92-04/11/07 Cynthia
Cinderella Muffintop, Cindy Cat 06/30/97-05/14/05 Gwen
Cinderella of the Highlands West Highland White Terrier 08/30/88-04/04/00 Ginny Wenzel.
Cinderella Palomino Quarterhorse 1988-12/22/07 Sarah
Cinderella Ruby Newfoundland Dwarf Bunny Rabbit 3 years 09/03/05 Patricia Rida
Cinderella Samoyed 13 years 11/10/02 Joan Brooks
Cinderella Shorthair Calico Cat 5 years 10/26/85 Betsy Ley & Ed Williams
Cinderella Short-Haired Cat 02/23/95-02/29/12 Vera and Dick
Cinderella Sue Boxer Mix 06/01/98-06/22/11 Douglas & Juliette Louis
Cinderella Tortoishell Cat 4 years 02/28/94 Amanda Newnom
Cinderella Toy Poodle 06/14/92-09/16/07 Joey
Cinderella Toy Poodle 09/23/06-08/29/20 Kristyn Heller
Cinderella Tuxedo Cat 11/22/16 Nancy Powell
Cinderella Twinkletail Cocker Spaniel 06/15/87-02/02/00 Sandy Kaye
Cinder-in-the-SnowIII dalmatian 03/28/83-12/26/95 David Ricke
Cinders 14 years 03/05/99 Amanda Madison
Cinders Black Lab 9 years 03/07/05 Ginny and Joe
Cinders Black Lab, Chow Chow 16 1/2 years 05/27/18 Richard Roberts Sr, Janet Looker, Heather Roberts, Richard Roberts Jr
Cinders Black Rabbit 1992-12/97 Maryeileen
Cinders Black Rat 3 years 05/25/00 Sarah Davis
Cinders Black W/White Rabbit 1992-12/97 Maryeileen
Cinders Cat 03/31/00 Nancy Denuto
Cinders Cat 16 years 12/26/96 Lorrie Williams
Cinders Cat 21 years 05/24/04 Lauren, Gary, Anita, Rachel
Cinders Chihuahua 09/05/05 Mary Hervey
Cinders Cock-A-Poo 07/25/86-12/31/01 Dick & Lee Reid
Cinders Dalmatian 06/01/81-04/15/94 Kelly Bennett
Cinders Dog 02/22/89-10/26/03 Melissa and family
Cinders Dog 11/28/88-08/10/01 Ken Difranco
Cinders Dwarf Hamster 10/15/99-05/01/00 Jillian
Cinders Ferret 4 years 12/23/04 Ray Pencosky
Cinders Grey Longhair Cat 10/28/10 KimW
Cinders Labrador 02/97-05/04/10 Julie Smith
Cinders Leigh Long Haired GSD 03/03/01-07/30/13 Shannon and Cashton
Cinders Mainecoon Cat 19 years 07/10/11 Chontos Family
Cinders Mixed Rabbit 7 1/2 years 06/27/06 Lori Laurro
Cinders Nahak'IzzII Dior Pomeranian 05/26/07-02/03/14 Amanda & Travis
Cinders Persian Mix Cat 05/25/92-07/25/08 Michelle Stanek
Cinders Piccirillo Miniature Poodle 12-14 years 12/29/09 Kathleen
Cinders Rottweiler 01/08/94-06/17/04 Patti McCurdy
Cinders Seal Point Siamese Cat 08/01/88-08/23/05 Kerin
Cinders Torti Cat 06/22/81-04/08/00 Leigh Thomson
Cinders Tortie Point Snowshoe Cat 10/17/92-07/12/13 Brenda Greene
Cindi (Chi Chi Bean) Mixed Dog 02/14/83-05/21/99 Mike, Laura and Jamie
Cindi (Cinderella) Cat Lisa LeFever
Cindi Baby Cockatiel 05/19/00 Linda & Ron
Cindi Behr Newfoundland 4 years 4 months 05/05/11 Noureddine Matloub and Patricia Marie Daanton
Cindi Chihuahua 25/12/92-01/15/03 Sandy
Cindi German Shepherd 04/19/92-08/07/00 Anna Zurawski
Cindi Jane Krommendijk Tortoiseshell Cat 04/28/90-09/17/09 Laurie Krommendijk
Cindi Lhasa Apso 12 years 03/01/14 Janis Phillimore
Cindi Mixed Chow 13 months 03/15/98 Ray and Susan Hughes
Cindi Poodle 10/89-2oo7 Alice
Cindi Seal Point Siamese Cat 9 years 03/30/91 Catnut
Cindi Terrier 18 years 10/29/09 Patti Smith
Cindi Tortishell Cat 1997 Sara
Cindie aka CinCin, Pretty Girl, Mommys Little Girl Himalayan Persian Cat 02/20/94-06/25/08 Dorene & Raymond
Cindl Bichon Frise 13 years 03/27/10 Cindy Gabay
Cindle and Meriya Pomeranians 09/19/98-10/25/98 peggy
Cindrella Pomeranian 09/23/03-11/06/15 Linda Chapman
Cindy & Sting & Othello German Shepherd, Holsteiner & Hanovarian Dog, Horse, Horse 4 years, 21 years & 22 years Feb July & Aug 2004 Lynn Zervakos
Cindy (aka: CinCin) Australian Shepherd Recessive Gene 11 years 09/14/10 Mommy, Daddy, Cameron and Zeus
Cindy (Pretty, Pretty) Cat 22 years 09/24/08 Mom, Dad, Bobby, Brian, Cody, Loopy
Cindy 07/01/94 Tracy Schenk
Cindy 10 years 04/28/02 Bill Skall
Cindy Airedale 12 years 09/19/08 Debbie Lepley
Cindy Albino Rat 6 months 05/07/04 David Motz
Cindy American Cocker 17 years 09/02/04 Diana Thurbon
Cindy Bassett Beagle Mix 17 years 10/2009 Lois Isaacs
Cindy Beagle 03/17/92-03/01/96 Joanne & Tom
Cindy Beagle 12/24/07 Donna & Jim Panzarino
Cindy Beagle 1978 Margaret Fadely
Cindy Beagle 9 years 06/06/05 Jean Burkhardt
Cindy Beagle Mix 1/89-02/03/00 Becky, Forrest, Jennifer, Jeremy, Jessica, Buffy, Christopher and Carrington
Cindy Bearded Dragon Lizard 8 years 10/06/07 Vanessa Ryan
Cindy Belle aka Pigdog Miniture Schnauzer Stella
Cindy Black & White Princess Cat 19 1/2 years 11/14/08 Tina Ferris
Cindy Black and White Cat 16 years 18th May 2001 Jenner
Cindy Black Cat approx 13 years 03/21/03 Dorinda
Cindy Black Lab 06/12/94-05/03/06 Ed & Ann Hynes
Cindy Black Lab 16 years 05/30/08 Diann, Ron, and Casey
Cindy Black Lab 1984-1994 Lani Burch
Cindy Black Siamese Mix Cat 1984 Deborah Mangan
Cindy Boerbull 08/11/06 Edwin & Janet
Cindy Booby Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/31/00-10/04/10 Gwendolyn Griffin
Cindy Border Collie 14 years 07/27/04 Dawn Smith
Cindy Border Collie 14 years 07/28/00 Sue Ogden
Cindy Border Collie Mix 1965-1981 Steve Williams
Cindy Boxer/Beagle Mix 01/14/95-06/16/97 Ashley Hickok
Cindy Boyes Terrier 15 years 10/05/10 Carey Boyes
Cindy Budgie 02/02/02-12/13/06 Chrystel
Cindy Calico Cat 1996-2006 Samuel Dimartino
Cindy Calico Cat 5 years 04/23/99 Heather Watts
Cindy Calico Cat Cassandra
Cindy Cat 08/90-21/08/08 Catherine
Cindy Cat 10/17/86-05/01/06 Gabriel
Cindy Cat 14 1/2 years 09/20/02 Dee
Cindy Cat 14+ years 12/17/03 Kim Duvall
Cindy Cat 17/08/77-05/05/94 Nicola
Cindy Cat 18 years 06/09/06 Barbara Fowles
Cindy Cat 19 years 08/10/00 Alice Seidel
Cindy Cat 20 years and 2 months 08/03/01 Nola & Stephen Bird
Cindy Cat 8 years 04/30/01 Deb
Cindy Cat 9 years 10/20/11 Margaret
Cindy Cat 'Channa' Silver Tabby Cat 18 years 3 months 10/18/10 The Clark Family (Mike, Cindy, Doug, Kelly and Cameron)
Cindy Chihuahua 11/29/02 Alexis Levering
Cindy Chihuahua 13 years 04/30/08 Alma Hylton
Cindy Chihuahua Mix 10/01/06-07/23/12 Blanca Cerne
Cindy Cindita Caniche 02/01/00-12/07/13 Minerva Valdez Ruiz
Cindy Cockapoo-Terrier 06/15/88-07/28/06 Paul Gailey
Cindy Cocker Spaniel 04/06/96-04/14/07 Charles Gascich
Cindy Cocker Spaniel 10 years 01/06/09 Rich Marti Jacqui Adam Aimee Karen and Coal
Cindy Cocker Spaniel 14 years 09/78 Valerie
Cindy Cocker Spaniel 15 years 1959 Morva
Cindy Collie Mix 10/11/74 Tess Manns
Cindy Collie/Labrador 19 years 09/04/09 Angela
Cindy Collie/Terrier Cross 9 years 10/18/01 Roseann
Cindy Cooper Beagle 12/18/91-12/12/04 Cheryl
Cindy Crawford Moggy Cat 01/09/95-16/04/06 Vicki Jones
Cindy Cross Breed Dog 14 years 08/04/11 Andrew Chalmers
Cindy Dawn Collie 12/30/05-09/26/16 Anita C Tauzin
Cindy Doberman 10 years 03/12/05 Jeanne Deevy
Cindy Dog 03/09/13 C. Gurran
Cindy Dog 07/23/98 Maggie
Cindy Dog 07/27/85-10/02/99 Laurie
Cindy Dog 12 years 07/17/11 Zora
Cindy Dog 14 years 04/30/12 Mandi
Cindy Dog Gabriel Pothoff
Cindy Dog the Coons family
Cindy Domestic Cat 08/19/92-11/03/03 Noreen Grice
Cindy Domestic Longhair All white Cat with a touch of grey on the top of her head. 07/04/94-03/14/04 Craig & Nancy Morgan
Cindy Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/27/04 Fran Maristch
Cindy Donna Joe Hamster 2 1/2 years 26/07/03 Christina
Cindy DSH Cat 08/01/88-01/07/04 Liz Phillips
Cindy Ella Pardo Chihuahua 06/20/93-10/25/08 Erica
Cindy Ferret 11 wks old 04/11/93 Daisy Lyn
Cindy Ferret Arthur F Sintef II
Cindy Finch Gail McMahon
Cindy Fox Terrier 13 years 02/13/02 Claudia
Cindy Fox Terrier 15 years 09/17/10 Giulia
Cindy German Shepherd 07 years 08/09/05 Janet Davidson
Cindy German Shepherd Cross 23/11/90-08/08/06 Butland Family
Cindy Golden Ret. 1/29/83-09/16/94 Sharon Berryhill
Cindy Golden Retriever 02/19/89-08/13/00 Ryan Chi
Cindy Golden Retriever 04/30/??-05/03/03 Fran
Cindy Golden Retriever 11/28/97 Kate Poniazzo
Cindy Golden Retriever/Spaniel Mix 07/76-03/96 Bob and Luette Myers
Cindy Goldsbie Golden Retriever 09/29/97-07/07/10 Michael Goldsbie
Cindy Greyhound 07/27/93 Barbara Hoffman
Cindy Greyhound 7 years 01/01/80 Alan & Peggy Jordano
Cindy Heinz 57 Dog 04/02/77-08/20/89 Tricia Donovan
Cindy Heinz 57 Dog 1978-1990 Mariam
Cindy Hogan St. Bernard 08/11/09 Mary Hogan
Cindy Honey Colored Cock-A-Poo 11 1/2 years 04/05/00 Sue Mooney
Cindy Ibizan Hound 04/12/91 Sandra
Cindy Irish Setter 1970-1984 The Pesce Family
Cindy Keeler Mix Breed Dog 04/20/90-03/07/08 Michele Keeler
Cindy Kitty Cat 19 years 01/17/08 Michael Ohmura
Cindy Lab mix 11.7 years 10/23/23 Krista Ellis
Cindy Lambley English Springer Spaniel 06/30/93-06/16/06 Donna & Rebecca Lambley
Cindy Lea Delaney German Shepherd 8 years 07/14/83 Gary D Delaney
Cindy Lhasa Apso 10/02/90-05/29/05 Chi, Mark, Mom & Dad
Cindy Lhasa Apso 10/18/11 Julie and Al
Cindy Lhasa/Mix 09/30/97-04/14/11 Barbara Zaras
Cindy Loody Hoo Lhasa Apso 01/05/11 Louis, Lanelle, Matthew, Marc and Michael
Cindy Lopper Rabbit 02/95 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cindy Lou American Cocker Spaniel 05/26/92-06/28/06 Sandra
Cindy Lou Bair Brussels Griffon 07/14/84-01/22/02 Joyce Bair
Cindy Lou Bair Brussels Griffon 07/16/84-02/02/02 Joyce & Walter Bair
Cindy Lou Basset/Beagle 11/01/91-04/08/08 Nancy Boatman
Cindy Lou Brittany 13 years 10/23/13 Christine Smith
Cindy Lou Brussels Griffon 07/15/84-01/22/02 Joyce Bair
Cindy Lou Cattle Dog Mix 15 years Tyson Horn
Cindy Lou Cocker Spaniel 06/28/89-04/06/06 Sharyl, Jon, Courtney & Cameron
Cindy Lou Dachshund 10/08/08 Patti & Michael
Cindy Lou Golden Retriever 03/14/88-06/18/01 Corleen and Ronald Lenard
Cindy Lou Hugunin American Shorthair Cat 10/01/93-11/30/07 Sheila Hugunin
Cindy Lou Jack Russell Terrier 03/13/97-02/25/13 Deb Byers
Cindy Lou Lhasa Apso 10/10/08 Walter and Barbara
Cindy Lou Longhaired Dachshund 03/14/86-04/25/00 Ann Miller
Cindy Lou Poodle Mix 06/21/95-07/01/12 Kathy Zellner
Cindy Lou Shetland Sheepdog 04/05/95-10/03/05 Erica Olsen
Cindy Lou spaniel Mix 1947-12/18/51 Graham Family
Cindy Lou Who Dalmatian 01/13/04 Melanie
Cindy Lou Who Mixed Poodle and Schnauzer 09/12/96-01/05/07 Shirley Clayton
Cindy Lu Mutt 07/07/07-01/06/23 Katyana
Cindy Maine Coon Cat 12/06/04 Leighann & Tom
Cindy Maine Coon Cat 1993-10/03/06 Anne Kugler
Cindy Marie Cocker Spaniel 06/18/94-01/17/12 Bob & Becky Freeman
Cindy Mix Dog 01/15/95-10/13/08 Brenda Birdsall
Cindy Mix Dog 10/24/91-03/04/09 Brenda
Cindy Mix Lab 06/01/91-09/28/07 Alejandre Family
Cindy Mixed Cat 14 years 11/11/16 Jeffrey Milliken
Cindy Mixed Dog 01/04/95-16/11/03 Nicky and Dave Sommerville
Cindy Mixed Dog 11 years 11/14/03 Peggy Verhoof
Cindy Mixed Fluffy Black Cat 16 years 06/15/00 Sudi & Megan
Cindy Mixed Tabby-Siamese Cat 14 years 03/01/01 Miriam Monti
Cindy Morgan Japanese Chin 11/27/99-12/27/08 Shalena Morgan
Cindy Nickel Black Lab Mix 13 years 10/06/08 Venessa Nickel
Cindy Norwegian Forest Cat 12/26/99 MJ Wiechowski
Cindy Patterdale Terrier 14 years 12/04/10 Ali Hill
Cindy Peek a Poo 02/20/75-06/30/89 Gen Buske
Cindy Pekinese/Poodle 01/19/92-06/13/08 Maureen and Mark Vollema
Cindy Pekingese 08/12/89-12/10/03 Carol Hardy
Cindy Pitbull Mix 10/05/93-08/11/10 Denice
Cindy Pomeranian 01/10/93-07/07/08 Linda Maatman
Cindy Poodle 10 years 09/10/98 Holly
Cindy Poodle 12 years 06/06/07 Frank Skerman
Cindy Ridgeback Mix 04/96 Kathy
Cindy Rottie 1990-1997 Sue Rice
Cindy Schnauzer 07/19/80-05/28/93 Pat & Brownie Egan
Cindy Sheltie 03/06/91-05/07/05 Christine Chadwick
Cindy Shepherd Mix 1968 Teresa Osgood
Cindy Shepherd Mix 9 years 1981 Ken jr and Robotnik family
Cindy Shepherd Mutt 02/04/88-04/05/04 Loretta Murray
Cindy Shih Tzu 11/28/94-09/25/08 Michelle Lazar
Cindy Shih Zu Yorkie 05/09/06-03/21/17 Diane
Cindy Shitzu and Keeshound 06/15/94-12/28/05 Laurie Koch
Cindy Springer Spaniel 07/27/89-02/22/98 Bruce Tyler
Cindy Starbright Chihuahua 1986-1999 Sarah Coyne
Cindy Sue Cocker/Terrier 14 years 10/11/05 Brenda Pedersen
Cindy Sue Dalmatian 09/94-06/03/03 Mama Wendy, and Papa Mathew Pelletier and sisters Teddy & Shelby
Cindy Sue Martin Lab/Cocker Spaniel Mix 02/01/92-02/01/06 Claudia Martin
Cindy Sue Schipperke 07/01/82-06/29/98 Kathy
Cindy Sue Victoria Sheltie Mix 06/13/90-01/25/03 Barbara Hegler
Cindy Susan von Saltzburg German Shepherd 04/23/68-09/01/76 Marianne and Frank Schwarcz
Cindy Tea Cup Poodle 09/18/90-03/30/06 Mario & Phyllis Sesma
Cindy Teddy Bear Hamster 09/62/11 Jason and Jen
Cindy Terrier/Chihuahua Mix 02/12/91-09/04/03 Joanne Hornak
Cindy Tonkinese Cat 03/15/97-12/20/11 Lindsay Hayman & Family
Cindy Toy Poodle 12/25/87-01/16/01 Jan
Cindy Toy Poodle 16 years 09/29/02 Joanna
Cindy Traylor Boston Terrier 11/04/05-08/13/21 Sonja Traylor
Cindy Tubby Cat 04/16/03-04/16/19 Karla Reynoso
Cindy Tuxedo Cat 18 years 03/26/05 Robyn
Cindy Tuxedo, a 'Sylvester ' Cat 07/01/88-06/07/07 Michael
Cindy Watts Bichon Frieze 10/97-09/20/12 MJ Watts
Cindy Williams Shepherd Mix 17 years 08/30/04 Steve & Patty
Cindy Yellow Lab 10/10/08 Aaron Z
Cindy Yellow Lab 11/94-10/30/09 Robert D Frederick
Cindy Yellow Lab 13 years 08/18/05 Karen and Gerry Auclair
Cindy Yorkie 12 years 10/04/99 Linda Lopez
Cindy Yorkie/Westie 01/01/81-04/09/99 Ric & Barb
Cindy Yorkshire Terrier 01/15/96-08/15/11 Margaret Marley
Cindy Yorkshire Terrier 13 years 05/12/04 Arlene
Cindy Yorkshire Terrier 16 years 10/01/03 June Forshaw
Cindy, Cinderella aka Mäusi-Mäusi, Mea guapisima gata tú eres Tiger Cat 08/92-02/23/09 Stefanie and Andy, Madiswil Switzerland
Cindy-Bobby Calico Kitty 04/08-04/25/08 Amanda, Chris, Max and Socks
Cindycat 11/21/02 Deb
Cindydog Australian Shepherd 15 years 11/06/10 Laura
Cindylou Cat 11/2012 Marla Elvish Smith
Cindy's twins Cats 05/2012 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Cinema Cat 20 1/2 years 11/05/13 Kelly & Jeffery Culverson
Cinemax Poodle 03/24/91-06/22/99 Helen Gregory
Ciniamon German short hair pointer 10/31/85-09/23/94 The Hjorth Family
Cinimini Rabbit 1995-02/19/00 David, Barbara, Bunzzy, Piper and Bloomer
Cinnabon Tinytot Hopalot Budgerigar 2 years 02/08/11 Shakti
Cinnabun Ferret 12/97-02/07/00 Karen
Cinnabun Lop Eared Rabbit 04/22/17 Kendall
Cinnaman Boxer 05/03/92-09/07/99 Kaleigh
Cinnamini Chihuahua 07/21/08-03/30/09 Amanda
Cinnamon & Red Head Pharoah Hounds approx. 15 years 03/07/99 Janie Elsworth & Dorothy
Cinnamon (Bitty) Lab/Terrier Mix 06/07/94-05/22/09 Shay Hazen
Cinnamon (Cimmie) Orange and White DSH Cat 08/23/91-04/14/07 Dawn
Cinnamon (Cinni) German Shepherd/Chow 07/14/91-05/06/02 Catherine Greeson
Cinnamon (Cinny Man) Cat 1990-03/08/10 Karen
Cinnamon (Kitty) Cat 10/01/87-09/08/03 The Clukeys
Cinnamon (Pooky) Cat 13 years 08/01/09 Rita Shustitzky
Cinnamon 9 months 04/29/03 Lisa & Kallie
Cinnamon Abbysinian Guinea Pig 07/22/00-11/26/03 Alliey
Cinnamon Abyssinian Cat 09/93-01/05/10 Jenny Barton
Cin-Na-Mon aka Cinnamon Pekingese 04/26/90-05/05/05 Don & Eilleen Schuster
Cinnamon American Ringtail Cat 15 years 06/06/24 Penelope Agrate
Cinnamon American Short Hair Cat 01/12/12-05/06/12 Paul Rinaudo
Cinnamon American Shorthair Cat 05/15/92-09/09/09 John & Marlene Cabot
Cinnamon and Dante Dogs 07/06/97 and 06/09/98 to 05/18/08 and 09/09/11 Elaine Caldwell
Cinnamon Anderson Lab Mix 13 years 04/10/16 Judy Anderson
Cinnamon Angel Pug 08/13/98-06/01/04 Cindi and Mike Martin
Cinnamon Angel Pug 13 Aug 1998-1 June 2004 Mike and Cindi Martin
Cinnamon Bailey Australian Shepherd Mix 06/10/98-12/10/13 Julia Bailey
Cinnamon Beagle 03/98-08/01/98 Mary Pike
Cinnamon Beagle Mix 1988-09/27/97 Mary Crane
Cinnamon Bear 5 years Cattle Dog 01/06/94 Ed and Julie Cunningham
Cinnamon Bear Peruvian Guinea Pig 5 1/2 years Bonami
Cinnamon Bear Pomeranian 12/87-01/28/11 Terrie Ann Wallace
Cinnamon Belgium Terf and German Shepherd 17 years 04/27/10 Diane Hoover
Cinnamon Belle McBride Cocker Spaniel 07/02/02-02/26/10 Donna McBride
Cinnamon Bird 3 years 10/12/08 Steve & Donna
Cinnamon Blonde Cockapoo 04/15/02-01/03/15 Candice Brosnan
Cinnamon Boxer 10/01/92-12/23/05 L & J Balzer
Cinnamon Boy Cocker Spaniel Mix 2010-03/31/14 Mary Kafadari
Cinnamon Brade Yorkie 03/14/81-01/02/94 Debbie Forsythe
Cinnamon Brittany 07/06/91-02/16/04 The Cohen Family
Cinnamon Brittney 15 years 06/07/11 Penny
Cinnamon Brown Golden Retriever W/Chow 14 years 06/06/08 Amanda
Cinnamon Brown Guinea Pig 08/25/03-02/19/04 Gabby
Cinnamon Bun Bearded Dragon 4 years 07/07/22 Debbie O
Cinnamon Bunny 08/12/95-09/14/00 Ruth Russin
Cinnamon Bunny 5 years 06/28/14 Andrea
Cinnamon Burmese Sable Cat 01/20/92-11/20/06 Constance Kennie
Cinnamon Busam Boxer 07/17/11 Susan Busam
Cinnamon Cain Orange/White DSH Cat 05/23/94-07/16/09 Debra Cain
Cinnamon Calico Cat 05/93-11/13/10 The Greenspan Family
Cinnamon Calico Cat 06/28/88-05/16/98 Koriander
Cinnamon Calico Cat 21 years 07/18/21 Laurie Stroh
Cinnamon Cat 01/31/11 Leila
Cinnamon Cat 02/18/10 Karen
Cinnamon Cat 03/01/91-12/19/07 Judy Distasio
Cinnamon Cat 03/17/93-08/20/07 Jessica & Sean
Cinnamon Cat 03/26/17 Rhys, Gwynie and Ellie Mack
Cinnamon Cat 03/30/90-10/19/03 Heather Poreda
Cinnamon Cat 13 years 07/22/02 Sheila
Cinnamon Cat 14 1/2 years 07/95 William Smith
Cinnamon Cat 14 1/2 years 12/05/02 Joann M. Kok
Cinnamon Cat 15 1/2 years 03/28/04 Sue
Cinnamon Cat 16 years 06/96 Eileen
Cinnamon Cat 17 years 03/10/09 Nicole
Cinnamon Cat 2 1/2 years 03/23/24 Jennifer and Tim
Cinnamon Cat 20 years 06/18/07 Debi Dusseault
Cinnamon Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cinnamon Cat Pat Galfano
Cinnamon Chihuahua 04/09/00-03/20/01 Joey Tarango
Cinnamon Chihuahua 04/23/03-06/21/16 Janice
Cinnamon Chihuahua/Pug Mix 03/17/12 Sean, Melinda & Ian
Cinnamon Chihuahua/Stafordshire Terrier Mix 11/91-01/07/02 Mona
Cinnamon Chocolate Lab 4 years 11/10/04 Joyce Hood
Cinnamon Chow Chow 11 years 10/13/05 Diana Vaughn
Cinnamon Chow Chow 14 years 10/17/05 Tiffany Olivares
Cinnamon Chow Mix 12/19/91-07/28/05 Marty Sliwicki
Cinnamon Chow-Chow 14 years 09/26/08 Christine and Scott Vogel
Cinnamon Chowchow 5 years 01/01/98 Candy
Cinnamon 'Cinny' Pomeranian 05/27/99-10/12/09 Marilyn Taylor
Cinnamon Cockatiel 12 years Zoe Zimmerman
Cinnamon Cockatiel 2002 Brianna
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel 02/16/91-05/31/02 Charlene Bess
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel 04/20/03-11/10/09 Susie Grover
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel 04/25/88-02/22/02 Pat Palmer
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel 06/04/88-07/06/01 Dolliann Flar
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel 08/81-12/94 Theresa Corbett
Cinnamon Cocker Spaniel/Border Collie 08/2002-07/22/12 Sarah
Cinnamon Collie Mix 4 years 11/28/97 Monica
Cinnamon Coyotte and Husky 07/80-09/21/95 Rita Richards
Cinnamon Dachshund 07/09/91-02/25/04 Marna Deruiter
Cinnamon Dachshund 08/31/10 David
Cinnamon Dachshund 10/08/98-12/19/09 Melinda
Cinnamon Dachshund 12/09/06 Stanley Massey
Cinnamon Dachshund 14 years 09/12/12 Carol Ann
Cinnamon Dachshund C.L.
Cinnamon Dashitzu Puppy 04/10/09-12/19/10 Tiffany Jacobs
Cinnamon Deer Chihuahua 3 years 06/15/12 Elaine
Cinnamon Degu 5 years01/11/02 Anne
Cinnamon Denton Chow 1984-1984 Cynthia Denton
Cinnamon Dilute Tortoiseshell DSH Cat 17? years 09/03/07 Sivana Heller and Dan Boyk
Cinnamon DLH Cat 09/15/79 Kimberly L.
Cinnamon Doberman Pincher 06/05/92-10/27/98 Charles Spring Jr.
Cinnamon Doberman/Husky Mix 7 years 03/23/04 Dan and Melinda Pitt
Cinnamon Dog 06/92-07/17/03 Eileen, John, Justin, Kelly, Norma and Jack.
Cinnamon Dog 09/92-04/10/01 Lindsay
Cinnamon Dog 10/89-05/29/02 M. G. Collins
Cinnamon Dog 11/29/87-02/29/00 Kozlowski family
Cinnamon Dog 12 years 11/10/18 Constance Howland
Cinnamon Domestic Cat 2 years approx April Sharon
Cinnamon Domestic Long Hair Cat 08/26/85-11/12/02 Russell and Garry
Cinnamon Domestic Short Hair Orange Tabby 08/04/02-04/19/08 Faith & Mark Shives
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/01/91-11/09/03 Laraine
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/02/13 Elizabeth
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/10/91-11/09/03 Laraine Murray
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 12/14/10 Trudy Burazin
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat 1963-1978 Joan
Cinnamon Domestic Shorthair Cat White with Orange Spots 2008?-12/06/15 Torrance Bartholomew
Cinnamon Douillard Chihuahua 12/31/08-01/13/12 Star Douillard
Cinnamon DSH Cat 02/14/92-06/20/06 Carol
Cinnamon DSH Yellow Tabby Cat 19+ years 01/18/12 Rita Longo & Berta Flath
Cinnamon Dwarf Russian Hamster 2 1/2 years 12/25/11 Megan
Cinnamon Ferret 06/22/06 Amy D
Cinnamon Fichter Pomeranian 02/09/97-08/30/10 Tasha & Glenn Fichter
Cinnamon Gerbil 08/21/92-08/24/98 Kelly
Cinnamon Gerbil 12/14/96 Jmstuckman Hulkster
Cinnamon German Pinscher 07/05/05-08/02/06 Mandi F
Cinnamon German Shepherd 03/20/11-12/28/21 Ricky Deskins
Cinnamon German Shepherd 13 years 08/25/10 Carrie Alden
Cinnamon German Shepherd 7 years 04/06/02 Sherry Marcia
Cinnamon German Shepherd Cross 04/06/06 Oila Nugent
Cinnamon Girl Maine Coon Cat 11/01/99-08/12/08 Dawn
Cinnamon Gold POA Pony 03/16/96-12/13/05 Jimmy and Kellie Nelson
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 01/08/04-06/12/13 Debbie M
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 02/04/98-02/18/08 Diana and Louis
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 04/12/92-10/16/06 Lori Canale
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 06/08/96-11/07/05 James C .Smith and Lynda J. Smith
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 07/04/97-05/18/09 Anna & Kenny
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 07/09/00-01/06/09 Jan
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 08/15/98-12/05/18 Barbara
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 09/09/86-10/08/99 Ellen Graham
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 10/04/04 Traci Thomas
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 10/17/96-03/17/11 Barbara Tanimoto
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 11 years 08/11/06 Ivory Bracey
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 11/21/95-05/18/09 Sharon Wilson
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 12/03/89-07/10/03 Dan and Kimberly Gallemore
Cinnamon Golden Retriever 15 years 07/14/01 Kathryn Overstreet
Cinnamon Graham DSH Cat 05/22/00-05/23/15 Karen and Brian
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 01/26/02-09/08/07 Rachel R
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 02/02/09-03/25/09 Lydia Markett
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 04/03/07-10/25/09 Olga Haselton
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 10/02/01-11/13/02 Suzanne & Dan
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 10/02/15-02/22/19 Deborah Lindsey
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 10/2006-04/14/09 Jennifer Stover
Cinnamon Guinea Pig 4 1/2 years 01/01/11 Vanessa
Cinnamon Hamster 02/25/01 Keya
Cinnamon Hamster 09/03/07-02/07/07 Caitlyn Marie Sonntag
Cinnamon Hamster 12/02/95 Sarah
Cinnamon Hamster 1990-1990 Kelsey
Cinnamon Hamster 2 1/2 years 12/25/11 Megan, Patrick, and Michael Gillock
Cinnamon Hartless Chihuahua 10/20/98-06/06/09 Bill & Laura Hartless
Cinnamon Himalayan Cat 03/98-11/17/04 Rhonda L
Cinnamon Himalayan Cat 10/13/87-07/20/03 Karen Cole
Cinnamon Himalayan Cat 17 years 10/29/97 The Moey's
Cinnamon Holland Lop Rabbit 04/07/03-12/15/06 Lorna Dobson
Cinnamon Irish Setter 07/14/80-12/27/93 Chuck & Linda Standart
Cinnamon Irish Setter Mix 15 1/2 years 08/07/10 Donna
Cinnamon Italian Greyhound 12 years 12/13/11 The Aitkens
Cinnamon Jelly Bean Mills English Bull 10/24/99-12/04/08 Amber Mills
Cinnamon Keeshond 07/14/87-12/05/02 Beth
Cinnamon Lab and Dalmatian 12/08/94-03/15/07 McIntyre Family
Cinnamon Lab and Dalmatian Mix 12/08/94-03/15/07 Gerry and Jorie McIntyre
Cinnamon Lab/Chow Mix 12/89-01/07/10 Nancy Sweeten
Cinnamon Labrador 1992-10/18/04 Chris Tyrrell
Cinnamon Lady Irish Setter 13 years Stacy Kerns
Cinnamon Lane Chihuahua 09/93-12/03/05 Connie Hieb
Cinnamon Lhasa Apso 03/12/82-01/12/97 Charles Davis & Henry Urick
Cinnamon Lhaso Apso 08/31/83-03/12/98 The Berrys
Cinnamon Long Hair Cinnamon/Orange/White Cat 05/23/84-02/07/02 Judy Dobson
Cinnamon Lose Tortoiseshell Cat 15 years 08/25/04 Katie
Cinnamon Maine Coon Cat 04/84-03/25/02 Claudia Gregoire
Cinnamon Mainecoon Cat 04/28/02-04/27/11 Patricia Casillo and Family
Cinnamon Mastiff/Pit Bull 8 years 07/16/19 Lisa Gorzelany
Cinnamon Medford Long Haired Chihuahua 3 years 08/28/06 Cindy and Glen
Cinnamon Medium Hair Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 01/10/06 Jenine
Cinnamon Min Pin 05/08/01-04/18/09 Felisa Rowsey
Cinnamon Mini Poodle 15 1/2 years 10/09/06 Candace Botha
Cinnamon Mini Rex Rabbit 07/11/09-07/01/10 Julianne, Brittany, Samantha and Wayne
Cinnamon Mini Rex Rabbit 8 years 05/10/08 Krystal
Cinnamon Miniature Pinscher 1 year 06/20/02 Katie
Cinnamon Miniature Pinscher 6 years 04/21/04 Sera
Cinnamon Miniature Poodle 09/15/98-08/27/12 Priscilla Robles
Cinnamon Minpin 9 years 05/23/12 Tami Gunter
Cinnamon Mixed Dog 02/25/95-02/17/09 Jill
Cinnamon Mixed Dog 06/89-12/31/99 Betsy Blaney
Cinnamon Mixed Dog 1996-10/26/09 John
Cinnamon Mixed Dog 2002-02/09/11 Candi Guthrie
Cinnamon Mutt 09/07/91-10/28/04 Kim Urichuck
Cinnamon Nubian Goat 02/28/01-03/08/05 Ann Flickinger
Cinnamon Ocicat Cat 06/14/95-02/04/10 Lea
Cinnamon Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/19/83-05/22/01 Ruth Hiner
Cinnamon Orange Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/08/89-03/21/07 Nancy Ellen Burns
Cinnamon Orange Longhair Cat 5 years 02/08/99 Rena Jones
Cinnamon Orange Tabby Cat 08/19/95-02/12/06 Mary Ann Hoffman and Damon Silvers
Cinnamon Orange Tabby Cat 15 years Sherry Geoff and Paul
Cinnamon Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 12/27/01 Sharon Leech
Cinnamon Orange Tiger Cat 12 years 02/21/01 Debbie & Barr
Cinnamon P.O.A. Horse 23 years 2013 Isabel & Sydney
Cinnamon Part Maine Coon Cat 13 1/2 years 10/12/05 John Apida, Jr
Cinnamon Pit Bull Mix 06/2003 Britni Walker
Cinnamon Pomeranian 10 years 11/14/11 Tina Linley
Cinnamon Pomeranian 11/10/04-02/06/16 Sabrina
Cinnamon Pomeriam 01/10/05-09/06/16 Nannette and James
Cinnamon Poodle 03/17/84-04/14/03 Lena Livingston
Cinnamon Poodle 10 years 10/24/99 Thomas & Melodie Irwin
Cinnamon Poodle 10/08/84-06/30/00 Maureen Mastykarz
Cinnamon Poodle Mix 12 years 10/15/12 Leticia
Cinnamon Precious Costa Dachshund 01/09/99-06/04/12 Melanie, Georgette, Bruce & Chuck
Cinnamon Pug 06/15/98-08/06/02 J Henry
Cinnamon Rabbit 04/10/18 Katie
Cinnamon Rabbit 09/17/13-06/13/15 Meg W
Cinnamon Ragdoll Siamese Cat 14 years 01/05/12 Chuck & Janet McNeil
Cinnamon Rat 8 months 08/17/98 Joyce & Family
Cinnamon Red Abyssinian 11/16/86-09/27/96 Chuck Wagner
Cinnamon Red with lots of hair Guinea Pig 09/10/06-12/07/08 Wendy & Haley Swoope
Cinnamon Regular Hamster 10/11/05-05/10/09 Taylor Lawrence
Cinnamon Rex Rabbit 2 years 07/13/02 Kim Ewaskow
Cinnamon Sable Burmese Cat 01/20/92-11/26/06 Connie Kennie
Cinnamon SH Tortie and White Cat 08/81-05/11/99 Sandy Grace
Cinnamon Sheltie 04/15/94-08/05/04 Doug & Sharon Ross
Cinnamon Sheltie 04/99 Ellen Nimmo
Cinnamon Sheltie Mix 9 1/2 years 05/21/06 Ken & Pat Prosser
Cinnamon Shep X 03/03/08 Bill and Virginia Heald
Cinnamon Shep/Rott Mix 11/29/87-02/29/00 Catherine, Don and Pepper
Cinnamon Shepherd/Chow Mix 12/17/94-06/21/10 Kathy Gregory
Cinnamon Shetland Pony 04/25/04 Candie
Cinnamon Shetland Sheepdog 15 years 11/17/10 Janet Rutan
Cinnamon Shih Tzu 02/21/95-01/15/08 Cheryl
Cinnamon Shih Tzu 09/06/06-09/21/21 Teni Davoudian
Cinnamon Shihtzu 08/27/06-05/10/13 Eloisa Smith
Cinnamon Shih-Tzu 10/07/93-04/12/04 Jake and Amber
Cinnamon Shorthair Cat 04/91-01/72/07 Michael Groux
Cinnamon Silk/Abyssinian Guinea Pig 3 years 09/30/04 Katia Sims
Cinnamon Simonds Mixed Border Collie/Ausie 11 years 09/02/08 Dan and Christy Simonds
Cinnamon Singapura Cat 6 years 8 months 08/19/05 Tracy Mulvihill & Tom Zemaitis
Cinnamon Spice (Spicey) Miniature Dachshund 03/23/95-04/19/13 Linda J. Pratt
Cinnamon Spice Miniature Long Hair Dachshund 04/26/91-08/19/05 Marilyn, John and Family
Cinnamon Spice Orange Tabby Cat 07/13/92-02/16/10 Amanda, Ashley, Lori, Larry
Cinnamon Standard Poodle 01/01/98-05/31/10 Marty Ronhovde
Cinnamon Stick Hale Miniature Poodle 08/15/97-04/20/11 Christopher Scott Hale
Cinnamon Stick Steinberg Chihuahua 10/30/93-12/26/06 Jane Steinberg
Cinnamon Su Schnoodle 01/01/85-03/01/04 John and Penny Peterson
Cinnamon Sugar Red Cocker 06/21/89-06/20/94 Rebecca Evege
Cinnamon Sugar Tiger Lilly Golden Retriever 8 years 03/23/10 Paul, Tracey, Sean, Devin and Mary Margaret
Cinnamon 'Sunbeam' Domestic Long Haired Cat 04/89-05/19/09 Irene Payne
Cinnamon Syrian Hamster 03/01/21-10/05/22 Luke S.
Cinnamon Terrier 07/11/12 Daniel and Kathy
Cinnamon Terrier Mix 09/22/00-03/08/10 Barbara/Carol
Cinnamon Toast (C.T.) Cat 17 years 02/17/03 Linda Bradley
Cinnamon Toast 04/86-11/23/92 Jeanne Marie
Cinnamon Toast Himalayan Cat 06/21/91-12/08/10 Junior Frazier
Cinnamon Toast Persian Cat 03/02/83 Susan Douglass
Cinnamon Tortoise Cat 07/27/88-11/25/03 Jackie Moody
Cinnamon Tortoiseshell Cat 1981-09/01/99 L. Thornhill
Cinnamon Toy Poodle 03/26/91-02/07/02 Bob & Judy
Cinnamon Toy Poodle 16 1/2 years 03/03/05 Tom and Barbara Burkard
Cinnamon Twist Burmese, Sable Cat 15 years 12/2006 C Kennie
Cinnamon Welsh Springer Spaniel 04/22/85-04/03/00 Ginger Kossoff
Cinnamon White and Fawn Tabby Cat 04/95-05/05/06 Lynn Fletcher
Cinnamon Wolf Husky Malamute 01/09/99-09/14/09 Judith Pansarosa
Cinnamon Yellow Labrador Retriever 02/15/08-08/04/20 Tony
Cinnamon Yellow Tabby Cat Spring Of 1984-11/02/00 Denise Haws
Cinnamon-Bun Bunny '02 or '03 Amy
Cinnamone (Cinny) German Shepherd Dog 12 1/2 years 03/98 Lorie Hull
Cinnamon's Charlotte Russe (Charlotte) Standard Poodle 07/18/94-06/27/99 Judy and Steven Kazan
Cinnanmon Scritch Rat 03/2008 Kimberley and Mark
Cinniamon Toy Poodle 11/25/92-04/30/09 Kevin Roth
Cinnibuns Greyhound 04/04/04-03/03/15 Jeanne Metzler
Cinnie Dog 05/23/06 Maria Mooney
Cinnie Mini Dachshund 10/28/04-07/24/17 Laura Petersen
Cinnimin Styx Dachshund Mix 06/03/02-08/24/10 Rikki Meade
Cinnimon Guinea Pig 05/26/02-04/12/09 Samantha McKiernan
Cinnimon Sheepdog X Dagz
Cinnomon Poodle 06/15/95-09/15/09 Ruben
Cinny Cockatiel 04/13/07 Danielle
Cinny Cockatiel 9 years 09/23/05 Mary
Cinny Shepherd/Retriever Mix 10 years 09/01/98 Ken & Audrey Ross
Cino Siamese Cross Cat 02/29/00-06/22/09 Mel & Craig Manley
Cinque Davis Pomeranian 11/11/02-02/08/09 Ronae' M. Davis, Carla Davis, John Davis Jr., John Davis Sr.
Cinton Rycraft Cocker Mix 17 years 08/01/12 Ron and Patricia Rycraft
Cinzia Llapso Apso 14 years 06/2007 Carla Niro
Cio Cio San Long Haired Tuxedo Cat 7 1/2 years 07/09/07 Michael Jessie
Cioppi Cat 23/09/86-01/01/01 Isa Barini
Cios Grey Long Haired Cat 11/05/94-12/05/02 Dagmar
Cipria Rabbit 03/03/04-04/02/12 Cristina Rotondaro
Cipy Budgie 2 years 02/05/17 Roxana
Ciqaya Bichon Frise 04/01/05-12/31/07 Traci Vieites
Ciquito Lopez Chihuahua 10 years 09/01/07 Donna, Darrell, Margena and DJ Lopez
Circe Austrailian Shepherd/Husky 08/04/88-12/10/01 Sandradee McCadden
Circe Black DLH Cat 07/14/80-12/08/94 Ginger-lyn Summer
Circe Border Collie 11/84-11/27/98 Carl P
Circe Cat 09/22/94 Katie & Josh
Circe Cat 14 years 07/26/00 Genna
Circe Domestic Long Hair - Black and White Cat 03/01/89-05/15/09 Jon Brown
Circe DSH Cat 08/21/02 Maria Eanes
Circe Greater Siren Salamander 04/01/96-12/09/04 Richard Wynne
Circe Julie & Dave
Circe O'Brien German Shepherd 03/10/99-06/13/12 George, Holly, Amber, Kaityn, Emilie and Little Shayla
Circe the Meep DSH Cat 10/10/87-03/08/99 Don and Phyl
Circle G Matilda Jack Russell Terrier 07/26/01-09/16/05 Colleen Groce
Circles Lahsa Apso 08/15/03 Matt and Christie Kelly
Circque Greyhound 04/08/15 Lori S.
Ciri Cat 01/31/03 Katalin
Ciri Cat 20 years 03/14/15 Rebecca
Ciro Orrels Pit Bull 04/07/04-10/03/06 Justin Orrels and Tara Slack
Cirocco Domestic Short Hair Cat 1 year 1982 Tom Decker
Cirque Siberian Husky 10/01/00-03/18/03 Andy Kaczka
Cirra Pom 14 years 8 months 07/26/06 Robin
Cirrus Cat 2010-03/08/12 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Cirrus Kasablanca's Rocky Road Bernese Mountain Dog 06/16/00-08/23/05 Cantrell Family
Cirrus Kitten 10/00 Jim & Cheryl Martini
Cirrus Persian Cross Cat 2 1/2 years 08/2003 Laurette Chartrand
Cirrus Pure White DSH Cat 06/14/96-06/18/01 Heidi Millner
Cirrus Samoyed 12/04/92-04/16/05 Kathie Mudrone
Cirrus Standard Poodle 02/16/80-08/15/06 Minner
Cirrus Stonewall Domestic Shorthair Feline 04/01/95-10/16/06 Jennifer Zahn Norris
Cirrus white cloud 4 years Lynn Redlin
Cirrus Yellow Lab 02/13/97-08/18/09 Linda
Cisco (Black Forest's Cisco Geronimo) Fila Brasileiro
Cisco (The Cisco Kid) Sheltie 02/16/74-02/23/88 Karen Evans
Cisco (Whispers Golden Arrow) American Saddlebred Horse 06/02/94-05/15/99 Shari Carlaw
Cisco 01/05/00-07/23/01 Robert and Deborah Shaffer
Cisco Akita 12 years 09/15/06 Veronica Corral
Cisco Alaskan Malamute Mix 12/29/94-06/11/08 Rusty & Angie Fisher
Cisco American Eskimo Dog 06/19/96-05/20/05 Jeni Batton
Cisco Apodaca Great Dane 01/02/07-04/07/13 Gail Apodaca
Cisco Australian Cattle Dog 1/25/94-11/10/98 Fina, Reyna, Fancy, Thelma & Louise
Cisco Bichon Frise 2 years 07/22/95 Workfiend
Cisco Black Dog 02/07/98 Connie & Ron
Cisco Blue Heeler 04/2012 Katherine
Cisco Blue Heeler 1996-04/14/12 Eileen
Cisco Boxer 9 years 05/10/10 Izzy
Cisco Brown Tabby Cat 10 years 09/06/09 Judy and Lenny Dupree
Cisco Calico Cat 07/13/91-05/04/09 Sue Ford
Cisco Campbell Bichon-Shitzhu 01/24/93-06/06/05 Justin Campbell
Cisco Cat 05/25/00-03/16/03 Alice
Cisco Cat 06/15/88-01/14/03 Bob and Gloria Benson
Cisco Cat 07/2005-02/19/07 Mary & Bruce
Cisco Cat 09/02/09 Janine
Cisco Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/20/99-01/14/09 Ginny Corvino
Cisco Cherryhead Conure 08/01/07 Cindi Roberts
Cisco Chihuahua 03/15/82-07/25/07 Michelanne
Cisco Chihuahua 06/06/03-07/09/16 Linda Bird
Cisco Chihuahua 07/06/07-02/28/20 Erin
Cisco Chihuahua 08/16/10 Harold Hutson
Cisco Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 08/16/98-09/25/06 Julie Lewis
Cisco Cockatiel 04/01/95-04/16/05 Karen Starkey
Cisco Cocker Spaniel 13 years 04/12/94 Barbara Thurgood
Cisco Ferret 6 years 09/05/99 Kristie
Cisco Gauvin Lab/Pit Bull Mix 02/03/12-01/04/20 Jennifer Gauvin
Cisco German Shepherd 11/85-05/19/99 Karen & Steve
Cisco German Shepherd 8 1/2 years 12/18/04 Carol Santos
Cisco German Shepherd 9 years 08/28/07 Anthony and Tabitha
Cisco German Shepherd adopted 05/2002-03/15/08 Trish
Cisco Greyhound 11/18/97-06/16/04 Tammy & Jeff Powell
Cisco Gurule Soft Coat Wheaton 2004-10/24/19 Johnny F. Gurule
Cisco Honeybear Cat 06/07/98-02/25/14 Charles and Jeri Lynn Koch
Cisco Kid Cocker/Pit Bull 01/01/00-10/07/05 Judy and Freddy Gabaldon
Cisco Kid of Southernites Persian Cat 03/89-07/01/03 Bill & Debbie Dallmann
Cisco Labrador 1994-08/31/05 Mike, Heidi, and Sam Kelly
Cisco Lee Siberian Husky 02/28/06-01/21/07 Liz Gill
Cisco Long Haired Dachshund 11/15/93-03/18/07 Debbie Duncan
Cisco Maine Coon Cat 12 years 03/06/11 Holly Williams
Cisco Min Pin 01/08/03-08/13/17 Kim
Cisco Mini Schnauzer 06/01/06 Marilyn Zitterkopf
Cisco Miniature Australian Shepherd 02/04/17-01/18/18 Danny Hammer
Cisco Mixed Dot 13 years 03/09/06 Kati & Shawn Coles
Cisco Newfoundland Mix 1993-05/01/04 Richard, Laura, & Kyla Johnson
Cisco Part Chow and Part Golden Retriever 13 years 11/15/11 Susan Barnes
Cisco Pitbull 10/02/06-10/23/16 Alycia
Cisco Presa Canario 9 years 12/16/09 Katie
Cisco Red Doberman 02/26/12-01/25/13 Stacey, Sean, Justin & Jaiden Werner
Cisco Rottweiler 5 years 12/19/04 Karen DeGennaro
Cisco Shamus Bichon Shih Tzu 01/24/93-06/06/05 Marilyn Brian Justin Brianne & Mandy Campbell
Cisco Sheltie 09/09/10-12/31/18 Deb Werts
Cisco Shepherd Mix 02/14/96-10/10/08 Shirley Dolengo and Jaye Fogelstrom
Cisco Shih Tzu 11/07/01-11/13/06 Santiago Family
Cisco Shih Tzu 12/19/99-12/23/00 Angela M. Jaso
Cisco Shih-Tzu 7 1/2 years 11/07/01 Michael J. Friedman, D.O. & Maria Deritis
Cisco Siberian Husky 06/11/96-05/23/03 Richard & Beverly LaForge
Cisco Standard Poodle 01/20/03-07/06/07 Jackie Semar
Cisco the Bovier Bovier Des Flanders 08/10/98-07/02/05 Margie and Eric
Cisco Umbrella Cockatoo 05/05/03-10/29/06 Leslie
Cisco West Highland Terrier 01/13/93-01/03/03 Ginger Wingfield McCall
Cisco West Highland White Terrier 10/21/93-07/22/08 Bill Bartkus
Cisely Leann Hayes Chihuahua 02/14/00-03/23/09 Tonda, Landon, Chassidy, and Chance Hayes
Cisi German Shepherd 13 years 01/00 Robyn & Emilio Ramos
Cisko Cat 10/95-03/06/05 Tiffany + Liz + Martin Osmond
Cisko Domestic Long Hair Cat 03/09/07 Sonja & Simon
Cissie Cat 08/17/92-10/21/99 Jimmy and Lorie
Cissie Corgi 12 years 02/15/10 Barbara
Cissy Boxer 04/04/88-03/03/00 Cheryl King
Cissy Boxer/American Pit Bull Terrier 12/31/96-02/20/07 Colleen Zoe Daily
Cissy Calico Cat 02/14/93-12/21/06 Carol Henderson
Cissy Chi 11/89-06/06/01 Marion Perdue
Cissy Dog 11 years 04/26/99 S.S.
Cissy Domestic Shorthair - Orange & White Cat 20 years 10/03/10 Joan Hansen & Richard Ball
Cissy Doxin-Terrier 12/12/69-02/27/01 Richard Trammell
Cissy Ferret 03/04/05 David & Diane
Cissy Ginger Cat 14 years 29/09/09 Jess
Cissy Greyhound 4 years Friend of Amie
Cissy Hanrahan Medium Length American Calico Cat 08/16/00-01/18/10 Sheri and Dan Hanrahan
Cissy Haymore Beagle 5 years 12/12/07 Lavonne
Cissy Lee Fluffy White Mutt 05/93-08/24/98 Penny & Monty Farrar
Cissy Long Hair Calico Cat 11 years 02/23/09 Maggie
Cissy Marie Perez Blue Heeler Mix 01/31/91-06/20/08 Cathy
Cissy Markins Long Hair Calico Cat 04/03/13 Cathy and Ken Markins
Cissy Mini-Pin 4 years 06/10/05 Patricia Troxell
Cissy Penley Yorkshire Terrier 03/30/07 Joyce Penley
Cissy Pomeranian/Spitz Mix 10/30/06-04/16/06 Cathy
Cissy Robinson Pomeranian/Spitz Mix 21 years 04/16/06 Cathy Robinson
Cissy Rose Chihuahua 03/29/02-04/06/10 Beverly Myers
Cissy Siamese/Tabby Mix Cat 12 years 12/06/12 Jeanette
Cissy Von Sheba Rottweiler 01/29/97-03/28/04 Donna Junkins
Cita Beagle 9 years 09/02/05 Rolf & Hella Tingler
Cita German Shepherd 6 years 10/2003 Tanya
Cita Heidi Von Arragos Rottie 10/20/88-08/10/96 Alena
Citabria Lee Rawlings Tabby Cat 14 years 09/23/05 Heather Rawlings
Citation Persian Cat 05/30/95-10/10/00 Jackie Rose
Citrine (Joyslyn-Ris'n Star of Josels) Lhasa Apso 02/12/99-08/17/15 Lois Baldwin
Citrus Cat 03/26/08 Antonia
Citrus Orange & White Tabby Cat 03/17/07-12/02/09 Joe Rosenberg
Citrus Parakeet 12/19/11 Janice
Citterz Black Tabby Kitten 7 weeks 12/23/05 Janna Burris
Ciu Ciu (Choo Choo) Eades American Eskimo Dog 01/23/92-09/12/04 Jamie and Rick
Cixi Shih Tzu 17 years 10/05/05 Karlyn Harper
CJ (aka Jen's Boy) Tabby Cat 06/15/07 Casey
CJ (Clara Jo) White Cat 18 years 01/26/11 Brad and Marion
CJ (Lil Kitty) Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/01/89-04/22/08 Ed Hardcastle
CJ (Sage) German Shepherd 09/21/96-09/21/05 Mary, Joseph,and Chrissy Vincenzes
CJ 4 (Paws) Australian Shepherd Mix 11/27/08 Leah Simons
CJ American Shorthair Cat 03/01/94-03/11/05 Kenlaugh and Raymond Lewis
CJ American Shorthair Cat 9 years 11/20/09 Jane
CJ Beagle 13 years 04/02/05 Tracy & Ann
CJ Beagle/Terrier Mix 11 years 10/05/12 Sandy Matakovich
CJ Bichon 12/04/97-03/22/04 Jim McCaffrey
CJ Bichon 1992-09/12/07 Chris, Hunter, and Ellie Mae
CJ Black Burmese/Persion Cross Cat 03/07/87-01/02/01 Beth Mitchell
CJ Black Domestic Cat W/Green Eyes 06/15/92-07/01/05 Linda Wright/Marc Knapp
CJ Brussels Griffon 8 years 03/12/09 Cathy
CJ Calico Cat 16 years 05/22/12 Kimberly Thomas and Roger Neil
CJ -Captain Jeremiah Morgan Aubel Poodle 04/17/08-10/01/11 Rhoda Aubel
CJ Cat 04/16/84-04/15/03 Remi Gonzalez
CJ Cat 07/14/08 Barbara Bjorck
CJ Cat 10/88-02/99 Stephanie
CJ Cat 16 years 01/11/09 Stephanie P
CJ Cat 7 1/2 years Mary
CJ Chihuahua 13 years 03/02/06 Eva Kolberg
CJ Chow Chow Golden Ret. Mix 12 years 06/17/13 Cynthia and Jim Nivens CJ = Cynthia Jim
CJ Cocker Spaniel 02/20/99-06/15/13 Christy
CJ Cocker Spaniel 04/11/91-11/28/02 Cari
CJ Cocker Spaniel 07/25/90-04/03/04 Renee' Thompson
CJ Dog 03/17/94-02/12/08 Sandra
CJ Dog 07/26/06 Joyce P
CJ Dog German Shepherd 09/21/96-09/21/05 Mary Vincenzes
CJ Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/02-01/22/11 Dean Duffey
CJ Duquette German Shepherd 05/08/05-10/24/05 Sabrina & Lahtesha
CJ English Mastiff 07/04/12-10/25/24 Sherry
CJ Ferret 7 years 05/14/02 Cheryl and Tim
CJ Golden Retriever 01/12/90-01/14/99 J and C
CJ Golden Retriever 06/11/10 Joan Michael
CJ Golden Retriever 11/09/92-05/03/05 Jack Rand
CJ Grey Tabby Cat 18 years 06/10/06 Chris
CJ GSD 16 years 01/01/08 Helen
CJ Jack Russell 05/20/99-02/06/14 Kelly Winters
CJ Krajewski Black Lab / Rott Mix 01/01/93-05/20/05 The Krajewski Family
CJ Lab/Springer Spaniel Mix 5 years 02/23/01 Mom Cheryl Serpa Aunt Georgine Powers
CJ Labrador Retriever 11/23/94-07/18/09 John Massaro
CJ Labrador Retriever 14 years 07/18/09 Kristin
CJ Lhaso Apso 01/06/89-02/11/05 Rande Medwed
CJ Maltese 05/87-03/05/02 Cindy, Chris, Samantha & Tyler Jones
CJ Maltipoo 05/05/16-08/05/20 Dawn Mauceri
CJ Min. American Eskimo Dog 07/84-04/18/98 Chanel G.
CJ Mini Schnauzer 11 years 08/11/16 Cathy Richardson
CJ Miniature Poodle 05/30/93-08/31/08 Keith Markey
CJ Mini-Dachshund 08/22/89-07/05/00 Kappler Family
CJ Mini-Schnauzer 08/10/02-04/16/10 Carol Cirigliano
CJ Mix Chihuahua 16 years 04/16/06 Anna Marie Perna
CJ Mix Dog 06/01/90-04/16/06 Anna Marie Perna
CJ Mix Dog 07/90-12/03/03 Julie Beyer
CJ Mix Pointer 06/01/91-04/16/06 Anna Marie Perna
CJ Pomeranian 15 1/2 years 07/25/06 Tina
CJ Pug 10 1/2 years 05/17/14 Carolyn Delorme
CJ Pug 6 years 01/23/99 Sharon
CJ Quaker Quaker Parakeet 04/01/00-06/15/03 Cynthia Menke
CJ Rottweiler 04/19/97-01/18/07 Kristen Keller
CJ Schipperke 09/09/97-05/18/09 Diane Rafter
CJ Schneider Sheltie 12/17/00-04/02/08 Rose Schneider
CJ Shih Tzu 06/12/99-09/05/07 Cynthia Philip
CJ Shih Tzu 10/99-10/06/06 Tracy
CJ Shitpoo 06/20/14-02/24/23 Yola Smith
CJ Silver Persian Cat 08/31/02-10/07/04 Vivian Rozane
CJ Smooth Dachshund 09/25/97 Cathy Radtke
CJ Standard Dachshund 13 years 09/97 Cathy Radtke
CJ Toy Poodle 03/12/84-11/12/97 Jim and Rose Curry
CJ West Highland Terrier 03/01/97-03/01/12 Brett Rosenberg
CJ West Highland White Terrier 01/03/96-05/21/06 Kathleen and Dharmo
CJ Wolf/Lab 12/19/00-12/03/04 Kit Connally
CJ Yorkie 11/30/95-12/12/06 Denise & Aaron
Cj. Baby c Jack Russell 02/10/99-04/14/12 Heather Herbert
Cj's Angel Collie 11/23/01-06/2008 Mickey Hibbard
CJ's Commodore Beau Basset Hound 03/01/95-02/07/00 Vicki Ramirez
CK (aka Compton, aka Babooshka) Domestic Short Hair Cat 9 years 10/04/14 Kevin & Lynne Moss
CK Akita/German Shepherd Mix 11/87-02/08/03 Pat Wohrley
CK Beagle/Terrier X 03/13/97-02/16/16 Clara Sharp
CK Black Manx Cat 08/31/95-07/18/98 Michelle Posner
CK Dexter MinPin 10/30/95-11/11/09 Kathy
CK Shetland Sheepdog 7 years 12/2007 Tara Taylor
Clack Siamese Mix With A Pink Nose Cat 04/28/96-08/04/07 Sarah Nelson
Clacker German Shepherd Vietnam
Cladia The Catbird Cat 02/10/11 Deb, Steve and Orion
Clair Dachshund 7 years 04/22/15 Farrah
Clair Irish Terrier 12/30/99-11/21/09 Robin Edgar
Clair Silky Terrierpoodle Puppy 02/07/04-07/01/04 Lianne Crowley
Clair Tabby Cat 06/06/01-04/23/05 Ann
Claira Cat 04/25/08-01/04/14 Miley, Briea, Tate, Ben
Claira Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Claira Rottie 9 1/2 years 04/20/99 Ginny
Claire Australian Shepherd Red Merle 01/15/06-05/22/07 Christi Peterson-Churchill
Claire Basset Hound 10/21/91-10/20/03 Erica
Claire Bear Pomeranian 11/25/05-04/01/06 Candi Albair
Claire Bella Reid Bichon Frise 06/24/10-01/11/18 Robert & Laureen Reid and Narvalie Hingle
Claire Black and Tan 02/24/98-01/23/11 RBW
Claire Black and White Cat 05/10/96-12/02/05 Andrea Sande
Claire Black Lab Mix 02/10/90-02/24/04 Mary Anne
Claire Black Lab/Rottweiler 04/20/97-10/25/04 Dana
Claire Boxer Meznet
Claire Calico Cat 08/15/96-03/16/13 Karen
Claire Cat 05/99-10/25/00 Andrea Connelly
Claire Cat 06/05/96-08/15/13 Joann
Claire Cat 11/28/11 Amy and Eric
Claire Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 14 years 06/14/04 Erica Braun
Claire Cocker Spaniel 08/06/94-04/10/03 Bonnie, Don and Rachel
Claire Cocker/Golden 06/16/92-12/31/05 Marybeth Burton
Claire Dachshund 01/04/97-10/26/10 Cindi, Mike, Alli, & Katie Hockin
Claire de Lune Gordon Setter 11/28/03-12/12/14 Thomas Johnson
Claire D'Lune Belgian Turveran 12 years 01/21/17 Curtis and Candyce Gerrard
Claire Doll-Face Persian Cat 14 years 08/28/06 Rebecca Phillips
Claire Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/04/85-01/18/02 Andrea
Claire Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/00-05/22/11 Kristine
Claire DSH Black Tux Cat 08/24/01-11/26/11 Mom and Oliver N
Claire Elisabeth Spotted Fur Mini Lop Rabbit 11/22/99-04/27/00 Christen
Claire Emily Chinchilla 11/06/10-11/06/10 Mikayla
Claire Ewing Jack Russell Mix 04/22/12 Jane Ewing
Claire Gaines Terrier 02/17/20 Marilyn Cordovi
Claire Golden Retriever 12 years 10/31/09 Mitch Swanda
Claire Greyhound 08/16/10-10/28/22 Jackie Fedako
Claire Maltese 07/04/02-06/22/11 Hattie Parker
Claire Money Jack Russell Terrier 08/07/97-07/07/12 Sarah Money
Claire Peach Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Claire Peterson Calico Cat 17 years 07/11/11 Linda Peterson
Claire Spaniel / Setter 02/14/03-12/13/11 Steve Fisher
Claire Tabby Cat 19 years 02/17/05 Carole Carrillo
Claire Young Pekingese 04/13/94-05/18/07 Sherryl Butler
Clairemont Mix Dog 05/97-06/30/09 Michelle
ClairePuppy Pekingese 12/04/06-08/04/10 Wilma & Terry Murray
Clairie Chocolate Point Siamese Mix Cat 05/20/04 Charlton Vaughan
Clan Heath Just Brighton Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier 03/22/95-08/18/09 George & Nelle Walker
Clance Mutt 18 years 10/23/04 Abby
Clanceé Doberman/Chow Mix 8 1/2 years 02/19/99 Marlee
Clancey (Sir Lancelot) Irish Setter 08/01/81-07/27/94 Patty Southworth
Clancey Arthur Black Dachshund 01/28/92-12/29/04 Debita & Peter
Clancey English Pointer 11/24/94-02/06/96 Jeff Scott
Clancey Golden Retriever 09/13/91-06/11/05 Nicole
Clancey Lab X 08/90-07/29/00 Tisa
Clancey Maine Coon Cat 05/18/98-05/24/99 Sue Beals
Clancey Orange Tabby Cat 10/15/87-11/14/99 Jane Ron
Clancey Persian Cat 07/09/91-01/20/06 Earl & Adrienne Kawamura
Clanci Marie Duggan B&W Cocker Spaniel 8 years 09/08/95 Bonnie Anderson
Clancie German Shepherd 04/23/93-06/05/06 Geri
Clancy 1/23/92 Joel Levinson
Clancy Akita 01/31/03-10/31/09 Cyn Clarke
Clancy Alaskan Malamute 10 years 03/05/07 Cynthia and Michale Fisher
Clancy American Eskimo Dog 09/24/97-01/25/11 Gina
Clancy Angus Golden Retriever 08/13/90-02/04/03 Rigel Morgan
Clancy Beagle 05/01/94-04/12/04 Erin O'Connell
Clancy Beagle 07/14/87-03/24/03 Joe Pentecost
Clancy Beagle Cross 02/25/08 Rona Jackson
Clancy Bearded Collie 04/12/95-10/16/08 Jack and Jean
Clancy black Cocker Spaniel 09/83-05/28/94 JJ
Clancy Blue/Grey Cat 08/04/80-05/14/95 Emmy Fitzsimmons
Clancy Border Collie 10/04/94-02/26/08 Shannon Morris
Clancy Border Collie/Australian Shepherd 12/15/91-09/29/06 Janet Aldrich
Clancy Borus Cocker Spaniel/Shitzu 01/28/94-10/15/11 Joanne Borus
Clancy Boxer Mix 02/13/03 Curt Sellers
Clancy Boy Shepherd/Collie 15 years 10/31/07 Jill & Shawn Perry
Clancy Brittany Spaniel 15 years 08/03/05 Lee Ruck
Clancy Burmese Cat 05/01/00-08/25/06 Ellen Patnode
Clancy Cairn Terrier 03/17/85-03/08/97 Elaine Fidler
Clancy Cairn Terrier 1982-03/21/97 Kathye Pepka
Clancy Cat 11 years 07/14/09 Amanda
Clancy Cat 12/19/97-11/31/07 Meg, David, Collin, Lindsey, Wayne
Clancy Cat Adriene Shanler
Clancy Cockatoo 10/13/94-09/30/12 Michele Lentovich
Clancy Cocker Spaniel 04/96-08/07/10 Dave, Kathy and Family
Clancy Corgi Terrier Mixed Breed 12 years 09/27/03 Terri Ackerman and Scott Piroth
Clancy Dalmatian 06/30/90-04/26/04 Eileen Fitzgerald
Clancy Dalmation 09/27/98 Linda & Family
Clancy DLH Gray and White Cat 08/05/07 Sharon
Clancy Dobie Mix 02/01/90-03/18/04 Keith and Nancy
Clancy Dog 05/2010 Kaila
Clancy German Shepherd Mix Rescue 10/2012-01/15/24 Shannon Kelleher
Clancy Goldador 07/20/91-03/22/04 Ann and Mike Reddington
Clancy Golden Retriever 01/27/97-12/02/10 Cheryl Figg
Clancy Golden Retriever 01/29/95-11/25/04 Sheral Bradley
Clancy Golden Retriever 03/15/99-05/17/07 Victoria Zalenski
Clancy Golden Retriever 03/24/98 Pat
Clancy Golden Retriever 05/04/94-06/22/00 Tim Burke
Clancy Golden Retriever 13 years 01/30/04 Debby Dibona
Clancy Golden Retriever Mix 10 years 04/22/96 Carol Niehus
Clancy Goldie Irish Setter 13 years 07/13/04 Maria & George
Clancy III Irish Setter 09/15/90-01/23/04 Jim Devereux
Clancy Irish Setter 05/09/84-04/15/93 Dick and Peggy
Clancy Irish Setter 13 years 05/03/86-04/30/99 Jim Deveraux
Clancy Irish Setter 17 1/2 years 06/02/99 Charshill
Clancy James Cat 6 years 03/10/07 Kathleen
Clancy Jane German Short Haired Pointer Mix 09/26/16 Ally
Clancy Jeanette Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/10/94-02/29/12 Kathy Boote
Clancy Jr. (C. J.) Basset Hound 09/09/84-09/12/00 Cherie Coristine
Clancy Kerry Blue Terrier 14 1/2 years 11/21/03 Eric and Jennifer Stahley
Clancy Lab Mix 03/15/97-03/27/07 Claire
Clancy Lab/Beagle Mix 13 years 03/13/06 Kristy Graham
Clancy Labrador Retriever 04/29/90-04/13/99 Carol Walz
Clancy Lhaso Apso 06/01/00-05/30/10 Ellen Anderson
Clancy Mactavish West Highland Terrier 08/01/90-10/25/96 Erin
Clancy Mae Minpin 4 years 10/31/98 Cathy Karr
Clancy Maltese 08/19/95-10/14/05 Barbara Oconnell
Clancy Maltese/Poodle Mix 02/04/01 Debbie
Clancy Mixed Dog 06/29/93-09/25/07 Julie Daugherty
Clancy Mixed Dog 12/18/95-01/12/07 Linda Weeks
Clancy Montgomery Cocker Spaniel 11 years 12/15/09 Scott and Jennifer Montgomery
Clancy Moon Calico Cat 06/30/92-07/14/08 Lynn and Jim Hogan
Clancy Mutt 06/08/08 Brianne
Clancy Norwich Terrier 03/17/08-08/26/22 Hazel
Clancy Orange Tabby 09/15/89-08/27/05 Rock Coalridge
Clancy Pekinese 2 years 10/04/06 Tracy Bryan & Rddie Gibbs
Clancy Pomeranian 11/04/05-04/28/06 Susan Lincoln
Clancy Rag Doll Cat 17 years 02/03/15 Mark Pico
Clancy Ragdoll Cat 17 years 02/03/15 Mark Pico
Clancy Schaunzer 11/10/86-01/03/98 James Trojanek
Clancy Schnauzer 01/16/01-11/13/01 Jimmy & Mae Pugh
Clancy Scottie 8 years 09/22/18 Mary Connor
Clancy Scottish Terrier 11/02/01-06/16/05 Steve & Sandy Moorman
Clancy Sheltie 02/21/94-05/25/06 Erin
Clancy Sheltie 08/17/98-06/02/10 Susan Zirnite
Clancy Sheltie Cross 13 years 12/07/11 Michelle Cornies
Clancy Shepherd Mix 15 years 08/21/09 Michael Murphy
Clancy Siamese 06/19/74-05/19/94 Pat
Clancy Siamese Cat 20 years 08/99 John Brown
Clancy Silky Terrier 10/06/08 Debbie Haynes
Clancy Silver Tabby Cat 6 months Kira
Clancy Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 13 years 11 months 4 days 12/11/00 Leo & Roxanna Springer
Clancy Soft Coated Wheaton 10 1/2 years 11/18/02 Jen
Clancy Spence Labrador Retriever 03/22/99-11/03/08 D & V Spence
Clancy Springer Spaniel 06/20/94 Bill & Betty Leypoldt
Clancy Standard Poodle 02/18/91-09/04/03 Marie & Rick Jaggi
Clancy Tabby Cat 02/27/08 Sheri Starbuck
Clancy Terrier Mix 02/10/85-12/08/00 Judy
Clancy Terrier Mix 15 1/2 years 12/2001 JM
Clancy Thomas Yellow Labrador Retriever 10 years 03/10/19 Kelly Henretty
Clancy Tuxedo Cat 03/18/93-08/17/00 Mona Biehl
Clancy Wheaten Terrier 11/22/98-01/31/12 Dave Kaiser
Clancy White & Orange Tabby Cat 02/84-12/03/98 The Bean Family
Clancy Yellow Lab 01/27/94-07/19/04 Aine Waldron
Clancy Yellow Lab 11/21/97-03/13/12 Larry Walsh and Family
Clapton Maltese 12/01/11-12/02/11 Michael & Donna Feiock
Clara Abagail Eckman Daushound 08/04/86-03/99 C & M
Clara Barton Mixed With Lab 05/2006-01/02/07 Angela Stewart/Becky George
Clara Belle Basset/Lab Mix 04/26/92-05/05/06 Judy Campbell
Clara Belle Dog 15 years 05/20/11 Amanda
Clara Belle Pembroke Welsh Corgi 06/01/01-11/11/08 Teri
Clara Belle Red Lorie 8 years 05/05/04 Billie Danford
Clara Bob Dachshund Mix 01/94-07/09/05 Barbara
Clara Bob Dachshund Mix 11 years 07/09/05 Barbara
Clara Budgie 7 years 04/11/20 John Nezbeth
Clara Calico Kitty 03/29/00 Ed, Johnna & Dusty Barrett
Clara Cat 07/97-08/18/99 Sarah J Sweet
Clara Cat 10/10/99 Amy Jaslow
Clara Chihuahua 11/01/14 Marti
Clara Doberman 2002 Jo Hibbard
Clara Doberman Pinscher 06/01/92-02/28/02 Michael Lewellen
Clara Domestic Medium Hair Cat 10 years 07/17/07 Pascal & Bernadette Straatsma
Clara Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/23/12-03/19/21 Julia Korell
Clara Domestic Shorthair Cat 12/86-07/98 Mike Leone
Clara Finch Gail McMahon
Clara Golden Retriever 11 years 04/05/02 The Horning Family
Clara Grey Tabby Cat 10 years 06/24/15 Julia Bullard
Clara Jenions Maltese 17 years 09/30/10 Lindsay Jenions
Clara Lab Mix 12 years 10/29/10 Joy B
Clara Lab/Golden Retriever Mix 01/04/99 Elke
Clara Leman Pomeranian 01/17/12-10/19/22 Kim Leman
Clara Lombardo English Spring Spaniel 03/05/95-07/21/08 Raymond Lombardo
Clara Mix Dog 09/08/97-03/18/11 Ivo Watts-Russell
Clara Muted Tortie Cat 2 years 11/07/07 Jonie & other Calmar staff
Clara Puder Newfie/Golden 07/05/10 Kim Puder
Clara Rosella Black Lab 10/10/99-04/02/08 Katrina Baisley
Clara Schumann Tri-Color Cat 8 years 08/10/02 Amy Riesenberg and Jeffrey Dunitz
Clara Von Huerta Hof Operational Search and Rescue Dog 01/12/00-04/27/03 Sherri Gallagher
Clara Yellow Lab Mix 11/11/98-10/29/10 Joy B
Clara Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever Cross 11 years 01/04/99 Elke
ClaraBella Cat 8 1/2 years 08/18/99 Michele and Jeffrey
Clarabelle Basset Hound 04/20/89-03/15/03 Debbie Curren
Clarabelle Calico Cat 10/18/07 Patricia Firestone
Clarance Tabby and White Cat 08/11/09 Katy
Clare (Clare Bear) Yorkshire Terrier 06/21/93-10/05/96 Ken and Cheryl Lickar
Clare Bremner Angora Lop Bunny 1998-05/04/07 Helen Bremner
Clare Brittany 03/26/03-04/05/06 Denise and Jason
Clare Calico Cat 03/01/05-04/28/12 Bob, Denise & Amanda Vanderhorst
Clare Calico Tabby Cat 04/14/80-06/26/01 Mary Morman-Graham
Clare Cat 11 years 01/15/97 Heather
Clare Chihuahua 01/13/91-01/19/01 Bill & Bev Myers
Clare Labrador Retriever 05/01/96-03/01/10 Anne Tortora
Clare Nun Finch 7 years 12/25/08 Tirzah Blackman
Clarence Basset Hound 03/02/93-12/08/04 Darlene Dressler
Clarence Cat 03/07/89-03/11/04 Cindy Lee
Clarence Cat 03/23/95-08/14/04 Jean Khoury
Clarence Cat 1 year and 7 months 11/03/00 Julia McCandless
Clarence Cat 10 years 07/01/08 Kylie
Clarence Cat 10 years 07/08/09 Nancy Ross
Clarence Cat 10/16/14 Marti
Clarence Cat 11 years 04/14/11 Baxter
Clarence Cat 8 1/2 years 06/04/10 Irene and Sebastian
Clarence Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Clarence Guinea Pig 3 years 04/17/96 Lisa Sillaway
Clarence Louise Klingel Mixed Terrier 17 years 06/10/05 Donna Best-Klingel
Clarence Maine Coon Cat 10/29/96-04/15/09 Sally Sandine
Clarence Maine Coon Mix Cat 18 years 04/15/09 Sally Sandine
Clarence Miniature Poodle June 30th, 1997-12th, January, 2013 Patricia O'Donovan
Clarence Orange Tabby Cat 04/25/92-02/08/05 Lorraine Nesbitt
Clarence Purrbright DSH Cat 12/16/11 Tracey
Clarence Siamese Cat 1 year 08/21/98 Christie Stevens
Clarence Siamese Cat 14 years 03/09/05 Lori Aumann
Clarence Siamese Mix, Flame Point Cat 6 years 09/14/09 Vivian Urquidi
Clarence T Cat 10/2007 Best Friends Pahrump Staff and Volunteers
Clarence Tabby Cat 04/90-01/24/03 Mark & Cathy Ciullo
Clarence Tabby Cat 12/07/06 Kathy Beall
Clarence Tarantino Himalayan/Siamese Cat 05/01/83-09/13/04 Janet
Clarence Thomas Schardt Classic Silver Tabby Cat 11/26/79-01/22/07 Tony and Kara Schardt
Clarence Tracer Adams Chocolate Labrador Retriever 06/28/02-09/13/04 Julie Emery
Clarence Yellow Cat 01/90-08/03/11 Jenny and Scott French
ClarenceB Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 12/07/06 Kathy Beall
Clarence-Joseph Black Lab 11/19/87-08/04/99 Mike & Mike
Clarey Long Hair Cat 17 years 07/29/07 Toni Bob and Samantha
Clarice (Queenie) Maine Coon Tabby Cat 10 years Lisa Mattison
Clarice Black Tortie Cat 10/23/84-09/07/11 Lois and Gene Maglietta
Clarice Darling Persian Cat 7 years 04/13/04 Nancy & Patrick
Clarice Ferret 08/03/05 Amber & Mike
Clarice Min Pin 17 years 12/27/18 Joanne
Clarice Park German Short Haired Pointer 06/16/03-01/16/04 Kathy
Clarice Starling Whitaker Calico Cat 05/27/08-08/17/20 Susie Whitaker
Clarion's Dune of Unkamen aka Rudi Abyssinian Cat 12/01/98-04/30/12 Carol and Frances Brooks
Clarise (Crackers) Orange Tabby Cat 12 (?)-08/2002 Aunt Janet
Clarise Poodle 1993-03/11/07 Kathy Sickle
Clarissa Cat Meghan Kelly
Clarissa Siamese Cat 05/12/96-09/19/13 Ann McKercher
Clarissa Siamese Cat 05/12/96-09/27/13 Ann McKercher
Clarisse Cat 07/09/09 Marc Deising
Clarisse Cat 14 years 03/14/12 Janeen
Clarisse Long Haired Tortie Cat 06/01/05-03/23/08 Sally & Warren Steinmetz
Claritin Long Haired Calico Kitten 04/99-12/04/99 Jenna
Clark Beagle Hound Mix 16 years 13 December 2013 Cynthia Houston (Mom)
Clark Bearded Dragon 12/24/14-01/02/15 May
Clark Cat 03/13/88-05/16/05 Gary Faircloth
Clark Cat 8 years 08/15/15 Linda
Clark Domestic Longhair Cat 06/22/92-12/15/08 Heidi Sisco
Clark Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/22/06-11/25/06 Kristy Kirkland
Clark Greyhound 06/01/95-05/01/03 Brian Diehl & Pamela Paul
Clark Kent Shubert DSH Cat 14 years 09/28/12 Marina & Scott
Clark Lovebird 3 years 09/24/99 Deni
Clark Malachi Perample-Fuentes Dachshund 01/20/01-12/23/10 Susan and Paul Fuentes
Clark Poodle 04/10/06 Bruce & Barb Dykstra
Clark Ring Tailed Red Tabby Cat 19 years 08/13/08 John Kilroy
Clark Silky Terrier 08/17/09 Dan, Connie, Marlaine, Whoopie
Clark Tabby Cat 11 years 04/14/07 David Dehart
Clark Toll DLH Cat 8 years 07/25/07 Liz Hackett
Clark Webb Labrador Retriever 12/26/07-07/17/20 David Webb
Clark Yellow Lab/White Shepherd 06/13/07-03/20/08 Jim, Christine, Corey & Amanda Herrmann
Clarke Brussels Griffon 14 1/2 years 03/04/10 Marcia McIntire
Clarke Cat 17 years 08/04/15 Liz
Clarkie Orange Tabby Cat 3 years 08/10/98 Barbara Sherburne
Clary Sage Dog 06/01/00-07/21/07 Michael K. Kennedy
Class Act (Cassie) Boston Terrier 12 years 06/17/87-01/18/99 Ed, Rae and Ian Daviss
Classic's Diamond Dreams - Diamond Shetland Sheepdog 04/07/95-04/04/11 Mommy Laura, Brothers Buddy and Mojo
Classie Cat 04/2002-07/18/09 Karen Cary
Classie Pom 03/27/89-01/29/99 Margie
ClassOLad Grey Horse 09/24/97 Judy Rademaker
Classy Chihuahua Mix 04/18/10 Christy Hayes
Classy Exotic Dilute Calico Cat 06/30/94-08/15/09 Jeanne
Classy Giant Schnauzer 06/2004-05/13/09 Julie Roces
Classy Quincy Lannies Boy Cocker Spaniel 01/26/91-11/20/03 Genevieve Dew
Claude (Nutty) Cat 08/10/95-03/24/01 Jean Donnelly
Claude ASH (Polydactyl Tuxedo) Cat approximately 9 years 08/18/10 Bonnie Large
Claude Black and White Cat 13 years 12/31/10 The Moorhouse Family
Claude Black Cat Anne Roberts
Claude Brown Tabby/Ocicat 11/95-07/20/99 Brandon Skelding
Claude Cat 02/08/05 Cats Haven
Claude Cat 03/28/99 Lora
Claude Cat 04/04/00 9 years old Kelly Walker
Claude Cat 07/14/92-11/13/06 Caitlin
Claude Cat 10/11/05 Robert Schlag
Claude Cat 17 years 11/15/10 K. Ramins
Claude Cat 19 years 06/01/06 Kent Hopkins
Claude Cat 2 years 07/14/95 Elliott & Gloria Berrin
Claude DeBussyCat Blue Pont Siamese Cat 04/07/07-04/24/08 Chris Radke
Claude DSH Brown and White Tabby Cat with Extra Toes 05/98-05/05/09 Daniele
Claude DSH Cat 22 years 2006 Karen
Claude Gray Tabby Cat 12/21/91-10/30/07 Alex Bear
Claude Greyhound 11/11/88-08/19/01 Ken & Barbara Glaze
Claude Half Persian Cat 8 years 07/01/04 Mandy
Claude Heavenly Blue Betta Fish 3 years 08/15/05 Joni Prittie
Claude Lab/Pit Bull Mix 13 years 07/30/11 Ros Collins
Claude Lilac Tabby Point Cat 09/15/03-07/02/12 Gus Routledge
Claude Maltese 04/27/02-12/01/03 Tanya and Mark
Claude Mastif 4 years 06/12/94 Mark and Wendy Larsen
Claude Monet Cat Dave and Michelle
Claude Orange Long Haired Tabby Cat 10/97-05/01/04 Tiffany Braun
Claude Reese American Staffordshire Terrier 12 years 05/21/10 Mike
Claude Rotweiller 9 years 09/04/01 Beth Parker
Claude Siamese Mix Cat 8 1/2 years 04/10/04 Suzie Palmquist
Claude Swanson Tabby Cat 04/03/12 Karen Swanson
Claude White and Black Shorthair Cat 06/24/06-12/31/09 Sheila Emanuel
Claude, DSH Cat 1985-12/23/06 Sanctuary Hollow Cat Rescue
Claudella (Ted-Ted) Cat 6 years 07/24/09 Lisa Cardon
Claudette Cat 11 years 06/13/10 Karen Doty
Claudette Cat Feb. 95 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Claudia Abssinian Guinea Pig 10/17/94 Sian
Claudia American Domestic Long Hair Cat 5 months 11/16/00 Kristin
Claudia Annabelle Black Torti Cat 10/31/92-03/15/05 Deanna Ayers
Claudia Black & White Tuxedo Cat 12 years 03/28/12 David W
Claudia Brown Tabby DSH Cat 06/2008-2 Dec 2011 Rachel
Claudia Budgie 01/01/02-11/16/06 Romany Hackford
Claudia Cat 01/12/09 Cara
Claudia Cat 12/10/08 Jon and Amanda Vancil
Claudia Cloofus Boofus Dog 01/24/11 Juli, Ashley, Abbey, & Hilary
Claudia Cornish Rex Cat 17 years 11/04/13 Christy
Claudia German Shepherd 07/01/95-11/04/06 Brandon and Tanya Patterson
Claudia Golden Retriever 03/22/93-08/22/02 Leslie Alane Loose
Claudia Grey Tabby Cat 01/09/98-07/06/07 Terrie
Claudia Immel Bichon Frise 10/02/07 Marty and Lori Immel
Claudia Lear Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle 11/17/99-01/24/11 Hilary Lear
Claudia Olde English Bulldog 05/13/04-12/27/07 Kimberly Jespersen
Claudia Orange Tabby Cat 08/93-06/06/08 Chris
Claudia Persian Cat 07/20/96-06/16/12 Nancy Dinsmore
Claudia Rat 04/24/08 Trisha
Claudia Rottweiler 12/15/97-11/13/03 Michelle Motarjeme
Claudie Brand Dom Short Hair Cat 7 years 08/19/07 Teresa Brand
Claudie Orange Tabby Cat 3 years 06/06/98 Mare
Claudius Black Labrador Retriever 12 years 06/25/04 Julie Murray
Claudius Ginger Tabby Cat 04/27/09 Peter Handley
Claudius Pug 03/10/93-03/25/00 David
Claudius Tabby Cat 12 1/2 years 06/25/97 Kathy, Dave and Ray Emami
Claudundus Cat 09/26/16-10/04/17 Cara Bitang
Clavey Golden Retriever 8 years 07/13/06 John & Karen Silva
Claw Domestic Shorthair Cat 4 years 11/26/09 Noemi Adams
Clawdette Cold Bear Siamese Cat 02/11/00-10/24/13 Joe F. & Nick R.
Claw-Dette Roadkill Foofietail Tortoise Shell Calico Cat 5 1/2 years 04/23/00 William Greathouse
Clawdia Domestic Short Hair/Tabby Cat 12/17/02 Denise Suzuki
Clawdia Knight Cat 05/21/09-01/30/11 Steve, Deb and Orion Knight
Clawdia Maine Coon Mix Cat 14 years 03/22/12 Jennifer Emerson
Clawdia Scottish Fold Kitten 03/10/00 Linnea Danielsen
Clawed Mone't Green Iguana 07/27/99-11/01/02 Mishel Putnam
Claws Cat 06/04/12 Tracey
Claws Cat 14 years 05/07/08 Lisa Alvarenga
Claws Cat 16 years 01/22/04 Christina
Claws Hermit Crab early 2002-07/08/02 Michael Quirke
Clawsby Maine Coon Mix Cat 03/04/16 Linda and Eric
Clawsie Tabby Cat 04/10/87-07/04/06 Marina Harris
Clawy Ann Black Bombay Cat 20 years 07/16/12 Meredith Fallow
Claxton Bengal/Siamese Cat 7 1/2 years 09/21/07 Elena & David Wilcox
Clay Boxer 02/14/02-11/04/09 Tanya
Clay Boxer 06/24/99-11/10/09 Linda Annibale
Clay Cat 08/01-01/30/02 Brenda, Vance & Nate
Clay Dog 03/25/11-09/20/11 Danah Lamb
Clay Ferrell Black Lab 06/26/99-01/26/16 Ruscee Ferrell
Clay Potter Dachshund 12/03-08/03/11 Clay
Clay Rottweiler 9 years 12/06/10 Elaine
Clay Walker Blue Heeler/Cocker Spaniel Mix 02/04/94-06/06/01 Sarah Cobb
Clayborne Cat 12/17/01 Kassandra
Claymore Golden Retriever 02/29/00-07/08/10 Jo Christensen
Clayton (Lucy Goose) Lokey 10 years 09/16/04 Heidi and Stanley
Clayton Beagle-Terrier 01/88-07/08/99 Ethel
Clayton Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 16 years 07/03/02 Susan Mauch
Clayton Cat 08/01/76-07/05/91 Ken & Geri Keim
Clayton Cat 14 years 06/19/04 Su Just
Clayton Cocker Spaniel 13 years 03/11/05 Dawn Brandt, Shirley Spiro, Debbie Hinshaw
Clayton Dog 04/02/97-09/02/07 The Kiewert Family
Clayton English Mastiff 06/29/96-04/09/07 Michael Ashley
Clayton Maine Coon Cat 10/01/03-10/27/13 Lyn Kaye
Clayton Silver Maine Coon Cat 07/04/96-05/09/06 Tom & Paula Taylor
Clea Cat 4 years 2004 Barbara
Clea Manx Cat 20 years 07/10/07 Generosa Litton
Clea Newfoundland 07/25/01-10/03/12 Ward Westray
Clea Tortoiseshell Cat 03/06/86-10/13/02 Suzanne
Clea von Hoff Cocker Spaniel 13 years 08/01/05 Kim von Hoff
Clearview Aphrodite Braxx (Aja) Rottweiler 07/23/96 Rebekah L. James
Clearview Apollo Braxx (Paul) Rottie 07/23/96-03/07/98 Rebekah
Clearview Athena Braxx Rottie 07/23/96-10/07/96 Rebeka
Clearwater Adams Longhaired Yellow Tabby Cat 06/11/03-02/10/06 Tom & Andi Adams
Cleat Champaigne White-Bellied Fancy Mouse 1 year 06/19/00 Kim
Cleatus Boston Terrier 05/12/05-10/11/12 Jodie Sullivan
Cleatus Pit Bull Mix 08/17/00-07/29/15 Kira
Cleatus Tabby Cat 01/25/11 Lorie
Cleaver Mix Cat 08/84-06/14/01 Jennifer
Cledius Grahm Bulldog 3 years 06/17/01 Ashlie
Cledus Leroy Thompson Boxer 05/10/04-02/2015 Stacy Thompson
Cledus Orange Tabby Cat 06/96-07/2003 Jacqueline & William Kilby
Cleetus Longhair Orange Tabby Cat 09/06/01-09/28/02 Melissa
Cleg White Long Hair Kitten 11/21/05 Jeff and Wendi Thompson
Clem (Copper Lee Hatteras Son) Golden Retriever 07/13/93-03/08/02 Teresa Bonk
Clem Black & White SH Tabby Cat Lou & Donna Leciejewski
Clem Bloodhound 11/09/98-11/23/00 The Joy Family
Clem Cat 03/18/03-06/25/05 Shannon Newby
Clem Cat 8 years 08/04/05 Chuck Coderre
Clem Dalmatian 08/01/74 Lew Ross
Clem Siamese Cat 18 years 02/10/05 Jim and Jane Anglin
Clementina Chihuahua 12/08/08-07/09/10 Marie
Clementine (Clem) Pug 12/10/02-12/02/16 McCracken
Clementine (Missie Girl) English Bulldog 08/12/02-01/17/13 Lisa
Clementine and Lulu Guinea Pigs 4 years and 1 month 09/30/04 and 11/03/04 Chessa
Clementine Anne Saied Cat 10/10/98-02/03/12 Rhonda Saied
Clementine Apricot Shih Szu 07/85-07/13/96 August Fontana
Clementine Basset Hound 08/02/86-08/01/99 Doug and Jessie Magee
Clementine Begonia Polish (Black) Bunny 10-12 years 10/29/06 Roni Kerins & Stephan Vriesema
Clementine Black Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/30/00-01/27/03 JJ
Clementine Border Collie 14 years 05/21/10 Jenny and John Clements
Clementine Boxer Puppy 12 weeks 06/10/02 Pamela Stanton
Clementine Calico Cat 12 years 05/03/97 Pauline & Steve
Clementine Calico Cat 6 years 03/15/99 Lynn
Clementine Cat 10/07/97-06/27/10 Natasha
Clementine Churchill Basset Hound 01/01/93-02/12/04 Diane Morton
Clementine Cocker Spaniel 01/19/98-04/23/09 Anna
Clementine Doberman / GSD / Husky / Greyhound 06/99-12/09/12 Renee Manfredi
Clementine Domestic Short Hair Cat 2009 Sheila
Clementine Ferret 10/2005-08/01/11 Jennifer and Craig
Clementine Ferret 11/15/12 Holly Fleming
Clementine Ferret 3 years 05/15/00 Stephanie Williams
Clementine Frances Terrier Mix 14 years 03/09/95 Karen
Clementine Golden Retriever 06/05/96-08/18/07 Mark Kreutzfeld
Clementine great dane 14 1/2 years 07/01/95 Richard Tonti
Clementine Joelle Nicolatos DSH Kitten 03/01/98-05/08/98 Dia
Clementine Labrador Retriever 03/20/91-08/27/03 Robin
Clementine Long Hair Orange Cat 05/97-04/08/09 Gerilyn Hurst
Clementine Porter Golden Retriever 06/30/96-11/25/04 Liz
Clementine Saint Bernard 02/27/93-05/28/99 Susan
Clementine Schillo Tabby Cat 10/12/11 Pauline Schillo & Ann
Clementine Siberian Husky 2/23/11-10/19/22 Nadine
Clementine Sweetness (Sweetie) Johnson DSH Cat 12/19/07-01/21/20 Tiffany Johnson
Clementine Terrier Mix 12 years 04/07/03 Donna Lindemann & Nora
Clementine West Highland White Terrier 05/30/95-10/05/09 Susan McFeatters
Clementine Wirehaired Terrier 07/05/93-12/22/04 Clarissa
Clementine XOXO Grey Tiger Cat 18 years 11/04/06 Kathleen
Clementine Yorkshire Terrier 03/07/91-04/27/06 Daphne Weatherford
Clementyne Tibetan Terrier 10/12/87-06/22/00 Mia Christopher
Clemintine Rabbit 10/05/11 Michael Cronin
Clemintine/Buster Dog 16 years 2006 Rorie
Clemmie Max Cocker Spaniel 12 years Don, Julie, Kayla & Olivia Max
Clemmy Anatolian Shepherd 17/05/08-19/09/12 Caroline and Peter
Clemson Hiers Shar Pei 11/25/08-03/16/12 David & Cathy Hiers
Clemson Mixed Dog 08/01/92-02/13/09 Tom, Tricia and Ashlan
Cleneaux Cat 17 years 02/25/98 Michelle Gaskill
Cleo (Cleopatra) Calico Cat 12/18/07-10/27/14 Margie M
Cleo (Little Cleebees) Cat 04/01/00-08/05/01 Marie Mellett
Cleo (Pee) Staff 30/08/96-12/11/09 Sue Jones
Cleo (Queen of the Nile) Sugar Bear Chow Chow 01/05/85-04/30/98 D. C. Leach
Cleo (Stubby) Cat 02/24/08 Thea Albin
Cleo (Sweet Baby Cleo) Tiger Cat 12/31/03-10/25/17 Jen Davis
Cleo 03/93 Debbie Doweidt
Cleo Abyssinian Cat 09/26/00-03/19/14 Sandy & Howard Friedman
Cleo Airedale 02/10/00 Nancy
Cleo Airedale Terrier 06/26/91-07/30/04 Marty and Mary
Cleo aka Kitten Calico Cat 08/08/89-06/07/07 Mimi Kriele
Cleo aka SKE's Lit'l Bit 'O Lightnin' Beagle 02/15/93-11/01/09 Nina & Kristen Seturins
Cleo American Bulldog 07/16/96-01/12/09 Jamie Hamond
Cleo American Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/18/88-03/26/04 Barbara
Cleo American Shorthair Cat 05/16/05 Michele and Rob
Cleo American Shorthair Cat 18 years 03/13/15 Nedra Sorenson
Cleo American Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 18 years 03/15/09 Rita & John
Cleo American Staffordshire Terrier 06/18/93-10/18/05 Ronnie Gross
Cleo and Kimi Siamese Cats 6 and 14 years 08/03/98 and 02/05/08 Becky Hagan
Cleo and Roosevelt Foster Cats 03/15/89-07/29/03 and 08/05/03 Sarah Dean
Cleo Anton Chocolate Lab 12/20/91-05/11/06 Julie Anton
Cleo Arabian Mare 04/15/89-03/13/00 Tricia Dlugos
Cleo Australian Shepherd 05/06/94-07/24/08 Jim and Marilyn Peters
Cleo Australian Silky Terrier 02/24/87-06/08/00 Wendy King & Julie Derrington
Cleo Baiwir Russian Blue Cat 10/30/00 Nancy Botts
Cleo Balinese Cat 04/18/90-12/14/00 Traci
Cleo Barn Cat 12 years 07/14/05 Heather
Cleo Basenji 02/06/99-01/24/10 Laura
Cleo Basset Hound 04/17/81-07/07/97 Mechelle
Cleo Basset Hound 10 years 1987 Corinne Roth
Cleo Basset Hound 10/27/01-01/23/09 Brenda Austin
Cleo Basset Hound 11 years 08/20/05 Kelly Correll
Cleo Basset Hound 12 years 07/24/06 Bruce & Linda
Cleo Bassett Hound 12 years 03/29/10 Maggie & Bill Cortese
Cleo Beagle 01/11/84-07/08/99 Pat & Bob Eppinger
Cleo Beagle 03/13/01-07/26/03 Shannon Urzua
Cleo Beagle 05/76-12/15/90 Elaine & Greg
Cleo Beagle 05/76-12/90 R.
Cleo Beagle 13 years 12/28/88 Walter
Cleo Beagle Mix 07/04/96-12/14/04 Kelly
Cleo Beagle Mix 11/2004-09/24/12 Julie Pierce
Cleo Beagle-Terrier 1960-1973 Charlie Kay & Gloria Manucia
Cleo Bengal Cat 8 months 16/05/09 Zoe Lagadec
Cleo Bichon 12 years 02/26/08 Lisa
Cleo Bichon Frise 01/25/93-07/11/04 Carrie and Kevin Frank
Cleo Bichon Frise 02/02/02-05/23/07 Lori
Cleo Bichon Frise 02/02/99-11/05/09 Charlotte Bernard
Cleo Bichon Frise 07/22/86-07/03/02 Patrick & Sherrie Ross
Cleo Black & White 4 1/2 years 02/18/09 Sandy
Cleo Black & White Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 years 03/10/10 Frank Family
Cleo Black & White Moggie Cat 1988-29/04/05 Lynn & Derek
Cleo Black American Shorthair Cat 12 years 12/06/99 Judy, Frank and Michael Buonauro
Cleo Black and White Cat 1990-03/25/09 Gary & Cathy Sirota
Cleo Black and White Shorthaired Cat 07/85-02/02/99 Jo, Frank, Karl and Matthew
Cleo Black Cat 03/06/82-12/27/02 Jl Johnson
Cleo Black Cat 13 years 01/07/13 Melissa Gibson
Cleo Black Cat 3 years 02/03/04 Marlene Macdonald-Barry Dewling
Cleo Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/92-01/17/10 Jennifer & Alan Alvarez
Cleo Black Lab 02/02/91-01/28/05 Susan and Glenn McAllister
Cleo Black Lab 05/20/89-08/02/99 Sarafina
Cleo Black Lab Mix 01/16/94-03/16/06 Matthew and Gayle Bauer
Cleo Black Lab/Weimeraner Mix 12/14/96-05/10/04 Lisa Savitzky
Cleo Black Short Haired Cat with a notch in her left ear 11/28/02 Karen T. Weber
Cleo Black Toy Poodle 15 years 07/31/00 Shirley and Ray Casilli
Cleo Black/white Shorthair Cat 02/23/02 Derrick Sorensen
Cleo Blue & Gold Macaw 30 years 07/10/09 Eileen
Cleo Bluepoint Siamese Cat 01/01/88-07/26/97 Lisa and Brian Gessner
Cleo Bluepoint Siamese Cat 03/08/93-03/19/06 Cynthia Fay
Cleo Boni DSH - Tabby Cat 08/12/96-04/28/11 Lisa Boni
Cleo Border Collie 01/15/79-03/20/92 CJ Volini-Huff
Cleo Border Collie 03/15/01-03/26/11 Chuck Johnson
Cleo Border Collie 05/30/80-07/03/01 Diane
Cleo Border Collie 08/01/89-01/26/04 Ron Clayton
Cleo Border Collie 1978-1991 CJ Volini
Cleo Boston Terrier 09/17/04-11/23/16 Jodie and Brad Anderson
Cleo Boxer 02/06/06-02/01/11 Fred, Starr & Tracy Kutz
Cleo Boxer 04/10/05-10/31/15 Kyle Presnell
Cleo Boxer 04/24/93-12/17/01 Sally Cunningham
Cleo Boxer 06/24/00-07/17/07 R.T. & Shelley Krise
Cleo Boxer 07/17/95-02/24/06 Michelle
Cleo Boxer 07/25/92-06/09/03 Lori Smith
Cleo Boxer 08/06/99-07/20/08 Tammie
Cleo Boxer 2003 Janine Venter
Cleo Boxer Mix 04/05/04-02/25/12 Tim Stewart and Jeff Sartin
Cleo Brenner Cat 07/01/94-08/12/10 Jeff and Melissa Brenner
Cleo British Blue Cat 15 years Dave
Cleo British Shorthair Cat 01/01/03 Mary Campbell
Cleo British Shorthair Cat 07/18/97-02/24/99 Lyn
Cleo Brown Tabby Cat 04/13/00-11/08/10 Holly Crew
Cleo Brown Tabby Cat 06/04/98-03/08/05 Pam
Cleo Brown Tabby Cat 07/04/94-06/28/05 Tammie Gortner
Cleo Brown Tabby Cat 16 years 07/06/00 Colleen
Cleo Brown Tabby Cat Spring of 1974-01/02/92 Caryn Muccino
Cleo Budgerigar Parakeet 12/09/08 Clo
Cleo Budgie 04/05/00-06/18/01 Fatima
Cleo Budgie 12/08/08 Clo
Cleo C Siamese Cat 10 years 03/10/05 Cameron Carpino
Cleo Caisse Dalmatian 09/11/94-03/27/07 Marilyn M. Caisse
Cleo Calico & Mainecoon Cat 04/01/99-02/24/06 Darlene
Cleo Calico Cat 01/17/00-01/09/15 Olivia Thompson
Cleo Calico Cat 03/29/05-12/26/17 Paul Rinaudo
Cleo Calico Cat 04/25/92-05/16/07 Deb
Cleo Calico Cat 08/01/01-09/02/07 Diana Franco
Cleo Calico Cat 09/14/94-03/21/14 Tony
Cleo Calico Cat 14 1/2 years 06/14/06 Amy
Cleo Calico Cat 15 years 03/31/14 Jean
Cleo Calico Cat 15 years 12/16/00 Kevin Kinsch
Cleo Calico Cat 17 years 06/03/11 Debbie
Cleo Calico Cat 17 years 08/23/06 Kathleen, Mark, Atlas & Goldie
Cleo Calico Cat 19 years 11/30/05 Steve, Sharon, Jessica, Jenna, Camryn Hamilton
Cleo Calico Cat 1986-06/98 Toni Fox
Cleo Calico Cat 9 years 08/12/95 Lynne Heaviside
Cleo Calico Domestic Longhair Cat 7 weeks 10/26/07 Tyler and Chrysta Miller
Cleo Calico DSH Cat 08/01/03-04/16/05 Michelle
Cleo Calico, Domestic Short Hair Cat 09/26/93-03/26/11 Angie Airdo
Cleo Cat 03/03/02-04/08/03 Heather
Cleo Cat 03/10/97 Cyndy Winter
Cleo Cat 03/22/10 Matthew Sawicki
Cleo Cat 04/14/98-03/22/11 Joni
Cleo Cat 04/23/00-11/08/10 Holly Crew
Cleo Cat 04/30/88-10/12/98 Donna
Cleo Cat 07/04/95-06/13/11 Suzen
Cleo Cat 08/87-03/28/03 Suzie Spurgeon
Cleo Cat 09/10/93-10/23/06 Bill & Dottie Marcelis
Cleo Cat 10 years 01/10/09 Jackie C
Cleo Cat 12 years 02/08/13 L.Rafferty
Cleo Cat 12 years 02/19/07 Dave Kozak
Cleo Cat 12 years 04/29/04 Kelly Dunn
Cleo Cat 12/12/09 Ed Ponting
Cleo Cat 13 1/2 years 11/15/96 Leslie
Cleo Cat 13 years 09/09/09 Carrie Marino
Cleo Cat 14 years 07/22/08 Pauline, David. Rebecca
Cleo Cat 14 years 09/02/06 Kristin and Brian
Cleo Cat 15 years 05/05/20 Rob Whelan
Cleo Cat 15 years 06/16/18 Lillian
Cleo Cat 15 years 4th July 2010 Jan Willey
Cleo Cat 16 years 01/26/01 Naomi & Selma Engel
Cleo Cat 16 years 03/03/05 Diane
Cleo Cat 16 years 04/08/06 Kathleen Deray
Cleo Cat 16 years 04/25/02 Lorna Fjarlie
Cleo Cat 16 years 06/07/04 Sarah Gresk
Cleo Cat 16 years 10/09/02 Tania and Jim
Cleo Cat 16 years 11/13/99 Stan & Nikki Hall
Cleo Cat 17 years 03/01/09 Jennifer Spruell
Cleo Cat 17 years 03/15/08 Magdalena and Mitch H
Cleo Cat 17 years 08/30/10 Marg and Ted
Cleo Cat 17 years 12/07/10 Albert
Cleo Cat 18 years 01/29/98 Harkins
Cleo Cat 18 years 07/28/06 Roxanne T
Cleo Cat 18 years 09/08/05 Jen & Steve
Cleo Cat 18 years 10/04/06 Dirck Harris
Cleo Cat 19/10/91-10/02/06 Ann, Ted, Andrew, Amanda
Cleo Cat 1997-06/28/14 Colleen
Cleo Cat 1998-10/14/14 Sandy Schimelfening
Cleo Cat 2 years 10/19/01 Wells
Cleo Cat 20 years 07/19/03 Elaine M. Tweedy
Cleo Cat 20 years 26/10/07 Simone
Cleo Cat 2002-04/22/12 Leyla Tucker
Cleo Cat 22 years 12/01/08 Charlene Wilcox
Cleo Cat 23 years 02/14/10 Karen and Rob Barstow
Cleo Cat 3 years 11/27/05 Tammy
Cleo Cat 5 years 11/26/96 Martha
Cleo Cat 7 years 08/26/06 Heidi
Cleo Cat 9 years 10/06/98 Ali
Cleo Cat Linda Crowley
Cleo Cat Summer of 1996-05/14/10 Sue
Cleo Cat Summer of 1996-05/14/10 Susan
Cleo Chakrabarty Indian Domestic Shorthair Cat 2004-04/20/21 Sumita K.Chakrabarty
Cleo Chesapeake Bay Retriever 09/01/11-03/19/23 Morgan Hutchins
Cleo Chihuahua 11/01/84-06/13/99 Brigitte Cherubini
Cleo Chihuahua Mix 1994 Karen Tsumura
Cleo Chihuahua/Fiest Mix 07/08/96-11/26/09 Tammy and Tony Green
Cleo Chihuahua/Fox Terrier 02/20/96-04/25/11 Tammie and Yuki
Cleo Chocolate Lab 10/30/90-04/26/01 The Jewer Family
Cleo Chocolate Labrador Retriever 14 years 05/13/06 Julie Anton
Cleo Chow Chow 04/09/00 Bettyann
Cleo Cochran Black Lab Mix 08/07/04 Beth
Cleo Cockapoo 08/87-11/23/01 Karen & Jeff
Cleo Cockapoo 17 years 10/09/04 Megan
Cleo Cockatiel 12 weeks 02/04/01 The Bocci Family
Cleo Cocker Spaniel 01/2003-10/15/13 Kossler Family
Cleo Cocker Spaniel 05/24/91-08/22/05 Jennifer
Cleo Cocker Spaniel 07/19/92-01/18/02 Cathy Biase
Cleo Collie/Lab 02/14/88-04/21/01 Leslie
Cleo Curly Coated Retriever 10/20/89-01/03/02 Linda
Cleo Curtis Springer/Pointer 12 years 18/06/09 Michelle Curtis
Cleo Dachshund 10/23/99-12/01/15 Krista Riggleman
Cleo Dachshund 12 years 02/05/07 Faye and Dan Byrne
Cleo Dalmatian 04/12/09-09/26/09 Pat
Cleo Dalmatian Mix 02/27/10 Dustin Carter
Cleo Dalmation 12 years 11/30/99 Donald L. Mittiga
Cleo DeAntonio Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 06/26/08 Lois DeAntonio
Cleo Dilute Tortie Cat 14 1/2 years 10/02/09 Kate Hone
Cleo DLH Cat 04/18/95-09/05/01 Amy
Cleo Doberman 06/20/85-05/05/03 Thelma Turner
Cleo Doberman 12/2003 Angie Grasso
Cleo Doberman Pinscher 09/18/92-04/02/98 Janet Beck
Cleo Doberman/Rotti 03/15/97-12/28/10 Linda & Otto Helf
Cleo Dobie Mix 01/93-01/12/08 Dawn Castagna and Pat Colao
Cleo Dog 01/01/12-08/09/21 Karen
Cleo Dog 01/23/04-04/01/09 Rebeca
Cleo Dog 04/01/85-08/28/99 Jenny Stein
Cleo Dog 04/18/00 Nick & Cat
Cleo Dog 04/20/94 Tara O'leary
Cleo Dog 05/01/88-07/02/01 Kathleen
Cleo Dog 07/14/20 Wendy
Cleo Dog 07/23/06 Laura
Cleo Dog 08/01/89-01/26/04 Ron Clayton
Cleo Dog 08/01/93-12/06/09 Rachel Weste
Cleo Dog 08/20/94-08/03/99 Jessica
Cleo Dog 10/93-03/16/99 Jay
Cleo Dog 11 ish-08/12/11 Lil Levy
Cleo Dog 11 years 03/15/02 Tony, Mary, Michelle and Ryan
Cleo Dog 11 years 12/06/96 Stan Kozak Jr.
Cleo Dog 1994-04/29/10 Steve & Karen Welker
Cleo Dog 2 years 05/99 Brutus
Cleo Domestic Cat 07/15/89-09/05/04 Nikki/Tammi
Cleo Domestic Long Hair Cat 5 years 06/03/04 Meagan, Gavin and Maddie
Cleo Domestic Long Haired Calico Cat 01/01/89-11/23/07 Lynn Reither
Cleo Domestic Longhair Cat 13 years 12/08/05 Melissa
Cleo Domestic Medium Hair Cat 01/05/19 Christina Rehbein
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/14/12-02/05/24 Donna Urnaitis
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/25/97-11/09/03 Maryann Micillo
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/19/89-11/14/01 Julie Lindquist
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 05/28/09 Kristen Winter
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 10/08/09 Catherine Sweeney Hoffner
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 16 years 01/20/09 Joanne Mather
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 02/23/08 Erik Eyler
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 11/21/08 Deanna Finn
Cleo Domestic Short Hair Cat 4 years 02/14/99 Annette
Cleo Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/01/06 Jason Howard
Cleo Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/11/09 Lucy
Cleo Domestic Shorthair Cat 17 years 11/17/03 Zambrano Family
Cleo Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 01/16/93-12/22/06 Barbara Kelly
Cleo Doxie 04/07/85-04/07/01 Ann Meili
Cleo DSH Cat 01/01/01-03/05/13 Amy and Jeff Leaton
Cleo DSH Cat 08/16/94-12/17/09 Kim
Cleo DSH Cat 10 years 01/04/09 Cathy and Mike
Cleo DSH Cat 10/13/95-08/27/14 Cynthia
Cleo DSH Cat 13 years 11/10/16 Cindy Gjere
Cleo DSH Cat 15 years 08/15/08 Elaine Wharton
Cleo DSH Tortie Cat 02/01/98-07/21/15 Selena
Cleo Dwarf Hotot Rabbit 09/14/09 Lindsay & Jacob Shea
Cleo English Bulldog 12/24/95-05/30/07 Angie & Ed Harrison
Cleo English Springer Spaniel 02/07/00-08/09/14 Sue Strassburger
Cleo Ferret 03/25/12 Dexter Wilks
Cleo Ferret 12/22/95-02/09/01 Robert and Candice Bush
Cleo Ferret 4 years 06/25/03 Marilyn
Cleo Fung Cat 15 years 12/08/10 Greg
Cleo Galbreath Collie Shepherd 10/03/91-05/30/06 Claudia Galbreath
Cleo Gaudet Mini Australian Shepherd. 03/26/99-01/28/12 Rob Gaudet
Cleo German Shepherd 01/01/02-02/08/05 Greg and Brenda Tucker, Heather and Travis Mitchell
Cleo German Shepherd 01/30/04-09/05/10 LeAnn
Cleo German Shepherd 02/02/96-10/01/94 Donna Chaffey
Cleo German Shepherd 11 years 04/08/06 Steve and Valerie Laktash
Cleo German Shepherd 11/29/04 Carol Segneri
Cleo German Shepherd 12 years Patty
Cleo German Shepherd 14 years 01/13/17 Emily Crea
Cleo German Shepherd and Lab 7-8 years 03/29/09 Vera Schmella
Cleo German Shepherd Mix 03/17/00-08/13/13 Erin
Cleo German Shepherd X Terrier 04/01/85-08/28/99 Jenny Stein
Cleo German Shepherd/Husky Mix 12/17/94-07/06/07 Marilyn, Doug and Victoria
Cleo German Sherherd 11/15/01 Cindy
Cleo Golden Retriever 01/10/99-07/26/04 Pam
Cleo Golden Retriever 02/01/96-03/10/05 Denise Nagel
Cleo Golden Retriever 03/05/99-05/02/09 David Thompson
Cleo Golden Retriever 05/21/01-11/01/11 Steve Wurzer
Cleo Golden Retriever 07/88-02/08/02 Steve Saporito
Cleo Golden Retriever 08/12/19-08/15/20 Justin
Cleo Golden Retriever 08/14/85-06/26/01 Mary Dewitt
Cleo Golden Retriever 09/13/94-11/24/02 Denise Hoelscher
Cleo Golden Retriever 12/09/03-02/02/11 Hope Backstrom
Cleo Gray Striped Domestic Cat with a face like a Burmese almost 16 years 05/21/03 Jen Stubbs
Cleo Great Dane 04/26/99-11/04/08 Brenda
Cleo Gregory Great Dane 9 years 11/05/09 Terry Gregory
Cleo Grey and White DSH Cat 13+ years 06/20/01 Karen McLay
Cleo Grey Long Hair Domestic Cat 05/88-06/14/99 R. Belletti
Cleo Grey Short Hair Tabby Cat 21 years 08/06/12 Henry
Cleo Grey Tabby Cat 1 year 02/25/01 Dee and Jen
Cleo Grey Tabby Cat 16 years 12/16/06 Chris Bublitz
Cleo Greyhound 11 years 07/05/09 Robin
Cleo GSD 15 years 03/18/98 Chefkop
Cleo Guinea Pig 11/21/02 Amy
Cleo Hickman Rat Terrier 11/29/10-05/11/11 Laura Hickman
Cleo Himalayan Cat 01/05/90-04/24/04 Sam Wilson
Cleo Husky/Akita/Wolf Mix 10 years 01/17/12 Roald Nelson
Cleo Javanese Cat 09/07/06 Bernadette Blanchard
Cleo Jenions Cairn Terrier 16 years 04/09/09 Lindsay Jenions
Cleo Juliette Rabbit 3 1/2 years 07/20/08 April and Evan
Cleo Kitty Black and White Cat 1983-10/17/04 Bill and Pam
Cleo Klaus Black Cat 2 years 09/99 Deborah and Patsy
Cleo Lab 01/19/07-01/12/17 Brianna, Wendi & Emmit
Cleo Lab 03/21/89-01/20/06 The Roberts Family
Cleo Lab Mix 15 Oct 1997-22 Feb 07 Debbie and Larry
Cleo Lab Mix Pup 04/20/03
Cleo Labrador Retriever 12/21/96-01/06/09 Mervin Quah
Cleo Labrador Retriever 5 years Morgan Secretan
Cleo Lavender-Point Siamese Cat 10/87-10/18/05 Lynn Andrews
Cleo Lee Von Roth Rottwieler 11 years 12/14/99 Angel
Cleo Lhasa Apso 07/12/99-06/19/10 Jason T
Cleo Light Cream/Orange Tabby Cat 16 years 02/22/08 Dayna
Cleo Llahsa Apso 07/04/95-06/22/02 Barbara Conner
Cleo Long Hair Black and White Cat 6 years 08/27/97 Michelle Tofts
Cleo Long Haired Daschund/Cocker Mix 12/29/81-05/22/98 Lisa P. Shaw
Cleo Long-Haired Calico Cat 06/24/93-02/25/03 Lisa Pollock
Cleo Loomos German Shepherd/Wolf 03/19/03 Nikki
Cleo Louise Lab/Shep Mix 06/84 02/28/97 M.J. Ciaccia
Cleo Lowth Staffordshire Bull Terrier 18/11/04-20/06/06 Jacinta Lowth
Cleo L-S Cat 09/15/15 Amber L-S
Cleo Lucy Parks Cat 7 years 06/12/01 C
Cleo Maine Coon Cat 11/28/87-01/08/08 Janelle and Mona Murphy
Cleo Maine Coon Cat 14 years 05/05/08 Sarah
Cleo Maine Coon Cat 14 years 10/18/10 Nancy
Cleo Maine Coon Cat 9 years 06/05/15 James Roman
Cleo May Tiger Coon Cat 16 years 04/12/04 Carly May Schaefer
Cleo McKnight-Bucci Calico Cat 04/07/94-04/30/11 Mark Bucci and Shannon McKnight-Bucci
Cleo Miniature Long Haired Dachshund (shaded red) 06/19/98-10/22/11 Ian Deane
Cleo Mix Cat 8 years 09/07/09 Richard
Cleo Mixed Black Lab 15 years 09/23/97 The Kerby Family
Cleo Mixed Breed Cat 06/2004-11/22/13 Sally Ringwood
Cleo Mixed Breed Dog 09/24/90-11/11/99 Susan & Marty Giannini
Cleo Mixed Cat 11 years June Cattell
Cleo Mixed Cat 16 years 11/02/04 Rebecca Reid
Cleo Mixed Cat Spring/96-07/19/06 April Phipps
Cleo Mixed DMH Cat 16 years 09/26/08 M L
Cleo Mixed Dog 09/01/98-12/20/11 Patrick and Melissa Caporale
Cleo Mixed Dog 15 years 01/27/07 Jennifer
Cleo Mixed Lab 5 1/2 years 02/25/03 Mike Griffith
Cleo Mixed Tortishell/Tortie Cat 9 years 06/03/05 Simone
Cleo Nave Beagle 16 years 05/12/02 Valarie Nave
Cleo Orange and White Tabby Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/25/94-05/08/09 Dorothy Little
Cleo Oriental Shorthair Cat 7 years 09/14/05 Jennifer Granzow
Cleo Pacchia Cat 11/09/02 Jim
Cleo Patra Fogle Yellow Lab 09/14/01-09/01/08 Lisbeth Fogle
Cleo Patra Maine Coon Cat 03/26/95-07/04/08 Asheaka
Cleo Perser Cat 31.05.1998-29.11.2014 Brigitte Ritzheim
Cleo Persian Cat 01/02/86-07/24/06 Karen Katz
Cleo Persian Cat 1/02/87-02/14/95 Marilyn Yerks
Cleo Persian/Himalayan Cat 14 years 04/06/11 Kimberly Rutten
Cleo Pitbull 08/08/11 Giannetta & Brian
Cleo Pitbull/Boxer 04/15/09 Bradley Poulin
Cleo Plant Burmese Cat 17 years 01/21/08 Denise & Roy Plant
Cleo Poplick Black & Tan Wirehaired Dachshund 04/15/98-02/27/03 Heidii
Cleo Porter aka Puffalump Cat 12 years 12/08/08 Jennifer Willey
Cleo Portuguese Water Dog 05/07/00-09/16/07 Lauren
Cleo Poulin Boxer/Pitbull 17-20 years 04/15/09 Bradley Poulin
Cleo Pug 12/28/02-08/01/08 Jessie
Cleo Puppy 9 months 03/10/05 Lynn Adams
Cleo Pure Black Cat 15 years 10/25/11 Judith and Bruce
Cleo Puss Cat 15 years 03/31/11 Deborah Bullock
Cleo Rat Terrier 03/92-10/17/06 Daniel
Cleo Rat Terrier 06/19/99-03/20/10 Lori Wilcox
Cleo Reitz Alaskan Malamute 06/05/01-03/18/13 Sara Reitz
Cleo Rhoads Wilson Greyhound 05/28/00-01/26/12 Tracy Rhoads Wilson
Cleo Rodriguez Calico Cat 15 years 07/11/18 Robert Rodriguez
Cleo Rottweiler 06/09/03-08/08/06 Jeff Aldrich
Cleo Rottweiler 07/26/91-08/19/03 David Wagner
Cleo Rottweiler 11/20/93-12/31/99 Cleopatra Von Drenth
Cleo Rottweiler 7 years 04/18/08 Dan Roth
Cleo Rottweiller 08/11/90-08/10/01 Penny Smalling
Cleo Rottweiller 7 years 07/29/00 Steve and Rebecca Patrick
Cleo Rotweiler 03/28/89-09/05/00 Hazel Rempel, Tom, Riley & Jenna Lankamer.
Cleo Russian Blue Cat 05/11/83-02/16/00 John Terrell
Cleo Schnauzer/Lab 08/10/00 Dawn Trahan
Cleo Scottie 5 years 10/28/11 David Silverstein
Cleo Sealpoint Siamese Cat 03/85-10/23/02 Becky Holman
Cleo Sealpoint Siamese Cat 19 years 05/08/02 Bob Keller
Cleo Shepherd Mix 01/01/89-01/01/97 Rosie
Cleo Shepherd Mix 03/13/96-02/18/99 Susan and Gita
Cleo Shepherd/Collie Mix 12 years 03/10/02 Susan Rowe
Cleo Shep-Weiller 06/20/90-06/04/99 Kim Rushnell
Cleo Shih-Tzu 06/15/90-10/20/99 Elissa, Mark and Darya Koczela
Cleo Shih-Tzu 15 years. Amy
Cleo Short Hair /Black-White Cat appx 09/04-09/23/05 Constance Doeve
Cleo Short Hair Cat 04/16/95-06/08/02 Susan McCarthy
Cleo Shorthair Cat 11 years 12/28/09 Barbara Hale
Cleo Short-Haired Cat 14 years 01/29/02 Laurie Harrington
Cleo Shott Black Labrador 01/05/14 Brenda Shott
Cleo Siamese 8 years 05/28/99 Donna and husband
Cleo Siamese Cat 02/29/92-08/03/98 Becky Hagan
Cleo Siamese Cat 05/05/05-04/21/07 Krista
Cleo Siamese Cat 06/08/91-09/24/08 Pauline & Scott Scalco (Mommy & Daddy)
Cleo Siamese Cat 14 years 07/31/00 Michelle S
Cleo Siamese Cat 17 years 11/05/07 Jeanne Cauldwell
Cleo Siamese Cat 2003-10/18/19 Allison Judge
Cleo Siamese Cat01/14/86-12/27/98 Karen Kennedy
Cleo Siamese Mix Cat 01/01/90-06/18/98 Charlie Gayle
Cleo Siamese Mix Cat 04/21/91-12/08/12 Karen Lyles
Cleo Siamese Mix Cat 06/27/87-10/06/07 Susan Mills
Cleo Siamese Seal Point Cat 07/24/70-01/03/88 Kari
Cleo Siamese/Calico Cat 03/28/98-02/04/00 Lu
Cleo Siberian Husky 03/02/03-03/09/14 Rhonda Thomas
Cleo Silver Tabby Cat 3 years 05/02/08 Jan
Cleo Smoke Cat 06/01/93-11/14/11 A.S.E.
Cleo Smooth Fox Terrier 11/26/97-03/15/11 Dawn, Omar and Liz Akel
Cleo Spaniel Mix 2002 Maddaloni Family
Cleo Springer Spaniel Mix 07/16/94-08/25/07 Jen Watral, Diane Halasz
Cleo Standard Poodle 10/23/96-02/24/09 Pam Cohen
Cleo Tabby Cat 04/01/01-02/04/03 Jason Helen
Cleo Tabby Cat 04/01/92-12/12/05 Mary
Cleo Tabby Cat 04/22/07 Carol Ann
Cleo Tabby Cat 05/15/94-07/02/11 Aleane Rohrig
Cleo Tabby Cat 06/15/94-03/06/06 Marie and Jim Ludlam
Cleo Tabby Cat 07/01/03-07/19/11 Kimberly A Compton
Cleo Tabby Cat 13 years 06/29/09 Jennifer E. Voorlas
Cleo Tabby Cat 18 years 08/08/15 Caml Larue
Cleo Tabby Cat 4 years 12/19/11 Leslie Irwin
Cleo Tabby Cat 8 years 07/31/03 Jennifer Arbogash
Cleo Teddy Bear Hamster 01/01/03-03/06/05 Paula
Cleo Terrier Mix 01/23/02-07/03/02 Kallen
Cleo The Great From The ATL Black Tabby Cat 06/28/90-04/11/05 Martha R
Cleo Tiger Cat 07/01/01 Nancy Dallaire
Cleo Tiger Kitty 1981-1998 Gretchen Bright
Cleo Tiger Stripe Cat 07/11/02 Elizabeth Draghiceanu
Cleo Tiger Striped Cat 16 years 08/26/11 Lynn
Cleo Tigerskin Cat 17 years 10/11/12 Mary
Cleo Torres Mixed Breed Domestic Cat 13 years 04/24/15 Martha T
Cleo Torti Cat 12 years 10/2000 Bea
Cleo Tortie Calico Cat 04/24/98-07/23/11 Mike Jaska
Cleo Tortie Calico Cat 20 years 04/02/10 Leah Blakely
Cleo Tortie Cat 1993-2006 Marie
Cleo Tortie/Ragdoll Cat 15 years 02/06/06 Bernice and Mike
Cleo Tortishell Cat 8 years 10/23/00 Bernice
Cleo Tortoise Shell Cat 03/17/17 Mark, Renee and Kelsey Bohannan
Cleo Tortoiseshell and White Cat 29/07/13 Andrea Straw
Cleo Tortoiseshell Calico Cat 21 years 10/08/05 Cyndy Washburn
Cleo Tortoiseshell Cat 8 months 07/06/10 Ayfa Twomey
Cleo Tortoiseshell Childhood Cat Lorraine
Cleo Turkish Van Cat 17 years 12/16/05 Stacie L. Bonner
Cleo Tuxedo Cat 02/07/88-08/25/02 Mina
Cleo Tuxedo Cat 03/05/88-10/31/08 Carrie Dickinson
Cleo Tuxedo Cat 09/94-05/18/10 Carol Sweeney
Cleo Tuxedo Cat 10/02/04 Gianna
Cleo Umbrella Cockatoo 05/05/11 N Borak
Cleo Warmblood Horse 10/28/90-02/16/03 Barbara Hilsaca
Cleo Weimaraner 05/21/03-10/07/08 Bonnie
Cleo Weimeraner 10/27/94-04/04/05 Cathryn Drost-Hansen
Cleo Whippet 06/09/95-03/03/09 Jane Martin
Cleo Whippet 06/16/86-08/03/00 Mary Ann and Bob
Cleo White DSH approx. 18 years 12/20/83 Margarit Strasser
Cleo White DSH Blue Eyes Cat 07/25/90-05/08/09 Susan and Joe
Cleo White German Shepherd 12 years 05/02/02 Patty Deforest
Cleo White German Shepherd 12 years Patty
Cleo White German Shepherd 12/10/90-08/14/98 Jer & Peggy Thierheimer
Cleo White Persian Cat 08/12/84-11/17/96 Brenda Dowson
Cleo White Terrier Mix 1986-07/14/00 R Long
Cleo Wirehair Dachshund Mix 12/09/81-07/02/98 Carin
Cleo Wright Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/14/01-06/21/04 Rich and Susan
Cleo Yellow Collared Macaw 21 years 05/13/10 Malcolm and Marie Stancer
Cleo Yellow Lab 01/28/94-02/12/01 Barbara Cowan
Cleo Yellow Lab 09/18/95-04/09/08 Diane
Cleo Yellow Lab 13 years 04/09/08 Diane Packard
Cleo, Butt Butt, Sandy, Sunny, Max Cats & Dogs 198?-199?-01/97/04 Tj
Cleo, nickname Mama Cockatiel 06/01/10-08/08/11 Vania
Cleocatra Calico Cat 02/14/87-03/30/08 Cheryl Dyer
Cleocatra Cat 03/13/95-02/22/09 Pam
Cleocatra Cat 04/04/90-09/20/08 Lea
Cleocatra Cat 10/16/93-09/25/01 Cynthia and Kimberly Pronovost
Cleocatra Cat 12/16/10 Sherri Bakos
CleoCatra Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cleocatra Siamese Mix Cat 08/05/10 Patricia Heck
Cleoharmony Great Dane - Black 01/01/97-04/03/10 Melodie
CleoHarmony Great Dane 1997-04/03/10 Melodie
Cleokitty Cat 02/13/99 Randi and Michelle
Cleo-My Sweet Baby Girl Black Cat 13 years 06/14/08 Jacqueline & Darren
Cleopatera Tabby Kitten 04/30 Frank J Romiti
Cleopatra (Cleo) British Tabby/Tortoise Shell Cat 08/87-09/04/01 Mike & Carol Ervin
Cleopatra (Cleo) Domestic Long Hair Cat 1982-12/20/99 Wendy C.
Cleopatra (Cleo) Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years old 10/02/02 Tammy, Pat, Christina and Brooke
Cleopatra (Cleo) Greyhound 09/01/89-05/30/03 Cally
Cleopatra (Cleo) Guinea Pig 1 1/2 years 11/21/02 Amy
Cleopatra (Cleo) Hagelberg Doberman Pinscher 12/01/96-10/25/10 Toney Hagelberg
Cleopatra (Cleo) Long Haired Calico 07/16/83-09/07/02 Julie Perkins
Cleopatra (Cleo) Oriental Shorthair Cat 1 year 05/27/97 Valerie Foxwell
Cleopatra (Cleo) Saint Bernard 06/23/00-07/31/02 Tammy & Mike Gray
Cleopatra (Cleo) Siamese Mix Cat 6 years 01/16/05 Ivonne Silva
Cleopatra (Cleo) Smoke Persian Cross Cat 05/15/71-02/23/91 The Adams and Hamilton Family
Cleopatra (Cleo) Tortoise Shell Domestic Short Haired Cat 07/03/99-06/26/06 Pat Silverman
Cleopatra aka Cleo Black and White Tuxedo Cat 04/01/00-10/28/15 Maria Silverstein
Cleopatra American Shorthair Cat 9 years 08/05/06 Patricia Lowry
Cleopatra Ann (Cleo) Siamese Mix Cat 08/15/95-07/29/14 Kari Solandros Farwell
Cleopatra Bailey of Sunset Rottweiler 08/31/97-07/27/08 Laura, Todd, Eric, and Ben
Cleopatra Basset Hound 06/01/92-08/13/04 Mary Ann Hudak
Cleopatra Bassett Hound 12 years 05/23/10 Chris Smith
Cleopatra Beagle/Daschound 06/14/89-10/2003 Ev, Mike and Michael Holden
Cleopatra Bengal X Cat 12/01/97-04/12/12 Coreen and DJ
Cleopatra Bird 3 years Fiona Dodd
Cleopatra Black Lab 16 years 07/27/11 David Lee Braun
Cleopatra Black Labrador 08/26/88-10/12/00 Chris, Irene, Lisa and Mark
Cleopatra Black Labrador Retriever 02/10/97-07/07/10 Gai
Cleopatra Black Long Haired Maine Coon Cat 6 years 01/23/14 Anne Belanger
Cleopatra Blue Point Siamese Cat 06/96-09/14/14 Suzette Cowan
Cleopatra Burgess Tortoise Shell Persian Mix Cat 12/18/11 Darlene Burgess
Cleopatra Cairn Terrier 06/30/14 Barbara Hammill
Cleopatra Cat 04/14/11 Jason
Cleopatra Cat 06/71-09/02/89 Lmh
Cleopatra Cat 07/07/88-08/24/05 Beth
Cleopatra Cat 08/94-09/02/09 Kellie Ann Mullen
Cleopatra Cat 12 years 08/04/21 Sergio
Cleopatra Chocolate Lab 11/24/97-08/12/10 Susan C Eagle
Cleopatra Chow Mix 1 year 02/09/01 Morris and Rebecca Gabbard
Cleopatra Classic British Tabby/Tortise Shell Cat 06/87-09/04/01 Carol & Mike
Cleopatra 'Cleo' Lilac Point Siamese Cat 06/09/97-09/08/06 Robin Moody
Cleopatra Cocker Spaniel 4 years 12/16/09 Jacqui
Cleopatra Curly Coated Retriever 10/20/89-01/06/02 Linda
Cleopatra Dalmatian 03/14/96-07/11/09 Danielle & Kathy
Cleopatra Dark Short Hair Cat 19th July Mabel
Cleopatra Dessin Black Pug 01/10/00-08/19/10 Fortune and Al Dessin
Cleopatra Doberman 07/01/03-29/Oct/2012 Angela
Cleopatra Doberman 14 years 03/01/01 Wayne, Lisamarie, Thomas & Rebecca
Cleopatra Doberman Pincher 07/04/85-02/14/97 Michelle
Cleopatra Domestic Long Hair Cat 15 years 10/28/06 Kerry McCauley
Cleopatra Domestic Short Hair Cat 17 years 09/09/10 Monica
Cleopatra Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/25/86-10/24/05 Sharon Lange
Cleopatra Domestic Shorthair Cat 1996-10/20/14 James Hoopes
Cleopatra DSH Cat 03/03/10 Craig R. H. Laurent
Cleopatra DSH Cat 06/08/97 Darlene D.
Cleopatra Ferret 10/19/03-11/09/08 Amie
Cleopatra Fowler Grey Maine Coon Cat 16 years 01/19/05 Donna & Alan
Cleopatra Gick Cat 12/19/10 The Gick Family
Cleopatra Gillin American Short Hair Guinea Pig 11/07/03-07/27/07 Sandy Gillin
Cleopatra Great Dane 6 years 06/21/17 The Huss Family
Cleopatra Grey and White Tabby Cat 03/30/94-07/31/02 Sheila
Cleopatra Heeler Mix 13-14 years 08/14/08 Tamela
Cleopatra Italian Greyhound 14 years 09/2007 Clare Tarushka
Cleopatra Jayne Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/11/87-04/17/02 Bea & Mike Shore
Cleopatra Jones Turbo Dog 42 Mixed Dog 07/21/00-09/13/11 Rachel Culver
Cleopatra Kantey German Shepherd 15 years 8 months 12/03/07 Cherelle, Jill, Chris and The Sharpers
CleoPatra Lab Mix 1998-01/21/08 Lynn Cooper
Cleopatra Labrador Perro 01/04/97-06/03/06 Leon Esparragoza
Cleopatra Louise Thompson Beagle 02/26/89-10/14/02 Gail & George
Cleopatra Lynx Point Siamese Cat 06/01/88-09/16/06 Lisa Vlas
Cleopatra Maine Coon Cat 2 1/2 years 03/05/08 Jon and Tara Baklund
Cleopatra Marie Cat 1987-08/13/08 Deneen
Cleopatra Mau (Cleo) Egyptian Mau Cat 07/07/96-06/14/99 Reyni
Cleopatra McDodge Russian Blue Cat 04/01/16-09/06/16 Ian McCord and Megan Hodge
Cleopatra Mini Rex-English Spotted Bunny 04/2009-03/28/10 Ashley Rayburn
Cleopatra Mystique Lemke Tuxedo Cat 04/01/06-10/22/21 Andy
Cleopatra Pence Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 07/08/04 Shawn and Melissa
Cleopatra Persian Cat 10/26/91-05/13/02 Kathy Hamel & Steven
Cleopatra Persian Cat 12/22/08 Katrin Rosinski
Cleopatra Pied Bird 2 03/4 years 06/99 Tammy
Cleopatra Prada Comito Cat 3 years 07/07/09 Erin Clare Comito
Cleopatra Prada Comito Long Hair Cat 3 years 07/07/09 Erin Comito
Cleopatra Rat 06/05-05/08/08 Jennifer Hensley
Cleopatra Rottweiler 05/03/98-09/28/08 Beth Godohue
Cleopatra Rotty 1995-07/31/05 Barbara Doll for Tim
Cleopatra Rountree Siamese Cat 09/29/95-08/26/10 David M. Rountree
Cleopatra Short Haired Cat 03/30/99-01/12/02 Pedro M. Ortiz
Cleopatra Siamese Cat 12 years 06/15/07 Catherine and Tom White
Cleopatra Siamese Cat 18 years 11/04/20 Mary McNeal
Cleopatra Silkey 03/04/87-11/28/04 Norma Marrero
Cleopatra Silver Himalayan Cat 08/01/88-10/10/07 Joanie Hurst
Cleopatra Sporer Short Hair Cat 05/91-09/14/06 Bernadette Sporer
Cleopatra Swan 04/27/00 Shirley
Cleopatra Torti Burmese Cat 12/04/00-09/07/20 Angela & Shane Young
Cleopatra Tortie Short Hair Cat 18 years 04/27/04 Steph & Ed
Cleopatra Torty Cat 04/82-02/29/04 Lois Waltman
Cleopatra White Longhair Cat 04/10/89-08/06/02 A. Strube
Cleopatra Williams Australian Cattle Dog/Jack Russell Terrier 04/15/95-04/19/11 Crystal Lynn Williams
Cleopatra Willis Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/04/92-07/05/09 Jennifer Willis
Cleopatra Wolf Bull Mastiff 04/19/01-10/24/09 Monica Wolf
Cleopatra Wynde of The Pines (Cleo) Pug 03/13/90-02/28/02 Michelle and Kodi Charvat
Cleopatra Yellow Lab 11/85-01/14/99 The Doyle Family
Cleopatra Yorkie 10/09/99-05/02/11 Ewa
Cleopatra Zitnick Rottweiler 10 years 01/19/08 David Zitnick
Cleopatra, Trixie, and Jinx Cats 04/03/05 Lisa, Jim, Felicia, Lynda, Andy, & Chris
Cleopatra..Queen of The Nafts Shep-Lab 09/19/00-03/29/09 Fran & Roger Nafts
Cleopatra/Cleo Norwegian Forest Cat 16 years 04/25/14 Linda Cooper
Cleopatra/Guts Siamese/Tortie Cat 12 years 04/15/05 Felicity
Cleopatrick Tabby Cat 13 years 06/28/08 Janet, Julie, Molly
Cleopatterer Hamster Michael Edelson
Cleophus Dalmatian 07/13/93-09/22/04 Jane Wulff
Cleo-Spotra Alias Spot Cat 09/18/83-06/06/03 Karen Alexander
Cleotis Cat 05/20/19 Jan Sullins
Clesea Lab 12 years 08/17/05 John & Donna Lewis
Cletus Bloodhound 11/01/00-10/27/07 Marti & Richard Gunsenhouser
Cletus Campbell Beagle 11/01/00-08/07/02 Marcie
Cletus Flynn Tan Rabbit 9 years 05/18/11 Debbie
Cletus Moe and My Sweet Angel Basset Mix and Maltese Dogs 01/23/03 and 08/02/05 Demetrius Hernandez
Cletus Part Shepherd/Collie 15 years 11/2005 Shelley Bard
Cletus T Jones Dog 11/01/03-10/19/06 Rick & Stella Burton
Cletus Thomas Hudson Mighty Basset Hound 5 years 09/18/07 Kristen Hudson
Cletus Yellow Striped Tabby Cat 3 years 02/21/09 Rebecca Marquardt
Cleve Tuxedo Cat 09/27/13 Diane
Cleveland Basenji 12/23/90-11/17/03 Dale Peterson
Cleveland Borzoi Pup 7 months 04/98
Cleveland Brownie Cocker Spaniel 03/29/00-01/31/04 David Ruggiero
Cleveland Chow/Rot 9 years 01/03/09 Rob Lighthart
Cleveland Di Costanzo Siamese Cat 02/14/04-10/21/11 Ria, Marco & Cat Di Costanzo
Cleveland Dog 13 years 04/17/06 Dean
Cleveland Milks Golden Retriever 03/23/22 Doug
Cleveland Siberian Husky 02/17/96-12/04/07 Jim and Terry Allen
Clever Pembroke Welsh Corgi 08/19/08-09/15/21 Michelle U
Clhoe Black and White Cat 03/15/08 Monica
Clhoe Rat Terrier 09/10/98-07/06/09 C L Johnson
Clicker Cat Diana Gregory and Judi Norcross
Clicker Sparrow 1 week 04/30/01 Angela Diiulio
Clickey Cat 21 years 08/13/93 Lynda Borich
Clicky Tabby Cat 03/80-01/15/00 Art and Assunta Prince
Clide Orange and White Tabby Cat 19/20/94-11/10/00 Laura Gilmour
Cliff aka Cliffie Basset Hound 14 years 04/28/07 Georgia Fuoto
Cliff Cat 08/03/83-10/21/00 Sue
Cliff Lab/Shepherd 12 years 03/07/98 Kris and Kenny
Cliff Lhasa-Mix 9 years 01/02/05 Lori & Mickey
Cliff Mastiff/Lab 12/19/13 Wendy Slafka
Cliff Pug 10 weeks 05/05/98 Denise Smith
Cliff Siamese Mix Cat 08/21/97 Raynae' Brogdon
Cliff Tuxedo Cat 13 years 03/08/02 Jennifer B
Cliffee Shitzu Poodle Mix 14 years 01/19/08 Allen & Sue Kever
Cliffi Congo African Grey 8 months 08/12/05 Deb
Cliffie Cat 08/11/02 Jorja and Roger
Cliffie Husky 11 years 02/10/99 Barbara Bart
Cliffie Ragdoll Cat 04/01/06-09/21/12 Karla Lucas
Cliffie Rottie 1992-1997 P. Lee
Cliffird Rottweiler 1999-2000 Calla
Clifford (a distinguished gentleman) Dog 2009-2023 Dan Duran and Family
Clifford American Eskimo Dog 12/09/96-04/29/11 Jim & Elyn Rackley
Clifford Aussie Mix 12/2005-04/21/19 Tanya
Clifford Bichon Frise 04/16/89-07/22/04 Barbara & Michel
Clifford Bloodhound 9 years 06/02/05 Laura Rathe
Clifford Border Collie/Heeler 6 1/2 years 04/12/08 Janice Eggers
Clifford Boxer 04/29/93-08/14/06 Ty & Lynnette Ivory
Clifford Cat 05/92-01/15/05 Sarah
Clifford Cat 08/15/10 Cameron and Jess
Clifford Chow 03/25/04 Louann Koenig
Clifford Chow/Golden Mix 8 years 02/14/08 The Rojas Family
Clifford Cock-A-Poo 12 years 09/27/05 Lindsay Ransom
Clifford Collie Mix 07/04/81-11/24/93 Sonja Welborn
Clifford Dachshund 1 years 02/13/06 Kelley Keen
Clifford Dachshund-German Shepherd Mix 04/2003-05/18/07 Henry E
Clifford Dog 12/10/03-10/16/18 Valentina
Clifford Dog 15 years 07/05/08 Irene
Clifford Ferret 5 years 10/11/95 P. Finn Bob LeBlanc
Clifford Ginger Tabby, Long-Haired Cat 09/11/00-01/06/18 Robert Hough
Clifford Golden Retriever 04/11/07 Thomas and Amber
Clifford Golden Retriever 8 1/2 years 10/96 Jenlnw
Clifford Havanese 07/05/01-01/31/12 Rachel
Clifford K9/Labrador 13 years 09/16/09 Dianne
Clifford Lab 09/15/06 Pat
Clifford Labrador Retriever 06/23/02-11/16/14 Mary
Clifford Lop-Eared Rabbit 8 years 12/09/99 Hilary Millet-Clark
Clifford Miniature Schnauzer 11/08/89-11/04/01 Donald F. Rock, Jr.
Clifford Mix Breed Dog 04/14/94-04/05/08 Saby Irizarry
Clifford Mottley Golden Retriever 10 years 06/09/06 Jeff and Kelly Mottley
Clifford New Zealand Red Rabbit 9 years 01/30/05 Jane Schneider
Clifford Old English Sheepdog 06/85-01/12/99 Pat & Becky Veber
Clifford Poodle 10/13/23 Anne Arzaga
Clifford Spaniel Mix 09/15/03-09/04/17 Peter
Clifford Standard Poodle 06/11/98-02/14/09 Mary Winburn
Clifford Weimeraner 03/07/96-03/07/08 Paul & Julie Wallach
Clifford Yellow Shepherd 07/04/98-04/02/09 Mark, Leigh and Robert Dudenhoeffer
Clifford Yorkie 03/21/06 Lou Ann Bower
Cliffy Border Collie 4 years 01/23/01 Wisc Border Collie Rescue
Cliffy Boston Terrier 02/10/94-06/22/04 James Hook & Peter Schmitt
Cliffy Domestic Shorthair Black Cat 02/25/93-01/08/11 Vicki Luxford
Cliffy DSH Cat 15 years 04/02/02 Claire Neville
Cliffy Jugus Golden Retriever 03/01/05 Jennifer and Adam Jugus
Cliffy Yellow Labrador Retriever 13 years 11 months 05/11/10 Stephanie
Climber Border Collie-Maltese-Shi Tzu Cross 10/09/99-23/08/11 Tayler
Climber Cat 09/76-11/29/96 Dan and Rita Schaaf
Climber Cat 19 years 02/20/02 Katy
Climber Kitten 3 months 08/07/06 Shelby
Climber Mow Mow Tom Kitty 12/18/95-04/29/04 Beth H
Climy and Bitey Hamsters 1 year 06/2004 Jason and Melissa
Cline David Cat 08/15/94-02/14/08 Bob Goodwin
Cline Tiger Cat 10/25/83-01/30/04 Kim & Chris
Clinger Michael Dean Domestic Cat 09/27/88-09/16/08 Betsy Dean
Clinque Bunny 04/01/98-10/05/98 Lauren Capra
Clint Anderson Dobie/Shepherd 9 1/2 years 11/06/02 Linda, Russ and Jaime
Clint Belgian Shepherd 03/09/05 Tony Moorhouse
Clint Belgium Shepherd 15 years 03/09/05 Tony & Emma
Clint Biscuit Shorkie 03/13/13-08/21/24 Debra Lemm
Clint Border Collie Cross 05/09/93-22/11/08 Elizbeth
Clint Boxer 12 years 09/24/03 Anne & John Capaldi
Clint Cat 09/18/92-09/27/03 Suzanne and David Brown
Clint Dalmatian/Pointer 06/87-01/20/02 Vivian Taylor
Clint Elvis Mini Lop Rabbit 03/15/00-04/10/01 Vaira Fox
Clint Jr Zebra Finch 1998-2001 Gail
Clint Maine Coon Classic Brown Tabby Cat 01/01/90-03/23/08 Marylyn Burylo
Clint Orange Tabby Cat 1 yr. Judith Moore
Clint Seal Point Siamese Cat 16 years 01/08/02 Victoria B. Macia
Clint Shepherd-Husky 15 years 11/03/06 Ed Lynchehan
Clint Siberian Husky 12/25/84-05/10/00 Pam Johnson & Linda Syner
Clint Zebra Finch 06/01/85-04/30/98 Gail
Clinton Cat 10/24/91-12/31/03 Mary Gibbs
Clinton Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 05/25/92-01/29/05 Emilie Chmiel
Clinton Douglas Golden Retriever 07/19/98-08/04/10 Mom, Dad, Matthew, and Katelyn
Clinton Irish Jack Russell 04/15/03-09/18/21 Nicole Larege
Clinton Lhasa Apso 09/92-06/25/02 Reyna Villa
Clinton Puppy 1/27/97 Columbus OH shelter
Clio Beagle Mix 07/27/93-07/15/10 Lori & Paul Warwick
Clio Cat 06/13/99-06/21/08 Suzanne
Clio Cat 1995-04/18/05 Debra
Clio Chartreaux/Maincoon Mix Cat 02/28/94-05/04/12 Kelly
Clio DSH Cat 01/01/95-05/18/05 Laura A. Lewis
Clio Golden Retriever 04/09/98-02/22/09 Kim Petrick
Clio Green-Eye Calico Cat 15 years 10/30/02 Debra
Clio Gunnarson American Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/30/08 Bob Gunnarson
Clio Hooded Rat 01/14/96-08/06/98 Romely and Joshua Levezow
Clio Persian Cat 7 years 08/26/05 Elaine and Katie Young
Clio Turkish Angora Cat 17 years 15/06/03 Renee Brussaard
Clio Tuxedo Pattern Cat 10 years 11/27/10 Michael Gat
Clio Viszla 10 years 07/08/95 Cheryl Ellis
Clipis Terrier Mix 1 year 07/08/03 Helena Lasuncion Massana
Clipper & Bobby Parakeets 1 & 2 years 08/03/99 Don Reeck
Clipper Black Lab Mix 02/27/07 Robin Wolfrey
Clipper Cat 01/18/11 Jennifer and Craig
Clipper Cat 15+ years 08/18/96 Deborah Cusick
Clipper German Shepherd Vietnam
Clipper Golden Retriever 04/12/85-09/16/96 Cynthia A. Taylor
Clipper Greyhound 02/02/00-06/25/11 Donna Hair
Clipper Labrador Retriever 03/25/99-05/02/08 Gail Shearer
Clipper Maine Coon Cat 10/15/04 Bruce Bosche
Clipper Old English Sheepdog 9 years 07/23/79 Diana
Clipper Quarter Horse 11/08/07 Sara
Clipper Samoyed 11/13/96-07/24/07 John Brourink
Clipper Samoyed 11/96-07/2007 Jane and Tony
Clipper Stevens Toy Poodle 07/18/87-07/22/05 Ken Stevens
Clippy Dog 12 years 06/30/04 John White
Clitty Russian Blue Cat 13 years 11/29/08 Dave Angel
Clive Bulldog 09/19/07-07/27/08 Danny Flintoft
Clive Calanan Cat 12/01/93-02/04/09 Dana Calanan
Clive Cat 1989-02/13/04 Faye Sanderson
Clive Kitten 10/20/07 Carrie
Clive Maltese 10 years 06/23/08 Anna
Clive Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 07/31/05 Denise Giddens
Clive Shorthair Cat 05/94-05/13/09 Norm
Clive Siamese Cat 11 years 12/09/15 Aubree Hoover
Clive White Boxer 12 years 06/02/05 Lynne Maxwell
Clochette Yorkshire 11 years 04/06/04 Lore, Pierre, Melissa, Jane, Marc-P, Jean-F, Maggie
Clocifer (cloe) Siamese Cat 04/07-05/11/08 Sher Jacobs
Clodhopper Collie/Shepherd Mix 13 years 08/2011 Audrey
Clodomir Black and White Cat 03/23/89-07/13/99 Marinka-Marie Siega
Clody Mixed Cat 8 months 04/23/14 Neil Cash
Cloe aka Kitty Cat 17 years 07/13/09 Pam Hamilton
Cloe Basset Hound 05/2010 Mark and Marylou Espy
Cloe Beagle 06/02/00-08/02/11 Kim and Tom
Cloe Bichon Frise 10/25/99-11/11/10 Jenn
Cloe Black Lab 11/27/02-05/11/14 Stephanie
Cloe Calico Kitten 07/04/99-09/27/99 Jessica and Jay Lamb and Zoe
Cloe Cat 06/09 or 10/2005 Carol and Family
Cloe Cat 08/07/01-06/10/03 Janie
Cloe Cat Aged L4-04/16/07 Chris and Alan
Cloe Chihuahua 07/07/09-01/31/10 Vanessa, Marissa and Michael
Cloe Chihuahua 9 years 11/07/16 Jamie
Cloe Dachshund 14 years 06/10/04 Martha Morrow
Cloe Dalmatian 05/31/98-09/28/10 Angela
Cloe Elaine Corgi Mix 04/01/01-12/26/14 Jennifer
Cloe Ferret 6 years 04/27/04 Sarah Shultz
Cloe German Shorthair Pointer 13 years 05/04/12 Kel & Sema Phair
Cloe Golden Retriever 10/97-01/11/08 Teri Jackson
Cloe Golden Spaniel 12 years 06/21/10 Nellie Vardaman
Cloe Havanese Shih Tzu 05/22/08-05/03/14 Rick and Shelly
Cloe Holland Mini Lop Bunny 11 weeks 09/07/99 Jennifer
Cloe Joy Hamster 06/01/05-12/17/06 Amy Killingsworth
Cloe Kitten 7 months 11/28/97 Juliet Barrera
Cloe Lab 01/07/98-09/01/06 Carrie Azzarello
Cloe Lab/Chow 01/15/01-07/17/06 Pauline Parsons
Cloe Lyn Tortie Point Persian Cat 12/05/05 Susan
Cloe Maine Coon Cat 11/19/07 Joe, Margie, Sam, Mandi
Cloe Maine Coon Mix Cat 17 years 8 months 07/16/12 Renee Kaznowski
Cloe May Basset Hound 03/03/00-06/04/10 Mark S. Espy
Cloe Poodle Puppy 07/05/07-09/12/07 Misty & Katie Starks
Cloe Shorkie 04/01/09-04/20/14 John & Hortensia Law
Cloe Siberian Husky 1/01/97 Darrell Outlaw
Cloe Velvet Standard Poodle 03/29/98-03/11/11 Emad Milad
Cloe White Shepherd 01/01/96-01/10/05 Wendy Walker
CloeLyn Tortie Point Persian Cat 10-15 years 12/05/05 Csugi Family
Cloey Autumn Calico Cat 04/01/04-04/03/05 Rossalynn Crary
Cloey Beagle 12/31/98-03/04/04 Monaca
Cloey Beagle Black Lab Mix 04/29/09 Emily, Jeff & Wyatt
Cloey Calico Cat 08/30/10 Julie
Cloey Cat 06/23/96-07/08/09 Renee and Aaron Focht
Cloey Cat 10/30/95-05/14/10 Brandy Quick
Cloey Llasa Apso 10/16/02-05/13/05 Jeanette & Ron
Cloey Poodle Mix 02/05/89-12/17/04 Barbara Singer and Family
Cloey Rardin Mastiff 11/11/08-06/10/10 Kristy Rardin
Cloey Shih-Poo 03/13/92-08/11/05 Linda and Joe
Cloey Terrier-Shepherd 11/12/93-02/21/05 Kerri Bazinet
Clohe Cat 13 years 12/12/06 Diane & Hasan Can
Cloie Black Lab/Husky 06/95-09/07/12 Jocelyn Emswiler
Cloie Cat 12/11/11 Gary Fisher
Cloie Pug 01/31/99-01/11/03 Jerry, Nora, Danielle & Jaclyn
Cloie Schnauzer 16 years 09/18/17 Diane, Tom Fletcher
Cloie Tabby Cat 06/20/97-04/07/09 Felicia Libo
Clondike Brown Lab 03/03/95-08/29/09 Gisela
Clone Tabby Cat 19 years 02/00 Juli
Cloney Rex Rabbit 8 years 03/06/13 Elaine Kaplan
Clooney Cockatiel 11/20/03 Leslie
Clooney Irish Sports Horse 04/01/09-30 November 2015 Linsi Phillips
Clooney Maine Coon Cat 04/02-03/22/08 The Fender Family
Clopa Poodle 05/11/90-05/05/00 Lee Ann
Cloppy Cat 10/06/09 Bethany Davies
Clorox White Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/14/87-06/25/02 Margie and Jim
Cloud (Peek-A-Boo) Weimaraner 5 years 09/06/05 Diane Pastor
Cloud Albino Rat 3 years 12/18/96 Olga Gray
Cloud Appaloosa Horse 04/28/77-09/17/05 Dianne K
Cloud Barnak Great Dane 08/13/10-05/24/19 Rebecca Barnak
Cloud Cat 06/17/08-08/26/20 Sherry Luhmann
Cloud Curly-Coated Retriever 07/25/93-11/02/05 Dimitri and Kathi Kostynick
Cloud Dancer White Shepherd Husky Mix 04/27/95-05/18/97 Shaiyenna
Cloud Domestic Longhair Cat 13 years 10/24/12 Cheryl Short
Cloud Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/25/97-05/10/08 Rebecca
Cloud Frangione Tabby Kitten 03/29/14-04/06/14 Marcia Frangione
Cloud German Shepherd 14 years 07/29/08 Steven Haile
Cloud Greyhound 05/20/96-12/30/04 Wendy Eaton
Cloud Horse 10/25/02 Brianna
Cloud Kitten 01/10/12-02/20/11 Rob
Cloud Long Hair Hamster 11/28/01 Debbi
Cloud Love yellow Lab 15 1/2 years Diane Harris
Cloud Nine Bay and White Paint Pony 25 years 11/16/01 Barbara Hershey
Cloud Short Haired Kitten 6 months 01/14/10 Kimberly Gee
Cloud Siamese Cat 12/01/09 Erika Loisse Bautista
Cloud Slocombe Tuxedo Cat 9 months 05/05/17 Slocombe Family
Cloud Warrior Flame Point Siamese Cat 10/23/08 Renee Hartman
Cloudy Cat 02/02/00 Katina
Cloudy Cat 05/2011-11/09/11 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Cloudy Cat 09/15/87-11/25/98 Misha McBride
Cloudy Cat 10/05/10 Alisa
Cloudy Cat 11 years 01/17/05 Laurie and The Kehoe Family
Cloudy Cat 15 years 06/14/11 Mark and Deborah and Beth
Cloudy Cat 1997 Nancy and Greg Olsen
Cloudy Cat 8 years 10/15/06 Robert S
Cloudy Cockatiel 19 years 01/26/20 Adah Gillon
Cloudy Domestic Cat 10/30/90-07/14/04 Carrie
Cloudy Domestic Long Hair Cat 3 years 07/14/04 Tom & Manissara Vorabutr
Cloudy Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/2001-03/30/05 Elisheva and Bruce Levin
Cloudy Maine Coon Cat 02/17/98-12/02/10 Carolt
Cloudy Persian Cat 10/15/87-06/07/02 Gale McGuire
Cloudy Persian Mix Cat 11/20/04 Tracy Mitchell
Cloudy Poodle Spitz Mix 12/27/94-03/23/10 Valerie Lyons
Cloudy Sky Cat Kelli Shannon and Erika
Cloudy Tyrell Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 04/07/95-11/24/02 Meghan
Cloudy Welsh Mountain Pony 37 years 06/29/96 Helen Short
Cloudy White German Shepherd 04/15/94-09/13/02 John & Pam
Clouseau Black and White Collie 1992-10/12/04 Amy Justice
Clouseau Cat 02/04/09 Emmy Hargreaves
Clouseau Cat 15 years 08/26/10 Andy and Hazel
Clouseau Pug 1/25/82-03/08/98 Tim and Lisa Singer
Clouseau Royal Standard Poodle 05/12/90-05/26/02 Jo Holloway
Clousseau Border Collie 01/25/89-12/02/01 Chris & Mike Kipper
Clousseau Cat 09/18/00-07/10/02 Nancy and Steve
Clovar Cocker Spaniel 10/18/86-04/30/99 Caroline Hieb
Clover - Georgica's Wild Cairn Clover Cairn Terrier 12/91-01/19/07 Wes & Kate Frye
Clover (Bun bun) Pure Dutch Dwarf Rabbit Emily
Clover (Clovie) Calico Cat 1980-06/21/00 Tammy, Andria and Nana
Clover (Missy Moo) Tabby Cat 9 months 03/28/14 Caroline Mallabone
Clover African Grey Parrot 02/01/19 Sophie O
Clover Agouti Rabbit 4 years 09/17/97 George & Dorie Kehew
Clover Aussie Shepherd 02/26/01-04/23/04 Brenda, Ray, Grant and Kasey
Clover Beagle 2 years 08/29/04 Steve & Kristen and Baby Ethan
Clover Beagle Mix 07/13/95-04/17/06 Aileen Dillon
Clover Beagle/Basenji 7 years 12/25/03 Alison Budnick
Clover Black Cat 11 years 04/06/06 Jennifer Mashuga
Clover Boston Terrier 06/28/86-07/25/98 Porter and Lukee Families
Clover Budgie Parakeet 3 years 01/02/09 Karen
Clover Bunny 12/25/92-12/16/03 Heidi Costello
Clover Cat 14 years 07/10/23 Linda & James
Clover Cat 15 1/2 years 02/13/01 Lauren LeHew
Clover Cat 21 years 07/06/02 Shannon Bruffett
Clover Cat 7 years 03/01/11 Georgia
Clover Dachshund 17 years 09/14/08 Patty
Clover Dachshund 17 years 09/14/09 Patty Deforest
Clover DLH Cat 18 years 03/05/04 James
Clover Dog 03/10/11-10/24/11 Natassaja Eberhardt
Clover Dog 14 years 08/28/09 Kimberley Smith
Clover Domestic Short Hair Cat 19 years 11/07/10 Kara and Curtis Adams
Clover Elizabeth Johnson DSH Cat 09/24/10-05/17/11 Tiffany Johnson
Clover Ellen Dog 16 years 11/11/07 Judith Diehl
Clover English Rabbit 2 years 2005 Katie Rance
Clover Ford Sachs Chocolate Lab 01/23/09-02/19/09 Alisha Sachs
Clover Gates Brown Rat 3 years 09/18/04 April and Tim Gates
Clover German Shepherd 08/99-10/15/10 Laura Snyder
Clover German Shorthaired Pointer 06/09/23 Jackie & Caleb
Clover Golden Retriever 10/20/97-07/04/12 Donna, Scott, Megan, Heidi, and Dylan
Clover Golden Retriever 11/21/06-12/07/20 Richard Angeloni
Clover Golden Retriever 12/03/05 Anouska Moses
Clover Golden Retriever 12/17/91-06/16/05 Karen, Mike, David, & Laura
Clover Gray, Black and Brown Tiger Cat 04/15/98-05/29/11 Sheila J. Smith
Clover Hedgehog 07/06/06 Candace Minkowski
Clover Hernandez Netherland Dwarf Mix Rabbit-Baby 03/27/07-05/05/07 Jennifer & Andrew Hernandez
Clover Honey Bear Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/19/04 Jeff and Kathy Snyder
Clover Horse 05/15/85-04/09/96 Valerie Kirkwood
Clover Kitty 03/17/94-01/15/07 Beth, Mollie, Em and Oz Ostroski
Clover Klusman New Zealand Rabbit 01/10/02-02/01/06 Pauline Klusman
Clover Lab Mix 10 years 04/11/06 Tarri Ttom Stephanie and Jessica
Clover Lab Mix 7 years 02/20/08 Steve, Judi, Kelly and Christopher
Clover Lhasa Apso 12/13/98-12/25/08 Chrisa
Clover Long Hair Chihuahua Mix Breed 14 1/2 years 10/10/11 Patty Adams
Clover Marie James Kitten 03/14/04-05/09/04 Tabitha
Clover Mini Lop Rabbit 02/15/01-01/16/08 Abbie Teslow-Roden and Patrick Roden
Clover Mini Lop Rabbit 9 years 03/11/08 Jolyn Merchant
Clover Mini-Lop Rabbit 09/01/03-01/12/04 Jane Ebinger
Clover Mix Dog 08/06/12 Larra and Regina Moyers
Clover Mixed Dog 03/17/86-06/23/00 Cathy Choate
Clover Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 5 months 1999 Laura
Clover Netherland Dwarf/Mini-Rex Mix Bunny 09/10/01-06/12/05 Shani
Clover Nezeland Rabbit 01/10/01-01/06/06 Pauline Klusman
Clover Parakeet 07/21/98 Jenn
Clover Pastel Calico Cat 24 years 10/24/05 Sandy Hagan
Clover PBGV Mix 03/17/09-03/31/14 Ted Fujikawa
Clover Pomeranian 07/31/01-01/25/17 Lonette
Clover Potbelly Pig 07/02/08-12/03/21 Dani Hoffrichter
Clover Potcake 04/03/14-05/31/24 Lisa Heslin
Clover Proehl Cat 19 years Rosemary
Clover Rabbit 03/2009-11/06/09 Susie Small
Clover Rabbit 03/24/07 Chi-Yee Fok/Wan-Yee Fok/Madeline
Clover Rosy-Rumped Waxbill Finch 3 years 01/03/00 Robin Schindler
Clover Russian Dwarf Hamster 03/09/08-03/05/10 EL AL
Clover Setter X Lab 08/01/82-11/09/98 Wendy Goddard
Clover Siamese Cross Kitten 02/05/06-08/17/06 Tevaites Fearnley
Clover Silver Tabby Cat 16 years 05/29/11 Michelle
Clover Westie 01/23/91-06/14/00 Sonda Juliussen
Clover Yellow Lab 07/03/92-06/30/05 Eric Miner
Clover, Ginger and Peaches Smooth Haired Guinea Pigs 2005 Anne Morton
Clovers Cat 07/13/16 Gary
Clovis (Clovie) Domestic Long Hair Marmalade Cat 04/13/95-04/10/10 Judi Carroll
Clovis Blue Tabby Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/24/95-05/15/99 Lesley
Clovis 'Bob' Cat Shanley Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 03/04/08 Karena and Charles Shanley
Clovis Border Collie Pit Mix 2 years 10/11/09 B.J. Hughes
Clovis Border Collie/Lab 06/94-03/12/05 Suzanne Chappell
Clovis Cat 04/07/08 Elizabeth Leatherwood
Clovis Cat 05/20/90-08/26/03 Angelica McWilliams
Clovis Cat 06/10/91-06/11/09 Mike
Clovis Cat 13 years 08/25/06 Joe and Karyn Wajda
Clovis Cat 1993-08/09/00 Kelly Herrmann
Clovis Cat Stephen & Harley
Clovis Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/17/88-10/24/06 Anna Taylor
Clovis DSH Black/White Cat 2 years 01/06/02 Cy Sawyer
Clovis Gray Short Hair Cat 10/07/92-08/15/01 Claudia Failla
Clovis Gray Tabby Cat 06/23/94-07/20/09 Nadia, Omar, Richard, Rudaina
Clovis Guinea Pig 30/08/12-26/08/14 Andrew Bedford
Clovis Russian Blue Cat 04/17/05-02/25/14 Jaimie Shaw
Clovis Smoky Tabby Cat 2 years Ashley
Clovis Tuxedo /Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/19/92-05/14/09 Alycia Adams
Clovis Woods Tiger, Buff Colored Cat 07/13/10 Keith, Laura, Sylvia, and Fiona Woods
Clowe Angel Fernandes Doxie 16 years 08/03/09 Charlene
Clown Black German Shepherd 03/22/08-07/30/08 Chris and Sarah English
Clown DSH Cat 05/11/07 Holly Rose
Cloyd Kitty 14 years 09/03/97 Sandra
Cloyd Mix Breed Dog Francis & Silva Battista
Clubs Siberian Husky 12/27/99-07/17/09 Steve
Clue Black Lab Mix With Shepherd 12/25/95-05/05/06 Bobby Engen
Clue Gray and White Barn Cat 1983-11/02/00 Caryn Muccino
Clue Greyhound 09/04/00-11/06/08 Allison Carey
Clue Quarter Horse 01/30/02-06/07/19 Emily Held
Clueless Ginger Moggie Cat nearly 13 years 08/30/07 Gina Wyatt
Clumpy Pyrr/Mix Hella Frazer
Clumsy The Galah Parrot 1997-22/12/11 Danielle
Cluny Cat 06/23/94-08/05/04 Generosa Litton
Cluny Lhasa Apso 10/28/85-02/12/02 John McPherson
Cluso Wirehaired Terrier 16 years 09/02/91 Anita Clark
Clutch Dog 02/80-10/01/94 Kelley Rexroad
Clyde (airline) Chow Mix 09/17/16 James Hicks & Jennifer Payne
Clyde (aka Big Guy) Charcoal Tabby Cat 06/06/92-06/20/01 John
Clyde (aka The Woogie) Weimeraner 14 years 11/10/05 Glenda and Monroe Summers, Greg Mears
Clyde (Bubba Son) Rottweiler 10/31/89-08/93 RD
Clyde (Doo Doo) Mixed Breed Dog 9 years 07/05/09 Bonnie Govan
Clyde (Son) Rottie Lab Mix 06/28/95-03/13/06 Dave & Laurie Peters
Clyde 11/10/95 Gayle Blakesley
Clyde aka Momma's Ol' Itty Bitty Boy Domestic Medium Hair and Maine Coon Cat 06/05/89-09/29/04 Mandy Neumann
Clyde and Dudley Domestic Mice 07/20/07-04/28/08 Sarah
Clyde Austrailan Shepherd 10/19/99-01/10/04 Nancy
Clyde Australian Shepherd 13 years 05/29/01 Laura
Clyde Australian Shepherd Mix 04/27/09 Bill
Clyde Australian Shepherd Mix 06/01/00-09/30/06 Chris Malik
Clyde Baily Dog Golden 15 years 06/19/08 Craig & Mary Hill
Clyde Barker Maine Coon Cat 7 years 04/14/05 Lisa Wells
Clyde Basset Hound 01/11/08-11/06/10 Mike & Misty
Clyde Basset Hound 07/05/03-11/22/06 Susie
Clyde Basset Hound 11/07/95-03/11/09 Valerie Gammon
Clyde Basset Hound 12/25/98-12/28/00 Beatriz and Jerry Sanchez
Clyde Basset Puppy 11/21/05 Lisa
Clyde Bassett Hound 12 years 2000 Hayley
Clyde Beagle 04/28/97-09/22/09 JoAnne
Clyde Beagle 17 years 11/02/09 Kathleen
Clyde Beagle/Terrier 5 1/2 years 05/29/13 Mary Sasak
Clyde Berrios Pointer/Beagle Mix 06/2002-02/03/07 Alex, Kelly, Rafi, Pele, & Papo
Clyde Big Paws Cat 05/10/90-08/04/97 CHU
Clyde Billingsley English Bulldog 09/01/99-05/10/09 Terry and Traci Billingsley
Clyde Bird 01/01/96-20/10/03 Michael and Vicky
Clyde Bird 09/2001-04/09/11 Harley
Clyde Black Cat 4 years old 09/29/96 Jennifer Hudson
Clyde Black Lab 04/01/00-01/15/00 Tatum
Clyde Black Lab Laura
Clyde Black Lab Mix 09/87-04/16/01 Laura Hale
Clyde Black Lab Mix 11/01/01-03/21/12 Alanna Cejmer
Clyde Black Labrador Retriever 04/01/00-01/15/10 Tatum Bass
Clyde Booger Long Haired Domestic Cat 08/15/03-04/15/11 Jessie Owens
Clyde Boston Terrier 08/05/04 Fred Denny
Clyde Boxer 31/05/99-09/05/06 Yvonne Finnigan
Clyde Boxer Mix 10/15/00-02/21/11 Jonette and Rick
Clyde Brennen Labrador Retriever 5 years Lauren Glass
Clyde BullDog 20 months 06/02/97 Linda Owens
Clyde Carlson Dog 16 years 04/08/05 Susannah
Clyde Cat 03/25/09 Tricia Bailey
Clyde Cat 03/86-04/17/01 Linda
Clyde Cat 04/01/06-09/11/07 Renee
Clyde Cat 05/01/93-04/07/06 Chris Thomas
Clyde Cat 07/07/11-11/10/23 Nancy
Clyde Cat 07/94-11/15/06 Kim
Clyde Cat 09/93-12/08/06 Jean Van Effen
Clyde Cat 10/14/90-01/09/10 Jan Yale
Clyde Cat 12 years 08/27/03 Carolyn
Clyde Cat 12/20/90-05/04/98 Dave Dumke
Clyde Cat 13 years 05/17/00 Barbara
Clyde Cat 15 years 04/10/01 Linda & Rick
Clyde Cat 17 1/2 years 06/09/01 Margaret Muns
Clyde Cat 1989-10/13/04 Michele Lori
Clyde Cat 21 years 08/20/12 Jaime Kennedy
Clyde Cat 4 1/2 months 08/27/08 Birgit Shields
Clyde Cat 5 months 12/28/00 Sue, SVHS
Clyde Cat June-ish 2007-09/29/08 Meagan
Clyde Cat Oci Cat 09/09/91-06/01/99 Tracey DeCredico
Clyde Catahoula 01/05/96-06/04/05 Johnny, Michele & Amanda
Clyde CDX Doberman 10 years Sheryl McCormick
Clyde Chinese Water Dragon Lizard 01/12/14 Anne and Larry
Clyde Chocolate Lab 08/13/97-05/03/99 Colby Hall
Clyde Chocolate Lab 09/20/96-07/19/08 Dede Feeley
Clyde Chow and Rot 12 years 04/11/09 Pam Armstrong
Clyde Christensen-Stenander Cat 17 years 08/20/09 Kathy Stenander and Rob Stenander
Clyde Clydesdale Horse 32 years 11/04/99 Majal Tyndall
Clyde Cockatiel 24 years 02/23/12 Rebecca
Clyde Cocker Spaniel 05/87-09/19/01 Wynette Longhofer
Clyde Cocker Spaniel 06/90-02/01 Kerri
Clyde Cocker Spaniel/Poodle Mix 08/02/03 Nikki Moore
Clyde Collie 08/15/06 Jen and Matt Harnett
Clyde Coon Raccoon 05/01/99-02/20/00 Amanda
Clyde Corgi 02/01/99-09/19/12 Kaye
Clyde Cuthbertson Lhasa Apso 09/08/91-07/28/08 John H Cuthbertson Jr
Clyde Dachshund 5 years 04/17/08 Callie
Clyde Dachshund 8 years 06/14/00 Paul and Reagan Penuel
Clyde Dachsund 04/12/02-06/02/03 Bill and Shawn
Clyde Dalmatian 04/01/96-11/23/09 David Tomaszek
Clyde Doberman Pinscher 12/03/95-04/03/00 Becky and Tom
Clyde Dog 04/23/78-08/10/88 Karen
Clyde Dog 05/1975 Debbie Johnson
Clyde Dog 08/01/85-05/04/00 R. Abercrombie
Clyde Dog 08/15/86-08/30/00 Nan Tabak
Clyde Dog 11/27/95-08/03/07 Elizabeth McCormack
Clyde Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Clyde Dog Pitbull/Greyhound X 07/04/89-04/13/99 Todd & Chris Cook
Clyde Domestic Longhair Cat 07/04/01-10/15/02 Marnie
Clyde Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/30/84-05/28/06 Karen & Greg Connor
Clyde Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/20/96-02/23/12 Michelle Orlowski
Clyde Domestic Shorthair Cat 3 years 04/14/07 Greg
Clyde Domestic Shorthair Cat 7 1/2 years 03/12/06 Joseph Fazio
Clyde Domestic Shorthair Tabby Cat 08/04/04-08/25/17 Edward and Lisa Boryszewski
Clyde Draught Horse 23 years 03/25/07 Barbara
Clyde DSH Cat 05/25/81-11/10/96 Larry La Rue
Clyde Dye Maine Coon Mix Cat 1974-1993 Dawn Sutton Christopher
Clyde E Man Orange and White DSH Cat 07/06/04 Lisa Bauer
Clyde English Setter/ Collie 02/11/89-08/06/04 Claudia Salzer
Clyde English Springer Spaniel 06/14/96-05/12/07 Carolyn, Jessie, Katie, Jon, Bonnie(Clyde's Sister)
Clyde English Springer Spaniel 13 1/2 years 10/03/09 Ellie Burch
Clyde Ferret 01/2000-06/25/08 Dawn Pope
Clyde Ferret 12/21/07 Catherine Lambert
Clyde Fila 2000-01/06/07 Tami
Clyde Foxhound 1/01/94-09/11/02 Valerie, Timothy, Eric, Bonnie and Callie Kovel & Josephine, Richard, David and Thunder Kaicher
Clyde French Lop Rabbit 9 years 08/27/07 Don Matteson
Clyde French Mastiff 04/29/02-09/04/11 Denise
Clyde Fusco German Shorthaired Pointer 09/04/93-12/13/06 Elizabeth & Frank Fusco
Clyde Fusco German Shorthaired Pointer 09/04/93-12/13/06 Liz & Frank Fusco
Clyde German Shepherd 07/07/87-03/15/01 Joy Hammer
Clyde German Shepherd Vietnam
Clyde German Shepherd/British Bulldog Mix 01/22/90-08/02/03 The Dean Family
Clyde German Shorthaired Pointer 05/03/95-11/14/09 Boester Family and Friends
Clyde Golden Lab/Beagle 14 1/2 years 01/02/02 Chuck and Patty Mason and Family
Clyde Golden Retriever 01/29/07 Jen Fredrickson
Clyde Golden Retriever 03/05/90-06/29/04 Pete Alexion
Clyde Gray and White Short Hair Cat 02/14/11 Susan Livingston
Clyde Gray and White Shorthair Cat 02/14/11 Susan Livingston
Clyde Gray Tiger Cat 9 years 06/01/10 Jeanne Holloway
Clyde Great Dane 04/07/95-08/17/05 Mary Schultz
Clyde Great Dane 7 years 1986 Christine Rose
Clyde H Cat Cat 01/31/09 Dammy
Clyde Harliquin Great Dane 10 years 10 John Cash
Clyde Hopper Carnes Tuxedo Black & White Cat 06/03/93-11/05/07 Emily & Joyce Carnes
Clyde Jack Russel Terrier 09/16/01-04/30/03 Jan Foreman
Clyde Junior Short Hair Gray/White Cat 02/14/11 Susan Livingston
Clyde Kelly Cook Siamese Cross Cat 1989-04/03/05 Susan Trout
Clyde Kitten 05/24/06-10/18/06 Suzanne
Clyde Lab 07/04/85 06/07/97 Jackie Nealon
Clyde Lab 07/27/00-07/16/09 Barbara & Jim Greene
Clyde Lab/Hound Mix 1990-03/2002 Jean Wilson
Clyde Lab/Mix 12 years 03/2002 Jean Wilson
Clyde Lab/Newfoundland 12 years 06/18/03 Morgan Family
Clyde Llahsa/Poodle Mix 17 years 05/31/98 Barri
Clyde Long Haired White Chihuahua 20 years 04/05/21 Susan Kraus
Clyde Maine Coon Cat 09/14/92-10/19/00 AnneMarie Graves
Clyde Maine Coon Cat 7 years 12/29/10 Dawn
Clyde Medium Hair Cat 1998-01/19/08 Susan Lindstrom
Clyde Medium Long-haired Tuxedo Cat 08/24/87-08/05/03 Tom Hall
Clyde Mini Dachshund 09/02/97-04/14/11 Chastity Potter
Clyde Miniature Pincher 02/28/96-05/16/09 Terri Foss
Clyde Mix 01/01/93-01/26/03 Katrina Jones
Clyde Mix 13 1/2 years 01/01/07 Heather
Clyde Mixed Bunny 12/07/04 Pamela Packman
Clyde Mixed Cat 04/07/95-01/12/03 Sheri Wetterlind
Clyde Mixed Cat 13 years 02/18/08 Martha L
Clyde Moggie Cat 01/01/02-25/06/17 Gaye Millman
Clyde Moore Lab/Rott 04/10/04 John and Natasha
Clyde Moore Lab/Rott Mix 03/15/03-04/10/04 John and Natasha
Clyde Mr Nibbles Wander Rat Terrier 05/17/21 Jessica
Clyde Netta Great Dane 01/07/02-12/23/02 Joe and Leslie
Clyde Newfoundland 09/17/91-02/09/01 Cindy Spencer
Clyde Newfoundland 10/01/00-03/08/07 Antha Willis
Clyde Noir Tabby Kitten 08/04/08 Ronald & Angel Althenn
Clyde Old English Mastiff 11 years 04/13/02 Kathleen Davis
Clyde Orange Cat 14 years 04/01/02 Andrew
Clyde Orange Tabby Cat 04/15/96-06/24/12 Kelly and Family
Clyde Pekinese 02/03/04 Tiffany Meeks
Clyde Pit Bull Mix 13 years 12/18/20 Robin S. and Troy M.
Clyde Pit/Lab 09/29/94-05/23/07 Peggy
Clyde Pit/Rottweiler 10 years Bob and Kel
Clyde Pitt Bulldog 02/05/01-04/09/04 Dena Buckley
Clyde Poodle 14 years 01/07/11 L'shae dib
Clyde Retriever 6 years 05/13/04 Kris
Clyde Rocket Mixed Dog 12 years 12/17/07 Bettye Cutting
Clyde Rottweiler 04/20/95-09/03/02 Dorothy
Clyde Rottweiler 10/31/89-05/92 Kristi Lash
Clyde Rottweiler 12 years 12/02/10 Chris and Sandy Stillo
Clyde Rough Collie 02/17/02-10/15/07 Melinda
Clyde Russian Blue Cat 9 months 03/07/14 Christine
Clyde Shar Pei 10/07/92-09/24/99 Donna Cubbon
Clyde Shepherd/Collie Mix 4 years 12/31/02 Julie
Clyde Shetland Sheepdog 10/02/00-02/21/13 Lynn Bergamo
Clyde Siamese Cat 02/21/91-03/17/06 Marilyn Lukas
Clyde Siamese/Tabby Cat 16 years 12/12/04 Jim and Donna Alessi
Clyde Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier Mix 06/02/06-01/19/13 Marissa
Clyde Springer Spaniel 07/21/96-10/03/09 Frank Kleiner
Clyde Standard Poodle 11/15/05 Rick Green
Clyde Superville Mix PitBull Nov 1997 to 22 Sept 2003 Bianca
Clyde Tabby Cat 01/09/09 Tracey
Clyde Tabby Cat 07/01/90-04/16/05 Karen
Clyde Tabby Cat 1990-01/21/05 Don and Jody Witten
Clyde Tagarelli Boston Terrier 07/04/02-05/17/15 Nicholas Tagarelli
Clyde Terrier Mix 16 years 06/01/04 Diane
Clyde Terrier Mix 18 1/2 years 06/22/99 Bonnie Delgado
Clyde Waymack Manchester Mix 8 years 1975 Mike Waymack
Clyde White German Shepherd 7 years 04/24/07 Carol
Clyde William Hatfield Cat 1993-12/05/03 Jeff and Yvette
Clyde Yellow Lab 05/10/95-06/21/08 Erica
Clyde Yellow Lab 07/15/03-01/30/07 Lisa
Clyde Yellow Tiger Cat 10? years 02/08/12 Emily Nicoson
Clyde-Bailey Kuschner Standard Poodle 04/21/98-04/06/11 Rachelle Kuschner
ClydeO Himalayan Cat 09/08/01-05/10/03 Pam & Jackie
Clyder Teddy Bear Hamster 03/17/01-09/15/03 Elissa and Jodi
Clydie Beagle Mix 11 years 10 mo 08/10/98 Ivan and Linda Maretich
Clydie Bear Beagle 05/31/13-01/27/24 Tara
Clydie Bettis Australian Shepherd 16 years 06/26/07 Susan Bettis
Clydie Mutt 07/07/96-10/15/02 Amanda V
Clydie-Jaques Persian Cat 12/06/87-11/01/00 Michelle
Clymer's Golden Coors Golden Retriever 07/23/95-04/16/05 Jim and KJ Clymer
CMB Jackie Greyhound 07/03/04-07/06/17 Lori Shepard
C'Mel Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
CMerrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever Pomeranian 10/25/86-02/17/00 Patty Griffin
C'Mor Flowr Persian Cat 02/ 20/89-02/16/07 Bonnie D
Co Co Chow 4 months 02/22/04 Michelle King
Co Co Clark German Shepherd 08/01/93-02/04/05 Neeka Clark
Co Co Cocker Spaniel 08/17/96-03/30/09 Jim Wood
Co Co Lhasa Apso 11/17/01 Mommy, Daddy, Lisa, Theresa & Joann
Co Co Poodle 16 years 06/08/03 Colleen An Family
Co Co Siamese Cat 03/16/87-01/08/00 Liz Keathley
Coach Border Collie Mix 8 years 10/16/01 Ed and Mike
Coach Boxer 02/14/04-07/22/11 Jill
Coach Boxer 10 years 11/07/11 Ryan Gootee
Coach Cocker Spaniel 04/16/05 The Cameron Family
Coach Dalmatian 07/02/91-07/05/05 Michael Darley
Coach Dalmatian 13 years 05/15/07 Blaine and Kevin
Coach Great Dane 01/05/94-05/20/05 Lucretia Marcus
Coach Miniature Schnauzer 03/30/89-11/29/04 Richard Henderson
Coach Rottweiler 07/92-10/15/00 Penny
Coach Shepherd/Retriever 6 years 11/01/07 Tracy Sullivan
Coach Yorkshire Terrier 12/25/89-09/29/04 Arica Palmer
Coach, aka Cosmos Question Mark Portuguese Water Dog 06/05/96-01/15/05 Barbara Ann Bennett-Gray
Coacheese Norwegian Forest Cat 19 years 07/21/16 Susan Har
Coacoa Siamese Cat 7 years 04/26/08 Karen and James Martin
Coadee Old English Sheep Dog 11/04/94-04/18/07 Wendy Taylor
Coady Cockapoo 05/03/93-12/27/05 Silvana
Coady German Shepherd, Border Collie Mix 10 years 10/20/04 Sam
Coady Husky. 09/23/11-03/16/12 A. W. Sampson
Coal (aka Crazy Coal) Greyhound 12/06/96-01/02/07 Aimee
Coal Belgian Shepherd 07/16/01-11/20/10 Jennie Arent
Coal Black Cocker Spaniel01/17/90-05/02/97 Gregory Eckerle
Coal Black Lab Mix 12/30/00 Adriane
Coal Black Lab/Collie Mix 02/06/90-11/02/03 Ron, Colleen, Danial
Coal Black Lab/Rottie Mix 9 years 08/25/05 Tracey
Coal Black Lab/Rottweiler 7 years 03/13/01 Sharon Brown
Coal Border Collie 01/24/97-03/10/04 Heather Johnston
Coal Bull Mastiff 10 years 03/18/09 Melissa Brautigam
Coal Cat 03/11/13-15/07/15 Juliet Page
Coal Chow Mix 01/07/09 Sandee Worsham & David McManus
Coal Domestic Black Shorthair Cat 03/15/00-08/08/04 Todd and Chanda Clark
Coal Domestic Grey Shorthair Cat 2 years 09/2004 Penny
Coal Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 years 02/18/06 The Judith Aune Family
Coal Domestic Shorthair Cat 12 years 08/27/09 Michelle Cohen-Kissel
Coal DSH Cat 19 years 07/05/19 Lorie
Coal German Shepherd 08/03/06-09/15/14 Sarah
Coal Lab/Beagle 11/24/05-07/03/19 Kristen Dzialo
Coal Labrador Mix Spring 97 Bill and Timby Worley
Coal Labrador Retriever 07/10/94-02/21/08 Robert Swaninger
Coal Pit Bull 08/19/07 Linda
Coal Schnoodle 10/09/08-04/02/20 Jodi Krusling
Coal Shitzu 03/13/06-08/02/18 Deanna Staggs
Coal Straight Long Hair Cat 05/31/01-06/06/20 Soniac
Coal Terrier Mix 11/12/94-02/27/10 Sherry Merrill - Jacob
Coalby Keeshond 13 years 03/31/05 Tara Bauer
Coalby Springer/Chow 08/06/93-03/28/06 Kimberly Suddeth
Coalbyn's Christmas Cheer Pembroke 12/06/85-07/31/98 Beth Walsten
Coalette American Shorthair Cat 10 years 08/31/07 Wendy Simpson
Coaley Black Lab 13 years 03/97 Amity Borders
Coalie Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 1987-1994 Julia McClure
Coalie Chow Mix 05/15/07 Hugh Craddock
Coalie Dog 14 years 10/10/00 Alexa
Coalie Nubs Kell Staffordshire Bull Terrier 02/26/08 Matt and Eileen Kell
Coalie Quarter Horse Morgan Mix 14 years 07/23/98 Pat & Wendy McLaughlin
Coalie Ruff Mixed Lab, and Rottweiler 1992-12/2004 Grandma Ruff
Coalie Standard Poodle 8 years 11/31/13 Sandy Riley
Coaliem Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Coalson Pygmy Goat 08/10/08-11/11/08 Kathy Wiggins
Coaltown Toy Poodle 06/15/87-04/11/02 Mj Bennett-Sandell
Coastie German Shepherd 14 years 02/03/08 Lisa
Coates German Shepherd 04/06/95-04/08/06 Bob and Ann MacCini
Coatey Labrador Retriever 07/30/94-04/07/07 Donald Lobb
Coax Lasher Bernath Lab/Shepherd Mix 8 years 01/26/11 Bob Bernath
Coax Torti Cat 08/15/75-05/31/93 Mary Ann Bauman
Cobain (aka Coby) Ginger Cat 2 years 02/96 Jo Barton
Cobain Black Lab 7 years 07/07/01 Carolyn Wilson
Cobain Peat Jack Russell 14/08/95-03/05/04 Jordan
Cobaka Mix Dog 02/10/06 Lisa
Cobalt Appaloosa Horse 19 years 10/22/18 Kylie Andruss
Cobalt Betta Fish 06/23/07 Barb DeYear aka DrewTenderHeartWolf
Cobalt Maine Coon Cat 05/01/00-10/23/04 James and Barb
Cobber Australian Terrier 14 years 10/27/99 Nancy Johnson & Truman Brandt
Cobber German Shepherd 11/02/78-04/20/94 Thea, Frank, Richard & Cathy Rae
Cobber Shih-Tzu 4 years 09/23/04 Gary & Vicki
Cobbie Poodle/Terrier X 14 years 5 months 05/01/99 Jen and Ruth
Cobbler Fish 12/11/04 Samantha
Cobbler Manos Chow/Shepherd Mix 07/16/08 Helene Manos
Cobbler Orange/White Tabby Cat 2 years 02/09/01 Gwinnett Humane Society/Chris/Kim/Robin/Janet/Dessie/Donna/Gloria
Cobbles Mini Lop Rabbit 09/03-09/11/05 Heather Lutze
Cobblestone Neil Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 05/01/88-12/01/98 Thomas Britt
Cobbo Maine Coon Cat 11 years 2005 Tammy Lister
Cobby Calico Cat 06/12/83-06/08/02 David and Kathleen Waggoner
Cobey Wanda The Knife Carrier Calico Cat 1987-04/30/05 Deb Manley
Cobi Black Lab 06/05/92-10/25/93 Marge Benham-Hutchins
Cobi Dog 13 years 09/13/10 Diana
Cobi Morrison Cocker Spaniel 13 years 02/02/16 Amy Morrison
Cobi Pugh Mix Dog 14 years 06/09/09 Becky Pugh
Cobi Shitzu Pekineese 08/24/94-04/21/06 Eva
Cobi Vizsla 05/04/01-05/21/07 Erin
Cobie Dog 12 years 03/03/16 Nikki
Cobo Joe Pit and Lab Mix 02/14/99-08/26/11 Sal, Sandra, Nina, Natalie and Sammy
Cobol Black and White Cat 09/15/88-03/15/04 Karen and Andrew
Cobra Big Guns Dakota Boxer 11/07/99-02/13/12 Deric and Natalie Jones
Cobra Standard Poodle 15 years 07/06/09 Nancy Patton and Lance Hughes
Cobweb aka Bigboy aka Fatboy Cat 08/12/02-09/01/08 Wendy
Cobweb Cat 04/02/81-04/02/98 Dave and Sue Malone
Coby Australian Shepherd, Retriever 11/01/96-08/03/07 Paul and Julia Pearson
Coby Beagle Mix 04/27/00-04/18/11 Larry
Coby Boxer 10/29/07-12/13/07 Kathy Waldron
Coby Dog 3 years 04/24/05 Renee
Coby Dog 7 years 05/18/09 Heather/Golden
Coby Dog Birard Terrier 09/99-12/27/11 Cappi Duncan
Coby Domestic Cat 5 years 04/14/11 Martha Alba
Coby Edwardson Keeshond 03/11/07-11/30/22 Kristin Edwardson
Coby Honeybear Carmical Golden Retriever 02/01/99-08/02/08 Cheryl Carmical
Coby Husky 15 years 09/29/03 Mike McCarthy
Coby Japanese Chin 8 years 02/12/09 Maureen
Coby Lab Mix 4 1/2 years 01/06/11 Angela Duncan
Coby Labrador Retriever 02/02/02-01/21/12 Dan & Charlotte Cuthbertson
Coby Marks Golden Retriever 2 years 06/01/15 Allison Marks
Coby Phillips Aussie/Rott Mix 05/99-05/21/04 Norm + Linda
Coby Shih Poo 05/02/04-12/15/20 Tanya and Mark (mommy and pa)
Coby Shittzu 15 years 01/14/10 Catherine Vo
Coby Tabby Cat 9 years 02/06/06 Mark and Mary Creighton
Coby Toy Poodle 02/18/07-06/10/23 Brenda Ramey
Coby Trinh Shittzu 01/23/10 Bach-Nga Catherine Vo
Coby Wan Kanobe Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) 15 years 03/21/11 Steven Cooper
Coby Yorkshire Terrier 16 years 11/05/03 Donna Tischler
Cobyroos Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 12 years 03/25/01 Sarah
Coc Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Coca Cat 02/15/06 Bunny Campbell
Coca Cat 04/84-10/97 Ange
Coca Cat 09/13/88-05/15/99 Isabel - Manuel Soaz
Coca Cola Beagle 02/12/00-06/26/09 Sandra Varela
Coca Dachshund 16 years 08/31/05 Jill Lebrun
Coca Keeshond 15 years Charlene
Coca Loca Tabby Cat 11/06/11 Catriona Zabiega
Cocaine Cat 08/04/87-10/19/02 Carol-Ann Cullen
Cocaine Maine Coon Cat 02/10/96-03/08/01 Mark Krieg
Cocaine White Short Hair Cat 08/01/88-09/10/02 Carol
Cocamo Daschund/Cocker Spaniel 11/01/85-06/30/00 Judy and Sam
Cocanut Calico Cat 10/99-07/31/09 Chase Hines
Cocanut Pursian Cat 06/16/98-05/16/00 Jessica
Cocco Bella aka Coco Bean Lhasa Apso 03/21/98-07/24/07 David, Carolyn, Kelly, Melissa and Christopher Osterhout
Cocco Rabbit 01/24/04 Pamela Tegtmeyer
Coccoa Cockapoo 12/10/85-09/22/00 Tony & Billie
Coccoa Harper Toy Poodle 1998-07/16/06 Harper Family
Cocco-Chanel Mini Lop Rabbit 12/2000-)2/05.10 Barbara Cirocco
Cocco's Count Zorro McAbee Miniature Dachshund 08/07/78-11/24/95 Mary McAbee
Cocha Cat 07/07/90-02/28/12 Joey Diaz
Cochecks Akita 16 years 07/14/09 Hope Thompson and Family
Cocheise PitandSharpa Mix 1993-2005 Denice, Chris, Christen and Christopher Jr
Cochi Teckel 08/10/96-12/12/08 Toader Family
Cochise (Little Buddy) Terrier Mix 06/85-11/20/02 Paul Petrovic
Cochise American Staffordshire Terrier 01/31/96-02/14/00 Leanne Keefer Bechdel
Cochise Cat 02/15/95-02/19/09 Pauline Mac Kay
Cochise German Shepherd 03/12/92-03/06/04 Ron Stevens
Cochise Mazurkiewicz Yellow Labrador Retriever 11/06/93-02/18/07 Mike Mazurkiewicz Sr
Cochise Rottweiler 03/03/98-10/14/99 Susan Fitts
Cochy Black Lab 7 years 05/27/06 Krista & Mike Reed
Cockatiel Baby 06/02/98 Linda
Cocker Spaniel 05/05/99 5 years old Donna McGinn
Cocker Stacy Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/07/96 Sue Stacy
Cockie Cockatoo 25 years 09/09/19 Jane Tipping
Cockroach Chihuahua 04/98 JayJay
CockRoach Chihuahua 07/2006-08/10/06 Barb Lewis
Cocktail Akatm's Slim Queen Greyhound 04/29/98-08/19/07 Michele & Michael
Cocktail Australian Shepherd 15 years 11/12/07 Paula
Cocktail Calico Cat 02/19/08 Jenna Rogers
Coco & Stryker Dobermans 2 1/2 years 10/16/95 Matt Harrison & Ellen Litman
Coco (aka Honey Girl) Chocolate Lab 01/15/94-09/04/03 Kathy & Alex Pavlicek
Coco (aka Little Mau) Siamese Cat 16 years 10/08/99 Tara Cranmer
Coco (aka MeiHua) Cat 18/06/11 Linda Ong
Coco (Big Guy) Chocolate Labrador 10 years 02/09/98 Leslie and Andrea
CoCo (Cokey, CoaCoaPuff) Campbell Black White Tuxedo DMH Cat 02/15/05-05/13/15 Natahnya, Leandria, Larry Campbell
Coco (Goose) Red Mini Dachshund 08/19/91-01/12/02 Terry
CoCo 09/98 Fred & Marsha Crumpler
Coco 1/4 Siamese Cat 12 years 04/13/00 Joan Cooper
Coco 13 years 08/04/03 Cathy, Daniel, Shelley, Brandon, Craig, Klarissa, Aly, Madison, Buster, Big Jake and Elsie Mae
Coco 9 Month Old Miniature Schnauzer 06/28/09-03/17/10 Donna & Kenny Clark
Coco Ageletopoulos Chocolate Lab 02/02/94-04/04/05 Vicky A
Coco Airedale Terrier 12/05/97-02/15/10 Rosemarie
Coco aka Snarky Beanbaum Australian Shepherd/Husky Mix 9 years 02/26/09 Lisa Scallen
Coco aka Sweetpea Terrier/Dachshund Mix 03/2009-03/22/23 Sharon & Paul Slominski
Coco Akita 08/15/89-12/02/01 Rita Duyvestyn
Coco Akita 11/09/02-06/22/25 Carol Crane
Coco Alcantara Doberman 07/17/05-01/29/13 Teresa and Julio
Coco Amazon Blue-Front Parrot 05/01/92-07/03/98 Ahki Hasegawa
Coco American Pitbull Terrier 05/95-03/07/04 Kevin Peters and Lisa Rowe
Co-Co American Short Hair Cat 10/84-07/14/05 Amber Ward
Coco American Shorthair Cat 06/05/96-01/05/11 Darrell & Doreen Eisenbraun
Coco American Shorthair Cat 20 years 01/05/10 Valerie
Coco American Staffy 13 years 12/2009 Teigan King
Coco and Christie Shih Tzu and Cat 13 years and 16 years 11/23/07 and 11/16/07 Kim
Coco and Duncan Lab Mixes 08/05/11 Jenny and Carl
Coco and Rosy Chihuahua and Doberman Both Miniature 10 years and 8 years to 08/27/07 and 12/08/09 Donna
Coco Annie (Sweet Girl) Terrier Mix 01/05/10 Barbara and Julie Trammell
Coco Apricot Poodle 03/17/75-06/03/92 Susan Livingston
Coco Apricot Toy Poodle 05/01/99 Toni Dean
Coco Aussie Mix 12 years 08/25/21 Emma and Lily Bleckler
Coco Australian Shepherd 08/22/88-03/19/01 Gaston, Heather, Deirdre & Clarissa Roy
Coco Australian Shepherd 11 years 02/12/09 Lori, Bayo, Asia, Amber, Adam
Coco Australian Shepherd 11 years 05/14/12 Caridad Moulton
Coco Australian Shepherd 3 years 04/18/17 Stuart Jones
Coco Babe Choclate Poodle 16 years 06/08/03 Colleen Nisbett
Coco Baker Poodle 07/12/10 The Baker and McShane Families
Coco Balinese Cat 18 years 02/02/03 Ian
Coco Banks Gaffin Siamese Cat 07/04/95-02/01/10 A Banks
Coco Basset Hound / Beagle Mix 07/01/03-11/16/04 Vera Demmon
Coco Beagle 07/08/93-11/05/07 Christine DeLucia
Coco Beagle 10 years 12/24/10 Marian E
Coco Beagle 11/05/98-09/30/11 Vicki and Greg
Coco Beagle/Jack Russell Mix 11/27/20 Judy
CoCo Bean Bowles Pekingese 07/01/99-06/23/08 Colleen Bowles
Coco Bean Chihuahua/Pomeranian 7 years 06/04/17 Betty Holzwarth
Coco Bean Chihuahua/Shih Tzu 08/14/02-07/25/13 Liz and Al Mangine
Coco Bean Dachshund 01/14/00-04/28/10 Anthony & Kristy R
Coco Bean Pit Bull 12 years 06/16/10 David Ryan Grotewold
Coco Bean Seal Point Siamese Cat 06/01/94-10/18/05 Jane
CoCo Bean Weimaraner 02/22/91-02/19/00 Bill, Mary Lou and Star
Coco Bear Australian Shepherd Mix 05/01/03-09/01/15 Angie, Mike, Bre, and Lane Nath
Coco Bear Keeshond 12 years 05/25/07 The Hough Family
Coco Bear Part Chow, Part German Shepherd 14 years 08/12/04 Alicia Cox
Coco Bear Pomeranian 10/05/95-01/19/99 Deborah Martin
CoCo Bear Shih Tzu 03/10/95-03/16/08 Carole
Coco Belle Calico Cat 2013?-04/03/15 MJ McNeely
Coco Bermudez Great Dane 02/19/97-08/15/06 Leibnyz Bermudez
Coco Bichon Frise 03/13/98 KTMottley
CoCo Bichon Frise 09/17/87-10/24/06 The Redmond Family
Coco Bichon Frise 11/ 05/1997-19/07/12 Mirramax
Co-Co Bichon Shi Tzu Cross 02/24/90-10/24/05 Laine Secretan
Coco Black and White American Shorthair Cat 07/96-10/18/06 Megan Kinard
Coco Black and White Siamese Mix Cat 18.6 years 09/10/10 Jacky Andersen
Coco Black Domestic Long-Haired Cat 11/29/98-03/28/16 Kristie Thill
CoCo Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/86-08/13/99 Bonnie and Dermot O'Shea
Coco Black DSH Cat 12 years 10/28/04 Monica Hofmann
Coco Black Lab 04/29/05-01/13/07 Eva Cinciute
Coco Black Lab Mix 08/01/90-05/17/02 Jim & Rose Schoening
Coco Black Labrador 7 years Nicole
Coco Black Mutt 08/20/91-04/15/04 Marjorie, Barry, Alex Carlson
Coco Black Teddy Bear Hamster 12/2001-03/16/04 Alexandra Roche
Coco Blue and Gold Macaw 26 years 03/18/24 Pauline Merkin
Coco Blue Parakeet 04/99 The Wilkie Family
Coco Bobbitt Pug 09/08/05-08/14/17 Mike & Linda Bobbitt
Coco Bolton Golden Retriever 01/30/05-03/26/19 Debbie Bolton
Coco Border Collie 12/04/00-12/26/04 Crawford
Coco Border Collie Mix 15 years 12/24/09 Rebecca
Coco Boston Terrier 07/28/04-06/19/18 Dawn Reid
Coco Boxer 01/28/16 Randy Fitch
Coco Boxer 06/01/01-05/25/13 Ann Braselton
CoCo Boxer 11/17/99-02/07/07 Eddie Guffey
Coco Boxer 11/19/88-04/10/00 Lynn Anne & Nina Serdy
Coco Boxer Mix 12/01/87-01/18/97 Chris & Dave Conrady
Coco 'Boy, Boy' Grey Tabby Cat 20 years 12/09/11 Chris and Anne Black
Coco Brimmer Fox Terrier 11 years 05/04/12 Grace Brimmer
Coco Brindle Greyhound Cross 12 years Trish
Coco British Shorthair Cat 05/07/98 Denise
Coco Brittany 01/13/05 Craig & Patty
Coco Brown Tabby with White Bib and Toes Cat 8 years 06/18/03 Kevin and Gena Allsop
CoCo BrownDog Chocolate Beagle Mix 15+ years 08/19/97 Clifton Leatherwood
Coco Bunny 8 1/2 years 12/22/13 Jessica
Coco Burman Cat 2 years 30/10/06 Holly Brockway
Coco Burmese Cat 03/96-03/17/06 Karen
Coco Burmese Cat 08/10/88-07/26/07 Robin Miller
Coco Burmese Mix Cat 11 years 02/14/03 Karl and Sandy Blevins
Coco Butters Black Lab Mix 09/01/98-02/23/09 Tom & Mary Anne Butters
Coco Cairn Terrier 02/05/05-08/24/17 Heli
Coco Calico / Tortie Cat 3-4 years 11/20/07 Lorrie Mello
Coco Calico Cat 03/16/92-12/07/09 Nattacia Jensan
Co-Co Calico Cat 04/12/88-09/02/03 Roxanne
Coco Calico Shorthair Cat 06/06/85-06/02/04 Denise Courter
Coco Carpenter Pug 04/14/11 Rosalie (Nana)
Coco Carrington-Weeks Cox Pomeranian 01/14/91-07/04/07 Sherrie
Coco Cat 04/21/97 Amy Jaslow and Clara
Coco Cat 05/18/03-09/07/11 Diane
Coco Cat 05/92-07/16/03 Rhonda Schooley
CoCo Cat 06/17/13 Susie
Coco Cat 06/82-06/19/98 Clint Macgowan
Coco Cat 07/07/09 Lucy
Coco Cat 07/12/83-01/14/03 Mike and Jan Manning
Coco Cat 08/01/02-06/28/03 Mary Chaniewycz
Coco Cat 09/20/92-03/20/04 James Sannuto
Coco Cat 1 1/2 years October Kim
Coco Cat 10/28/05-07/07/09 Diana Davis
Coco Cat 10/96-05/21/01 Jill Stinson
Coco Cat 11 years 10/29/21 Cory Moshman
Coco Cat 11/10/07 Anita Perry
Coco Cat 12 years 15/02/17 Pauline
Coco Cat 12/12/11 Karen
Coco Cat 13 years 07/25/10 Orsolya Vincze
Coco Cat 15 years 04/28/08 Julie K
Coco Cat 18 years 11/04/97 Linda Alderson
Coco Cat 18 years 11/18/11 Tiffany and Oto
Coco Cat 1999 Tracey
Coco Cat 30/03/87-24/03/05 June
Coco Cat 6 months 08/02/97 Lewis C.
Coco Cat 6 months 11/25/23 Kimmy Sheqi
Coco Catahoula 17 years 05/16/17 Teresa
Coco Cattledog Mix 8 years 11/13/09 Rachel Donald
Coco Chanel Afghan 30/07/96-01/12/03 Jaimi
Coco Chanel Bichon Frise 07/18/97-03/13/97 Kate Mottley
Coco Chanel Chihuahua 06/01/05 Bonnie Sweat
Coco Chanel Chocolate Lab 06/08/92-05/03/06 Sherry
Coco Chanel Chocolate Labrador Retriever 06/28/05-05/01/20 Savannah Rose
Coco Chanel Chow Chow 06/04/01-10/05/16 Teresa Kaye
Coco Chanel Dog 07/25/90-11/03/97 Kathy Elkins
Coco Chanel Douglass Tortoise Shell Cat 08/89-10/10/07 Barbara and Mike Douglass
Coco Chanel DSH Cat 06/01/96-09/05/11 Dianne Sihksnel
Coco Chanel DSH Tan/White Cat 17 years 05/01/23 Kathleen and Friends
Coco Chanel Labrador Retriever 01/02/92-08/03/05 Elena Healey
Coco Chanel Lhasa Apso 10/01/94-02/20/06 Patti Sanford
Coco Chanelle Mini Poodle 11/17/07-02/14/22 Cheryle Lyn Smith
Coco Chanel Miniature Brown Poodle 08/17/92-05/03/09 Mary Ann Pathy
Coco Chanel Pasceri Cockapoo 14 years 08/22/09 The Pasceri Family
Coco Chanel Rottweiller 2 or 3 years 01/27/98 Sylvia
Coco Chanel Teacup Poodle 03/29/10-12/27/11 Anna and Kathy
Coco Chanel White Maltese 10/31/12 Rebeca Pinzon
CoCo Chanel Yorkiepoo 12/06/01-06/11/13 Robert S
Coco Chanell Gustas XVI Miniature Poodle 15 years 08/18/11 L. Gustas
Coco Chanle Black Standard Poodle 09/01/01-04/26/15 Cheryl Christie
Coco Channel Dog 09/20/09 Barney
Coco Channel Pomeranian 04/02/10-04/01/17 Robin Punt
Coco Chcolate Lab 08/01/00-02/07/03 Kim, Jim, Kyle, Mandi, Jake
Coco Chennel Tortie Cat 18 years 09/18/07 Ann Hale
Coco Cherkin Cocker Spaniel Mix 06/86-01/31/03 Pat (Cherkin) Alexander
Coco Chihuahua 02/08/08 Lisa Ducos
Coco Chihuahua 04/29/96-08/18/07 Donna
Coco Chihuahua 05/05/01 Patti
Coco Chihuahua 05/05/89-10/19/04 Mary and Sammy and Callie
Coco Chihuahua 06/10/20 Kim & Harv
Coco Chihuahua 07/02/02-07/02/08 Cassandra
CoCo Chihuahua 07/08/98-07/19/11 Bruce & Janice Schmidt
Coco Chihuahua 07/19/09 Regina
Coco Chihuahua 07/2003-05/11/16 Kristi Sword
Coco Chihuahua 07/2010-10/23/11 Karen & Sergio
Coco Chihuahua 08/17/85-08/28/02 M
Coco Chihuahua 09/92-04/13/04 Diane Jackson
Coco Chihuahua 10 years 21 March 11 Carmen Reyes
Coco Chihuahua 11/26/19 Anna Tucker
Coco Chihuahua 12 years Sheila Sikes
Coco Chihuahua 12/20/00-06/17/14 Teresa Blackmon
Coco Chihuahua 13 years 07/05/21 Mimi & Alexid
Coco Chihuahua 13 years Excalibur
CoCo Chihuahua 14 years 01/13/12 Mary Huston
Coco Chihuahua 15 years 04/28/10 Eddie & Liz
Coco Chihuahua 1992-01/01/12 Sandra Mason
Coco Chihuahua 5 years 02/03/13 Roz
Coco Chihuahua 8 1/2 years 01/15/12 Laurie
Coco Chihuahua 9 years 04/26/11 Kimberlee
Coco Chihuahua Mix 02/06/08-06/24/24 Jenea
Coco Chihuahua Mix 02/09/06-05/21/16 Gina Bissell
Coco Chihuahua Mix 07/98-09/06/11 Lisa
Coco Chihuahua/Terrier Mix 10 years 07/10/80 Martina
Coco Chihuahua Terrier Mix 12/08/11-09/08/21 June
Coco Chiquita Banana Chihuahua 14 years 07/05/01 Dave Keal
Coco Choc Lab 04/21/05-06/25/09 Bill and Jennifer
Coco Choco Collie, GSD, Lab, Rottweiler Cross 03/11/93-11/30/03 Janina
Coco Chocolate Lab 03/16/03-02/03/04 Viviana Mora
Coco Chocolate Lab 05/19/95-02/15/10 Liza Roper
CoCo Chocolate Lab 06/24/0-05/01/03 Melissa L Williams
Coco Chocolate Lab 07/03/97-09/19/05 Julie and Dave
Coco Chocolate Lab 08/23/10-03/28/11 Dee Medina
Coco Chocolate Lab 08/26/06-11/18/17 Lindsay K
Coco Chocolate Lab 08/26/94-05/30/06 Lani Burch
Coco Chocolate Lab 09/11/07-12/11/07 Lisa & Shane
Coco Chocolate Lab 09/91-01/27/98 Lenny
CoCo Chocolate Lab 10 years 09/15/08 Tom and Debbie
Coco Chocolate Lab 10/08/98-02/12/09 A Escobar
Coco Chocolate Lab 10/11/00-12/07/10 Joann
Coco Chocolate Lab 10/14/99-06/27/05 Mom & Dad C.C. & Chaser
Coco Chocolate Lab 12 years 11/10/12 Carol Kovac/Greg Cripps
Coco Chocolate Lab Mix 03/17/95-01/02/09 Debbie Wolf
Coco Chocolate Labrador 03/10/92-12/19/02 Kelley
Coco Chocolate Labrador 13 years 02/14/12 Sarah
Coco Chocolate Labrador Retriever 11/14/05-06/31/06 Kirsten & Dave Nicklos
Coco Chocolate Point Siamese Cat 17 years 20/09/98 Mel Fishlock
Coco Chocolate Toy Poodle 02/12/97-03/20/03 Tiffany Brown
Coco Chow 07/11/93-10/31/01 Sue Hartigan
CoCo Chow 07/21/98-04/25/10 Evelyn & Andy
Coco Chow Chow/Labrador Mix 15 or 16 years 06/01/10 Isabel
Coco Chow Husky Mix 12 years 01/27/07 Dion, Julianne, and Sterling Ulrich
Coco Chow Lab Mix 10/06/01-02/03/10 Perry & Cheryl Pryor
Coco Chow/ Shepherd 10/17/93-07/05/08 Adele & Nick
Coco Chow/Lab 18 years 05/26/11 Dana Chavez
Coco Chow/Shiba Inu Mix 05/25/94-03/12/10 Wendy Lin
Coco Chow-Chow 11/02/99-02/09/08 Miguel Rodriguez
CoCo Clark Poodle 03/01/88-05/28/06 Sandra M. Clark
Coco Cleo Dog 16 1/2 years 08/30/03 Vi Mueller Janice Poplau
Coco Clocolate Lab 10/26/02-10/26/03 Courtney Stewart
Coco Cock a poo 18 years 05/16/08 Debbie
Coco Cockapoo 04/2003-07/09/18 Richard Trapani
Coco Cockapoo 10/09/93-04/15/05 Pat & Jim Konkel
Coco Cockateil Cockatiel 05/06/09 Jan Truman
Coco Cockatiel 02/17/09 Janet Jones
Coco Cockatiel 20 years 11/17/21 Samantha, David, Rachel
Coco Cockatiel 2007 Alex
Coco Cockatiel 24 years 01/21/11 Cathy
Coco Cockatiel 6 months 09/12/20 Permax
Coco Cockatiel 7 months 11/03/19 Lanie
Coco Cocker 9 years 04/24/02 Shari and Glen
Coco Cocker Spaniel 03/93-09/16/05 Debbie
Coco Cocker Spaniel 03/96-002/2003 Bob and Sue Ide
Coco Cocker Spaniel 05/05/11 Kat S
Coco Cocker Spaniel 05/10/98 Naomi
Coco Cocker Spaniel 05/18/01-06/05/07 Angie K
Coco Cocker Spaniel 07/24/93-02/13/03 Tiffany
Coco Cocker Spaniel 09/01/97-08/04/08 Linda Westermann
Coco Cocker Spaniel 10 years 07/28/04 Janet
Coco Cocker Spaniel 10/27/18 Michelle
Coco Cocker Spaniel 11 1/2 years 03/30/04 Debi Madden
Coco Cocker Spaniel 11/14/98-08/27/09 The Gibson Family
Coco Cocker Spaniel 11/25/91-09/16/06 Rita Noravian
Coco Cocker Spaniel 11/27/06-11/05/09 Barb DeYear aka DrewTenderHeartWolf
Coco Cocker Spaniel 13 years 04/01/04 Donna Becker
Coco Cocker Spaniel 14 years 07/03/06 Lori Johnson
Coco Cocker/Shepherd/Coyote 6 years 11/14/94 John & Jenny Clements
Coco Cockerpoo 01/01/94-12/28/11 Sue & Ron Litwin
Coco Cockerpoo 11/94-10/04/10 Susan Costello
CoCo Cockerspaniel 18 years 10/14/09 Gary Rose
Coco Cocopoo 03/13/87-07/05/01 Janet L. Molleur
Coco Coton de Tulear 09/01/06 Kathleen Swan/jenny Beutler
Coco Cox Siamese Sealpoint Cat 07/04/86-06/24/02 Sue, Kenn, Sarah & Chris
Coco Cramer Munchkin Cat 5 years 02/15/04 Breanna
Coco Cross Labrador 11 years 13/04/08 Danielle McLean
Coco Crossed Terrier Dog 05/13/04 Jimmy Nah
Coco Curl Crested Acari Toucan 09/05/12-12/22/16 Cathy Norman
Coco Cutillo Himalayan Cat 05/16/94-01/20/07 Deb & Bob Cutillo
Coco Dachshund 03/16/97-01/09/05 James Shelton and Chris Barnes
Coco Dachshund 04/02/97-03/14/07 Nancy Ward
Coco Dachshund 06/08/95-12/22/11 Linda Hall
Coco Dachshund 09/25/07 Laureen
Coco Dachshund 10 years 04/20/08 Courtney Erwin
CoCo Dachshund 12/14/97-05/19/09 Martha and Rodney Robertson
Coco Dachshund 16 years 03/22/09 Alan Trambulo
Coco Dachshund 18 years 05/30/02 Paula Coburn
Coco Dachshund 4 years 10/12/11. Saibett Tome
Coco Dachshund 4 years Sara Miller
Coco Dachshund Chihuahua Mix 7 years 01/04/13 Chelse
Coco Dachshund Mix 18 years 08/18/12 Sheryl Douglass
Coco Dachshund Mothers Day 2007-09/15/11 Bob & Linda Tansley
Coco Dachshund/Terrier Mix 01/24/01-06/11/12 Heather Cole
Coco Dacshund 08/30/91-12/13/03 Ferozie Wadia
CoCo Davis Cocker Spaniel 03/22/14 Deana Davis
Coco Davis Rososinski Spoodle 14/10/06-28/02/16 Ben and Sarah
Coco DeLallo Toy Poodle 11/20/07-02/01/07 Gina M DeLallo
Coco DeRosa Yorkshire Terrier 04/23/03-06/11/10 Julie DeRosa
Coco Dias Dog 2002-2018 Melissa Dias
Coco Doberman 04/29/13 Penny G
Coco Doberman 7 years 01/27/14 Teresa Alcantara
Coco Doberman Pinscher 11/11/97-06/07/09 Brandon P
Coco Dog 01/01/03-11/17/11 Harper
Coco Dog 01/01/22 Gail
Coco Dog 01/15/04 Terri
Coco Dog 01/91-12/16/99 Mary
Coco Dog 06/06/10 Ming
Coco Dog 07/30/89-06/29/03 Judy
Coco Dog 08/05/09 Juanito Gallareta
Coco Dog 08/17/91-01/03/06 Brent Koerber
Coco Dog 09/09/04-11/17/04 Brittney
Coco Dog 10 years 03/12/07 Linda, Mike, and Tahoe Almlie
Coco Dog 10 years 09/07/01 Linda Asparro
Coco Dog 10/19/04-10/06/17 Cerise
Coco Dog 10/20/17 Jay and Lydia
Coco Dog 11 years 04/10/16 Carla
Coco Dog 11/18 John Serra
Coco Dog 12 years 06/04/07 Jessica
Coco Dog 12/01/88-11/20/00 Mom, Julie, Michelle, and Dad
Coco Dog 13 years 05/25/17 Dineen Family
Coco Dog 14 years 02/03/04 Maria Bove
CoCo Dog 14 years 11/94 Eddie and Jackie Ramseyer
Coco Dog 18 years 01/07/02 Mom, Dad, Joanne, Bill, Jolynn & Matthew
Coco Dog 18 years Antoinette Lohr
CoCo Dog 2004-12/27/11 Ed
Coco Dog 3 years 05/11/98 Elizabeth Warnerel
CoCo Dog 7 years 08/07/02 Lori Kiser
Coco Dog Diane, Julie and Michelle
Coco Domestic Cat 17 years 02/13/21 Tawny
Coco Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/15/92-04/12/07 Linda Carvolth
Coco Domestic Short Hair Calico Cat 06/30/81-10/10/95 Anna Maria
Coco Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/18/10 Carrie Bowling
Coco Domestic Short Hair Cat 14 years 04/04/04 Robert H Pardoe
Coco Domestic Short Hair Cat 15/16 years 08/12/14 Jason Sherwood
Coco Domestic Short Haired Cat 15 years 04/01/05 Joe Andrea Matthew and Brett
Coco Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/19/89-02/23/04 Brenda J. Beagle
Coco Domestic Shorthair Tiger Cat01/14/95-05/11/00 Marjorie Stein
Coco Domestic Shorthaired Cat 12 years 01/05/19 Jean
Coco Domestic Tabby Longhair Cat 16 years 12/08/07 Megan Carmody
CoCo Dorkie (Miniature Long Hair Doxy and Yorkie) 9 years 01/07/15 Kimberly Campbell and Marshall Hill
Coco Doxie 10/06/08-04/18/16 Jan and Paul Nicholson
Coco Doxie 11 years 03/23/09 Gail Baker
Coco DSH Cat 03/05/05-06/04/05 Gary & Sally Mauseth
Coco DSH Cat 09/28/96-02/02/96 Dena
Coco DSH Cat 10/01-06/15/02 Toni
Coco Duke Red Nose Pittie Mix 16 03/26/10 Heidi L
Coco Dutch Dwarf Rabbit 05/2005-03/18/08 Karen Fielding
Coco Dwarf Bunny 5 years 05/27/09 Marissa, Allan, and Renae Woodfall
Coco Dwarf Bunny 6 years 05/19/02 Lisa and Laurie
Coco Dwarf Netherland Rabbit 6 years 05/19/02 Lisa
Coco Elliott Australian Shepherd 08/22/88-03/19/01 Kevin & Terie, Deirdre, Clarissa & Jewel
Coco English Bulldog 06/18/05-03/19/14 Colleen M. Baker
Coco English Lop Rabbit 07/10/10-02/13/16 Sujana Subramanian
Coco English Springer Spaniel 05/03/99-05/15/11 Lin and Pat Fields
Coco Exotic Cat 04/09/13 Ediz Moustafa
Coco Faircloth Siamese Cat 2 years 03/03/06 Suzy & Eli Faircloth
Coco Ferret 02/01/04-01/07/06 Holly Phillips
Coco Ferret 05/17/07-08/13/08 Anniken & Roger
Coco Ferret 05/24/12 Holly F
Coco Finch 01/07/02 Michelle Cass
Coco Flemish Giant Rabbit 09/12/94-04/26/96 Ava Kwong
Coco Fox Terrier 13 years 01/03/07 David and Pam Cox
Coco Fuzzybutt Cocker Spaniel 12/01/99-05/15/13 Marcella June Oaks
Coco Geiser Cat 06/10/08 Kirsten Geiser
Coco Gerbil 5 years 11/15/03 Rachel
Coco German Rottweiler 10/31/91-11/15/00 Crystal Remington
CoCo German Shepherd 07/17/93-07/16/04 Donna
Coco German Shepherd Mix 14 years 02/28/05 Donna Teems
Coco German Shepherd Mix 8 years 02/07/12 Doreen Baker
Coco German Shepherd Mixed 9 years 02/2012 Doreen Baker
CoCo German Shorthair 9 years 10/24/08 Peri
CoCo German Shorthaired Pointer 05/01/94-08/16/08 Doug Smith & Catherine Philpott
Coco German Shorthaired Pointer 12 years 05/04/09 Stephanie Passeggio
Coco German Shorthaired Pointer/Chocolate Lab Mix Dog 7 years 10/16/04 Judy
Coco Glodzik DSH Calico & Torti Cat 1984-10/04/00 Brian & Cathy Glodzik Kapner
Coco Goepfert Dog 02/25/01-03/31/12 S Goepfert
CoCo Golden Retriever 16 years 05/29/97 Geoff and Debbie Beharrell
Coco Golden Retriever Mix 02/21/97-12/13/03 Kim Oldaker
Coco Golden Retriever Mix 09/04/86-05/01/00 Janet Deziel
Coco Golden/Husky/Lab/Chow Mix 04/26/97-12/25/02 Cindy & Robbie Szakos
CoCo Greaney Short-Haired Terrier 12/24/10-11/16/12 Ava Greaney
Coco Great Pyrenees 10/18/17 Virginia Bowen
Coco Grey Tabby Cat 04/01/06-12/14/07 Peggy Silva
Coco GSD 06/84-04/95 Joseph Cardova
Coco Guinea Pig 10 months 03/19/05 Nancy Skinner
CoCo Guinea Pig 11/10/00-11/01/06 Jessica Tronnes
Coco Guinea Pig 5 years 1 month 14/01/11 Natalie Freund
Coco Guinea Pig 6 years 27/12/11 Daniel B
Coco Hamster 02/07/11 Paige Coughlin
CoCo Hamster 09/03/01-04/19/03 Teri
CoCo Havana Mini-Lop Rabbit 12/07/09 Bernie Jimenez
Coco Havanese 13 years 05/01/14 Julie & Ed
Coco Headrick Himalayan Cat 09/16/87-08/26/04 Linda
Coco Hedgcock King Charles Cavalier Spaniel 11/25/05-09/03/18 Trina and Drew Hedgcock
Coco Helliwell Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/15/09 Kathleen & George Helliwell
Coco Himalayan Cat 02/90-02/17/06 Magye May-Rutter
Coco Himalayan Cat 10/21/91-08/25/06 Jodi Snyder
Coco Himalayan Cat 12 years 01/01/00 Alison and David
Coco Himalayan Cat 14 years 07/05/02 Alison
Coco Himalayan Cat 21 years 01/29/11 KimW
Coco Himalayan Cat 8 years 02/25/94-03/12/01 Williams
CoCo Hook Black & White Tuxedo Cat 07/2016-05/15/17 Mona Hook
Coco House Cat 09/27/05 Kim Gierthy
Coco Husky 01/08/09 Lorraine & Garth
Coco Husky Mix 4 years 10/2010 Judy
Coco Hwang Shih Tzu 06/24/93-02/19/04 Betty
Coco Iamurri Lhasa Apso 05/20/92-02/05/07 Barbara Iamurri
CoCo II Black Poodle 03/15/79-09/27/95 The Pierce Family
Coco Jack Russell Poodle Cross 3 years 25/04/12 Liana Russell
Coco Jack Russell Terrier 1 1/2 years 07/20/11 Carly I
Coco Jack Russell Terrier 12/14/04-11/06/05 Heather
Coco Jean Baldwin Chiwinie 01/01/98-05/13/13 Miranda & Chuck Baldwin
Coco Jensen Doxie Poodle Cocker Spaniel German Shepherd Mix 13 years Thanksgiving Day 2006 Vic & Susie Jensen
Coco Jo Ramirez Terrier Mix 10 years 06/03/13 Gloria Ramirez
Coco Julie
Coco Kelly Siamese Cat 04/13/95-02/28/16 Alison, Stan & Drew Kelly
CoCo Kitty Cat 1/2 years Marianne Cassidy
Coco Lab 07/09/02-12/06/12 Susan Thomann
Coco Lab 17 years 09/17/13 Karen
CoCo Lab Mix 04/09/01-09/07/11 Heather
Coco Lab Mix 06/15/95-11/06/09 Ron Salkowski
Coco Lab Mix 10/20/05-01/11/10 Christina
Coco Lab Mix 11/17/90-12/05/04 Linda Oversmith
Coco Lab Mix 12 1/2 years 12/12/05 Tracey Fettig
Coco Lab Mix 1986-1991 Michael Slevin
Coco Lab Mix 2000-06/07/15 Kathy & Steve
Coco Lab Retriever Mix 02/14/02-01/21/12 Barbara Frazier
Coco Lab/Border Collie 01/06/00-01/21/12 Steve Barb James Liv and Matti Renwick
Coco Lab/Chesapeake Mix 14 years 10/21/08 Ann Pratt
Coco Lab/Chow Mix 08/10/05 Rhonda Tanner
Coco Labrador Retriever 07/30/97-04/17/10 Robin & Michael Gehling
Coco Labrador Retriever 11/14/05-06/30/06 Kirsten Nicklos
Coco Lahsa Apso 8 years 04/26/05 Linda Bemer
Coco Le Brecht Seal Point Siamese Cat 1/03/90-11/20/01 Lisa
CoCo Lee Kelly 03/??/92-12/02/02 Clara and Caroline
Coco Lee Yorkshire Terrier 03/04/04-03/14/05 John Lee and Ann Chu
Coco Lhasa Apso 02/28/97-07/09/09 Cheryl Posey
Coco Lhasa Apso 03/21/89-05/30/08 Carol Howitt
Coco Lhasa Apso 04/27/93-02/20/08 Bryan & Elaine Jensen
Coco Lhasa Apso 10/30/89-04/01/04 Betsy Rorabaugh
CoCo Lhasa Apso 12 1/2 years 01/08/98 The Bentrup Family
Coco Lhasa Apso 12/04/96-01/08/08 Edward & Brenda
Coco Lhasa Apso Mix 04/14/93-01/16/03 Priya
Coco Lhasa Poo 08/01/93-06/23/08 Nancy
Co-Co Lilly Mooney Kitten 6 weeks 09/02/11 Sean Mooney
Coco Loco Cat 11/16/96 Alex & Bob
Coco Loco Strupp Chocolate Lab 08/01/16 Jim and Anna Strupp
Coco Long Hair Chihuahua 05/11/04 Tim Cobb
Coco Long Hair Forrest Cat 04/15/94-12/05/07 Katharine Setter
Coco Long Hair White and Brown Cat not yet 2 years 08/20/02 Nicole
Coco Long Haired Chihuahua 12 years 03/15/19 Steve
Coco Long Haired Siamese Cat 03/17/03-02/06/03 Carolyn Lucia
Coco Love Vargas Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 9 years 05/18/04 Linda
Coco Lowe Min Pin 03/21/04-09/08/11 Sonia
Coco MacMurdo Mini Schnauzer 12 years 04/25/10 Vicki MacMurdo
Coco Maine Coon Cat 04/26/89-12/01/03 Julie A Lakosky
Coco Maltese & Poodle Mix 06/17/05 Amin & Shirley Musani
Coco Maltese 02/14/90-12/07/01 Mary
CoCo Maltese 04/21/03-09/05/07 Ikue Takahashi
Coco Maltese 06/16/85-04/29/97 Jackie Smith
Coco Maltese 11/27/01 Carol Hecht
Coco Maltese Mix 8 years 04/22/03 Andy Wright
Coco Maltese X 17 years 17/03/14 Matilda and Daniel
Coco Manx Cat 03/01/94-01/27/02 Lisa Campbell
CoCo Manx Cat 16 years 02/01/99 Ralph & Pat Trent
Coco Marie Cox Rottweiler 15 years 11/01/06 Ashley and Michelle
Coco Marie Pellegrin Himalayan Cat 05/01/05-01/15/14 Patti Pellegrin
Coco Marie Vecchio Labrador Mix 06/28/98-07/22/13 Jordan Vecchio
Coco Maslin Chihuahua 08/29/89-05/08/03 Joan, Sonia, Bobby & Oscar D.
Coco Mathis Yorkie 03/09/06-04/11/08 Leah Mathis
Coco McDonald Cat 18 years 01/17/08 Frieda and Terry McDonald
Coco Medium Hair Tuxedo Black & White Cat (with White Socks) 20 years 01/03/21 Anne Lee
Coco Min Greyhound / Min Pincer 14 years 07/21/20 Steve Sherlock
Coco Min Pin 07/21/97-02/08/10 Donna
Coco Min Pin 12 years 02/25/14 Roseli Colucci
Coco Mini Chocolate Poodle 12 years 03/25/85 Antoinette Gober
Coco Mini Dachshund 05/07/03-07/06/08 Flo Blanchard
Coco mini lop Bunny 4 months 12/15/93 Chuck & Adrian Alessandrini
Coco Mini Pin 06/17/94-04/11/08 Cindi Roberts
Coco Mini Rex Bunny 05/18/13-06/09/19 Paige
Coco Mini Rex Bunny 3 years 06/26/22 Isabel
Coco Mini Schnauzer 03/19/07-06/18/07 Charnella and Alok
Coco Mini Unicorn Lop Rabbit 04/14/00-11/02/00 Bobbie
Coco Mini/Toy Poodle 12 years 03/15/05 Marlene Wright
Coco Miniature Poodle 13 years 11/05/07 Marvin & Rita Mathews
Coco Miniature Poodle 14 years 05/06/15 Sue
Coco Minipoodle 13 + years 02/14/06 Shelby Smith
Coco Minpin 05/18/86-04/29/01 Carol Brittingham
Coco Mix 07/12/96-11/15/00 Mom, Dad, Brittany, Bryan, David and Rascal
Coco Mix Breed Dog 12 years 09/03/07 Deborah English - Pet Sitter
Coco Mix Dog 03/13/99-11/01/13 Jowita
Coco Mix Dog 11/09/09 Andy Jersey
Coco Mix Lab 16 years 11/03/01 Kelli
Coco Mixed 4 years 11/15/00 Debra
Coco Mixed Beagle 05/05/00-01/06/11 Gus and Kip
Coco Mixed Breed Dog 12/05/06 Juanita Williams
Coco Mixed Breed Dog 12/07/94-01/17/02 Debra Greene
Coco Mixed Breed Dog 3 years 05/06/74 Sharon
Coco Mixed Cat 05/15/93-05/13/08 Kathy Korpak
Coco Mixed Chocolate Lab, Shetland Sheepdog, Etc. 12/22/99-07/09/12 Tina Sonnergren
Coco Mixed Dog 04/04/90-08/11/06 Chris & Jackie Hetmanski
Coco Mixed Dog 05/23/93-08/04/05 Joann Sheehan
Coco Mixed Dog 06/12/96-07/11/05 Mike and Rachel Boyd
Coco Mixed Dog 11/13/88-06/07/05 Jim & Barbara Young
Coco Mixed Dog 12/01/88-11/20/00 Diane Kosar
Coco Mixed Dog 12/07/94-01/17/02 Debra Greene
Coco Mixed Dog 13 years 09/06/11 Lisa Ragsdale
Coco Munn Cat 9 weeks 06/04/98 Naomi
Coco Mutt 10/19/07 Terri Richards
Coco Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 5 years 06/12/12 Jennifer C
Coco Neupane Poodle 03/17/93-01/18/08 Moselle Neupane
Coco Nicole Boxer 06/12/98-06/29/01 Keith and Gina McCone
CoCo Nicholson Miniature Dachshund 10/2008-04/18/16 Paul and Jan Nicholson
Coco Nut Herald Volpino Pomeranian 08/15/96-07/10/11 Susan and Michael Herald
Coco Obrien Chihuahua 12 years 08/18/06 Dave Obrien
Coco Oklahoma Terrier 11/24/997-07/29/07 Pat and Patti
Coco Orange and Tan Tabby Cat 6 months 02/14/98 Ade
Coco Orange/White Tabby Cat 04/08/95-08/05/13 Tracey Galyon
Co'Co Paint Pony 01/12/91 Heather
Coco Papillion 12/05/05-03/17/11 Dori Schneider
Coco Parakeet 3 years 09/29/17 Annette
Coco Parent Cat 7 years 01/26/14 Bob Parent
Coco Part German Shepherd, Golden Retriever 12 years 06/02/14 Shelley and Sara Grider
Coco Part Husky/ Part Border Collie 17 years 03/24/11 Sara B
Coco Patten Cocker Spaniel 11 years 10/10/02 Stuart, Irene and Paula
Coco Peekapoo/Chihuahua 10/09/03-10/06/04 Cherie Moore
Coco Pekapoo 05/21/11 Rob, Vera, Maryann, Dennis
Coco Pekapoo 16 years 10/52/04 Pam Brockmire
Coco Peke-A-Poo 03/19/86-07/21/01 Bill
Coco Persian Cat 17 years 06/21/12 Sandy Caskenette
Coco Persian Cat 5 years 04/17/00 Tracy
Coco Pickering Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle Mix 10/01/04-10/10/10 Brian Pickering
CoCo Pit bull/Lab 15 years 11/24/97 Shirley
Coco Pit Bull/Labrador 08/26/04 Jennifer
CoCo Pitbull 12 years 03/08/13 Francesca Gonzalez
Coco Pointer 14 years 11/22/21 Michele Torchia
Coco Pomeranian 03/09/90-01/19/07 Marilyn S. Ritter
Coco Pomeranian 04/06/85-07/16/01 Deborah Farris
CoCo Pomeranian 04/24/90-06/26/99 Debi & Jay Evans
Coco Pomeranian 07/01/06 Steve & Wendy Brock
Coco Pomeranian 07/16/91 Phillip Williams
Coco Pomeranian 08/02/00-03/19/09 Wendy
Coco Pomeranian 11/22/10-06/12/10 Debi Ford
Coco Pomeranian 9 years 09/11/06 Judy Watkinsc
Coco Pomeranian/ Sheltie X 12 years 08/04/07 Tanya
Coco Poodle 02/25/82-08/02/97 Tone Family
CoCo Poodle 04/30/79-05/31/00 Cindy Hinkel
CoCo Poodle 05/26/96-05/06/11 Pam Doucet
CoCo Poodle 07/13/87-02/17/71 Janet Magaw
CoCo Poodle 09/98 Elizabeth
Coco Poodle 10/88-09/04/04 Jim & Shelly Jeffers
CoCo Poodle 11 years 09/28/97 Elizabeth
Coco Poodle 11 years 12/27/05 Jennifer
Coco Poodle 11/29/97-12/01/03 Lisa Arnold
Coco Poodle 11/90-09/96 Erno Dolfi
Coco Poodle 13 years 08/13/10 Margo and Mike Harbutte
Coco Poodle 14 years 04/09/17 David Dulaney
Coco Poodle 14 years 05/17/03 Priscilla Besemer
Coco Poodle 14 years 05/30/05 Lizzi
Coco Poodle 16 years01/10/01 The Mayville Family
Coco Poodle 1989-2005 Suzanne Schultz
Coco Poodle/Terrier 16 years 12/31/07 Mike, Marion, Ashley and Mike
Coco 'Poopa' Yorkie 12/26/05-06/30/09 Rachelle & Joey Scarpati
Coco Pop Guinea Pig 1 year 02/15/01 Jeanne
Coco Potcake 05/14/97-01/28/12 Teresa Arellano
Coco Pratt Cocker Spaniel 02/97-02/24/11 Bradley Pratt
Coco Priscilla Sloan
Coco Puckett Shitzu 05/12/95-07/30/07 Brenda
Coco Puff Akita Mix 02/15/13-04/22/13 William Alan.Fabricius
Coco Puff Black and White Cat with a Black Dot on his face 1 1/2 years 09/22/03 Gael Serao and Karen and Robert Bartlett
Coco Puff Daddy Chinese Shar Pei 02/23/99-07/14/03 Susan Hans
Coco Puff Dog 07/03/01 Celine & Family
CoCo Puff Earle Cat 05/20/02-07/12/03 Christine & Tom
Coco Puff Himalayan Cat 10/19/89-04/01/06 Jeanine G. Salazar
Coco Puff Mixed Small Terrier 01/01/03-11/17/11 Harper Sateana-Barr
Coco Puff Shih Tzu 05/01/96-06/13/10 The Stanza Family
Coco Puff Shih Tzu 11/17/89-05/09/02 Cathy W
Coco Puff Toy Poodle Mix 10/26/96-04/27/10 Bruce & Debbie Hansen
Coco Pug 02/15/00-04/15/02 Denise
Coco Pug 04/16/00-09/16/10 Ileana Gomez
Coco Pug 08/27/93-04/14/05 The Peterson & Mozes Families
Coco Pug 12/18/04-03/14/12 Carla Griffin
Coco Pug 21/08/12 Belinda
Coco Pup Dog 03/31/09 Lisa K
Coco Queensland Heeler 14 years 02/15/11 Kay
Coco Rabbit 03/12/00-08/23/01 Jazzmin Megginson
CoCo Rabbit 06/14/06 The Goad Family
Co-Co Rabbit Sharon Hejna
Coco Ramirez Fox Terrier 06/13/06-03/18/09 Emily
Coco Rat 04/03/07-08/01/09 Patrick Ortiz and Beverly Overstreet
Coco Rat 11/98-02/25/00 Janis Haas
Coco Rat Terrier 23 years 05/07/03 Timmy
Coco Red Doberman 08/03/99 Jason and Erin Schott
Coco Red Doberman Pinscher 11/04/96-06/07/09 Brandon Pacelli
Coco Red Miniature Poodle 07/25/84-01/02/00 M. Lange
CoCo Redmond Bichon Frise 19 years 10/24/06 J B
Coco Rella Yorkie 04/01/94-08/22/12 Francine Rella
Coco Retriever Mix 04/21/04-10/06/05 Tim
Coco Ridgeback/Mastiff Cross 06/28/07 Anthony, Nicole and Toxi
Coco Rigsby Lhasa Apso 01/11/14 Lydia Principio
Coco Rose Chocolate Lab 05/30/12 Jack Terry
Coco Rose Lee Husky- Shepherd 3 1/2 years 11/04/16 Becky Lee
Coco Ross Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 05/04-10/10/05 Amy and Iggy Ross
Coco Rottweiler 01/01/93-01/06/04 Geoffrey, Kirsten & Paul Dean
Coco Rottweiler 09/01/94-09/15/03 Deb Wetherill
Coco Rottweiler 11/2001-07/10/09 Randall
Coco Rottweiler 12 years 11/23/02 Michelle and Ashley Cox
Coco Russian Dwarf Hamster 16/Aug/08-25/June/09 David
Coco Sable Burmese Cat 07/01/92-10/01/03 Patricia Williamson
Coco Saluki 12/14/94-09/11/06 Amy Beard
Coco Sánchez Torres Belier Bunny 4 años 10/24/11 Juan Alejandro Sánchez Uceda
Coco Sarduy Chihuahua 11/26/06-02/18/13 Lily Sarduy
Coco Saunders Black Lab Mix 06/01/92-10/21/06 Steven E. Saunders
Coco Schipperke 10 05/09/15 Kimberley K
Coco Schipperke 12 years 05/09/14 Kimberly
CoCo Seal Point Siamese Kitten 6 months Edward Wynn
Coco Setter/Retriever Mix 08/88-09/02/04 Kuranda/Zeiset Family
Coco Sexton Cat 1990-06/14/06 Debbie Sexton
Coco Shanell Thuener Chocolate Lab 04/01/01-04/26/11 Allen Thuener
Coco Shar Pei 09/22/05-08/15/15 LVA
Coco Shar Pei 6 years 06/18/02 Yvette Schultz
CoCo Shar Pei-Boxer Mix 06/10/98-06/08/08 Terri Russell
Coco Shar-Pei 06/06/88-11/17/99 Ron Janick
Coco Sharpton Hybrid Dog 6 1/2 years 03/03/12 Joshua Sharpton
Coco Shaya Mifflin
Coco Sheltie 06/11/85-10/14/97 Sandi
Coco Sheltie 07/25/92-05/15/04 Jennifer Michelli
Coco Sheltie 12 years cousin of Chris Mak
CoCo Sheltie Mix 8+ years 01/13/97 Cindy Readle
Coco Shepherd Hound Mix 15 years 03/02/16 Cindy Azbill
CoCo Shepherd Mix 08/01/93-09/21/10 Linda Deegan
Coco Shepherd Mix 13 1/2 years 06/16/10 Ken and Judy Bogdan
Coco Shepherd Mix 14 years 04/05/08 Sue Malcolm
Coco Shepherd Mix 9 years 08/2006 Craig Holman
Coco Shepherd/Lab Mix 11/18/05 Cheryl Leshay
Coco Sheridan Cockapoo 13 years 08/31/08 Maryann Sheridan
Coco Shetland Sheepdog 02/11/98-01/15/12 Annette Bohannon
Coco Shetland Sheepdog 09/12/89-06/20/06 Stephanie Burch
Coco Shetland Sheepdog 10 years 07/03/97 Lynn Miller
Coco Shi Tzu & Yorkie Mix 17 years 10/20/06 Tina
Coco Shi Tzu 05/04/05-04/14/12 Rose
Coco Shi Tzu 4 years 10/18/24 Cheery Lett
Coco Shih Tuz 09/93-11/30/07 Pam and Richard Anderson
Coco Shih Tzu 01/05/10-11/12/11 Caroline Cortes
Coco Shih tzu 06/07/10-06/07/23 Lidia Lopez
Coco Shih Tzu 07/16/96-01/15/08 Julia Reck
Coco Shih Tzu 08/01/85-05/08/04 Audrey
Coco Shih Tzu 09/23/96-02/01/08 Paul
Coco Shih Tzu 2 years 10/29/12 Deanna
Coco Shih Tzu 2023-09/22/23 Anna Marie Tee
CoCo Shih Tzu 6 years 04/03/10 Eddie Jones
Coco Shih Tzu Puppy 04/26/06-08/04/07 Shannon Sauer
Coco Shih-Tzu 09/23/96-02/01/08 Jerry Gottlieb
Coco Shih-Tzu 10/05/99-05/26/03 Lulu Xu
Coco Shih-Tzu 10/17/91-06/01/07 Cecilia Castillo
Coco Shih-Tzu 15 years 01/30/06 Stacy Velez
Coco Shin Tzu 11/11/01-03/07/17 Derick & Michelle Wilson
Coco Shitzhu 06/24/11 Brooke
Coco Shiz Tzu 01/01/94-11/30/04 Ken & Angela
Coco Shizhu 09/10/97-10/28/11 Ellen Wilson
Coco Shorthair Cat 2003-2003 Jessica Timp
CoCo Siamese 12 years 12/15/96 Sandee
Coco Siamese Cat 03/12/07 Helen Faux
Coco Siamese Cat 04/11/03-07/09/07 Shareen
Coco Siamese Cat 04/12/96-02/02/09 Darlene McDermott
Coco Siamese Cat 06/14/23 S & I
Coco Siamese Cat 06/20/92-04/14/07 Samantha
Coco Siamese Cat 07/20/93-08/26/04 Pj Noel
Coco Siamese Cat 07/26/98 C M
Coco Siamese Cat 12 years 03/12/07 Helen Faux
Coco Siamese Cat 12/04/96-02/24/98 Curt & Kim Lehman
CoCo Siamese Cat 13 years 01/08/00 Liz Keathley
Coco Siamese Cat 15 years 09/10/99 Jessica
Coco Siamese Cat 16? years 11/15/05 Diane
Coco Siamese Cat 18 years 05/27/02 Michele Rossano
Coco Siamese Cat 1982-03/01/03 Sandra
Coco Siamese Cat 5 years 07/17/14 Kay Marie Harris
Coco Siamese Mix Cat 02/14/83-05/27/99 Mary & Daughter Sabrina
Coco Siamese Seal Point Cat 12 years 12/03/07 Helen and Your Brother Tigger
Coco Siberian Husky 2 years 08/12/14 Crystal Green
Coco Silky Guinea Pig 07/01/05-01/31/10 Kamryn Rodriguez
Cocoa Silver Labrador 05/21/09-05/12/23 Eric Anderson
Coco Snowshoe Cat 3 years 02/02/94 Georgia
Coco Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 08/13/01-05/02/11 Michael and Desiree Graffeo
Coco Springer Spaniel 09/10/98 Randi
Coco Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Labrador 11/13/09-05/30/16 Suzanne
Coco Standard Poodle 11/05/07 Emily Snyder & The Kleier Family
Coco Suhaj Husky, Shepherd and Newfoundland 07/22/88-08/20/01 Kimberly
Coco Syrian Hamster 6 months 12/14/20 Jill
Coco Syrian Hamster Brown, Caramel Coloured 06/15/04-07/20/06 Joanna Backman
Coco T. Kitten Maine Coon Cat 04/05/94-07/31/09 Austin Boe
Coco Tabby Cat 10/31/99-01/09/12 Ellen, Jessica, and Michael
Coco Tabby Cat 12 years 02/16/10 Anim Mohammed
Coco Tabby Cat 12/08/11 Anne H. Black
Coco Teddy Bear Hamster 04/13/11 Karelia & Joshua
Coco Terrier 05/08/86-05/08/98 Cynthia Eckhart
Coco Terrier 5 years 09/14/16 Melissa
Coco Terrier Mix 02/21/06-03/01/12 Elizabeth Dalia
CoCo Terrier Mix 13 years 05/04/97 Laurie Balog
Coco Terrier Mix 15 years 11/19/07 Andi Glazer
Coco Terrier Mix 3 years Katy
Coco Terrier/Chihuahua 9 years 10/06/08 Vic, Janice, and Maria Valdisera
Coco Terri-Poo 16 years 03/03/03 Chuck Russell
Coco 'The Babe' Dog 02/16/89-11/09/04 Arline, Bob Morton
Coco Tibbie 12 years 01/10/17 Maggie Davidson
Coco Tiny Poodle 08/29/11-01/26/12 Agnes Boey
Coco Tonkinese Cat 10/12/08-01/09/21 Marilyn Ross
Coco Toodle-(Poodle/Terrier) 12/24/81-06/29/01 Harriet Owens
Coco Torbie Cat 1 year 07/10/07 Daemon
Coco Tortishell Cat 18 years 18th Sept 2007 Laura Houghton
Coco Tortoise Shell Cat 05/13/99-09/18/16 Lana
CoCo Tortoise Shell Cat 20 years 03/02/09 Chris Fawley
Coco Tortoiseshell Cat 04/01/89-03/07/05 Valerie, Crystal, & Chris Beland
Coco Toy Poodle 03/03/92-06/23/07 Christine Flanagan
Coco Toy Poodle 04/28/83-03/29/01 Amy Chase & Judy Haswell
Coco Toy Poodle 05/24/99-01/16/12 Julie Schossow
CoCo Toy Poodle 10/06/84-05/21/99 Jean Spradlin-Miller
Coco Toy Poodle 12/10/71-05/20/87 Susan
Coco Toy Poodle 14 years 10/21/05 Katie Defelice
Coco Toy Poodle 21 years 01/11/03 Marlene O'Connell
Coco Trejo Maldonado Pomeranian 17 years 06/23/16 Diane Maldonado
Coco Trrrier/Poodle Mix 05/17/83-04/13/02 Eric & Lisa Dizard
Coco Turkish Angora Cat 14 years 06/24/23 Raymond and Denise
CoCo Tuxedo Cat 01/17/96-01/20/12 PJ
Coco Tuxedo Kitten 7 months 24th February 2012 Katie
Coco Van da Beard Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 05/26/90-11/26/02 Louise Gross
Coco Villarroel Chihuahua 05/05/99-06/11/14 Pamela Villarroel
CoCo Vitulli Shiba Inu 08/29/95-09/26/11 Maddy, Lou & Linda
Coco Vizsla 08/16/08-03/16/14 Emily Grimshaw
Coco W Yorkie 17 years 09/05/97 Tracy
Coco Wenzel Dwarf Hamster 08/01/11-08/19/12 Danielle Wenzel
Coco Whiddon Yorkshire 03/27/07-08/31/09 Mark and Janet Whiddon
Coco Whiddon Yorkshire Terrier 05/27/07-08/31/09 Mark Whiddon
Coco White and Orange Tabby Cat 2 years 04/28/11 Sandye Nance
CoCo Wilson Min Pin 11/15/02-10/14/13 Dave & Sue Wilson
Coco Wirehaired Pointing Griffon/Pointer 07/04/96-09/02/11 Carol Bryans
Coco Wolfe Moore Pomeranian 07/11/08-04/04/21 Olivia Nelles
Coco Wood Dachshund 1996-01/14/21 Carole Wood
Coco Yabut Chihuahua Mixed 2002-01/29/16 EJ Yabut
Coco Yellow Dog 03/22/05 Deb
Coco Yellow Lab 08/03 Hermi
CoCo Yorkie 02/12/01 Nola Tutti
Coco Yorkie 10/01/11-09/28/12 Samantha W. and Jack L.
Coco Yorkie 11 years 10/30/99 Patricia and Mike Nelson
Coco Yorkie 11/15/04-09/04/07 Chris & Dylan Roberts
Coco Yorkie Poo 11/17/89-12/30/03 Jennine Locastro
Coco Yorkie/Beagle Mix 07/25/89-04/10/03 Kristi Peterson
Coco Yorkiepoo 12/10/01-05/04/13 Shamah Gamrath
Coco Yorkshire Terrier 02/27/97-03/21/09 Bill
Coco Yorkshire Terrier 05/23/07-08/15/22 Dr Sheila Boulware
CoCo Yorkshire Terrier 05/23/95-02/19/09 Jenny Shih
Coco Yorkshire Terrier 11 years 08/21/02 Gene, Melissa & Kaleb Manley
Coco Yorkshire Terrier 12/07/91-12/12/00 Bob and Patricia Acord
Coco Young Maltese 30 Aug 2001-21 Sept 2016 Sh & Ci Young
Coco, Cocokey Shari Pei, Chow, and other Mix 10/15/94-11/16/07 Tammy Wahlstrand
Coco, Happy & Zoya Shepherd Mix, Shepherd Mix & Samoyed 1994-1997, 1975-1989 & 1977-1991 Gary and Karen Daum
Coco. aka Love Dog, aka Coco Bear, aka Bear Bear Pitbull 12 years 01/02/17 Tanya Edinger
CoCo1 1980 Samuel Francis
CoCo2 1994 Samuel Francis
Cocoa (aka Chuck) Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua Mix 09/78-06/08/98 Michelle S.
Cocoa (aka Fat Girl, Beans) Golden Retriever 10/31/97-11/07/04 Matt, Ann & Danny Price, Scooby, Daphne, Yogi, & Booboo
Cocoa (Cokie) Pomeranian 9 year 09/25/06 David & Beth Scarpa
Cocoa (Cookie) 09/1984-09/13/00 Terrie McConell
Cocoa 16 years 04/17/98 Marianne & Family
Cocoa 9 years 07/04/98 Rick
Cocoa aka Bean Chocolate Lab 12 1/2 years 09/28/10 Erica, Ralphie, Savannah, Theodore, & Emmeline
Cocoa aka Cocoa Bean Chihuahua 07/15/08-10/24/11 Tiffany Barr
Cocoa aka. Squirrel DSH Cat 9 years 09/2012 Kari Seelman and Family
Cocoa American Cocker Spaniel 14 years 01/07/02 Carole Anderson
Cocoa American Water Spaniel 06/10/96-03/19/08 Marv Mishich
Cocoa and Muffin Toy Poodle and Mini Poodle Dogs 14 and 15 years 06/15/07 Linda Beavis
Cocoa and Red Chihuahuas 12/28/98 & 03/03/99 to 06/25/10 Carolyn Alexander
Cocoa and Tenchi Chihuahua Pups 03/2004-04/2004 Kathy Williams
Cocoa Atlantic Bottle-nosed Dolphin 19 years 07/96 Cedar Point
Cocoa Badilla Cocker Spaniel 08/01/03-01/10/14 John Badilla
Cocoa Beagle 03/28/18 Christine
Cocoa Beagle 08/30/09 Melissa
Cocoa Beagle Mix 01/15/83-03/13/98 Marie
Cocoa Bean Chocolate Lab 05/09/01-03/18/10 Elizabeth
Cocoa Bean Cocker Spaniel 09/30/01-04/30/14 Bob & Becky Freeman
Cocoa Bean Wolf/Collie Mix 07/04/89-03/05/03 Gael Holt
Cocoa Beanie Sue (Beanie) Beagle Mix 01/15/95-08/10/04 Andy and Julie Warren
Cocoa Bear Cocker Spaniel 05/27/03-01/10/14 John, Brandon, Bryan
Cocoa Bear Pomeranian 06/02/02-05/18/13 Kim Cantu
Cocoa Birman Cat 01/21/05-08/01/05 Amy & Mary Thoma
Cocoa Black Cat 5 years 19th May 2001 Jo Senior
Cocoa Black Lab 03/18/98-05/10/09 Barbara Walkowich
Cocoa Black Lab Mix 02/09/97-01/30/08 Emily
Cocoa Black Lab/Beagle 11 years 08/15/01 Kate Kelley
Cocoa Black Lab/Black Chow Mix 03/15/95-07/09/98 Phyllis
Cocoa Black Lab/Gold Ret. 09/91-05/30/06 Malinda Hollen
Cocoa Black Persian Cat 11/20/98-06/28/03 Barbara Lieb
Cocoa Black Persian Cat 16 years 06/28/02 Barbara Lieb
Cocoa Black Tabby Cat 1994-02/04/06 Philip & Jay Larsen
Cocoa -Boopsy Mixed Breed 01/99-05/05/10 Dorothy & John
Cocoa Border Collie/Australian Shepherd 12/26/93-07/19/06 Pam
Cocoa Boxer 02/08/85-03/16/96 Pat, David and Jenna Hortze
Cocoa Boxer 10.3 years 09/11/10 Hafiza
Cocoa Boxer 12/13/85-03/06/99 Marie White
Cocoa Boxer Mix 7 years 05/02/08 Laura Hundley
Cocoa Boxer/Shepherd Mix 10/05/00-02/27/03 Wendy
Cocoa Boykin Spaniel 3 years 4 months 08/01/11 The Bowlers and The Ridgeways
Cocoa Brandy McGee Labrador Retriever 08/19/08 John
Cocoa Brittany Spaniel 12/26/88-08/26/03 Sara McGee
Cocoa Brown Tabby Persian Cat 04/88 10/88 Cynthia
Cocoa Buff Cocker Spaniel 13 years 11/08/01 Molly, Dusty, Billy, Danny, Mary and Scotty
Cocoa Bunny 4 years Anya
Cocoa Cairn Terrier 8 years 08/14/09 Jim Toy
Cocoa Calico Cat 09/30/97-10/07/04 Ed, Kristy, Brittney and Claire
Cocoa Calico Cat 6 years 01/26/99 Carl Cunningham
Cocoa Carlton Dachshund 4 years 02/23/13 Christalle, Allie, Trent and Madison Carlton
Cocoa Cat 05/27/05-10/30/05 Manuel Santillan
Cocoa Cat 05/30/09 Melissa Shannon
Cocoa Cat 06/28/73-12/03/89 Pat Jackson
Cocoa Cat 11/19/11 Lisa, Serena and Bobby
Cocoa Cat 13 years 03/27/09 Leslie Steele
Cocoa Cat 13 years 05/17/05 Erica
Cocoa Cat 6 years 04/10/06 Fiona Reid
Cocoa Chantelle Berke Yorkie 03/01/00-06/01/16 Vicki Berke
Cocoa Chihuahua 01/05/10-02/22/19 Undrea
Cocoa Chihuahua 02/07/91-01/18/05 Lisa & Mark
Cocoa Chihuahua 04/15/91-05/26/03 Joyce and Joe Rogers
Cocoa Chihuahua 05/28/01-02/05/10 Joe Helm & Jim Woodard
Cocoa Chihuahua 1/02/88-06/19/03 Mary-Jean Germano
Cocoa Chihuahua 11 weeks 02/21/04 Deb Hurst
Cocoa Chihuahua Puppy 04/04/11-10/19/11 Gen & Dale Buske
Cocoa Chocolate Lab 06/30/00-08/25/12 Marie Kaledas
Cocoa Chocolate Lab 10 years 11/99 Dan
Cocoa Chocolate Lab 11 years 04/07/07 Jackie, Chelsea and Kathleen McKenna
Cocoa Chocolate Lab 12/25/96-08/07/05 Karyn Bowen
Cocoa Chocolate Lab 2007-03/20/11 Tina Griner
Cocoa Chocolate Lab/Boxer/Terrier Mix 4 months 02/28/00 Theresa Ingarfill
Cocoa Chocolate Lab/Dalmatian 02/12/88-10/17/01 Rebecca Gardner
Cocoa Chocolate Labrador Retriever 01/06/97-02/29/08 Jane Johnson
Cocoa Chocolate Labrador Retriever 06/11/93-04/03/02 Janet Ciavarelli, Chris Ciavarelli
Cocoa Chocolate Labrador Retriever 14 years 07/27/09 Andrea Kronzek and Family
Cocoa Chow Mix 14 1/2 years 03/09/13 Denise Renee
Cocoa Cockapoo 01/13/01 Clayton Hersha
Cocoa Cock-a-poo 07/29/85-05/04/02 Mommy, Daddy, Nikki, and Jessi
Cocoa Cockapoo 09/01/74-09/23/88 Tom & Nancy Ozaistowicz
Cocoa Cockapoo 11/14/03 Clayton
Cocoa Cockapoo 12 years 11/15/00 C.Hersha
Cocoa Cockapoo 16 years 05/04/02 Nicole and Jessica LaVallee and Auntie Chrissy
Cocoa Cocker 03/31/06 A Talley
Cocoa Cocker Mix 01/22/89-04/29/06 Susie & Charlie
Cocoa Cocker Spaniel 02/10/03 Tony F. DeLia, Joanne DeLia, Tony S. DeLia, Marguerite DeLia, Buddy DeLia, Susan Calhoun, Frank Miele, Ange Miele
Cocoa Cocker Spaniel 08/13/89-08/13/01 Amber Orvis
Cocoa Cocker Spaniel 11/24/01-09/08/06 Ron and Cindy Cameron
Cocoa Cocker/ Retriever/ Terrier Mix 06/01/94-12/30/08 Jennifer, Joe, Jada and Joey, Jr
Cocoa Cockerspaniel/Chihuahua 13 years 12/19/11 Jeri Butler
Cocoa Collie 07/04/94-11/01/98 Stacey
Cocoa Cuddlebug Burmese/American Shorthair Cat 03/06/94-08/05/05 Sarah Fisher
Cocoa D. Bunny French Mini-Lop Rabbit 12/02/94-12/03/01 Sondra Rizzo
Cocoa da Alachua Hare German Shorthaired Pointer 04/02/91-10/13/07 Larry Elder Hare & Jennifer Hare Mazza
Cocoa Dachshund 04/18/96-01/09/08 Terry and Amber Johnson
Cocoa Dachshund 06/10/94-10/24/07 Mike, Joan, Amanda, Bradley Istre
Cocoa Dachshund 06/18/04-03/05/11 Theresa
Cocoa Dachshund 06/18/04-03/05/11 Theresa Schaffer
Cocoa Dachshund 11/11/00-01/04/11 Sheila Combs
Cocoa Dachshund 5 years 06/11/05 Michelle and Grier
Cocoa de Alachua Hare German Shorthaired Pointer 04/02/91-10/13/07 Larry Elder Hare
Cocoa DePinto English Springer Spaniel 07/27/00-07/23/11 The DePinto Family
Cocoa Doberman 9 years 05/02/06 Christina Hatkewitz
Cocoa Doberman/Border Collie 01/06/99-08/05/10 Katherine Fell
Cocoa Dog 04/06/97-09/24/08 Maryann, Don and Meghan Brunnet
Cocoa Dog 11/21/04 Angela
Cocoa Dog 15 years 03/21/97 Bill and Barbara Goettlicher
Cocoa Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/28/08 Maureen Dumas
Cocoa Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/18/90-07/22/98 Lynn & Bobby
Cocoa DSH Cat 08/12/88-08/11/03 Kelli and Bruce Bezanson
Cocoa DSH Cat 18 years 08/2008 Randall Mais
Cocoa Duke Lokey Red Nose Pit Bull 10 1/2 years Heidi and Stanley
Cocoa Dutch/Netherland Dwarf Mix Bunny 6 years 12/31/02 Jill
Cocoa Dwarf Russian Hamster 07/2015-02/14/16 Imogeb
Cocoa Face Diluted Calico Cat 11 years 01/31/05 Karin and Jeff
Cocoa Foster Chocolate Labrador 04/18/05 Martha Foster
Cocoa German Shepherd Collie Mix 06/06/93-09/28/04 Pam
Cocoa German Shepherd Collie Mix 11/25/90-03/22/08 Melinda Smith
Cocoa Girl Ferret 08/02/03-04/09/06 Linnie M. Upton
Cocoa Goh Yorkie 09/21/04-01/22/10 Sharon Goh
Cocoa Golden Retriever 01/85-07/29/02 Nancy Mohrmann
Cocoa Golden Retriever 12/05/95-07/13/06 Diggywoody
Cocoa Gray Lop Rabbit 06/15/90-08/06/90 Valerie Pugh
Cocoa Guinea Pig 09/07/95-05/18/01 Matt F.
Cocoa Guinea Pig 5 years 02/06/06 Todd Briggs and Sylvia Messenger
Cocoa Hillier Dwarf Lop Rabbit 4 years 03/30/09 Sandra Hillier
Cocoa Himalayan Cat 06/28/89-03/03/06 Treena
Cocoa Himalayan Cat 09/12/93-05/16/06 Debra Maus
Cocoa Himalayan Cat 17 years 2002 Linda
Cocoa Holland Lop Rabbit 5 years 07/03/11 Heidi
Cocoa Horne Chihuahua 11/25/04-07/03/07 Jenni, Tony, Libby Jake
Cocoa Hound 08/16/16 Ken and Malynda
Cocoa Hound/Dobie Mix 05/97-09/09/03 Angie, Tito, Mike, Gladys, Norma, Robert, Rocky, Isis, Gigi, Max, Jack, Dovey and Rudy
Cocoa Husky/German Shepherd 06/19/06-01/25/08 Maria Crouse
Cocoa Jean Black Lab 13 years 02/19/03 Christa Gagliano-Walk
Cocoa Johnson Jack Russell Terrier 09/05/98-06/07/14 Brad, Masako and Emma Johnson
Cocoa Jones Cat Jonah Jones
Cocoa Kitlan Guinea Pig 07/22/99-11/09/05 Dave, Sue and Jennifer Kitlan
Cocoa Kitten 12/91-05/03/93 Cassi Samples
Cocoa Kroll Chihuahua 18 years 10/12/12 Don and Karen Kroll and Karissa Greig
Cocoa Lab 01/01/12 Phyllis Raymo
Cocoa Lab 02/92/06-03/22/10 Kim Cochran
Cocoa Lab 07/19/95 Dwight Jones
Cocoa Lab 10/12/94-03/17/07 Erich
Cocoa Lab 13 years 09/15/02 Leslie & John & Lauren
Cocoa Lab Mix 02/22/03-11/21/04 Carly Wood
Cocoa Lab Mix 10 years 03/23/13 Danielle
Cocoa Lab/Mastiff 04/25/03-01/27/09 Jason and Kim Moore
Cocoa Lab/Pit Mix 02/99-03/27/12 Susan
Cocoa Lab/Pointer 16 years 03/21/14 Catherine Gryzynger
Cocoa Lab/Shepherd Mix 9 years 05/05/07 Lisa Palatucci
Cocoa Labradane 7 years 09/25/11 Star
Cocoa Labrador 01/01/12 Phyllis R
Cocoa Labrador 03/03/99-02/05/07 Bob, Lisa, Kayla, Tanner Schram
Cocoa Labrador 04/13/82-04/17/98 Marianne
Cocoa Lapso Apso 12/21/94-08/06/09 Jennifer
Cocoa Lhasa Apso 11/09/88-05/29/99 Connie
Cocoa Licious Applehead Siamese Cat 03/08/92-03/17/05 Toni Miller
Cocoa Lionhead Rabbit 2007-22/09/13 Maria O'Reilly
Cocoa Livigni Doberman/Mix 07/07/10 Virginia Livigni
Cocoa Long Haired Cat 02/02/04 T. Smith
Cocoa Maine Coon Cat 9 years 07/20/16 Stephanie Coratti
Cocoa Maine Coon Mix Cat 12 years 11/25/14 Jim & Dawn
Cocoa Manchester Terrier 05/10/98-02/12/04 Diane Clifton
Cocoa Manship Cat 04/2001-04/18/16 Christina Josh Chance
Cocoa Maria White German Shepherd/Collie 07/04/91-05/01/99 Ann Klimek
Cocoa Marie Riservato Chocolate Labrador 10/14/93-06/09/07 Mommy Rosemarie
Cocoa Minature Poodle 10/05/87-03/31/03 Shirley Clarno
Cocoa Miniature Poodle 08/2008-05/09/10 Minerva Sanchez
Cocoa Miniature Poodle John & Jocelynne S.
Cocoa Mixed Breed (Yorkie/Pomeranian) 10 years 07/03/13 Tatiana McDonald
Cocoa Mixed Breed Dog 10 years 07/80 Bridget
Cocoa Mixed Breed Dog 11/14/87-08/20/99 Nancy & Richard Locke
Cocoa Mixed Breed Rabbit 8 1/2 years 03/01/06 Katie
Cocoa Mixed Cat 08/18/08-10/21/08 Kristen N. Pack
Cocoa Mixed Dog 01/01/97-05/27/08 Kathleen VanAernam
Cocoa Mixed Dog 04/05/94-03/15/09 Terry Bowers
Cocoa Mixed Dog 05/08/07-06/23/07 Brenda Henderson
Cocoa Mixed Dog 10/23/05-09/15/18 Annmarie, Louise, & Ricky
Cocoa Mixed Dog 17 years 06/25/11 Kathleen Franklin
Cocoa Mixed Tibetan Terrier 04/01/06-08/20/06 Elizabeth Zuniga
Cocoa Moe Waite-Simon Cocker Spaniel 04/15/94-05/04/09 Lindsey Simon
Cocoa Mojo Shih Tzu 05/20/86-03/15/01 Bart and Nancy
Cocoa Myland Chocolate Lab/Springer Spaniel Mix 09/06/08 Lindsay & Alexander McCalmont, Mom, Dad, Jess, Jen, Julie, Michael, and Lucky Myland
Cocoa Norton Chihuahua and Wire-Haired Terrier Mix Adopted 1/96-06/26/08 Kellie Norton
Cocoa Nubian Dwarf Brown Goat 6 years 03/18/10 Dianne and Teresa
Cocoa Orange Tabby Cat 09/20/93-03/07/05 Kim
Cocoa Peekapoo 11/15/86-05/14/99 Theresa
Cocoa Pekingese 04/20/02-05/23/14 Carrie Paddock
Cocoa Pekingese 12/02/85-06/16/01 Marilyn
Cocoa Persian Cat 04/96-05/07/07 Sharyn L. Forget
Cocoa Persian Cat 12/28/97 Jeanette
Cocoa Pit Bull 09/01/00-01/24/11 Brooke
Cocoa Pointer Mix 10/04/00-11/28/10 Melissa
Cocoa Pom. 12/24/07 Rebecca Rutledge
Cocoa Pom/Sheltie 04/12/84-04/19/99 Carla
Cocoa Pomeranian 01/19/90-11/06/99 Jayne H
Cocoa Pomeranian 08/16/88-04/11/03 Barbara Thomas
Cocoa Pomeranian 10/23/98 Debra Crisafi
Cocoa Pomeranian Mix 03/91-01/09/06 John & Nicole Quackenbush
Cocoa Poodle (Miniature) 1972-1983 Dianna
Cocoa Poodle 04/09/85 Lisa
Cocoa Poodle 05/05/95-10/15/06 Shirley Meyers
Cocoa Poodle 06/11/85-12/03/99 Reen, Lorrie
Cocoa Poodle 07/01/00-05/11/09 LuAnn
Cocoa Poodle 07/08/90-12/03/03 CJ, Roberta and Corey Atkins
Cocoa Poodle 11/73-09/88 Darla & Ed Duffy
Cocoa Poodle 15 years 1994 Patti
Cocoa Poodle 16 years 06/16/97 Ted
Cocoa Poodle 5 years 06/18/03 Lesa
Cocoa Puff Cat 02/14/03-03/25/12 Kinsey Baltzell
Cocoa Puff Cat almost 15 years 02/12/01 Sharon (Sammie) Pelletier
Cocoa Puff Chihuahua 12/10/97-11/29/02 Sue
Cocoa Puff Chocolate Lab 11/18/91-12/09/05 Jackie Betts
Cocoa Puff Dachshund 12/25/96-09/06/10 Monica
Cocoa Puff Himalayan Cat 03/24/92-04/19/99 Gwen, Leo and Amy Majernik
Cocoa 'Puff' Jones Black Lab Mix 07/12/09 Kristin Jones
Cocoa Puff Long Haired Himalayan Persian Cat 08/20/92-04/04/98 Stepahnie Hankin
Cocoa Puff Peek-a-poo 10/01/81-03/21/98 Sharlene Beatty
Cocoa Puff St. Bernard/Samoyed 04/03/89 Linda Thompson
Cocoa Puffs Poodle 08/19/88-09/17/05 Kimberly Baty
Cocoa Puffs Terry Toy Poodle 14 years 03/21/05 Sarah
Cocoa Pug 14 years 06/15/15 Tania
Cocoa Pug/Pomeranian 07/31/08-12/12/19 Tonya
Cocoa Rabbit 1991-10/16/04 L.M. Diwo
Cocoa Rabbit 2nd April 2011-8th June 2011 Louise
Cocoa Ragdoll Cat 1999-04/15/12 Roger, Nicole, Med and Gloria
Cocoa Rat 01/01/04-03/14/06 Maggi & John Walker
Cocoa Rat 1 years 09/15/04 Jeff
Cocoa Rat 12/28/98 Rogers
Cocoa Rat 2 years 2 months 03/21/98 Dina, Brad, Kimi, Paul, and Keith
Cocoa Rat Terrier 08/01/92-04/01/04 Tina, Jody & Dave Gerstley
Cocoa Red Nose Pitbull/Lab Mix 13 years 03/27/12 Susan
Cocoa Retriever X Chow 09/01/01-04/12/16 Kelly
Cocoa Rex Guinea Pig 4 years 10/18/19 Julie Neuman
Cocoa Ridgeback Mix 02/15/95-03/09/06 Regina
Cocoa Rottweiler 09/11/04 Trudy Patterson
Cocoa Rottweiler 10/17/01-08/17/12 Rosa
Cocoa Rottweiler 10/31/96-11/22/06 Chris Morris
Cocoa Ruff Toy Poodle 3 years 06/28/10 C. Winston
Cocoa Russian Dwarf Hamster 09/03/05 Katy McGilvray
Cocoa Sable Ferret 3 years 02/26/01 Braden
Cocoa Schindler Royal Standard Poodle 17 years 11/21/05 Marci, Gary, Mackenzie, Dillon, and Stoshi Schindler
Cocoa Schnauzer Mix 11/26/79-07/15/97 Suzy Reinholm
Cocoa Seal Point Mix Cat 12/85-03/31/07 Deena Lindo
Cocoa Seal Point Siamese 6 years 02/25/97 Candy, Glen & Iddy
Cocoa Sealpoint Siamese 19 years 07/28/01-07/27/01 W Bonco
Cocoa Sebastion Blue Boley Yorkshire Terrier 02/15/97-06/11/12 Johna
Cocoa Shakeabootie Snookers Cameron Cocker Spaniel 11/24/03-09/07/06 Cindy and Ron Cameron
Cocoa Sheltie-Pom 15+ years 12/20/06 Fran
Cocoa Shepherd Mix 05/13/87-04/22/03 Anthony, Pat, Mark, & Natalie
Cocoa Shetland Sheepdog 3 years 04/18/07 Marla Forsman
Cocoa Shih Tzu 08/14/95-09/29/11 Christina Atkinson
Cocoa Short Hair Cat 07/07/03-09/15/08 Adriana
Cocoa Short Hair Tortoishell Cat 3 years 12/06/01 Geri
Cocoa Shorthair Black Cat 1992-10/2000 Lee Johns
Cocoa Siamese Cat 07/23/91-01/30/15 Kathy and Mike Leib
Cocoa Siamese Cat 08/85-08/01/97 Connie Carlson
Cocoa Siamese Cat 11 years 03/31/09 Gary & Sintori
Cocoa Siamese Cat 12/83-06/04/03 Jeanne Guilfoyle
Cocoa Siamese Cat 18 years 02/19/09 Mark and Diane Jans
Cocoa Siamese Cat 8 years Christine
CoCoa Siamese Cat around 23 years 08/05/00 Nicki Huffman
Cocoa Siamese Chocolate Point Cross With Ragdoll Cat 30/05/96-26/10/10 Katie Lee
Cocoa Siamese Kitten 04/07/04-09/19/04 Andrea Moss
Cocoa Siamese Mix Cat 11/03/06 Dry Dock Campground
Cocoa Siamese Mix Cat 8 years 07/18/08 Ann Ashworth
Cocoa Silky/Aussie Mix 10/18/00 Joe & Kim Bozik
Cocoa Springer Mix 04/01/97-09/04/13 Heather
Cocoa Standard Poodle 06/14/06 June and Gordon Brumm
Cocoa Sue Long Hair Cat 08/26/82-04/18/01 Patricia Tullys
Cocoa Syrian Hamster 01/07/05-06/17/06 Angela Glenn
Cocoa T. Siamese Cat 1970-11/02/87 Elizabeth Ayala
Cocoa Tabby - Siamese Mix Cat 07/26/93-06/20/10 Luelyn Witte
Cocoa Tabby Cat 02/25/06 Melissa Molnar
Cocoa Tabby Cat 08/20/99-10/06/08 Kelley
Cocoa Tennessee Walking Horse 21 years 04/10/01 Joyce Roane Dugout Shepherd/Lab/Dob Mix 12/01/99-06/23/01 Klein Family
Cocoa Terrier Mix 01/01/86-06/25/99 Claudia & Ernie
Cocoa Tonkinese Cat 03/04/80-04/13/99 Cyndy Swanton
Cocoa Tortoiseshell Calico Cat 15 years 08/10/04 Chamberlain Family
Cocoa Toy Poodle 13 years 1984 The Rickerd Family
Cocoa Toy Poodle 16 years 01/21/07 Bill and Dedra Powell
Cocoa Toy Poodle 8 years 01/19/04 Jackie and Doug
Cocoa Trainor Domestic Short Hair Cat 5 years 03/21/07 Robyn Trainor
Cocoa Yorkie 04/11/89-07/14/04 Jennifer and TJ
Cocoa Yorkie 17 years 05/16/12 Jean Hall
Cocoa Zimmerman Chihuahua 6 months 04/24/12 Ashley and Steve Zimmerman
Cocoa, Cocoabean Labradoodle 10/05/05-03/03/13 Abby, Rachael, Judi and Tony
Cocoa, Queen of Denali Nubian Goat 02/10/12 Gaile Campbell
Cocoaa German Shepherd/Collie Mix 12 years 05/02/12 Betty
CocoaBean Beagle 01/07/93-11/21/00 Robb Radakovich Family
Cocoabean Mini Rex/Netherland Dwarf Bunny 04/05/04-03/17/09 Karen M Kaar
Cocoabear Pitbull 02/14/05-11/21/13 Carol
Cocoabear Pitbull 02/14/05-11/21/13 Carol Cameron
CocoaLee Guinea Pig 08/26/09 Lisa
Cocoalota Cocker Spaniel 12 years 08/04/04 Frances
Cocoanutmegan Chocolate Labrador 01/04/97-02/15/99 Cynthia Wilson & Charlie Page
Cocoapuff Copeland Shihtzu 07/09/10-09/18/11 Monique Copeland
Cocoapuff Dwarf Rabbit 02/22/08-02/10/12 Olivia
CocoaPuff Pomeranian 2.25.03-9.23.14 Breanna Ellis
Cocoa-Puff Shih Tzu 06/28/90-04/24/07 Sherrrie
CoCoapuffs Chocolate Lab 9 1/2 years 09/22/05 Laurie-Ann Roadman
Coco-bean Bombay Mix Cat 04/01/01-02/27/19 Carla Hambrick
Cocobean Ferret 12/25/96-11/18/02 Tom Knouf
Cocobear Bassett 14+ years 02/11/10 Debby
Cocobell Italian Greyhound 6 years 12/28/03 Christy & Alex Delacuesta
Cocobop Shorthair Kitty 13 years 05/17/08 Casey
Cocohead Guinea Pig 5 months 08/02/15 Becky
Cocolisa Cocker Perro 06/14/95-02/01/13 Ime
Cocoloco Mostly Black with a bit of White on his chest Cat 11/991-01/24/04 Marylee Arnold and Family
Cocoloco Mostly Black With a Little White Cat 11/90-01/24/04 The Arnold Family and Katie Cat
Cocomoe Joe Poodle 10 years 04/19/05 Judy Owens
Cocomoejoe Apricot Poodle 10 years 04/19/05 Judy Owens
Cocomoto Holland Lop Rabbit 10/31/07-06/25/11 Vanessa L., Dusty S.
Cocon European Cat 16 years 10/27/10 Corinne Terrettaz
Coconut (Coco) Dog 16 1/2 years 03/30/15 Tom & Debbie Eggers
Coconut Abyssinian-Sheltie Guinea Pig 12th October 2007 Jenni
Coconut Abyssinian-Sheltie Guinea Pig Jenni
Coconut Bichon 01/30/04-11/27/18 Dianna Basham
Coconut Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/15/86-09/22/03 Julia Banning
Coco-Nut Border Collie Mix 07/05/01-04/01/05 Nicolas Alvarado
Coconut Cat 10/21/91-l0/2l/01 Gayle Tauger
Coconut Cat 15 years 02/09/00 Pam Norman
Coconut Cat 17 years 09/08/99 Kristal, Keely, Michelle mom & dad
Coconut Cat 1998-1998 Camille
CocoNut Cat 9+ years 01/23/97 Debbie Fradkin
Coconut Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 8 years 12/01/13 Tenijha O'Brien
Coconut Chanel Ciara Cock-A-Poo White Poodle/Blond Cocker Mix 14 years 6 months 07/01/01 Dee Dee
Coconut Chihuahua 04/10/03-09/01/16 Donna Leeper
Coconut Citron Cockatoo 9 years 11/25/10 Andrew
Coconut Cockatoo 07/13/94 Jennifer Lobo
Coconut Flame Point Siamese Cat 05/20/92-05/20/03 Lisa and Greg
Coconut Grover Johnson Bichon Frise 03/21/85-09/29/02 Marianne and Rick
Coconut Harry Galah Rose Breasted Cockatoo 10 years 06/06/01 Messina Howes
Coconut Himalayan Cat 2 years 08/12/11 Will
Coconut Holland Lop Rabbit 02/14/2009-05/25/09 Lin
Coconut Lamancha Goat 04/20/96-03/22/02 Judith Ferguson
Coconut Miniature Schnauzer 07/12/02-06/22/13 Sarah
Coconut Persian Cat 07/06/09-02/05/24 Geralyn Morello
Coconut Rescue Chi-Russell 10/24/09-10/31/22 Shari
Coconut Rios Maltese 07/04/07-01/02/11 Gail and Ron Rios
Coconut Shepherd 01/30/06 Rileah
CoCoNut Siamese 9 years 01/23/97 Debbie Fradkin
Coconut Stephens Bichon Frise 05/28/95-05/15/09 Jacqueline Stephens
Coconut White Long Fur Cat 1976 Kari and Diane Harris
Coconuts American Short Hair Cat 15 years 10/18/03 Mary Devico
Coconutt Maltese/Pomeranian 9 years 03/18/08 Claudia Diaz
CocoPuff Chocolate Point Balinese 8 years 10/07/94 Victoria and Cary Friedman
Cocopuff Mini Lop Rabbit 1999-01/04/08 Jerry and Eileen Lee
Cocopuss Russian Blue Cat 01/01/96-08/25/14 Pamela Vanderklip
Coco's Red Dawn American Pitbull Terrier 03/05/95-11/22/08 Colette Cox
Cocosita Toy Poodle 11 years 11/26/11 Rocio B
Cocotini Chihuahua/Dachshund Mix 06/22/11-05/21/13 Carmen
Cocoui Cocker Spaniel 04/15/97-09/27/11 Dale Smith
Cocozinha Black Cat with a Crooked Tail 01/01/86-01/30/05 Diana & Luie
Cocy Shepherd Lab 04/03/94-01/30/06 Ilene
Co-D, (aka nickname Cody) Dachshund 9 1/2 years 10/15/09 Don McPherson
Coda Bear Siberian Husky 07/04/94-01/02/10 Cathy, Keilyn & Mikey
Coda Border Collie 07/17/03-11/18/10 Ron Yuscavitch / Shawn Runkle
Coda Boy Pitbull 12/25/00-07/01/01 Gwen
Coda Cat 03/16/96-08/06/02 Ashli
Coda Chesapeake Bay Retriever 02/22/97-06/12/07 David G. Eminizer
Coda Chihuahua 13 years 07/16/16 Joseph Hinojos
Coda Collie 05/04/96-01/22/10 Karen & Jim Dunn
Coda Domestic Cat 12 years 07/10/07 Kay Britt
Coda Ferret 4 years 10/19/06 Tom, Julie, Kayla and All Furries
Coda Ferret 7 years 01/16/01 Diana
Coda German Shepherd 1986-03/18/99 Barbara & Bob Demeniuk
Coda Golden Retriever 07/05/93-02/10/04 Kathy Waugaman
Coda GSD 11 years 03/26/07 Daisy Maxey
Coda Maine Coon Cat 04/15/09-09/30/09 Rie, Eric & Franz Lauver
Coda Norwegian Forest Cat 05/03/05-09/23/17 Char
Coda Samoyed 03/25/96-03/30/09 Pam Brendle
Coda Shih Tsu 08/28/99-09/16/16 Elyse
Coda Siamese Cat 08/03/91-11/29/10 C J
Coda Smith Cocker Spaniel 5 years 04/23/07 Kristy Smith
Coda Tabby Cat 10 years 08/18/13 Caroline
Coda Yellow Lab 03/28/06 Suci Sonnier
Coddie Sue Goodner Pekingese 01/04/99-09/09/11 Terry and Vicky Goodner
Code Toy Poodle 11 years 04/08/04 Lauren Hennig
Codee Chihuahua 4 years 08/23/10 Debra Goodman
Codee Jo Morey Border Collie 11/13/94-04/22/08 Kathee Morey
Codeman Cat 09/19/02-07/03 Patty
Codey Cocker Spaniel 05/31/88-09/17/99 Amy
Codey Cocker Spaniel 14 years 01/26/03 Pamela Phelps
Codey Jackpot Arvin Tuxedo Cat 14 years 08/20/09 Amanda Arvin
Codey Terrier 02/07/07-04/07/07 Shaun O Sullivan
Codger Labrador Andy Hanrahan
Codi (X Dakota) Rottweiler 10 years 01/09/07 Don and Crystal St. Amant
Codi Australian Shepherd/Lab 01/16/03-10/30/13 Estelle Zanotti
Codi Bear Rottweiler 08/14/02-09/20/06 Margie & Victor McGee
Codi Cockapoo 01/01/93-03/07/06 Michelle, Mike,Kaitlyn & Kassidy
Codi Daley Shar Pei 01/27/02 The Daley's
Codi English Lab 09/08/00-03/13/14 Greg
Codi Korat Cat 16 years 07/28/03 Linda & Mark
Codi Lab Chow Beagle Mix 11/25/07 Amy Nourse
Codi Lab/Corgi 08/22/08 Cheryl & Mike
Codi Labrador Retriever 08/25/91-03/04/07 Lance Fisher
Codi Papp Boxer 11/01/96-10/08/07 Stephanie Papp
Codi Pitbull 07/12/90-06/13/00 Lori and Bert
Codi Tortie Mix Cat 05/17/92-03/30/06 Teri Friedler
Codiak 'Codi' Siberian Husky 08/18/02-04/23/14 Jason & Jenn
Codiak's Gypsy Rose Rottie 9 years Judy
Codie Alexandrea Gregory Golden Retriever 07/08/97-06/09/09 The Gregory Family
Codie 'Bazooka Joe' Lab 09/20/14 Brian & Angi Benis
Codie Border Collie Mix 06/30/91-11/30/03 David, Lori, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Gracie
Codie Cat 19 years 12/27/10 Fabian Carro
Codie Cattle Dog Mix 10/12/10 Amanda Witt
Codie Co Black Lab Mix 03/26/86-06/10/00 Neil & Janet Ambrose
Codie Cocker Spanial 15/11/08-07/07/13 Karen Lamb
Codie Dalmatian 07/06/94-06/18/09 Trish & David
Codie German Shepherd 06/23/10 Shelley
Codie Golden Retiever 01/12/96-08/16/00 Jennifer and Chad Parker
Codie Golden Retriever 02/10/03 Becky
Codie Golden Retriever 07/08/97-2009 Dan, Marcia, Jennifer and Megan
Codie Golden Retriever/Australian Queensland Mix 01/11/93-06/29/07 Jennifer & John Robertson
Codie Greer Sheltie 03/10/07-07/23/09 Peggy Greer
Codie Heeler, Shepherd, and Collie Mix 2000-04/13/16 Cathy
Codie Husky/Shepherd 04/96-07/2001 Laurie J Hahn
Codie Jack Russell Terrier 11/14/94-06/16/10 Gabe Barry
Codie Lab Mix 10/17/93-12/30/09 Rose Hesseling
Codie Labrador Retriever 09/23/93-06/08/07 Shirley
Codie Nguyen Maltese 08/08/17 Jenn
Codie Nicane Lee Dalmatian 11 years 05/27/08 Cheryl Benke
Codie Orange Tabby Cat 12/09/95-04/14/07 MaryAnn
Codie Rottweiler 09/28/93-05/01/05 Kim Kussrow
Codie Shih Tzu 10/01/01-01/24/17 Keshia Best-Barnes
Codie Yorkshire Terrier 11/25/10-07/01/14 K.T.
Codie, Codster Jack Russell Terrier 04/25/94-09/26/05 Zompa Family
Codi's Southern Cross Collie 11/17/88-10/17/92 Mary Lou, Maggi and Aunt Ruth
Codo DSH Black Cat 2012-10/20/24 Natahnya & Larry Campbell
Codo Ferret 09/11/00 Christine
Codsworth Ferret 03/17/20 Patrick and Amy Metz
Cody - Matts Beach Boy Golden Retriever 10/02/98-02/19/05 Diane Guarino
Cody - Queen's Golden Autumn Sunset Shetland Sheepdog 02/11/92-11/24/06 Leigh Gargan
Cody & Abby Newfefounder Mixed Dogs 01/02/07 and 07/05/09 Marcia
Cody & Molly Morkies 10 & 8 years to 11/18/11 Bob & Jill Schneider
Cody (aka Codester, Coder) Gray Long Hair Cat 09/01/91-07/30/09 LeaAnn and Allen
Cody (aka Cody Bear and Codster) Dog 11/93-07/19/02 Karen
Cody (aka Mr. Man, the Codester, Coe D. Hound) Doberman-Hound Mix 14 years 8 months 04/25/11 Silke & Gregory Smith
Cody (Biggun) Grey and White Long Hair Cat 07/12/00-11/01/02 Karen Stearns
Cody (Bigun) Long Haired Cat 07/12/00-11/01/02 Karen
Cody (Buffalo Bill) Doberman 07/25/97-09/04/02 Lynn Muzik
Cody (Coco-Chan) Basenji 10 years 06/13/95 Kevin and Rhoda Byrne
Cody (Code Man / WD) Shih Tzu/ Maltese 08/03/99-11/20/17 Katie and Ron Kader
Cody (Codster) Shepherd/Collie Mix 12 1/2 years 06/22/02 Sjb
Cody (Cody Co) English Springer Spaniel 2 1/2 years 03/29/04 Jan & Tim
Cody (Codyman) Collie 02/91-08/15/07 Kimberly, Bob, Amy and Emily
Cody (Codystarr) Siberian Husky 01/06/96-06/02/02 Wayne R. Piccolo
Cody (Dakota Hills Golden Autumn) Golden Retriever 01/12/86-09/24/00 Cathy Tinetti
Cody (Dakota) Black & Tan Doberman Pinscher 04/06/95-03/02/02 Bret
Cody (Dakota) Doberman 04/06/95-03/02/02 Bret Williams
Cody (Dakota) Farnan Siberian Husky 11/28/93-04/12/09 Janet, Scott, Samantha, Tim, and All Of Our Famliy
Cody (Dakota) Orange Tabby Cat 06/14/94-09/01/02 Stacey Ford & Mal Parsons
Cody (Fluffy Butt) Cat 07/12/00-11/01/02 Karen
Cody (Originally Kodiak) Black Lab Mix 06/14/04 Mike and Drea
Cody (Prince Codi of Coeur d'Alene) Siberian Husky 04/06/90-04/27/99 Bill and Elaine Philips
Cody (Pup) German Shepherd 01/01/86-07/26/98 Debbie, Dom,Tiki,Aussie
Cody (Tamara's Ebony Classic) Sheltie 03/29/84-01/20/97 Kathy Trevino
Cody 04/08/93 Cindy Carmack
Cody 10/01/80-10/04/93 Barbara Givens
Cody 99.9 % Mackenzie Gray Wolf 12 years 06/27/08 Heidi Madeja
Cody a.k.a. Mr.Wiggles Clumber Spaniel 06/06/92-04/20/02 Amy
Cody Abyssinian Cat 04/18/91-10/22/07 Mary and Nolan Cromwell
Cody Achterberg Golden Retriever 09/14/92-04/13/06 Kevin and Melissa Achterberg
Cody Adams Bichon Poodle 01/03/07-03/05/17 Christine Adams
Cody Airedale Terrier 12/19/99-01/05/12 Cindy
Cody aka Coder Pup Lab/Husky 08/01/98-05/12/06 Jean
Cody aka Patrick / Poppie Shepherd - Pit Mix 05/08/00-05/25/04 Melissa, Josh, Grandma & Bette, Sugar (The Kitties) and Roo (The Bunny)
Cody Alaskan Husky 11 years 03/09/02 Joyce Golding
Cody Alaskan Husky 11/23/96-07/01/00 Sondra
Cody Alaskan Malamute 07/21/01-01/08/03 Andrea, Allen, Leslie, Jordan & Ashley
Cody Alaskan Malamute 10/24/03 Laura Rice
Cody Alaskan Malamute 12/01/03-04/01/16 Roberta Mildenbergerto
Cody Alaskan Malamute 12/07/93-08/26/06 Nancy, Jim, Mikayla, Brian
Cody Alberson Pomeranian 02/17/91-05/17/04 Joanne
Cody Albert Sheltie 04/18/99-12/21/11 Sue Albert
Cody Alexander Cat 12 years 07/31/02 Lisa
Cody Alexander Shih Tzu 07/07/94-11/2005 Susan Briner
Cody Allemang Pomeranian 12/07/99-07/08/11 R Allemang
Cody American Cocker Spaniel 04/11/97-03/09/12 Jocelyn Beck
Cody American Eskimo Dog 05/11/98-04/22/06 Randy Gerads
Cody American Eskimo Dog 10/21/91-02/10/09 Karen Hunter
Cody American Eskimo Dog 10/27/92-09/28/07 Edwina Litz
Cody American Eskimo Dog 11/28/00-03/12/10 Belinda Ferrer-Orta
Cody American Eskimo Dog 12 years 05/15/01 Mary Sheehan
Cody American Eskimo Dog 12 years 09/04/06 Kami Long
Cody American Eskimo Dog 13 years 01/31/03 Jill Haendel
Cody and Ava Bo Pit Bull Puppies 04/22/10-05/27/10 Paula and Erik Boschung
Cody and Coco Ferrets 2 years 07/12/09 Celia Perkins
Cody Andrew Rotty/Chow Mix 14 years 04/07/08 Lise & Chris Krick
Cody Ann Larsen Mini Longhair, Black and Tan Doxie 05/18/93-Easter Sunday,2008 Julie Larsen
Cody Anthony Zeolla Maltese 07/01/94-01/28/04 Gail and Tony
Cody Aortic Wolf Mix 6 years 04/15/09 Mary
Cody Apricot Poodle 11/19/93-02/23/01 Marlene, Christa, Jill and Juli Palchinsky
Cody Arabucki Lab 04/01/05-01/22/21 Rachel Arabucki
Cody Arthur Marie Chadwick-Snyder Shih-Tzu 02/14/96-05/23/09 Brenda Chadwick-Snyder
Cody Artru Goodman Cocker Spaniel 05/15/88-09/18/99 Pam & Jeff
Cody Aussie X Silky Terrier 16 years 14th September 2007 Dee Gottschalk
Cody Australian Cattle Dog 8 years 11/06/06 Sharyn Arnold
Cody Australian Shepherd 01/07/07-12/24/19 Kristine Getten
Cody Australian Shepherd 02/27/96-09/28/10 Lee Butler
Cody Australian Shepherd 05/05/90-08/20/04 Jennifer
Cody Australian Shepherd 08/25/92-09/23/03 Tracy & Scott Lovelis
Cody Australian Shepherd 12 years 12/27/09 David and Cheryl Fuller
Cody Australian Shepherd 14 years 03/10/07 Kathryn Holly
Cody Australian Shepherd 17 years 04/16/06 Kathy Watzek
Cody Australian Shepherd 3 years 12/19/02 Kira Richardson
Cody Australian Shepherd Chow Mix 06/30/98-03/14/13 Christine Suszek
Cody Australian Shepherd Mix 10/13/95-08/05/11 Peggy and Don
Cody Australian Shepherd Mix 6 months 09/21/00 Sue, SVHS
Cody B Comiskey Tuxedo Cat 08/90-09/19/01 Mike & Kelly Comiskey
Cody Baines Siberian Husky 15 years 05/28/10 Janet Baines
Cody Basenji 12/03/94-10/05/06 Lorena
Cody Bassador (1/2 Black Lab, 1/2 Basset Hound) 11 years 4 months 11/04/12 Julie
Cody Bayanito Mix Chihuahua 06/23/06-01/22/09 Jackie and Gerard Bayanito
Cody Beagle / Italian Greyhound 01/01/88-01/28/06 Lindsey & Dianne
Cody Beagle 06/28/94-08/03/01 Janice Snow
Cody Beagle 11 years 05/07/22 Mary Hallgren
Cody Beagle 12/05/91-10/28/02 David Leach
Cody Beagle 13 years 10/22/09 Donna Cavallaro
Cody Beagle 4 years 01/26/11 Kristen
Cody Beagle Mix 10 months 06/16/96 Pat Wilhelme
Cody Beagle/Basset Mix 15 years 05/19/06 Chris Richardson
Cody Beagle/German Shepherd 03/16/96-01/04/08 Shannon Kennedy
Cody Beagle/Jack Russell Mix 03/27/97-04/25/12 Bridget Hagspihl
Cody Beagle/Lab Puppy 02/14/02-04/01/02 Debbie
Cody Beagle-Boy Beagle 11/27/90-06/04/03 Roena Bergman
Cody Bear Chocolate Lab 11/29/01-06/02/10 Mama
Cody Bear Collie Mix Cat 16 years 07/03/06 Sandrs
Cody Bear Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/01/88-05/01/06 Kimberly Olson
Cody Bear Hicks Red Pomeranian 09/2003-07/13/11 Trish
Cody Bear Lay Mixed Dog 09/23/00 Dee Tarczewski
Cody Bear Nelson Lab 10/23/03-11/21/11 Tina Nelson
Cody Bear Newfoundland Mix 04/27/09 Nicole Marie Workman
Cody Bear Pomeranian 05/01/96-04/16/11 Toni
Cody Bear Pomeranian 07/01/92-12/08/05 Paul & Mary-Lou Hagelberg
Cody Bear Wesson Shitzu 14 years 05/30/23 Barbara and John Wesson
Cody Beau Shih Tzu 04/06/01-10/13/12 Vicki Bum
Cody Belgian Malinois 12/15/93-04/23/99 Pam Weigert
Cody Bichon 09/08/98-10/03/11 Dick & Kay Fick
Cody Bichon 11/05/97-04/02/14 Roy Rosenberg
Cody Bichon 17 years 08/30/20 Corey
Cody Bichon Frise 02/13/92-03/01/07 Tere Bob & Bethany
Cody Bichon Frise 12/08/98-06/14/05 Leslie Medina
Cody Bichon Frise 13 years 04/11/09 Lila, Neil, Penny, Alex, & Emma
Cody Bichon Frise 9 years 10/21/13 Lauren Davis
Cody Bichon Poodle 11/19/12 Rosalie Mazey
Cody Bichon/Poodle 03/24/09 Gail Fisher
Cody Bichon/Poodle 3 years 03/19/05 Lily Ortiz
Cody Black and Tan Dachshund 04/03/96-12/16/08 Lu White
Cody Black and White Tuxedo DSH Cat 08/28/91-07/06/02 Tobey
Cody Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/19/92-03/31/03 Laura
Cody Black Lab 01/06/90-05/31/01 The Harpole Family
Cody Black Lab 01/10/97-08/27/10 Sandi Olivera
Cody Black Lab 01/26/95-01/11/10 Carrie Hamilton
Cody Black Lab 04/12/03 Trace
Cody Black Lab 06/19/92-02/27/04 Liz
Cody Black Lab 11/27/98-10/17/04 Pam & Jeff Laugen
Cody Black Lab 11/28/99-06/24/14 Sue Durain
Cody black lab 12 years 09/16/08 Marti
Cody Black Lab 14 years 02/16/05 Dianne
Cody Black Lab 16 years 03/03/12 Laura Lee Bocade
Cody Black Lab 4 years 05/13/11 Cynthia Bippus
Cody Black Lab and Border Collie Mix 10/29/95-07/15/10 Kim
Cody Black Lab Mix 14 years 06/25/07 Wheeler Family
Cody Black Lab/Golden Retriever 12/27/94-03/13/97 Marie Reynolds
Cody Black Lab/Springer Mix adopted 04/92-10/07/01 Patricia
Cody Black Labrador 06/10/02-07/17/12 Mary Fox
Cody Black Labrador Retriever 07/04/94-02/06/03 Lynne Gilbert
Cody Black Labrador Retriever 12/12/88-09/10/99 Cindy Lowans
Cody Black Labrador Retriever 1999-10/11/11 Joy E. Hansen
Cody Black Toy Poodle 9 years 08/03/04 Jeanne & John Rumans
Cody Block Schnoodle 02/05/05-06/13/19 Ed and Diane Block
Cody Blue Heeler/Black Lab 14 years 02/24/18 Dave and Elaine Pendergrast
Cody Blue Heeler/Long-Haired Dachshund 07/11/94-07/11/06 Lesa
Cody Blue Merle Shetland Shepherd 1987-05/20/01 Lee, Renee, Brittany, Bethany, Mariah & Eaton Saylor
Cody Bogart Erickson Shepherd 04/01/05-05/04/17 Robin Erickson
Cody Border Collie 03/2011-07/19/23 Mary
Cody Border Collie 05/08/99-10/21/09 Harry Crafton
Cody Border Collie 06/10/95-08/01/09 Theresa Hardy
Cody Border Collie 10/11/97-10/01/07 Mark Menchi
Cody Border Collie 11/17/91-05/09/05 Anne
Cody Border Collie 12 years 2006 Chrissy & Carmen
Cody Border Collie 12/24/01-09/27/03 Garret Stolte
Cody Border Collie 13 years 03/04/10 Debbie McCoy
Cody Border Collie 15/05/00-29/01/04 Robyn Eshelby
Cody Border Collie 8 1/2 years 07/16/09 Gina, Bear, Dylan, and Hailey Carroll
Cody Border Collie Mix 04/13/03-08/04/17 Amy Grassifulli
Cody Border Collie Mix 11/16/02-12/29/03 Nancy
Cody Border Collie Tri-Colour 06/25/93-03/11/07 Cindy and Danny
Cody Border Collie/ Lab 12/07/01-01/14/10 Linda and Amy Tardy
Cody Border Collie/Golden Retriever Mix 01/28/90-02/16/07 Mark Burton
Cody Border Collie/Golden Retriever Mix 03/18/96-06/05/08 Sarah
Cody Border Coolie 06/25/93-03/12/07 Cindy
Cody Boxer 02/14/02-06/06/14 Patti and David
Cody Boxer 03/07/08-12/13/09 Jim Cicchese
Cody Boxer 09/2003-06/08/12 Dianna
Cody Boy Dalmatian 11/11/93-01/30/05 Wendy Spencer
Cody Boy Dud Dun Meddaugh Yorkie 11/21/89-11/26/04 Sandy Meddaugh
Cody Boy Maltese 1992-11/2005 Cyndy Trimble
Cody Boy Mixed-Grey Cat 9 years 03/17/09 Diane, John Bill and Jenelle Young
Cody Boy Norwegian Elkhound 09/02/94-09/28/05 Patty
Cody Boy Siamese Cat 13 years 06/20/09 Hope Peplinski
Cody Braden, Owen Cecola & Khiana Cecola DSH Kittens 04/09/10 to 04/16/10 & 04/18/10 Cassi Cecola
Cody Brittany 03/21/10 Amy
Cody Brittany 06/09/01-05/12/13 Fantasia Forrest
Cody Brittany Spaniel 11/25/97 Michael D. Webb
Cody Brittney Spaniel 07/10/98-03/01/11 Anne M. Mattox-Keeney
Cody Brogna Cockapoo 06/27/94-07/28/07 Sharon & Paul Brogna
Cody Brown and Gray Tabby Cat 5 years 10/2005 Marie Andrews
Cody Burmese Mountain Dog 03/26/12 Linda McLaren
Cody C Yellow Lab 08/11/93-02/22/07 Dan Colleen Dana Brett
Cody Cadeau Sheltie 12/24/91-09/22/06 Penny & Donnie Cadeau
Cody Cairn Terrier X 14 years 06/27/17 Nina
Cody Camac Boxer 10 years 05/22/09 Kathleen Camac
Cody Carey Calico Cat 04/04/91-07/28/01 Lori, Greg and Casey
Cody Carin Terrier Mix 07/06/08-12/10/18 Denise
Cody Carlson Golden Retriever 12/06/93-10/29/01 Cheryl and Bruce
Cody Castellanos Dog 02/14/04-02/23/12 Carlos, Vanessa, Lacy, Jaron, Jeadon, Little Nate, Cari, Caylee
Cody Cat 01/01/05 Janis
Cody Cat 02/19/04 Lisa
Cody Cat 03/01/93-06/10/00 Brian and Shawn
Cody Cat 03/02/16 Meg Walls
Cody Cat 04/14/84-03/09/98 Mary Kay Rosebrough
Cody Cat 04/25/06 Julie Peters
Cody Cat 05/12/92-09/20/08 Janet
Cody Cat 05/16/04-09/20/08 Karen
Cody Cat 07/13/83-08/17/01 Vonnie Stephens
Cody Cat 07/2003-06/15/05 Sherri Moran
Cody Cat 07/91-06/30/07 Lisa
Cody Cat 08/28/91-07/06/02 Tobey
Cody Cat 08/31/08 Linda and Tom Voss
Cody Cat 09/88-03/08/01 Lea and Debbie
Cody Cat 1 1/2 years 06/15/05 Sherri Moran
Cody Cat 10 years 01/29/16 Ruchames Family
Cody Cat 11/18/96-01/17/12 Patricia Venice
Cody Cat 14 years 10/08/06 Kevin Andy Fleming
Cody Cat 15 years 09/01/11 Dina Miller
Cody Cat 15 years 11 months 06/30/07 Lisa
Cody Cat 16 years 08/20/11 Diania
Cody Cat 16 years 12/04/05 Nadean
Cody Cat 17 years 05/12/07 Kathy Diaz
Cody Cat 18 years 10/14/08 Dani Kramer
Cody Cat 19 1/2 years 06/27/12 Louise Fiduccia
Cody Cat 20+ years 02/21/10 Sheila
Cody Cat 4 years 09/22/08 Brandy Gronowski
Cody Cat 7 years 06/26/00 Meg Bitton
Cody Cat 9 years 02/19/18 Denise Sams
Cody Catahoula 07/28/90-12/20/03 Geraldo Maria
Cody Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/22/88-04/07/01 Elaine & Forrest Aiken
Cody Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/13/96-02/19/05 Karen Mantyla
Cody Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 06/04/06-10/25/18 Robert Schmohl
Cody Chesapeake Bay Retriever 12 03/4 years 01/08/09 Heidi
Cody Cheyenne Toy Poodle 09/04/01-06/04/02 Dana Dupaix
Cody Chihuahua 01/23/05-09/05/20 Corinne
Cody Chihuahua 05/06/93-03/11/04 Carol & Don Wynocker
Cody Chihuahua 07/07/95-08/31/12 Lori Watson
Cody Chihuahua 10/20/96-03/31/11 Melinda and Allen Larck
Cody Chihuahua Pug Mix 02/24/95-08/03/07 John & Shirley Czekanski
Cody Chocolatae Lab 06/09/89-07/15/03 Karin West
Cody Chocolate Lab 03/01/92-07/09/04 Cindy, Maurie, Ryan, Sarah, Kelly & Cole
Cody Chocolate Lab 05/21/92-10/28/04 Rick, Mary Jo, Joseph, Jim, Jason & John
Cody Chocolate Lab 06/10/04-03/05/19 Tom Walsh
Cody Chocolate Lab 06/21/94-06/09/05 Pat and Ron Bradley
Cody Chocolate Lab 11/03/95-06/07/09 Dunlap Family
Cody Chocolate Lab 13 years 08/30/05 Patti Beigel
Cody Chocolate Lab 4 years 05/16/02 Deana, Jeanette & Fred
Cody Chocolate Labrador 11/04/03-05/21/14 Debbie Fadenholz
Cody Chow 17 years 10/02/07 Rainey Horvath
Cody Chow Chow 12 years 06/06/00 John and Sandy Lanning
Cody Chow Mix 05/03 Sandra Mondry
Cody Chow Mix 05/15/97-12/02/03 Beth Webb
Cody Chow Mix 2 years 12/97 Shawn Stepp
Cody Chow/Husky 09/01/99-04/17/09 Bill & Nicole
Cody Cinnamon Labrador 12/24/97-01/27/11 Ashley, Vicky and Nicole Ulrich
Cody Coatimundi 10/97-09/10/02 Richard Carlson
Cody Cocker 13 years 01/29/07 Sharon, Willy and Glen!
Cody Cocker Spaniel 02/17/91-07/02/04 Rob Karen Kyle & Derek
Cody Cocker Spaniel 03/08/95-06/17/05 Mart Perkins
Cody Cocker Spaniel 05/18/86-01/30/05 June Allen
Cody Cocker Spaniel 06/22/01-02/21/14 Moira
Cody Cocker Spaniel 07/01/91-03/15/04 Jennifer Spielvogel
Cody Cocker Spaniel 08/17/94-07/20/06 Krista Gaetano
Cody Cocker Spaniel 12 years 12/31/05 Glenn and Cindy
Cody Cocker Spaniel 26/08/97-04/08/05 Evans Family
Cody Cocker Spaniel 8 years B
Cody Cocker Spaniel/Mix 08/08/10-11/11/19 Jen Besenjak
Cody Cocker/Mutt 03/14/91-01/20/05 Trisha Proper
Cody CockerSchnaus 01/07/05 Kathy Prothero
Cody Collie 03/11/97-09/17/08 Dorothy Monty
Cody Collie 08/30/92-05/27/03 Dawn
Cody Collie 13 years 05/19/05 Michelle Ellis
Cody Collie 13 years 06/21/04 Annette Johnson
Cody Collie 13 years 08/21/05 Lynda
Cody Collie Mix 10 years 07/09/07 Gale David
Cody Collie/Shep. Mix 05/29/94-10/12/05 Nicole
Cody Collie/Shepherd 12/12/00-07/19/02 Robin Donovan
Cody Collie/Spaniel Mix 12/13/91-06/22/07 Brian and Jacky Olin
Cody Collie-Shepherd Mix 12 years 11/11/00 Bobbi and Randy
Cody Conboy Shi Tzu 16 years 05/11/16 Jerry Conboy
Cody Cooper Border Collie 06/25/93-03/12/07 Cindy
Cody Corghi 10 years 12/26/03 Patricia Pigoni
Cody Corwin Golden Retriever 05/16/94-08/17/08 Sharon Corwin
Cody Coulter Tortie Cat 04/01/90-09/24/10 Beth Coulter
Cody 'Coup d'etat' Boxer Lab Mix 09/25/97-02/16/10 Myka
Cody Coyote Grange Chow/Sheltie Mix 12/18/07 Tracy Grange
Cody Coyote Maguire Lab Mix 04/13/03 Cassandra and Mike and Christopher
Cody Craning Sheltie 05/01/99-10/17/12 Andrea Craning
Cody Cunningham Tabby Cat 16 months 08/01/05 Shirley Cunningham
Cody Dachshund 07/07/03-03/24/14 Debbie Dee & Andrew Repp
Cody Dachshund 10/13/92-11/02/06 Cyndy LaPouttre
Cody Dachshund 15 years 09/20/19 Carola and Cisco Barreto
Cody Dachshund and Bichon 12/14/09-11/24/23 Sharon
Cody 'Dakota Golden Lady' Yellow Labrador Retriever 03/09/98-12/19/07 Sandra F Minchew
Cody Dakota Papillion 04/04/94-03/26/07 Sandi Danaher
Cody Dalmatian 04/06/09 Mark and Fred
Cody Dalmatian 04/12/90-06/09/03 Audrey Rubinstein
Cody Dalmatian 07/07/93-03/28/06 Kelley Allison and Greg Tarter
Cody Dalmation 05/05/94-09/11/03 Shannon Hocking
Cody Dalmation 12/22/94-03/23/02 Pat Dobay
Cody Dark Golden Retriever 02/02/99-11/09/09 Jason Geier
Cody Delrio Chihuahua 08/01/91-11/13/96 Carolyn McHenry
Cody Deppen Orange Tabby Cat 07/07/94-12/14/11 Denise and Lindsay
Cody Desnoyers Cat 1 year 05/06/07 Jodi Desnoyers
Cody Doberman 06/14/93-07/23/07 Sally & Ted Parreco
Cody Doberman 10/27/89-01/29/99 Leon & Teresa Covey
Cody Doberman 11/07/99 Dee
Cody Doberman 12 years 06/04/06 Mike Peacock
Cody Doberman Mix 03/15/94-08/13/09 Pam Young
Cody Dog 01/09/02-04/16/11 Valerie
Cody Dog 02/17/07 The Appelhof's
Cody Dog 02/19/12 Tommy Wood
Cody Dog 03/96 Kalsey
Cody Dog 06/14/92-10/14/07 Dave
Cody Dog 06/24/07-09/19/07 Janie
Cody Dog 07/19/08 Smokey and Kini From Kabina
Cody Dog 07/23/94-11/17/08 Jenny
Cody Dog 09/97 Catherine
Cody Dog 11 1/2 years 09/10/99 Cyndi
Cody Dog 12/17/96-07/31/05 Robert Tucker
Cody Dog 13 years 12/30/98 Tracy F.
Cody Dog 14 years 14/04/17 Leanne Lang
Cody Dog 15 years 08/09/07 Mary Peters
Cody Dog 15 years 10/31/10 Brittany J
Cody Dog 16 years 04/15/04 Ed Legg
Cody Dog 1992-10/18/08 Amanda
Cody Dog 7 years 02/23/06 Ilene
Cody Dog 7 years 03/04/01 Tera Patton
Cody Dog Black Lab 01/28/90-09/21/05 Bill Barnes
Cody Dog Bob and Sue Farulla
Cody Dog December 1994 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cody Dog Sheltie Mix 12 years 11/13/03 Rosemary
Cody Domestic Long Hair Cat 7 years 05/22/07 Susan
Cody Domestic Longhair Cat 01/01/09 Erin
Cody Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/95-01/16/08 Deana Whitesel
Cody Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/16/01-06/08/17 Karly
Cody Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/16/93-09/25/08 Susan
Cody Double Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot 7 years 11/15/06 Gail Carroll
Cody DSH Cat 07/21/09-02/21/12 Tate Tonuc
Cody DSH Cat 11/96-08/05/04 Kari
Cody DSH Cat 8 1/2 years 01/29/08 Diane Rodgers
Cody DSH Grey Tabby Cat 2001 Sandra Tindoll
Cody DSH-Grey Cat 14 years 11/13/06 Nick Stampone
Cody Dugger Lab-Shepherd Mix 12 year 01/27/07 Jack, Susan and Steven Dugger
Cody Einstein Border Collie 05/20/90-01/20/03 Roy & Mary Creech
Cody English Setter 07/03/89-04/25/98 Karen M. Carloni
Cody English Setter/German Shepherd 03/20/89-04/08/06 Jillian Vafiades
Cody English Springer 04/05/06 Kelly Harnden
Cody English Springer Spaniel 01/04/90-03/07/05 Bonnie
Cody English Springer Spaniel 04/03/91-08/07/02 Toni Silvas
Cody English Springer Spaniel 06/24/91-01/08/04 Marilyn Harrison
Cody English Springer Spaniel 10/03/07 Paula Hahn
Cody English Springer Spaniel 12/29/92-05/16/08 Diane & Neil
Cody English Springer Spaniel 8 years 11/03/10 Laurie Carmody
Cody English Springer Spaniel 9 years 05/19/07 Liz Ellis
Cody Fedele Miniature Poodle 13 years 01/17/05 Annie
Cody Felker Yellow Lab 08/08/03-10/01/11 Lisa, Chris, Emily, Ethan Felker
Cody Ferret 05/06/02-02/16/09 Dawn Magas
Cody Ferret 3 years 09/07/94 Marion
Cody Flat Coated Retriever 01/08/96-07/31/07 Patti Rossetti
Cody Flat Coated Retriever 11 1/2 years 07/30/07 Jenny Rossetti
Cody Flat Coated Retriever 11/05/91-06/28/03 Marleen Alter
Cody Flat-Coated Retriever Mix 15 years 09/03/10 Erica
Cody Flewelling Sheltie 12/18/03-07/11/07 Jo Anne & Richard
Cody Fournier Bernese Mountain Dog 01/21/02-11/18/10 Teresa and Michael Fournier
Cody Fox Red Labrador 14 years 07/19/05 Kristina Schwalbach
Cody Fresques Shih-Tzu 04/12/09-01/24/15 Darla Fresques
Cody Frye Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Dog 12/28/11-04/14/22 Anthony Larry Frye
Cody German Shepherd / Rottweiler 16 years 07/25/09 Josh
Cody German Shepherd 02/22/96-03/09/04 Gail Kurtz
Cody German Shepherd 02/26/95-05/11/07 Darla
Cody German Shepherd 03/06/98-12/17/10 Cindy
Cody German Shepherd 03/28/88-01/06/00 Mike and Pat
Cody German Shepherd 05/17/91-06/15/01 Anita
Cody German Shepherd 05/17/91-06/15/01 Anita, Karl, Joe & Rio
Cody German Shepherd 05/92-11/07/02 Janet
Cody German Shepherd 07/04/98-04/04/07 Kim and Steve and Kaitlyn and Chrsitine
Cody German Shepherd 07/06/97 Carol Kufner
Cody German Shepherd 07/09/97-10/23/06 Diane Wayland
Cody German Shepherd 08/08/08-09/14/10 Liz B
Cody German Shepherd 1 years 09/10/00 Sharon Hobson and Jim Bagnall
Cody German Shepherd 10 years 10/15/04 Bill and Beverly Horton
Cody German Shepherd 10/01/80-10/04/93 Barbara Givens
Cody German Shepherd 10/1991-08/2002 Jim & Dianna Gibson
Cody German Shepherd 10/95-04/27/09 Hugo and Renee
Cody German Shepherd 11/05/92-08/01/01 Kim Lancaster
Cody German Shepherd 11/07/01-03/01/07 Debbie
Cody German Shepherd 12/04/85-03/21/96 Laura
Cody German Shepherd 13 months 03/15/95 Noel, Raul and Alicia Garcia
Cody German Shepherd 5 years 06/27/13 Ken, Lorna, Mia and Valley
Cody German Shepherd Mix 07/04/97-09/12/00 Caroline
Cody German Shepherd X 13 1/2 years 04/28/13 Jayne Joyes
Cody German Shepherd/Chow Mix 06/20/93-03/11/01 Donna Schook
Cody German Shepherd/Husky Mix 03/90-11/99 Carrie and Brad
Cody Geron Golden Retriever 11/29/03-03/15/17 Shawn and James Geron
Cody Golden 01/22/09 Vanessa Thomas
Cody Golden 08/08/04-09/27/11 Robyn Schultz
Cody Golden 10/22/08 Debbie, Bill and Jake McGinley
Cody Golden 7 years 11/03/03 Michael & Cathy Grove
Cody Golden Ret 04/96-04/18/10 Burke Family
Cody Golden Retriever / Border Collie Mix 11/13/90-07/13/00 Jenny Oldham
Cody Golden Retriever 01/12/04-12/16/11 Lisa, Chris & Sarah
Cody Golden Retriever 01/17/94-02/11/04 Nadine Ostap
Cody Golden Retriever 01/20/96-12/14/09 Dick & Joan
Cody Golden Retriever 01/21/07-02/25/10 Deana, Jerry, Lauren & Angela Yarnish
Cody Golden Retriever 02/04/92-09/12/03 Patricia and Alphonse Albano
Cody Golden Retriever 02/18/89-02/14/00 Ron, Linda, Scott & Katie Morse
Cody Golden Retriever 03/08/96 Heidi Olsen
Cody Golden Retriever 03/21/90-12/19/00 Lynn Holm
Cody Golden Retriever 03/25/92-05/23/04 Jennifer
Cody Golden Retriever 03/29/91-10/04/02 Theobald Boys and Doris Reinert
Cody Golden Retriever 04/01/91 Andrea Guastadisegni
Cody Golden Retriever 04/01/91-06/20/03 Andrea Guastadisegni
Cody Golden Retriever 04/02/92-07/09/04 Frank Gordon, M. A., M. Div
Cody Golden Retriever 04/20/94-05/17/06 Crystal
Cody Golden Retriever 04/21/94-07/21/06 Terri Everline
Cody Golden Retriever 04/22/04-03/05/15 Annette Brooks
Cody Golden Retriever 05/02/90-12/10/98 Linda Soleau
Cody Golden Retriever 05/07/96-08/30/04 Laura, Barb, Herb and Jim
Cody Golden Retriever 05/15/95-10/14/05 Margot, Sarah and Ira
Cody Golden Retriever 05/22/03-07/04/11 Karen and Mike
Cody Golden Retriever 05/25/90-06/25/02 Michelle Wright
Cody Golden Retriever 05/25/96-03/08/98 Johnny and Esther Boey
Cody Golden Retriever 06/23/00-01/08/11 Mary Ann Berna
Cody Golden Retriever 06/24/91-05/10/97 Carolyn, Tom, and Eric
Cody Golden Retriever 07/04/05-07/03/13 Sue McClennon
Cody Golden Retriever 07/13/95-12/04/01 Dan Zalone
Cody Golden Retriever 07/13/95-12/04/01 Debbie & Anthony
Cody Golden Retriever 07/14/94-06/20/08 Debi, Alan, and Nik
Cody Golden Retriever 07/31/95-07/09/06 Kim Torgersen
Cody Golden Retriever 08/10/91-01/18/06 Nina Kaminko
Cody Golden Retriever 08/23/08 Lori
Cody Golden Retriever 09/10/96-08/08/07 Marianne
Cody Golden Retriever 10/01/99-04/06/10 Patty
Cody Golden Retriever 10/04/00-01/24/02 Kathy and Jim, Kristine and Matt
Cody Golden Retriever 10/20/04-01/30/13 Elizabeth Samson
Cody Golden Retriever 10/23/06 Sarah
Cody Golden Retriever 10/24/02-08/21/12 Larry, Nancy and Kim Sinagel
Cody Golden Retriever 10/30/94-07/02/02 Chuck Mistler/gene Hosovich
Cody Golden Retriever 11/22/94-03/15/07 Gail
Cody Golden Retriever 12 years 04/28/97 Teresa
Cody Golden Retriever 12 years 07/03/10 Patty and Norm
Cody Golden Retriever 12 years 07/29/94 Cindy Gilbert
Cody Golden Retriever 12/15/02-04/04/04 Michele, Steve, Dylan, Jordan & Tiannah
Cody Golden Retriever 12/16/96-05/11/10 Monyque
Cody Golden Retriever 12/25/97-02/11/11 Suzanne Fong
Cody Golden Retriever 12/29/98-12/31/07 Joy Johnston
Cody Golden Retriever 14 years 11/17/08 Lorraine B
Cody Golden Retriever 9 years 10/31/08 Jennifer Joyner
Cody Golden Retriever Mix 12/25/98-05/14/03 Brenda Cornell
Cody Golden Retriever X Collie 09/01/90-09/19/06 Carrie
Cody Golden Retriever/Chow Chow X less than 1 year old 02/13/14 Christine
Cody Golden Retriever/Shepherd 12 years 06/07/09 Amy, Beth, Dave, Barb
Cody Gordon Labrador/Collie Mix 04/12/98-02/20/09 Donna Gordon
Cody Gordon Setter 02/07/99-04/02/07 Linda McConathy
Cody Grace Moggy Cat 2 years 01/28/11 Caelan, Vicky, Steve
Cody Grange Chow/Sheltie Mix 12/20/07 Tracy Grange
Cody Gray American Short-Haired Tabby Cat 17 years 08/25/20 Nathen and Crystal
Cody Great Dane/ Rottweiler 7-8 years 04/27/09 Deborah Mechlowitz
Cody Great Pyrenees 07/03/94-03/04/04 Gina Lee
Cody Great Pyrenees 12 years 09/27/03 Robert Brabenec
Cody Great Pyrenees 8 years 04/26/13 JY
Cody Greenbaum Goldendoodle 10/07/09-12/29/22 Michael Greenbaum
Cody Gregory Blonde Lab 01/31/98-05/17/10 Kim Gregory
Cody Grey Tabby Cat 2 1/2 years 09/26/06 Suzanne/Savanna Settle
Cody Greyhound 04/01/92-07/24/00 Frank & Laura
Cody Greyhound 09/01/92-10/18/03 James & Regina Price
Cody Greyhound 11 years 12/26/06 Ellen and Ed Vogel
Cody Greyhound 7 years 05/18/06 Yvonne Rembock
Cody Gunner Golden Lab 11/14/94-03/05/99 Cleta
Cody Hairless Rat 03/03/01-08/23/04 Suzanne Schultz
Cody Hale Mixed Dog 17 years 05/26/06 Letha Hale
Cody Hans Lab and Chow 14 years 12/14/11 Robin Hans
Cody Hawthorne Golden Retriever Cocker Mix 03/94-12/23/08 T
Cody Heeler 01/99-04/27/10 M & J Inda
Cody Henderson Pom 11/28/97-06/21/10 Kim and Dave
Cody Henderson Shetland Sheepdog 09/11/94-06/14/08 Jennifer and Mark Henderson
Cody Hogan Akita 04/08/04 Nancy
Cody Holloway Pomeranian 04/11/99-03/01/06 Belinda Holloway
Cody Hudson Papillion 3 years 07/05/09 Connor Hudson
Cody Huskey 02/16/04 The Eickmeier Family
Cody Husky Lab Mix 17 years 12/05/04 Janise McNeely
Cody Husky Mix 03/19/99-12/06/10 Patty
Cody Husky Mix 06/15/03-08/19/19 Marilyn
Cody Husky Mix 6 years 07/27/07 Patti and Floyd
Cody Husky/Collie/Mix 198?-04/95 Joseph Samella
Cody Husky/German Shepherd Mix 02/22/94-02/23/08 Aaron
Cody Husky/Shep 04/94-08/26/98 Bernadett,Tom, and Jenny
Cody Husky/Spaniel 09/26/92-10/31/03 Jim & Roxanne Quenneville, North Bay, Ontario Canada
Cody II Husky/Wolf/Malamute Mix 2 years 27/12/07 Patti and Floyd
Cody Inda Australian Cattle Dog (Heeler) 11 years 04/27/10 MK Inda
Cody Irish Setter 07/20/96-04/10/07 Don
Cody Irish Setter/Spaniel 13 years 07/25/04 Terry and Jodi Pierskalla
Cody Irish Tri-colour Collie 8 years 17/03/13 Ann Hack
Cody Irish Wolfhound 10/06/00-09/02/09 Stephanie Gifford
Cody Italian Greyhound 11/04/99 Sandy Portella
Cody Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix 01/01/21-03/15/24 Maria Paz
Cody Jack Russell Terrier 02/05/91-11/07/06 Karl Wolthausen
Cody Jack Russell Terrier 10/22/98-08/01/13 Judy & Donny
Cody Jack Russell Terrier 2 years 02/18/00 Kristine
Cody James Gray Tabby Cat 06/12/93-05/16/05 Jeff & Cindy
Cody Jane Kelsey Black Lab 12/24/86-01/02/01 Henry Kelsey
Cody Jesseman Lab 14/10/02-07/01/16 Liana Jesseman
Cody Joe Chihuahua-Yorkshire Terrier Cross 3 years 08/30/83 Martina
Cody Joe Cocker Spaniel 16 years 07/20/04 Evelyn
Cody Joe Pembroke Welsh Corgi 02/26/04-04/12/17 Wilma Anderson
Cody Johnson Yorkshire Terrier 4 years 11/01/12 Ericka Johnson
Cody Joseph Martinez Pit Bull 2 years 06/04/10 Deidre Martinez
Cody Kaye Maltese 09/19/95-12/02/09 Mickey & Brenda Kaye
Cody Keeshond 03/19/01 Donna Rossomando
Cody Keeshond 09/16/94-02/16/98 Marie Pagnan
Cody Keeshond 8 years 01/24/06 Joan & Phil Funk
Cody Keeshund/Collie 01/07/92-04/03/00 Karen & Dana Lorgeree
Cody King Quarter Horse 30 years 06/09/14 Carla Terry King
Cody Lab / Golden Mix 02/12/03-04/01/10 Heather Donahue
Cody Lab 06/26/98-07/22/10 Ann Marie, Wayne, Kara, Chris
Cody Lab 08/17/03-09/18/10 Lesley & Vince
Cody Lab 12 years 04/11/05 Michele
Cody Lab 13 years 06/22/12 Lori Olszewski
Cody Lab Mix 11/01/02-01/21/13 Debbie Hackett
Cody Lab Mix 12 years 08/20/09 The Gallegos Family
Cody Lab Retriever 04/15/93-05/05/08 Victoria Nicholls
Cody Lab Shar Pei Mix 10/11/96-08/20/12 Hilda Lindmayer
Cody Lab X 01 Jan 1995-10 June 2010 Nicole Lockyer
Cody Lab X 01/10/01-12/05/11 Linda Nordstrom
Cody Lab/Britney Mix 09/07/93-03/04/01 Cara and Mark Johnston
Cody Lab/Brittany Mix 04/16/01-01/18/11 Amy Schupska
Cody Lab/Retriever 06/06/99-12/04/09 Becky
Cody Lab/Shar Pei 09/25/99-01/06/15 Julie Journeay
Cody Lab/Shep/Husky Mix 15 years 10/02/03 Veronica Brown
Cody Lab/Shepherd Mix 05/01/91-07/02/01 Chuc K & Deb Foley
Cody Lab/Shepherd Mix 11/01/00-03/14/11 Paul Sanicky
Cody Labrador 05/12/88-03/08/01 Jody Ward
Cody Labrador 10/07/93-06/18/08 Joann and Michael Sheehan
Cody Labrador 12 years 06/10/06 Wendy Bonsignore
Cody Labrador 12/24/99-10/28/09 Carolyn, Ron, Matthew and Michael Campbell
Cody Labrador Retriever 04/10/02-09/08/05 Amy & Dylan Buckler
Cody Labrador Retriever 04/95-01/16/06 Dennis Mosesman
Cody Labrador Retriever 08/02/90-03/30/04 Judy Fish
Cody Labrador Retriever 09/12/12-10/13/12 Noriel Sanvictores
Cody Labrador Retriever 10/07/97-08/25/07 The Tadlocks
Cody Labrador Retriever 13 years 10/30/08 Susan For Jennifer and Dan
Cody Labrador/Border Collie Mix 05/19/99-12/09/06 Betsy Lemkin
Cody Lee Cobb Cat 15 years 08/04/06 Linda and Warren Cobb
Cody Lee Golden Retriever 07/25/91-05/25/05 Lynn
Cody Lee Lucas Silky Terrier 12/04/02-01/20/05 Minnie
Cody Lee Shih Tzu 05/15/92-01/06/04 Richard and Donna Street
Cody Lewis Westie 10 years 02/05/10 Beth Weber
Cody Lhasa Apso 03/05/06-09/06/20 Kevin Motroni
Cody Lhasa Apso 10/25/05-08/19/16 Linda Petruzzelli
Cody Lhasa Mix 07/14/86-01/24/02 Dan Grell
Cody Lipman Dog 06/91-03/04/07 Marla, Steve, Josh Mardi and Toby
Cody LLhasa Ahpso/Scottish Terrier 6 years 09/15/98 Katharine and Tom Lauwagie
Cody Long Haired Domestic Cat 09/95-07/31/02 Diane Adams
Cody Long Haired White Cat 07/12/93-02/25/09 Darci Volsen and Family
Cody Long-Haired Dachshund 1989-12/07/04 Cori Roth
Cody Lou Lab Mix 5 years 06/21/10 Diane Danko
Cody Lynn Stewart Shih Tzu 08/30/92-02/09/05 Curtis, Cathe, Sylvia Stewart
Cody Lynn Stewart Shih Tzu 08/30/92-02/95 Curtis, Cathe, Sylvia
Cody Mac Dawes Yorkie 05/10/08-10/14/19 Becky and Jerrid
Cody Mae Mixed Dog 05/18/91-09/25/00 C Boyd
Cody Maine Coon Cat 10 months 12/22/08 Sherri Baker
Cody Maine Coon Cat 10/17/96-11/14/07 Terri
Cody Maine Coon Cat 17 1/2 years 10/06/08 Carol
Cody Maine Coon Mix Cat 10 years 04/07/08 Stephanie
Cody Malamut 09/14/89-02/14/01 Jan Colton
Cody Malamute 06/28/97 connie
Cody Malamute/Akita/Wolf 11 years 04/16/07 F.T. Phipps
Cody Maltepoo 01/22/99-09/11/13 Barb
Cody Maltese 03/04/02-11/10/11 Tonya
Cody Maltese 06/10/04-03/06/16 Jim W
Cody Maltese 10 years 06/24/09 Shawn
Cody Maltese 13 years 03/09/08 Ona Stevens
Cody Marie Dachshund 03/25/94-07/08/08 Cathy Tucker & Judy Pigeon
Cody Marie Tabby Cat 11/26/00-10/25/16 Keebler614305
Cody Maverick Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 3 years 09/05/22 Matt, Jiji, Bailey, Miriam, and Sarah Tabler
Cody Mayfield Shih Tzu 05/23/93-11/10/04 Gene & Carolyn
Cody Michael Pomeranian 06/03-01/03/08 Amanda and Scott Robier
Cody Miniature Australian Shepherd 08/17/95-09/12/10 Lisa L. White
Cody Miniature Dachshund Puppy 11/11/07 Kylie and Avery Alban
Cody Miniature Long Haired Dachshund 4 years 04/24/06 Sharon Stoffel
Cody Miniature Poodle 01/01/95-11/22/09 Jennifer Kirschner
Cody Mix Breed Dog 11 years 5 months 02/22/05 Fred & Donna Woosman
Cody Mix Collie, Lab and Little Chow 11 years 03/05/06 John
Cody Mix Dog 11 years 01/01/05 Carolyn Fabrici
Cody Mix Dog 14 years 10/28/99 Sherri
Cody Mix- Pit Bull/German Shepherd 12/24/92-10/31/98 Cheryl Naholowaa
Cody Mix Shepherd 01/11/98-06/09/08 Ted and Elaine Farrell
Cody Mixed - Lab/Shiba 15 years 11/29/12 Michael and Tammy Van Boening
Cody Mixed Dog 01/04/04-06/08/11 Irma Abbatepaolo
Cody Mixed Dog 01/31/96-02/24/08 Joe, Adrian and Derek Fortier
Cody Mixed Dog 09/01/12-12/04/24 Chris and Pat
Cody Mixed Dog 09/13/92-04/24/08 Bradley Gilbert
Cody Mixed Dog 11 years 04/22/10 Lisa Voskeritchian
Cody Mixed Dog 4 years 12/09/07 Michelle Albert
Cody Mixed Hound and Lab 12/25/02-05/11/11 Phil and Kathy
Cody Mobley Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler 02/14/99-04/06/12 Ty and Susan Mobley
Cody Monster Orange Tabby Cat 10/01/01-12/20/04 Andrea
Cody Moore Dog 06/23/08-07/29/16 Jen & Jerry Moore
Cody Moren Akita, Lab, Australian Shepherd 02/14/93-01/29/08 Susan Moren
Cody Mutt 1989-04/09/02 Colleen and Ted
Cody Nadeau Ridgeback 09/10/99-05/08/07 Alexandria, Adriana, Melanie, DJ and Brooke
Cody Nakota (Northern Lights) American Eskimo/Husky Mix 02/22/90-08/15/02 Elizabeth Chuprevich
Cody Newfoundland 01/14/92-08/01/05 Debbie Sidabras
Cody Newton Yorkshire Terrier 11/25/90-01/07/05 Cindy Mayer
Cody of Gabriola Island Dog 09/2003 Betty Kilback
Cody O'Hara Malti-Poo 02/23/04-04/02/13 Phyllis O'Hara
Cody Olin Golden Retriever 04/23/08 Joanie
Cody Orange and White Tabby Cat 06/15/02-10/13/03 Susan, Steve, Gabriel and Lia
Cody Orange Cat 05/29/97-03/01/09 Dawn Neely
Cody Orange Tab Cat 10/01/01-12/20/04 Anne-Marie
Cody Orange Tabby Cat 03/30/03-06/14/04 Cheryl M. Melton
Cody Orange Tabby Cat 03/94-03/22/11 Elizabeth
Cody Orange Tabby Cat 10 years 09/07/13 Stephanie Cabrera
Cody Oriental Shorthair Cat 12/30/91-05/03/02 Cindy Kieckhaefer
Cody Paint Horse 07/01/92-06/25/11 Holly Springer
Cody Paint Horse Newborn Foal 05/30/03-06/01/03 Cathie Perrault
Cody Paint Pony 05/06-10/18/06 Austin Thompson
Cody Papillion 01/17/03-05/09/05 Jeanne Patrick
Cody Passamani Husky 1993-09/27/08 Linda Letto
Cody Paul DeGannett Dog 11/08/08-01/01/11 Mary Ann
Cody Pearson Shepherd Lab Mix 12 years 09/10/10 Jane Pearson
Cody Pembroke Welsh Corgi 11/12/92-08/16/05 Barbara
Cody Pembroke Welsh Corgi 12/17/00-12/29/10 Laurie Spease
Cody Pembrooke Welsh Corgi 07/06/90-05/06/02 Mark and Gail Sisco
Cody Perfect Corgi Mix 08/29/90-03/15/04 Jan Harvey
Cody Persian Mix Cat 8 years 05/01/00 Meredith
Cody Peters Shepherd Mix 7 years 04/04/09 Candice Peters
Cody Pierce Toy Poodle 1987-02/02/01 Aunt Jayne, and Peter and Tasha
Cody Pointer 06/07/02-03/08/05 Amanda, Wayne, Emily and Daniel
Cody Pomeranian 02/11/91-08/23/04 Will Vasconcelles
Cody Pomeranian 03/22/04-03/19/18 Ellen
Cody Pomeranian 04/25/94-08/30/00 The Sabat family
Cody Pomeranian 04/26/99-06/26/04 Matthew
Cody Pomeranian 05/22/03-03/25/14 Edward and Lisa Boryszewski
Cody Pomeranian 07/15/95-02/23/12 Maureen Roberts
Cody Pomeranian 1/22/98-04/06/98 Lori Cantrell
Cody Pomeranian 1994-07/24/06 Ho-Yim Family
Cody Pomeranian 2 Jul 92-8 Dec 06 Paul & Mary-Lou Hagelberg
Cody Poochon 10/19/06-02/22/19 Tracy McKinney
Cody Poodle 02/20/95-04/06/05 Mary Ann
Cody Poodle 03/20/92-09/06/10 Susan and Joe
Cody Poodle 12/04/01-06/04/15 Neil Isdaner
Cody Poovatana Toy Poodle 11/28/98-07/27/16 Leena Poovatana
Cody Portz Pembroke Welsh Corgi 12/25/98-08/12/13 Peg Portz
Cody Pound Puppy 13 years 07/02/06 Mary Jane
Cody Powell American Eskimo Dog 01/16/92-01/31/07 Debbie Powell
Cody Pup T Jack Russell 03/97-09/22/12 Debbie, Ken & Sarah
Cody Quarter Horse Liz Shea
Cody Quill Chow Mix 03/18/04-05/03/07 Don and Wanda
Cody Rabbit 2 years 12/11/03 Beth, All The Greenhill Staff and Vollenters
Cody Rag Doll/Maine Coon Cat 05/23/09-01/22/11 Trisha
Cody Rat Terrier 12 years 10/20/03 David and Chris Cash
Cody Rath Dachshund 09/90-11/25/05 Cindy Rath
Cody Redford Quarter Horse Gelding 05/01/61-11/30/99 Kristi A. Tackett
Cody Rios Black Golden Retriever 11/07/11 Maria Leticia Rios
Cody Ritchie Black Lab 03/01/00-01/14/14 Lisa M & Ashley K
Cody Roberts Ferret 02/12/06-01/18/10 Chris Roberts
Cody Rohr Golden Retriever 07/25/92-08/08/04 Chip, Nancy, Ginger and Carly
Cody Rohr Golden Retriever 07/25/92-10/08/04 Nancy
Cody Rohrsen Cocker Spaniel 07/04/93-02/05/10 Debra Rohrsen
Cody Rottie Mix 01/01/93-01/12/07 Kathy Ellis
Cody Rottweiler 03/24/02-12/18/06 Jim, Jill and Andy
Cody Rottweiler 08/08/03-04/15/16 Dianne Moore
Cody Rottweiler 12/22/95-03/18/05 Andy Duda
Cody Rottweiler 1992-07/09/00 Terence Murphy
Cody Rottweiler 2005 Ralph and Pat Russell
Cody Rottweiler/German Shepherd Mix 01/28/04-04/10/13 Amanda Quinn
Cody Rottweiler/German Shepherd Mix 16 years 04/28/06 Roseanne
Cody Rusian Blue Mix Cat 06/26/02 Jan Jacobsen
Cody Russian Blue Cat 01/05/86-09/15/97 Lori Martinez
Cody Sacks Black Lab 02/11/94-02/03/07 Jules Sacks
Cody Samoyed 05/10/90-01/23/04 Tammy, Betty & Johnny
Cody Samoyed 11/13/96-04/14/11 Linda and Allie Foley
Cody Samoyed 13 years 01/02/04 Ann Thompson
Cody Schnauzer 09/2000-09/22/11 Cindy
Cody Schnauzer 09/28/08 Joanne & Jim, Brother Mattie
Cody Scout Golden Retriever 11/26/98-09/19/05 Robin Isomaki
Cody Seitz Yorkie 08/28/95-03/34/07 Peggy Seitz
Cody Shackman Shih Tzu 04/09/90-07/11/07 Holly Shackman
Cody Sheehan Lab 10/07/93-06/18/08 Joann and Mike
Cody Sheltie 01/29/95-12/30/10 Sue M
Cody Sheltie 01/31/98-03/30/10 Michael Kallison
Cody Sheltie 02/21/94-11/05/06 Rod, Pattie, Christy & Brianne
Cody Sheltie 03/16/89-12/21/01 Bob, Debbie, Michael, Casey, & Muffin
Cody Sheltie 03/18/98-04/14/09 Pat
Cody Sheltie 04/10/93-08/11/01 Patty Felts
Cody Sheltie 05/17/90-09/21/95 Jane Yannetti
Cody Sheltie 05/29/94 Toni Rinella & Rosemary Hurley
Cody Sheltie 12/04/93-07/06/09 Barbie O'Malley
Cody Sheltie 14 years 10/13/07 Abrams Family
Cody Sheltie 15 years 03/09/10 Jessica Moore
Cody Sheltie 15 years 08/04/07 Kim Klimek
Cody Sheltie Mix 12/05/96-01/21/11 Kathy Pelletier
Cody Sheltland Sheepdog 12/08/91-02/14/04 Cathy Larocco
Cody Shepherd Lab Roti Cross 10 years 11/12/11 Andre
Cody Shepherd Mix 01/26/95-01/26/12 Eric Brignoni
Cody Shepherd Mix 09/14/08-12/27/13 Bruce D
Cody Shepherd Mix 12/01/93-02/02/08 Sara, Lexi, Matt
Cody Shepherd Mix 12/01/93-12/19/06 Jennifer
Cody Shepherd/Collie 07/27/95-04/16/09 Maria
Cody Shepherd/Collie Cross 14 years 05/13/06 Mike McCoy and Brian Smith
Cody Shepherd/Greyhound Mix 14 years 12/16/06 Tom Elder
Cody Shepherd/Husky/Neufy Mix 11/25/86-08/01/01 Kim
Cody Shepherd/Lab Mix 09/24/00-08/23/10 Carol and Chris Diliberto
Cody Shepherd/Lab Mix 13 years 09/23/10 Norma Manning
Cody Shepherd-Heeler 07/26/99-02/15/13 Rene' & Paul Weech
Cody Shetland Sheepdog 04/16/92-09/08/00 Jan Sundry
Cody Shetland Sheepdog 05/15/99-08/13/08 Luella May
Cody Shetland Sheepdog 08/14/04-03/05/20 Rick and Kimberly Mottern
Cody Shetland Sheepdog 09/15/03-08/28/13 Ashley
Cody Shetland Sheepdog 15 years 01/31/08 Kristine
Cody Shiba Inu 11/18/06-10/24/20 Judy
Cody Shih Tzu 05/06/94-06/17/08 Ida Gross and Millie White
Cody Shih Tzu 06/21/06-05/30/15 Susan Heater
Cody Shih Tzu almost 12 years 12/05/00 Nadine
Cody Shih-Tzu 09/19/93-03/21/07 The Luza Family
Cody Short Hair Cat 04/01/99-04/18/08 Margie Roussell
Cody Short Haired Domestic Cat 10/04/94-05/08/11 Amanda Fitzgerald
Cody Short Haired Grey Cat 8 years 11/20/03 Melanie
Cody Shuh Tzu 11/94-07/23/09 The Place Family. Chris, Lynn, Jacey and Cassey
Cody Siamese Cat 08/05/04 Andrea
Cody Siamese Cat 7 years 12/13/08 Kiley
Cody Siamese Mix Cat 10/01/89-08/30/00 Lisa Griffith
Cody Siamese Sealpoint Mix Cat 17 years 05/28/05 Robert
Cody Siberian Husky 02/25/01 Dana Didomenico
Cody Siberian Husky 09/22/99-10/21/10 Vicky
Cody Siberian Husky 12/15/02-05/13/06 Barbara Corby
Cody Siberian Husky 15 years 02/24/12 Vickie King
Cody Siberian Husky 15 years 04/28/10 Betty, Ben, Chelsea and all the grandkids she loved
Cody Siberian Husky 2 years 04/20/00 Sue, SVHS
Cody Siberian Husky 81/2 years 09/15/07 Maryann and Ray
Cody Sicignano Cat 15 years 06/01/05 Deborah Sicignano
Cody Silverfox Pomeranian 04/26/04 Tammy, Will, Preston and Neal Richardson
Cody Simpson Windbeam Black Labrador Retriever 03/06/90-05/02/03 Jacky Markferding
Cody Ski Beagle/Boston Terrier 02/25/07-08/01/08 Nikki Monahan
Cody Smooth Collie 12/12/00-01/11/11 Sandy Aaron
Cody Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier 14 years 09/04/07 Andrea & Ed
Cody Spaniel Mix 06/04/92-11/20/02 Lawrence and Sandra Vilt
Cody Spaniel/Lab Mix 05/99-03/15/06 Deborah Meszaros
Cody Springer Spaniel/Poodle 10/31/97-06/30/06 Dana & Cindy
Cody St. Bernard, Lab, German Shepherd Mix 02/87-06/21/03 Ralph and Debbie
Cody Staffie 13 years 03/13/15 Julie
Cody Stafford Shire Bull Terrier 7 years 04/17/03 Chloe Clegg-Townsend
Cody Staffy X 2 years 01/27/09 Nicky Hickling
Cody Standard Poodle 10/03/99-02/28/08 Fran Glcik
Cody Stanton Cocker Spaniel 09/09/93-09/24/02 Rebecca & Jennifer Utley
Cody StJean St Bernard/Shar Pei 01/01/98-10/13/10 Rebecca & Eric StJean
Cody Symanski DSH Cat 09/08/95-04/26/13 Renie Symanski
Cody Tabby Cat 01/14/04-08/01/05 Shirley Cunningham
Cody Tabby Cat 01/30/96-10/05/01 Marie Andrews
Cody Tabby Cat 03/01/89-10/07/00 Bill
Cody Tabby Cat 06/01/84-06/03/05 Barbara and Jill Johnson
Cody Tabby Cat 08/99-07/11/05 Carol Marraccini
Cody Tabby Cat 16 years 18/26/07 Sheila Cook
Cody Tabby Cat 18 years 07/2012 Russ, Nichole, Katie, Isaac, Eli, Sam
Cody Tabby Cat 6 years 10/13/08 Bonnie Marshall
Cody Tardy Lab/Border Collie 12/07/01-01/14/10 Linda and Amy Tardy
Cody Teal Gray Cat 15 years 07/19/10 Monica and Steve Brink
Cody Terrier Mix 06/20/11 Debbie
Cody Terri-Poo 07/13-10/29/09 Helene
Cody terripoo 3 months 08/76 Kim Carnahan
Cody The Cougar Domestic Shorthair Cat 2005-03/02/12 Laura Chick and Eric Hamersly
Cody The Dude Shorthair Cat 06/01/90-04/13/04 Brigid and Dave
Cody the wonder dog Waffle Hound 14 years 12/29/09 Tim Mack
Cody Thomas Black Lab 05/11/93-07/29/05 Luann Thomas
Cody Toy Poodle 12/13/13 Kim Faver
Cody Trey Nance Cocker Spaniel 12 years 12/12/05 Elly Nance
Cody Tuxedo Cat 17 years 06/26/09 Gail Ed Adam & Brian Hueter
Cody Tyler Golden Retriever 03/12/95-02/03/09 Vonda and Larry Meyer
Cody Tyson Boxer 11 years 06/03/09 Lia Negrete
Cody Visla 14 years 03/26/13 Michael Carr
Cody Vizsla 12/13/86-07/10/96 Linda Hachtel
Cody Vogel Golden Retriever 10/10/91-02/15/05 Jean
Cody Warner Dog 01/21/96-04/14/12 John Warner
Cody Wayne Wofford Boston Terrier 10 years 08/24/08 Samantha Salain
Cody Weimaraner 03/30/00-03/19/10 Alison Jenkins
Cody Weimeraner 06/07/00-07/05/05 Shannon
Cody Wenrick Shih Tzu 02/10/07-07/23/20 Sheila Blake
Cody Westhighland Terrier 01/15/17 Suzi and Ed
Cody Westie 11/01/90-04/20/07 Judy Gieseke
Cody Wheaten Terrier Mix 10 years 02/18/06 Liz Spencer
Cody White Cat W/Blue Eyes 5 years 03/19/99 Adrienne Algoso
Cody White Shepherd 05/03/14 Brittany Anderson
Cody Wolf Hybrid 02/14/93-08/09/08 Janean and Bill Fuller
Cody Wrangler Jabl Bulkley Black Lab 14 years 08/22/09 Jenny, Angie, Billy & Lisa
Cody Wynn Boxer 14 years 04/21/08 Robby
Cody Wynn Boxer 14 years 04/22/08 Rob
Cody Yellow Lab 02/09/04-03/28/11 The King Family
Cody Yellow Lab 04/03/95-03/18/10 Mary
Cody Yellow Lab 05/08/89-01/14/00 Frank Kukurin
Cody Yellow Lab 07/17/97-08/09/09 Karen Freman
Cody Yellow Lab 08/15/06-06/25/20 Amy and Rick Johnston
Cody Yellow Lab 08/29/06-06/29/07 The Andreassen Family
Cody Yellow Lab 14 years 06/10/02 Daryl and Carol Colo
Cody Yellow Lab 3 years 12/29/04 Chris George
Cody Yellow Lab 7 years 05/20/08 Pam Madtson and Doug Newmiller
Cody Yellow Labrador 05/06/00-01/30/14 Kathy Hartung
Cody Yellow Labrador 13 years 05/28/11 John Barker
Cody Yellow Labrador Mix 12 years 05/19/03 Jordan Barber
Cody Yellow Labrador Retriever 04/13/03-01/09/07 Kim Jones
Cody Yellow Labrador Retriever 08/13/90-09/25/02 Cris and Paul Balkam
Cody Yellow Labrador Retriever 10/18/95-08/19/04 Guy & Cathy Stringer
Cody Yellow Labrador Retriever 12/04/94-04/19/04 Kristen Marshall
Cody Yorkie/Maltese 05/10/89-07/25/98 Rob & Sheila Nelson
Cody Yorkie/Poodle 04/24/08 Linda Reiter
Cody Yorkshire 10/24/98-09/18/06 Lynn Voges
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 08/04/95-01/28/96 Ron, Debbie, Kelly, Courtney, Buster, & Abby Russell
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 08/07/06-09/17/10 Simon
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 08/14/94-08/20/07 Jill L
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 09/17/06-01/27/14 Gui
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 12/21/07-10/17/09 John Buha
Cody Yorkshire Terrier 12/23/89-06/26/03 Joyce Sapp
Cody Zajac Maine Coon Cat 10 years 07/16/12 Pete and Shannon Zajac
Cody, Billy Beav German Shepherd 15 years 02/01/10 Bonnie
Cody, Dakota's Code of Honor German Shepherd 10/16/95-01/12/95 Anna
CodyBear Longhair Cat 17 years 05/10/11 Tina Pond
Codybear Montanari Great Pyr/Samoyed Mix 11/08/94-02/01/05 Cindy
Codybear St. Bernard Mix 10/31/96-02/07/02 Donna Hughes
Cody-Belle Brittany 08/94-06/19/08 Ann Marie and Bob
CodyBlue Royal Rocks Best Boy Collie 05/17/95-05/25/06 Stacy
Codyman Pomeranian 07/28/98-01/22/14 William Britt
Codyrex Golden Retriever/Malamute 07/11/98-07/02/12 Paula and Dale Allen
Coedwigs's Perfect Crime a.k.a Clue Cardigan Corgi 04/09/98-09/17/11 Kim & Ron Clements
Coei Cat 04/05/01-12/18/07 Agi Bako
Coffee Black and White Striped Tiger Cat 11/23/99 Becky
Coffee Black Labrador Retriever 03/13/94-04/28/09 Joanna Nuckols
Coffee Border Collie/Spaniel 04/17/83-11/29/99 Lorrie, John and Kids
Coffee Cat 14 years 10/13/12 Eileen Swift
Coffee Cat 4 years 08/25/04 Cindy Pomroy
Coffee Christensen German Elkadore Retriever Hound 12/23/93-07/03/07 John Christensen
Coffee Cocker 05/01/05-05/16/07 Leonardo Ramirez Crespo
Coffee DSH Cat 06/01/92-05/16/05 Patty Nee
Coffee Dutch Rabbit 1 month 05/09/10 Rika
Coffee Dwarf Lionhead Mix Bunny 07/27/10-08/04/11 Anna Hartner
Coffee Golden Retriever 01/96-06/02/05 Donna Kummer
Coffee Quarter Horse 1970-09/19/02 Jessica Garrison
Coffee Shepherd Mix 1993-07/15/08 Myrna Torres
Coffee Shepherd-Husky Mix 04/01/82-12/18/96 John Mansueto
Coffee Spitz 18 years 13 Aug, 07 Amman
Coffee Tortie Cat 13 years 1 month 01/04/13 Dean
Coffee Yorkshire Terrier 12 years 11/23/98 Sis
Coffey Chocolate Lab. 09/02/06-10/28/07 Shannon
Coffey Dog 15 years 04/08/00 Kathe Riehl
Coffey Mixed Breed Dog 15 years 04/08/00 Kathe
Coffey Poodle Mix 16? years 01/24/04 Judy and Jon Desenberg
Coggy Black Lab 01/11/86-08/18/03 Lyn McGinnis
Cognac Boxer 09/01/06-06/12/17 MB and Bob Matta
Cognac Cat 18 years 02/12/03 Sylvia McKinley
Cognac Chapoulie Shih-Tzu 05/25/96-06/07/08 Mona
Cognac Keeshond 11/05/85-09/22/99 Carol Semmerling
Cognac Poodle 10/03/99 Diane
Cognac Rottweiler 06/02/89-07/17/00 Andy- Lisa Michael- Aaron Medina
Cognac Sheltie 01/16/99-01/26/07 Lisa Stein
Cognac Shep X 04/82-08/11/98 Phil Rizzardi
Cognac Siberian Husky 2001-10/08/03 Lorraine Healy, Angelo Mone, Husky House
Cogzie Guinea Pig 5 years 01/08/96 Kea
Cohen Silver Lab 08/06/11-08/08/12 Michelle Hammero
Coho Cat 08/01/93-07/23/03 Hadley Fried
Coho Pomeranian 08/11/97-06/06/10 Jeannie Schenderline
Coin Dog 02/17/95-07/28/10 Mindi
Cojack Tortoise Shell Cat 01/27/89-06/13/09 Sherry Soforic
Cojack Vom Wolf Run German Shepherd 1/25/98-06/11/99 Mike, Teri & Brent Dickman
Cojo Shih Zu 2002-04/29/08 Susan
Cojoo Wolf Run German Shepherd 09/13/92-10/26/99 Mike & Teri & Brent & Jill
Coke Cat 04/17/04 Sherry & Lee Porter
Coke Moggy Cat 17/03/94-14/11/06 Caitlin French
Coke Poodle 1970's Patsy Fernandez
Cokebear Chow Mix 11/27/94-03/22/10 Mindi
Coker - nickname Dingo Dog Australian Cattle Dog 07/07/95-08/30/10 Joe and Tracy
Cokey Golden Retriever 13 years 02/19/99 Stacey
Coki Black Lab Mix 19 years 05/19/04 Charlie, Pattiann, Charlie+ Tara O'Neill
Coki Japanese Chin 07/16/01-01/02/13 Clarene Lee
Coki Pied Cockatiel 8 years 02/23/03 Megan Staples
Cokie Australian Shepherd 05/30/93-08/04/08 Julie Hoch
Cokie Black Maine Coon Cat 04/23/83-12/29/01 Christine Peugh
Cokie Boxer 02/08/93-03/02/04 Maria Gray
Cokie Chocolate Lab/Pit Bull Mix 9 years 12/12/07 Phyllis
Cokie Domestic Shorthair Cat 1 year 08/20/07 Wilson Family
Cokie Poodle 05/12/81-05/07/98 Leroy Wescovich
Cokis Dog 02/14/00-11/24/12 Corina
Coko Lhasa Apso 02/14/12-07/22/18 Mark Anthony F. Moreno
Coko Manning Siamese Cat 03/11/96-02/12/00 Amy Bog
Coko Shepherd, Terrier, Wolf Mix 05/31/74-06/16/90 Marsha Kanterman
Cokoa Toon Poodle 02/10/00-08/24/13 Renee Toon
Cokomo Dog 08/14/88-12/31/00 Evelyn and Dick Isherwood
Col Bernese Mountain Dog 9 years and 9 months 08/20/07 Pippa and Marc Colden
Col. Bouche Siamese Cat 07/12/89-07/26/00 Lisa Palm
Col. Klink Miniature Schnauzer 09/02/00-05/17/06 Barbara Mack/Shawn & Sam Renn
Cola (My Cola Butt) Chow Mix 3 years 03/19/04 Carlos C. and Stacy H.
Cola Aus. Shep Mix 9 1/2 years 12/13/93 Elaine Knoop
Cola Cat 1 1/2 years 11/30/01 Kale and Scott
Cola Cat 12/10/09 Emily
Cola Cat 23/02/07 Karen Paul Olivia George & Ella
Cola Cat 6 years 07/20/10 Caitlin
Cola Chocolate Lab 11 years 04/21/08 Kim Paschen
Cola Collie 14 years 08/21/06 Janie & Andy
Cola Dakota black DSH Cat with one white shoulder 16 years 05/28/95 Diane (dakota) Robish
Cola Golden Retriever 03/31/95-10/19/05 Janet & David Karpan
Cola Rabbit 2 years Martin Smith
Cola Sheltie 11/97-06/2002 Rhonda Mager
Cola Short Hair Orange Cat 12 1/2 months 10/04/01 Debbie Brockholm
Cola Staffie 01/04/01-07/06/06 Nikki and Mark Disney
Cola Tortoise Shell Cat 2 years 01/27/05 Louann
Cola Tortoiseshell Tabby Cat 08/01/83-02/13/99 Elizabeth Follenfant
Colada Calico Cat 17 years 04/01/96 Steven Palmer
Colada Cat 03/87-10/27/02 J Langerock
Colbi Cat 17 years 09/10/11 Kathy
Colbie Golden Retriever 8 years 03/23/17 Emmy, Brian, Cayden, Grayson and Brutus Kreinberg
Colbie Lee Pham Maltese 04/01/04-11/06/11 Chanel Pham
Colbie Maltese 09/28/09-08/05/20 Jen Jensen
Colbi-Jack Dog 01/09/99-08/06/05 Mark and Mary Mitten
Colburn St Bernard / German Shepherd 10/22/07-02/23/21 Gregg Essex
Colby (Coal Bear) Cocker Spaniel 04/11/90-05/02/02 Bev Chandler
Colby Akita-Lab Mix 11 1/2 years 03/04/08 Wendy, Brad, Will and Noah
Colby Australian Shepherd 11/05/99-03/02/08 Teresa Padgett
Colby Beagle 13 years 12/23/09 Deborah Burke
Colby Bearded Collie 15 1/2 years 03/06/09 Catherine Grams
Colby Bichon 03/19/07-09/17/16 Marilyn
Colby Bichon Frise 05/09/11 Cindy Bush
Colby Black Lab 05/12/03 Susan
Colby Black Lab 05/93-02/2007 S. Schehl
Colby Black Lab 12 years 04/11/05 Robert Harris
Colby Black Labrador 06/21/96-06/28/05 Cindy & Cristina Buckingham
Colby Black Short Haired Cat 08/20/02 Annette Daigle
Colby Border Collie 06/01/87-11/28/02 Gerri Himberger
Colby Cat 03/01/01-10/29/18 Emily Held
Colby Cat 07/24/00 Sally Rice
Colby Cat 07/31/86-09/22/00 Judy
Colby Cat 10/13/03-05/19/08 Sara
Colby Cat 12/07/90-11/22/99 Karen Ingle
Colby Chihuahua Mix 12/10/94-05/25/08 Joy
Colby Cinders Domestic Short Hair Black Cat 04/11/01-04/05/12 Kim
Colby Clinton Weimaraner 04/19/04-08/18/08 Susan & Taylor Nierling
Colby Cocker Spaniel 07/27/02 Debbie
Colby Dog 02/14/84-02/10/97 Debbie Lacoste
Colby Dog 10/11/06 Ming
Colby Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/16/06 Rachel
Colby Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/01/00-02/18/11 Kathy Viggiano
Colby Domestic short hair Cat 05/83-06/24/02 Lisa Daniels
Colby Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/15/01-12/15/10 Jean Langevin
Colby Donaldson Watkins Shar Pei adopted 2001-05/09/07 Brenda Watkins
Colby DSH Cat 09/22/02-10/16/12 Bob
Colby English Bulldog 12/15/99-05/16/09 Donna Duby
Colby Fancy Rat 01/07/05-11/20/07 Amanda and Matt
Colby Flat-Coated Retriever 03/09/98-11/25/05 Jen, Camille, Jim, Weis
Colby Frost Maloy Himalayan Cat 09/19/92-06/20/11 Elizabeth F Maloy
Colby German Shepherd/Boxer 04/21/00-06/20/12 Andrea
Colby Ginger Tabby Cat 09/89-04/05/05 Gwen Gascon
Colby Golden Retriever 02/11/16 Scott and Sherry Garrison
Colby Golden Retriever 06/03/94-02/17/07 Catherine D. Coombs
Colby Golden Retriever 11 years 03/12/05 Candace OBP
Colby Greyhound 06/18/12-08/11/20 Faith
Colby Grimes Shepherd/Lab Mix 03/13/01-01/18/12 Joe & Melissa Grimes
Colby Husky Mix nearly 14 years 02/08/07 Kerry Fagelman
Colby Jack Cocker Spaniel 04/13/97-07/08/09 Elizabeth Heelan
Colby Jack JRT 09/13/18 De
Colby Jack Kuhn Yellow Labrador 04/01/98-02/16/11 Richard Kuhn
Colby Jack Russell 2001-2017 Renee & Valerie
Colby Jack Russell Terrier MJM
Colby Jack Tabby Cat 06/12/01-04/11/07 Caroline Mueller
Colby James Pit Bull 08/01/99-08/31/10 Julie, Lawrence, & Dolores Romano
Colby Jane Border Collie 1996-2011 Rod & Debbie
Colby Kelsey Cricket Hill Black Miniature Schnauzer 02/29/88-08/18/05 Angel Hill & Paul Nuzum
Colby Lab/Sharpei/Cattle Dog Mix 5 years 02/20/08 Julie Wienski & Chandra Hartman
Colby Labrador 05/10/03-01/25/14 Chuck and Vicki
Colby Labrador Retriever 05/10/03-01/25/14 Chuck & Vicki
Colby Labrador Retriever 12/01/01-12/24/02 Crystal and Nick Thomas
Colby Lee Siberian 01/01/92-12/22/07 Steven Sible
Colby Levi Domestic Shorthair Cat 11/15/97-08/23/13 Crystol
Colby Long Haired Guinea Pig 3 years 10/10/97 Carolyn
Colby Lynn Graddy Yellow Lab 08/10/98-01/19/09 Marian Griffin
Colby Maine Coon Cat 09/20/99 Mary McDonald
Colby McGary Chocolate Labrador Retriever 12 years 10/14/11 Beverley
Colby Mix Dog 12/17/94-07/10/08 Sue and Butch
Colby Mixed Dog 02/25/12-02/11/16 Bob and Liz Scannell
Colby Mixed Dog 06/09/11 Janet
Colby Persian Cat 07/19/02-10/29/11 Nancy Heabner
Colby Persian Cat 10/01/01-05/29/10 Darlene
Colby Rat Terrier 03/20/92-04/24/08 Joanne Bonk
Colby Russo Cairn Terrier 13 years 06/30/08 Michelle & Vito Russo
Colby Schnauzer Mix Cheryl Hoeve
Colby Shetland Sheepdog 03/26/01-11/21/12 Joanne
Colby Siberian Husky 07/18/99-11/18/00 Jami & Paul
Colby Walker American Shorthair Cat 3 years 09/01/03 Lisa D. Walker
Colby Yellow Lab 03/22/02-12/27/06 Roger and Francis Goodwin
Colby Yorkie 03/04/95-03/06/99 Ginny
Colby Yorkshire Terrier 02/04/02-11/08/05 Gail Brady
Colby Young Entry Davis TB Horse 01/01/90-07/15/10 Jamie Davis
Colbyjack DSH Cat 08/25/97-07/07/10 Terri
Colby's Encantress Rottweiler 02/25/91-07/25/03 David & Jackie Medeiros
Colden Chocolate Lab 08/06/97-12/28/08 Kathleen Park
Colden Mix Dog 2007 Ashley
Cole aka Moses Orange Tabby Cat 01/95-01/12/12 Pat and Dave Blackstone for Alma Coleman
Cole All Black Mixed Breed Cat 04/03/00-08/05/14 Chris Cumming
Cole American Short Hair Cat 01/23/00-11/17/03 Stacy and Mark Koruba
Cole Beagle 07/03/02-05/14/13 Stacy Legerski
Cole Black Cat 04/22/04-05/16/08 Pat Standifer
Cole Black Cat 1 year 02/29/08 Monica and Steve Brink
Cole Black Domestic Cat 10/16/99-05/04/05 Mae
Cole Black Lab 01/16/91-08/08/04 Bob and Sheena Connors
Cole Black Lab 05/08/00-12/26/06 Sandra Speice
Cole Black Lab 13 years 12/04/06 Larry Holmquist
Cole Black Lab 1996-03/23/01 Paula Engel
Cole Black Lab Mix 07/01/98-05/22/11 Margaret Crandall
Cole Black Lab/Dalmatian 06/94-08/18/05 Angie Jefferis-King
Cole Black Lab/German Shepherd 01/04/95-04/04/09 Kimberly Ridl
Cole Black Labrador 05/09/11 Sara Ashley Peterson
Cole Blue/Grey Shorthair Cat 5 years 08/11/08 Christine Cubbison
Cole Cat 01/11/07 Mel
Cole Cat 03/03/93-01/29/00 Kelly, Sebastian, Tiger
Cole Cat 10/98-12/25/12 Angela
Cole Cat 11/02/99-26/06/00 Debbie Lowdon
Cole Cat 5 years 08/27/06 Tiffany
Cole Cat 6 years 01/04/15 Cory Moshman
Cole Catahoula 01/10/92-05/22/92 Jennifer Gailey
Cole Chihuahua 01/01/93-04/08/05 Lisa Parker
Cole Chinese Crested Dog 02/08/11 Jeff
Cole 'Coco' Cat 04/30/07-04/29/17 Tammy Bartholome
Cole Crabtree Bichon Frise 07/01/05-05/18/13 Lou & Alan Crabtree
Cole Craig Black Lab Found 10/07-11/16/07 Tiffany, Reiley, Shadow, Vel, and Modem
Cole Doberman 08/13/01-10/30/09 Kelli
Cole Dog 07/11/14 John S. Tuite
Cole Dog 08/29/05-06/05/11 Roanne Gaea Irigayen
Cole Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/29/02-07/28/03 Jan
Cole DSH Black Cat 03/09/01-04/25/05 Cary & Antoinette
Cole DSH Black Cat 08/10-03/28/06 Cappi Duncan
Cole German Shepherd 10/23/97-02/03/05 Michele Ferguson
Cole Great Dane Puppy 03/06/99-06/27/99 Sandy Morin
Cole Horse 1983-05/10/01 Daileen Lynch
Cole Lab 12/01/03 Jack
Cole Lab 14 years 06/26/07 Keith & Debbie Fowler
Cole Lab 5 years 10/28/00 Susan Bogue & Rob Myslik, Ripley, and Taffy
Cole Lab Mix 05/03/02-04/25/12 Charlene & Nick Persich
Cole Lab Mix 9 years 7 months 06/11/10 Patrick, Joann, Cassandra and Andraia Shenefelt
Cole Lab/Border Collie Mix 1997-05/02/08 Wendy Fulginiti
Cole Labradoodle 11/2003-10/02/16 Doug Dole & Family
Cole Labrador Retriever 07/19/12-02/21/17 Amy Z
Cole Labrador Retriever 10/15/00-03/07/11 Steve, Yvonne and Koby Razzeca
Cole Man Cat 08/22/08-05/18/11 Laura
Cole Mastiff 21 months 05/02/10 Barry
Cole McKenzie Belgian Tervuren 03/03/03-08/01/06 Suzanne McKenzie
Cole Miniature Schnauzer 12/15/92-08/18/05 Shannon Morey
Cole Miniature Terrier/Poodle Mix 01/16/00-10/27/03 Vicki
Cole Mixed Breed Dog 10/91-03/28/05 Jennifer Gaeta
Cole Petroff Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/10/04-03/15/08 Nicole Petroff
Cole Phillips Great Dane/Lab Mix 05/96-06/16/06 Dawn Phillips
Cole Pitbull 12 years 07/18/11 Jonathan Jones
Cole Porter Mixed Cat 05/28/09 Barbara Dean
Cole Porter Short Hair Black Cat 18 years 07/10/08 Grace E
Cole Ragdoll Cat 7 years 01/21/06 Jennifer Lee
Cole Rottweiler/Dalmation Mix 11/12/90-05/28/02 Mike Kidd
Cole Schnauzer 06/02/04-07/29/11 Terri
Cole Short Hair Cat 05/01/07-03/22/12 Kimberly McGraw
Cole Short Hair Kitty 07/2002-12/06/03 Elizabeth
Cole Snoodle 10/01/02-06/12/18 Kelly Bennett
Cole Tuxedo Cat 08/27/00-01/21/06 Michael & Krista Scott
Cole Vallejo Lab 4 1/2 months 06/05/06 L. A.
Cole Verda Lab Mix 13 years 06/06/09 Kelly, Ashley, Jamie & Chris Verda
Cole Wolf Great Dane 06/21/04 Amber and Morgan Wolf and Blake Arkwood
Cole Yorkie 08/19/06-04/20/09 Lorey Watkins
Cole, My Little Coleman Cat 08/01/98-07/10/06 Nikki Davis
Coleen Border Collie Geri
Coleman (Da Bullet) DSH Black & White Tuxedo Cat 11/12/96-04/09/02 Johnny & Susan Trevino
Coleman Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/19/10-12/30/15 The Leal Family
Coleman DSH Cat 6 years 04/11/13 Grace Knoof
Coleman Shepherd Akita Mix 6 years 04/18/05 Debra Grace Anderson
Coleman Short Hair Domestic Tabby Cat 08/92-05/98 The Liedtke Family
Coleman Toy Poodle 11 years 09/25/11 Mary Sue Foster
Colen Grey Cat 1993-12/01/02 Martha Troian
Colen Grey Cat c.1993-12/01/02 Martha Troian
Cole's Yankee Candi Kisses of Nutmeg Miniature Poodle 10/15/04-02/07/06 Dianne
Coletown Lab/GSD Mix 01/85-11/24/98 Kramer family
Coletrane Dalmatian/Mix 1 1/2 years 04/09/99 Walker family
Colette Dog 11/24/00 Isaac
Colette Hammer Papillion/Poodle Mix 01/05/89-12/11/03 Debbie Hammer
Colette Tortoiseshell Cat 17 years 09/20/10 Laurie Huff
Coley Dwarf Rabbit 11/01/98-07/16/06 Jennifer & Shawn
Coley Miniature Schnauzer 10 years 05/28/10 Niki
Coley Poodle 04/06/06 The Kluessendorfs
Coley Sheltie 01/23/90-01/11/01 Gordon, Suzy, Anna-Liisa, Benjamin, Kirin & Abbott
Colida's Mar Joy (Penny) Appaloosa Horse 05/19/74-10/06/06 Jane
Colie Cat 05/2005-01/06/09 Robin
Colie Dog 12 years 06/29/09 Michelle
Colie Sheltie 1988 Debra Crisafi
Colin Baby Goat 3 weeks 05/09/06 Celestine
Colin Cat 7 years 07/12/04 Deb Champlin
Colin Collie 04/26/96-05/14/07 Karen Pfeiffer
Colin Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/97-01/15/04 Jennifer King
Colin Domestic Shorthair Cat 2 years 09/10/06 Jessi Mather
Colin Katte Maran British Shorthair Mix Cat 10/28/12-12/01/13 Silje Hatloe Hagen
Colin King Tortoiseshell Cat 21 years 13/08/10 Maria King
Colin Our Collie Border Collie 04/08/97-13/04/09 Gillian & David Style
Colin Ragdoll Cross Cat 07/27/09-11/20/11 Tracey
Colin Yellow Tabby Cat 19 years 08/01/04 Susan E. Gordon
Colin Yorkshire Terrier 08/01/81-06/12/98 Norman A. Wiekamp
Colita English Springer Spaniel 02/08/97-04/28/08 Jack and Donna Keller
Colitas Maltese-Terrier Mix 08/21/09 Lisbeth Alvarado Sanchez
Collar American Silkie Guinea Pig 11/23/03-01/10/13 Jazmin
Collar Australian Shepherd 07/04/90-09/17/04 Rob Wakeley
Collby Mixed Dog 02/25/12-02/11/16 Bob and Liz Scannell
Colleen - Eriyn Rat Terrier 15 years 08/17/05 Teresa
Colleen Dog 2 years 05/25/98 Marian
Colleen Greyhound 12/01/04-11/28/11 Randy & Wanda Myers
Colleen Labrador Retriever 05/25/01-08/08/08 Phil Conner
Colleen Longhair Muted Calico Cat 15 years 03/14/03 Rhonda Hageman
Colleen Old English Sheepdog 11/20/91-04/17/04 Karen A.Thornton
Colleen Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) 17 years 28 April 2009 Amy
Colleen Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 04/30/96-07/26/11 Audrey Plowes
Collette Yorkie 02/14/84-08/18/02 P. Maxheim
Collie 04/26/02 Carol
Collie 07/24/00 Gail
Collie 08/02/06 Kelly
Collie Cattypuss Domestic Shorthair Black and White Cat 12/21/89-08/24/05 Phil Davies
Collie Gerbil 02/10/07 Joy
Collier Great Dane 11 years 11/12/05 Erin Dent
Collier Min Schnauzer 8 years 11/06/10 J. Frost
Collies (3) Died in house fire 12/29/98 Allene & Tom KcKewen
Collin Am Shorthair; Gray Tabby Cat 12/27/11 Karen Devlin
Collin Flat Coat Retriever/Border Collie Mix 15 years 10/03/06 Andrea and Rick
Collin Shepherd Mix 14 years 07/24/02 Jane Hardiman
Collin Yorkie 09/19/90-03/03/06 Becca
Collins Cat 05/15/05-07/01/05 Holly
Collins German Shepherd 1 year 01/04/23 Carlos Danaan
Collins Patrick Domestic Short Hair Cat 18 years 05/07/17 Elizabeth Mazzio
Collins Yellow Labrador 11/11/90-06/27/99 Ron & Karen
Collossus Boxer 08/98-06/08/04 Donna & Don
Colly Conway Yorkshire Terrier 14 years 19/01/11 Colly Conway
Collyn Border Collie 11/27/01-08/26/06 Martha and Sean McCormick
Colombo Seal Point Siamese Cat 05/06/80-12/26/00 Ann Smith
Colonel American Cocker Spaniel 06/12/97-10/03/00 Chris Buff
Colonel Beagle 11/01/91-07/01/03 Felecia Shaw-Pernoski
Colonel Belgian Draft Horse 1991-01/14/04 Tim Manson
Colonel Black Labrador 13 1/2 years 03/21/99 Virginia Rymal
Colonel C. Chip Dalmatian 02/01/92-06/30/03 Kande Dixon
Colonel Cat Bartontree
Colonel Chow-Chow 08/31/94-03/03/09 Cathy Howell
Colonel Collie/Irish Setter Mix 12/15/77-07/23/77 Nancy L. Ross
Colonel Curio Senegal Parrot 09/21/96-06/09/98 Donna
Colonel Dachshund 05/80-09/21/91 Bill and Cindy Brown
Colonel Dachshund 15 years 02/09/97 Shelby Wooley
Colonel English Bulldog 08/04/94-08/19/02 Don & Christina Lavalette
Colonel English Bulldog 10 years 02/18/05 Jamie Newbegin
Colonel Firbin Gold Tabby Cat 02/14/99 09/12/99 Torey Ewen
Colonel Gassett Dachshund 9 years 08/27/04 Deke & Keri
Colonel German Shepherd Dog 12 years 01/11/05 Carrie Donnelly
Colonel Golden Retriever 13 years Kim Maslin
Colonel John Singleton Mosby Grey Striped Tabby Cat 13 years 02/15/05 Sandra Henderson
Colonel Kirby Cocker Spaniel 11/20/04 Cooper
Colonel Klink Miniature Dachshund 06/18/92-04/11/00 Lisa Crea
Colonel Manx Manx Cat 04/27/14-02/24/16 Amanda and Tim
Colonel Meow Himalayan Cat 2 years 01/29/14 Raven Poe
Colonel Samoyed 07/14/94-02/24/00 Adrienne & Jeff Ferraro
Colonel Sanders Half Lab/Half Doberman 13 years 04/20/11 Bob Barker
Colonel Simmons Black and White Cocker Spaniel 13 years 6 months 11/11/99 Carito
Colonel Wendell Mustard Yellow Tabby Cat 1 year Cliff and Marian
Colonel Yellow Lab 10+years 03/04/95 Nancy VanMullekom
Colonel Yorkshire Terrier 17 years 6 months 06/13/09 Rich and Carol Fudalej
Coloniel German Shepherd 11 years 09/29/04 Melisa
Color Mix Breed Dog 02/90-10/26/01 Brad & Darla Weissenfels
Colorado Blue Shadow (Boo-Boo) Pomeranian 02/24/00-03/21/10 Betty Loyless
Colorado Diversified Callie AQHA Horse 04/19/99-10/22/12 Natalie Wohlfert
Colorado Mist (Misty) Border Collie 03/25/85-04/27/99 Elaine and David Kahn
Colorado 'Rado' Golden Retriever 10/29/97-03/27/08 Karlene
Colorado Red American Staffordshire Terrier 02/16/88-02/28/01 Deana Rezner
Colorado Yellow Labrador Retriever 07/06/96-11/27/04 Lorie, Weston, Ed & Brian Williams
Colors Calico Cat 02/07/06 Sabie
Colors Calico Cat 17 years 02/02/08 Theresa Anders
Colors Calico Cat 17 years 06/09/06 Mark
Colors DSH-Calico Cat 01/92-11/29/07 Wayne and Kelly
Colour Cat 11/07/03 Gerry
Colours Boxer 07/11/97-02/16/09 Rachel, Keith, Maisie and Prince
Colt 3 days 04/13/16 Gloria O.
Colt Aussie 04/06/03-04/14/05 Erin Mofford
Colt Basenji 8 years Karla Phaneuf
Colt Chocolate Lab 13 years 12/13/09 Catherine Eisele
Colt Dog 12 years 03/09/07 Joe-Deb-Taylor Richards
Colt German Shepherd 06/28/11 David Lange
Colt German Shepherd/Greyhound Mix 13 years 08/24/09 Emily
Colt Great Dane 08/25/08-01/02/18 Dave, Jessika, Madisyn, Cain Williams
Colt Heene Border Collie/ German Shepherd Mix 5 years 08/30/08 Lisa
Colt Pit Bull 02/14/13-07/08/14 Hannah Nelson
Colt Pitbull/Aussie Mix 05/17/15-07/11/15 Whitney Bishop
Colton Boxer 7 years 03/24/08 Cheryl Walker
Colton Great Dane Mary Rad
Coltrane Cat 16 years 07/12/18 Mia
Coltrane Shackelford Yellow Tabby Cat 06/11/06-05/30/17 Chip and Angelia Shackelford
Colty Von Rottweiller 01/10/92-04/15/03 Kim and Pete Konrad
Columbia (Columbos) Balinese Cat 15 years Craig Freeman
Columbia DSH Cat 01/01/08-08/27/08 Amanda Houck
Columbo Beagle 13 years 04/24/10 Adele Cerrelli
Columbo Beagle 9 years 11/14/02 Natalie
Columbo Cat 04/09/97-05/01/06 Lori
Columbo Cat 05/10/93-01/17/07 Stephen Godjas
Columbo Orange & White Tabby Cat 04/09/97-05/01/06 Lori
Columbo Tushie Orange Long-Hair Cat 1 year 01/31/12 Shannon Attridge, Carol Carpenter
Columbus Budgie 1 years 08/26/08 Melody and Peter K
Columbus Cat 12 years 08/12/03 Jo & Eric Wechselblatt
Columbus Cat 16 years 03/14/01 Anne Taschetta
Columbus Rottweiler 09/10/94-02/19/97 Valerie
Columbus Solid White Turkish Angora Cat 01/01/89-06/05/02 Cathy
Columbus Yellow Alley Cat 13 years 11/24/98 Richard Ross
Columbus Yellow Lab 11 years 04/14/11 Patricia R
Coly Cat 04/21/14 Margo
Coma Pitbull 2 years 12/09/11 Desiree
Coma Pitty/Ridge Back 13/11/01-21/07/12 Camerron Newman and Natalie Roberts
Coma Shar Pei 12/24/98-05/28/04 Kevin Assmus
Comanche Arab/Quarter horse 06/10/61-02/95 Marty Scott
Comanche Cat 10 years 04/10/02 Elaine Ghanem
Comanche Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Comanche Doberman 04/04/93-09/22/04 Bob, Debbie, Katie
Comanche Dog 02/20/05 Renee and Jim
Comanche Horse Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Comander Cody Oliveira Dark Golden Retriever 01/22/94-08/11/07 Patricia Oliveira
Comando Cat 01/02/99-02/17/17 Beverly Koptcho
Combat Cat 20 years 01/06/07 Tobin Family
Combo Domestic Cat 14 years 03/13/11 Michele
Come By Chance Newfoundland 03/06/88-05/27/98 Patty
Come here Kelly where are you Short Hair Cat 07/21/09-07/22/11 Sarah
Comet American Shorthair Cat 09/02-03/26/06 Nancy Nelson
Comet Anthony Golden Retriever 07/01/05 Don Weber
Comet Australian Shepherd 9 years 06/22/05 Merle Crabill
Comet Baby Allstar Rabbit 04/13/91-06/10/97 Kat and Mike
Comet Basset Hound Mix 08/25/09 Jeanette Warren
Comet Beagle 07/13/90-01/05/05 Crystal Fenton
Comet Berthet Yellow Labrador 10/23/95-03/18/08 Jeanine and Rory Berthet
Comet Black Domestic Shorthaired Cat 17 years 02/18/02 Joan Steinhauer
Comet Black Lab 09/19/07 Sunny & Neal Scwhartz
Comet Black Lab 10/90-01/03/07 Gervais Family
Comet Brittany Spaniel 04/93-11/25/04 Pam
Comet Budgie 2 years 09/03/21 Eve Pearch
Comet Calico Cat 05/23/95-08/10/98 Rick Wyatt
Comet Calico Cat 17 years 09/10/07 Diane Walker
Comet Californian Rabbit app. 7 years 09/04/02 Beth Dockery
Comet Cat 07/04/94-11/01/06 Melanie
Comet Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 09/29/05-05/12/14 Midori
Comet Choco Lynch Vizsla Hungarian Hunting Dog 10/07/93-02/05/03 Tom, Sue, and Trevor
Comet Chocolate Lab 12/24/84-02/96 Katherine
Comet Cockapoo 07/27/97-01/30/14 Claudia
Comet Collie 12 years 05/18/06 Deb High
Comet Doberman 8 years 10/05/97 Louise
Comet Dog 05/01/12 Colleen Bauer
Comet Dog 08/04/06 R
Comet Domestic Shorthair Calico Cat 9-11 years 10/01/01 Mary Hester
Comet Domestic White Cat 08/01/86-05/21/04 Margaret Johnson
Comet English Springer Spaniel 11/18/93-03/22/08 Maryann and John
Comet Exotic Shorthair Cat 01/09/96-08/14/07 Fran, Comet's Brother Cosmos, Sierra-Belle, Orion, Jupiter, Leo
Comet Frazier Grey Cat 05/09/05-04/24/08 Brittany Frazier
Comet French Coach Horse 36 years 06/19/11 Jessica
Comet German Shepherd 16 1/2 years 06/21/08 Lamar and Sudie Crouch
Comet German Shepherd Cross 11/24/90-10/11/02 Kim Stolk
Comet Golden Retriever 01/30/90-11/15/00 Kristopher Lane
Comet Golden Retriever 02/06/92-03/25/08 Bunny Cavallaro
Comet Golden Retriever 07/05/93-05/25/08 Margaret Whittington
Comet Golden Retriever 12/03/04-03/23/13 Lucie
Comet Golden Retriever 12/28/96-01/08/09 Larry Bles
Comet Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab Mix 12 years 11/05/01 Jacob Enders
Comet Greyhound 06/94-01/21/05 Laura, Keith, Ben and Regina Monaco
Comet Greyhound 08/08/90-05/03/04 Paulette & Rick Mills
Comet Greyhound 12/25/96-07/23/09 Steve/Wade
Comet Greyhound 6 years 11/21/99 Sue
Comet Guinea Pig 3 years 05/22/19 Muoi
Comet Hamster 2008-05/22/09 Mindy
Comet Horse 20 years 03/18/00 Donna Thompson
Comet Jack Russell Mix 04/13/95-08/08/13 Brenda Gardner
Comet Keller Lewis Black & White Cocker Spaniel 13 years 11/01/06 Lois Lewis
Comet Kitten 08/02/10 Donny Amburgey
Comet Lab 10/06/11 Michelle Tonn
Comet Lab Beagle Chow Mix 9 years 04/26/08 Stacey and John
Comet Lab/Spaniel 10 years 08/31/09 Kathy
Comet Max American Cocker Spaniel 02/26/02-03/28/13 Denise, John, James, Matt, Mark, Elise, Aimee, Ana and Brian ~ With Love Always
Comet Mix Dog 02/16/93-07/11/00 Jeff & Susan H
Comet Mix Dog 15+ years 04/04/08 Wendy Norris
Comet Mixed Boxer-Collie 16 years+ 07/09/07 C. Chris Niederhauser
Comet Mixed Dog 01/15/97-04/14/07 Jan Woods
Comet Mixed Large Breed Dog 2002-01/01/09 Eric & Wendi Jones
Comet Morris Yellow Lab 04/06/06-08/14/20 Valerie Morris
Comet Orange Tabby Cat 09/97-07/17/03 Jennifer Carrigan
Comet Orange Tabby Kitten 4 months 09/21/04 Denise & Clint
Comet Paint Horse 02/07/06 Debora Quigley
Comet Persian Cat 6 1/2 years 12/31/97 Sharon Povondra
Comet Rat 03/17/05-11/02/07 Zach
Comet Sable Ferret 5 years 07/2004 Traci Dunbar
Comet Schnauzer/Westie 02/2000-06/07/03 Jill & Gary Coleman & family
Comet Seabreeze Ragdoll Cat 12/06/98-09/14/99 Meloe & Billy
Comet Sheltie 12/25/96-04/22/11 Mary
Comet Shepherd Mix 12/04/04 Chris W
Comet Shetland Pony Horse 7 years 02/04/19 Katie James
Comet Shi Tsu 9 years 12/05/15 Emily Cynkar
Comet Siamese DSH Mix Cat 10/07/03 Gennie Kiuchi Alan Sinder
Comet Siberian Cat 08/08/04-05/08/21 Jennifer
Comet Siberian Husky 05/14/94-08/30/06 Scott and Shaun LaChute
Comet Siberian Husky 11/14/03 Henry, Karen, Randee Bretherick
Comet Silky Terrier 12/16/97-11/20/09 Gail Farina
Comet Tabby Cat 15 years 05/05/04 Fran & Bob Korten
Comet TB gelding 4 years 06/16/95 Nicole Navarro
Comet Terrier Mix 04/91-09/16/06 Donna Allan
Comet Terrier Mix 14 years 01/23/14 Rob Walker
Comet Texel Guinea Pig 05/30/99-07/31/04 The Rroehl Family, Jill, Joe, Lauren, Drew and Jack
Comet The Dog Retriever Mix 08/92-12/09/06 Lisa Keelor
Comet Weim 07/31/09 Tina Cooke
Comet Weimaraner 05/31/08 Mary Beth
Comet West Highland White Terrier 12/19/89-06/25/03 Beverly, Dean, Justin, & Lisa Mettlen Robert & Margaret Riley
Comet Whippet 06/21/97-07/10/08 The Phillips Family
Comet Whippet Mix 11 years 05/07/07 Dale Roath
Comet White Lab 09/01/89-10/27/99 M
Comet White Short Hair Cat 20 years 06/07/04 Bill & Ginny Owen
Comet Yellow Lab/German Shep. Mix 08/18/96-10/03/10 Leeann
Comet Yellow Labrador 04/01/01-06/15/13 Misty Henry
Comet Yellow Labrador 10/23/95-03/18/08 Jeanine and Rory Berthet
Comet Yorkie Mix 07/24/96-02/03/12 Louise Gillespie & Doug Bennison
Comet Yorkshire Terrier 10/11/98-01/19/07 Janice
Cometbird Budgie 5 years 11/28/00 Lou
Comett Persian Cat 07/12/92-07/21/00 Maelynn Kearny
Comfort German Shepherd 12 years 04/20/11 Rose Harshman For Summer Tangeman
Comie Ferret 14 years 05/26/04 Terri Bottom
Comique Siamese Cat 11 years 01/09/11 AWP Teresa
Commanche Siberian Husky 01/30/86-03/07/00 Kelly Kluge
Commanchie Ferret 1997-1999 Alicia Hallstrom
Commandant Rottweiler 04/10/00-12/26/07 Carolyn Beck
Commander American, Domestic Shorthair Cat 02/11/93-05/30/04 Moe Moll, Lloyd Moll, and Leslie Bell
Commander Data (Data) American Shorthair Orange Tabby Cat 08/05/87-09/23/99 Terri
Commander Eddy Dalmatian 09/90-05/14/01 Debby & Alex
Commander German Shepherd Vietnam
Commander Webley Kennedy-Landon Champagne D'Argent Rabbit 03/12/01-04/12/03 Christina Kennedy and Richard I Landon
Commanders Lady Diega 1983-1989 Scott
Commando Blue Tick Pointer 11 years 12/26/07 Annette
Commet DeLuca Cat 13 1/2 years 04/04/12 Nick DeLuca
Como Columbiad Brown Lab 09/20/87 to 07/30/02 Elaine and Johanna
Comos Tabby Cat 08/04/96-03/08/11 B. Coiok
Comot Cat 11/11/11 Edika Amin
Company Black DSH Cat 10/31/91-02/18/08 Deb
Company Cat 08/03/13 Kat
Company Cocker Spaniel 18 years 06/22/09 Scott Williams
Compas Beagle 03/11/13 Bridget
Compton's Bodacious Fifth (Bodie - Boo Boo Bear) Yellow Lab 03/20/07 Mark and Dianne Carey
Computer Tabby Cat 10/09/97-01/08/10 The Sears Family
ComRad Dog 07/04/99 12/26/99 Kellie Thompson
Comrad Ferret 1 year 3 months 06/17/08 Don & Melissa
Comrad Schnauzer 4 months-12/26/99 Kellie Thompson
Comrade Shepherd Mix 10/01/00-05/20/09 Tina
Con American Pitbull Terrier 12/31/07-06/29/10 Nina Berryman
Con, Connie, Conrad The Fierce Warrier Bird, Con Kubla Kahn Parrot Sun Conure 13 years 05/19/06 JP
Conagher Yellow Lab 10 years 10/28/05 Shirley
Conan (aka Nanny, aka Nannykins, aka Cona Kitty) Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 03/23/87-12/30/03 Holly Wolfe
Conan American Bulldog 06/23/02-07/25/05 John and Mona
Conan American Pit Bull Terrier 04/03/96-06/04/07 Beth Hundrieser
Conan Black Lab/Chessie 09/03/95-04/24/10 Gerge W Kirst
Conan Black Lab/Rott Mix 02/96-06/2008 Neely Horne
Conan Border Collie X 12 years 30/05/05 Debbie and Steve
Conan Boxer 12/97-11/16/06 Michelle Edwards
Conan Burmese Mix Cat 01/2005-05/30/22 Kelley Gliva
Conan Cat 15 years 06/00 Sherrie Harting
Conan Chocolate Lab 11/05/06-02/01/08 Kathleen Phillips
Conan Dalmatian 15 years 12/31/07 Tracy & Brian Hayes
Conan Doberman (Red) 04/19/96-10/01/03 Michelle Stevanus
Conan Doberman 05/18/91-10/28/04 Carolyn
Conan Doberman 8 years 1989 Michelle Falcon
Conan Doberman Pincher 04/19/96-10/01/03 Michelle Stevanus
Conan Dog 11/2002 Wendy Banogbanog
Conan Domestic Short Hair Cat 11/81-09/02/99 Leah and Robert
Conan Domestic Shorthair Orange/White Tabby Cat 04/09/07 Peggy Kulak-Martorano
Conan DSH Cat 04/20/01-05/18/17 Tiffany Antoniuk
Conan German Shepherd 08/02/89-03/10/99 G. Riendeau
Conan German Shepherd 08/02/89-03/10/99 Guy Riendeau
Conan German Shepherd Mix 11/91-04/08/05 Deb Koman
Conan Golden Tabby Cat 04/15/04-06/26/07 Bob and Mary Beardsley
Conan Golden/Lab Mix 12/05/04-08/11/06 Lisa and Mike Wieland
Conan Maltese 06/03/93-10/20/06 Michele
Conan Michael Twigg Mixed Breed Dog 06/01/92-03/18/05 Darcy Lynn Justice
Conan Miniature Schnauzer 12/94-03/07/09 David, Alva Devito
Conan Mixed breed Dog 09/85-10/96 Nancy A. Marinaccio
Conan Newfoundland/Samoyed Mix 08/30/87-08/24/98 M. Bonham
Conan Norwegian Elkhound 09/06/93-03/13/08 Terri, Robbie, Jay, Holly, Rob Turczany
Conan of Brenrick German Shepherd 11/17/84-06/28/97 Rick Langis
Conan Orange Tabby Cat 01/23/12 Jacquie Nelson & Sylvia Topete
Conan Orange Tabby Cat 02/13/12 Cindy Snyder
Conan Pit Bull 11/26/08 Jason J. Nadler
Conan Pound Puppy 01/01/97-02/20/10 Carrie
Conan Rottweiler 07/15/95-06/18/03 Lorna Brown
Conan Rottweiler 12/91-08/01/02 Beth & Tim Guernsey
Conan Seal-Point Himalayan Cat 04/04/91-07/06/00 Ken Adams
Conan Shepherd Husky X 02/02/98-12/29/07 Debbie
Conan Shepherd/Collie Mix 12/03/93-03/23/06 Brenda Waterson & Eddie Higbie
Conan Siamese Cat 03/15/91-11/20/03 Davi Westcott
Conan The Barbarian German Shepherd 02/23/84-05/05/96 Gloria Watson
Conan Wolf 10/95-09/29/09 Paul and Peggy Hawes
Conbanhmi Guinea Pig 6 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Concha Conchita Martinez Concha 17 Años Conchita
Concho Dog 05/01/13-03/09/14 Mary Self
Concho's Texas Toast Sable Burmese 06/12/85-02/15/95 Diane Michelson
Concord's Vanity v Stone Fort Rottie 1987-1998 Brenda
Condado Australian Shepherd / Lab 11/23/00-08/29/04 Darren & Janet Henderson
Conde Chihuahua 06/10/05-02/07/14 Karen Rambin
Conde German Shepherd/Husky Mix 03/25/94-07/27/06 G. Roland
Condi White Pekingese 06/30/09 Janann McSwain
Condopurrs Cabo Wabo Maine Coon Cat 07/20/00-03/22/14 Anita Ballard
Condopurrs Chantilli Lacie Maine Coon Cat 10/20/00-12/27/10 Ann Patrick
Condopurrs Lord Simba Maine Coon Cat 01/24/98-05/29/12 Cathy Brownstone
Condor Cockatiel 06/22/13 Genesis
Condor German Shepherd 07/08/89-07/18/98 Sam Howard
Condor in California 08/09/98 Gail
Condor v.d. Eglantier GSD 02/06/90-10/17/94 Liz Stout
Condor's Stormy Woven Gold (Connie) Rottie 04/13/83-04/06/93 Joy
Coneja aka Bunny Dwarf Rex Rabbit 11/03/04 Juliette Lustig
Conejo Mini Rex Mix Rabbit 6 years 08/29/08 Ashley Jones
Conelly Yellow Lab 04/20/06-02/06/09 Laurie
Confidence-On-A-Rainy-Day (aka Connie) American Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/15/85-09/29/05 Mrs. Nancy Lion-Storm
Confucious (Confussy Connie Fussy) DLH Black & White Tuxedo Cat 05/2004-04/16/20 Natahnya Larry Leandria Campbell
Confucius Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Conga Chausie Cat 01/05/94-04/29/09 Myoki
Congo Cat 13 years 06/23/06 Cindy
Congo English Setter 02/10/02-08/12/11 Edmund Edwards
Congo Lucia Hunter and Bear German Shepherd Dogs 06/18/08 Robert and Linda S
Congo Miniature Pinscher 05/14/03-04/29/20 Karim Sheikh
Congo Siamese Cat 19 years 06/06/13 Beverly May
Congolo Brown Tabby Cat 03/01/97-12/28/13 Liz Jones
Coningsbourgh Conor Labrador Retriever 10/08/85-05/11/00 Kyim
Conman Shepherd Akita Mix 06/02/92-05/19/09 Sherry
Conman Shepherd/Akita 06/02/92-05/19/09 Sherry Lewis
Conner Black Lab 14-15 years 12/14/07 Scott Booth, Judy Childers
Conner Cocker Spaniel 13 years 09/07/00 Peggy Kohler
Conner Deaf Jack Russell Terrier Puppy 3 months 12/18/01 Patti Shea
Conner Elam Chihuahua 11/30/12-O5/31/16 Michael and Terrie Elam
Conner Jack Russell Terrier Puppy 3 months 12/18/00 Patti
Conner Pomeranian 03/19/07-32/26/15 Lori
Conner Sebastian Cocker Mix 02/14/95-02/25/08 Rick Frogge
Conner Shar Pei 12/11/99-07/21/01 Sheila Olson
Conner West Highland White Terrier 05/25/97-22/06/11 Mary Shawcross
Conner Yellow Chocolate Lab Cross 01/16/96 11/26/99 Jeff Pearson
Connery Belford Orange Tabby Cat 09/22/01-09/25/05 Susan Sampl
Connery Pry/Golden 02/04/02-04/14/04 Mary S
Connery Raines Siamese / Tabby Cat 16 years 03/31/14 Toni Raines
Conni Golden Retriever 05/13/97-06/15/10 Jennifer Harris
Connie - NERR #1148 Rottweiler 06/25/07 Tami
Connie American Shorthair Cat 05/05/95 Mary
Connie Anjelica Hernandez Cockapoo Mix 16 years 1999 Aurelia Herandez
Connie Ann Mixed Gray Tabby Cat 05/88-05/2006 Bob Bitner
Connie Beagle 07/15/98-11/18/13 Chris
Connie Carin Sheltie 03/12/87-10/12/99 L. Thompson
Connie Corgi /Golden 13 years 11/12/04 Penny
Connie Dog 04/30/01-05/30/13 Angelica
Connie Dog 07/01/89-03/30/03 Ann M. Strakulski
Connie Domestic Cat 18 years 24/09/15 Gloria Harding
Connie DSH Tortoise Shell Cat 06/20/83 Karen & Bob
Connie German Shepherd 05/07/84-05/01/98 Susie K.
Connie Greyhound 08/01/99-10/08/08 Jessica Erickson
Connie Johnstone Yorkshire Terrier 04/24/99-04/16/15 Stacey Johnstone
Connie Mixed Cat 06/2004 Maureen McNamara
Connie Mixed Dog 18 years 02/10/03 Karl Keller
Connie Nanday Conure 19 years 04/03/05 Jacqui
Connie Orange and White Semi-long Hair Cat 2008-01/19/23 Carol
Connie St Bernard 09/06/08-08/23/13 Judy, John & Susan
Connie Yorkie 08/18/05 Paulette Parker
Connolley Ann Hill Tabby Cat 7 years 11/20/10 Michelle Hill
Connor Dog 01/05/07 Sarah
Connor Elvis Kraft Cocker Spaniel Mix 03/24/01-06/29/09 Mark & Lisa Kraft
Connor Grant Red Golden Retriever 05/27/00-11/07/08 Michael and Karen Grant
Connor Irish Terrier 09/09/94-12/16/06 Sean & Janet
Connor Llaspo/Cokerpoo 08/14/80-08/29/06 Larry
Connor MacLeod Tabby and White Cat 1+ years 10/13/97 Stardust
Connor Magic Mann Miniature Longhair Dachshund 05/27/03-02/05/11 Kathy Mann
Connor Maltese 09/15/02-09/21/03 Philip McAlary
Connor McKay Midboe Westie/Maltese 12/10/91-03/06/06 Tim and Patty Midboe, Mitzi, Sam
Connor Myers-Lewis American Pit Bull Terrier 03/17/02-01/22/07 Pamela Myers-Lewis
Connor Pitbull 07/27/03-02/06/14 Brad and Danielle
Connor Rat 12/03/09-09/21/11 M. Shaud
Connor Rottweiler 9 years 15th Dec 2004 Lynda Kirsopp
Connor Scottish Terrier 02/28/96-08/29/05 Maureen and Justin Lewis
Connor the Cat 06/24/00-04/03/03 Sarah and Matt
Connor Westie 09/29/04-08/04/07 Jaime Caballero
Connor Yorkie 10/31/94-04/26/09 Vanessa
Conor Cairn Terrier 1 year 1994 Merianne Melisse
Conor Davis Irish Setter 07/07/03-12/30/08 Sue Davis
Conor Domestic Tiger & White Shorthair Cat 1997-12/21/98 Yvonne
Conor Irish Wolfhound 11/19/99-02/10/00 Larry Morphis
Conor Jack Russell 16 years 09/27/09 Steve Macy
Conor Magic Barkin Larkin Cairn Terrier 04/20/90-01/17/07 Joe and Pat Finneran
Conor Murphy Irish Wolfhound 07/11/98 Phyllis Isabelle
Conor Stray Cat 13 1/2 years 05/11/15 Kerri
Conor TM Calloway Stasky Greyhound 11/05/98-12/05/06 Theresa
Conor Toy Poodle 05/31/88-06/16/05 Bob Griffin
Conquistador Hermit Crab 08/20/12 Rachel Z
Conrad Cat 19 years 07/25-26/12 Jennifer
Conrad Dog 05/01/86-03/23/98 Philip
Conrad Dog 08/28/98-10/02/00 Leeann Nielsen
Conrad Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Conrad DSH Black Tabby Cat with White Chest Patch 07/13/89-02/13/09 Darline Dotter
Conrad Glouster Fancy Canary 6 years 06/24/95 Marcia Fisher
Conrad Greyhound 05/11/11-08/06/15 Jaime & Mark
Conrad Labrador 12/30/90-06/19/04 John, Judith, Tepi, and Channa
Conrad Lanson Old English Bulldog 12/20/13-01/10/23 Brittani Warner
Conrad Mixed Dog 11/01/93-08/03/07 Shannon
Conrad Orange Tabby Cat 09/11/95-05/13/12 Jennifer Seward
Conrad Pembroke Welch Corgi 03/10/00-11/18/14 Kim Marcum
Conrad Pit Bull/Lab 11/07/91-10/24/05 Tara
Conrad Shepherd/Hound 03/88-11/15/99 Tracy McKenna
Conrad Siamese Cat 15 years 10/15/98 Debbie Collins
Conrad Thomas Bear Bulldog 04/21/10-04/30/15 Denise Hackworth
Conrad William Shaver Yorkie 07/04/99-01/19/06 Lynn Shaver
Conrail Black Lab 05/17/88-05/17/99 Lorraine
Constable Goldfish 09/25/97-02/06/07 Benjamin Jones
Constant Companion White Cat With Calico Patch 06/83-06/09/99 Kellus Stone
Conte Miniature Pinscher 8 years 11/19/11 Barbara Cieplik
Contessa (Tess McLeod) Pug 07/16/93-10/12/00 W. McLeod
Contessa (Tessa) Beagle 06/08/98-03/27/08 Katharine Fur
Contessa Angora Cat 9-11 years 07/27/09 Patricia Kosovic
Contessa Basset 03/24/04-10/21/10 Marion Vollmershausen
Contessa Birman Cat 3 years 08/26/98 Leanne Rosko
Contessa Cat 15 years 08/12/05 Diane
Contessa Cocker 07/22/88-07/13/01 Sandy & David Kimbrell
Contessa Doberman 05/02/83-08/30/97 Susan Bolton
Contessa Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/94-12/10/10 Sandra
Contessa German Shepherd 03/24/86-03/09/99 Rob Silver
Contessa German Shepherd 06/16/01-05/03/06 John & Dawn
Contessa Great Pyrenees 11 years 03/13/97 Dr. Joe E. Phillippe
Contessa Himalayan Mix Cat 01/01/97-10/10/10 Alexi Fisher
Contessa Kamper Dog 11/13/14 Chris and Laurie Kamper
Contessa Labrador Retriever 11/27/98-01/11/11 Rosemary Stroh
Contessa Magen Magee Westie 11/04/91-01/05/05 Tom and Wanda Campbell
Contessa Pug 10 years 12/27/07 Nikki Lewis
Contessa tri-factored sable rough Collie 03/15/86-09/11/91 Raymond Degroote
Contessa Vom Summerset (Tessa) German Shepherd 11/08/00-08/06/03 Patti McAbee
Contessa Weimaraner 04/02/88-03/19/99 Cheryl
Conti (Chellen's Bacchante Star) Rottie 03/31-04/01/97 Michelle
Continuous Play aka Connie Golden Retriever 12/19/89-11/03/02 Katie McKee
Conus Great Dane 02/26/92-02/10/05 Pam, Wayne & Hank
Convoy Black Lab 03/86-03/21/97 Karen Luczak
Conway Chow Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Conway Cocker Spaniel 06/05/88-07/08/02 Sandy Traylor
Conway Cocker Spaniel 07/89-2004 Sarah
Conway Mohrbutter Cat 2 1/2 years 09/11/11 Denise Mohrbutter
Coo Diamond Dove 2 years 07/26/98 Robin Schindler
Coo Franklin American Short Hair Cat 13 years 03/01/08 S. Franklin
Coo Lutino Budgie 15 years 04/20/12 Chris B-J
Coo O'Riley Dove 15 years 06/27/05 KC and Kathi O'Riley
Cooch Maltese 12/08/93-03/24/09 Joanne & Gary
Coochie Coo Pace American Shorthair Cat 02/22/89-03/03/05 Michael & Claudette
Coocoo (Schmoopie) Siamese Cat 8 years 06/08/00 Michelle
CooCoo Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/31/08 Hannah
Coocoo Dwarf Lop Bunny 07/97-01/24/04 Joanne Notaro
Coodi DSH White Tummy, Bib, and Boots Cat 16 years 01/18/07 Nancy Goodspeed
Cook E Bear Cairn Terrier 12/09/03-07/02/05 The McGrath Family
Cookie (Boo) Cat 09/13/04 Kathie
Cookie (Ken's Sunny) American Quarter Horse 04/07/73-03/18/98 Kathy Green
Cookie (Monster) Chihuahua 12/04/02-03/12/14 Marilyn Zeidman
Cookie (My Baby Pear) Tabby Girl Cat 05/05/95-07/14/08 Michelle Ostrowski
Cookie (Tutu) Lhasa Apso 17 years 06/2002 Cass & Glenna Rodriguez
Cookie 04/87-08/27/00 Tish
Cookie 05/06/86-08/11/99 Burt and Mary Maggio
Cookie 10/66-05/83 Clee Folsom
Cookie aka Bossy Cat 4 years 12/23/08 Marie
Cookie American Eskimo Dog 05/27/94-03/22/11 Lynn Ancona & Jay Kessel
Cookie American Eskimo Dog 12 years 05/13/00 Janet Boissy
Cookie American Shorthair/Tiger Cat 01/19/98-11/23/09 Shelley Hintta
Cookie American Water Spaniel Doug and Jolene HaGerman
Cookie and Monster Lab X Shep, Belgian Sheep - Gronendale 10 + 14 years 08/2004 Paullett and Dref
Cookie Ann Chow Mix 12 years 06/14/98 Laurie Dunn
Cookie Ann Dog 01/01 Tom, Debbie, Ethan and Evan
Cookie Ann Rojos Kelly Silver Tabby Cat 07/25/99-05/15/03 Julie, Steve, and Baxter
Cookie Appaloosa Horse 15 years 03/06/98 Diane Anheier
Cookie Appaloosa Horse 23 years 08/17/06 Katie Benson
Cookie Australian Cattle Dog 08/08/97-05/08/12 Gershkoff Family
Cookie Australian Cattle Dog 10/01/96-11/01/06 Brenda Evans
Cookie Australian Cattle Dog Mix 12/99-09/30/16 Veronica Henrnadez
Cookie Australian Shepherd 04/20/90-10/07/99 Mary
Cookie Australian Shepherd 05/27/04 Charles Taylor
Cookie Australian Shepherd 9 years 05/28/22 Lydia and Family
Cookie Australian Shepherd Boxer Mix 07/14/06 Randi Leigh
Cookie Australian Shepherd Labrador Mix 10/17/07 Carina
Cookie Australian Shepherd Mix 10/20/06 Susan Schooling
Cookie Australian Shepherd Puppy 12/27/12-12/10/12 Kathy
Cookie Bachman Beagle/Border Collie/Terrier Mix 03/24/91-04/08/04 Kim, Ron and Carrie
Cookie Barrientos Great Dane 14 years 09/17/13 Marlene Barrientos
Cookie Basset Hound 03/07/99-02/04/07 Barbara Polixa
Cookie Beagle 12/14/99-07/14/00 James
Cookie Beagle/Bassett Hound 16 years 04/04/17 Allie
Cookie Bear Chiweenie 11/28/21 Mike & Julie K
Cookie Bear Greene Yellow Lab Cross 07/97-03/19/10 Sharon Greene, Carter and Kayla Greene
Cookie Bear Hamster 03/07/06-02/07/07 Dana
Cookie Beatrice Cockapoo 07/14/81-06/12/95 Debbie Brown/Betsy Cotton
Cookie Bennett Cat 07/15/97-08/16/11 Justin and Amy Bennett
Cookie Bersamina Tuxedo Cat 02/14/00-04/22/23 Gardenia
Cookie Bichon Frise 04/23/93-12/27/07 Joyce Myers
Cookie Bichon Frise 05/28/91-07/31/06 Marilyn
Cookie Bichon Frise 08/15/95-07/28/09 Jackie
Cookie Bichon Poo 05/07/95-04/29/09 Alison Howe
Cookie Bishon Freese 9 years 11/2003 The Stern Family
Cookie Bishon Frise Mix 07/94-11/02/01 Constance Lupo
Cookie Black 01/30/02 Jimmie Shepherd
Cookie Black and White 5 years 05/14/05 Matthew and Andrew Gummo
Cookie Black and White Shorthair Cat 16 years 05/30/06 Pam and Larry
Cookie Black Cat 07/93-01/29/12 Drummond St-Prix
Cookie Black Cat 15 years 12/28/05 Mal & Robyn Byrne
Cookie Black Lab Mix 03/91-01/2004 Abrahamson
Cookie Black Lab Mix 13 years 02/16/09 Megan Shea
Cookie Black Siamese Cat 04/70-01/90 James Asmus
Cookie Black/White Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/90-10/95 Ellen Fout
Cookie Border Collie Mix 05/05/01-01/24/04 Bob Doggett
Cookie Border Collie Mix 17 years 01/14/13 Tammy S. Richards
Cookie Boston Terrier 09/17/98-00/07/12 Lurline Threatt
Cookie Boston Terrier 10/20/02-12/30/04 Esther Salais
Cookie British Blue/Korat Cat 13 years 08/02/11 Jackie
Cookie Brown Half Siamese Cat 11/04/00-08/05/04 Wendy
Cookie Budgie 10/01/95-11/09/00 Jane Sylvester & Lori Venezio
Cookie Budgie 1991-02/16/01 Mary Clapper
Cookie Bunny Dwarf Hotot Rabbit 04/01/96-09/17/99 Nanette Blanchard
Cookie Burmese Cat 16 years 11/10/06 Emma, Ian
Cookie Calico Cat 02/10/87-01/21/05 Bruce
Cookie Calico Cat 02/28/81-12/24/98 Gary, Donna, Jeremy, Holly
Cookie Calico Cat 03/85-12/23/03 Margriet McClure
Cookie Calico Cat 04/05/83-01/05/00 Adrienne Chafee
Cookie Calico Cat 04/08/92-11/11/99 John
Cookie Calico Cat 04/82-08/11/98 Karen Teran
Cookie Calico Cat 05/31/07 Aaron and Janel Minnis
Cookie Calico Cat 09/99-04/04/04 Rebecca Lynn Pelzer
Cookie Calico Cat 10 years 01/15/09 Sally Logan
Cookie Calico Cat 13 years 01/29/23 Chris Green
Cookie Calico Maine Coon Cat 08/25/05-07/12/09 Jane, Dad, and Mom
Cookie Camacho Maltese 04/21/14 Melissa Camacho
Cookie Camacho Maltese 07/27/00-04/21/14 The Camacho Family
Cookie Carmichael Maltese Yorkie 06/01/00-02/16/19 M. L. Liebler
Cookie Castle Turkish Angora Mix Long Hair Cat 05/01/67-06/01/85 Lesley
Cookie Cat 01/05/08 Linda Sroka
Cookie Cat 01/07/13 Karen Larsen
Cookie Cat 03/25/98-09/15/10 Mandy
Cookie Cat 05/25/14 Sam
Cookie Cat 06/29/03 Katrina Ling
Cookie Cat 07/07/06-04/03/10 Cassie and Micah
Cookie Cat 07/12/86-05/11/00 Gunn
Cookie Cat 07/20/06-07/20/14 Gary Wofford
Cookie Cat 07/86-09/05/05 Adele & Theo
Cookie Cat 07/90-08/24/02 Jaynie
Cookie Cat 08/01/96-07/16/12 Karen
Cookie Cat 08/10/07 Toni Geren
Cookie Cat 08/14/97-08/11/08 Gina Manis
Cookie Cat 08/25/03-10/28/08 Nancy
Cookie Cat 10 years 05/11/01 Connie DeToro
Cookie Cat 10 years Laurie
Cookie Cat 10/15/04-03/22/22 Cynthia Jackson
Cookie Cat 10/30/11 Catardi Family
Cookie Cat 10/31/17 Dennis
Cookie Cat 11/15/04 Sandy K
Cookie Cat 12/08/14 Sharon
Cookie Cat 12/25/12 Ann & Alan Konigsberg
Cookie Cat 13 years 08/23/02 Barb
Cookie Cat 13 years 12/20/10 The Claps Family
Cookie Cat 14 years 01/03/07 Barbara
Cookie Cat 17 years 08/25/09 Megan R
Cookie Cat 17 years 08/25/09 Megan Ravs
Cookie Cat 19 years 12/03/02 Jessica Jackson
Cookie Cat 2 year 11/03/07 Nancy and Tommy Steele
Cookie Cat 3 1/2 years 06/09/98 Michelle Stoia
Cookie Cat 3 weeks 08/15/06 Shaun Steven, Therese LeClerc, Donna Wass, and Morgan Wass
Cookie Cat 4 years 09/18/10 Crystal
Cookie Cat 6 months 01/07/99 Jamie Larson
Cookie Cat 6 years 07/14/02 Rob and Miriam
Cookie Cat 8 years 04/23/22 Di Gilbranch
Cookie Cat 8 years 1994 Lacey Family
Cookie Cat Brown Tabby Cat 2009-11/27/12 Jessica Medinger
Cookie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/22/04-01/15/15 Laurie
Cookie Charpette Boxer Mix 10 years 04/06/11 Christine Lilley
Cookie Chihuahua 05/27/98-12/15/08 Sarah Leon
Cookie Chihuahua 06/02/09-02/19/10 Gabby
Cookie Chihuahua 07/31/11 AJ & Pat Andrews
Cookie Chihuahua 09/15/92-03/03/03 Gloria Lagunas
Cookie Chihuahua 10/21/13-06/04/24 Norean Frenza
Cookie Chihuahua 12 years 09/20/10 Patricia Hirt
Cookie Chihuahua 18 years 10/03/20 Michelle, Christian, Astrid, Freddy
Cookie Chihuahua 5 years 09/09/12 Marisa and Shai
Cookie Chihuahua Jack Russell Mix 15 years 09/08/18 Joslyn Crawford
Cookie Chihuahua/Russell 14 years 03/17/05 Terianne Rectenwald
Cookie Chocolate Color Ferret 10/31/08-03/04/10 Lydia
Cookie Chocolate Ferret 11/01/97-07/29/03 Nanci Gordon
Cookie Cockapoo 12/87-08/16/04 Dennis & Deborah
Cookie Cockapoo 16 years 03/19/00 Karen Yori
Cookie Cockatiel 01/01/98-01/01/06 Kathi & Katie
Cookie Cockatiel 05/31/99 Mercy
Cookie Cockatoo 3 years old Joanne
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 01/07/96-07/07/09 Judy Uhrich
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 03/03/87-03/07/02 Tonya & Stephen Hailey
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 05/28/98-01/29/10 Bridge
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 08/2009-19/06/23 Diya Sarah Paul
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 10 years 04/21/02 Buffy
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 16 years 04/15/99 Keith and Jackie Berry
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 1957-1965 Judie
Cookie Cocker Spaniel 1998-06/29/07 Tricia
Cookie Cockerspaniel 10/90-07/08/05 Christina Pendrey
Cookie Collie/Black Lab 06/15/95-02/10/10 Darryl Hall
Cookie Corgi 04/03/00-11/17/02 Josephine
Cookie Cream & White Banded Syrian Hamster 1st November 1999 - 3rd October 2001 Caroline
Cookie Crumble (C.C.) Chinese Shar-Pei 09/26/95-05/14/01 Pam Gosney
Cookie Dachshund 04/27/84-09/09/97 Marie
Cookie Dachshund 06/15/95-09/09/06 Morgan, Paulette, and Joseph Bird
Cookie Dachshund 08/01/92-05/09/07 Lynda Lenell
Cookie Dempsey Yorkie-Poo 10/01/02-06/23/18 Sandy and Mike Dempsey
Cookie Devon Rex Cat 09/22/04-04/26/21 Joan
Cookie Dingo 2000-03/26/11 Alison Dobesh Klein
Cookie Dog 02/11/03-08/09/15 Kendra
Cookie Dog 03/12/08 Mary Richter
Cookie Dog 04/84-06/26/00 Dottie
Cookie Dog 07/01/07-01/24/14 Gali Barak
Cookie Dog 09/99 Megan
Cookie Dog 10 years 12/28/13 Karen & Marc Lighter
Cookie Dog 11 years 03/12/05 Kathy
Cookie Dog 11/04/10 Christina Restauri
Cookie Dog 11/13/02-03/14/10 Derrick and Patty Malone
Cookie Dog 11/15/91-02/07/99 Tom Woepse
Cookie Dog 11/30/08 Nikki
Cookie Dog 13 years 03/20/12 Valerie
Cookie Dog 14 year 06/29/00 Hazel Lim
Cookie Dog 18/02/00-26/02/13 Louise
Cookie Dog 1970-1984 Sheri Olson
Cookie Dog 2000 Tom, Debbie, Ethan and Evan
Cookie Dog 9 years 06/30/11 Alina
Cookie Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cookie Domestic Longhair Cat 07/31/03-07/15/19 Zoe Lobay Holmes
Cookie Domestic Longhaired Gray Cat with White Bib 2 years 10/31/07 Nancy and Tommy Steele
Cookie Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/01/88-08/08/97 Andrea W. R. Jones
Cookie Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/25/88-09/06/02 Donna
Cookie Domestic Short Hair Cat 21 years 12/07/05 Janet Novak
Cookie Domestic Short Hair Tabby Cat 07/01/01-01/14/03 Raquel Picatoste
Cookie Domestic Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 13 years 05/12/03 Stephen Eakle
Cookie Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/2003-09/12/07 Tracy Wiebe
Cookie Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/01/90-02/26/04 Fatima Limani-Catena
Cookie Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 years 07/12/14 Pat Ratajczak
Cookie Domestic Tortoiseshell Cat 19 years 09/27/07 Lori Etchison
Cookie Domestic/Medium Hair Cat 10/31/93-02/16/01 Tonya & Jimmy Long
Cookie Dough Dog 03/13/10 Ginny Parks
Cookie DSH Cat 02/24/07 Trisha Coker
Cookie DSH Cat 04/01/00-03/31/04 Darri Scott
Cookie DSH Cat 09/15/96-01/19/13 Cathy and Corey
Cookie DSH Tabby Cat 16 years 01/17/05 Sandy Zobel
Cookie Eleanora Cockatoo 3 years 08/10/96 Joanne Green
Cookie English Bulldog 04/20/97-11/06/07 Janice Bovenzi
Cookie English Bulldog 07/09/99-02/27/08 Dawn & Denise Allen
Cookie English Field Cocker 13 years 07/10/09 Randy Copley
Cookie English Springer Spaniel/Scottish Terrier Mix 04/15/89-05/31/05 Stacie Ferguson
Cookie Face DSH Cat 15 years 8 months 11/20/08 Lori and Elisa
Cookie Face Waits Border Collie / Akita 10/98-06/08/06 Jeff and Judith Waits
Cookie Fancy Guinea Pig 4 years 01/29/09 Dyson Coulson
Cookie Fernandez Morkie 05/06/11-09/23/23 Cynthia
Cookie Francis Joseph Jude Anthony Snowball Maria Harry Levy Perdue Chow - Mixed (Polka Dotted) 10/04/93-01/25/07 Maria Perdue
Cookie French Lop Rabbit 10 years 08/31/05 Eleanor Whitney
Cookie Galah 01/2007-11/2007 Tiani
Cookie Gateway Jeffrey-Green Chihuahua Mix 03/07/02-07/30/06 Erica Webb
Cookie German Shepherd (White) 13 years 08/01/00 Artie
Cookie German Shepherd (White) 14 years 06/21/00 Artie (For Bob and Barb, Jack, Mom, Mum, Annie
Cookie German Shepherd/Husky 12/22/04 Shannon Netopski, Paul, Elizabeth and Richard Pitkat
Cookie German Shepherd/Lab 02/14/10-10/05/20 Blake
Cookie German Shorthair Pointer 12/01/94-10/04/09 Sondra
Cookie Golden Girl Shih Tzu 01/28/93-08/04/09 Bobby, Deborah and Dylan Golden
Cookie Golden Retriever 01/01/01-25/09/06 Kevin Fazlic
Cookie Golden Retriever 02/02/92-02/08/01 Paul and Kathy Wheeler
Cookie Golden Retriever 05/15/88-03/30/00 Ryan Woodworth
Cookie Golden Retriever 05/28/95-07/27/05 Janet and Pierre Delisle
Cookie Golden Retriever 05/89-06/04/99 Ray & Carolyn Espinoza
Cookie Golden Retriever 05/95-02/25/08 Cindy, Howie, Jen, and Eri
Cookie Golden Retriever 06/21/90-10/06/04 Sharon, Don, Craig & Andrew Chambers
Cookie Greyhound 12 years 07/12/18 Morgan Smith
Cookie Guinea Pig 04/20/96-10/14/04 Helene Goldstein
Cookie Guinea Pig 04/24/02-09/26/07 Megan
Cookie Guinea Pig 05/01/98-01/25/02 Rachel
Cookie Guinea Pig 06/21/07-02/19/13 Grace
Cookie Guinea Pig 06/27/04-09/20/06 Ncola McDougall
Cookie Guinea Pig 1 year 3 months 15/11/11 Kate Yarwood
Cookie Guinea Pig 2 years 02/06/06 Gracie and Julia
Cookie Guinea Pig 3 1/2 years 06/11/09 Alyssa Atherly
Cookie Guinea Pig 8 months 12/25/03 Natalie Elpert
Cookie Hamster 1 1/2 years 13/04/11 Megan
Cookie Himalayan Cat 06/16/97-11/30/12 Pat
Cookie Himalayan Cat 06/16/97-11/30/12 Pat Huculak
Cookie Howell Lhasa Apso 10/11/96-07/21/12 Hilda
Cookie Husky/Shepherd/Collie 12 years 06/22/03 Beverly Taylor
Cookie Jack Russell 11 years 08/01/09 Rachel
Cookie Jack Russell Terrier Mix 5 years 12/02/04 The Wolfenzons and Oreo
Cookie Jack Russell/Beagle 09/07/04 Ray, Judy, Michelle, Mike & Matt Anderson
Cookie Jay Croc
Cookie King Sheltie 16 years 08/06/07 Angela King
Cookie Kitten 05/02/05-04/03/06 Court
Cookie Kitten 06/15/01-07/31/01 Starr Phillip
Cookie Lab. 6 months Corel Saul
Cookie Lab/Chow 13 years 06/05/12 Mary Jo Raulerson
Cookie Lab/Dal Mix 01/19/13 Kevin Hood
Cookie Lab/Irish Setter 13 years 08/04/00 Christine
Cookie Labrador Retriever 07/27/92-09/12/02 Stephen, Susan, Stephanie and Samantha Diaz
Cookie Lee Ferret 02/14/06-12/25/11 Lee Family of Henderson NV
Cookie Levin Toy Poodle 11/17/80-05/13/97 Debbie
Cookie Lhasa Apso 01/02/92-05/23/05 Rose
Cookie Lhasa Apso 12/24/88-09/26/05 Kathy
Cookie Lhaso Apso 12/10/08-04/06/11 Veronica
Cookie Lhaso Apso 19 years 03/28/00 Judy
Cookie Lopez Chihuahua 09/01/89-06/25/09 Vanessa and Cynthia Lopez and Family
Cookie Love Oliver Silky Terrier 06/15/94-03/04/09 Christine & Hafid Oliver
Cookie Lumley Beagle 10 years 10/26/13 Cathy
Cookie Lumley Beagle 10 years 10/29/13 Cathy
Cookie Lynn Pug 06/02/95-11/21/03 Donna Lotter
Cookie Lynn Shitzu 05/2002-12/21/07 Jo Wilson
Cookie Maine Coon Cat 02/24/92-04/04/00 Marilyn DeLuca
Cookie Maine Coon Mix Cat 12 years 03/20/97 Michele and Jeff Webb
Cookie Maltese 05/01/94-11/16/07 Gina Panomeritakis
Cookie McBride Springer Spaniel Mix 05/15/99-06/15/13 Maria McBride
Cookie Milk Weiss Dog 09/30/90-09/26/07 Lindsay Weiss Hilton
Cookie Mini Jack Russell 12/27/06-12/19/20 Marta
Cookie Mini Schnauzer 09/16/01-02/13/04 Christine
Cookie Miniature Dachshund 03/09/05-10/17/07 April
Cookie Miniature Dachshund 04/18/04 Debbie Granger
Cookie Miniature Pincer 02/01/07-02/06/20 F. Childers
Cookie Miniature Pinscher 12/10/95-01/15/09 Natalie
Cookie Mini-Dachshund 04/28/96-04/30/13 Mark S Lundin
Cookie Mix Dog 15 years 12/08/07 Angi MacGowan and Mary Cathey
Cookie Mix Dog 20 years 02/05/09 Tracey
Cookie Mix Terrier 03/22/92-01/19/09 Ken Bradford
Cookie Mix/Mutt 09/18/92-11/28/08 Vicki Pieri
Cookie Mixed (Datsun/Min Pin/Chihuahua) 04/96-08/12/09 Debbie & David Howell
Cookie Mixed Cat 1995-2010 Christina
Cookie Mixed Dog 03/23/91-07/21/06 Gerda Meng
Cookie Mixed Dog 11 years 2001 Mimi
Cookie Mixed Dog 13 years 09/22/08 Cindy and Vince Hull
Cookie Mixed Dog 13 years 09/22/08 Cookie
Cookie Mixed Dog 15 years 8.10.17 Antoinette McLoughlini
Cookie Mixed Golden Retriever 16 years 12/26/12 Dennis & Cheryl Proctor
Cookie Mixed Long-Hair Cat 05/02/94-02/08/10 Sandra Howard
Cookie Mixed Shepherd 10 years 03/06/10 Darlene
Cookie Mixed Terrier 03/16/89-12/30/04 David Castor
Cookie Monster Beagle/Terrier/Springer Mix 08/31/92-09/18/07 Audri
Cookie Monster Cat 20 years 04/23/07 Marian Todd
Cookie Monster Cockapoo 12/01/91-10/01/04 Leslie Kelley
Cookie Monster Corgi 05/31/19-01/13/23 Donald Edelman
Cookie Monster Dingo & Stafforshire Terrier 11/87-01/21/03 Marcy D. Norris
Cookie Monster Jack Russell Chihuahua 06/06/06-07/11/19 Maxwell Francis Gomis-Demaria
Cookie Monster Johnson Yorkie 14 years 3 months 02/24/08 Debbie Johnson
Cookie Monster Pug 03/26/05-04/15/08 Matt, Nicki & Elizabeth
Cookie Monster Tuxedo Cat 12 years 01/02/23 Johnny
Cookie Mouse 04/08/07 Jeeves and Paul Family
Cookie Multi Mix Dog 16 years 11/2000 Maureen
Cookie Nguyen Cocker Spaniel 03/05/93-09/14/09 Tim Nguyen
Cookie Nguyen Guinea Pig 13/03/10-30/01/15 Mary Nguyen
Cookie Norwegian Forest Cat 15 years 04/30/10 Tom and Rose Hayden
Cookie Old English Sheepdog 01/31/94-08/06/05 Anne and Amy Hill
Cookie Old English Sheepdog 04/01/92-02/25/06 Doris and Lenny Tsang
Cookie Orange and White Short Hair Cat Lorraine
Cookie Orange Cat 12/23/89-04/03/06 Randy Rhodes
Cookie Orange Tabby Cat 13 1/2 months 02/13/02 Mary Mancini
Cookie Orange/White Tabby Cat 1994-1997 Sharon
Cookie Parakeet 2003-02/10/12 Dan and Kathi
Cookie Parakeet 7 years 05/03/12 Wilma
Cookie Peek-a-Poo 02/19/98-05/31/08 Lynette Leadabrand
Cookie Pekingese 05/22/14 Tom & Carol E
Cookie Pekingese 06/08/89-09/26/06 Debra Hutchins
Cookie Pekingese 10/04/00-01/16/12 Anthony Sookoo
Cookie Persian Cat 8 years 01/28/09 Rachael L. Gregg
Cookie Pit Bull 01/06/01-12/23/04 Karolyn
Cookie Pitbull Dalmatian 1998-2002 Dominick Romano
Cookie Pittie/Boxer 11 years 07/14/21 Arlene Sanders
Cookie Poodle 01/01/89-06/51/91 Claudia
Cookie Poodle 03/14/89-06/05/98 Kathleen Owen
Cookie Poodle 04/02/08 Deb Light
Cookie Poodle 04/30/90-03/16/03 Joe & Patty Barille
Cookie Poodle 06/21/95-04/28/08 Bruce and Deb Light
Cookie Poodle 09/23/93-06/20/07 Kathy Albright
Cookie Poodle 10/02/99-04/27/05 Ruth Angus
Cookie Poodle and Cocker Mix 14 years 07/28/00 Regina Reed
Cookie Poole Miniature Pinscher 8 years 11/20/07 Michelle Poole
Cookie Pudding Hamster 2012-2014 Anna
Cookie Pug 03/03/03-09/05/16 Phyllis McMeekin
Cookie Pug 05/05/00-02/02/10 Ronald & Michelle Donett
Cookie Pug 06/19/07-06/28/15 Soyun
Cookie Pug 09/30/06 Karen
Cookie Puggle 11/29/18 Patti
Cookie Queensland Heeler 15 years 1992 Tootie Truesdell
Cookie Quigley Dog 02/08/06 Debora Quigley
Cookie Rabbit 10/05-10/07/07 Megz McLaughlin
Cookie Rabbit 10/06/21 Monika Sharma
Cookie Rabbit 10/26/11 Melanie M
Cookie Rabbit 11/14/05 Leigh Dragoon
Cookie Rabbit 14/06/10-19/10/13 Ariana
Cookie Rager Spaniel Mix 15 years 10/02/12 Sandy and Nathan Rager
Cookie Rat 15/08/05-16/02/08 Linda
Cookie Rat Terrier 03/24/82-10/09/00 Mary Aldridge
Cookie Rat Terrier 09/10/95-09/13/11 Kimberly Martinez
Cookie Rat Terrier 17 years 05/2011 Kim
Cookie Rat Terrier 9 1/2 years 03/31/00 Anne Humphrey
Cookie Restauri Beagle 10/07/05-10/12/10 Christina Restauri
Cookie Retriever Mix 09/20/90-02/06/05 Myriam Rebeca
Cookie Rex Bunny 08/15/08 Marissa Santos
Cookie Rostas Malamute Lab Cross 12 1/2 years 12/05/09 Colby, Istvan, Joey
Cookie Schnauzer 05/01/00-01/25/08 Ricky and Calvin
Cookie Schnauzer Yorkie Terrier 04/09/92-08/14/05 Phil & Marilyn Simmers
Cookie Schnauzer/Poodle 01/26/02 Charlie, Shirley & Kyle
Cookie See Beagle Mix 04/19/87-08/01/04 Ken & Cheryl
Cookie Shar-Pei/Shepherd 11/99-01/03/15 Brian/Rick
Cookie Shepherd Cross 07/11/94-04/28/02 Dan & Heidi Nelson
Cookie Shepherd/Doberman Mix 9 years 10/08/07 Joanne
Cookie Shepherd/Lab 07/13/92-08/29/07 Sue
Cookie Shih Tzu 01/04/06 Joan Hatfield
Cookie Shih Tzu 01/26/16 John & Andrea Paterson
Cookie Shih Tzu 05/21/03-03/19/18 Erica Lea
Cookie Shih Tzu 11/01/99-01/03/13 Jimmy
Cookie Shih Tzu 11/04/93-06/22/03 Daniela
Cookie Shih Tzu 11/07/05-04/07/12 Nina
Cookie Shih Tzu 14 years 03/36/05 Geralyn Cappelli
Cookie Shih-Tsu 10/28/87-09/27/98 Kathy & Ray
Cookie Shih-Tzu 01/03/96-11/02/09 Elizabeth Ruiz
Cookie Shih-Tzu 9 years 12/01/03 Karen
Cookie Shipoo 01/16/12-05/17/12 Paula (Momma), Christopher, Laura, Dad, Alex
Cookie Shi-Tzu 03/26/04-04/09/14 Ourania Riddle
Cookie Shitzu 10 or 12 years 01/17/03 Kathryn
Cookie Shitzu 8 years 07/20/09 Betty
Cookie Shiz Su 20 years 01/01/87-05/23/07 Betty
Cookie Short Hair Black and White Tuxedo Cat 13 years 04/2007 Elizabeth
Cookie Short Hair Domestic Cat 08/96-11/20/02 V Cureton
Cookie Short Haired Cat 4 years 06/15/04 Patricia Hricak
Cookie Shorthair Calico Cat 18 years 11/08/01 Anthony
Cookie Shorthair Cat 06/27/90-07/31/09 Lynda Caira
Cookie Short-Haired Domestic Cat 16 years 07/30/11 Jenny Smalley
Cookie Siamese Cat 04/21/91-09/29/05 Stacey Kianese
Cookie Siamese Cat 05/18/93-10/15/09 Mary Neff
Cookie Siamese Mix Cat 06/22/96-10/29/09 Clark, Angel & Beth Miranda
Cookie Siberian Long Haired Hamster 09/09/08-08/23/11 Kristin
Cookie Silky Terrier 08/15/93-06/06/06 Kathy Dahn
Cookie Somewhat Calico Cat 08/01/14 Smith Family
Cookie Spitzepoo 16 years 07/10/00 Toby & Harvey
Cookie Strulson Mixed Terrier 07/95-03/21/12 Yetti and Avi Strulson
Cookie Sylvere Miniature Poodle 15 years 03/20/13 Suzanne Sylvere
Cookie Syrian Hamster 11/99-10/03/01 Caroline
Cookie Tabby and White Cat 06/17/13 Ali Deeley
Cookie Tabby Cat 04/08/16 Audrey
Cookie Tabby Cat 05/25/90-08/07/04 Patti Hamilton
Cookie Tabby Cat 14 1/2 years 04/22/08 Teri Resnick
Cookie Teddy Bear Hamster 1 1/2 years 03/21/06 Amber Wells-Tunison
Cookie Teddy Bear Hamster 8 months 07/31/12 Emi Ochoa
Cookie Teddy-Bear Hamster 08/18/97-09/26/99 Mike Macneil
Cookie Terrier 03/09/95-02/01/12 Seher
Cookie Terrier 05/88-13/97 John, Marva, Chad and Carma
Cookie Terrier Mix 07/01/90-02/28/00 Tricia
Cookie Terrier Mix 12/15/84-09/08/98 Carole Conroy
Cookie Terrier Mix 5 years 10/06/05 Cindy
Cookie Torbi Cat 11/01/02-11/06/17 Mark/Deena
Cookie Tortie Cat4 months 08/10/98 Sharon
Cookie Toy Poodle 02/04/99-07/20/11 Clara Dugan and Marylee Dugan
Cookie Toy Poodle 04/07/99-07/03/09 Teresa Mitchem
Cookie Toy Poodle 10/27/96-11/09/10 Seth & Stacy Lynch
Cookie Toy Poodle 9 years 02/04/22 Angie Chin
Cookie Tuxedo Black & White Cat 01/09/21 Dianna and Julian
Cookie Weaver Chihuahua 04/05/13-11/05/13 Colleen Weaver
Cookie White with gray/tiger Cat 12 years 04/23/02 Jackie Darstein
Cookie Wiener Dog 10/13/00-10/08/11 Kelly
Cookie Wire-Hair Terrier Mix 8 years 01/30/19 Virginia Diaz de Leon
Cookie Witham Silver Grey Tabby Cat 08/14/05-08/23/06 Stephanie Witham
Cookie Wookie Poodle 05/29/92-10/26/07 Nancy Saphier
Cookie Yellow Lab 01/10/96-02/27/03 The Castro Family
Cookie Yellow Lab 14 years 09/07/10 Stve Lakie
Cookie Yellow Labrador 12/20/12-03/04/25 Sierra
Cookie Yorkie 07/06/03-06/27/15 Jennifer
Cookie Yorkie 08/10/88-03/27/03 Ann Harvey
Cookie Yorkie 14 years 06/05/09 Heidi
Cookie Yorkshire Terrier 03/11/97-10/06/09 Viviana
Cookie Yorkshire Terrier 9 years 06/05/06 Steve
Cookie Zarina American Cocker Spaniel 11 Nov 96-6 Jun 2005 Shubha Shantanu Nafrey
Cookiedough African Pygmy Hedgehog 2 1/2 years 08/07/14 Nicola
CookieDough Dutch Rabbit 10 months 06/20/10 Taylor
Cookie-Mama DSH Cat 14 years 01/17/07 Steve Spears + Jamie Fox
Cookies & Cream (CC) Dutch Rabbit 10 years 04/02/10 Kristen Jakubowski
Cookies Golden Retriever 09/12/89-02/2003 Gail and Cookies Maker
Cookies 'n Cream Cat 09/22/99 Emily Carter
Cookies Lim Holland Lop Bunny 5 years 03/14/19 Dionne
Cookies N Creme Gerbil 3 years 08/02/96 Alison
Cooky Dog 12 years 01/19/09 Betty Ann, Billy, Jenn, Kayla, Karen & Mike
Cooky DSH Black and White Cat 01/03/94-12/06/97 Jenn
Cooky Pom/Chi 17 years 03/30/07 Gail MacInnes
Cool Breeze German Shepherd 05/15/96-02/15/10 Alicia Murphy
Cool Breeze Percheron Cross Horse 04/28/04-05/30/06 Linda Lejeune
Cool Hand Luke Dachshund Weiner Dog 07/22/89-03/31/05 Susan Taylor
Cool Hand Luke Pug 04/22/09-02/20/11 Anna Stiner
Cool Hand 'Luke' Smith Golden Retriever 06/14/10-08/28/19 Diane Blevins Smith
Cool Jack (C.J.) Siamese Cat 16 years 01/26/02 Kristi and Zach Davis
Cool Joe Conure Parrot 04/22/12 Cindy
Cool Running Thoroughbred Horse 18 years 11/08/03 Denis Sanders
Cool Runnings Thoroughbred Horse 22 years 03/02/08 Paula Blundell
Cool Summer Night Thoroughbred Horse 16 years 07/05/17 Jacqueline Ouellette
Cooler Blackmouth Cur 9 years 10/27/11 Danny, Lajuana, Jody, and Chad
Cooler Cocker Spaniel 13 years 01/15/00 Kathy Christiansen
Cooler Golden/Cocker/Poodle Mix 06/23/89-08/29/04 Lynda Falkenstein, Dieter and Dolores Falkenstein, Robert Worst
Cooler Mutt Found 1987-06/17/00 Deana Hrynkiw
Cooley Flat Coat Retriever/Chow Mix 13 years 12/03/02 Holleigh
Cooley Maltese 09/08/91-10/24/05 Edie & Duane Hopkins
Coolidge Cat 18 years 05/31/02 Randy & Maria
Coolie Cat 18 years 10/19/99 Lynn
Coolie Cat Part Persian Cat 06/01/00-12/20/00 Roxane Dean
Coolio Mix Dog 12/02/96-19/11/10 Nada
Coomer (Coomie, CoomBoom) White and Black Cat 07/11/99-11/14/04 Steve Beling
Coon Coon DSH Calico Cat 04/03/93-08/22/09 Christine Plourde
Coon Coon Shih Tzu 11/07/83-10/04/98 Deborah C Stephens
Coon Dog Dachshund 09/23/05 Terrell & Jeri
Coon Lab 4 years 11/1978 Denise Ketchum
Coonaquan Serena of Coonsboro Maine Coon Cat 04/15/98-05/16/99 Jill & David Burrow
Cooncat Jean D.
Cooner Long Haired Siamese Cat 08/02/92-04/10/07 Deborah Conklin
Cooney Abbysinian Cat 07/17/98-08/31/00 Josh and Julie
Cooney Cat 03/14/90-01/25/06 Corinna Ellis
Cooney Cat 06/15/98-09/07/08 Lori
Cooney White Lab 9 years 03/11/05 Rob & Jen
Coonie Man DLH Cat 1997 Rachel Greaber & family
Coonie Raccoon 11/20/00 Patty
Coonies Raccoons 08/12/09 Kevin Black
Coop Black Lab 01/01/98-04/16/07 The Gwinns
Coopee Tuxedo Cat 07/05/03-07/28/15 H and T. Dearrigunaga
Cooper & Rocco Persian Mix Cat 7 years 08/10/11 Ruthie Cortright
Cooper (Goober Head) Siberian Husky 12/25/01 Sibernet-L Sleddog Rescue
Cooper aka Skippy Mixed Dog 15 years 02/24/05 Vickie Smallwood & Al
Cooper aka: Copper Bingo Greyhound 8 years 08/08/03 Kerene' Cogan
Cooper Amato Jack Russell Terrier 10/12/00-05/16/15 Ann, Joseph, Sam and Ben Amato
Cooper Andrew Sheehan Yellow Labrador 10/20/99-11/20/13 Peggy Sheehan
Cooper Australian Cattle Dog 11 years 12/17/10 The Johnson Family
Cooper Australian Cattle Dog 12/18/02-11/26/11 Erin Esligar
Cooper Australian Kelpie German Shepherd Cross 13 1/2 years 10/04/10 Ann Beatty
Cooper Australian Shepherd 05/15/05-07/03/13 Lindsay and Gary
Cooper Australian Shepherd 07/02/94-06/14/07 Amy Schlotthauer
Cooper Australian Shepherd Mix 12/15/18-08/17/21 Vickey Cortinas
Cooper Babat Rottweiler 9 years 02/05/18 Jeff Babat
Cooper Basenji Mix 2009-02/27/21 MJ McNeely & Carolyn Miles
Cooper Basset Hound 07/28/07 Stephanie Tompkins
Cooper Basset Hound 10/08/98-10/25/05 Bill and Jody Main
Cooper Basset Hound Terrier Mix 14 years 10/03/19 Ora Reichhoff
Cooper Beabull 10 years 08/18/21 Vicki Reinhardt
Cooper Beagle 03/17/96-05/05/05 Bonnie Hicklin
Cooper Beagle 07/06/05-09/08/18 Jeff, Lyn, Josh, Becky, & Brandon
Cooper Beagle 07/2005-09/27/11 Marcia Kratzenberg
Cooper Beagle 10/05/06-08/25/13 Nancy Lane
Cooper Beagle 12 1/2 years 06/25/05 Stacey Watts
Cooper Beagle 12/24/05-11/27/10 Christy Connors
Cooper Bearded Collie 01/17/95-02/27/09 Dave and Debbie Carpenter
Cooper Belgian Malinois K9 2 years 11/00 The Hall Family
Cooper Bernese Mountain Dog 06/24/05 Joyce Hutcherson
Cooper Bernese Mountain Dog 10/16/04-12/20/10 Jan and Dave
Cooper Big Boy Vandiver Great Dane/Lab Mix 09/21/09-10/25/11 Chad and Mandy Vandiver
Cooper Birman Cat 12 1/2 years 06/23/06 Ron & Sharon
Cooper Black & White Bernese Mountain Dog 7 years 03/17/19 Gina, Roger, Luke & Lance Audino
Cooper Black Lab 01/15/01-06/18/12 Max & Pam Braun
Cooper Black Lab 09/2002-11/17/05 Julia & Jeff
Cooper Black Lab 2 years 11/27/05 John Pickar
Cooper Black Lab. 4 1/2 years 03/14/03 Dianne Voss
Cooper Black Lab. Mixed 06/29/95-08/05/10 Helen Hirtriter
Cooper Black Labrador 04/07/17-10/01/02 Sean
Cooper Black Labrador 08/01/97-04/26/10 Verne and Kendall Eisnor
Cooper Black Labrador Retriever 09/28/95-04/07/04 Mark and Carol Cote
Coop-er BMD 08/15/05-04/30/09 Debbie Pasko
Cooper Boston Terrier 14 years 2 months 03/10/18 Tammy Laird
Cooper Boxer 04/01/97-04/30/08 Paula
Cooper Boxer 04/24/09-08/29/20 Suzanne
Cooper Boxer 08/2003-02/21/08 Nita, Dave and Nick Seaton
Cooper Boxer 09/24/04-11/09/11 Sandra, Ryan, Jacob, and Gavin
Cooper Boxer 10 years 02/14/05 Carol Davis
Cooper Boxer 10 years 10/02/13 Genie
Cooper Boxer 3.10.2010-11.30.2013 Timea
Cooper Boxer, Bulldog 04/28/04-11/13/12 Lora Tilson
Cooper Boxer/Beagle 05/24/14-12/16/15 Sharon H
Cooper Brittany 10/19/03-05/13/16 Pat & Ric Ortelli
Cooper Brittany Spaniel 09/04/93-10/14/06 David and Roni Webb
Cooper Buff American Cocker Spaniel 07/2005-03/17/16 Dawn and Tom Dwier
Cooper Buff Tabby Cat 15 years 04/25/15 Rhonda Magnottiyou
Cooper Bunny 12/10/12 Salynne and Peyton Pendergrass
Cooper Calhoun Shiba Inu/German Shepherd Mix 03/03/14-06/25/20 Skylar Roberts
Cooper Campbell Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix Puppy 05/07/05-11/17/06 Teri & Ricky Campbell
Cooper Cat 08/05/21 Andrea Olvera
Cooper Cat 11/15/19-11/23/20 Jeff and Chris
Cooper Cat 12 years 07/03/11 Bruce and Cyndy
Cooper Cat 12 years 07/2010 Cindy Robinson
Cooper Cat 12/18/19-07/27/20 Isabella
Cooper Cat 8 years 10/23/03 Sherry
Cooper Cavalier & Poodle Cross 08/14/10-08/11/12 Amber Wilson & Family
Cooper Chihuahua 04/03/04-02/22/15 Audrey Haley
Cooper Chocolate Lab 04/22/02-12/29/12 Kris
Cooper Chocolate Lab 04/24/11 Joe, Michelle, Jessica, Jennifer & Joe Iii Smith
Cooper Chocolate Lab 07/04/04-03/15/13 Wanda & Todd
Cooper Chow/Schipperke 12/23/00-09/08/08 Mandy
Cooper Chow-Retriever Mix 11 years 08/16/07 Lisa and Dana Carey
Cooper Cocker Spaniel 07/01/04-03/05/16 Anju Davila
Cooper Connor Lemon Beagle 10/25/02-02/21/17 Ted, Diane, and Jon
Cooper 'Coopy' Metzker Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix 12/10/95-12/14/12 Carolyn and Mike Metzker
Copper Dachshund Mix 12/21/08-01/13/22 Tiffany
Cooper Dingo Mix 05/13/97-08/06/12 Jen
Cooper DLH Orange and White Cat 15 years 04/03/09 M L
Cooper Doberman 11 years 03/13/10 Joanna
Cooper Doberman 2005-05/03/09 Bobbie
Cooper Dog 01/20/02 Michelle W
Cooper Dog 02/22/04 John
Cooper Dog 03/17/95-01/18/11 Laurie, Jayce, Ryan, and Shaun Dorman
Cooper Dog 14 years 02/24/23 Laurie Brundage
Cooper Dog 9 years 09/26/15 Erica
Cooper Domestic Long Hair Cat 12 years 04/27/03 Steph, Jeff & Jake Siatta
Cooper Dwarf Rabbit 4 years 06/15/11 Liz Boltz
Cooper English Setter 10/04/03-11/24/10 Ronnie
Cooper English Springer Spaniel 14 1/2 years 11/26/23 Craig & Karen Aaland
Cooper Esneault Yellow Lab 05/05/10-07/10/22 Lisa, Doug, Chris, and Matt
Cooper Ferret 09/01/00-05/07/09 Robin Mauger
Cooper German Shepherd 07/04/88-03/20/01 George & Ellyn Boone
Cooper German Shepherd 22/11/08-04/04/12 Hollie
Cooper German Shepherd 4 years 03/03/15 Sue Luther
Cooper Golden Retriever 01/24/98-12/16/08 Gary, Debbie, Kallin, & Landon Morin
Cooper Golden Retriever 01/29/02-01/11/11 Jen
Cooper Golden Retriever 02/01/04-07/24/13 Tom & Nora Williams
Cooper Golden Retriever 03/28/99-10/10/02 The Erikson Family
Cooper Golden Retriever 04/20/08-10/31/16 Jason, Kathy, Jordi, Matt and Rocky
Cooper Golden Retriever 04/27/06-09/26/10 Karen Seiler
Cooper Golden Retriever 07/20/03-06/20/11 Lindsay
Cooper Golden Retriever 09/09/09 Lynn & Scott
Cooper Golden Retriever 11/07/96-12/05/09 Pam and Chris Reaume
Cooper Golden Retriever 12 years 04/24/08 Joe, Mary, Michelle, and Mark
Cooper Golden Retriever 12/01/01-10/02/14 Katie
Cooper Golden Retriever 14 years 12/19/11 Cheryl Binder
Cooper Golden Retriever 5 years 11/16/09 Judith Darcy
Cooper Golden Retriever 8 years 12/03/10 Kristen
Cooper Gray and White Tabby Cat 05/03/11-05/23/13 Rori Olsson
Cooper Gray Tiger Cat 04/09/04 Teresa Williams
Cooper Gray/Brown Tabby Cat 04/29/07-11/02/09 Kathy Flack
Cooper Great Dane 10/31/03-06/18/13 Tracy Schlagel
Cooper Great Pyr 09/19/99-11/20/04 Marlene Padley
Cooper Greyhound/Lab Mix 8 years 10/20/05 Mandy & Mark
Cooper Himalayan/Simese Cat 05/23/87-12/09/03 Kay Debolt
Cooper Hound 9 years 07/23/07 Patricia Randall
Cooper Husky Mix 15 years 05/18/18 Jill
Cooper Jack Russell 9 months 09/01 Wegrahams
Cooper Johnston American Staffordshire Terrier 05/23/04-03/02/06 Daniel and Emi Johnston
Cooper Josie Bear Chihuahua 10 years 01/09/13 Melissa
Cooper King Charles Spaniel 06/30/09-05/21/18 Linda Salvatore
Cooper Lab Greyhound Mix 07/22/17 Shannon he is added in behalf of Amy
Cooper Lab Mix 2 1/2 years 04/17/02 Preston Family
Cooper Lab/Newfoundland Mix 11/04/05-10/02/13 Lori, Tara, Alexis, & Jaelyn Wheeler
Cooper Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback 05/07/05-11/17/06 Teri Campbell
Cooper Labrador 13 years 11/16/09 Deb Edwards
Cooper Labrador Retriever 07/2010-12/19/15 Steve & Evelyn
Cooper Labrador Retriever 08/2004-01/26/13 Donna Stratton
Copper Bernese Mountain Dog 01/04/14-10/14/23 Kristel & Troy
Copper Labrador Retriever 12/30/11-04/04/22 Randy and Nora Teodoro
Cooper Labrador Retriever 13 years 10/19/05 Scott & Elizabeth Idleman
Cooper Lee Boxer 04/08/18-01/15/19 Steven, Korie, Isis, Christopher, Kaden, Cam, Kk, and Coleman
Cooper Lee Yorkshire/Silky Terrier 08/13/07-07/04/19 David, Jennifer, & Harper
Cooper Logan Budreau Ridgeback, Shepherd Mix 04/06/04 Noelle & Victor
Cooper Longfellow Standard Poodle 12 years 10/09/15 Jana
Copper Maine Coon Cat 06/06/23 Bart Ward
Cooper Maltese 07/23/16 Gerie R
Cooper Maltese Mix 04/06/20 Linda
Cooper Mayer-Oakes Minature Schnauzer 03/25/91-05/02/02 Mary, Drew, Maggie & Callie
Cooper McBeagle Boyd Beagle 02/17/13-12/07/21 Darrell & Christine, Bailey & Karma
Cooper Min Pin/Manchester Terrier Mix 09/24/07 Liz Kim
Cooper Mini Poodle 10/31/04-05/07/13 The Larivey Family
Cooper Miniature Australian Shepherd 03/01/02-12/30/15 Bill and Barb
Cooper Miniature Long Haired Dachshund 03/22/91-06/08/06 Pauline Broadhead
Cooper Miniature Pinscher 02/28/06-05/04/22 Randy Pinol
Cooper Miniature Schnauzer 09/19/92-08/04/05 Pete Henrick
Cooper Min-Pin 07/04/96-06/12/13 Lea Ann Eastman
Cooper MinPin 13 years 06/17/11 Bill & Frances Hogue
Cooper Mix Dog 09/15/03-01/16/09 Glen, Debbie & Caydee
Cooper Mix Dog 11/18/06 Cheryl
Cooper Mixed Dog 01/19/99-01/23/13 Susan Steele
Cooper Mixed Dog 03/15/95-02/05/10 Shawn
Cooper Mixed Dog 05/30/22 Lana
Cooper Mixed Dog 05/92-01/17/09 Jim Clark
Cooper Mixed Dog 08/19/09 Cindy Reitz
Cooper Mixed Dog 10/28/95-09/10/09 Denise
Cooper Moeykens Akita/Husky 03/12/97-12/14/03 Libbie & Chris
Cooper Pit Bull 08/01/01-09/17/09 Carrie
Cooper Plott Hound 2 years 02/04/05 Lisa Nickerson
Cooper Pokerdance Longo Greyhound 12 years 07/09/06 Mike, Kris & Hannah
Cooper Pomeranian 09/09/08-04/13/09 Donna
Cooper Pomeranian 10 years 05/09/12 Melissa Pye
Cooper Poodle 05/23/08 Bobbie
Cooper Pug 07/04/02-04/19/10 Stephen
Cooper Pug 08/26/98-07/18/06 Sheila & Peter
Cooper Pug 12 years 07/17/13 Karen Johnson
Cooper Pup 09/99 Libby
Cooper Puppy 3 months 01/28/09 Lyndsay
Cooper Rabbit 1995-2002 Mike & Stephanie Campbell
Cooper Rat Terrier 03/10/01-02/06/06 Amy, Malta, Andrew, Hayley and Caroline
Cooper Ray Logsdon Plott Hound 9 years 08/20/21 Joie Logsdon
Cooper Redbone Coonhound 13 years 01/22/19 Pamela Ridge
Cooper Redbone Hound/Yellow Lab Mix 11/23/00-04/01/13 Carrie
Cooper Reilly Black Lab/Border Collie Mix 08/01/04-01/09/07 Townley S. Reilly
Cooper Rhodesian Ridgeback 06/21/99-02/18/05 Terry & Mary Koster
Cooper Riley Kalb Pug 07/22/99-10/21/09 Katrina Kalb
Cooper Rottwieler 05/06/99 Steve & Mary
Cooper Russian Blue Cat 7 years 03/12/08 Mark Hruby
Cooper Sanders Black Lab 01/02/94-01/31/02 Mary and Andrea
Cooper Scottie 02/23/02-08/17/05 Ronnette Cooke
Cooper Sheltie 06/29/92-04/26/05 Kim Curtsinger
Cooper Sheltie 11/96-05/12/07 Irene
Cooper Shepherd Mix 03/31/98-04/28/99 Shari/Tina
Cooper Sheridan Japanese Chin 08/18/01-06/27/12 Kathy Sheridan
Cooper Shih Tzu 02/20/97-09/16/04 Joey and Rod
Cooper Shih Tzu 11 years 09/13/03 Jack and Liz Sanso
Cooper Siberian Cat 2008-2009 Laura
Cooper Siberian Kitty Cat 2008-2009 Laura Thomas
Cooper Simmonds Chihuahua 04/01/08-08/20/13 Terry and Debra Simmonds
Cooper Snyder Golden Retriever 08/31/92-13/12/08 Gayle Snyder
Cooper Spaniel Mix 11 years 04/09/05 Cindy Plaster
Cooper Springer Spaniel 07/25/11-03/09/12 Susan Down and Family
Cooper Steele Ferret 11/2001-10/12/11 Donette Steele
Cooper Tabby Cat 03/10/96-08/31/97 S. Clough
Cooper Tabby Cat 15 years 10 months 1 day 11/02/06 Lisa
Cooper Tabby Cat 2 years 04/24/12 Lorena Burgis
Cooper Tabby Cat 8 years 6th April 2009 Gregor
Cooper Terrier Mix 08/23/92-12/08/06 Wendy Hearn
Cooper Terrier Mix 15 years 05/14/17 Rachel Conrey
Cooper Tuxedo Cat 6 years 03/18/04 Tracy Fortune
Cooper Union Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10/14/10-08/13/11 Judy Lynch
Cooper Vizsla 10 years 07/05/08 Kitty Clerico
Cooper Vizsla 11/08/09 Oran and Jen Dart
Cooper Weimaraner 06/21/01-07/04/11 Lori
Cooper Weimaraner 11/08/04-04/22/14 Debbie
Cooper Weimaraner 15 years 02/25/13 MGGB
Cooper Westie/Maltese 15 years 12/06/17 Fiona
Cooper Wheaten Terrier 1 1/2 years 01/17/07 Sarah Appel
Cooper Yellow Lab 04/15/04-04/11/09 Cathy
Cooper Yellow Lab 05/29/02-05/10/16 Natalie Kielar
Cooper Yellow Lab 13 years 04/02/07 Jim, Cathy, Andrew, Jenna
Cooper Yellow Lab 13 years 12/29/07 Deb Senger
Cooper Yellow Labrador Retriever 01/06/03-08/07/09 Janet & Stephen Dwyer
Cooper Yellow Labrador Retriever 03/23/95-07/17/05 Penny Enright
Cooper Yorkie 04/15/08-03/31/22 Lucia Haas
Cooper Yorkie 04/99-09/01/07 Robyn
Cooper Yorkie 05/26/03-09/27/11 Chris and Serge Marinkovic
Cooper Yorkie 10/21/11-08/17/19 Glen & Cissy
Cooper Yorkiepoo 10 years 12/29/07 Audrey & Jack Skowronski & Bailey
Cooper Yorkshire Terrier 12/01/11-01/30/23 Rita & Valdi Cocetta
Cooper Zabec Siberian Husky 7+ years 06/30/06 Myra Zabec
Cooper, Three Bunny & Laya English Spot, New Zealand, & Mixed Breeds Rabbits 10-12, 1, & 2 years 2001, 1992, & 1993 Nimue/Dude
Cooperman German Shepherd Dog 09/03/92-06/30/02 David L Davis
Cooper-Moo Cat 08/28/06-03/14/11 Falon
Coopie D Collie Mix 12 years 04/27/17 Melanie Ambriz
Coopurr Kitten 8 months 06/29/04 Mary Finley
Coorey English Cocker Spaniel 19/01/92-29/01/07 Cathy
Coors Black Lab 1992-03/30/05 Laura Cichon
Coors Dalmatian 01/06/01-07/22/08 Joaquin and April Jaimes
Coors Yellow Labrador 04/21/97-09/25/07 Wendy, Bill & Kellogg
Coosa Basset Hound 11/24/84-02/26/96 Janie Hemminger
Coosa Rottie 7 years 05/27/09 Dani, Leonard, and Girls
Cooshie Bear Sheltie 06/23/93-11/01/04 Bob and Kathleen Durbin
Cooter Australian Shep/Coon Hound 05/23/98-01/23/08 Carol Jones
Cooter Basset Scott Charney
Cooter Bassett Hound 17 years 05/10/09 Elaine Walsh
Cooter Cat 13 years 2000 Gwen Morgan
Cooter Dalmatian 7 years 2008 Dave and Tara Hess
Cooter Ferret 08/17/08 Branden & Sunshine
Cooter Grey Striped Shorthair Cat 06/10/08-06/18/09 Melanie
Cooter Norwegian Forest Cat 12/15/95-12/29/07 Joe, Bev, Braidon, James Horvath
Cooter Orange Mix Dog 02/01/00-11/10/00 Jesse and Kerri
Cooter Shepherd/Lab Cross 13 years 10/08/00 Tammy
Cooter Shorthair Cat 02/24/93-05/24/98 Eva
Cooter 'the boy' Brown Racer Jones Australian Shepherd/Coonhound 05/23/98-01/23/08 Carol Jones
Cooter 'the boy' Brown Racer Jones Coonhound/Australian Shepherd 11/13/98-01/23/08 Carol Jones
Cooter Yellow Lab 11/18/85-01/07/99 Donna & Stephen Giggey
Cooter Yorkshire Terrier 11/28/86-05/28/04 Terri
Cooters (Cutie-Pie) Chihuahua 9 years 12/01/00 Michael & Shonagh Alvey
Cootie Boonie 3 years 11/21/05 Amanda Shanley
Cootie Cat 4 years 05/08/05 Michelle
Cootie Pies aka Buddy or Buddy Boyz Lop Bunny 11 1/2 years 10/30/15 Pamela Packman
Cootie Russian Blue Mix Cat 03/23/88-08/18/06 Virka
Coots Kelly Cat 2 years 09/22/09 Kirsten
Cootsie Cockapoo 04/15/84-06/06/01 JoAnn Mendivil
Cooz Orange Tabby Cat 09/2003-01/06/09 Angela Soric
Copa Dog 04/12/11-07/09/13 Ellen Young
Copa Ford Poodle 12 years 05/29/04 Penny
Copa Jewel Sterling Chihuahua Mix 1989-03/05/09 Cristopher Cornell Sterling
Cope Greyhound 07/98-07/06/06 Carole Hack
Copenhagen Dog 10/15/96-07/01/08 Lanee Barnhill
Copenhagen Golden / Lab Mix 13 years 11/22/06 Stephanie & Deke Miller
Copenhagen Vivo German Shepherd Mix 01/05/06 Casey, Megan,Harley,and Cookie Vivo
Copernico Poodle 1996-10/16/11 Uriel
Copernicus Tabby Cat 02/02/10 Chris Hennessey
Copi Cairn Terrier 05/23/06 Paul Dergarabedian
Copilot Lab/Shepherd 11 years 11/25/07 Tekla Monteleon
Coppelia European Cat 05/01/94-12/06/10 Christiane Dumont
Copper (Copper Top) American Cocker Spaniel 12/26/93-01/17/09 Lisa Francescone
Copper (Topper) Lab/Beagle Mix 02/01/00-08/17/02 Amy and Virgil Chesnutt
Copper Airedale 04/06/87-01/17/98 Ann E.
Copper American Staffordshire Terrier 09/19/94-09/18/06 Kim, Rolf, Lea & Brandon
Copper Avery Pit Bull 10 years 06/16/10 Michelle Avery
Copper Basset Hound 09/22/95-06/19/07 Julie & John Jackson
Copper Basset Hound 10/95-07/12/08 Ann Marie, Donny, Katie Meredith
Copper Basset/Beagle 9 years 10/11/12 Liz & Eric Hollinger
Copper Bassett Hound 14 years 04/14/09 Lister Hope Mills
Copper Beagle 04/24/ 94-04/12/05 Lucretia Wagenknecht
Copper Beagle 05/17/03 Madalena Hutcheson
Copper Beagle 06/08/00-10/17/09 The Myers Family
Copper Beagle 07/31/99-05/29/09 Jenn and Greg
Copper Beagle 08/25/93-08/30/05 Anna Kantor
Copper Beagle 08/95-11/10/08 Carolyn Jones
Copper Beagle 09/21/11 Michelle
Copper Beagle 09/97-10/27/02 Joni Pullam
Copper Beagle 11/18/00-12/07/96 Dianne Kurtz
Copper Beagle 2005 Lisa
Copper Beagle 9 1/2 years 10/01/10 Kelly Pickering
Copper Beagle 9 years 08/23/14 Toni
Copper Bijon 11/26/02-01/13/16 William M. Head
Copper Blood Hound 09/10/13 Stephanie Miracle
Copper Bloodhound 09/25/04-04/24/06 Chris, Cindy, Jacob, Jordan, Melanie & Megan
Copper Border Collie 9 years 08/09/06 Judy Whitehouse
Copper Boxer 08/23/97-05/04/09 Charlie & Chris Senseney
Copper Boxer 10/26/13-10/29/21 Danielle Byrne
Copper Boxer 8 years 12/14/03 Ryan and Marissa
Copper Brindle Mutt 14 years 12/27/10 The Colettas
Copper Brittany 01/26/11 Mark Quagliotti
Copper Brittany Spaniel 12 years 03/06/09 James Beaton
Copper Brittany Spaniel 9 1/2 years Rick and Lucinda
Copper Brittney Spaniel 01/25/99-02/02/09 Brandon Sandberg
Copper Buddy King Golden Retriever 12/12/92-11/18/07 Virginia Ghiardi
Copper BullDog 7 years 02/07/98 Brenda and Bruce
Copper C Beagle 8 years 08/01 Darren, Diane, Jena, Tyler, Ryan and Melissa S
Copper Calico Cat 12/06/05-12/06/06 Bob & Jean Weisgerber
Copper Cat 01/01/82-03/08/01 Helen and Gordon
Copper Cat 2 1/2 years 05/08/05 Christina
Copper Cat 2 years 06/06/11 Juanita VanFossen
Copper Cat 20 years 08/2000 Helen and Gordon
Copper Chocolate Lab 10 1/2 years 03/08/19 Dawn McGlinch
Copper Chow 14 years 04/10/12 Norma Potter
Copper Chow Shepherd 2005 Sarah Koga
Copper Cocker Spaniel/German Shepherd 02/14/98-10/11/10 Ed Perry
Copper Cockerspaniel 03/93-08/07/03 Joelle
Copper Cockerspaniel 05/08/97-08/28/09 Mandy
Copper Collie Mix 03/18/04 Lanae Ice
Copper Conrad Irish Setter 14 years 12/10/09 Chesa Conrad
Copper Coonhound 06/25/83-09/10/98 Joan & Lee Luna
Copper Corgi 10/12/97-10/17/11 Roe
Copper Cornish Rex Cat 02/19/97-03/05/12 Zoe Rodriguez
Copper Cotton DJ Horse over 20 years 02/2004 Christine Porter
Copper Culpepper Basenji 09/27/96-09/22/01 Caryn Madison
Copper Dachshund 04/16/94-05/23/06 Robin Jemison
Copper Davis Beagle 07/09/01-03/20/13 Michele and Randy Davis Family
Copper Diane Basset Hound 05/08/92-02/15/07 Nancy Roth
Copper Doberman 10/31/98 Cyndi
Copper Dog 02/02/94-03/24/03 Jasmine
Copper Dog 04/22/94-09/13/00 Christine & Diane Marino
Copper Dog 06/13/04 Grant Golgowski
Copper Dog 10 years 09/19/96 Derick, Melissa, Nancy, Cassandra, Paul and Becky
Copper Dog 11/11/02-04/23/12 Janet Microulis
Copper Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/89-02/04/07 Jeannie Menor
Copper Doodle Doo Basenji/Setter/Lab 02/29/88-10/23/04 Morgan
Copper English Cocker 11/24/94-10/01/07 Shannon
Copper English Springer Spaniel 10/29/99-07/03/12 Jaclyn, Jason, Neil, Keri
Copper Galbreath Poodle 01/09/94-05/10/04 David and Lara
Copper German Shepherd 10 1/2 years 08/06/21 Zaira, Cameron, Madison, Daina & Steve
Copper German Shepherd 9 years 01/25/06 Brandi
Copper Golden 02/28/02-02/09/10 Lynn Hofer
Copper Golden Lab 02/20/05-04/04/12 Dawn
Copper Golden Retriever 01/97-10/16/06 Jean Rodemoyer
Copper Golden Retriever 01/99 Aunt Raye
Copper Golden Retriever 02/07/94-10/12/07 Stephanie
Copper Golden Retriever 03/04/02-01/30/14 Cynthia Webber
Copper Golden Retriever 03/10/88-02/18/98 Deborah
Copper Golden Retriever 03/13/00-08/03/05 David, Ann, Josh & Jenny
Copper Golden Retriever 03/30/94-04/24/02 Steve, Mary, Steven, Laurie & Ashley
Copper Golden Retriever 05/12/98-10/19/12 Ivana Chiang, Nate Mitchell, Mattie Mitchell, Simon Mitchell
Copper Golden Retriever 05/31/88-03/10/97 Goldie
Copper Golden Retriever 07/20/94-08/12/04 Andi, Dennis & DJ
Copper Golden Retriever 11/01/03-09/09/16 Barb Michael
Copper Golden Retriever 11/16/97-02/14/12 Lucie
Copper Golden Retriever 2009-04/21/09 Becky Taylor
Copper Golden Retriever 5 years 01/16/13 Joe DeLeon
Copper Golden Retriever 8 years 02/05/13 Lori Edgar
Copper Golden Retriever 9 1/2 years 10/2006 Nikki Edgington
Copper Golden Retriever Chelsea
Copper Golden Retriever/ Lab Mix 05/27/03-03/14/13 Darin, Dinetiza, & Kyle Horton
Copper Golden Tabby Cat 03/10/02-03/29/10 Michele Koester
Copper Golden Tabby Cat 14 years 11/05/97 Tina Gay-Crawford
Copper Greyhound 06/04/14-11/22/19 Karen Young
Copper Greyhound 06/04/14-11/29/19 Karen Young
Copper Greyhound 12 years 08/10/02 Cari
Copper Heinz 57 Dog 06/94-08/19/09 Carol Healy
Copper Hound/Shepherd 12/05/06-05/21/15 Sheila
Copper Hughes Winnie Dog 10 years 05/12/05 Stacey Hughes
Copper Jake Golden Retriever 03/11/96-03/19/05 Regina
Copper Kahula Cocker Spaniel 02/13/95-05/28/07 Kimberly
Copper Kelley Cat 8 years 06/27/16 Renee Hickman
Copper Kitty Orange Tabby Cat 09/18/00-04/25/13 Claire Hallock
Copper Lab/Retriever Mix 04/95-06/96 Emily Clark
Copper Labrador Retriever 12/01/96-04/18/08 Brooke
Copper Labrador/Doberman Mix 03/04/95-09/07/99 Terry Griffin
Copper Mix Dog 02/16/11 Cousin Lauren
Copper Mix Dog 02/16/11 Marianne
Copper Mix Dog 12 years 01/00 Mosby Family
Copper Mixed Breed 1995-11/04/05 Walton Family
Copper Mixed Breed Dog Rayalene
Copper Mixed Cat 07/06/06-04/12/07 Ellie Frame
Copper Olivares German/Labrador 1 year 5 months 08/04/11 Jesus Olivares
Copper Orange Tabby Cat 07/23/86-05/24/00 Cindy & Allen Bull
Copper Orange Tabby Cat 09/08/08 Tracy and Rob Dore
Copper Orange Tabby Cat 09/25/04-03/09/05 Amanda Murphy
Copper Orange Tabby Cat 7 years 08/14/07 Tanis Buller
Copper Parrott Freda Persian Cat 09/12/92-08/25/04 Kerri Freda
Copper Patrick Beagle 03/27/96-05/01/97 Faith, John, Lisa and Sean Williams
Copper Penny IV Brittney Spaniel 01/12/89 Jackie Kelso
Copper Pitbull Mix 09/16/97-12/11/10 Nicole Renna
Copper Poodle 01/05/04 Brandy & Randy
Copper Poodle 11/13/00 Melinda Morgan
Copper Quarterhorse Mare 11 years 11/08/99 C
Copper Retriever/Lab Mix 04/01/95-01/26/08 Lisa Ruiz
Copper Satin Rabbit 1993-2001 Robert Megna
Copper Shannon Minature/ Toy Poodle 1986-02/02/00 Michelle McDougald
Copper Shar-Pai, Pit-Bull Mix 14 years 08/15/09 Belinda
Copper Sheltie 03/30/94-09/10/07 Julie and Arthur
Copper Shih Tzu 11/11/08-05/03/21 Lelynne
Copper Short Hair Tabby Cat 05/89-07/16/03 Adrian, Kelly, Amanda, Pat, Chris, Gayle, Don & Anne
Copper Smith Blood Hound 04/23/03-11/30/11 Travis Smith
Copper Smoochie Cockapoo 12 months 04/23/10 Steve and Jennifer Rydin
Copper Somali Cat 13 years 05/26/05 Prisiclla Wilson
Copper Spaniel X 08/26/05 Candice
Copper Stewart Labrador 12/05/98-04/21/06 Mark T. Stewart
Copper the Pot Epperson Dachshund Mix 02/08/06-02/22/08 Emily, Scott, and Rooney
Copper Thoroughbred Horse 11/15/10 Madison
Copper Toy Poodle 08/15/94-10/19/09 Michelle, Brett, Eric & Rachel
Copper Walker Fox Hound 07/19/96-02/13/06 Julie Patterson
Copper Weimaraner 13+ years 11/17/16 Charles & LaDawn Nejdl
Copper Wolf Hybrid 14 years 04/25/11 Judith Ellerbrock
Copper Yellow Lab 15 years 12/30/09 Julia Hartman
Copper Yellow Lab/Min. Collie Mix 04/05/93-12/11/06 Carol Anderson
Copper Yorkie-Poo 03/17/11 Heather
Coppercrest Dinah's Jason Airedale 11/11/85-07/11/98 Therese M. Galvan
Copperdo Pomeranian 12/31/02-10/11/11 Julie Ashmore
Copperfield (aka Miss Copperfield) Budgie 4 years 06/22/11 Melody and Peter K
Copperfield Orange Tabby Cat 03/05/06-01/04/08 Amanda O'Brian
Copperfield Yorkshire Terrier 05/06/83-01/25/96 Deede Walker
CopperHandsomePrinceOf EveryThing Maine Coon Cat 05/95-10/04/08 Sarah Brown
Copperleighs Jacob The Dozer aka Bubba Bloodhound 10/20/01-08/03/05 David and Sandy Douglas
Copper-Penny Basset Hound Always-Forever Stephanie
Coppers Cimmaron (Casey) Quarter Horse 05/25/90-10/17/99 Sarah
Copper's Penny Ante Saddlebred Horse 9 years 07/12/07 Kathe Roberts
Coppertone Cat 04/04/11-09/24/11 Laura Starr
Coppertone Dog John Arthur Newman
Coppertone Golden Retriever 10/18/88-07/25/95 Debbie Masino and Jack Newman
Copter Mixed Dog 07/05/95-10/28/09 Rick and Nancy Schucker
Copy Orange Tabby Cat 03/23/97-07/01/10 Bridget, Rob, Ivy, Mary, Brucey and Peter
Coqueta Rodriguez Cocker Spaniel 03/17/01-08/28/11 Atziry Rodriguez
Coquette Budgie 4 years 06/25/11 Melody and Peter K
Coquette Silver Grey Long Hair Tabby Cat 6 months 7 January 2002 Catherine Vacarciuc
Coqui Jr Barahona Cocker Spaniel 11/09/12-08/13/23 Maria Loja
Coqui Nichole Stoops Poodle 01/24/92-05/28/05 Linda and Mickey Stoops
Coqui Ramage Bichon Frise 03/21/00-04/01/14 Robert Ramage
Coquie Domestic Shorthair Cat 17 years 10/04/10 Cathy Conrad
Coquine European Cat 03/25/95-02/14/08 Marie-Jose Margaux, Maxime Jean-Marc
Coquinha Cocker Spaniel 02/12/00-29/01/12 Vivian
Coquita Alay Maltipoo 13 years 04/03/19 Claudia, Jeannette, Mirko, Valeria
Cora Belle Golden Retriever 12/13/97-01/02/01 Joann Sonego
Cora Cat 05/13/01-04/24/01 Rachelle Davies
Cora Damyl German Shepherd 02/08/95-08/11/00 Pat Kennedy
Cora Domestic Cat 08/28/98-08/14/08 Nadezda Lolin
Cora Lee Cat 07/27/98-08/07/15 Michelle Gray
Cora Pitbull 16 years 01/13/11 Arlene and Troy
Cora Sheltie 11/26/08-01/20/17 Ashley Teague
Cora Vom Holstentor German Shepherd 05/07/82-07/29/98 Jane Krupica
Coral (Bell) Land Boxer 08/03/94-01/19/08 Palangel
Coral Black Lab 12/17/90-09/22/02 Lisa & Sam Zullo
Coral Border Collie 11/11/04-08/29/09 Alicia Abell
Coral Doberman 09/21/11-10/28/11 Brenda Carrillo
Coral Fish 1 years 08/22/03 James, Sean-Michael & Julie
Coral Irish Setter 13 years 11/28/04 Margaret Fehr
Coral Irish Setter 13 years 11/28/04 Margaret L Fehr
Coral Jean Frangione Cat 14 years 01/04/23 Marcia Frangione
Coral Marie Garcia Pit Bull 7 years 10 months 01/11/07 Sandra M Garcia
Coral Paulson Calico Cat 04/01/89-02/20/09 Sheila Cernicka
Coral Persian Mix Cat 08/90-06/10/05 Cyndi
Corazon Black Lab,doberman,viszla Mix 3 1/2 years 01/10/03 Judy
Corazon Cat 18 1/2 years 10/01/04 Jane Smallridge
Corazon Maltese 09/27/89-04/28/03 Luz Marina
Corbair Australian Shepherd 26/06/02-18/01/12 Nicola Tucker
Corbeau Mixed Lab 11/05/90-03/17/03 The Lane Family
Corbette Domestic Tabby Cat 01/02/05 Meg McWhinney
Corbin Cat 6 months 11/21/10 Ele Foster
Corbin Dallas Cat 01/2007-06/01/07 Carla Pundsack
Corbin Dallas Pope Mixed Dog 12/15/01-03/28/12 Jennifer, Jon and Debbie Pope
Corbin Newfoundland 03/20/91-03/14/02 Michael & Mary Beggs
Corbin Rabbit 4 1/2 years 03/27/15 Stephanie
Corby Bichon Frise 09/06/98-01/23/09 Joseph C. Hammond
Corby Budgie 10/26/00 Syrena
Corby Cat 12/01/98-03/12/05 Nancy and Dan Vetter
Corby Golden Retriever 12/04/99-05/03/13 Ljuba Butcher
Corby Papillion 01/16/96-07/31/09 John Koval
Corc Irish Red & White Setter 01/24/09-12/05/21 Sharon Merkel
Cord Jack Russell Terrier 03/25/95-08/27/12 Teri Rouse
Cordelia Golden Retriever 07/04/94-11/26/97 Helen Flatau
Cordelia Rabbit 08/09/94-07/13/99 Patricia Vickers Cato
Cordell Ferret 08/11/04-09/08/07 Brooke
Cordell Walker Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/10/00-08/24/19 Regina Renolda Head
Cordellia Guinea Pig 09/99 Liz
Cordey Dachshund 03/09/05-10/10/11 Charles and Charlotte Payne
Cordial Brown Tabby Cat 10/31/91-01/04/02 Cheryl and Joey
Cordoroy 5 Month Old Puppy 03/02/04-07/23/04 Lisa Adkins
Corduroy Credidio Sheltie 10/07/95-06/05/12 Nicole and Nancy Credidio
Corduroy German Shepherd Mix 12 years 04/29/09 Stephanie Reaser
Corduroy Sheltie 12 years 03/07/07 Keri and Drew Broussard
Cordy American Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/30/00-03/21/16 Rosanne Catalano
Cordy and Angel Golden Retriever Dogs 04/23/02-01/21/13 Melanie Lear
Cordy Grauer Rat Terrier 02/94-04/28/10 Katie
Cordy Rabbit 03/01/00-04/24/00 Emily Robertson
Cordy Rat Terrier 16 years 04/28/10 Katie
Corenne Boxer 12/13/94-04/13/04 Patricia Fierro
Corey - De Baby - Little Guy Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/05/03-07/17/04 Eve & Mark & The Boys
Corey American Shorthair Cat 9 years 07/29/09 Kim Herman
Corey Anne Kessler Mixed Dog 08/20/83-12/31/99 Mary
Corey Bichon Frise 06/08/87-11/30/01 Laura Kappler
Corey Bichon Frise 07/18/86-03/04/03 Liz
Corey Blackwell-Fendley Dog 02/18/88-07/13/04 Rachel & Justin
Corey Cat 08/2004 Laura
Corey Ciuffo Yellow Lab 08/15/88-05/25/04 Michael J. Ciuffo
Corey Collie 04/12/10 Claire Prosser
Corey Dog 01/08/94-04/26/10 Michele & Mark
Corey Dog 02/03/01 Angie
Corey Dog 12 years 07/21/99 Rolly
Corey Dog 17 years 10/29/97 Kat, Dave, Susan, Michael, Ryan, Marbles & Druid
Corey Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Corey DSH Black and White Cat 01/01/89-12/23/05 Jean Ann Swinehart
Corey English Bull Dog 11/01/01-01/27/13 Andrew
Corey German Shepherd 07/10/97-05/23/09 Nancy and Karl Axelson
Corey Golden Retriever 11/96-06/25/09 Brian
Corey Golden Retriever 15 years 01/13/99 Suellen & Susanne Freil
Corey Golden Retriever 7 years 12/31/09 Denise Czyzewicz
Corey Horse 04/03/76-07/27/05 Roy Vanderleelie
Corey Horton Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/22/06-06/09/13 Victoria Horton
Corey Husky/Shepherd Mix 06/84-01/18/00 Janice Gilbert
Corey James Stubbs Bichon Frise 10 years 05/14/14 Marcine and Darrel Stubbs
Corey Jean German Shepherd 04/07/95-06/29/05 Sue Marcum
Corey Jordan Anderson Golden Retriever 04/03/99-07/28/09 Sherian Anderson
Corey Lhasa Apsos 08/05/04-01/27/06 Christine
Corey Louis Tracy Cat 05/20/92-02/05/09 Julie, Donna, Barney and Mike
Corey Mix Dog 12 years 03/28/07 Maryanne Williams
Corey Pembroke Welsh Corgi 08/85-09/05/98 Bonnie Foster
Corey Piper Brady (Salvetti) Vizsla 10/27/97-09/23/10 Gloria Salvetti
Corey Poodle 02/01/92-09/10/04 Arlene
Corey Pug 04/27/00-11/13/09 Harriett
Corey Pug 04/27/00-11/13/09 Harriett Brown
Corey Sheltie 01/29/76-10/15/86 Thomas Slagel
Corey Sheltie 12/20/93-02/22/04 Kimberlee
Corey Shepherd Mix 14 years 02/25/08 Kathleen Taylor
Corey Vizla Mix 17 years 10/22/98 Kat Martinez
Corey Welsh Corgi 12/22/92-03/12/07 Ruth Snider
Corey West Highland Terrier 06/11/92-03/27/05 Loretta Jagodinski & Charlene
Corey Westie 01/30/03 Lee, Molly & Romeo
Corey White Oriental Siamese Cat 18 years 12/31/03 Beth Morgan
Corgi aka Poopie Bfd Corgi Mix 01/86-08/30/00 Lisa & Alex Giassa
Corgi Lee, Corgi the half Corgi Half Corgi Half Chihuahua 18 years 05/01/21 Bunny Lee
Corgi Mixed Welsh Corgi 11/01/09 Fred Riley
Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/02/94-04/03/03 Larry and Diane Ward
Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi 11 years 03/11/04 Laurie
Corgie Golden Retriever about 1963 Patti K
Cori (Corazon) Cat 14 years 12/06/01 Spencer
Cori Collie 07/24/07 Tracey
Cori Dachshund 7 years 05/07/09 Catherine
Cori Daily German Shepherd 01/92-02/19/05 Ashley
Cori Lab (Yellow) 05/12/92-10/19/06 Albert
Cori Maxwell Golden Retriever 11/30/02-06/08/11 Rosanne Weiss
Cori Miniature Dacshund 01/11/86-04/04/03 Angie Reynolds
Corialanus Buddha Budin Black & White Tuxedo Cat 04/02/01-03/01/10 Sheila B
Coriander Cat 3 years 09/20/02 Jamie Sandrock
Coriander 'Cori' Red Tabby Cat 01/31/15-07/10/23 Julie Aiken
Coricopat Cat 9 years 12/26/01 L Miller
Corie Jean Shelty Mix 12/13/83-06/21/01 Dennis & Dana & Drago
Corin Yellow Labrador 12/25/12 Catherine Garcia
Corina Greyhound 8 years 04/22/05 Kimberly and Nicole
Corina Maltese 10 weeks 2002 Megan and Jacob Abplanalp, Steven and Amy Caberto, Shannon, Andy, Peyton and Colten Schmid
Corinna Papillion 05/29/98-06/21/05 Sharon Buckner
Corissa Maltese 10/23/91-09/22/05 Deanna
Corkee Cairn Terrier 8 years 05/02/95 Evelyn Nicholson
Corkee Cocker Spaniel 17 years 04/04/05 Kathy Wasmund
Corkey Cat 12/14/10 David M. Hartzell
Corkey Cock-a-Poo 1/01/86-05/31/00 Iris, Ed & Tracey Stanek
Corkey Cockatiel 1990-02/14/08 Tina
Corkey Corgi Chihuahua Mix 1996-01/23/14 Ellen
Corkey Maltese 01/28/03-08/16/07 Steven & Sherry Carter
Corkey Mix Dog 1985-2001 Linda Pacheco
Corkey Mixed Breed Dog (Lab?) 11 years 11/99 Cheryl Fisher
Corkey Parakeet 12/24/89-03/14/03 Diane Cristo
Corkey Poodle Mix 03/07/97-08/21/12 Tammy Weston
Corki Airedale Terrier 03/16/84 Carol D.
Corki Bichon Frise 06/22/93-12/23/06 Mike and Barbara McKelvey
Corki Collie 13 years 03/23/01 Casey Family
Corki Dee Jay Boston Terrier 08/17/90-01/23/01 Henry & Mildred Julian
Corki King Charles Cavalier 15 years 06/12/10 Doug Gillum
Corki Pembroke Welsh Corgi 01/29/98-12/13/06 Sharon & Bill
Corki Pembroke Welsh Corgi 01/95-02/06/06 Alexus
Corki Westie 12/10/93-07/23/06 Deane M Young
Corkie Beagle Valery
Corkie Cocker Spaniel 09/08/92-09/15/07 Debbie
Corkie Cocker Spaniel 09/08/92-09/15/07 Debbie Csizmadia
Corkie Corgi/Jack Russell Mix 15 1/2 years 05/13/11 Tom and Abbie
Corkie Domestic Shorthaired Mackerel Striped Tabby Cat 03/07/90-03/21/05 Heidi Christensen
Corkie Doodle Cocker Spaniel 12/23/89-01/02/05 Lindsay Lemmer
Corkie Golden Retriever about 1963 Patti K
Corkie Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 12/25/95 Tana G. Duke
Corkie Pomeranian 01/14/92-08/19/04 Joanie Peddle, Joan Primmer
Corkie Poodle 10/20/93-02/11/10 Janis Bowden. Jane Saxon
Corkie Sheltie 11/13-09/29/99 Marlene Austin
Corkie Shitzupoo 12 years 03/15/08 Shirley & Cal
Corkie Yorkshire Terrier 10+ years 08/31/97 Zan Heath
Corkie Yorkshire Terrier 11/07/97-09/19/05 Kay Bowman
Corkie Yorkshire Terrier 9 years 07/10/02 Holly
Corkii Yorkie 16 years 03/06/01 Jim, Miriam & Erin
Corky (a/k/a Corey) Aimone White, Grey and Black Tabby Cat adopted 04/26/90-03/05/07 Michele Aimone and Billy Brostowicz
Corky aka Sea Dog, Helen Keller Corgi Mixed 18 years 12/04/06 Jon Gilson
Corky and CJ Mixed Breed Dogs 05/15/89 and 05/20/01 Donna Tourtellotte
Corky and JD Welsh Corgi Mix and Cocker Spaniel Mix Dogs 05/2006 and 06/2007 Jamie Shipley
Corky Baby Mixed Breed Dog 16 years 08/02/02 Carol Vandam
Corky Barker Trepiccione Mixed Dog 01/01/93-06/29/07 Sharon Trepiccione
Corky Beige Cocker-Poo 09/15/95 P
Corky Bichon 06/03/89-03/22/05 Cheryl Currier
Corky Bichon Frise 03/19/13 Rita Peterson
Corky Bichon Frise 06/13/98-11/04/11 Pat and Jeff Hasselmann
Corky Bichon Frise 13 years 12/16/04 Kevin, Julie, Wes, Joey
Corky Black and White Cat 11 years 08/12/00 Beth
Corky Black and White Tortise Guinea Pig 12/25/97-04/09/03 Alyson Frazier
Corky Black Husky 02/01/95 Youngstown Family
Corky Border Collie/Australian Shepherd 10/26/86-04/20/02 R. and E. Fiori
Corky Border Collie/Corgy 04/10/91-03/17/00 Gord & Bonny Bomak
Corky Boston Terrier 07/28/92-02/28/06 Eileen Potemra
Corky Boston Terrier 11/15/95-09/12/00 Cheyenne & Emma
Corky Boston Terrier 14 years 04/07/04 Cori
Corky Boxer 11 years 1958 Christine Vahai
Corky Brittany-Mix 03/15/75-12/24/88 Judith Ferguson
Corky Cairn Terrier 04/17/82-05/17/95 Chris Cutler
Corky Cairn Terrier 08/13/92-09/11/05 David & Robin Anastas
Corky Cairn Terrier 10/07/90-05/03/03 Carol and Francis Yafchak
Corky Cat 03/26/86-06/30/04 Stefanie & James Ford
Corky Cat 07/02/10 Heather
Corky Cat 14 years 03/01/06 Ruth Weeks
Corky Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 01/19/98-08/11/08 Carol & Jim Motsinger
Corky Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 04/04/97-12/08/04 Sue, Tom & Hannah
Corky Chihuahua 06/16/95-08/20/07 Diane Davis
Corky Chihuahua 14 years 05/21/08 Don & Kathy
Corky Citron Cockatoo 06/01/96-04/28/99 George and Tracy
Corky Cloud DSH Orange Striped Cat 19 years 06/06/06 Cappi Duncan
Corky Cock a Poor 16 years 07/29/05 Paul Kattner
Corky Cockateil 02/02/85-05/22/00 Jeanette Carles
Corky Cockatiel 04/07/02 Scotty Pelzer
Corky Cockatiel 10 years 05/11/00 Dawn Anderson
Corky Cockatiel 14 years 04/02/00 Sue MacDiarmid
Corky Cockatiel 19 years 08/14/06 Cary Alburn
Corky Cocker Mix 14 years 3 Days 03/06/09 Edith Chapman
Corky Cocker Spaniel 02/06/93-08/02/07 Kathy Libby
Corky Cocker/Spaniel 04/16/06 George/and/Denise/Pavelka
Corky Cocker-Dachshund Mix 16 years 01/23/09 Matt & Dianna Manselle
Corky Conure 21 years 08/29/16 Carolyn and Tony
Corky Corgi 08/01/02-01/30/17 Mary S
Corky Corgi 16 years 03/19/11 Paul Tolbert
Corky Corgi/Sheltie Mix 12/31/09 Jessica
Corky Dachshund 05/08/93-07/26/96 Josh Atchley
Corky Dachshund 11/85-06/07/03 Patricia Johnson
Corky Dachshund 16 years 2009 Shanna Ivy
Corky Dance Yorkie 10/01/96-04/11/10 Joi Dance
Corky David Yanik Lhasa Apslo 02/17/94-02/19/09 Patricia Yanik
Corky DLH Cat 1 July 1990-04/08/10 Marcia Moneymaker
Corky Doberman Mix 09/06/84-03/19/98 Claudine Reczek
Corky Dobie/Shepherd 14 years 09/23/97 Aileen D'Angelo
Corky Dog 10 years 02/05/02 Tina Thomas
Corky Dog 10 years 02/25/04 Angela Wilson
Corky Dog 13 years 02/21/13 Mary Fenton
Corky Dog 13 years 05/02/03 Laura Thomas
Corky Dog 16 years 02/13/09 Allison, Rick, and Shelly
Corky Dog 7 years 1961 Barry McCombs
Corky Dog Gutierrez Lasa Apso / Pomeranian 11/09/89-02/04/05 Nichole
Corky Domestic Long Hair Calico Cat Norm & Diane Taylor
Corky Domestic Short Hair Cat Appx 1 year 03/31/05 Fred F. Klein
Corky Faust Cat 04/01/88-01/18/00 Loren Faust Stanford
Corky Fox Terrier 8 1/2 years 10/30/98 Nancy
Corky Girl Yorkie 12/29/96-10/29/08 Linda Schaeffer
Corky Golden 08/15/94-11/13/00 Marilyn Gawelek
Corky Golden Retriever 05/15/79-05/01/95 Reginald Pattey
Corky Golden Retriever 13 years 12/03/04 Donna
Corky Golden Retriever 13 years 12/26/09 Kayla Yeschke
Corky Golden Retriever Puppy 06/24/98-06/25/98 Animal Emergency Hospital/Pittston, Pa.
Corky Hasselmann Bichon Frise 06/13/98-11/04/11 Kathleen Anderson
Corky Howard Bichon 09/01/90-03/27/08 Mandi & Brenda Howard
Corky Howard Bichon 09/01/90-03/27/08 Mandi and Brenda
Corky Jack Russell Mix 10/28/02-04/12/07 Betty Boardman
Corky Jo Boston Terrier 15 years 06/12/96 Carol Phillis
Corky Joe Mixed Terrier 14 years 02/11/05 Debra Reynolds
Corky Laborador Retriever 7 years 10/21/98 Bette Ann
Corky Lakeland Terrier 06/26/86-01/25/01 Janet Streff
Corky Lauer Mixed Dog 07/04/99-07/18/08 Pam Lauer
Corky Lhasa-Poo 15 years 08/08/06 Cindy, Melissa, Danielle, and Robert D
Corky Lindauer Chihuahua 04/26/99-04/19/12 Trinity Lindauer
Corky Long Haired Dachshund 16 years 2009 Shanna Ivy
Corky Lopalong Coble Black Lab Mix 14 years 04/28/09 Julie Coble
Corky Lynn Gurdak Black Labrador Retriever 03/06/88-05/08/03 Scott Gurdak & Family
Corky Maltese 10 years 02/07/10 Tammy Trouillon
Corky Maltese Schitzu Mixed 05/13/96-07/10/09 Donna Bostic
Corky Miniature Schnauzer 14 years 1975 HLC Family & Friends
Corky Mix Dog 19 years 10/07/10 Fran
Corky Mixed Breed 09/06/85-08/02/02 Carol
Corky Mixed Breed Dog 12/16/85-08/16/98 Eddie Blackwelder
Corky Mixed Breed Terrier 06/01/05 Irene Read
Corky Mixed Dog 05/15/99-02/04/12 Jerry and Bruno
Corky Mixed Dog 06/90-09/21/02 Fank and Paula
Corky Mixed Dog 14 1/2 years 12/04/13 Sheri Metz
Corky Mixed Dog 23 years 04/03/05 Hernda B. Peacock
Corky Mutt 01/04/05 Arielle
Corky Orange + White Tabby Cat 04/15/03-01/12/04 Maureen McGhee
Corky Pam Hamerski
Corky Parakeet Kami Scott
Corky Pascoe Mixed Dog 14 years 02/02/01 Kris Otero
Corky Peek-a-Poo 11/25/86-07/31/00 Al and Phylis Saunders
Corky Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/01/81-12/29/03 JJ
Corky Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/10/93-06/15/07 Laura Zeitler
Corky Pembroke Welsh Corgi 09/27/97-10/10/08 Colleen Connolly
Corky Pik-a-poo 12/05/91-06/19/07 Amanda Davis
Corky Poodle 11/23/87-11/07/99 Alicia Phillips
Corky Poodle/Beagle Mix 9 years 11/30/98 Janet & Harry Donnelly
Corky Pug 06/18/94-08/13/06 Debbie
Corky Pug 10 years 06/08/05 M M Bavet
Corky Pug 11/05/04-06/20/16 Marie
Corky Pug 13 years 06/19/10 Kurt, Jeannie, Brad, and Jennifer
Corky Quaker 10/17/05 Bernadine Boka
Corky Ranieri Border Collie/Papillion Mix 14 years 04/05/12 Cindra Ranieri
Corky Razorback Roberts Shepherd Terrier Mix 07/04/94-07/05/03 Renee, Rory, David, and Diana
Corky Rottweiler 4 months 1994 Julie & Claude
Corky Schnauzer 12/17/97-12/01/12 Donna
Corky Scottish Terrier 07/18/95-04/19/07 Diane
Corky Shelti Cockapoo 11/12/75-09/??/90 Kaylen Bennett
Corky Sheltie 11/06/90-11/09/05 Susan Kolb
Corky Sheltie Mix 05/84-04/03/00 Lori Okada
Corky Sheltie/Collie Mix 13 years 05/14/12 Kathryn O'Dell
Corky Shih Tzu 01/08/97-12/02/09 Betty Johnston
Corky Shih Tzu 07/26/91-04/24/04 Rosie Strickland & Libby Shoaf
Corky Shih-Tzu 08/25/98-09/10/07 Harry Pachesky Jr
Corky Shihtzu 10 years 07/08/14 Kathy, Russ, Jason and Buddy Thompson
Corky Shih-Tzu 12 years 02/01/02 Vera Grimm
Corky ShiTzu 11 years 05/18/11 Diane Mathis
Corky Siamese Cat 06/99-11/20/08 Deborah Steele
Corky Siamese Cat 08/15/79-08/10/82 The Collins Family
Corky Silky Terrier 04/13/87-12/07/99 Louie and Sandy Murphy
Corky Smooth Fox Terrier 07/23/93-04/09/06 Joanne Gerber
Corky Springer Spaniel/Setter Mix 09/22/88-01/31/02 Bonnie
Corky Sue Anderson 05/21/99-12/21/02 Amanda
Corky Tabby/American Shorthair Cat 18 years 12/03/99 Linda Taggart
Corky Terrier Mix 12/15/82-09/14/99 David Gasca
Corky the Yorkie 14 years 04/17/03 Darrell and Gloria Holmes
Corky Valdez Poodle 1990-03/07/07 Debra Valdez
Corky Warner Bichon Frise rescued: 10 years 05/18/07 Debbie and Ken Warner
Corky Welch Springer Spaniel 03/20/86-05/17/99 Anne & Francis Kennedy
Corky Welsh Corgi 1993-09/18/07 Joanna
Corky Welsh Pembroke 12/96-05/19/08 Becky (Mommy) David and Barry
Corky West Highland Terrier 13 years 09/19/02 Jerry, Kathryn & Ira Snelling
Corky West Highland White Terrier 01/19/89-02/13/04 Evelyn Richardson
Corky Westie 10/22/92-10/22/07 Jeff and Brenda Joachim
Corky Wire Haired Terrier 07/29/87-08/03/98 Moonyeen Hamilton
Corky Yorkie 01/21/93-04/21/06 Ray & Bonnie Edmiston
Corky Yorkie 02/11/03-06/14/18 David White
Corky Yorkie 02/24/91-12/05/06 Debbie Raviart
Corky Yorkie 08/09/04 Barry Snyder & Joyce Kittrell
Corky Yorky 02/11/03-06/14/18 David
Corky ZF Llasa Apso 09/08/07 Carrie and Uncle Rick
Cormac Golden Retriever 02/02/99-07/29/08 Ted and Kate
Corn Dog Cocker Mix 01/01/89-01/09/02 Ryan and Katy
Corn Dogg Terrier 10/01/15 Cheryl Boissiere
Corn Harvest Mouse 10/31/20-04/25/21 Capri
Corndog Mixed Breed Dog 10 years 11/09/07 Jeffrey C & Shawn K Stabler
Cornelius American Eskimo Dog 09/21/98-05/04/04 Gloria Moulopoulos
Cornelius Black Cat 05/98-06/09/99 Christina R.
Cornelius Caesar German Shepherd 12/07/90-10/30/04 Anthony, Jennifer, Kristalyn, AC
Cornelius Dog 8 years Stephanie Goulet
Cornelius DSH Cat 14 years 07/04/04 Karen Faith
Cornelius Maine Coon Cat 11/08/16-09/06/18 Sam MacArski
Cornelius Maine Coon/Black & White Cat 14 years 04/22/02 Mark-Adrian Gonzalez
Cornelius Marmalade Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/18/02-09/08/08 Melanie Zeigler
Cornelius Miniature Schnauzer 05/11/96-11/07/05 Dan L. Mohryecogniak
Cornelius T. Lovejoy Yorkshire Terrier 08/01/91-05/05/08 Amy & Dave Fletcher
Cornell Miniature Schnauzer 04/17/97-10/12/10 Sheila Washington
Cornellius and Romeo LH and LCH Guinea Pigs 07/29/01 and 07/26/01-04/29/02 and 05/03/02 Missi Paciolla
Cornelous Taylor Kitten 06/11/04-09/01/04 Michael and Emily
Corner Toy Fox Terrier 08/05/10 Anna Trejo
Cornflake Albino Mouse (mixed) 03/15/99-03/18/00 Christina and her sister Peaches
Cornflake Cat 18 years 07/13/01 Barb Taliesin
Cornie Siamese Cat 1997-11/05/07 Marva and Jack Dasef
Corny Cat 03/08/08 Sondra
Corona Black Lab/ Border Collie 12/25/91-08/08/07 Sherridan
Corona Campbell Black/White DLH Cat 01/2002-12/15/13 Leandria, Larry, Natahnya Campbell
Corona Cat 05/88-03/21/03 Kimberly Tallon
Corona Cat 1 year 04/14/03 Stefanie and Josh Wilson
Corona Cat 1989-10/11/04 Vicky
Corona Cat 2000 Gae Aufforth
Corona Champagne Maine Coon Cat 5 years 09/21/10 Karen Champagne
Corona Chihuahua 11/01/01-01/15/18 Kelly
Corona English Springer Spaniel 02/26/88-09/29/98 Elizabeth
Corona German Shepherd 01/10/00-11/20/09 Mike Chase
Corona Golden Retriever 13+ years 11/27/10 Janice & Brad Danis
Corona Maine Coon Cat Mixed 13/03/04-12/18/23 Kim and Cole
Corona Orange Tabby Cat 08/2019-06/14/21 Krystal Madrinan
Corona Pitbull 6 years 01/17/09 Colleen Lenhart
Corona Pomeranian Terrier Mix 08/02/92-06/18/05 Lisette DaSilva
Corona Rottweiler 05/22/98-12/10/08 Nicole & Jerry Kearney
Corona Toy Poodle 14 years 08/02/07 Vicki McGlashen
Corona Yellow Labrador Retriever 05/01/92-01/26/04 Laurie Posey
Corona, Ruckus, Tequila, Daquiri Golden Retriever, Mixed Breed Siamese, Persian Dog And Cats Various Dates Janet Campbell
Coronation Starr Poodle 06/04/02-03/31/09 Charles and Gail Anderson
Coronet's Enforcer V Hakaan (Gunner) Rottie 02/06/87-03/22/90 Dianne
Corporal Rottweiler 10/08/94-03/27/00 Dan and Katrina Jackson
Corpus Cat 5 years 11/24/02 JJ Portis
Corri Apricot Toy Poodle 04/21/87-08/14/99 Barbara
Corrie Brown West Highland White Terrier 04/24/93-03/24/04 Ginny
Corrie Golden Retriever 06/02/83-06/10/97 Peg and Doug
Corrie Golden Retriever 30/06/96-26/01/05 Linda McDonald
Corrie Guinea Pig 6 years 08/25/05 Sarah Birdsall
Corrie Owens Bearded Collie 06/26/96-12/06/07 Sharon Owens
Corrie Toy Poodle 17 years 03/15/17 Heather Ohara
Corrie Welch Corgi 01/08/12 Tom & Jody Harrison
Corrigan Tabby & White Calico Cat 08/78-08/18/97 Rebecca Lyons
Corri-Moo Schecter Yellow Labrador 12 years 01/06/09 John Schecter
Corrina Long Hair Maine Coon Cat 15 years 09/27/07 Janet and Bob Harrison
Corrina Maine Coon Cat 15 years 09/27/07 Janet and Bob Harrison
Corry Butkus Sheltie 18 months 04/19/05 Butkus Family
Corsica Siamese Cat 07/03/88-04/30/06 Lisa, John, Sydney & Brandon Palm
Cortez Blue and Gold Macaw 1982-11/24/02 Alan and Kimberly
Cortez Cat 14 years 09/15/09 Tamia
Cortez Chihuahua 06/26/12 Aliyah Henry
Cortez Chihuahua Mix 11/12/02-10/11/03 Leigh
Cortez Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 07/07/03 Nancy Day-C.
Cortez Orange Tabby Cat 12 years 02/15/98 Tina, Chuck and Neta Smollack
Cortez Schnauzer 11 years 07/06/03 Nancy Day-Cordier
Cortez Short Hair, Brown Tiger Cat 7 years 11/08/10 Nancy Aubertin-Pipkins
Cortez Thomas Olsen Dog 05/03/92-12/16/01 BS
Corto European Black and White Cat 06/01/03-05/22/17 Siega Marinka Marie
Corum German Shepherd 11/30/99-03/13/09 Michelle
Corvus Allen Siamese Cat 06/13/01-01/03/12 Fabian Gonzales
Corvus Black Labrador 8 years 01/12/99 Jo Fleming
Corvus Black Short Hair Cat 13 years 06/29/13 Lynne Crow
Corwin Ferret 6+ years 06/05/05 Jeffrey & Karen Williams
Corwin Golden Retriever 14 years Jodie Horn
Corwin Miniature Dachshund 12/13/04-03/03/07 Adam and April Armistead
Cory (Mai-Laur Cornelius) Miniature Schnauzer 10/31/89-03/15/04 Maura and Mike
Cory (True Lee Cory V Gunner) Rottweiler 1986-1998 Laura & Bob Condon
Cory Anne Lhasoapso 09/11/93-02/26/05 Denis, Jeannine and Family
Cory Australian Shepherd/Golden Mix 6 years 04/16/98 Charity, Dave & Quincy
Cory Black Shepherd Mix 12/2008-04/25/17 Tami and Carl Chartier
Cory Bombay Cat 03/01/93-11/04/99 Liimu Simms
Cory Brewer Cat 1984-02/01/03 BC
Cory Bull Terrier 07/30/91-07/08/98 Gail Hagen
Cory Bunny Kitpete
Cory Cairn Terrier 07/29/00-12/06/06 Donna and Carm
Cory Cat 06/96-03/21/11 Melissa Parrillo Day
Cory Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cory Cobos Sanders Labrador Retriever/Golden Retriever Mix 03/23/09-09/16/13 The Cobos/Sanders Family
Cory Cockapoo 04/13/01-07/31/18 Sandy A
Cory Cockatiel 04/30/12 Aimee
Cory Fawn Dobernman 09/06/84-12/29/97 Kris Porto
Cory German Shepherd 6 years 07/13/97 Carol Mcfadden
Cory Golden Retriever 7 years 04/27/00 Nancy
Cory Hamster 06/15/02-11/27/04 Kaleena, Shannon & Howard Duke
Cory James Shih Tzu 04/22/07-08/13/24 Sheila Blake
Cory K-9 Officer 11/15/06 Bennington VT Police Department
Cory Kam-Bu Encore Dog 03/24/98 Gayle Nittler
Cory Lab 04/05/85 Andrew n Olga Gunn
Cory Lab 4 years 07/95 June James
Cory Labrador 7 February 2011-19 June 2018 Yvette Potter
Cory Lynam Spaniel 14 years 08/20/03 Karen and Earl Bennett
Cory Lynn Robinson Australian Shepherd 12/03/95-11/01/05 Terry Lynn Robinson
Cory Maine Coon Cat 04/01/87-01/05/05 Tara R
Cory Maine Coon Cat 07/20/81-10/19/96 Jennifer Kunkler
Cory Mixed Lab 12/01/87-11/16/06 Cheryl Doub
Cory Pinheiro Dog 08/08/86-07/17/99 Lilian
Cory Sheltie 05/29/94 Karen Munster
Cory Sheltie 06/21/92-02/07/06 Kelly Bennett
Cory Sheltie 14 years 01/30/98 Brendan Cahoon
Cory Shepherd Mix 02/11/88-05/20/98 Glynda Hamilton
Cory Shepherd Mix 12/20/85-03/24/00 Susan and Mike, Cleo and Isis
Cory Silver Siberian Husky 10 1/2 years 08/15/00 Peg Dixon
Cory Tuxedo Cat 12 years 04/13/07 Peggi Anneken
Cory West Highland White Terrier 03/19/89-06/12/02 Shaunie, Dave, and Mindy
Cory Yorkshire Terrier 02/06/93-10/20/94 Gale Kelley
Cory Yorkshire Terrier 5 years 08/12/04 Diane Carpenter
Cory Zehler Rozenoff Shetland Sheepdog 05/26/95-02/01/06 Patricia Rozenoff
Coryboy Westie 01/11/00-07/02/12 Bart
Cosby Cat 01/01/92-05/25/09 Cindy Hughes
Cosby Cat 07/25/99-04/16/09 Angelica Court
Cosby Chihuahua 07/22/03-05/03/12 Paula Haynes
Cosby Goldendoodle 09/09/04-07/16/15 Richard Costa
Cosby Long Black Hair Cat 12 years 04/18/98 Will, Dan, Sharon and Walt Naylor
Cosette Bichon Frise 02/15/05-09/08/16 Linda Percoski
Cosette Blue Capped Cordon Bleu Finch 11/23/01-01/25/03 Christine
Cosette Bouvier des Flandres 02/14/92-05/05/02 Ben, Kara, Benji, & Ross
Cosette Cat 6 years 07/26/11 Katey Leuning
Cosette Chinchilla 08/01/90-03/24/03 Sarah
Cosette German Shepherd 01/09/01-23/06/03 Tess Alicia Pittaway
Cosette Lapso 06/23/13 Michelle Cory
Cosette Lhasa 12 years 05/13/06 Sheri
Cosette Maltese 10/08/95-10/04/14 Laurel Gerges
Cosette Pearlman Lhasa Apso 07/25/88-06/22/02 Jacki and Ron
Cosette Persian Cat 05/15/02-04/01/09 Gay E. Clavel
Cosette Red Tabby Cat 03/01/02-10/10/17 Terry
Cosette Shih Tzu 07/05/02-01/23/16 Anne-Marie & Beth Angela Marcazzo
Cosette Teacup Poodle 08/17/89-10/22/01 Lynn Fitzpatrick
Cosette Tort Cat 14 years 11 months 11/20/05 Kimberly Smith
Cosette White British Shorthair Cat with Blue Eyes 02/14/94-05/08/04 Michele Picard
Cosie Domestic Shorthair Cat 18 years 07/31/10 Jimmy, Doreen, Caleb and Kirsten
Cosimo Tuxedo DLH Cat 06/01/04-06/15/17 B. C.
Cosita Chihuahua 10/07/08 Yesenia
Cosito Chihuahua 10/15/97-10/19/12 David McCoy
Cosmic & Pikachu Siamese Rats 2001 Linda Galve
Cosmic Golden Retriever 07/12/97-01/08/04 Kasia Lightner
Cosmo (Eddie) Cocker Spaniel 11/06/99-02/01/01 Angela & Don Yeomans
Cosmo (Mommie's Boy) Long-Haired Black & White Cat 18 1/2 years 10/22/99 Betty E.
Cosmo (my litlle monkey) Yellow Lab 10/24/09-08/08/13 Claudia Lim
Cosmo (Nickname Killer, Cosmodino, Cosmodinowitz Lab/Shepherd 06/15/96-07/18/11 Glenn & Sara Todd
Cosmo Airedale 12/04/94-02/24/06 Maria K
Cosmo aka Cosmodino, Cosmodinowitz & Killer Lab/Shepherd 06/15/96-07/18/11 Glenn & Sara Todd
Cosmo aka Mo Mo American Pit Bull Terrier 06/22/04-02/05/05 Andrea & Keith
Cosmo Akita/Lab 07/01/96-09/15/07 John Cahill
Cosmo American Shorthair Guinea Pig 11/24/17 Erin Birch
Cosmo Aus Shep. Mix 1991-09/29/98 Greg Orrante
Cosmo Austalian Shepherd/American Eskimo Dog 4 years 03/01/99 Todd and Bethany Geiman
Cosmo Basenji 11 years 10/25/06 Jean & Butch
Cosmo Basenji 11/05/91-02/10/03 Todd Schraml
Cosmo Beagle 12/13/00-08/09/10 Kevin
Cosmo Beagle/Shepherd 14 years 01/05/05 Stacey
Cosmo Belgian Shepherd-Chow 12 years 04/22/11 Gary
Cosmo Benji-Type Dog 07/26/96-02/13/01 Nancy and Paul Toth
Cosmo Betta Fish 06/05/14-07/01/14 Angela
Cosmo Bichon Frise 02/16/07 Danielle Wever
Cosmo Black DSH Cat 10/24/06-06/07/24 Bob & Michelle Orlowski
Cosmo Black Lab 12/25/97-05/23/11 Ellen DeLorenzo
Cosmo Black Labrador Retriever 08/22/97-03/23/09 Margaret & Keith Fandrei
Cosmo Blue Cat 04/90-12/21/98 Pat Ames
Cosmo Boxer Shepherd Mix 16 years 10/18/07 Jim & Amber Farmer
Cosmo Brittany 12/21/01-10/31/05 The Pacelli's
Cosmo Burtris Stahl Black Lab 02/02/00-04/16/12 John A. Stahl, Jr.
Cosmo Cairn Terrier 09/20/92-03/27/07 Jo-An, John & Karen
Cosmo Calico Cat 05/22/05-06/29/09 Jessie
Cosmo Cat 04/31/09 David Casasola
Cosmo Cat 05/31/98-06/11/10 Erin
Cosmo Cat 07/01/97-06/22/09 Amanda
Cosmo Cat 07/23/07 Mitzi
Cosmo Cat 10 months 01/06/11 Rebecca
Cosmo Cat 11 years 03/12/16 Connie Wilt
Cosmo Cat 12/24/07 Alexandra Martin
Cosmo Cat 18 years 04/02/12 Leonie
Cosmo Cat 4 years 11/12/24 Revanna
Cosmo Cat 8 years and 8 months 01/20/07 T.J.
Cosmo Cat Allison D.
Cosmo Chesapeake Bay Retriever 1/28/96-10/19/97 Bern and Scott Thomas
Cosmo Chihuahua 05/01/88-06/14/03 Leo Tee
Cosmo Chihuahua 09/12/02-06/12/10 Allison Buttrey
Cosmo Chihuahua/Border Terrier 5 years 03/06/02 Kevin Eschete & Rhonda Rodrigue
Cosmo Chinchilla 08/12/07 Michael Henderson
Cosmo Cockatiel 04/03/03-11/06/07 Steph
Cosmo Cockatiel 9 years 03/13/15 Linda Malmstrom
Cosmo Curran Golden Retriever 03/16/09 Timothy Curran
Cosmo Dachshund 09/21/04-03/18/11 Diane, Lindsay and Lori Laubach
Cosmo Dalton Lloyd Golden Retriever 03/02/03-03/18/07 Michael and Gerard
Cosmo DMH White Cat 07/01/98-02/01/12 Joy Dolecki
Cosmo Dog 12 years 06/27/12 Stephanie
Cosmo Dog 12 years 08/05/12 Matt & Linda Bopp
Cosmo Dog 1995-01/19/01 Kate
Cosmo Dog April 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cosmo Dog Chihuahua 10/04/09 Bonnie Ward
Cosmo Domestic Cat 08/15/98-01/02/08 Jacqueline Daniels Xena Berry
Cosmo Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/01/97-10/20/11 Charlene
Cosmo Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/96-03/30/15 Pat C
Cosmo Domestic Short Hair Cat 5 years 09/12/15 Janina Meybauer
Cosmo Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/25/95-11/29/13 Donna Prindeville
Cosmo DSH Cat 02/98-10/14/02 Tanya
Cosmo DSH Cat 10/28/07-05/20/16 Christine Velte
Cosmo DSH Cat 14 1/2 years 01/13/04 Chris MacPhail
Cosmo Einstein Shakespear Darwin Ghandi formerly known as Prince (Cosmo) Lhasa Apso 10/25/96-10/27/09 Paula Brinkman
Cosmo English Bull Terrier 5 years 02/27/07 John Romano
Cosmo European Short Hair/ Brown Tabby Cat 04/10/12-12/05/17 Capucine de Swarte - Sturmer
Cosmo Eves Shih Tzu 2 years 06/07/10 Wayne & Susie Eves
Cosmo Ferret 04/29/09 Michele & Dave
Cosmo Ferret 7 years 01/26/04 Seiji and Naomi Kai
Cosmo Fields Pug 08/02/05-06/08/11 Rich & Christine Fields
Cosmo Flat Coat Retriever 10/24/05-02/26/18 Lorraine Hofstrand
Cosmo Flat Coat Retriever 2005-02/26/18 Lorraine Hofstrand
Cosmo Flowers Boxer 06/25/93-03/29/07 Loretta & Larry Flowers
Cosmo German Shepherd 09/16/97-02/03/07 Joan Murphy
Cosmo German Shepherd 9 years 10/06/00 Laura King
Cosmo German Shorthaired Pointer 09/15/00-10/05/01 D Greenwood
Cosmo Golden Betta Fish Winter 2008-01/11/10 Lisa Eichholzer-Walker
Cosmo Golden Retriever 05/2008-07/24/17 Brian, Gina & Max Waltmire
Cosmo Golden Retriever 08/23/93-04/10/02 Kristy
Cosmo Golden Retriever 10 1/2 years 03/22/06 Vicki Zalenski
Cosmo Golden Retriever 10 years 08/95 DR Z
Cosmo Golden Retriever 10/10/13-07/22/23 Tiz Gavin
Cosmo Golden Retriever 11/19/197-08/12/05 Stefanie, Enrico & Isabella Ilagan
Cosmo Grantham Cocker/Beagle Mix 13 years 08/07/12 Rachel
Cosmo GSD 09/02/01-03/18/15 HE Carleton
Cosmo Gulley Mixed Breed Dog 01/21/08-10/11/16 Micki Gulley
Cosmo Hebb Whippet/Lab Mix 14 years 06/27/08 Adrienne, Garrett, Jared & Tyler Hebb
Cosmo Himalayan Cat 11/96-12/11/14 Becky
Cosmo Himalayan Cat 17 years 08/02/04 Merlene Adrian
Cosmo Hoggard Pit Bull Mix 15 years 3 months 11/10/17 Bryan Hoggard
Cosmo Horse 26 years 10/27/10 Dana Armellini
Cosmo Husky/Chocolate Lab 05/95-06/16/06 Karen Binkley
Cosmo Italiano Cockapoo 10/07/07-07/01/22 Cari Lyn Vinci
Cosmo J Mazzio Lab/Chow 13 years 12/24/11 Rich and Lisa Mazzio
Cosmo J. Yorkshire Terrier 12/25/82-01/29/98 Sherry J. Charlton
Cosmo Jack Russell 08/01/07-11/01/08 Auriella
Cosmo Japanese Chin 10/14/04-06/25/12 Rob Cole
Cosmo Keeshond 04/15/99-11/10/11 Peter and Shalane
Cosmo Kitty Kahn Gray/White Tabby Cat 03/92-01/24/05 Tina, Steve and Jeremy
Cosmo Knox Pomeranian Mix 13 years 10/18/20 Alex & Kristin Knox
Cosmo Kookarooks Rottweiler 03/95-11/22/04 Eric Wensley
Cosmo Kramer Black and White Laso 03/07/99-10/20/09 Claire and Nickie
Cosmo Kramer Daniels Yorkie 07/21/97-09/22/07 Ruby Daniels
Cosmo Kramer Lovebird 07/16/06-11/24/06 Vickie Goushaw
Cosmo Kramer Pomeranian 04/97-04/02/98 Rock Island County Humane Society
Cosmo Kramer Rourke Poodle 10/01/00-05/28/13 Meghan Rourke & Family
Cosmo Kramer Wilson Terrier Mix 04/29/97-05/25/12 Jeanne Wilson
Cosmo Lab 03/17/97-02/26/07 John
Cosmo Lab/Brittany Mix 07/07/97-03/08/02 Bob Roller
Cosmo Lab/Chesapeake Mix 09/27/88-10/31/09 Kathy Freitas
Cosmo Labrador Retriever 04/17/06-07/21/13 Daniel
Cosmo Labrador Retriever 04/17/06-07/21/13 Daniel Mullaly
Cosmo Labrador Retriever 07/20/96-07/04/09 Eileen Puechner
Cosmo Labrador Retriever 3 years 09/10/06 Paul, Amy, AJ, Lily and Lucy
Cosmo Labrador Retriever Mix adopted 03/18/04-09/30/05 Kathy
Cosmo Lavell Edward Grey and White Tabby Cat 1997-10/07/01 Tammy Hofheins
Cosmo Long Hair Dark Tabby Cat 06/05/95-05/24/05 Michelle Vullo
Cosmo Long Haired Domestic Cat 07/01/99-08/24/09 April Armstrong
Cosmo Long Haired Tuxedo Cat 07/15/90-11/19/08 Ginger-Lyn Summer
Cosmo Lopez Pug 15 years 07/31/11 Camelia Lopez Shoemaker
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 01/06/10 Pete & Susanne
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 01/2006-2019 Denise Reyes
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 03/01/97-10/15/07 Chris Thomas
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 08/02/95-10/17/08 Caren
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 08/08/10-03/15/13 Andrew
Cosmo Maine Coon Cat 12/20/96-02/20/98 Carole Jacobi
Cosmo Maltese 01/15/08-05/17/21 James Kramer and Kyle Wear
Cosmo Maltese 06/30/06-03/31/13 Connie, Jim, Michael, and Matthew Barbour
Cosmo Maltese 09/05/03-08/01/12 Lorraine Cece
Cosmo Manx Cat 01/27/07-04/18/08 Shamona Sookhlal
Cosmo Marmalade Cat 04/15/08 Tamra Willett-Johnson
Cosmo Maximus Salt and Pepper Miniature Schnauzer 07/19/99-03/10/11 Kara, John, Jacob and Connor Williams
Cosmo McCollough DSH Cat 11/12/92-01/02/12 Cindy McCollough
Cosmo Miniature Schnauzer 11/06/96-06/21/05 Kim Miller
Cosmo Mix Dog 17 years 09/18/12 Michele
Cosmo Mixed - Part German Shepherd 10 years 11/03/08 Mike Robertson
Cosmo Mixed Cat 02/81-10/31/00 Kathleen Paul McWade
Cosmo Neapolitan Mastiff 07/09/97-11/28/03 Bob & Janet
Cosmo Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 07/08/05-07/16/06 Carla Caramiello/Chris Barry
Cosmo Orange & White Tabby Cat 17 years 09/29/12 Pat & Rudy Kmetic
Cosmo Orange Tabby Cat 06/18/97-04/15/05 Kayla Stone
Cosmo Orange Tabby Cat 14 years 10/09/08 Lindsey
Cosmo Orange Tiger Cat 3 years 11/05/07 Donna Choffo
Cosmo Persian Cat 02/22/87-05/04/01 Robert and Adriaan Angelus
Cosmo Pit 6 years 09/04/04 Terry Musgrave
Cosmo Pit Bull 08/01/55-12/18/05 Linda Demedio
Cosmo Pit Bull Boxer Mix 05/2004 The Csugi Family
Cosmo Pit/Hound Mix 09/03/01-11/15/06 Cheri Perry
Cosmo Pomeranian 05/14/89-05/09/97 Linda
Cosmo Pomeranian 11/08/94-06/11/09 Michele
Cosmo Poodle Mix 01/18/02-10/23/12 Christopher and Casey Gates
Cosmo Pug 06/29/01-06/04/03 Marty & Saloni
Cosmo Pug 08/05/06-12/15/07 Judy Prewett and Sally Gettleman
Cosmo Ragdoll/Siamese Mix Cat 04/13-11/14 Cindy Kelly
Cosmo Rat 2 1/2 years 17/03/10 Corinne
Cosmo Rottweiler 05/29/99-11/10/07 Antonia & Armando
Cosmo Rottweiler 08/01/83-04/29/97 Frank & Sandie Keys
Cosmo Rough Collie 11 years 12/14/23 Karen Pickett
Cosmo Ryan Tracy Shi-Tzu 02/26/97-02/14/11 Debra Tracy
Cosmo Saint Bernard 03/08/98-06/14/03 Peggy Garoutte
Cosmo Scheindels Excalibur Knight of Enchanment Marble Snow Glitter Bengal Cat 09/03/03-01/09/06 Keira Marie Nguyen
Cosmo Seal Point Himalayan Cat 16 years 08/09/09 Michelle Green
Cosmo Senegal Parrot 05/01/94-01/13/04 Aaron Woolsey
Cosmo Sharpei Mix 08/2000-11/22/03 Sandy
Cosmo Sheltie 06/2009 Cathy
Cosmo Shepherd Terrier Mix 07/03/94-08/31/08 Kermane
Cosmo Shih Tzu 10/28/05-08/02/09 Matt and Christie Kelly (and Vinnie)
Cosmo Shih-Tzu Poodle 11/08/07-02/19/20 Heather Armstrong
Cosmo Shitzu 01/12/05-01/04/13 Jade and Laura Bradbury
Cosmo Siamese Cat 12/03/92-05/15/05 Noel
Cosmo Singapura Cat 01/01/89-08/27/04 Kent Harris
Cosmo Sphinx Cat 10/19/07 Joan Stainsby
Cosmo Standard Poodle 01/08/99-08/16/04 Elizabeth Buckingham
Cosmo Standard Poodle 03/17/99-08/16/04 Lizzy
Cosmo Stolarczyk Bernese Mountain Dog 71/2 years Amy
Cosmo Sun Conure 02/01/11-07/01/11 Griselda Urbina
Cosmo Sun Conure 11 years 10/24/24 Maggy & Daren
Cosmo Tabby Cat 07/13/96-11/04/04 Gina McCullough
Cosmo Tabby Cat 10 years 01/24/97 Michele
Cosmo Tabby Cat 9 years 03/08/08 Dee Sirois
Cosmo Tabby Cat with White Bib and Paws13 years 04/05/03 Tiffany
Cosmo Terrier Mix 12 years 04/20/10 Marc Murray
Cosmo Torti Cat 09/95-06/29/09 Susan Lanier
Cosmo Tradd-Mullen Rottweiler 05/25/96-08/31/06 Tara Tradd and Bob Mullen
Cosmo Trevino Dachshund 12/19/98-05/26/10 Melissa
Cosmo Tuxedo Cat 05/15/98-09/16/10 Aubrey Levasseur
Cosmo West Highland Terrier 08/23/95-01/20/11 Brooke Seely
Cosmo West Highland White Terrier 13 years 08/07/09 Cindy and Shelby
Cosmo White Bullmastiff 09/21/02-02/14/07 Melissa
Cosmo Yellow Lab 01/01/94-02/09/00 Debra Alexa VIncent
Cosmo Yellow Labrador Retriever 12/02/98-03/05/06 Myra and Gary
Cosmo Yorkie 08/07/08-08/22/10 Nicole
Cosmo Zampieri Scottie 05/05/01-02/13/12 Roxanna Zampieri
Cosmopolitan Yorkie and Skye Terrier 07/09/10-03/08/12 Radiance
Cosmos Beagle/Shepherd 01/01/94-12/16/05 Rick Cousineau
Cosmos Cat aprox 20 years 09/29/06 Tanya
Cosmos DSH Cat 02/14/95-10/01/11 Pamela P
Cosmos Golden Retriever 9 years 06/19/08 Terry B
Cosmos Siamese Mix Cat 06/01/96-04/17/08 Suzan Williams
Cosmos Siamese/Tabby Cat 11/01/92-10/12/09 Bette Hoffman
Cosmos Zezza Corgi 05/98-03/16/13 Sonya-Lee and Zachary Zezza
Cossack Leslie Maine Coon Cat 01/31/13 Christy Leslie
Cossette Darling Lhasa Apso 05/18/92-02/03/07 Katie & Matt Darling
Cossette Dilute Torbie Cat around 1992-08/01/10 Tricia Marks
Cossette Dilute Torti Cat 18-19 years Tucker
Costeaud (Coz) Bouvier 04/89-05/30/01 Lynn Sciple
Costello Black and White Tiger 22 years 02/25/06 Sue
Costello Cat 12 years 04/10/10 Robin and Kevin Lightner
Costello Parakeet 8 years 11/30/04 Mary Todisco
Costly Cassidy Golden Retriever 06/05/91-05/13/03 Brian, Kathy, Tommy, and Megan McCue
Costly Thoroughbred Horse 04/20/78-08/10/01 Carolyn
Costner (Black Watch Brit of Newport) Black Labrador 06/07/91-12/16/01 Christine Beck
Costus Cockatiel Found 1992-02/99 Mary & Ralph Parsons
Cot Miller Miniature Poodle 05/25/02-09/13/16 Peggy Miller
Cota Dog 12/23/01 Sherrill Brittain
Cote James Amrican Short Hair Tabby Cat 08/01/94-12/14/07 Paul Dufresne
Cote Mixed Dog 01/13/95-01/03/09 Bernadette and Jackie
Coti Mixed Dog 10 years 01/19/18 Chris
Cotillion Cat 16 years 10/11/01 Marji & Harold Shapiro
Cotlet Siberian Husky 12/01/90-11/11/06 Lois Luckeroth
Coton Bichon Frise 05/93-07/25/06 Keith Burgess
Cotter's Kelly Feller Airedale 09/09/91-04/29/02 Mary Cotter
Cotter's Kelly Feller Mary Cotter
Cottin-Tail Dutch Rabbit 1999 Nimue/Dude
Cotton (Corydon's 100 Percent Cotton) Australian Shepherd 12/01/98-06/14/00 Joann
Cotton 1980 John & Jenny Clements
Cotton Alaskan Mix 14 years 01/08/05 Charlie Tofuri
Cotton Albino, long fur Hamster 3-4 years 05/01/98 Lisa
Cotton American Eskimo Dog 03/05/94-09/04/07 Lynn Ancona and Jay Kessel
Cotton American Eskimo Dog 03/11/07-06/16/14 Debra Casasanta
Cotton Angelucci Yorkie Terrier 13 years 06/09/07 Harmony Angelucci
Cotton Ball Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/20/04-05/01/17 Mandi Morgan
Cotton Ball Teddy Bear Hamster 06/17/06 Maria F. Lopes
Cotton Beagle Mix 3 years 1977-1980 Rosemary Lowenkron
Cotton Bichon 02/04/98-12/05/08 John and Florica Lee
Cotton Bichon Frise 01/01/91-03/16/03 Julese & Ralph Cepero
Cotton Bichon Frise 02/04/98-12/05/08 John and Florica
Cotton Bunny 12/25/97-01/19/03 Brittney
Cotton Callan Maltese 05/04/97-03/15/07 Sharon Callan
Cotton Candy Creme Point Himalayan Cat 10/18/99-11/11/11 DeDe Tyler
Cotton Cat 02/01/13 Deborah & Jack
Cotton Cat 04/01/96-06/01/08 Loreto, Luz, and Christine Calara
Cotton Cat 06/25/89-02/27/05 Dawn Smiley
Cotton Cat 07/22/92 09/02/00 Vicki Young
Cotton Cat 07/23/11 Izz
Cotton Cat 08/04/95-06/04/05 Jessalyn
Cotton Cat 1 year 1 month 03/15/16 Brandi Turner
Cotton Cat 12/16/09 Courtney
Cotton Cat 1998-03/22/05 Michelle Kornblum
Cotton Cat 4 years 08/13/00 Melissa Beverly
Cotton Cat 7 years 03/15/11 Tiffany Lazo
Cotton Chowchow 09/15/15-05/30/17 Kristina Reyes
Cotton Dog 04/79-07/94 Re Re
Cotton Domestic Long Hair Cat 8 months 03/19/01 Becky
Cotton Domestic Shorthair Cat 14 1/2 years 05/27/04 Lee Miracolo
Cotton Dove April 1996 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cotton Kitten Cat 06/04/02-06/28/07 Vicki Rutledge
Cotton Kitty (Fuzzy) Himilayian Mix Cat 12/18/90-05/10/03 Kim Knight
Cotton L Whiteside Westhighland White Terrier 01/24/02-10/01/07 Sandy Whiteside
Cotton Long Hair Calico Cat 16 years 10/16/98 Grace K.
Cotton Longhair Domestic White Cat 05/99-04/01/16 Leslie Winkler
Cotton Lop Rabbit 7 years 12/26/98 Dana Liston
Cotton Malamute/Chow 03/10/95-02/04/05 John E Rummel
Cotton Maltese 01/31/89-03/03/00 Clareen Wimmer
Cotton Maltese 11/07/86-10/02/99 Paulette Ripps
Cotton Maltese 12/04/96 The Peace Family
Cotton Maltese 12/25/91-09/17/00 Robbin
Cotton Maltese 13 years 05/25/02 Kim Ernst
Cotton Maltese 7 1/2 years 03/14/19 MaryAnne and Bruce
Cotton Miniature Poodle and Chihuahua 09/05/04-09/13/05 Kim
Cotton Netherland Dwarf Bunny 7 years 10/01/06 Randy
Cotton Nicoson White Cat 2 1/2 years 06/19/09 Kathy Nicoson
Cotton Peekapoo 15 years 3/23/23 Kyle
Cotton Peke & Pom Cross 15 years 09/96 Madaleone
Cotton Persian Cat 15 years 12/17/05 Jennie K
Cotton Pomeranian 02/18/95-10/10/07 Jason Forman
Cotton Poodle 12 years 12/26/09 Kimmy
Cotton Rabbit 2 years 10/07/08 Elizabeth
Cotton Small Black Dog 1974-05/04/84 Isabelle Sanders
Cotton Standard Poodle 15 years 08/11/05 Rob
Cotton Teacup Poodle 05/10/06-10/28/07 Betty Carline
Cotton Toy Maltese 04/08/82-07/03/97 Mia Mackey
Cotton Turkish Angora Cat 2011-02/14/12 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Cotton Umbrella Cockatoo 06/30/98-05/09/03 Laura Dowell
Cotton White Domestic Longhair Cat 13 years 07/18/00 Jacqueline L. Fryman
Cotton White Persian Cat 10/12/88-06/29/04 Ann
Cotton White, Domestic Long Hair Cat 05/01/05-08/26/06 Jami Robson
Cotton Whitey Red Norwegian Forest Cat 5 months 10/09/09 Shirleen
Cotton Wood Chow Lab Shepherd Rottie 11/03/95-01/04/06 Patricia Wood
Cotton Yellow Lab 01/01/00-02/2006 Ron Mertz
Cotton Yellow Lab 01/26/93-05/24/03 Dennis, Debbie, & Jennifer Caron
Cotton/Jr/Pascoal Hamster 8 months 06/17/06 Maria
Cottonball Harlequin Rabbit 1 1/2 years 11/15/99 Beverly & Ray McFarland
Cottonball Russian Blue Cat 03/07/96-09/28/00 Adrian & Jennifer Robichaud
Cottonbell Hughes American Eskimo Dog 15 years 03/19/10 Christy Hughes
Cottons Himalayan Cat 19 years 09/12/08 Sydney Battaglia
Cottontail Dove Pearl Variety Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster 02/2005-07/28/05 Jillian Angelica
Cottontail Lop Eared Albino Rabbit 26/04/97-10/08/00 Keith Webb
Cottontail Mini-Rex Bunny 7 1/2 years 07/31/10 Ann and Alex Butler
Cotton-toed toasty-nosed Charlie Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/02/97-04/30/11 Sherri Winkelmann
Cottonwoods Molly Labrador Retriever 06/01/97-06/01/10 Pearl Tonti
Coty & Sonny Poodle/Cocker Spaniel 14 years (both) 09/21/93 & 04/01/97 Jean Hague
Coty (Dakota) Cotydawgs Black Lab 10 1/2 years 11/28/10 Chris Ramsey
Coty Beagle 16 1/2 years 07/31/09 Nancy Toth
Coty Cat 04/23/12-09/03/12 Jose Luis Ancona Ortiz
Coty Dachshund 12/11/00-07/01/12 Glenn and Carolyn
Coty Dog 12/02/87-10/10/99 Charlene Durr
Coty Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/19/99-09/20/14 Angela Dalcourt
Coty Kuvacs Dog 13 years 10/17/02 Janet Day Lawson
Coty Maltese 11/99-06/2004 Michelle Simmons
Coty Mixed Dog 14 years 2006 Jodi Terwey
Coty Poodle 17 years 04/02/08 Lynn England
Coty Seal Point Siamese Cat 12/01/83-02/13/06 Dana F
Coty Setter/Afghan Mix 01/02/93 Pat Lobean
Coty Shepherd/Lab Mix 05/05/93-11/23/02 Andrea Graefen
Coty Starr Tuxedo Cat 02/14/99-02/01/10 Jo Starr & Rich Philippi
Couchoune DSH Calico Tabby Cat 12/19/98-03/09/02 Helene Sauriol
Cougar a.k.a. Mr. C. Cat 05/12/82-07/05/97 Debi Ross
Cougar aka Cougsie Domestic Short Hair Tortoiseshell Cat 04/01/88-11/18/01 Bob W
Cougar Australian Shepherd 02/01/85-09/09/11 Joanne, Spencer & Shelby
Cougar Black Cat 09/01/93-08/01/05 Sonja and David
Cougar Black Cat 12 years 12/10/01 Wendy For Laura & Dave
Cougar Cat 15 years 07/05/97 Debi
Cougar Cat Cahill Dog 05/08/88-06/09/03 Gerri
Cougar Chow 7 years 02/06/05 Jill Griffin
Cougar Cockatiel 01/05/05 Alison
Cougar Cocker Spaniel 22/03/00-28/02/13 Pauline
Cougar Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/01/96-06/09/00 Stefany and Joe
Cougar Domestic Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 16 years 02/17/93 Carolyn Neikam
Cougar Domestic Short-Hair-All White Cat 03/88-01/19/01 Dayna & Doug
Cougar Grey and White Domestic Short Hair Cat 06/01/96-06/09/00 Stefany and Joe Hafferty
Cougar Irish Wolf Hound 7 years 08/28/10 Cleide
Cougar Maine Coon Cat 08/10/92-04/27/03 Steve Berley
Cougar Orange Tabby Cat 08/23/00-09/29/08 Melanie Cypher
Cougar Orange Tabby Polydactyl Cat 12 years 08/17/01 Eberhard Fichter
Cougar Shepherd/Lab/Doberman/Chow 10/25/89-10/30/03 Ellen Feigin
Cougar Short Haired Tabby Cat 06/15/87-06/26/01 Sarah
Cougar Shorthair Cat 14 years 03/23/05 Carol M Sumner
Cougar Staffy 10/08/04-19/06/08 Alison and Mitch
Cougar White Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/88-01/19/01 Dayna & Doug
Cougar, aka Cougie Long-Haired Cream Colored Cat 11 years 07/03/06 Sunny Holmes
Cougie Jade Marie Dugan Brown/Grey Tabby Cat 11/01/19 Rebecca and Christopher Dugan
Cougie Tabby Cat 1986-04/13/01 Teri Larue
Count Barnabus The Bulldog aka Barnie English Bulldog 8 years 10/07/06 Shauna
Count Basie Golden/ Black Lab Mix 1994-2000 Julianne Gearhart and Joel Stein
Count Bianco Sabatini Cat, Stacye Bush
Count Cat 08/09/00 Dick
Count Fish E. Smalls of Huron Beta Fish 07/01/05-06/15/06 Ely Sbrozzi & Sunday Kayaras
Count Laszlo de Almasy (aka Almasy, The Count, Catboy) Pixie-Bob Cat 06/25/08 Marie L
Count Regis Baldur German Shepherd 11/17/93-03/27/03 Debbie Powell
Countach Black Lab 05/09/96-08/13/08 Kathy
Countess Bay Mare 40 years Sara
Countess Golden Abigail Yellow Lab 14 years 08/07/13 Mike and Laura
Countess Tia Maria Cooper Cocker Spaniel 03/28/87-03/31/02 Cooper
Countness Natasha Maythe Second Siberian Husky 05/90-12/15/03 Donald & Josine Peterson
Country Boy Blue My Mind Australian Shepherd 01/01/92-07/24/97 Terri
Country Cocker Spaniel 03/30/92-03/30/05 Rich, Barbara & Andrew Norton
Country Golden Retriever 09/17/98-10/15/00 Mary Peck
Country GSD 03/25/67-05/05/80 Lacrista Bagley
Country Pit Mix 06/21/97-01/05/12 Gisele Baka
Country's Mardi Gras Jamboree Australian Shepherd 02/24/94-07/24/97 Terri
Country's True Grit Australian Shepherd 06/01/96-07/24/97 Terri
Country-Shenanigan's Free Spirit Whippet 07/04/94 Suzy Neff
County MBCDX 10 years Lab/dobe Mix L. Hegelsen
Coup American Bulldog Mix 8 years 08/04/13 Jessica
Coupar Belgian Sheepdog 08/02/99-10/21/08 Kristy and Marty Astry
Coupe Canigiani Mini Schnauzer 08/16/01-10/19/11 Jon Sorangel Isabelle and Gabby Canigiani
Coupon Chihuahua 10/23/02-03/16/20 Stevie Anni
Coupon Tchaikovsky Silver Sugar Glider 08/04/10-01/16/11 Maren Altman, Mickey Altman
Courage Beagle 12/2001-06/27/11 Roberta Jenkins
Courage Dog 04/03/99-04/08/10 Jana
Courage Guinea Pig 12/02/02 Maggie
Courage Ivey Sable Ferret 6 1/2 years 06/30/08 Windy, Tim, Ethan, and Marabel Ivey
Courage Kitten 06/2011-11/2011 Emily
Courage Lab/Boxer/Rottweiler 10 weeks 02/28/03 Riley, Joanne, Camie
Courage Mischler Labrador 11/01/00-07/29/11 Aaron and Carey Mischler
Courage Parakeet 7 years 08/20/09 Debra Madson
Courage Pointer 05/30/03 Musa Young
Couragous Tabby Mix Cat 13 1/2 years 01/17/11 Veronica
Court Jester Mix 04/14/93 Florida shelter fire
Courtenay Orange Striped Cat 11/27/80-11/12/98 Alix and Casey and Sage
Courtnee Airedale puppy 05/16/95 Steve & Judy R.
Courtney Allison Green Dalmatian 07/22/96-09/20/07 Stanley and Mary Green
Courtney Ann aka Woo Woo Yorkshire Terrier 07/25/95-11/08/06 The Novo Family
Courtney Beagle/Chow 11/25/90-12/29/03 Nancy Dickinson
Courtney Beam Dog 04/01/94-01/20/07 Betty Beam
Courtney Boston Terrier 09/05/87-03/07/00 Cathie
Courtney Boxer 10/99-05/08/09 Barry
Courtney Cocker Spaniel (Buff) 08/83-01/02/99 Ed and Marilyn Bartlett
Courtney Cocker Spaniel 07/06/87-03/17/99 Brad & Rosie Bowker
Courtney Cocker Spaniel 07/25/86-08/08/96 JRH
Courtney Dalmatian 05/04/90-11/17/03 Albert Gonzales
Courtney DLH Cat 08/28/88-07/21/02 Kathy Valentino
Courtney Domestic Short Haired Cat 10 years 02/15/08 Christine and Richard
Courtney German Shepherd/Doberman Mix 12/31/90-02/21/04 Brenda Farrington
Courtney Golden Retriever 12/05/94-04/18/08 David and Melissa Weston
Courtney Havanese 09/20/94-02/10/10 Melinda
Courtney Hound Beagle Mix 13 years 01/20/07 Brad
Courtney Jack Russell X Kelpie 02/28/09 Jack
Courtney Lab 08/08/96-04/27/11 Kimberly Psaltis
Courtney Lou Schnauzer 15 years 6 months 08/08/13 Connie Johnson
Courtney Mixed Shepherd 12 years Patricia Petit
Courtney Persian Cat 15 years 4 months 08/31/08 Lisa Dykstra
Courtney Renee Cogburn Dog 11 years 07/17/97 DEE
Courtney Rose Sheltie 08/19/92-09/30/02 Dawn
Courtney Rottweiler 8 years 12/12/03 Nancy Vander Vliet
Courtney Shih Tzu 08/94-05/04/04 Cindy
Courtney Shihtzu 04/12/97-09/10/12 Cheryl
Courtney Smart Greyhound 03/01/00-02/17/08 Amy and Patrick
Courtney Tabby Cat 17 years 06/12/04 Gail, Paul, Sam, Lily, Dewey, and Clara
Courtney Tabby Cat 22 years 2011 Molly
Courtney West Highland White Terrier 10/08/92-01/19/06 Peggy & Jay Heilman
Courtney's Heidi Bear (Heidi) Rottweiler 11/09/91-08/19/99 Vivian Courtney
Courvoisier Cocker Spaniel 05/29/92-10/03/02 James Zians
Cous Cous Turkish Angora Cat 04/24/03-08/06/11 Vic Martinez
Couscous Cat 3 1/2 years 08/21/95 Phoebe Outerbridge
CousCous Siamese Tabby Mix Cat 1998-01/31/14 Marina
Cousin Fred Cat 10/26/19 Tiffany Johnson
Cousin Hi Cat 3 years 02/27/10 Jana Skipper Crosby
Cousin Itt Fancy Green Cheek Conure 02/08/11-03/16/13 Sonja Rideout
Cousin Willie American Eskimo Dog 03/22/87-04/19/03 Angela and Avery Fuertes
Cousteau Short Haired Domestic Black X Tonkinese Cat 12/28/97-02/05/12 Jo Heron
Cousteau Toy Poodle 13 years 05/21/06 Deb Laflamme
Couyon Catahoula Leopard Dog Spring 2005-12/26/06 Tommy and Cathy
Cover Girl Cat 08/18/08 Sheila and Roy
Covey Cocker Spaniel 03/16/96-01/03/08 Jennifer
Covey Rat Terrier 03/07/98-07/10/14 Jan & Pat
Covo Maltese Dig 04/06/10-07/17/20 John Sokolsky
Covy Tucker Hill's Natausha (Taushie) GSD 08/18/84-10/13/93 Cher
Cow Cat 17 years 04/21/04 Stephen Sweet
Cow Cow Cat 03/28/09 Tricia Bailey
Cow Devon Rex Cat 04/13/24 Debbi Luby
Cow Domestic Cat 4 years 06/16/07 Steve Rice
Cow Mixed Cat 04/2003-06/10/17 Linda
Cow Tuxedo Cat 20 years 04/11/14 Coral
Cowango Jindo 10/31/93-06/30/10 Stephanie Humphrey
Cowardly Lion Cat 14 years 02/17/07 Aimee and Greg Congdon
Cowbert Cat 07/07/97-04/09/11 Cindy Borj
Cowboy - Jack Jack Russell 7 years 07/16/10 Diane Patti
Cowboy 11/06/98 Lois and Joseph Bernard
Cowboy 11/26/92-03/30/97 Cymbala
Cowboy aka My Cowies Gray Tabby - W/White Chest & White Boots Cat 12 years 08/27/04 Monica Arangua
Cowboy Australian Cattle Dog 04/2000-05/13/11 Barbara Butler
Cowboy Australian Shepherd and Blue Heeler 09/97-12/02/08 Travis Williamson
Cowboy Black Short Hair Cat 2 years 08/15/11 Carol Stanbrough
Cowboy Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) 14 years 03/25/01 Blake and Misty Sielaff
Cowboy Blue Heeler 15 years 02/29/20 Marilyn and Brad
Cowboy Border Collie 01/01/60-01/01/66 Clora M Phillips
Cowboy Border Collie 14 1/2 years 07/27/21 Gloria Moulopoulos
Cowboy Border Collie Mix 12 years 10/20/04 Jalayne Syx
Cowboy Brown Dachshund Mix 06/14/99-09/25/05 Price Brown
Cowboy Cat 08/02/04 Joy
Cowboy Cat 09/24/94-06/15/09 Brenda Shipp
Cowboy Chihuahua 09/14/11 Cristal
Cowboy Chow/Golden Retriever 10/11/92-10/09/06 Bobbi Anthony
Cowboy Cockatiel 06/17/83-04/18/96 Dan Rowdon
Cowboy Dachshund 07/26/08-03/16/09 Ashley Farres
Cowboy Dachshund Chiaha Mix 1 1/2 years 02/09/05 Barbie Butts
Cowboy DLH Cat 03/01/03-01/16/16 Yvonne Cruz
Cowboy Dog 07/16/10 Gail Trabucco
Cowboy Dog 11 years 06/16/99 Buck
Cowboy Domestic Short Hair (Black and White) Cat 3 years 01/31/15 Julie Bergstrom
Cowboy English Springer Spaniel 06/98-04/09/08 Tiffany
Cowboy Fallon Golden Retriever 02/26/02-11/19/03 Dina Schendzielos
Cowboy Frenchton 10/20/09-03/24/23 Laurie Reiss
Cowboy German Shepherd Dog 1987-09/09/99 Cassandra Posladek
Cowboy Golden Retriever 04/25/08 Barbara
Cowboy Golden Retriever 06/08/97 Gail
Cowboy Golden Retriever 12/05/94-01/05/05 Glenda Coleman
Cowboy Golden Retriever 9 years 02/13/02 Joe and Laura Eady
Cowboy Greyhound 12/26/98-07/29/07 Janice & Ed Clohosey
Cowboy Jack Russell 7 years 08/01/14 Candy
Cowboy Jack Russell Terrier 06/14/07-11/02/07 Kris & Phil
Cowboy Kitten 08/20/14 Josie
Cowboy Lab 12 years 06/14/13 Gary and Sue Howell
Cowboy Labrador Retriever 16 years 10/27/09 Lauren Smith
Cowboy Long Hair Domestic Cat 13 years 04/13/21 Carole Cummins Simms
Cowboy Miniature Schnauzer 10/05/98-05/13/07 Susan Maxwell
Cowboy MinPin 1987-10/23/97 Jerry Collins
Cowboy Mix Cat 08/02-11/05/04 Connie and Rhonda
Cowboy Mixed Spaniel and Dachshund 9 years 09/06/07 Claudia Smyth
Cowboy Parakeet 15 years 2016 Jo Kisner
Cowboy Patton Australian Shepherd 08/30/02-08/18/08 Jana Patton
Cowboy Peekapoo 8 years 12/20/05 Marty Danner
Cowboy Pekingese 05/16/92-10/29/04 Becky & Randy Tigges
Cowboy Pekingese Mix 10/31/98-09/22/11 Mandy and Phillip Johnson, Barbara Mead
Cowboy Pomeranian 10 years 09/26/07 Kim
Cowboy Rat Terrier 07/31/02-06/01/20 Markus W. Wiklund
Cowboy Rex Bunny 11/07/06 Cary
Cowboy Saint Bernard 06/28/04 Heather Langworthy
Cowboy Samoyan 11 years 05/03/07 Chris Melko (Cowboy's Aunt)
Cowboy Shiloh Shepherd/German Shepherd 08/27/00-12/11/11 Mary-Anne
Cowboy Siberian Husky 01/20/11 Amy Schleicher
Cowboy Siberian Husky 08/01/03-01/20/11 Amy Schleicher
Cowboy Tabby Cat 15 years 07/21/08 Donna Rummel
Cowboy Thibodeaux Yorkie 09/08/00-11/15/00 Peyton
Cowboy Vizsla 10/14/96-03/08/10 Mick and Val
Cowboy, Rosie, Inca, and Calypso Birds 07/13/99 Nancy
Cowboy's Dandy Dude Paint Horse 27 years 09/10/07 Cindy Johnson
CowCat Bocephus Boudreaux Gnarly Cow-Spotted Cat 10 years 07/07/10 Lesley Boudreaux
Cowcow Black and White Domestic Shorthair Cat 3 years 10/05/02 Kathy Guinn
Cowey Black and White Tuxedo Short-Hair Cat 10 1/2 years 12/07/13 Jenny and David
Cowgirl Black Angus Bovine 11 years 06/27/12 Angela Boley
Cowgirl DSH Tuxedo Cat 10 years O5/19/20 Charlie
Cowgirl Tabby Cat 10 years 06/17/96 Genny
Cowgirl Yellow Lab 06/21/96-08/05/10 Jan
Cowie Cat 11/21/14 Lorri M.
Cowkitty Burmese Cat 03/03/93-03/24/08 Mike & Mary
Cowly Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/28/07 Patricia Manning
Cowpie Mixed Cat 9 years 03/13/20 Anne & Paul Chamberlain
Cowpoke English Springer Spaniel 10 years 04/10/01 Steve and Cheryl Vider
Coxie Dachshund 08/31/90-05/29/94 Harva Hibma
Coy American Pitbull Terrier 10/08/06-07/19/07 Catalina
Coy Black Lab 13 years 03/16/17 Nancy
Coy Dog Spring 1997 Owners Name Rita Biffar
Coyote Akita 10/30/98-01/01/05 Mary Sipkoff
Coyote Brindle, Pit Bull/Shepherd 12/12/91-10/07/08 Vern, Carol, Alec & Ean VanPool
Coyote Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Coyote Domestic Longhair Cat 01/01/88-04/03/06 Linda Lee
Coyote Domestic Short Hair Cat 4 1/2 years 11/15/06 Debbie Mellentine
Coyote Domestic Shorthair Cat 11 months 03/31/10 Serbella McGee
Coyote German Shepherd 01/01/00-09/07/08 Michelle Powell
Coyote German Shepherd Mix 14 years 07/15/99 Thomas
Coyote Lab Mix 13 years 08/05/99 Joanne Wilds
Coyote Shepherd/Husky Mix 1996?-09/01/03 Robin
Coyote Yorkie 05/28/93-02/29/07 Suzzann Braggs
Coys Black Phoebe (Monkey) Mini Schnauzer 05/23/95-06/03/09 Sally and Philip
Coz Apedix Quarter horse 02/05/92-10/11/98 JoAnne Nelson
Coz Tiger Short Haired Cat 10 years 02/01/05 Mary
Cozby Labrador 12/11/96-11/15/10 Rose and Lou Nicol
Cozette Black Lab/Cocker Spaniel 14 years 04/24/04 Erica Huston
Cozette Pembroke Welsh Corgi 03/11/96-11/29/06 Carol, Paul. Lisa, Jack, Adria and Stephen
Cozi Cockatiel 05/27/05-01/06/07 Dianne & John Daily
Cozmo Abby Mix Cat 06/15/96-08/02/01 The Jacobson Family
Cozmo aka Momo Pug 01/27/03-03/07/18 Monica, Michael, John, Nicholas
Cozmo Bichon 05/26/98-04/08/09 Jimmy Cardi
Cozmo Boston Terrier 09/10/01-03/11/13 Steve, Sarah and Sophia Choukalas
Cozmo DMH Cat 03/08/98-09/26/06 Susan
Cozmo Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/08/98-07/23/14 Holly Sandeen
Cozmo Kramer African Grey Parrot (Cameroon) 3 years 10/10/98 Jade
Cozmo Mix Breed Dog 01/18/12 Patricia Smith
Cozmo Mixed Dog 12/15/04-05/10/14 Autumn
Cozmo Mixed Terrier 01/17/12 Patricia
Cozmo Orange Tabby Cat 05/17/95-05/12/13 Sue
Cozner Dog 04/12/90-01/03/03 Chesty & Conlin Frank
Cozy American Shorthair Cat 1988-11/20/05 Deb Swann
Cozy Bichon Frise 10/07/02 Douglas D. Schumann
Cozy Cat 08/15/93-05/31/09 Sue Ciampaglio
Cozy Dog approximately 11 1/2 years 02/10/03 Amy, Chris, Max and Jacob Thompson
Cozy Golden Retriever 11/02/96-02/20/03 Tim & Cathilee Sharretts
Cozy Golden Retriever 11/27/96-02/20/03 The Sharretts Family
Cozy Mini Lop Bunny 09/94-06/10/00 Laurie Wright
Cozy Rottweiler 10/02/98-03/30/07 Victoria Savage
Cozy Rottweiler 14/10/98-31/03/07 Vicky Savage
Cozy Siamese Cat 06/12/95-04/25/04 Belinda
Cozzie Shih-Tzu 03/20/99-04/06/15 Kate & Roy
Crabby Tabby Cat 06/95-11/09/00 Paula Rubin
Crabs Chesapeake Bay Retriever 08/31/88-07/10/98 Mary Kenney
Crabtree Grey Tabby Cat 08/87-09/30/01 Lisa Schell
Cracker (Jack) Jack Russell Terrier 09/01/94-01/11/03 Phil Kinstle
Cracker Akita, Shepherd, Malamute 10+ years 08/19/11 Jermaine & Jenny
Cracker Barrel Bear DSH Cat 04/20/86-02/14/04 Judy Morlacci
Cracker Beagle 01/03/99-03/10/08 Susan Sullivan
Cracker Beagle 03/10/08 Susan Sullivan
Cracker Border Collie 10 years 1988 Kim
Cracker Cat 10 years 01/23/08 Marilyn and Grey Flora
Cracker Chihuahua 2 years 02/08/08 Debra Davis
Cracker Cocker Spaniel 04/01/95-08/08/08 Tom and Tonya Haynes
Cracker Dog 18 years 03/27/16 Marjorie Tidwell, Heather and Vincent
Cracker Domestic Shorthair 9 years 06/98 Sharon Sadlowski
Cracker German Shepherd 11/23/96-07/31/04 Sue Leeming
Cracker Guinea Pig 06/20/06 Maggie
Cracker Jack Collie 01/11/89-11/23/01 Mickey Hibbard
Cracker Maltese 11/15/00-03/07/05 Jeanette Hanley & Dimitry Klush
Cracker Papillion 13 years 20/11/08 Pat MacLeod
Cracker Pekingese 07/04/99-05/15/15 Misty Swanson
Cracker Poodle 6 years 12/26/04 Vicki Smith
Cracker Syrian Hamster 03/05/06-02/18/08 Christina Bolton
Cracker Tintner-Bishop Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) 07/04/97-12/27/09 Jane and Ed Bishop
Cracker Tortie Cat 14 years 07/22/98 Roberta Collins
Cracker White Cat with a gray splotch 05/15/87-06/02/93 Pat
Cracker Yellow-Thigh Caique Parrot 7 years 10/28/06 Elena
Cracker Yorkie 01/04/95-01/28/12 Barbara Jean Faessler
Crackerjack Calico Cat 8 years 09/16/13 Linda Williams
Crackerjack Maltese 02/07/95-05/16/09 Tim, Conni, Tiffany, and Chad Elkins
Crackers Bishon/Poodle 1994-12/26/07 Carie Fitzgerld
Crackers Black Lab Mix 13 years 09/24/08 Jeanette
Crackers Calico Cat 01/01/94-02/02/11 Stuart Dutton
Crackers Chihuahua 15 years 03/09/04 Catherine Sherman
Crackers Cockatiel 12/05/03 Robin
Crackers Cocker Spaniel 02/02/97-08/06/10 Laura and Tim
Crackers Cocker Spaniel 05/01/89-04/12/04 Glee & Melissa Webster
Crackers Cocker Spaniel 11/18/02 Vienne
Crackers German Shorthair Pointer 16 years 10/94 Betty
Crackers Jack Russell 03/29/04-01/25/09 Jennifer Miller
Crackers Jenday Conure 1 1/2 years 10/25/04 Eric
Crackers Jenday Conure 1 year 10/25/04 Eric Sanagustin
Crackers New Forest Horse 44 years 10/13/05 Claire Barber
Crackers Orange and White Medium Haired Cat 02/20/04 Jennifer
Crackers Rutledge Cockatiel 8 years 12/16/06 Rebecca Rutledge
Crackers Sheltie 14 years 11/18/06 Rob and Maria Updegrove
Crackers Shorthair - Buff Cat 02/14/88-06/12/04 Linda Guthrie
Crackers Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mix 14 years 13/03/13 Rachel Roantree
Crackers Vizsla 11/03/98-11/26/09 Laura & Dave Rogers
Crackers White Toy Poodle 09/11/87-03/16/99 Brenda Loneman
Crackers Yellow Lab 8 years 11 mo. 01/02/98 Charlotte Hart
Crackers Yorkshire Terrier 03/08/99-11/10/06 Cathy Ribley
Crack'r Golden Retriever 12/20/99-2005 Gena Shannon
Cracky Tom Cat 13 years 06/12/67 Susan Culley
Craig Chihuahua Mix 12/06/03-01/18/04 Sylvia Forsgren Family
Craig Collie 11/27/05 Jayne
Craig Havanese 15 years 06/26/13 Cindy, Tina, Tom
Craigie - Ridgedale Craigie - Clydesdale Clydesdale Horse 03/15/82-03/02/09 Sue Linder
Craigie Mo Merry (Merry) Greyhound 02/06/02-02/07/13 Janet Yackee-Buck
Crakerjack Rabbit 8 years Marianne Cassidy
Cramer Labrador Retriever 14 years 9 months 3 days 08/05/15 Cheryl Arnott
Crana German Shepherd 09/14/89-04/01/00 Jess B
Cranberry Abby Cat 11/27/87-04/11/98 Mary Ann Bradford
Crank Cruz Domestic Cat 04/19/08-08/01/15 Eddie Cruz
Cranky Calico Cat 04/28/02-08/16/11 Peggy Hazan
Crash A Mundo Mixed Shepherd 05/13/09-08/17/09 Jack and Brandi
Crash American Pit Bull 09/01/97-08/23/10 Vince Brown
Crash Bandicoot Burmese Cat 18 years 06/13/10 Francesca Tucker
Crash Bichon Frise 03/16/98-08/28/06 DeAnna Williamson
Crash Boxer 08/30/05-02/12/16 Deana Rich
Crash Cameo Tabby Cat 04/04/89-01/10/06 Dhru Elerbey
Crash Cat 12 years 04/23/01 Leslie Stevens
Crash Domestic Long Hair Cat 04/01/91-10/23/05 Kimberly Swett
Crash Fur Ball White Longhair Cat 05/15/02-03/21/06 Karen Holverson
Crash Labrador 01/15/20 Kate Garner
Crash Luzzo Gold Tabby Cat 05/25/04-02/01/13 Joe & Gene Ann Luzzo
Crash Maine Coon Cat 2 1/2 years 01/17/08 Michelle OCHS
Crash Mini Pomeranian 07/08/08-09/17/08 Kristina Scott
Crash Rott 08/96-11/96 Adrienee
Crash Teddy Guinea Pig 09/23/00-11/30/00 Torey Stewart
Crash White and Orange Tiger Cat 04/97-06/15/99 R Jasky
Crashie Cockatiel 1986-07/13/08 Iris
Crater German Shepherd 14 years 03/14/99 DeeAnn Rogers
Crater Old English Sheep 08/31/92-09/29/05 Ann
Crawacitta Cat 09/12/05-07/04/07 Andréa Mara Kraetzer
Crawford Dog German Shepherd 05/21/95-02/03/07 Amy Lukens
Crawford Kitten 3 mo 08/31/00 Anna
Crawford's Darling Dafnee (Dafnee) Rottie 5 years 01/08/99 Dawn
Crawford's King Brutus Boxer 06/17/89-04/19/98 Lisa S. Crawford
Crawl Basset Hound 03/27/00-05/12/00 Mike & Deb Wertz
Cray and Reba Dogs 11/05/22 Tony
Crayola Calico Cat 02/09/08 Michael Garrity
Crazy Baby Baleugh Black Lab 06/01/87 Lyne Charlsen
Crazy Bird Sheba Inu 07/15/96-05/02/07 Daniel & Jamison Harrigan
Crazy Bones Siamese Mix 12 years 03/19/97 Lynne, Henry, Michael
Crazy Boy Pitbull 08/20/03-07/07/05 Gina, Isabella, Michael, Michael Jr., and Stripe Ortego
Crazy Cat 10/04/87-03/36/05 Marlene Frew
Crazy Cat 13 years 06/20/99 Bob Miller
Crazy Cat DSH Tort Cat 15 years 07/31/13 Ana Haget
Crazy Cooter Thoroughbred Horse 02/01/86-11/12/08 Karen Mansfield
Crazy Dazy Doberman Pinscher 06/01/96-10/13/01 Nanci Sullivan
Crazy English Springer Spaniel 04/22/99-03/01/14 Thomas Conley
Crazy J White Domestic Long Hair Cat 11 years 05/04/16 Robin Kidder
Crazy Janie Madeira Orange Tabby Cat 07/15/85-05/15/96 Melanie Madeira
Crazy Mary Jane Rumping English Setter 12 years 01/24/05 Brian, Abby, Colin and Pansy Mae
Crazy rat 1 1/2 yr. Lightning
Crazy Russian Blue Mix Cat 1995-10/16/02 Roy Ryan
Crazy Shepherd/Collie 11/02/00-02/02/07 Clint Cabney
Crazy Skink Lizard 12/01/08 Rhiannon Mundy
Crazy White Hamster 03/17/14 AY & TY
Crazy Woman River Chocolate Lab 05/18/90-12/22/03 Scott Hohn
Crazzy Cat Tortie Cat 11/25/05 Terry
Cream aka Fat Cat Orange Tabby Cat 05/25/97-10/02/01 Tim, Gina and Daniel
Cream Cat 08/01/01-02/16/04 Pernille
Cream Chihuahua 06/02/07-06/24/10 Erika Oktora
Cream Cicle Kitten 6 weeks Antonia
Cream Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/98-08/08/07 Lisa
Cream Himalayan Cat 08/06/86-05/12/01 Kathy and Erin
Cream Longhaired White Cat with Orange Accents 04/15/01-07/15/06 Alice Lancefield
Cream Maine Coon Cat 06/10/90-10/24/10 Tracey Sharkey
Cream Maine Coon Cat 10/2003-06/22/11 Diann
Cream Puff Bichon 04/22/19 J. B Atkinson
Cream Puff Cat 10/02/20-02/23/21 Angeline, Alynda, Aivy
Cream Puff Cream Teddy Bear Hamster 01/15/99-12/07/00 Jenn Robin
Cream Puff Hamster 2 years 08/23/02 Jodi Gawana
Cream Puff Pekingnese 03/06/83-11/06/95 Maxine Hellman
Cream Puff White Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 years 05/18/97 Barbara Mahalek
Cream Rat 03/26/06 Aaron
Cream Shorthair Cat 05/2009-04/05/13 Merriska
Cream Soda (Rusty) Cream Toy Poodle 30 Aug 1987 - 07 June 1999 Pauline Slippey
Creamcicle Cat 08/23/12 Lori
Creamies Snowshoe Cat 13 years 10/15/10 Shari, Susie, Arash
Creampuff Bunny '97 or '98 Amy
Creampuff Calico Cat 9 years 05/12/02 Tom Ronell
Creampuff Cat 2008-02/03/12 June Tindall
Creampuff Cat Spring of 1995-05/05/05 Tabitha
CreamPuff Gerbil 10/16/00-10/20/00 Kayla
Creampuff Guinea Pig 09/97 Kimberly S.
Creampuff Pomeranian 08/27/95-07/16/08 Susan
Creampuff Wedgy Cat 07/04/03-06/24/06 Donna West
Creamsicle Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 03/14/11 Elaine and Wayne Hammond
Creamsicle Long Hair Domestic/Persian Cat 06/88-01/07/02 Eric, Katie, Paula and Andrea
Creamsicle Orange Tabby Kitten 4 months 09/04/11 Katy Kenney
Creamsicle Orange Tabby, Short-Haired Cat 03/16/11 Shannon A
Creamsicle Red Factor Canary 2 years 05/12/04 Liz Jones
Creamsicle Seal Point Siamese Cat 15 years 06/04/19 Francine McDonald
Creamsicle White Goldfish 06/22/12 Dylan Pribyl
Creamy Cat 6 years 09/03/14 Paula M. Rodriguez
Creamy Cockatiel 04/23/21 Permax
Creamy Creamsicle Long Haired Orange/White Domestic Cat 12/21/96-06/15/02 Michele L Solimeo
Creamy Hamster 04/05/96-10/27/97 Tricia
Creamy Long Haired Guinea Pig 05/31/00 Larry Magtoto
Creamy Persian Cat 03/06/20-03/31/22 Sylvester Hernandez
Creamy Syrian Hamster 04/01/15-12/31/18 Lia H
Creature Grey Tabby Cat 11/05/88-02/08/09 John
Creed Dog Rottie 6 1/2 years 06/02/03 Heidi McDonald
Creed Shiloh Shepherd 9 years 07/24/10 Dave Berloffe
Creed Wire Fox Terrier 01/27/01-04/01/04 Tawny Leste-Carlson
Creede Rat Terrier 09/12/99-12/14/15 Jo Newman
Creek Chewy Collins Cat approximately 6 years 10/07/03 Mark and Laure
Creek Tabby Cat 06/96-10/2006 David
Creep Barker Tabby Cat 11 years 08/27/07 Kim E. Barker
Creeper Maltese 01/30/99-03/19/01 Debbi
Creeper Voo Voo Russian Blue Cat 1985-05/16/00 Jacque Duffner
Creepers Orange Tabby Cat 06/01/92-06/11/05 Mary-Ellen Miller
Creepy Shi Tzu 03/01/98-09/26/08 Kim Baggett
Crème de Coco XIII Yellow Labrador Retriever 04/24/95-05/20/06 Anthony DeFeo
Creme Kaye Yellow Lab 16 years 05/10/07 Jake and Gayla Kaye
Creola Domestic Short Hair Cat 15 years 02/07/02 Janet Novak
Creole Black Lab Mix 04/22/98-05/14/98 Crystianna Ciccone
Creole Cat 01/11/04-11/25/23 Amanda Lucas
Creole Domestic Shorthair Cat 5 years 07/28/07 Joanne Piterniak
Creole Lily Dog 10/06/12 Vivi Hoddo and JB Kanetzky
Creole Williams Plummer Pit Bull 05/15/95-07/28/05 Jack Plummer
Crescendo's Mystical Shadow Sheltie 04/05/86-12/19/00 Trella Hastings
Cressi Persian Cat 12/12/90-03/27000 Marianne Mays
Cressie Sheltie 03/11/83-08/23/99 Trella
Cresta Westie 10/13/96-02/08/10 Jamie, Kirsty and Christina Donoher
Crestview Kitten Kitten 09/02/08 Judith L Althouse
Cretin Cat 08/28/00 Putnam
Crew Domestic Short Hair Cat 05/15/92-09/01/06 Sonia Dinshaw
Cricket - 'Oldie Moldy' Chihuahua 1995-09/26/15 Stacy Brown
Cricket (aka Crickey, Crickster, Cricks) Cat 05/95-01/17/12 DJ Sims
Cricket (Crickie Dickie) Bichon Frise 02/18/03 Ashley Kurau
Cricket (Murry Roo) Bombay Mix Cat 09/22/90-02/19/01 Julie and James Peak
Cricket Airedale Terrier 15 years 09/27/00 Joanne Sniegowski
Cricket aka Crickey Dickey Wire Haired Fox Terrier 06/97 Lorraine
Cricket Ann Cockapoo 06/06/08-01/05/21 Nichole
Cricket Ann Mixed Cat 10/31/91-09/24/07 Cindy Tucker
Cricket Australian Shepherd 10/01/99-07/01/15 Gloria Budziak
Cricket Australian Shepherd 13 years 11/23/98 Barbara
Cricket Basenji 11/04/99-04/11/99 Ranee Baker
Cricket Basset Hound 06/15/94-01/04/05 Elaine
Cricket Basset Hound 8 years 08/17/11 Donna Mielenz
Cricket Bat Wing Rabbit Hound 16 years 02/15/10 Kathy and Jack Costigan
Cricket Beagle 11 years 09/09/08 Cheryl Nutt Watzek
Cricket Beagle/Sheltie 7 years 01/07/00 Kurtzman Family
Cricket Bichon 03/16/98 Sandra Barber
Cricket Bichon Frise 05/16/89-09/24/03 The Carter Family-Amber, Bill, Suzanne, Rod, Brent, Madeline, Eileen, Pepper and Lily
Cricket Black & White (from Siamese X Tabby) Cat 07/26/90-02/22/09 Keri & Sandra
Cricket Black and Tan Toy Poodle 06/01/96-04/13/08 Ellen, Dave, Emily, Ian, and Sophie Wettlaufer
Cricket Black Domestic Medium Hair Cat 06/82-06/2001 Ellen Fout
Cricket Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/16/80-05/27/93 Paul & Debbie Dziedzic
Cricket Black Husky/Shepherd Mix 13 years 11/24/99 Sue
Cricket Black Lab Mix 08/2002 Gail, Jim, Katie and Caroline
Cricket Blue Nose Dog 12/06/07-11/27/12 Tambi
Cricket Blue-Cream Persian Cat 10/04/88-08/29/06 Cheryl Hobson
Cricket Bolden Mostly Chihuahua 16 years 02/01/03 Pat, Wayne, and Pal Jiminy
Cricket Borzoi 09/05/97 Karen
Cricket Boston Terrier 12 years 01/27/21 Cyndi
Cricket Boxer/Chow 02/12/98-05/29/08 Lori Jaremba
Cricket Boyd-Wojtowicz Siamese Cat 01/1985-02/15/04 Meredith M. Boyd
Cricket Brittany Spaniel 03/04/95-01/20/10 Tom and Vicki Stanfa
Cricket Cairn Terrier 01/08/91-12/18/07 Rich, Mary, and Niki
Cricket Calico Cat 10/04/00-05/20/14 Amanda
Cricket Calico Short-Hair Cat 15 years 02/21/08 Chuck and Pat
Cricket Calico/Siamese Mix 7 years 05/07/96 Sandra
Cricket Cat 01/29/95-07/07/03 Laurie, Darrell and Chris
Cricket Cat 04/15/85-10/30/03 William and Betty Holbert
Cricket Cat 04/19/90-07/30/01 Sandra Olson
Cricket Cat 04/78-11/15/98 Star Straf
Cricket Cat 07/09/04 Erin
Cricket Cat 07/20/90-08/09/08 Dorothy Jordan
Cricket Cat 08/14/04-09/28/09 Jason & Chase
Cricket Cat 09/10/00 Lisa
Cricket Cat 10 years 09/14/00 Pam, Ken and Holly Hunt
Cricket Cat 10/81-11/01/97 Chris Franzen
Cricket Cat 12 1/2 years 12/13/97 Laurie
Cricket Cat 14 years 05/21/08 Jackie Koviak
Cricket Cat 16 years 01/08/06 Robin Kepple
Cricket Cat 9 years 01/21/99 Vickie and Kevin Hughes
Cricket Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cricket Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 02/05/00-06/24/14 Amy
Cricket Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix 01/11/04-06/12/15 Heather H
Cricket Chihuahua 01/17/94-07/22/05 Pam Narron
Cricket Chihuahua 11 years 09/07/12 Pam and Joe Smith
Cricket Chihuahua 14 years 11/01/05 Arlene Heintz
Cricket Chihuahua 16 plus years 02/01/03 Pat Bolden
Cricket Chihuahua/Mini Pin 07/11/96-10/05/10 Lisa Davis
Cricket Chihuahua/Pomeranian 07/01/85-09/15/02 Lance, Adam, Adrian, Judy
Cricket Chihuahua/Terrier 01/02/01 Ellen
Cricket Chinese Crested Dog 07/04/13 Michelle Radcliff
Cricket Chow/Shepherd Mix 15 years 07/30/08 Rae Hendrix
Cricket Cockapoo 01//10/10-04/22/21 Dorcy Burns
Cricket Cockapoo 07/09/02-08/03/14 Brenda
Cricket Cock-a-poo 09/04/72-07/22/89 Nanci Cosentino
Cricket Cockapoo 1975-1976 Jo-Ann Pochinski
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 01/04/89-08/19/05 Pamela Cox
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 07/01/94-02/24/06 Deborah Eastman
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 11/07/87-10/31/03 John and Becky Hurst
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 13 years 03/22/08 Patricia Mack
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 13 years 09/06/93 Carol Hawkins
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 15 years 08/23/07 Joyce and Glenn Borden
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 15 years Sally
Cricket Cocker Spaniel 1993-1998 Arthur F Sintef II
Cricket Coleman Poodle 02/25/01-04/13/11 Deborah Coleman
Cricket Comtois Teacup Poodle 04/17/94-12/30/05 Tiffany Comtois
Cricket Crick Cat 08/01/04 Macy Graves
Cricket Cromwell DSH Cat 01/31/01 Karen Commings
Cricket Dachshund 11/94-04/17/05 Sherrie Bailey
Cricket Dachshund 2 1/2 years 03/06/04 Julia
Cricket DLH Cat 10/2005 11-11-22 Danielle Franks
Cricket DLH Cat 11/03/08 Marsha Peterson
Cricket Dog 04/30/84-01/22/99 Mindi
Cricket Dog 11/19/87-03/31/04 Molly
Cricket Dog 13 years 03/97 Sheryl Tonsager
Cricket Dog 19 years 03/31/10 Jeanne & Dana Muir
Cricket Dog 8 1/2 years 10/17/07 Alisa
Cricket Domestic Cat 10/11/94-09/21/08 Sandra & Yanto Soekardi
Cricket Domestic Short Hair Cat 07/04/89-02/18/07 Mary Marston Caron
Cricket Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/95-07/21/07 Faye and Duane Brown
Cricket Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/18/91-12/16/02 Bonnie Angus
Cricket Domestic Shorthair Cat 21 years 11/15/10 Lynn
Cricket DSH Torbie Cat 03/02/05 Shae, Cheri and Chirs
Cricket Eclectus Bird 8 months 07/01/03 Dawn
Cricket English Spot Rabbit 03/97-10/12/05 Linda Boucher
Cricket Fearneyhough Chihuahua/Boston Terrier Mix 05/01/06-08/31/15 Kate Fearneyhough
Cricket Fox Terrier 11/24/89-02/02/06 Hunta Wortham
Cricket Fulmer Min-Pin 08/01/94-12/05/11 Joy Fulmer
Cricket German Shepherd 01/25/95-03/97 Gail
Cricket Gillilan Terrier Mix 07/31/96-03/31/11 Jennifer Gillilan
Cricket Gray Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/25/08 Maryelen Charnovesky
Cricket Gray Shorthair Cat 04/23/90-05/23/98 Eva
Cricket Gray Tabby Cat 9 years 05/09/12 Christina Sparks
Cricket Great Dane 09/23/96-05/05/02 Lori
Cricket Grey Tiger Tabby Cat 12/78-10/27/97 Jessica McMahan
Cricket Greyhound Greyhound 12 years 10/05/11 Rick Lukas
Cricket Grissom Yorkshire Terrier 05/29/95-11/10/08 Rebecca Grissom
Cricket Gronewold Papeon 10/25/01 Charlene Gronwold
Cricket Hebrlee Bulldog 1988-1995 Trent & Cathy
Cricket Holloway Pomeranian 04/11/99-06/25/10 Belinda Holloway
Cricket Hust Cocker Mix 05/01/92-02/05/06 Hust Family
Cricket Jack Russell 11/10/96-07/23/09 Judy Watts
Cricket Jack Russell/Rat Terrier 14 years 08/18/12 Missy
Cricket Japanese Bobtail Cat 12 years 12/23/04 Barbara Young
Cricket Japanese Chin 01/11/89-06/21/04 Roberta Erdmann
Cricket Johnson Tabby Cat 04/15/10-10/13/11 Tiffany Johnson
Cricket Kay Dugger Boston Terrier 13 years 05/25/05 Billie Kay Dugger
Cricket Keeshond 10/09/82-03/15/95 Sue Riegel
Cricket Kitten 01/15/06-11/25/06 Rose
Cricket Lab Mix 01/03/06-11/17/08 Melissa Walker
Cricket Labrador Retriever 3 years 12/99 Nori
Cricket Lee Wire Haired Fox Terrier 06/27/82-09/25/98 Susan, Harry, and Jennifer
Cricket Leigh Kellas Pom 8 years 02/06/07 Bonnie L. Kellas
Cricket Lhasa Apso 16 years 04/21/11 Kevin Haas
Cricket Long Cat 02/24/09 Amanda
Cricket Long Coat Chihuahua 08/18/89-08/22/03 Lori June Stratton
Cricket Long Haired Black Cat 14 years 06/29/01 Barbara Burbage
Cricket Long Haired Chihuahua/Beagle 07/05/80-10/17/95 Sandee Timson
Cricket Lutino Lovebird 06/04/91-02/05/06 Joan Keeler
Cricket Maltese 02/14/85-09/03/99 Ashley Buley
Cricket Maltese 12/10/99-09/04/13 Michelle Courtney
Cricket Maltese 13 years 10/05/06 William, Rose, Lin and Tracy
Cricket Manchester Terrier 04/91-06/19/05 Scott Vincent
Cricket Manchester/Terrier Mix 01/91-03/31/10 Jeanne and Dana
Cricket McGehee-Smith Cat 04/30/01-02/21/05 Melissa McGehee
Cricket Merchant Mixed Dog 07/04/03-07/29/13 Bonnie and John Merchant
Cricket Min Doxie 5 years 10/20/04 Mike & Scarlet Thompson
Cricket Mini Dachsund Dog 12/05/03 Abby Nelson
Cricket Miniature Dachshund 12/23/93-12/11/07 Kathy Robertson
Cricket Miniature Pinscher 02/20/90-06/08/06 Ruth Kelsey
Cricket Mix Cat 04/01/94-01/10/09 Jamie Capp
Cricket Mixed Breed Dog12 1/2 years Fran
Cricket Mixed Dog 01/91-03/31/10 Jeanne and Dana
Cricket Mixed Dog 06/24/85-03/04/02 Jackie Wiscombe
Cricket Mixed Dog 12/18/86-06/22/95 Cousin
Cricket Mixed Dog 16 years 7 months 08/19/99 Debbie Harrison
Cricket Mixed Terrier 04/86 Paula Ogden
Cricket Mixed Terrier 10/15/85-05/02/00 Elaina and Michael Moore-Kelly
Cricket My Love Yorkshire Terrier 11/02/94-01/26/08 Madeline LoPresti
Cricket Nacho Cody Kiwi Chy Birds 11/23/05 Judith Playter
Cricket Norwich 10/13/02-02/05/12 Dennis Watford
Cricket Orange Canary 11/15/04 Susan Brankley
Cricket Oriental Shorthair Cat 05/01/98-02/16/04 Jill Zeller
Cricket Papillion 13 years 03/01/11 Shirley Richards
Cricket Parakeet 11/26/98 Janet
Cricket Parakeet 2003 Jessica & Janice
Cricket Pekingese 06/79-08/17/95 Mariesa Robbins
Cricket Pekingese 10/22/89-04/27/03 Ginger
Cricket Persian Cat 06/92-03/2005 Becky Narver
Cricket Pomerainian 10/96-08/02 Shirley and Al
Cricket Pomeranian 01/03/90-01/03/04 Diane Toomey /thomas Lantieri
Cricket Pomeranian 04/19/96 Julie Lynch
Cricket Pomerian 07/14/96 12/26/99 Andrea S.
Cricket Poodle 01/01/95-05/07/12 Kerry H
Cricket Poodle 09/22/82-11/22/97 Juanita Besso
Cricket Poodle 18 years 05/01/03 Sam and Linda
Cricket Poodle Mix 10/09/99-08/29/99 Chuck
Cricket Possibly Maine Coon Cat 4 years 05/25/10 Harold Glueck
Cricket Quarter Horse 35 years 11/22/10 Sawyer Jackson
Cricket Rabbit 1995-10/08/00 Rebecca Donley
Cricket Racheal Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 1/2 years 07/21/07 Faye & Duane
Cricket Rat Terrier 04/09/90-03/31/03 Susan
Cricket Rat Terrier 11/15/85-11/03/01 Jane Peacock
Cricket Red Heeler/Lab/Rottweiler 12/2004-07/14/14 Cathy Boring
Cricket Rose Sophie Runyon English Bulldog 05/30/98-09/01/07 Michael & Michelle Runyon
Cricket Rottweiler 9 years 12/30/09 Martha Hernandez
Cricket Santucci Maine Coon Cat 11/20/93-05/21/03 Laurie
Cricket Schnauzer 10/21/98-05/10/08 Sally
Cricket Schnauzer 7 years 03/13/01 Patti Earp and family
Cricket Shar-pei 1992-11/18/02 Stephanie & Bob Laney
Cricket Sheltie 07/24/96-06/05/10 Cynthia Summers
Cricket Shep. Mix 13 years June 1993 Iris Forschner
Cricket Shetland Pony 23 years 09/26/08 Gwen Phil and their two children
Cricket Shih Tzu 12 years 11/08/03 Ruby Wehmeyer
Cricket Shih Tzu 12/19/93-03/19/08 Lynda Traugott
Cricket Shih Tzu 15 years 09/13/03 Grandma
Cricket Shives Maine Coon Cat 02/27/00-06/28/10 Faith & Mark Shives
Cricket Shiz Tzu/ Poodle 11/03/00 Julie
Cricket Short Hair Cat 04/22/14 Carol Fisher / David Fisher
Cricket Short Hair Tabby Cat 04/13/96-08/21/08 Noreene
Cricket Siamese Cat 06/01/06-12/28/10 Eva Allsopp
Cricket Siamese Cat 1997-05/19/08 Sandi Grubb
Cricket Society Finch 3 years 01/02/01 Robin Schindler
Cricket Spaniel Cross 04/21/95-08/12/99 Cheryl-Lynne
Cricket Springer Spaniel 10/16/90-05/13/03 Kitty Riordan
Cricket Swindle Min Pin 03/02/00-01/29/09 Leann Swindle
Cricket Tabby Cat 10/21/90-02/19/08 Samantha Smith
Cricket Tabby Cat 15 years 07/28/09 Liz Kahl
Cricket Tabby Cat 9 years 06/29/09 Louise
Cricket Teacup Chihuahua 04/01/97-11/11/05 Stacey Fondren
Cricket Terrier Mix 10/92-10/22/06 Nancy Burks
Cricket Torti Cat 05/04/90-06/14/07 Janae
Cricket Toy Poodle 12/16/89-11/15/04 Cindy
Cricket Toy Poodle 1978-08/20/96 Allen, Jazz & Puckeroo Banzi
Cricket Tyler Husky 09/27/15 Pat Tyler
Cricket Unique Bichon Frise 06/22/83-09/19/99 The Klauses
Cricket Welsh Corgi 2 1/2 years 02/19/98 Carrie Godbe
Cricket Welsh Terrier 06/02/01-03/30/12 Venetia
Cricket West Highland Terrier 17 years 09/02/05 Mollie Sluss
Cricket West Highland White Terrier 03/17/89-07/14/99 The McCarthy's
Cricket Wirehaired Fox Terrier 15 years 06/97 Gary and Lorraine
Cricket Yellow Lab 07/16/89-05/10/00 Diane Engle
Cricket Yorkie 02/10/98-02/23/10 Kay & Peter Smyrnios
Cricket Yorkie 12/29/85-10/99 Ingeborg Lochrie
Cricket Yorkie 13 years and Casey 9 years Sheryl Tonsager
Cricket Yorkshire Terrier 03/03/88-07/26/99 Sally
Cricket Yorkshire Terrier 07/09/87-04/05/02 John & Linda Watkins
Cricketann Miniature Poodle 05/05/96-07/12/11 Dot
CricketMarie Cockapoo 10/08/91-09/25/07 Pamela
Cricketmarie Poodle 11/22/97-03/11/10 Joanne Drummond
Cricket's Country Boy Beau (PUCK) Shetland Sheepdog 07/01/90-06/28/97 Natalie Boyles
Crickett (Ki Ki) Yorkshire Terrier 06/22/84-06/23/98 Ann Newcomer
Crickett aka/Dodo Yorkshire 11/21/95-05/13/10 William and Deborah Joiner
Crickett Anne Mix Dog 12 years 11/01/97 Tracy Markowski
Crickett Beagle/Lab 06/12/90-11/02/97 Nicki
Crickett Bear Coat Sharpei 13 years 11/13/09 Joyce Highland
Crickett Bichon Frise 05/06/03 Debbie and Merrell
Crickett Black Lab 6 years 06/15/00 Sue, SVHS
Crickett Blue Point Siamese Cat 1977-06/24/92 Judy and Steven Kazan
Crickett Cat 02/84-09/28/01 VJ Eastwood
Crickett Chihuaha 11 years 03/24/00 Sheila Frost
Crickett Chihuahua 12/25/01-04/10/04 Darrell & Kathy Nolan
Crickett Cockapoo 8 months 12/04/09 Jan (Crickett's Neighbor and Buddy)
Crickett Cocker 12/03/83-05/29/97 James and Lena Fitzhugh
Crickett Dachshund 15 years The Jacksons
Crickett Dog 08/01/85-09/2003 Aunt Sheila Eckstein
Crickett Domestic Short Hair Cat 02/14/00-06/23/08 Chris
Crickett Longhaired Chubby Dachshund 11 years 01/16/05 Mike Kiefer
Crickett Maine Coon/Calico Cat 12 years 08/17/99 Jim and Debbie Zamzow
Crickett Mainecoon Cat 17 years 12/08/07 Robin Holland
Crickett Rottweiler 15 years 07/28/07 Doug and Rebecca Frederick
Crickett Scottie 04/30/00-10/15/01 Mary Deason
Crickett Siamese Cat 08/01/83-08/10/99 Michele
Crickette Chihuahua 03/23/85-08/02/00 Gina & Sam Burns
Crickette Tabby Cat 04/16/85-06/13/00 Arlene Mangram
Crickety American Shorthair Cat 15 years 02/27/09 Linda C. Smith
Crickey Chihuahua 14 years 11/28/13 Glenda Smithers
Crikit Border Collie/Shepherd/Wolf 04/22/04-06/15/18 Marsha & Joe
Crimble DSH Cat 18 years 09/80-12/07/98 Terry K.
Crimpson Chihuahua 01/29/90-06/14/06 Linda Conner
Crimson Black Lab 05/01/94-03/03/08 Kathy Vandiver
Crimson Doberman 01/20/01-01/25/08 Stacey Hess
Crimson Finch 05/98 Robin
Crimson Irish Setter 04/26/97-03/29/11 Ginger Kenney
Crimson Jem Horse 35 years Scott Charney
Crimson Lhasa Apso/Maltese 4 years 04/08/09 Sheri Haynes
Crimson Silk Welsh Mountain Pony 06/04/86-06/06/86 Andrea L. Belanus
Crimson Suber German Shepherd 06/26/95-10/11/99 Deborah W. Suber
Crimson Yellow Lab 01/99-12/11/01 Chris Bryant
Cringer Husky/Collie 10/08/84-10/03/96 Betty Haen
Cringer Shepherd/Lab Mix 02/05/05-06/20/20 Sandra and Peter Chamberlain
Cringle Heckman Mexican Chow/Pom 12/21/92-10/12/04 Norna
Crinkles Cat 03/18/03 Jackie Roberts
Crinkles Shar Pei 11/15/91-08/28/04 Robin
Crinkles Toy Poodle 09/19/00 Judi Berner
Crip White Dove 08/01/00 Kathy & Wildlife Rescue Group
Cris Doberman 1984-02/24/96 The Steensons
Crisco Cat 03/24/85-08/16/99 Jackie & John Schierer
Crisko Calico Cat 06/27/10 Lenore
Crispee Dwarf Rabbit 04/86-07/28/99 Donna Rega
Crispin Biscuit Brem Bichon Friese 10/28/93-03/14/13 Janice, Nicolas, Angelica, Colby, Rosalie, Zoltan, Molly, Rocket and Bailey
Crispin MaltiPoo 12/03/10-07/09/21 Patrick C
Crispin Toussant (nee Sutterwala) Dilute Calico Cat 10/28/95-11/26/12 Pearlette Toussant
Crispina Abagail Beagle 06/21/00-04/30/06 Doreen
Crispy Cat 03/88-06/12/03 Sandra & Felix
Crispy Dog 04/23/03-04/01/20 Theresa
Crispy Scagliola Peekapoo 02/28/92-12/10/08 Maureen Scagliola
Crissi Chihuahua 11/03/92-08/04/09 Nicole Martinez
Crissy 04/15/75-07/02/93 Wayne Berry
Crissy Ann Domestic Short Hair Cat 12 years 11/03/19 Susan Livingston
Crissy Bluepoint Siamese Cat 06/01/92-01/02/02 Mary Arnold
Crissy Cat 10/07/94-09/30/10 Jackie Butler
Crissy Corgi 08/29/14 Julie
Crissy Domestic Long Hair Cat 06/01/00-05/10/09 Kathy Kau
Crissy Domestic Shorthair Cat 10/93-03/2010 Judy Hahn
Crissy DSH Cat 04/12/91-01/14/09 Jerry & Karen Sullivan
Crissy Kooiker 18 years 03/26/15 Mary Anne
Crissy Poo Cocker Spaniel 12/04/87-10/14/97 DuckyToo
Crissy Tabby/White Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/04-01/10/22 Sandra Smith
Crissy Toy Poodle 1/25/73-02/14/85 Angela
Crista Dog Jessica
Cristal Domestic Longhair Cat 1991-1996 Jo-Ann Pochinski
Cristal Doxie 12/04/03-11/26/07 Heather, Chris, Scarlett and Jacob
Cristal Golden Retriever 9 1/2 years 08/96 Tina Oswald
Cristal Pagán Chihuahua 15 years 09/08/12 Alma Pagán
Cristal Pope American Eskimo Dog 03/16/06-12/06/11 Kelly
Cristal Thompson aka Pretty Girl Doberman 6 years 08/27/12 Lance Thompson
Cristi Choco Lab 05/19/97-06/18/07 Renee and Justen Green
Cristie Schnauzer 04/25/89-04/29/02 Kathy Bartman
Cristina Rose (Crissy) American Cocker Spaniel 05/17/87-06/10/03 Patti
Crisy Cat 18 years 02/06/04 Jennifer and Tommy
Critter American Eskimo Dog 16 years 04/24/12 Gianna
Critter Black Cat 05/10/87-03/19/03 Connie and David Ericson
Critter Black Cat 5 years 02/07/04 Katherine Hubbell
Critter Black Lab 12 years 10/02/10 Gerri Benoit
Critter Bug Yorkie 17 years 12/08/12 Tom and Darlene Herman
Critter Cat 15 years 03/17/07 Schelly
Critter Cat 16 years 03/17/07 Schelly
Critter Cat 20 years 04/06/98 Elaine Marcus
Critter Cat 20 years Elaine
Critter Cat 8 years 05/96 Clare Chartier
Critter Cat 9 1/2 years 11/02/97 Georgia
Critter Cocker Spaniel 01/24/06 Alice
Critter Dog 02/23/00-09/16/04 Pat and Tony Squitieri
Critter Dog 08/21/95 Cindy San Giovanni
Critter Dog 13 years 12/31/98 Tim McCormick
Critter Golden Retriever/German Shepherd 12 years 03/05/02 Lou Lagno
Critter Longhair Tabby Cat 02/27/99 Beth
Critter Long-Haired Chihuahua 13 or 14 years 03/18/04 Lindsey and Judy Lantz
Critter Orange Tabby Cat 10/01/92-05/10/06 Stephen Harvey, Michelle Harvey, Scott Harvey
Critter Red Shorthaired Dachsund 10/18/89-08/05/00 Liam, Mary, Jeanne, Shannon Kennedy
Critter Siamese/Domestic Mix Cat 06/21/93-02/27/05 Deb L
Critter Syberian Dwarf Hamster Susan Blackshear
Critter Tabby Cat 02/08/81-10/09/00 Pamela P. Krzemien
Critter Tuxedo Cat 09/23/87-06/19/05 Phyllis Dodge
Critter Yorkshire Terrier 1993-08/13/04 Mark & Allyson Decicco
Croc Armor Standardbred Horse 21 years 10/25/97 Lynn collings
Croc Blanc White Shepherd 10 years 12/20/04 Xenia V. Conquy
Crocker Cat 10/01/94-09/08/09 Kara Wetherby
Crocker Jenions Maltese 01/05/96 Brian Jenions
Crocket Cocker Spaniel, Poodle, Terrier Mix 09/18/85-06/05/00 De Galik
Crocket Newfoundland 05/04/00-02/09/01 Lynn, John, Matt & Brandon
Crocket Puckett Shepherd 18 years 2010 Kim Shope
Crocket Shih Ztu 13 years 02/07/08 Kim Childress
Crocket Yellow Lab 04/13/87 Melissa
Crockett American Eskimo Dog 08/24/00-08/27/11 Kim
Crockett Black Lab 07/25/89-06/20/03 Diane Price
Crockett Cat 08/06/85-02/09/02 S. Clarke
Crockett Cat 08/16/85-02/09/02 S Clarke
Crockett Cat 1995-10/27/08 Karen Rotondo
Crockett Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 05/08/91-07/08/02 Betsy and David Powell
Crockett Chocolate Lab 06/26/98-09/02/09 Ruth and Roger Pryor
Crockett White Cat 1 1/2 years 03/21/06 Erick and Laura
Crombie Black Lab 07/01/99-07/02/09 Abby Sromek
Crombie Mixed Black Lab 06/91-05/24/03 Marci & Robert Ginsburg
Crommie British Shorthair Cat 10/02/00-03/23/04 Lisa, Melissa and Amanda Telloni
Cromwell Cat 1985-1999 Jeannie Dalrymple
Cromwell Maine Coon Cat 8 years 06/23/05 Pamela Church
Cronar Siamese Cat 05/01/88-07/30/06 Debbi Siefkin
Cronus Dobie 12/28/95 John Savage
Crook Cat 12/24/04-07/08/05 Henry Bradley
Crook Gold Long Haired Cat 1992-02/18/02 C Weaver
Crook Tabby Cat 17 years 03/10/12 Susan
Crooked Cat 07/21/05 Lorrie
Crooked Dog 3 years 07/28/98 Cindy
Crooked Prince Cat 11/13/10 Lisa Reynolds
Crooked Tail DSH Cat 08/24/11-04/09/12 Michael Bonnerwith
Crookie Cat 15 years 03/17/04 Bonnie
Crooks Cat 04/22/04-04/30/05 Lexy and Jay
Crookshanks Cat 01/20/14 The Domek Family
Crookshanks DLH Cat 8 years 09/23/06 W Anglais
Crookshanks Ginger Cat 12/05/11 Stacey
Crookshanks O'Mahony Orange Tabby Cat 10+ years 10/27/11 Maya & John O'Mahony
Crop Circle Cat 05/20/02-06/13/02 Jena L
Cropper Cat 19 years 09/13/15 Lara
Croquette Pomeranian 11 years Jun 16, 2002 Gino Tremblay
Crosby American Shorthair Cat 9 months 02/07/12 Todd Robertson
Crosby Australian Terrier 06/30/05-08/04/08 Brophy Family
Crosby Cat 2 years 12/07/00 Keith
Crosby Chow/Golden Retriever 1995-10/05/10 Amy Taylor
Crosby Dog 12/2009-09/12/22 Kevin and Lisa Vincent
Crosby DSH Tabby Cat 03/13/98-07/18/10 Todd & Martina Baker
Crosby English Springer Spaniel 05/28/907-03/21/08 Bonnie Muxo
Crosby Golden Retriever 10/14/94-02/02/07 Mike, Kelly, and Andrew
Crosby Hemmerling Cat 6 years 10/24/15 Joel Hemmerling
Crosby Jack Russell Terrier 02/01/97-08/18/99 Kirby Richards
Crosby Labrador/Blue Heeler 12 years 03/10/08 Kris B and Family
Crosby Leonberger 08/10/99-09/28/10 Anita
Crosby Miniature Schnauzer 10/17/98-09/17/09 Cyndy Maly
Crosby Mixed Dog 14 years 04/26/99 Larry
Crosby Orange Tabby Cat 1 year 3 months 07/07/09 Joni and Steve
Crosby Pug 12 years 11/09/17 Marcie
Crosby White (Deaf) Turkish Angora Cat 06/10/86-02/15/01 Kris and Joe
Crosby's Blue Gem Australian Shepherd Blue Merle 11/07/98-08/05/08 Nina Marie Altman
Cross Cockapoo 09/18/20 Jodi
Cross Creeks Clumbers Constable (Bull) Clumber Spaniel 003/28/96-03/30/09 Richard & Diane Anderson
Cross Maltese 01/16/93-12/15/04 Anne Proscino
Cross Weimaraner 8 years 08/02/12 Helen
Crosscreek Kalhua and Kream Rottie01/12/90-11/09/98 Ron
Crossifuso Collie/Shepherd 09/09/98-07/17/06 Rhonda Allen
Crossruff Faust Jack Russell Terrier 04/22/99-11/08/17 Bly Family
Crotchet Ginger Cat 11 years 05/11/10 Debbie, Tim and Lauren
Crouton Half Siamese Cat 21 years 11/01/03 Ellen & David Chamberlain
Crouton Orange Cat 8-10 years 03/22/99 Max and Kim
Crouton Pomeranian 04/01/91-05/31/07 Marcia Smith
Crow Black W/White Triangle On Chest Cat 05/10/91-07/18/02 Robert
Crow Dog 06/18/20 Jennifer Loehding
Crowbar Rottweiler 10/10/91-06/26/01 Virgina Johnson
Crowley Ferret 09/20/06 Melissa Kinne
Crowley Moggy Cat 14 years 01/14/05 Tracey & John
Crown Royal Chocolate Lab 13 years 05/30/13 Davis L Jones
Crry Short Hair White Cat with Orange Markings 22 years 01/06/21 Maria and David Kujat
Crsi Labrador Retriever 03/27/91-06/25/01 Donna
CR-TL (Meaning: Crystal) Pure White Shorthair Cat 05/02/93-08/23/96 Rob Johns
Cru Greyhound 07/97-10/18/99 Nancy, Brad, Megan Patch
Crud Pit Bull 12/03/84-05/18/00 Cherlyn D Harriman
Cruella Devil Dalmatian 11/18/96-11/17/07 Deirdre Mora
Cruella Shih-Tzu 03/29/95-05/12/05 Donna and Brad Glass
Cruise Keeshond 08/10/94-02/14/03 Robin Cooke
Cruise Persian Cat 12 years 03/09/00 Tom and Barb Fritz
Cruise Shepherd Mix 04/30/86-03/20/01 Monika Pleva
Cruiser (Himmee) Price Rottweiler 07/18/00-07/23/12 Tracy Price
Cruiser American Longhair Cat 20 years 03/01/03 Terri L. Hamilton
Cruiser Black Domestic Cat 08/25/93-04/11/06 Wendy
Cruiser Boxer 8 1/2 years 10/29/10 Charles Culver
Cruiser Burger Chesapeake Bay Retriever 13 years 03/11/07 Lucy & Stan Burger
Cruiser Cat 16 years 06/05/10 Rita
Cruiser Chow 09/17/06 James
Cruiser Cocker Sp./Lab Mix 12 years 11/12/98 The MacDonalds
Cruiser Cocker/Lab. 12 years 07/05/95 Gail Schyhol
Cruiser Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/12/92-07/29/08 Gail & Norm Kemble
Cruiser German Shepherd - Akita Mix 05/18/03-09/06/10 Chris
Cruiser Golden Retriever 12/31/94-03/26/07 Sandra Horn
Cruiser Lab/Setter 08/16/97-12/27/10 Sandi Luoma
Cruiser Maltepoo 04/13/05-06/23/06 The Pappas Family
Cruiser Rott/Dobie Mix 06/28/91-07/01/00 Marcie
Cruiser Rottweiler 01/16/02-02/20/09 Phyllis Hicks
Cruiser Rottweiler/Beagle Mix 10/06/97-02/14/14 Liz Pizzi & Drew Pitcher
Cruiser Shep/Lab Mix 03/17/92-12/04/06 Linda Reginelli
Cruiser Siberian Husky 11 years 08/26/98 Sharon Milton
Cruiser Springer Spaniel 01/12/07-03/26/16 Lisa
Cruiser Tabby Cat 05/2008 Patricia
Cruiser Tricolor Jack/Rat Terrier 11/27/08-05/24/08 Anita Landrum
Cruiser Tuxedo Cat 9-10 years 08/15/08 Leah
Cruisey Golden Retriever/American Eskimo Dog Mix 04/30/90-12/22/07 Geri
Crum Teddy Bear Hamster 3 or 4 years 03/26/07 Tiffany
Crumb Cat 03/31/09 Carmon Fogle
Crumb Tortoise 16 years 1996 Mary Jane & Leonard
Crumbcake Calico Cat 11 years 04/06/14 Cheryl
Crumble Lop Rabbit 8 years 04/15/17 Bailey
Crumbles Norman Ragdoll Cat 06/11/08-07/13/22 Cathy Norman
Crummer Cat 12/23/08 Naomi
Crumpet American Cocker Spaniel 02/22/85-05/30/02 Debbie
Crumpet Boxer 02/21/03-09/07/11 Marliese, Rob, and Aliese
Crumpet Cat 01/16/12 Chantel and Garvin
Crumpet Staffordshire Bull Terrier 09/10/88-03/14/03 Jeff & Claire Painter
Crumpet, Bunny Mastiff X Bull Terrier 3 years 22/09/09 Shay Thacker
Crunch Beagle 6 years 06/01/11 Ally
Crunch Brown Tabby DMH Cat 03/23/12 Deb
Crunch Keenan Basset Hound 8 years 08/08/09 The Keenan Family
Crunch Land Hermit Crab 2 1/2 years 10/18/97 Mark and Sherilyn Herron
Crunch Rabbit 10 years 01/25/23 Samantha B
Crunch Shebang Bogart Boxer 02/04/96-01/15/06 Jann Kinyone
Crunch Stafford Bull Terrier 14 years 12/29/00 Tanya Tomasovich
Crunch Toy Poodle 05/08/06 Deborah Harnish
Crunchie Cat 06/25/89-03/14/07 Bobbie Farrington
Crunchie Domestic Long Hair Cat 17 years 02/02/98 Gloria House
Crunchie Jenions Maltese 03/95 Brian Jenions
Crunchie Stone Beige Tabby Cat 13 years 01/07/01 W Sax
Crunchie Thoroughbred Horse 02/11/91-11/06/06 Julia Eppingstall
Crunchy Cat 08/16/17 Tifany
Crush Cat 04/21/09-07/19/23 Alison Ginter
Crush Cat 2 years 02/16/11 Hannah
Crush Long Haired Tabby Cat 5/29 /94-01/16/11 Jackie Wells
Crusher Pit Bull 7 years 09/23/09 Donna Stovall
Crushie (Tri-Lee's Denver Crush)Rottweiler 07/29/88-01/08/96 Rottwlrwa
Crusier Dog 13 years 02/12/02 Jodlyn
Crusier English Springer Spaniel 2 years 01/29/13 Paul
Crustie Cat 11/01/94-01/26/06 Frank & Karen Dolinski
Crusty Cat 11/12/08 Heidi Tenpas
Crusty Cat 20 years 12/01/00 Pat Strang
Crusty Cat 6 years 03/07/03 Arla Sue Miller-Braley
Crutie Labrador 06/09/99-01/04/12 Laura Reynolds
Crux German Shepherd 10/07/92-12/13/01 Janet Sanders
Cruz Cocker 08/16/08-04/28/08 Bill W.Rhodes
Cruz Golden Retriever 05/23/00 Lillian & David
Cruz Golden Retriever 1999-05/22/07 Kelly
Cruz Miniature Pincher/Miniature Dash 10/01/10-04/07/11 Jennifer
Cruz Portuguese Water Dog 11/94 Jeanne Rylatt
Cruz Puggle 02/10-08/14/10 Cassie
Cruz Rottie July 2001-7th Jan 2011 Robyn
Cruz Samoyed 3 years Katherine
Cruz Sheltie 15 years 01/15/01 Karen & Howie Burman
Cruz Shepherd 11/10/96-09/02/09 Bodhi Debrabandere
Cruzer Boxer 05/23/03-04/30/12 B
Cruzer Boxer 05/23/03-04/30/12 The Rose Family
Cry Baby Solid Black With Bright Green Eyes Cat 05/92-01/05/09 Sharon and Adam
Crybaby Cat 18 years 12/03/04 Pam Stuart
Crybaby Mandy aka Mandy, aka Manman Shih Tzu 12/15/92-01/02/10 Teresa Johnson
Crybaby Maxis Cat 02/14/93-10/19/03 Tina Riefler
Crypt Keeper Fledgling Bird 1-2 months 08/28/10 Danuel Duane Brown
Cryssy Grey Toy Poodle 07/23/93-12/02/02 The Seagrens, Al, Jean Andra & Carl
Crysta Poodle Yorkie Mix 06/03/08-03/02/18 Madeline, L and G
Crystal (Chrissie) Siberian Husky 11 years 02/13/96 Charlie, Sandy, Chuck, & Jon Kolbe
Crystal (King's Crystal Wee One Siberian Husky 5 1/2 years 06/10/03 Sally Slagle
Crystal (Moo) Mix 09/01/88-09/05/01 Scott & Mary
Crystal (Pookie) Dog 11/25/96-01/06/03 Toni-Lynn, Royal & Baby Royal Barber
Crystal 11/22/89-07/09/02 Craig, Cathy, Valerie, Sam and Matt Barnes
Crystal Albino Husky 04/02/06-01/31/18 Linda
Crystal Allen Long Hair Calico Cat 18 years 03/24/01 Patt and Gene Thompson
Crystal Alpine Dairy Goat 05/05/07-04/18/11 Becky McPherson
Crystal American Eskimo Dog 01/20/00-01/26/07 April Wells
Crystal American Eskimo Dog 13 1/2 years 01/06/12 Debbie Migdal
Crystal American Eskimo Dog 14 years 11/11/00 Brad and Marion Hale
Crystal American Eskimo Dog 7 years Becky
Crystal Ann Insley Pit Bull 11 months 09/06/06 Kim, Scott, Heather and Michelle Insley
Crystal Ann Johnson Miniature Poodle 09/17/86-06/05/02 Teri
Crystal Austrian Shepherd Blue Heeler 10 years Fall 1996 Jennifer Colvin
Crystal Baby Yorkie 12/18/94 Inez Dotterweich
Crystal Basset Hound 3 years 08/03/05 Virginia Smith
Crystal Bedlington Terrier 10/04/82-09/17/90 Barbara Arnold
Crystal Bichon 10/05/79-02/21/94 14 years Shelley Bain
Crystal Bichon Frise 01/25/95-06/15/10 Lesley Mathews
Crystal Black Cat 10/16/89-01/05/04 Cindy O'Malley
Crystal Black Lab 02/20/90-02/18/04 Karen O'Dwyer
Crystal Black Labrador 12/03/82-05/06/96 Wendy Bolton
Crystal Black Shetland Sheepdog 11/18/94-06/27/07 Noelle Smart
Crystal Blaise Yorkie 08/29/89-12/09/05 Suzanne
Crystal Blaise Yorkie 09/09/89-12/09/05 Sue
Crystal Blue Baron Von Porsche Doo Doberman Pinscher 02/06/91-02/10/05 Bobby
Crystal Blue Ladie Siberian Husky 08/25/84-08/11/00 Tim, Maria, Randy
Crystal Blue Lady (aka Chrissie-car) Blue Point Himalayan Cat 1995-2002 Pat Finch
Crystal Blue Old English Sheepdog 07/15/00-02/25/12 Rosemary F. Hyrczyk
Crystal Blue Point Himalayan Kitty 02/01/85-05/28/97 Julia Milburn
Crystal Blue Seal Point Siamese Cat 22 years 08/30/02 Mary Parsons
Crystal Bolsins Manx Cat 07/30/86-09/30/07 Sarah Bolsins
Crystal Borzoi 02/19/05 Anna
Crystal Boxer 04/20/80-12/07/94 Priscilla Clemens
Crystal Brindle Boxer 06/2005-11/16/15 Maria Gazer
Crystal Brittany spaniel 05/01/88-03/27/04 Gary Harris
Crystal Bulger DSH Cat 02/12/93-06/30/09 Scott Bulger
Crystal Calico Kitty 1982-11/25/00 Frankie Johnson
Crystal Calico/Tortie Cat 14 years 04/29/20 Cheryl Craig
Crystal Cat 02/07/95-08/09/96 Ell
Crystal Cat 02/12/93-06/30/09 Scott Bulger
Crystal Cat 03/87-01/04/05 Hereen Claudio
Crystal Cat 08/10/98 Andy and Julie
Crystal Cat 08/28/00 Penny Hancock
Crystal Cat 09/15/84-06/10/98 Joanne Muchnick
Crystal Cat 11 years Liz Carter
Crystal Cat 11/27/05 Alice/charleen
Crystal Cat 12/02/08 Barbara
Crystal Cat 17 years 09/21/02 Karina Ramins
Crystal Cat 1987-06/22/00 Robert Richards
Crystal Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Crystal Cat March 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Crystal Chihuahua 20 years 11/27/11 Wally Ostafin
Crystal Coast Midnite Cruise Sheltie 10 years 07/07/06 Jan and Mike
Crystal Cockapoo 1978 01/13/98 Jacki and Gorden
Crystal Cocker Spaniel 05/05/92-09/11/08 Colleen Holwig
Crystal Cocker Spaniel 06/25/95-02/22/08 Susan Blain
Crystal Crawford Domestic Long Hair Cat 17 years 05/28/06 Tina & Gene Crawford
Crystal Creek Mugsy Bogues (Mugsy) Papillon 04/25/97-01/14/00 Elizabeth Potenza and family
Crystal Dalmatian 05/15/96-01/28/11 Bill & Lisa Harkins
Crystal DMH Cat 06/06/90-02/09/06 Paula
Crystal Dog 05/08/85-01/28/02 Christine Mazzie
Crystal Dog 13/2020-07/12/21 Lara
Crystal Dog 14 years 07/10 Elizabeth
Crystal Dog 16 years 07/09/06 Jennifer
Crystal Dog 16 years 07/23/97 Allison Blau
Crystal Domestic Gray Cat 08/96-02/04/13 Laura Ostrer
Crystal Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/01/97-09/07/08 Judy Rondeau
Crystal Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/21/98-04/20/07 Carol Milller
Crystal DSH Cat 10/96-04/13/10 Lacey
Crystal European Wild Cat 03/09/08 Edika Amin
Crystal Fawn Pug 13 years Bill and Linda Whipple
Crystal Ferret Nov. 1993 Jeanne Stadmill
Crystal G. Shepherd Mix 08/28/83-08/17/95 Chuck Petrey
Crystal Gayle American Eskimo Dog 15 years 05/02/99 Marci and Gary
Crystal German Shepherd 12/25/98-11/15/10 Alyson and David
Crystal German Shepherd Mixed Breed 08/09/89-03/18/00 June Sanns-Kaylor
Crystal Golden Retriever 05/06/92-12/06/00 Laura
Crystal Great Pyrenees 1 1/2 years 09/2003 Sharon Borneman
Crystal Grey and White Persian Cat 1982-11/99 Patricia Ribbel
Crystal Greyhound 13 1/2 years 06/05/04 Tary & Woody Woodward
Crystal Himalayan Cat 04/15/80-05/09/97 Linnae Moey
Crystal Himalayan Cat 18 years 09/06/06 Jennifer Pombano
Crystal Himalayan Persian Cat 08/28/89-02/17/98 Chian
Crystal Horse 05/17/89-01/02/23 Jennifer Moore
Crystal Kitty Mixed Cat 9 years 08/15/05 Jaymie
Crystal Lab 09/24/08 Kathy
Crystal Lab and Rot Mix 9 years 03/11/05 Cathy and Chrs
Crystal Lab/Shepherd Mix 14 years old 09/11/04 Bobbi B.
Crystal Litebrite Sudler Calico Cat 06/26/91-02/01/07 Diana and Nancy
Crystal Long-Haired Tabby Cat 06/04/92-12/11/04 Lynda
Crystal Louise Aust. Shepherd/Staffordshire Terrier 15 years 10 mo. 01/22/01 Laura Leih
Crystal Lynn Ferret 8 years 10/96 Valerie and Rick Darling
Crystal Lynn Pitbull 13 years 10/10/98 Amy and Emory
Crystal M. Fancy Kitty Silver Persian Cat 07/07/91-03/20/08 Maryann Licata
Crystal Maltese 13 years 10/21/16 Mr & Mrs Victor Aguilar
Crystal Marie Silver- Tip Chinchilla Persian Cat 1984-12/2000 Ron & Leatha Silvers
Crystal Miniature Schnauzer 03/10/85-07/31/00 Mike Weatherell
Crystal Miniature Toy Poodle/ Chihuahua Mix 08.22.2003 Cindy Bush
Crystal Mix Cat 08/08/75-08/99 Jill Netzman
Crystal Mixed Breed Chow, Husky, Spitz 08/99-Easter 2003 Kayla
Crystal Moser Maltese 10/27/94-02/18/10 Joanne and JR Moser
Crystal Motika White Shorthair Domestic Cat 16 years 04/11/20 Judy, Tim, Kelly and Amy Motika
Crystal Noelle Elman Golden Retriever 02/18/06 Kimberly Elman
Crystal Orange Tabby Cat 8 years 01/02/05 Dottie Wilkerson
Crystal Persian Cat 07/03/95-10/25/97 Michelle Campbell
Crystal Persian Cat 18 years 08/18/15 Bianca
Crystal Persian Cat 20 years 12/21/08 Donald Graft
Crystal Pit Bull 1 1/2 years 12/05/05 Laura Sawyer
Crystal Pit Bull 10/03/03-02/21/11 Lisa Payne
Crystal Pitbull 09/01/97-08/14/08 Lori Fellowes
Crystal Pomeranian 03/2004-02/22/07 Tim
Crystal Poodle 04/13/84-07/25/98 Janie
Crystal Poodle 04/23/86-01/20/03 Sherry
Crystal Poodle 10/02/93-04/11/08 Heather
Crystal Poodle 17 years 04/26/03 Sam and Linda
Crystal Poodle Mix 16 years 11/02/99 Nancy Tiffen
Crystal Rabbit 04/01/94-07/08/99 Purcell Family
Crystal Rat Terrier 12/26/01-08/06/09 Michelle and Cathy Johnson
Crystal Red-eared Waxbill Finch 3 years 04/01/00 Robin Schindler
Crystal Rose Catwitch White Cat 07/26/05 Michele Farrell
Crystal Russian Blue Cat 06/25/82-12/28/99 Maria Rodriguez
Crystal Rystal Ranier Greyhound 05/12/96-10/18/03 BJ Robertson
Crystal Samoyed 05/27/87-09/28/00 Jeff Cater
Crystal Samoyed 1991-03/10/02 Mike Dallas
Crystal Shar Pei 03/06/97-03/16/10 Chris & Dave
Crystal Sheltie 08/25/91-08/08/06 Billie
Crystal Sheltie Mix 05/94-09/10/08 Doris Johnson
Crystal Shepherd Mix 03/15/93-01/21/08 Bonnie Paul
Crystal Shetland Sheepdog 03/31/86-07/89 Sharon Gerigs
Crystal Shetland Sheepdog 07/07/85-09/29/97 Linda
Crystal Short Haired Domestic Tabby Cat 02/90-02/20/08 Fran Westhead
Crystal Shorthaired Cat 03/06/86-08/03/99 Eileen Lefebure
Crystal Shorthaired Tuxedo Cat 11/12/13 Patricia Corn
Crystal Siamese Cat 05/23/89-04/24/08 Gina Day
Crystal Siamese Cat 2008-02/23/18 Maxwell Ritz
Crystal Siamese/Tabby Mix (Shorthair) Cat 03/98-01/20/16 Bridget, Rusty, & Em
Crystal Siberian Husky 11/25/97-06/10/03 Rudy and Sally Slagle
Crystal Snowflake American Eskimo Dog 4 years 10/20/98 Suzanne Robbins
Crystal Snowflake B. Marquez Bunny 11/15/13-11/27/13 Patricia Joy B. Marquez
Crystal Spaniel Mix 08/02/86-09/17/02 Carla Davidson
Crystal Stuart White With Grey Spot On Head Cat 8 years 06/94 Mary Stuart
Crystal Tabby/Siamese Cat 20 years 03/25/98 Carol Whistenant
Crystal Talksalot Dyke White Shepherd Mix 9 1/2 years 04/21/12 Shari Dyke
Crystal Tibetian Spanial/Chihuahua 10/18/03-12/27/16 Jen and Gavin
Crystal Tiger Mainecoon Cat 01/16/92-07/08/05 Patricia Bourget
Crystal Tortoiseshell Cat 18 years 01/22/17 Tracy Leith
Crystal Toy Poodle 10/05/86-10/01/97 Erik and Tanya
Crystal Toy Poodle 12/20/02-05/27/09 Rose Marie Green
Crystal Toy Poodle 16 years 08/21/98 Peggy Myers
Crystal Tuxedo Polydactyl Cat 06/01/92-12/02/11 Julie
Crystal Velvet Doberman American Staffordshire Mix 2007 Carolyn Dessain
Crystal Vizsla 12/28/04-03/10/10 Bruce and Joanne Eder
Crystal Welsh Pony 17 years 03/11/07 Kathryn Simpkin - Watkinson
Crystal Whine Dog 6 years 11/15/07 Holly
Crystal White American Shorthair Cat 03/99 Connie Fox
Crystal White Domestic Short Hair Cat 04/99-01/2005 Michelle
Crystal White Shepherd 12/03/00 Diana Wingate
Crystal White Short-Hair Cat 04/01/93-12/17/06 Danny and Lynn Farr
Crystal White Toy Poodle 23/03/88-31/12/00 Marcia Mulhearn
Crystal Yorkie/Maltese 11/26/12 Gregg and Cindy Johnston
Crystal Yorkshire 04/02/98-11/27/06 Neuza Turner
Crystal, Sugar, Dillon and Duchess Yorkies 5 y.old, 17 y.old, 11months y.o. 5y.old.-feb.2005, march 2006, feb.2007, dec.2007. Brenda Ann Capo
Crystall Cocker Spaniel 11 years 07/10/00 Debbie & Steve
Crystall Cocker Spaniel 11/02/90-07/10/00 Debbie & Steve Flitcraft
CS Cat 14 years 1987 Joan
Csardas Harley Has Four Aces (Harley) Vizsla 06/10/92-10/17/03 Lindsay Casablanca
Csarina Calico / DLH Cat 12 1/2 years 04/11/07 Danielle Franks
Csilla German Shepherd 12/18/00-04/28/11 Taly C Brinzey
Csillag Cat 8 years 02/22/04 Kathy
Csimpi Domestic Shorthair Cat 13+ years 12/05/07 CK Eder
Csonka Frohlich Husky Chow Mix 11 years 03/21/07 Kelley & Keith Frohlich
Csopi Cat 12 years Cathy
CT (Sir Chumley Thornsberry) Pug 09/08/1976-06/22/87 Betsy Stroheker
CT Pommie X Chihuahua 5 years 29th May 2009 Cheryl Pryor
Cthulhu Maine Coon Cat 7 years 05/01/01 John Sullivan
Cu Beagle 13 years 04/14/07 Jim and Linda McMahon
Cu Chi Lab/Shepherd 3 years 08/16/97 Julie
Cu Hoa Cat 10 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Cu Lua Cat 10 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Cu Teo Cat 11 years 2007/12/18 Phuong
Cub Brittany 10 years 02/18/05 John Dubose
Cub Cat 08/09/06 Brooke
Cub Chow Chow 11 1/2 years 03/18/02 Sally Shaffer
Cub Mixed Breed Dog 16 years 01/30/06 James Saccaro
Cuba Brown Black & White Hamster Claire
Cuba Dachshund 06/10/06 Chris
Cuba English Short-Haired Cavy Guinea-pig 18/17/99 Hayley
Cuba Libre of The Redlands Cairn Terrier 03/01/98-03/09/09 Connie Gholson
Cuba Rat Terrier 10/97-12/27/11 Sylvia Tsuji
Cubbie Bear Wrigley Hardin Yorkshire Terrier 12/06/95-04/03/11 Pam Hardin
Cubbie Black Cat 15 years 03/21/05 Pam H
Cubbie Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/27/01-03/14/14 Cathy Norman
Cubbie Cash Golden Retriever/Red Chow Mix 6 years 04/09/05 Beth Morgan
Cubbie Maltese 01/14/92-04/14/99 Joanne
Cubbie Maltese 12/15/90-01/20/03 Fe
Cubbie Maltipoo 01/09/12 Katy Bannon
Cubbie Maltipoo 7 years 01/09/11 Katy Bannon
Cubbie Puginese 02/27/22 Jessica Nelson
Cubbie Rottweiler 10/14/11-02/13/21 Sarah
Cubbie Rough Collie 05/13/05-06/08/16 Gayle Olson
Cubbii Samoyed/Golden Retriever 11/06/92-08/17/07 Lisa Paningsoro & Brian Wong
Cubbins Cat 04/01/12-05/08/12 Sonbeek/Scott Family
Cubby & Tigger Beagles 02/09/91-12/03/07 Cheryl Malynn
Cubby (aka Cupboard, Cubchub, Cubaroo) Short Hair Orange Tabby Cat with swirling stripes in his coat and rings on his tail 07/03/85-09/16/03 Robert and Maureen McLellan
Cubby (bubby) (cubcake) All White Cat 12/01/09 Christine Cudejko
Cubby Bear Domestic Cat 05/12/03-04/17/09 Shirley
Cubby Bear DSH Cat 03/01/88-01/15/02 Robert Goga
Cubby Bear Mixed Dog 11 years 00/19/08 Jim & Chris
Cubby Bear Stout Domestic Cat 05/09/03-04/72/09 Shirley
Cubby Bear Tuxedo Cat 04/28/91-05/17/07 Kathy Flack
Cubby Bichon Lapsa 14 years 10/11/08 Jean Comstock
Cubby Border Collie 05/01/92-06/19/02 Denise De Marco
Cubby Boxer Lab Mix 04/04/04-10/13/11 Gayle
Cubby Cairn Terrier 06/01/99-06/02/99 Kathleen Littlefield
Cubby Cat 05/04/95-11/05/07 Karen (Sanctuary Hollow)
Cubby Cat 07/95 Kathy, Lorraine and Rick
Cubby Cat 08/01/92-10/22/02 Dad, Mom, Brit, Ash, and Kels
Cubby Cat 9 years 09/11/09 Vickie L. and Sandra P.
Cubby Chihuahua/Corgi 12/24/13 04/12/24 Sanjeeva W.
Cubby Chow Chow 13 1/2 years 07/04/04 Linda Thunselle
Cubby Chow-Retriever 10 years 09/10/04 C M
Cubby Chow-Retriever 10 years 09/10/04 Darilyn Cindra Makway
Cubby Chow-Retriever 10 years 09/10/04 John Wolford
Cubby Cockapoo 02/02/97-01/27/12 Robert, Mike and Paloma Towne
Cubby Cockapoo 03/29/97-03/14/06 Rick and Bonnie Guerra
Cubby Cockatiel 05/20/80-04/30/95 Patrice Hartigan
Cubby Dog 01/25/06 Lincmeadowfarm1
Cubby Dog 08/30/09 Terry Spiers
Cubby Domestic Longhair Cat 04/01/07-05/22/13 Lindsay
Cubby Domestic Short Hair Cat 08/15/93-01/12/99 Mindy DeLuca
Cubby Domestic Short Hair Cat 7 months 04/26/01 Ashely and Ryan
Cubby Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/09/08-02/20/10 Jule Brue
Cubby Domestic Tabby Cat 2 years 06/01/07 Brian and Becky Knight
Cubby DSH Brown Tabby Cat 3 years 08/27/11 Jeff, Inna, Kari Larsen
Cubby Ferret 1/96 Stellaluny
Cubby Flowers Toy Pom 13 years 01/05/05 Jerry and Michelle Flowers
Cubby Gardner Golden Retriever 10/16/93-02/03/05 Sandy
Cubby Golden Retriever 07/28/87-07/22/98 Betty and Rick Karp
Cubby Hauser Spaniel X Terrier 10/01/79-08/93 Brighit Morrigan
Cubby Keeshond Cathy Zwigard
Cubby Keeshond/Samoyed 01/02/92-07/07/08 Lisa Gelb
Cubby Lab Mix 12/24/98-03/16/99 Marie Bossert
Cubby Long Haired Orange Tiger Cat 05/2000-12/06/00 The Hedrick Family
Cubby Maine Coon Cat 5 years 07/10/06 Amylee Melfy
Cubby Michael Rosenfeld
Cubby Mixed Dog 03/01/95-01/08/09 Mark & Maria
Cubby Mixed Dog 08/84-05/95 Stacie Beard
Cubby Mixed Dog 14 years 1992 Donna Sanchez
Cubby Orange Tabby Cat 01/01/95-04/14/12 Faydra
Cubby Pekingese 13+ years Linda Cribb
Cubby Pembroke Welsh Corgi 12 years 03/23/06 Vincent, Debbie, & Sarah
Cubby Pomeranian 04/92-12/23/98 Linda
Cubby Poodle 14 years 07/30/89-02/26/04 Carol
Cubby Puggle 06/23/16 Stephanie Gifford, Marcy, Tim, Ethan and Sam
Cubby Rahilly aka precious pumpkin, muffin pie, tesoro mio Lion-Colored Cat 09/10/96-11/29/09 Kim Rahilly
Cubby Rottweiler Mix 12/25/10 Florence Xu
Cubby Samoyed 09/22/93-07/14/08 Lexi Payton
Cubby Schnauzer Pomeranian Terrier 17 years 11/28/11 Brianna Gallo
Cubby Shadeh Dog 12/28/09 Gail Isler
Cubby Sheltie Mix 02/11/89-01/02/03 Kristy
Cubby Shih-tzu 09/14/93-09/06/02 Claire Colangelo
Cubby Shitzu/Poodle 02/23/06 Beatriz Simon
Cubby Stout Domestic Cat 05/12/03-04/17/09 Shirley Stout
Cubby Tabby Cat 08/03/05 Fran (Mom)
Cubby Tabby Cat 18 years 10/11/06 Fran Barker
Cubby Texel Guinea Pig 6 years 11/05/20 Sarah Ullom-Morse
Cubby Westie 12/15/98-07/16/13 Mary Branca
Cubby Wolf/Dog 68% Wolf 05/28/85-04/96 Jan S.
Cubby Yellow Lab 13 years 04/10/10 Virginia Powder
Cubby Yellow Lab 6 years 03/21/05 Marissa
Cubby Yorkie 10/28/16-01/07/16 Manuela Barber
Cubby Yorkie-Poo 05/08/00-10/13/14 Karen
Cubbyshka Rottweiler 12/06/02-04/22/04 Berry Ball
Cuca Cat 02/02/93-10/23/08 Danny Hughes
Cuca Cat 03/05/99-07/30/12 Santiago Andujar
Cuchi Black Chihuahua 01/02/80-10/14/95 Yolanda Buckley
Cuckles Lhasa Apso 06/20/91-11/24/05 Susie and Jim
Cuckoo Clock DSH Cat 11/30/94-10/13/09 Donna and Brian Dieter, Ace, Thea, Guinne, Boq, Davison, Pertwee and Colleen
Cuckoo Macaw 20 years 04/19/15 Mary C. McCabe-Bunyea
Cucumber Boi Golden Retriever 03/28/03-10/31/17 Wong Amanda
Cuda Cat 03/21/76-03/16/91 Michelle and Willy Porter
Cuda Doberman 04/12/98-11/01/04 Scott, Nickie, and Daisy
Cuda Jack Russell 12/19/05 Jerry
Cuda Maltese 06/14/97-06/30/12 Teresa
Cuda Pit Bull 09/21/86-10/29/99 Lori Mandell
Cuda Sheltie 05/10/89-06/10/99 Laurie Anderson
Cuddels Terrier Mix 11/13/83-06/25/98 Denise Driver
Cuddies Calico Cat 07/88-12/20/04 Diane Lemieux
Cuddle Joy Bichon 01/21/93-08/29/05 Beth
Cuddle Maltese 31 October 1996 - 23 September 2009 Cecilia Lai
CuddleBug Cat 2 years 10/25/10 Dee
Cuddlebug Percy (aka Snowball) Persian Cat 5 years 07/05/11 Jackie
Cuddler Orange Tabby Kitten 06/30/10-08/12/10 Gabriele
Cuddles (aka Baby Girl) Domestic Shorthair Cat 01/93-06/09/04 Sasha Ness
Cuddles (aka Cuddly/Cuddly Girl, Bull/Bully, Fluff, Snarky, The Baby) Cat 04/01/04-04/07/21 Lynette & Craig Holway
Cuddles (Buggs) Westie 08/09/90-07/01/02 Cindy Simmons
Cuddles (Shorty) Escobedo Rottweiler Mix 11/14/11-03/27/12 Valerie, Jasmyne and Johnathan Escobedo
Cuddles Abyssinian Guinea Pig 12/31/84-12/21/87 Tamarah and Trevor
Cuddles Alaskan Forest Tabby Cat 03/17/97-03/12/10 Jacquie Perez
Cuddles Alexandrian Ringneck 30 years 02/04/18 Christine Antoldi, Taylor Jeannetti
Cuddles American Shorthair Calico Cat 12 years 08/01/93 Judy
Cuddles Baby Lhasa Apso 10/02/91-10/05/05 Dianne E. Vetter
Cuddles Beagle 10 1/2 years 01/04/01 Leanne & Steve
Cuddles Beagle Mix 08/15/93-03/12/05 David, Susan, Uncle Bill, Sharon, Kristin, Laura
Cuddles Beagle/Lab 11/27/02-11/05/17 Brad J
Cuddles Beattie/Gaunt Short Haired Cat 10/20/98-03/10/06 Cathy & Doug Beattie/Gaunt
Cuddles Beattie/Gaunt Shorthair Cat 10/01/98-03/18/06 Catherine Beattie
Cuddles Bengal Cat 06/01/96-05/15/10 Sandra Skalski
Cuddles Bichon 10/01/94-12/02/05 Grace
Cuddles Bichon 14 years 04/10/07 Ellen
Cuddles Bichon Frise 09/03/95-03/10/12 Jane
Cuddles Bichon Frise 10 years 12/09/05 Karen Nolan (Mom-Marlene Nolan)
Cuddles Bichon Frise 12/04/92-10/30/04 Michelle Van Egdom
Cuddles Bichon Frise 16+ years 03/01/12 Jo Rinkema
Cuddles Bichon/Poodle 17 years 07/20/06 Heather Edder
Cuddles Black and White Cat 01/03/84-05/03/99 Candace Matthews
Cuddles Black and White Cat Alicia
Cuddles Black Cat 16 years 02/27/15 Beverly May
Cuddles Black Cat with white Feet Tad
Cuddles Black Lab 04/93-03/03/06 Sherry Wolfe
Cuddles Blue Heeler/Rat Terrier Mix 16 1/2 years 02/20/07 Gretchen
Cuddles Blue Tick Hound 09/11/90-11/16/04 Beverly Caparco
Cuddles Border Collie Mix 04/01/86-03/02/00 Sandy Grove
Cuddles Bunny 01/89-03/03/98 Grace Schipani
Cuddles Burgess Lab/Cocker 04/12/93-12/27/03 Michele Burgess
Cuddles Calico Cat 07/19/80-09/17/99 Shirley L. Reuben
Cuddles Calico Cat 14 years 03/19/08 Mari
Cuddles Calico Cat 16 years 04/21/03 Angela Henshaw
Cuddles Calico Cat 18 years 06/05/04 Taylor
Cuddles Calico Persian Mix Cat 17 years 1990 J Hawn
Cuddles Cat 01/09/05 Tricia
Cuddles Cat 02/18/05 Julie
Cuddles Cat 03/17/71-07/85 Marcia
Cuddles Cat 03/19/00-09/23/04 Sharon Keller
Cuddles Cat 03/25/09 Tricia Bailey
Cuddles Cat 04/01/85-09/01/98 Janet Miller
Cuddles Cat 04/04/06-05/30/07 Alexandra & Cameron McCann
Cuddles Cat 04/07/85-10/30/01 Ron and Kathy Emery
Cuddles Cat 04/17/85-07/30/02 Erin Hamilton
Cuddles Cat 04/25/77-04/29/98 Bonita J. Gruchalski
Cuddles Cat 06/86-06/23/01 Shelly Meriwether
Cuddles Cat 08/84-10/19/00 Dawn Malacinski
Cuddles Cat 09/01/98-09/16/02 Jessica
Cuddles Cat 10 years 02/02/08 Kelli
Cuddles Cat 10 years 10/28/00 Sally Cameron
Cuddles Cat 10/07/10 Shalene and Ember
Cuddles Cat 10/12/89-10/03/09 Danielle Arbucci
Cuddles Cat 10/13/10 Erin
Cuddles Cat 10/16/98-11/14/01 Rebecca, Peter, and Rachael
Cuddles Cat 10/29/17 Debbie Dotson
Cuddles Cat 14 years 07/15/11 Carol
Cuddles Cat 14 years 11/23/07 Tom and Betty
Cuddles Cat 14 years 12/27/20 Patrice
Cuddles Cat 15 years 07/27/20 Sandra Coll
Cuddles Cat 15 years 08/04/04 Loren & Connie
Cuddles Cat 15 years 09/27/05 Sharon Miller
Cuddles Cat 16 years 04/21/18 Karen Bezaire
Cuddles Cat 17 years 08/11/17 Lauren Lawson
Cuddles Cat 18 years 12/24/09 Craig Stone
Cuddles Cat 1971-1985 Marcia Barber
Cuddles Cat 1993-07/31/12 Suzanne O'Hare
Cuddles Cat 1995-08/03/12 Sue and Paul
Cuddles Cat 1997-11/29/13 Rachelle
Cuddles Cat 20 years 04/19/01 Sharon Saccocci
Cuddles Cat 20 years 12/2001 Raven
Cuddles Cat 5 years 04/24/05 Maureen & Joe Lambert
Cuddles Cat 8 years 12/03/07 Carol
Cuddles Chihuahua 11/93-03/07/08 Kathy and John
Cuddles Chocolate French Lop Rabbit 01/01/02-10/11/05 Jennifer Fussell
Cuddles Chow 1994-01/26/10 Karen
Cuddles Chow Chow 1997-08/11/10 Jasmine S
Cuddles Cockapoo 03/17/78-05/04/91 Sharon Falkowitz
Cuddles Cockatiel 2 1/2 years 21/12/11 Erika
Cuddles Cocker Mix 10 years 04/13/09 Judy Smith
Cuddles Cocker Spaniel 04/97-09/12/01 Marsha Smith
Cuddles Cocker Spaniel 10/21/94-11/06/08 Karen Perkins
Cuddles Cocker Spaniel 11 1/2 years Joyce and Lee
Cuddles Cocker Spaniel/Terrier 04/27/98-01/05/08 Emily
Cuddles Collie/Terrier Mix 08/87-04/2000 Debbie & Frank
Cuddles Dachshund 13 years 11/02/19 Michele Bolton
Cuddles Dalley Cat 05/10/87-08/10/05 Christina
Cuddles Darling Schafer Shihtzu 06/18/94-02/01/08 Barry Schafer
Cuddles DeBlasio Cat 06/30/91-08/29/13 Jane DeBlasio
Cuddles Demane Lhasa Apso 08/17/90-08/28/06 M. Demane
Cuddles Dennis Bichon Frise 18 years 07/15/05 Rosita Dennis
Cuddles Dog 01/01/93-12/11/07 Barbara
Cuddles Dog 01/29/86-01/11/03 Ray and Angie Roy
Cuddles Dog 02/15/90-09/27/07 Dee Tucker
Cuddles Dog 15 1/2 years 12/29/13 Gwen and John
Cuddles Dog 7 years 05/01/02 Charleen Hollingsworth
Cuddles Domestic Cat 1 year 4 months 10/20/17 Phil Saperstein
Cuddles Domestic Cat 5 years 12/14/16 Kirah
Cuddles Domestic Longhair Cat 02/14/89-05/06/03 Barbara Spiegel
Cuddles Domestic Medium Hair Cat 06/89-05/13/03 Julia Hurst and Family
Cuddles Domestic Short Hair Cat 11 years 09/18/97 Faith
Cuddles Domestic Short-Hair Cat 01/91-09/22/07 Lorraine & Ron
Cuddles Domestic Shorthair Cat 06/19/88-07/19/03 Kimberly Heyer
Cuddles Domestic Shorthair Cat 08/28/95-09/15/00 Diane Iannone
Cuddles Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 08/03/10 Carol Miller
Cuddles Domestic Shorthair Cat 16 years 12/19/05 Randall S. Sluder
Cuddles Domestic Shorthair Orange White Mackerel Tabby Cat 4 years 02/07/08 Laurie Whipple
Cuddles Domestic Tortoiseshell Cat 13 years 05/02/09 Pam Swartz
Cuddles Donahue Calico Cat 06/17/90-12/07/09 Renolda Head and Regina Donahue
Cuddles DSH Cat 01/03/08 Linda Collins
Cuddles DSH Cat 02/14/89-12/24/03 Christine Vassallo
Cuddles DSH Cat 11 years 07/18/09 Mari Anne Smeltzer
Cuddles DSH Kitten 10/01/05-09/06/06 Brenda and Jennifer
Cuddles Dwarf Hamster 2 years 07/13/03 Valerie Li
Cuddles English Bulldog 11/28/97-02/15/08 Richard and Pam Berthelot
Cuddles English Setter 09/03/91-06/08/02 Teresa Wert
Cuddles English Springer Spaniel 05/88-07/25/01 Michele
Cuddles Finch 1989-1990 Annie
Cuddles Golden Mix 10/19/86-04/14/00 the Sharretts Family
Cuddles Golden Retriever 04/15/91-09/14/04 Laurie
Cuddles Golden Retriever 08/05/92-12/10/04 Sari Caratozolo
Cuddles Gonzalez Rodriguez Calico Cat 15 years 05/22/09 Norma Gonzalez Rodriguez
Cuddles Gray Tabby Cat 20 1/2 years 05/26/09 Nancy Cooper
Cuddles Great Dane/Lab 14 years 07/14/12 Jessica
Cuddles Green Cheek Conure 30 years 09/28/20 Sue StClair
Cuddles Grey Tabby Cat 07/13/93-03/01/09 Lynn Burke
Cuddles Grey Tabby Cat 08/23/87-03/20/92 Lelaina
Cuddles Grey Tabby Cat 12 years 02/16/05 Patricia Pettit
Cuddles Grey/White Tabby Cat 12 years 05/14/08 Lauren
Cuddles Guinea Pig 3 years 15/01/05 Sue, Daniel and Jarryd
Cuddles Hamster 3 years 12/18/05 Cameron & Ginnie
Cuddles Himalayan Cat 22 years 11/09/01 Shawna Marcus
Cuddles Himalayan Persian Kitten 06/25/05-03/18/06 Betty Quackenbush
Cuddles Himalayan/Angora Cat 07/02/83-10/14/99 Karen and Carol
Cuddles Holland Lop Rabbit 10 weeks-06/10/12 Bonnie Hu
Cuddles II Domestic Cat 04/25/77-04/29/98 Mama, Papa and Sugar and Pee Wee
Cuddles Jack Russell 12/89-11/2001 Bryan, Lynn, Brittany, Dani, and Ashley DuBois
Cuddles K. Cat All Black Cat 10 years 1998 Myrna Wittlin
Cuddles King Charles Spaniel 03/15/92-05/23/03 McKenna
Cuddles Kinkajou 06/01/13-06/10/16 Adam Chapin
Cuddles Kitten 08/00-10/29/00 Vickie
Cuddles Kitty 04/20/04 Debra Cain
Cuddles Klinger Border Collie and Aussie Mix 05/23/01-09/02/11 Debbie Klinger
Cuddles Lab 11 years years 10/2004 Pat and Rick Sampson and children
Cuddles Lasha Apso/ Poodle Mix 01/23/84-09/20/01 Mandy
Cuddles Le Munchkin Love Bird 06/94-08/08/11 Dee Dube
Cuddles Lhasa Alpso 11/01/89-09/13/98 Debi Rankin
Cuddles Lhasa Apso 01/03/92-06/12/08 Rose Tony and Debbie Cuccia
Cuddles Lhasa Apso 09/98 Becky F
Cuddles Lhasa Apso 11/18/92-12/01/01 Anthony
Cuddles Lhasa Apso 17 years 11/28/00 Angela, Carol, and Andy Carrano
Cuddles Long Hair Tuxedo Cat 03/05/88-10/12/00 Hilary
Cuddles Long Haired Orange Tabby Cat 1985-09/03/09 Donna Englebrook
Cuddles Long-Hair, Domestic Cat 08/07/99-08/15/06 Joy Morrill
Cuddles Lop-Eared Rabbit 5 years 11/05/01 Janice and Joshua
Cuddles Lovebird 1992-2001 Patti
Cuddles Maine Coon Cat 11/04/87-12/20/05 Cliff and Gay Pottie
Cuddles Mainecoon Cat 14 years 10/19/09 Mark and Lucy Jaworski
Cuddles Maltese 07/10/93-12/05/01 Carol, Sal, Tracy, Leyna
Cuddles Maltese and Poodle Mix 06/05/95-02/25/08 Arlene and Amy Wasdin
Cuddles Marie Beagle 10/19/90-06/15/07 Greg and Janice
Cuddles Marie Maltese 01/21/95-06/02/09 Lauri Becerra
Cuddles McCoy Bichon Frise 10/17/97-07/08/12 Thomas McCoy
Cuddles Mini Lop Rabbit 1 1/2 years 03/26/10 Valerie Douthitt
Cuddles Minnie Mare and Foal 3 years 04/07/09 Kathi Patterson
Cuddles Mix Dog 07/17/03 Chris Sterling
Cuddles Mix Dog Linda
Cuddles Mixed Breed Cat 04/17/84-12/11/03 Mwanawa Tarver
Cuddles Mixed Breed Dog 01/88-03/25/98 Frank and Kisa Dutt Jr.
Cuddles Mixed Breed Dog 08/28/92-02/08/99 Joe Moehlenhoff Family
Cuddles Mixed Breed Dog 16 years 10/25/96 Eleanor Penkala
Cuddles Mixed Breed Dog 9 years 1969 Vivian Badalamenti
Cuddles Mixed Cat 02/01/02-05/23/03 Jean Bradshaw
Cuddles Mixed Cat 3 years 2007 Jennifer
Cuddles Moggy Cat 08/14/93-07/06/08 Heather & Malcolm Pett
Cuddles Multese/Poodle Cross 08/12/84-05/18/00 Rita Monette
Cuddles Multi-poo 05/27/00-02/19/10 Donna Doulder
Cuddles Netherland Dwarf Rabbit 06/2002-07/11/07 Tracy Gelsleichter
Cuddles Netherland Rabbit 3 years 08/31/10 Annette Smitt
Cuddles of Guelph DSH Cat 1982 Katharine and Sadie
Cuddles Orange Marmalade Cat 04/12/92-10/06/99 Tina
Cuddles Orange Tabby Cat 15 years 07/14/20 Sandra Coll
Cuddles Orange Tiger Cat 16 years 09/12/07 Donna Choffo
Cuddles Peekapoo 09/87-09/14/00 Lydia Eline
Cuddles Pekingese O8/03/05-03/28/11 Bill and Nancy Foster
Cuddles Pembroke Welsh Corgi 08/04/08-06/02/22 Dena Davis
Cuddles Persian Cat 03/22/07 Marsha & Mykala
Cuddles Persian Cat 05/10/87-06/20/05 Christina
Cuddles Pomapoo 11 years 05/05/12 Sarah
Cuddles Pomeranian 01/01/05-10/29/10 Kim Swerdloff
Cuddles Pomeranian 01/11/91-04/06/02 Ebb & Toya Gronke
Cuddles Pomeranian 02/12/06-06/09/07 Menka
Cuddles Pomeranian 10/10/99-02/04/10 Desiree Dewillers
Cuddles Pomeranian 11/05/05 Whitley Tiller
Cuddles Pomeranian 14 years 11/16/06 Claudia, Hilary, Breanna, Jeremiah
Cuddles Pomeranian/Piconiese 04/01/89-07/17/03 Laurie
Cuddles Poodle 06/15/92-09/20/00 Jan Sundry
Cuddles Poodle 07/28/85-02/11/98 Shawna
Cuddles Poodle 08/03/84-03/08/99 Arlene Corson
Cuddles Poodle 1989-08/01/96 Gracie
Cuddles Poodle 6 years 06/09/05 Brenda B
Cuddles Puddles White Crested Guinea Pig 06/02-05/22/06 Lori, Mark, Eric & Jamie
Cuddles Pug 04/14/05-07/20/06 Julie Moore
Cuddles Rat 05/01/05-11/10/07 Brittney Schroeder
Cuddles Rat Terrier 16 years 04/27/07 Heather Myers
Cuddles Retriever/Lab Mix 08/15/85-01/05/00 Leigh Boutilier
Cuddles Rottweiler 01/17/98-04/17/08 Uschi Feyrer
Cuddles Rottweiler/Chow 10/07/02-11/17/12 Donna Simmons
Cuddles Russian Blue Cat 06/88-03/15/06 Richard & Gloria Steffy
Cuddles Russian Blue Cat 18 years 12/24/09 Craig Stone
Cuddles Russian Blue Tabby Cat 05/01/85-07/25/05 Helga Desousa
Cuddles Sasafras Poodle 07/04/83-08/97 Christine Whitley
Cuddles Schnoodle 17 years 11/21/05 Betty Wetherow
Cuddles Shar Pei 04/05/94-07/02/99 Beth & Stoney Workman
Cuddles Shih Tsu Poodle Mix 11/09/86-12/20/97 Mary Crowe
Cuddles Shih Tzu 07/10/00-04/12/04 Chuck and Elizabeth Curtis
Cuddles Shih Tzu Poo 1995-2009 Jessica Boggs
Cuddles Shitzu 10 years 01/11/08 Don Scotland
Cuddles Short Hair Cat 11 years 11/21/08 Heather
Cuddles Short Haired Cat 06/23/93-03/25/12 Barbara Babe
Cuddles Short Haired Hemingway Cat 02/01/89-05/24/09 Denni and Michael
Cuddles Short Haired Mixed Cat 08/09/03-08/09/06 Fay Billings
Cuddles Shorthair Domestic Cat 12/30/90-02/07/07 Lisa
Cuddles Siamese Cat 5 years 08/16/06 Kevin Haas
Cuddles Siamese Mix Cat 05/87-12/30/03 Joy
Cuddles Snowberger Silky Haired Yorkie 12/29/98-04/09/07 Mikki and Russ Snowberger
Cuddles Sparkman Cobb Domestic Short Hair Cat 5 1/2 years 11/27/06 Nicole L. Sparkman
Cuddles Spruill Shorthaired White Cat 01/92-05/05/09 Fran Spruill
Cuddles T Mixed Golden Tan and White 14 years 01/14/05 Effie and Leo Thiel
Cuddles Tabby Cat 05/25/99-01/15/07 Heather & Chris
Cuddles Tabby Cat 10 years 07/31/05 Diane
Cuddles Tabby Cat 14 years 04/29/04 Tom, Jane, Jessica, Julia
Cuddles Teddy Bear Hamster 1 Year Cindy McGinn
Cuddles Terrier Poodle 06/16/93-03/26/09 Nicole Szymusiak
Cuddles Terrier/Mix 03/25/88-03/25/98 Lisa Dutt
Cuddles Terrier/Poodle 08/01/88-09/15/02 The Bennett Family
Cuddles the BunBun Rabbit 02/2005-12/07/12 The Flynn Family
Cuddles Tori Cat 04/19/97-09/16/05 Ron Klegman
Cuddles Tortoiseshell American Shorthair Cat 03/10/92-04/07/10 Staci Oliver
Cuddles Tortoiseshell Cat 02/01/87-15/07/06 Sofia
Cuddles Tortoiseshell Cat 11/03/86-04/16/08 Berta Anstrom
Cuddles Torty Cat 15 years 01/16/05 Jim McKee
Cuddles Toy Poodle 03/01/99-06/09/05 Brenda Brewer
Cuddles Toy Poodle 03/07/86-10/15/97 Lisa Hubbard
Cuddles Toy Poodle 10+ years 08/20/00 Janice Sundry
Cuddles Toy Poodle 14 years 04/09/04 Aida Negron and Milagros Soto
Cuddles Tuxedo Cat 07/88-12/10/03 Greg Michaels
Cuddles Wasdin Maltese/Poodle 06/05/95-02/25/08 Amy and Arlene Wasdin
Cuddles Weimeriener 7 years01/15/96 Randy Benz
Cuddles West Highland White Terrier 07/31/97-05/02/12 Steven, Michael, Nicole, Mom, Dad and Snowflake
Cuddles Wuddles Toy Poodle 03/07/86-10/15/97 Lisa, Myron and Dinky Hubbard
Cuddles Yorkie 04/22/85-04/22/00 Madans
Cuddles Yorkshire Terrier 10 years 08/95 Paulette
Cuddles Yorkshire Terrier 10/15/93-08/04/03 Gord, Karen, G.R. & Ashley
Cuddles Zielinski Cockapoo 02/93-07/26/08 Kristen
Cuddly Cat 12/27/88-12/12/05 Treesa
Cuddly Short Haired Cat 17 years Jennifer and Kaitlyn
Cuddy Domestic Medium Hair Cat 02/17/04-11/15/23 James Cayz
Cuddy Golden 08/07/03-04/30/14 Karen M
Cudjoe Yorkie Mixed 14 years 03/19/09 Richie and Eadie Neckles
Cuds Diamonds are Forever Diamond Australian Shepherd 15 years 11/17/06 Tracey Acree
Cueball Solid White Domestic Shorthair Cat 15 years 06/07/06 Teri B. Beck
Cuervo Berkshire Rex Rat 03/25/05 Tracey
Cuervo Boxer, Bull Mastiff, Akita Mix 07/93-08/01/08 Kimberly Harris
Cuervo Cat 17 years 05/17/12 Scott Hurst
Cuervo Chihuahua 10/31/98-02/16/06 Amy
Cuervo Gold of Riverview Golden Retriever 06/30/00-01/20/10 Marlene Kirst
Cuervo Lab 10 months 06/30/08 Barbara
Cuervo Labrador Retriever 12 years 09/29/10 Mark Guzzo
Cuervo LeBeau Cockatiel 22 years 05/10/11 Morgan LeBeau
Cuervo Mix Dog 01/01/99-12/26/10 Jen
Cuervo Rottweiler 11/15/94-01/09/06 Betsy Croney
Cuervo Sanchez Chihuahua 11/20/99-03/21/11 Lynne Moore
Cuff Nagy Boston Terrier 05/04/94-04/12/02 Bob, Di, Nicole and Brent
Cuffai Bernice James-Cat (Lady Asia's Nigerian Bali Princess) Balinease Cat 04/015/92-06/28/03 Jeff & Jari James
Cuffs Golden Retriever 10/06/00-02/26/13 Sue Hurteau
Cuffs Golden Retriever 13 years 02/26/13 Irene Cassata
Cugie Mixed Dog 7 years 01/15/12 Barb and Dennis
Cuica Jakobson Siamese Cat 08/18/84-02/18/06 Pamela, Kurt and Cinza Jakobson
Cuja Aussie Shep 16 years 09/10/12 Rick
Cuja Black, White & Brown Heinz 57 Dog 11/87-03/24/01 The Kopcik family
Cujo (Jalapeno Black Jack) Tri Color Chihuahua 11/20/98-08/08/99 Linda Mattison
Cujo Baney Staffordshire Terrier 15 years 12/09/05 Mike and Trish Baney
Cujo Beagle 12/10/83-11/08/98 Barbara
Cujo Black Lab 09/11/02-02/10/12 Diane Monette
Cujo Black, Brown Heinz 57 Dog 10 years 02/16/09 Steve, Holly, John and Ben Heeren
Cujo Blue Russian Cat 12 years 01/07/12 Elisa Harris
Cujo Brown Bichon Frishe 11/22/92-03/19/10 Reri Cheath
Cujo Budgie 01/12/99-05/11/04 Nicole
CuJo Budgie 1 years 10/08/08 Melody and Peter K
Cujo Burmese Cat 16 years 09/02/04 Kelley Gliva
Cujo Cairn Terrier 11/19/84-06/30/00 Keith & Christy Kobielsky
Cujo Calico Cat 17 years 06/13/10 Keith and Marty
Cujo Cat 02/14/85-03/01/99 Katlin Vickers
Cujo Cat 06/12/98-10/26/02 Jennifer and Keith
Cujo Cat 12 years 11/23/96 Teresa McKeever
Cujo Cat 17 years 02/09/11 Tom & Dola Giorgi
Cujo Cat 17 years 06/13/10 Brenda Lauck
Cujo Cat 18 years 01/18/05 Mike & Juli Schürmann
Cujo Cat 20 years 04/11/04 Dennis
Cujo Chihuahua 04/92-06/15/97 Bonnie Gehrke
Cujo Chihuahua 13 years 03/01/01 Pattie & Jack Weber
Cujo Chow Chow 12 years 07/09/18 Lynn Jawordki
Cujo Doberman 03/20/07-03/09/09 Tracy
Cujo Doberman 1984-05/05/97 Angela Childress
Cujo Doberman Pinscher 03/16/97-04/11/00 Sue
Cujo Dog 05/02/07-05/23/11 Brenna and Tyler
Cujo Dog 08/10/03 Mark
Cujo Dog 08/14/06 Pat Grans
Cujo Dog 5 years 07/02/03 Jason Landry
Cujo Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/03/06 Linda King
Cujo Dylan Hybrid Wolf 03/23/93-08/09/11 David & Lisa Dillen
Cujo Flores Chihuahua 9 years 02/07/12 Erika Guerrero
Cujo Flores Chihuahua 9 years 02/07/12 Yoli
Cujo German Shepherd 02/10/97-04/14/05 Michelle Mason and Brian Desmarais
Cujo German Shepherd 02/15/11-03/01/19 Sherry
Cujo German Shepherd 02/17/93-01/04/05 Jon & Michelle Morris
Cujo German Shepherd 11/25/86-06/01/00 Ron & Louise
Cujo Gold 13 years 05/12/85-10/14/98 BCJ
Cujo Golden Retriever 11 years 09/25/95 Rick and Vickie Prince
Cujo Husky Mix 11/15/02-07/15/03 Liisa Bjork and Bill Wright
Cujo Husky/Collie/Shepherd 04/20/84-03/24/00 Rosalie
Cujo Jack Russell Terrier Mix 14 years 07/26/05 Julie Mott
Cujo Jean Min Pin/Jack Russell 04/09/06-01/22/14 Chrissy Robinson
Cujo Keeshound 13 years 07/02/97 Debbie and Randy Samples
Cujo King Doberman 1992-02/02/01 Wendy Gratz
Cujo LeJeune All American MixedandMostly Lab 07/23/94-09/05/05 Pam LeJeune
Cujo Miniature Pinscher 09/18/08 Cheryl Reyes
Cujo Mix, (Rot. Pit.Shepherd) 11 years 9 months 04/23/15 Teresa and John Baidas
Cujo Mixed Breed Cat 09/2007-03/12/08 Stacie Hewitt
Cujo Mixed Dog 10/05/04 Eileen Sass
Cujo Mixed Dog 12 years 10/06/04 Eileen Sass
Cujo Mixed Sheltie 03/08/88-02/13/03 Arla
Cujo Mutt 13 years 06/26/06 Joann and Jeff
Cujo Pomeranian - Parti-Pom 12/05/94-05/11/03 Donna Mikuda
Cujo Pomeranian 03/03/91-07/06/02 Paul and Mary-Lou Hagelberg
Cujo Pop Mixed Shepherd 05/13/09-08/31/09 Jack and Brandi
Cujo Pug 03/19/03-11/20/05 Claudia Christy
Cujo Pug 05/05/12 Chris
Cujo Pug 11/21/97-05/05/12 Chris Aguilar
Cujo Ray-Ray Cocker Spaniel 13 years 08/98 Kim McClurg
Cujo Rott/Shep Mix 01/30/00-02/20/10 Michele
Cujo Rottie 12/04/92-04/01/02 Kathy Tisdell
Cujo Rottie/ Mix 15 years 01/07/00 Mike Dallas
Cujo Rottweiler 12 years 12/16/07 Mom, Dad, Matt & Chris
Cujo Rottweiler 12/14/96-06/13/99 Barbara
Cujo Rottweiler 12/21/91-04/10/00 Suzanne & Greg Muszynski
Cujo Rottweiler 9 years 12/29/91-04/10/00 Susan M.
Cujo Rottweiler/Norweigan Alpine 12/09/97 Tyneikia De Jesus
Cujo Rotty 12/97-02/2011 Patty and Billy Kearnes
Cujo Saint Bernard 7 years Terry Knauff
Cujo Saki Cat 06/97-10/2003 Jenn
Cujo Shepherd/Lab 12/16/03-01/12/08 Cesinaro Family
Cujo Shepherd/Lab Mix 05/89-09/2004 Chuck Celentano
Cujo Shepherd/Redbone Mix 12/01/88-08/23/03 Katherine Harris
Cujo Siberian Husky 09/05/85-03/14/01 Cheryl Saher
Cujo Speakes King Charles Cavalier 10/02/91-06/28/08 Melanie and Wade Speakes
Cujo St Bernard 05/15/98-04/20/09 Jan Thomsen
Cujo St Bernard Mix 09/18/00-03/06/05 Kelly Carter
Cujo Terrier 09/11/98-02/18/15 Amie
Cujo Terrier Mix 16 years 01/31/05 The Rojas Family
Cujo Tuxedo Cat 18 years 07/16/01 Pat Kiefer
Cujo Versace Dog 06/29/08 Janelle and Andrew
Cujo Wolf/Shepherd 12/20/04 Cory McMaster
Cujo Yorkshire Terrier 11/14/89-08/22/04 Barbara Schuett
Culkin, The Mouse In The House Mouse 08/01/03-05/28/07 Desiree Miller
Cullen Aussie 04/11/03-03/13/11 Jerry
Cullen Bassett/Beagle 5 years 04/12/11 Katie Knox
Cullen Edward Chipman Cat 2008-04/17/23 Nicole Chipman
Cullen Maine Coon Cat 06/02/02-11/10/14 Amanda Driver
Cully 04/17/83-07/24/96 Kris Short
Culo Chihuahua-Terrier Mix 01/05/05-11/25/13 Gary and Jamie Wallace
Cumin Tabby Cat 04/23/86-06/18/07 Cumin's Mom
Cumo Yellow Labrador Retriever 02/90-06/28/03 Amy
Cunard Lab Mix 04/11/96-06/20/09 Kate and Rob
Cunard Yellow Lab Mix 04/11/96-06/20/09 Kate and Rob
Cunu Cat 17 years 08/29/98 Arvilla Vickers
Cupcake (Cup-E-cake or Cuppercake) Bassett Hound 11 years 01/17/11 Andrew R
Cupcake (Cup-E-Cake) Yorkshire Terrier T-Cup 15 years 11/08/11 Rachel Kutch
Cupcake (Cuppy, Cup-of-Cake and Consuelo) Cat 03/09/01-06/24/04 Roena Bergman
Cupcake American Silver Agouti Broken Guinea Pig 03/17/03-02/01/05 Liz and Alex
Cupcake and Lucky Pug and Toy Fox Terrier 2001 (cupcake) & 2002 (lucky) Jen
Cupcake and Muffin Llaso Apsos 07/16/83-10/97 and 02/98 Karen McKinney
Cupcake Bichon Frise 11/04/97-10/22/01 Evelyn Smithem
Cupcake Cairn 07/04/08-08/23/19 Lamour Thompson
Cupcake Cat 02/20/91-11/02/04 James
Cupcake Cat 10 years 08/12/00 Tara
Cupcake Cat 20 years 09/26/10 Wendy Bernard
Cupcake Cat 20 years 11/29/03 The Sarro Family
Cupcake Cat 3 years 08/24/09 Mai Britt
Cupcake Chin-Pin 12/12/07-05/18/10 Susan
Cupcake-Cuppers Bichonpoo 18 years 02/14/23 Donna Rose Houchen
Cupcake Domestic Long Hair Cat 01/17/00 Mary and Frank Manello
Cupcake Domestic Long Hair Cat 02/99-06/23/08 Kelly Reed
Cupcake Dutch Rabbit adopted 10/23/98-11/29/08 Karen Piskor
Cupcake Dwarf Rabbit 1 1/2 years 04/19/15 Kristin & Joshua McLellan
Cupcake English Sheepdog-Bearded Collie Mix 04/10/78-09/22/80 Donnie and Jan Mitchell
Cupcake Frost DSH Black and White Cat 03/18/99-05/27/11 Margaret and Mat Frost
Cupcake Great Dane 04/04/09-02/19/10 Jesika
Cupcake Guinea Pig 06/98-01/25/04 Marie
Cupcake Hamster 1 year 07/13/04 Kori
Cupcake Havanese 13 years 10/20/19 Laura
Cupcake Himalayan Mix Cat 09/85-11/01/99 Tara O'Donnell
Cupcake Maltese 01/10/07-04/06/14 Talin Alksanian
Cupcake Merritt Rabbit Apr 2009-06/16/13 Bonnie Merritt
Cupcake Parakeet 11/01/06-02/14/13 Torrance Bartholomew
Cupcake Pekingese/Silky Terrier Mix 18 years 1997 Paul and Maureen Young
Cupcake Peruvian Guinea Pig 11/17/05 Pat Bijas
Cupcake Poodle 12 years 12/25/99 Stephanie Spencer
Cupcake Puppy 05/11/98 Sheri
Cupcake rabbit March 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cupcake Rex Bunny 06/17/04-01/10/08 Jen Schaffer
Cupcake Schnauzer 1994 Jason Starr
Cupcake Scottie and Chihuahua 15 years 03/06/05 Kimmie M
Cupcake Sheltie 01/15/95-08/27/07 R. R. Dale
Cupcake Shih Tzu 12/18/95-05/26/06 Maryellen
Cupcake Short Hair Cat 8 years 02/10/10 Tony
Cupcake Siamese Cat 04/93-07/28/14 Sheila
Cupcake Tabby Cat 06/15/92-03/01/09 Joel Libove
Cupcake Tabby Cat 16 years 02/19/14 Kirsten Beutel
Cupcake Thoroughbred Horse 19 years 01/28/10 Susan Sandridge
Cupcake White & Black Short Hair Cat 05/06-07/02/08 Nancy and Carolyn
Cupcake Yorkie 06/06/87-03/18/99 Charleen, Justin & Marisa
Cupcake Yorkie 13 years 05/31/04 Mary
Cupcake/Slinky Beta Fish 12/14/04-12/16/05 Andrea & Tom
Cupcakers Silver/White Broken Agouti Guinea Pig 03/2003-02/01/05 Liz
Cupcakes Pitbull 11 years 11/16/08 Sheryl
Cupid (Q) Red Lory 09/02/91 Kim Smith
Cupid African Grey (Timneh) 01/01/90-05/15/09 Dianna
Cupid and Russel Cats 18 and 15 years to 09/22/10 and 10/26/10 Suzanne
Cupid Angel Theriault Tabby/Siamese Cat 03/23/01-11/18/04 Aimee
Cupid Black & Gray Tabby Cat 11/85-10/01/01 Heather
Cupid Brown Lab Mix 11/2002-04/01/04 Mike, Cindy, Ripley
Cupid Budgie 3 years 09/14/99 Lauren
Cupid Cat 2 years 09/02/06 Emily
Cupid Cat 24 years 07/2000 Cynthia Tjhie
Cupid Dog 02/14/96-12/28/09 John C
Cupid Dog 11 years 12/14/97 Todd
Cupid Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/15/99-05/04/18 Ann Pollack
Cupid Doucet Toy Poodle 11/04/98-12/26/04 Marilyn R. Doucet
Cupid DSH Cat 09/15/91-12/16/05 Lisa Parsley
Cupid Golden Lab 02/14/96-11/01/09 Vickie and (Mom) Ellie Gleich
Cupid Golden Retriever 07/25/98-06/19/13 Sam & Kim B
Cupid Keeshond 02/14/91-05/22/03 Shari L. Lynn
Cupid Lab Mix 11/22/03-04/01/04 Mike D
Cupid Mixed Cat 10/91-12/16/05 Lisa Parsley
Cupid Mixed Dog 10 years 01/07/04 Alison Brady
Cupid Nanday/Jenday Hybrid 2 months 04/14/08 Pepper Larson
Cupid Persian Cat 3 years 09/99 Jayme
Cupid Pit bull 04/01/96 from neighborhood of Dave Merandi
Cupid Pomeranian 03/16/93-04/20/04 Angela Guerrette
Cupid Pomeranian 12/06/99-09/11/08 Donna Booker
Cupid Swedish Vallhund 02/15/14-02/15/14 Joan
Cupid Yorkie 01/03/05 Diane Stender
Cupid Yorkshire 07/28/14-03/01/23 Arkeela Mitchell
Cupid's Arrow Bassett 02/14/93-05/94 Vi Potter
Cupids Funny Face Paint Horse Mare 23 years 11/12/05 Sandy Hier
Cupid's Teddy Bear Shih Tzu Puppy 11/16/01-03/14/02 Linda and Richard Janelle
Cupid's Trudy Valentine Golden Retriever 11/20/82-05/17/96 Beth Hellems and Jane
Cupie Doll Cat 07/24/07-03/31/08 Allan
Cupie Mixed Dog 1972 Debbie Ehle
Cuppie (CupCake) Jack Russell Scruff 2005-08/12/20 Denise Skonieczki & Family
Cuppy American Hybred Cat 01/84-11/22/98 Billslabs
Cuppy Gray Tabby Cat 04/01/05-10/17/16 Gail Perez
Cuppy Kay Rat Terrier/Chihuahua 05/30/05-12/21/06 Summer Kraml
Cuppy Maltese 13 years 10/25/17 Marie Groenewold
Cuppycake & Pumpkin Cats 5 weeks old 07/25/99 Tracy
Cuquita French Poodle 10 years 11/27/01 Cecilia Barraza
Cura Hoey Papillion Poodle 07/07/01-03/23/12 Tracy Hoey
Curacao Corey-Cat Maine Coon Cat 06/06/99-04/16/13 Doug, Laura, Christie, & Dominique
Curbee Lab/Rottweiler 04/14/94-08/29/08 Cindy Pickle
Curby Cat 11 years 01/22/00 Alka Chandna
Curby Cat 17/03/02-16/11/15 Karen Alford
Curby Domestic Short Hair (Black) Cat 06/2000-01/22/04 Monica Vane
Curby DSH Cat 1 year 04/15/23 Marianne
Curby Hafner Chow/Lab Mix 14 years 05/07/10 Cheryl Hafner
Curie Australian Shepherd/ Border Collie Mix 10/31/94-10/29/08 Meghan Wieters
Curie Oriental Shorthair Cat 11/01/95-02/13/04 Stephanie Luther-Dahmke
Curio Medium Hair Cat 10 years 12/08/23 Valina
Curiosity Chow Chow 10/25/93-07/31/98 Crista Sanders
Curiosity DSH Cat 13 years 11/03/08 The Cash Family
Curiosity Grey Tabby Cat 01/01/67 Lisa Coe
Curiosity The Angel Holder Tabby Cat 18 years 11/08/04 Susan and Lee
Curiot Orange and White Tabby Cat 15+ years 01/04/08 Terrell and Julie Gray
Curious Bloodhound 12 years 08/09/02 The Yost's
Curious Longhaired Cat 01/14/22 Kimberly English
Curious Tabby Cat 04/11/02-04/06/11 Jill Mascioli
Curious White German Shepherd/Wolf 04/07/93-07/04/00 Darcy Leonard
Curity Cat 03/15/84-03/10/03 Kristen Nelson
Curley Apple Snail 08/2004-01/13/05 Dawn
Curley Blue & Gold Macaw 29 years 12/31/18 Van Rookhuyzen
Curley Chihuahua Puppy 05/10/08-08/17/08 Lisa Fisher
Curley Cocker Spaniel 10 years 03/16/05 Lynn Rane
Curley Cocker Spaniel 12 years 11/08/10 Helena Sohn
Curley Dog 15 years 11/97 Medemo
Curley Domestic Short Hair Cat 6 years 08/16/03 Jennifer Sherman
Curley Dusky Pionus Parrot Nird 06/10/99-04/04/00 Reggie
Curley Ears Thoroughbred Horse 06/05/76-23/12/05 Samantha Howe
Curley Fox Terrier about 13 years 03/1954 C.J. Young
Curley Mixed Dog 1991 Mari & Mike Shaw
Curley Mixed Dog 1993-2008 Wendy and Jeff
Curley Mixed Dog 4 years 09/01/90 Mari Shaw
Curley Persian Cat 02/12/93-12/05/03 Donald and Denise Leitch
Curley Raymond Mixed Breed 09/08/93-02/07/07 Marilyn Wardrep
Curley Retriever/Samoyed Mix 1985-01/02 Janet
Curley Rottweiller 8 1/2 years 07/29/00 Cara Garcia
Curley Sheltie Mix 03/03/92-06/04/05 John & Eileen
Curley Sue Bichon Frise 11/13/93-08/22/08 Gricelda Hansen
Curlie Duke Cocker Spaniel 02/14/74-09/27/87 Marty Crump
Curlie Nelson Domestic Short Hair Cat 01/03/09 Caroline Nelson
Curlor Cat 1994-11/06/12 Jennifer Franza
Curly Afjari Shih Ztu 01/18/19 Elle Afjari
Curly Airedale Mix 07/28/12 Allie
Curly aka Curly Bird Medium Hair Cat 8 years 08/05/04 Karen Enders
Curly American Shorthair Cat 05/01/91-11/10/07 Steve Jones
Curly Bishon-Poo 11 years 05/23/08 Faith, Holly, Katie & Mark
Curly Border Collie Cross 13 years 07/25/11 Barbara Wolfe
Curly Cat 07/10/96-01/19/12 Jeff and Wayne
Curly Cat 13 years 07/2009 Sherry
Curly Cat 6 years 05/98 The Everts
Curly Cat 6 years 09/20/06 Katie, Sydney, Margaret, Deborah, Skip
Curly Cat 8 months 01/29/08 Laura M
Curly Cat Rose
Curly Chow 8 years 11/12/03 Don Walker
Curly Cockapoo 04/01/92-03/28/03 Shelley Simmons
Curly Cruz Cocker Spaniel 06/13/99-08/23/04 Sasha, Anthony and Lilly
Curly Cue Blue Am. Short Hair Cat 06/11/02-06/14/09 Angela & Keith
Curly Dog 04/10/63-06/19/79 Hazel Lyons
Curly Dog 9 years 12/11/07 Tricia7
Curly Fry Albino Corn Snake 6 years 10 1/2 months 01/14/11 Debbie
Curly Gerena Mixed Terrier 15 years 04/14/07 Dorene
Curly Guinea Pig 06/01/01-07/05/01 Jeri Lynn
Curly Hairless Rat 6-8 months 01/21/05 Amanda Little and Sandy Green
Curly Haitian Curly Tail Lizard 2 years 02/16/05 Jo Grunewald
Curly Hamster Jenny
Curly Howard Standard Longhaired Dachshund 01/26/94-12/04/03 Amanda Barnhardt
Curly Husky/Shepherd 01/92-10/15/05 Cary & Barbara Balaban
Curly Joe Black Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/05/97-06/03/06 Lynn, Mike, Kevin and Kelli Medart
Curly Joe Mixed Dog 07/10/10 Lisa, Earl & Rhonda
Curly Joe Thomas American Cocker Spaniel 05/17/96-06/02/08 Anthony D Hailey Jr
Curly Lab Mix 04/10/11-02/25/19 Mo Fredstrup
Curly Maine Coon Cat 10 years 11/27/02 Mark Minor/susan Barron
Curly Minature Poodle 10/31/90-11/28/03 Betsy Yaklich
Curly Mix Poodle 15 years 12/12/02 Eileen Deray
Curly Mixed Breed 01/15/90 Christine McLaughlin
Curly Pisa Bacon Dogo Argentino 03/10/01-03/02/12 Sunny
Curly Portuguese Water Dog 15 years 10/25/05 Mike S
Curly Pug 04/07/94-11/16/09 Spencer Hendron
Curly Pug 06/13/92-08/07/04 Mark
Curly Russian Dwarf Hamster 11/11/99-03/25/00 Mike & Marlene
Curly Sclafani German Shepherd 11/08/02-08/20/12 Alissa Sclafani
Curly Shetland Sheepdog 08/13/91-10/99 Wendi Bauman
Curly Singapura 10/01/99 Karen Pugh
Curly Standard Poodle 04/15/97-02/06/12 DeLayne Milby
Curly Standard Poodle 05/02/02-01/19/12 Dana Druk
Curly Sue Hughes Pickapoo/Llasa Ahapsa/Pomeranian 02/10/94-03/05/04 Cary Hughes
Curly Sue Mix Dog 12 years 02/10/08 Marian
Curly Sue Rex Rat 8 months 03/30/01 Amy Thompson
Curly The Angel Cocker Spaniel 09/17/05 Lynn Rane
Curly Toy Poodle 09/11/10 Jane
Curly White Tortishell Cat 04/15/04-05/17/08 Sheree
Curly Yellow Lab 13 years 10/26/06 Kath Truscott
Curly Yellow Tabby Cat 06/01/06-06/30/16 Mary Lou and Charlie Carrington
Curlyjo Yellow Labrador Retriever 09/11/95-06/11/08 Karen Koronko
Currie Maine Coon Cat 11/26/93-08/01/02 Arne & Brenda Nordh
Currie Terrier Mix 08/01/96-01/15/00 Candace Hooper
Curry Australian Terrier 21/10/86-24/05/02 Nina
Curry Bichon Frise 12/30/88-04/10/04 Harry S. Gold
Curry Dog Aug. 1995 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Curry Domestic Tuxedo Cat 01/15/00-09/30/05 Brit
Curry Shar-Pei 09/19/07 Jessica, Mike, Lauren, Cerena, Sasha & Chooie
Curry Sheltie 6 years 07/30/08 Amy Baylor
Curry Sou Chow Chow Mix 8 years 10/31/04 Betty Workman
Curry Tabby Cat 07/01/07-10/20/14 Ruth and Randy
Curry White & Grey Kitten 04/15/06-07/08/06 Suzi Schmidt
Curry Yellow Lab 01/31/96-06/24/06 Joanne Stasik
Cursti Ann Rey Cat 03/15/87-01/06/06 Cynthia Rey
Curt Cockatiel 1987-07/29/07 Paul and Grace
Curt Della Val Merula German Shepherd 02/24/98-03/24/12 Ilaria Dotti
Curtains Cat 01/20/07 Elizabeth Benishin
Curtis Border Collie/Duck Toller Mix 05/25/00-07/07/12 Heather Nowlan
Curtis Boxer 01/31/12 Pete
Curtis Cat 05/87-05/05/00 Annie
Curtis Cat 12/02/99 Barbara Gundvaldsen
Curtis DSH Cat 4 years 07/18/06 Terri Brown
Curtis Miniature Poodle 10/03/00-04/02/13 Muriel
Curtis Pom/Corgi Mix 10/12/03-02/04/09 Christina Guimond
Curtis Shetland Sheepdog 01/14/94-01/09/04 David Leary
Curtis Shetland Sheepdog 10 years 12/10/14 Sara Maddox
Curtis Turkish Van Mix Cat 14 years 11/20/10 Terri
Cusack Belgian Grenendael 06/07/89-01/24/01 Joseph D. Jones
Cushti Boxer 11/28/93-09/15/06 Janice Tyrrell
Custard Budgerigar 8 years 03/12/03 Ann & Mark Grierson
Custard Cat 09/00 George & Sylvia Stone
Custard Dog 15 years 08/05/99 Kathryn Jones
Custard Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/14/14 Carla Scaglione
Custard Golden Retriever 17 years 08/15/11 Sarah
Custard Moggy Cat 16 years 12/16/08 Deborah Bills
Custard Teddy-bear Red-eyed cream Hamster 03/27/97-07/12/97 Lyone Queen
Custer Airedale 01/06/95-09/10/01 Joy Austin
Custer Cocker Spaniel 03/30/95-11/30/07 Donna
Custer Domestic Long Hair Cat 18 years 06/23/09 Judy Crews
Custer Golden Retriever 06/08/96 Lynda Mabry
Custer Golden Retriever 12/18/00-05/06/10 Shelly Angelo
Custer Golden Retriever 14 years 09/10/03 Steve Pajka
Custer Jack Russell 12/17/01-04/20/17 Ellen Welter-Meiseles
Custer Wolf1 09/10/06 Shaun
Custer Yorkie 05/01/94-01/26/11 Clair
Custus Double Quarter Horse 23 years 08/2001 Laura Vernam
Cute and Sassy Yorkshire Terrier 07/01/93-11/11/97 Dawn Crawford
Cute Ki Black and White Cat 10 weeks 05/02/02 Melissa McGehee
Cute Syrian Hamster 07/01/03-07/21/04 Jonatha & Catalina
Cuteness DSH Cat 11/28/19 Gina
Cutey Light Brown/Light Orange Cat 1980-1998 Maria Hunter
Cutey Pie American Short Hair 03/15/98-03/24/98 Raynae' Brogdon
Cuthbert Cat 03/14/15 Kelly and Gordon
Cuthbert Golden Retriever 01/21/89-10/05/99 John Stuart
Cuthbert Great Dane 10 years 07/12/98 Mandi and Meaghan
Cutie (me mow mow, baby girl) Cat 19 years Christmas 2008 Sandy Stephens
Cutie 05/20/10 Faith Spann
Cutie American Short Hair Cat 11 years 10/16/24 Diane Teas, Frederick Watson
Cutie Australian Mist Cat 11/17/10-12/07/10 Charlene Madelo
Cutie Beagle 02/25/03-10/15/03 Missy and Kelsey Blanks
Cutie Black Longhair Cat 1 1/2 years 12/14/01 Ian and Annie
Cutie Boston Terrier 05/01/88-03/09/02 Rob Alford & Emily Henks
Cutie Bull Mastiff/Chow Mix 05/27/95 Brent & Sarah Bonham
Cutie Buster Cat 9 years 09/27/99 Diane
Cutie Calico Cat 08/01/01 Barbara Connelly
Cutie Calico Cat 13 years 01/22/16 Diana Barrows
Cutie Calico Cat 3 years 11/11/12 Dan Shilling, Dawn Killinger
Cutie Cat 03/10/99-05/15/99 Becca
Cutie Cat 10 years 07/28/07 Elaine Cohen
Cutie Cocker Spaniel 07/22/04 Nancy Litz
Cutie Domestic Longhair Cat 10/18/03 Lois
Cutie Gerbil 03/2001-10/24/03 Cathy
Cutie Golden Retriever 16 years 11/05/16 Jeanine Coghlan
Cutie Hamster 2 years 06/10/03 Caitlyn
Cutie Hamster Qian Cinnamon/Beige Syrian Hamster 04/02/07-07/02/09 Michelle Dena Qian
Cutie Jack Russell 02/26/00-11/18/03 Kelly, Jin & Timothy
Cutie Maltese-Laso Mix 17 years 03/23/06 Theresa & Ed
Cutie Orange Tabby Cat 09/04/99-03/21/12 Christina, Ryan, Allison
Cutie Pastel Calico Longhaired Cat 10/18/03 Lois Phifer
Cutie Peek-A-Poo 04/01/05-12/01/05 Denise, Josh, Joyce, Lesly, Nicholas, Duke & Rachael
Cutie Pie American Shorthair Cat 03/30/13 Laura Watson
Cutie Pie Cat 12/96 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cutie Pie Dog 04/15/94-11/05/97 Charlie Kaczor
Cutie Pie Gray Tabby and White Kitten 4 weeks 10/28/07 Diane Schultz
Cutie Pie Guinea Pig 06/2001-10/13/02 Cody Johnson
Cutie Pie Hamster 08/15/03 Allegra
Cutie Pie Jones Chihuahua 5 years 10/05/15 John, Carol, and Esperanza Jones
Cutie Pie Kitten 03/23/12 Galan Family
Cutie Pie Maine Coon Cat 02/10/07-11/28/17 Steve Anderson
Cutie Pie Orange Tabby Cat 09/01/92-11/01/04 Patty Nee
Cutie Pie Rottweiler/Chow Mix 06/01/07 Wes
Cutie Pomeranian 17 years 12/30/09 Angie Summers
Cutie Quaker 08/10/10 Lola Olsen
Cutie Robo Hamster 07/08/11 Cora
Cutie Sheltie 08/14/00-04/06/12 El
Cutie Shih Tzu 04/01/16-07/15/16 Kristine Ruiz
Cutie Short Hair Black Cat 12/25/02-07/06/19 Rhonda Hughes
Cutie Tabby Cat 18 years 07/03/09 Nola
Cutie Tabby/Lynx Cat 11/18/13 Terry Newborn and Family
Cutie Teacup Chihuahua 05/25/22 Vicki Clinton
Cutie-Wutie Guinea Pig 6 1/2 years 03/07/07 Lori and Lauren Kruesi
Cutler Mixed Dog 04/10/11-01/21/22 Marcia Keebaugh
Cutsie-Pie Looked like a Maine Coon Cat 01/../92-09/01/04 Roberta Shuman
Cutter American Quarter Horse 06/01/97-04/28/02 Kenny & Rhonda Wilson
Cutter Border Collie 13 years 1 month 8 Days 11/21/10 Barbara
Cutter Boxer 03/29/99-01/10/07 Kim, Kenny, Vanessa and Pinnellopii Hunt
Cutter Boxer 10 years 02/22/11 Brendan
Cutter Brittany 04/01/90-11/22/03 The Carey's
Cutter Golden Retriever 05/14/94-09/25/06 P.G. Smith
Cutter Golden Retriever 07/31/85-03/06/00 The Raymer family
Cutter Golden Retriever 13 years 06/18/04 Jody Prusi
Cutter Golden Retriever 15 years 06/25/02 Abbie and Michael Higashi
Cutter Golden Retriever 9? years 05/26/14 Jeannine
Cutter Grey and White Cat 05/16/97-09/27/00 Dale
Cutter Raybion Cocker Spaniel 08/27/04-02/10/07 Amanda, Brandon, Dustin, Hunter, and Shooter
Cutter Rex Cat 04/15/85-11/19/95 Angela Trimmer
Cutter Samoyed 06/13/90-09/06/01 Tamara L. Feagans
Cutter Shetland Sheepdog 03/25/96-09/10/10 Tammi
Cutter Shetland Sheepdog 03/25/96-09/10/10 Tammie
Cuttermutts Moggy Cat 09/03/83-06/04/04 June
Cutter's Jack Daniels Labrador 10/02/01-04/13/03 Megan
Cutty German Shepherd 03/04/98-06/07/08 Stephanie Beckert
Cutty Siamese and Minx Cat 03/14/05-07/21/09 Josephine Ingargiola
Cuty Medina Long Hair Cat 10/31/00-02/17/15 Judith and Karina Marrero
Cutzie Bootzie Silver Mitt Ferret 5 years 05/2004 Lynn and Bob
Cuzington aka Cuz Rouen Duck 03/30/05-06/28/06 Aishah and Laurie
Cuzzie Howard Rottweiler 11/05/94-01/14/04 Vicki Howard John Conaway
Cwnn Long Hair Cat 9 years 02/04/20 Jo Cooke
CWO4 Buster USCG (Ret.) Dog 02/12/95-06/22/08 Brian Shajari
Cy (Cytherea) Classic Brown Tabby Cat 10 years 12/96 Pam Martin
Cy Black Hooded Rat 05/2006-06/01/08 Jennifer Risenburg
Cy Byron Lilac Point Siamese Cat 05/12/93-07/07/12 Jeanetta Byron
Cy Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Cy Domestic Gray Cat 07/20/20 Leslie Mannion
Cy Domestic Tiger Cat 15 years 07/03/08 Stephanie Hewitt
Cy Gelding 09/14/00 Sally
Cy Gray Domestic Cat 07/20/20 Thomas and Leslie Mannion
Cy Himalayan Cat 4 years 09/05/12 Candace
Cy Pointer 06/25/04-10/12/15 Amanda, Wayne, Emily and Daniel
Cyanna Blue Abyssinian Cat 03/27/90-06/20/03 Lynn & Ron Howell
Cybal Boxer 16 years 06/10/11 Jerry Morgan
Cybella Siamese Cat 21 years 01/23/08 Joni and other staff at CalMar
Cybelle Chow Chow/Husky 03/04/94-02/14/05 Linda Laurendeau
Cybelle Dachsie 14 years 07/28/04 Barbara and Paul
Cyber Golden Retriever 11/26/99-05/28/08 Joanne Schwartz
Cybil 2 1/2 years 11/20/98 JS
Cybil 21 years 08/24/00 Ann and Sandy
Cybil Cat 1 1/2 years 11/20/98 Susan and Joe
Cybil Cocker 12/20/91-11/28/04 Kim Bruner
Cybil Cocker Spaniel 04/19/91-01/25/03 Tami Bauman
Cybil Loo Beagle 06/25/95-05/22/08 Lori, Pat & Payton Peck
Cybil Mattie Cocker Spaniel 04/19/91-01/25/03 Tami Bauman
Cybil Shiz-Tsu 10/31/88-08/07/09 Kevin
Cybil Spirited Cat 11/2 years 11/20/98 Susan and Joe
Cybil Tortoiseshell Cat 01/1990-04/2004 Sally and Walt Gerber
Cybill Basenji 01/17/95-07/13/04 Jeffrey Smythe and Joe Ogle
Cybill Basenji 01/24/04-07/13/04 Joe OgleJjeffrey Smythe
Cybill Shih Tzu 09/26/95-03/28/11 Edward Grundy
Cybill Tabby Cat 02/20/87-02/01/05 Mike, Brenda and Lisa Miller
Cyclone Calico Cat 01/90-07/26/02 David Page and Sandy Kuplis
Cyclone Dalmatian 09/01/94-04/08/04 Patricia Peterson
Cyclone Domestic Short Hair Kitten 12/23/03-04/12/04 Nance Carter
Cyclone English Mastiff 11/11/98-02/19/10 Nancy Kalinowski
Cyclone German Shepherd 12 years 06/29/08 Sylvia Shortt
Cyclone Kitten 4 months 04/12/04 Nance
Cyclops American Shorthair Tuxedo Cat 08/01/92-03/20/09 Susan Scatena
Cyclops Dog 10/87-10/30/04 Billy Arenas
Cyclops Kitty Tiger Stripe Cat 06/21/00 Jo Lynch
Cyco Chihuahua 6 years 05/30/10 Suzanne & Don Bradley
Cyd Buckley Ferret 02/23/11 Kayla Buckley
Cyd Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/13/91-03/03/06 Jane Feuer and Kathie Ferraro
Cydney Cocker Spaniel 11/01/95-09/21/10 Sue Obrist
Cydney Umbrella Cockatoo 23 years 07/24/22 George Sauers
Cyeh Lee Wild Rat 03/31/11-01/07/13 Jessie & Johnny
Cyggy Dog 12/15/90-12/12/09 Randy & Karen
Cygnette Standard Poodle 07/15/80-07/10/97 Pamela
Cygnus Gerrity Cocker Spaniel 07/30/98-08/06/09 Kelly Gerrity
Cygnus Shepherd Mix 04/22/94-03/14/09 Renee
Cymba Mixed Dog 15 years 12/24/07 Fran & Whit
Cymba Rottweiler 10/10/95-12/13/00 Jamine Cook and Stacey Joppy
Cymba Tibbie Kitty Cat 03/17/96-03/12/97 Cindy
CymbaSue German Shepherd 04/15/99-10/14/01 Elizabeth
Cymro White Boxer 01/18/95-05/30/06 Llian
Cyn DSH Cat 05/01/08-11/06/24 Jeff & Bill
Cynamon Shih Tzu 04/03/03-01/16/12 Betty and Roger Goff
Cyndee Brown American Short Hair Cat 17+ years 08/25/09 Terry, Ryan, Aleta
Cyndee Long Haired Chihuahua 11/19/84-03/09/06 Nancy Bennett
Cynder Akita/Shepherd 12/97-01/2012 Steve, Valerie, Meghan & Maddie Lee
Cynder Jayde Black Labrador Cross 12/12/96-03/09/01 Crystal Roland
Cynder Shepherd Mix 02/24/19 Michele Quinones
Cyndi Dog 16 years 04/07/98 Beanies
Cyndi Domestic Short Hair Cat 03/04/84-05/2003 Valerie
Cyndi Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/04/84-05/11/03 Steve & Florence Grasso
Cyndi Lauper Shorthair Cat 08/10/85-05/05/00 Jill & Rosemary & Harry MPartland
Cyndi Mix Dog 02/21/93-02/02/00 Nick and Laurel
Cyndi Sheltie 02/23/95-08/25/09 Joy Pruitt
Cyndi Shihtsu 15 years 09/22/03 Marie Panfilio
Cyndi Silver Tabby Cat 1983-04/30/99 MGW
Cyndi Toy Poodle 11/07/86-05/13/00 Sarah MIntyre
Cyndi Who Gray Tiger Mix Cat 14 years 03/04/07 Monica and Steve
Cynnie Chow Chow 15 years 12/22/06 Susan
Cynthia Black and White Cat 11/21/07 Rhea Stewart-Laws
Cynthia Domestic Gray 16 1/2 years 05/07/00 Rickey
Cynthia Golder Retriever 01/15/97 Patsy
Cynthia Jane or CJ German Shepherd 04/24/02-01/29/15 Kimberly Housni
Cynthia Rottweiler 05/22/88-08/24/00 Lori Rizzitano
Cynthia Rottweiler 09/02/01-12/01/12 Alistair & Amanda Hill
Cynthia Schnoodle 9 years 09/03/11 Michelle & Elena
Cypher Mixed Cat 10/93-09/01 Bill Knispel, Donna Knispel, Veronica Knispel
Cypress ALH Black and White Cat 13 years 05/25/01 Bonnie
Cypress German Shepherd Mix 05/94-08/30/06 John and Shari
Cypress Mastiff/Shepherd Mix 10/12/93-02/17/04 Richard and Pamela Weissman
Cypress Pit/Lab Mix 01/12/92-09/10/06 Josie Ruggirello
Cyprian Moine Albino Ferret 08/21/10 Marcella Moine
Cyra Doberman 11 1/2 years 02/25/05 Laura Thon
Cyrano Cat 08/15/77-10/29/98 Anne and Bob
Cyrano Cat 10/00 Deb Schab
Cyrano Cat 12/26/05 The McAlee Family
Cyrano Dachshund 10/23/95-02/19/09 Cecilia
Cyrano Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/23/94-02/21/07 Heather Serratt
Cyrano Domestic Shorthair Cat 09/26/86-04/02/99 Diane G. Finley
Cyrano Golden Lab/Shepherd Mix 14 years 02/20/98 Frank Evans and Ann Evans
Cyrano Golden Retriever 11/24/99-08/17/10 The Bush Family
Cyrano Greyhound 06/03/98-01/26/11 Kimberly
Cyrano Half Lab/Half Great Dane 02/14/01-07/14/08 Michele Whitaker
Cyrano Shepherd/Golden Lab 07/04/88-02/12/98 Frank Evans
Cyrano Smooth Fox Terrier 14 years 03/08/98 Margaret
Cyrano Tabby Cat 1994-06/13/09 Sean & Rita
Cyrano Tuxedo Cat 02/19/94-02/17/09 Renata Dean
Cyress Glenwood Moose Chocolate Lab 6 years 07/18/06 Eric and Cassie
Cyril Black Squirrel 6 1/2 years 12/04/00 Cindy Ellen Morgan
Cyril Brown Hooded Rat 28/03/03-10/03/05 Graham
Cyril Burmese Mix Cat 7 years 12/04/05 Barbara, Austin, Dylan
Cyril Crow 1/2 year 08/05 Sara, John, Lucy, Eric, Scott and Matt Tindall
Cyrius American Bulldog 08/18/09 Barb Oneil
Cyro Yellow Lab 10 years 03/05/03 Sue
Cyrus (aka Mooshee) Black/White DLH Cat 09/01/87-05/10/03 Kathy E. and family
Cyrus aka Mooshee Cat 09/01/87-05/10/03 Kathy Emami and family
Cyrus Black Domestic Long Hair Cat 07/15/00-06/01/16 Anastasia Shortridge
Cyrus Border Collie Mix 11/28/97-09/22/00 Jeremy Emyl Mom Dad
Cyrus Boxer 5 years 10/13/07 The Murnahan and King Families
Cyrus Cat 08/01/89-04/01/06 Anna Bates
Cyrus Cat 12/26/94-12/05/04 Scott, Karen, Lisa, and Michelle Johnson
Cyrus Collie X 01/02/95-25/02/11 Ian Martin
Cyrus Common Rock Dove (Pigeon) 20 years 12/2002 Elaine Howell
Cyrus Doberman 03/01/02-09/21/11 Bradford Hutchinson
Cyrus English Bull Terrier Cross Rottweiler 04/27/02-03/20/05 Hayden & Rebecca
Cyrus English Mastiff/Rottweiler/Shepherd Mix 02/27/03-08/01/11 Leslie
Cyrus Gray Tabby 10/95-11/06/96 Amy L. Blain
Cyrus Green Iguana 11 years 01/08/07 Elaine M. Wheeler
Cyrus Labrador Service Dog 09/11/01 World Trade Center
Cyrus Lennon Chocolate Lab 14 years 09/20/15 Carrie Lennon
Cyrus O'Brien Staffy 7 years 21/07/08 Dee O'Brien
Cyrus Paulak Border Collie 10/30/00-12/31/13 Don and Connie Paulak
Cyrus 'pretty' Neo-Bullmastiff 04/21/04-01/19/14 Natasha & Forrest
Cyrus Rottweiler 02/23/96-01/06/05 Lesley
Cyrus Rottweiler 06/21/00-02/02/08 Kerri Fogh
Cyrus Shar Pei 3 years 12/06/01 Beth A. Berk
Cyrus Siamese Cat 02/06/04-01/15/11 Sarah
Cyrus The Great King of Kings Great Dane 08/09/15-01/05/21 Nicola Cutler and David Fox
Cyrus Tonkinese Cat 03/17/90-06/04/04 Sue Lester
Cyrus Wadsley/Nielsen Boxer/Pitbull 06/13/98-09/02/11 Heidi Wadsley / Shawn Nielsen
Cyrus Yellow and White Striped Long Hair Cat 6 years 10/19/08 Brenda, Chris, Neo, Gaia, Fionna
Cyruss German Shepherd 04/12/07-06/17/07 Ellyn Fairchild
Cysco Terrier Mix 10 years 05/16/07 Randy and Lori
Cyzar Boxer 10/01/98-01/22/07 Leslie
Czar (Beans) Tuxedo Cat 07/04/02-01/30/12 Sarah & Aaron
Czar 09/25/81-06/14/94 Kris Short
Czar Akita 11/30/95-01/03/10 Celeste Dixon
Czar Akita Mix 09/01/00-12/07/13 Kris Stack
Czar Choc. Lab 10 years 07/02/11 Gail Feliciant
Czar Cocker/Terrier/Dachsund 12 years 08/21/99 Laura
Czar English Mastiff 02/92-03/21/00 Linda and Don
Czar German Shepherd 14 years S. Stack
Czar Nicholas the Great III Samoyed 06/07/83-09/29/97 Lynn and Hilda Sluder
Czar Poleo Rottweiler 8 1/2 years 10/27/10 Kristen Poleo
Czar Quarter Horse 31 years 04/13/93 Eileen Dubay
Czar Red Doberman 03/07/98-02/06/03 Sharonk
Czar Rottweiler 02/15/08-03/21/08 Cassandra Wilton
Czar Rottweiler 12/13/95-04/21/05 Barry and Sue
Czar Rottweiler 9 1/2 years 10/01/99 Carin
Czar Siberian Husky 04/30/89-08/22/05 Andrea
Czar Siberian Husky 10 years 03/23/04 Sandra & Edward Bricka
Czar Silver Persian Cat 05/27/02-11/05/02 Latassa Lee
Czara German Short Hair 03/02/91-02/11/05 Sandra K. Sund
Czarina Cat December 1994 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Czarina Golden Retriever 13 years 02/2001 Carrie Volden
Czarina Grey DSH Cat 10/12/11 Brian and Katie Finck
Czarina Natasha German Shepherd 04/15/98-02/26/99 Marta Pipe
Czarina Tabby Cat Brown W/Black Stripes 02/24/94-08/24/97 Debbie Carden
Czarle Kisses Chihuahua 01/22/95-05/24/08 Kathy Williams
Czarna Black Lab 10/14/95-06/03/09 Kristin & Steve Filce
Czarnuszek Cat 2 1/2 years 05/28/04 Monika
Czarny (Charny) Doxie Mix 05/92-05/02/04 Carol Kuranda
Czarny Black Hair Doxie Mix rescued 02/93-05/02/04 Mingy
Czarny Cat 02/25/11 Iwona
Czarny Doxie Mix 05/02/04 Carol Kuranda
Czee Cat 10/10/16 Ilse Mercer
Czeke Domestic Shorthair Cat 07/25/95-07/26/02 Lori McGee
Czonka Britney Spaniel 07/22/01-04/10/09 Matt, Alicia, Shanell, Taylor and Afton Jackson
Czonka Sheepdog/Chow Mix 14 years 07/11/00 Peggy S. Bailey
Czorina Arabian Mare Horse 21 years 05/03/10 Lisa