M-M Rough Enough, 05/10/00-04/17/09
Delivered into the arms of the angels, you were the most selfless, faithful companion a living being could hope for. I miss you terriably.
Sarah Fung
Mabel, 17/14/03-05/08/09
Mabel, We will always love you! I'll have a ball for you when we cross the Bridge!
Frank and Lori Woodbury
Mabel Ann, 11/22/01-04/17/09
Mommy's baby Mabel Ann, I miss you so very much.
I loved you from the first moment I saw you. I am thankful that we had
almost seven years together.
You brought so much joy and love to my life.
They were the best years ever! You were my best friend and my life.
Mommy doesn't know what she will do without you but I am glad that you
are not in pain anymore.
Please forgive me, I couldn't let you suffer any longer. I never wanted
to let you go.
I would give anything to see you, touch you or talk to you one more time.
You were the best girl, so smart and loving and so pretty. The most beautiful
girl in the world!
I miss our walks, our dinner, car rides and bedtime.
My life is not the same without you but my sweet girl, we will be together
Wait for me.
I love you and I will never forget you.
Love always,
Mac, 05/29/94-07/10/07
My Dear Sweet Mac, It has been two long years since you passed on to the Bridge. I miss you so very much. I will love you so much. Someday we will be together.
Miss You Baby
Mac, 05/01/90-05/31/09
Mac was the best kitty and I miss him so much. Mac had
the best sense of humor and was my friend, playmate and bed buddy.
He always seemed to know when I needed comfort, especially during his last
evening with me. He let me know that it was okay for him to go. I will
love him forever.
Susan Berry
Mac, 05/2009
Dear Mac, you were so sweet to us, a kind and gentle soul
who always lifted our spirits. Someone described you as a little sage in
a cat's body.
You once amazed a vet who told me she loved to stare into your peridot
green eyes because you looked back at her for as long as she looked at
you, gazing into her soul with your sweet spirit.
She said she loved to take time from her work to pause at your cage that
day just to look at you.
Years later, your courage in your last illness, your patience and restraint
despite all the pills you had to take, the tests, inspired us and all of
your doctors.
You are sorely missed, and our hearts are broken at your leaving us in
body, but Jim and I and your brother Lance will go on knowing your spirit
is still here.
Know that your mommy and daddy and brother will never forget you.
Love always, Diana
Mac, 03/17/09
Will miss you little man...
William Adams
Mac, 05/10/00-03/20/09
To our little dude Mac
You came into our lives as a rescue, but it was you and your sister who
rescued our hearts, teaching us the true meaning of unconditional love.
We only knew that you had that nasty liver tumor for a week, but you were
a happy, funny, playful and, most of all, loving boy up to the minute we
dropped you off for your surgery.
Everyone who ever met you felt your love.
We miss you and will never forget you.
Mama, Daddy and Cassie
Mac, 01/30/09
Mac was a beautiful Maine Coon that my husband brought back from Canada to me. I love him so much. My heart if breaking. I miss the way he jumped on my shoulder and the feel of his fur when he rubbed his face up against my face. I am sure that I will see him again someday. My beloved Mac I will miss you and love you forever.
Lisa Todd
Mac, 03/2006-12/31/08
mac was the light of our life, he was so funny, smart, sweet, cute, and just came into our lives and rocked our worlds, and losing him is like losing a child, so mommy, daddy, brothers, and sister miss you baby, and well see you again.
love mommy
Mac McDoogle, 09/27/91-07/06/08
Mac McDoogle, we love and miss you everyday. Thank you for being our guardian angel. Kisses and hugs we love you sooooo much!
Amy, Mommy, Maura, Colleen, and Pop
Mac Tillinger, 10/10/94-12/16/08
I hope I will meet up with you again my friend. You are missed terribly.
Amy Tillinger
MacArthur aka Mac, 11/07/96-01/27/09
Words cannot express our sorrow at your loss. However, the joy that you gave us for the past 12+ years will live in our hearts forever. Your memories will always be with us. We know that the Rainbow Bridge is very lucky to have you there.
Bill and Mary-Ellen
Macca, 01/25/96-07/05/08
I miss my darling big red boy
Coralene Hobden
MacDuff Scott, 11/31/94-02/13/09
He was my best friend for 14 years. Funny, naughty, smart, obstinate, and the best pet I have ever had. I will miss him every monent of every day until we meet again.
Lana Scott
Macho, 02/12/09
My memories of u...are many....my thoughts countless,
my feelings boundless, my love for you..IMMENSE. You touched my life in
a way no can and no one ever will because only you are capable of selfless
love. Since you have gone..my life seems to have come to a standstill...yes
people love me and yes they are around me...but my eyes search for that
one angel...who was always there...who I took for granted..Who I thought
was going no where... I look for you Macho... just one lick from you would
make me alive again. The bond we shared was more than what a mother and
son would share...when u went it felt as though someone ripped my womb
out. I don't care if people don't understand our love ..it doesn't matter
as long as we both know what we meant to one another. This world has a
habit of questioning everything but our bond is beyond all questions and
Unfortunately I come from a breed which is nothing but selfish. We make
big claims, we talk of great virtues but if we could just learn to love
selflessly from your breed.. life wouldn't be as complicated and a sham
as it is today. You have been my shadow for 11 years... and suddenly it's
as if have lost my own reflection.
When the sun shines I know your up there somewhere basking in it...when it snows I know your showering me with your love..you loved the snow and the rain. One thing you taught me was to love but I can't do it without you. I don't know in what form or way you can prevail in my life now..I don't know the parameters of that world...I just know that to go on I need your presence in my life in someway. I know your watching over me and I feel safe knowing that your there probably fighting with my destiny to keep me happy because that's what you always did...make me happy
Yes I screamed at you and we had our run ins daily but that was us..it was our relationship and I miss it. I miss looking at you chocolate brown eyes every morning.. I miss your bark every time the posts arrives..you charging down those steps like you were on some rampage..full of life and all I have now is pictures of you and a few strands of your hair that get me by each day promising me that sometime soon you will find me and let me know that your okay and that you love me and that you are with me all the time. I need that reassurance to live. I need to know that you feel safe up there and loved. I need to know you get your apples every day. You never went anywhere without me..I need to know why this time it deemed right for you to take this journey on your own. You didn't look afraid but I need to know from you that you are not scared. Every time I see another dog jumping and playing I see you because that is what you taught me...love. There was one person on this earth who saw no flaws in me, to whom my mistakes were non existent...one person who only saw goodness in me and loved me no matter what and that was YOU....Macho.
Even now I have to shake myself out of my soul to remind
myself that you are gone. I don't feel safe anymore. When the doorbell
rings, when its lonely and dark...you were always there. It gets cold at
night without your warm breathing near my bed. I don't hear the lapping
of water in the middle of the night. I used to get irritated most nights
when you would clink your bowl for water and now I just hope and pray that
you would just wake me up like this again but now I know it's gone. You
have taken a major chunk of me with you and left a major chunk of you with
me. I don't know if this pain will diminish with time...I don't know if
I will truly get over the fact that my little boy will not be filling my
life with his silly antics and quirks. I feel you in everything. Your memories
are in every corner of the house. All those holidays we went together ..all
those times we celebrated your birthday's. You would be quiet till everyone
sang your birthday song and then started scaring the wits out of the kids
after the song was over. You were special to so many people. I still remember
people refused to come to our locality because you lived there. You terrorized
them didn't' you?...but yeah you made me feel safe made everyone feel safe
when the lights went every Thursday. That was the power of your presence.
You spread love in everybody's life you touched. People felt privileged
to be friendly with you. Do you remember at the kennels you would not allow
anyone close to you except for two girls. They felt so special.
You My baby took care of me...showed me so much love that today I can proudly
say that I have been loved by someone to eternity...I know up there you
worry for me when I cry...I know you want to see me happy and smiling and
I will for you.
Even in your last days you tried to keep me going...you
kept giving me strength and kept looking at me in a way saying that its
going to be okay. When you would not eat and my face would fall in disappointment
you would come closer and let me feed you it all. You ate from my hands
for two days maybe that was your way of saying goodbye. You stayed strong
till bittu came so that you could hand me over. In the last two days you
kept looking at the sky every time we took you out and then looking at
me and when I panicked you would look up at the sky and then look at me
in a peaceful way . Thank you for giving me that sign..it helped me to
know that you were ready. It made me make the right decision.
That night of 11th feb 2009 was the most scary yet symbolic night of our
lives. Scary because we knew you were leaving us...symbolic because it
epitomized the love and bond between the human and canine breeds. We all
knew what was to come yet we held on strong trying to protect each other
from pain. Trying to smile and hold each other...seeing the pain in each
other's eyes as the time came closer. I remember placing my hand on you
head and assuring you that if you were in pain I would take it away...and
for once I did a selfless act...I let you go but tell me I just did it
once ....for once I thought of you...thought of being selfless....and its
killing me every day....Tell me my little boy how did you do it for 11
years...how were you so selfless for 11 years?? I look up at the sky every
day the way you did in your last days...hoping and wishing that one day
you will give me a sign....
I got that sign...thank you for giving me that sign...thank you for letting
me know you love me and you care... I can't explain the feeling of your
loving touch on Friday morning 27th feb 2009 at :05:50 am..you knew for
me to believe that sign I had to be awake...Thank you for coming and touching
me when I was awake...so that I would not question or doubt it...The way
you touched me from head to toe filled me with a feeling of immense love.
It is a feeling I can't express in words..it can't be defined
... I love you Macho and I strongly believe that you are happy but please
keep coming to me whenever you can and make me aware of your presence like
you did this Friday...I need you to be there always because your love will
heal me and always guide me and be my strength.
Rest in peace my son...knowing that I will be with you in due course...I'm
not scared of death anymore ...at the cost of sounding silly, I look forward
to embracing death when my time comes because I look forward to being with
We have an apple for you almost every day....I just wish I could touch
you one last time and hug you.... but I know I will...eventually!! I love
you Son... Bittu loves you a lot and as usual she is playing the rock...
she is hurting too ... heal her Macho...We both love you to eternity and
Macho ............ WE MISS U!!!
Shilpa and Bittu Kashyap
Macho Gleason, 02/20/09
Macho. our beautiful boy, although you are gone we know
that you are happy playing with your seven brothers in Heaven.
You can do all of the things that you had trouble with in past years.
We miss you terrible but we feel your beautiful spirit
around us and know that you love us.
We miss and love you so much our SWEET baby and look forward to being with
you when GOD decides it is our time to join you.
Linda and Dawn Gleason
Macie, 06/24/09
My littlest angel passed away after a battle with kidney disease. I will mourn her for the rest of my life. She was so very special and helped me to become a better person.
Rest in peace my baby girl.
Debra Krassner
MacIntosh, 03/15/99-03/28/09
Such a good boy and so much loved
Mihchael Saunders
Mack, 04/28/95-06/06/09
My little old man, Mack, died June 6. He had been fighting congestive heart failure the past several weeks. I knew the end of his great little life was coming soon, but I was persuaded by the vet just that morning to give some heart medicine a few more days. But in a fit of his usual stubbornness, he decided he was going to try to climb the basement stairs. While he was doing that, he apparently had a heart attack, fell a few steps and he never regained consciousness.
For more than nine years, Mack has been a huge part of my life. He's put up with two crazy canine siblings, two human girls, two moves, roommates, boyfriends, illnesses and my often long work hours.
I adopted Mack in February 2000 as a companion dog for Archie, my westie. Archie needed a friend after his big brother, Baxter, a Scottie, died in 1999. Arch had grown up with Baxter, and I could tell he seemed withdrawn without another dog around. So, after a few months, I started watching for a terrier at the Nebraska Humane Society.
That's when I found Mack. I probably know more about Mack than the usual adoptive pet. He was a cairn terrier born April 28, 1995, at Tully's Kennels in Omaha. His name was Buddy when he was turned into the humane society by his first family at about age 5. He was let go, according to humane society records, because he didn't get along with the second dog the family adopted. He was constantly marking his territory. He chased cars. And he would get out of the house and run - very fast - away.
The Nebraska Humane Society, like many, requires you to bring in other dogs to make sure they're compatible with the one being adopted. Archie and Buddy hit it off and were quickly running around and playing.
I didn't want to keep his name as Buddy, though over the years I'd call him Buddy Mack, I guess because of the Sheryl Crowe song. I settled on Mack because he always seemed to run into me "like a Mack truck."
Don't get me wrong. I had my share of issues with him. Just 30 minutes after bringing him home from the humane society, he slipped out the side door, and it was three long Omaha city blocks before I caught up with him. He made his share of messes in my house. But I think it was because he played second fiddle to Archie, a more outgoing and active dog than Mack.
When Archie died in June 2001 of a liver disorder, it was just Mack and me. One of my early memories of "just us" was Sept. 11, 2001. I was working nights for Omaha.com, The World-Herald's Web site, and was fast asleep at 8:30 a.m. when several people started calling me about the planes hitting the World Trade Center. I quickly went into work, leaving Mack home for almost 12 hours until I could get home again. Mack was waiting for me at the door. Not a mess in sight. He just wanted to eat.
Eating was one of Mack's favorite things. Anyone who met him would attest to his, uh, girth. He was a big boy when I adopted him, and he stayed that way until the final weeks of his life, when he lost about 9 pounds because of anemia caused by the congestive heart failure.
The way to his heart was through his stomach. He loved watermelon. Then again, he loved just about any food, but I tried mostly to give him vegetables and fruits. He didn't really like Tom, my partner of four years, until Tom figured out that Mack liked popcorn.
Mack had his share of health issues through the years. He had eye and ear allergies. On a late-night walk once, he apparently decided to eat something that made him deathly ill. He spent four days in an animal hospital only to come out better than ever. And just days after moving into a house I had built in Omaha, we found out he had bladder stones. And yet he bounced back.
For the three months Mack and I lived alone in an apartment in Wichita, he loved walking in the mornings through Central Riverside Park. He used to stare at the animals in the little zoo enclosure just across the river from our apartment. When we moved to the east Wichita house, I tried to keep up our walks.
Mack liked *everyone* and *everything*.
He was happy to be my only dog, but I still felt the need to have a second dog. He put up with Stella, a miniature dachshund, only because he had to. She, at least, made it a habit of cleaning his ears. And more recently, he grew to at least tolerate Dougal, a black cairn I adopted in February 2008.
Dougal brought something out of Mack I hadn't heard much: the ability to bark. Only when Mack was startled or wanted to be let back in did he ever bark, and usually only once or twice. Dougal ended that. His incessant playfulness must have driven Mack to discover he had a barker and for the past year or so, Mack voiced his feelings more than ever.
One of the things I'll miss most: He loved to lie on his side and get tummy scratches. And if you quit, he let you know he wanted more by rubbing his face with his paw.
Mack was the last connection to my "old" life. But he made the transition so much more bearable and we were both better, I think, that we found each other that February morning.
Jeff Butts
Mack, 01/02/95-05/27/09
Today, I had to say goodbye to my best friend Mack. He was such a special friend and every bit a family member. He was the best gift my husband ever bestowed on me. He definetely had a personality all his own and he loved us just as much as we loved him. Mack survived being hit by a car at 1, a enalrged prostate surgery at 10, and then after a long life of epilepsy we believe he lost all body mobility to a neurological problem today at 13 1/2 years old. It was very hard to see him at the end so full of heart yet stuggling to even get up. His seizures became worse and finally his hind legs gave out. The tough part is you are never sure if they are really suffering because they will withstand all the pain just to be with you. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life by letting him go. He was such a huge part of my everyday life and I love him so much. I pray we made the right choice for him and I know he is at peace but it doesn't stop the hurting nor the lonliness of his non- prescense. I miss you "Mack" and I love you so much. I promise when the pain eases I will concentrate more on the happy memories you left rather than the sadness of you being gone. He was a happy dog and no matter the cost or medical bills he was worth a hundred times more just to spend another day with him. Rest in Peace Mack. Mommy
Mack, 06/27/92-11/29/08
We got Mack a a puppy.
He was too big to be a show dog so we took him.
He was so much fun.
He and one of our other dogs, Smudge, would both run after a toy that we
threw and they would both carry it back.
He was such a good boy.
When we let him go over the Rainbow Bridge he was 16 1/2 years old.
The poor guy couldn't see well or hear well and he was senile.
He would get himself "stuck" in corners or in the rungs of chairs.
Then his back was hurting him. I took him to the vet and she just looked
at him and I knew it was time to let him go.
It's so hard to lose someone that we loved so much, I cry as I write this.
I hope Mack knows how much we loved having him as part of our family.
God Bless you Mack, have fun now, until we meet again.
Judy Hartman
Mackie, 02/08/95-03/29/09
Off to the agility field in the sky. Hup, girl!
Sue MacDonald
Maco, 03/04/09
Maco was my best friend. We walked ,we played all the time. I love and miss him very much. Maco we will all miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again at rainbow bridge when that day comes.
Shirlee Pilling
Macon Kuziak, 09/01/92-06/05/09
We Love You
Mom & Dad
MacTavish, 09/21/92-05/02/09
Tavi was a gentle breeze, a sweet whisper in our lives, and one of God's great gifts. We hope to see him again one day. heaven is surely blessed with his presence.
Gary & Phyllis
Macy, 05/30/09
Macy was taken from me quickly and suddenly with illness. She was a beautiful dog that gave me a sense of purpose. I am a disabled man, and Macy dutifully protected me and gave me me great joy, her companionship and whimsical nature will be sorely missed. The house is so quiet and empty without you, Macy girl. My tears and heart break have yet to ease, but I am honored that I was by your side when you left this earth. You were the best, my sweet friend, I will love you forever.
Macy, 06/11/03-04/10/09
We are missing you so much dear Macy. You were the light of my life. Since the first time I laid eyes on you in the shelter, you had my heart. I can't believe we didn't have more time together...especially after you survived the cancer. I hope that you are at peace and that one day we'll be reunited.
Mia Wyatt
Macy, 20/08/08
"Macy-All Westie to the End"
You were always there with a smile and lick when I was sad.
You were at the garage door every night when I came home...wagging your
tail, making your happy growl, ready to pounce on my ears with flying tongue
and little nips.
You were always ready for walk to share a sunny day.
At night you snuggled on our pillows to protect us, while we slept.
We watched you chasing rabbits in your sleep and you nestled under our
blankets when it was cold keeping our toes and yourself toasty warm.
As a puppy you chased balls and played so many games that made us smile.
You mooched food from me and taught me to be generous.
You let the kids dress you in doll clothes and made me laugh.
You kept all the visiting younger dogs in line.
You gave us love no matter the situation.
Even at the end with your life slowly fading away...you taught us how to
be brave and continue to live our lives with dignity and happiness.
Your 12 years with us made our lives that much better.
Sleep well our little friend because "all good dogs go to heaven"?
and you are certainly there now with little angel wings living the life
of plenty.
Have fun in heaven where the rabbits are slow and treats overflow.
May all your meals be filled with yogurt, butter toast, cheese, pizza,
spaghetti and chicken.
I pray that our paths will cross again so we can stroll along heavens paths
together again.
Good bye my little friend, you will be remembered and missed, with fond
tears in our eyes and a warm feeling in our hearts.
Mike Platz
Macy, 02/21/09
we had many years with macy and she went to soon and we all will miss her everyday
Patricia Pratt
Macy Moon, 10/18/97-02/21/09
macy you were the best dog anyone could ask for,the unconditional love you had for us,we miss you so much especially the way you would squeek trying to howl with your two sisters sadee and shakia,they miss you too.we will see you again some day.love you and miss you bye girl.
Susan and Troy Joanette
Macy Roggin, 02/20/09
to our macy,it was 3 weeks ago we lost your brother dusty,but it was time,your mom and dad and brothers and all of us love you.this is grandma saying,you were loved.now get out of here and go see the family!
Tina Ruggiero
Mad Max, 01/04-06/15/09
Maxwell,(in a deep excited voice,your tail wagging extending your belly out for a rub)!
Max my friend I will miss you. Our time together was so short and you were so misunderstood before you found me.You just needed someone who could love you past your growl and insecurities. I wish we had more time. Wait for me and I promise we'll share that beer i always promised when you hit remission. Extra bellyrubs coming when i get there if you promise to smile for me. We will be together again someday buddy until then hold on to my socks for comfort and I will see you there!I love you and always will!
Tim Spencer
Madam, 06/29/09
Madam was the heart of hearts.
She filled the world with her huge presence.
She was a small song bird with a big song to sing while she was here.
Her song is silent now but it will be heard forever in our hearts.
Ruth Ann and Gracie
Madam Guess, 03/17/00-05/24/09
I will miss you, my funny girl! But I know that you are with John now and having a wonderful time. You were chasing your tail one night and at Death's door the next morning. Thank you for all the laughter you brought into my life and all the nights you curled by my head when I was in such deep despair over John's passing. Your comforting purr helped more than I can say Until we all meet again..I'll love and miss you!
Shellie Guess
Madam Xuxa Pugina Branch, 11/30/94-07/04/09
My Xuxa lived for 14 years, 7 months, and 4 days.
She was 104 years old in human years. She was my very best friend and companion.
She was the greatest friend I have every had. I loved her so very much
and she loved me back equally. Xuxa had an insatiable appetite. It was
the hardest thing for me to put her down but she had sore and failing hips
and she was having minor strokes that were taking their toll on her body
and health. In her last days, I would help her get up, walk next to her
in case she fell, and held her up so she could squat and use the bathroom
comfortably. It was terrible to watch her health decline. My life has a
void and my heart is heavy but there will be comfort in knowing that I
was so lucky to have her in my life and she was lucky to have a daddy that
loved her so much and took such good care of her.I have not made it one
day without shedding a tear or two for my baby. Her husband, Bandit, is
having a very difficult time since she has passed. She is missed and will
always be missed. I love you Xuxa.
Rick Branch
Madame, 05/20/97-06/18/07
You will be missed.
Laura Russell
Madame Chung Kai Shek, Sparky, 04/22/94-04/24/09
Royalty by Birth, Friend by Nature, Queen by Appointment.
We miss you dear Sparky.
See you on the other side!
Don & Susan Shaw
Madame Gypsy Gwendolyn Rose Lee, 06/19/91-09/12/07
miss you very much my beautiful,brave and loyal madge Love always, Momma, John, and Petunia
Madcat, 05/16/09
madcat my sweet little darling,i miss you so much.
the grief is just unbearable. when you were first diognosed with early
stage renal failure,the avvet told us you probably had about six months
to live.how wrong they were,six more fantastic year's you gave me until
you just became to weak to fight anymore, ill never forget that last glance
you gave me just before you passed,as if you new you time was here. i would
give literally anything to have you back with me now,my heart is aching
so much sweet pea. i will never forget you and pray for the day when we
will be together again.
god bless my little darling,miss you so much.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Madchen, 05/04/94-01/11/09
Goodbye sweet friend. We will miss your kisses, your bright eyes, yes even your barking, your unconditional love, your companionship. We'll miss the way you'd punish with tooth filled kisses upon our return from trips away from you.
You taught us more than you will ever know and your bright soul will always be linked with ours. Forgive us those times when we were not as attentive as we should have been. Know that you were a bright light in our lives even when we weren't as good as you at showing it. Thank you Madchen. GOOD DOG!!!
Mike Erickson, Anne Koopman
Maddie, 12/12/08
My little Maddie,
you were our little 5 lb maltese dog and loved SO MUCH. Little girl.In
your last days your little aged fur face would look up at me with such
sad eyes, I could not break your stare, you were trying to tell me you
HAD to leave, to go with the angels, I know it now but would not beleive
it then. NOW you are there, with the angels, missing your races with Lizzie.
I will ALWAYS miss you, "mommies little girl",Maddison.Love,
your human mommy and daddy, too. How you loved to rough house with him
on the sofa when you were just a pup! Maddie, girl, you were So human!
I will NEVER get over you or forget you in any way.
Please say HI! to your big brothers, Rolfe and Andy and your baby brother, scruffy, let them know we loved them, too.
Love always, Mommy, Daddy and Lizzie
Maddie, 08/02/00-06/16/09
Maddie was our little girl, our practice baby before we
had our human children.
In the six years since she became a big sister, she continued to sleep
on our bed and hold a very special place in our hearts.
She remains our baby girl. Our house and our lives are emptier because
of her passing.
Love you, our Maddie-Girl
Andy, Christine, Matthew, and Connor
Maddie, 07/28/08
God has truly blessed my life with a wonderful husband
and daughter. Maddie was also a gift from God.
Beautiful amber fur and golden eyes that seemed to smile greeted me with
tail wagging every day and somehow made my stress melt.
She was my companion through a terrible time in my life and helped me through
Even when she was on constant pain medication from the bone cancer that
eventually ended her life, she made it her goal to ease my sorrow.
She licked the tears from my face and came up with the energy to put her
ball in my lap. It was like she was trying to trick me into thinking she
was o.k. so I wouldn't worry.
The week we had to let her go, I was pregnant and grieving terribly.
I had a dream about her in which she put her paws on my bed to greet me
happy with her tail wagging.
I feel this was her way of telling me that she was o.k. and finally free
of the pain.
Even in death, she wanted to be sure I was o.k.
I am thankful that I was the person blessed with caring for her for 8 years
or was it her who cared for me?
Tina Stanfill
Maddie, 03/17/09
Maddie...Our little Touchie! Momma, Poppa, and the Gunner man miss you terribly. You were our little girl.
We miss the way you would sleep curled up so tight against us. We miss your love bites on our noses. Gunner misses you playing frisbee with him in the back yard. Please know that you were so loved when you were with us.
We're going to make MaddieLand for you in the backyard going into the trees. You loved running out there so much...chasing the birds, Gunner trying to keep up with you, just to make sure you were safe. He was with you the other morning but he just wasn't quick enough was he? Gunner is so sad without you. I know that you have Kacy watching over us now. She has been great comfort for us.
Our little Touchie you will never be forgotten. You will always live in our hearts. We love you and miss you. Forever our little girl.
Kyle, Sarah, Gunner
Maddie, 01/11/98-01/29/09
We lost our dear Maddie this week to cancer....it happened so quickly. She appeared healthy & happy up until her last 4 days. Last weekend she began coughing; Monday a chest X-ray showed advanced cancer & Thursday we took her to her Dr. to end her pain & discomfort.
She was a very special girl who loved hiking in the woods.....walks on the beach.....trips to Carmel/meeting other dogs.....visits to the Hospital as a Pet Therapist...watching her Aunties play tennis...going to work with her Dad & getting lunch treats from the guys....guarding Auntie Anne & houseguests while they slept.
Most of all, she loved people.
We have so many great memories & she is dearly missed.
We were truly blessed with this little angel.
Patsy Sevison
Maddie Girl Warnick, 07/31/07
My Maddie girl was the sweetest soul!
She touched my life and the lives of all who loved her, and many id.
Her eyebrows were so cute, they gave so much expression to her beautiful
I still love and miss her each and every day.
Katie Warnick
Maddie McClintick, 07/28/06-06/22/09
She was my baby i loved her soo much i loved seeing her smile and her cute face she was my baby i miss her sooo much..
Tara Lynn McClintick
Maddie Nutter, 10/10/97-04/12/09
Go sweet girl and enjoy some rest. You are loyal to a fault always thinking of our comfort You deserve warm golden sunshine, silky soft pillows, bonbons, and limitless kisses.
I'll never forget you and the love you gave me. Your talking, wagging tail, and eager greetings always reminded me that I was so blessed to have a friend like you.
You are a doll, a spotted sweetie I love with all of my heart!
Maddison, 06/05/09
Rest In Peace ...I miss you so...until we meet again...yo' momma loves you...xxx
Berta Spence
Maddox, 04/01/08-03/19/09
I hope maddox and I will be together once god believes its my time to go to heaven. I hope maddy is having the time of his life with all the other cats and pets. I hope he knows he will alwats and forever be in my heart! I love you maddox!
Maddox, 01/29/09
Maddy, you were the joy of our lives, and so worth the
long, wintery drive to Michigan to get you as a puppy. We'll miss you singing
to the Dixie Chicks. We'll miss you dropping the tennis ball in front of
us, telling us it's time to play. We'll miss you sneaking the cat food.
Thank you for being the love of Katie's life. If the driver of that car
had any idea what a special life he or she was taking when they hit you
and sped away. But God sent an angel to tend to you until Katie could reach
you. We lovingly sent you on your way to the Rainbow Bridge, where we know
you'll wait for us to join you later.
We love you, Maddy-Moo. So very, very much. Thank you for being so loveable.
We'll miss you more than anyone could know.
Maddox Gray, 12/12/03-03/07/09
Abby Gray and Jessie Copeland
Maddox Jung, 10/20/05-01/29/08
I love you Maddox. I will miss you. I do have a comfort in knowing you are in the arms of the one who loves you even more than I could ever imagine... So it MUST be a lot. You will forever be my heart, my baby, my Maddox.
Katherine Jung
Maddy, 07/12/09
My little dog, Maddy, was a silky terrier x and was my baby for 14yrs. She was with me before I got married and had kids, she was with me throughout some disastrous relationships and she was with me when I was single.
I used to cop a lot of good natured flak for treating her like a baby. She slept on my bed, she was in my wedding photos, I didn't want her to be lonely when I went to live o/s so I asked/bribed my Dad to come and get her (return trip of 1200kms). I used to have a birthday party for her, she loved chicken and chocolate milk. She was such an important member of my family.
She passed away, at home, yesterday and I am absolutely heartbroken, can't stop crying and feel like there's a hole in my heart. I know that she had a great life, was very indulged and lived to a good age but none of that means anything to me at the moment. She was there for every major milestone in my life and I can't imagine my life without her little face.
RIP my beautiful little girl. You will be forever loved and in my heart.
Maddy, 06/02/03-05/15/09
Our beautiful little Maddy passed away on May 15th 2009. We love him and miss him sooo much. He had so many problems in his short little life and then he got so ill 3 weeks ago that there was no hope for him. We love him sooo much and he will be in our hearts forever.
Beate Saliba
Maddy, 04/09/09
Maddy you were my best friend and you had to leave this
world too soon. I will carry you in my heart until we meet again.
Maddy White, 04/16/00-01/13/09
My precious baby boy (Yorkie - 9 years old)is no longer
with me and my heart aches to see him again.
He was given to me by my mother and he was the best gift of a lifetime.
I can't not have children so Maddy was my boy, he went with me everywhere.
I miss him so very very much.
He was my best friend, my everything.
He was always by my side and I will forever miss him until I see him again.
Kathy White
I never thought about having a pig, but a friend of mine told me that he had a friend who had minature potbelly pigs that he needed to find homes for for free. He said they wouldn't get over about 80-90lbs. So on a rainy November night, he came to my house with a little 1 week old piglet who I named Madeleine. She was litter box trained in a day. She was smart and feisty and completely lovable. She grew into a 250lb not so minature pig. She would lay on a blanket by the fireplace with me and watch L.A. Kings Hockey. And she would sit and beg in the kitchen for food. She lived in the house until she was 4. She was getting too big and was sliding around on the wood floors and I was afraid she would hurt herself. So she had a house built out in the backyard. She liked to lay out and sunbathe during the day and bury herself in shaving in her house at night. She always had a snork to throw my way when I went out the back door. And she loved her bellyrubs. She started losing her appetite about 6 months or so ago and rapidly lost weight and ended up with failing kidneys at at the end, had a hard time keeping on her feet. But she tried. Today I took her to the vet so she could be out of pain and go to the Rainbow Bridge. I hope she finds Udo, Stella, Sparkle, Binky and Sancho and especially Max, so they can chase each other like they did when they were both young. I love all of my animals, but Maddy will always have a special place in my heart and I hope to one day see her again. Becky and I will always love you Maddy.
Madeline, 06/29/09
I love you Madeline, my dogbaby.
You are everything.
I cant believe youre not with me anymore.
I love you so much mooley.
Madeline, 04/02/09
My sweet Madeline passed on April 2, 2009.
She was my angel for six years.
I adopted her, but it was really her who rescued me.
She saw me through a divorce and other failed relationships, always being
there to give me kisses while I cried.
She was a quiet, constant presence when I struggled to get sober, and our
relationship grew even stronger.
She was my best friend and accepted me completely.
I miss her so much and see her face everywhere I look.
I am adopting a new dog, and I feel like Madeline's spirit will live on
through my new companion.
I pray that I will see her again someday.
Rachel Matthews
Madeline, 03/01/05-03/15/09
My most beutiful Maddie. Those beautiful cat eyes and that classic face. How mommie adores you. FIP took you before you could even reach your 4th birthday with your sister, Patty Ann. You fought this most terrible of diseases for many months, what a courageous effort you put up. Mommie couldn't let you suffer anymore, Maddie, because when the fevers start it causes to much pain. You will be missed so deeply by all of us and you will never be alone because mommie has you in her heart forever. I love you sweet, dear, baby.
Cappi Duncan
Madeline (Maddie), 09/01/98-02/23/09
Our beautiful Maddie,
Yesterday a rampant infection took your life.
How we all loved you so much.
You were our child, you were a sister to our kids, you were part of our
family, you were everyone's best friend.
Things just will not be the same without you.
Our tears do not stop flowing.
How will we all go on without you?
You lit up our lives and brought so much joy to our home.
Oh Maddie-you spoke to us in your last moments.
The strangest sound.
I know you were using all your strength to lift your head up and talk to
us to say good-bye.
You did not even have the energy to wag your tail.
Actually-you never really wagged your tail-you wagged your entire beautiful
lab body.
Sweetheart-we will always love you and miss you for the rest of our lives.
We need you baby.
We hope you were not in too much pain at the end-we did not mean for you
to suffer-Just one more kiss...we love you Maddie
Nanci Dobkin
In tribute to Madeline Jayden Cox - my beautiful little girl. The most precious little gift from god. To my baby-I love you so much and miss you even more, my heart hurts for you. You were not here long enough but for me I would have kept you here forever. Your Mommy and Daddy hold you close to our hearts and prey that you visit us often. You may not be here in body, but you will always be in our hearts. I love you little girl and I look forward to the day for us to reunite and continue our journey together side by side.
Madeline Henry (Maddie), 07/01/09
You were such a trooper all your life facing one problem after another.
You did it with such grace and dignity and I was always such a proud mom.
I laugh when I think about how naughty you could be as a puppy and how
quiet, sweet and loving you were as a grown up girl.
You were the most beautiful lab in the world.
You put up with Jake and all of his noise, and you never complained.
You were always so laid back and patient with him unless it came to food.
You dominated the eating routine everyday of your life.
Jake knew you were the boss in that area.
Jake misses you as much as I do and we will never be the same without you.
You were my best girl and his best sister.
I know you can walk and run now, and someday we will walk again together.
Be happy, be free.
You made my life so very very happy.
Maddie's Mom
Madi - Madison Shay LaRue, 06/01/09
Doggest of Dogs.
John and Anne Schlichter
Madie, 06/20/09
She was the sweetest dog ever and will be terribly missed.
Madie Gibbs & Sadie Gibbs, 07/06/09
god i miss them
Madison, 04/04/00-07/15/09
Our dearest Madison... You helped me raise Brendan to
be the fine young man he is today.
You were the foundation of our home, our comfort and our joy.
You were our rock and never did we think you would ever get sick.
Your sweet affection and tenderness are painfully missed.
Rest in peace, squiddy, and know how much you are loved and how terribly
missed you are.
Until we meet again... all our love, Mom & Brendan
Madison, 10/30/01-11/06/08
To my sweet baby girl.
I miss you more than words can say.
I'm so heartbroken that you had to leave me so soon.
Mommie is so sorry that you got so sick, I did everything that I could
for you, including letting you go.
It was a decision that didn't come easy for me.
I hope you are happy with all your new friends.
Till we meet again, Maddie, Mommie loves you forever!
Susan Bifano
Madison, 02/20/09
Madison was a rescue brought from California to ohio. She was a wonderful friend and companion for the time she was here.The time Dave had her was not long enough and I only knew her a short time.Sadly she had cancer and was peacefully sent to a better place where she will run like the wind as she was meant to. She was spoiled to the end which she well deserved after all she had been through
Susan Johnson For Dave Elefant
Madison, 11/26/93-12/26/08
Oh Madison,
We miss you so much monkey.
How very blessed we were to be together over fifteen years.
Not a day has gone by that we do not think of you, talk about you and love
Mommy's heart aches for you, but I know just as we found one another when you were just six weeks old, we will one day again.
When Ron came into our lives and loved you as much as I, I knew we were forever a family.
Irene and Ron
Madison, 02/01/92-02/02/09
To my Constant, my Great Love
You were with me through so many seasons of life...dating, marriage, divorce,
marriage, children, moves, jobs, losses, tears, joy.
Through it all, my Dear Maddie was there.
My constant,
My true,
Never judging
Always loving
I was not ready to say goodbye, but I doubt I ever will.
You were ready, it was your time, and I thank you for waiting for me.
There are so many things to thank you for.
Most of all, thank you for being my love, my companion, my always.
Please be there at the Rainbow Bridge...with your tail
a wagging and I'll have a treat for you.
Until then, I will always love you!
Madison, 01/23/09
You were a beautiful boy and you will rest forever in
my heart.
I think of you every day.
I love you, Boo.
Madison, 07/01/00-01/23/09
You will forever be in my heart.
I'm so sorry we only had 8 years together, but I would not trade those
years for anything.
Momma loves you.
Madison 'Maddie' Flynn-Heilman, 10/12/92-06/13/09
I miss my wonderful little baby, she was the sweetest
and most loving doggie ever.
I was there when she came into this world and i was holding her as she
drifted out.
I love and miss her terribly.
Laura Flynn
Madison Frazier, 02/04/95-04/24/09
Today I say goodby madison. for one day I will see you agin. may you be free of the pain and hurt that you once went through , and now you rest in peace. your loving family ,Robert & patty .
Madison June, 10/30/01-11/06/08
My sweet baby girl. Not a day goes by that I don't think
about you and miss you so much. My heart has been broken since I had to
make the hardest decision of my life. You were so sick and you were starting
to suffer and I hated to see you in such misery.
You will always have my heart forever.
Please know that I did everything in my power to keep you but the powers
that be had another plan for you.
I'll love you forever, till we meet again.
Susan Bifano
Madison Marie, 03/24/96-06/19/09
Have fun with Mocha, Smokey and Buster.
Tell them that we love them and miss them very much.
Madison, you were so special...my angel kitten.
We love you and miss you
Elizabeth & Steven Young
Madison Marie (Bubby Girl), 06/93-02/26/09
Madison was a one in a million dog. She was my best friend. I don't remember life without her. I know she was holding on for me but now she can run and play free from pain. I love you Bubby girl thank you for every snuggle and every kiss. And everytime you eased my pain. There will never be another like you. I will never forget you. You are forever in my heart.
Lesley Nicole
Mady, 02/17/09
Mady was Rita's loving dog who was her best friend and brought her so many joyful days just by being there by her side.
Mady, you eyes showed how beautiful your soul was and
one need only see you to know that you were sent here to make Rita happy
and anyone that met you feel love.
Your loss is one that cannot be said in words but you are out of pain and
that brings Rita a feeling of some relief.
But Rita misses you so much and needs to know that you have reached rainbow
bridge and that you are ok. When you are ready, would you please give her
a sign that only she will recognize.
Rest in Peace Mady. Mady, remember me, I was your neighbor,
I miss you too.
I won't forget you because I can say I loved you for the short time I knew
Bye mady,
Love Always Deena
Mae, 03/05/09
I will remember how you used to lie with your paw covering
your head.
Race again Mae, you are a beautiful runner. You always showed us how fast
you were.
Mae, 02/11/09
My precious sweet Mae told me it was time to go. I could not ask her to stay any longer just for me. She was a rescue Border Collie and had spent most of her life on a dairy farm in La. When I got her five years ago, she was heartworm positive, did not know what toys were and did not know wagging her tail meant she was happy. She had a seizure disorder requiring daily medication and constant vigilence. Mae was the most grateful dog I have ever known. She was loved by everyone who met her and will be missed every day. I held her in my arms and told her good bye and thanked her for everything she has done for me and for blessing me every day of her life with me. I am heartbroken.
Patricia Brock
Maeben, 01/19/09
Maeben found me 10 years ago at the SPCA. It was his last
chance to get adopted before they would put him down. He reached his left
paw out to me and has been my boy ever since. My Handsome Boy will be missed
by his friends Paco and Nina, his aunt Chelsea, Jaimie, Jacob and of course
his mum.
I love you Mister and will miss you everyday.
Maeve, 01/08/09
Maeve was my best friend for twenty one years.
She was with me when nobody else was.
I just can't imagine life without her.
I miss her so much.
Maggi, 16/05/09
Maggi, the day you came into our lives you turned everything
upside down, always into mishief and so full of spirit, sleeping on my
good clothes, eating the cat's food etc i could go on but we loved you
so much because you braught a great energy into our home.Then we lost you
tragicaly at only 9months old, its not fair.
It was a beutiful Saturday morning you were so excited knowing that you
were going for your walk and just wanted to get to the park, you ran outside
and across the road i screamed to you, but then it was to late. I dont
know what was worse knowing that you were already gone or witnessing the
whole thing, it keeps going through my head every day the whole scene the
shock the guilt.
Everyday i greive and ask why did you have to leave this world so soon
when you still had so much love to share and why did you have to die in
such a tragic horrible way, you didnt deserve to leave that way.
I hope one day you will give show me a sign that you are happy and didn't
feel any pain on that fateful day, give us back some of the energy that
has now shifted from our lives.
God rest your little soul my beutiful darling, all my love Mum XX
Maggie -
What a blessing and inspiration you are for all. You are a miracle in fur. We are so thankful for the wonderful gift of faith you have demonstrated for us. Be at peace my dear little sweetums until we are together again.
We love you so much!
Regina & Eric
It was unimagineable that Maggie would be taken from us on this beautiful day, so young and so full of love. She was the world to us. Our baby girl. It was a tragic freak accident that will live forever in our minds forever looking for the answer to WHY? We loved her more than words will ever say. We lost our first dog-ter (daughter), Misty, on May 8, 2007 and could not bear the thought of another dog in her house until Maggie entered our lives on July 25, 2008. (The day the rescue shelter delivered her to us). She brought so much joy back into our lives. Joy that we never ever thought we could feel again. The joy was endless and forever. The pain is deep and never ending. We know she is in heaven with many friends and the memory of her short life will never leave us. We ask for your prayers during this time to help us get through each day, and in turn we also pray for those who are suffering in pain like we are. I thank God for every day He gave her with us.
Maggie, 1999
You were the first dog in our family. Although you were my daughter's dog, not mine, I loved you. I especially enjoyed our walks together. I will remember and love you forever. Fran
Maggie, 06/27/09
You were such a good girl, our Maggie.
We love you so very much and are glad you are no longer suffering.
The Ham Family Holdrege Ne
Maggie aka The Magster, 04/30/00-06/22/09
My dear Maggie.
I loved you from the moment I saw you all curled up in your cubbie at the
You have delighted me and your dad for 9 lovely years.
I'm so sorry to see you move on, even though I know it's the best for you.
Now you won't be sick, you'll be happy and I bet in true Maggie fashion,
you'll be Queen Cat in no time.
We love you.
Mom & Dad
Maggie, 07/16/96-06/04/09
Maggie was the most loving and caring dog, she never had agressive feelings toward anyone or anything she came into contact with her whole life. She came into my life at the age of 10 wks. and her and I saw a lot and did a alot of things together over the past 12 yrs. She is and always will have a special place in my heart.
Lori Stewart
Maggie, 11/22/92-05/15/09
My little angel--I can't wait to see you running strong
and healthy.
You, Baby, and Carey just have a grand time til Mommy gets there, ok?
Maggie, 12/20/00-05/10/09
To our sweet & special Maggie....our "little beggar"...A God given talent:)...it was much to short of time...May you run & frollick with Jesus...can't wait to see you sitting up with Jesus by your side!!We Love you and will meet you again
Chris Ambrose
Maggie, 05/13/09
My last baby passed this morning in the arms of my daughter.
I adopted her as a tiny ball of fur and she was with me through so much.
A sensitive, caring member of my family she was.
We traveled many a road together.
As her time drew near, she no longer could see, hear and nearly couldn't
Her time had come.
Although it broke my heart to see her go, she is so much happier now with
no pain.
This member of my family meant so much to me.
She lay there so trusting and loving only to shut her eyes and never return.
Only five hours have passed since her departure.
I yearn to hold her just once more.
I love you so very much Maggie.
Maggie, 10/25/98-04/23/09
mama loved the baby girl
Maggie aka Dixie, 04/25/09
You were a special cat for my best friends. you were loved and cherished
Maggie, 04/13/09
Maggie darling, we miss you so much...
Mum, Jessica and Mackenzie
Maggie (Nick Name Rooster, Maggie Roo, Maggie Girl), 03/2006-04/11/09
Maggie was given to me as a gift for Mother's day;we always
said she was the best present ever.
My youngest son is 16 and stays on the go and my husband works a very busy
schedule; Maggie filled my world.
She was like a child to me.
We did everything together.
It's like she could read my mind, I would carry on a conversation with
her and she followed me foot for foot.
I looked in those beautiful eyes and I melted.
She was my heart and I will cherish our time together always. I look forward
to seeing her again and I know I will be greeted with unconditionally love.
Randy and Kim Odom
Maggie, 04/09/09
Even now, as I type this, tears are streaming down my face. I will always miss Maggie and she will always hold a place in my heart. i know this sounds generic, but I can't bring myself to think of any memories, as I know I will weep till the end of time. Sorry about that. RIP MAGGIE.
Emil Brandau
Maggie, 02/05/96-03/26/09
Good Bye you beautiful, patient, tender old girl...
Maggie, 03/17/09
Maggie....we know you are feeling so good right now.
We miss you more everyday.
Love you baby.."Be back..promise."
Joanne and Stan
Maggie, 12/02/96-03/16/09
Maggie brought so much joy to us all the years she was
with us. She was our special angle and we will go through life knowing
that she loved us as much as we loved her. We look forward to the day when
we can cross
the rainbow bridge and hold her once again.I will miss you forever. You
were beautiful in every way.
Dean and Emily Stephens
Maggie, 1993-03/11/09
Maggie girl, you brightened our lives for more than 15
Always happy for a walk or an extended petting session.
You fought so long and so well, but while we know that letting you go was
a blessing, it was so hard for us.
You are leaving a big hole in our hearts, though we know you are without
pain and can now run free.
While it was hard, we're glad you and Molly went to the Rainbow Bridge
at the same time - together forever.
We love you and miss you, baby.
Lori Wilson
Maggie, 03/12/06
you were found in a dumpster,just a puppy thrown away, i took you home but you werent good with my other dog so i found you a new home,at that new home they had a party and someone drank to much and hurt you, you didnt make it, i am so sorry maggie please forgive me, i hope you can now find the peace you have always deserved at rainbow bridge, i will never forget you ,you will live in my heart
Maggie, 08/92-03/13/09
Maggie was a very special girl who was loved so much by
her family.
We had her for 16 years and 7 months and we are so thankful to have had
so much time with her.
I will never forget that she loved tomatoes and chicken more than any other
treat you could have given her.
When I came home from work she would be in the window looking for me.
She loved to dig in her bed and get all up under the pillow until it would
fall out of the bed.
I loved her so much and I will miss her every day.
I hope that we will find each other in heaven one day.
Audrey Skopitz
Maggie, 07/14/95-03/06/09
Maggie you shared with me: your strength, passion for
life, and your unconditional love.
We sat together last night and I knew it was time as did you.
You took in to your very last breath love for everything your nose explored!
Noelle Carroll
Maggie, 02/11/09
Maggie, we will miss you so much. You were my best friend and were there for me in so many difficult times. I will miss you most when I garden as you were always at my side. You loved to swim and play catch I hope I see you in heavon
Karen MacInnes
Maggie, 07/15/94-01/26/09
Requiem for a Patterdale
The first thought Oh How Cute
And as I came to know you
How Tough, How Cool!
You brought to my life the wonder
Of you and chasing chipmunks
And digging in the dirt
With mud on your face
Searching always searching
For the next little fuzzy,
Four legged or tennis ball
To rend and to tear.
As you took each day
With bravo and gusto
Head on
Chest out
Tail aloft, always happy
Your nose always working
And when the day was done
To sit by my side
Or at the end of the hunt
To lay on a warm lap,
Tired but happy
That the day was good
You are old now
But still the Brave Heart beats
As it will always beat
Inside of Mine
The day has come
To say Goodbye
You told me so last night.
I hope I am to you what
You are to me
Friend, ever loving and loyal
Never your Master Always my Friend
Companion and Soul Mate
On Earth and in Heaven
Until then my Maggie
Until then..
Love Mommy
AlleyKat's Mad Maggie the Cat
7/15/94 - 1/26/09
Kathy Genuardi
Maggie, 07/23/07
Maggie was such a happy little girl. Her whole bottom
wagged when she greeted you.
She will always be loved and missed.
Mary & Chris
Maggie, 10/04/96-12/16/08
Maggie, 05/93-12/19/08
Maggie you are missed so very much you gave your family
15 years of love and joy. I sit here at night after daddy goes to work
and cry because I will be alone again tonight. I miss your warm body as
you would lay upon my pillow each night, your purring would help me sleep.
Now sleep does not come so easy all that comes are tears. My afternoon
naps are not the same nor is our pink blanket that would keep us warm.
You were my dear friend and for that I will always love you. Rest in peace
my friend. Life will never be the same without you.
Love, Mom
Maggie, 03/30/04-01/07/09
Beloved Maggie-
Your passing was unexpected today, your family mourns you greatly. We know
your at peace now and busy chasing after all those pheasants in heaven.
We will honor your memory, and we will see you again just over the Rainbow
Bridge. We love you and miss you deeply- home will never be the same.
The Hopland Family
Maggie, 04/01/98-01/10/09
I love and miss you so much...sweet Maggie.
You brought such joy and love to my life and so many others.
There will always be a special place in my heart for you.
I look forward to the day we meet again...with endless sweet kisses...all
my love, Courtney
Maggie Fliter, 09/24/96-01/05/09
We had to give our sweetheart back to heaven yesterday.
It was the most difficult decision to have to make, but she is no longer
in pain.
Maggie Pie had a great life , she was loved and cherised by everyone that had the privelege of meeting her.
She will be missed soo much and forever she will be in
our hearts.
We love you Maggie!
Joe & Kelli
Maggie MacAskill Wegmann, 04/13/97-05/03/09
Maggie was such a smart little girl and loved to play,
ride in the car, go for walks, and watch tv.
Her happy little face brought joy to many people, including me.
I will miss her kisses (licks).
What a good companion.
We watched the national news together and I told she could run for polital
office if she only could learn how to talk.
She knew all the information.
Maggie had severe environmental allergies and low thyroid.
She became weak and not interested in eating for several days and then
I rushed her to the emergency vet and tests showed she had a malignant
liver tumor that had begun hemorrhaging. She was bleeding internally and
she had to be put to sleep.
The house is so empty without her and I miss her so much.
I can't stop crying.
Susan Wegmann
Maggie Mack, 05/99-11/14/08
We still love & miss you greatly our big fluffy puppy!
Linda Eakins
Maggie Mae, 01/10/98-05/15/09
We will miss you "little one", our special angel, sent to us in our time of need. You were so SPECIAL and we are missing you so much. Wait for us at the bridge and we will meet you when our time comes. God Bless you Maggie Mae, our sweetheart, you will never be forgotten.
Hugs and Kisses, Daddy and Mommy
Maggie Mae, 10/22/96-04/20/09
The most precious, loving, kissable, huggable Maggie Mae.
You will be missed by so many and you gave us so much love.
God bless you my sweet Maggie Mae Cute Face Cuddle Bug.
You are now with Nana - receiving all sorts of treats!
Love you.
Your 2nd Mommy, Sue
Maggie Mae Tapia, 10/02/05-05/19/09
So sweet, so loved...so missed
Darci Tapia
Maggie May, 05/14/00-05/27/09
What a wonderful companion you were sweet girl. You filled
our lives with so much joy.
We will miss you so much.
Kim and Corey Stevens, Family and Friends
Maggie May, 07/97-04/2009
You were our calico girl Bobo!
The sofest kitty in the whole wide world.
You will be in our hearts forever and will never be forgotten!
We love you and miss terriably!
The McLane Family (Karen, Kevin, & Kevy)
Maggie May West, 05/24/95-05/28/09
It was hard to let you go but we did not want you to suffer.
We miss you!
Kathy West
She was my best friend and was always there for me no matter where I may have taken her. I had her in my life from the time she was 6 weeks old and during her life we moved and lived many places. She was always ready to go no matter where and looked forward to her new adventures in her new places. She loved to be outside and was always ready to go along side of me as I rode my horses. Her little legs were short, but they carried her fast and furious when they had too. She will be forever in my heart and I look forward to the day when I see her again. May she run free now and play from the binds of her aged and weary body. Daddy loves you little girl!
Maggy Mae, 08/92-03/07/09
I will miss you Maggy. You are the light of my life. I will love you forever. Mom
Maggie Mae, 06/19/05
To my special girl, You saved my life.
I miss you every day and know that we
will be together again one day. I love
and miss you boo, love mama:0)
Maggie Mae, 01/07/95-02/11/09
My Maggie gave me 14 yrs of wonderful puppy love. I will miss my baby and love her for ever.
Linda Ross
Maggie Mae, 04/01/99-02/11/09
Everyone who met Maggie wanted to keep her for their own.
She brought more smiles & comfort to people in her 10 short years than
most humans do in a lifetime 8 times that long.
We had only 1 short hour from the time we learned this morning how sick
she was until she died while we kissed and stroked her.
It still seems like a bad dream, but I know God sent her to us for a special
purpose, and that we will see her again.
Pat & Carmen Carella
Maggie Mae Bone, 11/20/94-01/16/09
I miss you baby girl, and you will always be in our hearts. I LOVE YOU!
Lauryn Bone
Maggie Mae Mobley, 01/21/97-01/09/09
Our Darling Maggie Mae,
We know you are in Heaven playing in the beautiful sunshine. We have comfort in knowing that our little baby is no longer sick and you are healthy again. We look forward to the day you are back in Mommy and Daddy's arms again. You are "Our Sweet Angel". Have fun our precious angel. Until we meet at the Rainbow Bridge, know that we think of you each day and your paw prints are forever on our hearts. We love you very much and we miss you dearly.
All Our Love,
Mommy, Daddy and Your Big Sister, Valerie
Maggie Mae Neupauer, 07/11/96-07/01/09
Our beautiful Maggie (Mookie Loo).
Your body gave out on you before your spirit did.
You kept us happy, safe and loved.
Your were a second mommy to our son.
Our girl who only asked for her place on the couch and a blanket to keep
We will miss giving you your butt scratches.
You will be missed and in our hearts forever.
No one could ever ask for a better companion than you were.
Lynnette Neupauer
Maggie Mae Wood, 07/15/98-04/05/09
In loving memory of our Maggie girl. Until we meet again at Rainbow Bridge.
Matt and Carolyn Wood
Maggie Moose Ford, 01/01/97-06/15/09
My big beautiful Maggie.I will always love you. Mommy will miss her gaurd dog. Bud can't find you. Be sweet, Bud will be there soon.
Kathleen Ford
Maggie Singleton, 11/09/94-06/09/09
Maggie was our sweet little girl. We were blessed with her love and affection for 14 short years. We are so thankful to God for sending her to us and we Praise Him for his mercy as she suffered with hip problems for a few years at the end of her days. Our hearts will always have a hole which only Maggie can fill. You will be sorely missed but never forgotten. Until we see each other again with Jesus. All our love, Mom and Dad
Maggie Treolo, 08/24/97-03/23/09
Miss Mag - You will always be with us in our hearts. We will miss your little wags and wiggles. Wish you didn't have to go but I know you were tired and ready. Give Alex a kiss for us at rainbow bridge. Love you forever.
Christine, Brian, Lauren Treolo
Maggie Wedeman, 10/25/97-07/17/09
The most loving and loyal dog ever. She was always by our side and smiled when we came into the room. Everything is so empty now.
Lisa Wedeman
My heart breaks so often during the day and at night I wake up crying,
I'm so sorry we had to part, life is so tough without you, I have a candle
lit all the time and I talk to you often, if I could just snuggle with
you again or if a miracle Could happen, I would love you to be back hear
with me but not as sick as you was, I miss your warmth and your cute little
ears, I will love you forever and thank you for baby sitting mummy for
so many years, we had fun,
Magic, 09/06/94-06/10/09
Dear Magic,
Thank you so very much for teaching us how to love again.
After Laddie died, I didn't think any of us would allow another pet into
our hearts.
Then you came along.
You reminded us of the joy a pet could bring into our lives.
While we are all missing you dearly, we also know that you are no longer
in pain and that you are playing with Laddie and Grandpa, eating all of
the cheese and paper you can find.
We love you, baby.
Mommy, Daddy, Monica, Jeffrey, Jennifer & Matthew
Magic, 05/09/09
You are free at last, just know that you were very well
loved and will be missed.
With love
Uncle Mike
Magic, 04/01/06-05/04/09
My beautiful baby was diagnosed with F.I.P. and had to
be put to sleep.
We all miss Magic so much.
He was a sweet, timid cat who was so special to me.
He and I had a special bond that he shared with no one else.
He brought me love, affection, peace and so much more.
He had been declawed and left in the woods by a family who had moved away
and just left him behind.
I supposedly "rescued" him but really, he rescued me.
I miss him so much and hope one day to be reunited with my baby.
Debbie Ziebert
Magglio, 02/29/09
Magglio was my canine nephew.
He was a kind, sweet dog who had a glow in his brown eyes for his human
friends and dog friends alike.
He was a an art collector and museum curator.
While others pursue these professions in mediums of sculpture, drawings,
paintings or photography, he collected hearts which he embraced to his
own heart warmly.
Magglio is survived by his parents, dear human friends and neighborhood dog friends.
Maureen Brill
Magic, 03/24/98-03/27/09
TO my comfortor, my protector,my cuddler, my BFF. I miss you so!
Kathy Carlson
Magic, 01/95-03/06/09
My magic kitty I am so torn by your unexpected loss. I just cant believe that I will no longer hold you, hear you purr just because I was near you. Have you wrap your little paw around my finger, nuzzle my hair, have to be right next to me at all times. What am I to do with you? We have been through soo much together and you were there to comfort me and make me feel loved. I will miss you forever. I am so sorry you are gone but maybe you are with Lucie--the only animal you ever loved. I love you so much my fatty kitty. I love and miss you, my baby
Magic, 03/14/88-12/31/08
My best friend, my only confident.
I miss you more than words can say.
My days are so empty without you.
Till we meet again, stay safe and wait for me
Magic, 03/05/08-01/04/09
Magic brought such joy and amazing energy to our home. We will greatly miss you, and you will be in our hearts forever.
Walter Ford
Magie Noire (Maz), 07/03/09
my little girl was so amazing i can't even begin to tell or describe her i had the best of both words catdog....almost 17 years of my life was filled with such Loyal, unconditional, committed love from this Cat, from the day i adopted her till the day she took her last look into my eyes. I know i will never find a love like that and i know now God sent her into my life for a reason, she was truly my little furry soul mate. My God and ST. Frances look over my Best Friend until we meet at the bridge one day... I Love you Maz.....Forever
Robert Saenz
Magnolia Gunter, 06/20/91-01/15/08
We miss you Maggie. Your soft warm fur.Laying under my feet all the time. I know you are in heaven now. Thank you for the snow flakes the night you died...the kids knew they came from you because it never snows here. Our new little girl Molly reminds us of you, but she can't catch the ball over her head yet or pretend she can't hear me like you did. Thank you for being loyal and loving and totally mine!
Kim Gunter
You brought so much joy to my life everyday. You comforted me when I needed
comfort and listened when I needed an ear to listen. You were there in
the morning to say goodbye and there waiting to greet me when I came home.
My prayer is that one day I will see you again. I miss you so much and
send a kiss everyday to you. As I would tell you everyday, I love you bud,
you are my puppy dog!
Magnum, 05/27/09
I love you more than you could ever understand..Please forgive me. You were my best friend & the best dog I have EVER known!!
Magnum, 04/07/97-05/13/09
Angela Edmonds
Magnum, 12/98-04/29/09
Magnum, our buddy. We will miss you so very much. Your big brown eyes were the sweetest eyes I've ever seen. It was love at first sight! You are our only son. Daddy picked you out from the litter, because you were so well behaved, even as a 10 week old pup. I'm so glad to have known and loved you for the past 10 years. Lauren misses you, but she's brave. She said last night that if you don't make it through surgery that you would be in Rainbow Bridge with Bobo playing and running. We lost our two best buds almost exactly one year apart. We love you and will miss all your kisses and barks. It will be so lonely without you. Rest in peace big boy! One day we'll all be together again .....
David, Michele & Lauren
Magnun, 05/07/96-05/08/09
Here is a tribute to my wonderful guardian for the last
13 years.
He went through so many life changes with me and always had plenty of love
for me know matter what.
It has been so hard not to have him with me, I am so lost!
Magnus Truong, 04/29/02-05/16/09
Baby dog you are my best friend and I will love you always...You were the JOY in my life. Thank you for all you have given me and know I love you with all my heart.
Michelle Truong
Magoo, 06/05/98-05/04/09
Magoo died today by the river that he loved to walk by. He is survived by his parents, Eric and Kimmie, and dog friends, Meena, and Gemma. I know he is with Spanky and Rocky running around free from pain and happy.
Kim Carlo
Mags, 07/06/09
You will forever live in our hearts. You brought such joy with that happy
smile and your little wiggle tail. We miss you little one and we will see
you at the bridge. Be at rest and know that we love you.
Mom and Dad (Carla and Bill)
Mai-Ling, 07/07/97-05/10/09
You are my soulmate and always will be. I LOVE you Mai-Ling and you will be missed until we meet again and I can put my arms around you and let you know how much you were missed and loved. I am looking forward to that day. I hope you know you were and always will be number one, just like I promised you. Stay with me girl, because I will always be with you. Until we meet again at the Bridge. I LOVE YOU.
Barbara (Babs) L. Gricks
Maija, 04/11/09
Maija entered my life a little over sixteen years ago
when she was just six weeks old.
She was the most beautiful, little bundle of fur I had ever seen.
Maija had the kindest soul and could just make you melt when she looked
at you with her brown and blue eyes.
As a puppy, she loved to dig big trenches in the backyard.
She traveled many miles with me while I was in college and stuck by me
through some very rough patches in my life.
I lovingly referred her as "Momma Dog" after
my daughter was born in 2004. She was such a regal lady even up until the
She was my heart and my best friend.
After a year of rapidly declining health, I had to make a painful decision
to let her go on Saturday.
Even though my heart is broken over her loss, I know she is frolicking
and playing in heaven.
I will never forget you Miss Maija.
Christy Chadwick Bridges
MaiLi (MayLee) , 09/29/00-03/14/09
I love you Ms. MaiLi and miss you so much. I only had
you for 6.5 years, but you were the best little girl to me.
You taught me so much about being strong.
I am not sure why you were chosen to go to Rainbow Bridge so early, but
I am sure it was for something very special, since you were a very special
little girl. Say hello to your brother and sister, you will always be in
heart and I miss you so much.
I miss my fuzzy little girl.... sob...
Addy Talbot
Maisie, 09/03/09
To our beloved little Maisie thankyou for 11 precious years of love,fun and companionship.We miss you so much sweetheart and we know you tried hard to stay with us but is wasnt to be.You are no longer poorly and are in a better place.....run free little lady until we meet again love Mummy,Daddy,Dan,Connor,Harvey and Cleo
Maizie (Amazing Grace), 02/00-01/05/09
Maizie was a dog with drive but ALWAYS a gentle giant.
She was sweet and docile but with a bit of the "Old Nick" in
her. She might bark and run up to other dogs but she always stopped-- to
say hello or sniff the grass near the bypasser. Though SHE was bitten several
times by smaller, unfriendly dogs, she NEVER,EVER retaliated but backed
away and left.
Her brother and she would lay in the dining room by the low windows and
bark turning it into "a howling" when anyone walked by. We became
known as "the house with the wolves" where nothing could be further
than that.
They were big but oh, so gentle. Maizie was preceeded in passing by her
big brother Chance (Chancellor) by 16 months and a long illness. While
missing him and going through a depressed period(the "howlings"
stopped forever),she soon became an only puppy loving the extra attention
and thriving on all its privledges. Maizie had a great Christmas with all
of her human little children here. Then she started loosing her balance
and falling continually and quickly within two weeks, a vet trip and an
attempt with steroids, she started withdrawing emotionally.
When she lay her head in my hand and looked up at me last weekend with
a look in her eyes that I will never forget, I could tell that it was her
time and that she needed to join her brother.
We got it right this time.
We didn't wait too long and she didn't go too soon.
I pray that she, along with our other dogs, will be waiting for us on the
other side.
We miss you, little baby puppy girl. You were extra special. May you have
found peace.
Mary and Jim McGrew
Maizy, 02/28/00-03/02/09
Maizy my sweet little one ~ I will miss you so much and I am so sorry I could not save you. You were such a ray of sunshine in my life and I will never forget you.
I will do my best to take care of Cecil for you, though I know there is no replacement for the love you showed him in your 8 years together. I can only hope that you can reunite when it is his time to join you.
Your sweet little soul will never be forgotten.
Rest in peace Little One <3
Mary Schmidt
Majerle, 09/30/92-04/15/09
Our beautiful baby-girl dog Majerle lived a long and happy
life, and she passed away surrounded by many family members she loved and
who loved her very much. Majerle was not just loved by her family, but
by everyone who ever met her.
Every time we run into someone we haven't seen in a while, their first
question is always, "How's Majerle?" She was the most loyal dog
ever, who only asked that she be allowed to be with us.
The last years of her life, she was never alone.
Unfortunately, that only makes us miss her more, because she was part of
everything in our lives.
Majerle endured six months of chemotherapy for lymphoma, and we had her
with us for seven good months after that.
We are missing her so much we can hardly bear it, but we know it will get
better and we know that some day we will be able to enjoy the memories
she spent her whole life making for us.
Ron and Sandra
Majic, 04/14/85-09/15/95
You will forever be my Peppermint Pal!
Noreene Wilson
Major Lee Hunsucker, 06/09/94-02/06/09
You Are Gone Our Sweet Boy But You Will Live On Forever In Our Hearts ~ ~ ~ Mommy & Daddy Will See You Again But Till Then You Be A Good Boy & Have Fun In Your Pain Free Home.We Miss & Love You Our Sweet Dear Major Lee ~ ~ ~ Mom & Dad
Major Murley, 08/03/97-06/23/06
it has been 3 long years without you may and i still miss you so bad i can't even believe it...it is a constant hurt and aloneness.. i miss your chocolate brown eyes, you fussin at me for a hotdog,and the way you always protected me like nobody else...you always took extra special care of your moma...always warning the other dogs.."dont come in my moma's yard...and nobody or nothing has ever been able to take your place and never will...never....i love you boy...please dont ever forget how much moma loves you....you were always the best good boy and always will be...i look forward to being in heaven with you and living in our mansion together with all our other family....i love you forever my may-may(major)and will never forget you...your are the best...love always...moma...i never forget....
Major Sergeant Birchfield, 10/26/95-05/01/09
Major was part of our family. We loved him so much and
we miss him so very, very much.
I just know that God has a special place for our special pets.
Ronnie & Donna Birchfield
Major Tom (aka Major Gray), 02/04/01-02/21/09
My dear little Major bun, I knew you were a special boy the moment I saw your photo on the shelter web site...your story was so sad but you were so brave and sweet. I knew I had to adopt you and give you the best life your golden years could hold for you. Our reality together, however, never lived up to my dreams. The first day we brought you home, you'd already had an infection and when we brought you in to the vet, we learned that you had a lot of issues that would make your life challenging.
I loved you wholly and deeply. Although we only got a chance to be together for just seven months, you were a ray of sunshine in my life. I loved saying hello to you first thing in the morning and making sure you were okay for the night. I loved holding your head in my one hand while petting you with the other. I loved being able to touch your paws and kiss your sweet face with your little nose nuzzling against mine. I loved seeing you take little runs, coming out into the kitchen hoping to get a little cranberry treat. You were the sweetest little being I've ever known and as a patient, you were wonderful and without a doubt, the most cooperative...it meant a lot to me to know that you were helping me to help you.
I hope that I gave you all of the attention and pets you desired. I would have petted you all of the time if I thought you wanted more attention, but sensed that you liked your alone time. I had always hoped that you would be friends with Mary and find true bunny companionship but for whatever the reason, Mary wasn't able to control her little nips which is why you could never have alone time with her. We were protecting you and hope that you understand that in time we'd always thought that this would change. She liked you in her own way and misses you terribly...she was just protecting herself.
Your goodness and bright and strong spirit brought a lot of light and love into my world, little boy and although you never were able to live the life I had envisioned for you, I hope that your days were as happy as they could be, that you loved your little home and your meals and that you were comfy...I know you loved your sun and wished there were more of them for you to be warm. Now you are without the body that held you back...no more eye infection, no more teeth problems, no more arthtritis, no more kidney stones...you are free to run in the meadow and enjoy sunny days forever.
Thank you for saying goodbye to me in my dream and telling me how happy you were...it was the most special gift you could have given me. I will always hold you close within my heart and everytime a ray of sun shines upon me, I will be thinking of you. Please stay near always...we all love you and will miss you forever...Mommy, Daddy and Mary.
Maki, 01/15/00-01/05/09
Maki was a sweet affectionate cat and she left us too soon.
Mark Hannon & Anne Mulligan
Mala, 10/10/06-06/01/09
Mala i miss you more an more everyday you are my angel an i will never forget
John Erwin
Malcolm, 10/01/87-05/12/09
I lost my oldest and best friend this past week. He was always by my side. The best friend anyone could ask for. There will never be another like him.
I miss you Malcolm, I will always love you and never forget you. You are in my heart always. We will meet again old friend.
Kat McCaslin
Dearest sweet, sweet Mali,
We’re deeply saddened and shocked by your sudden death. We miss you desperately and your passing continues to have an enormous impact on us, your family.
While we have no definitive answers to how you died or why you, our beautiful 2 ½ year old girl, left this earth we do know that we were and are blessed by your delightful presence and your capacity to generously, and unremittingly, love in such a profoundly tender way. In the face of so many uncertainties, we are convinced that your short time with us was, and will continue to be, a precious gift. You showed us and reminded us of our own capacity, as living beings, to love intensely, boundlessly, unceasingly, and ever so sweetly.
We miss you, Mali, and wish you peace as your spirit continues its journey. We thank you for sharing your amazing beauty with us and for touching our lives with your gentle soul.
In peace and with love,
Your adoring family
Malibu Enterline, 1999-01/12/09
Malibu was a wonderful friend, His passing was untimely. He loved his mother (Melissa), she took him in as a kitten when he was very sick and nursed him back to health. He was a very close companion to our dog Coby. Malibu loved laying with Melissa and playing in the yard. He is missed very much by his parents Robert & Melissa, our son Brock, and his Brother Coby!
Malissa Hart Rodriguez, 06/11/09
You are loved and missed.
I love you very much Malissa.
Celeste Hart Rodriguez
Malley Denandercleif, 03/31/99-04/04/09
There are no words to express these feelings. Malley, you will always be loved.
Shannon Stewart
Mallow, 01/12/00-02/21/09
Mallow, you were a good dog and fought hard.
We will keep you in our hearts and be grateful you are no longer in pain.
You are missed by your people... Heather, Logan, Talon, and Justice; and
Scrappy Vana too...
Maltby, 10/04/98-02/15/09
To our beloved pet, Maltby, who was unlike any dog we
have known.
She gave us unconditional love beyond and far.
She loved us for who we were, not what we were.
Maltby was more than a dog, she was like our child.
We loved her with all of our hearts.
She was more loving and caring than most humans in the world.
Our life is void without Maltby.
We miss her very dearly, but know that someday we will meet up again!
We love you, Maltby!
Jeff, Michele, Ashlyn and Danielle
Our little Mama Dog:
We heard of a little stray beagle living on our road that had puppies. For a year, you lived in the woods with your babies and did your best to survive. One day you showed up at our house with a little black puppy. You refused to come to us if we were outside and never let us near your baby. We left you food, and you would sneak up the driveway to eat. Eventually, it was just you coming to eat. We would talk to you every day. After about four months, you allowed us to touch you on the nose, and from that day on your desire for love overcame your fear of people. You began to come in the house and sleep on the comforter. Then you got pregnant and had a litter of silly, lovable puppies that kept us awake all hours of the night. We even kept one and named him Duke. Then you started sleeping in the bedroom next to Mama, and one night you jumped in the bed. We laughed at you sleeping in the bed and were so glad to see you happy and loved. Then on Thanksigiving 2009 after having you four years, you passed away. We miss our little "beagle beagle" running across the porch and greeting us. We miss hearing your little noises and groans when you sleep. We know you are running around with Papa and Sophie in heaven and having a wonderful time. We love you and miss you!
Mama and Candace
Mama Gerbil, 02/02/06-01/28/09
Mom is so sorry.....I will ALWAYS love you and my heart is empty without you.
Janine Johnson
Mama Kitty, 09/13/06
You were my best friend who never judged me and was always
there to comfort me.
I will never forget you for as long as i live.
I love you so much.
Scott Marchiny
Mama Kitty, 01/2009
Mama Kitty - I miss you so much.
You were such a special friend. Staying close by my side always cuddling
every night.
Nudging me to get up every morning to feed you.
You were so beautiful with such soft fur.
I loved you very much and I miss you very much,
Mama Kitty, 01/12/09
Loved by - Ed, Cindy, Kent and Carol.
Special friend - Judith
Mama's Griffy Boy, 2003
Our Griffy Boy will live in our hearts forever.
He spent many a day playing in his swimming pool with mom and playing fetch
with dad.
He was starting his agility training and things were going great for him.
He took a slip and a fall and broke his back and would
have had to live a very different life.
I miss him every day of my life and still can see his little playful self
throwing things up and chasing them.
Michele Chambers
Mammy, 06/15/09
she was a loyal baby. I miss her more than i ever thought
J. White
Mana, 06/18/95-05/04/09
Mana, we will miss you so much. You were always there for us, you protected us and you showed us unconditional love until the very end. It will be so hard to go on living eachday without you. You were truely a part of our family and we loved you so much. Rest In Peace my girl....I love you. Love always, your family(Janine, Vernon, Letitia and Ano)
Janine Carroll
Manassas, 06/21/94-03/25/09
I loved your dearly, girlie girl.
Be well and healthy now.
Beth Chern
Mandee, 12/90-04/27/09
We will love and miss you always!
Dawn Paperin
Mandi, 09/26/93-02/05/09
My little girl, you have given me 15 1/2 years. There wasn't anything we didn't go through together. You were there for through everything, you loved unconditionally, you made my life complete. You fought s battle that we knew you were going to loss, you never gave up, your will to live was incredible. I wish I could have done more for you. As difficult as it was I would do it all over again if I could have you back.I lived my life for you, and now I have nothing. You are so lucky to be with Rocki again, you are healthy again, you can walk and run again, you deserve it. Mandi you deserve nothing but the best. Someday the three of us will be together again and it will be forever. Mandi thank you for coming into my life, thank you for letting me love you thank you for loving me.
With all my heart,your Mommy
Once in a lifetime that one special dog enters your life and that happened to me when I got Mandy as a puppy. Mandy loved to ride with me in the car or truck and loved to have her head out the window watching the world go by. She always had to sleep at the foot of my bed and of course had to sleep across the width of the bed leaving me just the edge but that was fine with me as long as she was happy. She really had to be with me no matter where I was and if I was working she would always be there waiting at the door when I got home with her tail wagging and waiting for her daddy to give her a kiss and a pat on the head. I had her for over 16 years and was with her almost every minute during her last three months when she finally tired out and was ready to leave this earth. I must say loosing her was the worst time of my life but I hope and pray she will be waiting for me at that Rainbow Bridge when it is my turn to pass on from this life. I can't wait until I see my baby again. She is missed and always will be in my heart, thoughts and I loved that dog more then I can ever say here.
Mandy, 06/24/09
We love you mandy very much.We miss you.
Mandy, 05/01/02-07/15/09
Mandy was the most loving, happy Golden you could imagine. When she was diagnosed with Lymphoma I was devastated to my core. She always smiled and brightened anyone's spirit. I loved her more than I can or ever will be able to express. She was truly one of a kind, there was not one mean cell in her body. Though now she is no longer with me physically, she will always be with me in spirit, watching over me as my guardian angel. I love you Mandy, may your body find peace now and your golden soul live on forever.
Maria Fuoco
Mandy, 10/17/83-10/20/90
Mandy was a sweet,
shy little girl who was abused before she came into my life. She was always
timid, but very loving and enjoyed being with her mom & dad. She was
so pretty and tiny.
She loved to go camping and spent her last weekend camping with just me
so we had lots of special time together. What a little angel.
Donna Santagato
Mandy, 04/17/03-03/19/09
Mandy 'Bam Bam' was a fun loving girl who truly enjoyed
every second.
She will be sadly missed.
She brought joy and comfort to our home.
I will always remember my co-pilot.
I know that my life was enriched because of her and will never be the same
without her.
We love you Mandy.
Be happy always, have fun and steal all the food you want.
Robin Howe and Steven Narcovich
Mandy, Lady, Ginger, Fiesty, 02/04/09
My furbabies who have gone to the bridge please look for Mae and welcome her. She was loved as much as all of you and I know you will comfort her until we can all be together again...I miss you all and my heart is broken
Patricia Brock
Mandy, 02/01/95-02/09/09
My special Mandy, you always made me happy. Thank you for being my baby all these years
Lynda Karlis
Mandy, 15/02/06-15/02/09
Our gorgeous Mandy was taken from us early on Sunday morning
by a savage dog, she died in my arms in her favourite spot in the living
I tried to save her but she was too badly wounded.
We will always love her, and hope that eventually this huge pain will ease,
because right now it doesn't feel like it ever will.
We will never ever forget her.
David Glen
Mandy, 09/15/97-01/15/09
Mandy was adopted just under 4 years ago. I saved her life, but by becoming my family, she saved my life. She had the happiest heart and the gentlest soul. A black lab that was black because she was my shadow. Always together. She died of cancer. I miss her so. I know I will get another dog, but there will never be another "Mandy-the mightiest of the mighty dogs"
Mandy, 10/01/92-12/30/08
She was the best friend to my husband Dave Chambers for
16 years and to myself for 7 years.
We will miss her more than we can ever say in words.
My only saving grace is that now that she has crossed the bridge she can
see again and is without pain. We almost don't know how to go on, but I
know that the memory of her will give us the strength we need to do so.
Her spirit and soul will forever be a part of our lives and so many others.
Aimee Chambers
Mandy Mouser, 06/26/09
You were so sweet and timid (except to mice). Your life and death mattered to us and you will always be remembered. We will always love you dearly.
John & Nicole Mursch
Mandy Nordman, 09/12/91-05/30/07
In loving memory of my beloved Mandy;
Mandy was my loyal and devoted friend and companion for
sixteen years.She brought me joy and comfort
every day of my life and her memories are with me
every day of my life.
Mandy will live in my heart forever and I look
forward to the day we will cross Rainbow Bridge
Ann Nordman
Mandy Pumpkin Doodle, 03/03/97-03/31/09
We thank God for giving us 12 wonderful years with Mandy
- full of her love and joy.
We miss her terribly and look forward to seeing her at the Rainbow Bridge.
Joanne Schilling and Fred Peck
Mannie, 1992-04/13/09
In honor of my cat Mannie who's undying love and affection
will always be in my heart.
Mannie, you have been rock for all these years and you stood by me through
all my trials and tribulations, giving me the support I needed.
It truly was "just you and me kid".
You are greatly loved and missed.
Dawn Siebert
Manxi, 2008-06/28/09
A short life came to end. There was never a moment that you were never loved. Always in our hearts.
Linda, Karen and Chance
Maou Chu, 01/01/98-02/08/09
Dear Maou Chu,
Thanks very much for the happiness, fun and joy you brought to our family
through this 9 years and 10 months.
Your arrival was an unconditional gift to us.
Thanks for being with us when there were ups and downs in our life, to
provide us comfort.
We know we can never find a better, cleverer and more understandable cat
like you again.
You are my dear daughter.
I don't know how to cope with the grief.
Every moment when I think of you, my heart aches.
Every corners in the house remind me of you.
I hope you are resting in peace in heaven, doing sunbathing by lying on your back, running around and tracing your favourite paper ball without any limping of the legs.
I love you foreover.
If there is really a place called heaven or rainbow bridge, please wait
for me there, just like what you did when you were in SPCA 10 years ago.
Mommy and daddy will join you one day.
Mara aka Mary Sunshine aka Seal, 02/04/00-03/01/09
Our little angel rescue dog.
Ronda, Shaina and The Late Keith Krieg
Maranda Cobos Sanders, 06/17/99-04/11/09
You blessed us for almost ten wonderful years, with your
presence. You are so loved and so missed. We remember how you loved to
"check out your day" on the porch each morning, as if to look
things over in the neighborhood and make sure everything was as it should
You are forever in our hearts. See you at Rainbow Bridge someday sweetie....
Andrea and Mary
Marbles, 05/04/09
may you be happy and healthy in the "garden of eternity" ...
we surely miss you.
Marbles, 08/13/91-12/30/08
Goodbye to our oldest and dearest friend.
Your beautiful eyes were the window into your dear soul. You only loved
your family and we'll miss you more than words can ever say. We'll miss
you Stinky Marbles. Love-
Mom, Dad and Adam
Marc Anthony Woodland, 12/26/03-03/12/09
Our beautiful Boy is now an Angel. Marc Anthony I love you and miss you so much. You were the best,that adorable smile, your dufey ways, you were always by my side and I am lost without you.I can't wait until we meet again, my sweet friend.
Carol Woodland
Marcel, 03/23/09
Marcel, You were an incredible friend and companion. You filled our lives with much joy and happiness, thank you for twelve years of unconditional and unwavering love and devotion. You will be forever in our hearts.
Melanie Garcia and Morgan Power
Marci, 12/13/08
Marci hugged and wimpered in our ears each time we picked
her up after a long day of work.
She gave so much love to our family.
She was funny, silly looking and compassionate all in
the same little body.
We miss you Marci.
You were the light in our world and we will never forget you.
Gloria and Richard Moore
Marcus Berryhill, 07/10/96-03/04/09
We love you, Marcus, and we'll miss you.
Katie & Jon Berryhill
Margaret was the sweetest dog. She loved everyone and we loved her so much. Her life was cut short by cancer today. She was a mix breed from the shelter who brought us the most joy. God bless all the animals.
Margarita, 07/03/07-03/09/09
My precious little puppy-we will meet at the rainbow bridge someday. Just keep watching for me!
Margo, 05/29/09
Margo you will live in our mind and heart for always.
You were the best girley in our life, we miss you so much.
May god watch over you and one day we will look for you.
Love Mommy and Daddy and Todd
Margrethelunds Bulldog Big Ben, 24/02/07-20/02/09
the guardian:
my warrior, my soldier, my savior, my protector.
your aura shined pure bravery, your heart was big as few,
your mission was clear, your caurage was your drive.
on your shoulders your carried the world - your mom.
your short time here on earth was for something.
you loved unconditionally, you touched everyone you met.
without even knowing, you changed my life.
the gab you left behind, can never be filled.
your pawprint is forever ind the sand of memory.
your love forever in my heart,
your picture forever in my mind.
written by your mom
Maria, 06/11/01-06/22/09
She was a sister, friend and companion. Her brother misses her very much. She was the older woman by 20 minutes but they were as close as twins. Jose will miss his girlfriend and I will miss my snuggler. I always looked forward to coming home from work to see her face and get in my facewash. She always made me smile.
Bev Casciato
Maria Motica Schnauzer Herrera, 02/19/99-05/01/09
She was noble, smart, funny, beautiful and most of all a loving friend.
Maria Herrera
Mariah, 03/91-03/15/09
My beautiful black Halloween cat.
You were my BFF for 18 years.
How will I go on without you baby girl?
We will all miss you.
Thank you for all the love you gave.
Christine Neider
Mariah, 01/06/09
Will be sadly missed and loved more then words can express.
If love could have saved you she would now be a puppy again!
Remember my face dear girl for I will see you again.
Deborah Bloebaum
Marianek, 2007-11/07/09
Forever in our hearts...
Katarzyna Rusa
Marichka, 08/15/05-02/24/09
Our beloved Marichka, my heart and soul on four tiny little paws has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It happened so fast. One minute she was laying in the yard while we moved into our new home in a quiet subdivision, the next minute, a semi-truck drove by and it was just too much of a temptation. The truck driver told Jim that he saw her but he couldnt stop. Our beloved Marichka, 12 pounds of energy and happiness, didnt stand a chance. She was killed instantly and our hearts were broken. We still cant believe she is gone. She used to grab one of my shoes every time someone visited our house, and she would carry it around, wagging her stubby tail in greeting. She slept next to my stomach on those long lonely nights when Jim was deployed to Iraq for months and months. We dont have human children so Marichka was my everything. We miss you, beautiful Marichka, you of the tiny cat feet and the laughing smile and the love of our lives.
Renee and Jim Carroll
Marie, 03/17/09-04/30/09
MY tiny little beauty, Marie. I only had you in my life for 13 short days but you stole my heart. Your beautiful blue eyes and your silky, long white fur, along with your loving, sweet nature, made you a true gift. FIP stole your life as it has so many others and there was no way to help you, my baby girl. The joy you brought to my life with your kisses and snuggling and your never ending engery will be missed forever. How I looked foward to watching you grow up. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART, MARIE. xox
Cappi Duncan
Marie and Josphine, 01/26/99 and 09/02/98 to 06/07/09 and 03/04/03
First Josephine our very first family dog for the Andresen
clan of 6. She was a living stuffed animal. She was the kids and Dave's
best friend.
A sudden tragic death from a accident in the snow. She never recovered
with treatment only worsening her condition until she died from anesthesia.
Now her companion Marie, or Mimi Marie as I thought of her has crossed
the bridge to join Josie and grandpa Neil. Mimi Marie was my companion
greeting me at the door, waiting for me to come up to bed and lying sleeping
in the study. Mimi Marie swam in Lake Superior and in the Gulf of Mexico
and constant companion whom I will always miss. I give her the Sassy tribute
my favorite dog of my childhood.
I love you so Mimi, I miss you terribly but know you are with family who
also loves you. One day we will all be together where there is no pain,
no more suffering.
Love mom
Marky, 01/90-11/2007
Our true, loyal and loving child, friend and mentor. She taught us how to love unconditionally.
She came to us so small we held her in the palm of one hand. She grew with our children to be no larger than a small dog. But in spirit and heart, there is no one who can compare to her.
Though she always wanted to have puppies, she never could conceive. She welcomed every grandchild into our pack with a complete and thorough going over. When done a lick to their feet, let us know the child was accepted into our 'pack'!
Marky is missed by all who knew her. If ever there was an animal with a human heart and spirit, Marky had it. We are all comforted knowing we will see our Marky again when we join her in our final resting place.
Mary Evans
Marley, 05/27/07-07/13/09
Marley I wish I could of saved you, your pain free now. I love you so much and I'm sorry I couldn't have done more. It's only been hours and my heart aches. I love you buddy I'll see you there.
Marley, 09/02/92-03/28/09
Marley, you were the love of my life, my heart and my
I will miss you forever and I can't wait until we cross the Rainbow Bridge
Marley, 2008
Marley, 07/04/03-03/03/09
The best friend anyone would want.
The Britt Family
Marley, 05/01/09-12/18/09
While you were only on this earth for a short time, the joy you brought to my life was immeasurable. You were loved from the moment you were adopted to the day you went over the Rainbow Bridge.
Marley, 02/14/09
Mike and Mona
Marley, 01/31/09
We will miss you terribly.
You were Chris's dog but when he left for college, you became my shadow.
You made sure I was never alone, and you helped me everyday.
You were definitely the happiest, sweetest dog on earth.
I hope you have plenty of cell phones to eat in heaven!
Chris and Stacie
Marley, 05/29/02-29/01/09
You were my loving friend, that kept me company each and
every day.
We loved you Marley and miss you so much.
When you died a piece of my heart left with you and piece of yours fills
the spot.
I hope you are playing and happy, we will be together again.
Patty Pat Lindsey and David
Marley Dehen, 11/24/08
Marley was a beautiful girl, so sweet, and so loving.
She was my shadow for 14 years.
I am lost without her.
What a huge hole she left.
Keri Dehen
Marly, 04/09/09
She was a wonderful dog and will be missed.
Chris Harwood
Marmalade, 04/01/95-04/08/09
The Queen of the house
The Medlin Family
Marmie, 01/2007
You were much loved and you were my big sweetie. I miss you still. Thank you for being there with your purr and soft fur during my sorrow over the loss of Biscuit. Five years with you was too little time. I wish I had kidnapped you when the neighbors first showed you to me as a kitten. How could they have moved away and left you behind? Their cruelty was my gain. Thank you for your love Big Guy.
Morgan B
The bell was rung this afternoon in honor of my beloved Marnie. My confident, alpha girl who had such wildness and wilfullness in her soul. I miss the feel of your coat and your scent on my bed. i miss you. I await being reunited with you, and send you my love, devotion and all happiness. Marnie, you are forever in my heart.
Love is the bond. Forever shall we be bonded in spirit. So mote it be.
Kim Urie
Marshmellow, 12/29/06-01/05/09
Goodbye Marshmellow. I want you to know that I loved you with all my heart and soul. I know that what happened was for the best and that the Lord will ensure that you are safe until I can go and join you. I just wish that we could have had more time together (2/19/09 would have been two years), and I wish that you could have left while in my arms so that I would have been able to see you one last time. I want you to remember that no matter what, you will always be my special little boy and I will never forget you.
Love Mommy
Marty, 08/26/95-06/19/09
To my sweet Marty-my best friend for 14 years.
I will always love you & miss you.
I know you are with your brother Bo now. Keep each other company until
we meet again.
Marty, 11/10/91-04/25/09
My best buddy Marty passed away on Saturday, 4/25/09,
after 17 years together.
I am heartbroken and miss him terribly, but I know he is in heaven and
I only hope that I am a good enough person that I will see him again one
Mary Jo Mahoney
Marty, Circa 2001-12/19/08
We miss you with all our hearts.
You were a very special boy.
We adopted you at age 2 from the Evergreen Animal Protective League.
You were so skinny, not expecting to be chosen.
But you were!
I am so sorry for all you went through with diabetes and its associated nasty ailments.
But we are praying you are in comfort again.
It was a very difficult decision to send you to heaven, but we will see you there down the road.
Much, much, much love, and infinite hugs, pats and kisses.
Cate, Steve, Jack and Janie
Marvin, 04/94-05/07/09
You were such a good boy, I love you!!!!!!
Laurelyn P
Marx, 02/04/09
Mary (Miss Mary), 06/14/09
Goodbye Miss Mary
You were the alpha and the anchor for our pack.
You seldom needed attention but when you wanted to be petted you made us
aware of
your needs.
You raised Libby after we found her on July 3rd waiting near the mailbox.
When your sister was sick, you watched over her.
When you were sick we tried to watch over you.
You left us 8 months after she did. Now you are reunited.
We love you and will always miss you.
Bob & Ginny
Mary, 1998-05/08/09
Your quiet, gentle, loving presence will be greatly missed
until we meet you again.
We love you sweet girl!
Jill, Phil & Brandy McAbee
Mary, 03/30/09
Mary was the best cat in the whole wide world ! She had the cutest little black toe .
Mary was my child and i grieve every day
Mary, 05/18/04-03/29/09
Mary we will miss you sooo much, but know that you maybe
with your sissy Julia havin' a grand o' time at the Rainbow Bridge.
Love you!
Christina Crabb
My Mary,
My cat Mary was a gifted cat. She would know when someone was ill and would
stay by their side until they got better. All pets are gifted, but this
was an "extra" gift Mary possessed and used. She loved Christmas
songs that used "Mary" in the lyrics. She also loved to hear
me, her Mama, sing. She loved to play with toys and people. Michael had
taught her to do some special moves while she played that were endearing.
Mary was also protective of our pet dogs. Once while my son and his girlfriend
were walking the dogs and Mary had joined them for the walk a cat hissed
at our dog. Mary ran right up to the cat, arched her back and hissed back.
She held that position until the dogs had "safely" walked past.
I will miss Mary and all her special ways. It pains me to see her empty
"cat" house which she loved using all seasons of the year. I
am also reminded of her when I look at her empty top nest of her climbing
cat tree house. Although as she got older she spent more and more time
in the house as the weather got colder. She was the neighborhood sweetheart,
at least among animal lovers. She had her daily round where she would visit
our neighbors at the special times of the day when she knew where and when
she would find them. She often climbed on top of one neighbor's Cadillac
to "speak" to the indoor kitty Precious late at night and in
the early morning. She had learned how closely she could lie near the dog
who recently moved in next door without his being able to reach her. And
they kept one another company during the day that way. At suppertime she
would go on another neighbor's back deck rail and watch her work in her
kitchen window. At all times when I would step out to spend time in the
yard she would come running.
She would be the first to greet any visitors saying hello. And she knew
which neighbor would let her take shelter in his garage should she want
to get in out of the rain and her little house or my door was a bit too
far away.
The saddest part of losing Mary is not knowing what happened to her. she
just never came home one day. Foxes and coyotes have recently been seen
in our neighborhood where before it was almost unheard of to hear or see
animals of prey such as those. I would like to think that maybe just maybe
she knew someone needed her more than I did and that is where she is at.
Meanwhile Martha, her littermate, and our two dogs miss our special kitty.
As do the rest of my family. Grief is such a heavy burden and the price
we pay for loving our pets as family members. Mary was a cat that had been
abandoned along with her sister. She was used to being allowed to run free.
And she would have much rathered prefer to live free or die. I know in
my heart she lived a good nine years of life. I pray God in His Mercy spared
my kitty undue pain or distress in her final moments. Someday, we will
meet again. Until then, I lay my grief at God's feet and ask Him to help
me carry it. For at times it is s almost too much to bear.
Mary, Mama loves and misses you!
Mary Magdeline, 01/05/09
Mary Magdeline brought more joy into my life than I ever dreamed possible. Her love was unconditional. I know she is in heaven & suffers no longer with leukemia. She was taken so quickly. She will always live on in my heart.
Lynn R
Mary's Princess Shelby Lynn, 07/01/98-02/14/08
my darling shelby i miss you so much your beautiful face and wonderful loving personality we will never forget you my princess i cant wait to see you again at the rainbow bridge mom will never forget you i treasure our memories together even though they were too short
Mary Armstrong
Mason, 05/31/09
I lost you suddenly, unexpected my friend.
I never dreamed that I would have to say goodbye so soon, and your sudden
departure has left a huge hole in my heart and in my life.
The love you gave me I will never forget.
We have a bond that I will take with me for the rest of my days, and I
know that when I close my eyes for the last time on this world, when I
open them I'll see you again.
My friend, my companion, my Mason.
I love you with all my heart and will never let go.
Love you Mason.
Mason, 03/28/09
March 28, 2004-March 28, 2009
He came to our home three years ago today,
Soon it was clear, people would turn him away.
Scrawny when he came, this would simply not last,
Like many through our doors, he ballooned pretty fast.
Tina called him Mason, a fitting name we would find-
He worked through a hard life due to a challenge of mind.
Much joy that he brought us was at his own expense,
That was mostly because of his lack of good sense.
Always happy to see us, he would bark really loud,
He even overpowered the rest of the crowd.
He was a happy boy, but pick him up too quick,
Better keep body parts clear or end up with a nick.
Outside with the others-while they were having their fun,
Mason was prancing and barking, then would take off in a run.
At doors, he'd get so excited that he'd start to spin,
We found that only tapping his tail would usher him in.
He'd stop and he'd stare. We didn't know what to think.
His tail stood stiffly straight up, and he wouldn't blink.
Afraid of doorways? Well, we were never quite sure.
But, many times we were glad that there wasn't a cure.
Because distemper took ahold of him while he was a pup,
his poor body was forced to, too quickly grow up.
Due to seizures and stress, he was an old man at age five,
But his life was a full one, because we helped him survive.
We made a decision, in my hands he passed from this life.
He lived three extra years, though, due to the heart of my wife.
Matilda, 11/15/96-06/30/09
Matilda, I will always love you, and you will always be in my heart. I miss you so much, but I know you're in a better place! Watch over us and Maxi so he can have a long and wonderful life like you did... Rest in peace my little fatty :)
Angelina Aguilar
Matilda Tilley, 06/22/09
Tilley, I hope your journey was a good one yesterday.
Aimee and Dr. Mountain were so nice. I hope singing "our" song
brought you comfort, there at the end. I hope our tears didn't stress you
out. Be happy my Tilley love. Be pain free, I will think of you everyday.
I miss you so much already that it really hurts bad, and what hurts most
is that you are not here to comfort me as always. Your brothers have been
looking for you. They have not played today. O'Henry has been so quiet
and at times calling for you. Heathy has been looking for you everywhere.
Smelling all your favorite spots. Your papa was so sad last night. He missed
you not being on his lap. Thank you Tilley for bringing such joy all these
years. You where a wonderful loving cat, right from the moment you ran
into my arms, on that rainy day, I knew you were special. I will love you
always Tilley baby with the big beautiful eyes and pug nose. I am so lucky
to have had you all these years my sweet, faithful friend. But for now
be happy until we meet again.
This special note is sent to you from the bottom of our grieving hearts,
your ma and pa who will always adore you.
Matilda, 07/03/00-04/08/09
Matilda came into my life so quietly and left the same way. Although I have several dogs she and I were connected and I was proud to be her person. She left me today, quite unexpectedly, and my heart is shattered. I will always love her and look forward to the time when we are together again
Kathy Ricci
Matilda, 11/96-01/27/09
Matilda We love you forever.
Amelia Gonzalez
Matisse, 16/02/09
Per Te Amore mio dolce Angelo sei stato e resterai per
sempre la creatura più dolce della terra: mai niente e nessuno
ha avuto e avrà la tua dolcezza.
Amore Mio
Matisse grazie della compagnia e della infinita dolcezza che ci hai regalato
ti abbraccio forte per sempre nei nostri cuori Monica, Mariangela e la
tua compagna di giochi Bambi.
Ciao Tesoro Mio mi manchi da morire e sto soffrendo tanto.Aiutami tu.
Monica Carletti
Matryx, 03/07/00-12/26/08
To a wonderful precious cat who will be missed and forever loved in our hearts. Thank you for being the most loyal cat and our best friend ever. Love, your mom and dad.
Matt, 05/25/09
Matt, my beautiful boy. Even though you were still trying, it was the kindest thing I could have done. I love you baby, be happy and we'll lay on the sofa together again someday for cuddle time. Be good boy, love mummy xx
Matti, 05/19/94-06/22/09
My heart is breaking and I'll miss you forever, my sweet girl.
Kim Brandt
Mattie, 10/2007
Mattie was my best friend. I have had alot of sad times and losses in my life and Mattie was always there to provide constant support and companionship. She had the typical chiuahuahua demeanor but loved me like no other. As she got older one her favorite things to do was to lie in the sun. This is where I found her peacefully "sleeping" that October afternoon. Mattie my sweet girl you will always be in my heart I will forever miss you.
Matty Haggerty, 05/07/09
Matty- We will always love you and you will be in
our hearts always and forever.
Love, Sue and Steve
Maude, 02/08/09
She is missed terribly.
A little package with a lot of heart.
She was there with me through my entire adult life and we shared many ups
and downs and all life's moments.
There is an empty place in my heart and will be forever.
She was a wonderfully special cat with a great personality.
Its hard to believe she is gone.
We will never forget the "Mod Squad"
Maudie, 29th April 2008-8th May 2009
My darling maudie, i am heartbroken and miss you so much.
you were just a baby and your life was taken away far too soon. i will
miss brushing you every day, the noise of your bell, giving you kisses,
the way you would jump onto my bed through the window, how you purred as
you pawed at your favourite fluffy cushion and looked bashful when you
got caught doing it. most of all i will miss how i would get up in the
night and rub your tummy and under your chin while you lay on your back
and pawed the air, purring like a drill.
a bit of my heart will always belong to you and i will continue to put
flowers on your grave and wih you goodnight before i go to bed. my heart
is broken or my beautiful baby maudie.
Maugwauh, 10/19/94-10/2003
Keeper of my love
Kristeen Ferguson
Maurice, 06/04/09
I really miss my sweet Maurice. He was the cuddliest cat I've ever known.
Maurice, 01/15/96-04/07/09
Thank you dear little Maurice (Boots) for all of the joy
you brought into my life. You were like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
You warmed my heart and never left my side. I will never forget all of
the wonderful years we shared. Rest in peace my sweet little man. I love
Maveric, 7/19/096-03/29/09
my maveric was a shelter dog, very much loved, he was
so gental,and loving,
he left me just 8 days after my sassygirl,cant wait to see them both again,love
you my maveric
Sandy Briggs
Maverick, 03/15/05-04/23/09
Mommy and Daddy miss you very much. You were our baby before we had a baby.
We will never forget you!! We love you Buddy!
Nikki Watson
Maverick, 09/17/97-03/31/09
Maverick was a one of a kind pet.
There will never be another like him. His personality was one like no other.
He was so protective of his family but yet very gentle and loving. He will
be greatly missed. There is a void in our lives right now. But we know
he is having a good time with all the other animals.
Daryl and Melissa Weppner
Maverick, 02/03/09
Mav, you have been with me for 14 years.
We have been through a lot.
Potty training, chewing up furniture, digging out of the yard.
But since the day I found you and your litter mates in the garbage bin
I have never regretted one minute of keeping you. You were the chosen one
to stay with us.
You will always be with me.
Put your head down boy.
I'll see you soon!
Kim Johnson
Mavis, 10/24/02-01/04/08
I miss you so much.
See you again one day.
Don, Terri, and Brittany
Max was not my dog, but he was my long-time friend's beloved pet. Although I never had the honor of meeting Max, I know that his presence in my friend's and her family's life had a huge impact. He was very much loved and gave so much back to this family, it is obvious. I am writing this in honor of Max...the dog I never met but will "experience" through my friend's great spirit.
With Great Reverence,
Pam Hurley
Max, I love you. I miss you. Sweet, gentle pusscat, full of being and heart of my home -
You are with me
every day when I stroll round the garden with my morning tea
every day when I sit at the computer with my breakfast
(muesli with greek yoghurt!)
every time I come home I hear you wake and greet me
every time I go to the kitchen you follow me
Every day you are there when I wake
- meoowwowwrup -
walking over my pillow
Every evening on the sofa with me
and every night lying on your cushion as I say goodnight
and give you pussycat blessings
You are with me
looking up, rubbing your head against me, purring,
playing, loving
being loved
Max was the most loyal, loving, friendly, sweet, and gracious dog ever known. He wasn't just our pet, he was part of our family. All the way until his last day he always warmed our hearts with his kind and soft spirit. Although he is greatly missed in this physical realm, we know that he will always be in our hearts and memories forever. We love you and miss you so much already Max. Please watch over us until the day we are able to meet again.
In honor of my good pal and husband, Max.
Max and I met almost four years ago and he has been such a great pal! Max was so handsome and so strong! He really liked to wrestle with me too! We became good friends almost immediately. Max's family has a cabin in the country and my Mom and I go all the time. I was scared at first, but my pal Max stayed by me and led the way. Max wasn't afraid of anything!!! We really liked each other so our families decided we should get married, and we did! Last year on Nov. 1! (I was so glad his Mom and Dad liked me cause they are really important to Max!)
Max was so strong and tuff, but also a sweetheart ... he really liked people to pet his tummy and he loved a good bone! (Don't tell his Mom and Dad, but my Mom used to give him lots of goodies ... especially when Max got to stay at my house!) I'll miss my Max, but I know he is happy and at peace at the Rainbow Bridge ... and I know we'll be together again some day. In the meantime, I'll make sure I take care of Max's brother, Caesar; and his Mom and Dad. I love you, Max.
Max had a loving heart. It was one of his few redeeming
A typical beagle, he wasn't what you would call a good dog.
From the day we brought him home at seven weeks old, we knew we were going
to have our hands full. He stole anything that was unguarded - shoes, underwear,
TV remotes. He was especially fond of anything that had a battery and worked
hard to get those items open. I once found our cordless phone - after days
of looking for it in the house - outside under a tree. We quickly learned
that anything not kept at least three feet off the floor would be demolished
. . . or simply disappear.
He ate anything from pantyhose to dirt. Christmas trees were decorated
without garland or tinsel (that decision was made right after I pulled
a clump of it out of his butt). The bottom two feet of the tree was kept
free of lights and ornaments.
He was obstinate and refused any training. I was determined to make him
"sit" but never got more than a begrudging half-squat from him.
Walks were an ordeal; he would pull hard on the leash, feet spread apart,
body so close to the ground that he looked like a huge turtle, coughing
and hacking his way down the street.
We took him to puppy school. He threw up in the car on the way there and
back, and we gave it up after two trips. We invested in a training book
and a DVD. We watched "The Dog Whisperer". No matter what method
we tried, he never seemed to develop any respect for us.
We were crazy about him.
When I was home, we were never far apart. He would follow me from the bathroom
to the bedroom to the kitchen. When I worked at the computer, he was always
at my feet.
If I sat down to watch TV or read, he would immediately jump in my lap,
covering my face and neck with his smelly kisses, then plop down, heaving
a contented sigh. He loved to sit with me and would stay there as long
as I let him.
We would often find him in the bed when we woke up in the morning. He'd
lie tight against my back, sometimes resting his chin on my neck. Or he'd
snuggle up against my chest. I'd keep still as long as I could, listening
to his soft muffled snore. Those mornings became more precious as I began
to realize our time together was growing short.
Cancer stole him from us after ten short years.
I'll always remember how much he aggravated me, and how he could get away
with anything by looking up at me with those dark, soulful eyes. I'll remember
our battles over housetraining, my efforts to improve his behavior, his
refusal to give in no matter how much I coaxed or threatened. I'll remember
all the missing socks, the stolen food, the chewed-up blankets. I'll remember
the softness of his fur, his head tucked under my chin in those early morning
hours. I'll remember his smell. I'll remember how he would give me a quick
kiss on the nose as soon as he woke up.
Most of all, I'll remember how he loved me.
And what a wonderful gift he was.
Denise Tondreault Bizzaro
September 23, 2009
Dear Max. I love you and miss you very much! Thanks for
the love and joy that you brought into my life for a very long time. I
will cherish your memory of our life together in my heart forever. I am
grateful to God for the time he gave us together and for being your mom
while you were alive. Goodbye little girl. May God take you into His loving
arms and may you know rest and peace and freedom from sickness and pain.
With all my love and prayers
Max you were my best friend. You were with me through
thick and thin. You were my security blanket and I was safe with you. When
I had cancer you never left my side. Then you got cancer and I couldn't
help you, just love you. I miss you every day. The hardest thing i ever
did was say goodbye to you. I only hope to see you again one day. You loved
your whole family and they all loved you. Your photos are out and we speak
of you every day, you will never be forgotten.
I will always love you.
Your mama
Max, 05/15/96-06/27/09
I lost my best friend on June 27 after a long fight with cancer. I don't know what to do with out you my precious baby. I miss hearing those little feet following behind me and the way you used to sit in front of me when you wanted to be picked up and that little dance you did after you went potty. The way you always wanted to be in my lap and would snuggle with me when we went to sleep. I miss everything about you....I know your not hurting anymore and I am grateful for that but I can't stop hurting.. I love you with all my heart Maxi...My life is better for having you in it for 13yrs...I hope to see you again one day.. RIP baby...Momma loves you
Max, 07/16/09
Max was like a child to me. He loved me so much. He would be excited when it was bedtime and loved laying on me. I am devastated beyond belief but I know I will see him someday again.
David Piscitello
Max, 07/15/09
Max was a wonderful pet and companion.
For almost fifteen years he was always there with me, through all the good
and the bad, and he always brought me much comfort and happiness.
He was silly, loving, saucy, and quite stubborn.
He was the best friend I could have hoped for and I grieve deeply for his
The ways in which he will be missed are too numerous to count.
I hope he is somewhere with plenty of tuna, shoe boxes, elastics and shopping
Colleen Fera
Max, 12/14/96-07/08/09
My baby boy Max left this world for a better life Wednesday
8th July 2009.
Max was 12 years old.
He was the most beautiful, sweet and loveable boy who gave us his everything.
Even though his diabetes robbed him of his eyesight, he soldiered on refusing
to let it get him down.
Max would hold our hands, he had this lovely habit of offering up his paws
to hold - he loved to feel our touch, he was a very loving dog. He will
be remembered always by me his mummy, his daddy and his big "human
brother" Joe.
We all miss him so very much.
My heart is breaking, just wishing I could have him back again, so that
I could kiss him on his beautiful soft ears and nose.
WE LOVE YOU MAXY, I can still feel your soul left behind here, and I know
you'll be waiting for me in heaven one day.
Your mummy, Michelle x
Max, 07/07/09
My family adopted Max from the Humane Society in April of 1992, I was 9 yrs old and he was 4 mos. When we brought him home, he was so scared and at night was very restless. Max and I had a undescribable and irresplacable bond. Max would sleep in my room and follow me everywhere until 2 days before I made the decision to put him to sleep. He couldnt get up and walk, much less eat, drink or potty by himself and in tremendous pain. I later discovered that he was in the final stages of Renal failure. How could I miss this?July 7th, 2009 @ 10:56 am, my precious companion and fur baby was gone. My heart aches so bad right now! I keep telling myself that I did the right thing! My advice to anyone, Euthanasia, if needed, is a painfree and peaceful procedure for instant relief if your pet if suffering. The decision to follow through is hard, but I like to think that Max is happy and running free now. I have always and will always love you Max! You were my first pet and we grew up together! See you in heaven my precious baby boy!!!!
Leslee Foxworth
Max, 07/06/09
Max was the most loving sensitive dog I know.
Even on the day we had to put you to sleep, Before we took you to the vets
you saw my tears,
You struggled to your feet to come over to me, You were so brave, a real
We miss you terribly,
I feel like my hearts split in to, Half for me had half for you.
You gave us 10 Years of unconditional Love and wonderful memories.
There will never be a day when we don't think of you, nor in this lifetime
will we ever stop loving you!
Rest in peace buddy
Love and miss you Mummy Daddy and Alex XXXXXXXXX
Max, 06/17/09
Max came to me 12 years ago as a rambunctious independent young cat, whose owners couldn't keep him anymore. He moved with me 7 times over three states and always chose to stay with me rather than run away. He was very protective of his territory, and ruled the backyard like a lion. At times I swore he was a shapeshifter with the ability to disappear and then reappear inside, outside or across the yard. He was a special cat. I miss you Max!
Max, 06/27/09
My best friend died after a long battle with cancer.I
had him for 15mos. longer than I was supposed to. Max brought so much joy
to my life. I am lost without him. He was my shadow. Everywhere I went
you can bet he was right behind me. I am having a very difficult time dealing
with my loss. The only thing I can take comfort in is knowing he is not
uncomfortable anymore. I miss you desperately.
Max, 07/01/09
Max, also known as Houdini, was truly a free spirit.
Elise Daughhette
Max, 06/12/09
This is a tribute made on behalf of my dog Max.
I miss him and loved him so much.
You are in my thoughts and in my heart and I long for the day to be reunited
with you.
Thank you for all the joy and happiness that you brought to my life.
Max, 08/29/06-10/07/08
Max had a short but wonderful life. He is a victim of AIHA. He was very loved and very much missed.
Valerie Miller
Max, 06/23/09
I miss you by my side in all that I do.
A part of me has died with you...
I honor your loyalty and unconditional love - if I could possess half of the loyalty and love you expressed, it would make me closer to the person God wants me to be...
Missing you in my forever, love mama.
Max, 16/03/95-27/06/09
It is now 24 hrs. since you went to sleep and I must start
learning to live my days without your happy loving presence.
When I go downstairs there will be no eager face asking for his breakfast,
no one to take for a gentle ramble, no one will greet me when I return
from shopping, no one to share outings in the car. So many memories which
now break my heart will some day make me smile. Until then my lovely boy
sleep well, God Bless.
Eileen Smith
Max, 06/04/09
To our Max, We didn't get ot keep you very long. Only 14 months after we rescued you. But you were a joy and a wonderful addition to our home.Hopefully we brought you joy and comfort in your last days.Please know you will be in our hearts forever. We love and miss you very much. You fought a good fight now you can rest with the angels. Love Mom and Dad Allen
Max, 09/28/98-06/22/09
Faithful friend,brave protector, wonderful little boy.
Loved to go for rides. Loved to go camping. You leave a hole in our hearts
and an emptiness in our lives. We love you,
Daddy and Mommy
Max, 06/18/09
You were my constant loving companion, knowing my needs even before I did.
You would wait to eat,go out, do anything for yourself,
until I was able to get up and let you. Being homebound I couldn't have
asked for better company. You were the best therapy for me in every way.
I don't know how I will go on without you.
I love you and miss you so much. My day's are empty without you.
I will always love and miss you Max. I beleive God sent you to me,He knew
I would need your special love, that no other dog has given to me.
I hope to see you some day in heaven. That is the only way I will make it without you.
My dear max rest in peace, no longer in pain. You gave me your all. I had to give you mine by letting you go. I love you.
Claudia Wagel
Max, 05/27/09
You will be forever in our hearts.
Lina & Paula Becker
Max, 01/19/02-06/25/09
Oh Sweet Sweet Max.... Our hearts and lives will never heal nor be the same without you.
Kate, Allen and Zoe
Max, 04/09/94-06/17/09
Max was our guard dog and also took care of our Jersey
He went to the dairy barn every morning and night with my husband.
He would let the calfs play with his hair thru the fence.
He liked everyone that came here.
He guarded the house every night.
He kept possums and skunks away from the house and kept coyotes away from
our livestock.
We will miss him so much.
He was having such a hard time with his hips, he was dragging them today..so
we had him put to sleep peacefully on our porch.
He is now with Buffy, our Golden Retriver that passed away 12 yrs. ago.
Sandy & Bill Phipps
Max, 05/13/95-06/20/09
June 20 2009
It is with great dispare that I inform you of the passing
of Maxwell J Davidson otherwiase know as Max.
He was born on May 13 1995 in the town of Preston Connecticut the fourth
son in a litter of 7 puppies also the "runt" who later went on
to be the biggest of the litter .
His mother was named Misty and was a fullblooded chocolate lab as was Max.
That being said he was the finest son of a bitch that ever walked into
my life or house.
During his younger years Max was a typical frisky little dog taking delight
in all things puppy and learned early on the finer points of what to roll
in and where to find these exotic but fragrant piles
Of particular note was his complete hatred of motorcycles yet at the same
time enjoying an occasional taste of 60 weight mototroil to wash down various
brake mastercylinder repair kits his owner purchased at times for work
on his motorcycle
Although never used as a stud to further his bloodline as planned max was
know to occasionally "break" free and chase after unknow but
available female dogs in the neighborhood,one time doing this for 3 days
and finally being found 3 towns over to be exhausted but home again
Also at this time he perfected his abilty to procure free donuts at countless
coffeeshops throughout southeastern connecticut with his "prettyplease"
face which was evidently too much for the ladies at the drivethrough windows
who would always give into his charms.
He was a welltraveled dog many times traveling the norhteast middle atlantic
and southeastern states,stopping to do his buisiness in many of these states
and always expressing pleasure at these opportunities.
He was also know for his exploits in snow and could make a fantastic snowangel
as soon as there was snow available for him to do this,along with sliding
down hills on his back and many other shows of skill which,although were
never filmed were enjoyed by all who were there to witness.
Another skill which he hated to do but tried anyways was his ability to
"dance" while wearing hi-top basketball sneakers supplied by
his owner and would go through the extremely embarrasing ritual to the
great enjoyment of those who saw this feat of grace
His later years found him retiring to the state of South Carolina where
he always and unfailingly greeted all who came to the house with a grand
welcome and a happy wag of his tail
Even at the end when in great pain and health problems he never let this
interfere with his wanting to be a part of all that was happening around
To say he will be missed is an understatement and words just seem lame
as heck right now,but someday if possible I hope to meet him at the Rainbow
bridge and rehash old times again.
You'll always be missed old pal and till then may you run fast run free
and smile often like you always did for me
Joe McGuinness
Max, 06/18/09
Max, you were the best dog and we know you are happier
now that you can run again, and chase frisbees, and chew big bones again.
We will miss you.
You're a good dog Maxie Cheese Dog.
Susan, Ryan, and Sean
Max, 04/01/00-05/27/09
I miss you so much max. The house will never be the same without your gorgeous smile brightining up everyones day. You were the most beautiful, caring and friendly dog that could ever be. Hopefully i'll see you soon maxy. xxx
Max, 02/25/02-05/22/09
There are no words to describe how much I miss you and how much you were
loved. Love Mommy
Max, 05/98-06/05/09
Max was a very special cat. He was my constant companion. My baby boy. Where I went, he went. So lovable, eveyone loved him. He was smart, funny and beautiful. He died from cancer and I watched him wilt away until I had no choice but let him go. My heart is so broken I cannot stop crying. I see him everywhere. Expect him to come around the corner at every turn. Last time I slept I dreamt he was well and ran into my arms. I felt a little better until I woke and in the shadows I thought I saw him laying there. All I could do was cry. There is an empty space here & in my heart without my little guy. Would give anything to hold him even just one more time. Rest in peace my little angel Max.
Max, 08/15/95-05/31/09
My brave little friend and I were soul mates.
He did not want to leave me but he was losing his battle with trachea issues,
heart and lung.
He slept with me.
He never ever left my side no matter what I was doing.
He had wonderful habits.
He would suck on his little bear when he was content and heppy like when
I took a long bath or wasn't going to work.
He was a true angel.
I called him my angel.
I pray he is in dog heaven.
Elizabeth Smithy
Max, 06/01/01-05/23/09
Someone threw him away as not who or what they wanted. We adopted him and loved him, and he repaid that love a thousand times. He was mommy's baby and his loss will be felt forever. Cancer took him from us and we grieve for him. We will meet Max at the rainbow bridge someday, and on that day the hole in our hearts will be filled once more.
Don, Jackie, and Shawn
Max, 05/15/04-05/21/09
Max was the best cat ever. An extremely handsome grey and white striped Tabby. He was only 5 years old when he was suddenly taken from me. But he was my best friend. I love him dearly. It is so lonely here in my house now as I lived alone with him. He will be deeply missed but never forgotten. I love you always Big Boy!
Max, 09/90-05/19/09
Max passed on to the formless existence on Tuesday. He was a wonderful, gentle, polite cat, and cherished companion. He was having a rough time with his health the last two years, but we made it as comfortable as possible for him. We miss him, and there will never be another one like him.
Tara Jeffery
Max, 11/15/99-05/11/09
Max you'll live forever in my heart. I love you and miss you. Have fun playing frisbee with the angels. Until we meet again, rest in peace my boy.
Max (aka - Maxi-Poo-Bear), 05/11/09
Sheila Vanmeter
Max, 11/2005-05/10/09
Max... I will never forget you.
A loyal companion and friend who brightened your families lives more than
you could ever know.
Losing you has been harder then I could ever imagine.
To say we loved you feels like an understatement.
You made us laugh and eventhough my tears are plentiful now I know that
the laughs I have had because of you the last 13 1/2 years will always
outweigh the tears.
Rest in Peace Max... I love you and will remember you everyday.
Sherry Iatarola
Max, 10/31/93-05/09/09
I miss you and love you, Max
Max, 10/31/04-04/28/09
Oh my poor poor boy. Why did this happen to you, us. I love you so very much and you will forever be in my heart. R.I.P. Max. I will miss you so very much. Until we meet again...
Melinda Marzigliano
Max, 10/21/97-03/14/09
Max, I love you so very much my little buddy.
You have the biggest heart and kindest most loving soul, you brought smiles
to anyone you met. You were/are loved by many. It broke my heart to see
you go, broke it more to see that you may have been surrering in the end,
you tried not to let it show my brave little Max. I feel such an emptiness
now, it hurts so to be without you that I hope someday I will be able to
find comfort in all the memories we created together, the walks, bubbles,
lakes, car rides and trips and even just hanging out, you certainly had
I knew how to love you Max, but I didn't know how to say good bye.
I miss you Max, Thank You for all the Love and Joy you have given to me
and many others in the eleven and a half wonderful years you shared with
me. Always in my heart.
Teresa Olsen
Max, 04/19/09
The biggest part of my heart left me today.
The creature who has been through everything with me.
The death of my husband and his daddy, my bankruptcy, my foreclosure...everything.
He was more than a dog to me...who was like a son as crazy as that may
When he was young he was such a macho boy. Patroling all
three floors of the house when I was home alone at night, making friends
with horses, scaling 7 foot walls, choosing a toy over food.
Nipping people's shoes or pant legs when they got too close to me.
Loving all 7 of his cats..even the ones that didn't want him to.
People come and go in my life...but he was a constant.
Always happy to be doing anything, always eager to please loved me in spite
of myself.
When everyone else was gone Max was there.
Loving me.
No matter what kind of day I had or what kind of mood I was in.
I'll miss him forever.
I pray he has met up with his lovely girlfriend Beulah Mae, my little Rottie
that passed 2 years ago and that they are playing the face biting game
and seeing what treats they can pull out of the garbage.
And God willing I'll meet them at Rainbow Bridge and we'll be a family
Kim Russell
Max, 05/11/92-02/04/09
My beautifull boy, and devoted friend, so dearly loved
and desperatly missed was my soul dog, I wrapped my life around him, and
he me,bonded for ever.I know he will meet me at the rainbow bridge,I told
him about it as he was dying, All my love
and God bless you, see you soon my baby.Mummy
Max, 04/17/09
I cried a tear.You wiped it dry.You were the best friend anyone could ever have . I miss you!
Barbara Blondin
Max, 04/08/98-04/09/09
You will always be in our hearts. We miss you every minute of every day. You are finally free of Wobbler's Syndrome and can run and play with your sister, Cara, in Heaven.
Love Always,
Lisa, Roderick, Antoine, Sasha & Molly
Max, 10/19/95-04/02/08
We miss you so much, When you came to us you were a little hand full 0f
fur; then you grew to be 16 pounds, you loved your frosty paws ice cream,
you also loved to play tug of war with your rope; but your special toy
was brown gund bear. You gave such great kisses. You would always let us
know if any one came around; When we would go to Grandmother's house, you
would start barking about 1 half mile from her house; you knew there was
a special treat waiting for you. We miss you and love very very much! MOM,
Grandmother and J.J.
Max, 07/20/96-04/11/09
Max, I hope you are safe in someone's lap in heaven as
we know that is your favorite place.
We don't know what to do without you and miss you so much. Thank you for
all the wonderful care and many laughs that you gave us over the past 12
We learned a lot from you about unconditional love.
We were not ready for you to leave us.
Love you so much!!
Jeff & LaDonna
Max, 03/01-03/30/09
Max, I will never be able to forget the fear that was in your eyes that day that I had to take you to the vets because you were blind and did not know where you were or what would happen. I only hope and pray that you are in a much happier place. You have brought so much love into my life. I rescued you when you were 2 yrs old because you were being abused and I have you the best 6 yrs. that I could. At least you knew that you were very much loved.
Max, 12/20/05-04/11/09
You were taken way soon. We all miss you so much. Love you and keep you in our hearts always.
Stephanie Thweatt
Max, 03/2001-03/30/09
Max came to be from an abused situation. He was 2 yrs. old when I got him and I only had him for 6 yrs. I was his security, he felt safe with me. I am so sorry that I had to let you go, but Ijust couldn't put you through any more. You were such a gentle dog and he loved people. He had a good life here with me and I tried to give him every thing and I know he felt loved. I will always miss him.
Sheila Falcone
Max, 03/30/09
Dear Max, You were so much a part of our lives.
You never had a mean bone in your body. You were beautiful here on earth,
and I am sure all the pups stopped and looked at you as you crossed over
the Rainbow Bridge wanting to get to know the handsome boy.
No more pain, good boy, and your back legs are now strong again to run
and jump and stand.
I look forward to walking heavens paths with you, just like we did on earth.
Dad and I loved you so much dear Maxie.
Phil & Jean
Max, 03/28/09
Please bless my little boy Max and help him to find his way
Max, 06/19/01-03/23/09
Our hearts are broken. We lost you so suddenly, and we
miss you very much. We never dreamt that you would die. We will always
Love you, and you will always live on in our hearts. We hope you did not
suffer, and we want you to know we did everything we could do to save you.
We thought you were sick with the flu, and we have so many unanswered questions,
and so much self doubt. How could you be gone in two days, after so many
years of loving you? We Love you Max. We will always Love you.
Your Mommy & Daddy (your buddy)
Max, 03/27/09
In my heart you will forever stay
I'll think about you everyday
My heart so aches with sadness
And my many tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place no one will ever fill
In my soul you'll live forever
I'll always hold you near
And someday I will join you
When my time is over here
Then we'll forever be together
this I truly know
Nanette Trinkle
Max (Maxie) Behrens, 03/24/09
Dear Max (Maxie), Mom's beautiful furry black beauty with
the most gorgeous eyes. Your meow was so quiet, and your heart was good
as gold.
Such a gentle boy.
You're with Mom now in Heaven and I am sure she is loving you up just like
she did here at home.
Bless your heart Max, I am so glad that you came into our lives.
Love You, Barbara, Gary, Bryan
Max was so dear to all of us, especially my mother. He was her friend and loyal companion. He is now with her in heaven and we miss them both very much. All the animals are grieving as well. Its a shame he got so sick so quick but we know he is in a better place now. He was such a good natured, calm, and kind animal. He will be missed dearly each and everyday. We love you.
Debbie Behrens
Max, 01/16/04-03/24/09
Max, you were the best dog I ever had. You were always so happy, always knew when I needed a hug, kiss or a smile. You were not just a dog My Boy, you were and will always be my BEST FRIEND. Life without you is going to be very difficult, especially when this all happened so suddenly. You didn't deserve this terrible quick killer of a disease. Thankfully it didn't take you as quickly as some and you, being such a healthy and strong boy, were able to hang on until the day following my birthday. I LOVE YOU MY BOY, please wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge. Love always and forever, Mommy
Max, 04/19/99-03/05/09
My sweet angel boy Max...I miss you so much.
I love you dearly my sweet baby boy.
We will be together again some day.
Max, 06/91-03/16/09
My boy,you will forever live in my heart. I am so sorry we had to let you go. You suffer no more and your pain has ended. My tears of sadness will turn to tears of joy when we meet again on Rainbow Bridge someday. Go now and play with your brother,Chase. I love you forever. Mom
Max aka FatBoy, 03/17/86-10/22/07
Our handsome young man gave us so many years of love and
We will always remember your insane love of ice cubes, tipping glasses
over for them too!
Your love of ring-ding wrappers, oh how you loved that foil ball! How you
loved to fish your dry food into your water bowl with one paw and fish
it out with the other - too funny!
So many memories my whiska boy. I still miss your whisker kisses, and always
Donna & Al Biagini
Max, 11/01/92-03/14/09
The cat who survived against all odds. Battling FEV and Hepatic Lipidosis. He was a retriving cat with the pinkiest nose. He will live in our hearts forever.
Max, Spring 1993-01/16/08
Will always miss your tootsie pop eyes and perfectly blended soft black and tan fur. You were there when we needed you most and we know you were a gift from God.
Renee, Alexa and Kayla
Max, 03/06/09
We only had you for 8 months, after finding you alone
and abandon in a gas station.
We don't know how old you were, but our vet said you had many years.
Your health was not good, but we did everything we could to give you extra
We want you to know how much we loved you and how happy you made us and how Sandy (our other Dog) loved you too. You will be missed by us all especially Flo & Flossie (cats).
We wish we had more time with you, but I will remember you smiling at me when the time was near.
We will see you once again when are time comes...run with all our other fur kids that have gone on before you.
We love & miss you
Nick & Boni
Max, 08/31/94-06/16/08
Max, you were the BEST dog ever...such a loving friend
to all who met you and the greatest pal for the kids when they were growing
We all loved you so much and miss you terribly.
You always had time for everyone and seemed to have a "sparkle in
your eye" all of the time.
We will always love you and never, ever forget you.
Love, Mom and Dad
Max, 03/05/97-02/16/09
Max - our beautiful boy.
A very special member of our family who will be missed by us all (especially
Jezzie as they were always together).
It was so hard to let you go but even knowing we did the right thing, doesn't
make it any easier.
I think I'll always miss you.
Pam Amery
Max, 01/17/09
We miss and love you so much. We take comfort in knowing that you are just over the bridge waiting for us and that someday we will see you again.
Love you always,
Mommy and Daddy
Max, 10/06/97-02/22/09
Max(buddy)you were my best friend. I will always love you, and miss you.
Max, 02/04/09
You were my third baby brother and I will not forget you because you are
alwayssss in my heart and you will stay in my heart until I see you in
I die u and me will play together and I will tell you HOW MUCH I MISSSSSSSSSS
AND WE PET YOU SO MUCH. OKAY BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from your owner Stacy
Max, 01/01/93-01/24/09
Passed from life, but alive forever in my memories.
Shine on, little baby beast.
Kevin Catchpole
Max, 10/96-01/28/09
i love max
Max, 09/28/04-01/22/09
Max was a loyal, loveable companion.
His loss has left a hole that will never be filled.
Sherie & Dakota
Max, 11/08/08
My big Boy Max... I rescued you from death 15 years ago.
We have shared to many memories, sitting by the fire, running at the falls,
swimming in the lake, playing in the snow - I know you are healthy and
young again where you are but I miss your soft fur and your nuzzle to wake
me in the morning.
Rest in Peace my ever loving friend - until we meet again!
Max, 06/28/04-01/05/09
My boy your are so missed! I love you and miss you and hope you are there when it is my turn to go and finally be with you. I love you
Max, 09/20/94-01/09/09
Max was my best friend.
I loved him dearly and together we had many good times.
He was a fun guy, always looking for a ball to play with, as Labs are noted
Kind, gentle, especially with children, not a mean bone in his body.
Always, smiling, always looking to play, always wanting to hangout with
a human.
Loved people of all sorts, ready to greet you with the tail wagging and
a grin from ear to ear.
Will miss you, Sleep in peace.
Love and hugs, Mom
Max, 01/11/09
Miss you max. you were the best and smartest cat we have ever known. you were the queen of the house. you kept all the rest of them in line. keep your eye on things up in heaven, kid. we will meet again sometime.
Bill and Paula
Max, 01/05/09
I'll miss your paw tapping on my leg when you wanted something. I'll miss you running out of the house when you know you weren't supposed to. You will always be in my heart and I know you are with Spot, Jake, Mimi, and the others.
Melody Arneil
Max An Ferguson, 11/04/07
We love you a lot Max and we miss you everyday.
I wish we could have had you longer.
Wherever you are I hope you are happy and know that you are so loved by
so many people.
I hope you are swimming after sticks and running around.
I hope your cancer is totally gone and you are in great health again.
Be happy Max...we love you so much.
Mary and Todd
Max Beaulieu, 01/26/96-11/14/08
you are still by my side and think of you everyday. the girls i know miss you and jim still sheds tears, me too ...
we will always miss you
i miss my shadow..........................
Max Bryan, 08/09/95-02/23/09
So long our beloved Max. Thanks for all the beautiful
moments you kindly gave us. They will be treasured forever. Rest in peace
our little boy cat. Until we meet again, our dear Max, we will greatly
miss you and will never forget you!
We love you dearly,
Chris, Lady and Peppe
Max and Chelsea, 02/94-01/2007 and 05/98-02/2009
Sweet Chelsea, Thank you for being our friend to us and to our Max and our protector. We love you and will miss you....God give to our Beloved ones sleep.
Lynda Stephens
Max Davis, 03/16/09
You're in a better place now. We loved you. You're not suffering any more. We'll be glad to see you when our time as come as well, don't forget about us. We love you, much.
Erin Davis, CJ Silva
Max Edwards, 05/13/06-02/23/09
My baby Max, I never knew what it was like to love something
more than life itself until I loved you.
I don't know how I will go on.
I feel such emptiness.
You loved me unconditionally and I am so grateful for the short time that
I had you in my life. You will never be forgotten and I look forward to
the day that we are reunited.
I am no longer afraid of dying, because I know that you will be there waiting
for me with your ears held high and all that love in your eyes. Mommy will
always love you baby!
Max Fischer Waters Tinberg, 07/07/09
I love you so much and I miss you terribly.
I will hold you in my heart forever. xoxoxo
Lindsay Tinberg
Max Glynn, 04/13/09
Our beloved Max was the light of our life for 14.5 years,
and his loving companion Heidi for 9.5 years.
We will remember Max for the unique, wonderful, and funny things he did
to make us love him.
We will always see him wandering around his yard and barking at everything
that moved.
Just wish we could have been able to say goodbye.
Love, Deb, Ray, and Heidi
Max Hartsell, 06/06/09
Maxie was such a dear and close friend. He was with me for 16 years. I will miss him so much. I hope he is in a better place where he can run around and play with friends.
Carolyn Hartsell
Max Jones, 04/25/09
You were getting cranky in your old age but you were always
a good dog.
More like a son yo us.
I held you durning your last moments.
I hope you run in the sun, play with others and sun bathe to your content
as you now wait for us.
we will always miss you.
Luis and Jennifer Jones-Rosa
Max Keyerleber, 10/03/95-05/16/09
My dog Max was the best kind of dog there is.
He was fun, loving, selfless, and one of a kind. He enjoyed car rides,
walks, playing ball, cheese, Snausages, cheese, & peanutbutter (just
to name a few).
He gave our family unconditional love for over 13 years.
He was the "king" of our house, and of our hearts.
He won us over each & every day with his smile and warm nature.
We will always love him, and we will never forget him.
We love you Bubba.
Mary Beth Hurley
Max Knowles, 08/11/94-05/11/09
Max, ( aka:Tink)
you came to us in 94 when someone gave you away, and we adopted you. That
was the BEST day of my life. You lived 15 yrs. and gave us so many wonderful,
rewarding memories! You were a tiny ball of black & silver fur, a mixed-breed
designer dog, as some call it. You were a mix of yorkie-pomeranian. You
were the cutest thing I had ever seen! You looked like "Groucho"
from Seseme Street. Over the years, I protected you from every danger,
seen or imagined. I would've lay down my life, for you. I fought to keep
you out of harms way, any way that I could. I would never let you get near
a big dog that might take advantage and try to hurt you! It was as if you
were a newborn baby, and I was your mama, protecting you from the elements
and dangers. Years later, when BJ left home, "our son" at 13
to go live with his grandmother, you filled the void in my life. We spent
countless days together you & I. Wherever I went, you were right there
by my side...you protected me whenever you didn't know someone. You never
ever bit anyone in all your 15 yrs. you just barked at a stranger when
you met one, but once you got to know them, you gave them all your kisses.
You loved to eat Purina Little Bites. That was your favorite food. You
would not even eat another brand! So spoiled, you were!!! We made sure
you always had enough in stock! I loved you like a child, and would even
tell you that BJ was your big brother! You brought such joy to my heart
and you were a part of my soul. You loved riding to grandmas house, and
you'd wait for your leash at the front door! You would ride with your head
out of my window sitting in my lap, and you'd "bite" at oncoming
cars! We would tell you they were "bugs" to get that BUG! You
hated the word "bath" you'd run and hide. I could run water in
the sink, to wash dishes and you'd run to hide! You felt pain when I cried,
and you'd lay your head on me, looking sad. When I was angry, you'd shake-
even though it was never directed to you ( I was mad at someone else)...
I never wanted you to feel like it was about you, although you still got
scared. I loved you unconditionally- I bought you the cutest clothes! You
always had the best of everything, I hope you know just how loved you were,
and are- I know if your little heart hadn't been enlarged, you'd have lived
probably many more yrs, but I am grateful for every single one, that I
had, with you--15 yrs. you taught me how to love, you showed us what a
precious gift from God you were,and I know one day you'll wait for me,
at the Rainbow Bridge...where you'll be waiting wagging your tail when
you see me. Rest in Peace- Little angel.
love, mom & daddy & BJ
Max Nessing, 12/06/99-05/04/09
You're the best Mr Max
Deb Nessing
Max Wilton, 08/14/96-12/09/07
You are forever in our hearts and always remembered with love.
Maxi, 04/27/99-09/10/08
When we brought Maxi home she was instantly part of the
She had a very unique personality. Her bark was bigger than her bite-she
would have licked you to death before anything!
She was always a protector and a happy dog-she loved to play outside whether
rain or shine, snow or heat wave!
She also loved to swim with the kids.
We used to always play and tell people be careful of the Maxi kisses!!!
Well Maxi, it is our turn to send you kisses!!
You are missed!
Our memories will remain dear to our hearts forever!!!
RIP MAXI-Take care of Autumn now that she is with you!!
Forever love-
Mommy, Daddy, Dani, Risa, Macho, Pepper(our chiwawa):)
Maxi, 04/13/01
Maxi was the greatest.
She loved to hunt, swim and play fetch with our boys.
One of her favorite games was Hide-n-Seek with our youngest son everyday
after school.
As she got older she tried awfully hard to still do all of these things
but it just took it all out of her.
We all miss her terribly. Maxi was so much fun, she loved everyone and
everyone loved Maxi.
Love you forever Maxi until we meet again!
Maxi, 04/01/93-04/11/09
On the 11/4/09, I had to make the hardest decision in
my life, that being when to end yours. It was so hard to have to make such
a decision, but I had little choice. We had all fought so hard with you
these last 7 months, a fight that near the end, we were told was not possible
to win. You were so couragaous. Things were starting to get worse so we
took you to the Vets, not sure if we were doing the right thing, but not
wanting to make you suffer, the Vet looked at you and said, it was time
for us to help you move on. So the boys and I stood around you, stroking
you, all three of us silently crying our eyes out, sending you love and
strength and placing you in Gods hands, saying our farewells. I took you
home not realising the Cemetry was closed, it being Eastertime and had
you for the meantime on your rug in the cat box in the bath where it was
nice and cool. I placed frozen coolpads around you and under your box and
covered you. Those few days I had you at home apon waiting to hand you
over for the Cemetary, was so hard. Everytime I felt the need, I would
go to you and stroke you and tell you how much I love you and that I was
sorry that you had to leave us so soon. Having you there with me, made
it easier for me to say goodbye, to accept it and to let you go, although
I dont think I can really let you go until you are burried.I have cried
so bitterly and am unable to go about my normal life, I mourn you so my
I remember that day 11 years ago when we saw you at the SPCA. We wanted
to get a cat. We had seen some beautiful annimals and would have taken
them all with us if possible. You were on a wooden ledge just under the
ceiling, running around the sides of it, almost on your stomach, apearing
as if you had very short legs, non stop since you had come there, 3 weeks
before. Apparantly you were someones "one and only", until a
Baby came but it was very evident that you had been abused and neglected
for 5 years, who knew what you had really gone through. I fell in love
with you straight away, you so badly needing love and tlc. So a little
later you joined our Family. You accepted us and learnt what love was.
You took years to accept anyone that came to see us, but with us, you were
fine. You learnt how to play, how to wash yourself a little and also that
your food wasnt scraps from a rubbish bag and sometimes we couild even
pick up up and cuddle you for a few seconds.. After a couple of years,
We dcided to get you some company but Timmy was too dominant for you as
you had little self confidence to say, look here ,I am the boss, so we
gave Timmy back. One day we recieved a phone call from the Annimal home,
saying they had a cat whom you might accept, so Jeffrey joined the Family.
Jeffrey grew up with cats and dogs, so he wanted to play with you. You
tolereted him nicely,and at times was glad he was there, but he did used
to be very naughty sometimes because you didnt want to play with him. You
led a happy life with us, even though you had many strange moments and
never really completly got over your first 5 years of life. Almost 3 ½
yrs ago you had an accident and tore your Achilles Tendon and muscles in
your hind leg, but you managed to cope very well, and even managed to be
able to jump up on things after 2 years, you were a fighter, you never
gave up. Then 7 months ago you had an infect. You had to have your second
Op having teeth extracted, the first being not long after we got you. So
you had very few teeth left and your kidneys didnt take the anaethetism
very well and we were told you wouldnt survive another one. But somehow
you didnt get better, we wern't sure if what you had was an Allergy or
Sinus problems or a Tumor and were not able to confirm anything by taking
a x ray,which would have ment another anaesthetic. This Winter was a very
harsh one and I couldnt wait for the weather to get better, knowing that
the sun would give you your strength back. We were getting you to inhale
about 4-5 times a day, which wasnt easy at first, then realising it did
you good, you started to sleep in funny places, like the washmaschine or
dryer, we had to be so careful before turning anything on, think you would
have jumped into the oven if you could have. I think the worst thing for
you was, that your nose was blocked, sometimes not being able to breethe
too good, but even worse, you often rejected your food because you couldnt
smell it, and boy oh boy, food was your favourite! Medication helped you
a lot but you were very small and frail. Then, your face became partly
swollen and distorted, it would one day swell up and then go down and then
you developed a growth in the mouth as well. It was then on the 3/4/09
that the worst became fact, you were diagonsed as having a Tumor, a malignant
one.Until then you were not really suffering, but then things started going
fast. One eye was pushed out at a strange angle and you started bleeding
from the nose.. It was then I made the appointment for you with the Vet,
your last one .
You had such a beautiful thick and soft fur, right up to the end. You used
to love sleeping on the bed, kneading away like crazy untill you finally
curled up to sleep. You developed such a loud purr and lovely character,
but I am so sad that I didnt think to get a wee video of you on my mobile,
mauing with your raw whiskey joe voice. Yes Maxi, you loved us, we were
your family. You had some wonderfull happy years with us. You used to always
meet me at the door, although you never could be touched in some spots,
you used to streatch out and let yourself be stroked.Your favourite toy
was a laser light, used to go crazy with that.
I am so happy we had you, you enriched our lives considerably and taught
am snd the boys a lot. We comforted each other many a time and you always
knew what the one needed.
Its now 2 weeks since you crossed over, over the other side, over the Rainbow
Bridge to a better place, where you are no longer in any pain or distress.
You are whole again.
I still cry an awful lot and miss you more than words can say. It will
take some time before I have healed at your loss. You will always be in
my heart, I will always love you and not forget you. You are my beautiful
baby and will always be so. Come and visit me in my dreams and let me know
all is well.Maxi my darling, I thank you, I love you take care
Lyn and the Boys
A huge Thank You for this wonderfull site that allows us to make these Tributes to our beloved departed ones that are waiting for us over The Rainbow Bridge . I found this site about 10 years ago and have never forgotten it. I thought then how wonderfull it was and I cried by the tender wordswritten by loved ones.
Lynda and The Boys
Maxi, 02/10/95-02/27/09
I miss my
dog Maxi,,she was such a great family member. I love her so much and miss
her greatly. She passed suddenly Friday night. I was rushing her to the
er while my husband was driving..she died in my arms as I tried to give
her CPR and chest compressions. By the time we got to the ER she was gone..she
hadn't been sick..although she was 14 she was healthy and seemed still
like a puppy..a baby/
My daughter husband and i are in shock still..my daughter is an only child
and Maxi was like her sister. My heart is breaking and I feel like I can't
cope with her passing. I only pray she is happy in heaven and knows how
much we love her.
Maxi, 02/06/09
Your are my Maxi
My only Maxi
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Maxi away.
You're a good girl, yes you are
You're gonna be a movie star
You're a good girl, yes you is
You're gonna end up in show biz
We love you
Mary, Mel, and Xena
Maxi, 12/24/95-01/29/09
Footprints in the mud
I miss you Maxi my little friend
Our walks on sunny days
Your wagging tail no longer greets me
I miss your funny ways
I miss our lost tomorrows
The joy of you being near
I miss your happy shiny eyes
And your big floppy ears
Now your not home I feel so sad
My little friend has gone
You left your footprints in the mud
It was your time to move on
I ache when I see your empty bed
For the walks we shared together
You made our house feel like home
I will remember you forever
Together we shared a special trust
A bond that would always last
And when I come to get you
You will remember our entwined path
Then we will be together again
For all eternity
But for now my little friend
Be safe, be happy and be free
Maxi, 24/12/95-29/01/09
My little friend I miss all our tomorrows, be safe be happy be free until I come to get you for all eternity.x
Maxi, 12/08/98-02/02/09
Maxi, it is so hard to talk about you without crying.
We are all sad, and we miss you so much. You will never be forgotten, and
you will always have a special place in our hearts.
Michelle Lazar
To our Maxie girl who we loved so much she was a very special dog. She brought so much love and joy to us. She is missed so very much. We are so thankful for the 13 years that we had with her.
Love, Rich, Nancy, Michael and Grandpop
Maxie, 10/02/01-05/23/09
max was the sweetest dog i will miss my puppy
Maria Harrington
Maxie Ballard, 05/14/90-09/05/08
To my dear, gentle, loyal friend, Max.
He brought unconditional love to every being he encountered and his spirit
lives on wherever I am.
I am thankful to have had him for 17 years.
He was a miracle Dog.
His only dislike was for the Mailman!!!!!
Barbara Ballard
Maxie Rose, 01/20/98-12/18/08
Maxie Rose was the love of my life and my best friend.
I always called her "my little munckin
face. She was known for her happy face alway's had a smile.
My little girl will be in my heart till I die. Maxie Rose's Mommy
Maximilliam Poindexter, 05/27/95-05/11/09
Just the best dog there could possibly be.
Maximillian "Max" Tice
Licensed Therapy Dog
Your were an ever faithful companion to all of us but
especially to your two legged brother Evan. Always there no matter what
until the very end. You fought a good fight and never let us know even
if you were in pain. You are with your Grammy G and Grandpa Tice now. We
will miss you but know we will see you again someday!
Mommy, Daddy and Brother Evan
No farewell words were spoken.
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before I knew it
and only God knows why.
Good-bye my faithful best friend. You were smart and oh so loving, but a big goof at times. I miss you most when I sleep, as you're not by my side trying to take most of the bed.
I hope you are still catching tennis balls. No dog could leap higher than you for that ball. At least there are no cars at the Rainbow Bridge, so run and leap with no worry.
So long until we meet again.
Maximus, 06/18/09
Maximus was the best boy I ever had. What a heart wrenching decision... I still wonder if I did what was best. I will miss him sticking his paws in my glasses to drink my milk or water. I will miss him crying at ceilings and corners. I will MISS HIM. He was my best boy. XOXO
Lindsay Boyer
Maximus Decimus Prince, 08/09/03-06/21/09
Maximus I hope you know I love you so very much. You were
and still are my best friend in the whole world. You listened when I was
sad, you lay next to me while I was alone and you taught me that no matter
what you can always love.
I can't believe that just a few days ago I was giving you a big hug, kissing
your checks and yelling at you to get off that darn fence. As I look at
your pictures and those big brown eyes you stared at me with, I know that
you're in a different life now and with past pets that we had in our family.
I just hope you know that it was the hardest decision I ever had to make
and I hope you know I just didn't want you to suffer.
You changed my life, you made me realize that a pet is more than just an
animal, it's a companion that has unlimited love and would sacrifice anything
for you.
I know that you're in heaven now running around chasing birds and being
scared of water but I want you to know that I'll be with you someday and
that god needed you for some help and that's why he took you.
For the time being you have to help god and make sure you're a good dog
for him because we'll reunite one day.
I'll never find any animal that can replace you or give me the memories
like you did, but I hope for some animal sake you lead me to a pet that
can be saved and give me the love that you gave me 24/7/365.
I wish you weren't taken as quick as you were but you must have been needed
for something very special, because you are very special and my love will
continue for you always.
God remember that Max pretty much likes anything to eat besides dog food
that's bland. He has lots of allergies so make sure he gets a fix for that,
he loves eggs too. Make sure you give him plenty of kisses because he loves
that more than anything and you'll get some back.
He hates water so no pools please, he likes walks but gets tired so don't
run him too much.
Make sure you get his water from a fridge door because that's what he likes
and also remember that he gets food twice a day normally and his usual
snacks throughout, he likes car rides but only short ones so no long trips
Make sure he watches over me and tell him that I love him so much and will
never forget him.
Forever in my heart
Maxine, 06/09/09
Maxine thank you for enriching my life . I will hold you in my heart forever .. all my love
Denice Koke
Maxine, 11/97-05/15/09
Thank you for all the wonderful memories. You were the best family dog we could ask for, gentle and patient with the kids not to mention a great guardian to watch over them. You will be greatly missed!
Rachel Argo
Maxine, 08/12/03-02/07/09
We only had our asweet girl for a little over 3 years...
She was such a loving girl......loved people, kids, other dogs, treats.....coookies,
She never met a stranger.
We didn't know that colon cancer was going on in her body..until it really
was to late....we tried to help her....but the cancer spread.....
We miss her very much and can't wait to see her shake her bottom,and not
walk straight because she is so happy to see us!!! I miss you snuggling
with me, I miss our walks..... I miss you very much!!!
Love you Maxie!!!
Laura and Ken
Maxinne Spice, 04/03/09
Maxinne Spice was the greatest dog I've ever known. She was more than a dog to me and my sister. She was a sister. Maxinne was one of our best friends. Max was as kind and strong as one could be. I thank God for putting her in our lives. This house will never be the same without her. Max, we will forever keep you in our hearts. Until we meet again...
Mina & Ruthe
Maxwell, 04/07/05-04/07/09
We know you will enjoy the meadow you are in, there is lots of food, birds and other cats to play with. Dont worry about us at home, we will take care of one another. just stay happy and one day, we will see you again. We will never forget you max.
Maxwell, 04/25/98-05/24/09
Darling Maxwell,
Your endearing spirit will always be with us- Know that we will miss you each moment until we all meet on the bridge. We love you so much!
Brent & Judith Muir
Maxwell, 05/15/06-04/23/09
Max is a beautiful "angel" sent from GOD, and
he left me & his siblings far too soon.
He succumbed to the disgusting disease Feline Leukemia, and was incredibly
sick that I did what he asked of me, and that was to put him out of his
He left a gaping hole in my heart/life the size of Greenland, and we had
such a beautiful love affair going on, that he brought such joy, laughter,
unconditional love to me and his siblings, that he is & will be greatly
missed, but the is in a much
better place now, with no pain, in his body, or mouth, and can run, and
play in the sunshine with all of his playmates.
I will forever love you "My Little Angel Man!"
Maxwell Buster Brown, 07/07/01-04/02/09
You will be missed by many, you have touched so many lives while you were with us. I will see you again someday and we will play rot n dot all day long. I love you bum bum. RIP
Kevin & Beth
Maxwell Dean, 07/08/97-03/15/09
The best & sweetest Boo Boo Boy I could ever ask for.
Ron & Leatha Silvers
Maxwell George, 12/28/98-06/03/09
Maxwell, was my baby boo boo bear.
I and all of us will miss him greatly.
He was the best dog in the world. He will be missed. He will be loved and
remembered forever.
Maxwell House, 06/01/09
Max, you were a great friend and companion.
You did not have a mean bone in your body.
You will always be remembered.
We will sit at the Gazebo and remember the times you rested there after
a walk.
We will remember the times we played 'fetch' at the lake--you were a great
Find Roxy and spend eternity with her.
We hope to see you someday.
Paul and Pam Kirby
Maxwell Reeves, 05/04/94-06/04/09
Maxwell was a great dog.
He brought great joy to my life.
He lived for 15 years and I just hope he knew how much I loved him.
He was the greatest dog to me.
I love him and always will.
He will never be replaced.
Cash Reeves
Maxx, 07/17/09
I will miss you everyday. You were honestly my best friend. Always new how to make me laugh. I will miss our morning cuddles... Everyone misses you. We will see you soon I promise. Keep my side of the bed warm for me.
I love you always,
Your Mommy.
Maxx, 08/15/96-06/20/09
We are devastated at the sudden passing of our one and
only Maxx. Maxx was one of the greatest additions to our family.
He was a true and faithful friend and a loyal buddy.
He knew more secrets than anyone.
He had a better personality than many people we know. Maxx loved to run
and play up until his last days and he was more fun to be around than
people. We loved Maxx just as we would our own children.
We will forever love Maxx and will forever miss him. MAXX you will forever
live in our hearts.
Ron & Lindsey Reigel
Maxx, 09/26/96-01/07/09
Maxx ... you were my best friend for 13 wonderful years.
I promised you on your 10th birthday that when it was time for you to leave
me that I wouldn't put you in the ground.
You left my life yesterday and I kept my promise.
I had you cremated so that I could keep your ashes with me forever.
When my time on this earth is over I will also be cremated and our ashes
will be mixed together.
Then I'll meet you on the Rainbow Bridge and we can be a family once again.
I love you and miss you my precious angel.
Sherry Stock
Maxx Welle Craig, 04/23/96-03/24/09
My MaXXie Moo-Moo,
We miss you. Our house has become so quiet and unwelcoming since you're
not there to welcome us home each night!
But....I KNOW Heaven will be sweeter because you are waiting for us at
Rainbow Bridge to walk us across THE Bridge when it is our time to come
see you!
We miss you and love you,
Mama, Daddy and Courtney
Maxx, 08/15/96-06/20/09
We are devastated at the sudden passing of our one and
only Maxx. Maxx was one of the greatest additions to our family.
He was a true and faithful friend and a loyal buddy.
He knew more secrets than anyone.
He had a better personality than many people we know. Maxx loved to run
and play up until his last days and he was more fun to be around than
people. We loved Maxx just as we would our own children.
We will forever love Maxx and will forever miss him. MAXX you will forever
live in our hearts.
Ron & Lindsey Reigel
Maxy Max, 10/31/83-07/04/00
Max was loved and still is very much. He is deeply missed. But, we know that he is watching over all of us. We love you Max.
The Torres Family
Maxyboy, 02/11/06
My Darling Max.Miss you so much, miss your cheeky face. Miss our walks in the park. Love you always. Hope we will be together again sometime. Love Always, Your Mom Corinne xxxx
Maya, 05/23/08-05/27/09
To my wee Maya who came into my life on the 24th Dec 2008
with her two wee twins.
When I was told about you and your little wee babys at the pet shop I just
had to take you home so I could look after you and your babys as you were
only a baby your self.
We spent many nights together and you became one very special chin who
raised her two babys into beautiful young girls.
My sweet Maya you will never be forgotten, RIP my wee darling your Mummy
Maybelle, 03/01/97-01/29/08
Maybelle our dear sweet girl.
Mommy and Daddy miss you so much.
You were and always will be our best friend.
Cosmo, Pee-Wee, and bun bun miss you so much too.
It won't be soon enough until we meet again.
Love you and may you be at peace waiting for us to see you on the bridge.
Love Mom and Dad.
Maybelle, 12/29/08
Mom and Dad will miss you so much, as well as Justin,
Cosmo, Pee-Wee and Bun Bun.
You were our best friend forever, and our hearts are so sad by you having
to go.
We all know that you are in a good place now, not suffering, and waiting
for us to meet you again one day. We love you always "Poopers".
Jay and Janet Puzinski
Maylee, Mousie Girl, Mouser in the Houser, Motor, Quahog, 06/01/99-07/02/09
My beloved Maylee, mouser, mousie girl, Motor passed away
suddenly on July 2nd, 2009.
I was shocked to discover that she went into kidney failure very suddenly
and had to be put to sleep.
I held her in my arms and kissed her to bring her some comfort in her final
That little girl was rescued out of the motor of a car at 3 months old
and had battery acid burns on the beans of her paws! The animal rescue
put her up for adoption and I was lucky enough to be a perfect match for
her with my other beloved girl Kiki.
Maylee stole my heart the moment that I met her. She rubbed her nose all
over me and purred incessantly when I held her. She loved the little toy
mice and would retrieve them like a dog!
Everytime I went to bed or took a nap, she would come up to my face and
purr loudly as she licked my nose (for a long time!).
That was her signature greeting.
I love you Maylee and though it does not seem real that you are gone, I
know you are in Heaven with your sister Kiki.
Thank you for all of your love over the ten years you have been a part
of my life.
You are in my heart forever.
Love always,
Preston, Ally Mae,Tootie,and Mommy too.
Maysie, 12/30/08
Maysie was my beauty, my queen.
So regal, lovely and kind.
No more sickness or fear for you my love.
Goodbye, my dear friend.
Miss Sally and I will miss you.
Mazie Grace, 02/14/99-04/14/09
Mazie, You will always be loved and always be missed. When my last dog died, I told you that you were no Bronte but that I still loved you. I was right, you were no Bronte, you were our Mazie.
Eddie Giuliani
McGurk Momie, 01/26/05-01/08/09
We are so very sad to say that we lost our handsome boy.
The doctors at the Veterinary School said that they believed McGurk had
a heart arrhythmia and his poor little heart just stopped.
Gurk was sitting in the bathroom talking/chirping at my husband and slipped forward and fell over.
My husband thought that he might have broken his neck,
but the doctor said perfectly healthy 4 year old cats don't just fall over.
When they do it is usually the heart.
We shall miss our Gentle Giant so much.
He was the peace maker in the house.
From the book "All God's Creatures Go to Heaven"? by N.A. Noel
We cannot judge the animals by human measure.
Their senses and instincts are beyond our imagination.
We have witnessed their kindness and courage,
their joy and their sorrow,
their loyalty and love.
Do their lives deserve to be honored among the stars?
I believe they do.
I know that there are questions as to where animals go
after death because they don't have spirits/souls.
I believe that they do go to Heaven and I believe that my son now has his
very own Maine Coon.
If you have ever loved or been loved by an animal there is no doubt.
Sleep well my Best Boy
Sometimes I wonder how many times a heart must break.
Carol & Steve Welch
McIntyre Mac, 05/01/90-03/23/09
What a loss after all of these years. He was our Mac. He was a gentle giant. Our hearts are broken.
McKenzie, 04/21/09
You will always be in our Hearts Mckenzie, We love you....
Sue Henderson/Lisa Girton
McKenzie, 02/04/09
McKenzie you were a great dog.
I always looked forward to our little "bonding" sessions when
you real people were out of town.
You will be missed.
Keith Grimm
McKenzie Alice, 03/22/09
we love you and you will forever be in our hearts our
precious mckenzie alice.
love always, your family
Kim Desrosiers
McKenzie Willis, 01/15/95-08/25/08
I was adopted from a local shelter @ 9 months old on October 13, 1995 and at that time adoptions were only $35. My mother says that was the BEST money she EVER spent!!!!!! When I saw my soon-to-be mom walk through the doors I knew she was the one I was going home with. In 2004, my mother noticed I had some minor changes in my eating and bathroom habits and because she suffers from OCD, she scooped me up and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the vet's office. After some minor testing (by the way, my definition of "minor" is much different) it was decided that I have Addison's Disease (which was caught in the early stages, no surprise there). I've been living with this condition for 4 years and my mother keeps a very, very close eye on me. My medication has not had to increase and I get my blood drawn every 3 months. I've been really lucky!!!! In June 2008, my mom noticed that my two fatty lipomas had changed in size overnight and she took me straight to my doctor for an exam. It was decided that I should go to Texas A&M Vet school for further testing, which was always a nice drive back and forth. After more poking and ultrasounds, a preliminary test came back with results of Mast Cell Tumor. My mom was so upset, but then after more talking it was decided that it could be removed since it was the size of a "bb". We were still waiting for the results of the larger lipoma and we were told we could go home and they would call my mother next day. My mom got the worst phone call ever..... the larger fatty lipoma was a Mast Cell Tumor Stage 4, which means it had spread to my liver. My mom was told that I didn't have much time and that I needed to be started on all new medications ASAP. This was June 27, 2008 and all of our lives would forever be changed. Because I needed medicine throughout the entire day, my mom and I left our home and moved into my grandparents so that I could be with someone 24/7. The attention was great, the medicine not so much. My mom did ask the oncologist for the average timeline regarding this type of cancer in this stage from her experience. My mom was told 12 weeks maximum and considering when the changes initially began until the diagnosis occurred 4 weeks had already past. I know my mom and grandparents did the best they could during the following weeks but nothing was going to stop the obvious from happening. Alot of things happened over the next 8 weeks, good and bad. There is no need in going into any details of the terrible things that had happened since at that time it was somthing my mom could control. The oncologist told my mom what to expect and certain signs to look for to recognize when the end was near. My mom and I spent our last couple of hours together in bed while we waited for the vet to make her house call. I hope my mom knows that I knew she loved my very, very much and I will miss her deeply. McKenzie lived for 60 days after her diagnosis.
Lorna Willis
Mc Lovin, 04/27/09
I love you baby boy.
Your time was too short and I promise if you would just come back to me
I will NEVER Let you go!
Meadow, 03/09/09
To our loved Meadow,the best service dog ever, we miss you so much
Claudio and Kimberly Faenza
Meagan, 01/02/09
To Meagan, a true friend to Pinkie to the end. Loved by so many. Your loss is immeasurable and so sudden. Be at peace our little friend. We miss you so and will until we meet again.
Bonnie Hite
Meagan, 08/95-12/29/08
We love you Meg.
Thanks for being such a special part of our family for 13 years.
Rest in peace baby girl.
Stephanie & Bill Leibengood
Meaney, 11/20/96-04/08/09
Meaney, I LOVE you and miss you so much. You are my baby,
best friend and companion. I feel like I lost part of me, part of my soul
when I lost you. You were my everything.
I wish I could rub your soft fur again and hear your loud purring that
let me know you were content and happy. I know one day we will be together
again, so wait for me at the rainbow bridge!!!! My sweet, beautiful Meaney
you will never be forgotten and will always be in my heart!!!
Rest in Peace, my sweet, beautiful "Bright Eyes." Mommy LOVES
her BOY!!!!!!
Meatball, 05/10/03-04/09/09
TO my Mokanoodles,
you are so loved and so very special to me,I just want you to know how wonderful and complete it was to have you in our lives. All the times you looked after me and made me feel better when I was sad or sick will never be forgotten , I will think of you often with a smile and some day we will meet again and go for bye byes in the jeep and have a treat at the park .
love always mommy and papa.
Meda, 03/24/99-10/26/08
Love you my dear Meda.
Nadezda Lolin
Meea, 06/08/09
To our Meea girl. We love you and miss you more than words
can express.
It is so lonely without you.
We love you!!!
The Vitello Family
Meeka Phelps, 04/16/07-02/23/09
You will be missed and will always be our little girl. We love you.
Stacey and Jeremy Phelps
Meeko, 05/08/99-05/22/09
In honor of my Meeko Man.
To our best buddy,the most handsome dude, a true ambassador of his breed,
and the owner of our broken hearts.
Toni Kurowski
Meeko, 08/01/95-04/23/09
To our angel Meeko:
Almost 14 years of joy you made in our life. Those years were the happiest
days of our life.Last night was the hardest decisions we had to make, letting
you go. Where there were be no more suffering into that small body of yours,
that didn t deserve this at all. Hope you will understand what i did, I
loved you so much, you were my best friend, my baby. Just hope one day,
that i will be able to take you back into my arms again and give you kisses
& hug like i used to do every day, during almonst 14 years. I put a
picture of you beside my bed. me & you Meeko sleeping together in bed
very close like we did all of those years. Life made us apart but you will
always be the first one in my heart.
Meeko, Fall 1995-06/14/08
You died on Kari's Wedding Day.
Away from all of us, but in the arm's of a good friend.
I am still crying for your loss. You are now with my mom.
She loves you so.
Wait for all of us.
Your loving family,
Bev, Rob, Kari and Shane
Meeko, 02/27/09
Our sweet boy mommy and daddy will always love and miss you.You will always be our prince see you at the bridge
Dawn & Louie Shkreli
Meeko Pickles Hagood, 06/22/09
Wonderous dog - He loved his human family and we loved
He was smart and intuitive.
He could always make me laugh.
He was my comfort and my friend.
He was loyal and kind. He was best friend to my daughter giving her help
through the turmoil of her teenage years.
He helped my son feel his emotions.
He always had a happy tail way no matter my mood.
He knew how to give love and receive love.
The family learned much from him and miss him.
Carla Hagood
Meesan, 04/16/09
To the my love of my life, your unconditional love brought
me so much happiness.
You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
Meesha, 10/21/93-04/16/09
I would do anything to hold onto you.
Just about anything until you pull through.
I'll hold onto you, until the stars no longer wink...
Patricia Neumann
Meesha, 02/14/09
Good Bye My Precious Meesha
I will miss you so much
I will see you soon
I love you
Meeshkaa, 03/02/09
Our precious girl - we love you so much, baby...
Terry & Tom
Meg, 06/16/09
Our beloved blue eyed lurcher Meg ran like the
wind and left us far too soon.
We will always remember and miss her.
Anne and Chris
Meg, 01/12/93-17/02/09
Meg was a loving ,kind and gentle dog. She knew how to steal the hearts of humans and frequently did. She came to me from the RSPCA when she was 6 months old and for 13 years it was just her and me. I did everything I could for her but I couldn't stop her death. Her loss has left a huge hole in my life and no one can take her place. I will miss her until, I die but remember her with great joy and affection
Haidee Norton
Meg, 10/13/93-12/02/08
Those of us who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept it's awful gaps we would live our lives no other way, and accept memory as the only true immortality. I love you Meg, and I miss you more than words can say.
Amy Degroot
Megan, 05/22/09
Megan, you were the most wonderful friend and companion
When your mom and Chris got you from the pound, you were the one who chose
them just by showing off your sweetest personality and we all got lucky
from your choice.
Then when I came into your life a few years later, not only did you let
me into your home joyfully but you bonded with me in such a special way.
Your beautiful and expressive brown eyes saw me through a lot of hard times
when all I had to do was look at you to know things would be all right.
You opened your heart to your three cat friends as well, content to share
the love knowing that you were always our first and best love.
You so enjoyed the endless games of stick and would play until you just
dropped down from exhaustion with that wonderful smile on your face.
Eventually all living bodies begin to break down and even though you couldn't
quite understand it, you never gave up.
Just kept on moving forward any way you could.
It broke my heart to see you go but your eyes, even in death, assured me
that it was okay and you were going to a better place at Rainbow Bridge.
We love you girl, take care of our pet family and wait for us to come along.
Mom and Dad
Megan, 11/96-03/04/09
I will always miss you, from the time i get up each morning till i go to
bed at night you were always there happy as can be wiggeling your little
tail and packing a toy around i can never find a friend as good as you
I will see you Megan some day and we will cross rainbow bridge together
Love dad
Megan McKnight, 12/04/94-01/22/09
Megan was the most loving,gentle, amazing sensitivity and compassion, and in its purest form,all the joy of having such a wonderful little girl like Megan changed my life forever. Not only Megan do you have my undying adoration and love, you will always have a piece of my heart. You have accomplished your mission here on earth. You are my hero, who taught me alot of lessons and how to live. God Bless my little girl, "Megan."
Maureen McKnight
Megan Rose, 11/29/93-06/09/07
Meggie we all miss you so much, we know you are safe up there playing with and keeping tabs on Bandit, love you Meggie Moo
Paula Ralph Robbie
Meggara, 11/01/06
Love you forever
Pamela Anne
Mehmet Meshach, 04/19/94-04/02/09
He was there for me for over 14 years as I suffered with
Chronic Pain.
Just what the doctor ordered in 1994.
Smart, friendly, obedient, funny, and loved by everyone
who met him.
Never "hissed" once in his life,
He was so happy.
He was simply a magnificent cat. But I have to confess, that I never told
him he was a "Cat".
He was treated like a human, and loved like a "Son".
He had his own room for 14 years, filled with toys, a
TV, a VCR, with Cat tapes, a child's playpen filled with colorful balls
to play in.
Lots of things to jump on.
My beloved Mehmet died on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 4:57
He had been ill since October.
He lived a long healthy and happy life.
He was 14 years old and would have celebrated his 15th birthday on April 19, 2009.
I thank God for blessing me with this extraordinary cat.
Even, at the end, he lifted his head to kiss me 'Good-Bye", when I
asked him to give me a kiss.
I shall miss him dearly.
Please keep me in your prayers.
God Bless
Carole Crenshaw
Mei Ling, 04/21/07
You were my life; my heart; my everything! Still missing you after two years and calling my new Shih Tzu Mei Ling instead of her real name, Ting. You will always be the Tzu deepest in my heart. The ache will never go away completely - it's there to remind me every day of how incredible you were. I will miss you all the days of my life.
Nancy Harris
Meika, 04/21/97-07/13/09
My little pupala, I will miss you with all my heart.
You were my protector when no one else would defend me and my comedy relief
when I when I needed a laugh.
You took on the role of Thor's big sister and came to his defense when
he was being a troublesome puppy like you once were.
No other dog will ever be able to replicate your independent spirit and
genuine loving heart.
You will be greatly missed.
Love you forever.
I hope you will be in a better place; one filled with couches to eat and
pillows to lay on.
Melissa Ricca
Meika, 04/22/09
My best friend and #1 fan passed away early Tuesday afternoon, April 22nd. A memorial service will be held at Del Mar beach,her 2nd home to celebrate all of the love,joy,and happiness that she brought both to my life and other peoples lives she touched.
Shannon Wrenn
Meiling (Meimei), 05/21/09
For our daddy's girl.
We love you so much and miss you.
K M Braeme-Burr
Meisha, 02/04/09
the saying mans best friend was so true for her.sooooo many great memories of my baby.today is the 1st day in 18 yrs i am home alone.sad,but didnt want to keep her in pain.love you meisha!!!
Ed Lamb
Meisha Donnelly, 04/05/08
Our Dearest Meisha,
We are still so sad to be without you every day. Yet, we feel your spirit.
Our hearts feel comfort in knowing that you are waiting for us and this
gives us the strength to move forward. You continue to bring us joy in
the many happy memories we have of you. We can't wait to see you and hold
you again.
With Everlasting Love,
Momma and Daddy
Patricia Donnelly and Andrew Campbell
Meister, 09/03/99-06/30/09
Meister, You will be forever in my heart
Peggy Miller
Meisty, 03/15/91-05/23/09
Meisty was a southern bell.
Her area of expertise was using her paw to throw things down onto the floor
from any table or shelf.
She would always check to be sure we were watching, just so we would notice
her technique!
She also loved to cuddle and to play with Doodle.
You were the Queen cat Meisty.
We will miss you.
Megan, Mom, Dad, Doodle, and Dukie
Meko, 06/04/94-02/14/09
Our dear Meko you are missed. We hope you found Ebbie and Desi as we know in our hearts that they were waiting for you. Rest well dear girl. Til we meet again, Love Mom, Dad, and Critters.
Meko, 02/03/09
nothing is the same since you went away,i think of you my best friend for 16 years everyday ,i love you meko i hope you know that and i hope you know i will be with you one day ,you are my heart always my besd friend
Mel, 05/23/95-05/01/09
I love my lil boy and will miss his beautiful face and
sunny personality.
I know that one day we will meet again. And that I will feel the tip of
his paw hitting the tip of my nose to get me up for breakfast once more.
I love you my Melbaby......
Laura M. Garcia
Melissa, 07/01/96-05/30/09
Our Melissa sweet and strong
We love you dearly
But now, you are gone
Devoted companion, loving friend
You helped us through some tough times
We loved you 'til the very end
You are forever in our thoughts and prayers
May you enjoy long walks and chasing bunnies
Until we meet again
Tim & Jen Pierce
Melissa Cat My Baby, 10/2007
My sweet girl
I had a awesome 23 years with you, but it was way to short I miss you so
You where my friend my child and my girlie girl.
you listen to me
you comfort me you made me smile and happy
you listen to me,
sometimes I told you things
cause you never made me feel bad about things I dolt you
. You just LOVED me
you brought so much joy to my life.
I was heart broken when you left to go to Kitty Heaven
or on the other side
But if GOD is willing we will see again.....
Oh my girl I miss you
Love always
your MOMMY
Melody, 02/14/03-01/21/07
This little princess was one of three kittens rescued
together, they were sisters.
Josie, Valerie and Melody, named for Josie and the Pussycats!!
Josie had left to live with a neighbor (too much rivalry with Val) and
Melody was Daddy's girl!!
Now only Valerie remains.
Melody used to go out during the day to the nursery on
the next block and retrieve gardening gloves.
There were so many, we'd put them in a bag and when there were a dozen
or so we'd return them to the nursery!!
Her final resting place is beneath a tree we planted for her, and she rests with the last glove she brought home.
She is still missed!!
Lynne & Jimmy
Melody, 06/08/09
My dearest Melody,
I am in awe of the amazing companion you were to me.
Yesterday was one of the saddest days of my life.
Your beautiful voice was missing in my
morning routine today.
I awoke in a daze and then remembered that you were gone. Your sing song
melodious cry always greeted me at any time of the day.
I still hear you in my heart,my darling girl. You lived a long 17 years
yet I still wanted you with me forever.
I will never forget that tiny black kitten who called out to me to let
her be the one who was picked among the many homeless pets.
Your voice rose above all the rest just as your heart left an unforgettable
imprint upon my soul.
I hope you are running in the fields of Heaven.
I hope you and my beloved Taylor are together and that you will take care
of one another until we all meet again.
God bless you and keep you, Love, Mommy
Melody and Harmony, 04/26/01-12/24/08
Bailey's Sweet Melody and Bailey's Angelic Harmony.
The names on your papers.
We called you Melly and Harmy, and referred to you as The Babies.
You were the music of our lives.
We both loved you with all of our heart, and we are hurting very much.
You left us on Christmass Eve 2008 exactly the way you came into this world.
Sisters to the end and beyond.
I know that we will see you again when it is our turn to come Home too.
Thank you both for the wonderful time we had together. I love you and miss
you, and always will.
Mommy & Daddy
Melon, 05/14/09
Melon was the most loyal companion a person could have. She served with pride and honor as a service dog to me and touched the hearts of many. She enjoyed rides, walks, and the occassionaly ice cream cone. Easy going with her own unique attitude. She was my shadow and bestfriend and will be missed greatly.
Phillip Muma
Mel, My sweet baby guinea pig. I will miss you so much. You were so sick and I tried so hard to make you well again. It wasn't meant to be. Please wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I am happy you can run in the warm sunshine and be free. I love you,baby. Mom
Memphis Tennessee Mueller, 10/01/07-03/21/09
Our beloved Memphis was the leader of our pack.
He was an exuberant dog who added spice to every aspect of our lives.
He was struck by a truck and killed instantly.
The hole that is left in the pack is devastating to our dogs as it is to
We were blessed to share part of his life with him.
He came to us a scared puppy from the shelter and we were priviledge to
watch him grow into a strong, confident young adult dog.
Memphis Tennessee will always be with us.
We love and miss you boy.
Kris Mueller and Rachel Anderson
Mena Mae, 05/30/00-02/26/09
For My baby, Mena Mae
God's Sweet Kitty
God made a sweet little kitty
furry, black and white.
The prettiest little kitty
precious in his sight.
One day God took his kitty
into the world to play.
He said have fun little kitty;
I'll be back for you someday.
This little kitty opened her eyes
and began to feel alone.
God said I'm with you kitty
until I find your perfect home.
God comforted his kitty
until one day, He knew
He whispered "Don't worry kitty;
she's coming here for you".
I had no idea of His plans
when I walked into the store;
He had chosen me for this kitty
before I'd even reached the door.
I walked inside and looked around;
I saw a box upon the ground.
Inside were a bunch of kitties
so small and all alone.
Each one of these dear kitties
was waiting for a home.
I picked up God's special kitty
and held her to my chest.
Her purrs grew louder and louder
with every little breath.
I put his kitty down
to take a look around.
Before I could walk away,
I heard a little cry.
I looked back at the kitty,
her eyes stared back at mine.
I said "OK, little kitty",
"I'll hold you one more Time".
I held God's little kitty
again upon my chest.
Her purrs grew louder and louder
with every little breath
I tried once more to put her down
but it was not to be.
Because God had chosen this kitty
as a special gift for me.
I loved God's Little Kitty
and it didn't take much time
for me to think God's Kitty
was completely and only mine.
One day just like any other,
no real good reason why
my kitty became sick;
I feared that she would die.
I tried to heal my kitty;
I did everything known to man.
Nothing made a difference until
I placed her in God's hands.
Many times I don't know what to do.
I can only cry.
"Dear God, please help my kitty."?
"Dear God, don't let her die."?
It's at these times, God picks me up
and holds me to his chest.
My strength comes back much stronger
with each and every breath.
And in this special moment,
I finally see the light.
God's gift to me in the store that day
was more than met my sight.
For in caring for God's kitty,
He opened my eyes to see
that the way I love his kitty
so much more his love for me.
God has taken away all my fears
and wiped away each of my tears.
He's given me the strength
I never could have known,
to love and hold his kitty
until He finally calls her home.
One day I took God's kitty
into the sun to lay;
I said, "Don't worry kitty,
He's coming for you today."?
God came for his sweet kitty,
and held her to his chest.
Her purrs came back much stronger,
with every little breath.
God took his sweet kitty up to Heaven;
Where she could run and play.
And never, ever be sick again,
not even for a day.
I miss his dear, sweet kitty;
My heart aches every day.
I wish I could see God's kitty again,
if only for one day.
But, I am thankful I've been able to be
a part of his sweet kitty's life.
I thank God from the bottom of my heart;
I'll thank him all my life.
I know God has his kitty;
He'll never leave her alone.
I know I'll see our kitty again;
when God finally calls me Home.
-- Tani Minton, 2009
You have been my Best Friend from the time you came home with me and had to be fed with a bottle, until the time you got sick and was more worried about licking my hand because I was crying than the pain you were feeling. You always wanted me to be happy, and you always made me laugh no matter what. You mean the world to me, I'm going to miss my "baby". I'll always LOVE you Menow.
Meow-Meow, 02/14/96-02/11/09
Meow-Meow was born in TX and adopted by Myself and my
EX-Husband back in the Summer of '96.
It was fate and luck that he was brought into our lives, especially mine.
His exact Birthday is unknown, but he was no more than a kitten (still
had that kitten face) when he joined our family.
After his Father and I parted he stayed with me and joined me in many adventures
that have brought us back to Georgia which is now his home.
He never complained about being shuffled around from place to place and
always adapted to his new surroundings....even if that place had dogs he
had to "break-in".
Meow-Meow holds such a VERY VERY special place in my HEART,
not just because he was my cat, but because he was my best friend, and
he had been the only pet I have ever had that I didn't have to leave behind,
and he stayed with me through "thick" & "thin".
I remember plenty of days and nights when I was upset for one reason or
another and he was always there to snuggle with me and show his love by
just being there and licking my tears away.
He was always such the loving cat.
Not like most cats that like to be left alone.
Meow Meow was just the opposite;
He loved to be close and curl up.
I remember when we first got him and how we had to keep
him and Nikko separate.
Originally we had thought it for Meow-Meows' sake, but it ended up being
for Nikko's sake.
The first time we actually left the two together, we came home to find
splatterings of blood on the wall.
Well, guess what?
It wasn't Meow-Meow's blood, it was the dogs.
Who would've thought that a 90lb Husky could get his ass kicked by a kitten
(must've been 6+ mos old).
Well, I just wanted to share a brief story of his time
with me and share with you how much I loved him.
What I will do without him I don't know.
I do know, that I will miss him waking me up in the morning with the touch
of his paw (sometimes w/claws slightly out), or the lick on the forehead,
or just staring at me (I could feel him doing that) till I would just get
up and feed him.
I will miss him waiting for me to come home; he always knew the time I
would be home (amazing how their internal clocks work).
I will miss the way he smelled and how green his eyes were.
I will miss how he loved to curl up with me under the blankets.
I will miss how soft his fur was (incredibly soft).
I will miss absolutely EVERYTHING about him.
I plainly will just miss him with all my heart.
He was my "everything".
His Mom,
Meowmie, 07/01/03-03/29/09
Our dearest Meowmi, you were sent to us as an angel when we needed help so desperately. You were the most high class, lovable, grumpy, loyal, devoted, mischievous, hungry, arrogant, sensitive, naughty cat. But you were the most handsome cat we'd ever seen. My bed is lonely without your warmth. Our house is lonely without your meowing and your presence. And our family has lost a son and a brother. We miss you so very much, and are in so much pain. Thank you for coming into our lives, for blessing us as a family. We love you, and always will. Thank you little boy for loving us back.
Hemavathy Dm Suppiah
Mercades, 03/30/08-10/14/08
Her time with us was brief.
But the pawprints she left on our hearts will never fade.
I miss her and all who came before and will after.
We will meet again at the rainbow bridge.
Mercedes, 03/17/00-02/08/09
Mercedes came to me at eight months, she was a rescue.She was such a special dog, all she wanted to do is please, so sweet and loving and beautiful.Cancer took her away from me and I have lost my best freind.
Linda Weir
Mercury, 04/06/09
Merc was the best cat in the world.
Everyone loved her.
We had so many wonderful moments together that I can't begin to list them
She battled chronic renal failure with grace and dignity, but on Monday,
we had to let her go.
I miss you Merc.
I don't know what I'm going to do without you.
Samantha Hansen
Mercy, 06/02/09
Mercy came to us as a rescue on the verge of being euthanized
in 2005 but it was she who rescued us, She
chose us as her new family the first time we met her. She filled our lives
with so much love and humor each and every day. Even after becoming ill
she never stopped being the most amazing companion to us, she was loved
by all who were lucky enough to have met her and seen her beautiful smiling
face. Mercy will be so sadly missed forever, life will not be the same
without her. We love and adore you Mercy...so sadly missed!
Sherri, Tom, Kayla and Patrick Midney
Merlin, 07/14/09
To my precious baby boy. Thank you for being my best friend for so many years. You are missed more than you know. My heart is breaking just thinking of not being able to hold you again. May you rest in peace my beautiful baby.
I Love You,
Merlin, 03/99-12/11/08
To my little pound puppy.
I went looking for a labrador and found a Merlin.
Love at first sight that is for sure and the surrounding events confirm
it was fate that you and I ended up with each other.
Gentle of heart, gentle of soul. Not one mean bone in
your body.
Such a beautiful boy right to the end.
I know you are still with us on our walks I just wish I could see you.
Hope you are happy and eating snow balls.
Love you miss you. Till we meet again!
Penny Lindh
Merlin, 09/01/94-07/09/09
Merlin was a beloved companion for 14 years.
One of those rare cats who saw everyone as a friend, and was always ready
with a purr and love.
We miss him greatly, and are honored to have had him in our lives.
Chuck & Joanne
Merlin, 05/15/98-07/09/09
Merlin you gave us 11 years of love and loyalty.
I never could have imagined that you would be the first of my Aussie children
to leave me.
You will be missed by your human family, your feline buddies, and your
Ã…ussie sisters.
Rest in peace, baby.
Nancy Josephs
Merlin, 07/05/09
I miss you Merlin. You were a good friend and I loved you very much.
Phil Gilbreth
Merlin, 11/08/92-06/21/09
Our Merlin left us two days ago and the pain is overwhelming. We miss his sounds and the conversations we had.
Mostly, we miss his hugs. His human hugs that he gave us (left shoulder only please:))
Julie and Danny
Merlin, 05/26/09
We had to put down a 25 year old cat Merlin today.
We have had him for the past 5 years and loved him dearly.
Rest in Peace MER MER... Hopefully they will have plenty of soft food on
the otherside for you!
We will miss you in the Windowsill where you have been for the past 5 years!
Cindi Jerore
Merlin, 01/01/96-20/11/08
Merlin, I've sat here for 20 minutes trying to think of what to say. There are simply no words to say how much I miss you.
Nicky Rowlands
Merlin, 07/15/02-03/11/09
Dear Merlin,
Thank you for bring so much love into our lives and we will be seeing you
You will be sadly missed but never forgotten.
Love M & D
Merlin, 05/14/96-02/11/09
Merlin, please wait for me.
I miss you so much.
You were the happiest of dogs, never knowing that life has an inevitable
I will cry for you, but only for my loss, because I know that you are over
the other side of the Bridge romping and playing and having a good time
with all the other dogs there.
Please do not chase the kitties that are there, its their heaven too.
Rainy Bryant
Merlin, 03/12/09
Merlin was a wonderful cat: sweet, playful, and loved
by everybody.
He made the world a sunnier place.
He lit up my life for the past 4 years and I will miss him every day.
He died unexpectedly of an aneurysm last Thursday, and I still can't quite
believe he's gone.
Goodbye Merlin, I love you so much; I feel sure we'll meet again some day.
Tori Neuman
Merlin, 12/19/08
We had Merlin since he was a tiny kitten. Out kids grew up with him and he was a real friend. He was our "gentleman cat" as he would always gently greet our visitors and come sit beside us when looking for attention. He had a stroke this past December and we had to have him put down. We all miss him terribly.
Vicki Corlett
Merlin, 03/01/09
I will miss you so much and it is going to be so hard for me to let go of you. Thank you for giving me unconditional love and letting me love you. You will always hold a very special place in my heart. We will meet again one day my feline friend...I love you.
Michele McGill
Merlin, 05/09/98-01/10/09
To the most wonderful being I have ever known. You will be in my heart forever Merlin my precious pup.
Mark Kingsley
Merlin Adamski, 07/08/99-05/25/09
Not quite 10 years for me but a lifetime for him. From
the day he chose me to be his dad to the heart wrenching night we said
good bye. My gentle boy, my heart is broken. I miss you so. You were loved
by many.
How was I so lucky to have such a beautiful and smart boy? You brought
joy to my life every day. The pain of loosing you cuts deep yet somehow
you are still inside of me protecting me from the worst. I will keep you
tucked away in my heart and wait untill we meet again, Pop & pup in
a better place. So untill that time, you are free to run all I ask is check
in on me once in a while and to be the one who is there when it is my time
to go. Untill we meet again, my wonder boy.
Thomas Adamski
Merlin Bjonosn, 01/16/09
You are nuch missed the hosue is just not the same without u Merlin i love and miss u.
Jodi Bjornson
Merlin Toto, 07/12/74-09/22/87
It was love at first site when I first saw my good fella and I love and miss you still. Someday we'll be together again and we'll play and love and have our nippy naps. I love you!
Donna Santagato
Merow, 2000
my merow was the best cat. she was always there for me. she would lick my tears when i was crying and always tried to happy even though she was so sick. i love you and miss you merow.
Merrie, 12/14/00-03/06/09
Our beloved dog passed away so suddenly and at such a
young age.
She showed signs of a neurological event on a Thursday night and was gone
a week later.
We miss her in ways that I could never have imagined.
Despite the pain of this loss, I would not change or alter the time we
had Merrie.
She was truly the sweetest and most loving dog I have ever known.
We were so lucky to have her in our life and her sudden passing has again
made us so aware that there are no promises for tomorrow and we must enjoy
those we love and the time we are given.
We love you, MerBear!
Merry, 04/29/06-01/03/09
Merry was the sweetest,most lovable dog I have ever been
around. We loved her as if she was our sweet baby girl. She would light
up the room when she was in it. When we had to evacuate for Hurricane Ike
she sat on my lap while I drove for 6 hours without a yip or whine. She
loved to sit on me, lie beside me or to sit by my head on the couch so
she could give me a kiss at any time. I will always think of her and miss
her. Merry had a very special soul.
She is missed by all who knew her.
Ruth Todd
I lost my best friend today. I knew the end would come and the cancer would eventually take her, but I was not ready for the pain that came today. She was a loving, caring white ball of fur that I fell for as soon I saw her. She was eight weeks old when she joined my as my new best friend. Through the years that love grew and we had countless times of joy. She was always there when I needed a hug, a kiss, a playmate, a joy ride buddy, wanted to make a McDonald's drive thru cheeseburger run or whatever else we wanted to do. Her love was selfless, unconditional and always there for me. She fought until the end, knowing that I was by her the whole time. In the end, it was time and she knew. She went being loved and giving love, with on last kiss she passed. A big piece of me is gone today. Mesha, I will love you forever and miss you more than words can say.
Meshoo, 06/16/88-02/19/09
My Loving Meshoo,
We miss you so much. You were so very brave the day you left us. As hard
as we tried to keep you with us, you knew it was your time to go. I could
see in your eyes you needed us to let you go.
Our hearts are broken but we know you are in a better place and you are
strong and beautiful again.
Debbie and Roger
Mesquite, 05/21/09
Mesquite disappeared a week ago, she was out in the yard when a neighbor last saw her and she never came home. I have posted her picture around town and in our neighborhood. I've given up hope in ever seeing her again. Mesquite was my beautiful girl, I loved her more than any cat I had ever had. I miss her daily and have cried for the past week. I can't believe I will never hold her again, seeing her little toys around the house breaks my heart...
Patty Feather
Mew Mew, 07/27/04
Mew , I love you.. I still look for you in the basket
by the brick fireplace wall. i also look for you in the corners you used
to sleep in. Hence the name "Corner" and "corner Kitty"
As you grew older "Little old Lady". You were always laying with
me in the everning when i had time to relax. I miss the little snuffeling
sounds you used to make while you were sleeping. Mew i miss you, Mew I
Love you I will see you at Rainbow Bride and long to look at you face again.
Mew Dad love you, Mew, dad misses you. Plese come and see me some night
I will be waiting in the spot we shared together.. Mew I love you, Mew
I miss you
Love jerry (Dad)
Mia, 10/09/96-06/09/09
Mia, I miss you so much. I have the memories we made together and photos of the good times we shared. Love you.
Larry Peters
Mia, 09/06/09
Mia, you were my best friend. I cherished every moment
with you . I cannot express how much I love you and miss you. You made
me a better person-thank you so much. I will always think about you and
I can't wait till we are together again. It was privilage that you showed
me what a beautiful soul you are.
I love you, forever and ever xoxoxoxo
Sylvia B
Mia, 02/09/09
A very sweet girl.
I love you and did all I could for you.
I miss you sweetie!!
Mia, 12/1/206-03/22/09
We lost our sweet Mia suddenly due to bloat.Mia was the sweetest girl-she brought so much joy to our lives.We miss you Mimi-you are our angel.Run free and be goofy and know your family wants you and needs you!Our hearts hurt and our home feels empty.
Jynn & Sean & Cami (Maltipoo Sister)
Mia, 07/07/02-04/01/09
Our sweet girl Mia.
You had our hearts at four weeks old.
Our lives would be never be the same.
You brought so much joy, love, and meaning into your mommy and daddy's
You were only 6 1/2 when you left us to go to the Rainbrow Bridge, but
it would have never been enough.
Your presence is missed when we go to sleep, we miss our little furnace
in bed and our girl who never stopped palying.
I will think of you when walking and going to the park as I know that was
your favorite thing to do.
How you loved to play frisbee and catch with the tennis balls.
You loved your life and you were so loved.
Radley is missing you here.
You two were so cute when cuddling together, when you chased eachother
in the yard and playing tug-o-war.
We are all lost here without you.
You were the ring leader and Radley followed you around everywhere.
Your daddy misses his princess and I miss my peanut, my pretty girl.
Mia, you stole our hearts and we are so blessed to have had you in our
I know you are free of cancer and pain and are running free with Jake and
cuddling with Simba now.
We love and miss you and will meet again someday.
Love, your mommy and daddy and fur brother Radley
Mia, 10/28/04-12/18/08
I am so sorry what happened to you. I took you out of a terrible life and gave you love for so few years. we miss you so much
Mia, 02/10/05-12/31/08
Poor Mia was attacked by another dog running loose. She died of internal injuries after going into cardiac arrest at the vet's office.
Judy Duffy
Mia Leibowitz, 04/08/06-01/05/09
Mia was a very loved dog by everyone who met her. She was a part of many people's lives and brought much joy to us. She was very tiny at 2.4 lbs but had a big heart. Mia was my bestfriend through many tough times. I know that she is in a better place and we will meet again someday. I love her very much.
Chelsea Leibowitz
Mia Morisch, 12/30/08
Mia filled a void in our hearts when we lost our Nichole
who died at 18.
We will miss her and she will always be with us.
What a joy she was.
Linda Morisch
Micah, 05/29/07-01/24/09
Brave warrior goes ahead
Julie Willis
Michael, 08/06/03-06/07/09
you will never be forgotten, we all loved you, and you
are missed very much.
my heart is very sad and it hurts not having you here with us. i know you
are in a better place. i only wish you would have not developed liver disease
and had to leave us so soon. you will always have a special place in my
heart and i'll always love you
your mom
Michael Bell, 02/24/09
Michael is a great dog and will be missed.
He brought a lot of joy to our family and helped us get through some really
tough times.
He also ate half a coconut cake once.
He is a really special guy and I am a better person for knowing him.
He was and will continue to be my little boy and I know that he will be
with me forever.
Lauren Bell
Michael's Lady Samantha, 05/24/09
Samantha.. That was her name.
She was the little fawn colored, applehead, dear faced chihiuhiua that
I fell in love with 17 years ago who was the only pup who was in the cage
all by herself.
You gave me love, but most importantly, you gave my Mother and Father somebody
to talk to, be with, and care for when I moved away to go to college.
I remember when you chewed on my 8th grade math book and now I am teaching
8th grade.
I miss you little girl.
I miss you a lot.
Have fun in heaven, and tell Sadie and Simba that Michael misses them to.
As I have always said, even to the day you died, I will always love you.......
Your brother, friend, and family,
Michael, Nadine, David, Amanda, and all of your brothers and sisters.
Michi (Mickey), 10/28/97-05/26/09
Expression of Love
I paused for just a moment to say goodbye,
To recall all our special times together,
To say Thank You for allowing me to be yours.
Pr. 17:17 A friend loveth at all times
Michulin, 07/26/91-11/04/08
In memory of my wonderfull pet "Michulin", no
word can explain the pain I have, we had 7 great years together, and now
is gone, hope one day I'll be together with him again in soul
Miss him very much, he was a mama's boy to me
Michy Pelaez, 06/13/09
Michy, my loving cat. You are and will always be part of our family. Now that you are not here with us and you are now in "Cat Heaven" it feels very lonely without you but I know you will ALWAYS be with us. I will especially miss the mornings heading to work and you sitting by the bathroom waiting for me to pet you. Where ever you are right now I know you are not suffering anymore and you are watching over us. I LOVE YOU MICHY, mi chula preciosa MICHUA!!!! - PELAEZ, CRUZ, CUBA, SIMON FAMILIES.
Mici (Michaela Rose) Wardell, 18/03/96-12/06/08
you are now back with Tasha and can play on the bridge I love you so much and miss you lots xxxxxxxxxx
Hilary Wardell
Mickey, 06/95-08/99
You were part of our family for such a short time, but I know that you are now without the pain of cancer. I loved our walks together. You looked so elegant! I will love you forever. Fran
Mickey, 05/02/97-05/23/09
Mickey, our most beloved darling boy, life will never
be same without you. You gave us tons of selfless love and affection at
all times for which we are very greatful to you.
Mickey we brought you home when you were 6 weeks old and you immediately
became baby of the family.
You were basically a whole part of our lives. You participated by giving
us your company in all chores around the house - bringing in groceries
from the car, snow shoveling, lawn mowings, gardening - everything was
accompanied by your running back and forth along us. The whole house was
rightfully yours.
Mickey you made our lives much better with your love and energy. You were
so full of life and we will miss your cute gestures to convey to us whatever
you wanted to do - going for daily walks, running upstairs and downstairs
to see who was doing what. You knew everyone's schedule, who was coming
or going at what times and waited at the door for hugs, cuddles and head
and chin rubs.
And now Mickey, this house will never be the same without you. We can't
imagine coming home and not finding you at the door. You were not even
sick and your parting was sudden that it was devastating to see you going
down until you lay there in peace. At least you were with your whole family
at that last moment.
Thank you my boy for sharing your life with us making our lives much better
with your love. You will be in our mind and thoughts forever and ever.
Love you,
Dad, Mom, Sonik and Amit
Mickey, 02/03/08-05/10/09
R.I.P Mickey you went to live with Andi at 4-6 weeks old and have been there sicne it was lovely having you round in july/june we will always miss you andi called me on the 12th saying you had an asma attack at 8.00pm and you passed on at 9.00pm =-[.
Always loved play free until we all meet up again go to your half brother Grim and everyone elce waiting there to play with you chocolate,owl,ray (etc).
Love from Ryan and the family and Mummy Flower your full sister Gabby/ gabriel half sisters Petal, pumpkin, Jinx,Pip
Love you always beautifull boy.
Ryan Selwyn
Mickey, 11/17/00-04/28/09
My beloved "Slick Mick" (Mickey), I lost you due to a heart attack last evening. You were an incredible little dog who was born with a white "heart" marking in the center of your face. Mick was a white, long haired Chihuahua with big brown spots and an incredible fan like tail that glowed so brightly as did his beautiful, big brown adoring eyes. Mick you were so sick and now you are free to cross that Rainbow Bridge when the time comes. I love you my beloved Mickey and you will not be forgotten. I grieve so much for you and see you with your "baby" (your favorite toy)all over the house. I know I had to let you go so you would not suffer anymore, but it hurts so much, my darling little Mick. So you run happily free with Rusty that I know you missed so much when he had to leave as you did last night. Freddy misses you so much but we will all be with you when it's the good Lord's will. Until then, remember, your're so beautiful with such a handsome coat and I can see that beautiful tail of yours flowing so majestically. I Love you, Mickey. Bye for now, my Darling Mick.
Dolly, your Adoring Master.
Mickey, 10/06/06-04/24/09
My Beautiful two and a half year old puppy died from complications
with the anasthesia while he was getting his teeth cleaned.
I didn't know you could buy the love of your life until I got Mickey.
He was all happiness, fun and love.
He was the clown of the playground, the most gregarious fur child there.
He would entice the big dogs (he was only 3 and half pounds) into a game
of chase, he was low to the ground and fast as a bullet, but he would sometimes
get caught and when he did he rolled over like pac-man, game up, start
When I would go to bed he would come over to the side
of the bed where I could pick him up and give a little hop as if to help
I would put him on my chest and scratch is beautiful little body and tell
him he was the best of the best, he would go to the foot of the bed curl
up and sleep.
Mickey never had a bad day from the time I brought him
home until Friday when he passed away.
I learned how to make him behave because he loved me.
When he knew I was happy with him, his little body would shake all over,
his little butt would wiggle, he would make noises and do all the little
things he could do to let me know he loved me.
When I would reach for him, he was often so excited to see me he could not be still long enough to let me pick him up, I would have to tell him to "stop" so he would roll over and stop wiggling.
I took him for long walks every day no matter what the
weather or how I felt, I stopped and kissed him and played with him often
during the day.
I enjoyed him.
He had the most perfect two and a half years I could give him, his short
life was a good one.
Life and death take each other's hand.............I will
say good bye many, many more times.
Just like falling in love with Mickey happened in time, so is letting him
So good bye, again, my darling.
Now I will go home and try to learn how to live without you.
Mickey's mom.
Mickey, 2004
Our kitty Mickey was a very unique kitty (as all of our furbabies are) He used to fetch, he loved to play with crumpled up paper. and when I would get up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom he would nip at my ankles if I wasn't petting him right away. He loved attention and he loved kisses on the top of the head. He was always right by my side and when I would spend the night away from home even for a night he would get really upset and loose his dinner. I had our little Mickey since I was a junior in high school. It just seems that we never have enough time with our furbabies. We never stop loving them or missing them. Each one of our babies holds a very special place in our hearts and when they have to leave us to go home to God that part of our hearts misses our babies every second of our lives until we can be with them again. We miss you very much "baby Mickey" and we love you so VERY much! we will see you again someday! We love you with all our hearts! You were our special little boy! (and you always will be!)
Julie & Doug Horn
Mickey, 04/21/93-04/07/08
Dear Mickey:
Happy Birthday! I hope you're doing well and enjoying a big birthday celebration.
We miss you terribly. I still can't believe it's just over a year since
we lost you. It's been a tough one. But you are always in our hearts and
you'll always be my buddy. We still talk about you constantly. Every now
and then I take out your collar and so many great memories come back. One
day we'll be together, Until then, have a wonderful day and God bless you!
Love always,
Mickey, 04/21/93-04/07/93
Hey Buddy,
It's hard to believe it's been a year since we lost you. There hasn't been
a day when I didn't stop to think about you or look at your picture. We
miss you terribly. I hope you are doing well. I promise we'll be together
again some day.
Miss you, Love you,
Mickey, 02/17/06-04/09/09
YOU ARE GREATLY MISSED and thank you for your unconditional love. LOVE
Mickey, 04/05/09
To our beloved Mickey.
We miss your gentile heart and warm fuzzy body. We can't wait to see you
Love Mom and Dad.
Mickey, 01/10/99-03/19/09
Mickey came into Nicole's life on Feb. 25, 1999. 3 days later she broke both of her legs and Mickey was her constant little companion. He was the sweetest little guy. As the years went by Mickey had a lot to go through but he was always happy and full of love to give. In September 2007 Mickey met Ron and they loved each other right away and Nicole did not mind sharing either of them one bit.On March 18 Mickey became very ill very suddenly. On March 19, 2009 we had to make the hardest decision ever. Mickey became an angel in my arms at 2pm. We cried a long time and I will always love and miss him.
Nicole Clark and Ron Myers
Mickey, 03/01/93-01/26/09
Mickey was my orange cat for over 15 years.
I will miss him every day.
He was the only cat I had that was leash trained and loved to go outside
in good weather on his leash.
Donna Hoffman
Mickey Clifford Shernoff, 06/23/93-04/11/09
Rest in peace little Mickey Mouse. We will miss you!
Eileen, Harvey, Fred, Josh and Melissa Shernoff
Mickey Matthew Maus, 10/31/95-04/09/09
Dearest Mickey, Thank you for sharing your love with me. I know you had to go but I miss you more than words can say.Enjoy your time at Rainbow Bridge, I can't wait to see you again someday. Love Always To My Wubby. Tawny
Mickey O'D, 10/26/07-06/01/09
Our Beloved Mickey, we loved you so much.
You were taken too early buddy.
I want you to know how much we loved you!
Mommy, Daddy, Erin and Caileigh
Mickey Scoobert Thompson, 02/14/03-04/07/09
Mick-a-dog was the perfect 100 lb lap baby. From the first time I saw him at 7 weeks old until tonight at 9:04pm, I could never have dreamed of a more perfect soul to match mine. He was fun-loving (chasing squirrels, sticks, soccer balls), sensitive (to people and sucking on stuffed animals), and happiest anywhere with his family. He was my best friend. He listened, obeyed, and responded perfectly. He spoiled me as much as I spoiled him. Mickey lived with us for 6 years, 1 month, and 24 days. I have loved every second and can't imagine my life without him. I know he is chasing every squirrel in heaven with Jesus laughing by his side. I love you Mickey Dog and I'll see you when I get to heaven.
Cheryl Carter Thompson
Mickey Snickers Champ Bratcher, 02/01/97-03/17/08
I miss you so much my beloved.
It has been a year and I still cry and suffer over your loss.
You were such a wonderful dog - everyone said how beautiful you were and
such a great dog.
Some days I don't know if I can go on - I think of you all the time and
want you back in my arms.
Love you always,
Micki, 06/14/96-05/05/09
Yesterday we had to make the most difficult decision of our lives. Our beautiful girl Micki stopped eating and was losing weight rapidly.
She gave us unconditional love for almost 13 years.
We will miss you and love you always, Mom, Dad the boys and your "little brother" Harley.
Elizabeth Ann Sentell
Mickie, 08/92-02/28/08
Mickie you where nine month old when you came into my
called you BRILLO....but to me you will always be my Mickey..you love to
cuddle and always so very gentle in everything you did.....I will never
forget you... you where so good.. forever in my heart...love you Mickie..my
Little Angel......I will never understand ...you got sick one day and the
next day you where gone. The Vet or my love couldn't save you....I know
you are with all your little sister and one day we'll be together again
and forever.......your earthly guardian.........
Alicia Gago
Micky, 05/06/08
There was never a bad day you didn't make better. The
scent of Heaven was in the fur behind your ears and the singing of angles
in your diesel purr. The wisdom of ages in your golden eyes. I miss you
every day.
I hope when my time is here, you come for me, to take me away where we
can be happy together always.
Until then, my angel....
Midge, 12/18/00-01/12/09
you were my world, i've never felt so alone...
i know you can't come back... but i so wish you could.
the best Great Dane ever, beautiful and true.. you were 8 weeks old when
i first held you, and 8 years old when you passed away in my arms.... in
8years the longest we were apart was a week... i miss you my Midge xx
Midgie, 01/09/09
They all said that I rescued you, sweetie, but you were
the one who rescued me.
I will always love you and miss you, baby girl.
Love, Mommy
Midian, 07/19/95-02/28/09
Midian was an adventurer, just like me. He camped all the way from Baltimore to Alaska and back again and met every new experience with wonder. He made friends with foxes and chased squirrels. Midian was my protector and defender of his house. There will never be another like him. He will be loved and missed forever.
Midnight was our Black Lab who had the most beautiful navy blue eyes, hence being named Midnight. He was a gift to my little girl at a time when she was going through some terrible medical problems and her health was poor. Her grandmother went to the pet store and bought her this loving black lab. puppy it was love at first site for them both. Also for the rest of the family too. He brighten her world and helped her some how to get well and was so smart in everything he did for all of us. He was such a present in all our lives and he is surly missed by all. Our Golden Retriever Shane was his buddy and when Shane got sick he was the one to stay with him to the end. Our other dog Alaska is the only one left she is confused and looks for them everyday but is adjusting to being the only one here to protect us. She is only 4yrs. old and has taken on all she learned from her brothers Shane and Midnight. Its so hard to lose your companions in such a short period of time.
Midnight, 06/27/09
We miss our darling Middy who brought so much to our lives.
Keep a lookout for us, Middy ... one day we'll be there with you.
In the meantime, be happy and find a nice sunny spot to frolic and play.
Peggy Kalia
Midnight, 07/23/95-06/02/09
Midnight will be in our hearts forever.
Be at peace our sweet boy.
We love you.
Melissa & Kevin
Midnight, 03/31/97-06/03/09
Last night our beloved Midnight was having extreme difficulty breathing and he was crying and we took him to one of the very few 24 hr clinics available in Houston to find out what was wrong. It seemed he was in congestive heart failure and would not make it through the night. Becaue he was sufferring, we decided to peacefully let him go to "rainbow Bridge" He will be forever in our hearts and I miss him already. He was my dad's kitty for almost 11 yrs, we got him when he was about a year old.
Marianna Jessee
Midnight, 05/04/09
My Midnight
I miss you so much.
You were part of my heart and when you left me you took that part of my
heart with you.
I love you dearly and will never forget what a wonderful doggie I had.
I hope you are happy and running around like you use to do.
I know we will meet again and I look forward to that.
No one could have had a better dog than you.
You were beautiful, smart and you were my companion always.
You were there for me.
I cry every day since I lost you
I wish I could have been there when you passed away.
I left for such a short while and you went away.
Maybe you did that so save me pain, but I wish I was there for you.
I love you Midnight.
You will always be in my heart forever and ever.
Mommy Marsha
Midnight, 05/08/09
Midnight at times was a little pain in the butt but she
was very very much loved and she always will be
i will deeply miss my Midie that was her nick name .
Kimberly and Melissa and Ryan
Midnight, 04/07/92-04/16/09
We love you Midnight and cannot wait to be with you again.
You are in a happy place now and we will love you always.
Jana and Laura Hydukovich
Midnight a.k.a. Grandma, 04/13/09
You were so beautiful and loving, more than any person
could ask for. You were always there for me through all the rough times
of my life as I was there for you the last few years. If only I could have
made you well again. I would have spent my last dollar to keep you here
with me. I watched you decline everyday until I decided it was time for
you to go find peace. I had to find enough peace within myself to let you
go. We will miss you especially at lunch and dinner time, bugging us for
something to eat, which we happily obliged. Belive it or not I will also
miss you drinking out of my water glass when you thought I wasn't looking,
we know how much you liked ice water. Maggie misses you, she has been by
my side every moment, but I think she understands. She too knew you weren't
Rest in peace my dear friend. I hope you are in kitty heaven chasing mice
and running like the wind because now you can. Until we meet again. I loved
you more than you will ever know.
Mom, Dad, Maggie, Tortie, Squirty, Whiney and Scrounger.
Midnight, 03/31/09
Midnight was a really awesome cat. He came to us as a grownup. I don't know what his life was like in his first couple years, but he wasn't very comfortable with affection for a while. Once he opened up to us, he became very loving and sweet. We put him down because he had cancer and was having trouble breathing. He was in his 72nd cat year, we think. He was a perfect cat, and I miss him with all my heart already. What are we going to do without you, buddy? =(
Our Midnight, that handsome 7-year-old satin black Guinea
Pig, left us on March 18. Cancer and complications from old age took the
love of our lives at 5:40 a.m.
He went to The Bridge while being held and kissed by his loving Mom and
Dad. .
Midnight, the patriarch of the Sabatini Piggie Clan, leaves us broken-hearted and our nine other piggies and two cousins without their proud leader.
He joins his brothers Huey and Chester and sister Mama Pajama at The Bridge, leaving behind brothers Dewey, Louie (Louis as he wants to be called) Blackjack, Cajun, Darby and Maguire; sisters Junie B. and Kimmi; his niece Baby Luv, and cousins Garfield and Ziggy.
Through our deep sorrow, though, we look at our many happy years with Midnight and the fun times we shared with him and our clan.
Midnight was active until his passing, bringing joy not only to our family, but to hundreds of students at the Walt Disney Elementary School in Levittown, PA, where his Mom works as a kindergarten teacher.
The day before he died, St. Patty's Day, Midnight was
busy as usual helping students in his mom's classroom learn to read and
hone their letter recognition skills.
He celebrated the holiday with them and as usual, before leaving, he received
"gentle pets", hugs and kisses from the children.
His death has left a void in their hearts too.
His siblings, who shared classroom duties with Midnight, promise they will
carry on the tradition of "helping Mom teach the kids."
Midnight was a "teacher" at heart and a "literacy pig". In 2006, he won the local newspaper's PetStar contest, beating out 73 other pets, including dogs, cats, birds, etc., for the honor. Students at his mom's class helped him win the honor with their votes and donations to Newspapers In Education, and Midnight will never forget them.
With his passing, many of the students and their parents have expressed condolences and join in our grief.
Midnight's cage sits empty now, next to my favorite chair.
I still stop while distributing treats, forgetting that he is gone.
I look for him savoring the water from his bottle.
Unlike most piggies, Midnight would take the water in his mouth, and then
turn away from the bottle's spout and swallow, returning again and again
following the same ritual.
He took four medicines a day and never once rejected them.
In fact, he fought to keep the tube of Probiacin from being taken away.
He would hold onto it like a conductor to his baton.
And when his Mom leaned down at the front door of his
cage before leaving in the morning, Midnight would come to the cage door
and kiss her lips.
I know she misses those kisses.
Like me, I know she waits to be reunited with our loving boy at The Bridge.
I could go on and on and admittedly, writing this note
has helped me in my sorrow. I'll close with this final thought.
Love and cherish your piggies (and other pets) every moment of every day.
Their time on earth is far too short.
Midnight, until we meet again at The Bridge, know that we love you and will never ever forget you.
Mom & Dad, Dewey, Louie, Blackjack, Cajun, Darby, Maguire, Junie B., Kimmi, Baby Luv, Garfield and Ziggy.
Midnight, 10/02/95-03/04/09
Midnight we will miss you each and everyday. Even though our hearts ache mommy and daddy know that you are in a better place. our hearts will always be with you love you always. hugs and kisses
Robin and Phillip
Midnight, 02/20/09
my dear midnight you are so missed i cry every day that
your not her with me. you were like my child and i miss you so much. i
wish there was away to have you back with me. but i know thats not possible
i hope you are happy and no longer in pain.
ilove you and miss you so much.
Trac, Allison and Tom
Midnight, 04/30/96-02/26/09
Midnight was a beautiful, necessary part of our family.
I have comfort in knowing he is no longer suffering but have great sorrow
knowing he is no longer here to cuddle in my arms.
We love him dearly and will always cherish the joy and love he brought
to us each and every day.
Rachel Lizik
Midnight, 01/26/09
Midnight, you came to us with 6 other rescue kitties 11/2 years ago. We never meant to keep you but you and another were so sick as kittens that by the time we got you well, you were to big for the pet store. So we kept you! You so reminded me of another black cat that we had, always purring! I still find clumps of your fur here and there! I can't believe that you are not waiting for me in the kitchen like a vulture waiting to be fed! You always jumped on my lap when I sat on the recliner with a snack! You always wanted some of whatever I had. I can't believe that your eye infection triggered your FIP! The vet said that you had it all along, but it finally manifested in your abdomen! Oh how you must have suffered over the weekend! You would not move or purr! My poor little baby girl. I took you to the Vet first thing Monday morning, but the Vet said there was nothing he could do, that FIP is fatal. So I had him put you in blessed sleep. You fell to rest in my arms. I am heartbroken! Now your 13 year old friend Milo is suffering from lymphoma and will meet you soon! Patches and Marlo were tested for FIP and were negative, so don't worry about them! Please look for my Dad and Panda, they will take care of you at the bridge! We love you and are so sorry that you had to leave us! We will see you again! Have lots of tuna!
Love Mom and Dad
Midnight, 01/13/09
I will miss you very much my wonderful kitty. You were a great hunter and a great friend and I will see you again some day.
Chelsea Kerr
Midnight, 07/04/91-01/09/09
We're putting my cat to sleep at 3:20 this afternoon. I'm eighteen months older than my feline friend and I've never known life without her. I miss her so much already and she's not ever gone. She was a mean, grouchy, ornery cat throughout her life... but even so she was mine. After seventeen years with her I don't know how I'm going to feel come tomorrow when she's really gone. Gone and not coming back. I love you, Midnight.
Emily Jorgenson
Midnight Diamond Mike, 10/03/96-06/16/09
My spirit walker Mike, my true and loyal friend, I will love you always...wait for me.
Carol Barr
Midnight Garland, 09/01/07-03/23/09
Our Little boy will be missed by us and many others. We love you forever
George and Kay Garland
Midnite, 2001
To my favorite cat, Midnite.
You knew the last time I would see you, even though I did not.
I wish I could have been there when you went to Rainbow Bridge, but I know
that you will be waiting for me with your sister, Shadow, whom I also loved
very much.
I will always remember you both, but you were my special friend. -Erica
Midnite, 01/02/09
A wonderful furbaby who taught me to love cats and all
Happiness is found in the purring melody of a cat.
Miggs, 05/12/09
You've been a great cat. I'd say enjoy the happy hunting grounds, but you were always too lazy to hunt. You were the most relaxed cat I ever had. You did not mind new dogs, people, birds, or any other creature that bother most cats. I will miss you.
John Wheeler
Mika, 04/21/09
Mika, we will miss you so much. You brought so much happiness into our lives. Go now, and play with your brother again. Give him kisses for me. I love you. Love Mom, Uncle Dan, & Raj
Words can't begin to describe how much I'm going to miss you. You had a GREAT run my sweet little miracle girl. You very much remain a part of my life by the WONDERFUL memories we have. Dakota misses you too! It's comforting to know that one day we will all be together again. For now, have fun checking everything out and playing with your pups. I will always love you! Mom
Mikayla, 06/12/09
Mikayla you were a Gift from God. I love you so much. I miss you dearly. I hope you are at peace and that you are having a good time with Pops and family upstairs. Till we meet again :) Love always. -Jillian
Mike, 06/24/09
My sweet boy, "Mike". To my cat whom loved me with all his heart. My little boy. I miss you so very much. You gave me so much happiness till the day you went to the Rainbow Bridge. There will be no other like you. One day my sweet boy, Mama will swoop you up and kiss you on your sweet neck as I always did and carry you off with me. I love you my baby boy, I cry for you every day. I miss you everyday. Your buddy's look for you when I call your name. You are missed Mike. Be happy my little boy. You were my gift for a while from God, now you are home with him. Mama loves you sweet boy, your Mama will always love you.
Mikey, it's been a year now since you are gone and we miss you each and every day. We miss your beautiful face and all of the kisses that you gave us. Your sister Misty misses you a lot and she keeps looking for you. Your brothers Midnight and Mister Bear miss you also. It hasn't been the same since you have been gone. I hope you are in a better place even though we are not there with you but you are in our thoughts every day and a moment doesn't go by without thinking of you. LOVE MOMMY AND DADDY
Mikey, 12/02/97-06/14/09
Mikey's Gifts.
My loyal Mikey was such a comfort to me in the time we shared together.
I got got him at the age of two. He was bright, Funny, sensitive, and very
smart. He was the perfect dog for me. Mikey knew me more than any being
has. His love was unconditional.I love my Mikey with all my being. He was
the heart and soul of our home.
We had a strong bond. that I hope will last forever.
Mikey, 07/04/94-05/09/09
Mikey was the love of my life and my family's life as
He will be missed every second of every day.
He was a huge part of my life and it was one of the most heart wrenching
days of my life when he passed.
We are so lucky to have had him for 15 years.
He was like the son I never had.
I always called him my first born.
Mikey, 02/23/09
im gonna miss you a lot mikey. i know we werent together all that long but for those 2 years you gave me i will never forget you. i hope you knew how much you meant to me and i hope i didnt let you down. ill miss you and so will mum and buster. you will be with mum now in heaven and ill see you again when i get there. i miss you and i wish you didnt have to go. i love you mikey.
Mikey, 11/10/08
Our Little Boy Mikey Adamo
The face that lit up a room
The unconditional love he gave
The joy that he brought to our lives...
We miss you Mikey and love you and think of you always. You will NEVER be forgotten
Love "Mom and Dad"
Mikey, 08/31/04-01/03/09
We lost you suddenly Saturday morning, and you were taken from us having not lived a long kitty life. You were with us three years, but they were the best three years we've ever had. You were the best cat in the world, and we loved you through the good times and the bad, even when you kept us up late with yowling, or scratched on our doors. We loved all the good times when you fetched the ball, or high-fived for a treat or cuddled on our lap purring. We lost you tragically, and you still tried to make it to my door and into my arms one last time.. I hope you know how much we loved you, from the moment we rescued you and brought you home. I hope you understand that if we get another kitty, it isn't to replace you, or to pretend that you didn't matter. We loved you and we always will hold a special place for you in our hearts, no matter what. You were the best kitty in the world, and no one can ever replace you. We love you Mikey-cat. We always will.
Jessica Desrosiers
Mikku Heavner, 12/20/98-05/07/09
our beloved Mikku.. thank you for 11.5 wonderful years.
We are so thankful you survived 1 year 8 months after surgery for bladder
cancer. that time was a gift. God be with you.
David and Laura Heavner
Miko, 07/12/08-06/11/09
I buried my heart with you baby, on that very hard and
sad day. I can't begin to express how much I love and miss you. I would
trade everything to have you back. You were so full of love; walking up
to complete strangers, tail wagging away, was an everyday occurrence with
you. Everyone who was fortunate enough to meet you felt blessed by your
infinite love. I had never seen so much love radiate from anyone until
you came into my life. I cry for you every day Miko, it's still so hard.
I'll always remember and love you baby, please know that. I hope in
our short time spent together that you felt the undying love I felt for
you. Rest well my little wufsters. You will always have the number one
spot in my heart. Even though I'm not religious, I pray that there is an
afterlife so I can hold you in my arms again and never let go. I love you
Miko, so much. If each tear I shed was a lifetime of love, you would be
set for eternity. But you know you're loved even more than words can say.
Come see me in my dreams so I can hold you in my arms again . I need you
baby. I love you. Im not ok without you.
Miko, 06/15/94-03/02/09
We got Miko from a home wanting to place him elsewhere and we brought him in. Miko has been with us 14 1/2 years until his departure to be with God. We know someday we will meet him on that Rainbow Bridge. He was quite a boy!
Paul & Nancy Weimeschkirch
Miko, 03/09/77-07/02/89
Miko was the puppy that everybody loved.
She was so gentle and so sweet.
She was my first true buddy, and I miss her dearly.
Mila, 01/01/96-02/24/09
My beautiful beautiful girl, you were my loving and wonderful friend for the 5 years that I was blessed to have you in my life. I saw you at that little county dog pound and knew instantly you would be coming home with me. You were so thin and your back leg was damaged by an old injury, but you had the sweetest temperment imaginable. You have been by my side ever since. Always the most kind and gentle hearted girl, always looking at me with those loving trusting eyes. Mila, it breaks my heart to have to let you go today, but I couldn't let you suffer anymore. I will love you forever and will never forget you. Thank you for being my loving friend and companion.
Rose Fondale
Mildred, 19/05/93-22/05/09
Mildred was the sweetest cat I could ever have the pleasure of having in my life. She bought me so much joy and smiles. I miss her so much it hurts.
Hazel Paddy
Miles you were so full of love and life. We had six wonderful years together but sadly you left way too soon. I couldn't ask for a better friend. I'll never forget how you greeted me at the door everyday, or how you raced through the house, or how you walked around purring as loud as you could. I'll miss playing with you, brushing you, and watching TV with you, but mostly I'll miss having you at my feet while I work all day at my desk. The thought of not having you around anymore is unbearable but I know you're with Marsha now and that you're happy. Take care, buddy. I love you!
Miles, 01/20/09
Miles was a dear, sweet, loyal friend.
He was my eyes & ears.
He watched over the family compound with protective pride.
He had a great sense of humor and so much love and devotion.
He laid by our sides when we were sick.
He played with us he indulged us.
No matter how many pets came into or through our home Miles allowed and
welcomed each.
He was a big brother to a variety of newcomers and passed on his wisdom
and inside family tips to each that would listen, learn and carry on.
We loved him from the first day we met him and loved him even more when
he had to leave us.
Donna, Tom, Andy, Katie Smyth
Miley, 10/31/07-07/07/09
Miley was a Great littel dog with am amazing personality. She loved people and enjoyed camping. SHe was supposed to be a mini but grew into a 30lb. bundle of love. She was a part of our family and we will miss her forever.
Anthony Monfredo
Millhouse, 07/18/09
sweet disposition.
She joined the Conlon family in June 1994. Martha Conlon Moss, her primary caregiver selected her from a number of available felines in the cat lady’s house. Originally named “Franz” (her brother was named Hanz after the SNL comedy skit), Millhouse was given up because her previous owner had to move overseas and couldn’t bring the cats with her. “Millhouse was the clear choice for me,” said Moss. “She came right up to me and sniffed my face. It was as if the cat were begging me to help her escape.”
Over the years, Millhouse became Moss’ constant companion. She provided much love and support through several failed relationships and different apartments. “In her younger days, Millhouse had a special ability to communicate with me. You never wondered whether the cat liked someone or not,” said Moss. “She expressed her displeasure to a man I was dating by pooping in front of him. Millhouse expressed similar feelings toward my Holst Neptune score when she peed on it.” Members of the DePaul Community Chorus agreed with Millhouse’s musical taste.
While most cats only use a few of their lives, Millhouse lived all nine to the fullest. She survived surgery to remove curling ribbon from her small intestine and kidney disease, which required special food and subcutaneous fluid injections. During the last ten years of her life, Millhouse survived on one kidney.
In October 2001, Millhouse became a Moss when Martha married Richard Moss. She started living with Quinn (Rich’s cat) and had a stormy and sometimes cordial relationship. She later enjoyed sharing her life with Rusty the dog and Itty Bitty Kitty. As she started to decline, Millhouse had a difficult time keeping up with the other animals and became more reclusive and distant. She was still a wonderful cat, but she was not enjoying her life anymore. Her family will miss her, but feels comfort that her suffering is over.
Martha Moss
Miller, 04/12/95-04/28/09
My beloved Miller, aka, Chunky Monkey!
Even though you have only been gone for one day, my heart aches for you.
You were such a good little girl, and everyone that met you loved you.
I will always remember you lying in my arms so peacefully, just like a
little angel, knowing you weren't in pain anymore.
You brought so much joy to my life and knew when I was in pain and sad,
and I thank you for loving me as much as I loved you.
Mama loves her little chunka and hope wherever you are, your sister and
brother are with you, and eating lots of treats!
Til we meet at the rainbow bridge, Miller....I love you
Miller, 04/25/99-04/10/09
Miller was the best and smartest damn dog I have ever had the pleasure to have in my presence.
Ellen K. Dougherty
Millie, 03/2009
My poor cat was run over near our home. We think she was on her way home...I miss you so much! took too soon x
Nina Winchester
Millie, 06/2009
Millie,You were a sweet dog Millie and ill never forget ypur appatite.love tia.My baby Mills not only were you the best dog i ever had but the bestfriend i ever had too,you never left my side literally.I feel so empty and lost without you next too me all the time.Thank u for always bein there for me throu everything I never felt love like yours in my life.I miss u so much but Im gonna keep your picture on me everywhere i go and keep prayin and talkin to you everyday.Millie u have the other piece of my heart with u.We are still connected I no it and feel it in my heart.By the way u looked so beautiful in that golfcart I no u loved it.My apartment is so empty now its just the two girls instead of the three of us.I feel so wierd in my car drivin around without you.I hope your having fun at the rainbow bridge,and I cant wait to see you there one day Millie,then we can cross together.But in the meantime have fun remember me and always remember I WILL LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER.Thank u so much for everything millie making me feel like someone really loved me Ill never forget that.My baby girl i love u soooooo much ill never forget those beautiful big brown eyes lookin at me.Till we meet again millie.Ill always remember the park ur cute little trotting self in the court yard the golfcart our daily rides,your wedding,mamas house,the dog park,your bones and last but not least those kisses you gave me Mama and Tia at our slumber party last Sat nite.Also when we were seein who the other dogs went to when we were callin them none of them went to their owners except you to me.Of couse baby girl.My faithful friend i cant wait to make more memories with you when i get to the rainbow brige and see those beutiful brown eyes look at me once again.I LOVE YOU MILLS GOODNITE SWEETIE.PS EVEN THOU YOUR GONE I NO YOUR STILL WITH ME.I AM SO GLAD I GOT TO GET U THAT DAY AND SPEND THAT TIME WITH YOU.YOU WERE TAKIN WAY TOO SOON GOD NEEDED A PERFECT ANGEL.LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER YOUR BEST FRIEND FOREVER,Dawn Fischetta
Millie, 06/03/09
i love you millie.always and forever!ill be there.just call my name and ill be there.
Dawn Fischetta
Millie, 06/05/09
with all our hugs and kisses. you may rest now
Vanda, Tony, Max
Millie, 04/26/09
My Dearest Millie,
I don't know if you ever knew how much comfort you gave
me after Joe passed away.
You were my constant companion and gave me so much comfort and happiness.
I will grieve for you always but am comforted that you are now with your
Dad. I know you are sitting in a recliner with him now and that has made
him very happy.
I will see you again someday at the Rainbow Bridge.
I love and miss you so much,
Until Then,
Millie, 04/05/09
I can't believe your gone. It was only yesterday you were running and chasing the ball with Madeline in the yard. Within seconds our lives were changed forever; you were struck by a passing car. Something made you run into the street -- if only we had been there to stop you my heart would not be broken into millions of pieces. We will miss you everyday. You were an amazing creature.
Laura Turner
Millie, 04/10/93-02/27/09
To our sweet little dog,
You came to us at a time when we needed you
and when you needed a new home.
We provided you with a home where you were the princess.
In turn you gave us many years of love, happiness and
special memories.
We did not want to let you go but we knew that was best for you.
God has provided you with a perfect body and health and
a great new home.
You are greatly missed.
We love you dearly.
Mom and Dad
Millie, 18/01/09
To Our Beloved Millie - you will never be out of our thoughts
or our hearts.
You gave us so much love and pleasure during the 10 years that you lived
with us and one day we will all meet up again.
We know you are in the 'doggie heaven' and that you will greet us again
with your bark.
Until later Melvyn and Sandra - 'woof' 'woof'
Millie, 01/13/09
Millie was a wonderful, energetic, happy, young spirit,
who loved every minute of her short life.
Her sister, Lulu, remains to carry on the earthly journey with us.
Millie knew only love from her human family, and was a true blessing to
everyone she encountered.
She waits now for us to oneday join her --- where she will bound through
the House of the Lord as she did through our home, and where she will join
us for walks in a place of endless beauty and tail-wagging excitement.
Thank you, beloved friend.
We love you.
You are in our hearts always.
Hawthorn, Fjord, Addison, Elijah, Barbara, Doug, Mary, Leland, Igor, Alex, and Miguel
Millie, 09/08/96-04/11/08
Our beautiful girl goes over Rainbow Bridge and is now
running and playing with her sister Morgan
who died 7/10/05
One day we will be there to mmet you at the bridge
We Love You
Bruce & Patty Rath
Millie Milne, 1998-29/12/08
dearest millie you had such a bad start in life before i got you from the dog pound you had such a lovely sweet face and sad eyes i knew you would be my ideal girl we had 4 lovely years together till you got sick with cancer and on that fateful day i made the decision not to let you suffer i miss you so much my darling girl rest in peace love you always from mum xxxxxx
Here's to 20 wonderful years with you Mister Milo! I watched you being born all those years ago. You and your brothers and sister were such cute kittens. You turned into a very beautiful, big boy! We had a such a good, long time together! I'm going to miss cuddling with you while watching TV at night and sleeping with me. It won't be the same not seeing you lazing around all your favorite spots in the house as well as laying in the sun in all your favorite spots outside! It sure drove me crazy, but I'm going to miss your incessant howling and meowing at 2, 3 and 4 in the morning, and most certainly I'll miss the mice and birds you hunted and brought in to me through your kitty door! Sunny gives you a big lick on the head as always and she'll miss hanging around the yard with you too! Guy's going to miss you a lot too!
Rest in peace my little Punkin' Pie, and have fun romping and hunting with your kitty mama, Tootsie and your brothers and sister, Otis, Tango, Shadow and Sheena. See ya my Baby Boy!
Love Lori, Sunny and Guy
Milo, 06/30/99-07/08/09
My Dear Milo I miss you more everyday since your passing. But I happy you are not suffering any more. Please remember Me and Nanna love you. I know you will healthy and happy in Heaven. We will see you again someday. Everyday you were with us here on earth you enriched our lives. Never a day went by that you never made me smile or laugh. Momma will miss you Little Man everyday, every minute till we are together once more.
Marlana Anderson
Milo, 01/04/95-06/05/09
Milo was by far my best friend, always there for me in
good times and bad.
As his little body started to give way I was there for him. He was a trooper
despite all his ailments.
I will miss him so much and will always stay in my heart. No one can ever
replace my sweet Milo aka Mamadidukie.
Rose Nelly
Milo, 05/10/09
Milo was a Warm Loving Sweet Thoughtful Cat:) She was born with love and left this earth with love:) She especially loved my Mom and my Mom spoiled her with lots of love and cat treats and she was overall a pampered Cat:) Milo epecially loved looking outside throughout the day. She passed away on Mother's Day. She died with her loved ones all in the same house. Milo was too weak to walk over to the sliding glass door where she enjoyed watching the birds and sun rise and sunset outside, so my Mom placed her there in her favorite box and blanket, and I found her curled up with her eyes closed when the sun rose. I know she died happily. I remember when she was first born she was such a cute big fluffy orange cat. And I was also the first to see her pass away. My Mom was the first to pick her up and see her open her eyes and she was the last to pick her up with her eyes closed and wrap her up in her favorite blanket and place her in a special box to be cremated. We will forever hold her in our hearts and soul:)
Rita Pilande and Marcela Miller
Milo, 05/11/09
We love you and miss you very much.
Till we meet again.
Rest in peace baby boy.
Love, Mom, Dad, Anya, Biscuit & Maggie
Milo, 05/01/96-03/21/09
We all love and miss you so much! But, we know that you are not in pain anymore. We will see you again in Heaven one day our special friend.
The D'Zurilla Family
Milo, 11/04/03-02/21/09
I miss u dearly...you were my best friend. I will miss how you would sit on my lap and hug me with your paws.I can't believe you are gone, milo we will miss you and your brother smoki is still peakin at corners trying to find you. you be in our prayers and hearts forever...see you on the othetside, love your mommy.
Milo, Spring 1996-02/12/09
Milo was a beautiful male Orange Tabby. In the spring of 1996 our neighbor found this orange kitten in her yard and asked my son if we wanted to take it. He was so mall and helpless I could not say no. He was covered in fleas, and we spent the rest of the day trying to get rid of the poor guys fleas. Later we took him to the vet for shots and to get him "fixed". He was a sweet little kitten and grew up fast. when he was about 1 year old I found him on the side yard and brought him in the house, but he could not walk. It was a Sunday, so we had to take him to the local emergency vet. It turned out that he had broken his pelvis in three places. Long story short, our normal vet did the best he could to fix the fractures. I took Milo home for a lengthy healing process. One afternoon while laying on the bed, I went to get up but Milo grabbed my hand and did not let me go. It was at that moment that I knew I had a special best friend. Milo did heal, but he had to almost stand strait up to poop, but he did it without any complaints. Years later after my Dad passed away, Milo would come into my bed in the evening and nuzzle the back of my neck and lay on my back and purr. In mid January of 2009 I noticed that Milo was straining more than normal to poop, and was often unproductive. The Vet gave Milo two enemas, but found 3 masses at his intestines. The vet was able to remove one mass but the other two were not removable. A biopsy returned the worse possible news, Milo had lymphoma. The Vet told me that he did not have much tome to live. Milo did somewhat OK for about 10 days, but then he could not poop again, even though I gave him everything the Vet said to make him poop. The cancer was blocking his bowels. I was hoping Milo would get better, but his personality told me different. However on Sunday Feb. 08, Milo went into the drier and purred on my clothes for one last time. The following days Milo was getting worse and worse. I did what I could to make him comfortable, and gave him pain medication when I thought he needed it. I was hoping he would pass away in his sleep, but it did not happen. I finally knew that the best thing I could do for him was put him to sleep. Milo never complained during his illness, but his personality changed. He could not get comfortable, and looked at me as if to say, help me daddy. So on Feb. 12th, I made the heartbreaking decision to end my best friends suffering at the local Humane Society. They gave my buddy a shot that made him go to sleep. When he went to sleep, he finally relaxed and his smile returned. I held him for what seemed forever as they gave him the shot that stopped his little heart. I cried like a baby. I took my best friend to be cremated, and his ashes are on the fireplace mantle, with a placard that says "Milo, My best friend." And the made a clay paw-print of his right front paw. It has been 9 days since he has been gone, and it still hurts like the first day. That cat loved me and I loved him! Run cancer free with a good pelvis Milo, have lots of Tuna! Your Daddy and Mommy cannot wait to see you again!
Love Mommy and Dad
Milo Buddy Messing, 07/01/97-04/03/09
Milo, You will be missed terribly! Our lives will not
be the same without you. You have given us unconditional love for the past
11 years and we will always cherish your memories. You will forever be
in our hearts. We can't wait to meet you at rainbow bridge!
Find Brutus and play hard!
We love you and miss you!
Mom, Dad, Jordan and Deuce
Milo Gerome Pugsley, 05/17/07-12/20/08
Our dear baby boy since the first time we saw you, it was love at first sight. When you entered our house you stole our hearts. You were a little Rambunctious funny, always willing to cuddle and adorable little boy. You had enormous energy to play with your brothers Mr. Jinx (Siamese cat) and Chester (mix poodle-terrier)and your mom Gaby, grandma and grandpa. After an active day of getting in trouble you would always be ready for a good night sleep cuddling in mom's chest or grandmas shoulder or grandpas head. The house is so quiet and clean your toys remain in the crate your pictures all over the house, and no more checking on you constantly to see what you are up to or what you had in your mouth or reminding you to be nice to your brothers, no more snoring, no more Milo Gerome behave yourself. We pray that you make the angels happy with your adorable deposition in Rainbow Bridge until God reunite us again. We Love you forever our little angel.
Gaby, Sue & Joe Marquez
Milo Serenity Haverfield, 08/24/98-03/04/09
We are so sad of the loss of our family member, Milo.
He has brought us many years of happiness.
He will be so sadly missed.
Eric, Jennifer, Andrew, Carter and Sarah
Milos Robinet, 05/22/99-01/23/09
Miss You and love you...you were the best dog ever!
Pam Robinet
Milton, 05/01/09
Our little man, we miss you so much
Butland Family
Mimi, 07/11/09
Mimi was brought to us as a very small baby.
She lived 7 short years with us. Mimi had the most incredible large gold
eyes, they almost didn't fit her very tiny face/frame. She was small in
size, but her loud purr, and always happy to sit with you heart made her
larger than life. I will miss my little girl, I had 7 joyous years with
her, but I guess God needed her. Thank you Mimi for the love and friendship,
you are forever in my heart. Love, Your earth Mommy
Mimi, 04/24/09
My little Boo Boo you will be missed. You were my little angel and my life. I will think of you everyday of my life.
Mimi, 02/10/86-09/26/04
Mimi...I have not forgotten you! please guide Tabatha and keep each other safe. You are both in a very special place in my heart. Not a day will go by without me thinking of you, and now Tabatha.
Katherine Quiel
Mimi, 01/07/09
Mimi Lou in from the wild_we were wild about you and you wild about us. There are no words-just 1 million kisses for you over Rainbow Bridge.
Linda Karlsson
Mimi, 07/07/93-12/31/08
When I got MiMi I thought I was the luckiest person in
the world to find such a beautiful little girl. Not only was she beautiful
physically but her heart was golden.
She was the little diva of the family, in fact I think the term diva was
made to describe her.
She was dainty and feminine, and always had to sleep on the highest pillow
on the bed.
Her favorite color was purple.
We called her Lovebug and that says it all.
I'll never stop missing her and will love her forever. XXOO
Mimi Kemby, 02/03/09
All we feel is pain. We lost our girl today. Will our lives ever be the same.
We Love You Mimi
Jo Ann
Mimi 'Qoink' Mae, 07/30/07
Dearest Qoinky,
I miss you with all my heart.
Wani Muthiah
Mimosa, 10/25/07
I love you always.
Catherine Yurkiw
Mina, 02/09/09
I hope that you are better. I miss you xoxox
Mindi, 02/94-06/09/09
Georgia Solomon
Mindy, 08/22/05
Bill Tesno
Mindy/Tish, 03/12/09
We will miss you Mindy....Mom's house won't be the same
without you.
You are not alone; hopefully Velvet, Moe, Max and Mitten met you at the
Hugs and Whisker Kisses Tish.
Donna & Al Biagini
Mindy, 12/02/99-12/23/08
Mindy was a special pig, she was part potbelly and part
She loved to snuggle with me under her blankets. She is missed by Laverne
& Shirley (two of her sister adopted pigs) and by me.
Mindy, 08/01/02-01/06/09
Until we meet again my friend at the Rainbow bridge. Will be sadly missed by her family
Dicy, Jonathan, Megan, Josh , Jon, Ashlynn & Mindys bestest Friend Jed
Mindy Hayton, 04/2006
Our beautiful mindy I miss you every day my darling It broke my heart to let you go but I knew i had to end your suffering. I know you are with misty and diesel now chasing rabbits that you never catch. you were my soul mate mindy till we meet again at rainbow bridge.Love you and miss you so much.
mummy,daddy, zoe,missy,boss,mace and lexi.xxxxxxx
Minee, 04/03-02/26/09
I miss my Minee Minee Monoi Minyee Kitzle Cats Coo.
My beautiful yellowish orange camoflage cat.
You are so yellow, but you are so cute with your black dots on your nose.
I will kiss them again and kiss your ears, head, chest, hands, feet, tail,
and everything.
I miss you in this physical world, sorry I can't communicate with you there.
I can't wait to see you.
It wasn't your time because you were only 5 going on 6. You are the best
cat and all the other animals miss you, but they are blessed the communication.
Everyone you met has been touched and remembers you. The whole family human
and nonhuman miss you and love you with all their hearts and souls. Your
soft warm body, how I want to hold your 14.40 lbs in my arms and kiss your
mouth and chin and neck how I used to. I hope your transition was smooth.
Please wait for me because I wanna see you when I get there. I'm sorry
for not being perfect and I hope you knew how much I loved you. We've been
through a great journey and I remember from the moment I saw you that we
were soulmates. Your biting kneading thing was so sweet. I loved watching
you eat and come through the doggy door glowing with morning sun.
Your look, your licking kisses, your grabbing with your claws, your voice,
your quivers and stretches, your purr, your chirps, your personality...I
love your mind, body, and soul. I know all I'm missing now is your body,
but I loved it and I still can't wait to see you. You are the lucky one
because time barely exists where you are, but I will see you again soon.
I hope you like all the paintings/drawings I've done of you and will do
of you. You are always welcome in our house if you ever wish to make footstep
sounds, open doors, make scratches, or whatever. I will talk to you as
much as I can, but I don't know how I can go on.
I love you with all my heart and soul, Minee. Pinky. See you soon. I love
you, Minee.
Amanda Pampena, Scott Maier, Joe Pampena IV and III, Rosa Renteria, Angela Pampena
Ming, 10/29/02-12/19/08
Even though it was for such a short time, I am glad that I had you in my life. Until we meet again my friend.
Ming, 01/10/09
I lost my beloved cat suddenly on Saturday January 10,
He was a beautiful cat and the best companion I have every had.
I will deeply miss him and never forget him and I hope to see him again
in heaven.
I love you Puddah!
Leah P. Peniston
Ming Chow Ming (Mingy), 12/13/90-07/04/95
Ming was a mighty Chow. She was a free spirit who loved
and was loved. She was my angel with fur and 15 years later I still miss
I also know that one day we will meet across the Rainbow Bridge.
Guadaupe Lopez
Mingus, 10/96-04/07/09
I had Mingus since he was a puppy.
He was such a joy!
Mingus was so gentle, loyal and loving. He wouldn't go to bed until I was
in bed and he was always greeted me in his quiet and gentle way.
He would take food from my hand as if he were trying to keep from tipping
a dime standing on edge. Of all our pets throughout my lifetime (65 yrs)
he is my favorite.
I will miss him greatly. Our home and my life will never be the same.
Kathy LaPose
Mini, 05/21/09
Mini was the best dog I will ever own. She was funny and loving and cuddly and sweet. Everyone that met her loved her, and she was my baby. I miss her dearly and do not think another dog could ever come close to replacing her. Most wonderful dog ever. I love her with my whole heart. Wish she was still here.
Lindsay K
Mini, 06/01/97-04/17/09
A fighter to the end. She lived with kidney disease for 12 years. She was wonderfully wise, incredibly intelligent and gloriously gentle.
Mini Me, 11/12/02-01/29/09
Oh my dear sweet Mini Me. You were mommy's little angel. Daddy and I are lost without you. We miss you so very much. We weren't ready for you to go. Everyone loved you. You were such a sweet special little spirit. Grandma, Grandpa and all your cousins miss you too. I truly hope we see you again in heaven. It won't be heaven without you. We will never forget you. You will always be one of the best and happiest things in our heart.
Amy Woodson
Minky, 07/15/95-01/30/06
It's been three years, and I still miss my baby girl.
Mommy will always love you, and always miss you
Minky, 01/20/09
your life and love was special, as were you dear Minky. it hurts that you are no longer with me, but the pain is eased knowing someday we will be together and cuddle again. i love you always
Maureen Bishop
Minnie, 05/11/94-05/17/09
Our dearest Minnie, our first child, what more can we
You came into our lives 15 years ago, bringing your love to our lonely
Two people not knowing what they were doing but you showed us how to love
You showed us compassion beyond what we could show; always
forgiving, always ready to forget our wrongs.
You showed us courage beyond what we could muster; never flinching, never
backing down, even in the face of your illnesses.
You showed us the will to live beyond what we could ask for; always willing
to eat your meals and take your medicines even when you didn't feel well,
never complaining.
You showed us companionship beyond what we could give; always by our sides,
night or day, winter or summer, on the road or at home, sad or happy.
You showed us obedience beyond what we could ask; always following our
requests, always wanting to make us happy.
Your ears, paws, belly and neck smelled so good, your
special perfume.
Your barks every time we go through Chinatown to let people know you were
in town.
Every time we visited the doctors you would be the sweetest girl, shivering
but obedient.
However, as soon as the examination was done you would show them who the
boss was.
You had accompanied us to Churches, restaurants, museums, parks, weddings,
movies, bowling games, barbeques, casinos, and everywhere we went.
You were always the perfect partner in everything that we do.
Even on your last day, even as you struggled to stand
up, you ate your last meal, with Daddy holding you and Mommy spoon feeding
your meal a little at a time.
You knew you were the queen of the home, that we love you very much.
We know that you had fought very hard for the past few years and if you
had a choice you would stay with us forever.
But God didn't want you to suffer anymore.
That's why he called you to go home, where you will be made whole again,
free of all pain and sufferings.
As much as our hearts break, we know that this is what
is best for you and you are in a much better place now.
God loves you more than we do.
One day we will be together again, but for now please take good care of
yourself; play and have fun with Cece Ariel, Titi Donald and Meimei Daisy.
Have a good night sleep Nonik, our little angel.
Sweet dreams and don't worry about anything.
You will always have a very special place in our hearts.
Thank you for letting us celebrate your 15th birthday as you promised.
Thank you for being the best daughter.
Everyone loves you and will miss you dearly.
Until we meet again...
Lots of Love and Kisses,
Mommy, Daddy and Belle
May 17, 2009
Ferry Firmansjah and Mitzy Budiono
Minnie, 04/10/09
She was the love of my life, made me happy when I was
sad, made me laugh just to watch her sleep, bought her a camoflage collar
for her to "sneek" up on the squirels that played with her.
She taught me to be a better person, no matter how bad the day in ICU at
work was, she was at the door to greet me with a "smile" and
all was right with the world.
She is at the Rainbow Bridge with her "sisters" Speckles, and
Mollie Dot playing and waiting for me. Her big "sister" Maggie
is still looking for her.
Chris Kirkham
Minnie, 04/18/09
One school day when I was in grade 5, I visited the sick bay (something I frequently did when I wasn't sick, but feeling anxious or upset and wanted to escape my mean classmates). But this day was different. When Mum came to pick me up, she wasn't alone. She was carrying a tiny grey puppy, with sticking-up ears and a bushy beard. She said its name was 'Minnie' and that she was now our pet. All my sickness faded away that day, as did my unhappiness. And for the next 14 years of my life, Minnie carried me through all my school upsets, love woes and work problems. With a simple paw on my chest whenever I felt down, she told me everything was OK. She retired on a mountain with my parents and spent her remaining days chasing kangaroos and sniffing the breeze, oblivious to the giant eagles flying ahead. I'll never forget my best friend, my beloved Minnie.
K Tate
Minnie, 01/26/94-03/09/09
Minnie was my buddy.
I purchased her and a Yorkie (Sassie) at the same time, 2 days after I
had to have my last Yorkie put to sleep after suffering from cancer. Minnie
had a congenital defect in both of her front legs, causing both of them
to break before she was 6 months old.
No vet in the area could do anything for her.
I arranged to take her to Purdue University animal hospital where they
fixed both of her legs, even though they had not done surgery like that
on a dog so small.
I had the priviledge to have her in my life for just over 15 years.
She was a sweetie.
She loved to cuddle and lay next to me when napping on the couch or sleeping
under the covers with me when I slept in bed.
Dogs will love you unconditionally.
She had been suffering from an enlarged heart, putting pressure on her
lungs and been on medication for the last year.
Within the last week she didn't act her normal self.
I took her to the vet last tuesday.
Her blood work showed that her liver was starting to fail.
She had been on IV's to try to flush out her system and she seemed to be
getting better.
After taking the IV's off, she got worse again.
Again she had to go back on IV's.
She now had refused to eat or drink.
The vet, Dr. Pat Cook at Heritage Animal hospital in Terre Haute, IN,told
me (weeping) that she had done everything she knew to try to make her better,
but she reluctantly said it would be best to let her go.
I visited with Minnie for about a 1/2 hour before she was put to sleep
I could not force myself to watch her go.
I had done that with a Yorkie and it just ripped my heart out.
A close friend of mine stayed with her when she was put to sleep.
Another piece of my heart is gone today.
I am single and have no family locally, so my dogs are my family.
It hurts so much to have to say goodbye to one of them.
You feel so empty after losing one of them.
You can always get another pet, but each one has it's own personality,
just like a human.
Rest in peace, Minnie, you were a wonderful pet and I'll miss you forever......hugs
and kisses my friend.
Keith Koenig
Minnie, 05/18/98-02/06/08
I love you, my precious girl, always and forever!
Stacy Allen
Minnie, 09/07/95-11/05/04
You really were my best friend, Dearheart, and I will always miss you.
Kathy Davis
Minnie, 05/22/92-12/07/08
Minnie was a beautiful little longhaired tux kitty that showed up on my street in 1993 and nobody seemed to own her. She was very thin so I called her Skinny Minnie and started leaving food out for her. After a couple weeks of this she came up and sat on my lap and I took her to see the vet and then she was mine forever after that. She loved big dogs and was best friends with my German Shepherd Leela. When Leela died in 2001, Minnie was so sad she nearly stopped eating for a month. A couple months later I got her another German Shepherd from the shelter that I named Mallory, and she became friends with Mallory. She would have been happy to have been an only cat as long as I also had a dog for her to love. She had huge feet and big yellow eyes, a short, sturdy body and she was all heart, a big love bug of a kitty with a big rumbly purr. In Sept 2007 Minnie was diagnosed with bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer. Surgery cured the bladder cancer and slowed down the pancreatic cancer and Minnie had a glorious extra year of life after that. She was spoiled, fat and happy until towards Fall she began losing weight and the pancreatic cancer had come back and spread. She lost her valiant fight on Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Her whole family and friends miss her very much, but we know that she is pain-free and healthy again and we take comfort from that. Fly free, my sweet Moo moo angel! And I hope you have found your Leela again.
Laurie Kneppel
Minnie Ciavarella, 04/03/09
She was such a sweet cat. 11 years old... She would wait for us at the door when we weren't home, and always cry for attention. She loved plastic a lot, I'm not sure why; but she was such a sweet cat. She's a cat I will Never forget in my life. No Cat can replace her...
Peter Ciavarella
Minnie Merlino, 12/30/08
Minnie you will be missed by your family and friends. We love you dearly.
Virginia Merlino
Minnie the Minx, 18/04/09
I adopted Blackberry from a rescue centre and i soon began
calling her a minx as she had that bold cheeky streak so that became her
very well suited name. She never responded to her name but would know my
keys and car engine and always bob out from her adventures to great me.
She was headstrong and sadly too bold for her own good which often made
me worry about her and on more than a few occassions i would be out around
the cul de sac and streets looking for her worrying that she was in trouble.
Over the months she began to settle as i already had two other cats that
she didnt take to initially as they were too show for her as she had a
job to do conquering the close and making her self known all round the
cul de sac!
Every day I would be looking out of the window for her, shaking my keys
just to see her bouce along to see me. She had started to wait at the top
of the road for me each day when i came home from work and I looked forward
to whether or not this would happen on my walk home.
I'll confess to being a real worry wart when it came to ever going away
for a night, so much so that in 11 months i'd only been away for two nights.
Very sadly it was my second time away for 3 nights that when i came back
she was no where to be seen and I tried not to worry as i'd been there
so many times. However the next day i was on the internet looking at the
websites and all the instructions that i would need to follow when the
doorbell went. Two very kind people in a neighbouring cul de sac had come
with the news that they had found a cat by the roadside and they had brought
the collar.. it was minnies... I was just heartbroken and feel such sadness
and regret at ever leaving at times. I am so grateful to the couple who
were so kind to seek the owner out as well as carefully wrap her up for
me to bury. When they left i found myself unwrapping her as i wanted to
stroke her and see her, it might sound odd but it was an instinctive thing
for me to do and I'm glad i did as it has been and still is so hard to
accept that she has gone. I hadnt realised how much she had become a part
of my life and just how much i enjoyed looking after her, all the more
as i felt she was always
a wild one who needed that extra special help. From the moment i saw her
and picked her up from the homing centre she was a bundle of trouble really
and part of me always maybe knew her spirit might be too bold for a world
with cars. Yet she was a very cunning little minx and seemed to be more
than apt at handling what life threw at her will such energy. I loved her
almost too much in a different way to how i love the cats i have had for
years. I felt she needed me far more though showed it less if that makes
sense. She was about 1 when i first met her and in the 11 months she was
with me I felt she began to realise what a home was for and had become
so much more settled. I just wasnt ready to loose her and now feel quite
lost in my daily routine as I had become used to just always looking our
for her and now it is quite...no more crazy entrances or the little bell
tinkling as she whizzed along getting up to some kind of minxy' activity.
So my sadness brings me here to just say some words to help me say goodbye
and move towards trying to accept that she is still being a minx some place
else although sadly no place that i can see or touch.. minnie the minx
you were one hell of a cat and i miss you madly and my heart still hurts
but i'll remember the fun you brought me and hope i brought any amount
of the same to your short life, so carry on minxin ;) where ever you are
Alison Farnill
Minnu, 00/66/11-04/30/09
Minnu lost his battle with cancer on April 30, 2009.
I only had the pleasure of caring for him for 9 months, but he changed
my life forever.
I loved him more than I thought I could love another animal.
He required round the clock care and feedings and never once did I mind.
He was always gentle and kind.
He drifted off in his sleep during late morning.
He still had his little hands under his head all curled up in his bed when
he was found.
He will be forever missed and my heart will always have a void.
I love you Minnu.
Kelly Simoneau
Minou, 06/05/09
Thank you Minou for all the wonderful years of friendship
that you gave us.
Your pain is over now you can rest in peace.
We will remember you and love you always.
Your family,
Sue and Gail and Max and Fluffy
Minou, 03/14/93-11/10/08
Minuet, 04/15/99-05/09/09
Minnie was a really special girl. She picked me out at the Animal Rescue League of Boston. I was searching for a companion for my orange tabby kitten who was also 9 months old. I had my heart set on this grey tabby boy when a little tortishell paw reached out to grab my leg. I asked to see her and when I picked her up, she licked my face and purred. I knew, she was the one.
I didn't name her for a few days. I was just starting graduate school for classical vocal performance and I would practice my opera arias at home in the kitchen. When I would practice, she would meow and sing with me! So, I named her Minuet. Throughout her lifetime, she knew plenty of variations on that name, Min, Minnie, Minster, Min-Min. She loved to sing and talk with me. Being formally stray, she also loved to steal food! Her FAVORITE treats were french fries and chips which she would steal from me on occasion. She was very funny about running outside and just rolling around, not going far.
She was very affectionate, sweet and demanding of my attention. She fell ill, suddenly and I was forced to make the hardest decision of my life. But she is in a better place now and her suffering is over. I love you Min...forever. I miss your kisses, I miss your chirps, I miss your cuddles and your soft purrs. I love you forever, sweet baby. May you rest in peace :)
Kay Patterson Shaw
Minxy Boy, 01/15/94-05/10/09
He was this sweet furry fluffball with this huge
head full of ears who showed up in my garage on a cold winter morning.
I spent a third of my life with Minxy and now his pain is gone as mine
starts. I look forward to the day when we will once again, embrace each
other in the meadows at Rainbow Bridge.
I luv you Minxy,
Mira, 8th November 2008 - 15th May 2009
To Mira my precious puppy,such a short life and so many wonderful memories. So sadly missed.
Ines Casey
Miracle, 04/21/95-15 July 2009
MIRACLE cat-Miracle fought cancer and almost won.You were a brave and loving boy who protected those you loved,showed kindness to all living things,never killed anything in your life and most of all-you were my best friend .I hope you enjoyed your life with me-travelling all over Africa and meeting so many different animals.Thank you for being in my life and I hope that you are in heavens light,,,warm,safe and no longer suffering.I know we will be together again.Love is the bond between dimensions.I love you.
Mirage, 02/14/00-03/24/09
Farewell to my shadow, my precious Mirage.
Your silky beauty was a delight to behold and touch.
Your fun-loving, spunky acrobatics kept me young.
But most importantly, your loving, caring nature made me adore you.
I shall miss the way you would reach out your paw, gently tapping me to
get my attention; how you would follow me everywhere, even wait patiently
at closed doors for me; how you would snuggle in my arms, and look up at
my face with pure happiness and trust; how you trusted me, even to the
end, when we tried so hard to save you.
My heart is broken, and I search for peace.
How will I go on without my shadow?
Rest now, my darling Mirage.
You are well loved.
Brandy Harvey
My Dearest Miranda,
Today is the 1 year anniversary of your passing. I remember the day like
it was yesturday. I still wish that you were here with me. I still sometimes
think that I hear you coming done the hall or I still feel your little
paws, pawing at my bed. I miss so many things about you. I miss kissing
your precious head, I miss seeing you when I come home, I miss touching
your soft coat, I miss the love that you gave me, it was unconditional.
You gave me life. I am so proud that I was able to be a part of your wonderful
life,God gave me the best gift of all. I look forward to the day that we
will meet at Rainbow Bridge. I miss you with all my heart, I miss you dearly
my four legged friend. With Love Always Miranda!!! Mommy loves You!!! Until
we meet again!!
Miranda Louise (Randi), 01/30/94-01/09/09
My babygirl,
You will forever be in my heart. I miss you so much. I will see you at
the rainbow bridge.
Your mommy is with you.
Mischa, 05/20/97-06/27/09
Rest in peace, Mischa my love. You were the sweetest, most affectionate cat ever to share a life with me. Thank you so much for jumping up on my lap when you were a teeny-tiny kitten. I didn't know I needed a black cat. I'm glad you knew it! I just wish we had another 12 years together.
Ginni Kitchen
Misha, 04/24/09
My sweet baby; my little prince.
You were always there for me.
You'll always have a special place in my heart.
I'll love you always.
May angels sing thee to thy rest....
Sharon Gaik
Misha, 01/11/09
Thanks for being with me for so long. You are the best, I will see you in about 70 years.
Misha, 12/23/08
Gone but never forgotten. We miss you Sweet Pea.
Steve & Melissa
Misha Baryshnidog Titus, 01/29/09
We will miss you forever, baby bear. Love you.
Christine and Tim Titus
Misiu, 06/18/92-05/03/09
Misiu, our beautiful girl, run, roll, jump and play. We will all be together again someday, until then, we will hold on to the joy you brought us each and every day. God Bless you Meesh, we will love you forever. Stay close.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Anika and Felix xoxoxoxox
Miss Annie Tinkle Belle, 01/07/95-05/06/09
My little Yorkie girl was my child.
I loved and cared for her endlessly. Her sudden illness and death has totally
devastated me.
I have to be strong as she has a sister Hazel(3 year old Staffordshire
Terrier) and a brother Brownie(8 year old Toy Poodle), they loved her dearly
even though she was the ruler.
Annie was full of life and spunk, everyone loved her.
I will never forget her and all the happiness she provided.
Pets are special gifts from God. They are with us for such a short time,
please love and honor them daily.
I will love you forever my Annie!
Pamela S. Rieck
Miss Daisy, 06/26/09
Daisy will bloom forever in my heart...miss you my little hillbillie girl.
Linda Hammer
Miss Daisy, 06/09/09
People here were kind and stroked my fur
And they all seem to love it when I would purr
I'm no longer sick so I am glad
Please don't fill your days by being sad
I haven't really gone that far away
And I'm really looking forward to the day
When we can be together and meet on the bridge of peace and happiness and
Paul and Ron
Miss Daisy Mae, 03/01/08
Our love for you will live on forever...you are sorely missed. Daisy you will never be forgotten. Heartbroken...xo
Donna & Lou
Miss Emily Larimore, 02/22/98-03/07/09
For Emily:
Go along now, my sweet friend,
And wait for me at the Rainbow's End.
Find former pals, Tessie and Maestro-
And wait for me around the bend..
I'll not be long in Heaven's years,
Scarcely time to dry my tears.
My life in full enriched by you,
touched by the grace of His sweet hand.
Abide with Him, and be content,
'til He calls me home, to the promised land.
Poem by Sandra Larimore 03/07/2009
Miss Fit, 06/30/09
She was a beautiful calico cat loved very much by my 6 year old daughter that is having a very hard time with the loss.
Miss Fred, 02/22/09
I had my bird for 9 of her 13 years. She meant the world
to me. She was pure grace, a miracle and one of the lovliest of creatures.
I ran my own consulting business out of my house and for six years, she
was always no more than two feet away from me on her Wingdow perch. She
knew when quitting time was and would squawk like clockwork at 5 PM.
Fred was a girl, so it was fun to call her Miss Fred when introducing her
to new people. She loved people and everyone she met, she charmed into
Her favorite time of day was dusk. In warm weather, she would sit on my
shoulder on the porch swing and say "Hello, Pretty Boy. Hello, Fred"
over and over again. She could have said it a million times and I would
just smile and lap it up just like I did the first time she ever talked.
My partner and I, along with two Senagals (Trix and Chex) are totally devastated
to have lost our avian angel.
Her health started to decline last fall and after two prolonged vet visits,
it was time to say goodbye. She had some sort of neurological disease that
prevented her from using her left claw and slowed down her ability to eliminate
waste. Her doctors were amazing--they took such great care of her. But
we knew the time had come to say goodbye. And now we will love her in our
memories forever...
Jim Jenkins
Miss G, 03/04/09
She came to me 12 yrs ago when my life was a mess. She
saw me at my worst and still loved me.My life will never be the same and
I pray God will give me the strength to go on without this little angel.
My heart is broken.
Sally Conroy
There are no words that can express the love this tiny
little girl brought to our home. She was our sweet baby girl...always there
with kisses and her little "waggy" tail. Every where I look'
I see her because she was always with me..
Sleep well, my love...you are always in our hearts...
Love..Mommie and daddy
Miss Indy, 04/21/09
to the best friend i ever had or ever will my rock in times of trouble my friend to the end of time
Alan Ramey
Miss Ivy aka Peanut, 03/05/09
We grieve for the sudden death of our dear cat, Miss Ivy.
She was a wedding gift from Ed to Laura and was so named for our wedding
She was always a little peanut so we didn't know she was ill.
We will remember her loud purr and her fussy meow.
We will miss her "making biscuits" on us, chattering at the birds
outside the window, and snuggling up against our hearts while she clung
to our shoulders.
She was beautiful, sweet and very loving.
We will never forget her.
Laura, Ed and Eleanor Schweibacher
Miss Kitty, 06/02/09
You are in our hearts forever. Until I see you again and we can cross that rainbow bridge together, you will always be in my heart making me smile when I think of you. I love & miss you my sweet Kiki catter!
Cheryl Petrula
Miss Kitty, 05/02/03-04/27/09
While the first 4 years of your life were filled with
abuse and misery, just knowing I could make your remaining 2 the best you've
ever known despite the caner.
Adopting you was the best thing I ever did, you're my best friend, my heart
and my soul and when my day comes I know you'll be waiting for me at the
Rainbow Bridge.
Until then know that I love you and always will.
Rest in peace my Kitty Kat...
Ellen Moxley
Miss Kitty, 03/30/09
I adopted Miss Kitty from the local SPCA.
She had lived at the shelter for 5 years and when I adopted her I was told
she didn't like other cats, dogs, or children which made her perfect for
She was my baby and I loved her very much. I really miss her and look forward
to the day we can be reunited at the rainbow bridge.
Ruth Solo
Miss Kitty, 08/09/02-12/24/08
Miss Kitty was my first cat and best friend,she went wherever I went, and wanted my attention which I always granted her. Because I loved her so mcuh. She was my buddy she loved being the center of attention she would lay in her basket and watch me play on the computer. When she wanted outside she would gently paw the door wanting out. Miss Kitty was special she enjoyed her daily brushings and massages especially on her belly. She loved her homemade toys she had hours playing with. Miss Kitty I will always remember you and love you.
Miss Kitty, 12/18/88-02/15/09
Miss Kitty lived a very long life and will be missed by many especially Russell, Kathleen and Clark.
Miss Kitty, 04/01/93-09/27/01
Miss Kitty was so beautiful. She was black with white spots on her belly that looked like a bikini. She had big beautiful green eyes. She loved to chase little balls and scratch her scratching post. She loved to curl up in your lap for a nice afternoon nap. Her favorite spot was on top of the kitchen cabinets. She hated the vaccum and would often hide there. Her favorite food was hostess chocolate donuts. When we bought a box we had to hide them in the microwave because she would tear open the box and eat them. Of course when we got a box we shared with her. She also used to sleep in this doll cradle I had when I was a girl. She also let me push her in my plastic shopping cart. Miss Kitty got very sick and the vet could not figure out why. When we thought she was doing better she died one night under my bed. She left before her time. We miss her and I hope she has lots of chocolate donuts in rainbow bridge!
Miss Kitty, 01/06/09
I know you are in the garden basking in the sunshine chasing
butterflies....I miss you!
Mommy and Daddy tried to make you better but it was not meant to be, I
tried to make you feel better.
Our house will be very empty without you....
Miss Lady Lutes, 09/13/00-05/13/09
Miss Lady was my baby.
She was so precious to me.
"My best friend".
Unconditional love and devotion and sweet, sweet love. She helped me through
so much in the little time I had with her. Her love, devotion and friendship
helped me to deal with the death of my mother and brother in the last 2
years and gave me a sense of direction for my life.
My loss of her is devasting. I will miss her everyday of my life for the
rest of my life. She is resting now- no more pain. Mommy loves you Miss
Lady and we will see each other again,
until then be a good little girl.
Love Mommy
Miss Lilly, 06/06/09
Dear Sweet Miss Lilly...today we said goodbye to you.
There is a hole in our hearts at this time but we know that you are sick
no longer and are over the Rainbow Bridge. I asked Timmy, Monique and Teenie
Jean to meet you and welcome you. Your mom misses you so much. Joey is
looking for you and Katie misses you too. I held you the first day you
came to live with your mom 14 1/2
years ago and I held you today when you took your last breaths. Three years
ago on this same date, June 6, I said goodbye to my Timmy boy. My heart
was in pain then and it is in pain today.
But I also know that you are now free to run and play again. Bye for now
dearest sweet Miss Lilly. You will never be forgotten.
Auntie Pam
Miss. Maggie Mae, 05/18/09
Our beloved Maggie, we hated to lose you. You have given us 17 wonderful years and you will always be in our hearts.
Donna A. Peters
Miss Misty, 02/01/98-05/15/09
Miss Misty was our "angel" who passed away today @ noon. We love & miss her beyond any words.
Carol & Denis
Miss Molly Rhodes, 10/22/95-03/25/09
Miss Molly was the best of all dogs for our family.
After surviving a devastating car accident in 1997, she graced us with
12 more years of joy.
Her coat was so soft and she loved to have her tiny ears rubbed.
She sang, danced, shook hands, did triple roll-overs, and loved "Old
Roy"? treats.
Walking was one of her favorite activities, but what she enjoyed most was
being loved by our family.
Her death leaves us with a feeling of loss and deep sense of sadness.
We loved her so much!
Dr Teresa Rhodes
Miss Patsy, 09/04/92-06/18/09
You allowed us in your life for almost 17 years.
Now you are free of pain and await us at the Rainbow Bridge.
Fred & Mila Fuentes
Miss Puppy, 09/18/08
I rescued Sweet Pea (Miss Puppy) many years ago, although her time spent with us now (looking back) seems far too brief. She had a rough first few months and when I adopted her she was so traumatized y her abusive previous owner that she wouldn't even eat. . . . horrible how people can harm defenseless animals. Eventually she came around and we were inseperable, the whole family loved her and she loved us all back. Glourious Girl! Saldy years later he health started to decline and she first went blind (vets didn't know why) later we found out (saldy too late to save her) that she had kidney disease and our only viable option was to have he euthenized, for her quality of life would be almost non existent if we tried to flush her kidneys and save her (vets informed us that the counts would jsut go right back up most likely). Our Sweet Pea took her final nap September 18, and we have been missing her every day since then. Sweet Pea you will always be in our hearts! Whinny is up there with you now in Heave with God - run and play with her and cuddle with eachother and know that we love you! "Go puppy go run run run run!"
Miss Sassy, 10/21/97-04/02/09
Our dear, sweet Sassy - oh, how we miss you so!
You came into our lives in such an unexpected way, and how blessed we are
for all the time that we had with you!
Our hearts ache at the beautiful memories of you having such a fun time
spazzing out on the furniture and seeing if we were watching you, and the
"sassy dance" you would do when we walked in the door!
When you were so sick, and you would hide it, how you fought to stay with
The day we had to say good-bye will live in our hearts forever and again,
we will cry.
You made us realized even more how rich our lives are for the love you
showed to us, unconditional, ever giving, ever loving, ever sweet.
Can you tell that Mommy is crying as I write this?!
Oh, Sassy, I long to see your sweet face again, and hear you cute little
Until we meet again over that Rainbow Bridge!
Forever, Mom and Dad
Miss Wilma, 05/12/09
Your best friend was such a lucky girl.
No one could ever have as good a friend as you.
Lenna Powers
Missey, 03/01/95-06/08/09
Missey, you were the best dog anyone could want. You were and will always be part of our family. WE MISS YOU AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.
Missey, 11/22/96-02/06/09
Dearly loved and in our hearts forever
William An Brenda Hrywny
Missy, 07/18/09
We love you Missy.
Missy, 12/12/95-06/25/09
Missy was a wonderful dog, she was my one and only lap dog, I will miss her a lot, but she is in my heart.
Ramona Keenan
Missy, 10/31/93-06/18/09
You traveled many pathways with us and given much comfort,
joy and love.
When you became ill 4 years ago you fought every inch of the way to be
with the one's who loved you.
Letting you go was one of the most painful experiences ever but our lives
have been blessed and enriched because you were here. You were a companion,
best friend and in later years our baby.
We love you forever.
Alyce McQuade
Missy, 01/01/09
It's been nearly 6 months now, and I think about her every day, still. I miss my girl so much! Yes, we got another dog, and she is beautiful and sweet, but she is not Missy. Missy was the only special needs dog we ever had, and I think that endeared her to me so much more. She walked funny, could not be out in the sun for long without stumbling, and many other special things, but I loved her all the more for them. She was a "Pound Princess", and some people looked at her right before me, and did not want her because she walked funny. Lucky me! For me, it was love at first sight. She was the first small dog I ever had. All I had ever had before were Boxers. She was my heart, and I wonder if I will ever get over losing her. She was getting sick, so I know she is in a better place, but that doesn't help much. I guess that we were both fortunate in that the night she passed away I was holding her, and she knew she was loved. I do hope I get to see her again some day......
Jeb Owens
Missy, 04/23/09
Missy came into my life on November 13, 1991.
My husband talked me into visiting our local shelter to look at puppies.
I spotted the sweetest face looking back at me through a cage.
Her tag on the cage read that she was spayed and housebroken.
I also learned she had been abandoned and was about 1 to 3 years old.
After not getting any sleep and thinking about her all night, I ran down
to the shelter the next morning to adopt her.
What I now know, is that God has blessed me for giving me
the sweetest dog I shall ever know.
I thank Him for that and know has lucky I am to have been able to have
shared our together.
She was always a good dog and never fussed or cried when going for vet
Everyone thought she was a puppy because she was small.
I took her on vacations with me.
I guess you could say she was my Velcro dog!
We were inseparable and the best buddies.
Her golden years were good but soon brought on kidney
disease which she lived with for three good years.
Her diet had to be changed to help her kidneys function good.
Then the medications gradually increased and gradually too her health began
to decline.
I cried before she died, knowing it would come soon.
I cry now too because I miss her so much.
I really don't know where we all go when we pass on, but
it is better to believe there is a good place than to not.
I think I will see her again one day and she will be as healthy and happy
again as ever before.
God bless all our animals.
They are truly our special gifts.
Carla Aram
Missy, 04/15/94-06/15/09
I loved it when you licked my face (Torry) we loved how
you protected the basement.
You are such a cute puppy face.
We will miss you forever.
Say hi to Dusty, Penny and Hannah.
We love you girl.
Torry and Dana
Missy, 07/25/96-05/29/09
missy,i miss you. i hope you're happy with bree.
i hope you know i miss you and i know you are happy.
Missy, 06/01/09
My sweet little girl. Thank you for your love and trust.
Missy, 02/01/93-06/04/08
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my sweet baby girl's
passing and I still think of her every day.
I miss her so very much. She had been with me 15 years, always providing
comfort and unconditional love. I'm sure she will be waiting for me at
the Rainbow Bridge and we will be together again. Even though a year has
passed I have not gotten over losing her. My heart continues to be heavy
with grief for her. I know that she is in a better place now, suffering
no more. She was a wonderful friend and comnpanion and I love her very
Pat Fisher
Missy, 03/28/96-05/26/09
Missy I hope you can play again and are no longer in pain.
We miss you & will see you again someday.
Missy, 05/23/09
Missy had so much spirit, even towards the end of her
life. The most important thing I learned from her was how to love. That
feeling that overcomes me now, a pit in my stomach or a tug at my heart,
can only be the love I had for her. I know what it means to have a broken
heart now, but that is only because I truly loved her. I know one day I
will accept the fact that she is gone and will be able to move on, but
never will I forget what a truly wonderful little girl she was. And something
inside of me will always look forward to the day I meet her again. Thank
you, Missy.
I love you baby.
Missy, 02/01/94-05/11/09
My beloved missy was at my side through all my hard times and good times. She asked for nothing in return but my love. She will truly be missed but never forgotten. I am looking forward to crossing the rainbow bridge together.
Irene R Smith
Missy 'Missy's Midnight Passion', 07/25/96-05/26/09
My Dearest Missy girl,
My heart cannot let you go, I miss you so much I can't stand it. I know
your in a much better place and I will be with you again some day...but
until then my heart aches for you with each passing minute.
You were and always will be the World's Best Dog. Austin and Victoria miss you so much. And as for your buddy Indy, well he's not fairing to well himself. When I go over to the house to sit with him he just lays his head in my lap and whines. I know he is hurting too.
Granny also wanted to let you know how much she misses you and how she will miss your greeatings when she comes to the house to see the kids.
Your always going to be in our hearts. We love you now and forever. Run free baby girl.
Love, Momma, Dad, Austin, Victoria & especially Granny
Missy, 05/02/09
we will meet and play togather again at the rainbow bridge.
Molly Brown
Missy, 02/15/67-10/15/80
Missy was my best buddy in my childhood years...I still miss her even after 28 years. She will be waiting with Kiki Dee for me.
John S. Hoover
Missy aka 'Grammy', 04/25/09
She was our gift from heaven.
Missy, 09/07/90-03/30/09
My Darling Missy, that day when we parted and l said good bye to you was the hardest thing l had to do in my life. Having spent over eighteen years together, l will miss you so much, but now you run free old girl, with all the other four legged friends, and one day you and l will meet again we miss you so much missy
Missy, 09/29/99-04/12/09
You were the greatest dog/friend that a person could ask
You were taken from us way too soon. I will forever keep you in my heart.
I will never forget you.
I love you my little girl!!!
Missy, 04/11/09
Missy was a wonderful sweet caring girl.
She will be missed forever. She was taken by bone cancer and up until the
end was her sweet caring self always wanting to know where her mom and
dad were.
Missy we will love you forever and when it is our time to go we know you
will be there running to us with that short tail wagging.
We will be so happy to see you and be with you forever.
Know you will sit on our mantle until we are all together again ....Love
you Mimi Girl...
Dan and Priscilla Simmons & Papa and Grandma O'Gorman
Missy, 09/08/08
You were my beloved furry friend for 19 beautiful years. I miss you.
Karen L
Missy, 01/11/95-03/06/09
A sweet beautiful little Keeshond we adopted, who had
been rescued from a puppy mill in Kansas. She was almost 4 when we got
her before Christmas in 1998, and she came with an enormous amount of baggage.
She was afraid to go outside, and afraid of loud noises, lightening, and
men in hats, to name a few. She followed me everywhere and her passing
has left an enormous void in my life.
She will be greatly missed.
Bless your heart, little girl.
Pat Wulff
Missy, 01/95-02/25/09
She was a great friend and companion, and will be missed
so so much.
She goes to the bridge to be with her friends, Brutus and Yogi.
Laurie Mecca
Missy, 11/23/89-04/10/05
Missy had the funniest little personality that truly came
out with the ones that loved her.
We always called her Personality Plus.
She was truly people in a puppy suit.
I miss her very much, and even though it's been almost four years, my heart
still aches for her.
She is my guardian angel.
Missy, 01/20/09
I loved you alot. I'm sad that you left us, but there was nothing we could have done. All my family sends you now is our love and best wishes. But I send you my promise that I will find you when my time comes. I know nobody can replace a true friend like you, even a pup who was as equally cheerful and fun as you were. I love you, my best friend in the whole wide world.
Missy, 04/05/91-03/04/05
Miss You Babie, my little pudoops. You are always in my heart
Robert Anderson
Missy, 09/20/02
Missy, We Love and Miss just as much today as when you first went away. Love and Miss You Always Princey Poo.
Georgia Ledesma
Missy, 01/07/09
My darling Missy, it is almost 24 hours since we had to make the difficult decision to put you to sleep. You were diagnosed a few months ago as going into renal failure so we knew it was just a matter of time. I prayed and prayed that you would pass away in your sleep, but that was not to be. I couldn't watch you deteriorate any more - you were just skin and bone and looked so miserable. Our vet, Mary Ashton told us that we would know when it was time to let you go - and that time came yesterday evening. Dad and I have cried loads of tears for you, but we know we did the right thing. Dad buried you in the waste ground beside the salt lake - you are beside Bitsy. Remember when Dad was working in Gibraltar and he used to come home on a Friday night and you were waiting for him to take you for a walk? People in the UK would have laughed at the idea of taking a cat for a walk, but here in Spain it's a generally accepted thing. I feel sure you had a happy life here in Spain, you always looked so content lying on your chair on the patio luxuriating in the sun. How I will miss that, and I will always miss the way you came running to say hello when I came home. Thank you Missy for giving us over 14 years of pleasure. I hope you are at peace, and I hope too that you meet up with Dulce and Pugsy plus of course the kittens who died almost two years ago, Bitsy, Dillon & Psycho - not forgetting Poorboy, Poorboy and Peggy. We loved them all, but you, Missy, were SO special - you were the one who convinced Dad that he really loved cats!! I used to say that if a cat could be cited in a divorce case - then you would be! Your photos will always be on display - you were so beautiful. Goodbye my darling.
Carol Bell
Missy, 01/01/09
I miss her SO much. She brought me so much joy that words cannot express. I am not the same without her. I loved her as she loved me- unconditionally.
Jeb Owens
Missy, 12/08/08
I adopted Missy in August of 1995 and i immedialty realized
that I had more than just a dog.
She was my soul mate and animal form.
We had some great times together then in the summer of 2007 her vet detected
a heart murmur.
A couple of months later it tuned into congestive heart failure and her
abdomen began to swell with fluid.
I gave her her Vetmedin and water pills every 12 hours like clockwork.
But she continued to deterearte and when she stopped eating and taking
her meds I knew it was time to say goodbye.
I loved that dog and I miss her like I can't even comprehend.
Thank you Missy for 13 wonderful years of companionship.
Gene Cieplinski
Missy Girl, 12/18/93-06/28/07
You were the most loving and affectionate pet anyone could
ever have had.
We love you and miss you everyday and can't wait till we are reunited at
the Rainbow Bridge.
Forever and Always, Mommy & Daddy
Missy Grace, 05/21/09
What a silly little girl!! We miss you and hope you are playing with Buttercup, Pebbles, Shadow,Petunia and Panther. Kisses always for you, you will never be forgotten. We love you!!!
Melissa Bob Jessica Laura Lee Pansy and GC
Missy Johnson, 03/23/09
With a heavy heart I will miss my baby tremendously, but I know she is running and happy in the grass of heaven.
P. Johnson
Missy Molly - it has only been 4 1/2 days since you left me while I was away. I can't believe that you are gone - I have begged and begged for your to come back. All I what to know is WHY - I had done all the right things - getting your heart murmur checked - more often then required - but to no avail - you were taken anyway. I don't understand it - I am sad, mad, angry, upset - crying my heart out. You were the best - the sweetest - you loved everybody - you loved every other dog you would meet - even though you were only 5 lbs - your tail would just wag whenever you met another dog - big or small - didn't matter. I waited so long to get you - you were so tiny - we all fell in love with you - and you loved us all back - I know you didn't want to go - I know you didn't - I search for you everywhere - hoping and wishing that magically you will appear. Please come see me - my heart aches and I don't know how I will go on - Please Molly - I love you so much - come back to mommy. Love Mommy
Missy Purtell, aka Miss Molly Potts, 05/17/09
Missy Purtell was the best Jack Russell terrier ever and
the light of my cousins, Corinne and Gene's life.
She traveled the world with them and stood faithfully at their sides through
all the happy and sad times that life delivers.
Missy, we know that you will live forever in Corinne and
Gene's heart.
Give dog kisses to Mamie and Mary for all of us.
Terry and Ed Green
Missy Stixrood, 03/12/09
Missy came to us a puppy who was abandoned at a friend's house. As my friend had two large dogs who nipped at the new puppy, she brought her to the office and into my cubicle. She thought the puppy would love our house with our 4 girls. She was so right. Missy quickly became not just our pet, but a true family member who 'raised' our cats and protected the girls.
She will always be remembered for her good looks: She had the blondish fluffy fur of a Wheaten terrier but smaller...about 35 lbs, with blue eyes. Everyone who saw her wanted to know what kind of dog she was.
She lived her 15 years with us. We know she had a great life, and she knows how much we all loved her.
I have prayed that she is now still watching out for the girls whereever she is today.
Missy, you are missed and will alsways be loved, and in our hearts and memories.
Laurie Stixrood
MissyMau, 07/02/09
You can join Sissy now in Heaven. We will miss you dearly. You and Sissy have been a joy in our lives.
Nancy and Tommy Steele
Mister, 10/94-06/19/09
In memory of our beloved Mister, who showed courage, dignity,
trust and love for his families throughout his nearly 15 years of life
and as we helped him leave this life. His love of life, his intelligence,
energy, dedication, playfulness and above all, courage, continue to be
an inspiration to us all. There is an empty spot in our living room where
he once slept so he could keep an eye on all that happened in our house.
There is an even bigger empty spot in our lives where this loving and noble
individual once was. Good boy, Mister. We love you so very much. Wait for
us on the other side.
Anthony, Kris, Sarah and Isaac
Mister, Christmas Eve 2006
mister... im so sorry that humans are so stupid. sorry that the vet believed you wernt sick when you were cleary sick because you left too soon... im going to miss my smart little latter-climbing cat... and i miss sharing my bed with you. love u! xox
Mister Tubbs, Summer 1989-04/04/09
Saturday, I lost our little friend at about 12:45p.
We had just arrived home from the car doctor,
I was carrying him in the house from the car.
It started when I picked him up.
And he was gone by the time we were inside.
sorry I couldn't bring my self to call anyone
sometimes I just can't talk about it.
I know you understand
Saturday afternoon after holding him for several hours,
i put him in his basket he loved to sleep in and had him next to me as
we watched two movies and ate chinese food.
It was a kitty wake.
It was comforting to reach over and give him a pet, his fur was still soft
and it was like he was sleeping.
It is really sucks sleeping alone.
Tubbs was sooo soft.
I just kept petting him all night these past weeks.
Didn't get much sleep worrying about him.
I am blessed to have family and friends who care so deeply
about Tubbs and me;
thank you for your notes and phone calls, you understand how I loved him
and how it hurts so deeply. It's a curse and a blessing.
There are so many things that I am gratefully about,
that it was this year and not last year (especially since he was in FL
and I was in China).
And that I was not working! (ironic huh)
That I had such a wonderful buddy who lived at the beach with me in Florida,
was with us when we moved to LA, riding in the car cross country,
shared the joy of the births of a niece and a nephew,
comforted me through divorce, deaths of family and friends,
living on my own,
missing my family, we survived an earthquake together and living on couches
till we found another apartment,
He was with me when I was buying my first home,
living in the house during renovations, the special window sills for him
to sit on, and a custom bath tub designed with him in mind, living with
friends or house sitting,
He went on location with me in Orlando, Miami and Philadelphia,
My co pilot for the drives into NYC on weekends from PA and NJ, sitting
on the dash board.
Flying home for trips to see family in FL for two christmas.
He was a tri-coastal cat in 2007-08.
He has lived in FL: St. Pete, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami;
PA: Philadelphia; NJ: Marlton, NYC, CA: Toluca Lake, Sherman Oaks, Calabasas,
Encino, North Hollywood, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, and back to FL for a year
of chasing lizards and sitting by the pool in Clearwater & Pinellas
Park then back to Silver Lake.
Never complained about a new location, road trip or a flight (ok except
his first one to Miami he wasn't too happy but was a seasoned traveler
by this past January's flight)
Always giving me unconditional love (except the first two weeks we had
I am so grateful to have such a flexible companion, who only gave me a harsh meow on those few occasions when I had to locked him out of the bedroom or spent too much time in the garden instead of with him.
I am thinking about you too and how this also affects
I know Tubbs is curled up on Gram's lap getting a pet.
thanks again for all your love I can't express how much you mean to me.
I am grateful for having you in my life; and that you also knew my "other
half"/my mister.
I Love you
My heart is broken, my house is empty, my life partner is gone.
Will I share my life with another??
I don't know...these are pretty big paws to fill.
and he picked me -
time will tell if another finds me again.
gros bisous!!!!!
peace and love,Sharon
Dearest Tubbs, there is not one thing I will do that I
won't think of you.
Walking to the door expecting to see you waiting in the window.
making the bed and rushing to get it done before you jump on the clean
sheets, taking a bath and having you sit on the edge I built for you, going
to bed without you, typing on the computer without you sitting on my wrists,
waking me up in the morning so I wouldn't be late.
You were the man, cat and dog in my life all rolled up in one.
kitty kisses and warm cuddles to you forever.
My love.
Sharon Smith Holley
Misty, 02/14/94-06/02/09
May the wind take you to a joyful place where you will
find peace and happiness ...
we miss you
Thomas, Jenn, Connie, Julia & Ken
Misty, 03/14/93-05/19/09
Misty, mommy and daddy miss you terribly.
We still see you out of the corners of our eyes and reach out to pet you
but you're not there.
Our bed is empty at night without you there.
We hope you are at peace knowing that we will meet at the bridge one day
and spend eternity being the happy family that we were for the past 16
Thank you so much for all the love and happiness.
Karen Didion
Misty, 04/13/09
Misty was my best friend, my baby girl, and the one who would always remind me that, no matter what, she would stand by my side.
After fighting a 6 month courageous battle against sudden kidney failure and heart disease, Misty's little body finally found the rest it needed early this last Monday morning.
Looking through pictures of our life together I realize
how much she was a part of my life.
Right now there is a big hole in my life, yet her love still fills my heart.
You have been and will always be my baby and one day I'm going to come looking for you and we will be together just as it was meant to be.
Goodbye my Misty for now and thank you for every precious second we had together.
Kevin Yeager
Misty, 10/28/91-03/21/09
Misty you were so much more than a pet, you were and will
alway be part of our family.
With love and happiness you will remain in our hearts until we meet again.
Katy, Alan, Timothy
Misty, 12/25/99-07/20/08
Misty was a great dog she passed away from cancer. I want to remember her the way she was before she passed on. I love you misty
Misty, 01/20/09
Misty was taken from us do to cancer.
She was a crazy dog that was always getting into trouble, but I loved her
a lot!!! I know that I will see her again and can hold on to that.
I love you misty and wish you well.
Misty, 03/07/09
Misty, known affectionately as "Moo", was first
adopted by Lynne, then Kevin too.
She brought great joy to their day, and loved to romp and play.
As their "little girl" she gave Kevin and Lynne unconditional
love. Now she purrs in her home up above.
It's difficult to say goodbye to such a good friend who brought them happiness
until the end.
Misty will always be a very pleasant memory. Her feminine wiles would make
your hearts melt, for that her loss is deeply felt.
Remember, mom and dad don't be sad. I will always be with you though we're
apart because we are still in each other's heart.
Please don't cry for me as I'm happy in my new home with Page, Achilles
and Buddy.
--Misty, I love you with all my heart and soul. You will always be my sweet baby girl..the most beautiful cat in the world. I miss you.
Love Always, Mama
Misty, 03/01/08
Misty, my beautiful girl. It's been a little over a year and it has been hard. I love you and always will, take care of Dreamer and we'll meet again.
Misty, 09/24/04-02/05/09
Most people won't understand, as those closest to me do not. If Misty were here she would be wagging her little tail trying to kiss away every tear that has been shed. Even if I was pretending to be fine. She knew my heart she knew when I was hurting. She was always there when no one else was. And she loved me like no other without judgement. She was my comfort and my joy. If I could turn back to yesterday I would have never let you out of my sight. I miss you so much! Corn and Bella are constantly looking for you. Your human sisters are having a hard time without you. We all love and miss you so much. Oh baby girl what will I do without you. Please know Mama loves you. Goodbye my little girl
Misty, 10/10/92-02/02/09
Misty we will never forget you and always love you. Hopefully you are now playing with Amy at Rainbow Bridge and one day we will all meet again. Lots of love from Jill and nanny.
Misty, 06/26/99-01/19/09
Probibaly the best pet friend i've ever had. She was never farther than a step behind me, if i would stop fast, in the back yard or garrage, she would bump into me. I miss terribaly the greetings i would get when i come in from work and still wake up in the morning and check the floor to see where she is sleeping so as to not step on her.Ive read this somwhere "If dogs dont go to Heaven then I want to go where they go"
Misty, 09/01/97-01/19/09
Our dear, sweet Misty-What a wonderful dog.
When we adopted her from the Humane Society, 9 years ago, we were told
the she had been "returned" 3 times because she was a "runner"
and destroyed furniture and clothes etc.
Oh well, we thought, we can train her!!!
Has anyone seen "Marley" ? Misty was our Marley.
She ate (yes, consumed) a nightgown, pantyhose, sweaters and oh yes, $60.00!
She also ran.
But that was just until we spent 6 months training her.
She then became the best dog anyone could ever ask for.
She would sit proudly in her unfenced yard and never once wandered-she
just protected. She would sit under her tree and take in the fresh air
and life around her. Her chewing habit pretty much broke, too.
She would sometime "slip" but we always forgave her because she
would come to us with that "I'm sorry" look and put her head
on our lap and we would forgive her! She will be so badly missed.
I can't imagine ever finding another dog as good as Misty. I love you Misty.
We'll see you again someday.
Chris R
Misty, 10/07/97-01/07/09
Misty was a special dog with a big heart.
I will miss her deeply.
But I know she will always be with me.
She was my shadow until the end.
Nancy Jo Rapalee
Misty, 12/17/08
I'm just a Grandma, this was my Daughter's kitten, but
she melted my heart. My Daughter found her & her sister Coco and gave
them a Loving wonderful home, but God had other plans for Misty.
She got sick in October '08 and never got better.
You were my buddy, always by my side when I took care of you & Coco.
I will never forget you. My Sweet Misty you will be in my Heart forever.
Now you can run and play the way it was meant to be.
Love Grandma
Misty Anne Nichols, 06/02/09
I don't remember my life before my puppy.
I got her when I was 7- now as I graduate college she has left.
She was an amazing girl and we grew up together.
I will always remember her.
I miss her and love her so much.
Misty Blue Tunnicliff, 05/27/09
Misty came to me in a time of need, 16 years ago.
Of all the puppies gamboling in the grass, Misty ran to me and jumped in
my lap.
She was a beautiful, delicate blue Doberman.
She was my constant companion and was so smart that here in tornado territory
(Oklahoma)she would get into the bathtub (where we took shelter under a
mattress during severe weather)when she would hear the beeping of a weather
alert on the television.
She greeted every visitor to my house with a toy in her mouth, which she
proceeded to give to the visitor.
She was old and her back legs and kidneys began to fail, but she still
loved to sleep under the covers with me.
Words will never express how much I will miss her, but I honor her memory
and love her every minute until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Sue Tunnicliff
Misty Girl, 03/25/09-07/2008
You left me so soon.
I think of you everyday and it hurts when I come home and don't see you
waiting at the door for me to say Hi.
I see your favorite spot on the couch and wish you were still there.
I miss you so much.
You were always there for me when I needed to talk or even just to cuddle
and sit.
You were always able to make me smile.
I can't wait to see you again baby girl!
I love you and miss you so much!
Kris - Mommy
Misty Locke, 10/31/94-03/28/09
Misty was a loving gal that will be sorely missed.
She brought much pleasure while here and her pain was felt in the end by
Her love lives on in our hearts knowing she is in a better life, with Patches
and Cinnamon and others.
She is happily playing and waiting over rainbow bridge until her next friend
Terri Locke
You were almost nine when you and your brother came into my life, small and frightened, but curious and willing to give your new life a chance.
You never purred, and acted like no one had ever played with you before, but after a bit of coaxing, you came out of your shell, and wound your fluffy little tail around my heart.
You were with me always, you sat by my side, gently purring as I worked, you slept on me, you climbed on me. You touched me. Touched me in a way no other being has ever done. Misty, you are my heart child.
Barely 8 years with you, not nearly enough....I love you, and miss you greatly. You will always be in my heart, and we will indeed meet again. Misty, I can never forget you, my dear, sweet Angel Baby.
Misty Parente, 10/14/93-12/11/08
I miss you more and more each day. You were the brightest part of my life and I will love you forever. Thank you for all of the happiness, I love you.
Misty Schoen (Love in
the Mist), November 13, 1998 - August 18, 2009
Our best friend, a unique love. She had thousands of friends
from all over the world. We owned a Bed and Breakfast and she made friends
with every guest. They all loved her. She was sweet and welcoming. She
was the hostess that brought guests together and gave to them a feeling
that only she could do. She made grown men talk to her in puppy talk. She
just wanted to love everyone. She did and now there is an emptiness in
my life. She saw me laugh and saw me cry and helped me through the good
and bad times and no matter what waited for me to walk through the door
for a pet and a hug.
Our little 6 lbs Pom was a damaged pup that was going to be put down but
she new as that 4 month old pup that we were the ones that would love her
and she knew we needed a special lady in our life.
At the end we rushed her to the vet and she struggled to breath and I held
her to my heart and told her she was special and how much we love her and
to hang on. We got to the vets and they put us in a different room. They
knew and we did too. Our little girl was going to leave us and just before
the vet walked in the door she nestled in my chest and went to sleep
I will bring her home soon and she will stay with us until the day we meet
on that bridge so she can help us across.
She was special and loved. She had a wonderful life and we saved her once,
this time she made the final decision. So wise for this lady to help us
through. I will never forget her. . . .
Misty we will always love the best Hostess ever and the best friend we could ever have. Thank you. . . .
Misty Stokeley, 07/26/93-02/06/09
My life will never be the same without my Misty girl.
Misty, you are the love of my life and I will never love like that again.
I just can't let you go.
I miss seeing you, touching you, smelling you, hearing you, and talking
to you. But I think the most difficult thing for me is knowing you will
never need me again.
I love you Misty and I wish you could come back to me.
I need you so much.
Mitch, 06/03/02-31/03/09
Miss you loads Chubba Chumps !
Julianne Buckton
Oh my sweet, sweet, Mitchi Mu...you were my favorite little man. There will never be words to describe the pain I feel when I think of how you suffered in your last days. How could I let you suffer anymore? I loved you too much; just couldn't bear to see you hurting so I helped you over the bridge. Please forgive me if I hurried you before your time, I hope I didn't. I can't believe you snored on your way out of this world - I hope that means you have found peace beyond the Bridge.
I will cherish your furry face till eternity. You have been my little rock, my guardian, my shadow, for so long and I feel you with me every day still. Your sister Chelsea misses you and waits patiently every afternoon for you to come home. It breaks my heart how much she misses you. There will NEVER be another like you, my little loud mouth, bossy, happy-go-lucky confident crazy boy! As I write this, I am weeping, remembering how you would rush into a room, your plumed tail spinning and your feet flying in the air, as you joyously barked, announcing your presence. Crazy, beautiful dog!
Mitchi, I found you once and I'll find you again. You will always be my one and only Moo-bear, my Mitchi Moo, my little Lhasa bear. Thank you for all the joy you've given over the years. You've helped me in ways you'll never know. Please wait for me, please find Chester and wait...and one day Chelsea will be there with you too, along with all my other furbabies past and present. And one fine day I'll find you all and stay forever to take care of you again. I look forward to that day.
Until then, rest well - my sweet, special furboy. Mommy loves you. Gimme a high five, go eat your greenie in your bed... And wait for me, I'll be there soon. We'll go for a walk in the woods. I'll give you doggie massage for your aching back and we'll chase bubbles together...you will never, ever be forgotten.
Mitchum, 24/09/00-21/02/09
Mitchum was a rescue cat whose name was already chosen
before we picked her up from the RSPCA cattery.
Mitchum was our first cat and we heard that her first year of life had
been hard.
It took a lot of patience and love before she would sit on our laps but
she was mainly Ron's cat who made her bed on the sofa beside him, who would
follow him around the garden like a dog and would come running, tail in
the air, when he whistled her.
In the summer she would sit in the garden on whichever lap was available
and watch the birds feeding at the bird table, uncatlike she never tried
to chase of catch them, maybe she realised they were a lot faster than
she was.
She was an exceedingly intelligent cat and ruled her house allowing us
to live with her.
She was well loved and kept safe at night and one her
and my pleasures was to cuddle me last thing at night and first thing in
the morning.
She wouldlay full length her left paw on my face while I tickled her under
the chin which would make her purr and dig her back paws into my stomach
in sheer joy.
She died without warning, last Saturday morning, she'd had her morning cuddle and in less than an hour, after a frantic race to the Vet she died of a blood clot and heart failure.
A much loved, missed little cat who walked and purred
her way into our hearts.
We never knew that one little animal could bring so much joy into our lives,
the house and garden are empty without you.
Sleep softly little Mitchum we will never forget you
Sheila and Ron Love
My Little Brown Eyed Girl; Our WC (Wild Child) Our little Busy Mitsi, for once it seemed you weren't busy, but something I knew had to be wrong when you weren't at the door tail wagging to greet me, when the door to the room was open yet you didn't come running, I knew something was tragically wrong when I saw you lying there, an object lying across your nose, yet I still hoped you'd respond once you were freed, but you didn't, I touched I poked I beseeched you to "get up, getup Mitsi, get up....
Your shipped sailed when we weren't looking. I love you Mitsi, I miss you so deeply. It will take some getting used to life without you around.....
I dedicate this song this day, to little girl, I love you Mitsi "poop poop"
Your passing is my permanent reminder to ELIMINATE PROCRASTINATION from my lifestyle.
Love Mommi
I miss you.
Mitsy Lou, 05/28/00-12/28/08
Patricia Mendoza
Mittens, 06/24/09
My moms beloved friend Mittens was killed by a car today.
My mom rescued Mittens from a feral colony and raised and took the best
care of her.
Mittens loved my mom very much.
I am very sad that I will have to wait until I die to see Mittens again.
Rachel Larson
Mittens, 05/21/09
my family and i loved her with all of our hearts. My parents named her mittens because her paws looked like real mittens. She was the greatest pet ever and was alive before i was born.
Ethan Davis
Mittens, 05/13/09
She was a much loved callie-tort. she led a good life,
loved by her furry sisters both kitty and dog. She especially loved a Dog
named Morgan whom I think knows shes is gone.
Mittens had been slowly failing for about 2 years ( she was 16 years old).
I think she was blind the past few weeks but she navigated the house just
fine and still got lots of pets and love form all of the family.
Yesterday afternoon while curled on a pile of tshirts on the floor she went to the bridge. I knew the night before her time was close and I told her that her sisters, Madeline the beloved Keeshond, and her kittie sisters Ashley, Nicole and Amanda would all be there waiting for her.
We will always love you "mittenbear". Maddy and the girls, please watch out for her until we get to see her again.
Dad, Mom and Ainsley and Alexis and your dog and kitty sisters .
Mittens, 06/01/97-04/16/09
My loving and faithful friend passed away yesterday.
He taught me so much about unconditional love and he had such a happy spirit.
I will miss my boy for the rest of my life. One day we will be together
Mittens, 03/16/09
Mittens lived his life his way and we loved him.
Mittens loved us in his own way. We loved you and miss you. Mittens, I
know you are happier now, and your death was so unexpected. We hope you
are are at peace and are with our Cody (12/26/08) too.
Karen Begovich
Mittens, 10/98-03/31/09
Mittens was my baby and my cat.
At 6 I received him as a present from Santa and at age 17 it was the saddest
day of my life to put Mittens to sleep.
I don't know if animals go to heaven, but I pray that someday I will find
an animal as loving as Mittens.
Mittens, 03/01/90-07/22/08
Mittens you were my life and my love for over 18 years.
The joy, the love, the companionship, that you gave me can never be replaced.
You will be forever loved. Forever missed.
A part of my heart will be missing untill I cross that Rainbow Bridge to you.
You are forever my babycakes and my love.
Mittens Mineau, 07/15/99-10/05/08
Miss you Mookie Hope you and Bootsie are together
Tammy Mineau
Mitts, 09/15/97-03/16/09
My sweet Mitts, always so loving, always be my side through
all the tough time. I had to send you to the Bridge because I loved you
so much. There's a huge hole in my heart that only you could fill.
I miss you my friend and can't wait until we are reunited at the Bridge.
Mitzi, 05/25/94-05/20/09
from the moment you were born you were with us.
Through our travels thru Europe, coming back to the States, and our travels
We will always remember you as the little professor as you always studied
The big bed will be empty with out you
Mitzi, 05/15/09
My sweet girl. you were never ment to be on this earth. I'm so glad that things worked out and we got you just hours before you were to be put down.
you were such a sweet girl. I dont think i'll ever come across a more kind and gentle one of gods creatures then you.
goodbye my sweet little girl.
Mitzi, 02/01/91-02/25/09
My Mitzi shared my life for 18 years.
I loved her and she loved me unconditionally.
She was so beautiful and her antics such fun.
In her later years, battling hyperthyroidism, she was often not well, but
such a strong girl, she kept going.
I nursed her through her last weeks feeding and hydrating her with syringes
of food.
The day before she passed she snuggled me and purred.
I know her spirit is with the spirit of my late husband and she was his
couch buddy in life.
They are together again, waiting for me one day...
Mitzi A, 09/23/95-02/08/09
Mitzi was a lovely Yorkie girl who enjoyed life as a princess. Yes, we were overprotective at times with her. She was so smart and full of life. She knew she was loved and cared for without a doubt! Since July 2008 Mitzi aged rapidly and declined in her health far faster than what we expected. Mitzi died Sunday Feb 8. We had no choice but to put Mitzi asleep. This was one of the hardest decisions we ever had to make in a long, long time. Mitzi was age 13 yrs and 5 months when she died. Mitzi will always be our little girl and there will never be another dog quite like her. She was the love of our lives! And only true "doggie people" can relate to our loss of Mitzi. She was so unique and precious. A cute story... Mitzi even stole my mom's heart, a woman who really never liked pets. As my mom became ill and terminal in the year 2000, Mitzi stayed by my mom's side and became her little "home care nurse". Mitzi loved my mom, and my mom loved Mitzi. May God bless Mitzi and my mom - hold them both in His Hands. We love you, Mitzi Marie! Miss you lots, your puppy Mom and Dad.
Mitzi Bacall Heggum, 08/19/99-06/16/09
Dearest Mitzi - You were the sweetest, dearest, most beautiful
Westie and you stole my heart from the moment I first saw you.
I miss you terribly and will never forget you.
Your Mom xoxo
Mitzi Marie, 1994-12/28/08
You will forever be missed.
Angela & Jason Daniels
Mitzie, 03/29/98-06/23/09
Mitzie you were a faithful companion and gentle friend.
You treasured your house, rides in the truck, and supper time.
You were patient and caring with all the other animals on our place.
A gentle soul who will never be forgotton, but genuinely missed by human
and animal alike each and every day.
God bless you on your journey over the Rainbow Bridge.
We love you Mitzie.
I'll see you again one day....
Cathy Hooper
Mitzie, 08/31/92-06/08/09
Mitzie was my love and my heart who cared for me all through
my good and bad times.
She was always there to make me feel better.
I will always love her. She will also be missed by Norman, her house friend.
Ginger Block
Mitzie, 06/09/93-02/28/09
Mitzie was the greatest dog ever. I will miss her more than anything else.
Mitzie, 01/21/09
Lisa Parsley
Mitzie Plein, 05/08/09
My very first time u looked at me I knew,
Brothers and sisters I had too leave,
I now had a different chance a great outlook
The chance to grow with a new life/family
I knew the Love to be shown would help me forget my brothers and sisters and the owner who distrusted
From the jingle of keys too my first leash, I knew,
The holding, kisses and warm hugs showd me
The days and years of unselfish love kept me close,
The joy n love u showd, I did my best to love u back
I did everthing to show u my thanks
Every day was so great, loving from both special people.
The life you showd me, the people and animals, places u guided me too
I loved every day and night n kept close too u
Not an inch too close, I always wanted too be
Going for great walks, running thru fields n taking the lead
I knew the times were great and the love was real
U showed me true love..love so deep n even let me chase birds
The best family I could have ever have
The best days came and the best days went, nothing stopped the love
During the last few months, I became tired, I knew I had too be strong. I knew my time was coming. Just like the birds you had me chase, nature had a different course. My body was always strong, spirit strong, love strong. My makeup just had a tangle. You knew my time was near, but u still showed me love. Love so deep and showed me patience. Do u remember the first time, I do and now its time to say good bye. I had too be stronger than my owners love. This time I had to show my love. Love... too let U go. I never wanted u too drain all your energy. I had too go, It was my time. My eyes always knew and my soul alleyways shined into yours from the last times. Please don't be mad, My spirit will always live with you. Just like the birds they will always be around. I never felt pain, just the pain in letting u go. Please remember My time for the good U have shown and the great life I lived. I could nt have asked for better. You two were one of a kind and the memories will always show. I love U both It was My time...My luv too u Mitzie Plein....
G & V & Mitzie Plein
Mitzy Klein, 02/18/09
My friends lost their pet, Mitzi and their hearts are
hurting so bad. they loved Mitzi with all their heart and I'm not sure
how to help ease their pain.
Thank you,
Miya, 06/22/09
Miya, my soul mate.
I can't believe you died today.
I love you so much.
You so wanted to live but your legs wouldn't hold you up. I miss you.
I was able to stroke your face and be with you until the last breath took
you away.
I told you to wait for me at Rainbow Bridge.... I will see you there along
with Nilla, Trinket, and Dezzie.
I didn't want you to suffer today.
I love you, I love you.
Sue Rivera
Miya, 08/29/07-02/27/09
My precious Miya,
We love you and miss you so much. You were our baby and always will be.
Mommy is gonna miss your kisses and your wonderful playfulness. RIP our
precious baby.
Billy and Theresa Tyson
Miyu, 2002-06/13/09
Miyu was taken from us by a genetic heart disease at the age of 7 years. She deserved more time on this earth. Hopefully she is in a better place. She will be greatly missed.
Chistine Stankovic
Mo, 12/23/94-01/16/09
Mo was an incredibly wonderful, easy going dog that will be greatly missed. He loved running laps around the property and making sure everything was safe. He also loved sleeping on the couch and eating anything and everything. He was a gentle soul that will always be loved and never forgotten. We love and miss you Mo Mo Bear.
Frank Elswick & Meghan Lewis
Mo, 10/25/94-01/25/09
Scott Pojack
Mo Mo, 05/18/09
You knew EVERYTHING about me...and loved me BECAUSE of
You gave me joy and companionship.
You taught me strength, grace, and patience.
You filled my heart, and now a large space lays empty.
I will keep it for you, my Friend...My Momo.
It belongs to you, and here it remains till you can fill it again. With
all my heart and soul, I Love You...you taught me how.
Love Momma
Moccasin, 03/18/09
I didnt know Moccasin as a baby, but my husband did.
And he chose her for a reason.
Outside at a flea market she was in a box that said free take one.
So he did.
He even got offered $50 for her and he said no.
I met her 5 years later and I have never owned a cat and this cat was one
of a kind.
She has dog like qualities lol.
She was very sweet and very loving.
She never bothered anyone.
Which why we didnt know she was sick.
She was taken into the vet Tuesday because she had collapsed.
We decided to do surgery to see if everything was ok and when she opened
up they found that her pancreas was pretty much a tumor, tumors on her
bladder and her lungs.
We knew the best for her was to let her go so we had to put her down.
It was a hard decision but we also knew it wasnt fair to let her stay in
We miss her a great deal and she will never be forgotten.
We love you babygirl.
Shannon T
A very sad goodbye..
I am re-posting this part as a history of our beloved Mocha:
(this is a blog from 3 years ago) The following is now:** 12 years ago, we lost a dog that got hit by a car. We had only had her a year. That was so traumatic. As a result one of my kids, Heather & I went to the Humane Association right away and found the cutest dog ever-Mocha. The woman who was showing us around said, "Oh, and this is her sister" pointing to a black dog huddled in the corner in the kennel next Mocha's. Oh god, how can we NOT adopt this one too? Heather & I decided we could not split these 2 up-I mean what kind of person would split up siblings? So we went and adopted both of them but they had to get fixed so we didn't bring them home that day. I got home and told Hartley we adopted 2 dogs-sisters! he flipped out-"No I won't have TWO dogs, ever!" So Heather & I schemed and she went with him to the shelter to pick out which dog we wanted. Well, Heather turned on her Heather charm and guess what? They brought home 2 dogs (Hartley muttering something about not being able to choose). We have had these dogs since they were puppies.
So these dogs have gone through raising 4 teenage daughters (well I think the 2 older ones were gone by now), 2 houses, building of one cabin and many, many trips to Chama. We thought we lost them once when a bottle of Tylenol was found empty on the floor and we thought it had been full. They were puppies and of course eating everything-they even ate holes in the wall in picture above. The Tylenol scare ended up to be nothing or they never reacted I guess. They once ate a whole bag of chocolate Halloween candy. Now there was some serious diarrhea after that. We think the neighbor was poisoning our dogs because Midnite became really sick and almost died in our last house. She was on steroids for years for the autoimmune disorder she supposedly had but funny how she could get off of the meds after we moved (I hated that neighbor). The steroids made her one crazy hungry dog. She once ate a hundred dollar bill, 2 tickets to the biggest basketball Lobo game ever, and loved tissues and papers. Once we moved into this house things calmed down a bit. Mocha and Midnite were now inside dogs! They loved it. We kept them in the kitchen at night, they hung out with us all the time. By this time of course they were very attached to Hartley, whom they followed everywhere. He, of course grew to love both our puppies over the years and they are "his dogs". So the last 6 years we have been in this house and kids are gone, they are really like our children. just enough a pain in the ass that you wonder why you have them, then as loving as can be and you cannot imagine life without these pets..
Imagine how difficult it was in September when the vet finally said it was time to let Midnite go. She had a tumor in her head, we had her to the vet many times, all kinds of meds. They are now considered geriatric dogs and each day a gift. I can't tell you how hard it was to see Midnite in the vet's office fully awake, about to go to doggy heaven. Her last act was to come over to me and bury her head in my lap. Kind of like saying-oh I am not sure I am ready. Or maybe saying goodbye. Hartley, Heather & I were there. We watched her go to sleep, painlessly and it was the hardest day I think I have ever had, except maybe when my mom died. Hartley and I can still barely talk about her. We took her to the cabin her last weekend on the planet. We knew it was time when she could no longer run and chase animals in the woods. Here is our sweet, neurotic Midnite with Hartley that last weekend.
Sometimes I can feel her in the house still. Of course Mocha was a bit confused after Midnite was gone. She couldn't understand why she was able to eat her food, un-harrassed. Midnite was the dominate dog and now Mocha had the whole space to herself. She didn't know what to do! She really didn't seem to skip a beat until she got out of the kitchen one day and tore down a bunch of our wooden blinds-this from a dog that has never had an act of aggression in her life (except toward other dogs). An expensive acting out for Mocha and us. I must admit, it was a bit of relief to finally have daily walks where Mocha did not go after other dogs, they did not fight with each other anymore (that got to be a problem later in life). So there really are positives in having just one dog. But we miss that black part lab, part chow dog.
Mocha is now 12 years old. She is not eating these past few days, has some blood in her stool. She is still very excited to go for walks-that is a good sign. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow-dreading the worst but hoping it is a passing thing. Hartley and I can't stand the thought of putting another dog down right now, our last "child". But we know it is inevitable someday soon-we just are not ready yet. Are we ever ready to say goodbye to our pets-those furry animals whose only goal in life is to comfort you, protect you and serve you? I think not.
**Here I sit more than 2 years later and cannot believe Mocha pushed her little soul to live another 2 years. The rest of this post is really sad so if you do not want to read on..
Last weekend, we watched Mocha romping with the children (well, romping is a bit of an exaggeration). Here she is again, "taking a walk" with Ellie. She simply could not get enough "walks" that day..
I am amazed she was even able to walk that much and she seemed so happy. The last few months we have watched Mocha deteriorate to the point her walks have become ever so short. She was falling alot, having trouble with her legs locking up under her. Her appetite seemed to be good especially after we switched her to the ever so unhealthy cheapass canned food! I suppose when you are with a pet 24 hours a day it is difficult to see the deterioration. I know at some point last spring, we did make "the appointment" and then cancelled when she apparently got worried when she heard us talking about "the last visit" and rallied. We never thought she would make it through the summer. Last time I picked her up at the kennel after a weekend gone, I got the sense they thought we were nuts for keeping her alive...I felt guilty..
We realized that at some point we would need to put her to sleep before our 2 month trip. I would never put a dog through that separation at the age of 14, esp. when she appeared to be suffering at this point. She still followed H into his room every night to lay on his floor by his feet. When she gazed longingly up at the couch (which we let her get up on after Midnite died), we would lift her up to what seemed to be her favorite spot at times...She still "watched TV" with us. One time in the last month, she even barked when the doorbell rang, something we had not heard in a long time...Hartley started telling her about a month ago Please make this easy on us. We have been good to you. Please let us know when to let you go..and she did...
On Tuesday, she did not eat anything and was drinking water like crazy. On Wed, we noticed a huge lump over her right eye. This was the same exact thing that happened to Midnite when the vet had told us something is obviously growing there. Her whole face changed. She started labored breathing and we knew it was close to the end...her last walk was Wednesday and she got confused and started wandering into the woods. This is when we knew..it was time...Oh man the sadness is indescribable as we were calling people around the area to see what the hell to do..I called the mobile vet to see if he could come and do the deed but when he mentioned the word carcass I said no way! I talked to DP on the phone, crying and telling her that we had Midnite's ashes up at the cabin. We had never been able to open the urn, it was glued shut. I walked over to see and sure enough the urn was completely unstuck and I saw Midnite's ashes for the first time in 3 years. I thought H had "unstuck it" but when I asked, he had not. It was like Midnite was giving us the OK to finally let Mocha join her..
H finally got a hold of a vet in Taos, 1.5 hours away, who could not only put her to sleep but do the cremation and give us her ashes. The drive to Taos was the longest, saddest drive of our life. It was excruciating..
We finally arrived. Heidi and Jack were there, thank God..Mocha would not even move from the back of the car as we "checked her in" Of course the vet's office was full of lively pets and people and it all seemed so wrong.. I had really wanted our vet, the one that has known Mocha for 14+ years to give her the "last shot" but alas it was not meant to happen that way. We could not imagine driving her all the way back to ABQ, plus we wanted to stay in Chama. Whatever..we were there...The woman at the front desk was very sweet and sympathetic. She had a 16 year old dog named "Mochi"-something I called Mocha all the time. So again another sign I guess. Finally after 45 minutes, I picked Mocha up, (she cried) but with dignity, walked into the vet's office. He gave her the first shot to relax her and she immediately ran out of the room-great! Jack went and got her and of course she came over and buried her head in my lap, just as Midnite had done..I was balling pretty hard by now and Jack told me he would stay with her until the end..I left..maybe I should not have but I just could not take seeing another dog put down. I told her she had been such a good dog and I loved her and thanked her for staying around so long...After about 5 minutes, Jack came out and said it was over...We all cried forever it seemed, then went to pick up Avery and have lunch with her sweet little 3 year old face, which perked us all up even in our shocked state.
So H and I headed back to the cabin and it was so quiet! Mocha, mind you never made any noise, it just was so quiet! H and I cried and threw out all the doggy items...and cried some more..Don't think I have cried this much since my sister died 8 years ago..
We kept hearing the dog..Mocha sighing, dogs barking..H thought he almost "tripped over Mocha"-really weird stuff. We were suppose to have company again for the weekend but by yesterday AM, we knew we had to get the hell out of there. The memories of her being so sick, the whole thing..we thought distance might help...We did manage a mini triathlon on Friday. We swam in the lake, rode our bikes and were going to do a long run until we almost got hit by lightening and decided the 2 mile run off the bike was enough. We ran yesterday AM and did OK until we walked up the driveway to the house and the memories came flooding back. We are outa here!
We got home yesterday, went to some friends' house for dinner, where we related the whole thing, did some laughing and generally forgot Mocha for a bit. Last night I went downstairs and realized we had never been in this house without dogs..I looked out the back door, half expecting to see Mocha wagging her tail to come in..ahhh,....the denial part of grief..
Anyone who says losing a pet is not like losing a person is dead wrong. Maybe not the same type of grief? A person is not with you 24/7 except maybe a spouse. Mocha was always with us, giving us unconditional love. She had the sweetest spirit ever and anyone who ever met her, fell in love with her. So now she is in doggy heaven, Midnite probably fighting with her over who will be dominate dog up there..who knows?
We will get her ashes in 2 weeks and go up to Chama a spread both their ashes over our land up there. A place they loved the most.
We will go on with our lives. No pets for now. We have some sense of relief that we can now travel, be more spontaneous with our lives without the responsibility of pets. We still would rather have Mocha back any day though...Indescribably sadness here still but it will get better. We will keep training and living life and hopefully someday see our amazing dogs, who lived so long with us, again..
Goodby my sweet Mocha, Mochi, Mochi-bug, Mochachica, Mochapottomus..all
the names we called you and you always were there....
Mocha, 05/26/09
Mocha was my boyfriend's studio partner's dog
who was rescued as a puppy around 12 years ago. She had a wonderful life
and many great doggy experiences. I only got to know her for nearly 3 years
and she was definitely a special doggy with a unique personality!
She enjoyed walks, treats,
opening packages, and butt rubs. Whenever she would stay over one of our
favorite things was spooning! She would actually lay in a bed and put her
head on the pillow, just like a human! Another funny move was "disco
dog," where she would lie on her back and strike her Travolta pose.
During the last 6 months since having her spleen removed and chemotherapy,
she acted like a puppy. We had no idea that Friday was our last walk together
and that Monday would be our last time together. Even then she
drooled for a treat and wanted butt rubs and would paw at me to keep rubbing
her butt.
We knew the slow internal bleeding from cancer in her liver was there but
we were looking forward to taking care of her on 5/31/09.
Sadly, her conditioned worsened overnight until she collapsed and her parents
decided it was time. Mocha was surrounded by her family and us as she passed
away peacefully by the hands of the vet she loved. We all cried, even the
vet was in tears.
We miss Mocha so much. She was a part of our extended family and was loved
by many. We love you Mochi! Rest in peace, sweet doggy.
Gigi Rabe & Peter Figen
Mocha, 03/27/04-04/21/09
I cried so much when you passed this last month. I still
think of you. Sometimes I wish I could of done something, but I know when
it's time to go... there is no stoppin' the big man upstairs. For the five
years of companionship you gave to me, I thank you. I just wished it could
of last longer my dearest little friend...
With much love, forever and always...
and until we meet again, miss you.
Mocha, 03/06/96-05/08/09
I love you...
MJ Germano
Mocha, 08/25/99-04/27/99
Mocha Jo was born in mid-late August on a farm in Marne, MI. Her mother was hit by a car and the 4 week old kittens were abandoned. I happened to see the sign while in Marne for Free Kittens. That is where Mocha & I were united. I nursed her for 4 weeks, and she truly became my baby. She slept with me almost every night. I would wake up to her entangled within my arms with her head nuzzled under my chin. She loved to eat, drink, watch birdies, and sit with her Mommy. She comforted me when I was sad. She cuddled with me when I was lonely. She was my everything. Mocha developed a heart disease that caused fluid build up in her chest cavity. She never complained but got more and more lethargic and short of breath. She died early yesterday morning - and it was a pretty traumatic death. It was hard for my husband and me to watch. I just hope she didn't suffer too much. I love her with all my heart and soul. I'm not sure how to cope with this, but I know she's with me.
Mocha, 03/22/01-04/07/09
We will never forget the way you perked your ears, turned
your head, played tug o war, and everything else you did to enjoy life.
We will never forget the last days with you Mocha, you will always be in
our hearts and souls.
We will never forget the day we found you, helpless, roaming in a ditch.
We had the best 8+ years of knowing you, and that will never leave our
hearts and souls.
Rest In Peace Mocha, with all your other friends up in
your new place.
Daddy and Mommy
Mocha, 07/31/98-09/2002
We love and miss you so much. Your sweet gentle nature.
You will be forever loved. Halo,PC,and Pookie sent their love also. Until
we meet again over the Rainbow Bridge.
Hugs and Kisses.
Love Karen
Mocha, 04/14/07-02/13/09
Mocha came into our lives on September 14, 2007. He had a liver shunt. He died on 02/13/09 after having surgery to correct his medical condition. We are so heart broken without him. He was a 3 pound chihuahua, but let a hole bigger than a shopping center. We all love you Mokie boy and miss you truly. Please wait for us to cross the bridge together. I love you my baby boy.
Arteaga Family
Mocha, 02/17/09
Thank you for 14 wonderful years.
We miss you
Elizabeth and Steven Young
Mocha (Cappuccino), 10/13/99-02/02/09
I will miss you forever, my sweet Mo dog... you gave me
so much, and took a peice of my heart when you left.
I love you!
Mocha, 11/27/93-12/29/08
I will miss you big girl, you were and will always be my very best friend.
Trixie Henry
Moe, 1995?-04/08/09
Moe literally walked into my life one Feb day.
I opened the door to get the paper and this little fellow walked in.
Not just into my home but into my heart.
After looking for an owner, six weeks later I decided he was staying put.
My vet said he was approximately a year old.
13 years later he's passed on due to hyperthyroidism.
A black and white tuxedo cat that stole my heart.
Moe, 01/12/09
In Loving Memory of "Moe"
It was a wonderful 13 years to have you as a part of our family.
You will be truly missed.
Joseph Lira/Paulette Mendoza
Moe Joe Kitty Oscar, 2008
i loved you all as if you were my children because i could
not have any
each one of you had your specialties
moe loved to eat hes a big boy
joe mischief maker and loved to play peeka boo
kitty the princess of the house such a lady
oscar had your own ideas but everyday needed that hug or lap you alwys
talked a lot whats on your mind......i loved you all and now you are with
grandma and donnie is there now to love you with pop...love you
Moe Keeton, 04/01/98-04/21/09
Good bye Keeton.
You don't have to worry about the boys picking on you any more.
I hope that you are purring next to Boone right now.
I love you.
Robert and Danette Beattie
Moen, 09/22/98-12/22/08
He was my beautiful boy and I miss him so much. He was a great dog who brought me such joy and happiness. He was my sunshine.
Heather and William Bay
To my Mogie boy. To my bunky boy. You were the bright spot in my day. Sometimes you were the only bright spot in my day. You were my first and only pet that was totally mine. You were the best. How lucky I was go get a beautiful perfect pet like you the first time around. You were with me for 16 1/2 years and not once did I ever feel that you were a burden. I only felt joy and happiness with you. Our life together was wonderful. We had a special bond that was shared with no other. I was fortunate to be with you and hold you and kiss when you took your last breath here in our home. I love you so much. You will always be close to me in my heart forever. I can call upon my loving feelings for you anytime and they will never cease.
Your momma.
Mogwai, 10/01/93-02/02/09
Mogwai, Maggie, Mags, Mog -
You were many things to many people.
Most importantly, you were a wonderful addition to our family and your
loss has left us with a huge void.
We will miss you dearly.
Mojo, 01/25/96-04/26/09
Thank you for being such a royal friend.
Mojo, 03/12/01-04/25/09
My Golden Boy,'"Rebelcreek's Promise Of Morejoy--Mo'Jo",
I Treasure Each & Every Second That We Had Together. Thank You For
Blessing My Life With Your Beautiful Presence.
Now, Quite Suddenly, You've Gone Ahead & Left Me Behind To Take Care
Of The Others. I Will Do My Best.
My Tribute To You Every Day Is That I Will Be Strong &
Do My Best To Carry On.
My Dream, Of Course, Is To Be Reunited With You & The Rest Of Our "Family"
When My Time Here Is Complete.
"Mommy Loves You & Misses You So Very Much"
Kathleen Schutter
Mojo, March/April 1999-01/09/09
Mojo, you were the most wonderful friend. We gave each
other so much comfort. I miss your beautiful eyes staring up at me. I miss
your kisses, your rubbing against me, your purr, your paws pawing through
my hair and your soft fur against my neck at night. My heart aches with
sadness that you are gone. We miss you more than you could know. Thank
you for coming into our lives, you are forever a part of us and will live
in our hearts forever.
"If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever".
Mojo was a beautiful white cat with the most remarkable
eyes, one blue (left) and one yellow (right). I swear he chose us, my husband
and I. He showed up on our doorstep one day as a kitten. And, as I had
hoped no one had claimed him. So we took care of him from that day on.
He was our first baby and made us a family. A few months later we took
in another cat and since we have had two children. Mojo was there for all
of us for almost 10 years and he was by my side nearly every night. There
is a hole in me that can never be filled. He was not just a cat to me,
but a family member.
In only 1 short month, he was taken by cancer. You deserved more time and
such a better ending, my friend.
We love you Mojo the Mush...I hope you are getting all of the kisses that
Delaney has been sending to Heaven for you!
The Cifaretto Family
Moki, 11/24/94-04/05/09
7 weeks ago tonight you fell asleep, snuggled up next
to Daddy...and you woke up in Heaven.
One of the hardest times in our life. We face each day without you little
boy, but are so
thankful for the most beautiful 14 years, 4 months and 11 days with you.
Moki...our precious little boy. We miss you & Jassi so much.
Forever...we love you little ones.
Moki was laid to rest 4/7/09 on the most beautiful sunny
day we had in the last 30 days. His last week he was so sick, the weather
was horrible, snowing and cold everyday. It made me so sad, I was worried
about having to bury my little boy in a snowstorm. God gave me what I needed.
Moki was a beautiful little boy, photogenic, always posing for the camera.
He had the sweetest baby face, one I miss terribly. On his last day, I
held him all day, starring at his little face trying to burn it into my
mind. I breathed in every second with him. Cherishing his life and love,
knowing his time on earth was short.
Moki was up and alert most of that day, but I knew. I could barely sleep
that night. I spent most of the night praying for a miracle, the miracle
I prayed for was that God would take Moki to Heaven that night. He did.
I felt guilty that I prayed so hard for this, but it was a selfish guilty,
I wanted to see that precious face and hold my little boy again. I knew
how happy and free Moki was now. His last week I told him all about Heaven,
seeing his little sister Jassi, catching balls & running wild through
the fields of Heaven. I told him about my little brother Danny, my angel,
who would be there waiting for him. Danny was a year younger than me, we
were best friends. Danny died at the age of 6, I was 7. I know he is holding
both of my babies now.
Moki was a funny little guy, his own personality. He loved opening presents,
and then would stand guard over his loot the rest of the day. He was the
best howler ever, and he loved music. His favorite song was "how much
is that doggy in the window" since he was a baby, as soon as I would
start to sing that song he would get real quite and listen to every word.
I sang that song to him at least 30 times that last day. Moki loved outside,
running, catching balls and taking walks with his daddy. He was a goofy
little guy and would never step on the sidewalk cracks, he had to leap
over each one. He was smart, funny, adorable and brought so much happiness
to our family. Moki was diagnosed with diabetes on Dec. 5, 2007, he was
in critical condition at the time of diagnosis. We were not given much
hope that night. But our miracle boy bounced back, he was the center of
our lives for the past 2 years, he had special needs not only with diabetes
but also he was not able to walk since September 2007. We became his legs,
holding him much of the day. Daddy took Moki for his "walks"
several times a day, so he could get out and see and smell all around him.
Moki will forever be loved and terribly missed.
He was our little borrowed angel, and Heaven needed him back again.
Dmarie Mayers
Molli, 2006-09/19/08
We only had you for a couple of years.
We miss and love you everyday.
Scott and Kay Lowe
Mollie, 05/19/95-05/16/09
You are now with your playmates again,sleep well.
Timothy Larner
Mollie, 05/09/09
Today, my son lost his best friend, Mollie. She was a
great dog and was there with him through thick & thin. She was the
one who greeted him every day when he came home from school, and she was
the silly girl who cheered him up when he was feeling down. She knew his
deepest secrets and loved him unconditionally.
He may have other dogs in his life, but Mollie will always hold a very
special place in our hearts and will forever be remembered with many fond
Tammy Lewis
Mollie, 05/08/09
We loved Molly & will miss her always -
she was a wonderful member of our family.
Mollie, 03/26/09
Your mommy & daddy & Petey miss you very much.
If your baby sister Dulce comes to live with you in heaven please take
care of her.
We love you both!
Cristina Marquez
Mollie, 04/15/03-05/01/09
Mollie- you were a great dog and you are sorely missed.
Brian Curry
Mollie, 10/29/93-04/19/09
Rest in Peace Mollie.
We will miss you.
Chris, Frank, Geena, Sue, Bad Cat, Sammy, Pete
Mollie, 06/01/00-03/09/09
I held your soft fluffy body that wonderful Summers day
and knew that I would love you always.
You added joy and fun to our family.
You were always sweet and gentle no matter how many new furry additions
we subjected you to.
I always thought we would have much more time together, but, it wasn't
meant to be!
You got weak in January,2009 but the vet thought it was arthritis and gave
you supplements.
Shortly thereafter you stopped taking them and then suddenly you stopped
This time the vet visit resulted in blood work and x-rays.
We were told you had a tumor (adenocarcinoma)but that your lungs looked
clear so we had a good chance of giving you at least another year of quality
life. I'm so sorry to have put you through that surgery!! If I had known
that the cancer had already invaded your poor body I would never have done
that. I am so thankful though that for three short weeks you were once
again the young,happy dog you used to be.
You even greeted me every day with that wonderful toothy grip on my arm!
All too soon you stopped eating again and in my heart I knew your time
was close.
I cried that week-end and prayed but it wasn't meant to be.
I wish you had left in your sleep so that I could have been spared making
the final decision, but when I saw you panting Monday morning I knew it
couldn't wait.
The vet confirmed that the cancer had spread its' ugly reach into your
I was on the floor holding you when you took that final breath and I told
you over and over that I loved you.
If there is a dog heaven and I hope there is then say hello to Sam,Chelsea,
JB, Tommy,Domino,Rico,Freddy, and Toby.
All of them have been family members and are deeply loved and missed.
I will miss you always. My love and a piece of my heart goes with you.
I hope to see you all again and give you great big hugs and kisses.XOXOXO
Mollie, 06/24/98-03/09/09
My Mollie went to Rainbow Bridge on Monday March 9, 2009. She was a fantastic ompanion to me daily for 8 years, then she moved in with my parents who very much cherished her every minute of the day! She got to go swimming in Lake Superior daliy, she had very bad elbow dysplais, which really affected her in getting around the last couple of weeks, and she had also developed a tumor in the roof of her mouth and into the siinus area. My family and I miss her very, very much! We love you Mollie!!!
Tim Koeller
Mollie, 02/05/09
To Mollie, joy of my heart, who found her way into my
life after being returned twice to the Michigan Humane Society.
She was the most loving and wonderful dog, not only to me but to all those
she visited at the Martha T.Berry MCF as a registered Therapy Dog.
She loved everyone and gave them comfort with her loving visits.
Loyal and devoted, she never left my side, not even for a minute.
She was a living example of Love!
Rita Shendel
Mollie, 03/05/96-02/01/09
Mollie was a lady. She was gentle, loving and the most
special dog we have ever had the priviledge of knowing. She came to live
with us at 8 weeks of age and was a member of our family for almost 13
years. Our daughter, Cait, was 6 when we brought Mollie home and now is
a Freshman in college. Mollie and Cait grew up together. Mollie was with
us through good times and bad, 2 homes, and 2 dog sisters and a cat sister.
She loved nothing more than birthday parties or holidays when the house
was full of people and she could sneak some food under the table and get
lots of extra attention. Coming home to her smiling face was such a joy.
And she didn't care if we were happy or sad, grumpy, smelly, tired. She
was just glad we were home.
Mollie passed on Sunday afternoon very peacefully and surrounded by her
family. Luckily for all of us she was not ill a day in her life. She left
this world just like she lived, with dignity and very much like a lady.
We miss her every minute. For me persnally, her "Mom", there
wil never be another Mollie. But we take comfort in wonderful memories
of a beautiful dog with a beautiful spirit. And we have faith that with
time our broken hearts will mend.
Mollie, my "sweet girl", I will miss you till the day we are
reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.
Cynthia Bumar
Mollie, 11/28/99-01/06/09
My little Boo, you left much too early from this Earth. We had so much love left to share with you. You are missed deep down in our souls, our hearts, our minds. Please just look down at us and give a wag of your precious little tail when ever you can. We will love you always and forever. Love, Mommy and Daddy
Mollie Anna, 06/30/09
My Dearest Mollie,
I love you and miss you terribly.
You were the best companion and best friend anyone could ever dream of
You were always there for me, greeting me with a wagging tail, a smile
in your eyes and kisses.
We will meet again one day, but until then I will keep you in my heart.
Mommy, Daddy, Nate and Charlie miss you and love you very much.
You will always be my "Moo-ca-choo", my "Moo-D" girl.
I love you and will never forget you.
Love, Mommy
Mollie Hensley, 02/17/09
Mollie, you came into our lives unexpectedly and filled
it with joy and love.
You also left our lives just as unexpectedly, but you have left us with
the wonderful memories of joy and love and we will never, ever forget you!
All of our love, Rick, Sonja, Emilee, and your Hannah.
Mollie Koeller, 03/09/09
Leah J Dupree
Mollie LaFrance, 01/01/95-02/20/09
Sweetest Mollie, you brought a gentle happiness to our
We chose each other at the Humane Society after you had been rejected by
We loved you from the moment you came in to our lives. Timid and shy at
first,you became the "Chief of the Boat" and let the others know
it! Sleeping snuggly between us and gently greeting us in your very special
way everyday.
We miss you so much.
You are no longer in pain.
Please say hello to Ansul and Bunny for us and remember to find every sunbeam.
We love you.
David and Eliana Schultz
Mollie Marie Hendrickson, 04/01/05-02/25/09
I am the mom of four furbabies, all dogs, but Mollie was my special baby. I got her by chance when a homeless man asked me for $2 at a gas station. When I asked him to hold the puppy he had wrapped in his coat, I gave him the $2 and he walked away without the puppy. In 2006, I was carjacked, and Mollie was left in the car. She was found after five days of roaming the streets of Memphis, TN. She is my heart, my little girl, and I miss her more than anything. I find comfort in hopes that she is playing with my childhood pets that have passed on. Mollie, you'll remain in my heart forever. I love you.
Lisa Hendrickson
Oh Molly,
I could fill a book with treasured memories of you. You were simply put, our daughter. We could not have loved you more. You owned us and you knew it, but we didn't care. We would have done anything for you. You made us laugh every single day.Even with all the pain we have now, I would not trade one day that we were blessed to have you.
The cute way you stood up and begged for your bonies, and if we didn't get them fast enough, a little growl would start in your throat and then a full fledged bark with your big brown eyes large, showing us you meant business.Then your little run backwards in a circle to show your joy when we headed for the kitchen.
The way when I put you in bed next to us and you would circle and curl up right next to my pillow with your little head resting on my arm, and you would fall asleep.
Every night when your daddy headed for the shower, you would walk in the bathroom, check on him, and then wait outside the door until he came out.
On weekends when daddy was home from work, you pretty much became his dog. When you were sitting next to him on the couch, we played a little game. I would come to kiss you and you would turn your head away and look at me out of the corner of your eye. Then you would let me kiss you.
You were afraid of bowls and would never eat out of them. You would eat off of the doggy steps we got you, but you would never use them to get on the couch, and sometimes we would even hand feed you. Yes, you were so spoiled but you were so sweet and precious.
One special memory is of you going under the blue chair where we kept all of your toys. We would see only the backend of you with your tail going back and forth looking for the one you wanted. Your favorites were M&M, Ducky, and the tiny teddy bear. Sometimes we would walk into the room and your bear was sitting there upright. We always wondered how you did that. You were just a little thing and if you had one of your big toys, you would just push it across the room with your nose and do your best to shake it. You really did great on the tiny ones. You would shake them ferociously and sometimes they would fly over your shoulder. We threw them as long as you wanted to chase them.
You loved my fuzzy Sylvester the Cat slippers, and would attack them when I was wearing them. It was so funny, and I would take them off and you would try to drag them across the room.
You always wanted to be where we were. If one was up and one was downstairs, you sat at the the top of the steps so you could see both floors. If we were in different rooms, you would sit between the rooms where you could see us both to make sure we didn't move.If we did, you would adjust accordingly.
You adored Mark and he you,even though he didn't get to see you often. Whenever you heard his name, you would cock your head from side to side and look at the window or door.
Thank you Molly for loving us. You were a sweet and gentle little soul. We will always love you and miss you, and can't wait to see you at the Bridge. We're glad you're happy and healthy and if we had to lose you, that God took you quickly and that you didn't suffer.I know my daddy will take good care of you until we get there.I'm sure he has met you by now. I won't ever say goodbye to you. As long as we are alive,you will be here.
Molly's Forever Mommy and Daddy and Mark
Molly girl,
Thank you for being such an amazing dog/companion. You are my best friend,
confidant and you know all my secrets (thanks for not telling). These last
15 years have been an honor to share with you. You brought joy, love, happiness,
a sense of wonder and a bit of trouble to my life. I am forever grateful
you were mine and I was yours. I miss you and look forward to the day we
meet and cross the Rainbow Bridge together. Have fun with Shades, Wyatt,
Maverick, Pokie, Sukki, Yogi and Corky till I get there. I love you darlin
Molly, 10/02/02-07/13/09
Molly was a wonderful and loving pet.
We lost her suddenly while we were on vacation.
We are dealing with the guilt of not being there for her, as she was a
part of our family that can't be replaced. We will miss and love her so
Lauren Cubellis
Molly, 09/27/96-07/15/09
My Molly...
Your mom is so heartbroken. I love you and miss you so much, my beautiful
golden girl.
I'll love you forever...
Molly, 02/01/06-07/14/09
Molly, you came into my life, and stole my heart!
never would I have ever imagined that a little greyhound girl, could change
my life in so many ways. You taught me patience, brought me so much joy.
You were my buddy, I told you so many secrets,you let me know when I was
dating Mr. Wrong, I miss you Molly.....Shane was "ROOING" this
morning, he misses you too. He will miss playing with you, and running
with you. But I will miss you the most. I LOVE YOU MOLLY!!
Tammy Hostetler
Molly, 09/01/96-07/08/09
Molly was a good girl and a sweet dog.
She always wanted a cuddle and had a natural smile on her face.
She loved to play in the snow and to run around with her two favorite brothers,
Buddy and Murphy.
Rebecca Raber
Molly, 12/12/97-06/14/09
I miss you soooo much Molly. I will never forget yoy girl
Nina Viergever
Molly, 24/06/09
If Tears could be a stairway
And memories a lane
I'D walk Right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
Miss you loads MOLLY
Molly, 12/05/95-06/26/09
Dear Friends and Family,
After almost 14 years of love and devotion, on Friday, June 26th we lost our beloved, gentle and kind Molly.
She passed away peacefully cradled in our arms and listening to our voices assuring her she was loved and a good girl; as we bid her farewell under the care of our Vet.
It's a sad house now here at the Morton's and those of you who have lost a beloved pet know how heavy our hearts are.
We remember all the fun loving romps, swims, and loving kisses we were blessed to receive and the love we returned.
Tonight Molly begins her wait at the Rainbow Bridge until
we are reunited.
We just thought we should share with our family and friends the loss of our beloved pet Molly, also know as "Stinker Dog"; "Molly-Bolly"; "Stinker-Rella";"Good Girl Molly" and "Our Puppy".
With heavy hearts,
Greg and Janet
Molly, 02/05/08
I will carry you in my heart forever.
I love you and miss you so very much.
Molly, 06/07/09
My beautiful Molly Moozy i love you so so so much.It was such a sad day for us all when we helped the angels come for you. I hope you understand i hated seeing you so unhappy, you were not the happy lively Molly that we all knew. I hope by helping you go that you are now restored to the happy healthy Molly Moo that we used to have chasing her monkey in the garden and digging the sand at the beach that we hadnt seen you do in such a long time. You are such a special lady Molly and i love and miss you with all my heart. We will be together again one day gorgeous girl until then have fun and dont be sad. I love and miss you so so much Moozy xxx
Penny Donald
Molly, 06/07/09
Molly had a great smile. She loved to greet everyone that came through our door.
Sue Twiggs
Molly, 06/17/07-06/03/09
Molly girl - you were taken way too soon!
I will forever miss you.
Until we meet again @ the bridge . . .
Elly Cummings
Molly, 12/27/97-05/30/09
We all miss you terribly and love you very much.
I know you are at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for me.
We will meet again one day.
Missing you so my girl.
Love, mommy
Molly, 03/01/97-05/27/09
Molly was a gift from God to us.
She was a companion to my disabled father and she was a family member to
She was not just a dog for she was a human dog. She passed away on the
first anniversary of my dad's passing.
She is so loved and will be so missed.
But she is with Papa and they are running in the fields together as we
And when I die I know that Molly will be running ahead of all to great
Molly, 02/24/95-05/27/09
To My Beautifum Baby Girl "Molly", we had your
for close to 14 1/2 years.
They were the most precious times of my life.
Karen, Daddy, me and your little sister "Raisin" who you so happily
took into our home and taught the little kitten "how to be a doggie"
misses you so very very much.
Love and Kisses always, you are in my dreams and We will never ever forget
Kathy Urbaniak
Molly, 05/13/94-05/15/09
Molly was our beautiful 'bouncing beardie' who gave us
lasting memories of happiness, laughter, and love.
We gave her our love and our hearts for the 15 years she lived.
She made us a happier family and she will forever live in our memories
and hearts.
Wendy, Mark, Barry Sobel; Julie & Blake Hamilton
Molly, 05/2001-05/08/09
My sweet Boo Bear,
Your soul was pure and the sweetest I have known.
My heart is empty without you and yet you filled it beyond measure.
You will always be my love and my light and I miss you more then all the
stars in the sky.
Say hello to Keiko and take good care of each other. Every time I feel a breeze on my face, I will know you are kissing me from above in your special way.
You will never be forgotten and will remain in our hearts
until we meet again...
Your loving family xoxo
Molly, 05/12/09
From the first day I saw you I fell in love with you. You stole my heart. You gave me unconditional love and I you. You would nuzzle your nose aganist my leg and lay next to me on the bed and the funny way you would get down on your front legs and hop around the floor with your half brother Cisco. You would have me in tears as I laughed at you when you 2 played. We miss you my sweet girl so much. Nothing is the same without you here at home. You are in my heart my baby girl. You were defintely my sweet little Molly baby girl. I miss you and love you Molly and so does Cisco and your half sister Missy. I am thankful you are not in pain anymore and I know you are safe and in gods arms but it is so hard. I didn't want to let you go. We will see each other again at the rainbow bridge and i will never let you go. Love you my Baby Girl.
Beth Riffel
Molly, 06/15/97-05/03/09
Molly girl, I so miss you! I never wanted this day to
come that you would cross the Bridge.
You were a very brave girl and I know you wanted to stay with us, but you
were so sick with cancer.
I look forward to the day when you, Duncan, Sundance and I will be reunited.
Much love, Momma
Molly (Lyric Mood Indigo Molly), 10/16/99-04/27/09
Molly was a very special dog. From the first time that
she saw us, she attached herself to us. She went home with us and was a
faithful, devoted companion.
Molly was the 2002 Colorado Disc Dog Novice.
She loved her Frisbee and had commands related just to it. She loved to
exercise. She was more than obedient and could be trusted in any social
situation. Such a great dog.
I love her so very deeply and will miss her. I do so hope I meet her at
the Rainbow bridge when the time comes! God bless her!
Charles White, Tom Martin
Molly, 04/24/09
You were my first true love.
I never thought that the day would come when I would have to say goodbye
to you and the worst part of all is I never got the chance to.
Remembering the days of when you were a puppy and so full of spunk rest
fondly in the forefront of my mind.
Even the days as you got older and I saw your face light up when I came
to visit are still hard to admit to myself are no longer.
I can't believe you are gone, but I know that in time we will be together
again permanently.
I love you, I will miss you and think of you often.
Please keep Maggie safe and save a spot at the bridge for me so when I
see you again I can hug your neck forever.
Your loving human brother,
Molly, 05/25/96-04/03/09
Molly was a sweet and gentle cat who loved to cuddle. She was always very shy around strangers but once she got to know someone she was very loving. She loved to play under the blankets and to get on me and stomp around. She was a big girl - my amazon cat. Taken from me much too soon due to FIV. Now she is waiting for me on the bridge with her big buddy Axel. I miss you Molly.
Adelle Johnson
Molly, 04/30/95-03/25/09
My beautiful baby princess.
You will always be in my heart and in my thoughts.
Life without you is not the same.
I will never forget you.
Molly, 12/06/96-03/13/09
Oh, the pain!
Pain I have never felt. So deep and heart wrenching it leaves me numb.
Before I lived, laughed and enjoyed my precious present moments.
Now, I only exist.
I can only exist because my other half, my Molly has gone on to her eternal
life where one day we shall once again reunite.
I see her in my dreams, I feel her in my heart and I think being guided
by her never ending loyalty to me.
Please, God take care of my best friend, my child, my eternal love.
Suzi Boucher
Molly, 26/03/09
Molly Doodles,Very different Girl, but really loved you,Jane & The Wisp your Boxer friend
Molly, 03/31/09
We are so lucky to share our lives with these heaven sent
friends with four paws,our everyday angels. They share our homes, and lives
so completely. They ask for so little and give their all to us.
Our pets are here to teach us the true meaning of Love, Loyalty and Friendship.
We need to learn these lessons and Share them with all within our circle
of life.
Thank you sweet Molly, for sharing our lives and always
being there as our true friend and companion.
Molly you will be forever Loved as our Golden Girl,
Joe and Kitty
Molly, 02/01/99-04/03/09
My sweet dog Molly, you brought such joy to our lives. You were a good companion and buddy. Our grief over your sudden illness and passing cannot be measured or conveyed with words. May the angels care for and keep you until we meet again.
Walsh Family
Molly, 15/09/96-20/02/09
My beautiful Molly moo, thank you for the wonderful 12yrs we shared together you were the most loyal and wonderful friend a girl could have, now you are gone with Chester and Jess, i pray you are all at peace and no longer sick, i look forward to the day we can all walk the rainbow bridge, may there forever be rabbits to chase and rivers to swim in for you, love you old girl xxxx
Molly, 08/01/92-06/24/08
Molly was the most amazing girl.
When I got her I had been witout a cat for about a year
and was going through withdrawal.
She became my baby.
When she was almost 2 years old, along came my human baby.
I worried about how Molly would take it but she became my daughter's second
She slept under the crib, notified me the minute Emma awoke and once attacked
a family friend when she tried to pick the baby up from the crib.
She put up with the typical things a baby did with a cat - "grab the
kitty's tail" was a favorite game, along with pushing the kitty in
the stroller up and down the hall endless times.
Over time, I guess she became my daugher's cat because she would NOT leave
her side, they did everything together.
In January of 2008 Molly started losing a considerable
amount of weight and vomiting a lot.
She was eventually diagnosed with kidney failure.
She was on medication and no-protien food which she hated and was still
It came to the choice between quality of life and quanity of life.
We knew she wasn't going to get any better so why force her to eat food
she didn't like and try to explain to a 15 year old cat why she couldn't
have her favorite treat (turkey) anymore?
In June we knew it was time.
On the 24th I took the day off of work so my daughter and I could spend
the day with Molly before we took her to the vet.
Emma carried Molly from the car to the vet's office and handled it all
like a trooper - she stayed with her until the very end.
Molly did get back at the vet though - after he gave her the initial needle
to relax her, she vomited all over his table.
After it was over was when it really hit - after 15 wonder years, no more
She is burried in a beautiful spot in our backyard in a little fenced in
grave with a cat statue and an angel figurine looking over her.
Oh Lord, I miss her!
Cheryl Jaffrey
Molly, 03/28/09
Just a note to say our lovely Molly passed away today. The first 5 years of her life had been filled with much hardship. We hope we had compensated by making the last 4 years, 1 month and 3 week of her life with us privileged. The truth is we were privileged to have her. She taught us so much and helped us learn we could love again. I will miss her aloof looks, her nudges to get her cookies, rubbing the sleep form her eyes in the morning, drying her off after a walk in the rain. I will miss her greeting me with a "baby" in her mouth. I will miss the security I experienced walking down the street with her. I will always remember the deadness in her eyes when we first brought her home and the softness that appeared in her eyes after the first few months when she realized we "belonged" to her. Molly was so intelligent, yet as "tough" as she seemed very scared. I will always love how she finally accepted Gary and I as the pack leaders, and submitted authority to us. I will always remember her fetching sticks out of the inlet under the seconds narrows bridge. I will remember her riding in elevators, walking across marble lobbies in 5 star hotels with her head held high looking so poised and regal.
It was too soon, I was not ready to say good bye, but this was out of my control. I did not think after loosing Maddisen the pain would ever be so great as that, but I was wrong. There is another hole in my heart right beside the one left by Maddisen. Molly was a noble, beautiful, at times determined, but loving and loyal companion. It is these memories that will both engrave the loss deeply in my being and yet I pray, allow me to heal.
Thank you for listening
Janice and Gary Howe
Molly, 05/12/90-08/10/04
She was a sweetheart who always loved all of us!!!
Molly, 26/03/09
My Molly Doodle Love U & miss you so much.Wisp is looking for you. Love from us Jane.
Molly, 27/03/09
My Molly Doodles Love you, Wisper misses U so much
Jane Mason
Molly, 08/07/96-02/05/08
Molly was a gentle, affectionate, loving addition to our
We miss her every day.
Marsha Taylor
Molly, 09/19/96-03/25/09
i loved you more then you will ever know. i am grateful for the time we shared.
i just want you to know that i did all i could for you and tried my best but i knew that i had had let let you go on ahead and wait for me.
i know that you are there with major, flush, terry, trinket, pixie, trinket,pixie, spanky muffin, tiger, midge,gretchel spanky and now you.
i love you and am so grateful for your love
Becky Smith
Molly, 09/25/96-11/13/08
Molly was a wonderful little girl that was so very brave
throughout her last years.
She had diabetes and was given insulin shot every morning and every evening
for seven years.
She became blind about three years ago and was still just as sweet and
special as she ever was.
I love and miss you so much.
Jan Leth
Molly, 12/19/89-02/27/09
My Molly was my closest companion for 19 years.
I hope I may post a link to a tribute I made to her that is from my Facebook
Tracy L. Smith
Molly, 10/15/97-03/09/09
My beloved Molly....
I've been in tears and unable to cope with your absence since you left
me. I'm so alone without you. I want to see you again. I need to believe
there is this "rainbow bridge" very badly. I need to know I'll
see you again when it's my time. When they gave you the shot, and I felt
your body grow still in my arms, I didn't want to let go. I almost wished
they would have gave me the shot too, so I could go with you. I didn't
want you to go alone and be scared without me. I feel bitterly alone with
nothing to console me. A piece of me died with you that day. No more pain
for you, girly... only pain left for me without you. I was thinking today
that if I had a lot of money, maybe they could clone you and bring you
back to me, without the cancer of course, and I seriously thought "maybe
if I win the lotto" but then I thought... "she's just gone and
nothing will ever bring her back to me, ever", and I started to cry
I know you always hated to be without your collar, so I scooped up some
of your shedding fur and placed it in a container with your collar. It's
safe there. I'm waiting for your ashes and I'll make a nice photo collage
of us and put all your stuff next to it on my desk. At least that way,
I'll still feel you close to me.
My life going forward will NEVER be the same, not without you by my side.
No other dog will ever compare to you, I know this, so I don't think I'll
ever get another. I don't want another dog, I want YOU! I cry every day
for you and I cant accept the fact that you're gone. Reality sinks in every
night when I don't feel you pushing your body ever so close to mine, or
forcing my hand to pet you on the head, and in the morning when you aren't
there scratching at my bedside wanting to go out. Molly.... I'm so lost
without you.
Try not to forget me until we meet again. I'll NEVER forget you, girly,
Until we meet again, may God keep you company until I can.
I love you, always have, always will.
Molly, 1994-03/11/09
Molly, our sweet girl, we sure didn't think we'd lose
you the same time as Maggie.
But you must have known something was coming, that tumor that attacked
your body began the short countdown before you left us, too.
We thought you'd be with us longer, baby.
But that wasn't in the plans.
We know that you and Maggie were on loan from God, and after almost 14
years, He needed you back, so we had to let you go.
At least you and Maggie went together to the Rainbow Bridge.
We will always love you, our special girl.
Lori Wilson
Molly, 03/06/09
My vet described Molly as the dog ambassador for all people who don't like dogs. She was truly the sweetest, gentlest, kindest pup you'd ever meet. She smiled a warm glowing smile when she was happy. She always knew when something was wrong and offered the utmost compassion and caring. Molly came into my life at a time that I did not expect and helped see me through a major depression. I can honestly say I don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for her. Molly became suddenly ill in the past week, losing interest in food and becoming very week. It was the most difficult decision I have ever made in my life, but I wanted her to be out of her suffering, and surgery offered little to no hope. I miss her dearly.
Andrea Herrmann
Molly, 03/07/92-02/26/09
Molly was my little calico girl. She had been diagnosed with early stages of kidney disease over a year ago, so I was quite aware of our limited time together. We were crazy about each other. We would head butt each other, and she would gently tap me to let me know she wanted to come up on my lap. When she stopped eating nearly a week ago, I knew the time was near. She was wrapped in our favorite pink blanket and on my lap when she was put to sleep. I miss her so much, and the loss I feel cannot even be described.
Gina Bolstad
Molly, 05/15/88-07/31/03
Good golly Miss Molly! How we miss you so! We will always miss you. You were and still are very precious to us. Thanks for being so special!
Don and Joann Amann
Molly, 09/03/96-02/09/09
To our wonderful beautiful girl, we will miss you everyday.
The Driscoll's Jim, Tara, Sarah, Connor, Trey & Zach
Molly, 05/24/96-02/09/09
Molly was a beloved dog.
She is going to be greatly missed by her humans and by her sister dog Sassy.
We had her for 13 short years.
We are thankful that she is in no more pain, it somewhat eases the pain
in our heart.
We love you Molly and miss you terribly.
Cassie and Katie Richardson
Molly, 05/01/92-02/02/09
Our beloved Molly will be sadly missed. Our hearts our heavy, but our memories are full of the joy you brought to our family. You were a little angel. You will never be forgotten and in our hearts forever. May your soul live on in Rainbow Bridge forever. We love you and will think of you everday. Sweet dreams our little lady. Goodbye for just a little while until we meet again.
Your Loving Family,
John, Kathy, And Mike
Molly, 03/13/96-08/18/08
I miss you but I know you are whole and free!
I love you, silly girl.
Linda B
Molly, 02/01/09
Rest in peace my sweet baby girl. Mommy loves you more
then you will ever know. Life will not be the same without you. I love
you with every ounce of my being and you will ALWAYS be in my heart.
Thank you for loving me.
Molly, 09/01/93-01/22/09
My Angelbaby! I hope you are finally at peace. You've struggled mentally & physically for so long now, and I've struggled to do what was right. I know in my heart I made the right decision for you, no matter how much I hate it. I Love You. You are my Angel and my best friend. You were my saving grace when no one else was around. I hope you know how much you mean to my & Troy & Riley too, even though I know she has a hard time showing you.
Rest in peace my angel, and I'll see you when I see you!
Molly, 1993-01/17/07
Molly you're a good girl
we love you very much
we'll meet you on the bridge
Sweet smiling girl
Pamela, Craig, Amanda, Rachel Mayer
Molly, 06/07-01/16/09
To our beloved Molly may you rest in peace. We will miss you dearly. Our stinky pooch. Sweet Dreams.
Jason Floyd and Nicholas Mendoza
Molly, 09/22/92-01/15/09
To my best fried. I miss you. You will forever be in my heart. You brought so much joy and love to our family. Sleep well and we will meet again.
Carol Ostermann
Molly, 12/29/97-01/08/09
I just want to say how full my life was having Molly in
it. I know it has only been 1 day but I miss her terribly! She was truly
a part of my heart and life! I rescued her when she was 12 weeks old she
had been abadoned she came into my life on ST. PATRICKS DAY. Her name just
suited her. She was a naughty little puppy she climbed up 2 puppy gates
like a little bear to escape her holding area.
Oh the shoes she chewed.. She was there for me when I had GREAT days and
for the bad. Her soulful eyes always seemed to know when I needed a nugde
or a kiss on the cheek.
Dogs just know, better than people.
I miss you so much!!!!
Molly (Girlie Girl), 12/29/97-01/08/09
Writing this is very hard, because I miss Molly so much! With tears in my eyes and a huge hole in my heart I will go on. Molly picked Me at the humane society, I wanted a puppy and as I walked by the cages and saw all the sad faces ( I wanted to take them all home with me) but there in the corner of the cage was this happy little face I moved on and heard a little bark I looked back at her and there she was looking at me with those soulfull brown eyes. I asked if I could take her out, well it was love at first sight!!! I took her to the play area and was filling out the paper work at the same time. Molly has been there in all my good and bad times. It was like some days I could not wait to get home after a day at work just because I knew she would be so happy to see me, we would go for long walks, drives in the car, stop to play ball and maybe even once in awhile a stop for an ice cream just for her!!! Her last days were very sad for me, I did not want to leave her alone, she slept a lot I slept on the floor with her. I know people think you are crazy when you say you love your pet. But most of them don't have them so they just don't understand the bond, and love that is shared. During her last minutes I kissed her head and nose and told her I loved her, I know she understood, and in her eyes I knew she was telling me she loved me too. I miss you Molly and will never forget our time together!! love ya forever!!!!
Molly, 06/07/98-01/06/09
Rest in peace Molly! I will always love you!
Laura Barden
Molly, 09/18/94-01/07/09
My dear Baby Girl, my dear Pal, you will always be in
my heart.
You brought me so much joy and warmth.
So much fun.
And you even tried to help keep me fit.
You brought joy and warmth to all the people we know.
You have a special place in their hearts too.
I will miss our tail-wags.
I will miss your snow angels.
Remember those mornings when you used sing at the bedside holding your
favourite toy.
I can still feel the warmth of your body on my lap the day I brought you
14 years ago.
It passes fast.
I want more of our days Molly, but I can't have them.
I want to make some more memories but I can't.
I will treasure the ones I have.
Swimming in the Old Man, the duck hunt at the pond, helping clear brush
and laying near the fire, maintaining your watch on the deck, Breezy, Bear,
the first time you went swimming (the hike with Jill and her bloodhound).
It's hard to believe you are gone.
You will always be in the hearts of so many people.
I can't believe you are gone.
Thank you for sharing your time here with me.
Jan Bailey
Molly Brandl
For our beloved Molly. You will always be missed in our daily lives and in our hearts. We love you and miss you.
Cindy, Jim, Ashley and Ben Brandl
Molly Brown, 06/07/00-01/08/09
Molly Brown your mommy and daddy love you and miss you very much.
Amy Lauters
Molly DiNatale, 01/06/09
There are no words to express the pain I feel over losing you.
I can't believe that you are gone.
I keep expecting to see you, walking around, waiting for mommy to give
you treats.
I'm so sorry that you got sick and that I couldn't make you better.
I love you more than anything and I always will.
You brought me more joy and happiness than I thought was possible.
You were such a special girl ~ mommy's baby.
I wish I could have one more day to see you, hold you, kiss you.
Please know that mommy will love you forever.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away."
Forever in my heart
All my love~
Molly Dougherty, 02/15/97-04/03/09
I will miss you always Miss Molly.
You were my sweetheart.
Love You - MOM
Molly was one of the best behaved dogs I have ever met. She was loved by anyone who met her, and she love everyone to. Molly while u are waiting for us on the bridge please watch over ur mommy because she misses u very much and all she does is cry. Some how let her know u are ok and waiting for her I love u Molly my bed buddy Love Fran
Molly Flinchum, 07/13/96-07/07/06
Molly was the best friend I have ever had. She loved me unconditionally. She felt every emotion I did. I know she is making friends with jasmine as I speak. THey are just waitin on connie and I to pick them up on our way to heaven.
Love you so much,
Molly G, 02/07/98-05/21/09
Molly was such a special friend to me. She was always
with me during tough times in our 11 years together. She always greeted
me with that beautiful wagging tail. She listen to
and would lay on my lap and comfort me. We took many walks during those
years, smelling her spots along the way. Molly especially loved looking
out the window and guarding our house. Tossing her toys in the backyard
and watch her run like a rabbit. I will miss it all. I love and terribly
miss you!
Jim Giro
Molly Jane, 04/18/09
Rest in Peace little darling. Mommy's heart is broken but you are with me every second. Now you are free, back in your beautiful young body, healthy again. Thank you for letting me be your person, thank you for all the joy. I love you forever and ever and will miss you until we meet again.
The other day I noticed one of your toys and I took it and it made me feel
your presence, I took it with me and put it in my work bag. My girl I really
miss you, I miss the sounds of your toys when you played with them, I miss
the hours of company you gave me when MaMa went to bed and you stayed with
me watching T.V., I miss when you chased squirrels on our backyard, I miss
those days when you played in the water running and having fun, I miss
those days when I gave you a special treat and you always kept it as our
secret. Now those days are gone and it has bring a lot of pain in my heart,
but when I see pictures remembering all the good times we had together,
my heart and my mind heals and I accept that you are not here. Five years
ago when you came into my life, I did not know what to do, but you made
it so easy to love you. You were more than our pet, our girly, our companion
and our family. MaMa misses you and I hope her memories of you will bring
her comfort for your absence. Go on and join Cody who must be anxious to
be with you so you two can run and play together. If love alone could have
save you, you would never have die. In my heart you hold a place no one
can fill. Say hello to Cody and tell him we love him and miss him and soon
we will see you at Rainbow Bridge....
Hugo & Renee
Molly O'Donnell, 02/24/09
Missed and loved
Sinead O'Donnell
Molly Shae Collard, 02/22/02-07/15/09
i love you molly shae. you where my bestfriend and i will never forget you. i love you
Heather Stevenson
Molly Sheehan, 08/18/00-04/18/09
Oh Molly, we miss you so much. Although we are sure you
are now with your buddy & life long friend Buster the Husky, your loss
has been very hard for us to adjust to. You have only been gone for two
days and each time we come in the house we look for you and your not there
to greet us. Mom gets up for breakfast in the morning and your not there
to keep her company or share her english muffin with her. We haven't put
your bowls away yet because the kitchen would not look right them gone.
We remember the day we went to get you, all the way up to Peshtigo Wis.
It was a Sunday morning, we were visiting your human sister Erin in Green
Bay and we had picked out several breeders with lab pups. We decided to
go with farthest one first and that was where we met you. You were the
runt of the litter and while your brothers and sisters were running around
you came over and sat on my foot as much to say "look no more".
We took you home that day and you shook all the way back to Green Bay where
we introduced you to Erin who wanted to keep you with her in the dorm,
and then the rest of the way back to Chicago. When we got home you had
a rough introducton to Buster the Husky who was already a year old and
kept running over you like you were a soccer ball. but you two spent most
of your lives together and were constant companions. Buster died four months
ago and we know how much you missed him. Now we miss you. No more chasing
the squirrels or birds in the back yard, Or eating the tomatoes off the
vines in the garden before I could pick them. You will not be around to
bark at and sniff with Zoe, Lilly, Fifi, Dolly and Fluffy in the surrounding
yards or anyone else who walked by the house or came to the door. Patrick
& Jillian, Colleen and Nick, Erin, Shannon, and Ryan will have a hard
time not having you around to play with as will your cousin Murphy. All
of our friends are sad to see you gone and the neighbors have already noticed
someone is missing when mom and I take our walks.
I miss you not being around to share those midnight snacks when I stay
up late to watch a ball game and surely mom will feel the same way when
you are not around to mooch a morsel from her in the kitchen. farewell
old friend...we hope you are now pain free and comfortable and can once
again enjoy what you want to eat and chase and retieve your throwing toys
as you always did before...and we sincerly hope you enjoyed our company
as much as we enjoyed yours. You were not big in stature but you had a
big heart and were the most loveable, low key and obedient a little dog
anyone ever had and we will miss you forever and think of you always. You
were a good friend Molly. Miss you Mom Dad, Patrick, & Jillian, Colleen
& Nick, Erin, Shannon, Ryan, & Murphy.
We miss you so dearly Molly! I know you and Buster have
met up by know and are having fun just like old times. Love you always!
Give Buster a paw and a kiss for us. (Colleen, Nick & Shannon)
Gearld & Patricia Sheehan
Molly Taffy, 03/03/09
Molly was a special dog for a special young lady.
we found Molly at the pund 4 years ago. she was a soft mannered long eared
wonderful companion, though time caused Mollys eyes to grow dim and deafness
came to her ears she was always on jessicas heels waiting for love and
attention, and of course food!! she was always a show off when she had
her coat shaped up so proud. Molly had the best four years of her life
love came from everyone to molly she attracted love. she will be sadly
missed for a long time. ther will never be another Molly for Jessica
Molly Wilson, 06/02/09
Molly died suddenly on Tuesday, June 2nd, from an invasive,
fast-growing cancer.
She was a unique dog - very peaceful, quiet, and empathetic.
She loved going for walks and getting pets behind her ears.
Her friend, Graycliff, is searching the house for her and breaking our
We will miss Molly's sweet demeanor and soft ears.
She was a one-of-a-kind beagle!!
The Wilson Family
Molson, 05/25/94-12/09/08
Oh, Mo Mo...our sweet dalmatian...not the smartest dog
we ever owned, but what you lacked in brains you made up for tenfold with
your heart!
Such a silly dog you were.
The only dog we actually bought rather than adopted.
We hope you are in heaven with your doggie brothers - ol' Tater will still
be looking out for you and taking care of you up there, just as he did
down here.
Everyone loved our goofy Molson...
Enjoy good health and no more bad hips now...
Ray and Holly Estrada
Molson, 04/10/02-04/25/09
Molson was a true member of our family. He loved unconditionally and will be missed by many. We will never forget the time we had with him.
Deborah Robb
Molson, 07/15/91-01/15/09
Molson - words cannot express how deeply saddened I am that you are no longer with me. You were my constant companion - through good times and bad, for the last 17 years. I still wake each morning, expecting to hear you call for your breakfast...and wait for you each evening to join me in bed for our nightly cuddle. I feel lost walking around the house - wanting to see you curled up in one of your favorite spots, and realizing it is not to be. Godspeed Mollie - I will love you always, and will never forget you.
Lisa Rankin
Momma, 09/09/97-04/05/09
Momma i miss you so much. You are my bestfriend and you will always be. I think of you every day. My heart hurts for you. That night grandma called me and said you were leaving me i didnt know what to do. She said they didnt have any money to take you to the hospital, so mommy took you there even though i didnt have any money, i had to do something. When i took you there they took you from me and i didnt even get to say bye! mommy tryed to save you and i would have done anything for you. they only told me that you have a 10% chance of living, but you know what babygirl theres alway a chance, and i wasnt gonna chance you leaving me no matter how much it cost! But it was your chance to go and it hurts me so much. It feels like its been years with out you but its only been 4 month. I miss you so much and i will never forget you!!! I love you so much and youll always be my bestfriend no matter what! R.I.P baby girl. MOmmy Love's you.... You have left a pawprint in my heart.
Momma Cat, 04/01/93-09/15/08
Momma Cat was the BEST cat I ever had! She could never be replaced nor would I want to even try. I think of her so very often and cry sometimes when I do so just like right now. I think sometimes I see her in the house, then I see it's one of my other babies, Jezzy or Pheobs. All the babies miss her too! They need her here to keep them in line. And Bo, my dog needs to be put in his place at times too, He's been having spells where he's picking on the Babies. Not like it was when Momma Cat was here, She'd shut him down real fast. I was funny too cuz most of the time all it took to settle Bo down was just the Cat stare from her!!! LOL! They ALL knew who the Queen of the house was and only went to her for love cuz they new Momma Cat didn't play!! I buried her in the back yard near the flowers and I have crosses, cat satues and a light all on her grave. The light is for when I'll see her again I also have it just so that now, I can look out the window and see her and remember how I miss and Love her more than she could have ever known. Momma Cat, I pray you come to me in my dreams so I'll know you love me and that you are happy and waiting for me to join you at the rainbo bridge. I LOVE & MISS YOU!
Gina Sweeney
Momma Dog, 04/29/09
Momma was my soulmate.
She always had a wagging tail and lots of kisses for everyone.
She loved doing tricks for treats and she loved to roll on the floor and
"scratch her back."
She followed me everywhere and I always felt comfort and love in her presence.
I love you Momma Dog and I miss you.
Momma Kitty, 04/27/09
We will all miss you Momma Kitty. You brought great joy and love to our family. All our love from Daddy Paul, Daddy Ross and your sisters, Opal, Shelby and Bernadette.
Paul Lemoine
Mommy, 07/01/94-03/03/09
You were my one and only babygirl The joy and happiness in our lives and you will remain in our hearts until we meet again. Your brother misses you so very much. We love and miss you dearly. xoxo
Mrs. Denise Kopecky and Mr.James R. Chapman
Mommy Emme, 01/05/92-01/12/09
She was a wonderful girl and mother...I had two of her boys which I lost Chazwell on October 9, 2008 from a stroke, and FJ on December 2, 2008..FJ was doing great until I lost his brother Ms. Emme had a spell the week of FJ's death so when I got his ashes back I put his collar around her little neck and she came back to her little self again...her boys were 15 years old on November 29the....Got home from work on Monday, January 12th and she was having a spell and I really think that she was waiting on me to get home and she died in my arms....as you all well know it just broke my heart because she had been in my life for 17 years and always a healthly fur baby so I can truly thank God for giving me 17 years of a good and healthy life and happy life with her...oh and by the way I have her Grandbaby too and her name is Addie Emme...she and her boys will truly be missed...it has been a tough 3 months for me....
Trish Marsden
Momo, 06/09/09-07/08/09
Momo was one of 4 siblings born to mama "baby". She was the smallest, but very cute with what looked like a mask around her eyes. We miss her tempermental attitude. Rest in peace, sweetie.
Marguerite Brunk
Momo Taro, 01/03/95-03/20/09
Taro was the light of my life and a beautiful soul. His spirit and energy helped me through the last twelve years of a painful chronic illness. He was not only my Hero, but I believe, my Guardian Angel. This last year it was my turn to take care of him through Congestive Heart Failure, Epilepsy, and other health problems. He was a tough little guy, and never complained. He was just beautiful, black with tan and white markings, he had such soft fur, everyone wanted to pet him. He thought he was much larger than his 35 lbs. He had no fear until the last days of his life, when he really just wanted me to pet him and be with him 24/7. Thank you God, for allowing us that time together. He was my very best friend. Some dogs are very special; Taro was one of those dogs. I will love him forever. I know that he has wings now, and is watching over me. Every once in awhile I hear a bell ringing.
Noreen Fewry
Mon Amie, 07/16/92-01/26/09
My BEAU(boo)TIFUL Mon Amie, who chose me to be her human.
Roam free & watch over me.
I feel your spirit with me....always.
Blessed Be.
Mona, 03/13/99-03/10/09
May her spirit live on.
Mondevu, 06/10/09
this dog was the only dog I ever really knew. he was my best friend for 14 years... I can never ever forget him.
Monet Dukes-Cutsail, 06/04/95-11/13/07
Dearest Monet,
Not a day goes by when we don't miss you. Your spirit, your smile, your frequent and enthusiastic kisses, your passionate and wild zest for life, and sweet, endearing soul that made every day we had with you such an adventure and a joy. Only 12 pounds, but you were always queen of the world! We will always remember how on every walk you would start out by barking to the world “Here I come! Here I come!”, how you would jump on to the back of the couch and lay there with your tail switching like a cat, or how you would “walk up” Kevin when he was laying down so you could kiss his face. You can and never will be replaced; we can only offer the love we have for you to another soul here on earth that needs us. If we could have you back to spend the rest of our lives together, we would never be without you. I hope you are now with your beloved brother Rembrandt, your Dad Remy, your Mom Prissy, & your best friend Sugar, playing, kissing, snuggling and feeling fine. Spice is missing you, but I know all of you will welcome him with loving licks one day. I hope while you were with us, you knew you were treasured and loved and that we will never forget you. I hope even now you know you are loved and missed and forever remembered. We were blessed to have you in our lives for 12 and ½ years and we are blessed to have our cherished memories of you for the rest of our lives.
Love Always,
Your family, Kevin, Kristina & Karyssa
Mondo Boy, 11/01/93-07/10/08
Mondo was the greatest, most loving, loyal dog anyone could ask for. Our family was blessed to have him in our lives for 14 1/2 years. We miss him very much
Michelle E
Monet, 06/12/09
Early morning is the hardest time, when I expect to find your soft, furry body curled up next to my head.
No, it's hardest when the sun starts to rise and the birds twitter in the bushes. I expect you to softly paw at the covers to wake me up, a pleading look in your sweet green eyes, as if you're saying, "I love you, but please, please let me go out." ?
No, it's hardest at noon, when you should be sleeping in my lap while I work, your paws resting on my wrist. But only a breath of memory remains.
No, it's hardest in the early afternoon, when you're crunching food, or playing with the feather toy, or sitting in a sunspot in the garden. Or sleeping.
No, it's hardest in the late afternoon, when you're splashing in the waterbowl, licking the droplets off your paw. Never again.
No, it's hardest at dinnertime, when Joseph brings home take-out food and you can smell chicken from yards away. Suddenly, you appear at my feet, meowing, reaching up to paw at the counter.
No, it's hardest at bed-time, when I expect you to jump up next to me and flop on your side, your back pressed against me.
My dearest crooked-ear boy. I didn't expect to lose you so soon. You were my life, my joy for ten years. My heart is broken. I wish I could've been there to comfort you in your final moments, after the driver hit you and sped away. I wish I could turn back time and keep you alive.
Monet, 02/25/00-01/05/09
I cried the day the new falling snow covered your paw
prints outside, knowing they were gone forever, like you.
Tears fell like rain, not of sadness, but at how lucky I had been.
Of all the earth Mom's you could have chosen, you chose me.
Life wasn't easy. You had epilepsy and a zero tolerance to everything from
wooden people at Christmas, to fallen garbage cans and snowmen.
Life was never boring.
I walked on egg shells for you to keep you safe, and I would have gladly
walked on hot coals if it
would have made you better.
Withing seconds after you parted this earth, the sun appeared on that gray
winter's day, and a rainbow appeared, than disappeared behind the clouds.
I knew in my heart that you were saying good-bye.
It gives me comfort in knowing that you are now playing and waiting for
at the end of the rainbow.
Until then, I will feel your kisses in the wind that blows, the snow when
it touches my face, and the sun when it warms me.
And rainbows. Especially rainbows. You are everywhere.
I once heard that to feel such sadness, you must have known a great love.
Yes, I have. More than I ever thought possible.
Thank-you God for allowing me to watch over Monet
during her time on earth.
Please give her wings, and make her the circus dog she was meant to be.
All of my love,my kisses, for all of my life,
Your Earth Mom,
Mongo, 01/01/91-04/13/09
The Best Cat, EVER
Peggy Pechek
Mongo, 05/31/96-02/13/09
Mongo Boy
We will miss you so much. Monday was my first day alone in the house and
you were not there for me to talk too. I am so lost. Your daddy cried when
he came home last night and you were not here to greet him. We know you
are now with your sister Mojo and free of pain as she is. Go play my boy
and know we will always love you. Please tell Mojo we love and miss her
Love & Kisses
Mommy & daddy
Monique, 01/15/93-10/14/08
The Sweetest dog that ever lived!
What comfort and joy you were to us!
Sharon & Cliff Harris
Monkey, 05/2008
My dear Monkey,I feel so bad you had to go. I did'nt want
you to suffer.You are
missed terribly,and I will never forget you ,what a beautiful baby you
were.Such a good boy.Rest in peace my love
Carol Diorio
Monkey, 04/24/93-04/25/09
You were rescued from an animal shelter and from the moment
you came home, you started rescuing us.
You will be missed. You warmed my lap for 16 years. It is so cold this
morning. Rest in peace, our beloved feline friend............One day we
will be together again.
Linda and Dale
Monroe, 02/26/01-08/21/08
I had a dream about you last night.
You were
in my arms after I found you. I woke and realized
you are in heaven.
I am so torn. A part of me wants to be in heaven with you, but another
part says I need to be here taking care of loved ones.
A day does not go by that my heart longs to see,
touch, and hold you.
You were a rascal who always
loved to get into trouble.
But I didn't mind because I could always get kisses and love from you,
my sweet baby boy.
Daddy is also having a hard time.
We miss you so much and will always keep you close to our hearts.
Love Mommie
Monroe, 09/06/94-12/29/08
Monroe, I was with you from the time you entered this
world until the day you left us.
You were the most gentle cat I've come across and you truly were our "lil
I hope that you are with your brother Smokey and that we'll one day see
each other again.
I love you always and forever,
Mumma Kim
Monsieur Maurice, 11/11/04-04/23/09
Goodbye my little boy... You will always be in my heart.
I love you so much! You didn't live long enough, but I had to let you go
before you'd suffer too much. See you at the Rainbow Bridge. Heaven will
not be Heaven if you are not with me again. Be Happy and free.
Monster, 04/14/00-07/13/09
You were my heart!
I miss you so much!
Mike, Michelle & Ross
Monster, 03/26/06-02/11/09
Monster was the absolute best horse in the world and I
will miss him everyday and feel guilty about what happened for the rest
of my life.
He was so beautiful and was so sweet, always coming up to you to say hi
and get a milk bone.
I will love him forever.
Im sorry Monster I love you God Bless You--I will see you someday.
Montana, 12/18/92-05/25/04
Montana was the best friend I ever had.
One of my favorite memories of him is when he would come in from being
outside with my husband Terry and come flying around the corner from the
entryway, he always had the biggest smile on his face.
It was as if he was saying, "Hello Mom, I'm back!".
He always knew when you weren't feeling well or you were sad, he would
come and lay his head on your lap and just stay there.
He would have stayed there forever if you wanted him to.
My husband and I still miss him and love him very much.
Donna McCoy
Montana, 06/05/09
I miss you, poochie, and I love you!
Sherry Hoening
Montana Collins, 07/28/96-12/15/08
Montana was an angel and our baby who we will never ever forget. Her memorial website is at www.MontanaCollins.critters.com so please feel free to visit her website. We loved her more than anything and she is in our hearts forever.
Alecia Collins
Monte, 07/17/09
I found you in a rescue center while I was living in the
You had been hit by a car and suffered injuries.
You were two years old.
You wrapped yourself around my neck and told me I was yours. We were joined
at the hip from then on.
Eight years later I moved home to the UK and you became our bilingual international
Another glorious eight years passed.
Yesterday you had to go - our togetherness came to its
end as you closed your eyes for the last time.
My beautiful Monte, my love muffin.
When time has passed, and the grief is not as raw I will dare myself to
remember our special times. The comfort you gave me, the laughter and pure
You were deeply loved and treasured.
I will always remember your gentle soul.
We had you in our lives for just two short years, but we loved you so much. You brought us so much happiness. Such a huge loss in our lives, you will always be in our hearts. Never forgotten. Little Sophie misses you too,she lookes for you every night. Good-Bye my darling. We will miss you forever. We will see you again running at Rainbow Bridge.xx Mark and Beverley Bellows
Montie, 03/16/98-05/31/09
Montie, You were absolutely the best friend, most loyal
companion, and best confidant I have ever had.
I love you so much and miss you even more.
If my love for you could have saved you, then you would have never died.
I want you to be happy and know that some day we will be reunited.
I will never forget you and I will never stop loving you.
Go with God and be happy.
I love you!
Love, Your Mom (Trudy)
Monty, 05/23/09
I found you at the shelter a few yrs. ago. You were old,
sick & surely to be euthanized. I brought you home, then to the vet.
The vet said you were an old cat. I always wondered what your life had
been like. I knew you had been someone's pet. You had a leather collar,
were fixed, de-clawed & fat. When Zachy saw you he exclaimed "Oh!
big monster cat!" We named you Monty. I never worried about you going
out of the yard. You were too fat to fit thru the gate. Today I was gone
just a few minutes & I left the gate open. You went in the street &
I found you
dead by the side of the road. I am truly sorry. You were a wonderful cat
& a real conversation piece, being about 20 lbs. I don't know why but
I always felt your original owner may have died & that was why no one
claimed you at the shelter. There were times I would see you staring, with
a far away look in your eyes, & I wondered if you were missing that
special someone from long ago. I can only hope they met you at the Rainbow
Bridge tonight.
Monty, 09/20/97-05/05/09
Our hearts are broken. Our lovely boy Bannerstone Montgomery aka Monty has passed away. He will never be forgotten. There never was a better companion. He was a strong willed dog and even in the face of death, he fought hard. But even though the spirit was strong, the body was weak. RIP, our lovely boy. We will miss you and remember you always, always.
David Johnson/Ken Keeley
Monty, 06/07/99-01/28/09
It seems like yesterday when Mamma picked you up in Rockland,
MA. You were a little angel from day one. You brought enjoy and happiness
and most of all love in so many ways.Not only to me but to Grammy and Auntie
Bev. You took on my personality worrying about me you never let me out
of your site my dear little boy. The memories with you I will always cherish
till the day I die. I see and think about you all the time and I would
give anything to have you back. But I know we will be together again someday
because our bond was so deep and strong. I am so sorry your life on this
earth was shorter than I had hoped. I never wanted you to suffer and I
did what the Dr thought best. I pray you are in a place of fun and doggie
friends with your squeeky toy and candy carrots. I miss your warm little
body against me in bed. I miss your little crocked head to try to understand
everything your Mama is saying to you. I miss you waiting for me to come
home in the window.
Everyone Loved you my Monty boy you will be forever be missed by your Mama,
Grammy and Bev.
I am sending you a Big Kissy my little Westie Angel. Rest in Peace and
God be with you!I have been blessed to have such a precious little boy
in my life.
Love Always and Forever,
Mama Ginger Garrett
Monty, 03/15/98-03/20/09
My beloved, sweet boy. You gave me so much joy and I'm sorry for your pain in the end. I will miss your clowning around to make me laugh, I'll miss your cuddles, and I'll miss your beautiful eyes. My sweet pea, my cuddle-buggle, my Prince Monty ... I love you. Go be with Max and Dandy now. One day I truly hope we can all be together again. xoxoxoxo
Carole-Anne Stewart
Monty, 06/07/99-01/28/09
It seems like yesterday when Mamma picked you up in Rockland,
MA. You were a little angel from day one. You brought enjoy and happiness
and most of love in so many ways.Not only to me but to Grammy and Auntie
Bev. You took on my personality worrying about me you never let me out
of your site my dear little boy. The memories with you I will alway charish
till the day I die. I see and think about you all the time and I would
give anything to have you back. But I know we will be together again someday
because our bond was so deep and strong. I am so sorry your life on this
earth was shorter than I had hoped. I never wanted you to suffer and I
did what the Dr thought best. I pray you are in a place of fun and doggie
friends with your squeeky toy and candy carrots. I miss your warm little
body against me in bed. I miss your little crocked head to try to understand
everything your Mamma is saying to you. I miss you waiting for me to come
home in the window.
Everyone Loved you my Monty boy you will be forever be missed by your Mamma,
Grammy and Bev.
I am sending you a a Big Kissy my little Westie Angel. Rest in Peace and
God be with you!I have been blessed to have such a precious little boy
in my life.
Love Always and Forever,
Mamma (Ginger Garrett)
Monty, 01/07/02-03/07/09
Monty, you were my best friend.
My heart is broken.
The days ahead look so empty without you.
You were so loyal and loving.
I'm so sorry there was nothing I could do for you at the end.
I hope you know that I loved you and there won't be a day goes by that
I don't yearn to look into your beautiful brown eyes and tell you that
I Love You.
Monty, 04/20/08
i love my dog it was very smart when i was sick it would be by my side and my family i took it on the longest yard sale with my brother and his dog i will never forget it
Monty, 02/13/09
Monty, you are my "furbaby" I love you.
Walfrido Pereracasanova
Moo, 10/02/08
Moo was a gift.
She was found wandering in a street on a cold November evening by my son
Ben during Thanksgiving week 1998 when she was just a puppy of around 3
We guessed her birthday as August '98 so she was just over 10 years old
when she died.
When I first saw her, her entire head was black and you could hardly distinguish
her eyes.
My immediate impression was that she was an odd looking dog, but just then
she ran over to me, stretched up toward my face and looked me straight
in the eyes and I was overwhelmed with the love of an angel.
In fact those words just poured out of my mouth.
I remember saying, "Oh my God, she's an Angel".
We tried to find her lost family, but after two days I was in love.
We took down the "found dog" signs and she was mine.
If you have never had a rat terrier you have missed out.
A more loyal, loving, little dog you have never met.
She was in charge of all the other dogs.
I used to call her the police doggie because she got in the middle of other
dogs' fights and kept them apart.
I called her the nurse and the dental hygienist because she had to lick
every dog in the face and mouth.
I think it was her way of keeping them in line by mothering them.
She was impregnated in 2001, unbeknownst to us, by our
cattle dog Pal and gave birth the August before 9/11, in my bed in the
middle of the night to a single puppy the size of a beanie baby.
We named her baby Poo (from the combination of Pal and Moo).
Moo was an exceptionally good mother.
Later after we moved to Indiana and acquired our Boston Terrier puppy,
Crinkles, Moo's maternal instinct came out again and she took care of Crinkles
like she was her own baby.
She was always watching out for everybody in the pack and would not let
Bambi our chihuahua go out alone to pee without following her to pee over
My neighbor told me this is maternal behavior where the mother masks the
odor of the baby with her own.
Moo was always overweight since she was spayed in '01
and her motto seemed to be "I have to worry about everyone and everything".
I often wondered if her anxiety was the cause of her weight gain.
Kids that came over would comment on how fat she was.
From above, looking down, she appeared the shape of a football with a very
small head.
It did not matter to me because she was My Dog and I knew the secrets of
her that others would never understand.
She was 28 pounds at her vet visit in July.
I scheduled her for a teeth cleaning in August and at that visit my vet
discovered she had a fasting glucose of 400+.
I had thought we might have her lose weight and control her diabetes, but
she went so fast.
She lost 8 pounds in less than 6 weeks and I was hoping it was due to my
decreasing her food allowance and the single walk we had taken together
on the trail and in the park.
She had been so happy and excited that I planned we would make this a part
of our daily routine and we would both benefit.
She was doing fine just a week before when I took her in to the vet to
be weighed and she had lost 2 more pounds, but over the weekend she began
to lose interest in food and on Monday night it was evident she was ill.
Tuesday morning we took her in to the vet to be rehydrated with IV fluids
and treated for a fever/infection.
She never really rallied and I kept a round the clock vigil for her since
Tuesday evening.
Thursday morning she died. I was glad she could pass away at home in her
kitchen where things were familiar and she was loved.
Dearest Moo,
You were just the best little doggie. I never met a more loyal dog than
you. You were a wonderful mother to your only little puppy Poo.
Thanks for looking out for the whole pack.
I know it was a real job for you because you seemed to wait until the other
dogs were gone before you could relax and pass on yourself. I know we will
meet again just as I know we have met before when you were my Egyptian
doggie a long time ago.
I will be waiting to recognize you, my dear friend.
Don't let me forget you.
Next time it will be just you and me.
Love, Mama
Moo Moo, 02/11/09
Dear Moo Moo,
You will be dearly missed.
Always so healthy and playful; full of love and joy.
God took you away from me so soon, but I know you are in a better place.
Your sickness took you away from me in one day.
I am so sad you left, but you left so fast that I pray that you did not
You will always be my baby girl.
I can't wait to hold you and play with you again someday.
Your family misses you and loves you forever!
Mooch Abigail (Roo), 06/11/09
You were lost and hungry
With no place to call home
Just a tiny kitten,
Someone had done you wrong
I put you in my front seat,
A home for you I'd find.
And after only hours,
I knew your new home would be mine!
You were such a sweetheart,
You won our hearts so fast.
So playful and so silly,
Time with you was such a blast.
Curled up atop the sofa,
In a box, or by the lawn,
You'd lay and sleep for hours,
Then wake with the biggest yawn!
On the washer, in the mornings,
I'd find you waiting there
To crawl upon my shoulder,
So I'd pack you to your chair.
You liked to climb up in our laps,
Have us stoke your fuzzy fur.
Then you'd love and nuzzle Daisy.
She would always make you purr.
Now that you're not with us,
There's so much that I miss.
I'd love to hold you once again,
Feel your fuzzy little kiss.
They'll never be another
That will end my love for you.
You could never, ever be replaced,
My cat that I called "Roo".
~We'll love you and miss you always, Roo-cat.
JD and Ashley
Moochie, 07/21/99-02/08/09
Moochie baby you came into our lives ,and changed it forever.No other could ever replace you.But now you can run ,and play again. We will never forget you , and our love will last forever.Good-bye Moochie baby
Love, Momma,Daddy ,and your buddy Tigger
Mookie, 12/31/96-04/28/09
Because I love You
Because I love You
I must let you go
Though before your release
These words must I must speak
Your love with no limits
Has kept me afloat
Your joy in life
Is akin to a poem
Your tender soul
Has touched all who see
Your amber eyes love
So honestly
Playful days and protected nights
You gave so much
And asked for so little
Days running on the beach,
Splashing in the waves
Swimming in the pool
Chasing balls at the park
Hiking in the hills
Walking proudly next to me
Your soft touch with Alun
So gentle and kind
God, if I could
I'd place your life
On rewind
I can't let you suffer
You remain stoic indeed
I can't allow a day
Where your tail won't wag
I can't bear to see
You wither away
My heart aches like hell
I wish you could stay
No more pain
No more hunger
No more trembling
No more praying
For you to be
Play in the ocean as long as you need
Chase the ball, swim all day
Feel no pain, my sweet little girl
Though it breaks my heart to let you go
I know
You will always be near.
Be free
My beloved Mookie,
Be free.
Moon Cat, 02/18/09
Moony arrived to me in a basket, six months old, freshly rescued from a petrol station, staring up at me with big green eyes. She looked about as little impressed to see me as I was to see her.. you see I had just lost another dear little friend called Jubilee, who was a young cat and was sadly knocked down by a car. I swore I didn't want another pet, it's so hard to lose them. My boyfriend at the time decided to ignore my wishes and "surprised"? me by presenting me with this basket. Well I have to say, it took me about three seconds of staring into those green eyes and toffee nose and I was smitten.
My personality and her cat-a-nality were like two peas in a pod. Moony followed me everywhere, and well when it was time for food she was my biggest fan, with that little purring prowl when the excitement got too much, it was the sweetest thing to watch her come running, just pure joy.
But there is more than just the happy, fun moments.. and
there are so many cherished memories. Moony was there for every broken
heart, every lonely night, every stroll in the garden, every cuddle, every
rant, every headache, every move, every Sunday roast, every birthday, every
moment of joy, every tear..
except these last ones. I have lost a friend.
She has given me unconditional love throughout these years, loyally waiting, watching silently as I plunder down every wrong road, and revel in every success of my life. Always there at the end of the day, but now resting peacefully in my heart. I love you my angel.
Thank you all my family and "fur-maly" ?who miss her along with me, especially Dad, she snuck into our hearts and her loss is deeply felt.
Janine Elske
Moonshadow Princess, 04/23/86-04/03/09
Moonshadow, you were the best horse ever.
I am so sorry that I missed your passing by a mere 5 minutes.
I got there as soon as I could.
It was an unexpected passing.
Jocelyn will miss riding you around the paddock.
I love you.
Michelle Robertson
Moose, 05/15/09
Moose was an inspiration to everyone he met. He brought
many smiles to many people. He was very loved by everyone that had the
chance to meet him.
He had such a kind heart, and soul.
He is missed by many, and we all look forward to seeing him in HEAVEN.
We love and miss you MOOSE!!!
Keep everyone smiling as you always did!!!
Deidra Woznick
Moose, 05/22/09
Moose came into my life almost 15 years ago.
He and his sister picked me out at the local human shelter.
Since the day I brought him home, he was unselfishly and singlemindedly
devoted to me.
I was the only one he wanted attention from, or even accepted it from.
He wanted to be in physical contact with me as much as possible.
He would spend endless hours on the back of my couch, just so he could
have his paw gently touching my head.
In sickness and in health, through a marriage, a divorce, a gender transition,
his faith and love in me never waivered.
Even over the past few months, as he declined from CRF,
he still put his own pain and suffering to the side to comfort me.
His last few days, he gave freely of what little energy he had to be by
my side and love me.
I know if he had been allowed to, he would have lived a life of endless
pain, just to be by my side.
My beloved Moose was beyond special.
I loved him, and will always love him, more than my own life.
I have done things in my life that are beyond the comprehension of most
I have faced death, and sent men to face their own deaths in combat.
I have seen death, and watched men die.
I lived almost 4 decades of a lie, before I was able to accept my own medical
condition and transition from male to female.
But of all that, and so much, much more, the most difficult thing I have
ever had to face was this afternoon, when I had to let my beloved Moose
He was a soul like no other I will ever know.
His love was pure and unconditional, and never waivered, faded or dimmed
from anything less than a roaring flame.
Even as the life faded from his eyes, I could still tell he was doing his
best to comfort me, and let me know it was all going to be ok.
What else can I say?
I was blessed to be allowed to know him, honored to be the person he loved.
How that much love could ever fit in that small body is a miracle.
He will be missed more than any words I can ever say can express.
His passing leaves this whole world a lessor place.
Moose, 06/17/98-04/15/09
Moose, we all love you so much. Be sure to look for Ashley at the Rainbow Bridge. She will help you find Gramma and Grampa. And always remember how much we all care for you.
Love and hugs,
Mommy and Daddy,
Phoenix, Callie and Tessie
Moose, 04/05/06-01/23/09
My handsome, beautiful, vibrant kitty!!....You were a wonderful companion, giving love and furry hugs to all those lucky enough to have met you....You will always be in my heart...You left before your time, if I could have changed events... there is nothing that would've stopped me...I know that your now in a wonderful, beautiful place.....you are not suffering anymore...you will never be hungry.....forever yours...I miss you my sweet, charming boy! love lulu....
Lauren Carter
Moose, 06/15/03-08/19/09
Moose was a good boy and a handsome boy.
We loved him very much and miss him.
But he is not hurting anymore and is in a better place.
Good-bye dear sweet Moosie.
Laura and Ron
Moose, 03/26/09
My Mr. Moose
I love and miss you so much. I hope you know how much I loved you and was
trying everything to make you better.
I know you have been reunited with Kayla, Kita and Tyson. Give them hugs
for me.
Moose, 03/04/09
I believe Moose was an angel sent from heaven just for
me. He brought so much joy and love to my life. I miss him so much and
I really wish that he hadn't gotten sick. It was one of the worst days
of my life to have to say goodbye to him. Not a day goes by I dont think
of him..
Moose I just want you to know that I adore you. I'm sorry you got sick
and I wish that you didnt have to leave us but I know your in a better
place. I'll meet you on the Rainbow Bridge.. someday!! I love you Moms
boy!! xox
Moose, 2001-03/27/09
Moose we have traveled through life together.
I don't know if I did the right things for you but I did love you all I
I wish I could have done more - you were a sweet little girl, so beautiful.
Dawn Christopher
Moosie, 06/10/09
My Moosie, was the love of my life, my best friend.
I always called her my gentle soul!
She followed me every were...she slept on my pillow every night.
She would put one paw on my head to make sure she had touch with me.
she woke me up in the morning by scratching my nose.
She would even take her claws in, so that she wouldn't scratch me, while
waking me up.
She was a talker.
She let me know what she needed, and I knew her so well that I knew what
she needed from a meow.
I had to go away for a while, when I came back she ran so fast towards
And from a distance, like two lovers.
I told her that she was the love of my love, and myyyy besst friend!
I sang to her, me and my gal..she loved it.
I never knew the whole song.
She was patient when I kissed her all over.
I told her she was beautiful!
I love you Moosie Lucile!!..I will see you one day, young and full of life.
You will be with you're sister that loved you so much, Patsy, and Caddy
you're buddy!
Bye just for now.
Moppy, 1989-05/20/09
Moppy I love you, We will miss you waiting for your Milkbones.My dear Moppy, you lived a long and happy life. Remember climbing the mountains in Tennesse.I love you so very much.
Mopsy, 06/12/09
For my friend Julie who lost her precious Mopsy recently~ God Bless you Julie & Mopsy
Cathy Hebrlee
Morgan, 10/26/96-06/15/09
Morgan, 08/25/94-05/28/09
He was his Dad's emotional support when Dad was ill. He
sat on Dad's lap for hours on end. His Dad died 12/20/08. Morgan grieved
for the loss of his best friend. Morgan will join Dad in a place of honor
on the fireplace mantel. Some of their ashes will be scattered on Mt Washington,
NH. One of their favorite places to visit. How ever their souls are in
Heaven at peace.
I will miss Morgan as he was truly my best buddy.
I love you little man.
Love, Mom
Morgan, 11/28/95-05/17/09
We loved our precious Morgan and miss her greatly.
Ann and Brian Cox
Morgan, 09/15/96-04/21/09
Morgan was a kind spirited loving dog. She was gentle and sweet. Her presence will be missed in our home. We will continue to hold her in our hearts forever and celebrate the wonderful dog she was. Morgan, we love you and will miss you always.
Finnell Family
Morgan, 06/26/91-04/14/09
The funniest, grumpiest most loving boy ever; I miss him
so much, sitting on my lap,lying on my pillow, pulling doors open, licking
the edges of books!!
No one will ever replace him in my life or in my heart...i love you, my
Morgie, love always, your mom forever.
Morgan, 03/02/09
We walked in sunshine and in rain.
We played together and took naps together.
I taught him all the doggie tricks and he taught me the meaning of real
unconditional love.
I got him from BC rescue but really he is the one who rescued me for he
was there for the really difficult moments of my life so far and offered
up loving brown eyes that always understood my every emotion and soft white
and black fur that would welcome my petting, my hugs and even my tears.
When Morgan left this world he took with him a piece of my heart.
Together we walked many miles of parks, neighborhoods, mountains and beaches
and those places seem lonely now without him at my side.
I will always love you Morgan and I hope you see me right away when I get
to the Rainbow Bridge.
Pat Mattson
Morgan, 04/94-08/22/09
I love you "Baby Girl".
Deanna and Vic
Morgan, 01/01/93-01/17/09
R.I.P Morgan....we are heartbroken and we'll miss you
every day.
Your Loving Family xoxoxoxox
Morgan Ball, 27/05/94-09/02/09
Goodbye to our beloved dog who has accompanied us around
Europe for the last 15 years.When Pet passports were available Morgan travelled
on train,hovercraft,ship,car and Channel Tunnel. Morgan appeared on TV
in UK in vets in practice. A gentle dog who loved running and helped Mike
train to run in Cyprus and in the London Marathon.
Morgan was loved by everyone who came into contact with him.Thank you Morgan
for every thing.You Mike and I will all meet up by the Rainbow Bridge.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Chrissie and Mike Ball
Morgan Dixon, 01/25/95-02/02/09
Morgan was a calm, kind and loving Cocker Spaniel.
She filled our lives with happiness.
We will never forget her.
The Dixons, James, Samuel and Tami
Morgan LeFay, 05/04/09
Farewell my constant pixie companion.
Your silky multicolored fur and beautiful green eyes will be cherished
forever in my memory, sweet one. How will I ever sleep well without you
on my hip?
Say hello to all of our other companions who were waiting for you on the
Rainbow Bridge.
I'll be there as soon as my time here is over!
Jo Michael Gavin
Morgana, 06/07/09
Morgana was always sweet tempered, except when it came to arguing over peanuts. She is survived by her mate, Merlin.
Karen Ackoff
Morgon - RLPD K-9, 01/11/09
Morgon was RLPD's second K-9 and was used regularly for building reconnaissance, search warrants, drug detection and community relations. The loss is especially difficult because Morgon was Sgt. Roux's professional partner and part of his family. They trained with Wisconsin Bad Dogs, a group of officers and service dogs. Morgon had performed many demonstrations with Roux for schools and community service. It is a great loss for the Roux family, RLPD and the City of Rice Lake. Morgon...you will be missed!
Sgt. Steve Roux, Roux Family, RLPD, City of Rice Lake
Morris, 06/19/09
He entered my life 6 yrs ago.. he walked up next to me..
and he never left.
He was a garage kitty. After a while, he understood why he was fed inside
the garage.. He loved to lay down under the bushes in late evening.. Yelling
at me when it was time to go in for the night.. His loud meow..will be
missed.. But will echo in the garage..
Anthony Skoien
Morrison, 01/07/09
My wonderful, loving and loyal companion dog, Morrison, is free now. He lived a good long life of 14 years and recently his body just wasn't holding up very well. He had good days and bad, so I will focus on the good. He was truly my best friend and one of the best amateur frisbee-catching dogs I've seen. He was a great listener, a wonderful loving soul, and he will be missed always.
Linda Jellison
Morrison Garcia, 08/05/01-01/28/09
We will miss you forever Teddy Bear.
You were our inspiration to accept everything different and unique.
There is an empty void that will never be filled.
We love you and will see you in heaven.
Lisa Stewart
Morus, 01/15/09
Thank you for being the most wonderful pet, we love you and will miss you so very much.
Isabelle and Derek
Mosby, 03/02/08-06/16/09
Mr. Mosby came into my life like a whirlwind. Me and my two other cats fell instantly in love with you. It was like you were their litter mates. It was amazing to see how well you all got along and truly loved each other. It was instantaneious. But then that was you...so gentle and loving. We all miss you so very much. We didn't have many years together and I wish we had. I don't understand it and the pain is too much to bear. The house is so quiet now. I know that you are now at the Rainbow Bridge with Opie and Da Vinci and that you are free of pain and can play all the time.
I love you my precious baby. Franklin and Austin send their love too. We all miss you so much. Be free my baby. Please watch over your brothers.
Karen Wisdom
Moses, 02/28/96-04/18/09
Our precious boy, you are so missed.
We will love you always.
Cris, Dalton, & Vanessa
Moses, 03/09/09
My beloved fur baby....
Love has no bounds
Across time and space we will always be best friends
You with your kind eyes, your fun frolics, your sweet meow.
You will be with me until we finally meet again
You paw print forever enblazoned on my heart.
Pearl Fernando
Moses, 05/10/98-04/25/08
Hurry Back!
Catherine Mallory
Moses Hobbes, 12/96-04/22/09
Our big orange cat died suddenly today while being evaluated
for radiation therapy for hyperthyroidism.
His heart and breathing simply stopped.
Moses was a shelter cat who brought us love and joy for the 11 years he
lived with us.
He had overcome a feral start in life to become a real lap cat.
We love him so much.
Cramer Family
Mosey, 02/17/09
Mosey was the sweetest dog ! I will miss him every day forever. He was my best friend.
Michelle Jarels
Mosey, 06/05/94-11/25/08
Mosley, 04/02/09
To my beloved Mr Mosley who sadly passed today , you filled my life with joy and i cant wait to see you again I love yuo so much.
Motchka, 02/13/09
I pray that when you passed that you felt my love and
I was able to provide some comfort in those last moments.
I'll love you forever, my precious little girl.
You were the sweetest and most loving friend.
I'll miss you little cheek nuzzles and the way you snuggled next to me
at night.
Mountain Major, 10/09/97-02/26/09
What can I say about my shadow, my constant companion?
You followed me from room to room, ever watchful and loyal.
I will remember how you gazed out the front window each morning as my car
backed down the driveway.
I will remember your joyful barks each afternoon as you heard the garage
door announce my return.
What will become of our daily routines?
There will be an awful void without you.
I know that you will be waiting for me on the other side of this life.
What a reunion that will be!
Peggy & Bob Durbin
Mouse, 04/28/09
You were the best girl.
My momma-cita I will always love you and hold you in my heart.
I Love you and miss you so much girl!!
Mouse, 1993-03/07/09
It is with great sadness that we had to have our beloved pet euthanized today due to her old age. I have just lost a best friend and a family member even though she is a cat she felt human to us. Whenever I was sad, or was crying or just having a rotten day Mouse somehow knew this and she would come to me and she would not leave my side until she knew I was better, she just somehow knew. The loss of Mouse is causing the deepest sadness and I wish she was here to comfort me but I guess she is in spirit so I should learn to accept that. This is one of the most hardest and sadest days I have ever gone through. I have some of the best memories and stories of her at least. Until we meet again Mouse. I love you, "mousey mommas".
Kathleen Chapman
Mouse, 03/10/06-05/29/08
My beloved Mouse, how my heart breaks with you not by my side. The last night we were together you crept into bed with me on the opposite side of where your sisters were sleeping and laid your head on my pillow. I pulled you close in the moonlight and told you how much I loved you and I did not know that would be our last night together. Now I know you are with our Father and he will watch over you until we can all be united once again.
Moussee Nelson, 07/04/09
We miss you so much, Moussee. Thank you for bringing such
joy and happiness into our lives. You had the cutest squeak when you were
excited or happy to see us. You were the best bath cat in the whole world.
I miss you so much. I am so sorry you are not going to meet our baby Emma
when she arrives. I know you would have loved her as much as you loved
My heart will always have a piece missing now that you have passed. We
love you and miss you, Moussee.
Laura Nelson
Mousie, 11/19/96-04/29/09
I will forever miss you. You will always hold a special
place in my heart.
I am sorry that I had to make the decision to let you go. It was the best
thing that I could do for you my girl. Your body was old and tired and
the pain was more than you could endure.
I had to bring you peace and I couldn't bear to watch you struggle anymore.
My heart is very heavy without you by my side.
You were there for me when I needed you most. You hated to see me cry and
would always act silly to turn my tears into laughter. I will never forget
you my booger butt. Until we meet again my girl, Love Mom
Moustache Phillips, 12/31/08
Love you old man.
Moxie, 03/01/09
Moxie was beautiful with long, fluffy, white hair and bright green eyes. My little angel came into my life when I needed her the most. She showed me unconditional love and was always by my side. She will forever be in my heart.
Moxy, 06/25/95-12/27/08
sleep well my love,I will love forever. Until we meet again on the bridge,you will never be far from my thoughts or my heart.
Joann Rogers
Mozart you were the love of my life and I will forever hold you dear to my heart. No more suffering my darling as you continue your journey with your friends Zac and Luke. I too, will one day again be with you. Mummy loves you baby, you were the most perfect cat with the sweetest personality. I long for one more hug but I had to release you from your suffering. Till we meet again. Love Mum (Suzanne) & Jess.
Mozart, 01/31/09
My little pound puppy went to the bridge. I miss the little man so. He was always happy and playful. With his short tail and bright eyes. He has many friends there who greeted him when he arrived so i know he is not alone.
Kyla Cartwright
Mozart, 12/20/99
mozart was the best dog we could ever have he made us laugh and hug and kiss him alot we all miss him alot
Lisa Sipes
Mozilla, 04/17/08-06/30/09
Such a short life for such a special little guy. It didn't take long for you to find a place in our family and our hearts. You will remain with us always. Love, Mommy & Daddy
Mr, 05/14/09
Our handsome fella Mr. passed away on May 14, 2009. It was sudden and completely unexpected but he passed quietly and without suffering in his sleep.
I found Mr. in a box outside a 7-11 on a 90 degree day. Poor baby was panting and his siblings were going fast. I couldn't leave him there by himself, so I took him.
Mr. was such a character with crazy habits and idiosyncracies. He liked to be picked up and held on my shoulder like a baby. He LOVED to lick the outside of the shower curtain when someone was showering. We had special, precious moments when he would sit on my lap and it was so special I wouldn't move until he was done. He liked cantelope and after our Nelli Kitty passed he took her place at the extra dinner table chair to join us for dinner, never begging but just watching and being with us. He would come to bed with me and lay in hubby's spot.
There were so many things he did that I probably don't
remember them all right now but they will come back to me.
The night before he passed, he jumped up on the bed with me and hubby and
we had a wonderful pet and love session. He was getting double pets and
just rolling all over the place.
There'll never be another boy like the Mr. We love him and will remember him always.
Mina Habibi
Mr, 07/22/92-12/15/08
My little Kitty Man were so special and was my best friend and companion for 16 years, and mommy misses you so much and so does Alexis, Brianna. We know your in a better place and not hurting any more, and we know with all of our hart you are watching over us, this is not a good by but we will see later, and know that we love with all our harts.
Love Mom, Lexi, and Bri
Mickie, Alexis, Brianna
Mr. Bill/Norbert, you were a loving kitty, an affectionate purry boy. Your Daddy Erik and I both felt it was best to let you go across the Rainbow Bridge even though you were young, because your injuries were just too great to allow you to live a comfortable life. We will both miss you, and we both loved you very very much. May your time across the Bridge be full of good health, lots of loving human and animal companions, and I really hope both Erik and I see you ourselves after we cross. Go in peace, sweetheart, you were very much loved.
Mr. Bosley, 07/02/09
Mr. C.J. Binder, 1998?-01/26/09
Cinder was a loving, thoughtful companion who always knew
when I was in need of a little extra TLC. We had a strong bond that will
never be replaced.
I truly believe that he was an old soul and had great "insight"...as
much as a cat can have :)
He loved drinking out of anything that contained water just as long as
it wasn't his water dish :)
He loved having his little head kissed...or at least put up with it when
I needed to kiss his head!
He put up a strong fight for me I believe but in the end I had to put him
first :(
I love this little guy as much as I would a family member and he is GREATLY
Mr. Cha T. Rabbit Cha-Cha, 02/02/05-12/16/08
My sweet baby boy. I love you and miss you deeply. My heart is broken but you are better over the Rainbow Bridge and we WILL be together again! My precious, precious little baby. Thanks for all those kisses on my mouth in the end. You have no idea how priceless that is to me.
Donna Kula
Mr. Chan, 05/24/90-05/05/09
Mr. Chan was the best friend, loyal pal and loving dog.
He was always at my side and when he was younger would welcome me home
with a houl and a kiss.
In his older years he had slowed down but still had a little kiss for his
I will miss him terribly but am thankful for all the wonderful years and
fun times we shared.
Barbara Bagileo
Mr. Cloudy, 07/06/91-02/02/09
To my very best friend, it has been 2 weeks now, and the
tears are still running down my face.
I am so lost with out you how ever I know that when you left me you took
a piece of my heart with you to always remember me and I took a piece of
your heart too so we shall always be together. You must be at Rainbow Bridge
now finally you are not suffering any longer, finally pain free.
The tears I cry ore for missing you and for the happiness you must have
now that you are with others at Rainbow Bridge and I know that you will
be waiting for me to cross over to be with you once again. I love you MR.
Cloudy my little Angel Face God Bless
with all my LOVE to you
Mr. Divo, 07/14/09
Divo was a special dog. very soft very smooth. Good handsome tea cup. he was 4 pounds. But 4 pounds of love. He touch a lots of lives. We all are very sad. he had to be put to sleep this morning.He went fast and peacefully in my friend's lucys arms. R.I.P. DIVO Will always love you. Titi, Nilda
Mr. Ed, 03/06/94-12/09/08
I miss you more and more every day. You will always be in my heart.
Donna Newsome
Mr. Fluff was the sweetest kitty ever. There will never be another one like him. He went into kidney failure and went down quickly. He quit eating and drinking, and I had him euthanized when I realized that petting didn't make him purr anymore. (I knew he had to be feeling bad.) My heart will be forever broken. "If love could have saved him, he would have lived forever!" ~Barb Messimer
Mr. Handsome, 02/11/09
Mr Handsome was my best friend for more than half of my
We miss you every day, boobah.
Tracey Lynne
Mr. Jake, 02/28/09
Good Bye Mr. Jake.
We will all miss you! Even the times when you were in a bad mood, you were
a blessing to us all. I am sorry for all the pain you had to endure while
you struggled with diabetes. I hope the last couple of years, after we
finally got you regulated, made up for the hard times.
Now you are free from disease and pain. Whole again and safe. You will
be together again with Buddy, your best friend.
Someday we will all be together again, and we can cross the Rainbow Bridge
Untill then give my love to Buddy and Angel.
Thank you for being part of our family!
Dennis, Mike, Peanut, Buddy Brown, Junior, and Baby Girl.
Mr. Jiggles, 03/03/09
My Jiggles,
You are my beautiful boy. I will always think of you, and love you, and
miss you and wish you were here to snuggle with me. I'm so glad I got to
share the best years of your life with you.
Love, Me
Mr. Joseph Kitty (Joey), 10/30/97-04/17/09
Joey - you were the bestest boy that Daddy and I could
ever ask for.
We knew you were sick but you left us so unexpectedly.
We are both devestated without you.
We love you so much and we will NEVER forget you.
Hugs and kisses forever!!!!
Mary and Bob
Mr. Kitty was rescued my the Maine Coon society. He was brought into a loving foster home after having been found wandering around a church. He immediately was given medical and dental care that he needed desperately. The first time I saw him across the room, our eyes locked and I knew he was the cat I had been searching for. I had 4 wonderful years with him. He developed diabetes but we gave him his insulin twice a day and he thrived. But, a lump was discovered in his abdomen. Surgery showed the extent of the mass and the vet knew he wouldn't be able to survive it. They brought him out of anesthesia while I rushed to the hospital so I could hold him before they put him down for good. He was agitated because of the drugs but I could tell he could smell me and would have that recognition of who I was. His eyes locked into mine, exactly as they did when we first saw each other, and he knew I was there with him and he could see the love in my eyes for him. Finally, it was time. He went so quick and so quietly and peacefully. I will grieve for a very long time. I will cry for a very long time. He was special. I just pray he is happy and that I will get to see him again. Right now, my heart is too broken; I want him here with me.
Mr. Lucky, 1993-12/26/08
Mr. Lucky was our sweet boy. Always quick to offer up a purr, and willing to sit in your lap. He was one of the sweetest cats to ever be a member of our family.
He will be so very missed, every day.
We love you and miss you, Our dear sweet Lucky. We hope you have joined our other lost fur babies and know how much you are loved & treasured!
The Munson Family
Mr. Ming, 05/02/07
Mr. Ming lives on in many wonderful photos.
Stacy Hawkins
Mr Mistoffelees Stoffie, 01/97-01/08/09
Stoffie was a beautiful black cat, rescued from the streets
of Mexico City.
He was feisty, funny, loving, grumpy, cuddly and one of a kind.
I will miss having a cup of tea with him on my lap, our head rubs, his
snuggling with me at night and waking me up with chirps for morning treats.
I'll miss his stealing water from the bathroom tap, stowing dead mice in
daddy's shoes, playing fetch with silly rattling mice, sprawling in front
of the fireplace, changing the settings on my computer and generally being
with me wherever I went in the house.
He was a very special companion and I love him very much.
The house is missing a treasured heartbeat and that's going to take some
time to get used to.
I love you, Stoffie.
Arlene Jillard
Mr. Moe, 03/14/09
I miss you every day Mr. Moe. I loved you so much and your passing was so unexpected! I hope you know how special you are to me and how much joy you brought when you were around. I will see you soon enough! I love you!
Sara Tyndall
Mr. Oreo, 01/22/09-05/09/09
We just miss you.
Love your family
Alexia,Andre,Andre,Rose and your play friend TinTan
Mr. Peabody, 09/06/96-02/28/09
The pain of your loss is heartbreaking, but the chance to have had you in our life and the pure love and happiness you gave us will always live on in our hearts. There is and only ever will one " Mr. Peabody" and for all that knew you and loved you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing all you did with me over the years you made by life a truely happy time by being in it. I love you.
Denise Price
Mr. Peters, 04/09/09
Mr. Peters will never be forgotten as he is lives in my
heart and soul.
Mr Peters was the most loyal companion I ever had.
He was always there for me in good times and bad.
No other companion has ever touched my heart and soul like Mr Peters.
I will miss my baby boy and I will meet him on the other side of the Rainbow
Deborah Hamilton
My Beloved Pie-Baby....I had to let you go over the Rainbow Bridge so you could be whole and cancer-free again. I'm sorry I'm not there to love you as I did on this earth. Please run and play and chase your mice and take your sleepy-time naps until your sparkling green eyes see me again. Come my darling Pie-Pie and climb up my coat once more to snuggle in my arms. Give me your kitty-kisses and let me look into your loving, trusting eyes. Sit regally on the bed one last time as you wait for me to lift the blankets so you can get under the covers, turn around to face me, and put your head on my pillow and your paw on my face. It broke my heart to see you looking quietly sad as your time was running out; when I knew I had to let you go and you knew my loneliness was just beginning. Poor Mousie misses his buddy. And Mattie, Minnie, Molly, Lady, Daisy, Sassy and Frankie have become very subdued. St. Francis and St. Anthony, please look after my Pie-Baby now that his soul has become part of a beautiful celestial sky. Good-night one last time my Sleepy-time Pie. Wait for Mommy & Daddy, and thank you for the gift you've given me all these years... the priceless gift of you.
(Author Unknown)
Paula & Ron Courchaine
Jacksonville, FL
Mr. Puddlin, 05/09/09
Mr. Puddlin I will always remember you. You were my best friend and your presence helped me get through some of my most trying times. I wish there was more I could do for you. I love you so much Mr. Puddlin I hope to see you when it is my time.
Your best Pal,
Mr. Ricky, 04/14/09
Mr Ricky was a stray that was given to my brother. I fell
in love with him when I lived with my family. When I moved away, I took
him with me and absolutely spoiled him. He is survived by his housemate
Sam who is a 10 yr old black short haired. They were companions for almost
7 years.
Mr Ricky had a very full and healthy life and his passing was extremely
I was right by his side when he went and even though it hurts me so, I
was glad to be there for him when he needed me most.
I love you Mr Ricky and you will Always Be in My Heart.
Tracy Kratzer
Mr. Scruffie, 06/26/96-02/28/09
Mr. Scruffie was a real blessing to me and my family.
He came to us when he was one and lived with us for almost 13 years.
He lived life always as though he was 5 years old and loved each of us
in the most special way.
Cancer took him from us in the end.
He will be greatly missed but I, we, all look forward to seeing him again.
I know he is pain free now and chasing some poor animal up a tree at the
Love life Mr. S and we will all see you again.
Thank you for all of the love you gave so freely and unconditionally.
I always loved you and always will.
You are my special boy!
Monique Myers
Mr. Spanky, 07/16/04-05/25/09
I will miss you my babyboy spanky
Mary Torres
Mr. Wolley, 03/29/09
He was loved by everyone he came in contact with. I love Wolley and I miss you.
Mrs. Mia Wallace, 02/07/95-07/08/09
July 8, 2006, I held my baby girl in my arms, and watched
her pass on after a long and debilitating fight with bone cancer.
I was pregnant at the time, and named my son for her.
After 3 years, I thought it would get better, but it doesn't.
I still miss her more and more every day & know I will see her again.
Mrs T-Bone, 08/15/01-04/21/09
The Dog that Smiled
Mrs. T-Bone: a dog that could smile.
Not a snarl-looking smile like most dogs, but a real genuine smile.
Half Shar Pei and half German Shepherd, a very friendly dog.
,Mrs. T-Bone started out as Redbone.
My partner's ex-husband discovered Redbone as a chained puppy, being mistreated,
being trained to be a fighting dog.
He rescued her.
Okay, he stole her, but she WAS rescued.
Those owners kicked her, beat her, destroyed her ability to have any litters.
Her name was initially changed to just T-Bone, but that sounded too masculine,
so she became Mrs. T-Bone. Two years later, Toby was introduced into the
Toby is pure Shar Pei, but he was the runt of the litter. A year after
three years after Mrs. T-Bone was rescued that marriage broke up.For the
past five years Mrs. T-Bone has been MY girl and Toby has been my buddy.
Toby won't play tug-of-war with anyone else but Mrs. T-Bone,
but she'll play with anyone.
If you call one, the other comes too.
Mrs. T-Bone would follow me down the hallway, sometimes so closely that
she steps on my heels.
A lot of people seem to be more afraid of Toby who weighs
about 50 pounds, even though Mrs. T-Bone weighs about 70.
Toby just acts more aggressive.
People don't seem to realize that a dog can't bite when he is barking.
It is when a dog quits barking that you have to start worrying and Toby
never stops barking.
Mrs. T-Bone barks because he does and a lot of times Toby barks because
Mrs. T-Bone does.
When someone rings the doorbell, they both start barking, but once they
get the scent of whoever is outside, they start whining to see that person
even when it's a total stranger.
These dogs seem to be more burglar alarm than guard dog.
,At one time there was a third dog named Elmo.
When that marriage broke up, he took Elmo and we kept Toby and Mrs. T-Bone.
Elmo would be brought over on occasion. One night, however, Elmo was standing
in front of Mrs. T-Bone and I realized that she was going into an attack
I immediately dropped to my knees to prevent it, but she latched onto Elmo's
face, anyway.
My only thought was to put my fingers into her mouth, not so much as to
pry her jaws open, but in the hope that she would realize that it was MY
hand in her mouth.
It worked.
She let go of Elmo.
But unfortunately for me, as soon as he was released, Elmo spun around
in retaliation and bit my hand pretty badly. He immediately let go, but
he did break my skin.
From that point on, we've never let Elmo back into the house.
,A few months ago, about 4 years after the above incident, Mrs. T-Bone
started getting more territorial.
She snapped at Toby when he tried to get into a shared bed and broke his
We decided we just had to be more aware of what was going on between them.
Everything was all right for the next few months.
But then this week, for no reason that we could see, Mrs. T-Bone attacked
Toby in much the same manner as her attack on Elmo.
Unfortunately, this time I was not around.
My partner got them separated, but damage was done.
Toby was left with numerous puncture wounds and it seems as though it was
a near thing with his eye as there was severe wounding nearby.
He won't lose the eye, but he may have lost some sight.
The veterinarian did tell us, though, that the two of them could no longer
be together.
,I realized that I had to find another place for Mrs. T-Bone.
If she can no longer be trusted with Toby, the dog she has been with since
he was a puppy almost six years ago, she could no longer be trusted around
any animal or small children.
Unfortunately, we live in a city, and don't know anyone in the immediate
area that could take Mrs. T-Bone for us.
It seemed our best chance, and hers, would be the Humane Society.
When I put her leash on her at the house to take her, I broke down and
cried like a little kid. I am 56 years old.
But Mrs. T-Bone was excited to be going somewhere on the leash. It was
about 15 mile drive to the Humane Society.
On the way there, I had placed my hand on the floor gear-shift.
Mrs. T-Bone put her front paws on my wrist and then laid her chin on top.
My first reaction
was to get my hand free then realized that at the end of this little road
trip I would probably never see her again, so I let her stay.
,When we got to the Humane Society and I told the clerk what was going
on, she immediately told me that Mrs. T-Bone would have to be euthanized
since she couldn't be trusted.
For the second time, I broke down and cried.
I also realized, then, that the clerk was right and I agreed to the euthanasia.
Then I was surprised when I was asked if I wanted to stay with her.
My only hesitation was in overcoming that initial surprise.
I accepted the offer. We had to wait a few minutes and again the dog that
smiled, smiled.
,I believe that Mrs. T-Bone died knowing that I loved her.
I had to wrap the leash around her muzzle to protect the technician, but
she did not resist because of the love and trust that she had for me.
In a few seconds, she was gone. She never trembled, nor did she resist
the needle or the technician's contact.
When it was over, I put a corner of the blanket over her and then for the
third time in an hour, I broke down.
This time it was for quite a few minutes.
The technician was very attentive to MY needs, patting my back, but not
saying anything trite or banal.
He handed my her leash and collar and a piece of paper. I shook his hand,
thanked him for his professionalism and care, and walked out.
Halfway to the car I looked at the paper it was "The Rainbow Bridge"?.
You can find it online.
I did. But I could not read then once I realized what it was about.
,And again, I cried, this time for most of the way from the shelter to
,And, Oh!!, how I wish for the Rainbow Bridge to be true!
,I wish I didn't see her eyes after she was gone. I have a feeling that
is going to haunt me.
What I want to remember is that she could smile. I want to remember her
with her paws and chin on my wrist during her last car ride.
,My plans are to keep her collar and the Rainbow Bridge. I want to remember
I may even find a spot in the backyard for a memorial.
I don't know.
My girl? is gone and I hope and pray that I really did do the right thing
that I couldn't have done something different or better sometime in the
It would be nice to believe that the mistreatment she got before her rescue
finally caught up with her. But that's too easy and seems somewhat chickenhearted
to believe.
But one thing that I do know: if she had not been rescued, if she had not
been stolen away, these past eight years, these past eight GOOD years,
she would never have known.
Mrvica, 04/99-04/08/09
Love you my dear Mrvica.
Nadezda Lolin
Ms. Bea, 02/04/09
The little beagle who made this world a better place.
May you run those rabbits every day in peace.
I will love you forever, Bea.
Paula Palumbo
Ms. C.C. Channel, 03/11/95-03/06/09
Channel, was loved by all who knew her.
She will be missed as she journey her way to heaven
I wished I could have carried her to the father hands
I don't have the mind of God
I only know what I know
I'm so not over her.........
Please, dear God someone catch my tears
Alicia Rosenthal
Ms. Collette, 03/19/09
Ms. Collette, sweet funny rolly polly barn cat, I will miss you greeting me every morning. I am sorry I did not keep you safe enough. Please be at peace. Know I loved you very much.
M. Buford
Ms Murphy, 04/11/09
Murphy I love you very much and could not see you suffer
any longer.
Wyatt and I will miss you greatly.
You added so much to my life and to June's.
You were my precious kitty.
Ms Princess Kitty, 03/04/08
Daddy, Mama, Anna and Rico miss you very much. You told
me it was time.
I knew this day would come eventually but it caught me by surprise that
when things were set in motion it happened so fast.
I remember when we picked you out at the shelter as a kitten.
Somehow I knew you were a survivor and survive you did.
You were with us on this bumpy road called life.
There were good times and bad times but you endured for 20 years as a strong
healthy kitty cat.
You were a good friend to Anna.
You loved being in the center of her teenage activity.
All her friends are mourning you now.
In your senior years you had a new friend named Rico who came to us as
a tiny puppy.
You were a good grandma to him and he loved you very much.
I know that at this very moment you are in Heaven where our Lord Jesus
Christ lives.
The Bible says that He cares about every living creature on earth.
The Bible also says that there are many mansions in heaven.
They will be our home when we go to be with the Lord.
You have gone ahead of me but I want you to go to my mansion and wait for
You will have Tulita, Scamper kitty and Snooks to play with.
There will be some special humans there also.
They will love you as much as I love you.
Time is short for us humans here on earth.
I look forward to seeing you again when I walk through the door of my heavenly
We love you very much, Mama, Daddy, Anna and Rico Rico
Ms. Ruby Grace, 01/24/09
Ms. Ruby was the first rescue I ever got, she was my Valentines
The first time I saw her my heart ached for her and can remember after
our first meeting I cried all the way home.
I knew I would give her a home.
While I only had Miss Ruby for 7 years, it was rewarding seeing her become the dog she should have always been. Coming out of her shell, soliciting for affection. . . forgetting the cruelty she had experienced at the hand of her original owner.
She broke my heart the first time I saw her I guess it
only fitting she broke it the last time I saw her.
She will be missed immensely!
Stephanie Caruso
Ms. Wiggles, 04/25/09
wiggles passed on peacefully after a long struggle....we love you lil dog
Tracy, Holly, and Ivy Ward
Muckers aka ChaChoo, 04/94-04/21/09
Muckers belonged to my Uncle until the age of 7 then our family adopted her and called her "ChaChoo". ChaChoo was a great companion to our Mondo Boy who passed just 9 months ago. ChaChoo was the sweetest little girl. ChaChoo taught Mondo how to do the Happy Dance in the lawn and did so on a daily basis. Mondo & ChaChoo are still doing the Happy Dance together and will always be together.
Michelle E
Mufasa, 07/12/09
In loving memory of Mufasa.
Your time with us was much too short.
Your carefree spirit and unconditional love will remain with us forever.
We are sad that you had to go.
Rest in peace, love.
Dawn Fleming & Tom Clfford
Mufasa Cumbee, 04/29/09
Mufasa was a sweet and loving chow. He has brought so much laughter and love into our family. Mufasa was a part of the family just like one of my children. He will be missed.
Tanya Cumbee
Mufasa's Eternal Sunshine - Fasa, 01/07/01-05/26/09
My baby boy was always there for me when I was upset/angry/happy
about anything.
He was always so happy and energetic.
I used to call him my chihuahua trapped in a great dane body because he
always wanted to play and had so much energy.
All he wanted was for me and his father to be happy.
I know he will visit me in my dreams and I will be able to see him again
at Rainbow Bridge.
Stacy Enyeart
Muffet, 04/19/00
You were the best...I still miss you
Jo-Anne Davis
Muffin, 07/06/95-06/20/09
Two weeks shy of your 14th birthday, we miss you but will keep your memory alive forever. Until we meet again......
Mom, Dad and Andrea
Muffin, 06/08/09
After 3 years living in a puppy mill that was eventually shut down by authorities we became Muffin's miracle and rescued her from a humane society. Although she was only able to be with us for 11 short months due to her illnesses from the treatment at the puppy mill, she was able to experience a loving home during that time. We miss you so much Muffin. Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives!
Muffin, 11/05/07
Muffin was the sweetest, most affectionate cat anyone
could ever hope to have.
She will live forever in my heart.
Muffin, 11/16/95-04/14/09
My Muffin honey, you had to leave today after a brave
fight with cancer. You were always a tough chick, not afraid of anything.
Your whole life showed courage and being the best of friends with me for
13 years.
I'll miss your eyes looking into mine, your zest for life, sharing a people
food snack, our walks and mostly, knowing you were near me.
The Rainbow Bridge has one of the best now, the angels made sure.
May you always fly with the love you have with you, from me.
Until we see each other at the "bridge" in my heart you always
With much love, Mommy.
Muffin, 04/13/09
Muffin, wonderful cat, you will always be remembered with love and laughter. May God hold you in his hands.
Muffin, 11/04/95-03/20/09
What can I say about Muffin. The funniest dog, her hugh
eyes were the windows to her soul.
She was my buddie.
I would hug her to sleep every night.
She was like my living stuffed animal.
Muffin always let us know what was on her mind, as she was also very vocal.
Sadly, the heart that loved us, gave way to her passing on.
We will miss her so much, and now she is running with the big dogs.
She loved to greet all dogs, so I am sure she is telling everyone what
to do, and watch out if you don listen, she will look at you with those
Esther Glickman
Muffin, 05/20/93-02/14/09
Muffin was a nice male cat.
He was not a healthy cat, but still lived a long time, and was always kind
and very easy going.
We loved Muffin very much and hope to be with him someday in heaven.
Joel Libove
Muffin, 05/28/05-02/16/09
Momma loves you baby muffie. We all miss you my special angel.
Muffin, 01/03/09
we miss you
Wendy, Jeff, Michelle, Jason
Muffin, 01/01/82-08/29/08
You will live forever in our hearts.
Marie & Jaime
Muffmuff, 04/06/92-02/27/09
i will forever miss her ,,,
Muffy, 09/25/05-11/15/05
I miss you baby. I think of you all the time. I LOVE YOU
Amiee' Hatfield
Muffy, 12/96-03/14/09
Totally devoted to her owner, Muffy was a beautiful loving
angel who blessed my life with wonderful times, lots of laughter and always
devoted love.
She has now crossed Rainbow Bridge to meet her sister, Prissy, who died
of diabetes in 2004.
Dolly Urdanick
Muffy, 11/2008
Mary Briggs
Muffy Lyall, 02/07/95-02/28/09
Muffy is in my heart and soul and she will always be missed. I love her so much - my heart aches for her.
Muggins, 02/01/96-01/14/09
Our beautiful, precious Muggins has joined his beloved Daisy at the Rainbow Bridge. They were met by Scamp and Lady and Maggie, and await us as we mourn their passings and thank them for their Love and tremendous blessings. Muggins ~ Mama and Papa Love you forever, sweet Baby Boy.
Mugsy, 12/29/08
to one of the sweetest pets I ever owned, he will never be forgotten
Mary Pavone
Mugsy, 04/04/01-01/19/99
My dear Mugsy, your life went by so fast. You were so shy. You were so happy to be with your brother and sister and your mom. I miss you and love you. You will always be in my heart.Until we meet again.
Joanne Purpura
Mugsy, 03/13/91-01/07/09
My beloved Musgsy was my best friend and only family for 18 wonderful years. It broke my heart to lose him. He will be loved forever
Donna Priselac
Mui CC), 07/16/09
Mui CC, i can't describe how i appreciate your love.
It is always the pets thanking the owners but not for us, right?
I truely deeply loved you in the past 12 years, since you got sick 3.5
weeks ago, i really noticed how much you loved me.
Thank you, Mui CC, for staying with me for 12 years.
I love you and miss you and you will always in my heart and i will always
remember how much you want me to be happy.
Thank you very very much.
Muko Aleknagik, 01/03/05-11/29/08
Muko was an awesome, loving, smart, friendly, wonderful
dog with big blue eyes. He came from Alaska to live with us in Pennsylvania.
He loved his daddy, he cared for me, he obeyed Diamond (his doggie big
sister), and was always kind to Tesslin, the infant we brought into our
At 3 years old he was diagnosed with bone cancer, and his back leg was
amputated to try to save his life. He walked right out of the vet's office
a day later. We thought he was out of danger but we were wrong. His greatest
love in life was taking walks and when he couldn't do that anymore it broke
our hearts to say goodbye. To Muko our beloved friend, we thank you for
the joy you brought to us. We will never forget you!
Jen and Dennis
Mulan, 03/05/98-06/20/09
My beautiful Mulan! Companion, gentle, loving, Diva, best friend. Never will be another dog like you. Love you so much my MuMu. Your Mom
Mulki, 06/16/09
My sweet,ever smiling Mulki Boy, you will live in my heart forever.I will always love you!
Multi, 06/10/04-06/19/09
I miss you more than words can express. I can't wait to
see you again someday. RIP my Multi girl.
Crystal, Bary, Houdini, Fluffy & Buddha
Munch, 05/2008-04/2009
our little buddy munch
you came and went so quickly, but you made such a profound impact on our
lives. we love and miss you alot.
Mike and Judy Carter
Munchie, 2004-12/15/08
My babygirl Munchie. It has been almost four months since you have passed and I still hurt like the day it happen. I know you are in a better place and free of pain but I want you with me. I still find the doggie bones that you have hidden. It must be a sign from you. My heart is with you.
Angela Wine
Munchkin, 03/25/05-02/03/09
You were a very special part of my life and you will always be in my heart.
Stacy Marcello
Munchkin, 01/20/92-07/08/08
I lost the best friend I have ever had on July 8, 2008.
The Munchkin had been a true and loving member of my family for 16 1/2
In the last few years of her life her eyesight and hearing had left but
her sense of smell was just as sharp as when she was a pup. She could still
smell those squirrels when she went outside.
I miss you old girl and I will always have a special place in my heart
set aside for you.
I know you are waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and we will be together
again one day.
Munka, 09/11/01-03/24/09
This is a tribute to my sweet, loving Munka who died today. I just want to say I love you and I will never forget you. Hopefully I will be able to stop crying some day soon. I love you Munka Bear
Catherine Hunt
Murdoc, 2003-05/30/09
To the "prettiest boy in the whole world"...
my Murds!
Can't stop crying!
Bugs and Mittens are missing
you too!
Yes, even Bugs! Sorry, I wasn't home when you "left"!
I guess it was for the best.
I wish you could've stayed longer Mernie!
Always in my heart, Fur-Face.
Love Mom, Mittens and Bugs
Muriel, 06/12/09
To my Muriel-girl:
You came to my door lost and hungry on a cold winter night about 8 yrs
You made yourself right at home with Johnny and Inky and
became my most loyal cat.
Wherever I went, you followed.
Oh, how you loved me to rub your ears and the way you would just plop your
hand in my cupped hand as we sat in the recliner.
I miss your funny, scratchy mew and your big light yellow-green
You looked like a cross between a plump turkey and a miniature Holstein
cow; as Eric used to say, "all she needs is a platter"!
You left me so suddenly, I didn't even know you were sick
- your last funny mew was in the pet carrier on the way to the vet that
Friday in June.
But you were gone by the time we got there.
I miss you in my bed and in my heart -- my most loyal "bunny rabbit".
Forever yours, Mommie XXXXXX
No one could have asked for a better friend. He was the best!
Murphy, 07/02/94-07/11/09
Murphy you brought such happiness and fun to my life for
15 years. I enjoyed all time we spent outside together hiking the woods
and trails around our home. You had a gift for making people smile.
You never met a person or an animal you didn't like. Your silly antics
always made me laugh. You were truly my very best friend and I love and
miss you so much and will never forget you.
Murphy, 03/11/96-07/08/09
My sweet boy, you will be missed greatly! xxooxxoo
Murphy, 06/01/09
To the best angel cat, he saved my life
Judy Schultz
Murphy, 05/03/08-06/03/09
Murphy.. although you were here for a short time, just
a little over a year.. you made your place in our hearts through your loving,
gentle ways.. unlike any other cat I've known.
I'll miss you and I'll be looking for you to come back and grace me once
again with your presence.
And if not here in my lifetime, then I will see you once again when I,
too, pass on to the non-physical realm.
Until next time, you'll be missed Murph...
Trisha Avery
Murphy, 05/23/09
Our Murphy was the light of our lives and touched everyone
he met.
Our favorite saying is "everyone loves Murphy."
He greeted us each day with joy and unconditional love. He lived almost
twice the average lifespan of a cockatiel and showed his strength and courage
until his last evening on earth.
We miss and love you little buddy.
Jeff & Kathryn
Murphy, 09/2000
Our Murph we often said was "not a good dog"
but a "nice dog". He got into lots of trouble...but he never
failed to love us, to cheer us up, to be our pillow.
He went everywhere...to the snow, in the boat, car trips.
He was never happier than when he was with his family.
He was "Dr Dog" to our 4 kitties - and was so gentle and kind.
We have many funny stories and happy memories about Murphy - and will never
forget him.
His ashes are a redwood box between two bookends and I still miss him every
Bob Suzan Riddell & Zach Crane
Murphy, 04/05/09
Brenda Strappelli
Murphy, 05/2009
Goodbye my dear old friend. Thankyou so very much for the last 15 years of cuddles, love and adventures. May you run with boundless energy and find a great place to laze in the sun. You will be deeply missed and my memories will be treasured. See you on the other side Sweet Pea xx.
Rainer Family
Murphy, 04/25/09
Murphy was my best friend. I wanted a horse my whole life
and my wish came true when I least expected it. Murph came into my life
while getting ready to go to college. I didn't think much about it, he
was more a thought for my sister.
When we brought Murphy to live in Meredith I became the closest person
to him. We grew a bond unlike any other. He became my best friend. My confident.
I told him everything. Whenever I was stressed or upset going to see him
always cheered me up. Many times I would go and just sit with him, sharing
the worries and thoughts in my head. Although he never said anything, and
just kept on eating his hay, I knew he was listening. I still remember
the first day he hugged me. I would always hug his neck and usually he
would stand there, until one day he hugged back. He wrapped that strong
beautiful neck around me and showed me his love.
Murphy helped me through college. Maybe that was his job. He got me through
some tough times with his patience and love. He let me know that if I worked
hard I would get through it. With his help I became the person I am today.
He helped me to become confident in things I was scared of, especially
trail-riding. It was his favorite and he quickly pulled me to the same
I will miss Murphy very much but he will always be on my mind and in my
heart. I look forward to the day that we meet again.
I love you Murphy...forever and always.
Lauren Vanni
Murphy, 04/22/09
Murphy was so special to us.He was our Family.Now we have this empty space that nothing can fill.He meant the world to us and we will never get over him.
Steffani Edwards
Murphy, 10/03/92-04/10/09
Murphy's spirit came through even in the end.
15 1/2 and still wanting to live maybe even only for me.
His arthritis tried to stop him, his hearing and eyesight was still good
enough to find food, and hear me coming home.
His sniffer was still solid!
He had a growth that had gotten infected on his hip and we did everything
except put him through surgery to remove.
God knows he probably would have come through it, but I couldn't bear to
force him to hang on for me.
The moley and sub-moleans were going to take over and drain him of all
his energy sooner or later, that I could not stand.
He had his dignity at the end.
We spent holy week "Murphin around"
That is eating and drinking and just hangin out, so feel free to use the
term, it sounds good and is quite enjoyable.
Murph taught me many things like this in his time on earth.
On this Good Friday April 10th, Murphy has gone to the Rainbow Bridge to
find his many pals that have gone before.
I know his spririt will live on in God's capacity, and he will be with
me forever.
I love and miss you Murph! (Murphilophicous, The Murphinator, Shitty, The
white beast, The white fox, The hairy beast, Puddy, etc) shall I say more??
Be waiting for me buddy, I'll come and find you one day.
Lisa D. Robinson
Murphy, 03/17/96-04/04/09
They say 13 years is a long, full life for a dog - we say not nearly enough, cherished girl. We love you - go with God.
Jeffrey Smythe and Joe Ogle
Murphy, 03/21/09
You touched our lives in so many ways in such a short time.
Thank you for sharing our love, our home and our hearts.
Paige and John Babcock
Murphy, 06/08/97-02/16/09
Murphy was our life.
He came into this world on June 8, 1997 and into my heart on July 24th.
He was my college graduation present from my mom.
I had always wanted a Golden Retriever and he was my dream dog come true!
He was absolutely perfect and had a kind expression and temperament - his eyes were deep brown and he had the most beautiful eyelashes.
He matured into a wonderful friend and companion.
He went everywhere with me - he was and always will be part of me.
Murphy loved food more than anything else ... beef especially.
It didn't matter what kind.
I used to call him "my snot" since he usually shied away from
other dogs but took to people immediately.
He attributed it to his good looks and charm.
He was probably right.
He was a beautiful animal that adapted to my life easily.
He tolerated Manhattan but couldn't understand apartment dwelling and why
other dogs were in his house and using his tree!
He was delighted when we moved to Connecticut and he returned to his 'burbs
lifestyle that he enjoyed as a puppy.
He said his dad saved us from the evil city!
Murphy loved his Dad from the first time they met.
It was Christmas and this new friend of his mom's bought him a huge stocking
filled with treats and toys.
He knew that one day he would be his "official" Dad.
He accepted his brother Max after a weekend of bonding while camping and
learned to live with Max's bad habits of stealing his toys.
He taught his little rescue golden brother how to beg and get away with
He passed his love of swimming to his little cousin Augie the month before
he got sick.
He also taught Max how to scam a cookie by "faking" going out
to the pee patch. He could belch with the best of 'em - no one could believe
it was coming from the dog!
He got sick but fought it for 5 months.
He improved for a while and we got a second chance with him.
I will always cherish that gift of additional time.
In the last few weeks his condition got worse and worse but he tried everyday
to stay strong but his limbs couldn't hold him up any longer.
I looked into his eyes yesterday and he told me he was tired.
I had to honor his wishes and do what was best for him even though it hurts
so much.
He was surrounded by the people that loved him most - his mom, dad and
grandma "cookie". We're going to miss you Murphy (Smurphy) you
made us better people by allowing us to be your humans.
Jason, Liz and Max Doyle
Murphy, 11/24/96-01/22/09
You made us a family.
We will always love you.
Anne Marie Noyes
Murphy, 01/10/95-01/05/09
Our precious faithful companion of 14 years, crossed the bridge last night. We will never, ever forget him, nor will anyone who ever met him. He was a beautiful boy and had a heart as big as the universe. He is a hero to all dog's with Cushing's Disease as he was the lead dog in a study to approve Trilistane, which will save many dogs and add years to their lives with their masters.We are blessed that he touched so many lives and rejoice that his pain has ended. The void he left behind can never be filled. He was our soulmate and our hearts are aching. We could have had another 20 years with him and it still would never be enough time to love and care for him, as he did for us. We pray that he is in God's hands now and that he is running and playing with other pets. He especially loved our lovely cat, Maya. He welcomed her into his heart at the age of 12 when she was only 8 weeks old. She gave him a reason to keep going on for 2 more years, despite his Cushing's. Her goodbye to him broke our hearts as she tenderly licked his face and cleaned his eyes. Please pray for her and our 2 kitties, Marley and Miley, who only knew him for 8 short months. Murph "the Wonder Dog" is missed greatly and will live in our hearts as long as we are on this earth. Words do not exist to describe the pain we are feeling, and we pray that time will ease our suffering. We know his pain is over and that is what will sooth us during our worst days.
Kathleen and Michael Servello
Murphy, 07/08/07-12/31/08
Taken too soon and missed by so many.
Rosi, Guy and I will never forget your intelligence and personality.
Our hearts are broken.
Elisa Cabrales
Murphy Avery, 06/03/09
To a special kitty
Murphy Brown, 10/24/97-06/04/09
Your spirit and attitude exceeded the limitations of your
tiny body.
You brought us such happiness and joy.
We will love you and remember you forever.
Mom, Dad, Walter, Barkley and Katia
Murphy Brown Smith, 02/16/09
Murphy you were a real treasure and brought great joy to our lives and to the kids lives - the house is empty without you, we miss you dearly - thank you for being our companion for 14 1/2 years - all our love
Robert and Sandra Smith
Murphy Bug, 04/01/03-03/14/09
My Beloved Bug passed away early saturday morning 3/14/09.
He was my best friend whom i loved with my whole heart.
He was the imbodiment of love always happy to see me and show his love
for me.
He talked to me and loved to play - his personality was always childlike
displaying the ever present innocense of his heart.
He never asks or demanded anything and gave with his whole heart all the
love he had to give.
The loss of him has left the biggest whole in my heart and does not even
seem real.
I woke up this morning thinking it had all been a dream only to relive
my pain over and over again. With each passing day i pray that God will
give me his peace.
I am thank ful that God brought this little light of joy into my life for
the brief time that i had him.
People say that animals don't have souls but that is not true.
The bible tells us that you need a soul to love and my beloved BUG knew
only how to love so to me, he had a soul.
I know that one day i will see him again.
God takes care of the animals and they know their creator - they are not
deniers of the almighty like man has come to be.
My beloved BUG will be so missed, i will miss his kisses, his barks of
joy and his prancing when he knew he was about to get a treat.
I will miss his snuggles when he tried to comfort me, I will miss his playful
spark when he wanted to be a little mischievious.
Lord please help me to deal with this pain.
Lord please give me your peace and if it be your will use me to help others
who find themselves in the same place.
If it is God's will i will once again give my heart to another loving dog
who needs someone to love them and care for them.
My heart has a hole and hopefully one day i will be able to heal. I will
never be able to replace my BUG and would never think to do so, but i have
so much love that i feel that i can help another animal and bless them
they way the Lord has always blessed me.
Please pray for me and my BUG that my heart with be healed and that the
Lord has my BUG and his little soul is in the comfort of God's caring hands.
God does not create anything that does not have a purpose or that he does
not have a plan for.
He does not create waste.
It is with this that i hold in my heart the firm knowledge that my BUG
is with the Lord.
Thank you Lord for giving me my BUG and if you must take him - please give
me your peace and understanding - please heal my ever broken heart.
Kimberly Vonnieda
Murphy Rea, 03/17/97-02/17/09
I will hold you close in my heart forever my sweet little
You loved Mommy and Daddy so much.
It was so hard to let you go.
I know you are happy where you are with Shannon and will always look after
us from above.
Forever our love, Mom and Dad
Murphy Thompson, 02/10/01-30/06/09
Murphy entered our lives after we contacted the Cat Protection
League. They told us he kept returning to his old house and because he
had such a trusting nature - some boys were picking him up and setting
his whiskers alight, his family decided to rehome him.
He was in a cage and he literally ran and jumped into my daughter Michelle's
arms. We took him home straight away and fell totally in love with him.
Our girl cat Bumble was a bit cross but got used to him
soon enough. Murphy was a truly beautiful boy, he had soft green eyes,
pink pads, and long silky ginger fur over his head, back and tail.
His chest, legs, tummy and lower face was white.
His nature was sunny, funny, naughty and most of all friendly, he adored
everyone and sat outside to greet the neighbours, milkman, postie etc.
People who don't like cats loved him as he was so bright
and friendly. My baby boy was really Michelle's and went everywhere with
her. He put up with my Granddaughter Vicky, picking him up and would cuddle
and kiss her. During the day he would go off exploring and could be seen
asleep or playing with the other cats in the cemetery. Or he might climb
onto the table in the garden.
His favourite spot was in the middle of the flower bed amongst the Forget
Me Nots, under the honeysuckle, he used to look so pretty.
He would go visit several neighbours and everyone in the square would stroke
him, which he lapped up.
He lay in the middle of the road and the drivers would say 'come on move
out the way Murphy' and he would, slowly!
When Michelle and Vicky moved into their own flat they had to leave him with us as she knew he loved his freedom - exploring the gardens and the cemetery behind the house. She wept buckets because he was her friend and baby, he slept on the bed with her at night and cuddled her in the evenings.
My husband Ray is a night worker and when the girls left
home I was lonely on my own after work, Murphy sensed this and was my best
friend, if I was using my apple Mac, he would stand behind me and nuzzle
my neck, any important document would be sat on even books and newspapers.
He could be funny, if he wanted to come in he would sort of paddle against
the glass door until it squeaked!! we called him the window cleaner. He
would hang off the kitchen cupboard door where his food sachet's were kept
and all the top of the cupboard was scratched.
Sometimes he was a pig and ate so fast he threw up (ugh)!
When I went out, he would follow me down the road and I'd tell him to go home, I'd get in the car and look in the mirrors and he'd be sitting in the middle of the road watching me go. At night He'd run across the road while I parked up to greet me, meowing like mad and wrapping himself round my legs until I picked him up. If I walked back from the shops he'd run down the road to greet me. When Ray got back from work at about 6am everyday, both he and Bumble would be waiting for him and would come in and pester him for dinner. I'd get up and feed them and off they would go again in the summer. In the winter they'd settle in for a wonderful sleep.
My neighbour would feed them when we went away and she'd
let them in and out of the house, I loved going home to see my babies.
He was even happy to accept a new member of the family when Michelle moved
again and couldn't keep her cat YumYum. He loved chasing her and when she
hissed at him he'd look so surprised!!
Murphy was central in our lives, our bright beautiful
Michelle and Vicky stayed last Sunday night and went straight to school
on Monday this week, Vicky went off on a 5 day school trip and Michelle
planned on staying over. They bought Vicky's hamster Troy with them. That
evening the hamster got sick, Murphy was sitting on the table having cuddles
and watching, he put his nose to the cage and was rewarded with a nip!!
He was full of dinner eventually got down and curled up
in my handbag.
We went to bed. My beloved precious baby boy came and woke me up at about
4am and I let him out and went back to bed.
At about 6.00am Ray banged on the door in a panic and Michelle rushed downstairs, our darling, dearly beloved cat had been struck by a vehicle just before, it must have been instant, Ray had been driving towards home and saw a ginger & white cat laying in the middle of the road, he stopped and realised it was Murphy, picked him up off the road and brought him home. He was perfect, a tiny drop of blood was on his mouth and he was warm and cuddly but DEAD. Oh God I simply could not believe it.
Michelle and I brushed him and took a couple of snips
from his coat (underneath so it didn't spoil it.
We went into the garden and Ray dug a grave under the lavender bush in
his favourite place where the forget me nots grow in the spring. The earth
was hard and dry, Michelle sat with poor Murphy cuddled in her arms until
his grave was ready, he was so pretty. She put him in and that was the
last we saw of our precious baby boy. I put some earth on him and poor
Ray had to finish up, cos I couldn't bear it, we can't stop crying.
My dear boss gave me the day off, but poor little Troy the hamster was so ill we had to rush her to the vet and they put her to sleep, all this on the same day! Michelle is distraught. We opened Murphy's grave and put Troy in, they rest together.
I feel sick and have deep pain in my chest, I can't breath
properly, I drop off to sleep and jerk awake and realise all over again
that he has gone, he was only 8 years old.
Why did he cross the road just then? Why did I let him out I should have
sensed it. I know I will never have a cat like him again, he was so special,
my arms ache to hold him, to feel his purr and his silky coat, his rough
little tongue licking my hands.
I open the curtains and he's not there waiting to come in. I drive up the
street he's not there. I walk towards the house and just little Bumble
is there waiting.
Bumble and Yum Yum are standing vigil in the garden over his grave, yesterday they both were making strange meows and will only leave the garden if we take over the vigil. I have put a beautiful Egyptian cat statue of Bastet on the grave, and some flowers and a candle in a lantern. My Gargoyles stand guard. At the weekend we will buy some pretty stones and make a cairn, then I will plant the rock flowers on top.
Vicky is due back tomorrow from her holiday, she knows
nothing she will have to be told that her little hamster is dead which
will be a bad blow as her father died in Nov 07, but worse still is the
news about Murphy.
Poor little girl. I have nearly 100 pictures of him, he was such a poser
and loved the camera.
I will get Vicky to help me download a file and have an album printed,
she can help with it all, I dread tomorrow.
We have waited to have a memorial celebration of Murphy's life til she
gets back.
Murphy you were so very loved, you were our baby boy,
a cat in a billion. We will never forget you and await that time when you
run over the Rainbow bridge and we are all reunited - together forever.
RIP our dearest little friend.
I'll not be far, I promise that, and hope you'll always
that my spirit will be close to you wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.
I'll not be far, I promise that, and hope you'll always
that my spirit will be close to you wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.
Mary Thompson
I love you. May the wings of angels bring you to Sadie and heaven forever
Murray Christmas, 07/21/06-04/04/09
You were my very heart.
Jodi Walters
Mush, 03/13/09
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect companion. Thank you for all the love.
Bernadette Fase
Mushu, 05/22/98-07/14/09
Mushu...first Grandma found you in a pet store...and soon
Bill ( Daddy)saw you and came by...they both saw this beautiful saimnese
male cat...in a cage...he had really long legs...and deep, deep blue eyes.
He had a part of his belly that hung down and swang back and forth as he
ran. And when Bill picked him up...the cat layed down in his arms and layed
his head on Bill's arm...like he found his home. Bill kept going back and
forth..and finally on christmas eve - 1998....both Bill & Shell decided
to bring him home to live with them and their 2 cats. Bill decided to call
him Mushu....and when he first met the other cats he did his deep saimese
meow while trying to eat their food!..meoowa.meoowa.meoowa He had found
his home. Mushu my love..you help me through so much, Both when Mocha passed
away and when Misto and Ku died as well last year. I know that when Ku
left..she took a part of you with her...because you were never the same.
We at least got to have you for 1. - each day you spent sleeping with me
in bed...you always got as close as you could.You also had to search out
everyones hand with your face- you always had to rub your face against
their hands...you also loved it when Daddy rubbed your nose. I think you
were a little miffed when Bill brought home 2 new kitties..sisters.. they
had to be closed off in our room for 2 weeks so you could not stay with
me - they had kennel cough ad we did not want you sick. - It took you awhile
to get used to them...but you did...but I know they did not replace Ku.
I will always remember you jumping up on Bill(dad's side of the bed to
get to me...I know you started out his cat..and you were..but you were
also mine. - You kept me safe when I could not sleep. You stayed with me
when I was so sad .....it has been 1 year ago today that Misto passed away..it
will be 1 year tomorrow for Ku. I cannot believe you left me on this day..I
have been dreading this time for the last few weeks and here we went again...losing
you... I will never understand why. Please go find Mocha, Misto and your
beautiful Ku...tell them Momma and Daddy love them still so much...and
to wait for us there...we will see you again our babies...I promise. -
Dont forget us....ok? We love you baby boy!.....love Daddy & Mom &
Molly & Mimi And Anabelle -aka Squeakers.
Musket, 06/01/99-04/04/09
A wonderful wheaten cairn, all terrier, who was the love of our lives. He was a little stubborn, just like all terriers, but he most lovable cuddle dog that ever lived. Or hearts are broken over the loss of our little guy.
Brian Cutler
Musubi, 11/18/96-02/27/09
We cannot thank you enough for all the love you have given us throughout the years! Although we were very sad to let you go, we are at peace knowing you are no longer disabled and unhappy. Your physical body could no longer hold your big, lovng spirit, so we had to set you free.
You have done so much for all of us; I hope you know that. Thank you for taking such great care of Destin all these years. Since we brought him home from the hospital, you have been his guardian angel. Please continue to watch over him and ~herd~ him as grows. I will never be able to thank you enough for protecting him!
We have been through some tough times, haven't we? I will never forget how you would use your body as a shield and guard me during "those times". You were always there when I needed someone to talk to when noone else cared. You were always at my side in good company. There was never a time I doubted your loyalty or unconditional love...I just hope I have done enough in return.
I miss everything about you. I miss hearing the little noises you made that filled the room with your presence. I miss feeling you paw and scratch my thigh for food. I miss the way you would argue with the piggies, especially BearBear when he was spazzing out. I miss the way you smiled. I miss the sound of your barking non-stop for ice. I miss your super awesome bug-catching skills! I miss the way you used to talk to us with your sneezes...I even miss your stinky farts! There is a big hole in my heart now that you are gone, but I know this is only temporary...as I will see you again.
Now that you don't have to watch your diet, you can eat all the steak and Kraft cheese you want up there! Please look for Nibbles and let her show you around. I know you will take good care of each other while we're apart. Whitey and Sammy are also there waiting to finally meet you!
Everyone loves and misses you so much, Musu! We are lucky and proud to have had you as part of the family for the past 12 years and you will continue to live on in our hearts forever. You were such a handsome and good boy and we couldn't have asked for a better friend. Thank you again for everything. You left your paw prints on our hearts! We miss you, MUSUBI!
Eternally YOUR humans,
Nikki, Aaron, Destin, Mom & Dad
Eternally YOUR piggie,
P.S. Please come and visit us "again" whenever you want. It is comforting knowing that you already did. Thanks for that!
Mushy, 01/19/09
Our special little girl. You were bought into this world too soon & we nurtured you back to health & you left us too soon. You were strong & amazing. You may have been different from all the others, but that's what made you extra special. We love you Mushy Wushy! Go & be with your dad Rudy.
Mutley, 01/15/09
Mutley, the day that you were found in 1995 wandering
the streets was meant to be, we are all so grateful that you shared your
life with us and it was an honor to know you. Our lives were made richer
and were touched by your happy little soul.
You were a lovely wee cute doggy woggy with your bright eyes and happy
humor. You did not ask for much in life and you gave so much.
You had a good, happy long life. Arthur loved you and looked after you
well in your last years.
We know that you are in a better place and no longer ailing and aged and
will be getting back to your usual bouncy self by now.
Wait for us over the rainbow bridge we will be there as soon as we can
get there, we miss you and love you.
Goodnight sweet darling baby boy. xxxxxxx
Arthur, Wendy, Zara and Sam
Mutley Probert, 20/12/08
we miss you so much my baby boy.you are wondefull.so special my darling.stay wih me always love you,mum xxxx
My Dharma, 01/01/04-11/21/08
I love you so much my Dharma.
I know it's been several months, but the pain is still so real.
I didn't realize how much I needed you until you weren't there anymore.
No matter who else comes into my life, you will always be my baby...my
You will always have the biggest piece of my heart.
I know Gramma is up there with you, playing with you and loving you.
It makes me feel a little better, but I
still wish you were here with me.
I love you so, so much...I miss you so, so much...and I always will
My Margi Puppy Girl, 04/28/94-01/15/09
My Puss Puss, 07/11/09
My love Puss Puss will always b remember by who she was, but not what I say on the 11 Jul 09. My love 4 u knows no end. I love u mom's baby
My Shadow, 11/05/08
my "shadow" passed away on nov 5th 2008~he was a stunning russian blue~he livwed almost 22 years~healthy years~i just found this site and was so touched i had to add him~i know hes waiting for me in rainbow bridge~i really still miss him~thanks terrie~
Mya, 12/01/04-07/03/09
A sweet little dog who loved to love.
Shannon, Kim, Shannon & Nick Luckey
Mya, 04/21/09
Mya, my most beautiful angel
When you came to live with us after such a horrible start
to life, I promised you that for the rest of your life, you would not know
pain in the way that you did in your life before us.
We had 6 beautiful years together, and I love you more than words can describe.
Letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I had to
make good on the promise I made so many years ago.
Every day without you is so difficult, and I am always expecting you to
walk into the room or to see you on your bed in the corner.
I look forward to going to sleep every night in the hopes that you will
visit me in my dreams.
Please know that I love you more than I have ever loved anyone and that
I look forward to being with you again.
You are one in a lifetime and you will always by my mooiste engel.
We love you every minute of every day.
Your Daddies
Myaa, 02/20/09
Myaa BrownDog Ceglowski Wise,
I cannot begin to imagine how many miles you have travelled with me both
literally, and figuratively.
You came to me when you were just 3 weeks old, the accidental offspring
of a mom Rottie and a dad Boxer.
Together we have lived in many different places as I completed vet school,
my internship and then onto my job as a large animal veterinarian...but
no matter where we lived it was home if I had you by my side.
You have been my protector, my companion, and my most loyal friend.
You have always been a constant source of unconditional love and joy to
me and at this moment I can't begin to imagine life without you by my side.
My heart aches with missing you right now but I know that heaven is a place
where you are greeted by all the dogs you have ever loved.
Bye' for now my brave companion of the road.
CJ Wise
Myles Mohr, 12/28/95-04/16/09
Mommy misses you soooo much. I hope we will see each other again one day.
Mary Mohr
I will always remember you Bub. I love you so much.
Mystery, 03/27/09
Mystery came into our lives as a tiny cat who had her
kittens in our wood pile.
She was a little rolly polly kitty with short legs.
Mystery asked for nothing except to be loved, kept warm and fed.
She was undemanding, loving and a very loud purr machine. Mystery would
walk up to you and raise her paw up to you as if she were reaching up to
be petted. When her breast cancer became too painful for her to enjoy her
life anymore,we made the painful decision to help her over the Rainbow
She died peacefully in my arms looking at me and listening to my voice.
I miss her so much and I will always love her.
Sherri Fisher Staples
Mystery (Stray Cat), 02/02/09
i only knew mystery for 3 weeks,he was a very skinny stray,that
showed up in my yard,i cared for him for 3 weeks,and exactly 3 weeks i
also had to end his suffering,i dont want him to leave without any recognition,to
everyone else he was invisible,to me he was beautiful.he left a lasting
impression,and i for one will never forget him,i was honored he chose me
fly free,dear old cat,wait for me cause im your mama always and forever
Trish Howes
Mystic, 09/2008
Baby Mystic...though you were so young and so little...you blessed our home with your shy cute way...batting your eyes and swishing your beautiful tail...Im so sorry honey you got so sick so quickly...we all miss you and yet I feel you everywhere......someday we will be together again...untill then dear one...enjoy your eternal life with someone who never had a kitty before...maybe a child? Share your love with them....I love you so much....as does daddy....
Lucy Pintouri-Godwin
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