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K.C., 04/15/94-06/29/09
My sweet girl. She would come to comfort me when I cried but now my tears are for her. My baby dog and I have grown up together over the past fourteen years and I will always love her and cherish my memories of her.
Sarah and Arlys
K.C., 06/18/09
I can't believe 20 years have passed so fast. You are the best cat I ever had. i don't know how I'm going to live without you. Rest in peace.
Lori Neitzel
K.C., 03/01/00-03/11/09
Everyone agreed, you were one of the sweetest dogs ever.
Jan King
Kaboodle, 01/22/09
Dear sweet Boo.
Be happy at the Rainbow Bridge when we will meet again.
Kabuki, 1973
We got you, with your lovely seal pointy face and
blue eyes, to keep Sakura company.
I know she was not very welcoming and not the most loving big
I had no idea how interactive a Siamese could be!
Soon you held your own.
Although you and Sakura never seemed close, you were company for
each other,
I hope.
You moved with us to the "good life" at Stearns Hill Road and
then with me to the single apartment.
I don't know if you ever understood what happened, why it was
just the
3 of us.
Then I changed.
I went crazy, I think.
I do not to this day understand it.
I have no excuse.
The only thing is, it turned out to be better than what might
have happened
if I had kept you.
I had a bad accident and had to go away for over 2 weeks and
then I had
to move where I could not have pets.
So bad things were on the way, it seems.
That does not make up for taking you and Sakura to that place,
giving Sakura
to that family, then taking you inside and leaving you in that
cat room.
The man said Siamese did not do well there.
I hope you did!
I hope someone came and took you to a real forever home.
I hope you adapted and became happy.
I hope people were good to you and kept you safe and loved you
and let
you love them.
I never forgot you or how awful it was for me to have abandoned
you and
been mean and scary before that day.
I always wondered about you, until over 20 years passed and I
knew you
must have gone on to the next world.
Maybe you see Sakura there.
I am so sorry. For years and years I have been praying for God
to forgive
me for abandoning you.
All I can say is thank you for the years when we were together
and I became
a better cat owner and friend to all animals because of you.
I love you, baby.
Kabuki Cat, 10/31/90-02/22/09
You came into our lives and gave all the love you
I hope that you found Bug Man and are playing over the rainbow
Jo Bush
Kacey, 03/16/01-06/02/09
Kacey, you were a dog apart. Silly, goofy, never a day went by that you didn't make me laugh. I will miss the way you rubbed your head against me, and the way you barked like a little bratty kid whenever you didn't get your way. There will never be a dog like you in my life again. I will always love and remember you buddy boy.
Alexis Clawson
Kacey, 03/14/09
Good bye darling Kacey.
it will be so hard to not see you around the house.
im glad you are at peace and no longer in pain. Your mom will
miss you
so much. as will I. you were the sweetest most loving girly and
your constant
affection will be greatly missed!
im sorry i didnt get to say good bye.
- auntie claire
Kaci, 01/21/09
Kaci will be missed in our household.
She was part of the family, her energy was contagious.
She was the best dog I have ever had and to be taken from us too
We are all heartbroken.
Kaci we will miss you and you will always be in our hearts.
Jennifer Pliske
Kadee Miller, 03/13/97-12/30/08
Our princess is gone.
She went to the rainbow bridge Tuesday afternoon after a short
She was playing with her new Christmas toys and running in the
yard on
Monday, and after Tuesday morning seemed to start normally for
her, she
suffered a spinal/neurological problem and could not walk.
We tried so hard -- she saw all the experts.
Even without the use of her rear legs, she was graceful and kind
in her
last hours as always.
She loved petting and she was petted a lot on her last day.
She passed on with us in the room with lots of hugs and kisses.
We miss you princess Kadee.
Your buddies are still looking for you, but I think they know
I wish I could see you running on the beach in heaven.
I know it is nice.
Goodbye sweet Princess.
We love you.
Dave and Cy Miller
Kaden, 05/01/96-04/01/09
I hope you are at peace and playing with all the other pets in heaven.
I hope you are happy and not mad at me in any way.
I can't wait to see you by the rainbow bridge someday where we will walk and talk forever.
I love you and miss you very much. Please send me a sign that I know you are free of pain, that you are happy and in heaven with God.
Kady, 04/19/09
kady was only 3yrs old. She was the daughter my husband and i never had. She was her daddy's little girl. She wasn't acting herself on that friday night and we new something was wrong. we despretly searched for a animal hospital. after getting kady there they did some blood work and an x-ray on her back. blood work came back fine and her x-ray showed a little sign of irritation on her spine. at that time she was still walking. they perscribed some meds and told us to limit her activity. we didn't even make it out of the waiting room and she had a seizure. We decided to let them keep her for 24 hours to make sure she didn't seize again. we called a few times to check on her and they said she was doing o.k but after her being gone for 12 hours we wanted to bring her home. before we left the hospital we noticed she really didn't want to stand and when we walked her she started to drag her left paw. they assured me she was ok. so we drove 45 min. home. by the time we got in the house she couldn't walk at all. she hates her paws touched so i decided to mess with them and she had no feeling. when i tried to help her up she had no control over her bladder. at that time i new it was serious. so we rushed her back to the hospital. we were gonna spend the money on immediate back surgery. but the doc didn't give her a good chance she would walk again. not only were we dealing with her not being able to walk we were wondering why she had a seizure. they said the best thing would be to put her down becuse she wouldn't have a good quality of life. my poor husband had to make that decission. it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. now he blames himself. wondering if he did the right thing by not doing more extensive testing and the surgery. you can tell she was in pain. even though it would of cost me over $5,000 if we new she would walk again i would have paid anything. but she got worse so fast. We are both in so much pain right now and we miss her so badly. i guess it doesn't help not knowing what was wrong with her and if we did the right thing. we feel so guilty. Kady will forever be in our hearts and missed terrible. our hearts are broken. we would give anything to have her give us "kady kisses" I don't no what to believe but i hope and pray our animals go to heaven and we see her again one day.
Kelly Wentz
Kaesha & Kenta, 11/28/92-10/30/06
Only hours have passed since you were here, lying
in your
You were having trouble taking breaths, I wish was only in my
Although you choose last night to leave, as sudden as it was,
I knew I had to say goodbye without understanding the "because".
Today I look into the open field, where you and Kaesha once
Comforting myself with the thoughts, of a reunion you have made.
We are left with extraordinary gratitude, of times that we
Cherishing the love and memories, of every place we went.
Go run and play with Kaesha once more, as you are not alone.
Look down on us from time to time, remembering what you used to
call home.
We will be here missing you both, and know that we are okay.
And will look forward to the time we meet, where we can play
again all
Trish Duncan
Kahless Alderink, 03/06/94-06/18/09
Kahless has many doctors to thank for his long happy life. One of his last vacation pictures can be seen at
Kyle Alderink
Kahlua, 07/87-11/30/00
Heaven couldn't have told me that so many years
I'd still drop tears over you.
We had year after year of mutually loving moments.
Our love for each other was TRULY unconditional.
Mommy has since gotten another pet who I love,
but no
love will ever surpass that which I still have for you.
My sweet little beanie.
Me, your daddy, your grandma and auntie still miss you so.
I have your picture in a frame, and I blow you a kiss all the
Roberta Butler, Roland Atley, Joan Atley, Gail Atley
Kahlua, 09/20/06-03/30/09
Kahlua was our beautiful baby girl fawn boxer.
She was
the sweetest most loving and loved puppy in the world.
Her poor little heart was to weak to last and she passed at only
2 1/2
years old. She truly was a special pet, friend and family
member. We miss
you so much Kahlua. There is not a day we will not think about
you. You
truly meant the world to us. We love you so much - Mama, Daddy
and Floyd
Kahlua, 03/23/09
I am sorry I couldn't save you and I didn't know you had parvo. I love you and I will miss you, and so will the rest of the family.
Kristin Valdiviezo
Kahlua, 06/03/91-03/22/02
Kahlua, I still remember the day I brought you
home. So
demure and small at 5 weeks, 3 days. You and Bear went
everywhere with
us. To Christmas tree farms, pumpkin patches and we enjoyed many
in the ebb tides of the Pacific Ocean. We celebrated each
birthday with
'galloons' and you hunted for Easter eggs every year. But on
March 22,
2002, I knew something was wrong.
I held your head in my lap,tears streaming down my face as the
vet began
the process that would take you to Rainbow Bridge. You gave one
final glance
upwards to my face, touching the depth of my soul,licked my hand
and then
you were gone. Please wait for me Kahlua. You are in my heart
and I love and miss you so much.
Kai, 06/08/04-06/20/09
Kai "Beauty," you were loved by and brought
joy to everyone you met. Recently Morgan asked me if I would
trade you
for her boxer!
You will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts.
Mom, Dad, Jen, Lou, G.T., Pricepatia, Hipoty, and your best bud Heidi
Kaiko, 03/27/97-07/02/08
To my best friend and Companion Kaiko "Mommy loves you and misses you..."
Kaila Lynn, 02/08/00-06/17/09
I still cant believe you are gone. I keep
thinking maybe
this is all a dream and you will still be there waiting for me
when I get
home. It breaks my heart all over again when I remember that
this is real
and I will never see you again.
You were so willing to do whatever I asked of you. You were so
of all the orphaned babies I brought home, teaching them how to
be good
You were my first friend, my first agility dog and my first
loss. I dont
know how I am going to get along without you.
Kristina Karraker
Kaiman, 03/90-04/2006
It has been three years...still miss you!
Kaiser, 08/19/95-06/08/09
Kaiser, the wonderful, crazy Boxer boy who romped
life with happiness and vigor, and who charged through two and a
half years
of degenerative myelopathy with a lifted head and curious eyes.
Fourteen years, your legacy, and we feel you romping with us to
this day,
Enjoy your new-found spiritual freedom and perceptive framework!
Another day?
We'll be there.
-- Jon and all who loved you.
Kaiser, 11/25/08-03/29/09
Kaiser, Our little guy, your going to be missed by everyone in the family, you brought so much happiness to us in such a short time, you'll anyways be in our hearts.
TJ, Jen, Ethan, Digger and Rowdy
Kaiser, 08/27/87-12/20/08
Our beloved Kaiser loved chasing squirrels,
barking at
kayaks and laying on his perch.
Fiercely loyal and loving to the end.
Arva and David
Kaiser Chief, 03/03/09-06/07/09
Kaiser our beloved little angel, we love you so much. You made us happy and now we miss you so bad!So many things we want to say.... But baby know that you always going to be deep in our hearts and patiently we will wait for the day when you and us reunite. Thank you for having been in our lives and specially thank you for letting us know that you are o.k mow! We love you Kaiser!!! Our apatotas.
Guadalupe and Eulalio Perez
Katie-lynn, you will always be the BEST dog - the
best dog ever. You guarded our children and our yard for many
years, even
after you were injured long ago in duty! No one ever knew a dog
who knew
as many words as you! You amazed everybody, even just by
surviving as long
as you did.
If ever there was a genteel, grand lady, it was you. Your brave
heart kept you here much longer than you should have stayed, but
you never
never complained about your pain.
Please know that we are grateful to you for your love and
acceptance of
each of us. I am sorry that your last days were so hard - I
should have
helped you sooner. Please know that you were never a burden to
us - it
was just so frustrating to watch you struggle. Your presence was
so big
- I had no idea how much your spirit filled this house up!
In secret I still cry - what it meant to see you go, know one
but you and
I will ever know..
Have fun - run and play like you haven't done for most of your
You are loved and forever missed - the very best dog.. Becky
Kalabilli, 02/22/90-04/02/09
He was my best friend and I miss him so much. No other furry friend ever bonded with me the way he did. He was a really cool cat with class, took walks with me or vice versa {no leash), let me know when he needed petting, or not. Came when I called for meals, usually, unless it was after dark, then he'd be sitting in the middle of my neighbor's back yard watching the fireflies and I'd join him. (I never let him out if I wasn't home.) He was my baby and I can't stop crying for him.
Gail Dorsett
Kaley, 07/98-04/28/09
You were so special and such a good dog. Have fun playing with your sisters
Kali, 04/29/09
My dear sweet Kali, although I know you have gone to a better place, I am lost without you by my side. You were my source of comfort, laughter and love. I miss you watching over me but I know you still are. I feel your soul in every flower, bird, and butterfly I see. I have planted sunflowers in your honour and will forever be blessed that you were in my life. I know you are now free my Kali.
Ellie Blair
Kali Igraine, 03/28/93-03/18/09
For my friend and companion for so many years.
We went through so much and you were always there for me.
I know we will be together again some day.
Kalil Rasmusen, 01/97-05/23/04
Kalil, you were such a fragile, beautiful and
kitty. I feel I should have fought harder for you.
I am so sorry, Kalil. I hope I can make it up to you should we
meet again.
I love you. --Mom
Kalle Cibic, 02/02/09
We found our beautiful Kalle when I was 3-4 years old. He was our family´s baby prince for 22 years. He was sick the last 6 years of his precious life but he never gave up on life and we never gave up on him. He became really sick 1.5 months before he left us, but we still kept on nursing him, just until the last day of his life.
On February the 2, 2009, our baby prince gave up and left us, but he will always stay with us in our hearts and we are waiting for the day we will be reunited with him, never to be separated again...
Linda Cibic
Kallie Jean, 08/02/99-02/21/09
My precious Kallie Jean.
You gave me your loyalty and your love.
I will miss you giving me sugars, cuddling with me and your
to me.
I will cherish the memories of you being so verbal, like you
were telling
me a story. I loved you with all my heart.......I miss you.
Kallie Sweetface, 03/18/09
Our Kallie has left us after 15 1/2 years. She
was there
for so many events in our lives, all the ups and the downs and
thru it
all she never gave us anything but unconditional love. She was a
very special
little lady... we loved her so much and she loved us and now she
is gone
and our hearts are so heavy that I can actually feel a burning
my heart when I think about her which right now is all the time.
She was
a one of a kind cat, like a stuffed animal that came alive, so
sweet, so
I cant bear the thought of going on without her.
We have had a lot of animals in our lives and still do but we
can say that
she was unique.
We will miss you sweetheart always !
Til we meet again...
love momma and daddy.
Kanata, 05/13/06
Still iss you with all my heart. Taken way too soon.
Michael Smith
Kandi, 08/31/94-04/16/08
She loved her home and being with me in any room.
She was very strong-willed and bossy.
She spent a lot of time alone because of my work but evenings
were ours'
and she didn't like anyone to take my attention.
She was the darling of my life and I miss her so much.
The six pound little girl left a 600 # hole in my heart.
C Millward
Kandi Girl Currie 'Hootie', 09/20/94-02/06/09
She was our little baby girl, she was kept inside
only went out to do her
She would get sick but always bounced back, but on 2/6/2009 I
knew that
this sickness there was no bouncing back.
I had to do the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.
She was fighting to stay with us, but she was tired and sick.
I told her that her momma and daddy loved her as she slipped
The vet couldn't believe how fast she went, so that let me know
she was
holding on for us.
She loved us just as much as we loved her.
We are lost with without her and don't know what to do.
We have other babies but none as special as her.
Jonathan & Christy Currie
Kane, 05/14/01-06/19/09
I had a dream the night you passed.
You were at my feet, so young, so strong.
You were full of life and wanted to run and play. It was then
that I heard
a whistle and I knew that you heard it too. "Here Boy!" a voice
You hesitated a moment looking back at me and then to your
Only then when I realized who it was, I told you you could go -
for it
was God calling you Home and I new you would be OK.
We were blessed for the 8 year to be with you!
You fought a long battle of cancer and now you are free!
We miss you and love you!
Mom, Dad, Poppy and Marlo
Kane, 02/99-05/15/09
Kane was a good dog. Loving, Faithful always
looking for
affection and love.
A good companion. He will be missed.
Tim Layser
Kane, 02/14/09
Kaney you were a wonderful friend and a great
part of
our family.
You will be missed.
The Harrison Family
Kaos, 10/06/98-03/19/09
My first son... I miss you dearly... Thank you for your unconditional love... My Kaos...
Karla Neville
Karisma, 06/20/09
Lay in peace...
Karl, adopted 04/04/09-04/16/09
What a kind and handsome boy! I was so hoping
that you
only needed TLC, but alas, that evil cancer claimed you, too.
Even after only 12 days, you claimed our hearts and we miss you,
Bella!!! Run free now, with no more pain. Look for Rommel, Annie
and Nick.....We"ll
see you soon enough,for life is but a vapor.
Robin E. Eyster
Karl, 10/10/99-02/28/09
Karl was my faithful companion for almost 10
years and
I will miss his cheerful greetings and playfulness very much.
To his special character which I will miss forever!
Jeffrey Keefe
Karma, 02/18/05-04/15/09
Karma was the best lap dog in the world.
We found her after she had been abused by someone, she was cold
and out
woundering the streets.
We brought her in and she immediately became part of our family.
We never did know her exact birthday or age, so we counted the
day we found
her as the day of her birth.
We had to put her to sleep because she had skin cancer.
She will forever be in our hearts.
Michael, Kristie and Nate Moe/Sonoras
Karma, 05/19/03-01/26/09
Karma wos the most wonderful dog ever.
She loved everyone. and loved chasing tennis balls.
Karma loved gardening with Andy and getting the paper in the
morning. She
was the best dog, and we will miss her forever.
Donna Fisher and Andy Becker
Kascha, 10/19/97-05/10/09
When I wake in the morning I look for you, but you're not there. When I make my lunch for the day I look to see your face, but you're not there. When I come home in the evening, I look for you at the back gate, but you're not there. When I go to sleep at night, I look for you beside the bed, but you're not there. I miss you. Natalie and Jake miss you. Ken
Kasey, 07/02/09
I came back home from vacation and found out
Kasey passed
away in the boarding kennel.
She was such a loving dog and will be missed.
Jennifer Richman
Kasey, 08/16/92-05/24/09
Kaseman-you were a brave little tough guy.
You fought for your friend Emi and you took on a possum. Nothing
you but your little body just gave out. We miss you so much...
but we couldn't
stand to see you in pain anymore.
You are always with me in my heart...Mom
Kasey, 02/05/96-05/02/09
Kasey, We loved you dearly and we miss you so
We hope you are happy and that you found Max and Molly.
You were my very special baby and I loved you so.
Please be happy and "I will remember you.
Will you remember me?"
Mom and Dad
Kasey, 08/16/96-04/24/09
My best friend. My first love. You will never be forgotten. I love you, Kasey.
Kasey, 04/05/08
Cyndi Roach
Kasey, 03/14/09
I love you and will miss you Kasey Masey.
Jim and Terri
Kash, 05/15/03-05/12/09
Kash or his full name Kash Money Millionaire...he
my baby boy, a mama's boy.
Always leaning on me, always by my side.
He was my little messer weighing in at a tiny 126lbs.
He loved being home, being with me, laying in bed and taking up
all of
I always told him how tiny he was so he wouldn't feel out of
He was my never late alarm clock.
My sweet goofy boy.
He was a lover to say the least and easy like Sunday Morning.
When I took him from a horrible life as a puppy I promised him
he would
never be alone again...and up until his death which was
traumatic and unexpected
he was not alone, he died with me holding him in my arms of what
they think
was a heart attack or anurism.
He died with me loving him in my arms/lap.
He will live on forever in my heart and I miss him every moment.
When I come home, when I feel my other two babies (my older
dogs)when I
wake up and when I go to bed...he had an internal clock for that
sort of
I love you Kash and I miss you terribly and I can not wait till
you meet
me at the Rainbow Bridge!
Tori Bodenhamer
Kassi lost her sister Kodi to Cancer when they
were only
five, and now we have had to say a temporary good bye to our
sweet Kassi
she was 11 years old, she too was stricken with cancer. Our only
is in knowing she is with her sister that she loved and missed
so much.
Every pet that has ever owned us has been special, Kassi was
very special.
Kassi was my tail, my shadow, every step I took she was right
there with
me. With her I was never alone, she was my best friend, my
constant companion,
and really one of the truest loves of my life. I was blessed to
have been
loved so well, for so long, and my love for her will last
Kassi Bear I miss you so much, I miss your sweet little face,
your always
loving kisses, your funny little smile, your happy waging tail,
your soft
warm cuddles, I miss everything about you, and I always will.
Know that
we will see you again some day but until then have fun with your
and all of our furry family over there.You will always be in our
We love you,
Mom & Dad
Kat Hearn, 07/01/89-05/04/09
Cat Poem
They will not go quietly,
the cats who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them. . . and always will.
-written by: Linda Barnes
We know that Hannah (Sissy) was waiting for you. We love you so
much. As
much as we will miss you, we know that you will keep each other
Until we meet again,
Barbara, Howell & Joshua
Katalya, 01/12/03-08/15/08
This is my husbands cat.
She died from CRF related illness in Aug 2008.
I just found out about this site and wanted her remembered for
her loyality
in the 5 wonderful years she gave us.
Patricia Kosovic
Kate, 08/05/07-07/01/09
Kate was just a special pet.
She slept in the bed with us, she would not lick your face, but
just sniff
with her wet nose.
She was always by my side wherever I went, inside or outside.
She got bit by a snake and was gone in 20 minutes.
Probably allergic to the venom.
I'll just miss her brown eyed self.
Patricia Coram
Kate or Katie Kupkake, 04/06/09
We adopted kate from a rescue off the Internet.
She was abused and left tied to a tree for a week and 40 pounds
under weight.The
vet operated on her eye free - it had been poked by a child with
a stick.
She came to live with us at age 3 and she was afraid of a towel,
a fly
swatter, any man without a shirt on, etc.
She never experienced pain with us --we spoiled her rotten and
we will
miss her. She was my shadow-- every step I took she took, never
out of
my site --even sleeping by my bedside on a nice comfy bed.She
was the most
loyal dog I ever owned. We love her and will miss her everyday
until we
see her at the Rainbow Bridge someday.
Shirley Bishop
Kati, 05/02/00-05/29/09
We are grieving the loss of our beautiful berner
at age 9.
She was the most wonderful and loving dog a person could have.
We miss kissing her, hugging her, her smiles.
She was very ill, but was always ready with a smile and
incredible love
to the very end.
She saved my son and helped him and us recover from a serious
illness with
her uncondtional love.
Our hearts are breaking as we know we will never have another
dog like
Kati who loved us as much as we loved her.
Jill, Lindsay and Sean Arends
My sweet Katie, today you left me so suddenly, my
is heavy and my tears flow, you brought so much joy and meaning
to my life,
I know time will help heal this loss but for now I cling to the
many many
memories of you always there,always loving, I miss you so much.
You are
gone but never forgotten. We love you.
Joel, Jeffa,
Katie, 10/26/97-07/13/09
Katie, you had such a hard life. From your birth
in a
puppy mill, through illnesses and diseases and sugeries and
other health
issues you remained strong and happy and loving, always eager to
play and
make a new friend.
Feeling you curled up against me in the middle of the night was
so comforting
to me. I knew you were getting older, and had slowed down in
many ways;
the years of health problems taking their toll on you. Still the
end came
so quickly, over just a weekend.
You needed a big, painful, difficult surgery for a dog of your
age, and
you had other health problems needing immediate attention as
well. I just
could not put you through any more surgeries, or pokings and
and tests, etc.
You were in pain, and tired, and I knew it was your time. I held
you in
my arms the way I have so many times before while the vet gave
you peace.
My heart broke at that moment.
The house is empty without the sound of your toenails clicking
across the
wood floors, or your grumble when you were ready to play or go
for a walk
when I was busy.
I loved you so, and I cannot believe how bereft I feel at your
loss. I
hope you know how very loved you were, and that your place is
etched firmly
and forever in my heart.
I cannot wait until we meet again, and I see your beautiful
shining brown
eyes looking up at me, waiting for me to toss the toy bunny for
you to
Until then, my friend, rest in the peace you so deserve. I miss
you now
and always.
Mary Ellen Thompson
Katie, 11/25/00-07/10/09
How I miss my beautiful Katie, what a wonderful companion she has been. The greetings at the front door, the cuddling at sleep. Oh how she loved to cuddle up, at the end she couldn't even do that. She tried though. I see her running around the table again, running to look at the window when I came home. The socks I took off my feet, she would grab one and take off running and would always come back for the second, not chewing them, she just loved to play with me. How she would sit up in the chair and couch just like she was human for hours, everyone would laugh. She has gone way too soon, her legs failed her, I couldn't bare to see her in pain. She would NEVER go to the bathroom in the house, the last night with me, she was bleeding and wet all over the house and she thought I was mad at her, I never once was mad at her. I loved her SOOOO much, she was my best buddy, my companion and what a GREAT one at that. I love you Katie, just know that, and I will miss you every day till the day I die and I get to see you again, running, licking my nose, I just won't have any socks for you, it will be just you and I. You are forever in my heart and soul girl!!! Iam soory I had to put you to sleep but I knew you were suffering in silence.
Pam Kiefer
Katie, 07/03/96-06/29/09
Katie was the sweetest girl.
She is greatly missed!
Fred & Lee Duffy
Katie, 10/16/96-06/26/09
My beloved and beautiful Katie took her final sleep in my arms yesterday. She was my dearest friend, my girl child, my protector...I miss her so much already.
I got Katie from the Animal Humane Society when she was 6 weeks old...actually Katie picked me, and I have treasured my time with her ever since then.
She loved to go up to the Kennesaw Mountains and
weekend, we were there hiking.
Katie soon found her favorite spot and although she did not like
to swim
or go into deep water, she liked this spot because there was a
place in
a creek there just deep enough for her to feel comfortable in
and she would
romp and play in that pool of water like it was heaven for her.
Until the past year or so, Katie and I went
She will forever remain in my heart.
For everyone who truly love dogs and is going thru what I am going thru right sympathy is with you.
Mary O'Hara
Katie, 11/2001-04/08/09
to my kate kate..we miss you so much
Katie, 01/17/94-05/24/09
Katie was literally my guardian angel for fifteen
She saved me from being maimed or death, not once but twice.
She passed on yesterday and I'm missing her presence, her
warmth, protection,
and devotion so much.
She was a small dog with a huge heart.
She was a very meek, mild spirit and won the hearts of all she
came in
contact with.
I feel the abysal void one feels when a trusted, loving friend
leaves this
world behind for relief from suffering and anxiety.
Katie was diagnosed five years ago with hepatic encephalopathy.
She fought the battle well, and stayed here with us as long as
her mind
would allow.
Her suffering has ended.
How I miss her!
I pray we'll be together once again.
Paula Edens
Katie Bug, 08/01/99-07/05/09
Sweet girl, we miss you so much! But now you are free from all the pain...
We will see you again at the Rainbow Bridge~
Katie Katums, 02/02/09
You can play without pain and you are cancer
free, now,
sweet girl.
We miss you with all our hearts. All our love goes with you,
Katie. Til
we see you again...
Terri N Anders Johansson
Katie, 05/10/09
Katie was my "Katie Booty".
She sat with me when I was sad and played with me when we were
She guarded my family while my husband was overseas and she was
my best
She loved her walks and was also so happy to see me when I
walked in the
The end came too quickly for Katie and she will be missed
Heather Miner
Katie, 12/25/94-04/15/09
The rescue that never left.
It was you that chose me, not the other way never
had me fooled
for a minute, old girl.
You were everything they said you weren't, trustworthy, gentle,
and the finest member of the pack.
You were one of a kind, and my grief is endless......
Dena Horne
Katie, 04/08/09
To my Katie, i am missing you so much. It's not fair you had to go, you were healthy and happy. You still had so many years left,you were there when i woke up and wating for me when i went to bed oh god i loved you so much. Why did that dog take you away from me. If only i walked outside 10 seconds sooner mabey i could have saved you. I am so sorry honey I will miss you every day. I love you and i hope you are noe at peace,and have an endless sacuer of milk and all the tuna you can eat. You will always be in my heart.
Rachel Prettyman
Katie, 07/31/01-03/26/09
Birth of an Angel
The dark night slips away as the rays of the sun
a new day.
She lies in purgatory waiting for her call.
As her light slips away, a new day is born.
She gently slips back into the night.
As her breaths become shallower soon a new angel will be born.
Good bye
Ed McCune
Katie, 07/96-07/13/08
Katie girl I miss you so much. Its been almost 8
and it seems like just yesterday. My heart aches so bad. You
were the best
freind in the whole world. You brought so much joy to our lives.
You ruled
our home. I miss the times when we would go to the park and just
sit and
watch the ducks and other people. Id talk to you and you
listened. When
I was sick you were always by my side. You loved to go to get
ice cream.
You just wanted to be every where I was and I wanted you every
where I
was. I miss you my swet angel I will see you at the rainbow
Love Mommy
Katie, 02/21/96-01/19/09
My sweet little girl was very, very smart,
lovable and
She is greatly missed, not only by her Mom and Dad but by her
Katie, 04/22/91-03/11/02
Katie was our best friend.
Her presence in our life is sorely missed.
Our love for Katie is never ending.
Meet you at the Rainbow Bridge, Katie!!!
Kathy and Frank
Katie, 07/14/92-01/16/09
You gave us unconditional love and protected us.
When BJ left us and it affected you, we became your mother, even
it was not the same.
When you could no longer hear or see, we became your eyes and
Now it is time to free you of your pain.
Enjoy your new life with BJ and your siblings.
We miss you and will never forget you, Katie "Girl."
Like your mother, brothers, and sister, we will forever love you
and keep
you in our hearts.
Barbara E. Brod
Katie Bug, 04/29/90-02/15/09
Kim & Miranda Thixton
Katie Jo, 06/08/09
Strong fiesty cat who loved people the best that she could.
Sue Petersen
Katie Lou, 10/17/94-06/25/09
My sweetie girl Katie - you are a part of every memory I have since I began living on my own. I will always love you for your kind spirit and the unfailing devotion you have shown me. I will miss knee hugs and Katie kisses more than I thought possible. It's hard to believe that I met you on the day you were born and was able to hold you in my arms as you left this world. I wish we could have had more time together, but I can just imagine you romping through the plush fields of Heaven with no pain in your old, old joints. My heart is full with the many joys you added to my life, but I ask you for one more favor... please whisper a special request in the ear of Jesus for your sister Sasha. She misses you terribly. We will be together again one day my sweet LouLou - until then, run Katie run.
Katie Scarlett O'Hara Gaines, 04/12/91-03/17/09
God Rest your little soul my beloved Katie.
You were the best companion to me your whole life.
If you had lived forever it would not have been enough.
I know you can see and run and jump and climb again.
I know you are having fun with your old pal Randy Travis.
When Randy was a puppy and you were a kitten you always got
along famously.
I am happy that you both can play together again.
I will see you both at the Rainbow Bridge someday.
Until then please watch over us down here.
Send me a sign that you are ok.
My love forever, Mommy
Katie Strain, 03/08/93-06/30/08
katie,my precious baby,i love and miss you so much,i pray and think of you each and every day and until we meet you my baby.. mom..
Kato, 06/10/96-02/28/09
I miss you my Kato Potato. You were my closest friend, I hope you are at peace. We love you!
Denise, Donna, Anthony and Steven
Kato, 04/15/94-02/11/09
Kato our beautiful little schnoodle dog - I can't tell you how much you are missed. But we all know in our hearts that you are one happy dog now. You brought us so much joy into our lives each and every day for almost 15 years! Thank you for loving us so much! I miss your wonderful greeting when we would come home. Keep chasing your tennis balls and jumping for your frisbee! Good boy little buddy. Mom is hugging you! You will be in my heart forever!
Laura, Timmy, Jessie and Jenny
Kato, 12/16/97-01/13/09
you are truly missed,and i will always love you
Barbara Wilder
Katrina, 08/01/89-12/29/09
Thanks, Katrina for the joy and friendship you
gave us.
We hope and we know you always felt our love.
You will never be forgotten.
You are with God, the Creator of all.
Love, Rosie and Joseph, your eternal friends...
Katy, 11/08/94-02/28/09
Katy was an awesome 15 yr old female Daschund that loved life. She was my best friend for 15 yrs and now into eternity. Today, Feb 28, 2009, Katy passed away as her huge, loving heart gave up. Now my heart is broken but I thank God for the time and love Katy and I shared. I will see her again in our glorified bodies! I love you, Katy Girl!
Rick Dreibelbis
Katy Mueller, 01/01/93-04/13/09
Katy is missed by all members of our household,
Max, who is still looking for her.
She was a precious diffuse calico, with a feisty spirit, a loud
purr, and
bunny soft fur.
At night we would go to bed together, in the morning she would come with me into the bathroom and ask that water be poured into the sink, from the faucet, for her, because she was oh, so thirsty, just like her mama, in the mornings.
In her latter years she stayed inside more.
Even when outside, she was on a porch and attached to a rope.
No wandering for this girl!
She slept more, but she would always awaken to receive a kiss or
a carress.
We were lucky to have her with us for sixteen
Ah, dear Katy, I know your spirit is free and bright again.
Helen Mueller
Katy Noel Smith, 11/11/04-06/11/09
We hope you know the joy you brought to our
You will always be our "Sweet Baby Girl". Until we meet at the
bridge, know that WE LOVE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS.
Mommy & Daddy
Katya, 07/16/09
My beloved angel, you will always be my baby
Thank you for being the sweetest friend anyone could have.
I will miss you every day.
You were the best dog ever.
Love, Mommy
Kayla, 08/13/93-06/20/09
Thank you, my sweet Angel Girl, for the best 15+
of my life.
Have fun, be good and we WILL be together again before you know
Miss you, love you!
Kayla, 03/12/09
I love you and I miss you so much, Kayla. You
joy into my life for 15 years. I wish I could have done more to
help you
and I wish I had more time with you.
Rest in Peace, Kayla.
Stacy Patchel
Kayla, 01/26/09
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion...........We love you and you will be missed dearly, may you be peaceful and comfortable.....and one day we will play again.
Jim & Gina Clark & Marc, Eric , Alyssa
Kayla Ann, 01/23/09
Kayla Ann was a hugh part of my life an soul.
Today I feel as if I have lost the one true thing that I LOVED
me back with out question.
Kayla leaves behind three sisters -
Hidie - Dog
Myia - Dog
Rosario - Cat
And myself who will miss her and think of her everyday until we
are together
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring . . . it was peace." This was found at the bottom of another website; author: Milan Kundera
Kayla Bird Thomas, 06/20/09
Fly with the angels until we meet again.
Love always and forever,
Mommy, Daddy and Chompers
Kayla May Sherman was brought into this world on May 03, 1999. Throughout her life, she traveled many places and love many people. We had the extreme honor of being her best friends as her love was endless. Kayla climbed mountains, flew around the world from Australia to Canada and traveled endlessly around with us as we lived life. In the end, she was taken by cancer as on November 04, 2009, after 10 1/2 years of passion, love and endless strength, we asked God to accept Kayla as we decided that it was best for her to leave this world and get back up on her feet in another place, and hopefully a peaceful world. We put Kayla May Sherman down on November 4th, 2009 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was and will ever remain the most painful and most unforgettable day of our lives. She has left behind a family of 4 that is lost without her presence, and forever in debt for her being with us. We will always love her, and never forget the joy she brought into our lives each and ever day. I know I personally will never be the same without her.
RIP Kayla May Sherman....we will never forget how you changed us...I can only pray that I will see you once again...........
Love Daddy, Christine, Cole and Chase
Kayle Jane, 12/15/00-01/26/09
You will be missed sweet Kaylee
Kaylee, 08/18/00-04/23/09
Our hearts are in pain our eyes cry,the silence is over bearing,our baby died,I know you are in no pain now ,,nor fear of dying,you can run and play,without crying,All the pain is gone ,and so are our hearts you left us to soon,yet you had to will stay with us forever,we know your there ,watching and waiting, for one day we will be there ,Kaylee we love you this pain I cannot bare,God will watch over you and hold you in his care,Wait for us Kaylee for one day well see you again ,,Go My Dear One,Run, Play you earned it; the pain go away,,Love you Kaylee B
Cindy, Zusy, Mion
Kaylee Santangelo, 01/15/09
A remarkable being. We were so lucky to have been able to share our lives with Kaylee. She was smart, empathetic, fun beautiful and just one of the finest creatures to grace the planet. We will miss her forever.
James & Karen Santangelo
Kayleigh, 01/25/00-03/02/09
I hope your life was as happy as you made mine.
Love Dad
Kaylin, 02/04/95-05/04/06
Kay, I still miss you and love you.
Take care of Chels
Laurie Biggs
Kaz Thomas, 04/15/03-05/02/09
Kaz was our buddy.
The one we talked to when things got rough.
He would see you upset and he would do something so funny that
you just
had to laugh.
He always gave unconditional love.
And for that I thank God for now.
We know that we will see him agaim someday soon.
Kecia and Alan Thomas
KC (Barlow), 08/15/93-04/18/08
We will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you boo girl. Love Mommie and Daddy
KC, 01/08/99-05/08/19
We will miss your greetings each time we return
toys your bring...the cute conversations you would have telling
us about
your day.
We love you sweet K.C....and Mommie will look for you at the
bridge some
Lee, Dee Dee and David
KC, 03/05/09
KC was my best friend and sometimes it felt like
she was
my only friend.
She got me through some major emotional times.
She had a beautiful smile and was a beautiful dog.
There are no words to express my complete despair.
A piece of my heart died today.l
Kecia, 05/04/09
My poor, poor baby. You gave me 17 amazing years and your family will miss you forever. You were the toughtest, scrappiest, most stubborn dog I've ever had the good fortune to know--I know you're at peace now but I miss you terribly...
Anne Bracewell
Keebler, 01/30/09
Dearest, sweetest Keebler, we hope we do see you
more across the Rainbow Bridge.
We hope your passing was peaceful, and that you are happy and
free of your
earthly burdens in life.
We both loved you so very much, and your companions Roweena and Miles too shall miss you dearly, we can tell.
Fare well, sweet Keebler!
Please, please be safe and happy.
Alan and Jan
Keeley, 04/01/92-06/24/09
A dear friend asked me to take care of her baby
as she
could not care for her anymore. I hesitated since I am not a dog
but agreed to take you for 2 weeks and if it didn't work out I
would have
to bring you back. That was ten years ago, but now I recently
had to say
goodbye to our sweet little Keeley girl. My only regret is that
you loved
me more than I loved you and I love you so much for that. Your
love was
unconditional. The only love I can compare it to is the love of
It didn't matter what I did or how mad or irritated at you I may
have been,
you always loved me as though it never happened.
When I was seriously ill you were there with me lying next to me
me companionship and comfort and when you started having heart
we would both be in the kitchen taking our medicine every
morning like
two little old ladies. We took care of eachother as we each
suffered through
our hard times.
You were with us while we moved to a new city, you saw me
through my wedding
and stayed around to see our youngest graduate high school.
The house feels different without you, I feel different without
you, but
I will get used to it I guess. They say to take it one day at a
time, but
I'm finding that sometimes it's one hour at a time.
I'm greatful for the time we had with you and I pray you loved
your life
with us.
Ten years ago I'm so glad I said "yes".
Anna Gonzales
Keenan, 07/99-07/02/09
Our best little buddy...part dog...part cat. You will be in our hearts forever!!
Nancy Schunter
Kees, 05/20/95-07/06/09
Dear Kees,
Thank you for 14 years of love and companionship. You are always
our good
boy, and always will remain in our hearts.
Now go and have fun playing with Leo, and Fluffy, and Phelan.
Watch for us.
Dad and I will join you all again one day.
We love you!!
Mom and Dad
Keesha, 10/01/95-04/13/09
Faithful companion and best friend for
13 1/2 years full of love and loved by many.
You are missed.
Connie McWilliams
Keesha, 03/14/91-03/25/09
The best dog I've ever known and my best bud. I'll see you on the bridge keesh........We can walk then
Chris and Maria Cunningham
Kehleyr, 04/01/93-05/13/09
My little girl was 16 years old. She led a great
life until she became sick about a year ago.
She was all black, and special. I loved her with all my heart
and always
will. She was my best friend and helped me through many personal
I just hope she has gone to a better place where she can once
again chase
birds and mice to her heart's content.
Sheree Harrell
Keiko, 03/05/09
Keiko, you were our angel for 16 years.
We will love you and miss you forever.
Right now, it doesn't seem possible to face the days without you
to complete
our little family.
You will be with us forever in our hearts.
We love you.
Heidi & Marshall
Keisha, 10/19/97-10/2008
I was sad to see my sister at the bridge last Sunday. Now we can run and explore together, just like the last time we went to the dog park together. Together again, we will wait for you.
Keisha, 11/06/95-06/05/08
Keisha was my best friend
Keisha, 06/29/99-03/02/09
Dearest Keisha, My heart aches for you. You were here for me when I went through my chemo and I made sure to be there for you through your illness. You were a great friend, watchdog, babysitter and loved everyone that me you. You were so gentle yet so brave and bold. We will miss you terribly. I know you are at peace now and we will meet again. Take care of Zues too. You can never be replaced and will remain in my heart forever. Love Mommy, Daddy and Alexa xxoo
Keisha, 09/17/97-12/22/08
Keisha I miss you so much.
You saw me through many rough times in recent years.
You always knew when I didn't feel well and needed you close.
I will never forget the love you gave me.
Laura Anderson
Kelley, 05/18/09
miss you.
Kim Lindeman
Kelli Kramer, 12/16/95-01/04/09
We put down our beloved Kelli,age 13 on Jan 4/09 after a valliant struggle with bone cancer that slowly took her mobility and spirit one bit at a time. On Nov 1st they gave her 2 weeks to a few months and she lived 2 months 3 days.. She fought very hard to stay with us. We love her and miss her with all our heart and souls. I wish so much we could have done more to help her, but I did the best I could medically. Kel.. I am sorry to see you go, but I love you and I will see you again someday. Love always Mommy, Jared Ady and Doobie...xoxoxox We never will forget you Queenie..
Kelly, 05/20/09
Kelly you may have not had much time on this
earth but
the love and joy you gave us was immeasurable.
We will miss your silly ears and kisses.
You will never be forgotten.....until we meet again at Rainbow
Chelsee Colling
Kelly, 04/12/09
Kelly was the nicest cat in the world. She would always come and cuddle you in bed and she had a lovely purr. I really miss her.
Kelly, 05/10/95-03/23/09
Kelly was the most loving and devoted canine
family member
anyone could ever hope for.
She will be missed terribly by her family and friends.
You're free to run to your heart's content Kelly baby. We'll see
you soon.
Donna Nicholson
Kelsey, 06/01/09
we miss you kelsey pee pee pants!
We hope you are finally at rest and no longer in pain. We love
you and
can't wait to see you in heaven! p.s little boy really really
misses you
Nancy, Mel, Kay, Bailey, Little Boy, Bella
Kelsey, 04/01/95-05/29/09
My Darling Baby Girl, I will miss you for the
rest of
my life.
Go to the bridge and find Sam, Annie,and Pepsi, they have been
for you for so long.
Wait there, and when I come, run to me and jump into my waiting
I love you beyond belief, and together we'll spend eternity.
I'm sending kisses to your sweet little nose, and I'll forever
be missing
you, my darling.
Wait for me, and I'll be there.
What a reunion it will be with all of us together.
Hang on to Rikki, he'll need your help.
He will miss Mommy and Daddy so much, so help him please.
I love you both, remember....I'll be there soon.
Mommy and Daddy
Kelsey, 06/15/00-04/10/09
We still don't know what made you sick Kelsey, but it was your time to go. You were always there when I came home from school, and now it's just empty. You were a beautiful dog. You always loved going to Wisconsin and swimming in the lake. You always had a smile on your face. I miss petting your head, rubbing your belly, telling you that you don't get a treat every time we get up, watching you play outside, and everything else about you. We love you so much, Kelsey.
Jon Dowell
Kelsey, 04/19/09
A wonderful little guy who brought much, much happiness.
Kate & Mike Moran
Kelsey, 1995-02/05/09
I love you, Kelsey, my grumpy old man.
Thank you for being so verbal, loving and good to me.
I'm sorry I made you suffer.
I tried to free you as fast as I could.
Kelsey Crone, 03/10/95-07/16/09
the best dog in the world.
she loved our family til the very end
D. Crone
Kelsey Roads Honey, 01/11/94-03/23/09
Kelty, 04/31/01-05/11/09
Our hearts are broken over the loss of our beloved Kelty. No one could have prepared us for this. It hurts. We miss him soo much. Please hold your pet close and pray for us.
Ron Connor
Kendall, 11/26/99-05/05/09
We will miss you Kendall! You were the best dog
and a
very big part of our is lonely already without you
around to
greet us, nudge us, pick up all the kids scraps!!
Can't wait to see you again on Rainbow Bridge!
Anne and Joe Morrissey
Kenisha, 04/27/09
kenisha was a great dog one of kind very indepedent it was like she chose me too care for her! she was my best friend and listen to me whatever i talk about! i will never find another dog like her! she will never be forgot! and always loved even though she is no longer with me!
Kelli J Coldwell
I will never forget the day our eyes met.. You picked me and daddy.. We took you home and you filled our lives with more love then anyone can imagine the loyalty you had showed daily..Our hearts are filled with so many memories and they help us get through the broken hearts we are suffering.. You were our first 4 legged child and accepted all mommys rescues your brother chichi and your 3 kitty sisters.. You made us laugh with all your crazy little acts like the attacking the vacuum and ironing board and making sure you broke every squeker in your toys all 6lbs of you.. I will miss our camping trips and watching you sun yourself in the yard as well as hogging the bed at night what I would do to have that back.. You fought hard through your sickness I know that was because you did it for us.. We knew when it was time to say goodbye our love is what guided us.. you never were left alone we took you right away to be cremated and took you home the same day were you are with us ... We are lost beyond words..The love you gave us is as deep as the suffering we are feeling but the 14yrs having you showed what love is all about.. Happy Birthday my little boy mr. Co.. heartbroken mom dad and your brother and sisters RIP I know your with Grandpa XOXOXOXOOX
Kenny, 05/09/09
Kenny, I did not know you, but you were so brave when you were finally rescued, and cared for by the loving and caring people of our SPCA. You stole the hearts of all who learned of you through the media. The best days of your life were when you were in the care of the shelter, and they were trying so desperately to save your life. You will no longer be neglected or abused; rest in peace my little friend
Grace Knoof
Kenya, 07/10/09
I miss you princess. You were and will always be the greatest love of my life. I may not have always shown it in this life, but if I am so fortunate to have you as my companion again one day, I promise you would never go another moment without knowing in your heart that I LOVE YOU !!! I miss you baby.
Kenya Johnson, 04/18/01-02/03/09
After doing everything the vets could Kenya passed this evening. I watched her take her last breath & then I collasped to the floor in agony.
Even though they said there was nothing more I could have done I'm still going through the what ifs & if onlys.
I believe there was a higher power that was with her at the time of her passing. No more than 2 mins after I made the extremely hard decision of signing the papers to put her to sleep she gasped for air & was gone within 45 seconds. I think she was taken from me to releive me of the burden of having to make that decision.
I wrapped her in a blanket & cradled her in my arms for over an hour until the clinic closed. I didn't want to let her go. I can't put into words how sad I am. I can barely read this because of the tears making my vision blurry right now.
One thing is for sure, the rest of my cats & my dog are allowed to do whatever they want for the rest of their lives as long as it's not bad for them. They can jump on any table & as many counter tops as they please & I will never again shoo them away when they are begging for food. Instead I'll give them a kiss & hug.
Cherish the animals that are dear to you in your life. You never know when they won't be there anymore. My animals are my life & my world revolves around them. I would die for my animals & do everything I could to make sure they are happy, healthy & safe.
I miss Kenya so bad already, I can't get her out of my mind. Everything I look at somehow reminds me of her. I can still hear her meow that was unique only to her. She was always the first one to greet me when coming home. I will miss hearing her cry for me if she's locked out of the room I'm in. I will miss her coming to tap on my arm while I'm at the computer like a little person, so I'll pet her.I will miss one of my kids. Animals are a gift from heaven.....they are little angels with fur. I have an empty hole in my heart for my angel.
Alyssa Johnson
Kenzo, 06/30/09
Kenzo was too young to die. He was the best natured dog I ever owned and did not know how to growl at anyone or anything. Loyal, gentle, friendly always as close to us as he could get. His loss is unbearable and so unjust. This cancer seems to be heriditary and if so, then something should be done about that. It is so heartbreaking to loose these big hearted dogs at such an early age. We will always miss him. I hope dog heaven is a good place to be.
Inge Frye
Kenzy, 09/03-03/12/09
My Dear Kenzy was a special little girl in my
world. We
were just fine up untill the end of January 2009. She started
getting sick
and detorieted so quick that the doctor told me that she was
to much and i had to put her asleep. She died peacefully in my
arms, although
i was crying my eyes out. It is such a weird thing to watch
But, at least, she and I were together at that moment.
There was nothing more exciting for her than human food. It
could be a
carrot or a spoon with fish oil. OR, even better, a dougnut!
Krispy Kream
was of her choice. She would seat there and look at you with
those BIG
PUG eyes begging to share a bite. Of course, lots ot times she
got her
way. She was my baby, I'd give up lots of things for her.
I wish we had more time together though. With work and all, I
only was
4-6 hours a day around in the work week and the whole day
sunday. Now it
seems such a short time, but back in the day it felt like a
quality time
together. Usually she would be harrasing her pink teddy-bear. U
know, teaching
him a lesson or something. It was funny to watch, because
afterwards she
would just lay on top of the thing and stare at me.
Kenzy loved her walks down the street or in the park and was
very partial
to her pink winter sweater that she had to put on in the cold
weather time.So
many good times together...
I know that she is not suffering anymore and that she is happy
now in the
Doggie Heaven.
My world had become sadder but I know that she is always with
me, in my
heart and the memories. I will never forget you, Miss Kenzy! I
miss you
so much! I love you!
Katya Volkava
Keo, 01/09/99-30/06/09
I can't beleive my beloved Keo has gone he was and will always be in my heart I love and miss him so much, why does it hurt
Lynn Toner
Keona, 09/21/02-06/04/09
We are missing our little special sweet girl Keona so very much. She was the light of our lives and we will miss her more than words can express.
Janelle John & Morgan
Our sweet, funny, awesomely unique kitty came into our lives unannounced and left suddenly. We miss her terribly, a piece of our hearts is gone with her. She showed up during a rough patch in our lives and made us laugh, which is just what we needed. She burned hot and bright and lived fast, for a cat! She is so very much missed. We so wish we could have had more time with her, such a special girl.
Love to you little Kooky Dooky!
Mom & Dad(Michele & Bob)
Kerry, 26/04/09-16/06/09
Goodbye our angel, we'll never forget the joy you brought us for such a short period of time. We're sorry we didn't recognise that you were ill until it was too late for us to do much to help. (We had no idea that her blood glucose levels had dropped too low). We miss you so much and it's hard knowing that when we wake up, that you're not there to greet us.
We hope that wherever you are, you're happy, warm, safe and well.
We love you and always will xxxxxxxx
Aynsley Gill, Adam Holden
Kessa aka Spitfire, 07/28/99-05/12/09
Kessa trotted into my life on a warm September day in 1999 and left too soon less than 10 years later. She was a wise and independant soul, who took life and relationships on her terms and those whom she honored with her regard were truly blessed. She loved to lay on my computer desk and tickle my fingers with her paws as I typed. She had the people in my building eating out of her paws - and not the other way around. Neighbours would call and ask if they could come up and see Kessa - I was of secondary importance - and that was right in the scheme of things - for she held my life together. For almost 10 years Kessa kept the demons of depression away from my doorstep, by her gentle presence when I felt lonely, or her soft purring as she lay on my chest. She made us all laugh, with her comical expressions and her firm demands for treats and attention. She would alert me to the fact that she wanted somethng by knocking items off the table or shelf near where I sat or slept - she always got her message across. Kessa, did mine come across? Did you know how much I loved you? I believe you are out there, somewhere looking over me. You were such a special little girl, sweetie, and I will love you forever. Thank you for sharing my life.
Kathleen Gorman
Keto Boy, 05/30/96-12/09/08
May God hold you, my angel baby in His arms. May it seem like a moment before we are together again in Heaven. I love you with all of my heart and all of my soul. You are the best of me.
KeyKey, 22 March 2008 to 22 June 2009
My dearest keykey.
I wish you were with me right now so I can give you a huge hug while you tell me the stories of what you did during the day like always. I did not want the last time that i held you to be today but even though your soul wasn't there, it was still with the deepest of love. But now my angel, you are free and one day very soon, i will see you again. I want you to always remember how much i love you. You will always be my little Pudding Paws angel. You have the most special place in my heart.
And heres the poem I wrote for you last year
Powderpuff petunia paws
Hitting those bell chimed whistle balls
A dutchesses crown atop your head
rests while you slumber upon my bed
Preen and clean as you may
I shant get in your way
Beatiful eyes set in green
Just like moss covered forst trees
A chime like voice
To match your majestic poise
I do adoreth thee
You are afterall and always will be
My KeyKey
You will always be in my heart and soul
Deepest of love from
Your Mommy
Khaki, 07/10/01-03/18/09
We are heartbroken, and our hearts feel heavy as
we grieve
the loss or our beloved Khaki, who we had to put to rest on
She had been diagnosed with Chronic Renal Disease in September
of last
year, and it had already progressed to moderate levels when it
was detected.
She appeared to be doing fairly well considering... I think that
she was
just that kind of dog.
She continued run and play and didn't want us to know how bad
she was really
feeling I guess.
About 3 weeks ago, we noticed that she again had a decreased
even for the things that she LOVED.
We took her to the vet last Thursday to have her kidney values
again, and her BUN had hit 116 and a creatinine level of 12.
I didn't know at that point that this truly was the final stage,
for her
only real symptoms of it being the final stage were her loss of
and subsequently weight.
They put her on 36 hours of IV fluids, for we were headed to SC
to visit
my parents for vacation on Saturday morning.
We picked her up late Friday night, and she appeared o.k. but
She still refused to eat on Saturday morning, so we hoped it
would changed
once we reached her favorite vacation spot.
Unfortunately, she took a rapid turn for the worse and began
refusing to eat or drink, and having diarrhea over the next few
days. On
Monday night, things again continued further down hill, as we
think her
high blood pressure caused her to have seizures and difficulty
and moving about.
We took her on Wednesday morning to my parents' vet, fully
intending that
this was the end. The vet thought that we could make it home, as
she perked
up once he came in.
We left the vet confused about whether we had made the right
decision to
try to make it home to our own vet.
We prayed that when it was indeed her time, we would know
without a doubt.
We started home, with our two young children in the car, and
within an
hour she started again having seizures and diarrhea.
It was so difficult to watch an animal that we loved so dearly
go through
it all. We finally realized that we were not going to make it
home and
had to find a vet immediately.
We feel as if it was God's will, for we found the most amazing
vet in Macon,
GA, who talked with us at length about her condition.
He assured us that it was indeed time and that we had to let her
It was the most difficult thing but at the same time most
peaceful thing
that I have ever experienced.
We still can't seem to stop the tears from flowing at our house
and only
wish for a sign that she is in a better place, once again
running and playing.
We know that the the grief will eventually pass, but it seems
to overcome at the present time... Thank you for allowing us to
Khalua, 01/22/09
Our baby girl Khalua a 1 1/2 year old beautiful reversed brindle boxer crossed over the rainbow bridge suddenly and our hearts are so saddened she was our baby girl. Her personality was beyond compare and oh how she loved all of us.I hope she is enjoying all the beautiful things she deserves and we will never forget the joy she brought to our home we love you Khalua.
Lana and Dave
Khan, 05/19/95-01/06/09
until we meet again you will be forever in my heart
Khanna, 08/17/07-07/11/09
Khanna graced me with her presence for such a
short time,
but made such a huge impact on my life.
I don't know how I will fill the void she has left in my heart.
She was such a sweet girl, always ready to cuddle.
She always yelled at me when I got home, and didn't come
straight over
to give her love.
I love you Khanna, and will always remember you in my heart.
James Luke
To the best dog ever. You will always be in my heart. Thanks for everything you did to enrich my life and keep me amused. I miss you so much!
'Ki' was the most loyal and honorable companion I
of ever wished for. He helped me through the hard times and
always gave
his 'daddy' a reason to feel unconditionally loved. I truely
feel if not
for my little 'fuzzy face little man' I would have not made it
to this
point in my life...I will go on now in the spirit of my beloved
'Ki' and remember all the lessons he taught me about life and
living. He
was loved by all who ever knew him and he returned the love
instantly to
all that came into his existance.There are know words to
describe the void
in my life right now, but with the grace of God and the memory
and spirit
of my 'Ki' I shall do as he taught me to do. Love
unconditionally, enjoy
every moment of your being and get out and see the open spaces
as often
as possible. And I truly pray to the Lord above that some day I
will indeed
be reunited with my 'little man' and we can again go walking and
rub our
faces together for all of eternity. In god I trust Amen...
'Rest in peace' and 'frolic' over the 'Rainbow Bridge' my
beloved one "KI'...
Daddy will see you soon!
Forever 'MYKIANDI'
Ki, 01/02/09
I will miss your kisses so much, and that happy face and warm eyes you always had. I will miss you happy ears and tail everytime you see me. My heart aches but I know you are in a better place not in pain. Take a deep breath in doesn't that feel good? Now run and play like you used to I will be ok and look forward to the day I get to hold you again! Hugs and kisses ki boy
Kia, 29/05/09
My Darling Kia
It has been 7 long weeks since we had to make the decision to put you to sleep and end your suffering. I hope you are at peace now my loving loyal girl. You gave me 13 happy years and I hope I made your life happy too. I couldnt think of getting another dog....there wouldnt be another Kia so what was the point, but someone knocked on my door yesterday Kia and asked me to take Ramsey an 11 month old dog in as they couldnt look after him anymore and I couldnt say no, he will never replace my girl in heart but maybe we can learn to love and respect each other like we did my girl. I will miss you forever thankyou for being my best friend kiapoppet I will always love and miss you.
Mum,Lauryn and Jackxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kia, 05/25/09
Loving, intelligent, Kia, my "happy spirit,"
thank you for so many wonderful years.
I will love you forever.
Marie Turco
Kia, 01/25/95
Kia you were my first dog.
You were very smart and kept the house very secure.
Construction workers thought you were 6 feet tall.
Good thing they didn't know about the mound of dirt near the
Occasionaly I get to go by and see where you are buried.
Nobody has bothered your resting spot.
One day we will be reunited again.
Edwin Mays
Kiah, 02/01/96-05/30/09
We would just like to say that Kiah was a
beautiful dog...
in spirit and in person.
She was always kind, well behaved, and loved everyone! She was a
dog :) the leaves rustling in the wind would startle her.
She was able to walk off leash and never go to far.
She LOVED the water, and won the "Fastest Hotdog Eating Contest"
She could even say her prayers.
We will miss her so much! Love you Big Girl! Rest in Peace and
have fun
at Rainbow Bridge.
Kiara Lynn Hagemann, 10/28/98-05/04/09
You will forever be in our hearts, we miss you and love you very much!
Lisa, Chuck, Chris and Zack
Kiba, 04/09/09
Thank You for your unconditional love
Your love, inspired me to be more mindful
of how I interact with my fellow humans,
I attend to try harder, to be appreciative
more loving and attentive, and to try not
take my family members, for granted
Thank you Kiba, for loving me,
I thank God for you, I believe,like many
good things, in my life that You were sent
from God to teach me, to help me to be a
better person. I think you knew I loved you.
Forever In My Heart,
Kief, 11/15/02-01/09/09
Kief was our best friend.
Lymphoma took him from us at the young age of 6.
We miss our buddy so much & cannot stop crying.
He was an amazing dog.
I picture my mother-in-law looking after him (we lost her on
that helps somewhat.
RIP Kief ... we love you so much & miss you ...
All our love,
Mommy & Daddy
Kieffer, 02/10/95-05/03/07
Kieffer was my loving companion for 13 years. I continue to grieve for his passing.
Linda Knobler
Kiki, 06/24/09
Kiki Boo,my Boo Boo Kitty,we will miss you. You have been such a big part of our lives in the past 5 years since we rescued you. You are so beautiful, anyone would have been lucky to have had you but, you picked us and we were honored. Our home seems a bit empty without you and coming home from work will never be the same without you there to greet us. I know we did the best we could to take care of you when you were ill. I'm happy to know that you will suffer no more. I love you Boo Boo and I know someday we will be together again. See you at the rainbow, my Keeker.
Mary and Connie
Kiki, 02/28/04-06/05/09
Kiki, I will never stop loving you. I miss you so much!
Liz Greene
A happy, energetic kitty cat that was only about 2 years old. She snuck outside and got hit by a car. Her sister became extremely antisocial after that. =(
Kiki, 02/20/04-01/16/09
Lisa Horton
Kiki, 03/91-01/06/09
Kiki/Kiki Bunny/The Bunsen Burner/Bean/Bean Head
We are grateful for your 19 years of perfect
You are truly an angel Kiki.
We'll miss the times of you eating all of your favorite products
processed cheese (like cheetos, macaroni and cheese, wispride).
You are so special to us Kiki Buns and we will always remember
how much
love you brought to our home (and how you liked to mooch heat by
and the little "grey cloud" that circled your head).
I know you are in Heaven with Auntie Kim now, so I am at peace
with your
crossing over the Rainbow Bridge.
When you have time, send us a meow or a special scent of your
All of my love to you my precious Kiki-I love you forever Kiki
Lots of love from all of us.
Mommy, Other Mommy, Maylee, Tootie, Preston and Ally Mae.
I hope you find lots of warm blankets to snuggle on!
Kiki Chun-Li Robare, 05/04/01-02/09/08
Kiki.. Ah, the silent meower. Stubby, piss-a-keek, and the many nicknames we called her. Despite her hating every other animal she ever met, she was a true lap cat- content as ever to curl up with my mom and watch TV with her.
If the family was upset and yelling, Kiki would quickly jump in the loudest mouth's lap and try ever so desperately to quiet and calm them.. She cared about her humans, and by that, she showed it.
She will truly be missed..
Aubrey Robare
Kiko, 07/04/94-04/01/08
One year ago today I lost my best friend.
Kiko you are in my heart, my mind and my life always. There is
not one
day that goes by that I do not think of you.
I know you are still with me.
I feel the signs always. Please know how much you mean to me and
whose life you touched.
You are my precious angel that was given to me by God and I will
be forever
grateful for your love.
Thank you for being there for me for the hardest time in my
life. I love
you now and always.
Love your mommy xoxoxoxo
Kiko, 10/06/96-03/09/09
He was my best friend. I will love him forever.
Bob & Joy Hoffman
Killean, 07/91-06/12/09
My baby Killean, how I longed for you to recover from your illnesses, what a fighter you were, taking everything so calmly and gently, but the last day we had together I couldn't bear to see you in pain. I knew you were and I made the decision to let you go. I know that you are happy and free and suffer no more pain. Know always that I love you and that you were the best cat I could have ever known or ever asked for... I will see you someday... I love you and miss you.. Be free
Robyn Christine
My beloved Killer was put to rest after a long bout with colic, a very debilitating disease in horses. He had been rescued by my niece around 10 years ago. An old race horse neglected by his owners. He came into my life in 2003, bringing back the love of horses I experienced when I was a child. I learned so much again with him. We had many good rides down the trails. When he became lame & could not be ridden any longer, he retired with my and my new horse Traveler. They were the best of buddies.
He had a beautiful spirit, a kind and loving personality. He was very old by horse standards, comparable to about a 150 year old person. I was happy to care for him because he gave so much in return. It is a huge hole in my heart for him to be gone. No longer can I kiss his beloved old head or lead him back to the barn. I would gladly have taken care of him for another 100 years.
I will love and miss him for the rest of my life. Even though I knew I would one day have to say good bye to him, it was still not easy.
I do hope that I will see him again one day over the Rainbow Bridge. It is possible.
Thank you all for listening.
Killer, 06/06/09
Killer not a day goes by that I do not think of you and feel that familar pain in my heart. You were my baby boy, my best friend, and the most amazing bunny anyone has ever known. Even though you are no longer here physically I feel you all around me every day, and I know that you are not truely gone because you are always on my mind and forever in my heart. Buba I know how hard you fought to stay here with me, but I understand you had to go. I miss you so very much and I cry so many tears at the thought of not getting to hold you every day. You are so special and so loved and missed so very much. You were my bunny boy.... my favorite cuddle buddy, and as unique as your name. Killer, you forever changed my life that Easter sunday when I first got to hold you. Those amazing blue eyes and that little tail.... a twitching nose and little bunny ears, you were beautiful. You were so docile and loving, I will never go a day without thinking of you, I promise. I cannot wait to see you again and hold you. I only hope you know that I love you and miss you. I wish I was there when you left this earth, and I am sorry I was not but I know you were not alone and that offers me some comfort. Enjoy Rainbow Bridge baby boy, and keep an eye out for me. Until we meet again I love you buba a million times infinity. All my love always and in my mind and heart forever
Killer, 12/06/09
My little baby who whistled colonel bogey and
sang a rude
song passed away yesterday,he was my friend not my pet; but at
least now
he can never feel pain
he is in "Bird Heaven" with my African grey "Smokie"
Derek Turpin
Killer, 11/02/06-03/01/09
He was full of love, and happiness. He was taken from us in hate, and scorn. You my Prince, did not deserve to die so young. We will never go a day without praying for those who did this. We miss you, baby boy. We love you, Mom, Dad, Derek, Paige, & Joshua (always).xoxoxoxoxoxo
Killerkitty, 06/19/08
My cat found me at a time in my life when I was
and ready to end it all. I had no reason to live....or so I
thought. Then
this wonderful creature entered my tiny she was, eyes
and ears folded but such courage she had. Not even a week old
and she crawled
out from under a house on a nearly freezing, rainy November
night to call
for a mama who never returned. I had never heard such a huge cry
from such
a pitifully small animal. She would die if I didn't do
I had this cat for almost 17 years and she saved me twice from
More than that though, she taught me how to love. I was taught
in childhood
that love is just painful. Bruises and no self-esteem. I
couldn't imagine
doing that to a child so I never had children, and couldn't form
any close
bonds with anyone. Until I was "given" Killer. She taught me
that love is the most easy companionship you'll ever have with
two-legged or four. It's being able to watch them sleep and
wonder what
they're dreaming about when their whiskers twitch and their feet
It's dragging a string around and your laughter as they chase,
It's having them climb up to, and sit on, the page you are
writing or reading,
just to get your attention, and you don't knock them off or
yell. It's
the time when you end up in the hospital dying of pneumonia, and
your only
thoughts are that you HAVE TO take care of your baby, someone
take care
of my baby!
Love is the panic you feel when they aren't where you expect
them to be.
Love is telling them that it's ok that they knocked "this" or
"that" down and maybe broke it. I thought love was this
HUGE, impossible to keep, commitment. And I found out that all
love is,
really, is being with each other, one day at a time. She taught
me that,
my beautiful cat named Killer. I didn't know it then, but she
would eventually
"kill me with kindness" and love. Both of us should not have
survived on that cold, wet night. She is, truly, my hero.
My baby girl, I love you more than I ever thought possible, and
you gave
me your life. I didn't deserve it, but you had faith in me the
moment you
crawled into the palm of my hand and curled up into a shivering
wet ball,
leaving me wondering, as I tucked you under my shirt against my
warm belly,
what the heck did I think I was doing? I see now that I was
choosing to
live. And through all the tough times you stayed there by my
side, even
through a cold, homeless, Minnesota winter. My sweet and
precious girl,
I will miss you terribly. Thank you for forgiving me when I got
mad at
you. Thank you for being my gift. Thank you for what you taught
me. I can
honestly say "I love you".
Nick Spooner
Kils, 08/01/94-12/31/08
My beloved friend has left.
She was so strong and full of life until the end; she was a
beauty as well.
Then a collapse, a seizure, and downhill from there.
Within hours it was over.
The spunk, the life was gone.
I miss her so.
She brought a lot of joy in her 14 plus years.
I hope we meet again..
Mik Harkin
Kim, 05/12/08
Kim, so young to have a brain tumour.
So much life to live.
Race on at Rainbow Bridge, enjoy what we could not give you.
Anne Coates
Kimber, 12/05/95-02/18/09
To My Lil Kimber,
I love you boo boo
Love "Forever" from your Laurie
Laurie K Hammond
Kimberly Kaytlyn Kaye, 03/11/03-03/29/05
Kimberly Cummings Kaye
Kimo, 13/.5-03/25/09
My best friend Kimo is no longer hear.
I miss you so much, it's hard to explain.
I would do anything and give anything to have you back.
You were there for all of my mistakes and loved me anyway.
I know you are flying high and in pain no more.
I miss you and love you and promise to never forget you.
Kinder, 05/08/08
Kinder was my best friend for 15 1/2 years and
she pasted
away 1 year ago today.
It was the hardest day of my life she was there for so many
events in our
lives, all the ups and downs and thru it all she never gave us
but unconditional love.
I hope you are at peace and enjoying all your new friends in
I love you and miss you so very much.
Please know that someday I will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge
and we will
once again be together as a family.
I love you and miss you Kinder!
Lisa (Mommy)
King, 04/10/98-03/17/09
We are glad that you are now free of the suffering that plagued you. So long as you are happy we are willing to live with the huge holes in our hearts. We shall always love you and miss you.
We hope we shall be reunited in the Dreamtime when the world is finished with us. We shall never forget you!
Bless you, our King-King
Robert and Teri Sprackland
King Fluffington, 08/01/08-06/04/09
King, I am so sorry that you got killed by an
careless driver.
I feel so bad that I did not catch you as you sneaked out of the
Our doctor said you did not feel any pain, but the pain in my
heart is
so vile.
I am trying to forgive myself and understand that some cats only
come into
our lives for a brief time.
Your boy, Zach has made you a very special place in the yard.
You will be forever in our hearts.
We have never lost a pet like this, you know our other pets
lived past
15 years or more.
I hope you will forgive me.
You where such a darling cat, peaceful and big. I was so proud
of your
hefty 35 pound size.
Barker, the Rough Coated Collie played with you like a dog.
Petunia and Sheba are looking for you.
They will miss you even more.
I threw away the shirt I was wearing when I found you, I won't wear a yellow shirt again.
King, you always kept my feet warm, I look forward to seeing you again someday. I will make a donation to the shelter to give another kitty a chance for a good life.
Joey Vancleeff
King Fluffington, 08/01/07-05/28/09
King, I am so sorry you got injured and died in a
I hope you will forgive me. I brought you to the vet right away,
but there
was nothing the vet could do to bring you back to us.
I hope you have a wonderful life in Heaven and someday I hope to see you again.
King Louie was the best you could ask for. Everytime I got angry, I would hold him until I felt better. He will always be in my heart. I will never forget him. I love you buddy. Chaz
King Solomon, 03/17/09
Dear Tinker,
You will never be forgotten on this earth and we
forever look forward to seeing you once again at Rainbow Bridge.
We know you're strong and whole again and that you can run and
play with
Kitty, Cliffy, Lazarus, Chloe and Pooh. We also know that God is
great care of you for us but we miss that responsibility
Mama misses your little velveteen face and your head popping up
from the
bathtub where you slept.
I miss your greeting me at the door when I came home from work
and sleeping
between me and Mama.
We do now and will forever love and miss you, Son.
Mama and Daddy
Kingsford was an awfully cool dude for a mutant. He had seven toes on each front foot and one dewclaw on the back. He and Chester brought many a smile with their WWF matches in the living room. He was a very loving, people-oriented cat, happy to be held and happy to just hang loose. FeLV+...He was a fighter to the very end. He will be sorely missed by our whole family, human and feline. We love you, Dude.
Kingsford, 02/14/09
Kingsford I will miss you.
Your presence in my life helped me deal with life's slings and
You were a steadying influnce.
Your face will always be in my memory.
William Chandler
Kippa, 08/94-05/22/09
Kippa - the pain of your loss is overwhelming. We
you so much. We look at the couch where you used to lay and
still see you
We take comfort in knowing you are no longer in pain and can run
and play
again like a puppy. We know we did the right thing as hard as it
was. You
were the best dog in the world!! We will always love you.
Peggy & Robert Shields
Kipper, 05/18/07-05/01/09
I want to put a tribute out there for my beloved
He was so incredibly special and taken from us far too soon.
Kipper was loved by all who met him.
He was sweet as can be, loved to play fetch(bottle caps and
twistie ties
were favorites) and loved to cuddle up with me and suck on my
hair each
and every day.
I miss him so so much around the house, and i'm also sad that my
son will miss his orange play buddy as he grows up.
We all love and miss you already Kipper, be well until we see
each other
at the Rainbow Bridge one day
Joanne Jansson
Kira, 07/03/93-04/06/09
My lovely Kira, I miss you and love you very
You are my dog, and I am so glad we had 16 years together.
I know you are with Brandii at the Rainbow Bridge playing
together. I know
that you are seeing grandma, grandpa and daddy too.
I love you.
Jan Snelling
Kira, 10/01/96-01/09/09
Our sweet girl left us swiftly and without suffering. If there is such a place as the "Rainbow Bridge"(and we hope there is), she is romping there with her first soulmate Bogi. I cry as I write this, for we will miss her sweet disposition, her tapping on the sliding door to get back in, and her love of a "cookie treat" and a good walk with her best friend Rooni. So sadly missed by Dad, Mom, our Children, and Grandchildren. We all love you and will never forget you, Kira Lou!
Ray and Patty Pettus
My dear beloved pal Kirby. You meant everything to me and i meant everything to you. Every time we walk on the beach it feels different without you there. I hope you know that you are always in my heart and i am never ever going to forget you. i hope you are no longer in pain up in heaven and are looking down at me.You will always be with me in spirit.I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU KIRBY. MAY YOU REST IN PEACE.
Kirby, 03/14/09
I cannot begin to think of the right words to
describe my dog, Kirby, that would do her justice.
In her honor though, I will try. She was fiercely loyal and
One Sunday evening when she was around five years old I had let
her out
in the back yard while I cooked supper for my husband.
She started barking (which wasn't anything new, she was very
vocal) like
something was wrong.
My husband went outside to check on her and saw her standing
close to the
back steps barking at something.
Before he could get any closer she had grabbed a large snake
with her mouth
and began slinging it from side to side.
She called herself protecting my husband from the snake.
She was bit several times and with it being a Sunday no local
vet was open.
Everywhere I called across the state told me that in all
likelihood with
the snake being a water mocassin and the size of it she was
going to die.
Her paws swelled until they split and the side of her mouth
swelled to
extreme proportions also.
She was in so much pain and I remember feeling so helpless.
My husband and I stayed by her side throughout the night during
her fevers
and delirium thinking it was the end.
She was so strong.
She made it through the night and to the vet's office the next
She was an inspiration and I remember being so grateful that the
Lord didn't
take away my baby that day.
She unselfishly sacrificed herself to keep my husband from being
bit because
he could not see the reptile.
I hope that recollection sheds a little light on who "Kirby"
She definitely had a mind and personality all her own.
She was very independent, but loving at the same time.
She was a leader at heart despite her small size.
If you were to put her in a yard with other dogs twice her size,
she would
be running the show in a short period of time.
She loved exploring and running free outside, but at the same
time she
loved sleeping between us buried under the covers right by our
She loved her toys and had a basket where she kept all her
She loved plush animals because biting a hole in them and
pulling out all
the stuffing was one of her favorite pasttimes.
She was a wonderful addition to my life journey, and even though
the pain
of her loss is almost unbearable at times I would do it all over
in a hearbeat.
She is extremely missed by, not only me, but everyone who had
the pleasure
of knowing her.
She was not only a dog, but a daughter, a protector, and a best
Melisa Willhite
Kirby, 11/05/07-30/05/09
Kirbs touched a lot of people.
He was very special and even though he wasn't around long he
will always
be remembered and loved.
Kirby, 03/17/09
The most lovable, smart, intelligent, sociable
Beagle ever!
We miss you girl!
Ditch misses you too.
Joanne Duncan
Kirby Broderick (Dikity Dikity Dog), 10/15/92-04/02/09
Kirby lived with us for 16 years. She chased my
Dads quarter
horses and loved every minute of it. She loved to eat and have
her tummy
rubbed. Her friends that are left without her will miss her
have so many great memories of her. After she was put down we
were driving
down Summerland Hill and there was a rainbow greeting us.....we
knew Kirby
was with Dad and Daisy.
We will love you Forever KirbyOOOOOOOX
Marty & Sherri Broderick Wood
Kirby Rowell, 01/08/98-05/15/09
"what we have enjoyed, we can never lose ... all
that we love deeply becomes a part of us."
~Helen Keller
Thank you Kirby for all the things that you were that are now apart of me. Thank you for opening that door that I had tried to keep shut. Thank you for making me curious enough to see what is on the other side of it.
I will adore and miss you until I take my final breath and we are in the same place for all eternity.
I love you!!!
Renee Rowell
Kiri, 01/11/01-10/16/07
Our beautiful little girl and companion to Sibby for 6 years.
Frank & Lynn Peters
Kiri, 28/10/92-11/07/09
The love i have for you will never leave my heart, i think about you all the time i sometimes cant go on.I wish that i could hold you just for one more time and tell you that I love you but I know that I cant. Please wait for me my darling untill we meet again and i will love and kiss you in eternity. All my love mam.xx
Kirstie Alley, 05/31/09
What a funny little creature you were!
Ready to snap at everyone and everything that disturbed you.
You made Daffy's life miserable but you were your own dog and
there was
no changing you.
You were with us for just a little less than a year, and you
never really
learned to trust us, but who knows what you'd been through to
make you
the way you were.
Duke and I miss you, which might surprise you.
I hope thast Daffy is kinder to you at the Rainbow Bridge than
you were
to her, and that you meet and like Nick and Feather, and Foo and
Sam and
Pepper and Nunu and Pokey and Cindy; and the cats Kitty,
Katrina, Boots
and Sassafras.
You make quite a crew waiting for me.
Be nice to the other guys and they'll be nice to you--they're
really a
great crew.
Kisha, 06/07/99-03/03/09
Kisha was and will always be remembered as the little blessing in my life. She will be missed dearly. Her companionship and memories will always be close in my mind.
KissyFace, 07/06/09
We will miss your sweet face and kisses baby, Love, Mom and Dad
Kissyfur, 11/28/97-03/19/09
My precious Kissy,
You always managed to put a smile on my face throughout the
hardest times
in my life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me and
comforting me in
ways that no human being can even compare.
You'll always be remembered and greatly missed.
Rest in peace my little angel.
Leticia Zaragoza
Kit, 02/23/09
Love you Kit
Jenna Kaplinski
You were just the sweetest, most loving cat we ever had. Funny and goofy, you always knew when we needed company. We miss you so much and am so glad we found you. We prayed for the right kitty for our family and he sent you.
Kit Ninu, 2003-01/04/09
We love you and will miss you Kittles.
Calan Hess
Kita, 03/11/09
She was everything you could ask for and more.
Her "food guys" and feline buddy Kalie miss her and are deeply
saddened that we will not be able to cuddle with her again.
Mark & Virginia Lee
Kita Rose, 02/10/94-03/23/09
1994 "Kita" 2009
It is with very much sadness that I tell you my beloved "Kita"?
is no longer with us. She died on Monday, March 23, 2009.
Kita was such a wonderful dog, a most faithful companion and a
friend. She came to us from a broken and bruised past, but with
such a
brave spirit. When she arrived at our house "she was home where
belonged" a part of our family now.
Kita lived a beautiful life with us for 5 years, leaving many
memories that will always bring a smile.
We love her and will all miss her very, very much.
She will forever be in our hearts.
Katrina, Phil & Patti , Pepsi
Kitari, 12/31/08
Kitari, you were with me for 19 years but you will always be in my heart. I will miss your kisses, your evening nudges, your uniqueness.
Yesterday was a hard day having to make the decision to let you go. I sensed it was OK with you since you were very peaceful as you nudged your head against my chin when I had you on my shoulder. I know you are at peace and in a better place.
Goodbye for now, until we meet again.
I will always love you.
KitKat, 05/15/09
My special boy and friend. I will love you forever. God bless my sweet KitKat.
Richard "Buddy" Howard Jr.
KitKat, 05/11/09
KitKat loved people, especially kids.
She was my soul mate of cats, my constant companion and best
She was very loved by her family.
Julie Benson
Kitt, 03/10/09
My precious Kitt.
Your little life was too short.
The FIV and cancer took you from me and your Benny too soon.
I will miss your constant conversation and sitting next to me on
the couch.
Your Benny is deeply missing his snuggle buddy.
I rescued you only 5 years ago and you stole my heart with those
gold eyes.
Your with Vido now.
Healthy and happy.
We will be together again someday.
I am so sorry I could not save you.
I did my best for you my baby but the cancer won.
Your in my heart and soul, my Kitt.
Kitt, 05/05/95-01/24/09
I miss you little girl. You gave us 13 wonderful years. I hate that you're gone, but I am happy that I was able to see you at the end of December. I'll always remember you, Circus Dog, and will always cherish the love and affection you gave us. I love you!
Kitteny, 12/25/08
We said goodbye to our friend Kitteny on Christmas Day - She was a lovely, loving, fun friend, and will be missed.
Kathy & Fran
Kitters, 02/23/09
My dear kitters - I'll never forget the two most
days I had with you - the day I first held you, you were so soft
and purring
so loudly, I knew I had to have you and then last night when I
held you
while you were struggling to breathe. It was so devastating to
watch you
suffer. When I first became aware that you were dying, I looked
into your
eyes and promised you that when you were ready to go, I wouldn't
make you
suffer. How could I let you suffer when you had brought 18 years
of unconditional
love into my life. You were indeed the sweetest, most loving cat
I had
ever owned. You were there for me through some truly terrible
times and
I will always remember that. Now you are gone and I don't know
if I'll
ever stop missing you, but at least you will be restored back to
your original
glory where you can sit in the sun to your hearts content. I'll
miss you
more than words can express, and I'll love you forever.
Love, Mama, Daddy, Simba, and Cooper
Kittles aka Kit Bit, 05/09/95-01/16/09
Forever in my heart you will remain.
Noreene Wilson
Kitty, you are the weirdest cat we ever met. Remember that cold, snowy morning when we pulled into the driveway of our new home and you were waiting there on the porch for us? My first thought was, 'Oh,no- another stray. And she doesn't know I have dogs in the car.' You ran up to my door and acted like you'd been waiting for us for so long. I tried to warn you about the dogs, but you didn't listen. And when the bounded out of the vehicle, you simply started rubbing up against them, much to their surprise. Since that moment, you were a deeply ingrained part of our lives.
You were always there, you were always talking and looking for someone to rub against- me, the other cats, the dogs, our extended family, even Lucky, the horse. You managed to turn even the most determined cat-haters around. You even had Eric looking for you whenever he was at the house. You always came to comfort me when I was sick or crying. You stood up for your fellow cats and defended the house with the dogs. You were a great playmate for Boy, who I know misses you every day. You were a great mother to Peggy Sue, who is crying for you, wandering around the house wondering where you've gone.
You chased your tail, you loved flashlights, you always announced your arrival as you came in the dog door, you always got weird just before bed, you carried those toys around, crying as though you were trying to say something we'll never understand. That last night we were all together, you cleaned Minnie's ear (and she let you) and you brought Rich one of your toys in bed. You insisted upon cleaning Rich's chin every night and you know he secretly loved it. You made sure you were there to watch me get dressed and do my hair in the morning, smacking me every time I went by so I would make sure to pay attention and hurry up to feed you or turn the water on in the sink so you could watch it. You would forget that the scenes on the TV weren't real or the mouse on the computer wasn't something you could grab. You were a great traveler. You always came running to our whistle. You loved to take walks with the dogs. You loved climbing that tree at Grandmagrandpa's house. You had a big crush on Dad and like to bite his hands when he dared read the paper in your presence. You loved Kate's sandals. You loved vanilla yogurt, popcorn, and liverwurst. You had the softest paws and pads, which Mom loved to touch. You always smelled good. You always insisted upon sleeping under my arm, usually under the covers. You had that orange spot on your chin that you liked scratched. You had that goofy, notched ear and we'll never know how you got it.
You got into some of the oddest places, but we always got you back. This time, though, we cannot. And for that, Kitty, I am truly sorry. I am sorry I didn't insist upon seeing you at lunch time. I am sorry I wasn't home from work sooner and maybe I could have saved you. I will always feel terrible regret about that. I am sorry I moved us somewhere with a road where people speed. I will never forgive myself for any of this. We were robbed of many, many more years of finding new oddities about you and having you on our laps. Everyone is grieving, Kitty. And I've left your bowl out where you like to eat and your toys just where you left them, hoping you'll be back when I awake from this terrible nightmare. I can't imagine life without you. I'm feeling very lost because you're not always in my lap at home and I say your name, but you don't come running anymore. It hurts me so much that you will never be there again.
I take some comfort that you're in Cat Heaven, chasing birds and salamanders, and you've found endless amounts of cats to clean and cuddle with. We'll be there soon, Kitty. Wait for us, okay?
We love you and we'll always miss you. No one will ever fill that part of our hearts where you belong.
Kitty, 08/02/93-07/13/09
We miss you and hope you are no longer in pain.
Kitty, 1991-05/15/09
Kitty was the best cat and friend I could ever
hope to
have. She came along at a time when I was grieving and she
helped me, healed
me and made me smile again.
I think I helped her too.
We shared so much together and I will forever be grateful for
her presence
in my life.
I love you Kitty -now and always.
You are always in my heart.
Annette Sinclair
Kitty, 05/17/09
My Kitty died after being hit by a car. I'm
really sad
about it and trying to move on. I just miss her. My son was
outside and
saw it happen. He is really sad too and I'm helping him deal
with the loss.
I know Kitty is up in Heaven sleeping on my grandpa's bed.
Thanks for understanding.
Kitty, 09/23/92-04/17/92
The world is silent without your purr
Marj Schaff
Kitty, 09/23/92-04/17/09
The world is silent without your Purr.
Brother Matt and Mommy miss you.
Kitty, 10/01/96-04/10/09
Kitty loved to talk...she would meow up a
at the birds outside.
She was interested in all strangers that came to our
kitty I've ever had.
She loved to cuddle at bedtime & slept close to me all
She will be very missed.
We love her very much.
Amanda Hackman
Kitty, 11/92-04/11/09
You came into my life 16 1/2 years ago.
As I write this I am devastated. You met me at the door after
work, you
laid with me in bed no matter what time of the day it was.
You helped console me when we both lost your brother, Lynx, over
a year
Although you were never the same after that, you continued to be
my best
friend until the end. You were with me through ex husbands and
many moves, and through it all, you were my calm in the storm.
I can only hope that you are in heaven with Lynx, finally
together again,
looking down on me to help me get through this horrible time
without you.
You will never, ever, ever be replaced.
All my love, Valerie and David....
Kitty, 05/01/06-03/14/09
Kitty, 02/25/09
Kitty was my best friend and always there when I needed her. She helped me through hard times after I lost my mother 4 years ago. She was always the highlight of my day and always made me laugh. She had a very special talent of fetching and bringing me her bag of treats to bed in the middle of the night. Kitty I know your at the Rainbow bridge looking down on me right now and I want you to know that I love you very much and you will always have that special place in my heart. I am so sorry that this has happened and I wish there was something that I could have done to prevent this but I guess it was your time to go. I love you very much....
Angela Jones & Brandy Dedmon
Kitty, 1990-02/16/09
My "Itty Bitty Kitty", as my daughter and I
called her, entered this world being called Petrie and then we
just started
calling her Kitty.
Despite her age (and until she became ill), she never acted her
She ran around the house, batting things, and loving her catnip
as if she
was a kitten.
She had a stroke a year ago and I thought I was losing her then.
She basically recooperated, but in the last week her eating cut
way down
and then in the last few days of her life, she would not eat.
She barely drank, and was not acting like herself.
I hoped that she would pass in her sleep, but when that didn't
happen I
decided that I could not let her suffer and took her to the vet
to be put
to sleep.
We buried her on our friend's land and plan to make a
memorial/grave marker
for her soon. After having her for 18 1/2 years and her just
dying yesterday,
I keep waiting tonight for her to jump on my lap, meow to be
feed, and
to purr so loud you can hear her across the room.
Kitty, 01/31/09
I rescued Kitty from a group of ferral cats. He had a rough life living out on the streets for 99% of his life. When I brought him into my house a few months ago he loved it and he loved to be held and pet. He was such a good cat it was a shame that he didn't get more love throughout the years that he so deserved.
Kitty, 02/2008-02/03/09
I love you kitty.
You did such a great job as my best friend.
You were always there for me and will ALWAYS be in my thoughts.
I hope you send me a sign down here that you are happy and pain
Kitty, 03/09/91-01/12/09
no one reading this tribute will know what a
special cat
you were.
i treasure every second i had with you and losing you is one of
the sharpest
losses i've ever experienced.
wait by the rainbow bridge for me.
i can't wait to see you again.
Kitty Boy, 03/10/01-06/12/09
Well my dear Kitty, you and your sister had a
rough start
when l rescued you both at the barn.
You always wanted to go out hunting, lay in the sun and come in
the house
to eat and sleep.
We traveled many miles together and survived hard times.
Looking at us with one eye open and talking, you were very
special to Nara
and l.
The dogs will miss you, as will your sister.
I searched for you, called your name, but nothing.
Wait for me at the Bridge along with Garfield,Penny,Shadow,Dude
and Bo.
We Loved You.
Barbara Butler
Kitty Cat, 02/12/82-09/18/07
I big cuddley baby
Tracy Nicholson
Kitty Coo, 02/03/08
No other animal has touched me the way that you did Coo. I miss you so much, and my home and heart are empty. I am happy that you are no longer suffering, but I wish that I was still holding your sweet little self. Nathan and I will always be thinking of you. I love you forever baby. MSP
Kitty Girl Taylor, 06/09/09
Kitty Girl, I miss you greatly baby. I sure hope this pain leaves me be. You are a great gift from above and will always be in our hearts. Love, Dad
Kitty Jones, 09/76-08/05/94
My baby, my love, my reason for living.
My heart still aches.
Kathy Morgan Jones
Kitty Priscilla Tremont, 04/20/09
We will miss you always, our dear sweet, Kitty.
Jean Tremont
Kittycatacusaraticus (Hobbes), 04/94-03/04/09
One of the best feline companions ever!
She was part cat, part human!
She was my best friend. I will miss her forever!
Cathy Brace
You were the shyest of Sylvia's kittens born under my neighbor's deck. There were times I worried you hadn't make it out of infancy when I wouldn't see you. But, then again, its hard to see a black kitten in the shadows and you would always appear eventually. We would play "Toss the leaves", I would toss and you would leap in the air to catch them. After you came inside to be with me for always, you would sleep by my legs under the covers, prance and mince when it came time for breakfast, and crave the cuddles and kisses I was so willing to give you.
I still don't know what took you from me; it doesn't appear that it came with violence or pain. But I thought we had many years left to us, I had no idea when I left for work yesterday morning that it was the last time I would see your perfect face full of life. I love you my shy child. See you soon.
Kiva, 1994-03/10/09
You are or precious little girl...........we will love you always and miss you so much.
Debbie and John
For 9 years you were part of our lives and they were as special as you. There is a such pain in our hearts and I can't understand why you had to leave so suddenly. I'am so sorry I was not there to help and protect you from the events that took your life. You will forever be in our hearts and we will rejoice in the years lived by your side. Love always
Kiwi, 07/02/09
Kiwi, we missed you so dearly and you're always in our hearts forever. We've cherished all the years you've been with us since you arrived when you're just 6 weeks old. I will never forget how comfortable you were everytime I carried you over my shoulders. The kids missed you too!
Dan, Shelley and Kids
Kiwi, 01/05/01-05/22/09
you were the best co worker i ever had and my best friend i love you very much
Sandra Bergan
Kiwi (aka Kiki, Kika Boo, Kiwi Wee Wee), 04/17/09
Kiwi was our special and beloved Russian Blue cat. She was funny, loving, graceful, and full of life. Her presence left an empty void in our hearts and we miss her deeply. Her spirit lives on in our memories and in our thoughts; and eventually, time will heal the pain. Although she was taken so suddenly from us, I know that she is no longer in pain and playing happily with our other beloved cats, Kahlua and Bailey. I will see them again, once I cross over the Rainbow Bridge. And my heart will be at peace. May Angels watch over you, Kiwi (as well as Kahlua & Bailey). Forever you are loved...(ADR, April '09)
Alice & Arlene
Kiwi, 02/21/09
Dear Ki Cat,
Thank you for all of the love and patience you taught me.
Strawberry and I miss you so much.
We love you.
Kiwi, Christmas 2008
Kiwi~~~a darling Quaker Parrot.. I'll miss you as
as I live, I think of you so much!!
We spent everyday together~
You made this old girl's day, everyday.
I love you Kiwi.
Till we meet again~~~
Tommie Goudeau
Kix (Kixy), 08/00-01/28/09
Kixy,you were our little social butterfly. The boss of the house,but not too bossy. You were friends with everyone or at least tried to be! You were sooo smart, I know you knew English.I will miss how you liked to play psycho kitty in the tub behind the shower curtin,how you nipped my nose or seeing you waiting at the patio door for us to come home.You always somehow was able to be up the stairs waiting by the front door by the time we got in the house.Your passing was way too soon, it left us in shock. We knew you weren't feeling like yourself, but to find cancer and that you couldn't be saved just makes me so sad and lost. I'm just glad you wouldn't have to go through any more suffering. I always said you were put in the middle of the road as a baby by the angels for me to find. Now, you are back with the angels waiting to see us again. We love and miss you! Mom,Dad,Goldie,Smokey,AJ,Missy and Roscoe
Kizmit, 03/01/94-05/05/09
Gone but never forgotten, you will always be in our hearts, love ya & miss ya always!
Seth Dunas
Klanci, 08/09/96-06/19/09
You brought our family so much joy-we miss you
and will always love you.
We will see you in heaven
Klee Rae Davis Our Baby Girl, 05/24/94-07/09/09
Frank and Linda Davis
Klein, 02/09/09
I miss you so much and I am so sorry Klein. Please forgive me for not taking you sooner to the vet.
I am so sad. I am devestated. You are my best friend.
THe best part of me is dead.
Klondike, 06/22/09
You were my stregth and my hero.
Few people will ever possess the compassion, intelligence, beauty and complete love which you possessed.
I feel I failed you in your life.
I betrayed your love for that of a man, but even then you seemed
to understand
my needs.
You were always at your father's side while he was sick.
You even directed EMT worker's to your father's side.
You always had trust, love, compassion and loyalty in your big beautiful heart.
I will miss the curl of your tail, the love in your eyes, and the joy you always displayed when you saw me.
Without you, I don't know how I would have made
it through
all these years.
You always stopped to give your love.
I miss you so very much, and will always hold a special place in my heart for you.
I always told you that if you were a man, I would
married you.
I always meant that.
Thank you for your love and support all your life.
I could never even begin to reward your devotion.
You were and will always be my love.
Thank you.
Jeri Baker
Klondike, 07/04/95-12/10/04
I miss your sweet face.
Klondike, 03/01/09
You were such a cool old guy.
We will miss you forever.
Love, Sheila
Klyipe, 10/29/06
l still miss you and dart very much but knowing we will be together again helps me through
Dawn Angel
Knickerbocker Day
Freeman, August 3rd, 2009 - November 18th, 2009
To My Best Furry Friend, My Protector and My Baby
You have been by my side for 10 years and it tore me apart to
say good
bye. You protected me and now I must protect you from any more
harm or
illness. You were so loved not only by me but your Grandma's,
your Daddy, Renegade, RJ, and Cleopatra. Plus all your other
aunts and
uncles of the Day/Bain & Freeman Family.
You are now at the Rainbow Bridge playing with Smokey, Topper,
Willie, Moochie, Heman, Renegade, and Sasha. Have fun, jump, run
eat anything you want. You are now safe and free of any illness.
Just know your mommy and daddy loved you with all their hearts
and was
trying to do the best thing for you. I still feel your kisses on
my face
before you went to sleep. I will feel those kisses until I see
you again
crossing the Rainbow Bridge.
I love you!
Knob, 02/17/09
You came to us 6 months ago as a rescue and became part of our family, you were such a happy little ferret and you got along with everybody. Then you got sick you had surgery and theyremoved a tumor and your spleen you recovered so well but 5 days after surgery things went wrong we did everything we could for you but nothing worked. It broke my heart when you died you touched us in such a little time and I miss you so do your brothers Dobie and Quigley and siste Gumpy. We will see you again over the bridge along with everybody else.
John & Carolyn Woodward
Koa, 02/14/09
We'll miss you forever~
My precious Kobe,
I am so grateful to have had you in my life no matter how brief
it was.
You lifted me up when I was down and gave me so much joy.
You were such a sweet dog with so much heart-I am so sorry you
had to suffer
the last few months. I did everything I could to save you.
I will love you and miss you forever.
Be happy now, and know I will keep you in my heart.
Janine Gass
Kobe Dobe, 03/17/03-07/10/09
loved beyond belief rip kobe
Joyce Sper
Kobi, 04/11/96-20/01/09
I have had this dog for my entire life.
He was with me in the best and the worst of times.
He walked to the kindgergarden bus on the first day of school,
and when
i graduated elementary school.
He always sleeps in my bed.
I just want to make sure no one will ever forget the best dog
Colin Todd
Koco, 01/17/97-03/04/09
I would like to add Koco, my very special sweet little boy, to the Rainbow Bridge. Koco now joins his mom who passed away this past Sept., and is at the Rainbow Bridge, along with my other sweet boy Romeo, a boxer I lost in 2006. I pray that they are all happy, and playing together, now all healthy and whole, and that Koco was welcomed by his mom at the Bridge so that he would not be frightened. I love them all, and miss them very much. May Koco be at Peace.
Linda Marcotullio
Koda, 05/03/09
The most beautiful, coolest, most majestic
Alaskan Husky
in the world, Koda, left this world today.
He died at home and didn't suffer.
Before we took him to his final place, Dad and I took him for a
ride along
his favorite route to go on his daily walks with Dad.
I know his brother Yoda will be waiting for him when he gets to
Everyone marveled at Koda's beauty.
People stopped to photograph him.
At the dog park, people would take pictures of him with their
camera phone.
Koda made himself the mayor and greeter of the dog park.
He would walk around with newly arrived dogs, would show them
where the
water was and where the toys were etc.
Then he'd wander and hang with the people because he was a
people dog.
He'd make his rounds so everyone could pet him and tell him how
he was.
He liked hanging out with the folks wherever he was!
Koda loved to run and I once clocked him at 18mph
20 minutes as he ran next to me on the bike.
Watching him run was a thing of beauty.
Koda was a husky and liked to talk.
Sometimes he would talk as if he was tattling on one of the
other dogs,
he would also out bitch and complain any other members of his
He knew tons of words in English and it was really as if he
every word said to him.
I remember he would ask to be fed (verbally) and I'd say "15
and that guy would be back 14-17 minutes later.
He was so funny!
He knew tricks like sitting, shaking and laying
down and
when he would "shake"? for a treat, it was funny how quick he
was with the paw for a fast and assertive shake.
Koda loved car rides and would get his entire upper body out of
the car.
My old car had a scratch spot where Koda would "steer"? with
his right paw while on his car rides, holding on as he only had
his back
legs in the car.
Koda had a great and happy life and was full of
He made our lives better!
There's a huge hole in my heart right now, but I can't think of
Koda without
happy memories, so I'll hold those close!!
All dogs go to heaven and I know Koda will have a
place there with no toenail clippers and no brushes!
Thanks for your understanding as we mourn the huge family loss
of our beautiful
DeDe, Don and Brian Forwood
Koda, 03/18/09
You were a great "cat-dog".
We will miss you and your special ways;
Ringing the bell when you wanted to go out, laying on the sink
when we
were getting ready for school and your unusual likeness of
water. We love
Koda Warhurst, 04/09/09
You were taken from us far too soon. You were a young dog but so bullheaded. You were not a pet. You were not just a dog. You were a part of our family. You laid by my feet as I worked each day. You market your fair share of the house as your own. I love you so much and I miss you so much that my heart is breaking.
Shonte Warhurst, Kennedy Grant, Maesin Grant and James McNally
Kodak, 06/19/09
Kodak has been an important part of my life for 15 years. My constant companion and friend, who kept me grounded and loved. Even when he could not walk any longer, he never quit looking out for me, watching over me, waiting for me to come home at day's end. Words cannot express how I feel not having him here. No more pain for Kodak. I will miss you more than even I could have possibly known 15 years ago when you walked into my life.
Lisa Rountree
Kodi, 06/07/09
May your boudaries be the Milky Way, where you
sparkle from afar.
Do not cry that I am gone, smile that I happened. To the most
loving, loyal
beautiful adopted baby ever - we will miss you. Thank you for
all you gave
and shared. Our hearts are broken, may you be free from all pain
Andrea Bozzi
Kodi, 12/30/00-04/15/09
We picked you out from amongst your siblings and
you Home because of your happy personality and go-lucky
You trusted us completely. I hope we were able to provide a
loving environment
for you as you did for us.
Thank you for making us laugh with your goofy antics and for
teaching me
something about what matters in Life.
When I was feeling down, you were the one who nuzzled me and
asked if I
was OK with those big soft eyes. And the world got a little
brighter because
of you.
Jeanette & Felix Tang
Kodi, 12/17/97-04/23/09
My furry best boy, you were the sweetest, gentlest dog ever put on this earth. You came to us when we needed you most to heal another great loss. When we first spotted you in the pet store that day in April, we knew you were the one who would bring healing to our hearts. You trembled uncontrollably as we played with you and we would not leave the store without you. Kodi boy, you are so loved by the whole family. We will miss your beautiful face and your hugs and love. Romp and play in green fields my little love. You will be with us forever in our hearts. Rest now, sweet one.
Mom, Dad, Grandma & Shadow Man
Kodi, 03/16/95-04/19/09
I will miss you my wolfie girl. Now the Amigos (Cinni, Chang, Allie, and you) are together again. Go chase your squirrls baby girl. I will see you again soon. Love, Mom
Sissy, I miss you so much. I will look after Mom, Dad, and the kitties. I promise. Love, your baby brother Jake
Kodiak, 06/05/96-04/11/09
Lisa Wiltfong
Kodiak (Princess of the Arctic Snow), 03/09/09
kodiak was a wonderful friend.
she would lick the tears from my face when I was sad and was
always able
to chear me up.
she was a true husky and would dig to china if we let her.
she had been thru many hardships and pulled thru them all
(parvo, kidnapped,
dog attack) and still lived to be almost 17yrs old. seeing her
in pain
and dying was the hardest thing I have been thru.
I will miss her so much
Kelly and Steve
Kodiak Polar Snowbear, 01/06/06-02/17/09
Kody Boy, I know you will wait for me at the rainbow bridge, miss you already
Monique Musgrove
Kodie, 04/01/09-06/11/09
My dear sweet Kodie. Although you were here for
such a
short time you have touched my life in so many ways. I was lost
after my
cat died of cancer and I knew when I saw you that you would fill
my heart
with love. I waited
many weeks until you were old enough to be with me. It felt so
right when
you came to me on Mothers day and I knew we had many years
together. My
heart is broken and I am so filled with guilt as I did not see
you walk
behind me out the door. You were always so brave and believed
that I would
never let anything hurt you. I am so sorry that the car that you
to go to work in took your life. I hope that you will forgive
me. I will
love you always!!!!
Kody, 12/25/98-04/23/09
Thank you Kody for being such a wonderful friend to us, for making us laugh so much at your antics and for all the love you gave us. Run free with Jack. We miss you so much already
Chris & Dave Stanford
Kody, 12/20/08
Kody came one into our lives one day and adopted us Richard, Gail and Bearzie. He was my ears, letting me know when somone was visiting. He was also a judge of character.Letting me know who to trust and who not to trust!
Richard Sakker
Kody, 06/23/90-12/27/08
We will truly miss ya Kody, you were the best cat ever..............
Ed, Elaine, & Travis
Kohl, 02/15/02-03/07/09
You are with me as I am with you, always.
Koi, 2006-2009
You will be missed. xo
Koji, 04/10/98-01/13/09
Loree, Roy and Taki
Koke'e, 09/18/91-01/29/09
Koke'e, my little one, this dreaded day finally came and left me no choice but to help you on your journey to the Bridge. I will miss your soft kisses, crazy antics and booming purr more than I can say. I will treasure the hours you spent sleeping in my lap as your health faded. I have lit the first of many candles for you today - may their flickering light help guide you to the Bridge, and may you be whole and happy again. I love you - Mark.
Koko, 05/23/07-09/23/09
koko, I rescued you from the animal shelter & you proved to be a loving young lab, i didn't get to be with you as long as i did your buddy shorty, but i loved you just as much. it nearly killed my soul when you were killed on the highway & then a few short months i lost shorty boy to the same god-awful highway. God only knows what a blessing you 2 dogs were to me. You both will be missed everyday, we will meet at the rainbow bridge & the 3 of us will again do the things we loved so.
I sure miss throwing the sticks for you &
shorty to
fetch, God I loved you both so much, it breaks my heart that you
are both
gone from me !!
Love You Guys
KoKo, 05/11/09
With love for a wonderful friend KoKo.
A sweet girl who was ALWAYS there for her Dad, especially during
his illness.
You may not be present, but your love and devotion will always
be remembered
and cherished. Thank you for our time together.
My love always.
Aunt Mary Malone
Koko, 08/23/00-05/08/09
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart to let
know our KOKO had to leave us today, May 08, 2009, after only
being with
us just short of four years.
His illness was a shock and the decision was a hard one since he
was so
He was such a joy and blessing for the time we were allowed to
have him
in our lives.
Our other two cats, Karma and Zeus will miss him as much as we
John & JJ Golden
Koko, 07/15/98
You were such a trooper, you were the ultimate Lab!
We hope you are taking care of our Precious Sagie Girl, she had
such a
gentle nature, and she needs you right now KoKo!
We love you KoKo, please take care of Sagie Girl!
Emery & Patty Matsko
Koko, 09/01/91-03/27/09
Our beloved Koko,you are so missed. We knew this day would come and what a tremedous hole in our hearts you would leave when you passed. Our house is so quiet without you,we have always had a dog. When your mother and brother left us you filled the void, but now there is no one.By the way you kept fighting to live I know you didn't want to leave us either. You had a wonderful 18 years with us. Everything we did revolved around you and now I turn around and you are not in your favorite hangout. I still see you and hear you. You were our alarm clock in the morning and now we can't even bear to get out of bed because you are not there to greet us. We love and miss you so much.
Kathy Nester
Koko, 02/28/09
He was the best friend I have ever had I loved him with all of my heart and soul
Connie Martin
KoKo, 02/19/09
We love you and miss you KoKo.I got up and fixed
breakfast this morning without thinking. Your
death has left a big hole in our lives,we are really
grieving.There couldn't
have been a better dog than you.I am sorry if I made some
mistake with
your care,I feel like I let you down.You were
so strong and put up such a good fight,and were such a good
patient. I
know my voice was the last
one you heard,I think you knew I was there-but if
you didn't hear-I said I love you and I will see
you at "the bridge."
Jon F. Haydock
Koko, 06/01/00-01/24/09
I lost my Koko kitten way too soon.
I will always remember your love and companionship and what a
truly great
cat you were.
Koko De Loco, 12/12/95-03/04/09
I am numb, I am weak, I am depressed, and very
very sad.
It seems it is a nightmare in which I cannot awaken from.
My heart breaks, and tears begin to flow like a river at a
smell, a sight
of something that was his. I feel the same pain as when my
mother passed
away, am suffering from the same sense of loss, and most likely,
will continue
to suffer from it until I can come to terms with its' finality.
That is
how special to me he was...he was not an animal, he was not just
a pet,
he was my family member, my friend...and now he is absent from
my life.
The other cats know and feel him missing too.
He was the runt of the litter, but he had a huge heart and will.
Koko deserves every tear I shed for him.
Koko's Baby Sage, 06/27/98-02/12/09
WE Love you Sage, you were the bright spot in our
and we will carry your pawprint from now until the end of time
and back
We will see you again our sweet girl, one day, when God says it
is time!
We Love you Sagie Girl!
Emery & Patty
Kokopelli T Bear, 06/29/09
In memory our beloved pup who brought so much love and affection into our world.
Gregg and Olena Thomas
Kolby, 05/22/97-03/25/04
Kolby was the runt of the litter of Chihuahua pups and I kept him. He was my best friend and campanion for 8 years I still miss the little guy,I know there will come a time we will see each other again.
Rachelle Arion
Kona, 01/15/00-03/17/09
Kona was quite simply the best freind and family
anyone could ask for.
He was a 'Gentle Giant', with a warm soul and friendly demeanor.
He was complimented everywhere he went for his handsome looks
and intelligent
We loved him as a member of the family who left a deep hole in
our hearts
when he passed on.
We look forward to seeing him and Dutch on the other side of the
Mom & Dad
Kona, 07/07/00-03/19/09
Rest in peace, my beloved friend. I hope you are at the big dog park in the sky, with lots of grass to run, and lakes to jump in, and toys to play with, and COOKIES! Will love you and miss you forever. You were the best girl ever, my shadow, and my best buddy. KONA-MONA-BONA-DEEDEE-SUGAR-FACE.
Janet Lamere
Kona, 03/07/09
She went from rags to riches and totally filled all our lives with joy and happiness.
M McCarty
Kona and Rusty, 01/19/09
Kona and Rusty - We miss you so much!
Even though we grieve your loss, we are so thankful for the many
of loyalty and love.
Now you are both together at the Rainbow Bridge.
Wait for us there.
We will love you always!
Susan and Mike Phillipp
Konrad, 04/11/05-02/19/09
Dear Konrad,
You were the best dog ever.
I am sad your time with us was so brief.
I know you are getting used to heaven, and I will see you there
again someday.
Daddy and I love you always, and will miss you until we meet again.
Kooki, 12/12/99-03/19/09
My beloved chocolate & white Cocker Spaniel,
passed following a health emergency on March 19th.
She had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and the
emergency had
to do with a clot that traveled from her lungs to her femoral
Fortunatly, I was home when it happened and I could take her to
the emergency
vet hospital, minimizing her suffering.
She was 9 years old and lived a very full, happy life.
She probably had the lung cancer for a long time but did not
start to show
symptoms until February.
She was a very hardy, healthy, vivacious girl and I miss her
Kooner, 08/12/96-03/17/09
I had to put my beloved Kooner down on March 17, 2009. She had liver cancer for over a year and fought it like a trooper but she just got too tired at the end. My vet said the love she had for me and the love I had for her kept her going far longer than we ever expected. She was my shadow knowing that if she didn't feel good I would make it better. I miss her so much but I couldn't wish her back after she got so unhappy at the end. I was with her when she was born and I was with her when she went to sleep. It helped her by being there and it helped me knowing she went so peaceful. I love you Kooner. Mommy
Kooters, 04/15/97-02/22/06
To my prescious Kooters on his birthday.
My heart is still hurting. Yes kooters I still think of you and I miss you. I remeber every year on your birhtday we would go shopping at Petsmart and buy you treats or a new collar just something to let you know how special you were. Boy I miss you, have a nice birhtday at Rainbow Bridge. I love you kooters.
Kosmo, 09/03/16
Lighting a candle for Kosmos transition into the next world on your behalf.
Gary Allick & Barb Dickenson
Kota Blue, 03/08/00-04/18/09
We love you always Kota.
Rest peacefully Sweetheart.
We miss you.
Becca Gray & Matt Phippard
Kotte, 10/08/91-12/29/05
You are still missed, wait for me at Rainbow Bridge my friend.
Brown Doll, January 1, 2004 - October 31, 2009
Kouklamou Kistanos is Greek for "My Brown Doll." Koukla did not make it. I grieve. I grieve her loss. I reverence her life. I cherish her memory. I’m thankful for her loyalty… her sweetness… her gentleness… her playfulness… her companionship… her attentivenss… her desire to please her master. She was a source of pure joy and pleasure to me for almost 6 years. Too short! Too soon! How I will miss her! Kouklamou! Oh, Kouklamou! What a precious, precious pet!
The attached pose in front of the Christmas tree was very typical. She would sit atop my recliner, draped around my neck, or on my knee in the car - she loved to go everywhere with me. I'd take her to church and after service, she'd get out and romp with the church kids. I thought I'd keep her into my 80s. Once again, I've had to be reminded to "hold to the present with a slack hand."
Thank you, Baby Koukla, for making life so much fuller because of your unconditional love and devotion. Goodbye, Baby, Goodbye!
Koviack, 03/31/91-06/01/09
Dear Sweet, Sweet Boy- It was so hard to let you
But I had to think of your suffering and not my grief.
China and Sascha are there waiting for you.
You are all now healthy, whole and free.
There will be such a hole in my heart and life.
I will be with you all again someday.
Karen Constantine
KowKat, 07/14/09
KowKat, your suffering has ended. Being lost or abandoned, I was glad you stayed with me. We all enjoyed your affection. We will meet at the bridge some day.
Kozmo, 05/05/98-02/06/09
Kozmo was a loving and caring Dog. He loved going up to our friends cabin where he could run and have fun.Kozmo lived with his younger sister Precious and they were the best of friends. Kozmo we miss you and we will always keep you in our heart
Dave and Pat Thill
Kramer, 01/29/09
Sweet little are our in our hearts
now and
always, little man!
We love you so much and will always, always cherish the time God
gave us
to spend with you. We love you, baby boy.
Regan and Dallas
Kraze, 01/06/09
You made our lives brighter and happier.
We love you very much and you will be missed.
Enjoy all the catnip in Heaven!
Laura, Joy, Bill, Jen, Dan
Kricket, 05/23/01-01/29/09
Kanga and I miss you very much.Thank you for the years of love and companionship. I will remember you for all the good in you.
Kelly M
Kringle, 04/20/09
Kringle was and always will be a loved part of our family. She was a big sister and is a family member that will not be forgotten. I can only thank GOD that I was here when she took her last breath. I hope she knows she means the world to me!!
Jennifer O'Keefe
Kris Miss, 10/31/94-06/27/09
KrisMiss came to me the night my father was
buried in
December 1994.
I always felt she was a little furkid angel sent to me by my
We were together 14 1/2 years.
Her beautiful blue eyes were still piercing my heart as she
passed to the
bridge while I held her in my arms.
Cyndy West
Krishna, 08/13/96-03/04/09
my dear friend krishna the cat whom ive had for 12 years was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and there isnt anything they can do ..tomorrow morning i have to put him to rest and it breaks my heart ..he was my best friend and i will miss him forever,marty
Krissi, 11/23/98-04/29/09
Krissi brought more laughter, love and joy to our
than we could ever have hoped for.
What a bond the three of us had.
It is difficult to put into words how empty and sad we feel
right now.
Just to look into those beautiful brown eyes of hers melted our
every single day.
We were so blessed to have her as part of our family. We will
always love
her and will always have a special place in our heart for our
little Krissi.
Looking forward to seeing her again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Lea and Larry Weismer
Krista, 07/06/09
Krista, you were not only the best dog I ever had, but also the best friend I ever had. I love you so much, & I will miss you every day of my life. I am hoping by doing this it will lessen the grief I feel, I cant eat or sleep, all I do is cry. I miss you so much roachie, you will live in my heart forever. I love you
Karrie Witty
Krystal, 11/20/07
Krystal i will never find a better friend than you. You licked my tears when i was sad, you made me laugh when i was mad, you always stayed by my side. My heart will never mend. Krystal i miss you so much and love you. Rest in peace best friend.
Kristi, 03/14/03-05/13/09
She was a young and loved dog that was taken from
us today.
She will always be in my heart and I know she is with my family
and friends
running free and some day we will meet again.
Kristi, 03/28/09
Kristi was an Angel from heaven who loved
and was a gentle companion.
He gentle spirit will be missed and cherished as long as she is
in my memories.
Judy Jones
Kristy, 12/09/08
Kristy was my friend and I loved her deeply. She
was a
stray from Animal Rescue and we got her at 4months of age.
WE walked every day at least 2 or 3 miles.
When she developed Cancer we were not going to put her down. We
got her
cancer treatments for two years.
She got through them and never let on she was even sick.
Her little heart finally gave up and she died in her sleep. I
lost the
best friend I could have in an animal.
Bernie Kaminski
Kristy Love, 04/75-10/28/01
Kristy was my very first horse. We got her when
she was
5 years old.
She had a wonderful disposition, was great with our kids.
She had such funny little flukes.
Hated grasshoppers, balloons, leaving the corral.
She always thought she was outsmarting us, but we knew what she
was up
to because she did it all the time!!! We always called her "the
escape artist" because if there was a way out of the pasture,
was sure to find it and she wasn't a little horse.
She was 16 hands high & about 1300 lbs.She would run around
with her tail held high & just whistle,show her the can or
oats &
back she would come! With her passing came a great big hole in
our lives.
8 years later I still miss her dearly and think about her all
the time.
There will never be another horse like her I miss her everyday.
Sandy Maloney
Kristy Schmidt, 10/16/02-03/20/09
Kristy Lynn came to me Dec 2002. She joined 3 ferret brothers - Joey, Bandit & Shadow - who have since passed on. She had been sick since January and, due to weakness & weight loss, was put to peace on 1st day of spring 2009. She left behind a loving family, and 2 additional ferret siblings - Rascal & Smokey. She will be missed and forever loved.
Jennifer Schmidt
Krusoe, 03/10/09
our darling most beautiful natured
given us so much love ,comfort in bad times and laughter. our
hearts kru
are broken our home is empty .. you were special,unique and
nothing can
ever replace you wait for us in heaven kru. we love you always
and always and alway your loving mumm and dad and adam and paul
and martin...
your brother is lost completely lost without you he is quiet and
just stares
into space . you live in our hearts kru
Kuba, 04/17/09
I miss your smile so much; until we meet again.
Cindy Rich
Kubush we all miss you and your sudden illness and death is hard to understand. We had you for 10 years as a little kitten. We will always love and miss you. Someday, we will meet again. Say hello to your brother Kaitek and your sister Halle.
Kuini (Queenie), 01/01/08-04/27/09
She was my heart and my best mate and my entire life is clouded with gray now that she isn't here. In my minds eye I see her in all the places she liked to relax around the house and I shed a tear every night I go to bed alone. When I come home from work she isn't there to meet me and I cry inwardly for the loss of her companionship her untimely death has wrought. I miss her every every hour of every day and the loss is like a hole in me that can never again be filled. My greatest wish is to hold her once more and tell her one more time how much I love her and to tell her goodbye. Goodbye Kuini: queen of my heart.
Donna-Maree Austin
Kujeaux, 11/26/99-11/26/08
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We
love you
and miss you so badly but we know we'll see you again some day!
Love you man, Mommy and Daddy
Kujo, 03/06/09
i love u alot kujo and im veri sad tat u had to leve me al alon. i promis not to get new puppi becase i wan u to be mi pupi in heavin when i go there too.
Akari Mitashi
Kujoe, 05/25/92-04/12/09
My best mate who was put to sleep today. I will always love you matey and treasure all the times we had together.I will have no one sitting beside me now but you will always watch over me.Joe you were a special friend and will suffer no more.Run free now in the Rainbow Gardens.
Ann Gibson
Kuki, 05/11/93-03/29/09
Forever in Our Hearts
Kuma, 04/24/09
Farewell to beloved Kuma, who beat the odds and
as a puppy... who lived 11 wonderful years and gave his mama
more joy than
she ever thought possible.
He will never be forgotten!
Mandy Kelly
Kuma (Cu-Mah), 10/07/99-06/25/07
Still missing you little one. The candle still burns for you...always. Love you forever.
Kuma Uno, 11/11/08
I miss you so much Kuma. I miss your regal presence. Sometimes I think I hear you barking and other days I could swear I see you out the corner of my eye. But I know you are gone from me forever, until we meet at Rainbow Bridge.You were the best dog I've ever had and I know no other will ever compare.I just wish we could have sqeaked out a couple more years but that wasn't meant to be. My heart still aches for you and I miss you.
Cindy Krecsy
Kyia, 09/93-01/07/09
Kyia, My best friend, you will be forever missed but forever remembered. Wait for me. I'll see you on the other side.
Tom Tessier
Kyla Do Dee, 01/03/93-05/01/08
Forever in our hearts.
Joe and Barb Driver
Kyle, 07/18/09
Kyle was a beautiful, strong German Short-Haired
who died suddenly at only 3 years of age.
He brought so much happiness to me and I am heartbroken over
losing him
so suddenly and early.
I love him forever.
Cindy Walden
KyLei, 03/01/94-02/19/09
My heart is broken baby-girl.
I love you.
Deb Hojnacki
Kylie, 02/07/03-05/02/09
My Heart, My Soul, My forever girl...
Kylie, 04/04/99-03/10/09
My sweet, sweet Kylie.....our family loved you
from the
moment we saw you!
You were such a beautiful, but lonely girl.
You came into our house and brightened every single day with
your absolute
love for us.
You were so happy to be with your "people", your buddy, Maggie,
and Allie.
The last few months have been so
difficult as we watched you stoically struggle, always so sweet.
Our final
goodbye was incredibly heartbreaking but we couldn't have you
suffer another
minute because we couldn't bear to be without you.
We set you free to find Maggie, Lacey and Callie at the Rainbow
We know you are once again running and playing together, happy
and without
any more pain.
Our whole neighborhood is in mourning, because you were their
You made such a difference in so many lives.
I'll always remember the sick children and cancer patients that
you visited
and made forget about their problems for a little while.
I know you had to leave, but I will always carry you within my
heart, my
sweet, sweet love.
I know we will all meet up at the Rainbow Bridge someday and
walk through
eternity together.
Thank you for being our Kylie girl.
With love and gratitude, Mom
Kylie, 04/24/93-01/29/09
Sadly Kylie had to move on from her life with us to greater adventures. But we will never forget how she made our lives better every single day.
Kylie was more well-traveled than lots of people. She was born in hawaii which truly makes it paradise, we adopted her from the Humane Society there when she was eight months old. Then we moved to new jersey when she was 4 and that became her launching pad. Sheâ's literally been from coast to coast (and Canada) including:
New York City (including Times Square, Central
Park, and
Rockerfeller Center at Christmas)
Amish Country
New England
Washington DC
Las Vegas (one of her favorite destinations)
Plus many less exciting destinations like Kansas, Texas,
Nebraska, South
Dakota, etc.
Kylie loved road trips! She visited multiple world's wonders - Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore, The Grand Canyon, and Old Faithful. She's seen Hoover Dam, The Space Needle, Pike's Peak, Royal Gorge bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the White House, even the Hockey Hall of Fame (can you believe they wouldnâ't let her in)! And of course the ever-popular roadside oddities like Carhenge, that big thermometer in Baker, CA, and the entire town of Roswell, NM.
We moved to colorado about seven years ago and Kylie loved it here too. The weather is nice in Denver almost all the time so she got to go on many hikes, and loved climbing up rocks and walking through streams, and chasing bunnies, and she really loves the snow and going sledding and going to the mountains!
Kylie is quite famous! She was on the radio when we had a friend in honolulu that was a dj who let her hang out in the booth with him. Then she moved on to television when her Psychic Puppy Network got media attention. It was featured on the So Graham Norton show in the UK, then she was interviewed for a television show called "The Internet Tonight"? on the former TechTV channel (now G4). PPN (the psychic puppy network) was also featured in a newspaper in florida, on USA today's website, on Seventeen magazine's website, and for awhile it was a link on Penn & Teller's website.
Kylie was even a model! Wag n Wash used her as a spokesmodel on their website and in their brochure and print ads. She was very photogenic even though she really didn't like the camera. Kylie is possibly one of the most photographed dogs in the world, just visit her flickr page and you'll see what I mean.
Kylie was such a comedian, she made us laugh almost every day. She was our child, our best friend, and she was a Rock Star! She was loved by everyone who knew her, and thanks to her website even by some who never met her. We were so privileged that she shared her life with us.
Of course and our memories of this sweet funny girl will live on. It was all a work of love, for the most special soul we have ever known. We will miss her dearly everyday.
G Alexander
Kylie Bonadurer, 05/16/96-07/12/09
Kylie- i hope your playing with Jaz on the Rainbow Bridge. We will be together again one day.
Michelle Bonadurer
Kyra, 01/16/09
Almost eight years ago, Jay and I arrived at the
society in search of a companion for our dog when we found an
She was a 5-7 year old Australian Shepherd (her age is still
somewhat of
a mystery) who hadn't seen a comb in weeks and had been sitting
in her
cement cell after having been abandoned on the shelter doors
almost a month
As soon as we opened the door to our car, she leapt in and
didn't look
When we cleaned her up, she was beautiful, with a full, shiny
coat. Upon hearing this story, you might think that she was
lucky to have
gotten a second chance at life, but after saying goodbye to her
this Friday
night, I can assure you, we were the lucky ones.
She was everything we could've hoped for in a dog and more.
Within a month of adopting Kyra, we learned that she needed
surgery to
remove bladder stones, so, as struggling young newlyweds, we
embarked on
spending everything we had to ensure this.
She had a number of health problems throughout her
life-reoccurring bladder
stones, seizures, but each and every dime we spent was well
worth it.
She became the calming force our puppy needed. She was the one
beside him
when he somehow found his way out of the yard.
They were two dogs, side-by-side, traveling a cement path to a
place we
finally found our way to more times than we care to admit.
She took it upon herself to be his protector and when they were
she became sullen and anxious.
They were two peas in a pod and to see them separated makes her
that much harder to grasp.
Kyra was the epitome of unconditional love, a loving and sweet
dog who
never used her teeth on anything but treats dropped to the
Within ten minutes of teaching her 'roll over', 'shake' and
'sit', she
was our star pupil, with a thoughtful intelligence and
understanding of
language uncommon to most dogs.
Along with this intelligence came curiosity.
You could never come home with shopping bags without finding
Kyra rifling
through them with her striped snout.
Sensing her gentility, the cats adored Kyra and
attempted to cuddle with her, but were met with comical
indifference every
She was also a girl who did not like strife.
Even when Jay and I were playing around, she got upset and tried
to get
in the middle of it.
She stopped this several years later, but I recall being tickled
by Jay
on our bed, screaming in laughter and suddenly being met in the
face with
a protective snout.
My dog, Luke, communicates mostly with his tail, but being an
Shepherd, Kyra did not have that luxury as she didn't have a
So, instead, she communicated with her eyes.
Kyra had big, beautiful brown puppy dog eyes that gave her more
than words ever could have.
She adored car rides with the windows down and for many years,
we called
her our speedomoter as she would gladly hang her head out of the
for speeds below 50, but anything above, she promptly removed
her snout.
Her loyalty to us was unbending.
Always underfoot, Kyra never left our side, no matter how tired
she was.
If I was in the office, Kyra was next to me.
If I was in the kitchen, Kyra was next to me.
Even during a loud New Year's Eve party last year, she stayed
in the middle of the living room.
I attempted to bring her upstairs, but before I could turn
around, she
was right back down, sleeping in the middle of us.
In her younger years, she consistently greeted us with a buck in
the air,
which along with her beautiful long nose and knowing eyes,
earned her the
nickname of 'noble steed'.
Even in her younger years, she would occasionally have the
energy to dance
for us.
While many dogs become grumpy in their old age, Kyra was still
the sweet,
happy girl we had always known, albeit a little more stubborn, a
slower, and a little more forgetful.
Still, even with arthritis, she still found the strength to
wrestle with
Luke and find her way up and down our many sets of stairs.
Her condition was sudden, in most respects and our goodbye
happened only
within a matter of hours of learning about her condition.
After collapsing on her walk and not having the strength to get
up, she
was diagnosed with a tumor at the base of her heart, which had
by then
filled with blood.
Given the new tumor growths over her body, anemia, and her
recent weight
loss, it was likely that the cancer had metastasized throughout
her body.
We could have had more time with her, performing a risky heart
that could have either ended in her bleeding to death or best
case, given
us a day or maybe a week, but the same events would have taken
place, likely
leading to a heart attack.
We didn't want to put her through that or chemotherapy, which
bought us a few months.
By the time we made the decision to say goodbye,
she had
stabilized somewhat and was able to walk outside and enjoy a
with us.
She followed us back in to the room and for a dog that we always
to get to lay on her bed many times without success, she
immediately made
herself comfortable on the bed made for her without prompting.
To see her in better shape was a blessing and a curse.
I didn't want her end to be spent in pain or trauma, but it
fooled me into
thinking that we had more time with her.
In the end, while it was the hardest decision I have ever made
in my life,
it was the right one.
She passed peacefully in both of our arms, her last vision being
Jay, the
guy she adored.
I can now safely say that I feel emotionally
gutted, especially
as I walk around my empty house and still see the signs that she
was just
here remain.
Her hair is still on the carpet. Luke still looks for her food
dish to
clean out after his meal.
I still listen for her steps down the stairs or think I see her
in the hallway.
I still walk more slowly than I need to on walks because of her
And then I realize.
She's not here.
Someday, these signs will disappear.
I'll no longer reach out of habit for the spoon to dole out her
food or
for two leashes instead of one as I take Luke for a walk.
I'll no longer have to wait for my dog to make laps around the
coffee table
in excitement before I can put her leash on.
I'll no longer have to put the light on at night on my way to
the bathroom
so I don't have to trip over her laying on the floor beside me
and I'll
no longer have to carefully maneuver my feet around the dog
right below
me as I get off the couch.
After eight years spent with her, I wonder how long it will take
these little traces of her disappear.
How long will it take until walks with Luke no longer feel
disjointed or
until the house no longer feels completely empty, even while
filled with
people and animals?
But one thing is certain: she will never disappear from my
I will never forget the eight great years I was lucky enough to
spend with
this amazing creature.
She was as close to being a child for us than if we had actually
had one
of our own.
Goodbye sweet girl.
You will be forever missed.
Kelli Leiner
Kysha, 11/05/00-03/07/09
After suffering a heart attack in November of
2000 and
planning on going back to work in March of 2001, my husband,
being retired,
wanted to adopt a dog so he would have some company while I was
at work.
In March of 2001 we took a trip to the Humane Society and as
soon as I
saw this little puppy with blue eyes I knew this was our
addition to our
After many years of companionship she passed away today (March
7, 2009).
I held her and comforted her as she took her last breadth, as
she comforted
us for a little over 8 years.
She is in a better place now with no pain and other furbabies to
play with.
We will miss you terribly but will never forget you.
Kay Turner
Kyza, 02/06/03-02/05/09
Kyza, you left us way too soon, you weren't finished playing with all your toys or swimming in the sea. We miss you so much, we have broken hearts. Run free little fella, until we meet again...
Martin Blandford
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